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Playthroughs / How to equip your enforcer!
« on: March 20, 2015, 02:20:00 am »
U've heard of the film "How to train your dragon" well here's how to equip your enforcer. Only downside is that what u don't use on mission u lose, saying that tho I was able to rip apart a Floater Terror site in 3 turns.

Playthroughs / An interesting supply ship mission
« on: March 17, 2015, 02:26:43 am »
IMHO this UFO should not be able to fly, have the alien designers gone crazy!

Open Feedback / No energy renewal
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:13:42 am »
In my current game and last mission I've come across a weird occurance which is carrying into the next mission. My troop "Orla Duffy" does not get any energy back on her next turn, of course I can edit the save file but once she's out of energy again the same problem starts. In testing this out the problem carries into the next mission for her. Has anyone else come across this? I came across something similar in my last playthrough but that involved a UAV's time units not renewing.

Work In Progress / Acid Bomb
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:16:49 pm »
I think this might have been discussed before but I'm not sure, I've come up with a mod as it says above but once again I've run into problems. 1. Can't get the manufacturing to work properly and 2. the grenade damage seems to be 0 per ufopeadia. Can dmg type 8 not be used for grenades. Inspiration and sprites came from "Acid Weaponry v1.0" so credit goes to the author concerned. Is there anywhere I can find out about designing my own sprites and/or software needed as I wud like to get into modding a bit more without having to "borrow" other people's sprites etc.

Work In Progress / Stunning aliens by proxy
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:53:12 pm »
In my current game I'm fond of using prox grenades and heavy prox mines but I thought wudn't it be great if u cud have a stun effect combined with proxy effects. I'm completely inexperienced in this but I've come up with an experimental mod which does this called the "Stun Blaster". Yes I know it's a bit corny but no matter. Upon initial testing it does work but has some problems. 1. In its Ufopaedia entry I can't get the text description to appear, I only get STR_STUN_BLASTER. 2. In manufacturing I had set it that u needed 4 different items to make 1 of these but it comes up that u don't need any! Also is it possible to add sound effects as a subfolder of Resources. This mod's not exactly original in the files it uses but I'm out of my depth here so credit goes to anyone whose files I'm using. It does appear as a prox grenade image in the ufopaedia which I wud like to change but don't know how and u need to have the 2nd attachment enabled earlier. So can anyone give me advice or pointers.

Playthroughs / XCOM THE BOARD GAME
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:18:31 am »
Not sure if this is the right section or even the right forum but what the hell. Has anyone played the new xcom board game out recently as I just got it myself today? If so what's it like and how hard is it to get onto the digital companion that co-ordinates the AI?

« on: March 04, 2015, 04:06:48 pm »
In my current game I'm playing the game crashes to the desktop during the aliens 1st turn, it's a terror mission using the new terrains fr v3.1.4 in the south Atlantic (Trinade Island). It has the error message "invalid vector<T> subscript". The following is the openxcom log:

[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\user\Documents\OpenXcom\data\
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\user\Desktop\OPEN XCOM 100%\CG - Commendations\data\
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\user\Desktop\OPEN XCOM 100%\CG - Commendations\data\
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:\Users\user\Documents\OpenXcom\
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:\Users\user\Documents\OpenXcom\
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[04-03-2015 13:56:51]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[04-03-2015 13:56:52]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[04-03-2015 13:56:52]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x8...
[04-03-2015 13:56:53]   [INFO]   Display set to 1920x1080x8.
[04-03-2015 13:56:53]   [INFO]   Loading ruleset...
[04-03-2015 13:56:56]   [INFO]   Ruleset loaded successfully.
[04-03-2015 13:56:56]   [INFO]   Loading resources...
[04-03-2015 13:56:56]   [INFO]   Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[04-03-2015 13:56:58]   [INFO]   Resources loaded successfully.
[04-03-2015 13:56:58]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[04-03-2015 13:56:58]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[04-03-2015 13:56:58]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[04-03-2015 13:56:58]   [INFO]   Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[04-03-2015 13:56:58]   [INFO]   Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[04-03-2015 13:57:10]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[04-03-2015 13:58:22]   [FATAL]   invalid vector<T> subscript

Attached also is the .sav file. Is there any way round this?

Particulary liked the unusual design from yet more ufo's and the new terrain from the terrain pack v3.1.4. If foilage gets in ur way blow it up with high explosives or batbombs, just mind to measure the blast range correctly.

Open Feedback / BASE DEFENCES
« on: February 26, 2015, 11:04:06 pm »
On previous games I've noticed the following: With 3 fusion ball defences and a grav shield I shud only have to hit an attacking battleship 3 out of 6 times which I've number crunched to a 98.3%, so by that stage in ur game it's unlikely u'll have to do a base defence mission. My query is this, is the amount of damage done by base defences variable and if so in what way? But under these circumstances, if fusion ball defences r fixed @ 1200 damage why sometimes does it only takes 2 hits to destroy a battleship and on the other extreme 4 hits. I've no screenshots or saves with this in it, if I come across this again I'll certainly upload them. Also apologies if this is the wrong section for this query as I couldn't think of anywhere else.

« on: February 20, 2015, 01:53:37 am »
I'm using a .rul file atm which I expanded on a mod from "Modding/Experiments / Re: minimod: Elerium and Alloys Listed on Top
« by Dooh on January 30, 2015, 03:31:20 pm »" and have nearly reordered all items in the purchase & stores screen to an order more sensible to me but how do I do the following 3 things if possible?
1. Put all items of each ufopedia section in alphabetical order, makes more sense to me. 2. Since I put on the commendations mod I've noticed that mortar tank now appears in the commendations section @ the bottom. I have an idea that its to do with the "list order" number but I've looked throughout folders and not sure where or how u change the list order numbers? 3. Change the order of the sections from top to bottom alphabetically. Thanks for any info.

Work In Progress / XENO OPERATIONS
« on: February 17, 2015, 04:58:05 pm »
Was wondering on a couple of small points. Firstly after the 1st turn on a mission the uav rockets that I have on board doesn't seem to regain any tu's for its next turn, I'm about to change all uav's to xcom enforcers so its not a major problem. Secondly I've noticed on recent missions that the blaster launcher seems to have more than 9 waypoints, is this an updated feature in general? My current game runs off nightly 27-10-2014 but I'm using the custom exe of real vision atm.

Here are all the mods I've got running and the order they're loaded in:
  - Xcom1Ruleset
  - Acid_Weaponry
  - Batman
  - CivArmorRich
  - CraftMissleSound
  - CustomGrenades
  - EMace
  - Enforcer
  - Expanded_UBase
  - ExtraPockets
  - Extra_Explosions
  - FULL_Expanded_UBase
  - FireStormGfx
  - Flamethrower
  - FlashBangGrenades
  - GaussWeaponry
  - Grenade_Graphics
  - GuidedMissile
  - HE_HandOb
  - Improved_Recruit_Start_Stat
  - Ironman Super Suit
  - MassAccelerator
  - MediKit_HandOb
  - OXCE_4_Weapon_Aircraft
  - Optical_Elerium
  - Optical_Elerium_Plus_Tanks
  - PowerSuitHelmOff
  - Predator
  - Scanner_HandOb
  - TacticalNuke
  - UFOextender_Gun_Melee
  - UFOextender_Starting_Avalanches
  - ViperAssaultCannon
  - WeaponBreachingCharge
  - WeaponNaymore
  - WeaponPowerGlove
  - WeaponTranquilizer
  - XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports
  - XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
  - XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks
  - XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser
  - XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
  - XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
  - XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base
  - anthropod_alien
  - cover_alien
  - gazer_alien
  - small_rocket_small
  - XenoOpsAlienArsenal
  - XenoOpsAliens
  - XenoOpsArmors
  - XenoOpsCrafts
  - XenoOpsCydoniaChallenge
  - XenoOpsFacilities
  - XenoOpsHWP
  - XenoOpsWeapons
  - FinalModPackRanks
  - Alternate_Lightning_Thunder
  - 2012DeathSounds
  - Alloys and Elerium on top

I know this is a rather old nightly but I'll be using the latest in my nxt game.

« on: January 30, 2015, 06:43:31 pm »
I was wondering if the no of base defence missions and their frequency increases as the difficulty increases as I'm currently playing on level 6 difficulty and seem to be getting much more than I got on superhuman level? Ps I'm only into my third month and have dealt with 4 or 5.

« on: January 23, 2015, 10:18:38 pm »
I've tried my hand @ designing a mod myself. I'm missing a few entries in the file and I'm unsure how to proceed any further. My idea is a multi rocket launcher for Xcom's craft that work like the multi rocket pods on modern attack gunships or fighters. Many thanks to XOps as I've used his cluster missile very heavily as a template for this idea. If anyone has any ideas on how I can get this completed and useable in OPXC, they wud be most appreciated.

« on: January 23, 2015, 02:17:06 am »
I've only started using the latest nightly builds as the long game I was playing was using a nightly of 27/10/14. I've noticed now that the main Xcom1 .rul file is split up. My question is this, where exactly do I find the texts that describe the different base facilities as I can increase the size of the psi lab to 12 but the text still says up to 10 troops or can this not be edited?

Suggestions / TANK REPAIRS
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:48:57 pm »
If this has already been covered, apologies but I was thinking about the following. Since injured troops and damaged crafts have healing/repair times, could this not also be applied to all HWP's as it seems a bit unrealistic that HWP's are repaired instantly upon return from the battlescape despite them being practically destroyed! I'm thinking of some sort of mod that can be updated as and when new HWP's are created. In particular Xcom's own Sectopods or the UAV's from Xeno Ops.

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