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Topics - Rodi

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Starting HWP
« on: April 12, 2015, 05:52:00 pm »
High all, I'm looking at doing some work that could be combined with other mods and right now I'm working on a set of starting HWP for x-com, but I'm having some issues (and balance pending)

The game crashes with the mortar or minigun going into battle and viewing the minigun HWP UFOpaedia article (but only that)

Could I get a second set of eyes because I'm using the tool at

And it's mostly clean (I'm being lazy about extra languages and the two 'integers' I'm pretty sure are integers in hexadecimal which is what is showing for

Thank you for any help or assistance you can give ^_^

Open Feedback / Questions!
« on: August 13, 2014, 08:14:13 pm »
Hello, and thank you for the wonderful project first of all!

I was wondering if we had a wiki of sorts that could help aspiring people who want to make mods, do so.

I know very nothing but a little lsl (lol >.<), but I do take to programming and find it fun.

With that in mind:
What I'd like to do is set up a mod that is a lot like armory, but with a few more tweaks and make the game take longer.

So if I could get guidance on how to (just a 'few' things)
Set up research trees (i.e. This project requires this project(s) to be completed first)
Set up manufacturerable items (including items that take items, yo dawg)
Set Research hours needed to complete a project and engineer hours to make an object
Create new research projects that result in manufacturing items
Have research consume certain items/aliens to be completable/initiated
Make UFOpedia entries

I realize these are big questions, so even just some general (or if a modder is willing to share like what/how they did one of those) this would help me, as I'd love to make a sort of 'long war' that makes X-Com even more like world war 3 (brutal, long, but fantastic technologies implemented later)

Thank you for the time and reading this! ^_^

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