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Topics - netron

Pages: [1]
Piratez J15 / OXCE 5.5(v2019-05-19) on Linux
Armor sets such as the Swiftsuit for Sea Environments should automatically transform into Swiftsuit (SEA) in Undersea Missions, or Superhero into Superhero (0-G) in 0-G Missions. Instead I get topless and nitrogen rescue pod outfits. These armors have their environmental variants unlocked in the bootypedia and the TTV.
I would have reported this to the Piratez bugtracker but the fact this hasn't been reported yet and me being on OXCE 5.5 instead of 5.4.1(which is what Piratez J15) ships makes me think this only happens in OXCE 5.5.
This commit, titled "Added optional research requirement for armor equip" might be the culprit:

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