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Messages - Bfox

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:09:00 pm »
Once you get the Elerium Mace you basically need to zerg rush aliens (I had to use this over the dart rifle as I couldn't for a long time get any of the upgraded clips) you basically have to not care about your soldiers and capture as many as feasible.

This is much much easier in confined spaces (like UFO's/bases etc.) until you get engineer's then they unlock some sort of ocular implant research for plasma weapons I'm not sure what other research you need to get this but this is what opened it up finally for me.

For a long time I was just using Gauss weapons. 

Ethereal's are just insane you basically have to hide your entire squad in the sky-ranger and pray your HWP's can clean up the outlying ones so you can capture some inside the UFO's and zerg rush stun them (sometimes these bastards take three stun hits)

Once you get the psi-amp though and train up some strong psi users the game becomes exponentially easier to mind control / drop equipment and capture.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: August 24, 2014, 09:14:02 pm »
Well I finally beat XCOM with the FMP mod pack last night on superman/ironman - was very challenging I had to turn Psi to line of sight only to manage.  I lost like 3 squads to ethereals (rip in pieces)

It was very - very challenging I literally had to do the last mission with a bunch of rookies and mostly launchers/launcher tanks and 2 guys that had their psi skill strong enough to make the psi-amp very handy.

By the way is it normal that your save game is deleted when you play on ironman and finish the game?  I assume that's by design.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:24:24 am »
Thanks for your hard work :)

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:55:30 pm »
I tried updating the FMP ruleset due to the hybrid research crashing bug but it doesn't allow me to change it, is there a known workaround for this?  It won't let me save it even if I use administrative rights.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: August 19, 2014, 08:11:25 am »
Figured that would be the response sorry for over-reacting but it is painful to lose your entire squad to that.
Shouldn't they at least be able to take more than one hit? Or at least disable the huge explosion it does if that's even possible?

It just seems kind of silly to use something that has a chance to kill your entire crew if you get unlucky.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: August 19, 2014, 06:46:10 am »
Need to lodge an issue with the cyberdisc mod/research in general.

I'm playing a game on ironman/superman and I just got the cyberdisc plasma platform.  I happily made it thinking it would help me take out aliens even better than my old tank/laser however I remembered how poorly it went when I made the laser cyberdisc.

These things are so weak that it's ridiculous not only that the worst thing that could happen happened.


So here's the backstory;
 - Mission start, move cyberdisc out MiB agent reaction shot lands cyberdisc implodes with one f**king shot
 - I laugh at my misfortune thinking it couldn't happen twice
 - Move out my next cyberdisc and it is once again reactioned on and after one hit explodes killing my entire team all my armor and weapons

 - Leaving me with 3 squaddies to clean up

Here's my problem why is the cyberdisc so f**king weak? It's alien technology refurbished yet our human tanks can take 10x the beating and they don't implode and murder any nearby friendly's to make matters worse.

This really need to be rebalanced they need equal armor to tanks or more to be a viable asset.  Not to mention it takes a cyberdisc corpse to make these and they havn't been around in my game since the first 3 months so I have no way to farm them back.

This is a huge balance issue in my opinion and needs to be looked at.

A double-edged sword should not be so easily taken down.

I've started a new game I will just make sure not to close out again no matter what happens.

Just make sure never to quit on the score screen on ironman in the future I guess.

So I think I messed up my game - I guess since I only put a day into it I can start over.

What happened; I am playing Iron Man, I threw a high explosive at the last cyberdisc and it killed like 4 guys because my god is it a huge radius.

Like a scumbag I alt-f4 at the completion screen to see if I can redo that play and now it crashes openxcom.

Anyone know why?  I'll upload my sav and options.cfg

At any rate - lesson learned, don't try to cheat the game!


I should add I am using the Final Mod Pack only and the game had been working swimmingly until I did this.

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