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Messages - B1ackwolf

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I like your visual upgrade.
Hangar should be redesigned, large units can't enter/leave without connection from north.

Thanks for your feedback, noted, i'll take a look and see what i can do for the next patch.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: March 01, 2024, 04:56:26 pm »
A bit of random feedback:
1. OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(ROUTES/SOL_SILO20.RMP): requested file not found.
2. Impassable fence gate, see screenshot.
3. Muton chieftain research can be granted by medic, unlocks endgame. Chieftain should probably grant a free prerequisite tech.

Hi, thanks for your report, im currently commuting to work, sorry i cant extend that much.

1. Noted, there seems to be still issues with map generation, this has been tackled continously, yet, every report help ironing rough edges, thanks.
2. It seems a map in CMP didn't have the "fence door" correctly defined, i'll try to fix this and pass over the info. For now, i recommend to simply shoot at it (its wood so durability shouldn't be a issue).
3. CRITICALLY NOTED, will be fixed on next patch.

Next update keeps exponentially growing in size and scope , it might end warranting a full digit increase instead of a mere decimal change (prolly will become " 0.98" instead of merely 0.97.7 tbh), cant tell exact date, but im aiming to before 20th this month if everything goes correctly.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:27:03 pm »
Yo Man I got an error

[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   - XcomUtil_Always_Daytime v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   - XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   - XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   - XcomUtil_No_Psionics v1.0
[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   - XRVU v6.5
[22-02-2024_11-51-09]   [INFO]   - XOPS v0.97.06.LE

[22-02-2024_11-51-15]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of manufacture:
Error processing 'STR_PSI_AMP' in manufacture: Unknown research 'STR_PSI_AMP'

hi, thank for you report, as Meridian said , the problem is caused by the NO PSIONIC MOD, remember that this mod is an overhaul (thus, better to be played standalone), consider also that this mod changes both lasers and tanks behaviour, therefore having those two other mod activated might result in redudancy in the best case....or complete inestability on the worse scenario)

Hello, thanks for your report, as Meridian said, the problem is caused by the 'NO PSIONICS MOD', remember that this mod is an overhaul (therefore it is better to play it independently), also consider that this mod changes the behavior of heavy lasers and tanks. therefore, having those other two mods activated could result in redudation at best... or outright instability at worst.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: February 15, 2024, 04:35:49 am »
Hi, blackwolf!
If you are not aware, xops armor has usable shoulder slots, but not outlined by boxes. Is it intentional? Other armors might have similar issues.
Also, Kamchatka is gone, and Pacific ocean in general has several 'stitches', visible if you use higher resolution and rotate the globe. Probably you combined different globes?
Both issues are minor. Thank you for your work!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Scamps. I wasn't aware of the issue, but rest assured it will be addressed in the next patch. Much appreciated!

Regarding the map tweaks, I've been working on enhancing the overall appearance of the globe. However, I've encountered some challenges with the tools. I may need to revert to previous iterations to resolve the issue, especially when it comes to certain regions like South America.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: February 12, 2024, 09:37:43 pm »
Good news everyone!

I originally aimed to complete the implementation of the first level of paperdoll sprites for the initial armor tier before releasing the next update. However, after receiving valuable feedback from players on the Reddit thread (special thanks to GetFreur and Hadan) regarding stability issues, I decided to prioritize addressing these concerns. Thanks to their reports, I was able to identify certain options that could be adjusted to enhance the overall stability of the mod. Additionally, I took the opportunity to rectify over 200 missing strings and improper references to items and equipment, which in some cases could lead to CTDs.

Most importantly, I have successfully resolved the errors associated with cargo and cruiser line ships. This means no more CTDs at startup, and your planes will now spawn correctly on the designated helipad. This significantly improves the survivability rate of missions involving these ships, which previously posed a significant challenge as you technically couldn't retreat.

Rather than delaying the update to complete the graphical overhaul of the armors, I felt these bug fixes warranted an immediate release. This also allows me to introduce updates to not just one, but TWO tiers of armor. The upcoming XOPS armors will undergo a total visual and gameplay revamp, with more details to follow in a future post.

Overall, discussions surrounding their intended uses have been thorough, and the visual aspects are nearly complete. I'm excited to provide a sneak peek in the attachments below.

Good hunting!

Help / Re: [SOLVED] problems with plane spawn on my maps
« on: February 09, 2024, 03:36:24 pm »
There's a technique you can try with labels and conditionals to get it to work with different size craft MAPs.

Code: [Select]
  - type: CARGOSHIP
    - type: addCraft
      label: 1
        - [1, 0, 1, 2] #Fits only size MAP crafts of 10x20 or smaller.
    - type: addCraft
      label: 2
      conditionals: [-1]
        - [1, 0, 2, 2] #Fits only size MAP crafts of 20x20 or smaller.
    - type: addCraft
      label: 3 # Can be omitted if no other conditional checks are made.
      conditionals: [-1,-2]
        - [1, 0, 2, 3] #Fits only size MAP crafts of 20x30 or smaller.
    - type: addBlock #Spawn Ship
      size: [3, 7]

Yeah, that did the trick! This solution helped me resolve the problem with all ships landing correctly, except for just one (the 20x20). At this stage, it seems more feasible for me to edit and 'enlarge' the helipad platform instead of attempting to move the plane inside the MAP file, which could potentially cause misbehavior when interacting with other map scripts.

Thanks a ton for your help. This solution resolved my issue perfectly, and I truly appreciate your assistance.

(PS: Just to clarify, there wasn't any 20x30 plane, only 10x20 and 20x20 ).

Help / Re: [SOLVED] problems with plane spawn on my maps
« on: February 08, 2024, 06:04:48 am »
you're saying that the craft must be placed in a 10 wide by 20 long area but since you're saying your craft is actually 20x20 it can't fit it in said area, thus you will need to specify at least [1,0,2,2]

Hi Crazyharponeer, just wanted to extend a big thank you for your assistance. I've managed to resolve the CTD issue related to the size of the ships in the cargo and cruiser liners, which is a huge relief. Additionally, I've made progress on getting the plane to spawn near the helipad, although there are still some errors to iron out. I'm still trying to determine if the values of the RECT related to the x and y position need to be multiples of ten, as adjusting them even by a single digit causes the spawning area to behave unpredictably.

On another note, I've encountered a new issue where one of my ships mysteriously spawns embedded in the floor. It looks like I'll need to conduct further testing to pinpoint the cause. However, on the bright side, thanks to your input, I've managed to fix a really old CTD issue. Your help has been invaluable.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: February 07, 2024, 06:43:04 pm »
Good news, everyone! more info on the armor front. Progress is smooth, with the first tier of Kevlar armors almost completed. Next up, I'll be adapting them for female soldiers, which should be relatively straightforward. However, the real game-changer will be the introduction of different uniform sizes. Some soldier sprites are larger or wider than others, and rather than opting for a one-size-fits-all approach like my first attempt last year, I'm committed to ensuring each soldier has a tailored armor set and completely revamped helmets.

Here's a sneak peek of the work in progress. I'm still deciding which option looks better for the green version, so your feedback is welcome!

All vests and pouches were sourced from the "INTO THE ABYSS" MOD, with the assest being done by Woofington Hans and Efrenspartano. I've focused on doing more retouches and recoloring.

Stay tuned for further updates

Hi there! I've been pondering the feasibility of implementing multiple soldiers assigned to the maximum rank [5=commander] for different troop types. In my mod, the maximum rank represents a mid tier position in the military hierarchy, making it reasonable to have multiple "top-ranking officers" in each branch , especially as I've separated pilots, officers, and enlisted troops into different SOLDIER_TYPE categories.

Ideally, I envision having one Brigadier[5] for pilots, one Lt. Colonel[5] for officers, and one Sergeant Major[5] for enlisted troops and NCOs. It would be even better if we could specify that each soldier type requires a different set of previous rank strings to avoid scenarios like "sure, we could promote you to 'Staff Sergeant[4]' but there are currently too many 'Colonels[4]' in our roster, so, there are not any billets aviable"

Here's a crude picture of what i envisioned:

- type: STR_PILOT

  # bunch of stats

  soldiersPerCaptain[or whatever, just to represent a rank 2 unit]: 5
  soldiersPerMajor[3]: 10
  soldiersPerColonel[4]:  15
  soldiersPerBrigadier[5]: 20

I'm eager to hear your thoughts and if others find this concept useful or desirable. Do you think it's achievable within the game's limitations?"

Help / [SOLVED] problems with plane spawn on my maps
« on: February 05, 2024, 07:46:36 pm »
Hi everyone, I've run into some issues with my mod, and after exhausting all possible solutions on my own, I've decided to seek help here as I can't seem to find a clue about what to do.

Firstly, my problem has two aspects. I've edited the maps for the cruiser line (ported from TFTD by the CMP team) to include a 'helipad' at the stern. However, I'm not entirely sure how to determine the 'coordinates' that should be flagged to make my planes spawn there.

The second problem, I've encountered a persistent CTD issue when my planes, which are 20x20 in size, attempt to spawn on the map. I'm unsure about how to increase the size from the vanilla 10x20.

I've tried reading the rulesets, but it seems to work only on 'blocks generated' maps. When I attempt to adjust the numbers in this snippet:

    - type: addCraft
        - [1, 0, 1, 2]
    - type: addBlock #Spawn Ship
      size: [3, 7]

My planes appear in some strange positions, including inside the walls. This makes me think that my theory about prop collision impeding ship generation was incorrect.

I've included the relevant lines of code below:

  - type: CRUISE_LINER # Thanks to Solarius Scorch!
    - type: addBlock
      size: [3,2]
        - [0,5,3,2]
    - type: addBlock
      size: [3,5]

  - type: CARGOSHIP # Thanks to Hellrazor!
    - type: addCraft #Size 10x20
        - [1, 0, 1, 2]
    - type: addBlock #Spawn Ship
      size: [3, 7]

  - type: LINERSHIP # Thanks to Hellrazor!
    commands: #No Craft spawning here, we have a entry area instead
    - type: addBlock
      size: [3,2]
        - [0,5,3,2]
    - type: addBlock
      size: [3,5]
        - [0,0,3,5]

Any help would be incredibly appreciated!

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: January 30, 2024, 12:51:34 am »
Hello! I wanted to shake things up a bit and give you a sneak peek into some of the work in progress again, instead of simply waiting until work its done to be revealed. Recently, I delved into experiments aimed at enhancing the appearance of the first tiers of armors. While it's still a work in progress and there's a lot to be done, I wanted to share a glimpse of what's in the pipeline.

Please note that this is far from being ready for a live version, but I'm really conformed about the current progress. Tons of work its still needed like working on the six different color variations, additional detailing for the female version, exploring various helmet variations, and more.

Stay tuned for further updates on these developments. Also, here's a heads-up about some really early
 iteration of the changes changes to the second tier!

Happy new year everyone, new update its live now, remember to check the changelog to check new the new, features, as always, its totally safe to update this on ongoing campaings, remember to follow instructions in the first post.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: January 25, 2024, 07:12:01 am »
Greetings, and a big thank you for your ongoing patience. I'm thrilled to share the latest update for the mod with you. Compatibility checks with the most recent OXCE and BRUTAL AI versions have been completed, ensuring smooth functionality.

If you come across any issues or problems I might have missed, please don't hesitate to inform me.

This update is primarily centered around the completion of work on the maps, with a special focus on enhancing the map view. The changes aim to provide a more visually pleasing experience, bidding farewell to the wild orange and jarring images in the overview map scren. Also, all buildings should be correctly illuminated, the strength of light sources has been fine-tuned, and some props even generate light independently (take the giant blue holographic globe, for example). Alongside these improvements, there have been minor corrections and enhancements to certain maps. Additionally, recoloring and improvements to specific props have been implemented.

While I'm confident that my changelog is not exhaustive, I didn't want to delay the release any further.

Here's the changelog, and the lines marked as **new** highlight changes introduced in this version from the betas.

ersion 0.97.05 LE Live patch

One of the significant milestones in this update is the completion of translating and structuring my To-Do List. It's important to note that this list is not a fixed set of goals; changes, additions, or deletions might occur without prior notice. This transparency helps in communicating the intended direction and potential future changes for the mod. Your feedback is invaluable and can assist in making informed decisions and avoiding wasted efforts.

**General Changes:**

- *(New)* Implemented new mechanics regarding the officer and rank system (special thanks to Meridian for enabling this change).
  * Candidates for officer school must achieve the rank of Sergeant or higher.
  * Officer candidates undergo training, resetting their rank to the lowest in the officer chain.
  * This resolves the issue of soldiers skipping ranks when promoted, enhancing both gameplay and immersion. Activate the "allow manual promotions" feature for optimal results.

- Renamed some alien races to better align with their general lore:
  * Ancient Abominations are now called SPAWNS.
  * Alien Hybrids are now called ABOMINATIONS.

- Changed the load order of alien materials items for easier access (xelloys, elerium, codex stuff).

**Sprites Changes:**

- Conducted a general aesthetic retouch on XCOM transport planes and fighters.
  * XCF0 received small improvements to its basebit sprite shadowing.
  * XCF1 underwent a complete renewal, now based on the Firaxis 2012 RAVEN fighter.
  * XCF2 received various improvements, including a custom artwork for its ufopaedia entry.
  * XCF3 has a sprite revamped by Efrenespartano, based on the SARACEN from Xenonauts.
  * Several other minor sprite improvements for various vehicles.

- *(New)* Completed the sound and effects update process.
  * Enhanced the quality of combat aircraft missiles and weapons.

- *(New)* Slightly improved the SCANG map view for the base, making colors less intrusive.

**Tweaks and Balance:**

- *(New)* Balanced initial base weaponry:
  * Increased the number of PDWs to encourage their use.
  * Added Uzis and a Minigun to the initial inventory for immediate testing opportunities.

- Psilab building capacity adjusted to 5; Advanced Psilab can accommodate up to 25.
- *(New)* Large Laboratory now has a capacity for 5 alien prisoners.
- Altered behavior for explosives and grenades:
  * Removed fuse timers for basic and proxy grenades.
  * Adjusted explosion radius for all explosives, introducing damage decay from the epicenter.

- Proximity grenade reworked, reduced damage, now requires specific research to unlock.

- Fixed problems with explosion radius for various explosives, ensuring more balanced and predictable outcomes.

- *(New)* Updated maps, including changes to prop distribution in the hangar, barracks, and gym.
  * Reduced overall base light brightness.
  * Implemented floor textures for a rustic concrete appearance.

- *(New)* Initial pass on the SCANG.dat file, improving base map view clarity.

- *(New)* Adjusted colors for units on the minimap:
  * XCOM units are now blue.
  * Aliens are red.
  * Civilians and neutrals are yellow.

- Implemented new props from the "From the Apocalypse" mod by Robin:
  * Personnel Lockers
  * Medical treatment Bed(to be used in a future infirmary/hospital, currently in progress)

**Visual Overhaul:**

- Completed all building structures and dispositions.
  * Illumination for newer rooms will be applied after the holidays.
  * Improved MCD files with extra assets correctly colored to the XCOM EU palette.
  * Recolored assets like chairs and started recoloring floor tiles for a weathered appearance.

- Reworked the workshop building:
  * Added a better assembly board.
  * Added and recolored the robot arm assembler.

- Fixed "invisible floor squares" on the second level of corridors.
- Improved the fusion ball cannon building, adding advanced monitors for interface.

- *(New)* Completed all new map work, including modified floor tiles for a rustic concrete look.


- Conducted small experimental changes to the XOPS armor, a prelude to a complete revamp of ALL armor sprites.
  * Added an XCOM patch on XOPS tier.

**Bug Fixes:**

- Removed the weapon slot from the Dragonfly and prevented it from appearing in new campaigns.
- Resolved a crash-to-desktop issue caused by a missing ufopedia HEC armor file.
- Fixed "invisible floor squares" on the second level of corridors.
- Fixed missing floor tiles on the catwalks in the hangars.
- Fixed missing walls in the large living quarters.
- *(New)* Temporarily fixed advanced dog armors causing CTD, using the basic harness while ongoing design work continues.
- *(New)* Resolved an issue preventing mechanical units from equipping Dragonflies and Fireflies using the new OXCE patch; future plans involve transitioning tanks to the armor system.

**Version 0.97.05 beta Changelog:**

Visual Overhaul:
- Completely revamped the appearance of the Xcom base with new props, tiles, and assets extracted from TFTD.
- Improved storage tiles for the basic general store facility and the hangar to align with the updated map disposition.

Balance Tweaks:
- Adjusted some capacity numbers:
  * Small living quarters can now accommodate 20 units (down from 25).
  * Large living quarters have a reduced capacity of 100 units (down from 125).

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue preventing the Dagger from being loaded in transport troops or during base defense missions.
- Updated the Georgia flag to the correct version from 2004 (previously using an outdated flag).
- Resolved deployment problems for units in transport planes:
  * The Dragonfly now correctly loads its 12 soldiers, and weapon spawning tiles have been relocated.
  * Similar adjustments made to the Firefly for correct soldier spawning, with item spawning tiles moved to a safer location away from the ramp.
- Corrected the description of the Sectopod autopsy in the UFOpaedia.
- Fixed a UFOPaedia CTD issue related to the XCf0-bishop, ensuring the picture displays correctly. Thanks Daev for the report.
- Solved an issue with the Miniguns' behavior, preventing the camera from excessively following each shot and causing flickering in certain situations.


**To properly run the mod, you'll need an OXCE installation (currently version 7.8.7 at the time of finishing this post).
** BRUTAL AI MOD by Xilmi is highly recommended, and at this point, I consider it a must-have. I encourage you to check it out.

- Download the file from the site XOPS LEGACY by Blackwolf in Portal or the file attached (the difference in size is irrelevant, its the same , just that i found a way to better compress it and evade the size limitation in the forum)
- Unzip and Drop the content inside your MOD folder.
- When updating from previous versions of the mod, it's recommended to delete the old folder completely (rather than simply overwriting it) and use the newer version, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED (for hotfixes and patches).

Happy hunting!

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: January 23, 2024, 07:36:52 am »
Hi there

I am receiving an error when activating the latest XOPS Legacy using the latest BrutalAI build.

Here are the messages I receive when trying to activate XOPS Legacy:

and here is the error message I receive when I have both XOPS Legacy as well as Brutal AI active:

Any help appreciated  :)

Hello, and thank you for your report. The issue you're encountering is a result of the recent OXCE update, which has introduced modifications to certain features previously defined differently. I've already addressed many instances of this, and the upcoming patch, scheduled for this Wednesday, will encompass these fixes along with several other enhancements.

Walltext alert:
This update will include corrections to XCOM base maps, adjustments to various in-game maps, illumination and reorganization of props (including replacements and recoloring where necessary), and the completion of MapView sprites. Currently, if you navigate to the map interface, you might notice jagged or incorrectly colored elements (mostly appearing orange). This has been rectified in 99.9% of instances, though some minor touch-ups, particularly on the hangars' handrails, are pending. However, given the complexity of the task, I've opted not to delay the update further for such a trivial detail, and it will be fully resolved in the subsequent patch expected in February.

Additionally, numerous bug fixes and overall tweaks have been implemented. I'm in the process of translating the changelog and reorganizing some folders to facilitate the update's release. Once again, thank you for your reports and your patience.

Absolutely outstanding! This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you so much for your continuous efforts, Meridian. Your work is truly appreciated!

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