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Topics - 0ros

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I noticed that the camera must be panned a lot when moving a number of units due to the unit-cycling keys centering the camera on them. So.

Name? Something like: "Select previous/next unit", "Select next/previous unit (center on)".

OXCE Suggestions NEW / Update 2: New saving features
« on: April 26, 2024, 09:09:43 pm »

Given the request by the Dev for a prune of the amount of features listed previously...

1: A feature for an unlimited-slots one-keypress save (& load), auto-writing "new game ##" and being renamable (would replace quick-saving).
 1.1: Option to limit the loadable saves to the most recent 1-50 (applies to saving through the menu, shares the limit).
 1.2: Additional control keys for bringing save & load menus.
2: Battlescape auto-saving frequency limit increased to 50.
3: Option to prevent modification of such features upon game-start.

Those seem to be the most important ones.


Given the feedback...


"...outside-battle 10-slots auto-save limit occurring once a day--reload anytime--plus the standard extra save at the beginning and end of a (the) battle."


1: A feature for an unlimited-slots one-keypress save (& load), auto-writing "new game ##" and being renamable (would replace quick-saving).
 1.1: Option to limit the loadable saves to the most recent 1-10.
 1.2: Additional control keys for bringing save & load menus.
2: A feature for Geoscape unlimited-slots auto-saving after a certain number of days has passed.
 2.1: Option to choose the frequency of the auto-saves.
 2.2: Same as 1.1.
3: A feature for having limited points that could be spent to save the game at any time.
 3.1: Option for adjustable amount of points (e.g.: 1-50).
 3.2: Option for renewing the points after a certain number of days has passed.
4: Battlescape auto-saving.
 4.1: Battlescape auto-saving frequency limit increased to 50.
 4.2: Choosing the number of auto-save slots, limit being 10.
5: Options for disabling manual saving, loading.
6: Option to prevent modification of such features upon game-start.

- Features above could be modifiable (enabled/disabled, adjusted) through the Advanced menu.
- Choosing the game mode could activate them.
- Their activation could hide the game modes [Ironman, SUPERMUTANT].

Possible improvements are welcome.


I've an issue of saving too frequently in micromanagement-heavy order to avoid having to redo stuff in case something unwanted happens.

Certain games (such as baldur's gate 3) also compel players to save often, due to other reasons.

The temptation of having to save often is known to experienced gamers. It's natural to prefer a more pleasant outcome, since we're playing games for pleasant feelings. But the ability to create many saves any time lessens the experience by lessening its seriousness, thus its excitement--such as a 'save point feature' would be in reality. So we might want to restrict ourselves, but the temptation ends up being bothersome in ways. (Do I have to say that we don't have full control over our feelings (and thoughts)?)
It also hurts immersion in ways, knowing that the ability to save any time is a "rule of this world", whilst actively opposing it for a better experience.

Players normally don't find a Ironman mode viable since it tends to be extreme.

This game's Ironman already doesn't delete the save upon a defeat. I suggest something between that and the standard saving method.

It's a 'soft ironman' idea, which was implemented for some similar project for the game Jagged Alliance 2. thepitDOTja-galaxy-forumDOTcom/index.php?t=msg&goto=331318

So I asked a couple of Devs in XPiratez Matrix platform about the idea in order to gather some feedback. One concern mentioned is that a single save would hinder bug-reporting. Another is that it could be risky due to save corruption.

So what I ended up thinking of is a outside-battle 10-slots auto-save limit occurring once a day, plus the standard extra save at the beginning and end of a (the) battle. (Not having to manually save would also be a plus, since it takes us out of the game and takes some key pressed every time.)

I normally don't keep more than 10 saves or more than fit the screen, since I'd rather not have to scroll (plus, so many older console games had a limited number of save slots...)--I wouldn't want to go back too far, and I believe most gamers think the same. (Some freakish BG3 players keep thousands of saves, though.) I pretty much tend to save every time I buy something or spend some time micromanaging, so I'd replace those 10 saves within 10 days.
That many save-slots would alleviate the issues mentioned previously. (I believe that players normally don't report bugs that don't bother them enough, anyway (it's about what you'll get for what you'll give--in this case, the effort spent going out of your way to report), and they'd have 10 in-game days to feel like it--but I don't have the perspective of a Dev.) If that's still too concerning, shouldn't, instead, some export-saves feature be added? (Something that can't directly be used to load the game from.)

"Ironman" modes have been popular recently. For example, WoW Classic Hardcore mode, BG3 Honour mode.

(Concern for bugs shouldn't hinder the gaming experience, otherwise it'd be the norm.)

And a name for it? Uh, for the base game, simply 'soft ironman'. For XPiratez, though, uh, something like "TALENTED MUTANT".

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