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Modding => Released Mods => 40k => Topic started by: Leflair on May 02, 2021, 02:47:50 pm

Post by: Leflair on May 02, 2021, 02:47:50 pm
Welcome to ROSIGMA, a collab content mod that unites the two content submods ROSE and IGMA, expanding upon them further.

( page and download links: (

Discord (quickest way to get answers to questions and bugs, but we also got extensive suggestion sections):
(Found the setting to not have the link expire after 7 days)

Latest update notes and hotfixes:,9687.msg138591.html#msg138591

Me, Buscher and Xom126 have been busy integrating these mods and the first release is now ready.
Special thanks to Cabal/CAPSHEP and Lord Flashheart for pitching in with their additions as well (see more below).

So what is ROSIGMA, ROSE and IGMA? The short version:
-Expanded enemy roster, Orks fully fleshed out, Chaos added to and new early, mid and late game enemies added.
-Expanded Adeptas, and Imperial Guard content. Units, armor, weapons, upgrade paths and abilities. Arbites isn´t the focus, but get access to some of the Guard arsenal.
-Gameplay Rebalance. Quality of life features like the new token system to replace the honour badges (and corpse storage pile), reduced grenade spam, changes in sight ranges and engagement ranges to make more weapons appealing.
-New code additions, new abilities and effects. Buscher is always cooking up new cool code additions and Xom126 has done some great work adding more idle animations to weapons and units.
-An expanded Strategy system for Marines, with each strategy having access to specific weapon types. This includes heavy weapons, bolter variants and melee weapons belonging to specific Strategy-themed weapon kit.

If you´ve played the 40k main mod previously and want more variety and new challenges, this is the mod for you. That said, don´t be scared away if you´re entirely new to the 40k mod either, this mod does not aim to be a hardcore difficulty mode and we´ve introduced plenty of quality-of-life improvements to make it appealing for new players as well.

ROSIGMA content notes:
-Integrates the ROSE and IGMA submods for a combined and expanded experience with the 40k mod.

Highlights, new Content:
-Adds over 70 new enemy types. This includes doubling the variety of Orks, introducing several factions of Chaos Sisters, new Traitor and Deserter Guardsmen and introducing entirely new unit types like the Chaos Squats, Daemon Undivided, Khornate Valkia, Tzaangor, Horrors, Slaangors and Slaanesh Anointed.
We aim to flesh out several factions and introduces new ones.

Orks Expanded:
-The Ork WAAAAUGH! Has been greatly expanded, new Orks foes include: Tankbustas, Kommandoz, Stormboyz, Burnaboyz, Mekboys, Flashgitz, Mega-Armored Nobz, Warbikers, Deffkopters, Weirdboyz and the Warboss!

New Ork Weapons:
- The new Ork units have an expanded arsenal, including the Tank hammer, a very sneaky slugga, snazzguns and more dakka than you can shake a stick at. This includes some more ranged options, so learn to spot them at afar to take them out early (the Flashgitz tend to stand out in a crowd).
 - The new Weirdboyz have an array of quite dangerous, if unpredictable, psyker abilities.

New Chaos and Heretic Sisters of Battle Foes:
- Chaos and Heretic Sister factions provides ample new threats for the early, mid and late game. While most are easier to dispatch than Chaos Space Marines, some have the blessings of the Chaos Gods and can prove quite tough, with hidden special abilities.

The Forces of Slaanesh Expanded:

 - Slaanesh fleshed out with early and midgame Slaangor warbands. They got more health than your cultists but not much better armor.
 - The Fiendgor is the new Slaanesh Terror Unit to round out the Daemonettes, quite quick, tough and have rending pincers that will damage armor and stun units.

- Late game Slaanesh Anointed elites wield new missile launchers based on some of those lovely old 40k designs. They are quite tough snakey lads.

A new Slaanesh Arsenal:
- Adds new enemy weapons, fleshed out Slaanesh weapons from auto- and lasguns to kombibolters and missile launchers.
 - Slaanesh weapons are precise, good at reaction fire and have armor rending, penetration and energy drain, at the cost of direct damage.

Tzentch  Expanded:
New in 1.05 is the Cults of Tzeentch:
- A techy, magic using force with a focus on energy weapons and good accuracy. They're more fragile than other forces, but do have quite a lot of summons.
Tzeentch (Blue for now) Horrors and Tzaangor are included.
Tzeentch Traitor Guard forces and an expanded Tzeentch themed Arsenal is in the works.

Nurgle Expanded:
- Nurgle has a smaller boost to his arsenal for now, but it includes a new Heavy bolter and a hand held version of the Nurgle launcher.
 - All Nurgle bolter rounds have recieved a new VFX effect to indicate you´re being hit by blight rounds.

New Imperial Deserters:
- The new Deserter faction adds new traitor guard for the early game and eventual bounty missions, not aligned directly with the forces of Chaos but perhaps manipulated by them.
 - All this (and more!) added with new enemy army lists, split between early, mid and late game variety and thematic lists that will keep you on your toes.
 - With the addition of more weak early game foe variety, it might be a little easier for new players.

Adeptas Expanded:
- Adds 9 new armors and units to the early-mid Adeptas game, including new voice packs to add variety.

 - With new promotion chains for medicae, assassins and the Sister Superior there are now more options and depth to the Sister playthrough.
 - The early Sisters game now sports Novices and Cantus rather than full on Battle Sisters.
 - Battle Sisters are recruited through a new Convent Barracks upgrade to the living quarters, which is unlocked by researching the early Adeptas specific techs (mobilization being the important one).
 - Assassins and Repentia having their movement speed and survivability increased.
 - The new Death Cult Assassin is a upgrade option that provides an "advanced" assassin armor to make them more viable late game.
 - The Ecclessiarchy have replaced the Guardsmen with their own Militia, hand picked fanatics kitted out (in this case) to pass as respectable troops. They got worse starting training than Guardsmen, but make up for it with guts! And high morale, but mostly guts.

- A new Sister pilot has been introduced, with bonuses to piloting. Expensive, she´s not a replacement for the Battle Sisters in the field.

- Changed Adeptas start, the Adeptas start now with Novices, Militia, Pilots and just a few Sisters to oversee them, with the higher end weapons and armors to be unlocked with research. You will get the option to recruit Sisters of Battle, or to train up and promote Novices (for a cheaper cost).

A new arsenal of Sisterhood weapons:
- Adds a new arsenal of fleshed out weapons for Adeptas.
  - Includes dedicated bolters, boltpistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, grenade launcher, grenades, rocket launcher, disposable rocket launchers, lascannon, meltagun, stormbolter, assaultcannon, several types of plasma weapons, a new AoE Gravgun and a mighty animated Zweihander power sword.
  - Generally  lighter weight at the cost of ranged accuracy and power of their Astartes counterparts.
  - These weapons are unlocked either through general research topics, or through capturing their new Chaos counterparts.
  - Some of these weapons can be unlocked for all factions play, Harmonic Beamer Meltagun and light "Malthus" lascannon.

-Imperial Guard expanded:
  -Mounted Heavy Bolter additional to Autocannon and Lascannon (also rebalanced to make them more worthwhile)
  -Multilaser and Heavy Plasma variant for Sentinels
  -More armor variants (Elysian-Like Jump Armor)
  -More soldier types (Veteran/Scion Officers and Penitents as fodder).
  -Krieg Guardsmen for more flavor (thanks Cabal/CAPSHEP for all the work and Lord Flashheart providing the base for the inventory sprite).
  -Krieg Lucius Pattern Heavy Lasgun and Heavy Stubber added.
  -Solo Pattern Light Bolters, well liked by PDF and rebels alike!
  -New Assassins, Vindicare and Callidus.


-For the Imperial Guard a slightly more expendable playstyle with a focus on heavy weaponry and hero skills:
  - Penitents are fodder which do not cost morale on death. Utterly expendable, nobody cares if they die.
  - Krieg Guardsmen trying to redeem themselves should always have exceptional morale. Kriegsmen will now appear randomly mixed in with other NPC guardsmen on Terror Missions.
  - Mounted Weapons (including the new wheeled heavy bolter) and Sentinels are the mainstay for heavy weapons.
  - Commissars, Priests and Officers are intended to allow normal Human soldiers to go beyond their normal abilities (buffing).
  - Vindicare Assassins are intended to destroy high priority targets from afar with specialized and expensive ammo.
  - Autoguns/Lasguns should be viable options in early/mid-game with more advanced ammo types (hotshot and such) to help them stay relevant.

Imperial Guard Arsenal expanded:
  -Different variants of weapons for Heavy Stubber, Officer Sword, Hellpistol, Smoke/Photon ammo for Grenade Launcher.
  -Buffing Roles (Officers and Priests).
  -Laser Designator for Airstrike (was Officer's special weapon before, which is now buffing).
  -Modified Drop-Transport and Tauros Valkyries (Drop-Transport got HWP slot, Tauros gets bigger arsenal of grenades and more troops).
  -Added Vulture to fill the gap between Thunderbolt and Marauder.
  -Upgrade with Transmission Decoder for the outpost (currently only works for IG).

Traitor Guard expanded:
  -New Valkyrie transport deployments.
  -Traitor and Chaos Ogryn, wielding Ripper Guns and Heavy Stubbers.
  -Battle Servitors with heavy bolter or missile pod limbs.
  -Penetante cannon fodder/suicide troops.
  -Floating Heretek engineers with beamer meltaguns and light lascannons.
  -New sniper long las, lascannons, ripper guns, hotshot and volleyguns.

General quality of life improvements:
 -Xom126s animated and very fancy, Mastercrafted melee weapon sprites have been worked in. This includes an Adeptas Zweihander, the Mastercrafted Powersword and the Weirdboy Stikk (for now). It will now be easier to identify the units with the best weapons!
 -QoL: Flying armor types can now be unlocked by researching other enemy flying units than just the basic Raptors.
 -QoL: Plasma pistols can now be unlocked by researching different plasma pistol types, this will be added to more weapons with variants in future updates.
 -Specialised ammo available for high prices at trade outposts.
 -Changes to availability of things like the Plasma Sentinel or Assault (flying) Armors, they are now easier to get the research for.

ROSIGMA Rebalance changes:
Weapon ranges and values have been tweaked, normal bolters have been buffed while grenade spam has been reduced.  Overall have long ranged weapons and vision ranges been reduced while midranged bolters have been buffed. The ideal engagement range should now be around 8-20 tiles.
 -Buff/Easier: Space Marine recruits starting bravery range buffed from 10-60, to 40-80. Still allows for slightly cowardly marines, without them accidentally recruiting Sir Robin.
 -Changed: Space Marine Heavy Bolters are now the cream of the crop that rises to the top, higher damage and rate of fire compared to non-Space Marine variants (if you can handle the recoil).
 -Harder: The Heavy Bolter effective range has been reduced to promote different weapons and give all weapon types their own niche.
 -Harder: Missiles and Lascannons accuracy have been slightly reduced, as has their effective range.
 -Buffed/Changed: Flamethrowers now do more damage against unprotected foes, have slightly better range (less self-immolation risk) and generally have been changed to use arcing shots (with a few exceptions). If you can reduce enemy armor, flamers will be quite effective.
 -Easier: All grenades have shorter range, and heavy grenades have the shortest range. From 20 tiles to 10-17 tiles of range depending on power or weight. Enemies will still use grenades but the aim is to reduce enemy grenade spam meta, Orks have proper Dakka now instead.
 -New: New grenade types have been introduced (more towards disabling, panic inducing or armor reducing/bypassing types). This makes them work more as an attrition tool than a random roll to see who´s dead this turn (and not in power armor).
 -Easier: Less Plasma early on, with the introduction of more Chaos early weapons and bolter types.
 -New: In addition, new lighter plasma carbines and spray guns also mean you´ll bump into far fewer heavy plasma sporting enemies until the very late game.
 -Easier: Some enemy turrets stats have been reduced, especially reactions and accuracy over long ranges. Example: The big Ork turret will no longer reaction blast you across the map quite as often.
 -Harder: Daemons are now tougher and have more abilities, no longer will they go down quite as often to a single bolter shot or two, upping their danger level. This is to help especially the Khorne Daemons.
 -Harder: New Spawner/Transforming enemy types have been introduced, as a counterbalance to high explosives, missiles and grenades. Some Chaos enemies are "Blessed" and may either spawn a daemon on death or transform into some mutated warp monstrosity. Some may even summon reinforcements themselves. So walk softly and carry a big gun (make that several big guns).
 -Harder: Chaos Space Marines and their leaders have been buffed and moved up to be even more of true late game foes, with the introduction of many new mid-game enemies to take their former spot. Chaos Behemoths, commanders, Dreadnoughts and  Terminators have had their health and armor slightly buffed. 
 -QoL/Easier: Economy rebalanced, with a focus on a lessened grind compared to base 40k. Adamantium and promethium costs have also been reduced. This is still being tweaked and balanced. Very powerful weapons and special armor will still cost quite a lot of resources but "standard" armor upgrades and better weapons should now make late game losses less punishing.
 -QoL: There´s a new honor token system to reduce the need to store massive amounts of corpses in fridges, instead each corpse can quickly be traded in for a number of tokens.
 -QoL: Storage space increase. With lots of new weapons and enemies, storage space has been increased slightly to compensate.
 -QoL: Barrack space increase, especially to help the Imperial Guard player.

Disclaimer: These are according to our own gameplay preferences, if you prefer the vanilla economy or balance and just wants the added enemy variety, we encourage you to make your own tweaks and changes.

The mighty to-do list:
Just a few examples, but to give you guys an idea of what we got planned, are working on or just to get inspired I´ll list some here:
 -More themed traitor guard units, cultists and weapons. We consider the existing ones to be mostly Khorne/Undivided, so there´s plenty of space to fill in with Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch themed units.
 -New maps and missions, our big weakspot but we are certainly interested in adding more variety here.
We´ve not done the art for any of the things on this list, so if you´re feeling inspired or want to help out, hit us up.

Considerations for future additions, in no particular order:
-Nurgle Blight Launcher Heavy Auto Grenade Launcher.
-Nurgle Deathguard Havocs with Gravcannons.
-Nurgle Blightlord Terminators
-Nurgle Pestigors
-Slaanesh/Nurgle Cultists factions (maybe with some Necromunda mixed in)
-Slaanesh Anointed Terminators
-Daemon Furies
-Possessed Marines (First Draft Exists, Leflair)
-Tzeentch Daemons expansion, Screamers DONE in 037.
-Adeptas Dogmata, Sister Cop of Sisters.
-Adeptas Paragon Warsuit, 4xtiles unit like the Centurion or Behemoth. Proof of concept sheet done by Xom126.
-Adeptas Terminator tier armor.

Just to give you an idea what suggestions we've already recieved or come up with ourselves.

Contributing/lending a hand and bug-reporting:
We´re just some passionate modders that like the 40k mod and have gotten together to contribute this mod pack to the community. If you want to contribute anything at all, be it a weapon, unit or art, feel free to contact us and we´ll get you sorted.
Of course, playtesting and bug reporting is also a form of contributing, so just by posting your findings or questions in this thread, you´re helping out! (more than you´d think, some bugs are like finding a needle in a haystack).
We´re also open to ideas, suggestions and balance discussions, so post away.
Post by: Anon011 on May 02, 2021, 06:16:31 pm
Awesome work! Cant wait to try it out.
Post by: Leflair on May 02, 2021, 07:52:37 pm
ROSIGMA Latest Update Notes:
2.9: 2025 February, ROSIGMA adapted for 40k 039 and OXCE 8.10,5258.0.html

**Requires OXCE 8.10 Works with 40k 039**
ROSIGMA Update 2.9:

- Updated for OXCE 8.1 and 40k039.
- Merging of Therons Chaos Cult path submod.  Arbites faction selection is now renamed Adeptus Terra, allowing more branching Strategy choices (including Chaos).
- SOB OST, IG OST and Chaos OST soundtrack submods now available on With Sisters, Guard and Chaos themed music selection to replace the default tracks. You can switch to whichever:
- SpaceMarine Tweaks 40k submod updated to 4.5.0.

-  CRASH: Steel Legion rocket Sentinel causing a crash on the battlescape relating to SL_HSENT2_ROCKET_BS.pck "missing" (renamed).
-  GSC no swipey Monoliths anymore.
-  MAP: Missing tiles in "hell tear" ufo and its variants
-  MAP: Passable wall on the Luminous Complex Tzeentch ship upper floor.
-  MAP: Height crash in city and rig terrains with valkyrie drop craft.
-  MAP: Unit falling into and getting stuck inside a solid stone block in a common tileset used in various maps (bunker hill map block, forest). 
-  STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST height set to normal values for a biped humanoid. This applies to Bloodletters, which as a result used to have a rather short hitbox.
- 0'ed PsiSkill for some Death Skull Orks who could use their big brains to bully guardsmen on occasion.
- Heavy Webber ammo given X1 hit graphics animation.
- Improved sound quality for GMTACTIC 9 and 19-23
- Under the Hood: More OXCE 8.0 code updates and linting fixes.
- Stand/kneel height for AI cultists sorcerers.
- Everyone can now see the Solar Pattern Heavy Bolter codex article (article was gated behind playing Guard).
- Bug Fix For Mend Inflict Spell via script change. Added Heal cap text string.
- Geminae Soul Shard recoverability via corpse item.
- Handob sprites using same index (Solo Bolter)
- Fix wrong position for a slot in the adeptas rhino convoy

- Chance of Alpha Legion Infiltrator Reveal Halved on Nonplayer Turns.
- Added escape tiles for the GSC subway base (HIVE).
- Personal light lowered to 5 from 6
- 1 radius for the Boomer poxbursters explosion.
- Adjusted position of topmost rhino and spawn coordinates in the Adeptas Rhino Convoy to allow 2x2 units to get out in certain map spawns close to the NE edge.
- The random Vindicare Event now Unlocks Exitus Ammo.

- Added a Induct Cantus (promote Novice to Adeptas) Codex help article to explain the requirements.
- Added STR_ADEPTAS_SOB_MOBILIZATION to ceramite tier for novice path for direct recruitment for the late game.
- Fixed dependencies for ceramite adeptas weapons (Stormbolter deaz, Galgalim assault cannon and Dominion Bolter) to unlock AFTER researching relevant unlocking TIER.
- BUFF: Handflamer fuel now as effective as normal flamer fuel vs armor (was 50% less effective).
- Raised Devotion stat caps from 80 to 100 for Sisters

- Playable Chaos Cult available with the "Adeptus Terra" umbrella faction selection. Selected instead of going Arbites. They have a couple of different mission types and random events than the imperial side.
- Adds starting month Ganger Hideout missions for the Chaos cult and the Arbites to tackle.
- Adds a new monthly special chaos mission, assaulting an intercepted PDF Valkyrie.
- Initial implementation of armory raid mission for chaos cult faction.
- Added monthly missions with random chaos themed unit recruit chance to replace the Imperial version.
- CRAFT: Starting chaos trucks, armored trucks, Chaos APC and Valkyrie options unlocked via special missions.
- CRAFT: New Ceramite Tier transport option: Chaos thunderhawk heavy, which deploys 2xPredator/"Reaver" tanks equipped with battlecannons, coax heavy bolter and two sponson heavy bolters.
- ENDGAME CRAFT: The special endgame Chaos Transport Craft requires a special mission to acquire.
- ARSENAL: Makes Undivided chaos weapons accessible to players with STR_ALIENS_ONLY, adds new flag research STR_IMPERIAL_WEAPONS to flag weapons as inaccessible to chaos players. Weapons have generally been disabled if a chaos equivalent is now available and that weapon is not found on AI chaos units.
- Replacement Chaos Retributor Bigob so it at least looks different in the inventory.
- New weapon: Iron Warrior Combi-Bolter and Combi-Melta.
- ARMOR/UNIT:  Added player Plague Ogryn soldier type and armor.
- Added Greater Plague Toad HWP to Player Nurgle access.
- Added Inquisition Bases to oppose the Chaos Player.
- New nurgle pistol sprite.
- Enemy Inquisition Bases and HQs can now launch a terror type mission, Inquisition Purge.
- Added Chaos Fanatics and Witches for the Chaos Player to rescue from Inquisition Purges.
- Chaos Final Mission Now Has GK Reinforcements.

- Updated Inventory Art for Tyranid Warriors with rending scythes.
- Updated corpse art.
- New Warrior Devourer and Rending Claws weapon art.
- Updated Warrior battlesprite by Brenshar.
- Updated Termagant battlesprites by Brenshar.
- New deathspitter hit animation art.
- New purple claw hit animation art.

Latest Hotfix:
Checkout the Discord for hotfixes.

Matches the mod filestructure, so just extract the files into the folders.

I'll keep this post for the latest hotfixes inbetween releases.

As usual with bugs, please report them to me or Buscher and we'll get on fixing them as soon as possible. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to figure out what's wrong under the hood.
Post by: Thatguysenpai on May 05, 2021, 05:41:54 am
My two favorite mods joining forces, this looks great! Will gladly be giving this a try on my next playthrough.
Post by: Leflair on May 06, 2021, 07:01:11 pm
The more players the merrier! Already getting lots of good suggestions + the occasional bug report.

The next update will have quite a lot of goodies based on said suggestions/requests:
-Finishing off the remaining "Transforming" enemy types with custom animations.
-New Adeptas Sentinels, one totting a Thermal Lance (the melta kind).
-Some Drop Pod changes and hopefully (if I figure it out), a drop pod craft for Adeptas to use as an alternative to the "Ankle Woe" Blackstar.
-Some Krieg carapace stuff, not entirely sure what's cooking over there in that corner but it looks good.

-More on the concept/WIP stage: Cyborks? Maybe.

Can't promise it will all make it in or it might get delayed slightly while we work out the last kinks + do testing.

A little note on difficulty for you newcomers, the mod has basically 3 starting enemy factions (like the 40k mod), and in order of difficulty (especially after our additions) it goes:
Easy: Cultists
Average: Traitor Guard

It's a dice roll which one you start off with, so if you're finding yourself getting krumped, try a start with one of the other two factions (Orks may still appear on *certain* missions).

Secondarily, with the changes to the Sister start, its now a tad more difficult than it used to be. You got stormtrooper tier protection (60-80) rather than 100+ power armor starting out.
(Might knock together an easier version here where you get access to Adeptas right away, if there's interest).

If you got questions/suggestions/bug reports etc check by our discord (link in the first post of this thread), you'll find one of us on most of the time (although we lean towards Euro-timeszones).
Post by: HT on May 06, 2021, 09:55:11 pm
Amazing work! It makes the "basic" WH40k look weak. Shame I'm not sure I would find this mod fun, I don't think XCOM and WH40k match well, although this is a good try. Especially weak IMO is the researching part, or more like "rediscovering". Funnily enough well-made plasma weapons are OP in WH40k like base XCOM.

As for the Sororitas, they're getting new gear quite soon, in case you're short of ideas:
Post by: Leflair on May 07, 2021, 01:36:08 am
Oh I wouldn't think the vanilla 40k looks weak, we're building entirely on its foundation. Would take 2-4xas long to make everything from scratch. Bulletdesigner, Oharstein etc do a lot of things we haven't even figured out yet.
It is a bit of a challenge to make 40k "fit" within the xcom structure, and yeah the "research" is part of that dilemma. It's partially what makes X-COM work so well too. Mentally I see it less like research, and more like "justifying" requisition of more rare equipment (and the adepts cooking up some pseudo-religious justification).
One other way to change it to make the research work better is to place the campaign in some sort of dark-age*/warpstorm pocket world that haven't been part of the Imperium proper for centuries. There's probably a couple of other setups which would fit the X-Com formula even better (Tau-aligned human world? Heretical as it may be).
*(of which there's been several millennia long eras in the 40k lore)

The tech/weapon power progression is also tricky, with Bolters (and Heavy Bolters), missile launchers etc being available from the get go. Imperial Guard/Arbites end up playing closer to basic X-COM, but don't really get access to the end game armor tier in the same way.

Tl;dr 40k offers a different flavor and gameplay from OpenXcom, and that's fine.

I've seen the new Sisters units and got some ideas for how to use at least a few of the new designs:
-The Paragon Warsuit Landmates is a obvious fit for a Centurion-style 4-tile unit. Making them fit the 4-tiles will also help the design by making them a little chunkier, I think.
-I like the *concept* of the Sacresants but had hoped for GW to put in a little more effort with a new Heavy Armor design for them (got some ideas though). Already have a Adeptas halberd in the mod, so a "gunshield" would be the next thing.
-Dogmata could probably be worked in as a "buff"/leadership unit (or well, Commissar-type).
-The new Banner carrier seem to fit a very similar niche as the existing Imagifier (could be added to the mod though, with Banner-abilities).
-The new Predator-like MBT "Castigator" could be a good fit for the Sisters Armour craft/convoys.  Give them some long ranged punch.
Post by: Simi822 on May 07, 2021, 09:35:01 pm
Excellent news, loved the two mods...played them both, and will give a try to this new expanded Mod.
thank you very much for the hard work and stay true to the Imperial truth!
Post by: Simi822 on May 12, 2021, 12:56:41 am
Dear All,

so here are my first impressions ....Excellent

started a game as the IG, the new mounted Heavy Bolter is a beast (reminded me the 40k:SM game) and it makes the mounted Lascannon a joke (OK this time you can buy it for a fair price instead of building it for more resources then a Advanced sentinel)  Sentinels...the multilaser is fair, same is the  Lascannon variant...practically the new mounted heavy bolter makes them obsolete...but the Autocannon or Heavy Plasma are like a dream....the heavy flamer is still not my stile...and I think the multimelta version is not yet been introduced (but if you do it with like 3x ammo...don't do it)

the Kriegers...I like them, 500k to get 10x with a extra buck is OK, especially because on gets the Krieger Lasgun.....well balanced
maybe...krieger carapace or officers for the future?

where I have to give some criticism is the following, one will battle a lot corrupted sisters, one will get their gear...there is no option to identify it as IG - Astartes, etc so that should be fixed, if one finds something he can use (Scout gear, Sisters gear, etc) give a swift option to know the stats...would be nice :)

and maybe a second idea...the trading post...sell more exotic items...In the moment: special Lasguns or Bolters OK...why not also  exotic Shotguns (arbiter ones) or Cyber Doges, or Sistar weapons when playing a other course for a high price....
Post by: Anon011 on May 12, 2021, 01:55:41 am
Speaking of suggestions, how about new unique weapon. Lucius Pattern Shotgun? In tabletop its used by Krieg Engineers and packs quite a punch on top of being semi-automatic.
Post by: Leflair on May 12, 2021, 06:56:01 pm
Good suggestions, will go in the consideration pile.

(Got a bit of a tech review/overhaul planned to make it easier to unlock exotic weapons with any captured variation, cross imperial versions etc).

A little something I've been working on to clear out more of the Adeptas only gear is a expanded Nurgle arsenal so the Nurgle Sisters can have their own toys:

Plague Marines will also use some of this stuff.

I've been moving to divide up the forces of chaos by "themed" guns. So no longer will they all be using the same generic chaos plasma guns.
For Nurgle, the themes are physical weapons + grav weapons. So no lasguns or plasma guns. Instead they get these fun new gravguns!

The patch notes will have a detailed explanation for each weapon. 
Post by: HT on May 13, 2021, 11:20:52 am
Cyber-Mastiffs would be a cool addition yep. Piratez and XCOM Files already have playable doges, so it would be an easy conversion IMO. Some of the high-tier robo dogs are hilariously murderous. Similar case with combat servitors, which should be a thing if they aren't already. Some of them are OP but fun to play with, like the Praetorian ones.
Post by: Gnelf88 on May 13, 2021, 03:55:02 pm
First of all very good mod  :) Lots of excellent content that I cant live without, but I was just wondering if there is anywhere I can find a sheet or something similar to find the stat/item requirements (e.g sister superior honour) for all the new transformations and how to get those items if any. Thanks in advance
Post by: Simi822 on May 13, 2021, 06:51:39 pm
Dear All,

so the Bad Ladies attacked my base..was not an easy battle but we managed...but then Boss Lady came
killed like 4-5x Guards and then we won only to get a screen that a file is missing (the game crashed)
which file can I reproduce to fix it? (I dont care if the corpse will look diferently)
Post by: Buscher on May 14, 2021, 04:52:11 pm
Dear All,

so the Bad Ladies attacked my base..was not an easy battle but we managed...but then Boss Lady came
killed like 4-5x Guards and then we won only to get a screen that a file is missing (the game crashed)
which file can I reproduce to fix it? (I dont care if the corpse will look diferently)


I can't reproduce your issue with OpenXcom 7.0 (v2020-03-17) and ROSIGMA v1.0 (with and without the hotfix in this thread).
You could check ROSIGMA/Ruleset/ENEMY/HERETICSISTER/armors_hereticsisters.rul
Code: [Select]

and ROSIGMA/Ruleset/ADEPTAS/adeptas.rul

Code: [Select]
    name: STR_CORPSE
    weight: 30
    bigSprite: { mod: 40k, index: 619 }
    floorSprite: { mod: 40k, index: 378 }
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    armor: 80
    recover: true
    liveAlien: true
    costSell: 50000

It should look like in the code boxes. If that all doesn't help you can consider using debug mode (enable in options.cfg) with CTRL+D and CTRL+K. Perhaps updating OXCE might help but it seems to be a stretch.

Post by: Simi822 on May 14, 2021, 08:22:50 pm
armors_hereticsisters.rul - is like in the box

adeptas.rul - is also like in the box

so I downloaded everything again, checked if using latest versions.

after providing the deadly blow - I am getting the same error.

see new save and log.
Post by: Buscher on May 14, 2021, 08:55:01 pm
Can't reproduce it again. Neither by shooting nor by killing via debug. I have even tried the OXCE version (Linux) you are likely using.

You could probably also check 40k/Ruleset/extraSprites_40k.rul
Code: [Select]
  - type: FLOOROB.PCK                            #FLOOR FLOOR FLOOR FLOOR FLOOR FLOOR
      378: Resources/Adeptas/floorob_378.png

and have a look in the 40k mod folder that you have the file Resources/Adeptas/floorob_378.png

Otherwise I can't think of any reason. Especially as I cannot reproduce it.

In the meanwhile I am going to upload two saves after the battle. One has the Canoness sold, so it should work either way.
Post by: Simi822 on May 14, 2021, 09:02:16 pm
thanks for the effort, will try it with the "FLOOROB"

- I did yes it is as written and the png is available I can open it and look its not corrupted.

I am using the win10 version not Linux

the ZIP one:

- Latest version for Windows (zip 64-bit), recommended (v2021-03-13): download

thanks for the save files will check them out

Post by: Anon011 on May 15, 2021, 02:20:38 am
Since this awesome submod expands not only player arsenal and options but also enemy rooster I'd like to make a suggestion.
Genestealer Cults as new enemy, with difficulty set somewhere between Chaos Cultists and Orcs.
Iirc there are already sprites for webber gun and some 'nids so modifying base human sprites into genestealers and maybe Ogryn sprites into Aberrants. Doesnt seem like impossible undertaking and would add some more diversity in the enemy rooster while still keeping the difficulty level for "weaker" factions like IG and Arbitres more manageable.
Post by: Leflair on May 16, 2021, 01:53:03 am
Genestealer cults are on the list of things to do. Shouldn't be too hard to do the sprites either (time consuming though, but that's everything sprite related).

Post by: Leflair on May 16, 2021, 08:17:41 pm
Added a fixed update post under the main post, but I'll post the latest to the thread as well.

1.01: 2021-MAY - First Update Patch.
Bug fixes:
-Fixed a crash issue with the Fiendgor.
-Fixed a minor capital letter link error that caused the Fiendgor Inventory sprite to turn invisible.
-Fixed some minor pixel errors with the Fiendgor Inventory sprite.
-Fixed a crash issue with the Khorne Ungor.
-Fixed some pixel errors and adjusted arm positions for certain frames of the Slaanesh Anointed.
-Fixed an encoding error in the Anointed deathsounds .wav files
-Fixed an error that prevented incendiary grenade drums from being loaded into the Adeptas Grenade Launcher
-Corrected a ufopedia crash involving the Cherubim incendiary grenade drum.
-Fixed some Ufopedia errors, a crash involving STR_Chaos_Seraphim_Armor.
-Added some missing language lines.
-Fixed a missing index link inducing crash bug for the Heretic Canoness corpse floorOB sprite.

-Alien Missions rebalanced: Early missions (up to month 5) will now feature far fewer Chaos Space Marines (of all flavors). Instead cultists, traitor guard and chaos sisters will take their spot. Making for a little easier starting stretch! Not to say you can't encounter CSM however, as some may be included in certain mixed lists.
-Orks will no longer spawn at game start (in 1/3rd of campaigns), instead they'll arrive several months in by way of a crashing space hulk. You will get prior notification by ingame events. This means Orks will arrive for all campaigns and serve as a midgame enemy force! Seeing as how they are more dangerous than the cultists and traitor guard after our additions.
Note: There is still a small chance of other Ork forces building bases prior to the event chain, so be on the look out.
-Ork fortress difficulty change: Changed defenses of first tier and raised the final tier. Should make it a lot easier to deal with early on.
-Adeptas: Penitent Engine no longer requires Plasma Cannon or Dropship research, instead Arsenal of Faith and Adamantium (Alien Alloy) research. This change will make it available for the early-midgame rather than tier 2.5+ (late game).
-Buff: Adeptas One-shot Rocket Launchers like the Faust and Haborym. Krak Faust rocket now has good armor penetration (reduces enemy armor effectiveness) and 120 power. Haborym is now combined INC+Melta and does large armor damage (power 100). They are still short ranged and inaccurate single shot weapons, but somewhat easier to toss on a noodle armed Sister than a big missile launcher.
-QoL: Made Drop Pod landings slightly less harmful to armor-wearing troops. Instead of a 80% armor reduction before applying potential damage, armor is now 50% effective. This should make Drop Pods slightly more viable for Stormtrooper tier troops and the like.
-Nurgle: Beware, the highest tier of Nurgle Terminator will now use the new weapons loadout.
-Nurgle: The Sisters of Filth will no longer use the heavy nurgle bolter at highest tier, but instead the new (see below) Nurgle light Kombibolter with underslung blight/acid grenade launcher.
-Adeptas Research: Changed the Juptier Gravgun unlock requirements so researching any captured Chaos Gravgun variant makes the research topic available (similar to how the flying Seraphim armor research was changed). With all the new Nurgle Gravguns, they are the best place to capture some for research!

-CSM armor value changes:
Bringing them more in line with previous changes.
Overall buffed front, side and under armor of CSM, Havocs and Terminators.
For standard CSM, from 90-100 front armor buffed to 110-120 range.
Havocs land in the 130 range.
Terminators and champions to 130-160.
-Tzeentch armor is very strong with resistance to flame and HE damage.
-Nurgle armor isn't quite as good towards the front, but is more balanced all around. Weak towards flames however.
-Khorne and Slaanesh Marines has less armor and more pronounced rear/under weakness.
-Dreads, Juggs and Behemoth armor buffed a fair chunk, especially front (up to 200) and under armor. They are now tougher than terminators, suitable for 4 tile units.
Overall a minor difficulty increase for late game.

Additions/New Stuff:
-Added a couple of missing For Honor Token corpse trades (Heretic Canoness/Seraphim/Inquisitor/Sister).
-Added name strings for test lists. Mission Generator should easier on the eyes when picking enemy lists.
-Transformation spritesheets added for Heretic Sisters of Battle variants (Ufopedia changes applied), two variants added into soldier rotation for certain race lists.
-Transforming spritesheet added for a blessed Khorne Repentia Superior variant to turn them into Bloodletters upon defeat.
-Transformation spritesheets added for some Sisters of Filth variants (Ufopedia changes applied) to turn them into Nurgle Sisters upon defeat.
-Transformation spritesheets added for Nurgle Sister variant that transforms into Plaguebearer on defeat.
-Some favored Plague Marines have now been blessed by Papa Nurgle with immortality and can now turn into Plaguebearers upon defeat.

-IG: New event, if you're doing well during a month with high score, the planetary forces will dispatch some volunteer veteran guardsmen to bolster you.

Nurgle Arsenal Expanded

-Nurgle Arsenal: Added the melee Plague Knife to Nurgle loadouts. Primarily in early tiers with pistol weapons, but also as a backup weapon for some units.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added the melee Blightsword to leader melee loadouts. It ignores some armor (25%) and damages armor, as well as does a large chunk of fatal wounds and drains energy. Only 50% of power goes into health damage however.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added a Nurgle themed Boltpistol for early loadouts and to make melee+pistol loadouts possible. Also added boltpistol blight rounds for it to use.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added a Nurgle Gravpistol + ammo. Less damage than the gravgun, with shorter range and power reduction per tile after a certain point. Still, it pretty much bypass armor,m esses it up and does direct health damage. Used by Nurgle leaders and champions instead of the boltpistol.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added Nurgle Light Bolter + Ammo type. Replaces De´az pattern bolter and full size Nurgle Bolters for Nurgle aligned Sisters. This light bolter has a low rate of fire, no bayonet, but is accurate further out. Its rounds have slightly less power than the bigger Blight rounds, and do less Wounds % and less damage to armor, instead they ignores20% armor and does more energy and stun damage. It will primarily be used by Nurgle Sisters and low tech tier Nurgle Plaguemarines.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added a light kombibolter with underslung grenade launcher to the forces of Nurgle. Replacing the Cherubim grenade launcher they´ve been using + some other bolters. It uses the same light blight rounds as the Light Nurgle Bolter and can launch either Blight or Acid Rust grenades from its 40mm 3-round ammo belt fed launcher. These grenades have small AoE but decent range. Acid Rust grenades destroys armor, while Blight Grenades causes more wounds. It´s a mid-high tier loadout for Nurgle Sister forces, and the entry bolter for the Nurgle marines.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added a Nurgle Kombigrav, a close range shotgun-like gravgun with a underslung Bolter attachement for long range snapfire. This Weapon are used by Plaguemarines and some elite Nurgle Sisters.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added a Nurgle Gravgun. This bloated gravgun uses the same AoE ammo as the other Graviton Field Guns, but instead fires a shorter range shotgunspread of 3 projectiles (very inaccurate). The Nurgle Hospitaler, Nurgle Sister and Nurgle champion are now equipped with it in certain loadouts.
-Nurgle Arsenal: Added the Nurgle Gravcannon. Graviton weapon equivalent to the Heavy plasma. This heavy weapon uses a new type of Grav ammo. It has better range and more AoE than the gravgun. Only wielded by high end Nurgle units.

Adeptas Sentinels
-Basic Adeptas Heavy Bolter Sentinel "Shamsiel-Pattern" added. Reinforced front armor, glas back. Equipped with a mounted Heavy Bolter with a decent range boost, larger calibre than handheld sisters heavy bolters and higher rate of fire. It has a high built in ammo capacity. Requires the early Armory of the Faithful research and can only be piloted by Battle Sisters and Sister Pilots (the only early available option before unlocking Battle Sisters). Can be bought from the store for a chunk of cash. It will provide some decent early heavy firepower for Novices. Still, it takes 4-slots and its armor is only comparable to Sisters Power Armor, so it will not be great vs taking 4 proper Sisters (or Retributor Sisters) in the midgame. Still, as a combat ride for the Pilot Sisters, it can serve a secondary role and with its optics and heatvision, it can detect sneaky enemies.
-Advanced Adeptas Meltalance Sentinel "Sariel-Pattern" added. Reinforced front armor, but weak back. Equipped with a long range Heavy Thermal Lance meltagun. Better at stripping armor than a lascannon, but lower power and higher drop-off in power effectiveness. Requires Multimelta research to unlock "Meltalance Sentinel Requisition" research. Can then be manufactured, requires alloys and elerium. Can be piloted by both Battle Sisters and Pilot sisters.
As it takes 4 slots and has comparable armor to some mid-game upgraded Sister Power Armors, its main selling point is the "long ranged" heavy Thermal Lance which unlike the hand held multimelta doesn´t use up that precious melta ammo, Thermal Vision and Great Optics to detect enemy stealth units. 4xSisters carrying multimeltas and malthus lascannons will probably be "stronger" and less likely to all die, so it is a trade off.
Reasoning for addition of Adeptas sentinels: Player request, I hadn´t considered a Adeptas Sentinel but as it wasn´t too much of a effort to include, and it offered some interesting use-cases, Finding some nice kitbashes of Adeptas Sentinels, I decided to include it. Lore-wise, there´s no examples I know of with Sisters using Sentinels, but seeing as how they happily reuse Rhinos chassi and (now recently) Predator type tanks I don´t think its much of a stretch to see some Orders out in the Galaxy employ some form of Adeptas pattern Sentinel, hence the "Shamsiel-Pattern" and "Sariel-Pattern" (Both being members of the Watcher Angels from mythology, suitable for the Sentinel). A multimelta sentinel would be too short ranged to be survivable while not adding anything 4 Sisters in Power Armor couldn´t do with that tech. So I read up on melta weapons and found the Thermal Lance variant.


Adeptas Drop Pods
-Added Black Drop Pods as a craft alternative for Adeptas. For the players sick of using the Blackstar. Novices may struggle using these, but proper Power Armor should enable drop strikes with little risk of injury (See QoL change this patch making drops less damaging to units in armor).
To acquire it, research the Arsenal of Faith and then purchase the drop pod. You need a free hangar space.
Lore: Drop Shrines? In the vein of Drop Cathedrums, except much smaller! Sisters have access to entire fleets of various drop-equipment for planetary invasions, and I believe they had drop pods of some form in their first codex.

-Guard: New carapace Krieg Engineer armor and sprites added. Maximum bravery, maximum shovel. Will be changed further in future updates with the addition of more krieg armor types.
-Guard QoL: New Whiteshield armor script added, if rank 0 (Whiteshield), then their armor sprite is automatically switched to the white stripe version. Doesn't affect the Inventory sprite. Will make it a little easier to tell your rookies apart, without having to manually switch out armor types!

Post by: Gnelf88 on May 18, 2021, 09:38:43 pm
This issue happens every time a canoness heretic dies, regardless of the map. I can provide a save if needed

[Edit] After downloading the recent version it was fixed, however she always died event without wounds when stunned. Not sure if that's natural or not.
Post by: Simi822 on May 18, 2021, 11:03:31 pm
to the canoness crash, after that one on the Base siege (which was crashing) I encountered 3x times canonesses 2x with inferno pistol + sword and 1x with the storm bolter but the crash was not occurring.

I downloaded the new version and the canoness issue seems to be "Fixed"

but I witnessed a new type of crash (log, save file and pop up in the zip) after my first Eldar webway,
the Chimera is returning to base and by time passing the game crashes and I get "crashed:vector::M_range_chek:__n"

if I load the save then the crash always occurred, just press 30min or 1h and wait
Post by: Buscher on May 18, 2021, 11:30:11 pm
to the canoness crash, after that one on the Base siege (which was crashing) I encountered 3x times canonesses 2x with inferno pistol + sword and 1x with the storm bolter but the crash was not occurring.

I downloaded the new version and the canoness issue seems to be "Fixed"

but I witnessed a new type of crash (log, save file and pop up in the zip) after my first Eldar webway,
the Chimera is returning to base and by time passing the game crashes and I get "crashed:vector::M_range_chek:__n"

if I load the save then the crash always occurred, just press 30min or 1h and wait

Can you try the file in this post (,6413.msg138621.html#msg138621) and see if it fixes your problem?
Post by: Simi822 on May 18, 2021, 11:57:38 pm
yes it did help, thank you very much
Post by: Leflair on May 20, 2021, 01:33:31 pm
Good to hear it worked out.

In other news, we are looking at tweaking mission spawn rate and while we got our own ideas, I´d like to hear what you players think about various mission types.

Any types of mission you think spawn too often, or too little?

Note, Buscher has already made a script to automate (simulate) the IG training/shooting range mission.
Post by: Gnelf88 on May 20, 2021, 10:04:52 pm
I attempted to look at the newly equipped sentinel in the inventory section of my craft but crashed as soon as I pressed the button., I seem to be missing a lot of images, is this an issue on my end?

[Edit] On a chaos craft there are 2 entities that are completely invisible and cannot be interacted with but block movement (seemingly canceling it) and can shoot at my soldiers. They also seemingly exist between levels? one of my soldiers was on level 2 and they were on 3, yet shot at me with no vision.
Post by: Buscher on May 21, 2021, 03:20:23 am
I attempted to look at the newly equipped sentinel in the inventory section of my craft but crashed as soon as I pressed the button., I seem to be missing a lot of images, is this an issue on my end?

[Edit] On a chaos craft there are 2 entities that are completely invisible and cannot be interacted with but block movement (seemingly canceling it) and can shoot at my soldiers. They also seemingly exist between levels? one of my soldiers was on level 2 and they were on 3, yet shot at me with no vision.

For the Adeptas Sentinel we have uploaded a hotfix (,9687.msg138591.html#msg138591).

As for your second issue I can't tell if you have uploaded the correct save game. It's a Cult Summoning mission and not a chaos craft. Also I cannot observe the mentioned behaviour.
Post by: Leflair on May 21, 2021, 05:17:36 pm
If anyone had issues accessing the hotfix I've now changed the access rights (google seemingly at random changes that). See my second post with the patchnotes + hotfix link on page 1.
Post by: Gnelf88 on May 22, 2021, 12:03:19 am
For the Adeptas Sentinel we have uploaded a hotfix (,9687.msg138591.html#msg138591).

As for your second issue I can't tell if you have uploaded the correct save game. It's a Cult Summoning mission and not a chaos craft. Also I cannot observe the mentioned behaviour.

I loaded the save, and while it seems to be back In time from my current battle save it still showed the chaos craft mission, I have uploaded a different file that should have the invisible enemies.
Also, I'm not sure if I illustrated my problem clearly, I'm missing an image not a ruleset. If this was the hotfix for that issue it didn't seem to work for me. I have provided a save before the adeptas sentinel bolter crash and hopefully, that helps. I just equip it to my craft and click inventory
Post by: Leflair on May 22, 2021, 12:31:09 am
Found the likely culprit, missing kneel/standheights on the unit. Openxcom makes units default to invisible (instead of some default value like 20), with no warning.

Try replacing your ROSIGMA 40k.rul file (in the ruleset folder) with this fixed version:
Post by: Gnelf88 on May 22, 2021, 06:04:45 pm
Found the likely culprit, missing kneel/standheights on the unit. Openxcom makes units default to invisible (instead of some default value like 20), with no warning.

Try replacing your ROSIGMA 40k.rul file (in the ruleset folder) with this fixed version:

I installed both hotfixes and replaced them into the appropriate folders, however now on startup I get:

[22-05-2021_15-58-14]   [ERROR]   Error processing 'STR_TRAITORGUARD_BATTLE_SERVITOR_HB' in units: Armor TG_BATTLESERVITOR_HBARMOR not found
I deleted ROSIGMA, 40k and re-installed everything however the issue persists. Should I just completely remove all my mods and just have ROSIGMA enabled to see if its mod conflicts?
the only mod conflict I could think of that I have is the Extra Stormtrooper Carapaces mod
Thank you for your patience!

[Edit] It seems to be the 40k rule file causing this issue, however, the sentinel issue was fixed! thank you very much.
Post by: Leflair on May 23, 2021, 01:38:45 am
Had hoped openxcom would ignore things not pulled by the mod for any racelist etc, but apparently not so.

I've purged the offending section in a new version, which should solve the 40k.rul issue (Same link).

Alternative solution, open 40k.rul, search for "STR_NURGLE_SOLDIER_BLESSED #CHAOS MUTON_ARMORNURGLE", add (without tabbing but with same spacing):
standHeight: 20
kneelHeight: 15
above "intelligence".

Post by: Leflair on May 23, 2021, 09:03:04 pm
Been messing around figuring out the map editor to make some ship variants.



On the menu is to make some non-chaos ships. Imperial/neutral + Ork ships especially.
There´s already tilesets for Imperial vessels and Space Hulks (perhaps lacking all exteriors).

Anyone who wants to create some can head on to the discord, we can help you out.
Post by: Gnelf88 on May 24, 2021, 02:28:23 pm
Had hoped openxcom would ignore things not pulled by the mod for any racelist etc, but apparently not so.

I've purged the offending section in a new version, which should solve the 40k.rul issue (Same link).

Alternative solution, open 40k.rul, search for "STR_NURGLE_SOLDIER_BLESSED #CHAOS MUTON_ARMORNURGLE", add (without tabbing but with same spacing):
standHeight: 20
kneelHeight: 15
above "intelligence".

After installing the latest hotfix i haven't encountered the issue so far. great work and thank you very much for the help!
Post by: Leflair on May 25, 2021, 01:58:22 am
Great to hear.

Our friend the Battle Servitor is coming in the next update, working on expanding the traitor guard forces.
Post by: Leflair on May 30, 2021, 02:09:32 pm
For those who've not checked out the beta-testing channel on the ROSIGMA discord, here is the latest weapon rebalance test that Buscher has been working on:

It's currently only for Imperial Guard Weapons, balanced around view distance of 30 in daylight, 20 in night time.
The file contains an excel file that shows the balance and changes to accuracy, TU costs and range (including drop off graphs).

Lasguns and most rifles tuned to ranges of 11-15, with drop offs into the 20ies. Range advantage vs bolters.
IG Heavy Weapons tuned to ranges of 20-25.
Krak Weapons given 20% armor ignore.
Krak weapons' damagetype turned to AP
Lasgun/Laspistols' damagetype turned to AP
Lasgun/pistols don't create wounds (cauterizing)
Normal lasgun ammo better at shredding armor
Renamed AP damagetype to "Standard".
Working on how lasguns armor damage will scale over tiers and into hotshot. Currently quite strong per shot.

All values are subject to change with future updates and testing. 

The 40k.rul hotfix on the first page of this thread is also updated with some more fixes discovered in playtesting.
-Gives weapons to two unarmed Chaos terminator/CSM units.
-Corrects a typo introduced by Tzeentch that gave some sorcerers 800 health.

Latest hotfixes (,9687.msg138591.html#msg138591)
Post by: Leflair on June 05, 2021, 10:30:40 pm
Update 1.02: 2021-JUNE - is now live on the!

Requires at least OXCE 7.0.0 (2021-03-13),5258.0.html

Bug fixes:
- Added Sound Effects to Adeptas Sentinels. (stomp stomp)
- Fixes to pixelart for handheld launchers (ork/sister faust).
- Added deathSounds to Deserter Guards, previously too cowardly to even whimper.
- Fix for Adeptas Sentinel Crashing (not into the enemy).
- Invisible Plague Marine cured through squat & stand regime. Will no longer haunt your bed.
- Former Khorne aligned Ungor has now joined the proper Khrone faction.
- Tzeentch Sorcerer blessing dispelled by the Imperial Choir, health reduced from 800 to 80.
- Added a weapon loadout to some unarmed Chaos undivided Terminators and Chaos Traitor CSM, who previously felt like fist fighting the Imperium.
- Corrected minor spelling error in the Cantus Ufopedia and added recoil info.

- ROSIGMA updated to work with the latest OXCE version (7.0.x) once the 40k mod also updates.
- Ork Warbosses can now be encountered in the highest tier Ork Fort.
- Early game enemy deployment changes, smaller chance of encountering CSM and high tier sisters in the first months. Traitor Guard and Cultists lists reworked.
- Reduced Hunter-Killer spawn rate
- Reduced spawn rate of Traitor Guard/Orks/Cultists missions by 50% to reduce overwhelming spam.
- Swapped out Slaanesh Devoted Origins codex artwork to a better version.
- Tzeentch Sorcerer changed from Leader to Commander to help research efforts.
- Chaos Sorcerer will also help you now ending the Warp.
- Small buff to Undivided Terminators, Navigators and Engineers stats. They should no longer panic as often (or at all), and now have decent accuracy.
- Buffed Chaos Marines morale in general so they are not as panic prone.
- Small front and side armor buff to Undivided Terminators.
- Buffed CSM accuracy slightly.
- Buffed some unarmored Daemons health slightly.
- Made Bloodletters very charge happy.
- Corrected some chaos loadouts so more mixed heavy weapons will appear at the highest tech tier.
- Added berserkChance to Khorne units who are now much more likely to berserk rather than panic. CSM in general have a higher chance to berserk as well.
- Added a chance for high ranking CSM and navigators to fire out of their own LOS if your soldiers have been spotted.
- Added slightly better vision and sensor abilities to CSM power armor, turrets and dreads, smoke nor night will not provide quite the same protection anymore. Most values are in the 20-33% range.
- Added heatVision values to officers, specialists, turrets and sentinels of the Traitor Guard. Same deal, except Sentinels have 50% values and high vision. Take them out quick.
- Added varying levels of heatVision and PsiVision to chaos daemons. Rule of thumb, smoke doesn´t do much to hide you from these guys. On the positive side, few of them have ranged weapons.
- Big updates to many raceLists with the introduction of 7 new enemy types at the low tiers. Some sisters have been removed from mixed lists due to this.
- Added (new chaos) hotshot lasgun ammo to traitor guardsmen at highest tech tier. Their navigators get them at first tier but then switches over to specialist weapons afterwards. This means the basic traitor guardsman can threaten (at least damage) power armored foes later in the game.
- Nerfed the Inferno pistol to 60% of the power of the two-handed meltagun (fewer pellets).
- Buff: Implemented RandomType on all flamethrower weapons, now 50-150% or 50-200% (heavy flamer).
- Buffed Priest Eviscerator to 120 dam.
- Put Sentinel Plasma behind Plasma cannon and not heavy plasma (research).

**Additions/New Stuff:**

Traitor Guard and Chaos:
- Added a new ride, a Valkyrie Wing to the Traitor Guard.
Introducing some more variety to spice up the ol´ traitor guardsmen.
- Traitor Guard Weapon Servitors (Heavy Bolter, Rocket Launcher). A mix of captured and reprogrammed Battle Servitors, and captured Imperials turned into Battle Servitors by the Dark Mechanicum Hereteks. Very grim, and very dark. Their limbs are replaced with heavy weapons such as Heavy Bolters and rocket launchers, with ammo and sensor pods to offset the weight, making them serve as somewhat mobile and stable gun platforms to reinforce the traitor guard with heavy firepower. While sturdy and hard to kill, they are slow to react and show little initiative of their own. They are hapless in melee.
- Added Chaos Ogryn variants. Heavy Stubber & Ripper gun, a light armor and a heavy armor version. Might introduce shielded variants and other weapons later. These Traitor Ogryn are tough as they come, wearing heavy carapace plating and wielding a mix of (new chaos variant) ripper autoshotguns and heavy stubbers. They provide the Traitor Guard and Chaos Cultists with brawn. Dangerous up close, they are best dealt with from afar. While well protected from the front, their rear is less armored.
- Chaos Penetante (Penal) legions. Captured Guard, PDF and civilians who refuse to turn Chaos, yet are too cowardly to die for the Emperor. And maybe a couple of traitor guard/cultists thrown in to make an example out of. Outfitted with explosive collars and vests before being sent in human waves against Imperial forces and outposts, they are used as cannon fodder by Chaos forces. Explodes on death and some can touch off their own explosives, comes in a few variants. Expect these mixed into many chaos cultist and traitor guard lists. Later pure CSM and Chaos Sister lists do not employ them as much.
- Chaos Heretek, a floating ball of joy and science that uses grav tech to levitate both body and guns. Is shielded and likes to wield a beamer meltagun or light lascannon. Will appear in several lists to various extent in the engineer role.

Adeptas Sororitas:
- New Animated battlesprites for the Adeptas Sentinels. Their little chimneys now let out little flames, courtesy of Xom126.

Imperial Guard

- Some Psykers are available from Mid-Tier
- Fixed Shell Breaker Exitus Armor to hit right armor side
- Long serving Penitents can be pardoned to Guardsmen
- Firing Range mission can be done in one click now
- Fixed missing vapor trail for Sentinel Multimelta
- Commissar Yarrick may join your forces once the Ork Warboss is defeated
- Hellgun is now manufacturable

Space Marines

- Buffed Bike in terms of armor, gun and melee
- Added Rhino as ground transport option
- Added Crux Terminatus commendation as a requirement for Terminator Armor (new soldier promotion)


- Krak weapons now using armor piercing/standard damage type with additonal armor piercing
- Item Piles on crafts are moved back to avoid any explosion hitting the first row destroying the item pile
- Refinery map does not have the huge pipes anymore
- Added Air Superiority mission for the enemies
- Some additional crafts may employ escorts

Traitor Guard arsenal expanded
-New Chaos Ripper Gun added. Used by the new Chaos Ogryns. A close range, big, autoshotgun.
-Added chaos hot-shot/hellguns. Highest tech tier weapon for certain elite infantry and future additions. More damage than a normal lasgun. Can probably tickle a space marine.
-New Chaos hot-shot volleygun for highest tech tier. Rapidfire, close range las weapon, akin to a infantry handheld multilaser. Meant for Traitor Guard Blackstone elite infantry and stormtroopers.
-New handheld light lascannon and bipod version added.
-New Deserter/Traitor Longlas. Right now used by the Deserter Scout that has joined the Traitor Guard forces as their sniper.
-Battle Servitor mounted Heavy Bolter. Excellent range, but with less impressive autofire count and reaction ability than its imperial counterparts. It is belt fed a large amount of rounds from a ammo pod, ensuring it is very unlikely to run out of ammo.
It can come with 3 types of ammo:
A poor quality low power heavy bolter round. Starting round.
A AP heavy bolter round. Mid-tech round.
A HEAT-like heavy bolter high power round. Armor piercing, explosive. Appears only at higher tech tiers.
-Battle Servitor mounted Rocket launcher pod. Fires multiple warheads, of 3 types:
A standard HE round with a small AoE.
A KRAK warhead with minimal AoE and armor piercing capability.
A Melta warhead with a small AoE with armor damaging properties.
Can unleash a midranged Missile Massacre with poor accuracy.
Post by: Simi822 on June 06, 2021, 10:07:23 am
when looking into the "Wiki" (thru the New Battle option) I encountered multiple Crashes it seems following items are missing STR_CHAOS_HELLGUN or STR_CHAOS_VOLLEYGUN and STR_IG_BATTLESERVITOR_MISSILEARMOR_ARMOR is and some items like the Burna, etc don't have a entry (what is better because then it dont lead to a crash
Post by: The Martian on June 06, 2021, 10:33:48 am
I noticed that the sprite sheet for Stormboyz.png only had metal boots when stationary.

Here is an altered version of the legs with metallic boots. They currently lack the metal claw toes when walking but I'm hoping that this may save you some time when you start to create the proper clawed version.

Amazing work on your Heretek unit, it looks great. (
Post by: Leflair on June 06, 2021, 12:24:09 pm
Hot fix for 1.02 (

Fixes some codex crash issues for weapons not yet in the campaign + naming for one weapon, and two art pieces for the codex.

Thanks for the metal boots Simi822, will look into fixing that as time permits. The Heretek isn't quiiite finished, waiting for the Unitsprite studio to support floater drawingRoutine. But he looks alright for now.
Post by: Leflair on July 25, 2021, 09:17:18 pm
ROSIGMA version 1.03 is now up! (

1.03 (20210725 - Third Update Patch)

Adapted to 40k Version 030

Bug fixes:

    Corrected a inventory sprite mismatch for the Adeptas Dominion armor, the militia inventory sprite will no longer display.
    Some codex fixes (Thanks EttyKitty)
    Hotfix integration from 1.02: Corrected codex crashes in the mission gen codex, added a name for the Deserter longlas and 2 pieces of codex art.

General Changes:

    Starting cash returned to normal 40k levels, this part will now be handled through the new difficulty settings system.
    Engineer and scientist costs changed to default for now. More changes will come in future updates.
    Fuel costs for Promethium guzzling crafts were reduced so they don't take exorbitant values.

Guard changes:

    Choice between Guardsmen and Scion strategy. The Guardsmen is the same strategy as now. The Scion/Elite strategy gives access to mid-tier units in low-tier but reduces recruitment and heavy weapon options.

Marine changes:

    The Marine training mission also uses the same script as the IG training mission now (Thanks EttyKitty)
    Space Marine Fixed items were moved to the other hand. Same will follow for the other factions.
    Marines face all directions in the drop pods now (even if all sides don't open up)
    Changed requirements for Firstborn Marine Sergeant and Captain Armor to research progress instead of specific corpses.
    Altered the Firstborn Marines bike bolter and melee attack
    Altered requirements for Mortis Dreadnought (Lascannon) to Craft Lascannon (from Plasma)
    Limited Terminators from running and kneeling (similar to Chaos Gate)

Enemies changes:

    Enemy may only use Psi from the second turn on to avoid the enemy mind controlling units inside the drop pods.
    Removed STR_NURGLE from STR_NURGLESISTERS. Slightly easier list now without the nurgle CSM leader.
    Added Ork Kommandoz to some ork race lists.


    Added Ork Snipers capping your officers. Currently uses the same outfits as other kommandoz, but do have a brand new big orky sniper rifle (alright, it´s more of an autocannon).
    Imperial Guard has a new disposable KRAK rocket launcher like the Adeptas one. unlocks from heavy weapons research, after guardsmen strategy.
Post by: oxcuser0003 on August 03, 2021, 09:58:13 pm
Cool mod, thanks for all the work, I played up to unlocking the last mission but then got distracted 

Some thoughts:
- the additional soldier types are cool but complicates everything, seemed hard to upgrade them even with lots of missions and kills? then after spending a lot of time with the novices I finally unlocked the actual sisters lol, then certain armor types are locked to the different classes 
- similar to the base mod it seems like a lot of the unlocks are sidegrades and not straight X-COM style upgrades? ended up just spamming heavy bolters and lascannons
- similar to base mod the tech tree felt complicated
- love all the new enemies but the stealth orks seems a bit OP, i have had to literally go tile by tile and sometimes Im right next to them and still cant see them
- love the voices
- i do like the cheaper upgrade costs for armor and MC ammo, very expensive in the base mod 
- is mind control in the game? thought the inquisitor armor would have something but it didnt, finished a base SM run and didnt find it either
- how viable is melee? didnt try it much

Overall cool mod, keep up the great work!
Post by: Leflair on August 04, 2021, 02:11:47 pm
- the additional soldier types are cool but complicates everything, seemed hard to upgrade them even with lots of missions and kills? then after spending a lot of time with the novices I finally unlocked the actual sisters lol, then certain armor types are locked to the different classes

That is intended, and extends the "early" phase of the Sisters campaign. Although, we are working on introducing several "strategy" options for both guards and sisters (currently, guards have their Scion Strategy implemented alongside the normal strategy). Right now looking at giving Sisters some sort of "Veteran" Strategy and a Repentia Strategy, with a Seraphim Strategy as the 4th option.

This will deliver different sets of weapons and starting soldiers depending on Strategy picked. Novice strategy being the more forgiving in terms of starting numbers of troops and resources.

- similar to the base mod it seems like a lot of the unlocks are sidegrades and not straight X-COM style upgrades? ended up just spamming heavy bolters and lascannons
- similar to base mod the tech tree felt complicated

The upgrade path looks like:
Starting:-"Novice Habit Armor"
- (Optional) Cantus Armor
- Standard Adeptas Power Armor (what you start with in base 40k mod, or upgrade to from Novices)
- Elohim Armor (small upgrade for veterans, think "Tactical" armor) / Retributor Armor (good for heavy weapons, equivalent to Devastator armor) / Seraphim Armor (Flying/Assault)
- Sister Superior Armor (Required to upgrade to Canoness)
The later Honor guard/Dominion/Celestial (Flying) armor sets are advanced upgrades with better armor/"shields" (like in the base 40k mod).

This maps to "Tactical" (your high reaction, run and gun infantry), "Devastator"(heavy/fire support) and "Assault" (flying) trifecta of mainline armors.
I do have some plans to add some form of Zephyrim melee flying armor, Sacresants heavy infantry armor and a "Terminator" equivalent. Paragon will take longer, as 4 tile units are quite complicated to make. GW haven´t made any huge visual (or practical) differences in the armor sets of Zephyrim and Sacresants though.

Different tracks of upgrades for support armor:
Medicae Armor (Novices) - Hospitaller armor
Repentia Armor - Assassin Armor - Death Cult Assassin armor.
Adeptas Sentinel (HB, Shamsiel Pattern) - Sentinel Melta Lance (Sariel pattern). Can be piloted by either the Adeptas Pilots, or the standard Sisters (not Novices).

The late game armor upgrades are currently very close to the 40k base mod, what´s new is the Novice/Cantus/Medicae tier, the Elohim/Retributor/Superior tier and the Pilot/Sentinel "armors".

- love all the new enemies but the stealth orks seems a bit OP, i have had to literally go tile by tile and sometimes Im right next to them and still cant see them.
There are some options for you:
The Heavy Bolter Sentinel has 45 vision and 30% heatvision (through smoke). The later Sentinel (melta lance) has 60 vision.
The Medicae/Hospitaller armor sets have 5-10 antiCamo ("heartbeat sensor"). Probably the easiest to get early.
The Assassin armor have some (5) antiCamo for detecting stealthy enemies. Later, the Death Cultists have both +6 visibility and 10 anticamo detection. The Repentia is lacking though.
Later on you can use the Celestian, Inquisitor and Canoness Armors for this too.
The Living Saint has similar vision as the best sentinel but that´s late game.

- love the voices
Thanks, took quite a bit of work tracking down and putting together the extra voice packs. Might be more coming in the future to add some variety (Trying to avoid ballooning the size of the mod however).

- i do like the cheaper upgrade costs for armor and MC ammo, very expensive in the base mod
Nice to hear. We are looking at a more comprehensive economics and balance overhaul. If you (or anyone reading this thread) has suggestions or opinions on the current state of such, feel free to post it! Because everyone plays a little different, and there´s a random element to it, any extra playtesting input is valuable.

- is mind control in the game? thought the inquisitor armor would have something but it didnt, finished a base SM run and didnt find it either
Currently quite limited. There´s one Marine unit/armor, and the Psykers (Guard) that have some options here. There´s not really a suitable Sister unit for this, and MC is quite overpowered.
Now the enemy, well, they have some (especially Tzeentch).
On the plus side, Sisters should be quite resistant to MC attempts.

- how viable is melee? didnt try it much
It´s very viable if you´re using Repentia/Assassin armor, that give a big movement and reactions (Dodge) buff. Just try to drain enemy reaction fire as much as possible, and that you´re not leaving any potential counter-threats alive before sending in your living tomahawk missiles. It´s a decent way to conserve ammo, and most enemies are quite weak to melee damage (might want to be careful with some Khorne enemies however, melee experts that they are).
Other options are the Neural Whip (it has several attack options, suitable for capturing enemies), the added Power Axe and Halberd options (before the Sacresants were even announced, funny coincidence there!).

For the future update(s), along with the new strategy options, will be both guard "Tactics/Commands/Strategems" and Sister "Miracles" (names not final) that will map to what´s in their codex. Both big and small things, that can help you shift the battlefield in your favor (give your soldiers extra TU/Energy/Morale/Accuracy/Shields, or draining the enemy etc), with cooldowns and/or some sort of "points generation".
Still working on the implementation so it feels balanced and well, works as intended.

Post by: Leflair on September 02, 2021, 10:07:53 pm
ROSIGMA version 1.04 is now up! (

ROSIGMA 1.04 (20210902- Fourth Update Patch)

Works with 40k Version 030.


Bug fixes:
-Corrected sprite errors with the Heretek battlesprite
-Corrected sprite errors with the Melta Beamer handOB
-Added support for 40k 030 unitSprites.
-Fix for weapons loadout dualwielding (re)introduced with 40k 030, using livingWeapon to ensure the units load with their own loadouts.
-Gave the Genestealer leader a weaponLoadout.
-Gave the megarmor nobz ammo for their twin shootas at the highest tier (previously missing).
-Corrected a couple of pricing errors for live captures and corpses that would bring huge amounts of dosh. Adjusted some prices downwards and a few up to be more in line with other prices.
-Corrected the loadout of the Elite Heretic Sister, who previously held two lascannons (and a third somewhere else).
-Corrected Firstborn Marine strategy not disabling Primaris strategy.
-Drop pod requisition is now manufacturable (for the initial one).
-Added explosionSounds and hitAnimations from X1.pck that were missing for some enemy spawner grenades.
-Removed hair and face color script code leftovers from enemy sisters that could cause issues with their pixels.

General Changes:
-Unified Unit stat ranges with 030.
-Increased the loftemp size of Marines and Terminators to 4 and 5 respectively. This means Terminators will be as easy to hit as Ogryns, and Power Armor Marines will be a little easier to hit than guardsmen or sisters. This goes for both player armors and enemies like CSM, Terminators, Havocs etc.
We've not touched Primaris yet, that's coming with a later overhaul.
-Added morale loss reduction/boost to various enemy units. A Chaos Penetante will cause very minor morale losses for other Chaos units, while enemy leaders will cause more Morale losses.
-Added Panic immunity to some enemy terror and high end chaos units.
-Added Mind Control immunity to some enemy terror and high end chaos units.
-Buffed health of enemy Ogryns to 130/140 range.
-Changed enemy Ogryns to lofttemp size 5 from size 3 to equal player Ogryns. They are now easier to hit! This offsets some of their increase in health.
-Added some mixing Ufopaedia entries for recently added Chaos weaponry.
-Reworked enemy deployments for the new enemy lists, see NEW notes below.
-The Value of base Space Marine soldiers has increased by 10 points and by 20 for Terminators.
-Buffed the Juggernaut health by 100 with tu, stamina, mind control resistance and armor recieving small buffs. They also have leeroyJenkins now, so these big doggos will be more aggressive.
-The Chaos Juggernaut is now extra stompy (sfx).
-Lowered heatvision for some enemy units. Its now slightly safer to use smoke, don't stand too close to the edges and expect to be invisible however! Recommended to keep at least 4 tiles of dense smoke between you and the threat.
Be aware, that enemy Sentinels, Daemons, Psykers, Power Armor enemies and Sorcerers are not particularly impeded by smoke. This goes for the new Blackstone Stormtroopers as well.
Ork "Techy" units like mekboys, burnas, kommandoz, flashgitz, megaarmor users have heatVision values in the 10-30 range.
-Removed or lowered psiVision for some enemy units.
-Increased the effective range of enemy lascannons and longlas to slightly above 20 tiles (from 16/18).
-Added some armor damage for the alien grenade.
-Added a 10% damage buff for the chaos Heavy Stubber.
-A 20 point nerf to the Slaanesh Dominion armor.
-Changed Plaguebearer spit to have a small AoE effect and energy drain.

Adeptas Changes:
-Dropped stats requirements for Novice promotion.
-Lowered some max stats and training caps for Adeptas (across the board). Still slightly higher than base 40k, but not quite as extreme.
-Moved Dominion halberd, power axe, dominion bolter, potestas heavy kombibolter and galgalim assault cannon to high tier (was purchaseable at midtier)
-Buffed Aimed range of Arche sniper to 25 tiles (was 18, 1 lower than snap).
-Introduced research for Hellspite/Mephisto midtier kombibolters
-Buffed the Harmonic Beamer Melta snap fire accuracy and effective range.
-Buffed the Harmonic Beamer and Potestas Melta anti-armor damage. Reduced range power drop off (after 12 tiles) by 30%.

Imperial Guard Changes:
-More Damage Range for Imperial Guard Bayonets
-Added Vox Caster Armors (replacing Laser Designator)
-Revoked isPilotArmor on Guard Pilot

Price changes, right numbers are the new prices, left are the old:
Smoke drum 800 # 7500
NEW: smoke bomb 15000
Krak drum 800 # 10000
Frag drum 800 # 5000
Photon drum 800 # 6000
Inc drum 800 # 3600

New for Imperial Guard:
-Normal smoke grenades got their blastRadius reduced by one.
-New Smoke Bomb: You get smoke bombs when you research smoke and ogryns. Weight is 20, cost is 15 000 credits (10x smoke grenades). Use where it's vital.
-Added Hologram Grenades that creates a decoy target that may confuse the enemy AI. Cost: 15 000 credits.
-Introduced a spotter/support gunner role (think of the tabletop two-man Heavy Weapons Teams) as a heavy weapons kit, to buff Heavy Weapons like Heavy Bolters. For full effect, the player will need to bring a weapon specialist team to truly make use of their heavy weapons.
"This heavy weapon toolkit supports any troops wielding heavy weapons with bipods. By 'attacking' the heavy weapon soldier, the toolkit finishes deploying the heavy weapon or enables the soldier to move again on the same turn."
-Added new Command ability to officers. Regimental Officers are capable of issuing battle wide commands. All commands use command points which depend on the composition of the commited forces. Depending on rank and soldier type, each soldier contributes to the command point pool. The higher the seniority the more command points they contribute. Soldiers such as Penitents or Ogryns do not contribute any points. The cost of a command depends on the number of all soldiers commited (dead or alive). Commands can only be issued by Officers.
Following commands can be given per turn. Only one command can be active per turn:
Blitzkrieg: The reaction score of all troops is increased. All enemies will be slower to react but will also react in greater force once they get the opportunity to do so.
Fix Bayonets: All troops will get a melee accuracy and damage bonus. The accuracy shown will not reflect on the actual (improved) melee chance.
Hunker Down: All soldiers will take defensive positions. Incoming damage will be reduced, even more so when kneeling.

Imperial Plasma Weapons now overheat. The bigOB of affected Plasma weapons will have the blue plasma gradually turn red as the weapon is fired. Note: This only updates on new turns. Firing several autoshots in a row will cause rapid overheating and within a few turns (maxing heat), the weapon to self-destruct. No fancy explosion possible yet, so it's just the gun that goes poof.

Enemy Weapons:
-Added Chaos Hellguns and Volleyguns. These pack quite the punch. They sport new chaos flavored sprites.
-Tzeentch Flamers now have a melta alt-attack to offer more ranged threat.
-Added a heretical light bolter based on the De'az pattern to the Chaos ranks, replacing the normal De'az bolter. This Heretek modified version has a double tap snap fire.

Upgrading Enemy bases:
-Cultist and Traitor Guard bases now upgrade their racelists with level. A randomRace system has also been introduced per level, so you may encounter some alternative lists of a suitable tier. This also means that the level 3 (highest) bases will be a tougher, while level 1 bases will be easier. Plan your raids accordingly.
Note, the first base of either Cultists or Traitor Guard counts as level 2 rather than level 1.
Some examples: Deserters, Traitor Squats, Traitor Guard Shock Force (elites), Blackstone Stormtroopers and more.

New Enemy Forces:
Chaos Squats
-Chaos Squats are introduced. They come in several flavors, Cultist, Traitor and Chaos. Cultist and Traitor are mixed in with existing Cultist and Traitor Guard lists, as well as a few new lists. Chaos Squats have their own dedicated raceList.
-Enemy Squats come in Leader (Cultist/Chaos), Ranger (Chaos), Heavy and standard configurations. Each with their own inventory sprites and modified battlesprites (resuing BigOB/floorOB for now).
They favor hotshot weapons, grav- and meltaguns. They sport more armor and health than their human counterparts, ranging from carapace to pseudo-power armor. They have low TU, but high stubborness and morale. They are not as skilled as CSM, and have lower throwing stats.
-Chaos Squat Exoarmor enemy added, Chaos Squats terminator tier unit. Slow, but very tough.
-Reworked enemy deployments for the new Squat lists, weightings have been changed for much of the early/mid game so you will encounter different mixes of enemies (the vanilla Cultist list has reduced chance of appearing as a result).
I´ve made new sprite sets for all of these.

Blackstone Stormtroopers
-Added new Traitor Guard Blackstone Stormtroopers. They come in normal, heavy, sharpshooter, jumptrooper and elite versions. They use the new chaos hellguns, volleyguns and hotshot longlas, some plasma carbines and rifles. Powered armored player units can survive 2-4 shots from these weapons, just don't get too close.
-9 Racelists have been added that are all, or mixed Blackstone Stormtroopers. They will primarily arrive by month 3 but some of the easier lists can appear earlier (low %). They can appear in most mission types, depending on which Chaos faction they are mixed in with and they have a low % chance of building bases. You can find enemy commanders with these forces.
I´ve made new black and red stormtrooper sprite-sets for them. Sniper and Jumptrooper each use a different set.

-Papa Nurgle has sent his best Nurglings to join the fray! These little buggers have a acid-blight spit attack and festering talons. Not particularly dangerous on their own, they can still pick off wounded troops and cause plenty of fatal wounds.
They can appear with low tier Nurgle lists (one new list has been added), as well as from "spawner" weapons and units.
Blight grenades and rockets will now spawn Nurglings near their impact area.
Most Nurgle units now carry Nurgling spawning grenades (on higher tech levels, Plaguebearer) that they will happily throw around. Better than getting hit by a alien grenade, perhaps.
Battlesheet by Xom and color adjusted by me, I´ve added new BigOB/FloorOB/Inventory art as well.
-Added a Nurgle Sister with a new spritesheet, that will spawn a Nurgling on Death, bursting forth to spread cheer and cholera amongst your troops! She can appear in most Nurgle lists.

Cultists and Daemon Undivided

-The Chaos Cults have been expanded with not just Cultist Squats, but also Aspiring Champions, Dark Disciples, Dark Apostles and more! These form the elite members of cults and are better equipped, armored and trained than the rank and file chaff. Expect up to carapace level armor, better stats and more health than the normal cultists.
-A Favored Chaos Cult has been added to the racelist, well stocked with these new cultists.
It will have a few surprises.
-One new enemy type is the Neverborn Chaos (Undivided) Daemon, losely based on several semi-obscure daemons with no particular god-bent. Namely the "Blade-Thing", "Walking Nightmare" and "Warp Predator" from the 40k RPG rulebooks. They're shadowy (sneaky), dark, spiky and very very nasty to meet in a dark alley. A pretty good fit for the various undivided racelists.
They´re resistant to normal weapons fire, but energy weapons, meltas and fire will sort them out.

Unverified and Redacted Marine foes
-Ultramarines have been spotted defacing imperial monuments, spray-painting imperial trams and hanging up indecent posters within our cities! This is most non-compliant behaviour with the codex astartes. Be alert if you encounter them and investigate.

New Enemy Lists:
As mentioned in all the new additions like Chaos squats, all the new factions have new raceLists that populate the world with missions, craft etc.
Existing lists are also remixed with some new units and frequency/chance of appearing changed. Older lists (if they're not the main CSM threats) are generally less likely to appear.
Frequency of the enemy Penetent legion and Slaangor lists for example has been reduced early game to make room for the new lists, leading to overall more variety in encounter types.

New lists:
9 Blackstone Stormtrooper related ones
5 new enemy (Chaos or otherwise) Squats lists, one being mixed with Blackstone.
1 New early cultist list
1 Late game cultist list
1 new Nurgle one (early game)
1 New Elite Traitor Guard list
1 Neverborn Cult list
2 new Slaanesh lists
4 Redacted lists of Redacted Force of Redacted.
Probably a few more I've missed, and I don't want to mention too many details for sake of you discovering them (and their fun, wholesome, surprises) yourself in action.
Post by: oxcuser0003 on September 08, 2021, 05:26:26 pm
awesome that more stuff is being added - will have to give it a try sometime
Post by: Leflair on September 08, 2021, 10:14:01 pm
Give it a spin, what's the worst that could happen? Covered in Nurglings?

New page, so here's a preview of 1.05:
The main course will be the cult of Tzeentch. Up until now we've only had the (expanded) chaos cult, clad in red and with a vague Khorne theming.
But 1.05 will bring in blue clad cultists of Tzeentch to provide some more early and midgame variety.

The roster so far, from low tier to high tier:
-Warped Thralls
-Tzeentch Mutants
-Helot Cultists
-Chaos Witches
-Summoners (Fatebinders)

A couple of them (inventory only):

For support they currently have access to:
-Combat Servitors (temporarily on loan from another list)
-Battle Servitor/Heavy Plasma (temporarily on loan from another list)
-Lesser Daemon of Tzeentch. A close cousin of the Horrors, to give a little more daemonic variety and represent the "The Scintillating Legions" that aren't just the uniform daemons.
-Possessed Cultists/Lesser Spawns of Tzeentch. Not the huge lumbering kind, but more of a daemon host/possession of Thrall-Champions.

They'll have a couple of "themes" to their units and capabilities.

-Long ranged and accurate lasgun focus.
-Magic, both in quantity and variety they'll have the most magic users, with all units except for the "soldier" chaff having access to some sort of spells. These will not be merely destructive fireballs, but come in a couple of different flavors like debuffs and panic-causing attacks. I got a couple of source books for ideas.
-Daemon and mutants provide the muscle n meat, for the otherwise frail forces.
-Magic shielding (Dark Shield) give certain units some staying power.
-Flamethrowers provide a little bit of close range cover and AoE capability.

-Little melee capability.
-Frail(er), Low HP and armor compared to other chaos forces.
-Little AoE outside of spells, so no rocket launchers or grenade launchers.
-Low rate of fire and fewer autoweapons. No heavy bolters or heavy stubbers.

Short a daemon or two right now, but otherwise I've managed to sprite them all out in the last few weeks.

On the to do list is more new spells and testing.
Post by: Simi822 on September 09, 2021, 10:50:26 pm
I think you have the Inferno pistol completely wrong, yes it has a limited range, 25 percent to a melta gun but its power should not be decreased but increased! it should be an insta kill weapon, also impossible to build only to buy or get by conquer, what you have in the game is not good
Post by: Leflair on September 10, 2021, 11:47:57 am
We have buffed the inferno pistol power by 50% vs vanilla, but otherwise it is untouched. Haven't considered moving when its available or its rarity, but its something to explore (maybe a mastercrafted version or such).
Post by: brogue123 on September 30, 2021, 06:36:15 pm
Having real problems with the IG on this. Honestly it's really annoyed me. This is going to be a rant, and I just want to say that I only rant with this level of annoyance because this mod has such amazing potential, but it's just not remotely, remotely ready.

I'm no slouch with XCOM, I've played it to death 1000 times on ironman superhuman on vanilla, different mods, and ironmanned the original 40k mod. I can ironman/superhuman the final mod pack with psi-amp disabled. I do not say this to boast. I say this because if I'm playing an XCOM based game and it's ludicrously, profoundly unfair, unfun and unwinnable, I know it's not just me.

I genuinely do not understand how you are supposed to survive as IG unless you are savescumming. The 'early game', such as it is, consists of troops who cannot hit anything - anything. The lasguns, when they do hit, do nothing. Nothing at all. Even if you somehow survive to get close enough to hit, you can drop five or six las shots into an enemy's back - their BACK- and it's nothing to them. And this is basic enemies. Not space marines, not ogryn. Just dudes. And yet all their shots hit, and every shot that hits kills one of your men.

But then there ARE space marines, and ogryn, and squats, right from the start. That's fantastic, it's amazing, brilliant, great - as RAW CONTENT. But you're dropping in this new content WAY before giving the player ANYTHING that can consistently beat it. It totally destroys the fun of the game.

Enemies that are already tough, but when killed, turn into heavily armoured, full health space marines (!) that then become invisible (!) and slaughter your men with bolter shot? So they inflict one shot kills on every one of your men, and if you somehow manage to track them down, you can fire the entire squad, every action point, every shot in a single fusillade into that one enemy, and it STILL won't die. Then it kills everyone next turn. And these enemies appear RIGHT from the start. And they're not rare. At all. Any chaos terror mission probably has three or four of the things.

What are you trying to do here? Are you drunk?

It's an amazing enemy, fantastic. Love it. Brilliant idea, brilliantly implemented. Even looks cool, old-school ALPHA armour, love the lore. Love it. But to drop this on the player over and over, right from the start, as one of the basic enemies faced when there is nothing that can consistently hurt it, is absurd.

Getting the mounted heavy bolter feels like a revolution, not because it's powerful, just because it actually allows some level of consistency in killing anything. But it's so static that you have to mount a static defence of the thing.  On every single mission. Every mission becomes the same, by necessity. Any deviation from it results in immediate death. And woe betide you if that 300 000 buck thing takes a single shot. 300 000? What's the mount made out of? Gold-plated diamond?

It is absurd. Honestly absurd. Even disembarking from a craft - how? You can't pop smoke to cover your exit because it's been so nerfed you need 4/5 smoke grenades to do it, and whoever's throwing those grenades will almost certainly die, along with 2 or three people behind them from the hail of automatic reaction shot that rains down. Even if you get smoke up, enemy sentinels can somehow (?) see right through smoke and hit you with missiles. Any missiles immediately kill everyone in the entire blast radius.

"Stay in the ship, cede the first turn! Then you wont face reaction fire!" Um okay, but all the ships have massive, wide-open doors that can be shot through.

"Punt a smoke grenade out and then they won't shoot in!" - Um, okay, but I can't shoot a smoke grenade out because my heavy bolter is in the way, I can't move it down the line to put penitents first, and I can't not take it, because nobody else has the ability to shoot/hit/hurt anything.

"It's okay, just send out penitents!" If you're disembarking with penitents, you have no heavy bolters, and if you have no heavy bolters how the hell are winning anything?

"On the Chimera you have a third tank, fill that with penitents, run them out first!" Um, okay. But that's just bad design, if the only way I can possibly disembark on ANY MISSION where it's open ground in front of me is to throw 4-6 prisoners to their immediate death in turn one, every time? Two things. Firstly, that's just grim, ugly gameplay. Secondly, it also means that you're NOT taking a big squad of IG. You're taking a tiny squad of IG, because all the space is taken up with heavy bolters and doomed penitents, so you've got like, 5 spaces left for actual guardsmen. So now not only are you useless, you're totally outnumbered in every engagement. Wahey! I've survived turn one! Now I'm dead on turn two.

"Use sentinels! They're tough!" - No they're not. They're made of tinfoil. I've never had one survive a single round while exposed. Against basic, lowest-possible-level enemies. How is it that their las-shot can rend metal armour, but your las-shot barely even tickles? Are they all packing mini-lascannons or hotshot whatever? Okay, great. Love the new content. Love it, genuinely love it. But in dumping it all on the player before there's any chance to hit back you are destroying the actual game. And the multilaser on the sentinel? Are you drunk? I've had that thing fail to kill basic guardsmen from four squares away, firing both volleys. It's as dangerous as a 1970's disco light.

"Try the Scion strategy, you get hotshot lasweapons with infinite ammo!" That sounds amazing, I'll do that! Oh wait though, it means I also get no HMVs whatsoever, no heavy bolters, nothing. And those hotshot lasweapons are STILL nothing like good enough to beat the enemies you meet right from the start. I remember one time I open a door into an enemy ship. First or second month, really early on. Chaos Space Marine there. Facing away from me. I walk RIGHT UP BEHIND HIM and unload a volley of shot into his back from the most powerful Scion gun, the hotshot volley gun. Four hits. Then he turns around, no fucks given, and kills the Scion. Great stuff.

"well, they're IG, they're expendable" - not if the entire team panics at the drop of a hat they're not. They don't seem to think each other are expendable. Lose maybe three in a turn? The whole squad just crumbles.

Oh, and Scions cost, when you factor all the expenses in the manufacturing in, almost twice as much as actual Space Marines.

Here's my question. Does anyone involved in the construction of this mod actually care about how this plays as a game?

This mod is not accurate to how Imperial Guard are in 40k. It is not. NOT ACCURATE. NOT REMOTELY.

I've played imperial guard and I've played against imperial guard. Lasguns are not totally useless. Massed lasgun fire can really do damage, even against armoured infantry. But in this mod laguns are genuinely, frighteningly USELESS. You might as well throw bad language at the opponent. Are these trained soldiers? The basic soldiers on XCOM actually can kill sectoids and floaters with the basic guns. It's not easy, but it's doable. But this? They feel like inmates from a remedial care home doing 40k cosplay.

You have enough amazing new content here to do something genuinely staggering. You can implement 40k in an XCOM engine, the whole shebang. You're clearly on your way, and the new content is cool, interesting, epic. You know what would be even better? If the starting tier of difficulty had any level of fairness to it. It doesn't. You're up against things straight off the bat that your weapons simply cannot hurt, which can slaughter half your men in a heartbeat.

If you drench the area in smoke you can kind of survive for a while, but even then the nerfing of the smoke has made it so absurdly patchy that you get shot (flawlessly, lethally, every time) by things on the other side of the map you can't even see, and still can't find even if you use all your time units to run right at them. What do you do? Honestly what?

None of this is fun.

None of this is fun.

None of this is fun.

I read about the ROSIGMA mod having amazing new content, but appalling game balance. I've seen people say that over and over. Have you never heard that? They are right. This is ridiculous.

I encountered this problem before in another mod that will remain nameless - amazing content, really cool, huge time and effort put in, but no discipline when it came to crafting the actual game-play experience. Just a splurge of new, high-level content and nothing to counter it. Nothing.

I understand the temptation. The temptation to just add cool new stuff, and then show it off. No point burying it in the end game, right? You want people to see SQUATS! OGRYN! ALPHA LEGION! Right? But your exuberance over your new content causes a lack of discipline in burying the player under unwinnable conditions.

While the development of this mod focused on adding cool new units, this will never be worth playing by anyone. It is not fun to play. Not close to fun.

Tone the beginning down. Make sure that there are things that actually can counter the enemies you're bringing in. Stop trying to show off all your fancy new stuff. Leave it till the mid tier, the end tier. Hell, make four or five new tiers and turn the whole game into a massive epic. Whatever. But swamping the player straight off the bat is absurd, and kills this mod as a player experience.

The original 40k mod had balance. That was probably the most impressive thing about it - not that it was a 40k reskin of xcom, now because it had all the cool units, but because someone had taken real care to make it work as an actual player experience.

I understand others enjoy ROSIGMA. Has anyone actually played IG without savescumming? If you can't survive without savescumming, that's bad design. This is a badly designed mod. Amazing new content, terrible game design.

Now I have to commit japanese ritual suicide to make up for the disgusting level of sickening entitlement I have just displayed in my criticism of this free mod, which has a wealth of really impressive, inspiring individual elements.

I hate myself for even saying this. And maybe it's just me, man. Maybe I'm just terrible at this particular mod. Maybe there's some tactic I don't know about that everyone knows about. I don't know.

But if there's anything in what I've said that isn't total nonsense, that means someone involved in the development of this mod needs to take personal resposibility for the game balance, and actually treat that as a part of the game equally as important as some fancy new gun or exciting new enemy.

I'm not asking it to be made easy. Just possible.

Rant over.


*commits japanese ritual suicide*
Post by: Yankes on September 30, 2021, 07:01:46 pm
best thing is that if you think mod is broken you can fix it easy, create new sub mod that rebalnce game.
Find all lasguns weapons and bump damage by 2x and see how your game play feel after that.
Post by: Buscher on October 01, 2021, 01:25:58 am
Thanks for the rant. I get a few things where they are coming from but what confuses me about are two things.
1. Where is this hidden feedback group you are talking about because I get nearly zero feedback on balance in general. 
2. How is it that you consider the 40k base mod balance to be that much different? Unless you played IGMA that actually made Lasguns more worthwhile, you are playing with the exact same damageType, power for the weapons as well as damage modifiers for the armors as the base mod does. Only the armor values themselves are slightly different for this matter.
If you want to try you can give this sub mod ( a shot (effective 25 % damage increase for Lasguns, less accuracy dropoff per tile). Again something I got very little feedback on. That's why I am hesitant to put it into the mod itself. If you don't like the range thing, then just delete the range related rul file.

I gladly invite you to our discord ( Feel free to hang around and start some of the (less ranty) discussions.

As for answering your post in detail, I plan to do it at a later time.
Post by: Leflair on October 01, 2021, 01:52:35 am
Constructive feedback is always welcome, and we do indeed not get a lot of it (just skim this thread). 

The 1.04 has only been out for a month, but the feedback I've gotten has not pointed to any big balance issues (you're the first, really), this may simply be because most regular players that do play it and give feedback are pretty experienced with how to handle the tougher foes. Your experience may differ, for example are Chaos Space Marines *not* common as a early enemy (there's always a chance with things like Terror missions) and you may always spawn in the middle of a enemy squad (this goes for vanilla 40k too).

There's a few things from your notes that's already been worked into update 1.05 (coming soon). Other things are bigger longterm goals of the mod to tackle, with some solutions being work in progress.

A couple of changes in 1.05 that may adress some of your issues: 
-Enemy Squats have less armor, and are easier to hit. They're not as common either.
-There is a new strong early game Heavy Stubber for Guard, and a Heavy Lasgun with overcharged power shots (there's some other lasgun changes like this to allow for punchier shots too). The Early Game Guard Counters may need a little tutorial.
-Enemy sentinels do indeed, like your own sentinels, have advanced optics that allow them to see through some smoke. But like your own Sentinel experience, they die to a stiff breeze. Speaking of Sentinels, the player version is getting a armor buff in 1.05.
-We're gradually shifting the tougher enemies to rarer/later appearances. The big one to stretch out the appearance of things like enemy CSM is in a later update though (some things in the work that need more time).

I'll let Buscher answer the Guard Tactics questions. As we've lost 33% of our manpower (Xom is busy soldiering IRL), it's just the two of us plus a few helpful people lending a hand from time to time.

One big balancing difficulty is that if the game is easy enough for early guard, it's very easy for Space Marines or Sisters. For this we've been working on some "difficulty options" that will allow for more ingame tweaking to your liking. Things like increased income, or getting more veteran troops. It's always going to be hard to tweak the balance so that it's both satisfying for veteran-, new players and works for all factions.

Post by: Simi822 on October 01, 2021, 10:26:01 am
personally I think playing as the IG is OK using this mod playing as the Arbiters is a torture but still manageable
but when we speak unbalanced, then this MOD is very far behind the shit show called Xcom Files now that is unbalanced and unplayable IMHO.

and a question, I am playing now as the Arbiters and I see enemy Ratlings? and Traitor Catachans?

will they be available for the player when playing IG?

Also when the enemy can have Tech priest and/or Battle Servitors will they be available for the player?

and the SM have dreadnoughts, the Sisters have Penitent Engines...maybe add a "Compact" Imperial Knight for the IG (something that would be a reward like the Lord Commissar after a special achievement) to make the IG more capable...cannot thing of anything that could be added to the Arbiters...

and maybe add more "Special" loot that can only be found in Munitorum depos and/or on slayed "Bosses"  (like the Tigrus Bolter, etc) I mentioned the Inferno Gun earlier that should be a compact multi melta with 25 percent range and should be not available for production...maybe Digi weapons? (one shot insta kill close range weapons with 2-3 shots per mission) or rare combi bolters, necromunda combi weapons? and divide them into early-mid-late tier (or even maybe not...)

never less the mod is great and continue with the great work (I could not imagine myself going back to playing vanilla 40k mod)
Post by: Leflair on October 01, 2021, 12:18:44 pm
Unless the main 40k mod has snuck in Catachans and Ratlings, I'd say those are not a thing (yet). You might be running into some deserters, one of which has a rather tattered rambo look. And the "Rattlings" might be some form of traitor squat?

1.05 does have player Guard Squats (flak and carapace versions) and Guard Beastmen (ditto), which will give at least some IG strategies some tougher early game unit options!

Player Battle Servitors, and cyborgs, has been discussed and might appear with a later update. Would be a good way to allow IG (And Arbites) to "upgrade" their soldiers, make them tougher etc, in exchange for money/resources. Heavy weapons battle servitors would also be a good way to have non-4 tile or weapon teams heavy weapons.

We've not touched Arbites much, but have been discussing integrating them (partially) into certain IG strategies (like Penal legion related). Arbites on their own should be considered [superhuman] difficulty in ROSIGMA (IG not being far behind).

7.1 of OXCE should allow us to do some ammo-upgrades through research without needing new items for everything, which will be one avenue to allow for smoother difficulty curves / early game weapon availability. For example, lasguns could get upgraded power packs through research if one wants to focus on a heavy lasgun pew pew approach.

1.05 will have the basic Primaris armor integration, working out to a buff for their armor values.

More special/exotic weapons that can be found/earned through missions, as well as lasgun variants are on the "in the future" list. There's quite a lot of cool lasgun patterns like shotlas, assault lasguns, lasrifles, heavy lasguns and pulse lasguns. Things like longer magazines/Big powercells, drum power cells, double barrels/tripple barrels/rotating barrels (handheld multilaser style), Model 481 "Persuader" Lasgun/Minerva-Aegis Las Carbine/Fractrix pattern assault laser etc). We have to consider when to introduce these to not overwhelm the player, and preserve balance. Mostly mid/late tier for all of these.

My little Surviving 40k 101 guide, some of these things are obvious (depending on how much openxcom you've played) but I do see people playing 40k forget a lot of this (I certainly didn't know all of this when starting):

Tip #1, remember the basics of close quarters combat:
A little write up for how to handle spawning right next to some enemies, doesn't matter if its Squats, Ogryn, CSM or a Chaos Dreadnought (which I just saw happen).
The enemy might even be turned away, a tempting rear or flanking shot!
Your first instict might be to open fire with the closest guy, right? Best odds of hitting with that melta or heavy bolter!
But remember, regardless if it is ROSIGMA or 40k, most enemies bar the weakest cultists or guardsmen have some armor and health, so its not exactly unlikely that the enemy will survive.
And when you shoot a enemy in OpenXcom and they survive, even if that enemy is turned away, they'll get a reaction shot back against you* (exception cases where they have 0 TU, or, important for later - they've already blown their reaction fire this turn).
So what do you do? Your APC doors are open, your drop pod is open. That enemy is gonna shoot right back into your guys. Either as a reaction shot, or on the enemy turn. They gotta go!

A couple of options:
-If playing as Guard, you get Commands. One handy command to use here is the one that grants a reaction bonus. If you're new to openxcom, having higher reaction on *your* troops means they are less likely to trigger that enemy reaction shot.
-Smoke. Plenty of it. But the problem here is that if the enemy is just a few tiles away, their vision will not be blocked, heat vision or no.
-Turrets, don't forget to use these guys first. And not the closest turret but ah, you say, I want to hit the enemy! Shoot with the closest turret?! There's two reason why you do not want to do that. 1) Turrets are usually not that strong (unless you want to lob a tank shell in close proximity to that open apc door) so the enemy is likely to survive and get to reaction fire back - wrecking your close turret. 2) The enemy can MISS that shot, or the turret is closet enough to the entrance of the APC that the enemy reaction fire hits your team inside. Chunky salsa.
So use the most distant turret, not to kill the enemy necessarily, but to draw that reaction fire and hopefully, the enemy will miss your distant turret, and any shot can harmlessly miss because you don't have a open door nearby.
-Grenades primed to explode on the enemy turn. Not recommended due to the fact that early grenades are unlikely to kill the beefier enemies, and you can still draw reaction fire when lobbing them. Still, it can be done safely from some cover so it might be worth a shot.
-A Wall of Fire, the AI will generally avoid going through fire. Now, doesn't work very well if the enemy is really close and has a gun - but in 40k there's plenty of enemies with melee only.
-Targeting nearby ammunition or terrain. Don't forget this, less likely to trigger reaction fire, and you can either get yourself a hole to escape through - or detonate a ammo storage facility and take a good chunk of those enemies out.
-Now,  last resorts: Sometimes you don't have a turret (drop pods) or the random map generator has made your APC drivers park right in the middle of like, 10 burly chaos dudes with heavy weapons. This is a case of where it might be a very good idea to... run away. Now, if that's not possible, or if you think you can still eke out a victory - use a decoy.
Imperial Guard get hologram grenades, other factions have Servitors or Penal legion throw-away troops (or Emperor forbid, dogs!) that can run off to draw that reaction fire. Key here is to not take a unit that's standing like 3 tiles away from the big burly chaos dude in question. You want to draw reaction fire that is likely to miss.

And just general tip is to use any terrain to your advantage*, and to try to deny the enemy a flank if you cannot take them all out in one go.
Instead of sending little fireteams off in all directions to try to kill all the enemies, take all your people and punch into the closest map corner or building. 
Many enemies have limited range on their weapons (and grenades!) and are generally not very good at pursuing the player.
Now, there's a risk with this, you'll be leaving your spare ammo/guns behind in the APC/craft, and there may be more enemies you're walking into. This is not a no brainer tactic to use all the time, the craft is generally the safer place to be. Unless you've parked near a small platoon of enemies. 
*You do not want to be standing out in the open at the end of a turn.  If you don't have to rely on random luck, or smoke, then don't. Find anything that puts something between your units and the enemy, in openxcom even a 0% shot can hit (or a miss targeting someone else).  It can even be worthwile to use a *unit* to protect your other units by way of line of fire, like sticking a big Ogryn in the path of fire. They have a lot of health, they might survive!

Post by: brogue123 on October 01, 2021, 06:17:00 pm
Okay, thanks for your responses, I felt awful about sending that and I'd just logged back in to apologise - sorry again for being so sharp.

My passion comes from truly, truly loving this game. I love this game so much, and when it's done well it's amazing.

But.... really impressed with your responses. Leflair and Buscher, I'll answer point for point.

It's been years since I properly chopped up a quote on a forum to do this so if I get the html all over the place and it looks ridiculous, feel free to throw things at my head.

Constructive feedback is always welcome, and we do indeed not get a lot of it (just skim this thread). 

The 1.04 has only been out for a month, but the feedback I've gotten has not pointed to any big balance issues (you're the first, really), this may simply be because most regular players that do play it and give feedback are pretty experienced with how to handle the tougher foes.

This is a serious problem. If you are genuinely unaware of the balance problems in this mod, it is a serious problem. It's like flying  at speed into a brick wall. If nobody's saying anything to you, you are not getting the feedback you need to make this into a decent game. And what hurts is that the content added is so good, and it's just going to waste.

I think there's a lot of people who don't want to admit it's too hard. Honestly, if I didn't have the level of experience I have at this game, I probably wouldn't feel confident to say something. Some other people just like to boast, so they don't like admitting they can't do it. But I know I'm good. Sorry, that's an asshole thing to say, but I am. I've played this game for years, I only ever play on Ironman on the hardest difficulty, and what makes this game so amazing is that that actually can be done. The hardest difficulty is really, really hard.... but possible. It is fair. There is a way through. Always. And so it makes it tense, cool - but also hopeful, fun, possible.

This is the key to making an XCOM mod work - (god, I sound like such a patronising arse even saying this, I know, I'm sorry) but it is the key. There has to be a way to win. To consistently win - it can be hard, like walking a tightrope - but it can't be impossible.

Your experience may differ, for example are Chaos Space Marines *not* common as a early enemy (there's always a chance with things like Terror missions) and you may always spawn in the middle of a enemy squad (this goes for vanilla 40k too).

My experience DOES differ. I think they're more common than you think they are. And mate- just remember this. If even ONE shows up, that mission becomes UNWINNABLE IMMEDIATELY for normal guardsmen. And you can say - well, lasfire reduces armour. Sure. But the accuracy and damage being done by the entire squad being so appallingly bad, you might as well be throwing a rock at the moon.

That is the truth. It is the actual truth of playing the game. If you say "well, these people aren't having problems" those people are savescumming. HARD. OVER AND OVER.

But then you say Space Marines are not there from the start - um... dude. Play your own game. Sit down, fire up Imperial Guard, PRESS THE IRONMAN BUTTON and try to survive three months. You will fail. Straight up. This is not a winnable game. That means it isn't fun, and it isn't fair. And I don't care who your veterans are, or what they're doing. Survive without savescumming on this mod for a full year, let alone actually win? You might as well tell me you can jump to the moon. Straight up, that person is either lying, deluded, or doing something dramatically different from anything I have ever seen done in this game after decades of playing it. I would suggest that they are lying.

If you cannot kill Space Marines, think about what that actually means TO THE GAME EXPERIENCE. It means that any Space Marines necessitate an immediate retreat from an unwinnable mission. Avoiding Space Marines means avoiding EVERY terror mission, and EVERY enemy base until you have the weapons to take them. It also means immediately fleeing from EVERY crash landing or landed plane where they show up.

Is this an intentional choice? Did you decide that this would be your game?

If you did, why do you hate us so much? What have we done to hurt you? How can we earn your forgiveness?

If not, you have two choices. Delay space marines, or SERIOUSLY buff imperials. Not just "tweak the lasfire". Do something drastic to give your game the basic ability to function. That's it. Them's your choices. There are no others.

Oh and, if the only people giving you any feedback are people utterly expert at every single enemy, what's that feedback worth? Honestly? With only that feedback you cannot balance this mod. You can't do it. You just can't. It will never be playable.

And what are these magic strategies these 'veterans' have? What? How do you stop something that can shoot a rocket/lascannon shot through smoke from across the map, when none of your guns have the capacity to reach/hurt that thing? What's the strategy you use?

And I understand it's very easy to get defensive. God, I hear myself saying these things and I can only hope you're ten times the man I am because I'd full-on have a tantrum if I heard them. But it's not just me. I know XCOM. I know what's possible, I know what's not.

There's a few things from your notes that's already been worked into update 1.05 (coming soon). Other things are bigger longterm goals of the mod to tackle, with some solutions being work in progress.

A couple of changes in 1.05 that may adress some of your issues: 
-Enemy Squats have less armor, and are easier to hit. They're not as common either.

They are tough little fuckers, yeah. But maybe introduce in a later tier? Squats are awesome, an awesome idea, really well done. Better than the nerf is to make them an event. Some squats just dug out of the ground or something - oh no! Then they start showing up in random things.

-There is a new strong early game Heavy Stubber for Guard, and a Heavy Lasgun with overcharged power shots (there's some other lasgun changes like this to allow for punchier shots too). The Early Game Guard Counters may need a little tutorial.

Cool! Sounds great! More stuff like this!

-Enemy sentinels do indeed, like your own sentinels, have advanced optics that allow them to see through some smoke.

But the enemy never uses smoke, so this is not an actual leveller between us. It's just a massive buff for the enemy which essentially means that smoke means nothing now. One missile, squad gone, thanks for playing. That's what you've done.

Now look, I get that smoke is this bug up everyone's ass "oh it's so unbalanced, oh it's so terrible, you just spam smoke". Those people are idiots. Smoke is extremely important for protecting fragile troops from advanced weapons. This is EXACTLY the situation you are starting ALL your players in, and if you take away smoke, you're really crippling them. Maybe a later version of the sentinel, an advanced version with night vision googles or whatever - great. Amazing. LATER. Same with the fucking mounted lascannon sniper bastards. I swear because of the hate I feel. Just think of what that does to the game experience. Think. Really think. Or better still, play. Play it on ironman, see what happens.

What happens is, area denial. That's the military term. Area denial of the entire map. Every open space, every open anything. Can't cross it through smoke, they see through smoke. Can't cross it in one go, not enough time units. And if you can't get close enough to it, you can't shoot a rocket, you can't throw a grenade, you can't lasfire the thing, and if you're a position you can snipe it you're already dead because it's sniped you first.

It cripples the entire squad's ability to move anywhere without taking savage, unstoppable casualties.

That's what it means. Is this a choice you have intentionally made? Honestly... HONESTLY... did you sit down and say "this is how this game will play." Did you? I very much doubt it. And yet it is how the game plays. So what does that mean? Who is making choices about how the game plays? Who takes that role?

I understand your nerfing the main grenade - even though it was already much more expensive in this mod. But then to make mounted lascannons with infinite range able to see through smoke? That's absurd. Genuinely. It's like a choice taken in isolation from how the game actually plays. It's like - one soldier dead every turn. And you cannot hit that thing from across the map as starting guard. This is major, major problem. A major problem with the game. Really serious. Unfair, boring, stupid.

But like your own Sentinel experience, they die to a stiff breeze.

No they don't. No they don't. The fact that you think they do says to me you are not playing your own game. You are looking at code, you are looking at stats, you are not playing the game, you are not experiencing the player experience.

To take down an enemy sentinel with lasfire means closing range enough that a large number of your men can all fire autofire, and hit it. Think about that. Actually think about what that actually means in an actual game you actually play. It means closing distance with something that can fire rockets through smoke, and one hit by one of those rockets doesn't just kill 6-7 men (the bare minimum needed to take it down with lasfire), it also panicks the entire squad because of thier deaths, and it's game over.

Is this an intentional game choice? Did you decide this? I just don't think you did. I think nobody decided this. I just don't think people are playing this mod as a game.

And I know what you're going to say. Oh what about the disposable rockets!

Firstly, you get enemy sentinels a long time before you get those researched. Secondly, it is bad, bad, bad game design to introduce an enemy where there's only one possible solution in this single thing you have to research but you don't know about in a massive range of research options. Thirdly, 45% accuracy when shot, from a guardsman who already has the firing accuracy of Michael J Fox? This is not a solution. It's not. The idea that it's a solution could only be sustained by someone who simply had not played this mod - or who played it reloading every three seconds.

Speaking of Sentinels, the player version is getting a armor buff in 1.05.


-We're gradually shifting the tougher enemies to rarer/later appearances. The big one to stretch out the appearance of things like enemy CSM is in a later update though (some things in the work that need more time).

Mate, look - I am consistently amazed and impressed at the incredible work you do. It's awesome, just awesome. I lay these challenges at your feet because this is an absolutely epic, kick ass content mod. It's awesome, so awesome, really. Take as long as you need. But I would say this is exactly the way to go. All your new enemies are epic. You just cannot throw them at the player from round 1, and expect your game to survive as a game. But they mean that what you could have is this insanely deep playing experience, where kick-ass new stuff just keeps on opening up. That's awesome. So awesome. Do that!

I'll let Buscher answer the Guard Tactics questions. As we've lost 33% of our manpower (Xom is busy soldiering IRL), it's just the two of us plus a few helpful people lending a hand from time to time.

Dude, totally love your work. If it's ready twenty years from now, I'll download it and play it through my white beard. And thank Xom for his service.

One big balancing difficulty is that if the game is easy enough for early guard, it's very easy for Space Marines or Sisters. For this we've been working on some "difficulty options" that will allow for more ingame tweaking to your liking. Things like increased income, or getting more veteran troops. It's always going to be hard to tweak the balance so that it's both satisfying for veteran-, new players and works for all factions.

Okay - I see what you're saying, but here's my counter.

Think of it like actual 40k. If you got a well put together SM army, vs a well put together IG army, would the SM simply waltz across the guard like they're not even there? No. Not at all. IG are a really serious force, really serious.

Firstly, there's about 3 times as many of them. That's no joke. Lasfire is a problem for Space Marines when 3/4 shots are being fired for every marine you have. Also tanks and mounted weapons. Tanks would be a problem in an XCOM engine, obviously, but mounted weapons? Hmm.

Again, sorry to mention it, but I fired up the game to see again last night. 13,500 spacebucks for a heavy bolter, Godwyn pattern. 300,000 for the same bolter on a small wheeled platform. Uh..... what? What are you trying to do here? Who made that decision and why?

I feel like a lot of these decisions are being taken because people on the forum are bitching about heavy bolters or smoke making things too easy. I get they are powerful - but the answer is not to take all the power away and then say "well, you're just not a veteran." Nobody's going to be a veteran if this game is so broken. How will you get veteran players if only veteran players can have any hope of winning?

It's your mod mate, but if you don't fix the game balance, HARD, then you'll be stuck with the same tiny pool of 'veterans' who keep telling you there's no problem with your game. Which means that although they may be veterans at playing ROSIGMA, they're certainly not veterans at telling you the truth.

So what would I do? Again - look to 40k for inspiration. The most obvious think I can think of is this.

Make a massive dropship. Something enormous. 26 person space, 4-6 HWP space. Basically AVENGER sized, and that's the IG basic ship. No kidding. There's all sorts of stuff in the lore that could be repurposed for this. Space Marines have tiny little dropships with tiny squads. IG send regiments.

What needs to be understood is that the IG are not shit. Soldier for soldier, sure, yeah, but as an army they are fearsome. Why? Because there's a million of them, they have all sorts of heavy support weapons and lasfire isn't shite. If I could sum it up in a sentence, that's the sentence.

"there's a million of them, they have all sorts of heavy support weapons and lasfire isn't shite."

And if you can't put that as an experience into your mod, then don't have IG in the first place.

But then again I think this speaks to a development focus on individual units/guns and individual changes at that level to fix problems. That's what's hurting the development of this mod. Someone (you) needs to step back and say - what makes IG cool? What makes them something epic?

How can an IG army demolish a SM army? Or a Sororitas army? Because they really, really can, in the normal 40k game, if put together well and played well.

Numbers. Support weapons. Lasfire that actually works. Numbers. Numbers. And more numbers.

26 guardsmen roll out of a ship with 4 heavy bolters and 2 sentinels. Turn one motherfucker. Do you speak it?

That is what needs to be reflected in this to make IG work.

And before anyone says "oh that's so unfair, it would be too easy"... no it wouldn't. You'd take terrible casualties. But you'd be able to take them. And on top of that, I just finished a tier 1 chaos base (as SM) on this mod. 63 enemies. Stealth space marines, nurglings jumping out of dead bodies, enemy snipers, enemy chimera turrets, all sorts of mad shit. 14 highly trained Space Marines only just survived. This mod is MASSIVELY harder than Superhuman difficulty on Xcom, even with Space Marines. And I know it is, beucase I know superhuman difficulty inside out.

Is that a choice? Did you decide - I will make this mod MASSIVELY harder than Superhuman difficulty? Did you? Even with marines. Did you? Again, I'd be surprised if the answer was yes.

26 guardsmen, 4 heavy bolters and 2 sentinels would STILL be a seriously difficult task against that TIER ONE BASE (!) and if you won, you'd be flying home with a lot of dead buddies. Which is exactly how it should be.

But an Avenger-sized craft as your basic ship? That's an easy, quick fix that would resolve a lot. And fix smoke. Night-vision optics has to be third tier, or second tier if you're really, REALLY feeling sadistic. First tier? Unplayable.

I really hope this is all cool. I've tried to be as blunt as possible, because I don't know if anyone else is giving it to you straight. I only challenge people I respect.
Post by: brogue123 on October 01, 2021, 06:53:45 pm
Thanks for the rant. I get a few things where they are coming from but what confuses me about are two things.

1. Where is this hidden feedback group you are talking about because I get nearly zero feedback on balance in general. 

It's not a group, mate. I've seen it written several times in comment threads, things like let's play videos on youtube, mod download comments and such. Just people talking about the mod. And in one instance, what I saw written was someone saying that your mod has a reputation as having great content but being no fun to play. That's where I got that. Can't remember where I saw it, but I'm not lying. Not going to dig it up though.

But I would also suggest that if get zero feedback on balance, it means your balance is appalling. If your game balance was good, people would love to say it to you. If nobody's saying anything, they're embarrassed to say something, either because they don't want to cause a fuss, or because they don't want people thinking they can't do the game.

2. How is it that you consider the 40k base mod balance to be that much different? Unless you played IGMA that actually made Lasguns more worthwhile, you are playing with the exact same damageType, power for the weapons as well as damage modifiers for the armors as the base mod does. Only the armor values themselves are slightly different for this matter.

It is genuinely frightening to me that you ask this. It says to me that you are looking at charts and values and have almost no comprehension of the player experience.

Like, seriously, I'm about to write a sentence and I'm not even sure if you're trolling me.

Are you genuinely unaware that ROSIGMA confronts the player with vastly increased numbers of massively tougher enemies from the very start? Do you genuinely not understand that this is true? I don't know what to say. I genuinely don't.

On the normal 40k mod, almost everyone you face, straight off the bat, is an unarmoured human. No Ogryn, no Squats. And whatever 'small boost' those guardsmen have been given in ROSIGMA, it's enough to take their armour almost beyond the reach of normal lasfire.

I mean, I don't know what to tell you. I am honestly speechless.  Stop just looking at stats, code and charts. The original 40k starts out massively, MASSIVELY MASSIVELY MASSIVELY easier than this mod. It is genuinely surreal that you seem to suggest the difference is marginal, and it shows a howling gulf between your idea of your game, and the actual reality of it.

If you want to try you can give this sub mod ( a shot (effective 25 % damage increase for Lasguns, less accuracy dropoff per tile). Again something I got very little feedback on. That's why I am hesitant to put it into the mod itself. If you don't like the range thing, then just delete the range related rul file.

Look mate, I think this is a bad answer.

Honestly. Not just to me, but to anyone who points out the massive balance issues. "Here, use this, it'll make it easier." This is a band aid over a bolter wound.

This is indicative of a defensive development culture that won't look major balance issues in the eye.

Fixing the lasstuff is a great plan, but only one issue out of a lot. A lot of issues. And all the issues point to only one conclusion. Who in the development of this game is making it their priority to crafting a fair, fun player experience? Fair and fun do not mean easy. Ironman superhuman on the FMP with psi amp research disabled isn't easy, but it is fun and it is fair. That's not by accident. Solarius_scorch decided to craft it as an experience, to make the balance of the game central to everything.

You're adding new content, amazing new content. But who makes it their personal responsibility to craft how this game actually plays? Who? Do you? Who does?

That's the problem. And while that problem remains unfixed, a patch for the lasguns ain't gonna cut it.

It is dismissive and demeaning to tell someone to download some mod that makes the game less hard. I'm not asking for it to be made "less hard". The game you have made is not "hard", it is broken. It doesn't work as a game. It doesn't. And the lasfire thing is just one expression of that. Her'es another experssion of it: your personal lack of comprehension that the mod you yourself are making is staggeringly, massively, unplayably more difficult than the original 40k mod. That's honestly surreal. Who in the development of this mod is taking any actual time to experience, craft and hone the game balance?

Okay, maybe that's not your thing. Fine. But if it's NOBODY's thing, then what? Then it's a pointless mod and your content is wasted. No value whatsoever. Unplayable. Boring. Annoying. Stupid. And full of all these amazing pieces of brilliant content nobody will - or should - ever have the patience to discover.

I hate myself for saying this stuff. It's horrible. I'd hate to hear it. But it's the truth.

Think of it like this. It's like someone's making a film, but there's no director. There's makeup artists, actors playing their part, even a screenplay, special effects - but no director. Nobody's doing that job. Nobody's saying "where do these bits fit in to create X experience?". They're just sticking stuff in based on how cool they individually think the bits of it are.

What happens?

All the individual bits can be absolutely amazing, but if nobody's crafting an experience for the audience, it's a godawful mess.

This mod has no director. Nobody's doing that job. You clearly are not. Who is? I would suggest nobody. Someone has to do that. Someone has to ask "what do I want the player to experience?" And then you'll have a centre around which to build the thing, you won't just be bolting new sprites on the side hoping that at some point it just sort of 'works'. It won't.

I gladly invite you to our discord ( Feel free to hang around and start some of the (less ranty) discussions.

As for answering your post in detail, I plan to do it at a later time.

Whenever man, no rush. Honestly I feel scared to look back at this thread after I've said all this stuff. I'm just expecting someone to block me for being a prick.

I hope, perhaps beyond hope, that my admiration for what you do is clear. The ROSIGMA mod is absolutely amazing, content-wise, and anyone who says it's not is probably a filthy communist. I know I'm saying stuff hard. I will stop if you guys want. But all my love to you and to this amazing community, you've all given me so much kick ass, creative, interesting stuff.

Someone needs to be the director. That's what it is.
Post by: Buscher on October 01, 2021, 07:52:09 pm
It's not a group, mate. I've seen it written several times in comment threads, things like let's play videos on youtube, mod download comments and such. Just people talking about the mod. And in one instance, what I saw written was someone saying that your mod has a reputation as having great content but being no fun to play. That's where I got that. Can't remember where I saw it, but I'm not lying. Not going to dig it up though.

So the feedback doesn't exist. Gotcha.
Also authority by numbers is a super lame way to argue if you cannot show your numbers.
Besides there are not many let's plays on Youtube. In fact there is only one ( I know of.

But I would also suggest that if get zero feedback on balance, it means your balance is appalling. If your game balance was good, people would love to say it to you. If nobody's saying anything, they're embarrassed to say something, either because they don't want to cause a fuss, or because they don't want people thinking they can't do the game.

That's one possible conclusion. Of many. Doesn't mean that's the correct one.
That one Youtuber (Anton) is actually in our discord and gives us bug reports from time to time.

It is genuinely frightening to me that you ask this. It says to me that you are looking at charts and values and have almost no comprehension of the player experience.

Unlike you I actually watch related Streams to ROSIGMA on Twitch as well on Youtube. Anton does a good enough job. So does Lixstar (who even made ROSIGMA harder for him). As well other people on different Discord streams. The main complaints are the hit and miss raceLists which randomly distribute Ogryns and Squats into usually easier lists. That they don't drop quickly enough. And that the game is way too reliant on heavy weapons (like the base mod)

So yeah these are valid complaints and something we are actually looking into it. Also I finished a campaign with IG myself and it was fun to me. I have even streamed part of it on our discord. I had also started a Firstborn Marine Assault twitch stream a few months ago which I have never finished, because more important things came up. So in fact I do both, player experience and spreadsheets. Anecdotal evidence only gets you that far.

Like, seriously, I'm about to write a sentence and I'm not even sure if you're trolling me.

Are you genuinely unaware that ROSIGMA confronts the player with vastly increased numbers of massively tougher enemies from the very start? Do you genuinely not understand that this is true? I don't know what to say. I genuinely don't.

I know that. Thank you very much for telling me in a calm tone.

On the normal 40k mod, almost everyone you face, straight off the bat, is an unarmoured human. No Ogryn, no Squats. And whatever 'small boost' those guardsmen have been given in ROSIGMA, it's enough to take their armour almost beyond the reach of normal lasfire.

So you didn't play the base mod. Otherwise you would be happy about facing just Ogryns and Squats and not missions full of Chaos Marines from month 1 on. The only 'easy' missions are spawned by Cultist and Traitor Guard bases there. Also we got rid of that crazy Ork start.

You're adding new content, amazing new content. But who makes it their personal responsibility to craft how this game actually plays? Who? Do you? Who does?

You could be part of it, but there is obviously no interest as you are not willing to talk about situations, save games, experiences whatever. Instead I get a second wall of text chock full of non-content/non-feedback.
Missed your other post. I am going to take a look at your previous posts later, as I said.

It is dismissive and demeaning to tell someone to download some mod that makes the game less hard. I'm not asking for it to be made "less hard". The game you have made is not "hard", it is broken. It doesn't work as a game. It doesn't. And the lasfire thing is just one expression of that. Her'es another experssion of it: your personal lack of comprehension that the mod you yourself are making is staggeringly, massively, unplayably more difficult than the original 40k mod. That's honestly surreal. Who in the development of this mod is taking any actual time to experience, craft and hone the game balance?

So you are not dismissive and demeaning? Gotcha.
Sorry for actually trying to do something about your problems in a short time.
Also I said that I would answer you later in full.

Whenever man, no rush. Honestly I feel scared to look back at this thread after I've said all this stuff. I'm just expecting someone to block me for being a prick.

Too bad you said nearly zilch in this post I reply to. Sorry, but constructive feedback looks different.

Someone needs to be the director. That's what it is.
You obviously don't want to be the director. It's great that other people do it for you.
Post by: Buscher on October 01, 2021, 09:21:36 pm
Forum ate my first reply. Let's go at it again.

Having real problems with the IG on this. Honestly it's really annoyed me. This is going to be a rant, and I just want to say that I only rant with this level of annoyance because this mod has such amazing potential, but it's just not remotely, remotely ready.

The mod is obviously in development. We are still in the content creation stage. That means that's in alpha stage. But it's very playable. Even for IG.

[... I] ironmanned the original 40k mod. [...]
I genuinely do not understand how you are supposed to survive as IG unless you are savescumming.

Ironmanned 40k base mod, can't play ROSIGMA. Pick one.

I have finished the ROSIGMA IG campaign myself without savescumming. I have only savescummed when my craft item pile was destroyed. I have watched other people play the first months. So it's possible.

But then there ARE space marines, and ogryn, and squats, right from the start.

Space Marines are your enemies in the base mod from the get go. There are no intermediate enemies such as the Ogryns and Squats. The only easy missions are spawned by Cultist and Traitor Guard bases.
We have moved Space Marines back to have a more gradual (read flatter) difficulty curve.

Enemies that are already tough, but when killed, turn into heavily armoured, full health space marines (!) that then become invisible (!) and slaughter your men with bolter shot

1. You don't have to win all terror missions. It's possible that I will bail on the first one too.
2. I have seen streamers win against Alpha Legion even early game
3. They are a new enemy so they get moved forward for testing

Getting the mounted heavy bolter feels like a revolution, not because it's powerful, just because it actually allows some level of consistency in killing anything. But it's so static that you have to mount a static defence of the thing.  On every single mission. Every mission becomes the same, by necessity. Any deviation from it results in immediate death. And woe betide you if that 300 000 buck thing takes a single shot. 300 000? What's the mount made out of? Gold-plated diamond?

The Mounted Heavy Bolter is a good weapon and a very good tactical asset. As such it can be costly as any other HWP is. The tank in Xcom1 wasn't cheaper either and can be blown apart when going down the ramp.
This game is OpenXcom, if the enemy shoots at you all the time, you are doing it wrong. Your people are not bullet sponges. The time to kill is very short. My Mounted Heavy Bolters only get destroyed when unexpectantly being flanked.

Also other heavy weapons are available. Heavy Stubbers, Grenade Launcher, Missile Launcher. As well as Heavy Bolters are available that can be carried by a single Guardsman. There are enough options, you just have to use them.

It is absurd. Honestly absurd. Even disembarking from a craft - how? You can't pop smoke to cover your exit because it's been so nerfed you need 4/5 smoke grenades to do it, and whoever's throwing those grenades will almost certainly die, along with 2 or three people behind them from the hail of automatic reaction shot that rains down. Even if you get smoke up, enemy sentinels can somehow (?) see right through smoke and hit you with missiles. Any missiles immediately kill everyone in the entire blast radius.

Did you consider to use your Chimera Turrets to draw fire on turn 1? It's really helpful in that regard and will allow your soldiers to disembark nearly unimpeded.
Also Sentinels do have heatVision so they can look through smoke. That's why it's important not to throw smoke at your feet but between you and your enemy.

Are you trying to destroy the Traitor Guard base in the beginning? Because you aren't supposed to do that before you did a few other missions and a bit of research (such as the Heavy Weapons topic you instantly get after picking Guardsman Strategy). Enemy bases are supposed to be hard.

"Stay in the ship, cede the first turn! Then you wont face reaction fire!" Um okay, but all the ships have massive, wide-open doors that can be shot through.

"Punt a smoke grenade out and then they won't shoot in!" - Um, okay, but I can't shoot a smoke grenade out because my heavy bolter is in the way, I can't move it down the line to put penitents first, and I can't not take it, because nobody else has the ability to shoot/hit/hurt anything.

Use the Valkyrie Drop Transport then. Besides you can only cede the first turn if nothing is infront of your doors. If there is something then use your Chimera Turrets to draw fire.
Also you have exactly this problem in the base mod, so no idea why it's different in ROSIGMA.

"It's okay, just send out penitents!" If you're disembarking with penitents, you have no heavy bolters, and if you have no heavy bolters how the hell are winning anything?

"On the Chimera you have a third tank, fill that with penitents, run them out first!" Um, okay. But that's just bad design, if the only way I can possibly disembark on ANY MISSION where it's open ground in front of me is to throw 4-6 prisoners to their immediate death in turn one, every time? Two things. Firstly, that's just grim, ugly gameplay. Secondly, it also means that you're NOT taking a big squad of IG. You're taking a tiny squad of IG, because all the space is taken up with heavy bolters and doomed penitents, so you've got like, 5 spaces left for actual guardsmen. So now not only are you useless, you're totally outnumbered in every engagement. Wahey! I've survived turn one! Now I'm dead on turn two.

Did you know that there are Chimera Turrets that can draw fire? If you use up Penitents to draw all the fire in turn 1, you are doing it wrong.

It is really strange that I can complete even hard missions with only low losses. The moments when only 3 Commissars remain is very rare. By the way. Their ability is super useful.

"Use sentinels! They're tough!" - No they're not. They're made of tinfoil. I've never had one survive a single round while exposed. Against basic, lowest-possible-level enemies. How is it that their las-shot can rend metal armour, but your las-shot barely even tickles? Are they all packing mini-lascannons or hotshot whatever? Okay, great. Love the new content. Love it, genuinely love it. But in dumping it all on the player before there's any chance to hit back you are destroying the actual game. And the multilaser on the sentinel? Are you drunk? I've had that thing fail to kill basic guardsmen from four squares away, firing both volleys. It's as dangerous as a 1970's disco light.

They don't need to be tough. They are scouts that can look through smoke. They are a great tactical asset allowing spotter/sniper tactics. Also they are great heavy weapon platforms. I am not a fan of the Heavy Flamer but the rest is really good.

"Try the Scion strategy, you get hotshot lasweapons with infinite ammo!" That sounds amazing, I'll do that! Oh wait though, it means I also get no HMVs whatsoever, no heavy bolters, nothing. And those hotshot lasweapons are STILL nothing like good enough to beat the enemies you meet right from the start. I remember one time I open a door into an enemy ship. First or second month, really early on. Chaos Space Marine there. Facing away from me. I walk RIGHT UP BEHIND HIM and unload a volley of shot into his back from the most powerful Scion gun, the hotshot volley gun. Four hits. Then he turns around, no fucks given, and kills the Scion. Great stuff.

You get Taurox with Autocannons which are much better than the Chimeras' Multilasers. Also you get great soldiers with pretty good stats and equipment. The problem that the elite strategy faces is that they have hard time to recouperate losses which is by design. The elite strategy is not an easy mode.

"well, they're IG, they're expendable" - not if the entire team panics at the drop of a hat they're not. They don't seem to think each other are expendable. Lose maybe three in a turn? The whole squad just crumbles.

Oh, and Scions cost, when you factor all the expenses in the manufacturing in, almost twice as much as actual Space Marines.

If you lose units every turn you need to improve your game.

Scions have the same cost as in the base mod. Also it doesn't make sense to compare costs for different factions. Besides you can use Krieg Guardsman to foster your ranks. They are not cheap either but they can help.

Here's my question. Does anyone involved in the construction of this mod actually care about how this plays as a game?

Obviously yes, because IGMA exists so it is more fun for me to play. Same for ROSIGMA.

This mod is not accurate to how Imperial Guard are in 40k. It is not. NOT ACCURATE. NOT REMOTELY.

Riddle me this. How would you transfer Imperial Guard to OpenXcom? 50 units a mission? Playing with the Gorgon which can fill 50 units is not fun. And even then the Lasgun would have to become even more useless.
The Chimera transports up to 24 units and is also my favourite craft.

I've played imperial guard and I've played against imperial guard. Lasguns are not totally useless. Massed lasgun fire can really do damage, even against armoured infantry. But in this mod laguns are genuinely, frighteningly USELESS. You might as well throw bad language at the opponent. Are these trained soldiers? The basic soldiers on XCOM actually can kill sectoids and floaters with the basic guns. It's not easy, but it's doable. But this? They feel like inmates from a remedial care home doing 40k cosplay.

Tabletop doesn't apply as you can't translate it 1:1.
Lasguns are not useless. They destroy armor so that follow up shots will pass through armor. The Lasguns in this mod will need less shots than the Lasguns in the fluff.

Tone the beginning down. Make sure that there are things that actually can counter the enemies you're bringing in. Stop trying to show off all your fancy new stuff. Leave it till the mid tier, the end tier. Hell, make four or five new tiers and turn the whole game into a massive epic. Whatever. But swamping the player straight off the bat is absurd, and kills this mod as a player experience.

Compared to the base mod the beginning is already toned down.

The original 40k mod had balance. That was probably the most impressive thing about it - not that it was a 40k reskin of xcom, now because it had all the cool units, but because someone had taken real care to make it work as an actual player experience.

Did you play Imperial Guard in the base mod? No?


Not much to say about your second post.

Okay - I see what you're saying, but here's my counter.

Think of it like actual 40k. If you got a well put together SM army, vs a well put together IG army, would the SM simply waltz across the guard like they're not even there? No. Not at all. IG are a really serious force, really serious.

A well put force in the mod will also tear a SM group apart. Also it's hard to transfer the Table Top to OpenXcom

Again, sorry to mention it, but I fired up the game to see again last night. 13,500 spacebucks for a heavy bolter, Godwyn pattern. 300,000 for the same bolter on a small wheeled platform. Uh..... what? What are you trying to do here? Who made that decision and why?

Mounted Heavy Bolter can fire 3 auto salvos per turn and gets a crazy accuracy bonus.
The mobile Heavy Bolters need support of a fellow Guardsman but can be used by soldier. Both have their purpose.

Make a massive dropship. Something enormous. 26 person space, 4-6 HWP space. Basically AVENGER sized, and that's the IG basic ship. No kidding. There's all sorts of stuff in the lore that could be repurposed for this. Space Marines have tiny little dropships with tiny squads. IG send regiments.

The Chimera has 24 unit space already which is ample space. You will have more troops on the board than the enemy in almost every scenario.
Post by: Simi822 on October 02, 2021, 12:19:31 am
so the little short and Fat Ogryn and the Garden Gnome are "Squads" OK I have no clue what it should be the 40K wiki has no entries for "Garden gnomes"

so my playing ROSIGMA with the arbiters...first mission: a church...with Servitors, Panzer Garden gnomes, Hereteks, Ogryns, Sistas with Rocket launchers had to restart 3x because some starting locations where unplayable...but I had 1x Lascannon Sentinel, and a mastiff + Judge with Lawbringer and some penitents with Rocket launchers...can be done....second mission a ship with 12x !!!! Tzen Marines in January :) I already got 1x Meltagun so the Sentinel + light chimera turrets, Rocket launchers + the mastiff!!! (I killed fuken chaos marines with the dogge) and the third mission: Munitorum sabotage was even more difficult but I somehow survived....

so there are no Ratlings and Catachans yet in the game...

I think playing ROSIGMA with IG is much much more easy then the Arbiters...Long las + Hotshot ammo and the Turrets will clean house again most enemies...the Heavy bolters (both handheld and HWP) + Kriegers + Commisars and later the advanced guardsmen are more them one can develop and use the Airstrike...but the best weapon is the Missile launcher with Krak missiles...I had too many Base defence missions, and yes I had good experienced soldiers only in two...but I got attacked also in places where I had shite did I manage...every Guardsmen had a rocket launcher + a Lascannon Sentinel + a Heavy bolter HWP...and I wiped the floor even with Terminators

and what I dont like in the whole 40k mod + Rosigma: the handheld lascannon is shite, and so is the mounted one...the Sentinel is working like a dream...but all other versions are "crap"

and what could be taken over to the IG from the Arbiters...well the sisters have a special Shotgun, so maybe ad a IG special Shotgun (Krieger Lucius Shotgun that can use also special ammo) or is the Ripper the IG special shotgun? (never equipped a human with one...will try) and also a SM shotgun? Deathwatch special space hulk cleaning shottie?  also a silly idea...a Mastiff that the Commissar will use to deal with Deserters?
Post by: Thatguysenpai on October 02, 2021, 06:41:36 am
I don't usually do this, but I logged on just to say that I think that guy is talking out of his ass. I haven't played the latest patch, but I played the earlier ones and IGMA and ROSE and I loved every bit of them, and I mostly play IG as they're my favorite faction. The early game can be a bit rough and they definitely focus on the heavy weapons, but as long as you play careful it's not so bad. Half of the excitement of IG is the fact that some random ork slugga can just one-shot your veteran general if you're not careful, so you have to be very precise with your positioning.

Now as the other guy said, Arbiters are fucking hell to play lol. But they're not the focus of this mod I don't think, at least at the moment, so that makes sense.

Just want to say thanks to the devs for all their hard work, whenever I return to xcom I'm definitely going to give the latest patch a shot! Love the scion strategy too, my favorite part of IG is trying to train up veterans. You really get attached to those guys.
Post by: Leflair on October 02, 2021, 02:25:49 pm
I'd say 1.04 is a bit harder than 1.03 on account of more "tough" enemies for traitor guard (Ogryns/Squats power combo) + the first version of the heavy bolter changes for guard.
1.05 will be more tuned for the first 3 months.

Light handheld lascannons (and all lascannons) have been getting some "unification" of their stats to make sense. On the lighter end they do get pretty close to some hellguns in terms of output/power.

As for special shotguns for IG, there's the shotlas as a candidate, and a few more combat shotgun options (one-hand, double-shot, autoshotguns). If you've seen the Darktide trailer there's also that Ogryn M79 grenade-launcher looking weapon that can shoot buckshot too.
Could probably do more with ammo types for IG shotguns to give them more flexibility.

For 1.05 progress, Beastguard and Guard Squats are now "done" for testing and integration, working on their recruitment options and cost vs human guardsmen.
Tzeentch cult is functional, but do not yet have all their fancy abilities or much inte way of cool tzeentchified looking weapons (something for 1.06).

Post by: Simi822 on October 02, 2021, 07:56:50 pm
yes adding a one hand Shotgun, or have the IG or Arbiters also get the hand flamer would be good...because I really had an issue what to give to my Shield wielding Ogryn...I had to train him to accuracy 50 (I think the max for Ogryns) and then he was using a boltpistol and for tough fights I given him the Inferno gun...but yes more one hand options are beside the bolter, Inferno gun we have only the Laspistol, Autopistol or the Stubber gun (giving a plasma gun to a Ogryn is a no go as it is too complicated LOL) and same for the Shield wielding arbiter...I think if in the Future there is a Shield for Astartes...well we all know that there is a power sword to be used.
Post by: Buscher on October 04, 2021, 12:45:02 am

Arbites unfortunately got little love so far and I am not sure what exactly to do with them. My initial goal was to attempt to give them their own campaign with mainly soft targets so also other weapons such as Autoguns get more screen time. But props for playing them and getting far.

Is there something in particular about the Handheld and Mounted Lascannon you don't like? Accuracy, damage, lack of mobility? I was contemplating to give them a 50-150% or even 50-200% damage range so they do a minimal amount of damage. But maybe you got an entirely different issue and maybe even an idea how to fix them. Also thanks for the ideas. Shotguns haven't been too much on our agenda either.


Thanks for the very kind words. Glad that you enjoy the Scion/Elite strategy. As Leflair said, there are a few things on the horizon. Maybe there will be more different playstyles for IG in the near future.


A quick win could be to turn the Mastercrafted Shotgun to an one-handed version. The Hand Flamer is also a good idea. I hardly use the Slab Bullgryn myself as well, as I got a hard time to give them with a Chain Sword. And ranged options are rather hard to use as you say. Another idea might be to allow them to use two handed weapons (green 2) as if they were one handed similar to the Terminators.
Post by: Simi822 on October 04, 2021, 11:42:02 pm
well for starters the Sentinel sees across the whole field and can do nice long range hits, and has unlimited ammo.

when I played IG and I did buy the Lascannon HWP the only option I got was a single round ammo and I could carry like 5x ammo with me, somehow the backpack ammo box was not available

the price is almost identical to the Sentinel but lacks the mobility, etc.

but the Heavy bolter HWP was my MVP (Maybe because the Heavy bolter sentinel is not available to the IG)

Later when I got the Autocannon the Autocannon HWP is similarly good as the Heavy bolter, and the Advanced Sentinel is the best sentinel in the game.
the handheld lascannon, well the IG and also the SM have the heavy bolter much more effective, and I had situation when enemies needed like 3x hits with the handheld lascannon...same enemy was slain with one heavy bolter AP shot

Well I use the Shield get it for "free" after each riot mission, maybe just allow the Shield ogryn to use the Ripper without penalty as a single hand weapon and add the hand flamer to make more options, and yes after lot of Drills my shield ogryn with the Inferno gun was a beast (when he had a ac of 55, also with Ultra Bolterpistol + AP ammo he could take down a whole squad of Chaos marines...but that could be also done with the Ripper)
Post by: Leflair on October 10, 2021, 10:21:44 pm
Your prayers have been answered, 1.05 is here:

See the for the latest version and page 1 of this thread of the patch notes (they big).
Post by: Simi822 on October 12, 2021, 07:41:35 pm
a question between the split of the IG strategies,

so the Guardsmen get the Abhumans, the Advanced sentinels and some heavy weapons (exclusively for them)
and the Scion get the Scion and Veteran guardsmen with the Hellgun, Volley gun, etc and what else?

the Ogryn, Priest, Vindicare, Drop troops remain available for both or how is the split?

and regarding the changes in the Krieg weapons and the new Krieg weapons, now it is more legit,
this now makes the Master crafted Lasgun valuable (as they can use hot shot ammo) and its more accurate that the Lucius lasguns are without Auto fire.
Is there a calculation how much stronger is the 4x ammo shot and the 10x ammo shot?

Also will the new heavy lasgun and Lucius Heavy stubber  beavailable only for the IG? I think they should be available
at the trading post...would help the Arbiters a lot (also if they could buy there some Soronitas stuff like the hand flamer, etc because during my current game play I rely a lot on the Soronitas Melta and Lascannon as the Arbiters lack even a a heavy bolter, Lascannon)

and final question, is there a overview which weapons have a bipod and only the IG can get them? (I think I given the lascannon and the Heavy stubber a bad name as I did try only the versions without a Bipod)

Post by: Leflair on October 12, 2021, 08:19:41 pm
a question between the split of the IG strategies,

so the Guardsmen get the Abhumans, the Advanced sentinels and some heavy weapons (exclusively for them)
and the Scion get the Scion and Veteran guardsmen with the Hellgun, Volley gun, etc and what else?

the Ogryn, Priest, Vindicare, Drop troops remain available for both or how is the split?

and regarding the changes in the Krieg weapons and the new Krieg weapons, now it is more legit,
this now makes the Master crafted Lasgun valuable (as they can use hot shot ammo) and its more accurate that the Lucius lasguns are without Auto fire.
Is there a calculation how much stronger is the 4x ammo shot and the 10x ammo shot?

Also will the new heavy lasgun and Lucius Heavy stubber  beavailable only for the IG? I think they should be available
at the trading post...would help the Arbiters a lot (also if they could buy there some Soronitas stuff like the hand flamer, etc because during my current game play I rely a lot on the Soronitas Melta and Lascannon as the Arbiters lack even a a heavy bolter, Lascannon)

and final question, is there a overview which weapons have a bipod and only the IG can get them? (I think I given the lascannon and the Heavy stubber a bad name as I did try only the versions without a Bipod)

I'll leave the Strategy questions for Buscher, I know he got some plans for the standard Guard strategy so my info might not be entirely up to date there.

The heavy Lasgun gets a general 10% bonus for its higher ammo-power consumption.
In addition, each shot type gets these:
      Snap: 10% (2 ammo consumption. so 15 shots per cell)
      "Auto": 15%  (5 ammo per shot, so you only get 6 shots per cell)
      "Aimed": 20% (10 ammo spent per shot, so you only get 3 shots per cell doing this one)

The lighter Lucius pattern rifle consumes 4 ammo per shot with its powershot option and gets a 20% bonus.

You can see if a weapon has a bipod (and if its a "heavy weapon: 1"(yes) by checking out the debug info button in the... codex I'd say.
Bipods are generally a IG thing, as Marines and Sisters have power armor designed to handle heavy weapons.
Post by: Simi822 on October 12, 2021, 09:19:19 pm
thanks for the swift reply,

yes I agree Astartes and Sororitas don't need a Bipod but for the Arbiters it would be fair, to have

so I found the Heavy stubber, Krieg heavy stubber, IG Heavy bolter and IG heavy Lascannon...did I miss any? (Grenade launcher?)
Post by: Leflair on October 13, 2021, 01:03:18 am
Most big sniper guns (stub snuper excepted) and rocket launchers.
Post by: Buscher on October 15, 2021, 06:40:24 pm
a question between the split of the IG strategies,

so the Guardsmen get the Abhumans, the Advanced sentinels and some heavy weapons (exclusively for them)
and the Scion get the Scion and Veteran guardsmen with the Hellgun, Volley gun, etc and what else?

the Ogryn, Priest, Vindicare, Drop troops remain available for both or how is the split?

The strategies are currently very WIP. I am open to any feedback what should be available to what strategy. The strategies don't have to be equal in perceived difficulty. Also the Guardsman Strategy is currently the "catch-all" and might be slimmed a bit in the future. In general it's currently like that:

- Guardsman: Mainly as before. Officers moved forward, Carapace in mid-tier, Scions replaced with Veterans (which depend on a 15 missions/15 kills commendation); Not happy about the Squats but as I said it's pretty much the catch-all so far
- Scion/Elite: Elysian Drop, Tanith, Scion related tech moved into low tier, normal Guardsman strategy elements moved to mid-tier (Guardsmen, Heavy Weapons, Sentinels). Chimera and non Tauros Drop Transport don't become available, no Abhumans (including Ogryns)
- Abhuman: All Abhumans (Beastmen, Squats, Ogryns), early Psykers (Biomancer tends wounds); heavy weapons available in mid-tier. No transport > 16 similar to Scion

Priests are available to all. I think Vindicare will probably not be available to Abhumans.

and regarding the changes in the Krieg weapons and the new Krieg weapons, now it is more legit,
this now makes the Master crafted Lasgun valuable (as they can use hot shot ammo) and its more accurate that the Lucius lasguns are without Auto fire.
Is there a calculation how much stronger is the 4x ammo shot and the 10x ammo shot?
In the stats for nerds there is a information near the bottom ("Power Bonus for Auto"). The 20 value is an absolute number not relative. That means the power shot has a power of 70 instead of 50.

Also will the new heavy lasgun and Lucius Heavy stubber  beavailable only for the IG? I think they should be available
at the trading post...would help the Arbiters a lot (also if they could buy there some Soronitas stuff like the hand flamer, etc because during my current game play I rely a lot on the Soronitas Melta and Lascannon as the Arbiters lack even a a heavy bolter, Lascannon)

Arbites get little love. I suppose we can add a few research unlocks to them.

and final question, is there a overview which weapons have a bipod and only the IG can get them? (I think I given the lascannon and the Heavy stubber a bad name as I did try only the versions without a Bipod)
All bipod weapons are only available to IG right now. You can go through the items Stats for Nerds, I have added an information if a bipod exists "Bipod Yes"
Post by: Leflair on October 17, 2021, 10:52:01 pm
Patch notes for 1.05A - Blue Horror Dance Party edition.


Fixes for:
    - Crash relating to captured Tzeentch Zealot.
    - Crash relating to the Traitor Squat Heavy in certain racelists.
    - Crash relating to one STR_KHORNE_DEMIBLOODLERIN entry.
    - Crash relating to one STR_SECTOID_DARKDISCIPLE entry.
    - Wrong handOB on Lucius Heavy stubber
    - The Ork Heavy Sniper Rifle handOB will no longer match the suspiciously similar looking wyrdstikk.
    - Autoshot count lowered to 3 from 10 and ammo capacity increased from 7 to 10on the Lucius Heavy stubber.
    - Gender swapped Voice lines Guard Squat
    - Fix for Blank Chaos/Traitor Squat Inventory Image
    - Removed Dreadnought Research from Primaris (who can't use it anyway)
    - Craft Equipment cost Imperial Tokens now
    - Fixed damageAlter for Incendiary Ammo that would otherwise do Massive Damage against armored targets.
    - Fix Dependency References for Plasma Pistol/Gun
    - The Heavy Weapons Script no longer punishes accuracy from TU used on crouching.
    - Spirit of Martyr saves at 5 HP instead of 1 HP for Adeptas, accounts for some fatal wounds. The revived unit may still die from excessive fatal wounds (think: Half of their body melted away by Nurgle Blight or Tyranid Acid).
    - Fix more Codex Entries for Arbites
    - Fixed RequiresBuy for Arbites
    - Make Vindicare availabe after Strategy Refactor
    - The Lesser Tzeentch Daemon "Gleaming One" now has a corpse and ufopedia article.
    - The Abhuman Light Chimera now has a Codex Article.
    - Zombification for MKX Tech Marine
    - Fix Veteran Commendation
    - Added battleType: 11 to 2x2 Ork Corpses
    - Hospitaller research now properly restricted to midtier rather than appearing at game start as Adeptas.

    - Halved Adamantium costs for Primaris Armor, added some Imperial Token Cost to (Light) Gravis. Primaris will no longer be quite so strapped for cash or adamantium.
    - Armed Repulsor Speed doubled
    - Doubled Repair Rate for Primaris Crafts
    - Added three starting Pilots by default for IG, apples to all Strategies.
    - Biomancers are available after selecting Abhumans Strategy
    - Pilots are less brave on the Field
    - Moved Plasma Pistol/Gun Low-Tier, Mastercraft Mid-Tier
    - 10 % More Initial Funding. 600k, to take account for the lower corpse income.
    - Terror mission odds lowered from 100% to 80%.
    - Slightly better NPCs in Terror Missions, the Guard is bringing out the big guns and fighting back!
    - QoL: Show FA, Rea, MA and PSI in Equipment Screen
    - Added Chimera Props to Urban Turret Mission. They do shoot back at the Chaos forces!
    - Light Bolters Low and Mid-tier techs introduced for Guard research (see below for the Solo bolters).
    - Lightning got an extra 10 % evade Chance
    - Added Battle Cannon to Armor Column

    - Changed Penal/Flak for Arbites to match higher Guard values
    - Changed Arbites Vulture; Made Thunderbolt available at start. Put Thunderbolts in Arbites starting Base
    - Added Heavy Weapons Toolkit to Arbites
    - Made some IG Heavy Weapons available to Arbites, disposable rocket launcher, heavy bolter etc.

New things:
    - Solo Pattern Light Boltgun for Guard. A Non-Scoped and Scoped (DMR) variant. They use short 10 round magazines with midtier Kraken rounds available in the same format. The Scoped Solo is available at Midtier. The Solo Pattern only has access to single shots, but has reduced recoil (20) and good accuracy.
    - Blue Horrors added to Tzeentch lists. Summoning spells etc. Blue Horrors have access to several spells, but also melee. Several attacks may cause mutation, so stay away. They are protected by the Yellow Fire (blue shields for now) of Tzeentch, so use Flamers (ignores shields) to take them down quickly, or sniper them from a safe distance. On death they spawn two Brimstone Horrors that causes the corpse to detonate (haven't made Brimstone Horrors be their own unit yet).
    - Fewer Gleaming Ones in Tzeentch lists, these lesser daemons are instead replaced by Blue Horrors.
    - Tzeentch Magic. Indigo Fire (Fires that causes target to mutate into a Blue Horror or Panic), Blue Fire (homing magic missile with mutation chance), Red Fire (AoE attack spell) and Green Fire (mind control attack, requires LOS).
    - Tzeentch Spellcasters now have access to these, including the cults of Tzeentch. These spells have replaced the placeholder Fireballs.
    - High Ranking Tzeentch Sorcerers are now protected by shields/Yellow Fire of Tzeentch.
    - Medium tier and up Spellcasters of Tzeentch can now levitate.
Post by: Simi822 on October 18, 2021, 08:19:02 pm
Dear Leflair,

great news, the Arbiters getting for example the Lucius Heavy Stubber or the IG Heavy bolter is a game changer playing that fraction (don't gonna lie, I added 2x IG heavy bolters, 2x Longlasses , 1x Lucius Heavy bolters and 2x Hand flamers and 2x Inferno pistols to my squad playing ROSIGMA with the arbiters - recently as with the weapons available it was HARD).

What should be also analyzed is the cost of Arbiter armor, example: Arbiter signal armor (1x Airstrike) cost 200 Adamantine while being weaker then a veteran Carapace armor, and same for the Arbitor armor (has a energy shield) which is same level as the Commisar Carapace (also with energy shield but one can buy it cheap)....maybe add the possibility to pay for these armors with Tokens (all Arbiters armors are weak but supper costly on maybe if one can by by tokens then it is more OK) I am with the Arbiters in year one and have barely 200 adamantine pieces...get mostly ORK and Space hulk missions
Post by: Leflair on October 19, 2021, 06:36:53 pm
Hey, you can thank Buscher for giving the Arbites some guard toys (even if I put together the Lucius Heavy stubber)!

We'll take a look at Arbites economy, its probably not very suited to the types of mission rewards they get as you note.

For something different, here's two alternative campaign mission lists for 1.05(A), replace the file of the same name in the ruleset folder of the ROSIGMA mod folder:
Easy/Chill Mode ( - Suitable For Arbites, Guard and Sisters or anyone who wants to ease into ROSIGMA. Its not massively different, but the enemy ramp up happens more gradually, with a easier start, and the big bad CSM come in force only at month 7-10.
Hard/Challenge Mode ( - Suitable For Marines and Primaris playthrough, experienced players etc. Introduces tougher lists sooner, removes or reduces easier lists.

It´s hard to balance for such different factions as Arbites and Primaris, so here´s a compromise with different ramps in difficulty. At month 9+ they´ll be pretty similar but the road up until then will be different.
Post by: Simi822 on October 23, 2021, 04:48:27 pm
question for weapons with "Recoil" what is the key factor for hit percentage? accuracy and strength? or?

as I have two guys almost identical stats one can shoot the Heavy bolter from the hip the other has 0 percent hit change...

and I use light bolt pistols with the guys using the shields...get like 95 percent for snap shots for a decent distance (accuracy above 90, strength like 50), given the same guy a Tigrus boltpistol...same distance he gets 70 percent for a aimed shot and snap shot is like 10...

When I played as SM I could shoot across the whole map with the Tigrus bolt pistol or the Spectre one...when I play as IG or now the Arbiters, my commissars, Judges who have high accuracy and also strength cannot do this a limitation that only Astartes can use bolters without penalty?
(and the same with Stalker bolters...I got them from the Loyalist Marines and my Judges can do Aim shot for a decent distance...but nowhere the distance when I played as SM)  also the setting for the Arbiters/IG works fine
Post by: Leflair on October 24, 2021, 11:22:15 pm
1.05B - Patch Notes (20211024)

    Added missing language for STR_ALPHA_SOLDIER_CORVUS: "Alpha Legionnaire", which was missing after a rename.
    Added missing language for STR_NIGHTLORDS: "Night Lords".
    Wrong floorob for the Lucious Heavy Stubber.
    Wrong palette for 1 Sister Superior Inventory image.
    Missing Vapour Trails with OXCE 7.1+
    Index Fix Adeptas Heavy Bolter hitAnimation.
    Fix BigObs with a height greater than 3 to be shown properly.
    The Bride of Tzeentch (Tzeentch Sister Chaos Champion) is now only researchable once.


Quality of Life:
    Introduced Craft Scan Data Slate to simplify the requirements for the final Marine/Adeptas craft. Each Data Slate getOneFree for enemy craft research.
    Endless retaliation missions will now no longer happen if the Flying Fortress is shot down by base defense facilities.
    Less patrol spam: Reduction of Number of Patrolling craft from enemy bases.
    Medic kits can now douse friendly units that have been lit on fire.
    Commanders unlock COMMANDER_PLUS instead of Cydonia or Bust for a correct research progression.
    Arbites Airstrike works the same as the IG one

    Forge produces twice the Adamantium for the same Cost.
    Halved Resource Costs for IG Manufacture (Sentinels etc), upped cash cost instead.
    Halved Adamantium Costs for Marine Crafts (Especially Primaris).
    Arbites Signal Armor costs Imperial Tokens instead of Adamantium.
    Adeptas Crafts cost less fuel and refuel faster (similar to Marines)

    Frateris Militia now only cause 50% morale loss in other Adeptas units when they perish as martyrs (i.e, gets killed). This mob dying by the droves doesn´t faze the Ecclessiarchy forces much, perhaps its even seen as inspirational? Gameplay wise its to make these guys more useful as cannon fodder, so its not much of a malus to bring them to a fight.
    Nerfed Blue Horrors Reaction score.

    Adeptas Light Bolters and other guns dropOff lowered (buffed) to match other factions balancing. Should provide some better engagement ranges for Adeptas.
    Moved Hellhammer Power back to 200 (Icarus gets 250 as a result)

    Necrons are now more tenacious (Reanimation Protocol)

Tzeentch Arsenal Expanded Phase 1:

TZ Laspistol Nihilis Pattern
TZ Lasgun Nihilis Pattern
TZ Inferno Boltpistol (Scoped)
TZ Light Inferno Boltgun
TZ Light Inferno Boltgun Scoped
TZ Plasma Pistol

New Ammo:
TZ Light Inferno Bolter Ammo for Boltpistols and Light Bolters
TZ Rubric Ammo buffed slightly.

New TZ Weapons have replaced placeholders used by tzeentch cults and other units.

For Phase 2 (not in yet):
TZ Longlas Nihilis Pattern
TZ Twin Core Plasma Rifle
TZ Melee weapons.

Post by: Casual on October 25, 2021, 03:10:02 pm

Thanks for the add-on really liking it so far.
I really like what you've done with the "fridge" management and bolter range.

I started a Primaris run in 1.05A and it doesn't seem like their bravery is any better than in the base mod. I still get bravery 20 marines.
Post by: Leflair on October 25, 2021, 07:42:42 pm
It's one of the few areas where the Trueborn got the leg up on the Primaris.
Post by: Casual on October 26, 2021, 12:04:14 pm
Do you mean first borns or is a Battletech submod in the works ?  8)

Ok so it's a balance thing gotacha.

I know they're not the main focus of the add-on so its nice you're giving the astartes some attention.
Post by: Simi822 on October 26, 2021, 11:09:58 pm
checked out the changes you made,

I think the cost of material is now more fair (example a quad lascannon or autocannon 50 instead of 100 adamantium or Advanced sentinels 40 adamantium etc)

with the Arbiters it did cut down the price of the Heavy Armor and the Heavy armor + Shield
(20 and 30 per set is still a lot when compared to the IG Storm trooper armors, but its fair..I think in vanilla it was the double)

personally I think what should be considered to be changed, the price of 100 adamantium for the Arbitor armor and 200 (!) for the Marshal armor is too much (same price as a Centurion Warsuit)...apply here the same pricing as for the Soronitas or SM to pay for them with imperial tokens (Honor guard armor: 300 Tokens + 1 Adamantium...)

Post by: Leflair on October 28, 2021, 06:34:46 pm
Sounds reasonable, putting it on the 'to do list.
Post by: Simi822 on October 31, 2021, 12:45:50 am
'So my playing ROSIGMA as the Arbiters,

after a bumpy start it is now OK but the final flaw is not a difficulty but a logic flaw

the action "Promote to Arbitrator" is DEAD....I cannot promote any Arbiter to the Judge lvl

I can indoctrinate  IG to arbiters....what is nice but almost dead when playing the Arbiters

also what is missing here is the promotion of Penal Legion IG ???? or Arbiters????

if these changes where to be added to the next batch then the Arbiters....are semi playable (give them the heavy bolter, hand flamer  and then they are money)
Post by: Leflair on October 31, 2021, 01:36:35 pm
Will check what´s causing the promote to break.

Penal Legion logic is probably fixed to IG right now for promotion, so if they're to promote into arbites that will need some changing (then again, promoting from penal legion to IG makes some sense, while I'm not sure the same can be said for Penal Legion -> Arbites).

We're also looking into making the Arbites specific missions scale better with months passing, and have some more suitable enemy lists. Currently it's just one small list randomly picked from from game start, but that can be changed into month 1/3/6+ etc.

Buscher is working on some other Arbites goodies and fixes.
Post by: Simi822 on October 31, 2021, 02:47:58 pm
Legionnaire to Guard, Guard to Arbiter and then Arbiter to Judge

yes a Legionnaire to Arbiter would be a too big of a jump.
Post by: Buscher on October 31, 2021, 10:26:23 pm
'So my playing ROSIGMA as the Arbiters,

after a bumpy start it is now OK but the final flaw is not a difficulty but a logic flaw

the action "Promote to Arbitrator" is DEAD....I cannot promote any Arbiter to the Judge lvl

I can indoctrinate  IG to arbiters....what is nice but almost dead when playing the Arbiters

also what is missing here is the promotion of Penal Legion IG ???? or Arbiters????

if these changes where to be added to the next batch then the Arbiters....are semi playable (give them the heavy bolter, hand flamer  and then they are money)

I still think the Arbites needs a campaign that has a complete different focus than an army theater but that's probably just me.

Promote to Arbitrator isn't dead. It just has nearly unreachable requirements.
Code: [Select]
      - STR_GUARDPD # Trooper
      bravery: 70
      strength: 30
      psiStrength: 50
      psiSkill: 10 # Impossible without Chapel
      melee: 50

Maybe I can add a commendation. Stun 10 enemies and you are eligible for promotion. We are currently going away of requiring stats for promotions in general.
Pardoning Penitents can also be an Arbites thing.

question for weapons with "Recoil" what is the key factor for hit percentage? accuracy and strength? or?

as I have two guys almost identical stats one can shoot the Heavy bolter from the hip the other has 0 percent hit change...

and I use light bolt pistols with the guys using the shields...get like 95 percent for snap shots for a decent distance (accuracy above 90, strength like 50), given the same guy a Tigrus boltpistol...same distance he gets 70 percent for a aimed shot and snap shot is like 10...

When I played as SM I could shoot across the whole map with the Tigrus bolt pistol or the Spectre one...when I play as IG or now the Arbiters, my commissars, Judges who have high accuracy and also strength cannot do this a limitation that only Astartes can use bolters without penalty?
(and the same with Stalker bolters...I got them from the Loyalist Marines and my Judges can do Aim shot for a decent distance...but nowhere the distance when I played as SM)  also the setting for the Arbiters/IG works fine

Recoil is a direct check against your soldier's strength. There is an assistance article in the in-game Codex describing it. In short if you do not have at least the same strength as the recoil value, your accuracy will be reduced.
That 0 percent hit change (for bipod weapons) is probably because of the Heavy Weapons Teams script that Juciy implemented for us. I can't remember if the Codex articles are available to Arbites, so start an IG game and checkout its assistance page.

Your Tigrus and Stalker should shoot fine if the soldier has 40+ strength.
Post by: Thatguysenpai on November 02, 2021, 02:42:37 am
I'm giving the new abhuman IG a try, and I was wondering how exactly the biomancer works? I've never really messed around with the psykers, so this is a first for me. I assumed the "Mend wounds" ability would heal, but instead it seems to do damage to units I use it on. Does it only cure fatal wounds?
Post by: Buscher on November 02, 2021, 09:40:09 am
I'm giving the new abhuman IG a try, and I was wondering how exactly the biomancer works? I've never really messed around with the psykers, so this is a first for me. I assumed the "Mend wounds" ability would heal, but instead it seems to do damage to units I use it on. Does it only cure fatal wounds?

There was a healing touch previously but I don't believe in healing HP in battlescape. HP healing shouldn't reduce the wound recovery time which should be a strategic concern. The benefit of the mend wounds spell is that it's ranged but it's also very dangerous as it uses the power of the Warp. All fatal wounds will be closed but depending on range and Bravery of the Psyker there is a chance to do harm. There is a Codex article about it in the Spell section. This spell is combined with the Abhumans as they have the HP pool to survive that. I think Servitors are also available but they don't bring any combat prowess to the field.

That's the internal calculation
difficulty = 100 * currentBravery / maxBravery * reducedPower / listedPower # maxBravery = 110; reducedPower = listedPower - 10 * distance # higher 'difficulty' is better
healthDamage = (randomNumber - difficulty) / 10 * (fatalwounds + 1) # randomNumber between 1 and 100

In short a max Bravery Psyker at range 1 has a 100 % chance of not damaging the to be treated unit. The less brave a Psyker is and the higher the distance, the more damage per wound can be inflicted.
Post by: Simi822 on November 02, 2021, 07:35:48 pm
Here are my Arbiters saves if it helps to determine the balance for them...

I did only minor changes: add 2x Long las + Hot shots ammo, 2x Hand Flamers, 2x Inferno guns and 2x IG Heavy bolters

in the end with the "Loyalist" Marines I got a plenty of Stalker Bolters and also Astartes Heavy I never used Hand flamers or Inferno guns (I used normal Melta or Harmonic melta)

Long Las is nice BUT the sniper rifle is 10x better....

so practically the only weapon the arbiters are lacking is the heavy bolter....

and based on the saves...a WAAGh with 3x Orckboses + 10x killa kangs or a Raptor base or a gathering with 16x doable

the only thing is the Arbiters Armors "suck" ( I did pimp them up and reduced the price) and the promotions are not when these are fixed then they are the brady bunch....

and regarding the whole Mod direction....we have Filth combi weapons, and some Soronitas (dont know how it works for them) BUT I would add more combi weapons to the game...BUT same category as the Tigrus/Stalker etc. to be found...and maybe only as found...add quest like artifact heist...Orcks want to loot this place :)

Post by: Buscher on November 05, 2021, 08:27:44 pm
Thanks for the save files. Your loadouts seem interesting, so definitely worth a look.

For 1.06 I am doing a few things to make the Arbites more playable. Maybe there's also a way to make them more different to IG. Also we might have a look at the Combi weapons. Firaa has made nice assets for his mod 'Melee Pack' that could be integrated.
Post by: Leflair on December 01, 2021, 09:28:06 pm
Gu-Doc dropped by with an updated russian translation for 1.05b, you can grab it from the page:

1.06 is well in the works, with over 20 new (UFO) craft (with new tilesets too), Pink horrors, Black Legion, Tzeentch Traitor Guard units, expanded zombie mechanics (and new zombie units for Rosigma units and some base 40k ones that were missing them).
+ A brand [new faction] with their own ships, bases, gear etc. I've made around 50-55 Inventory images for the new faction and Bulletdesigner has provided a new 4-tile unit for them. It will not be entirely complete in 1.06, but expanded further as well.

Espartano is also cooking up something fantastic.

Hoping to get it out one of these weekends, before christmas rolls around.

Post by: Requiem on December 16, 2021, 06:27:53 am
Hey, i played in this mod for a couple of weeks, (did not played original 40k just dived straight into this one) and have some questions and feedback (of course).

What stats exactly needed for sister novices to be promoted into sisterhood?
I have novices with 10+ missions and kills but they not even eligible for cantus armor. I am at midgame right now and can just buy sisters, but promotions was only for 2 of them. Is that intended balance?
And how to train Bravery for superiors and canonesses? I remember that it was medicine in piratez, but what here?

Also can you please add more descriptions and pics into codex? Game just drops on you 20 bolter and 10 larsergun patterns and it is too confusing. I even didnt knew that there is a different patterns for weapons in 40k. It would be nice if I dont need to read the descriptions of new added stuff in changelogs or 40k wiki but in game.

What about the shotguns? They are useless right now. All of them. They cant handle such amounts of armor. Also reaction values on enemies are too wild. If i cant one shot enemy i will get backfire with almost 100% chance.

Same for stun battons. They need serious buff. I think arbites have different patterns for them(2-handed, officer maces etc).
It will be cool if there will be more interactions with live captives. Like put them into penance engine instead of resources or make them suicide prisoners.

Flamethrowers and grenade launchers. Ranges and accuracy are too low. I usally kill myself with them. For examle Penance engine with 12% accuracy and range for 6-7 tiles. And i cant train them. Bruh. Any buffs here?
Post by: Leflair on December 19, 2021, 11:46:29 am
The Novice and Sister promotion stats requirements have been lowered for 1.06, currently in 1.05B you need quite high stats and *rank* (rank 3 for novice to sister).

Codex expansion is in the works.

We're introducing early Pump-Action Shotguns for 1.06, and have looked at eventually making combat shotguns something that's a little more useful later in the game.

We've added more stun weapons than just the shock mauls, including some ranged options. The higher HP enemies (including commanders) often become stunned rather than dying outright.

Also experimenting with ways to turn prisoners into penitents (guard/arbites), and I got some deep "to do" for similar stuff for Adeptas.

Buscher is working on a rather big overhaul of weapon accuracy and ranges all around, according to our powerful [spreadsheets]. But you do need to be a wee bit careful with the ol' flamethrowers.

1.06 will be out today, or possibly tomorrow, depending on how our beta testing goes.
Post by: Requiem on December 19, 2021, 01:48:23 pm
Thanks for response, i tought i was just ignored for being too edgy.
The Novice and Sister promotion stats requirements have been lowered for 1.06, currently in 1.05B you need quite high stats and *rank* (rank 3 for novice to sister).
But thats my problem. I want to know wich stats needed exactly and how much?(firing and melee accuracy/bravery, etc) And how to train them.
Threre is no info in codex for promotion to cantus armor or into sisterhood, only for superiors and canonesses. And i just cant find this in ruleset code, comments or anywhere else.
For example i have this gal and she still not eligible for cantus armor or sisterhood.
Post by: Leflair on December 19, 2021, 09:47:03 pm
These are the 1.06 requirements:
  minRank: 2 #CANTUS
      tu: 45
      stamina: 40
      bravery: 30
      strength: 25
      psiSkill: 20
Post by: Leflair on December 19, 2021, 10:30:01 pm
1.06 - Patch Notes (20211219)

Summary images of new content:

• Tzeentch Witch Flying Mode now comes with a bottom part.
• Some Tzeentch armors (And one Nurgle) anti camo was not being applied correctly.
• Improved General Stores and Laboratory descriptions (the work of Ettykitty)
• Fixed damage range of Harborym and Throne rockets
• Fixed Hellspite and mephisto+ammo buy requirements for tech.
• Made Galgalim ammo have the same requirments as the weapon
• Fixed light melta ufopedia crash
• Changed Potestas potassium melta gun snap name to be reflective of the correct type of melta
• Normalized use and unlock Potestas requirements
• Changed Potestas ammo to use the intended boxammo
• Added Codex Entry for Light Chainsword and a Missing String.
• Added needItem for STR_TZEENTCHS_SISTERCHAMP (Tzeentch Sisters Commander)
• Fixed Blue Horror Kill Tokens reward to require Blue Horror Corpses instead of Flamers
• Corrected Female Krieg riding Mounted Weapons.
• Necron Live Capture Disabled
• Fix Duplicates in alienRank for Traitor Guard Bases
• Adeptas twincore plasma can now be manufactured instead of the foul chaos version. The responsible secret cultists have been purged.
• Standardisation of certain Adeptas weapons requirements, ufopedia articles and manufacturability.
• Adeptas no longer tempted to put on the Tzeentch sorceress outfit and lead the game to ruin.
• Celestian armor language lines updated to read "Celestian" instead of Celestin.
• Deathcult assasin armor energy recovery increased to 60 as intended.
• Dominion armor manufacturing time reduced by a factor of 10 (a 0 too much)
• Second Power Shot for the Lucius Heavy Lasgun renamed to POWER SHOT!
• The arcing Flamers are now no longer capable of ctrl-forced heavy artillery support (through power drop off).
• All versions of the Thunderhawk will now use Prometheum to refuel.
• Yarrick somewhat more manly, unrelated: he´s switched hands for his power claw.
• IG training mission only available to Guardsmen now.
• Holograms given some language strings.
• Terminator ransom normalized
• TFTD patch fix applied to GRUNGE map (used for Space Hulk lvl 2) with a hole in a second level floor.
• GRUNGE map elevator are now shoot through
• Made statCaps consistent between Guard soldiers.
• Halved Base Mission Weights for all old factions (makes sense with other campaign changes and new factions, to reduce spam).
• First alien mission similar to vanilla xcom reenabled
• First month terror mission reactivated with a easier terror mission than the standard ones
• No Chaos Air Superiority missions in first month and only two crafts per month
• No TG/Cultist bases in the first month

Special thanks to Filip H for a lot of testing, streaming and minor corrections over the last months. Thanks Tarqeq for pointing out some inconsistent stat caps, Qwelas, Kildarien and the rest of you lot for all the playtesting, streaming etc. Makes it a lot easier to find things to fix and tweak.

• Broke out Tzeentch lists for mission generation and lowered CRAFT/UFO spam in general. Mission wave chains will now be shorter to allow for several different raceLists to be used per month instead of just one. We´re still lacking some early game lists, but we´ve made the first few months a lot easier vs 1.05. We´re looking into ways to do customized enemy mission lists for a harder difficulty (especially if playing Space Marines).
• Enemy Score values updated and added to units that were lacking them. Enemy heavies, specialists etc worth more. Chaff worth less. Score values: 1-10 for early game chaff units, leaders topping out at 15-20. Midgame units at 15-25, CSM at 25-30, values top out at 40-50 for the high end CSM Lords, Dreadnoughts etc.
• Enemy Base Building recoded to work a little different. You won´t notice.
• Chaos Turrets reactions and accuracy reduced from 120 to 60/80, making them easier to approach for hugs.
• Deserter mission type now expanded to escalate over months, you will no longer be buried in Squats on month 0 (in fact, Traitor Squats have been pretty much removed from Deserter lists).
• Added non-Hotshot Tech Tier for some enemies.
• Nerfed Chaos Hotshot Power.
• Made some early tier enemy lists easier (more normal traitor guard, fewer squats)
• Low level enemy squats have a 5 point armor nerf to the front and flanks. Rear armor weakened by 10. Resistances changed to make them 20% weaker to melta weapons and soldier tier squats are 10-20% weaker to AP (normal las/bullets included) rounds.
• Enemy Squats have 5-10 points lower reaction score.

• Turret Armor buffed 'bout 30 points for Chimera, Taurox, Tauros, Leman Rus, Exorcist and Immolators.
• Beastmen flak armor front and side values buffed by 10 points.
• IG Scions token cost is now 90 instead of 120.

• Chapel (Psi labs) requirements are now LEADER_PLUS (interrogatation of a leader), MIDTIER, and STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM (Chaos Chapel), making it possible to get this earlier.
• Commendations depend on Wins now instead of just participating
• Updated 2 racelists to reduce dreadnought spam during terror missions
• Updated Chaos Marine lists and removed some place holder units. Replaced with Black Legion CSM.
• Reduced frequence of Alpha Legion, removed from some lists.
• Reworked basic CSM to have handheld lascannons instead of heavy plasma (moved to Black Legion CSM instead).
• Replaced chaos longlas with tz version for combat servitors
• Decreased Imperial Cache Value from 200 -> 100, added it to terror missions in the ammo depot.
• Obliterators weapons buffed, power +20, they now do armor rend damage before pen calculation instead of after, and have radius 4 instead of 3.
• Enemy Chaos bases now have more defenders.
• Traitor Guard base maps are now slightly bigger to reduce overcrowding.
• Enemy retaliation missions now have more attackers.
• Enemy retaliation missions now have more attackers (as does battleships).
• Final Mission now have more defenders in all stages. Bring plenty of ammo.
• Renamed Tzeentch lasguns to Nihilus Pattern (can be used by some other enemies).
• Fire now gets doused before Fatal Wounds are healed.
• Arbites Sabotage missions now have enemy lists divided by months, making for a easier experience in the first 6-8 months.
Bolter ammo rebalances:
• Basic light bolter ammo nerfed slightly, 2% less to armor damage (pre armor calc). -5% AP and -5% to Health. Still slightly better pen than standard bolter ammo (but standard bolter ammo has 5 more power so).
• Mastercrafted light bolter ammo nerfed slightly, -5 power (to 75), -0.10 AP, ToArmor damage -0.1
• Mastercrafted standard bolter ammo buffed slightly, +0.05 ToArmorPre, +0.05 AP. Power is 85.

• Enemy Seraphim armor types added to units that can unlock flying armor tech for the player.
• The Sister Superior can now use more armor types.
• Adeptas Malthus light lascannon, Harmonic melta, Dominion bolter, Galgalim Assault cannon, Dominion Power axe costs have been changed. Several of the high tier versions can now only be manufactured instead of also purchased. For the remaining weapons that can be both purchased and made, the purchase option is much more cash expensive but the manufacturing option requires materials.
• The Adeptas Power Axe is now high tier instead of midtier. The Halberd is now the midtier dedicated melee option.
• Sister Superior promotion minrank changed to 3 from 5, allowing the fielding of more Sister Superiors.
• Sister Superior can now use armor sets that the Adeptas/Canoness can use (most would be a downgrade, but hey).
• Novice promotion now requires rank 2 (Cantus) instead of 3 (Novitiate). Purely due to how the openxcom ranking system works and for gameplay ease, so don't mind if its a slightly unfluffy.
• Adeptas Dominion armor now requires high tier, mastercrafting and the honorguard research.
• Celestian and Dominion armor shields dropped to 40 from 83 HP. Plasma is now 10% more effective than it used to be vs these armors (They are still very good armors).
• Light Handflamer toHealth damage increased to 1.3
• Harmonic melta ammo now requires promethium to produce.
• Harmonic melta ammo has a new bigOB inventory sprite.
• Energy recovery increased for some lazy armors.

• Multilaser damage buffed to 60 from 50 per shot, given same standard damage type as other non lascannon las weapons.
• Chimera convoy now sports 3 Chimera multilaser turrets instead of the "useless" Hydra.
• Now has access to Light Bolt Pistol De'az.
• Veteran Officers get a sweet beret now (thanks to our friends at IDT Filip H and EfreneSpartano)
• Lasguns have more ammo
• Priest's ability was turned into Fanaticism. They keep their melee buffing. Fanaticism allows affected soldiers to withstand the naughtiness part of Daemonettes as well as Chaos Spells for one turn
• IG brings another Chimera instead of a Hydra to the battlefield
• Commissars can execute anyone and not only traitors. The morale will be restored next turn. The more worth a soldier is, the more the action instills fear into the hearts of the Guardsmen
• Scions only cost 90 instead of 120 Imperial Tokens now.

• Added soldierTransformation Pardon Penitent for Arbites
• Require Lascannon for Arbites Sentinel/Lascannon
• Changes to Arbites armors: Medic Armor uses normal Enforcer, Shield uses Heavy Armor storeItem
• Arbites Armor got a buff.
• Fixed Requirements for Judge Bike and Bike Ammo ( STR_HP_CANNON_SHELL).
• Given same built in melee bayonet ability as Guard.
• Added Missing Recoil Tag for Arbites Heavy Stubber
• Arbites Penitents stats now matches the IG Penitents.
• Sentinel/Missile has -40 Weight now to accomodate two Missile Packs (same for IG)
• Arbites Vehicle Armor (turrets) buffed to match new IG armor values.
• Arbites Chimera Heavy Bolter now has more Dakka and less sniping, like the multilaser in role.
• Arbites now have access to the Light Bolt Pistol De'az pattern.
• Restructured Arbites startingBase.

• Added hive city and rig city maps to new STR_CIVILIAN_TERROR mission, a script randomized if this or the ordinary military-targeting terror mission happens (80% chance per month for one of them to be picked). STR_CIVILIAN_TERROR has civilians running around, so less armed help!
• Added Height: 8 and 9 to some Maps.
• Elevators in Space Hulk Purge can now be shot through
• Turned Fences from N/W Wall to Object (this means that they can be destroyed by melee now and stop movement properly).
• Updated URBAN06-08 and 16 with more cover and spawn points.
• Modified several urban maps, the Cathedral maps, the final mission map and the Space Hulk top floor map with more spawn points, routes and cover, alternative entry points.
• Fixed a final mission pyramid where units could get stuck if the map tile spawned at the right edge of a map.
• Replaced the 6 power generator objects from the Space Hulk top floor that would provide a [lot] of money.
• Added a pathable Hive Map.

Added over 30 new Chaos UFO/Craft. Both to existing classes of craft, as well as a few new ones. New maps for everything but the smallest and largest classes of ships. UFO spawning redone to fit these new craft, some have replaced duplicate existing slots (i.e, you will see less of the base mod ships, more variety) while others are new. Expect some more UFOs to be flying around.
• 9 new Medium Scouts (dual small craft in formation + a deployable watch tower version)
• 8 new Large Scout (one heavy large scout and a deployable connected twin watch towers version).
• 2 new Supply Ships, one fast and one large version.
• 9 new Strike/Attack cruisers, similar in size to the heavy large scout.
• 2 new Terror ships. One Fast and one Heavy.
• 1 new Heavy Harvester.
• 1 Mobile Modular Fort.
• Added 10 new Imperial/Arbites UFO craft. 5 Small/Large Scouts, 2 medium transports (2-3 floors), 2 large transports/terror ships and 1 battleship (5 floors). These are primarily used by the new enemy Genestealer Cult faction (See below).
• 1 New mobile industrial rig craft. Rather large pyramid shaped thing.
• Added 2 new Taurox UFO craft. Dual Taurox, and a quad Taurox Convoy with a extended big Taurox limo variant.
• Added 2 new Truck UFO craft. Dual GSC Trucks (one armored) and a quad convoy with 1 Taurox escort.

• New events around mysterious activity and earthquakes. You might be able to figure out what's going on there.
• CAS Valkyrie added, this craft floats above the battlefield, allowing for tacticool operator insertions and rocket barrages.
Added more Deserter Guards. Grenadier, Gunner, Officer and Psyker. Intended to serve as weaker enemies (although the Psyker can be quite dangerous). They use mainly standard guard equipment, autoguns, las-weapons, grenade launchers, heavy stubbers, chainswords etc.
Added Khorngor (+different inventory art) to mid and late game Khorne lists, beefier cousins of the Ungor, they have more health and are armed with shotguns, ripper guns and chainaxes.
• Added a Bloodgor Warband list for the midgame, will eventually have more flavors of Khorngors, Bloodgors, Minotaurs etc.
Tzeentch Traitor Guard added. Basic trooper, gunner, scout-sniper, commando, carapace and officer. Their terror units are the various Tzeentch servitors (combat, battle-plasma). Can be expanded in the future with weapons platforms, plasma sentinel, their own Chimeras and what not.
They use the Nihilus pattern lasguns added in 1.05B and the new longlas.
Tzeentch lists broken out for their own mission cycle, allowing for shorter waves of UFO/Craf and more variety in enemy lists encountered.
• Added Tzeentch Traitor Guard racelists(quite a few) to rotations. They favor research type missions, and are a step above normal traitor guard in terms of accuracy (But not health or reactions) and techy equipment.
Added Pink Horrors to Tzeentch. These beefy Horror Daemons spawn two Blue Horrors on death (Pink - Blue - Yellow). Pink Horrors are capable spellcasters (currently using similar spells to Blue Horrors). Certain Tzeentch enemies can also summon these lesser daemons.
• Added Tzeentch Long Las (Nihilius pattern) and Twincore Plasma. Long ranged, accurate and powerful weapons for enemy sharpshooters. Rubric Marines have been given the Twincore Plasma at last tech level.
Added Black Legion CSM "soldier" with its own art assets. This late game elite CSM is tougher than his "basic" CSM counterparts and very well equipped. Shows up with a Chaos bolter with MC-tier ammo, twincore plasma rifle or the heavy plasma. Carries powerful grenades. Has some resistances (20%) to basic weapons, but melta and melee will still work fine. Shows up in late game lists (and the final mission lists!) but can also appear with certain late Blackstone configurations. Basic CSM has been de-equipped of high tier plasma weapons to compensate.
• Final Mission have gotten two unique enemy lists, one for the power armor player factions and one for Guard/Arbites. These are composed of a "Chaos United" crop of enemies, facing you off against a wide variety of late game nasty chaos folks.
• Added 3 new civilians. Tan, red and orange. They have GSC zombie versions (see below)
Added new Genestealer Cult infected lists. Voidcrew (hello Ripley), Civilians, Arbites (nearly full set), PDF, Guard and Adeptas.
• Genestealer attacks are now augmented with Genestealer Kiss, capable of infecting (And zombifying) most units! Added dozens of new infected versions of existing player units + new inventory art for them (and sometimes unique battlesprites).
Zombified units will pick up their guns and use them against you!
• GSC Medicae type units has a autoinjector weapon with genestealer tainted fluid that can infect units, take them out!
• Augmented existing genestealer space hulk mission with several lists of mixed infected voidcrew. These enemies use mostly lasguns.
• Added a dozen other GSC related lists, arbites, pdf etc.
GSC will establish bases, primarily in Arbites Precincts and target the surrounding population. At a low level, their bases will not launch many missions but as they grow they´ll starting infiltrating other Arbites Precincts, launch kettling round ups of civilians in urban centers for infection, capture and use disguised transports to move around the geoscape for infiltration missions etc. They will also target PDF units and deserts for infection, and if agitated enough by the player will plot retaliation missions + launch base attack missions against the player once they are confidently established (level 5 precincts). Their bases level up slower than orks/other bases to reach that point.
• GSC Bases are harder to detect, and do not send up fighters to intercept the player.
• GSC make use of Taurox and Truck patrols and convoys.
• GSC make use of captured imperial transports and other ships.

Post by: Simi822 on December 20, 2021, 12:59:59 am
'Dear All,

I see that the useless "hydra" have been removed from the Chimera...for the IG

can someone give me a explanation what is the function of the HYDRA unit for the Arbiters???? its fuken slow against any craft it is useless ...and it is not protecting the base...I have here a base that will be attacked and I give command HYDRA attack the incoming craft / or I do noting (Hydra is parked in that base)....nothing is happening ? 

the HYDRA as a craft is useless  and because of that I abandoned my Arbiters game...for almost a month...will now abandon that base :( and see
Post by: Leflair on December 20, 2021, 01:00:48 pm
The Geoscape Hydra is a vanilla 40k craft that we've not touched yet.
Post by: Requiem on December 20, 2021, 01:04:26 pm
And why are you chasing aircrafts by troop transports in the first place?  :)
I mean chimeras is just troop carriers which can defend themselfs and thats all about them.

• The Adeptas Power Axe is now high tier instead of midtier. The Halberd is now the midtier dedicated melee option.
I wonder what was wrong with that axe to move it into high tier? I had one on novice assassin and she cant even kill an ogryn in one turn sometimes. Cant describe my disappointment about chainsword performance btw.
Post by: Leflair on December 20, 2021, 04:42:34 pm
The Adeptas Halberd is the midtier power weapon.

The melee weapons have been quite good, although against high HP targets it´s possible to get a few misses+low rolls on damage so they survive.
Post by: Buscher on December 20, 2021, 06:25:40 pm
'Dear All,

I see that the useless "hydra" have been removed from the Chimera...for the IG

can someone give me a explanation what is the function of the HYDRA unit for the Arbiters???? its fuken slow against any craft it is useless ...and it is not protecting the base...I have here a base that will be attacked and I give command HYDRA attack the incoming craft / or I do noting (Hydra is parked in that base)....nothing is happening ? 

the HYDRA as a craft is useless  and because of that I abandoned my Arbiters game...for almost a month...will now abandon that base :( and see

I don't know I have removed the craft from ROSIGMA just now. All other ground vehicles got a buff to their speed in the new dev branch. So if you want to chase down enemy Monoliths, War Trakks or Chimeras, you can do that with all tracked options in 1.07.
Maybe it gets a revival as a base defense facility for outposts. Any hits to the attacking UFO in the base defense screen will reduce the number of enemies.
Post by: Leflair on December 25, 2021, 07:48:20 pm
Patch notes 1.06A - OXCE 7.2 (just released)
- Added a shortened Solo Pattern
- Added a script to carry over TU Damage to next turn
- Disabled Heatscript for Lucius Lasgun
- Fixed Overheat Script and added Heavy LasgunXIV to script.
- Removed complex FA Formula from Longlas (now it's the same as all snipers)
- Arbites Guardsmen get the same stats as their IG brethren
- Arbites Bike Judge given a voice
- Deleted Arbites Geoscape Hydra, slow transport maxspeed buffed
- Raised Death Score Value for IG troops
- Fixed Requirements Officer Promotion
- MC Shotgun can now use new Stun Ammo types
- Reactivated GSC Precint Crafts on GSC Base maps
- Can use Webbers when any of them have been researched
- Added tile index fix for GSC Arbites craft for proper displaying of walls, doors etc.
Post by: Simi822 on December 26, 2021, 12:17:43 am
Please also fix the eye cancer in the wiki....also there are empty entries, but at least no entry leads to a crash :)
Post by: Simi822 on December 26, 2021, 01:32:18 am
Also one small notice, yes I can Pardon Penals to what? as a arbiter? as I cannot give them any Arbiter Armor...and what is not working is to Upgrade a Arbiter to Judge etc can use the best armors...with this update I could do the update of penals to semi IG with flak armor...but no higher and also the second update is missing :)
Post by: Requiem on December 26, 2021, 05:30:31 pm
Yeah.. Codex just begs for full revamp.

btw how about to do reduce costs of research subjects like corpses to minimum? At least while they lead to nowhere(just lore).
And i think live officers and commanders should give these topics on chaos enemies and weapons for free.

Im playing as Arbites too right now and have some thoughts:
Is there a reason that outrider bike and heavy armors hidden behind Raptors? Im on july ingame and still cant unlock them just because there is no raptors only dirty squats.(and planet bombarded by spacehulks heavilly)

All armors for arbites have identical crappy stats and there is no reasons to use enforcer armor over medic armors. Revamp is needed here too.

I think Cyber-Mastiffs should have built in motion scaner button. They are hounds after all.

Also i want to request Grapplehawks, they can be like parrots from piratez but with stun claws. Not sure about carrying capabilities but strongest version by lore can carry stuned prisoners.
Post by: Scamps on December 27, 2021, 11:41:28 am
FileRecord::at(MAPS/CH02HAMMERHEADTOPFLOOR1.MAP): requested file not found
FileRecord::at(ROUTES/CH02HAMMERHEADTOPFLOOR1.RMP): requested file not found.
Renaming respective files helped.
Post by: Simi822 on December 29, 2021, 12:16:00 am
Dear All,

in regards of crashes...I dont know if it can happen during playing, but when clicking on the turret of the shielded Primaris Tank the game crashes.

I looked into the new stuff thru the Skirmish mode, for lots of new missions (Gene stealers, etc) the description is not there and also for some of the new stuff the Wiki is not available (Pump action shotgun, various new genestealers, and other enemies...can research to nothing etc. for example)

then I started my Arbiters game again, the changes are really some "stuff": remove the medic armor from production as it cannot be used (I like that you give Enforcer and Heavy Enforcer armor only...and the player can choose which sub type) the pardon of Criminals works...but the elevation of Enforcers to Judges is still not there? I find the genestealers good, but here some Ideas...I had a RIOT mission where chaos cultist where fighting the Genestealer cult...maybe after the forces of chaos are crushed...the Genos attack the Imperial forces?

Also Gene stealer cult, I like that they have weapons which I cannot produce (but I can use once obtained like Pump  action Shotgun or Webber) maybe add them some unique weapons like the Liberator Autostubs of the Kelermorph (and add him also :) )
also maybe add Aberrants? to the enemy list (with BIG crude melee weapons that can kill a Astartes with a single blow like we saw in angels of death) or  add a Magus (practically just reskin the Psyker) and as the big bad baddie (same size as a Sentinel) the Patriarch (most of the ranged weapons do has to go one on one with the great one like we saw in angels of death in melee combat) and the Stubber Tankette they the Arbiters dont have much, give them this tankette (real world police utilized such tankettes to crush riots in the past) as a equivalent to the Mounted weapons of the IG...and the "masked/veiled" civiliants should then drop the act...and be identified as Pure Genestealers in such missions
Post by: Requiem on December 31, 2021, 03:50:37 am
Hey, guys can anybody help me?
I have found 3 xeno cults in Antartica(they were surprisingly non active), and after i scouted area around them i received a segmentation fault error.
Log says something about not being able to dispatch hunt mission or something like this.
My arbites playthrougth stalled because of that. :(
Here is a save and log, just wait till craft arrives and start patrolling:

Post by: Buscher on January 01, 2022, 05:03:48 pm
Attached a hotfix for your crashing issues.

Also I just deleted the judge promotion in the dev version. You can just buy more of them.

As for the codex revamp. Feel free to contribute.
Post by: Requiem on January 01, 2022, 11:46:08 pm
Attached a hotfix for your crashing issues.
Thank you for fix.
After fix got another crash when tried to start these missions but on second launch its gone. It was wierd, but ok i guess..

As for the codex revamp. Feel free to contribute.
And how i supposed to do that? To add description of something by myself at first i should know what it is. I still have dozens of little questions, like what is locke pattern, what initial idea was behind some weapons, etc.
Obviosly i am not some kind of a Psyker who can read minds of initial contributors.
I can prevail through any bs in mods, but not a lack of info, no offence.
Post by: Leflair on January 03, 2022, 10:10:50 am
Main 40k mod just updated to version 031, there are some compatibility issues (some maps) and bugs we are looking at and we´ll release an update for ROSIGMA as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile, the discord has the latest hotfix workarounds.
Post by: Simi822 on January 03, 2022, 11:26:42 pm
the new addon is pure GARBAGE and a Joke

there must have been no test play before it release

and balance is also not existing

so YOU introduce the Greyknights and have the possibility of the production of Stormbolters before the stormbolters are developed and the Wiki of the Stormbolters does a CRASH....Fuken A

and give then shite fighters and carriers and give then 8x Greyknights with rookie guardsman the playa
at the start

the destroyed almost both of my fighters...and I started my Battle...8x GREY of they hands if a fixed STORM BORTTA  so I cannot use a snipper gun, missile launcher I had to go thru a fight with 8x sluggish Greyknight who have a stormbolter gaultlet with 20 percent hit rate within 2 tiles....

this is pure bullshit....

and with ROSIGMA it is even worse :) I could not buy servitors, etc....

this addon is garbage avoid it !
Post by: Leflair on January 04, 2022, 12:55:33 am
1) We have not yet released the compatibility patch.
2) We have not introduced the Grey Knights, that's the main mod.

Post by: Simi822 on January 04, 2022, 02:07:40 pm
I given my opinion about the new main mod not about ROSIGMA...they should first do some Beta testing or write that it is for testing purposes

ROSIGMA works fine, and I am still playing as the Arbiters and after that will do Sororitas

so hopefully they will fix the Inquisition fraction till then
Post by: Leflair on January 04, 2022, 05:04:09 pm
1.06B031 is now available on the page for ROSIGMA.

1.06B031 Patch notes:

Made ROSIGMA Compatible with 40k 031

- Includes hotfixes of bugs in 031 (until next main mod release):
- The Genestealer Armored Car is no longer available at your local Imperial dealership.
- Some language string fixes and corrections.
- Mastercrafted Stormbolter Codex page no longer causing a crash.
- Mastercrafted Stormbolter can now use MC ammo.
- GK Chaplain can now see the AUX_CROZIUS
- Wrong Soldier type using armor STR_GK_CHP_UC
- STR_HALLEBARD research dependency and manufacturing.
- GK ufopediaType fixed for GK Tech Marine armor
- Give Marine and Adeptas Stormraven same Treatment as GK (increased unit capacity).

- ROSIGMA adapted Grey Knights power armor values (buffs)
- ROSIGMA adjusted Grey Knight recruits stat values to be (5-10 points) better than normal space marines. Min Bravery increased greatly.
- Adjusted Grey Knight promotions and manufacturing to use ROSIGMA Kill Token system.
- GK Crafts guzzle less Fuel .
- GK normal and MC Stormbolter ammo cost cut less (resources required). Each manufacturing job now creates 5 clips instead of 1.
- Added the extra Arvus Doors to the GK variant.
- GKs given access to STR_SCIENTISTS_AND_ENGINEERS + Hologram Grenades.
- Updated GK and Primaris Ufopedia to new format.
- STR_GK_HB is viewable in the STR_GK_TAC Codex Article

- Marines now face harder Deserter Missions (special! Chewy! Dumb injokes!)
- Marine repair hit chance increased to 100%

- GSC Terror Missions are now generated as intended (fix).
- Adjusted Brood Brothers with ROSIGMA gear and stats (no tech or racelist integration yet)
- Added Makeshift grenades and pipebombs to Genestealer Cult civilians and low tier units. Makeshift Grenades are weaker than standard grenades, while the pipebombs are slightly stronger. Some military krak grenades have been replaced with these.
- Corrected corpse sprite for GSC Penetante.
- GSC Spacer Armor Battle Sprite cleaned up (when firing)
- Corrected a few units in the infector list (Krieg, some civilians, Marshal) that would crash when infected.

- Elite IG Strategy gets free Stormtrooper Research
- Elite IG Strategy gets early Tanith Soldier Research
- Fix Veterans not getting Hellguns.
- Dogs don't blow up Penetante anymore.
- Bullgryn Riot Mission unlockable for Abhumans
- Removed Priest inbuilt Eviscerator; Chainswords produce more Wounds
- Added Krieg Grenadier with inbuilt Heavy Lasgun
- Updated Lucius Lasgun Codex page with new layout and more info.

- Fix Arbites Mug Shots
- Arbites MC Lawbringer now costs kill tokens.
- Fix TU Carry Over Script. Half of TU damage applied this turn now carries over next turn (think stun weapons).

- Added a Contributor and Tester page to the Codex, naming those guilty of this heresy
Post by: Requiem on January 05, 2022, 01:50:14 pm
the new addon is pure GARBAGE and a Joke

I dont know what was on previus patch, but i tried GK now with Rosigma and i think they are OP. To the point that they dont need to research or use anything except mc ammo and power fists maybe. It's just 8 terminators with built-in storm bolters wich delete everything in range of 20 tiles, even Primaris space marines wasnt as easy.
Post by: Simi822 on January 05, 2022, 02:15:16 pm
the vanilla release was not really balanced, see the latest ROSIGMA update what they changed...practically when running with ROSIGMA then crashes or balance issues are fixed

when running it with the newest ROSIGMA then its working fine.
Post by: Leflair on January 05, 2022, 02:55:18 pm
In testing the GK are indeed strong early on, although they can still get killed by certain enemies - a bigger issue is when they start getting wounded and end up in the medbay for a month.

Do report back if you manage to reach the late game with GK and how well they do (early game does turn them into maxed out super soldiers if they survive).

It's one of those Factions where you are either doing super well or terrible. Not much midground.

We're looking at expanding the "HARDER" mission branch for some of these stronger factions like GK and Primaris (and some Marine strategies), introducing chaos marines earlier etc just vs them.
Post by: Requiem on January 05, 2022, 03:37:53 pm
Yeah i will give a shot for full playtrough with them soon.
But i already have some thought abouts, especially about these wrist mounted bolters with range buffed to 20 and which hinder one hand.
I mean whole point of them is that they should leave both hands free at the cost of lower accuracy.
Currently i cant use any 2-h weapons with them effectivly, so there is no point to research or use anything(lascanons, meltas or even mc bolters given from start).
Also ALL GK's recruited exclusively from psykers, they ALL psykers and thats their main feature by lore. This can counter balance nerf of accuracy, if they recieve some psyker pewpews(not too powerfull).
Also their dreadnouts and centurions have nice destinctive look, pity i didnt found them in research tree.
But i stop here for now, dont want to recieve another "do-it-by-yourself". :D
Post by: Leflair on January 06, 2022, 02:31:54 pm
GK do have Dreadnoughts in the update, looking at changing up their starting loadouts.

There's some GK guns, Battle Servitors and their normal Power Armor that isn't in.

But yes, they don't have a ton of stuff to spend money on.
Post by: Leflair on January 14, 2022, 02:34:02 am
Current hotfix pack for 1.06B031:

- Fix Deployment of the GK Arvus to use 8 slots instead of 7 (one tile was used twice)
-Fixes Orks replacing Arbites on some missions/maps.
For "installation", replace the same-named files in your ROSIGMA mod folder (RULESET).

Some map fixes (elevators, doors on some UFOs):

We'll put together a 1.06C release that also fixes some issues with Guard Carapace access, compatibility with OXCE 7.4, GSC using some Chaos craft for certain missions and a new HARD mission set for marines/GKs (and tech rush) + a bunch of other little fixes.

Unrelated (?), from the WIP pile:

Post by: Simi822 on January 18, 2022, 03:16:23 pm
Dear all,

the new Webber weapons... will they be available only to enemies or given also to the player?
(I think all fractions should get them as some research need alive enemies and this could be a option ho to catch them)

also the pump action Shotgun...I checked out some Rulebook and saw that the Necromunda pump action shotgun can be equipped with a Exterminator (small flamer) and that made me thinking...add to the game a Pump action shotgun with an Exterminator (that could be found during missios as a rare weapon) or make a possibility to research it and add the possibility to mount it on Master crafted weapons (Shotgun, Lasgun, Autogun) or a Eviscerator (off course this only for the Sororitas and Priest) that would give some versatility to the IG or Arbiters in the early phase
Post by: noflic on January 21, 2022, 12:12:13 am
Very much enjoying the mod, but I think I've maybe run into a bug (it might be the carapace issue mentioned in the last hotfix post): I've now (with a lot of difficulty!) got some guard who've made veteran, but I can't promote them, because I lack the relevant Veteran Guardsman Promotion. What makes me think it's a mistake is that none of the other promotions require that - I've promoted an officer to a veteran officer, and I can manufacture carapace and Lucius XV armour, buy commissar's carapace armour etc, so it seems as if the only veteran-type stuff I can't access is the veteran guard themselves.

The research screen isn't much help either; either I've already got the relevant research (I assume so, given that I can get all the other veteran stuff) and something's gone wrong, or it's just not telling me what I need in order to buy or manufacture the promotion.

I've had a look at the .rul file for guard transformations, and there doesn't seem to be the same info in the veteran guardsman promotion as for the others - but if that was the problem I'd expect the transformation just not to do anything, rather than requiring this mysterious item. It's the only thing I can think of though (or one of the other rul files; that's the only one I looked at). I'm happy enough modding games through text files, but it's the first xcom rul I've looked at, so I'm not very familiar with the bits I'd need to change/leave alone if that is the problem.

So: is this a bug/error, and if so is there an easy fix; or is there just some crucial non-obvious step that I'm missing?
Post by: Buscher on January 24, 2022, 08:38:37 pm
The webbers can be looted and used after any of them were researched. Ammo for them is currently not manufacturable/purchasable. Might stay this way.
The pump action shotgun is more of a enemy only thing. Flamer on it might be interesting though.

The Veteran Promotion is bugged. Inside Ruleset/IG/soldiertransformation_IG.rul it's supposed to look like this
Code: [Select]
      tu: 1

Post by: noflic on January 25, 2022, 12:56:02 am
Aha! I thought something must be wrong with it. Much obliged, I'll give that a whirl - I assume it's the one in the ROSIGMA folder, since the main mod ruleset doesn't have a specific IG folder?

(While I'm at it, is something up with being able to buy carapace armour, too? It looks like the advanced carapace is "attached" to the veterans in the way that flak armour is to the regulars, but in my SoB run I noticed that I could buy normal carapace armour really early/from the start, and the Guard I got from terror attacks etc could wear it.)

Edit: Yep, that works! Thanks again.
Post by: EleriumWard on February 17, 2022, 07:17:04 am
Okay, so I tried to play the 40k mod (complete with ROSIGMA) using the latest OXCE. I got the following errors.

Error for 'STR_CAS_LEAVE_CHARGE': Wrong index 3866 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_DAEMONETTE_MISSILE_PACK': Wrong index 3832 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_GREEN_FIRE': Wrong index 3834 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_STUN_GAS_SHELLS': Wrong index 3832 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_UNIT_DESTROYER_FT1': Wrong index 3866 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_UNIT_TURNER_FT1': Wrong index 3866 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_WYRDBOY_STIKK': Wrong index 3802 for sound set BATTLE.CAT

Any ideas?
Post by: Simi822 on February 23, 2022, 10:19:18 pm
when can we expect the next version? which will work with 40k_032...and what do you plan to release?
Post by: Leflair on February 23, 2022, 11:00:07 pm
Very soon.
Post by: Leflair on February 23, 2022, 11:30:46 pm
Patch Notes 1.07-032

Updated to 40k 032
Requires OXCE 7.5.3 minimum


Fixes and Tweaks:
- Fixed Ruleset Validation Issues for OXCE 7.5.3
- Updated Russian Translation by Gu-Doc.
- Added some missing language strings like STR_CIVILIAN_TERROR
- Fixed an adminstrative error, Carapace Armor is once again available for most Guardsmen for a small tithe.
- Fixed a bug that caused Orks to take over as space cops and greatly reduce space crime. The Arbites will now populate these missions instead, bringing space crime back to intended high levels.
- Fixed a spawn node in the lvl 5 Ork Base that would spawn the Warboss inside a tiny shed with a tiny door.
- Replaced fake hologram doors with real doors on certain chaos craft.
- Fixed some blocked Elevators on certain Imperial Craft.
- Added some side doors to your local space cop stations for easier access in the presence of endless chasms.
- Corrected an overwrite issue for the alienDeployments file where the base 40k mod would cause the final chaos list to be replaced by STR_ETHEREAL and STR_MUTON for each stage (ignoring alienMissions).

- Added STR_THREAT_ONE to more interrogations for easier armor research advancement.
- Unified Corpse research cost and score.
- Lowered the amount of Adamantium earned, especially from the new large maps/UFOs.

- Added Kill Tokens for Necron Faction Corpses.
- Added Kill Tokens for Eldar Faction Corpses.
- Added Kill Tokens for Grey Knight Corpses.

- Added an Assistance Article about Medkits putting out Fires.
- Added and moved already existing Assistance pages for Heavy Weapons Teams, IG Commands, Mend Wound spell, TU Damage Carry Over script, IG Executing Traitors and Promotion by Commendations into a new category. You´ll find them in the codex.
- Changed Webber pistol to be 2x1 in inventory.
- Created a new Webber pistol handOB sprite.
- Added fixed Craft Bolters to Rhino and Landspeeders.
- Brought Vehicle Flamers up to Par with other flamers.
- Smaller explosion animation size for Krak.
- The Beret has been updated to better accommodate Guile and Stroheims hair.
- Commissars now start at rank 4, Lord Commissar at rank 5. Guardmen will panic less as a result.
- Reduced the big Plasma weapons and TZeentch magic hit animation size.
- Added specab: 1 to Munitorium Ammo Depot Unit for proper explosions. Chaos Forces may feel daring.
- Marine Drop Pods can now only reach max range every 9 days after delays in your refueling and logistics department (so use it wisely).

- Give free Scanner on researching Craft Auxiliary Systems. Craft scanner, Cygnus and Graticule now works as a hyper-wave decoder.
- Get UFO Research instead of Scan when finishing an UFO Mission

- Set Personal Lights to 6 for all armors (that we could find).
- Buff Tarantula Missile and Melta Explosives
- Increase sightRange (enemy base detection) by 1000 for Energy Scanner
- Added Shells to the GSC Judge Bike.
- More Workspaces for Orbital Communications and Tech Marine Bay.

Guard Changes/Additions:
- Gave Sentinels anticamo. Basic units get some minimal anticamo 2-5 if they have optics, scouting, carapace+ armor etc.
- Added new Inventory (38 variants or so), expanded Battlesprites and bigOB art for Krieg Grenadiers and Engineers, by TheodorTemplar.
- Members of the Imperial Guard may retire after reaching 50 kills and 50 missions. 3000 Tokens will be bestowed to the commander who is willing to let their soldiers retire.

Grey Knight Ordo Big Hammer changes (With contributions by Filip H):
- Grey Knights adjustments and fixes to their armor levels, dreadnought flamer adjustments, shields, halberd cost/strength requirements.
- Gave GKs some basic anti-camo for their advanced optics/power armors.
- Granted GK Psi Immunity.
- GKs now get two more initial Brothers.
- GK Armors is now more resistant to damage.
- GK Stombolters now shoot double pellets instead of one bullet (a buff).
- GK Arvus West Frame now also has a door.
- Grey Knights can now unlock the Heavy Flamer.
- Adjusted GK Stormraven spawn position to avoid blocking the exit.
- Changed early Terror Missions for GKs.
- Set GK APO Armor Manufacture to 60 Tokens
- Any GK Brother can now be restored.
- Normal not MC Stormbolter Clip Manufacture
- Fix for weapon strings of Xiphon.

Marine Changes:
- Gave Advanced Scouts relative camo values of 15/10 (Day/Night).
- Scout armor reaction bonus reduced to 30 for normal, and 40 for advanced (from 60).

Sister Changes:
- Fixed a deployment slot issue with the final Adeptas transport.
- Buffed daytime sight ranges to 40 standard
- Gave Sisters some basic anticamo 2-5 for their power armors. Only Militia, Novices and Cantus are missing anticamo now.
- New Novice Armor codex art.
- Superiors can now use more armor types.
- Adeptas Pilots can now use more armor types.
- Gave Tactical and Retributor armor types backpacks. Flying armors doesn't get backpacks and medicae, repentia, assassin suits are also restricted.

Orky Changes:
- Small nerf to Ork Kommandoz sneaky slugga ammo bits.
- One less spawned Ork base.
- Opened up the backside of the Ork Trukks so they can get out.
- Kommandoz given absolute (positive) camo values.

New/Changes for CHAOS:
- Chaos Assassins and Daemons given absolute (positive) camo values. You'll be able to spot them at 5-12 tiles if it's night-day lighting (user flamers and flares to turn that light up). Units with anticamo will further delete that stealth.
- Added Chaos Marine Champion to lead the Undivided. Pistol and Chainaxe, he's a basic boy.
- Added STR_CSM_BASIC_RACELIST for more midgame CSM engagements.
- Added STR_DESERTER_OFFICER to lead Deserters.
- Added STR_SNAKEMAN_DESERTERS_MEDIUM for a slightly tougher variant of deserter lists (not as tough as HARD though).
- Added STR_KHRONE_BERSERKERS racelist to late rotation of terror, retaliation and WAR missions.
- Added more true Commanders to several chaos lists. You can now find real commanders in the bases made by infiltration missions for the HARD mission set.
- Made the Chaos Sisters United racelist randomized, with more possible enemy variants, new terror units and so on.
- INCreased Neverborn weakness to Fire damage to 200%.
- Added strings and corpseGeo for Slaanesh Chosen.
- Handed out a few more basic chaos plasma rifles to various unit loadouts, with double ammo, so its easier to get it for research.
- Nerfed the price of Blight Grenades to something more sensible than 15k a pop.
- Adjusted the cost Sell value of several chaos weapons to be more coherent (more to do here).

- Added 7 Iron Warrior units. Soldiers, Breacher, Heavy/Havoc, Berserker, Medic, Terminator and a Warsmith with new battlesprite, inventory art etc. They favor physical and siege related weapons (bolters, flamers, meltas, autocannons, rocket launchers) and have sturdy armor and 20 more health compared to basic CSM with slightly better morale. Their TU, reaction stats and melee is worse. They take additional damage from melee attacks.
- Added 2 Iron Warrior Guard units. They have good flak armor, and like physical (no las), heavy weapons.
- Added 1 "Iron Maiden" Sister unit. These heretical augmented fake sisters of battle have- Doubters! The Warsmith is determined to engineer and produce the superior Sisters of Battle line! Sporting heavier armor, more efficient combat sensors, mass-production cost reductions and 100% more hazard stripes compared to rival versions. All at an affordable price and after-market customer service.
- These Iron Warriors will appear in a few other mixed Undivided lists and together with Obliterators.
- The Warsmithcounts as a true commander for winning the game, and will unlock several helpful technologies if captured and interrogated.
- Added a Iron Warrior mixed with Deserters list for use in suitable missions. Easier than the Iron Warrior company list.
- Added a Ironstone list with Iron Warrior Breachers mixed with Blackstone Stormtroopers.
- Added a Iron Sisters list with mixed Heretic Sisters, Iron Maiden Sisters and Iron Warriors for midgame missions.
- Added a Iron Warrior racelist to appear by late game, more common in HARD mission sets (see below). Iron Warriors like to hang with Obliterators and Havocs.
- Added a Iron Berzerker racelist with mixed Khornate and Iron Warrior units.
- Added a Iron Terminator racelist to appear very late game and especially in HARD mission sets.
- Mixed in Iron Warriors in some other Undivided lists, replacing a few harder Black Legion elites.
- Added a Iron Warrior version of the Chaos Autocannon with different visuals and very slightly better stats (+5 acc, +1 ROF). This AC is used by IW Havocs, Terminators and Commander.

NIGHT LORDS Expansion:
- Added 2 Night Lords units, basic CSM and CSM Leader. Night Lord CSM are not particularly sturdy (for CSM) but have camo stealth, good night sight and uses new SCARE GAS GRENADES that do big morale damage. They also do more damage against targets with low morale/bravery.
- Added 3 Night Lords (Fake) Sisters, a mix of cosplaying pirate lasses and Death Metal Enthusiasts. The Night Lords just can´t get rid of their fangirls. Basic, sniper and leader. These have weak power armor (90 front, 35 rear) but really cool paintjobs (which is what counts), some camo value (not as good as the CSM but decent at night). They use a mix of stub smgs, pump shotguns, stub rifles, flamers and captured heretic deáz light bolters. They use a mix of pipe bombs and scare gas grenades if you get close.  What they lack in real Adeptas training they make up for with a can-do attitude.
- Added 3 Night Lords racelists, a basic one heavy on the new CSM, an early version and a deserter-mix version.
- Added Night Lords deserter, cultist mix and Night Sister mix lists.
- Added these Night Lords racelists to mission rotation, they favour terror and abduction missions. The deserter version will show up in later deserter missions on normal difficulty and more often on hard difficulty.

NECRON Changes:
- Necron metal now twice as sturdy (ominous creaking noises). They were pretty unchanged from vanilla stats, but ROSIGMA weapons pack a bit more of a punch.

MISSION changes:
- Lowered score penalty of Stormtalon and Exorcist support vehicles on the WAR mission set from 500 to 100.
- Added HARD mission sets that are active for Marines and Grey Knights from the start. These missions introduces harder enemies earlier in the playthrough but is similar towards the end with the normal list. Mainly so Marines aren't beating up on cultists and deserter guardsmen forever. Rushing the research Tiers will also activate these missions for other factions.
- Adjusted HARD infiltration missions to only use racelists that have true commanders.
- Added a HARD Terror Mission set and HARD base building with a bigger concentration of nasty CSM lists.
- Changed the final battle map seeding to stop players from spawning right next to the [REDACTED] objective. It's a surprise.
- Changed up each stage of the final battle, there will now be more enemies and surprises to fight - so prepare well!
- Replaced the hard Warptalon list in the early WAR mission with the Iron Warrior list to make it a little easier.
- Buffed the GSC Terror mission numbers and gave them more jeans thieves.
- Replaced Chaos Crafts with suitable Imperial Craft for GSC Civilian Terror Waves.
- Fix Z Height related crash issue on some maps.
- Chaos summoning efforts may now be more effective.
Post by: noflic on February 24, 2022, 03:58:29 am
This all looks very nice! I fear a cross of Nurgle tankiness and Tzeentch ranged firepower, which is I guess the whole Undivided deal (though they're less likely to throw monster-spawning nades? I...hope?)

I looked in the changelog but didn't see anything about what is, I think, a bug I mentioned previously wrt Guard not being able to buy standard carapace armour - I've got mid-tier requisitions, master crafting etc researched and veterans with advanced carapace, but I can't buy it even on the special markets. Is this working as intended and I'm missing something, or is a requirement bugged?

(Incidentally, are
neverborn daemons still supposed to be vulnerable to energy weapons in general, rather than flamers/meltas and only them
? They're a very effective "oh, shit!" enemy, but as it stands they require a pretty specific strategy - which is a wrinkle I quite like, as it happens, but I'm not sure if they're supposed to be quite so narrowly vulnerable)
Post by: Leflair on February 24, 2022, 08:53:42 am
Guard carapace is in the changelog and fixed:
- Fixed an adminstrative error, Carapace Armor is once again available for most Guardsmen for a small tithe.

Neverborn are now much weaker to fire damage. They also go down to plasma/lascannons (energy) and melta.

Lasguns count as AP, so don't work.
Post by: noflic on February 24, 2022, 08:53:11 pm
Oh, whoops - so much for reading comprehension. Is it a fix I can do myself in the rul files, and/or is this update savegame-compatible? I'm not ready to abandon this run quite yet.
Post by: Leflair on February 24, 2022, 09:36:40 pm
Should be save game compatible, but you can backup your version/save a zip.
Save games are kept elsewhere.
Delete old ROSIGMA folder, download new version, put new folder in the same place.

Your save game will keep existing enemy bases etc, and some bugs from 1.06 (Orks hijacking ships) may remain in your save. Any new base or mission generated should use 1.07.
Post by: Simi822 on February 25, 2022, 06:13:50 pm
Question, which GSC weapon "Turns" my ppl into "tainted" because crew members inside of my ship suddenly turned and started attacking my front ppl from behind and I was like what triggered it...a grenade? the webber?

edit - I played first time as Sistars had no clue there is a Trap door, so my question is now...when I do the research for the webber weapons can I use them?

and why no wiki entry for pump action, etc ?
Post by: Leflair on February 26, 2022, 10:50:47 am
GSC Infector units turn people (melee). These include those Medicae, PDF Medics and any Genestealer. If you were playing sisters I'm guessing one got in through the "Front" door.

You can use all the webbers (pistol, normal, heavy) once you do the research.

The Pump shotguns and other light imperial stubbers don't require research to use beyond the standard small arms requirement. They're not military weapons so no codex entry. They're very similar to the combat shotguns right now, but slower rate of fire for slightly better range. Can use stun and gas shells (you can loot them off the GSC arbites).

The "SMG" Stubber can use normal stub gun ammo but also extended 30 round mags with lower power ammo (35 power, 25% less health damage, piddly armor damage). They shoot 6 round autobursts and 3 round snap bursts.
Post by: Simi822 on February 28, 2022, 11:07:05 am
but you could create a entry for these "civilian" weapons just like they are in the Wiki for the Final Mod Pack (Uzi, Machete, etc.)

playing as Sororitas, when I do research for the webber weapons...I cannot use them so limited to the IG and Arbiters?
Post by: Simi822 on March 01, 2022, 10:44:36 pm
Sry but there s something super broken in case of the GSC...I get xeno cult mission and I get like 4-5x GSC Sistars...but that I need like 2x krak missiles and 3x Melta gun hits to take out one sistar (more then a Terminator), it is insane also the GSC genestealers are like WTF I had a Sistar heavy bolter sentinel using his 8 time units attack on one like 5x and it was not going came to the sentinel a licked it to death LOL ....some balancing is needed gents...
Post by: noflic on March 02, 2022, 12:05:50 am
Edit: Never mind, I'd missed the obvious "requires OXCE 7.5.3" at the top of the update post.
Post by: Leflair on March 19, 2022, 07:34:26 pm
Webbers are not limited for Sisters. It requires STR_MIDTIER_PREREQ though. Capture a webber weapon, research it, research midtier and you can research STR_WEBBER.

The GSC Medicae are tough, but you do not require Krak/Melta to take them down. Form a tight cordon in your spawn and focus fire on them, lasguns will weaken their armor if you got 'em, otherwise bolters should be able to pen.
Also, their front armor is 80 but their rear armor is 40, and their under armor is 30. They have a 20% weakness to melee damage.

In other news, Filip H showed how to take down an entire GSC Space Hulk with 4 Scout Marines yesterday, first month.

Live build currently testing 1.07B Nurgle Cultists, Zombies and ~Midwives~ (spent the past weeks doing the sprite art for them), which are a nasty combo.
Post by: Simi822 on March 20, 2022, 09:25:31 pm
it was only one mission where I saw such anomalies...

since then I got like 3-4x missions with GSC and using AP ammo, Lucius lasguns, etc. I could defeat them
also the Sistar Heavy Bolter Sentinel was pretty good against them

question in regards of Pure blood G's do they deploy later? especially in the void crew Space hulk?

also if Chaos squats can have like power armor...will there be also loyalist power armor squats?

also beside sistar kombi weapons...will there be loyalist kombi weapons? like Heavy bolter/H. Flamer
 (or that will come for the main mod as part of the Deathwatch?) 

also what about more Gang weapons Stubcannons, Autoguns with exterminators. etc.

or even Digi weapons? (found on high level enemies - could be rare find type)
Post by: Leflair on March 25, 2022, 05:54:12 pm
The Sister Sentinel is very nice indeed.

The GSC lists gradually upgrade with time, late lists have more Genestealers - and tougher genestealers. This goes for space hulks too. Haven't yet integrated all the Broodbrother units yet, but got some plans there.

Exoarmor Squats for the player has been brainstormed, but its quite a bit of work for a rather narrow unit. Basically, whenever I or someone else gets around to it (any hardcore Squat fans out there?).

Same for more Kombiweapons and more gang weapons. And those are easier for anyone to create and add, if you got some openxcom modding knowledge. There's an older submod on this forum that has some I believe.


Post by: Simi822 on March 26, 2022, 09:42:32 pm
thanks for the info,

I located that weapon mod,

the kombi weapons are sweet and practically they are in the game as extra loot (just like I would do it)

if not mistaken you already added some of these items into ROSIGMA? (hand flamer, chaos melee weapons) so why not use them all (if possible)
and create similar weapons (Necromunda combi weapons for normal humans)
Post by: Leflair on March 27, 2022, 05:25:33 pm
It's a matter of hours to implement and test/balance things.
Post by: Simi822 on March 29, 2022, 11:02:18 pm
yes the weapon pack and how the extra weapons are created seems simple

yet I have a little bit trouble...tried to create some but get mapping errors

I wonder why...its my first try to create something
Post by: Buscher on April 03, 2022, 07:45:08 pm
Rul files are written in yml. yml requires that the white spaces are consistent.

Try using Visual Studio Code as an development environment. Useful extensions can be found here ( and here (

As for your bigSprite: 1010 and such, you will have to define or use the correct one. This will likely crash or become a fallback sprite.

Feel free to create a new thread. To get you started I fixed the most apparent errors. The zip includes a diff file, so you can see what has changed. Have fun modding.
Post by: EleriumWard on April 10, 2022, 09:56:39 am
So, I would like to ask something. I have researched "Encounter with a new Cult" and "Means of Xeno Infection Propagation", but I do not see "Xeno Taint Presence" as an available research project. Also, both "Encounter with a new Cult" and "Means of Xeno Infection Propagation" remain in the research projects even after I have researched them. Is there something I am missing here? Please advise. Thank you.
Post by: Leflair on April 10, 2022, 05:15:55 pm
Not implemented yet. The intention is for a little mission chain to track down the GSC base.
Right now it's just some background fluff on the GSC.

Will comment it out for the next version.
Post by: Leflair on April 11, 2022, 10:06:49 pm
Patch Notes 1.07B-032 is now live.

Summary images of new content:

Patch Notes 1.07B-032

- QoL: Updated alertSounds disabler (Geoscape noises).
- QoL: Included a unitResponseSoundsFrequency set to 33% for most unit responses. Every 3rd click will now play a unit sound, instead of every single click. You can change these values yourself to whatever you like, the bracket numbers are % trigger.
- MAPFIX: Unblocked Elevators on the Industrial Pyramid ship.
- FIX: Changed the Necron Generated missions of the Genestealer Hive (Base 40k) to Rosigmas version of GSC Patrols. Reduced frequency of mission generation.
- LANGUAGE: Updated final mission text to fit all Imperial factions.
- LANGUAGE: Added a language string for the Chaos Chimera Turret (Shows up in mission debriefings).
- INTEGRATION/GSC UPDATE: Brood Brothers and GSC Saboteur updated to ROSIGMA. New weapons and stats, integration in several GSC racelists etc. Uses the GSC range of pump shotguns, smgs, autoguns, laspistols, some gravguns and grenade launchers. The new 032 Gene Cultist list updated with some other supporting GSC heavy weapons assets like sentinels.
- Added STR_GENE_SAB. A GSC Hybrid Saboteur to several GSC related lists. Armed with High Explosives and Melta Grenades, along with pistol or grenade launcher, this sneaky unit can be quite dangerous.
- Added STR_GENE_CULTIST_S, a Sniper variant with custom inventory art.

- ECONOMY BALANCING: Made some late game heavy weapons and plasma weapons more expensive, for consistency and so that earlier weapons aren´t more expensive. The mighty mastercrafted heavy plasma is now quite expensive at half a million.

- GRAPHICS: Increased selection of inventory faces/bodies from 8 to 16 or 24. This inventory art already existed and was randomly distributed to new units, but could not be manually changed by the player ingame.

- MARINES QoL: Servitors and Dogs can be loaded on Landspeeders.

- GUARD: Krieg Grenadiers can now get Bionics
- GUARD: Krieg Carapace buffed by 10/5 points.
- GUARD: Added Codex Article for Krieg Grenadier ARmor.

- SISTERS CRAFT QoL: Corvus replaced by Etty's tweaked Corvus. Extra door in front and no ankle murdering tail struts.
- SISTERS AND MARINE - WEAPONS: Made Heavy Flamer available to Sisters and Marines at midtier. Previously only available to Marines with Terminator tech. Lowered weight to 80 from 100.
- SISTERS ARMOR: Saint Armor dropped from High Tier to Ceramite Tier, but with raised project time (20-45 days with 100 scientists). MinRank dropped to 3 from 4.
- SISTERS QoL: Adjusted sisters medic units medikit hand for more consistent shortcut use.
- SISTERS FIX: Hospitaller Armor should now unlock from the Hospitaller research and not the mid-tier research.
- SISTERS FIX: Corrected Damage Type of Penetence 40mm Grenade to Melee.
- SISTERS PROMOTION: Sister Superior now requires a Veteran Commendation (15 won missions and kills) but less bravery (50+, previously 80). Canoness now requires a Honorific Celestian (Crux Terminatus Commendation) with 30 kills and 60 Devotion.

- RESEARCH: Moved Master Crafting to High Tier and upped research cost.
- MC Lasgun, Laspistol and Hellpistol available from mid-tier MC research.
- Moved several MC Bolter (including stormbolters and assault cannons) type weapons and power melee weapons to the "Ceramite Tier" (Tier 2.5), down from High tier and High-Tier Master Crafting. Now you'll get more use out of them before unlocking plasma and ~golden plasma guns~.
- Kept Master Crafted Ammo at mid-tier, renamed to Mid-tier Master Crafting.

- QoL: Updated CODEX for Weapons with multiple ammo slots (firemodes) to use several pages, showing more information for each attack type.
- QoL: Expanded HEAT Info for Plasma weapons.

- NEW ENEMIES: Not mentioned for 1.07, but there are now a full on Nurgle Cult lists in play. Several flavors of cultists with unique inventory art, from leaders to shoddy grunts and Nurgle Plague Ogryn. They use physical weapons, various nurgle grenades, rockets and bolter weapons (on high tech level). Higher HP than average, but do not have amazing reactions, TU or accuracy to their other themed counterparts. Bring extra healing though.
- ENEMY VARIETY & LISTS: Added several Nurgle Cult lists, they will appear on primarily "Harvest" (UFO term) missions.
- NEW ENEMY: Added basic Nurgle Zombies (Plaguewalkers). Slow, plenty of HP and attack with blighted claws (nasty if they hit). They have a second variant called the Boomer, which works similar to a Penetante. Don´t let them get close! Btw they look just the same as ordinary Plaguewalkers until they decide to blow themselves up.
- NEW ENEMY: Added several green robed Sickly and Shuffling Civilians, who may or may not be Nurgle cultists. They got some surprises, and their own List. They can also appear in other Nurgle lists.
- NEW ENEMY: Added Midwives of Nurgle, ever wondered what Nurgle Daemonettes would be like? You're about to find out!
Midwives can zombify units using Nurgles Rot into several types. The default is Nurgle Zombies, but some units turn into other types. Marines turn into corrupted marines and other units turn into various Nurgle themed cultists etc.
Midwives have a secondary ranged spit attack like Plaguebearers.
They are very weak to fire and do not have much in the way of armor, but plenty of health.
In the future, this opens up for more zombie types.
- Added a Blessed Plague Sister variant that turns into the Midwife when defeated. This variant will randomly appear in (mid-late) Nurgle lists.
- Blessed Nurgle Sister variants have the zombification attack as a special weapon, although they may rarely resort to it if they´re holding other weapons due to how the AI works.
- ENEMY VARIETY & LISTS: Added a new Nurgle Zombie list to rotation, along with tucking in the Midwife in other Nurgle lists.
- NEW ENEMY WEAPON: Nurgle Needler Rifle. it delivers the sweet tangy taste of blight from a distance. Single shot weapon with high TU cost. 25% Chance of Thriller. Certain cultists are the main users of this weapon.

- GENESTEALERS: Gave their attack range 1 so they can pounce on anyone just slightly out of reach (and to deal with awkward turrets).
- GSC: Added a generic GSC "Zombie" to replace the placeholder used until now. Only units that do not have a specific GSC variant will turn into this generic Xeno Tainted.
- NEW ENEMY WEAPON:  Added GSC Needler Rifle, it can deliver heresy juice from a distance. While armor pierce is very good, it has a high TU cost and low accuracy for snap fire. 25% Heresy chance. Certain infector units are the main users of this weapon, mid-late enemy tech levels. New bullet and hit effects.

- MAP: Updated The Space Hulk map terrain, scripts and routes. Things get real nasty if you linger past turn 14, so hustle to that elevator. Part 2 is also less camp-able, find the device quickly. To compensate for the added difficulty, both parts have been given bounty rewards (750k in total). If you destroy the Control Center in stage 2, the mission now ends (before you had to escape back to the elevator). First Hulk arrives in February or Later.
- MAP: Delayed timers for better staggering of enemies.
Post by: EleriumWard on April 12, 2022, 12:33:30 pm
So, I just noticed that the update also brought some new music. Just a thought, I think the trailer theme for Warhammer 40k:Darktide would make an interesting addition to the soundtrack of the mod.
Post by: Leflair on April 12, 2022, 03:36:51 pm
Thanks for the tip.

The "new" tracks are from Final Liberation, and we prefer to use such tracks from 90ies games. Partially because they have a similar quality and vibe and partially due to certain algorithms being more aggressive about borrowed music from the past 20 years or so.

We have a couple dozen tracks from various titles to add that we have identified, if we can get them to loop well and fit the mood for the mission type or geoscape.

Of course, we could put together a guide for how to add your own tracks.
Post by: Simi822 on April 28, 2022, 12:41:57 am
I had a mission "small vessel" with Night Lords Sistars on board and the following...
they where equipped with the GSC gear...Autostubbers+Knife, Pump action shotguns or Stubrifles...
I think the Night Sistas should have better gear then that
Post by: Leflair on April 28, 2022, 10:27:39 pm
The Night Sisters are a case of fake sisters, they're basically just chaos cultist groupies to the Night Lords. Hence them using a smattering of weapons (those guns are not GSC specific, they're available throughout the Imperium).
Post by: Simi822 on April 28, 2022, 11:04:22 pm
Sry but then the fail is even worse as they where mixed together with Hereteks  and those Sistars that turn into the crab Deamon
the crab deamon is the strongest enemy that I encountered in my history of playing Open xcom (FMP, TFFT, or Xcom files)...I needed 7 units to kill it and it took 2 rounds....a heavy bolter sistar Sentinel with 5x attacks does nothing to it!...nasty little bugger
Post by: Leflair on April 28, 2022, 11:15:20 pm
Crab daemon?

If its the Neverborn, try something more energy based. Flamers, Melta, Plasma, Lascannon.
Post by: Simi822 on April 28, 2022, 11:17:56 pm
it took like 3x melta 3x grav etc (I am playing now as the Sistars so I have mostly the combi bolters...)... a tough fuka but I learned how to deal with it....
Post by: VenatorStorm on April 29, 2022, 12:13:23 am
Patch Notes 1.07B-032 is now live.

Summary images of new content:

Patch Notes 1.07B-032

- QoL: Updated alertSounds disabler (Geoscape noises).
- QoL: Included a unitResponseSoundsFrequency set to 33% for most unit responses. Every 3rd click will now play a unit sound, instead of every single click. You can change these values yourself to whatever you like, the bracket numbers are % trigger.
- MAPFIX: Unblocked Elevators on the Industrial Pyramid ship.
- FIX: Changed the Necron Generated missions of the Genestealer Hive (Base 40k) to Rosigmas version of GSC Patrols. Reduced frequency of mission generation.
- LANGUAGE: Updated final mission text to fit all Imperial factions.
- LANGUAGE: Added a language string for the Chaos Chimera Turret (Shows up in mission debriefings).
- INTEGRATION/GSC UPDATE: Brood Brothers and GSC Saboteur updated to ROSIGMA. New weapons and stats, integration in several GSC racelists etc. Uses the GSC range of pump shotguns, smgs, autoguns, laspistols, some gravguns and grenade launchers. The new 032 Gene Cultist list updated with some other supporting GSC heavy weapons assets like sentinels.
- Added STR_GENE_SAB. A GSC Hybrid Saboteur to several GSC related lists. Armed with High Explosives and Melta Grenades, along with pistol or grenade launcher, this sneaky unit can be quite dangerous.
- Added STR_GENE_CULTIST_S, a Sniper variant with custom inventory art.

- ECONOMY BALANCING: Made some late game heavy weapons and plasma weapons more expensive, for consistency and so that earlier weapons aren´t more expensive. The mighty mastercrafted heavy plasma is now quite expensive at half a million.

- GRAPHICS: Increased selection of inventory faces/bodies from 8 to 16 or 24. This inventory art already existed and was randomly distributed to new units, but could not be manually changed by the player ingame.

- MARINES QoL: Servitors and Dogs can be loaded on Landspeeders.

- GUARD: Krieg Grenadiers can now get Bionics
- GUARD: Krieg Carapace buffed by 10/5 points.
- GUARD: Added Codex Article for Krieg Grenadier ARmor.

- SISTERS CRAFT QoL: Corvus replaced by Etty's tweaked Corvus. Extra door in front and no ankle murdering tail struts.
- SISTERS AND MARINE - WEAPONS: Made Heavy Flamer available to Sisters and Marines at midtier. Previously only available to Marines with Terminator tech. Lowered weight to 80 from 100.
- SISTERS ARMOR: Saint Armor dropped from High Tier to Ceramite Tier, but with raised project time (20-45 days with 100 scientists). MinRank dropped to 3 from 4.
- SISTERS QoL: Adjusted sisters medic units medikit hand for more consistent shortcut use.
- SISTERS FIX: Hospitaller Armor should now unlock from the Hospitaller research and not the mid-tier research.
- SISTERS FIX: Corrected Damage Type of Penetence 40mm Grenade to Melee.
- SISTERS PROMOTION: Sister Superior now requires a Veteran Commendation (15 won missions and kills) but less bravery (50+, previously 80). Canoness now requires a Honorific Celestian (Crux Terminatus Commendation) with 30 kills and 60 Devotion.

- RESEARCH: Moved Master Crafting to High Tier and upped research cost.
- MC Lasgun, Laspistol and Hellpistol available from mid-tier MC research.
- Moved several MC Bolter (including stormbolters and assault cannons) type weapons and power melee weapons to the "Ceramite Tier" (Tier 2.5), down from High tier and High-Tier Master Crafting. Now you'll get more use out of them before unlocking plasma and ~golden plasma guns~.
- Kept Master Crafted Ammo at mid-tier, renamed to Mid-tier Master Crafting.

- QoL: Updated CODEX for Weapons with multiple ammo slots (firemodes) to use several pages, showing more information for each attack type.
- QoL: Expanded HEAT Info for Plasma weapons.

- NEW ENEMIES: Not mentioned for 1.07, but there are now a full on Nurgle Cult lists in play. Several flavors of cultists with unique inventory art, from leaders to shoddy grunts and Nurgle Plague Ogryn. They use physical weapons, various nurgle grenades, rockets and bolter weapons (on high tech level). Higher HP than average, but do not have amazing reactions, TU or accuracy to their other themed counterparts. Bring extra healing though.
- ENEMY VARIETY & LISTS: Added several Nurgle Cult lists, they will appear on primarily "Harvest" (UFO term) missions.
- NEW ENEMY: Added basic Nurgle Zombies (Plaguewalkers). Slow, plenty of HP and attack with blighted claws (nasty if they hit). They have a second variant called the Boomer, which works similar to a Penetante. Don´t let them get close! Btw they look just the same as ordinary Plaguewalkers until they decide to blow themselves up.
- NEW ENEMY: Added several green robed Sickly and Shuffling Civilians, who may or may not be Nurgle cultists. They got some surprises, and their own List. They can also appear in other Nurgle lists.
- NEW ENEMY: Added Midwives of Nurgle, ever wondered what Nurgle Daemonettes would be like? You're about to find out!
Midwives can zombify units using Nurgles Rot into several types. The default is Nurgle Zombies, but some units turn into other types. Marines turn into corrupted marines and other units turn into various Nurgle themed cultists etc.
Midwives have a secondary ranged spit attack like Plaguebearers.
They are very weak to fire and do not have much in the way of armor, but plenty of health.
In the future, this opens up for more zombie types.
- Added a Blessed Plague Sister variant that turns into the Midwife when defeated. This variant will randomly appear in (mid-late) Nurgle lists.
- Blessed Nurgle Sister variants have the zombification attack as a special weapon, although they may rarely resort to it if they´re holding other weapons due to how the AI works.
- ENEMY VARIETY & LISTS: Added a new Nurgle Zombie list to rotation, along with tucking in the Midwife in other Nurgle lists.
- NEW ENEMY WEAPON: Nurgle Needler Rifle. it delivers the sweet tangy taste of blight from a distance. Single shot weapon with high TU cost. 25% Chance of Thriller. Certain cultists are the main users of this weapon.

- GENESTEALERS: Gave their attack range 1 so they can pounce on anyone just slightly out of reach (and to deal with awkward turrets).
- GSC: Added a generic GSC "Zombie" to replace the placeholder used until now. Only units that do not have a specific GSC variant will turn into this generic Xeno Tainted.
- NEW ENEMY WEAPON:  Added GSC Needler Rifle, it can deliver heresy juice from a distance. While armor pierce is very good, it has a high TU cost and low accuracy for snap fire. 25% Heresy chance. Certain infector units are the main users of this weapon, mid-late enemy tech levels. New bullet and hit effects.

- MAP: Updated The Space Hulk map terrain, scripts and routes. Things get real nasty if you linger past turn 14, so hustle to that elevator. Part 2 is also less camp-able, find the device quickly. To compensate for the added difficulty, both parts have been given bounty rewards (750k in total). If you destroy the Control Center in stage 2, the mission now ends (before you had to escape back to the elevator). First Hulk arrives in February or Later.
- MAP: Delayed timers for better staggering of enemies.

Sounds fun............ only one problem when playing the Space Hulk level. I have no freaking idea what the control center is or how to destroy it. If anybody has any screenshots of that accursed thing I'll be happy.
Post by: Filip H on April 29, 2022, 06:10:28 pm
I believe this is the space hulk mission objective.
Post by: VenatorStorm on April 30, 2022, 12:47:52 am
I believe this is the space hulk mission objective.
Thanks....... though I ended up accidentally loading a save where I aborted the mission and lost the space hulk..... though granted I was planning on starting the campaign over since I have no clue what I am doing half the time.

What are some good tips on what facilities to build and what to research (since research takes forever for some strange reason if you have 5-10 adepts assigned to something, but if I try to assign around 15-25 adepts to a single research topic I'm having to wait every few days for one research to complete before I can move on to another).

I would love tips for Astartes, Sororitas, and Guard.
Post by: Leflair on May 01, 2022, 06:45:29 pm
There's a couple different strategies, but early on you don't really need things like the Promethium/Adamantium Forge (which takes up a lot of space).

Realized we don't really have a beginner friendly guide for *base building*, but some general tips:
Living Space is a early focus, you start out pretty packed in the base.
If you're playing Marines or Sisters, you'll probably have plenty of wounded, so you'll need more living space and backup soldiers.
In addition, if missions pop up while you got a team heading to another you may also want a backup team + Base defenders.
Similar deal with interceptors, they're bound to be damaged or end up refueling, so having a couple extra bases just for that will help for the air war.

If you got some good missions under your belt you can consider setting up some Plasma generators, which will pay back their investment cost and then turn a profit later in the game.
It's a trade off, as all the other bases and craft will guzzle cash for a while. Depends on your fortunes in the war.

As for research, it's more dependent on your faction. With Guard, Arbites and Sisters - mission difficulty goes up once you hit midtier research, so rushing it has some downside but you also gain access to a lot of nice weapons.
However, that increased difficulty is only for a stretch of months, so if you get midtier just around summer it will not matter. 
And you want midtier weapons to deal with the increasing number of enemies in power armor after month 5-6+.

While not required to unlock other things, the Hologram Caster gives you access to a life saver grenade. Expensive per toss, it can save your more valuable troops in a pinch, as the grenade deploys a decoy projection that the enemy is likely to go after first.

Good early tech for the Guard are the Light Bolter tech, which gives you access to the Solo pattern bolters in several variants. They are handy for dealing with well armored enemies.
The Meltagun tech is required for midtier research, and its a good weapon against the occasional early Power Armor foe you'll find leading Chaos forces.
To gain access to Midtier you'll need the Motion Scanner and Adamantium research too.
Good armor for Guard is locked behind midtier, like the Carapace armor, Elysian Jump Armor, Vindicare Assassin, Heavy Sentinel (and in the next update, the Power Armor).
After that you can unlock Guardsmen Veteran promotions, which will enable you to research the Hellguns (very good weapons).
After that its a longer trek to gain access to Ceramite Tier research, which require Adamantium -> Promethium, Power Source, Warp Drive and Ceramite Plate research.
Note: Scions start with Carapace and some advanced techs, while Abhumans have some restrictions in what they can get (like medics, stormtroopers).

For Sisters:
Arsenal of Faith gives you quick access to a lot of Sisters early weapons, like the good midranged Elohim Pattern Bolter and the Arche Sniper Rifle. It is also required for some midtier weapons like the Jove Boltgun (which fires regular calibre Bolter rounds).
Arsenal of Faith also gives you access to the great Heavy Bolter Sentinel, which can be a very useful longer range heavy firepower platform. Just don't let it eat all your XP.
After Arsenal of Faith you'll want the Medicae research, which gives you access to your first medic armor that can also be worn by Novices.
You'll need to capture a live enemy and research them, preferable of the Chaos kind but some other nasties will work too.
With these 3 prerequisites you can do Battle Sister Requisition research, which allows you to hire (expensive) Battle Sisters instead of going with the Novice Promotion track.
This research is also required for the Elohim, Retributor and Sister Superior armors (and promotion to Sister Superior, which you'll need to get a Canoness later).

After this you can research Hospitaller Armor, which is the tier 2 Medic Armor (Cannot be worn by Novices though).
Also available is the Adeptas Assassin Suit research, if you've also researched Adamantium. This is a very good scout and well, assassination armor.
If you've captured a live Flying enemy, researched Adamantium and Adeotas Advabced Arnir you can research the Seraphim flying armor.

You can skip some of these armors and get Midtier, which leads to the great Mephisto, Hellspite and Jove Bolters, the Dominion Halberd, Heavy Flamer etc.

I'll let someone else fill you in on Astartes.
Post by: noflic on May 21, 2022, 05:02:30 am
So far all the
Eldar webway
missions seem to spawn
corrupted Sisters and CSMs rather than Eldar
- is this working as intended? I could see why it might be (and I wonder anything different happens if you let the mission get up to the time limit) and I've only had two or three of those missions come up so far, but it's happened every time so thought I'd ask.
Post by: Leflair on May 26, 2022, 02:26:34 pm
There's a small chance it will spawn a non-Eldar ambush.
Post by: EleriumWard on June 01, 2022, 02:48:06 am
So, I would just like to ask a question that has been on my mind for a while now. Are there any plans for additional content for the Abhuman Strategy of the Imperial Guard? I always felt that its late-game content was relatively lacking compared to the other two. Also, are there plans to incorporate the Leagues of Votann somehow?
Post by: Rangerh on June 23, 2022, 01:53:18 pm
Using the rosigma addon, playing the space marines, i am wondering :
Is it possible to destroy a chaos juggernault in early game (i started the 2nd month) ?
I got a IG massacre mission in which there was a ton of chaos guys killing IG troops.
We managed to kill them all with a few losses on the space marine side (those armored chaos dwarves with those damned flamethrowers are murder incarnate as they seem to have a nice resistance to bullets)

Then once things got quiet, at the mid town a chaos juggernault exited a building.

It took 4 rockets , many grenades , lots of bolter and heavy bolter auto shots ... without problem as it just casually walked up to every single SM and one hit killed them all.

So i assume i am missing something very important (researches being so slow and i'm only on 2nd months i don't have much items available) , what would destroy those monsters ?

edit : finally managed to kill that damn thing after replaying the save a lot.

It looks like what made the difference is ... luck
Because it took nearly as much rockets, grenades and shots than previously.
But i guess there have been a lucky roll in which the damage were dealt fully instead of lowered. So it's not really the way to kill it, there must be something else i am missing as it seems so ridiculous to depend on luck to destroy those things.

edit 2 : i think i figured out the problem.
I thought i was carrying krak rockets and krak grenades.
It turns out i mixed their graphics, because in fact i was using frag rockets and frag grenades that are noticably less damaging (just has a higher radius but in that case radius meant nothing anyways) while all the krak ammo was in fact lying on my drop pods ground.
Next time i will not make such mistake and hopefully it will be less about luck when it comes to taking down those chaos juggernault.
Post by: Leflair on June 29, 2022, 05:12:48 pm
Rangerh: Those Juggs' are one of the toughest enemies around. Glad you figured it out (I´ve only been checking this thread sporadically lately, summer stuff and all).

ROSIGMA 1.08 - Patch Notes (20220629)

Summary images of new content:

Patch Notes 1.08


- GENERAL: Updated install instructions with some troubleshooting. OXCE and submods got some quirks, hopefully this helps resolve most "common" issues.

- FIX: Industrial Pyramid Map height issue fixed. Also, some blocked doors and accursed elevators.
- FIX: False Elevators on GSC ships have been purged, hail the Spiral Staircase! (turns out the tileset did not contain functioning elevators at all).
- FIX: Weakened three Tzeentch Horror spells that were getting an unintended strength buff to their ranged attack component.
- FIX: Height issue crash for the Guard CAS craft on a few maps. Sacrifice/Summoning missions, Ork Outposts, hard terror mission and a few others.
- FIX: Night Sisters Codex page displayed wrong text and image.
- Tzeentch Solo bolter now has a sell cost. Scoped version no longer available at your local supermarket.

- MAPS: Added more potential spawn nodes to the Industrial Urban map set.
- NEW MISSION TYPE: Shrine defense Missions. Part of the random Terror Missions. Defender NPC Sisters/Novices/Fraternis Militia + Pilgrims. MAP: Gothic+Terrain.

- Buffed allied Stormtalon health in the WAR missions (and other missions where it appears). 2x-3x health from vanilla.

- Created and split STR_XENO_ONLY + STR_NECRONTECH from STR_ALIENS_ONLY, currently available to Radical Inquisitors to make use of captured Xeno Weapons (without going full chaos/Heretical).

- NEW RANDOM EVENTS Added, with various requirements to trigger depending on how well your campaign is going.
- NEW "The Emperor Protects" Beginner Mode Research topics, events and scripts. Research this topic to unlock more options, that allow you to request individual squads from various factions as well as get scripted reinforcements of the same squads. You also get a little bonus score infusion for each research topic. For new players, or if you want to fuck around with cross faction units.

- Split Chaos Marine Recruitment from STR_ALIENS_ONLY, introduced several new Chaos research topics and made it easier to gain access to STR_CHAOS_PATH by interrogating various chaos leader/commanders, the Crozius or from the warp research. You can also access it without being Astartes this way (no Chaos Traitor Guard or Arbites right now, only the Iron Warriors Guard).
- The Chaos Sister path (STR_ALIENS_ONLY2) available to Adeptas gives them quicker access to hiring Chaos Sisters than other Chaos Paths.
- 4 Gods Research Paths for more options (converting existing Soldiers) and Paths (specialization) that allows hiring 1 God flavor directly.
- Updated Chaos Marine Armors to ROSIGMA statline.
- NEW ARMORS: The Big 4 Chaos Factions now get their own armors with different statlines. In addition, Alpha Legion, Night Lords, Raptors and Iron Warrior armors are now available for the Undivided to equip.
- NEW CHAOS SISTERS: Heretical and the Big 4 now get their own Chaos Sisters. In addition you can create Iron Maidens (see below) and use Night Lord Sister armor.
- More varied custom Inventory Art remains to be done, as well as upgrade paths, but some new custom Voice Lines are available.
- Unholy Resurrection: By researching the Chaos Path and conversion/recruitment topics, you gain the ability to pay a (steep) price to resurrect your fallen Chaos Marines or Sisters. Does require the Soldier being rank 1.
- New Combat Servitors: By nabbing a Iron Warrior Warsmith and interrogating them, you can unlock the means of creating these unholy Chaos Combat Servitors. Either from your own Soldiers, or from captured enemies. They are tough but a bit slow, have high bravery, with good optics and accuracy (but poor reactions).
- By unlocking the Chaos Path you can also convert (manufacturing topic) many captured enemy Chaos units for your own use.

- NEW ENEMY: The Kelermorph, packing some big iron Liberator Autostubbers will now appear in certain GSC lists. A deadly gunslinger with revolvers that can punch through power armor with their special ammo, but any looted Autostubbers can be used once researched. You cannot build or buy these rare, non-standard guns.

- Gets Assault Cannon and Power Sword tech when researching mid-tier (one for free, the other need to be researched). Required to equip the Dread. Temporary workaround for STR_ASSC and STR_POWER_SWORD researching being Marine locked in vanilla 40k. The Force Hammer becomes available at hightier in the same way. The Force Halberd is already available after researching Master Crafting as GKs.
- ADJUSTED START: You now start with a varied Inquisition Retinue, including a few Inquisition specific units. GK reinforcements have been spread over several waves instead of the big early batch (you still get 4 GKs in that one).
- In addition, you can research several topics to requisition reinforcements from various factions, these are one-time events. Some more may be available at mid-tier.
- There are several reinforcement scripts dependent on Score, at very high (2000-3000+) you'll get some special reinforcements.
- NEW CRAFT ACCESS: The Inquisition Corvus Blackstar is now available.
- NEW SOLDIER: The Imperial Inquisitor can now be requisitioned/manufactured as the Grey Knights. using the existing Inquisitor Armor (Adeptas, so limited to female Inquisitors for now). The GK base starts with 1 Inquisitor, and any additional ones are very expensive to recruit. Adeptas players can also recruit these Inquisitors once they research the Inquisitor Office.
- NEW SOLDIER: the elite Inquisition Storm troopers are now available for requisition through the manufacture menu. They come with their own scoped and improved Hellguns. They are pricey, but do not "run out" like Grey Knights do. They have slightly better minimum stats compared to "normal" Scions, and slightly better armor (side, rear, under and 10% bonus vs Acid/Blight damage) and optics (heatVision, night vision, antiCamo). Their special mental conditioning grants them high morale, and their special status inflicts 50% less morale damage to allies when they die.
- The Inquisition Storm troopers have custom Battlesprite, Inventory art (9F+9M), BigOB etc etc. As do their Hellgun (a little white "I" and scope).
- The Inquisition Storm troopers are also available for Adeptas, once they research the Inquisition Office. 
- Added Imperial Black version of the Rotor Cannons that can be bought from the start, or at midtier (combi version).
- Added a portable Multilaser. Expensive to purchase, but saves on ammo cost vs rotor cannon.

- HUNK: The Inquisition Storm troopers can appear as friendlies on certain maps, and any survivors may join you. Currently the GSC high level base maps, where they will appear scattered about the map after a failed insertion.
- Added a rubberbanding mechanic, where if you score lower than 800 score after month 3, a small fire team of them will join you (ONCE).
- Likewise, if you score really well (3000 points+ after month 1) you will get 1 Fireteam of 4 Inquisitor Storm Troopers, one time boon, so you may want to take some risks to rake in them points in a month that is already going well enough.

- NEW SOLDIER: Imperial Assassin. The Inquisitor faction can recruit these through research topics that cost score and cash. You can only get so many in a run, and some are gated behind mid tier. You do start with one. NEw inventory art and battlesprite.

- FAVOR SYSTEM: Through research topics, the Inquisitor player can recruit limited number of reinforcements, triggering Events that delvier a small squad and equipment at the cost of funds, time and score. You get access to better things after mid-tier.

- RADICAL ROAD: Right now a research (costs 1000 score) that unlocks several manufacturing options under category RADICAL. These allow you to turn captured DESERTERS, Heretical Sisters, Chaos Penetante, Traitor/Redblack Ogryn, Squat (not Chaos Squat) and Blackstone into various SOLDIERS. Penal Legionnaires, Psyker, Adeptas etc. Generally corresponding with the base unit. 
- While slow and with some expense, these options are much cheaper than the "Traditional" ways.
- Full on chaos units are not yet... recruitable.

- HERETICAL PATH: GOing beyond even the radical, this path allows you to get down and dirty with Chaos. Falsify reports to the Inquisition, ensnare Imperial allies with blackmail, solicit bribes and recruit most captures human enemies to your side.
- You can even learn how to create the heretical Iron Maiden and Iron Guard servitors.

- Integrated MrJoppers Playable Farseer mod with my modified Inventory art of the 'Seer. The Eldar Farseer can now be recruited (with some convincing and resources) if you have a captured Farseer + researched STR_XENO_ONLY. She has carapace level armor + a considerable personal shield.
- NEW: Guard Power Armor. Equivalent to early Adeptas power armor in protection and equipped with Stormtrooper optics, this human Power Armor offers decent protection. Expensive and time consuming to produce, research available at mid-tier, the suit can be worn by veterans, stormtroopers, officers and commissars. Medic, Officer and Commissar versions have unique abilities and appearance.
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- Krieg Panzergrenadier Power Armor added, unlocks with the Guard Power Armor requisition.
- NEW: Beastmen Guard Medic Armor. Uparmored flak, available from midtier (Abhumans gotta scrounge a bit harder for their medical equipment). Beastmen make for high mobility medics, even if their lowish armor (for late game) means they have to be careful. New inventory art.

- Guard Rotor Cannon. Minigun style (basically an amped up Heavy Stubber with higher rate of fire and some armor-rend ability) with a, Kombi-Grenade Launcher (single shot) variant. Can use both heavy stubber belts and its own backpack with more and slightly better ammo. The kombi-launcher can launch grenades (same as the Hellspite) and two types of Shotgun rounds.
- Added the Accatran Pattern "Light" Bolter. The traditional Heavy Bolter rechambered for Light Bolter rounds to reduce weight and recoil. Bipod equipped, this airborne developed Bolter is easier to carry and deploy than its heavier Godwyn cousin. While lacking the rate of fire or punch, this belt-fed (40 rounds) gun provides Guard with a stable and dependable light bolter platform, that can also use Kraken rounds. It is available through mid-tier light bolter research. Downsides include costly ammunition (especially the Kraken rounds) and a purchase price that rivals several rifles put together.

- NEW STRATEGY CHOICES: Added 4 Strategy options to the Adeptas start. Novice, Repentia, Battle Sister and Dominion (Elite). Each get different starting reinforcements and recruitment options. Novice is the low tech start, similar to the current one. Battle Sisters is similar to the old 40k start, without having to rely on Novices and getting a few more starting techs. Repentia starts with the new Repentia soldier type (see below) + Repentia Superiors, with less access to power armor and heavy weapons. Dominion will be further developed with more restrictions, but currently is a somewhat easier start that gets more techs and earlier access to high end weapons.
All have access to Adeptas Pilots, Medicae and all but Dominion Strategy has access to Frateris Militia.
-  Each Strategy gets different starting craft tokens to trade in for transports via manufacturing topics. Each strategy also gets access to the different craft at different times, with Repentia and Dominion strategies having the biggest differences.
 - Adeptas Faction now starts with just the Adeptas Pilots and Frateris militia, with further reinforcements coming by event after your Strategy Choice. Each Strategy gets different Sister reinforcements (Novices+Novitiate Superiors, Battle Sisters, Repentia + Repentia Superiors and Veteran Adeptas for Dominion). As well as sets of weapons.
- NEW CRAFT ACCESS: The Arvus Lighter is now available for Adeptas as well.
- NEW CRAFT: The Castigator Autocannon IFV variant. A Predator style turret on an Adeptas Rhino Chassis, this Ceramite-tier transport option adds some needed long range autocannon fire to the Adeptas. Available to all strategies.
- The Immolator Convoy Craft speed has been increased, from crawl speed to a brisk walking pace.

- NEW SOLDIER TYPE: Novitiate Superior. The Adeptas now start with some of these to lead the Novices in battle. She is of similar ability to the normal Sister Superior, with a slightly different armor. She can be hired for 1 million credits and is well compensated for her task of training Novices (expensive upkeep). They can also be promoted from Sisters and Pilots with Long Service Time commendation (normal Sister Superiors require the VETERAN commendation) and have 1 lower rank requirement for promotion.
You can promote a Superior to either (but it costs).
- NEW ARMOR: Novitiate Superior armor added. Has the new ability, LEAD BY EXAMPLE which buffs and heals (slightly), and scales with Devotion and Bravery. This ability has also been granted to the standard Superior and Canoness armor sets.
There is a manufacturing topic to produce the Novitiate Superior armor set + a Sister Superior honor token required for the promotion.

- NEW SOLDIER TYPE: Repentia Superior. Leads the Repentia into battle and serves as that Strategies starting Sister Superior, with a melee focus and using Neural whips. Similar to the Novitiate superior. All Superiors can cross promote.
- NEW ARMOR: Repentia Superior Armor, sacrifices rear armor for improved front and flank armor to serve on the front line. Can be used by any Sister Superior.

- Sister Superiors (all types)) now have a bigger morale impact on their squads when they die. Balances a little bit for their LEAD BY EXAMPLE ability.
- Enabled the Canoness to wear Sister Superior Armors as a fallback option.
- Added restrictions on the Canoness and Inquisitor Armors so only the Canoness can use the former, and Canoness/Superior Sisters can use the Inquisitor armor. Slightly nerfed the stat boosts by 5 points.

- NEW SOLDIER TYPE: Dominion Sisters are veteran Sisters that come equipped with Dominion Armors and better starting stats. They are available to recruit through a pricy manufacturing project for the Elite Dominion Strategy.

- NEW SOLDIER TYPE: When a Sister falls wearing the Geminae armor (formerly the "Celestin" flying armor), her soul shard can be recovered after battle and used to transform an existing Sister into a Geminae soldier type. This uses another sister as a host, so it can be used to turn a novice into a powerful veteran Sister. The Geminae Soldier comes equipped with the Geminae flying armor set, which will save you some resources vs manfucturing a new armor. There is a cost in cash, promethium and kill tokens but it is cheaper than the true "Resurrection" project (which brings back the soldier proper). If the Geminae sister dies, she will leave behind a Shard as well. This means that with enough resource expenditure, you can have several Geminae Sisters, ensuring that you always have "veteran" sisters with good stat lines. Basically the Agent Smiths of the Sororitas.
- NEW SOLDIER TYPE: Dedicated Repentia soldier type STR_ADEPTAS_REPENTIA, can be hired with same conditions as ordinary sisters - cheaper to run, and with slightly different stats (faster, tougher, less shooty accuracy)
- Added Dedicated Repentia Armor and SoldierType, with greatly upped Devotion gain (20 vs 6 normal armors, or 10 for the old repentia armor option), only the new Repentia soldier class can use this (comes with it by default).
- Transformation project for Sisters/Pilot/Superior/Canoness/various Chaos Sisters soldiertypes to Repentia.
- Transformation project for STR_ADEPTAS_REPENTIA -> STR_ADEPTAS, requires VETERAN commendation (15 kills, 15 missions).
- Transformation project for STR_ADEPTAS_REPENTIA -> STR_ADEPTAS_ASSASSIN, requires CRUX TERMINATUS (30 kills).
- Transformation project for STR_ADEPTAS_ASSASSIN -> STR_IMPERIAL_ASSASSINFEM, requires VETERAN commendation.

- NEW SOLDIER ACCESS: Adeptas can now recruit the new Inquisitor Storm Troopers and Inquisitors after they research the Inquisitor Office.
- Inquisitor Armor updated with 9 new male inventory sprites and vocie lines + updated female sprites with more inquisitor details.
- Nerfed the stat bonuses for the Inquisitor Armor.
- Added 30 Adamantium cost for producing the Sister Superior Armor/Token.

- Simplified Requirements for USING Adeptas weapons. Requires have been changed to RequiresBuy or moved to Manufacturing. If you find any Adeptas weapons in the field, you can now use them regardless of faction.
- Changed the Dominion Bolter magazine production so it is dependent on the magazine research. Lowered research time cost for the ammo and raised it for the gun instead.

- ADEPTAS WAR: Corrected a typo that added way too many rank 3 enemies to this map.

- Lowered Necro Meltagun research time cost to 200 from 400, as its more of a sidegrade.
- NEW WEAPONS: Adeptas Autoguns. Inspired by the Kill Team Novitiate Autoguns. Shows up in the base menus simple as the Autoguns, but in battle they have the Adeptas BigOB art. There´s a Scoped DMR variant with aimed fire instead of a bayonet.
-  BALANCE: Nerfed resistances of the Assassin suits, although it is a workaround for no proper dodge mechanic, they should still be taking *some* damage.

Post by: Rangerh on June 29, 2022, 06:07:27 pm
Nice changelog, can't wait.

Just recently got a guardsmen traitor camp mission oddity that feels like a bug.

I sent my space marines in drop pods and after killing a few enemies , i was surprised to see coming out of the guardsmen camp a hostile unit that felt out of place :

And checking closer indeed, that's a Sister of Battle (and not a chaos one)  that is for some reason hostile ?
Post by: Leflair on June 29, 2022, 08:20:27 pm
The Deserters are sometimes led by some ~mysterious forces~, won't spoil what's behind it. You might learn more as you go on.

Not all of these odd units may be what they appear.
Post by: Rangerh on June 29, 2022, 09:12:50 pm
Thanks, as usually enemies had "traitor" or "tainted"  (and i also already fought "Chaos Sisters" in a  mission) i thought an unit labelled "Sister of Battle" was some mistake .

And thank you for the new 1.08 version.
Post by: Leflair on June 29, 2022, 09:41:33 pm
Enemies are named after their "race" until researched, that´s why it says things like that.
Post by: Simi822 on June 30, 2022, 10:02:07 am
if I am not mistaken then these "Sister of Battle" or "Ultramarines" units if hit a lot..then the cloaking turns off and we see that it is the dreaded Alpha legion...I like these enemies as they drop Imperial good loot like Stalker Bolters, Heavy bolters etc...stuff I did not got as Arbiters or in case of Stalker Bolter it cost a lot to buy

and the new Patch will be I think the biggest addon in quite a Time, the updates for Inquisition, Radical I. or for Chaos sound great also the new units look Fancy, especially the Kelermorfh...nice

and faction like Radical inquisition opens so many good ideas...recruiting Joakeros (just use the monkey from X-com files as basis) maybe some demonhost...also maybe the option to convince a Eldar farseer to join your team should be limited to a Radical Inquisitor
Post by: Leflair on June 30, 2022, 02:21:01 pm
There's a lot of expansion potential for the Chaos and Inquisition options. And also soemthing like more unaligned Xeno-raid missions / Mercenary recruitment.

1.08 has been in the works since February, so there´s a lot of stuff in it. Spent the last couple weeks doing bug hunting but there's always a few that slip through.

A couple of noticed bugs with fixes in the discord, will be included in 1.08A which will probably be just a bugfix patch in a week or so (Want to catch any other bugs there):
- Night Lords Raptor Corpses sell for 220k instead of 22k.
- Dominion and Repentia Strategy require some starting Promethium, this can be added to their starting events.
- Repentia needs to getOneFree Chimera Convoy tech to turn their starting transport craft token into the craft.
- Battle Sister Strategy: Move the STR_HEAVY_LASER (Melta) tech from midtier unlock to starting strategy research unlock.
Post by: Rangerh on June 30, 2022, 05:59:51 pm
I noticed when playing with the sisters of battle, i had a few sisters carrying a redeemer shotgun with krak shells.
But i noticed when i could shoot that the fire modes available were:
Flachette Shot
Penitence Shot
Inferno Shot
and could fire the Flachettes version

But no Krak , i thought maybe at first those shotguns were preloaded with Flachette, but after going empty and reloading with a Krak shells, i still only had access to the same 3 fire mode, but oddly the "Flachette" was still working.
But not sure if i was really doing Krak shell higher damage
Post by: Leflair on June 30, 2022, 06:55:34 pm
I think that may be that the particular ammo slot can take either of the ammo types, but only displays one name.

Should do the correct damage though.
Post by: Rangerh on July 01, 2022, 11:33:55 am
No idea if it is a 40K or a Rosigma bug, but i spotted a problem with the 2 starting Avengers in the Sister of Battle base.
I setup the 2 pilots for each Avengers, i play no problem, save etc...

Then when i play another day, sometime when there's a UFO alert, and i want to deploy an Avenger, i notice that one of them does not have pilots anymore, while the other Avenger suddenly have 4 crews.

But it should not be possible as you can't assign more than 2 crews to an Avenger,
Post by: Rangerh on July 01, 2022, 03:35:55 pm
A few questions.

1 - I got a dozen of cantus purity seals from manufacturing them, as i thought they were needed for manufacturing the dozen of cantus armor i wanted to outfit the novices instead of their weaker novice habits.
But it looks like you only need 1 adamantium for manufacturing 1 armor without any other condition, and as those purity seals have a value of 0 , selling them provide nothing, and they don't exist as inventory objects, i am puzzled at what is their actual usage ?

2 - i noticed i can manufacture the ARVUS Lighter , that from googling around seems to be a basic transport, but the codex has no entry about it, i am missing something ?

3 - what are "Sister Superior Honor" and "Novitiate Induction" , i obtained those items when manufacturing superior armor and bolter godwyn de'az pattern , they're floating in my store but again a value of 0 and no inventory existence to equip them and there's nothing to exchange for them, so what is their point ?
Also the bolter godwyn de'az pattern that i manufacture from the request novitiate stuff has no entry in the codex

4 - how do you obtain the Sororitas Power Armor ? i have 2 of them (i think they came from the original researches that provide you with various equipment) since a long time ago and i can see an entry in the codex.
After comparing stats it looks like in term of power level they're between the Cantus Armor and the Sister Superior Armor , but it looks like in term of progression something is missing as i can (and did) already manufacture Superior armor that are in every way better than the Power Armor ?

5 - Bloody Rose armor , i noticed some of my sisters can switch to one, they seem to look the same as Power Armor with 2 more slots but there's no entry in codex, i have also no idea how they came in there.
Post by: Leflair on July 01, 2022, 05:51:38 pm
0. The 4 crew thing I've not seen before, I'm guessing its a OXCE bug potentially?

1. Purity seals are usually just because a manufacturing project must produce an "item" and the armor doesn't count in OXCE. Its a crash prevention thing. If it's a Purity Seal, having it in your inventory should give the unit +1 Bravery. Yes, it stacks.

2. The Codex entry might be tied to Inquisition stuff, I'll have to check how it can be changed.

3. The Sister Superior Honor is used to promote a sister to Superior, the Novitiate Induction is to promote a Novice of sufficient rank to Sister of Battle. They upgrade armor then to the default Adeptas armor (they can wear other armors).

4. See 3.

These are soldierTransform promotions.

  - name: STR_INDUCT_CANTUS #Turns a Novice into an Adeptas
    producedSoldierType: STR_ADEPTAS
    allowsDeadSoldiers: false
    allowsLiveSoldiers: true
    allowsWoundedSoldiers: true
    minRank: 2 #CANTUS

      tu: 45
      stamina: 40
      bravery: 30
      strength: 25
      psiSkill: 20

  - name: STR_PROMOTE_CANTUS #Produces Cantus Armor for minRank 2 Novices. Optional in the promotion chain.
    producedSoldierArmor: STR_ADEPTAS_CANTUSArmor
    allowsDeadSoldiers: false
    allowsLiveSoldiers: true
    allowsWoundedSoldiers: true
    minRank: 2

  - name: STR_PROMOTE_SUPERIOR #Transforms an Adeptas (min rank 3) into Sister Superior.
    cost: 100000
    producedSoldierType: STR_ADEPTAS_SUPERIOR
    allowsDeadSoldiers: false
    allowsLiveSoldiers: true
    allowsWoundedSoldiers: true
      - STR_ADEPTAS_REPENTIA_SUPERIOR #if you feel like it, no practical difference
      - STR_ADEPTAS_NOVITIATE_SUPERIOR #if you feel like it, no practical difference
    minRank: 3

      bravery: 50
      firing: 50
      melee: 50
      psiSkill: 50

5. The Bloody Rose is a easter egg armor from the ROSE mod that merged with IGMA to become ROSIGMA. It's not very different but has a different look. Flavor.
Post by: Rangerh on July 01, 2022, 07:14:23 pm
Thanks for the answers. I had no idea you could transform your troops somewhere in the menus as i checked all them.
And.. finally found it in Soldier menu then on the bottom i could change "Soldier Info" into "Transform Overview" (amongst many other entries)  that gave me access to the sister transformations. That's a very cool feature.

Maybe that information should be available somewhere in the codex, personnally i had no idea there was such functionality (and many more from what i see under the Soldier Info drop down menu)

Now for the  purity seals i can't seem to find a way to get it into a Sister inventory to have those +1 Bravery ?
they don't exist in the "Equip Craft" (only in the store or sell/sack menus) menu so i don't see any ways to add one to a sister's inventory

For the pilot bug, it's a nasty one as i left the bugged 4 pilots in the first Avenger for a while and gave 2 new pilots to the 2nd Avenger, then after more saving, quitting the game and loading, what do i see , 2nd Avenger is again devoid of pilots and the 1st Avenger has 6 crew (despite it is limited to 2).
Could be related to that bugged pilot function, but i also noticed if i go to Codex -> Craft and Armament -> select the Avenger then click on "Infos" then press the "Deployement Preview" button, it's a direct crash  (doing the same in the codex with the Corvus works normally)

I also attach the save if it can help.
Post by: Simi822 on July 02, 2022, 07:10:31 pm
Dear all,

in Geoscape the game crashed...I assume the Sanctioned psyker had to arrive (was playing as the Inquisition)

update it crashes when next month starts and also Veteran frateris arrival is not working - I reproduced the crash with pop-up but not psykers but Frateris.
Post by: Leflair on July 03, 2022, 01:53:34 am
1.08A is out, quick one. Tested the new lists + codex pages, new gun etc.

UPDATE notes:
FIX, ECONOMY: Lowered cash for Night Lords Raptor corpses to 22k from 220k (+0 be gone).
FIX: ADEPTAS. Add getOneFree: STR_LANDRAIDER_ADEPTAS for Repentia Strategy, required to manufacture their craft token into the convoy.
FIX: ADEPTAS, Renamed the 1st COMMANDERY topic to Immolator Convoy. Same for the token (brainfart called a Chimera convoy, when it's a Rhino convoy). It's 1 lead Immolator, 2xRhino and the 1 Landraider is unarmed.
FIX: ADEPTAS, Added some free Promethium fuel (400) for the Dominion and SoB starts for their starting craft. You'll need to capture more from the enemy.
SEMI-FIX: Added a 50% chance to get Melta tech at start (STR_HEAVY_LASER) for SoB start (that and light bolter tech), will figure out a better event driven solution later + getOneFree for Dominion.

Dominion Strategy now gets the Chimera Convoy tech for free at mid-tier.
MAP FIX: Fixed elevator + one broken door on IMPMEDIUMSCOUT.MAP
ART: De-Naughtified assets for daemonettes and Nurgle Sisters, + certain codex article art, the Emperor protects! You can change them out for the OG versions if you prefer those.
DIFFICULTY: Tuned down the third stage of the Final Mission.
EXPANDED: Retaliation racelists that can attack you when going down the Chaos Path. Inquisition led Storm Troopers, Assassins, Adeptas, Novice Kill Teams, Frateris Militia and Eldar can now attack as well.

Included the new Sisters units, Dominions, Repentia, Novitiate and Repentia Superior, + Adeptas Assassins, Saint and Geminae in the Martyr script. Removed imperial assassins that should not have gotten the martyr script.

NEW WEAPON: High Grade Lasgun, mid-tier fine quality lasgun for the tried and true pattern. Takes hotshot cells and is every so slightly more accurate. +10 autoshot, +5 snapshot accuracy and +1 ranged accuracy. Got its own darker green bigOB with golden eagle, the starting lasgun has a new bigOB to help distinguish them. There's also a codex article for it.
Costs 20k to buy vs the cheap ones <4k.
The Mastercrafted variant have gotten a +1 range upgrade as well.
Tanith and Vostroya variants have gotten a buff as well, fitting in the DMR or pseudo sniper roles. The Longlas is better at sniping still, but these two variants got some added flexibility for close encounters.
Hotshot laspistol clip size reduced from 20 to 10, higher energy drain and to balance it against other ammo types.
Hotshot lasgun clip size reduced from 30 to 20, higher energy drain and to balance it against other ammo types.
Longlas ammo drain increased to 2x for AIMED shots (only), so those hotshot clips last for 10 shots when doing aimed shots.
Longlas cash cost to buy bumped from 28650 to 50k.
Shotgun weight bumped from 7 to 10. Makes lascarbines more attractive for noodle armed soldiers.

@Sim822, I'll take a look at those crashes.

The Psyker crash is because of a missing S in the eventScript.rul, go into your rosigma/Ruleset/eventScripts.rul and search for this script below. Add a S where I've bolded one.
#Spawn Guard Scripts
  - type: STR_BEGINNER_SPAWN_GUARD_SCRIPT #The Emperor Protects Difficulty
    firstMonth: 0
    lastMonth: 12
    executionOdds: 100

Can't find a eventScript error or any sort of item or soldierType error for the event itself for those Frateris Veterans. Will dig more tomorrow unless you get a log file for that one too. Apply the Psyker fix first to narrow it down.
Post by: Simi822 on July 03, 2022, 11:31:35 am
thanks for the quicke response, I have the save with the log

will try the fix and also the new patch and see what happens
Post by: Leflair on July 03, 2022, 01:46:12 pm
Found the issue, seems the basic Frateris Militia event gone AWOL.

Adding it in for the next version.

Workaround for now is to go into eventScripts.rul (ruleset folder), search for STR_BASIC_SPAWN_FRATERIS_MILITIA (there's only one as part of the adeptas spawn script) and add _VETERAN on the end there. It will spawn the other type of (better) Militia then.
Post by: Simi822 on July 03, 2022, 10:04:40 pm
yes it worked, thanks a lot

gotta say playing as the Inquisition is the most fun I had a long time...

Post by: Leflair on July 05, 2022, 06:50:17 pm
1.08B now up, including the crash fixes + the Felinid Guard. Because every IP needs Catgirls/Boys.

FIX: Crashing Beginner mode event for the arrival of Sanctioned Psykers.
FIX: Added missing STR_BASIC_SPAWN_FRATERIS_MILITIA event that caused a crash if fired (Beginner Mode).
FIX: Added language strings for missing Lone Repentia event text + Guardsman hologram target.
FIX: Added missing event string for the Astartes Scout beginner event.

NEW GUARD UNIT: Felinid Guard. Good reactions and great night-vision, poor aim and less hit points. Has a special claw melee attack with unique icon. Causes slightly reduces morale loss and score loss if killed (Abhuman "bonus"). Can use flak+medic, carapace+medic armor types with bonus to UNDER armor. Available to Abhuman strategy from start and normal guard strategy at mid-tier. Has their own voice pack (medic uses standard medic voice), bub.

- Armor Access: Changed it so that Squat and Beastmen Carapace can be bought in store through a simpler method.
- Added Squats to units that can get personal shields (race bonus).
- Added Beastmen, Felinids and Squat to Bionics project.
- Added a new Carapace Codex illustration for Squats.
Post by: Leflair on July 09, 2022, 12:40:16 pm
1.08C Is now up, contains Felinid jump armor, Chimedon and Gryphonne IV turrets for the Armor Column.

-FIX: Removed requirement of Arsenal of Faith to use the Adeptas Sentinel Heavy Bolter gun. The bolter can now be fired once you have the Sentinel (Normal Adeptas SoB start).
-FIX: Added a updated buy and rent cost to the Adeptas TTA (Airlifted Rhino convoy) and STR_LANDRAIDER (Immolator Convoy) that the starter Adeptas Strategy Craft manufacturing projects are blocking from being manufactured.
-FIX: The Iron Fists now renamed into the inferior Imperial Fists in the Iron Warrior codex text.
-FIX: Added New Sister and Guard armors to the custom personalLights list to reduce light around the unit.
-FIX: Added Razorback turret armor to the personalLights list, it should now have reduced light aura like other turrets.

-Given randomType 7 or 2 depending on size of power pack. 50-200% or 50-150% damage

-UPDATED CRAFT: Valkyrie Grav Drop now comes with a little tactical shed to protect your gear pile. The Emperor Protects.
-UPDATED CRAFT: Armor Column with Leman Rus now has 28 deployment points (from 16), with 10 of them riding on top of the vehicles. A bit risky, but you can bring extra soldiers now. Rent bumped from ca 700k to 900k.
-Also added a new CHIMEDON variant turret to the Armored Column, replacing one of the Chimera turrets. This turret carries a battle cannon instead of the multilaser! It has less health, armor and optics than the Leman Rus, and no functional coax heavy bolter.
-Added Gryphonne IV pattern Chimera Turret to the Armored Column and the Light Chimeras (Abhuman start), carries twin heavy bolters.
-Adjusted night vision down for Guard turrets so they have worse vision at night (30 tiles still). Leman Rus still has beastly vision though.
-UPDATED CRAFT: Taurus Krak, HE and INC grenades buffed to have a bit more punch.
-NEW ARMOR: Felinid Jump Armor, for the Cat Drop Force'. Unlocked by researching any live flying enemy (like raptors or stormboyz). Cheaper in kill tokens than the Elysians, but with a -Promethium and Adamantium cost to compensate. Medic version is not available, but the Felinid Jump Armor has better night vision and detection abilities for recon.
-Added 3 more Selection voices for Female Felinids for added variety
-NEW WEAPON: Guard Heavy Mortar. Locked behind heavy weapons requisition tech. Can load 6 shells (2 locked behind smoke tech). HE, Krak, Smoke, Phosphor, Illumination/Flare and Photon. Good max range but poor accuracy, this weapon can lob arcing shells (aimed fire) over cover. Not very useful indoors. Works like the Heavy Bolter with the Heavy Weapons Kit..

-BUFFED: Eviscerator to 150 Power and more armor rending damage. Zweihander to 200 power. They damage was pretty poor for costing 20-25 TU to swing at low accuracy. Small bump for the Halberd (+10) and the Power Axe armor rend.
-Added a rent cost to the Adeptas drop pods and sell cost to the Castigator convoy.

-BUFF: Force Hammer and Mastercrafted variant to 160 resp 200 power, from 130.
-BUFF: Razorback turret aim (from 60 to 100) and armor significantly.
-BUFF: Thunderhawk turrets aim buff.
Post by: Simi822 on July 13, 2022, 05:40:37 pm

playing as the inquisition (the name Chamber militants is bulldust because then Sistas should be also under it)
and did research "request Deathkorps panzergranatiers" well they arrived 4x with 4x Guard Power armor, 4x heavy Lucius lasgun, and  4x Rotor ammo

I cannot equip the heavy Lucius lasgun as it is on stock but its invisible in the craft equipment I would not have the rights to use it
(I can use adeptas autogun , etc for which I don have wiki...) so it seems a flag is set wrong...please advice and I will change it

also a side note...this research was the most difficult I did (I thing the normal power armor guards are even more difficult) BUT the stats of the 4x
Panzergranatiers are abysmal...even Frateris or Penetants have better stats...should they not have at least the Guard Veteran or Stormtrooper Stats? (Strength 25 but they come with a Rotor WTF)
Post by: Leflair on July 13, 2022, 06:43:05 pm
You can specify them to have custom stats instead of the random range in the event.
The Heavy Lasguns don't have any special requirement to use them, so not sure there.

1.08D is up., patch notes:
- FIX: Primaris/Marines/Arbites bike bolter ammo was unavailable to buy due to a requirement blocking the research required.
- Reduced cost of some recruit chaos projects for Inquisitors.
- BOLTGUN AMMO: Increased toHealth damage to 110%, from 100%. MC gets 115%, Metal Storm EX rounds gets 140% (+20%).

- Restricted buy access for full size marine boltguns to Marines and Inquisition factions. No more cheap bolters for strong guardsmen, alas (Guard does get a new boltgun toy to compensate though, see below). Note, you can still use any such guns you have/find. Ammo might be scarce though.
- Restricted buy access for full size marine boltguns to Marines and Inquisition factions. No more cheap bolters for strong guardsmen, alas.
- Raised cost of the missile launcher to 100k from 10kish, it was very cheap for a heavy weapon.

- Many Captives can now be converted into penal legion. This includes enemy traitor guard, deserters and cultist type units. Ogryns and some Beastmen captives can be recruited into Guard units. Some Psykers can also be convinced to join you (expensive and time consuming, but an early way to get some). Many (but not all) captured "Heretical" and Chaos Sister units can be turned into Repentia. A few like Novices, Hospitallers and Medicae can be recruited. This does not include Genestealer Cult units.
- This works through (a lot of) manufacturing projects and a small cost (higher for more valuable units. The Projects are sorted under "RADICAL" category and share naming with the radical inquisition strategy (which may not match how the guard goes about recruiting penal legion guys).
- Removed the Marine Boltgun access, added UMBRA guard light boltgun at ceramite (ufo_construction) tier. A very nice light bolter with good autofire range (+3), 4xAutoShots, 2xSnapShots. A total possible dakka count of 12 shots a turn. Costs 50k.
- Adjusted cost of Accatran Boltgun up to 75k from 50k.

- Most captured enemy Sisters can now be turned into Repentia (sans "Chosen" type Sisters that transform, too much taint!).
- NEW CRAFT: Adeptas RHINO CONVOY as a starter convoy that can be bought by any strategy. Comes with 2 Immolators and 2 Rhinos. Troop capacity of 24. Novice and SoB strategies gets one of these Requisition tokens with their starting events, Repentia Strategy has the Heavy Immolator Convoy swapped out for this convoy.
- UPDATED CRAFT: The HEAVY) IMMOLATOR CONVOY now have 2 Immolators + 1 AC Castigator instead of just 1 Immolator.
- UPDATED CRAFT: The Immolator Convoy changed to the 1st Commandery, given a Exorcist, a Immolator and a AC Castigator. Manufacturing project reinstated as no Strategy starts with this one.
Post by: noflic on July 15, 2022, 03:09:42 am
Just wanted to poke my head in and say that I continue to enjoy the hell out of this mod, and I'm still a couple versions behind - I'm looking forward to putting together an Inquisitorial rag-tag bag* of complete fucking maniacs when I finally get around to updating.

The good work is much appreciated!

* Or, it suddenly occurs to me, a Rogue Trader warband from 1st ed. Tremendous!
Post by: Leflair on July 16, 2022, 11:06:57 am
FYI: Beta 1.08E is up on the discord, with 5 new Guard weapons.

- Assault Stubber (twin barrels) as a mid-tier between the normal handheld heavy stubber and the late game rotor cannon for all your stubby goodness. High weight and recoil.
- High Grade Autogun: Mid-tier Autogun. Can use normal autogun ammo, but also 40-round upgraded .45 cal rounds + ceramite tier Kraken tipped version. Has bayonet too.
- High Grade Autogun With Underslung 40mm (Kombi-Autogun?): As above, but with a 40mm launcher that can use the INC/KRAK(new)/MELTA grenades + Buckshot and Slug previously available to the underslung Rotorcannon. No bayonet.
- Heavy Sniper Rifle (AMR): Autocannon based heavy sniper for Ceramite tier. Got massive ammo, high recoil and weight. If you don't have the Vindicator, this puppy can still slug a CSM.
- Stubcannon: House Orlock special, works like a M79 grenade launcher. Takes the same ammo as the other underslung, so can launch 40mm grenades and buckshot/slug.

All have high weight, so quite suitable for Abhumans (who were lacking late game hotshot weapons) or very strong Veterans.
Post by: Simi822 on July 18, 2022, 08:27:36 pm
the new update is very nice also love the new music...brings back memories

one point I noticed,

can the penal legion be pardoned also when playing as Arbiters? (first to a PDF then later can be inducted to Arbiters?)

is the option "Many Captives can now be converted into penal legion" available to the Arbiters? (it should)

also when speaking in regards of the arbiters...I would give them also the option "awards personal shield" which the IG has (minimum for Judges) and the "Necromunda" weapon pack just introduced (Stubcannons, heavy autoguns)  and speaking in regards of Necromunda...exterminators (for Eviscerator , autoguns or shotguns) when :) also maybe upgrades for Cybermastifs? (Armor, shocking bite...etc) would be nice

also one Idea, I loved how you updated the Vostroya, Lucius and Acatran Lasguns...Voss Lasgun...I would give it the same fire rate as the Autogun has (3x snap, 5x auto) so it would be a Las-SMG

EDIT: so I also did research "Request Heavy Guard" so 4x "Veterans" came with Guard Power armor and Rotor cannons...AC like 70 BUT Strength was from 20 to 25 same as with the Panzergranatiers
Post by: Rangerh on July 20, 2022, 03:16:45 pm
Got a bug on a massacre site with my IG troops .
I sent my team B in their chimeras , as my team A on their armor column that while being victorious got near annihilated in a previous mission.

After managing to destroy a chaos juggernault that was too close with all the 3 chimeras guns focusing on it, i started to deploy my soldiers and noticed most of them had 0 ammo for their autogun ?
Then checking their inventory, all of them have their autogun and 1 autogun ammo drum.
When trying to reload, it does not work, the game tells me it's wrong ammo ?

On my team A in their previous mission there were several soldiers with their autogun and autogun ammo drum and they had no problem reloading (and didn't start their mission with their rifle already out of ammo) , what's going on ?

EDIT : found the problem, the team A had Autogun HighGrade, while team B had regular Autogun , and checking the codex, the regular autogun can't use the drum , damn, so many confusing ammos type and name :D
Attached the save for this bug
Post by: Simi822 on July 20, 2022, 09:10:02 pm
in regards of Chaos juggalos...I activated the Mellee pack as adviced here earlier where I got Kombi-Grav and Combi-Meltas...My best soldier give it 2x Grav and then some hot-shot laser did the deed...but otherwise 2x Krak missile...from behind 1x is enough...also Heavy bolter AP ammo to the back is nice thing
Post by: Thatguysenpai on July 23, 2022, 09:13:40 pm
Been a while since I played the mod, lotta cool changes. I was trying out the new Inquisition faction and saw that they have the Light Bolters research, but can't actually buy the light bolters or ammo because they require "Imperial Guard Operations". Also, I can't figure out how to get the Deathwatch? Maybe it's not implemented yet, but the research appears in the tech viewer and the codex mentions it.

Otherwise still loving the mod, great work guys.
Post by: Simi822 on July 23, 2022, 09:58:36 pm
well lot of things are not ideal when Playing as the Inquisition....example one can get help from every fraction but the Items are not available in the Wiki or one cannot buy ammo (example Lawbringer ammo or heavy stubber ammo or hotshot lasgun ammo or stubber ammo)...even some items one can produce (master crafted lasgun or shotgun) but also there is no wiki....I think the Inq should have the option to buy ammo for every basic weapon there is in the game...and still I got the heavy Lucius lasguns but I cannot use them and I also requested Arbiters...half of the Armor that came...cannot be equipped
Post by: Simi822 on July 26, 2022, 01:20:33 pm
so I am watching lately this guy playing Rosigma on YT with the Guard (at least Work goes faster at the workspace)

and a interesting situation occurred, he had a Eldar Webway he took a Drop Valkyrie and light gear
but it where not Eldar but Forces ofChaos and the Alpha legion...he got quite high losses but he managed and then
he was in the phase of finding the cloaked enemies...practically a "Bug hunt"...and suddenly a POP-UP
you run out of time so his craft, gear, units got lost...well I was like WTF and so was this Fella...
I would be not surprised if he would stop playing as that was a X-com Files level of Fukery...when one is doing "Bug hunt"
then why can he get a you run out of turns....makes no sense
Post by: Rangerh on July 27, 2022, 01:49:10 pm
I checked the eldar webway mission and noticed in 1.08F
    turnLimit: 0 #was 20

So maybe the guy on youtube is using an older version of Rosigma where the turn limit was still 20 ?
Now if he is NOT playing with the Rosigma expansion, it's important to note that in the base mod 40k the turn limit of that mission is still at 20, it's Rosigma that removes that limit.
Post by: Leflair on July 27, 2022, 05:25:40 pm
I´m in contact with him, and he was playing an older version. It´s 1.08F that changes that so instead of a turn limit at 20, it´s enemy reinforcements that show up around turn 10, with some engine limitations, can´t have cool 3-way fights so the reinforcements will always be whatever faction you are fighting... just imagine they are teleporting in or using the webway, depending on who you are fighting.

There´s some bugs in 1.08F that snuck in (relating to the mortars arcing shot), github overwriting/not saving some code + not adding dependencies in the changed grey knight craft changes (not githubs fault that one, just the code not reading as expected). I´ll put up a version 2 of 1.08F later today with the fixes.

As for Light Bolters as inquisition, STR_CHAMBER "unlocks" the research, but there are some issues with that approach. Can´t add chamber militant as a "Dependency" of STR_LIGHT_BOLTERS, because then guard can´t research it. Might need a join research dependency tech like "STR_GUARD_AND_INQUISITION" so both factions can get the research.
Post by: Simi822 on July 27, 2022, 05:39:04 pm
Its good to hear that, will check the next version out ASAP

maybe you already saw that he found the next "Bug" his units stuck on top of the Tank (but there some members of the community helped him out) dont know if it is in the last version...

I still have to say all the updates are very good, no they are Excellent

maybe for the Inquisition re-work the stats of the arriving "requested" units as I requested Judges..and they came with Bikes, mastercrafted weapons also with Arbitor armors + Stats like a rookie LOL  and I also did the research request local inquisition agent" I expected a Inquisitor to join me (the second one) instead Frateris veterans came :) ...but there are also surprises that are pleasant like when I got Cybermastifs as reinforcement
Post by: Leflair on July 27, 2022, 06:48:40 pm
The Tank convoy got updated to drop the 2 Leman Rus roof slots, as there's no way to get off there.

I've put up version 1.08F2 with some minor fixes.

Patch Notes 1.08F and F2
1.08F2 Notes:
- FIX: Mortar Arcing set to False.
- FIX: Dependencies for the GK and Marine Craft to not appear for Guard/Adeptas.
- FIX: Solo Bolters and Ammo available to anyone who gets Light Bolter tech.
- FIX: Adjusted HandOB Sprite for the one-handed Stubcannon
- FIX: New Valkyrie set to 16 crew instead of 22.

1.08F Notes:
- FIX: An issue preventing the new AI Devastators from showing up.
- FIX: Some missing art pieces in the heretic canoness and chaos combat servitor codex pieces not showing up.
- FIX: Replace Grey Knight research dependency with Chamber Militant to enable radical and heretic inquisition paths to reach mid-tier and high tier. Added motion scanner, weapon requisition and craftadd to chambermilitant unlocks as well.
- SCRIPT CHANGE: Heavy Weapons Team script modified to allow for a little bit of shuffling after deploying, the unit should retain 5 energy.
- QoL: -20% volume to the jetpack noise, shortened loop.
- BUFF: Buffed ammo capacity/damage of all craftweapons sans the craft bolters. There's now a reason to invest in research and upgrades.
- BUFF: Adeptas and Guard disposable launchers accuracy buffed by 20, TU cost reduced to 33. Damage buffed by 10 power and 0.4 (40%) armor rend damage.
- Removed dependency of Heavy Plasma research to research the chaos multimelta. If you can get it, research it+its ammo, you can build it. Should be around summer months.
- CRAFT CHANGE: Normal Valkyrie Extended, now has 22 slots instead of 16. It's long, fat, and very happy. Also, it got a nose bolter now.

- NEW MISSILES: 3 types of larger rockets For the Medium Missile Launchers (Marines, Adeptas Throne and new Guard ML:
1) Melta missile becomes available at mid-tier+meltagun research. Very expensive, it does 140 melta damage and 40% is applied as armor damage.
2) Heavy Krak Missile, takes the damage spot of the old Krak missile. Higher weight.
3) Heavy Frag Missile, takes the spot of the old Frag missile + slightly buffed damage. Higher weight.
- REBALANCE: Small Missiles (SMALL_ROCKET, LARGE_ROCKET and INCENDIARY) reduced weight and cost. Damage and radius dropped slightly on the frag and krak versions. You can buy and carry a lot more of these than the big ones.
All Krak and Melta missiles set to RandomType 2 (50-150% damage) or RandomType 7 (50-200% damage) instead of default 0-200%. The smaller krak missile has 50-150%. The Heavy Frag missile set to 50-200% as well.
- REBALANCE: Krak grenades now do 50-200% damage instead of 0-200%.
- REBALANCE: Sniper Rifle Ammo cost brought in line with other ammo costs in Rosigma, i.e more expensive.
- REBALANCE: Boltpistols sold at the MARKET outpost now 150k instead of 300k. Boltgun costs also reduced slightly.
- REBALANCE: Reduced kill token cost for several MC weapons so they are a little cheaper than the MC Heavy Plasma (everything was priced at 300 token cost, making the Heavy Plasma a no brainer).

- AVAILABILITY: Autostub ammo + Velonium Ammo now available through the MARKET if you research the respective captured ammo from Kelermorphs. Velonium also requires Ceramite-tier research. Very expensive, but very nice pistol ammo.

- Flying support armor buffed for rocket pods. From 50 to 150. Should now survive a turn or two. Maybe.
- Landraider craft access moved to mid-tier from high tier..
- Reduced kill token cost for several armors.

- Assault Stubber, Stubcannon, new Shot(gun) pistol and Accatran Missile Launcher now available for Arbites.
- Stub Rifle Rounds price balanced. Made available to guard. AP rounds now require Adamantium research, Wound rounds require medikit research and expander roudns require promethium research.
- NEW WEAPON: Flechette Pistol / Delaque Autopistol. Ceramite Tier, available through the MARKET outpost. Takes any kind of stub ammo, including autostubber (Liberator) velonium, the long-magazine "smg" ammo and the stub rifle ammo. Accurate and with a quick 20 TU cost double tap snap fire. Available to Arbites and Guard.

- Throne Missile Launcher now works like other medium missile launchers, and can fire the other missile types (if not in auto fire-mode). Cost and stats rebalanced to match.

- Removed - STR_GREYKNIGHTS dependencies and replaced with STR_CHAMBERMILITANT to enable inquisition to unlock tiers and craft, including manufacturing.

- MISSION CHANGE: Webway missions 20 turn timer removed. However, the Eldar will come in with reinforcements at turn 12+.
- BUFF: Stubcannon set to 1-handed and 25TU cost for snap fire.
- BUFF: Deployable Lascannon ammo set to 3 from 1. Armor damage buffed, random damage set to 50-200%. TU cost for snap and aimed reduced slightly (can now fire two snaps if not moving/turning).
- Barracks beds recolored to set the room apart from normal living quarters.
- EXPERIMENTAL: Guard deployable mortar given 1 waypoint, so now you can shoot loitering munitions/proper arcing shots. Might look a bit wonky.
- NEW WEAPON: Guard Long Rifle, replaces the Marine Sniper Rifle for guard. Can use both stub rifle rounds and the heavier sniper ammo.
- Longlas moved to mid-tier.
- NEW WEAPON: The Cadia Pattern Guard Missile Launcher. Replaces the Marine launcher as the standard missile launcher for Guard. Slightly less weight and accuracy compared to the marine version, but cheaper. Can use the new Melta Missile.
- NEW WEAPON: The Accatran Missile Launcher. A lightweight guard missile launcher, with lower weight and slightly lower TU cost for snap fire. It sacrifices a little accuracy (dropOff and Aimed) for this. Spritework by StarSquid.
- NEW WEAPON: Underslung Umbra Combi-Bolter (Guard), can fire the 40mm grenades. Weights and cost more than the standard Umbra.
- NEW WEAPON: Shotpistol. A pistol that fires shotgun rounds, including the arbites stun and gas shells. Available at mid-tier for guard. Spritework by StarSquid.
- NEW WEAPON: Solo Combi-Melta Bolter. Available at mid-tier with meltagun research. Expensive, but combines the basic Solo light bolter with a light meltagun (same as the Potestas). The Ammo becomes available for research after meltagun research and is slightly weaker than the full-size meltagun. Spritework by StarSquid.
- NEW WEAPON: Shotlas, expensive, heavy and with tremendous close range firepower. Available at mid-tier (with Market) this gun is a mix of the heavy lasgun and volley gun. Its power and accuracy drops off quickly beyond 12 tiles, but it has both a high RoF autofire option and a aimed mode POWER SHOT! Spritework by StarSquid.
- NEW WEAPON: High-Grade Autopistol, uses same ammo as the autogun version but sacrifices accuracy, range and the bayonet to fit as a sidearm. Spritework by StarSquid.
- BUFF: 40mm Buckshot damage, stun and armor rend increased, but slightly less effective against well armored enemies.

- Updated shading and details on the Meganobz inventory sprite.
- Ork Rokkits now have a bit more bunch, when they hit.
Post by: Simi822 on July 27, 2022, 11:21:09 pm
OMG how great are we!!!!! (the ROSIGMA community)

we watch we listen and we make the mod better and BETTER and even beyond

just had the time to check out the latest upgrades.....and the results are in: WOW

so there was no single handed Shotgun for Shield Ogryns/Arbites...well now we have one and its very nice (and I agree keep mastercrafted ammo for the mastercrafted shotguns/lawbringers)

and the other new weapons...the special stubber that can use Kelermorph ammo, auto stubber ammo etc...well I would now maybe even disable the Liberator autostub and make this weapon as its substitute after research (available to Guard and Arbites what is OK)

then the new guard: Umbra Combi-Bolter....BEAST same about the solo combi-melta (I am a huge fan of the Combi weapons from the melee pack so this kind of weapons are my type....)

and them my favorite new weapon: Shotlas...did like two random missions and this was my exactly how I would expect it to work

and the last new weapon: High-Grade Autopistol...super strong with the AP ammo...maybe should be available also for the Arbiters?

never less the mod is going to the right direction and could not ever go back to the vanilla 40k mod
Post by: Meridian on July 28, 2022, 05:09:07 pm
For the pilot bug, it's a nasty one as i left the bugged 4 pilots in the first Avenger for a while and gave 2 new pilots to the 2nd Avenger, then after more saving, quitting the game and loading, what do i see , 2nd Avenger is again devoid of pilots and the 1st Avenger has 6 crew (despite it is limited to 2).
Could be related to that bugged pilot function, but i also noticed if i go to Codex -> Craft and Armament -> select the Avenger then click on "Infos" then press the "Deployement Preview" button, it's a direct crash  (doing the same in the codex with the Corvus works normally)

I also attach the save if it can help.

You have (most likely) manipulated and broken your save file.

Both your Avengers have the same ID, so OpenXcom treats them as one and the same in some cases (for example during loading and craft-soldier mapping).

Code: [Select]
      - lon: 4.5355262408980934
        lat: -0.72611500434657983
        id: 1                             <-----------
        name: AVENGER-01
        speedLon: 0
        speedLat: 0
        speedRadian: 0
      - lon: 4.5355262408980934
        lat: -0.72611500434657983
        id: 1                             <-----------
        name: AVENGER-02
        speedLon: 0
        speedLat: 0
        speedRadian: 0
Post by: Rangerh on July 28, 2022, 09:49:34 pm
The only thing i did was changing their names, but i did it in the Equip Craft menu, not in the save game file itself. 100% sure

In fact testing again, it looks like i can reproduce the 2 ships have the same ID like that :

After getting the  latest version of Rosigma, try this :
Start an Adeptas Sister game
Create the first base anywhere you want
Go to the Base, at Equip Craft menu
Select the 1st Avenger and change its name from Avenger-1  to Avenger-01
Select the 2nd Avenger and change its name from Avenger-1  (yes it had the same name) to Avenger-02
Make a save

Open the save and :
      - lon: 5.8055173820480768
        lat: -0.25842229633190961
        id: 1
        name: AVENGER-01
        speedLon: 0
        speedLat: 0
        speedRadian: 0
        speed: 0

      - lon: 5.8055173820480768
        lat: -0.25842229633190961
        id: 1
        name: AVENGER-02
        speedLon: 0
        speedLat: 0
        speedRadian: 0
        speed: 0

both id are the same

Post by: Rangerh on July 28, 2022, 11:11:32 pm
Found what is very likely the problem, it's in the Rosigma ...\Rulesets\startingBase40k.rul
startingBaseGenius: #*** Adeptas
    - type: STR_ACCESS_LIFT
      x: 2
      y: 2
    - type: STR_HANGAR
      x: 2
      y: 0
    - type: STR_HANGAR
      x: 0
      y: 4
    - type: STR_HANGAR
      x: 4
      y: 4
      x: 3
      y: 2
      x: 2
      y: 3
    - type: STR_LABORATORY
      x: 3
      y: 3
    - type: STR_WORKSHOP
      x: 4
      y: 3
      x: 1
      y: 3
      id: 1
      fuel: 1000
      damage: 0
        - type: STR_STINGRAY
          ammo: 6
        - type: STR_CANNON_UC
          ammo: 100
      status: STR_READY
      id: 1
      fuel: 1000
      damage: 0
        - type: STR_STINGRAY
          ammo: 6
        - type: STR_CANNON_UC
          ammo: 100
      status: STR_READY
Both STR_AVENGER_ADEPTAS ships have the same id assigned .
Post by: Simi822 on July 29, 2022, 12:15:13 am
So after my last like 6h session with the Inquisition where I am very near to do the final mission (and I don't gonna Lie the Inq is overpowered and its good like that...I also activated the Emperor protects mode)

I will do now a IG or a Arbites run (I did a Astartes first back in early 2021, then IG, then Sistas, then Arbites/was hard as F/ and then Sistas again and  now the Inq) my recommendation for upgrades:
for the Arbites just give them what I written earlier and they will be fine....LOL I hope

BUT I have a question...we have now generic plain IG, Krieg, Accatran and beastmen + the sprites are there...will we get Catachan IG ? /based on the available enemy sprites the Catachan should  not be a problem/ Catachans should be easy...Skirmishers with high melee and not shitting they pants + give them the Needler and a Long "Rambo" knife aka Catachan Fang..and for the Future....first upgrade the Voss Lasgun as I recommended (a las-autogun) and then Armageddon Steel Legion with Voss lasguns? and after Armageddon....a harder Idea...Vostroya or Mordia ???? well these are just Ideas :) not to be taken seriously...but the Catachan should be easy IMHO
Post by: Meridian on July 29, 2022, 12:44:59 am
Found what is very likely the problem, it's in the Rosigma ...\Rulesets\startingBase40k.rulBoth STR_AVENGER_ADEPTAS ships have the same id assigned .

Yes, that is the issue.
Post by: Leflair on July 29, 2022, 04:43:48 pm
Corrected the pilot ID bug for the next release.

e: As for other guard regiments, its come up and its fairly easy to do - but time consuming. I'd rather spend my time on more universal or unique content (abhumans) but not ruling out making some more special types you can rescue and what not.
Post by: Simi822 on July 30, 2022, 12:21:00 am
Like I written....the Jungle Fighters can be easily done (sprites are there) and everything else is just "make a wish" BTW are you speaking with the creators of the main 40K mod?   they want to add the Deathwatch if I am not mistaken...well that means a combi heavy bolter-heavy flamer  and finally a Astartes Shotgun aka the crypt cleaner??? do you guys talk???   also when will we get the JOY of KILLING, no MASSAKRING our bellowed TAU ???? 

and side note, I just already finished the game as the Inquisition...was the most fun Xcom files unbalanced gameplay...but some items that you get via "request" where like WTF you get Arbiters...but they cannot use the armor, or you get KRIEG but you cannot use heavy lucius lasguns..also the Krieg are with spaghetti arms...and same with Judges you get a bunch of bad ass with they Bikes, Arbitor armors and master crafted Lawbringers...and they come with strength 25....LOL

Post by: noflic on July 31, 2022, 05:27:36 am
Liking the new update a lot; the new guard stuff is fun, and I'm looking forward to giving the Inquisition faction a go. A couple bits of feedback:

- I feel like the Valkyrie having a capacity of 16 is a bit over the top - 10 actually felt fine to me, since it meant that Valks got used as rapid-response craft that had to be packed with veterans to have a chance of completinh missions, but if you feel that's too low then maybe 12 (which I think is what they can carry in tabletop)?

- The new lighting (or lack of) also seems slightly overtuned - unless I've just happened to keep hitting night missions at exactly midnight, night missions being fought completely in the pitch-black all the time isn't much fun, even if it is plausible for, eg, a nightfight in a forest. Not a big deal, but there we go.

- In slightly contrarian fashion, I think I preferred the Hellhammers needing to be reloaded after every shot; they're definitely much more useful now, but having to switch out power cells each time (and keep a loader nearby with extras) just felt right.

(Also, a request that if any other regiments do get added along the line, the Valhallans get considered - they used to be my tabletop army back in the day and I still like the aesthetic. I'd make a start myself, but my artistic abilities are nil)
Post by: Thatguysenpai on August 02, 2022, 11:24:04 pm
Had to stop because I was playing so much my RSI was acting up, but great job with the mod, its really come into its own.

One thing I did want to mention, the repentia strategy currently can't research mid-tier because it requires melta-guns, which they only get access to from ceramite-tier.

Also, I really feel like the repentia strategy should get early access to Penitent engines, seems fitting and would help them buffer their human wave focus. Also currently they can't even get them I believe lol.

Oh and one other thing, for the inquisition grey knight terminator armor, the Crozius isn't a fixed weapon and so doesn't show up on the chaplain variant.
Post by: Leflair on August 03, 2022, 11:42:50 am
There are some requirement issues being fixed for the newer strategies. Will look into anything you bring up.

The event-soldiers have the usual random stats, I gave the Panzergrenadiers beefier stats, but maybe others will require it too.

For the Valk, I found few used it at all, and as a starting craft 10 is just a newbie trap. By the time you got plenty of veterans you also have access to the CAS Valk which is vastly superior.

Might tweak the lascannon ammo capacity down in the future, but looking at more player feedback first. It´s tricky to balance the heavy weapons that stick around for a long time, between feels fluffy/right and "will get ditched for any other gun due to hassle".
Post by: noflic on August 03, 2022, 05:39:13 pm
Huh, I don't think I've researched (or even seen the option to research) the CAS Valkyrie yet, though I've got veterans out the wazzoo, jump armour, etc. I can always just restrict myself to only bringing twelve soldiers or whatever, which does make the craft look a bit odd and empty, but that's not the end of the world.

Take your point about the lascannon ammo, especially since player feel is so subjective.

I think the deployment spots for the leman russ convoy need to be changed, though. I just took one on the first base assault of the new update, with only 16 soldiers because I didn't want people standing on the roof to get blasted by first-turn reaction fire; but it turns out that the game will try to put the first 12 soldiers in, and then on, the rearmost Chimera, and then half-fill the middle one, as opposed to filling both inside and only then putting additional soldiers on the roof. That doesn't seem intended, since it means there's no way to transport more than 8 soldiers without someone getting melted off the roof - is it being changed next version, and/or is there anything I can fiddle with in the files to revert it? (I though about lowering the transport capacity back to 16, but I assume that won't change where soldiers get placed)
Post by: Rangerh on August 03, 2022, 08:57:03 pm
I agree about the chimera, the game should fill both chimera completely before adding the extra soldiers on the roof.
Post by: Leflair on August 04, 2022, 09:57:28 pm
Requires OXCE

1.09 Release Notes:

- New Beastguard Heavy Armor and Slab Shield armor
- New Adeptas Celestian and Sacresant Armor (+Gunshield)
- New Jump Armor script
- New Ranged Dodge script for agile units (including jump/assault units, while airborne).
- New Gravgun script for scaling HP damage with armor value
- New Necron Get-Back-Up Mechanic and units
- New Light Meltagun and Lascutter weapons (all factions)
- Adeptas Skull Servitors given Analyze
- QoL: Weapons tougher to reduce item stack wipe (does not apply to ammo!)
Post by: Thatguysenpai on August 05, 2022, 11:30:48 pm
Nice, I was just thinking the other day that abhuman strategy sort of lacks late game defense, was almost tempted to train a bunch of commissars up so I could give them all power armor.

For the repentia strategy, the meltagun problem is fixed, but they still can't research motion scanners and so still can't get mid-tier.
Post by: Leflair on August 06, 2022, 01:53:27 pm
You can re-add it yourself in research_adeptas.rul, just remove the line under:
  - name: STR_ADEPTAS
    unlocks: !remove
      - STR_MOTION_SCANNER <<<-----
Post by: Simi822 on August 06, 2022, 02:17:26 pm
the new "Beastguard Heavy Armor and Slab Shield armor" makes the whole Armory of the Arbites look like a joke...also like I mentioned before,
just add some additional IG features to the arbites: pardon penitents to PDF then induct pdf to Arbiters, give then also the heavy autoguns, single hand autogun (I think shotpistol, stubber that can shoot kelemorph ammo and heavy stubbcannon they already got) and give them also the option to add bionics and personal shield..and for the future maybe a double handed heavy Shock Maul...will start a Arbites run shortly so (I can give them thru editing all the items...but the personal upgrades should be also available)...and yes give them all the Webber weapons...GSC arbites run around with Webber weapons so that should be available to them...when one plays as them
Post by: Simi822 on August 08, 2022, 10:25:10 pm
question, I installed the last version with the new melta and the lascutter...Melta I can buy and ammo fine
Lascutter can by bought at the Trade center...then I transferred it (also the two types of ammo) to my main base and i see that I can but the lascutter to my craft but not the I cannot use the lascutter :(
Post by: noflic on August 09, 2022, 12:34:34 am
Is the, uh, unusual spawn placement for the armoured convoy fixed for this update? Didn't see it in the patchnotes, but these things sometimes sneak through.

Also: it's kind of surprising that there's no recruitable ratling snipers for the guard (maybe there are and I just haven't hit that stage in the game yet, but I'm pretty sure they're not in). I think I could probably manage to stat them up, if i) the modmakers are OK with that, ii) someone else could do the sprites. Given i), in fact, ii)'s not essential, if we're all OK with some suspiciously beefy bearded halflings short pie-eating snipers.
Post by: Isilya on August 10, 2022, 08:24:53 am
Really enjoying playing as the Guard, until half a dozen necron bases woke up.

Any tips on how to clear them out? The narrow tunnel map makes it basically impossible to use weight of fire, and what with necron reactions and morale I can never push through before it starts spawning reinforcements. Seriously considering giving a squad of rookies melta grenades and doing the old xcom suicide bomb strat
Post by: Leflair on August 10, 2022, 10:43:40 am
Melta weapons will vaporize most of the weaker Necrons if you land the killing blow with it. Portable lascannons are pretty good at zapping them too.

Simi822: If you can buy and transfer the lascutter ammo between bases there shouldn´t be anything preventing loading it on your craft.
Arbites is a bit of a hardmode right now.

noflic: No Ratlings yet. If you want to make them, go ahead, but as you say - needs art assets.
Post by: Isilya on August 10, 2022, 01:31:03 pm
Is it expected to upgrade everyone to Carapace and special weapons (melta, plasma) etc for endgame as guard?

I've been using quality hotshot lasguns but a squad of night lords with plasma guns just obliterated an outpost and the massed lasgun fire really didn't cut it
Post by: Leflair on August 10, 2022, 05:33:09 pm
Yes, to tackle the late game / final mission you´ll need carapace/power armor/heavy armor (abhuman), refractor shields etc.

You can make do for a while, but managing losses and resources to build that up is where the main difficulty lies.
Post by: Isilya on August 10, 2022, 05:52:14 pm
Okay well it's november and most missions are terminators so I may have let my fear of clearing bases get the better of me.

I can't help feeling I wasted a lot of time researching corpses when all they give is lore, and should have ramped up faster. I may need to start a third attempt and make sure to tech up fast!
Post by: Simi822 on August 11, 2022, 10:50:24 pm
so my Play with the Inquisition is over...the Rosigma version of the final level is INSANE...much more challenging then the vanilla and more fun

I had like 5x Grey Knights captains (all with MC stormbolters + mostly Eldar mirror swords...but also 1x Relic sword lol) 1x Inquisitor (using a kombi-grav) 1x Sista superior (Stalker bolter) 1xassault SM (Kombi-Plasma) 1x Devastator SM (heavy flamer) and some Ing Stormtroopers (all with Hellguns...but one with master crafted plasma rifle) and one Veteran Medic Sniper (Tannith longlas) and one Marshal (MC lawbringer)  because the approach to the final mission was with a Thunderhawks then I did not see the shit I had when playing as the IG (swarms of 10-15x enemy vessels attacking the Gorgon)

the final level with Rosigma I think with Inq, SM, Sistas or IG is doable....BUT is it possible with the Arbiters?

well therefore I started now a Arbites game....I see some things already...Cybermastiff is 2x in the buy list, in the beginning the player gets Enforcer+shield armor that cannot be used (also seen while playing as the INQ and using emperor protects) the Research I see cannones armor in the beginning....will try out if lascutter is working or not (I added the new version in the middle of my previous game so maybe therefore it was not working)

and I added myself some starting advantages...2x Judges and 2x Shield enforcers..I given them personal shield (should be available to the Enforcers when playing as the Arbiters...but not to Arbitors who have it..would give it automatically to the Judge armor also...Arbitor and Marshal armors have it)

and I added the following gear to my start: 1x foehammer + 1xFletchette gun (for the shield Enforcers) 1x Stubcannon (for 1x Judge..while playing as INQ it seemed uselles so I want to see if it is better then a lawbringer or not) and a small amount of special stub ammo, some autostubber ammo and some kelemorph ammo....will see how the game will go

Post by: Simi822 on August 12, 2022, 11:20:35 pm
so here some info after playing like 20+h as the Arbites

I got lucky in February I got a Xeno Cult mission which with Arbites is easy (the car guns + lawbringers + special stubber ammo)
so I have now 2x Stormtroppers...LOL

BUT I researched the Kelemorph Gun + Ammo...I can use it...but I cannot buy it at the trade post...I could as Inquisition (?)

also the Pure Genestealers during the Xeno Cult mission...they where just walking around....not one did attack me (I noticed this also previously when compared to Space hulk missions..where they are aggressive as F)  BUT the Kelemorph with double stub action a killa....

and the Stubcannon + Heavy shield enforcer...excellent...only Fletchette gun + Shield is better (until my Shield bearer was weak I used the foehammer...but the Stubcannon makes it obsolete...and maybe now I got it why the Arbites dont need the better autoguns...or do they need them?)

never less one can always EDIT LOL
Post by: EleriumWard on August 13, 2022, 05:31:44 am
So, I would just like to clarify something. Into The Dark Gods' Path and Xeno Embrace should only be available to the Marines and the Chamber Militant respectively, right? Because I am currently playing as the Arbites and I have access to both of these.
Post by: Leflair on August 13, 2022, 08:46:02 pm
No, they're available to everyone. You will get some different options as Marines with the Chaos Path though.
Post by: Simi822 on August 14, 2022, 01:42:48 am
so into month May with the somehow mid tier is not happening ? (Live xeno needed? - yes)

therefore no mastercrafted Lawbringer (is it high tier?) or the new weapons...and no heavy Enforcer armor....(Live xeno needed? - yes)

Penitents cannot be pardoned(?) I got 2x with long service...could be pardoned when new month started....and I assume Enforcers cannot be upgraded to Judges (as that option is not in the list)...and I gave my ppl personal shields via editing (but would also give them bionics etc...these IG sticks should be available to Arbites)

but good things are here also...because I was doing good, I received 4x Inq playing as Arbites my 2x squads are both 1x Sentinel lascannon 3x Inq Troopers (got 2x from Xeno cult mission) and some Enforcers and Judges and 1x Dogge each....not bad indeed when compared with my play as Arbites a year ago

and the Vostroya lasgun is practically the sniper gun for the Arbites and now with Hotshot its the best basic lasgun (BTW the Necro lasgun is less accurate and cost more?) speaking in regards of Lasguns...Arbites cannot buy hotshot ammo (only Pistol one)

and I see that the good stuff (Fletchette gun, Kelemorph pistol) are available with Ceramic...but the price for the Autostubber is a bit off at 500k (if one could buy the Autostubbers then 500k would be a good deal...but I get it, it has these stats as the Kelemorph holds 3x and yes this version should be available only to him) ...the Fletchette cost 200k and is the better weapon then the simple a simple single shot Autostubber /snap 75 for 25/ should cost as a Ultra Boltpistol around 100k  and the ammo for 50k is also pricey but I think fair would be 20k

and now with all these lovely Lasguns...maybe add some Laspistols? (Archeotech, Belasco Dueling Pistol, Blast Pistol  etc)
Post by: noflic on August 17, 2022, 02:36:22 am
Are the Spiral Throne and Xeno Infection researches supposed to be available for all Inquisition factions but give nothing unless you pick Ordo Xenos, or are they currently just placeholders? Makes some sense if it's locked to Xenos, but in that case it's a bit of a trap having them researchable.
Post by: Simi822 on August 20, 2022, 11:31:28 pm
the new Blue Orks are very fun, as I am playing with the Arbites it is a welcomed addition to get some good IG or Sistas only weapons from them.

is there a plan to add promotion from Enforcer to Judge? (otherwise the 2x best Arbiter armors cannot be used by veteran Enforcers and so Judges are needed to be trained early on...and it would be nice as the Pardon is working for Long time service, maybe Enforcer to Judge after reaching veteran?)
Post by: Scamps on August 21, 2022, 11:25:36 pm
the final level with Rosigma I think with Inq, SM, Sistas or IG is doable....BUT is it possible with the Arbiters?
Browsing tech tree, I got an impression that final mission can differ depending on faction, and that that feature is used in 40k. I might be imagining things though. Devs should know for sure.
Post by: Scamps on August 22, 2022, 12:21:06 am
So I started the final mission as Sororitas. Can't consider the playthrough finished, still it's a good time as any to write a bit of feedback.

First of all, you developers rock. Both bulletdesigner and Rosigma team. The mod is so distinct from others and so immersive! And such amount of content! I totally trust the direction you take developing this mod. And here are some random little bits that I noticed while playing, in no particular order (order, heh).

- Guard strategies lack codex entries. What is 'Scion' Strategy? Sorry, I am not that familiar with 40k.
- Also sister 'strategies'. Which are not currently strategies as they don't limit development. If they will stay that way, probably not call them strategies at all? Like "We currently have/Request help from   Novices/Repentias/Superios/Dominions".
- Pilots can use honorguard armour.
- Novitiate Sister Superior, Repentia Sister Superior and Sister Superior. Do these differ in any meaningful way? Looking in the codex I can't see the difference. Maybe it is in scripts though.
- Repentia armour has really low energy recovery, especially for melee armor.
- What is the point of repentia transformation? Free armour and that's it? Other sisters can use it as well. From lore perspective it is hard to say why convertion is necessary. Maybe repentance can be achieved after a single battle, and in a day there are again sins to atone for?
- Order Mechanicus though is a good candidate for transformation lorewize. It bugs me somewhat that every marine can wear mechanicus armour.
- Generally amount of transformations seems too high. For example, award cantus armour? Does it really need a transformation?
- Why manufacturing projects like requision inquisitor have byproducts? Piratez somehow manages without that. Also, some things like a free De'az bolter may be obsolete by endgame.
- Adeptas gravgun requies researching 5 different chaos gravguns, all of them. An overkill, probably? Found four, than edited the save.
- Why do sniper rifles have limited aimed range? They won't be overpowered even if they were able to shoot across whole map. Armour poses a serious problem to them (and they are SLOW).
- Is it intended that enemies spawned on player turn via reaction fire or transformation immedially have TUs and can reaction fire? I believe it was not the case some versions ago (might be wrong though).
- Restoration time. Apothecary is not nearly enough! Everyone has a ton HP! Grey Knights will resurrect their fallen faster then wait for healing! Or maybe it is just my problem.

Dodge mechanic proably warrants a separate post, but let's keep it here.
Dodge as currently implemented is highly RNG dependant. Sometimes it does not trigger at all, and another time I had a case when 3 sisters fired at a genestealer from 1 tile away, and did not hit it a single time (guess what happened next turn). Also busrts hit or miss in their eternity, be it 2 or 10 shots in a burst. My idea is to make dodge cost TUs. You can even make dodge guaranteed if enemy has enough TUs. But! If TUs go negative, they should carry to next turn, like webber script. That way if the genestealer from above example avoided 3 sister-turns of fire, it should at least not act on his next turn. Sorry if it is too complicated, I am a designer, not a scripter :-)

Thanks for reading my ramblings! Keep up excellent work!
Post by: Simi822 on August 22, 2022, 09:29:15 am
Browsing tech tree, I got an impression that final mission can differ depending on faction, and that that feature is used in 40k. I might be imagining things though. Devs should know for sure.

well with INQ its almost a Doom Eternal like experience wave after wave Battle....I think this week I will be ready with the Arbiters (I am already with Multimeltas , Arbitor armor etc) and will see how different it is to the INQ (who are maybe the strongest faction)
Post by: Simi822 on August 23, 2022, 11:33:11 pm
well in the end I had some time (during work as the guy playing the game is on hiatus...yes I watched others playing it like a Rusky playing it as INQ and IG)

so I figured it out and did following modifications:

promote Enforcer to Judge (only for long service + veteran)...well I have 6x Eligible incl. one who started as a Penetant...should be added to the mod as its very rewarding special if one sees a "Knackie" go all to way up to become a Judge

give Arbites the personal shield and bionics (same as IG) - allowed Enforcers and Judges to be enhanced (given it to Enforcers also as there are no Judge healers, also heavy Enforcers with shield are good so given them the opportunity to get also these bonus)

starting base: removed the 2x shield armor (not compatible with added 2x extra heavy enforcer armor), added special Stubber ammo to the start + 1x Shotpistol + 1x Stubcannon and a small extra 1x Kelemorph pistol + ammo (can be researched and buy still the Ceramite is needed, but the price set to 100k (its weaker then the Fletchette gun) and set ammo price to 8k (more expensive then Hotshot or AP Stubber ammo))

Heavy enforcer + shield armor "fixed" (it adds 130 front armor but used regular enforcer armor as I added heavy enforcer armor as basis)
and added the option to buy Hotshot ammo to Arbites (one has Vostroya Lasguns or Master crafted lasguns...and no ammo)

to be noticed, I am in my first play when I produced all Master crafted weapon (available...I produced Mx Stormbolters or Mc Heavy plasma when playing as SM)...the MC Laspistol I even used as playing with Astartes...good weapon for the medic, MC Light boltpistol...used for shield Enforcers, MC Lasguns - the snipers that used Stubrifles or Vostroya lasguns...I given them it later. (with hotshot ammo preety good)..the MC shotgun for Arbiters it is "useless" as one have the MC Lawbringer (was usefull when playing as different factions), now with the change that one cannot just buy the good bolters at the Trade place...I produced MC bolters and MC light Bolters (I never did before) and I am surprised how good they are (used just stalker bolters, ultra bolters previously) and finally MC Plasma weapons' or Gravguns...the very best as always...only weapons better then the MC ones...the Kombi ones from the "Mellee pack" ...
Post by: Leflair on August 24, 2022, 11:53:13 am
Lots of good feedback from you guys. Let me dive in.

Final Mission: It is indeed slightly different for each faction. Won´t spoil how, but basically you encounter different enemy mixes depending on your own faction (easier for guard/Arbites than Sisters/Marines/GK).

Spiral Throne and Xeno Infection researches

Research hooks for fluff + Events + unlocking some sort of final GSC mission, whenever I get around to expanding the GSC implementation.

add promotion from Enforcer to Judge? (otherwise the 2x best Arbiter armors cannot be used by veteran Enforcers and so Judges are needed to be trained early on...and it would be nice as the Pardon is working for Long time service, maybe Enforcer to Judge after reaching veteran?)

Not sure on how fluffy this is, but I´m not against it, fairly easy to implement.

- Guard strategies lack codex entries. What is 'Scion' Strategy? Sorry, I am not that familiar with 40k.

There´s plenty of missing codex entries that needs writing up. Just haven´t gotten around to it.

- Also sister 'strategies'. Which are not currently strategies as they don't limit development. If they will stay that way, probably not call them strategies at all? Like "We currently have/Request help from   Novices/Repentias/Superios/Dominions".

They do limit development, but mostly in subtle ways.
Novice strategy is the longer one, while SoB and Dominion shortens the early tech tree. Dominion Strategy also gives access to the special veteran sisters right away (and some other better techs).
They also have somewhat different craft access, and starter craft.

- Novitiate Sister Superior, Repentia Sister Superior and Sister Superior. Do these differ in any meaningful way? Looking in the codex I can't see the difference. Maybe it is in scripts though.

They are slightly different, but exist mainly for flavor with GWs own design decision (a bit of an issue in general, not in the mod: the Dogmata which is another similar unit).
Why they are in the mod: You get some to start with as Novice/Repentia strategy (their specific flavor) with different gear.
The Sister Superiors are in the promotion chain to the Canoness.

- Pilots can use honorguard armour.

Battle Sister pilots are technically just battle sisters, hence not as restricted as other pilots. Due to starting out with a bunch of them, for certain strategies where we don´t just want them switching over right away to power armor the current implementation is what it is. Less of an issue for later armors though.

- Repentia armour has really low energy recovery, especially for melee armor.

Good on spotting that, will be buffed.

- What is the point of repentia transformation? Free armour and that's it? Other sisters can use it as well. From lore perspective it is hard to say why convertion is necessary. Maybe repentance can be achieved after a single battle, and in a day there are again sins to atone for?

Again, fluff mainly. The more restricted repentia soldier type for the repentia strategy (again, to prevent them from just swapping to power armor right away). This restricted repentia armor does have some benefits over the other version though.
- Order Mechanicus though is a good candidate for transformation lorewize. It bugs me somewhat that every marine can wear mechanicus armour.

A vanilla 40k mod implementation, haven´t touched it but probably a good change to make for fluffiness.

- Generally amount of transformations seems too high. For example, award cantus armour? Does it really need a transformation?

These sort of upgrade transformations is generally to award specific equipment packs. The Cantus is not a new soldier type.

- Why manufacturing projects like requision inquisitor have byproducts? Piratez somehow manages without that. Also, some things like a free De'az bolter may be obsolete by endgame.

The game crashes if the manufacturing project do now have 1 byproduct, hence certain projects needing to give a purity seal or something else (this item can technically be "invisible" by making it like, adamantium or such.)

- Adeptas gravgun requies researching 5 different chaos gravguns, all of them. An overkill, probably? Found four, than edited the save.

Probably needs a research setup change to allow "one" of these to give the research access.

- Why do sniper rifles have limited aimed range? They won't be overpowered even if they were able to shoot across whole map. Armour poses a serious problem to them (and they are SLOW).

We prefer to keep [sniping meta] a little weaker, to expose snipers to some risk. The AI generally isn´t very good at dealing with this, as firing ranges are more limited for most weapons in this mod vs base x-com.

- Is it intended that enemies spawned on player turn via reaction fire or transformation immedially have TUs and can reaction fire? I believe it was not the case some versions ago (might be wrong though).

Some do, some do not. Summoned enemies that can´t act until "another turn" are very weak. Think of their danger as a replacement of just having a big damaging explosion from like a grenade.
- Restoration time. Apothecary is not nearly enough! Everyone has a ton HP! Grey Knights will resurrect their fallen faster then wait for healing! Or maybe it is just my problem.

Looking at a fix for this, maybe with a script to make recovery time dependent on % of health lost rather than a flat amount. Not an issue in base X-COM, but more so here with higher health pools.

Dodge mechanic proably warrants a separate post, but let's keep it here.
Dodge as currently implemented is highly RNG dependant. Sometimes it does not trigger at all, and another time I had a case when 3 sisters fired at a genestealer from 1 tile away, and did not hit it a single time (guess what happened next turn). Also busrts hit or miss in their eternity, be it 2 or 10 shots in a burst. My idea is to make dodge cost TUs. You can even make dodge guaranteed if enemy has enough TUs. But! If TUs go negative, they should carry to next turn, like webber script. That way if the genestealer from above example avoided 3 sister-turns of fire, it should at least not act on his next turn. Sorry if it is too complicated, I am a designer, not a scripter :-)

The issue with such dodge implementations (TU dependent) is that the AI doesn´t know how to use it. Instead Ive chosen to lower health/armor of these units vs what they were before (which was a crutch then due to not having a dodge mechanic).
Maybe in the future, with some sort of suppression script, one could lower % chance over repeated shots at the same enemy. But in effect, with random rolls you will land those hits if you fire 10 shots (aside for a rare few enemies, no unit has over 33% dodge).

Simi822: Looks like nice changes to Arbites. If you got the modifications saved and can share them I could update the mod files, as we haven´t focused much on Arbites.
Post by: Scamps on August 24, 2022, 12:46:10 pm
Looking at a fix for this, maybe with a script to make recovery time dependent on % of health lost rather than a flat amount. Not an issue in base X-COM, but more so here with higher health pools.
I wonder if negative flatBonus works. Then you could give access lift negative flatBonus and positive relBonus.
Not sure if flat amount should go. Just increasing flat recovery or % recovery on apothecary or whatever building would be fine IMO.
Post by: Simi822 on August 24, 2022, 07:00:08 pm
here are the RUL files nicely in the correct folders....2x changes made to the 40k mod...1x starting base (but I see that its not really working?) 1x promote to Judge - working

and changes to the Rosigma: Keler gun price, awards shield and bionics, armor stats and starting gear...all working

why the change in regards of the starting Arbiter base (remove 2x shield armor and add 2x heavy armor) is not working is a mystery to me
Post by: Simi822 on August 26, 2022, 08:27:05 am
so I figured it starting base also works without editing the main 40K mod...and the keler gun is there BUT one has to do research first to be able to use it!

will look how the promotion to Judge could be working without changing the main mod...its tricky as Rosigma deletes that function and in the main mod its restricted by stats not by achievements....will look how to enable it without changing the main mod
Post by: Simi822 on August 28, 2022, 11:58:13 pm
question what are the best visual settings? which to use? /was playing around with the judge promotion. And had to nuke the whole shieet and game restarted with 1994 setting and now tired to set it back but not and expert what is the best...too many available and too lazy/

also still cannot make the judge promotion run without changing the main 40k it cannot be done only by editing ROSIGMA?
Post by: Scamps on August 30, 2022, 11:10:42 pm
Another idea for dodge. Can it reduce hit chance? In same fashion like melee evasion works in Piratez. This will make dodge more effective at higher diastances and against poor shooters or inacurate weapons. At close range it will have much lesser effect. Also it solves unrealistic dodging or not dodging whole burst. Also shotguns will become more useful against evasive enemies. On the other hand, it will allow to dodge missiles and grenades. It will feel not like dodging bullet itself, but like tricking the shooter.
Post by: Simi822 on September 15, 2022, 01:56:07 am
so just finished watching the Autor of the sanctioned Eldar aka mr. Jopper longplay as the Inquisition....well it was interesting...especially how he used quite "weak units" like frateris with "basic" weapons a lot (when he had access to better units and weapons) and then in the end he raised a army of Inq Assassins with FORCE Halberds'.a combination I would never dream off (I given my assassins' Eldari Swords)  never less it was very educational and I started to watch his longplay with the Imperial guard (already what is he doing with the Ogryns is like WTF...ogryns with heavy bolters and Meltas....I given max a ultra Boltgun to my best Ogryn (accuracy 60) but that was a one time got Ripperguns)
Post by: Leflair on September 27, 2022, 09:00:46 pm
Mr Jopper comes up with quite creative ideas.

Scamps: Interesting idea for dodge. Don't want it to go away completely (defeats the point of it for melee units that need dodge to be a bit survivable up close) but some sort of reduction by range might be possible to script.
Anyways, both 40k mainmod and ROSIGMA have now updated. 033 and 1.09B respectively. Requires OXCE 7.7.3

Patch Notes:
**Requires OXCE 7.7.3**

- First phase new Eldar 40k v33 update integration.
  Eldar armors given suitable dodge values.
  Eldar armors given updated personal lights values.

- Improved movement range for jump packs while flying, reduced TU cost.

- Buffed Portable Multilaser versions, slightly better range and 2 more shots (12 total, up from 10).

- Raised Repair Rates of ground craft to 10 (usually 4-6) and aircraft to 5 (from 1).

- Malthus Light Lascannon buff: accuracy +10, TU cost -5 (now 2 snap shots possible if not moving). Power +10 dmg, toHealth +10% and power drop off +6 tiles (now 16).

- Buffed armor (Front, Sides, Under to 200-260). Venerable Dreads (SM and GK) are stronger.
- Buffed Health (to 100-120, max 150, from 50-70) for the FALLEN SM/GK Dread Pilots

- Buffed SM Assault Cannon, higher rate of fire (10 rounds auto) + small accuracy bump and TU cost reduction.

- New Enemy Unit: Deathguard Plague Spewer, armed with its namesake weapon. Sprays foul TAINT everywhere. Think flamethrower but with ACID damage. Ignores 40% of armor and does lot of fatal wounds. 

- New Weapon, Ork Chainsword.
Post by: Leflair on October 16, 2022, 05:40:22 pm
ROSIGMA 1.09C is now released.
Highlight: Some 18 map variants added for Deserter Hideout missions and the Space Hulk.

**Requires OXCE 7.7.3**

- Minor sprite correction to Slaanesh Missile BigOBs and Adeptas Assault Cannon
- Adeptas Galgalim Assault Cannon bigOB adjusted to show correctly in the inventory when equipped.
- Adeptas Castigator AC turret battlesprite position adjusted
- Plague Spewer Handob will now display correctly
- Webpistol handob updated to not overlap with the Handcannon index.
- Unit UI sprites updated with the new Eldar UI mini-me.
- Missing vanilla Eldar Craft Equipment language strings.

MAP Updated:
- The Space Hulk top floor has been modified, as has the second level core area to make it a little harder to rush.
New GSC spawn ins will be defending the core (Any present Orks may or may not take note of them).
Spawn in Timers tightened 1-2 turns.
- Added 8 variant first level Space Hulk maps, with different approaches, changed rooms and some surprises. Each map has its own timers for spawn ins. The trickier layouts have more genrous timers.
- URBAN08, Deserter Hideout base map updated, also added URBAN19-27 which are variations on URBAN08 with different rooms and layout + 2 larger map blocks. Deserter Hideout map generation increased from 50x50 tiles to 60x60 tiles. A larger % of units will spawn indoors.

- Updated Plague Spewer with animation script and new floor corpse.
- Added custom color index for vaportrails to enable green goo hosin´ from the Plague Spewer.
Post by: EleriumWard on October 18, 2022, 07:16:55 pm
Good evening.

I found a song from Darktide that I think could serve as Battlescape music
Post by: Simi822 on October 23, 2022, 07:22:38 pm
the latest Updates are really FUN, got a Eldar Seer in my Arbites squad, the new Space Hulk maps are really fun
using my own "updates" have penitent's that made to all the way to Judge LOL + I give my Arbites and ING Troopers (from GSC missions) personal shield+bionics

Fletchette gun is still a beast...I had mission when I put down CSM with it (using keler ammo), and the combi: Eldar mirrorswod/big choppa +  Fletchette gun is like WOW..plasma gun, boltpistol, inferno no Fllechette gun is the best single hand weapon by far

off course early in the game it was the L. Autostubber that I used a lot, which opens the based on what we saw from Darktide...what we dont have in 40k + Rosigma is: mastercrafted stubber pistol (OK we have the GSC Autostubber and the Fletchette gun) and a dual wielding Stun rod and Ogryn Grenadier Gauntlet and a Krieg type assault shotgun...any plans for those? 

Also after the Eldar expansion (still in the game did not get to have them) any plans for Dark Eldar? Tau? Joakerro (LOL would love some digi weapons) or more Nids? because Chaos is now quite lustrous so are the Orcs and Eldar and GSC (ok Magos or big Papa patriach are missing) so those factions are missing...or the work goes in direction to add more Guardsman regiment? (Catachan could be easy) or  finish the Deathwatch and maybe do Mechanicus?
Post by: DevFried on October 25, 2022, 05:48:44 am
Saw damage display like this on Beagle's stream of this addon, is it some kind of mod or an option?
Post by: Leflair on October 26, 2022, 01:31:41 pm
That is one of Filips extra mods, you can download it on the discord in the #other-mods channel (along with other essential mods, such as the Sentinel Honk ability).

Working on the next small update that will fix some bugs (ammo for the lascutter) + rosigmafy the eldar statlines and give their transport more soldier slots + even more new maps.

Next big update will probably have the Nurgle tank, some GSC hybrids etc. Other potential avenues of expansion is the Eldar roster (2 easily added aspect warrior types, like Rangers), more necromudna style gangs, GSC Hybrids/player path etc. Some people have been working on some Mechanicus stuff, but such sprites are quite difficult to make (weapons we have some sprites made for, and could potentially show up in the trade depot earlier than any Mechanicus update).

Bulletdesigner has mentioned the Dark Eldar as a potential future focus before. The Dark Eldar snakebros are an easy addition.

Then we have more Chaos god flavored cults and traitor guard (Slaanesh, Nurgle).

we are currently a bit swamped with other work though, so it might be a while before we tackle something huge.
Post by: Simi822 on October 26, 2022, 06:06:01 pm
Dear Leftair, 

that's all sounds great, if you have other commitments then no worries...we still make more progress then the others!

and yes start with the easy ones (adding new weapons, creating new characters based on existing ones) then try to create completely new things like Mechanicus or Tau or etc.

never less, the most important thig is...that even the mod is expanding its always balanced ...something X-com files can only dream
Post by: GrooveCrusader on October 29, 2022, 01:21:21 pm
Hello! Long time lurker here, really enjoying the mod and the addon, its really fantastic and discovering and learning how all the new added mechanics in it is a ton of fun, as well as how less strong troops can be assisted with Heavy weapons equipment, the imperial guard have certainly been done justice in this mod along with the sisters of battle, great stuff! ;D

Anyways I've wanted to ask a few question, dunno if this is the exact right place to ask em but I tend to play ALOT OF Imperial Guard, and most of the time I tend to get somewhat lost and confused with the tech tree and what needs to be unlocked for certain techs etc. Do bare with me for I'm likely going to sound like an outright caveman with how silly some of these questions might sound.

For starters, what tech unlocks manstopper bullets for the stubber weapons specifically? They are immensely useful for dealing with the surprise Chaos Marine or heavily armored enemy and I don't really recall what tech is needed to be able to purchase them, same with Longlas's and the more powerful stuff, I think you had to get the mid-tier regiments researched but I sometimes don't get em till I research something else?

Secondly how do you get the other types of Psykers such as biomancers and the mind control ones? The one that uses thunderclap is excellent for capturing dudes but I'd like to play around with the other types. Also what is the vox flak armour supposed to do? Do you need to research airstrikes to properly use it? Also can the Mind control Psykers mind probe enemies so I know what rank they are?

Third, what are some good ways to make more money other than performing well in missions? I'm aware of the outpost plasma generators and they certainly help, though I still often make the mistake of not making a 2nd base sooner to manage multiple missions at once (since its quite expensive along with getting all the needed manpower and supplies to properly kick-start it) and It really bites me in the arse whenever my slow Chimera's are returning from a mission only for a mission with a whooping -1000 score penalty to rear its ugly head in the picture. Is it better to have the Valkyrie just act as an interceptor along with one of your starting ones or am I simply missing something very obvious?  ???
I can often pull through a tough month though not getting the -1000 score would be better haha.

Cheers! And keep up the excellent work!
Post by: Simi822 on October 30, 2022, 03:18:34 pm
So I managed to form the Eldar alliance, well since I am with my units already around 90+ shooting accuracy, I have Inq Stormtroopers, Assassins, Arbitors, etc all armed with mastercrafted Plasmas, Meltas, Bolters or Graviton guns...they come too late and are with 40 TU and Accuracy of 45 and strength 20 useless BUT on the second hand the Eldar seer comes with really good stats /when capturing one and turning it/ also the Eldar crafts are slow and weak...all of the Eldars should get the similar treatment as the captured Seer and should cost more therefore...
Post by: Leflair on November 02, 2022, 01:12:16 pm
1.09D November 2022 update is now out, see the patch notes in the second post on the first page / on the download page in the
Some fixes for reported bugs, balancing and map updates. Eldar stats are now more in line with ROSIGMA (buffed).


- Economy: You probably have tons of captured loot and corpses you can sell. Only a few things from each craft is required to build your own craft/research things, and you´ll probably have adamantium and promethium in excess by the late game (or even early with a few good landed missions). Doing well in the early months will also rake in a few million extra from score. Space Hulks can be quite the cash cow too.
I´d also recommend having a fast deployment craft in addition to your slow Chimera. The CAS Valkyrie is very good, as is the Tauros (air transported). Other factions get drop pods (and later Thunderhawks) for this purpose.

- Stub Gun AP/Man-Stopper rounds you can get as Guard and Arbites by researching Adamantium (so pre mid-tier).
Kraken Penetrator Rounds for autoguns is locked behind Ceramite (a tier higher than midtier), Rotor cannons also get AP Kraken rounds after researching well, the Rotor cannon tech. Then you find them as a manufacturing project.
Heavy stubbers get master crafted ammo after researching Mid-tier Mastercrafting. This research topic is available after researching mid-tier.

- Psykers: Have you tried swapping armor in the unit/craft Ui screen? (Abhuman guard strat is limited to biomancers at first).
Post by: GrooveCrusader on November 02, 2022, 08:10:41 pm


- Economy: You probably have tons of captured loot and corpses you can sell. Only a few things from each craft is required to build your own craft/research things, and you´ll probably have adamantium and promethium in excess by the late game (or even early with a few good landed missions). Doing well in the early months will also rake in a few million extra from score. Space Hulks can be quite the cash cow too.
I´d also recommend having a fast deployment craft in addition to your slow Chimera. The CAS Valkyrie is very good, as is the Tauros (air transported). Other factions get drop pods (and later Thunderhawks) for this purpose.

- Stub Gun AP/Man-Stopper rounds you can get as Guard and Arbites by researching Adamantium (so pre mid-tier).
Kraken Penetrator Rounds for autoguns is locked behind Ceramite (a tier higher than midtier), Rotor cannons also get AP Kraken rounds after researching well, the Rotor cannon tech. Then you find them as a manufacturing project.
Heavy stubbers get master crafted ammo after researching Mid-tier Mastercrafting. This research topic is available after researching mid-tier.

- Psykers: Have you tried swapping armor in the unit/craft Ui screen? (Abhuman guard strat is limited to biomancers at first).

Hello Leflair, funnily enough I actually figured out how to get man-stoppers by having a good snoop around in the in game research viewer haha.
yes I tend to be swimming in the stuff, though I didn't really consider selling adamantium and promethium due to habits developed with not selling Alloys and Elerium in vanilla and other mods  ;D
Too bad space hulks are my least favorite missions due to the rush towards the elevator and then towards the computer terminal, thankfully I did eventually learn how to do em somewhat more efficiently but they are certainly still quite painful to do! Though I do find it amusing that guardsmen are seemingly just as capable of entering them without any risk of exposure to the radiation (hence why you only really see terminators enter the things).

I actually discovered the Psyker thing by accident shortly after making this post funnily enough lol.

I'll certainly take a look at the CAS Valkyrie, I mostly held off from it since you are unable to fallback or retreat from a mission.

anyways while I'm asking do you happen to know how armour in this mod works exactly? I'm aware how X-COM does it though I keep hearing people mentioning or at least implying that Armour has some sort of durability stat to it for each mission? Like how Meltaguns are used to tear that armor down or how some people said that shooting something enough with lasguns will eventually start to punch through something very tough, though I could be wrong...

 Either way thanks for the response, it seems I'm discovering alot of new and helpful things with each playthough, I was actually quite surprised to learn that sentinels can apparently see through smoke (could be wrong haven't tested it out yet  :))
Post by: Leflair on November 03, 2022, 09:21:51 am
Cancer is probably the least of these Guardsmens concerns ;)

The CAS valkyrie gives you 1 turn to have a look around the map before deploying, so if the spawn is shit, you can simple leave and come back.

Armor: Yes, most weapons in this mod do some preArmor damage, slowly damaging it (or quickly, with melta, hotshot etc).
Generally the best armor damaging weapons are Melta (although beams weaken with range) -> LAS -> Acid/"Rust" -> Hotshot -> Normal pew pew.
KRAK/Kraken AP rounds will do more piercing damage (ignoring % of armor).
Fire DoT will ignore armor to an extent, ~5 HP damage per turn of the unit burning. Armor does protect against flamers direct damage though.

You can repair armor using servitors or techmarines, facing the armor that is damaged (facing is important on the armor-unit itself too, damaged side needs to face the repairing unit) - then "hit" with the repair item. A wrench should appear to show the armor has been repaired (doesn´t work well on 2x2 units).

Resistances are also important, althoguh all weapons can take down all enemies - might just need something like 30-40 shots of bullets vs a Neverborn (very weak to fire/melta/LAScannons though).

Post by: GrooveCrusader on November 03, 2022, 12:31:30 pm
Cancer is probably the least of these Guardsmens concerns ;)

The CAS valkyrie gives you 1 turn to have a look around the map before deploying, so if the spawn is shit, you can simple leave and come back.

Armor: Yes, most weapons in this mod do some preArmor damage, slowly damaging it (or quickly, with melta, hotshot etc).
Generally the best armor damaging weapons are Melta (although beams weaken with range) -> LAS -> Acid/"Rust" -> Hotshot -> Normal pew pew.
KRAK/Kraken AP rounds will do more piercing damage (ignoring % of armor).
Fire DoT will ignore armor to an extent, ~5 HP damage per turn of the unit burning. Armor does protect against flamers direct damage though.

You can repair armor using servitors or techmarines, facing the armor that is damaged (facing is important on the armor-unit itself too, damaged side needs to face the repairing unit) - then "hit" with the repair item. A wrench should appear to show the armor has been repaired (doesn´t work well on 2x2 units).

Resistances are also important, althoguh all weapons can take down all enemies - might just need something like 30-40 shots of bullets vs a Neverborn (very weak to fire/melta/LAScannons though).

Haha true  ;D

Oh I didn't know it worked like the drop pod esc tier 2 vehicles the guard get, I'll be def using it now  :D

Ah I see thank you so much, you have no idea how hard it is to find any information to confirm it or find any mention of that anywhere, I always had a hunch but just having that confirmed is going to make life so much easier haha, or I could've missed some Codex Article this whole time then in which case I'm a giant idiot  ::)

The mentioning of repair was what made me start trying to find more information in depth about that too.

Either way thank you once again  ;D
Post by: Simi822 on November 03, 2022, 07:08:37 pm
this will be a stupid question but, I see that the new IG Auto weapons  stats are under Ruleset IG weapons...but where are the rulesets for the new ammo ? Drum and Krak drum? Am I blind or what?
Post by: Rangerh on November 03, 2022, 07:33:54 pm
They should be in   ...\Ruleset\BALANCE\ballistics_ammo.rul
Post by: Simi822 on November 04, 2022, 04:54:40 pm
thanks a lot, for a reason I dont know...I never looked into that one folder LOL
Post by: Leflair on November 05, 2022, 06:15:57 pm
Due to weapons and ammo being split up between factions, it's usually easiest to search for the (suspected) name string in the ruleset folder, which will catch any files it is in.
Post by: Simi822 on November 05, 2022, 10:26:09 pm
Question, in the Space hulk type - see attachment

where is the control panel which needs to be destroyed?
Post by: Simi822 on November 06, 2022, 12:52:15 am
and second question of the I captured Eldar Seers...and made them join...they are pretty good (worth the price and the work to catch them)
BUT why is the lightning attack aka "Eldar Light" not available? I like how they can detect enemies by using Psycher shieet but I would create a new icon /like the Krieg shovel/ and keep them this attack even when working for the Imperium as special feature
Post by: Leflair on November 06, 2022, 03:49:09 pm
Check on the floor below, there's 2 possible places for the Hulk computer to be down there.
Post by: Simi822 on November 06, 2022, 05:38:29 pm
OMG  that door there is really almost invisible...nice work

so the Eldar Seer when I use the "convert" option it doesn't have the special "force" lightning attack....if I train a Eldar on the eldar base then will it have it?

I have a Eldar base and I see the possible upgrades in the Soldiers menu...will they come available with experience? or how do I unlock the heavy weapon Eldar soldiers, the eldari "Dred" or the super heavy Eldari ship?

Post by: Simi822 on November 13, 2022, 06:29:00 pm
So its possible to finish also with Arbites...but practically the most useful unit is the Assasin that can randomly join
and second best are captured Eldar seers and/or Inq. Stormtroopers. (4x join when good score and later can be hired after GSC base mission)

The Manticore is even stronger then the Mobile Precinct and they come in the same time so no need for the Manticore,
what is a pity...maybe should be available earlier (?)

Thunderfire Cannon is useless when compared with the Lascannon sentinel (only 4x shots and will not become better)

Marshal Armor too expensive, the Arbitor armor does the trick

be far the best weapon combo is Fletchette gun + Keller ammo and the Eldari mirror sword /for the seer or Assassin and even Judges/
the Xeno appropriation is a good thing, the Eldar Alliance when become available...I was too strong and they too used only captured seers

so will now start a gameplay with some IG and Muttaz....
Post by: Leflair on November 15, 2022, 10:33:52 pm
Version 2.0 is now up on

Patch Notes
**Requires OXCE 7.7.3**

- Removed voice clip 3714 for moving with the player tzeentch armor, clip too long.
- Blight Spewer weapon can now be recovered.
- URBAN28 Height 9 crash.

- Lowered armor vision range (day) to cap out at 40. Mostly affecting some enemies and turrets/sentinels that had 42, 45 or 60 vision ranges. This should result in slightly better performance. Raised anti-camo some on the Sentinels and turrets to compensate.

- Changed to now be a chance to trigger depending on level of overkill (damage), now also includes Fire, Plasma, HE, weapons in addition to Melta. If successfull, will stop transforming enemies (vaporize).

- New custom Scion lines (including special attack lines for hellgun and volleygun variants), voiced by ErraticDeviant.

- Gave the Dread Assault Cannon 500 rounds built in, instead of using normal assault cannon 100 round ammo.

- Added Slaanesh cultist Demimonde ritualists and civilian Hedonist sacrifices. Variant of these cultists added to early Slaanesh race lists, armed with slaanesh laspistols and autoguns.

- Added Nurgle Cultist and Cult Leader Ritualists for their sacrifice missions. They can be found in Nurgle Sacrifice rooms.
- Added Nurgle Blight Hauler (art by XOM) tank as a 4-tile CSM-list terror unit. Armed with multimelta and missile launcher (similar to Servitor) + a melee bite, it has tough front armor but weaker rear.

- Added Tzeentch Ritualists and Cultists for their sacrifice missions, based on existing units.

- MOUNT(ain) terrain pack reCovered, a few new variant map blocks that offer a little more cover for tactical gameplay.
- INDUSTRIALURBANCULT expanded with over 30 new 10x10 and 20x20 Grover Haus Engineering certified cult sacrifice buildings and decoys, with some new surprises and Chaos cult specific rituals. Difficulty has more variance, so stay on your toys - the forces of chaos are not to be underestimated!
- Adjusted a lot of civilian only nodes on these map blocks to allow for enemies, you'll now see a better distribution of these units (although some highway lineups will be present, depending on randomized block distribution).
- Formerly mixed Sacrifice rooms have been made Bloodletter specific.
- Fixed XCOM coded nodes in the Brick Temple map (industrialurban 20) and added 2 new variants of this small temple building.
- Summoning missions have been expanded with 8+ more chaos god specific maps.

- 2 new GEO tracks, 3 new Tactics tracks. Named Craven, Durandal, Soil Control, Knight of Fire and Omega. From Ground Control and Xenogears.
Post by: Rangerh on November 16, 2022, 02:08:33 am
Most Excellent
on it's labelled as 2.1 , is it normal ?
Post by: Surrealistik on November 16, 2022, 09:16:07 am
Having an issue with the latest version:

[16-11-2022_02-13-12]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_SCION_CARAPACE_ARMOR_HELLGUN': Wrong index 6937 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_SCION_OFFICER_CARAPACE_ARMOR_HELLGUN': Wrong index 6937 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Post by: Leflair on November 16, 2022, 12:56:58 pm
Seems to be a OXCE 7.8 issue, not getting it with 7.7.3 - the solution:
- You go into your options.cfg and look for the following line
Code: [Select]

oxceModValidationLevel: 2

and set the 2 to 0
Post by: Simi822 on November 16, 2022, 04:42:51 pm
yesterday during work watched Beagles longplay and he had the GSC vehicles "stuck" on upper levels of they Fort and I was like well that never occurred (during INQ and/or Arbites) during my play...came home, start play get a "deserter lair" mission (playing the IG with Muttaz) and to my surprise it did happen...was the last enemy on the very did fix this with deffchoptaz on Space hulks (I also saw the big Tyranids get stuck in small room on SH mission) so will this be addressed (I think in SH mission it was annoying when the aim was to clean it...when one could not shoot up the lift) its not the biggest issue it is just funny...also a Question, I saw when looking into the Wiki that many new weapons like Keller pistols have a page...but when I research it during gameplay...its not available (like for weapons that don't have it....pump action etc) is that a setting to fix this?
Post by: Meridian on November 16, 2022, 05:31:02 pm
Seems to be a OXCE 7.8 issue, not getting it with 7.7.3 - the solution:
- You go into your options.cfg and look for the following line
Code: [Select]

oxceModValidationLevel: 2

and set the 2 to 0

It's not an OXCE 7.8 issue.
There were no changes between 7.7.3 and 7.8 in ruleset validation.
If you experience any differences, it's due to different settings in your options.cfg file.

Also, please do not recommend to anyone to use the `oxceModValidationLevel` setting!
This setting is reserved for ANCIENT mods that nobody can maintain anymore.
New mods and mods where there is a maintainer still active, should fix the mod issues.

We add such validation only if there is a GOOD reason... i.e. the game crashes otherwise during runtime.
Also, the validations do work... I haven't seen a single false positive yet, since the beginning... you can safely assume that the issue is 99.99% a mod issue.
If I see more misuse of `oxceModValidationLevel`, I will be forced to remove this setting completely.

As for the errors, they are in this code:

Code: [Select]
    refNode: *STR_GUARD_SCION
    selectWeaponMale:   [3820, 3821, 3822, 3823, 3824, 3937, 3838, 3839]

    refNode: *STR_GUARD_SCION
    selectWeaponMale:   [3820, 3821, 3822, 3823, 3824, 3937, 3838, 3839]

Index 3937 doesn't exist.

We show you 6937, because that is the actual index that the engine uses at the end.
We cannot show you index 3937, because at that moment, it doesn't exist anymore, it has already been converted into 6937.
I admit it is not perfect to see a number shifted by several thousands, but some compromises are simply necessary.
In the next version, I will update the text message to mention that the number is shifted and may not correspond with the number in the ruleset.

6937 = 3937 + 1000 for xcom1 (reservedSpace: 1) + 2000 for 40k (reservedSpace: 2)
(... or something like that, I don't know exactly what mods you have enabled and in which order)

EDIT: message extended with the following text: " (please note that the index in the ruleset is smaller, by several thousands)"
Post by: Leflair on November 16, 2022, 06:32:37 pm
Ah, explains why it didn't display anything for the volleygun.

And clearer error message would be helpful.

I noticed this in the log:
[15-11-2022_20-32-30]    [INFO]    Playing flx, 320x200, 1541 frames
[15-11-2022_20-32-31]    [INFO]    SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
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[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
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[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-14]    [WARN]    No free channels available
[15-11-2022_20-34-45]    [INFO]    MCD ICHURCH object 35 has 0 armor
[15-11-2022_20-34-45]    [INFO]    Playing flx, 320x200, 1541 frames
[15-11-2022_20-34-46]    [INFO]    SDL_mixer initialized successfully.

Know what could be the cause of it?
Post by: Meridian on November 16, 2022, 07:04:13 pm
The software library we use (SDL_Mixer) supports up to 8 channels for sound and 1 channel for music.

Some of the channels are also reserved (2 for UI clicks, 1 for ambient sound effects and 1 for unit responses).
That leaves us with a maximum of 4 available channels for other sound effects.

When you blow up a Sectoid barbecue party with your Blaster Launcher and 10 of them die at once... the game will try to play 10 death screams at once... but only the first 4 (or less) will actually be played and the remaining ones will not find a free channel to play the sound and just create 6 warnings (or more) in the log file.

I don't think this information is of any particular interest to the players or modders, so feel free to ignore it.
It's not an error and it's also not a mod issue.
Post by: Rangerh on November 16, 2022, 08:00:15 pm
new re-releaseed version works nicely now while keeping oxceModValidationLevel: 2
Post by: Simi822 on November 21, 2022, 07:09:53 pm
now after Darktide any ideas to expand Papas cultist with Poxwalkers, Tox-Flamers, Pox Hound or Scab Captains? (Plague Ogryn is already available if not mistaken)

I think from weapons point of view....only the Stub revolver, Grenadier Gauntlet  and combat axe is missing ?

any change to introduce something inspired by Darktide?
Post by: Surrealistik on November 23, 2022, 12:24:55 am
Okay, there should probably be an undodgable tag/property for attacks so that my Assassins don't end up dodging the Inspires from my Sister of Battle, lol.
Post by: Surrealistik on November 25, 2022, 07:26:07 am
They are also dodging my Librarian shield spells as well.
Post by: Surrealistik on November 26, 2022, 04:53:19 am
Also noticed that Grey Knights and Inquisitors can never benefit from the Shield spell. Is this a bug?
Post by: Ferago on November 26, 2022, 05:06:18 am
I was surprised to see that Arbites are part of an enemy faction on some maps with gene stealers and Tyranids. Are they supposed to be traitors? I thought at first that they would attack the enemy like the ally guardsmen we see in some missions.
Post by: Simi822 on November 27, 2022, 12:25:46 am
the Genestealers infect and covertly take over the power no wonder that suddenly the Arbiters, or Astra Militarum attacks you! corruption can by from the Warp or from Xeno origin...never forget, the biggest SIN of the Xenos is that it Exist! PURGE PURGE PURGE 

Personally I love the GSC missions! my favorite was when I went to purge some Traitors...when in the end I was saving them from a GSC,
also its because if you research the Kelermorph weapons you get a STRONG weapon early...and then if you get the Fletchette gun,,,you have the best Combo

here is also a question to the creators...I see there are 2x Liberator Autostub ammo types but I never saw the weaker one....I always get the dmg 75 type? but I see that there is also a 65 dmg version but I never saw it ?

BTW in Space hulk missions...between decks, one can use the Keler version of the Autostubber (LOL) I get it its impossible to disable it..its cool BTW
Post by: Surrealistik on November 27, 2022, 12:16:15 pm
Oh, would definitely add the ability to see friendly shield values.

Apparently X-Chronicles mod displays shield values, and the script from this can be copied over.
Post by: Surrealistik on November 28, 2022, 04:13:08 am
It seems that the Crozius Arcanum for the Grey Knight Chaplain is broken; even if you're Rank 3 or higher, you do not get access to it.
Post by: Surrealistik on November 28, 2022, 07:02:45 am
Also it appears that unconscious units can dodge somehow.
Post by: Surrealistik on November 28, 2022, 11:29:31 pm
Not sure if bug/unintended but I'm pretty sure that Khorne Valkyries shouldn't be using psionics as Khorne is clear on where he stands when it comes to sorcery; probably something that should be looked at for all Khorne affiliated units.
Post by: Surrealistik on November 29, 2022, 12:10:41 am
Eldar Seers can enter Devotion training despite never gaining Devotion from it.
Post by: Leflair on November 29, 2022, 12:53:58 am
- Eldar Seers can enter Devotion training despite never gaining Devotion from it.
Well, they are Xenos. Keep at it, they must learn the Imperial Creed at some point! (Will probably take years).

- Not sure if bug/unintended but I'm pretty sure that Khorne Valkyries shouldn't be using psionics as Khorne is clear on where he stands when it comes to sorcery; probably something that should be looked at for all Khorne affiliated units.
They're just that intimidating, either people panic, go berserk or start simping. Please report the guilty to your nearest Commissar. Valkias don't have PsiSkill, so shouldn't be that.

- Also it appears that unconscious units can dodge somehow.
Haven't encountered this one, but probably a script issue.

- It seems that the Crozius Arcanum for the Grey Knight Chaplain is broken; even if you're Rank 3 or higher, you do not get access to it.
Will look into it.

- Oh, would definitely add the ability to see friendly shield values. Apparently X-Chronicles mod displays shield values, and the script from this can be copied over.
Will look into it.

- I was surprised to see that Arbites are part of an enemy faction on some maps with gene stealers and Tyranids. Are they supposed to be traitors? I thought at first that they would attack the enemy like the ally guardsmen we see in some missions.
How purple is their skin. Any heretical symbols on them? Have you received any mysterious messages. Just checking.

- Also noticed that Grey Knights and Inquisitors can never benefit from the Shield spell. Is this a bug?
Units that already have shields probably don't benefit from it. Depending on circumstance (are their shields down?)

- Okay, there should probably be an undodgable tag/property for attacks so that my Assassins don't end up dodging the Inspires from my Sister of Battle, lol.
To be fair, they are very hard to nail down for an inspirational speech.

- I see there are 2x Liberator Autostub ammo types but I never saw the weaker one....I always get the dmg 75 type? but I see that there is also a 65 dmg version but I never saw it ?
The Kelermorphs can use the weaker version of the ammo if encountered early.
The basic autostub ammo is 60 power and availble from the trade market if you have STR_AUTOSTUB_AMMO researched+requires researching the Liberator Autostub itself. The Volonium version (75 power) requires Ceramite research+researching the Volonium bullets as well to buy.
Depending on if you caught any spare basic ammo, you may or may not get to research that version. They're a fair bit cheaper.
Post by: Simi822 on November 29, 2022, 08:40:52 am
well exactly that is my problem I am playing my 4th campaign since Kelermorph got introduced (Sistars, Inq, Arbites and now as IG)...never encountered the weaker I don't have the ammo and cannot research it, but a version of the ammo that is available at the Trade place before Ceramite sounds fair /but nerveless I rush ceramite to get the Fletchette gun so no worries/
Post by: Simi822 on December 01, 2022, 02:27:20 am
also a update to my Beast guard play...well I first time had fun with the heavy stubber (handheld) a strong beast using it as snap shot was my best...I given the then the assault stubber and later the Rotor gun....very previous plays the heavy stubber was always inaccurate and I learned how to use it...the Combo heavy beast armor + heavy autoguns + krak ammo ...lets be honest never used the under slug once..the heavy autogun + krak ammo was effective even against CSM....or Nurgle Terminators...and the squats with possible 80+ acc...who needs ratlings LOL all my squats where snippers..Vostroya lasguns and later the heavy sniper guns that in combination with Armored columb.....means havoc!!! in the ranks of the enemies of the imperium! also I got 5x Inq Stormtroopers quited fast...made the whole game more like I mentioned without the "emperor protects" I love this crossover when playing as a different faction one got units/help from a other one

I will continue my beast guard play...but I will also start a Repentia play (where only repentia + frateris + maybe penitants (via Emperor protects) are to be used...a dirty dozent like gameplay)
Post by: Bat_trapper on December 02, 2022, 07:20:14 pm
I think there's a problem with the newest version (2.0). When I load up the mod, ROSIGMA show up on the banner in the main menu, but when I play the game none the stuff the mod adds and changes are there. No Scion or abhuman strategy, and none of the new guns or research. It's just the vanilla 40k mod. I switched to 1.09d and everything worked fine. I don't know if its a problem on my end or what.

Also I wanted to ask, is there a way to use chaos weapons as guardsmen? I know the space marines and chamber militant can, but I couldn't see a way in the tech tree for the guardsmen to use them.
Post by: Simi822 on December 02, 2022, 11:17:45 pm
so playing my Repentia run

very fun

but some interesting thing occurred:

nr.1 I did build a above ground sistar base...I cannot buy there almost nothing (had to buy the craft, craft ammo+weapons on a different base and do a transfer)
nr.2 I have light meltaguns (I think from GSC) but I cannot use the ammo (not visible in craft inventory), like I mentioned previously I like the cross fraction weapon swap...well this one is not working (on the second hand...stubbers or heavy stubbers I can use...cannot buy but can it should be0
nr.3 a Psycher joined me ...but I cannot change his armor (also noticed the same when playing as the INQ only when playing as the IG it worked)

and now in February I encountered GSC and the "weak" Kelermorph...and yes I can buy the basic ammo at the trade place...good stuff
Post by: Simi822 on December 07, 2022, 07:00:11 pm
so a question in regards of the promotion of the Frateris

nr.1 promotion of Frateris to Veteran...once they got the Veteran badge

nr.2 promotion of Frateris or Frateris Veterans to Sororitas Novitiate for Long term badge

Long term badge is obtained before Veteran

its much better to become a Novitiate (one seal and the unit is Cantus) the Frateris Veteran

why would I ever turn a Frateris into Frateris Veteran ever?

also to be noticed....I got like 10x Frateris Veterans every month for free....+ 6 Why would I not turn my regular Frateris into Novitiate...and wait till I can turn them to Frateris Veterans ?

creators please explain?
Post by: Koiledsnake on December 14, 2022, 06:55:24 am
Is something wrong with the trigramreactor wiki?

When I try to open it, it gets stuck loading "/BALANCE/las.rul", I tried changing browsers and nothing seems to make it work, I tried the xcom files wiki also on trigramreactor and that worked fine.
Post by: Leflair on December 27, 2022, 10:40:13 am
The wiki gets broken/hung up whenever changes are made on the live build, which is common.

Version 2.0A is now live on

**Requires OXCE 7.7.3 or 7.8.0**
- Added codex article text for several of the vanilla mission types instead of the placeholder text.
- Other assorted codex updates.

- BALANCE: Longer production time for highest tier armors.

- 2 tile Snap Shot thrust attack to Force Halberd that can be used for longer range pseudomelee.
- Rebalance of GK Armors. Adds Captain level scaling to Techmarine and Apothecary Aegis armors. Apothecary Aegis has access to better Nartheciums at Paladin and Captain rank.
GK Librarian now has the custom Holocaust short range fire based psychic power instead of Shield and Lockdown, and Psi Vision 3 and 4 respectively at Paladin and Captain rank. Deals incendiary damage, and deals damage to morale and armor, igniting and hitting a fixed Radius 2 AoE. Made its accuracy scale slightly with psi.
- Fixed GK Apothecary armor for Castellans not displaying their UFOpaedia entry appropriately.
- Tweaked GK Librarian armor to be more competitive at Captain/Rank 5; gets Shield 80, Psi Vision 5 up from 4, and Melee Accuracy 15.
- Captain GK Techmarines now get Thunderfire spawners.
- Added Inquisition Flamer Stormtrooper subtype; grants access to a mastercrafted flamer with some bonus range and accuracy and double tap Snap Shots. Deals TU and extra Morale damage.
- Fixed Inquisition Stormtroopers having a max psy strength of 0.
- Inquisition Stormtroopers now start with a fairly high Devotion because they are elite servants of the Inquisition who are rigorously screened and tested for loyalty.
- Inquisition Stormtroopers PsiDefense enhanced: they now gain a bonus to it equal to 100 + their Devotion and their current Morale, reflecting the impact of their training, discipline and Hexagrammic wards.
(Surrealasers additions/changes).

- Space Marines and Grey Knights now recover from wounds in 1/3rd the normal time like Ogryns due to their superior physiology.
- Primaris Marines now recover from wounds in 1/4th the normal time.

- Player controlled Eldar Seers now can use their Eldar Light psychic power (aimed shot only). Eldar Lightning for player Farseers scales somewhat with psi; UFOpaedia entry is unlocked upon researching psychic powers and a live Eldar Farseer.

- Updated Daemonette battlesprite and ability sprite linking. The "spawned"/weaker Daemonette retains the old battlesprite.
- Added Kill Tokens for Hedonite, Demimonde and Dire Daemonette corpses.
- Added Slaanesh Ships and Bases (see MAPS segment). Slaanesh Infiltration, Supply and Base Building missions etc now broken out from the rest. Small chance of some Slaanesh lists hitching a ride on other chaos ships still.
- The Slaanesh Base will generate special Slaanesh Terror Missions (using a Slaanesh ship) instead of sending out Khorne Defilers.
- Reduced chance of Slaanesh appearing on normal terror missions to compensate.

- Added new corpse for the Putrifier + Kill Tokens.
- Most Nurgle units now have regeneration of some kind based on their current hit points.

- Bloodletters regain most stats on kill and damage.

- Swapped out some white shirt unarmed infected Ogryns for more heavily armed Orange versions in existint GSC lists.

- Added 2 new variant buildings for industrial urban and cult missions.
- Added Slaanesh Terrain Tiles and full map sets for both first and second level Slaanesh base.
- Added Slaanesh Ship Terrain Tiles and 7 ship variants (pretty basic variants of the usual chaos ships, different decor though).

- Added Shrine Terror missions to HARD Terror mission selection, these will now appear for all factions and after mid-tier research.
Post by: Rangerh on December 27, 2022, 05:25:50 pm
Excellent !
Post by: Simi822 on December 27, 2022, 10:03:39 pm
question regarding the Force halberd and GK...the GK have automatically a when using the they get the penalty as it is a two handed weapon? or no penalty?

beside that the new update works fine.
Post by: Leflair on December 30, 2022, 10:13:15 pm
The Force Halberd should ignore the 2-handed penalty (or its very low).
Post by: Buscher on December 31, 2022, 01:01:21 am
The Force Halberd has a value oneHandedPenalty of 100 %. According to the  reference  ( this means that there is no penalty. (Search oneHandedPenalty)

In other words it means that the other hand does not matter at all.
Post by: Simi822 on December 31, 2022, 11:45:49 am
OK then I understood it differently, I was like 100 percent penalty is as high it get (100 percent) got I can look at all the weapons to check they stats
Post by: Simi822 on January 09, 2023, 09:19:05 am
in regards of the Inq. Flamer, its cool works fine BUT the sprite is a Trooper holding a grenade and not a Flamer
Post by: Amoebka on January 10, 2023, 03:11:28 am
The codex needs a full-on overhaul I think. There is over a 100 items that can be used without restrictions, but their codex entries are only visible when you have researched ways to purchase/manufacture them, and sometimes you can't do that at all with your faction. If an item is usable from the start, its stats should be visible from the start, even if you can't buy or make it yet.

I'm playing sisters, and get an event each month where veterans arrive, complete with their own weapons and armors. I can use those, but can't see any stats for them until I research manufacturing projects for them. So I'm assigning armor to units without knowing what it does.

My first terror and ork bases were deathskull larpers, complete with ghetto terminator suits and commissar cosplays. They dropped like 30 different guns and ammos I can use, but can't see any stats for again. This time, I will NEVER be able to see the stats, because codex articles are locked behind IG-exclusive research.

I've also researched dominion-pattern bolters, which I can use and manufacture. And I can't even see codex articles for those, because they require high-tech requisition level, even though bolters themselves don't.

If you go the bugged chaos route, you also get chaos armors, for which you can't ever see codex articles either.

It's getting really tiresome to assign armor and weapons to soldiers without having the slightest cue about how much protection they offer or how much damage they do. And I'm not talking about 1 or 2 missing entires, more than half my store items have no visible codex entires.
Post by: Simi822 on January 11, 2023, 12:20:07 pm
I agree with the previous post,

also interesting is that for some weapons like "Liberator Autostubber" I see that there is a entry in the "wiki" (when I do a "new battle") but when I do research for it and I can buy it in my game then I cannot access the entry...

and in regards of weapons from a different problem here is that I cannot buy ammo, example I can get/find a better lasgun but no option to buy hotstot ammo /when playing as Arbites/ or I find mephisto bolter or a Inferno pistol/lootas Orks or Heretic sisters/ but I have no option to buy ammo etc etc...I think in the Trade post this ammo should be available /after research?/

or when I am playing not as the IG...and a psycher joins, and I cannot change his armor....or INQ troopers joins and I dont see his stats /armor-weapons/
Post by: Simi822 on January 27, 2023, 09:57:45 pm
so we are back...the update of the main mod was a joke....and the Ing flamer still hold a granat in his arm...LOL
Post by: Leflair on February 04, 2023, 01:49:52 pm
Version 2.0B is now live on

**OXCE 7.8.0 recommended**

- ROSIGMA now compatible with Brutal AI, for the full BRUSIGMA experience, activate that submod with rosigma.
- For a easier experience (but still more challenging than default AI), use Therons 50% or 75% unit count submods (found on the discord).
- Brutal AI now supports autoplay with player units, for those milk run missions. Not recommended vs large enemy ships/Counts.
- Reminder that there's plenty of Quality of Life submods on the Discord and Forum, like showing actual damage inflicted.

- Crash: Certain Sacrifice missions would crash due to wrong deathFrames number on certain sacrifices.
- Added a missing HSHIP11.RMP file for routes on said map.
- Added Arbite Shield handob sprites.
- Attempt at making CAS rocket pods less prone to exploding.
- Elevator to floor 2 on
- Tarantula Hyperion fix. Now requiresBuyBaseFunc: [IMPERIUM]
- Melee on Marine jump packs and chaos armor. Created a jump pack variant with melee punch.
- Researching the Chaos sister path will also now unlock the chaos weapons for use.
- Machine Spirits tire less (turret energy on various transports).
- Calling In a Airstrike doesn't cause reaction fire.
- PSI: 0ed psiSkill for several units that shouldn't be throwing around mind controls. Nerfed Tzeentch mind control units ability as well. 
- Script workaround for OXCE mechanic: Bravery >= 110 will no longer cause loss of morale from morale buffing actions.
- CH04WINGS.RMP spawn nodes updated to disable the underwing galleries from being turned into doggy-houses. Doggies got stuck.

- New Main Menu and End Turn artwork to make it easier to see if you got rosigma loaded over the 40k base mod. Future updates may randomize End Turn art with different factions. Artwork is very subtle modified Wrath & Glory: Dark Tides cover, and art from 40k Gladius.
- SOUND: Normalized geoscape sound effects and music tracks volume.
- AMMO: Players can now produce more ammunition types (Bolter Kraken rounds, metal storm etc) at the cost of resources.
- AMMO: More ammunition is now manufactured in batches for QoL; resource and monetary costs have been adjusted accordingly.
- TRANSPORTS: Add 1 HWP slots for Thunderhawk class Transports
- ENERGY/STAMINA: Energy Recovery now based on 0.33*Stamina instead of 1*EnergyRecovery.
- Flares are now 33% lighter (2 instead of 3 weight).
- Trading Posts now cost 1 million but have 500 storage space, generate 200k per month, and allow the player to purchase Trading Goods for resale at a small profit after a month long delivery time.

- Turrets Reaction set to a low 20 generally.
- Stub Rifle range and drop off buffed to serve as sniper rifle.
- Standardized most sniper rifles in the game to use gaussian damage randomization, improved kneel bonuses, and heavy weapon classifications/recoil where appropriate.
- Rebalanced standard sniper rounds in terms of armor piercing.
- Fire Mode Power Bonus Scripts can now either scale with a % of the user's Firing Accuracy or a flat amount. This bonus can now also be either a flat amount added to weapon power, or a percentage of the weapon's power.
- Orbital Beacon costs slightly more money and 200 kill point tokens.
- Removed Ability to Orbital Strike (your own) basements.
- Frag and Krak Grenades weight reduced slightly to help noodly armed guardsmen toss them a little further.
- Frag grenades now have more utility damage effects, a little armor stripping, wounds and energy damage instead of pure health damage (remember, enemies get these too).

- Dodge now has limited uses per turn. 10% chance = 1 dodge attempt. 30% = 3 dodge attempts. Slaanesh and Eldar have the highest (along with imperium assassins), while Khorne, Orks, Nurgle and GSC (aside for Genestealers) have only 1-2 dodges per turn. Once exhausted, you can hit them like normal.

- Lead By Example ability now ignores armor entirely.
- Repentia Strategy gets the research for the Penitent Engine with their reinforcement event now.
- Tome requirements changed with Library requirement for production removed.

- Now starts with Enforcer armor available. Cost (cheaper) and stat requirements modified.
- Banner and Tome rebalance. Banner scales with bravery and devotion now. The tomes are now scaled by Psi ability instead of Bravery. Banner now cost 1000 kill tokens, the tomes 250 and have to be manufactured instead of just bought from Wish. Tomes require the Library facility and the Banner the Chapel (Psi lab).

- Improved Field of Fire for Taurox
- Fixed starting Guard Missile launcher to the right type.
- Turret stats made more consistent with other turrets. Leman Rus super-reactions dropped.

Inquisition Stormtroopers:
- Now have access to three additional weapons, the Longlas, Twincore Plasma Rifle and the Multimelta. The Plasma Rifle and Multimelta require requisite research to unlock and use (Dekker Plasma Rifle and the Multimelta).
- The Longlas armor grants the Analyze ability as well as superior Anti-Camo, Thermal and Night Vision; ideal for a scout or sniper.
- Special Psi Defense bonus has been reduced by 50 to account for their Psi Strength no longer being bugged.
- Inquisitor Stormtroopers are now immune to zombification due to their warded armor.
- Added Jumppack and Medicae options to Inquisition Stormtroopers.

- Added expanded Eldar unit types to Eldar race list. Reapers, Scorpions, Wraithguards, Avengers will now appear at Eldar sites.
- Added ELDAR_EARLY to first quarter of missions.
- Updated Eldar Mission types with ELDAR_EARLY, ELDAR and ELDAR_ADV racelists. Eldar forces will become more advanced with time and have more aspect warriors.

- New Infection mechanics. Instead of instant turning, certain GSC units now cause (attempts) to Infect units that will slowly turn them unless purified by healing.

- Chaos Stub Rifles now support the expanded ammo types in rosigma.
- New Infection mechanics for Slaanesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch. The respective Corruption will eventually turn or transform units unless purified through healing.
Certain weapons apply Infection when dealing damage, usually in proportion to the damage dealt
Some armors are either impervious or resistant to Infection (typically those that are zombie immune)
An infected unit takes damage to their health, morale, energy and stun at the start of each of its controller's Turns in proportion to the level of infection.
A unit that dies while infected typically changes into some other horrible form, irrevocably warped either by chaos corruption, the level of the unit's Infection usually determines the nature of this change.
Some types of infection intensify over time. All infections can be treated and purged with the Heal function of Medicae items and apparatuses.

- Nerfs to Khorne weapon TU recovery on kill/damage.

- Slaanesh spawned Daemonettes now start with 10% of TU instead of 25%.
- Slaanesh gas grenades now do less direct damage, but causes Slaanesh corruption.

- Several Nurgle units and weapons now cause Nurgle infection, eventually turning units into Nurgle creatures unless healed.
 - Necron weapons now have properties that are more canonically accurate; Gauss weapons now strip armor rather than ignore it. Synaptic Disruptor now deals stun typed damage and thus is only effective vs organics, while inflicting stat debuffs. Gauss Flayers and Gauss Blasters now have axe bayonets.
Post by: Simi822 on February 04, 2023, 06:16:18 pm
installed the new version checked out the new content

then started it again just to get:
(did nothing in between)

Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORR_FIXED_UC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMOR_KHORNE_REPENTIA': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_CALLIDUS_SUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANESH_BLESSED_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_TZEENTCHNASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_CORVUS_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ASSASSINNEUTRAL_FEMSUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_PENETANTE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_SERAPHIM': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMORSELENE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMOR_DIRE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DEATHCULT_ASSASSIN_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DESERTER_PSYKER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELDAR_FARSEER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR_MEDIC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_MEDIC_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINID_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_ENFORCER_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_GUARD_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_KELER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_MEDICAE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PDF_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PENETANTE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PENETANTE_ARMOR_FEMALE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Post by: Simi822 on February 04, 2023, 06:29:11 pm
I deleted the settings and its working...again
Post by: Simi822 on February 12, 2023, 12:04:52 am
question, the Inq Troopers work fine - I change the weapon just change the Armor...BUT playing as the INQ , I requested Krieg panzergranadiers but how do I equipt the heavy lucius lasguns? its a weapon...but I cannot add it to the craft and also its not in the armor menu (?)
Post by: Nosferator on February 13, 2023, 08:24:29 pm
For some reason, frag grenades don't deal any damage. They just harmlessly do "Poof".

Post by: Buscher on February 14, 2023, 07:09:00 pm
A small bug found its way into release.
This ( will turn the frag grenades back to the expected behavior.
Post by: Simi822 on February 15, 2023, 12:35:29 pm
Dear All,

so as mentioned previously the Reinforcement that can be requested when playing as the INQ
needs some fine tuning, like written previously some items cannot be used /no option to use Heavy Lucius lasgun for Krieg Panzergrenadiers or to change the power used by the Psycher)

but there are also some "problems" with the delivered items, example: request Ab-humans...but they get 4x Carapace armor /Human sized/ and not 4x Beasmen carapace armor (maybe same issue with the Squads) and similar issue with Arbiters who get 1xEnforcer Signal armor and 2x  Heavy enforcer+shield armor...which are deactivated
Post by: Nosferator on February 16, 2023, 05:36:57 am
The forces of chaos  keep stealing batteries from the Tarantula Hyperios. And it cannot fire without energy. It become a very expensive piece of metal.
Post by: Dr. Hatari on February 20, 2023, 02:36:07 pm
Can't seem to get Razorback turrets to fire. No number listed for ammunition, attempting to fire just says 'not enough energy'. Doesn't matter if it's the ones mounted on Rhinos or the SM dropship variant with them mounted flanking the ramp. Campaign or quickbattle, they're reduced to CCTV cameras.

*Edit: Latest Github revision fixed it, as well as the Tarantula Hyperios issue!
Post by: Nosferator on February 21, 2023, 06:30:25 am
What should be done with Nurg zombies? They run around corners, they catch shots, they explode... Very deadly explosions. And now I have a whole pack of Nurgle abominations. Plus Nurgling, which is also disgustingly dangerous.
Post by: Simi822 on February 22, 2023, 10:44:07 am
well they are a pain in the ass...but still not as bad as the similar Zombies in Xcom Files....use sniping: Longlas or Vostroya lasgun + hotshot ammo, or Stubrifle + manstopper ammo or Snipper course ING Stormtroopers are also very effective...Turrets/Sentinels/Mounted weapons to cut them down, and use Grenades' - proximity Grenades for protection...and set up a wall of death - soldiers who would react fire during enemy turns to stop they advance...good against all melee enemies...and later with high mobility units using melee weapons...hunt them down /one Assassin could cut down several in a turn...or a skilled Commissar, etc./
Post by: Nosferator on February 24, 2023, 01:09:36 pm
Oh, zombies aren't that much of a problem when I can see them on the distance. But they are much more dangerous when I can't see them close. Or when some cultist decides to turn into a zomboid in an inconvenient place. I lost my best fighters when that rotten bastard jumped off the roof. He was shot down by the overs just after landing... But the explosion still killed everyone. And turn them into more Zombies/Daemons.
Looks like they fixed the turrets. Now every spotted zombie will receive a Tarantula rocket into face.
Post by: Simi822 on March 08, 2023, 09:31:12 am
Dear all,

a Idea /which is integrated into FMP/ maybe the option to "harvest" the Armor from some death enemies...

from GSC Arbitors and Wardens - to get the Armor before it is researched /off course cost money, tokens and other stuff/
OK chaos tainted ones should be a No Go but armor from deserters, GSC should be possible /like in FMP/
Post by: Yankes on March 08, 2023, 11:50:06 am
Dear all,

a Idea /which is integrated into FMP/ maybe the option to "harvest" the Armor from some death enemies...

from GSC Arbitors and Wardens - to get the Armor before it is researched /off course cost money, tokens and other stuff/
OK chaos tainted ones should be a No Go but armor from deserters, GSC should be possible /like in FMP/

if harvest any thing, should it be Gene-seed? You can recruit normal humans but to have Adeptus Astartes you need make transformation that use item Gene-seed.
And probably in other way around, some transformation should give you free Gene-seed from veterans.
Post by: Simi822 on March 08, 2023, 05:24:43 pm
if harvest any thing, should it be Gene-seed? You can recruit normal humans but to have Adeptus Astartes you need make transformation that use item Gene-seed.
And probably in other way around, some transformation should give you free Gene-seed from veterans.

yes that would be also nice but I mean something like the following:

    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 10
    space: 2
    time: 50
    cost: 10000

will look if working

Post by: Simi822 on March 08, 2023, 06:17:17 pm
yes that would be also nice but I mean something like the following:

    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 10
    space: 2
    time: 50
    cost: 10000

will look if working

how can I change the displayed text (?)
Post by: Yankes on March 08, 2023, 07:28:52 pm
You add translation, if there is none game use ID/TYPE of given thing in UI.
Post by: Simi822 on March 09, 2023, 12:05:04 am
add translations...well if I would know

I just added to manufacture arbites the following and it takes the name from there:
(I used FMP armor adaptation as the base but there the cost was a joke so I ramped it up)
what to add here to display not that broken text (?)

    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
    space: 8
    time: 100
    cost: 50000
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 20

    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
    space: 8
    time: 100
    cost: 20000
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 10

Post by: Scamps on March 09, 2023, 03:42:25 am
Post by: Simi822 on March 09, 2023, 08:51:43 am

Thank you very much!
Post by: Simi822 on March 16, 2023, 01:17:17 am
Dear all,

now that I did play the game/mod for each fraction

I think here are some improvements,

as the GSC webber weapons are to be used only when found /no possibility to produce it/
I am maybe HARSH but I would do the same with the Keler gun...I would make the ammo available at
trade post but not the gun (same for the Webber - gun only by capture..ammo at the trade place)

speaking of Arbites, I would add the feature from FMP to recover Armor from the enemy (in FMP it was the MiB armor) in 40k the Arbites could "recover" GSC Armor (Arbitor and Warden armors - like I made it run LOL)

as in the trading post the Vostroya Lasgun can be bought by every faction...I would unlock Hotshot ammo to all
and I would give shotpistol and advanced autogunpistol to all factions

I would give the personal shield option to all faction (disable it only for Penitents, Ogryns and Repentias and SM)
and I would add to the game the promote Arbites Troopers to Arbitor (Judge) option (I did it as a combo of Veteran+Long service)

also I unlocked Bionics to all factions (not available to penitents, ogryns, or Astartes)

just to mention a few that are easy to be implemented
Post by: Leflair on March 17, 2023, 12:03:52 pm
The Liberator Autostubber is available if you research a captured variant. Does require Ceramite research too however, it's a late game gun.

The 2.1 Beta is now undergoing testing, full release will be available soonish unless something big creeps up.

**Requires OXCE 7.8. Works with 40k 034**

- Removed redundant orbital strike handsprite.
- Hangar Requirement Issue for Outposts
- Holographic Guardsmen are now immune to zombification.
- Wallfix, URBAN04.MAP
- Ammo sell cost update to fix a INFINITE MONEY exploit. Melta Ammo now less lucrative to mass produce. Trade goods profitabiltiy improved instead (outpost).
- Support Servitor, Chimedon, Castigator, Exorcist and Damocles turret energy regen fix
- Adeptas autogun melee sound and animation now reference the correct index.
- Tarantula turrets can now no longer run around all willy nilly.
- Added Missing Kill Token rewards for Deathskulls Orks and the basic Ork Boy.

- Streamlining of Guard armors in the store for Abhuman units using Flak/Carapace. Buy one type of armor and units equipping these armors will switch to the appropriate version depending on unit type. Reduces store clutter.
- Changed craft carrying capacity for HWPs, now using the more specific maxLargeUnits: function of OXCE instead of "Vehicles".
- Translatable script messages
- Improved Heavy Weapon Toolkit description
- Manufacture Categories implemented for many manufacturing projects.
- Valkia corpse naming clarified vs live captures.

- Edited the RED palette to be more saturated at brighter values (top 8 or so). This means less pink Blood Angels, and more bloody gore!
- GIBS proof of concept for overkilling guardsmen with physical weapons. Splat! Limited to Flak Guardsmen right now. Expanded GIBS also include getting Necron Flayed and BBQ'd by Flamer weapons, leaving a nice ash pile.
- Added particle trails to Nurgle spit/puke and spewer attacks.
- More HEAT adjusting bigObs added for various plasma weapons.
- Various handOB fixes/improvements.

- Hologram Grenades can now be batch produced for 10 killpoint tokens per grenade (batches of 10).
- Infection Rebalance, Reduced the insta-zombification chance of most things across the board further.
- Slightly reduced the infection removal amount of the medikit heal function; now 5/10/20 instead of 10/20/30 for research levels 1 to 3.
- Added faction attribution to infection; units that succumb to player caused infection/corruption don't spawn hostile units.
- Slightly rebalanced several infection causing weapons; most notably gave the Plague Spewer weapon a snap shot.
- Devotion now affords protection from Chaos corruption/infection at a rate of 1% resistance per 2 points of Devotion above 50.
- Added rapid morale recovery for manned turret armors.
- Trading Outpost's trade goods now yield 10% profit rather than 5%.
- Lascannons now do gaussian damage rather than 50-200%.
- Large lascannon charge reduced to 5 shots down from 10.
- Tarantula turret base tiles added for Defense Corridor.
- The Arvus is replaced by FAT ARVUS. Cousin of Arvus and formerly in the Italian Mob, Fat Arvus can carry 24 soldiers/4 2x2 units. Arbites, Sisters and Inquisition can use the Fat Arvus.
- Munitorium ammo piles health increased to 100. Will now die slightly slower to random hits. Also made infection immune.
- Standardized Shotgun buckshot to have extra Time, Energy and Stun damage.
- Standardized most fragmentation, krak, photon and phosphorous rounds.
- Frag, Krak, Phosphor and Photon grenade costs made sane.
- Normalized the heavy frag missile to the new standard frag munition conventions (debuff modifiers).
- Added Gaussian random type to many low fire rate lascannon style weapons (tl;dr less whiffing when hitting).

- QoL: Made Nurgle Cultists give another interrogation for free when interrogated.
- QoL: Made several Chaos commanders/leader give another interrogation research topic for free once researched.
- New Article for Pump Action Shotgun.
- QoL: Added information about Corruption/Infection mechanics to the Codex under the Help section.
- QoL: Made varius Adeptas armor codex articles available from the start when playing as Adeptas (varies by strategy, but possible to get certain armors early vs when you can buy/build them.)
- Split Ork Kommandoz articles and created a new one for the Sniper variant. They share autopsy and corpse.
- Death Skulls research topics linked to Codex articles added.

- New Pilot armor/unit.
- Moved Light Taurox to Mid-tier, Manticore to Ceramite tier.
- Arbites Taurox Turret gets more shots
- Small buff to Enforcer Heavy Armor (and Shield version) front and side armor (+5).
- Arbites can now produce same drum ammo as guard can (shared weapons).
- Expanded PAINT IT BLACK, formerly green guard weapons are repainted into Arbites grey/black when used by Arbites.

- FIX: Moved Commandery/Landraider convoy to ceramite tier repentia
- Bloody Rose armor option now have unique (and very red) Inventory sprites. Bullying Leflair to sprite harder works.

- Alliance mechanic now available to Guard as well as Arbites.

- Tauros 2x2 unit assets and armor code. Heavy flamer and heavy stubber options.
- Ogryns now have a basic default carapace armor that doesn't require manufacture. Manufactured Carapace rebranded as 'Reinforced'; most manufactured Ogryn armor given slightly better protection at the cost of more weight.
- Ogryns given 33% infection resistance.
- Chimera speed increased to 150 from 120.
- Commissars have improved Psi Defence: 50% of Psi Skill (100% for Lord Commissar) + 100% of their current Morale. Commissars also have 33% Intimidation resistance (50% for Lord Commissars).
- Added Ripper Gun armor piercing flechette rounds; intended to make ripper guns more viable vs mid-late game armor. Unlocked for purchase and manufacture via Ogryn Requisition + Mid-tier Guardsman research.
- Added manufacturing recipes for Ripper Guns, Ripper Gun Munitions and Mortar Rounds.
- Frag Mortar ammo added.

- FIX: Requirement for Corvus updated for inquisition use.
- FIX: Requesting Arbites Judge support now unlocks the bike bolter ammo.

- Added Bad Moons Ork race tag for relevant units.
- Added Death Skull research topics (interrogation/corpses).
- Deathskulls Mekboyz added to Deathskulls lists. An enemy leader, it is armored with a Shokk Attakk gun that teleports Gretchins (inside you).
- Weirdboyz have visited the spa and gotten their legs cleaned up, new baby smooth skin inventory art.
- Added Bad Moon Mekboy Codex+art.
- Added Kommandoz Sniper battlesprite and inventory art+codex article. They now have their own armor with slightly less front armor and 10% greater fire weakness.
- Added Bad Moons Ork Boyz, Big 'Uns and Nobz. Slightly better armored and ranged focused (worse melee) than the Evil Sunz boyz, they'll hang back more. For now they've taken the Evil Sunz Ork Boyz place in the mid-tier Ork lists. Big 'Uns and Nobz are better armored and got even bigger guns, but similar role.
- Added Bad Moons Snazzy Shootas, equivalent to High-Grade Imperial guns, they currently come in 3 versions. A more accurate Shoota, a Kombi-Rokkit and a Kombi-Blasta (plasma pistol) variant. Bad Moons Boyz, Big 'Uns and Mekboyz uses the various versions to provide more of a mid and late game challenge once encountered.
- Created a mid tier Evil Sunz list, removed the Deffkopter from the Early Tier ork list (also Evil Sunz weighted).
- Added but not implemented fully yet, inventory sprites for:
Blood Axes Ork Boyz, Big 'Uns, Nobz, Kommandoz, Stormboyz and Meganobz.
Goffs Boyz, Big 'Uns.
- Expanded Ork Clan race lists and mixed lists will be implemented as we get these into the mod.

- Expanded Khorne rampage and intimidation mechanics for units like Warptalons, Valkia, Daemons and Berzerkers. Intimidation = "Terrify". Khorne weapons updated for the mechanic. A character that is totally demoralized will take any overbleed as stun damage then stun overbleed is taken as health damage.
- Added resistance mechanics for intimidation.
- Juggernauts now have the Khorne rampage mechanics, heightened aggression and Psi Vision to aid them with their hunt. They now have heightened TUs, stamina and stamina recovery to match their distinction as a Khorne steed.

- Tzeentch spell tweaks for Flamer and Glimmering One.
- Tzeentch casters now tend to use spells in lieu of guns; taste the Warpfire rainbow.
- More Tzeentch Spells added to Daemons and sorcerers. 

-  Throw range for Nurgle spawner grenades capped at 20.
-  Reduced infection ratio on some Nurgle grenades.
-  Infection damage capped to a unit's maximum health; this generally means weaker units cannot spawn more powerful daemons when they succumb to infection/corruption. Low health units like guardsmen will instead turn into weaker poxwalkers, thralls and gimps.

Check the notes for fixes for issues you've run into, or if we've missed something.
Post by: Simi822 on March 17, 2023, 08:12:10 pm
the Heavy Enforcer with shield looks a bit wierd...we holds the weapon in the same hand as the shield /here equipped a shotpistol/
the Troopers with shield look now good
Post by: Leflair on March 18, 2023, 02:26:12 pm
Old issue from vanilla 40k battlesprite sheet with shield being on the wrong hand.
Post by: Nosferator on March 23, 2023, 05:49:45 am
Nurglings have become ducklings! I was "lucky" and the first ship I shot down was infected with Nurgle's corruption. And of course there were my favorite zombies. At the moment of landing, there was some kind of cultist next to my Rhinos, who turned into a zombie after death. The zombie died quickly. To my surprise, there were two corpses. One of them weighed 3 kilograms and behaved like an explosive. Unfortunately, it was impossible to simply throw him with the powers of a mortal person (600 action points is a lot). I made the decision to carry off the dangerous corpse with my most useless novice. However, after the explosion, Nurgling appeared and began to think that the Novice was his mother. So, now I have an allied duckling. What should I do about it? By the way, many thanks to those people who extended the timer for the explosion.
Edit: No thanks for you at all. I think it was the sloth zombee :) Other explode normaly....
Post by: Leflair on March 23, 2023, 01:04:51 pm
Version 2.1 is now out of beta and live on the Grab it in the usual place.

ROSIGMA 2.1 - Patch Notes (2023-03-23)

**Requires OXCE 7.8. Works with 40k 034**

- Removed redundant orbital strike handsprite.
- Hangar Requirement Issue for Outposts preventing buying of craft at outposts.
- Holographic Guardsmen are now immune to zombification.
- Wallfix, URBAN04.MAP
- Ammo sell cost update to fix a INFINITE MONEY exploit. Melta Ammo now less lucrative to mass produce. Trade goods profitabiltiy improved instead (outpost).
- Support Servitor, Chimedon, Castigator, Exorcist and Damocles turret energy regen fix.
- Adeptas autogun melee sound and animation now reference the correct index.
- Tarantula turrets can now no longer run around all willy nilly.
- Added Missing Kill Token rewards for Deathskulls Orks and the basic Ork Boy.
- Made the main menu art palette compatible with all submenus.

- Streamlining of Guard armors in the store for Abhuman units using Flak/Carapace. Buy one type of armor and units equipping these armors will switch to the appropriate version depending on unit type. Reduces store clutter.
- Changed craft carrying capacity for HWPs, now using the more specific maxLargeUnits: function of OXCE instead of "Vehicles".
- Translatable script messages
- Improved Heavy Weapon Toolkit description
- Manufacture Categories implemented for many manufacturing projects.
- Valkia corpse naming clarified vs live captures.

- Edited the RED palette to be more saturated at brighter values (top 8 or so). This means less pink Blood Angels, and more bloody gore!
- GIBS proof of concept for overkilling guardsmen with physical weapons. Splat! Limited to Flak Guardsmen right now. Expanded GIBS also include getting Necron Flayed and BBQ'd by Flamer weapons, leaving a nice ash pile.
- Added particle trails to Nurgle spit/puke and spewer attacks.
- More HEAT adjusting bigObs added for various plasma weapons.
- Various handOB fixes/improvements.

- Hologram Grenades can now be batch produced for 10 killpoint tokens per grenade (batches of 10).
- Infection Rebalance, Reduced the insta-zombification chance of most things across the board further.
- Slightly reduced the infection removal amount of the medikit heal function; now 5/10/20 instead of 10/20/30 for research levels 1 to 3.
- Added faction attribution to infection; units that succumb to player caused infection/corruption don't spawn hostile units.
- Slightly rebalanced several infection causing weapons; most notably gave the Plague Spewer weapon a snap shot.
- Friendly infected/corrupted units the player kills with "friendly" fire will grant the Emperor's Mercy; they will not turn into daemons on death.
- Devotion now affords protection from Chaos corruption/infection at a rate of 1% resistance per 2 points of Devotion above 50.
- Added rapid morale recovery for manned turret armors.
- Trading Outpost's trade goods now yield 10% profit rather than 5%.
- Lascannons now do gaussian damage rather than 50-200%.
- Large lascannon charge reduced to 5 shots down from 10.
- Tarantula turret base tiles added for Defense Corridor.
- Munitorium ammo piles health increased to 100. Will now die slightly slower to random hits. Also made infection immune.
- Standardized Shotgun buckshot to have extra Time, Energy and Stun damage.
- Standardized most fragmentation, krak, photon and phosphorous rounds.
- Frag, Krak, Phosphor and Photon grenade costs made sane.
- Normalized the heavy frag missile to the new standard frag munition conventions (debuff modifiers).
- Added Gaussian random type to many low fire rate lascannon style weapons (tl;dr less whiffing when hitting).

- QoL: Made Nurgle Cultists give another interrogation for free when interrogated.
- QoL: Made several Chaos commanders/leader give another interrogation research topic for free once researched.
- New Article for Pump Action Shotgun.
- QoL: Added information about Corruption/Infection mechanics to the Codex under the Help section.
- QoL: Made various Adeptas armor codex articles available from the start when playing as Adeptas (varies by strategy, but possible to get certain armors early vs when you can buy/build them.)
- Split Ork Kommandoz articles and created a new one for the Sniper variant. They share autopsy and corpse.
- Death Skulls research topics linked to Codex articles added.

- New Pilot armor/unit.
- Moved Light Taurox to Mid-tier, Manticore to Ceramite tier.
- Arbites Taurox Turret gets more shots.
- Small buff to Enforcer Heavy Armor (and Shield version) front and side armor (+5).
- Arbites can now produce same drum ammo as guard can (shared weapons).
- Expanded PAINT IT BLACK, formerly green guard weapons are repainted into Arbites grey/black when used by Arbites.
- The Arbites Arvus is replaced by FAT ARVUS. Cousin of Little Arvus and formerly in the Italian Mob, Fat Arvus can carry 24 soldiers/4 2x2 units.

- FIX: Moved Commandery/Landraider convoy to ceramite tier repentia
- Bloody Rose armor option now have unique (and very red) Inventory sprites. Bullying Leflair to sprite harder works.

- Alliance mechanic now available to Guard as well as Arbites.

- Tauros 2x2 unit assets and armor code. Heavy flamer and heavy stubber options.
- Ogryns now have a basic default carapace armor that doesn't require manufacture. Manufactured Carapace rebranded as 'Reinforced'; most manufactured Ogryn armor given slightly better protection at the cost of more weight.
- Ogryns given 33% infection resistance.
- Chimera speed increased to 150 from 120.
- Commissars have improved Psi Defence: 50% of Psi Skill (100% for Lord Commissar) + 100% of their current Morale. Commissars also have 33% Intimidation resistance (50% for Lord Commissars).
- Added Ripper Gun armor piercing flechette rounds; intended to make ripper guns more viable vs mid-late game armor. Unlocked for purchase and manufacture via Ogryn Requisition + Mid-tier Guardsman research.
- Added manufacturing recipes for Ripper Guns, Ripper Gun Munitions and Mortar Rounds.
- Frag Mortar ammo added.

- FIX: Requirement for Corvus updated for inquisition use.
- FIX: Requesting Arbites Judge support now unlocks the bike bolter ammo.

- Added Bad Moons Ork race tag for relevant units.
- Added Death Skull research topics (interrogation/corpses).
- Deathskulls Big Mek added to Deathskulls lists. An enemy leader, it is armored with a Shokk Attakk gun that teleports Gretchins (inside you).
- Weirdboyz have visited the spa and gotten their legs cleaned up, new baby smooth skin inventory art.
- Added Bad Moon Mekboy Codex+art.
- Added Kommandoz Sniper battlesprite and inventory art+codex article. They now have their own armor with slightly less front armor and 10% greater fire weakness.
- Added Bad Moons Ork Boyz, Big 'Uns and Nobz. Slightly better armored and ranged focused (worse melee) than the Evil Sunz boyz, they'll hang back more. For now they've taken the Evil Sunz Ork Boyz place in the mid-tier Ork lists. Big 'Uns and Nobz are better armored and got even bigger guns, but similar role.
- Added Bad Moons Snazzy Shootas, equivalent to High-Grade Imperial guns, they currently come in 3 versions. A more accurate Shoota, a Kombi-Rokkit and a Kombi-Blasta (plasma pistol) variant. Bad Moons Boyz, Big 'Uns and Mekboyz uses the various versions to provide more of a mid and late game challenge once encountered.
- Created a mid tier Evil Sunz list, removed the Deffkopter from the Early Tier ork list (also Evil Sunz weighted).
- Added but not implemented fully yet, inventory sprites for:
Blood Axes Ork Boyz, Big 'Uns, Nobz, Kommandoz, Stormboyz and Meganobz.
Goffs Boyz, Big 'Uns.
- Expanded Ork Clan race lists and mixed lists will be implemented as we get these into the mod.

- Expanded Khorne rampage and intimidation mechanics for units like Warptalons, Valkia, Daemons and Berzerkers. Intimidation = "Terrify". Khorne weapons updated for the mechanic. A character that is totally demoralized will take any overbleed as stun damage then stun overbleed is taken as health damage.
- Added resistance mechanics for intimidation.
- Juggernauts now have the Khorne rampage mechanics, heightened aggression and Psi Vision to aid them with their hunt. They now have heightened TUs, stamina and stamina recovery to match their distinction as a Khorne steed.

- Tzeentch spell tweaks for Flamer and Glimmering One.
- Tzeentch casters now tend to use spells in lieu of guns; taste the Warpfire rainbow.
- More Tzeentch Spells added to Daemons and sorcerers. 

-  Throw range for Nurgle spawner grenades capped at 20.
-  Reduced infection ratio on some Nurgle grenades.
-  Infection damage capped to a unit's maximum health; this generally means weaker units cannot spawn more powerful daemons when they succumb to infection/corruption. Low health units like guardsmen will instead turn into weaker poxwalkers, thralls and gimps.
Post by: Simi822 on March 23, 2023, 11:29:07 pm
love these changes

example nr.1 FAT ARVUS its logical and good...otherwise I would always get the Valkyrie

nr.2 also the Arbites Pilot works good...had a Arbites game running and all my pilots got better when turned into Pilots

also I have to say that the arbites get all the Weapons they need (only thing I have to give them extra is the hot shot ammo)
so compared to the they have the advanced Autoguns. for example...maybe to be reviewed the newest 40k addons and
then stuff like "Navis heavy shotgun" or "Executioner Shotgun" can be added also

still think that adding the combi bolters from the "melee weapon pack" should be cannon (archeotec find) and also give poor man combi weapons...lasguns/shotguns/autoguns with exterminators....

will do a IG muta play after the Arbites run
Post by: Marrik on April 12, 2023, 03:22:06 am
Has Commissars executing panicking/friendly firing guardsmen been removed? It doesn't seem to function anymore.
Post by: Buscher on April 14, 2023, 08:15:59 pm
I tried to create an alternative way but it should work the same as it does in the normal 40k mod. The relevant bits were commented out to my knowledge.
Post by: Simi822 on April 23, 2023, 01:13:13 am
just find out that there is a Tauros car for the Astra Miltarum with Heavy Stubber or Heavy Flamer....did not do IG gameplay when it is available and how it differs to the Sentinels? Low cost?  so Arbites armored car (based on the GSC car...which lets be honest was nicked from the Arbiters) when?
Post by: Mathel on May 03, 2023, 07:40:52 am
Somehow, Rosigma breaks the Servitor Arm. With it activated, Servitors can no longer repair armor, they now just deal (potentially) lethal damage with their arm.
Post by: Simi822 on May 15, 2023, 08:35:58 am
so it seems that Rosigma will have to fix the main mod again....this Deathwatch addon has its you get 3x Ships and start with 2x Astartes and then will get 1x per month (WTF) also no description why you can build like  10x type of Astartes quarters /for each legion one/...also these are supposed to be elite with stats like a Penal Legion cannon fodder....
Post by: Leflair on May 16, 2023, 08:38:37 pm
I've found some bugs and made some fixes included in 2.2, like the Blood Angels Tactical Armor being available to equip for any unit. Stats are also updated.
Note that Deathwatch are available with Inquisition strats and units.

**Requires OXCE 7.9. Works with 40k 035**

- Some Loading fixes for the Ork Teleporta gun / Shokk Attack Gun, Nurgle sneezing attack and gravcannon ammo.
- STR_SLAANESH_BASE string added.
- Surface base generators are now immune to infection and intimidation.
- Nurgle unit spawner grenades now have proper reductions to their health damage.
- Bughunt Mode tweaked to trigger at 5 remaining enemies instead of 3, and with possibly lower TU (example: Squats).
- Valkia Shield now less open to being man-handled by non Chaos followers (added restrictions to using it).
- Stopped recovery crash of a tzeentch ritualist unit.
- A DW Blood Angels Tactical Armor set was available to non-marine units, added a missing limitation.

- New Flavor Names for outposts and sectors.
- Updated all Gibs graphics for existing scripted units that can gib.
- Added dozens of squishy gib graphics and units affected by the gibbing script. Includes deserters, civilians, Adeptas, GSC, Orks & Gretchin, chaos flavor cultists etc.
- STR_LIGHT_BOLTER_AMMO_SHORT: "Short Light Solo Bolter Mag" clarified.
- Added Corruption/Infection and Intimidation Metrics to Stats for Nerds
-  Updated STR_COUNTRY_HAS_SIGNED_A_SECRET_PACT and STR_COUNTRIES_HAVE_SIGNED_A_SECRET_PACT text to make it clearer they can be reclaimed if the enemy chaos base is destroyed.
- Lowered research cost of some corpses and live captures.
- Rearranged order of Enemy race lists (will change in the battle mission gen).
- STR_TELEPATH_STAFF_UFOPEDIA added with clarified text of the read mind and panic attack abilities.

- Set extendedExperienceAwardSystem. true with the new OXCE update. Several changes, xp gained by hitting enemy units (not neutrals), i.e you cannot train on mind-controlled aliens anymore, throwing experience also gives some secondary stat gain. Smoke counts, stun counts and shotgun pellets counts as 1 hit.
- Thunderbolt interceptor improved; gained 1 armor, 5 evasion, 500 fuel capacity and 3x repair speed. Acceleration reduced from 5 to 4.
- Hull Plating extra health reduced from 250 to 50; armor increased from 2 to 3; intended to reduce the equip times substantially and improve its niche at tanking low level threats without repair downtime.
- Standardized webber ammo stats (buff) to be in line between pistol and heavy webber.
- Added Incendiary rounds for the Ripper Gun; these are most effective versus lightly armored targets, and for illuminating darkness/defeating camo.
- Allowed Servitors on Taurox.
- Lowered first 4 months Space Hulk Mission chance by 20% (50->40).

- Upped stun damage for Adeptas Lead by example, halved healing to make it less OP.
- Terminators recover from wounds as quickly as their Firstborn brethren.
- Added "Throttled" Assault Cannon Mode to allow more flexibility in deployment.

-  Marshall Armor buff, more in line with custom human sized power amor/mastercrafted carapace, stands up a little bit better in the end game. Front armor 110 instead of 90, side armor 100 instead of 80, rear 70 instead of 60.

- Custom Scion Jump Armor sprites added.
- Updated Regiment Training Mission for all soldier types (even Adeptas are now invited).

- Added Jump Armor for Stormtroopers.
- GKs now get Force Halberd research automatically.
- GK Chaplains get Inspire and 40 Devotion at Captain rank.
- Fixed spawned Thunderfires having recoverable shells.
- Fixed Tome of Speed. Causes some stun and morale damage to prevent OP over-use. Now scales with psiSkill instead of bravery.

- Updated Soldier stats for ROSIGMA. These guys are veterans, so they have better random stat distribution on recruitment, higher bravery etc. The various chapters have slightly different odds of stat boons (+5 here and there, nothing huge).
- Integrated v035 Deathwatch Armor sets (about a dozen) with ROSIGMA stat lines. Includes anti-stealth, armor values and resistances etc. Salamanders get special fire/melta resistance.
- Integrated new DW Weapons with ROSIGMA stats balancing. DW Weapons are a notch above in terms of quality, which is reflected in some weapons.
- Integrated new DW Craft variants with ROSIGMA stats. Improved repair, speed and refueling time.
- Updated DW craft manufacturing costs with ROSIGMA balancing.
- Updated new DW Armor manufacturing costs and kill token balancing.
- Added STR_RIFLEA (Artifex Pattern) and renamed STR_RIFLEB back to ULTRA pattern. Updated starting care package events for DW to reflect this. RIFLEA is DW exclusive, similar to Stalker pattern but tweaked for auto-fire (Slightly worse at long range).


- Necron Weapons (Gauss Flayers/Blasters) Getting Missing Autofire; Weapons Improved Tabletop Accuracy. Gauss Cannons now suitably powerful.
- Necron Scarabs added as Terror Unit.


- Nerfed Nurgle Spits and Sneezes direct health damage. Several hits will kill a guardsman, but it's more about damaging armor and debuffing with corruption.

- Slaanesh Traitor Guard forces added with spritework by Xom and Leflair. Includes flak variants, carapace, officer and commissar (commander). Equipped with slaanesh flavor lascarbines, lasguns, longlas and plasma pistols. The Perfect Guard have a very small 1/turn dodge chance and higher reactions than their counterparts.
- Filling out their forces are Slaanesh contingents of turned novices, devotees, cultists and slaangors.
- Added a Slaanesh Sonic Platform, merging chaos and xeno technology, for the Slaanesh Traitor Guard and Slaanesh lists.
- Added Slaanesh Chimeras with custom turrets, including a Sonic Cannon variant (not as strong direct damage as the Havoc version).
- Added a Slaanesh Escher-derived lasgun (using slaanesh las cells) and reworked the tanith-one to act as their longlas. Slaangor, Cultists and Slaanesh Guard requipped accordingly.
- Added a Sonic Gun, equipping the Slaanesh Carapace Stormtroopers/Veterans, and replacing most of the Choir Guns that Slaanesh Sisters had. It does half health damage of the Sonic cannon, has halved armor penetration, but causes some time unit/energy damage.
- Added Slaanesh Traitor Guard lists to randomized defenders of Traitor Guard bases and patrols. They can also carry out certain mission types.

- Added Tzeentch Chimeras with custom turrets, equipped with heavy bolters or Tzeentch heavy flamers.

Note there are 3 or so Deathwatch Techmarine chapter specific variants missing in 035, they'll be added in a future patch and then I can re-add them to rosigma. The chapters affected are: Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Crimson Fists.
Post by: Simi822 on May 17, 2023, 07:40:13 am
yes your update fixes lot of bugs /I also noticed the issue with the Tactical armor/

question, I see that the Aircraft are now equipped with twin linked bolters (?) but somehow I dont see ammo for it in the purchase menu /started a game as Chamber militant/ did not check my old saves from different fractions
Post by: Leflair on May 17, 2023, 05:12:16 pm
035 removed the old ammo type and switch to the twin heavy bolter setup used by certain HWPs.

Some factions have access to that ammo through a research topic, but not all.

To enable it for all, search in your rosigma folder for:
You'll find it in both items.rul (allfactions folder) and items_SM.rul (SM folder).

And remove it from both, save file.
Post by: Leflair on May 17, 2023, 05:15:36 pm
And for the new page, summary of update 2.2 from last page.
Post by: EleriumWard on May 17, 2023, 05:45:02 pm
Experiencing this issue. Note that I have the latest versions of both ROSIGMA (2.2) and 40k (035.1).

Post by: Nosferator on May 21, 2023, 12:58:48 pm
So, in my current attempt, everything is going well. Perhaps too well. I have nowhere else to put all these rescued guardsmen, except to throw them away. My soul hurts when circumstances force me to send the Emperor's loyal warriors into the dumpster... Is it possible to somehow send them as reinforcements? So that, for example, at the end of the month they would tell me: "You sent us 18 guardsmen. For this you will receive our grate thanks, because there is nothing else in our Outpost ... Could you send more weapons? We would thank you even more ... "
Post by: Simi822 on May 29, 2023, 09:28:26 pm
so beside playing the latest version with the Deathwatch , I also play a lot of Boltgun...and I wonder...Deathwatch shotgun when?  :P
Post by: Leflair on June 03, 2023, 03:58:47 pm
EleriumWard: Probably a folder/installation issue.

Nosferator: You can always keep an outpost or secondary base around where you send the leftover guardsmen to "help" defend.
Post by: EleriumWard on June 07, 2023, 02:58:06 pm
Leflair: What exactly do you mean by a folder/installation issue? These are the current mods I have in the mod folder.
Post by: Simi822 on June 16, 2023, 10:40:22 pm
Is there a easy fix, when not playing as IG to use other powers of the psycher (?) just started a game as Arbites (what else LOL) got a Psycher on Januar 05...can do shit to change his power....SUPER annoying !!! /or can I change his armor ? in .sav file?/
Post by: Leflair on July 03, 2023, 04:12:25 pm
Might have to look into giving GUARD_AND_ARBITES to the psyker-related research topic(s) for that one. Probably restricted to guard right now.
Post by: Leflair on July 03, 2023, 04:13:40 pm


- Crash Fix: Live Alien capture set for STR_TZEENTCH_ZEALOT_THRALL_RITUALIST
- Adjusted mini unit preview art for Inquisition storm troopers that had part of the white border visible.
- Enabled the new Craft Bolter Ammo (same as bike twin-linked heavy bolter ammo) and removed the old version to match 035.
- Set several vanilla Chaos Marines to 1 psiSkill, to avoid them getting vanilla OXCE values.
- Change two slaanesh scouts to appear as mediums instead of small on radar reports. Various other size upgrades on radar return for other UFO/Crafts.
- Scion Officer Carapace ufopedia fix.
- PDF Flak Armor appearing everywhere fix
- Female Imperial PDF now with different inventory sprite from the male version.
- Added Deathwatch variant armors to personal_lights.rul so they don't glow in the dark.
- Added resistances to Tzeentch magic to their own armors.
- Some GFX improvements for Tzeentch faction abilities.
- Removed voice line 3816 when moving male Scions, which would play 1 minute of voice clips.
- TU carry over script updated for temp over to_time (halved %), stun-lock incidents should now be greatly reduced.
- Added missing RandomType+FireBlastCalc to Redeemer Shells and LB Inferno Ammo
- Moved some chaos weapons into the chaos -pedia category (previously under weapons and equipment).

- TEST: Visual Indicator of hits. Units flash red if they've taken health damage, or white if they've only taken armor damage. The more intense the red flash, the greater the damage dealt.
- Added more mission types to the starting month script to increase variation of enemy lists encountered (not just normal cult/tzeentch cult).
- Removed promethium cost from HB_clip, makes existance more tolerable for Grey Knights.
- Faster Rhino refuel rate so it doesn't take 3 days to refuel.
- Vostroya Autofire reduced to 2 shots, but made more accurate.
- (Heavy) Lascannons reload speed standardized to 30 TU (slow to reload).
- More bolters have access to Kraken and Metal Storm rounds.
- Ultra Pattern Boltgun (available in the trade outpost) improved to be inbetween normal and mastercrafted pattern.
- ENEMY BASES: The bigger the base, the bigger the reward for destroying it, and the greater the penalty for aborting. Abort penalties are half the point rewards. Abort penalties are meant to counter base farming.
- Penalties for enemy Bases operating around the world updated (was already a thing, but weaker):
Bases now penalize score per day equal to X^2 where X is equal to their base level, capping at -20 per day.

Level 1 Base: -1 point per day
Level 2 Base: -4 points per day
Level 3 Base: -8 points per day
Level 4 Base: -16 points per day
Level 5 Base: -20 points per day
CSM and Necron bases count as being level 4. This is meant to feature base proliferation as a soft lose condition.

- Grenade changes: Smoke, Frag, Phosphor, Melta, Hologram, Eldar and Krak grenades made slightly lighter (-1 weight from previously) and cheaper to prime and throw. Frags and kraks can be primed and thrown in the same turn (30-40% TU cost per action). For frags, 60% of TU cost instead of 80% previously. Proximity and Krak grenades cost 70% of TU. Heavier grenades cost 10% more TU to throw and the Melta bomb costs 80% TU to prime and throw.
- Sound-effects added to indicate priming/unprimed grenades.
- Lighter weight means they can be tossed their maximum distance by lower strength units.
- Frag grenades now do less item damage (-75%).
- 40mm launched melta grenades preArmor damage improved. 50% of 90 power in armor damage.

- Adapted Adeptas Sentinel variants for Drop Pod use (less prone to seriously injuring the pilot on drop).
- Melta-lance Sentinel improved. Slightly better armor and better attack range (harmony beamer melta type).
- Arche Sniper Rifle max range 35 removed.
- Stormbolter Turrets for Adeptas Drop Pods.
- Lead by Example nerfed; no longer provides healing and has a stun cost. Fixed some bugs with it.
- Dominion Strategy Adeptas can now requisition Inquisitorial Stormtroopers.
- Mid-tier Light Bolters Mephisto and Hellspite can now use Elohim AP bolter rounds.
- Added ammo-crafting recipes.
- The Dominion Power Axe and Zweihänder now does plasma damage-type like other power weapons.
- Adeptas Spirit of the Martyr miracle now removes all corruption/infection damage.
- Adeptas Thunderbolt accuracy improved.

- Stormbolter Turrets for Drop Pods.
- Fixed some bugs with Marine faster healing.
- Some general Thunderbolt stat standardization as all factions.

- Cost of Inq Stormtrooper requisition increased from $100000 to $250000 and from 120 Honor to 150 Honor.
- Inq Stormtroopers are now droppod compatible.
- Xiphon given 1 armor, 5 dodge, 5 hit bonus and repair rates on par with other basic interceptors; less speedy and maneuverable but more accurate.
- Greyknight armor given immunity to psi-attacks and infection.

- Tweaks to resist and zombiechance.
- Adjusted Inventory slots for DW Devastator Armor.
- Enabled MK7 Apothecary armor for DW.

- Officer's Sword Inspire ability now has a significant Stun cost and has a slight increase to its morale cost. Minor devotion scaling added.

- Gave the two new Necron units in 035 relevant Necron script tags and dodge values for the Scarabs (Still flimsy).
- Necron Scarabs now self-destruct when destroyed in a powerful fragmentation explosion.
- Lychguard Dispersion Shield now has snap shot mode for improved reaction fire.

- Tuned down PsiSkill values for low tier cultist members and blue horrors, witches and cult leaders/commanders are the primary psi-threat.
- Blue Fire made less direct damaging and more debuffing.

Available, Chill Mode files (see the discord):
- Delayed enemy item tech level progression to 24 months instead of default 12 months.
- Changed enemy races scaling to a 24 month cycle. 1: -> 2:, 2-> 4:, 3:-> 6: etc. Shift everything but month 0 entry.
- Set enemy count to 75% or so by lowering alienDeployments numbers and slightly lowered mission generation frequency from enemy bases.
- Disabled Hard Mode trigger for all player factions.
Post by: Simi822 on July 06, 2023, 02:28:00 pm

did you change the Space Hulk missions?

I have to do them with Repentia/Assassin units almost solo because if I try to move my whole squad
I end up like in turn 15 and not only zombies but Purestrain GS are getting teleported in...destroying my squad like instantly

no problem,

I do now these mission with the fast units...but I curious did U change it?
Post by: Leflair on July 07, 2023, 11:13:59 am
Space Hulks are unchanged since previous versions and the Genestealers showing up after turn 14+ is how its been for quite a while now.

Hence gotta go fast, or setup a solid kill zone and kill 'em all (takes a while).
Post by: noflic on July 11, 2023, 10:17:15 pm
Does manufacturing the completed relic do anything for the Sisters? It doesn't appear to produce any items/units, but does it prompt a new mission type or is it just a placeholder for now (or was it a placeholder previously, as I'm a couple versions behind)?
Post by: Isilya on July 13, 2023, 02:04:41 pm
Could someone explain to me the reasoning behind Alpha Legionnaires having a whole extra health bar and different weapon set that needs to be killed? Are they in disguise or are they shapeshifting, because having to kill a multimelta space marine only for him to turn into an alpha legionnaire is pretty rough, especially as guard
Post by: Simi822 on July 13, 2023, 06:11:18 pm
this is how I updated the Voss pattern /price 100k/ should it be less accurate?
/inspiration is the high grade autopistol and the Hellsreach movie/
Post by: Simi822 on August 01, 2023, 07:14:32 am

are all those small modifications we see in the Longplay currently running
coming also for the next iteration? /maybe like a on/off options to the settings/

I mean stuff like change of units color, icons to the units to see they strengths / weakness,
more TU, new weapons /auto-shotgun/ and features /dig in/ and almost forgot - exchangeable turrets

Post by: Simi822 on August 05, 2023, 12:11:49 am
dear all,

I am not blind a saw the YT videos and what a saw is GOOD

but here some ideas to be included to the next version,

Liberator autostubbers - as this is a  ancient imperial relic, study should be like pump action shotgun also price should be max 100k /also ammo should be cheaper/
Voss pattern - I added a picture, it should be a laser adv. autopistol for 100k
personal shield + bionics - should be available also beyond IG /minimum the Arbites but also other/
Hot shot lasgun ammo should be available for all /they can buy Vostroya Lasguns/
add Trooper to Judge upgrade to the mod /I did send you the how/ because its ok there is penetant to arbiter...but there should be arbiter to Arbitor aka judge
and also not forget my crazy Idea of the possibility to harvest Armor! aka

    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
    space: 8
    time: 100
    cost: 50000
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 20
    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
    space: 8
    time: 100
    cost: 20000
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 10

Post by: Simi822 on August 11, 2023, 10:22:09 pm

the next version will come when?

I see the YT videos (and what I see is lovely and excellent)

but did you consider anything I proposed...or I have to apply it by myself?
what is OK...just some extra work....
Post by: Simi822 on August 16, 2023, 05:40:58 pm
Dear all,

new version is excellent,
the addition of GSC leaders i did not expect,

so I will stop my Arbites run and start a IG one,

can one access all new IG features when playing any strategy or Beastguard is the best choice?
Post by: Leflair on August 17, 2023, 09:46:03 am



- Fixed a script issue from 40k that caused STR_GENE_HIVE GSC Hive map base to never spawn. It can now be spawned during the first 7 months of the year with a 25% chance. Several ones can spawn. Once spawned the base will generate GSC related missions at a low frequency.
- Fixed Commands linking and activating the wrong command type and benefits, or no command at all.
- Fixed Hunker Down protection not carrying over into enemy turn.
- Fixed enemies also benefiting from Fix Bayonets.
- Abhuman Strategy can now buy medic carapace for Beastguard as intended.
- Inquisition Multimeltas no longer recoverable/removable.
- Fixed Juggernaut and Valkyrie Leeroy AI issues by removing the ranged aspects of their melee weapons.
- Removed a low object blocking a corridor on certain Space Hulk part 1 maps.
- Solved a glitch with the GIBS system for the non-standard Gretchin spritesheet.
- Fixed some bugs with the Tzeentch corpse system, correct names and reward should now be showing.
- Geoscape silenced Deathwatch and new Crassus craft.
- Added height values and deathSound to &STR_TURRET_DEFAULT that could cause some LOS issues.
- Fixed some multiplication error Kill Token rewards for certain mission types.

- You now unlock Chaos Path research option by interrogating Alpha Legionnaires.
- Added code infrastructure for shield breaking/penetration traits/tags. Exitus shield breaker rounds now break shields.
- KHORNE:  Made Valkyries slightly better and more aggressive.
- TRAITOR GUARD: Made the Chaos Sentinel Rocket pods different; Incendiary pods are longed ranged. Krak pods have an 8 shot burst.
- TZEENTCH: TZ Inquisitors now have some Tzeentch magic at their disposal, replacing their previous guns.
- Early Tzeentch cultist/mutant lists have been pruned of Blue Horrors and Witches. Still some around in leader roles in certain lists, but their numbers are greatly reduced. Other daemons have taken the terror slot. You should encounter fewer psyker attacks in month 1-2 of fighting Tzeentch as a result.
- Early Tzeentch Traitor Guard lists can now show up for Tzeentch terror missions.
- Updated Tzeentch bird-mutant battlesprite to be closer to its inventory art.
- Basic flamer and incendiary grenades now do some item damage for destroying bodies and other things.
- Tweaked some weapon visual effects.
- Photon grenades use the new grenade standard throw range and TU costs.
- Added movement and aggro sounds for certain units.
- Added infrastructure for Flat and Percentile dodge reduction tags.
- Removed copy pasta from Eldar Grenade.
- Standardization of krak explosives RE: Item and Tile damage.
- Enemies can now surrender if all surviving units are panicking.
- Accuracy 50% penalty added for most weapons that don't have LoS on their targets. Weapons that are meant for indirect fire have a reduced penalty.
- DAEMONS: Standardized Daemon senses to be minimum 40 darkness visibility, 33 heat vision and 5 psi vision.
- Enemy Weapon Tech Levels/Loadouts: First months changed to be exclusively tier 0-1 and then tier 2 starts creeping in for the midgame, late game it's all tier 2-3. Previous setup was like OG X-Com where heavy plasma has a 10% chance of appearing in month 1 and the lowest tech keeps appearing late game. This means a cleaner ramp, easier early game and harder late game. You'll also find plasma weapons rarer in early game (3-6 months).
- Token cost for Orbital Strikes increased from 200 to 400. Monetary cost increased to 1 million.
- Gas (stun) Shotgun shells now ignores 75% armor instead of 40%.

- Integrated Filips DIG IN submod for Guard. Most guard units (exception Penitent/Ogryns) get the "Dig In" ability button (top right in the UI). At the cost of 50% of a units TU, this grants them a bonus while KNEELING similar to DODGE, where a FRONT "hit" does no damage if the Dig-In bonus is triggered (50% chance for first "hit"). Follow up hits that trigger the bonus reduces the chance to trigger it by 10%, until it no longer grants the bonus.
- Dig In does NOT protect against melee or rear attacks. The bonus is lost if the unit moves.
- Units that have the ability activated display little sandbags (Red Alert 2 style) when kneeling.

- Turrets now have a reload system. Most turret weapons expend the Munitions resource; when this resource is completely exhausted they will require a variable number of turns to reload and restore their Munitions (usually 2 but can be longer; typically higher for more potent weapons). A turret can be reloaded manually with their reload ability which zeroes out their Munitions; useful during a break in the action.

- Imperial Navy Auto(gun)carbine: Carbine version of the Hi-Grade Autogun, requires STR_BALLISTIC_WEAPONS_HIGHGRADE.
- Autoshotgun: High-Quality Automatic shotgun, lighter version of a ripper gun. Buyable at the Trade Market.
- Combistub-plasma Pistol: Plasma pistol with underslung stubpistol.
- Heavy Bolter Solar Pattern: Hand-held "light" heavy bolter without a bipod for arbites/guard at Ceramite tier.
- Hybrid Stubber: Kombistubber, heavy stubber + underslung grenade launcher
- Jawsnapper: Powered Knuckles, early powerfist/for normal humans.
- Plasma Rifle Sequana pattern: House Escher Plasma rifle that serves the DMR role. Higher ammo consumption, lower rate of fire but better accuracy at range vs the normal Plasma rifle. 

- Crassus heavy transport craft from 036 integrated, updated speed, refueling and availability values. Available at mid-tier for guard. Can bring 4 large units like the Sentinels.
- Changed the starting Boltpistol (Ceres) to a Light Boltpistol (and ammo).
- Kriegers now have additional psi resistance in proportion to current morale and higher low end recruit Bravery.
- Kriegers starting max strength and training cap upped to match normal guardsmen (+5/+10).
- Kriegers now get higher initial Bravery and all Krieg armor types get Krieger Mind Control resistance as they should.
- Mortar nerfed; reload TU cost increased to 30% up from 15%. Firing TU cost increased to 55% up from 35%. Gets nifty loading sound.
- Officer promotion now requires "Battle Tested" (1 month service, 3 missions, 1 kill) commendation and bravery 50+. Token cost raised to 200.
- Other commendations updated to require ENEMY kills rather than... any kills.
- Battle Cannon will no longer reaction fire (partially a nerf, and partially to keep you from blasting your own dudes in the way).
- New Cybernetic Bone 'ead Ogryn armors (see bellow for details).
- Abhuman Strategy now have access to Veteran promotions for any rescued guardsmen at mid-tier + their Officers.
- Abhuman Strategy now have access to Penal Troops.
- Beastman infection/corruption resistance reduced from 50% to 33%, but now have 33% faster wound recovery time.
- Felinid Flak/Medic and Carapace armors TU nerf reduced.
- Psyker Token Cost increased from 120 to 500.
- Veteran promotion Token Cost decreased to 50 from 60, buying a new Veteran costs 100 and 150k cash now to make it more rewarding to train and promote your own guardsmen.
- No more free Honor Tokens just for researching Psyker Requisiton.
- Added Harakoni Jump Carapace armor
- Added Carapace Scanner Armor with improved night vision and motion detection.

- Initial integration of Filips Advanced Chimeras submod. Only applies to standard Guard Chimera convoys and the Tank Convoy.
- Note: Does not include rear doors (due to normal AI not being able to handle them).
- Note: Used the new turret reload system, so the sponsons are not as powerful as in the submod.
- Chimeras now have a working front sponson bolter that can be destroyed.
- Chimeras now default to a gun-less turret type and can be outfitted with a number of different turret types. You buy and equip (in the craft item inventory) different turret types. Multilaser, Heavy Bolter, Battlecannon Chimedon, Heavy Flamer and autocannons are the current turret types. If the turret is destroyed in mission, you lose it (cash loss! and a reason to not camp too hard inside your transports).
- Note: All such turrets will show up in end mission stats as "Equipment/Allies of Man Lost" for 0 score even if they aren ot destroyed.
- Leman Russ now have side sponsons (heavy bolters, heavy flamers or heavy meltas) and a front sponson (lascannon or heavy bolter).
- Leman Russ can now swap its main turret type between Battlecannon, Twin lascannon, Punisher Cannon and Heavy Plasma (the later two restricted to ceramite+ tech).
- The Twin Lascannon power output has been standardized to other mounted lascannons vs the submods higher value.
- As all the new sponsons add a lot of firepower and additional targets for the AI to focus down, the armor/health values of the sponsons have been reduced from Turret Level to be easier for the enemies to destroy.

1. Added Bone'ead Sergeants. These are Ogryn squad leaders and provide 4 Ogryn specific buffs with targeting similar to the Commissar's Inspire. The power of these buffs scales with the Bonehead's Bravery and Devotion:
Get Em!: Improves the target's Strength and Melee Accuracy until the start of your next turn.
Gotta Go Fast!: Reduces by up to 50% the Energy and TU required to move into a tile until the start of your next turn.
Getta Grip!: Restores Morale and may increase the target's Bravery until the start of your next turn.
Shrug It Off!: Removes Fatal Wounds and grants % damage reduction until the start of your next turn. Effectiveness scales with target's Morale.
2. An Ogryn must be Battle Tested and have 50+ Bravery and 30+ Psi Strength to be a viable candidate for the BONE Surgery. This Surgery takes 1 week to complete. An Apothecary Bay facility is needed at the base where the surgery is to be performed.
3. The Bonehead Surgery requires Mid Tier Guardsmen, Apothecary Bay, Ogryn Requisition, Imperial Guard Operations.
Ogryn Bonehead surgery requires the Veteran commendation instead of merely Battle Tested.
4. Added some TU damage scaling to the Ogryn Slab Shield to reflect its stopping power/disorientation it imposes.

FELINIDS Armor Expansion
- Added Felinid versions of the new Scanner/Auspex Carapace, Advanced (light) Carapace/Medic, Close Assault Armor and Powered Armor. The Felinid Assault armor comes with integral frenzon inhaler combat drugs and disruption field gauntlets (power claws) to rip into armored targets in melee.

- Stun recovery scales with current Energy and current Health.
- Energy recovery  scales with current Health.
- Squats now have mid level resistance to GSC infection.
- Squats now have halved wound recovery time.
- Squat Health and Stamina training maximums improved.
- Squats now yield +1 command point.
- Added TU, Stamina and Reaction penalties to Medic variants of armor.

- Biomancers now have passive regeneration that scales with Psi, bonuses to Health, Stamina and Strength, carapace level natural armor. Mend Wounds changed to Mend/Inflict Wounds. Heals friendlies of health, stamina, stun and wounds and does the opposite to enemies, opposed by PsiDefense. Cannot heal friendlies above half of maximum HP.
- Diviners now have 40/40 normal and night vision, 25 anti camo, 10 psi vision, +30 Firing, Melee and +60 Reactions and 1x 100% dodge.
- Telepaths now have 15 anti camo, 5 psi vision, +15 Firing, Melee and +30 Reactions and 1x 50% dodge.
- Thunderclap balancing: Decreased armor penetration from 75% to 60%, changed damage scaling from PsiStrength to Psi * 0.001. Increase cast cost by +5 Stun and +5 Morale.

1. Vindicare ammo is now made in bundles of 5, is more expensive and requires 20 Honor Tokens per batch.  Requires 200 man hours per batch up from 100.
2. Vindicare starting min/max, cap, training stats all increased substantially (this is a Temple Assassin).
3. Vindicare monthly salary/upkeep cost increased to 500k
5. Vindicare recruitment cost increased to 2 mil, and 1500 Honor.
7. Vindicare Assassin now has 50% dodge with 4 dodges; he's a proper temple assassin with Invul 4+.
8. Exitus Rifle has 100% dodge reduction; no one can dodge a Vindicare.
9. Added Infiltrator mechanics and code infrastructure to the game. Currently only the Vindicare has this ability (will be expanded later). Infiltrating units will not be detected by enemy units for 2 turns, or until they attack, and can re-enter stealth after achieving 6 kills.

- Integrated Arbites version of the Crassus 35-slot heavy transport from 036.

- Fixed repair/refuel rates of some Deathwatch craft.
- Updated Deathwatch Thunderhawk to mid-tier.
- Updated Deathwatch Landraider convoy to ceramite-tier.
- DW Dreadnoughts now Buildable. 300 Honor points and require 10 Ceramite.

- Added 7 new enemy units based on the (Skaven version) Hrud. They are a squishy enemy with high reactions and very good nightvision. They use a myriad of common imperial and tainted weapons, improvised explosives and pipebombs. At late tech levels their Stormvermins can wield some weak plasma-like energy weapons.
- Hrud warriors and Armored Hrud. Squishy, cowardly and low accuracy. Found in early months of the game.
- Hrud Snipers, stealthy and armed with Long rifles, they are the real threat in most Hrud groups.
- Hrud Verminkin and Festerkin. Nurgle cultists, have a little more HP than their common kin. Wields Nurgle weapons.
- Vermin Plague Monks, mutated creatures who wield low level Nurgle warp magic.
- Stormvermin and Fangleaders. The elite of the Hrud, with carapace armor and better statlines. Favors close combat weapons and are more aggressive.
- Hrud have their own GIB animation.
- Hurd are sometimes allied with, or used as mercenaries, with chaos cults and traitor guard.
- Hrud appear in the first half of the year, either mixed or in their own formations. They'll try to loot Imperial armories, exploit riots and even be crawling through Space Hulks.

- Standardized Necron stats; Deathmarks now have high aim like they're supposed to.
- Necron Scarabs spawning from Necron grenades have 75% of max TUs up from 25% so they're actually dangerous.
- Necron Gauss Reaper weapon added. A CQC Assault weapon utilized by Necron Warriors.
- Increased Necron Immortal stats to be more tabletop appropriate.

- NURGLE: Several plague weapons now do less infection damage in exchange  for improved debuffs/armor ablation.
- Early Nurgle cult lists pruned of Plaguebearers and the ratio of normal pox zombies increased vs boomers. This will make month 1-2 encounters easier as a result.
- Added (human) Plague Monks. They have not yet recieved the blessings of the Horned rat but knows some nurgle sorcery.
- Added Verminkin, Festerkin and Vermin Plague Monks blessed by papa Nurgle to certain Nurgle cult lists.

- Added new Acolyte Hybrids enemy variants & Leader, new battlesprites and inventory art. Mixed into existing mid-late game GSC lists. They are tough (high hp/mid armor), fast, have a special melee grapple attack and use a variety of civilian/imperial weapons.

can one access all new IG features when playing any strategy or Beastguard is the best choice?

The Advanced Chimeras and Leman Russ is a main Guard Strategy feature for now. Doesn't apply to the Light Chimeras yet.

There's optional .map files to provide doors to the light chimeras, standard chimeras, tank convoy and the Crassus on the discord. We didn't include them due to the normal AI not knowing how to handle doors, but if playing with Brutal AI they can be used to even the odds.

There's a known bug with the Chimera twin heavy bolter turret not reloading, it's been fixed in the dev version for the next update.

Post by: noflic on August 17, 2023, 10:19:43 pm added old-school Hrud, even with Plague Rats Space Rats Hrud? You absolute mad bastards, fantastic. I see that they're mainly focussed on the first six months, but will they still show up mid/late-game (whether on their own or mixed in with Chaos forces)? I've got a save I'd like to finish off, but this is making me very tempted to start a new run.
Post by: Simi822 on August 18, 2023, 04:00:21 pm
OK so selecting the basic guard strategy will give me the upgraded Chimera and Leman Russ /and with time light chimera, sistar vehicles etc will get similar features/
are Boneheads accessible only via Beastguard strategy? or they are available to all but later...

maybe a roadmap should be created what is accessible by who for all available factions /what is the difference between IG strategies, SM strategies, sistar strategies, etc/
Post by: Simi822 on August 21, 2023, 11:00:18 pm
well the new system of enhanced vehicles...does makes a me with IG in March...crushing a high lvl traitor guard base (in total 10x Sentinels ! )
also had my first not "xeno cult" but "xeno cult base" mission...where one arrives with the Metro...super hard...but the weapons as loot make it soo much sweet ! GSC together with evils Sistars and looter Boiz are my favorite enemies (personally, I would limit such items: combi-pistol, or Lib be not available in the shop...but make the research as 15 points to be easy access high lvl weapons for the early phase..
Post by: Leflair on August 22, 2023, 02:41:15 pm
Bone 'Eads are tied to:
    cost: 200
    points: 25
      - STR_APOC_BAY

So if your strategy got Ogryns they can be made.

We are currently working on some minor fixes and balancing things, as well as spicing up the Outposts defenses.

The Hrud are indeed their Space Skaven selves, and mostly there to provide a mutant/xeno enemy early game. They´re not very tough, but the Nurgle ones can be dangerous.
Post by: Simi822 on August 23, 2023, 12:01:33 am
thank you SIR,

yes I see while on the verv basic IG run that I have boneheads...and after mid-ier I have the rest of the Beastguard + Hellguns, etc...

Like I mentioned before...its good that in the end all strategies will have "everything " and Strategies mean to get certain things earlier....

and speaking of the whole update of the chimeras and Leman Russ...this now makes the IG super strong, so please do similar updates to the Sistars and Arbites /Arbites are known to use Leman Russ Tanks/...the SM and the Inquisition are strong enough + they dont go to a battle on Chimeras or Leman Russ tanks....

last stupid question, for the combi-pistol...there is a option to shoot plasma, and one to shoot the Stubber...what the F is the "burs (or how its called): option it does nothing in my gameplay [like fire both or fire a barrage of stubber ?]
Post by: Simi822 on August 26, 2023, 03:13:56 am
like, why is the TU usage so high for the combi-pistol plasma usage? also what is the burst?

please look how the combi weapons are in the melee pack /that is doing the combination of two existing weapons...logical/
so I would expect combi plasma/stubber weapon to be both weapons and maybe a autostubber style "burst (?)
Post by: wamaw on September 05, 2023, 09:49:22 pm
Best 40k expirience i ever had, playing as imperial guards and it's hardcore as **** (please keep adding new content, I'm sure the mod has a great future) <3
Post by: Isilya on September 07, 2023, 05:38:02 pm
I'm beginning to think that that GSC Cult base was deliberately disabled by the 40k team because it is rouggghhh, at least with the Space Hulk you get a nice little warning about what you have to destroy
Post by: D.Range on September 08, 2023, 03:56:27 pm
Is there any way to remove Heretic Sisters completely, aside from manually editing all mod files? Can't say I'm a big fan of that addition, from both gameplay and flavor points of view.
Post by: Regulain on September 18, 2023, 01:48:03 pm
I'm beginning to think that that GSC Cult base was deliberately disabled by the 40k team because it is rouggghhh, at least with the Space Hulk you get a nice little warning about what you have to destroy

I can say the same about traitor guardsmen bases, I went in with drop pods and the first thing I see is like 10 sentinals all armed with missiles, with all the explosives that slam into my landing zone, I would be lucky to have 3 marines alive by my 3rd turn.
Post by: EleriumWard on September 24, 2023, 05:06:10 am
Any plans to add music from Darktide?
Post by: Simi822 on September 26, 2023, 02:12:19 pm

where can I find the ruleset for the Skaven?

thank you
Post by: Simi822 on October 02, 2023, 04:30:37 pm
the Rosigma mode was updated yesterday, but the release log is from there anything new?

people are confused! such a hard thing to answer...the mod was upload 5 days ago but the notes are from August...what in the holy Emperor is going on here ?
Post by: noflic on October 26, 2023, 02:05:12 am
Liking the latest version a lot - though not run into any Hrud yet (alas), and while the modular turret system's very cool and a good late-game money sink, I can't figure out how to get particular turrets on particular vehicles; is there a particular set of turrets (not sponsons) that only the Leman Russ can mount? I'm assuming the craft weapon mounts can't be used as turret slots, so just knowing if there's x turret it will definitely go to y tank would help to parse what I'm up to on the equipment screen. Also, <yells at cloud> the Armoured Convoy still starts four hapless guardsmen standing on top of a Chimera waiting to catch reaction fire instead of being tucked safely in the four empty spaces in the middle vehicle. It isn't quite as lethal as you'd expect, weirdly, but it's still a pretty reliable game of "use the guardsmen to stop those bolter shells scratching the paint".

That aside, had an unrelated question that I'll spoiler in case anyone hasn't seen the research in the UFOpedia:

If I want to
do a renegade/traitor run
, what's the best faction to start as? They all have research routes for it, it looks like, but it also looks like Sisters/Marines might get the most unique recruitable units, with the Inquisition subfactions coming in after (and themselves having different options to each other, AFAICT). So, I wondered what route gives me the most options, as well as if there's any important research/units that should get done before
Post by: Leflair on November 01, 2023, 07:15:39 pm
ROSIGMA 2.4 is now live.
Grab it here:

- Fix for Chimera Heavy Bolter Turret not reloading.
- Light Bolter Kraken Ammo Manufacturing to produce the right type of magazine.
- Updated requirements for the Codex articles on the Jove and Dominion boltguns to match newer research requirements.
- Updates to Ripper Pistol Auto-fire stats and damage type.
- Slaanesh Gas Grenade fixes to not operate on a random delay fuse.
- Various updates to Necron scripts
- Updates to the Dodge script.
- Standardize Intelligence Stat (knows your units exact location for this number of turns after spotting). Lowered a few outlier 5-6 int to lower levels. Standard is now:
complete chaff/penitents/soldiers(cultists)/ogryn/brain scooped servitors/mutants =0 int
trained soldiers, sisters = 1-2
basic CSM = 2
officers 3-4
and a few high end daemons/psykers 4-5
- Gave the Mend Wounds Spell a Custom Action Name.
- Fixed some visual errors in half a dozen codex articles.
- Fixed some spelling errors in the Medikit fire-fighting codex.

- Added a Codex article briefly explaining Vision modes (Light/Darkness, Camo and AntiCamo, HeatVision) and default OXCE toggle keys for vision modes.
- Opened up many Imperial codex articles from game start. Some low tier enemy units also have their codex articles available (although autopsy research can still gather more information). Added new codex sections for Adeptas armors and weapons that are now visible from game start regardless of faction, for any looted gear or rescued units that join up.
- Updated mission tables for the new nurgle, slaanesh and tzeentch mission types. Race lists have also been moved around for the respective mission types and away from using the default ship types unless its undivided or mixed lists. In short: More variety and randomization. Different chaos bases will be popping up from infiltration missions and so on. 
- Outposts and the Training Base have had their defenses improved, with about 8-12 fixed bolter Tarantulas positioned on the gatehouses and overlooking the inner courtyards. The Outpost have had its walkways fortified to an extent, and new passageways and stairs to make it easier to move around the gatehouses and walls. The inner courtyard have had 3 new fortified buildings added with firing points overlooking the courtyard.
- Outposts and Training Base Spawn points have been increased to stop large defending forces from spawning troops out in the wilderness, and to spawn mostly inside rather than on the walls.
- Autocannon turrets accuracy and effective range buffed. Taurox and Chimera variants.
- Annihilator Turret for the Leman Russ power nerfed. BRRRT.
- Standardized Tzeentch Flamer stats.
- Custom Retaliation missions for Tzeentch and Slaanesh, using their respective ship types. This means their lists will not appear on the standard chaos ships going for retaliations, and attacks against their ships will trigger their retaliation missions instead.
- Slaanesh and Tzeentch infiltration missions now create their respective base type rather than the basic chaos one.
- Tzeentch will no longer spawn in the standard chaos base.

TO DO: - Buffed Krak properties for Hellfire missile pods. AUX_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER, AUX_DW_DREAD_LAUNCHER and AUX_CENT_ROCKET. This affects Dreadnoughts, Marine Air Support and Centurion missiles launchers.
TO DO: - Applied Grav-script to Centurion Gravcannon.

- StarSquids New Stormtrooper (human) power armor loadout available at ceramite tier. Includes autocannons and meltacutters for breaching duty.
- Inquisition autocannon can use assault cannon ammo types.

- New Unit: Rotbearer, with art by Brenshar. Weaker version of the Plaguebearer. Integrated in early Nurgle lists, replacing some Midwife slots.
- Added A full set of Nurgle ship types with their own tilesets. 23 in total.
- Added Nurgle mission types, research, harvest, abduction, infiltration, base building, terror, retaliation etc.

- 9 New Ship types based on Jackstraw2323 and Luke83 "Blessed" Ship types and tilesets, blended with tzeentch CHAOS decoration. Very blinged out.
- Tzeentch missions now make use of these new ships.
- New Tzeentch Chaos Base with modified art for the top and bottom levels. Second level not yet implemented. Nothing fancy, mostly color changes to the the standard chaos base. Tzeentch bases will generate tzeentch missions using tzeentch ships.

- New Unit: Hormagaunt, melee grunt of the Tyranids that prefers to zerg the enemy in big numbers and pounce on their targets. Can appear in Space Hulks, and when a group of them have overrun some deserted outpost.
Post by: Leflair on November 01, 2023, 07:24:28 pm
Liking the latest version a lot - though not run into any Hrud yet (alas), and while the modular turret system's very cool and a good late-game money sink, I can't figure out how to get particular turrets on particular vehicles; is there a particular set of turrets (not sponsons) that only the Leman Russ can mount? I'm assuming the craft weapon mounts can't be used as turret slots, so just knowing if there's x turret it will definitely go to y tank would help to parse what I'm up to on the equipment screen. Also, <yells at cloud> the Armoured Convoy still starts four hapless guardsmen standing on top of a Chimera waiting to catch reaction fire instead of being tucked safely in the four empty spaces in the middle vehicle. It isn't quite as lethal as you'd expect, weirdly, but it's still a pretty reliable game of "use the guardsmen to stop those bolter shells scratching the paint".

That aside, had an unrelated question that I'll spoiler in case anyone hasn't seen the research in the UFOpedia:

If I want to
do a renegade/traitor run
, what's the best faction to start as? They all have research routes for it, it looks like, but it also looks like Sisters/Marines might get the most unique recruitable units, with the Inquisition subfactions coming in after (and themselves having different options to each other, AFAICT). So, I wondered what route gives me the most options, as well as if there's any important research/units that should get done before

Correct in that Leman Russ have some unique turrets, and sponson turrets are named differently (front sponsons vs side sponsons might not be, although they do have different types on some variants).
Aside for the main gun
    Leman Russ Annihilator.* Lascannons
    Leman Russ Executioner.* Heavy Plasma
    Leman Russ Punisher.* Massive Assault Cannon
+ Sponson Multimelta, hull lascannon, flamer sponsons and heavy bolter sponsons.

Chimeras have Twin Heavy Bolter turrets, Flamer turrets, Autocannon turrets and the Multilas turret.

As for HERESY runs, either Space Marines or Adeptas, as they have unique armors/units. However, you can access these as any faction once you do go Chaos - it just takes some more research. There should be transformation options to pump your guardsmen etc full of Heresy and turn them into various Chaos units.

Heretical Inquisition is its own path that can turn a lot of captive Chaos units to your side as well. 
Post by: Leflair on November 01, 2023, 07:26:27 pm
CHILL MODE 2.4 files, suitable for chill times, or if you're gonna use Brutal AI are available on the Discord "Other Mods" channel.

- alienDeployments_40k.rul: Enemy Deployment numbers and mission frequency reduced by ~33%.
- alienMissions_40k.rul: Enemy Lists, normal and hard, regardless of player faction, ramp at 24 months instead of 12 months.
- alienItemLevels.rul Enemy weapon loadout tech progression speed halved

Any of these alone or together can be used by pasting and replacing the same named files in your 2.4 installation folder.
Post by: Simi822 on November 02, 2023, 12:44:52 pm
get the following error with 2.4:

[02-11-2023_11-41-58]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORR_FIXED_UC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMOR_KHORNE_REPENTIA': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_CALLIDUS_SUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANESH_BLESSED_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_TZEENTCHNASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_CORVUS_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ASSASSINNEUTRAL_FEMSUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_PENETANTE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_SERAPHIM': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMORSELENE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMOR_DIRE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DEATHCULT_ASSASSIN_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DESERTER_PSYKER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELDAR_FARSEER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR_MEDIC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_MEDIC_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINID_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_ENFORCER_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_GUARD_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_KELER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_MEDICAE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PDF_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PENETANTE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PENETANTE_ARMOR_FEMALE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Post by: Leflair on November 02, 2023, 02:34:40 pm
Check your installation so you do not have a zip file in the mod folder.
Post by: Simi822 on November 02, 2023, 05:22:26 pm
everything was put into ZIP, I always unpack as its run then faster...I had this previously, I deleted the cfg and setup the game new but this time...nothing  BUT I deleted the cfg and reset everything again...and now its running..very weird
Post by: Leflair on November 06, 2023, 10:06:00 am
Yeah, I see that type of "armor size" error pop up from time to time when doing an update of the installation, so its something relating to it.
Post by: noflic on November 22, 2023, 10:59:43 pm
Is there anything I can fiddle with in the settings to revert promotions back to automatic rather than manual? Updated recently and suddenly thought "huh, nobody's been promoted this month", and a check of the options menu and the main 40k thread confirms that it's now locked to manual. It turns out I don't like this change, which is I realise a weird gaming opinion to suddenly develop; apart from now having a new realm of choice paralysis, I think I also liked the indefinable ~immersion~ of promotions being a bit unknowable and arbitrary rather than the Player-General personally deciding whether Ollanius Redshirt gets made a corporal.

(Yes, I realise that the Player-General personally decides on everything down to how many reloads Ollanius Redshirt carries. It is a weird gaming opinion, after all. But surely that setting doesn't need to be locked to manual?)
Post by: Scamps on November 23, 2023, 12:55:26 am
Manual promotions are necessary for certain paths where promotions cost tokens. Also difference between ranks is not limited to morale in that paths. There is no possibility to change options based on difficulty level or research. Option is enforced so players don't break the game.

If you are sure you don't need it, edit
Code: [Select]
user\mods\40k\Ruleset\difficulty_40k.ruldelete lines
Code: [Select]
  oxceAutomaticPromotions: false
  oxceManualPromotions: true
Post by: noflic on November 29, 2023, 02:21:31 am
Manual promotions are necessary for certain paths where promotions cost tokens. Also difference between ranks is not limited to morale in that paths. There is no possibility to change options based on difficulty level or research. Option is enforced so players don't break the game.

Ahh, I did wonder about that - in my SoB run I've got some ludicrously badass constantiae (?) about whom I couldn't work out why they weren't coming eligible for transforming to full Sisters (I figured it was a bravery requirement), and this solves that problem. Welp, if it'll bork the game to fuck around with it then I'll likely just deal, but thanks for the tip and the explanation!
Post by: Scamps on November 29, 2023, 01:20:05 pm
It will bork Gray Knights and the like. Read pedia, some strategies explicitly mention "manual promotions required". It won't bork others.
Post by: EleriumWard on November 30, 2023, 01:42:27 am
Any plans to incorporate the Leagues of Votann in some way?
Post by: Falsarr on December 25, 2023, 09:25:56 am
Apologies for the dumb question but do I put bugs I've had for this mod in the standard 40k bug report thread or is there a seperate one for ROSIGMA mod?
Post by: Leflair on January 12, 2024, 04:16:10 pm
You can put bug reports here, but I'll see them quicker on our discord (link exists on the page for this mod).

In other news, I've added a zip file of the rosigma 2.4 chill mode files with instructions to the page of the mod - if you click "view other files" near the download for the main update (yeah I know, great UI design).

Copy Pasta:
Works with (and requires) ROSIGMA 2.4.

ROSIGMA is tuned to be both fast and intense in terms of mission and enemy progression, but if you're just starting out, want a slower pace or want to use Brutal AI with an adjusted enemy count you can customize your gameplay by using these files.

How to install:
Extract into your ROSIGMA ruleset folder (Documents\OpenXcom\mods\rosigma\Ruleset) and make sure to replace the same-named files there.
You can use ANY or ALL of the three chill mode versions of the files depending on your own preferences.

Modified Chill Mode files:
- alienDeployments_40k.rul: Enemy Deployment numbers and enemy base generated mission frequency reduced by ~33%. Frequency of scripted side missions like Space Hulks are not affected.
- alienMissions_40k.rul: Slower Enemy List Escalation: Enemy Lists, normal and hard, regardless of player faction, ramp over 24 months instead of 12 months. Does also slow scripted missions list upgrades.
- alienItemLevels.rul: Slower Enemy weapon loadout tech progression, speed halved (again, 24 months). More gradual upgrade of loadouts. Doesn't affect units with fixed loadouts.

Post by: Leflair on January 12, 2024, 04:17:25 pm
Any plans to incorporate the Leagues of Votann in some way?

Not currently, although Guard gets access to Squat recruits. We'll probably expand their armor selection first.

Votann may eventually make some sort of showing as mercenaries or "random mission encounter".
Post by: mot2k on January 13, 2024, 10:37:45 pm
With OXCE 7.11, 40K mod version 036 with 033 cutscenes and rosigma ver 2.4 i am getting the following errors when trying to load them together:

Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_RHINO_CRAFT': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_THUNDERHAWNK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARMOR_COLUMN': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARMYPD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARMY_P': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARVUS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARVUS_GK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AVENGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CASSIUM': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CASTIGATOR_AUTOCANNON_CRAFT': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_THUNDERHAWNK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHAPTERARMY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERA': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERAPD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERAPDH': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERA_LIGHT_IG': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CORVUS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DROP': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DROPPODS_ADEPTAS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DW_LANDRAIDER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DW_THUNDERHAWNK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FIRESTORM': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_GORGON': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_IMPULSOR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_IMPULSORS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_IMPULSOR_DW': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_LANDRAIDER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_LIGHTNING': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_REPULSOR_T': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_REPULSOR_T_DW': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.

Disregard the above. I've just noticed that Rosigma was only supports OXCE 7.9.8
Post by: Leflair on January 16, 2024, 05:31:32 pm
You can use the 2.5 live beta build with OXCE 7.9.11, although we'll push it out soon(tm).
Post by: NazarTyagun on January 22, 2024, 12:13:15 am
Hello! Great mod. I have several questions:
Can I upgrade hired CHAOS Space Marines and CHAOS Sisters? If yes, then how (to change their armor).
And the second question: is it possible to set the spawn of all types of missions to always be the same, and the level of technology of enemies too? - many simple missions, few difficult ones, many weak enemies, few strong ones, and so from the beginning of the game to the end/ I mean is it possible to disable enemy progression?
and how can i get iron warriors (or alpha legion) armor ( not only tier 1 )
After chaos research i can not recruit loyalists, so i can not turn them into chaos space marines as iron warriors, so I can't even get tier 1 armor now :(
Post by: Leflair on January 22, 2024, 11:10:47 am

-The Undivided Chaos Marines have some alternative armors, the specialized Legion armors and 4-gods ones do not yet.
-Unsure what you're asking for with the spawn of all types of mission to always be the same, but which enemy lists that show up each month is handled through alienMissions_40k.rul. Quite a bit of work to change them for all missions.
-alienItemLevels.rul sets the level of tech, you can change the numbers there to be the same for each month (row).
-You should be able to recruit CSM straight up if you've turned fully, although there's some research topics involved.

You can use the 2.4 Chill Mode files on the "other files" to turn down enemy progression speed, tech etc.

Post by: NazarTyagun on January 22, 2024, 12:35:56 pm
thanks for the answer! So, I also cannot buy or create weapons of Tzeentch, Nurgle, Khorne and Slaanesh? (and get their armor, except for tier 1?)
Post by: Leflair on January 22, 2024, 05:46:45 pm
You can use them if you capture the gear.
Post by: Hookachooga on January 22, 2024, 10:19:41 pm
Absolutely loving the mod so far! Got some games in over the weekend and I am really enjoying the sororitas gameplay.
Having not played even the base Xcom UFO/TFTD there is a lot to learn! One thing I noticed today was that, since updating to 2.5 (and 7.11 OXCE), my promotions got set to automatic so i just had to disable that. Not sure if that was caused by the update or not.

Are Arco-flagellants in the Adeptas line-up? Was hoping to use them as cheap early game fodder. Unlocked the penitent engine (Which is awesome by the way. Incredible sprite!) but couldn't see any research for the Arcos. Might just be being blind!
Post by: Leflair on January 23, 2024, 11:33:21 am
Promotions were unintentionally set to manual for all factions, while it's mostly Primaris that has use of them being manual.

Arco-flagellants are not in, but you take basically no morale loss from losing the Frateris Militia or Repentia, if you need fodder units.
Post by: Leflair on January 24, 2024, 12:09:46 am
A hotfixed version 2.5A now live on


- CODEX: Fix for 2LEMON.SPK not showing from base 40k via submodding. Image and .spk created for ROSIGMA.
- CODEX: Created a blocker to prevent the READCODEX event from spawning multiple times.
- Rename "auto" shots into snap on IG missile launchers (uses auto shot code to prevent reaction firing).
- Fixes Research Issues with Redacted Infiltration and a minor typo.
- SOUND/MCD: Found another Tzeentch ship tile that had the gunshot sound error when stepped on (unlike any slaanesh tiles moaning noises).
- DEATHWATCH: Fix for an issue where Deathwatch could not progress to High-tier for the final mission.
- DEATHWATCH: Fix for a base 40k issue Deathwatch could not access captain or warmaster armors.
- Changed Heretic Hospitaller units armor to their intended armor set, previously they'd look like basic adeptas.

- Advanced ammo compatibility for the basic Astartes bolt pistol.
- Lowered score Abort Penality for Space Hulks. 375 points instead of 750.
- Added some Abort Penalties for certain missions (mostly bases).
- Removed dominion power axes from the basic heretic sisters and hospitaller loadouts. Too good weapons for these enemies.
Post by: noflic on January 24, 2024, 01:22:15 am

- Removed dominion power axes from the basic heretic sisters and hospitaller loadouts. Too good weapons for these enemies

Aww, pooperdoodles. My SoB run still hasn't got power axe manufacturing unlocked; that one single dominion axe reclaimed in like month 3 has been doing absolute work, and the heretic sisters have really rarely (at least in my run) carried them anyway. They're super powerful though, so fair enough.

Also: do 16-strong Guard squads now all deploy inside the Armoured Column Chimeras rather than sitting four up top to wave at heretics?
Post by: Leflair on January 24, 2024, 11:43:41 am
You can change your deployment setup in the craft preview window. The "extra" slots in the armored column ride on top (might be possible to change their order in the craft code so they are filled last...).
Post by: noflic on January 24, 2024, 10:43:29 pm
Aye, I know you can change the order in which specific people line up in the craft - the last few versions have had a weird issue where rather than "fill chimera 1 [ie the rearmost chimera], fill chimera 2, anyone else goes on top" the deployment seems to go for "fill chimera 1, put 4 people on top of chimera 1, put 4 people in chimera 2". It's probably not something that you'd notice unless you're taking fewer than the maximum number of soldiers, but given how powerful the Leman Russ is (and given turn 1 reaction fire!) I usually only put 16 guard into the armoured column.
Post by: Simi822 on January 29, 2024, 06:40:49 pm

in the past when I installed the new version - I only deleted the options.cfg ad set everything again to avoid the following:

29-01-2024_17-37-27]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORR_FIXED_UC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMOR_KHORNE_REPENTIA': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_CALLIDUS_SUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANESH_BLESSED_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_TZEENTCHNASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_CORVUS_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ASSASSINNEUTRAL_FEMSUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CALLIDUS_ASSASSIN_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_PENETANTE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_SERAPHIM': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMORSELENE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMOR_DIRE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DEATHCULT_ASSASSIN_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DESERTER_PSYKER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELDAR_FARSEER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_ADVANCED_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_ADVANCED_MEDIC_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_ADVANCED_SENSORS': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_ASSASSIN': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_CARAPACE_SENSORS': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR_MEDIC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_JUMP_CARAPACE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_MEDIC_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINID_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.

I tried using the old version of Oxce and also the last one...I use 40k + Rosigma + soe of the minimods...should I turn minimods off?
Post by: Leflair on January 30, 2024, 10:58:49 am
You get that kind of error if you've borked the installation.

Make sure you have no ZIP file of the mod in the mod folder after extracting.
Make sure you have the right OXCE version (7.11) for the rosigma version (2.5A) + 40k036.
Post by: Simi822 on January 30, 2024, 02:10:14 pm
you are right, I copied the ZIP stuff with "re-write" into the old Rosigma folder, will create a new folder structure and copy there everything re-write

update - it worked fine, also my own upgrades work...I forgot to delete the old one just do rewrite....
Post by: Simi822 on February 01, 2024, 10:57:46 pm

with these two empty research topics:



are there any plans?

like in Xcom files that the GSC disappears? /taken care of by the PDF/

or what is the plan?

you know...Xcom files has the cults...and then they are gone by time if correct actions are taken
/and yes yes I know I was hating on Xcom Files a lot....but they are now the etalon do we like it or not they overtaken US guy!!!! /
Post by: Leflair on February 06, 2024, 01:16:52 pm
The purpose of the GSC research chain is to open up a GSC-playable path.

The idea being that you capture some actual genestealers, and if you have more than X in captivity for Y days (scripting dependent, might not be possible to implement), or if you research a particular topic down the chain (due to the scripting limitation) - then the genestealers "escape" and infect you and you enter the GSC path.

Example, the GSC path research topic could become available after researching all the relevant topics in the chain (6 or so) + Having researched a live Genestealer. This triggers some event pop ups + makes certain gameplay options available.

-> Opens up soldierTransform options to infect your current soldiers (bust in HP and some other physical stats).
-> Opens up some Hybrid-ization upgrades (surgery) and genestealer recruitment options.
-> Turns off the GSC hostiles/missions from generating (might not be possible to make existing enemy GSC bases disappear in OXCE, but random missionScripts can be shut off).
-> Activate GSC flavored eventScripts and research options to "infect" the world and get resources.
-> Activates the alternative final mission that Chaos Path gets, but GSC flavored.

You'd still fight Chaos/orks etc, and maybe activate the Inquisition and fight those.
Post by: Simi822 on February 06, 2024, 03:31:06 pm
sounds interesting and promising, yes additional transformation options is a good approach /works good in X-com files/

Also I did know that the Arbites have a different final mission,
when compared to Astartes/Astra Militarum

do the other faction have a different one? /Inquisition, Sistars/

so there is a different final mission for Chaos...well I need to check it out
Post by: Simi822 on March 11, 2024, 12:32:21 pm
Dear all,

after doing a run with the Guard and Arbites,

now I do a Sistars run,

I think I found a logical problem...

Frateris can be promoted to Frateris Veteran or to Sistars...

promotion to Sistars is much better...and the problem is it is available before veteran update!

I think it should be that only Veteran Frateris should be available to be promoted to Sistars...otherwise the Frateris Veteran update is a empty option /who would wait till they are veterans when you can turn them into Sistars..../
Post by: noflic on March 11, 2024, 10:37:11 pm
Unless it's changed, only women Frateris* can be promoted to Sisters (or, at least, that was my impression from scanning the transformations page). That seems about right to me; your battle-hardened pilgrims might get armour that doesn't totally suck, but not all of them can get fast-tracked into the Sororitas.

* I think this doesn't work, grammatically, but it has been so long since I did Latin that I wouldn't swear to it. Also, GW and Latin have only ever been on nodding terms.
Post by: Leflair on March 14, 2024, 10:31:45 am
ROSIGMA 2.6 Notes:
Updated to work with OXCE 7.12 and 40k037.

- MAP: Some leaky wall fixing for 2 UFOs.
- MAP: Added accessible ground floor doors to Tzeentch ship 08B.
- MAP: Removed partial wall blockers in entrance of Nurgle ship N07. Added missing elevator tiles and doors to left and right wing.
- MAP: Fix for GSC (Arbites) Imperial scout and convoy maps stairs not working (changed to object).
- MAP: Leaky wall fixes on the big bunker maps.
- MAP: Fixed blocked stairs in INDUSTRIALURBANCULT20A and 20B.
- MAP: Fix blocked doors for CH02DOUBLEWIDE (Variant for Hell Tears).
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Wraithguard causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Slaanesh Xeno Weapons Platform causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- MECHANICS: Fixed OXCE update breaking the 2X reaction bonus for pistols (and preventing reaction fire in some cases).
- MECHANICS: Improved Scripting for Intimidation and Mend Wound Mechanics.
- MECHANICS: Friendly Turrets can no longer be Decepticons.
- MECHANICS: Heavy Flamer Turrets should now be properly corruption immune.
- MECHANICS: Minor Refactor of Mend and Inflict Wounds to prevent harming own units.
- MECHANICS: Added more Mechanical Tags to prevent corruption and betrayal mechanics from triggering for these "units". Including holo-decoys and training dummies (so Alpha Legion infiltrators don't reveal themselves after gunning down a training target).
- MECHANICS: Fix Heavy Krak Missile lacking damageType.
- CODEX: More Typos corrected in several Codex articles.
- CODEX: Added Codex texts for the Pump-Action Shotgun and the Liberator Autostubber.
- CODEX: Adjusted several Mastercrafted Weapons CODEX requirements to match their manufacturing requirements.
- CODEX: Adjusted access to marine power armor and terminator armor articles so more factions can see them.
- INFO: Tzeentch Battleships will now correctly show as VERY LARGE instead of just LARGE.
- INFO: Proper listOrder to special bolt ammo and guns.
- QOL: Added Outpost Dirt: canBeBuiltOver.
- RESEARCH: Unlocked Imperial Webber Research for All Factions as intended.
- ENEMIES: Removed placeholder code from base 40k where genestealer hives would spawn necron ships/missions.
- TEXT: Added some more missing name Strings for dummies.
- VISUAL: CustomArmorPreviewIndex for IG Mounted Guns fix.
- VISUAL: Flying Animation for Tzeentch Inquisitor.
- AUDIO: Re-Added Missing Dominion bolter fire sound.

- MISSIONS: Reduction in most Normal difficulty Mission types from 4 to 3 UFOs waves. Some terror missions from 3 to 2 UFO waves. Less UFO craft spam per month. Swapped in some smaller UFOs in the first wave instead of medium/large UFOs for more training opportunities.
- MISSIONS: Easier early months: Split the Nurgle/Tzeentch/Slaanesh random monthly mission types into normal and HARD, enabling easier early month missions for factions that do not start with the HARD missions. Also softened some of the early 3-gods lists to have fewer daemons and spellcasters.
- MISSIONS: Lowered Hulk chance of spawning in later months + halved monthly mission script firing odds for less mission spam.
- MISSIONS: Made the target objective in space Hulks a hostile unit you can "spot". It's possibly explosive.
- MISSIONS: Added several previously restricted missions to the random monthly pool for more variety. A downed valkyrie, outpost defense, assaulting a chaos temple (with friends) and the Catacomb mission with recruitable Adeptas units to rescue.
- MISSIONS: Space Hulks primary objective is now a "hostile unit" so its easier to detect if you can see it.
- MECHANICS: Infiltration chance reduced and changed to increase in proportion to damage inflicted.
- MECHANICS: New for Psykers: Perils of the Warp mechanic introduced. Psykers with low Morale, or that utilize their powers repeatedly in the same turn, carry a heighted risk of perils; the lower their Morale, the worse the outcome is likely to be.
- CODEX: Added additional text to Codex articles for some commendations.
- RESEARCH: Plasma research now locked behind mid-tier.
- RESEARCH: Heavy Plasma research now has a unique joint topic. Heavy Plasma ammo reduced from 10 to 6. Increased heat generation per shot.
- PLASMA: Added Maximal mode to most plasma weapons; this allows the user to expend 3 additional charges (and heat) to deal 50% more damage. Situationally useful for penetrating heavy armor.
- PLASMA: Mastercrafted Plasma Rifle now has better drop-off per tile (improved accuracy).
- PLASMA: Plasma pistol and rifle damage reduces at 20 tile+ range.
- PLASMA: Plasma dropOff normalization for more plasma weapons.
- BOLTERS: Visual addition, added hitAnimation for bolters. A little explosion.
- RECRUITMENT/MISSIONS: Krieg guard may now appear in WAR missions. Helpfully assisting by taking enemy fire during the first turn. If any survive they can be recruited.
- STARTING BASE: Updated starting bases craft ammo count to correct values.
- BALANCE: Hologrenade price adjustment, less tokens, some more elerium instead.

- ART: 16 new variant heads for SoB power armor and 6 for Bloody Rose version of the armor.
- RECRUITMENT: Enabled 4 more Slaanesh Sisters captives to Repentia Manufacture topics.
- ARMOR: Nerfed ranged accuracy on repentia and deathcult armors, buffed stamina (energy). DCA armor now has slightly better front and side armor to make it an upgrade vs the repentia (still has 20% more dodge as well).
- MECHANIC: Spirit of martyr purges all infection/corruption when triggered.
- CODEX: Moved more Armor Codex articles over to the Adeptas codex section+removed some blocking requirements for low end armors that other factions may encounter/use.
- ART: Heretic Hospitallers given unique Inventory Sprite + codex articles.
- MAP/CORVUS: Added a second door exit to the Corvus.

- MECHANICS: Tweaks to the buff Banner, added safety parameters for self-harm prevention.
- RAZORBACK: Turret buffed to 50 health from 40.
- New 037 drop pod Firestorm is now available.

- WEAPONS: Ripper Pistol Improvement, a lot more morale damage, 10% more health damage. Token Cost Reduction from 400 to 200 tokens.
- UNIT: Buffed the Priest. Now benefits from Spirit of the Martyr (prevents dying) and generates 10 faith points.
- WEAPONS: Lascannon sniper adjustments. +1 point in dropOff accuracy. aimRange 30 instead of 31. Higher kneelBonus. minRange introduced (lower accuracy in close combat)
- WEAPONS: Longlas kneelbonus increased, accuracy adjusted so its better to kneel with it than stand or hipfire.
- TURRET: Crassus turrets set to 50 health. Reaction fire removed, autofire buffed to 5x from 3x shots.
- MECHANICS: Biomancer can now only regenerate up to a maximum of half its max HP. Instead of having no recovery time, its recovery time is reduced by 90%. Lethal wound regeneration now scales with psi (minimum of 1).
- 037 change: Tauros convoy are now 3xTauros instead of 2x.
- 037 change: Taurox convoy updated, ramp replaced with ladders.
- New 037 Praetor vehicle now available. Access may be moved.
- WEAPONS: DW Lascannon adjustments. Higher mobility, less accuracy at distance.
- WEAPONS: DW Dread Plasma Cannon now has better drop-off (3 instead of 5 per tile).
- UNITS: Bionics Enhancements enabled for Inq Stormtroopers. Inq stormtroopers can now achieve higher total reactions as well.
- FIX: Display full range of inventory sprites for Inquisitor armor.

- New 037 Eldar Cobra and Scorpions available. Further updates may come.

- Changed some late game weapon loadouts for Deserter Soldiers (navy autocarbine), Deserter Officers (Highgrade autopistol), Iron Guard Heavies (mortar) and Heavy Traitor Squats (mortar).
- Added Chaos variant of the Mortar.

- MAP: Necron Tombs are now larger and more varied with a new main objective to destroy (by Buscher). Look for the glowing crystal.
- Necron bases can now retaliate (small chance per base and month).
- Necron Scarabs attack speed adjusted by size of the swarm. Fewer scarabs = fewer attacks.
- AI: Necrons no longer afraid of fire tiles.

- Halved civilians chance to trigger AL (30%->15%).
- Made GKs have a much smaller chance of triggering it. Librarians are immune. Chance of triggering it goes from 5% to 1/0% with higher rank.
- Chaos Sacrifices will no longer trigger AL.

- Spooky grenades now much spookier.

- DIFFICULTY: Made starting difficulty Nurgle lists a little easier. Added one new simple cult list specifically for the starting month.
- DIFFICULTY: Added HARD mission types for Nurgle missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- WEAPONS: new Nurgle autopistol and grenade assets by Brenshar.
- LOADOUT: Nurgle Terminators now have gravpistols instead of boltpistols.
- Poxburster Explosives No Longer Hidden on Minimap. Script and mechanic streamlined.
- DIE HARD tag introduced for certain units. Plague Marines, Rotbearers, Plague Ogryns, Poxwalkers. Sets just enough health not to die to one pass of fatal wound damage.
- Instant Zombification removed from more Nurgle weapons and replaced with slight buffs to infection amount or TU damage.
- Balesword TU cost decreased from a whopping 30 to 20.

- Tzeentch Mutants and Thralls introduced for Corruption Spawning on the lower end of the health curve. Fewer Mr Crabby or Blue Horrors from noodle humans.
- Added HARD mission types for Tzeentch missions, made the normal ones easier in the opening months (fewer Witches, Tzaangors and Daemons). HARD missions are activated by researching mid-tier, or playing Space Marine factions.
- Reduced ratio of Tzeentch Blessed Rubric Marines (Spawns Flamers).
- Adjusted new 037 Screamer daemon for rosigma statline and rewards, included in several tzeentch lists, it's a lower threat daemon.

- Implemented the new OXCE AI avoidsFire: false modifier for Tyranids so they aren't afraid of harmless fire-tiles.
- HIVE GSC Base mission will now always have 3 Trains for the player to deploy from (previously 1-3 randomized).

- Added HARD mission types for Slaanesh missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- Fewer Daemonette types in the early-game Slaanesh lists.

Note that some of the enemy list changes have integrated some chill mode ideas from 2.4/2.5, giving a kinder threat ramp for non space marine-based (Hard Mode) factions.
The older Chill Mode file that modifies enemy tech progression will still work with 2.6.
Post by: Simi822 on March 14, 2024, 06:19:31 pm
Dear all,

once again a HOME RUN,

had like 3h to check all the changes......sweet! /during work had time to look LOL...benefit if you are a PM/

I love how you /beside old-timers like me chatting thru the forum/ also react to the gamers who stream our bellowed mod /toad or Beagle/

and special love to Toad....I watched hours of his gameplay in work ( LOL) and he showed me stuff like shieeet /his lifehack in the spacehulk...but all lore accurate/

and I have to thank you guys...I was nagging you so manny times with stupid stuff and 90+ percent you added to the mod...for what I am most grateful

but in my fashion I will still have proposal how to improve (LOL)

Hotshot lasgun ammo should be available to all factions /they can buy the Vostroya lasguns in the trade place so why not the ammo/
only veteran Frateris should be able to Transcend to be Sistars /otherwise the promotion to Veteran Frateris has no meaning/
Liberator Autostubbers are pricy /correct/ but make an option to produce the ammo cheaper? /the ammo is too pricy IMHO/
if bionic update is available to INQ Stormtroopers...then open it to all fractions...also Bionic updates for Arbites (?) /as available to IG and Sistars only/
make research for archeotek tech easy /liberator auto stub etc/
add to the mod the Combi weapons from the melle pack

I think that's all for today,

but again I can only say one thing great job everybody and

thank you!

Post by: Shinnare on March 14, 2024, 09:20:43 pm
Hi, there is a bug right after you research Radical road path for Inquisition...
You should get the req. token for Corvus but game crashes instead....
OXCE, War40k and Rosigma are all of latest release...

Item STR_CORVUS_TOKEN not found

Post by: Leflair on March 15, 2024, 01:43:06 pm
Likely due to OXCE 7.12 updates enabling spawning of singular craft without using a token system.
Will take a look, the corvus token can likely be removed from the radical road research.
Post by: Shinnare on March 15, 2024, 08:42:40 pm
Likely due to OXCE 7.12 updates enabling spawning of singular craft without using a token system.
Will take a look, the corvus token can likely be removed from the radical road research.

Is there an easy way to somehow fix it myself or must i wait for next patch? 
Post by: Simi822 on March 15, 2024, 10:00:58 pm
I don't know if this is a Vanilla mod feature ...WTF is the function when playing as the Deathwatch to build the  XXXX quarters ?   can you inform me ?
Post by: Simi822 on April 02, 2024, 08:35:30 pm
will there be a real 3.0 release or only the April Fools version ? (played some levels as the Boiz...was fun, but there is no research or I did not found out how its working etc...If ever it would be made for real then the sky is the limit)
Post by: sedits on April 03, 2024, 02:50:36 am
Just downloaded the mod, but  having an issue with some equipment not showing up (i.e. standard bolt clip) and lots of orc references (i.e. having "mek boys" and "odd boys" for manufacturing and researching respectively) and earning waaaagh trophies from missions. I selected chamber militant. Also had some imperial guards attacking me at a massacre site, but didn't look too closely since I had only just launched the game to try it out.

Anyone else have this issue or any ideas on what to do?
Post by: Rangerh on April 05, 2024, 05:44:09 pm
There will be a 2.6A real release soon (orks as a playable faction may come at some point in the future).
Meanwhile you can always download the "live build" of both 40K and Rosigma for the latest bugfixes/content (that will not be very different from incoming version Rosigma 2.6A ) :
Quote from: Buscher
Links to the dev builds
40k -
40k Submods -
note : those links will always have the very latest dev builds.
Post by: Leflair on April 05, 2024, 09:33:31 pm
2.6A is now available on Usual place.
Works with 40k037.2 (hotfixes)

Contains a bunch of map fixes, some from issues with 037 and others that have been reported previously but not tracked down until now.

ROSIGMA 2.6A Notes:

The Ork containment unit have been repaired. Nothing to see here citizens.

- MAP: Fix for tzeentch ship 06B and 06C.MAP glitchy walls/floors.
- MAP: Fix for Stormraven entry tiles.
- MAP: Fix Orkbase Height and GSC Base Ship Deployment without access paths (in city maps).
- MAP: Minor map gen fixes for bombardment provided by two crafts and deserter hideout.
- MAP: Revert Tauros Map to 40k036 type.
- MAP: Revert CH and CHI1-5.PCK to 40k036 type due to missing tile type in 037, reverted to old 07 and 07B.MAP battleships, this would cause missing tiles, walls and wrong colors in some larger ships.
- MAP: Morbid Graveship Fixes
- MAP: Updated mapScript for Droppods and fix GSC base ship tiles for accessibility in some rare cases.
- PRICING: Dominion adamantium price corrected from 2 to 20.
- Fixes Instances of Units Surviving Self-Destruct
- Corrected Assaultcannon, MC stormbolter and some other bolters have armor value 200 (very hard to be destroyed on the ground).
- Swap Catacombs mission text string to STR_CATACOMBS_MONTHLY_MISSION_TITLE
- Fixes Melee (damage type) bypassing Not Working Vs Self-Destruct Units;
- Sounds: Gave AI Imperials/Adeptas correct death sounds.
- Allow medikits to "heal" troops which cannot bleed (certain Deathwatch chapters).
- Certain hostile Eldar now use Eldar craft UFO rather than Imperial ones.
- Handflamer ammo now available if you can buy the weapon (Assault Marines, Inquisition).
- IG Support Tanks don't care about the advanced turret system (which would previously cause some issues if you didn't bring spare leman russ turrets).
- MISSION: Disabled broken STR_GENE_INFILTRATION with inherited values from vanilla.
- CRAFT:  Disabled STR_CORVUS_TOKEN with conflicting values.
- Fix for broken Gretchin graphics.

- Rebalances Power Knuckles, Knives and Power Fists.
- Chainsword and MC Chainsword Retooled to Have Scaling
- Decoder Outposts now also provide provideBaseFunc: HANGAR + IMPERIUM
- 40k037 added turrets updated to rosigma standard.
- Added Falloff to Officer's Sword, energy cost in %.
- Added Damage Scaling to More Melee Weapons.

- Elohim bolters and Seraphim boltguns will now be available to Novice Strategy after researching mid-tier, along with the ammo manufacturing.

- Bayonet energy cost set to 2 points per use.

- Added a Teleporter Script, experiment with a new Assault Terminator Teleporter unit.
- Buffed the Assault Bike. Tougher frontal armor, and dodge, plus a little cheaper RAM attack that does 20% more damage.
- Terminator unit types can now turn to chaos if you go down that path.
- Advanced Drop Pods now have stormbolter turrets too.

- Raptor armor updated to work like other jump packs.

- Clean up playable Chaos Armors with more standardized stats, which also gives Impact Shock resistance to them for drop pods.

- Added Brenshars Necron Flayers.

- Buffed some of the NPC units. The specific unit is REDACTED for your safety.
- AI Frateris and Sister death sounds changed to more suitable noises.
Post by: Leflair on April 05, 2024, 09:44:35 pm
Unless we bump into some critical bugs, the next update will focus on some more new content.

Available via the discord already: New World Map (new final base codex+location, change of mission zones), by Lecatac.

A few things in the WIP pipe (not promising all will make it into the next update).
    -Blood Ravens Space Marines (event reinforcements, mission recruitment, soldier+armor type). Art by Chaotic Tabris/Leflair.
    -Primaris Arsenal Expanded. Bolter and Plasma weapons. Art by Filip + Ashtroboy.
    -Combi-Plasma (Ettykitty) Code draft done.
    -Volkite Weaponry: Volkite Serpentis, Caliver and Charger, dependent on next version of OXCE. Art by Ashtroboy.
    -CHAMBER Strategy Split by Filip. Fleshed out GreyKnights with added Power Armor Aegis soldiers. Later, a Inq Stormtrooper Killteam Strategy. (4-5 Strategies).
    -Assets partially done: Space Wolves Strategy, assets by Chaotic Tabris
    -Assets partially done: Guard Rattlings - ChaoticTabris
    -Assets partially done: Nurgle Toads - Brenshar
    -Assets partially done: Penal Legion (Flak) Chemdogs - StarSquid.
    -Assets partially done: New Commissar Inventory art variants by Kris.
    -Assets partially done: Steel Legion for Guard, art by Kris.
    -Tzeentch Sorcerer on Disc 2x2
    -Orky Multimelta
    -Expanded Necron Base Map variety
Post by: EleriumWard on April 09, 2024, 03:23:30 pm
ROSIGMA 2.6 Notes:
Updated to work with OXCE 7.12 and 40k037.

- MAP: Some leaky wall fixing for 2 UFOs.
- MAP: Added accessible ground floor doors to Tzeentch ship 08B.
- MAP: Removed partial wall blockers in entrance of Nurgle ship N07. Added missing elevator tiles and doors to left and right wing.
- MAP: Fix for GSC (Arbites) Imperial scout and convoy maps stairs not working (changed to object).
- MAP: Leaky wall fixes on the big bunker maps.
- MAP: Fixed blocked stairs in INDUSTRIALURBANCULT20A and 20B.
- MAP: Fix blocked doors for CH02DOUBLEWIDE (Variant for Hell Tears).
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Wraithguard causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Slaanesh Xeno Weapons Platform causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- MECHANICS: Fixed OXCE update breaking the 2X reaction bonus for pistols (and preventing reaction fire in some cases).
- MECHANICS: Improved Scripting for Intimidation and Mend Wound Mechanics.
- MECHANICS: Friendly Turrets can no longer be Decepticons.
- MECHANICS: Heavy Flamer Turrets should now be properly corruption immune.
- MECHANICS: Minor Refactor of Mend and Inflict Wounds to prevent harming own units.
- MECHANICS: Added more Mechanical Tags to prevent corruption and betrayal mechanics from triggering for these "units". Including holo-decoys and training dummies (so Alpha Legion infiltrators don't reveal themselves after gunning down a training target).
- MECHANICS: Fix Heavy Krak Missile lacking damageType.
- CODEX: More Typos corrected in several Codex articles.
- CODEX: Added Codex texts for the Pump-Action Shotgun and the Liberator Autostubber.
- CODEX: Adjusted several Mastercrafted Weapons CODEX requirements to match their manufacturing requirements.
- CODEX: Adjusted access to marine power armor and terminator armor articles so more factions can see them.
- INFO: Tzeentch Battleships will now correctly show as VERY LARGE instead of just LARGE.
- INFO: Proper listOrder to special bolt ammo and guns.
- QOL: Added Outpost Dirt: canBeBuiltOver.
- RESEARCH: Unlocked Imperial Webber Research for All Factions as intended.
- ENEMIES: Removed placeholder code from base 40k where genestealer hives would spawn necron ships/missions.
- TEXT: Added some more missing name Strings for dummies.
- VISUAL: CustomArmorPreviewIndex for IG Mounted Guns fix.
- VISUAL: Flying Animation for Tzeentch Inquisitor.
- AUDIO: Re-Added Missing Dominion bolter fire sound.

- MISSIONS: Reduction in most Normal difficulty Mission types from 4 to 3 UFOs waves. Some terror missions from 3 to 2 UFO waves. Less UFO craft spam per month. Swapped in some smaller UFOs in the first wave instead of medium/large UFOs for more training opportunities.
- MISSIONS: Easier early months: Split the Nurgle/Tzeentch/Slaanesh random monthly mission types into normal and HARD, enabling easier early month missions for factions that do not start with the HARD missions. Also softened some of the early 3-gods lists to have fewer daemons and spellcasters.
- MISSIONS: Lowered Hulk chance of spawning in later months + halved monthly mission script firing odds for less mission spam.
- MISSIONS: Made the target objective in space Hulks a hostile unit you can "spot". It's possibly explosive.
- MISSIONS: Added several previously restricted missions to the random monthly pool for more variety. A downed valkyrie, outpost defense, assaulting a chaos temple (with friends) and the Catacomb mission with recruitable Adeptas units to rescue.
- MISSIONS: Space Hulks primary objective is now a "hostile unit" so its easier to detect if you can see it.
- MECHANICS: Infiltration chance reduced and changed to increase in proportion to damage inflicted.
- MECHANICS: New for Psykers: Perils of the Warp mechanic introduced. Psykers with low Morale, or that utilize their powers repeatedly in the same turn, carry a heighted risk of perils; the lower their Morale, the worse the outcome is likely to be.
- CODEX: Added additional text to Codex articles for some commendations.
- RESEARCH: Plasma research now locked behind mid-tier.
- RESEARCH: Heavy Plasma research now has a unique joint topic. Heavy Plasma ammo reduced from 10 to 6. Increased heat generation per shot.
- PLASMA: Added Maximal mode to most plasma weapons; this allows the user to expend 3 additional charges (and heat) to deal 50% more damage. Situationally useful for penetrating heavy armor.
- PLASMA: Mastercrafted Plasma Rifle now has better drop-off per tile (improved accuracy).
- PLASMA: Plasma pistol and rifle damage reduces at 20 tile+ range.
- PLASMA: Plasma dropOff normalization for more plasma weapons.
- BOLTERS: Visual addition, added hitAnimation for bolters. A little explosion.
- RECRUITMENT/MISSIONS: Krieg guard may now appear in WAR missions. Helpfully assisting by taking enemy fire during the first turn. If any survive they can be recruited.
- STARTING BASE: Updated starting bases craft ammo count to correct values.
- BALANCE: Hologrenade price adjustment, less tokens, some more elerium instead.

- ART: 16 new variant heads for SoB power armor and 6 for Bloody Rose version of the armor.
- RECRUITMENT: Enabled 4 more Slaanesh Sisters captives to Repentia Manufacture topics.
- ARMOR: Nerfed ranged accuracy on repentia and deathcult armors, buffed stamina (energy). DCA armor now has slightly better front and side armor to make it an upgrade vs the repentia (still has 20% more dodge as well).
- MECHANIC: Spirit of martyr purges all infection/corruption when triggered.
- CODEX: Moved more Armor Codex articles over to the Adeptas codex section+removed some blocking requirements for low end armors that other factions may encounter/use.
- ART: Heretic Hospitallers given unique Inventory Sprite + codex articles.
- MAP/CORVUS: Added a second door exit to the Corvus.

- MECHANICS: Tweaks to the buff Banner, added safety parameters for self-harm prevention.
- RAZORBACK: Turret buffed to 50 health from 40.
- New 037 drop pod Firestorm is now available.

- WEAPONS: Ripper Pistol Improvement, a lot more morale damage, 10% more health damage. Token Cost Reduction from 400 to 200 tokens.
- UNIT: Buffed the Priest. Now benefits from Spirit of the Martyr (prevents dying) and generates 10 faith points.
- WEAPONS: Lascannon sniper adjustments. +1 point in dropOff accuracy. aimRange 30 instead of 31. Higher kneelBonus. minRange introduced (lower accuracy in close combat)
- WEAPONS: Longlas kneelbonus increased, accuracy adjusted so its better to kneel with it than stand or hipfire.
- TURRET: Crassus turrets set to 50 health. Reaction fire removed, autofire buffed to 5x from 3x shots.
- MECHANICS: Biomancer can now only regenerate up to a maximum of half its max HP. Instead of having no recovery time, its recovery time is reduced by 90%. Lethal wound regeneration now scales with psi (minimum of 1).
- 037 change: Tauros convoy are now 3xTauros instead of 2x.
- 037 change: Taurox convoy updated, ramp replaced with ladders.
- New 037 Praetor vehicle now available. Access may be moved.
- WEAPONS: DW Lascannon adjustments. Higher mobility, less accuracy at distance.
- WEAPONS: DW Dread Plasma Cannon now has better drop-off (3 instead of 5 per tile).
- UNITS: Bionics Enhancements enabled for Inq Stormtroopers. Inq stormtroopers can now achieve higher total reactions as well.
- FIX: Display full range of inventory sprites for Inquisitor armor.

- New 037 Eldar Cobra and Scorpions available. Further updates may come.

- Changed some late game weapon loadouts for Deserter Soldiers (navy autocarbine), Deserter Officers (Highgrade autopistol), Iron Guard Heavies (mortar) and Heavy Traitor Squats (mortar).
- Added Chaos variant of the Mortar.

- MAP: Necron Tombs are now larger and more varied with a new main objective to destroy (by Buscher). Look for the glowing crystal.
- Necron bases can now retaliate (small chance per base and month).
- Necron Scarabs attack speed adjusted by size of the swarm. Fewer scarabs = fewer attacks.
- AI: Necrons no longer afraid of fire tiles.

- Halved civilians chance to trigger AL (30%->15%).
- Made GKs have a much smaller chance of triggering it. Librarians are immune. Chance of triggering it goes from 5% to 1/0% with higher rank.
- Chaos Sacrifices will no longer trigger AL.

- Spooky grenades now much spookier.

- DIFFICULTY: Made starting difficulty Nurgle lists a little easier. Added one new simple cult list specifically for the starting month.
- DIFFICULTY: Added HARD mission types for Nurgle missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- WEAPONS: new Nurgle autopistol and grenade assets by Brenshar.
- LOADOUT: Nurgle Terminators now have gravpistols instead of boltpistols.
- Poxburster Explosives No Longer Hidden on Minimap. Script and mechanic streamlined.
- DIE HARD tag introduced for certain units. Plague Marines, Rotbearers, Plague Ogryns, Poxwalkers. Sets just enough health not to die to one pass of fatal wound damage.
- Instant Zombification removed from more Nurgle weapons and replaced with slight buffs to infection amount or TU damage.
- Balesword TU cost decreased from a whopping 30 to 20.

- Tzeentch Mutants and Thralls introduced for Corruption Spawning on the lower end of the health curve. Fewer Mr Crabby or Blue Horrors from noodle humans.
- Added HARD mission types for Tzeentch missions, made the normal ones easier in the opening months (fewer Witches, Tzaangors and Daemons). HARD missions are activated by researching mid-tier, or playing Space Marine factions.
- Reduced ratio of Tzeentch Blessed Rubric Marines (Spawns Flamers).
- Adjusted new 037 Screamer daemon for rosigma statline and rewards, included in several tzeentch lists, it's a lower threat daemon.

- Implemented the new OXCE AI avoidsFire: false modifier for Tyranids so they aren't afraid of harmless fire-tiles.
- HIVE GSC Base mission will now always have 3 Trains for the player to deploy from (previously 1-3 randomized).

- Added HARD mission types for Slaanesh missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- Fewer Daemonette types in the early-game Slaanesh lists.

Note that some of the enemy list changes have integrated some chill mode ideas from 2.4/2.5, giving a kinder threat ramp for non space marine-based (Hard Mode) factions.
The older Chill Mode file that modifies enemy tech progression will still work with 2.6.

Yeah, about the crystal thing. What kind of weapon do you need to destroy the crystal?
Post by: Leflair on April 10, 2024, 05:30:33 pm
Melta, lascannon, plasma, power (melee) weapons or even chainswords should do it.
Post by: Simi822 on April 18, 2024, 09:35:22 pm
an IDEA,

Judge you cannot buy only promote /get one at game start/ to promote: Veteran + Long service (?)
or produce for shitload for tokens?

the basic Judge armor gets the IG shield /the 60 token shield/ and the Judge gets the same inspire feat like the Commissars/Officer/Big Sistar

and then the Judge can use the Arbitor or Marshal armor....and the bike....

I think its a good idea ?
Post by: Tigey on April 20, 2024, 07:46:24 pm
Hiya. Great mod - really enjoying this.

Just one kinda random question - where did you get the death quotes/voice lines for the Daemonettes (specifically DaemonetteDeath1.wav & 2.wav)? I know I've heard them in another game and its driving me nuts that I can't remember which lol...
Post by: Simi822 on April 25, 2024, 11:18:58 pm
Dear all,

I made my ideas into a file

please add them to the mod...
Post by: Leflair on April 29, 2024, 09:36:33 am
The Daemonette sound files are from a combination of Diablo 1 (death sounds) and Marvel vs Capcom/Deathstalkers (You've Been Naughty).

Simi822: The Judges/Arbites are on the ToDoList, but those ideas are in line with that. Will take a look.
Post by: DovaSaints on May 15, 2024, 01:46:20 pm
When trying to land on a downed interceptor, an error appeared about the lack of a Nurgle interceptor model.
Post by: Slaanesh on May 20, 2024, 11:42:39 pm
Greetings Everyone. Owing to an exceptionally convenient error message, I am able to submit an exemplary "live alien item definition is missing" bug report. #9a1c72cc-1e59-45c1-bad2-71b5e81e2
Post by: Simi822 on May 21, 2024, 09:13:38 pm

is the Fletchette gun with Keller Ammo (75) snap shot 3x the strongest single hand weapon...or is the Master crafted Plasma pistol or its the Tigrus bolt pistol with master crafted ammo? which one you prefer? and which one is the best for a Shield carrier (Ogryn, Arbiter, Beastman, Astartes) ?

just and Idea after watchin Toad today...
Post by: Simi822 on May 23, 2024, 10:03:20 pm
also an Idea,

we have pump action shotgun or the weapons used by Civilians or GSC

maybe a Double-Barreled Shotgun or even  sawed-off shotgun as a early singe hand option?

and then add exotic weapons like Toad was saying /which are in FMP or Xcom files/ like
Belasco Dueling Pistol - laspistol that uses the whole laspistol cell capacity for a single shot to create a lascannon
like punch /a single hand lascannon/

or ad Archeotech weapons or implement the combi weapons from the melee pack + there the volkite weapon is also available
/they work like a dream...I use the melee pack all the time...just use it in this pack/

or add Lasguns. shotguns , autoguns with exterminators /what I was saying here already like 2 years ago/
and dont forget Klovis the Redeemers Eviscerator with a Exterminator / a mission where you help Klovis to get him or hi weapon?/

digi weapons ! a Joakero ship! /to create a Joakero just use the Mongrel from xcom files.../ maybe make the live catch joakero available to turn into adepts /if playing radical/

and all of this only to be found on missions...maybe create new missions...rouge traders lair LOL  Joakero ship

sorry for such a long post...but watching the videos on YT during work...inspire me

Post by: Simi822 on May 30, 2024, 10:30:40 pm
lets all watch:

good stuff!!

and manny of my ideas are being integrated into the mod !!!!!!

thank you so much guys and are the best!

P.S. there are always more improvement ahead, but that's the future....

never less all people working on this mod or testing this mod....Thank you very much...
Post by: Simi822 on June 13, 2024, 08:39:18 pm

the Steel Legion update /work still in progress/

what I saw /YT + playing the beta/

this is the best looking , feeling OXCE addon ever....

I can only tell to the team involved in creating this....

Congratulations , its a Wagnerian classic
Post by: Leflair on June 16, 2024, 04:51:12 pm
ROSIGMA 2.7 is now live and available on the

ROSIGMA 2.7 Notes:


Heads Up:
- Requires 40k version 038.
- GUARD: If you got an ongoing pre2.7 save with Guard and have a normal Valkyrie/Crassus/Gorgon the save might crash upon entering the baseUI. This is due to an update to those craft code entries in rosigma to get around limitations to submodding in OXCE. 

- Some Regen fixes.
- Some Melee Scaling fixes.
- ASTARTES: Devastators now have their big backpacks again, if they were missing.
- Replaced some faulty Player Frateris death sounds
- Implemented a method to restrict Perils of the Warp checks per turn to prevent instant warpification by using big AoE items (like the buff/smoke tomes).
- Crash fix for missing Nurgle Interception craft alienDeployment data.
- Corrected Webber ammo (Dark Mass) manufacturing cost from 20 ceramite to 10 promethium.
- Various other minor fixes and tweaks.

- Updated some more items (primarily ammo) armor values to 200 to prevent item pile disintegration from stray Tzeentch shenanigans.
- Grav weapon stats standardization.
- Melee weapon stats updates and standardization efforts.
- Smite Buffed: 10 Energy instead of 25 to use, stun damage reduced from 10 to 5 for using it. Damage bonus from user psi ability. Ignores armor, maxRange 20.
- Changed spawned/turned enemy units TU to 15% default instead of 25%, to prevent them using snap fire and possibly causing some conga line issues.
- Made Mastercrafted Stormbolter ammo available for manufacture for factions that aren't Greyknights, after ceramite and mastercrafting is reasearched.
- Standardized Order Max Range at 7.
- Orbital Beacon reactions doubled to counter the 2xPistol reaction bonus on enemies. Also given 1x100% chance to dodge if shot at.

- Integrated Therons excellent Ancient Space Hulk dungeon work. This includes 4 new space hulk map set themes and several new genestealer variants. Leflair has built a couple dozen, or forty, map blocks based on the tilesets, Surrealistik got in on it too and before you knew it we had a [lot] of maps.
- You'll encounter new music tracks per map based on the old space hulk games.
- The special space hulk will appear once certain conditions are met. Either discovered by the player (through destroying genestealer related bases) or from world events. There's several ways to trigger it, and once the Hulk appears on the geoscape it will not time out nor disappear if you evacuate from it.
- Archeotech Lootbox:
If you manage to complete the Ancient Hulk-Dungeon you get an "Ancient Vault" item.
You need to research the corresponding topic and then you can open it in the related manufacture "Opening Ancient Vault" and you get an ancient set of power armor, unique per faction, including Arbites, based on the LE10 Power Armor).

- ARMOR: New Bloody Rose variant of the Elohim, stats towards melee. New inventory art.
- TRANSPORT: Added 2xSkull Probes for the Corvus, these can be used for scouting and to draw some reaction fire on turn 1.
- TRANSPORT: Added 2xAssault Cannon turrets to the front of the Corvus.
- TRANSPORT: Added Inquisition Valkyrie variant with a new paintjob and slightly tuned up engines. Replaces Guard Valkyrie for this faction.
- SFX: Added more motivational deathsounds to the Servo Skulls.
- CODEX: Removed requirements for some sister armors, that articles were unavailable despite fulfilling the requirements.
- ARMOR: Updated requirements for Celestian and Sacresant armor types, they are now dependent on Armory of Faith, Master Crafting and Ceramite.
- ARMOR: Deathcult Assassin melee bonus restored to +20, ranged bonus nerfed a bit further to -20 from -10.
- ARMOR: Removed inbuilt Skull Probes. A little too strong when massed.


- Personal Shield and Bionics projects now available to Judges.
- New Justicar Power Armor, if you can recover the LE10 armor from the new deep Space Hulk location.

- BANEBLADE: New craft with 40k 038. Increased speed from 75 to 150. Gun turrets updated and beefed up.
- BALANCE: Added Scaling to Officer Melee Weapons.
- BALANCE: Added a Mortar Marker, whch delays the mortar strike by a turn. Mortar ammo cost lowered as compensation.
- RESEARCH: Moved airstrike research to starting unlocks for Scions/Elite Strategy Guard.
- RESEARCH: Carapace armor research unlocked by Scions/Elite Strategy.
- ARMOR: Scions can now use the Elysian jump armor and Harakoni Warhawk jump armor, research reqs unlocked with strategy.
- ARMOR: Felinid regular sensor armor vision stats lowered to soft cap 40/40 from 45/45.
- START: Elite Strategy IG (Scions) now gets:
1xValkyrie Grav Drop token
1xTauros Grav Drop token
6x Elysian Jump armors
6x Accatran Lasguns
2x Accatran Missile Launchers
2x Accatran Bolters.
In their starting package. They lose the normal Valkyrie Token. They get 1 more craft token than they have hangar space, so you'll need to pick what to deploy first.
- CODEX: Crassus codex article requirement given mid-tier to match research access (previously high-tier).
- ART: New Kris-made Commissar spritework for normal and carapace versions, battlesprites/floorob/bigob/inventory art.

- Added the mechanized Steel Legion of Armageddon as a guard Strategy, with excellent sprite art by Kris.
- Design wise they are a little more streamlined than the default strategy, with more skilled starting troops and a focus on ground craft. Their ground vehicles have a speed bonus.
They lack some air options lack grav drop Valkyries. 
Steel Legion has better range on their autofire (codex doctrine armoured fist and mount up!).
They have 10-30% ACID resistance better than standard Guard, to represent their toxic world origin and sealed equipment.
- For Abhuman support options they have the Squats (Ratlings may come in the future) but lack Felinids, Beastguard and Ogryn (Ogryn bodyguards may be added in some more limited form later).
Includes: Soldier types and armors (officer, medic, vox, carapace etc), custom Sentinels (with some ACID resistance).
- Steel Legion arsenal of guns, low/mid-tier voss variant lasguns (scoped) and carbines (bayonet), hellguns and volleyguns, missile & grenade launchers, heavy flamer, new chainsword and powerfist. Some weapons appear at mid-tier or after researching ceramite.
- End game armor: Steel Legion Stormtrooper armor (replaces Guard void/power armor). They have better resistance vs ACID damage type.
- Steel Legion variant mounted guns, HB, Lascannon and Autocannon. Purchased as normal, shows SL skins when used by SL guardsmen.
- Steel Legion versions of Chimera convoy, and Leman Rus convoys with and without tank rider slots. Their go-to high end Leman Rus is the Executioner (plasma). They get early access to the non-tankrider version of the Leman Rus convoy in early tier after researching adamantium.
- Steel Legion convoys containing Chimeras get a ~20% discount to purchase price and upkeep cost.
- Steel Legion Lightning and Thunderbolt interceptors (re-skins). They are more expensive as a downside to the SL ground focus and boons (cost, speed and armor boons).
- Steel Legion Crassus and Gorgon variants (re-skins). They have the Steel Legion boon to speed.

- ARMOR: Heatvision for Advanced Scout Armor
- ARMOR: Buffed Armor Resistances of Officer+ (includes Techmarines, Librarians etc) Power Armor and Terminator Armors by 10-20%.
- ARMOR: Buffed Armor Resistances for Primaris.
- TRANSPORT: Updated the speed of the Chapter Army Craft to 250 instead of 20.
- TRANSPORT: Gave the Chapter Army Craft heavy bolter sponsons, turned the Rhinos into Razerbacks (turrets) and added some recon capability (2 skull probes) to the Landspeeder.
- TRANSPORT: Added 4 tiles and 4 additional slots (total of 30 instead of 26) to the Chapter Army Craft for support and 2x2 units (Dreadnoughts). Can't really restrict specific tiles to specific unit types, so place them however you want in the Craft Preview.
- TRANSPORT: Moved item pile to the back of the Landraider for the Chapter Army Craft to save it from explosions.
- TRANSPORT: Added 8 ground tiles and slots to the Landspeeder craft (14->22) with additional space for Support units (servitors) and HWPs.
- TRANSPORT: Guard Valkyrie no longer available for Space Marines.
- SPONSONS: Buffed armor of the Thunderhawk/Landraider heavy bolter sponsons so they can survive a bit longer.
- FINAL MISSION: Buff damage, armor and health for the Vindicator cannon. Damage roll updated to 50-200% to always do some damage.
- BANNER: Space Marine Banner is now AoE again.
- Crozius damage bonus from psiSkill. Power range drop off set to 20, 5 points of power reduction per tile after.
- Smoke spell now modified by user psychic ability.

CHAMBER MILITANT (and friends):
- Immunity to the Perils of the Warp added to armors.
- Deathwatch Armor Resistances buffed.
- ARMOR: New Grey Knight and Deathwatch Saturnine bases terminator armors can be acquired from the Ancient Hulk loot.
- TRANSPORT: 2x Skull Probes for the Corvus.
- TRANSPORT: Added 2xAssault Cannon turrets to the front of the Corvus.
- TRANSPORT: Added Inquisition Valkyrie variant with a new paintjob and slightly tuned up engines. Replaces Guard Valkyrie for this faction.

- Blood Ravens Space Marines can now appear to assist the player, if playing a non-space marine faction, after fulfilling certain requirements. THREAT_ONE required, and reseaching the chapel helps. One event with a 5% chance of firing per month for 1 veteran Blood Raven, and one event with a higher chance of firing once the chapel has been built for 4 Blood Raven Marines.
- The Blood Raven marines are tactical marines, with slightly higher psi ability stat rolls (but lower devotion).

- Reduced effective range of Nurgle Midwife/Daemonette spit and spray, and max number of spits per turn.
- Made the Nurgle Elite final list somewhat harder, the engineer slot can now spawn a blessed deathguard that transforms instead of just havocs, medic slot nurgle sisters/daemonettes removed and replaced with more Deathguard spewers and Terminators, the navigator slot will now also spawn a nurgle assassin 33% of the time, the soldier slot will now spawn a few normal deathguards (fewer terminators) but also maybe an nurgle blighted assassin, the terrorist slots will spawn more Blight Haulers.
- Nurgle Blightbearer assassins now tougher, higher firing/melee accuracy and unbreakable. Will now toss a Plaguebearer spawner first instead of a Nurgling spawner. Nurgling spawner replaced with another blight grenade. Will snipe outside of LOS more often (90% instead of 50% of attacks).
- Nurgle Cult Leaders will now attack outside of LOS 75% instead of 50% of times.
- Chaos Gravgun now has less accuracy drop off (6->5) and 5% higher snap accuracy (70% instead of 65%). No longer capped at 24 maxRange but instead have 2 power drop off after 18 tiles.
- Nurgle AOE Gravgun now has less accuracy drop off (10->5) and 10% higher snap accuracy (55% instead of 45%). No longer capped at 20 maxRange but instead have 2 power drop off after 16 tiles.
- Nurgle Gravcannon  now has less accuracy drop off (7->4), powerRangeThreshold: 14 and powerRangeReduction: 0.25 changed to    powerRangeThreshold: 25 powerRangeReduction: 2 (no power reduction until 25 tiles out). MaxRange 25 changed to AimRange 25 (can now fire further than 25 tiles). minRange set to 5.
- Nurgle Gravgun now has less accuracy drop off (10->6), power drops off after 14 tiles.
- Nurgle Gravpistol now has less accuracy drop off (7->6) but removed aimed fire mode. Accuracy drop off begins after 14 tiles. Power drop off starts after 16 tiles.
- Nurgle Needler rifle changed from 5 accuracy drop off to 2 drop off per tile, and accuracy increased from 80% to 110%, aimRange increased to 30 from 25. So you'll now be hit and infected pretty much every time it fires. Added 100% energy and stun damage to it. Damage bonus increased from 30% to 40% (scales with accuracy). minRange set to 7 (less accurate closer than 7 tiles).
- Nurgle Autopistol given 10% nurgle infection damage.
- Changed daemonette armors spawn TU to 5% from 10% to prevent them getting a melee attack off when they spawn.
- Changed ranged daemon spells to flatRate: false from true.
- Reduced toItem damage for several Tzeentch spells that was previously set to 500%.
- Reduced some morale damage from 800-1000% to 500% or lower for some tzeentch spells.
- Slightly increased armor effectiveness from 50% to 60% vs some chaos spells (tzeentch).
- Changed some daemon melee attacks accuracyMultiplier to meleeMultiplier (you'll probably not notice anything).
- Reduced effective range of Mr Crabby's tzeentch spray attack.
- Increased Tu cost of Pink Horrors standard spell by 5 points. Can no longer aim fire twice a turn, or snap fire 5 times a turn. Snap fire drop off range begins at 15 tiles instead of 18 and 26 tiles.
- Created a STR_SLAANESH_LATE race list for month 10+ Slaanesh missions and bases, containing more Slaanesh Marines and other nasties.
- Iron Guard given a custom Battlesprite sheet and corpse sprite with pixels done by Sboven.


- HP Normalization for Necrons
- VFX/SFX: Necron Flayed Ones melee attack graphics and sound effects updated.
- MAP/BASE: Necron Tomb 2x 20x20 Map Block Additions: Stasis Chamber Array, Security Room.

Post by: Simi822 on June 26, 2024, 10:01:14 am
I firs saw it in May, don't know if it was fixed...but its funny
Post by: Simi822 on June 30, 2024, 10:05:46 pm
THE FUK...playing as the Steel Legion...send the Tank with Riders from West Europe to Antarctica and I receive a message not enough FUEL...THE FUK
Post by: Simi822 on July 03, 2024, 10:47:50 pm
dear friends,

so the update that I saw where HEAVENLY ..especially for the STEEL LEGION, managed to do the game for the was  incredible

yes I got Yarrick join me !!!

I was like maybe make more such special ppl available like ...Eisenhorn, Fishing or Grimaldus, Ciaphas Cain, etc...and don't make them faction only (goes for Yarrick as well)
eisenhorn is a fuken IG with some librarian powers , Fishing  is a Judge with a power armor stats that has a digi weapon (the halberd attack as a neeedler  or short range lascannon ) and grimaldus or Ciaphas Cain you know the drill...
Post by: Leflair on July 29, 2024, 08:39:06 pm
ROSIGMA 2.7A is now live and available on the


Works with OXCE 7.12 and 7.13. 40k mod v038.

- The Minimod collection (by Theron): Allows you to tweak difficulty with a dozen options.
- Space Marine Tweaks (by CoolHandTeezyGreasy/Darox): Tougher Space Marines, geneseed and some additional toys.
- New World Map (new final base codex+location, change of mission zones), by Lecatac (may need some updating to work again).

- Jetpack Bug Fix
- Steel Legion final mission crashes.
- AL Purge repeating event glitch fix.
- Fixed some visuals that were bugged on some chaos ship maps.
- Fixed some Gorgon tile issues.
- Corrected to index 1040 handsprite for SL hellgun.
- Fixes Minor Sprite Bug With Combiplasma
- Corrected Nurgling and Rotbearer height values (too high vs too low), will affect hitbox.

- Increase Token Cost for Hologram grenades from 2 to 5.
- Reduced spawn-ins during phase 2 of the final mission for Marines, Sisters and Chamber Militant to compensate for some of the new units and abilities Chaos gets.
- Grav Weapons Ignore Resistance Typing and Scale More With Armor.

- Overwatch trait added to some Khorne units.
- Overheating Plasma now Ignites Wielder
- Melting Plasma Weapon Now Deals Heavy Damage to Wielder

- Nurgle Chaos Base updated with new nurgly graphics by Theron, Nurgle no longer room-mate with Khorne.
- The final level of the special Space Hulk is now destroy-the-objective instead of kill-them-all & you can now retreat from level 1-4.
- Armory Facility for base defense map updated.
- Mind Shield Base Facility Update: Now Has Basement/Attic Entrance/Exit
- Com Center Updated to New Map Standard; Minor Pathing/Map Updates
- Base Defense Facility Updated With Extra Ingress/Exit
- Library Facility Map Updated
- Adamantine Forge Map Updated

- New Inventory and Battlesprites for Scions (Kris)
- New smaller bigobs for six Steel Legion lasguns to better fit the scale of other lasguns.
- Updated armor column soldier spawn order to first spawn on interior tile slots and then tank riders.
- Soldier type GUARDSL can now wear carapace.

- Tweaked stat values for Chaos God Specific Craft Traits.
Several new late game race lists added for the 4 gods, containing some new units:
- Alpha Legion Cataphractii Terminators (by Theron)
- Khorne Terminators (by Theron)
- Khorne Dreadnought Berserker (by Brenshar), a new 2x2 sized dreadnought that appear in Khorne lists.
- Slaanesh Cataphractii Terminators (by Theron)
- Tzeentch Terminators and Saturnine Terminators (byTheron)
Expect these to pop up around month 10-12.
- Added Tzeentch Soulreaper Inferno Ammo for autocannons.
- Added Doombolt Spell for Undivided Sorcerers
- Added Nurgle Lesser and Greater Plague Toads, art by Brenshar. Found in early and cult lists, these hopping menaces have long reaching tongues and spit attacks. High HP, low armor, they are weak to INC fire damage but resistant to AP, HE, ACID and MELEE.

- Necron Wound Rate Reduced + Melta Vulnerability Added
Post by: Simi822 on August 06, 2024, 09:25:26 pm

where can I download the new world map?

Post by: lancev on September 18, 2024, 12:31:06 pm
After finished a campaign of the original 40k mod, I now am trying this Rosigma. The amount of content is absolutely impressive. In particular the number of enemy units and ships make for a really varied experience. On the other hand it requires quite some polishing.
Right now I am wonderung how to use Psykers as Deathwatch. There are several events where a psyker joins your team, together with a staff and some spells. However, in combat he just wears generic psyker robes and the spells do nothing. It seems to me that Deathwatch is forbidden to use psykers, but then why does one get them via events?
Post by: Simi822 on September 23, 2024, 04:47:17 pm
yep the coding of the game allows only Guard playthrough to change Psycher armor aka his spell...yes should be changed, there are some such minor "bugs" like no hotshot ammo for all factions, whip only for sistars, etc ... one can buy Vostroya Lasguns but not the ammo....I managed to find where these are in the script and change them always for myself LOL
Post by: Leflair on October 21, 2024, 09:35:51 pm
ROSIGMA 2.8 is now live and available on the

ROSIGMA Update 2.8:

- Added back the 2 Missing slots with the new green Guard Chimeras from main 40k mod.
- Guard Dig-In ability now Prevents Dodging.
- HeatVision values dropped to 40-50% max for performance reasons. Little/no gameplay effect due to how HeatVision works.
- Space Hulk special dungeon will now not disappear on retreating.
- Sprite sheet updates to some terminator sheets with short leg syndrome.
- Ork bike battlesprite floating pixel fix when driving in certain directions.
- Scare grenades updated to not damage tiles and terrain.

- Frag grenades power updated to 80 from 70.
- Terminator armor resist to lascannons lowered by 10%.
- Handheld Heavy Weapons Apply Reaction Penalties While Not Kneeling
- Added 25-50% Reaction Penalty to More Heavy Weapons. Adeptas Throne Missile Launcher and heavy bolters, sniper weapons and one-use disposable rocket launchers. Helpful for not blasting your own men with a reaction shot.
- Eldar armor and resistances (vs AP) buffed slightly.
- Chaos Heavy Stubber buffed, longer effective range accuracy.
- Ogryn devotion values buffed.
- Chaos Blight Grenades (STR_ALIEN_GRENADES) rejigged to be more of a HE grenade, power 90.
- Light Bolter Enforcer updated with double tap burst fire; specialized in overwatch and mid-range fighting. Ranges and TU costs updated.
- Light Bolter Locke now has 4 shot autofire instead of 3 shots.
- Lascarbine Accatran now has autofire.
- Ripper Shotgun drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile
- Voss Mini Lascarbine drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile.

- New automatic Soldier Prefixes by Contributoris Mackeroni. Note: For soldiers that can promote with armor you may need to do some manual updating of the prefix.

- Lasgun should now fire ze red lasers instead of blue pew pew.
- New Hormagaunt inventory sprite by Brenshar.

- Improved Player Base Defense maps (Surrealistik), expanded basement and spawn spots. There's a submod to grab if you want a stronger basement (or 6).
- Therons new Catachan Autumn and forest map tilesets for special missions, new terror missions added.
- Gothic and outpost mcd and urban24 map fixes for some LOS and hitbox issues.
- Updated bugged stair that couldn´t be used, in the large Arbites/GSC ship map (Suppression Palace).
- Space Hulk level 5 spawns updated.
- Added some holes to the HIVE map to allow reinforcement spawned GSC to get out, and the player to win those missions without applying melta to every structure.

- New Medicae Kit and Stim injector items. Stim costs 1 HP, 25 MORALE and +25 STUN to use, for +50 energy.

- Added Therons Catachan Jungle Fighter Guardsmen and special missions. Survivors can be recruited and small numbers can arrive through events once certain conditions are met.
- Catachans have stronger statlines than guardsmen and a special stealth trait when deploying, but limited armor upgrades. Catachan Fighters that obtained a Veteran commendation can be promoted to Catachan Veterans. Catachan Veterans that have obtained a Crux Terminator commendation can be promoted to Catachan Officers. Catachans have 1x20% chance to dodge a incoming attack per turn.
- Added Traitor Catachans/Jungle Fighters. Several unit types with different loadouts.
- Added Special Marbo mission chain. Are you Sly enough to obtain the secret Marbo?

- Lucius Heavy Lasgun for Krieg veterans (Grenadiers) buffed. Increased damage to 70 up from 65 and doubled the cooling rate. POWER SHOT! now does 60% more damage for 4 heat instead of 30% more damage for 2 heat. Renamed Maximal shot.

- Added new Scion armors (pixel art by Kris). Heavy versions of the stormtrooper armor for troopers and officers for the late game (ceramite tier+master crafting), as well as a Scion Jump armor (mid-tier + jump armor related research). All the new armors are manufactured.
For stats they have slightly improved armor values (+10/+25), in particular sides and rear armor, as well as 10% better resistance values for standard (AP), INCendiary, HE, ACID and melee.  The jump armor has somewhat lower armor values than the ground versions, but the same improved resistances.
The armors do not have integrated stormtrooper weapon (hellgun) alternatives, as they are meant for late game special equipment (master-crafted/plasma/grav etc weapons). The ground armors can DIG IN.
- Scion troopers can now get the personal shield upgrade.

- New Ultramarine Cataphractii armor added by Theron. More on assembling it in the future. There's also some friendly AI units that can appear with this armor on certain missions.

- Lowered primaris lvl 5 armor promotion cost by a thousand tokens.
- Primaris Arsenal Expanded. Bolter and Plasma weapons. Art by Filip + Ashtroboy.
- Volkite Serpentis, Caliver and Charger. Uses updated OXCE particle effects. Art by Ashtroboy.
- Primaris expanded arsenal expansion.
Primaris Weapons tiers and research gating
Tier 0 (starting):
- 1 unscoped carbine [Basically a standard Astartes Boltgun, specced for 2x snapshot/shorter range rapid fire combat. Cheap TU Snap/Autofire. Some ammo upgrade potential after adamantium/mid-tier/MC ammo research to keep the gun relevant]

Tier 1 (unlocked pre mid-tier):
- Scoped Occulus carbine [Scoped Carbine can be locked behind the motion sensor for the better optics] [Standard mid-range boltgun]
- Cawl standard Bolter [Kraken Ammo behind Adamantium] [DMR type Boltgun]
- Heavy Bolt Pistol  [Unlocked after researching Adamantium Better AP Kraken Ammo gating]

Tier 2 (mid-tier+ gated):
- Heavy Bolt Rifle [DMR role, packs a paunch like a heavy bolter or sniper rifle]
- Assault Bolter
- Fancier Absolvor Heavy Bolt Pistol [comparable to the 40mm stub cannon sidearm guard gets]
- Melta Rifle [A beefier version of the Conversion/Harmonic Beamer melta - a melta lascannon]
- Exterminator Plasma gun

Tier 3 (Ceramite tier gated):
- Executor Heavy Bolt Rifle with special sauce ammo [Competing with Heavy Gravis inbuilt Autocannons]
- any Mastercrafted versions of previous Bolters / MC Ammo types for compatible weapons 
- Heavy/Assault Incinerator Plasma
[Plasma weapons gating behind Chaos Dekker/Heavy Plasmas]
[Special Ammo types behind high tier master-crafting]
[Cawl/Primaris Plasma do not suffer overheating, supposedly more rapid fire and better than normal plasma, so somewhere inbetween those and the MC Plasmas if we want to avoid having to make Golden Primaris Plasma weapons]

- Higher Aggressiveness values for mainly Evil Sunz (red) Orks to get them into proper krumpin' range. Slightly higher values for some other Orks as well.
Coding:- Heavy Lascannon Orks 2x2 (Kris)
Coding: - Implement New Kommando Nobz unit (Xom)

- Genestealer Primarch and Broodlords added (by Theron). These big boys are dangerous, killing them causes morale issues for GSC units.
- Carnifex stats updated and buffed. Used to be very close to vanilla values, which made them quite squishy. Armor buffed 20 points, resistance to AP buffed 10% and health set to 600 from 340.

- Slaanesh Sonic weapons buffed.
- STR_SLAANESH_CORRUPTING_TOUCH now has a reaction bonus.
- Nurgle Toads tongue now more powerful at licking.
- Nurgle Poxburster new battlesprite and corpse sprite by Theron, will now stand out from the other zombie types.
- New Nurgle Cataphractii Blightlord Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Nurgle Saturnine Deathshroud Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Black Legion Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Nightlords Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion Indomitus Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion CSM Squad Leader by Theron added.
- More new Elite Chaos lists added and terminators concentrated (mostly) there to make fewer terminators early/mid game happen.

Post by: Leflair on October 21, 2024, 09:48:21 pm

New stuff in 2.8 and beyond.
Post by: Simi822 on October 22, 2024, 08:22:33 pm
get this error with the new version

22-10-2024_19-20-24]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of units:
Error processing 'STR_HULKERXENO2_SOLDIER' in units: Armor HULKERGENE_ARMOR2a not found
Error processing 'STR_HULKERXENO2a_SOLDIER' in units: Armor HULKERGENE_ARMOR2a not found
Error processing 'STR_HULKERXENO4_SOLDIER' in units: Armor HULKERGENE_ARMOR4a not found
Error processing 'STR_HULKERXENO4a_SOLDIER' in units: Armor HULKERGENE_ARMOR4a not found
Error processing 'STR_HULKERXENO6_SOLDIER' in units: Armor HULKERGENE_ARMOR6a not found
Error processing 'STR_HULKERXENO6a_SOLDIER' in units: Armor HULKERGENE_ARMOR6a not found
Post by: Blazen on October 27, 2024, 01:44:48 pm
Hi, I was wanting to make my own mod set in the 40k universe and I was hoping to borrow some of the rosigma assets, do you mind if I take some?
Post by: Simi822 on October 27, 2024, 10:40:14 pm
dear all the error that I had was linked to one of a mini mod...about the special hulk...when I disabled it

game works...

started a Guard game /to check out the new scion and catachan content/ looks good BUT already in February I had 3x events pop up the same time:
Catachans, training and alpha  data....when I have like one craft and here a tip to new players: first catachans, then Alpha data and then training
as Catachans will disappear the fastest
Post by: Leflair on December 08, 2024, 03:20:30 pm
ROSIGMA 2.8A is now live and available on the

ROSIGMA Update 2.8A notes:

- Chaos Path (Cultist) v74+, will be integrated in the main mod for 2.9.
- MarboMod, allows you to start the IG campaign with the One Man Army, intended for solo Marbo challenge runs (yes he can handle entire armies himself, of course).

- Mapfix: More map block fixes for chaos ships missing tiles.
- Mapfix: Fixed floor hitboxes for Tzeentch ships and a invisible wall.
- Mapfix: GSC Hive and nurgle battleship map blocker fixes.
- Mapfix: Polar map crash "Too tall" error fix.
- Mapfix: Removed a map block in catacomb blocking movement pathing.
- Mapfix: Updated Deathwatch Barracks Map basement for the new player base defense.
- Mapfix: Wrong footsteps sound on a particular tile in the Slaanesh base part 2 map.
- Mapfix: Flashing pixel frame in the slaanesh stairs sprites animation cycle.
- Mapfix: Untraversable stair in the arbites precinct/prison ship.
- Mapfix: Fix for valk inq south ramp wall
- Mapfix: Fix for Sly Marbo mission spawning multiple times or as a Base.
- Mapfix: Eldar gate maps force field half working
- Mapfix: traitor guard base foot sound fix
- Mapfix: Gunshot footstep sound on jungle temple maps.
- Mapfix: fix slaanesh supply ship walk-through wall
- Mapfix: Removed cover to give clear exit from player craft on Hangar maps.
- Sprinting disabled on enemy armors to increase balance compatibility with Brutal AI (which would otherwise default to sprinting at half TU cost).
- Fix for Frag mortar impact damage bug.
- Under the hood: Fix for ufopaedia item misses type_id attribute.
- Under the hood: Fix nonexisting conflicts.
- Inquisition Radical Road access to vault item.
- Eldar codex palette fix for a couple of codex images from vanilla 40k.
- Space Marine Captains Armor cape will no longer disappear when looking in certain directions.
- Some Chaos Paths didn´t get access to the research that allows them to use chaos-tainted weapons.
- Disappearing troops in the default valkyrie spawn.
- Player Iron Guard weren't using the existing Iron Guard sprite sheet.
- Arbites pilot armor custom armor preview icon corrected, was using commissar preview icon.
- Added category and mid-tier requirement to the Arbites LE10 armor upgrade recipe
- Scion Volleygun Reload not working; Minor Refactor for Munition Reloads.
- Text String added: STR_ORK_AIR_PATROL_RETALIATION: "Ork Air Patrol and Retaliation"
- Testlists given text strings.

- OXCE 8.0 compatibility preparations. Deletion of white spaces and some syntax changes to shorten load times.
- Advanced Turret System code refactor by Filip. May cause some issues for saved games where you may need to rebuy turrets. The new system no longer allows cross-craft compatible turrets, so you need to buy turrets for your specific craft.
- 40+ New Chaos related background art images added.
-Condensed Live Capture Items for Chaos Enemies
Adds file Ruleset/ALLFACTIONS/prisoner_captures.rul that defines new grouped live capture items and assigns the majority of chaos units a liveAlien entry to recover one of these at the end of battle. Existing research topics relating to live captures have been directed to the research topics for these items where applicable.
All manufacturing recipes (Adeptas, Radical Recruitment, Convince Chaos, Chamber Militant Radical, and Chamber Militant Heretical) have been redone completely to use these items and greatly condensed in terms of total entries. Where possible without adding new soldier types, some units that were as lower tier units have been given improved recruitment (Such as chaos terminators). Some new manufacturing categories have been introduced to help the player flip through them, as a chaos path player might have access to a LOT of recruitment recipes even with the categories being condensed.
Iron Servitor and Iron Maiden servitors each condensed into one recipe that does not rely on a prisoner, but does still rely on Iron Warrior Servitor Research via the Warsmith or contacting the iron guard.
- Added a new enemy weaponSets reference system for semi-randomization of enemy loadouts through weighted pre-made weaponSets, function introduced in OXCE 7.15. This will allow us to have fewer unit types (for research, codex articles etc) while still offering more variety in enemy encounters.

- Most thrown grenades have impact detonation enabled.

- Integrated Filips Remaining TU check vision mode. Press alt to see color coded which of your units still has TU left.
- Scion Hellguns and Volleyguns given the red laser treatment.  Lasgun SFX Adjustment; Added Lasgun Impact Sound.
- Added Poxwalker Corpse Floor Sprite
- Khorne terminator inventory sprite updated, minor pixel fixing for the helmet.
- New Khorne Bloodletter inventory, battlesprite, corpsesprites and sword art by Brenshar.
- New Khorne Flying Daemon inventory art using Brenshars new inventory sprite.
- Slaanesh Behemoth Commander given new purple+face inventory and battlesprite to make it easier to identify as a Commander unit.
- Nurgle surface base update for more variety in visuals.
- Catachan veteran sprite tweaks
- Art assets for Plaguetoads tongue and spit.
- Chaos Hell(gun)weapons Updated with new VFX+SFX.
- Added armor previews for Chaos Marine/Terminator/Chaos Sister armors accessible to the player. All player chaos armors should now have custom armor previews distinct from loyalist ones.

- Added several new map blocks to Traitor Guard Bases. Basic Bunker Facility, COM/Sat Centre tower, Barracks facility, missile silo, flak tower, sandbag pillboxes and gun towers.

- Combat Servitor Program research made available with Apothecary Bay as a prerequisite, meaning all factions will be able to access it during mid tier. Combat Servitors include Heavy Bolter, Melta Missile launcher and Heavy Plasma versions, gated behind appropriate research requirements.

- Access to Webber pistols and Heavy Webbers.

- Ogryn training cap for strength raised from 60 to 70. Should be enough to hold a ripper gun+wear carapace.
- Added Mounted Heavy Lascannon Unit as a late game wheeled unit.
- Added Penitent Beastmen (Available to Guard Strategy and Abhuman Strategy). Penitent Beastmen are now the default penitents for the abhuman strategy.
- Scion armors now have heat vision values.
- Scion Hellguns and Volleyguns Now Use Munitions (Thanks to Beagle and Mercury for New Sound and Art Assets)
- Expanded Munition System to Remaining Scion Armors (for the armors with infinite ammo, you'll need to recharge/cooldown those guns).
- Infiltrator able units now also nullify psivision while infiltrated.
- Added Remote Det Explosive Satchels. Earlier alternative to melta bombs. HE and Krak versions.
- Traitor Catachan soldier rank update, loadout update
- Finalizes Officer Tag Scripts; Boneheads, Commissars and Commissar Lords Now Count as Officers
- Updated Officer Requisites
- Hybrid Stubber + 20 weight to be closer to Assault stubber in weight. Also gave it 40mm krak grenade compatibility.
- Added Ufopaedia Entries for Individual Mortar Rounds
- Kriegsmen stats updated to be more in line with regular guardsmen (+their bravery and melee bonus).

- Inq Medicae Energy Shield Removed; Inq Stormies Can Get Inq Rosarius that grants energy shield.
- Radical Road now have a high tier tech gate and gets to use tainted weapons at mid tier.
- The penitent beastmen are now integrated with Radical Road and Radical Recruitment recruitment recipes.
- Deathwatch can now build defense corridors for bases.

- AI Ultramarine Cataphractii can now appear on the chaos-shrine drop pod missions. Their loadouts have been updated to stormbolters and powerfists, or heavy plasma.
- Added Primaris Executor Rifle (Thanks to Theron for Ammo Sprites).

- UNITS: Slaanesh Behemoth Commander version front and side armor buffed. Resistance vs AP and flamers improved. Removed from some race lists and now only sohw up in the commander slot.
- UNITS: Slaanesh Behemoth (non-commander) version added, lower armor, HP and resistances. Added to some Slaanesh CSM+ and Mixed CSM list Terrorist unit slots. The Behemoth is a Slaaneshified Centurion. Uses the old art, but given a new codex art to set it apart.
- UNITS: Added Brimstone (yellow) Horrors. Smallest, angriest horrors you'll ever find. Lights things on fire. Small AoE explosion. Rework of Horror spawning-on-death. Art by Brenshar.
- UNITS: Added Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch with art by Brenshar. They are pink and slightly tougher than the old Flamers and appear in later game lists. The standard blue Flamer are now "lesser" daemons, lose 20 HP and 20% resistance vs lascannons and plasma, and instead of the stronger melta attack they have the gleaming one scatter weapon at higher tech-progression levels, early Tzeentch lists slightly easier as a result.
- UNITS: Added KHARN the Betrayer, art by Theron.
- UNITS: New Khorne Exalted Bloodletter "Bloodreaper" leader with art assets by Brenshar, mixed into late game Khorne lists.
- UNITS: New Black Legion Saturnine and Cataphractii Terminators added to relevant lists.
- UNITS: New undivided Chaos Cultists by Theron, derived from the Chaos Path submod units. Mixed into existing cult lists, replacing some khornate cultists, especially in nightlords and iron warrior lists. Also mingles with deserters. Their dedicated Undivided chaos cult list has also been added to mission rotation, subplanting some occurances of the Khornate cult.
- UNITS: New Undivided Cultists include several variant of units and armor upgrade system, including cult leaders/witches, precursor CSM "scouts" and Ogryn types.
- UNITS: Added new undivided Chaos Marine Aspirants and Chaos Legionaires, these can be encountered in many undivided lists. The Aspirants represent CSM in training (or wannabes), armed with shotguns, light bolters and grenades they're a somewhat formidable midgame threat at close ranges. They'll appear with Black Legion, Iron Warriors, Night lords and Alpha Legion lists as well.
- UNITS: Added new undivided enemy chaos legion sorcerers and terminator, they'll be appearing in existing lists.
- UNITS: Nurgle Lesser Rotfly added.
- Added AI Frateris Militia and Frateris Militia Veterans to the captured units capable of being recruited by chaos players.
- There is now a properly gated way to convert units into Heretic Sisters available.

- Termagants added, ranged Fleshborer and Devourer variants, by Brenshar. Tyranid racelist updated, and they can also appear in Space hulks.
- Tyranid Warriors added to tyranid lists, by Brenshar.
Post by: Simi822 on December 08, 2024, 11:16:30 pm
I recieve this type of error:

[08-12-2024_22-13-08]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of manufacture:
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_BLACKSTONE_JUMPTROOPER' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_BLACKSTONE_JUMPTROOPER'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_CHAOS_PENETANTE' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_CHAOS_PENETANTE'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_DESERTER_GREEN' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_DESERTER_GREEN_FLAK'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_DESERTER_OFFICER' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_DESERTER_OFFICER'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_DESERTER_PSYKER' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_DESERTER_PSYKER'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_DESERTER_RAMBO' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_DESERTER_GREEN_SHIRT'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_DESERTER_SCOUT' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_DESERTER_SCOUT_FEMALE'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_DESERTER_SOLDIER' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_DESERTER_SOLDIER'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_HERETICAL_ADEPTAS' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_HERETIC_SISTER'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_HERETICAL_ELITE_ADEPTAS' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_HERETIC_ELITE_SISTER'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_HERETICAL_SISTER_SERAPH' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_HERETIC_SISTER_SERAPH'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_NURGLE_CULTIST' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_NURGLE_CULTIST'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_NURGLE_CULTIST_FEM' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_NURGLE_CULTIST_FEM'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_NURGLE_CULTIST_HEAVY' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_NURGLE_CULTIST_HEAVY'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_NURGLE_CULTIST_LEADER' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_NURGLE_CULTIST_LEADER'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_NURGLE_CULTIST_LIGHT' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_NURGLE_CULTIST_LIGHT'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_NURGLE_OGRYN' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_NURGLE_OGRYN'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_OGRYN_REDBLACK' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_TRAITORGUARD_OGRYN_REDBLACK'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_TRAITORGUARD_OGRYN' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_TRAITORGUARD_OGRYN'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_TRAITOR_SQUATS' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_TRAITOR_SQUATS'
Error processing 'STR_RECRUIT_CAPTIVE_TRAITOR_SQUATS_HEAVY' in manufacture: Unknown required item 'STR_TRAITOR_SQUATS_HEAVY'

using the updated SMTweak sub mod fixed this issue
Post by: Leflair on December 23, 2024, 05:28:42 pm
Looks like a installation error.

Check so you have version 7.15 of OXCE, 038 of 40k and the latest rosigma+submods.
Post by: Leflair on December 23, 2024, 05:31:45 pm
I bring Christmas gifts, a new Sisters themed soundtrack replacement submod - SOB OST ROSIGMA 40K:


It contains some 70-80 tracks replacing geoscape, battlescape and half a dozen other tracks.

The zip contains a readme with installation instructions (as do the

Post by: Leflair on December 27, 2024, 10:31:24 am
And for good measure, the Guard themed soundtrack replacement submod,

Post by: Leflair on January 04, 2025, 10:51:21 am
For those giving the new Chaos path a spin (nightly ROSIGMA or using the older submod with 2.8A) I've put together this themed soundtrack as well.

Post by: Meridian on January 07, 2025, 10:27:06 pm
Some resources seem to be missing in the latest published rosigma (

[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   ----------------------------------------------3. check for existence of mapdataset MCD, PCK and TAB files
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/ARVUS_DOORS_1.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/ARVUS_DOORS_1.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/ARVUS_DOORS_1.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/ARVUS_DOORS_2.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/ARVUS_DOORS_2.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/ARVUS_DOORS_2.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/CHIMERA_1.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/CHIMERA_1.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/CHIMERA_1.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/GUARD_GRAV_DROP_1.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/GUARD_GRAV_DROP_1.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/GUARD_GRAV_DROP_1.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/GUARD_GRAV_DROP_2.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/GUARD_GRAV_DROP_2.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/GUARD_GRAV_DROP_2.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/REPULSOR_1.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/REPULSOR_1.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/REPULSOR_1.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/TAUROS_036_1.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/TAUROS_036_1.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/TAUROS_036_1.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/TAUROS_036_2.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/TAUROS_036_2.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/TAUROS_036_2.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/VH_SINGLETURN_1.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/VH_SINGLETURN_1.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/VH_SINGLETURN_1.TAB not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/VH_SINGLETURN_2.MCD not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/VH_SINGLETURN_2.PCK not found
[06-01-2025_20-01-22]   [INFO]   TERRAIN/VH_SINGLETURN_2.TAB not found
Post by: Buscher on January 08, 2025, 09:21:59 pm
I cannot follow where the _1/2 files are coming from. They are not referenced and the files without the _1/2 work as intended. We don't have _1/_2 as part of our naming convention.

For example VH_SINGLETURN is used for the "VALKYRIE DROP TRANSPORT" and "TAUROS" (names for new battle). What I can see is that they are used at different positions.

Code: [Select]
        - BLANKS
        - VH_SINGLETURN            # index 1 (assuming BLANKs doesn't count)

  - type: STR_TAUROS  # TAUROS
        - BLANKS
        - TAUROS_036
        - VH_SINGLETURN            # index 2 (assuming BLANKs doesn't count)

But that explanation can't be it. ARVUS_DOORS are used for three crafts at the same index and the TAUROS_036 is only used once in the entire mod. They are also not part of the 40k mod.


This is what I get when I search the files in the current release on (

Code: [Select]
rosigma/TERRAIN$ find | grep -E "ARVUS_DOORS|GUARD_GRAV_DROP|REPULSOR|TAUROS_036|VH_SINGLETURN" | sort  # left out the CHIMERA intentionally

GUARD_GRAV_DROP missing a PCK/TAB is fine, because it draws it from the 40k mod.

In short all files seem to be here and everything is in perfect order.
Can you explain where this information is coming from? (edit: just saw the message in Matrix)

Post by: Meridian on January 08, 2025, 09:47:59 pm
The _1, _2, _3, ... _N come from different craft skins.

For example craft STR_ARVUS has 3 skins (`maxSkinIndex: 2`)
And each mapDataSet (except for BLANKS) it uses needs 3 different variants (no suffix, suffix _1 and suffix _2).

Feature described here:
Post by: Leflair on February 17, 2025, 02:37:06 pm
We'll get the last fixes in for OXCE 8.1 this week before pushing the new ROSIGMA release over the weekend.
Post by: Leflair on February 23, 2025, 05:04:06 pm
ROSIGMA 2.9 is live on, as is the minimod collection and space marines tweaks submods.

Update notes:


- Updated for OXCE 8.1 and 40k039.
- Merging of Therons Chaos Cult path submod.  Arbites faction selection is now renamed Adeptus Terra, allowing more branching Strategy choices (including Chaos).
- SOB OST, IG OST and Chaos OST soundtrack submods now available on With Sisters, Guard and Chaos themed music selection to replace the default tracks. You can switch to whichever:
- SpaceMarine Tweaks 40k submod updated to 4.5.0.

-  CRASH: Steel Legion rocket Sentinel causing a crash on the battlescape relating to SL_HSENT2_ROCKET_BS.pck "missing" (renamed).
-  GSC no swipey Monoliths anymore.
-  MAP: Missing tiles in "hell tear" ufo and its variants
-  MAP: Passable wall on the Luminous Complex Tzeentch ship upper floor.
-  MAP: Height crash in city and rig terrains with valkyrie drop craft.
-  MAP: Unit falling into and getting stuck inside a solid stone block in a common tileset used in various maps (bunker hill map block, forest). 
-  STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST height set to normal values for a biped humanoid. This applies to Bloodletters, which as a result used to have a rather short hitbox.
- 0'ed PsiSkill for some Death Skull Orks who could use their big brains to bully guardsmen on occasion.
- Heavy Webber ammo given X1 hit graphics animation.
- Improved sound quality for GMTACTIC 9 and 19-23
- Under the Hood: More OXCE 8.0 code updates and linting fixes.
- Stand/kneel height for AI cultists sorcerers.
- Everyone can now see the Solar Pattern Heavy Bolter codex article (article was gated behind playing Guard).
- Bug Fix For Mend Inflict Spell via script change. Added Heal cap text string.
- Geminae Soul Shard recoverability via corpse item.
- Handob sprites using same index (Solo Bolter)
- Fix wrong position for a slot in the adeptas rhino convoy

- Chance of Alpha Legion Infiltrator Reveal Halved on Nonplayer Turns.
- Added escape tiles for the GSC subway base (HIVE).
- Personal light lowered to 5 from 6
- 1 radius for the Boomer poxbursters explosion.
- Adjusted position of topmost rhino and spawn coordinates in the Adeptas Rhino Convoy to allow 2x2 units to get out in certain map spawns close to the NE edge.
- The random Vindicare Event now Unlocks Exitus Ammo.

- Added a Induct Cantus (promote Novice to Adeptas) Codex help article to explain the requirements.
- Added STR_ADEPTAS_SOB_MOBILIZATION to ceramite tier for novice path for direct recruitment for the late game.
- Fixed dependencies for ceramite adeptas weapons (Stormbolter deaz, Galgalim assault cannon and Dominion Bolter) to unlock AFTER researching relevant unlocking TIER.
- BUFF: Handflamer fuel now as effective as normal flamer fuel vs armor (was 50% less effective).
- Raised Devotion stat caps from 80 to 100 for Sisters

- Playable Chaos Cult available with the "Adeptus Terra" umbrella faction selection. Selected instead of going Arbites. They have a couple of different mission types and random events than the imperial side.
- Adds starting month Ganger Hideout missions for the Chaos cult and the Arbites to tackle.
- Adds a new monthly special chaos mission, assaulting an intercepted PDF Valkyrie.
- Initial implementation of armory raid mission for chaos cult faction.
- Added monthly missions with random chaos themed unit recruit chance to replace the Imperial version.
- CRAFT: Starting chaos trucks, armored trucks, Chaos APC and Valkyrie options unlocked via special missions.
- CRAFT: New Ceramite Tier transport option: Chaos thunderhawk heavy, which deploys 2xPredator/"Reaver" tanks equipped with battlecannons, coax heavy bolter and two sponson heavy bolters.
- ENDGAME CRAFT: The special endgame Chaos Transport Craft requires a special mission to acquire.
- ARSENAL: Makes Undivided chaos weapons accessible to players with STR_ALIENS_ONLY, adds new flag research STR_IMPERIAL_WEAPONS to flag weapons as inaccessible to chaos players. Weapons have generally been disabled if a chaos equivalent is now available and that weapon is not found on AI chaos units.
- Replacement Chaos Retributor Bigob so it at least looks different in the inventory.
- New weapon: Iron Warrior Combi-Bolter and Combi-Melta.
- ARMOR/UNIT:  Added player Plague Ogryn soldier type and armor.
- Added Greater Plague Toad HWP to Player Nurgle access.
- Added Inquisition Bases to oppose the Chaos Player.
- New nurgle pistol sprite.
- Enemy Inquisition Bases and HQs can now launch a terror type mission, Inquisition Purge.
- Added Chaos Fanatics and Witches for the Chaos Player to rescue from Inquisition Purges.
- Chaos Final Mission Now Has GK Reinforcements.

- Updated Inventory Art for Tyranid Warriors with rending scythes.
- Updated corpse art.
- New Warrior Devourer and Rending Claws weapon art.
- Updated Warrior battlesprite by Brenshar.
- Updated Termagant battlesprites by Brenshar.
- New deathspitter hit animation art.
- New purple claw hit animation art.
Post by: Simi822 on February 24, 2025, 01:40:56 pm
dear all,

so I am playing the chaos cult option /adeptus terra/

I think before selecting the path,

there should be no Personnel and Vehicles available
because I get the full Arbites vehicles + Personnel
and then when selecting chaos path I get the chaos vehicles and chaos personnel
/so I have vehicles that I can sell and tons of personnel/
Post by: Leflair on February 25, 2025, 12:14:46 am
Make sure to research the Strategy ASAP, or it will default/deliver other stuff too.
Post by: Simi822 on March 01, 2025, 11:40:20 pm
dear all playing the new version,

what I will write here will be shocking...

BUT adjust the negative for aborted missions!!!!

a mission that has 50 negative points when  ignored has 650 negative points aborted /the new chaos cult armory raids/

that is should be as X-com files...lets say 100 for ignoring and 50 for aborting! only difference where Allies can die....
Post by: Rallehop on March 07, 2025, 06:04:00 pm
Is something wrong with the Veteran Guardsman (and Officer -> Veteran Officer) promotion in current versions? It seems random whether or not my soldiers qualify for it. I am aware that the Veteran commendation is required, but it seems to not be the only pre-requisite.
Post by: Leflair on March 10, 2025, 05:00:47 pm
No changes for STR_GUARD_VETERAN.

Veteran Officers also require:
      bravery: 60
      psiStrength: 60
      tu: 1