Welcome and congratulations for your project. As far as I'm concerned, use all the resources you need from my mod without restrictions.
Well, hearing some CCR on equip screen made me chuckle :)Haha well, I couldn't make a mod set in the 70s without adding CCR. :') It's a must-have.
Good luck and if you need any help just ask :)
Well well well, no surprise that you'll be a modder, and you just earned a downloadAwesome! Thank you, Yataka!
Hello again, seems like you forgot to add twoHanded: true tags on some of your laser weapons, I noticed my soldier holding the las lmg with a single hand, like he was a terminator. Just heads upI've fixed your reports (except for the starting pilots, I'm still working on these), but I'm not at home. Would you like to wait until the release of 0.2? Or you would like me to attach the fixed rulesets here tomorrow?
And oh, at the start of the game, just give the players 6 pilot units, so we can easily assign them to the crafts where they rightfully belong.
First I wanted to thank all the modders and Efren for all their amazing work.
As a seasoned Xcom player I wanted to introduce my GF to Xcom but also spice things up for me.
I found this mod's theme, time and features to be the exact right mix for both introducing new players to the Xcom formula while also making it more interesting for veteran players such as myself.
Now to the important feedback part:
The mod needs to work on balancing a few things:
- Interceptor planes' fuel is WAY WAY WAY too low. Looking at the files I found them to be around 120-220 for the most part and it was making the game a chore to play. On out first 40 min run we only managed to down 1 (one) single small scout UFO with two bases!
- I suggest at least doubling each of the planes' current fuel capacity.
- Increase fuel consumption when crafts are flying over hostile countries while reduce fuel consumption when flying over NATO/RUS countries.
The fuel tank increase addon that you can buy only gives 50 additional fuel capacity which is nothing and barely even noticeable. It should give at least 150 or more fuel capacity specially considering it takes one weapon slot. Right now there is no logical reason to get one over a weapon.
Everything else seems quite balanced but I will be posting more feedback as we play more.
Thanks and keep this UP! Can't wait for version 0.2
Hello! Your ideas are great! But the problem is that no such feature exist. Sorry.I'm thinking to ask later Meridian for some kind of "Refuel plane" behavior, I think it would be useful. ???
Thank you so much, Valmont! It's always nice to heard some nice words. ;D
I know, it is supposed to be low for the Tier 1 planes. I even made some maths to calculate the most realistic fuel capacity. The Phantom had the worst combat range, some 84~ fuel units. It was almost imposible to use, so I increased it a little.
Try to engage in squadrons of two planes, the MiG-25 Foxbat and the F.6 Lightning are useful to pick up small UFOs. Or you can wait until the UFO slows down to send some bombers/fighters. Be careful, some UFOs actually hunt your crafts.
Yes, I'm taking this in account. Maybe even decrease a little the speed of the Scouts, to give Tier 1 UNEXCOM fighters a chance to fight back. Mostly because, their speed it's their real one.
The first researchable planes (after some Alloy research) are an important boost to UNEXCOM air forces, both in terms of combat range and fighting capacity. They are almost done. ;)
Got it, i'm going to increase that too.
Thank you too for playing! Any more feedback and/or suggestions are always welcome. ;D
Thanks for the tips Spartan and we the fans should be the ones thanking you devs and modders for many many hours of not only entertainment and fun but also tactical and management thinking that Xcom tough so many of us.
I tried engaging with two or more planes but the game would not allow me for some reason. (Clicking the top left square icon to minimize the pursuit did not work).
Also, on one ocation I sent my hercules to a landed medium scout and when the hercules was about 50km from the site the UFO went airborne and attacked my Hercules. (It was amazing and scary to realize how reactive and human like the aliens are now!)
I guess it was my fault for not sending an armed escort jet with the Hercules but the bad part was that when the UFO engaged the Hercules I was not able to minimize the interception window (again clicking the top left icon did nothing) so I could not send help and had to just watch for a minute or two how my Hercules was slowly destroyed by the UFO.
I felt desperate and helpless during those minutes and I don't know if that was intended or a miss installation on my part? My GF almost started crying because her soldier was about to die and there was nothing we could do but then I told her about saved games and she got better. ;)
Also, during the engagement the only options I had were to engage the UFO in long/short range, and since my Hercules had no weapons it would be nice if I had the option to try to Outrun or let go of the UFO like regular interceptors have. This might've been pointless since the Hercules could never really outrun a UFO but at least I would have felt better like I did everything I could. ;D
The only other suggestion I have is that the Sherman Tank looks kinda bad compared to the other units so maybe it could be improved just a little. It looks stretched and kinda out of proportion.
Looking forward the tier 2 jets!
Valmont out!
Well, it looks very promising. Keep working, comrade!
Just letting you know...Yes! This bug was reported earlier, thank you, Mitra Lightbringer! Now it's fixed, along some other errors. I'm going to upload the new version today or tomorrow, i'm solving some issues with the new guns. ;D
That's weird. This happens more than once?
Yep, that were the famous Hunter-Killers. They are already scripted into the campaign, so you will face them since november-december, with more difficult HKs appearing later in the campaign. But sometimes, a loner UFO can turn HK.
When a HK catches you, you can't leave the screen to wait for reinforcements. Most of them, leave the fight when you hurt them about the 50% of their HP.
Actually, I think it's possible to out-run a HK, but you need to be faster than the UFO.
I've finished them yesterday. I'm going to release them today or tomorrow. They nearly double the average Tier I stats, are very beautiful. :')
Also expect to find some new guns and a reskin to others. :D
Feel free to give your suggestions. If it fits into the mod, I will (try to) add it. :D
You can send help - attach an escort to your transport before you send it out. Do you really think an aggressor targeting an unarmed transport will really wait the time it'd take for your interceptor to launch and arrive to help?
You can send help - attach an escort to your transport before you send it out. Do you really think an aggressor targeting an unarmed transport will really wait the time it'd take for your interceptor to launch and arrive to help?
The problem about attaching escorts is the tremendous fuel difference between transports and interceptor crafts making escorting not really viable in this particular mod (it works fine in vanilla because interceptors have 1500+ fuel).
Also, in this particular case the HK intercepted my Hercules/Skyranger very close to my base (~40KM) so my interceptor would have had the time to arrive before the transport was destroyed, you see:
Of course Xcom is not exactly known for being realistic so we have to factor in the fun factor here and I think many will agree that it can be more fun to have the same functionality (allow minimizing the windows) when intercepting and when being intercepted (HK).
Right now it feels like the Aliens are cheating a little bit.
I think that the new Fuel Tanks (thank you for your suggestion, Valmont!) with 150 extra units will extend the escort range of the fighters/bombers.
But if it is very difficult to face the HKs so early in the game, I could delay their appearance a bit. ???
We love the challenge! And with the changes you did to Fuel Tanks and Tier 2 Interceptors it is more than enough so no need to delay their appearance.
La parte que no es agradable es que cuando un HK ataca un transporte lo unico que podemos hacer los jugadores es mirar la pantalla mientras nuestra nave es destruida lentamente. Si tan solo se pudiese minimizar esta ventana y hacer otras cosas mientras la nave es destruida no seria tan desagradable perder una nave. Por ejemplo si un HK esta destruyendo mi Hercules al menos mientras eso ocurre ya puedo planear el contra ataque o la venganza y no mirando una pantallita por 60+ segundos. Es solo una cuestion de jugabilidad mas que de balance.
Por cierto hubo un problema de instalacion de mi parte, habia instalado el mod sobre el Nightly+ OCE+ cuando deberia haber instalado solo OCE+.
Ahora cuando pruebe 0.2 seguro voy a tener menos problemas porque ya solucione lo de la instalacion.
Desde ya muchas gracias por tu tremendo trabajo!
The preliminary version of 0.2 is now avaliable, if you want to try the new crafts. :)
Me parece que el motivo de que no se pueda minimizar, según recuerdo comentaba Meridian, es debido a cuestiones técnicas propias del juego. Y quizá también, por lo que comentaba ohartenstein23. Siempre lleva un escolta en zonas con presencia UFO. Otros transportes podrán llevar armas y sistemas AUX.
Es un gusto encontrar otro hispanohablante en el foro. Gracias por disfrutar mi trabajo, cualquier duda o sugerencia, no dudes en hacerla. :)
Descargada la nueva version, estuvimos esperandola con mi novia y entrabamos al foro todos los dias, gracias!
Will give you further feedback as always, keep it up to the to do list... I love that your mod is doable and not insane as some other mods that will probably never be really done because of their scopes.
Me sacaste una sonrisa con tu comentario. :')
Yeah, that's one of the points of the mod!
The corrected v0.2b with the rest of the weapons will be avaliable in the next few days, probably tomorrow. :)
Y vos nos sacaste muchas sonrisas a nosotros cuando ganamos las misiones casi imposibles que nos pusiste ;)Can you send me the previous saved game, before the crash? I'm going to try to reproduce it, to see what provokes it. ???
My game crashed after two months of in game time, here is the log file:
[20-07-2018_23-38-23] [WARN] STR_UNIFORM_WOODLAND not found in en-US
[20-07-2018_23-38-47] [WARN] STR_ALLOY_CRAFT_ARMOR_UC not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-23-11] [WARN] STR_ALLOY_AEROSPACE not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-45-15] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[21-07-2018_02-45-15] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[21-07-2018_02-45-53] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
I was at the geoscape and my Hercules was on its way to a terror mission.
I think the Aircraft Weapons that you can buy are a little bit bugged or perhaps it should appear which plane can use which weapons etc.
Also, there are many different missiles and aircraft weapons but it is really hard to tell which one is the best for any given situation.
Researching the UN/Soviet supports gives nothing as you can buy all the stuff before the research is done anyway.
UFOs are very aggressive and when I go to intercept them in 70% of the time they end up intercepting me :)
Loving the mod so far! But some parts of it seem overly complicated for no reason. There are many aircrafts you can buy but it is hard to tell which one to use since they don't differentiate between them too much.
Perhaps you did that so that players can just choose the plane they like the most and not loose much in the process.
But I think the weapons platforms and the aircraft should have more clear advantages/disadvantages/differences between them like:
- The Thunderchief is old tech but very reliable, it has average stats but its repair takes half the regular time and it is cheap in terms of maintenance.
- The Migs are very good, fast and maneuverable but you can only buy them at your base in Russia and are very expensive to maintain.
Etc. Etc.
- Also, if we are going to need heavy nuclear bombers to down the big UFOs then I think you should reduce the speed of some of the bigger UFOs. Like independence day, the bigger motherships were slow as hell.
- That way the different airplanes will have better and more unique roles: Use the fast and agile Interceptors to down small but fast UFOs or use the cumbersome but heavily armed bombers on the Bigger UFOs that don't move so fast.
Thats it for now, will give you some more feedback later on!
The laser sniper rifle floorob sprite kinda needs to be fixed. And then again, the twoHanded: true tag is missing on some of alien guns
I am sorry I overwrote on the save slot :'(
Next time I will keep them for you.
I think this mod should go full Independence Day mechanics as those are less gamey than the default Xcom ones. (Besides it would be very refreshing for players!)
Note: On Independence day the small UFOs were a lot faster than earths jets but more so in acceleration than in final speed and they balanced that with very inaccurate "plasma" weapons so the Jets had a chance.
Well, you convinced me. I will modify the stats of the UFOs in the next version and we will see if it works!
Cannot think of a better combination than Xcom, Independence Day and the Cold War. Mix made in heaven!
The best part is that Cold War era was so secretive that anything could've happened so the credibility of all this is very high!
I can help you doing spreadsheet and ufopedia (both in english and spanish) work for you if you want ;)
Yeah I meant "Hojas de Calculo" para balancear el mod y rastrear los cambios/progresos.
Lastimosamente mis habilidades para sprites son terribles =(
Lovely tank (the white one), but it really needs some cleanup.
I've already cleaned the other one, use it if you like.
With a slight delay of 10 days (because of a lot of work), version v0.2b is finally ready! (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UPxETQwjhNslVKYWihvRTa_pjxhT_26c)
This version is more complete than the previous one, the listOrders are better organized and the weapons work well.
The problems reported by Alnoaht, Valmont and Yataka Shimaoka were resolved.
Death in the shape of a panzer battalion.
* All Tier I weapons, obtained through some very simple investigations of NATO and USSR. Now every assault rifle features a second special use: M16 uses M203 GL, FN FAL uses Underbarrel .12 Gauge shotgun and AK-47 has a deadly bayonette.
* Shotgun stun shells! Knock out and kidnap those pesky aliens!
* New tanks! 2 Tier I tanks, linked to the same weapons investigations. One fast and light, the other a bit more resistant. (NOTE: I put shielding similar to the real one in the BMD-1, please, tell me if it is too weak to increase it) and a brand new XM22 Legionnaire laser tank, researched after Alloy Manufacturing and Laser Cannon. (Special thanks to alinare for allowing me to use their sprites for the XM22 and the BMD-1 and for their help for the HWP.)
* New investigations of the new types of UFO, obtained through interrogation of Navigators and Engineers.
* Inventories for tanks.
* UFOs are now classified by "classes"! The Large and Very Large are now very slow and have weak weapons, but they have a lot of resistance (Valmont's suggestion, tested by me and by Alnoaht.) The Scouts are slower, to allow the Tier I planes to catch them.
* New handObs for basic weapons! More are coming, one for each weapon.
* New organization of weapons / tanks / etc in the UFOpedia
Amazing Release Espartano! Nice to see so many players being hyped by this right now. As a youtuber a few of my fellow comrades are playing this mod right now to evaluate potential streams.
Downloading this right now!
By the way: The new tanks look awesome!
Question: Is a new campaign recommended?
Graphical bugs located, holding certain weapons such as the sten(?) Shows incorrect handobs, can't show photos since I just recently wiped my phone, sorrySten? Probably M3 Greasegun. ???
Cool, thanks! I hope to try 0.3 on my cellphone, don't know whether i'll be able anyways!
Tried v0.2d with no other mods and I get the following error message, see attached.
Tried v0.2d with no other mods and I get the following error message, see attached.
Thanks for the feedback, SIMON! Seems that some broken research (Alien Capital Ships when interrogating a Cerebreal Engineer) caused the crash. I'm going to fix it! :D
Fixed! Simply replace the corresponding file within user/mods/UNEXCOM/Ruleset.
Perhaps i am doing something wrong but i tried replacing the file located in UNEXCOM\standard\xcom1\Reaserch.rul with the new one but i get an error. I then noticed the 2 files are very different sizes ( and the new one is the smaller one), not sure if i am copying this to the wrong directory of if i am meant to know how to merge the 2 files...Sorry to sound like a idiot, but last time i was on here there was only 1 Extremely long ruleset file for everything, now its all been broken down into smaller ( and more friendly) files and i am not sure if i am doing something wrong.
Fixed! Simply replace the corresponding file within user/mods/UNEXCOM/Ruleset.
It is a good habit to at least try launching your mod before publishing it. Sure, mistakes happen, but it is even better habit to try if your hotfix works before posting it... (it still crashes on launch, still because of some non-existent research topics).
I gotta complement the mod on how it builds up 1970s ambience. But to that end, it needs more 1970s music, not just in the main menu :)
To avoid too much repetition, I would seek for remixes, like these done by Ninja Tunes.
Well, for the Vietnam War era, you can't err by basing it on Apocalypse Now soundtrack and/or something like this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTZMSKu4gLQ), the playlist is there in the first comment.
EDIT: and idk, maybe the original Blues Brothers track would happen to fit, but that's mostly blues and late 70s iirc
If we're talking movie classics, then there's also the Forrest Gump OST.
And maybe Bob Dylan for the Memorial screen? :P
Speaking of 'Nam times music, there is just so much to choose from.
I'd like to suggest few, maybe less known today but still nonetheless classics like
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield - Mr Soul
Country Joe & The Fish - Flying High,
Cream - I Feel Free
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Ohio
Deep Purple - Hush
Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood
Eric Burdon & The Animals - Monterey
Gordon Lightfoot - Black Day in July
The Animals - We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place, The Animals - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom
etc... etc... i could go on and on 'coz 'nam era music is my jam. I can upload said songs if you wish so, but i recommend you to give them a listen regardless if they will be used in a mod or not because they are just good songs.
I have some minor quality of life improvement suggestions fore you to think over.
A minor problem I had with this mod is that it is difficult to tell what weapons each ship can carry. Because each slot is called "Weapon slot 1," "Weapon slot 2," etc...
However this does not need to be the case, it is possible to change what you call each weapon
'I added these to the YAMML
I think this improves gameplay as it makes it easy to see in a glance what each and every craft uses.
Feel free to,
I have another suggestion,
One problem with Unexcom as it currently stands In my opinion is light/medium missiles become useless once you get laser cannons. As Laser cannons have more accuracy, do more damage, and have a longer range then all of hte light/medium missles.
I have 2 suggestions on how to improve air combat
Oh, you put me in the credits. Thank you. I haven't been around X-com some time now, so I came to see how mod is progressing, and to play with it a bit. When is 0.3 coming out?
I'm afraid I might just repeat what you already know, so I think I will wait for v0.3 to release, and then give you some suggestions. I can't wait to see what you have in the store for us, I have played this mod since the first (shared) version.
Time to test this mod out again. I'm glad you've continued this mod and so was your other projects with alinare, hope the two of you achieve what tasks you seek
As usual, the mod is great, however like before, I've spotted some visual not so obvious visual glitch with either the M16 or the UN armor. If you look closely, there appears to be a suspicious floating dot while moving. Seen it multiple of times now so just a heads up :)
it needs more 1970s music, not just in the main menu :)
Well, for the Vietnam War era, you can't err by basing it on Apocalypse Now soundtrack
And maybe Bob Dylan for the Memorial screen? :P
Speaking of 'Nam times music, there is just so much to choose from.
etc... etc... i could go on and on 'coz 'nam era music is my jam. I can upload said songs if you wish so, but i recommend you to give them a listen regardless if they will be used in a mod or not because they are just good songs.
Hey there I am loving your mod but whenever I try to load a new game I keep getting this crash I was hoping you could fix this issue C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom UFO Defense\user\mods\UNEXCOM/Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/PlasmaArrayBB.png: OpenXcom is supporting only 8bit graphic
More details here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom UFO Defense\user\openxcom.log
Hi, whisper micmillon! It is a great joy that you are enjoying the mod. Thanks for the feedback. ;DWill do but thank you tho I have to ask do you have any plans for a discord sever? That could be a great was of interacting with the community. ^^
An apology for the error, had not previously appeared. It has been fixed in the main build (next v0.3), but to not make you wait any longer, here is the fix. I arranged the folders so that you just have to unzip the "UNEXCOM" folder inside your own installation of the mod. In case you prefer to do it manually, it is the same folder indicated in the openxcom.log file, UNEXCOM/Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/
Let me know if you need another thing. :D
Will do but thank you tho I have to ask do you have any plans for a discord sever? That could be a great was of interacting with the community. ^^
Will do but thank you tho I have to ask do you have any plans for a discord sever? That could be a great was of interacting with the community. ^^
The mod right now crashes on me at startup without any error message.
Last strings in log:
[27-09-2019_21-36-20] [INFO] Active mods:
[27-09-2019_21-36-20] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[27-09-2019_21-36-20] [INFO] - UNEXCOM v0.7.2
[27-09-2019_21-36-21] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[27-09-2019_21-36-22] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[27-09-2019_21-36-22] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
Seems to work fine for me using latest oxce 5.62-see attached
What version of OXCE are you using, mate?
Enviado desde mi LG-M400 mediante Tapatalk
OXCE 5.6.2 on MacOS.Have you tried to make a clean OXCE installation?
MacOS is case-sensitive, so it doesn't recognize the INVENTORY directory, because it's actually called Inventory.Ah, good to know!
However worse news as this simple fix is that Mac doesn't read 8bit GIFs well and this mod has a lot of them, so even if you fix the case issue(s), a lot of images may end up black or random noise.
MacOS is probably case-sensitive, so it doesn't recognize the INVENTORY directory, because it's actually called Inventory.
However worse news as this simple fix is that Mac doesn't read 8bit GIFs well and this mod has a lot of them, so even if you fix the case issue(s), a lot of images may end up black or random noise. At least that happened last time I tried.
Actually MacOS (if it has the default APFS file system, as is the case in my instance and I guess 99 percent of other users) is case-insensitive by default, has been for many years, as opposed to Linux.
If so, then check if the file from the log is really missing... and reinstall the mod if it is.
OXCE 5.6.2 on MacOS.
[27-09-2019_23-10-12] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(Resources/Soldiers/PilotArmor/INVENTORY/MAN_5F3.png): requested file not found.
[27-09-2019_23-10-12] [ERROR] FileRecord::at(Resources/Soldiers/PilotArmor/INVENTORY/MAN_5F3.png): requested file not found.
Yes, I'm aware of this particular issue. Is related to Asian female Pilot, the file isn't on it's respective folder. I'll release a patch update this weekend with this and other bugs fixed. Meanwhile, you can quickfix it copying and renaming another female pilot inventory paperdoll "MAN_5F3.png".
Thank you for your work, I really liked the previous version and I'm sure this one will be even better when I will be able to run it! :)
Wow, the mod has improved A lot than I remember. I gotta keep up with all of these somehow, and hopefully I can assist with some bug hunts. Anyways, always keep up the good work efrenespartano!
Very nice! I love both the shuttle and the suit.
Just remember how heavy these suits are in real life :)
Yes! I'm thinking to give it a penalization of -15 to TUs, -15 to stamina and -10 to all other stats. Also, some reduction to sight range
visibilityAtDark: 7
visibilityAtDay: 20
personalLight: 10
weight: 7
tu: -30
stamina: -15
firing: -10
throwing: -15
melee: -15
frontArmor: 8
sideArmor: 8
rearArmor: 8
underArmor: 8
reactions: 0.1
meleeDodgeBackPenalty: 0.5
flatHundred: -0.01
flatHundred: -0.1
manaNormalized: 14.0
tu: 0.5
manaNormalized: 125.0
manaNormalized: 10
healthCurrent: 0.25
healthCurrent: 0.04
health: -0.024
stunCurrent: 0.036
manaNormalized: 8.0
stunNormalized: -0.1
overKill: 1.5
- 1.0
- 1.2
- 0.4
- 0.8
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 0.8
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.7
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 0.0
That's still pretty generous. This is what I did with a similar suit:Thanks, Solarius! Yes, I noticed that the space suit in XCF has -30 TUs, but I didn't knew it has other penalties.Code: [Select]visibilityAtDark: 7
visibilityAtDay: 20
personalLight: 10
weight: 7
tu: -30
stamina: -15
firing: -10
throwing: -15
melee: -15
frontArmor: 8
sideArmor: 8
rearArmor: 8
underArmor: 8
reactions: 0.1
meleeDodgeBackPenalty: 0.5
flatHundred: -0.01
flatHundred: -0.1
manaNormalized: 14.0
tu: 0.5
manaNormalized: 125.0
manaNormalized: 10
healthCurrent: 0.25
healthCurrent: 0.04
health: -0.024
stunCurrent: 0.036
manaNormalized: 8.0
stunNormalized: -0.1
overKill: 1.5
- 1.0
- 1.2
- 0.4
- 0.8
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 0.8
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.7
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 0.0
Not saying you must do the same or anything, just giving something to ponder.
In addition, we include our new Space Shuttle!
That really nailed the lunar look.
Nice work! (https://openxcom.org/forum/Themes/InsidiousV1-k/images/post/thumbup.gif)
Wow! These surely would make Neil Tyson DeGrasse shed a tear of joy, imo! So pretty!I'm glad you liked it!
Thank you, The Martian! I really liked the image you shared, thank you very much for making it. I'll see how to implement it in the mod, if you don't have a problem with it. ;D
Some gameplay video is avaiable to watch?
Very impressive graphics there, the Shuttle and the Space Station look/feel realistic. 8)
I'm not sure if this will be of use to you, I was digging around in UNEXCOM's resource files and noticed this interesting Laser Sniper Rifle:
(Very nice!)
IMHO, there is an imbalance in research, in March 1973 I can produce Storm and already researched Avenger. In April, I have the Avenger and a plasma weapon. I don't need Earth technology anymore. Such as...Oh, gosh. You are quick!
Wow it's a supermegamod gonna love it! here some screenshots, it seems hard like hell!!! 8) here some scrrenies
Been following this project for a while and I have to say, you've completely run in the direction that I only half-heartedly took with my Equal Terms mod.Whoa!
So damn impressed. Great work.
Sweet. 8)
Finally, a new update!
I have to say, I don't like this mod as much as XCF, but I do find the premise refreshing, although I like the War of the Worlds' idea much more. Nevertheless, good job!
*The Plasma weapons now have a vapor trail
Very cool! (https://openxcom.org/forum/Themes/InsidiousV1-k/images/post/thumbup.gif)
Is it worth selling the Linna instantly? $500k per month seems like a mistake when you could build a radar for $10k per month and not worry about HKs. So what's it good for, exceeding your 8 base limit? Same deal in X-Division (the one Xenonauts megamod), is there a reason or just coincidence?
Ohhh was not aware of detection chance. How does that mechanic work?
Been playing a bit on android, wanted to share some bugs and balance thoughts:
One of the Huey maps is missing or has a typo, causing crashes on mission start. Didn't save the report, but I think it was 1B.
The ToArmorPre and ToWound values are super high, to the point I feel like they're off by a factor of 10. The 7.62 NATO ammo dealing 160% armor pre-damage means it's as good if not better than the meltagun in 40k at slagging armor, and a single friendly fire incident caused 17 fatal wounds with only ~20 damage. If intended that ballistic weapons have damageAlter values this high, they feel overtuned.
STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})"
STR_SHOT_TYPE_AIMED: "Aimed (x{0})"
STR_SHOT_TYPE_SNAP: "Snap (x{0})"
Another thing I noticed: E-115 HEAT rounds use incendiary damage type, which do 5-10 damage by default. With the 75% ArmorEffectiveness they have set, it means the weapons often do nothing. I'd recommend setting a RandomType to make it have a 50-150% or 0-200% roll.
Also you can change the strings for Aimed, Snap, and Auto in the Ufopedia to all show how many shots they fire the same way Auto does:Code: [Select]STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})"
STR_SHOT_TYPE_AIMED: "Aimed (x{0})"
STR_SHOT_TYPE_SNAP: "Snap (x{0})"
All of the sniper rifles that have damage bonuses on the rifle itself won't get boosted damage due to the soldier's accuracy - the damage bonus needs to be on the ammunition or the weapon needs to have built-in ammo (like the laser weapons) in order to work.
The Bastion advanced satellite has defined weapon types and mentions defensive weapons in it's description, but has no weapon space.
- type: STR_ALIEN_INTERCEPTION_3 # Heavy interception
# snip
count: 1
trajectory: P3
timer: 9500
huntMode: 0
huntBehavior: 1
count: 1
trajectory: P5
timer: 9500
huntMode: 1
huntBehavior: 1
count: 10000 # <-------- how did the aliens smuggle or build all of these on earth without X-Com knowing?
trajectory: P5
timer: 0
huntMode: 0
huntBehavior: 1
Glad to see that this mod is still in development. I played the very first version, and I am happy with the progress. I will have to play it again at some point.
If I have one to name one thing that does not fit, I'd say the tanks. Laser weapons and Aircraft are all unique to USSR, USA and NATO, only tank stays the same. It kinda bothers me lore-wise, AND, well, T-62 with Lazer sounds better.
Hi, really enjoying this mod of yours.
I have one question, however: what is the deal with terrorists? They can be researched, but have no UFOPedia articles. I specifically (and at high risk to my men) captured live terrorists hoping they could be interrogated. So I turn to you: who are these terrorists and why am I fighting them?
20-Apr-2021 v0.8.7 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*Fixed Tunnan article not appearing
*Fixed some alien races not having sectoid and ethereal officers, reported by Cupon4uk
*Increased SH-missile effectiveness against UFO shields
*Fixed some live aliens not disapearing after being researched
*Adjusted Long Rifle Ammo capacity to 14
*Fixed alloy sniper ammo being the wrong size, reported by Cupon4uk
*Fixed SKS ufopaedia category
*Fixed some ammunition types being visible in ufopaedia before appopriate research, reported by Rclipse
*Pilot armor now improves pilot interception stats
*Added images for small fighter and troop Lander
*Improved range of Hind, Hind now performs missile strike on the first turn
*Improved air strike item sprites
*Added alien lasers, rulesets by Brother^2, sprites by wolwerin
*Added Thin Man, rulesets by Brother^2, sprites by efrenespartano
*Fixed counterterrorist missions not appearing
*Added terrorist HQ raid mission, map by wolwerin
*Rebalanced mercenaries and special forces, moved their research behind terrorist arc progression
*M16 is now default rifle of USA path, M16 M203 now behind special forces research
*ADEN cannon now only available after NATO air support research
11-May-2021 v.0.9.0 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*Added endgame arc missions
*Added Alien Space Station missions, maps by wolverin
*Added Space Shuttle Transport
*Alien Lasers no longer usable by players
*Alien Lasers can now be dissasembled, used in craft laser manufacture
*Airstrikes can no longer be used on terrorist missions
*New sprites and audio for airstrikes
*Flashbangs now reduce reactions and accuracy for a turn
*Simplified weapon modification recepies, removed toolkit
*Readjusted mission amounts, significantly less UFOs now spawn
*Enemy units now have only half time units during the players first turn
*Adjusted Saladin machine gun tu costs
*Terrorist commander now also unlocks terrorist operations research
*Added bulletsprite for flechettes
*Added SR-71 Blackbird
*Fixed certain alien engineers not unlocking plasma weapon research
*Added new hidden enemy turn backgrounds
*Removed Avenger
*A guranteed alien base now always get created
*Terrorist missions now have names
*New Flare Sprite
*New Bear, default, personal, heavy and power armor sprites, by Hans Woofington
*Increased Bear front armor
*Fixed alloy rifle and carbine firing wrong ammo on burst fire
*Linna satellite inaccesible on game start, now behind satellites research
*Increased the speed of T1 and T2 Fighters
*Adjusted firestorm weapon slots
*Hunter-Killers now have radar circles
*Despawn penalty for terror missions halved
*Stunning enemies now improves morale, just like Kills
*Changed Soviet craft names to nato callsigns
*Removed CQC
*Added salamadron corpse sprite, by ReaverOfDarkness
*T2 satellite now can equip one more weapon and has more hitpoints
*Items in hangars now spawn in a single pile, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Reduced civilians on base defence missions
*Added death sounds to turrets
*Adjusted Ufopedia, added new articles
*Added sprayWaypoints to all SMGs and LMGs
*Added new sprite for battery
*Fixed small turrets sprite, they now point towards where they look
*Improved Cobra, Flanker, Hind and Viggen base sprites
*New sprite for XM22 tank
*Added flavour text to main menu
*Added armour repairing
*New sprite for hunting rifle and FN FAL
*New M1 sprite, by Shawn Clarke
*Added UN path
*Added Stoner weapon line
*Added UN laser weapon
*Added UN T2 Craft
*Added new medical items for space missions
*Added new space armors
*Rebalanced soviet laser weapons, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Rearranged ammos to be nested under guns, by pedroterzero
*Made certain ammos only buyable once appropriate research has been gotten
*Normalised audio, by pedroterzero
*Ufopedia typo corrections, by pedroterzero
*Added Companion Book, by im bored, Southoftheline, Ace009, Filip-H & efrenespartano
12-May-2021 v. Above and Beyond Hotfix
Changes made:
*Fixed Antarctic base crashing
*Adjusted auto shotgun ammo cost
*Fixed the heavy personal armor repair manufacture not requiring heavy armour wreck
*Fixed missing string
*New USSR support image, provided by Cupon4uk
*New sprites for some aliens from the recycledalienscollection, by wolverin
*Adjusted Wound and armor-damage values of ballistic weapons
1-Oct-2021 v0.9.0.2 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*UNEXCOM is now compatible with OXCE 7.1
*Made UNEXCOM into a master mod, now activated from the drop-down box in the mod menu
*Rebalanced NATO Laser Sniper, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Fixed issue with Overseer mission, increased turn limit
*Added new soldier names, by Dauntless1942
Hey, amazing work m8, totally loved the space battles ideas!
28-Mar-2022 v0.9.2 Armored Kill
Changes made:
*Updated to OXCE v7.5.3
*New UI and globeMarkers, by efrenespartano
*Craft weapons doesn't require purchased ammo
*32 new Geoscape events, written by efrenespartano, Rclipse, Kael Schwabauer and Brother2
*Reduced excessive wounding, balances scopes, adds attack shortnames, a few other minor changes by The Reaver of Darkness
*Most alien units have inventories now
*New colored ranks for Floater and Muton units
*New armored enemies
- Armored Sectoid (all sprites by wolwerin)
- Armored Floater (sprite by NeoWorm, modified by efrenespartano)
- Armored Muton (sprite by NeoWorm, modified by efrenespartano)
- Mechtoid (sprites by Jackstaw2323, ruleset by memmaker)
- Probe (sprites by Duke_Falcon, ruleset by Pjlasl)
- Cybersphere (sprites by The Martian)
*Improved basebits for planes
- UNEXCOM: Crusader, Saracen
- USA: UH-1 Huey, F-4 Phantom II, F-105 Thunderchief, F-104 Rapier, B-70 Valkyrie, YF-17 Cobra
- NATO: F.6 Lightning, Mirage IV, Saab 35 Draken, Saab 37 Viggen, SEPECAT Jaguar, MBB Lampyridae, F-104G Starfighter
- USSR: Su-30 'Flanker', MiG-31 'Firefox', MiG-25 'Foxbat'
*Replaced Lighting with improved map by The Reaver of Darkness
*Buffed Alloy Weapons, accuracy improved between 10% and 20%, TC rounds now have ToArmorPre between 0.5 and 0.7. Added white vapor trails for TC and blue for Flechette rounds.
*New Fusion Weapons, concept drawn by Dauntless1942
- Fusion Splitter
- Fusion Lance
- Ethereal Noble Sword
- Thermonuclear Projectile Launcher
- Hybrid Fusion Rifle (sprite and Pedia text by Filip-H)
*Several bugfixes by Buscher
- Craft Weapons can be equipped at any time even if Research is not completed, Research is only used for purchasing. Also Jaguar gets an options for a fuel tank
- Tonfa does Stun damageType instead of Melee
- Terrorists don't do Retaliation Missions
- Display Ufopedia Article for Special Forces Armor once they join
- Fix types according to openxcom.log (mainly with liveAlien: "")
- Fix low missile speed according to openxcom.log
- PNG/GIF Palette Fixes
- Remove Noob Trap that Personal Lights are
*Updated some weapon sprites to new ones, drawn by efrenespartano
- Makarov, PSG1, KS23, M1911 Colt 45, M79 Thumper, Skorpion
*Stoner Sniper now has Pedia entry
*I ain't no fortunate one
Awesome mod. Very atmospheric. Is anyone doing any additional translation into Russian?
1-May-2023: v0.11.0 Echoes and Whispers
Changes made:
*Updated to OXCE v7.9
*Improved and expanded Russian translation, by wolwerin
*Reworked Plasma tech tree, existing Human Plasma guns are deleted and new Plasma weapons are now available to Faction selection. Alien Plasma Weapons research project now includes Armored Engineers too
*Added new Plasma weapons, by Filip-H, The Reaver of Darkness, BlondeKnight and efrenespartano
# UN
- XP-3 Peacebringer Hybrid Plasma
- XM-590 Plasma Battle Rifle
- X-80 Plasma Stormgun
- FGM-77 Dragon Guided Munitions Launcher
- MAS-73 E1 Plasma Carbine
- Enfield APEX Plasma Pistol
- Walther L/Pl-SG 200 Sniper Plasma
- APVCh Plasma Assault Rifle
- PShAB Plasma PDW
- PPCh Plasma MG
*Added new Specialized Weapons to On Our Own path, sprites by wolwerin & Brain_322
- Burya EMR
- Hurrikan Egewehr
*Changed all definitions of STR_CYDONIA_DEP to STR_COMMANDER_PLUS, to avoid softlocking on the final mission
*Added more lore reports, written by Filip-H
*Bear Riot Armor now requires it's own wreck to fix, not XM-72 wreck, by Fegelein
*Delta EOD's MG3 now has LMG fire modes, suggested by eclecticbibliophile
*Hyperwave Encoder now appears in Alien Fort Underground stage
*Added Troop Lander and Large Scout to Allied Operations
*Alloy Autocannon now grants LMG and Artillery commendations, suggested by eclecticbibliophile
Hi, and thanks! I enjoy Unexcom it a lot.
Is there any further background music/sound recommendation apart from the submod/soundtrack?
How about an item categories for prisoners and corpses? Or preferable two separate categories.
No big work, I already did that for myself so I could post a patch, open a pull-request or similar.
Open a pull request at the WIP UNEXCOM GitHub repo
We are currently working on a balance pass here, feel free to contribute! (https://github.com/Inventorum-Development-Team/IDT_UNEXCOM/tree/v0.11.2)
30-May-2024: v1.2 Echoes and Whispers
Changes made:
* Improved and expanded Russian translation, by wolwerin
* Rebalanced CALBR, by wolverin
* Rebalanced armor penetration values. Laser does 50% damage to armor, Plasma and Fusion does 60%, by efrenespartano
* Rebalanced Human Plasma weapons (decreased TU costs and accuracy dropoff), by efrenespartano
* Change the USSR plasma weapons hitanimation to blue, the vapor trail is that color, by GumChewer1980
* Reduced alien mech units armor values, by efrenespartano
* Modified M24 Hind with additional ammunition and height by 1 easier to shoot, by Kiro Xei
* Adding new vehicles: Cargo Truck Convoy; Cargo Truck Trailer, by Kiro Xei
* Reduce training room to 15; and modified storage space to 5 for living quarters, by Kiro Xei
* Set terrorist live alien to false, as these humans can be captured (Test), by Kiro Xei
* All units including infantry, vehicles and others will have equipped with special weapon: Melee Attack. Tanks will now perform dangerous driving tactics, by Kiro Xei
* Shuttle map fixed including MCD, by Kiro Xei
* Shotgun slugs do 50% damage to armor, Shells pellet spread improved to 80% (was 50%)
* Rebalanced Alien Retaliation races (reduced chance of Ethereals and Mutons early retaliation, increased chance of Sectoids and Floaters), suggested Brother^2
* Remove specialWeapons: STR_UNARMED_UNIFORM from UNEXCOM armors, by GumChewer1980
* Added Corpses/Prisoners item category, by GumChewer1980
* Fixed various yaml indent errors, by GumChewer1980
* Misc. fixes, e.g., inventory sizes of items, by GumChewer1980
* Tanks are forbidden on Hijacked Plane Assault missions, by efrenespartano
* Enabled hireByLocation on all soldiers, by efrenespartano
* Added Strafing Run Flare, by efrenespartano
* Fixed hole in the stairs, reported by Alligator
Can you tell me how to get this mod to work? https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10723.0.html
I've tried editing the files in "Language" similarly, but it doesn't work
It has been a while. Time to have another playthrough!
#ammoMax: 8
#rearmRate: 4
# ammoMax: 8
# rearmRate: 4
In `facilities_UNEXCOM.rul` there's an invalid ruleset:Code: [Select]- #override: STR_FUSION_BALL_DEFENSE
#ammoMax: 8
#rearmRate: 4
This results in an empty item, which is not allowed since 2 years ago already.
Correct commenting out would look like this:Code: [Select]# - override: STR_FUSION_BALL_DEFENSE
# ammoMax: 8
# rearmRate: 4