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Topics - Omnislash024

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Open Feedback / Hello. Do you have this mod?
« on: June 07, 2024, 03:16:45 am »
Hi. Long time X-Com player here. How is everyone? I'm looking for a few mods if they exist.

The first mod is one where the alien races are mixed. For instance, ou can have Sectoids and Floaters in the same UFO or base.

The second is to have a way to look at Soldiers before they go on missions. The default names are weird, to the point that "Ulja Fudgewhacker" might be a guy or girl. I never know either way and when I give them codenames ((Usually Street Fighter - Mortal Kombat )) I get them wrong because I have absolutely no idea what their gender is.

Anyway, thanks. I downloaded OpenXCom and it fixed my resolution. I'm happy with what I got - plus the LoS Psionics fixes the later game aspects.

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