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Topics - CuriousCraig

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / XCOM Player AI ?
« on: January 09, 2024, 07:22:04 pm »
Hello All,

New to the forums but a long time XCOM player.
As I've aged over the years I've been able to play XCOM for shorter periods of time due to some wrist issues I have.
This led me to a question I was hoping you wonderful folks could answer!
Has anyone ever made or attempted to make a player AI? I would love to setup an X-COM game in which I could host on a server which is completely self-played by an artifical intelligence. I've been seeing alot of information on these new fangled AI capabilities and a great number of youtube videos in which clever programmers write code that introduces an AI that slowly learns to play a game via the use of a reward mechanism.
If anyone knows of any projects similar to this please let me know! Or if not any information on potentially starting one.

Kind Regards,


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