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Messages - krautbernd

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71 ... 74
The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 20, 2018, 07:12:55 pm »
Honestly, show me a game that doesn't do this after running 8+ hours straight.
I'm willing to take you up on that if you agree to give those reapers a bigger enclosure  ;D

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 19, 2018, 09:23:38 pm »

Victor wasn't entirely sure how to handle this situation. Last time he brought a flamethrower to the zoo the FBI got involved. Then again the mission briefing stated that his team was to neutralize any threats they encountered and he now technically outranked national law enforcement.

This was going to be a good day.

Victor took no pleasure in killing these creatures. How did that poor beast even get stuck in there in the first place? Alas, a job is a job and Victor was glad that his new employer had access to flamethrowers.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 19, 2018, 05:39:21 pm »
Just started a new game in 0.9.6 and i have a question:

Am i supposed to feel bad for stabbing sectoids in the back on those very early alien landing sites? I just murdered two whole ufo crews using nothing but knifes and flashlights. One of those little monsters even walked through an access door and turned his back to my agent. Like he was asking to get shivved. Not that i'm complaining - in my last playthrough i got two excavators early game where the higher ranked sectoids panicked and/or controlled half my agents every turn. It just felt very cathartic.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 18, 2018, 11:22:25 pm »
Just noticed this while browsing ufopedia entries:

STR_HYBRID_CONTROLLERS is listed under field equipment. Shouldn't this be under reports or earth lore?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 18, 2018, 10:27:12 pm »
Yes !
AA = Alien Alliage (Tritanium) = imanufactured !
See in manufacture_XCOMFILES.rul ! ;)
I'd suggest you check out the other alloy munition entries, manufactured or otherwise ;)

They either have a defined price or no requiresBuy flag. In this case the flag does nothing since it has no defined buy price and defaults to the item not being available for purchase, hence my question if the entry is intended.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 18, 2018, 06:10:21 pm »
STR_BLACKOPS_SMARTRIFLE_AA_CLIP has a requiresBuy entry in items.rul, but no associated buy price. Is this intended?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 05, 2018, 05:37:21 pm »
Unless OXCE changes the definitions from the way X-Com WORLD.DAT handled it, latitude should be -85 and longitude of 2307 to put it in the location defined by krautbernd. Ufopaedia article here has information on how locations are defined.

OpenXCOM changes things, since it uses actual degrees instead of whatever the original uses. The wiki also states that the location definition for cities hasn't been found (yet).

-85, 2307 puts the city at 85°N and whatever 2307 rolls over to. That's in the Arctic.

There are two "problems" with how OpenXCOM handles coordinates:
  • The ruleset lists longitude first, while debug mode lists latitude first
  • Negative latitude values indicate °N, not °S
Listing longitude before latitude makes sense from a mathematical or programmers point of view (x before y), but geographic coordinates are standardized (ISO 6709) as to list northing/southing first. This is complicated by the fact that projected systems might list easting/westing first (UTM for example). I have no idea though why OpenXCOM uses negative values to indicate north. That's just counterintuitive.

OpenXCOM accepts positive and negative numbers for longitude, so 50°W can be entered as either -50 or 310.

I know how locations are defined, but I don't know where Maracaibo is. There are several places with that name.
The issue is, nobody is giving me correct cooedinates... Including your "longitude of 2307". :P So I kind of stopped caring.

I've only been able to find one city named "Maracaibo" that's located in Venezuela (at least using Wikipedia). The correct coordinates for the region.rul are -71.63, -71.63, -10.65, -10.65 or 288.37, 288.37, -10.65 - which unfortunately puts the city inside Lake Maracaibo in-game though. I'd suggest using
288, 288, -10.65, -10.65 or -72, -72, -10.65, -10.65

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 04, 2018, 01:31:21 pm »
As far as i can tell from looking at the screenshots, openxcom also uses Greenwich as a prime meridian. You should be able to use the actual coordinates (10°39′N 71°38′W as per wikipedia), i.e. 10.65, 71.63.

The X-Com Files / Re: Medicals balance
« on: October 28, 2018, 09:31:05 am »
I'd second the idea, the med bag always felt weirdly misplaced, since it becomes redundant once you get the sprays. I can forgo stims and painkillers, but heals are critical and i can carry four sprays in place of one med bag.

The 2x2 is what really kills it for me, since that's a lot of space early in the game when all you have are suits and coats.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.4: We Need a Bigger Gun
« on: August 27, 2018, 10:58:08 pm »
I had a more elaborate reply typed out, unfortunately the board decided to glitch out and reset it before i could post it, so i'm going to cut this a bit "shorter" (no spoiler though):

A sort of "sort agent by" in vehicle crew view would help, rather than requiring me to go to agents screen, sort agents and then add them to the vehicle or to look at them one by one.
But you can already sort agents in the craft screen?

Some vehicles have no description or stats listed (private car for example), there's no explanation of difference between private and public transport later in the game[...]
The lore article states that private transport is faster and the public transport article mentions how your agents rent vehicles once they've arrived at the target destination. Yes, having stats for private transport would be a nice addition. Maintenance basically covers unlimited flights per month as well as car rental and logistics.

I like the fluff research but perhaps add slight council rating to every research and write it in the researched thing[...]
Checking the ruleset almost all research has a points value attached, but interrogations don't get you that much. Adding council fluff to dossiers is strikes me kind of redundant seeing how they already state that Interpol has been notified or that the target is under surveilance.

Far faster mundane item research - it shouldn't take more than a few hours for a researcher, yet alone a half a dozen of them, to check out some common rifle or a pistol model[...]
Research progress is only checked at midnight each day. Even if the items in question would have been completed beforehand you only get the reports at midnight.

Decrease slightly armor on unarmored, human or not enemies - on 'experienced' it's weird when it takes several high powered rifle (say, nitro elephant gun) shots to take down an oversized wolf etc[...]
This is probably due to how xcom calculates damage rolls (0-200%). Not sure if decreasing armor is the best way to fix this. And yeah, some enemies are extremely hard to kill by conventional means, but they are (usually) susceptible to other damage types.

Could the part about solving highly exotic equations in psionic tech be reconsidered? It's interesting, it figures in well with the whole idea that world can be represented by math so by doing math you can affect the world but it doesn't explain how those equations actually change reality and if they're done subconsciously and can be done even by creatures completely unable to do math the scientist should have no idea there are any equations at all.
Then again only humans seem to need PSI-Amps to actually make use of PSI attacks. Maybe the article is specific for humans and describes the closest analog as to how humans can access PSI? Maybe other creatures use other areas of their brains for it?

I am not sure what's the point of weapon slot on Humvee[...]
Good point, i've been wondering about that too. Making use of the turret on the battlescape would be nice, but i'm not sure it's possible to implement.

And when we're at the topic of items and vehicles - is it possible to make the tile rest of vehicle's equipment lands on sorta invulnerable to anything?
You can make the tileset indestructible, but that won't save your items. For that you'd have to make every item indestructible, which kind of defeats the point.

My BlackOps pistol clips keep disappearing despite me barely ever using those guns.
Strange - of course they shouldn't disappear when you're not actually using them. Otherwise, have you tried enabling statistical bullet saving in the options?

Now, small hangars you ask?
A lot of people have been asking for this, but it's not practical as long as we can't assign "large" and "small" to hangars and crafts. Right now every hangar can house any vehicle. Wait for whenever this is implemented in OXCE+.

Only a couple of agents show in sell list for sacking, the rest is in agents tab.
Items and personal assigned to crafts can't be sold afaik.

Same with cults - I should get at least basic intel that in that outpost or whatnot is some high-ranking cult member. Because now I often just land (sometimes next door being surrounded by cultists from all sides which is a thing that could be improved as well) and only then notice there's something interesting.
Cult missions always spawn the highest ranking enemy for that mission, according to the size of the base/outpost.

Speaking of bones, boomboxes and other such items - they also should be almost immediately identified in research (span of hours if possible).
See research mechanics.

Oh, by the way, yeah. Most of the clips you have in game aren't clips, they're magazines.
And they'll probably always be called clips because X-COM. You can of course replace "clip" with "magazin" in the localization yaml if it bothers you  ;)

Rather than developing many arcs, consider polishing current ones.
I think it's more about making sure that all arcs work as intended at this point. Yeah, additions would be nice, but implementing them probably takes more time than adding lore articles. Also -> "Note that 100% does not mean there will be no changes or additions, only that I consider this arc done and fully functional."

Also, some sort of end-game "the world is saved" I hope will not depend on win over any particular group but on keeping all of them either eliminated or scattered. I also hope they won't be all connected. Right now, it seems that all weird creatures, gangs/cults are somehow stemming from aliens. I don't mind some connection but I also would enjoy if a lot of it would be just "Earth is a much stranger place and there's a lot of weird to it beside alien visitations".
Have you checked the requirements for Cydonia or Bust? Terminating the cults is completely optional (right now at least).

Consider making flashlights less expensive (seriously, a couple of thousands for even a super professional and sturdy spec ops grade maglight or whatever is a stretch) but add some automatically working armor-clipped ones (give light even when not held in hand) that should be crafted at a small expense of time and funds for example after the first promotion.
Personal lights are already implemented, though not all armors have them. You can check the armor Info tab to see what light/vision sources they have. You can also enable/disable personal lights (see keyboard shortcuts).

Alternatively, consider allowing some unprocessable items that bring no benefit to left for the council salvage teams to dispose of in general[...]
COnsider them fluff and auto-sell them.

Possibly it's more of a suggestion for the Extended modification, but it'd be awesome if buy/sell screen would be merged into one, where everything is listed and can benefit from the buy/sell arrows even above/below quantity that's currently at base for buying.
Not sure if that's even possible UI-wise.

Also, another thing that may be an Extended issue but something I certainly would see as welcome in the X-Com Files - when in the aftermission loot screen, specify which items are to be market as autosell by right-clicking there, not at base.
Not sure what you're asking for, you can already sell (and auto-sell) items from the end mission screen.

Storm Rose didn't show up at my craft for agent to equip it for haunted location mission even after I've researched the tech to use it.
Because Storm Rose isn't concealable while the flame glove is.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: August 09, 2018, 11:03:45 pm »
...sorry, what? :D
Is this like, Rick and Morty??? (Good show by the way.)

...maybe? It's just that right now it looks like my Skymarshall simply dropped down onto a building and obliterated whatever part of the building and walkways was in the way. If that's actually intended, adding a few crushed tanks could drive that point home - X-COM simply has no time find a better suited landing place and doesn't give a f- about collateral damage. I think it's common knowledge that this would be totally fitting. I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who handles urban Chryssalid infestation by applying copious ammounts of high explosives.

Automatons can be biological, there is no contradiction at all.

But...but that's not what wikipedia or the cambridge dictionary says! :P

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: August 09, 2018, 10:26:04 pm »
Well... This is a dedicated landing tile! XD
Could you mabe add one or two squashed tanks under the landing craft to make that more obvious? As you can see it's a bit hard to tell right right now.

Yes, they are living things.
Then again the autopsy states that they are automatons. Would you mind getting one in line with the other? They confuse me :P

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: August 09, 2018, 09:58:33 pm »
Meant to post this earlier, but forgot to:

Map tiles in MAGMA reactor are a bit...odd. Maybe add a dedicated landing tile?

Holodrones can apparently bleed:

The X-Com Files / Re: Just a thought for the beginning
« on: August 08, 2018, 01:59:28 pm »
Maybe a shoulder lamp like in Aliens that could be turned on and off (if that's even possible)? As far as i can tell every armor (beach and other "special" outfits not withstanding) has shoulder slots.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: August 07, 2018, 10:34:45 pm »
Well, the error is in two places[...]

Silly me, i only looked at missions and deployments rul  ::)

Thanks for enlightening me. Guess i still have a lot to learn when it comes to modding openxcom. Should probably have looked at the ruleset reference too :P

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