Dear All,
so the Bad Ladies attacked my base..was not an easy battle but we managed...but then Boss Lady came
killed like 4-5x Guards and then we won only to get a screen that a file is missing (the game crashed)
which file can I reproduce to fix it? (I dont care if the corpse will look diferently)
weight: 30
bigSprite: { mod: 40k, index: 619 }
floorSprite: { mod: 40k, index: 378 }
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
armor: 80
recover: true
liveAlien: true
costSell: 50000
378: Resources/Adeptas/floorob_378.png
to the canoness crash, after that one on the Base siege (which was crashing) I encountered 3x times canonesses 2x with inferno pistol + sword and 1x with the storm bolter but the crash was not occurring.
I downloaded the new version and the canoness issue seems to be "Fixed"
but I witnessed a new type of crash (log, save file and pop up in the zip) after my first Eldar webway,
the Chimera is returning to base and by time passing the game crashes and I get "crashed:vector::M_range_chek:__n"
if I load the save then the crash always occurred, just press 30min or 1h and wait
I attempted to look at the newly equipped sentinel in the inventory section of my craft but crashed as soon as I pressed the button., I seem to be missing a lot of images, is this an issue on my end?
[Edit] On a chaos craft there are 2 entities that are completely invisible and cannot be interacted with but block movement (seemingly canceling it) and can shoot at my soldiers. They also seemingly exist between levels? one of my soldiers was on level 2 and they were on 3, yet shot at me with no vision.
For the Adeptas Sentinel we have uploaded a hotfix (,9687.msg138591.html#msg138591).
As for your second issue I can't tell if you have uploaded the correct save game. It's a Cult Summoning mission and not a chaos craft. Also I cannot observe the mentioned behaviour.
Found the likely culprit, missing kneel/standheights on the unit. Openxcom makes units default to invisible (instead of some default value like 20), with no warning.
Try replacing your ROSIGMA 40k.rul file (in the ruleset folder) with this fixed version:
Had hoped openxcom would ignore things not pulled by the mod for any racelist etc, but apparently not so.
I've purged the offending section in a new version, which should solve the 40k.rul issue (Same link).
Alternative solution, open 40k.rul, search for "STR_NURGLE_SOLDIER_BLESSED #CHAOS MUTON_ARMORNURGLE", add (without tabbing but with same spacing):
standHeight: 20
kneelHeight: 15
above "intelligence".
- the additional soldier types are cool but complicates everything, seemed hard to upgrade them even with lots of missions and kills? then after spending a lot of time with the novices I finally unlocked the actual sisters lol, then certain armor types are locked to the different classes
- similar to the base mod it seems like a lot of the unlocks are sidegrades and not straight X-COM style upgrades? ended up just spamming heavy bolters and lascannons
- similar to base mod the tech tree felt complicated
- love all the new enemies but the stealth orks seems a bit OP, i have had to literally go tile by tile and sometimes Im right next to them and still cant see them.There are some options for you:
- love the voicesThanks, took quite a bit of work tracking down and putting together the extra voice packs. Might be more coming in the future to add some variety (Trying to avoid ballooning the size of the mod however).
- i do like the cheaper upgrade costs for armor and MC ammo, very expensive in the base modNice to hear. We are looking at a more comprehensive economics and balance overhaul. If you (or anyone reading this thread) has suggestions or opinions on the current state of such, feel free to post it! Because everyone plays a little different, and there´s a random element to it, any extra playtesting input is valuable.
- is mind control in the game? thought the inquisitor armor would have something but it didnt, finished a base SM run and didnt find it eitherCurrently quite limited. There´s one Marine unit/armor, and the Psykers (Guard) that have some options here. There´s not really a suitable Sister unit for this, and MC is quite overpowered.
- how viable is melee? didnt try it muchIt´s very viable if you´re using Repentia/Assassin armor, that give a big movement and reactions (Dodge) buff. Just try to drain enemy reaction fire as much as possible, and that you´re not leaving any potential counter-threats alive before sending in your living tomahawk missiles. It´s a decent way to conserve ammo, and most enemies are quite weak to melee damage (might want to be careful with some Khorne enemies however, melee experts that they are).
Constructive feedback is always welcome, and we do indeed not get a lot of it (just skim this thread).
The 1.04 has only been out for a month, but the feedback I've gotten has not pointed to any big balance issues (you're the first, really), this may simply be because most regular players that do play it and give feedback are pretty experienced with how to handle the tougher foes.
Your experience may differ, for example are Chaos Space Marines *not* common as a early enemy (there's always a chance with things like Terror missions) and you may always spawn in the middle of a enemy squad (this goes for vanilla 40k too).
There's a few things from your notes that's already been worked into update 1.05 (coming soon). Other things are bigger longterm goals of the mod to tackle, with some solutions being work in progress.
A couple of changes in 1.05 that may adress some of your issues:
-Enemy Squats have less armor, and are easier to hit. They're not as common either.
-There is a new strong early game Heavy Stubber for Guard, and a Heavy Lasgun with overcharged power shots (there's some other lasgun changes like this to allow for punchier shots too). The Early Game Guard Counters may need a little tutorial.
-Enemy sentinels do indeed, like your own sentinels, have advanced optics that allow them to see through some smoke.
But like your own Sentinel experience, they die to a stiff breeze.
Speaking of Sentinels, the player version is getting a armor buff in 1.05.
-We're gradually shifting the tougher enemies to rarer/later appearances. The big one to stretch out the appearance of things like enemy CSM is in a later update though (some things in the work that need more time).
I'll let Buscher answer the Guard Tactics questions. As we've lost 33% of our manpower (Xom is busy soldiering IRL), it's just the two of us plus a few helpful people lending a hand from time to time.
One big balancing difficulty is that if the game is easy enough for early guard, it's very easy for Space Marines or Sisters. For this we've been working on some "difficulty options" that will allow for more ingame tweaking to your liking. Things like increased income, or getting more veteran troops. It's always going to be hard to tweak the balance so that it's both satisfying for veteran-, new players and works for all factions.
Thanks for the rant. I get a few things where they are coming from but what confuses me about are two things.
1. Where is this hidden feedback group you are talking about because I get nearly zero feedback on balance in general.
2. How is it that you consider the 40k base mod balance to be that much different? Unless you played IGMA that actually made Lasguns more worthwhile, you are playing with the exact same damageType, power for the weapons as well as damage modifiers for the armors as the base mod does. Only the armor values themselves are slightly different for this matter.
If you want to try you can give this sub mod ( a shot (effective 25 % damage increase for Lasguns, less accuracy dropoff per tile). Again something I got very little feedback on. That's why I am hesitant to put it into the mod itself. If you don't like the range thing, then just delete the range related rul file.
I gladly invite you to our discord ( Feel free to hang around and start some of the (less ranty) discussions.
As for answering your post in detail, I plan to do it at a later time.
It's not a group, mate. I've seen it written several times in comment threads, things like let's play videos on youtube, mod download comments and such. Just people talking about the mod. And in one instance, what I saw written was someone saying that your mod has a reputation as having great content but being no fun to play. That's where I got that. Can't remember where I saw it, but I'm not lying. Not going to dig it up though.
But I would also suggest that if get zero feedback on balance, it means your balance is appalling. If your game balance was good, people would love to say it to you. If nobody's saying anything, they're embarrassed to say something, either because they don't want to cause a fuss, or because they don't want people thinking they can't do the game.
It is genuinely frightening to me that you ask this. It says to me that you are looking at charts and values and have almost no comprehension of the player experience.
Like, seriously, I'm about to write a sentence and I'm not even sure if you're trolling me.
Are you genuinely unaware that ROSIGMA confronts the player with vastly increased numbers of massively tougher enemies from the very start? Do you genuinely not understand that this is true? I don't know what to say. I genuinely don't.
On the normal 40k mod, almost everyone you face, straight off the bat, is an unarmoured human. No Ogryn, no Squats. And whatever 'small boost' those guardsmen have been given in ROSIGMA, it's enough to take their armour almost beyond the reach of normal lasfire.
You're adding new content, amazing new content. But who makes it their personal responsibility to craft how this game actually plays? Who? Do you? Who does?
It is dismissive and demeaning to tell someone to download some mod that makes the game less hard. I'm not asking for it to be made "less hard". The game you have made is not "hard", it is broken. It doesn't work as a game. It doesn't. And the lasfire thing is just one expression of that. Her'es another experssion of it: your personal lack of comprehension that the mod you yourself are making is staggeringly, massively, unplayably more difficult than the original 40k mod. That's honestly surreal. Who in the development of this mod is taking any actual time to experience, craft and hone the game balance?
Whenever man, no rush. Honestly I feel scared to look back at this thread after I've said all this stuff. I'm just expecting someone to block me for being a prick.
Someone needs to be the director. That's what it is.You obviously don't want to be the director. It's great that other people do it for you.
Having real problems with the IG on this. Honestly it's really annoyed me. This is going to be a rant, and I just want to say that I only rant with this level of annoyance because this mod has such amazing potential, but it's just not remotely, remotely ready.
[... I] ironmanned the original 40k mod. [...]
I genuinely do not understand how you are supposed to survive as IG unless you are savescumming.
But then there ARE space marines, and ogryn, and squats, right from the start.
Enemies that are already tough, but when killed, turn into heavily armoured, full health space marines (!) that then become invisible (!) and slaughter your men with bolter shot
Getting the mounted heavy bolter feels like a revolution, not because it's powerful, just because it actually allows some level of consistency in killing anything. But it's so static that you have to mount a static defence of the thing. On every single mission. Every mission becomes the same, by necessity. Any deviation from it results in immediate death. And woe betide you if that 300 000 buck thing takes a single shot. 300 000? What's the mount made out of? Gold-plated diamond?
It is absurd. Honestly absurd. Even disembarking from a craft - how? You can't pop smoke to cover your exit because it's been so nerfed you need 4/5 smoke grenades to do it, and whoever's throwing those grenades will almost certainly die, along with 2 or three people behind them from the hail of automatic reaction shot that rains down. Even if you get smoke up, enemy sentinels can somehow (?) see right through smoke and hit you with missiles. Any missiles immediately kill everyone in the entire blast radius.
"Stay in the ship, cede the first turn! Then you wont face reaction fire!" Um okay, but all the ships have massive, wide-open doors that can be shot through.
"Punt a smoke grenade out and then they won't shoot in!" - Um, okay, but I can't shoot a smoke grenade out because my heavy bolter is in the way, I can't move it down the line to put penitents first, and I can't not take it, because nobody else has the ability to shoot/hit/hurt anything.
"It's okay, just send out penitents!" If you're disembarking with penitents, you have no heavy bolters, and if you have no heavy bolters how the hell are winning anything?
"On the Chimera you have a third tank, fill that with penitents, run them out first!" Um, okay. But that's just bad design, if the only way I can possibly disembark on ANY MISSION where it's open ground in front of me is to throw 4-6 prisoners to their immediate death in turn one, every time? Two things. Firstly, that's just grim, ugly gameplay. Secondly, it also means that you're NOT taking a big squad of IG. You're taking a tiny squad of IG, because all the space is taken up with heavy bolters and doomed penitents, so you've got like, 5 spaces left for actual guardsmen. So now not only are you useless, you're totally outnumbered in every engagement. Wahey! I've survived turn one! Now I'm dead on turn two.
"Use sentinels! They're tough!" - No they're not. They're made of tinfoil. I've never had one survive a single round while exposed. Against basic, lowest-possible-level enemies. How is it that their las-shot can rend metal armour, but your las-shot barely even tickles? Are they all packing mini-lascannons or hotshot whatever? Okay, great. Love the new content. Love it, genuinely love it. But in dumping it all on the player before there's any chance to hit back you are destroying the actual game. And the multilaser on the sentinel? Are you drunk? I've had that thing fail to kill basic guardsmen from four squares away, firing both volleys. It's as dangerous as a 1970's disco light.
"Try the Scion strategy, you get hotshot lasweapons with infinite ammo!" That sounds amazing, I'll do that! Oh wait though, it means I also get no HMVs whatsoever, no heavy bolters, nothing. And those hotshot lasweapons are STILL nothing like good enough to beat the enemies you meet right from the start. I remember one time I open a door into an enemy ship. First or second month, really early on. Chaos Space Marine there. Facing away from me. I walk RIGHT UP BEHIND HIM and unload a volley of shot into his back from the most powerful Scion gun, the hotshot volley gun. Four hits. Then he turns around, no fucks given, and kills the Scion. Great stuff.
"well, they're IG, they're expendable" - not if the entire team panics at the drop of a hat they're not. They don't seem to think each other are expendable. Lose maybe three in a turn? The whole squad just crumbles.
Oh, and Scions cost, when you factor all the expenses in the manufacturing in, almost twice as much as actual Space Marines.
Here's my question. Does anyone involved in the construction of this mod actually care about how this plays as a game?
This mod is not accurate to how Imperial Guard are in 40k. It is not. NOT ACCURATE. NOT REMOTELY.
I've played imperial guard and I've played against imperial guard. Lasguns are not totally useless. Massed lasgun fire can really do damage, even against armoured infantry. But in this mod laguns are genuinely, frighteningly USELESS. You might as well throw bad language at the opponent. Are these trained soldiers? The basic soldiers on XCOM actually can kill sectoids and floaters with the basic guns. It's not easy, but it's doable. But this? They feel like inmates from a remedial care home doing 40k cosplay.
Tone the beginning down. Make sure that there are things that actually can counter the enemies you're bringing in. Stop trying to show off all your fancy new stuff. Leave it till the mid tier, the end tier. Hell, make four or five new tiers and turn the whole game into a massive epic. Whatever. But swamping the player straight off the bat is absurd, and kills this mod as a player experience.
The original 40k mod had balance. That was probably the most impressive thing about it - not that it was a 40k reskin of xcom, now because it had all the cool units, but because someone had taken real care to make it work as an actual player experience.
Okay - I see what you're saying, but here's my counter.
Think of it like actual 40k. If you got a well put together SM army, vs a well put together IG army, would the SM simply waltz across the guard like they're not even there? No. Not at all. IG are a really serious force, really serious.
Again, sorry to mention it, but I fired up the game to see again last night. 13,500 spacebucks for a heavy bolter, Godwyn pattern. 300,000 for the same bolter on a small wheeled platform. Uh..... what? What are you trying to do here? Who made that decision and why?
Make a massive dropship. Something enormous. 26 person space, 4-6 HWP space. Basically AVENGER sized, and that's the IG basic ship. No kidding. There's all sorts of stuff in the lore that could be repurposed for this. Space Marines have tiny little dropships with tiny squads. IG send regiments.
a question between the split of the IG strategies,
so the Guardsmen get the Abhumans, the Advanced sentinels and some heavy weapons (exclusively for them)
and the Scion get the Scion and Veteran guardsmen with the Hellgun, Volley gun, etc and what else?
the Ogryn, Priest, Vindicare, Drop troops remain available for both or how is the split?
and regarding the changes in the Krieg weapons and the new Krieg weapons, now it is more legit,
this now makes the Master crafted Lasgun valuable (as they can use hot shot ammo) and its more accurate that the Lucius lasguns are without Auto fire.
Is there a calculation how much stronger is the 4x ammo shot and the 10x ammo shot?
Also will the new heavy lasgun and Lucius Heavy stubber beavailable only for the IG? I think they should be available
at the trading post...would help the Arbiters a lot (also if they could buy there some Soronitas stuff like the hand flamer, etc because during my current game play I rely a lot on the Soronitas Melta and Lascannon as the Arbiters lack even a a heavy bolter, Lascannon)
and final question, is there a overview which weapons have a bipod and only the IG can get them? (I think I given the lascannon and the Heavy stubber a bad name as I did try only the versions without a Bipod)
a question between the split of the IG strategies,
so the Guardsmen get the Abhumans, the Advanced sentinels and some heavy weapons (exclusively for them)
and the Scion get the Scion and Veteran guardsmen with the Hellgun, Volley gun, etc and what else?
the Ogryn, Priest, Vindicare, Drop troops remain available for both or how is the split?
and regarding the changes in the Krieg weapons and the new Krieg weapons, now it is more legit,In the stats for nerds there is a information near the bottom ("Power Bonus for Auto"). The 20 value is an absolute number not relative. That means the power shot has a power of 70 instead of 50.
this now makes the Master crafted Lasgun valuable (as they can use hot shot ammo) and its more accurate that the Lucius lasguns are without Auto fire.
Is there a calculation how much stronger is the 4x ammo shot and the 10x ammo shot?
Also will the new heavy lasgun and Lucius Heavy stubber beavailable only for the IG? I think they should be available
at the trading post...would help the Arbiters a lot (also if they could buy there some Soronitas stuff like the hand flamer, etc because during my current game play I rely a lot on the Soronitas Melta and Lascannon as the Arbiters lack even a a heavy bolter, Lascannon)
and final question, is there a overview which weapons have a bipod and only the IG can get them? (I think I given the lascannon and the Heavy stubber a bad name as I did try only the versions without a Bipod)All bipod weapons are only available to IG right now. You can go through the items Stats for Nerds, I have added an information if a bipod exists "Bipod Yes"
'So my playing ROSIGMA as the Arbiters,
after a bumpy start it is now OK but the final flaw is not a difficulty but a logic flaw
the action "Promote to Arbitrator" is DEAD....I cannot promote any Arbiter to the Judge lvl
I can indoctrinate IG to arbiters....what is nice but almost dead when playing the Arbiters
also what is missing here is the promotion of Penal Legion IG ???? or Arbiters????
if these changes where to be added to the next batch then the Arbiters....are semi playable (give them the heavy bolter, hand flamer and then they are money)
- STR_GUARDPD # Trooper
bravery: 70
strength: 30
psiStrength: 50
psiSkill: 10 # Impossible without Chapel
melee: 50
question for weapons with "Recoil" what is the key factor for hit percentage? accuracy and strength? or?
as I have two guys almost identical stats one can shoot the Heavy bolter from the hip the other has 0 percent hit change...
and I use light bolt pistols with the guys using the shields...get like 95 percent for snap shots for a decent distance (accuracy above 90, strength like 50), given the same guy a Tigrus boltpistol...same distance he gets 70 percent for a aimed shot and snap shot is like 10...
When I played as SM I could shoot across the whole map with the Tigrus bolt pistol or the Spectre one...when I play as IG or now the Arbiters, my commissars, Judges who have high accuracy and also strength cannot do this a limitation that only Astartes can use bolters without penalty?
(and the same with Stalker bolters...I got them from the Loyalist Marines and my Judges can do Aim shot for a decent distance...but nowhere the distance when I played as SM) also the setting for the Arbiters/IG works fine
I'm giving the new abhuman IG a try, and I was wondering how exactly the biomancer works? I've never really messed around with the psykers, so this is a first for me. I assumed the "Mend wounds" ability would heal, but instead it seems to do damage to units I use it on. Does it only cure fatal wounds?
The Novice and Sister promotion stats requirements have been lowered for 1.06, currently in 1.05B you need quite high stats and *rank* (rank 3 for novice to sister).But thats my problem. I want to know wich stats needed exactly and how much?(firing and melee accuracy/bravery, etc) And how to train them.
• The Adeptas Power Axe is now high tier instead of midtier. The Halberd is now the midtier dedicated melee option.I wonder what was wrong with that axe to move it into high tier? I had one on novice assassin and she cant even kill an ogryn in one turn sometimes. Cant describe my disappointment about chainsword performance btw.
'Dear All,
I see that the useless "hydra" have been removed from the Chimera...for the IG
can someone give me a explanation what is the function of the HYDRA unit for the Arbiters???? its fuken slow against any craft it is useless ...and it is not protecting the base...I have here a base that will be attacked and I give command HYDRA attack the incoming craft / or I do noting (Hydra is parked in that base)....nothing is happening ?
the HYDRA as a craft is useless and because of that I abandoned my Arbiters game...for almost a month...will now abandon that base :( and see
Attached a hotfix for your crashing issues.Thank you for fix.
As for the codex revamp. Feel free to contribute.And how i supposed to do that? To add description of something by myself at first i should know what it is. I still have dozens of little questions, like what is locke pattern, what initial idea was behind some weapons, etc.
the new addon is pure GARBAGE and a Joke
tu: 1
Patch Notes 1.07B-032 is now live.
Summary images of new content:(
Patch Notes 1.07B-032
- QoL: Updated alertSounds disabler (Geoscape noises).
- QoL: Included a unitResponseSoundsFrequency set to 33% for most unit responses. Every 3rd click will now play a unit sound, instead of every single click. You can change these values yourself to whatever you like, the bracket numbers are % trigger.
- MAPFIX: Unblocked Elevators on the Industrial Pyramid ship.
- FIX: Changed the Necron Generated missions of the Genestealer Hive (Base 40k) to Rosigmas version of GSC Patrols. Reduced frequency of mission generation.
- LANGUAGE: Updated final mission text to fit all Imperial factions.
- LANGUAGE: Added a language string for the Chaos Chimera Turret (Shows up in mission debriefings).
- INTEGRATION/GSC UPDATE: Brood Brothers and GSC Saboteur updated to ROSIGMA. New weapons and stats, integration in several GSC racelists etc. Uses the GSC range of pump shotguns, smgs, autoguns, laspistols, some gravguns and grenade launchers. The new 032 Gene Cultist list updated with some other supporting GSC heavy weapons assets like sentinels.
- Added STR_GENE_SAB. A GSC Hybrid Saboteur to several GSC related lists. Armed with High Explosives and Melta Grenades, along with pistol or grenade launcher, this sneaky unit can be quite dangerous.
- Added STR_GENE_CULTIST_S, a Sniper variant with custom inventory art.
- ECONOMY BALANCING: Made some late game heavy weapons and plasma weapons more expensive, for consistency and so that earlier weapons aren´t more expensive. The mighty mastercrafted heavy plasma is now quite expensive at half a million.
- GRAPHICS: Increased selection of inventory faces/bodies from 8 to 16 or 24. This inventory art already existed and was randomly distributed to new units, but could not be manually changed by the player ingame.
- MARINES QoL: Servitors and Dogs can be loaded on Landspeeders.
- GUARD: Krieg Grenadiers can now get Bionics
- GUARD: Krieg Carapace buffed by 10/5 points.
- GUARD: Added Codex Article for Krieg Grenadier ARmor.
- SISTERS CRAFT QoL: Corvus replaced by Etty's tweaked Corvus. Extra door in front and no ankle murdering tail struts.
- SISTERS AND MARINE - WEAPONS: Made Heavy Flamer available to Sisters and Marines at midtier. Previously only available to Marines with Terminator tech. Lowered weight to 80 from 100.
- SISTERS ARMOR: Saint Armor dropped from High Tier to Ceramite Tier, but with raised project time (20-45 days with 100 scientists). MinRank dropped to 3 from 4.
- SISTERS QoL: Adjusted sisters medic units medikit hand for more consistent shortcut use.
- SISTERS FIX: Hospitaller Armor should now unlock from the Hospitaller research and not the mid-tier research.
- SISTERS FIX: Corrected Damage Type of Penetence 40mm Grenade to Melee.
- SISTERS PROMOTION: Sister Superior now requires a Veteran Commendation (15 won missions and kills) but less bravery (50+, previously 80). Canoness now requires a Honorific Celestian (Crux Terminatus Commendation) with 30 kills and 60 Devotion.
- RESEARCH: Moved Master Crafting to High Tier and upped research cost.
- MC Lasgun, Laspistol and Hellpistol available from mid-tier MC research.
- Moved several MC Bolter (including stormbolters and assault cannons) type weapons and power melee weapons to the "Ceramite Tier" (Tier 2.5), down from High tier and High-Tier Master Crafting. Now you'll get more use out of them before unlocking plasma and ~golden plasma guns~.
- Kept Master Crafted Ammo at mid-tier, renamed to Mid-tier Master Crafting.
- QoL: Updated CODEX for Weapons with multiple ammo slots (firemodes) to use several pages, showing more information for each attack type.
- QoL: Expanded HEAT Info for Plasma weapons.
- NEW ENEMIES: Not mentioned for 1.07, but there are now a full on Nurgle Cult lists in play. Several flavors of cultists with unique inventory art, from leaders to shoddy grunts and Nurgle Plague Ogryn. They use physical weapons, various nurgle grenades, rockets and bolter weapons (on high tech level). Higher HP than average, but do not have amazing reactions, TU or accuracy to their other themed counterparts. Bring extra healing though.
- ENEMY VARIETY & LISTS: Added several Nurgle Cult lists, they will appear on primarily "Harvest" (UFO term) missions.
- NEW ENEMY: Added basic Nurgle Zombies (Plaguewalkers). Slow, plenty of HP and attack with blighted claws (nasty if they hit). They have a second variant called the Boomer, which works similar to a Penetante. Don´t let them get close! Btw they look just the same as ordinary Plaguewalkers until they decide to blow themselves up.
- NEW ENEMY: Added several green robed Sickly and Shuffling Civilians, who may or may not be Nurgle cultists. They got some surprises, and their own List. They can also appear in other Nurgle lists.
- NEW ENEMY: Added Midwives of Nurgle, ever wondered what Nurgle Daemonettes would be like? You're about to find out!
Midwives can zombify units using Nurgles Rot into several types. The default is Nurgle Zombies, but some units turn into other types. Marines turn into corrupted marines and other units turn into various Nurgle themed cultists etc.
Midwives have a secondary ranged spit attack like Plaguebearers.
They are very weak to fire and do not have much in the way of armor, but plenty of health.
In the future, this opens up for more zombie types.
- Added a Blessed Plague Sister variant that turns into the Midwife when defeated. This variant will randomly appear in (mid-late) Nurgle lists.
- Blessed Nurgle Sister variants have the zombification attack as a special weapon, although they may rarely resort to it if they´re holding other weapons due to how the AI works.
- ENEMY VARIETY & LISTS: Added a new Nurgle Zombie list to rotation, along with tucking in the Midwife in other Nurgle lists.
- NEW ENEMY WEAPON: Nurgle Needler Rifle. it delivers the sweet tangy taste of blight from a distance. Single shot weapon with high TU cost. 25% Chance of Thriller. Certain cultists are the main users of this weapon.
- GENESTEALERS: Gave their attack range 1 so they can pounce on anyone just slightly out of reach (and to deal with awkward turrets).
- GSC: Added a generic GSC "Zombie" to replace the placeholder used until now. Only units that do not have a specific GSC variant will turn into this generic Xeno Tainted.
- NEW ENEMY WEAPON: Added GSC Needler Rifle, it can deliver heresy juice from a distance. While armor pierce is very good, it has a high TU cost and low accuracy for snap fire. 25% Heresy chance. Certain infector units are the main users of this weapon, mid-late enemy tech levels. New bullet and hit effects.
- MAP: Updated The Space Hulk map terrain, scripts and routes. Things get real nasty if you linger past turn 14, so hustle to that elevator. Part 2 is also less camp-able, find the device quickly. To compensate for the added difficulty, both parts have been given bounty rewards (750k in total). If you destroy the Control Center in stage 2, the mission now ends (before you had to escape back to the elevator). First Hulk arrives in February or Later.
- MAP: Delayed timers for better staggering of enemies.
I believe this is the space hulk mission objective.Thanks....... though I ended up accidentally loading a save where I aborted the mission and lost the space hulk..... though granted I was planning on starting the campaign over since I have no clue what I am doing half the time.
turnLimit: 0 #was 20
For the pilot bug, it's a nasty one as i left the bugged 4 pilots in the first Avenger for a while and gave 2 new pilots to the 2nd Avenger, then after more saving, quitting the game and loading, what do i see , 2nd Avenger is again devoid of pilots and the 1st Avenger has 6 crew (despite it is limited to 2).
Could be related to that bugged pilot function, but i also noticed if i go to Codex -> Craft and Armament -> select the Avenger then click on "Infos" then press the "Deployement Preview" button, it's a direct crash (doing the same in the codex with the Corvus works normally)
I also attach the save if it can help.
- lon: 4.5355262408980934
lat: -0.72611500434657983
id: 1 <-----------
name: AVENGER-01
speedLon: 0
speedLat: 0
speedRadian: 0
- lon: 4.5355262408980934
lat: -0.72611500434657983
id: 1 <-----------
name: AVENGER-02
speedLon: 0
speedLat: 0
speedRadian: 0
- lon: 5.8055173820480768
lat: -0.25842229633190961
id: 1
name: AVENGER-01
speedLon: 0
speedLat: 0
speedRadian: 0
speed: 0
- lon: 5.8055173820480768
lat: -0.25842229633190961
id: 1
name: AVENGER-02
speedLon: 0
speedLat: 0
speedRadian: 0
speed: 0
startingBaseGenius: #*** AdeptasBoth STR_AVENGER_ADEPTAS ships have the same id assigned .
x: 2
y: 2
- type: STR_HANGAR
x: 2
y: 0
- type: STR_HANGAR
x: 0
y: 4
- type: STR_HANGAR
x: 4
y: 4
x: 3
y: 2
x: 2
y: 3
x: 3
y: 3
x: 4
y: 3
x: 1
y: 3
id: 1
fuel: 1000
damage: 0
ammo: 6
ammo: 100
status: STR_READY
id: 1
fuel: 1000
damage: 0
ammo: 6
ammo: 100
status: STR_READY
Found what is very likely the problem, it's in the Rosigma ...\Rulesets\startingBase40k.rulBoth STR_AVENGER_ADEPTAS ships have the same id assigned .
the final level with Rosigma I think with Inq, SM, Sistas or IG is doable....BUT is it possible with the Arbiters?Browsing tech tree, I got an impression that final mission can differ depending on faction, and that that feature is used in 40k. I might be imagining things though. Devs should know for sure.
Browsing tech tree, I got an impression that final mission can differ depending on faction, and that that feature is used in 40k. I might be imagining things though. Devs should know for sure.
Spiral Throne and Xeno Infection researches
add promotion from Enforcer to Judge? (otherwise the 2x best Arbiter armors cannot be used by veteran Enforcers and so Judges are needed to be trained early on...and it would be nice as the Pardon is working for Long time service, maybe Enforcer to Judge after reaching veteran?)
- Guard strategies lack codex entries. What is 'Scion' Strategy? Sorry, I am not that familiar with 40k.
- Also sister 'strategies'. Which are not currently strategies as they don't limit development. If they will stay that way, probably not call them strategies at all? Like "We currently have/Request help from Novices/Repentias/Superios/Dominions".
- Novitiate Sister Superior, Repentia Sister Superior and Sister Superior. Do these differ in any meaningful way? Looking in the codex I can't see the difference. Maybe it is in scripts though.
- Pilots can use honorguard armour.
- Repentia armour has really low energy recovery, especially for melee armor.
- What is the point of repentia transformation? Free armour and that's it? Other sisters can use it as well. From lore perspective it is hard to say why convertion is necessary. Maybe repentance can be achieved after a single battle, and in a day there are again sins to atone for?
- Order Mechanicus though is a good candidate for transformation lorewize. It bugs me somewhat that every marine can wear mechanicus armour.
- Generally amount of transformations seems too high. For example, award cantus armour? Does it really need a transformation?
- Why manufacturing projects like requision inquisitor have byproducts? Piratez somehow manages without that. Also, some things like a free De'az bolter may be obsolete by endgame.
- Adeptas gravgun requies researching 5 different chaos gravguns, all of them. An overkill, probably? Found four, than edited the save.
- Why do sniper rifles have limited aimed range? They won't be overpowered even if they were able to shoot across whole map. Armour poses a serious problem to them (and they are SLOW).
- Is it intended that enemies spawned on player turn via reaction fire or transformation immedially have TUs and can reaction fire? I believe it was not the case some versions ago (might be wrong though).
- Restoration time. Apothecary is not nearly enough! Everyone has a ton HP! Grey Knights will resurrect their fallen faster then wait for healing! Or maybe it is just my problem.
Dodge mechanic proably warrants a separate post, but let's keep it here.
Dodge as currently implemented is highly RNG dependant. Sometimes it does not trigger at all, and another time I had a case when 3 sisters fired at a genestealer from 1 tile away, and did not hit it a single time (guess what happened next turn). Also busrts hit or miss in their eternity, be it 2 or 10 shots in a burst. My idea is to make dodge cost TUs. You can even make dodge guaranteed if enemy has enough TUs. But! If TUs go negative, they should carry to next turn, like webber script. That way if the genestealer from above example avoided 3 sister-turns of fire, it should at least not act on his next turn. Sorry if it is too complicated, I am a designer, not a scripter :-)
Looking at a fix for this, maybe with a script to make recovery time dependent on % of health lost rather than a flat amount. Not an issue in base X-COM, but more so here with higher health pools.I wonder if negative flatBonus works. Then you could give access lift negative flatBonus and positive relBonus.
- Economy: You probably have tons of captured loot and corpses you can sell. Only a few things from each craft is required to build your own craft/research things, and you´ll probably have adamantium and promethium in excess by the late game (or even early with a few good landed missions). Doing well in the early months will also rake in a few million extra from score. Space Hulks can be quite the cash cow too.
I´d also recommend having a fast deployment craft in addition to your slow Chimera. The CAS Valkyrie is very good, as is the Tauros (air transported). Other factions get drop pods (and later Thunderhawks) for this purpose.
- Stub Gun AP/Man-Stopper rounds you can get as Guard and Arbites by researching Adamantium (so pre mid-tier).
Kraken Penetrator Rounds for autoguns is locked behind Ceramite (a tier higher than midtier), Rotor cannons also get AP Kraken rounds after researching well, the Rotor cannon tech. Then you find them as a manufacturing project.
Heavy stubbers get master crafted ammo after researching Mid-tier Mastercrafting. This research topic is available after researching mid-tier.
- Psykers: Have you tried swapping armor in the unit/craft Ui screen? (Abhuman guard strat is limited to biomancers at first).
Cancer is probably the least of these Guardsmens concerns ;)
The CAS valkyrie gives you 1 turn to have a look around the map before deploying, so if the spawn is shit, you can simple leave and come back.
Armor: Yes, most weapons in this mod do some preArmor damage, slowly damaging it (or quickly, with melta, hotshot etc).
Generally the best armor damaging weapons are Melta (although beams weaken with range) -> LAS -> Acid/"Rust" -> Hotshot -> Normal pew pew.
KRAK/Kraken AP rounds will do more piercing damage (ignoring % of armor).
Fire DoT will ignore armor to an extent, ~5 HP damage per turn of the unit burning. Armor does protect against flamers direct damage though.
You can repair armor using servitors or techmarines, facing the armor that is damaged (facing is important on the armor-unit itself too, damaged side needs to face the repairing unit) - then "hit" with the repair item. A wrench should appear to show the armor has been repaired (doesn´t work well on 2x2 units).
Resistances are also important, althoguh all weapons can take down all enemies - might just need something like 30-40 shots of bullets vs a Neverborn (very weak to fire/melta/LAScannons though).
Seems to be a OXCE 7.8 issue, not getting it with 7.7.3 - the solution:
- You go into your options.cfg and look for the following line
Code: [Select]
oxceModValidationLevel: 2
and set the 2 to 0
selectWeaponMale: [3820, 3821, 3822, 3823, 3824, 3937, 3838, 3839]
selectWeaponMale: [3820, 3821, 3822, 3823, 3824, 3937, 3838, 3839]
[15-11-2022_20-32-30] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 1541 frames
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[15-11-2022_20-34-14] [WARN] No free channels available
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[15-11-2022_20-34-45] [INFO] MCD ICHURCH object 35 has 0 armor
[15-11-2022_20-34-45] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 1541 frames
[15-11-2022_20-34-46] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
Dear all,
a Idea /which is integrated into FMP/ maybe the option to "harvest" the Armor from some death enemies...
from GSC Arbitors and Wardens - to get the Armor before it is researched /off course cost money, tokens and other stuff/
OK chaos tainted ones should be a No Go but armor from deserters, GSC should be possible /like in FMP/
if harvest any thing, should it be Gene-seed? You can recruit normal humans but to have Adeptus Astartes you need make transformation that use item Gene-seed.
And probably in other way around, some transformation should give you free Gene-seed from veterans.
yes that would be also nice but I mean something like the following:
space: 2
time: 50
cost: 10000
will look if working
can one access all new IG features when playing any strategy or Beastguard is the best choice?
I'm beginning to think that that GSC Cult base was deliberately disabled by the 40k team because it is rouggghhh, at least with the Space Hulk you get a nice little warning about what you have to destroy
Liking the latest version a lot - though not run into any Hrud yet (alas), and while the modular turret system's very cool and a good late-game money sink, I can't figure out how to get particular turrets on particular vehicles; is there a particular set of turrets (not sponsons) that only the Leman Russ can mount? I'm assuming the craft weapon mounts can't be used as turret slots, so just knowing if there's x turret it will definitely go to y tank would help to parse what I'm up to on the equipment screen. Also, <yells at cloud> the Armoured Convoy still starts four hapless guardsmen standing on top of a Chimera waiting to catch reaction fire instead of being tucked safely in the four empty spaces in the middle vehicle. It isn't quite as lethal as you'd expect, weirdly, but it's still a pretty reliable game of "use the guardsmen to stop those bolter shells scratching the paint".
That aside, had an unrelated question that I'll spoiler in case anyone hasn't seen the research in the UFOpedia:
If I want todo a renegade/traitor run, what's the best faction to start as? They all have research routes for it, it looks like, but it also looks like Sisters/Marines might get the most unique recruitable units, with the Inquisition subfactions coming in after (and themselves having different options to each other, AFAICT). So, I wondered what route gives me the most options, as well as if there's any important research/units that should get done beforeHERESY, etc
delete lines oxceAutomaticPromotions: false
oxceManualPromotions: true
Manual promotions are necessary for certain paths where promotions cost tokens. Also difference between ranks is not limited to morale in that paths. There is no possibility to change options based on difficulty level or research. Option is enforced so players don't break the game.
Any plans to incorporate the Leagues of Votann in some way?
- Removed dominion power axes from the basic heretic sisters and hospitaller loadouts. Too good weapons for these enemies
Likely due to OXCE 7.12 updates enabling spawning of singular craft without using a token system.
Will take a look, the corvus token can likely be removed from the radical road research.
Links to the dev buildsnote : those links will always have the very latest dev builds.
40k -
40k Submods -
ROSIGMA 2.6 Notes:Updated to work with OXCE 7.12 and 40k037.
- MAP: Some leaky wall fixing for 2 UFOs.
- MAP: Added accessible ground floor doors to Tzeentch ship 08B.
- MAP: Removed partial wall blockers in entrance of Nurgle ship N07. Added missing elevator tiles and doors to left and right wing.
- MAP: Fix for GSC (Arbites) Imperial scout and convoy maps stairs not working (changed to object).
- MAP: Leaky wall fixes on the big bunker maps.
- MAP: Fixed blocked stairs in INDUSTRIALURBANCULT20A and 20B.
- MAP: Fix blocked doors for CH02DOUBLEWIDE (Variant for Hell Tears).
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Wraithguard causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Slaanesh Xeno Weapons Platform causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- MECHANICS: Fixed OXCE update breaking the 2X reaction bonus for pistols (and preventing reaction fire in some cases).
- MECHANICS: Improved Scripting for Intimidation and Mend Wound Mechanics.
- MECHANICS: Friendly Turrets can no longer be Decepticons.
- MECHANICS: Heavy Flamer Turrets should now be properly corruption immune.
- MECHANICS: Minor Refactor of Mend and Inflict Wounds to prevent harming own units.
- MECHANICS: Added more Mechanical Tags to prevent corruption and betrayal mechanics from triggering for these "units". Including holo-decoys and training dummies (so Alpha Legion infiltrators don't reveal themselves after gunning down a training target).
- MECHANICS: Fix Heavy Krak Missile lacking damageType.
- CODEX: More Typos corrected in several Codex articles.
- CODEX: Added Codex texts for the Pump-Action Shotgun and the Liberator Autostubber.
- CODEX: Adjusted several Mastercrafted Weapons CODEX requirements to match their manufacturing requirements.
- CODEX: Adjusted access to marine power armor and terminator armor articles so more factions can see them.
- INFO: Tzeentch Battleships will now correctly show as VERY LARGE instead of just LARGE.
- INFO: Proper listOrder to special bolt ammo and guns.
- QOL: Added Outpost Dirt: canBeBuiltOver.
- RESEARCH: Unlocked Imperial Webber Research for All Factions as intended.
- ENEMIES: Removed placeholder code from base 40k where genestealer hives would spawn necron ships/missions.
- TEXT: Added some more missing name Strings for dummies.
- VISUAL: CustomArmorPreviewIndex for IG Mounted Guns fix.
- VISUAL: Flying Animation for Tzeentch Inquisitor.
- AUDIO: Re-Added Missing Dominion bolter fire sound.
- MISSIONS: Reduction in most Normal difficulty Mission types from 4 to 3 UFOs waves. Some terror missions from 3 to 2 UFO waves. Less UFO craft spam per month. Swapped in some smaller UFOs in the first wave instead of medium/large UFOs for more training opportunities.
- MISSIONS: Easier early months: Split the Nurgle/Tzeentch/Slaanesh random monthly mission types into normal and HARD, enabling easier early month missions for factions that do not start with the HARD missions. Also softened some of the early 3-gods lists to have fewer daemons and spellcasters.
- MISSIONS: Lowered Hulk chance of spawning in later months + halved monthly mission script firing odds for less mission spam.
- MISSIONS: Made the target objective in space Hulks a hostile unit you can "spot". It's possibly explosive.
- MISSIONS: Added several previously restricted missions to the random monthly pool for more variety. A downed valkyrie, outpost defense, assaulting a chaos temple (with friends) and the Catacomb mission with recruitable Adeptas units to rescue.
- MISSIONS: Space Hulks primary objective is now a "hostile unit" so its easier to detect if you can see it.
- MECHANICS: Infiltration chance reduced and changed to increase in proportion to damage inflicted.
- MECHANICS: New for Psykers: Perils of the Warp mechanic introduced. Psykers with low Morale, or that utilize their powers repeatedly in the same turn, carry a heighted risk of perils; the lower their Morale, the worse the outcome is likely to be.
- CODEX: Added additional text to Codex articles for some commendations.
- RESEARCH: Plasma research now locked behind mid-tier.
- RESEARCH: Heavy Plasma research now has a unique joint topic. Heavy Plasma ammo reduced from 10 to 6. Increased heat generation per shot.
- PLASMA: Added Maximal mode to most plasma weapons; this allows the user to expend 3 additional charges (and heat) to deal 50% more damage. Situationally useful for penetrating heavy armor.
- PLASMA: Mastercrafted Plasma Rifle now has better drop-off per tile (improved accuracy).
- PLASMA: Plasma pistol and rifle damage reduces at 20 tile+ range.
- PLASMA: Plasma dropOff normalization for more plasma weapons.
- BOLTERS: Visual addition, added hitAnimation for bolters. A little explosion.
- RECRUITMENT/MISSIONS: Krieg guard may now appear in WAR missions. Helpfully assisting by taking enemy fire during the first turn. If any survive they can be recruited.
- STARTING BASE: Updated starting bases craft ammo count to correct values.
- BALANCE: Hologrenade price adjustment, less tokens, some more elerium instead.
- ART: 16 new variant heads for SoB power armor and 6 for Bloody Rose version of the armor.
- RECRUITMENT: Enabled 4 more Slaanesh Sisters captives to Repentia Manufacture topics.
- ARMOR: Nerfed ranged accuracy on repentia and deathcult armors, buffed stamina (energy). DCA armor now has slightly better front and side armor to make it an upgrade vs the repentia (still has 20% more dodge as well).
- MECHANIC: Spirit of martyr purges all infection/corruption when triggered.
- CODEX: Moved more Armor Codex articles over to the Adeptas codex section+removed some blocking requirements for low end armors that other factions may encounter/use.
- ART: Heretic Hospitallers given unique Inventory Sprite + codex articles.
- MAP/CORVUS: Added a second door exit to the Corvus.
- MECHANICS: Tweaks to the buff Banner, added safety parameters for self-harm prevention.
- RAZORBACK: Turret buffed to 50 health from 40.
- New 037 drop pod Firestorm is now available.
- WEAPONS: Ripper Pistol Improvement, a lot more morale damage, 10% more health damage. Token Cost Reduction from 400 to 200 tokens.
- UNIT: Buffed the Priest. Now benefits from Spirit of the Martyr (prevents dying) and generates 10 faith points.
- WEAPONS: Lascannon sniper adjustments. +1 point in dropOff accuracy. aimRange 30 instead of 31. Higher kneelBonus. minRange introduced (lower accuracy in close combat)
- WEAPONS: Longlas kneelbonus increased, accuracy adjusted so its better to kneel with it than stand or hipfire.
- TURRET: Crassus turrets set to 50 health. Reaction fire removed, autofire buffed to 5x from 3x shots.
- MECHANICS: Biomancer can now only regenerate up to a maximum of half its max HP. Instead of having no recovery time, its recovery time is reduced by 90%. Lethal wound regeneration now scales with psi (minimum of 1).
- 037 change: Tauros convoy are now 3xTauros instead of 2x.
- 037 change: Taurox convoy updated, ramp replaced with ladders.
- New 037 Praetor vehicle now available. Access may be moved.
- WEAPONS: DW Lascannon adjustments. Higher mobility, less accuracy at distance.
- WEAPONS: DW Dread Plasma Cannon now has better drop-off (3 instead of 5 per tile).
- UNITS: Bionics Enhancements enabled for Inq Stormtroopers. Inq stormtroopers can now achieve higher total reactions as well.
- FIX: Display full range of inventory sprites for Inquisitor armor.
- New 037 Eldar Cobra and Scorpions available. Further updates may come.
- Changed some late game weapon loadouts for Deserter Soldiers (navy autocarbine), Deserter Officers (Highgrade autopistol), Iron Guard Heavies (mortar) and Heavy Traitor Squats (mortar).
- Added Chaos variant of the Mortar.
- MAP: Necron Tombs are now larger and more varied with a new main objective to destroy (by Buscher). Look for the glowing crystal.
- Necron bases can now retaliate (small chance per base and month).
- Necron Scarabs attack speed adjusted by size of the swarm. Fewer scarabs = fewer attacks.
- AI: Necrons no longer afraid of fire tiles.
- Halved civilians chance to trigger AL (30%->15%).
- Made GKs have a much smaller chance of triggering it. Librarians are immune. Chance of triggering it goes from 5% to 1/0% with higher rank.
- Chaos Sacrifices will no longer trigger AL.
- Spooky grenades now much spookier.
- DIFFICULTY: Made starting difficulty Nurgle lists a little easier. Added one new simple cult list specifically for the starting month.
- DIFFICULTY: Added HARD mission types for Nurgle missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- WEAPONS: new Nurgle autopistol and grenade assets by Brenshar.
- LOADOUT: Nurgle Terminators now have gravpistols instead of boltpistols.
- Poxburster Explosives No Longer Hidden on Minimap. Script and mechanic streamlined.
- DIE HARD tag introduced for certain units. Plague Marines, Rotbearers, Plague Ogryns, Poxwalkers. Sets just enough health not to die to one pass of fatal wound damage.
- Instant Zombification removed from more Nurgle weapons and replaced with slight buffs to infection amount or TU damage.
- Balesword TU cost decreased from a whopping 30 to 20.
- Tzeentch Mutants and Thralls introduced for Corruption Spawning on the lower end of the health curve. Fewer Mr Crabby or Blue Horrors from noodle humans.
- Added HARD mission types for Tzeentch missions, made the normal ones easier in the opening months (fewer Witches, Tzaangors and Daemons). HARD missions are activated by researching mid-tier, or playing Space Marine factions.
- Reduced ratio of Tzeentch Blessed Rubric Marines (Spawns Flamers).
- Adjusted new 037 Screamer daemon for rosigma statline and rewards, included in several tzeentch lists, it's a lower threat daemon.
- Implemented the new OXCE AI avoidsFire: false modifier for Tyranids so they aren't afraid of harmless fire-tiles.
- HIVE GSC Base mission will now always have 3 Trains for the player to deploy from (previously 1-3 randomized).
- Added HARD mission types for Slaanesh missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- Fewer Daemonette types in the early-game Slaanesh lists.
Note that some of the enemy list changes have integrated some chill mode ideas from 2.4/2.5, giving a kinder threat ramp for non space marine-based (Hard Mode) factions.
The older Chill Mode file that modifies enemy tech progression will still work with 2.6.
- VH_SINGLETURN # index 1 (assuming BLANKs doesn't count)
- TAUROS_036
- VH_SINGLETURN # index 2 (assuming BLANKs doesn't count)
rosigma/TERRAIN$ find | grep -E "ARVUS_DOORS|GUARD_GRAV_DROP|REPULSOR|TAUROS_036|VH_SINGLETURN" | sort # left out the CHIMERA intentionally