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Messages - Mori

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress / Re: Points for Ship shot down by Base Defense.
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:02:18 am »
The last won't happen, the game just isn't made this way (or so I think). It probably would mean rewriting a significant part of the Geoscape module.
The first one... I don't understand what you mean, sorry!
The second one: I have no idea, but I fully agree!

The first means it removed the check box when the battleship is shot down, so they don't send an endless wave of battleships at you. (This is to prevent building a ton of fusion ball defenses, then grinding battleships for endless points).

Work In Progress / Points for Ship shot down by Base Defense.
« on: February 15, 2014, 07:16:16 pm »
I decided I wanted to start modding this game to make a unique campaign for it eventually, but for now I want to start a little small so I understand the basics of modding the game....because I can find no actual instructions on how to start teaching myself this stuff anywhere.

I've decided to make an improvement to the base defense modules mod that has 3 steps.

Step 1: Disabling the check box when one is shot down. 
Step 2: Points received for shooting down battleships (eventually other ships) with base defenses.
Step 3: Allow base defenses to attack ships that come within a certain radius of the base, even if they are not on retaliation missions.

Any suggestions on how one would proceed with these mods?

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