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Topics - bulletdesigner

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE] [Suggestion] Custom medikit backgrounds
« on: September 21, 2017, 12:46:00 pm »
Is is possible to have several medibord images depending on medikit item?

Work In Progress / Civilians Vs Aliens (no hostile actions between then)
« on: August 21, 2017, 05:08:40 pm »
I Several questions that i don´t know the answer but some of you must now..
 So i just created a scenario where i put 1 civ(vindicator) and 1 alien(predator) unit at range of each other and
  Both are armed, and both only start fire at each other on provocation from the other!
When i get at range with x-com units , predator starts fire without provocation!
I wanna a star a war between then without being me manually to start the provocation!
so do they need to move to detect or to fire? why no hostile action between like in terror mission? is it a point issue? a movement issue?

Work In Progress / Color Pallet in UFOPEDIA
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:58:19 pm »
can someone help me archive this
someone a while ago put this pic on forum

I understant to use the
    type_id: 10
    image_id: exemple.spk

but i goes for another pallet and gets the aliens all messed up

i tried
     pallet: 2 still dosen´t worked

Cansomeone give me some lights?

Can someone help with this strange question :
The alien nodes works fine in a fixed map size, but when they get mixed in the random generating mapscript they are also deployed random. So my intent is to have alien in the fixed nodes like in the fixed size map and ufos.
So how does the mapscript messes the deployment? is when i add lines? when i fill area? i tried to go around by adding ufo craft but none deploys in that nodes if it´s not a ufo mission.
Can someone shed some light on subject?
tried all by now so they obey nodes, but i´m kind of stuck..

Work In Progress / 50 x 30 ufo map size
« on: May 16, 2017, 04:36:35 pm »
i hate to be the one putting out these simple questions that maybe someone as answered before. so bear with me
its simple i made a 50 x 30 cathedral , i want to use it was an UFO so the environment may vary

but i guess UFO only works as 30x30 map, in mapdeploy data i made 60x60 ( a lot of space still to insert 30x50) map still no cathedral appear, also the height is capped to 4 so it do no conflict with other terrain blocks 
Why it won´t work? can it work?

Work In Progress / Recover a living unit(NPC) is it possible?
« on: May 10, 2017, 11:15:54 pm »
I´m doing a long campaing for 40k with a Npc that will become a character during a mission play ( manufacturing "promotion" an item that gives the support unit). So my main problem is if the character is killed during mission, you can still recover the item that will manufacture the support unit  that will become the character. So i was picking my brain around the subject and i see no solution . Hope someone understand what i just wrote and can provide an answer ( or hidden command on rullet i don´t know)

Also is there anyway to give avatar to support units like soldiers i tried the line (maybe they need rank)
armor: STR_exemple
armorForAvatar: STR_exemple

i guess it only works on soldiers ,and  i guess again that its only useful for characters

Work In Progress / some implements that are or aren´t !
« on: February 02, 2017, 04:32:43 pm »
i would like to bring this 6 implements to my mod, but i dunno if it already exist, i search on forum but haven't found answer

1- limit item - ex: only 1 OP armor per game , and if destroyed can be manufactured again , i see there´s some unique facility per base , there can be also item like that, or limit to only five set´s of armor of that kind?

2- heal amor instead of health- i need a techmarine to repair amor is it possible to fire a weapon that bring´s negative armor damage value and repair? or use a new medikit no for health but for amor?

3- UFO DEFENCE Ufopedia use the TFTD ufopedia system - i would like to showoff my new base tiles on ufopedia or the armor like in TFTD but it sucks, i see the problem in the pallete but is better than base sprite

4- several fire sounds - instead of one , i tried  to do already in the rulleset dosen´t work like the several death ones

5- A item on backpack that shows in battlescape sprite- like a medal or backpack , or helmet that overrides ther hand and armor sprite
6- some gun that gives or blessing that gives blessings for the misson - like a shot that enchanges health , moral or Tu´s

I bet some of this already exist but must be deep in forum

Resources / Bulletdesigner shipyard
« on: December 16, 2016, 09:50:57 pm »
Greetings friends, i just fall in love with some craft , and so i decided to open a shipyard for all,
are some images from the crafts that will be available for download in ask
Reworked this post so newcomer´s can also use this resources ( most images got excluded from service)

40k / 40k
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:03:22 pm »
"40k" - Warhammer 40k Total Conversion

Pick up space marine mod from Ryskeliini, and completely done a full conversion on x-com
This mod is a 40k universe total conversion. The player command the ultramarine chapter intervention on a planet.
The mod provides a planet being siege by chaos forces! Warp storm prevent reinforcement from outside sectors.

Link to the mod on
Invite to the discord server

For changelog and donwload,6452.0.html

 the code if you wanna use for naming:  # devastator  % assault   & sniper/scout   ^ tatical   | veteran   _ ultramarine/scout  @ librarian  § Requisition point)

- All Armory the chapter can provide
- All New equipment
- Chaos Forces
- A bit more complex research and manufacturing
- Changed text, backgrounds, cutscenes
- Changed Music
- Eldar Forces
- Sisters of Battle
- Guard

Requires openxcom extender
- Unpack the archive
- Copy the 40k folder in the mods folder
- Activate the mod in options
- Only EN-US language supported

Recommended Options:
- UFO damage formula
- Alien pick up weapon
- Live Alien Sale
- Explosion Height: 3
- Enforce Storage Limits
- Force Craft Launch
- Airborne Transfers
- Alien Bleeding
- PSI Line of sight

 - Big props to Ryskeliini for the space marine stuff and Dixone/ohartenstein23 for the help
 - Used a lot of maps from Terrainpack so special thks to Hobbes also so help on side
- Tools
  - MCDEdit (
  - Mapview (,1321.0.html)
- OXCE+ by Yankes and Meridian
- Sprites, sounds, maps, ruleset code etc:
  - All around thanks to everyone, i used lot of stuff from other mods for reference and change it to 40k universe
  - Background images from various internet sources

Work In Progress / HWP how to Constant animation only on flying ?
« on: February 20, 2016, 06:35:36 pm »
is it possible to make animation constant only on flying ?
For exemple i build this deamon with wings but i want the wings only to move when flying! ( last 4 spirtes of each directions)

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