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Topics - Taberone

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There should be a way to unload unused items for craft equipment. I've got all this stuff...

...And this much goes unused. The way I equip my troopers before combat is that I equip EVERYTHiNG on the skyranger, then I distribute it to my troopers, then I take away everything unused one by one. Slowly and painfully. Take away exactly 13 grenades from the skyranger, take away exactly 8 stun rods, take away exactly 4 laser rifles, etc. No unused gear lying inside the Skyranger when the battle starts, but I had to do that manually.

If I try to reduce how much "taking away unused items manually" I do by taking what I think I need, that doesn't work either, because I'm terrible at predicting how much they'll actually need, and usually take too much or too little. If I just take everything on the skyranger and leave all the excess gear on the floor, then I'd get screwed over if I were to play UFO Redux/Area 51 (Because it has missions where your objective is to escape, and all that excess gear is left behind). Currently playing mostly-vanilla XCOM, then I'm trying the Area 51 mod again.

Offtopic / Separate installations for OpenXCOM Possible?
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:55:48 pm »
Would it be possible to have separate installations for OPENXCOM(If thats the right word)? For example, one for Piratez, one for Final Mod Pack, and one for my regular OpenXCOM?

Troubleshooting / Installing older mods on the new nightlies?
« on: June 28, 2015, 01:17:29 am »

How do I install a weapon modification correctly if it was made way before the nightlies and the creator hasn't updated it for the new nightlies?

Offtopic / Programs for recording OpenXCOM?
« on: June 27, 2015, 04:01:05 am »
Any programs that can record OpenXCOM? Tried Open Broadcaster Software's "Game Capture" mode and it gave me a blank screen. OBS's Window Capture can capture OpenXCOM, but the preview shows a tiny window in the top corner with a lot of empty space.

Suggestions / Custom difficulty setting?
« on: June 17, 2015, 09:18:59 pm »
Would it be possible to have a custom difficulty setting (How many aliens are on the battlescape, alien stats, alien deployment, UFO Firing rate, minimum score for the Council to shut down XCOM)?

Will the UFOExtender "Alien Pets" option (Control the Aliens on their turn) ever be added, just for the purposes of screwing around? Also, will a way to manipulate the game like XCOMUtil be possible?

GuavaMoment, a user from Something Awful, once did an X-COM LP with special, unique situations happening due to XCOMUtil. Things like this:

1)A Terror Mission with more Chryssalids than usual. They're absolutely swarming the town.

2)Screenshots showing what goes on in the X-COM base, like interactions with captured aliens or an X-COM funeral.

Suggestions / Preview soldier head sprite?
« on: April 04, 2015, 06:26:29 am »
Would it be possible to preview soldier head sprites when looking at their stats on the screen where you can rename them and/or sack them? Trying to remember the exact name of that screen, but I haven't played OpenXCOM in a while.

Troubleshooting / Men In Black alien retaliation crash (Android)
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:42:31 am »
Right after fixing the Scout Drone mod crashing android OpenXCOM, I ran into another problem: Men In Black Battleships on alien retaliation triggering Base Defense and insta-crashing the game.

I have no reliable ways of shooting down Battleships since they one-shot interceptors, meaning I can't avoid the game crashing and progress is halted.

Troubleshooting / Scout Drone mod crashes android OpenXCOM
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:44:24 am »
Whenever I fire the smoke pellets from the Scout Drone, it instantly crashes the game.

EDIT: Not right when it shoots, but when the projectile impacts and creates smoke.

Offtopic / The PSX version had cutscenes, apparently.....
« on: December 28, 2014, 11:19:00 pm »
There used to be a video on youtube showing all the cutscenes the PS1 version of UFO Defense had. There was one for aborting the mission (Pilot takes off, flies over the corpses of XCOM agents), failing the mission (Mutons open fire and kill the pilot), flying to cydonia, losing the game (Aliens kill off the Council Of Funding Nations?), beating the game (Animated 3D showing cydonia exploding and soldiers cheering).

The video seems to be lost, as when I search "XCOM Psx cutscenes" I only get cutscenes from Enemy Unknown(2012), annoyingly. Anyone who can find the original video? On a side note, is it possible to bring the psx cutscenes to the pc version?

EDIT: Heres what the victory cutscene looks like

This is a screenshot of one of the cutscenes from the PSX version.

Note: most of this is based on what I can remember.
I remember that a year ago, I was playing around with some savegame editor for Apocalypse. I tried to edit relations with the buisnesses, and I noticed something funny.

1)I can modify relationships for not just X-COM. Instead of X-COM and Transtellar(Alien Sympathizing scum), I could make it Transtellar and the Aliens.

2) (Right in the middle of a new game I just started)It seems every single faction is neutral to the aliens. You'd think that with aliens trying to invade Mega-Primus, their relations should be hostile.

That was the last time I played Apocalypse, because I found it too boring compared to the original. I tried to enjoy it, but I just couldn't. Realtime combat? Cityscape combat? Vehicles instantly dying if the road under them is destroyed? The god-awful slow timers on the Cityscape? (Don't even bother setting it to Ultra, because by the time you can react its already too late.)? The micromanaging, even during the air combat (Hoverbike Swarm + Forgetting to issue commands due to the intensity of combat= RIP hoverbikes)? Bugs? Brainsuckers? Not worth it. I can compliment the game on the Atom Punk/50's style, though. And the concept of the game itself.

Apocalypse is a massive example of "What could have been", according to one interview with Julian Gollop or something. I remember that he mentioned the game being bigger and more complex, with things like guns that shoot tracking devices, jail cells, and more. I'm honestly wishing for 2K/Firaxis to do another Enemy Unknown, except make it a remake of Apocalypse.

Basically, I can love the concept of Apocalypse with the realtime combat and various different factions(Faction X hates Faction Y! Faction X occasionally attacks Faction Y! The enemy of my enemy is my friend! X-COM, Thank you for helping me!), but the execution doesn't suit my tastes.

Open Feedback / Will TFTD allow UFO Defense weaponry?
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:03:20 pm »
Not sure if this has been answered before, and I've been inactive quite a bit. If there is ever an OpenXCOM version of TFTD, will it allow weaponry from UFO Defense? In vanilla TFTD, UFO Defense guns don't work underwater. Fair enough explanation..... Until you have a mission on land. You still have to waddle around in diving suits and use crappy harpoon guns instead of the XCOM Rifle(Which is still an improvement over the harpoon gun) or the laser rifle.

Might be overpowered to use Plasma/Lasers even if they are only for use on land missions, though.

I'm this close to getting the Avenger and the council of funding retards shuts me down for having a bad score 2 months in a row. Is there a way to edit the monthly rating/score to prevent that? Editing ActivityAlien and ActivityXcom doesn't seem to do much.

Suggestions / XCOM "Last Stand" Mode after Council Termination
« on: August 09, 2014, 09:05:59 pm »
There should be an option to have a "Last Stand" mode. The way it works is this: If its enabled and the Council terminates X-COM after two bad months in a row, you can still keep fighting for humanity....But all funding is set to zero. And maybe have the council drain cash every month. The "Last stand" is failed once X-COM finally goes into debt and the month has passed.

Work In Progress / Any way to edit monthly score in the save files?
« on: August 09, 2014, 08:27:50 pm »
I had two bad months in a row and the council is about to terminate X-COM...Right before we can finish the Avenger. Is there a way to edit monthly score? My game is about to end right before we go to Mars.... Also, I was doing very well in the beginning, then the game started spamming terror missions and Alien Bases.

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