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OpenXcom Forks => OXCE Suggestions NEW => OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) => OXCE Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: darkestaxe on August 25, 2018, 11:25:34 pm
Currently OXCE+ allows items to be restricted to a list of supported inventory slots but doesn't allow the inventory slot to be restricted to supported items. For example, as a ruleset moder I could make it so that STR_RIFLE_CLIP can only go in slot STR_CLIP_HOLDER, but short of adding an applicability list to every equipable item in the game I can't make it so that only STR_RIFLE_CLIP, or only clips, can go in STR_CLIP_HOLDER. Right now we want this feature for Piratez to add a dedicated utility items slot without having to add a list of all other slots to every non-utility item.
I want to add a property "PlacementRestrictionLevel" to inventory slots that, when set >1, causes applicability to be enforced for all items. By default slots would have restriction level 1 and only enforce applicability for items that have a non-null applicability list. PlacementRestrictionLevel: 0 (or any slot named "STR_GROUND") would ignore applicability entirely. Useful for a backpack maybe.
First we have to add the property and a getter in Mod/RuleInventory.cpp to add support in the ruleset.
* Creates a blank ruleset for a certain
* type of inventory section.
* @param id String defining the id.
* @param _resLevel int restriction level for item placement.
RuleInventory::RuleInventory(const std::string &id): _id(id), _x(0), _y(0), _type(INV_SLOT), _resLevel(1), _listOrder(0), _hand(0)
void RuleInventory::load(const YAML::Node &node, int listOrder)
_resLevel = node["PlacementRestrictionLevel"].as<int>(_resLevel);
* Gets the restriction level. 0 never restricted, 1 restricted for items with slot lists (default), 2 always restricted.
* @return restriction level.
bool RuleInventory::getResLevel() const
return _resLevel;
With the property added we need to send the slots resLevel to the item along with the slots string ID when we check for compatibility in BattleScape/Inventory.cpp.
* Picks up / drops an item.
* @param action Pointer to an action.
* @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void Inventory::mouseClick(Action *action, State *state)
// Check if this inventory section supports the item
if (!_selItem->getRules()->canBePlacedIntoInventorySection(slot->getId(), slot->getResLevel()))
And finally we need to catch the resLevel parameter and use it to determine item applicability in Mod/RuleItem.cpp.
* Checks if the item can be placed into a given inventory section.
* @param inventorySection Name of the inventory section (RuleInventory->id).
* @param resLevel restriction level of the inventory section (RuleInventory->_resLevel).
* @return True if the item can be placed into a given inventory section.
bool RuleItem::canBePlacedIntoInventorySection(const std::string &inventorySection, int &resLevel) const
// allow default items in unrestricted inventory sections.
if (resLevel == 1 && _supportedInventorySections.empty())
return true;
// always possible to put an item on the ground or in fully unrestricted slots
if (inventorySection == "STR_GROUND" or resLevel == 0)
return true;
// otherwise check allowed inventory sections
return std::find(_supportedInventorySections.begin(), _supportedInventorySections.end(), inventorySection) != _supportedInventorySections.end();
I submitted a pull request for the code as I wrote it to the Meridian branch for convenience. I triple checked it a few times and I don't think there's anything blatantly wrong in it, but IDC if you use my code or even do it the way I came up with. My approach was to do it without adding any new functions except a getter, and put it alongside your old code.
PS, huge thanks for all the work extending OXC! And thanks for reading all this too btw.
Did you try to compile your code?
For me it doesn't work...
1/ canBePlacedIntoInventorySection(...) takes a new parameter, but it's not defined in the header, or even in the body
2/ member variable _resLevel not defined in the header
3/ "if (inventorySection == "STR_GROUND" or resLevel == 0)" ... doesn't compile in VS with default settings, use || instead of or
4/ resLevel is an undefined variable or parameter
a/ PlacementRestrictionLevel should begin with a lower case letter
b/ one commit instead of 3 pls