OpenXcom Forum

OpenXcom => Suggestions => Topic started by: TopCat on February 27, 2013, 11:46:12 am

Title: better grenade customization via ruleset
Post by: TopCat on February 27, 2013, 11:46:12 am
Currently openxcom have 2 types of grenade : normal and proximity, plus instant mode via config.
Where normal requre set turn timer to exp. where exp. happend at end of turn. Instant mode change it but do it globaly.

IMHO better will be intoducing  "igniter" ruleset's member with 3 types:
1) instant -  requre only activation and exp. on hit ground.
2) proximity - requre only activation and exp. on movment.
3) timer - on activation user set timer and exp. on end of turn.

In this way we can heve normal grenade as instant and high explisive as timed
Title: Re: better grenade customization via ruleset
Post by: moriarty on February 27, 2013, 04:36:10 pm
seems reasonable to me. while we're at it, why not introduce a fourth type:


as in "remotely activated" - which would make sense for the high explosive packs, wouldn't it?

the only reason not to use a remote detonator would be fear of interference with alien technology (as in "all hi-ex packs explode when nearing a UFO"), which would make sense as an excuse for not including this possibility if we don't want it, but I think I know some modders who would like the possibility ;)
Title: Re: better grenade customization via ruleset
Post by: pmprog on February 27, 2013, 05:45:12 pm
I don't really see a difference between "instant" and "timer", when you can select a time of "0" which is the same. I do like the "remote" option though
Title: Re: better grenade customization via ruleset
Post by: moriarty on February 27, 2013, 07:59:59 pm
Well, "0" means "at the end of your turn" while "instant" as per the alternative grenade option means "on impact". Tactically, that's a big difference :)
Title: Re: better grenade customization via ruleset
Post by: pmprog on February 27, 2013, 11:12:49 pm
Fair point. It was something they added into Apoc, so yeah, I'm all for that :)
Title: Re: better grenade customization via ruleset
Post by: papamaanbeer on May 11, 2013, 12:26:35 pm
i used the timer now and then, and set it up to 3 or 4