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Messages - krautbernd

Pages: 1 ... 70 71 [72] 73 74
The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 03, 2018, 11:26:57 pm »
Works just fine as far as i can tell. Just playing it while ignoring the mission and only doing research, the counter rolled over to 1% shortly before the project was terminated. I think you might be underestimating how much content the mod adds to the game.

Again, for the tech tree viewer to show anything you need to select a topic. Have you tried clicking the button labelled "Select a topic" and entered a search term?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 03, 2018, 06:12:01 pm »
FYI, the tech tree doesn't show anything by default - you actually have to select/search a topic.

Nice to see that we finally get an option to put out fires (or burning agents, or aliens...or civilians). Have you thought about adding a one-use option like a fire blanket? It makes sense to have a fire extinguisher on an aircarft, but lobbing one around while you're being shot at by extraterrestials or monster seems kind of...strange. Fire blankets could be one or two spaces wide, lighter than the extinguisher, but their effect would cover only one square (or 3x3, centered around the target) - they would only be good to actually extinguish fires on units (or very small fires). Something like that would be extremely helpful to keep units that have been set on fire and fall unconscious from dying. I often set units i want to catpure on fire to panic them and soften them up. If they fall unconscious while still on fire they're almost always bound die due to the damage.

BTW, since we already have a large storage facility and large living quarters - any plans to add a large workshop in the future?

8) This limitation "bothers" me too! I don't have time to discover the people or the terrain...  :-[
Fortunately it's easy to modify!  ;D   ;)   8)
That's kind of strange - i personally never had a problem finishing the missions in less turns. Much less. Sure there's not something wrong with the way your're approaching the mission?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: May 29, 2018, 12:35:43 pm »
After the change, some settings are highlighted in purple and I can not change them anymore.
And, sometimes I choose one value, and as a result I get another (Yes instead of NO or vice versa)
I can not understand what's wrong here ... :(
Those values are locked for an optimal game experience. You can edit your game-config to change them if you want. I don't quite understand the second part of your question - of course you'll switch options when you click on them...?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: May 20, 2018, 03:16:07 pm »
That kind of clears things up, though it seems kind of strange to have two types of what is (essentially) the same tech in the game. Wouldn't it make more sense to stick with rail and gauss? Rail-guns would be easily adapted from existing research, since all you need to do is jury-rig an alien power source to two conducting rails (which of course easily overheat, hence no autofire), while the Gauss tech of the reptoids is much more advanced and can't be as easily replicated or adapted, even with alien tech?

Sorry for posting this in bugs btw, i guess my initial question in regards to the tech tree has been answered. Should i take this to the release discussion theread?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: May 20, 2018, 12:45:14 pm »
Just asking if this was intended, since in earlier version you could progress naturally through the Gauss- and Rail-tech tree. It just seemed strange to me that you could research craft weapon and the mass driver pistol without item prerequesites, but X-COM apparantly can't wrap their heads around adapting the tech to rifles, sniper rifles or man-portable heavy weapons on their own (but on the other hand has no problem adapting the mass driver to HWPs).

Requiring a single item (or given-for-free research topic from interrogtions) to start initial gauss or mass-driver research but then being able able to progress normally just seemed more logical to me, seeing how these are established concepts, like laser weapons. I can see the rational behind locking out gauss-type weapons (since they are used by reptoids iirc), but i don't see why mass drivers shouldn't be accessible, seeing how the MIBs apparantly had no problem adapting the tech on their own.

BTW, what prompted you to switch the name from rail-type to mass drivers? Rail-guns and Gauss weapons are two distinct concepts, while mass drivers are essentially gauss guns. Switching Gauss- and Rail-type weapons from the earlier versions made sense (since rail-type weapons would probably overheat easier), but now there are essentially two types of gauss weapons in the game, one capable of auto-fire while the other isn't.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: May 19, 2018, 05:22:33 pm »
Mass driver weapons (except the pistol) require their own items for research (i.e. rifle research requires a rifle) - is this intended? Do these items drop during gameplay?

Small question regarding the medi-gas grenade: Is it actually any more effective at stunning than the smoke grenade? Both do choke damage, but the medi grenade does 45 while the smoke grenade does 60

BTW, the description for the Ion Blaster states that the weapon emits "erratic streams of hot plasma", while the weapon itself does laser damage. Do you have any plans of switching the damage type to plasma, making the Ion Blaster an early, experimental plasma weapon?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: May 17, 2018, 11:29:08 pm »
Interesting. Maybe I misaligned the region data? I will check in the evening.

EDIT: yes, there was a conflict! Attaching a hotfix - just replace the files. But back up the originals first, as I take no responsibility here. ;)
Thanks for the Hotfix, just ran into this bug myself.

There are underground missions and the Shogg ones, but (unless i'm mistaken) none with the a buried temple. I don't want to draw this out unecessarily, but i would love to the see is the PYRAMIDICE map adapted for X-Com Files.

Yes, I usually respond to this question in relation to Piratez, sorry. :)

What exactly do you mean? Terrains? Missions? Enemies?
Sorry, i should have clarified this better - i meant a mission akin to the one wiht the ice-buried temple. Some kind of ancient underground/sunken structure where you have to recover (or disable) some piece of forgotten technology. Mostly the terrain though - i really dig those sunken/underground temples.

Read the Bootypedia. And read the readme, it contains a (very short) entry with starting advice. :)
Bootypedia? AM i missing out on something?  ::)

BTW, do you have any plans on including something akin to the arctic biomes in the Area 51 mod, especially the underground temple?

Oh, thanks for the heads-up. I didn't know that.

Returning to this great mod after some months of absence. Some gripes/inconsistencies i noticed on my new playthrough:

The item restrictions for the "special missions" (resort, beach, etc) should be made clear beforehand, preferably in the details-section in the info panel. I just found myself ankle-deep in the snow, with only some med-kits and flashlights against enimies armed with pistols and SMGs. It's also interesting how you can tazers to the beach,but not to the ski resort - any particular reason for this?

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