Suggestions / Avoid excessive first turn reaction fire
« on: June 08, 2013, 02:33:38 am »
Please make this closer to the original x-com by making the alien units start with a random number of time units when they spawn. I basically play with a sacrificial tank that I send to die on the first turn from reaction fire. I think the original they start with random number of TUs from 0 to max to simulate movement before x-com has landed. Patch would be easy I think just add the spendTimeUnits line below in BattlescapeGenerator::addAlien
In case nobody understands the connection between TUs and reaction fire 100% TUs means the unit gets a reaction fire chance as soon as an enemy unit enters LOS (at least in the original it did)
Code: [Select]
stats->tu += 4 * difficulty * stats->tu / 100;
unit->spendTimeUnits(Random()%stats->tu); https://use whatever random generator you guys usually use
stats->stamina += 4 * difficulty * stats->stamina / 100;
In case nobody understands the connection between TUs and reaction fire 100% TUs means the unit gets a reaction fire chance as soon as an enemy unit enters LOS (at least in the original it did)