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Topics - Chuckebaby

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The X-Com Files / Cant get Cydonia mission to populate
« on: June 13, 2024, 10:10:52 pm »
It might be my own doing, i've done some minor editing to save game files but cant understand why i can't get the mission to enter.

- I just finished "Lunar Core mission".
Caught grand master. Got back, researched "grand master" and "Cydonia or bust".

After those 2 were complete, I go to Geoscape and select "Intercept > Choose Avenger".

Normally there is an option for Cydonia that comes up, but I'm only seeing the normal "Select a destination" screen.
No option for Cydonia.

Can I edit the file to fix this?


Help / How to make a mod
« on: December 09, 2023, 07:42:11 pm »
I know this is a very broad question but I have made my own edits to rulesets, weapons, etc.
But up until now, I have only overwritten the files in rulessets copy/paste (for example to increase storage limits)

I know it has something to do with metadata, I'm just not sure what.

Do I make copies of the ruleset files, edit them, then put them in a folder, then create metadata ?

Any help I would be grateful.

The X-Com Files / Using Flame Glove
« on: November 23, 2023, 03:44:58 pm »
Edited title (thanks for moving)

Probably been covered but, is there any benefit at all into researching "Using flame glove".. Using Dragon staff" "Using Storm rose".. "Using"..etc..etc.. ???
No completed research documentation ever pops for these (Ufopedia) when the research is done.

The X-Com Files / FR: Bonus points for finishing a mission in one turn
« on: November 14, 2023, 03:59:07 pm »
I hope this is okay to place this here.
Bonus points for finishing a mission in one turn
I'm not even sure if this feature request is possible. But it would be nice to have a measly 50 point bonus for finishing a mission by the end of turn one.

Help / Where are the files located for strength of weapon ?
« on: October 29, 2023, 07:50:02 pm »
I hope I'm asking this correctly. I've looked in resources files, every where. I can see where I can change say a plasma gun from being 60 damage to 80.
Thank you.

The X-Com Files / Some of your most Bizarre missions?
« on: September 14, 2023, 08:50:48 pm »
For me it was...
Small Striker ship
It was loaded to the gills with Sectopods (15 in all).

I'm not even sure how this is possible, it must have been a glitch.. but I swear one of them through a gas grenade at me from 50 tiles away. I thought this is not even possible maybe there was an alien behind him, but the Sectopod was the last target left. Was just a real oddity.

Those and the Troop ships are some of my favorites.

The X-Com Files / Victory conditions
« on: August 17, 2023, 11:32:23 pm »
What is needed to complete the game. I'm guessing all the cults (including Syndicate) must be whipped out.
But are underwater missions, zombies, ghosts, and those ant people needed in order to reach Cydonia ?

The X-Com Files / Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« on: August 13, 2023, 06:25:29 pm »
What is you typical turn one look like once advanced into the game a bit ??
Do you take out 4 soldiers if you don't see any aliens on turn 1 ?
Depending on the scene of course, for Battleships, Alien terror missions i'm a bit more reserved, smoke. Sometimes even the medium crafts can be a zinger.

I usually put 2 guys on the ground 40% used TU.
2 more guys to the left/right of the ramp.

If you haven't got to this point yet, don't read any further. This is hopefully going to be helpful to someone stumbling (like I did) on this mission being overwhelmed by Cybermites).

1- Mission start from the green tile landing pad. All seems well, like any other mission right ? Nope. better get ready, it's about to rain Cybermites.

2- Your best bet right now is to find some sort of cover, this can be found in the room next door (to the right). On your way there, blast a few Cybermites to let them know you mean business and are not going to put up with any of their shit. But save some T.U.s for some soldiers. You'll need a few reaction shots to take care of the ones ready to breach the room your laying idle in.

3- Keep in mind, there are corridors directly above you. This room seems to be the safest place for now but don't even think about laying low on the green tiles you started on. They will fall from the ceiling, causing a reaction shot, when they die, they also explode, causing damage to your soldiers.
Example of the corridors

4- After every turn, take half of your soldiers and pop your head out the door. Save the other soldiers for reaction shots (keep them stationary).
When choosing Cybermites to hit, look for the ones in clusters. Hitting one Cybermite will cause a chain reaction, blowing up several in it's close proximity (3 tiles).

5- After several turns, you should have secured the area. Now it's time to work your way down the main lower corridor (moving east).

6- Take extreme caution with the final 2 shielded turrets. No need to get to close to them. They have been marked for termination since turn 1. Get with range (but not "illuminated red" range) and begin taking the turrets out. Ducking for cover in the adjacent rooms between turns.

The X-Com Files / Best way to deal with Ship Turrets on Terror missions
« on: January 31, 2023, 10:24:35 pm »
These are painful to exterminate. I'm using Heavy Gauss because Heavy Plasma is hit or miss (no pun intended).
Is there a better way to drop the shield ?

These missions are pretty difficult, really enjoy them.

Suggestions / Condolences mission
« on: January 02, 2023, 11:21:50 pm »
Feature request:

Okay I've got an idea for a custom mission.

- Let's say one of your best soldiers has been killed in action fighting the aliens.
- In this mission you would have to visit the home of that soldier to give his family the bad news ( and your condolences).
- But upon arrival, his wife turns into a Chrysalis and now you have a new mission to handle.

Okay, I know what your thinking. "Chuckebaby has been smoking Elerium again".

While this may be true, I'm also just trying to be funny and spread some laughs.  ;D

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Here is to a great 2023.
Cheers my friends.

Suggestions / Shooting range/Training center
« on: December 26, 2022, 09:40:50 pm »
This is kind of a feature request/future mod I hope to create. I hope it is in the right place.

- With some of the larger mods, there are so many weapons I have never even tried and testing them on the battle field can be risky.
it would be nice to have a shooting range to test out some of the weapons.
- Possibly this "shooting range" could be used  to boost shooting/aim stats.

The same could go for Melee:
- A place to practice stunning, melee, etc.
- Maybe against live aliens or other solders (training purposes).

My idea is to basically incorporate it as a mission (even though it wouldn't be an actual mission.
The preview screen for "Equip craft" might be a place to do something similar.

I have yet to create my own mod yet but this is something I'd like to work on, is it possible?

The X-Com Files / Just finished the X COM Files game
« on: December 26, 2022, 02:32:54 am »
I wont give anything away as I don't want to ruin it for others but it was amazing. I loved it. A lot of great detail and research needed to complete the the game.
If I could advice to anyone who is stumbling, capture anything that moves. This game is all about interrogation (in my opinion anyway).
The only real issue is the alien containment and prison limits. That makes things a bit more difficult.

There is nothing worse than finishing a very difficult mission only to find you have no more space left to hold captured aliens/prisoners. The game however is full of second chances. I made many errors but was gifted second chances to find what I needed. Was a great experience. thanks a lot for the great ride (the work put in to making this).

Please feel free to post your favorite parts. 
Mine was the space mission with those 8 or 10 turrets on the outside. I almost gave up on that one  ;D 
Merry Christmas Commanders.

- Chuck

Offtopic / Thanks to everyone
« on: December 06, 2022, 11:49:21 pm »
Just wanted to thank you all for the help and your hard work. this group of people here and the mods, they are so appreciated.
Sometimes controversial (everyone has an opinion) but I am just so grateful to you all for the help you have given me here and the mods you have made (OXCE and other mod packs).

Thanks to all and happy holidays.


Help / Just started doing small mods/looking for advice
« on: December 03, 2022, 02:11:04 am »
I really hope I'm posting in the right part of the forum. If not my apologies.
I just recently started making minor changes to save game files. I love this game so much and now I have that similar feeling I had when I first started playing it, a fresh perspective, learning what is going on behind the scenes. I'm instantly hooked. I also make a back up of anything I do incase I have to revert.

Anyway, I am looking for suggestions on how to advance. What would you suggest I do to further my skills.

I don't think I'm ready to make my first mod yet (or maybe I am IDK). I just have this craving to learn more about the code to this game.
So far I have:
- Boosted some solider stats
- Replenished inventory that I don't have access too
- Cut down on building time for facilities
- Cut down on days for soldiers who are wounded
- So in summary, I've cheated... like a lot.

And though i do feel somewhat guilty of cheating, The guilt is being replaced by the joy of learning.

Thank you.

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