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Topics - tkzv

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The X-Com Files / Cult Apprehension missions
« on: October 28, 2017, 01:44:08 pm »
"Cult apprehension" missions come out of the blue. It's obvious why we would go after strange animals, UFOs, places where UFOs have landed, people selling alien tech and such. But "members of an illegal organization" doesn't seem to warrant attention of paranormal investigators.

I suggest some kind of preliminary missions that give leads to the four cults. There's already a homicidal maniac mission, but that's not enough.

There can be some unusual items in storage right from the start, that lead to people involved in those organizations:
Church of Dagon: Gilldog corpse, Deep One corpse, Deep One hatchet, Deep One spear, Staff of Dagon, Staff of Heart Grip.
Red Dawn: Durathread, Storm.
Black Lotus: Flame Glove.
Exalt: Psiclone.
All 4: Alien Communicator.

Or better yet, there can be missions to capture a single man (or woman, or beast) displaying some oddities. They may unlock the "Cult Apprehension" missions or replace them entirely.

Red Dawn:
1. "A petty criminal is reported to have grown muscular and acquired super strength in a matter of days. Capture the suspect for questioning." The suspect may be a Stormy or a Red Dawn Ganger. I like the Stormy better, but guess changes to descriptions and tech tree would require more work.
2. A "Storm Seizure" mission, possibly scaled down to be beatable by 2 rookies. The description should be written with no previous knowledge of Red Dawn or Storm. Something like "Rumours abound of a wonderful drug called 'Storm' that helps grow muscular tissue. The reported effects far surpass anything known to Earth science. We have located a group of Storm users. Capture them for questioning and secure their stash."

Black Lotus:
1. "A man is reported to be able to shoot fire just with the power of his mind. Capture the suspect for questioning." A Black Lotus Follower armed with a Flame Glove.
2. "A man is reported to be able to become invisible. Capture the suspect for questioning." A Black Lotus Assassin. I haven't thought this out completely. The enemy should be: beatable by 2 rookies, challenging, able to display invisibility. Can Black Lotus Warriors become invisible? Would an assassin be a challenge if armed only with a shiv?
3. Is it possible for an enemy to disappear from the field entirely? There could be a mission where an Avatar visits a lowest follower, then the avatar leaves and the follower is captured.

Church of Dagon:
1. Starts like a regular "Strange Life Form" mission in a city, the enemy is a Gilldog. But investigating the animal or its corpse leads to people who use them as guard animals — Church of Dagon. Is it possible to give this mission higher probability than any other monster hunt?
2. "A green humanoid has been spotted. Capture him for questioning." A Deep One armed with melee weapons. Investigating his corpse or weapons unlocks Church of Dagon.

1. "Rumours abound of a wonderful drug called 'Psiclone' that gets you high without consequences. What sets it apart is the police inability to approach the traders — officers experience panic attacks and occasionally report an outside force seizing control of their limbs. We have located a Psiclone addict. Capture him for questioning."
2. Something similar to "Storm Seizure" mission, but with Psiclone. "Rumours abound of a wonderful drug called 'Psiclone' that gets you high without consequences. What sets it apart is the police inability to approach the traders — officers experience panic attacks and occasionally report an outside force seizing control of their limbs. We have located a group of Psiclone users. Capture them for questioning and secure their stash."
3. Does EXALT deal in alien weapons or is this business exclusive to Osiron?

Yet another idea is that UFOs captured in January 1997 have devices to contact Alien Communicators on Earth, and it's possible to study them and track down people using Alien Communicators. I like this idea best, but if it's the only lead, failure to capture any UFOs would block the rest of the game.

UFO Communicator

The device is a short-range transceiver made of strange materials and utilizing unknown principles. So far we have only figured how to switch it on and determine coordinates of the interlocutor.

There seem to be at least 4 different groups of humans in contact with aliens: "Black Lotus", "Dagon", "Red Dawn" and "Exalt". Unfortunately, our blundering attempts to use the transceiver to locate them forced them to lay low. When we find any more leads, you will be informed.

(Misspelling is intentional.)

And the mission descriptions like: "We have located members of an organization working for aliens, the <INSERT NAME>, operating in this area. We must apprehend the suspects and capture them for questioning."

OXCE Support Y-scripts / [Solved] Shields. Scripts reference.
« on: October 19, 2017, 07:00:21 pm »
Is there any page with reference manual for scripts in OXCE+ ? I'm trying to write a mod that would give a shield that would add armour points to front+side or back. I tried to figure how it was done in Piratez and got lost. So far I only managed to cut out everything, leaving only a single shield. I did not include the scripts from Piratez, thus the Ufopaedia description is incorrect.

What do I need to alter the operative's armour depending on the shield placement (left arm, right arm, back or none)?

Note to self: doesnt't have it.

P.S. If I build the OXCE+ source with "make doxygen", will it give anything useful?

Fan-Stuff / Has anybody tried computing travel time from Mars?
« on: October 10, 2017, 11:45:45 pm »
There was a thread where someone computed that UFOs need about 1 month to reach Earth from Mars. I can't find it. I tried to calculate the time and got much faster trip.

Does the original game mention the maximum accelerations of UFOs anywhere? I don't think it does.

Let's assume top speed of UFOs is given for lower atmosphere when air friction equals the force of their drives, shall we? In the vanilla a Battleship's speed is 5000 km/h. I tried running a CFD simulation, but ran into problems with ParMGridGen. Let's simply assume that it is a cylinder 25 m in diameter and 9 m tall, about as aerodynamic at supersonic speeds as a sphere (drag coefficient Cd ~1). Drag force at top speed will be 1/2 * 1.3 kg/m^3 * (1400 m/s)^2 * 1 * 225 m^2 ~ 3*10^8 N That's the force its engines can give. If the speed is capped by some other factor, like heat, this means even more powerful engines.

How heavy are battleships? Let's assume about as heavy as Earth aluminium military hovercraft of equal size. I found only craft twice smaller at 100 metric tons and twice larger at 500-600 tons. Let's say 200-300 tons.

This gives maximum acceleration in space up to 300 000 000 / 200 000 = 1500 m/s^2 or 153 g.

Here's a good question: how will the crew and fragile machinery survive this acceleration? I suppose that aliens can maintain comfortable artificial gravitation of ~0.5 g inside their vessels. Either that, or gravity engines make the ship fall free at 150 g, thus nobody inside is hurt.

What is the travel time from Mars to Earth? Minimum distance from Mars to Earth is about 230 - 150 = 80 million km. Maximum distance is 230 + 150 = 380 million km plus some unspecified amount to avoid passing too close to Sun. The shortest trip would take sqrt( 2 * 8*10^10 m / 1500 m/s^2 ) = 10328 s or less than 3 hours.

It is safe to ignore relativistic effects since the speed would not exceed 10 000 s / 2 * 1500 m/s^2 = 7 500 000 m/s or 0.025c.

For longer distance the time and top speed will increase as square root of the distance — still hours and several percent of c.

Any mistakes?

Suggestions / Stephen King's "The Mist"
« on: October 09, 2017, 03:50:04 am »
Is it possible to make smoke permanent, so that it would not move or disappear after a while? Is it possible to start the mission with permanent smoke covering part of the map?

Troubleshooting / [SOLVED] Missing cities and borders
« on: October 05, 2017, 11:24:40 am »
After several upgrades, downgrades and reinstallations the names of cities and countries and their locations do not appear on the map.

I am using 64-bit Gentoo Linux.
I have vanilla 1.0.0-r1 installed from Gentoo ebuild, for which I copied UFO: Enemy Unknown files to
(Earlier I installed a git version, but after a system update it stopped working and refused to compile. Reverting to 1.0.0-r1 deleted UFO and TFTD files, which I copied to /usr/share/ earlier.)
I also compiled OXCE+, in
For it I put the data next to the binary, to
~/x-com_files/OXCE+/OpenXcom/bin/UFO/ and ~/x-com_files/OXCE+/OpenXcom/bin/TFTD/

Now in Geoscape mode the cities, country borders and their names are not displayed at any resolution. The missions to cities work, although locations of the cities may be a bit off. (I noticed the problem when Ekaterinburg mission was close to the Arctic ocean :) ) How to fix this?

Correction: there also were data files in
~/.local/share/openxcom/UFO/ and ~/.local/share/openxcom/TFTD/
I deleted everything, leaving only the ones in ~/.local/share/openxcom/ It did not help.

INCORRECT ANSWER: Renaming ~/.config/openxcom/ helped.

UPDATE: Unpressing "Geoscape -> Globe Details -> Countries" button in the game options has this effect. I don't remember ever unpressing it, but somehow it ended up unpressed again today. Either the game somehow changes this option when I remove/install mods, or I mistakenly unpress this button without noticing.

CORRECT ANSWER: Pressing TAB key switches this option on and off.

The X-Com Files / Numbering missions
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:57:26 pm »
In the vanilla all missions of the same type are numbered. UFOs, landing sites, crash sites, terror sites, base assaults... Is it possible to similarly give numbers to missions of new types?

Work In Progress / Gun Melee for mod weapons
« on: September 23, 2017, 03:06:34 am »
As I found out, Gun Melee mod only works with standard weapons, but not with weapons added by mods. After some search and some help from I made a Perl script that makes a similar .rul file for every weapon of the types it knows. Currently it goes like this:

meleePower    =  20;
tuMelee       =  15;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  20;
tuMelee       =  15;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  20;
tuMelee       =  15;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  50;
tuMelee       =  40;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  50;
tuMelee       =  40;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  50;
tuMelee       =  40;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  65;
tuMelee       =  50;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  65;
tuMelee       =  50;
accuracyMelee = 100;

meleePower    =  80;
tuMelee       =  80;
accuracyMelee = 100;

So far I have processed only items_XCOMFILES.rul for "The X-COM Files". Should I add weapons from other mods? Should I create separate melee mods for other large projects?

One problem so far: hitting enemies doesn't stun them, but kills.

Update: the script treated clips as weapons; fixed that.

Update 2: version for X-COM Files 0.9.1.

Suggestions / Scout planes in Battlescape
« on: September 02, 2017, 06:59:46 pm »
Has anybody tried that? The only "scout drone" I found so far was a 1x1 tank.

What I have in mind is a group of air scouts that makes a pass over the area at the start of each turn. Either they are launched from Skyranger before the mission start, or operatives launch them as needed and they continue flying after that. Of course, they can be shot down by enemies. A cheap (<$100) plastic radio-controlled airplane carrying a camera (and possibly a single grenade) is a realistic technology for 1990s. Even more than the tanks. No armor, but they are small targets and should be harder to hit.

Helicopters, quadrocopters and such are possible too, but I think they require more sophisticated electronics, which would make them much more expensive for 1990s.

Airplanes can't stop in the air, and I don't know how to handle that better. Maybe the player should set the starting and ending points at the edges of mission map for each drone at the start of each turn, and the drone would travel the straight line between them and disappear; if the end point is not the edge, the plane falls down and cannot launch itself (without a launcher in Skyranger); if the drone runs into unseen Floater/Ethereal/civilian standing on the roof, it also falls down. Or maybe the planes should be uncontrollable by player and just travel between random points an the edges each turn.

Yet another variant, that I like less, is a portable "camera plane launcher", similar to a rocket launcher, possibly lighter. When an area needs to be scouted quickly, an operative shoots camera planes that fly to the edge of the map. Either they are single-use, or reusable and recovered after mission.

The X-Com Files / A mission idea
« on: September 02, 2017, 06:09:09 pm »
In not-so-recent news I saw this: A former NASA and IBM employee died in 2015. His heirs found fridge-sized 1960s computers and around 325 data tapes in his basement. A NASA expert studied the tapes, identified data from Pioneer-8,9,10,11, Helios-1 and Intelsat-4, failed to identify 215 more tapes, but suggested to burn everything, calling them hazardous to health because of mould.

Of course, this raises a question: what really was there that needs to be erased? :) It could be:
- signals from some alien installation in Solar system,
- more complete datasets from Pioneer-10 and 11.

The former could give coordinates of Cydonia or an intermediate base on the back side of the Moon or some other alien orbital station. The latter could give the answer to Pioneer anomaly — the 1998 theory is that Pioneers accelerate a bit faster because of uneven heat emission, but it may be gravity from a dwarf planet aliens want to hide or an undiscovered law of physics at work. Maybe this information could help understand gravity engines and make your own — but anything without elerium would be too bulky and inefficient.

Or it could be a red herring — nothing the player doesn't already know at this point.

The mission itself would be seizing the tapes while fighting Men in Black (or Red Dawn?) in an urban area.

The X-Com Files / Chopping hedges and bushes
« on: July 17, 2017, 04:57:33 pm »
Sometimes the fastest way is not around, but through the bushes :) Is it possible to allow melee attack to clear the path ahead, same way firearms do? After all, machete and billhook were created to hack bushes.

The X-Com Files / Shields
« on: July 07, 2017, 03:40:41 am »
Is there any reason for the shields to work the way they are now? Agents have to return to their home base to equip/unequip the shield. There is no way to leave a shield at the van if it proves unnecessary for the mission. There is no way to drop a shield when an agent suddenly needs both hands. Did I miss some part of the story that explains why agents have to be handcuffed to their shields for the duration of the mission? :)

Is it possible to make a shield just another inventory item, which would add points to front armor when in a hand or to rear armor when in the backpack?

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