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Messages - aziza

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OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: June 01, 2024, 04:17:36 am »
I have thought it was a feature

then, after load, is it worth return back your TU, which you spent on scanning before saving?

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: May 31, 2024, 03:38:37 pm »
(motion scanner) revealed yellow arrow [Alt] is not working after scan+save+load

it's the first one shown after opening the screen

oh really?
press the right arrow button 7 times, what now?

PS: in 30 years of playing xcom, I never had a problem "finding" the first soldier...

then try to complete a vanilla ironman game with BOXCE

Inventory stats - add soldier slot number in the airplane
often need to find the first soldier to plan equipment before the battle  (menu - new battle - too)

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.5.3
« on: May 17, 2024, 12:58:25 pm »
it seems like aliens on the Battleship can't launch a blaster rockets if humans stay on the UFO roof (so you can easy shoot or throw from the roof)
today is almost the only way to survive after making a shoot
not sure - bug it or feature - but alien missile always fly into craft, even if target is far away from it
here is the save with start of human turn
shoot from the tank in any direction and press "end turn"
alien rocket will fly into craft, will out, and will fly to the tank

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.5.1
« on: May 15, 2024, 06:34:16 pm »
So my suspicion was that you have enabled "OpenXCom: Unlimited Waypoints". And indeed, you have. So I'm pretty sure it's related to that one.

is it an unlimited number of firing points for a blaster launcher (9 or 999), but not alien soldiers starting spawn points on the map?
what a weird description:
name: "OpenXCom: Unlimited Waypoints"
version: 1.0
description: "Allows unlimited waypoints, Aliens will be limited by difficulty."
author: the OpenXcom team

Fix is available in 8.5.3.

nice, now human team is dead!

Oh, and I recommend maybe not using the "Unlimted Waypoints"-Mod if you don't want to be spawn-killed by aliens with Blasters.

lol, they killed me like this on the first base defence mission, on the first turn, so I had to think of a special strategy to defeat them
why can rude humans kill poor sectoids from anywhere on the map, but small smart sectoids can not?
this is a BRUTAL ai, baby, step aside

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.5.1
« on: May 15, 2024, 04:07:26 am »
Sectoids are a bad species to test this because they MC me
Are you maybe using realistic accuracy
realistic accuracy + explosion height 2 + mod Psi LoF
superhuman + max tech + sectoids + battleship + skyranger / avenger
attached below: avenger save file + skyranger save file + options for 8.5.2 - to reproduce just click "end turn" (and copy options and load) - you will see 3-4 rockets into ramp and humans will alive

(and need to translate options string - STR_BATTLEALTGRENADES)

OXCE Suggestions NEW / [Suggestion] center on landing UFO
« on: May 14, 2024, 10:50:21 am »
when you have many radars and can see the whole globe and many UFOs - sometimes you need to look for a landing UFO
so "center button" will be good

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.5.1
« on: May 14, 2024, 05:46:33 am »
ways to capture the commander:
way 1. shoot+dance around the avenger and fish out all the 15 missiles, then attack - out of 5 times it never worked, my team was dead, and flying armor for the whole team is very expensive and takes a long time to farm. even if you can survive - a neighbor alien killed by reaction fire, from which a primed grenade fell to the ground, and killed the commander
way 2. attack the base and not the battleship - at the base they generally kill me in the 1st turn, maybe just bad luck
way 3. destroy the entire battleship with 10 blaster launchers in the first two turns - the aliens go berserk and kill yourself with their own blaster launchers OR your soldier will miss and kill all your avenger team
way 4. even if there is a commander among the 5 survivors, then you still need to not only stun him, but also pick up his grenade, which he primed and which at the end of the turn will explode his body. if he was the last then you never can save him if he have a primed grenade because of  "auto-end battle" option
way 5. landing troops immediately on the 3rd floor through a broken wall and hoping that someone else’s missile doesn’t fly towards you (optional use way 3 to panic aliens)
it's just boring and not fun

+ if you wait landing battleship - then will be more countries collaborating with aliens
+ if you attack battleship - commander can be already killed at the start of the battlescape

even get 1 Blaster Bomb (Blaster Launcher ammo) for research - is a very big luck

way 6 - and it seems that rockets blown up at Avenger ramp always and never fly into Avenger itself, so it seems need to take 4 tanks and 10 humans and use tanks for scouting + move humans deep inside the craft, further away from ramp - then they will always be alive, need to test some battles. it seems like a winning strategy for fishing all alien rockets, you even can not only shoot+run by tanks, but stay+shoot by humans from the Avenger and await an additional ramp-rocket

so alien ramp-rocket is a bug

or else variation: "aircraft equip template"
one button and all slots are equipped with all-team template

so you can have different attack templates: for small, medium or battleship, rifle squad, stun squad, rocket squad, skyranger, avenger
if you are using same one template for all soldiers - then game difficulty is simple and try to win anything more difficult (like Brutal OXCE)

are you playing as a team or as a solo soldiers with individual templates? b42, b14, b6, b7, o2, o3, o4, x1, x5

hotkey for simultaneous start of an attack from all ships

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.4.1
« on: May 11, 2024, 03:42:47 am »
all default - Aggressiveness 0 , Intelligence 0
BOXCE 8.3.3
just play 2-3 battles supply ship with sectoids and 50 proximity grenades + 50 grenades + 50 smokes

I will check it on 8.4.1 soon

if you throw a proximity grenade near the door of a house, you just need to wait for the explosion with the first death - alien will drop the primed grenade and will explode all the house with the rest 3 aliens
you can add shooting at walls for aliens to escape from a booby-trapped house
you can add mechanics for aliens to explode lied on the ground proximity grenades for exit other aliens (without deaths) from the house or from the UFO
and you can add random alien throwing grenades to the center of the smoke (random for minimal human abuse)
in common words - defeat BAI with grenades-only is more funny and easy than the rifles, rifles is really hard

in general, the random behavior is very cool, in one battle you can kill 15 aliens and lose 0 people
and in another battle you can kill 15 aliens and lose 15 people (when you don't play perfectly and forget 1-2 safety precautions)
but when there are only 3-4 aliens left, they will use the same waypoints every time

the attack trigger is very funny when the aliens push you - and kill 3-4 people or blow up 3-4 aliens with proximity grenades in 1 round
the smoky alien ninja is the special cherry-icing on the cake

OXCE Support / Re: Starting base available space question
« on: May 10, 2024, 12:44:16 pm »
maybe it is better to add one "Starting General Stores 65" instead of buffing all General Stores in the game from 50 to 65

OXCE Support / Re: Starting base available space question
« on: May 09, 2024, 06:42:36 pm »
additional 15 comes from 3 hangars

hm, then soldier's equipped armor should be stored in the General Stores or in the soldier's bedroom? today is in the bedroom
(Hangar is the bedroom for aircraft)

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