OpenXcom Forum
Contributions => Fan-Stuff => Topic started by: LuckyClover on September 05, 2020, 05:26:01 pm
Tasoths are in my opinion one of coolest aliens in Xcom history-they design is awsome and they are formidable enemies :)
For me they are little bit more like newts than lizards but not sure who they really are ...
Here is my new sculpture of Tasoth-hope You people will like it 8)
Make these from marzipan and you'll be as rich as Elon Musk.
Make these from marzipan and you'll be as rich as Elon Musk.
I was asked not so long ago to make eatable Hellboy figurine for wedding- Im not joking 8)
Fantastic work. It wouldn't have the heart to eat it... :)