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Topics - Aquarium

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Open Feedback / Sectoid Terror Ships
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:20:39 am »
I have started playing game again last week with actual build. Difficulty setting 4th or 5th. The problem is with sectoid terror ships - there is 7 or even more cyberdiscs on them, just in the first six months of the game. This could be acceptable in late game, but in the beginning it is just an overkill. First time i've met 7/8 cyberdics with 4 sectoids on the shot down ship (!), second time i've counted five discs just in the vicinity of avenger on terror site. During previous playthrough (a month ago) number of alien tanks was about 4-5 at maximum at the battle. Maybe it was just bad luck last time, but f it seems too much unfair for me now.

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