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OpenXcom Forks => OXCE Suggestions NEW => OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) => OXCE Suggestions Rejected => Topic started by: Eddie on January 25, 2019, 10:06:17 pm

Title: [Rejected] Tile/unit illumination indicator
Post by: Eddie on January 25, 2019, 10:06:17 pm
Rejection reason: after long discussions, it was decided that this is an unwanted feature (not even as optional feature!)

I humbly request an UI improvement regarding lightning. I often have difficulty knowing whether a tile is considered illuminated (use day vision to calculate visibility) or not illuminated (use night vision to calculate visibility). Some sort of overlay that can be toggeled would be nice, like the night vision indicator. An easier and additional way to display this information would be to change the color of the unit facing indicator arrow (when pressing alt). The arrow can be darkened to indicate a unit is standing in darkness.
I would actually darken half of the arrow to have an obvious distinction to the normal arrow.
Title: Re: [Request] lit / not lit indicator
Post by: Meridian on January 25, 2019, 11:08:35 pm
Easy to implement, but many people voted against it... as exposing too much information that you are just not supposed to know (for sure).
Title: Re: [Request] lit / not lit indicator
Post by: Eddie on January 25, 2019, 11:45:14 pm
I find it more a shortcoming of graphics and color palette than of knowledge. An on/off switch in the options should deal with the objections of the purists in any case.

I would agree with the objections if there was some sort of transition between day and night visibility like half shadow. But right now you go from complete darkness to lit up like a christmas tree in one tick on the illumination scale.
Title: Re: [Request] lit / not lit indicator
Post by: Dioxine on January 28, 2019, 03:13:18 pm
I find it more a shortcoming of graphics and color palette than of knowledge. An on/off switch in the options should deal with the objections of the purists in any case.

Why do you consider yourself the voice of reason, and "purists" some sort of a ghetto? That is rude of you. I objected this as a voice of reason against making the game boring and casualizing it, not because "purist".
As soon as the option will exist, even if I block it off, a million autists will cry in anger demanding why it is turned off.
Title: Re: [Request] lit / not lit indicator
Post by: Eddie on January 29, 2019, 02:58:45 am
When I think of the word "purist" I think of it more as a compliment. I'm also a bit confused why someone would get offended when I talk about how I would like to enjoy my single player game that has no impact on how other people enjoy their game...
Title: Re: [Request] lit / not lit indicator
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 29, 2019, 03:26:14 am
Anytime a feature like this becomes available on the options menu, a modder has to decide whether or not this fits into the vision of the game they're creating and how it might influence the balance of their mod. After that comes the inevitable questions from players of why it was either locked on/off when it obviously should be the other, or why it was left to the player's decision when they didn't know about it.
Title: Re: [Request] lit / not lit indicator
Post by: Yankes on January 29, 2019, 09:20:24 pm
If someone is really determined he could use scripts to change sprites to show this illumination threshold. Current shade is available for scripts.