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Messages - gunderson

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XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: The best place to shoot down enemies
« on: May 22, 2024, 09:07:01 am »
Thanks for the advice on finding necroplane parts.  I eventually had some luck, but it ended up just being that I downed a shipping on some ice and picked up 20-ish parts.  In practice, I think the Little Bird just isn't a great necroplane part hunter, since the most reliable target with them that it can down is the sand crawler, which is kinda a pain to deal with and only drops 4 necroplane parts.  Thunderbolts just run away when they take enough damage.  And when you've finally got some decent light weapons and a craft that can use them, it's not really a big deal to get the parts unlock anymore (though picking up a bunch of them still seems difficult).

In practice, I think I'd classify necroplane parts more like medical supplies: provides a useful unlock, you need a pretty big pile to do much of anything useful with them in the early game, but you can buy some soon enough that you might never need to hunt for more than the first one.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: The best place to shoot down enemies
« on: May 20, 2024, 03:22:26 am »
Super interesting info, which dovetails into something I've been wondering about quite a bit lately: aside from starting as Iron Tribe, are there any more-or-less guaranteed sources of necroplane parts?  I incorrectly assumed that shooting down low-level planes would have necroplane parts, and now I'm wondering if they're like staplers rather than a chance box for 14mm stuff in that they're just fairly rare drops that gate the airgame tree.  I know that some maps can randomly spawn with necroplane parts, but it's mid-may in my game and I've yet to see a single one.

Is there an optimal captain choice for no codex and/or special mission access for no codex?

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