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Modding => Released Mods => IDT Modding Hub => Topic started by: luke83 on January 01, 2019, 08:33:22 am
After many years of doing odds and ends, this will be my first Total Conversion ( maybe Total Conversion is the wrong words as you will see below), OXC Factions is an idea i have been thinking about since 2013 when i started making my first recoloured aliens and Civilians with Guns,until now, i was unsure as to how i would pull it all together without upsetting people by breaking the X-com Lore but with inspiration from StarTrek, its actually really easy, this is a alternate timeline/dimension where the aliens won the war ( see Easy, if StarTrek can do it, so can X-com) :P I was going to keep this secret until i at least had all new maps built but its quickly becoming a bigger job than i realised and i may need help from the community moving forward, so lets go public.
Aims of OXC-Factions:
- To borrow assets from TFTD and merge with Xcom in a new time period both above and below water
- To be able to play with some alien units as part of your squad ( and eventually have a separate ruleset to play as a alien faction or Human factions)
- To expand the game for replay-ability but still try to keep it as simple as possible for new players .
General Story line (its kinda rough at the moment as i am a mapbuilder, not a story teller but i am sure you guys will help me shape the story as i progress):
During the First war, the Aliens noticed Xcom had adapted their technology to use against them and signalled for aid from T'leth. Forced to fight on two fronts, Xcom was eventually overrun and the Aliens took over the earth. Once in control they destroyed all major cities, rounded up and enslaved as many humans as they could find & started their Terra-forming activities on the earth. 50 years on ( give or take) the aliens loose all contact with Cydonia and any vessel they send to investigate is never heard from again. Without the orders of the Brain, the Aliens start fighting amounts them selves and form separate factions, each thinking it is there time time to rule the Solar System. In the ensuing chaos, a small group of humans rise up to liberate themselves from Alien Rule.
Note: i actually wanted this to be a Open game with each faction a separate AI fighting with each other over Geoscape and forming Alliances via screen (similar to Apoc just simplified) but without major code re-writes that can not happen, as such i will build what i can into the exisiting system and see how close i can make it feel.
0.1 - Create basic game for testing of new mapblocks ( i have Import most of the TFTD aliens,ships & weapons but am having issues working out what sound is used for what and fixed it, if your a TFTD expert and want to help let me know)
0.2 - Create trial MCD & Map sets for each new map type ( lots of NEW alien Cities, Bases and new map concepts). Also Create new Geoscape World with Lower sea level, wreckage from first war ( downed craft, Nuke waste land, destroyed cities ETC) & Alien Forests.
0.3 - Working out which aliens are part of which factions ( and which factions have Human Allies), and how many new sprites i need to create or borrow from others
0.4 - Finish building all maps ( including any Faction specific terrain & new Xcom Base layout) and create "Luke Expanded USO" for TFTD ships ( this will be 6 months work here at least).
0.5 - cleanup Rulesets and workout best layout ot move forward that allows future expansion of the mod with new Factions,weapons & craft.
0.6 - start building mission scripts
0.7 - Work on game Balance and Bug Fixes
0.8 - Research Tree & UFOPedia
0.9 - Bring in END game faction
1.0 - playable Mod
2.0 will have a separate rule file for a "Play as Aliens" option, including new Base and Missions.
Active Contributors:
OXC Factions also has a Channel on the IDT Discord server, please check it out below:
If anyone wants to help shape this mod please let me know, still need help with the following:
Ruleset help
Story Arc
Create Story/Backgrounds for Factions
New units to Expand each faction ( i have made some and Borrowed many but until i know what faction everyone is part off nothing is set in stone)
Game Balance
Ah, Is nice to start a new year with news from your TC mod, mate. Looking forward to see further development.
Any ask for help just ask. :D
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Ah, Is nice to start a new year with news from your TC mod, mate. Looking forward to see further development.
Any ask for help just ask. :D
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Thanks mate, i am trying not to ask you for to much help as i want to see your other TC finished so i can play them :) I am hoping some others within the community will like my idea enough to help but if they dont i will just soldier on without them :) I will be starting that Globe this week, i am sure there will be some questions coming your way soon
So, your plan is to make a Piratez-style game but more serious? Sounds good.
So, your plan is to make a Piratez-style game but more serious? Sounds good.
Yes, a few less boobs perhaps :)
lot of OXC or OXCE development years to do it, or months or weeks or hours even. :-\Don't forget about your old Asgard mod as well since i've read all of it earlier before 2019. -_-?,6705.0.html,6705.msg107808.html#msg107808
I Know its overkill but the Aliens will be using: UFO, USO & the Pyramid UFOs ( these Pyramid USO are Mobile bases so they are used for various maps as well).
There is a separate Group that appears halfway through the game ( and is the reason Mars went quiet) & will be using the Asgard UFOs :) This separate group is the End Game Enemy.
Variety is the Spice of life and if nothing else this Mod will be spicy ;D
Although lorebreaking kinda 48% obnoxious and 78% outright to do, unless you have your own way of making a custom XCOM lore (including an alternate timeline, dimension or universe so as we speak) instead of using the official 90s lore or 2010s-20s lore as far as we comply on.
Yep, i could see no other way around it, had to be different Timeline, since both Xcom 1 & 2 are basically the same game, some things will need to be changed, its a world where Elerium is becoming increasinly rare due to mars being cut off but they still have Zbrite, some lore will need to be broken or at least bent to have some sort of sense.
That will mean civil for the aliens, or some aliens getting human/hybrid alies in their needs of a civil war against separate or main factions.
One of the last things I was working on before going on vacation, was to color PCKs, both the white version of PLANE.pck for the plane that had shown you and alinare, as well as a green version (for UNEXCOM) and another gray (for Hobbes's Tech-Comm) of your UFO Pyramids.
As soon as I finish, I'll send it to you so you can make secret bases for your project. :D
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Need to pick a colour to replace for nuclear fallout zones also and then Terraformed earth Version 1 will be ready to go.
Update : Nuke Zones added
Need to pick a colour to replace for nuclear fallout zones also and then Terraformed earth Version 1 will be ready to go.
Niceeeeee! I like this!
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I have some default soldier classes setup and have a test naming convention setup so i can always see what kind of soldier they are, i was going to make this standard however i am unsure how confusing this will be for people who speak something other than English... for speakers other than English, does the names get translated into local language ( and if so would this be confusing) or is there a better way of doing this?
The below soldier is a Brawler so i have used (BRAW)
Like most Australians, we struggle with out first laungage( which is why we shorten EVERYTHING) so i thought i better think about everyone else ;D
Good to see you back in business, Luke! You were here before most of us, and laid down some of the basic work we all use nowadays, like expanded UFOs. Good luck with your great project!
Still have more Terraforming to do, especially now that all those dry lake and exposed ocean floor can have TFTD added to it
That's an amazing terrain for something done so cheaply. Now it would be easy to do tile substitution of sea sand to normal desert and mountains to make more variety of this dry lake terrain (which can also be salt lake/post-agricultural salt desert).
That's an amazing terrain for something done so cheaply. Now it would be easy to do tile substitution of sea sand to normal desert and mountains to make more variety of this dry lake terrain (which can also be salt lake/post-agricultural salt desert).
Yep, my thinking also, this was like 10 mins work to get this one set brought in, best of all i didnt have to modify any Routes ( i hate doing routes!!!!!!) My ZOmbies with Guns took Way longer to make :) Though i bet Hobbes has already plundered these over the years and built them into his Mapsets ;)
Version 2 of my Terraformed globe to handle all the TFTD underwater Terrains ( i will most likely redo the sprite for Geoscape as its too yellow compared to the maps).
also,Some war-torn urban from the first war, that are now overtaken by the Alien Jungle.
Version 2 of my Terraformed globe to handle all the TFTD underwater Terrains ( i will most likely redo the sprite for Geoscape as its too yellow compared to the maps).
also,Some war-torn urban from the first war, that are now overtaken by the Alien Jungle.
I love the modified urban terrain.

I agree, maybe the terrain texture could be darker, maybe brown-orange could be good.
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With the help of some experts, today we did some pallet experiments to see if i could bring underwater mission to this mod WITHOUT using the ugle TFTD pallets! Note the below screens are just from the TEST pallet :P
So here are some updated pallets, its starting to look more reasonable:)
Ah, much better! I think F-20 looks good enough, pal. ;)
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So these are 3 different pallets for 3 different depths, the "V" are just different light levels.
TheReaverofDarkness has been making some alternate ones also, see below:
Also note: for now every alien can swim under water, how i will handle this long term i do not know yet.
Update 2: Started adding Water to the globe
Have you considered adding weapons with radioactive damage? As a new type of damage, of course. This, given that radiation is an important thing in the Alien Civil War. The weapons of Fallout and Metro (2033, Last Light) would be perfect!
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Does sound like its needed, but i have no idea how to do that yet.
Almost finished my globe, just need a update from the Coders to fix the colour issues in daylight :)
Does sound like its needed, but i have no idea how to do that yet.
It's easier than you think!
I've already asked this before. ( alinare (via PM), The Reaver of Darkness and Solarius Scorch help me solve this. :D
Almost finished my globe, just need a update from the Coders to fix the colour issues in daylight :)
Is beautiful! I like very much the new water zones.
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A productive day today, i have correct some polygon issues on the globe ( some issues still elude me but for now its ok).
I have changed several textures on the globe.
I have brought in all the TFTD maps except the alien colony's and underground ones.
I have corrected some unit sound issues ( some more are still outstanding)
and finally i got my soldier class names working :)
I was meant to be back on map building by now but thats just the way it is.
I like the ocean textures now. They look realistic. ;)
BTW, I was talking to alinare yesterday and he said that once you start making your weapons, he will gladly help you make the rulesets. And I the sprites. So let us know when the time comes, count with us. ;D
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BTW, I was talking to alinare yesterday and he said that once you start making your weapons, he will gladly help you make the rulesets. And I the sprites. So let us know when the time comes, count with us. ;D
Thats great to here, i will let you know once we are a little closer to that point, this whole adventure of "lets Add Water" was not on my original plan but i am so glad i started it.
Thats great to here, i will let you know once we are a little closer to that point, this whole adventure of "lets Add Water" was not on my original plan but i am so glad i started it.
All right! We will wait, then. :D
Finally got my Ruined Urban set up and running, i think i need a few more road segments but at least now its playable :)
Finally got my Ruined Urban set up and running, i think i need a few more road segments but at least now its playable :)
I'll definitely need this. It's awesome, Luke. ;D
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Had to redo the Map generation rule for the Alien Jungle, at least now it looks like all blocks occasionally get used :)
Update, another Ruined City image.
Some work in progress version of my NukeMaps, once i have this one done, i still need to make a URBAN Nuke Map version :)
Thanks to Meridian, i now have Bubbles underwater :)
Perhaps i can try to make a Nukezone/Alien FOrest hybrid map however i think i will have issuse with the Tilecount.
ALso, another progress shot of my NukeZone
Thanks to Meridian, i now have Bubbles underwater :)
Attribute "drawBubbles: true" on armor; OXCE v2019-01-15 or later required.
Btw. for TWoTS you will need to update your armors too, since the bubbles are not drawn automatically for drawingRoutines 13 and 14 anymore, but only based on this new attribute.
Perhaps i can try to make a Nukezone/Alien FOrest hybrid map however i think i will have issuse with the Tilecount.
ALso, another progress shot of my NukeZone
I liked very much the toxic pools! Very Fallout 2-ish. Are they going to inflict damage?
I liked very much the toxic pools! Very Fallout 2-ish.
Yep, i was channelling Fallout when designing it :)
Are they going to inflict damage?
Yes, i think it would be required, to make the mapset different to everything else.
Working on my Nuke Cities now, trying something different....if this becomes a City or a Faction base i guess we will need to wait and see.
Could you apply the same "palette" that you use underwater (light-dark bluish according to depth) but on green to resemble toxic pollution (similar to the nuke crater on Fallout 4 and Camp Searchlight on Fallout New Vegas)?
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I have some green pallets from my underwater tests.
Is it just me or the skyranger just recently been upgraded to a flying sub :)
Is it just me or the skyranger just recently been upgraded to a flying sub :)
maybe it was shot down and we now need to recover the injured from crash site
Currently working on the MCDset for the City stage of the Nuke zone, right now its all a bit to resty, so i will be tweaking my colour next i think :)
Wonderful maps! Congrats!
Those landscapes are really nice!
Thanks guys, a lot of effort goes into creating new map sets from scratch so i am glad my efforts actually look ok :)
Just some screenshots from testing these maps
I just have an idea: how about you add a "civilian" unit to Nuke City terrain? I noticed that TFTD zombie fits very good with the palette of this terrain. You could have a custom variant of the TFTD zombie, maybe with another clothing, to wander around Nuked lands.
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I just have an idea: how about you add a "civilian" unit to Nuke City terrain? I noticed that TFTD zombie fits very good with the palette of this terrain. You could have a custom variant of the TFTD zombie, maybe with another clothing, to wander around Nuked lands.
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Already one (half) made for this purpose, check for ASH Zombie in the Units section, i have not settled on final colours yet and there is a version somewhere where it doesn't turn back into Chryssalid ( but i will need to check where i saved V3), its was going to be a Traditional Zombie that makes more Zombies :)
This looks amazing Luke, I've never seen better looking maps in any other mod. Also really apreciate you're taking inspiration from piratez, since thats my favorite mod around.
Really looking forward to this or whatever it ends up becoming.
That's why a man loves his game) you are a super Creator thank you for what you have ))
Thanks predator1286 & Dakkdakk for the kind words, i do my best :)
Below is something else i am working on, a floating City, Building ontop of Nords Floating Base MCD set ( well i am tweaking it some to suit my tastes), still at the concept stages at the moment ( so just making sure the colours all work together and i can actually move around the map).
Looks awesome, mate. Very different to the rest of the OXC maps. I wonder what evil villainous would live in this floating landscape. Or I should say... skyscape ;D
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Looks awesome, mate. I wonder what evil villainous would live in this floating landscape. Or I should say... skyscape ;D
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This one is a Floating on water, my Floating in the sky map set i have not started building yet :) ( The Flying base will be a massive UFO construction)
Very different to the rest of the OXC maps.
Its hard work trying to come up with new concepts, this time around i re-imagining Nords work ( and sprite set) to suit my needs, i figured Since i added the water texture to the world map, we may as well create a new Alien city as well :)
I think I'll give a different use for that sea map...
Naval battles!
I like how the organic city fits with the color of this terrain.
when i started i was thinking of just using it for a alien city, now i am debating ( assuming everything goes well during testing) of using it as another terrain feature on the geoscape, i would need to add another colour to my textures and create New island of this floating around the sea....CUrrent problem is getting the ufo and skyranger to generate on the correct level of the mapblocks. NExt problem would be how badly the AI handle the destructible terrain and the Holes :)
Robin's ufo organic tilesets could be usefull into these terrain
Yes they are some truely beautiful ufos in his mod, i may check it out if i need some more art assets but currently i am trying to avoid stealing his work at this stage just in case i want to bring them in as another faction later on. RIght now i am unsure what else i will add to this map, i need to expand the plant life but i need something new...waiting for some inspiration.
Talking about your beautiful Organic City... I think you should move the mushrooms from Ruined terrain to Organic. In my opinion, fits with the maps.
when i started i was thinking of just using it for a alien city, now i am debating ( assuming everything goes well during testing) of using it as another terrain feature on the geoscape, i would need to add another colour to my textures and create New island of this floating around the sea....CUrrent problem is getting the ufo and skyranger to generate on the correct level of the mapblocks. NExt problem would be how badly the AI handle the destructible terrain and the Holes :)
I tried to make destructible terrain for The Great War of the Worlds, but it seems that AI is very dumb, it gets stuck in holes and trenches. If you are going to add some holes, make them bigger and easy to climb, so the AI could get out without further problem.
Please, make this terrain the kingdom of the Gillmen!
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Yes, this was meant to be the Gillman Kindom :P
I made a new grass/vine last night for this map to start adding some colours and was thinking about some tall mushrooms, i could bring the small one over too, will see how it looks.
Yes i am a little worried about the destructible terrain but i think i have a working solution for it will have it tested over the weekend, should be a blast to test, get it, blast ;)
Yes, this was meant to be the Gillman Kindom :P
I made a new grass/vine last night for this map to start adding some colours and was thinking about some tall mushrooms, i could bring the small one over too, will see how it looks.
Yes i am a little worried about the destructible terrain but i think i have a working solution for it will have it tested over the weekend, should be a blast to test, get it, blast ;)
Yep, they look good, mate! How about adding your secret mushrooms? 7u7
I loved Total War: Shogun 2's Realm Divide Event, if it wasn't broken. I'll propose my version...
Earth Divide: Mid to late-game, once the Brain reconnects with Earth, there's a new division, no longer an all out faction war.
(Mother) Brain regains her loyalists and slowly the other factions vs. you and the alliances you've prepared.
So "Earth Divide" triggers in "OXC Factions" after you reach a certain high score or high tier level of tech. This means Mother Brain makes contact with Earth.
- 40-50% random alien factions(allies included, but lesser chance) return to Mother's side immediately and focus most attention against the human/alien retaliation, AKA you and your allies.
- As time passes, one by one, your diplomatic enemies who didn't get mind controlled at first will eventually be persuaded to seek destruction upon you and your alliance.
- Every time the Brain regains a faction, a major dice roll against you will be checked whether an ally stands by you or break away depending on*
1. faction strength(both yours and your ally)
2. diplomatic points that determine your relationship with your ally.
*After 3-5 rolls, your allies are influenced by your Braveheart(the movie) characteristics and will permanently remain with you.
Final note: Allies who leave you during Earth Divide will remain friendly towards you. They respect you, but are cowards and can be attacked later on.
Add-on Idea:
You could also make one unique faction permanently hate the Brain. They can be the Magicarp of your mod. Your starting relation with said faction is "Strong Ally". They're a defensive ally early to mid-game so you'll have to protect them from large enemy parties. They'll shine in the Earth Divide event (for balance?) and disappear late-game. They have unique technology only they can share with you, they're also focused on technology to free themselves from total mind control. They'll be immune to Earth Divide and begin focusing on warfare at that point. They won't tell you, but they're also working on Warp Gate Technology so they WILL disappear suddenly and by the end of that Month's report, you'll be notified that no trace of the Protoss is left on Earth. Hope you have some strong allies.
You'll probably be telling stories of how the Floaters stuck it out with you when all your other allies died or fled away. Floater/Human freedom!
Some interesting ideas there Mr Quiet :)
Found some Grunge UFOs from the Strategy Core site, then i found New_civilian had already created a Ruleset for these in OXC so i was like, hell there coming into my mod :) Just need to tweak the MCDs a little as currently they have organic sprites in them & i dont want them merged with the Organic set ( as i have a floating organic city) , They also use the Xbase sprites, still not sure if i will remove all traces from of these from the set yet or not..we will see.
I wish I could do something other than just say this looks goddamn amazing, but hey, it really does look goddamn amazing.
This new grunge UFO totally fits into your mod, mate! :D
This new grunge UFO totally fits into your mod, mate! :D
Thanks mate, i have now removed the ORGANICs from these Grunge ships so these are basically done now, i left the Human hardware inside these ships, they can be used by a combined human/alien faction that has retrofitted the Ancient Ufos to be used in the civil war.
Also i still have about 10 map blocks to build for the Organic city/island mapset but its starting to come together now.
I would like to see more human tech inside this Grunge UFOs, like those found on Xcom bases!
Any further progress on nuked land/city?
Any further progress on nuked land/city?
On the nuke maps i still need to build more variations of buildings but have moved on for now since these buildings are so large it becomes a big job each time i do one (so i wanted a break). I also still need to come up with a savage style of buildings to go on these maps but am still looking for insperation.
I now have 20 mapblocks for the Organic Village set so i am calling it wraps for now, time to move onto the next mapset :)
I now have 20 mapblocks for the Organic Village set so i am calling it wraps for now, time to move onto the next mapset :)
The Gillmen Kingdom is truly beautiful.
I'm eager to wreck havoc on this land.
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Just a quick update to show that work is still progressing here, currently i am expanding my underground terrain sets and one of these sets includes a new Snakeman base, still going to need another week or two get see how it turns out.
Still only early days on this one, right now most mapblocks are identical to others as i only just got the Digtunnel command working ( thanks to Warboy and Hobbes) so now i can go through and start tweaking the blocks until i am happy.
I like a lot the blood everywhere. ;D
half of the mapblocks are now built.
Found windows 10 has a built in screen capture program, just testing it out whilst testing my newest mapset for bugs...
xcom is such a great game :)
Ok so i have been given permission to borrow some assets from "oXc - War of Shadows" so i have just imported his Ships, i will need to tweak a few of these to suit my personal tastes but this is a awesome mapset and i look forward to placing my slant on it for use in the Civil War :) Great work jackstraw2323
i am going to split these off to make a different ufo set using this MCDset as a base, plus think i like blue better :P
Would be cool to have The Thing like aliens. Which could randomly infect/replace player's soldiers or civilians, and then hatch at some random moment, when player least expects it. There could be kits to test for infection/replacement, and robotic soldiers immune to it, etc... But guess it will require modding the engine.
Such a mission exists in X-Com Files, feel free to take it if you like.
Some interesting suggestions for sure, we may need to dig into the code for Xcom Files to see what other gems you have done over the years :)
Below are some new Alien Hulls i have been playing with, at this stage i wont guarantee they will end up as part of the set as currently i am still experimenting with the outer hull shapes:)
Wow! Impressive! :0 This crystal UFO will definitely have quite resistant protective shields.
Any clue as to how the interior will look?
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Wow! Impressive! :0 This crystal UFO will definitely have quite resistant protective shields.
Any clue as to how the interior will look?
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Havent started the interiors yet ( well i have tweaked a couple of sprites but i have not done anything for the inside on the map blocks yet). I need to review how the original sprites where used and work out if i will keep them or not. In the original, he has spinning crystals which i think was the control panels for the ship and crystals with people inside ( note sure what function they are yet), note sure if i will keep these or not yet.
Should get the last couple of exterior shapes done over the weekend and hopefully be looking at the interiors the following week. I also need to build a Base for these guys also, i have some ideas but will need to see how it goes.
It makes sense that the crystals serve as a catalyst for psy energy, as much for navigating as for dogfights. IIRC, the original description of UFO Navigation says that it uses the pilot's neural waves to fly the ship.
I honestly do not think that all the different factions have access to this type of technology, I doubt that without the direct support of the Ethereals they will continue to work. We have been at war for 50 years and who knows how many in civil war. I'd love to see some steering wheels and rudimentary flight controls with levers on the transports of other factions.
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Some new hull option for the collection :) I have most of the interiors done now and i should be doing routes and testing these by the end of the weekend.
Here is a sneak peak of one of the insides of the hulls ( yes i intentionally made it so you didnt see to much), little annoyed about the diagonal walls allowing you to see inside, i remember this was a issue from the original ufo set also but i thought someone had found a way to block this somehow.
Are your designs interchangeable with standard UFO terrains? In other words, can it use the same maps and routes?
Are your designs interchangeable with standard UFO terrains? In other words, can it use the same maps and routes?
I dont understand your question, What do you mean interchangeable ? They are separate map sets with completely separate MCDs so yes you could take all my assets and merge them into any xcom version you like.
OK, so they aren't. Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.
I was asking because I did something similar, but the tilesets match the standard UFO tiles, so you use the same maps.
Posting some examples for vanilla maps.
OK, so they aren't. Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.
I was asking because I did something similar, but the tilesets match the standard UFO tiles, so you use the same maps.
Posting some examples for vanilla maps.
Right, no, my ones are a completely new set, new designs, new surprises :) My new Cargo ship just needs Nodes.
Right, no, my ones are a completely new set, new designs, new surprises :) My new Cargo ship just needs Nodes.
Let me know if you want some help with that, I am pretty good with routes.
Let me know if you want some help with that, I am pretty good with routes.
Actually Yes, that would be very helpful as it would allow me to move on to the next map set more quickly.
OK, please send me the map, the tilesets, and fhe order of these tilesets (preferably the whole line from mapedit.dat.
So this will be the final UFO for this Crystal set.
Here are some .RMP files I did quickly. I hope they deliver.
So this will be the final UFO for this Crystal set.
Wow. Totally looks like a Blessed Dreadnought.
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A little behind schedule this week, have started playing around with these Shield doors tonight, cant get them to activate how i want so i will just make do with what the code base allows :(
A little behind schedule this week, have started playing around with these Shield doors tonight, cant get them to activate how i want so i will just make do with what the code base allows :(
Nice idea. But what you actually wanted, what you can not do? If you want to shoot through doors -it is possible. If you want to see through, but dont shoot - yes, it is hard.
Hey, was trying to use the alternate door option to Lower the shields (switch to other item) but if i do it that way it stays open after the next turn ( unlike UFO doors which re-close at end of turn), not exactly what i was hoping for. Everything else is good, i have them blocking line of sight and bullets ( until you destroy them) so it helps to make these UFOs unique....Cant say it was my idea, it was in the original ufo set so i only twisted it to suit my tastes :)
The interior is now done on the Blessed Dreadnought, just have those pesky ROutes to do for it now ( perhaps tomorrow night ).
And what properties should have lovered shields?
Different look and bullet permeability?
(I want to help with it)
And what properties should have lovered shields?
Different look and bullet permeability?
(I want to help with it)
So the problem with the doors is this, if i use it as a UFO_DOOR (in MCDEDIT), it only animates when it opens which is not what i am after, i want it to constantly be animated until i open it, then i want it to switch to the alt-door item ( which is graphically just the shield generator slot on the ground).
If i try to use the Std Door ( Human door entry in MCD-Edit), thanks to TheReaverofDarkness, it now switches to the alternate-MCD correctly but when the turn ends, it doesnt re-activate the shields for the next turn ( like UFO doors do).
As a test, i also tried turning on UFO_Door and Door at the same time ( to see what the game does), now it doesnt animate at all, the door switches to an alternate MCD and never turns back:)
Other than the animation side ( which i dont think can be fixed without some code changes to the engine, which i am going to assume are low priority at best), When shields are up ( and animated) the Block Line of sight value is active, this means you cant see through it, i have also added Lofts to these so you cant Shoot through it ( unless you destroy it) and both of these work good .
So until someone finds a solution here, i will stop it from being a DOOR so it works similar to the stargate goa'uld's persoal shields, you can pass through it slowly ( walking speed) but cant shoot through it :)
Nord, if you like , tonight i can send you a test file also so you can try for yourself.
Ok, i got it.
How i see there is only partial solution:
Add animated object in same cell. But it will satay animated when door opens. But carefully chosing, you can make it look like part of shining forcefield turning off, allowing to pass through glow.
Starting a Human UFO set now, so many factions, so many UFOs required :)
Note: the colours are a work in progress :)
Looking Good! But say, shouldn't the Xcom signs be removed?
Starting a Human UFO set now, so many factions, so many UFOs required :)
I always thought that the tileset Lightning could be indicated for a new family of ufo instead that for xcom craft, I think that XOps's crafts could be more suitable for XCom.
Thake a look to Heracle craft from Reaver's Faithful Megamod:,5543.msg84567.html#msg84567 (,5543.msg84567.html#msg84567)
Also from XOps mods there is a family of spectacular UFOs,2913.msg45857.html#msg45857 (,2913.msg45857.html#msg45857),2913.msg46220.html#msg46220 (,2913.msg46220.html#msg46220)
Looking Good! But say, shouldn't the Xcom signs be removed?
Yes, eventually :), only just starting to play around with this tileset.
Also from XOps mods there is a family of spectacular UFOs
I had never seen these ones ( as that mod come ot when i went missing from OXC for 5 years), they will definetly be coming into OXC-Factions :)
If there is any other cool set that i have missed over the years please let me know :)
Yes, eventually :), only just starting to play around with this tileset.
I had never seen these ones ( as that mod come ot when i went missing from OXC for 5 years), they will definetly be coming into OXC-Factions :)
If there is any other cool set that i have missed over the years please let me know :)
The robin's marvelous work, of course.
The robin's marvelous work, of course.
LOL yes, i am actively trying NOT to steal Robins work ( well i have stolen some sprites and recoloured them) as Once Factions is stable&working, i want to then move onto the Full Alien Civil war version (where you play as aliens) and i want Robins work in that version.
OXC_Factions is play as Humans (and eventually get some aliens on your team)
OXC Civil War is Expansion where you play as aliens ( and need full alien base)
If there is any other cool set that i have missed over the years please let me know :)
You could look at Dune mod:,2957.msg32666.html#msg32666 (,2957.msg32666.html#msg32666)
Yes, that one looks like it would be fun to work with.
An other mod inactive, Battle For Mars:,3636.msg44904.html#msg44904 (,3636.msg44904.html#msg44904)
An other mod inactive, Battle For Mars:,3636.msg44904.html#msg44904 (,3636.msg44904.html#msg44904)
I miss BFM. It was a good mod. It's a shame that has been inactive for two years.
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Wow, a very-very cool project!
If you need some extra stuff gfx have a look here:,2963.0.html (,2963.0.html)
Whatever you find usefull there feel free to grab!
Wow, a very-very cool project!
If you need some extra stuff gfx have a look here:,2963.0.html (,2963.0.html)
Whatever you find usefull there feel free to grab!
Whoa. A lot of sprites to loot!
Thanks for sharing. ;D
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Wow, a very-very cool project!
If you need some extra stuff gfx have a look here:,2963.0.html (,2963.0.html)
Whatever you find usefull there feel free to grab!
Sweet, a lot of cool sprites in you mod, these will come in extremely handy, Thanks mate!
Starting to play around with hull designs for these Lightning ufo, i have expanded The Reaver of Darkness set a little with a few new doors and Halfwalls, at this stage i am unsure what else i will end up adding, will see what bright ideas i have whilst creating this set. Thanks to Reavers previous work, it has saved me heaps of time as i normally spend 2 weeks coming up with a basic MCDset but in this case most of it was already done for me :)
An other mod
( (
I actually downloaded these last night and plan on brininging in sny good art assets into my set( have not opened them yet) . By the weekend i should have about 10 hull designs done, from their i will pick my favourites 7 and start the interiors.
Have now stolen the sprites i like from Komandos ships
A few more design options to share :)
- (
Just Bumping my Posts :) I have switched back over to working on the Geoscape ( to give me a break from building UFOS), have been adding new Alien Cities and making some Pallet changes.
WIP is shown below, Note the red background is from TFTD and since i am doing a Hybrid game i thought i would bring him across.
Update - Another Week and some more Geoscape changes
Started working on the next UFO set, see image below.
Also here is a link to the I.D.T Mod site which combines several awesome OXC mods at various stages of developments
IDT: :)
More Hulls for the Muton Army.
Another UFO has landed!
*Starts praying in fetal position*
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UFO Sneak Peak
Also i have started building my own Base Defence maps for Factions, you can keep track on our progress at our IDT server here: IDT:
A few new screenshots of my new Base Defence layout:
Just doing some in game testing and thought i would post another screenshot
Its looking lovely, can't wait till a working build gets released.
Its looking lovely, can't wait till a working build gets released.
Thanks mate, we are getting closer but still have not even started looking at the mission scripts yet but we are hoping to have a basic playable version out my New years ( sure it wont have the end game stuff in it but hopefully it will show enough of where we area heading in this mod).
Below are some screenshots from a alien city i have been building, hope you like them.
i am now starting to add the extra factions UFOs to Geoscape so i can start working on some basic mission types next.
Since i have done the above ground Alien City, i thought i better start on the underwater version, as such here is my work in progress shot of the underwater alien city.
Some more battlescape testing
I liked the controllable zombie in the snakeman base video^^
Your mod looks really promising. I'm looking forward to it. :)
working on bringing in the TFTD armour into factions today, here is me testing.
Hoping to have some Madmax Style Crafts finished this weekend, i still have a few WarRigs to build so lets see how i go.
Savage Crawlers are ready to hunt down anyone who enters the WasteLands
Update: Have added the first Savages into the game
Working with Luke83 on the Savage Faction, this time more weapons!
Yesterday we finished the first weapons that the Savages will use in their travels in War Rigs through the desolate wasteland. Some weapons are theirs (like the huge melee weapons), others are stolen from other factions. Mostly focused on close combat. The mythical Thundersticks, inspired by those used by the War Boys in Mad Max Fury Road, could not be missing.
In addition, a new member joins the faction: Muton Savage, a deserter from the ranks of the Ethereal who joined this band of raiders and pillagers to travel eternally and devastate everything in their path. There will be two types of Mutons in the faction, the leaders (like the one shown here), who will have armor and the pawns, who have no additional protection. (sprites modified from Muton Berserker, from XenoOps mod, by XOps)
We finished the alienDeployments of the War Rigs shown by Luke a couple of weeks ago, so the enemies mounted on them will use the Savage faction armament.
Don't forget to join us at the Inventorum Development Team Discord server! We post updates regularly
I better post this here also i guess, so i have built some basic mission scripts to get my head around how the data works for them, now i am happy i have enough to start the game, i better get back to my increasing Tech Tree :P
Working on another map set for my game, still very early days :P
I like it! :D
I like it! :D
Glad you like it David, its still a work in progress but its coming along.
Most of the buildings are still empty and i need to make more variations to the water but its coming along.
Been working on Mission Spawning the last few weeks and when needed tweaking maps to suit the missions, below is another improvised Human Settlement in this crazy old post apocalyptic world.
New weapons on OXC Factions! This time, from the human traitor faction, the Inheritors. Those are the descendants of the Government officers, politicians and military personnel that signed the pacts with the aliens on the First Alien War, thus inheriting the Earth. At least, on the eyes of their supporters, the Ethereals.
Their unique equipment is composed of high-tech prototypes from the late 20th Century and early 21th Century, just before the First Alien War. It has far more quality than those weapons fielded by other factions, but are rather scarce. Also, they like to deploy specially modified one-wielded weapons and ballistic shields on their shock troopers.
Also, you can see the first Inheritor weapons introduced on OXC Factions, from left to right:
CAR-15 carbine
Vz-98 CQB compact carbine
SIG Sauer MP-X submachine gun
FN SCAR CQB compact assault rifle
IWI MTAR-21 Tavor carbine
H&K G11 caseless rifle
Titanium shield (sprite drawn by Nord)
Inheritor Cargo Transport by Luke83
Weapons sprites and codes by efrenespartano
When i started this mapset, it was suppose to be a Human Snow settlement but somehow i got distracted and made it another type of ALien base..... Anyway, i will try again this weekend to build this Human Snow settlement :P
Testing of the new (junk) weapons! Those weapons are commonly found over the battlefield, are used by the many scattered civilian (human and alien alike) to defend themselves from pillagers and robbers!
As you can see in the pic with our friend The Reaver of Darkness, the list of new weapons are, from left to right:
"Glock" Pistol, calibrated in 9mm. Actually, it is very likely that this is not a weapon made by Glock Ges.m.b.H, not even close, but the word glock is closely associated in the minds of the inhabitants of the wasteland with a handgun of high quality and reliability. And it is, it is very effective.
Nail Gun, uses concrete nails as ammunition. Equipped with a high capacity drum and firing industrial concrete nails (a very easy to find and made ammo), this close range weapon has a wooden stock attached with some duct tape to increase the stability of the aiming.
Lead Pipe, is used both as a melee weapon and in crafting recipes, to make new weapons and explosives! Doesn't kills, but can stun an enemy if hitted hard enough!
Tire Iron, basically a tire iron. Boring, but easy to find and use.
Knife, with a knuckle attached to it. Never go out home without your trusty knife. ;)
Hatchet, now instead of just cutting down trees, cuts out enemy skulls!
Pipe Wrench, believe it or not, this tool hits very hard. Plus, helps you with your plumbing job. Broken baths? not a problem!
Machete. Kills. A lot. (Approved by Danny Trejo)
Baseball Bat, capable of making a home run with the extremities of the enemy, it can easily knock out an enemy. Fast, light and forceful make this a special weapon.
Sledgehammer, Whether you use it to demolish houses or annihilate enemies, this heavy hammer requires both hands to use it. It is very slow and heavy, making it difficult to hit with it, but if you strike a blow you annihilate the enemy and cause a large number of wounds.
As always with our projects at the IDT, unique handObs and floorObs were made for each weapon!
Keep tuned with the latest news at the Inventorum Development Team Discord server!
this is how NOT to play xcom....this is some testing that went wrong :)
Thank you for 5 minutes of positive emotions :)
Been Recycling Vanilla mapsets into new things again this week, this Grunge set has been altered to become my Gillman Kingdom base , the video below was my testing it ( only a few issues left now to fix)
Update, now its fixed :)
Other than some bug fixes, this weekend i gave the civilians the ability to defend them selves and Added some Robots for the Mech-Army.
New post update!
We have added the initial interceptor crafts in the mod. Initially, you will be equipped with the Harrier VTOL jump jet, perfect to be deployed from the underground base. It is not the most resistant aircraft, but it is an indispensable element for the Resistance in the initial stages of the campaign.
Also, after some research and recovery missions, we will be able to rebuild the A-10 Warthog. A powerful attack aircraft, highly armored and with a lot of firepower. It is slow and short-range, but it can withstand extensive punishment before being shot down.
the image can use some work and ruleset is just a copy of something unrelated - but you get the idea
the image can use some work and ruleset is just a copy of something unrelated - but you get the idea
Totally, flying tanks are cool. 8)
The Inheritor forces got a new image. The average grunt will be equipped with a high tech Land Warrior Armor System and the special forces of the Inheritor regime, the Alpha Forces uses a lighter and comfortable ProTec armor (they are basically an evil version of the Delta Force). Also, some new sprites to Inheritor weapons and clips!
Keep tuned on fresh stuff on our Discord server!
WIP, Terra-forming my Expanded Port Terrain (its now a Airport instead), into a Xeno Infected base
It looks delicious.
Happy New Year - Here is Australia, it has just hit midnight, as such, 2020 is going to be the Year of the Hybrid, so to celebrate 12 months on working on Factions, here is a our current build of OXC-Factions:
Also, Here is our Hybrid Geoscape for those who want to build there own Hybrid mods:
Enjoy :P
Working on a New Base design for another one of our Factions
Very nice.
I did a similar thing (thought not as pretty), but I also surrounded the area with cave walls.
Very nice.
I did a similar thing (thought not as pretty), but I also surrounded the area with cave walls.
Thanks Mate,
Yes, at first i also thought i would WALL IN these maps but eventually changed my mind on that approach. Im glad you like the "look" of the maps, its honestly just a darker version of the Mountain terrain :P I have several sets of these maps, i have a Core set that is just the "cave" , that acts as the "general terrain" for my undergrounds and then i use a secondary set to mix in the "faction Specific" items so in this map we have lots of water on the ground and stalagmites.
Hoping to finish this set tonight so i can get chase up a few Errors i have been told about in the "Hybrid Globe" i released for the community.
We expanded BulletDesigners Scang data to include some new sprites for Factions, now our Nuke zone has a minimap to match :)
sweet :D
I'm getting an error when launching the game. I attached the error message. Any ideas? I have TFTD and UFO fully installed. Not sure what is causing the error. Running the latest OXCE nightly.
I'm getting an error when launching the game. I attached the error message. Any ideas? I have TFTD and UFO fully installed. Not sure what is causing the error. Running the latest OXCE nightly.
luke83 had the following to say on discord:
Today at 7:31 AM
I need to workout my login for the forums, if someone wants to let him know a bug fixed version is coming.
Yey, i logged in :)
Yes, a Fix is coming for Factions, perhaps new years day.
New features will slowly come after fixed version.
Yey, i logged in :)
Yes, a Fix is coming for Factions, perhaps new years day.
New features will slowly come after fixed version.
Waiting for this.