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Messages - Danny

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Suggestions / Re: Craft Repair
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:32:12 pm »
I was suggesting they give us access to bombs as an optional weapon >.>

We need new weapons for our fighters... ^^

Bombing bay, available at the start to bomb landed UFO's, ALL UFO's will be defenceless... ^^
With differing bombs: normal bombs (can buy, about as strong avalanche missiles) and Plasma bombs (after researching plasma cannons, as strong as plasma cannons)

Fusion bomb launchers can bomb in both the air and on the ground. Seeing they use way points ^^

Suggestions / Re: Craft Repair
« on: September 04, 2013, 05:24:37 pm »
any craft on route to a crash site can continue there even when you are in battle, they simply dont LAND until there given the confirmation request from you,

What if said craft runs out of fuel? XD

Suggestions / Re: Craft Repair
« on: September 04, 2013, 01:34:13 pm »
Mod it so you can let a few seconds of real-time roll on the Geoscape for every turn you take. Then we'll use of the Geoscape on a second screen or switch to it on the same screen. During a Battlescape mission, you turn to the Geoscape monitor and have the option to send a bomber out to the Crash-Site. You'll have to wait a few turns for the bomber jet to get to your location.

Any other Skyrangers heading to another UFO Site while you're on a mission will continue to move forward as you end turns. If the Skyrangers get to the targeted location before your mission ends, the UFO Site will freeze and wait for your current mission to end so you can go to that next mission at the time the Skyranger landed and not when you finished your mission... If you have a third monitor though, you'll be able to take on two missions at once 8)

Time will move slow for every turn in the Battlescape, so you probably won't miss another UFO Site on the Geoscape if you don't have another Skyranger to send out while you're on the battlescape.

Please do this. I'll buy 2 monitors just to be able to experience this!

No, that makes it too complicated...
And why would a 2nd Skyranger get frozen while interceptors can move freely? XD

Pure diplomatic :P

Suggestions / Re: Craft Repair
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:53:51 am »
if you want to give this to xcom, I want to see it for the UFOs, too. imagine carefully creeping through a nighttime jungle towards a landed large scout, when suddenly a giant green beam cuts through the underbrush, vaporizing two of your soldiers... pro: now you have a clear path to the UFO, but are you willing to risk using it?

Though the geoscape gets paused when you are in tactical combat... :\

Why not make a diplomatic mini game with this?

Where you need to debate the aliens with the country in question... XD

Translations / Re: Dutch translation
« on: September 03, 2013, 06:03:34 pm »
Yeah best to just use the English names for alien names... ^^

Suggestions / Re: Craft Repair
« on: September 03, 2013, 06:00:16 pm »
We need new weapons for our fighters... ^^

Bombing bay, available at the start to bomb landed UFO's, ALL UFO's will be defenceless... ^^
With differing bombs: normal bombs (can buy, about as strong avalanche missiles) and Plasma bombs (after researching plasma cannons, as strong as plasma cannons)

Fusion bomb launchers can bomb in both the air and on the ground. Seeing they use way points ^^

Suggestions / Re: Craft Repair
« on: September 03, 2013, 01:27:24 pm »
air to ground attack - ever sent a craft to take out an alien ship... it lands and for some reason this makes it immune to attack? and then takes off at max speed and outruns the interceptor and leave you grinding your teeth in frustration? air to ground attack...
basically, let us bomb the SOB!

Interceptors only have air-to-air weapons... XD
Their not bombers... :P

Offtopic / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:42:50 pm »
I'm Danny and I'm just looking at this hoping it one day might become multiplayer like the now halted TTS... XD

Offtopic / Re: How do we lose?
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:41:26 pm »
Why would you lose for retreating from Cydonia anyway?
Especially if you have many strong bases with strong intercepting craft? XD

I still prefer my idea about this... ^^

Alien bases should be created where a Battleship and a Supplyship land together for a few ingame hours, then disappear as the base is created.
where the ships are both completely dismantled and used in the base.
When Xcom attacks both ships are on the battlescape with with their full complementary crew.

Alien infiltration is where one battleship lands on a city and one hovering around in the area but not directly above it.
When Xcom attacks you will fight in a terrorsite-esk battlescape but with a Battleship on it. And thus there will be civilians. ;)
When successful the 2nd battleship will land in the country of that city and will wait for a Supplyship to start an alienbase mission ^^

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: September 01, 2013, 12:13:12 pm »
What about needing a new transport ship in you base to get most stuff? ^^

And you can have new ones unlocked like with the Firestorm, Lightning and Avanger.
offcourse they need their own hanger as well and a small crew of soldiers.

Alternatively, you can use those planes to go on missions too but they hold less soldiers, as most room is for cargo not people.

Well, when I played, the main infiltration wave appeared over Brazil, and i managed to shoot down the supply ship, the terror ship, and the first battleship in quick succession, which of course, delayed the second battleship significantly. The month ended before it arrived and Brazil payed me normally. The second battleship then  entered the atmosphere west of the US but I shot it down before it reached Brazil. I believe that once the second battleship arrives over the targeted country, the pact is signed. That did not happen with Brazil.

Interesting I read on the internet Ufopedia, that infiltration missions succeed the minute the Battleship entered the atmosphere... :\

Translations / Re: Dutch translation
« on: August 31, 2013, 05:02:34 pm »
+1 to that.  I'd like to take a stab at the translations.  I don't mind starting from scratch, but it would be a shame if your work would go to waste.

No need to do things twice... XD

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