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Topics - ThumpieBunnyEve

Pages: [1]
OXCE Support / [Answered] BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.
« on: May 25, 2024, 07:32:33 am »
I have the oXcE mod for 'high explosives can breach ufo exteriors' set on 'on'.
when starting a mission, i decided to arm about 5 of these, with the setting [ 0 ], and 2 of them with the setting [ 1 ].
because nothing i do lets me change the armed or disarmed option during B.attleS.cape, i had second thoughts and went back to Disarm all the High Explosives my crew were carrying, opting to set them in field as needed.

However, when B.S. began, i noticed my crew were holding !Armed! units.
Thinking it was a glitch, i decided it was best to Throw the H.Explosives immediately.

So i threw all the units off the ship, so they would explode -away- from the Avenger, at the end of the round or at the end of round 2..  but..

They did not explode.   All clearly indicated as 'armed' and i could not right click to set any of them.

Im not exactly sure how that would play out in the code, but please have a look?


the only save i have is while the crew is opening round 0 inside BS.

OXCE Support / Filtering hired soldiers at Recruitment??
« on: May 18, 2024, 01:54:47 pm »
is there any way already in the oXcE menus, to set parameters for hiring soldiers?
I kinda blow Millions on hiring soldiers, then culling them back out when they don't have 30str and 30brave.
like 80% of these guys get to leave with a pay check for just scoring _Under_ my hiring requirement.

It makes sense that Psi School would be unique to each new higher as its part of the x-com program so evaluating and filtering soldiers based on psi-skill wouldn't be a thing. But at least i would be able to put them through a weight lifting test. And a bravery test would be as simple as injecting a drug to enhance paranoias, and putting them through an obstacle course under paintball fire and seeing if they still obeyed barked orders from sgt's.

but no 80% of these guys who show up for the tests, go home with 60,000$ just for auditioning. X_X;

I hope there is some mod for this that i am just not seeing...

OXCE Bugs FIXED / [FIXED] Not Enough Workspace Avail Infinite Loop
« on: May 16, 2024, 09:25:42 am »
im playing 7.12 on both linux and on windows. Both versions have the same bug at the same point, and I've encountered it the same way 5 times between both versions.

if( assigning manufacturing projects, AND whilst having enough workers, but NOT having enough workshop space. )
a loop
will begin of informing the player:

Build a new workshop or reduce work on other projects.
[     OK     ]
if(OK  OR ESC)
loop repeats

clicking ok (Or escape) just reinitiates the loop infinitely with no way out other then alt-f4.

im not sure if this bug comes from OXCE or OXC, but i just signed up to this forum to mention the bug, because its hit me 5 times now.  Im new to all this. So if there already is a bug outlining this problem and dev's are On-the-job already,  yay!

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