OpenXcom Forum
OpenXcom Forks => OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) => OXCE Support => Topic started by: Vangrimar1 on August 19, 2019, 04:00:29 am
Is it possible to add the ability to mask for transports to avoid interception? UFOs have such a parameter as the "radarChance". Something similar can be done for transports X-com, a "chance of non-detection" for example.
Nothing like this is possible.
At some point it will be possible, right now I finishing work on scripts that handle ufo detection.
It would be great. Such a function would be useful for transports, which should be of little interest to aliens, for example cars from X-files.
I agree... But a UFO doing a strafe run on an X-Com van has its charm!
This has been implemented in the meantime:,8478.0.html