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Topics - Chuckebaby

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The X-Com Files / I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« on: November 13, 2022, 02:03:58 pm »
First off, i love the game. it is amazing and I have a good 20 hours invested into it.
But I fear the end is near (2 bad months in a row).

I'm seeing a lot of alien craft activity (white X's) on the map and no way to combat them while still attending to other missions.
I probably slacked off on my research and promoted other things first (like weapons).

I'm wondering if anyone would care to look at my game file and give me any suggestions. If not, I thank you anyway. I have no one to blame but myself.

Open Feedback / Cool loophole if your general stores are full
« on: October 25, 2022, 04:32:33 pm »
Stumbled upon this by accident but figured I would share.

If you are anything like me and you hoard Elerium and Alien alloy's your stores are overflowing and have no more room.
I rely heavily on high explosives (to clear brush, snuff out aliens hiding in shacks, etc.)

So when my stores are full and can not purchase anymore (do to size limits). I create a small base with one Skyraider set up to make delivery's.
This base is protected by 8 solders (who's stats increase due to base attacks until defenses can be researched and built).

The base is good for small recon and also purchasing your high explosives, then load these high explosives on to the Skyraider, transfer the Skyraider to said base (which has exceeded it's store limits).

Once the Skyraider arrives, unload high explosives and transfer the ship back to the small recon base.

Hope this helps.

Open Feedback / The SkyRaider is one of the best all around recon crafts
« on: October 19, 2022, 05:34:25 pm »
I've used every craft in the FMP and I still favor the SkyRaider. It's 2 back opening doors are key to easy navigation for difficult game play.
I find the Avenger to be fast, well armored and hold more soldiers but the Sky Raider is still one of the best all around recon crafts in the game.

Open Feedback / Finally beat Terror from the deep
« on: September 22, 2022, 09:30:21 pm »
Special thanks to Reaver's mod (makes it more manageable). I've finally beat the game.

Maybe it is because beating this game has always alluded me that I thought it would feel so much better but instead I'm left rather puzzled.
The finale (all 3 levels), only one levels was challenging and the final 2 were a more an endurance test than marksmanship.

This game had the potential of being a great follow up but the end fell flat. A Cydonia style finale would have been much better in my opinion or maybe only one level the strength challenge.

It took me almost 40 turns on level 2 just to get to the end. And then while I was there, there was no way to finish.
I finally figure out there was an alien hiding inside a wall with no entry (or maybe I missed the entry). I had to use 4 grenades to blow the wall apart before viewing him inside of it.

Anyway, loved the concept, was a lot like UFO EU. But it felt like there was a rush to finish the game.

I do know the background on the Microprose story so I get it. Just wish this was a little better.

Open Feedback / The fastest you have beaten UFO defense ?
« on: December 29, 2021, 09:16:35 pm »
Both beginner and Superhuman, around April of 2000.
I'm sure it can be done faster, that's just my personal best.

You ?

Open Feedback / AK-47 ammo in FMP ?
« on: December 10, 2021, 12:49:42 am »
Wondering if I can manufacturer this or do I simply reap it from a Hybrid/MIB mission ?
Thank you.

PS- playing this on SuperHuman is the balls. difficulty is up there. Without smoke and a shitload of grenades, it's nearly impossible.

Open Feedback / My quick review of OXCE (and game strategy)
« on: October 16, 2021, 11:15:19 pm »
First of all, I literally have nothing negative to say about OXCE (haven’t tried regular Open X Com).
I played the Vanilla version and loved it but there were issues. Some bugs, lagging, etc.
The OXCE is actually unbelievably smooth in terms of battlefield game play and loading saving options.
This includes graphics.

The game to me is all about capturing live aliens. When I first started playing this game I didn’t put enough importance on this and just blew away commanders at will. Thus research was slow or even halted at times.

I’ve literally beat this game starting out with pea shooters (rifles) until I could upgrade to Heavy Plasma. Once you attain Heavy Plasma it’s all but over for alien enemies.
I’ve done this successfully with out even using Grenades , high explosives or rocket launchers. Just HP.
However the game isn’t half as much fun unless you utilize all other weapons at your disposal.

I set up 3 bases. My main starting base. Then 2 others when I have the dough. This gives me good range.

Troubleshooting / "Terrible rating" ends the game
« on: October 15, 2021, 01:07:35 am »
I'm stuck really far into the game using the Final mod pack. I have a lot of money, a lot of research and I also had one of my best months ever the previous and this month.
i searched the forum and found a solution but i  tried it (open my saved game in Notepad++ and change the "warned: True" to warned: false" but im afraid it already says False).

Kind of stuck. Appreciate any help. thank you.

Open Feedback / Aliens AI is overpowering me in OXCE
« on: October 01, 2021, 09:35:34 pm »
Just as the title says. Im using OXCE in Beginner mode (I know slightly embarrassing). But the AI is super strong. im getting hammed in my first Terror attack.
is there any settings that might help me out ?

I have to say, i am so impressed by the is version and it's deep editing. I've been playing this game since 1995 And it's almost as if i rediscovered it again.

thank you for any suggesitons.

Suggestions / Medical Personal
« on: September 29, 2021, 01:14:35 pm »
I always thought this game needed medics.
A couple medical personal to go on missions.

Their TV rate- 100.
Their armor and health- very high.
Their only job- to heal wounded soldiers.
Not sure if possible- Have them undetected by aliens- so they are not fired at.

I would even have them in white hospital clothes.
Maybe carrying only a small pistol for defense.

Offtopic / This game rocks
« on: September 13, 2021, 03:42:34 am »
Just want to share my love for this game and share my history with it. I bought this game around 1996 for PlayStation 1. I honestly didn't even think I would like it because its graphics were a little behind what Sony was coming out with for the PS1. but as I played it more and more, I began to love it. Im still playing it now using GOG or DOD or something on PC windows 8. I also have TFTD and the third one (apocalypse I believe), which is ridiculously hard but the first one i keep going back to over and over again. Every few years I beat it again. like an old friend.

Anyway, Do the mods work on the version i use ?
Thanks for letting me join.

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