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Topics - luke83

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Offtopic / Xcom Cake ;)
« on: May 07, 2012, 12:52:02 am »
Today is my birthday and my 3 year old daughter insisted my wife make me a cake , so i requested something a little different.

Suggestions / Battle Turrets?
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:19:29 am »
Misc1 and Misc2 in Mapview , are they ever used in the original game ? Could they be used to spawn a new TURRET battle sprite?

Work In Progress / OpenXcom mods
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:48:01 am »
OpenXcom Mods now contains both my work and Moriart's work as well as some Idiots guides to modding maps to be used in openxcom.

Resources / Random Graphics
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:37:02 am »
UPDATE: I have changed this topic to RANDOM Graphics to better reflect my random interests in projects.

As suggested once by Daiky , it would be cool to have different alien base terrain for the different alien races as such here is a Generic clone tank, later me OR others can add a sectoid to one and maybe a Muton to another .

I will keep expanding this list from time to time with my other thoughts , i would hope some other would do the same thing.  As i have enough little projects all going at the same time i encourage some of the other 178 members to get involved. Any questions about doing Mods for openxcom please feel free to ask.

Offtopic / Sprite Order - xcom agents
« on: April 09, 2012, 03:13:58 pm »
Anyone know exactly what sprite are use for what weapons & on what rotation each one is?

Anyone know of a link to this information ?

Work In Progress / Aliens Inventory
« on: April 05, 2012, 03:08:14 am »
In the original game , was it possible to mind probe a alien and open the inventory screen?

Suggestions / Hidden movment screen
« on: March 15, 2012, 12:42:28 pm »
Just a silly little request, is it possible to have a folder of different pictures to be displayed randomly as the background of the " Hidden movement: screen , been looking at alot of random X-com fan art just thought it would be nice to have in my game. I know this will be miss used eventually to display porn but i thought i would ask anyway 8)

Another cool option would be a Mini game to play whilst your waiting - like acromage from Might and magic series  ::)

Work In Progress / UFO upgrades
« on: March 15, 2012, 12:38:19 pm »
I want to expand the variety of UFO used in openxcom. First thing i want to do is get doors  working on the other 2 walls.

Also anyone know WHY the back walls in UFO are Objects and not Walls , i am sure there is a reason i just cant think of it ::)

Suggestions / Jump to target & create squads - short cut keys
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:18:43 pm »
Would be awesome to be able to when you see a enemy to simply press "1" on the key board to make the camera Jump to that location instead of having to move mouse down to the red box. ( if multi enemies use the number keys to pick your target)

Also i normal have small teams running around the battle scape (2-3 men) , would be great if i could assign groups somehow and then cycle through just that group with a click of a button.

Just some thoughts :P

Released Mods / [MAPS] New Terror Mission Map Blocks
« on: February 02, 2012, 12:19:50 pm »
Well after almost 20 years i am sick of only seeing the same group of map blocks on terror missions as such i am starting to make my own to add into the mix.

All my mapblocks will have ground level on level 4 allowing me to have plenty of room for the occasional basement for extra variety. Also there will be a few Taller Buildings to make it look more like a city. I want to make a heap of different ones to get me through the next 20 years of my life with OPENXCOM.
 To start with i wont be over decorating the rooms as in the future i need to work out how to add NEW images into the Tile-sets but first i want to have openXcom 1.0 before i even see if there is software to easily do this.

Target for this project is 33 modified map blocks size 10x10 or 20x20 ( this number includes the original map blocks), i have been thinking about adding some 20x30 or even 30x30 blocks but smaller blocks are better for Random map generation so for now i am forcing myself to stick to this ( Yes i have some interesting plans for bigger map blocks but i must resist  :D) . With the Height restriction removed in openXcom it allows me to add basements to some blocks so as such i have added XBase1.PCK to the original Urban .PCK files so i can have a block that represents underground Earth. This extra block will be the only non-original urban PCK blocked used until i figure out ( or get told) what openX will be able to handle ( Worse case if openX never reaches V1.0 it wont be a huge job to make these compatible with the original X-com again).

I already have all the original LIFTED to the new levels so now i just need New ones. Here are my First 3 work in progress ( as usual , what ever i create will be uploaded when done).

You will notice none of these are finished so don't point out flaws yet ;) The plan is to get all blocks roughly designed , then fine tune and details then LAST add all the Nodes for Spawn points and AI movement.

 Thanks to Warboy keeping the dream alive, these files are now LIVE on the MOD site and working for OXC V1.0, check them out here:

« on: January 19, 2012, 12:32:01 pm »
Question for all you experts,
 In the original game, if you disarmed a alien , would he ever try to pick up a weapon again?

Offtopic / File storage (internet question)
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:34:29 pm »
 What is the best FREE ( or cheap yearly payment) to store files long term on the Internet ? I really don't want to find my x-com mods have vanished one day as i was to cheap but im currently using mediafire and there monthly payment is to much.

Suggestions / Expandable Map
« on: January 04, 2012, 03:25:26 am »
  Is it/ Will it be possible to add extra areas to the map when your already within battle? EG If your half way through a mission and  on a map say 10 squares x 10 squares but then say a second ufo approaches to assist the existing ufo , would it be possible to add some extra blocks along 1 side of  MAP to handle the second ufo landing plus some new terrain ?

My General thought is to allow for new mission types and some Random events into the game to keep things interesting , Also to create some more different map shapes. Of course we will also need more map terrains  so we dont just have the same blocks repeating over and over ( this part i can help with ).

Fan-Stuff / X-com Armour Types and movement
« on: October 09, 2011, 12:24:09 pm »
Does personal armour or power armour reduce you movement speed at all when equipped?

Does it weigh you down, cost additional energy or anything?

Offtopic / How Vanilla is Vanilla?
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:58:57 am »
 Just wondering is there a set out plan for the official MODS to openXcom or are you simply playing it by ear?

I know in a interview on strategy core SupSuper mentioned a few changes i was just wondering if any more have been officially approved? ( approved by you  the programmers not  approved by unimportant people like me :P)

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