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Topics - Fraktal

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Open Feedback / Did OXC change alien psionic targeting?
« on: November 10, 2021, 11:39:24 pm »
See title. I've repeatedly run into missions where disarmed psi-baits don't work anymore the way they did in the old game.

I'm currently assaulting a landed Sectoid battleship in early August and turn after turn after turn, half the squad are constantly out of action because the aliens constantly keep rotating targets for psionic panic. It's never the weakest soldier like it used to be, it's always 2-3-4 soldiers in random order. Not only that, but the aliens also seem to prioritize armed soldiers over unarmed ones: more than once, I had everyone drop their weapons and as soon as I confirmed which soldiers on the squad were being targeted, I only armed the rest - which immediately caused the aliens to switch targets to the armed soldiers over the unarmed ones.

It's starting to get really annoying. I don't have Psi Labs yet, don't expect to for at least several more months and I'd preferentially not turn on LOS psi unless I have to.

Troubleshooting / PSX soundtrack issues
« on: October 30, 2021, 06:39:15 pm »
Just got OpenXcom two days ago and already ran into an issue; posting here because I'm not sure whether it's a bug or if I'm doing something wrong.

  • Completely fresh install of the most recent nightly
  • Steam version of UFO, fresh install without cloud save
  • Windows 10
  • No mods whatsoever

Back when I used to play with UFO Extender, I used the PSX soundtrack as BGM in MP3 format. When I installed OpenXcom two days ago, I added the same files to the game. Now, I know that it's stated to be buggy but two days ago, I played for several hours with no issues. Yesterday however, the game suddenly went uncooperative: upon entering a tactical battle, the game freezes after a second and crashes out to desktop with no error message and no error in the logfile either. Windows event log says it's an access violation in the OpenXcom executable, but the offset is always different.

If I set the game music to Auto or MP3, there's an about 90% chance that upon launching the game, I get no menu music. options.cfg contains my choice and the Options screen says the same, however the screen also says the game is currently using Adlib. When I enter the Geoscape, the MP3 soundtrack starts instead of the Adlib one but when I enter a tactical battle, the game crashes when it tries to load the Battlescape music. Said file plays just fine outside the game, so it's probably not corrupted. The actual Adlib music works just fine.

It's not a bugged savefile either: loading an earlier one produced the same crash, but switching to Adlib music allowed me to clear the mission without a crash. So something's definitely wrong with MP3 music in particular and when I tried to convert the soundtrack to OGG with the same bitrate (128 kbps) as the original MP3 files, the game didn't even load the files but fell back to using the MP3 tracks instead, with the log stating that the OGG files are not Ogg Vorbis streams (and Winamp didn't play them either, but Media Player Classic did).

So. Is the game bugging out on me, or is it me doing something wrong? Again, these crashes leave no errors in the logfile. Logfile simply ends after noting that I'm using software scaling.

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