« on: December 24, 2018, 01:10:48 pm »
First you make a very good mod Solarius Scorch !!!
Second I have problem with your mod version 0.9.7.
- mission " Ooze Nest"
- openxcom:
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Invlid surface set 'OOZE.PCK' for armor 'STR_OOZE_ARMOR': not enough frames
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] 0x8860d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] 0x889760 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] 0x4015a0 exceptionLogger()
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] 0xc20f98 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] 0x9ce960 OpenXcom::UnitSprite::drawRoutine8()
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] 0x9c0210 OpenXcom::Map::drawUnit(OpenXcom::UnitSprite&, OpenXcom::Tile*, OpenXcom::Tile*, OpenXcom::Position, int, int, bool)
[24-12-2018_12-09-08] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[24-12-2018_12-09-13] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Invlid surface set 'OOZE.PCK' for armor 'STR_OOZE_ARMOR': not enough frames
More details here: C:\Users\Pawlak\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Can you help me ? and merry Christmess!