OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => 40k => Topic started by: bulletdesigner on July 13, 2018, 01:21:51 pm

Title: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 13, 2018, 01:21:51 pm
This thread will have some of the current and future plans for the mod's content, and also some WIP material that is being developed. Feel free to ask questions or give suggestions on anything in this thread!

In the Factory (WIP):

Mid-Term Plans

Distant/Possible Plans:
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 13, 2018, 01:41:37 pm
Hi Bullet,
Not sure if we are supposed to post replies here; if not, you should lock the thread and only unlock it when you want to post something. (And remove this post.)
Would you like me to do the CQC mechanics for you?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 13, 2018, 03:09:19 pm
Hi Bullet,
Not sure if we are supposed to post replies here; if not, you should lock the thread and only unlock it when you want to post something. (And remove this post.)
Would you like me to do the CQC mechanics for you?

yes we can post here, i dont know how to pin up , the main objective is to create topics and alleviate the 40k main thread

About the CQB i seen you cannot shot rat´s when you are in the near tile(seen in x-flies), is it possible to do that like 2 tiles far away?( 1 tile is kind of easy to move away) like the unit in engaged in melee and as to use knife or unit cannot leave tile or gives a opportunity attack like in some DnD games , even WH table top ( when i played haven´t done that in 10 years) i guess most of the games  :P
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 13, 2018, 08:10:11 pm
Let the Ufopaedia speak! ;)

Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Meridian on July 13, 2018, 08:33:07 pm
well done with the pedia... I like when things are categorized properly... after seeing/reading this, everyone will know it's a pure fantasy concept
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 13, 2018, 08:45:40 pm
well done with the pedia... I like when things are categorized properly... after seeing/reading this, everyone will know it's a pure fantasy concept

The concept is not exactly fantasy, it can be done most of the time with training. But the implementation is pure Hollywood, naturally. (Like the entire X-Com.)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 13, 2018, 09:57:35 pm
hehe the gunkata from equilibrium it´s totally fantasy no suspension of disbelief there, but i buy the unit´s engaged in melee can´t drawn a weapon since they are getting sliced from a axe
so my question is it possible to make shooting impossible on a near tile saying: "unit is engaged in melee", and when that unit leaves the other get´s free opportunity reaction melee attack

Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 13, 2018, 10:28:00 pm
so my question is it possible to make shooting impossible on a near tile saying: "unit is engaged in melee", and when that unit leaves the other get´s free opportunity reaction melee attack

I don't think it's possible even with scripts... But also I don't think shooting point blank should be hardcoded as impossible. I get the attack of opportunity mechanics, but that's all covered by reactions mechanics.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 20, 2018, 07:00:33 pm
So the new´s for this week
i made a tech tree to be implemented in the future if all goes as planned.
Meanwhile stormraven is still WIP
Also mad ranks for senoritas and merged low guard rank from guard operations
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Lord Flasheart on July 31, 2018, 08:01:58 am
A suggestion:

Let's ask Hobbes to lend his Skynet/Terminator mod to be used as Necrons in the 40k mod.
The guys at GW did use the exoskeleton from the Terminator.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 31, 2018, 11:10:18 pm
I already have one made , a bit diferent , but once i go that rabbit whole , no progress on other fields
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: new_civilian on August 03, 2018, 12:28:10 pm
Tried to play a campaign (actually three) and have some feedback:

1. Turn Agressive Retaliation to Off in the fixed user options, otherwise the game might send troops that are too strong early in the game. (lost my campaign twice that way) see point no.2

2. The Chaos Juggernaut. Well what can I say? This thing is simply unstoppable if you encounter it in the early game. The only thing that maybe would work as a defense is the missile launcher, and there are usually no troops that can carry it early in the game, and if they could they would be rendered useless by -> point no.3

3. damagerange 100. Ouch, this cripples early troops even more. Not only have you at best three or 4 missiles against 8 or 10 Jugs which is already not enough, and now you have to deal with 50% shots that do nothing and 25% that miss. Still I did not quit yet, but cheated through my base defense (debug +Ctrl-K) to see what else comes along. and i ran into.... -> point no.4

4. My squad (3 Sororitas, 5 well-trained and equipped scouts, and a Tarantula turret) got wiped by ONE (i repeat ONE) chaos traitor guard. I hit him with 3 shots of Meltas, then 6 shots of the Heavy Bolter, then a dozen hits with other bolters, hit him with 2 grenades and three shots of the Tarantula. And that guy kept walking. He killed 2 Sororitas AND the turret in one turn with what... A lasgun?   :o To make it more absurd, I had already defeated several walkers, un-tracked lasercannon positions, demons and others during that mission.

Something is REALLY wrong here with that guy. And just because he wears carapace armor does not mean he should be god. (I guess thats what the closed helmet was meaning)  :D

I mean, the same squad killed ~20 raptors during one mission, how can a single chaos traitor guard be THAT strong? The guard are IIRC one of the weaker units, right? Especially with a lasgun...

tldr: Chaos Juggernaut -> too strong in early game, damagerange: 100 might lead to ragequits, not everyone is as patient as I was  ;D Chaos Traitor Guard -> is god and does not interfere with the realms of damage and logic. Oh and melee... In the entire campaign I had ONE melee kill by my troops. All of the ~70 attacks missed. Yes, all. Incredible. Chainswords, powergloves, combat knives. Useless due to damagerange 100? I don't know.

The graphics, the sound, the maps, everything is absolutely breathtaking and beyond any criticism. However the game balance needs some fiddling...

I tried again with setting the damagerange to 75 and disabled aggressive retaliation, and it still didn't work, another time I encountered a god-guard and... i gave up.  :( For now.  :D

Just a thought, maybe I should enable the new randomtype 7 ALONG with dangerange 75 to get better results ... But not now, i need to lick my wounds....
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 03, 2018, 01:49:55 pm
Hey sorry about the xp i will give some pointers to help
1 base retaliation is based on location , some spots makes that a constant, i think africa egypt is a no go spot , cant be sure im talking by my experience

2 2x2 units are fragil to all radius damage , flamers do x4
 damage to jugger

3 about that raptor , that seems a bit extreme but game is based on luck , still i will check it out , btw melee is more effective ,also dont go for the front armor is thicker
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 03, 2018, 05:50:47 pm
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: COMMUNIST on August 04, 2018, 07:29:31 pm
Hello, creator of this mod.Ya play it for weeks 3 and I really liked it would be like, would be more weapons, armor and other equipment for the Guards, the Space Marine and the sisters of the battles and of course the orcs, such as their mechanisms such as the barrel of death and so on
very forward to update
(Sorry my english language i my russian) :)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: COMMUNIST on August 05, 2018, 11:03:40 pm
if you want it in the next update of new enemies: the orcs can make the type "WAAAGH" type the more they are on the map so they shoot well and so on.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 05, 2018, 11:43:19 pm
hey COMMUNIST welcome :D i´m glad you enjoy the mod, Orc´s will arrive short 2 moths top´s, even i´m not focused on then there are plenty of sprites made for then already ready to be used. About the Waaght boost , computer (your enemy) don´t know how to use it , was discussed some time ago in the forum, medikit for the computer to use , and the script still don´t go that far.. maybe in the future someone will implement it, still there are other stuff like snipers and spotters , bezerkers but no auto skill use yet
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: new_civilian on August 06, 2018, 01:33:30 pm
To clarify: The setting AGGRESSIVE RETALIATION is NOT turned on by default, that's right. I did it though and that's why I strongly suggest to make it OFF by default, because the game can get pretty much unbeatable that way.  :)

Have to test the flamers, i have to admit i never used them... Must be bad experiences in the default game where incendiaries are pretty useless...

That Traitor guard still haunts me... That mission was like a nightmare, i downed everything left and right, even Sentinels and there he was, a single lone, tiny Chaos guard, killing my entire squad with his puny lasgun...  :D and later his twin showed up in another mission... ::)

Oh, one thing: The defense corridor is rather expensive. In my game the 4 turrets could not kill a single raptor, 1.5 million credits for a (speed-bump) delay of 2 turns is a bit excessive.... Could also be RNG related of course, but maybe you could raise their rate-of-fire to make them more viable, haven't checked their stats, though...
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 06, 2018, 03:25:34 pm
I'd rather not fix options in the mod unless completely necessary for gameplay; if you want to be a mascochist and turn on aggressive retaliation, that's your prerogative.  If you left it on in your options from a previous campaign, then you've probably learned to check your settings more closely when starting a new mod.

As for the defense corridors, we're waiting for new code to finish the testing phase in order to make these player-controlled instead of "civilian" units, that should make them much more helpful in the future.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Dioxine on August 06, 2018, 03:50:42 pm
The mod is a bit hard, but you get used to it. Juggers go down to flamers and massed laser fire. Grenades are pretty weak, mostly useful for causing wounds, they don't rule the game like in vanilla. Unless you count the melta bombs, that is, these are very good :) Traitor Guard is easily dispatched by melee weapons. Sniper Rifle rules. Really better not whine about such basic enemies as Traitor Guard and Juggers, before you have met the Chaos Terminators :)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: COMMUNIST on August 07, 2018, 08:09:38 pm
can update to the orcs add gretchinov? type pour the skin of the sectoid and ready. I'm sorry, I'm not an expert. Maybe it's complicated.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 09, 2018, 02:22:32 am
can update to the orcs add gretchinov? type pour the skin of the sectoid and ready. I'm sorry, I'm not an expert. Maybe it's complicated.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: COMMUNIST on August 09, 2018, 05:02:28 pm
I'm playing your mod on the android and I really liked it, you essentially created a new game
Good job man
Nice work
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Ryskeliini on August 12, 2018, 05:01:37 am
Slight nit'pic to ork dolls.. Overall great work! thats a lot of work you have done. ork anatomy resemble more of a ape like creature than human (ea muscular,longer hands, smaller head, thicc jaw, smaller legs). image is a poor 10 minute quick edit, sorry for that. but great work overalll, you must be busy wih everything else ..(
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 13, 2018, 12:39:43 am
Slight nit'pic to ork dolls.. Overall great work! thats a lot of work you have done. ork anatomy resemble more of a ape like creature than human (ea muscular,longer hands, smaller head, thicc jaw, smaller legs). image is a poor 10 minute quick edit, sorry for that. but great work overalll, you must be busy wih everything else ..

hey Ryskeliini long time no see, and true will see what i can do to make them more like the 40k universe
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 13, 2018, 11:04:12 pm
made the changes
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestion
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 30, 2018, 01:50:36 am
So what´s going down for the moment,
I´ve been implementing the new additions for the craft´s, with the new OXCE+ spawn will be lot´s of changes  and work but also really fun stuff coming soon

a lot of unit´s will have to be convert to this new system (stormtalon, chaos predator), vindicator already is ready to be played.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: COMMUNIST on August 30, 2018, 02:24:24 pm
and why the installation of a pair of paired bolters? There are also other modules of the flamethrower, laser gun, plasma and even melt
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 31, 2018, 12:53:38 pm
and why the installation of a pair of paired bolters? There are also other modules of the flamethrower, laser gun, plasma and even melt

All Variants of thunderhawk in wiki refer 2 front fuselage-mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: whisper micmillon on September 06, 2018, 06:36:07 am
I have a suggestion for the Devs of this mod and that is would it be possible to add a gym for training? It does feel weird that none of the guardsmen/marines aren't training to improve themselves when they aren't on a mission.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 06, 2018, 06:46:07 pm
I have a suggestion for the Devs of this mod and that is would it be possible to add a gym for training? It does feel weird that none of the guardsmen/marines aren't training to improve themselves when they aren't on a mission.

yap it can be done
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: whisper micmillon on September 06, 2018, 11:03:59 pm
Awesome thank you
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 07, 2018, 09:32:35 pm
new version up with that facility enjoy
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: whisper micmillon on September 08, 2018, 01:08:58 am
Sweet tho question about it. Is there any requirements for it because it is not showing up in the most recent version?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 08, 2018, 02:13:03 am
Chapter mid tier is the requeriment

 I will add at begin if chosen scout tech tree, next release.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: SuperCaffeineDude on October 14, 2018, 11:51:19 pm
Hi, you're mod has been great to play with, I was wondering though do you have any plans for the planet? (i.e. starmap, alien planet, ect.)

Also how would you feel about me tinkering with the mod? I'd love to try customizing it a bit, try to create a narrative campaign, and I might end up with some bits you can use for races/weapons.

Regardless cool stuff man, love your spritework and what you did with the turrets.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 15, 2018, 12:22:08 am
Hi, you're mod has been great to play with, I was wondering though do you have any plans for the planet? (i.e. starmap, alien planet, ect.)

Also how would you feel about me tinkering with the mod? I'd love to try customizing it a bit, try to create a narrative campaign, and I might end up with some bits you can use for races/weapons.

Regardless cool stuff man, love your spritework and what you did with the turrets.

sure man, that will be great, mind the fusion between guard operations and marines will come soon
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Anon011 on November 20, 2018, 06:49:54 pm
I got a small suggestion.

A recently released Wh40k game called "Mechanicus" (with is quite good to be honest) really grew some appetite in me for Tech Priests and Skitarii.
And since we already have Tech Priests in this mod and Hereteks, more of Mechanicus would be awesome addition to this mod  :D.

Just a lose thought
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 20, 2018, 08:49:30 pm
Everyone is gay for Mechanicus. ;)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 23, 2018, 10:29:48 am
And those mechanicus is the reason why 40k is still a thing 'wink wink'
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 23, 2018, 02:18:26 pm
actually i´m working with something that will help a lot with those model´s. ;) If they ever come to be since every one founds of then
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: HT on November 24, 2018, 12:49:47 pm
Everyone loves the Mechanicus, except those obsessed with balance, as apparently martial techpriests are invariably OP no matter the game they're in.  :)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Gilad Pelleon on January 02, 2019, 11:47:16 am
Hi man. Your mod is very good. Everything is fine and works perfect. But it will be great if you will add more legions such as alpha legion, blood ravens and etc. Also it will be useful to add more xenos such as necrons or orcs. And of course it will be great if you will add some kind of diplomacy and events such as traitors not only for player but for enemy too
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 03, 2019, 01:46:01 am
Hi man. Your mod is very good. Everything is fine and works perfect. But it will be great if you will add more legions such as alpha legion, blood ravens and etc. Also it will be useful to add more xenos such as necrons or orcs. And of course it will be great if you will add some kind of diplomacy and events such as traitors not only for player but for enemy too

it´s my fault since i´m not showing the WIP, but the grey knights are almost complete that will bring consequences on research choices
(there is no other way of doing diplomacy) also there is Orc races and missions present, the chances are just small compared to chaos
i see what you mean by choosing enemy´s (but making the enemy fleet (ufo maps) for each race is hardest task ever) witch limit´s theme to chaos enemy´s. Also i´m currently adding other chapter´s so player can choose and create their own.
I see a mission where you can help other chapter´s, but that goes a bit against the lore of the game (2 chapter´s in the planet?) There is one mission where you can help an outpost with other marines of the same chapter and get a special unit.
About Necron´s, i have just one model made, but still covering other ground´s, saying they won´t appear soon

Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Drasnighta on January 03, 2019, 02:52:32 am

it´s my fault since i´m not showing the WIP, but the grey knights are almost complete that will bring consequences on research choices
(there is no other way of doing diplomacy) also there is Orc races and missions present, the chances are just small compared to chaos
i see what you mean by choosing enemy´s (but making the enemy fleet (ufo maps) for each race is hardest task ever) witch limit´s theme to chaos enemy´s. Also i´m currently adding other chapter´s so player can choose and create their own.
I see a mission where you can help other chapter´s, but that goes a bit against the lore of the game (2 chapter´s in the planet?) There is one mission where you can help an outpost with other marines of the same chapter and get a special unit.
About Necron´s, i have just one model made, but still covering other ground´s, saying they won´t appear soon

Absolutely can have multiple chapters fighting on the one planet - even directly assisting each other.

It just has to be a Major-Ass Battle...  Like the Battles for Armageddon....   Sector-Shattering-Stuff.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Gilad Pelleon on January 03, 2019, 01:36:16 pm
Maybe you don't understood my explanation of traitors. I've just meant that some xenos if you will capture them alive can fight on your side, or some your men can go heresy and attack you while on mission. It will add some challenge.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Anon011 on January 04, 2019, 09:59:39 am
I've just meant that some xenos if you will capture them alive can fight on your side
Im not a type of guy who is super lore purist and i understand that in somecases gameplay takes priority over lore, but i think thats a little bit too far we stretching wh40k lore here.

or some your men can go heresy and attack you while on mission. It will add some challenge.
Is that even possible from a engine standpoint? Also i dont think that would really be a good mechanic, enemy psykers mind controlling your forces are annoying enough as it is.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 04, 2019, 12:21:27 pm
if you play with guard , during "terror mission´s" if guardsman survive they will join you. Feature available if playing with marines also (i thought not)
Also i not a big lore guy, But i think emporium of man is a bit xeno/witch racist, they prefer to burn their own (inquisition) than have someone that is not pure on their rank
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: EuchreJack on January 05, 2019, 12:00:27 am
I understand its possible for player units to drop something upon death, and even to differentiate between player units code-wise.

Hence, I wonder if it would possible/feasible to implement a gene-seed system for space marines?  One marine dies, you can manufacture two more. 
There would need to be a mechanic for the player to be able to spend honor points to get space marines/gene-seed, in case they ran out of gene-seed (such as by losing an entire squad, or not recovering enough bodies while fleeing).

Could it be possible for those who chose the Imperial Guard to at least recruit a small squad of space marines/sisters of battle?  Maybe by spending honor points for a batch (as per above maybe)?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 05, 2019, 12:43:37 am
It's possible and wouldn't be too hard to implement such a system. I agree it would be more immersive and fitting to the lore, but I question whether or not it would be fun to play the mod when you're worried about every death possibly costing you more of the honor badges. This isn't terribly hard to do if you would like to try it as a side-mod to the main one.

You start with a few marines at the beginning of every campaign, though I usually dismiss them when I'm playing as the IG; it doesn't really fit that an IG command should be able to request marines to supplement their army. Same goes for sisters of battle, though it's a bit less heretical a request. I have planned instead that some rare IG-only missions might have you supporting the sisters or space marines, and you can recruit the survivors.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: EuchreJack on January 06, 2019, 12:33:21 am
I did have another idea that might lessen the load of collecting gene seed.

In the Lore, Space Marines armor doesn't disappear when the occupant dies, so perhaps dead Space Marines in Power Armor should also drop Armor Parts.  Get 3, and you get a "free" Power Armor.

Now, the more heretical idea would be for Chaos Space Marines to also drop Armor Parts.  But is there any way to truly cleanse the taint from their equipment?

My theory for the cost of Space Marines via honor points for Space Marine chapters would be something like 10 for 1, and maybe other resources could be exchanged for Space marines instead (maybe a large stock of armor might convince the Chapter to disperse more Space Marines, or maybe the player gets 4 space marines each month).

My apologies if this is already somewhat implemented by giving the player Adamantium for destroyed armor friend or foe.  I just sort of like how the Space Marines use kitbashed armor.

For getting stuff to drop when a unit dies, would I be adding to the CorpseBattle line on Armor?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 14, 2019, 05:07:14 pm
I did have another idea that might lessen the load of collecting gene seed.

In the Lore, Space Marines armor doesn't disappear when the occupant dies, so perhaps dead Space Marines in Power Armor should also drop Armor Parts.  Get 3, and you get a "free" Power Armor.

Now, the more heretical idea would be for Chaos Space Marines to also drop Armor Parts.  But is there any way to truly cleanse the taint from their equipment?

My theory for the cost of Space Marines via honor points for Space Marine chapters would be something like 10 for 1, and maybe other resources could be exchanged for Space marines instead (maybe a large stock of armor might convince the Chapter to disperse more Space Marines, or maybe the player gets 4 space marines each month).

My apologies if this is already somewhat implemented by giving the player Adamantium for destroyed armor friend or foe.  I just sort of like how the Space Marines use kitbashed armor.

For getting stuff to drop when a unit dies, would I be adding to the CorpseBattle line on Armor?

It´s already a bit complex since we have to recover body for dreadnought.
we can implement a way to extract materials form enemy armor´s( but rises the issue why enemy and not marines)
If many people ask for it, but again is more extra work to get adamantium ( like a new manufacturing recycle scrap option)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: doctor medic on January 14, 2019, 11:35:24 pm
If the other chapters come out will they also have gear specific to only that faction like iron hands having new vehicles or the salamanders be able to use flame and melta weapons earlier?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 15, 2019, 02:20:29 am
If the other chapters come out will they also have gear specific to only that faction like iron hands having new vehicles or the salamanders be able to use flame and melta weapons earlier?

a new chapter will come out this week, and no chapter specific gear yet. This way you can change chapter as you want. if we add gear that option will be lost. And open another rabbit hole  to fall
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Lord Flasheart on February 01, 2019, 04:55:33 am
I have a suggestion: Is it possible to arrange a modified dispersion of the different enemy types? Just to ensure all of them will appear?
For example if I start a new game I get a lot of raptors but no chaos traitor guardsmen. Or vice versa. Or I get berserkers but no sorcerers. And so on.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 01, 2019, 04:03:31 pm
I have a suggestion: Is it possible to arrange a modified dispersion of the different enemy types? Just to ensure all of them will appear?
For example if I start a new game I get a lot of raptors but no chaos traitor guardsmen. Or vice versa. Or I get berserkers but no sorcerers. And so on.

The races are planed and scripted by mission, (krone for terror, nurgle for plague, etc..) but right now game engines goes for another factor that we need to change. It´s Part of the plan, but i think is a major rewrite on one part that in i´m not comfortable and my hope is ohartenstein23  ;D
Sorry about vagueness of answer but even i need to remember the correct term´s of´s whats to change
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 01, 2019, 04:42:27 pm
It is possible, but it'd take some major rewriting of the mission generation portions of the mod. We would certainly like more variety, it'll just take me some time to test and work out.

The way races and missions are chosen right now are done by what is known as the "mission table" - at the beginning of a campaign, the game engine makes a list of possible missions for every region. Each month, one mission (meaning a set of craft activity done by a single race) is picked from the table, run, and removed from the table. The start of the game is coded to run a Cultist mission automatically in the region of your first base, the remaining is RNG-based. This is the part we'd be editing, deciding how the table gets populated at the beginning of the game, what actually appears on your end is only mildly up to us.

On top of this there are also mission scripts that run independently of the table, producing the monthly terror mission as well as the side operations for the marines or the side missions for the guard. We can use this method to run more of the mission generation, but it'd end up feeling, well, "scripted".
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: b on February 03, 2019, 11:39:12 am
It would be better if the date in the game was updated from 1999 to maybe 41999?   Also,  it's strange that you can put motorcycles in drop pods but can't drive them out.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 04, 2019, 06:02:46 pm
Any 2x2 units should be put at the top of the crew list on a craft - they can only exit the droppods if they're in the southernmost pod.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Mr Shin on February 05, 2019, 03:35:27 am
Any 2x2 units should be put at the top of the crew list on a craft - they can only exit the droppods if they're in the southernmost pod.

There also bug if you deploy 2x2 unit on the valkyre as the last unit, they will not spawn on the mission bcz i think valkyre have that single spawn point in the back of  the craft.

Could be fix putting spawn point 1 tile afront of the craft and increasing soldier number to 12 instead 10?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 05, 2019, 05:19:56 am
Yes, this is a known issue, but that isn't an acceptable fix. Move any 2x2 unit to the top of your soldiers list if you don't want there to be bugs with their deployment.

The proper fix would require more code to make sure these units get deployed, but no satisfactory solution has been found.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 05, 2019, 11:17:59 am
The only real solution would be to force large units to go on top. No idea how viable it is, but appears kinda necessary to me.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Mr Shin on February 08, 2019, 04:02:51 am
At first let me give my congratulation for everyone is helping this project. I'm loving to play this mod i'm big fan of all content of this forum. And i also so big fan of the 40k lore.

I'm playing multiple campaigns of this mod, and now i will share my review and give some ideas for what i think it will be useful to balance the IG and the Marines.

For the imperial guard i think you have good advantage of fire power, and when you get the long-las and volleyguns this two weapons really changes the tide of battle against chaos  ;D
I think IG is well balanced but is very rare to leave mission without loses, i can say IG are soldiers are like glass cannons and is pretty fun to play with.I played long campaing with IG i think you get so much adamantine and you dont have much things to spend it, did a lot of marauders still having a lot of adamantine now i can take down easly large ufos. Maybe be possible to manufacture AD. carapace for regular guardsman could give little more use of resources for the imperial guard.

I just think need to change some values about manufacturing cost of the volley gun cost 60k to something like 20k near the value of the "MK7 tatical suit" and also be possible to manufacturing hellguns.
Be possible to hire new stormtrooper at price of 50k when you finish the research, i think it's fair.
And when you hire stormtrooper by commission they could come as veteran soldier with little be more trained. 100k for soldier is very expensive. comparing with the price of the space marine.
Officer and comissors <3 all i have to say.
To promote guardsman to veteran i reduced little be the bravery needed to upgrade, i did this bcz no one of my veterans could gain bravery without be medic.

Marine Campaing i liked all my longest campain is with tatical operations, also have devastation armor that is good. Devastation operation is the only one didnt play yet, with assalt operations is amazing bcz you can fly and have some extra spots to invade some large and medium ufos very fun to play. And for the scouts operations i think ad scout armor could be more commun equipmente like any other mk7 suit.   

About weapons "some of this changes i edit on my campaign to see how its working and becomes very intristing"

All meelee weapons and socking maul should recive some bonus from streangth.

Lasgun and lascarabine snap shot precision 70 to 80 like the bolter. Laspistol increased by 5 the snap.

I changed the price of manufacturing the MC ammo bolts to note use ceramites anymore but i also nerfed bonus dmg little be 20 to 15. Prices becomes 10 adamant for pistol clip, 20 for the bolters and 40 for the heavy bolter but  i also increased ammunition of the heavy bolter to 60 rounds. ohartenstein23 told me on the youtube some this things will be reworked on the new version and i'm really ecxited to see  ;D

Heavy Bolter: i changed this weapons to be more agressive, increasing the damage of the "AP ammo" to 75 and "MC AP ammo" to 90. Dmg pre-armor multiplayer 0.1 to 0.2 (i did this bcz heavy bolter use higest calibre rounds than the regular bolts weapons and is a very powerfull weapon against any infantry or light veicles). Also reduced Tu used of the auto shot to 48% to be possible shot 2 times sometimes just looking for the sides.I tried to use it before that changes but i think the regular bolt are performing better, that's way i did this changes to turn this weapon a good option for the devastation operations and someone how wants to a carry big gun. I really wants to see MC heavy Bolter on the future <3 probably with additional shot on the auto fire will be nice!

Sentinel: I tried to use some sentinels with the IG but i think they didnt perform well they dont value 4 soldier slot, maybe a possibility to creating AD. Sentinel with volleygun and 110 armor for something like 125 admation would be nice.

I have much more to share but for now i think it is...

Thx for everyone and keep going  ;D
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 09, 2019, 09:53:53 pm
At first let me give my congratulation for everyone is helping this project. I'm loving to play this mod i'm big fan of all content of this forum. And i also so big fan of the 40k lore.

I'm playing multiple campaigns of this mod, and now i will share my review and give some ideas for what i think it will be useful to balance the IG and the Marines.


I'm glad you're enjoying the mod, and thanks for the detailed feedback!

About the Stormtroopers:

For the Marines:

The Sentinels I'll considering making more advanced, armored versions, but that'll be lower on the priority list.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 09, 2019, 09:55:45 pm
We've updated the first post of this thread (,6415.msg99141.html#msg99141) with some details on our upcoming rework of mission generation in the mod. Let us know what you think, and stay tuned for more details as we work on this!
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Mr Shin on February 11, 2019, 08:26:55 am
I understand what you tell about the stormtroopers, but i did not explained well what i was thinking  :'( "if you can hire they just from cash should be possible to put the no used hellguns on the "new recruits"." Sorry my english its not perfect and some times i have difficult to explain what i'm try to say.

About Veteran Guardsman i think you told something about training bravery with melee combat? thats will help a lot to get the 60 brav needed to be promoted the other stats are more easily to be trained.

Maybe future work for Hellpistols to come with commissar and officers was the initial weapon instead regular laspistol.  Could work like variant of the long-las with the same ammo sistem. would be cool.

And i know some changes also impact in all tech tree and on the game play at some point and its not what i want. 

Yeah... melee weapons are really OP with you get close enough to use it is probably guaranteed kill most of melee weapons have low turn used arround 15% (power fist are fixed with 15 TU used, its right?)  ::)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Lord Flasheart on March 09, 2019, 11:22:47 pm
Gents! Forgive me my heretic thoughts:

1. Do I get to the end of the game through the Mission 1-2-3-etc? Because in that case all the other enemy factions could have their own mission trees with their own final battles. And the game could end when the last remaining enemy`s final base/boss/mission is completed.

2. I`m a total beginner in drawing but I have the necessary "can do" attitude. So I just put the Sisters on my to-do list. Maybe in the future they could have their own line just like the Space Marines and the Imperial Guards?
I`m already working on the priest since everybody loves a fanatical zealot with a running chainsaw. It`s fun for the whole family.

3. There are pictures for the chaplain armor and there is a chapel in the game but I haven`t seen the chaplain armor in the game itself in the later versions. They could be included as morale booster units, similar to the commissars.

4. I have a special question regarding the logic behind the missions? Is there a way to create ork/tau/etc fliers to chase beside the chaos ones?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 09, 2019, 11:34:59 pm
The numbered missions are unlocked by "Chapter Side-Operations" - not part of the main storyline, but getting you some nice equipment once they're finished being developed.

I have some notes for how to add the Ecclesiarchy as an option besides the Imperial Guard and Space Marines, but the amount of content necessary for something of this scale makes it a tentative long-term plan at best. We can at least include priests in some form if you make all the sprites for them.

Chaplain is fully in the game, you just haven't gotten there yet.

We're working on expanding in that way already - Ork, Cultist, and Traitor Guardsman bases with different map styles and "UFOs" from the Chaos factions are well underway for the next release. The limiting factor again here is graphical resources to make maps for all of these factions.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: JPlayer 101 on July 05, 2019, 06:36:16 pm
I've played this mod for a long time yet and I would leave some suggestions.
So first of all I have some question about translation of this mod. I would like to have some part in improving accessibility of it, so it will be nice to have some extra strings file with ID's of mod objects, ufopedia topics, subjects, etc.
Second question is about lore. I've wondered to see female Astartes and commissars. If about commissars it can heavily depend on character, about Astartes it is impossible by back(lore).
And all I've said before means I have suggestion: It will be good if there will be additional mod that "turns off" generation of female Astartes and commissars.
Also soldier deployment of Stormraven and Stormeagle is horrible and need fixing. This last means nothing, it is just note "to be fixed".
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 05, 2019, 07:26:48 pm
Glad you've been with us for so long!

The translation file is a full language file, not too long ago we stopped using extraStrings since that's harder to get more translations going. You can find the file in 40k/Language/en-US.yml. If you want to propose some changes or edits, send us an edited copy or just the STRs you want to change and we'll take a look at them.

The female Commissars and Space Marines can be turned off by setting the femaleFrequency entry in solders_IG.rul to 0 for STR_COMMISSAR and in soldiers_40k.rul for STR_SOLDIER. We leave it in because we find it fun to have some inconsequential lore inconsistencies.

Telling us it's broken and needs to be fixed doesn't help much. Personally I like the Stormraven for smaller missions because the assault cannon can grab enemy attention while your trained marines quickly eliminate them. I haven't used the Stormeagle much, but I see it primarily as an interceptor rather than a transport. What would you like to see differently for these craft for deployments?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: JPlayer 101 on July 05, 2019, 08:24:48 pm
What would you like to see differently for these craft for deployments?
Main trouble with Stormeagle. Lorely Stormeagle has 2 ramps (frontal and back) and 2 doors in the sides of craft. Doing 2 ramps can make ship some unconditional, but adding 2 side doors like the Thunderhawk has will make it much more usable. About starting soldier deployment: soldiers starts in one long row, which make deployment from ship hard, when packed with new recruits it takes 2 turns. That makes easy for enemies to throw single grenade, or launch a missile and make half of squad at better case out of work for a long time.

Thanks for explaining mod files, soon I will start some translating mod to Ukrainian and Russian languages.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 05, 2019, 08:42:03 pm
Ah. Adding side doors requires significant Sprite rework, and for certain craft that are not meant as primary transports we make the concession to look more like bulletdesigner's models rather than re-spriting for finely-tuned deployment. Still, it may be worth taking a look at.

For full translations the OpenXcom project has a transifex account that many mods use - we'll see about getting 40k on there as that would be the preferred method for new translations.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 06, 2019, 11:56:52 am
Just say a word, man. :)
Inb4 it happens: who would be the administrator of this future Transifex resource? I will probably be one, as I should have the access rights anyway, but I don't really want to deal with it as I already have 4 mods under my wing. So I'd rather ask one of you guys to be the main manager, though of course I can help. (Asking in advance, because I need to consult SupSuper about how to go about this.)
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 07, 2019, 08:08:06 pm
I would be the administrator for the 40k translations since I handle the releases. I'll check with you when I'm back from vacation so we can get this set up.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: mudael on August 01, 2019, 06:58:11 pm
I do not get the point behind these strategies. why I cannot have squad of 4 snipers in scout armor and 4 assault dudes with jetpacks and 4 tactics/devastatos in third droppod? or any mix of them? I mean why they are mutually exclusive? what is wrong with having all these branches to research? or I did not get something?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 01, 2019, 08:18:07 pm
Each strategy provides unique features (unique craft´s/armor/weapon), so the game have more replaybility factor and you have different options, you can have all the types of armor or the squad composition as you want. Sometimes it´s just provides that armor type easier
Even if you complete all the sideoperartion you get all unique weapons.

In a deeper sense, i know this will sound strange but the modders provides the rules and you play the game against us, nothing is preventing you of going god and have all, but i you will have no challenge.

Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 01, 2019, 08:40:46 pm
It's also not that you're stuck with that single strategy - you can unlock all the different armor types with any strategy, but the initial pick you get much easier. If you pick Scout, you can still unlock Tactical, Devastator, and Assault armors, just not as easy as when you pick those strategies.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: mudael on August 01, 2019, 09:04:46 pm
Oh, got it! Thank you!
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Lutti on August 13, 2019, 06:44:41 pm
Hello! First of all, I would like to thank the team for this amazing mod. Now, for a suggestion: could you add the Imperial Guard theme from Dawn of War to the soundtrack?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 14, 2019, 12:15:32 pm
Hello! First of all, I would like to thank the team for this amazing mod. Now, for a suggestion: could you add the Imperial Guard theme from Dawn of War to the soundtrack?

can do, i will insert in the sound folder , that way ohartenstein will see fit where to use, in the missions or something
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Doc on June 22, 2020, 08:16:08 am

Pretty please? A heavier auto-shotgun would make a fun thematic addition to the arsenal.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 24, 2020, 11:48:31 pm

Pretty please? A heavier auto-shotgun would make a fun thematic addition to the arsenal.

when i get to the adding new weapons part i may add that shotgun since we are gonna bring the lawbringer into the mod
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Doc on June 25, 2020, 02:48:28 am
Very cool, I look forward to whatever gets implemented.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Ham on July 11, 2020, 02:59:11 pm
bulletdesigner, I have one idea, and I would like to know what you think about it.

I suggested this to Meridian, but in the end it will be up to you!

"I AM: Meridian! I have one more suggestion ... This will be useful for mods.

Can you make certain armor or weapons available only to a soldier with the appropriate rank? “As an example: in a 40K mod, Astartes with the title Captain can wear captain's armor when an ordinary Battle Brother cannot."

"Meridian: I'll consider it if the 40k modders show interest in it."

A little bit about my idea: It should be something like the requirement of things also with the need for a certain rank to carry the “Scout in the Sergeant’s armor looks funny” armor, but at the same time, as I think, this function could be turned on moderator "For example, instant grenades that you made in the mod turned on" is turned off by the user if the mod allows it, "For example, not blocked by moderator"

What do you think? it will be probably interesting for other mods too, of course I don’t know for sure, but your thoughts would be interesting to me!
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 11, 2020, 04:41:46 pm
Sure armor by rank its a fundamental, since only makes sense to have 1 captain armor per captain. I think it was suggested some time ago, But we end up limiting by badges and resources, if it comes up we will certainly enforce it
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Yankes on July 11, 2020, 07:13:35 pm
solders transformation could handle this? I not recall if it can be blocked based on rank.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Ham on July 11, 2020, 08:23:55 pm
bulletdesigner, thank you for your opinion, I will be happy to monitor the progress of your work.

Yankes, transformation for a similar purpose, it will be cumbersome and awkward. At the moment, I prefer to give Captain’s armor exclusively to the Captains so that everything looks beautiful.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: anothrgamer1234 on August 24, 2020, 07:06:45 pm
Out of curiosity, have you considered adding the Primaris Marine variants (E.G. Intercessors, Hellblasters, Inceptors, etc.) into the mod, or would their fixed weapon loadouts make that option too difficult?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 24, 2020, 07:16:05 pm
They're not too difficult to make, but it would be a fair number of graphical resources for little benefit to the mod. Our options for making a role for them would be:

I'm not saying they're completely out of the realm of possibilities, but they would be very low priority development-wise.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Irismono on October 13, 2020, 07:36:04 pm
Has the Adeptus Mechanicus been considered for the 5th faction?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Kake on October 30, 2020, 10:50:35 am
Can a difficulty\option to play with all factions be added.

wanted to have separate bases for with IG, SM and Adepta Sororitas, with all of their gear and crafts.

have tried going in to the files to do this but have failed, as i have no experience except changing some values.

I know there will be balance issues with this mode. but it is something I really wanted to try.

don't really mind about doing the same teck multiple times, but for the different factions.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 30, 2020, 04:32:38 pm
the iss
Can a difficulty\option to play with all factions be added.

wanted to have separate bases for with IG, SM and Adepta Sororitas, with all of their gear and crafts.

have tried going in to the files to do this but have failed, as i have no experience except changing some values.

I know there will be balance issues with this mode. but it is something I really wanted to try.

don't really mind about doing the same teck multiple times, but for the different factions.

there is an easy way, chose the faction, save and close, edit  then on the save game with a notepad an add
on the research
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Gnelf88 on November 20, 2020, 12:45:11 am
Haven't seen anything about the 5th playable faction, just thought id say that the mechanicus seems like a cool idea for the last faction. I could see their whole strongpoint being mechs n advanced weaponry
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Doc on December 04, 2020, 05:49:14 pm
Wishes for the wishlist!

A master craft version of the officer's sword for IG with power weapon stats, and likewise a lighter version of the chainsword and powerfist for our noodle armed heroes in green.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Harmondale2 on June 20, 2021, 07:12:20 pm
the iss
there is an easy way, chose the faction, save and close, edit  then on the save game with a notepad an add
on the research

Hey, just wondering if this would work similarly if I wanted to play space marines with all the 4 strategies unlocked. Kinda wanna to do a playthrough where I can collect all the armors and craft.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: oxcuser0003 on August 06, 2021, 11:49:38 am
Hey, just wondering if this would work similarly if I wanted to play space marines with all the 4 strategies unlocked. Kinda wanna to do a playthrough where I can collect all the armors and craft.

You eventually unlock all the firstborn armors (Assault/Tactical/Devastator) if you choose one of them, dont know if it unlocks Primaris armors though. I started a Primaris playthough and havent seen any firstborn armor.

EDIT: I had a firstborn campaign pretty far along then updated to the latest mod version. I could then research Primaris but I dont know if that was intended.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: oxcuser0003 on August 10, 2021, 03:49:19 am
Any thoughts on intended weapon progression? Its fun unlocking and seeing all the cool weapons in the mod but then I stuck with pretty early unlocks after seeing the stats and costs, maybe Im playing it wrong lol? I was expecting a traditional X-COM upgrade path but maybe I shouldnt be? 

As SM on build 029 I ended up spamming Heavy Bolters (Auto Shots) and Lascannons pretty much all game. I noticed the auto/snap shot range on the heavy bolters is 20/20 instead of the default 7/15 and might be too good? Ammo is cheap too, the MC ammo is a nice damage upgrade but the ceramite plates get expensive and the regular ammo was mostly fine. Also 5 shot auto shot and available right at the start of the game.

Lascannon damage seemed high enough even for late game. Also an early unlock and cheap. Was using Sniper Rifles before unlocking this

Assault Bolters added in 030 seem really nice for Primaris early game with the 20/20 range until strength is high enough for heavy bolters

Plasma didnt seem to hit hard enough, even the Heavy plasma. (Also the graphic makes it seem like the blast radius is bigger than it is?) I assume there was something going on with the armor of the targets? I just ended up going back to heavy bolters. Havent tried incinerators yet but mag size of 20 seems like its not intended for auto shot spam? But it doesnt have the buffed 20/20 ranges or an aimed shot for long range. Maybe nerf lascannon and buff this as a replacement?

Meltas max range cap made me ignore them

Being able to hit myself with flamers also made me ignore them lol

Wanted to like storm bolters but they didnt feel worth the cost, feel like they need an auto shot buff or something (to clearly replace bolters/heavy bolters?)

The Assault Cannon was a good all around upgrade but unlocked pretty late and ammo was expensive

Also Melee seems outclassed by guns? At least on SM playthrough with Assault Term/Thunder Hammer. Havent tried much on Primaris playthrough, I know Phobos armor adds some TU but havent played with it much

Thoughts? Maybe Im expecting more linear progression when instead keeping weapons situationally useful was intended? Either way, loving the mod, thanks again for the great work!
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 10, 2021, 03:30:50 pm
There are intentionally few linear weapon upgrades. Most weapons you research are more about opening up more tactical options. What you think is useful is related to your playstyle - I've heard players say they fully switch to plasma as quickly as they can, others love abusing the terrain destruction of meltas, and some throw as many powerfists as possible.

If you found weapons you enjoy and didn't use the same one gun for everyone the entire campaign, then it's working the way we intended.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Bonakva on August 10, 2021, 09:53:36 pm
It's funny, I went through the whole game with heavy bolters.
In the beginning it's hard and very oblique, but once the marines get their strength and accuracy up, the weapon's efficiency goes up significantly.
I tried switching to plasma and melta from time to time, but quickly abandoned that idea because I didn't see the effectiveness. The heavy bolters were more reliable.

I also liked the assault bolters. Very often they kill fat targets with 1 shot.
Only I don't quite understand the mechanics of the shot.
The info says 2 die rolls. What does that mean?
One shot, but the 2 damage adds up?
I know assault bolters have two barrels, it's very strange to see 1 shot...
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 11, 2021, 12:35:47 am
Assault bolters, if bulletdesigner made them work like storm bolters, are nearly the mathematical equivalent of firing two standard bolts that hit the exact same spot. We tried other methods of firing two bolts instead of one, but none of them quite satisfied how we wanted them to behave. Just think of them as firing two shots that follow the exact same trajectory for expected damage.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: EleriumWard on June 01, 2022, 02:50:40 am
I think that there should be higher-tier armor for the Frateris Militia, as well as researchable Carapace Armor for non-IG factions just so the Guardsmen you rescue in Terror Missions could have some decent protection. Also, maybe the Leagues of Votann could be incorporated somehow.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: EleriumWard on June 23, 2022, 12:35:21 pm
Hello again. So, I came across this thing while searching across the web. I think it would make an interesting addition to the Sisters of Battle.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Simi822 on September 14, 2022, 06:10:58 pm
so are there any plans for the future?

if I take the 40k mod + rosigma...then maybe the deathwatch, combi weapons, necromunda content and the Tau is missing

and the only factions that needs additional content are the Eldar and Tyranids (lets be honest Eldar has like 3 units and the tyranids like 2x) and the Arbites (Rosigma expanded then nicely but there are some WTF decision like they have the thunderfire cannon or a Manticore or the useless hydra....they should have the RIOT Armored car and stubcannons, Repressor, Assault Ram, Concussion Carbine etc)......any plan to do these?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Rangerh on September 14, 2022, 06:47:06 pm
Looks like there should be a new version of the 40k mod soon (hopefully) as on discord bull3tdesigner posted
bull3tdesigner — 09/09/2022
BIG announcement : Since now we will have a base for other Xeno faction , craft´s and items will require imperial base functions to be brought. This will have two major effects for development and player´s:    - Items and Craft can´t be Brought unless there is an hangar for craft´s , store and living quarter´s for items and soldiers (don´t act surprise no craft appear on list if no hangar is present!!)     -on development and items and craft need the   requiresBuyBaseFunc: so they can be brought and don't appear on Xeno factions . This will have also the affect that now the list is cleaner and not clough up with useless  like craft stuff in training outpost.

Can't wait !

It also probably mean that Rosigma will have to update to follow on the base mod.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Simi822 on September 15, 2022, 01:47:33 am
so you need certain things to be build to unlock stuff.....that is just a change in the game mechanics.....what is the part in regards of XENO factions...that is the interesting part...playing as one? or new enemy Xeno faction (chaos are no Tau coming as a Enemy? or Dark Eldar) now that is exiting news...possibility to play as a Xeno or new Xeno faction (Tau ir Dark Eldar)....sounds good
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Surrealistik on November 10, 2022, 02:05:24 pm
Almost finished my first playthrough.

Love it, but the lesser daemons appear to be somewhat off:

1. Daemonettes: These girls are easily and by far the deadliest lesser daemon in the game thanks to their non-canon ability to instantly corrupt/zombify Chryssalid style. Probably shouldn't have that capability. Melee attacks definitely shouldn't be deadlier than a Bloodletter's, though that they're faster and have more TU and Reactions makes perfect sense.

2. Bloodletters: These guys need better Reactions, TU and Melee Accuracy than they have. Their Hellswords should probably have the same armor ignore/pen as Power Swords.

3. Plaguebearers: These guys should have the Chryssalid style zombification abilities with their infectious Plaguesword (I mean, if any lesser daemon is getting those). Their puke should probably inflict extra wounds in the way the Plague Bolters do. They definitely need to be much tougher and have better resistances, have more HP and should also be wound/bleed immune like Plague Marines/Sisters as a facsimile of Feel No Pain. Was shocked by how easily all the lesser daemons die, but Plaguebearers especially.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 10, 2022, 04:44:26 pm
thks for playing

1- the daemonettes  ability's is to represent an seduction(maybe badly represented), since  unit´s the doesn't lose armor(marines and adeptas), they just change side, chaplain is immune and other quarks , i haven't take time to do the same for guardman to keep armor but that was the concept.
3- True, i should have removed the wound´s and give it more toughness, all daemon power swords are OP one lucky swipe will kill terminator, the puke was just for no chesse when a unit is stuck or can´t be reached
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Surrealistik on November 10, 2022, 07:34:50 pm
1. For the Daemonettes, not entirely sure what your options are at this point in OpenXcom, but I think if you want to keep the Daemonette seduction, I would either make it a melee only low TU cost temporary Mind Control that is pretty much guaranteed to work, or increase the TU cost of the Chryssalid style melee substantially, while giving her a low TU cost alternate melee that just does normal damage (much lower than Daemon swords) and morale damage. Being able to instantly corrupt at low TU cost feels more like something a Keeper of Secrets or Great Unclean One would have (or Lord of Change in terms of mutating their victim into a Chaos Spawn). Ultimately, players probably shouldn't be way more afraid of these enemies closing to melee than a Bloodletter.

2. I do see that the Hellswords/Plagueswords are 150 power. Honestly would stat the Bloodletter sword as per a Power Sword, and drop the Plaguesword to 90-100 power, but it deals damage to Energy and Morale in addition to inflicting many extra wounds like other plague weapons, which means it'll be real bad if you don't have an Apothecary nearby to treat the victim immediately.

3. I understand the puke being a contingency; I do think it would fit the theme of the Nurgle followers to have it inflict many extra wounds as I assume this symbolizes the illness it inflicts, and perhaps Energy/Morale damage to represent the impact of infection. Rest sounds good.

Other things that come to mind is that Terminators (including enemy Terminators) should probably have shields of some kind (their refractor fields), and the Chaplain Crozius is pretty insane with max Bravery, namely because two shots of it have the capacity to cover most of the map in fire, making these guys deadlier than my elite Librarians. Might consider capping the AoE size in exchange for it being more powerful, or having other effects.

But yeah, so far so good, been really enjoying the mod! Just about to do the final mission.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Rangerh on November 10, 2022, 09:18:09 pm
If it was possible with the engine, maybe instead of those UFO Chrysalids type of attacks, have the daemonettes set the unit that is hit into a berserk state (i mean when they shoot randomly in random directions) for as long as the daemonette is still alive (so you lose control of the unit, due to berserk state, but can regain it if you kill the daemonette).

As indeed that feels too easy for those units to get rid of any of your high armored high ranked high super high stats expensive troops in just one hit, this kind of insta-kill (as you lose the unit anyways) should only be reserved to boss level types of unit.

For the bloodletter i think his problem may be that it usually die before he can reach a target, as when it attacks it packs a big punch. maybe that would be solved by giving the monster more TU (and increasing the bloodletter weapon own TU usage to balance it out ? ).

Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Surrealistik on November 10, 2022, 10:20:09 pm
Bloodletters have reasonable TU (80?), but their Reactions are atrocious (40 I believe?), which means it is _very_ easy to gun them down with reaction fire before they close to melee.

Would significantly increase their Reactions (from 40 to 70-80), Melee Accuracy (from 80 to 100) and slightly increase their TU (from 80 to 90-100). Again, I feel they should be wielding what are essentially Power Swords.

In general I feel Daemons are way too fragile and should probably take sharply reduced damage from most damage types due to their Daemonic nature which gives them unnatural resilience (hence their invul saves in tabletop and damage reducing Daemonic Resilience traits in the RPG games). Damage dealt by psychic/consecrated sources (like Smite) should probably be the only things dealing full/extra damage to them; 75-50% damage (even less for Plaguebearers) sounds about right for most everything else. Basically what they lack in armor, they should make up for in resistances.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Surrealistik on November 17, 2022, 06:59:54 am
Aight, beat the game, thanks in no small part to broken Chaplain Crozius spam:



Lost a bunch of disposable hero Sentinel Guardsman on base defenses, a marine or two on an early Khorne terror mission with absolutely awful droppod placement, and came close to suffering losses on the final mission, especially the part where a shit ton of surprise bloodletters spawn near cover with full TUs, but pulling back to the Rhinos and creating a defensive line with my flying Assault Marines (suck it bloodies) saw me through easily after the initial surprise.

So some additional feedback:
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Marrik on January 09, 2023, 08:20:29 am
IMO it'd be cool if you were to add something like the mechanic in the ROSIGMA mod where things like Heavy Stubbers or Heavy Bolters have super low accuracy when the gunner initially crouches with them, so you either have to wait a turn or have another trooper uses the Heavy Weapon Kit on them. In the tabletop/lore that stuff is supposed to be operated by heavy weapon teams, so I thought that was kind of a cool mechanic.

Also, it'd be nice if you added mortars at some point.
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: EleriumWard on November 30, 2023, 01:41:18 am
Any plans to incorporate the Leagues of Votann in some way?
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 30, 2023, 12:37:50 pm
not working on it, maybe if any sprites emerge
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Meridian on January 06, 2024, 10:38:29 am
Hi bulletdesigner,

40k uses alien race attribute `retaliationMission`, which will be removed next week in the new oxce release.

Please update to replacement attribute `retaliationMissionWeights`
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 08, 2024, 01:37:00 pm
Ok so i will replace this "retaliationMission: STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION" with this? "retaliationMissionWeights:  STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION" or should it be       
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Meridian on January 08, 2024, 02:31:32 pm
Like this:

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 08, 2024, 06:38:27 pm
gotcha thks
Title: Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
Post by: Simi822 on August 15, 2024, 10:49:10 am
Why not add monster hunting missions? /like in Xcom Files/

like Feral Orks /with some crude weaponry/ or remnants of a Tyrranid hive fleet or Ambulls, etc doing Terror
and the mission is to protect civilians and kill the monsters...