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Messages - Hollow_Fang

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Fan-Stuff / Re: just a drawing found on the net
« on: January 19, 2015, 05:29:57 am »
Imagine man with out the limits of emotions religion and taboo's of right and wrong.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:10:50 am »
Do you have any idea when an updated version to work with Latest Nightly or 1.0 and up so that sectopod HWP is no longer incompatible?

Ideas as follows :

The AWACS mod should be merged , then when you add it you should make advanced radars appear after alien alloy research is done as radar would be able to be updated to that level of materials.(or add a super small range regular radar small and large at start up)

Secondly shorten the radar dome of everything it's hard to understand how a single radar can have about 2,680 miles scan the length of the usa, about 300 miles for small radar and 5-700 for large advanced radar .

Breaching charge needs to be added

A new button should be added to the building list under build base for build outpost or something along those lines that has only like 3 - 5 squares of base building  for small radar outposts  and more of a challenge,when merged with the mod for Improved nations mod  would make the game greatter  and the wold seem much bigger also the aircraft and UFO speeds would be slower based on size so that on 1 minute time interval that a small ufo takes about 5 seconds or so at max zoom to cross the screen.

Is there a mod to make crash sights not disappear till the mission is successful? sucks losing and not having a second go in ironman mode should be allowed

Should be an attack target that well do destruction equal to the size of bomb used before mission starts and after map generation. sort of a softening the target prior to landing and to keep equal would be random spot to simulate missing and cost in score an example would be
crash occers send bomber with Jdam's destroys random 12x12 area and subtracts from mission complete score of -72 with 12x12 equaling 144 then cut in half
the bombs could cost a lot too equaling to the level of tech bombing used.

The idea of the original game was to give the constant feel of being one step behind the aliens until all research was done the aliens should always have just a slight advantage in gameplay mechanics so that you are always left scrambling.

Released Mods / Re: [CRAFT] AWACS Aircraft
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:39:14 am »
Since these are based on exsisting tech they should still be slower than the Skyranger as that is a global effort.

Halve the speed of the AWACS and 1/3 the hawk eye
as well as half the price of the Skyranger since again it's at the moment of it's creation the most advanced aircraft capable of radar and troop transport.
If possible can you make standard air craft and standard of modern day.

Craft idea's

[ Lockheed C-5 Galaxy ]
Maximum Speed: 572 mph
Maximum Range: 6,468 miles

Only for goods transport no radar, troops or guns. used to transport goods from one base to another.
so then transfer has to have a hanger with craft

[ F/A-18 Hornet ]

1 x 20mm M61 Vulcan six-barreled, Gatling-type internal cannon at nose.
2 x AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles on wingtip launchers.

speed 1,190 mph

Small radar 1/20th of the interceptor

1/5 the speed and can only equip stranded weapons that do less than the current in game 
stranded aircraft guns

[ MiG-29 (Fulcrum) ]
1 x 30mm GSh-30-1 internal cannon
2 x AA-10
Maximum Range: 889 miles (1,430km)
Speed  1,519 mph

[ Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ]
(item for air strike while in mission)

2 x AGM-114 Hellfire laser-guided anti-tank missiles
2 x AIM-92 Stinger short-ranged anti-aircraft missile.(if used for aircombat to say defend a base )
Maximum Range:454 miles
Speed 135 mph

An item to put in the sky ranger to  launch a hellfire missile that does equal to the alien launch in damage and needs no line of sight and can only carry one counts as a HWP

Also if a hanger could hold more than one vehicle would make more sense.

Super Stallion

No radar just for Short rang missions carrys 1 HWP and 6 crew and 10 cargo or so

[ Spy Satellite ]
Takes up a cube at base and provides a small constant Nigera sized radar ring with decent percent  of detection
and moves super slow like 1-5 inch a day requires no fuel

Work In Progress / New ideas :)
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:36:23 am »
Training Missions:

How you ask?
Simple you buy the type of training build the facilitys at the base with "Squaddie insert name"
then it opens the transfer window to select Squaddie insert name  and or names (not sure how multi would work )
then put them in the terrain of the appropriate training (IE track,gun range probe attempts,)say a track they have to run so many times to finish level and end training or hit the target so many times before time is up to add 1 point to there stats each training takes time and counts as resting afterwards.

Hostile Panicked Npc:
(not sure if coding will allow)

How you ask?
say an npc walks over a corpse that is has a human weapon they pick it up and panic like a soldier .

Recover VIP:

How you ask?
Have to taze the VIP to recover there body and drop it on the skyranger then it will end the mission on success!
Issues though idk how to make it not auto count as failure or killing an civi.


How you ask?
I have no idea but would be nice i doubt it well let you add aliens randomly to the map once Battlescapes is running unless the code can run in background prior to starting or on start to put in random chance say a Beam like in the intro appears on the map(using the auto snap to of a sighted enemy and pressing the 1-9 key in background) then a group of new enemy's show up say after so many turns.

the new X-com had a great game play mode bomb disposal
How add custom tool with low success rate and use on bomb like the tazer or bomb has high hp and tool is only thing to damage it if it goes off after so many turns then
blows up and auto fail mission.

Standard Aircraft
Cheaper than standard and slower and weaker but can use a few to help the interceptors.

Resources / Re: Smoke animation
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:30:15 am »
Is it possible to make a reference so that you can have 1 gif  for all 55 as smoke and 1 reference for all 55 of fire?

a side question can gifs work in base menu say aliens walking back and forth in the containment cell smoke in the hanger of damaged vehicle or a percent to show how much ammo and fuel with out having to click on the hanger to see?

Work In Progress / Re: World.dat by Bladum
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:56:57 am »
The issue is that the texture numbers have assigned textures on the TEXTURE.DAT file:

So assigning texture #10 to Polar gets you that result on the new globe. It would required to create a new TEXTURE.DAT file to get a better color match for the textures since I'm not sure you can define those in the ruleset.

I may try to use new version of the Globe later on the Terrain Pack, since updating the Globe has been on my list of things to do, but getting proper textures would be something that needs to be worked out.

Volutar, can you post a pic? I've downloaded your version but I can't figure out how to visualize it.

Is it possible to add terrains of different  textures or add to TEXTURE.DAT?

Tools / Re: worldeditor
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:55:20 am »
Fantastic idea for Making Multi planet strikes i'm sure that would be possible if this is able to load before or after geoscapes and battle scapes as in... Moon BATTLES YAAAAAY.
Example: Say we make a satellite base mod then you can make space battles possible if we get the geoscape to run Space like terrian or sky like terrain with the sprites of the intercepter or other!

Suggestions / Re: Battle Scape Mode for 'Advance' Interceptor Mode
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:08:50 am »
Would be so amazing imagine shooting at ufo's on a combat mode with the little sprites like soldiers and ufo's fireing avalanche and the ground would look like the sky and clouds and running out of tu be running out of fuel. lol
Also allow for new game modes Air breaching the whole map be like the out side and one giant ship with a landing craft of the roof LOL
or protect the 747 mode like terror missions  and would even be able to use the multiple levels of floors the games has for and if sprite goes to floor 1 combat ends with all craft destroyed then shifting to combat ended and ship destroyed  too bad you cannot combine UFO and TFTD with the Intercepter concept lol

Suggestions / Re: Civvies outside Terror Missions
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:26:39 am »
So for this idea! The idea of deployment on a harvesting mission with no one in sight to harvest except in terror missions makes no sense.

Suggestions / Re: radar range in base info screen
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:23:26 am »
Maybe listing posts that are placed like bases and have like 200-300 range and 10-15% detect? Or satellites that orbit like a ship for a time with high detect small range and move like ship only super slow and can be destroyed .

Suggestions / Re: Solider status icons
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:19:11 am »
Hmm i was thinking maybe a cliche heart beat on fatal wounds on selection of that soldier.

Suggestions / Selective recruitment and Training programs?
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:16:18 am »
Is it possible to use the training for psy ability's to work as training for say Bravery And reaction at a cost and counts as nation support in a small way? For example 2 pt every week in the training vehicle in Russia keeps Russia from panicking unless craft crashes, and to keep it fair must have like 5 soldiers at a time and a charge time sorta like fuel ?

Instead of solider pressing over on the tab opens a scroll list of names that give info on right click ? :o

Suggestions / Re: SHIELDS. A new take on the old problem.
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:10:15 am »
Was just thinking about shields but for the UFO's that are larger.


Great idea cannot wait for this and or movable air combat window.

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