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Topics - Mycenius

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / Manufacturing Profitability of Mundane Items
« on: July 02, 2024, 02:15:33 am »
Hi - another quick question - regarding Manufacturing Profitability of ordinary (non-Alien Tech) items. I know OXC & OXCE display the profitability in the manufacturing screen; and there is the original Manufacturing Profitability tables for the vanilla gear on UFOpaedia that was done by MikeTheRed for the developed (i.e. Alien Based) tech. But just curious if anyone ever did similar table for the mundane items, the stuff you can manufacture very early in the game or from the initial research not reliant on Alien Tech or Lasers or similar? I.e. are their things to manufacture for sale that are worth the effort to generate a useful income stream early on with only limited numbers of engineers before your research starts getting up to the higher value stuff like lasers, etc? Would be interesting to see such a comparison (for OXC or Vanilla)?

Open Feedback / Firing & Throwing Arc Diagrams
« on: July 01, 2024, 01:56:10 am »
Hi All, just wondering if anyone has done any diagrams for the firing & throwing arcs? I'm assuming its the same for both from what I can tell 'in-frame' - did a bit of searching but drew a blank. Have figured out it's roughly 45ยบ to your front obviously, but would be good to see how the game engine translates that to tiles/squares - especially for when you are facing a diagonal (i.e. corner) versus a file (i.e. facing along a row of tiles).

Too often (at least it seems so) I misjudge something as being just in my arc with limited TU left and go to fire or throw and burn 1 TU with unplanned turning and get the dreaded "not enough time units left..." message.

Hi All,

Just recently signed up - always been a big X-Com fan and played it extensively in the 90's through to early 2000's, but haven't played for nearly 20 years until I got a copy on GOG in recent months... And then have only just discovered OpenXCom, OXCE, and all the other great XCOM communities there are around! Can't believe I never knew about them... So I have a couple of questions (I'm playing my first game in forever with standard OXC and just the Final Mod Pack as a familiarisation before I dive into OXCE):

  • Weight of Equipment (Weapons & Body Armour) - is there a table somewhere with the details, especially the new stuff from OXC and the more popular mods? Just trying to understand the impact of heavy weapons versus medium and light ones and how they scale (I know some of the data is on UFOpaedia, in individual item pages, but was hoping its all in one place somewhere)?
  • Also with weight how does that affect the solder attributes exactly, I'm finding sometimes weird effects I can't quite attribute (and as its been so long since I played I can't recall what I had figured out unassisted back in the 90's)? e.g. it says in game (OXC) a soldier wearing Armoured Vest loses 5 time units (& stamina & reactions) but when combined with a weapon they sometimes lose 20 or so TU it seems? Is there a guide or table around how much TU (and reaction) gets lost by weight? I've been trying different combos of gear with different soldiers and noticing even 2 unarmoured soldiers given the same loadout (shotgun, ammo, and some grenades; similar with grenade launcher) seem to get different effects on them for amount of TU lost, etc... is this weight related or just the item characteristics?
  • One other thing on TUs, I assume when it says a weapon uses 75% of TUs for an aimed shot, that's 75% of the original TUs before any effects from equipment and similar? Since you can end up unable to do a shot in certain cases (e.g. your equipment reduced your TU by 30%, to 70% original, but weapon needs 75% for aimed fire)?
  • And lastly just wondering if OXC and/or the Final Mod Pack introduces changes around Alien terror Attacks (or has enhanced the Ai to make them respond more aggressively)? Don't know if its just me but they seem much tougher than previous? I'm only playing on Experienced first time through while I get 'back in the groove' but my first terror attack in the game (on 1st Feb 1999) is proving extremely tough - I know these are always fairly hard and lot of guides online say the first one is usually a nightmare, but seems like the aliens are extra difficult by literally surrounding the Skyraider on landing so barely getting out of the transport without a massacre (my memory is they'd normally be scattered randomly all over the battlescape). So far 3 tries and 0/3 - two wipe outs and one Dust Off with a lone survivor!!
Appreciate any thoughts or guidance (as I have a bit to catch up on) - and love the work everyone involve has done around this game...

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