OpenXcom Forum
Modding => Work In Progress => Topic started by: Badfella on August 19, 2018, 01:52:10 am
Hiya. I've been working like a madman on sprites lately, and tinkering with my own little mod, so I figured I should make a thread about it. For now I'm still learning how everything works, so while I'll post updates about functional stuff, this is mostly going to be a sprite dump until I have something worth releasing.
Most of my current spritework is for a mod idea I've had called SOFCOM, or Soldiers of Fortune Command. I don't want to hype it up so I won't say much about what it may or may not have, but the general gist of it is that you'll be operating a newly-founded Private Military Corporation in the early 80's, doing dirty jobs for various world powers in exchange for money and hardware, with the option to either be a good little PMC with a sterling service record, or become the Biggest Boss and start your own little Outer Heaven.
This is probably a little controversial because I completely re-jiggered the proportions of our much-loved XCOM Soldiers. They were just a bit too cartoony for my tastes, so I slimmed them down a bit and dropped their groin a little bit so they would look less like action figures. I've posted our classic hero as a comparison.
With that out of the way, I've been fleshing out different variants upon a basic armor. One of my plans for SOFCOM is to have multi-purpose types of armor divided into Light, Medium, and Heavy categories, with three subsets for each.
Here's an example of the Light Armor category, which is ingame and functional now. In addition to being a visual change, each subtype has its own weight and inventory slot layout, reflecting the capabilities of the equipment.
From top left to bottom right, there is the regular un-augmented jumpsuit, which every fresh recruit comes with. Then there are the Basic kit, which extends the belt inventory with no real frills other than a bit more protection due to the helmet. Next is the recon loadout, which is light, has a lot of inventory space, and actually has a slight negative weight modifier (to reflect better balancing of kit) and thus lets you make the most of your inventory space. The tradeoff is a lack of protection. The last subtype is the Light Armor kit, which weighs quite a bit but provides decent protection in the form of a flak jacket and helmet.
I've got 21 different head variants so far (with heads mostly sourced from existing mods, and a few tweaks), with more planned after I work out the female body type for light armor. I'll post progress as they come along.
Next to that, I've got a few guns. A PPS-43-esque submachine gun and an M72 LAW, both of which are currently functional as well. The Ps-43 (as it's shortened to ingame) is a small pistol-caliber SMG that fits in a 1x2 slot, has a 35 round mag, and is light enough to be carried by airborne troops and compact enough for anything involving close quarters. The LAW is a 1x2 slot one-shot rocket tube that has no real blast radius, but is useful for mouse-holing through walls and punching toughened enemies in the face with a dose of concentrated HE. At last, an anti-HWP weapon that won't level a city block, that you can carry in bulk.
And here's WEEBCOM (,6521.msg101880.html), which is my first mod and lets you sell hugging pillows to the unwashed masses.
I'll post more sprites as I make them. If you see anything you like, feel free to ask for the properly-sized files and I'll send them your way. Let me know what you think!
Looks nice, but i've read the topic now.
I feel like that you reduced the width of the soldier sprite to make it slim and thin, which is okay for me to see (If some XCOM women can have as the usual slim to thin type).
Anyway, i'll be waiting for new replies on your thread or my threads or anybody elses if i want.
Have a good day making these sprites then. :)
Yeah, I did initially just squish the original rookie sprites for proportions.
I've been busy today. Made a Stoner 63 Carbine, and Big Boss Large Leader as a head option. Also, a new wearable. I'm still trying to figure out what that large coat will count as ingame. Also, Doomguy as a rookie. I'm sure someone will want that sprite, so I threw his head back on the classic body and have attached it for anyone who may want it.
Hey thank you! These sprites a really cool, linked this thread here (,3924.msg50735.html#msg50735)
I like the new look of the inventory pictures! Did you also change the ingame graphics?
I like this very much! I smiled with the Big Boss sprite. Are you going to add things from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker/The Phantom Pain?
You even can use the name mod from MGS V by wolf619
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I like the new look of the inventory pictures! Did you also change the ingame graphics?
I haven't gotten to that yet, Battlescape Sprites are next on my to-do list and then I want to release a little playable version.
I like this very much! I smiled with the Big Boss sprite. Are you going to add things from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker/The Phantom Pain?
You even can use the name mod from MGS V by wolf619
I'm gonna say no for now, since,this is more of an inspired-by/homage-to kind of mod. Taking what made MGS cool as hell but doing my own thing with it. I always like putting my own spin on it, and while Kojima-san has a wonderful taste in hardware, it's not always my taste, if that makes sense.
It's been a busy week so I haven't had much time to work on much. But I did tinker with this Sneaking Suit design.
Keeping in the trend of three different types, of armor for each class, I'm thinking this stealth suit will come with a "Standard" variant that comes with limited carrying capacity (and a bitchin' headband that cranks up the bravery and melee stats), a special forces variant (similar to the recon gear in function, with lots of carrying capacity and little in the way of armor), and a full body armor kit similar to the Haven/FROG Troopers from MGS4. Yes I just contradicted myself on not taking a bunch from MGS, but tacticool bodysuits are cool, right?
Also the male version will be just as revealing.
Yes, they are so cool.

Well, this homenage is looking good!
Any plans about aviation and/or tanks?
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Yes, they are so cool. 
Well, this homenage is looking good!
Any plans about aviation and/or tanks?
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So far the only HWP idea I have is is a Jeep with a mounted machine gun (basically working like a tank, but looking like a lighter vehicle with a gunner standing in back, sprite-wise) and for aviation, a paradrop option with no chance to evacuate from a mission.
So far the only HWP idea I have is is a Jeep with a mounted machine gun (basically working like a tank, but looking like a lighter vehicle with a gunner standing in back, sprite-wise) and for aviation, a paradrop option with no chance to evacuate from a mission.
I can help you making the Jeep, if you like! I have the perfect model.
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I have felling that this female paperdols have incorrect proportions. Like head was too big compared to rest of body.
I can help you making the Jeep, if you like! I have the perfect model.
Offer appreciated, may I see it?
I have felling that this female paperdols have incorrect proportions. Like head was too big compared to rest of body.
After squinting at it some more, I think you may be right. It's either proportionally off or it looks that way because of the contrast with the dark suit. I'll mess with it some more!
Nice re-proportioning! They look so much more like people now!
After squinting at it some more, I think you may be right. It's either proportionally off or it looks that way because of the contrast with the dark suit. I'll mess with it some more!
The heads are too big for both male and female. They were like that in the original models, and when you shrunk the bodies you made it even worse. The originals were so far off from human proportions that you'll have quite a difficult time trying to adjust them to look correct. But if you're interested in trying, here's a decent way to get your proportions right:
I got it from ( Here's a statement from the article by Joumana Medlej: "The measurement (ideal male height = eight heads) was set down during the Renaissance as an idealization of the human form. It’s rather obvious that very few people are actually eight heads tall (even Northern Europeans, who served as basis for this model, are closer to seven heads), but this is still the best model to start with, as it makes it easier to grasp the alignments."
Offer appreciated, may I see it?
After a series of redraws of the Jeep, is finally done! I included some kind of MG on the back of the Jeep, maybe 50. Cal. I hope you found this useful! ;D
P.S. I'm attaching a screenshot for comparation with an average Hovertank. ;D The blue berets guys are from my own mod.
That's cool as hell. Thank you for putting in the efort.
Nice re-proportioning! They look so much more like people now!
edit:The heads are too big for both male and female. They were like that in the original models, and when you shrunk the bodies you made it even worse. The originals were so far off from human proportions that you'll have quite a difficult time trying to adjust them to look correct. But if you're interested in trying, here's a decent way to get your proportions right:
I got it from ( Here's a statement from the article by Joumana Medlej: "The measurement (ideal male height = eight heads) was set down during the Renaissance as an idealization of the human form. It’s rather obvious that very few people are actually eight heads tall (even Northern Europeans, who served as basis for this model, are closer to seven heads), but this is still the best model to start with, as it makes it easier to grasp the alignments."
I'm not sure I have it in me to go in and re-do all 26 head variants for three different armors (and for two trooper genders, at that). For now, I can live with "still out of proportion but looks okay."
I haven't been able to work on much lately, looking for work and dealing with school on the side. I'm gonna tinker with that jeep in the near future though, thanks again efrenespartano.
That's cool as hell. Thank you for putting in the efort.
I haven't been able to work on much lately, looking for work and dealing with school on the side. I'm gonna tinker with that jeep in the near future though, thanks again efrenespartano.
You're welcome! Anything I can help you out, just ask:) I'm awaiting further news of SOFCOM! :D
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I'm not sure I have it in me to go in and re-do all 26 head variants for three different armors
I wouldn't either. They look good anyway though!
Got busy. Only had time to do guns, so I'm making some replacement sprites for the UAC Weapons in XCOM files, as well as a few extras (like the pistol.) They may or may not turn into their own thing.
Got busy. Only had time to do guns, so I'm making some replacement sprites for the UAC Weapons in XCOM files, as well as a few extras (like the pistol.) They may or may not turn into their own thing.
Suddenly,I had this inspiration to make more UAC weapons. :)
Got busy. Only had time to do guns, so I'm making some replacement sprites for the UAC Weapons in XCOM files, as well as a few extras (like the pistol.) They may or may not turn into their own thing.
Very high quality images! Are you going to use them in SOFCOM too or they are going to be a resource?
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Very high quality images! Are you going to use them in SOFCOM too or they are going to be a resource?
Probably a resource, they're out of the tech level for SOFCOM.
I've also updated them to fit XCF's palette. Not quite sold on the construction yellow for the nail weapons, but I'm getting there.
Maybe try going a little more toward the "elerium orange/yellow"?
I ended up going the complete opposite direction instead, and drew cues from the original UAC Nailgun Sprite.
I feel like it's a definite improvement.
The main reason why proportions are wrong is because Battlescape was made for non-square pixel 4:3 320:200 resolution. Weirdly, Geoscape requires 8:5 aspect ratio for the globe to be actually round. If you display the sprites in correct aspect ratio, the proportions are a lot less unrealistic.
There's a nonSquarePixelRatio option in options.cfg, at least in OXCE+. It doesn't work with some of the scale settings, which can be used to get square pixels in Geoscape and non-square ones in Battlescape.
The whole OXC scale/aspect handling is a bit of a mess IMO. Depending on the monitor resolution it may be impossible to get a good result.
The problem with enabling the 3:4 scaling is that display becomes uneven and thus blurred. For x3 scaling, the pixel rows go: 3x4, 3x4, 3x3, repeat. If the pixels were consistently 3x4, it would look great indeed.
Hmm. Now that you mention it, it looks like the pixel ratio with nonSquarePixelRatio on is actually 3x3.6, probably for compatibility with 16:9 monitors.
if (Options::nonSquarePixelRatio)
pixelRatioY = 1.2;
So there's currently no way to get the correct aspect ratio in inventory. It's kinda ridiculous that OpenXCom is missing such an essential feature despite being pretty much complete.
Essential feature?
Don't be ridiculous.
Tens of thousands of people play OpenXcom without ever noticing anything, including myself.
The proportions do look a lot better when you use non-square pixels. What I have to ask is what engineer thought it was a good idea to make pixels not be square?!?
Essential feature?
Don't be ridiculous.
Tens of thousands of people play OpenXcom without ever noticing anything, including myself.
That's because everybody forgot what the game was supposed to look like, and this thread is a testament to that. Because NTVDM and DosBOX (unless you knew you should set it up for non-square pixels) had the same problem. Stuff like that is easy not to notice. Hell, if Geoscape was flat in OXC, everybody would get used to it by now.
Anyway, I've miscalculated in my last post, 1:1.2 pixel ratio is actually correct. So some unevenness and/or blurring are inevitable. But this hardly matters on higher resolutions. 4K monitors are going to become common in a few years. In fact the blurring should be barely noiticable on 1440p monitors.
The proportions do look a lot better when you use non-square pixels. What I have to ask is what engineer thought it was a good idea to make pixels not be square?!?
This resolution was originally intended for 40x25 text mode with 8x8 letters. Letter resolution was limited by byte size, and stretching square letters vertically was a reasonable way to maintain their proper shape.
blurring are inevitable. But this hardly matters on higher resolutions. 4K monitors are going to become common in a few years. In fact the blurring should be barely noiticable on 1440p monitors.
I disagree, it is strongly noticeable. And increased resolution hardly helps. Unless you use a mode with even more stretching/distortion, the battlescape will just keep getting smaller. By the level the distortion becomes unnoticeable, it becomes hard to see the units and icons.
I find even a small amount of interpolation to be bad for using screenshots. I hate it when I shrink the image and it messes up the pixels.
is this mod ready? where can I download?