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Messages - Jo5hua

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Offtopic / Re: UFO2000 Needs Players
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:48:06 pm »
There are plenty of maps on the Depot that were not made by me, I was simply offered at the time to host the depot. The content is free to be republished and it's actually better to have it spread around. :)

Nice.. I'm creating a new and nice looking UFO2000 website.. Will be putting everything on there :)

Offtopic / Re: UFO2000 Needs Players
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:38:53 pm » was my site, so I got all the Map Depot files somewhere on my drive if you need them.

Sweet! That would be great.. Any reason why it was taken down? I can provide hosting+ftp for it if you like.. I'll email you my email so you can send it to me :)

Offtopic / Re: UFO2000 Needs Players
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:26:54 pm »
So it looks like the site is dead, along with it, the map depot for ufo2000.. Luckily I found all the maps and screenshots, the entire Maps page is saved on!

I'm thinking we can copy a duplicate of the openxcom modsite and style a new one for ufo2000 and put all the ufo2k maps/mods stuff there.. Leaving it open if anyone wants to add new stuff to it..

7Saturn found an sqllite database file which saves all sorts of information: elo-scores, draws, defeats, wins, last login

So we can do a really nice indepth statistics page. Looking at their facebook page, there are a lot of people asking about the old server that went offline.

Offtopic / Re: UFO2000 Needs Players
« on: February 21, 2015, 12:42:20 am »
Hey guys what's up! I have some ideas regarding this.. Once the server is online, tested and working okay, and the website is up (server status, maybe more info that we can pull off the server itself like users online?)... Once things are ready to go public, we can do a blurb on the modsite with a catchy title with the words XCom Multiplayer. Right now OXC is single player.. Who wouldn't love to play XCom online against someone? I would! Putting a blurb on the modsite (and maybe the official site?) should get a whole bunch of people interested in playing. There are UFO2000 forums and Facebook and Google+ page, I'm sure the game can be reignited. 

Few technical questions.. I just started looking at the source and the site. Will this run on CentOs? CentOs has better memory management so I use it, but have no problem using Ubuntu.

Is there an API or statistics method where we can pull information on the server? Would be nice to have a proper hub website :)

7Saturn, you have server experience it seems? If you send me your skype we can stay connected and maybe you can help administer the website so there are two admins ensuring stability. I can set up uptime monitors to let us know of any problems but I don't expect any. Anyhow, let me know ideas. This sounds like a fun project.

Offtopic / Re: UFO2000 Needs Players
« on: February 20, 2015, 07:51:24 pm »
Just sent 7 Saturn a message.  I think this is a great idea and would be happy to host a server permanently. I can even add a website for the servers url address for posting news pages and the likes with a dedicated server address.  Will be home soon and post some questions. The server itself is very fast and capable.

Work In Progress / Re: Scripting in Javascript?
« on: December 19, 2014, 12:15:51 am »
HMM! Very interesting. I'm a javascript master.. Wouldn't javascript libraries need to be created specifically to interface with openxcom components and files though? Integration starts with two files, but one would need to create the actual interface or API for openxcom and which ever aspects it would use. I'm just curious how this would work.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: December 19, 2014, 12:13:09 am »
Great idea! Also be sure to post on this mod on the modsite. Almost all the traffic the modsite gets (which is significant) comes from the main menu link. Lots of people may not be checking the forum, and going straight to the modsite. This should help in drastically increasing exposure of your mod! Let me know if you have any questions. I might need to start a new superhuman playthrough with your mod.

Work In Progress / Re: [Question] Landing map blocks and walls?
« on: December 19, 2014, 12:08:42 am »
Good thing Skyrangers don't have weapon systems to clear out a landing area.. There's a mod for that no? *grins*

Builds & Ports / Re: OpenXcom for Android - new official thread
« on: November 11, 2014, 07:18:28 am »
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been out of touch for so long. Anyway, there's a new version available!

I can't upload it to the modsite at the moment, so there's just a Dropbox link available:

The build is based on current upstream 98d5381. Not much to say in terms of Android-specific stuff, though I've tried making first run easier: if the game can't find its data, it will ask for data path; you can also specify the folders you want to use to store your saves and configuration files. Note that this feature is not exactly foolproof, nor is it tested enough, so prepare for various bugs (I'm pretty sure you can copy the entire contents of your SD card to the app's private storage with that).

This build may or may not have problems with touchscreen precision, though I've tried to address that issue. Try changing video options if you run into some problems, I'm using the "Display 1/3" option which seems to work just fine.

There's also an unpleasant bug which is caused by entering and exiting (via the "cancel" button) the options screen on a clean install: after that the touches no longer register like they should. If you don't have any method of resizing the game "window" after that (like, for example, hiding or showing the on-screen Android controls), you'll have to exit the game and restart it. Starting a new battle after a clean install may also lead to crashes.

Still, I'm still somewhere around and hope to update the port from time to time!

P.S. If you're experiencing bugs/crashes, try removing "openxcom_*_marker" files from the data folder to force data update; it seems to not work sometimes.

There was a problem with the host while I was out of town and without internet, but it's been resolved and the modsite is online. I'm in the proces of adding failover protection so the site never goes down :)

Released Mods / Re: [CRAFT] AWACS Aircraft
« on: September 20, 2014, 01:45:23 am »
Very nice dude! This makes a lot of sense. A global war with aliens would definately speed up research to have AWACS available at the timeline of UFO DEFENSE. I wish I had these in my first run superhuman runthrough. +1

Released Mods / Re: [SOUND] PlayStation Sound Effects
« on: August 26, 2014, 07:42:16 pm »
Oh wow excellent! Definitely a must try.

Builds & Ports / Re: OpenXcom for Android - new official thread
« on: July 16, 2014, 02:26:46 am »
I'm fixing the download on the modsite. It will be working soon. I will comment again when it's working again.

Work In Progress / Re: [BETA] New UFOs from the past
« on: July 06, 2014, 05:45:16 pm »
Wow wow wow ..... Crazy ufo design, very nice!

Work In Progress / Re: Where is the SHOTGUN mod?
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:54:39 pm »
I will look into it now and report back once fixed. Sorry guys!

Resources / Re: New UFOs
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:53:41 pm »
Very nice! Is it difficult to make new UFO's? Also that last UFO I don't see a UFO Power source -.-

Nice job.

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