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Messages - Ajaxial

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: December 07, 2014, 03:57:22 pm »
Would it be safe to assume at this point I might aswell give up and move on and hop that it eventually gets updated to work with the new OXC?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: December 07, 2014, 01:23:26 am »
try adding this rulset
it makes a simple type: 2 => groups: [2] conversion for types 1-4 + adds the urban script for all terrains with roadtypeodds
there are types 5-8 used in same base attack missions at least these need a second or third look
also its a untested (just search/replace the rulfile) dirty fix

Interesting. It now just gives me a "Map failed to fully generate" error now. As attached.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: December 06, 2014, 11:06:14 pm »
Yeah, I was about to post about that. Past three games I have spawned in a farmhouse. Just the last one I spawned in a freaking UFO! This is getting ridiculous, and it's barely playable.

Yup. Thus far. Early, mid or late October builds, various November builds or the latest night builds. Cause crashing to desktop at Terror Missions, and if a mission does work. Usually my landing site is IN a building or a UFO or even floating midair.

Weirdest was a large scout, and it was spawned into each other, but both floating about 2 tiles off the flow. It was....interesting.

I really hope someone will shed some light on this.


To clarify. I've also tried enabling and disabling nearly all options that come with the Base OpenXcom in thoughts it was some sort of conflict, but I can't figure it out.

So...unless someone can point us to a build that works flawless with FMP and is still downloadable. This mod pack is entirely unplayable.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: December 06, 2014, 03:50:15 pm »
Well upon digging out 3 October builds. One from the start of October, one from Mid October and one from End of October. All 3 crash upon landing at a Terror Site.

New games on all 3 instances also.


A second note. Whats with ships spawning inside buildings and such?

I can't use tanks due to this problem.

After more digging. I've noticed it's due to a change in map gen. However I still cannot find a build that works with FMP. And ones linked all end up being dead.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: December 06, 2014, 02:26:12 pm »
Hey people.

So just a small question if I may. I'm using this pack on one of yesterdays nightlies. However it seems to crash a lot. I assume because the nightly causes mishaps with the FMP pack.

What build is suggested to use in regards to FMP? I found a few saying October builds and links but the links seem to be somewhat dead.

Hope to hear something.

Thanks in advance.

Work In Progress / Re: (Help/Inquiry) - Council Funding Changes
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:23:10 am »
There are a lot of scenarios and such that denote different ways to play. Such as not allowed to sell alien equipment, no commercial manufacturing, so on and so forth, the list is vast and as such. Having the ability I have mentioned can work nicely along side other scenarios and game styles simply for the sake of fun.

In the long run my general question, regardless of motive and such, is it possible to disable the game over, but in turn make it so that all funding ceases. Or even have the game over play out, but still return you back to the Geoscape and remove all funding and still allow the ability to play.

Work In Progress / Re: (Help/Inquiry) - Council Funding Changes
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:57:19 pm »
I somehow feel like my point is entirely missed throughout this entire thread.

I don't wish to negate negative scores. Just the ability to have consecutive low scores, and lose countries and such without having the end game. Leaving funding from Council to become void and add an entirely new layer of gameplay if the person in question who is playing, is interested in that sort of thing.

Making you have to keep on-top of your finances personally rather than brushing them off for a the large part knowing that you can be kept afloat by Council funding.

Work In Progress / Re: (Help/Inquiry) - Council Funding Changes
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:44:07 pm »
Having no game over due to bad scoring would practically mean you could go on and ignore terror missions and alien bases without a care in the world. The point of X-COM is that you're supposed to be protecting Earth, not dicking around, felling UFOs whenever you feel like.

That takes like, how much, one day or two to transfer equipment and soldiers to a base? And you don't keep backup forces at all? How are you even playing the game? Not to mention it is very easy to keep safe from terror missions as soon as you get a hyperwave decoder and the Firestorm craft.

I feel like you entirely missed my point.

It was an example. Not an actual scenario for which turned out to be a catalyst towards my desire.

I was just hoping someone would shed some light as to a path of which I could take that would allow me to achieve what I was after.

Work In Progress / Re: (Help/Inquiry) - Council Funding Changes
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:08:13 pm »
True, however I find the forced end game annoying, especially as say you have to take a time out to wait for equipment or even troops to arrive and in that time, be forced to miss out on a Terror mission and have that push you over the edge.

Again it's just a personal thing. And as such its why I inquire as to a way to achieve this for myself rather than as a request for it to be put into the game.

Work In Progress / Re: (Help/Inquiry) - Council Funding Changes
« on: June 10, 2014, 09:48:31 pm »
I believe I may have failed to put my point across correctly and as such became misunderstood. I am aware that you are able to lose nearly all countries to a pact and still continue, however my question was regarding the game over.

If I ran 3 or so months with a -1000 odd score. The funding would stop entirely and the Xcom project ceases and as such you get a game over.

My question was if it is possible to have the ability to make it so that, if it came to it, and you ran 3 or so months with a super low score and as such got "Cut off". But be able to have it so that instead of having a game over, just make it so that all funding ceases entirely and you are left entirely to your own devices becoming somewhat of a vigilante type of organization depending entirely on trying to make ends meet via self funding, be it manufacture or raids on the enemy ships and such.

Hopefully that clears up what I meant. If not I shall try and reword it more clearly.  ;)

Work In Progress / Re: (Help/Inquiry) - Council Funding Changes
« on: June 10, 2014, 01:44:51 am »
I believe XCom has always allowed to you to play as long has you have the cash.

Sadly through my hundreds of play-throughs of the original X-Com any large amounts of consecutive low ratings cuts the game short and fails you and stops you playing.

Openxcom although I haven't failed yet, I assume keeps the same thing.

Hence my question of if it's viable, would it be possible to have all nations set as failed if it ever came to it, but still keep playing by funding your exploits via way of selling Excess weapons and such after raiding supply ships etc.  :)

Work In Progress / (Help/Inquiry) - Council Funding Changes
« on: June 10, 2014, 12:56:31 am »
Hi, I do apologize in advance if this is in the incorrect subforum or section.

I was just pondering upon if it were indeed possible to disable the choice of Council funding. By which in a sense I mean make it so that if it ever came to it, you could still continue to play through the game even after all nations give up or leave you. Allowing you to run XCom via a internally funded sort of style.

I recall Xcom Extended had this function and allowed you to keep playing if the council ceased all funding or if the majority or all nations ceased payments.



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