OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Released Mods => The X-Com Files => Topic started by: Fomka on June 21, 2021, 04:36:00 pm
Maybe I misunderstand something, but extra fuel tank for X-COM Aircraft adds very little amount of fuel. Interceptors have 1000 units of fuel by design (look here) (, and the fuel tank adds 20 more (here) ( It is a tiny gain of 2%! Very little and 100% useless.
What if the tank can be attached to a mudranger, the craft with the minimal fuel capacity? The gain will be 20/140=1/7, not bad, almost useful.
Maybe the fuel tank addition must be 20%, not the flat 20 units?
The bonus is expressed in total units. So yes, it makes sense on E-115 powered craft, bot not much on standard.
Ah, the precious Elerium, so rare and so powerful! Thanks.