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Messages - Deadly Chimera

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It's good as it is, it's not something that needs fixing. Thanks again. Keep on Scorchin'. And... um.. Meridian-ing.

That's a nice illustrative example. My thinking was that the description suggested that Boost blocked others, but maybe not the other way around. The Boost text says something about an evolutionary backstep, which seems like a pretty profound, macrobiological change. Whereas Transformations like Gun Kata seemed to me more about changing of perspective and attenuation of psychic perception, improved hand-eye coordination, situational and spacial awareness, that kind of thing. It made sense to me that you teach the soldier the finer points of psychic gun aiming, then you make them into savages who feel no pain.

Anyways that was just an experiment, the thing that really troubled me was the seeming disappearance of Flight Training, so everything's copacetic.

Okay, okay... so I was right about it happening during the change from 2.2 to 2.4, but it's working as intended.

And Blood Boosting just says that when you take it, it blocks OTHER Transformations. Other Transformations don't mention blocking anything. I was experimenting to see if I could take Boost AFTER the others were already in place. Either due to deliberate design or dev oversight. (Apparently not.)

I again appreciate the prompt help, and thanks to the entire team there for the awesome mod.

I noticed people stopped qualifying for Transformations, even when they had the stats. When I looked at their Histories, I noticed that the Combat Pilot Training doesn't appear in ANY of them. It shows up in the saves, but NOT in the game.

An example, Vratko Holub (Captain, Base 2 (the USA base) has Combat Pilot Training listed in the save file, but when you look at his history in the game, it's not listed. Additionally I'm sure he qualifies for Blood Boosting (not that I would do it to him as he's one of my "wizards") but the game doesn't list him as qualified (despite there being Mutant Blood on hand).

It's possible that he (and the other soldiers) are still enjoying a stat boost from the Training, but even so the inability to give out other Transformations is troubling.

As an experiment I'm going to buy a dog and see if it lets me Neoderm it. EDIT: I can. No idea why this one works.

Sorry about not thanking you properly, my internet is very unreliable, I really need to swap providers.

I have another problem, but this one is probably too much trouble. I'll completely understand if you don't have any interest in fixing it.

So none of my soldiers seem to be able to take Transformations of any kind, no matter how eligible they are, or if I have the materials. Some of the Transformations may have vanished from the soldier's Histories as well. Flight Training definitely has, not one of my guys has it, and I was doing a good job of getting everybody to take it. It doesn't crash the game but it's very troubling. The Transformations were part of what made this Mod awesome and they'll probably do something huge later.

It seemed to happen when I applied 2.4 over my 2.2 installation. I made a clean install yet the problem persists.

I'm uploading my save, but again I'll get it if you just don't want to bother.

First, thank you so much.

Second, wow. I have literally no idea how this was accomplished. Unless somebody tells me that's a really weird bug, I think I can safely say it's something I did on accident. I do have shakey hands- from medication, for what it's worth- but cause doesn't really matter. It's weird, the missing region goes back many many saves. It very much looks like it happened back in-game September, could I have been coasting with a missing region for that long?

Oh and I realized rather stupidly why I thought the clock stopped at different times. It's because each time, I had the fast-forward option on at different rates, which of course reported different times when it crashed... duhhh... I need to not post when I should be asleep.

Third, by far the most important. Can the save be saved? Can I "doctor" a "donor" region from a non-borked save? In basically every other save, it's zeros all the way down. I already tried this procedure and it doesn't change anything about my Antarctica base- research still researching, manufactorium continues to work the xeno-slag in the name of the Emporer- whoops! Wrong mod, my bad. Ahem. Anyways everything seems to be in order rolling into December if I "doctor" the save this way, and keeps rolling until Game Over if I fast forward without engaging anything. Please tell me that I'd be good to go and could continue this awesome mod. I've even been personalizing some of the troops. That's like monogramming handkerchiefs in this game.

Fourth, again thank you, especially if you think I can keep playing. I'm many many hours in and would be forced to quit and possibly go play Phoenix Point and how could you possibly want me to suffer like that? (I'm totally kidding. Not about playing it, I would go do that.)

TLDR: Can the save be saved?

Hi I hope you're interested in squashing a bug. I really enjoy this mod and I've been telling everybody I know to dust off their old XCom discs (or GOG copies) so they can do this X-Files/90s horror pastiche mod. I'm not 30% into the tech tree yet and I'm already shooting down UFOs, I'm really curious where the hell the remaining 70% goes...

Anyways here's my busted save, crash log, and screenshot. The game crashes hard sometime in the later hours of Nov 30 1998. It's never the same exact time twice, but it happens every single time, no matter what I'm doing. I assume some random timed event is kicking off, but I have no idea. I've tried canceling every event I have control over to see if that would help, it didn't.

I tried updating to mod 2.3, and then 2.4, but that didn't change anything. Except forces me to redo some tech discoveries - that's not going to break anything else is it?

Additionally, the GeoScape button underneath FUNDING, which I think was the crucial button that lets you check your global stats and such, has disappeared entirely. It's very strange.

As it may have something to do with the possible borked save, I confess I have been cheating myself money. I don't have much time to play games these days and if I want to see all the content before I die of old age, this is literally the only way.

I do have one small suggestion for the mod. Sometimes an alien's body is worth more than the alien. There were a few occasions where my people accidentally stunned a Mongorn who I just wanted to go Cruella DeVille on. Can we get a button called the "Take Alien Behind the Woodshed, Hear a Single Gunshot, See Me Coming Back Alone" Button? Obviously this would need to be quite a large button so maybe just something like "Liquidate" or something else that plays to the whole sinister organization thing. Or possibly "turn alien over to staff for a fun evening" button?

Anyways I would be very grateful if there were a way to fix this. I'm invested in this great mod.

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