OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => IDT Modding Hub => Topic started by: efrenespartano on July 08, 2018, 06:25:00 am

Title: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: efrenespartano on July 08, 2018, 06:25:00 am



Join United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command! v1.2 Echoes and Whispers available for download (

To install, you need first need to download and install OpenXcom Extended (,5258.0.html) Then, just drop UNEXCOM folder inside your OpenXcom mods folder. Because I'm an Android player, one main goal of this mod is to be entirely playable on Android.

Please, follow the United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command on social media!

UNEXCOM on Instagram! (

Join the UNEXCOM channel on the IDT Server at Discord! (


A Cold War themed by the Inventorum Development Team
Andr: sprite creator & main military history advisor
Badfella: sprite designer
DarkDust: support debugging
Dauntless1942: sprite creator
Dr Hans Woofington: lead sprite creator
efrenespartano: lead designer, sprite & ruleset creator
Filip H: ruleset creator
Ikhanad: support debugging & military history support
Luke83: map specialist
Noah183: support debugging
pedroterzero: code support
Tingcat: sprite creator
The Reaver of Darkness: balance specialist
wolwerin: sprite creator

First of all, Hello there! This is my first public released mod and i'm excited to announce it!
This compilation was inspired by several sources. One of the main ones, as well as my reference source is the work of Hobbes in Area 51 and even more in Tech-Com, where I copied several codes. It's my favorite mod of one of my favorite movies. Back in 2015, I played a modified version made by myself of the Equal Terms mod in which XCOM troops used United Nations equipment. Unfortunately, that mod was lost, as my old PC.

I was recently watching the movie The Siege of Jadotville and another source of inspiration emerged of this project, a force of the Blue Helmets fighting against aliens in the Cold War. Xenonauts is also inspiration of this compilation, for some concepts and part of its graphics, although it is not an attempt to copy that game.


This mod is located chronologically right in the middle of the Cold War, almost at the end of the Vietnam War. There will be many pages of UFOpedia explaining the background of the story, as well as the course of the war.

This mod is a compilation, not all the work is mine, as is obvious. I would call it a "franken-mod", because it is made of many different mods, united with glue, love and some things that I have done myself. This compilation is completely playable from beginning to end, but there are still many of my ideas to be implemented.



Air combat is a very important thing now, inspired by Air Combat Rebalanced and Tech-Comm. Hangars can now host 2 crafts. There is a wide variety of aircraft and craft weapons of the time (and will come more, as well as a redesigned tech tree) It implements the HK features, a great addition made by Meridian. So expect to face UFOs actively trying to intercept your aircraft. You probably lose a lot of aircraft soon, that's why they will be somewhat cheaper. Also, you now can forget the ground radars. They are obsolete, actually I remove Large Radar and set the radarChance of the Small to 5%, just to mark the average combat range of your starting planes. Now you can (and you should) launch satellites to search for enemy UFOs and Bases. Be careful, they are reaaaally slow and HKs ate them for lunch.


Hatred just a tool the aggressors to control
Into the jungle's depth, into the desert storm
Caught between legions of hate
Caught beneath malefic eyes of fate

Ground combat is another important part. You will use realistic weapons of the time, such as rifles M16, AKM, LMG like M60 and Bren, snipers like XM21 and Dragunov among others. Each major power of the Cold War will supply you with unique tanks, weapons and equipment, you can choose to stick to the reliable Soviet guns or try the advanced NATO weaponry.

Forget the outdated HWP, now you will be in charge of an M551 Sheridan, a BMD-1 IFV or a FV701 Ferret SC, light tanks that can really be transported on an airplane.
Of course, an indispensable mod in any game, UNEXCOM includes Terrain Pack, so you can fight in different and beautiful terrains.
There are new races (made by Solarius Scorch) and their weapons are now much more alien (drawn by XOPs), so the combat is more enjoyable.



*To Marina, the woman who is always by my side supporting me.
*To Hobbes, practically thanks to him is that I ventured into the world of modding when he allowed me to collaborate with his great mod Tech-Com, as well as Terrain Mod, an indispensable mod.
*To KingMob4313 and Ickschuss, for his mod Equal Terms, one of my favorite mods of all times, of all games.
*To the OpenXcom developers! They gave new life to a fantastic game. Without you, this couldn't be possible.
*To Yankes & Meridian, for their amazing OXCE, for Meridian's Hunter-Killers and for answering my countless questions in the forum.
*To Solarius Scorch, for the mods that I have added in this compilation and for the project The X-Com Files, my main source to get the sprites of Tier I weapons.
*To bulletdesigner, Warboy1982, ohartenstein23 and davide, for your help in the forums!
*To my clan of World of Tanks Blitz, the glorious 130th Armored Division (among them Alnoaht, Xzoria, KYIV94, Armisael, Gato Loco, Zayas) who were the first to try the mod. Thank you, Alnoaht! Basically he hunted most of the bugs before the release of v0.1.
*To Biggieboy, for his compilation of buildings and for helping me with a request I asked him for. In the next updates I will add his buildings.
*To Istrebitel, for his awesome mod Air Combat Rebalanced, from where I took various stats for the craft weapons and weapons itself.
*To alinare, for his incredible source of codes and sprites in his mod The Endless War.
*To Nord, for his recomendation about Android apps to mod OpenXcom, they are very useful!
*To Yataka Shimaoka, Mitra Lightbringer, Valmont and his girlfriend, SIMON and everyone who play provide useful feedback.
*To IgnisAbentorn, danielpembrink, garretrgang and all the kind players at
*To Wikipedia. Yes, much of the info about tanks and guns comes from here.
*And finally, but not at least, to the OpenXcom community, for all the mods, the resources and all the available help.


All of the names, images, and other material used in this mod belong to their respective owners.
Images found from the internet.
2.- CombatUniformArmors by Fox105iwsp
3.- RecycledAlienCollection by Solarius Scorch
4.- Alien Armory Expanded by Solarius Scorch
5.- Equal Terms Mod by KingMob4313 & Ickschuss
6.- XCOM 2012 Music by xover88
7.- XCOM 2 Music Pack by boodman123726
8.- Celebrate Diversity by Solarius Scorch
9.- Skystriker by hellrazor (C-130 Hercules placeholder)
10.- HQ Sounds
11.- Sprites from 40k mod, by bulletdesigner.
12.- Sprites from XenoOperations, by XOps
13.- Codes from Air Combat Rebalanced, by Istrebitel
14.- HK Codes by Meridian and Hobbes
15.- COPTER map from The X-Com Files (Huey placeholder)
16.- Many weapons from X-Piratez, by Dioxine and The X-Com Files, by Solarius Scorch.
17.- HWPs from The Endless War, by alinare.
18.- Improved nations Mod by MKSheppard


30-May-2024: v1.2 Echoes and Whispers
Changes made:
* Improved and expanded Russian translation, by wolwerin
* Rebalanced CALBR, by wolverin
* Rebalanced armor penetration values. Laser does 50% damage to armor, Plasma and Fusion does 60%, by efrenespartano
* Rebalanced Human Plasma weapons (decreased TU costs and accuracy dropoff), by efrenespartano
* Change the USSR plasma weapons hitanimation to blue, the vapor trail is that color, by GumChewer1980
* Reduced alien mech units armor values, by efrenespartano
* Modified M24 Hind with additional ammunition and height by 1 easier to shoot, by Kiro Xei
* Adding new vehicles: Cargo Truck Convoy; Cargo Truck Trailer, by Kiro Xei
* Reduce training room to 15; and modified storage space to 5 for living quarters, by Kiro Xei
* Set terrorist live alien to false, as these humans can be captured (Test), by Kiro Xei
* All units including infantry, vehicles and others will have equipped with special weapon: Melee Attack. Tanks will now perform dangerous driving tactics, by Kiro Xei
* Shuttle map fixed including MCD, by Kiro Xei
* Shotgun slugs do 50% damage to armor, Shells pellet spread improved to 80% (was 50%)
* Rebalanced Alien Retaliation races (reduced chance of Ethereals and Mutons early retaliation, increased chance of Sectoids and Floaters), suggested Brother^2
* Remove specialWeapons: STR_UNARMED_UNIFORM from UNEXCOM armors, by GumChewer1980
* Added Corpses/Prisoners item category, by GumChewer1980
* Fixed various yaml indent errors, by GumChewer1980
* Misc. fixes, e.g., inventory sizes of items, by GumChewer1980
* Tanks are forbidden on Hijacked Plane Assault missions, by efrenespartano
* Enabled hireByLocation on all soldiers, by efrenespartano
* Added Strafing Run Flare, by efrenespartano
* Fixed hole in the stairs, reported by Alligator

v0.1 (27-May-18 09:57 AM)

1.- Terrain Mod by Hobbes
2.- CombatUniformArmors by Fox105iwsp
3.- RecycledAlienCollection by Solarius Scorch
4.- Alien Armory Expanded by Solarius Scorch
5.- Equal Terms Mod by KingMob4313 and Ickschuss.
6.- XCOM 2012 Music by xover88
7.- Celebrate Diversity by Solarius Scorch
8.- XCOM 2 Music Pack by boodman123726
VARS edited

V0.1b (15-Jun-18)
1.- Skystriker by hellrazor (C-130 Hercules placeholder)
2.- HQ Sounds
3.- COPTER Map from The X-Com Files (UH-1 Huey placeholder)
Starting to add Tier I crafts, original codes Tech-Comm mod by Hobbes
  15-Jun-18: 10:00 PM # Strings of F-4, F-105, C-130, UH-1, Sparrow, Sidewinder, Vulcan added
  15-Jun-18: 11:25 PM # Corrected in knots the speed of the aircraft
  16-Jun-18: 12:04 AM # Beginning to add extraSprites for airplanes

V0.1c (17-Jun-18)
Added basic UNEXCOM crafts (Phantom, Thunderchief, Hercules, Huey)
Added basic craft weapons (Sidewinder, Sparrow, Vulcan)
Added cool Menu music (very Vietnam war-ish, Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival)
18-Jun-18: 09:47 AM # Added custom Main Menu and Space backgrounds
18-Jun-18: 08:12 PM # Added field uniforms for UNEXCOM troopers (reemplace NONE_UC)

1.- Pilots graphics from 40k mod by bulletdesigner
 18-Jun-18: 11:30 PM # Starting to add Tier I american weapons.
 22-Jun-18: 12:27 AM # Finished add Tier I american weapons. Check for errors. HandObs missing.
 22-Jun-18: 11:51 AM # Added pilots, corrected HandOb of M14
 22-Jun-18: 12.39 PM # Added items StartingBase
1.- Grenade Launcher by Ryskeliini
2.- FourthState ruleset form Equal Terms, by KingMob4313
3.- Alien Plasma Weapons by XOps
 25-Jun-18: 09:34 PM # Added M551 tank Sheridan with ammunition, added listOrder
 25-Jun-18: 11:21 PM # Fixed fatal bug with pilot armor
 26-Jun-18: 08:37 PM # Recolored armor NONE_UC, now it's blue like in real life
 27-Jun-18: 09:28 PM # Added ruleset plasma weapons to ET mod, alien weapons added.
 29-Jun-18: 08:44 PM # Aircraft sprites corrected
 29-Jun-18: 09:23 PM # MEDIUM SCOUT and LARGE SCOUT now have a 50% chance of being Hunter Killers. Speed of SMALL SCOUT (now 1500), MEDIUM SCOUT (now 2000) and LARGE SCOUT (now 2500) reduced.
1.- RecycledAlienCollection by Solarius Scorch
2.- Tech-Comm HKs codes by Hobbes
 30-Jun-18: 11:50 PM # Added first pages of UFOpedia, added most Tier I aircraft sprites
 01-Jul-18: 10:41 AM # Added strings en-US, starting to add strings es-ES
 03-Jul-18: 05:30 PM # Corrected flight distances of aircraft. Added double hangar. Fixed bug with M16 Clip.
 04-Jul-18: 10:08 AM # Added Sentry and Fighter HKs in the campaign. Added RecycledAlienCollection in the campaign.
05-Jul-18: 05:18 PM # Added Linna Satellite, long range recon satellite.

1.- Many weapon sprites from X-Piratez, by Dioxine and The X-Com Files, Solarius Scorch
2.- JustRussia weapons by ThatDude
3.- Underbarrel shotgun/grenade launcher codes by Hyper2Snyper
4.- Weapons codes from The X-Com Files, by Solarius Scorch
5.- HMG codes by Dioxine, moddified by BlackLibrary
6.- Shotgun firing sound by Warboy1982
7.- BMD-1 & Laser Tank sprites by alinare
8.- SCOUTCAR by Arpia, from The X-Com Files
19-Jul-18: 12:18 PM # Added NATO Tier I weapons: FN FAL, H&K MP5, H&K PSG-1, Bren, 30. Cal MG.
20-Jul-18: 10:26 AM # Added USSR Tier I weapons: AK-47, SKS, Dragunov, Makarov, RPG-7.
20-Jul-18: 12:31 PM # Corrected laser and plasma weapons palette.
27-Jul-18: 09:03 AM # Corrected Tier I HandObs. Added some made by efrenespartano: Shotgun, XM21, M16. Modified AK47, original by ThatDude
27-Jun-18: 01:32 PM # Corrected weapons damage
29-Jul-18: 08:30 AM # Initial Test of Capital Class UFOs, renamed Teror Ship to Troop Transport, has speedMax: 380, armor: 120, power 12, range: 20, reload: 15. Battleship has speedMax: 200, armor: 200, power: 15, range: 20, reload: 20
30-Jul-18: 07:44 PM # Added Tier I tanks with guns: BMD-1, Ferret Scout Car. Added Tier II Tank: XM22
31-Jul-18: 06:24 PM # Corrected listOrders, added Laser Tank tech tree with topics.
1-Ago-18: 07:19 AM # Fixed yaml-cpp error with extraStrings. Fixed new research topics, now Navigators & Engineers give UFO Classes info. (UFO classes, new UFO Types). Modified Scout class UFOS.

1.- Legionnaire tank sprite by Solarius Scorch
2.- Angry Wife clip from Piratez, by Dioxine
3.- Delta armor modified from Zane's Power Suit
4.- Shield codes from Xeno-Shield from The X-Com Files
03-Ago-18: 07:15 PM # Corrected Legionnaire tank sprite. Falcon now has 500 damage (280 before), fixed craftWeapons available in store before researching NATO/USSR, Improved Craft Armor/Accuracy techs.
04-Ago-18: 08:27 AM # Now allied countries can come back to UNEXCOM after canceling an alien pact, after destroying the alien base inside the traitor country.
04-Ago-18: 05:42 PM # Added all Tier I weapons fire and reload sounds. Added sprayWaypoint behaviour to SMG and LGM. Various weapons/crafts prices fixed by Alnoaht.
07-Ago-18: 07:20 AM # Added Riot Armor w/ Angry Wife, custom sounds and research.
11-Ago-18: 06:18 PM # Added Delta Armor w/ MG3, custom sounds and research.
14-Ago-18: 11:39 PM # Fixed error with Falcon missile, Targeting pod and Alloy Craft Alloy Armor, added missiing extraStrings
15-Ago-18: 03:22 AM # Corrected M551 Sheridan & BMD-1 tank sprites. Modified tank armor. Modified startingBase to Defensive, added M203 grenades to startingBase.

1.- Improved Nations mod codes by MKSheppard
2.- Updated to OXCE v5.1
10-Oct-18: 05:25 PM # Reduced shields of Capital class UFOs to half (Battleship now has 50 and Troop Transport now has 30)
13-Oct-18: 07:48 PM # Fixed bugs found by IgnisAbentorn, renamed AK-47 to AKM, reemplaced Makarov for Stechkin Automatic Pistol, fixed stats and fire sound. Changed FN FAL & M16 M203 alt fire mode from confSnap to confAimed, to avoid reaction fire with underbarrel addons.
13-Oct-18: 08:48 PM # MG3 now has fixed 60 rounds, removed MG3 belt from store. Fixed fatal bug that made unavailable NATO/USSR stuff (Guns, armor, missiles)
14-Oct-18: 11:35 AM # Allied NPC units now use Human weapons, vanilla weapon no longer used. 11 new countries, original codes by MKSheppard (Norway, Benelux, Denmark, Greece, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Ukraine, Peru, Colombia, Poland)
14-oct-18: 05:30 PM # Updated operationType: 6 to Alien Interception missions, now Hunter Killers take off and land on their bases.

If I missed someone, do not hesitate to let me know and I will credit you immediately.  ;D

If you liked any of my craft sprites, weapons or UFOpedia images for your mod, feel free to use them! Just credit me.  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: alinare on July 08, 2018, 08:56:03 pm
Welcome and congratulations for your project. As far as I'm concerned, use all the resources you need from my mod without restrictions.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 08, 2018, 10:26:11 pm

Welcome and congratulations for your project. As far as I'm concerned, use all the resources you need from my mod without restrictions.

Thank you so much! Enjoy, any suggestions are welcome. :)

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Hobbes on July 08, 2018, 11:05:44 pm
Well, hearing some CCR on equip screen made me chuckle :)

Good luck and if you need any help just ask :)
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 08, 2018, 11:19:49 pm
Well, hearing some CCR on equip screen made me chuckle :)

Good luck and if you need any help just ask :)
Haha well, I couldn't make a mod set in the 70s without adding CCR. :') It's a must-have.

Thank you, Hobbes!

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 10, 2018, 02:12:00 am
Well well well, no surprise that you'll be a modder, and you just earned a download
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 10, 2018, 02:59:18 am
Well well well, no surprise that you'll be a modder, and you just earned a download
Awesome! Thank you, Yataka!

Any suggestion and/or feedback is always welcome. ;D

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 10, 2018, 05:14:44 am
Upon a quick examination of basic ballistic weaponry, we got inventory issues:

The M60 sprite suggests that it should take 2x3 slots, instead of 1x3.
The same goes with the M60 belt, which is a 1x1 but the sprite suggest 2x1.

Please refer to the attached screenshots (on mobile )

Using the new "Sheridon" tank is awesome and in the same time displeasing. This tank is too op and can soak up shots more than a hovertabk can do. This new tanks just makes early to mid game Waaaay too easy.
My solution would be instead of nerfing the tank, why not make it more pricey? Since it is a top tier grade tank that time, its just normal that we acquire it at the right price, and oh, make the shells more expensive, so once bought, the tank will feel like a complement to the army
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 10, 2018, 09:54:15 am
Forgive me thy mod, but I feel this one should be separated.

During examination of the ufopaedia, I experience a game crash after I pressed the next button on the page of the small radar, if I am correct, the next topic will be the large one, since the large radar was removed, such crashes shouldn't exist, unless if it wasn't purged out entirely.
Text issues with all of the ingame crafts, refer to the photo below
And a question: Can we save Earth without destroying it? All we ever wanted after this war is the events of Fallout right? :)

In that inventory screenshot, I see you made a little mistake, there is an unconscious soldier but we don't see the proper bigob, instead it is represented by the grenade launcher bigob (Though its cool to think that once a soldier dies, they transform to weapons).
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 10, 2018, 04:35:14 pm
Thanks for the quick feedback!

I'm working to solve the inventory glitches and the Craft UFOpedia pages. I didn't notice the "grenade launcher human being", I'm fixing it. ;D

About the Large Radar UFOpedia page, I forget to remove them from the ruleset. Also working on that. ;)

About the Sheridan, it's meant to be a powerful tank, it's main gun fires 152mm shells and uses Shillelagh guided missiles. In my tests, a Cyberdisk resisted 2-3 Shillelags and 3-4 shells. But it's correct what you say, it's very OP. I'm going to increase it's cost (both tank and shells) and also decrease it's armor. It's supposed to have an armor as thick as wet toilet paper, after all. ;D

 Talking about saving the Earth with nuclear weapons  (, the Falcon nuclear missile (and soon, the Genie rocket too) is very powerful and can annihilate small UFOs, if you can get close enough. I wish that could be possible to make some penalization to the score for the use of this kind of guns, to reflect the concern of U.N. about nuclear explosions right in top of their heads.

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 10, 2018, 05:24:28 pm
Hello again, seems like you forgot to add twoHanded: true tags on some of your laser weapons, I noticed my soldier holding the las lmg with a single hand, like he was a terminator. Just heads up
And oh, at the start of the game, just give the players 6 pilot units, so we can easily assign them to the crafts where they rightfully belong.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 11, 2018, 04:13:19 am
Hello again, seems like you forgot to add twoHanded: true tags on some of your laser weapons, I noticed my soldier holding the las lmg with a single hand, like he was a terminator. Just heads up
And oh, at the start of the game, just give the players 6 pilot units, so we can easily assign them to the crafts where they rightfully belong.
I've fixed your reports (except for the starting pilots, I'm still working on these),  but I'm not at home. Would you like to wait until the release of 0.2? Or you would like me to attach the fixed rulesets here tomorrow?

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 11, 2018, 09:53:49 am
I'll just wait for the official release, since the bugs I pointed out ain't that critical
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 14, 2018, 05:44:20 am
First I wanted to thank all the modders and Efren for all their amazing work.

As a seasoned Xcom player I wanted to introduce my GF to Xcom but also spice things up for me.

I found this mod's theme, time and features to be the exact right mix for both introducing new players to the Xcom formula while also making it more interesting for veteran players such as myself.

Now to the important feedback part:

The mod needs to work on balancing a few things:

- Interceptor planes' fuel is WAY WAY WAY too low. Looking at the files I found them to be around 120-220 for the most part and it was making the game a chore to play. On out first 40 min run we only managed to down 1 (one) single small scout UFO with two bases!

- I suggest at least doubling each of the planes' current fuel capacity.

You see, UNEXCOM being a whole WORLD initiative it is only fair so that all UNEXCOM crafts to refuel on any airport of any supporting country. Since it would be a mess to simulate this you could just increase fuel capacity.

The hard way of doing these would be:

- Increase fuel consumption when crafts are flying over hostile countries while reduce fuel consumption when flying over NATO/RUS countries.


The fuel tank increase addon that you can buy only gives 50 additional fuel capacity which is nothing and barely even noticeable. It should give at least 150 or more fuel capacity specially considering it takes one weapon slot. Right now there is no logical reason to get one over a weapon.

Everything else seems quite balanced but I will be posting more feedback as we play more.

Thanks and keep this UP! Can't wait for version 0.2

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 14, 2018, 07:03:32 am
Hello! Your ideas are great! But the problem is that no such feature exist. Sorry.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 14, 2018, 07:14:23 am
First I wanted to thank all the modders and Efren for all their amazing work.

As a seasoned Xcom player I wanted to introduce my GF to Xcom but also spice things up for me.

I found this mod's theme, time and features to be the exact right mix for both introducing new players to the Xcom formula while also making it more interesting for veteran players such as myself.

Thank you so much, Valmont! It's always nice to heard some nice words. ;D

Now to the important feedback part:

The mod needs to work on balancing a few things:

- Interceptor planes' fuel is WAY WAY WAY too low. Looking at the files I found them to be around 120-220 for the most part and it was making the game a chore to play. On out first 40 min run we only managed to down 1 (one) single small scout UFO with two bases!

I know, it is supposed to be low for the Tier 1 planes. I even made some maths to calculate the most realistic fuel capacity. The Phantom had the worst combat range, some 84~ fuel units. It was almost imposible to use, so I increased it a little.

Try to engage in squadrons of two planes, the MiG-25 Foxbat and the F.6 Lightning are useful to pick up small UFOs. Or you can wait until the UFO slows down to send some bombers/fighters. Be careful, some UFOs actually hunt your crafts.

- I suggest at least doubling each of the planes' current fuel capacity.

- Increase fuel consumption when crafts are flying over hostile countries while reduce fuel consumption when flying over NATO/RUS countries.

Yes, I'm taking this in account. Maybe even  decrease a little the speed of the Scouts, to give Tier 1 UNEXCOM fighters a chance to fight back. Mostly because, their speed it's their real one.

The first researchable planes (after some Alloy research) are an important boost to UNEXCOM air forces, both in terms of combat range and fighting capacity. They are almost done. ;)

The fuel tank increase addon that you can buy only gives 50 additional fuel capacity which is nothing and barely even noticeable. It should give at least 150 or more fuel capacity specially considering it takes one weapon slot. Right now there is no logical reason to get one over a weapon. 

Got it, i'm going to increase that too.

Everything else seems quite balanced but I will be posting more feedback as we play more.

Thanks and keep this UP! Can't wait for version 0.2

Thank you too for playing! Any more feedback and/or suggestions are always welcome. ;D

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 14, 2018, 07:18:27 am
Hello! Your ideas are great! But the problem is that no such feature exist. Sorry.
I'm thinking to ask later Meridian for some kind of "Refuel plane" behavior, I think it would be useful. ???

I hope that he consider it useful enough to add it to OXCE+. *cross fingers*

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 14, 2018, 08:34:21 pm
Thank you so much, Valmont! It's always nice to heard some nice words. ;D

I know, it is supposed to be low for the Tier 1 planes. I even made some maths to calculate the most realistic fuel capacity. The Phantom had the worst combat range, some 84~ fuel units. It was almost imposible to use, so I increased it a little.

Try to engage in squadrons of two planes, the MiG-25 Foxbat and the F.6 Lightning are useful to pick up small UFOs. Or you can wait until the UFO slows down to send some bombers/fighters. Be careful, some UFOs actually hunt your crafts.

Yes, I'm taking this in account. Maybe even  decrease a little the speed of the Scouts, to give Tier 1 UNEXCOM fighters a chance to fight back. Mostly because, their speed it's their real one.

The first researchable planes (after some Alloy research) are an important boost to UNEXCOM air forces, both in terms of combat range and fighting capacity. They are almost done. ;)

Got it, i'm going to increase that too.

Thank you too for playing! Any more feedback and/or suggestions are always welcome. ;D

Thanks for the tips Spartan and we the fans should be the ones thanking you devs and modders for many many hours of not only entertainment and fun but also tactical and management thinking that Xcom tough so many of us.

I tried engaging with two or more planes but the game would not allow me for some reason. (Clicking the top left square icon to minimize the pursuit did not work).

Also, on one ocation I sent my hercules to a landed medium scout and when the hercules was about 50km from the site the UFO went airborne and attacked my Hercules. (It was amazing and scary to realize how reactive and human like the aliens are now!)

I guess it was my fault for not sending an armed escort jet with the Hercules but the bad part was that when the UFO engaged the Hercules I was not able to minimize the interception window (again clicking the top left icon did nothing) so I could not send help and had to just watch for a minute or two how my Hercules was slowly destroyed by the UFO.

I felt desperate and helpless during those minutes and I don't know if that was intended or a miss installation on my part? My GF almost started crying because her soldier was about to die and there was nothing we could do but then I told her about saved games and she got better.  ;)

Also, during the engagement the only options I had were to engage the UFO in long/short range, and since my Hercules had no weapons it would be nice if I had the option to try to Outrun or let go of the UFO like regular interceptors have. This might've been pointless since the Hercules could never really outrun a UFO but at least I would have felt better like I did everything I could. ;D

The only other suggestion I have is that the Sherman Tank looks kinda bad compared to the other units so maybe it could be improved just a little. It looks stretched and kinda out of proportion.

Looking forward the tier 2 jets!

Valmont out!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Dr.Crowley on July 16, 2018, 10:38:58 am
Well, it looks very promising. Keep working, comrade!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 16, 2018, 03:40:57 pm
Thanks for the tips Spartan and we the fans should be the ones thanking you devs and modders for many many hours of not only entertainment and fun but also tactical and management thinking that Xcom tough so many of us.

I tried engaging with two or more planes but the game would not allow me for some reason. (Clicking the top left square icon to minimize the pursuit did not work).

That's weird. This happens more than once?

Also, on one ocation I sent my hercules to a landed medium scout and when the hercules was about 50km from the site the UFO went airborne and attacked my Hercules. (It was amazing and scary to realize how reactive and human like the aliens are now!)

I guess it was my fault for not sending an armed escort jet with the Hercules but the bad part was that when the UFO engaged the Hercules I was not able to minimize the interception window (again clicking the top left icon did nothing) so I could not send help and had to just watch for a minute or two how my Hercules was slowly destroyed by the UFO.

Yep, that were the famous Hunter-Killers. They are already scripted into the campaign, so you will face them since november-december, with more difficult HKs appearing later in the campaign. But sometimes, a loner UFO can turn HK.

When a HK catches you, you can't leave the screen to wait for reinforcements. Most of them, leave the fight when you hurt them about the 50% of their HP.

In my initial test, a single UFO, the feared UFO-13, shooted down all of my squadron: 1 Hercules, 1 Huey, 2 Thunderchief and 1 F.6 Lightning. They are rude.

I felt desperate and helpless during those minutes and I don't know if that was intended or a miss installation on my part? My GF almost started crying because her soldier was about to die and there was nothing we could do but then I told her about saved games and she got better.  ;)

Also, during the engagement the only options I had were to engage the UFO in long/short range, and since my Hercules had no weapons it would be nice if I had the option to try to Outrun or let go of the UFO like regular interceptors have. This might've been pointless since the Hercules could never really outrun a UFO but at least I would have felt better like I did everything I could. ;D

Actually, I think it's possible to out-run a HK, but you need to be faster than the UFO.

The only other suggestion I have is that the Sherman Tank looks kinda bad compared to the other units so maybe it could be improved just a little. It looks stretched and kinda out of proportion.

Yeeeeep, i'm not the best at making sprites haha. I'm working on that. ;)

Looking forward the tier 2 jets!

Valmont out!

I've finished them yesterday. I'm going to release them today or tomorrow. They nearly double the average Tier I stats, are very beautiful. :')

Also expect to find some new guns and a reskin to others. :D

Well, it looks very promising. Keep working, comrade!

Thank you, comrade!

Feel free to give your suggestions. If it fits into the mod, I will (try to) add it. :D

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on July 16, 2018, 09:21:21 pm
Just letting you know...
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 16, 2018, 09:29:02 pm
Just letting you know...
Yes! This bug was reported earlier, thank you, Mitra Lightbringer! Now it's fixed, along some other errors. I'm going to upload the new version today or tomorrow, i'm solving some issues with the new guns. ;D

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 17, 2018, 09:18:43 pm
That's weird. This happens more than once?

Yep, that were the famous Hunter-Killers. They are already scripted into the campaign, so you will face them since november-december, with more difficult HKs appearing later in the campaign. But sometimes, a loner UFO can turn HK.

When a HK catches you, you can't leave the screen to wait for reinforcements. Most of them, leave the fight when you hurt them about the 50% of their HP.

Actually, I think it's possible to out-run a HK, but you need to be faster than the UFO.

I think it is kind of unfair that when we are attacked by a HK we cannot send help (minimize the interception) to prevent our personnel carrier crafts from dying helplessly.  :'( but I also know that it wasn't you the one who created the HK so its behavior is not in your hands.

I will suggest this in the HK mod post here on the forums.

I've finished them yesterday. I'm going to release them today or tomorrow. They nearly double the average Tier I stats, are very beautiful. :')

Also expect to find some new guns and a reskin to others. :D

Feel free to give your suggestions. If it fits into the mod, I will (try to) add it. :D

Can't wait! I will be one of your beta testers ;)
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 17, 2018, 09:44:30 pm
You can send help - attach an escort to your transport before you send it out.  Do you really think an aggressor targeting an unarmed transport will really wait the time it'd take for your interceptor to launch and arrive to help?
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 18, 2018, 02:19:33 am
You can send help - attach an escort to your transport before you send it out.  Do you really think an aggressor targeting an unarmed transport will really wait the time it'd take for your interceptor to launch and arrive to help?

The problem about attaching escorts is the tremendous fuel difference between transports and interceptor crafts making escorting not really viable in this particular mod (it works fine in vanilla because interceptors have 1500+ fuel).

Also, in this particular case the HK intercepted my Hercules/Skyranger very close to my base (~40KM) so my interceptor would have had the time to arrive before the transport was destroyed, you see:

- It was a medium scout and it took at least 60 shots to down my transport each shot taking ~ a second.

- My Hercules would have made 10 Km in those 60 seconds and the Interceptor at 1.400 KM/H would have made 24KM but since they would have been going in opposite directions the chances of arriving in time are +- 4KM.

Of course Xcom is not exactly known for being realistic so we have to factor in the fun factor here and I think many will agree that it can be more fun to have the same functionality (allow minimizing the windows) when intercepting and when being intercepted (HK).

Right now it feels like the Aliens are cheating a little bit.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 18, 2018, 05:47:49 am
You can send help - attach an escort to your transport before you send it out.  Do you really think an aggressor targeting an unarmed transport will really wait the time it'd take for your interceptor to launch and arrive to help?

Yum, tasty un-escorted transports. :9

The problem about attaching escorts is the tremendous fuel difference between transports and interceptor crafts making escorting not really viable in this particular mod (it works fine in vanilla because interceptors have 1500+ fuel).

I think that the new Fuel Tanks (thank you for your suggestion, Valmont!) with 150 extra units will extend the escort range of the fighters/bombers.

Also, in this particular case the HK intercepted my Hercules/Skyranger very close to my base (~40KM) so my interceptor would have had the time to arrive before the transport was destroyed, you see:

Of course Xcom is not exactly known for being realistic so we have to factor in the fun factor here and I think many will agree that it can be more fun to have the same functionality (allow minimizing the windows) when intercepting and when being intercepted (HK).

Right now it feels like the Aliens are cheating a little bit.

One of the main purposes of UNEXCOM is to represent as realistically as possible (without breaking the fun of the game) the disadvantage of the forces of humanity when facing an enemy for which they are not ready. Our airplanes, tanks and armor systems are not designed to stop plasma bolts. Our pilots and soldiers make their best effort to fight an enemy unknown.

But if it is very difficult to face the HKs so early in the game, I could delay their appearance a bit. ???

The Tier II planes will have more similar statistics to the original Interceptor, to rebalance a little the things.

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 18, 2018, 10:56:46 pm

I think that the new Fuel Tanks (thank you for your suggestion, Valmont!) with 150 extra units will extend the escort range of the fighters/bombers.

But if it is very difficult to face the HKs so early in the game, I could delay their appearance a bit. ???

We love the challenge! And with the changes you did to Fuel Tanks and Tier 2 Interceptors it is more than enough so no need to delay their appearance.

La parte que no es agradable es que cuando un HK ataca un transporte lo unico que podemos hacer los jugadores es mirar la pantalla mientras nuestra nave es destruida lentamente. Si tan solo se pudiese minimizar esta ventana y hacer otras cosas mientras la nave es destruida no seria tan desagradable perder una nave. Por ejemplo si un HK esta destruyendo mi Hercules al menos mientras eso ocurre ya puedo planear el contra ataque o la venganza y no mirando una pantallita por 60+ segundos. Es solo una cuestion de jugabilidad mas que de balance.

Por cierto hubo un problema de instalacion de mi parte, habia instalado el mod sobre el Nightly+ OCE+ cuando deberia haber instalado solo OCE+.

Ahora cuando pruebe 0.2 seguro voy a tener menos problemas porque ya solucione lo de la instalacion.

Desde ya muchas gracias por tu tremendo trabajo!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 19, 2018, 04:16:35 am
After a week and a couple of days of delay due to unexpected work, the 0.2a version of UNEXCOM is finally (almost) ready!


This is not the correct version of 0.2, it is a preliminary version. The weapons of the Warsaw Pact and of NATO are still to be added. I had some problems with version 0.2b, so for now, I'll upload this. I hope to solve the problems tomorrow or Friday and update it to the correct version.

* The much needed Tier II aircraft, the XF-108 Rapier fighter and the XB-70 bomber, real aircraft of the time that were canceled due to problems with their development. Well, that was solved and they are ready for action!
* A new weapon that comes with the Valkyrie, the AR-5 rifle. Very light, not so powerful, you can equip it with a fast soldier or a pilot, in replacement of your Colt 45.
* New craft weapon: Alloy Craft Armor. Increase the resistance of your aircraft by 100 points.
* Glitches and bugs found by Alnoaht, Yataka Shimaoka, Mitra Lightbringer and Valmont already resolved. Keep going, Bug Stompers!
* Some new UFOpedia pages and a couple of initial investigations, related to Alien Alloys.

* Repair the errors of the UFOPaedia pages, such as listOrder and texts.
* Add the other Tier I weapons
* Fix errors.
* Add new tanks.
* Add new armors
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 19, 2018, 06:34:53 am

We love the challenge! And with the changes you did to Fuel Tanks and Tier 2 Interceptors it is more than enough so no need to delay their appearance.

The preliminary version of 0.2 is now avaliable, if you want to try the new crafts. :)

La parte que no es agradable es que cuando un HK ataca un transporte lo unico que podemos hacer los jugadores es mirar la pantalla mientras nuestra nave es destruida lentamente. Si tan solo se pudiese minimizar esta ventana y hacer otras cosas mientras la nave es destruida no seria tan desagradable perder una nave. Por ejemplo si un HK esta destruyendo mi Hercules al menos mientras eso ocurre ya puedo planear el contra ataque o la venganza y no mirando una pantallita por 60+ segundos. Es solo una cuestion de jugabilidad mas que de balance.

Por cierto hubo un problema de instalacion de mi parte, habia instalado el mod sobre el Nightly+ OCE+ cuando deberia haber instalado solo OCE+.

Ahora cuando pruebe 0.2 seguro voy a tener menos problemas porque ya solucione lo de la instalacion.

Desde ya muchas gracias por tu tremendo trabajo!

Me parece que el motivo de que no se pueda minimizar, según recuerdo comentaba Meridian, es debido a cuestiones técnicas propias del juego. Y quizá también, por lo que comentaba ohartenstein23. Siempre lleva un escolta en zonas con presencia UFO. Otros transportes podrán llevar armas y sistemas AUX.

Es un gusto encontrar otro hispanohablante en el foro. Gracias por disfrutar mi trabajo, cualquier duda o sugerencia, no dudes en hacerla. :)

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 20, 2018, 02:17:38 am

The preliminary version of 0.2 is now avaliable, if you want to try the new crafts. :)

Me parece que el motivo de que no se pueda minimizar, según recuerdo comentaba Meridian, es debido a cuestiones técnicas propias del juego. Y quizá también, por lo que comentaba ohartenstein23. Siempre lleva un escolta en zonas con presencia UFO. Otros transportes podrán llevar armas y sistemas AUX.

Es un gusto encontrar otro hispanohablante en el foro. Gracias por disfrutar mi trabajo, cualquier duda o sugerencia, no dudes en hacerla. :)

Descargada la nueva version, estuvimos esperandola con mi novia y entrabamos al foro todos los dias, gracias!

Will give you further feedback as always, keep it up to the to do list... I love that your mod is doable and not insane as some other mods that will probably never be really done because of their scopes.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 20, 2018, 03:02:45 am

Descargada la nueva version, estuvimos esperandola con mi novia y entrabamos al foro todos los dias, gracias!

Me sacaste una sonrisa con tu comentario. :')

Will give you further feedback as always, keep it up to the to do list... I love that your mod is doable and not insane as some other mods that will probably never be really done because of their scopes.

Yeah, that's one of the points of the mod!

The corrected v0.2b with the rest of the weapons will be avaliable in the next few days, probably tomorrow. :)

Enviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 20, 2018, 12:27:39 pm

Me sacaste una sonrisa con tu comentario. :')

Y vos nos sacaste muchas sonrisas a nosotros cuando ganamos las misiones casi imposibles que nos pusiste ;)

Yeah, that's one of the points of the mod!

The corrected v0.2b with the rest of the weapons will be avaliable in the next few days, probably tomorrow. :)

My game crashed after two months of in game time, here is the log file:

[20-07-2018_23-38-23]   [WARN]   STR_UNIFORM_WOODLAND not found in en-US
[20-07-2018_23-38-47]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_CRAFT_ARMOR_UC not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-23-11]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_AEROSPACE not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[21-07-2018_02-45-53]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

I was at the geoscape and my Hercules was on its way to a terror mission.

I think the Aircraft Weapons that you can buy are a little bit bugged or perhaps it should appear which plane can use which weapons etc.

Also, there are many different missiles and aircraft weapons but it is really hard to tell which one is the best for any given situation.

Researching the UN/Soviet supports gives nothing as you can buy all the stuff before the research is done anyway.

UFOs are very aggressive and when I go to intercept them in 70% of the time they end up intercepting me :)

Loving the mod so far! But some parts of it seem overly complicated for no reason. There are many aircrafts you can buy but it is hard to tell which one to use since they don't differentiate between them too much.

Perhaps you did that so that players can just choose the plane they like the most and not loose much in the process.

But I think the weapons platforms and the aircraft should have more clear advantages/disadvantages/differences between them like:

- The Thunderchief is old tech but very reliable, it has average stats but its repair takes half the regular time and it is cheap in terms of maintenance.
- The Migs are very good, fast and maneuverable but you can only buy them at your base in Russia and are very expensive to maintain.
Etc. Etc.

- Also, if we are going to need heavy nuclear bombers to down the big UFOs then I think you should reduce the speed of some of the bigger UFOs. Like independence day, the bigger motherships were slow as hell.

- That way the different airplanes will have better and more unique roles: Use the fast and agile Interceptors to down small but fast UFOs or use the cumbersome but heavily armed bombers on the Bigger UFOs that don't move so fast.

Thats it for now, will give you some more feedback later on!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 20, 2018, 01:49:57 pm
The laser sniper rifle floorob sprite kinda needs to be fixed. And then again, the twoHanded: true tag is missing on some of alien guns
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 20, 2018, 09:14:27 pm
Y vos nos sacaste muchas sonrisas a nosotros cuando ganamos las misiones casi imposibles que nos pusiste ;)

My game crashed after two months of in game time, here is the log file:

[20-07-2018_23-38-23]   [WARN]   STR_UNIFORM_WOODLAND not found in en-US
[20-07-2018_23-38-47]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_CRAFT_ARMOR_UC not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-23-11]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_AEROSPACE not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[21-07-2018_02-45-53]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

I was at the geoscape and my Hercules was on its way to a terror mission.

I think the Aircraft Weapons that you can buy are a little bit bugged or perhaps it should appear which plane can use which weapons etc.
Can you send me the previous saved game, before the crash? I'm going to try to reproduce it, to see what provokes it.  ???

Also, there are many different missiles and aircraft weapons but it is really hard to tell which one is the best for any given situation.

Researching the UN/Soviet supports gives nothing as you can buy all the stuff before the research is done anyway.

UFOs are very aggressive and when I go to intercept them in 70% of the time they end up intercepting me :)

Loving the mod so far! But some parts of it seem overly complicated for no reason. There are many aircrafts you can buy but it is hard to tell which one to use since they don't differentiate between them too much.

Perhaps you did that so that players can just choose the plane they like the most and not loose much in the process.

Yes it's correct. The option to choose which super power to ask for help, is to give some variety at the beginning of the game. You can choose to stay with the American weapons and aircraft that are available from the beginning. Or choose the weapons of the NATO or the USSR, without it being a great disadvantage not to choose a particular weapon. Also, to be honest, the 1970s weapons and aircraft are not so different from each other.

I included the investigation of NATO and the USSR so that we can analyze if the time of the investigation is adequate or needs to be reduced.

But I think the weapons platforms and the aircraft should have more clear advantages/disadvantages/differences between them like:

- The Thunderchief is old tech but very reliable, it has average stats but its repair takes half the regular time and it is cheap in terms of maintenance.
- The Migs are very good, fast and maneuverable but you can only buy them at your base in Russia and are very expensive to maintain.
Etc. Etc.

Exactly that is what I have in mind, modify a bit the characteristics of the team of each super power. For example, that the Soviet equipment is cheaper, more powerful, less precise. And that their planes are more expensive to maintain.

Or that the equipment of the NATO is more expensive, its more precise weapons and its cheaper airplanes to rent, for example.

- Also, if we are going to need heavy nuclear bombers to down the big UFOs then I think you should reduce the speed of some of the bigger UFOs. Like independence day, the bigger motherships were slow as hell.

- That way the different airplanes will have better and more unique roles: Use the fast and agile Interceptors to down small but fast UFOs or use the cumbersome but heavily armed bombers on the Bigger UFOs that don't move so fast.

Thats it for now, will give you some more feedback later on!

In the initial phases of development, I contemplated making the UFO aspect more "realistic": lighter = faster and more agile. heavier = slower. Something like Independence Day.

But this brings a problem:

In the initial game, the aircraft are slow, with little combat range and as the campaign progresses, its speed and range increase. So, the Tier II, III and IV planes will be able to catch up with the most advanced UFOs, such as the Battleship, Terror Ship and Lab Ship.

Considering your proposal and my initial ideas, Valmont, it would mean that Tier II, III and IV planes are going to completely tear apart the heavier UFOs, which will not even have the chance to escape. While the fastest UFOs will be harder to reach for Tier I aircraft.

The question is: will this modification break the gameplay?

A small solution that I am working on is to reduce the speed of the Scouts and create a "low tier" version of the Battleship and the Terror Ship that appears relatively early in the campaign and gives a use to the bombers and nuclear missiles, what do you think?

The laser sniper rifle floorob sprite kinda needs to be fixed. And then again, the twoHanded: true tag is missing on some of alien guns

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 20, 2018, 09:57:01 pm
I am sorry I overwrote on the save slot  :'(

Next time I will keep them for you.

A solution to the super Tier IV interceptors is to also lower their speeds to those of the fastests UFOs or perhaps a little slower.

On earth, no matter how big or how many engine HP an Aircraft has, the smaller jets are always faster because of weight/power ratio and also aerodynamics. Huge UFOs can probably be faster in space but on earth, also taking gravity into account, smaller UFOs and Interceptors should be faster.

Big UFOs should also have a minus to dodge so most weapons hit them (as seen in Independence day). But make up for that with incredibly strong shields/hulls =) (Only nuclear weapons can damage them).

I think this mod should go full Independence Day mechanics as those are less gamey than the default Xcom ones. (Besides it would be very refreshing for players!)

Note: On Independence day the small UFOs were a lot faster than earths jets but more so in acceleration than in final speed and they balanced that with very inaccurate "plasma" weapons so the Jets had a chance.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 20, 2018, 10:47:06 pm
I am sorry I overwrote on the save slot  :'(

Next time I will keep them for you.

Thank you! That will be handy.

I think this mod should go full Independence Day mechanics as those are less gamey than the default Xcom ones. (Besides it would be very refreshing for players!)

Note: On Independence day the small UFOs were a lot faster than earths jets but more so in acceleration than in final speed and they balanced that with very inaccurate "plasma" weapons so the Jets had a chance.


Well, you convinced me. I will modify the stats of the UFOs in the next version and we will see if it works!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 20, 2018, 11:14:35 pm
Well, you convinced me. I will modify the stats of the UFOs in the next version and we will see if it works!

Cannot think of a better combination than Xcom, Independence Day and the Cold War. Mix made in heaven!

The best part is that Cold War era was so secretive that anything could've happened so the credibility of all this is very high!

I can help you doing spreadsheet and ufopedia (both in english and spanish) work for you if you want ;)
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 20, 2018, 11:30:59 pm
Cannot think of a better combination than Xcom, Independence Day and the Cold War. Mix made in heaven!

The best part is that Cold War era was so secretive that anything could've happened so the credibility of all this is very high!

I can help you doing spreadsheet and ufopedia (both in english and spanish) work for you if you want ;)

Do you mean "hoja de cálculo" or more like doing sprites? (spritesheet)

How are your sprinting skills? Some handObs and floorObs would be very helpful for Tier I weapons. As you can see, the handObs of some weapons (like the M60) look terrible.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on July 21, 2018, 12:15:49 am
Yeah I meant "Hojas de Calculo" para balancear el mod y rastrear los cambios/progresos.

Lastimosamente mis habilidades para sprites son terribles =(
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on July 21, 2018, 12:46:07 am
Yeah I meant "Hojas de Calculo" para balancear el mod y rastrear los cambios/progresos.

Hahah OK, now I get it. Yes, I'm glad that you want to help. :D

Será más sencillo llevar el control del daño de las armas, gracias!

Lastimosamente mis habilidades para sprites son terribles =(

As same as mine. Actually I consider myself good at making aircrafts, but I suck at making spritesheets for units (both soldier/armor as tanks)

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: efrenespartano on August 01, 2018, 07:08:21 pm
With a slight delay of 10 days (because of a lot of work), version v0.2b is finally ready! (

This version is more complete than the previous one, the listOrders are better organized and the weapons work well.

The problems reported by Alnoaht, Valmont and Yataka Shimaoka were resolved.

Death in the shape of a panzer battalion.

* All Tier I weapons, obtained through some very simple investigations of NATO and USSR. Now every assault rifle features a second special use: M16 uses M203 GL, FN FAL uses Underbarrel .12 Gauge shotgun and AK-47 has a deadly bayonette.
* Shotgun stun shells! Knock out and kidnap those pesky aliens!
* New tanks! 2 Tier I tanks, linked to the same weapons investigations. One fast and light, the other a bit more resistant. (NOTE: I put shielding similar to the real one in the BMD-1, please, tell me if it is too weak to increase it) and a brand new XM22 Legionnaire laser tank, researched after Alloy Manufacturing and Laser Cannon. (Special thanks to alinare for allowing me to use their sprites for the XM22 and the BMD-1 and for their help for the HWP.)
* New investigations of the new types of UFO, obtained through interrogation of Navigators and Engineers.
* Inventories for tanks.
* UFOs are now classified by "classes"! The Large and Very Large are now very slow and have weak weapons, but they have a lot of resistance (Valmont's suggestion, tested by me and by Alnoaht.) The Scouts are slower, to allow the Tier I planes to catch them.
* New handObs for basic weapons! More are coming, one for each weapon.
* New organization of weapons / tanks / etc in the UFOpedia
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2b release!
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 01, 2018, 08:16:53 pm

Lovely tank (the white one), but it really needs some cleanup.

I've already cleaned the other one, use it if you like.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2b release!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 01, 2018, 08:24:50 pm

Lovely tank (the white one), but it really needs some cleanup.

I've already cleaned the other one, use it if you like.

Thank you so much, Solarius! I'm going to use it. ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.1f release
Post by: Valmont on August 02, 2018, 06:17:34 am
With a slight delay of 10 days (because of a lot of work), version v0.2b is finally ready! (

This version is more complete than the previous one, the listOrders are better organized and the weapons work well.

The problems reported by Alnoaht, Valmont and Yataka Shimaoka were resolved.

Death in the shape of a panzer battalion.

* All Tier I weapons, obtained through some very simple investigations of NATO and USSR. Now every assault rifle features a second special use: M16 uses M203 GL, FN FAL uses Underbarrel .12 Gauge shotgun and AK-47 has a deadly bayonette.
* Shotgun stun shells! Knock out and kidnap those pesky aliens!
* New tanks! 2 Tier I tanks, linked to the same weapons investigations. One fast and light, the other a bit more resistant. (NOTE: I put shielding similar to the real one in the BMD-1, please, tell me if it is too weak to increase it) and a brand new XM22 Legionnaire laser tank, researched after Alloy Manufacturing and Laser Cannon. (Special thanks to alinare for allowing me to use their sprites for the XM22 and the BMD-1 and for their help for the HWP.)
* New investigations of the new types of UFO, obtained through interrogation of Navigators and Engineers.
* Inventories for tanks.
* UFOs are now classified by "classes"! The Large and Very Large are now very slow and have weak weapons, but they have a lot of resistance (Valmont's suggestion, tested by me and by Alnoaht.) The Scouts are slower, to allow the Tier I planes to catch them.
* New handObs for basic weapons! More are coming, one for each weapon.
* New organization of weapons / tanks / etc in the UFOpedia

Amazing Release Espartano! Nice to see so many players being hyped by this right now. As a youtuber a few of my fellow comrades are playing this mod right now to evaluate potential streams.

Downloading this right now!

By the way: The new tanks look awesome!

Question: Is a new campaign recommended?
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2b release!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 02, 2018, 06:59:07 am

Amazing Release Espartano! Nice to see so many players being hyped by this right now. As a youtuber a few of my fellow comrades are playing this mod right now to evaluate potential streams.

Whoa! That could be awesome! I'll be very honored to see UNEXCOM on YouTube. Let me know any advances.

Downloading this right now!

By the way: The new tanks look awesome!

Thanks! More are incoming. I'm looking for a better sprite for the Sheridan. Now looks a little bit ugly.

Question: Is a new campaign recommended?

Not really. You can do it if you want. I just recommend to no research the end game tech tree. I'm working in a expanded tech tree which involves a Moon mission before invading Mars.

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2b release!
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on August 02, 2018, 10:30:16 am
Graphical bugs located, holding certain weapons such as the sten(?) Shows incorrect handobs, can't show photos since I just recently wiped my phone, sorry
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2b release!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 03, 2018, 01:00:30 am
Graphical bugs located, holding certain weapons such as the sten(?) Shows incorrect handobs, can't show photos since I just recently wiped my phone, sorry
Sten? Probably M3 Greasegun. ???

I'm going to take a look, Yataka!

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2b release!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 15, 2018, 01:14:31 pm
Hello to everyone!

New version of UNEXCOM available. v0.2c is alive now! (


* All Tier I weapons as well as Tier I tanks have their unique and special sound as well as recharge sounds (this option is not available on Android at the moment), tested by Alnoaht and Marina.
* Two new armor: Bear Riot Armor, equipped with a powerful shield and sawed-off shotgun and Delta EOD Armor, a Juggernaut type armor with a built-in MG3 machine gun, fast and accurate. Obtained after researching USSR / NATO Support and Alloy Manufacturing, as alternatives to Personal Armor.
* New sprites for the XM22 Legionnaire (provided by Solarius Scorch), the M551 Sheridan, the BMD-1. Thanks for reactivating your website, Falko!
* Falcon nuclear missiles now do 500 damage to be able to damage Capital class UFOs.
* You can recover a country infiltrated by aliens after destroying all the alien bases in its territory! (,5932.msg100448.html#msg100448) (this option is not available on Android at the moment)
* The SMGs and LMGs have sprayWaypoints (,6423.0.html), they are useful to clear the terrain.
* Fixed errors with some weapons that crashed the game.
*For new games, I set the Defensive base for startingBase. In my opinion, is very useful.

* ATTENTION: ERRORS FOUND. Detect a crash on a base defense mission, with Tier I and Ethereals weapons. I am working to solve it, but it would be useful if someone else had something similar happened to it, to find out its origin.


*Now I want to go straight for the new space missions. I've lost some advance due technical problems, but the next thing to to is attack the Moon! And then, Mars!
*Also, new sprites for Hovertanks and some armors for the space missions. Any suggestion is welcome!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2c release!
Post by: niculinux on August 15, 2018, 01:34:31 pm
Cool, thanks! I hope to try 0.3 on my cellphone, don't know whether i'll be able anyways!
Title: [WIP][OXCE+] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2c release!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 25, 2018, 12:49:04 pm
Cool, thanks! I hope to try 0.3 on my cellphone, don't know whether i'll be able anyways!

It won't take so long, I promise!

Version v0.3 is coming

With some limited time because of the university, the progress to new version is slow and steady. The new Moon mission is almost complete, along space suits (taken from the great Battle for Mars and the awesome XenoOps), plus a couple of familiar dropships. Includes the Pyramids mod and, of course, the Moon terrain. Suggested by davide, made by new_civilian.

Some bad news: you aren't going to invade Mars (or anything) with the vanilla Avenger, so forget to carry 26 vengeful soldiers to Cydonia.

Some good news: you will have many, many allied troops by your side, some tanks too. I'm testing and playing around with different map sizes, but expect something bigger than vanilla.

Keep suggesting things and providing feedback! Keep endangering species, Bug Stompers!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2c release!
Post by: davide on October 01, 2018, 09:14:36 pm
+10  ;)
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 15, 2018, 08:27:21 am
Hello to everyone!

New version of UNEXCOM available. Download now v0.2d (!



This is a fix update, because in 0.2c the NATO/USSR stuff was unavailable and there was many bugs related to new content. This will fix all of them. 0.3 is still baking on the oven.

*Reduced shields of Capital class UFOs to half (Battleship now has 50 and Troop Transport now has 30)
*Fixed bugs found by IgnisAbentorn, renamed AK-47 to AKM, reemplaced Makarov for Stechkin Automatic Pistol, fixed stats and fire sound.
*Changed FN FAL & M16 M203 alt fire mode from confSnap to confAimed, to avoid reaction fire with underbarrel addons.
*MG3 now has fixed 60 rounds, removed MG3 belt from store. Fixed fatal bug that made unavailable NATO/USSR stuff (Guns, armor, missiles)
*Allied NPC units now use Human weapons, vanilla weapon no longer used. 11 new countries, original codes by MKSheppard (Norway, Benelux, Denmark, Greece, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Ukraine, Peru, Colombia, Poland)
*Updated operationType: 6 to Alien Interception missions, now Hunter Killers take off and land on their bases. (,5717.180.html)

Special thanks to IgnisAbentorn, danielpembrink, garretrgang for their kind words and useful feedback at  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on October 15, 2018, 06:34:07 pm
Tried v0.2d with no other mods and I get the following error message, see attached.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 16, 2018, 02:00:00 am
Tried v0.2d with no other mods and I get the following error message, see attached.

Thanks for the feedback, SIMON! Seems that some broken research (Alien Capital Ships when interrogating a Cerebreal Engineer) caused the crash. I'm going to fix it! :D

--- posts merged ---

Tried v0.2d with no other mods and I get the following error message, see attached.

Thanks for the feedback, SIMON! Seems that some broken research (Alien Capital Ships when interrogating a Cerebreal Engineer) caused the crash. I'm going to fix it! :D

Fixed! Simply replace the corresponding file within user/mods/UNEXCOM/Ruleset.

Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: luke83 on October 20, 2018, 04:04:06 am
Fixed! Simply replace the corresponding file within user/mods/UNEXCOM/Ruleset.

Perhaps i am doing something wrong but i tried replacing the file located in UNEXCOM\standard\xcom1\Reaserch.rul with the new one but i get an error.  I then noticed the 2 files are very different sizes ( and the new one is the smaller one), not sure if i am copying this to the wrong directory of if i am meant to know how to merge the 2 files...Sorry to sound like a idiot, but last time i was on here there was only 1 Extremely long ruleset file for everything, now its all been broken down into smaller ( and more friendly) files and i am not sure if i am doing something wrong.
Title: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 20, 2018, 04:15:24 am
Perhaps i am doing something wrong but i tried replacing the file located in UNEXCOM\standard\xcom1\Reaserch.rul with the new one but i get an error.  I then noticed the 2 files are very different sizes ( and the new one is the smaller one), not sure if i am copying this to the wrong directory of if i am meant to know how to merge the 2 files...Sorry to sound like a idiot, but last time i was on here there was only 1 Extremely long ruleset file for everything, now its all been broken down into smaller ( and more friendly) files and i am not sure if i am doing something wrong.


It's such an honor that you decided to try UNEXCOM, Luke! :') Thank you!

It's easier, comrade. You need to apply the small patch directly into the Ruleset folder in the mod folder. The file that you overwrite was the original xcom1 research.rul

You need to go inside the user folder, then into mods, then UNEXCOM and finally into Ruleset. Remplace the research_UNEXCOM.rul with the quickfix provided.

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: Dioxine on October 20, 2018, 05:17:44 am
Fixed! Simply replace the corresponding file within user/mods/UNEXCOM/Ruleset.

It is a good habit to at least try launching your mod before publishing it. Sure, mistakes happen, but it is even better habit to try if your hotfix works before posting it... (it still crashes on launch, still because of some non-existent research topics).
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 20, 2018, 05:32:25 am
It is a good habit to at least try launching your mod before publishing it. Sure, mistakes happen, but it is even better habit to try if your hotfix works before posting it... (it still crashes on launch, still because of some non-existent research topics).

Humm, that's weird. :o It was supposed to fix a crash related with some research topics. I'm rushing to release 0.3 with all of the fixes.

Do you have any crash log at hand? To see any potential reason.

Thanks for the feedback, Dioxine! ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: Dioxine on October 20, 2018, 06:26:04 am
The reason is pretty obvious, it is displayed when you try launching the game...

Also, when I fixed these and tried playing, it crashed when my first soldier died due to the lack of corpse item for combat armor.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2d release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 20, 2018, 10:17:07 am
Hello there!

New version of UNEXCOM available. Download now v0.2e! (


*Fixed crash related to broken Alien research during Interrogations (Found by SIMON, thanks!)
*Fixed fatal crash related to trash code in unavailable research that made impossible to start game. Fixed crash with UN Combat Armor. (Found by Dioxine and luke83, thank you!)
*Fixed missing NATO/USSR CraftWeapons topics.

These crashes were mostly caused by the new OXCE v5.1 and its new format and some trash code left behind without notice. It's very strict now and these bugs haven't pop-up until now.

Please, update as soon as possible!
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Dioxine on October 20, 2018, 08:48:42 pm
I gotta complement the mod on how it builds up 1970s ambience. But to that end, it needs more 1970s music, not just in the main menu :)
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 20, 2018, 09:26:03 pm
I gotta complement the mod on how it builds up 1970s ambience. But to that end, it needs more 1970s music, not just in the main menu :)

Haha I'm glad you like it. ;D

One of the first things I planed to add was a good soundtrack, but I don't want to make you sick for listening The Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, etc so many times.

But to get more into the 1970s feeling, I'm going to add a new soundtrack in the next update.

If you have any song that would you like to hear in Battlescape/Geoscape, let me know!

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Dioxine on October 21, 2018, 12:09:37 am
To avoid too much repetition, I would seek for remixes, like these done by Ninja Tunes.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Stoddard on October 21, 2018, 05:00:06 am
Well, for the Vietnam War era, you can't err by basing it on Apocalypse Now soundtrack and/or something like this (, the playlist is there in the first comment.

EDIT: and idk, maybe the original Blues Brothers track would happen to fit, but that's mostly blues and late 70s iirc
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 21, 2018, 08:49:25 am
To avoid too much repetition, I would seek for remixes, like these done by Ninja Tunes.

A really nice page! Any song in particular?

Well, for the Vietnam War era, you can't err by basing it on Apocalypse Now soundtrack and/or something like this (, the playlist is there in the first comment.

EDIT: and idk, maybe the original Blues Brothers track would happen to fit, but that's mostly blues and late 70s iirc

That video was the first I consider for the soundtrack! ;D

The idea about Apocalypse Now is very good, I'm going to check if any song could be useful. Platoon OST is a good option too. Even Battlefield Vietnam.

The Blues Brothers sounds great, but they started in 1976. A nice band, as well.

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 21, 2018, 12:58:19 pm
If we're talking movie classics, then there's also the Forrest Gump OST.
And maybe Bob Dylan for the Memorial screen? :P
Title: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 21, 2018, 08:48:16 pm
If we're talking movie classics, then there's also the Forrest Gump OST.
And maybe Bob Dylan for the Memorial screen? :P

Hey! How could I forget Forrest Gump? It has one of the greatest soundtrack ever!

About Bob Dylan, mi fav song is Knocking on Heaven's Door. I'm thinking about adding it as the Memorial... even when it was released in 1973... 7u7

Do you have any song in mind, Solarius?

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Anon011 on October 23, 2018, 01:23:52 am
Speaking of 'Nam times music, there is just so much to choose from.
I'd like to suggest few, maybe less known today but still nonetheless classics like
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield - Mr Soul
Country Joe & The Fish - Flying High,
Cream - I Feel Free
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Ohio
Deep Purple - Hush
Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood
Eric Burdon & The Animals - Monterey
Gordon Lightfoot - Black Day in July
The Animals - We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place, The Animals - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom

etc... etc... i could go on and on 'coz 'nam era music is my jam. I can upload said songs if you wish so, but i recommend you to give them a listen regardless if they will be used in a mod or not because they are just good songs.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 23, 2018, 01:35:54 am
Speaking of 'Nam times music, there is just so much to choose from.
I'd like to suggest few, maybe less known today but still nonetheless classics like
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield - Mr Soul
Country Joe & The Fish - Flying High,
Cream - I Feel Free
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Ohio
Deep Purple - Hush
Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood
Eric Burdon & The Animals - Monterey
Gordon Lightfoot - Black Day in July
The Animals - We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place, The Animals - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom

etc... etc... i could go on and on 'coz 'nam era music is my jam. I can upload said songs if you wish so, but i recommend you to give them a listen regardless if they will be used in a mod or not because they are just good songs.

Whoa! A great list, it seems. I'll listen carefully all of them too, to decide what could be useful! Thanks for sharing, Anon011!

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Verontrix on November 18, 2018, 09:40:20 pm
I have some minor quality of life improvement suggestions fore you to think over.

A minor problem I had with this mod is that it is difficult to tell what weapons each ship can carry. Because each slot is called "Weapon slot 1," "Weapon slot 2," etc...
However this does not need to be the case, it is possible to change what you call each weapon
'I added these to the YAMML

I then modified each crafts weapon_strings, assigning the relevent string to each craft.

For the phantom I used:

      - STR_CRAFT_CANNON_ONE  #covers cannons/gattling guns weapons 0,1
      - STR_CRAFT_LIGHT_MISSLE_ONE #light missles, weapon 2
      - STR_CRAFT_LIGHT_MISSLE_TWO #light missles, weapon 2
      - STR_CRAFT_MULTI_PURPOSE #weapons 2,3,5.

I think this improves gameplay as it makes it easy to see in a glance what each and every craft uses.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on November 19, 2018, 07:49:07 am
I have some minor quality of life improvement suggestions fore you to think over.

A minor problem I had with this mod is that it is difficult to tell what weapons each ship can carry. Because each slot is called "Weapon slot 1," "Weapon slot 2," etc...
However this does not need to be the case, it is possible to change what you call each weapon
'I added these to the YAMML

I think this improves gameplay as it makes it easy to see in a glance what each and every craft uses.

Such a great idea, Verontrix! I'll add it with the new update 0.3. Thank you so much for sharing it.
And if you don't mind, I would like to use them with my other project, The Great War of the Worlds.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Verontrix on November 24, 2018, 08:43:45 pm
Feel free to,

I have another suggestion,

One problem with Unexcom as it currently stands In my opinion is light/medium missiles become useless once you get laser cannons. As Laser cannons have more accuracy, do more damage, and have a longer range then all of hte light/medium missles.

I have 2 suggestions on how to improve air combat
1) non-ufo type craft should only be able to use short range cannon equivalent versions of laser/plasma beam weapons. (the pulse plasma/laser weapons). Giving UFOs an advanatge over non-UFOs
laser cannons (as they rae a cannon type weapon) should do about ~ 45 damage and have a range of 15-20 with a fire rate of 4-7  second reload time (making it a better version of cannon weapons, but still comparable to cannon weapons with both a longer range and more damage).
plasma pulse weapons should do around 60-70 damage and have a similar range, maybe a little longer, with a slower fire rate of 7-16 seconds a shot.

This makes your ships much worse against enemy air craft, as they now have to get closer to deal damage, and deal a lot less damage per shot, which leads to why sugestion 2 makes sense

2) suggestion add mkII and mkIII variants of missles.

mkII should have be more accurate and have a longer range and damage then mkI missles.
(Enough damage to get past the shields of larger alien space craft, say 50-70 damage for sidewinders).
mkII missles should be built using alien alloys, which due to its significantly higher strength per weight ratio allows your mkIIs to be both lighter and more deadly to enemy vessels.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on November 24, 2018, 09:56:08 pm
Feel free to,

I have another suggestion,

One problem with Unexcom as it currently stands In my opinion is light/medium missiles become useless once you get laser cannons. As Laser cannons have more accuracy, do more damage, and have a longer range then all of hte light/medium missles.

I have 2 suggestions on how to improve air combat

Thank you so much for your suggestions, Verontrix, you help me in making this mod better.

I'll definitely add both of them. ;D

The 2nd suggestion actually is planned into 0.3, but due some problem with the storage of my laptop, many files and folders got lost, including parts of other projects. I had to start all over again with the new Tier II-III Crafts Weapons and some new missions, the most importantly the end game research. I could recover some files from Drive and I'm working again. Slowly, but working. Thanks for your patience:)

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on December 03, 2018, 04:25:23 pm
Oh, you put me in the credits. Thank you. I haven't been around X-com some time now, so I came to see how mod is progressing, and to play with it a bit. When is 0.3 coming out?
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on December 03, 2018, 05:32:52 pm
Oh, you put me in the credits. Thank you. I haven't been around X-com some time now, so I came to see how mod is progressing, and to play with it a bit. When is 0.3 coming out?

Hi, Mitra! I'm glad you came back.

I have slowly recovered the resources lost a couple of weeks ago. Since this is the final week of my semester, I can have version 0.3 ready in a couple of weeks :) If you have any suggestions, do not hesitate to do it. :D

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on December 04, 2018, 11:25:29 am
I'm afraid I might just repeat what you already know, so I think I will wait for v0.3 to release, and then give you some suggestions. I can't wait to see what you have in the store for us, I have played this mod since the first (shared) version.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on December 04, 2018, 04:52:34 pm
I'm afraid I might just repeat what you already know, so I think I will wait for v0.3 to release, and then give you some suggestions. I can't wait to see what you have in the store for us, I have played this mod since the first (shared) version.

Great! Hopefully, it will be a more complete version, I'll upload some pics soon:)

Thank you for your patience and for playing UNEXCOM, Mitra Lightbringer. ;D

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Title: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 13, 2019, 02:32:34 pm
Hello there!

Finally I got some time to work full time on my projects again. I've been almost a mont ways from a PC.  :o On this occasion and at the request of several beta-testers (including Thunder_andr, in I have greatly expanded the list of weapons. On this time, the showcase of NATO's weapons. At the beginning and compared to the list of US weapons, NATO had relatively few guns.

The list has expanded to include several types of weapons for each faction, now all will share the same type of weapon.

NATO Weapon List:


*Assault Rifle: FN FAL with Underbarrel 12. gauge shotgun
*Carbine: SIG SG 510-A Carbine
*Pistol: Beretta 92 FS
*LMG: Bren
*Sniper: H&K PSG-1
*Heavy Support: M1919 30. Cal MG
*Artillery: Carl Gustaf M2


Since this will be a major update, I'm working on various areas of the mod.

It was necessary to complete all the planes of the mod, we need the last two Tier, so I have been working on the fighters, the bombers, the satellites and the transports. Now a test of the new combat aircraft. Since I'm working a bit of everything, I still do not have the version ready for ingame photos, since the rulesets are full of unfinished codes.

These new crafts are the Saab J73 Draken, a swedish interceptor. With stats slightly lower than the F.6 Lightning, but cheaper.

The following two are based on Xenonauts aircraft: the XF-38 Crusader fighter and the XB-90 Samurai bomber. You get them at the same time what you would get a Firestorm vanilla, but more powerful than that plane. Faster and agile, they are a worthy opponent to UFO Interceptors.

Throughout the days I will continue uploading images of what will come in version 0.3. :D
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on January 24, 2019, 07:16:58 am
Time to test this mod out again. I'm glad you've continued this mod and so was your other projects with alinare, hope the two of you achieve what tasks you seek
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 24, 2019, 09:38:59 am
Time to test this mod out again. I'm glad you've continued this mod and so was your other projects with alinare, hope the two of you achieve what tasks you seek

Thank you for your kind words, Yakaka. I'm glad that you came back!

 I'm about to release a thematic soundtrack (made from music of the Vietnam War era, discussed earlier on this topic) probably by Friday. I've worked on it all the week, it will set the mod more into the 70's.

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on January 25, 2019, 12:43:49 pm
As usual, the mod is great, however like before, I've spotted some visual not so obvious visual glitch with either the M16 or the UN armor. If you look closely, there appears to be a suspicious floating dot while moving. Seen it multiple of times now so just a heads up :)
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 25, 2019, 04:21:56 pm
As usual, the mod is great, however like before, I've spotted some visual not so obvious visual glitch with either the M16 or the UN armor. If you look closely, there appears to be a suspicious floating dot while moving. Seen it multiple of times now so just a heads up :)

Yes, seems that I made the handOb of the M16 (I think this issue is the same with the XM21 sniper) larger than it should be, I'm going to fix it.

All most of the Tier I weapons now have an unique handOb and floorOb sprite, to match better with its bigOb, I'm going to check them to fix potential issues like the M16/XM21 hand sprites.

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 28, 2019, 06:59:50 am
it needs more 1970s music, not just in the main menu :)

Well, for the Vietnam War era, you can't err by basing it on Apocalypse Now soundtrack

And maybe Bob Dylan for the Memorial screen? :P

Speaking of 'Nam times music, there is just so much to choose from.
etc... etc... i could go on and on 'coz 'nam era music is my jam. I can upload said songs if you wish so, but i recommend you to give them a listen regardless if they will be used in a mod or not because they are just good songs.

Hello everyone!

I've wanted to make this soundtrack for several months and just recently I took the time to do it. I hope you enjoy it, I did it with a lot of effort.

Special thanks to each and every one of those who collaborated in the creation of this soundtrack, say Alinare, KYIV98, Dioxine, Stoddard, Solarius Scorch & Anon011.

To install it, you simply have to download the file, unzip inside the installation folder of your UNEXCOM mod or the mod of your preference.
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: whisper micmillon on January 30, 2019, 09:45:02 am
Hey there I am loving your mod but whenever I try to load a new game I keep getting this crash I was hoping you could fix this issue  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom UFO Defense\user\mods\UNEXCOM/Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/PlasmaArrayBB.png: OpenXcom is supporting only 8bit graphic
More details here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom UFO Defense\user\openxcom.log
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 30, 2019, 11:14:01 pm
Hey there I am loving your mod but whenever I try to load a new game I keep getting this crash I was hoping you could fix this issue  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom UFO Defense\user\mods\UNEXCOM/Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/PlasmaArrayBB.png: OpenXcom is supporting only 8bit graphic
More details here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom UFO Defense\user\openxcom.log

Hi, whisper micmillon! It is a great joy that you are enjoying the mod. Thanks for the feedback.  ;D

An apology for the error, had not previously appeared. It has been fixed in the main build (next v0.3), but to not make you wait any longer, here is the fix. I arranged the folders so that you just have to unzip the "UNEXCOM" folder inside your own installation of the mod. In case you prefer to do it manually, it is the same folder indicated in the openxcom.log file, UNEXCOM/Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/

Let me know if you need another thing. :D
Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: whisper micmillon on January 31, 2019, 01:03:38 am
Hi, whisper micmillon! It is a great joy that you are enjoying the mod. Thanks for the feedback.  ;D

An apology for the error, had not previously appeared. It has been fixed in the main build (next v0.3), but to not make you wait any longer, here is the fix. I arranged the folders so that you just have to unzip the "UNEXCOM" folder inside your own installation of the mod. In case you prefer to do it manually, it is the same folder indicated in the openxcom.log file, UNEXCOM/Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/

Let me know if you need another thing. :D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Will do but thank you tho I have to ask do you have any plans for a discord sever? That could be a great was of interacting with the community. ^^
Title: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 31, 2019, 02:10:13 am
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Will do but thank you tho I have to ask do you have any plans for a discord sever? That could be a great was of interacting with the community. ^^

It's a very good idea!

I'm going to download Discord and make a server. ;)
Then, share the link here.

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Title: Re: [WIP][OXCE] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on July 01, 2019, 08:07:55 pm
Wow, it's actually been a long time since the last update.

UNEXCOM comes back to life. We are counting down for the Anniversary!

After several technical problems, with real life and devoting more attention and time to the other two projects in which I participate (OXC Factions and The Great War of the Worlds), in the Inventorum Develompent Team we have decided to release the long-awaited version, although this time, it will be a jump from v0.2e to v1.0!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Will do but thank you tho I have to ask do you have any plans for a discord sever? That could be a great was of interacting with the community. ^^

Thanks to Luke83, the UNEXCOM channel on the IDT server is functional. I leave the link below.

Below a little showcase of what's in the new Anniversary version.
There has been a redesign of many aspects of the game. In collaboration with Luke83, we present the X-72 Orion Sub-Orbital Transport!

Jump into battle in drop pods launched from the Earth's low orbit. Land in the heart of the enemy. This method of deployment ensures faster response times, although there is no heavy vehicle transport capacity. 8 fully equipped hardcore, I-ate-aliens-for-lunch soldiers and a supply pod will bring death from above.

Title: Re: [OXCE] [WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 21, 2019, 08:02:27 am
Try the new ballistic weapons! For reasons that the main UNEXCOM installation is quite outdated (it is almost 10 months old) and we are working on rebuilding it, we split this mini-update to avoid all of the WIP stuff.

In the meantime, we invite you to try the new guns in a standalone mod. It includes all new weapons, divided into categories, as well as Alex_D's new UH-1 Huey helicopter!

We have disabled all research for ease of use. ;)

Use the weapons as you like! Send us all your feedback, help improve the weapons!

Join the I.D.T. Server to download this test-mod, as new features and the newest stuff from all of our mods!

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Title: Re: [OXCE] [WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 28, 2019, 01:55:59 am
We continue with the testing of the new ballistic weapons, the errors of last week have been corrected and we have added new sprites for the M16/M203, XM117 and M16A1, made by Andr.

Also, the  new unrandomized wounds script made by Kzer-Za ( is applied to the shotguns, LMGs and melee items! The more damage you do, the more wounds you make!

What's next? Continue updating the UNEXCOM rulesets to release a playable update with the new versions of OXCE. Then release the ballistic weapons and then focus on the planes and tech-tree endgame.

Join us at the Inventorum Development Team Discord, where you can try new updates and patches earlier!

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Title: Re: [OXCE] [WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.2e release!
Post by: efrenespartano on September 27, 2019, 01:50:22 am
A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v.0.7.2 Vendetta Burns Inside is alive now, resurrected from death (

What's new in this update?

Changes made:
* Updated to OXCE v.5.6.2, all of the crashing sprite indexes are working now.
* Added a brand new Ammo system. Now, instead of "Rifle + Rifle clip", weapons share the same ammo magazines. Now, you can share the mags of your AKM assault rifle with your RPKS light machine gun. Please, read the weapon's UFOPedia entry to see the ammo used by the gun in question.
* Added new weapon classes, each with its own playstyle: Pistols, Rifles, Carbines, SMG, Shotguns, Snipers, Artillery, LMG.
* Added new itemCategories to quickly find weapons: Ammo, USA, NATO, USSR, UNEXCOM, Civilian, Special Forces and Mercenary.
* Reworked Tier 1 BallisticWeapons
* Fixed issues by Andr, Blood Angel Tactical Marine, SG_Barton & DarkDust found on earlier Discord Previews.
* New soldierTypes: Special Forces Operator and Mercenary, unlockable after researching all of World Powers Support
* New Special Forces and Mercenary BallisticWeapons: MAT-49, Sawed-off Shotgun (modified from sprite made by Dioxine), Sawed-off M79 Thumper, Combat Knife and craftable variants of XM117 and FN FAL (you can mount a scope or a grenade launcher)
* Brand new starting game. Now you have some civilian weapons, a Huey and a Hercules, plus a few craft rocket launcher and Vulcan cannon. You should start asking the World Powers (USA, NATO, USSR) for additional support.
* New NATO Fighter options, you can choose between a fast fighter, a nimble fighter (drawn by Andr) or a heavy fighter. Choosing one disables the other two options.
* Balanced and fixed Plasma Weapons, by The Reaver of Darkness
* New Hercules Paradrop map
* New Huey map, made by Alex_D
* New Tier 2 crafts: VTOL Hind (map made by Alex_D) and Recon Satellite Atalaya
* Added new extraStrings to the aircraft weapon slots, now is easier to know what kind of weapon goes in what plane.
* Added new ranking system, Soldiers and Pilots have different rank badges and names. Pilots are better paid when they get a promotion.
* Pilots now have a better armor, more like the flight suit a fighter pilot would wear (stats fixed by The Reaver of Darkness)
* Now all terrains and alienDeployments have allied NPCs fighting along UNEXCOM. Depending on the size of the UFO, it is the number of allies that will appear. Allies vary from terrain to terrain (farmers Farmlands, on soldiers in the Jungle, Forest, etc). Police forces are now fixed to spawn on cities (between 4 and 10)
* New allied NPCs: Police SWAT (sprite by Hobbes), Female Farmer and Male Farmer (sprites by Solarius Scorch
* Overall ruleset & resources rework

It took longer than expected, but is finally here. Our beta-testers are hunting down bugs and issues, don't forget to report your feedback!

The screenshots below were taken by me running UNEXCOM on LG Stylus 3 with Android 7 (black bar) and taken by SG_Barton on Xiomi redmi 5 plus with Android 8.1 (white bar)

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Gfixcom on September 27, 2019, 09:39:02 pm
The mod right now crashes on me at startup without any error message.

Last strings in log:
[27-09-2019_21-36-20]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[27-09-2019_21-36-20]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[27-09-2019_21-36-20]   [INFO]   - UNEXCOM v0.7.2
[27-09-2019_21-36-21]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[27-09-2019_21-36-22]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... Font.dat
[27-09-2019_21-36-22]   [INFO]   Lazy loading: 1
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on September 27, 2019, 09:49:50 pm
Seems to work fine for me using latest oxce 5.62-see attached

Edit by Meridian: attachment removed (reason: contained original UFO data)
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on September 27, 2019, 09:58:28 pm

The mod right now crashes on me at startup without any error message.

Last strings in log:
[27-09-2019_21-36-20]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[27-09-2019_21-36-20]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[27-09-2019_21-36-20]   [INFO]   - UNEXCOM v0.7.2
[27-09-2019_21-36-21]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[27-09-2019_21-36-22]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... Font.dat
[27-09-2019_21-36-22]   [INFO]   Lazy loading: 1

What version of OXCE are you using, mate?

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Meridian on September 27, 2019, 09:59:31 pm
Seems to work fine for me using latest oxce 5.62-see attached

Such files don't belong into forum attachments... especially when they contain original UFO data.

Please remove!
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Gfixcom on September 27, 2019, 11:05:08 pm

What version of OXCE are you using, mate?

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OXCE 5.6.2 on MacOS.

By the way, I just noticed that I had lazy loading enabled. With it disabled I get a million errors about incorrect transparent colors in image files and finally some fatal missing files:

[27-09-2019_23-10-11]   [INFO]   Lazy loading: 0
[27-09-2019_23-10-11]   [INFO]   Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[27-09-2019_23-10-11]   [WARN]   Image Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/PlasmaArrayBB.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[27-09-2019_23-10-12]   [WARN]   Image Resources/Units/MALE_CIVILIAN6.PNG (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 1 instead of 0
[27-09-2019_23-10-12]   [WARN]   Image Resources/BallisticWeapons/CombatArmor/Inventory/man_4m0.gif (from SDL) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[27-09-2019_23-10-12]   [WARN]   Image Resources/BallisticWeapons/CombatArmor/Inventory/man_4m1.gif (from SDL) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[27-09-2019_23-10-12]   [FATAL]   FileRecord::at(Resources/Soldiers/PilotArmor/INVENTORY/MAN_5F3.png): requested file not found.
[27-09-2019_23-10-12]   [ERROR]   FileRecord::at(Resources/Soldiers/PilotArmor/INVENTORY/MAN_5F3.png): requested file not found.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on September 27, 2019, 11:17:29 pm
OXCE 5.6.2 on MacOS.
Have you tried to make a clean OXCE installation?

I tested the new update on various Windows laptops (using Win7 and Win10) and Android phones (using Android 5.1, 7.0 and 8.1) and worked on all of them. But unfortunately I don't have any MacOS device to test by myself. :(

Also, are you using the zipped mod folder or uncompressed?

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Meridian on September 27, 2019, 11:21:16 pm
MacOS is probably case-sensitive, so it doesn't recognize the INVENTORY directory, because it's actually called Inventory.

However worse news as this simple fix is that Mac doesn't read 8bit GIFs well and this mod has a lot of them, so even if you fix the case issue(s), a lot of images may end up black or random noise. At least that happened last time I tried.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on September 27, 2019, 11:27:05 pm
MacOS is case-sensitive, so it doesn't recognize the INVENTORY directory, because it's actually called Inventory.

However worse news as this simple fix is that Mac doesn't read 8bit GIFs well and this mod has a lot of them, so even if you fix the case issue(s), a lot of images may end up black or random noise.
Ah, good to know!

I'll convert all of the .gif images to .png to avoid further issues on MacOS. Thanks for the tip, Meridian.

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Gfixcom on September 27, 2019, 11:39:00 pm
MacOS is probably case-sensitive, so it doesn't recognize the INVENTORY directory, because it's actually called Inventory.

However worse news as this simple fix is that Mac doesn't read 8bit GIFs well and this mod has a lot of them, so even if you fix the case issue(s), a lot of images may end up black or random noise. At least that happened last time I tried.

Actually MacOS (if it has the default APFS file system, as is the case in my instance and I guess 99 percent of other users) is case-insensitive by default, has been for many years, as opposed to Linux.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Meridian on September 27, 2019, 11:44:05 pm
Actually MacOS (if it has the default APFS file system, as is the case in my instance and I guess 99 percent of other users) is case-insensitive by default, has been for many years, as opposed to Linux.

If so, then check if the file from the log is really missing... and reinstall the mod if it is.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Gfixcom on September 27, 2019, 11:48:21 pm
If so, then check if the file from the log is really missing... and reinstall the mod if it is.

The file is indeed missing, and it is missing in the mod itself (which i re-downloaded).
I've created the file (copied another one from the same folder) and now I have a new error.

[27-09-2019_23-49-53]   [FATAL]   FileRecord::at(Resources/Coherency/CraftWeapon/LaserArrayUfopedia.gif): requested file not found.
[27-09-2019_23-49-53]   [ERROR]   FileRecord::at(Resources/Coherency/CraftWeapon/LaserArrayUfopedia.gif): requested file not found.

Probably not the last file missing. Actually the whole folder is missing.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on September 27, 2019, 11:51:06 pm

OXCE 5.6.2 on MacOS.

[27-09-2019_23-10-12]   [FATAL]   FileRecord::at(Resources/Soldiers/PilotArmor/INVENTORY/MAN_5F3.png): requested file not found.
[27-09-2019_23-10-12]   [ERROR]   FileRecord::at(Resources/Soldiers/PilotArmor/INVENTORY/MAN_5F3.png): requested file not found.

My bad, I didn't see the rest of your message.

Yes, I'm aware of this particular issue. Is related to Asian female Pilot, the file isn't on it's respective folder. I'll release a patch update this weekend with this and other bugs fixed. Meanwhile, you can quickfix it copying and renaming another female pilot inventory paperdoll "MAN_5F3.png".

Thanks for your report, Gfixcom!

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Gfixcom on September 27, 2019, 11:54:15 pm
Yes, I'm aware of this particular issue. Is related to Asian female Pilot, the file isn't on it's respective folder. I'll release a patch update this weekend with this and other bugs fixed. Meanwhile, you can quickfix it copying and renaming another female pilot inventory paperdoll "MAN_5F3.png".

I did that, but there are other files missing still. I will wait for the update!
Thank you for your work, I really liked the previous version and I'm sure this one will be even better when I will be able to run it! :)
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on September 28, 2019, 05:19:28 pm
Wow, the mod has improved A lot than I remember. I gotta keep up with all of these somehow, and hopefully I can assist with some bug hunts. Anyways, always keep up the good work efrenespartano!
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on October 01, 2019, 12:15:43 am
A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v.0.7.3 Vendetta Burns Inside is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Changes made:
* Fixed isued related to wrongly defined startingBase that caused a crash on Base Defense (Special thanks to Meridian, Warboy, SupSuper and Luke83, who had the patience to sit down and take a look)
* Fixed missing Pilot paperdoll MAN5_F3
* Fixed issue with FN FAL not appearing on Starting Base
* Fixed issue with missing USA Support image
* Fixed issue with F-4 Phantom and F-104 Starfighter
* Mercenary troopers now have their own uniform designed (was the Special Forces Uniform)
* Added random Operation names (only on OXCE v5.6.4)
* Added random Base names (only on OXCE v5.6.4)
* Tweaked Pilot stats, by The Reaver of Darkness
* QoL changes:
   - Custom categories now used on Store
   - Less aliens will appear on Base Defense if alien transport was damaged by Base defenses
* Fixed issue with wrong craft weapons list on Starfighter
* Added new handObs, floorObs and bigObs to FN FSC and variants
* Fixed issues related to slow firing bullets and ammo without hitSound on many weapons
* Improved UNEXCOM basic Combat Uniform, women uses now berets and men uses helmets, improved battlescape sprites.
* New Hercules Paradrop map, now can carry 14 soldiers or 10 soldiers and one tank. Made by efrenespartano with help of The Reaver of Darkness
* New Backgrounds, to set the more more on the Cold War and the late Vietnam War
* Now Special Forces Support and Mercenary Support disables the other, if you choose one of them. Each research path have their own weapons and on future updates will have their unique missions.
* Reorganized startingBase to better distribute UN supplied weapons on starting craft
* New Police inventory paperdolls, made by Warboy
* Fixed KS23 Heavy Shotgun fire sound, noted by Meridian

Thank you for your work, I really liked the previous version and I'm sure this one will be even better when I will be able to run it! :)

Wow, the mod has improved A lot than I remember. I gotta keep up with all of these somehow, and hopefully I can assist with some bug hunts. Anyways, always keep up the good work efrenespartano!

Thanks a lot, folks! We are working to make the mod better each update. Don't forget to report any issue, sometimes we spend more time making new features than playing.

Join us at the Inventorum Development Team Discord, where you can try new updates and patches earlier!

The screenshots below were taken using OXCE v5.6.2 running UNEXCOM v0.7.3 on LG Stylus 3 with Android 7.0


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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.2 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on October 11, 2019, 07:29:54 pm
Hello there!

UNEXCOM v. Vendetta Burns Inside is ready now! (

What's new in this update?

Well, actually I posted the update yesterday and a few hours later, a quick patchfix to solve some Fatal crashes.
*We're still working on reworking the early game. Now the United Nations provides you with two Swedish J29 Tunnan aircraft fully equipped to face the UFOs while you get support from the World Superpowers. But you can't buy any more, so take care of them.

*In addition, decisions now carry a lot of weight. You can choose between asking for help from NATO or the USSR, but only one at a time, because the other permanent faction will withdraw its offer of support. In addition, the USSR offers several options to equip you with fighters (just like NATO), being able to choose between the expensive and powerful MiG-25 Foxbat or the light and cheap MiG-21 Fishbed. Likewise, choosing one option disables the other.

*The UN provides you with the FV701 Ferret at the beginning of the game instead of NATO. The European alliance now equips you with the FV601 Saladin, which is fast and powerful, with a 76mm cannon perfect for destroying terrain, though not so much other armor.

*Now there are new medical items to treat the wounded on the battlefield. Consequently, the Medikit research has moved on until after obtaining Alloy Manufacturing.

*The Reaver of Darkness is working to perfectly balance the weapons of the game. Currently, he balanced the Plasma Tier 3 weapons and fixed a lot of issues related to tanks and crafts stats.

The full list of changes is below!

10-October-2019: v0.7.4.1 Vendetta Burns Inside
Changes made:
* Fixed Fatal crash related to Female Civilians sprite
* Fixed Male and Female Civilian drawingRoutine (was 4, now is the correct 0)
* Fixed issue with Rocket Pods not being equipable on aircrafts
* Improved new UN fighter Tunnan, NATO Draken, Starfighter fighter and Mirage bomber stats
* Slightly Improved Pilot strength stats
* Tweaked Medical items cost
* Improved stats of new NATO Tank FV601 Saladin (now is a little more faster and has sightly more armor)
* New inventory organization, with Quick Draw slot and a larger Belt
* All of the changes of v.0.7.4 remains

10-October-2019: v0.7.4 Vendetta Burns Inside
Changes made:
* Added Saab J29 Tunnan as Starting aircraft, provided by the United Nations (but unavailable for purchase on the Store)
* Redesigned startingBase to include free J29 Tunnans and their weapons, with enought ammo to withstand until further airplanes could be purchased
* Added flavour text to some UFOpedia entries, by efrenespartano and Ikhanad.
* Now you can only choose between asking NATO or USSR for support. Choosing one will disable the other.
* USSR now offers two options for fighters: expensive, superfast MiG-25 Foxbat or light and very cheap MiG-21 Fishbed (drawn by Andr). Choosing one disables the other permanently.
* New NATO Tank: FV601 Saladin Armoured Car, equiped with a 76mm Cannon and a secundary MG.
* Ferret Armoured Car moved to starting tank provided by the United Nations, improved graphics and updated UFOPedia entry to better match the tank.
* Changed tech requirements of plasma weapons, by The Reaver of Darkness.
* Added human versions of AlienArmouryExpanded plasma, by The Reaver of Darkness.
* Re-balanced plasma weapons, by The Reaver of Darkness.
* Fixed issues related to Elerium ammo for RPG-7 and Carl Gustaf M2 being available from the start and CG M2 not available on the Store.
* Balanced armors and weapons of tanks, by efrenespartano and The Reaver of Darknes
* Added three new Food items:
   - Canned Food, to quickly recover stamina and some health.
   - Cigarettes, to recover morale (with a penalty to health). Drawn by Andr.
   - Flask (filled up with bourbon), to quickly recover morale, with some stunning side-effects. Drawn by Andr.
* Added three new Medical items:
   - Medical Bag, replacing the starting Medikit with a heavier variant.
   - Field Dressing, to quickly patch up mortal wounds.
   - Medical Pouch, small first-aid kit designed to quickly recover health. Drawn by Andr.
* New sprites for Smoke Grenade, renamed to M18 Smoke Grenade. Drawn by Andr.
* Medikit now requires Alloy Manufacturing to research and 4 Alien Alloy units to be build
* Fixed issue with crashing Alien Base alienDeployments definition (the mapblock has 6 tiles of height, were defined as 2).
* Fixed issue with Aircraft IDs that made impossible to intercept UFOs on the Geoscape
* Added new Custom categories to aircraft weapons and tanks.
* Fixed UFOPedia entries showing all of the weapons. Now they propper appear after their respective Faction Support research is completed.
* Improved shieldCapacity of many UFOs. The probability that the UFOs of the Scout class are HKs has been increased.
* Improved Male and Female Civilian armor (weapons no longer float in the air).
* Fixed minor issues with some research and Elerium Fusion UFOPedia entry.
* Now it takes longer to get USA/NATO/USSR Support research (was 200, now 800)
* Special Forces and Mercenary Support research now are unlocked from Alloy Manufacturing, instead USA/NATO/USSR Support (because now NATO disables USSR and vice versa and made impossible to get SF/Merc Support)
* Balanced Ballistic Weapons, removed overkill from many ammo types.
* Tweaked Tank MG round prices. Now are cheaper and all have 50 rounds with a 5 shot autoshot

Join us at the Inventorum Development Team Discord, where you can try new updates and patches earlier!

The screenshots below were taken using OXCE v5.6.2 running UNEXCOM v0.7.4.1 on LG Stylus 3 with Android 7.0

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on November 18, 2019, 04:00:49 am
Hello there!

News update!

After more than a year, we have finally resumed work in the Lunar Missions. We have made a totally new terrain, different from the one we were originally going to use.

For those of you who are already in our Discord chat, you are probably already aware of this, but still, we share it here.
Here are screenshots of a lunar mission, important for the campaign.

In addition, we include our new Space Shuttle! A dream-come true for all of you fans of the space exploration! Personally, I've been dreaming about having a Shuttle in Xcom since the first time I played.

We also included a new space suit, made using as basis a spacesuit made originally by liberation, improved by Finnik and further modified by me. It is based on the real life A7L spacesuit used by the Apollo and Skylab crews.

Join us at the Inventorum Development Team Discord, where you can try new updates and patches earlier!
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: Dioxine on November 18, 2019, 03:55:24 pm
Very nice! I love both the shuttle and the suit. Just remember how heavy these suits are in real life :)
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on November 18, 2019, 10:05:16 pm

Very nice! I love both the shuttle and the suit.

Thank you for your kind words, very appreciated coming from you, mate.

Just remember how heavy these suits are in real life :)

Yes! I'm thinking to give it a penalization of -15 to TUs, -15 to stamina and -10 to all other stats. Also, some reduction to sight range

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 20, 2019, 07:10:39 pm
Yes! I'm thinking to give it a penalization of -15 to TUs, -15 to stamina and -10 to all other stats. Also, some reduction to sight range

That's still pretty generous. This is what I did with a similar suit:

Code: [Select]
    visibilityAtDark: 7
    visibilityAtDay: 20
    personalLight: 10
    weight: 7
       tu: -30
       stamina: -15
       firing: -10
       throwing: -15
       melee: -15
    frontArmor: 8
    sideArmor: 8
    rearArmor: 8
    underArmor: 8
      reactions: 0.1
    meleeDodgeBackPenalty: 0.5
        flatHundred: -0.01
        flatHundred: -0.1
        manaNormalized: 14.0
        tu: 0.5
        manaNormalized: 125.0
        manaNormalized: 10
        healthCurrent: 0.25
        healthCurrent: 0.04
        health: -0.024
        stunCurrent: 0.036
        manaNormalized: 8.0
        stunNormalized: -0.1
    overKill: 1.5
      - 1.0
      - 1.2
      - 0.4
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 0.0
      - 0.0
      - 0.7
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.0

Not saying you must do the same or anything, just giving something to ponder.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on November 21, 2019, 10:58:38 pm
That's still pretty generous. This is what I did with a similar suit:

Code: [Select]
    visibilityAtDark: 7
    visibilityAtDay: 20
    personalLight: 10
    weight: 7
       tu: -30
       stamina: -15
       firing: -10
       throwing: -15
       melee: -15
    frontArmor: 8
    sideArmor: 8
    rearArmor: 8
    underArmor: 8
      reactions: 0.1
    meleeDodgeBackPenalty: 0.5
        flatHundred: -0.01
        flatHundred: -0.1
        manaNormalized: 14.0
        tu: 0.5
        manaNormalized: 125.0
        manaNormalized: 10
        healthCurrent: 0.25
        healthCurrent: 0.04
        health: -0.024
        stunCurrent: 0.036
        manaNormalized: 8.0
        stunNormalized: -0.1
    overKill: 1.5
      - 1.0
      - 1.2
      - 0.4
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 0.0
      - 0.0
      - 0.7
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.0

Not saying you must do the same or anything, just giving something to ponder.
Thanks, Solarius! Yes, I noticed that the space suit in XCF has -30 TUs, but I didn't knew it has other penalties.

I'll use your stats as reference. :) But definitely I'll give them a few more TUs, the weaklings need to fire their guns too. xD

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: The Martian on November 27, 2019, 03:46:22 pm
In addition, we include our new Space Shuttle!

That really nailed the lunar look.

Nice work!  (
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on November 27, 2019, 07:00:33 pm
That really nailed the lunar look.

Nice work!  (

Thank you, The Martian! I really liked the image you shared, thank you very much for making it. I'll see how to implement it in the mod, if you don't have a problem with it.  ;D

Space exploration doesn't end here. This time we present you a human space station, which we will be able to visit in certain missions!

Created using a recolored LIGHTNIA mapset, created by The Reaver of Darkness, greatly enhanced by Luke83 for OXC Factions, as well as some tiles created by Dioxine for X-Piratez and several other tiles created by me.

At the moment, I'm still working on the Orbital map to be able to place this space station on a mission, but for now I share with you my advance.
More station models are planned, for various missions

A bit of info on this one:

Built in collaboration of the NASA, the ESA and the Soviet State Agency, is the state-of-the-art station, employing Alien Alloys as integral part of the structure.
The upper deck is an observation post. The middle deck is the main one, with the main scientific experiments and computers. On the right side of the station is the three-side dock bay, to allow Apollo or Soyuz capsules to attach.
The lower deck contains the crew quarters, with sleep pods for each one of the crew members
All around the structure are multiple solar arrays to power the station, antenna to increase the detection range and RCS thrusters to maneuver the station in orbit.
From time to time, the UFOs will try to assault it, steal its important data cores and shoot down the orbital installation. It's our job to defend it!
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: Dioxine on November 28, 2019, 01:18:37 am
Wow! These surely would make Neil Tyson DeGrasse shed a tear of joy, imo! So pretty!
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on November 28, 2019, 05:45:57 am
Wow! These surely would make Neil Tyson DeGrasse shed a tear of joy, imo! So pretty!
I'm glad you liked it!

The best addition were the solar arrays, I love them. xD If you need them let me know. ;)

It still doesn't have a name. Feel free to suggest any, amigo!

I'll upload an Alien Space Station on the next days too. (

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: The Martian on November 29, 2019, 02:25:33 pm
Thank you, The Martian! I really liked the image you shared, thank you very much for making it. I'll see how to implement it in the mod, if you don't have a problem with it.  ;D

Of course, please go ahead. ^_^
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: misterx on November 29, 2019, 04:04:44 pm
Some gameplay video is avaiable to watch?
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: new_civilian on November 30, 2019, 12:01:30 pm
Very impressive graphics there, the Shuttle and the Space Station look/feel realistic. 8)
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on December 23, 2019, 10:54:43 am
Some gameplay video is avaiable to watch?

Not by the moment. But that's the plan!

Very impressive graphics there, the Shuttle and the Space Station look/feel realistic. 8)

Thanks, new_civilian! I posted a working test mod of it on the Discord channel of UNEXCOM at our server, you can take a look at it plus some more testing stuff (like space fighters!)


We are working on a new enemy faction and some brand new missions! This time, we will fight against Terrorist! And the mission related to the Special Forces tech-tree: Terrorist Takedown

A group of terrorist has hijacked a plane and had taken hostages. The local government has requested UN support to seize the plane. It is our job to storm it, rescue the hostages and neutralize the terrorists! A new Flashbang Grenade will be added to help with this endeavor.

As you may notice, the plane is adapted from the old rusty Sunken Plane of TFTD, but reworked and improved. Shiny and new! Plane MCD made by Luke83 & efrenespartano, Airport terrain made by Luke83

Also, a new Terrorist made by our skilled artist Tingcat!

The next update will be mostly including Counter-terrorist operations. The Space update is still WIP, the maps and missions are done, but the maps' routes and tech-tree needs some more love.

Don't forget to join us at the IDT Discord Server! Free cookies for newcomers. :D
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: The Martian on December 25, 2019, 07:18:24 am
I'm not sure if this will be of use to you, I was digging around in UNEXCOM's resource files and noticed this interesting Laser Sniper Rifle:
(Very nice!)

Not all of the HandOb's frames appeared to match so I gave editing a new HandOb set a try using the "TFSniperHand.png" file from "Xeno Operations (,2913.0.html)" By XOps as a base.

Here are the results, the first set is in the same colour scheme as the other ones found in your resource folder:

The second one has had its colour shifted to match the weapon's BigOb image:

Here is an example of how the these HandObs display in game:
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on December 26, 2019, 08:01:38 am
I'm not sure if this will be of use to you, I was digging around in UNEXCOM's resource files and noticed this interesting Laser Sniper Rifle:
(Very nice!)

I totally love it! Thanks, The Martian, i'll use it on the next update. Those sprites aren't mine, tho. KingMob4313 is the original creator of the Laser & Plasma Weapons used in UNEXCOM, all credits for them should be for him. :D

*** Edited to fix the quote :3 - Solarius Scorch
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on January 09, 2020, 01:13:38 am
Hello there!


A new test mod is available for download on our Discord server!

The bad guys had taken hostages inside a Govt building and is our job to storm the complex and neutralize the Terrorist forces.

This time, Luke83 had made a new Office terrain, while Tingcat and I made the Terrorist faction.

You can try both the new mission and the new faction! UNEXCOM is required to play it, because the mission has custom weapons found on the mod.

Join us at the Inventorum Development Team Discord, free Flashbang grenades to new recruits!


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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: Serg1973 on January 22, 2020, 11:05:47 am
IMHO, there is an imbalance in research, in March 1973 I can produce Storm and already researched Avenger. In April, I have the Avenger and a plasma weapon. I don't need Earth technology anymore. Such as...
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on January 22, 2020, 03:03:39 pm
IMHO, there is an imbalance in research, in March 1973 I can produce Storm and already researched Avenger. In April, I have the Avenger and a plasma weapon. I don't need Earth technology anymore. Such as...
Oh, gosh. You are quick!
In which difficulty are you playing?

Thanks for the feedback, BTW!

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on January 29, 2020, 12:24:25 am
A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v.0.7.5 Terrorist Takedown is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Changes made:

* Updated to latest OXCE version
* Removed Hobbes content
* New UNEXCOM logo, by Dauntless1942
* Added new Hybrid Globe v1.2, by Luke83
* Added new terrain: Airport, by Luke83
* Added Terrorist faction, by efrenespartano & Tingcat
* Added new mission: Hostage Crisis
* Added new mission: Hijacked Plane
* Added two new Tier III aircrafts:
   - Crusader Advanced Fighter
   - Saracen Advanced Bomber
* Added six new Tier II craft weapons:
   - Shortsword Alloy Light Missile
   - Scimitar Alloy Heavy Missile
   - Athena Alloy Gatling Cannon
   - Mauser Alloy Revolver Cannon
   - Phoenix Alloy Super Heavy Missile
   - Hydra Alloy Rockets
* Added EXPANDED_TERROR terrain by hellrazor
* Added Flashbang Grenade, by efrenespartano
* Added two new custom weapons:
   - M16A1 Shotgun, by Andr
   - M16A1 Scoped, by Andr
* New UFOPedia category: Ammunition, only for ammo items.
* Fixed issues with ammo handObs & Smoke Grenade floorOb, found by Andr
* Now USSR/NATO special ammo won't appear on the UFOPedia and Store before unlocking their respective research
* New Ammunition and Weapon Conversion manufacturing categories, suggested by Tal'Raziid
* New categories for Alien Tech and Misc items, suggested by Tal'Raziid
* Updated Medical items to new behaviour
* New Enemy Human missions will spawn custom UFOs (T-6 Texan, Fouga Magister, Mi-8 Hip)
* Most Alien missions will start to appear later on the campaign, so the Humans will be the initial enemies.
* Vanilla advanced crafts now takes longer to research (suggested by Cupon4uk) and are dependant on Advanced Fighter research
* Re-arranged some UFOPedia entries.
* Fixed issue with Mi-8 on Geoscape, found by wolwerin & Tal'Raziid

Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: misterx on January 29, 2020, 10:24:47 am
Wow it's a supermegamod gonna love it! here some screenshots, it seems hard like hell!!!  8) here some scrrenies

( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( (

Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.4 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on January 31, 2020, 04:37:30 am
Wow it's a supermegamod gonna love it! here some screenshots, it seems hard like hell!!!  8) here some scrrenies

I'm so happy you liked it, pal! ;D
Yes, this project is meant to be a big one! Feel free to share your opinion or suggestions. :)


We are testing the new Laser Weapons provided by the USA. This new set of Lasers were drawn by Dauntless1942, a skilled artist working with us! As always, each gun has its own unique set of bigObs, handObs and floorObs sprites.

They will be available on the next update, along with extra weapons.

Some pics below:(

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Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.5 released now
Post by: KingMob4313 on March 03, 2020, 03:40:48 pm
Been following this project for a while and I have to say, you've completely run in the direction that I only half-heartedly took with my Equal Terms mod.

So damn impressed.  Great work.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.5 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on March 07, 2020, 05:00:46 am
Been following this project for a while and I have to say, you've completely run in the direction that I only half-heartedly took with my Equal Terms mod.

So damn impressed.  Great work.

Thanks a lot for your kind words, means a lot coming from you! As I've told you some time ago, your mod is one of my favorite mods (if not THE favorite). Thanks a lot for liking this project and letting me using your assets as basis for mine. You are my hero.

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Title: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on April 25, 2020, 11:19:56 am
Hi, folks! Presenting to you, the new alien weapons: Fusion Weapons!

This new set of weapons is highly mysterious, their origins are different from the normal Plasma weapons and are definitely more powerful. A LOT.
Please, test it as much as possible, so we can balance them. A test mod is available for free on our Discord server!
This is a joint effort, the original weapons were drawn by Dauntless1942, the concept and rulesets were written by The Reaver of Darkness and me.

Hope you liked them!



Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.5 released now
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 25, 2020, 11:22:05 am
Sweet. 8)
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.5 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on April 25, 2020, 11:42:38 am
Sweet. 8)

Hehe glad you liked it, my friend!  ;D
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on May 28, 2020, 06:07:24 am
Today is a very special day. Two years ago, I started to collect some assets from my favorite mods (mostly XCF and the now dead TechComm) to create a mod on my own. Now, in 2020 the mod is very different of what I initially planned. And i'm very happy of it. I want to thank the long list of testers, players and contributors, without you this mod wouldn't be possible.

A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v.0.7.8 Storming the Abyss is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Changes made:
*Updated to OXCE v6.5.1
*Integrated CMP Hybrid, new maps and new globe by the CMP Team
*Refined IDT_AIRPORT terrain, by Luke83
*Improved rank sprites, by Andr
*Fixed some wrong palettes on UFOPedia entries
*Now Tunnans are buyable from the store
*Slightly buffed Texan enemy craft cannon power and reload
*Added Fusion Weapons, late game alien guns. Original concept by Dauntless1942, ruleset by The Reaver of Darkness, sprites by wolwerin and efrenespartano
*Fixed issues related to duplicated entries on BallisticWeapons ruleset
*Replaced Beretta 92X with Browning HP, by Andr
*Added .50 Cal Magnum, by wolwerin
*Added M1 Carbine and Enforcer Pistol, by Shawn Clarke
*Added splashdownSurvivalChance, fakeWaterLandingChance & unmanned values to Human UFOs (now will explode if they crash land on water). Original code by Finnik.
*The Terrorists, Female Police and some Allied Soldiers now use the M1 Carbine and the Enforcer pistol
*The Plasma weapons now have a vapor trail
*Fixed issues related to crashing Plasma research on OXCE v6.5.1, found by Southoftheline
*Improved ammo UFOPedia entries
*New Romania and Bulgaria flags to better represent the real ones in the Cold War, by Black Onix
*New Underwater Aqua Lung for UNEXCOM troops, automatically replaces any other armor underwater, (sprites by Nord)
*New Underwater Breathing Device for vanilla aliens (sprites by Precentor Apollyon)
*Added missing strings for Human Small Launcher, reported by Andr
*Added Ethereal Commander and Sectoid Leader as CO and NCO to most races (they are the masterminds behind the invasion, after all). Suggested by Andr
*Added some cover to Hercules Paradrop map, suggested by naenaed1588179853
*Fixed wrong palette with USA Support image, reported by Andr and naenaed1588179853
*Tweaked aircraft weapons, suggested by Barabas & Andr
*Reduced amount of Alien Alloys to create Tier 2 craft Gatling and Cannon ammo, splitted both manufacturing projects
*Reduced amount of Alien Alloys required to craft Tier 2 aircraft weapons and ammo
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: HT on May 28, 2020, 11:24:23 am
Finally, a new update!

I have to say, I don't like this mod as much as XCF, but I do find the premise refreshing, although I like the War of the Worlds' idea much more. Nevertheless, good job!
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on May 28, 2020, 06:58:01 pm
Finally, a new update!

I have to say, I don't like this mod as much as XCF, but I do find the premise refreshing, although I like the War of the Worlds' idea much more. Nevertheless, good job!

Thanka a lot for your kind words, HumanTraitor!

Hahaha XCF is very cool. And, of course, it was an inspiration to create this mod.

The War of the Worlds mod is currently on halt until I finish the semester on the university, this update had like 2 months sitting on my laptop.

Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: The Martian on May 29, 2020, 08:17:27 am
*The Plasma weapons now have a vapor trail

Very cool! (
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: Bobit on May 31, 2020, 05:25:00 am
Is it worth selling the Linna instantly? $500k per month seems like a mistake when you could build a radar for $10k per month and not worry about HKs. So what's it good for, exceeding your 8 base limit? Same deal in X-Division (the one Xenonauts megamod), is there a reason or just coincidence?
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on June 03, 2020, 04:16:55 am
Very cool! (

Hahaha I praise Meridian for the feature, I really wanted it from a long time ago.

Is it worth selling the Linna instantly? $500k per month seems like a mistake when you could build a radar for $10k per month and not worry about HKs. So what's it good for, exceeding your 8 base limit? Same deal in X-Division (the one Xenonauts megamod), is there a reason or just coincidence?

No, keep the Linna. Your ability to successfully detect and intercept any UFO or enemy human craft depends of the deploy of recon satellites. The ground radars have little detection chance, almost useless (5%).

I'll reduce the price of them, to encourage the players to deploy Linnas more often. :D
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: Bobit on June 04, 2020, 03:33:36 am
Ohhh was not aware of detection chance. How does that mechanic work?
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on June 04, 2020, 04:16:35 pm
Ohhh was not aware of detection chance. How does that mechanic work?

Both the buildings at base and the aircrafts have a radarChance and radarRange. In this mod, the ground based radars have low radarChance (5%), so the 95% of the UFOs and human crafts slip down your radar without notice. The Linna has a radarChance of 30%, also another useful value called sightRange, which is used to recon for alien bases.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.8 released now
Post by: Bobit on June 06, 2020, 05:32:45 am
Ok, from the wiki it says the radars roll for detection every 30 minutes, so in reality it seems like a 5% radar should eventually detect a UFO about (1-95%^3=)15% of the time, while the Linna detects (1-70%^3=) 65% of the time.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on June 20, 2020, 04:35:58 pm
A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v.0.7.9 Storming the Abyss is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

*Fixed issues with broken Alien Base script, reported by Brother^2
*Removed Fusion Weapons from purchase, reported by Andr and PERLHA
*All special faction weapons are now usable if you obtain them from the battlefield, reported by Andr
*New Angry Wife special USSR weapon sprite
*Fixed broken UFOPedia weapon entries, reported by Finnik and PERLHA
*New Terrorist Grenadier with gasmask sprites, made by JustTheDude. Cheeki breeki power.
*Balanced Terrorist stats, now they have bad aim (are a bunch of untrained punks, after all)
*Terrorist flyby missions don't have score anymore, you can ignore them freely (testing purposes)
*Laser Array and Laser Cannon now have new sprites and new names, Apollo Gatling and Kodiak Cannon.
*New Alien Fusion Weapons ufopedia image, drawn by Dauntless1942
*UFO Construction, Power Suit and Fusion Ball Launcher now requires Elerium Fusion.
*Fixed issues with Terrorist spritesheets, by zombieclone111
*Linna Recon Sats are now way more cheap, to encourage the players to deploy them en masse.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: The Martian on September 23, 2020, 08:12:31 pm is attached as requested.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 04, 2020, 05:35:39 pm
Been playing a bit on android, wanted to share some bugs and balance thoughts:

One of the Huey maps is missing or has a typo, causing crashes on mission start. Didn't save the report, but I think it was 1B.

The ToArmorPre and ToWound values are super high, to the point I feel like they're off by a factor of 10. The 7.62 NATO ammo dealing 160% armor pre-damage means it's as good if not better than the meltagun in 40k at slagging armor, and a single friendly fire incident caused 17 fatal wounds with only ~20 damage. If intended that ballistic weapons have damageAlter values this high, they feel overtuned.

Haven't checked the other craft from the starting diplomacy choices, but getting the Italian Starfighter and not being able to procure a gatling cannon to fill that hardpoint feels bad - I've lost a few flights of two of them to large scouts because they ran out of missiles well before HP. The M61 Vulcan shows up in the starting ufopedia and would make it feel better if you could buy it to fill that slot.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on December 04, 2020, 07:13:18 pm
Been playing a bit on android, wanted to share some bugs and balance thoughts:

Thanks for the feedback, Otto! Are you playing the latest build? It's been a long time the last time i updated this.  :o

One of the Huey maps is missing or has a typo, causing crashes on mission start. Didn't save the report, but I think it was 1B.

Noted, on all the maps or just one in particular?

The ToArmorPre and ToWound values are super high, to the point I feel like they're off by a factor of 10. The 7.62 NATO ammo dealing 160% armor pre-damage means it's as good if not better than the meltagun in 40k at slagging armor, and a single friendly fire incident caused 17 fatal wounds with only ~20 damage. If intended that ballistic weapons have damageAlter values this high, they feel overtuned.

Noted, i'll balance those values))

Haven't checked the other craft from the starting diplomacy choices, but getting the Italian Starfighter and not being able to procure a gatling cannon to fill that hardpoint feels bad - I've lost a few flights of two of them to large scouts because they ran out of missiles well before HP. The M61 Vulcan shows up in the starting ufopedia and would make it feel better if you could buy it to fill that slot.

Got it, we'll fix that on the next update))
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 04, 2020, 07:43:36 pm
I've been using the latest version available on the page.

At least one of the Huey maps works fine, I'm guessing there's just one that's off.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 05, 2020, 05:46:21 am
Another thing I noticed: E-115 HEAT rounds use incendiary damage type, which do 5-10 damage by default. With the 75% ArmorEffectiveness they have set, it means the weapons often do nothing. I'd recommend setting a RandomType to make it have a 50-150% or 0-200% roll.

Also you can change the strings for Aimed, Snap, and Auto in the Ufopedia to all show how many shots they fire the same way Auto does:

Code: [Select]
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AIMED: "Aimed (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_SNAP: "Snap (x{0})"

All of the sniper rifles that have damage bonuses on the rifle itself won't get boosted damage due to the soldier's accuracy - the damage bonus needs to be on the ammunition or the weapon needs to have built-in ammo (like the laser weapons) in order to work.

The Bastion advanced satellite has defined weapon types and mentions defensive weapons in it's description, but has no weapon space.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on December 06, 2020, 06:46:56 pm
Another thing I noticed: E-115 HEAT rounds use incendiary damage type, which do 5-10 damage by default. With the 75% ArmorEffectiveness they have set, it means the weapons often do nothing. I'd recommend setting a RandomType to make it have a 50-150% or 0-200% roll.

Got it! I'll change it to another damageType (most likely HE or Plasma, still to be determined)

Also you can change the strings for Aimed, Snap, and Auto in the Ufopedia to all show how many shots they fire the same way Auto does:

Code: [Select]
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AIMED: "Aimed (x{0})"
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_SNAP: "Snap (x{0})"

Whoa! That's definitely very useful. Didn't knew it was possible, I'll do the changes on all the weapons.

All of the sniper rifles that have damage bonuses on the rifle itself won't get boosted damage due to the soldier's accuracy - the damage bonus needs to be on the ammunition or the weapon needs to have built-in ammo (like the laser weapons) in order to work.

Oh, really? That explains why those didn't worked. :0

The Bastion advanced satellite has defined weapon types and mentions defensive weapons in it's description, but has no weapon space.

Noted, thanks for your useful feedback, Otto!
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 10, 2020, 09:53:32 pm
Why do special forces operators have maximum psi strength of 75 when all other soldier types have 100? I'd think the cost of them alone is enough of a balance point to not need to make them addle-brained when it comes to facing psionic enemies.

Found a bug with the third level of alien interception missions spawned from a base - the last wave generates 10000 UFOs. Might want to fix that:
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_ALIEN_INTERCEPTION_3 # Heavy interception
    # snip
      - ufo: STR_SENTRY_SHIP
        count: 1
        trajectory: P3
        timer: 9500
        huntMode: 0
        huntBehavior: 1
      - ufo: STR_SMALL_FIGHTER
        count: 1
        trajectory: P5
        timer: 9500
        huntMode: 1
        huntBehavior: 1
      - ufo: STR_FIGHTER_SHIP
        count: 10000 # <-------- how did the aliens smuggle or build all of these on earth without X-Com knowing?
        trajectory: P5
        timer: 0
        huntMode: 0
        huntBehavior: 1
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on January 22, 2021, 01:19:51 pm
Glad to see that this mod is still in development. I played the very first version, and I am happy with the progress. I will have to play it again at some point.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on February 23, 2021, 07:56:03 pm
Glad to see that this mod is still in development. I played the very first version, and I am happy with the progress. I will have to play it again at some point.

Yeah! We are working on side projects along this mod to further increase the lore of the project

Hint: A prequel and a sequel wink wink  ;)
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on February 24, 2021, 08:14:05 am
If I have one to name one thing that does not fit, I'd say the tanks. Laser weapons and Aircraft are all unique to USSR, USA and NATO, only tank stays the same. It kinda bothers me lore-wise, AND, well, T-62 with Lazer sounds better.
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.7.9 released now
Post by: a1s on March 07, 2021, 02:08:06 am
Hi, really enjoying this mod of yours.
I have one question, however: what is the deal with terrorists? They can be researched, but have no UFOPedia articles. I specifically (and at high risk to my men) captured live terrorists  hoping they could be interrogated. So I turn to you: who are these terrorists and why am I fighting them?
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.8.6 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on March 12, 2021, 11:51:41 pm
If I have one to name one thing that does not fit, I'd say the tanks. Laser weapons and Aircraft are all unique to USSR, USA and NATO, only tank stays the same. It kinda bothers me lore-wise, AND, well, T-62 with Lazer sounds better.

Well, our plan is to add tanks, yeah! But currently we are focusing on the airplane (and space) features of the mod. The next thematic update will feature armored vehicles and changes to the way tanks are used.

Hi, really enjoying this mod of yours.
I have one question, however: what is the deal with terrorists? They can be researched, but have no UFOPedia articles. I specifically (and at high risk to my men) captured live terrorists  hoping they could be interrogated. So I turn to you: who are these terrorists and why am I fighting them?

There are some reports after your capture the leaders and commanders. If they aren't appearing, then it's a bug, i'll give it a look anyway.

The main motivation of the terrorist is
just to wreak havoc all over the world. Initially, they were planned as a bunch of misfits and a hint at 70s terrorist group plus the baddies on Counter Strike and Battlefield Hardline. But later, they became some kind of proxy allied of the aliens, that's why you can be attacked by terrorists using plasma tech
Title: Re: [OXCE][WIP] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.8.7 released now
Post by: efrenespartano on April 26, 2021, 08:11:40 am
A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v0.8.7 Above and Beyond is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
20-Apr-2021 v0.8.7 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*Fixed Tunnan article not appearing
*Fixed some alien races not having sectoid and ethereal officers, reported by Cupon4uk
*Increased SH-missile effectiveness against UFO shields
*Fixed some live aliens not disapearing after being researched
*Adjusted Long Rifle Ammo capacity to 14
*Fixed alloy sniper ammo being the wrong size, reported by Cupon4uk
*Fixed SKS ufopaedia category
*Fixed some ammunition types being visible in ufopaedia before appopriate research, reported by Rclipse
*Pilot armor now improves pilot interception stats
*Added images for small fighter and troop Lander
*Improved range of Hind, Hind now performs missile strike on the first turn
*Improved air strike item sprites
*Added alien lasers, rulesets by Brother^2, sprites by wolwerin
*Added Thin Man, rulesets by Brother^2, sprites by efrenespartano
*Fixed counterterrorist missions not appearing
*Added terrorist HQ raid mission, map by wolwerin
*Rebalanced mercenaries and special forces, moved their research behind terrorist arc progression
*M16 is now default rifle of USA path, M16 M203 now behind special forces research
*ADEN cannon now only available after NATO air support research

This update fixes many bugs, bring us closer to completing the main story arc  (the Terrorists can now be defeated) and on the next update we will add more Space-related content (after so long!)

Below, the new Terrorist HQ mission and a hint of the new Space missions! (Images by Filip-H)

Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.1
Post by: efrenespartano on August 18, 2021, 08:56:55 am
A new update is ready.

UNEXCOM v0.9.0 Above and Beyond is alive (since may)! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
11-May-2021 v.0.9.0 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*Added endgame arc missions
*Added Alien Space Station missions, maps by wolverin
*Added Space Shuttle Transport
*Alien Lasers no longer usable by players
*Alien Lasers can now be dissasembled, used in craft laser manufacture
*Airstrikes can no longer be used on terrorist missions
*New sprites and audio for airstrikes
*Flashbangs now reduce reactions and accuracy for a turn
*Simplified weapon modification recepies, removed toolkit
*Readjusted mission amounts, significantly less UFOs now spawn
*Enemy units now have only half time units during the players first turn
*Adjusted Saladin machine gun tu costs
*Terrorist commander now also unlocks terrorist operations research
*Added bulletsprite for flechettes
*Added SR-71 Blackbird
*Fixed certain alien engineers not unlocking plasma weapon research
*Added new hidden enemy turn backgrounds
*Removed Avenger
*A guranteed alien base now always get created
*Terrorist missions now have names
*New Flare Sprite
*New Bear, default, personal, heavy and power armor sprites, by Hans Woofington
*Increased Bear front armor
*Fixed alloy rifle and carbine firing wrong ammo on burst fire
*Linna satellite inaccesible on game start, now behind satellites research
*Increased the speed of T1 and T2 Fighters
*Adjusted firestorm weapon slots
*Hunter-Killers now have radar circles
*Despawn penalty for terror missions halved
*Stunning enemies now improves morale, just like Kills
*Changed Soviet craft names to nato callsigns
*Removed CQC
*Added salamadron corpse sprite, by ReaverOfDarkness
*T2 satellite now can equip one more weapon and has more hitpoints
*Items in hangars now spawn in a single pile, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Reduced civilians on base defence missions
*Added death sounds to turrets
*Adjusted Ufopedia, added new articles
*Added sprayWaypoints to all SMGs and LMGs
*Added new sprite for battery
*Fixed small turrets sprite, they now point towards where they look
*Improved Cobra, Flanker, Hind and Viggen base sprites
*New sprite for XM22 tank
*Added flavour text to main menu
*Added armour repairing
*New sprite for hunting rifle and FN FAL
*New M1 sprite, by Shawn Clarke
*Added UN path
*Added Stoner weapon line
*Added UN laser weapon
*Added UN T2 Craft
*Added new medical items for space missions
*Added new space armors
*Rebalanced soviet laser weapons, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Rearranged ammos to be nested under guns, by pedroterzero
*Made certain ammos only buyable once appropriate research has been gotten
*Normalised audio, by pedroterzero
*Ufopedia typo corrections, by pedroterzero
*Added Companion Book, by im bored, Southoftheline, Ace009, Filip-H & efrenespartano

12-May-2021 v. Above and Beyond Hotfix
Changes made:
*Fixed Antarctic base crashing
*Adjusted auto shotgun ammo cost
*Fixed the heavy personal armor repair manufacture not requiring heavy armour wreck
*Fixed missing string
*New USSR support image, provided by Cupon4uk
*New sprites for some aliens from the recycledalienscollection, by wolverin
*Adjusted Wound and armor-damage values of ballistic weapons

Yeah, i forgot to update the forum thread since 3 months ago. :P But better late than never!

So, basically the mod is completely playable from beginning to end! The main story arc is finished, but we are still working on refining and balancing the mod, plus making new content.

Make sure to
play the Overseer mission without saving and reloading
. There is an issue with the map generation of said craft and you cannot finish the battle if you have saved and reloaded... not even once. The issue has been found and it will be fixed on the next update. Otherwise, feel free to go!

Also, our fellow Streamer friends have been playing UNEXCOM!

Make sure to give them a check over Twitch and YouTube.

Watch wolwerin's ( campaign (

Follow ClosetYeti's ( playthrough (

Check out nomadic_engi  ( (!
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.2
Post by: efrenespartano on October 01, 2021, 08:12:06 am
A new update is ready.

UNEXCOM v0.9.0.2 Above and Beyond is alive! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
1-Oct-2021 v0.9.0.2 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*UNEXCOM is now compatible with OXCE 7.1
*Made UNEXCOM into a master mod, now activated from the drop-down box in the mod menu
*Rebalanced NATO Laser Sniper, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Fixed issue with Overseer mission, increased turn limit
*Added new soldier names, by Dauntless1942

A minor patch, the fix for the Overseer mission is done! you can savescum all you want without breaking the game :D Also, UNEXCOM is a Master mod now, so make sure to enable it from the top tab instead from the general list. If you have any issue with the mod, feel free to reach us here or in the official IDT Discord server! (
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.2
Post by: B1ackwolf on December 10, 2021, 12:21:00 am
Hey, amazing work  m8, totally loved the space battles ideas!
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.2
Post by: efrenespartano on December 11, 2021, 10:15:49 pm
Hey, amazing work  m8, totally loved the space battles ideas!

Hey, mi amigo! Im so glad you are enjoying them! It took us a while, but we are satisfied with the results. There are more space missions (a friendly orbital facility mission and a generic Moon mission), i hope to include them on the next updates. :D
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
Post by: efrenespartano on April 18, 2022, 03:33:50 am
A new update is ready.

UNEXCOM v0.9.2 Armored Kill is alive! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
28-Mar-2022 v0.9.2 Armored Kill
Changes made:
*Updated to OXCE v7.5.3
*New UI and globeMarkers, by efrenespartano
*Craft weapons doesn't require purchased ammo
*32 new Geoscape events, written by efrenespartano, Rclipse, Kael Schwabauer and Brother2
*Reduced excessive wounding, balances scopes, adds attack shortnames, a few other minor changes by The Reaver of Darkness
*Most alien units have inventories now
*New colored ranks for Floater and Muton units
*New armored enemies
- Armored Sectoid (all sprites by wolwerin)
- Armored Floater (sprite by NeoWorm, modified by efrenespartano)
- Armored Muton (sprite by NeoWorm, modified by efrenespartano)
- Mechtoid (sprites by Jackstaw2323, ruleset by memmaker)
- Probe (sprites by Duke_Falcon, ruleset by Pjlasl)
- Cybersphere (sprites by The Martian)
*Improved basebits for planes
- UNEXCOM: Crusader, Saracen
- USA: UH-1 Huey, F-4 Phantom II, F-105 Thunderchief, F-104 Rapier, B-70 Valkyrie, YF-17 Cobra
- NATO: F.6 Lightning, Mirage IV, Saab 35 Draken, Saab 37 Viggen, SEPECAT Jaguar, MBB Lampyridae, F-104G Starfighter
- USSR: Su-30 'Flanker', MiG-31 'Firefox', MiG-25 'Foxbat'
*Replaced Lighting with improved map by The Reaver of Darkness
*Buffed Alloy Weapons, accuracy improved between 10% and 20%, TC rounds now have ToArmorPre between 0.5 and 0.7. Added white vapor trails for TC and blue for Flechette rounds.
*New Fusion Weapons, concept drawn by Dauntless1942
- Fusion Splitter
- Fusion Lance
- Ethereal Noble Sword
- Thermonuclear Projectile Launcher
- Hybrid Fusion Rifle (sprite and Pedia text by Filip-H)
*Several bugfixes by Buscher
- Craft Weapons can be equipped at any time even if Research is not completed, Research is only used for purchasing. Also Jaguar gets an options for a fuel tank
- Tonfa does Stun damageType instead of Melee
- Terrorists don't do Retaliation Missions
- Display Ufopedia Article for Special Forces Armor once they join
- Fix types according to openxcom.log (mainly with liveAlien: "")
- Fix low missile speed according to openxcom.log
- PNG/GIF Palette Fixes
- Remove Noob Trap that Personal Lights are
*Updated some weapon sprites to new ones, drawn by efrenespartano
- Makarov, PSG1, KS23, M1911 Colt 45, M79 Thumper, Skorpion
*Stoner Sniper now has Pedia entry
*I ain't no fortunate one

A major update, the theme of this and upcoming updates is armor! for both your troopers and the aliens, armored systems are a very important thing. You will find enemies with those later on your campaign. New enemies and new sprites for the already existing ones are in, plus a major visual overhaul. New UI and globeMarkers help to make a more inmersive experience!

 If you have any issue with the mod, feel free to reach us here or in the official IDT Discord server! (
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
Post by: Bonakva on April 25, 2022, 08:53:22 pm
Awesome mod. Very atmospheric. Is anyone doing any additional translation into Russian?
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
Post by: efrenespartano on April 26, 2022, 02:42:56 am
Awesome mod. Very atmospheric. Is anyone doing any additional translation into Russian?

Thanks for the kind comments! It is, wolwerin04 maintains the Russian translation.

You can check the latest translation text on his YouTube channel!
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
Post by: Rangerh on June 24, 2022, 05:38:32 pm
I had never noticed this mod before, but after trying i really like it a lot, there's some nice 70ies cold war atmosphere to it that is excellent.
Nearly feels like you could remove the alien part by having instead nato and soviet or unaligned (like those terrorist situation) filling their role.

I have a question though, as hangars can support more than 1 vehicle, but is there a way to access the 2nd vehicle of a hangar from the base overview (as you can access the 1st one by simply right clicking on the hangar) or can they only be accessed by the Equip Craft panel ?
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
Post by: BlackStaff on June 29, 2022, 01:24:25 am
UNEXCOM v0.10.1
I love this pack!
Bravo and thanks !

I found an inconsistency...
After having researched Alien Alloys, we are proposed to do research on the "manufacture of Alloys"!
But if you look in the workshops you already have the possibility to manufacture these Alloys!
Not very consistent!

So I added these lines in a "rul" file:


Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
Post by: BlackStaff on June 30, 2022, 07:45:33 pm
The game starts on 01/10/1972!
It is a SUNDAY!
So in the "Vars" file you need :
  weekday: 1

Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
Post by: efrenespartano on June 30, 2022, 09:19:50 pm
Sunday too? Hahaha what a coincidence here and Bureau 11 start on Sunday.

Thanks for the report!
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: efrenespartano on May 02, 2023, 03:10:56 am
A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v0.11.0 Echoes and Whispers is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
1-May-2023: v0.11.0 Echoes and Whispers
Changes made:
*Updated to OXCE v7.9
*Improved and expanded Russian translation, by wolwerin
*Reworked Plasma tech tree, existing Human Plasma guns are deleted and new Plasma weapons are now available to Faction selection. Alien Plasma Weapons research project now includes Armored Engineers too
*Added new Plasma weapons, by Filip-H, The Reaver of Darkness, BlondeKnight and efrenespartano
# UN
- XP-3 Peacebringer Hybrid Plasma
- XM-590 Plasma Battle Rifle
- X-80 Plasma Stormgun
- FGM-77 Dragon Guided Munitions Launcher
- MAS-73 E1 Plasma Carbine
- Enfield APEX Plasma Pistol
- Walther L/Pl-SG 200 Sniper Plasma
- APVCh Plasma Assault Rifle
- PShAB Plasma PDW
- PPCh Plasma MG
*Added new Specialized Weapons to On Our Own path, sprites by wolwerin & Brain_322
- Burya EMR
- Hurrikan Egewehr
*Changed all definitions of STR_CYDONIA_DEP to STR_COMMANDER_PLUS, to avoid softlocking on the final mission
*Added more lore reports, written by Filip-H
*Bear Riot Armor now requires it's own wreck to fix, not XM-72 wreck, by Fegelein
*Delta EOD's MG3 now has LMG fire modes, suggested by eclecticbibliophile
*Hyperwave Encoder now appears in Alien Fort Underground stage
*Added Troop Lander and Large Scout to Allied Operations
*Alloy Autocannon now grants LMG and Artillery commendations, suggested by eclecticbibliophile

This Major update replaces all the former human Plasma tech tree (designed and drawn by the great KingMob4313  for Equal Terms) to stuff designed and implemented by our team. Hopefully, the micromanagment is reduced. Also, an important lore addition was added to bring UNEXCOM closer to the prequel, UNEXCOM: Bureau 11 (,9588.0.html). Lore reports and updated weapons of those field in the Secret Crisis in 1961 provide a link to both elements of the UNEXCOM canon.
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: GumChewer on August 22, 2023, 02:08:25 pm
Hi, and thanks! I enjoy Unexcom it a lot.
Is there any further background music/sound recommendation apart from the submod/soundtrack?
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: GumChewer on August 22, 2023, 02:09:45 pm
How about an item categories for prisoners and corpses? Or preferable two separate categories.
No big work, I already did that for myself so I could post a patch, open a pull-request or similar.
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: efrenespartano on January 23, 2024, 05:35:22 am
Hi, and thanks! I enjoy Unexcom it a lot.
Is there any further background music/sound recommendation apart from the submod/soundtrack?

Hey there! Glad you are enjoying the mod. Unfortunately, just the 'Nam themed soundtrack.

How about an item categories for prisoners and corpses? Or preferable two separate categories.
No big work, I already did that for myself so I could post a patch, open a pull-request or similar.

Open a pull request at the WIP UNEXCOM GitHub repo
We are currently working on a balance pass here, feel free to contribute! (
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: GumChewer on January 29, 2024, 08:26:05 pm
Open a pull request at the WIP UNEXCOM GitHub repo

I have opened a pull request for the prisoners item category, it is the newest. My Github username is the same.
If possible, please consider also the others pull request I have opened.

I played about five campaigns with these changes on some version between 0.10 and 0.11, looke at the diff to 0.11.2, rebased and checked two times.
But I did not test on 0.11.2, it misses too many graphics for me to fix to get OXCE to start it.

Sorry for the delay too.

--- posts merged ---

We are currently working on a balance pass here, feel free to contribute! (

Unfortunately, I probably cannot contribute much there. I have not actually played any Xcom for some time, just no free time for me to spare.

Also, thanks for the invitation to the discord (in the TGWotW thread)! I have to check when I can handle that.
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: Bonakva on April 07, 2024, 03:42:47 am
Can you tell me how to get this mod to work?,10723.0.html
I've tried editing the files in "Language" similarly, but it doesn't work
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: Peteruta on April 07, 2024, 06:45:04 pm
Got the same proplem. When i install Oxce 7.12 there is no user directory with the mods directory in it. When i create i by my own sometimes it woeks... Actually it dosnt work.
By the way, nice game;)
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: Peteruta on April 12, 2024, 08:35:16 pm

You don't need to do ANYTHING manually.

Just go to Options > Folders and click on the displayed "user folder" to open it.

That's it.

* click here.png (40.79 kB, 642x427 - viewed 7 times.)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2024, 09:52:28 pm by Meridian »
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: Cristao on July 25, 2024, 03:15:15 pm
It has been a while. Time to have another playthrough!
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: efrenespartano on August 04, 2024, 10:25:37 am
Oh my, I forgot to update this place hah.

A new update is ready now. (since like three months ago)

UNEXCOM v1.2 Echoes and Whispers is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
30-May-2024: v1.2 Echoes and Whispers
Changes made:
* Improved and expanded Russian translation, by wolwerin
* Rebalanced CALBR, by wolverin
* Rebalanced armor penetration values. Laser does 50% damage to armor, Plasma and Fusion does 60%, by efrenespartano
* Rebalanced Human Plasma weapons (decreased TU costs and accuracy dropoff), by efrenespartano
* Change the USSR plasma weapons hitanimation to blue, the vapor trail is that color, by GumChewer1980
* Reduced alien mech units armor values, by efrenespartano
* Modified M24 Hind with additional ammunition and height by 1 easier to shoot, by Kiro Xei
* Adding new vehicles: Cargo Truck Convoy; Cargo Truck Trailer, by Kiro Xei
* Reduce training room to 15; and modified storage space to 5 for living quarters, by Kiro Xei
* Set terrorist live alien to false, as these humans can be captured (Test), by Kiro Xei
* All units including infantry, vehicles and others will have equipped with special weapon: Melee Attack. Tanks will now perform dangerous driving tactics, by Kiro Xei
* Shuttle map fixed including MCD, by Kiro Xei
* Shotgun slugs do 50% damage to armor, Shells pellet spread improved to 80% (was 50%)
* Rebalanced Alien Retaliation races (reduced chance of Ethereals and Mutons early retaliation, increased chance of Sectoids and Floaters), suggested Brother^2
* Remove specialWeapons: STR_UNARMED_UNIFORM from UNEXCOM armors, by GumChewer1980
* Added Corpses/Prisoners item category, by GumChewer1980
* Fixed various yaml indent errors, by GumChewer1980
* Misc. fixes, e.g., inventory sizes of items, by GumChewer1980
* Tanks are forbidden on Hijacked Plane Assault missions, by efrenespartano
* Enabled hireByLocation on all soldiers, by efrenespartano
* Added Strafing Run Flare, by efrenespartano
* Fixed hole in the stairs, reported by Alligator

A major balance pass and finally we dared to release this under the "v1" banner. It was quite a long time since this mod could be played from beginning to end, anyway.

Can you tell me how to get this mod to work?,10723.0.html
I've tried editing the files in "Language" similarly, but it doesn't work

If I understand it correctly, you just need to change the metadata.yml file and write "master: UNEXCOM" instead of "master: 40k" in order to get it working.

It has been a while. Time to have another playthrough!

So nice! Hope you find something of your liking again, Cristao!
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: Meridian on January 12, 2025, 10:05:30 am
In `facilities_UNEXCOM.rul` there's an invalid ruleset:

Code: [Select]
    #ammoMax: 8
    #rearmRate: 4

This results in an empty item, which is not allowed since 2 years ago already.

Correct commenting out would look like this:

Code: [Select]
#    ammoMax: 8
#    rearmRate: 4
Title: Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0
Post by: efrenespartano on February 19, 2025, 05:39:30 am
In `facilities_UNEXCOM.rul` there's an invalid ruleset:

Code: [Select]
    #ammoMax: 8
    #rearmRate: 4

This results in an empty item, which is not allowed since 2 years ago already.

Correct commenting out would look like this:

Code: [Select]
#    ammoMax: 8
#    rearmRate: 4

Thanks for the heads-up, Big M! Cool as always.  8)