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OpenXcom => Open Feedback => Topic started by: guitarxe on April 05, 2017, 02:55:28 am

Title: Some small questions!
Post by: guitarxe on April 05, 2017, 02:55:28 am
Hello! And first of all, thank you SO much for this great project! It feels incredible to reply this game that had made such an impression in my childhood.

I've had a few questions, to see if this was possible, because I've recently played Xenonauts and the absence of these two things makes it a bit annoying to play:

1. Is there a way to make display a line of shooting from soldier to enemy, so that I can see whether he's about to shoot my poor rookie scout in the back of his head? I keep killing most of my scouts myself :(

2. Is there a way to know where my soldiers are able to see and where not? In Xenonauts, this line of sight is depicted by a grey shaded area on the tiles. If they are completely revealed, your soldiers can see there, if they are greyed out, the there is no line of sight. In this game I've come across several times where I went to move my soldier somewhere and as soon as he turns 45 degrees to his left or right, spots an alien that was RIGHT THERE which for me, looking at the field, I would have assumed that area was "visible" by some of my soldiers.

Just curious if that's possible, probably not, but I've seen some cool stuff that I didn't expect!
Title: Re: Some small questions!
Post by: 7Saturn on April 06, 2017, 11:19:33 pm
1.: Not exactly. However, if you are certainly hitting him (as the perfect line of fire goes right through the guy), the game will refuse to do that (ans tell you so), unless you force it to. (AFAIK, you must turn that option on, to be able to use it.) The rest is statistics. Meaning, your guys are miserable marks man and still manage to kill each other. ;-) So when in doubt, don't shoot through narrow space between your soldiers.

2.: Not that I know of. I know that from ufo2000 as well. Was quite handy.
Title: Re: Some small questions!
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 06, 2017, 11:26:16 pm
You could mod in a weapon that takes 1 TU to use, has something like 500% accuracy, and does 0 damage. When you fire it, it should draw the line between soldier and target, and if it passes close to a soldier, don't take the shot with your regular gun. Call it a laser pointer or something.
Title: Re: Some small questions!
Post by: Hobbes on April 07, 2017, 01:35:49 am
2.: Not that I know of. I know that from ufo2000 as well. Was quite handy.

UFO2000 also has the option of displaying a line from the soldier to the square where the cursor was located, which has the same effect as described in 1.

The main drawback of having this option available to the player is that it helps a lot with scout and snipe tactics since you can more easily avoid terrain obstacles when firing
Title: Re: Some small questions!
Post by: 7Saturn on April 07, 2017, 10:05:28 am
This goes also for grenade throwing. In UFO2000 however, it's a bit more »serious« with concerns what you can do with your weapons. It simply doesn't warn you, when there is no LOF and no LOT (line of throwing). So you really need that option in order to have the least bit of fun with the gameplay. Otherwise it'd be quite necessary to know exactly, where the weapon will fire, which is pretty much impossible on not so plain terrains...