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Messages - grzegorj

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Translations / Re: Polish translation
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:00:30 am »
Yes, our discuss was fruitless, you have NOT reacted to my notes. Besides, it is NOT my original translation. It is a translation FREE of language errors. As I explained, it existed before - but someone spoiled it thinking he is right, and now the only way to do is to revert all those changes. I am not going to explain it once again. If you have doubts and my authority as an author of a Polish grammar is too little for you, please consider asking a question to another linguist.

I may only repeat: "obce żniwa" and some other idiotisms are NOT acceptable (and proposals different from "żniwa obcych" are unacceptable because they are too long)! It is not the Polish language. Nor it is spelling alien races from a capital.

Translations / Re: Polish translation
« on: October 20, 2014, 12:49:08 pm »
I have no idea how to place a SUGGESTION on Transifex, so I have sent a ready translation with MANY changes.

Some of them include:

1. "obcy" cannot be an adjective "(which belongs to) aliens". So, not "obce żniwa" (ridiculous!) but "żniwa obcych" etc. I wonder why somebody changed the correct translation that existed previously but the one it is present now is NOT language-correct. It is just not Polish! It's a kinda alien language... Sorry, I am an author of a Polish grammar and I really know what I say.

2. Alien races names are not proper names in Polish. They must NOT be spelt of a capital. So, "sektoid" and not "Sektoid".

3. "Seconds" are "s" and not "sek."!!! Irritating bug. At least for a language lover.

4. "Commandor" cannot be "przywódca" (and the more "Przywódca"!). It was a mindless idea. "Przywódca" is "leader" in Polish. Every child knows it. The best translation is simply "komandor". But it IS an Alien rank!

5. The translation "zapisz losowość" must have been made by a complete absent-minded one. But the string means exactly contrary thing! So, if you cannot understand English, do not try to translate it into Polish...

W skrócie po polsku: zmiany w tłumaczeniu dokonanym przed rokiem czy więcej są w mojej skromnej opinii nie do zaakceptowania. W szczególności zupełnie bez sensu było zastąpienie "żniw obcych" przez "obce żniwa". Zastanawiam się, jak mógł wpaść na taką bzdurę ktoś mówiący po polsku.

Przepraszam bardzo, ale jestem zawodowym nauczycielem, i za takie coś mój uczeń oberwałby po prostu olbrzymią pałę. Poza tym jestem autorem polskiej gramatyki, i naprawdę wiem, co mówię. "Obcy" to w polskim tylko rzeczownik. Nie ma przymiotnika, który odnosiłby się do kosmitów.  "Żniwa obcych" czy "badania obcych" to jedyna możliwość, "obce badania" znaczy całkiem coś innego i nie ma żadnego związku z kosmitami.

Nie będziemy się tu przegadywać, jeśli ktoś jest przeciwnego zdania i chce bronić tego idiotycznego pomysłu, obecnego w oficjalnym tłumaczeniu, proszę o listę słowników, które podają, że "obcy" znaczy "należący do kosmitów". Ewentualnie jeśli mój autorytet znawcy języka jest dla kogoś zbyt niski, proszę zwrócić się o rozstrzygnięcie do poradni językowej.

A na razie proponuję to, co proponuję, i będę wdzięczny, jeśli moja praca zostanie doceniona.

I tylko taka uwaga na koniec... Już kiedyś raz poprawiałem tłumaczenie, i było dobre. Napisałem obszerne uzasadnienie, każdy może się z nim zapoznać. Minęło kilka miesięcy, i ktoś bez żadnego uzasadnienia pozmieniał to, wprowadził jakieś idiotyzmy językowe, po prostu całkowicie olał moją pracę.

Ja się z takimi metodami nie zgadzam. Chcę i mogę pomóc, ale uważam, że należy się odrobina szacunku dla mojej pracy. A takie metody, że ktoś przyjdzie, i sobie pozmienia komandorów w przywódców (bez jakiegokolwiek sensownego uzasadnienia!), i do tego jeszcze "żniwa obcych" na "obce żniwa"... no sorry bardzo, jaki to w ogóle jest język? Ludzie, czy wy już kompletnie straciliście wyczucie poprawności językowej?

A przede wszystkim czy to tak przystoi olać totalnie czyjąś pracę i czyjeś uzasadnienie, bo uważa się, że się ma rację?

Czuję w związku z tym głęboki niesmak, i nie ukrywam, irytację. Robię coś dla innych, i nie chcę po prostu, by ktoś to niszczył (i to ktoś, kto nie widzi tego, że "obce żniwa" jest językowym idiotyzmem najwyższych lotów, kto nie rozumie, że commander to ranga a nie takie sobie określenie - ALIEN RANK w grze!!!, więc musi być tłumaczone jako stopień wojskowy, a nie jakimś popularnym słówkiem, i że przywódca to leader, a nigdy commandor!), bo tak mu się podoba.


If you have other suggestions, OK, let's start discussing. If you know where is the place for discussion on Transifex, tell me about it. I can only see a possibility for downloading files there, nothing else.

The attached file has also been uploaded on Transifex.

Work In Progress / Re: [MAPS] YetMoreUFOs!
« on: October 20, 2014, 12:50:44 am »
As I am rather busy these days, I cannot still finish with Harvesters. Moreover, the mod website has been down for two days now. In order to give a sign of life (:-) ) I have decided to upload a beta (incomplete) 0.5 version here.

Which is the most important... It is time to definitely quit with Luke's Extra UFOs, or at least with his Harvesters. It is so because I have changed U_DISEC3 terrain file, so if you do not copy the new version, your UFOs will not work well. But with the new version, Luke's Harvesters will not work.

At this moment 106 UFO variants are ready: 3 Small Scouts, 32 Medium Scouts, 59 Large Scouts, 12 Harvesters. More Harvesters will come very soon (all Luke's maps will be added; as for now, only A, B, C and D are implemented).

There are three rulesets inside, choose only one of them.
YetMoreUFOs - if you do not know what to choose (it is the basic option);
YetMoreUFOsMini - if you want all UFOs of a given type to preserve their outer shape (no strange, new constructions will appear then);
YetMoreUFOTypes - if you like to play Solar's UFOs just as he has designed them.

I have added 3 Solar's New UFOs either as Large Scouts or as new UFO types - you can choose what you prefer: to have more Large Scouts or to have more UFO types (see readme inside). Just choose the proper ruleset. The archive contains the entire Solarius' mod (and all his files) so you do not need to worry about incompatibility. If you want to have both mods, choose YetMoreUFOTypes ruleset, and do not choose Solarius mod (all its contents is already inside)!

I have also added several UFOs designed by myself, including "double Large Scout" and some triangular ships. They originated long time ago, and have never been published.

Have a nice time with new UFOs!

Programming / Re: [(Non critical) bug] Soldiers can walk through walls!
« on: October 17, 2014, 03:22:32 pm »
I think I have managed to solve this tank-less issue!

Either there is an error in the deployment pattern in XCU (copied to OXC), or OXC interprets the data in different way.

Anyway, a working deployment is:

Code: [Select]
# Based on XcomUtil by Scott Jones and BladeFireLight
    soldiers: 6
    vehicles: 1
      name: INTERC
        - BLANKS
        - PLANE
        - name: INTERC
          width: 10
          length: 10
    soldiers: 10
    vehicles: 1
      name: FIRES
        - BLANKS
        - LIGHTNIN
        - name: FIRES
          width: 10
          length: 10
      - [5, 3, 1, 2]
      - [5, 4, 1, 2]
      - [4, 3, 1, 2]
      - [4, 4, 1, 2]
      - [4, 2, 1, 2]
      - [4, 5, 1, 2]
      - [3, 2, 1, 2]
      - [3, 5, 1, 2]
      - [2, 3, 1, 2]
      - [2, 4, 1, 2]

(This is the whole contents of XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports.rul (also in attachment)

With this deployment pattern both 10 soldiers and 6 soldiers + a tank work all right. I have just found the solution by investigating effects of hashing individual lines in the ruleset, and next experimenting with correcting them.

Programming / Re: [(Non critical) bug] Soldiers can walk through walls!
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:58:05 pm »
Warboy, thanks, now it is OK with walls. But there are still problems with Firestorm...

1. The map file is incorrect, power sources and navigation panels (?) are stacked, and this prevents some soldiers from going out of the ship. One soldier cannot pass between the ship wall and the stacked power source/navigation and there is no way to get him/her out. Check and use my patch instead (in the attachment), at least the map file.

2. I still strongly suggest using the terren file I have patched (I mean adding them to the installation package) - it does not contain invisible "wall wedges" anymore, and the ship door looks correct now. With the mcd from the universal patch, the door is ugly-looking. It is so because LIGHTNIN.MCD/PCK/TAB were a temporary solution to problems noticed before, and they were not finished at all. The patch does affect Lighning as well but it does not change its look in practice. Just check it.

3. The deployment is still incorrect: if you take a tank and 6 soldiers to Firestorm, the tank will not appear at all. Perhaps it is so because the game engine should use first four items in the deployment for the tank - but for unknown reasons it does not.

Moreover, I do not like soldiers looking at various directions, do you? It was an idea of XComUtil creators, and it was good as long as you can have looked through walls. Now the walls are patched and no look through them is possible, so it would be much better if the soldiers looked in the same direction - towards the exit from the ship.

Note that in the cfg files of XCU there are TWO deployments for Firestorm, one for 10 soldiers, and another for 1 tank + 6 soldiers. You have used the one for 10 soldiers. With this pattern, the tank has little chance to appear :-).

I have corrected the suitable section of XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports.rul this way:

      - [3, 4, 1, 2]
      - [3, 5, 1, 2]
      - [4, 4, 1, 2]
      - [4, 5, 1, 2]
      - [2, 3, 1, 2]
      - [5, 3, 1, 2]
      - [3, 2, 1, 2]
      - [4, 2, 1, 2]
      - [2, 4, 1, 2]
      - [5, 4, 1, 2]

Now soldiers look at the exit door (which, in my opinion, looks far better) - but the tank does not still generate, just like before. See the attached screenshot showing, in how strange places 6 soldiers are deployed in the ship. They are not the first six entries listed above...

I think the game engine should be corrected. It should use the first four entries for the tank. I cannot guess the algorithm. But it is different than in XComUtil so the deployment patterns made for it will not work with OXC.

Work In Progress / Re: [MAPS] YetMoreUFOs!
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:21:22 pm »
Yes, guille1434, it will work. Do not forget to install Final Mod Pack at the start, i.e. before my mod. Such a changed Final Mod pack ruleset will be available soon without the need of manually editing anything. But as for now, if you cannot wait, you need to do it by yourself, exactly as you have described.

Work In Progress / Re: [MAPS] YetMoreUFOs!
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:07:39 am »
PS. The new version of UFOL83 terrain files contains more tilesets than the previous one. However, in all maps known to me, including those from Luke's Extra UFO package, it is last on the list. So, using the version corrected and supplemented by me should not cause any problems, even if you use it with other maps. On the other hand, the new version is absolutely necessary to use with UFO maps corrected/prepared by me.

Work In Progress / Re: [MAPS] YetMoreUFOs!
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:59:53 am »
The version 0.4 is ready to download but it still does not contain all planned Large Scouts. It is so because of three reasons:

1. Two models have appeared to be really time-consuming (I mean UFOKLATU and UFOBOP), especially their route files. It is not so simple to check 62 nodes... And all of them twice, but each of UFOs has also its symmetrical twin in the mod.

2. I have also made some gfx work. Thanks to it we now have double pillars to plug holes in wall edges when there are short skew external walls in UFOs (there are no such walls in any original models but there are plenty of them in community models). No more seeing or firing through edges... I hope. Any possible errors which can still exist in this matter are probably generated by the game itself, not by maps. Adding those double pillars have made me correct some already done UFOs.

Wedges for external, convex angles in UFO walls have also been added to the tileset. Now we can place external UFO doors just by an angle. Previously it caused ugly graphic result. Now it looks really nice, see the corrected UFO_111(A) / UFR_111(A) (there are 4 doors now in the stand of the mushroom-like UFO instead of 2 in the previous version).

Replacing all files with newer version is absolutely necessary then. As for now, no genuine (game) UFOs have been modified in any way, only the ones made by the community (and the modifications are as tiny as possible).

3. This is only a hobby which I can cultivate only in my free time :) So, please be patient. There are already 71 UFO maps in the package so I think that my speed is relatively fast :) I really plan to finish all the work... in several weeks.

Note also that ALL Luke's Scouts are already in my package. All Scouts from MapPack1 and MapPack2 (plus "new" Bird of Prey) are here too.

The nearest plans are: 12 more Large Scouts (yes!), including 3 maps by davide, 3 of 4 maps by Solarius (I hope they are all right now but I will take a look at them once again) and 6 maps being mirrored version of the six ones.

Then I will repair harvesters and abducters... I have also an idea how to remove those nasty black triangles in floors of Abductor.

The version 0.5 is expected next Sunday :)

Work In Progress / Re: [MAPS] YetMoreUFOs!
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:30:58 am »
I was hoping it was just a matter of adding some missing info in the map/tileset.

It should work this way. I have already reported a bug to OXC coders. This is the best solution: I have no idea what part of the original Small Scout does generate the Alloys... each one should.

Programming / [Bug] Crash when a soldier throws a thing
« on: October 05, 2014, 03:12:24 am »
openxcom_git_master_2014_10_04_1449 crashes when a soldier throws an object in tactics. This does not occur in openxcom_git_master_2014_10_02_0537

Open Feedback / Re: Alien Missions vs. Alien Attacks
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:49:05 pm »
So, modders cannot change the scheme of mission appearance, only frequency of their types (plus add completely new types). It is a pity...

I am under impression that the number of started, scheduled missions depends on the difficulty level of the game in UFO:EU. I will check it when time allows. Hopefully, it is not too hard to read from UFO:EU data files in this respect (even if a program translating [most of] the savegame into a text savegame in OXC-type would be much nicer...). And the game itself runs without any problems (with the help of DosBox) on my computer.

But in the thread at which Hobbes points I have not found a word on terror attacks not being part of any mission (and not scheduled in UFO:EU). Such attacks are absolutely sure in both UFO:EU and TFTD. For example, there is a possibility to have a terror mission (in UFO:EU at least) in the second day of the game (with no Scouts preceding, and with no observed Terror Ship flies). OXC seems to have this kind of alien activity programmed. It is good!

It seems to me that such "out of the blue" attacks are possible in first months only. In TFTD, "Alien Activities" ("first type alien bases") seem to stop such terror attacks from occurring. Or, if an alien base (in TFTD: the normal one, the one of the 2nd type) was generated (always only by a country that has signed pact with aliens?), it can also prevent "out of the blue" terror attacks.

Work In Progress / Re: [MAPS] YetMoreUFOs!
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:14:07 pm »
Arthanor, this must be a bug in the game. All parts of Small Scout (all types) contain Alien Alloys. For some reason, the game ignores tile properties, and gives Alien Alloys according to built-in procedures (which only our coders can modify), and not to tile properties.

I suspect OXC coders try to mimic the original game. Even if the original Small Scout contains several parts built of alloys, you receive only 1 piece in UFO:EU, so also not in accordance with tile properties. As the alternative variants use yet different tiles, you receive no alloys at all (even if you should).

I think that 1 piece of alloys is a bug also in the original game. You should receive as many alloys as there are parts of the UFO. It would be consistent with features of UFO materials. Small Scouts are enough rare in missions, so it has minimal influence on the game economy if you receive 1 or 10 pieces of alloys. But it would be easier if the game used the information from tile properties instead of using internal procedures.

I have found a similar problem with Xcom-made ships. Their maps are buggy, but when I patched them, soldiers start to walk through walls (

If the game relied rather on data files than internal algorithms, it would be easier to patch / mod / change things.

Programming / Re: [(Non critical) bug] Soldiers can walk through walls!
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:08:47 am »
PS. Thanks in advance!

Programming / [(Non critical) bug] Soldiers can walk through walls!
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:08:03 am »
Inspired by the latest nightly ( with a patch to the Firestorm route file, I have looked through all three 2nd-generation Xcom ships.

[For confused ones: Firestorm is available in the game when you swich an option to use it for transporting soldiers too. This idea comes from the old good times of XcomUtil.]

1. There is no reason for the terrain files of Firestorm to differ from the terrain for Lightning. Both vessels use exactly the same tiles. However, there is a new, corrected version of LIGHNIN MCD/PCK/TAB files in the Universal Patch. But the same errors have not been corrected in FIRES MCD/PCK/TAB! The game adds these files during installation - but these should be just copies of LIGHTNIN files from the patch. Please correct it!

Btw., there is a simpler solution. I suggest to change Firestorm tilesets from FIRES into LIGHTNIN in the Ruleset. As far as I know, nobody has ever changed FIRES to make it different from LIGHTNIN, and there is not a single mod which uses FIRES, so this is completely safe.

2. Both LIGHTNIN and AVENGER terrain files contain errors, not patched yet. Southern and eastern walls of all three ships look and feel like sothern and eastern walls of UFOs, so they should be assigned as northern and western wall tiles in the data files, respectively. Some other tricks, like adding a patch for BigWall attribute in the Ruleset is used instead. It is not a real solution. Other errors have been corrected in the Universal Patch - why not to correct this as well?

If a tile is marked as object, the BigWall attribute is very important - if set (to 1, even if there are also other possibilities), the tile is impassable and does not generate mistakes in path finding.

But if the same tile is marked as northern wall or western wall, the BigWall becomes of no importance and is set to 0 (in all genuine tiles marked as walls). Soldiers (and aliens) should not pass through walls in any case.

I have made all needed corrections (I mean errors I have found... perhaps there are other errors too), and the result is in the attachment. Check it, test it, and if you feel they are OK, add them to the Universal Patch. To emphasize: they are not mods, they are patches.

There was an unused frame for the human ship Power Source (in LIGHTNIN terrain files); I have also added it to the animation (and it is no longer unused in the file). Now the power source pulses slower and switches off for a second. Just install the corrected version and observe it yourself. I feel using/activation an unused PCK is a patch, not a mod as well.

To forewarn: these changes have nothing to do with the problem described below. I have tested the game's behaviour with old and new tilesets, and it is exactly the same.

I have used the AVENGER tileset version with a patched door. It is not applied in the normal game (so both patched (in this point) and unpatched versions of the tileset will work exactly the same) but modders have created a special Avenger type with door. The mod uses the corrected door, and my version of the tileset will work with the updated Avenger without problems.

3. Then was the turn for checking maps. Avenger appeared not to have one needed "wedge" (a bit of wall to plug the hole in the corner) in its north-western corner. Btw., in human ship maps, such wedges should always be added externally: at the convex side of the angle and also by skew walls. In UFOs, pillars should be inserted to corners and to the places where two skew wall tiles touch one another (or there will be holes in walls).

4. The existing trial to eliminate gaps in walls of Firestorm and Lightning is to add wedges that block lines of view (and firing) but are invisible. They form last 4 tiles (43-46) in the LIGHTNIN tileset. Such a solution looks very temporary...

I have reverted the wedges into a visible form like in the AVENGER tileset (however, one of them is NOT the same like in AVENGER, it fits to the Lightning graphics instead) - btw., thanks to Volutar's MCD Edit! A great program indeed! (Even if the built-in PCK Editor not very comfortable - but still great).

It appeared that the Lightning and Firestorm maps look ugly with the corrected graphic. It is quite probable that the previous patchers did not know were to put the gap-filling edges, and they used them on the inner side of walls. I have corrected it as well, removed unnecessary wedges from the inner sides, and add necessary wedges in the outer sides.

Now at last the door of Firestorm looks normal (it is so because the edges are no longer invisible). You can have a look at the attached screenshots (or add my patches into the game, and test them in-game).

5. The Firestorm map that the game installs looks strange as it has two Power Sources stacked on two navigations (all other existing squares inside the ship are to be used for soldiers, so no moving of navigations / Power sources is possible). It looks very ugly! I have removed one navigation and one power source. Now the vessel is no more ideally symmetrical but looks normal, without engines growing from control tables. See the attached screenshots. I hope my idea will appear fine, and the corrected map will replace the existing one in the game (unless somebody finds a yet smarter solution). Once again, it is not a mod. It is a patch.

6. Soldiers in Firestorm look north even if the door is on the eastern side. It is a game error and it needs a correction in the Ruleset. Look at screen000 in the attached archive with screenshots.

7. And, finally, the most interesting! I have found a bug in the game. Namely, the wall tiles on the maps are all placed as objects and not walls. It contrasts with UFO walls: the ones which form southern and eastern external UFO walls, are placed on the map as northern and western walls (on adjacent squares), and it all works.

But if we correct the placement of walls in maps to make them be placed in the same way as on UFO maps, it will not work!

SOLDIERS WILL WALK THROUGH WALLS. See the attached screenshots with arrows showing planned movement of a soldier. The soldiers will actually cross the walls if we made them move. It looks very strange.

They do not cross edges or tile borders. They cross wall tiles. It should never happened...

Nothing helps: marking the tiles as objects again in the MCD, setting the BigWall attribute, etc. The game stops allowing crossing the walls only when the walls are placed as objects again on the map. Their assignation in MCD has nothing to do.

It is sounds strange - soldiers can walk through walls and cannot walk through some objects...

I do not understand how this bug could emerge. But UFO maps are constructed in EXACTLY the same way as the human ships maps corrected by me. There are tiles assigned to be northern and western walls, they form UFO southern and eastern walls, they have (nearly) the same attributes as Firestorm / Lightning / Avenger tiles - but soldiers cannot enter the UFO through them. So, why they can go through walls of corrected human ships which are marked EXACTLY the same?

Is it true that the game, instead of reading properties of tiles, has them hard coded inside? It seems to me to be the only explanation...

If yes, the situation is very uncomfortable for modders. Even now there are mods which use LIGHTNIN or AVENGER tilesets, and not the walls are not always used as objects (which is generally incorrect even if exists on unpatched maps because of an error) - sometimes they are correctly placed on maps as walls (of course, I mean only walls on southern and eastern borders of ships, so northern and western walls - all the others should be objects indeed).

I strongly suggest that the game should check tile attributes, and should not let soldiers pass through any walls, instead of using some inner database. It would drastically help modders.

One of OXC features is that a unit can stand on a square where a wall or an object is placed. The original game does not allow walking just by northern and western sides of UFOs - OXC does allow it. Perhaps it is a patch, perhaps it is a mod... it does not matter. I like this feature.

However, the possibility to stand just by the wall / object should not allow the unit to cross it. For example, if a unit stands on a square, and there is a tile placed as northern wall on the square adjacent south of the unit, the possibility to go south should be always blocked. It should not depend on what kind of map it is.

It does not so for now. This is why soldiers can go through Firestorm / Lightning / Avenger walls (if the maps are corrected, and the walls are placed as such, and not as objects).

See the attached screenshots. I have also added fpslooks - their numbers correspond to screenshots numbers. Perhaps it'll help with further analysing the problem.

8. Avenger / Lightning / Firestorm walls are not the only passable walls. It appears that wall navigations (the pink objects in UFOs) not always block passing through. They are assigned to be walls (northern or western ones). If they are placed as walls (on a used-made maps), they sometimes do not block passing.

The problem is of the same kind as the problem with Avenger / Lightning / Firestorm walls.

Once again, the game should not rely on its own inner database, and should not allow passing through some walls but block passing through other walls with the same attributes. If it was so, it could stop modding... A new tile made by a modder could always be passable even if marked as wall! It would not be fair, the most simply speaking.

Hence an appeal to the coders: correct the procedure checking the possibility of passing to the adjacent square. And make it always impossible if there is a wall blocking the passage. Any wall. Any tile marked as a wall and put on a map as wall.

Work In Progress / Re: [MAPS] YetMoreUFOs!
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:32:30 am »
The Final Mod Pack contains Luke's Extra UFOs, so the answer is simple (but brutal...). Both packages are not compatible (because my mod repairs Luke's). If you want to use Final Mod Pack, wait until I finish with all the basic UFOs (= all UFOs in Extra UFOs). I hope Solarius will add my mod to his megamod then...

And even if not, I will add a ruleset to my mod to use both mods at the same time. But now it is too early for it... Just be patient...

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