OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => Topic started by: NeoWorm on June 29, 2017, 12:57:44 am

Title: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: NeoWorm on June 29, 2017, 12:57:44 am
This is compilation of various micro mods and fixes that introduce many new OCXE+ features to base game without actually adding any new content. I wanted this to be part of my own mod but I decided to share it with others so potential new moders can save time implementing these features (or ripping them from more complex mods). I also compiled in some tweaks and fixes for various X-Com oddities. It's still work in progress and I will be expanding this with other stuff as the features are added and I make new graphics for aliens, tanks, GUIs etc.

So far I have these:
- Options preset for advanced features (alien bleeding, explosion height etc...)
- Helmetless Power suit
- Distinct Flying suit (with corpse and death animation)
- Inventory nulls (copied from Piratez)
- Quick Draw inventory slot and 4x3 backpack (blocked on all player armors to 3x3)
- Tank Inventories are accessible now (added null items to block everything, doesn't look nice atm, but after I add tank paperdolls it will be fine)
- Alien inventory paperdolls (two are remade by me rest are placeholders from ufopedia images)
- Alien Melee stats
- All outdoor maps are 10 tiles high
- Item categories
- Cydonia Mission equipment limitations (no bullet weapons, no incendiary, armors converted to Power suits or Flying armors)
- Alien inventory preview in style of X-Com radar/medikit
- All crafts have pilots
- 2 bonus soldiers at the begining to pilot Interceptors (need to be assigned manualy at the moment)
- Armors and Auxiliaries previews for craft equit screen
- Tiny ranks and avatar background image (I need to solve centering of the faces somehow)
- Fast ramps for all crafts
- Lightning fix & Avenger door restoration (by Tarvis -,2040.0.html (,2040.0.html))
- recoverable & researchable Alien Reproduction
- Laser tech Ufopedia entry
- Radar ranges Ufopedia fix

What I am going to add in the future:
- Custom paperdolls with consistent style for everything including Tanks
- Custom Hit animations for all melee attacks
- Predefined custom projectiles & explosions image (some basic set for further use)
- Status icons
- Unique terror unit weapon image for Sectopod and Cyberdisk
- Improved ufopedia entry for HWPs (probably inspired by TFTD)
- Corridor facility

If someone knows about something that could fit in there feel free to post here. I am leaving home for a week so I won't be able to make anything new but I will be luring around the forums.
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 29, 2017, 06:47:48 pm
Actually, that's a great initiative. Very useful!

Just wondering, do new faces count as new content? Normally I'd say no, but since alien inventory images are fine...
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: NeoWorm on June 29, 2017, 09:00:16 pm
The "zero content" part is little exaggerated. There is new content, but it shouldn't change the gameplay in any significant way. I was thinking about making new sets of character faces, but not right now.
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 29, 2017, 09:09:25 pm
The "zero content" part is little exaggerated. There is new content, but it shouldn't change the gameplay in any significant way. I was thinking about making new sets of character faces, but not right now.

Well, I currently have 28 variants for each sex, and all armours - if you're interested.
(Will be more, in time.)
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Countdown on July 12, 2017, 08:30:59 am
Well, I currently have 28 variants for each sex, and all armours - if you're interested.
(Will be more, in time.)
Where can one check those out? Are they in The X-Com Files or the Final Mod Pack?
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 12, 2017, 02:32:36 pm
Where can one check those out? Are they in The X-Com Files or the Final Mod Pack?

The X-Com Files. FMP is for vanilla OXC.
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: B1ackwolf on March 29, 2018, 03:53:55 am
sorry for necroing, but im thinking about start modding, i was planning to strip some stuff from some mods around there, but this is really a life(and time) saver , thanks.

On a side note Solarius, do you think content present in this file is currently  "workable" or is there a lot of stuff added that makes some of this features kind of outdated (specifically the avatar and small rank+pilot stuff). Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 29, 2018, 10:33:04 am
I'm not sure what you mean, since I only spoke about new faces here. If that was your question, then I made 8 more faces for the XCF, and another 8 are in production.
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: B1ackwolf on March 29, 2018, 05:00:24 pm
 :-[ :-[ sorry for my bad english, i think i always make redundant or confusing sentences (basically because sometimes i "translate directly" the order of words from my native language).

What i asked was, if this zero mod content was "updated" (because i know from time to time some features change the code structure and stuff like that) , but i already tried and it works sucessfully.......on a side note, about your new faces (they are called paperdolls right? i have to learn the terms xD) the answer is YEEEEEEEEEES! . Im pretty interested on them :)!, specially the civilians , i play xcom files and the variety of civilians is just wonderful. With that , one of my needies is basically complete, i would just keep craving about those dogs.....but imma take the chance and see if i could do it myself tho
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 29, 2018, 08:14:03 pm
Ah, in this case you should ask Neoworm, not me :)
I am thinking of some sort of non-invasive mod which uses OXCE+ features for vanilla. No new items, research etc., only mechanics and aesthetics (like the new faces).
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: B1ackwolf on March 29, 2018, 10:17:11 pm
That would be absolutely awesome, yes, i really want that kind of mod, or at least a list for the new features, because everytime i found new stuff and options aviable and its kind of confusing (specially because i understand having a comprehensive changelog for proyects like OXCE and OXCE+ its a bit of a hassle)........And speaking of that...with no new items.....this also include no dogs  :'( :'( :'( ?
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Mechasaurian on May 29, 2018, 07:07:46 pm
@NeoWorm, I'm a very big fan of the "craft with pilots" (who affect the game board with their skills) aspect of this mod. Definitely going to use this mod for that feature.

I'm not sure what you mean, since I only spoke about new faces here. If that was your question, then I made 8 more faces for the XCF, and another 8 are in production.

Did you, now?

I don't suppose a standalone download of these faces is out of the question, kind sir?  :)
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 30, 2018, 10:05:26 am
I don't suppose a standalone download of these faces is out of the question, kind sir?  :)

Well, I guess it would be easy to make a standalone mod for this. I don't have time to do it, but if someone else wants to, then be my guest!
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Mechasaurian on May 30, 2018, 11:44:06 am
Well, I guess it would be easy to make a standalone mod for this. I don't have time to do it, but if someone else wants to, then be my guest!
Well, I'm still getting a handle on the basics of modding (such as what to do with the"listOrder" value), but maybe I'll get round to ripping it from XCF myself if that's okay with you.
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: NeoWorm on June 10, 2018, 03:07:07 am
Nice to see somebody interested. I somehow fell out of openXCom for the time being, but I have slightly more advanced version with more tweaks. I think there was some problem that I coudn't get rid of with the tank paperdolls and so I didn't posted it here. I may look into it and post it.

Also I have some new sprites I am currently hogging to myself, I will probably post it in my resource thread later...
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: Mr. Quiet on November 19, 2018, 12:50:55 pm
Are these updated? I wanna run them on my current PT of Area 51. Thx
Title: Re: Zero Content Base mod
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on November 20, 2018, 12:41:32 pm
I'd like to provide something I made. I see you're intending to add corridors. Most mods use the existing cross-shaped facility container as a corridor, but I think it looks wrong, so I made a custom corridor image which blends in perfectly with the hallway pieces that automatically generate between facilities.