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Messages - maw3193

Pages: [1]
Just checked, no crash for me...

I think your guess might be right - and the solution, probably, is Zombie's patch which amongst other things, fixes vanilla tilesets. Lightning tileset is included in the latest mod package ( /TERRAIN_FIX ), but not the Avenger... Make sure your game is installed as OXcom reccomends it (I obeyed these instructions religiously :) )

I've tried installing OpenXcom from the installer (based on the steam version, ticked to apply the patches), on a fresh install, nothing but openxcom and Piratez0.77, but I still get crashes when I stand on the Leviathan's roof. I even tried copying the file in TERRAIN_FIX.
Also, the same crash isn't seen when I use flying suits to stand on top of the (unmodded) avenger.

I am getting consistent crashes when standing on the Leviathan's roof. Most of the tiles in front of the soldier, and the tile 2 squares to the right of the soldier cause a crash (reportedly a segfault) when I move the soldier to stand on them. From the timing of the crash, I have the vague guess there might be missing sounds for stepping on it, but I have no evidence of this.

I am running OpenXcom 1.0, and have tested on both Windows and Ubuntu Linux.

Can anyone confirm they are having this problem/have any idea how to fix it?

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