While I think the mod is great, I find some of the Ufopaedia art a bit questionable and immersion-breaking. So I made a mod replacing about 90% of the stuff. Affected areas are of course the Ufopaedia, some vehicle art, and most of the dossiers. I tried to keep the art consistent throughout, and match whatever personality/Ufopaedia entry I changed. There might have been changes to X-com files since I made the mod (it's a couple of months old now), so there might be some new untouched art added that I have not changed.
Ufopaedia examples:
Dossier examples:
Vehicle examples:
Subcultures examples:
You can download the mod here! (http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=23324404512780666235)
Back up download! (https://rapidshare.io/7xe/XComFiles_Alternative_Art_1.2.rar)
How to install:
Put the files in:
C:\ ... Documents \ OpenXcom \ mods
And activate the mod from the mod menu in-game.
Good luck commander!
Some spelling and words missing.