OpenXcom Forum

Contributions => Translations => Topic started by: alicantino79 on October 19, 2012, 12:55:05 pm

Title: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on October 19, 2012, 12:55:05 pm
I will take care of the spanish translation!
I'll correct old translations which were very bad...
Post by: alicantino79 on October 19, 2012, 09:08:00 pm
This message has an attached file with the spanish (from Spain) translations.
I have translated all texts without caring about the longitude of the string. I'm not sure about that point.
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to send the file, let me know if not.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on October 19, 2012, 10:16:51 pm
I will check if all the strings still fit.
Btw shouldn't HWP stay as PAP, since it's short for PLATAFORMAS DE ARMAS PESADAS?
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on October 19, 2012, 11:17:41 pm
That's the only license I took with the translations. As you say it should  be P.A.P. and not H.W.P.
But I didn't like it. I have seen it written as HWP all my life.
Of course you are right!! Feel free to change the 4 or 5 HWP words I used.
The rest of the text should be right.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on October 20, 2012, 03:27:51 pm
Let me know if the file is OK. If not tell  me and I'll correct it.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on October 20, 2012, 09:28:09 pm
It all looks good. :) I changed HWP to PAP to be consistent with the other languages that translate it.
One thing I noticed though, since this translation is ripped from the PSX version, some UFOpedia entries refer to PSX controls... could you correct them so they match this english PC text:
This sophisticated device uses a variety of detectors and advanced computer algorithms to identify moving enemy units. However, it requires some practice to use effectively. Click on the motion scanner icon on the tactical display. Select 'Use Scanner' from the menu.  The Scanner display shows an arrow in the center which is the direction the soldier is facing (North is at the top). The flashing blobs show units which have moved recently. Large units, or fast moving units, will produce larger blobs. Static units will not be detected.
The medi-kit combines a healing facility with pain killers and stimulants. In order to use the medi-kit you must face towards the soldier requiring treatment. If the soldier is stunned you must stand over the body. Click on the medi-kit icon and select 'use medi-kit' from the menu.{NEWLINE}HEALING> Red body parts show fatal wounds. Click on a body part that is wounded. Click on the 'Heal' button. One fatal wound will be cured and some health restored.{NEWLINE}STIMULANT> This will restore energy and revive unconscious (stunned) soldiers. In order to revive an unconscious soldier you must stand directly over the body.{NEWLINE}PAIN KILLER> This will restore the morale of wounded soldiers up to an amount equivalent to the soldier's lost health.
The Psi-amp can only be used by soldiers with psionic skill. During combat, click on the Psi-amp, select the type of attack, and select a target unit with the cursor. There are two types of psionic attack:{NEWLINE}PANIC UNIT> If the attack is successful it will reduce the target's morale and may cause it to panic.{NEWLINE}MIND CONTROL> If this is successful then you will gain immediate control of the enemy unit as if it was one of your own (except that you cannot access the object screen). It is more difficult to be successful with this type of attack.

Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on October 20, 2012, 11:22:31 pm
Here you are!!

Este sofisticado dispositivo usa una gran variedad de detectores y avanzados algoritmos informáticos para identificar unidades enemigas en movimiento. No obstante lleva algun tiempo aprender a usarlo correctamente. Haz click en el icono del escáner de movimiento que hay en la pantalla táctica. Elige 'Usar escáner' en el menú. La pantalla del escáner mostrará una flecha en el centro que indica la dirección en la que mira el soldado (el norte está arriba). Las manchas parpadeantes indican unidades que se han movido hace poco. Las unidades grandes o las que se desplazan rápidamente aparecen como manchas más grandes. Las unidades que estén paradas no aparecerán en la pantalla.
El Kit medico es un pequeño botiquin que contiene pequeños utiles para curar heridas ademas de calmantes y estimulantes. Para utilizarlo debes ponerte delante del operativo XCom que requiera tratamiento. Si el operativo esta aturdido debes colocarte sobre su cuerpo. Haz click en el icono del kit medico y elige "usar Kit medico" del menu. {NEWLINE}CURAR> Las partes rojas en el cuerpo indican heridas mortales. Haz click en la parte del cuerpo que esta herida y haz click en el boton "CURAR". Se curara una herida mortal y el operativo recuperara parte de la salud.{NEWLINE}ESTIMULANTE> Repone la energía y reaviva a los operativos aturdidos. Para reavivar a un operativo inconsciente, colócate justo encima de su cuerpo.{NEWLINE}CALMANTE> Le sube la moral a los operativos heridos hasta un maximo equivalente a la salud perdida del soldado.
El Amp-psi sólo puede ser utilizado por soldados con habilidades psiónicas. Durante el combate, pulsa sobre el Amp-psi, selecciona el tipo de ataque y elige un blanco. Hay dos tipos de ataque psiónico:{NEWLINE}ASUSTAR UNIDAD> Si el ataque tiene éxito, la moral del objetivo bajará y podria hacer que se asustara.{NEWLINE}CONTROL MENTAL> Si tiene éxito, controlarás inmediatamente al enemigo como si fuese uno de los tuyos (aunque no podras acceder a su pantalla de inventario). Es más difícil tener éxito con este tipo de ataque que con el de pánico.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on October 22, 2012, 02:16:39 pm
Thanks, I've put it all in and corrected some text that didn't fit, if you're gonna make any further changes I recommend grabbing the latest version from the codebase first.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: Mr. Quiet on October 22, 2012, 05:57:30 pm
This is cool, thanks alicantino79!
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on October 22, 2012, 11:35:55 pm
You are welcome!
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: roitedo on October 31, 2012, 08:50:15 pm
Hello there. Thanks for the translation. Here are a few spelling mistakes and their location:
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: roitedo on October 31, 2012, 08:58:31 pm
Hello again. I have several suggestions to improve the text. What do you think of them?

1. We could retain the name of “muton” instead of translating it with “mutante”. In fact there is not an exact translation, but the original name sounds better and avoids the confusion with the word “mutant”..
2. In STR_NO_FREE_HANGARS_FOR_CRAFT_PRODUCTION, it says “No hay muelles libres”. We could change “muelles” for “hangares”, as it is the name of the built facility.
3. In STR_UFOPAEDIA and STR_UFOPAEDIA_UC, it says “Ovniclopedia”. It could be “Ovnipedia”.
4. In STR_TERROR_SITE, it says “Lugar de terror”. It could be “Lugar bajo ataque terrorista”.
5. In STR_STINGRAY_LAUNCHER and STR_AVALANCHE_LAUNCHER, it could be translated as “Lanzador de misiles Stingray” and “Lanzador de misiles Avalancha”
6. We could translate “small radar” and “large radar” with “ radar de corto alcance” and “radar de largo alcance”,  instead of “radar pequeño” and “radar grande”.
7. In STR_SMALL(and LARGE)_RADAR_SYSTEM_UFOPAEDIA, it says “conectado a sistemas satélites”. It could change to “conectado a sistemas de satélites”, in both lines.
8. In STR_GENERAL_STORES_UFOPAEDIA it says “sistemas de armas”. It could change to “armamento”.
9. In STR_RIFLE_UFOPAEDIA it says “alzas guiadas por láser”. It could change to “una mira láser”.
10. In STR_PROXIMITY_GRANADE it says”Una granada de proximidad ...”. It could change to “La granada de proximidad ...”.
11. In STR_AMP_PSI_UFOPAEDIA, it starts with “El amp-psi...”. It could change to “El amplificador psiónico (amp-psi)...” because this is the first line. The others could remain as “amp-psi”.
12. In STR_TERROR_SHIP it says “Nave de terror”. It could change to “Nave terrorista”.
13. In STR_STUN_ROD it says “Varilla aturdidora”. It could change to “Aturdidor”.
14. In STR_ALIENS_TERRORISE it says “Los alienígenas aterrorizan”, it sounds vague. It could change to “Los alienígenas siembran el terror” or “Los alienígenas atacan”.
15. In STR_AIMED_SHOT it says “Disparo dirigido”. It could change to “Disparo de precisión” or “Disparo de puntería”.
16. In STR_PANIC_UNIT it says “Unidad de pánico”. This is one of the options of the psi-amp. It could be translated with “Causar pánico” or “Enloquecer unidad”.
17. In STR_HAS_GONE_BERSERK it says “se ha puesto hecho una furia”. This translation doesn’t strictly mean a total loss of control. It could be translated as “ha enloquecido”.
18. In STR_TIME_UNITS_RESERVED_FOR_AIMED_SHOT, it says “tiro dirigido”. It could change to “tiro de precisión” or “tiro de punteria”, in link with suggestion 15.
19. In STR_EXPERIENCED it says “con experiencia”. It’s in the first menu when we start a new game. It could change to “experimentado”.

Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on November 02, 2012, 03:37:14 am
Hi Roitedo!!
First of all thank you for your help with the translation.
I have corrected all missing accents you found.
About your suggestions; I corrected all of them as you just said with these exceptions/modifications:
1-There are no diminutives in the game. The word "muton" seems a bad translation, a misspelling or a contraction of the "mutant" word. On the other hand whether you read the description of the "muton" it says that it's a genetically enginered creature; in other words: a MUTANT. So, to be consistent with the rest of alien names, I prefer to translate it as "mutante". I hope you understand my point of view.
4-12-14-It's very hard to translate an expression such as "terror site" and other related "terror-words". I neither liked "sitio de terror". A terror mission is an ALIEN RAID, "incursión alienigena" in spanish. That's the expression I have chosen to translate ALL "terror-words". I have translated terror UFO name, the strings that refer to terror missions and part of the description of some aliens that described them as "terror weapons". The only string I didn't correct is the "STR_LIVE_TERRORIST". I'm not sure about the use of the strings in the game so play it and take a look to be sure that all of them are right and fit.
6-Because of the string length I prefer to preseve the "grande" and "pequeño" words. If you can test the game with your translation and it fits I would totally agree with you about changing radar description.
That's all. Let me know your opinion.

PD: SupSuper, wait till Roitedo answers me and take a look to the file. Thx
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: roitedo on November 04, 2012, 08:58:54 pm
Hello Alicantino.
The use of "incursión" for "terror-words" is perfect. Good idea.
About the problem with "large" and "small radar system", I have tried  "Rad. corto alcance" and "Rad. largo alcance", and "Radar corto alcance" and "Radar largo alcance", without "de" in order to fit. "Rad." can be easily associated with "radar".
Here are three more suggestions:
In STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE and STR_SECTOPOD_CORPSE it says "Cadáver". It could change to "Restos" because they are machines.
In STR_GEOSCAPE it says "GEOESCAPE". "GLOBO TERRÁQUEO" would be better.
In STR_ABDUCTOR_UFOPAEDIA and STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM it should say "examenes", with accent.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: LCSand on November 05, 2012, 12:20:00 am
The word "muton" seems a bad translation, a misspelling or a contraction of the "mutant" word. On the other hand whether you read the description of the "muton" it says that it's a genetically enginered creature; in other words: a MUTANT. So, to be consistent with the rest of alien names, I prefer to translate it as "mutante".
"Muton" is a name for the alien race, it may be that it was derived from mutant but it is not a bad translation.  The xcom soldiers/eggheads do not know the proper names the aliens themselfes use so they mostly use descriptive names.
Maybe it comes from mutton, tough (sacrifical,dumb) sheep. Like meatshields for the ethereal overlords.
Anyway do names get translated at all? I always find it stange if it is done.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on November 05, 2012, 12:46:34 am
"Muton" is a name for the alien race, it may be that it was derived from mutant but it is not a bad translation.  The xcom soldiers/eggheads do not know the proper names the aliens themselfes use so they mostly use descriptive names.
Maybe it comes from mutton, tough (sacrifical,dumb) sheep. Like meatshields for the ethereal overlords.
Anyway do names get translated at all? I always find it stange if it is done.
Some names have direct translations (eg. floater, snakeman), others don't. Usually they are at least tweaked so they can be easily pronounced in the new language.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on November 05, 2012, 05:02:44 am
I have used "Radar de largo alcance" y "Radar de corto alcance".  It's shorter than the previous translation in the file, please check wether it fits or not ( I know, I was wrong)
I changed the ciberdisc and sectopod AUTOPSY and CORPSE strings. I used "EXAMEN" y "RESTOS".
GEOSCAPE is a latin word, so GEOESCAPE it's a good translation. Remember that in the game you are in an UNDERGROND BASE.
I corrected the accents.
About the word "mutant": There are 2 type of names in the game; technical names (celatoid) and ilustrative names (snakeman). All of them with their respective translations ( CELATOIDE y HOMBRE SERPIENTE). There is no "joke" in any name. I think it's far more consistent to consider "muton" an ilustrative name, so translating it as "mutante" is the correct decission.
That's all.
Please, someone take a look to the file an its content and include it in the GITS and so on.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: roitedo on November 06, 2012, 06:05:37 pm
Translating names is difficult. Sometimes we use the dictionary and other times we try to imagine what name we'd use if we were creating the game from zero. Maybe names look a bit cooler in English. For example, "spiderman" and "hombre-araña", or "superman" and "super-hombre" (well, we have "superlópez").
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: Chiko on November 23, 2012, 01:05:10 am
Some names have direct translations (eg. floater, snakeman), others don't. Usually they are at least tweaked so they can be easily pronounced in the new language.
Indeed. Tweaked is the correct word here. A fully translated name into Spanish not only looks weird but it also end up being really extensive.

I kinda think Mutante is not really a good translation because Mutons were engineered that way, and mutante/mutant indicates or makes mention more about accidental changes than genetical enhancement. Muton is not a word that exist or composed by words that can be translated like snakeman. It's just a name. It does not need translation IMO.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: Warboy1982 on November 23, 2012, 07:56:24 am
some probably should?
Sectoid or Muton for example, are not words but if they were they would be considered proper nouns, with no equivalent in any other language, and probably shouldn't get translated, whereas Ethereal is a real adjective that describes the alien race (not as such the name of the race themselves, but a term applied to them) or Cyber-Disc which is an adjective and a noun, or Snakeman (Portmanteau of nouns), which have equivalents in probably every language and as such probably SHOULD get translated, but then there's the whole problem with culebra being a feminine noun and... well, you know how that quagmire goes. basically i guess it comes down to personal preference, i'd say leave them in the original names (in the release version) and if a given player feels an alien name NEEDS translating... well, good thing OpenXcom is so modder friendly, and those .lng files are plain text, huh?

also: "super-hombre" sounds like a MUCH cooler super hero, when will HIS movie be coming out?
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on January 11, 2013, 10:24:04 pm
Hello all,

Before i start i have not downloaded the translated doc, i am just going from the forum conversation.

I know i am late in this, I agree with nouns not being translated but i guess if you are in a spanish speaking society you are not going to start screaming "snakeman!" you will probably say "¡un hombre culebra!" or more likely "¡un mounstro!" :). About the idea culebra as a feminine noun... not so much.

In any case the reason for posting was for the phrase "click" to "haz click", personally i do not like that, i know is the common lingo but a 'more reasonable translation' would be  "presione | presiona" depending on the conjugation being used. 

anyway just my $0.02
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: Belcanzor on January 16, 2013, 06:23:39 am
Snakeman: Hombre Vibora, Hombre Serpiente.
Culebrón! :D :D
In He-Man there is a guy that was translated "Viboro".
I see another already take care of spanish. Less work for me :p
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on February 08, 2013, 07:01:36 pm
Hello everybody!
Here is the last version of the Spanish translations.
Please SupSuper or whoever, test it and tell me whether the strings fit or not. Some of them are a little too long.
I'm not sure about the meaning of the "HIT" string because of lack of context. Where is that string used?
C U!
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on February 08, 2013, 08:55:46 pm
"Hit" (STR_HIT_MELEE) is the action of hitting someone with a melee weapon. Example:
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on February 08, 2013, 09:22:40 pm
Ok, so please change HIT="Impactar" with "Atacar" or "Atacar cuerpo a cuerpo". Tell about the rest of strings...
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on February 11, 2013, 04:30:06 am
you can use, "Atacar" or "Golpear" since it could be use to as a more general term.

Hit that wall = Golpea esa pared
Hit that person ~ Ataca esa person, but Ataca is more closely related to Attack.

Of course Atacar can also be use in other similar context.

Just my $0.02
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on February 11, 2013, 04:38:36 am
I ended up using "Atacar", everything seems to fit fine.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: Warboy1982 on February 19, 2013, 11:22:17 am
STR_HIT is also used in interceptions to indicate a weapon hit, hence why it is allcaps, we use it for melee actions as well due to lack of any other suitable string.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on February 19, 2013, 06:07:41 pm
No I added a new string for the melee attack. :P
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on February 19, 2013, 07:40:53 pm
in this case where it means a hit to a craft or ship, i think "Impacto" meaning the craft was hit.

for example if you say "direct hit" you would say "impacto directo"

Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on March 26, 2013, 01:11:12 am
A little question, why is some of the text all in capitals while others are not? is all the UFOpedia supposed to be in capitals? or not?
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on March 26, 2013, 01:46:39 am
A little question, why is some of the text all in capitals while others are not? is all the UFOpedia supposed to be in capitals? or not?
We just follow the original. :) Who knows what the original developers were thinking.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on March 26, 2013, 01:47:38 am
Good answer Supsuper!! :-P
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on March 26, 2013, 05:01:05 pm
so why not correct it :) after all we could consider that a "bug" :O and since we are fixing all bug that should be added to the list :)


I have decided to look at the Spanish translation, and i just wanted to see your perspective, i know you are the one that has done most of the work, or at least is the one that is most active.

First i wanted to fix the "All capitals" stuff, and i already started on that, just simple rewriting.
Then there were some paraphrasing that i think better suits Spanish in general, i think the current translation is a bit too literal, now i don't know if there should be a regional language as i seen that you entered Español (ES) I presume it stand for España or is it for Español?. Or we simply should find a middle ground.

Anyway i will do the changes and i will submit it, maybe i will simply call it Español (LA) for Latino America.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on March 26, 2013, 05:14:51 pm
We just follow the original. :) Who knows what the original developers were thinking.


Where can i find the english version, i got the game version but it just has all the "null" and in-line text that makes it crazy to read :)
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on March 26, 2013, 05:18:52 pm
About the capitals: I consider that a minor "bug" (not even a bug at all, the original was made that way...)
The "ES" is for Spanish from spain. If you wish to translate it for a local spanish I recommend you using the international 2 letters code for the new file, for example Spanish(AR) for Argentina. Don't do just one file for all south america. If you did one file for your country (argentina for example) and put (LAT) people from bolivia (for example) would think is not correctly written, and... well, you know what I'm talking about...
The file I made is for Spanish from Spain and, as far as I'm concerned, it's well written. If you think that there's an errata call me (maybe) and I will take a look.  :P
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on March 27, 2013, 12:29:32 am
so why not correct it :) after all we could consider that a "bug" :O and since we are fixing all bug that should be added to the list :)
It was mentioned before (,288.0.html) but no agreement came of it.

In some cases it seems text is uppercase to help readability, like in titles, craft entries with complex backgrounds, etc. But developers aren't linguistics :P So it's up to you.

Then there were some paraphrasing that i think better suits Spanish in general, i think the current translation is a bit too literal, now i don't know if there should be a regional language as i seen that you entered Español (ES) I presume it stand for España or is it for Español?. Or we simply should find a middle ground.

Anyway i will do the changes and i will submit it, maybe i will simply call it Español (LA) for Latino America.
When in doubt, I'd check other translated software. For example spellchecking software will have a different Spanish for every single country, but stuff like Google only has "español (España)‬" and "‪español (Latinoamérica)‬".


Where can i find the english version, i got the game version but it just has all the "null" and in-line text that makes it crazy to read :) (

Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on March 31, 2013, 01:49:10 am
Btw I found some problems with text not fitting in the Battlescape. You should try to revise it more thoroughly next time.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on March 31, 2013, 04:13:06 am
well this are some of the issues i am running into.

Also about "disparo automatico", I believe a better alternative will be rafaga.

By the way alicantino, although Latin America has adjusted the language to fit their locality, we all can still understand, read, and write proper Spanish.  Colloquialism applies even within Spain, and with just about any language I know of.
The file I made is for Spanish from Spain and, as far as I'm concerned, it's well written. If you think that there's an errata call me (maybe) and I will take a look.  :P

And yes I do understand that when we do something we believe it to the best. But sometimes a second set of eyes present an unthinkable perspective.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on March 31, 2013, 02:15:26 pm
First of all thank you for the checks Supsuper. Here is the latest update of the file with all corrections.
I don't have the time to play the game and check whether all translations fit, so I trust people that is playing the game (obv not enought spanish people is playing it...)
Xracer, instead of creating a new file you may play the game to find all errors and report them (well, in fact you can do both options ;)  ) .
Refering the "disparo automatico" issue: that translation is made that way because homogeneity. I think it's better all options to be called "disparo X" instead of assigning a different name to each.
As I said if you find any error tell me about it and I'll correct it, I'm not heaven's gift!!!   :P
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on April 09, 2013, 07:33:30 pm
Well, my plan was just to make amendments to the current version, but once i got started it mothballed into a lot of changes. Not due to translation in itself but to try and make it more cohesive, because even the original in english is not the greatest :) i even contemplated changing the original, but...

In any case i wanted to ask Spanish speaker this, right now we have '*** Pistol', '*** Rifle', and 'Heavy ***'

I am attempting to change "Heavy" we understand is a more powerful and heavier weapon in the particular technology, so i am asking what would be a better description or better name instead of "plasma pesado, laser pesado"

Pensaba en poner Laser de alta energia.

If anyone has a better idea or better phrase that will be nice.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on April 09, 2013, 08:50:33 pm
Hi xracer!!
You won't be able to do that... The problem is that text MUST SUIT inside small space. Look at the last message of SupSuper: some of my strings did'nt fit.
If you write so long strings something similar to the case shown in the pictures will happen to you... That's ONE of the reasons to translate some things in some ways intead of anothers...
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on April 09, 2013, 09:24:05 pm
hey alicantino, yes i know and that is the problem :)

i am trying to find a word that would be common enough to symbolize the idea. I am attaching my version of the translation it is not done, by any means but just in case i don't continue someone will fix it and move on.
EDIT: another option was to say "Laser avanzado"

there are quite a few things i would like to change, but yes we are limited. I will as Warboy to create another string though
the string STR_ITEM is used in several locations and not all of them fit the context. so i will ask him to add

for now if anyone will like to look at this version here it is.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: Hythlodaeus on April 09, 2013, 10:55:37 pm
Maybe you should just go with "pesado/a". Check this example for a heavy machine gun:

La M2 o ametralladora Browning calibre .50 es una ametralladora pesada diseñada a finales de la Primera Guerra Mundial por John Browning.

So why not just using "Laser Pesado" and "Plasma Pesado"?
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on April 11, 2013, 08:27:28 pm
Well i have left it as it is, but one day one day i will find a better word :)

in the mean time i am posting and updated version of my interpretation, still not complete but it should have a few improvements

also wanted to thanks SupSuper and Warboy for making changes as i requested.

IF someone could play the game and use this version and point out where it coudl be improved it will be greatly appreciated.

Maybe you should just go with "pesado/a". Check this example for a heavy machine gun:

So why not just using "Laser Pesado" and "Plasma Pesado"?
If you look at the linking article you will see this "Las ametralladoras generalmente son pesadas, voluminosas y están montadas sobre un afuste." thus the pesado it is just used to describe it weight not the actual power level, as i think it is intended in X-COM.

that is why i am looking for a better word or description :)
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: Hythlodaeus on April 12, 2013, 11:43:48 am
If you look at the linking article you will see this "Las ametralladoras generalmente son pesadas, voluminosas y están montadas sobre un afuste." thus the pesado it is just used to describe it weight not the actual power level, as i think it is intended in X-COM.

that is why i am looking for a better word or description :)

The exact same thing applies to term "Heavy weapons/machinegun/whatever" in english. This is sci-fi we're dealing with here.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on April 22, 2013, 06:51:28 am
updated version
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on April 23, 2013, 07:16:56 am
updated to include all the new strings
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: xracer on April 23, 2013, 06:13:08 pm
ok here is an updated version with correction to the string and its corresponding .geo file

any error or mistakes let me know of post them here to update the file. maybe i will create a new thread to better differentiate the two translation efforts.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: alicantino79 on April 28, 2013, 05:02:02 pm
Hello everybody!
Here is the last version of the spanish language file.
SupSuper (or whoever): please check whether the strings fit or not, they are a little long. Tell me about any error.
Title: Re: Spanish Translation
Post by: SupSuper on April 28, 2013, 06:01:00 pm
Hello everybody!
Here is the last version of the spanish language file.
SupSuper (or whoever): please check whether the strings fit or not, they are a little long. Tell me about any error.
Thanks, all the strings fit fine, but there were some errors I corrected (eg. "Suelo" is supposed to be in STR_GROUND, not STR_GROUNDED). Here is the corrected version for future reference.