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Modding => Released Mods => XPiratez => Topic started by: Marza on March 05, 2017, 10:26:32 pm

Title: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 05, 2017, 10:26:32 pm
Every time I have a new gameplay question I'll ask it here instead of making a new thread each time.

Where are nomads found? They were introduced in 0.99F and I don't think I've seen one ingame, 5 game years in. They're not the deep one nomads are they?

Where are shadow orbs found?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KiriKaneko on March 06, 2017, 02:26:44 pm
Hi, just wanted to wish you good luck! I'm new to this mod as well :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 06, 2017, 06:06:49 pm
How come Humanists and Spartans aren't even allied? They are ideologicaly fairly close, Humanists could use spartan skills and Spartans could use humanist tech.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on March 06, 2017, 07:12:41 pm
I would guess it comes down to ideology. Humanists are opposed to mutants, whereas Spartans strike me as super isolationist, so probably opposed to everyone that isn't a Spartan.

Not for me to decide, of course, but I could see the Spartans grudgingly accepting a mutant if they lived up to the Spartan lifestyle well enough.

It might be sensible for them to work together, but even in the real world, that's seldom enough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on March 07, 2017, 04:16:59 am
Humanists are crazy, and even other pureblood humans think so.  Spartans are merely patriarchal libertarian gun nuts.

As this is a thread for small questions, here's one:

Do landmines that aren't set off get collected after a mission?  I keep meaning to test it, but never get around to it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on March 07, 2017, 08:23:36 am
What do "WORKER"s do, I.e the ones you get from the "hire" option in the workshop? I'm aware that slaves give you extra storage space, but these seem to be willing volunteers and presumably do something else?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on March 07, 2017, 08:40:46 am
They boost your storage space for a fee.

Mostly it seems to be for those who find slavery distasteful enough to not participate in it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 07, 2017, 10:22:36 am
Hire also converts otherwise non slave able units.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 07, 2017, 01:49:48 pm
Unexploded explosives indeed are collected after a battle - including mines.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on March 07, 2017, 02:07:49 pm
Hire also converts otherwise non slave able units.

I never noticed any extra space actually appear in the log screen though, is it not counted there?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 07, 2017, 02:31:23 pm
It's counted, but as negative space instead of increasing the storage cap. Only buildings can increase the cap, so slaves and workers have negative storage size to cancel out the size of regular items.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 09, 2017, 01:48:00 am
I found the elusive nomads, but I'm still clueless when it comes to finding shadow orbs.

Anyone got any hints for me where I should be looking?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on March 09, 2017, 03:11:08 am
I just found a Shadow Orb of Mind in an Undersea mission...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kutchinka on March 09, 2017, 06:07:07 pm
How does resistance work? the explanation in the bootypedia isn't very good.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 09, 2017, 06:36:27 pm
Which resistance?  Armor resistance, or the new special items that provide it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 09, 2017, 06:55:32 pm
Armor Resistance works by reducing or increasing damage by a percentage. Values above 100% increase damage taken, values below 100% reduce. In the case of protective gear items they modify armors native resist by a multiplier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sectopod on March 09, 2017, 07:49:00 pm
so, when it says "choking 400%", then this means choking dmg is multiplied by 4? eg the rope does lets say 6 dmg, so then against all basic outfits with "choking 400%" it does 6x4=24 dmg ? is this the way to calculate it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 09, 2017, 07:55:20 pm
Yes. 400% is base x4. It should also be noted that resistance comes before armor but after a weapon rolls damage. So high resist, middling armor value outfits are actually quite sturdy particularly against high rolls from big guns.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kutchinka on March 09, 2017, 10:48:38 pm
armor. what items?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 09, 2017, 10:51:52 pm
New things like gas masks and warm clothing for cold weather, or just so you can accessorize :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kutchinka on March 09, 2017, 10:56:39 pm
OK thx everyone that helped a lot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sectopod on March 10, 2017, 06:39:04 am
Yes. 400% is base x4. It should also be noted that resistance comes before armor but after a weapon rolls damage. So high resist, middling armor value outfits are actually quite sturdy particularly against high rolls from big guns.

this leads to the more interesting questions, why all basic outfits for the gals have 400% choking? because with these outfits, they wear this collar? is this one of dioxines phantasies? ::)

why are there so little stats available about the enemies, also after being researched? do the sky ninjas also have 400% choking? >:( does/did any enemy ever do choking damage to you? the most kinky that ever happened to me was getting whipped by a shrine maiden.
there are far too many guns in this mod.

also my gf sometimes has high resist. like against everything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 10, 2017, 07:14:36 am
Smoke damage is hardcoded to be 1-3 per turn. Hence 400% is neccessary to make the time-honored abuse of smoke camping less easy.

there are far too many not enough guns in this mod.

Here, fixed that for you. No thanks needed.

why are there so little stats available about the enemies, also after being researched articles about every fucking enemy in the game with tons of flavour?

Fixed that for you as well. Because I spent a metric fuckton of time on writing them.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sectopod on March 10, 2017, 07:23:30 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 13, 2017, 10:58:00 am
there are far too many guns in this mod.

Most of them, suprisingly, aren't worthless ;D

Sadly some early game favourites (more due to being fun than for being effective) such as spitfire, quad launcher and blizzard launcher  never really get a later game upgrade.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KiriKaneko on March 14, 2017, 03:25:55 am
Smoke camping is not that effective in this mod due to the abundance of thermal vision enemies. However, if I were to use it I wouldnt find it hard, because canteen of refreshment is easy to mass produce. Before I had power armour I used to bring like 60 in the dropship so I could camp the dropship in hot weather
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on March 14, 2017, 04:17:01 am
Does anyone ever use the shiv, bamboo spear, stone axe or bone club? 

Also curious about the pipe, although I occasionally find myself tooling someone up with a pipe for backup. The other four though, I've basically never used.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 14, 2017, 05:01:53 am
I've used spear and axe some during the early game but not all that much. 

Nothing wrong with the weapons at all, but captives are just worth more to early progress.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 14, 2017, 05:37:32 am
Does anyone ever use the shiv, bamboo spear, stone axe or bone club? 

I can give my thumbs up for the stone axe. They came in very useful for the very early game, allowing freshly hired hands to land solid hits, even on underwater missions. I guess the same could be said for the bamboo spear in theory.

I'm not sure what niche the bone club fills, apart from being a lethal weapon to counter enemies with bad daze resistance: I'm not sure what enemies those are.

The shiv is a 1x1 item with low weight, which is about its only advantage. I think there's a new mission that forces the player to use them, but I don't know the specifics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sectopod on March 14, 2017, 05:57:14 am
Does anyone ever use the shiv, bamboo spear, stone axe or bone club? 

Also curious about the pipe, although I occasionally find myself tooling someone up with a pipe for backup. The other four though, I've basically never used.

No I did never use them really. Tired Bamboo Spear once, before there was Spear. For me there always were superior alternatives. For me the most important thing is the acc of the melee weapon. If I run up close to an enemy, I want to be sure a gal hits when striking, not to stand in front of an enemy without or with little TU. This is even more important to me than the power bonus.

So naturally Spear with 160% acc rocks for me among the early game melee weapons. The Fuso Sword I like even more. But there is just one or so in every mission with Sky Ninjas to be looted. The Saber is great, 100% acc, decent damage and ONE-handed but also loot only. These three always hit. And can be used to make very reliable melee fighters.

And I almost forgot, the Spear does piercing damage, thus can be used to kill osiron operatives, marsec securities and lightly armored enemies in general, in 2, sometimes in one strike. If you get that close. Taking into account, that only explosives like HE-Grenades are effective against them in early game, this property of the spear is a great gain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jepeman on March 17, 2017, 01:03:18 am
Any way to speed up craft repair?

Besides the craft specific repair speed multiplier, like kraken having 2x speed, crab 3x speed, etc.
Does having more runts in the base the craft is housed in help? My main air base has no runts.

Asking since I have a kraken being repaired for 10 days after some wonderful tanking against big invasion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 17, 2017, 01:13:11 am
Nope, no way to speed it up beyond what's already done for the Kraken.  Ten days is pretty average for a Kraken going on patrol, and usually there aren't that many things to tank in a month. If it still has gas in the tank, it'll still work for light tanking duty - give it some extra armor, maybe ablative, or a shield item.

Well, you can also just sell it and build a new one, with a good enough manufacturing base that takes less than ten days easily.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: specspore on March 17, 2017, 07:01:42 pm
EDIT: I just found out that I was missing Metal ore.
What do I need for advanced chemistry? As far as I can tell i have everything for it(even checked the tech tree just to make sure) But its still not giving me the option to research it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 20, 2017, 05:32:35 pm
I just found a Shadow Orb of Mind in an Undersea mission...

My belated thanks! haven't found one yet, but I'll keep looking there.

Guild Team Leaders can no longer be enslaved as of F.4. Is this intended?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 20, 2017, 05:56:10 pm
It is. Marsec Operative and Bodyguard won't be either from next version on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on March 21, 2017, 09:36:38 am
Hi guys (or should it be gals, given the mods' theme? :) ) couple of questions here:

How are stat based power bonuses to wpn damage calculated: is it (Wpn Dmg * 0-200%) + Bonus or (Wpn Damage + Bonus) * 0-200%
eg. Sniper Rifle .25 Firing Accuracy Bonus, 30 Base damage Gal with FA 100
a): (30*0-200%)+25 = 25 - 85
b:) (30+25) * 0-200% = 0 - 110

Also any advice for Organ Grinder Missions so that I don't end up with the whole crew in sickbay?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nrafield on March 21, 2017, 09:55:06 am
If you don't want your crew to end up in sickbay after that mission you will have to come to terms with the fact that some of them are going to end up in the morgue...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 21, 2017, 10:14:29 am
Bonus comes first, roll comes next. So (x+y)*0...2

The first rule of Organ Grinder is to accept you will get lots of sicbay time, and concentrate on working fast and not actually dying.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 21, 2017, 11:17:32 am
High chem resist helps alot on organ grinders to slow the burn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on March 23, 2017, 03:03:44 pm
A couple questions about mansion raids:

1. Can all enemy types have a mansion?

2. Is there a list of all armour types that can infiltrate ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on March 23, 2017, 03:10:37 pm
1/ Only academy, guild, church and zombies.

2/ The following armors (you can find the translations for them in Piratez_lang.rul):
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on March 25, 2017, 01:47:52 pm
Todays' questions are Radar related:

If I'm reading the bootypedia etc. correctly: Radar is checked exactly on the ingame hour and half-hour, at which point any shipping within radar range is detected (100% chance), meaning only the largest radar at a base actually does anything.

Do Craft Radar exhibit the same behaviour of scans at :00 and :30?

How does this work for enemy bases? (Is it only if stationary?, does it need more than one cycle?, can ground radar detect a base eg. new radar comes online with enemy base already within range?)

Since craft maintain the same tag number if lost and re-detected is it possible to have the hyperwave detection screen on redetects by radar only eg. craft chasing?
(since we know it's the same ship surely we'd be able to call up the hyperwave info from the previous detection? especially ship type and race...)

What determines when tracking is lost? (time outside radar, next pulse not under radar, something else?)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 26, 2017, 05:53:10 am
It is. Marsec Operative and Bodyguard won't be either from next version on.
Good to know, thanks.

Todays' questions are Radar related...

From observation, craft radar perform 100% chance scans at :00 and :30, just like ground based radar. Craft radar don't give the information that hyperwave decoders yield, however if enemy shipping uncovered by craft radar moves into hyperwave decoder range, shipping information will update automatically at :00 and :30.

Detection of enemy hideouts don't seem to be dependant on craft radar range and I've noticed ground based radar/hyperwaves don't seem to uncover enemy hideouts. I'm not sure how long it takes to reveal enemy hideouts, but the process seems to only take a few hours.

Shipping tracking is lost if the shipping is outside radar coverage at :30 and :00.

Can't answer the question about automatic memorising of hyperwave information, I guess it's up to the player to be alert when tracking shipping.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 26, 2017, 06:09:38 am
Hyperwave/Not Hyperwave info is as i understand it merely a If/Then check on the detection system which is itself a simple priority list.  I dont think engine has the capacity to recall if hyperwave was in range during a flight. It only cares at instance of info window opening. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Blackbeard2090 on March 27, 2017, 12:26:22 pm

i tried to shoot down a silver tower with 4 sabres each equipped with 2 avalanch launcher and 2 lasers. Even after depleting whole amunition their shields are still up. My dragon is to slow to catch them so i cannot use fusion or plasma beam weapons. What can i do?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 27, 2017, 12:33:39 pm
Tesla cannons or the anti shield missile is pretty much required to shoot down silver towers. They have over 1k shield and the highest sheild-regen rate of any foe. There are a few other weapons that have additional shield damage that can help.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Blackbeard2090 on March 27, 2017, 02:35:35 pm
ok, thank you!

I thought that avalanche missiles do 600 dmg also against shields. So 8 of them do 2400-4800 dmg. The shipinformation shows that silver towers have 2800 shieldstrength and 9 points of shield regeneration and 2100 health (4900 total ). Even without tesla cannons the avalanche missiles should easily destroy their shields but they dont. Has the shield dmg of avalanche missiles been reduced?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 27, 2017, 02:51:23 pm
The issue is that Avalanches are slow, and the shield regen is very fast - they would take down the shield, but only if all of them hit simultaneously, which is pretty difficult to do even at the lowest dogfight speed. Medusa missiles aren't much better because of the low reload speed compared to the tesla cannon.  I'd suggest either trying again with 2-3 whalers with avalanches and a Sabre lead, or have a couple dedicated tesla cannon sabres to take down the shield, then a set of follow-up craft for a second interception to crash the towers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on March 27, 2017, 04:53:01 pm
It's actually 9x regeneration. I believe it's actual regeneration is about 63 per second, though I've not verified it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on March 28, 2017, 03:47:56 am
Do different enemy groups have favourite locations?

It's March of year 3 and all I've seen of the Reticulan's was two hyperwave detections right on the edge of my Asian Bases range (and they dissappeared before anything could reach them) so I'm wondering if they are all where I can't see them, or just VERY rare?

Haven't seen any Star Gods at all for that matter...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 28, 2017, 05:02:31 am
... a couple dedicated tesla cannon sabres to take down the shield, then a set of follow-up craft for a second interception to crash the towers.

I've tried a few tests with 4 sabres armed with tesla cannons and no missiles, piloted by hands with full bravery, reactions and accuracy. In every case, a sabre was shot down before the four of them could collapse the shields. The shield regen on Silver Towers is insanely high.

Do different enemy groups have favourite locations?

I think it's all down to monthly RNG as to when and where faction specific shipping appears; I've gone 6 months without seeing the church make an appearance before. By March of year 3, Star God shipping should be enabled.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 28, 2017, 05:52:22 am
No region is favored over another as far as spawns go. Factions are however NOT evenly distributed in spawning missions. The randomization is very streaky and the issue is aggravated by no faction having all possible enemy missions unlike vanilla. Peacekeeping for instance is not performed by minor factions. Only the guild runs freighters ect. The game selects a mission type then assigns a faction. Poor distribution results.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 28, 2017, 06:32:25 am
I've tried a few tests with 4 sabres armed with tesla cannons and no missiles, piloted by hands with full bravery, reactions and accuracy. In every case, a sabre was shot down before the four of them could collapse the shields. The shield regen on Silver Towers is insanely high.

Are you using the latest version of the mod? When extra shield damage was introduced, a typo in the ruleset caused the bonus not to take effect. When that was fixed, the regen on the towers was also lowered a bit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Blackbeard2090 on March 28, 2017, 03:41:50 pm
I think something went wrong with the silver tower shields regeneration rate.

I tested it with 3 sabres each with 2 teslas and 2 avalanche missiles and 1 dragon with 2 plasma beams and 2 fusion ball launchers. I fired the missiles after i reached tesla range so that the tesla cannons could weaken the shields before the missiles hit. Even after hits with fusion balls i could not destroy their shields.

We need new weapons!!! :)

edit: I use Version 099f.4
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 28, 2017, 04:34:26 pm
Got reports about successful interceptions, but if such armada can't defeat Silver Towers, looks like they need to be nerfed a notch.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 28, 2017, 04:44:22 pm
That's starting to sound like a bug to me - the 6 tesla cannons are enough to negate the regeneration of the shields and provide a little damage beyond that, then the avalanches and fusion balls should have been plenty to take down the shield and the craft itself, plasma beams or not.  Do you have a save just before the interception?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 28, 2017, 05:03:37 pm
It can be done but is a monumental pain in the ass undertaking. It's quite easy to simple run out firepower before success due to misses/low damage rolls. It is also faster then the heavy combat craft like the dragon which limits how much sustained dps you bring to bear unless it deigns to slow down for extended periods.

I managed it once and declared it a waste of resources and time. I also found the ground assault......nope no way to say this constructively so im just gonna shut-up before i start shouting at the hard work of someone i respect.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on March 28, 2017, 05:12:58 pm
It can be done but is a monumental pain in the ass undertaking.

Same here.

I managed it once and declared it a waste of resources and time.

Same here, except I managed it one less time. Don't remember the exact version, but it was already after introduction of shields.

...nope no way to say this constructively so im just gonna shut-up before i start shouting at the hard work of someone i respect.

Yeah, same here :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 28, 2017, 05:15:08 pm
Naturally the Silver Towers are designed to troll the player, both in interception and in ground assault. By no means I consider this craft fair. The only saving grace it has, it's guaranteed to provide a key capture. But it is possible to get that capture from other sources, too, and downing Silver Towers can generate a Star Gods Crackdown, giving you these other sources.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 28, 2017, 06:23:41 pm
Dioxine, i'm gonna try real hard not be upset by that post.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 28, 2017, 10:07:05 pm
How so? I admitted it's a troll ship, instead of saying that all is good and balanced about it... But some players get to a point where they crave greater challenge, that is what troll ships are for. And the prize for defeating a troll ship is real, which IMO makes up for the effort.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 28, 2017, 11:29:26 pm
Are you using the latest version of the mod? When extra shield damage was introduced, a typo in the ruleset caused the bonus not to take effect. When that was fixed, the regen on the towers was also lowered a bit.

Last time I shot down Silver Towers was with version F.3.

4 sabres all firing tesla cannons probably would put out enough damage to collapse a Silver Towers' shields, but I've never seen that in practice due to return fire blowing the sabres out of the sky. Note that this happens without the sabre firing missiles, just the tesla cannons. With missiles enabled and synchronised with the tesla cannons, 4 sabres can usually down a Silver Towers without an interceptor getting destroyed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 29, 2017, 01:44:50 am
Your phrasing is what upset me. Trolling has extremely negative connotations for me. I deal with people being jerkwads and trying to cover there asses by trying pass it off as humor as part of daily life(joys of being a forum moderator). Using trolling in relation with something that had my screaming in frustration already?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Blackbeard2090 on March 29, 2017, 01:47:04 am
ok, here is my save game. 4 sabres already engaged the silver tower ship, another sabre follows and the dragon is also in close range. I tested it several times, the dragon can join the fight because the silver tower flys with low speed.

Even with luck (1 dragon as tank and 3 sabres) i could not destroy their shields.

When the silver tower ships were first introduced, i normaly shot them down with 4 sabres with avalanches and lasers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on March 31, 2017, 04:37:27 am

I have a question about early game ships guns. What is the best strategy to use spike balls?. I found then very hard to use. For civilian traffic I have to wait until 25mm cannons because when the balls hit, they destroy the vessels. And for small ships well, is not common in the very early game to survive with an aircar a vessel interception. If somebody could give me some tips about then, thanks in advance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 31, 2017, 05:15:59 am
Craft airballs are a great option for (very) early game civilian shipping. As you've found out, they're not very good at it since they're liable to outright destroy the target or miss all three shots. Since airball ammo only costs a little scrap metal and chemical, a successful downing and looting of a single civilian vessel will pay for itself.

That said, 25mm cannons are way better. Airballs fill a niche role when the player has rushed to unlock and build interceptors, but doesn't have any real guns for them yet. On paper, airballs punch through enemy armour better than most light craft weapons; theoretically downing a super early military gunboat/escort is possible (although pretty insane!).

Never used spike balls myself. 12 tiles doesn't justify Lo Wang's Bang for me.  :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on March 31, 2017, 08:08:35 am
Looking at things, ST shield regains 63 points/sec, which is exactly average Tesla vs shield damage.   Teslas have 5 second refire so you need 5 teslas to just keep up with shield regen.  But you still need to go through about 2800 worth of shield and di it fast.   If each Sabre also carries 2 avalanches, with 3 sabres it is anywhere between 1800 and 3600 damage, average 2700 - not enough even for shield, and there is also about 1000 damage to be done to hull.   So, on a statistical average, 3 sabres with avalanches and teslas ought to handle the shield, and do it fast.  The fourth craft ought to be a dragon with extra plating and 1 plasma cannon and 2 fusion launchers.  Dragon engages first with plasma only, soon as ST fires, Sabres go all out ramming speed, with Avalanches hopefully kicking down the shield.    Once Teslas engage, turn on the Dragon's fusion launchers.   At least on paper, this ought to work, RNGesus might say otherwise...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 31, 2017, 02:40:57 pm
The shield shouldn't recharge once it's down (if I didn't make a mistake writing the code), even if you exit Interception, so you can first attack with sabres carrying tesla cannons + meteors for the shield, then disengage and attack with avalanches + tank craft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Blackbeard2090 on March 31, 2017, 04:51:51 pm
Thanks folks! I shot it down, its hard and you need luck but with 7 teslas, 7 avalanches, 1 Implosionlauncher and 1 plasma spitter i made it (4 Sabres). The fight against the star gods with anihilator armor and power maces is no problem thanks to the high psi-defence bonus of the armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on March 31, 2017, 05:24:14 pm
The shield shouldn't recharge once it's down (if I didn't make a mistake writing the code), even if you exit Interception, so you can first attack with sabres carrying tesla cannons + meteors for the shield, then disengage and attack with avalanches + tank craft.
It interesting to take a peek at the code, but I found your post from Nov 2016 describing shields, and the recharge part says nothing about shield recharge stopping when shield reaches 0.  Mind, I have not encountered an ST yet. Most other crafts have meager recharge (i.e 250 on a Bomber) which is a non-factor at 100 bleedthrough...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 31, 2017, 07:13:21 pm
It interesting to take a peek at the code, but I found your post from Nov 2016 describing shields, and the recharge part says nothing about shield recharge stopping when shield reaches 0.  Mind, I have not encountered an ST yet. Most other crafts have meager recharge (i.e 250 on a Bomber) which is a non-factor at 100 bleedthrough...

Here's ( the check in the shield commit that makes sure shields only recharge on UFOs if they aren't 0, and here's ( where geoscape recharge is handled... hmm.  I guess the shields do get a chance to recharge even if you take them down and want to try another interception - you'd need to have the follow-up craft already there on the scene if you wanted those shields to stay down.  Perhaps this should be changed, since they can then quickly recharge in the next dogfight even if you got them to 0 in the first one.  I'll think about what to do for this case.

Edit:  This is working as intended, Dioxine wanted the challenge with shields to be that you have to take them in one go or have follow-up very close behind.  The lorewise rationale being that as soon as intercepting craft aren't a threat, the UFO crew can divert their attention and the power of the craft to recharging the shield.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 31, 2017, 07:33:58 pm
I guess the shields do get a chance to recharge even if you take them down and want to try another interception - you'd need to have the follow-up craft already there on the scene if you wanted those shields to stay down.

That's exactly the behaviour I've observed.

Were completely collapsed shields not supposed to recharge?  :o
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 31, 2017, 07:37:02 pm
That's exactly the behaviour I've observed.

Were completely collapsed shields not supposed to recharge?  :o

It's intended that the recharge in geoscape still occurs even if the shield collapsed, I misspoke earlier.  While your craft are engaged though (geoscape time paused), you needed worry about collapsed shields recharging on you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on March 31, 2017, 08:04:07 pm
Yeah definitely looks that way.   And with ST Geoscape recharge sitting pretty at 31500, it will completely regen in 9 ticks.   (A bomber will take about 80 ticks)   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 31, 2017, 08:45:27 pm
Don't let it get away the first time then :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Griffin on April 01, 2017, 03:33:47 pm
Sorry for even need to ask, but i have trouble upgrading to the latest version.
(It´s the first time i even try to upgrade)

I am currently running:  0_99_F_4 and want to upgrade to the new 0_99_F_5

I have done following:  - Downloading the 0_99_F_5 version
                                     - Extracted this into a fresh folder
                                     - Copy the UFO and TFTD files from the F4 to the F5 folder

                                      Now i should have a working 0_99_F_5 Version

Now the part were i have trouble:
                                     - I copied my latest .Sav-File from the F4 folder to the F5 folder.

                                      Based on the "upgrade Savegame"-Thread i need now to edit this savegame.

                                      Past versions seems to need to add and delete lines.
                                      F4 -to-> F5 seems only to need: "Delete the whole 'possibleMissions:' section in your save to avoid crashes."

                                      I open my savefile and search possible mission -> Found it.
                                      But were do i stop marking and deleting? What does belong to the possible mission section?
                                      Is the first line I don´t delete: "deadSoldiers:"?
                                      Or do I delete to much?

                                      Or do I make other mistakes in upgrading?

Sorry for asking in this detail, but i tend to fuck up even the most easiest modding/edit actions -.-
Thanks for help.                           

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 01, 2017, 05:26:26 pm
The save file separates sections based on indentation, so count the number of spaces before "possibleMissions:", then look for the next line that has the same number of spaces to indent.  Everything between those lines, including the line that has "possibleMissions​:" should be deleted. (Should all have greater number of spaces for indentation)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 01, 2017, 05:40:00 pm
That's what i did and it just crashes at month rollover.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 01, 2017, 06:16:32 pm
Do you have copies of the save before and after your edit?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 01, 2017, 06:36:27 pm
Dioxine appears to have answered the issue in the bug thread. At least it hasn't crashed so far.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on April 01, 2017, 11:54:00 pm
Is there a way to see the environmental hazard type of a mission before the mission starts?  I've gotten screwed a few times because the girls weren't wearing armor designed for cold or hot weather when I could have easily changed their outfits before the mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on April 02, 2017, 12:08:57 am
Sorry for even need to ask, but i have trouble upgrading to the latest version.
(It´s the first time i even try to upgrade)

I am currently running:  0_99_F_4 and want to upgrade to the new 0_99_F_5

I have done following:  - Downloading the 0_99_F_5 version
                                     - Extracted this into a fresh folder
                                     - Copy the UFO and TFTD files from the F4 to the F5 folder

                                      Now i should have a working 0_99_F_5 Version

Now the part were i have trouble:
                                     - I copied my latest .Sav-File from the F4 folder to the F5 folder.

                                      Based on the "upgrade Savegame"-Thread i need now to edit this savegame.

                                      Past versions seems to need to add and delete lines.
                                      F4 -to-> F5 seems only to need: "Delete the whole 'possibleMissions:' section in your save to avoid crashes."

                                      I open my savefile and search possible mission -> Found it.
                                      But were do i stop marking and deleting? What does belong to the possible mission section?
                                      Is the first line I don´t delete: "deadSoldiers:"?
                                      Or do I delete to much?

                                      Or do I make other mistakes in upgrading?

Sorry for asking in this detail, but i tend to fuck up even the most easiest modding/edit actions -.-
Thanks for help.                           

As say before, go for the bug thread.

Hmm, then try deleting just

from 'available missions' in 'alien strategy'

There are several  STR_MISSION_RAID and the other. You just delete then and no more problems at the end of the month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2017, 12:16:16 am
The only clue the player is given to weather is the area the mission is in. The geoscape is generally correct in matching battlescape terrain. White is cold, sandy is hot, jungle(hot) is the lighter green shade. 

Only time i have been caught unawares is pogroms that sometimes roll the winter city tileset(cold environment) regardless of geography. I also recall encountering a snowy farm tileset at one point but i dont know what governs it's appearance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dr_Amazing on April 02, 2017, 01:04:36 am
I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature, but night missions are really really dark. Like enough to be unplayable. The only source of light I have access to is Molotovs  which works, but is kind of inconvenient.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2017, 01:24:46 am
There is an alternate lighting mode available for the player. Default is space for temporary use. Scroll lock toggles.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Crazy on April 02, 2017, 02:05:35 am
It can be done but is a monumental pain in the ass undertaking. It's quite easy to simple run out firepower before success due to misses/low damage rolls. It is also faster then the heavy combat craft like the dragon which limits how much sustained dps you bring to bear unless it deigns to slow down for extended periods.

I managed it once and declared it a waste of resources and time. I also found the ground assault......nope no way to say this constructively so im just gonna shut-up before i start shouting at the hard work of someone i respect.
How is it difficult, exactly? I just tried the ground assault in quick battle with 25 soldiers in a leviathan using quad launchers filled with Chinese Dragons, and I was able to finish the mission in 1 turn  :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dr_Amazing on April 02, 2017, 03:30:32 am
2 more.

If I lose a mission, am I just stuck with expedition travel for a while? Or am I missing something?

What's the deal with the robot at the door of the watchtower. Is there a trick to getting past it besides blowing it up?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2017, 04:38:18 am
How is it difficult, exactly? I just tried the ground assault in quick battle with 25 soldiers in a leviathan using quad launchers filled with Chinese Dragons, and I was able to finish the mission in 1 turn  :P

Depends on what you bring to the table in actual play. Dragon spam will of course wipe out anything but doing that way you eat a -800-1000 score. 40ish dudes(difficulty 4) With say 1/6th being marsec bodyguard clones, another 1/6th being Humanist Stormtrooper clones, 2/6ths Marsec operative clones, and the rest government agents. Armed with a mix of lasers and heavy weapons with a dash of plasma and gauss. And multiple tanks. Considering every kill not on the tanks is negative score, stunning and making sure they stay down with that many sturdy targets is difficult.

The Rebel version is much easier because aside from the general the rank and file are the civilians from pogroms with the same laser/heavy/plasma&gauss loadout. The absence of armor, the tanks, and no penalty for kills makes it much simpler to handle.   

Keep in mind its 30 turn timer to disable(stun or kill) everything. If you don't win before then you lose everything you sent. You also have no option to retreat. The difference between the 2 versions i observed is so large that it will lead to false impressions depending on which you see first. I saw the rebel version first and was like okay this is balanced to when it first unlocks. Government version however would probably bitch slap the same force that would be challenged by the rebel version.

2 more.

If I lose a mission, am I just stuck with expedition travel for a while? Or am I missing something?

What's the deal with the robot at the door of the watchtower. Is there a trick to getting past it besides blowing it up?

Aside from the eurosyndicate elimination, you can always retreat back to your craft(or the green exit zones in mansions) and escape. However if you do stay and lose every gal you lose everything. IF that happens to the initial airbus, yes you are stuck to expedtions until you can buy/build replacement craft.

You do have to get in by demolition. Though the wall of the tower don't explode. Try useing a hammer, chainsaw or pickaxe on them. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Crazy on April 02, 2017, 05:00:26 am
Depends on what you bring to the table in actual play. Dragon spam will of course wipe out anything but doing that way you eat a -800-1000 score. 40ish dudes(difficulty 4) With say 1/6th being marsec bodyguard clones, another 1/6th being Humanist Stormtrooper clones, 2/6ths Marsec operative clones, and the rest government agents. Armed with a mix of lasers and heavy weapons with a dash of plasma and gauss. And multiple tanks. Considering every kill not on the tanks is negative score, stunning and making sure they stay down with that many sturdy targets is difficult.

The Rebel version is much easier because aside from the general the rank and file are the civilians from pogroms with the same laser/heavy/plasma&gauss loadout. The absence of armor, the tanks, and no penalty for kills makes it much simpler to handle.   

Keep in mind its 30 turn timer to disable(stun or kill) everything. If you don't win before then you lose everything you sent. You also have no option to retreat. The difference between the 2 versions i observed is so large that it will lead to false impressions depending on which you see first. I saw the rebel version first and was like okay this is balanced to when it first unlocks. Government version however would probably bitch slap the same force that would be challenged by the rebel version.
I wasn't talking about the eurosyndicate missions. I always found those less a matter of being challenging because of the enemies, even on the government targetting missions, and more of it being challenging because you only have about 30 turns and they're always urban maps with big buildings that have so many nooks and crannies and you only have so much energy and TUs to burn on looking through all the doors. I was talking about the Silver Towers map. Just don't research them before you unlock MAG rockets and can level the entire building.

But yeah, as to the scoring that the mission offers you compared to the payout, it's really shit. It shouldn't be that difficult to create a new race that uses the same names, sprites, stats, and loadouts as other government units, but they have different scoring when you kill them. I get why the provincial government that you're fighting against wouldn't be too happy with you killing their people, but the Eurosyndicate being happy with you should balance it out, since scoring represents political favor and the Eurosyndicate is very wealthy, and therefore powerful.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 02, 2017, 05:21:19 am
Eurosyndicate sees no gain in giving political backing to those who do its dirty work, especially work that is best kept secret. The reason they choose you over simply going straight for orbital strike, is because you're cheaper and cause less infrastructure damage. Their favor is paid in access to their top weapons. Yes they're ripping you off, exactly because they're rich and powerful, and you crave better guns to make your profits elsewhere. Quid pro quo.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 02, 2017, 07:05:14 am
It is sort of possible to see the weather, center on the area or use t to check on the available targets, and you get access to another button that just says "uhh" tells you the probable weather among other things.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2017, 07:12:49 am
 I was talking about the Silver Towers map. Just don't research them before you unlock MAG rockets and can level the entire building.

It not that hard considering its star gods, but the craft layout is impossible to full explore without flight and has a ton of opportunity to waltz into point blank reaction fire. Considering that reaction fire is ghost beams it can be expensive to clear. Think 4-5 floor building with no stairs just holes.

Yay net score loss(potentially losing the game level) for the privilege of economically crippling to operate lasers. Considering a player could unknowingly stumble into have to deal with it in the first 3 months of play. Hell probably 2 months if the stars align. Maybe you finagle an advantage out of it by have that type of firepower early but your gambling the campaign on it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 02, 2017, 09:16:40 am
I don't see how Contact: Eurosyndicate can be researched within first 3 or even 5 months. It requires a lot of RNG hits, as well as 3 techs, of which 2 have several varied prerequisites.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2017, 09:56:09 am
Considering nearly all the prerequisites are on the get one free lists of early captives(academy students, human civilians, etc) it's not improbable. I managed to get all the regional contacts in 5 months last go with low spawn numbers of difficulty 2. Play diff 4 i could see it happen. A common occurrence no, but an uncomfortable possibility considering it's potential score impact. I'd feel much better if it was gated behind school graduation. As it is now you might face the problem with not but a pachyderm and sticks. Also something to consider is the dual impact of pogroms/eliminations.

I'll grant i may be playing devil's advocate but if i found it an unpleasant surprise with end game tech, someone pre school graduation just may get sucker punched out of the game without any real clue why. Most of the additional mission researches yield stuff you can at least evac from if it goes pear shaped. This is the only mission in this format of Death or Glory aside from the final run.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 02, 2017, 03:15:43 pm
Fair enough. I think the Contact article doesn't give enough warning; I'll fix that at least.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on April 05, 2017, 01:45:46 am
Can anyone knowledgeable look at my save and tell me whether:
a. Something's broken
b. The RNG is just being unhelpful in the extreme (reticulans, star gods...)
c. Things are fine (if so any advice for the next while)

oh also, why is this save file getting rather close to the attachment limit size?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on April 06, 2017, 04:08:36 pm
I have a stupid little question. I don't think I read it anywhere but I need to ask... what do the different kinds of damage do? Here is what I gathered so far

Piercing - normal type damage, good for going through armor? At least some weapons with piercing have a note about being better against armor (-xx% armor)
Slash - normal type damage, generally bad against armor
Concusive - normal damage, (could be called blunt or impact damage to my understanding), usually secondarya effect of shock damage (eg stun) in description notes
Daze - stun damage
Choking - stun damage? , then again poison gas grenade is said to kill and no stun mentioned
Chem - ??????? - variable from stun to armor damaging? (chem on poison dagger deals damage faster, chem on blowdart deals stun)
Plasma - ?????? - sometimes plasma damage is stun (cattle prod, tazogun?), sometimes it is just damage (i-gun)
laser - just damage type like burn

Can someone please clarify? Or point me in the right direction if I missed it somewhere?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 06, 2017, 05:00:18 pm
@ Noir_CZ

Piercing - Standard Armor Piercing from vanilla.  Basic ballistic rounds you would find in conventional weapons. Rifles have a slight bit of armor negation with this, and because this is a common early form of damage, many higher tier enemies have in built resistances to it (I'm looking at you, Mercs).
Slash - Melee, also known as Cutting.  Almost always on melee or thrown weapons: Axes, Swords, Throwing Knives etc.  Usually very solid damage in its Melee form, and often scales up in thrown form with throwing skill (more skilled archers get more damage, etc).  Usually a solid early damage type as most enemies don't have extra resistances to it.  (This is actually one type Mercs are more responsive to).
Concusive - High Explosive from Vanilla.  Great for terrain damage. Often useful as bombs that use it hit the under armor of the targetted unit.  Does carry some secondary stun effects, but in practice is more likely to kill targets if it overcomes their armor than stun them.  Higher tier enemies are often resistant to this, but as with anything, apply it enough, and you may still get effects.
Daze - Stun damage. Knocks enemies unconcious.  With OpenXcom Extended, the waters become a bit more muddied here, as weapons can have a primary damage type and secondary damage effects. For example, the Handle is primary Daze/Stun with secondary lethal effects.  This means that as damage scales up with your strong gals, you may sometimes kill a target you were trying to stun with a handle.  Also, some targets are immune to Daze/Stun damage.  Another mechanic in OXCE allows other weapons that are designed for incapacitating enemies.  These are often listed as "Plasma" damage in the Bootypedia, but they have extremely minor lethal damage and 4x stun damage.  These are often later in the game.
Choking - Smoke from Vanilla.  Please note that almost all units that don't have environmental filters (masked helmets, etc) take 4X damage from smoke as compared to vanilla.  You can see this in your own gal's base stats.  Does stun damage over time.  Now, throw in OXCE mixes on assorted weapons as mentioned above in Daze, and you can get Smoke type weapons that also do significant Lethal damage (to health) or pain (often to Morale) or even to energy and time units.  Most early Choking stuff is just smoke though.
Chem - Same as Acid from vanilla (ie Celatid spit).  In XPirateZ almost always degrades armor, usually adds pain (Morale damage) and has good Terrain Destruction effects.
Plasma - Plasma from vanilla. " sometimes plasma damage is stun (cattle prod, tazogun?)" - See explanation in Daze above.  Most enemies will respond to doses of plasma as very few are resistant to it.  However, access to good plasma weapons for the player can be fairly limited for sometime.
Laser - Laser from Vanilla.  This always has some armor penetration properties so it can be useful against armored enemies.  Again, not easy to get a hold of early on.

Not mentioned:
Burn - Incendiary damage from vanilla.  If a target is hit Fire will almost always damage the target.  If the target is set on fire from being hit or starting its turn on a tile on fire, it will continue to take damage from the flames.  Some units are immune, while others are very vulnerable (Academy Drones).  Often targets under armor so this too helps with the damage it applies.
Special - This is listed and is a rare damage type applied via Voodoo(Psi) weapons.  Has varied effects ie, stun, morale, tu, energy, armor damage, in addition to possible lethal damage.
Cold -  A weather affect of environmental conditions, causes energy drain on player units not wearing little or nothing. (Bikinis are bad in the Arctic)
Heat - Another weather affect: Caused stun on units that might overheat in Jungles or Desert.
Acid Rain - Damages armor, and morale.  May cause stun?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on April 06, 2017, 05:39:42 pm
I don't think it's a dumb question. There are a lot of mechanics and I had to take a bunch of notes to keep track of them. All of this is from bootypedia articles, so be sure to read them all. Anyway, here's some other information

Weapons have 2 ways of dealing with Armor
Armor effectiveness means ignores or adds some percentage of armor
eg. Fuso sword has armor +40%, so if the target has 50 armor it reduces damage by 70. Spear has armor -20% so the same target would reduce damage by 40.
Armor damage means that some percentage of the damage dealt will be done to armour first, removing it for all subsequent attacks.
eg. Hammer has armor damage 10%. If the hammer hits for 60 damage, it also removes up to 6 armor from the target. I believe armor damage happens before the target takes damage.

Piercing - all piercing weapons that have a base of 60+ damage deal armor damage
Laser - Has armor -33.3% by default
Plasma - Has armor damage by default.

Extra Damage (Lethal) - Does that percentage of damage as lethal damage. Eg. Fistycuffs (extra lethal damage 35%) hits for 20 stun, it also does 7 hp damage.
Extra Pain - Does damage to Morale. Pain resistance and immunity don't actually reduce pain damage, but instead increase the amount of stun recovered each turn.
Reactions Disrupt - Reduces current TU of unit, so reduces chance of reaction fire
Shock (System Shock)- Weapons do some amount of stun damage as well. The default is 0-50% of the damage dealt. A weapon with Shock x3 would do 0-150% stun damage. eg. If hammer hits for 60 damage, it does 0-90 stun as well
Cold embrace of death - If a unit has 3x more stun damage than current health, it loses 1 hp a turn. If it has 6x more damage, it loses 2 hp a turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on April 06, 2017, 06:30:54 pm
I've been playing for 100 hours and I still get all these mixed up in my head - it's nice to see everything all on one article.

If I'm not mistaken, all chem attacks damage armor to some extent as well

And I'm pretty sure that vanilla rules still apply: Armor damage = int(HP damage / 10) +1
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 06, 2017, 07:47:59 pm
Also something to consider when selecting a damage type is that resistance is applied before armor(and +/- armor%). This means that some weapons behave quite differently then first glance would seem to tell.

A great many melee weapons with reduced armor penetration have the raw power to not be drastically affected by the few net extra armor.  Only a tiny fraction of all foes have better then 50 armor with the great majority being low 40s or less. +30% on 40 armor is only 12 extra armor against weapons that generally swing for 80+. Resistance is more effective against such high base weapons then the great majority of armor.

Shotguns are the reverse, horrid against any significant armor but much less hindered by high resist.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 06, 2017, 09:08:14 pm
This should go straight to the Ufopaedia page. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on April 07, 2017, 12:11:59 am
Also important to not that (with a few possible exceptions?) being set on fire has a drastic effect on morale, making it extremely useful for some strategies. It doesn't tend to do huge immediate damage, but between the damage over several turns, plus the likelihood of causing panic, plus having an enemy illuminating their own surroundings, plus the likelihood that a unit on fire will also be in smoke (so receiving stun damage too), fire damage can be much more powerful than low numbers suggest.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on April 07, 2017, 05:44:05 am
What do you think is the next bill paying strategy after chateau?. I´m in august right now, building my second base to intercept civilian traffic (Something I know is finite), and somewhat managing to pay all the accounts by now, but I think Chateau is not so reliable (Not every time you get rodeos, or apples in those rodeos). Selling small ship engines is kind of working from now, but if you can share some strategies in this point, it is going to be great.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 07, 2017, 07:23:47 am
Can you make chemicals yet?  They're pretty good until you get a mint running.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 07, 2017, 04:19:18 pm
I just started a new play and had few situations durning first mission when my gals died. Had to reload. Loosing one or two gals in the early game would cripple campaign too much. On top of that now hiring gals is locked behind (early) tech.
I kinda regret this because game is shallow with save/reolad. On the other hand there will be plenty of situations when someone dies :P

I wonder how much do you savescum? Or do you carry on which every misfortune and bad RNG roll?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on April 07, 2017, 04:21:38 pm
Chems production is fairly advanced stuff.  Which version are you running?  As of F4, Dioxine heavily nerfed a lot of good early/midgame moneymakers.  I have not actually run the numbers on latest versions yet.  In case you still run F3:
Medical Supplies are/were really good.  Was actually more effective to buy chems than to make them via refinery.  One caveat: any secondary base needs surgery room to make those.
Porn (needs Pimpcraft) was a great moneymaker as long as you kept harvesting civilians or lower-ranking factions and could convert them to male/female slaves. 
Whatever you do, dont waste personal DBs, Integrated devices and damaged grav units.   Those become real important later.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jepeman on April 07, 2017, 07:06:14 pm
Where can I find "The Russian Files"?
They unlock the advanced laser weapons and some plasma and fusion weapons from my understanding.

Current progress, contains minor spoilers:
I've already researched plasma weapons (heavy, etc.), annihilator armor and have interrogated all 4 main leaders).
Only enemy types I encounter any more are mercenary, academy, church, star gods, trader's guild.
Also the occasional smuggler, pink ship and "hell thing".

So no reticulans or civilians, since I've researched the no targeting and reticulan-human fusion and mutant alliances and no pogroms either.
Humanists and spartans are nonexistant, same with deep ones practically.

Am I meant to shoot down a govt fusion cruiser, despite practically being told not to? Or a mutant alliance one?
I seem to recall getting some unlock by shooting down an early game govt ship. Been playing this game for several months now, its such a long game. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on April 07, 2017, 07:47:12 pm
You need:
Broken Traders Rep
Eurasian Autonomy

These give you access to:
Siberia Base Investigation (needs Mess Hall facility)
Once that researched, you get a special mission in Siberia.   Russian files will be on the leader there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jepeman on April 07, 2017, 07:53:48 pm
You need:
Broken Traders Rep
Eurasian Autonomy

These give you access to:
Siberia Base Investigation (needs Mess Hall facility)
Once that researched, you get a special mission in Siberia.   Russian files will be on the leader there.

That was it, never interrogated a traders rep.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on April 13, 2017, 03:43:10 pm
I have naother little one... what does Master's cane do? It seems like it should make my VooDoo somehow stronger? Not sure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2017, 04:36:31 pm
I have naother little one... what does Master's cane do? It seems like it should make my VooDoo somehow stronger? Not sure.

The masters cane is the vodoo rod from the witch outfit with slightly different stats. It allows psi mind control and panic attacks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on April 13, 2017, 06:17:10 pm
The masters cane is the vodoo rod from the witch outfit with slightly different stats. It allows psi mind control and panic attacks.

I guess I am not there yet then, because I can have it in hand and it does nothing.. well I can throw it at someone. :) Obviously the first voodoo suit ever is not good enough. Thanks for reply.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on April 13, 2017, 06:48:12 pm
So do secondary damages on weapons base their actual damage on the amount the primary attack did or do they have their own damage rolls?  For example, let's say I'm using a leather whip and it does 10 daze damage after bonus, randomness, resistance and armor reduction.  Will the rest of the damage be 1 HP (1/10th) and 30 TU (3x) and 15 Morale (fixed)?  Or do each of those secondaries get their own damage rolls and then have their percentages applied?

Also, I know the hands get pay bonuses for rank, but do they get pay bonuses depending on the type they were hired as?  Do warriors get paid more than standard hands?  I remember there was an article in the Bootypedia on pay levels but I can't find it for the life of me.  Can anyone tell me where to look for it?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on April 13, 2017, 07:44:05 pm
Pay differs only for Swabbies and Gals. 

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2017, 07:50:09 pm
I guess I am not there yet then, because I can have it in hand and it does nothing.. well I can throw it at someone. :) Obviously the first voodoo suit ever is not good enough. Thanks for reply.

Most voodoo powered items require the user to have undergone voodoo training via the voodoo school building before they can be used.

So do secondary damages on weapons base their actual damage on the amount the primary attack did or do they have their own damage rolls?  For example, let's say I'm using a leather whip and it does 10 daze damage after bonus, randomness, resistance and armor reduction.  Will the rest of the damage be 1 HP (1/10th) and 30 TU (3x) and 15 Morale (fixed)?  Or do each of those secondaries get their own damage rolls and then have their percentages applied?

Also, I know the hands get pay bonuses for rank, but do they get pay bonuses depending on the type they were hired as?  Do warriors get paid more than standard hands?  I remember there was an article in the Bootypedia on pay levels but I can't find it for the life of me.  Can anyone tell me where to look for it?

Every secondary effect is derived form the original damage roll in some way. The only difference is when in the calculation sequence they are derived. Secondary stun/lethal is after armor and resist. Chem armor stripping is before armor but after resist. It should be noted that in the case of stun the times X is a multiplier to the normal % of lethal all lethal weapons have, NOT a multiple of the base damage. Only Dioxine really knows every internal permutation he has employed.

The rank based payout does not change only initial cost and the unpromoted pay changes.  Slaves soliders have a different pay structure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on April 13, 2017, 08:27:11 pm
Most voodoo powered items require the user to have undergone voodoo training via the voodoo school building before they can be used.

Or previously and successfully used the seductress outfit power on that soldier (power of seduction seems to unlock psi values for me)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on April 13, 2017, 08:37:50 pm
Yes, anything that triggers a Voodoo Skill increase will reveal Voodoo Str. - wands work great too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on April 13, 2017, 09:23:04 pm
The rank based payout does not change only initial cost and the unpromoted pay changes.  Slaves soliders have a different pay structure.

Can anyone tell me which Bootypedia article goes over the pay rates for promotions again?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 13, 2017, 10:49:41 pm
Can anyone tell me which Bootypedia article goes over the pay rates for promotions again?

      STR_RECRUITMENT_UFOPEDIA: "We can always find potential crew members amongst our fellow Ubers who visit Jack's Town.{NEWLINE}>Runts: Those gals who are either unwilling or unable to carry a gun, can be hired to operate our Workshops. They take $5,000 monthly pay.{NEWLINE}>Brainers: Weird gals who can be hired to staff our Lab. However, these beasts demand $75,000 monthly pay, so they can easily drive us into bankrupcy.{NEWLINE}>Hands: Those who will fight. Unlike our founding Escaped Lunatics, they must be paid at the end of each month: Swabbies $2500, Gals $7500. Note that it's easier to find a willing warrior than a skilled one, especially within our narrow demographic, so the quality of these troops will vary a lot."

  - type: STR_SOLDIER_S
    costBuy: 20000
    costSalary: 2500
    costSalarySquaddie: 5000
    costSalarySergeant: 20000
    costSalaryCaptain: 100000
    costSalaryColonel: 400000
    costSalaryCommander: 1200000

Slaves only ever cost 2500/mo

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 14, 2017, 03:45:14 am
Doesn't the warrior research change some of those numbers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 14, 2017, 07:11:40 am
Doesn't the warrior research change some of those numbers?

"Warriors" are Soldier type "M"

  - type: STR_SOLDIER_M
    costBuy: 75000
    costSalary: 10000
    costSalarySergeant: 20000
    costSalaryCaptain: 100000
    costSalaryColonel: 400000
    costSalaryCommander: 1200000

They are more expensive than Squaddies, but the cost levels out at Sergeant.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 14, 2017, 09:36:47 pm
Better question: is it worth it to get them, when you can train the normal Gals to their level fairly quickly anyway?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 14, 2017, 09:46:32 pm
Personally, I've been hiring warriors exclusively this campaign through the first year.  Mostly for my B-Team because they are usable from the get go.  That said, I've just brought Dojos online.  The challenge with hiring a bunch of hands and shoving them into training for a few months is that my overall manpower costs go up significantly because there are more of the higher ranks spawned.  I'm not sure which approach is truly optimal, but I have enjoyed using the warriors this campaign and I'm only keeping about 25-30 troops on hand between 2 bases.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 14, 2017, 10:45:29 pm
What is the magic behind javelins? There is no armor penetration on this weapon but for some reason it is very effective against early armored enemies.

Same goes for Leather whip. Often I need few strikes with Stun Baton to do the job (plasma) but for some reason only one or two strikes with whip.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 14, 2017, 11:16:58 pm
Javelins have considerable scaling in proper hands. Without outfit bonuses you can do over 70 base damage. Whip also has good scaling and tops out in the ~40 base range before outifts.

Stun baton by contrast has no scaling and a wider damage range then normal 50-150% melee.

Any scaling weapon is generally better then any flat value weapon if you have max or near max relevant stats. For example the linux smg line with topped out bravery+buffing outfit out-damages every conventional gun except for homefront rifle with mag ammo.

Warriors i dont find much use for beyond a brief window mid year 1 to mid year 2. During this period they are superior due lack of training facilities because you have to devote so much to getting coverage over the globe and your air combat started. Past that point its not as crucial to have effective replacements on speed dial.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 14, 2017, 11:21:56 pm
What is the magic behind javelins? There is no armor penetration on this weapon but for some reason it is very effective against early armored enemies.

Same goes for Leather whip. Often I need few strikes with Stun Baton to do the job (plasma) but for some reason only one or two strikes with whip.

A bit more details from the ruleset here in the spoilers:

    power: 25
    damageType: 1 (Piercing)
      throwing: 0.3
      strength: 0.35
      RandomType: 6  (-> Two dice: [0% - 100%] + [0% - 100%]

    power: 5
      throwing: 0.3
    damageType: 6 (Stun)
      RandomType: 6
      FixRadius: 0
      IgnoreDirection: false
      ArmorEffectiveness: 1.25
      ToHealth: 0.1
      ToTime: 3.0
      ToMorale: 15.0

Stun baton:

    power: 20
    damageType: 5 (Melee)
      strength: 0.0
      reactions: 0.2
      ToHealth: 0.0
      ToStun: 1.0
      ToArmor: 0.0
      ToWound: 0.0
      RandomWound: false
      RandomStun: false
      IgnorePainImmunity: true

So another interesting aspect of the Javelins and the Whips are the random type.  It uses a 2 dice calculation instead of a 0-200% random.  This makes for more reliable damage values being applied by these weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on April 15, 2017, 02:09:02 am
Is there a point to the Spy Zeppelin given its crew requirements? At first I figured it would be unmanned.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 15, 2017, 02:14:59 am
It was originally unmanned, and was way too good at being a expansion to the radar screen. You can have gals getting trained at the dojo while still on the zeppelin, so combine radar base with training facility :). Also, 20 possible gals on a mission is a lot of firepower.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 15, 2017, 02:19:24 am
Even if the gals still can do training it still takes forever to get the zeppelin back to base if you want to cycle out the crew and get it back to station as a radar platform. However the fact that it carries 20 gals is good since missions with a craft en-route don't expire so you can do some "hangtime" shenanigans with score intensive missions like pogroms. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 15, 2017, 12:06:00 pm
What is a difference between weapons accuracy and SKILL mentioned in weapon description?

With 142 Accuracy and Spiked Mace my gal gets 84% chance to hit Human Activist.
Shouldn't 142 Melee and 70% accuracy from mace give142x.7=99,4% chance to hit?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on April 15, 2017, 01:23:01 pm
The spiked mace depends on the skill: Melee accuracy/2 + 50

so the calculation here is
accuracy of weapon * SKILL
70% * (142/2 + 50)
70% * 121 = 84.4% to hit which is what you saw

To be more general accuracy is the % hit IF the SKILL in question was 100

Melee weapon SKILL is often something other than a soldiers' melee stat
Common variants include:
Melee/2 + 50
Melee/3 + 65
Melee/2 + Reactions/2
Melee/2 + Throwing/2
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mobling on April 15, 2017, 05:04:38 pm
Are camo paint and guerilla gear useful at night before you develop night-ops? Or are they best for day missions only?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gynther on April 15, 2017, 07:41:09 pm
Gatling Lasers, from which shipping would i expect to get those? im guessing battleships? having a hard time downing those without more research (which is locked behind gatling laser... i think)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 15, 2017, 07:47:51 pm
Are camo paint and guerilla gear useful at night before you develop night-ops? Or are they best for day missions only?

Yeah any camo is better then no camo value. Night-ops is unfortunately a little lackluster imo. The significant reaction buff on camo armors is worth far more then the  4 extra tiles of NV and 2-4 extra camo. High reactions flat out prevent shots on your gals. Camo and NV are negated and beaten out by certain foes namely mercs.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 15, 2017, 08:30:31 pm
Gatling Lasers, from which shipping would i expect to get those? im guessing battleships? having a hard time downing those without more research (which is locked behind gatling laser... i think)

I think bombers and destroyers have them if the parts don't get blown up in the crash landing, otherwise the parts sometimes show up on the larger smuggler ships.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on April 16, 2017, 12:58:01 pm
It's funny to load for heavy armor at a pogrom site and step out of the craft only to see this:

Does the Hyperwave Decoder apply to ground missions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 16, 2017, 11:48:44 pm
Those guys do have access to heavy armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on April 19, 2017, 08:23:27 am
A couple of questions about various armours:

Masochist armour: is the bootypedia lying about blood magic having a chance to increase voodoo str? is it actually possible to gain any xp at all in that outfit btw

Green Lighter: how is the green bong supposed to actually work?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on April 19, 2017, 09:35:27 am
Speaking of sectoweed - where can we get it? Over the course of three game-years,  there have only been two occasions in which I collected sectoweed, and it amounts to only half the requirement of the Green Lighter suit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2017, 10:11:57 am
sectoweed can be bought at some point. I don't what the relevant tech is though.

I too am curious about the masochist outfit. I have yet to find any of the relevant orbs so i have yet to be able to make one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on April 19, 2017, 11:51:17 am
sectoweed can be bought at some point. I don't what the relevant tech is though.

You need Reticulan contacts, but I wonder what mission parameters are associated with sectoweed as loot. Clearly I've been able to loot it a couple of times, but I'm not sure what it was about those missions...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 19, 2017, 02:49:35 pm
To gain experience with a weapon (blood magic), you need to hit an enemy, not a friendly target.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on April 19, 2017, 04:20:06 pm
My apologies dioxine, I had tried it a few times with no luck, and combined with allow allow psiStr improvement: no being a forced option, I wondered had that ability been disabled and the bootypedia not updated yet, the comment on the bootypedia lying was intended to be slightly funny but I guess that didn't come across.

I do however restate my question on the green bong how does it work given there is no action for it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 19, 2017, 07:06:56 pm
I found some sectoweed durning Blood Rituals missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 19, 2017, 08:10:10 pm
There's a chance for sectoweed to spawn during crackhouse missions, but those are early game missions that eventually disappear.  As for the bong, it should have a use that spawns a smoke cloud.  That cloud restores morale and energy I think, but causes stun.  If you don't have an action then that sounds like a bug.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2017, 11:12:17 am
I apologize too, my post was offensive and that's why I have deleted this. So: psi improve it does work, it requires targetting enemies though. It overrides the no psi power training, since it applies xp directly.

Bong is used by simply... firing it, lol :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on April 21, 2017, 01:59:50 pm
Huh must have a glitch in my install or something both in wiki and battle the bong has not firing action.

Ruleset diving gives me a costUse which when replaced with costAimed fixes it

But I hadn't edited that before.  Can you check if such an error is in the master copies please, Dioxine?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2017, 04:56:18 pm
Whoops, indeed. I have tested it long ago, must've changed this later... Will be fixed, like you said, it should be costAimed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on April 22, 2017, 01:55:01 am
Whoops, indeed. I have tested it long ago, must've changed this later... Will be fixed, like you said, it should be costAimed.

Is there a similar problem with the Rangefinder device? In the ruleset it has a "tuCost" line (for 999 TU), and it also doesn't seem to work in missions, giving a warning on insufficient TU.

My own question now, can player characters use healing items on unconscious PC or NPC?

Edit: Answered indirectly in Bug Thread, that unconscious characters are targeted by consumables when the actor is standing on the tile containing the unconscious character.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 22, 2017, 02:42:44 am
Ok, The RangeFinder is working as designed.  Its never meant to be "fired" just "aimed."  If you act like you are "aiming" it, the number presented will give you the number of the tiles from the user.  Nifty little tool to get a decent idea of 20 tiles is if you are trying to stay out of one-shot-celatid-spit etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 22, 2017, 04:03:54 am
Rangefinder is meant not to be fired, you just use the shown accuracy on the cursor to get the distance to the cursor in tiles.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 22, 2017, 11:41:00 am
Monkey intelligence test: failed :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on April 22, 2017, 10:02:14 pm
Still though, should ideally be a base interface function. :<
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 22, 2017, 11:45:54 pm
Sure, then code it, it's open source project :)

In the meantime you have what could be done cheaply with available resources.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on April 25, 2017, 12:30:22 am
Is there a reason you can't stand next to the walls on the right side of the Trader's Guild warehouses?  The terrain doesn't look any different but I can't tell my girls to stand there.  I'll post a screenshot to clarify after I see a new Warehouse Wars mission come up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 25, 2017, 12:42:47 am
The wall itself covers too much of the tile for it to be passible, same as the outer side walls of the Skyranger in vanilla, if you have the flying suit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 25, 2017, 12:05:17 pm
The wall itself covers too much of the tile for it to be passible, same as the outer side walls of the Skyranger in vanilla, if you have the flying suit.

I think it'll be fixed next version.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 25, 2017, 10:54:00 pm
1. Is there a any difference between Dojo and Luxury Spa in terms of max stat cap training value?

2. What exacly is Dodge? I see that armors do have 0.X*Reacation stat. What does that mean? It is flat chcance to avoid melee attack (face to face or any direction?) or is it substracted from attackers to hit chance? Had weird situation where a parrot dodged all werewolf attacks and now I wonder how this work.

3. Are there any consequences for miliking enemy base? After discovering Church base I often make one-gal raids equpied only in plate mail/shield/spiked mace. I grab the first thing I see (especially stun enemies with shield) and run away. This way I have solid supply of Gauss Weapons (but cant use them now) and Church Reve...Green-robed priests for  reasearch. Was lucky enough to capture Church Cardinal thi way... and get Tesla Coil schematics.

4. Is there a simple early/mid game way to get electronic parts for Tesla Coil? On paper this thing looks amazing but have no idea how to get missing parts so early.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 25, 2017, 11:11:38 pm
1. Is there a any difference between Dojo and Luxury Spa in terms of max stat cap training value?

Yes, the maximum values are a part of a soldier type, not a building. So all buildings have the same max values.

2. What exacly is Dodge? I see that armors do have 0.X*Reacation stat. What does that mean? It is flat chcance to avoid melee attack (face to face or any direction?) or is it substracted from attackers to hit chance? Had weird situation where a parrot dodged all werewolf attacks and now I wonder how this work.

I'm almost 100% sure it subtracts from your normal chances. So some unit can be unhittable by poor fighters. But please don't bet money on this.

3. Are there any consequences for miliking enemy base? After discovering Church base I often make one-gal raids equpied only in plate mail/shield/spiked mace. I grab the first thing I see (especially stun enemies with shield) and run away. This way I have solid supply of Gauss Weapons (but cant use them now) and Church Reve...Green-robed priests for  reasearch. Was lucky enough to capture Church Cardinal thi way... and get Tesla Coil schematics

No consequences, it's legit pirate raiding stuff. :) Can be dangerous though.

4. Is there a simple early/mid game way to get electronic parts for Tesla Coil? On paper this thing looks amazing but have no idea how to get missing parts so early.

No idea. :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 25, 2017, 11:54:07 pm
I'm almost 100% sure it subtracts from your normal chances. So some unit can be unhittable by poor fighters. But please don't bet money on this.

It's a direct subtraction from the attacker's chance to hit, dependent on which side you have facing the attacker.  Parrots have pretty good reactions, so I'm guessing they have nice melee dodge as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on April 26, 2017, 04:44:12 am
4. Is there a simple early/mid game way to get electronic parts for Tesla Coil? On paper this thing looks amazing but have no idea how to get missing parts so early.
The tesla coil doesn't require space electronics, though if you need them, they can be made from disassembling i-guns. If you mean energy weapon parts, they can be found from disassmebling laser weapons, or randomly on military transports, freighters and couriers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on April 26, 2017, 05:30:21 am
I can't check now, but I think the tesla coil relies on a lot of integrated devices. Integrated devices can be looted from some Academy troops and by building them from space electronics. Disassembling items mentioned above is a great way to get space electronics, until the player has the research and funds to buy them from the black market.

Also disassembling slave AIs is also a great source of space electronics I find. Loot every shipping you can get your hands on, in other words.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on April 26, 2017, 05:35:04 am
The tesla coil doesn't require space electronics, though if you need them, they can be made from disassembling i-guns.
Better to disassemble slave AI.
It is same money-wise if you sell the plasma chambers from i-Guns, but time-wise, Slave AI is 5x more efficient.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on April 27, 2017, 06:07:21 pm
Is there something like a critical fail or something? Several times I took a 150 something % to shoot someone and the shot hits obstacle... ok, I can bite that.
But having 218% to hit with sniper and missing by 2 squares is kinda hard to swallow. Is there some other factors to be counted after I click to shoot when it shows such % to hit?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 27, 2017, 06:25:34 pm
Is there something like a critical fail or something? Several times I took a 150 something % to shoot someone and the shot hits obstacle... ok, I can bite that.
But having 218% to hit with sniper and missing by 2 squares is kinda hard to swallow. Is there some other factors to be counted after I click to shoot when it shows such % to hit?

It's not part of the mechanics, it's an imperfection of the engine. It is a well known bug, at least among devs and such, but it's so complex to fix that we just have to live with it - at least for now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on April 27, 2017, 07:19:31 pm
Is there something like a critical fail or something? Several times I took a 150 something % to shoot someone and the shot hits obstacle... ok, I can bite that.
But having 218% to hit with sniper and missing by 2 squares is kinda hard to swallow. Is there some other factors to be counted after I click to shoot when it shows such % to hit?

There is only one thing that's wrong... and that is the percentage symbol.

What you see displayed as 150% or 218% is NOT a "chance to hit", it is your effective accuracy and should be displayed as a plain number, e.g. just 150 or 218.
The original game showed it with the % symbol and that is the only reason why OpenXcom also displays it like that... but it's a pure lie.

The game doesn't work with "chance to hit" at all, so please forget about that concept completely.

What the effective accuracy means is also not easy to explain, so I will just give you 3 examples with some background.

Example 1:
- you and your target are both on the same Z-level
- there is a line of fire between you and your target... and it is not obstructed by any objects (trees, bushes, fences, lamp posts, etc.) within 0.5 tiles from ideal trajectory (LoF) in all directions (up, down, left, right)
- in such conditions, effective accuracy of 110 is enough to have 100% chance to hit a reasonably big target (e.g. an alien) across the whole map

Example 2:
- some conditions from example 1 are not met, e.g. you are on different Z-levels... or there is LoF, but there are some obstacles very near to this ideal LoF (nearer than half a tile)
- in such conditions, even accuracy 110 is not a guarantee to hit... higher accuracy will help (i.e. 218 is better than 110), but increase comes with very diminishing results... in such scenarios you are likely to hit maybe 50% of your shots

Example 3:
- there is a LoF, but there are many obstacles very near to this ideal line
- in such a scenario, your chance to hit is very low (~5%) regardless of the effective accuracy, even if it is 250+

And as always, there are even more factors I haven't mentioned, like:
- how much of the target unit do you actually see (ideally you should always see the whole target, i.e. no partial cover)
- there is small discrepancy between checking LoF (from eye-level) and shooting (from shoulder-level)
- etc.

From all this, you should remember:
- the number you see is NOT a "chance to hit"
- 110 is very good, anything above will not give you much more benefits
- if the shot looks complicated (many obstacles around the ideal line; or target in partial cover)... you will most likely miss... don't push it and find a better place to shoot from

It's not part of the mechanics, it's an imperfection of the engine. It is a well known bug, at least among devs and such, but it's so complex to fix that we just have to live with it - at least for now.

From my perspective it's not a bug.
There are some very small things, which could be improved/fixed... but in general, it works as designed.

Again, the number you see does not represent a chance to hit... it's a much more technical and mysterious number, which should be taken as an indicator, not as a fact.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on April 27, 2017, 08:20:26 pm
It's not part of the mechanics, it's an imperfection of the engine. It is a well known bug, at least among devs and such, but it's so complex to fix that we just have to live with it - at least for now.

There is only one thing that's wrong... and that is the percentage symbol.

What you see displayed as 150% or 218% is NOT a "chance to hit", it is your effective accuracy and should be displayed as a plain number, e.g. just 150 or 218.
The original game showed it with the % symbol and that is the only reason why OpenXcom also displays it like that... but it's a pure lie.

The game doesn't work with "chance to hit" at all, so please forget about that concept completely.


Again, the number you see does not represent a chance to hit... it's a much more technical and mysterious number, which should be taken as an indicator, not as a fact.

Sorry for trunctating it, don't want to spam the whole thing
In my case it was alien base, same Z level, long corridor, no obstacles, 218 to hit with eurosyndicate sniper laser and it whiffed by 2 squares. True we were not in perfect line but had one tile offset still... anyway, thanks to both of you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on April 27, 2017, 08:38:11 pm
In my case it was alien base, same Z level, long corridor, no obstacles, 218 to hit with eurosyndicate sniper laser and it whiffed by 2 squares. True we were not in perfect line but had one tile offset still... anyway, thanks to both of you.

This does indeed sound wrong.

If something similar happens to you again (a clear shot with good accuracy misses by 1 tile or more), save immediately and post the save here... we'll look at what could have gone wrong.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on April 28, 2017, 12:12:07 am
Is there something like a critical fail or something? Several times I took a 150 something % to shoot someone and the shot hits obstacle... ok, I can bite that.

Put simply this is like the concept of MOA accuracy when it comes to sharpshooting.

This is your chance to hit a man-sized target at a certain distance, that certain distance being roughly medium range (20-40 tiles) and obviously without any objects to get clipped by the shot.

Its not so much that your soldiers cant shoot straight, its that most of what you're shooting at (live targets) are actually moving just like in an FPS game (all those TUs they chewed through last turn). So your soldiers are Leading Targets with their aim and some confusion and over-reacting can ensue with that. Firing accuracy isnt just marksmanship accuracy, its also the ability to actually shoot an enemy in combat.

So you might say someone with a rifle ought to be able to bullseye someone at 200 yards (tiles) easily. Maybe. But the point and balance of the game is that they're not just standing still like deer. Turn based movement gives the impression of static nature but if that unit moved at all in the previous turn, or moves at all in the following turn, realistically speaking they were "moving" when you tried to shoot them.

# Hitler demanded a higher fire rate for the machineguns the germans were using because the shots from maxims with 500 rounds per minute cyclic could often be dodged by a charging soldier out in the field. So thats why the MG42 was raised to something like 1100-1300 rpm because its spitting out 20 per second and that raised the chances high enough that at least one would hit you even if you were making a mad dash. Hitler wanted to discourage these tactics among the allies.

# Even modern police only have about a 4% chance to hit someone with their pistol if the person is running.

# Just goes to show you how much of an effect simple movement has on shooting chances.

Also SNAP shots are literally pointing the gun in the general direction of the target and firing. You don't even line up the sights, its only one step better than a shot in the dark.

AIMED shots are when you line up the sights and POW, no extended aiming, no sniper-level adjusting for windage or anything like that. You only give it enough time to make sure the front dot is somewhere close to the middle of the reticle.

Each turn is about 3 seconds long, so an Aimed shot taking 60% TU to pull off is literally about 1 second of aiming and 1 second of firing/recoil recovery.

(you beat a map in 10 turns? excellent response time, it only took your hands 30 seconds to spread out and clear the battlefield)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on April 28, 2017, 12:54:38 am
The only thing I want to add to Meridian's post is that the magical number for listed accuracy is 130(%).  Ignoring everything else, that's the number where natural shot deviation is at its minimum.  Any number above 130, unless it's been changed in OXCE(+), does nothing for increasing the precision of a shot.  After that it's what Meridian said - natural shot deviation + obstacles, partial cover, bad angles, etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 28, 2017, 02:31:11 pm
Put simply this is like the concept of MOA accuracy when it comes to sharpshooting.

It is not. It most definitely should be, but it isn't. Size of the target in OXCom has little to no meaning beyond range of 10 tiles. The problem is with pathing. The game first traces an ideal trajectory. If you roll a 'hit' on that % dice, you're very likely to hit even if the target is 1 pixel. Meridian also mentions small deviation, it is there, but activates at random to make 100%+ shot only 99.5% accurate (I think it is removed completely for 120%+ shots.

What Meridian wrote is accurate, but downplays the most common cause of bug:
- many objects in the path, especially if target is cut by half, so eg. only head and legs are visible
- perfect trajectory is calced
- bullet is released along it
- it hits an obstacle, because the trajectory was calc'd wrongly.

From Meridian's words, one could think that repeating shot will change anything. It won't. Repeated 120% acc shots, no matter how many, will always hit that obstacle. That wrong calculation is what I'm considering a bug; especially since the OG didn't have that problem.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: EricPhail on April 28, 2017, 10:33:16 pm
Will incorrect trajectory calculations always result in hitting an obstacle, or can they miss outright? I've seen consecutive 250+ shots make the same miss (perfectly hit the same spot slightly wide of and behind the target) albiet these were high to low against a partially obscured target.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 29, 2017, 10:15:32 am
Does difficulty level progression in Piratez is the same as in vanila?

From my experience - example Sciencecific Experiment mission - Superhuman gives two drone enemies and pack of Osirons/Reaserchers. Blackbeard gives one drone enemy and for lower difficulties there is no drone at all for this mission.

Would like to see enemy stats at 100% and their numbres like for for  4-5 tier difficulty level. Which file should I edit to achive this goal?

Next one:
How to use Jellyfish craft inbuild weapon? Is there any? Description says something about it but I dont see an option to use it. One of my gals is locked on last floor but have no special items in hands to use new weapon? I dont have Voodoo yet - if thats the case.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 29, 2017, 03:01:23 pm
How to use Jellyfish craft inbuild weapon? Is there any? Description says something about it but I dont see an option to use it. One of my gals is locked on last floor but have no special items in hands to use new weapon? I dont have Voodoo yet - if thats the case.

There is an object on the ground under the gal "stuck" in the top floor. Pick it up on the inventory screen of that gal and equip. At present it is impossible to force something into a unit inventory based on position in a given craft. Not that it ever should, cause ugh so many conflicts/crashes possible.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on April 29, 2017, 05:22:28 pm

Would like to see enemy stats at 100% and their numbres like for for  4-5 tier difficulty level. Which file should I edit to achive this goal?
it's in piratez_factions.rul under aliendeployments, but the numbers are not easy to read because they're split by rank and inventory. lowqty shows for difficulty 1&2, high qty for 5, and average of the two for 3&4. dqty is a random amount of enemies that can be added for any difficulty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 30, 2017, 02:39:11 am
So this accuracy thing is why the musket, with around 40ish accuracy, is still pretty good?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2017, 02:56:24 am
Yes, the musket while the most inaccurate rifle weapon in the mod, due to the nature of accuracy in the engine still ends up reasonably close to the target.

Deviation from a true line of fire path is cone shaped(like real shooting) so inside of a certain distance it's rather likely to still hit the target on a "miss". The lower your accuracy the greater the angle of the cone. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 30, 2017, 03:32:11 am
So with this information, why is the spraygun still unable to hit the broad side of a barn from inside the barn?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2017, 04:36:27 am
The cone is determined by the accuracy value attributed to attempting to fire at a given target at x distance. Every weapon has a range after which you start losing accuracy rapidly(normally 2% per tile). Aimed>snap>auto. Also Sniper>rifle>smg>pistol.  Within accurate range with aimed shot(20 tiles) you get .6 times gal firing skill. So at most 72 within 20 tiles.

Snap range is not exposed on the spraygun so lets assume 15. Making the same 20 tile shot as before you get .5 of skill or max 60. Then apply the 2% per tile beyond 15. -10% on top of max 60 leaves 54.

Auto accurate range is normally 11 tiles, but again not exposed so assumption made. Same shot, .35 of skill or max 42. 9 tiles of accuracy penalties is -18%. Net result ~34.

Given that 20 aimed range is a reasonable reduction over baseline it's not unreasonable to assume the other ranges are reduced as well. Also the 2% per tile is not fixed either. Until someone goes ruleset diving we dont know for sure. We could be dealing with 20,10,5 and a 5% modifier for all we know. Potential extra bad modifiers on already bottom 1/4 in accuracy what do you expect?   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on April 30, 2017, 11:06:47 am
I would like an explanation of arcanistic/arcane rounds (which seem to be only for the handcannon and autogun as of .99F5).

The 'pedia states: "Their power is augmented by user's Voodoo Power (*0.1 per each 7 base damage)".

There are two interpretations I have considered:

1. The damage is the listed damage of the arcane round x + 0.1(x%7)(VPOW). If the autogun arcane round is Plasma 14 (dmg), and the wielder has VPower of 50, then damage with bonus is 14 + 0.1*2*50 = 14 + 10 = 24.
2. The damage is the listed damage of the arcane round x + 0.1(x)(VPOW%7). If the autogun arcane round is Plasma 14 (dmg), and the wielder has VPower of 50, then damage with bonus is 14 + 0.1*14*7 = 14 + 10 = 24.

Well, the formulas should always converge around the same result for the game, but I would like to know which is the formula in-use.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on April 30, 2017, 11:51:54 am
Interpretation 1 is correct.  I too found the sentence difficult to understand.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: XCOMJunkie on April 30, 2017, 12:46:17 pm
Hey guys, had a little question that I can't seem to find out through the search function: where do I find the damaged syns? Or is that even what I need to do? I've been through two full playthroughs with F.5 and haven't found one. What am I missing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on April 30, 2017, 01:09:46 pm
damaged syns are found on a certain orbital mission. I think the chances of getting the right one are 1 in 5
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: XCOMJunkie on April 30, 2017, 07:45:21 pm
Thanks Juff! Appreciate the quick reply! That explains why I never see them, I rarely do orbital missions. I wasn't aware of anything worthwhile in them, other than a few hellerium capsules to sell. I also don't do Organ Grinder missions beyond the first or so. Am I missing anything else by not doing those mission types often?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on April 30, 2017, 08:24:57 pm
I also don't do Organ Grinder missions beyond the first or so. Am I missing anything else by not doing those mission types often?

It's mostly Castaway Gals you're missing by not doing the grinders.

Btw, space, underwater and mansions tend to be ignored just because of all the tedium of reequipping every last one gal in the response squad. I think it's time to do something about the per-vehicle equipment templates and persistent gal equipment templates, or maybe come up with some entirely different solution. I'd code it myself, but I'm kinda lost on what an acceptable design would be. Maybe we can come to at least a whiff of what's really needed discussing this here?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 30, 2017, 08:59:25 pm
What do I  need  to be able to use Gauss technology? I've alreaddy reaserched Pistol/Rifle/Sniper/Heavy Gauss weapon but stillno luck. I see "Gauss (Basic)" on tech tree but it isnt shown on my avaible reaserch screen. Any idea?

Thanks for all help.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on April 30, 2017, 09:31:28 pm
What do I  need  to be able to use Gauss technology?

You need "Unlocking Gauss Weapons" to use them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Haggashed on May 01, 2017, 12:46:13 am
ok i seems to be blind or stupid but i can't find fusion batteries for building ships. is it a research just me having bad luck with landed and shot down ships or am i missing something very important that i may need to reset my campaign for?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on May 01, 2017, 12:53:46 am
ok i seems to be blind or stupid but i can't find fusion batteries for building ships. is it a research just me having bad luck with landed and shot down ships or am i missing something very important that i may need to reset my campaign for?

Fusion batteries. Obtained at the black market. Check it out, if you researched building ships, they should be there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Haggashed on May 01, 2017, 01:06:49 am
Fusion batteries. Obtained at the black market. Check it out, if you researched building ships, they should be there.
:-\ they are freaking ammo no wonder why i didn't find them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on May 01, 2017, 01:45:33 am
:-\ they are freaking ammo no wonder why i didn't find them.

Be grateful you don't have to source duct tape for the ships ;).

Although I'd count that one as an oversight.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on May 01, 2017, 07:38:40 am
It's mostly Castaway Gals you're missing by not doing the grinders.

Btw, space, underwater and mansions tend to be ignored just because of all the tedium of reequipping every last one gal in the response squad. I think it's time to do something about the per-vehicle equipment templates and persistent gal equipment templates, or maybe come up with some entirely different solution. I'd code it myself, but I'm kinda lost on what an acceptable design would be. Maybe we can come to at least a whiff of what's really needed discussing this here?

Always worth repeating this.

In midgame its easier, when almost every vessel can do both of undersea/0G, or at least one. Templates are actually useful here, since its the same ship inventory.

There is nothing good to be said about the design and concept of Mansion missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 01, 2017, 02:20:55 pm
How does the demotion of hands really work? The bootypedia says I have to hold down cntrl whilst in the hands menu. I must be doing something wrong because nothing happens.

Btw, space, underwater and mansions tend to be ignored just because of all the tedium of reequipping every last one gal in the response squad. I think it's time to do something about the per-vehicle equipment templates and persistent gal equipment templates, or maybe come up with some entirely different solution. I'd code it myself, but I'm kinda lost on what an acceptable design would be. Maybe we can come to at least a whiff of what's really needed discussing this here?

Currently that particular issue can be worked around by having a transport dedicated to each mission type, so the player will need 3 or so transports altogether (and that is something I do in my games, once I can afford the luxury of it). So for maximum quality of life, we'd want a transport template that can recall the crew, equipment and the armour they wear at the push of a button?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 01, 2017, 02:53:51 pm
The bit about​ demotion is old and should be removed from the bootypedia.  Ever since the gals' salary started increasing by rank, demotion has been disabled. Just put unwanted officers on the front lines or fire them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 01, 2017, 05:41:11 pm
Are there any tips how to deal with Fatbag? They can shoot at me before I can locate them and no matter what armor is put on my gals they one shoot them. I know it it is because of acid damage but how to counter this?

Because of Fatbags and Chryssalids I reaaaaly dont like The Church. Even academician cyberdisk and traders powerarmored soldiers aren't so annying  :-\
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on May 01, 2017, 06:30:03 pm
Are there any tips how to deal with Fatbag? They can shoot at me before I can locate them and no matter what armor is put on my gals they one shoot them. I know it it is because of acid damage but how to counter this?

Because of Fatbags and Chryssalids I reaaaaly dont like The Church. Even academician cyberdisk and traders powerarmored soldiers aren't so annying  :-\

Celatids are one of the deadliest foes in the game.
Their weapon has 140 (Acid/Chem) power which will always be an issue.  It is arcing, so shooting them from under cover (below a vessel/under trees) may help.  They have good snap accuracy so reaction fire can always be a challenge.
They have decent health (68) so they may be able to tank a few shots.
Celatids have Sense=20 (Can see through walls, etc).

Do what you can to stay 20 tiles away from them.  And Shoot them from under cover.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 01, 2017, 07:11:18 pm
I found that the last celatid on the map always required a sacrifice of one girl before I could kill them.  :)

As Ivan said, their weapon is arcing - so keeping something over your head will limit their ability to hit you.   They *used* to have 30 SENSE and 3 snap shots per turn, so they've been toned down quite a bit! 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 01, 2017, 09:33:17 pm
Also something you can do is bunch up the gals before your likely to engage one. If the celatid "spots" too many gals at once it will end up wasting most of its TU on the advance/retreat dance even if the great majority are out of line of fire.

High Sense enemy units are very susceptible to the "panic dance" because they see through walls and the AI only considers raw number of enemies spotted. So group up and bum rush the thing is my solution most of the time if i cant down it at 25+ tiles. 20+ tiles of open lines of fire is pretty rare so

Also of note is it takes 20% additional cutting damage so bows are very effective.

And it's not actually that accurate, despite its high weapon 75%, its skill is only 80. So .75 on weapon x 80 skill=60.  Good for a terror but not that accurate in absolute terms. Particularly as a non aoe arcing fire.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 01, 2017, 10:23:05 pm
What is the role of Mint? I see i Can produce lower chips from high ones but... in the end selling Chemicals gives more money (tested on 1k->200$ chips).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on May 01, 2017, 11:41:40 pm
Lower tier minting is definitely very blah.   The true heavy hitter is making obsidian chips from ore and them making gold chips from those.  Probably absolute best return in late game, beating even tanks by a large margin.  Too bad ore is not readily available.  Be sure to stash any ore you happen across.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 01, 2017, 11:57:53 pm
Too bad ore is not readily available.

Sounds like somebody hasn't tried the Prospector as a dropship.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on May 02, 2017, 12:25:32 am
Doing the rough math (not accounting for runt salaries or workshop overhead), each Ore is worth about $170,000 if processed through Obsidian to Gold Chips.  This makes each Prospector flight pay about $680,000 (while an Excavator take down can yield over $8.1 million).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scorrpio on May 02, 2017, 01:06:10 am
Sounds like somebody hasn't tried the Prospector as a dropship.
Somebody is still waiting to get a bloody implosion bomb launcher part to drop...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 02, 2017, 01:29:58 am
Bomb launcher can cheerily go fuck itself. Random RNG to get Pacification run, extra difficult combat cause 1/3 to 1/2 the air game is locked behind the fucker, and then less then 50/50 per individual bomber craft.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 02, 2017, 09:15:30 am
Found my Impl.-Bomblauncher inside a Star Gods Bomber... (my 4. Bomber-raid in total over different factions)
(Considering this the 2nd hardest crackdown-version once the one Sectopod finally decided to die and leave his squishy friends to get bumrushed where Mercs are too healthy and acc. to be dealt with most of the time)

The technologies I can research (in November 2603) are 20 months too late to be useful (especially prospector is totally useless now)
If you have trouble downing bombers, try your tankiest aircraft infront and 2-3 baracudas with as much firepower hooked onto the 4xlw slots and/or one bomber with 3x hammerite.

The bomber has poor acc. and can't oneshot any of those vessels. Using a small shield on the baracudas can net 1-2 additional hits if the bomber refuses to go down.
Just one thing that is realy annoying is the chance to get the one and only bomblauncher part from the crashsite.

It would be less RNjesus if this crash had at least 2 bomblauncher spawn-points. It's even more common to get the 1x plasma-spitter-parts over nothing.
I could consider myself lucky to have 4 baracudas with 3x lascannon + 1x light shield to pulverize any threat the airgame could throw at me besides silver-towers and battle-ships.

One question: Is it possible to get an instant crackdown (assault transporter) from a random faction besides having no sentry/fighter with crackdown-order at the very start of a month (detected Nov. 2603 02:00 - aimed onto asia)? Sure those SG are no match against 40 elite hands and 3 howertanks but having less than 5hours to react to a serious crackdown-attack from thin air seems quite rare and random to me. It's confusing since every crackdown before needed the following order: Sentry / Fighter / Large Vessel / Crackdown-vessel.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 02, 2017, 02:41:55 pm
One question: Is it possible to get an instant crackdown (assault transporter) from a random faction besides having no sentry/fighter with crackdown-order at the very start of a month (detected Nov. 2603 02:00 - aimed onto asia)? Sure those SG are no match against 40 elite hands and 3 howertanks but having less than 5hours to react to a serious crackdown-attack from thin air seems quite rare and random to me. It's confusing since every crackdown before needed the following order: Sentry / Fighter / Large Vessel / Crackdown-vessel.

Yes, I was able to replicate this by having the ratmen patrol find a base mid-month, but not have the time to perform the crackdown before the end of month mission roll.  The next crackdown by whatever faction will know where the base is and immediately launch a base attack.  I'm sure this will work for other crackdown options as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 02, 2017, 03:01:31 pm
Guess tough luck been spotted by the church and getting assaulted by the Star Gods :D
Makes sense since every mission in November 2603 was 100% Star Gods and the usually milking runs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on May 02, 2017, 04:20:48 pm
As I like to take things slow (into my 4th year, fielding only Codex ships and Hunter-Killer, waiting on Mint and Summoning Circle construction, Printer and Refinery research), I have to admit my Geoscape activity is much the same as it was 2 years ago, not counting special missions, with very incremental equipment upgrades across factions (alongside old stuff). I've seen Star Gods only once. Is there some threshold at which activity will categorically change to weight Star Gods heavily?

Also, why is it that rebel mutants can't be taken hostage if they are unconscious at mission end? I've only seen them once so far, in a Euro mission, but I'll assume this applies to all encounters with them. I debugged to revive a few with medkits (for the faction research), otherwise the only hostage would have been the General.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on May 02, 2017, 04:29:44 pm
If i'm not wrong stargods increase in frequency when their topic is researched. No idea on why rebels can't be captured.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 03, 2017, 10:05:13 am
Rebel-Mutants can only be captured during the Euro-Syndicate Elimination Request
Don't ask why but doing a crashsite against a rebel-freighter/fighter will net you outdated gear and no captives.
You can't make slaves out of them and can't rob them so no big deal.

If you aim for 100% Techtree, this is not possible anymore :3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 03, 2017, 04:07:48 pm
If you aim for 100% Techtree, this is not possible anymore :3

Well, it hasn't been possible since the introduction of Codexes. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 04, 2017, 12:19:52 pm
I don't mind that, Codex-choices are just too 'cryptic' for new users and too imbalanced for the experienced players to a point that someone can run into struggles picking a 'new' color and running into situations which can break the whole campaign.

Since Voodoo is a total gimmick with the current state of the game and just screws the player facing AND using it, gold and grey will be tough for me to adapt.

I won't pick red again, because garbage on so many levels and green is actually the better red-codex.
Green will be for future plans but might be too similar to red and cyclopses can be unlocked by another color as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 04, 2017, 06:24:57 pm
Isnt Ghost outfit worth going for Grey?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2017, 03:14:58 am
Since Voodoo is a total gimmick with the current state of the game and just screws the player facing AND using it, gold and grey will be tough for me to adapt.

Care to expand on that? I'm curious, how you came to the conclusion your getting screwed both ways. Certainly defending against psi is difficult to borderline unfair depending on myriad factors. However your tone would suggest you are actively harming yourself by using psi options. Which.....bwhuh?!?? :o
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 05, 2017, 12:06:19 pm
I'll try to explain as honest as possible with the informations I got at hand.
I have to make clear that I got my first impl. bomb-launcher in late Nov. 2603 and to the very day (10th Jan. 2604) my research for Higher Studies is still going (20 Brainers allocated).
I screwed myself by using red codex so I have no way to access fairies/witches and ghosts.
Unless someone picked green or red codex, they can't get bio-suits so I won't mention those in my further explanations.

Fighting against voodoo: (we use the thunderhorse because leviathan does not exist due to RNG bomblaunchers)
Most anti-voodoo equipments are skimpy uniforms that offer no armor values, have horrible cold-resistance (-1hp every turn unless 2-3 ushankas in the backpack) but prevent been targeted by voodoo.
The issue with enemy voodoo attacks is the same issue the vanilla game had. If the enemy can see a toe of one of your squad-members, they can target everyone of your squad beside having no vision on them.

This leads to the following situation (considering you have voodoo-school and finished screening):
You have to filter your team for hands with 50+ v-power and if possible 40 v-skill. You bring your best P+ crew to the fray, you will equip your squad and assign witches/ghosts/fairies if your codex choice was gold/grey. Now you have your squishies set up and start to build a frontline with a mixture of harbinger/guardians and melee-suits. If you pick brute-armor, you can count on getting this hand mc'ed quite frequently.
Your crashsite (big ship with 3espers) will roll out like this:
Turn 1: Sit in the craft, shot dudes facing your ramps and smoke-screen the area inside, on the roof and around the ramps. If an enemy can see through the smoke you will suffer long-range psy-attacks with mostly failed attempts against the least resistant hand. This has no counterplay other than make sure your squad is 100% consealed and outside of soulsense-range.
Turn 2-4: You advance and fight your way to the craft entrance doors. Your power-armor soldiers and tanks go first. If you got lucky, you encounter enemy espers outside the craft and kill/capture them. Your soldiers in power-armor have no additional voodoo-defence protection and got closer to the espers hidden in the craft. Your turns will end and some goon or cyberdisk will spot a toe of one of your teammates. As soon as the esper gets her turn, she can check your whole squad for the best success-rate for her mc-attack and finds a target. If she fails, luck on your side.

If she does her job, she MC-ed a power-armor dude hugging the craft-hull equiped with at least one grenade and a weapon with high power and 2-3 shots per 100% TU. We remember that a MC-ed hand has full timeunits and will do harm to your squad. Grenade will go to grouped teammates for low-medium damage. Snapshots/autofire will hit your squishy witches/fairies/etc.
This advanced into the game a lost voodoo-specialist costs like 4-6 months worth of training until replaced. The lost fairy-suit will hurt the most. Good luck screening a valid gal with 50+ v-power.

One hand down the fight will continue and your best strategie is to unequip the voodoo-wimp once you get control back of her. You fight with 2 hands less now and you'll slowly realize that you have to brute-force your way into the craft and find the remainings espers. Once again you got closer to them with the power-armor soldiers and made the espers voodoo-attacks easier to be successful. Now your team is in soulsense-range, no way to 'hide' your toes now.

Turn 5+: You inch your way into the tight corridors with your power-armor dudes ready to snapshot end of turn. The espers will go for MC again and again to grind on your nerves. Your squishy fairies and witches are best adviced to sit outside the craft, doing nothing and cheering the power-armor teammates to do the most dirty work that will lose you the most soldiers in the later playthrough. You eventually win the fight and shed tears for the lost fairy-suit and the 61/40 gal lost in service because your 59/40 harbinger-armor decided to autoshot your fairy with an XG-Rifle.

Now to the other side of the coin...

Fighting with voodoo: (still thunderhorse as vessel because RNG-bomblaunchers)

We have 18 slots to offer captain. Let's try out those witches and fairies instead of an additional MC-immune bulletsponge called Hovertank/Devastator.
We guess the enemies will field gauss and cyberdisks so we don't use harbinger AND brute-armor. So the frontline is a mix of guardians/xenos/blitz-armors/ghosts, 1x hovertank. Our support-squad is 1x loader with tornado-mortar, 2x fairy (gems tho) 2x witches.

Turn 1: Those fairies and witches will sit inside the craft and might do nothing because they can't get out or can't succeed with voodoo-attacks because both versions of the voodoo-rod lose power over distance. Your frontline and the one hovertank will shot onto the goons facing the ramps and cover your team in smoke. End of turn random voodoo-attacks of the enemy espers targeting your frontliners with no effect.
Turn 2-4: Your frontline once again does the most in mowing down securities and cyberdisks and the one loader-suit nukes hard-to-hit soldiers grouped up. Your fairies fly out the roof and hide like cowards in a 'save' corner next to the enemy craft. Your witches slowly inch through the smoke-screen and the player checks the success-rate of the mc-attack against an osiron-security dude and still goofs around with a success-rate of -1 to 0. No value out of two fragile witches taking up space and offering no utility (besides designed to support) and 2 coward-fairies doing nothing either.
4 slots worth of hands big enough to push another hovertank into the team. The turn ends, the espers 'sense' the fairies hugging the crafts hull and start to mc-control a guardian-suit. No matter what the traitor carries as gun, it will be strong enough to kill one of the cowardly fairies in sight.
Turn 5+: Lesson learnt, you strip the guardian off her guns and let her do nothing just like the fairies and witches do. The frontliners inch forward and the hovertank spots and shots the enemies while the loader keeps bombarding the area. The workhorses breach the crashed vessel and spent turns and TU's for snapshots against doorways and lifts. The espers keep grinding thier minds and keep mc-ing the unarmed guardian-suit next to the craft and randomly other teammates but never ever consider to target your left-over fairy or your 2 witches.
You eventually win the fight by brute force and lucky rolls of your witches or one lucky thorugh-the-wall-stun of your fairy but in the end, the spoils go to the brave guardians/xenos/blitz/ghosts fighting face to face against the foes and each other. Even the hovertank and the loader-suit will get more credit than the left-over fairy and the witches.

Something else I like to mention is the high costs of using those unsuccessful witches. Morale/Stamina loss adds up quickly so you have to spent ressources to raise morale and stamina again.
All those TU's are much better used in using more tanks, more firepower and armored hands instead of wasting slots for hands with no armor, no guns, no utility and no purpose to exist if you can straight up shot/slash your way to victory and not bothering about 'luck' with getting an osiron-security mc'ed to barely do anything useful for the fight. Even a saviour-outfit (the best 'medic') offers more use (stunattack and heal stuffed into her medpack) and is resistant to voodoo.

My perspective, hope this wall of text might enlighten someone.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on May 05, 2017, 12:46:09 pm
so here's a little number crunching assuming my figures are correct.
Let's take an Academy Esper, which has 65 strength and 40 skill. Max Difficulty increases that to 75 and 46.
This makes its base accuracy 75*46/50+25 = 95
VDDef is Strength+0.2Skill+0.33Morale-23, so for a girl with 40/40 and 100 morale thats 58 defense
that means at point blank range the esper has a 37% chance of succeeding on mind control, which drops by 2% for each tile.
That sounds pretty reasonable to me, unless there's some extra modifier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 05, 2017, 12:55:34 pm
RNG my friend, voodoo against the player is a total pain to deal with if you can't field annihilator suits (which don't exist because RNG-bomblaunchers).
In sousense range she will have like 20% chance to succeed and boom goes a frontline shoting your squad.
The esper can use her skill 2 times in most cases. Thier morale and stamina don't drop as hard using voodoo in comparision to witches.
Espers never succeed in panicing a hand but manage to mc a gal in 1 out of 3 cases.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 05, 2017, 01:08:08 pm
I think, it is not supposed to be easy. However, Espers are prone to fall for decoys - put your psi-wise weakest hand in a weak armor, assign a minder, when the weak hand is mind controlled, have the minder stun her. Not perfect but workable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on May 05, 2017, 01:26:08 pm
You can also try using superhero armour. it's got about 30 extra voodoo defense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 05, 2017, 01:52:22 pm
Or just stop acting like every MC wad a TPK situation. Most MC cases can be ignored or contained.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 05, 2017, 02:46:28 pm
Also, getting one unit seen allowing the rest of your units to be psi targeted is patently false.  The enemy can only target units they've seen or have attacked them, and only for as long as the spotter's intelligence stat allows.  If manage line of sight, you can make sure only a few units get targeted. This is just harder when units like espers have wallhack vision.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 05, 2017, 03:52:20 pm
Just running into the corner cases most of the time.

I like to remind that voodoo-casters can target your whole squad regardless of range or vision.
They target the most juicy victim the math tells them to MC. Those attacks look like they're 10 tiles away most of the time but the truth is just like the vanilla game.
They can choose from everyone but will aim for the wimps. They won't bother aiming for a hand with 30/12 @ 40 tiles away.

Superhero armor while offering a grav-pack is easily gunned down by plasma-rifles/pistols and the whole gauss-arsenal. Lasers will hurt as well.
I'd rather use the armor for O-G missions rather than dangerous crashsites.

A crashsite of academy will field 100% gauss-weaponry making all armors useless other than brute-armor and brute-armor makes hands weak against espers/provosts.
Your superhero armor has no protection value against a gauss-musket (or g-pistol) bullet and i can assure you it will hit hard and make the hand unable to fight or oneshot-kill her.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 05, 2017, 03:56:56 pm
I think, it is not supposed to be easy. However, Espers are prone to fall for decoys - put your psi-wise weakest hand in a weak armor, assign a minder, when the weak hand is mind controlled, have the minder stun her. Not perfect but workable.

Just like it worked in the vanilla game.
I would suggest you don't stun the mind controlled traitor and just let the turn end and once you have control just unarm him/her and keep feeding him/her to the esper.
This proves my point that the enemy can target your whole squad and aims for the best hitrate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 05, 2017, 03:59:40 pm
Or just stop acting like every MC wad a TPK situation. Most MC cases can be ignored or contained.

I know. In many cases the mc'ed hand just runs away and reserves TU's for autoshots. The corner cases are lost hands and tactical retreats.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 05, 2017, 04:32:06 pm
Gonna be honest, reading the discussion on psi gives me the feeling that this is all working as designed:

Defending against psi attacks is hard, and using psi effectively (read: finding a tile on the battlescape where those fragile psi users are safe and useful) is bitchin' hard.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2017, 06:00:15 pm
@Ethereal_Medic  Okay thank you, that makes your stance much clearer even if i don't quite agree with it personally.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on May 05, 2017, 06:52:19 pm
I'm sure MCed gals suck when you have a late-game group bunched together, but Espers in particular have never caused me trouble outside base assaults. In one amusing instance, I had a slave soldier along as a substitute and while everyone else was ganging on the Esper inside the ship the slave soldier (since these guys have no stamina) was lagging outside the craft, getting MCed or terrorized and uselessly firing his popgun against the exterior.

As for offense, I still haven't used any Psi-equipment other than the Market wands, TK fist, and Master's Cane. The Hellgun looks interesting if I ever run into Dark Ones again, but I have to ask if there're really any Voodoo-specific magic/weapons that aren't worth less than another gal wielding pretty much anything else?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2017, 07:27:25 pm
Ones again, but I have to ask if there're really any Voodoo-specific magic/weapons that aren't worth less than another gal wielding pretty much anything else?

Impaler is pretty good. Powerful, no lethal component stun damage, that goes vs special resist, and huge armor pen. And if you don't stun the target in a few shots panic is assured from the massive morale damage.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 05, 2017, 11:15:19 pm
Wands of rending can be pretty powerful for a light weight item. Had some great success downing mercenaries and MarSec bodyguards from range. Powers of Seduction is a great ranged stun too.

Orb of Destruction and Lucky Star are very strong area of effect attacks. I've yet to use a scroll of inconsensuality, but the bootypedia page describes something hilariously powerful.

If all else fails, I guess they can be used to cheese bravery.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 06, 2017, 02:57:33 am
The scroll is complete garbage in practice. Because the engines blast propagation is square rather then true circular after about radius 4 the shape tends to fragment into a bunch of rays of damage making the outer area inconsistent. Also since only special resistance mitigates it you basically have to equip the entire crew accordingly since the aoe is 2-3 x larger then a mini nuke with an average of ~180 damage at its edge.

So an inconstantly applied amount of stun, sufficient to trigger stun overflow damage in most gals, dealt to roughly half the map centered on user. It the third most dangerous weapon to the player behind the dragon rockets, and like the dragons we are the one firing it.

My last use with it dealt about 600 total stun to my own squad and only knocked out the one enemy right next to the user. Who later died to the overflow tick, because with half my gals down to friendly fire i didn't have the TU to counteract the 300+ stun on him. So one kill vs 1/2 my prepared and tuned for special Resistance squad.

Which by the way tuning for special resist gets you killed by everything else, unless you happen to have a squad full of destructor or bio armor at which point why the fuck are you using the scroll.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: okashii on May 06, 2017, 10:01:21 am
I don't understand what I am doing wrong with the 'Use Drill (color)' manufacturing option:
it can be researched fairly quickly [second month], I have the default work space of 30, the hull, the drill, but no option to click to confirm and starting the 'Use drill' manufacturing process.
Can you please help me with what I am missing?

EDIT: A helpful person on discord said that I need more manufacturing capabilities than the default base comes equipped with, I tested it in game and building another Extractor for example does solve the issue.
I was confused because it doesn't say so in the Tech Tree search [Q] requirements or in the manufacturing selection.
Since the base comes with 30 work space by default, perhaps changing the manufacturing requirement listed for 'Use Drill (color)' from 30 to 35 or more would give the player a better hint that an expansion is required first.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 06, 2017, 02:25:46 pm
Yes, good point, but it's been fixed already for the upcoming version.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 06, 2017, 11:19:15 pm
Quote from: etherealmedic
The issue with enemy voodoo attacks is the same issue the vanilla game had. If the enemy can see a toe of one of your squad-members, they can target everyone of your squad beside having no vision on them.

This is 100% false.

I have done *extensive* testing on this and have argued this countless times both here, on reddit, and on my stream.  Using both OXC AND Vanilla executable to test it out.

There are two ways (3 kinda) that an enemy learns where your units are
1.  They see a unit.
1a.  They mind control a unit and IT sees units
2. A unit successfully lands an attack on an enemy.

Any of those actions, and only those actions sets the 'turns since spotted flag' to zero on THAT specific unit.

That's it.
No argument.
There is no other way for them to know where a unit is.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: desert on May 07, 2017, 01:06:53 am
Question on "Mutant Fish": these Sea-mission enemies seemingly can't be captured, as unconscious ones are killed at Results due to the absence of an "aquarium" at the base. Others on the board have brought up this question since .99F5 dropped, but without answer. Now, I would just take this as some kind of joke were it not for the presence in the research browser of two distinct topics for "Dead Fish" and "Mutant Fish". So how does one bring home a live Mutant Fish?

Wands of rending can be pretty powerful for a light weight item. Had some great success downing mercenaries and MarSec bodyguards from range. Powers of Seduction is a great ranged stun too.

Orb of Destruction and Lucky Star are very strong area of effect attacks. I've yet to use a scroll of inconsensuality, but the bootypedia page describes something hilariously powerful.

If all else fails, I guess they can be used to cheese bravery.

Wand of Rending is a useful tool against armored humans if you really need it, but it's a Black Market wand that IIRC can be used by anyone to good effect.  By Powers of Seduction, do you mean the built-in attack for those 'sex' outfits? Would you really want to wear that at the expense of other armor, and fix one hand slot with that power at the expense of anything else?

The Tome of Lightning is a funny device, but it's just a longer-range Tesla Coil, which itself is a novelty weapon that is better replaced with other stunning weapons.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 07, 2017, 03:11:35 am
Question on "Mutant Fish": these Sea-mission enemies seemingly can't be captured, as unconscious ones are killed at Results due to the absence of an "aquarium" at the base. Others on the board have brought up this question since .99F5 dropped, but without answer. Now, I would just take this as some kind of joke were it not for the presence in the research browser of two distinct topics for "Dead Fish" and "Mutant Fish". So how does one bring home a live Mutant Fish?

Wand of Rending is a useful tool against armored humans if you really need it, but it's a Black Market wand that IIRC can be used by anyone to good effect.  By Powers of Seduction, do you mean the built-in attack for those 'sex' outfits? Would you really want to wear that at the expense of other armor, and fix one hand slot with that power at the expense of anything else?

The Tome of Lightning is a funny device, but it's just a longer-range Tesla Coil, which itself is a novelty weapon that is better replaced with other stunning weapons.

More then likely fish capture has yet to be implemented completely but the mobs where needed for undersea missions first.

Seduction is indeed the power on the "sex" outfits. Useful in the correct circumstances but defiantly a "your mileage may vary" tool.

Coil and tome are actually quite useful for stunning units highly resistant to daze damage like dark ones and stargods. These foes are by combination of high resist and some armor 99% immune to any weapon based on daze. Also stunning robotic units like cyberdisks and sectopods due to shock bypass feature is fun.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 07, 2017, 04:54:51 pm
Seductress is probably my #1 go to tool for taking down power armor, especially in enclosed areas.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on May 08, 2017, 08:13:41 am

What is the difference between sense and spot?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 08, 2017, 09:23:17 am
Sense = Soulsense
Soulsense allows to see enemies through anything (smoke, camo and walls!)

Spot x
See enemies x tiles earlier.
Armor with Spot 5 can see camo'ed enemies 5 tiles earlier, negating camo to the stated value.
Camo'ed enemies in smoke are quite hard to spot tho.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 08, 2017, 09:38:47 am
Sorry for ranting over voodoo-stuff and things the last days. Frustration rises quickly if the enemy has alot of success mc'ing personal with 51/29 vpower/vskill without 'spotting' them first.

Anyway, I'm 400 hellerium capsules and conquerer buildtime away from going to Cydonia (Mars).

Suggestions for fighting the mars-lubbers?

I have full plasma-weoponry tech (up to plasma destroyer)
I can field 10 annihilator-suits and 7 bio-suits.
I got 4 X-Sectopods and can produce all other HWP's @ will.
I have no syns (because space missions never ever rolled the space-ship)
No ghosts (because red codex)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Haggashed on May 10, 2017, 02:55:04 am
two questions,
what the hell are these solar arrays that spawn by the hundreds around my base, they just hang around going 100 but i can only destroy them even with a 25 mm.
and two any tips on finding the last star god novice on a map ???
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 10, 2017, 09:21:02 am
Solar Arrays?
Can you offer a screenshot? I suggest you mean ratman-raidparties (those go 100speed and die in one hit). Those spawn like 6-10 little red dots searching for your hideout(s) to perform a crackdown.

To find the last star god novice you need patience. There're hard to see due to camo. If you have someone with SPOT in your team, use him/her to increase your chance of finding him.
You still need to be careful tho since his ghostbeam bypasses all armor and is extremly precise for a snapshot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on May 11, 2017, 02:39:05 am
two questions,
what the hell are these solar arrays that spawn by the hundreds around my base, they just hang around going 100 but i can only destroy them even with a 25 mm.
and two any tips on finding the last star god novice on a map ???

They do really look like solar arrays :). Yes, they are ratmen looking for your base.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on May 12, 2017, 12:04:32 am
Is there a way to destroy those Ratmen search parties?  I tried attacking one once but just ended up wasting a few hundred cannon rounds and doing no damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on May 12, 2017, 12:13:00 am
Yeah they can be shot down.  You might just have a very inaccurate cannon and a pilot with bad aim stats.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 12, 2017, 12:14:33 am
Keep shooting until your interceptor stops missing every shot. Ratmen foot patrols are just hard to hit sometimes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 14, 2017, 01:55:56 pm
OK, I asked this already but I am sorry for being stupid. How does one use Master's Cane? I have it researched and acquired from some human mage that was on a joy ride in civil ship. When I put it in hand of my Gal in novice outfit I can't use it at all. Is there a specific outfit it only works with or what am I missing? (Haven't even researched Back to school, because when I was about to do the aliance research, the update came and now I need the tokens to research and not getting those missions.)
So... am I trying to use it in wrong way or am I supposed to wait for some other research?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 14, 2017, 03:11:12 pm
Master's Cane and a number of other voodoo items require voodoo training to use.

Voodoo training is associated with the voodoo school building. Place a gal in voodoo training just like you do with normal training with a dojo or luxury spa. It is a separate window so make sure you have the right one. Once the gal has been in training for a sufficient time you will be able to see the gals voodoo stats, at that point they are "trained" and can use the previously locked items.

Behind the curtain what's happening is that Dioxine tied certain items being usable to the flag on psi power being unmasked from vanilla engine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 14, 2017, 06:08:06 pm
Master's Cane and a number of other voodoo items require voodoo training to use.

Voodoo training is associated with the voodoo school building. Place a gal in voodoo training just like you do with normal training with a dojo or luxury spa. It is a separate window so make sure you have the right one. Once the gal has been in training for a sufficient time you will be able to see the gals voodoo stats, at that point they are "trained" and can use the previously locked items.

Behind the curtain what's happening is that Dioxine tied certain items being usable to the flag on psi power being unmasked from vanilla engine.

A science thing then, thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on May 14, 2017, 08:13:40 pm
A science thing then, thanks.
Or throw a gal in seductress armor. If she can actually stun something that should reveal her voodoo strength

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Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 14, 2017, 09:47:25 pm
using a wand should do it too
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 14, 2017, 10:22:23 pm
Or throw a gal in seductress armor. If she can actually stun something that should reveal her voodoo strength

Sent from my LG-V520 using Tapatalk
Well No seductress outfit... just wench and novice. As I mentioned, due to new update I can't research the alliance and back to school nor library so...

using a wand should do it too
Used the rod of bliss and wand of firebolts, wand of rending and wand of airlesness several times, no go.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on May 15, 2017, 01:03:39 am
What is a good strategy to deal with Zombies? I´m in January 2602, with chainmail, and some tech blades and cannons, and even with all that, zombie ground is something I fear. Just now I´m just losing one veteran gal per fight, but before.... well... Zombies are harsh.

So, my questions are:

What is a good strategy to deal with zombie before and after chainmail?.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 15, 2017, 01:41:53 am
What is a good strategy to deal with Zombies? I´m in January 2602, with chainmail, and some tech blades and cannons, and even with all that, zombie ground is something I fear. Just now I´m just losing one veteran gal per fight, but before.... well... Zombies are harsh.

So, my questions are:

What is a good strategy to deal with zombie before and after chainmail?.
Auto fire weapons and a craft with a roof / grab harnesses
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 15, 2017, 03:08:09 am
Shotguns are pretty good. Zombies aside from the military ones are nearly unarmored.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 15, 2017, 10:22:33 am
Melee is also viable. Melee beats everything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 15, 2017, 11:17:47 am

Cryssalids can pierce through 140 frontplate of an X-Sectopod.
Bloodaxe can chew through everything.
A handle solves nearly every close-quarter combat.

Can we get a "Power-Handle" like the upgraded baseball bat?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 15, 2017, 06:56:55 pm
Another day, another stupid questions. I did some of the throphies related missions, got the goblin Zaxx, Jack and Mutant alliance.. .enough to make The C pass. I created that, researched it, but still just getting the D level missions. Do I have to create the pass again?

And the second one. Where do I get the Assasination trophy. Is that the C level of trophies related bounty hunting?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 15, 2017, 08:05:54 pm
Another day, another stupid questions. I did some of the throphies related missions, got the goblin Zaxx, Jack and Mutant alliance.. .enough to make The C pass. I created that, researched it, but still just getting the D level missions. Do I have to create the pass again?

And the second one. Where do I get the Assasination trophy. Is that the C level of trophies related bounty hunting?

Assassination Trophies are earned for the mutant alliance mission to 'assasinate' mutant traitors.
I guess the C-Level missions will spawn in the following month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 15, 2017, 08:53:47 pm
Assassination Trophies are earned for the mutant alliance mission to 'assasinate' mutant traitors.
I guess the C-Level missions will spawn in the following month.

Just came in to write that my luck got better and now I got that C level, getting some mage and his goons... which I did, researched the asssasination trophy... and a prize I got from alliance before (the martial arts topic) aaaaaand now I am stumped again... I checked what I need for *The Mutant Alliance* topic and I have everything researched, but it is not as research option in my lab.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on May 15, 2017, 11:45:26 pm
Well No seductress outfit... just wench and novice. As I mentioned, due to new update I can't research the alliance and back to school nor library so...
Used the rod of bliss and wand of firebolts, wand of rending and wand of airlesness several times, no go.
Didn't realize seductress was gated behind mutant alliance.  I haven't tried it but I imagine a successful wench attack should also reveal psi strength and train psi skill.  Unless there's something special about seductress, the mechanic of using a built-in voodoo attack to reveal psi stats should be the same
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 15, 2017, 11:47:21 pm
Didn't realize seductress was gated behind mutant alliance.  I haven't tried it but I imagine a successful wench attack should also reveal psi strength and train psi skill.  Unless there's something special about seductress, the mechanic of using a built-in voodoo attack to reveal psi stats should be the same
Used that as well, then I switched that outfit out for the novice outfit and am currently using the rod of bliss, reticulan laser gun and magical baseball bat. No psi stats revealed. :-)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 16, 2017, 12:24:23 am
I haven't tried it but I imagine a successful wench attack should also reveal psi strength and train psi skill.  Unless there's something special about seductress, the mechanic of using a built-in voodoo attack to reveal psi stats should be the same

There is an inherent difference between the seductress attack and the wench attack - the wench's Bad Touch counts as a gun (not a psi attack!) for the game engine, it just happens to get a boost from voodoo skills.  The seductress' power is an actual psi attack for the engine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on May 16, 2017, 12:56:19 am
Interesting!  Learn something new here every day.  Sorry Noir, guess there is no psi work around until you get that research issue fixed.  Looks like this last update had a lot of early game research changes. I wonder if you need to re-research something, like one of the get-for-frees from captives.  I'm watching Poet's campaign and he had to re-research integrated devices and he's at least 3 or 4 years in

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Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Absalom on May 16, 2017, 06:53:29 am
What happened to being able to hide manufacturing options?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 16, 2017, 08:14:16 am
Interesting!  Learn something new here every day.  Sorry Noir, guess there is no psi work around until you get that research issue fixed.  Looks like this last update had a lot of early game research changes. I wonder if you need to re-research something, like one of the get-for-frees from captives.  I'm watching Poet's campaign and he had to re-research integrated devices and he's at least 3 or 4 years in

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
Actually did re-research those. What is confusing me now is that the *The Mutant Alliance* research topic listed topic that I need are all darkened, that I researched them, but still can't do the Mutant Aliance topic itself. Maybe I need to wait into next month... or maybe it is that I messed up the install process. After all I forgot all about the replacing STR_SECTOID_CORPSE with STR_ACADEMY_CORPSE ... I hope I can still make it now, after few days of playing. But from the names I doub't it will solve my problém.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 16, 2017, 10:22:58 am
"Alliance Favors" is now needed as prerequisite for *Mutant Alliance*.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 16, 2017, 10:34:59 am
"Alliance Favors" is now needed as prerequisite for *Mutant Alliance*.
I have those or at least when I use the 'cheaty' tech-tree viewer, it says that I have everything for *The Mutant Alliance* researched.
They are (Who is Who, Mutant origins, contact: Merchants, Communications, Mutant Pogrom, Researching, Assasination trophy, Prize: Alliance favors) all dark purple, which I assume is marked as researched, because before I got the C level boutny for mage the trophy was kinda uh... pink-ish color (same color as is the Library, Zero tolerance and Mutant alliance (Dep.) on the right side of the tech tree viewer).
I can now manufacture the favors for 600 tokens, which I assume I have them researched. I am afraid I am doing something terrible wrong.

Link to my savefile.... maybe someone can spot what am I doing stupidly wrong.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on May 16, 2017, 11:25:45 am
Link to my savefile.... maybe someone can spot what am I doing stupidly wrong.

You don't have research topic "Prize: Alliance Favors" (STR_BOUNTY_HUNTING_PRIZE_ALLIANCE_FAVORS) yet.

The Tech Tree Viewer shows it as researched already, because it found it in a list of already researched/available manufacturing topics.... there is unfortunately a manufacturing topic with exactly the same ID, which is unlocked without having the corresponding research first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 16, 2017, 12:05:34 pm
You don't have research topic "Prize: Alliance Favors" (STR_BOUNTY_HUNTING_PRIZE_ALLIANCE_FAVORS) yet.

The Tech Tree Viewer shows it as researched already, because it found it in a list of already researched/available manufacturing topics.... there is unfortunately a manufacturing topic with exactly the same ID, which is unlocked without having the corresponding research first.

Oh, ok. So I guess I will have to manufacture that one first. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on May 16, 2017, 04:47:46 pm
Oh, ok. So I guess I will have to manufacture that one first. Thank you very much.

You're welcome.
I've extended the tech tree viewer too, so in next version this should not happen anymore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 16, 2017, 06:01:44 pm
In this case you need to manufacture first, research second... which is all explained in the opening article to all the trophies, by the way.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 16, 2017, 06:46:47 pm
What's the deal with Megapol? Do you get negative points for shooting them down? Will they retaliate? Why is there no way to enslave those wolfmen? The Gals demand puppies!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 16, 2017, 09:58:32 pm
What's the deal with Megapol? Do you get negative points for shooting them down? Will they retaliate? Why is there no way to enslave those wolfmen? The Gals demand puppies!

Beastmen for aux :D
Fighting Megapol nets no negative score btw. If they get a crackdown mission, you'll get the usual encounter of plasma weaponry + blasterlauncher + microwave cookers.
Megapol isn't considered Govt. so you can freely gun them down because f+ck da police.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 17, 2017, 11:23:41 am
If they get a crackdown mission, you'll get the usual encounter of plasma weaponry + blasterlauncher + microwave cookers.

Is this still true? I started a new campaign recently and got raided by a bunch of nurses with mostly stun weapons arriving in an ambulance (thanks for that encounter, dioxin, btw - this mod never stops to amaze me!). They killed the parrot!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 17, 2017, 11:54:55 am
Is this still true? I started a new campaign recently and got raided by a bunch of nurses with mostly stun weapons arriving in an ambulance (thanks for that encounter, dioxin, btw - this mod never stops to amaze me!). They killed the parrot!

The crackdown for academy nurses and ratman bandits have thier own mission parameter with an own loadout considering 'terror units' and weaponry.
Those are harmless/ challenging in the early stages of the game.

No worries with plasma ownage or cyberdisk rape.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 17, 2017, 10:00:35 pm
So, is the Shadowbat making anything stealthy? How exactly?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 17, 2017, 10:40:54 pm
So, is the Shadowbat making anything stealthy? How exactly?

It's your to-go night-ops vessel. It doesn't stealth in terms of camo but will enlighten a bright area @ battlescape. Your team can deploy concealed out of the stairs and shot onto enlighted foes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 17, 2017, 10:43:55 pm
On night missions, the Shadowbat has far reaching lights that can illuminate a sizeable part of the battlescape, whilst keeping the area immediately under (and above?) the craft in total darkness. Your hands can exit the craft and take up firing positions underneath the craft using the cover of darkness whilst everything around it is lit up like a Christmas tree. Of course, advancing away from the Shadowbat will expose you too.

Might be handy if you don't feel like throwing fire/magna lights/electroflares about the place on night missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 18, 2017, 01:37:09 pm
Might be handy if you don't feel like throwing fire/magna lights/electroflares about the place on night missions.

Using those are risky, the AI get's a reactionshot if they see your gals carrying/throwing them.
If you carry those in your handslot you enlighten the area which can cause unwanted trouble.

Best bet is to rely on night-ops and sniper suits (and similar gear)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 20, 2017, 10:48:37 am
Another stupid question inbound.
I finished the topic "Plotting" and it said that the pillow books can be researched for new topics. But when I created few of the books, I don't have them in topics to research. The Tech Tree seems to be void of any topic called Pillow Book. Am I to assume that it is just a flavor text then?
(And as a minor question the Pillow Book itself can't be Middle-Mouse clicked in inventory for more info on it, that ok, or do I have messed installation?)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 20, 2017, 11:37:12 am
You need a library and a mess at the hideout you want to produce the pillow book.

The old earth lab doesn't count.
The 1st pillow book has to be produced first before you can get the actual bootypedia entry for the item itself (similiar to gun almanach and others)

The pillow book got alot of fan-service in it, the important topics inside might take a while to get.
Saving grace, the research usually takes 1-3 days for each book and can be repeated several times.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 20, 2017, 01:53:07 pm
You need a library and a mess at the hideout you want to produce the pillow book.

The old earth lab doesn't count.
The 1st pillow book has to be produced first before you can get the actual bootypedia entry for the item itself (similiar to gun almanach and others)

The pillow book got alot of fan-service in it, the important topics inside might take a while to get.
Saving grace, the research usually takes 1-3 days for each book and can be repeated several times.

I have 8 of those books manufactured. But seemingly can't do anything with them, they dont react to middle-click which I assumed means I need to research them, but they are not on topic list for researching and I can't find them in tech tree to get info on what all needs to be researched so I can do those. That's what kinda makes me worried I have badly installed the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 20, 2017, 04:34:51 pm
You can't research pillow books w/o Naughty Mod enabled, for that all fanservice mentioned.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on May 20, 2017, 04:53:21 pm
You can't research pillow books w/o Naughty Mod enabled, for that all fanservice mentioned.
Aaaah bludner-ed again, thank you very much for clearing that up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 20, 2017, 06:04:18 pm
It's included into the naughty mod?
KK, glad I'm used to the mod by default. Best way to train bravery with the nude-armor in zero-risk missions. (Up to 90 bravery)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 21, 2017, 12:17:55 am
Is there any use for the Master's Cane?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 21, 2017, 12:49:07 am
Is there any use for the Master's Cane?

It's best used on a high ranking gal. You can either smack foes with it or use the curse feature.
It's a voodoo item that is not codex based, so it is useful against psi-weak enemies to some degree.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 21, 2017, 01:46:23 am
Still a valuable tactic:

Instantly sell your corridor + basic vault and build another barrack.
Max out your 1st extractor and build 2 additional extractors. Max out the runts and produce/sell moonshine/x-grog.

Outside of how well the first missions went, you can count on your economy keeping you save for a while.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on May 21, 2017, 02:42:08 am
Might make sense for the Pillow Book to be researchable once without the mod active, without the fanservice stuff.

Edited so it actually said what I wanted instead of just being whiny
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 21, 2017, 09:32:01 am
It's best used on a high ranking gal. You can either smack foes with it or use the curse feature.
It's a voodoo item that is not codex based, so it is useful against psi-weak enemies to some degree.

I managed to mind control a wolfman and curse another wolfman to death, but the cane seem no use against any other opponents.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 21, 2017, 10:01:48 am
The cane is pretty weak overall but it's serviceable for it's intent as a very early reusable psi power. A step up from wands limited charges but not a large one.

Unfortunately that still leaves it well behind the curve of conventional weapon tech, along with 85% of voodoo powers. They require a limited subset of gals to function, most of them come with some significant drawback, and rarely offer any significant advantage for elimination of opposition. Live captures of dark ones and stargods is the only real reason to field any voodoo at all.       
Title: Make VooDoo Great Again!
Post by: Zharkov on May 21, 2017, 10:41:34 am
Is anybody using any Voodoo in their games and what for? Of all the things I tried, I only use the Ret Lasgun, as Gals with good Psi can shoot them in auto and even hit something. For everything else, I find the conventinal solutions (i.e., just shoot them or hit them) much more convenient.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 21, 2017, 10:49:49 am
Firing guns and throwing shit at enemies made 95% of my red-codex playthrough.
I used melee to some degree once I was able to suit a majority of gunners and spare slots for actual melee-trainees or melee-specialists.

I don't give wands a chance as those require a clear line to shot and can still miss (hitting overall or do no effect). The problematic foes (mercs) have too much HP to be eliminated by voodoo-based damage sources and are completely ignored now because I can get synth-suits from megapol pigmen.

The Ret Lasgun is a complete trial & error weapon as long as you can't determine the v-power of anyone. You have to field a zero-risk mission to calculate the good and bad ones.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: atroix on May 21, 2017, 10:51:43 am
Voodoo as is in the curent state is just a support role. Its of use one large crew shpis as support with max 1 or 2 gals any more than that is a waste. I find its best use with wands and outfits that boost it. I always wse it breach an cleen after the assault troops are in. I use wands first to try stun or damage ( after making shure no reaction fire) than if thay fail gun down are just slash them .
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 21, 2017, 10:56:13 am
I always wse it breach an cleen after the assault troops are in. I use wands first to try stun or damage ( after making shure no reaction fire) than if thay fail gun down are just slash them .

And that's why I don't bother use voodoo-stuff at all. If you pull the supporter this close into the fray, just let them be melee-specialists and go to town with them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: atroix on May 21, 2017, 11:10:10 am
And that's why I don't bother use voodoo-stuff at all. If you pull the supporter this close into the fray, just let them be melee-specialists and go to town with them.

I agree with you. I see at more as flavor more than reliable tactic. And flavor is good after 80 times of clering the enemy crew with conventional tactics. So as it s
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 21, 2017, 11:12:18 am
The good voodoo-stuff is codex based, costs loads of resources to produce and requires a certain setup to function.
The more tryhard users can assure you that voodoo has it's place but requires determination to field.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: atroix on May 21, 2017, 12:08:33 pm
Is there a possibility to have armors with jump for climbing buildings not flight?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 21, 2017, 02:41:39 pm
You either move via foot or 'fly'
It's not working with a grappling hook and teleportation ain't possible either.
Using any flying armor doesn't allow you to 'drop' multiply tiles in one move either.

The spider-suit like in X-Com2 is something that doesn't belong in this game and requires more work than needed for very limited use.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 22, 2017, 06:02:52 am
Is anybody using any Voodoo in their games and what for? Of all the things I tried, I only use the Ret Lasgun, as Gals with good Psi can shoot them in auto and even hit something. For everything else, I find the conventinal solutions (i.e., just shoot them or hit them) much more convenient.
Seductress armor might be the easiest way to take down power armor in mid game.  Once you get the fairy outfit....
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: atroix on May 22, 2017, 08:55:53 am
You either move via foot or 'fly'
It's not working with a grappling hook and teleportation ain't possible either.
Using any flying armor doesn't allow you to 'drop' multiply tiles in one move either.

The spider-suit like in X-Com2 is something that doesn't belong in this game and requires more work than needed for very limited use.

Nothing fancy like that. Just yhe ability to go up one just like in jagged alliance 2.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 22, 2017, 09:20:26 am
Fairies can only be used by 2 out of 4 codexes. The "Lucky Star" sure looks fantastic and is quite useful but the one usage you had in your last youtube-video was one use for the lulz and it missed.
Sniping anyone and anything with a laser-"shotgun" (SR Shotgun looks to range-efficient for a close-combat weapon) did the job just fine and more reliable than the winged support-mage.

The SR Shotgun looks like it took the place of the Flechette gun before the nerfbat hit it so hard that the clipsize dropped to 8 (former 42 or something) and acc. penalty made the cross-map sniping nearly impossible. While the SR Shotgun can't be replicated, I see no use to toy around with expensive squishy flying suits.
Sentry-Class Vessels spawn frequently to get more shotguns and some ammo while gems are so rare that you never have any supply of them.

That XG-Assault sure blows past the snapshot range, that's why you should get the XG-Rifle, XG-Pistol and XG-Chaingun asap.

Tl;dr: SR Shotgun works too good in situations it should be bad, Fairies are too situational to be a reliable and XG-Assault works totally fine.

And Poet, don't forget that the new patch disallows the use of Ghost-Outfits if you picked the golden codex. I'll call you out if I see you use them ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 22, 2017, 08:51:04 pm
Could anyone write review of the last patch? I wonder. should I upgrade or stick and play previous version.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 22, 2017, 08:55:46 pm
For the sake of your experience, stick with the current patch OR restart.

Upgrading mid-campaign will fill the next month with the new content and can deflate the difficulty.
The new bounty-hunting missions can be quite a milkrun if you got superior arsenal allready.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 23, 2017, 04:39:58 pm
But could you elaborate more about bounty missions? What are they and how ddo they work?

I am a little bit tired with all those restarts on my end everytime new patch shows up :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 23, 2017, 05:19:23 pm
But could you elaborate more about bounty missions? What are they and how ddo they work?

I am a little bit tired with all those restarts on my end everytime new patch shows up :P

The new bounty-hunt quests introduced "Trophy Rewards".
You can ca$h in your reward by manufacturing the price as a workshop project and research the 'item'. This way you unlock certain techs required to advance the techtree and/or items for the black market and certain buildings like the dojo. You don't get those techs for 'free' anymore, you have to do the bounty-missions now instead and pile up enough tokens for the 3 different 'customers' each with thier own currency.

Your booty-hunting is determined by the pass you own (you start with level-D). By upgraiding the pass you get new missions and new trophy rewards.
To upgrade you have to invest the currency of all 3 customers to an equal share.

The missions are easy to medium nintendo-hard but get easier with the loot you can get by rewards and basic missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on May 24, 2017, 04:39:22 pm
EDIT: Whoops. Sorry, I posted this in the wrong subforum. Deleted the redundant info.

I have a few questions about this mod. First, how long in RL hours can the average playthrough take? So far it seems it might take at least a few dozens hours, seeing that the game is somewhat slow-moving (depending on your difficulty level and which in-game year it is).

Second, why is the standard music for the battlescape so BAD? It is really bad IMO, it tries to be creepy but quickly becomes annoying. It contrasts too much with the usually cheery music of the rest of the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 24, 2017, 05:19:37 pm
Depending on how many hours you invest daily, the game will take several weeks to get finished.
If you play it blind, you will take at least a whole month. The game is 'won' if you win Cydonia Phase 1+2. Since the game automatically ends, you can't continue on earth tho.

The track for battlescape isn't that annoying IMO but I like to listen to other music on youtube while playing the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: perekrylo on May 25, 2017, 05:09:58 am
Backspace n ctrl+alt+backspace (or something) wont clear inventory or ship's inventory respectivelyy
 I was using those like half-a year ago but now they wont work :<
Keyboard itself is ok
What do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on May 25, 2017, 07:07:21 am
Check your actual key choices would be my suggestion.  Those hotkeys are the defaults.  Should be in settings
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on May 25, 2017, 10:59:07 am
ctrl+alt+x is the default
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: perekrylo on May 25, 2017, 01:18:12 pm
Oh silly me, right. Thanx.
But if it defaults to ctrl+alt+x shouldnt hottkeys page list this instead of non-working ones? Imma go point this out somewhere
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gunner-chan on May 26, 2017, 12:52:22 pm
Silly stupid little question, what is with all the tiny "ufos" I spot moving around sometimes? In really huge numbers? I'm guessing they're just large concentrations of people moving about but is there anything to do with them? ... Should I be concerned?

I don't remember these little guys in the last version I played.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 26, 2017, 01:32:13 pm
Silly stupid little question, what is with all the tiny "ufos" I spot moving around sometimes? In really huge numbers? I'm guessing they're just large concentrations of people moving about but is there anything to do with them? ... Should I be concerned?

I don't remember these little guys in the last version I played.

Those are Ratmen Raid Parties searching for your base.
They can launch a crackdown mission against a spotted hideout but the assault isn't that tough once you experienced one. Mostly the dogs and bloodhounds can be troublesome, other than that those are just ratman that crawl through your base/sewers/lifts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 26, 2017, 02:31:40 pm
Oh silly me, right. Thanx.
But if it defaults to ctrl+alt+x shouldnt hottkeys page list this instead of non-working ones? Imma go point this out somewhere

I'm simply not sure what it defaults to, I changed it to backspace years ago. I will modify the article, tho.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: atroix on May 27, 2017, 06:32:32 pm
A strange thing happens in my game. I can not find any rnrmy bases. Hyperwavr coverage all land mass. Random patrals with pigeon on all land mass na base found. Not even detected a single base suply ot secret base mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on May 27, 2017, 06:52:46 pm
A strange thing happens in my game. I can not find any rnrmy bases. Hyperwavr coverage all land mass. Random patrals with pigeon on all land mass na base found. Not even detected a single base suply ot secret base mission.

If you upload a save, we can tell you if there is any base or not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on May 28, 2017, 03:32:57 am
New campaign, version G1. I just had a mission where I got a negative score for hostages taken, how come? I can't take a screenshot for some reason (or I'm looking in the wrong folder for them) but the enemy types captured were:

Tough Guy
Castaway Girl (presumably the mission reward since it was a "Save a sister" mission)

I understand losing points for killing B-Boys, Altar Boys and the like, but why am I losing points for capturing things?

There's also these Airbusses full of Academy Nurses with capture orders which weren't in the game last time I played. First time I fought them they all had pistols and/or stun weapons, mostly cattle prods. Makes sense. The second group had flintlocks and cutlasses, with only one stun prod between them. Is this normal?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 28, 2017, 06:21:21 am

I've noticed the same thing regarding negative score for taking those guys hostage, it's weird. Future missions should net you a positive score for taking them hostage. I'm not sure what mechanic is at work here, but keep taking them down, you'll get positive score for it eventually.

Academy airbuses/ambulances sounds consistent with what I've experienced. Have a look at the search orders in the bootypedia; Doctor X isn't above using nonlethal techniques to take back her airbus and escaped lunatics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on May 28, 2017, 07:29:06 am
I guess what I'm getting at is, why is an organisation as advanced as the Academy using flintlocks? I could understand if maybe the retrieval teams are bottom-rung disposable minions and they don't want their advanced tech to fall into the lunatic's hands, but even then I'd expect old shotguns and rusty niners rather than flintlocks. Why do they even have those?

Also, can somebody explain the monthly infamy bonus to me, since that seems to be new too? I was looking at an upkeep of ~500k for my first month, with an income of ~300k, so naturally I saved up 200k so that I didn't go into the red. Except then the end of the month comes and I also get this ~250k bonus! Which, you know, is great because now I get to actually spend it on things instead of just barely keeping myself afloat, but there was no indication anywhere that this was going to be a part of my budget.

So what is this bonus actually based on? Presumably its based on how much infamy I've made that month, but surely that's the same thing that the regular protection income is based on? Why introduce this extra payment that isn't tracked on the finance screen rather than just increasing the protection income by X%?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 28, 2017, 07:49:57 am
I guess what I'm getting at is, why is an organisation as advanced as the Academy using flintlocks? I could understand if maybe the retrieval teams are bottom-rung disposable minions and they don't want their advanced tech to fall into the lunatic's hands, but even then I'd expect old shotguns and rusty niners rather than flintlocks. Why do they even have those?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Early game balance I guess.

Each point of score above zero is worth $333 in bonus funding.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: atroix on May 28, 2017, 11:21:06 am
If you upload a save, we can tell you if there is any base or not.

I will as soon as i can.internet at home us down. But on a quick glance at the save file i could see any bases.  And judging by the score there are none. I can achive a score of minus 33 with no research done and only 2 missions on landed ufos.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Griffin on May 28, 2017, 08:55:35 pm
Upgrading 0.99G  --to--> 0.99G.1
Is there anything that must be done or is it enough to just copy the save files over after downloading and installing a 0.99G.1 Version?
No edits or similar needed?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 29, 2017, 04:26:40 pm
How do you catch these fancy Hotrods and their riders?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 29, 2017, 05:06:03 pm
High end interceptors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 29, 2017, 09:42:08 pm
Are Chrysalids really hard enough?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 30, 2017, 03:28:57 am
Chrysalids are at present only threatening if they manage to catch a single gal while she is isolated, or on terror missions. They suffer really badly from the ai retreat when outnumbered condition.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 30, 2017, 10:21:53 pm
Are Chrysalids really hard enough?

Ever had these in a hideout defence in your sewers/lifts?
Have fun finding them I can assure you 100% that a dog can't "aye phone" them besides having proof they actually moved the last turn (moved around to kill someone in the sewer and the dog still can't show it on the scanner)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on May 31, 2017, 12:34:19 am
Chrysalids are at present only threatening if they manage to catch a single gal while she is isolated, or on terror missions. They suffer really badly from the ai retreat when outnumbered condition.

I looked into it, and it seems rather simple to add a leeroy jenkins mode to the AI, so that they rush to whatever non-friendly unit visible, overriding any retreat mechanics. The mode can be set for Chryssalids and Doom guys. What do you think?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on May 31, 2017, 01:44:39 am
What about some of the more drugged up enemies as well?  Alternately, have it roll to see what sort of response they choose, psycho charge or coward.  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on May 31, 2017, 02:29:39 am
What about some of the more drugged up enemies as well?  Alternately, have it roll to see what sort of response they choose, psycho charge or coward.  :)

How does one define "drugged up" ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on May 31, 2017, 03:42:11 am
I looked into it, and it seems rather simple to add a leeroy jenkins mode to the AI, so that they rush to whatever non-friendly unit visible, overriding any retreat mechanics. The mode can be set for Chryssalids and Doom guys. What do you think?

It looks like a very interesting Idea. It will make those chryssalids harder BTW, but it is very interesting
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 31, 2017, 04:55:45 am
Berserk mode for pinky/invis deamon, reapers, chryslids, and zombies would be a good thing. None of them are a credible threat unless the player is A: a first time player, or B: or player error(ie you isolated yourself).     
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on May 31, 2017, 03:08:09 pm
I don't know if my heart could take more of these:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on May 31, 2017, 05:48:32 pm
Anyone wants to playtest the leeroying chryssalids, here are the builds:
win32 (
debian jessie (
ubuntu xenial (

To enable the mode, go to units section in user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Factions.rul and add isLeeroyJenkins: true  to units of your fancy.

Here's a file from 0.99G1 with the flag added to blood dogs, doom pinkies and spectres, werewolves, plain zombies, plain reapers and chryssalids.
Don't know about shamblers, celatids, chryssalid-produced zombies and the rest, but otoh it's one edit away.
Leeroyed_Piratez_Factions.rul (

It may crash on you and/or eat all your saves, so be vigilant, I haven't had enough time to really test it today.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on June 01, 2017, 04:20:48 am
Some of the raiders are specifically on something, like the Buzzards.  That could lead to them being erratic in their decision making.  Though right now, we should probably make sure the leroy code works before looking into expanding it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on June 01, 2017, 09:34:46 am
Another day, another question. Was I just unlucky?
Met a spartan rifleman today, shot at him few times with Scoped Carbine using the electro-pulse munitions (32 laser damage, pedia article says 4x stun damage).
First two shots did nothing and the third outright killed that poor sod. Are those magazines (for shiny niner too) useless in capturing low armor lvl enemies? Or rather are they generally useless for capturing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 01, 2017, 10:50:03 am
> Shoot a man 3 times
> whyishedead.jpg

Whty would a guy be merely unconscious after that? Or did I misunderstand?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 01, 2017, 11:24:51 am
2 shots doing no damage in this case is somewhat unlikely. Riflemen have 20% laser resist and some armor so if you roll less then ~30% on the damage roll he will take nothing.

Conversely with only 40 hp a one shot is anything above ~155% on the damage roll.

Keep in mind that anything with a stun multiplier is only amplifying normal stun which is usually=.1 of penetrating damage. So 32 penetrating damage with x4 mod equates to ~12 stun. In the case of the rifleman with resist and armor: 32x.8(for resist)=25.6-8(front armor)+17.6x.4=~7 stun.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 01, 2017, 01:13:26 pm
Met a spartan rifleman today

First two shots did nothing and the third outright killed that poor sod.

I’ve seen those survive autolaser bursts even with all shots conecting...

Or an altar boy surviving hit from UAC plasmagun and then proceeding to put my sniper out of action for two weeks with his SMG from halfway across the map.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on June 01, 2017, 06:04:03 pm
> Shoot a man 3 times
> whyishedead.jpg

Whty would a guy be merely unconscious after that? Or did I misunderstand?
You got it right... problem was me understanding the rules as legionof1 explained

2 shots doing no damage in this case is somewhat unlikely. Riflemen have 20% laser resist and some armor so if you roll less then ~30% on the damage roll he will take nothing.

Conversely with only 40 hp a one shot is anything above ~155% on the damage roll.

Keep in mind that anything with a stun multiplier is only amplifying normal stun which is usually=.1 of penetrating damage. So 32 penetrating damage with x4 mod equates to ~12 stun. In the case of the rifleman with resist and armor: 32x.8(for resist)=25.6-8(front armor)+17.6x.4=~7 stun.

Aaaha it is quad stun damage of the "normal bullet" damage, not quad stun damage of the total damage. My bad. So not suitable for capturing, thanks for clearing that for me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on June 02, 2017, 05:06:46 am
I've had luck using that electropulse ammo to soften up targets for someone with a dedicated stun weapon to finish off, but after reading legionof1's analysis I think any weapon with similar damage would have worked just as well for the purpose. That niner shotgun round is surprisingly effective. The first time I used it it took down a ghoul scientist in one shot. Granted, he got back up in a few turns, but what else is new with them? It was my sidearm of choice for nurses and seductresses for a long time after that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on June 02, 2017, 11:10:34 am
Another mah problem/ruleset clarification for me please?

Gal with 70 voodoo power and 42 voodoo sklil with rod of hellfire.
The rod description says burning damage of 0 + bonus of 0,04 of voodoo mastery
That would mean some 70*42*0,04=117,6 dmg.
Pedia article #80 says fire damage ignores armor, not sure if it is case of voodoo fire too? Assume it is.

Two attempts were made onto academy medic which looks like security carapace armor = 75% resistence to fire.
That would make a direct hit go to 0-88,2 dmg? Unless there is the spread like 0-150% or something applied too. Yet the Alt button on aiming says the damage is 5-10.
Now with pedia #80 in mind the armor of 32 is ignored? So... 0 - 88,2 dmg? On 3 different savescummy attempts for testing purposes (made empty shots with other gals to switch the RNG around) the damages I made were 8, 9 and 6 damage to health.

So again, unlucky or am I missing something in my calculations/expectations? Again, just asking to get grip on the game mechanics better.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on June 02, 2017, 11:48:48 am
rod of hellfire, like almost all fire based weapons, does only 5-10 damage. The power just increases the radius (1 per 20 power).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 02, 2017, 03:00:24 pm
Unless the incendiary ammo is white phosphorus (Willie Pete or WP) or something like the heat ray, the stated damage in the pedia is just radius-related, and follows the 5-10 damage per hit rule. The rod of hellfire is more of a disruption and area denial weapon than a outright killer. The AI doesn't like pathing through fire, and the morale+stun damage is nice.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on June 02, 2017, 05:21:47 pm
rod of hellfire, like almost all fire based weapons, does only 5-10 damage. The power just increases the radius (1 per 20 power).

Oh ok, I must have overlooked that info somewhere, my bad. Thanks for clearing that out to me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Noir_CZ on June 08, 2017, 11:04:58 am
Hey there, gonna ask something probably stupid again.
Is it normal that Shok'a'Fists vaporize enemies? First I hit a mechtoid with it, the unlucky (yet cute) can just vaporized. I thought maybe they just do that, you know something like when cyberdisc explodes.
But then I found out there is a mechtoid body research... ok... I guess next time I will stun one and execute him while holding him in hand.
Anyway... today I punched a military police in the back with shock'a'fist and they too just vaporized.
Is that a bug or feature (possibly high plasma damage?) ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 08, 2017, 12:25:02 pm
If i recall correctly any hit over a certain threshold will dissolve the corpse. I don't recall the exact threshold though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 08, 2017, 03:04:41 pm
If i recall correctly any hit over a certain threshold will dissolve the corpse. I don't recall the exact threshold though.

Not every hit, only if the weapon has this effect enabled.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 09, 2017, 09:57:41 pm
I looked into it, and it seems rather simple to add a leeroy jenkins mode to the AI, so that they rush to whatever non-friendly unit visible, overriding any retreat mechanics. The mode can be set for Chryssalids and Doom guys. What do you think?

I think it is a good idea. I'll ask Meridian what he thinks.
It will be most useful for zombies and doom guys, not sure about making Chryssalid more hardcore :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on June 10, 2017, 12:51:07 am
I think it is a good idea. I'll ask Meridian what he thinks.
It will be most useful for zombies and doom guys, not sure about making Chryssalid more hardcore :)

Uh, I just made my proof-of-concept patch work. The links posted doesn't - see the 'Leeroy*' builds at The AI code is, well, hard to work with.

Currently, only melee-rush is there, so don't enable it for anything that's supposed to do anything else. Zombies now aren't shy, though still quite a bit dumb.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 10, 2017, 02:04:33 am
What I dislike most about the zombies, that they don't start shambling towards your guys the moment they see you. They just mill around like idiots. Which is kinda cute too. Maybe I should leave them like this, and mix them with a new kind of zombie with leeroy jenkins behaviour.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 10, 2017, 03:34:22 am
A split for zombies would be cool. "shamblers" and "runners" if you will.  Shamblers appear with notably more damaged bodies(injury/decay limiting mobility). Runners are "fresher" and therefore more capable.

Frankly the only mob that truly needs the leeyroy mod is the chrssyilid. It's just not a threat if it never closes. If it does get close it's legitimately back to it rightful scary self.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on June 10, 2017, 02:09:08 pm
What I dislike most about the zombies, that they don't start shambling towards your guys the moment they see you.

Well, I wasn't able to make them charge the moment they see you either. Only the next turn, this is because somehow pathfinding doesn't find perfectly valid routes if the unit in question hasn't seen the targets at the start of the turn.  I'll dig more later.

They just mill around like idiots. Which is kinda cute too. Maybe I should leave them like this, and mix them with a new kind of zombie with leeroy jenkins behaviour.

A split for zombies would be cool. "shamblers" and "runners" if you will.  Shamblers appear with notably more damaged bodies(injury/decay limiting mobility). Runners are "fresher" and therefore more capable.

Frankly the only mob that truly needs the leeyroy mod is the chrssyilid. It's just not a threat if it never closes. If it does get close it's legitimately back to it rightful scary self.

It's just a flag in ruleset unit def. Do whatever you wish with it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 10, 2017, 02:20:48 pm
One turn delay is fine IMO. Gives the player a chance to react.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 11, 2017, 04:07:37 pm
I got a Lokk'Naar villager when one surrendered during that bounty mission with the red barn (note to self: bring bombs, not molotovs).  Does it serve any purpose?  There seems to be no way to research it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on June 11, 2017, 06:33:30 pm
Just a little extra ransom cash.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Absalom on June 12, 2017, 02:55:21 am
Why are my recruits dying even after being bandaged on the ground

Nothing is shooting at them, it's guaranteed after a certain amount of turns
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on June 12, 2017, 03:52:44 am
Excessive stun damage can be lethal too; If stun damage exceeds three times the remaining health then a small amount of lethal damage is incurred every turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 12, 2017, 08:10:03 am
Where do I get more cattle prods?  I've only gotten three in the first month, and then nothing after that.  Is there a way to buy them or make my own?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on June 12, 2017, 11:37:47 am
Question about Night Display:

So, pressing Space or Scroll Lock makes playing night missions unbelievably better! It's a difference of night and day!

But does it affect PC and NPC vision?

Does turning on Night Display change the lighting to "day" thereby giving enemies default day time vision? Or is it simply a matter of aesthetics and for example, purebloods still only see up to 10 tiles even with Night Display on?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 12, 2017, 11:46:05 am
Of course not, that would be absurd. The night vision mode is merely a visual thing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on June 12, 2017, 12:22:32 pm
Cool, thanks for clarifying. I did not know if the engine allowed such a thing and wondered if it was just a "full bright" hack.

I can now get rid of my torches and magna-lites!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 12, 2017, 08:23:32 pm
I can now get rid of my torches and magna-lites!  ;D ;D ;D

Some people prefer illuminating the landscape... While others favour sneaking in the dark. :)

As usual, it all depends on whom you're fighting.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on June 14, 2017, 03:54:26 am
I remember in previous versions you could buy seagull missiles. That doesn't seem to be the case any more.

How do you purchase seagull missiles now?

In fact, how do you get ship weapons? I've researched Spike Rockets but can't buy any.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 14, 2017, 09:31:44 am
In the case of seagull missiles it appears you need contacts:smugglers and contacts: ship junkyard.

Spike rockets are to my knowledge built not purchased.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on June 14, 2017, 11:22:49 am
Spike rockets are to my knowledge built not purchased.

I think you can buy them after a lot of head hunting.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on June 14, 2017, 05:00:08 pm
Where do I get more cattle prods?  I've only gotten three in the first month, and then nothing after that.  Is there a way to buy them or make my own?

They're available on the blackmarket after enough research is done. I think they're unlocked after 'Contacts: Smugglers'.

I think you can buy them after a lot of head hunting.

Yeah, this. Spike Rockets take a lot of bounty hunting to unlock before they're available on the blackmarket.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on June 14, 2017, 08:52:50 pm
If they get a crackdown mission, you'll get the usual encounter of plasma weaponry + blasterlauncher + microwave cookers.

Okay, maybe crackdowns could use some love. It would be nice, if faction specifc ships and weapons were used.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 14, 2017, 10:29:15 pm
Okay, maybe crackdowns could use some love. It would be nice, if faction specifc ships and weapons were used.

If you can shot this down, you've the guns to beat the crew.
Since those are nazis you've alot of 'soft' targets. Modders don't consider to change this so just deal with uber-nazis :3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 15, 2017, 01:18:39 pm
Okay, maybe crackdowns could use some love. It would be nice, if faction specifc ships and weapons were used.

What do you mean? Crackdown weapons are faction-specific already.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 16, 2017, 04:49:57 am
Assassination Trophies are earned for the mutant alliance mission to 'assasinate' mutant traitors.

And by "assassinate", it means actually killing them to get the trophies.  It does not mean capturing them alive, then researching them to get the manufacturing option to execute them; while executing them earns you the same number of tokens as killing them in the fight itself, it does not give you the trophy needed to unlock the Mutant Alliance research topic.

I say all this because it happened it me, took me about halfway into the first year before I realized that I actually had to kill and not execute the traitors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 17, 2017, 01:58:58 pm
What do you mean? Crackdown weapons are faction-specific already.

Maybe he was referring to crash-site loadouts wrapped around the faction and not the shot-down craft. Because battleship squads have the same weapons completely ignoring what faction is manning the battleship.

And myself pointed out that the actually "crackdown" missions those that attack your hideout do the exact same thing totally ignoring the factions and give them the same loudout of plasma weaponry and stuff. A million times I got called out for been too bad at this game to handle your glorious hideout-defense game so I lost interest in repeating myself because my opinion is just not considered and officially the best way to deal with it is either a shitload of luck, save-scumming or nuking the oponnents on turn 1.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on June 19, 2017, 05:44:37 pm
That's because weapon types are determined by the alien mission - they are faction independent.  If you wanted to make 3 crackdown missions for every faction you could change the weapons for the auto-generated ones, but the retaliatory crackdowns for shooting down ships would still all have to share a single mission type.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 20, 2017, 08:15:47 am
I got several little questions:

- How do I research the mission type Secure Freight?  It seems needed for the counterfeiting game, but nothing seems to give it according to the tech tree viewer.
- How do I get a live cyberdisc?  I tried to stun it with cattle prods, but unlike in regular Xcom that plan literally blew up in my face.
- How do I build more Armored Vaults?  I wish the tech tree viewer also told me if a tech would allow a facility to be built; maybe that functionality can be added in the next version of OXCE.  Also in case anyone asks: Alchemy is what lets you build more Stills.
- Why can I only extract from a dead mechtoid and not from a live one?
- The answer's probably no but I'll ask anyway: Is it possible to crash land an imperial probe or ratmen ground troops?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 20, 2017, 08:59:42 pm
Imperial probes can't be shot down, any damage destroys them. I imagine ratmen patrols are the same way.

Cyberdisks require using certain damage types to not explode. Unfortunately i don't remember for certain which ones. Cutting and daze? Plasma(the prod), and peirce do cause explosion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Stoddard on June 21, 2017, 06:23:16 pm
Cyberdisks require using certain damage types to not explode. Unfortunately i don't remember for certain which ones. Cutting and daze? Plasma(the prod), and peirce do cause explosion.

Explosive, and you can cut up one with a dagger.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 22, 2017, 02:18:29 am
So I need some kind of stunning dagger that ignores stun immunity?

And what about my other questions?  I'm on the second year and I still can't build armored vaults despite having their bootypedia entry.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on June 22, 2017, 03:52:56 am
Secure freight comes from heavy freighter flight plan, which is only dropped on heavy freighters.
Armored vaults require heavy-duty construction.
Judging from the bootypedia entry, the gals like mechtoids too much to vivisect them alive. killing them and looting their corpse is just business though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 22, 2017, 07:01:43 am
Well, a live mechtoid isn't useful to me anymore now that it's all researched out.

Guess I better work on my interception game for the next time a freighter shows up.  This mod really breathes new life into Xcom.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on June 22, 2017, 01:18:18 pm
Hey can someone please list what the numbers for "experienceTrainingMode" represent?

I can't find a reference for them.

1 = strength or melee?
2 = ?
3 = ?
4 = shooting?
5 = ?
6 = ?
7 = throwing?

Etc... Thanks
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on June 22, 2017, 01:25:07 pm
Hey can someone please list what the numbers for "experienceTrainingMode" represent?

I can't find a reference for them.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on June 23, 2017, 09:53:53 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Sagefox on June 24, 2017, 05:38:39 pm
I'm upgrading from 99.F1 to 99.G1 is there anything I need to be mindful of?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on June 27, 2017, 06:27:07 am
Does someone have a link to the damage calculations?  I've seen people mention "because of the way damage is calculated, ____" but can't seem to find them anywhere.  Specifically, tactical combat damage calculations with armor/resistances factored in.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 27, 2017, 06:55:06 am
All the basics are covered in the "Combat 101" in-game Pedia article.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on June 27, 2017, 07:08:07 am
I guess a more specific question: where in the chain is bonus damage applied?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 27, 2017, 04:54:16 pm
To the base, raw damage, before any dice are rolled. I will update the article.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 28, 2017, 02:20:30 am
I think I've seen all the vanilla aliens accounted for in this mod, so now I gotta ask:

Where are the floaters and mutons?  There are reapers but the race that used them in the original are only a pedia article; it's arguably the same with snakemen, but at least they still have a legacy in the form of mutant lamia and of course those damn chryssalids.  Mutons don't even get a pedia mention, but at least their body type is reused on many other units (mainly mercs).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on June 28, 2017, 04:35:33 am
Mutons are Mercs.  Floaters are designed to be added into the game later.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 28, 2017, 01:57:29 pm
Oh, the mercs are actually mutons?  Guess that explains why they're just as tough as them.

Okay, couple more questions:

- Why doesn't gauss work underwater?  It finally has a chance to make up for its bad reputation in TFTD, only for it to be denied its native environment.
- Seriously, how do I stun and get a live cyberdisc without having it blow up in my face?  I just want to know how to take it apart because research tree completion itch and also for those heavy power couplings.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 28, 2017, 02:43:13 pm
In Piratez, it's impossible to get 100% of the tech tree without cheating, and that's by design.  There's really no way to stun cyberdiscs on purpose, as they're both immune to daze and secondary stun damage from other sources. You can pray RNG somehow gives you one, but the tech and disassembly are there just to catch the odd cases where one does get stunned. As for your heavy power couplings, you can eventually buy and disassemble charger lasers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 28, 2017, 07:14:55 pm
Well, I could cattle prod a cyberdisc that's several floors high up so that when it gets stunned, its corpse falls from high enough to escape the explosion.

Okay fine, that's too much trouble.  Charger lasers it is then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on June 28, 2017, 08:12:39 pm
I think I've seen all the vanilla aliens accounted for in this mod, so now I gotta ask:

Where are the floaters and mutons?  There are reapers but the race that used them in the original are only a pedia article; it's arguably the same with snakemen, but at least they still have a legacy in the form of mutant lamia and of course those damn chryssalids.  Mutons don't even get a pedia mention, but at least their body type is reused on many other units (mainly mercs).

I just assumed the star gods stopped making floaters. They were a lot of work in return for poor soldiers that even conventional Earth weapons took down easily. They weren't bright enough to take much advantage of flight, and anyone can make a cheap grav harness anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 28, 2017, 09:08:47 pm
Oh, the mercs are actually mutons?  Guess that explains why they're just as tough as them.

Yes, but in a confusing way.

See, Muton is not a species; it is an augmentation type. You probably could take a human, cyborgize them heavily, pump them with magical steroids and presto! you have a Muton.

So, I think Mercs use the same augmentation technology - effectively becoming Mutons - but they are not of the same species as original Mutons.
(This is mostly my speculation, based on various conversations with Dioxine.)

I just assumed the star gods stopped making floaters. They were a lot of work in return for poor soldiers that even conventional Earth weapons took down easily. They weren't bright enough to take much advantage of flight, and anyone can make a cheap grav harness anyway.

Floaters currently reproduce themselves, using Star God tech (much like Factions on Earth). There is a whole planet of them and they live in relative prosperity (for a heavily polluted world).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 29, 2017, 07:12:47 am
Are the rest of the TFTD aliens gonna show up?  We have gill men (confusingly called deep ones, but where are the actual deep ones?) and lobstermen everywhere, but what about the tasoth and tentaculats and stuff like that?  Aquatoids are mentioned, but I have yet to actually see any.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kayelgee on June 29, 2017, 10:36:10 am
I'm pretty new to this game and I have trouble finishing my first bounty hunt.
In the bounty hunt description it says that I have to do as much damage as I can to a red barn and leave. I have 5 turns to do that. I should not fight with the owner.
So what I did was run up to said red barn and threw a few black powder bombs at it. That left some pretty big holes. Then I left at turn 5/5.
Now I expected to get something but I didn't as far as I can tell(no trophy tokens in my vault).
Have I done something wrong? Did I miss something?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 29, 2017, 02:08:52 pm
You have to wait for the timer to run out on that mission, it auto-wins so you can "loot" the map. Aborting gets you nothing but what you brought back to the ship, which was nothing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on June 29, 2017, 03:44:03 pm
I will second that description being misleading.  Roughly as bad as the bounty hunt where it tells you to talk before going loud; of course, if you even move you get shot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 29, 2017, 05:59:42 pm
The aircar race "battle" also mentions spectators, but the only unit (other than your own gals) that ever spawns there is a single academy student.

More questions:

- Where do I get a boom gun?
- When will bombers and battleships show up?  I need that implosion bomb launcher.
- The gauss defenses facility mentions that building it enables research on gauss weapons, but I think I've already researched all gauss-related tech long before I researched gauss defenses which was actually the last gauss tech that I researched.  Is it a bug, an artifact from previous versions, or a placeholder for future content?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 29, 2017, 06:19:50 pm
Likely unclear wording plus some holdover from when it was researched first - now it's only necessary for making your own gauss weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 29, 2017, 06:56:13 pm
We have gill men (confusingly called deep ones, but where are the actual deep ones?)

Deep ones are deep ones. Giving that name to something completely different in TFTD was yet another TFTD idiocy.

As fo9r other races, I am no aware of such plans at the moment.

The aircar race "battle" also mentions spectators, but the only unit (other than your own gals) that ever spawns there is a single academy student.

Eh? I'm fairly sure there were civilians. Or am I wrong?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 29, 2017, 08:28:37 pm
As for other races, I am no aware of such plans at the moment.

- *cough* -
I found these in the bootypedia.
1.) Animatrons (would like to fight these asap)
2.) Aquatoids (pretty much TFTD)
3.) Snakeman (How about use X-Com-2 Viper instead?)
4.) Floaters (pretty much UFO, those could need the visuals of X-Com 20xx)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 29, 2017, 08:29:40 pm
Yeah, and I am not aware of any plans involving them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 29, 2017, 08:51:48 pm
Yeah, and I am not aware of any plans involving them.

No problem. The best would be to balance the available content for now instead of loading more tools in it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 30, 2017, 02:40:51 am
Trying to figure out what the animatrons are.  Do I know them in Area 51 as phasers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on June 30, 2017, 04:21:22 am
Trying to figure out what the animatrons are.  Do I know them in Area 51 as phasers?

No, they are just planned entities for the X-PirateZ universe.  Just added flavor for now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on June 30, 2017, 05:28:59 pm
Hey, first post on this forum, I was wondering how one wears fancy shawls and their ilk, I cannot for the life of me figure out how,
your help is appreciated, thanks in advance
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 30, 2017, 05:42:45 pm
Hey, first post on this forum, I was wondering how one wears fancy shawls and their ilk, I cannot for the life of me figure out how,
your help is appreciated, thanks in advance

Just put them in the gal's inventory, they start working in the enemy turn after you put them in your inventory.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 30, 2017, 05:52:32 pm
Can't read, really now? :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 30, 2017, 06:44:12 pm
Is there a release date for the next patch?
I'm bored playing the re'boot'ed titles and xenonauts and consider to just return to this mod and try harder to be a worthy valkyrie/pirat/swabbie.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 30, 2017, 08:42:23 pm
In a few days, maybe. We'll see.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 01, 2017, 05:09:57 am
A few days?  I better wrap up my game soon, then.

Deep ones are deep ones. Giving that name to something completely different in TFTD was yet another TFTD idiocy.

So if the TFTD deep ones (as in the terror units where you need a live one for important research) were to be added to this mod, what would they be called?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 01, 2017, 10:59:24 am
Considering what they are (humans remade into combat servitors), probably Biodrones, or something? :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 01, 2017, 11:30:54 am
But then what would that make the original biodrones? :x
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 01, 2017, 12:18:13 pm
Hmm, brain drones? :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 01, 2017, 12:27:34 pm
I hope there are more lasgun drops - I have like 150+ gauss weapons and maybe 300+ gauss ammo but only 9 lasguns and about 20 adv lasgun clips

I probably will unlock gauss weapons before I can get my hands on strong laser weapons.

It's kind of like low-tech musket/cannon weapons that becomes obsolete before research is done because you get far better conventional weapon drops early game. Except the tech-lag last for like 4 months.

I've been trying to get the euro-lasguns but research seems to be very out of the way, luck driven and unreliable. Good Las weapons feel like vapourware until after superior gauss becomes unlocked.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 01, 2017, 01:20:17 pm
So if the TFTD deep ones (as in the terror units where you need a live one for important research) were to be added to this mod, what would they be called?

Good question! In my mod I settled on a term Janissary, because of what they are: humans enslaved and enlisted in the alien army. I'm not overly proud of this name though, I think it can be improved.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 01, 2017, 02:32:29 pm
Solar, hello, I have already answered this question.

Laser weapons depend on the type of mission and enemy ship. If you grind supply ships all the time, you will get gauss etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 01, 2017, 03:27:46 pm
Solar, hello, I have already answered this question.

But I haven't. :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on July 01, 2017, 09:24:01 pm
Can't read, really now? :)

sorry and thanks for the help,
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 02, 2017, 07:56:08 am
On the point of laser weapons being absent, the most prevalent source, in my experience, is church ships of middling size. Other faction ships of similar size/deployment level, tend to get replaced by faction specific encounters(Like freighters for guild). The church end up being the most "standard" in terms of tech vs ship size.

Another sizeable source is space missions. Nearly all space foes excepting zombies are laser armed.

A third source, albeit one time, is the russian files mission. Anyone not the power armor supersoldiers, will generally be laser armed with the occasional Kruger plasma pistol. Mission is however exceedingly difficult. By the point where you can easily accomplish it, nuclear lasers may just be a pointless addendum, compared to the gauss and plasma you may have already. 

All that said lasers are largely bad picks compared to conventional weapons, or the more readily available gauss. The eurosyndicate brand does make the cut, barely, for stopping power but are very expensive and gated behind tech RNG, and either a massive -1000 score drain(electing to ignore syndicate hit missions) or very difficult missions that only at best breaks even in score. And the hit missions will keep spawning over and over.

If mercs were not so damn resistant to bullets and incredibly difficult to get close to lasers would not have a useful purpose. Conventional weapons either do more damage per shot, or have useful secondary effects like buttstrike attacks or armor stripping. Even lasers "shtick" armor pen is present in lesser forms on rifles and assorted other things. Outside of mercs i dont use any lasers at all, aside from the occasional fatty to bore through buildings for convenience in late game.

But im probably flaying a long dead equine.   

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 02, 2017, 11:35:20 am
What's upcoming anyway?  More space stuff?  More underwater stuff?  I do eventually want to see those sunken cargo ships and galleons instead of an empty seabed.

Also, is there a reliable source of damaged grav units?  Or do I have no choice but to scavenge them off drones and fliers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 02, 2017, 12:15:47 pm
On the point of laser weapons being absent...

Ah I wish I had known about the heavy downsides of Eurosyndicate deal earlier. Anyway, that's in the past now. I immediately sunk $9 million into Euro-las weapons to patch the "tech gap" in my force. At that point unlocking gauss weapons was at least 4 to 6 months away for me.

In my game I go on all the missions I can. That means landed guild ship missions. Mercs for some reason stopped visiting. I cannot shoot down every churchship I encounter, and they rarely land so maybe that's why I don't seem to face enemies carrying las.

I decided to rush for lasers after encountering Mercs for the first time and thought that enemies from that point would become increasingly difficult but it seems that other enemies after them were far inferior. On my recent first encounter with The Dark Ones I expected to be trounced but to my surprise they were carrying shotguns and crappy revolvers and shit like that. My girls just waddled up to them with vibro-axes and shockafists and cut them to little bits.


No matter though, Eurolas weapons are pretty good. They just barely supersede the incredible OP weapon that is CAWs (for like a million times the price) but they have better range and good auto-fire. I think CAWs are just too strong in general and they make other tech choices redundant.

All part of the fun of a blind play, I suppose. This game is full of surprises and really doesn't follow mainstream conventions such as "investing years and millions and lives in specific tech research is supposed to give you an upgrade - not a sidegrade."

Still, at times with long difficult, out of the way tech path leading to rubbish worse than things I already have or tech with no clear advantage, I can't help but feel I'm being trolled by the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 02, 2017, 12:43:51 pm
I tend to pick the heavy nuclear laser (battle laser) asap once I've the chance to research/build/equip them.
I'm not using the stellar-empire gauss at all, I stick with the XG-Gauss instead (if I decide to and not just use more lasers)

In all my playthrough I got very late to plasma-unlock due to bad luck with provosts (they either nuked by the panicing esper next to her during base defence or run into my reactionshots during alien base map). I salvage nearly all plasma weaponry for hellerium and parts for plasma destroyers and heavy plasma pistols.

I watched Meridian and Poet doing thier playthrough through various stages of the ongoing game and got mixed feeling since none of them had to deal with the 'new super early game' and the 'bounty-hunting RNG' and instead got a more fluid progression without gated-techs like the occasional impl.-bomb-launcher not showing up etc.

Both now playing other games and gave the mod no second try on the stream. I really wanna see how they perform with this state of the game.
I also never got into this 'specializing your loadout' stuff since you can't do that with no gear to choose from early on and with the vast amount of content it keeps updating and is just alot to monitor as the in-game year progresses.

I stick to use 'generalized' loudouts for the available hands, giving everyone something to heal, 1-2 throwable weapons, 1x handle and the best rifle (either piercing or laser) to mow down the enemies as far as strength-cap goes. I usually lack melee and throwing skill during my campaign but never run into the situation that I needed those skills without me having a 'firing' solution to take hostages.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 02, 2017, 01:20:09 pm
Mercs at present are effectively the end game. They combine superior vision attributes with excellent camo, lots of hp with just sufficient armor to be annoying but not much affected by +/- armor pen, excellent resist spread, and top tier firepower. Alot of there strength's can never be matched by the gals until end game tech, if  at all, and then only 1-2 of those strengths at a time.

Even full stargods are not as deadly a package as merc grunts. Never mind ranking Mercs.

If you can reliably handle mercs without deaths you probably have the gear/tech and skill to win the game immediately, even if it will take ages to actually end the campaign.

Battle lasers are competent, but not by alot, for majority of content. Anything sub 50 damage just can't hack it once moderate armor is prevalent. And lasers armor pen just doesn't do nuff to make them competitive. At best it makes them approx. equivalent to similar class conventional weapons when moderate armor is faced. If the armor is very low or absent your behind in damage. If armor is very high, you very often don't have the base damage to punch through even with the penetration aid.

Specialized loadouts, are something for later in the game(12+ size transports), or for the first few months where almost anything is an upgrade and gun/ammunition hodgepodge scavenging forces you to squeeze every iota you can out of the minuscule crew. But the player spends so much time with limited crew that they largely forget. And the loadout screen, even with template functions(which most are ignorant of) is poorly suited to handling the sheer amount of options.

Find something tolerably effective and sticking with it unless circumstances dictate otherwise cuts hours, if not tens of hours off an average campaign.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 02, 2017, 02:00:01 pm
If you can reliably handle mercs without deaths you probably have the gear/tech and skill to win the game immediately, even if it will take ages to actually end the campaign.

What?! I severely over-estimated the difficulty of this game then. My first encounter with Mercs was around 12 months in. They landed and I only had sniper rifle, aqua arrows, Battle-Rifles, a couple of CAWs, military shotguns and mortars. My girls were in warrior outfits and TAC armour.

It was a really tough battle. I only won by throwing down my guns and putting on my shockafists and picking up my barbarian ax and cattleprods. My mortar girl pounded them from a distance while the rest set up traps and moved forward. My early game strat revolved around capturing as many people as I could so all my girls had high melee. Took me many hours to win the mission without losses (I do save scrum because I don't want to throw weeks of progress away)

After researching Mercs and discovering their weakness subsequent encounters were much easier. I broke out the rare lasguns and adv clips and fartbags whenever Mercs come to visit and manage to capture their large ships and fend off their terror missions without too much trouble. They even left behind half a dozen vibro-axes for me and gave me enough material to build synthsuits for all my girls.

I honestly believed they were an early-mid game encounter and signaled that tougher foes were coming. I thought it would be like Impossible Long War where the enemies would just steadily ramp up and if you teched wrongly you'll just be unable to win missions later on.

Eventually I ran out of lasgun clips and needed a good laser replacement quickly - so I rushed for eurolasers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 02, 2017, 02:28:56 pm
I tend to pick the heavy nuclear laser (battle laser) asap once I've the chance to research/build/equip them.

Where are those boom guns?  They're the only things keeping me from battle lasers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 02, 2017, 04:00:01 pm
I'm not a friend of shotguns with very small clip-sizes.

I'm aware that a battle-laser is not the best weapon but at least I can shot freely without worries with my ammo stock.
I would totally use '1-shot-per-turn' weapons if these would use the TFTD Damage Formula (50-150% DMG).
I can't stress out how frustrating it is to set-up a Python-Sniper with chem/piercing-rounds, use all my TU's for a 300% hit-chance shot and get a 0 for damage result.

Yes it's RNG and stuff but this feature alone of 0-200% is stupid and destroys the purpose of using dedicated snipers since this role is unreliable and outclassed by a simple rifle that can do all fire-modes and can do various snap-shots to 'cheat' the damage roulette.

Even if I have to shot a target 5-6 times with a battle laser, my chances are higher to defeat the HP-Pool than begging for a portable-lascannon or gauss-sniper to roll high enough to get rid of the problem.

It boils down to the Damage Roulette for me, it's all over the place and sometimes without a reasonable logic behind.
For example the custom handcannon. It uses 50-150% formula?! I don't see a reason for that and I freaking love this weapon for it's reliable damage output against foes with shitty to mediocre armor (unless piercing protection).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 02, 2017, 04:53:46 pm
Where are those boom guns?  They're the only things keeping me from battle lasers.

I found a bunch in Merc ships and Guild Bases
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 02, 2017, 05:58:29 pm
Not long after I posted that, I scored a boom gun from some smugglers.  Seems your desires come true if you grumble about them here enough :P

And speaking of bases, is it normal for enemy bases to take three years for the first one to show up?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 02, 2017, 06:15:31 pm
I found my first base about 6 months in, near my own base!

I'm playing on Jack Sparrow difficulty so maybe all the spawns are accelerated

By my first year and a half I took out 4 bases, each time capturing a Guild Master.

BTW guys, does anyone know how to break Eurosyndicate Contracts? I just went on my first pogrom and had -750 score.

I tried not to kill anyone but there was a clump of 5 enemies in a small alley intersection and my mortar girl was bored :( :(

I captured a govt general but I don't think I need him
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 02, 2017, 06:43:52 pm
The Eurosyndicate Mission never goes positive.
You'll allways get a penalty for doing the mission AND ignoring it.

Doing it nets you some cash (you can now use to exchance into the bounty-hunting minigame if you feel like it).
Not doing it will do a big score penalty in europe area.

That's the payoff for signing with the Syndicate, you get thier 'good' lasers for a constant score-dump in europe unless you find a way to rack up score in this area.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 02, 2017, 07:14:36 pm
Yes it's RNG and stuff but this feature alone of 0-200% is stupid

Using just a single sniper, that is stupid. Indeed however snipers do not have a real niche as of now, despite how abuse-able snipers are.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 02, 2017, 08:58:10 pm
Just give sniper-rifles 50-150% dmg formula to make them valuable. If that leads to abuse just remove the snap-shot feature and make them 'aimed' only or even code a whole new firemode called 'snipe' that counts like 'aimed' BUT doesn't feel like wasting TU like it's the case currently.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kayelgee on July 04, 2017, 12:48:56 pm
I think I'm blind. I can't find a way to sell(or kill) my brainers so I can lower my maintenance costs.
Did I miss some button somewhere or is it not possible to sell brainers after you've bought them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on July 04, 2017, 01:19:08 pm
I think I'm blind. I can't find a way to sell(or kill) my brainers so I can lower my maintenance costs.
Did I miss some button somewhere or is it not possible to sell brainers after you've bought them?

I had that same problem too! You need to remove brainers from research topics before you can sell them off. The same applies for runts with manufacturing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kayelgee on July 04, 2017, 02:47:52 pm
I had that same problem too! You need to remove brainers from research topics before you can sell them off. The same applies for runts with manufacturing.
Now I feel dumb. Thanks
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 06, 2017, 06:27:34 pm
Before I drop 200 million on a couple of provosts, I have to ask something.  On top of all the needed materials (with 500(!) hellerium fuel capsules among them), just how much money does it cost to manufacture the Conqueror?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 06, 2017, 07:35:16 pm
Before I drop 200 million on a couple of provosts, I have to ask something.  On top of all the needed materials (with 500(!) hellerium fuel capsules among them), just how much money does it cost to manufacture the Conqueror?

Lots, but nothing compared to the hellerium and getting fuel capsules cost.  If you have the economy to get the 500 fuel capsules, you don't really need to worry about the rest.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 06, 2017, 07:41:47 pm
Not particularly much. By the time you have amassed the requisite thousands of hellurim the cost should be trivial if you have anything resembling a substantial production capacity. 

Seriously expect to be sitting on your hands for months gathering. Hell with the BS fest of implosion bomb launchers needed for gravity physics on top the hellerium, i venture there is about 1-2 years where most of your production capacity has bugger all to do. If you already have the factory needed for assembling the conqueror that's a huge amount of workshop space to make money with. Even with simple products.

My most recently finished campaign i ended up buying 2/3 of the hellrium outright. And that was neither with optimal workshop production, nor could a really give an arse about going on missions for anything but the score to stay positive.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KateMicucci on July 07, 2017, 03:14:11 am
Is keeping the original gals alive hopeless without savescumming or keeping them parking in the base?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 07, 2017, 07:02:10 am
No, but the odds are definitively not in your favor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on July 07, 2017, 05:56:33 pm
Hey, Me again, so i have a question about oxygen tanks, are they equipped like shawls to keep your girls(and slave divers) breathing? would a gasmask help as a breath mask?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on July 07, 2017, 07:26:36 pm
no, they're consumables like beer and bandages. you have to use them. no equipment can change the amount of stun you take underwater; it is completely dependent on the armour you're wearing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 08, 2017, 01:15:29 am
Is keeping the original gals alive hopeless without savescumming or keeping them parking in the base?

The original 6 offer quite a boost in (wo)manpower due to thier far superior starting stats compared to recruitable hands (lowest tier recruits)
Losing all of them can increase your difficulty by a lot, keeping them alive will pay out later once you've the tools to keep ahead of your opponents.

Save-scumming is never an option unless you're playing the mod at the current state for the very first time (or second/want to have fun).
The mod forces alot of knowledge to handle (mission-structure, knowledge of opponents strength/weakness and geoscape-tactics).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KateMicucci on July 08, 2017, 06:51:40 am
Well, it's been a year and I only have two of the originals left. One died from being shot through a wall by an armored car, one got one-shot by a werewolf and two died from not knowing that unconscious gals will eventually die of stun damage now (I don't know if that was possible in last year's version but it never happened).

Since everything is a roll of the dice, I guess it's inevitable that all of them will have their numbers come up eventually.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 08, 2017, 07:02:03 am
(I don't know if that was possible in last year's version but it never happened).
It's a fairly recent addition.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 08, 2017, 11:15:09 am
Since everything is a roll of the dice, I guess it's inevitable that all of them will have their numbers come up eventually.

Later in the game the starting stats doesn't matter much anymore (maybe bravery) since the strength of your squad will come from the awesome equipment later, making bad swabbies into strong amazons just by using good guns. Losing soldiers is much more forgiving in X-Piratez than losing any veteran soldier in X-Com 20xx or X-Com 2.

Just take care that your voodoo-soldiers (those with 58+ voodoo power) don't die. No fair possible to increase this stat anymore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mobling on July 13, 2017, 07:55:55 am
How useful are suppressed pistols? I'm thinking about changing up my playstyle to use camouflage gear more often but I'm not sure if suppressed pistols are worth the precious mutant alliance tokens
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: juff on July 13, 2017, 09:27:25 am
to be clear, suppressed pistols don't actually make you stealthier. that said with, a power bonus of reactions/4, a gal with max reactions and guerrilla gear would get a 42 power pistol, which is pretty cool
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on July 14, 2017, 10:08:14 pm
Is it possible to catch these armored cars "alive"? If so, how?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: clownagent on July 15, 2017, 04:22:54 pm
There are two missions, where the mission briefing suggests one can retrieve a life prisoner:
- New Missions: Stranded Govt Agent, Shipwrecked Gal

Is this really possible?

I had such missions two times and it seems that only a corpse spawns.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mobling on July 15, 2017, 04:28:31 pm
Those missions should spawn with an unconscious but alive gal/government agent. Are you killing them by accident via friendly fire? Maybe you're taking too long and they're expiring from stun damage?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 15, 2017, 08:15:24 pm
Who cares what spawns? Important thing is what is recovered :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 15, 2017, 10:21:24 pm
There are two missions, where the mission briefing suggests one can retrieve a life prisoner:
- New Missions: Stranded Govt Agent, Shipwrecked Gal

Is this really possible?

I had such missions two times and it seems that only a corpse spawns.

In terms of the stranged Govt. Agent:
It'll spawn a map with government personnel you've to deal with.

Shipwrecked Gal missions should spawn the item "Shipwrecked Gal" to collect once the mission is done/ you found the item in the remains.
If you loot a skull this is your 'price' together with whatever is recovered along the remains.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 15, 2017, 10:28:45 pm
These 2 missions work actually the same, the govt agents are unconscious and you need to recover them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 15, 2017, 10:38:11 pm
MB must have mistaken it for a distress signal.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on July 17, 2017, 08:37:24 pm
A question about the fluff and world background:

Who is Reyi and what is her story?

Reyi is the first entry in the avatar list and can also be seen in a few bootypedia pages.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on July 18, 2017, 10:29:43 am
1. What happens to equipment and gals outside of the craft on timed missions, such as bounty hunts or mansion, when the timer runs out?

2. I am fairly certain there was a list of bounty prizes somewhere, but can't find it anymore. Anyone has a link?

edit: 3. Do multiple equipment items stack? The ones that protect vs heat or cold, for example. Where can I see the final values for armor + items?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 18, 2017, 12:54:32 pm
Wondering about 3 myself, but as for the other two:

1. That depends on what happens when the timer runs out.  If you win automatically, then you're free to leave your items and gals around the map; if you retreat automatically, then everything outside the exit zones are lost just like when retreating normally.

2. The Bootypedia entries for the bounty hunt clients themselves have the list of prizes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on July 18, 2017, 09:57:28 pm
When I shot down UFOs on crackdown missions, do I provoke even more realiation?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on July 18, 2017, 10:05:19 pm
When I shot down UFOs on crackdown missions, do I provoke even more realiation?
No, shooting down crackdown ships doesn't incur further crackdowns.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 18, 2017, 10:10:00 pm
Do multiple equipment items stack? The ones that protect vs heat or cold, for example. Where can I see the final values for armor + items?

They do stack, as long as they aren't both of the same equipment type, e.g. can't wear two hats or two masks.  It's handled by a script, so to see the values you have to save in the middle of a mission, after the first turn, and look up the script tags in the save, something like ITEM_RESIST_TYPE_12 (might be slightly different wording). The type number corresponds to the order of damage types listed in the bootypedia articles for armors, and the value is a percent resistance against that damage type.  So ITEM_RESIST_TYPE_9: 230 means that unit takes 230% choking damage (approx. what you would see for gas mask).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on July 23, 2017, 12:34:35 pm
How do I get Rubies and Energy Capacitors (-> from DA Gauss)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 23, 2017, 02:31:14 pm
You can get rubies from treasure chests which reliably spawn in mansion maps. I expected them to spawn in undersea wrecks but haven't found any there yet LOL

Dissembling Sniper Gauss and Heavy Gauss will yield energy caps
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Almainyny on July 24, 2017, 12:22:12 pm
I have yet to get to the point where I'll be shooting down any vessels, but I was wondering how exactly I would tell whether something is a civilian vessel. I know the wiki is outdated, but I honestly couldn't tell what's civilian operated without being told first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: doctor medic on July 24, 2017, 12:25:27 pm
All green craft are civilian vessels,anything resembling vanilla ufos is surely a faction specific vessel.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Almainyny on July 24, 2017, 12:50:41 pm
All green craft are civilian vessels,anything resembling vanilla ufos is surely a faction specific vessel.

Thanks for the quick reply!  Sure enough, I started a new game just to track a few vessels, and I ran into what looked like a green aircar. If I could have shot it down, I imagine it would have had civvies on it. So, green vehicles are civvie owned, everything else belongs to a faction that will call a Crackdown on you eventually. Easy to remember!

Now that i think on it, the Bootypedia shows a bunch of green vessels on the page for "Civilian Shpping". I really should have been able to put two and two together. Thanks again!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 24, 2017, 03:02:48 pm
Raider ships are brownish color, so not all faction ship are grey.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on July 24, 2017, 03:40:40 pm
Raider ships are brownish color, so not all faction ship are grey.

And - despite their name - pink ships are not pink in the geoscape!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on July 24, 2017, 06:48:02 pm
You can get rubies from treasure chests which reliably spawn in mansion maps. I expected them to spawn in undersea wrecks but haven't found any there yet

Arrrr, it is 2604 and I found two rubies!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on July 26, 2017, 08:52:57 pm
Do Mutant Pogroms still cause the -1000 score if you don't visit them before you research the Mutant Alliance?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 26, 2017, 09:43:48 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 26, 2017, 09:46:28 pm
You only get score hit if you visit them and abort.
Pre-research no penalty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on July 27, 2017, 06:40:55 pm
First: What is supposed to be done on "Escape tower" bounty hunt? I tried several times - first idea was to mortar and RPG the green vessel, it didn't work. Next time I tried to assault while being mind-blasted on 1 tile-wide walkway it only to find that I couldn't get inside.

Second: In which facilities gals do not spawn on hideout defense? Besides access lift and hangars.

Third: Any way to get aqua plastics besides robbing and sunken UFO?

Fourth: What is the pre-requisites for Jack's Favour prize? I got Zaxx and Mutants already, but Jack's is not listed, while I think I already took all his prizes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on July 27, 2017, 07:13:19 pm
First: some people are holed inside the escape craft, you have to blast the door open to be able to kill them all. I usually complete this mission by plopping 2 high explosives on timer (yeah, timer is actually useful here!) on craft entrance: first opens the door, second blows up everyone inside.

Third: Prize: Military Supplies allows you to buy aqua plastics.

Fourth: Prize: Silver Snake.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on July 27, 2017, 11:29:48 pm
I just started doing the bounty missions in my new playthrough.  Will the lower level missions still show up once I research higher level bounty licenses?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on July 28, 2017, 01:07:32 am
I just started doing the bounty missions in my new playthrough.  Will the lower level missions still show up once I research higher level bounty licenses?

Yes, they do. Though D level bounties are quite unefficient in terms of tokens (Sins of the Father is also downright annoying), it's a good idea to go for C level as soon as you can.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on July 28, 2017, 08:37:11 pm
Will eurosyndicate be eventually remade from its current incarnation into a regular customer? Their currenmt missions would make njice high level bounty hunts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 29, 2017, 04:56:01 pm
If those get integrated into the bounty-hunting game they should be optional in terms of thier prices and favors.
The current favors of Zaxx, Mutant Alliance and the other dude give you crucial research topics to advance the techtree.

Eurosyndicate deal shouldn't be mandatory to advance the game due to how double-edged the 'reward' can be.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 30, 2017, 12:04:57 pm
Eurosyndicate deal is in no way mandatory, and never will be.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KiriKaneko on July 30, 2017, 01:25:28 pm
Are bows worthwhile? It's the start of a new game (new version) and I already have musket rifles and shotguns, makes me wonder what a bow can bring to the table when it's a more primitive tech
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 30, 2017, 02:28:17 pm
Are bows worthwhile? It's the start of a new game (new version) and I already have musket rifles and shotguns, makes me wonder what a bow can bring to the table when it's a more primitive tech

Bows are excellent. Their ability to fire over walls and cause high damage at great distances makes them invaluable. You'll need moonshine or rum to keep your archer's energy up.

I kept an archer until I unlocked grenade launchers and mortars
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on July 30, 2017, 03:05:47 pm
What are those very small flying object that don't look like ship, and are destroyed to shreds after even the weakest shot?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on July 30, 2017, 04:34:02 pm
Are bows worthwhile? It's the start of a new game (new version) and I already have musket rifles and shotguns, makes me wonder what a bow can bring to the table when it's a more primitive tech

The smallest bow (not the others, but they're much more powerful in exchange) can also launch fire arrows, which have a good chance of setting targets on fire. This tends to panic them, and illuminating an area at range is really useful at night.

Plus some of your people will have naturally high throwing skill and poor shooting skill, so bows help make them useful. Bows are also quick to fire and don't need you to kneel to get decent accuracy, so they're very mobile units who can often fire at a large area of the map. And even once bows lose some of their edge, they remain useful against some weaker targets, and having a few people who can chuck grenades well is always handy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on July 30, 2017, 04:34:43 pm
What are those very small flying object that don't look like ship, and are destroyed to shreds after even the weakest shot?

Imperial Probes? You are supposed to follow them to a landing point.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on July 30, 2017, 04:36:25 pm
What are those very small flying object that don't look like ship, and are destroyed to shreds after even the weakest shot?

You can find this out if you catch one that lands, or eventually through researching/interrogating enough people in the world in general. Don't spoil every mystery for yourself!  These ships aren't a sign you're going to lose or need to prepare for anything big, so enjoy it while it lasts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KiriKaneko on July 30, 2017, 07:16:25 pm
Thanks for the reply

I don`t get the hit percentages. I`ve missed 100%+ shots and hit 0% shots. Does anyone have a link to something that explains it in detail please?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 30, 2017, 07:19:51 pm
Thanks for the reply

I don`t get the hit percentages. I`ve missed 100%+ shots and hit 0% shots. Does anyone have a link to something that explains it in detail please?

In short, it's not really % chance, it's a value. You can always hit or miss virtually every viable shot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KiriKaneko on July 30, 2017, 07:37:38 pm
So does the number really mean anything? Is there a way to work out how likely I really am to hit?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KateMicucci on July 30, 2017, 08:33:40 pm
Are bows worthwhile? It's the start of a new game (new version) and I already have musket rifles and shotguns, makes me wonder what a bow can bring to the table when it's a more primitive tech

Bows have a long range and decent accuracy in a stage of the game where long-range firearms are rare. One gal using a bow can be really useful ratmen village maps. They have pretty low damage so gainst anything tougher than an unarmored human you're probably better off using javelins or grenades or mortars to fill the same niche.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on July 30, 2017, 09:46:18 pm
What are those very small flying object that don't look like ship, and are destroyed to shreds after even the weakest shot?

Round grey things are probes, if you follow them with your dropship you will get a hard-ish mission with rare-ish enemies.
Something that looks like a bunch of matches is ratmen patrol, if you let those live you will get a hideout attack soon. With dogs and blood hounds.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 31, 2017, 12:30:26 am
So does the number really mean anything? Is there a way to work out how likely I really am to hit?

Think of the number as representing a cone of deviation. The higher the value the tighter the cone. Anything past 100% has minimal impact. Also something to keep in mind is that the game calculates line of sight from character's head, but line of fire is from the weapon at a lower height.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on July 31, 2017, 03:14:44 am
So does the number really mean anything? Is there a way to work out how likely I really am to hit?
Unless Piratez changes how accuracy works...
The chance to hit is the chance that your shot is automatically placed on a trajectory that intersects the target. If you score a miss, it picks a random trajectory across a wide range of values, which can hit your target but isn't likely to if you're more than 2 squares away. If your target is in partial cover, the soldier may believe they have a line of fire but a hit might hit their cover.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KiriKaneko on July 31, 2017, 12:03:09 pm
Ah ok, thankyou!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on July 31, 2017, 10:58:59 pm
Where do I find industrial scanners? I had 3, but I used them all on industrial printer, and now I need 1 more for mint.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: stvip on August 01, 2017, 12:10:48 am
Lucky you, managing to avoid the disappointment of building a Mint.

(you'll eventually find them like you found your first three, and there's a certain storyline mission that has them as loot)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on August 01, 2017, 05:52:03 am
Bows have a long range and decent accuracy in a stage of the game where long-range firearms are rare. One gal using a bow can be really useful ratmen village maps. They have pretty low damage so gainst anything tougher than an unarmored human you're probably better off using javelins or grenades or mortars to fill the same niche.

Nope. Bows have pretty good damage early game, especially if you a gal with good stats. (It's easy to max out in a short period)

Assuming Max Stats:
Hunting Bow, Cutting: 41 damage. Flame: 37 damage + Reliable Flame Damage (5).
Combat Bow, Cutting: 58 damage, Aqua Plastic: 60 damage & 20% Armour Pierce
Long Bow, Cutting: 75 damage
Future Bows, are a bit disappointing. This might be worth it if their energy and TU cost was reduced. You're better off with a mortar at this point of the game. It's also really difficult to get the material to build them.

Javelins have pretty good damage but terrible range and ammo count. Honestly, an archer does a better job of picking off enemies from safety while a gal with a barbarian axe or spear is more useful for taking on tanks and power armoured enemies. I also find that diverting your runts too much in the early game is detrimental for your income, so if you choose to build a large store of javelins or constantly replace them, the opportunity cost will be really high early game!

Grenades don't have the range and precision of the bow and unless you prime everything in your inventory you won't have the fire-rate either. Usually all your gals with have several grenades on them anyway so a dedicated non-launcher grenadier is a bit of a waste. That role is easily fulfilled by your riflegals.

Mortars are excellent but come much much later in the game
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on August 01, 2017, 09:46:57 am
I'm currently in an archaeological dig bounty (rank c) for the bank faction and I seem to be missing something.  I found one enemy out in the open and killed it, but now I'm wandering the rest of the map for 20 turns and haven't found any other enemies.  I can't seem to explore most of the second floor or a large corner of the map.  Are there supposed to be enemies trapped in inaccessible portions of this map?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 01, 2017, 11:48:44 am
If bug hunt mode is not activated it mean that there is more than one or two enemies. Mayby you have "hiding" enabled, AI in that case try to cover everywhere. If you fight ninja gals, they have camo so its even harder to spot them. Someone before posted a incident when he fight spiders and one spawned in inaccessible part of map.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on August 01, 2017, 03:25:40 pm
I'm really struggling to figure out how I can build a still at my second base. Apparently the online tech tree viewer is out-of-date, and the in-game viewer isn't any help either. What could I be missing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 01, 2017, 03:40:20 pm
I think you need to research alchemy. As I remember there is two ways of getting that and researching animal poison is one of them. Just go to spider or megascorpion hunt. I don't know did that is loot from them, but if you ecounter ratman in hunt mission, they will carry loot from that animals and often animal poison.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on August 01, 2017, 04:09:01 pm
I've been skipping the monster hunt missions this time around so it's probably something like that, I've got poisons and acids but not animal poisons. I'll try that, thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 01, 2017, 10:16:21 pm
I'm currently in an archaeological dig bounty (rank c) for the bank faction and I seem to be missing something.  I found one enemy out in the open and killed it, but now I'm wandering the rest of the map for 20 turns and haven't found any other enemies.  I can't seem to explore most of the second floor or a large corner of the map.  Are there supposed to be enemies trapped in inaccessible portions of this map?

There very often are isolated foes with that map. But no part of a map is truly inaccessible, if you have the right tools. In this case bring pickaxes and get digging. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on August 04, 2017, 10:21:12 pm
I've been looking everywhere and I can't figure out why the animal skinning manufacturing items all start with 'B:'.  I get why slavery has different variants starting with 'S' and disassembly items start with 'D-A:'.  Any ideas from all of you?

Some Examples:
"B: Werewolf (2/6/7)"
"B: Vampire Bat (2/2/2)"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on August 04, 2017, 10:28:43 pm
I've been looking everywhere and I can't figure out why the animal skinning manufacturing items all start with 'B:'.  I get why slavery has different variants starting with 'S' and disassembly items start with 'D-A:'.  Any ideas from all of you?

Some Examples:
"B: Werewolf (2/6/7)"
"B: Vampire Bat (2/2/2)"

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on August 05, 2017, 04:56:25 am
Alright, so what's the deal with acid rain? The population says that "It hurts" but it doesn't seem to actually be dealing any damage, is it doing morale damage? And what item/s can prevent this? Logically goggles or a chem coat would help, but their description just says that they reduce chem damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KateMicucci on August 05, 2017, 06:20:48 am
Favorite pistols? I haven't been too impressed with any of them except the scoped magnum this playthrough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on August 05, 2017, 08:39:29 am
Favorite pistols? I haven't been too impressed with any of them except the scoped magnum this playthrough.

Super Magnum with mercury rounds on a girl with max reaction is pretty strong

and Death Blossom... so OP why is Death Blossom so OP omg. Is Death Blossom even a pistol? It's a 1 handed weapon so maybe. And it's so incredibly OP... so... over... powered... I can't even...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on August 05, 2017, 10:14:21 am
My favorites are: magnum, gauss pistol and SR laser pistol. Haven't got the latter two yet though :v.

Alright, so what's the deal with acid rain? The population says that "It hurts" but it doesn't seem to actually be dealing any damage, is it doing morale damage? And what item/s can prevent this? Logically goggles or a chem coat would help, but their description just says that they reduce chem damage.
It needs to get past your armor first (yes, even if there's no armor). Don't dawdle, or girls will start to take damage for real. The only way to prevent damage is to reduce your vulnerability to chemical damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 05, 2017, 12:15:16 pm
Super Magnum with mercury rounds on a girl with max reaction is pretty strong

and Death Blossom... so OP why is Death Blossom so OP omg. Is Death Blossom even a pistol? It's a 1 handed weapon so maybe. And it's so incredibly OP... so... over... powered... I can't even...

It's a heavy weapon for a 1-h pistol (smg). Yes it has a huge clip and good damage with various ammo types to choose from. It's a bit hard to hit with it at longer range.
My personal fav. is the Cougar SMG with similiar clip-size, good damage and amazing snapshot accuracy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 05, 2017, 07:06:17 pm
It's a heavy weapon for a 1-h pistol (smg). Yes it has a huge clip and good damage with various ammo types to choose from. It's a bit hard to hit with it at longer range.
My personal fav. is the Cougar SMG with similiar clip-size, good damage and amazing snapshot accuracy.

Yes, but the Cougar is even more advanced than the Death Blossom, and far less pretty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on August 05, 2017, 07:12:28 pm
Two little questions:

1. Just how rare shadow orbs of X are? I'm doing every space & sea mission that drops my way, but still, no luck, and it's the third year of campaign already.

2. Where can I find solmine geo charges? They look like high explosives with bigger boom, and I don't really need them, but I want to research one so I can make more.

Yes, but the Cougar is even more advanced than the Death Blossom, and far less pretty.

Funnily enough, I don't consider death blossom that pretty. The size puts me off too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on August 05, 2017, 08:25:54 pm
1. Just how rare shadow orbs of X are? I'm doing every space & sea mission that drops my way, but still, no luck, and it's the third year of campaign already.

Really freakin' rare. I've only ever found one shadow orb, on a sunken galleon mission. I think that's the only mission that spawns them and the potential loot list is huuuuuuuuge, reducing the chance of a rare drop to... well, rare.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 05, 2017, 09:02:03 pm
Yes, but the Cougar is even more advanced than the Death Blossom, and far less pretty.

The death blossom comes close to the bulkiness of Warhammer 40k boltpistols and heavy boltpistols.
Also the blossom is a 2x2 item and takes most of the belt-slots while cougar can fit in the holster.
Up and downsides, the blossom sure sticks around as a lovely 'sidearm' to your 1-h sword/axe/claw
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on August 05, 2017, 09:17:57 pm
Is it normal for my secondary bases to get trashed by goverment?

In my campaign I ever attacked government ship 1 time and only on ground mission, early on before decoder, and it had pilot on in it that I needed so much.

Fast forward about a year later, I build the second hideout, for alcohol production to boost income and finally use up my 400+ apple stash. Drop two shrouds as well, to avoid random attacks. Two month later, a dozen govt enforcers barges in and takes it.

Half a year later I get few millions to spare, and build yet another second hideout. Again, two shrouds, hangar, large barracks, order still and power plant. Before it is anywhere close to finished, breakers spawns in Europe and goes straight for it, with general and tanks, and more bunch of enforcers vs my modest garrison.

Is it some kind of a new "feature" for random govt crackdowns, am I randomly unlucky, or I somehow fucked up and government will hunt me forever? From my last campaign, I never ever had secondary hideouts that were not used for interceptions attacked. And even then never by the government.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: SomeGuy on August 05, 2017, 09:41:57 pm
You're not alone on that front of newly built bases being raided. 3 years into my campaign and only now starting to build a second base to hold multiple attack ships to shoot down big shippings. In all of my previous campaigns the second base was always also attack which was what originally put me off on starting a second base. (Had shrouds and everything)

But now, I'll be prepared. . .maybe too prepared.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on August 05, 2017, 10:50:52 pm
This was almost a year's worth of versions back, so I didn't think it relevant, but it could be. I also had a problem with new bases being mercilessly attacked out of nowhere, even though they were completely demilitarised, and in a few cases not even built yet. I think I had 3 bases established at the time (after about 1.5 years) and any time I built a fourth it was just doomed. I figured I was over-expanding, but if people are having similar problems with a second base I thought it might be worth mentioning.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on August 06, 2017, 01:57:32 am
I can't remember exactly, but crackdown missions enter the mission pool for enemy shipping about 2 years in, even if you don't shoot down shipping. That may be what you are seeing.

Then there's the ratmen patrols and academy ambulances that you can see from the very start of the game in the new versions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on August 06, 2017, 02:36:47 am
Silly question, but how to train gals in voodoo school? Right-click does nothing, middle is info and left is dismantle. I remember it working as dojo or spa in eralier versions, is there a sub-menu somewhere now?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on August 06, 2017, 09:09:27 am
Check that you can do psionic training anytime, first.  Though assuming you can do the dojo already, it should be set that way.  I seem to remember it being done through the employee page, though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on August 06, 2017, 09:46:14 am
At the start of the month a menu will pop up and ask you who you want up for training. The voodoo school is useless until then.

Also, Death Bloom with HVAC round does 60 damage per shot, 12 shots per round and half damage to stun... I wouldn't have survived raiding ethereal ships with so many prisoners if it weren't for the superior firepower of the HVAC Death Bloom!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 06, 2017, 04:36:58 pm
I to have experienced a significant upswing in retaliations. I suspect that the infinite retaliation bug is back in some form. 7+ retaliations in 3 months seems quite high for my one barely established base in the arctic. And this is the 3rd base i've had up there, lost previous 2 to my own stupidity. In all i think im up around 15-18 retaliations in the arctic on the particular game.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 06, 2017, 04:52:48 pm
I to have experienced a significant upswing in retaliations. I suspect that the infinite retaliation bug is back in some form. 7+ retaliations in 3 months seems quite high for my one barely established base in the arctic. And this is the 3rd base i've had up there, lost previous 2 to my own stupidity. In all i think im up around 15-18 retaliations in the arctic on the particular game.   

Tough luck for the icebears. You could try to build the base outside this 'crackdown' mayhem region and test if this particular 3rd base continues to be boned by crackdown assaults.
Maybe wait the rest of the month to reshuffle the mission shedule?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 06, 2017, 07:34:47 pm
things are actually doing reasonably well despite the frequent visitors. It is a bit of a meatgrinder, but it late nuff in the campaign that i can afford to throw bodies/equipment away to keep the outpost alive. Keeping the polar hyperwave-decoder active is more important then relatively minor losses. 

IF i have the time ill do some bug testing, but im pretty convinced something borked at this point.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 06, 2017, 09:40:17 pm
Just curious about it. It might stop happening next month? Who knows :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KateMicucci on August 07, 2017, 04:57:07 pm
Nope. Bows have pretty good damage early game, especially if you a gal with good stats. (It's easy to max out in a short period)

Assuming Max Stats:
Hunting Bow, Cutting: 41 damage. Flame: 37 damage + Reliable Flame Damage (5).
Combat Bow, Cutting: 58 damage, Aqua Plastic: 60 damage & 20% Armour Pierce
Long Bow, Cutting: 75 damage
Future Bows, are a bit disappointing. This might be worth it if their energy and TU cost was reduced. You're better off with a mortar at this point of the game. It's also really difficult to get the material to build them.

Javelins have pretty good damage but terrible range and ammo count. Honestly, an archer does a better job of picking off enemies from safety while a gal with a barbarian axe or spear is more useful for taking on tanks and power armoured enemies. I also find that diverting your runts too much in the early game is detrimental for your income, so if you choose to build a large store of javelins or constantly replace them, the opportunity cost will be really high early game!

Grenades don't have the range and precision of the bow and unless you prime everything in your inventory you won't have the fire-rate either. Usually all your gals with have several grenades on them anyway so a dedicated non-launcher grenadier is a bit of a waste. That role is easily fulfilled by your riflegals.

Mortars are excellent but come much much later in the game
I tried bows again and continued to find them underwhelming. In one mission a max throwing gal with combat bow and aqua arrows failed to 1hko a single ratman brigand despite shooting at more than 10 of them. Going by the stats you posted it should have been killing as effectively as a LC. A maxed throwing archer gal compares favorably with an average shooter carrying a crap gun like an rcf carbine or something, but not a maxed firing gal with a good early weapon like a boarding gun, uac rifle or tommy. A maxed throwing gal with javs, bagpipes or stick grenades however is a credit to the team. Javelins take a long time to build, but I'm only using one or two sets per mission and it seems 3/4 of them kill in one hit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 07, 2017, 05:00:39 pm
Sometimes it's look like arrow hit something, but actually it miss.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on August 07, 2017, 05:27:52 pm
I tried bows again and continued to find them underwhelming. In one mission a max throwing gal with combat bow and aqua arrows failed to 1hko a single ratman brigand despite shooting at more than 10 of them. Going by the stats you posted it should have been killing as effectively as a LC. A maxed throwing archer gal compares favorably with an average shooter carrying a crap gun like an rcf carbine or something, but not a maxed firing gal with a good early weapon like a boarding gun, uac rifle or tommy. A maxed throwing gal with javs, bagpipes or stick grenades however is a credit to the team. Javelins take a long time to build, but I'm only using one or two sets per mission and it seems 3/4 of them kill in one hit.

Well, I assume above is listed with max stats and max rolls.
Combat bow is low-tier early game weapon, you need longbow to reliably 1-shot weak enemies and actually deal damage to armored enemies (though aqua arrows can do it as well). Before that it's better to have several archers, if you absolutely positively have to kill that ratman in one turn. And also there is a range advantage, you can have you swimsuit gals fire across half the map from a safety, while javelins require putting them in danger, not to mention low ammo acounts and aforementioned runt-hours drain that can be used on chateau du mort instead.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bacon_Hero on August 07, 2017, 08:37:08 pm
The list assumes max stats and 100% damage (the possibilities range from 0% - 200%)

It's possible that the results you got is just an unlucky streak or fluke. I've had gauss muskets 3 hit a Spartan Scout and not kill her before. In fact I think it might have happened quite a few times already.

LCs have an innate 20% AP with low level bows suffer from "+% to Armour". And the other SMGs you mentioned have a really high fire rate which contributes to higher overall average damage.

The key advantage of a bow is its indirect fire ability. You'll start loving the bow when you hit targets blocked by 5 fences and use fire arrows to light up night missions.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mammothus on August 07, 2017, 11:28:58 pm
What is special about AP ammo types? On the attached image, you can see the standard ammo on the top with 36 damage, and the PS (plastasteel) on the bottom. As far as I can tell, the AP ammo in the middle is exactly the same as the standard ammo in terms of piercing damage and damage amount. Is there a pin up I missed explaining this? Thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on August 07, 2017, 11:32:18 pm
AP ammo ignores certain percentage of enemy armor (I think 20%).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on August 08, 2017, 12:51:41 am
I looked at the ruleset and the ammo types have slightly different properties to them.  Here are the stats for Battle Rifle ammo:


    power: 36
    damageType: 1
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.85
      ToStun: 0.5
    clipSize: 20


    power: 36
    damageType: 1
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.7
      ToHealth: 0.9
    clipSize: 15


    power: 42
    damageType: 1
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.85
      ToStun: 0.5
    clipSize: 20

The ArmorEffectiveness seems pretty easy to understand, but I'm not sure about the ToStun and ToHealth options.  I think it means that standard ammo ignores 15% of armor but the target only takes half as much stun damage as they normally would and the AP ammo ignores 30% of armor but the target only takes 90% of the normal health damage.  The PS ammo works like standard ammo, but has a higher power.  I'd appreciate someone confirming what the ToStun and ToHealth options do though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 08, 2017, 11:17:23 am
ToStun:    The damage-roll that surpassed the armor of the target *value as stun damage.
ToHealth: The damage-roll that surpassed the armor of the target *value as health damage.

It's designed to function like in RL. AP bullets are ment to pierce through armor but the hardened bullethead won't break inside the target, leaving a less crutial wound than more basic bullets.

Bullets with soft heads can't break armor too well but do horrible wounds and cause severe trauma against unprotected targets.

Plasta-steel bullets are basically the standard bullets with more damage to make the weapons better. Basically a buffed-up version to score more reliable damage scores.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mammothus on August 08, 2017, 02:24:12 pm
Thanks for the response guys! That helps a lot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on August 10, 2017, 10:43:00 am
Is there a way to promote/demote gals? I thought Iread something about this in the Bootypedia, but I cannot find it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 10, 2017, 03:00:23 pm
Is there a way to promote/demote gals? I thought Iread something about this in the Bootypedia, but I cannot find it.

Promote gals by training them and giving them more kills, the only demotions are making them walk the plank, dying gloriously on the front lines, or having a friendly fire "incident." Single-rank demotions were removed after being deemed an exploit with rank-based salaries.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on August 10, 2017, 06:25:56 pm
Single-rank demotions were removed after being deemed an exploit with rank-based salaries.

K, thanks! Missed that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KateMicucci on August 12, 2017, 10:01:55 pm
What is the ranged dodge formula? Trying to compare hit rates/dptu for rippers/chainsaws/autoaxes vs other melee weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 12, 2017, 11:39:34 pm
I doubt a ranged attack can be dodged.
It either hits or misses. No matrix dodge here.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on August 13, 2017, 12:34:07 am
She's talking about CQC dodge, you silly.

Bootypedia states the accuracy of ranged weapons in melee is basically (reactions/2 + melee/2) * accuracyCloseQuarters - evasion, where accuracyCloseQuarters is on average 85%? It's probably default value, but I don't really know.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on August 15, 2017, 10:09:41 am
Are more varied (in both content and difficulty) sea missions planed to future releases?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on August 19, 2017, 02:35:00 am
So are we sure that the fat guys are actually human?  Because they look quite a bit like goblin Buddhas to me
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 19, 2017, 11:34:25 am
So are we sure that the fat guys are actually human?  Because they look quite a bit like goblin Buddhas to me

Being "actually human" is rather fuzzy in the setting and depends more on your wallet than your genes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on August 19, 2017, 10:09:18 pm
Yeah. Save for the obvious beastmen and lamias (not counting any cosmetic surgery done to them), a mutant could get away with living as a "pure blood" if they have the influence, cash and determination to step on and abandon their mutant peers at the chance of living a life of luxury. It's why the mutant alliance wants you to kill some of your fellow mutants for betraying their own people every now and then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: scmerc224 on August 27, 2017, 05:04:02 am
Is there a way to go into the save and spawn certain types of missions?
I'm trying to spawn a bomber so I can find an implosion ball launcher.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 27, 2017, 12:42:19 pm
Is there a way to go into the save and spawn certain types of missions?
I'm trying to spawn a bomber so I can find an implosion ball launcher.

Sounds like someone is gated in research to unlock the final tier.
The bomber is not the only ship that has a chance to have an impl. bomb launcher.
The biggest ship (battleship I guess) has a garanteed chance to drop a launcher part.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: scmerc224 on August 27, 2017, 06:30:19 pm
Yeah at this point I'm just trying to get the research going again. Plus I was going to try to spawn a few different mission types if possible. I haven't seen a base in like 3 in game years.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Captain_Raspberry on August 29, 2017, 10:43:05 pm
What exactly do I need to start building Syns? I can make Slave Robots, but that doesn't seem to be enough, unless I am missing something.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 29, 2017, 11:05:53 pm
What exactly do I need to start building Syns? I can make Slave Robots, but that doesn't seem to be enough, unless I am missing something.

Welcome to the forums!  You can't just start building Syns, you have to find them, just like with the shipwrecked/castaway gals, only on a special mission.

If you already have the damaged Syn, then you're going to need a couple School Graduation-tier researches.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Captain_Raspberry on August 30, 2017, 05:06:39 am
Welcome to the forums!  You can't just start building Syns, you have to find them, just like with the shipwrecked/castaway gals, only on a special mission.

If you already have the damaged Syn, then you're going to need a couple School Graduation-tier researches.

Oh, so I need a treasure from a special mission. Got it! Guess it's time to cross my fingers and hope I find the right one!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 30, 2017, 05:47:45 am
To clarify the "special mission" in question is an orbital mission so space capability is needed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Captain_Raspberry on August 30, 2017, 06:03:47 am
Orbital mission, or Zero-G mission? I have a research topic available that mentions Zero-G missions. Also, I guess I'm gonna need space suits to deck my crews, yes?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 30, 2017, 10:31:18 am
This is the same. You don't "need" space suits, becouse crew without spaceworthy suit gets space rescue pod with build in weapon and medkit. However without space suit your gals will die, becouse enemies there see further than rescue pod, and built in weapon have very short range.
It's fairly easy mission, even two veteran gals could do it by hiding in old satellites and shoting aimed shots. Don't forget that you can't bring normal firearms into space, only melee weapons and lasers, propably plasma.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on September 02, 2017, 09:15:23 pm
Just a quick question: What research is required to purchase Assault Rifles? I've researched the rifle, obviously, but I don't know what contact I need to be able to purchase them and their ammunition.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fiery SuccubusGal on September 03, 2017, 04:01:16 am
Heya all ! I'm new here, and discovering this amazing mod. I'm on my first game and I was wondering : is there a problem with the "Dr.X hideout" discovery ? I got the message saying that I should know where to find it (after the esper interrogation) although I'd need to somehow infiltrate the base, passing for "weak" Uber Mutant lol. Since then, no more signs of said base, is that normal ?

Edit : alright, an X-Prison mission just unlocked. I think that's what I was waiting for so forget that ! Let's go gals !
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on September 03, 2017, 09:33:40 pm
Just a quick question: What research is required to purchase Assault Rifles? I've researched the rifle, obviously, but I don't know what contact I need to be able to purchase them and their ammunition.

99% it's military supplies, prize from Zaxx. 1% it's Zaxx's favor -> Contact: Authorized dealers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on September 04, 2017, 03:17:20 am
99% it's military supplies, prize from Zaxx. 1% it's Zaxx's favor -> Contact: Authorized dealers.
Awesome, thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on September 04, 2017, 10:41:18 am
With dedicated research, you’ll be able to manufacture far batter guns before you accumulate enough zaxx tokens.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on September 04, 2017, 11:34:40 am
With dedicated research, you’ll be able to manufacture far batter guns before you accumulate enough zaxx tokens.

I think that assault rifles are used for making the said better guns and ran into same problem of finding components. I think it is 2 assault + 1 sniper to make a kustom sniping gun, which is a beast.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on September 04, 2017, 01:58:42 pm
Consider the humble smartrifle instead of fancy gun like custom snipin’ gun. Faster aimed shot, better autofire for short range engagements, usefull even for mediocre markswomen and it only needs 3 units of plastasteel and one slave AI to make.

Humble smartrifle, along with equally humble death blossom SMG, with a bit of melee capacity and some panzerfausts can carry you through most of the engagements the game throws at you, from runabout landigs to assaults on heavy freighters. Fancier guns are overkill most of the time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on September 04, 2017, 06:22:38 pm
For Siberian base mission, to get all the rewards, do I actually need to win it or just grabbing the Russian files and leaving will be fine? Doing ironman this time, don't want to miss out on spam lasers.

I remember it being very hard as it was, but now with the weather mechanics it is probably very painful, unless with full squad of power armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on September 04, 2017, 08:03:41 pm
Just grab the files.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on September 05, 2017, 12:25:46 pm
Random questions: In order to get the Bravery improvement for using medical items, does it have to be a medikit and/or a First Aid kit to do so? I suppose the Grog barrel doesn't count.

Second, are Bravery upgrades always by +10? Can you improve it more than said number in a single mission?

Third, does it takes longer to improve the closer you are to reach max bravery? Sometimes nothing seems to happen no matter how many times I heal stuff with a certain unit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on September 05, 2017, 01:41:39 pm
First aid kit items and bandages grant bravery experience. Alcohol doesn't I believe.

Bravery increases by a maximum of 10 per mission. To guarantee a bravery increase, I think you need 11 bravery experience (i.e. heal 11 fatal wounds per mission).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on September 05, 2017, 06:18:34 pm
I haven't played the most recent updates, but general rule of thumb - it has to heal wounds and can't be used on yourself.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on September 05, 2017, 11:40:24 pm
The Bootypedia actually states that it has to be some sort of medical device, not alcohol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on September 09, 2017, 09:31:34 pm
Does anyone know where you can find master-crafted weapon parts?  I'm entering the third year and have done a pretty wide variety of missions, but I've yet to find any.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on September 10, 2017, 12:04:02 pm
Rarely, you can find them on a smuggler ship. If smuggler captian has eurosyndicate laspistol, he carries some with him.

You can also disassemble master crafted plasma pistols.

However, they are a bit too rare for what they offer unless bossar, super shotgun and custom blunderbuss recieved massive boost in power, perhaps Dioxine could make it possible to exchange bounty tokens for these.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on September 10, 2017, 02:02:55 pm
I finally found some last night, on a church destroyer I shot down.  It's a shame I have better guns (XG weapons) now I finally found some – being able to make a handful of guns that punch above the weight of your standard armaments is a cool idea.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on September 11, 2017, 01:42:54 am
Does anyone know how to capture a live Strix zombie?  I tried the cattle prod but that made it explode.  I reloaded and tried a riot shield but that also left it dead.  It's possible the shield killed it, but I'm worried they may have the same "die on stun" behavior as cyberdiscs.  If that's the case, then I think the only other option is psi control.  Has anyone here caught one?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on September 17, 2017, 07:20:34 am
What is with these jungle missions where the entire map basically explodes into smoke with heavy stun damage? I'm still very early in the game without any form of respirator (I assume there are some?) so I've started just staying in my vessel and letting the smoke take care of things.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 17, 2017, 05:22:13 pm
Does anyone know how to capture a live Strix zombie?  I tried the cattle prod but that made it explode.  I reloaded and tried a riot shield but that also left it dead.  It's possible the shield killed it, but I'm worried they may have the same "die on stun" behavior as cyberdiscs.  If that's the case, then I think the only other option is psi control.  Has anyone here caught one?

The way to stun units that explode on death is to give them a bunch of stun damage without knocking them unconscious, then lowering their HP below the stun level without killing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: SomeGuy on September 18, 2017, 06:38:44 pm
What is with these jungle missions where the entire map basically explodes into smoke with heavy stun damage? I'm still very early in the game without any form of respirator (I assume there are some?) so I've started just staying in my vessel and letting the smoke take care of things.

Probably boom fruit, they make for easy early game grenades if you're lucky. But on that mission there are a lot of them scattered on the ground everywhere.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on September 19, 2017, 12:37:34 am
If I have a research topic assigned at more than one base, do the research hours combine or is each base trying to research the full topic independently?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 19, 2017, 12:47:04 am
Each one works independently, only double up on research projects at two different bases if you want to waste all of the research days at one of those bases on a race.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on September 21, 2017, 09:53:40 pm
So, I have a metallo (yes, I regret picking red codex and will never do it again) with 500 hitpoints, as well as 8 armor. It has 2 light and 2 heavy slots. The question is how to get the most survivability for it, since I use it as a tank, rather than damage dealer.

I can mount 2 hull plates, each adding 250 hp and 2 armor and put 2 small shields for 150 shield points, for total of 12 armor, 1100 hp and 150 shield. Or I can go full shield for 500 hp + 550 shield points. Hull seems to be better, decreasing damage with each hit and granting more survivability overall, with only downside of actually having it repaired at X3 speed, instead of recharging shields in 2 hours.

Am I correct to assume that enemy ships don't have damage bonuses versus shields and if the repair is not as issue, hull plating is straight up better option for same slots than shields?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on September 21, 2017, 11:17:07 pm
At the moment, no enemy ship has bonus vs. shields. Hull is more resistant, but repairing from 1000 hp takes several days, even at x3. Remember you cannot re-arm and most crucially, refuel unless fully repaired.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on September 22, 2017, 11:51:45 am
So, I have a metallo (yes, I regret picking red codex and will never do it again) with 500 hitpoints, as well as 8 armor. It has 2 light and 2 heavy slots. The question is how to get the most survivability for it, since I use it as a tank, rather than damage dealer.

I can mount 2 hull plates, each adding 250 hp and 2 armor and put 2 small shields for 150 shield points, for total of 12 armor, 1100 hp and 150 shield. Or I can go full shield for 500 hp + 550 shield points. Hull seems to be better, decreasing damage with each hit and granting more survivability overall, with only downside of actually having it repaired at X3 speed, instead of recharging shields in 2 hours.

Am I correct to assume that enemy ships don't have damage bonuses versus shields and if the repair is not as issue, hull plating is straight up better option for same slots than shields?

You have to add at least one weapon to the Metallo to command it into combat (approaching the target) or the ship won't attack/close range to the target pulling the desired aggro of it.
Best approach as a substitute for a 'tank' would be using 1x Hullplate 1x Heavy Shield and either 2x small guns (with alot of ammo-count) or 1x light weapon and 1x light shield.

Even if the metallo suffers damage to the hull, as long as you have fuel and ammo left you can reuse the ship for the shield-value again.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Spess Mahren on September 24, 2017, 11:32:37 pm
How do people prioritize the first bounty hunting badge? Just wait it out or rush it even if you have to pour lots of cash into donations? At the moment I like rushing as many additional mission types as possible but I'm wondering if I will just be shooting myself in the foot by crowding out the bounty hunt missions.
Also when should I expect the DR. X base invasion? Have had a few games where I play the first few months before starting a new game for one reason or another and the DR. X plot line doesn't advance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 25, 2017, 12:16:25 am
You need Academy Esper reaserched to unlock DR.X base mission. Expect them on bigger ships or bases, or get them from reaserching other humanoids (sectoogre being probably best bet).

Pouring cash is bad idea becouse of 100k for 10 tokens. Good to fill smal gap betewen prizes, but nothing else. 2-3max "D" missions will grant you enough tokens to unlock "C". I think bounty hunt missions doesn't cout to infamy rate(or count not much), so it's better to have more of it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Premier on September 26, 2017, 07:48:48 pm
Here's a simple question I hope wasn't asked earlier:

If you go to the production screen, set up a production process, assign a certain number of Runts and the number of items to produce, then click on Sell, a number pops up telling you how much money you'll make. Now, if you right-click on the number of items for unlimited production, what exactly does the resulting number represent? I guess it's projected profits assuming an uninterrupted producton run with the currently set number of Runts, but over what time period, precisely? 30 days? 31 days? "One month", but then how does it factor in variable month length?
Also, if an item has a production cost, does the Sell value account for that and show profit, or does it show income with no account for material costs?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on September 26, 2017, 10:12:27 pm
If you set on unlimited sell the net-income stated is for the whole month.
Item cost is included in the net-income.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on September 28, 2017, 12:35:19 am
How do you equip a cloaking device? I have a Jellyfish with two STC slots, and a cloaking device. I can't seem to equip them from the vessel eqiup screen. (The Jellyfish can equip cloaking devices, right?)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Premier on September 28, 2017, 12:57:43 am
If you set on unlimited sell the net-income stated is for the whole month.
Item cost is included in the net-income.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on September 28, 2017, 02:42:21 am
How do you equip a cloaking device? I have a Jellyfish with two STC slots, and a cloaking device. I can't seem to equip them from the vessel eqiup screen. (The Jellyfish can equip cloaking devices, right?)

The cloaking devices are used for new aircraft that you build. We can assume that most ships you buy from the black market (mainly the shadowtech ones) already have one. While the casual ships that you can buy are really inconspicuous. I guess in game terms, your ship is mostly cloaked until you engage in combat or land.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on September 28, 2017, 05:09:59 am
The cloaking devices are used for new aircraft that you build. We can assume that most ships you buy from the black market (mainly the shadowtech ones) already have one. While the casual ships that you can buy are really inconspicuous. I guess in game terms, your ship is mostly cloaked until you engage in combat or land.
Ahhh, okay. I guess that makes sense since they show up in the components section of the Black Market. Thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on September 28, 2017, 05:03:02 pm
Generally speaking STC component are currently extremely rare.  The slots are built into the craft but missions that generate the needed components are very few.  Expect this to improve as Dioxine adds more missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 30, 2017, 10:12:58 am
What is that "Scout" thing and where to get it? I need it to get "Cybernetic Interface". Also where easy get toxigun? Becouse Pest Control Menagers don't appeared on my gameplay I can't find it and that thing block "Advanced Chemistry" and this block "School Graduation".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on September 30, 2017, 11:55:44 am
What is that "Scout" thing and where to get it? I need it to get "Cybernetic Interface". Also where easy get toxigun? Becouse Pest Control Menagers don't appeared on my gameplay I can't find it and that thing block "Advanced Chemistry" and this block "School Graduation".

You can re-reserch ghouls / ghoul-scientists / guild engineers or roll lucky with a "decripted datadisk" to get the toxigun research topic.
That's a possible solution to get the shematics for the gun and unlock your endgame research topic.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 30, 2017, 12:37:09 pm
Ok, thanks. But what about that "Scout"? What is it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: SomeGuy on September 30, 2017, 12:39:03 pm
"Scout" is the scout ship documentation, easiest way to get that is engineers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Searmay on September 30, 2017, 10:20:43 pm
The way to stun units that explode on death is to give them a bunch of stun damage without knocking them unconscious, then lowering their HP below the stun level without killing.
I can't get this to work. Whatever damage type I pick they die anyway. Damage that wouldn't make them explode doesn't, but it still kills them. They fall over without the scream as if stunned, but are still dead.

From an amateurish look at the code, it doesn't seem like it should. It looks like UnitDieBState just kills any unconscious exploding creatures:
Code: [Select]
if (_unit->getStatus() == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS && (_unit->getSpecialAbility() == SPECAB_EXPLODEONDEATH || _unit->getSpecialAbility() == SPECAB_BURN_AND_EXPLODE))

I can't work out what's supposed to be different about applying lethal rather than stun damage last, so I can't tell what I'm doing wrong.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on September 30, 2017, 11:48:08 pm
What's up with the little hordes of expeditions that happen once in awhile?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on October 01, 2017, 12:23:17 am
The expeditions are Ratmen looking for your base.  If they find it you get a simplified base invasion with low-level guns (though bloodhounds are still a threat).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 01, 2017, 12:37:05 am
The expeditions are Ratmen looking for your base.  If they find it you get a simplified base invasion with low-level guns (though bloodhounds are still a threat).

If they are looking for the base then they're just trying to find it not attack it. Ive had them go right over my base and not cause a base assault.

Instant base attacks that might happen without a ship however (comm wave?) are an important reason to always have hands at your base, and not take everyone with you on a mission. One hand could potentially wipe a ratmen attack if they had some combo like a combat shotgun and a magnum (and defender or revenant armor). But it would be a challenge.

Yes I have defended my base with only like 2 or 3 hands before, from the academy no less.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Erling on October 11, 2017, 05:59:35 pm
Ahoy everyone. I'm new to Piratez, though quite experienced with original X-Com.

How can I plunder vessels in X-Piratez?

The only landed vessels I've ever seen were feeble hunters from the very beginning of the game. Since then not a single vessel ever landed. I tried to pursue them with "shadow them!" option in air battle mode, I tried to pursue them without engaging in combat (setting waypoints endlessly), but they didn't land anyway.

I haven't captured any vessel weapons yet (because I, uh, can't plunder vessels). I'm still using the Airbus, though I can purchase basic vessels from Car Thieves.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: SomeGuy on October 11, 2017, 08:54:16 pm
To follow a vessel in geoscape, click on the overlapped squares in one of the top corners (haven't played in a while) and that should make your ship follow their ship in normal time without having to place down way points.

Airbus can't really move a large distance so finding a landed ship is pretty hard, so best bet is to get a new ship that can equip weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Multiheaded on October 11, 2017, 09:03:32 pm
Many vessels will land somewhere eventually, depending on their mission type - an Academy survey mission or a Raider, well, raid are gonna land, a trade freighter won't.

Try shadowing with faster vessels and/or buying the Aircar if you come across a light gun for it somewhere (2x25mm or better).

Civillian-type Small/V. Small shipping can be shot down even with an aircar given a decent pilot. Avoid anything bigger than that until you have dedicated combat craft. If you have a Seagull Launcher and really need tech/materials from shipping, you can use it on an Airspeeder; just make sure not to send it close up at ramming speed, it's too fragile!

...oh, wait, and are you sure you know how to actually make time pass when an air combat is set to 'shadow'? Click the minimize icon in the upper left of the combat window! It'll collapse the window and actually let the Geoscape clock advance and the enemy fly around/continue to its destination. Same as in vanilla X-Com.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Erling on October 11, 2017, 09:40:43 pm
Airbus can't really move a large distance so finding a landed ship is pretty hard, so best bet is to get a new ship that can equip weapons.
The problem is, I can't find any aircraft armaments.

Try shadowing with faster vessels and/or buying the Aircar if you come across a light gun for it somewhere (2x25mm or better).
Where can I obtain aircraft guns aside from looting the aircrafts? I read Air Strategy Guide or something (found that at ufopaedia on the Internet) and it said that aircraft weapons can't be bought.

...oh, wait, and are you sure you know how to actually make time pass when an air combat is set to 'shadow'? Click the minimize icon in the upper left of the combat window! It'll collapse the window and actually let the Geoscape clock advance and the enemy fly around/continue to its destination. Same as in vanilla X-Com.
Yep, that's how I tried that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Premier on October 11, 2017, 10:57:31 pm
Just for reference, not having any significant anti-air power early on is part of the mod's design. In vanilla X-Com, you have interception capability from the get-go; in X-Piratez, you don't, and you're not supposed to.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Erling on October 11, 2017, 11:03:37 pm
Yep, and I'm OK with that. But situation is ought to be changed, and I'm looking for ways to do that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on October 12, 2017, 12:04:43 am
Early shipping raids are very luck based, best you can do until you get some ships capable of mounting guns and access to guns is to follow most anything you can track.  Civilian ships aren't actually likely to land in places you can get to, though they do at times, some ships are practically guaranteed to land at some point, such as the runabout, I think, and are very worth following others will never land in a place you can get to.

You can buy aircraft guns or craft them with the right research, but it tends to be easier to find or steal them early on.  Deep sea treasure hunting can find some and faction vessels often have materials for building guns or even completed ones, just a matter of luck and perseverance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Erling on October 12, 2017, 01:48:56 am
Looks like I'm unlucky in this regard. I've been playing for many hours and NOT A SINGLE SHIP landed while I followed it :( Maybe bad base placement? It's positioned in Siberia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on October 12, 2017, 01:52:48 am
Possibly, though I've been placed in central Asia and gotten landed craft.  You might want to do sea missions and try to research explosive techs, I know those will lead to a ship weapon type.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Erling on October 12, 2017, 02:37:45 am
I purchased new aircraft (Airspeeder) and also sent an Expedition to Europe. Somehow enemy vessels began to land occasionally. I even managed to plunder Academy ship with some armaments onboard. Maybe landing probability is somehow scripted to be connected to pursuing vessel's speed or class?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 12, 2017, 03:14:50 am
Landing is only determined by the flight path picked in the ruleset for that shipping on that particular mission. Simple RNG here of just what missions spawned and when you were able to detect them.  The only way for you to force a landing is shooting them down or a very particular craft weapon later in the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on October 12, 2017, 08:47:33 am
The difference is that you have the speed and range to follow them more effectively, so you can get those that land further away from your base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 12, 2017, 02:04:22 pm
Looks like I'm unlucky in this regard. I've been playing for many hours and NOT A SINGLE SHIP landed while I followed it :( Maybe bad base placement? It's positioned in Siberia.

Europe, Asia and North America are the best (and only viable) starting spots to reach missions with the airbus.
These spots also have a lot of non-ocean territory for landing spots. Early on you fight the usual academy nurses with their own airbus to prevent them from finding your base.

Civilian traffic rarely lands and is unarmed. All early (maschine-gun)cannons can down these ships without destroying them.
Problem is, that those are hard to get and require decent research to build/purchace/manufacture the ammo.

You can go for "airballs" and push your luck but you're better with using goblin rokkitz. Problem remains that the early ships have no rocket-slot to mount the launcher. There should be one battery-ship that can equip a rocket launcher tho.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 12, 2017, 09:07:40 pm
Looks like I'm unlucky in this regard. I've been playing for many hours and NOT A SINGLE SHIP landed while I followed it :( Maybe bad base placement? It's positioned in Siberia.

Most of the time when I start a new game, first dang thing I do is Sell my Radar so I dont get bothered with so many interceptions that I cant deal with yet. But also mainly because of the (300K?) refund amount for it that gives me vital extra money at the start of the game. I do not even build radar until I get the Overcharged variety (wide scan), and usually by then ive got enough money and loot piling up that I need to build a second base anyway (for storage mainly).

Fact is you have Missions pile on enough to give you things to do and loot to manage. I do just fine with the pink dots on the landscape that pop up (you can net almost 1 million off of each temple raid, and the apples from ratmen raids will keep the chateau wine flowing). At least for the first 4-6 months, after that I gotta start hitting shipping to get essential items.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on October 12, 2017, 09:16:51 pm
I disagree on selling the radar, though the game can function without it early on.  Just one good early landing ship can be a godsend, and even a runabout qualifies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sinisteragent on October 13, 2017, 01:31:29 am
It depends on where you are and a bit of luck, too. I once built my first base in Australasia, and it just happened that the Academy had decided to plot a route that passed nearby, and landed within tailing distance just beyond my radar range. I got several landed Extractor missions out of that, which helped me pick off a few early civilian marks too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Premier on October 14, 2017, 02:36:42 am
I disagree on selling the radar, though the game can function without it early on.  Just one good early landing ship can be a godsend, and even a runabout qualifies.

Just to illustrate that:

Mid-February, first year. I start shadowing a ship and assault it when it lands. They turn out to be Raiders. I happen to land close enough to reach both of the ship's exits in the first turn (or thereabout). Several of my gals are on Bravery training with ropes as weapons, and the Raiders go down like punks at the chokepoints, pun intended.

Best part of the loot? 1 Defender armour, 1 damaged Defender armour, 2 Heavy Suits, 2 or 3 Tac Armours. Maybe a few Tac Vests, I don't remember, and it's not like I can't kit out my entire landing team in something better. In mid-February, year one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 14, 2017, 11:53:25 am
Your early-game just got super easy. Respect! I'm still using the default ganger suits and the one tac-vest from warehouse-wars.
I'm just into june now and managed to get 2 reticulan landings done for 2x ret.-plasma charger parts.
Hopefully I get a third drop for a fully functional gun to have tool with unlimited shots to farm civilian using the aircar as an interceptor :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 14, 2017, 12:45:40 pm
Killing Raiders with ropes? Badass! :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 14, 2017, 09:11:20 pm
Your early-game just got super easy. Respect! I'm still using the default ganger suits and the one tac-vest from warehouse-wars.

Yeahhh be thankful for that.
Im in Year 3 and I have a very low presence of reticulans and academy. I haven't had a single reticulan base come up, and in order to get much of the reticulan stuff at all I am going to need it to come up.

But worse yet... in order to get Advanced Medicine I will need to have "reticulans' stuff" which im pretty sure only comes from the reticulan base. Not to mention the reticulan contacts and the alliance stuff that comes with it (because ill need a reticulan elder to do that)

All im getting pretty much is Traders, Traders, Traders. There isnt hardly even any church stuff - there has been a big lack of chryssalid bearing ships so I have only cobbled together One xeno armor at this time. There have been 3 Trader Bases, nobody else has even built a base.

Only reason I got academy higher ups was because of mansion robberies and one of them had academy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 14, 2017, 11:55:05 pm
Red/green codex can be rough without reticulan's been sheduled and no ret-bunker probes.
Year 3 sounds like you can pretty much prepare for Cydonia farming up for annihilators and max out plasma-weaponry and voodoo-skill.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on October 15, 2017, 01:21:22 am
Reticulan stuff should just require robbery or murder to get, you do mean the bio matter that they carry around, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 15, 2017, 01:33:27 am
The reticulian's files are important to unlock voodoo: communion.
The green codex depends immensly on this tech and it also gives us the "sponge"-suit.

The most important thingy are the ret. elders since we need 1 of these to get the school unlocked.
Unless changed the elder spawn only in an imperial probe mission "reticulian bunker"

With bad luck both elder spawn deep inside the building and you run into the situation of reaction-fire them to pieces due to the close encounters.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 15, 2017, 05:21:40 am
The reticulian's files are important to unlock voodoo: communion.
The green codex depends immensly on this tech and it also gives us the "sponge"-suit.

With bad luck both elder spawn deep inside the building and you run into the situation of reaction-fire them to pieces due to the close encounters.

They usually do spawn the farthest in, but I have seen one before somewhere in the middle of the building.

I have had only like ONE probe so far. I have not gotten any more probes at all. It was for a demons mission. Ive got 4 hyperwaves going with a good spread around the globe, I think id find them if they spawned. But last time I looked at the guts of my save file there arent even any missions on the docket for the probes.

As for accidentally killing the elders with reaction fire, now that ive got Middle Click confirmation to check who im shooting at that is unlikely.

I typically use up almost all my TU every turn and rather than set up overwatch I tend to put my hands somewhere that they wont get fired on - and I charge out of cover afterwards to press the advantage. Its rare that ill actually have any TU spare left to reaction fire with unless im specifically focused on that (usually out in the open).

These days I also like this mechanic of sitting a melee hand next to the door so that when an enemy comes through, they get screwed on CQC misfires. Like haha I just keep slapping your weapon around, and when I get my turn you're getting an AyePhone across the back of the head.

If I find someone important like an elder, or a trader rep, or anything else I wanna capture it goes into full capture mode. Knockout Grenades, Aye Phones, or maybe even a Small Launcher since ive usually got quite abit of ammo for it (since VIPs are so rare and they usually go down from a small launcher with one shot after I weaken them - and ill savescum to make sure I dont kill em...)

(speaking of which the blinged out Trader Lords ive captured have both been due to me kicking their ass, in the ass, and then usually shooting them with something to put them down but not dead - then I stop the bleeding enough to keep them alive the rest of the mission - they have good armor so that means the ShockAFist just kinda creeps up the stun damage on them until they're down).

Quick Question:

If I Shoot Down shipping but I just dont give a rats butt about going in and fighting it out to get the loot... how does this affect the scoring for that "mission" that the shipping was flying?

I mean for example the Heavy Freighter is a boon of points and loot but its a hard(ish) mission that I might as a player just be too bored of fighting to give a damn about. I'll go shoot the whale down just fine but everything im getting from it I already have several times over so I might just leave it to rot on the landscape. Am I still going to get the despawn penalty from the shipping or what (seeing as I destroyed that ship id think that their mission failed).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on October 15, 2017, 10:39:12 am
I've heard you can drop them in the ocean, shooting down anything should give positive score even gov ships, you lose points on the raid after.  At least it has been like that dunno about now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 15, 2017, 12:33:17 pm
The mission can't resolve if the ship is shot down.
Can't confirm the despawn penalty but my suggestion is that the negetaive score you would get is far smaller than a successful mission.

Also gunning down shit above water auto-resolves any issues with those things.
A global coverage with fighters to shot down everything nets enough score to completely skip battlescape actions.

This is best suited for super-late game while manufacturing hellerium-capsules and other useful stuff like plasma-destroyers and maxing out voodoo powers in the schools to get 32-36 crackmarines up and running to kick cydonia's butt.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 02, 2017, 09:52:22 pm
Is there any more detailed description for bounty prizes?
Can someone explain how does camufage works? And is there some in-build indicator is enemy see my gals? Or do I have to count titles between gal and enemy?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 02, 2017, 10:05:39 pm
Can someone explain how does camufage works? And is there some in-build indicator is enemy see my gals? Or do I have to count titles between gal and enemy?

Camoflage directly reduces the sight range, so you'd have to know the enemies' sight range and whether or not they can negate some camo.  No indicator for when an enemy can or can't see you except when they start shooting.  If you want to count tiles, there's a Rangefinder item for exactly that - no counting necessary, just point your cursor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on November 02, 2017, 10:29:41 pm
It should be explained in the bootypedia approximately when you get access to outfits with meaningful camo.  Or really any at all, I can't remember if the early outfits have any or not, or if they only say if you've researched it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 02, 2017, 10:36:10 pm
My girls already are painted with first Camo outfit but I it doesn't work too well :(

In older versions I remember to see "Pureblood human" exemination topis form the beginning of the game. Now I dont see it and have no idea how far humans can see. For example Nurse/Reasercher examinations gives info about Night Vision but no word about Day Vision :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 03, 2017, 12:16:54 am
Everyone (other than some sort of expectation) should have a basic day-vision of whooping 40 tiles.
Non-ubers can see 10 tiles in the dark.

The first 'camo-paint' you can get, offers you 12/4 camo.
This translate into: A non-uber has to be 12 tiles closer during day to spot your camo-soldier. (28 tiles) and 4 tiles closer during the night (6 tiles)
Since nightmissions are massively in the players favour during early game (your gals can see 2 tiles further) the camo paint is best used during night.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 03, 2017, 12:38:21 am
Non-ubers can see 10 tiles in the dark.

Isn't it 9?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 03, 2017, 01:55:00 am
Isn't it 9?

It looks like 10 tiles in debug. Might miscounting.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 03, 2017, 11:41:34 am
Checked it more precisely and the majority of civilians have 9 nightvision.
The savvy girl seems to be the only exception with 10 nightvision.

Lil' Lokk'Nar's in assassin suit are legit impossible to spot by them. A tough girl (9 NV) can't spot her unless she stands right next to her and facing the midget.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on November 04, 2017, 04:34:58 am
The Savvy Girl is implied, at least, to be a mutant, so the night vision makes sense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 04, 2017, 10:00:29 pm
Any advice about Codex choice? Were they changed somehow durning several last versions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on November 06, 2017, 04:45:21 am
Any advice about Codex choice? Were they changed somehow durning several last versions?

They had a few changes, like having partial domains from other codex's.

Red got Moloch Armor, it's pretty interesting. It can also use the Ghost Dagger now.
Green got an upgrade to the Bio Suit (The Pestulator Suit) and can use some weapons from VOODOO:Destruction, now.
Gold can get the Bio Suit now.
Gray got an upgrade to the Witch Outfit (The Sorceress Outfit).

Check out the wiki for more information on some of these changes:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on November 08, 2017, 09:52:47 am
A quick one; how do I fire/transfer Runts? I can't seem to find an option to do so anywhere!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 08, 2017, 09:53:53 am
To sell runts, you've to remove them from work. You can only sell 'idle' runts/brainers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 08, 2017, 10:13:27 am
Same goes for transfer, runts currently working are unavailable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 08, 2017, 11:23:29 am
I got a different question:
What's the best choice for 'mastercrafted weaponparts' to be used for?
Very very rare to get (like only from enemy hideout and pulled out of the SG super-plasma pistol) so I only got those 2 out of my successful hideout raids.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 09, 2017, 12:49:38 am
There are 4 buildable "master grade" weapons.

Super Shotgun: Powerful for a shotgun at 36x7 as well as extra accurate and relatively lightweight. However single ammo type, and shotguns are already very accurate as is. Not a good choice.

Commando Rifle: High damage, accurate, fast to fire, single shot rifle. Scales with reactions. Downside no gunbutt strike, and not a sniper given H2s LOS penalty. Okay pick

Bossar: A hybrid Rifle/Autogun. 60 damage is nothing to scoff at and it's accurate even in x5 auto mode. However rather weighty at 43 loaded and has neither sufficient rate of fire to truly benefit it's armor shred or really stellar per shot damage. Meh pick

Kustom Blunderbuss: Okay now here's something to get behind. Powerful, accurate, fast, multi ammo shotgun. Gold ammo scales off TU which while oddball makes for alot of punch in the right hands. Also has chem and concussive ammo. Can use blunderbuss ammo too. Smidgen heavy at 33 loaded.

My list best to worst:
Kustom Blunderbuss
Commando Rifle
Super Shotgun

Given that you can't disassemble them to get parts back the blunderbuss remains relevant for longer, and in more situations. Also lower in the tech tree.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 09, 2017, 11:33:05 am
Will do that. Had the feeling the K-Blunderbuss remains the best choice now that we can't mass-produce those anymore.
Gives value to swift-suits (blitz armor) too.

Does the explosive ammo damage the under-armor?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 09, 2017, 12:52:03 pm
not a clue sorry. I personally don't use it in the K-blunderbuss. Chem, aside from the rare high resist mobs like ghouls, kills/seriously maims just about anything.

Assuming average dmg rolls each pellet eats 2-3 armor before any penetrating dmg occurs. If all pellets hit that's 14 shred per shot or 56 per full auto besides what you get from penetration. Even things like tanks melt rather rapidly. A single concussive slug at (60?) kinda meh in comparison.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: XCOMJunkie on November 09, 2017, 04:02:00 pm
Here's a quick question for you all: What is the "Bio" damage type I see on the poisoned dagger? I don't remember seeing that damage type on any other weapons, but with the inherent -50% to armour and reaction scaling I thought it might make a nice upgrade for my bandit daggers when I'm training reactions... at least until I get my ghost daggers. Any thoughts?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 09, 2017, 04:19:43 pm
The previous poisoned dagger used "chem" as damage type but couldn't shred armor flagged by a specific rule.
"Bio" is a new damage type and it's quite effective against living people.

The dagger is great in bypassing armor and can score a lot of sudden deaths using backstabs.

Found out that the blunderbuss HE ammo does damage to under-armor and so should do everything similiar to it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: seato39 on November 11, 2017, 07:20:03 pm
A question, the new Moloch armor supposedly has shields, but how do they work? I notice a purple glow any time a gal wearing it gets hit appear over the armor, but what is being used as the hit points for the shield, health, energy, or morale? Also does the shield block physical damage? The in game description just says (Shields, type 3) but that doesn't tell me anything really.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 11, 2017, 08:16:25 pm
The shields have their own HP, counted by a tag in the save file using scripts, the flash means they're blocking damage. The type determines how effective they are against each damage type, but that would take too much space to type out in the article. It should be effective against most damage types save for environmental and smoke.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: seato39 on November 13, 2017, 01:06:46 am
1.Why is the heat ray pistol so much more effective than pretty much every other fire based weapon? It does 60 burn damage, while the arena fireball launcher does 70 and the rod of hellfire used by a high voodoo power gal can do more than 70. Yet the heat ray is consistently one shoting enemies that the other 2 weapons I listed take 4 or more shots to kill the same type of enemy. Looking at the ruleset, I'm assuming it has something to do with this (FireBlastCalc: false). Do the other fire based weapons spread out the damage across their radius, while the heat ray does 60 across its whole radius instead of spreading it out?

2.Assuming the different difficulties for xpiratez works like they do in vanilla, is it possible to mod the settings so enemy stats stay at 100%, but have the increased spawns of the higher difficulties? If so, where and what do I need to change? Basically I want the enemy stats of the John Silver difficulty, but the increased spawns of the Jack Sparrow difficulty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on November 13, 2017, 01:45:08 am
1. That's because fireballs\hellfire only does standard fire damage per shot, which is 5-10. The "damage" of those only determines the blast size.

If you want an actual comparison, compare heat rays with WP grenades - same 60 damage, but WP grenade does full damage, as does heat ray, apparently.

2. I believe it's hardcoded. Don't take my word for it, though; I haven't checked myself.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on November 13, 2017, 02:12:32 am
Was the ability to toggle personal lights on and off removed ?  The hotkeys entry for personal lights in the boodypedia isn't there anymore and I know it used to be as I've used that feature before.  If it's still possible to toggle lighting does anyone know the hotkey for it ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on November 13, 2017, 03:28:02 am
Was the ability to toggle personal lights on and off removed ?  The hotkeys entry for personal lights in the boodypedia isn't there anymore and I know it used to be as I've used that feature before.  If it's still possible to toggle lighting does anyone know the hotkey for it ?

You can set it as you like under controls.  I have mine set to "L" for lights.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on November 13, 2017, 06:15:31 am
You can set it as you like under controls.  I have mine set to "L" for lights.

Ahh, thanks!  I poked around in the options settings but for some reason I overlooked the glaringly obvious controls tab.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Troubleshooter on November 15, 2017, 01:57:04 pm
I have a question about the dojo, how often will stat increases proc, and is it a set amount each day/week/month /whatever or is there some element of randomness? How long would I expect it to take to "max out" a basic hand, for example?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 15, 2017, 02:08:35 pm
I have a question about the dojo, how often will stat increases proc, and is it a set amount each day/week/month /whatever or is there some element of randomness? How long would I expect it to take to "max out" a basic hand, for example?

If you set the game to "training possible at every time" I guess it's somewhat proc-ing every 10 days. Dojo-maxing a hand takes several months to archieve and the max-out is rather 'average' than those stats of your mission-veterans.

If you set the option to: "can't change training during month" the stat-gain happens at the end of the month

Ohartenstein below knows the correct answer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 15, 2017, 02:53:28 pm
The 'training at any time' option gives the dojo a chance at stat gain every day at midnight - every unit in training gets a dice roll for every stat that's under the training cap and is trainable by the dojo.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 15, 2017, 04:02:08 pm
In that case I'm curious about the stat-cap for the luxury spa.
Does it use the same rules like the dojo or is this facility 'better' in training?

As for now it's very questionable to build this spa.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 15, 2017, 05:07:42 pm
It uses the exact same rules, but you should consult the ruleset for the caps. I'd guess they'd be the same as the dojo, since training caps are defined by soldier type.  There's also the benefit of some wound recovery and the ability to turn slave maids into super maids if you have voodoo: excess.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 16, 2017, 01:48:29 am
What techs are required to use Masters Cane? So far I can only Throw it and have no idea how use it propeties described in bootypedia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 16, 2017, 01:52:45 am
It's a voodoo (psionic) weapon, so to use it your gals have to be voodoo-trained, i.e. have a nonzero voodoo skill.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 16, 2017, 09:10:24 am
What techs are required to use Masters Cane? So far I can only Throw it and have no idea how use it properties described in bootypedia.

The cane is also depending on the users rank. Gals, Boss Gals and Mistress ranks barely profit from this item.
Also your baroness and duchess need proper voodoo training (and at best a voodoo outfit) to work as intended.
Also RNG to get a high-enough voodoo-power on those gals.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 16, 2017, 08:40:34 pm
I see. Voodoo School isn't completed yet.

BTW Human Mage durning Escape Tower mission gave me hard beating with some electric visual efffect and after taking him down he had that Masters Cane thing in his pockets.
For the first time had to do some savescumm because had no freaking idea what was going on. Fatal strikes out of nowhere are not fun :(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 16, 2017, 09:20:21 pm
I see. Voodoo School isn't completed yet.

BTW Human Mage durning Escape Tower mission gave me hard beating with some electric visual efffect and after taking him down he had that Masters Cane thing in his pockets.
For the first time had to do some savescumm because had no freaking idea what was going on. Fatal strikes out of nowhere are not fun :(

It's something like 0-210 mind-damage with a 20-80 hitchance over 30+ tiles.
You either alpha-strike a human mage /noblewoman or lose 1-2 hands for free.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 16, 2017, 10:25:17 pm
Escape Tower mission with landing strip tower and crew already on board is extreamly easy. Just pickaxe an entry and stun everyone. But the same mission with no ship and human mage on the loose... nigthmare.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 17, 2017, 02:55:14 am
Yeah there are unfortunately some instances of RNG just absolutely screwing the player, with no other option but eat the resulting loses.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 17, 2017, 03:28:33 pm
Yeah there are unfortunately some instances of RNG just absolutely screwing the player, with no other option but eat the resulting loses.

Dunno but something like counterplay to this would be great.
"Bejuwled cap" can't be the only option to 'barely' protect maybe one hand from sudden death (and that's still an 'if it does so at all')
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 18, 2017, 04:38:52 am
There will always be problems like this in games with any sort of randomization. Complete mitigation of "bad" results with multiple random factors is unreasonable to expect in an unfinished constantly iterating game. Be thankful dioxine notices community  reports and adjusts. Lots of devs don't.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 18, 2017, 11:34:52 am
That's true. Let's see about it in a few weeks.

Edit: RNG hates me and rolls as shitty as possible to give me a 0 while attempting to shot humanist activists with a super magnum.
Guess we're breaking the game to much if bonus damage gained by stats is added 'on top' of the damage result.
Kustom Handcannon for odd reasons still uses 50-150% damage rolls.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on November 20, 2017, 04:28:04 pm
Can anyone tell me if the wound recovery for units is recalculated when new facilities are built at the injured gal's base?  Are they updated when you ship a gal to a base with better medical facilities?  Or are you always stuck with the initial recovery roll from after the mission she got injured and have to wait for that timer to expire?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 20, 2017, 04:36:50 pm
The way wound recovery is calculated starts by giving each wounded gal a number of 'recovery days' immediately after a mission. Then at midnight, each base recovers 1 day baseline for each gal assigned to it, including those in transit, plus any bonus recovery days from facilities. So sending a wounded gal from a outpost without a recovery facility to a base that does will speed up the recovery.

Note that transferring doesn't change the number of recovery days the gal has left, just the number removed per each 'real' day.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on November 23, 2017, 02:38:38 pm
Greetings, it's been a while since I played this, and several new updates have been posted already. I'm starting a new game with the latest version (H2) after so long, but I found a minor problem that I haven't been able to fix yet: Where's the option to automatically select pilots for your airships and such? For some reason I can't find it. Was this option deleted with the latest update or something? Could it be an issue with a certain mod?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 23, 2017, 03:09:30 pm
The option should be in the options -> mod menu.
Otherwise it shouldn't be much of an issue to assign the soldiers by yourself.

Also the auto-assign pilots feature seems to pick your best pilots anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on November 23, 2017, 04:07:06 pm
The option should be in the options -> mod menu.
Otherwise it shouldn't be much of an issue to assign the soldiers by yourself.

Also the auto-assign pilots feature seems to pick your best pilots anyway.

I tried looking inside the Advanced menu but nothing, it seems to be nowhere to be seen. Has someone checked if perhaps it been automatically integrated this option? It would make sense why this feature disappeared then.


Nevermind, it seems it works automatically now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 24, 2017, 06:10:43 pm
Are there any tactics or strategies around Wench and Seducess outfits? First I use to smack my own Gals to train Bravery but the other... no idea. Effect isnt spectacular and no abillity to run in those suits doesnt make thing easier.

Some goes for Battle Flag. How do you use such item? Or why should I bother to carry it?

There are plenty of items which usefullness is beyound me. Maybe they dosnt fit my playstyle.

Is there any spectular combo for golden's codex admiral outfit?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 24, 2017, 06:57:04 pm
Are there any tactics or strategies around Wench and Seducess outfits? First I use to smack my own Gals to train Bravery but the other... no idea. Effect isnt spectacular and no abillity to run in those suits doesnt make thing easier.

Some goes for Battle Flag. How do you use such item? Or why should I bother to carry it?

There are plenty of items which usefullness is beyound me. Maybe they dosnt fit my playstyle.

Is there any spectular combo for golden's codex admiral outfit?

Seductress can 'stun' targets she has vision at. To use the 'seduction' ability the user needs voodoo-training (v-skill > 0)
The wench can restore lost morale and stuff while also slapping in melee with 'bad tough'.
Battle Flag restored TU to those in the area of effect and is best handled by high-bravery hands.

Admiral outfit massively boots bravery. Guns with bravery-score damage-boost are the to-go solution: Kustom Handcannon, Boarding Gun.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on November 25, 2017, 10:55:22 am
Admiral outfit doesn't give much armor and Handcannon need to bo used mid to short range.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on November 25, 2017, 11:47:22 am
Admiral outfit doesn't give much armor and Handcannon need to bo used mid to short range.


But the suit isn't for armor itself, more for the buff. As for the hand Cannon, it's pretty nice in a mansion invasion. That+admirals outfit are pretty nice!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Blood Raven 117 on December 01, 2017, 01:36:03 pm
Is there a story section in the forums?

Any tips on good mid game weapons? (I like the super shooty gun in particular)

What armor scheme does everyone use for general missions? (My answer is tactical armor and vests for Gals and weaklings, with the heavier armor types for my best gals, wiht two tactical hover suits for the nooks and crannies)

Any tips for starting mage equipment?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 01, 2017, 06:05:08 pm
Is there a story section in the forums?

Any tips on good mid game weapons? (I like the super shooty gun in particular)

What armor scheme does everyone use for general missions? (My answer is tactical armor and vests for Gals and weaklings, with the heavier armor types for my best gals, wiht two tactical hover suits for the nooks and crannies)

Any tips for starting mage equipment?

Dunno, the plot is pretty much explained in the in-game bootypedia.

It's the question of what do you want to hunt down.
Grenade launchers and spare panzerfausts are great to have in the craft at any given time. Super-shooty gun ain't my taste since it can't do snapshots and requires a brave and strong user. The custom shooty gun feels better to have in comparision for almost every situation that doesn't involve shooting one target 18 times.

'Smart-weapons' research gives you the 'smart-rifle' if you like a rifle-weapon with 50 clip and 44 piercing damage to wreck havoc.

The death-blossom smg is a heavy sidearm and have API-rounds. While doing 42 piercing damage it is able to set the ground and units on fire . Also has 2 additional ammo-types (chem rounds doing 23x6 chem damage to eat armor away while doing so with a x4 autoshot! With 'hellerium-munitions' in tier 3 you get HVAP ammo for 60 piercing damage ammunition. Only 10dmg short of a gauss pistol while having more utility. Get those!

Shotguns are lots to have, bring mammuth-chain shotguns. Does the dirty work against most opponents. Great for hunting dark ones and zombies.

You don't need too many sniper-rifles but they do work wonder in shooting 'blind' into smoked areas (either due to your own smoke-screen of fallout of explosives).
Bring your best grenades! Have plenty of healing items (either healing gel or a field surgery kit) and items to remove 'stun'-damage like a canteen or stimms.
Give everyone a handle and give the 'good' ones heavy batons or anything else that does good 'daze' damage.

For lasers, bring the lasguns you can find and heavy lasguns to pierce super-armors. Optional you can buy some 'Super Self-chargers' from the bounty-prices as an 'alternative' since the damage ain't great, it can only snap twice and aimed once so you could use it for the plasma bayonet in melee combat.

For plasma the early guns are quite 'poor' for the aim and scarce. All 'good' ones are locked and need the research 'unlock stellar empire weapons' to use and 'improve'.

Heavy suits are just awesome and can withstand most sources of piercing damage while reducing choke-damage to 101% thanks to air-filters. It's tricky to use during night missions so you better bring 'sniper-armor' for the night-vision spotting. The heavy suit can later be build into the even better 'guardian-suit' so stack those heavy green armors.
Bring 'radiator-shirts' and 'fans' (the item purchable for virtually nothing and is great for training melee) to reduce heat-damage taken in hot-environments. Same for guardian-suit later too.

As soon as you have some voodoo-skills trained bring rod of airlessness to 'choke' your victims for captures. Give a 'Master's Cane' only to hands of the rank 'baroness' or 'duchess'.
The casual stuff you can buy via black-market isn't that great to begin with and VooDoo is 'optional' to use. A good bullet to the face can get rid of the foe faster and saver than mental tricks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on December 01, 2017, 06:36:07 pm
Is it just me, or has the Public Enemy disappeared from Mellenio missions?  I've somehow gotten >5 of those missions (I'm not complaining about that part, because they are awesome) and have yet to see a Public Enemy. 

On a related note, what file is it that handles what aliens are on what missions?  I seem to think that I used to know this, but I simply can't find it.  I'm hoping to be able to answer questions like this by myself in the future.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 01, 2017, 08:55:08 pm
Is it just me, or has the Public Enemy disappeared from Mellenio missions?  I've somehow gotten >5 of those missions (I'm not complaining about that part, because they are awesome) and have yet to see a Public Enemy. 

There're two identical maps for the millenium fake-falcon. One has the the public enemy; the other one not. :3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on December 01, 2017, 09:45:58 pm
There're two identical maps for the millenium fake-falcon. One has the the public enemy; the other one not. :3
When is map determined?  After 4 of them and no PE, I played a little game where I (with save scum on) loaded back to prior to the landing and started the battle 20+ times.  Each time I simply went into debug mode and ended the turn, watching for a PE.  I never saw one.  However, the loot seemed to me to change if I auto-killed everyone, so I convinced myself that it was changing the map.  I can't swear to that last point though (it's possible that e.g. equipment on people was what was changing).

But if what you say is the cause, maybe map is determined at mission generation time?  Otherwise, that's pretty damn bad luck to fail a coin toss 20+ times in a row...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 01, 2017, 10:38:23 pm
I doubt it's a simple 50/50 between the 2 map versions. Personal experience would lead me to believe about 80/20. I've never seen more then 2-3 public enemies in  a whole run.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on December 02, 2017, 12:29:40 am
Though they use the same "falcon" map, these are two different missions.  The missions are generated at the beginning of the month, and the one you have doesn't have the PE.  In my experience this is a very Rare mission.  I've only seen it once over 4 campaigns.  The difference in loot generated in your save scumming testing is the result of random loot drops assigned to that mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on December 02, 2017, 05:10:24 am
This all sounds familiar from last time I was looking at this (when I really, really needed a gatling lascannon).  Unfortunately, I have completely forgotten where to find the missions, and more than a desire to look at them there's the desire to remember what I spent time learning.  Ivan, do you know what file they are in?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 02, 2017, 12:55:51 pm
This all sounds familiar from last time I was looking at this (when I really, really needed a gatling lascannon).

You can roll 4x gat. lascannon parts randomly in a smuggler ship. It's RNG to get the lascannon parts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on December 02, 2017, 07:40:26 pm
This all sounds familiar from last time I was looking at this (when I really, really needed a gatling lascannon).  Unfortunately, I have completely forgotten where to find the missions, and more than a desire to look at them there's the desire to remember what I spent time learning.  Ivan, do you know what file they are in?

The file that has the info is Piratez_Facdtions.rul
The standard "Falcon" with a mundane crew is STR_VESSEL_SMUGGLER.
Starting around like 33992 you can see the load out for the Milenio.  The members of the crew begin with the       - alienRank:  tags.  The       - alienRank: 0  is our PE.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 04, 2017, 04:26:20 pm
If I remember right, the Milenio is completely identical to the regular Smuggler Ship with one exception: Its top speed is slightly faster.

Oh, and that whole Public Enemy thing too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on December 04, 2017, 09:16:07 pm
How do you update to new version? Do I have to install the mod at new location and copy/paste saves or just overwrite old mod folder?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on December 04, 2017, 10:37:01 pm
How do you update to new version? Do I have to install the mod at new location and copy/paste saves or just overwrite old mod folder?

Install the mod at new location and copy/paste saves.

Clean installs like this means you get to keep the old version as backup just in case.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 04, 2017, 11:40:26 pm
of note for a "clean" install you will need to copy your old config file to the new location, or your settings will not be preserved.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on December 05, 2017, 12:31:44 am
Every single time, my beginning move is to sell the corridor and some piles of junk to afford third brainer.

Anybody does things differently?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 05, 2017, 06:14:35 pm
I build barracks and a second extractor.
The third brainer comes later, rather going to add more runts to create x-grog faster.
Might have to reconsider this strat now that x-grog gives less ransom.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on December 06, 2017, 09:45:38 am
I am deep into the late game, but still have trouble shooting down silver tower for SG Coordinator with 3 4x avalanche devastators + tanking dragon. And I only saw 2 or 3 of them in a ~150 hours campaign anyway, so not like I have a chance to try again. I downed several SG cruisers and even battleships, but no there were no coordinators on them, alive at least.

So on which ships or missions does the Public Enemy spawn? I read they spawn on a "larger smuggler ship", I assume it's the round one with a ramp? If so, I have been going after them for entire campaign, and probably have over 50 assaults of that craft, and never ever had one spawn. Any other ways to get the SG code or any of those two as prisoners?

EDIT: no SG bases too, I only had academy bases for entire campaign.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on December 06, 2017, 02:37:13 pm
To my knowledge, SGs, like reticulans and bandits, never build a base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on December 06, 2017, 03:44:03 pm
The Millenio Falcon is a smuggler ship that can carry the PE.  It is a random mission, so RNGesus has not been with you.  The SG coordinator is found on Silver Towers and Battleships iirc.  The Silver Tower requires a dedicated attack craft to down its shields before the damage dealers can really take it out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 06, 2017, 05:08:02 pm
The Silver Tower requires a dedicated attack craft to down its shields before the damage dealers can really take it out.
Dragon with 4x tesla coil :3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on December 06, 2017, 06:57:32 pm
To my knowledge, SGs, like reticulans and bandits, never build a base.

I did have a campaign some time ago, where the first base spawned, iirc was a stargod base, and the second was merc base.  I don't know if Dioxine has changed the mission tables since then to deny StarGods their random chance at a base on the backwater.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 06, 2017, 07:14:13 pm
I did have a campaign some time ago, where the first base spawned, iirc was a stargod base, and the second was merc base.  I don't know if Dioxine has changed the mission tables since then to deny StarGods their random chance at a base on the backwater.

I did not, too much hassle.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ElGrillo on December 07, 2017, 06:58:46 am
How do I equip the integrity field? (or any other shadowtech)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 07, 2017, 09:05:41 am
the go into STC slots on the craft equip screen. Only the menace class and earlier game craft like the purple turtle, and other codex limited craft can use them at present. Check the bootypedia for specifics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on December 12, 2017, 03:40:23 pm
What is better, mammoth shotgun or arena flakk cannon or is there even better early midgame pellet thrower I am overlooking?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 12, 2017, 05:20:46 pm
What is better, mammoth shotgun or arena flakk cannon or is there even better early midgame pellet thrower I am overlooking?

Mammoth Chain Shotgun has the feature of damaging armor while sporting a higher rate of fire (up to 3 autoshots for 15x25 damage shots, 4x snapshot) and better accuracy in almost all firemodes with 50% less long-range penalty.

The arena flak cannon on the other hand can roll higher damage results (38x10 tho, so you can roll a 76 on each pellet in comparision to max 50 for the other one).
The arena flak cannon does more damage in tradeoff for less accuracy. It's meant for the real-close encounter for point-blank buckshots. (1 tile space to avoid close-combat-checks)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 15, 2017, 05:55:41 pm
So the Academy tried to find my base in the first couple of months as usual, but they never found it and I lacked the capability to shoot them down at the time.  They have not tried again since.

And so one year in, I'm still without any hideout search orders and thus no way of getting to Dr. X and her database.  Am I screwed?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on December 15, 2017, 09:41:30 pm
I think ambulances will keep searching for your hideouts untill you research the database.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 16, 2017, 01:31:02 am
I suppose it's all just RNG and everything can't be fit into the first year.  Sectoids have been awfully rare too, and I haven't seen any mercenaries and imperial probes.  Here's hoping that year 2 picks up, but I'm gonna call shenanigans if ambulances still don't show up by year's end.

Another question: How do I get Biz Wiz?  Actually, is he even implemented yet?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on December 16, 2017, 01:54:25 am
I had a similar case.  After missing the first few ambulances, they didn't show up again until mid 2602.  As for Wiz Biz, I think you need to do Red Mage's Tedious Research.  They have the first three rewards implemented so far.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 16, 2017, 04:00:14 am
One more.  What's the best way to capture an ethereal?  I mean there has to be a better way than savescumming with cattle prods.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on December 16, 2017, 12:04:12 pm
I think small launchers work. They are difficult to hit in melee, not so much with guns.

For guardians, just shoot them, they are tough enough to survive most guns and merely be stunned and do not bleed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on December 16, 2017, 01:48:42 pm
One more.  What's the best way to capture an ethereal?

Lucky Star. Its damage is just that good.

That aside, we can take a look at your standard ethereal commander resistances (worst case):

0% choking: knockout grenades are no-go;
40% charm: bad touch requires melee, seduction will fail, and wand of peace is not strong enough;
50% daze: obviously, handles don't work that well, but there are plenty of other daze sources, like stun bombs, which will work well enough vs. ethereals. You'll need more than one though;
50% mind: very few sources of mind stun damage (namely, only lucky star and mental whip), but they both will work to some degree since they ignore armor;
70% electric: don't hit them with prods, use lassos instead;
100% bio: there's only one weapon IIRC that stuns with bio damage, that'd be impaler, but if you have it, it'll be even better than lucky star.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 20, 2017, 11:34:42 am
What's a good and convenient cutting melee weapon for killing stunned units as well as cutting up enemies in general?  I thought the ghost dagger was it, but it does mind damage so I'm not sure I can use it to instakill stunned units.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on December 20, 2017, 05:13:54 pm
Any weapon that does cutting damage should allow for a Coup de Grace (killing of a stunned enemy held in one hand with the melee weapon in the other).  Even a shiv works well.  Its 1x1, very fast (trains reactions), pretty accurate and great for melee training in general.  All my gals carry one.  As for guaranteed insta-kills with a cutting weapon?  The answer is, it varies.  Barbed dagger is nice for Strong Gals.  Axe, Saber, Tech Blade all good too.  Your results also depend on the enemy, their armor, resistances, and difficulty to hit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 20, 2017, 06:06:05 pm
So the ghost dagger can't do coup de graces?  Then I guess I better start carrying shivs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on December 21, 2017, 03:57:28 pm
Soo, what's the easiest and fastest way to acquire Rare Earth elements? I'm at the starting months and I just noticed that the Pirate suits got a small buff at the expense of requiring said rare item, which I can't get right now.

Also, what's the difference between the Blackhat and the Pirate suit in your opinion? I would say they're more or less the same but the latter works slightly better for melee.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on December 21, 2017, 06:29:51 pm
Cavern Hunts are the way to go for easy Rare Earth Elements. Go for [Our Culture] > [Survival] > [Animal Skinning] > [Cavern Hunting]. Make torches and javelins along the way once you research Survival so you can start cave hunting as soon as you get the tech.
If you want to spend money to get the REEs right away, just research [Visit Nearby Town] > [Call a Meeting] > [Our Culture] and hold on to one of your Rare Earth Elements. Once you reach Our Culture, research the Rare Earth Element so you can start buying them from the shop.

As for the differences between the Blackhat and Pirate outfit, I tend to go for the pirate suit for my high melee girls so they can get to bashing and capturing people for research. I use the Blackhat as my go to for everyday needs, since it gives a boost to many stats. And after that, I go for the rogue on High Bravery gals when I go on night missions, since it makes my gals just a bit harder to see for the AI.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 25, 2017, 03:43:05 am
I think the vibro blade has finally solved all my cutting problems.  It slices, it dices, it coup de graces, it's small enough for infiltrations (1x2), and it's usable underwater and in space.

But now I have a new problem: How do you deal with those seemingly unbreakable metal walls in the Bank Robbery and Raynerd missions?  Or are they really indestructible and alternate ways of getting inside are in fact the only ways?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on December 25, 2017, 04:20:22 am
With some proper digging equipment, those metal walls can be destroyed.

Fusion torches are the acetylene welders in the Piratez world and can be used to cut through those walls. Mining lasers are just about powerful enough to work as well. If you want a giggle as well, try a nuclear demo charge or even a mininuke.

There are probably other methods as well and they'll all work against UFO hulls too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 25, 2017, 09:31:15 am
If you have a max Str gal and are willing to spend awhile hammers can break through both with good rolls thanks to the terrain dmg modifers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 26, 2017, 05:33:38 pm
Even more likely so if you give the gal a +strength armor or/and employ a Freak. Also, of course, high explosive and dynamite work on most walls due to their own terrain demolition modifiers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on December 29, 2017, 06:41:35 am
Can anyone post some screenshots of their base placement around the globe?  I can never quite figure out how to cover all the major land masses.  I usually end up with gaps around northern Africa and a few in Europe/Asia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 29, 2017, 11:34:21 am
My setup covers the most important regions for a decent coverage using hyperwave-decoders in every hideout.

Islands like hawaii can be target of interest for enemy bases. If you have almost all landmasses scanned at a 30min interval, you can't miss any movement across the globe.
Speaking of hawaii, my second enemy base was a mercenary base right on top of hawaii. Guess they needed a cozy holiday place instead of the cold and dry surface of mars.

The locations can vary considering where your first base is located. I prefer to start in europe (germany) and place the second base in north-america. This way I can ship around most areas with hot-environment. 3rd is usually russia/asia and 4th australia. 5th is south america, 6th for africa (the whole continent using the hyperwave decoder to it's fullest potencial) and the last 2 go to the poles.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on December 29, 2017, 04:25:11 pm
That's almost exactly the same coverage I have on my map.  I guess I'll have to live with those gaps.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 29, 2017, 04:36:26 pm
You can always patch the gaps with Zeppelins.  :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 29, 2017, 04:54:27 pm
Would that zeppelins where a investment worth the price in hanger space, and the gals to pilot them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 29, 2017, 05:05:59 pm
You can always patch the gaps with Zeppelins.  :P

I could but I rather have more money-production rather than spending 2-3 hangars + maintance + salavary for pilots to have only a contact-message telling me something is moving around there while the hyperwave just tells me the exact destination, class and race to be dealt with so I can tail the ship with fighters and send a well-equipped dropship to capture them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on December 29, 2017, 05:40:37 pm
I once considered Zeppelins as a training platform and put one at my training base.  Shipped a bunch of slaves over there, crewed them up, and launched them out and had them study correspondence courses in Voodoo and Dojo.  It felt like a cheap way to cover a gap in Africa where there was an enemy base, and a way to put the trainees to some use during their long term (many months) of training.  I can't really say if it pays off.  I stopped the campaign for upgrade before the point I ever brought them back to put into mission cycles.  I did have some strong voodoo guys turn up there, but was it worth the economic tradeoff? not sure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 29, 2017, 06:05:00 pm
It's the large number of pilots that really make the zeppelin an issue to use while your building up/expanding in the mid game when the extra coverage would actually do something. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on December 29, 2017, 08:12:51 pm
So, I can say I'm satisfied with the Shepherd's Staff, one of the new weapons. It's like the Stun Rod but less bulky, easier to use and actually misses way less, making it perfect for newbie gals, especially those with low Strength to avoid accidentally killing your target.

The Great Club seems to be the Concussive version of the Great Sword and the Great Axe, but I never used these weapons much, so I dunno their value.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 29, 2017, 10:15:19 pm
Concussive is actually pretty good on a melee weapon. there is generally more cutting then concussive resist on most foes, Spartans and mercs being the notable exceptions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 30, 2017, 04:07:02 pm
Excluding the fusion balls (which are very late game tech), which missile slot weapon is the best 1. for general use and 2. for taking down battleships and maybe silver towers also?

Also, what are these viper fighters?  They seem like another chance at the implosion bomb launcher if the bombers aren't being nice with their loot drops, but I have no idea when they'd show up or if I need to do something first to get them to show up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 30, 2017, 05:19:42 pm
Excluding the fusion balls (which are very late game tech), which missile slot weapon is the best 1. for general use and 2. for taking down battleships and maybe silver towers also?

For general use, the meteor-rocket launcher is the missle you've been looking for.
All you need is to buy them, thus less micro-management to maintain an endless supply of rockets for your sabre-fighters. They have 1,5x damage boost against shields but still do wonders in dealing raw damage with precision! Those rockets barely ever miss thier mark, where stuff like the hamerite can miss.

To fight silver-towers (if you ever need to do that) you need one tank-ship to soak up the high-dps of the vessel and a bunch of tesla-coils (lw-slot, thus giving the baracuda-fighter an extreme useful purpose to field 4x tesla-coil) to punch down the fast-regerating shield and do hull-damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on December 30, 2017, 09:54:09 pm
What do you use for a tanking ship?  I remember trying to use a CRAB before and even if it managed to catch up to the bomber I was trying to shoot down at the time, the bomber kept outrunning the crab and started shooting at the other ships I had launching Avalanches.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on December 30, 2017, 11:02:37 pm
Would be nice to see a mobile version of Hyperwave decoder to attach to zeppelins.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2017, 11:22:04 pm
Would be nice to see a mobile version of Hyperwave decoder to attach to zeppelins.

Lol, I actually like that :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AngelicJoker on December 30, 2017, 11:52:41 pm
Would be nice to see a mobile version of Hyperwave decoder to attach to zeppelins.

Lol, I actually like that :)


Yes please!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 31, 2017, 01:24:14 am
For general use, the meteor-rocket launcher is the missle you've been looking for.
All you need is to buy them, thus less micro-management to maintain an endless supply of rockets for your sabre-fighters. They have 1,5x damage boost against shields but still do wonders in dealing raw damage with precision! Those rockets barely ever miss thier mark, where stuff like the hamerite can miss.

So basically, researching craft missiles is a waste of time.  Good thing only my secondary base was doing that while my main one with the Old Earth Lab was busy with more important research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on December 31, 2017, 08:42:46 am
Only if RNG has blessed you with the opportunity to unlock meteor missiles.

Otherwise, your interception fights are going to look pretty ugly without proper missiles (unless you're doing some sort of Hawk/Crab/Swordfish build and are willing to play with slower interceptors).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 31, 2017, 12:16:49 pm
What do you use for a tanking ship?  I remember trying to use a CRAB before and even if it managed to catch up to the bomber I was trying to shoot down at the time, the bomber kept outrunning the crab and started shooting at the other ships I had launching Avalanches.

Yeah, big ass bombers and silver towers are too damn fast to proper tail and fight with the tank-class ships.

That's why the gravity-beam was invented. To slow those fuckers down so they can't outrun again. It's only a matter of quantity this late in the game.
Missles do big damage but the limited payload can be outshined by the damage potencial of heavy-weapons or the best light-weapons (plasma spitters and/or craft lascannons).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: suicicoo on December 31, 2017, 03:03:54 pm
can you tell me, what needs to be done to use the gauss weapons(pistol etc.)?
the bootypedia-entry says, they are protected by unbreakable encryption :/
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on December 31, 2017, 03:38:18 pm
You need to research "unlocking gauss weapons", which is late game tech that needs computer core.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: suicicoo on December 31, 2017, 04:08:27 pm
ah, thanks, so i'm not missing anything :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: suicicoo on January 01, 2018, 02:26:17 pm
can somebody point me to details regarding the dojo-training?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 01, 2018, 04:43:03 pm
can somebody point me to details regarding the dojo-training?

The dojo rolls a chance to train stats every day a hand is queued up for training (the dojo cannot train stats higher than the stated maximum).
Over a certain ammount of time the dojo can dojo-max out everyone set up inside the facility.
You can still use dojo-units as usual (and if you set the option for 'training while wounded') even wounded hands can still be trained.

The dojo cannot train someone above the maximum stat-score hardcoded by it's type. (e. g. a "Lokk'nar" can never have more than 30 strength, unless rolled lucky during battle-scape)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on January 01, 2018, 06:42:38 pm
The dojo cannot train someone above the maximum stat-score hardcoded by it's type. (e. g. a "Lokk'nar" can never have more than 30 strength, unless rolled lucky during battle-scape)
Can you point to where in the mod files the stat limits are coded?  I was looking at the wiki the other day at soldier types and having a hard time understanding their notation.  I'm still trying to understand what role Freaks play.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 01, 2018, 06:45:48 pm
Freaks can field incredible high voodoo strength if rolled lucky.
V.Skill is still limited to 40.

Freaks also have more strength, increasing their use as melee brawlers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 01, 2018, 08:04:18 pm
Does each Freak has the same max stat cap? Or each Freak is uniqe and can roll random max stat?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 02, 2018, 11:36:21 am
Does each Freak has the same max stat cap? Or each Freak is uniqe and can roll random max stat?

Max stat caps are the same for all Freaks, but sometimes their initial stat can be higher than their theoretical cap, making them forever superubers (but no further advancement is possible).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 03, 2018, 04:27:02 am
Is there really no other way to get synthmuscle mesh?  There's no way to buy or make it, and you just have to keep fighting megapol and mercenaries for it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 03, 2018, 02:13:31 pm
Is there really no other way to get synthmuscle mesh?  There's no way to buy or make it, and you just have to keep fighting megapol and mercenaries for it?

There is no other way currently.

We got the gift of having megapol goons willingly handing over thier skins where mercs are far more tougher to deal with.
Those flying pigs and monkeys are free synthmuscle mesh once you've some decent piercing protection and ways of stunning them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 03, 2018, 03:04:51 pm
Any hints how to upgrade from C thropies to B?

I don't fully understand upgrade description at C level page.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 03, 2018, 04:23:59 pm
Apart from needing 400 tokens each from your current customers as well as Persuasion and Camouflage, you also need to find another bounty customer.  Let's just say that they're somewhere on the magical path of Voodoo.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 03, 2018, 10:34:13 pm
So for me the case is about "another bounty customer". Thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 05, 2018, 01:01:25 am
Cydonia's not the same thing as 0-G, right?  Which is how a few armors (now helpfully labeled as exosuits) can be used on Mars but not in 0-G.  But what about items?  Are they all usable on Cydonia?  I can't bring my rum to 0-G, but can I at least take it to Mars?

Edit: I got more.  Is it right that sectopods (both the enemy and the HWP you can use) take normal mind damage?  I mean at least that lets me wreck them in short order with ghost daggers, but that also means I'm better off using a hovertank to distract the white-robed ethereals since it's immune to mind damage.

Is it also right that it takes so long to make a tome of lightning?  It takes like forever compared to the manufacturing times of all the other magic artifacts.

And finally, do nano-surgery devices actually get consumed when you use them?  I've noticed that, even after constant use, my stockpile of them has not decreased at all unlike the lesser medkits when I used those.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 07, 2018, 11:55:54 am
And finally, do nano-surgery devices actually get consumed when you use them?  I've noticed that, even after constant use, my stockpile of them has not decreased at all unlike the lesser medkits when I used those.

As far as I know Field-Surgery-Kit and Nano-Surgery-Kits will not be consumed and instead resupplied at end of combat.
Medikit, Adv. Medikit and other small consumables are gone once 1 sample is used.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vortex on January 07, 2018, 03:33:50 pm
Hello All,

I am wondering how to recruit a Pilot ? I am in oct 2601 and I have bought one of the ship but no one seems to be capable of piloting it.

Is this a research ?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 07, 2018, 04:55:10 pm
Hello All,

I am wondering how to recruit a Pilot ? I am in oct 2601 and I have bought one of the ship but no one seems to be capable of piloting it.

Is this a research ?


In the hangar screen there's the button "Pilots"
You must assign soldiers to the craft first before you can assign a "Pilot" to the seat.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vortex on January 07, 2018, 05:24:46 pm
Thanks Ethereal_Medic!
I tried without setting crews, and so did not found a way to add a pilot.
Time for some flying.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on January 08, 2018, 01:00:31 pm
Thoughts upon meeting Reaper Cavalry for the first time:

1. Oh, a new terrain type. Zombies in a not-terror mission then?
4. Wait, Molotovs work against them too? They're so hax.
5. Can I capture them? Oh wait, I can.

Too bad it seems that researching them will take a while, and the dudes are large enough to occupy lots of space.
Currently I'm getting closer to August when I first stopped playing, I rushed my Workshop and it was worth it, I'll plan to expand another base once I unlock Still building to make my first money-producing base. That being said:

- Are Courtesans worth it? It seems they cost a lot of physical space that could better be used by Runts/Hands/Nerds, unless I discover how to build Large Barracks (haven't do so yet).

- What's the easiest way to acquire animal poison besides Monster missions? Can it be bought? I'm planning to wait until I develop flying armors, but I need access to Damaged Grav Units and I dunno if these can be bought too.

- Are Hallucinogen Grenades worth buying from the Smugglers? They cost a lot and I'm not exactly sure what they do besides Choking damage.

- Is it possible to buy Medical Supplies? I believe I already asked this question, but I forgot the answer and perhaps the situation changed with the newest build. I need theem to produce Nurse Outfits, Field Surgery Kits, Sickbays for extra researching and the like.

- Lastly, what should be the first "serious" airship for me to acquire? I'm hunting for Drifters to unlock the Shadowmasters research in order to acquire the advanced ships from my Grey Codex, but I noticed that getting the Pigeon is also an alternative, if I bothered to pay for the Chemical spenditure (although it seems to be thought for mid-game, seeing that I still have to unlock the Skyranger anyway even though the text mentions it).

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 08, 2018, 02:04:54 pm
Q:Are Courtesans worth it? It seems they cost a lot of physical space that could better be used by Runts/Hands/Nerds, unless I discover how to build Large Barracks (haven't do so yet).

The courtesan takes space in your vaults not in your barracks. Early on the income is good to have around but you're better with enslaving them for maids.

Q: What's the easiest way to acquire animal poison besides Monster missions? Can it be bought? I'm planning to wait until I develop flying armors, but I need access to Damaged Grav Units and I dunno if these can be bought too.

Better go hunting and fight spiders, the same way you can get 'spider silk' needed for voodoo-outfits.
Animal poison cannot be bought at any stage in the game.
You can buy damaged grav units later in the game.

Q: Are Hallucinogen Grenades worth buying from the Smugglers?

These are barely worth the price and only useful against foes with low healthpools and no chocking resistance. You better stick to basic smoke grenades to use for yourself.

Q: Is it possible to buy Medical Supplies?

You need the mutant alliance favours price and some other research to unlock the option to buy/produce those.

Q: Airship?

Fortuna or any of the codex-locked ships (Jelly-fish is great and shadowbat is like a fortress you can use for sneaky potshots while avoiding line of sight.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 08, 2018, 06:18:42 pm
- What's the easiest way to acquire animal poison besides Monster missions?

You can get someas random loot by doing the blood rituals mission. Some captives can tell you about it, which is enough for your research need early on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 08, 2018, 08:20:15 pm
Is there easy way to get hypno panels? Had enough luck to stockpile 10 for Voodo School but have no luck finding extra 10 for Summoning Circle.

I could buy Human Mages and rob them but maybe there is another way...

PS Is it ok that Tamed Werewolfs got 10 Melee attack power?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on January 08, 2018, 08:44:03 pm
I think high-end enemy vessels have some. Try raiding cruisers.

Re: werewolves: they actually have 120 power, don't worry. 10 is shown because bootypedia doesn't account for strengthApplied.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 08, 2018, 09:22:06 pm
Try shooting down terror ships. Menace class can take it on by itself and win if catches up with it and you get a lot of points for shooting it down.

Raiding cruisers is also a good option as the fight is easy due to cruiser’s poor layout and few enemies spawning outside. If crewed by academy, it can be done even in early game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on January 08, 2018, 11:08:41 pm
Q:Are Courtesans worth it? It seems they cost a lot of physical space that could better be used by Runts/Hands/Nerds, unless I discover how to build Large Barracks (haven't do so yet).

The courtesan takes space in your vaults not in your barracks...

I see. Thanks for the info! It seems I better start writing down all of the info so far for this game, since there are tons of tips.  :)

Also, for cheap ships, which one would be arguably better: The Skyranger or the Pigeon?
What is your recommendation for cheap fighters then? I think the Hunter-Killer that can be cobbled together is the earliest example to replace my Aircar, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, any tips for playing monster-hunt missions besides carrying jetpacks for everyone?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: VandalVahn on January 09, 2018, 12:28:46 am
Hi all, just started my first baby Capt'n Kid play through a few days ago, having a blast, this mod is amazing. I was just wondering, I've basically moved all production out of my original base, but when i try to demolish my original extractor or still to make room for tech structures, I get an alert that they are currently in use, even though the other structures remain linked to the elevator and there are literally no runts in the base, lol. Am I not allowed to demolish them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on January 09, 2018, 01:46:36 am
I see. Thanks for the info! It seems I better start writing down all of the info so far for this game, since there are tons of tips.  :)

Also, for cheap ships, which one would be arguably better: The Skyranger or the Pigeon?
What is your recommendation for cheap fighters then? I think the Hunter-Killer that can be cobbled together is the earliest example to replace my Aircar, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, any tips for playing monster-hunt missions besides carrying jetpacks for everyone?
Yep, I have lots of notes I glean from others stored in OneNote.

I'd skip Skyranger and Pigeon.  Go with a codex vessel. Shadow Bat or Jellyfish.  Even Turtle.

HKs are good, but Jetbikes are great too.  Early on, all you will probably want to target is Green Civies and Blue Megapol.  Anything else can bring you a crackdown that you may not want.   So early airgame is just going after soft targets, and doesn't need much elaborate.  25mm or 50mm cannon are usually fine.  I often use an Aircar with 25mm for civies until midgame.

Hi all, just started my first baby Capt'n Kid play through a few days ago, having a blast, this mod is amazing. I was just wondering, I've basically moved all production out of my original base, but when i try to demolish my original extractor or still to make room for tech structures, I get an alert that they are currently in use, even though the other structures remain linked to the elevator and there are literally no runts in the base, lol. Am I not allowed to demolish them?

They might have some storage space.  You may need to sell some loots or buy some workers to get more space.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on January 09, 2018, 06:15:04 am
You can't demolish a building if it is required for another building still in your base.  The Still requires the Extractor so you would have to destroy the Still first, and there are several buildings that require the Still that may be preventing its destruction.  For example, the Mess Hall or Study Room.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 09, 2018, 09:59:04 am
I see. Thanks for the info! It seems I better start writing down all of the info so far for this game, since there are tons of tips.  :)

Also, for cheap ships, which one would be arguably better: The Skyranger or the Pigeon?
What is your recommendation for cheap fighters then? I think the Hunter-Killer that can be cobbled together is the earliest example to replace my Aircar, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, any tips for playing monster-hunt missions besides carrying jetpacks for everyone?

Skyranger and Pigeon are too slow and very unfriendly for deployment. Just like the vanilla skyranger you only have this open ramp and no other way to get out of your flying coffin.
Pigeon might have more doors but it's still a very slow craft and missions might just vanish before you can reach those.
I recommend you to not sell your Airbus. You will need it for the x-prison mission. Alternative is the airvan but this one can only hold 5 hands.

The hunter-killer is great for the early air-game and can hold 2x light-weapons (e.g. 10mm cannons) and 2x missles (e.g. seagull missles).
You have to fuel it with Hellerium and early on craft ammo is very scarce. I recommend to aim for reticulians and get a 'plasma charger parts' Once you have enough pieces you can craft a light weapon with 'unlimited' ammo, decent damage and mediocre aim. Don't fight reticulian during the night. (Reticulians are the vanilla Sextoids)

A grav pack is incredible broken on monster hunts since you can dodge all melee-attacks and shot from above. Without grav. packs you need a ship with more than one floor. This way you can shot from the roof and pump intruders full with leed (shotguns do wonder against monsters). If you play on the highest difficult, you've to kill up to 50! enemies. Bring enough ammo.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 09, 2018, 01:52:05 pm
A grav pack is incredible broken on monster hunts since you can dodge all melee-attacks and shot from above. Without grav. packs you need a ship with more than one floor. This way you can shot from the roof and pump intruders full with leed (shotguns do wonder against monsters). If you play on the highest difficult, you've to kill up to 50! enemies. Bring enough ammo.

The problem is that in current state of the game there is no other way to survive early hunt missions without flying. Even chainmails from Red Codex doesn't give enough protection. Maybe monsters should have some sort of leap/range attack but alongside their melee power should be toned down.

For now if I don't have flying armors I dont even bother with hunt missions. Part of it goes also for Blood Rituals, but with some planning early Spear weapon is enough to handle werewolfs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 09, 2018, 02:04:59 pm
Melee is one of the most reliable and powerful source of damage in the game. A werewolf can even hurt/kill a hand in advanced armor. You have to avoid melee brawls with any kind of opposition. You don't get any reaction-shots against a melee-attack (even witch a melee-weapon equipped) and the opposition will blow all of his TU's until they kill your soldier or run out of TU's and you can't do anything about this other than having luck with low damage rolls or a miss/dodge.

Take the shadow-bat for example:
You have 2 ladders on this craft to climb onto the wings. Those wings offer a perfect platform to shoot monsters.
The craft can only be entered by the stairs in the middle of the craft. You can simply line up 2-3 of your soldiers with shotguns around the top of the stairs and let them take reaction-shots onto any opposition storming the craft.
The shadowbat offers 9 hands to operate the craft so you have at least 6 soldiers firing from the wings onto all those free kills.

The "snake" is also a possible solution until you can build the fortuna but the snake as only 6 soldier slots. BUT! You can block the entrance to the 2nd floor by positioning a hand right on top of the lift. This denies all melee-opposition to ascend upwards thus saving your life. 5 Hands on the roof can shot at a near 360° angle onto everything approaching you.

The jellyfish can only be entered by the four elevators. You can body-block all lifts and just descend and shot around during your turn and ascend quickly back into the craft before ending the turn. The jellyfish has 7 soldier slots but 1 Hand is hooked into the 'arcane gun turret' for the whole fight and 2 out of 7 hands have to swap places with those blocking the lifts or remain idle.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on January 09, 2018, 03:36:16 pm
Also: I never pass a blood ritual.  They have a loot pool that is drooliscious and you always end up with something good. 
Early on: Fire and Shotguns do wonders on the beasts!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 09, 2018, 03:40:54 pm
Also: I never pass a blood ritual.  They have a loot pool that is drooliscious and you always end up with something good. 
Early on: Fire and Shotguns do wonders on the beasts!

Don't forget that we can finally tame werewolves to fight for our course now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on January 09, 2018, 04:24:29 pm
Yeah, I love those beasties.  Great melee.  Decent health pool.  Regens hitpoints.  I often use them to lock down an enemy craft's door while the rest of the assaults get in place. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 09, 2018, 04:57:12 pm
Werewolves also excel at night thanks to their night vision and camo, and they also have spotting ability so you can see those camo'd and invisible enemies better.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 09, 2018, 05:48:25 pm
Sadly I updated post butchering so I can't have 6 werewolves now :(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: VandalVahn on January 09, 2018, 10:49:25 pm
Ohhhhh, the mess hall requires a still on base does it? That explains it, i looked at building description and yeah thats what it says (face palm). Dang, guess those buildings aren't going anywhere. Thanks for letting me know guys. Another question, I'm confused on how to unlock the Mutant Alliance tech, i have 3,175 tokens up now but all i get in the trophies section are weapons and mutant martial arts. Do I need to hit a hard limit before mutant alliance is available, and the same with bank favors and authorized dealers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: VandalVahn on January 09, 2018, 10:58:52 pm
And I guess, are Reticulans common at all at say Jul 26 2602? Ive caught one landed Rec ship and loved the tech I got from it but i need another for rec plasma weapons, and generally the Rec tech tree.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 09, 2018, 11:28:47 pm
If one reticulian ship is flying around and trading there WILL be more to fly around.
The final tech for reticulians is the imperial probe mission "Reticulian Bunker" for the chance to capture an elder and some more mechtoids.

The mess hall needs a still. That's why your starting hideout has a neat advantage with a still up and running from day 1.
I recommend to look into the bootypedia (ingame) and check the customer for the mutant alliance.

Around the prices you can see something like A1 A2 A3 A4 and so on.
You have to optain Price A1 to get Price A2.
This is true for every customer. You can't skip prices and there's no other technological bottle-neck to unlock prices other than upgraiding the license.
Just pay your tokens wisely to get the tech you want.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: VandalVahn on January 10, 2018, 12:52:40 am
So, would I have to purchase with tokens every prize thats available to me before the other stuff becomes available, or is it just a matter of running enough missions for a certain customer? Still a bit unclear about that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 10, 2018, 01:25:07 am
potential bounty prizes can be chained in a series: A1>A2>A3, B1>B2>B3, ect. You must buy and research each step in the chain in order. Letter refers to the bounty hunter level that is a prerequisite for a given prize.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 10, 2018, 01:27:31 am
In short, get Mutant Martial Arts so you can then get Alliance Favors to unlock the Mutant Alliance tech.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 10, 2018, 03:51:35 pm
Skyranger and Pigeon are too slow and very unfriendly for deployment. Just like the vanilla skyranger you only have this open ramp and no other way to get out of your flying coffin.
Pigeon might have more doors but it's still a very slow craft and missions might just vanish before you can reach those.
I recommend you to not sell your Airbus. You will need it for the x-prison mission. Alternative is the airvan but this one can only hold 5 hands.

All true except for one thing: in Piratez, missions do not disappear when targeted by a craft (same as vanilla). Except landed craft, of course.

Still, I don't use these planes anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 10, 2018, 04:04:51 pm
Even with this little gimmick (I wasn't aware of) I don't like the layout of these crafts. No automatic doors, an open TU-consuming ramp and no space inside to shuffle your troops. The skyranger can be handy as a troop-transporter to assault an enemy hideout but the 'craft' Expedition offers more soldier slots and HWP slots. It just takes a bit longer to get to your target and back to base but no need to hurry if the enemy hideout never vanishes anyway without your interference.

With an expedition I brought all my raw force and specialists to assault the very first academy hideout of my campaign. Months later I swapped to the thunderhorse to attack the mercenaries on hawaii.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 10, 2018, 04:22:30 pm
Oh, I absolutely agree; any Codex transport is better. And I am not convinced the radar is worth it, at least on a transport.

I would only use these planes if I couldn't access any Codex craft, and I don't think it could realistically happen at the stage when you might consider the Skyranger.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 10, 2018, 05:22:23 pm
With the skyranger locked behind a bounty token price the priority can only drop further below.
For giggles you can load it full with slave soldiers in G.I. suits and push your luck :3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 10, 2018, 05:58:11 pm
Ethereal_Medic: Here is my save. Just before second attempt to Reticulan Bunker mission (At first try, my goal was to kidnap the elder).

I always enjoy beginning of the game. Later on there is an sudden overflow of new stuff and I become confused . I just stick to tested configurations/tactics and probably loosing much firepower (and fun from experiencing new options) this way. Still, I never got that far with this mod.

Training soldiers wasn't an issue at the beginning becasue it was major part of the game. Now, with few bases, a lot of techs and management it is annoying for me to train soldiers one by one and track their progress. Because of it I would like to modify my game and allow Dojo/Luxury Spa to train soldiers at their max cap. Any idea how to do it? Or maybe there is already a mod for this?

Can anyone explain to my what each column at Vodoo School does mean?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 10, 2018, 09:06:51 pm
I recommend to have some soldiers in your second and third base at any given time.
Without protection even a ratman raid can wipe out the whole base.

You can swap out all those vaults with large vaults to store even more goodies.
Not much too add, you look suited for almost any opposition and mission at this point in the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 10, 2018, 10:48:39 pm
I keep Mutated and Tamed Reapers and for defense. Or base defence mission will not tigger if there is no regular hand?

For my storage base I have planned to upgrade all Vaults to those with guns to destroy incoming ships. But maybe I will better stick to your advise :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 10, 2018, 11:01:31 pm
I keep Mutated and Tamed Reapers and for defense. Or base defence mission will not tigger if there is no regular hand?

For my storage base I have planned to upgrade all Vaults to those with guns to destroy incoming ships. But maybe I will better stick to your advise :)

You can also go with armored vaults instead.
Didn't checked for reapers and werewolves in those bases. Good choice. Yes the bases are save even with only those kind of units.
No real soldier needed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 11, 2018, 02:33:47 am
in Piratez, missions do not disappear when targeted by a craft (same as vanilla). Except landed craft, of course.

I think the Aircar Race mission is the only exception to that.  Though I never saw it happen in-game, I think I saw it with a function in the .rul files that would make it despawn even if a craft was headed towards it.

Also, nobody ever answered my Cydonia question so I'm just gonna assume that all items are allowed there.  The only restricted choice there is probably just in regards to armor.

New question, though: What's the purpose of the Zubrin?  Is it just in case you didn't feel like waiting for 250 fuel capsules and think you can take on all those mercs and ethereals with only 8 people?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 11, 2018, 09:05:10 am
Also, nobody ever answered my Cydonia question so I'm just gonna assume that all items are allowed there.  The only restricted choice there is probably just in regards to armor.

New question, though: What's the purpose of the Zubrin?  Is it just in case you didn't feel like waiting for 250 fuel capsules and think you can take on all those mercs and ethereals with only 8 people?

I recommend to use the 'Quick Battle' simulator to check out what works and what not. That's the fastest way as far as I know.
The Zubrin can't attack Cydonia, only the Conquerer can do this (since only for this craft the "Cydonia" button appears in geoscape). This new craft is an alternative for the Pachyderm. It's just another space-worthy craft if you have no bigger ship (e.g. the Fortuna).

The Zubrin can be a bit tricky since you have only the lifts to leave/enter this drop-pod.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 11, 2018, 09:26:47 am
That's strange.  With the research requiring all the Cydonia codes, you'd think the Zubrin was Cydonia-worthy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on January 11, 2018, 09:40:19 am
What are you talking about, Zubrin is Cydonia-worthy. It was made explicitly as an alternative to conqueror grind. Granted, it's painful to be on final mission with 1-to-8 gals only, but the option is there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 11, 2018, 10:46:53 am
What are you talking about, Zubrin is Cydonia-worthy. It was made explicitly as an alternative to conqueror grind. Granted, it's painful to be on final mission with 1-to-8 gals only, but the option is there.

My bad. I never consider to do the final mission(s) since there's no pay-off.
Just the ending slide-show and *bam* back to menu.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 11, 2018, 02:29:02 pm
But after the ending slide show, there's a tally of all the things you did in the game.  Surely that plus the sense of accomplishment is worth the end game grind and hellish final battles... right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 11, 2018, 02:41:13 pm
Not for my part. I'd like to continue after the final part and have something like a post-endgame.
Right now, you beat the brain on mars and everything is fine on earth again.
It's cool to see the stats and you could compare those with the stats of a different play-through.

My point is: I want 'more' to happen after the mission(s). A reward for the current campaign (like one more codex-options unlocked or any kind of awesome tech stolen from cydonia) and new challenges for the campaign. A new faction to battle or something but not just the menu screen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on January 11, 2018, 03:38:51 pm
But after the ending slide show, there's a tally of all the things you did in the game.  Surely that plus the sense of accomplishment is worth the end game grind and hellish final battles... right?

Yep.  But you can also access this anytime in game. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 11, 2018, 06:51:19 pm
Gray has the sorceress, Red has the moloch, and Green has the pestulator.  But where is Gold's ultimate outfit?  Surely it's not the fairy one and it's just not implemented yet, is it?

Also, is the moloch really not an exosuit?  How come the sorceress and pestulator get to go to Mars but not the moloch or even destructor?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 11, 2018, 11:43:04 pm
Back in the earlier implementations you could take the destructor to cydonia, thou it wasn't documented in the pedia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 13, 2018, 01:54:29 pm
Gray has the sorceress, Red has the moloch, and Green has the pestulator.  But where is Gold's ultimate outfit?  Surely it's not the fairy one and it's just not implemented yet, is it?

The El Capitan uniform with its +100 bravery is not enough for you?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 14, 2018, 09:29:24 am
The El Capitan uniform with its +100 bravery is not enough for you?

After some more quick battle testing, I've confirmed that you can't wear that to Cydonia along with the Savior, Fairy, Witch, Destructor, and Moloch outfits.  Destruction and Excess are just shafted right now when it comes to Mars, though at least all but one codex can use the Bio suit and the one that can't still has the Sorceress.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 14, 2018, 10:04:44 am
How rare are syn missions? I've never had one. Have had over 100 orbital missions though..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 14, 2018, 01:52:58 pm
How rare are syn missions? I've never had one. Have had over 100 orbital missions though..

Those are totally random and sometimes you get some, sometimes you don't.
The mission is called "Lost Spaceship"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 14, 2018, 05:32:38 pm
It's entirely possible to finish a game without ever seeing a single syn.

And while we're on the subject of RNG, let's say that the sectoids have been rare to nonexistent so you don't yet have the alliance necessary to buy meteor missiles.  What's the next best missile to use?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 14, 2018, 10:55:15 pm
It's entirely possible to finish a game without ever seeing a single syn.

And while we're on the subject of RNG, let's say that the sectoids have been rare to nonexistent so you don't yet have the alliance necessary to buy meteor missiles.  What's the next best missile to use?

The mixture of Stingray/Medusa and Hammerite. The lategame bomber can field 2x Hammerite (for maximum damage output to hull) and 1x stingray (or another hammerite) and 1x Medusa to punch through shields. The Hammerite is quite inacc. so you've to test out what does best in every situation. Implsion launchers should be rare and are even less acc.
If you feel lucky try avalance (300-900 [600] nuke) but you only got one shot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Lobsterman Bait on January 15, 2018, 12:07:08 am
What do I need to build a Still? It's in my Bootypedia, and I already have an Extractor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 15, 2018, 01:28:26 am
Alchemy is needed to actually build stills.

We really need that tech tree viewer updated to show which tech allows what buildings to be built and what items to be purchased.

Implsion launchers should be rare and are even less acc.

These aren't actually so rare once viper fighters start showing up late in the game.  You're always guaranteed half of a plasma spitter and half of an implosion bomb launcher since, unlike with bombers, those loot drops aren't located in the engines and thus won't be destroyed if they explode.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 17, 2018, 03:59:46 am
Where are the silacoids?  The last time I saw one (and only one) was several versions ago while attacking an ethereal UFO; never saw one in my latest playthrough but of course waspites, gazers, and sectopods were plentiful.  With the Church beastmaster able to tell about the silacoid, you'd think they'd use them too but I never saw them in any Church battles either.

Also, there's mention of a giant cockroach which I've never encountered.  Is it just rare or unimplemented?

Finally, I noticed that the cloning center allows soul gems to be revived back into magical girls.  Seems pointless as there's nothing to do with a magical girl once she's all researched out (and you can research the same one over and over), but maybe this is just a placeholder and the revival's real function in the future is to give you a magical girl of your own like a new type of hand or an auxiliary.  Is that about right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on January 17, 2018, 10:32:59 am
I've seen silacoids on a church terror mission before and I remember rarely seeing them on a Star God terror mission too.  But the crew patterns that use them do seem to be pretty rare.

I recall fighting roaches on an early game mission where you have to save a castaway gal from a small bunker.  However there were several other enemy types that could spawn on those, so you must have missed them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 17, 2018, 05:38:25 pm
Church uses them all the time in terror missions now. They used to be all about chryssalids and celatids. Sadly, just like celatid and chryssalid, we never get to tame one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 18, 2018, 02:00:50 am
So it's all about the pogroms.  Just my luck then that the Church never did a pogrom, and especially not after I got the MSDF tech that gets rid of all pogroms except the freelance ones that only minor factions do.  So no more pogroms means no more boomosaurs (not that you can get those alive in the current version anyway) and silacoids.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 18, 2018, 02:41:33 pm
Just my luck then that the Church never did a pogrom,

Nothing of value can be gained from church pogrom you can’t get more easily elsewhere and the church is pretty nasty, so good for you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 18, 2018, 04:03:53 pm
Church Pogrom are nasty indeed.
Rocky's spew fire at you and soak up alot of damage.
Fartbags can potencially one-shot your soldiers without proper chem-protection.
Humanoids have either lasers, flamers or caws (AP) for damage. They all carry hellerium grenades!
Due to the fartbags 20 sense the Church Revenant (green robe dude) can pick on your soldiers using voodoo.
Some flying chicks but overall a jack of all trades pogrom.

Factionwise it's the 3rd toughest pogrom in my opinion.
1. is tied for Mercs and Stargods.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 18, 2018, 05:14:37 pm
Pogrom power ratting:

1.) Proper stargods (with guardians and sectopods)
2.) Mercs, Stargod freakshow
3.) Church
4.) Guild, Raiders
5.) Bandits, Academy, Spartans
6.) Humanists, Dark Ones
7.) KKK + cops

Academy is bit on the weak side as far a global factions go. Humanists could bring along those power armours with railguns sometimes
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on January 18, 2018, 07:38:36 pm
Academy is bit on the weak side as far a global factions go.

I am not so sure. Sometimes cyberdiscs can become problematic.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 18, 2018, 08:07:30 pm
I am not so sure. Sometimes cyberdiscs can become problematic.

Yes, but their support is... let’s be generous and call the osiron security guys mediocre.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 19, 2018, 12:01:42 am
Academy is weak overall, but i view it as a needed evil. The academy is geared to resist lasers and other exotics, just like mercs are meant to keep ballistic in check. The idea is that no one weapon load is always ideal. Would that the academy unit mix was more threatening, but hey for something that's day one till the end of the game they don't do too bad.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 19, 2018, 02:06:34 am
Academy is currently getting some expansion, so don't get cocky. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 19, 2018, 02:51:54 am
yay upgrades to meaningful foes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 19, 2018, 04:02:59 am
Are we finally gonna get those hybrids that the Challenge of Dr. X is hinting at?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 19, 2018, 11:50:15 am
Are we finally gonna get those hybrids that the Challenge of Dr. X is hinting at?

Probably not. Get ready from power armoured Osiron.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 19, 2018, 04:34:45 pm
Probably not. Get ready from power armoured Osiron.

More powerarmor parts!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 19, 2018, 05:16:48 pm
Well, I never said there would be power armoured Osiron... Because I am not aware of such plans.
I only know about some new Academy units, and frankly I don't know if they will be any stronger than the older ones. Probably not, just different.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 19, 2018, 05:56:31 pm
Elite osiron assasins in holosuits?

Like catgirls, but tougher and better armed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on January 19, 2018, 07:49:59 pm
How is Academy Hierachy gotten in 0.99I?
It got a cost and requires an item, so no autounlock when the dependencies have been filled. The item isn't dropped/buyable, nothing gives the tech for free, and there's no lookup either.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 20, 2018, 12:47:25 am
It's currently bugged, I don't think Academy Hierarchy is supposed to be a physical item.  You'll just have to edit the .rul file and change its "needitem" text to false.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on January 20, 2018, 01:43:29 am
It's currently bugged, I don't think Academy Hierarchy is supposed to be a physical item.  You'll just have to edit the .rul file and change its "needitem" text to false.
That's what I thought, but I felt it better to ask lest I missed something obvious. Thanks for the confirmation. ^^
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Lobsterman Bait on January 20, 2018, 07:52:51 pm
I got some Lokk'Narr Villager captives (from one of the Bounty missions). I suppose they're useless except for ransom, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 20, 2018, 08:50:04 pm
So, was wondering if there was a tech tree out there somewhere. Since I can't view it on mobile! Also, I've got church, traders, and stargod codes. Guessing academy is the last? Also, what leads to researching the master plasma weapons and blaster launchers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on January 20, 2018, 09:16:39 pm
Also, I've got church, traders, and stargod codes. Guessing academy is the last? Also, what leads to researching the master plasma weapons and blaster launchers?
Academy is bugged (see my question a bit above). Open Piratez.rul and search for "  - name: STR_ACADEMY_HIERARCHY". Three lines down you'll see "    needItem: true". Change that "true" to "false".
This will allow you to research Academy Hierarchy (assuming you have all live Academy units researched) which in turn allows you to interrogate a Provost. The interrogation will unlock the stellar empire weapons tech which will allow you to get the master plasma weapons and blaster launchers (the later requires plasma rifle and heavy plasma as well).

Tree without freebies is attached.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 20, 2018, 10:52:05 pm
Welp, did that, didn't get stellar weapons research, idk what I'm missing for that. But ty!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on January 21, 2018, 12:55:08 am
Did you look at the tree in the above post? It's in the lower-right.
You also need Magischen Motors (item research: disassemble a Plasma Pistol/Rifle to get the item if you haven't unlocked it from a decrypted data disc yet) and Arcane Interface (Advanced Medicine, Small Launcher, Broken Esper, Mind Probe, Cybernetic Interface and MAGITECH).
Well, if you can execute Windows programs at all, I recommend getting my tech tree viewer from,5947.0.html , pointing it at your files, and see what's missing that way. The tech tree is a bit unwieldy if you're looking at end-game techs without removing already researched ones. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 21, 2018, 05:08:20 am
Well, turns out I need advanced medicine, though, idk how to get that as I can't follow it in the tree! Ty though. <3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 21, 2018, 05:54:31 am
Are you aware that the game itself has a tech tree viewer?  Try middle mouse clicking on a research topic, or pressing Q on the Geoscape.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 21, 2018, 12:12:24 pm
Are you aware that the game itself has a tech tree viewer?  Try middle mouse clicking on a research topic, or pressing Q on the Geoscape.

Mm, as I said in my post before.. ANDROID DOESN'T HAVE THAT! :P unless meridian updated it in the past 3 hours...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on January 21, 2018, 05:12:45 pm
I got some Lokk'Narr Villager captives (from one of the Bounty missions). I suppose they're useless except for ransom, right?

It seems to be the case.

So, in my playthrough, I finally bought some special craft from the Grey Codex, but I have some doubts: How does one use the magic cannon in the Jellyfish? I try using it as a guided rocket, but it always seems to hit the sides of the cabin uselessly, at most breaking one mirror thing before it can finally shoot outside. Is this because the gunner's Voodoo ability is low? I have no way to check that yet, so I improvise with the Savage outfit to see if it works. Also, is the first Gal on the list the user of the weapon? What happens if you have less than 7 gals inside the vehicle then?

Lastly, between Snake, Shadowbat and Jellyfish, which one is better according to you?

One more thing that's not an issue but something I noticed is that the special vehicles seem to be... There. I mean, I expected some kind of lore about how the Piratez learn to commission such special airships, instead of seemingly getting the knowledge as soon as you unlock the Shadowmasters topic. I suppose either they get the coordinates there, or they get it due magic or something.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 21, 2018, 05:19:13 pm
It seems to be the case.

So, in my playthrough, I finally bought some special craft from the Grey Codex, but I have some doubts: How does one use the magic cannon in the Jellyfish? I try using it as a guided rocket, but it always seems to hit the sides of the cabin uselessly, at most breaking one mirror thing before it can finally shoot outside. Is this because the gunner's Voodoo ability is low? I have no way to check that yet, so I improvise with the Savage outfit to see if it works. Also, is the first Gal on the list the user of the weapon? What happens if you have less than 7 gals inside the vehicle then?

Lastly, between Snake, Shadowbat and Jellyfish, which one is better according to you?

You can use 'right click' to open the 'door' of the Jellyfish cannon-door. With the door open you can do the waypoints easily. Always try to shot your enemies from behind with it^^
You have to open the door every turn as long as you got ammo.

Yes, the first hand in the list is always the hooked one. With less than 7 hands in the craft it doesn't matter.

Shadowbat is great for almost all early missions even outside of night-missions.
Jellyfish is good in most situations where your team isn't spawning in the utmost middle of nowhere.
Snake is tricky to use due to the roof been flat without anything to cover yourself. It's easy to defend with only one elevator to get into the higher floors.

Also: Do not question 'why' things are there. Let room for imagination :3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 21, 2018, 06:35:41 pm
Lastly, between Snake, Shadowbat and Jellyfish, which one is better according to you?

Shadowbat - best transporter you have access to early on if you pick gray codex, it is however a poor gunship as it only has missile slots and missiles are too expensive to hunt civilians with. It is also slow. Despite its flaws, this is the one you want.

Snake - being able to take one of every weapon class and having acceptable shield, this is passable as fighter transporter for your secondary base should you have one. It also goes underwater. Slow, so forget about catching most prey.

Jellyfish - more like jellshit. The voodoo weapon is interesting, however at the point you can buy jellyshit, you are unlikey to know woodoo stats of your gals, so you have no way of knowing who to put there aside from trial and error. Waste of hangar.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on January 21, 2018, 06:55:05 pm
Well, turns out I need advanced medicine, though, idk how to get that as I can't follow it in the tree! Ty though. <3
You need a bigger monitor then. :p
Attach your save file and I'll generate a filtered tree for you which should be a lot easier to read.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on January 21, 2018, 07:04:45 pm
Martin: Funny thing. For me Jellyfish is the best choice availble.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on January 21, 2018, 09:04:11 pm
You can use 'right click' to open the 'door' of the Jellyfish cannon-door.

Well drat, I thought the blue tile on top of the cabin meant it was to shot from here, but it seems not. Can the unit inside the turret be attacked by enemy units? It seems unlikely, but perhaps mind control and the like could hit. What happens when a unit with a guided missile goes berserk, does it shoot randomly?

Another thing: Can you buy Exquisite Lingeries, or must these be "harvested"? They seem to be somewhat rare and needed for many oufits. Speaking of, I'm starting to have so many of them that sometimes I'm not sure which one to use.

Jellyfish - more like jellshit. The voodoo weapon is interesting, however at the point you can buy jellyshit, you are unlikey to know woodoo stats of your gals, so you have no way of knowing who to put there aside from trial and error. Waste of hangar.

One crude way I found to see if someone can use the Jellyfish's cannon effectively is to check the possible ranged damage with CTR+H, those with somewhat high scores likely have good Voodoo skills.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on January 21, 2018, 11:05:46 pm
One crude way I found to see if someone can use the Jellyfish's cannon effectively is to check the possible ranged damage with CTR+H, those with somewhat high scores likely have good Voodoo skills.

Even better:  Just hold alt down as you target.  It will give you the expected damage range.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 22, 2018, 05:34:17 am
Figured it out! ... So any way to get a siren examination? I've not seen a ret ship in forever...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 22, 2018, 06:09:45 am
Martin: Funny thing. For me Jellyfish is the best choice availble.

I preffer more soldiers in the field over fancy layout. You should really give Shadowbat a chance. Nothing is better than snipin’ and mortarin’ from its roof
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on January 22, 2018, 06:51:42 am
Another thing: Can you buy Exquisite Lingeries, or must these be "harvested"? They seem to be somewhat rare and needed for many oufits. Speaking of, I'm starting to have so many of them that sometimes I'm not sure which one to use.
They can be manufactured from Durathread. Technology is Piratey Lingerie.

Figured it out! ... So any way to get a siren examination? I've not seen a ret ship in forever...
Not really. Govt/Reticulan Files has them as get for free technology, but you need Sirens to manufacture those in the first place.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 22, 2018, 09:09:21 am
Well, only option then if I don't want to reset is save editing... So anyone know the proper place to put it and the research name to put it? I know it goes in discovered but yeah, after that lost!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 22, 2018, 11:24:58 am
Without resorting to save editing (to hack in either the Siren research topic or a sectoid UFO wave), the only thing you really can do is wait for the next sectoid sighting for your siren.  It'll happen eventually, the only time the sectoids would stop appearing altogether (other than imperial probes landing on sectoid bunkers, I think) is after you've researched *Human-Reticulan Cooperation* which requires researching all the various kinds of sectoids (siren included) to get there anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on January 22, 2018, 06:24:56 pm
Well, only option then if I don't want to reset is save editing... So anyone know the proper place to put it and the research name to put it? I know it goes in discovered but yeah, after that lost!
As BBHood217 said, they'll show up eventually.
If you really want to cheat, add "STR_RET_SIREN" to the "discovered" sequence node.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 23, 2018, 12:56:41 am
Already researched elder, the ships no longer show up! Haven't for 3 years? Lol
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 23, 2018, 01:47:51 am
It's all just RNG.  I've actually discovered that sectoids completely disappear (including the sectoid bunker imperial probes) once you've researched Contacts: Reticulans (a little earlier than the Cooperation, so I was wrong there), however that tech still requires having researched all the live sectoids first.  Basically, you have to research all the sectoids to get them to go away forever so you still have a chance at that siren.  Just be patient.

Or y'know, edit that save file.  It's your game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 23, 2018, 02:53:09 am
Mm I'll wait around then! Hopefully in the next few years!... As my girls are already starting to get the immortal condemnation. 

Edit! I have contacts: ret! Without siren being researched, so something is wrong with needing all of them for it! So they're gone, for goods.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 23, 2018, 03:06:25 am
That's not supposed to happen.  Part of Contacts: Rets is Reticulan Hive and that one among other things requires a siren.  How were you able to research the Hive and the Contacts without the siren?

Edit: Oh dear, I think I've finally pinpointed the problem.  Advanced Medicine requires Healing Gel which in turn requires Reticulan Genetics which is why you need a siren.  Contacts: Reticulans makes all sectoids go away forever, but that requires Reticulan Hive which itself needs four kinds of sectoids researched first.  However, Reticulan Hive can also be gotten for free from certain sectoids (the siren's not among them), bypassing the need to research those sectoids and thus the siren.  So you must've gotten the Hive for free and then researched the Contacts afterwards, thus eliminating all sectoids and any chance of getting a siren for the Genetics which is not given for free at all by anything.

Looks like the Reticulan tech tree still has a few holes left.  Go ahead and edit your save file, then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on January 23, 2018, 03:37:07 am
Oh well, thanks for all the help, and now we've even found something for dioxine to patch!... Only I could accidentally break my game this hard. Lol
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on January 24, 2018, 01:36:12 pm
I can confirm that the Shadowbat + Grav Harness + Mortar is true love. Very fun combo.

However, there's something I'm confused with: How can you unlock the Pachyderm vessel? I have been looking through the Research tree but I can't find the necessary requirements. Did it become a Codex-locked choice?

I'm using the More Cars and Tanks + Self-driven Car mods, but I don't think these should affect this.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Filipsan on January 24, 2018, 01:43:25 pm
From what can i see in .rul files, you need to unlock "Contacts: Authorized Dealers" through bounty hunting (Prize: Bank Favors)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 24, 2018, 06:04:53 pm
I can confirm that the Shadowbat + Grav Harness + Mortar is true love. Very fun combo.

Mortar goes well with everything, it’s soy sauce of warfare.

It would however be a lot less (or more) fun if the AI knew how to use them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 24, 2018, 06:19:40 pm
It would however be a lot less (or more) fun if the AI knew how to use them.

The AI does know how to use mortars, I made sure of that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 26, 2018, 12:28:06 am
Well know how vs use well is very different matter. Mortars reward sitting in one spot crouched for most of a map. AI units spend alot of TU dithering around there general spawn area. A mortar enemy basically has to spawn on a roof or other similar flat open space to have much impact. The AI simply dosen't understand concepts like moving to superior position based on weapon wielded/terrain configuration.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 26, 2018, 12:04:37 pm
If the A.I. would be able to think outside of the box they would start to use proximity-/landmines to box your crew inside your craft and use smoke-screens to their own advantage.
They would remember where your hands are standing and throw various amounts of grenades at your last-known position.
With the spotter-sniper code they can at least do something against you if one of their soldiers has vision on you.

Introducing such human-like cryptic thinking could only work if the A.I. has map-hack knowledge and could calculate where to move to get the utmost efficiency out of their TU's and vision-field.
For example: The A.I. knows where your airbus has landed and stockpiles the whole map around your starting location, creating a shooting gallery just like the human player can do.
Unless you love lead-poisoning you can't go out of the airbus without getting shot by the A.I. camping you.
Ofc it's possible to delay this superior A.I. thinking for 1-2 turns so the player can actually deploy somewhat save-ish.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on January 26, 2018, 05:06:30 pm
Personally, I think the next step to make xcom more fun lies in the development of a better AI. But we are getting there.

I recently vitnessed the AI doing something useful. It was a zombified Academy outpost on the urban/slum map at night, second month after start. The strix zombie got on the roof of a house and  camped there. It pretty much kept me pinned down, as it was in a perfect firing position. If any gal moved into an open area, the strix zombie would reaction fire on her (it didn't move so always had full tu). I set up defensive positions in a house. Took out most of the wall on the first floor. The roof protected my gals from the strix. With the mini pocket las pistol, I slowly chipped away at the hp of the strix zombie on the neighboring house. There were also two chryssalids patroling the space between the houses. When they came close to my house, they could be killed with the anchor firing down from the first floor. It was only possible to win this map because of high damage anchor and endless ammo mini las pistol. Nice challange.

Next example: On a ratmen rodeo my gal came under archer fire from an unseen enemy. Somehow a ratman I never saw spotted one gal, and a ratman hunter could use that info to shoot her over a wall  with his bow.

Bottom line, as long as the AI has info on your position like the strix with its 40 range psi vision, they do make good use of arcing fire weapons. This could be improved with a little bit of code: if no target is currently available and unit has area of effect weapon (grenade, mortar, etc.), try to bombard tile where enemy was spotted the previous round. Enable this behavior with by setting the artillery flag to true on the unit.
An addition to that: When weapon has area effect and no direct line of fire is possible, see if neighboring tiles can be shot at.

This sniper/spotter behavior could be used in mission design: There is one immobile/slow unit called the security system. It has 40+ psi vision and gives info to sniper enabled units. Killing the security system will give you tactical benefits on the map. This would be suitable for alien base assaults for example. Or terror missions, where the security system is an armored vehicle, where the mobile command center is located (Alien 2 style).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 26, 2018, 05:28:14 pm
Personally, I think the next step to make xcom more fun lies in the development of a better AI. But we are getting there.

I recently vitnessed the AI doing something useful. It was a zombified Academy outpost on the urban/slum map at night, second month after start. The strix zombie got on the roof of a house and  camped there. It pretty much kept me pinned down, as it was in a perfect firing position. If any gal moved into an open area, the strix zombie would reaction fire on her (it didn't move so always had full tu). I set up defensive positions in a house. Took out most of the wall on the first floor. The roof protected my gals from the strix. With the mini pocket las pistol, I slowly chipped away at the hp of the strix zombie on the neighboring house. There were also two chryssalids patroling the space between the houses. When they came close to my house, they could be killed with the anchor firing down from the first floor. It was only possible to win this map because of high damage anchor and endless ammo mini las pistol. Nice challange.

Next example: On a ratmen rodeo my gal came under archer fire from an unseen enemy. Somehow a ratman I never saw spotted one gal, and a ratman hunter could use that info to shoot her over a wall  with his bow.

Bottom line, as long as the AI has info on your position like the strix with its 40 range psi vision, they do make good use of arcing fire weapons. This could be improved with a little bit of code: if no target is currently available and unit has area of effect weapon (grenade, mortar, etc.), try to bombard tile where enemy was spotted the previous round. Enable this behavior with by setting the artillery flag to true on the unit.
An addition to that: When weapon has area effect and no direct line of fire is possible, see if neighboring tiles can be shot at.

This sniper/spotter behavior could be used in mission design: There is one immobile/slow unit called the security system. It has 40+ psi vision and gives info to sniper enabled units. Killing the security system will give you tactical benefits on the map. This would be suitable for alien base assaults for example. Or terror missions, where the security system is an armored vehicle, where the mobile command center is located (Alien 2 style).

The first example is just the normal AI + psi vision; new AI code had nothing to do with it.

The artillery fire on your supposed position is just un-fun - IIRC one of the beta versions of Xenonauts AI would guess where your soldiers were based on where they weren't, and then start tossing explosives your way.  This is an example of bad game mechanics - your soldiers die just for existing on the battlefield.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on January 26, 2018, 08:07:01 pm
The artillery fire on your supposed position is just un-fun

Never having to worry about losijng a hand unless you make a serious fuckup is also un-fun 8)

Everything player can do to the AI, the AI should be able to do back.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 26, 2018, 08:16:57 pm
Never having to worry about losijng a hand unless you make a serious fuckup is also un-fun 8)

Everything player can do to the AI, the AI should be able to do back.

Consider this: if the AI could do everything a player can, wouldn't it just immediately fire a blaster bomb or explosive into any open transport as soon as one of their units spots it? Or drop proximity mines all around your craft? I assure you, taking the AI down this route leads to more frustration than its worth, and is why you don't see such AI often in games.

Also, symmetric balance is boring, and having such an AI would require complete rewrite of much of the deployments in the mod, as it's written to use the given AI.  Difficulty can be bumped up in other ways if necessary.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on January 26, 2018, 08:40:43 pm
Xenonauts early beta had an AI that tossed grenades where it thought you might be - wound up being way overpowered since they start the map knowing exactly where you aren't.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 27, 2018, 12:23:02 am
What i would prefer to see is maybe not everything the player can do, but at the very least snipers and mortars and other artillery like weapons should at the very least attempt to reach high ground. Not dither around indoors, in alleyways or under trees(just arcing weapons). Having a handful of powerful units just pass/fail to impact a map on nothing more then spawn RNG feels pretty bad.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 27, 2018, 11:47:06 am
To play around the Spawn RNG each spawn-point on a map would need a selection of units allowed to exist there.
e.g. on the roof you only allowed to spawn enemies with sniper-rifles and mortars or indoors foes with shotguns/flamers
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 27, 2018, 04:20:36 pm
To play around the Spawn RNG each spawn-point on a map would need a selection of units allowed to exist there.
e.g. on the roof you only allowed to spawn enemies with sniper-rifles and mortars or indoors foes with shotguns/flamers

That is already somewhat possible, but it's on the modder to decide with alien rank numbers and priorities on spawn nodes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 29, 2018, 11:44:39 pm
What i would prefer to see is maybe not everything the player can do, but at the very least snipers and mortars and other artillery like weapons should at the very least attempt to reach high ground. Not dither around indoors, in alleyways or under trees(just arcing weapons). Having a handful of powerful units just pass/fail to impact a map on nothing more then spawn RNG feels pretty bad.

I was designing (in concept) an xcom clone for years and I looked into alot of situations like this for how a programmer might address the AI. There were a couple things that I saw in terms of strategy that I ought to chime in about. This would require building an internal database of layout information for the map ingame similar to RMPs for the AI to access.

Superior positions are good but how do you define/label a superior position? In terms of height you want to check from the top of the map down where the tallest map blocks are - not the vertical height of one but the highest vertical dimension that has a Floor tile (not sure if trees have floor tiles or just object/wall tiles). You can get more detailed than this if you want but it would involve weighting the map block's vertical accessibility by doing additional vertical checks at intermediate locations inbetween the center tile to the edge (3x3 grid, etc) that way if its got a tall smokestack in the middle of it that wont define its accessibility as much.

(edit - in the game concept I was designing the map would have various waypoints and handles in it similar to the RMP system but also for predefining where these types of locations were so that it wouldnt have to be handled algorithmically... it also would have had waypoints that had an Inverse Linkage to them so that the AI could use them with tactical movement rules and would know which nearby waypoints that a given one Cannot Be Reached from. I dont think this is an option for openxcom though because it would dictate needing to define additional data for map blocks)
(It was also going to handle "Object Binding" by connecting multi-leveled objects together via grouping, and establishing structural integrity so that you could have building and object collapses similar to XcomApocalypse, and there would have been weight tolerances so that it discouraged bringing Power Armor and Vehicles into and across certain structures because they could collapse - and you would take falling damage from it. And algorithmically it would also measure floor tiles connecting to each other with a strength based on its toughness, so if you blow a big enough hole in a floor and it doesnt have much support below it, it might collapse most of the floor but it wouldnt collapse the floor tiles that were adjacent to the wall)

Now you want to check among those which ones are 1 map block adjacent to the given unit (increase by 1 radius if they have more than 100 TUs). And pick the one which is closest to them. They will look for stairs or elevators tiles to ascend upwards and take the closest path to them until they reach them. If the unit has reached a Roof then they will also need to move to within 2 tiles of the Edge of its floor tiles in order to get a line of fire at anyone on lower floors (make it 3 tiles if they are only on a 1 story building).

Its also important to program in variance like priority to go to the Roof, verses looking for Windows to fire out of. Big buildings like the ones in the EuroSyndicate missions will have AI going crazy trying to get up on the roof when they will likely only find themselves moving up to the Top Floor and not being able to get to an exposed roof.

(to address this bug you can weight that the 2nd or 3rd story is fine enough to gain an advantage)
(Edit - its also worth mentioning that some kinds of weapons are NOT good for shooting from an advantage point, either because of Accuracy or Effective Range, and it would be easy enough to set default standards for this so that the AI doesnt move units with Sawed Off shotguns and Holdout Pistols to the 3rd story balcony. Whether you could say they were more advantageous because of the vertical distance or not is questionable, but going to a higher elevation has a greater marked effect for what we'd consider sniping - or especially explosive weapons - and particularly grenades)

Weapon Selection is also important for arcing weapons and explosives. Shooting out of a window is bad news if you have a rocket launcher, even though in real life a user of such a weapon would have no problems firing out of a window without hitting it. So someone using a blast weapon should only fire out of areas that have a Gap in wall tiles rather than a Window.

For the same reason someone with an arcing weapon (like a tftd deep one) should only look for Gaps in walls to shoot from because their projectile needs a more stringent line of fire to it - sure they can shoot out of a window but that wouldnt be the priority for movement. These units would set a higher weight to moving onto the roof.

(lets consider the Snakewoman mutant civvie, she has an arcing projectile spit attack, this would affect those units and they would try to move to higher elevations to lob spit as if it were mortars - in a way this would be beneficial since it also makes them harder to get into Melee with)

Another major AI advantage is taking cover intelligently. Hazard Assessment zones is one way to handle this. Measured in 5x5 blocks with the center of that block being the anchor for it. Starting for every 10x10 map block check from the top down to the first floor tile it reaches in the center, if that has an open center to it (there is a line of fire directly to at least 3 cardinal directions) then a Hazard anchor is dropped there - this is a vulnerable spot to be. The Hazard Anchor extends vertically from the top of the map to 1 floor below the location where the assessment was made.

(in Space most blocks would receive this, and it would be warranted because it is a very open place, even on the space station locations the first floor inside would be considered a dangerous place. However since it only targets 5x5 squares it means the AI will sorta move in a jigsaw fashion through space since its trying to avoid the center of each map block - but since you'd likely introduce variance by doing a Bravery check that may not matter)

But in gameplay the trick is detecting what is actually hazardous and which types of weapons are more hazardous. So while gameplay is going on any time an enemy makes a shot at the AI that unit will check the line of fire compared to its visibility (in an rpg type game a spot check would be made)... okay I know where the bearer of that weapon is now. Since that unit is now in danger drop a temporary Hazard anchor there... but then also calculate the field of view for the shooter from where they fired, in a swath (to avoid intense calculation maybe, step it by 2 degrees each time) and drop Hazard Anchors positioned in a grid for each ray traced on that which hits a ground tile.

What kind of weapon was used? Damage caused is one factor (Damage divided by the armor effectiveness multiplier actually) but Blast damage is alot more dangerous because even close counts with that.Effective blast radius * 10 is added to the Damage for this assessment.
(so a rocket launcher doing 120 damage is going to have double the hazard rating of a heavy plasma doing 115 damage, but a panzerfaust doing 120 damage with a 0.65 armor effectiveness and an effective blast radius of 3 is only going to be treated as doing around 215)
(effective blast radius being calculated first by checking the actual blast radius, and if Power / Radius Reduction is lower then that value is used instead... common sense size here)

Maybe measure these hazard ranks for every 45 points total. Maybe add one rank to this if the weapon has at least 6 burst shots so that minigun style weapons are given some credit for that. Maybe take accuracy into consideration, add 1 rank if that weapon has more than 120% aimed accuracy (this would put shotguns in that category). Number of pellets from a buckshot blast should also be factored in but id say a multiplier to damage would be much lower, such as 1.0 + (Pellets-1)*0.1 so a boom gun would be treated as 95 damage for this purpose (+2 ranks)

This is for determining the level of danger that each Hazard Anchor has associated with it. The degree of danger for each one decreases one step for every turn that goes by... which the one who provoked that danger has not been spotted there (at the lowest rank it takes 2 turns for it to be cancelled). If that particular shooter is observed firing again redo that assessment and reduce the prior Hazard Anchors to the lowest rank. These assessments should only be done Once per turn.

If the AI observes a shot Impacting an area but does not observe the shooter who did it, it will drop a low rank Hazard anchor within the 5x5 grid that the shot impact was located. Maybe also use the trajectory from the shot to drop another anchor in the next 5x5 grid. This should only be assessed 1 time per weapon even if its got buckshot or fires multiple shots (the first one that hits is the only one that matters)

If a unit happens to be inside a hazard zone they will trace a line of fire from themselves to the anchor for it, and if there is no line of fire then they will ignore it (if you cant see the spot that is risky to be shot from). Not perfect but it would prevent units behind a wall from reacting to a hazard spot that was located outside.

So in addition for pointing out to the AI which areas are open danger areas, it also points out to the AI which areas have been made dangerous as a result of combat, which changes as the battle goes on due to its fluid nature. Big dangerous weapons like cyberdisk plasma guns or rocket launchers will get AI to avoid areas they've seen those weapons in action, if the user of that weapon is spotted somewhere else then they pose that hazard over there - but the location that they were at previously will still linger because of the buddy system (another unit may be in a position to fire from there) and because the enemy unit may swing back to that spot.

How strongly the AI curtailed its movement as a result of exposure rules - I think it should be up to the unit's Bravery, possibly a skill test in order to make it random. The AI should only do it once per turn for each unit IF they are confronted with a hazard zone.

The intelligence of the unit may also come into play in some manner, for example weighting higher ranking Hazard Anchors while ignoring the lowest tier ones if heavy duty stuff is being used, if the intelligence is high enough (ie, at least 5) then they can go ahead and reassess the target while the AI remains aware of the location of that target even if they dont have a line of sight check (predicting where the wielder of that weapon went and alerting the rest of the units of their faction)

This is a complex, dynamic way of handling "sneaky AI" at least in terms of picking which areas and targets are more dangerous to avoid.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vortex on February 18, 2018, 08:36:40 am
Hi Folks,

I search all the bootypedia (two times) about Workers, without finding where they are described.
My original question was a reference to a previous comment on the base layout: should I pick large vaults or an armada of workers ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on February 18, 2018, 11:21:31 am
My original question was a reference to a previous comment on the base layout: should I pick large vaults or an armada of workers ?
Workers give you 4 space in exchange for a 5 000 monthly cost.
A Large Vault gives you 500 storage space in exchange for a 7 500 monthly cost and 4 base tiles.

In the beginning you may want to use a Large Vault because it's a lot cheaper. In the later game, you'll want to replace all vaults with workers and slaves as base tiles are a lot more precious than vault space. The extra cost can be offset by producing items, having Courtesans, or shifting Contraband.

TL;DR: Use Workers if you have the money. Vaults are for poor people. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Darkfirephoenix on February 18, 2018, 05:56:17 pm
Couple of questions:
How do I get my crafts to shadow enemy crafts (so I can follow those friggin probes to a mission), the game doesn't let me minimise the "engagement" screen
Mechtoids: How to get em/where... and did I screw myself cause I already got "Contacts: Reticulans"?
Where the hell do I get that "Secure Freight" (or such) tech/item from? Without it anything that needs the "Activities: Commercial" research is locked...

Thanks for your help in advance! :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 18, 2018, 08:50:33 pm
See attachment. Hit the switch on the top-left of the window to 'shadow' a ship.

You get mechtoids from the biggest reticulan shipping and during reticulan bunker mission (probe).
I guess you did boned yourself with getting "Contacts: Reticulans" before you could finish all individual topics such as mechtoid and mechtoid corpse.
Somewhere is a fix for that.

To get 'secure freight' you've to research the topic: "Heavy Freighter Flight Plan"

To get this topic, you've to read Heavy Freighter Documentation first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Darkfirephoenix on February 18, 2018, 09:28:53 pm
See attachment. Hit the switch on the top-left of the window to 'shadow' a ship.

You get mechtoids from the biggest reticulan shipping and during reticulan bunker mission (probe).
I guess you did boned yourself with getting "Contacts: Reticulans" before you could finish all individual topics such as mechtoid and mechtoid corpse.
Somewhere is a fix for that.

To get 'secure freight' you've to research the topic: "Heavy Freighter Flight Plan"

To get this topic, you've to read Heavy Freighter Documentation first.
Hmmm, strange... the game didn't allow me to minimize it...

That Mechtoid thing sounds like a bug/oversight on the dev side (it should at least give another way to get em, maybe buying one AFTER the "Contact:Reticulans" is finished).

And lastly: Oh boy! So I have to deal with a heavy freighter!... They usually take donw my ships, tho I think now that I can engage it with multiple ships at a time I can manage it.

That Mechtoid thing really bugs me tho... It doesn't even WARN you about "If you research Contact: Reticulans you won't see anymore Reticulan missions/get chances to capture tech/people from them!"... I'm in year 4 already and I think I got that Reticulan screwup in year 2! sigh Well, then back to the grind it is!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 18, 2018, 09:37:07 pm
Somewhere it should be possible to just 'add' the research topics to your save.

It was mentioned before and will be fixed in the next update.
You can't minimize the window unless your ship is set onto 'shadow ship'

All other modes (long range, full broadsite, ramming speed) counts as attack and doesn't allow you to minimize.

To gun down a heavy freighter, you need decent guns to bypass the shield and armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on February 19, 2018, 03:47:41 am
The Heavy Freighter is also the time you want to use multiple interceptors. The method I've found I prefer is your heaviest and toughest fighter and 3 M-Wings. When all 4 are on it, send up the heavy fighter for the attack, with the M-Wings following, and the ship keeps attacking your heavy craft that can take the beating. Especially effective if you have the Rail Cannon on the heavy ship.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 19, 2018, 11:32:39 am
Even your menace-class ship can tank the freighter.
All you need is firepower to get the shield and armor down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on February 19, 2018, 12:29:27 pm
I think ramjet cannon is enough to take it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Labraid on February 19, 2018, 02:46:32 pm
I think ramjet cannon is enough to take it.

I bet you are reffering to standard freighter. Heavy one is a hard nut to crack mid-late game even on standard difficulty, as you will surely find out once you make The Guild ramp up their efforts.
Either that or you are a priseworthy masochist. (although I envy your determination if that's the case)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 19, 2018, 02:50:06 pm
1 tankship with a heavy weapon (ramjet can work, naval gun is just better)
3 Damage dealers fueled with your best rockets and best light weaponry. This should do it.
It got no regenerating shield so once the shield is down you don't lose further firepower.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vortex on February 20, 2018, 07:23:09 am
Thanks Ethereal_Medic for the answer on Workers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 20, 2018, 10:27:47 am
Thanks Ethereal_Medic for the answer on Workers.

Not me, it was "cc" that explained the worker-situation.
I can only support the opinion. Early one large vaults are the most cost-efficient solution mixed with large barracks and 1 burrow for most bases.
Once you've 3-4 flourishing production bases (means 3-4 bases entirely focused on producing shit for auto-sell like x-grog or chemicals) you can start to hire workers and replay ALL vaults with them.
Even the slot for an 'armored vault' can be used alot more efficient by placing either a luxury barracks or another workshop on that slot.
Vaultspace can be supported either with improving your slaves (Farmhouse, Supermaid, Drone Herder, Slave Robots in general) and workers.

Having an army of slaves is without doubt the best source of creating 'vaultspace' and each slave-class individually reduces your monthly upkeep to pay the salaries and maintaince costs.
Don't worry, you can reduce your vaultspace to -6000 and more and the game will not crash.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on February 20, 2018, 06:44:38 pm
Enjoying the mod in most part so far and I have a few questions.

1. What exactly does the rope do? I cannot figure out if my attack does anything and it seems when I end the turn the enemy attacks and moves normally.

2. After 6 months in-game play, I have not the option to hunt and shoot down ships. Is there a particular research / item I need to find first or am I researching all the wrong items? 99% of the encounters are events (hunting rats, temple, assault the church) with 3 ships so far that touched down within my radar radius.

3. When assigning equipment to my ship, ammo clips seem to disappear. One example is that I finally managed to obtain enough manstopper clips but when assigning 6 weapons and 16 clips, I have 6 loaded manstoppers and 4 clips in my inventory. Note that my ship's inventory is a bit huge (tons of ammo / weapons / mellee in the pool).

EDIT : Got it for question #3. It seems Ol' Harty's gun auto-equipped with 6 manstopper clips.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on February 20, 2018, 07:23:00 pm
1. What exactly does the rope do? I cannot figure out if my attack does anything and it seems when I end the turn the enemy attacks and moves normally.
The rope causes choke damage and can be used to capture enemies. Generally speaking, stun batons and whips are better, though.

2. After 6 months in-game play, I have not the option to hunt and shoot down ships. Is there a particular research / item I need to find first or am I researching all the wrong items? 99% of the encounters are events (hunting rats, temple, assault the church) with 3 ships so far that touched down within my radar radius.
You need to get a ship and a ship weapon. The earliest ships can be bought after researching a few contacts and weapons can be scavenged from landed ships, bought or gotten from a codex. Without knowing what exactly you researched so far it's kinda hard to recommend the best path to arming yourself. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on February 20, 2018, 08:22:58 pm
Many thanks for the speedy reply.

So rope is basically useless until I have anything better to stun got it.

Currently using an awesome cattle prod looted somewhere; I only have one =(

Ships almost never land on the region I have my base in (with the starting radar).

As for what I have researched so far, the list would be really long.
That said, here is what I have on my bootypedia as far as vessels / armaments go :
Airbus GDX-058
25mm cannon
25mm x2 cannon
Spike rockets

Only recently unlocked the "What type of codex do you want to unlock", no idea what each of it does exactly so I might browse a bit
for more information.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on February 20, 2018, 08:32:04 pm
Ships almost never land on the region I have my base in (with the starting radar).

That is quite normal.

For codex you want the gray one. It’s the most popular one by far for a good reason.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 20, 2018, 09:33:28 pm
Grey has the best menace-class ship (the one you build out of your menacing hull) with inbuild shield, biggest radar and can lift into space-missions.
Crewsize is the 2nd smallest with 13 but you can field 1x lightweapon, 1x heavy weapon and 1x missle slot, legitimate able to hook every weapon you find onto the craft.
It's also the second slowest with 2000 speed, limiting it's use as a 'fighter' but the shield generator is worth alot and ensures your craft almost never has to repair.

Using the drill for grey also gives you the 'custom seagull launcher' aka Conversion Launcher and this babe is nearly as good as a lancer missle launcher while alot more cheaper and fed with cheap seagull missles instead of expensive lancer missles.
But I can't keep repeating myself that you don't get anything helpful for the battlefield for a very long time. (Battleflag doesn't count, every codex gets one for free.)
Selling point is the geoscape boost with disks and a liber occultus to get VOODOO faster unlocked. To actually get any 'voodoo' it takes a very long route leaving you with no 'help' in terms of guns, armor, manpower or equipment.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on February 22, 2018, 04:14:21 am
After quite a while I managed to get the first fighter-ish craft. Decided to go with the airspeeder along with seagull. Seaguls seem really expensive at this point in my game but is the fastest ship available currently 2500 max speed, 6 acceleration (was thinking over the aircar but it has slightly less speed / acc and I cannot manufacture cannon rounds).

The first couple ships I shot down yielded negative infamy points (I am almost certain they were civilian - green - ships, I checked, I swear) and abysmal profits. Is there a way to spot worthwhile / shootable ships with decent profits and most importantly with no loss in infamy score? If there are civilian ships, perhaps I should try capturing them alive instead of reaction fire them to death?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on February 22, 2018, 06:34:49 am
It's still worthwhile to go for civilian craft.  The small ship engines (which I believe never blow up unlike their large counterparts) plus any other possible cargo are worth a lot and easily offset the point penalties for killing instead of capturing the civilians.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 22, 2018, 08:38:36 am
Keep 'farming' civilians.
Try to capture them alive and 'ask' them for secrets by researching them! This way you get even more score-points and the mentioned small ship engine never blows up.
It's worth 100.000 $ each, comparable with 2,5x 'Smarp Guys' for 40.000 $ per captive. Captives you can't research again should be sold if you run out of prison space.

It's tempting to 'save' Hoes to upgrade them into Courtesans but I quickly run into the conclusion to sell them once they can't tell me further things.

Slavery might take a while to research, until that point constantly research captives or sell them to pay taxes and get more personell (namely runts/brainers and hands/lokk'nars) to have 6 soldiers up and ready 24/7.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on February 22, 2018, 06:35:28 pm
Don't use Seagulls against civilian targets. You're likely to destroy the craft instead of downing it.
Scavenge 25mm and 30mm bullets of Megapol ships (the blue ones with the beastmen inside) and arm yourself with that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 22, 2018, 08:03:16 pm
1 Seagull missle costs 50k so this cuts the win for a engine by 50%.
Get yourself an aircar and mount a 25mm or 30mm cannon onto it. Reliable shooting down of civilian crafts without accidently nuking them to tiny bits.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on February 23, 2018, 03:53:02 am
Don't forget that the small ship engines are used for some of the really good tanks, and once you get the Stop Tracking Civilians research topic done, they become harder to find. As good as 100k a pop sounds . . . try to save a few, those tanks can help a lot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on February 23, 2018, 06:56:50 am
I had to resort to the seaguls; Fast forward - spamming research, the first auto-cannon option (not the ammo) comes after approximately 4 months of research. No idea which string of researches unlocked it (it unlocked the 30mm cannon + parts + ammo).

With seaguls, I have to avoid all "very small" craft but on the upside, the speedster can down all small and most medium crafts without taking damage.

For the tanks, that's seems to be really far. I fast-tracked all of my current research topics (~8 months) and I haven't unlocked anything tank related. There are items missing apparently, although it's not any help, the lab is 20000% overworked already.

However, I used the drill on the Gray codex. A month ot so later, I get a satelite mission (- lots of infamy if I ignore) that I have no idea how to do. Tried commissioning Skyranger, Jellyfish, Snake and Shadowbat but the game tells me those crafts can not be used for that mission. On clicking to the "What to wear?" hint, I get a "We can use the following : Unknown" tip. Curious as to what tech is needed to be able to go to the South pole and do the freaking thing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 23, 2018, 08:41:51 am
The fortuna craft itself can go to space.
The hunter-killer can go to space too. All battery crafts are too 'weak' to leave earth.
Early in the game without space-suits and some lasgun you simply can't win the 'disruptive transmissions' mission but you can visit and instantly-abort the mission to remove the score penalty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on February 23, 2018, 11:27:50 am
What is "Reticulan Stuff" at reasearch tree? I dont know how to unlock it. Currently I am reasearching Reticulan tree - all spiecies are behind me and there are some leftovers like biomatter or their engine. But even if I rush my save to unlock Contacts" Reticulans I have no idea how to get "Reticulan Stuff" topic.

Edit: Does Voodoo Power value is static for each gal? Once rolled it can never be increased? Or it can be improved at Voodoo School?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on February 23, 2018, 01:35:22 pm
"Reticulan Stuff" is just another name for the engineered biomatter, and it is admittedly confusing.  It probably has to do with how the biomatter's Bootypedia article is titled "Reticulan Stuff"; I think that should be done away with and the articles should just be titled the same as the item names (Engineered Biomatter, Integrated Devices, Force Circuitry, etc.).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 23, 2018, 03:39:53 pm
VoodooPower is fixed upon creation of the character. Only some armors can add a bit power to the character but it can't be increased EVER.
VoodooSkill on the other hand has to be trained/unlocked on the voodoo school and caps around 40-45 (a +6 roll while having 39skill) for normal hands.

The school slowly trains V-Skill while the active use of voodoo-items allways trains the skill even on the first use.
A portion of your V-Skill is counted into your Voodoo-defence. If you train Voodoo-wimps you can still get decend protection against mind-fuckery.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 26, 2018, 12:31:52 am
What is the best place to find the LockNarr Trading cards (with their gods)?
I am a year into my campaign and don't have them so I can't get the codex crafts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on February 26, 2018, 07:59:26 am
What is the best place to find the LockNarr Trading cards (with their gods)?
You can get them from Decrypted Data Disks, Pillow Books, and selected interrogations.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 26, 2018, 02:51:45 pm
Don't they show up as items as well?

Oh well, time to decrypt those last 3 discs I have then. Pillowbooks are not an option yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 26, 2018, 03:44:52 pm
While I find the concept of "trading cards" amusing and even endearing, in fact they are not physical objects, but knowledge. Having info on a particular Demon God represents having studied this aspect of Lokk'Naar religion, at least briefly, and understanding its basic tenets.
This is why they are unlocked by scientific sources (data disks), certain relevant works of fiction (pillow books) and actual believers/priests (interrogations). I don't know if there are actual holy scriptures in the game, but they would make sense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on February 26, 2018, 05:15:11 pm
Lokk'Naar scriptures exist, they just rarely show up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 26, 2018, 06:23:17 pm
Sometimes those exist during the zaxx-bounty missions where you blow up the red barn.
Rarely those are inside the demon tower. So mostly RNG loot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on February 26, 2018, 06:30:13 pm
Lokk'Naar Scriptures are just flavor, though. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 26, 2018, 06:35:43 pm
And the big win among the 'free tech' is "Shadowmasters" to unlock the STC ships for research/purchace.
With Contacts: Car Thieves together of course.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 26, 2018, 09:43:46 pm
And the next disc gave me ... Shadowmasters. :D

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on February 27, 2018, 10:33:34 am
Hey there, Rince Wind. Just had to say hello to the cowardly wizard.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 03, 2018, 11:10:09 am
Power Plants reduces overall maintaince cost or just for base where they are located?

Are there any differences in stat caps for Lunatic/Hands/Veterans? What file should I open to check it by myself and what to look for?

Any idea what should I edit in Piratez files to allow Dojo/Luxury Spa to train soldiers to max cap?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 03, 2018, 01:33:10 pm
Power Plants reduces overall maintaince cost or just for base where they are located?
Those are the same. Maintenance cost for all bases is added together. And yes, you can have negative maintenance.

Are there any differences in stat caps for Lunatic/Hands/Veterans? What file should I open to check it by myself and what to look for?
Search for "soldiers:" in Piratez.rul. Lunatics have slightly higher caps for Voodoo Power.

Any idea what should I edit in Piratez files to allow Dojo/Luxury Spa to train soldiers to max cap?
Change the trainingStatCaps entries at the same place as above.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 11, 2018, 08:12:46 pm
Thanks cc.

Another thing. I would like to make starting Escaped Lunatics more uniqe in comparison to all other mercenaries you can get later and improve their early survivabillity. Two ideas:
1) Give them +5 starting armor OR
2) Give them passive HP regeneration.

I have tried to find some clues looking at werewolf race and mutated reaper at Piratez.rul but don't see any entries about regeneration. Is it connected to armor?
In that case to be able to do 1 or 2 I should update every armor entry in Piratez.rul with +5 armor and regeneration formula?

Is race "STR_SOLDIER" related only to Escaped Lunatics?

What does that entry mean:
      bravery: 10
      reactions: 75
      firing: 75
Max bravery/reactions/firing training from airgame?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 11, 2018, 09:29:29 pm
Another thing. I would like to make starting Escaped Lunatics more uniqe in comparison to all other mercenaries you can get later and improve their early survivabillity.

This mod is not meant to hold your hand at any point in the game.
The early game is supposed to be challenging and for most users it's the most fun part of the experience. To have more survivability, try different tactics:
Do more night missions; use more trees to avoid been shot at; save more TUs for proper reaction fire; add more tools to your inventory (you never know if you need a chainsaw to cut through walls etc.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 11, 2018, 10:07:15 pm
I have tried to find some clues looking at werewolf race and mutated reaper at Piratez.rul but don't see any entries about regeneration. Is it connected to armor?
Health regeneration/drain is indeed tied to armor.
In that case to be able to do 1 or 2 I should update every armor entry in Piratez.rul with +5 armor and regeneration formula?
Updating every armor would mean all gals get the bonus. You'd have to make copies of all the armors and then add overrides in the deployment sections as far as I understand. Best to just forget about the idea.
Is race "STR_SOLDIER" related only to Escaped Lunatics?
What does that entry mean:?
Chance to improve the stat by a point (or by ten points in Bravery's case).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on March 12, 2018, 11:08:39 pm
All I'd want for the Lunatics is to make it easier to tell who is one and who isn't.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 12, 2018, 11:23:04 pm
All I'd want for the Lunatics is to make it easier to tell who is one and who isn't.

Lunatics have a title in their diary as "Escaped Lunatic".
If that doesn't help to seperate them, give them a "L" or "EL" in front of the name.

--- posts merged ---

Totally different question:

Would anyone play this game with a mod that removes all guns and focuses on hand-to-hand combat with bows/x-bows and throwable spears/axes the only exceptions?
Maybe magic?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 14, 2018, 12:00:58 pm
What would be the rationalization for it? Gals have hands, eyes and brains. Why wouldn't they use firearms?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on March 14, 2018, 12:37:42 pm
I can see that idea working as a starting point, but now it would still require a good bit of rearranging to properly balance a game start. Even with a need for the earlier melee weapons, too much of it still depends on using the starting guns. You can't safely beat everybody on most maps, especially in the wilderness, so even trying to take prisoners, you've got to shoot and risk killing a few practically every mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 14, 2018, 12:44:23 pm
I'm not talking about piratez without guns.

Stuff like X-Com in the medieval age where black powder has to be invented first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 14, 2018, 12:56:36 pm
Would anyone play this game with a mod that removes all guns and focuses on hand-to-hand combat with bows/x-bows and throwable spears/axes the only exceptions?
Maybe magic?

It will be a very poor game because melee is the weak point of the AI. Have you not read all the comments about chyssalids not beeing dangerous enough? Thats basically an AI issue.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 14, 2018, 01:09:32 pm
I didn't and I'm a simple nerd with a job that had a vague idea.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on March 14, 2018, 01:19:32 pm
This is really by far the wrong engine for that kind of idea. After all, what happens . . . you set up you castle, and start recruiting your army, responding to threats against your growing kingdom . . .that just so happen to crop up all around the planet from the very start?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 14, 2018, 01:22:03 pm
I see the questions left unanswered. Sorry for bothering.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on March 14, 2018, 04:19:32 pm
Would anyone play this game with a mod that removes all guns and focuses on hand-to-hand combat with bows/x-bows and throwable spears/axes the only exceptions?
Maybe magic?

Ok. If you are talking about make a game like that with this engine, well, it is something I thought some time ago. The thing is.... As say before by KZad, yes, It is maybe the wrong engine. But because of the geoscape. The battlescape can offer interesting possibilities.

If you are talking about modding Xpiratez so you don't use guns.... well... it is going to be a "even harder mode", It can be an interesting challenge. The justification.... gals are fanatic zealot with an oath not to use powder or laser or plasma guns.

But I like to use firearms XD.

There are several ideas that maybe can work. But it is going to be a little complicate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on March 16, 2018, 04:35:39 am
Early tech mods could work, or early eras, though they'd need enough tweaking that it would make Piratez look like a simple mod, I think.  If you can limit the geoscape to show 'here be dragons' in areas that you physically can't get to, you could try to pull off a knight vs alien story, though lore-wise, why are they attacking the heavily defended keep and not the many many guys with horses and tents over thataway?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 16, 2018, 08:19:22 am
Shadowtech modules can be only mounted to Shadowbat/Jellyfish/Drill related crafts? Or there any other later on?

I'm asking because unlocking those extra modules take some time and tech progress so I've already use Fortuna and there is a slim chance that I will use my once loved Jellyfish.

How do you get Shadow Orbs to unlock more modules? Are those Shadow Orb modules worth it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 09:36:06 am
Those modules are only found during 'disruptive transmission' space missions fighting against t-100 killer droids.
The droprate is EXTREMELY low but you need those droids (dead or alive) to build EMP-Grenades later on.

The only reliable STC-slot you'll find every playthrough is the reticulian engine that boosts your battery ships (with free STC slots) with additional 750 speed/slot.
Useful midgame after you fought some reticulans but ultimately too slow once you can build nightmares (hunter killer v3.0) and brave whaler (your first missile bomber).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 16, 2018, 02:12:01 pm
A little bit stupid but - how not to savescum ?  ;D

I hope to restart after new relase and with knowledge gathered durning current play I can try not to savescum too much. Ironmode isn't an option because of potential bugs.
Ahh, and by savescuming I understand not to loose starting Lunatics. I dont care much about later hired Gals or units.

I think I will - khem cheat - and edit rulset to give Lunatics +20 HP to minimum starting roll without touching max HP.

The best scenario would be to be able to hire meat shields from the beginning of the game but so far it is not an option.

Any hints?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 02:32:00 pm
Iron(wo)man mode regardless.
If bugs happen, do 'debug mode' or skip mission.

Not even iron(wo)man mode is save-scum proof since you could alt-f4 your game before the autosave happens.
Also you can copy your save-file and just replace it if you feel cheated.

Unless you twitch Let's play it you can fuck around with the save and game as you freakin' please.
It's meant to be 'fun' in the end and sometimes it's just hard and unforgiving but never game- or campaign breaking without proper tools available to solve the issues.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 16, 2018, 04:36:46 pm
I wíonder if we finally get the long promised minor stat bonuses from awards in the upcoming version.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 05:06:19 pm
Only if it increases the actual stat-cap and not just adds +X onto the current value. Otherwise it would be just a different way to max-out faster.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on March 16, 2018, 05:47:21 pm
And oh god, the things you really need you'll max out pretty quick anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 16, 2018, 08:22:43 pm
How do you get Shadow Orbs to unlock more modules? Are those Shadow Orb modules worth it?
Disruptive Transmissions, Mage Tower, Sunken Treasure (underwater mission) and

Hell Cruise (Jack bounty mission): Shadow Orb of Alacrity
Disruptive Transmissions: Shadow Orb of Ethyr, Shadow Orb of Alacrity, Shadow Orb of Mind, Shadow Orb of Blood, Shadow Orb of Stasis
Mysterious Tower (Mage bounty mission): Shadow Orb of Ethyr

Scarab + Ethyr Drive X = pure awesome, by the way. Almost as fast as a Nightmare, but tougher and with two heavy weapon slots as well as a light one to obliterate your enemies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 09:10:08 pm
I swear those things simply don't spawn for me at all and I use explosives very scarcely once I can just gun 'em down.
Darn RNG loot.
Also can't have scarap, have grey codex this time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on March 16, 2018, 09:29:14 pm
There is a setting that allows savescum, with it off, assuming you do the same thing, the same things will happen, with it on, savescum happens.  I think it's off by default, though
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 10:16:11 pm
RNG the map until I can get the loot? Like manipulating mansions to have 2x treasure chest?
Nah thanks not for me :3
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: anonynamja on March 19, 2018, 08:56:47 am
I'm not talking about piratez without guns.

Stuff like X-Com in the medieval age where black powder has to be invented first.

Battle Brothers  (

but there's basically no strategic layer, and the sandbox isn't very deep
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 19, 2018, 04:40:54 pm
Any tips how to abuse Shadowbat's darkness (under wings)?

If I use Camo Paint on my Gals and hide in darkness (under wings) durning day mission - Will enemy use their Day or Night Vision range? Will Cano Girls use their Day or Night Camo value?
Is there any source of information how effective darknes combined with camouflage can be?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 19, 2018, 04:50:06 pm
If it's during the day, you will only ever use day values, shadows are just cosmetic.  To get night vision advantage, it has to be at night and your gal has to be in darkness.  The pedia articles with armors that have camo list the value as CAMO: camo at day/camo at night.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 19, 2018, 10:27:01 pm
Camo in night missions can be very good. There is just one thing to watch out for: light sources.

Most humans have night vision of 9, so even small night camo values do a lot. However, if your gal is illuminated even a tiny bit, day sight range and day camo is used. Things that can spoil the fun:
- dropped computers. You melee a guy that had a computer in the inventory. In the inventory it gives no light, but once on the ground it is a tiny light source. Suddenly your gal can be seen from the other end of the map...
- the bushes in iron forest. They are a light source in a tileset that is extremely dark. You will most likely not know you are standing in light. You will find out only when things start shooting your gals...

What I do on night missions:
Have a magna lite in the quickdraw slot. Only take it out to spot for enemies, then put it back in to kill the light. You should know that you suffer 50% accuracy vs targets out of your vision range. So if you want to shoot a distant target in a night mission, you need to light it up.
Pro tip when still using airbus or similar: have the gal with the magna lite stand around the corner of your ship. Then you have a zone of shadow you can savely shoot from. See pictures.
Note: this only works if you don't have any surplus magna lites laying on the floor of your craft. Pack accordingly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sleekie on March 20, 2018, 12:00:22 am
So I just broke and interrogated a guildmaster and he gave me some Cydonia Codes, but they're marked [Irg.]. I assume this means Irregular and that they're therefore useless. The tech viewer claims the actual codes item is literally an item. Where do I find this?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 20, 2018, 01:11:01 am
It's just internal name weirdness, the codes should still work for getting to the final mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sleekie on March 20, 2018, 03:37:31 am
It's just internal name weirdness, the codes should still work for getting to the final mission.
Yeah, I figured that out after a while. I don't get why that one code is special-cased, but if it works, it works I guess.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 20, 2018, 10:46:40 am
Turning the codes into an item (lootable in battlescape) could be nice. Would reduce some stress and casualties to capture ViPs.
By doing this we could go to mars even without any understandings for the annihilator-armor, forcefields, voodoo and exotic tech gained from the stargods.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 20, 2018, 11:35:33 am
Turning the codes into an item (lootable in battlescape) could be nice. Would reduce some stress and casualties to capture ViPs.
By doing this we could go to mars even without any understandings for the annihilator-armor, forcefields, voodoo and exotic tech gained from the stargods.

And how exactly is this a good idea...?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 20, 2018, 01:36:21 pm
It's not. It's for speedruns.
The sole reason to 'guarantee' the codes is for the situation that you only need 1 out of 4 ViPs but don't need the tech granted by the interrogation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 20, 2018, 02:38:50 pm
It's not. It's for speedruns.

A speedrun. Of PirateZ.


You should seriously consider doing less drugs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 20, 2018, 03:16:55 pm
That was a joke ;)
Doing such thing would require massive manipulation of mission schedule, research times and overall battlescape RNG.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 20, 2018, 06:04:13 pm
Yeah, I figured that out after a while. I don't get why that one code is special-cased, but if it works, it works I guess.
Irg. is short for "Interrogation". You can also get the guild codes from the Bank Robbery mission, thus the need for two different research topics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 21, 2018, 01:34:41 am
That's news to me.  I only got a few Bank Robbery missions in my last playthrough, with one of them yielding a shadow orb.  I imagine the codes would be a very rare drop, so it might not be a dependable way to get it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on March 21, 2018, 07:00:34 pm
1. Where can I get star gods code? Silver towers have not spawned for ~2 in-game years, battleships/cruisers don't have coordinators, and public enemy never ever spawned in dozens of larger smuggler ships (the ones with catgirls) I assaulted.

2. What exactly am I supposed to do on bank robbery mission? Killing everyone within 20 turns does not seem to work, as there seem to be some hidden enemies, there are no items laying around as on mansion mission, and I assume there should be some kind of vault in the basement, but trying to explode things down there does nothing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 21, 2018, 07:47:16 pm
In the bank are stairs to go down. Use a pickaxe or hammer to break the 'black' wall.
1-2 tiles later you digged out the hallway to crawl in deeper.

Beware! The hallway is full with traps so better bring choke-resist armor and gasmasks.

Star Gods codes can be gained through the methods you mentioned and you can also go for a crackdown against your hideout. Those are commanded by a stargod coordinator for sure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 21, 2018, 10:17:22 pm
2. What exactly am I supposed to do on bank robbery mission? Killing everyone within 20 turns does not seem to work, as there seem to be some hidden enemies, there are no items laying around as on mansion mission, and I assume there should be some kind of vault in the basement, but trying to explode things down there does nothing.
Dig into the vault from the East. It's always in the same place and if you have someone with Sense, you can find it even easier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sleekie on March 22, 2018, 12:06:23 am
The vault doors are very tough, so explosives aren't very reliable, plus you have to access each individual vault, up to three of them. I use a heavy chainsaw to cut my way in since it uses no ammo, but it's, well, heavy. Stamina is the stat for this map.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on March 22, 2018, 01:31:04 am
Quick reminder: fusion torch exists, you can buy it easily by the time bank robbery missions start appearing, and it can melt anything and everything, up to (and including) external walls of an ship.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on March 22, 2018, 01:10:38 pm
Where can I get Gatling Lascannons from?  Lol!! I got it from Decrypted Disc in a lucky research. Beyond this where do I get it from.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 22, 2018, 01:12:00 pm
Going for a fusion torch is a very TU-consuming way. It's a time-critical mission to a degree.
While you've to clear house on the outside you have to deal with those security dudes trapped in the two (?) money-vaults in the basement. Maybe pickaxe and hammer? Dig in, use aye-phones and get rid of the guild security. The corridor connecting the vaults are filled with stun/chocking(?) traps so either 0% smoke-damage suits or at least gasmasks to reduce damage taken.

Gatling Lascannon parts are sometimes on freighters, and if lucky on the larger smuggler ships.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on March 22, 2018, 01:14:25 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 22, 2018, 06:01:24 pm
Where can I get Gatling Lascannons from?  Lol!! I got it from Decrypted Disc in a lucky research. Beyond this where do I get it from.

Destroyers and battleships have it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on March 23, 2018, 05:04:48 pm
Where can I get "smelly rags"? No option to produce, not on the market. (required for freak recruit manufacture)

also, what is "custom stealthsuit"? I can buy them, but can't equip or research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 23, 2018, 05:30:26 pm
That's news to me.  I only got a few Bank Robbery missions in my last playthrough, with one of them yielding a shadow orb.  I imagine the codes would be a very rare drop, so it might not be a dependable way to get it.

Where ARE these bank robbery missions spawned from anyway?
Have not shown up in my playthrough yet and im nearing year 3.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on March 23, 2018, 05:50:35 pm
So, any use with the new Peasant Units? So far they're even worse than slaves with barely any custom outfits, although I suppose the latter that's bet to change.

Also, I have another question: Do the Castaway Gals you can Rescue in some missions have better stats than the average just like your initial Lunatics, or are they "just" free units? I'm not completely sure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 23, 2018, 06:11:00 pm
They are supposed to have slightly better voodoo stats.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 23, 2018, 07:38:38 pm
So, any use with the new Peasant Units? So far they're even worse than slaves with barely any custom outfits, although I suppose the latter that's bet to change.

Meat shields and scouts. Love them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 23, 2018, 10:03:04 pm
Where ARE these bank robbery missions spawned from anyway?
Goblin bounty mission.

Also, I have another question: Do the Castaway Gals you can Rescue in some missions have better stats than the average just like your initial Lunatics, or are they "just" free units?
They have the same stats as your initial lunatics. To be precise, they are lunatics that got separated from you during the escape.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 24, 2018, 12:25:29 am
Where ARE these bank robbery missions spawned from anyway?
Have not shown up in my playthrough yet and im nearing year 3.

They're Goblin Zaxx B-rank missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 24, 2018, 05:50:53 pm
They're Goblin Zaxx B-rank missions.
Wait, so B rank was added? How is it accessed?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 24, 2018, 11:59:17 pm
You need Persuation, Camouflage, 400 tokens of each type, and have found another bounty customer: Wiz Biz, who you find by delving into Voodoo research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on March 25, 2018, 01:30:00 am
The peasants aren't as useful as they could be yet, but they're cheap cannon fodder.  Can we get info on their max stats, though?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on March 25, 2018, 03:29:13 am

      tu: 45
      stamina: 60
      health: 35
      bravery: 40
      reactions: 40
      firing: 30
      throwing: 30
      strength: 15
      psiStrength: 15
      psiSkill: 0
      melee: 30
      tu: 50
      stamina: 70
      health: 40
      bravery: 60
      reactions: 45
      firing: 35
      throwing: 35
      strength: 20
      psiStrength: 69
      psiSkill: 20
      melee: 35
      tu: 80
      stamina: 140
      health: 55
      bravery: 100
      reactions: 80
      firing: 120
      throwing: 90
      strength: 45
      psiStrength: 69
      psiSkill: 60
      melee: 100
      tu: 66
      stamina: 85
      health: 40
      bravery: 0
      reactions: 0
      firing: 85
      throwing: 66
      strength: 40
      psiStrength: 0
      psiSkill: 60
      melee: 66

To compare, here you have the slaves.

      tu: 45
      stamina: 40
      health: 25
      bravery: 10
      reactions: 35
      firing: 30
      throwing: 30
      strength: 10
      psiStrength: 15
      psiSkill: 0
      melee: 20
      tu: 60
      stamina: 70
      health: 40
      bravery: 50
      reactions: 60
      firing: 60
      throwing: 55
      strength: 40
      psiStrength: 70
      psiSkill: 20
      melee: 60
      tu: 80
      stamina: 120
      health: 55
      bravery: 100
      reactions: 80
      firing: 120
      throwing: 90
      strength: 55
      psiStrength: 70
      psiSkill: 60
      melee: 100
      tu: 66
      stamina: 85
      health: 40
      bravery: 0
      reactions: 0
      firing: 85
      throwing: 66
      strength: 40
      psiStrength: 0
      psiSkill: 60
      melee: 66

Basically, The peasants start with worse stats than Slaves, have better stamina cap, and lower strength and vodoo cap. 

On another related though, I think, for future versions, than in general they should be able of using the same armors, except for some exceptions.

What are the plans?.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Bloax on March 25, 2018, 11:00:06 am
Their only purpose at the moment is to make sure you're not locked out of doing things if you accidentally raidwipe your initial group of people at the very start of the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on March 26, 2018, 10:43:34 pm
I have a random question: Would it be possible for a mod to offer a variant to the scientist unit, as there are alternate soldiers and the like?

I don't know how to mod stuff, but I was thinking about something like a "monkey with a typewriter" or "MONKEY" for short, as in the Pirates somehow discover through reading old media that joke about a number of monkeys hitting keys at random, will eventually create a readable text. 

(I mean this:

Mechanics-wise would be a cheaper scientist that takes longer to research stuff compared to regular Brainers.

Could that be doable to mod? It sounds zany enough to be in the game, considering we have combat parrots and magical rabbits.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on March 27, 2018, 10:31:18 am
I think that require a modification of the game engine. So, for now, not should be possible.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Labraid on March 27, 2018, 01:10:29 pm
Since I don't believe it is possible to add different types of researchers without rewriting whole research code the closest probably possible modification would be somehow checking daily for number or monkeys in possession to calculate chance of getting random free tech from a weighted list. Should be pretty close to what infinite number of monkeys (or large number of mutated monkeys) would work like.

Please note that above is just my estimate of what is possible and what not based on current scope of modifications already present in game and my limited understanding of OpenXcom project so I might be completely wrong.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on March 27, 2018, 04:42:10 pm
That gave me an idea! What about doing it as a "renewable research topic" similar to the Decrypted Disks, but that can be researched in bases without lab equivalents at the expense of taking way longer. The brainer/s would be needed with the justification of needing someone to decipher the things the monkeys write.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 28, 2018, 12:02:44 pm
This sounds like very advanced probability magic.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 28, 2018, 02:56:38 pm
Doing that directly would require editing the engine code. However, you could mod in an early manufacturing project that requires any workshop space at all, substitute in runts for monkeys (that sounds like something the brainers would do anyways), and produces shittier versions of data disks that give mostly nonsense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sleekie on March 29, 2018, 03:52:47 am
Where can I get "smelly rags"? No option to produce, not on the market. (required for freak recruit manufacture)

also, what is "custom stealthsuit"? I can buy them, but can't equip or research.

The game doesn't make this very clear, but the stealthsuit is for syns. And very useful it is, too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 29, 2018, 12:36:35 pm
Smelly rags are placed in your starting base. The only way to get them otherwise is by recruiting "Freaks".
Those rags aren't that useful and in for the X-Prison missions it's better to run topless anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on March 30, 2018, 04:31:03 pm

So, is this "special recruit #001" that is listed as "Freak" in prison is same as Jack's prize freaks stat-wise or actually is special? I haven't unlocked Jack's prize yet on new playthrough, so should I even bother in case I sold the rags already?

And who are the other special recruits?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on March 30, 2018, 06:49:59 pm
I have a question: For transports, can a pilot's stats make the ship be capable of going further than it normally should according to range? Just to be sure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 30, 2018, 06:55:35 pm
I have a question: For transports, can a pilot's stats make the ship be capable of going further than it normally should according to range? Just to be sure.

No, pilots' stats can only affect traits during a dogfight.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on March 30, 2018, 08:04:07 pm

So, is this "special recruit #001" that is listed as "Freak" in prison is same as Jack's prize freaks stat-wise or actually is special? I haven't unlocked Jack's prize yet on new playthrough, so should I even bother in case I sold the rags already?

And who are the other special recruits?

I had to unlock Jack's Prize and buy a Freak to get smelly rags again. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on March 31, 2018, 07:52:34 am
Don't smelly rags have several uses?  You'd think they'd be easier to get, given that they're literally just filthy scraps of cloth.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 01, 2018, 12:09:24 am
Unlimited Waypoints
Yarr! or Nay and why?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on April 01, 2018, 12:28:11 am
Unlimited Waypoints
Yarr! or Nay and why?

If you refer to the OpenXcom standard mod called "OpenXCom: Unlimited Waypoints" then Nay...

... it changes waypoints only for vanilla lauchers and thus is quite irrelevant for PirateZ.... since vanilla "Blaster Launcher" was deleted from PirateZ and vanilla "Hovertank Launcher" was completely redefined in PirateZ and has zero waypoints.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sleekie on April 06, 2018, 01:52:47 am
Can anyone explain what the Shield stats on armour are trying to convey? 66/33 type 2, etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 06, 2018, 02:48:04 am
Just some educated/experiment guesswork, since as yet we dont have an entry for personnel shield mechanics(least that i can find).

The first number appears to be the maximum HP of the shield, the second i think is regen rate, the type probably has something to do with what damage types the shield interacts with.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 07, 2018, 12:47:24 pm
The colonial marine for example has 150/30 type 3 - shields.
A poisoned dagger does bio-damage and entirely bypasses the shield, directly damaging the soldier (you can do one-shots on a high roll).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 09, 2018, 04:18:15 pm
Am I the only one who cannot handle the White Worm? I walk into the gas trap myself every second mission at least...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 09, 2018, 05:56:03 pm
Am I the only one who cannot handle the White Worm? I walk into the gas trap myself every second mission at least...

No, you're not alone. That's why i'm only half sad when it got shot down. With exception of the shadowbat most of those codex vessel are iffy. Worst of all is some blue ringlike ship where one gal is literally stuck in the cockpit. I sold it after one mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 09, 2018, 06:43:20 pm
Worst of all is some blue ringlike ship where one gal is literally stuck in the cockpit. I sold it after one mission.

Lol the most widely praised Codex ship XD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on April 09, 2018, 07:43:40 pm
I never used it (Jellyfish) either. I find Shadowbat the best for guerilla tactics and for the tactical options it provides.
Jellyfish is also the slowest of the Gray codex ships, although there are uses as a meat-shield due to the shields.
Then again, Snake is faster and has shields.
I use Fortuna when Shadowbat is not an option (space missions, house raids, sea missions etc.), although tactically it's terrible leaving your units exposed from the get-go (no doors). At least it has a good amount of crew space (12) with 2 aux slots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 09, 2018, 07:46:29 pm
Worst of all is some blue ringlike ship where one gal is literally stuck in the cockpit. I sold it after one mission.

Jellyfish has some kind of guided-psi-weapon in this little cockpit - check your inventory! I find this very useful for underwater missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on April 09, 2018, 07:48:09 pm
Quick question : I finished a research (don't remember the name) at the end of which I got a "freaky gal". Game prompted me that I can sell her for a good amount of money back to the academy or I can recruit her via manufacture -> recruitment. Materials needed include a "smelly rag". Any idea where I can find one?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on April 09, 2018, 07:53:24 pm
Jellyfish has some kind of guided-psi-weapon in this little cockpit - check your inventory! I find this very useful for underwater missions.

Tested it a bit, had a few problems with it. Firstly, it seems the first few shots get stopped by the wall the girl resides in. It seemed that I have to shoot through the wall (a small vent in front of the girl) in order to make subsequent shots to actual targets. Sometimes it took 3 shots to destroy the vent.

Secondly, the damage was really abysmal (tested it shooting my own units). Maybe if the girl using it is strong on VP it will be more effective.
At that case though, I am pretty sure she can use stronger VP weapons and be mobile.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 09, 2018, 07:55:55 pm
Jellyfish has some kind of guided-psi-weapon in this little cockpit - check your inventory! I find this very useful for underwater missions.

Well i could place those "rocket"-markers all over the map but... nothing happened  :o
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 09, 2018, 07:56:19 pm
Did you try opening the window like a door?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 09, 2018, 07:58:06 pm
The arcane ray does plasma damage and scales with voodoo power.
You've to try out which gal can deal the most damage with it by swapping the 'hooked' one every mission and check with 'alt' hold down to see the damage calculation.

All of the menace ships have the same map used, just different color and crew size.
The fortuna is one of the best thanks to the ability to go to space and underwater from the get-go.

A different and smaller approach using sealed up transporters with doors are 'Deliverator' 'Mining Ship' and 'Drakkar'.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 09, 2018, 07:58:54 pm
Did you try opening the window like a door?

Apparently not  8).
If it's lika a door, shouldn't there be a way out of it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 09, 2018, 08:00:13 pm
Took me a while to figure out there’s a window.

Amusingly, on the two parter mission (sea oddity) you can take the arcane ray to the next stage
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 09, 2018, 08:00:28 pm
There's a wall with an opening in front of the 'door,' so it's more like a window with a security shutter.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 09, 2018, 08:19:21 pm
To bo honest I have never used the Jellyfish either, I am more of a Scorpion person. But I keep hearing about how absolutely best it is.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 09, 2018, 08:41:18 pm
I always killed everyone in the Sea Oddity and didn't get a 2nd part.
But as the loot is not worth it and the mission is a pain with people needing to be on constant x-grog duty to keep at least some gals concious I just skip it at the moment.

Is the Triton any good? I can build one, but I don't have the hangar space right now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 09, 2018, 08:43:17 pm
The Triton has a big door, lots of crew space, and doesn't need fuel.  So it's pretty good as a backup transport or for training crews.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 09, 2018, 09:07:42 pm
Materials needed include a "smelly rag". Any idea where I can find one?

You have a few rags at the start, but due to their "smelliness" they take up quite a lot of space. If you have sold them all, there seems to be a way to aqquire one with (jacks?) bounty prizes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 09, 2018, 09:33:07 pm
The Triton has a big door, lots of crew space, and doesn't need fuel.  So it's pretty good as a backup transport or for training crews.

So it's the old TftD Triton?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 09, 2018, 09:38:37 pm
So it's the old TftD Triton?

Not quite, there's a bit more interior space, the door is wider (great for tanks or the sentry turret!), and you can't climb all the way on top.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 09, 2018, 09:50:04 pm
Quick question : I finished a research (don't remember the name) at the end of which I got a "freaky gal". Game prompted me that I can sell her for a good amount of money back to the academy or I can recruit her via manufacture -> recruitment. Materials needed include a "smelly rag". Any idea where I can find one?

If you had any smelly rags from the beginning of the game you can use that.  I sell them off because of how much space they take.  In order to get new ones, you have to unlock Jack's Freak Prize and buy a Freak Gal.  She will come wrapped in a smelly rag, that you can use to manufacture a new one from your Tough Gal > Freak Potential gal, iirc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 10, 2018, 11:13:54 am
What's the recommended difficulty level if you want a challenge but not play this for 300 hours? I've been watching starving poet's LP and this mod looks amazing but I definitely don't have the commitment for a 300 hour playthrough. At the same time, I don't want to start curb stomping everyone after a few months of well executed missions.

I beat the original XCOM on ironman superhuman a couple of times but it's also rather easy if you know how to metagame the campaign. I don't anticipate that this mod is as simple to cheese.

Should I just pick the middle difficulty and then change it later?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 10, 2018, 11:20:04 am
Pick the middle one and edit it later.
Like vanilla, on Jack Sparrow (Superhuman) enemies are tougher, deadlier and also larger in numbers.

The Jack Sparrow difficulty also leaves you about 16 months to prepare for the toughest factions like Stargods (Ethereals) and Mercenaries (Mutons).
It keeps cycling around with the most active enemy faction each month but as a first-time experience the middle one is green to go.

Early game is tough on all difficulties, most challenging on superhuman ofc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 10, 2018, 11:47:02 am
I just realized magical girls are not much different from tasoths and likely based upon similar technology.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 10, 2018, 07:29:43 pm
Love the addition of peasants as an early game challenge and a way to save money. How do you get better outfits for them? I clicked around for a bit in tech tree and couldn't find anything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 11, 2018, 11:16:02 am
What research unlocks being able to build barracks?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on April 11, 2018, 06:03:18 pm
Love the addition of peasants as an early game challenge and a way to save money. How do you get better outfits for them? I clicked around for a bit in tech tree and couldn't find anything.

I think we should wait for next version
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 11, 2018, 07:52:49 pm
You can squeeze them into a space suit and a loader suit so far.
They can't keep up with the ubers but cost a mere 5k to bridge shortage of soldiers early on.
No longterm solution.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 11, 2018, 08:16:40 pm
I have the latest version but I can't build barracks. Is this a bug or am I missing some obvious research? The entry is unlocked in Bootypedia but it doesn't show up as an option under Expand. At least burrows are available though not ideal.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 11, 2018, 08:36:23 pm
I have the latest version but I can't build barracks. Is this a bug or am I missing some obvious research? The entry is unlocked in Bootypedia but it doesn't show up as an option under Expand. At least burrows are available though not ideal.

You need "Contacts: Builders' Hall" to construct Barracks.  The entry is unlocked because you have one in your starting base.   Early on, build more burrows to expand your staff, then sell them later.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 11, 2018, 09:52:31 pm
You've to keep at least one burrow to keep your parrots, dogs and other captured/auxillary animals later on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 11, 2018, 11:01:13 pm
I actually like to keep a burrow in almost all my bases just for base defense.  The floor plan is open and is a spawn spot for 2x2 units like Reapers/Mutie Reapers and tanks.  Of course its also needed for Werewolves, Dogs, and Parrots.  I usually have it close to a hangar or other access point.  I also has a completely blocked Air Vent top level, which should be taken into consideration when planning base defense layouts.  It also is a stores spawn location so extra ammo, weapons, etc can be found there often.  For this reason take care with explosives in the facility.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 12, 2018, 10:33:08 am
Fun thing is:
You can hire/train dogs/werewolves in a base without a burrow.

You can assign the units to the craft as aux-units and all but once the mission is done, the game suddenly warns you that the base doesn't have enough space to hold them anymore. You either sell the excess dogs/wolves now or ship them to a base that has a burrow installed.

If you ask how this is possible to get:
You can train a savage werewolf as usual with a burrow installed and such.
Assign the werewolf to any craft that can hold an aux-unit.
Erase the burrow -> Do a mission with the werewolf on board -> Error message will trigger @ mission debriefing
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 12, 2018, 11:15:13 am
You can squeeze them into a space suit and a loader suit so far.
They can't keep up with the ubers but cost a mere 5k to bridge shortage of soldiers early on.
No longterm solution.
That's sad. Although running around naked with a spear is surprisingly effective. I didn't even realise before how OP the spear is if a peasant with 30's in stats can reliably get kills with it. Decent base damage with 20% ARP and 160% accuracy, that's insane.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 12, 2018, 12:26:40 pm
I didn't even realise before how OP the spear is if a peasant with 30's in stats can reliably get kills with it.

Just like in real life.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on April 13, 2018, 12:42:54 am
That is why spears and pikes were actually the most popularly used weapons in ancient and medieval wars. Didn't take much training to make a soldier effective in a group, but damn was it ever effective! Hammers and axes were right behind basic polearms.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 13, 2018, 09:35:39 am
Is there a way to change the target for items without moving and/or changing your face? Sometimes when there's an enemy on the ground, using a medkit or drinking a beer targets the body on the ground instead of anything else I want. I can see this telegraphed when I hover over the item but there's no indication on how to change it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 13, 2018, 09:53:19 am
Can't remember it was different than this ever.
If you stand on a corpse/K.O. unit, you'll target the unit on the ground even if you face an ally in an adjusted square.
You simply have to stand on an empty square to treat the correct unit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 15, 2018, 01:39:19 pm
Is there a good way to bypass the traps in the bank robbery mission?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 15, 2018, 01:53:10 pm
Armors with full resistance (0%) to smoke damage.
Gas Masks to get to 50% smoke resistance.
You can also dig through the walls from the sides into the treasure rooms themselves. Depends on how good your equipment is and how many turns you have left.
20 turns can run out quickly so you better bring alot of people and digging tools to target the 2 north-chambers and the single south-chamber ASAP.

Thanks to the new 'enemy moral buff' the guild security doesn't panic anymore to make this mission challenging.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 15, 2018, 02:54:07 pm

3 Chambers? I only had enemies in 2 then. :D
I mostly used the mining laser, seemed a lot more dependable then pickaxes and hammers. I might need to build a 2nd one for next time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 15, 2018, 09:20:30 pm
Laser feels about right and it can melt through 4 tiles at once.
Sadly RNG hates me and I get 2 tiles at best. :(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on April 16, 2018, 02:02:38 pm
I just ran into Ghost Gals on a mission, any good tips on handing those? I just made some tech blades to see if that helps if i run into them again. But crossbows and the underwater stun darts were not useful at all :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 16, 2018, 04:26:23 pm
Just sneak around them, grab the treasures and leave.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 16, 2018, 04:45:54 pm
poke em with a spear, when they land.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 16, 2018, 05:42:06 pm
Use laser or plasma weaponry.
Those are kinda immune to piercing damage. Also those have SENSE 40 so don't even try to sneak around them, they'll know you exist anyway.
You can 'stun' them but you'll only get a corpse. Their shots do stun-damage, bring stun-removal with you and armor resistant to heat.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 16, 2018, 05:43:13 pm
Will the X-Prison mission respawn until I research the looted documents? Because there is a lot of money to gain here and the risk isn't that great.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 16, 2018, 08:49:38 pm
Also those have SENSE 40 so don't even try to sneak around them, they'll know you exist anyway.

Even if they know where you are they, if you position yourself right, won’t be able to land enough hits on you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 16, 2018, 10:56:32 pm
A zombie mansion? Really!?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on April 17, 2018, 01:52:27 am
Zombie everything, actually. Only a few specific missions never have them, for the rest it's a random chance it turns out to be zombies. Pain in the ass, aren't they?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on April 17, 2018, 02:31:18 am
Since zombies never surrender, the tactic of looting an entire mansion by killing lots of enemies and all the high-ranking and non-surrendering enemies won't work.  Better to just loot and run than risk going over the 32 turn limit trying to find that last lousy zombie hiding in a corner or unreachable area.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 17, 2018, 03:09:01 am
I'd probably evac a zombie mansion as rapidly as possible. To much threat from the close quarters since your armor picks are limited.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 17, 2018, 09:33:23 am
I'd probably evac a zombie mansion as rapidly as possible. To much threat from the close quarters since your armor picks are limited.

That is what I did! There was no real alternative as I did not bring any weapons that made sense against zombies is such confined space.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 17, 2018, 03:41:59 pm
Good thing I never ran into zombo-mansions so far.
Not worth the risk indeed and with very limited space to kite them you better run for it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 17, 2018, 09:31:52 pm
Why am I always so underwhelmed when testing the VooDooWeapons?

I was just out hunting Sky Ninjas. My psi-wise strongest Gal hit a Sky Ninja 4 times with a Plasma Glove and did not kill the Sky Ninja. As the range of the Glove is abysmal it seems easier, cheaper and more reliable to just take the extra steps and hit opponents with a shovel.

When comparing the Plasma Glove with a Combat Bow on paper, the Combat Bow seems to make more sense. A strong Gal does a mean damage of 50 with the bow, while the a psi-strong Gal does  a mean damage of 60 with the glove. But ACC and range of the bow are far superior. So, in which situations is the glove useful? When fighting opponents with a tendency to wander into range in a non-threatening way and that are vulnarable to plasma damage?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 17, 2018, 10:43:05 pm
Voodoo is optional.
Stuff thats not armor-glued is most of the time undertuned to avoid abuse.
Otherwise stack large v-rods and annihilators and melee-mc whatever you desire to manipulate. (that's what the vanilla game felt like)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 17, 2018, 11:18:47 pm
The glove does have the advantages of being a small one handed infiltration weapon. Also no morale cost to fire, 0-G, plasma armor shred, and pretty good CQC rating at 140%. Also reasonably early in the tech tree at Ye magic shoppe.

Downsides: not that accurate, hit or miss usage since it arrives before voodoo school. Slightly anemic in power without voodoo boosting outfits.

It's a reasonable good sidearm for those with the psi power but primary weapon it is not. Maybe useful as a voodoo skill trainer since it calls V power and throwing for accuracy, unlike the wands which call firing for accuracy and voodoo skill as part of the damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 18, 2018, 12:06:19 am
The wand of airlessness seems to be really strong. Not that much slower than an electric whip, but needs more energy I think. It worked really well against the lobstermen in the last They came from the Sea for me. So did axes, but with the wands I didn't need to leave my position. (so many injuries from two sonic grenades...)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Wayans on April 18, 2018, 06:36:39 am
Which resistance?  Armor resistance, or the new special items that provide it?
If I'm not wrong the resistance to any type of damage is the amount of the damage you receive, i'm not sure if it goes before armor or after. But the lesser is better, If an armor doesn't have a value on a particular resistance means it's just 100% unaltered damage you will receive.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 18, 2018, 09:39:06 am
The wand of airlessness seems to be really strong. Not that much slower than an electric whip, but needs more energy I think. It worked really well against the lobstermen in the last They came from the Sea for me. So did axes, but with the wands I didn't need to leave my position. (so many injuries from two sonic grenades...)

Lobstermen are susceptible to choking damage and quite hard to kill otherwise. The Wand of Airlessness is one of the few Voodoo things that I have in reserve for exactly such opponents.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 18, 2018, 11:31:26 am
Damage is calculated by the initial role (1d200 / 2d100 or 50-150%) and multiplied with the targets resistance. (100% = *1.0 / 80% = *0.8)
Armor penetration multiplies the flat-armor value of the target.

If the damage roll - Resistance_Bonus surpasses the armor value (after armorpen is calculated) it does damage to health.
How much health damage depends on the ammo used. Armor-pen ammo usually does less HP damage since it's meant to pierce through armor and the bullet doesn't shred flesh.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 18, 2018, 02:47:18 pm
Hellgun is really good. If you combine it with voodoo boosting clothes it kills tanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 18, 2018, 04:14:31 pm
It's a shotgun so it's awesome to begin with.
It's a plasma-shotgun on top of that so double-awesome.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 18, 2018, 08:58:57 pm
Hellgun works more like UAC plasmagun than  shotgun.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 18, 2018, 09:31:08 pm
Is there any way to use bandages on a unit that falls unconscious in the middle of climbing stairs? I tried using bandages both from above and below of the patient, but in both cases I get a message "There's no one to bandage there" or some such.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 18, 2018, 09:34:40 pm
Pick them up and move them to another location, stairs are an awkward place for the engine to validate what's in the tile.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 18, 2018, 09:49:01 pm
1. Regarding Buildings: Is there a need for the mess anymore, when i'm research-wise at "back to school"? (despite the healing buff)

2. Is there a way to check the available interrogation topics on a prisoner - like the research tree spoiler? Roleplaywise i've built a megaprison in the (former) US, but my brainers are all in europe, so i rely on luck when i shuffle prisoners around the world.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 18, 2018, 09:54:40 pm
I think the mess hall speeds up wound recovery time somewhat, so there's still use for it.  You can still check research topics in a base that has no research space or brainers - the research screen in that base should show the prisoners if they have further things they can give you from interrogation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 18, 2018, 10:03:34 pm
I think the mess hall speeds up wound recovery time somewhat, so there's still use for it.

True, but apart from that?

You can still check research topics in a base that has no research space or brainers - the research screen in that base should show the prisoners if they have further things they can give you from interrogation.

Oh man thanks a lot!  Such an easy solution... (feeling a bit stupid right now)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 18, 2018, 11:04:15 pm
The mess hall allows to train slaves into slave soldiers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 19, 2018, 12:32:21 am
Yeah, thanks. I want to train a green lighter, so i won't tear the mess hall down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 19, 2018, 12:48:55 am
Are slave soldiers any good?

Never used them much.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2018, 02:10:13 am
Slave soldiers are okay, weaker in then a gal in most stats(Voodoo being the notable exception). But they are low maintenance and easy to replace. I use them to guard lesser bases, and to fill roster gaps while the gals are in sick bay.

Early in the game, due to rank salary bonuses, staffing your bases with just gals can be cripplingly expensive. Particularly cause most of those gals will rarely see action.

Later in the game slaves do get some decent armor and are perfectly capable of handling lesser mission on there own. The recently added testudo armor actually has more sheer armor then Annihilator, not as good resistances thou.

If you play with the more tanks/cars mod then you can really get some mileage from the slaves as only they and loknarr's can "drive" those.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 19, 2018, 01:41:04 pm
well, I use loknarrs to drive my tanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2018, 10:23:57 pm
Slaves are moderately better for the tanks imo. Higher max TU, higher HP, and Higher Bravery. They will have lower reactions but a number of the tanks are not things you want reaction firing anyway(collateral damage to civilians/loot). The loknars higher stamina is largely irrelevant because of the way the tank "suits" functions.

Slaves are also about a 1/3rd a loknarr in salary and your not paying the 25k recruitment fee, just some runt hours.

Loknars are far better at being scouts and marksmen with there normal outfits.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: XCOMJunkie on April 20, 2018, 09:24:45 am
I've got a quick question about the mission "They Came From the Sea"... I know it's a B-rank mission for Jack, but I don't notice it drop any loot or anything that actually generates any trophies or Jack bounty tokens. Is there some other mechanism for reward that I'm not noticing in regards to Jack tokens for this mission?

That being said, I love this mission type. Defend against huge odds is rather fun, and such a great way to train up my reactions and firing skills on my gals. Love it!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 20, 2018, 10:00:21 am
The missions gives no tokens since it's release. Just greenskins and lobsterman to gun down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 20, 2018, 11:13:43 am
I am pretty sure I got about 1600 tokens worth out if it? Will have to check next time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 20, 2018, 02:25:58 pm
It definitely has a chance (possibly 100%, can't remember) to spawn an orb.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 20, 2018, 02:29:26 pm
Are the Flying Disc enemies particularly resistant to regular projectile weapons like rifles and shotguns? I tried to shoot one down, but even after landing approximately 10 hits with different rifles I still didn't manage to destroy one. I even hit it with a laser pistol a couple of times to boot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 20, 2018, 02:52:27 pm
Robotic units generally have good armour, but poor Health. Use stronger weapons (like melee or javelins) or try fire, as it generally bypasses armour.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 20, 2018, 02:54:12 pm
Do you mean cyberdiscs? Big, 2x2 tan disc that reaction-fires your units to ash? If so then yes, they are resistant to firearms in general plus have some decent armor and good HP.  I suggest more lasers, powerful explosives, or fire. If it's a different enemy, it depends, but explosives and fire probably still work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 20, 2018, 03:57:38 pm
Around 3 'flying disks' come to mind for me.
1.) Academy drone (1x1 unit) Has good armor but only 5HP and low powered laser without good aim.
2.) Cyberdisk (2x2 unit) Good armor and explodes once destroyed by most types of damage. Shots green(?) blobs that do massive plasma damage.
3.) Hovertank Gauss (2x2 unit) Even more armor and high aim. Shoots gauss-bullets that do huge piercing damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 20, 2018, 04:08:39 pm
It was the Academy drone. I loaded the game and this time it died with one reaction shot from a laser pistol! So I was just really unlucky the first time. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 20, 2018, 05:28:23 pm
Lasers ignore a portion of the armour. So it's probably not just luck. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 20, 2018, 08:13:07 pm
It definitely has a chance (possibly 100%, can't remember) to spawn an orb.

Can confirm its not 100%.  ;)  I've done two of these and no orbs.  I actually never gotten an orb in any of my campaigns, ever.  But I keep trying the sea missions, hoping. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 20, 2018, 08:44:04 pm
What causes Viper Fighers to appear?

Never seen one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 20, 2018, 08:47:57 pm
Must be caused by playtime or something. Got my first viper the month after patching mid-campaign. Patched April 2062 and got the vipers spawning several times a month from mai 2602 onwards.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 20, 2018, 09:53:52 pm
Is it now possible for the laboratory to have two version: unpowered and powered?  Unpowered would be unable to do computer related researches, likely cost a WHOLE lot less to maintain, and I suspect would be able to support fewer Brainers, while powered is the version we currently have.  I know we can upgrade buildings now, after all.  I imagine the upgrade wouldn't be too hard, it's literally just plugging the computer in, isn't it? One Runt could probably do that in an hour, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 20, 2018, 11:16:45 pm
What's a guideline for when to build a 2nd or 3rd base, and what do people usually specialize in? Covering the globe in radar and interception seems like a very low priority compared to just making money.

Similarly, what's a good base defense strategy? Can I get away with peasants with ak47s and guard dogs? If a base is used as a production backwater, does it still get targeted by retaliation?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 20, 2018, 11:39:32 pm
I think building a second base as soon as you get large vaults is a good idea. You need a place to store your stockpiles of soylent, apples, scrap metal and courtesans. And if you start intercepting you'll have even more garbage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 20, 2018, 11:45:15 pm
I usually like to get my second base going once I've filled out the brainer ranks in the first base.  As soon as you can make barracks and workshops, its time to get stills up in a couple bases to start making cash from Grog and Apples.  I let the runts at the first base continue supporting operations with guns, ammo, armor, prisoner processing etc, and when they are idle making cash.  The 2nd and 3rd bases are definitely placed with an eye to radar coverage, and I like to keep them within electric vehicle range of the main base so the strike team there can prosecute any contacts generated by the other radars.  Once these bases are making cash, I'll start expanding my global coverage, targeting the remaining land masses and finally the poles.   4th or 5th base will also become a manufactury with the goal of having a Factory there, and probably Printers in my earlier two.  Sometimes both.  I'll build a couple of the bases out as interceptor bases with 5+ hangars, and trained pilots (firing accuracy, reactions, and high bravery (90-100 if possible)) with low voodoo strength.

I think building a second base as soon as you get large vaults is a good idea. You need a place to store your stockpiles of soylent, apples, scrap metal and courtesans. And if you start intercepting you'll have even more garbage.

Personally, I never get large vaults.  Early game, I get a vault in every base I have, then make up storage with workers.  Hanging onto bulky items is not worth the effort (can be purchased easilly).  By late game aside from an Armored Vault or two, almost all my storage is provided by Slaves, Farmhouses, and Servitors.  Most of my bases have negative space.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on April 21, 2018, 02:51:58 am
I've got a quick question about the mission "They Came From the Sea"... I know it's a B-rank mission for Jack, but I don't notice it drop any loot or anything that actually generates any trophies or Jack bounty tokens. Is there some other mechanism for reward that I'm not noticing in regards to Jack tokens for this mission?

The actual enemies that carry the tokens don't spawn due to the massive number of all the other enemies.  I thought that's been fixed already.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 21, 2018, 04:15:40 am
The actual enemies that carry the tokens don't spawn due to the massive number of all the other enemies.  I thought that's been fixed already.

Heh.  didn't know that !
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: XCOMJunkie on April 21, 2018, 05:23:43 am
Yeah, I didn't know that either. Hope that gets fixed, definitely have a use for more Jack tokens now that we can buy gems.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 21, 2018, 07:20:53 am
What does the range on the ship stat screen mean? The Scorpion just became available to me but I noticed the range is "60" which seems ridiculously short.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 21, 2018, 07:48:37 am
What does the range on the ship stat screen mean? The Scorpion just became available to me but I noticed the range is "60" which seems ridiculously short.

Range is misnomer here - the stat is displaying the internal "fuel" variable for the craft, but the consumption rate for that fuel is variable based on whether or not the craft is battery-powered or consumes hellerium or chemicals.  For craft that burn the items, "Range" is the number of 10-minute intervals the craft can stay in the air.  For battery-powered craft, instead of burning 1 fuel unit every 10 minutes, current speed / 100 rounded down to the nearest integer fuel units are burned every 10 minutes, where the current speed is either half the max speed when patrolling or the max speed when doing anything else.  This means battery-powered craft need "Range" proportional to their speed to get the same amount of air-time, and thus usually have higher numbers for "Range".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 21, 2018, 05:08:43 pm
Where to find the Jaegar Carbine?
Never found one of those, can't purchace them and sentries don't have them either (those offering the space ranger shotgun and SR pistol).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 21, 2018, 09:10:47 pm
I never found this one just like I never found homing missile launcher and those marsec weapons.

My guess is it is not actually fully implemented, but can spawn as a random loot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 22, 2018, 12:52:24 pm
Are there smoke grenades or other similar items in xPiratez? What about motion scanners? I feel the lack of these items are limiting my tactical options in combat. If they are in the game, what do i need to get them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 22, 2018, 01:18:53 pm
There are, but you'll have to unlock the buy/manufacturing "tech". If you're impatient, use the tech tree spoiler.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 22, 2018, 01:23:12 pm
They are in. For smoke grenades to be available through the black market you need to research into camouflage, iirc. The motion scanner is the Aye Phone.
If you didn't know: you can middle mouse click on a reseach project to bring up the relevant part of the tech tree, but you can also search there with a string, so look for Aye Phone.
Some of the combat units also have a sense ability which works similar. I think it is not dependent on movement, but can only detect living things.

Be aware though that quite a few enemies can see through smoke better than a gal without special armor. (described as thermal vision TH.V. in the bootiepedia)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on April 22, 2018, 05:24:22 pm
I've come back to the mod after a year or so out, and have a few questions.

1) Is there a way to find out which techs unlock new buildings?  They don't show up in the tech viewer; often it's easy to guess what will work from the name of the tech, but I'd like to build armoured vaults, and the only obvious tech is the early game one which gives you their BootyPedia entry.

2) Are there any good sources of Zombie Fatmen?  It looks like they're the bottleneck on unlocking B-rank bounty hunts.  I didn't run into any yet in this game (except at a mansion I reloaded to avoid – neither hunting down every last one with aye-phones nor running everyone to the roof is fun for me).  There have been several excavation ships with zombies in Africa, but they seem to contain every kind except the fat ones.

3) Where can I find Deep One Nomads?  I've raided a couple of their temples, but don't think there were any there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 22, 2018, 06:19:48 pm
I run B-rank bounty missions and have never seen a fat zombie as of now.

The nomads are in undersea missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 22, 2018, 08:31:57 pm
Can someone tell me how robbing captured units works? I haven't been able to rob anyone even though I have a lot of prisoners to rob. Do I need a facility of some kind of something else? What else can I do with captured enemy units? Research and sell, of course, but anything else?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 22, 2018, 08:59:29 pm
You need to research the specific person you want to rob first to get the option to rob\enslave that enemy. You'll get a recipe for manufacturing screen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 22, 2018, 09:22:20 pm
Why do I need so many credit cards to steal things from prisoners? It's kind of counter intuitive.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 22, 2018, 10:56:35 pm
you don't need them - you get them  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 22, 2018, 11:51:40 pm
you don't need them - you get them  :)

So one would think, but it clearly says in "Required Items" 10 Credit Chips etc and then how many you currently have. I have never had enough to be able to "rob" from any of my prisoners. The button to Rob a prisoner never becomes visible since I don't fulfill the requirements, which always are some Credit Chips and some other items as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 22, 2018, 11:58:25 pm
So one would think, but it clearly says in "Required Items" 10 Credit Chips etc and then how many you currently have. I have never had enough to be able to "rob" from any of my prisoners. The button to Rob a prisoner never becomes visible since I don't fulfill the requirements, which always are some Credit Chips and some other items as well.

see pic. items required is the researcher (and only her, nothing else) - items produced is...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 23, 2018, 12:41:23 am
Thank you for clearing that out for me! Maybe the display screen could be made a bit more clear to avoid confusion. I have to try robbing again later. For some reason I couldn't do it even when I ceased my other research projects, so all my Brainers were free to do the robbing. Or does robbing require something else than a Brainer?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 23, 2018, 12:51:39 am
Yes, runts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on April 23, 2018, 02:14:19 am
I run B-rank bounty missions and have never seen a fat zombie as of now.

The nomads are in undersea missions.
Oops, thanks – misread the Red Mage's first BootyPedia article as indicating I'd need to finish the research chain to get missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 23, 2018, 07:59:28 am
Was there an option somewhere to force Skyranger to continue to mission destination despite running low on fuel? I can't reach a Terror mission destination due to running out of fuel despite full fuel capacity. Is there something I can do to reach the destination?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 23, 2018, 08:50:56 am
Likely the only option is to send it back to base and let it refuel while hoping the mission doesn't end.  Though I can't see how you got a skyrangers fuel low enough to not be able to reach somewhere, I'm pretty sure those are supposed to have global range.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 23, 2018, 09:08:56 am
Likely the only option is to send it back to base and let it refuel while hoping the mission doesn't end.  Though I can't see how you got a skyrangers fuel low enough to not be able to reach somewhere, I'm pretty sure those are supposed to have global range.

The Skyranger status is not "Refueling" but "Ready". Fuel is 100%. My Hideout is in Scandinavia and the Terror mission is in Australia.

Does the load weight of the Skyranger affect the fuel consumption?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 23, 2018, 11:10:36 am
How is this screen confusing? Everything is explained in plain text - in fact better than many other features. How could it be done any better???
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 23, 2018, 11:24:24 am
Does the load weight of the Skyranger affect the fuel consumption?

No it doesn't. You can fill any craft with everything you've got in your vault and it wouldn't change speed at all.
I personally never used the skyranger before in this mod. Only the ramp to get out into the fray and barely enough space to shuffle the team inside is a no-go for me.
Depending on codex-choice I rather stick with a pachyderm (closed doors) or any appealing codex-locked craft once available.
Everything that's faster and has more range in comparision to the airbus does the job better.
Stuff like the 'Red Scorpion' is unique in it's own right. It's a decent fighter to civilian crafts and light faction-crafts while having 8 slots and it spawns 2 enemies next to your craft every time.
2 Enemies less to worry about since those are not additional opposition but instead are picked randomly from the available enemy roster (to a degree, leaders most of the time not).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 23, 2018, 12:50:16 pm
Actually, I just wrote Skyranger because it's the starting troop transport in vanilla XCOM. What I meant was Airbus. In the wiki it's said that Airbus doesn't have global reach, so I just cannot go to the terror mission that's out of Airbus' reach. Sorry for the confusion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 23, 2018, 02:54:51 pm
Ugh, i hate scorpion. I picked red in my current run just because i don't want to use the overpowered shadowbat. 2 enemy perk is barely useful, although it makes a hitman with RPG mission a breeze. I had a landed ship in an open field, a bunch of marsecs with assault rifles and a guild rep with a gauss gun, in a shadowbat i could ez outcamp them and get some sick loot pretty early, but on scorpion i was forced to retreat. Same with pogroms, it's just too risky. I think skyranger is actually reasonably balanced, the riskier the craft, the more guys it should have. Codex vessels could use the same rebalancing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 23, 2018, 03:34:18 pm
All crafts have their strength and weaknesses.
The first 'dropship' is the menace-class ship until you can get the thunderhorse.
Everything else is optional. No one forces you to use a scorpion on a pogrom. All ships without sealed doors are risky.
Sometimes fewer and good protected hands are better than more hands and starting in the open.

Codex-ships are meant as a 'bonus' and pull their weight until you got decent fighter crafts and dropships.
Some odd cases with using the scarab and other things here and there is only a matter of time until they get nerfed 'again'.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 23, 2018, 09:54:42 pm
1. Is there a way to enslave male labourers (the guys in brown jumpsuits)? I can hire them as workers, but they don't show in the slavery list. (the female ones do)

2. I'm pretty sure i was able to manufacture spike rockets. Suddenly i can't find them in vessel weapons list anymore.

3. What will happen to my still if i sell the excavator? Reason: i want a mess hall in every base, but not the green sludge cellar.

And finally  ;D

How is this screen confusing? Everything is explained in plain text - in fact better than many other features. How could it be done any better???
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on April 23, 2018, 10:16:53 pm
1. Is there a way to enslave male labourers (the guys in brown jumpsuits)? I can hire them as workers, but they don't show in the slavery list. (the female ones do)

2. I'm pretty sure i was able to manufacture spike rockets. Suddenly i can't find them in vessel weapons list anymore.

3. What will happen to my still if i sell the excavator? Reason: i want a mess hall in every base, but not the green sludge cellar.

And finally  ;D
1. Have you hidden the research project? Check in the hidden category and use the right-mouse button to unhide them if needed. If you can hire Male Labourers and enslave Female Labourers, you have all the tech you need.
2. Have you checked under Vessel Ammunition? Also, you'll need to have researched Explosive Munitions and Improvised Aerial Explosive.
3. You can't sell buildings if there are dependent buildings in your base.
4. Let's not. Scrolling is annoying.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 23, 2018, 10:19:28 pm
And finally  ;D

I couldn't agree more. With very little effort this research screen could be improved a lot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2018, 10:25:32 pm
Yeah, great idea sherlocks... insert 2 blank lines into an area which only has 4 lines available... biggest bullshit I have heard/seen in a long time...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on April 23, 2018, 10:26:40 pm
I couldn't agree more. With very little effort this research screen could be improved a lot.
Actually, any meaningful improvement would require major engine changes since you'd have to increase the internal resolution to gain more space to work with.
Adding two lines before the "Units Produced" section is not an objective improvement, but garnering to personal preferences. And without a vote showing the majority of players would like that change, it'll remain just that. Personally, I would hate it because that section has almost no vertical space to begin with. Squandering any lines is not good.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 23, 2018, 10:43:03 pm
@cc: i've hidden both the slaves and the rockets  :o thanks for pointing out!
@meridian: it was a playful response to solarius comment, that's all
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 23, 2018, 11:19:50 pm
I wonder... would it be possible to change code so that projectiles can penetrate walls/trees/people and continue on their merry way untill they lose enough energy to just get stuck in the last thing they hit?

During all the years I’ve been playing games, there was never a more satisfying moment than when I shot a guy with anti materiel rifle in Jagged Alliance 2 (with the 1.13 mod) a night, and the bullet killed not just him, but also a guy behind him whom I didn’t even see beforeas he was hidden completely covered by the first guy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on April 23, 2018, 11:41:17 pm
Adding two lines before the "Units Produced" section is not an objective improvement, but garnering to personal preferences.

Adding even one line would be objectively better (clearer) design. But if the engine doesn't allow more text the limitations are understandable, although unfortunate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 25, 2018, 12:08:41 am
Actually, I just wrote Skyranger because it's the starting troop transport in vanilla XCOM. What I meant was Airbus. In the wiki it's said that Airbus doesn't have global reach, so I just cannot go to the terror mission that's out of Airbus' reach. Sorry for the confusion.

Ah that explains it, even if your Airbus is only a few miles* from your base, once it's at emergency get back to base mode, you can't stop it.  If it's just outside the range, then in theory, it should have just enough energy to get back home, so having it go 'just a few more miles' would logically end in a crash and loss of all onboard.  We shouldn't have the Elerium craft bug from the original game, I really can't imagine anyone leaving that in, so there's no extra fuel.

*Does this game use Imperial or Metric? Or does it matter?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 27, 2018, 06:45:26 am
Is there any way to (hidden config flag or otherwise) disable freezing and scorching hot battlescape effects? I know that they're mentioned before you embark but I usually don't pay attention until the big bold message after the first turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 27, 2018, 09:48:59 am
Is there any way to (hidden config flag or otherwise) disable freezing and scorching hot battlescape effects? I know that they're mentioned before you embark but I usually don't pay attention until the big bold message after the first turn.

Disabling a core feature would make the game easier in some maps and kill the purpose of at least 50 items and armors.
It's the same deal with 'daytime-only' to avoid re-equip your squads.

It's a game from 1994 and only the hard work of modders made it an incredible longlasting (partly addicting) experience. Curse and blessing at the same time as RNJesus pleases.
Every compaining targeting implemented features is an 'insult' against the hard work put into the modification.

Try to adapt to the circumstances and pay attention to details and give all those items and armors at least a try before considering such brutal changes to your gaming experience.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on April 28, 2018, 10:10:02 am
Is there any way to (hidden config flag or otherwise) disable freezing and scorching hot battlescape effects? I know that they're mentioned before you embark but I usually don't pay attention until the big bold message after the first turn.
You can edit the ruleset files and change the environment conditions. You do lose out on an aspect of the game, how you want to play is up to you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 28, 2018, 09:06:32 pm
Disabling a core feature would make the game easier in some maps and kill the purpose of at least 50 items and armors.
It's the same deal with 'daytime-only' to avoid re-equip your squads.

It's a game from 1994 and only the hard work of modders made it an incredible longlasting (partly addicting) experience. Curse and blessing at the same time as RNJesus pleases.
Every compaining targeting implemented features is an 'insult' against the hard work put into the modification.

Try to adapt to the circumstances and pay attention to details and give all those items and armors at least a try before considering such brutal changes to your gaming experience.

Calling it an insult is a bit hyperbolic. I already have all the mitigating items (e.g. Ushankas & beer for cold, fan & mesh shirt for heat) which functionally nullify the weather effect for the average duration of a mission. The only reason I want to disable it is because 90% of the time, I realize the weather effect is in place only after the end of my first turn (when the brightly colored message notifies me). At that point the effects are too crippling (especially heat) to continue with the mission normally so I end up reloading a quicksave in geoscape so that I can equip my gals properly. Once you already have the equipment, I don't see what that bit adds in terms of gameplay, because it's just a matter of remembering to slot it into your backpack/belt.

I'm thoroughly obsessed with this mod and have tremendous gratitude to the mod makers; I'm still allowed to have a difference in opinion on certain features.

You can edit the ruleset files and change the environment conditions. You do lose out on an aspect of the game, how you want to play is up to you.
Which file would it be? I'm happy to try and figure it out on my own.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on April 29, 2018, 04:13:25 pm
Which file would it be? I'm happy to try and figure it out on my own.
startingConditions: section in Piratez_Planet.rul has the environment effects.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on April 30, 2018, 09:55:37 am
What is up with academy scientists? I've had skilled snipers using 'custom snipin guns' (which scale with firing skill) do 0 damage. I've had high-melee gals do 0 damage with a pike from under. I tried softening up with blossom smg chem ammo and that also does 0 damage. I eventually brought it down after ganging up on one with about 5 different people but I don't know what exactly worked besides brute force.

Also, what is up with ghost gals in the mysterious island? Getting to the secret tunnel is easy enough as it's only mutant fish in the way but that leaves you highly unprepared for what comes next.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on April 30, 2018, 11:41:59 am
Soo, how exactly does the "reduced one-handed penalty" work? Is the shown percentage reduced from 100% or something? I'm not sure.
Also, what does it mean when an outfit has a melee dodge penalty of 50% exactly? Speaking of: If an outfit doesn't mention anything about melee evasion, does it mean that it cannot dodge, period? Just to check.

Lastly, how do ammo that does 125% damage to health work vs armor reduction? Is the remaining damage done after said reduction increased slightly then?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on April 30, 2018, 12:52:47 pm
Soo, how exactly does the "reduced one-handed penalty" work? Is the shown percentage reduced from 100% or something? I'm not sure.

When you're using two-handed weapon with one hand... there is a penalty and your accuracy is only 80% of whatever it was before... for example if it was 70% it would be decreased to 56%.

Reduced one-handed penalty means that the 80% penalty multiplier was changed for example to only 90% multiplier, or some other number higher than 80%.

Also, what does it mean when an outfit has a melee dodge penalty of 50% exactly?

It means that the dodge it has, for example 66% will be decreased by 50% when it is attacked from the rear, effectively being only 33% from the rear. On other sides than rear it will progressively increase, until it reaches 66% from the front.

Speaking of: If an outfit doesn't mention anything about melee evasion, does it mean that it cannot dodge, period? Just to check.

In general yes.
Check the "stats for nerds" to be sure (INFO button in ufopedia).

Lastly, how do ammo that does 125% damage to health work vs armor reduction? Is the remaining damage done after said reduction increased slightly then?


PS: would be MUCH easier to answer your questions, if you gave an example weapon/armor for each point... there are many mechanics in the game... and I can only guess, which one you meant... so take my answers with care, because I may have answered different questions than you asked.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 30, 2018, 03:55:12 pm
What is up with academy scientists? I've had skilled snipers using 'custom snipin guns' (which scale with firing skill) do 0 damage. I've had high-melee gals do 0 damage with a pike from under. I tried softening up with blossom smg chem ammo and that also does 0 damage. I eventually brought it down after ganging up on one with about 5 different people but I don't know what exactly worked besides brute force.

Also, what is up with ghost gals in the mysterious island? Getting to the secret tunnel is easy enough as it's only mutant fish in the way but that leaves you highly unprepared for what comes next.

Academy scientists have a force shield that you have to deplete before they start taking damage.  Hits that initially are doing 0 damage are probably depleting the shields.  Every hit on a shield is represented by the unit sprite flashing.  Once you start landing hits that where the target doesn't flash you will start doing standard damage and they will go down.  Bottom line: just keep giving them lots of attention, multiple hits per turn with high damage weapons are best.    I've also had good success mind controlling them with my witches.

Ghost gals are a huge pain in the butt.  Though they have very little health, they have massive resistances to almost all types of damage. Also, their charm attacks are currently bugged and cause wounds on your gals, not just unconsciousness (due to a change with Damage Type 0 in the engine).  Combine this with invisibility to 5 tiles, and 20 range sense.  Also, if they go down stunned, their corpse is invisible, but they have decent stun regen and can popup back up fairly easily.  You may need to camp them. 
Because you are limited to underwater-only gear, your options are very limited.  Lasers are some of the most effective weapons and if you can get them through the deep they may help.  Concussive satchel charges may eventually do the work too.  The map should have a decent amount of cover, so using it to stay out of sight might allow you to move around the map and explore it with some success.  This mission should get better once the charm attack is fixed.  Otherwise, they might be worth skipping for now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: GENVOKE on April 30, 2018, 07:28:08 pm
Just lost a run, and I'm not sure why. This, and especially last month, had terrible score even though I was doing really well.

I remember reading about some of the factions doing things around the globe that would rack up minus points per day, but what am I looking for exactly? Do I need to send Expeditions to locations with high alien activity to spot.. landed UFOs or bases or something? Or is it something else? I'm playing on difficulty 5.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 01, 2018, 12:33:24 am
The most likely causes are either Bases or the small number of enemy missions that cause heavy score loss. What you want to do is look at the enemy activity chart, enable the individual regions and look for a big spike.

Once you have identified the region responsible you can try sending craft to try and stop the activity.

If you are early in the game you can also try focusing on cheap techs, since every tech researched is worth a decent amount of score. The trigger for losing via score is 2 consecutive months of -500 or more. If you can eek above the -500 line you can still continue playing.

However, rarely mission RNG might just kill you without you being able to interfere sufficiently. 3-4 of the big score knock missions in a row out of radar coverage is very hard to stop.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 01, 2018, 08:45:08 am
How does rank work for weapons that scale with it when used by enemies? I'm constantly surprised by the pesky officer's pistol. Base damage of 15 piercing but +5 for every rank above Swabbie. Humanist soldiers are killing my gals clad in Guardian armor and that seems very wrong. Is it working as intended or or some weird code scaling enemy rank too high?

--- posts merged. Please don't do that ---

In vanilla XCOM, it was a good idea to sack any soldier that had less than X psi strength because they quickly turn into a mind control liability. Is this still good practice to follow with low voodoo power?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 01, 2018, 12:35:14 pm
@ boucha

You can still use voodoo-weaklings as standard crew with the more worthy soldiers.
Just keep in mind to not bring them to missions with star gods (ethereals) or missions against the academy (high ranking psyonics sporting witches and more).

If they die, you've less to pay monthly so one win that way.

I just checked your problem in quick battle debug and it is true:
A humanist soldier's rank is too high. Equipped with a officier's pistol the damage roll is 0-70 (15 base + 20 bonus *1d200).
A humanist leader only has a damage roll of 0-40! (15 base + 5 bonus *1d200).

I doubt those bullet's can pierce through a guardian armor (it has 20% piercing protection so it's impossible to even pierce through the rear armor on a maximum roll).
If you're wearing a 'defender' armor it's alot more likely to get damaged by a 0-70 roll since the defender armor has only 10% piercing block)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 01, 2018, 02:25:38 pm
The issue with rank is that alien ranks are numbered the opposite way from your soldiers - your swabbies are rank '0', gals are rank '1', and so on, but alien commanders are rank '0' on down to soldiers, who are rank '5'.

Before you ask if this can be changed by reversing enemy ranks, the answer is no, spawn points for enemies are done by rank and would take reworking every map to fix. Just watch out for officer's pistols.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 01, 2018, 04:55:35 pm
If it causes more trouble than intended the rank* modifier needs to be changed.
Rather nerf the pistol if needed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FiendishDrWu on May 01, 2018, 05:39:46 pm
I wonder if the pistol's damage could be coded:

(5 - alien rank) * 5  + 15
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on May 01, 2018, 07:35:07 pm
of course it can, but then it would be OP in the hands of your rookies
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FiendishDrWu on May 01, 2018, 07:58:42 pm
Sure, but is it being somewhat overpowered in the hands of rookies that much of a threat, given that they're statistically likely to be your least capable soldiers anyway?  Doing all the damage in the world won't help a rookie gal who can't shoot straight!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on May 01, 2018, 08:11:32 pm
But then the item wouldn't make any sense, an officers pistol that is bad for actual officers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FiendishDrWu on May 01, 2018, 08:33:41 pm
Well, it's fine for enemy officers.   Just not yours.  But then, they built it for their benefit, not yours, so for all we know, maybe that was an intentional design choice on their part.   8)

I mean, we know that the Star Gods intentionally manufacture their equipment to be hard for others to use; what's to say the Humanists don't have some junior-grade version of that?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on May 02, 2018, 02:40:38 am
I say give the humanist soldiers a different pistol.  This rank thing wasn't a problem before because no enemy had officer pistols until that mission was added.

if they go down stunned, their corpse is invisible, but they have decent stun regen and can popup back up fairly easily.

There isn't even any point in stunning ghost gals since you can't recover them anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 03, 2018, 05:11:52 pm
I say give the humanist soldiers a different pistol.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mamix on May 04, 2018, 01:35:19 am
I finally managed to face a provost thus taking her alive. Immediately researched this first in order to progress further on the Dr. X's hideout quest. After finishing the research, game gives the option to sell the captive instead of using her to blackmail Dr. X into coming out of hiding.
Two questions :
1) If you sell the captive, does that mean you skip on the Dr. X quest entirely?
2) After finishing "Blackmail Dr. X" research the only information given is "to be continued". Is this under development or is there something else needed to be researched in order to progress on that quest further?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2018, 04:44:52 am
the Dr.X line is as yet unfinished.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 06, 2018, 02:52:56 am
What are your go-to strategies for dealing with base assaults? Especially with mercenaries?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 06, 2018, 12:34:04 pm
Space Rangers laser shotguns
Plasma Blunderbuss
Poison daggers
Excess flamethrower usage
suicide barrel bombers on turn 1-2
panzerfaust + any other explosive use (shot, not thrown = can't throw at all inside the base because of the ceiling
accept losses (gauss to the face, pulverized by a shock trooper, sniped by a HWP gauss howertank)

Goal is to win the battle, every gal, peasant, slave, HWP, AUX is replacable
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 06, 2018, 05:51:27 pm
Why poison daggers specifically?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 06, 2018, 07:15:24 pm
Poison Daggers are Bio type damage. Few units have any substantial resistance, this is usually balanced out by most of these type of weapons being relatively low damage.

The dagger however has 50% scaling with 2 stats and 50% armor pen. With both stats at max you get 130 base dmg with a 50-150% dmg roll, half armor, low cost so can move alot or swing multiple times. And that not even counting potential armor stat boosts. Also reasonably early on the tech tree and reasonably easy materials to get.

Downside there are some units, usually mechanical, that are fully immune, and not gonna get any captures with it. 

(shot, not thrown = can't throw at all inside the base because of the ceiling)

Not entirely true, one can crouch and get some throws off. Certainly limiting but not impossible.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on May 06, 2018, 07:23:16 pm
Random questions: How does one get the Excalibat? Random loot? The description mentions something having to fight zombies naked, but not sure if that's a hint or not.

What about the magical guitar thing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 06, 2018, 07:42:27 pm
Dunno about the Excalibat.

The astrocaster on the other hand requires the Heavy Metal tech which in turn requires Battle Pipes, Power Station, Power Tools, Gemology, and Stardom techs.

Question of my own, anybody know the string for living blood? editing saves for testing purposes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on May 06, 2018, 08:50:09 pm
Dunno about the Excalibat.

The astrocaster on the other hand requires the Heavy Metal tech which in turn requires Battle Pipes, Power Station, Power Tools, Gemology, and Stardom techs.

Question of my own, anybody know the string for living blood? editing saves for testing purposes.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 07, 2018, 01:54:39 pm
Do you need a workshop for anything if you have a factory?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 09, 2018, 10:37:30 am
How to use "bare hands"? It says "Click on empty hand to use", but I'm trying and I can't figure it out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 09, 2018, 01:41:06 pm
Do you need a workshop for anything if you have a factory?

Good question. Probably not, but I can check in the evening.

How to use "bare hands"? It says "Click on empty hand to use", but I'm trying and I can't figure it out.

It's an experimental feature, you need to use the alternate .exe to access it (should be bundled with the mod).
The next release will include this officially.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 09, 2018, 03:59:03 pm
The dagger however has 50% scaling with 2 stats and 50% armor pen. With both stats at max you get 130 base dmg with a 50-150% dmg roll, half armor, low cost so can move alot or swing multiple times. And that not even counting potential armor stat boosts. Also reasonably early on the tech tree and reasonably easy materials to get.

That should be changed.

A poison is poison no matter how powerfull the stab with the poisoned dagger is.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 09, 2018, 05:54:30 pm
Thanks for answer.

That should be changed.

A poison is poison no matter how powerfull the stab with the poisoned dagger is.

But amount of poison can be changed with more powerfull blows, as they cut deeper, cause more bleeding etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 09, 2018, 08:06:58 pm
Can we not ruin a totally okay dagger?
Afterall you still need to get close to a target. Getting close fast and sporting enough TUs and stamina to stab requires light-medium armor, trained hands and a good roll to pass enemy evasion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on May 10, 2018, 01:10:12 am
Do you need a workshop for anything if you have a factory?
provideBaseFunc: [WORKS, SHOP]

provideBaseFunc: [WORKS, SHOP]

So, no.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 10, 2018, 04:08:21 am
Yeah Poison dagger is just fine as is. It may be powerful but has an element of risk, dosen't work at all on a sufficient number of units which prevents it being the apex lethal melee option. Also sourcing the materials in the early game can be quite dangerous.

It is certainly in the upper 1/4 of melee picks but that dosen't mean its unbalanced.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on May 11, 2018, 01:18:55 am
provideBaseFunc: [WORKS, SHOP]

provideBaseFunc: [WORKS, SHOP]

So, no.

But does that mean you still need an Industrial Printer, since it can manufacture things that a Workshop (and by extension, a Factory) can't?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 11, 2018, 02:24:22 am
Unfortunately yes. Your almost forced to build an entire base up just to accommodate the factory and its late game products since so many of them also require other facilities like fusion core, surgery, ect and the housing for runts to use the factory+printer efficiently.

You need either every tile or you give up an all in one production facility.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 11, 2018, 12:09:11 pm
I tend to sacrifice some raw production capacity for a hangar.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Multiheaded on May 11, 2018, 05:31:32 pm
Yeah, managing space is a colossal pain in the ass. On that note, being able to automatically ship some of the post-battle loot to auxiliary bases and/or recurring shipments (every X days) would make managing their production/maintenance easier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 11, 2018, 09:49:05 pm
*cough* Game made in 1994 *cough*
Big ass mod requires some 'tedious' micromanagement.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 12, 2018, 01:02:38 am
How would you even do that? Every mission has different loot. You can ship to other bases manually from the loot screen anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 12, 2018, 07:17:22 am
I can see the appeal for shipping any of a given item obtained to a target base. The industrial base needs the raw materials, the research base wants things like data discs and books. Prisoners and dismantling happens in yet another base. And you might even have separate bases for certain mission environments.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 12, 2018, 12:25:37 pm
How would you even do that? Every mission has different loot. You can ship to other bases manually from the loot screen anyway.

With the plethora of 'items' your mod provides it's impossible to do. The mod keeps growing so it's even more unlikely that this feature is needed.
If this is even useful at all every single 'item' would need a specific 'class' or 'tag' to be determined for an 'automatic shipping' system to function.
This would still require higher levels of micromanagement since the player has to set the base of desire for every 'item' on the loot-list.

More high-quality content is something I would like to see instead of QoL changes. The cut from the bootypedia articles to place them into the ANAL tab is a longlasting investment and a better choice rather than rewriting every article to match new scalings.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on May 12, 2018, 05:12:18 pm
So, playing Jack Sparrow mode (With Ironman), I was doing pretty good with 17 months into the game. I suddenly get a Star God Crackdown on my main base and I'm like "OK, this is gonna be a tough one, but I reckon I can get this, these are my main girls. I got two tanks, Heavy Slug Throwers, Tons of Proxy grenades and EMP grenades for the single Sectopod they bought with them."

"Oh wait... the Star God Guardians are shimmering in this new version now... FUCK, they ALL have shields now like the Guild Master!" I ping one with three heavy slug shells, it... disabled his shield, but the guardian was still alive.

I was taken off guard by the new Star Guardian Shields, so I was shit out of luck, and lost my main base. I might need to drop the difficulty down to Davy Jones since the random Star God crackdowns are no fun (and I use to be able to handle them by a fair amount in previous versions). Oh well!  :P

How have some of you dealt with the changes to some of the Star Gods during the mid game?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on May 12, 2018, 07:44:02 pm
I've been mostly legging when I saw them anyway, but here's some tips on dealing with shields:

1. Massed firepower helps. Shields have no armor value, so no matter what you use, eventually it'll bring the shield down. Easiest way to do so is, in fact, using shotguns - lots of pellets, lots of hits, damage adds up easy shield stripping.

2. Shields take 250% damage from EMP.

3. Lastly, some damage types flat-out ignore shields, in case of star gods (type 3 shields) it's only bio, charm, choking and anti-e511. Bring poisoned knives and cobra staves.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on May 12, 2018, 08:29:53 pm
Thanks for the tips, I never knew shields were vulnerable to EMP damage! With the recent game update, is there any information in-game (bootypedia) about how shields work, or do I have to search these forums for that info?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 12, 2018, 09:05:20 pm
There are articles for type 1&2 shields, probably 3 as well but i haven't seen 3 yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 12, 2018, 10:35:52 pm
Sorceress has shield 3 (200/50)
And various other types and shields among the enemies.
Your shield supply looks limited but you can use the new portable shield to deflect raw damage and bridge the gap for melee slayers to bumrush the enemies with less fear to instantly die in the process.
Blitz armor with it's very little armor value now has a 'shield' to survive potential piercing shots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on May 13, 2018, 12:49:59 am
Shields take 250% damage from EMP.

This makes EMP grenades even more important now.

Is there some kind of EMP gun or EMP sword as well?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 13, 2018, 02:11:59 pm
Bio damage ignores shields.
More value for those blowpipes and poison daggers now. Go full rambo on their asses!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Shaewaros on May 14, 2018, 06:50:12 pm
I was wondering why all my gals are suddenly getting insane and unconscious during a landed UFO mission. I'm fighting against these weird globe headed humanoids and small cyberdiscs. I don't receive any message about mind control attempts, yet all my gals constantly drop their guns and start running. Drinking beer seem to help, but not all of them are carrying refreshments, so the mission is getting a bit irritating.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on May 14, 2018, 07:34:24 pm
1. Those humanoids are actually humans in hazmat suits, and small cyberdiscs are their drones. They're a lot less threatening than real deal.

2. Panicking is caused by the combat stress: if your gals' bravery is low enough, over time their morale will get depleted, causing panic. Training bravery helps in this case.

3. Going unconscious is probably caused by heat. Are you in desert? Do you get "it's scorching hot" messages at start of turn? If so, you need some way to counter the heat, either outfits, items or consumables which remove stun damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 14, 2018, 09:41:25 pm
Gals with bravery 40 and less will start to panic unless you score kills.
Bravery 50 is the breaking point where moral will never sink below 50 (unless outfit causes +stress).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 14, 2018, 11:50:54 pm
The intro said read or die, didn't it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 15, 2018, 02:04:00 pm
Paninicking is not necessarily bad.

It trains bravery 8)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on May 15, 2018, 11:27:15 pm
Just a small question, can you eventually make your own laser ammo? I have been playing for a while now (and earlier on an old version), and are at the level where i just got to researching a mint, and meeting enemies with tanks and plasma guns....but I myself have been unable to get any way with being able to make my own laser ammo (or got long enough in the research tree to get more than gauss pistol), and are basing my squad on EuroSyndicate Lasrifles for the moment, but would love to be able to make my own ammo for normal laser weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 16, 2018, 01:03:57 am
You do get to be able to make your own, slightly less good ammo. And at some point you can make infinite ammo lasers. This is in addition to the Eurolasers and the bounty system reward lasers. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 16, 2018, 11:54:52 am
The first less powerful laser batteries are producable around with the power station in the base.
Less power since those use electronic wires to keep the charge instead of a nuclear core.

Those clips do laser damage and are different to the E-Pulse weapons (E-Pulse does 'electric' damage and is far less efficient in killing but do 4x the amount of stun damage)

The moment you can build the 'adv.' versions of the batteries you can get the 'more efficient' version of the stellar empire guns in form of nuclear lasers with infinite ammo and more damage.
Splatty (Shotgun), Scorchy (Pistol), Adv. Lasgun, Fatty (Laser-Gatlinggun) and Battle Laser (Heavy Laser) surpass those guns in power and ammo but also require 'russian files' only found in the special mission in Siberia (Nazi Bunker).

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 16, 2018, 12:32:50 pm
Aside from the mighty autolaser, looted batteries were allways enough for my laser needs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 16, 2018, 01:43:34 pm
Yes, nuclear lasers can be skipped in favor of stronger piercing weapons, fusion explosives and ultimately your own plasma weapons.
It's pretty much a matter of how RNG you get with VIP-captives and how difficult you play the game.
You either save-scum to get a leader captive on the first try or buy one for several millions of $ once VIP capture is researched.

If you run unlucky with acad. provosts (1 for giggles, 1 for interrogations) you can't access plasma weapons.
So nuc. lasers can be a solution to boost firepower against certain tanky enemies until you get your hands on provosts later.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 22, 2018, 07:29:02 am
Sorry, but what's the keyboard shortcut that displays the dmg range for melee weapons? I know for ranged it's ALT while holding the mouse cursor. I tried to find this but didn't know where to look
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 22, 2018, 11:49:53 am
It's either alt + M or ctrl + M.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 23, 2018, 10:52:13 pm
Is there a way to nudge retaliation towards specific bases? E.g. the ones with 30 veterans posted instead of the backwater factories.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 23, 2018, 11:05:45 pm
Not the regular monthly ones, but crackdowns from shooting down craft are sent either to the region where the craft was shot down or the region where your interceptor was launched from.

Small bases are harder for the enemy to detect, but that's not as useful as having a mind shield on the factory.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 24, 2018, 12:09:38 am
Is there a way to nudge retaliation towards specific bases? E.g. the ones with 30 veterans posted instead of the backwater factories.

YOu don’t need to considering you can always transfer a craft full of veteransin a few hours into a radar outpost you expect to get attacked as long as it has a free hangar.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 24, 2018, 11:14:36 am
The moment you get the report that a crackdown is about to happen (Assault Transporter / Boarding Torpedo etc.) it's too late to ship personnel.

Even if a base is on top of another base it will take at least 1 hour to transfer troops and equipment to another base.
Unless you have a save earlier (1-3 days before the crackdown) you have no other choice but to do the mission with the crew and equipment available.

Your example is the reason someone should have a decent protection squad available @ every hideout. It doesn't matter much if those people are a mix of slaves, dogs, lokk'nars, peasants and tanks as long as you have a strategic layout to choke the enemy through tight corridors and decimate them with explosives and fire.

The only thing that matters is victory here. Don't risk anything to capture the loot or corpses intact if you run the danger of loosing your fully functional factory-base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 24, 2018, 01:55:49 pm
They send sentries on search first, so you know which base they are going after.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Multiheaded on May 25, 2018, 02:38:13 pm
How the hell do I fight the ghosts in the island mission? No voodoo available quite yet. Would a Neural Whip work, dealing mind damage?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 25, 2018, 02:42:49 pm
Cutting seems to work reasonably well. Just make sure you have a gal or three on x-grog duty. Or just ignore the mission. At least in my case the loot was never worth the trouble.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 25, 2018, 02:54:46 pm
Yeah the ghost gals aren't really worth the trouble. Maybe there will be a reason in the future but right now skip.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 25, 2018, 05:48:00 pm
Chances to get gems tho~
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 25, 2018, 05:49:44 pm
I never got any, been more lucky with undersea missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 25, 2018, 06:51:42 pm
Chances to get gems tho~

Eh....throw money at jack bounty tokens. by the time you need more then a handful of gems, you probably can afford to burn some cash/excess tokens.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on May 25, 2018, 09:19:26 pm
With proper preparation ghost gals are fairly easy to deal with. They do take 100% mind damage, so meridian's autogun is a go! (arcane rounds work underwater and deal mind damage) And since their only means of attack are both non-lethal and charm, you can simply tank the damage with combination of proper armor and drug dispensors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 27, 2018, 11:43:05 pm
How do you guys use SMGs? They're light, quick, but also low damage and low range. If you're getting that close, you might as well close the gap with melee. Are they intended primarily for peasant/slave soldiers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 27, 2018, 11:59:15 pm
Apart from things like the Death Blossom or the assault laser I simply don't. They are NPC weapons.
My melee gals use pistols.

If I am in the mood I sometimes use them on hunting missions to train reactions (though that is usually better done through the use of melee imo). They don't kill quickly and you hardly ever have to reload. Just position some flying gals and let them reaction fire away. But later in the game that could be a risk as you might have to shuffle all the gals through the inventory tile to get proper weapons because suddenly you are up against nomads or others.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on May 28, 2018, 12:06:39 am
PainBringer SMG is great as an off hand weapon for Melee gals.  Also, regular SMGs with incendiary are great sidearms to help with night lighting on missions as well as to finish off foes, etc.  And yeah, overall, they are great reaction training weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on May 28, 2018, 04:06:11 am
Is this a dumb idea?
Hide your bigger bases in less trafficked area (e.g. Antartica) and not include any interceptors (focus entirely on manufacturing for example). I figure no traffic + no interceptions = no crackdowns. Your interception fleet can be in tiny outposts with hideout shrouds. Your main/initial base can serve as the lightning rod for crackdowns but that's ok because all your veterans are parked there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on May 28, 2018, 04:08:41 am
Compared to vanilla OXC, Piratez has a surprising amount of traffic all around the globe, including the poles. 

I'm sure that someone could do the analysis on all the flight nodes of the globe and find some less trafficked spots, but they wouldn't be super obvious.  Might not be worth the effort.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 28, 2018, 10:29:38 am
Spikey SMG is allright early sidearm for melee gals. Painbringer is nice, kind of like missing evolutionary link between the trash SMGs and the Death Blossom. Maybe some of the SMGs that get aqua ammo are now geniunely good, I haven’t tested that yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 28, 2018, 11:34:11 am
Compared to vanilla OXC, Piratez has a surprising amount of traffic all around the globe, including the poles. 

I'm sure that someone could do the analysis on all the flight nodes of the globe and find some less trafficked spots, but they wouldn't be super obvious.  Might not be worth the effort.

There are less trafficked regions mostly the smaller masses in the pacific but its not worth the tradeoff of diminished hyper-wave coverage, since it takes all the bases to adequately get coverage over the globe.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on June 02, 2018, 03:40:28 pm
How do you get voodoo excess again? I need it before I can make all the fun voodoo weapons but forgot what it needed..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on June 02, 2018, 04:11:35 pm
Can i (and if so, how) enter debug mode, when stuck in a "hidden movement" phase?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 02, 2018, 04:38:35 pm
@ Ninawindia, the prereqs are: Voodoo School, Magitech, Church Rituals, Seductress Outfit, Pharmacology, Glamour(new), and any Codex but red.

@ unarmed drifter, After setting "debug: true" in the Options File, you can enable it by pressing Ctrl-D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on June 02, 2018, 04:48:13 pm
Ah, okay, thanks. "File" meaning an actual file, which i have to edit? i vaguely remember something which allowed you to instawin by pressing sth.
i still have the game running - there is no chance to "win" this mission? I'm pretty sure it's only one guy running around in the mountains...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 02, 2018, 04:52:35 pm
Ah, okay, thanks. "File" meaning an actual file, which i have to edit? i vaguely remember something which allowed you to instawin by pressing sth.
i still have the game running - there is no chance to "win" this mission? I'm pretty sure it's only one guy running around in the mountains...

Press Esc, save the game, then try loading it.
(At least it used to work.)

What mission is that?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on June 02, 2018, 05:17:43 pm
Press Esc, save the game, then try loading it.
(At least it used to work.)
Thanks a lot! i had to save every two turns but in the end i won. I'm happy.

What mission is that?
Well it's from your Xfiles mod  8).  My first Black Lotus outpost. I didn't know if it's bug or not, and there's no little-questions-thread on your mod page, so i tried a more general approach...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on June 02, 2018, 08:31:05 pm
Is there a way to train VooDoo Power? I seem to remember seduction worked but that dress is way too fragile for latter missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on June 02, 2018, 08:51:28 pm
Voodoo power can only be trained by one outfit (i've never seen.. maybe its Red codex?).   Seduction trains Voodoo skill.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 03, 2018, 06:15:16 am
The masochist outfit trains power, but is basically never seen, as it requires one of the types of shadow orbs to produce. So like maybe 1 suit per campaign if your super lucky. At least its recovered if the wearer dies.

And even if you do get one, its not that effective, unless your lunatics all rolled garbage psi power.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on June 03, 2018, 05:54:55 pm
Any idea how to beat Star-God Hideout without army of Psy Dummies? Metallo gives me 16 slots and I still have to fight sectopods and Star-Gods themselfs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on June 04, 2018, 11:11:13 am
I just beat a star god hideout and only lost one melee gal to a sectopod because I was too aggressive. At this point, I had shields on everyone so instead of fretting about every mind control, I just ignored it because the AI is usually too dumb to really exploit it in such a small space (especially when everyone has shields). Everyone either had autolasers or melee (especially impaler spears) and holy shit melee wrecked the FUCK out of sectopods especially if I flanked them. Lasguns and autolasers usually took care of a star god in 1-5 shots. Impalers were also especially good because mind controlled gals would use the ranged attack which was useless unless you had good voodoo power (hint: they didn't) instead of the melee backstab.

I only managed to capture one coordinator and missed out on the operator though. What's a good way to stun these bastards? Their shields make it such a pain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on June 04, 2018, 12:56:41 pm
Well... I'm not that far with tech. I guess psy-dummies and Cyberdisk have to take care of the bridge.

Before shields, Star Gods were susceptable to tazoguns, maybe they still are?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 04, 2018, 07:03:49 pm
After you strip the shields, electric is still the most effective at stunning a star god safely.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 04, 2018, 07:53:14 pm
What is the best way to strip their shields? Some shotgun?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on June 04, 2018, 08:15:56 pm
Either strip it with a lot of damage (preferably laser\plasma shotguns, since they aren't penalised), throw EMP grenade (250% damage to shields), or bypass it entirely with Bio damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on June 04, 2018, 11:31:48 pm
So is damage to shields penalized by the armor resistance? My reading of the description indicates that it's not the case (e.g. Type 1 shields protect against energy weapons).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 04, 2018, 11:40:43 pm
No, shields operate on their own sets of resistances, qualitatively described in the articles written about each type.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 05, 2018, 04:10:21 pm
I kept my 2 cents regarding shields for a while now and I'm kinda confused how they work and stuff.
Would it be more healthy to change every shield to the same exact design and work like this?:

A 100/25 shield absorbs up-to 100 damage and regenerates 25 damage at the start of your turn.
Shields gain no bonus from resistances. All excess damage (a shot did 120 damage) will be treated with the armor-values and resistances.

This simple approach would turn shields into a safety bubble you've to pop in the first place to deal actual damage.
Overkilling a shield with big shots or plenty of bullets would be much more rewarding now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 05, 2018, 04:15:48 pm
I kept my 2 cents regarding shields for a while now and I'm kinda confused how they work and stuff.
Would it be more healthy to change every shield to the same exact design and work like this?:

A 100/25 shield absorbs up-to 100 damage and regenerates 25 damage at the start of your turn.
Shields gain no bonus from resistances. All excess damage (a shot did 120 damage) will be treated with the armor-values and resistances.

This simple approach would turn shields into a safety bubble you've to pop in the first place to deal actual damage.
Overkilling a shield with big shots or plenty of bullets would be much more rewarding now.

Besides the separate resistances/damage modifiers, that's exactly how shields work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 05, 2018, 06:48:28 pm
Okay thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on June 05, 2018, 10:04:47 pm
But the resistances matter a lot! Type 1 shields (aka personal refractors used by the church) for example take only 50% damage from laser, 200% from fire, 250% from EMP, but get ignored completely by certain damage (e.g. cutting, piercing, daze). Type 2 shields (used by star gods and mercs I think?) are more of what you have in mind in that they act as a buffer for almost all damage (except maybe ranged cutting?) except fire ignores it and EMP deals 250%.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 05, 2018, 10:10:05 pm
Method of delivery has no bearing on dmg type. Cutting is cutting.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on June 06, 2018, 01:38:53 am
The entry isn't clear:

From experience, my melee gals had a tough time getting through the shields which leads me to think that type 2 shields absorb melee but not cutting (because it isn't mentioned above).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 06, 2018, 02:25:59 am
If we go by the types available on melee weapons in the pedia we have daze, cutting, concussive, bio, laser and plasma. that alot of vagueness about the term melee.

However, The types in the engine are not what's mostly displayed in the pedia entries. Dioxine's terms are generally better in clarity for reading and the feeling of the weapons they are attached too, but they are not the same as the in engine strings and references. In engine cutting=melee iirc.

We also know bio bypasses all shields.

So that entry should probably say something "...concussive, cutting, (and daze?)"   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on June 06, 2018, 03:42:44 am
I would love an entry like the ones for armor where all the damage types are listed next to percentages. Qualitative entries certainly are nice to read but they add a lot of ambiguity, especially when shields have no GUI presence besides flashing when hit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 06, 2018, 04:27:55 am
if you watch a shielded unit for a bit they have animation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 06, 2018, 08:25:36 am
Yeah it's a mistake, it should read Cutting not Melee.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 10, 2018, 12:34:45 pm
Is berserker outfit intended to be limited to red codex or is that a mistake? (I am asking because furiosa armour is linked form Codex (Red or Gold), has no need for voodoo: destruction, yet it also links form berserker outfit which effectively limits it to red only)

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 10, 2018, 12:43:29 pm
Shit I forgot about Furiosa. Yeah, it shouldn't have Berserker as preq.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 10, 2018, 12:52:56 pm
Damn, I could have been using it for months in my current playthrough!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Serpentium on June 10, 2018, 11:15:48 pm
Here is the modified ruleset (using the recently released 0.99J2 version) that removes the Berserk armor from Furiosa's research requirements. Everything should be good, but let me know if there are any errors (if you're using Windows, copy piratez.rul into "Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_J2\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset").
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 16, 2018, 03:58:39 pm
When you use the secondary melee option of an item like a flintlock pistol or aye-phone, do you get melee exp out of it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 16, 2018, 08:40:16 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 17, 2018, 01:04:06 am
I wonder if I should try using flintlock pistols like handles in the early game, they're less accurate but do normal damage through armor whereas the handle would do less damage through armor.  At least that's what the ANAL button says.

That does bring up another question, though.  Can melee reaction attacks be done with items with secondary melee options (like the aye-phone or flintlock pistol, preferably unloaded so you don't shoot instead)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 17, 2018, 01:53:06 am
subbing for handles, interesting thought. Depends on the gal imo. There is not a whole lot of armor in the early game and gals are generally poor at melee to start so accuracy helps. Id probably stick with the handle myself, but it could work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on June 17, 2018, 06:27:18 am
That does bring up another question, though.  Can melee reaction attacks be done with items with secondary melee options (like the aye-phone or flintlock pistol, preferably unloaded so you don't shoot instead)?
Yes, this does happen. Although I don't know how the game prioritizes which weapon and which attack type.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 23, 2018, 01:23:52 am
The flintlock pistol thing became moot anyway because they were quickly replaced by other pistols in the first month.  So, oh well.

Anyway aside from their stat caps and monthly salary, how do you tell apart an escaped lunatic from a hand or freak (warrior and veteran also)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 23, 2018, 01:35:56 am
In the hands list, you can sort by type.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on June 23, 2018, 04:58:27 am

Anyway aside from their stat caps and monthly salary, how do you tell apart an escaped lunatic from a hand or freak (warrior and veteran also)?


Let me recommend this mod:
 [MOD] Soldier Type Statstrings 1.1,6353.0.html
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 15, 2018, 03:31:18 am
The Saber only has one crew, right?  Can that be used in single-person missions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on July 20, 2018, 01:29:40 am
So I started a new game with the J4 release, and only one of my gals was a standard gal.  Is this intended ?  I'm not complaining or anything just wondering if this is supposed to be able to happen.  Although my night missions are a bit harder with 3 specters lighting up the battlefield lol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 20, 2018, 01:17:14 pm
Anyone care to explain to me what the required conditions for the shakeup transformation are? i dont understand whats going on as i can put some gals with 70 bravery through it and some with 40 i cant? So like its not just bravery and im confused.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FG on July 20, 2018, 01:24:37 pm
Anyone care to explain to me what the required conditions for the shakeup transformation are? i dont understand whats going on as i can put some gals with 70 bravery through it and some with 40 i cant? So like its not just bravery and im confused.

This one is a Hands (STR_SOLDIER_S) "exclusive"  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on July 20, 2018, 01:36:58 pm
~~  ^^
what is "shakeup transformation"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FG on July 20, 2018, 01:48:54 pm
~~  ^^
what is "shakeup transformation"

Newly-implemented (part of) game mechanics called "transformations":
A newly recruited, young gal be not only unskilled, but also uncommited to the Cause and our Pirate ways. We have figured out that a shock treatment might be the best answer! And by shock treatment, I mean dipping her in the Hellerium sludge down the Extractor shaft to harden both her body and spirit! Such ordeal involves drinking so much Moonshine that it cancels 10% experience on combat skills. Oh, it will also likely put her out of commission for a week or three. Since the deed needs to be done eagerly and in a scary manner, anything she was wearing will be destroyed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 20, 2018, 02:34:47 pm
This one is a Hands (STR_SOLDIER_S) "exclusive"  ;D

That might bear mentioning in the article, given how many varieties of uber gal it wont work on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rezaf on July 22, 2018, 02:15:54 pm
How are you supposed to deal with heavily armored enemies?

I guess I'm still in the somewhat early game (just researched back to school a couple of months ago) and my main base got invaded by a force lead by a guild master. I fired away at him for turns at an end (eventually I resorted to savescumming to see if it was at all possible to defeat him) but zero f*cks were given by him. I tried the laser shotgun thing, the hydra laser, what AP specialized weapons I have such as the CAWS, I tried hurling explosives that leveled the room he was in, I tried firing anti tank rockets at him ... without him being impressed in the slightest fashion.
In the end, I looked in the savefile and saw he has in excess of a hundred armor, and despite also trying supposedly armor damaging stuff such as acid and stuff at him, it didn't seem to budge from it's maximum value.
This must've been rebalanced since I last played the game, since I cannot recall having such huge issues with them guys ... how am I supposed to save my base?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 22, 2018, 02:23:58 pm
I tried the laser shotgun thing, the hydra laser, what AP specialized weapons I have such as the CAWS, I tried hurling explosives that leveled the room he was in, I tried firing anti tank rockets at him ... without him being impressed in the slightest fashion.

I can't even see on your list the most basic and obvious weapon: melee. I understand you've certainly tried axes ansd such (who wouldn't), but it's strange you got no results...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rezaf on July 22, 2018, 02:33:41 pm
It isn't really that easy to get toe to toe with a guildmaster without being shot to pieces in the approach, but I did try some melee weapons. However, I shipped most of the low-tech stuff to a storage base, so I don't currently have the likes of axes at hand any longer.
An axe will hurt an enemy who shrugs off a bazooka without breaking a sweat?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 22, 2018, 04:06:28 pm
Using AP weapons on him is pointless as long as his shields are up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 22, 2018, 05:45:48 pm
Which heavy craft weapon is better, the plasma beam or the obliterator cannon?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on July 22, 2018, 05:50:37 pm
Which heavy craft weapon is better, the plasma beam or the obliterator cannon?
I'm not that far in this playthrough - in past versions I went with Plama Beam as allrounder. The cut-off for enemy craft armor was around 15. And for the heavily armored targets I used Avalanche/Implosion Bombs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 22, 2018, 06:56:40 pm
It isn't really that easy to get toe to toe with a guildmaster without being shot to pieces in the approach, but I did try some melee weapons. However, I shipped most of the low-tech stuff to a storage base, so I don't currently have the likes of axes at hand any longer.
An axe will hurt an enemy who shrugs off a bazooka without breaking a sweat?

There are 2 key things to keep in mind when fighting things like guildmasters, that have both significant shields and high armor. Shields need to be removed first before you can deal with the underlying armor and this is most efficiently done by shotguns(highest dmg for TU spent) or emp grenades(250% dmg). Once you have knocked down the shields, then you can apply armor destruction. Make sure the "glow" animation is gone before you try the armor breakers or they are just wasted.

Another noteworthy things about shields is that Bio type damage bypasses them and usually has significant armor penetration. A gal with good stats can kill guildmaster and such in a few hits with the poison dagger. Impalers are also very effective.

Other more mundane high power melee can do the job if you get rear hits with high stat gals. Early on the spear and pike would be most effective followed by axes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rezaf on July 22, 2018, 07:22:32 pm
There are 2 key things to keep in mind when fighting things like guildmasters, that have both significant shields and high armor. Shields need to be removed first before you can deal with the underlying armor and this is most efficiently done by shotguns(highest dmg for TU spent) or emp grenades(250% dmg). Once you have knocked down the shields, then you can apply armor destruction. Make sure the "glow" animation is gone before you try the armor breakers or they are just wasted.

Another noteworthy things about shields is that Bio type damage bypasses them and usually has significant armor penetration. A gal with good stats can kill guildmaster and such in a few hits with the poison dagger. Impalers are also very effective.

Other more mundane high power melee can do the job if you get rear hits with high stat gals. Early on the spear and pike would be most effective followed by axes.

I did try to whittle away the shields, but I cannot be absolutely sure. I think I'm going to have to fall back to an earlier save and be better prepared.
Thank you very much for the tips, very much appreciated.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 22, 2018, 08:26:39 pm
At least in the case of the guild master he has 250 initial shield and regens 50 a turn. So if you dont get him in one turn, which is fairly likely, you will need to reapply your shield stripper of choice again each turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rezaf on July 26, 2018, 10:30:38 pm
What's it with the ridiculously low ranges of most transports? They are so low they're borderline useless.
300 for the Skyranger? 210 for the Deliverator? 320 for the Metallo that looks like an interstellar transport? Really?
At this pace, why not just make them stuff you can build in your base next to the Workshop and Power Station?
Surely I'm missing something here...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on July 26, 2018, 10:36:44 pm
What's it with the ridiculously low ranges of most transports? They are so low they're borderline useless.
300 for the Skyranger? 210 for the Deliverator? 320 for the Metallo that looks like an interstellar transport? Really?
At this pace, why not just make them stuff you can build in your base next to the Workshop and Power Station?

Not sure on the Skyranger, but the Deliveratior and Metallo both have global reach.  I can't look at the bootypedia right now but I think you're missing 0's on the end of those numbers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 26, 2018, 10:37:16 pm
What's it with the ridiculously low ranges of most transports? They are so low they're borderline useless.
300 for the Skyranger? 210 for the Deliverator? 320 for the Metallo that looks like an interstellar transport? Really?

Do you know what these "range" units mean?  Or have you actually tried these transports?  I can guarantee you that these are not ridiculously low; they use a different formula for maximum flight range since they require an item to refuel as compared to the battery-powered craft.

Edit: These numbers are correct, they just mean something different than what you are assuming they mean.  And before you ask, this will be changed/fixed fairly soon, just had a discussion about it today.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rezaf on July 27, 2018, 05:05:11 pm
Not sure on the Skyranger, but the Deliveratior and Metallo both have global reach.  I can't look at the bootypedia right now but I think you're missing 0's on the end of those numbers.

I'm not, have a look yourself. From how I understand the addendum on ohartenstein's post, it might be a bug, though.

Do you know what these "range" units mean?  Or have you actually tried these transports?  I can guarantee you that these are not ridiculously low; they use a different formula for maximum flight range since they require an item to refuel as compared to the battery-powered craft.

Do I know what "range" means?

Quote from: Cambridge English Dictionary
[ S ] the distance that a vehicle or aircraft can travel without having to stop for more fuel:
short-/medium-/long-range airliners

Seriously, though - that's obviously what I was missing, that range doesn't mean range in this case. No, I haven't acquired any of those craft yet, I'm still at a point in the game where I have to put some serious consideration in what to purchase. Thanks for the clarification, I will not numbers let me be discouraged from getting one of these asap.

Edit: These numbers are correct, they just mean something different than what you are assuming they mean.  And before you ask, this will be changed/fixed fairly soon, just had a discussion about it today.

That's great to hear, I think I'm not the only one that might be confused by this way of presenting things.

Thanks again for the head's up, much appreciated.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 27, 2018, 11:39:01 pm
Yeah if a craft uses fuel item, the range means something wholly different than when it doesn't. Metallo can actually circle the globe several times.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boylobster on July 30, 2018, 10:13:26 am
Hey, I hope this is an appropriate place to ask this: Hyperwave Decoder? From what I can tell, no Mutant Alliance missions = no Library = no Hyperwave Decoder = no idea what all the red blips are = no shooting anything down.  :-\

Per some advice I read early on in a Reddit thread, I avoided researching Mutant Alliance for the first year of the game because I didn't want to incur a penalty from ignoring pogroms, but now that I've researched it, I'm realizing that I only get missions from Jack, not Zaxx or the Alliance, and it seems that without something happening with the Alliance, there won't be any Libraries, without which many things will not progress. Is that right, or am I missing something?

Basically, I think I'm approaching getting stuck in game because I can't get to Libraries, but I've no idea how that happens and I don't get any job offers from the Mutant Alliance. Did I bork my game somehow? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 30, 2018, 10:45:46 am
You're right. Hyperwave Decoder is a bit deeper in the techtree and costs quite a number now with the extra ship-engines hooked into the building-costs.
At one point you've to join the mutant alliance. Pogroms are doable with utmost care and a bunch of explosives and other forms of indirect fire to avoid direct firefights and nasty terror-units.

Be aware: You're just a helping hand to the alliance, it's not mandatory to fight every pogrom once the alliance favours are researched.
Factions like Mercenaries and Star Gods are really hard to handle in Year 2 so just check the pogrom and instantly flee the scene.
The score-penalty is smaller in comparision to ignoring the call (-1000).

If you run short on tokens, you can buy them for cash. It's expensives but if RNG screws you over, there's this way to get reputation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boylobster on July 30, 2018, 02:46:53 pm
You're right. Hyperwave Decoder is a bit deeper in the techtree and costs quite a number now with the extra ship-engines hooked into the building-costs.
At one point you've to join the mutant alliance. Pogroms are doable with utmost care and a bunch of explosives and other forms of indirect fire to avoid direct firefights and nasty terror-units.

Be aware: You're just a helping hand to the alliance, it's not mandatory to fight every pogrom once the alliance favours are researched.
Factions like Mercenaries and Star Gods are really hard to handle in Year 2 so just check the pogrom and instantly flee the scene.
The score-penalty is smaller in comparision to ignoring the call (-1000).

If you run short on tokens, you can buy them for cash. It's expensives but if RNG screws you over, there's this way to get reputation.

Hey, thanks for the reply! So... I haven't yet been able to research Alliance Favors, and I don't know how to get to it. Basically, out of Zaxx, the Alliance, and Jack, I've only had interaction with Jack - no missions or ways that I can see to contact the other two. Is this normal? It looks like I need an "Assassination Trophy" to progress with the Alliance, but I've no idea where that comes from, and I don't think any missions of that type have been offered to me. After not too long, I'm going to run outta' research topic, and we can't have *that*, right??? ; p
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on July 30, 2018, 03:08:52 pm
You can get mutant alliance tokens from a few different things.  If you're not getting the humanist safehouse or alliance traitor missions you can still get tokens by freeing mutants from a few missions, like the academy outpost or the ghoul town missions.  Upgrading the bounty level gives more opportunities as well.  The RNG can be a bitch sometimes, especially when you're looking for tokens.  The current game I'm running I had to buy a ton of Zaxx tokens which I really don't like doing but the game was being a jerk.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on July 30, 2018, 06:19:04 pm
Hey, I hope this is an appropriate place to ask this: Hyperwave Decoder? From what I can tell, no Mutant Alliance missions = no Library = no Hyperwave Decoder = no idea what all the red blips are = no shooting anything down.  :-\
You can still shoot something down relying on visual identification of UFOs. Interrogating prisoners unlocks the Bootypedia entries and all the pictures are in there. ;)
The Sci Books necessary for the Library can also be unlocked by doing a prison raid in the Dr. X arc. You'll need an Academy Esper for that, but if the RNG hates you, you might get one before an Assassination Trophy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boylobster on July 31, 2018, 12:34:55 am
Heyyy, thanks guys!  :D  Okay, okay, the picture is becoming clearer; I'm narrowing down on what I need to ask, LOL.

You can get mutant alliance tokens from a few different things.  If you're not getting the humanist safehouse or alliance traitor missions you can still get tokens by freeing mutants from a few missions, like the academy outpost or the ghoul town missions.  Upgrading the bounty level gives more opportunities as well.  The RNG can be a bitch sometimes, especially when you're looking for tokens.  The current game I'm running I had to buy a ton of Zaxx tokens which I really don't like doing but the game was being a jerk.

I've been rescuing Alliance members when I can, and I'd considered buying the tokens outright, but I didn't know if tokens alone would lead to "Alliance Favors", or whatever. Maybe upgrading the bounty level will help shake up the variety of the missions offered, 'cause I'm still on D, haha - and it's good to know that my game's not broken, it could just be crappy luck that I'm not interacting more with the Alliance. Thanks for the the info, @Zippicus!

You can still shoot something down relying on visual identification of UFOs. Interrogating prisoners unlocks the Bootypedia entries and all the pictures are in there. ;)
The Sci Books necessary for the Library can also be unlocked by doing a prison raid in the Dr. X arc. You'll need an Academy Esper for that, but if the RNG hates you, you might get one before an Assassination Trophy.

Yah, I just started doing visual assessments, lol - I remembered that there was a contraindication, blue and red lights, but I couldn't remember whether they meant Attack or Do Not Attack, haha.  Sometimes it can feel like a slog going back into the 'Pedia for little bits of critical game info, but I'm not complaining about a lack of content, that's for sure.  ;)

So, whether I run into Espers or not (I haven't), and whether I get lucky with Alliance and Zaxx missions (I haven't), it sounds like all I can do is upgrade my bounty level one way or another and wait, amiright? Thanks again for all the helpful replies, a little assistance goes a long way!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on July 31, 2018, 02:36:53 am
No Alliance bounty missions?  Damn, that's some horrible luck.

If you get a Traitors to the Alliance bounty mission, make sure you kill at least one of the traitors (make sure the body's intact, overkilling them gets you nothing) so you get an assassination trophy.  Capturing them lets you execute them for the same amount of tokens, but you don't get a trophy out of that and you need one for research to finally get the Mutant Alliance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on July 31, 2018, 06:02:44 am
Colored lights on a ship currently mean that ship is either mutant alliance or official government.  There might later be different running light designations, (I don't know for sure, not part of the inner circle ;D) but right now I believe we have two, both of which are worth negative points.  Doesn't mean you can't shoot them down, but you WILL be penalized for it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on July 31, 2018, 01:53:37 pm

I've been rescuing Alliance members when I can, and I'd considered buying the tokens outright, but I didn't know if tokens alone would lead to "Alliance Favors", or whatever. [...]

I thoroughly recommend getting the Token Exchange mod:,5998.0.html

It should be part of any playthrough IMO, regardless of how potentially hax it may seem, if only to avoid frustrations.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on July 31, 2018, 03:31:02 pm
Also here is a breakdown of the prizes for the Alliance faction.  Short answer:  you will need 900 tokens for Alliance Favors prize.

175: Silenced Pistol (A1)
450: Assault Shotgun (A2)
3500: Holosuit (A3)

300: Martial Arts (B1)    <  ----  this one first
600: Alliance's  Favor (B2)  < --- Then this one.
3750: Saya (B3)

400: Durathread Supply (C1)
800: Spike Rockets (C2)
2500: M-Lasers (C3)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boylobster on July 31, 2018, 04:11:26 pm
Deeeeeamn, you guys are awesome, thank you to everybody who replied since my last post! And such clear and thoughtful responses, too. <3  I definitely have everything I need to progress atm, so with the boon of your collective wisdom, I return to the load screen with renewed confidence and purpose!  ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on August 07, 2018, 12:55:26 pm
Can someone explain the meanings of the numbers when referring to camouflage?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 07, 2018, 02:36:53 pm
If something has 20/6 camo, this means the enemies dayvision (default 40) allows your soldier to hide 20 tiles from the opposition.
Same for nightvision value. It's the number of tiles you can't be spotted in comparision to the normal vision socre of the opponent.

SPOT 5 reduces the value of your camo by 5 each (so 15/1)
INVIS 5 means you can't see the enemy unless it's 5 tiles ahead of you. SPOT can increase the value to see the target.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on August 07, 2018, 04:12:19 pm
Thanks, that makes so much more sense, and is going to be easier to decide my stealth gear. Which frankly most of the time is going to be Thieving Gear, anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 07, 2018, 06:30:30 pm
addendum, if you use the info page, both camo and invis are governed by the same variable, Camo at Day/night, negative values reduce enemy spotting, positive values are spotted at that distance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 08, 2018, 12:53:58 pm
The thiefgear is something I never used.
With the increased terror from the deep I start to run Undersea missions only with chiller-suits and automatic harpoons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 08, 2018, 12:56:16 pm
Is the starting ghost gal a one off halloween present, or can I get new ones? She was a really nice scout until that unfortunate thing with the traitor and the shotgun.

Are farms only for money?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 08, 2018, 01:00:26 pm
There is the option to make more ghost eventually. There are 2 further versions of the plantation, one to make sectoweed, the other makes boomfruit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivansanchez on August 08, 2018, 01:19:50 pm
The thiefgear is something I never used.

Not even on mansion robberies? Having camo on night robberies is quite sweet IMO.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 08, 2018, 02:01:03 pm
I prefer to do mansions with at least 13+ hands, alot of novice robes and during the day with a shitload of field-surgery kits on each hand and at least smart-pistols with PS ammo.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on August 08, 2018, 02:57:01 pm
Shiny niner with electric ammo is the best option for mansions untill you reach endgame tech.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on August 08, 2018, 03:51:31 pm
Ew.  Theif armor.  No thanks.  Camo Paint is even better. :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on August 08, 2018, 10:39:01 pm
I guess thief armor would be ok of you were going for a smash and grab rather than a full clear, they have a ton of inventory space.  Personally I think the negatives are a little too high to make use of them though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: KZad Bhat on August 08, 2018, 10:42:09 pm
Theiving gear does have the advantage of more carrying capacity (4x3 backpack, motherfucker!), as well as reducing the weight you're carrying to begin with. Perfect for early mansion missions when you do grab and runs rather than clearing.
And as I posted this, Zippicus had already covered it, but I'm posting anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 09, 2018, 12:45:38 pm
Sounds like the way it's intended to work, considering the poor daytime vision score (-10 to normal dayvision).
So the earliest way is a pachyderm with 8 gals right? Some craft speedlimit seems to be in place.

On higher difficulties a no-go for a full clear but just snatching stuff and running is also a possibility to get a treasure chest or a liber occultus.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: incas on August 22, 2018, 07:38:54 pm
Has something changed with cavern hunting? Iirc in my last play through I used it in the manufacturing window. I got the tech but there is no option even without supplies. (Extractor is existent, as are javelins and torches)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 22, 2018, 07:49:06 pm
Do have the cavern hunting tech? if its been a long time since your last go around, it might have been part of of a different tech back then. There has been alot of rework of the early game tech tree over the last year or so.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 22, 2018, 08:04:22 pm
Maybe you hid it by accident?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: incas on August 23, 2018, 01:38:45 pm
Maybe you hid it by accident?
Exactly what happened. ::)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on October 27, 2018, 10:55:17 am
I'm having some trouble figuring out the best use for the electro-pulse ammo.  At first I thought it was to give more options for captures, but it tends to kill the lightly armored wimps like GOs.  Is it to help with stunning armored enemies?  I've had some luck using it on megapol, for example, but even then it tends to overstun. Is it just to give access to electric damage type?

Also, do secret base missions have a chance to fail if left alone?  Or a delay of a few months between the mission and the actual base appearing?  I had a moment of horror when I saw a Merc Secret base mission pop up on the ol hyperwave decoder, and basically resigned myself to the fact that base would be there for a loooong time.  Got the normal swarm of big ships, and I didn't even bother to land and abort to force the landed ships to start flying again.  But so far the base hasn't shown up.  The area was Europe and I have it and any conceivable approaches for the supply ships well covered with decoders or blimps, so I don't think I'm missing it.  I think it's been 2 months, maybe 3.  I'm not complaining, just...confused.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on October 27, 2018, 12:32:00 pm
Well, maybe 5.0 merge fucked up base building as well, who knows. Normal major version upgrade crap that's beyond my knowledge or control. Your report has been noted.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on October 27, 2018, 01:43:03 pm
I wish all merc bases would fail like that  :P

That's a full blown pain in the ass all the way around, you can't even farm supply ships off that nonsense (well I guess you could but ....)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on October 27, 2018, 08:39:15 pm
I'll go report it in the bug thread with a save and some more details
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on October 27, 2018, 11:48:23 pm
(it is a BIG question, not a little1 -

 - how (and if even) i can get, /trigger, /obtain that ..special game mission *Siberia Base - if i quit, (abort) from there, from that mission, when i got this mission for very first time, - and from that time, it didnt and doesnt "spawn, pop-up for me no more..

so, - how i could trigger, show-up that Siberia Mission AGAIN? ?!

(what files and lines i need to edit, and how,
what changes)

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on October 28, 2018, 12:39:34 am
(it is a BIG question, not a little1 -

 - how (and if even) i can get, /trigger, /obtain that ..special game mission *Siberia Base - if i quit, (abort) from there, from that mission, when i got this mission for very first time, - and from that time, it didnt and doesnt "spawn, pop-up for me no more..

so, - how i could trigger, show-up that Siberia Mission AGAIN? ?!

(what files and lines i need to edit, and how,
what changes)

It should respawn itself untill your brainers will research special item that can be obtained only there (Briefcase if I remember correctly)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on November 05, 2018, 11:04:02 am
Does the Vampirric Robe work with all weapons that need no ammo or just melee ones?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on February 19, 2019, 10:22:45 pm
This is a question for Dioxine, but perhaps someone else already has the answer: Why are some items so insanely expensive in regards to workshop hours? I mean, a Boarding gun at 1250 hours takes almost as much as HPA (1500) or Portable Lascannon (1500), which are most likely much more intricate constructions. Strangely, the Super Shooty Gun takes only 400 hours, but if you take into account the 2xBG + 2xCSG  required, the total comes to 7000 hours. Which is more than assembling an entire Deliverator (6500) takes and almost double the time an X-Plasma takes (4000).
Reaper rifle (which takes just some scrap metal) takes more runthours (1600) than Custom Snipin Gun (900) or Python HSR (1200). Plate Mail takes 5500 hours* even discounting it's prerequisites, compared to Testudo's 4000.
I know this is somewhat balanced versus the material costs, but the numbers on some pieces of equipment seem 'a bit' off.

*Realistically, making a plate mail takes significantly less than half a year of 24h/day work. *YES*, I know Piratez is not about realism, I just found that piece funny.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on February 20, 2019, 01:01:08 am
I think the hours are balanced against the stage of the game when the items become available and not against each other. That's why high-tech stuff takes as much (or even less) time as low-tech things.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 20, 2019, 01:45:11 am
pretty much as CC says. The only way to abstract superior techniques/tech within the engine is lesser time costs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 20, 2019, 09:07:24 am
When should I start researching Old Earth Voodoo? It's April 2602, and I'm currently interrogating a bunch of Reticulans and researching persuasion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 20, 2019, 10:46:53 am
Whenever you feel like it.
It might not be what you expect it to be, if you don't know what it does already.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 20, 2019, 03:07:36 pm
Without spoiling much, old earth voodoo will lead you into a "questline" of research topics involving slave soldiers, with a nice payoff at the end for your gals. If you do research it, get yourself 4 very disposable slave soldiers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on February 20, 2019, 03:36:25 pm
This is a question for Dioxine, but perhaps someone else already has the answer: Why are some items so insanely expensive in regards to workshop hours? I mean, a Boarding gun at 1250 hours takes almost as much as HPA (1500) or Portable Lascannon (1500), which are most likely much more intricate constructions. Strangely, the Super Shooty Gun takes only 400 hours, but if you take into account the 2xBG + 2xCSG  required, the total comes to 7000 hours. Which is more than assembling an entire Deliverator (6500) takes and almost double the time an X-Plasma takes (4000).
Reaper rifle (which takes just some scrap metal) takes more runthours (1600) than Custom Snipin Gun (900) or Python HSR (1200). Plate Mail takes 5500 hours* even discounting it's prerequisites, compared to Testudo's 4000.
I know this is somewhat balanced versus the material costs, but the numbers on some pieces of equipment seem 'a bit' off.

*Realistically, making a plate mail takes significantly less than half a year of 24h/day work. *YES*, I know Piratez is not about realism, I just found that piece funny.

Well I don't want to sound harsh, but do it better... It's not easy to inter-relate a 1000 or so manuf. projects, and frankly, such polishing doesn't seem like first priority. Also take into consideration that in many, many cases, you take things off the shelf and just assembly them together, which cuts down on the time (but it's not easy to decide by how much). We'll get to balance this someday.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 20, 2019, 04:05:30 pm
There's loads of abstractions that need to be made, too. I mean, if the gals are making the platemail out of plasteel sheets, then it kinda makes sense for it to take so long, while making power armor can be considered mostly just connecting and assembling salvaged power armor parts with armor plating and an helerium battery.
For example, you could consider that, in the making of smartguns, the runts are only pretty much hooking up a slightly stripped down AMG to parts of a slave AI and gyroscopes, then telling the AI to "aim the gun at the softy enemy bits pls", which it does with zero programming because, well, its an AI.
Cars and tanks also prob dont take terribly long because the runts are just assembling premade parts into a chassis, then hooking up some weapon or another to it using pre-built components, instead of making everything from the ground up.

With the boarding guns, maybe the gals are actualy handcrafting every single part because boarding guns aren't commercialy avaliable, they're all hand made, and making stuff out of nothing but basic materials takes a while, regardless of how simple it is.

That said, I also do think the production times do need balancing. Board guns and reaper rifles could def take less time to make.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on February 20, 2019, 05:13:24 pm
Well I don't want to sound harsh, but do it better...

Oh, that's not harsh, not by your standards. ;) You are right - it could be done better, but the time investment of un-fun days of sitting in front of an Excel sheet crunching numbers is far greater then the net gain in... I don't know? Realism? That's not why we're here. :) I was honestly just curious whether it was a conscious design decision to make some things exceptionally hard (or others easy) to manufacture.

But to argue some of the points brought up by other posters:
The only way to abstract superior techniques/tech within the engine is lesser time costs.
But wouldn't the improved manufacturing techniques be offset by increasing complexity of high tech items? I mean - better tools mostly allow making simple items faster. Or large batches of more complex items. I.e. - using modern tools to make a single assault rifle would probably take much more time than it took to make a musket with more primitive tools. Sure, *if* we set up a robotic assembly line we can make 100 ARs in the time it takes to hand-craft a single one. But that's not the scale Piratez operate on.

I mean, if the gals are making the platemail out of plasteel sheets, then it kinda makes sense for it to take so long, while making power armor can be considered mostly just connecting and assembling salvaged power armor parts with armor plating and an helerium battery.
That's why piratez platemail is an opposite example - you have pre-made parts (chainmail) that you just attach plates to. Testudo takes raw plastasteel. And yet the first takes more time. Same for Boarding Gun (new item) >>> Custom Shooty Gun (modification, but more time consuming). The point is valid though - modifications are generally easier than making completely new items from scratch. I think there's even a #XX hint
about it.
With the boarding guns, maybe the gals are actualy handcrafting every single part because boarding guns aren't commercialy avaliable, they're all hand made, and making stuff out of nothing but basic materials takes a while, regardless of how simple it is.
If you haven't noticed, 80% (or so) guns available to manufacture are not commercially available. What makes some non-standard items harder than other, assuming both are made of raw material and of similar tech level and complexity? Besides, while boarding guns are not commercially available, they are available nontheless as Sky Ninjas use them as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on February 20, 2019, 08:16:27 pm
I have an idea, not sure if it's possible to code but should be easier than changing 1000 recipes

Basically check if manufacture category is non-craft weapon or armor -> check if scrap metal is one of the ingredients -> if yes then lower manufacture time by 1\2 because the item is considered low-tech. Then add some scrap to a few high cost recipes that are low tech but don't use it(like plate). Voila.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 21, 2019, 02:45:02 am
But wouldn't the improved manufacturing techniques be offset by increasing complexity of high tech items? I mean - better tools mostly allow making simple items faster. Or large batches of more complex items. I.e. - using modern tools to make a single assault rifle would probably take much more time than it took to make a musket with more primitive tools. Sure, *if* we set up a robotic assembly line we can make 100 ARs in the time it takes to hand-craft a single one. But that's not the scale Piratez operate on.

It's something of an S curve if we take our history as an example. Hand tools and manual power, time per item is very high as well as enforcing a physical limit on number of participants at any given step. (This is the start of play with still and extractor)

Simple power assistants like drill presses or lathes allow faster repetition as long as the task is the same. But if you change the needed task or product, frequently you need a whole new power tool or even a whole new line of tools. Time is down as long as you don't change the product. And these first stage assistants are both hazardous and prone to frequent breakdowns which take there own time.

The next stage is early/crude electronics. Maybe your tools have interchangeable parts now and changing tasks is faster. But time has gone way up in the crafting of your end product because you, as yet, don't have the precision automated means for circuit building, or things like the final fitting of parts. That's still by hand and the complexity of the final object is way up and the tolerances are exacting. Assembly line methods help but there is still a bottle neck in final fitting/assembly. Also usually this period sees a lot of wasted time/rejected parts due the exacting tolerances just to make the end product work. (This is about the in game workshop.)

Then we move on to full automation. Your tools are custom made for each product which is expensive and time consuming, but once you have the line tooled up it can run out as much as you want so long as the machines keep working and you have materials to supply. Handful of people necessary once everything is set up. Overall time is way down cause the machines go from raw feedstock to fully finished product in a matter of hours, but there is still the toolup problem.

Next is something we are only just now ourselves really exploring, fully printed final products. Provide a machine a blueprint and the right materials and it can build you the parts for anything, with minuscule and repeatable tolerances, beyond what the eye can perceive. Even the machines making parts for more of themselves. Toolup is not really much of a problem anymore since your down to a single manufacturing tool and a handful of assembly tools(maybe even none if your clever.) But a new problem has a shown up. Your toolset is now so precise and fast that a single instruction error can not only ruin the product but the tool itself before you even notice. or maybe its a tiny error, but still one that renders all the output nonfunctional. So a lot of time making sure the instructions are flawless. But total time has dropped again because most the investment is in the planning step. And so long as you don't misplace that instruction set your good to go at any point in the future. (This is about industrial printer.)

The next stage is where you hand the industrialized printer tech to an AI and tell it you want some amount of something and give it a room and feedstocks and a handful of printers and say you will be back Tuesday. The AI is loads faster working and can build the whole assembly line and tools it needs while blueprinting its parts. Only the briefest supervision to refill the feedstocks and make sure the end result hasn't been corrupted by some error or bias in the AI. The only worker time investment left is making the AI and that very first printer. (This is the factory+printer in game, and presumably something like the capabilities of the Stellar empire. Though they dont seem to ever utilize unshackled AI so there still not quite the full potential of this stage utilized.)

The final stage of production is the star trek replicator, input any raw material+sufficient energy, make a request of your AI, and there you have anything from a cup of tea to a planet complete with an ecosytem and its own civilizations. Your only limits are the available resources and the computational power available. The genie is out of the bottle, be careful what you ask for.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 27, 2019, 07:03:05 am
Is it just me, or has researching The Mutant Alliance caused the spawn rate of Terror Missions to quadruple. The game is becoming impossible because I get unbeatable terror missions every week. I literally had two terror missions several hours apart, and my score has plummeted to -4000.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 27, 2019, 10:09:19 am
No, researching Mutant Alliance doesn't provoke additional pogroms. Even if it was, not completing even two such missions certainly wouldn't land you at -4000.
Having said that, it's not exactly typical that pogroms are consistently unbeatable, especially when you already have Mutant Alliance researched. Who are you fighting? Which difficulty level?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 27, 2019, 10:29:12 am
And remember that just going there takes a lot off of the -1000 points, even if you just leave right after touching down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 27, 2019, 01:16:58 pm
Even if you find yourself in an "unbeatable" pogrom, its always good to try and maybe kill one or two enemies then drag their stuff and corpse into the ship and lift off. With some luck, you'll knock them uncouncious so you can research/interrogate them after. This can end up giving you some tech you wouldn't get for a long time.

For exame, just started the game and landed in a pogrom with spartans? Kill one or two of them just for the weapons. Found yourself against pest control guild people? Put a HEAT RPG round into a marsec bodyguard then drag him to the ship so you can get yourself power armor parts. Found a merc commando carrying a vibro axe? Knock him down and steal his axe and you suddenly have one of the best melee weapons in the game that can cut into even the most armored enemies. Etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on February 27, 2019, 01:28:48 pm
Every faction with the exception of basic humanists and spartans has a terror unit that cannot be easily dealt with using basic firearms. This might be a problem for new players.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 27, 2019, 01:31:42 pm
Every faction with the exception of basic humanists and spartans has a terror unit that cannot be easily dealt with using basic firearms. This might be a problem for new players.

That's why there are other weapons than basic firearms. Few targets can withstand an axe to the neck, or better yet, a hammer. And big units which aren't actual tanks fall reliably to molotovs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 27, 2019, 01:32:57 pm
Also, you start the game with an assault cannon and several iron balls. In the hands of a strong, accurate gal, that thing can take out even mercs in a single hit, and stays useful well into the midgame.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 28, 2019, 09:30:30 am
No, researching Mutant Alliance doesn't provoke additional pogroms. Even if it was, not completing even two such missions certainly wouldn't land you at -4000.
Having said that, it's not exactly typical that pogroms are consistently unbeatable, especially when you already have Mutant Alliance researched. Who are you fighting? Which difficulty level?

The month I am speaking of had three terror missions. The first, (Spartans) I had to skip because my Skyranger was on the way back from another mission and couldn't make it time. The second (Snakemen/Eridians), went well, got the Metallo in between, but then I got blindsided by chryssalids and lost half my team in a single turn. The third, (Deep Ones) went fine at first, but then I met the Lobstermen and failed to inflict a single point of damage to them. I shot them multiple times with Heavy Slugthrowers and it just did nothing. Tried using chem and UAC Chainguns to lower it's armor, but that still did nothing. It might be my personal save scumming policy, I play the mission once, and if I lose, I reload to before the mission and ignore it. Then again, I am playing on Superhuman.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 28, 2019, 09:33:35 am
When, and how, does Bug Hunt Mode activate? There seems to be no consistent method to activate it, and it never activates on the missions that I want it to activate on (namely missions with time limits).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 28, 2019, 11:22:46 am
AFAIK some missions are immun.

You need to be at least 15 turns into the game and a maximum of 2 enemies are allowed to be alive, iirc. I read that some enemies might also be immune, but I can't remember.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 28, 2019, 11:23:59 am
I had a few words of encouragement, but

Then again, I am playing on Superhuman.

Thank you, good night.

(Playing on the psycho level and then coming to complain is not only cheeky, but completely incomprehensible to me.)

When, and how, does Bug Hunt Mode activate? There seems to be no consistent method to activate it, and it never activates on the missions that I want it to activate on (namely missions with time limits).

Indeed it is pretty unclear. It depends on how many enemies are left and if they moved recently (are trapped/disengaged or not), but the specifics are pretty obscure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on February 28, 2019, 03:45:30 pm
Dogfight experience! How does it work exactly?

Code: [Select]
      bravery: 10
      reactions: 75
      firing: 75
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 28, 2019, 04:40:44 pm
The numbers are the percent chance to get +1 reactions or firing accuracy or +10 bravery on a successful kill. Each is a separate roll, so you can get all, some, or no gain from the interception.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 28, 2019, 05:07:39 pm
Do dogfight stat increase use rolls like regular increases? IE +1 to +6?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on February 28, 2019, 05:27:51 pm
No, always +1/+10.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on February 28, 2019, 11:44:29 pm
Wasn't there an option to have a border in the minimap in battelsacpe? Cannot find it anymore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on March 01, 2019, 12:28:42 am
Press ALT key
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on March 01, 2019, 10:45:19 am
Press ALT key

Thanks this works! But wasn't there a way to activate the permanently?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 01, 2019, 10:51:32 am
Excess OXCE options have been trimmed out. But d/w there is no functionality loss.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: peirceg on March 11, 2019, 08:30:38 am
Hello guys, need a bit of help. I cant seem to be able to unlock being able to make my own workshop? it says in the what to do that I need to unlock simple tools, but for the life of me I cant find it anywhere? What do I need to do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tongo on March 11, 2019, 02:20:42 pm
Hello everyone!
Did statistical bullet saving get removed from the mod? And if yes, is there any way I can add it back?
It annoys me immensely that I fire a single bullet from 50 and I lose the whole clip.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on March 11, 2019, 03:18:22 pm
Make sure to research primitive weapons (bows/melee summaries) and a wrench. You can get a wrench (usualy) from guild warehouses, civilian flying trucks and miner ships (which tend to land near your base), among other missions (I think communication towers tend to have them).

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: WaruiTanuki on March 11, 2019, 07:48:33 pm
The first 5 or 6 times I used a parrot, when he got shot, he squawked, fell to the ground, and showed up as "dead parrot" if I checked inventory on that spot.  No death or unconscious message, and after the fight ended, he came back, good as new.  I assumed this was what the Bootypedia meant when it said auxiliaries are ready to fight again no matter how injured they were.  Now I get a death message, points off for losing an aux. and no more parrot for next time.  Which of these is the intended behavior, and any idea why it changed?  No screenshots or anything, because now I can't replicate the immortal parrot behavior.  I didn't update the game or anything in between.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 11, 2019, 10:10:59 pm
Parrots were never immortal as far as I know.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tongo on March 12, 2019, 10:15:49 pm
I found out about readding statistical bullet saving, I still don't understand why it had to be removed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 13, 2019, 03:27:12 pm
It made some weapons such as the BFG too good.

Honestly BFG is a bit too good being non arcing baby nuke that doesn’t waste a whole turn reloading, perhaps it could be rarer to get or locked behind a difficult mission like the nuclear lasers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 14, 2019, 04:14:45 am
I think BFG is very rare...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 14, 2019, 12:55:35 pm
I had storage full of UAC plasmas and two BFGs before end of year one. Highest difficulty obviously increases the odds of these weapons spawning as more baddies spawn, so it might not be an issue on lower difficulties.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 14, 2019, 01:57:42 pm
I did few runs in the game and I never got BFG. Broken batteries, of course, but not BFG itself. It's rare enough on sane levels.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 14, 2019, 02:39:14 pm
True, the difficulty is double edged sword. The enemies are more numerous (generally not that big of an issue) and tougher on higher difficulties but you get more loot and have higher chance to get better loot too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 14, 2019, 07:36:21 pm
I had storage full of UAC plasmas and two BFGs before end of year one. Highest difficulty obviously increases the odds of these weapons spawning as more baddies spawn, so it might not be an issue on lower difficulties.

You got insanely lucky. No baddie is ever armed in BFG, and doom spawns are quite rare in general. You're forgetting how random Piratez are.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 15, 2019, 12:34:20 am
I'm almost convinced that the BFG is just not implemented in normal play.  How do I get one without doing a quick battle?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 15, 2019, 02:06:19 am
I've had a few BFG's over the campaigns but none recently, but I've been avoiding doom related missions in my current campaign due how many gunner's now sport RPGs. Doomed Farms are rather risky at low tech/troop experaince now.

So i can't really say where the BFGs reside presently, but they do exist. Still to rare to really matter most runs, its in the vein of the initial gothic raygun, ridiculously powerful, but so rare it may never see much use. And frankly it's overkill for virtually anything, and we like corpses to survive most of the time. Vaping a tank or other similar high teir foe is rarely the preferred outcome.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 15, 2019, 02:14:21 pm
They reside in the missions Imperial Probe leads you to. The BFG itself spawns without armed battery so you never have to worry about being atomized by it, but the dark ones spawn with UAC rocker launcher, plasmagun and minigun which can be quite devastating however rest of their guns are shit and as they are accurate representation of zombiemen from original Doom, threy are slow and fragile. These missions always have at least imps spawn which are quite dangerous and pinkys who are easy to dispose of. Higher tier missions have cacos and hell barons, cacos are big and easy target, hell barons are damage spoonges with no armor so easy enough to kill with concentrated fire from shotgus and such. Electric based weapons are especially good as they always stun a caco instead of killing it and have decent chance of stuning the rest of the dark ones and demons too, so you can milk them for demonic essence. Depending on your codex choice, you might want to kill the pinkys instead of stunning to make blood axes.

Overall: It is always worth following the probe to its destination. You can allways run for it, but the potential rewards are significant and if you have advantageous starting position you have  a good chance to win.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 17, 2019, 04:21:22 pm
A very good summary, I approve.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 18, 2019, 03:24:49 am
Is there a way to reliably encounter Reticulan enemies? It seems like the only way to find them is UFO landings, and it's never the type of enemy I want.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 18, 2019, 07:33:14 am
Everything but elders are encountered on there medium ships. The eldars can be found on reticualn base imperial probes, and base retaliations. Probably a few more rare instances i'm forgetting.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 18, 2019, 07:40:51 am
They show up as Jammed on the radar screen right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 18, 2019, 01:29:37 pm
Elders can be found only in reticulan bunkers and in the B level bounty mission where you use naked peasants against horde of rets. Elder can also be purchased after you get Saya as a bounty reward, which is how you most likely get one. Reticulans never retaliate (unless that was changed) but the elder would spawn there too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on March 18, 2019, 03:40:57 pm
They show up as Jammed on the radar screen right?

I think every reticulan ship shows up as jammed, and imperial probes show up as a round metallic ball.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 18, 2019, 11:31:58 pm
Supply ships and the Humanist swastika ship are also jammed, along with both reticulan vessels.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 19, 2019, 10:27:24 pm
Supply ships and the Humanist swastika ship are also jammed, along with both reticulan vessels.
And the Millenium Falcon smuggler ship.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 19, 2019, 11:55:40 pm
Various craft used exclusively for hideout assaults are also jammed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 23, 2019, 05:53:12 am
In the research tree, it shows all the prerequisites for a particular topic of research, is there a way to tell whether you need all of them or just one of them? I thought Power Tools needed BOTH Reticulan Power Systems and Chainsaw Good, but it just needs one or the other. Same with Gauss Weapons Dissassembly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 24, 2019, 05:38:34 pm
In the research tree, it shows all the prerequisites for a particular topic of research, is there a way to tell whether you need all of them or just one of them? I thought Power Tools needed BOTH Reticulan Power Systems and Chainsaw Good, but it just needs one or the other. Same with Gauss Weapons Dissassembly.
If the heading is "Unlocked By", you only need one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 24, 2019, 06:28:50 pm
Thank you. A little salty that I delayed getting Chainsaw Good for a year or so, but whatever.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HT on March 24, 2019, 09:54:14 pm
Soo, what's the purpose of being able to recruit slave soldiers early with that specific, exclusive research option when you can get them anyways with the Slavery Research topic? Does that one lock you out from hiring better Gals (Veteran and above) later on? How do these early male soldiers compare to Peasants?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 24, 2019, 11:53:35 pm
The trade off is cheap bought slave soldiers or the cheapest tier of gals. The soldiers otherwise need to be converted from regular slaves. Slave soldiers in terms of stat caps have slightly more hp and strength then peasants, but lower stamina. They have better initial stat range then peasants, but peasants have militia training option which narrows the gap alot.

Most of the difference is in outfits in the later game, SS have the doom armors, recon quad, and the testudo. Peasants have the ravenclaw. But that's just right now, peasants have fewer outfits in general due to lack of art assets, since someone other then Dioxine creates them. More are coming i presume.

There are some minor tech differences as well, but i wont spoil that info here.   

Edit: i also completely neglected to mention that slaves don't suffer morale decay, but they dont regen morale either(aside from morale after a panic and item use). It does make the slaves significantly less good with voodoo tools that cost morale to use, but better against psi attack on average.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 25, 2019, 01:20:49 pm
Hail, everyone.

I am a hard-core free time gamer with 35 yrs of experience and never saw a beauty like THIS, the X-PirateZ.
MARVELOUS! This game really deserves all the positive meaning superlatives one could think of.
I'd need some help/recommendations, however (YES, it's the Researching, what else could it be?:). And crashing... The CTD.

1.) I'm now 13th in-game month, have 5 gals with great stats and an auxiliary 4 gals team I employ for less risky missions.
I have access to Tac Vests, Night Ops, and Assassin Armor (scavenged on my last mission). I have Krazy Hannah's hardware and Gun Emporium's stuff, I can make LACC ammo, etc, etc. So, am I armed well enough for this... hmm... age? What are your further recommendations for weapons and armor development?

2.) I have Jet Bikes with Seagulls for Interception, an Aircar and an Airvan for missions (Aircar is for intercepting small targets as well). I need a better combat Craft and weapons for it. Please advise me?

3.) My game (version Feb.2019) crashes every cca 10 saves. The error message says something like bad_alloc,
or it's just a blank error window.

Last, but not least: How would you direct the research and how? On one area to a certain depth, or in "a lttle bit of this, a little bit of that" style?
TYVM in advance, and every help is welcome.

PS: How do you fight Mercs? I tackled one of their ships, camped in my craft and fought from inside there, but when they blew up my door, I had to dustoff. Bah!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on March 25, 2019, 06:14:02 pm
3.) My game (version Feb.2019) crashes every cca 10 saves. The error message says something like bad_alloc,
or it's just a blank error window.

You need to upgrade to OXCE 5.3 or later:,5258.0.html
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on March 25, 2019, 11:12:21 pm
2.) I have Jet Bikes with Seagulls for Interception, an Aircar and an Airvan for missions (Aircar is for intercepting small targets as well). I need a better combat Craft and weapons for it. Please advise me?
Search the tech tree for "Codex" and tech to that for a better craft. Plunder craft weapons for now or, if you want to, go for the Heavy Craft Weapons research.

Last, but not least: How would you direct the research and how? On one area to a certain depth, or in "a lttle bit of this, a little bit of that" style?
Directed research, mostly. Early key techs (in no particular order) are Krazy Hannah, Workshop, Chateau de la'Mort, Slavery, and a Codex craft of your choosing. Don't forget to pick up the Bag of Cash and Money Purse techs for increased profit.

PS: How do you fight Mercs? I tackled one of their ships, camped in my craft and fought from inside there, but when they blew up my door, I had to dustoff. Bah!
At your tech level? You don't. Run and live to fight another day.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 26, 2019, 11:50:16 am
TYVM, Meridian and CC. MUCH appreciated.

Another question, please.
Would I have to start a new game after upgrading? I mean, would the old saves work?
And if they wouldn't work and I keep the old version with the now-and-then crashing saves, would it become unplayable one day?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on March 26, 2019, 02:09:52 pm
Would I have to start a new game after upgrading? I mean, would the old saves work?

No, you can continue.
Saves will work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 26, 2019, 05:14:10 pm
We even have a pinned thread for when minor upgrade related problems occur.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 26, 2019, 06:08:34 pm
TYVM, gentlemen.
Can we somehow craft Seagull Missiles? They're quite expensive.
And, legionof1, I love your "Bullets go..."

So, I got OXCE... I guess I just put all the files where is my exe. file and rewrite it all. Directories only for me.
Pardon my dumb questions. I use 5 languages, but seldom do this kind 0' stuff.

Yea, you say SLAVERY is important?


Ppl, sorry to bother, but I need a step by step installation guide for the OXCE. I don't understand a thing. Is there a video on this?

It's the Windows 64 deal.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on March 26, 2019, 07:02:45 pm
TYVM, gentlemen.
Can we somehow craft Seagull Missiles? They're quite expensive.
And, legionof1, I love your "Bullets go..."

And it has a deeper meaning: You need to be efficient to earn money. You cannot use expensive weapons to fight poor victims.  So unless you need some research items don't use Seagull Missiles, if they cost more than the expected loot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 26, 2019, 09:21:49 pm
Okay, oxce how to, presuming an preexisting working install of the piratez mod:
1) download oxce file appropriate to your OS
2) Extract downloaded file
3) Delete the exe from your install folder as well as any shortcuts, since the version is different and named as such, so it wont overwrite by default. 
4) Copy the new .exe into your install, create new shortcuts as needed.

See if problem is resolved, if not continue

5)Copy and replace standard and common folder, not UFO or TFTD

If you have already copy and replaced the entire oxce download you will need to copy over the vanilla files over again. GEODATA, GEOGRAPH, MAPS, ROUTES, SOUND, TERRAIN, UFOGRAPH, UFOINTRO, and UNITS subfolders from the ufo folder of an install of vanilla, into the ufo folder of the Piratez install.

Other questions:
Slavery is important, slaves provide extra income and storage space, without using up valuable base tiles. And beyond that its a major tech gate itself in the areas of interrogating captives and expanding your contacts with the world.

No seagulls can't be crafted, some craft carry them as loot thou. That said seagulls arn't necessary for most lower tier air to air encounters, light craft weapons have much better mileage in the early game. Conserve your seagulls to engage harder targets.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 26, 2019, 11:30:55 pm
Ppl, sorry to bother, but I need a step by step installation guide for the OXCE. I don't understand a thing. Is there a video on this?

In case of Piratez you don't really need to install OXCE. You just need to replace the exe, at least that's what I did and it's working so far.
(If I'm suggesting bad things here Meridian will probably say so soonish.)

So, instructions:
- download OXCE, unpack.
- locate exe of OXCE
- put it in the folder where you current PirateZ exe is, use new exe from now on.

Future versions of PirateZ will have the fixed exe shipped with them. This exe replacement is only needed for J12.

Regarding research:
Krazy Hanna and Gun Emporium provide you with enough weapons. Weapon research at that stage will only give you more of the same.
Regarding armor, you are close to a major improvement over tac vests: tactical armor. It needs aqua plastics, smoke ops and and tinkering on top of Krazy Hanna that you already have. If you know how to use the tech tree viewer, you can look it up.

All better craft (interceptors and dropships) are locked behind the tiny drill research which eventually leads to shadowtech and the cloacking devices needed to build your own craft. For the tiny drill, this page should still be up to date: (
The most difficult part of this is to get the "Shadowmasters" tech. My recommandation here is to interrogate Hoes until you get it. They are easy to capture, interrogate fast and you can get a lot of them easily.

Then you will also stumble upon the question of codex choice, which is an entire subject of it's own...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 27, 2019, 06:19:06 am
How do I upgrade from Tactical Armor? What's the next upgrade for generic all purpose armor, that doesn't need Power Armor Parts?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 27, 2019, 06:36:40 am
Tactical is pretty much the end of the line for basic protection all round protection that doesn't have multiple layers of prerequisites. Advanced personal protection is the next general tech gate for armor to progress.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 27, 2019, 07:30:10 am
I have all the prerequisites but Durathread Printing, and I have no idea what to do for Industrial Scanners, except for buying tons of Academy Scientists from the Mercenaries.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 27, 2019, 12:24:55 pm
Ye fellow PirateZ,
TYVM once again, to all.

I do use the Seagulls only if I have to. Here's my air combat tactic I have devised: having no hyperwave decoder yet and knowing little about the lore crafts, whenever I get a "flying loot" :)  message, I send my entire fleet, keeping one at home just in case (a race...). Then I send the weakest in, the 25mm guy. If he wins - cool, if not, I send a stronger one, etc. I guess I found what a Transport Ship is like - a big one, lightly armed and Seagull-treatable, full o' loot.
And yea, my runts mostly make Chateau, 'cept when I need new cans and can openers for my gals:)

with OXCE, I have played for several hours without crashing. YEA!

I will do so. I always interrogate until I get what I want, and then - well, the attack dogs are always interested in educatin' 'emselves over some smart meat, wutevah:)

TYVM, ppl, ya great bunch:)

Another few questions:
About the Codex deal:
Is it important which color do I chose, or it's just which color do I like?

About the Mutant Alliance:
Fending off pogroms becomes mandatory for new members. Yea, "zum Befehl, Herr General," but can I bustoff if it becomes too risky, IF it becomes so at that point? I still remember one Pogrom, when my gals were Javelinezing and Throwing Axeing Humanists with Messers (that's MP-40, BTW) and RPGs. We won!

About Ye Blunderbuss:
This... gutter looks so damn powerful and we can use explo and chem ammo with it.  You game with this, or you like Military/Assault SG better?

Oh, regarding urban combat:
I see that hiding immediately behind a corner prevents AI from shooting my gals. It's mellee range, so they miss, clear. Moreover, they kinda get confused? Heh-heh (Evil grin with a tooth missing:) )

And do you like that volcano-maker, the Satchel Charge?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 27, 2019, 01:17:29 pm
About the Codex deal:
Is it important which color do I chose, or it's just which color do I like?

It is very important for much of the game, as it largely determines your playstyle. Each Codex grants a number of special items, ships etc. Without spoiling stuff, you can think of it in terms of class from RPGs:
Red: Warrior
Grey: Mage
Gold: Rogue
Green: Cleric
This is very metaphorical, but you get the idea.

About the Mutant Alliance:
Fending off pogroms becomes mandatory for new members. Yea, "zum Befehl, Herr General," but can I bustoff if it becomes too risky, IF it becomes so at that point? I still remember one Pogrom, when my gals were Javelinezing and Throwing Axeing Humanists with Messers (that's MP-40, BTW) and RPGs. We won!

Sure, don't hesitate to run away. The points aren't worth losing good people. But it's always good to at least show upyou, maybe shoot a few chumps, maybe even steal their stuff, and dust off.

About Ye Blunderbuss:
This... gutter looks so damn powerful and we can use explo and chem ammo with it.  You game with this, or you like Military/Assault SG better?

There are hundreds of weapons in the mod, it's pointless to compare them all. If it works for you, it works.

Oh, regarding urban combat:
I see that hiding immediately behind a corner prevents AI from shooting my gals. It's mellee range, so they miss, clear. Moreover, they kinda get confused? Heh-heh (Evil grin with a tooth missing:) )

Are you talking about the close combat mechanics or something?

And do you like that volcano-maker, the Satchel Charge?

I personally only use it to blow up red barns, it's too heavy for my liking. But it's a personal style thing, many people use it with A good results.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on March 27, 2019, 01:55:14 pm
I use the satchel charge mostly just for suicide dog base defense mass murder and for exploding red bars, but it isn't really that useful against any enemies that have real armor, and the size and weight make it impractical to use as a large aoe grenade substitute. Doesnt work as a proper breaching charge either, you're better off using high explosives and other specialist explosives/tools for that. I remember bringing loads of charges on a bank robbery then finding out I couldn't breach the safe with them.

Also, I think you can get industrial scanners from certain ships. I faintly remember getting some from guild freighters and/or supply ships.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on March 27, 2019, 03:35:32 pm
"zum Befehl, Herr General,"

That would be "zu Befehl".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 27, 2019, 03:51:27 pm
I forgot to mention that the satchel charge works well as a dropped weapon (as opposed to thrown) - either from a flying unit or a car. But at the stage when you have these, you are likely to have better explosives.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on March 27, 2019, 04:39:04 pm
Also, I think you can get industrial scanners from certain ships. I faintly remember getting some from guild freighters and/or supply ships.

One 'type' (map layout) of large scout (in Piratez known as Cutter*) has an industrial printer. Many larger craft have them as well, but it may be difficult to get at them without better tech. Some other sources exist as well.

*2700 speed, small-size shipping, if you want to identify them without a decoder.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 27, 2019, 05:31:22 pm
About Ye Blunderbuss:
This... gutter looks so damn powerful and we can use explo and chem ammo with it.  You game with this, or you like Military/Assault SG better?

Blunderbus has lots of spread and is very short range because of that. It's the extreme case of a high-damage-short-range weapon. Chem ammo then doubles that spread, so it's pretty much a melee only weapon with chem ammo. Chem ammo for shotguns with it's current spread is more a gimmick than a useful ammo.

Assault SG is more balanced, less damage but better at range (less spread) and more convenient (less reload).

Military shotgun has very tight pellets, at 15 tiles range most pellets still hit the target. No autoshot though, so less close range damage.

The military shotgun is best for targets that die from one hit anyway like ratmen. Take it on a ratmen rodeo, you will be amazed. You then switch to Assault SG for targets that can take more than one blast. Blunderbus has too many drawbacks to be worth it. It's niche would be enemies with a bit of armor, but in that case javelins and throwing axes work even better.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 27, 2019, 05:41:27 pm
TYVM, friends.

Solarius Scorch:
Red Codex. Iam a warrior.
Pogroms: yea, will fight until it hurts, then zoom (if necessary). BTW, do Mercs or Imps (Chewbacca like Doom monsters) do Pogroms? Humanists are a joke. I sack them yawning.
Blunderbuss: oh, it DOES pack a punch and it looks crazy, thanx:)
Combo mechanics: yesyes, xactly. The AI kinda loses their head upon stumbling upon one of us behind a corner (door, whatever). And then for real:)
Satchel: oh, I don't doubt they have good results with that. Fellow souls that love blowin' stuff up:) . I wll try satchel bomber.

I use Crates o' Violence for the Red Barns, but will try the hi ex, or the newly acquired and mass produced Dynamite.
The dog bomb idea you say? Like the Soviets in WW2? Great idea! I MUST try that:) BTW do you damage your base if using explosives?
And there are Bank Robbery Missions here as well? Nice. Gues that's what we can buy those burners for, or however you call them.

I'll keep an eye out. I already have a "Cutter Documentation." Is that it? I know that the industrial Printer is quite important.

All right, I get the SG deal. Will do. And the Blunderbuss? Well, explosive ammo for close range elefant hunt, if there are any here:)

TYVM all, again.
Bottom line, gentlemen (and ladies, if any are here), I have my main troop craft LOADED with every single thing that can be used in combat - even against walls.

Man... I always wanted to have and play a game with ALL kind of enemies and ALL kind of weapons... This is the closest so far.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 27, 2019, 05:50:23 pm
Red  codex has the most content for it, but a lot of it is kinda boring or absurd overkill. Be sure to store pinky corpses to make bloodaxes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on March 27, 2019, 06:16:53 pm
I'll keep an eye out. I already have a "Cutter Documentation." Is that it? I know that the industrial Printer is quite important.

While it does help you with a image of how the craft looks like*** and it's stats, the documentation is unrelated. Many shippings can generate a different map when a tactical mission is attempted (a landing, a crash or w/e) - I think Cutter has 8 possible layouts, with equal chance of each one to appear, so you may need to do a couple (or many - depending whether RNGesus loves you or hates you) before you get the one that has the printer. On the battlescape it looks like a purple slab with some yellow tech-gizmo next to it. IIRC the layout prevents it from being destroyed by power source explosion. If you are into savescumming, you can save in geo, before starting the mission, and each time you start there will be a different layout.

***Careful not to mistake it for a Sentry, which has 3 'windows' instead of Cutter's 4 windows. Might make for a costly mistake - Sentries are faster and more deadly (though slightly more fragile).

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on March 27, 2019, 07:12:08 pm
I'm really uncertain about this, but I think I may have gotten an industrial scanner off a guild warehouse once, but I'm not sure. My brain just associates industrial scanners to the trader's guild, so I may just be imagining things. Anyways, chances are that by the time you actualy need them, you'll have the tech to safely engage and down the ships that carry them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 27, 2019, 08:16:30 pm
Combo mechanics: yesyes, xactly. The AI kinda loses their head upon stumbling upon one of us behind a corner (door, whatever). And then for real:)

That would be the close quarters combat mechanic, firing a gun(or anything that has projectile behavior) results in a test. Fail the test and you spin and fire in some other direction then the targets. Smaller guns like pistols have an easier time, large weapons like rifles have it worse. The stats used for the check are quite poor on many early game enemies, so the gals almost always win. Dosen't hold true forever.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 10:45:20 am
Red  codex has the most content for it, but a lot of it is kinda boring or absurd overkill. Be sure to store pinky corpses to make bloodaxes.
TYVM. Already chose it, the RED one. Got aaabsolutely nuthin 'gainst some overkill. Pinky corpses? Are those some enemies that we call Pinkies?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 10:49:29 am
That would be the close quarters combat mechanic, firing a gun(or anything that has projectile behavior) results in a test. Fail the test and you spin and fire in some other direction then the targets. Smaller guns like pistols have an easier time, large weapons like rifles have it worse. The stats used for the check are quite poor on many early game enemies, so the gals almost always win. Dosen't hold true forever.

TYVM. Well, THAT's true. I got this Blood Rituals mission yesterday and the Werewolves don't mind their dinner being JUST around the corner:)
AND, judging by the loot from that mission, some stuff here is indeed to be found just somewhere, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 10:56:38 am
While it does help you with a image of how the craft looks like*** and it's stats, the documentation is unrelated. Many shippings can generate a different map when a tactical mission is attempted (a landing, a crash or w/e) - I think Cutter has 8 possible layouts, with equal chance of each one to appear, so you may need to do a couple (or many - depending whether RNGesus loves you or hates you) before you get the one that has the printer. On the battlescape it looks like a purple slab with some yellow tech-gizmo next to it. IIRC the layout prevents it from being destroyed by power source explosion. If you are into savescumming, you can save in geo, before starting the mission, and each time you start there will be a different layout.

***Careful not to mistake it for a Sentry, which has 3 'windows' instead of Cutter's 4 windows. Might make for a costly mistake - Sentries are faster and more deadly (though slightly more fragile).


Oh, yeyyeyyes, RHGesus LOVEZ all us X-PirateZ, a lot:)
I am into savescumming, as repeating the same blunder REEEEALY got on my nerves as soon as I realized what it is. So, A Cutter is a 3 windows craft, and the Cutter is a 4 windows one? I will do that.
Is there a X-PirateZ Craft Guide somewhere?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 11:09:48 am
Blunderbus has lots of spread and is very short range because of that. It's the extreme case of a high-damage-short-range weapon. Chem ammo then doubles that spread, so it's pretty much a melee only weapon with chem ammo. Chem ammo for shotguns with it's current spread is more a gimmick than a useful ammo.

Assault SG is more balanced, less damage but better at range (less spread) and more convenient (less reload).

Military shotgun has very tight pellets, at 15 tiles range most pellets still hit the target. No autoshot though, so less close range damage.

The military shotgun is best for targets that die from one hit anyway like ratmen. Take it on a ratmen rodeo, you will be amazed. You then switch to Assault SG for targets that can take more than one blast. Blunderbus has too many drawbacks to be worth it. It's niche would be enemies with a bit of armor, but in that case javelins and throwing axes work even better.

HEEEYY:) AnD why not BOTH? Military SG AND Blunderbus? I mean, y'see, I got this abcolutely crazy soldier loadout preset that I call "LET 'EM COME!" where a gal has An RPG, a 40mm GL and a Painbringer SMG. And ll with ammo plus bandages and smokes. Now, as we don't disembark on our 1st turn, other gals check what are we up against and then, as needed, the Rambo gals drop some of their HW and we roll on. I adopted this after my 1st Armored Car encounter. I mean, it was like: "HOLY STALINGRAD!!! ARMOR!!! AAAAAH!" So it's better safe than sorry. Even if I lose a few turns. Ain't matter.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 11:13:59 am
Blunderbus has lots of spread and is very short range because of that. It's the extreme case of a high-damage-short-range weapon. Chem ammo then doubles that spread, so it's pretty much a melee only weapon with chem ammo. Chem ammo for shotguns with it's current spread is more a gimmick than a useful ammo.

Assault SG is more balanced, less damage but better at range (less spread) and more convenient (less reload).

Military shotgun has very tight pellets, at 15 tiles range most pellets still hit the target. No autoshot though, so less close range damage.

The military shotgun is best for targets that die from one hit anyway like ratmen. Take it on a ratmen rodeo, you will be amazed. You then switch to Assault SG for targets that can take more than one blast. Blunderbus has too many drawbacks to be worth it. It's niche would be enemies with a bit of armor, but in that case javelins and throwing axes work even better.

I got a White Shambler with just 3-4 Thr. Axe hits. Niiice weapons, mhm.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 11:16:06 am
OK, ppl,
I see that my gratitude and stuff answers take up way too much space here, so I'm gonna keep them shorter and, PLS, don't get offended if I fon't thank you for your helpful answer.

Sincerely yours,
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 11:28:30 am
That would be "zu Befehl".

Doch, natürlich. Ich habe das aber vergessen. Vielen Dank.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 28, 2019, 11:54:11 am
How do we actually GET this long range Flamer? Me likey:)
How good does the Flamethrower work for you?
Is there any better treatment for Zombies than a Flamethrower and WP grenades?
Anyone else got ZOMBIES (all: FunkyZ, StrixZ...) on a TEMPLE raid?  :o

That's why you SAVE your game fe minutes BEFORE you land on your mission. Ya gotto get the appropriate greeting assets ready, huh? Heh-heh...
Is there more music for this mod? And how to install it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 28, 2019, 02:56:55 pm
You have to find, or research other flamers to get long range one.
Flamers are good on armored enemies without much health thanks to mechanic of dealing constant damage despite armor.
Shotguns are pretty much best for standar zombies.

There is fair RNG chance of several missions spawning zombies instead of certain faction. Tower, mansions, temples, space etc.

There is "SOUND" folder with tracks, but I guess it requires more than just simply adding new tracks.
After getting "bored" with them, I just simply run web browser in background with YouTube videos.
I particulary like C&C Tiberium Sun/Firestorm/Twisted Inssurection OST, because it fits quite nicely.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on March 28, 2019, 04:23:27 pm
I am into savescumming, as repeating the same blunder REEEEALY got on my nerves as soon as I realized what it is. So, A Cutter is a 3 windows craft, and the Cutter is a 4 windows one? I will do that.

Sentry - 3 windows (1 in the middle), Cutter - 4 (2 in the middle).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 29, 2019, 12:57:10 pm
Sentry - 3 windows (1 in the middle), Cutter - 4 (2 in the middle).

Well, I got one yesterday, but I attacked with Seagulls instead with guns and found a wreck with a Field Surgery Kit forgotten in a corner. Do you find a printer like this - lying in a corner where an engine explosion couldn't harm it? But my Aircar can't fly so fast anyway, so it's up to the missiles.

I guess I get the idea of finding stuff - simply, certain kind of craft carries certain kind of stuff, just like certain kind of prisoners knows about certain topics, so you just roll along and find the things out until there are none new.
Now, regarding this, the question (for me) is: Do we find the SAME things multiple times; or do we find them in a sequence and, when all are found, maybe we find  3 printers in a row, etc? Remains to be seen. I need a better craft first, I guess.
Ya don't hammer in a 10 inch nail with a 2 oz hammer, right?:)

I know this is a bit complicated post but, hey, we're in a waaaays more complicated mod so, I guess that that's not a problem?
I am starting to love this, seriously. I, who played ONLY FO3, FNV, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. and stuff, now play... UFO. Not the 2012 deal, but THIS. So don't let anyone BS to you about graphics, when PLAYABILITY is probably the Pater Noster in a Gamer's case. At least, in our case, I suppose?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on March 29, 2019, 04:32:09 pm
Now, regarding this, the question (for me) is: Do we find the SAME things multiple times; or do we find them in a sequence and, when all are found, maybe we find  3 printers in a row, etc?

No, that is completely random. It is somewhat skewered since some designs are the same, just rotated 90 degrees. But there is no sequence or anything. I would have added a screenshot, but when I take it, it just pastes an empty black image in Paint.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 29, 2019, 10:14:23 pm
I would have added a screenshot, but when I take it, it just pastes an empty black image in Paint.

You have to take the screenshot twice. Don't know what's the problem there, but the second screenshot won't be just black anymore. Just try it several times.

Also, shipping list (a bit outdated): (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 30, 2019, 09:34:37 am
Hi, fellow Piratez. Who can tell me:
1) I have defeated many enemies with Plasma Weapons and Minilauncgers, but none of the weapons is available for research, only clips can be loaded onto the craft.
Are they locked?

2) The Selfcharging Laser Pistol. A great sidearm,  but do you think it's better than a Black Adder loaded with Slay Rounds?

3) What do you use to fight Megapol? I had a 2 hrs fight yesterday against a dozen of them in a fat patrol car (well, y'know, this bigger police flying car thing...)... Anywayz, I went in with LACCs with WP ammo, WP grenades and ,  Selfcharging Laser Pistols and it took one craftload of munition per customer! Some 5-6 shells plus some 2-4 WPs. Is there anything more efficient at this level? A Boarding gun, a Messer, a Painbringer SMG (damn, those are mean, gotto love 'em)..? ST better than fire munitions? Poison, Chem..?
ATTN Asghan (and anyone interested): I got another Cutter yesterday, it was the Academians, and I have found Industrial SCANNERS, not printers. Is that it? This is 2nd interesting loot in a row from a Cutter. Gotto keep an eye out for these:)

Nice looting everyone 8)

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on March 30, 2019, 10:54:22 am
Industrial scanner leads to industrial printing technology, along with power tools and advanced chemistry.

1) Yes, plasma, gauss and some others (flechette, blaster and minilauncher) are technomagically locked. It will be some time before you get the tech to use them.

2) SCLP and Adder are both very circumstantial weapons due to their low damage. Mostly against unarmored enemies, and even then they're not very efficient. SLCP (and pocket las-charger) is useful for reaction/accuracy training when you use it against targets that can't really hurt you (when you have better armor). If you want to maintain ammunition, Adder is better for training (more shots = more chances to react/hit).

3) Depends on what you have access to. Magnum with chem ammo works wonders in long range, open terrain firefights. Generally chem is good against Megapol. Explosive ammo works well too, thanks to hitting the much weaker under armor. Piercing weapons (firearms) will have a tough time, especially low dmg ones (pistols, smgs, shotguns). Melee works too, as always. Electropulse munitions are nice and help catch them alive (good loot and (time-expensive) slavery). Basically furries are a training ground to teach a player how to handle heavily armored enemies, while being mostly safe due to weak weaponry (at least before arsenal upgrade).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 30, 2019, 12:03:04 pm
The dart pistol (basic darts) and hunting bow with poison arrows works well for megapol. Not for enforcers though, there you need electric lassos and stun batons/cattle prods. All these mentioned tools bypass armor to some degree.

Apemen and Wolfmen are resistant to a lot of things but not bio damage. Enforcers are weak to electric and also chem. Capture one and research him to see the resistances. All megapol are resistant to fire.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 30, 2019, 05:31:02 pm
You unlock the Plasma Pistol and Subrifle by unlocking the Minilauncher, which itself needs broken Academy Medics and Engineers. Not standard research of one, but specifically broken ones. You'll learn how to break them later (Needs Interrogation techniques research, and you need to have researched one of each the standard way). Plasma Caster needs Plasma Chambers, which you can get by dismantling other Plasma weapons (or the I-Gun if you're really desperate). Anything stronger than a Plasma Rifle, and all the gauss weapons, needs a Computer Core, which you won't unlock for a very long time.

I generally fight the Very Small Megapol craft, they carry a fairly large supply of Plasma Weapons, and it's only 5-6 Wolfmen, who I usually kill on the first turn before any of my Gals can get seriously hurt.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on March 30, 2019, 11:55:37 pm
Megapol beastmen are quite susceptible to poison gas. Once, I wiped the entire crew of a dropship with single gas rocket.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 31, 2019, 10:24:46 am
Fellow PirateZ,

I got the chem ammo and tried my Painbringers, as well as Bows with Poison Arrows. Those (arrows) are so cool VS Academians, particularly Osirons and are Melee usable. But Painbringer Chem ammo ain't doin' sh*t VS Explorers. Bows, however do them just fine. I got 2 night raids VS landed Academy ships with Assassin armors on, looted some 300 units of cargo and took some 20 prisoners!
Thank you for Bows idea.
Just got Chem Magnum ammo. Next Megapol are mine. Bio damage and Beastmen? Makes sense.
Ah, good old Borderlands... Magnum n Chem Ammo...  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on March 31, 2019, 11:08:07 am
Painbringer Chem ammo ain't doin' sh*t VS Explorers.

Their armor ignores 90% of chem damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 31, 2019, 06:54:40 pm
Yes, some enemies have damage resistances that make certain weapons do nothing. The ghouls also are completely immune to chem, and if you ever encounter an enemy that flashes yellow, most notably the higher tier Church enemies, that means that they have a shield that blocks Laser, Plasma, Fire, and Heat damage, and anything from those damage types has to eat through the shield before it damages their hit points, while Piercing weapons just pass right through the shield with no problems.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 01, 2019, 01:39:30 pm
Ppl, TYVM again.
Well, I learned to be careful with the Church enemies. Once one og my gals was slaughtered otta the blue in a battle against the Churchers and I was like WTF/H wutevah?!? I reloaded my QS and had a gal behind her move forward and - POOF! - there she was - a Church techno-inviso-kunoichi (whatever u call her). A levitating enemy that just decloaked herself behind my gal and killed her. I mean, WOW, this mod is so damn cool, man. Never ever boring, Hell, no. Never - and not even then. Goddamnit, if there was something like this for FO3, I'd have to have my GF drag me away from my PC!! So WHEN, I meet this Church neon flasher, I'ma give him sum piercing tatoo he'll never forget. Or her, nevah mind.

So, anywayz...

The (Chem) Magnum rulez... The (early game) LAW, baby.

So there are enemies that just stick their tongues at certain kinds o' damage, huh? Well, we can always take 2 or 3 same guns of a kind that is worthy draggin' around, such as Painbringer SMG, or Magnum (cool accuracy and hefty flying kick (punch)). We can load each with different ammo - et voila! No TU wasting with changing ammo! Have them in both hands and ya real PirateZ gunfighta!  Add sum assorted mix o' grenades and a toothpick:)... YARR!

Regarding Megapol: Flask o'acid also counts vs Pigheads, right? (Enforcers...)
Yea, I need an Airsailor advice, please:
So I got into the Mutant Alliance and had some interesting time choosing my Crafts. Snake, the MI-24 like Scorpion and Scarab... Well, I needed something that can pack Seagulls, so I got 2 Snakes and sold the old crafts. But how about an additional attack craft? I have 25mm 2barrels, Seagulls and Spikes. Do I get a Scarab or a Scorpion? Or does a M-Wing come soon? What would you do?

Snaake is very cool. You can make some H/LMG nests up on the topside and carrrrrnage all below. Worked against Zombies on Ratman Rodeo.

I wish you all all the very best here and in RL, of course.

PS: Not to bounty challenge seems the safest option, both for the gals' health and relation with the possibly challenged, right?

PPS: Does loading the Craft Weapons Ammo onto a craft somehow increase the amount of available ammo, or does it provide some in-flight rearming, or is it just a savespace?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 01, 2019, 07:33:47 pm
Ppl, TYVM again.
Well, I learned to be careful with the Church enemies. Once one og my gals was slaughtered otta the blue in a battle against the Churchers and I was like WTF/H wutevah?!? I reloaded my QS and had a gal behind her move forward and - POOF! - there she was - a Church techno-inviso-kunoichi (whatever u call her). A levitating enemy that just decloaked herself behind my gal and killed her. I mean, WOW, this mod is so damn cool, man. Never ever boring, Hell, no. Never - and not even then. Goddamnit, if there was something like this for FO3, I'd have to have my GF drag me away from my PC!! So WHEN, I meet this Church neon flasher, I'ma give him sum piercing tatoo he'll never forget. Or her, nevah mind.

So, anywayz...

The (Chem) Magnum rulez... The (early game) LAW, baby.

So there are enemies that just stick their tongues at certain kinds o' damage, huh? Well, we can always take 2 or 3 same guns of a kind that is worthy draggin' around, such as Painbringer SMG, or Magnum (cool accuracy and hefty flying kick (punch)). We can load each with different ammo - et voila! No TU wasting with changing ammo! Have them in both hands and ya real PirateZ gunfighta!  Add sum assorted mix o' grenades and a toothpick:)... YARR!

Regarding Megapol: Flask o'acid also counts vs Pigheads, right? (Enforcers...)
Yea, I need an Airsailor advice, please:
So I got into the Mutant Alliance and had some interesting time choosing my Crafts. Snake, the MI-24 like Scorpion and Scarab... Well, I needed something that can pack Seagulls, so I got 2 Snakes and sold the old crafts. But how about an additional attack craft? I have 25mm 2barrels, Seagulls and Spikes. Do I get a Scarab or a Scorpion? Or does a M-Wing come soon? What would you do?

Snaake is very cool. You can make some H/LMG nests up on the topside and carrrrrnage all below. Worked against Zombies on Ratman Rodeo.

I wish you all all the very best here and in RL, of course.

PS: Not to bounty challenge seems the safest option, both for the gals' health and relation with the possibly challenged, right?

PPS: Does loading the Craft Weapons Ammo onto a craft somehow increase the amount of available ammo, or does it provide some in-flight rearming, or is it just a savespace?
1. Yup, that's a Church Exalt all right. Melee range, but they can cut through even Power Armor with no trouble at all.
2. Yes, taking multiple ammo types is important. I like having some gals with Rocket Launchers to smash through armored goons, some Laser weapons whenever you unlock the ability to make or buy them, chem magnum rounds, and lots of piercing weapons.
3. Air Sailors are on Guild Ships. If you have the Hyperwave Decoder unlocked, you can build one and it will tell you what the ship is and who is on it.
4. You are indeed best skipping the Bounty Challenge.
5. No, the ammo limit is just the rounds number listed on the gun, that's it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 01, 2019, 08:19:39 pm
TYVM. And, WTH is the Convoy craft for? What can one do with it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 01, 2019, 09:39:14 pm
For missions that are not timed (most aren't) it allows you to bring a lot more Hands to the fight. Especially when you compare it to early transport craft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 02, 2019, 06:57:47 am
What determines when the enemies attack your base? Because my main base sees no activity, while my side base with a hideout shroud gets attacked every other month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2019, 07:52:15 am
There are several enemy missions that can spot your bases, after its spotted it open to an attack by any faction. Pretty much expect anything to be a possible target from the moment you build the elevator. Now it does take some months before hideout attacks start, and almost 2 years before the full factions(Guild, Church, Stargods, ect) come calling. Use that time to get as many bases up and fortified as you can.

While it is possible to just hard stop these attacks with the defense facilities it prohibitive in tiles used, so your pretty much stuck well into the late game in fighting the defense actions time and again. That said the fact that a number of the purely defense facilities also spawn turrets in the hideout defense tactical combat, its worth investing in a few.

Fyi the fewest tiles needed to 100% hard stop any attack is 5(power station, fusion reactor, Grav shield, 2x fusionball defense), for every tier below fusion balls double the amount of defense guns needed. Double again if you dont have the grave shield. If tech is low nuff you don't need the reactor or power station, but that dosen't make up for the sheer volume of low tech fire needed to kill a battleship. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 02, 2019, 08:30:16 am
There are several enemy missions that can spot your bases, after its spotted it open to an attack by any faction. Pretty much expect anything to be a possible target from the moment you build the elevator. Now it does take some months before hideout attacks start, and almost 2 years before the full factions(Guild, Church, Stargods, ect) come calling. Use that time to get as many bases up and fortified as you can.

While it is possible to just hard stop these attacks with the defense facilities it prohibitive in tiles used, so your pretty much stuck well into the late game in fighting the defense actions time and again. That said the fact that a number of the purely defense facilities also spawn turrets in the hideout defense tactical combat, its worth investing in a few.

Fyi the fewest tiles needed to 100% hard stop any attack is 5(power station, fusion reactor, Grav shield, 2x fusionball defense), for every tier below fusion balls double the amount of defense guns needed. Double again if you dont have the grave shield. If tech is low nuff you don't need the reactor or power station, but that dosen't make up for the sheer volume of low tech fire needed to kill a battleship.

I was running two bases, one being my main base, one being dedicated Chateau De La Mort production with a large prison. I had no defenses of any kind, so I just built seven HMG armored cars and called it a day. Then the mercenaries came and I realized too late that they heavily resist Piercing damage, so the base was lost before the defense even began. I remember in vanilla that the enemies lose the location of your base and have to find it again after a successful defense, but in Piratez, do they remember the location of your base forever and can just send attacks whenever they please?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 02, 2019, 12:14:48 pm
There are several enemy missions that can spot your bases, after its spotted it open to an attack by any faction. Pretty much expect anything to be a possible target from the moment you build the elevator. Now it does take some months before hideout attacks start, and almost 2 years before the full factions(Guild, Church, Stargods, ect) come calling. Use that time to get as many bases up and fortified as you can.

While it is possible to just hard stop these attacks with the defense facilities it prohibitive in tiles used, so your pretty much stuck well into the late game in fighting the defense actions time and again. That said the fact that a number of the purely defense facilities also spawn turrets in the hideout defense tactical combat, its worth investing in a few.

Fyi the fewest tiles needed to 100% hard stop any attack is 5(power station, fusion reactor, Grav shield, 2x fusionball defense), for every tier below fusion balls double the amount of defense guns needed. Double again if you dont have the grave shield. If tech is low nuff you don't need the reactor or power station, but that dosen't make up for the sheer volume of low tech fire needed to kill a battleship.

Well, I destroyed a Ratmens' attack quite soon after I began the game (and kicked some Ratass:) ). Then, I read that we start in Vaults and Barracks and they in the Elevator and Hangars and arranged my bases lto our advantage. I informed meself on the weakness of EACH faction. Then I hired Warriors, a platoon per base, bought/made ANY good weapon in necessary number AND ammo of ALL available kinds, (AND the expensive Hornets - 30 - 50 pcs per Base), armored them all with my best armor. I have some 15 pirate Bloodhounds per base. Any weapon that my attack craft has, my Gruntesses have as well - WP grenades also, and the Hallucinogen grenades as well. Anything that doesn't actually explode.
That's why I have only 2 bases now, after 1.5 YRS ingame. But, with a Spy Zeppelin, I cover the entire EurAsia and Africa. The money is good, the fame also. I attack ANYTHING I can, I research at all times, I respond EVERY CoD, no exception, because:




"For the Motherland doesn't need our bones to litter it, but it need us alive and healthy to serve it well, what is to be properly rewarded..." The rules of the Earth go for Pirates as well.


Our weapons glittering,
Our armors shining,
WE face the enemy,
with no wining.
As our galy noses smell the first one,
"QUIET! AT THE READY!" whispered command,
chills us to the bone.


Oh, LO!
The Call of the Romans, now long dead, their Ghosts shoulder to shoulder with US! Scutum and Gladius, LACC and SLCP, TOGETHER WE FIGHT!

For in this fight, sister,
YOU are not alone.

You understand this, as my gunbutt smashes the skull of the one that was behind yer back...
Over is, as the Centurions bow and go and we salute them, - whewww... - over is the attack.
Enemies looted and sold,
In ya hand, it glitters, the gold.
"Take... Ya free..."
you whisper to me.
Your beautiful violet eyes shine with gratitude and your light green hair flutters in the draft.
"No, Ma'am, TYVM. take it I can, but NOW I am free,
now, when I've unlocked my love for thee.
For even as a simple Soldier-Slave, I will follow thee, ohh Loved One O'Mine, even if into my grave."

Ya stood attenshun - I clap my heels together. And there, on yer other palm - a rank of Sergeant. You pin it in my shoulders and onto my chest, me the First Man under ya command.


For giving me freedom, oh, my Mutie Gal, I love you so much, that I would become one meself...

As the Sun sets, we hold our hands, the Newborn in yer arms.
Uh-oh! A Werewolf howls, not so far away,
Come, let's go inside,

"for the Night is dark and full of terrors..."

So dark and so full of terrors, indeed... Indeed...

The 10 ft thick Plastasteel gate noiselessly closes and the camo-field is on again...
PPL, here is my gift to the Site, this poem. I hope you like it. I've been making these for some years now; me, a lover of Epic.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 02, 2019, 12:47:51 pm
I had my 1st Ghouls Town - The Organ Grinder mission yesterday. WOW, that was kinda soury:)
The acid rain damaged our armors and our lungs, despite our Chemcoats and Gasmasks. 5 days medical for everyone. LACCs wirh WP ammo did very good

One 'r two hits and it's fried n lyin' in de bits:)

Now, does a damaged armor get repaired after such a mission?

And where do I buy the Car Parts? My only piece was research-sacrificed.

I have more questions, but I gotto go work in my RL on.

CULater, ya great bunch:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 02, 2019, 01:02:56 pm
Contacts: Rogue Field’s Warlords
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 02, 2019, 02:20:36 pm
Contacts: Rogue Field’s Warlords

That's for the Car Parts? I does sound so. Warlordz...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 02, 2019, 02:22:09 pm
MERCS: You kill those mustached caricatures with poison arrows!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 02, 2019, 02:26:00 pm
1) AR, I got a supply of Plasma Weapons and a supply of Gauss Weapons.
Which one is simpler and faster to research? I have some serious job to do and I need some real firepower ;)

2) Where/how do we buy poison/acid grenades and stuff?

3) What is choking damage? Smoke ammo? Halucino grenades?

4) It DOES seem that the LR Flamer can be only found as a part of the booty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 02, 2019, 03:29:56 pm
1.) Most likely gauss unless you got lucky with capturing a pair of provosts, then just rush arcane interface to unlock them
2.) You manufacture them, you need advanced chemistry resp. chemical weapons for that
3.) Poison gas and few other weapons that hurt by suffocation
4.) So it seems
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 03, 2019, 12:34:41 am
I remember in vanilla that the enemies lose the location of your base and have to find it again after a successful defense, but in Piratez, do they remember the location of your base forever and can just send attacks whenever they please?
Shoot down or successful defense unspots the base. But spotters are frequent, particularly after the full factions join the hunt. RNG at that point what get targeted.

Now, does a damaged armor get repaired after such a mission?
Outfit armor value is restored in full after battle. The engine dosen't track it outside combat. It only passes HP back to the geoscape. Assuming the wearer lives. Some outfits are retrieved even if the wearer dies, but not many. Some of that group returne damaged and must be repaired via manufacturing projects.

1) AR, I got a supply of Plasma Weapons and a supply of Gauss Weapons.
Which one is simpler and faster to research? I have some serious job to do and I need some real firepower ;)

2) Where/how do we buy poison/acid grenades and stuff?

3) What is choking damage? Smoke ammo? Halucino grenades?

4) It DOES seem that the LR Flamer can be only found as a part of the booty.

1: Plasma is usually much longer to unlock unless RNG is really with you(IE broken Provosts)
2: Most are manufactured, but you can loot some, and a small selection of the least powerful can be bought. Alchemy,Chemic Muntions, and chemistry techs are what to look for to unlock.
3: There are a large number of weapons the use the Choke type, it represents almost all inhalation based damage, from posion and stun gas, down to just standing in a smoke cloud. It one of the most varied in behavior types, with the only real common trait being the type itself. Read individual pedia entries, and the additional stats.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 03, 2019, 11:09:03 am
Ppl, TYVM for your kind and VERY precise help. I am building my 1st HKs and my Hyperwave Decoders. Where would you take your research now? Guns? Armor (have Tac Armor and 4 Assassin ones)? Lore? Better Fighter? Maybe the prisoners? I have 4 (FOUR) prisons - full. AND, anyway, would you help me to tread carefully, please? Which missions would you evade? Is there something YOU wouldn't do yet? Something yo'd do NOW? You can give any answer as a spoiler, so nothing is a big deal, right?

Why am I asking this? Well, there was a guy who said st. like: "The game told me that I have overextended myself and then pretty much everyone bombs me into pieces."

WUT was he doing? Attacking Govt Vessels? Hm, maybe a few per month wouldn't hurt. Did he shoot down a Merc ship and unleashed 7 Hells on him?

C'mon, ppl, pls help me to get wiser, please. Remember when YOU were squaddies.
So, wat are the do's and dont's if ya wanna stay alive here?
Not attacking Rebels and (too much) Govts, NEVER attacking Mercs when they fly, only when they land...

BTW, I guess that I could actually USE my gauss or plasma, mission after mission, as long as my Hand keeps it in their backpack. Why would the game let us load the mags onto the craft, if it ain't so, huh?"

I just stumbled upon this: SPECTOR    Dr. X's Spector Aircar    ANY MANUF.    200    $1,000    Spector (Looted)    SPECTOR So, when going for this Dr. X, we ought to have a free HANGAR, right?

The whole story is so well thought and logical... TYVM, Dioxine.

PS: I ain't gonna be bothering with "How to find..?" unles if not in-game googlable. DUUUH, Alex.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 03, 2019, 05:35:14 pm
Part of the experience is to learn yourself what you need to do now. I suggest going for better armor (Defender) and even Power Armors.

I guess the only thing you can do ingame to "bomb" you is to ignore multiple enemy bases to the point of them sucking all Infamy. Govts one by one emplying "Zero Tolerance Policy" in snowball effect.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 04, 2019, 03:45:21 am
interrogating prisoners, always helpful. Not every prisoner has valuable information in terms of major tech progress, but interrogations are pretty fast so you can get quite a bit of score from just churning through prisoners. Other then that i generally favor, Ground weapons>Craft>armor>lore. That said i am a very experienced player, and i no longer need the advice and backstory. There is alot of advice and explanation of mechanics that's good for the newer player to read.
I also play the tactical game in such a manner as to minimize getting shot at, usually to the point of less then 5 hits taken per map. Armor means less when your not getting frequently hit and the few hits have very long odds to kill the gals anyway. I get to certain floor of armor(chainmail and guerrilla) and i'm set until the very final tier of tech, aside from a handful of stuff for space and underwater.

I generally avoid Mercs entirely, unless there is no other option. High hp, medium armor values, good resistances(particularly against pierce), and a distinct vision advantage makes Mercs a really big challenge. Yeah you do need to capture some eventually, but its far easier with a mid or late game arsenal then when your starting out.

Ammo is a separate item to the weapons, and sometimes mods forget to exclude ammo when the weapon is still locked. ALWAYS check that you have a weapon that can use the ammo first. Particularly here in Piratez, there are alot of ammo type that serve several weapons, but only some of those weapons work in certain environments. The advanced version of the assault cannon for example is underwater capable but the basic is not. so the ammo is tagged for the wider set.

A free hanger is not instantly required, but a fair chunk of space is. it comes "packed" as an normal inventory object, albeit large one.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 04, 2019, 06:49:14 am
My priority is Ground Weapons>Armor>Craft>Lore. Better craft let you take on bigger and tougher ships, but the HK can take down any medium class ship once you unlock Stingrays. Taking on the large or very large ships with Tac Armor or worse is generally not a good idea if soldier life is a priority of yours. Until you get Power Armor, Lasers are bad but tolerable, Gauss is very very bad, and Plasma is very likely to be a one hit kill. And the Large and Very Large ships are filled to the brim with Gauss and Plasma weapons. I've never fought Star Gods yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're easier to deal with with early to mid game weapons. One or two of your soldiers getting mind controlled isn't a big issue as long as you can blow their Ethereal brains out with a Smartgun.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 04, 2019, 12:39:24 pm

Well, as a Red Coder I have these Gothic Plasma Casters - guess these would be good against Mercs. Y'see, I am a warrior, a fighter. I do not care who the enemies are and how strong they are, or how fearsome - or funny - they look like. I simply find out their WEAKNESSES and THEN I devise a method of eliminating them. BUT, as any fight has its consequences, I always wanna know what to expect (yes, learned from the Fallout games). So, the Pedia says that the Mercs are VERY dangerous and if we (manage to) shoot down any of their vessel, there would be HELL (!!!) to pay.

BUT, the landed Merc craft, says the Book, DO NOT COUNT - which supposedly goes for any landed craft. Is this true? Can I take on a LANDED Merc Gunship of a Frigate, without them coming after my very well armed base?

I mean, I already had a test fight with their landed Battleship and it was HELL. BUT, I killed 3-5 of them, got their weapons and dusted off. Stitching the gals together back again was another story. I reloaded the game afterwards. So, facing them in a narrow corridor fight would be simpler. But anyways, God forbid a Merc Base attack. They'd bring those Gauss Tanks, maybe...
Would the Church/Academy hire the Mercs to attack me? I shoot down and win over their ships all the time and it's fun:). I mean, how would you otherwise get yourself 5 LR Flamers;)
An enemy BASE, you say? Hmmm:) Yuuummyyy:) Loot... SLURP. NO base will stand in MY game, if anyway eliminable. The Star Gods and Mercs would be the only exceptions... Until I get MEANER.

About the METALLO. It's a mean and a tough SOB. How do I get another armored hull?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on April 04, 2019, 08:03:49 pm
Yeah if you catch a ship on the ground you avoid the shoot down retaliation check.  If you want to tangle with Mercs I'm not going to tell you not to, but keep in mind that even with fully a upgraded tech tree and equipment, Mercs are still a pain in the ass.  I pretty much ignore Mercs until it's time to capture the ones I need, then it's back to ignoring them and hoping they don't do any terror missions or build any bases.  I'm not sure on the exact mechanics but once any faction locates your base any faction able to assault your base can do so.  The Metallo (red codex craft) is unique, each codex can transform the hull into a different ship, and once that's done the hull is consumed so 1 unique craft per game.  Don't be discouraged though there are better transports available once you progress through the tech tree.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 04, 2019, 08:12:34 pm
I literally shot down one Merc ship, just one, a small, that crossed over my sub base. One month later, that base was destroyed. Meanwhile, I've shot down a dozen Raider ships, and they haven't touched me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LadonLegend on April 04, 2019, 11:36:43 pm
I am on a temple raid mission on month 2, and roped an altar boy. When he went down, a ghost icon appeared over him, both above his body and in the inventory panel standing over him (Like the zzz's for sleeping, or the blood drop for fatal wounds). What does this mean?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on April 04, 2019, 11:56:11 pm
A ghost icon means he'll eventualy die to stun damage. He's not bleeding, he just has so much stun damage on him that he'll never recovery from it naturally and will eventualy die from it if nothing's done about it. If you, for example, whip someone who has been knocked out (has those zzz's over them), they'll eventualy enter the ~ghosty~ state and eventualy die.

Also, you're pretty much at the mercy of RNG in regards to retaliations, but once you knock a ship down, there's always a chance. I'm pretty sure other factors I don't know about affect it, also.

Also, the only merc ships I ever attack are merc supply ships, since those always seem like the only ones which are worth effort and the risk of getting a mininuke to the face, and since there's a time limit on those, I only take them when I'm absolutely sure I can murder them fast, which either means I have end game weaponry or powerful MC. Me thinks the main reason bugeyes got nerfed was because if you had a squad of well trained bugeyes, you could literally make mercs kill themselves and get that sweet, sweet supply ship loot over and over, since their voodoo resistance is subpar.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 05, 2019, 01:12:55 am
My personal strategy is ignore literally every supply ship. They're the only craft, that i've encountered thus far, that has Mini-nukes, and I always get half my squad blown up. There's a church base right outside my own, and they're pretty easy, their shields don't matter much when I don't have many laser and plasma weapons to begin with, and Chryssalids are tolerable as long as you battle them in the day. But those nukes are just impossible to deal with, especially since the enemy can reaction fire with them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LadonLegend on April 05, 2019, 04:49:34 am
I've noticed that a couple of bootypedia articles have text that go off screen. Is there any way to view the rest of the text, either in game or by opening a text file?
Edit: More specifically, it was the battle flag article and the information expedition article.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 05, 2019, 01:08:27 pm
OK, for those in doubt, and anyone interested:
PLS, ATTENTION. This is a major spoiler, so keep this, please, in mind. Thank you. Basically, the following is a proven landed shipping sacking strategy and general combat tactics, and my take on how to destroy Mercs. So, come, loot with me. OK, the Mercs are...:
...sensitive to Bio (and Voodoo, said a colleague?) > But 1st thingies 1st.
Instead of looking into a crystal ball, get yer Hyperwave Decoders online. 2nd: Get a Snake Assault Transport and a Fighter that can track fast targets. Maybe this works with other transports as well, I dunno...
When the Shipping Detected message appears:
1) see how big it is - so that you can handle YOUR ground assault (the bigger, the meaner);
2) see WHO is it and Ufopedia find their weaknesses with your RL Smartphone as needed (UFOpedia>piratez>faction>their staff (soldiers, commandos...));
3) see WHERE are they going;
4) Go or no go? If yarr, then;
5) send the tracker fighter after them, equip the Snake Crew as necessary (armors can be changed only in the base), and send the Snake after them;
6) the fast tracker should shadow them long enough for your Snake to get there and land in time. Do not forget to anchor your Fighter once when the enemy ship has landed. Don't lose it, the query. Simply, before they land where they wanna land, switch to 5 sec time, quicksave and anchor near them when they land.
7) Begin your ground assault with the Snake. > On the floor where you begin, leave a well and appropriately heavily armed fast Reactions gall to face the Elevator and guard it, cuz the Enemy be sneaky a-sholes. Get the other gals top floor, facing the elevator. Watch it, however, as the enemy can still hit you through the back wall windows on the mid floor AND through the elevator. Let this be your starting position for every turn. End 1st turn. From 2nd turn on, send 1st gal topside, have her turn a full 360 deg circle to discover ell enemies and kill one if you can. Get her back to her starting pose. Now send them one by one topside like this to scout and kill, maybe like - one finds, gets back, another kills, etc, you get the idea. What is important is to end your turn with all gals in your craft. Fight like this until the enemy is weakened enough for you to go after them.

Now, as for Mercs, I do believe this would work, as I still didn't face them like this. It's about the proven weapons that should be deadly for them...

... so... But 1st the Tactics. The above described should work, maybe with ALL the gals on the top floor. OK, now this is what I do believe you should have ready for a Merc ground fight and how to get it
Get your poison arrows and hunting bows and hunt them. Mercs in Melee > Make poisoned Daggers. How? > Go on Blood Rituals missions...
(google it ingame: Base > Research> MMB click on a topic > use the "select topic" bar, type what ya wanna know and proceed as needed)
...and loot there Animal Poison. !!!WARNING!!! There be (often) Werewolves! Very melee dangerous, but very fire weak. Get your Flamers and WP (Willie Pete) grenades. Use 2 WPs per customer. (KEEP YA GALS IN PAIRS AND CLOSE!!! Like that, ya should always be able to throw 2 grenades.)> Make poison Daggers with that Animal Poison. These work well on armor, so Megapol and Mercs will be easier, if you Melee> For a Landed Merc Craft assault, make yer crew of Gals with best Throwing and melee, arm them with Hunting bows loaded with poison arrows, (take 2 spare reloads) and Poisoned Daggers and GO DRINK THEIR BLOOD! YYAAAAARRRR!!!

I need a money maker to produce, apart from grog and Chateau. I tried with the heavy Flamer Tanks, but it's not good enough. What do you suggest?

I have raided a landed Church Supply Ship and got a DC Mortar with some baby nukes. Now, upon ending the last turn by killing the last enemy, there was an explosion in the bottom right part and the battle ended. WTH???

I have shot down and raided a Church... GOLD PLATED, I mean Golden Ship? A large one... Almost lost my leading Snake... Got many Gold Bars... I see that I can make some things with them... Is this a late game stuff? Do I sell them, or keep them - for that manufacture or as my gold reserves? Hehheh, do i name my next base "Fort Mutox"..?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 05, 2019, 01:16:40 pm
My personal strategy is ignore literally every supply ship. They're the only craft, that i've encountered thus far, that has Mini-nukes, and I always get half my squad blown up. There's a church base right outside my own, and they're pretty easy, their shields don't matter much when I don't have many laser and plasma weapons to begin with, and Chryssalids are tolerable as long as you battle them in the day. But those nukes are just impossible to deal with, especially since the enemy can reaction fire with them.

Someone posted on this, that these are always a menace, even late ingame. But mind you, these are firef from a MORTAR, so that maybe, when you get a flying armor, you would just go sky-high and kill them from up there..? OR, simply end every turn with all crew inside your craft until no enemy is out there/coming out and then charge their ship..?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 05, 2019, 01:18:52 pm
Part of the experience is to learn yourself what you need to do now. I suggest going for better armor (Defender) and even Power Armors.

I guess the only thing you can do ingame to "bomb" you is to ignore multiple enemy bases to the point of them sucking all Infamy. Govts one by one emplying "Zero Tolerance Policy" in snowball effect.

Pardon, but wouldn't that be a domino or avalanche effect? One, second, 2 more, 5 more, ALL.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on April 05, 2019, 02:45:23 pm
Someone posted on this, that these are always a menace, even late ingame. But mind you, these are firef from a MORTAR, so that maybe, when you get a flying armor, you would just go sky-high and kill them from up there..? OR, simply end every turn with all crew inside your craft until no enemy is out there/coming out and then charge their ship..?

Supply ships have a self destruct timer. This limits how much you can camp in your craft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 05, 2019, 03:16:51 pm
It’s fine to let the ship blow up as long as your craft is far away from it. You still get some loot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on April 05, 2019, 04:53:15 pm
About the Mercs, there's plenty of ways to deal with them (some definitely better than others lol), and they're certainly killable even very early in the game.  The main problem with them is that the risk vs reward ratio is horrible, even with end game tech.  It's really hard to deal with them without taking reaction fire, and the shots that don't outright kill your gals are going to put them in the hospital for a long long time.

About the supply ships,  someone on that ship is packing a baby nuke so rushing the ship is risky.  The ship is also on a self destruct timer so camping the ship is pointless.  The loot is great if it doesn't blow up or get nuked along with all your gals.  So again it's the risk vs reward thing being pretty lousy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 07, 2019, 12:49:22 pm
I've noticed that a couple of bootypedia articles have text that go off screen. Is there any way to view the rest of the text, either in game or by opening a text file?
Edit: More specifically, it was the battle flag article and the information expedition article.

Yea, those about (enemy) units in Ufopedia also go offscreen, to the left.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 07, 2019, 01:03:11 pm
Can fire set upon a part of terrain destroy the items dropped there? I mean, If I defend a position with WP and heavy Flamers, the enemies drop like flies, will their loot stay in one piece, OR will it blow up? Hellerium grenades are quite KABOOOMISH.

I am cornered there, but WELL armed... just as alwayz, yarr... Wanna bring the loot home
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 07, 2019, 06:49:46 pm
It depends on the weapon. Most of the flamers don't destroy items, but the Willie Pete does.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 08, 2019, 10:50:11 am

I have sacked my 1st enemy base and my 1st SUPPLY SHIP, AND AN INTACT ONE!. How? I dunno, I just set 2 snipers topside to cover my advance teams and went into battle. All the enemies were outside. One of them, an Osiron Sec, DID have a strange weapon, kinda as is wrapped in a blue cloth. Maybe that's the DC Mortar? Dunno. Anyway, He didn't use it, we didn't let him. My Bloodhounds found him and my Magnum Gals gave him a 3rd eye. That that shows the future, they say:) But the loot was quite skinny, maybe 1/4th of what we find in another landed large ship. Bah. Maybe it was a SPIRITUAL Supply Ship:)


1)I have made the Guerilla outfit and tried it in battle, but apart from bigger carrying capacity... What are its other advantages, anyway? I remember someone posting that he researches armor till Guerilla and Chainmail and and, after that he doesn't do any armor research till very late in the game? Do you prefer Guerilla, or Assassin? Or both? Guerilla is about camo, but I kinda don't get it...
2) I have a Killgun and 4 Smartguns. Woud you use these..?

3) Need a better moneymaker. Chateau is good, is there something better early ingame? I hear about

4) How long can an enemy base stay around without disrupting your infamy? Does the location matter? I have one in Arctic, NW Groenland.

5) Would Mercs retaliate if we attack/destroy their base?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on April 08, 2019, 03:06:50 pm
1.  Armor is a bit tricky, I generally tailor the armor to the gal and use all sorts of different setups, at least during the early and mid game phases.  Melee gals get melee boosting armor, heavy weapon gals get armor with lots of inventory slots, voodoo gals get voodoo armor, etc.

2. I'm not sure on the killguns, but yeah smartguns are great to have on a couple gals, especially if you research and produce plastasteel ammo.

3. IMO counterfeiting, while profitable, is a huge waste of time.  I like to keep it simple and just expand my production capabilities for booze at dedicated production bases.

4. Enemy bases start hurting your infamy right away, how long you can tolerate it depends on how well you're doing on all your other missions.  I generally try to take them out as soon as I think I'm able.  Some people like to leave them around to go after the monthly supply ships.

5.  No, destroying an enemy base doesn't cause any kind of retaliation check.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 08, 2019, 08:25:24 pm
Plasma Spitter is the last thing I need for X-Gauss. I'm guessing that it's a enemy craft weapon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 08, 2019, 11:46:20 pm
Merc Hovertank is ridiculous. I shoot everything I got and I couldn't even break the shield. Multiple 25mm Armored Car hits, mortar fire, Panzerfausts, anti-armor melee, nothing works. Any tips?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 09, 2019, 12:39:06 am
Merc Hovertank is ridiculous. I shoot everything I got and I couldn't even break the shield. Multiple 25mm Armored Car hits, mortar fire, Panzerfausts, anti-armor melee, nothing works. Any tips?

Do you have Plasma Rockets?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 09, 2019, 01:07:12 am
1)I have made the Guerilla outfit and tried it in battle, but apart from bigger carrying capacity... What are its other advantages, anyway? I remember someone posting that he researches armor till Guerilla and Chainmail and and, after that he doesn't do any armor research till very late in the game? Do you prefer Guerilla, or Assassin? Or both? Guerilla is about camo, but I kinda don't get it...
2) I have a Killgun and 4 Smartguns. Woud you use these..?

3) Need a better moneymaker. Chateau is good, is there something better early ingame? I hear about

4) How long can an enemy base stay around without disrupting your infamy? Does the location matter? I have one in Arctic, NW Groenland.

5) Would Mercs retaliate if we attack/destroy their base?

1) the 2 big points are the full inventory, and the very large reactions buff. +25 reactions drastically reduces incoming fire. Reaction checks are basically %TU remaining*Reactions, if a unit beats the moving units value it fires. Multiplication, so the +25 is a big deal. My playstyle centers on minimizing shots taken, which is mostly reaction fire, as i try to end turns in cover out of LOS. So cheap/fast to make, full size inventory, and very large boost to a stat key to my playstyle. Also relatively low tech.
2) There good use em.
3) Counterfeiting is very productive, if your willing to micro all the steps. Basically you take one tier of credit chips, and turn into 100%+ of value in the next grade down. It take a lot of work time however to do every step. Requires the mint facility, so its not super low tech. The main money maker is Chateau for quite some time. Plantations are also useful once your expanding to multiple bases. Past 3-4 bases, there mostly radar coverage posts, might as well get those extra empty tiles doing something.
4) Each base is -500 during any month it exists at the end of. And the -points for the frequent supply ship missions(most craft generate -points for time flying around and double for time landed.) So the individual supply ships, if not engaged, can rack up quite the debt. But if your doing well otherwise you can afford to float several bases. And if your comfortable engaging the landed supply ships over and over its a net gain.
5) not 100% certain, but i think the base itself doesn't count for retaliation mission spawning. Shooting down ships does.

Merc Hovertank is ridiculous. I shoot everything I got and I couldn't even break the shield. Multiple 25mm Armored Car hits, mortar fire, Panzerfausts, anti-armor melee, nothing works. Any tips?
Any shielded target is a 2 step process. First deplete shield, maximum damage per TU spent is the key. Shotguns or emp nades are the way to go. Shields have no armor value, and limited resistances, if any at all. But they do regenerate some hp per turn.  Second step is the armor underneath. There you want high armor pierce, and/or shredding weapons like the minigun. Strip shields before using the heavy hitting weapons to prevent ammo waste.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 09, 2019, 02:50:08 am
So Type 2 shields block everything until they're depleted? Certainly much harder to deal with than the Church's shields.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 09, 2019, 07:18:32 am
Not quite everything, but the exceptions are alot more limited. Bio, Chem, and Fire will still pass through. But a fair amount of things with type 2 are resistant to those. The mentioned Merc hover tank for example is immune, 60%, and 85% resistant respectively. So the shotgun/emp then heavy weapons routine is the most efficient option left.

Shotguns are the real workhorse when shields are involved cause the shields have no Armor, so even the wimpy birdshot can do 100+ dmg per shot, assuming most of your pellets hit.

Emp is good too, but the few sources you have don't really stand up to rapid fire buckshot. The emp nade for example only does 75*250% or 187 dmg to a type 2 shield. A single shot of birdshot has an average potential of 114. Both barrels of the double barrel with BS is 400 average potential. And these actions are only handful of TU different in cost.

Even the most generous case for the emp nade, aforementioned tank is a max of 750 due to each tile of the tank taking damage from an aoe. Distance is of course a factor, shotgun only reaches so far compared to a good thrower.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LadonLegend on April 09, 2019, 07:22:04 am
I've read a couple things about the difficulty levels in this mod, and I wanted to clarify something. I know that the mod is balanced around difficulty 3. Do increased difficulty levels increase the speed at which enemies tech up?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 09, 2019, 12:39:41 pm
So would 2 hellerium grenades solve the tank prob? Or more? How many more?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 09, 2019, 01:26:44 pm
Next Mercenary Pogrom I will try shotgun squad, but it was still quite OP in my opinion. In best case scenario of Armoured Car with 25mm craft cannon, auto shooting two times, three rounds each, with 75 Power times 4, because Hovertank is 4x4 means that Car did (75 Power x 4 tiles) 300 damage in one hit. Six hits gives 1800 average damage (About 888 if every hit was at 50% power and 2688 at 150%) to the shield in best case scenario. Shield should break either way.

I remember in older versions that Hovertank wasn't impossible to deal with if gals had mid tier weaponry. Cyberdisk that is Academy (I think) counterpart could be taken down with enough molotovs, while Hovertank could be damaged with recoiless rifle. Now Mercenaries are peace of cake to deal with in comparsion to their Hovertanks.
Damn, even Sectopods would fall when multiple barrel bombs exploded under their legs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 09, 2019, 06:19:16 pm
I've read a couple things about the difficulty levels in this mod, and I wanted to clarify something. I know that the mod is balanced around difficulty 3. Do increased difficulty levels increase the speed at which enemies tech up?

Assuming that difficulty works in the exact same way as vanilla UFO defense, the main difference is that missions have more enemies and those enemies are stronger. Every difficulty above the easiest has enemies gain a 6% bonus to Firing Accuracy and Reactions, 4% to TU's, Energy, and their Voodoo skills, and 2% to Strength. Here is the UFOpaedia entry for vanilla difficulties.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 09, 2019, 10:35:26 pm
Next Mercenary Pogrom I will try shotgun squad, but it was still quite OP in my opinion. In best case scenario of Armoured Car with 25mm craft cannon, auto shooting two times, three rounds each, with 75 Power times 4, because Hovertank is 4x4 means that Car did (75 Power x 4 tiles) 300 damage in one hit. Six hits gives 1800 average damage (About 888 if every hit was at 50% power and 2688 at 150%) to the shield in best case scenario. Shield should break either way.

I remember in older versions that Hovertank wasn't impossible to deal with if gals had mid tier weaponry. Cyberdisk that is Academy (I think) counterpart could be taken down with enough molotovs, while Hovertank could be damaged with recoiless rifle. Now Mercenaries are peace of cake to deal with in comparsion to their Hovertanks.
Damn, even Sectopods would fall when multiple barrel bombs exploded under their legs.

Yeah the example provided the shield would break after successive AC shots too, but keep in mind AC has the standard 0-200% damage roll, and while shotguns have it too its rolled per projectile, so a shotguns rarely whiffs fully. And the AC is not effective once the shield is down. 45% concussive resist+90 armor mean the AC is incapable of harming the tank hull.

So would 2 hellerium grenades solve the tank prob? Or more? How many more?
Again good at shield, useless at at tank underneath. You need 170 or higher concussive dmg weapon to even start chipping at the tank underneath. 45% resist is no joke.

I've read a couple things about the difficulty levels in this mod, and I wanted to clarify something. I know that the mod is balanced around difficulty 3. Do increased difficulty levels increase the speed at which enemies tech up?
Only on max difficulty is the enemy progression any faster. Vanilla stat buffs also dont exist, except on max. 1 debuffs enemy stats by about 20%, 5 buffs em by the same. 2-4 the only difference is the amount of foes spawned, higher difficulty more dudes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 10, 2019, 04:02:52 pm
TYVM for guerilla advice. It RULEZ. Are there NV goggles to go with it?
I got the Authorised Dealers contact.
What do you think of I-gun? Worth using? It saved my gals boobs against an Oseron.
Would Tazogun fry a Megapol Enforcer or Apeman?
What do I expect from my new Kraken craft?
WTH is camo st/st?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 10, 2019, 05:14:04 pm
Don’t expect much form the Kraken. The thing is slow and it cannot mount anything to help with its abysmall speed. It is tough, but without shields, so it will spend a lot of time in repairs mif you use it as a tank. You don’t really need powerfull fleet anyway, your menace class is good enough for 90% of shipping you encouncer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 10, 2019, 06:03:12 pm
Are there NV goggles to go with it?
Unfortunately, there is no stand-alone NV goggles 'item'. Better NV comes as a part of some armors only. There are 2 'upgrades' for guerilla armor. One is Sniper, which has double the camo, good NV and nice firing bonus, while still being very squishy. Second one called Chromeback, buried a bit deeper in the research tree - about late midgame option. Better armor, NV and reactions, same camo. Sadly, in most of my games it comes a bit too late to make a difference.

WTH is camo st/st?
Camo basically substracts itself from the range at which your units are spotted, with values given for day/night.

Basic sight range (for most units - there are exceptions) is 40 tiles in daylight (ie. any tile that has light over 7, so decently lit squares cound as day, even at night). At night it's 9 for baseline humans with no NV equipment, 12 for gals, more for NV or mutants (sectoids/hybrids see really good in darkness). Zombies are blind (they have Sense, which detects living beings even through walls) so camo is useless against them.

Some enemies (as well as armors) have a Spot:X statistic, which reduces your camo and/or invisibility by X (up to 0 - camo can't be negative) for both day and night.

Invisibility is somewhat inverse of camo - 8/2 is the maximum range you can be seen by day/night. Invisibility:5 means you can't be spotted when you are 6+
tiles away from an enemy (barring Spot:).

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on April 11, 2019, 02:06:36 am
Would Tazogun fry a Megapol Enforcer or Apeman?
It should work ok, but you will need several shots. I use electric lassos (bounty prize: confederate gear). The lasso is very similar to the tazogun, but unlimited ammo and a bit more damage. Downside is the lasso is 2-handed and 2x2 size, while tazogun is 1-handed and 1x2 size.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 11, 2019, 11:42:28 am
Don’t expect much form the Kraken. The thing is slow and it cannot mount anything to help with its abysmall speed. It is tough, but without shields, so it will spend a lot of time in repairs mif you use it as a tank. You don’t really need powerfull fleet anyway, your menace class is good enough for 90% of shipping you encouncer.

Heyhey, easy there, I've just started building my fleet:)
I am a warrior, friend. I just go in and take care of enemies. I need a strong ship or two to deal with any flying thing of manageable size. I usually send some 3 HKs to shadow it before my Metallo comes in. Then, we follow it until it lands and then we take it on the ground. But if it WON'T land, then we shoot it down, Metallo leading the sttack to draw fire on itself. Now, as there can be only 1 Metallo, I'll build 2 Krakens to be there for the Metallo, if it is too damaged, to take on the enemy together, or as a squadron with others. Of course, I wouldn't be going after Battleships and anything too strong. I know i need better stuff for those.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 11, 2019, 12:03:54 pm
It should work ok, but you will need several shots. I use electric lassos (bounty prize: confederate gear). The lasso is very similar to the tazogun, but unlimited ammo and a bit more damage. Downside is the lasso is 2-handed and 2x2 size, while tazogun is 1-handed and 1x2 size.

Yesyes, I have Lassos. So they're better than Tazos, huh? OK, will try them. I am kinda clumsy with Lassos, though. I am a gun-n-blade. The big lasso won't be a prob, though. Just take a Magnum along and ya set:) Oh yes, and primed grenades - 2-3 of each kind... And spare ammo... As much as ya can carry:)

So with lasso, I strike, then Hide, rinse repeat..?

Uh, Zombies can sense through walls..? Someone been reading the WWZ by Max Brooks? It's nice to be here with fellow ppl who like and appreciate education.

Cuzwhat else IS X-Piratez, if not a Video games Academy..?

I asked about NV goggles, cuz I saw something of the sort in a Help Loknars mission. A killed Ninja Gal had something of sorts...

About Sniper and Chromeback: I have one sniper, ain't got more kevlar material, bah. I know about Chromeback. Will take some time to get to it.

I am also making the Hover Suits.
I miss my Assassin armors... Guess that I will give them to some gals back again.

As for any camoed units - I always drag my Bloodhounds with me. Their ThermoVis and sniff sniff are irreplaceable for me.
Are Bloodhounds better with energy than Attack Dogs? My Bloodhounds tire after a couple of turns and need a break. Maybe because I make them run like hell. And they go berserk sometimes, but a dog is a dog and having its noggin blown off instead of a hand's one... Clear...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 11, 2019, 12:48:04 pm
Umm. It was a hitai-ate, not goggles... 8)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 11, 2019, 03:14:13 pm
Umm. It was a hitai-ate, not goggles... 8)

Mhm... I use Japanese quite often, so pls. allow, aye? That would be

hitai-ate = hi (flying) + tai (body) + ate (a strike, like in Martial Arts)

A thrown weapon?

About Killgun. It is made from (occult) material; is it meant to be used against demons? Against the Dark Ones, perhaps? I find it kinda unwieldy VS (regular) Humanoids. I like Smartgun much better for those. It can break walls. Hah. Now THAT's a weapon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 11, 2019, 04:55:31 pm
A hitai-ate is something like this:


It is a forehead protector. (Above, a cosplay version from Naruto, because it's the most commonly recognized source.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 13, 2019, 11:30:53 am
It is a forehead protector.

Oh, I see. TYVM. A forehead PROTECTOR? Looks more like Forehead Strike Assistant:) With THAT on one's noggin, It'd be possible even to knock out a dinosaur:) Although a Knight Helmet could do too.

Anyways, I see now where the Piratez story leads. Wow...
Bottom line, here, patience and tenacity mean EVERYTHING. Thanks again.
PS: Are there living skeletons here, too?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on April 13, 2019, 12:08:13 pm
PS: Are there living skeletons here, too?

The Zombies prefere to be called differently alive.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 13, 2019, 12:43:48 pm
No literal skeletons as such yet, but some
creatures come fairly close.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 13, 2019, 04:38:52 pm
TYVM, ppl. Well, he last picture in the intro shows a girl pirate followed by pirate skeletons, so I thought... I just love the intro, but I can't find it on YT. Is it out there, somewhere?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 14, 2019, 07:13:16 pm
How can one edit the Armor/Body .gifs?  Was trying to lighten some of them with, but they're messed up in game.
I've edited other gifs and had a problem with the bit depth, but that does not seem to be the case here.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 14, 2019, 07:16:56 pm
How can one edit the Armor/Body .gifs?  Was trying to lighten some of them with, but they're messed up in game.
I've edited other gifs and had a problem with the bit depth, but that does not seem to be the case here.

Does preserve the palette?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 15, 2019, 07:42:02 pm
Does preserve the palette?
Thanks for the reply Solarius Scorch! Hmm, not sure about preserving the palette. What .gif editor will preserve the palette?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 15, 2019, 08:51:14 pm
Thanks for the reply Solarius Scorch! Hmm, not sure about preserving the palette. What .gif editor will preserve the palette?

Certainly Photoshop and Aseprite. GIMP as well, if you know what you're doing. And some others I can't recall right now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 16, 2019, 02:22:58 am
Certainly Photoshop and Aseprite. GIMP as well, if you know what you're doing. And some others I can't recall right now.
Thanks Scorch! I'll give GIMP a go.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 17, 2019, 12:48:21 pm
PPL, which one you drag to battle - a Smartgun, or a Death Blossom? The DB has various kinds of ammo. And Hell, yeah, I killed a Celatid with it! Fartbag, LOL. 😁
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on April 17, 2019, 01:31:02 pm
PPL, which one you drag to battle - a Smartgun, or a Death Blossom? The DB has various kinds of ammo. And Hell, yeah, I killed a Celatid with it! Fartbag, LOL. 😁

They're pretty different weapons, I'm not sure I would be substituting one for the other.   That being said I try to load up my transports with all kinds of different weapons so I would bring both.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 17, 2019, 04:11:56 pm
Death blossom is king of its class for most of the game, its only drawback being weight. Smartgun is not that good, I would take HMG instead for massive damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 18, 2019, 08:59:50 am
Smartgun is amazing, I absolutely love it. Its five-round burst destroys everything, and it has a lot of range to boot. A sixty round Plastasteel magazine ensures that you'll likely never run out of ammo, even if you don't take a spare clip. Atleast until you unlock the HVAP Smartrifle, I would suggest taking the Smartgun on every mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 18, 2019, 12:30:18 pm
TYVM, ppl.
loading the transport? Heheh, my Metallo is LOADED with EVERYTHING. If there was some makeup, I'd take that too. Man, how many times we went against the Academy or Church, only to find Zs. Fun! One primes WPs and throws them via others all the way to the exit guards and they throw them at Zs.
So I have everything, from knives and sabers to Heavy Slugthrowers, Recoilless, RPGs, all kinds of flamers... Hell, the base has only what they really need, all the rest is for us, the Vikings:)

HMG? Nice weapon, but as heavy as hell. I use it for entrance defense.  QS and QL mandatory ;)

How do you unlock the plastasteel clip for AMG/Smartgun?

Hey, populi, problem solved:)
I have (some of) my gals loaded with Smartgun, Death Blossom and Magnum, all available kinds of ammo included, poisoned dagger in da Backpack. Plus some nades and bandages. Hehehhehheh... Juuust, leddem come... Yesss... Let... them... come... It all fits into 80 kilos. with Sniper Gear. No problem.

I even consider TWO Blossoms and Magnum for certain missions. Wa?
Well, Magnum for sniping, of course, as it is absolutely royal weapon for that. And the blossoms? Well, one with for API ammo and the other one as my Chem Auto Shotgun. Switching them takes ways less time than reloading to change ammo. How about that? Am I not a destructive maniac? LMAO:)
And MAYBE, if u need some precise chem rapidfire AND API, well, take a Blossom and a Painbringer - oh, fokin HELLYEA, I gotto try THAT:) I already see the carnage. They will beg, but we'll give 'em all a 3rd eye. Why, they SAY it forsees da future:) At least Judge Dredd said so in a comics episode.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on April 18, 2019, 07:40:34 pm
I think you only need plastasteel munitions unlocked for you to get AMG/smartgun clips. I dont think there are other requirements other than what is required for plast munitions, like rifle bullet manufacturing, etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 18, 2019, 09:55:00 pm
I see. I'll check it out.

I have already some 10 encounters with Reticulans. How to unlock their guns? Interrogating the guys? I even captured a Rectogre. Um... A big one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 18, 2019, 10:34:19 pm
You can use their guns from the start, but I don't remember what is required to research them. Interrogation will work for sure. You can hit "Q" twice on world map and then write the name of specific weapons to learn what is needed to research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 18, 2019, 10:52:09 pm
Death blossom is king of its class for most of the game, its only drawback being weight.

It weighs, because it is full of love.

(Seriously. This is the most beautiful gun in the game.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 18, 2019, 11:36:23 pm
It weighs, because it is full of love.

(Seriously. This is the most beautiful gun in the game.)

 ;D ;D ;D
yeeesss, it rulez:)

And thanks everyone  ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 23, 2019, 03:01:35 pm
Am stuck in an Infested Cellar mission. I've killed all the rats and the game still sees an enemy. Where? We've gone across whole battlescape, there ain't nothing nowhere, am into Turn 117 and the Bughunt Mode still not active. The cat lives and runs around.

Help someone?
TYVM in advance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 23, 2019, 04:07:49 pm
HINT: try the walls. The pickaxe is there for a reason.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 24, 2019, 12:40:28 pm
Heheh, of course, TYVM.

And now another one.
1a)   Which weapon u use against:
1b)   LOBSTERMAN! Goddamn sidewalker, I had a Deep Ones Pogrom yesterday and a Lobster survived TWO hell. grenades landed directly under its ass! TWO! Daaamn... We loaded it with... dunno... 15-25 bullets from Smartguns (PS ammo) and DeBlossoms (API ammo) and it still lived! Than, as it walked past some Chem Barrels, I send some grenades that way and BOOOM. It was kaputt. But WTF, I mean, how do I face it 1 on 1? I have all possible kinds of nades, poisoned and non poisoned blades, dart pistols, everything... Plasma (I-guns), laser (Hydra and Nerfs and looted stuff)...

2) What's the deal with the HaxxorOne Sniper, the one that uses the I-gun clips? It's kinda inaccurate, or I use wrong armor with it..?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 24, 2019, 01:06:49 pm
Cyberdisc doesn't have a lot of armor, only around 35. So anything with decent damage. If you don't want it to explode use cutting damage melee weapons. I often just mortar them out of the sky.

Lobstermen have a big problem with choking attacks. Poison and stun grenades or the pocket Vader, the Wand or Airlessness. Or just hit 'em with an axe. Lacking these, chem ammo to shredder their armor and then some high damage weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 24, 2019, 01:38:02 pm
Even the rope works on lobstermen due to choking damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 24, 2019, 05:12:19 pm
Fire is also very effective against disks, often a single fire DoT can kill them. WP weapons even more so.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 24, 2019, 07:11:28 pm
You can also keep setting a lobsterman on fire with WP ammo untill it roasts to death.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 24, 2019, 09:13:55 pm
You can one shot a Lobster man with a fusion torch.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 24, 2019, 11:24:41 pm
True, but you'd have to get him to walk right over to a gal holding it, without ripping her into shreds. And she can only turn and squeeze the trigger. *And* then he can still CQC dodge. That's a load of crappy odds for the torch wielder.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Suzume on April 25, 2019, 01:04:06 am
So I've now had two runs in a row lost to my score suddenly tanking into the negative 2k+.

I have been doing interrogations etc, so I'm not sure how it's dropping so hard - I didn't have the mutant alliance tech so pogroms shouldn't do it.

Is there a way to alter the number of months in a row it takes to lose, or anything else, just so I can avoid losing runs to this?

I was poking around the .rul file and it looks like there is a 'defeatscore' variable, but it is -900 and people were saying that -500 is what will make you lose, so I'm not sure if that is what I would want to mod to decrease this behavior or if there is another one where I can make it require more consecutive months of failure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on April 25, 2019, 05:11:01 am
If I remember correctly, choking is great against almost everything that likes long walks in the underseas.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on April 25, 2019, 10:44:27 am
So I've now had two runs in a row lost to my score suddenly tanking into the negative 2k+.

I have been doing interrogations etc, so I'm not sure how it's dropping so hard - I didn't have the mutant alliance tech so pogroms shouldn't do it.

Is there a way to alter the number of months in a row it takes to lose, or anything else, just so I can avoid losing runs to this?

I was poking around the .rul file and it looks like there is a 'defeatscore' variable, but it is -900 and people were saying that -500 is what will make you lose, so I'm not sure if that is what I would want to mod to decrease this behavior or if there is another one where I can make it require more consecutive months of failure.

What's most likely happening is that the aliens are setting up bases, those can really tank your score like that.  If you don't have radar coverage to spot the alien base missions you can look in the graphs to see where the alien activity is and patrol there till you find any bases.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 25, 2019, 11:00:43 am
Oh, boy, I gotto urgently check them bases, if any are around. During last 5 ingame days, I have destroyed on the ground some 5 frigates and cruisers on Secret Base missions. I also attacked a Frigate in the air, but no gun I have can trash their shields. But wait... wait... I am Alex - I simply DO things.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 25, 2019, 11:17:20 am
True, but you'd have to get him to walk right over to a gal holding it, without ripping her into shreds. And she can only turn and squeeze the trigger. *And* then he can still CQC dodge. That's a load of crappy odds for the torch wielder.

Yes, my friends. I don't melee here very often, unless inside a building/craft. In my game, each gal has a melee weapon, so in such places, Death Blossom SMG and Poisoned Dagger make for a cool CQC combo. Melee outside? Hmm... Gotto approach, reaction fire..? Nah... But CQC? WOW, I can pack a Viking Axe, if any.
You can be anytime ready, however, if you carry a big Melee weapon AND an accurate 1H gun (Magnum, DeBlossom, Painbringer SMG...). Like this, ya can anytime holster the gun and use the Mmelee if 2H, or get a grenade and do the job.

The Fusion Torch is great for entering ships. BUT, you have to have the boarding team (right) behind the welder gal, as she can't do crap once she makes a hole in the wall. I had this yesterday, twice. An enemy appeared and my boarding team just took care about them.

ATTN Suzume-san.
missions wo zenbu yatta houga ii no desuyo. You should do all the missions, friend, as necessary things can be frequently found in ONE type of mission ONLY. So research and make/make buyable. You need various kinds of infantry weapons, good armors, good aircraft and good weapons for aircraft. If I was you, I'd get some good infantry weapons and Guerilla/Sniper Armor first. After that, You also need the Hyperwave Decoder for every base. Don't forget to check the market after every more serious research, but don't buy too much (See? Now I have 200 banana clips to sell...). Buy as many weapons as you need for your gals and maybe 3 dozen of ammo clips for each gun, buy more as needed. Same for grenades and stuff. Buy to have some in reserve, buy more as you need. Don't forget to make your bases as safe as you can. Don't forget dogs for bases and for missions. Research. Read. Manage. Fight. Sell surplus stuff. IE, If you have like 500 plastasteel or 10 ship engines, sell half of those for - you will get more in the future.

As for which weapons... Well, You best try them in battle and see which are good for your style. Have fun.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 25, 2019, 11:38:03 pm
So I've now had two runs in a row lost to my score suddenly tanking into the negative 2k+.

The two most likely culprits are active alien bases as other have mentioned, and large amounts of alien craft activity.

Bases are -500 each, and some additional -points from the associated craft activity.

Most craft on the map cost you a minor amount of points constantly as they fly around, and double there base rate when landed. Supply ships from bases and excavators on resource missions will stay grounded for a long time. The excavators in particular can stay grounded for days chipping away at your score.

Multiple excavators outside detection is a very easy way to lose the game, early expansion to maximize coverage is pretty important. That said the activity graphs can usually tell you where stuff is just hovering around in time to deal with the problem. But unfortunately there is no initial warning unless your religiously checking the activity graph.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on April 26, 2019, 04:02:16 am
If you have low radar coverage, Excavators can loose you the game. If you have no radar, use the graphs to see alien activity. Then send a pigeon to patrol where there is activity.

The tools are there, you just have to use them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 26, 2019, 07:59:24 am
You only lose if you have two months in a row of negative score. If you get a negative month and then a positive month, you have to get another negative before you're at risk of a game over. You can also get a bad score if you have bad luck on pogrom generation. You just repeatedly getting Mercenary and Star God pogroms before you have equipment strong enough to fight them, leading to a massive score penalty for failing the mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 26, 2019, 11:23:35 am
So I got the Stingray Missiles and now I need these laser lenses. Yea, I do have some and I already armed my gorilla fighter with them, but need more, of course. So, what do I take apart for getting those? I see I can buy them in the next century, however:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 26, 2019, 12:13:52 pm
Laser weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on April 27, 2019, 07:08:29 am
So choosing either "Gals are superior" and "We Need Male Touch" research techs is a must, else the game won't advance ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 27, 2019, 08:23:13 am
Yes. There are other techs open, but since it restricts access to better player craft, progression down the interrogation branch(needed for eventually unlocking the final mission), one of the primary weapons dealer contacts, and other significant milestones, why delay?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 27, 2019, 09:01:49 am
Is there something I'm missing on the Raynerd mission? Turn 30, haven't heard a peep from the enemies in 10 turns. I've checked everywhere I thought, except inside the cells. If everything was right, I would think I'd have heard from the enemies by now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 27, 2019, 11:51:10 am
"More questions!
Yes, Chosen One..?"

Ahem... back to HERE...

1) PPL, what's the deal with the Mansion Missions. I walk in bare assed, only to find Zombies?!? I mean, I CAN make a fire cocktail - no prob at all, am a weapons expert in all my games -  and kick some ass, but do I have to do the 1st mansion mission? It stays on the map. Is there for a in game week..?

2) Would you recommend the Hammermite and Lancer missiles? I use Spikes.

3) Does a good shot pilot make a difference in shooting them accurately?

4) How do YOU kill/capture an Acad Provost? Can capture it with a Dart Pistol?

5) Would you use a Gyro-Stabilized Autogun and a Super Magnum? What's the deal with their ammo? i see there's Mercury ammo for Super Magnum, sounds Mercenary blasting (I fukin HATE them). I mean, is the Super Magnum as accurate as the Magnum? Usually, the stuff you research and make is good and the things you research and buy for big bux (FUKIN RIPOFF) are also good - so, ... Comments, advises..? I always hear my fellows, anytime.

6) I recruit Bugeyes. "They use Voodoo without any equipment." Uhmm... So... Do I take them into battle with me? They'd have to stay in the craft, however. Or at least I think so.

If anyine's interested, I'll send you a savegame or two. Dunno... maybe you'll like them. ATTN! Warrior THROUGH the bone, not only TO. ;)

Respect, Alex.

PPS: It IS necessary to have all possible kinds of damage inflicting weapons and ammo in your main attack craft. Air Musket and its Electro ammo saved my hide yesterday:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 27, 2019, 02:31:31 pm
Is there something I'm missing on the Raynerd mission? Turn 30, haven't heard a peep from the enemies in 10 turns. I've checked everywhere I thought, except inside the cells. If everything was right, I would think I'd have heard from the enemies by now.

There is one room that is closed and you can access it only with pickaxe or something that strong at dealing with terrain. I don't remember on which floor it is, but I think it's on the second floor. Enemies can be also locked in prison towers, you have to destroy metal bars on the top floor. This mission isn't hard, but it's tedious.


1) Many factions can have mansion missions. Church, Academy, or Guild, or even Zombies. You just got bad RNG to get Zombies, worst and hardest kind of Mansion mission. This mission will appear later, you don't have to worry about it.

2) Spikes are just cheapest rockets. Hammerite and Lancer are probably way better. Just check bootypedia entries for them.

3) Yes, pilot's "FIRING" (Accuracy), "REACTION" (Dodge) and "BRAVERY" (Approach speed) affects dogfights.

4) From humble handle trough stun prod to electric net. If I remember correctly, she didn't have too much special resistances to any damage sources, apply handle untill you will see effects.

5) Gyro Autogun is a good mid-range weapon against anything that isn't too heavy armored. Both of those guns aren't best at killing Mercs, but chem ammo might make Magnum decent. There are many cheaper and easier weapons that deal with Mercs quite good. Armoured cars/Tanks works wonders.

6) Take bugeye to the mission, select him and look at the top right corner of your screen. Special icon will appear, from there you can use "VooDoo" abilities of a bugeye. They are great healers in their deflaut armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on April 28, 2019, 12:16:15 am
2) Would you recommend the Hammermite and Lancer missiles? I use Spikes.
Lancers aren't worth it - too expensive. The craft they outrange mostly land anyway. And the important craft to shoot down have equal or longer ranges.
I usually skip Hammermite in favor of Meteor (all-round) and Avalanche (big ships). Depending on where you are in the tech tree, Hammermite would make a good replacement for Seagulls, though.
Spike Rockets have good DPS going for them, but once you're up to Interceptors, you'll want DPS dealt with your light weapons and use the missile slots either to crack tougher ships or to have Thrusters for faster movement.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 28, 2019, 01:19:38 am
Is there something I'm missing on the Raynerd mission? Turn 30, haven't heard a peep from the enemies in 10 turns. I've checked everywhere I thought, except inside the cells. If everything was right, I would think I'd have heard from the enemies by now.

There are a few areas that you have to break into to reach all the baddies, the design is supposed to encourage a grab and go. Smash up some walls and keep looking.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on April 28, 2019, 03:25:33 am
Yes. There are other techs open, but since it restricts access to better player craft, progression down the interrogation branch(needed for eventually unlocking the final mission), one of the primary weapons dealer contacts, and other significant milestones, why delay?

Yes, perusing the tech tree showed me some critical techs needed to complete the final mission.
It has been a while since I played the mod. I was testing if I can delay the choosing between these two divergent research paths. I'll delay until I have no other tech to research. I'll choose "Males..", because the other tech option I sort of played it in the last campaign.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 28, 2019, 04:27:51 am
There are a few areas that you have to break into to reach all the baddies, the design is supposed to encourage a grab and go. Smash up some walls and keep looking.

I saw that closed off circular area around one of the floors and wondered if they could be there. Good thing I brought 8 Plasma Breaching Charges.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 28, 2019, 05:05:54 am
Yes, perusing the tech tree showed me some critical techs needed to complete the final mission.
It has been a while since I played the mod. I was testing if I can delay the choosing between these two divergent research paths. I'll delay until I have no other tech to research. I'll choose "Males..", because the other tech option I sort of played it in the last campaign.

Good luck, its quite the handicap to play without the craft from car thieves
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 28, 2019, 10:29:43 am
Thanks all for help. Ya great ppl.
Plasma blasting charges? Unless you really need them, you might just spit in yer pirate palms and do some pickaxeing instead. 2 expensive is 2 expensive.
Take me 4 example. I just love Death Blossoms and their API ammo. So I caught meself butchering Ratmen with those and said to me: Alex! You have Conf. Eagles, Black Adders, Scout Rifles, SCLasers... And you do that to Ratmen..? No really, what would Goblin Zaxx say? Heheh...

So, a question:
I see SuperMagnums being as devastative and as accurate as ol' Clint Eastwood would like them, and I wanna know what are the advantages of the Mercury ammo?

Curious stuff:
I am having enemies surrendering to my Gals like: 4-9 surrendered? WOW. Reputation?Guild ans Academy are being worse than Italians in 1943.

I captured my 1st Acad Provost. Then, his base failed. 9 surrendered. This game makes me see how ol' Genghis felt.

YA WANNA GO MEN WAY? Hope ya got ya saves backed up. This is a gal game...

About Lancers and Stingrays. Yes, I know, these cost gauss and other guns to make. So I made some 100 and that's it. The fighters armed with these will engage  only when necessary. I have them in my central base, from where they can reach the rest of the world.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 28, 2019, 09:17:50 pm
Can you change the grav harness backpack from a horizontal 4 to a vertical 3?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on April 28, 2019, 10:38:58 pm
Can you change the grav harness backpack from a horizontal 4 to a vertical 3?

Grav harness is supposed to have some serious drawbacks so you bother researching higher tier flying armors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 29, 2019, 01:21:20 am
I wanna know what are the advantages of the Mercury ammo?
Damage bonus= 25% of reactions. Its stronger then basic ammo for anyone with above 24 reactions. I mostly employ the chem ammo thou.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 29, 2019, 11:26:01 am
Yesyes, the chems are really chemming it up with ol' SuperMag. Only  "drawback" is that it takes a day for 40 Runts to make one piece. So wut? Ya can have all the bases produce 'em...

I go to the GhoulTown today. But I didn't give Gasmasks and Chemcoats to the gals. Would that hurt much?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on April 29, 2019, 03:29:23 pm
Yesyes, the chems are really chemming it up with ol' SuperMag. Only  "drawback" is that it takes a day for 40 Runts to make one piece. So wut? Ya can have all the bases produce 'em...

I go to the GhoulTown today. But I didn't give Gasmasks and Chemcoats to the gals. Would that hurt much?

Yeah you don't want to go messing around in a ghoul town mission without chem and smoke protection.  Even if you complete the mission any surviving gals will be laid up in bed for a long time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 29, 2019, 04:20:52 pm
Grav harness is supposed to have some serious drawbacks so you bother researching higher tier flying armors.
Thanks Martin. So vertical 3 backpack is considered OP. Would still like to know if it can be changed without learning to code :).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on April 30, 2019, 01:37:16 am
Thanks Martin. So vertical 3 backpack is considered OP. Would still like to know if it can be changed without learning to code :).

You need to edit Pirates.rul
Search for "STR_GRAV_ARMOR_UC". Then delete the entry "- INV_NULL_4X2_BACK" a few lined further below right under "builtInWeapons:".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2019, 01:46:31 am
So vertical 3 backpack is considered OP.

Not so much "OP" as the basic grav harness lacks the stability/flight control to carry large and cumbersome objects without crashing. You don't even use any real avionics for it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 30, 2019, 06:21:26 am
You need to edit Pirates.rul
Search for "STR_GRAV_ARMOR_UC". Then delete the entry "- INV_NULL_4X2_BACK" a few lined further below right under "builtInWeapons:".
Thank you Eddie! Any edits to that line results in a 4x3 backpack... I'll just use one row.

Edit: Changing "- INV_NULL_4X2_BACK"  to  "- INV_NULL_3X3" gives the desired single row vertical 3 backpack!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 30, 2019, 01:56:20 pm
OK, I did it. I got the GhoulTown and I got the goddamn Toxigun. Brainers are chewing on it now. Any other reason why I should go there again?

I see that not all gals are equally chem resistant. How do I see that? Some are Hands, some are Warriors. Maybe I should use Loknars, LOL.

What's the point in mansion missions? Looting? Killing? Exploring 8 story buildings with some 10 ppl in 32 turns? Makes me dizzz-zzzyyy...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 30, 2019, 04:19:05 pm
Did you get a live ghoul scientist?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on April 30, 2019, 07:29:49 pm
Hi. I am playing Xpiratez for the first time, so I have noob question.
Where I can get all componets for Kraken? I can't build it and can't progress in the game.
Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 30, 2019, 08:08:44 pm
Just click on a Kraken on Manufacture menu and it will show what you need. It's probably plasteel, ship engines, Slave AI, Fussion Battery, old fighter hull and cloacking device.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on April 30, 2019, 08:58:12 pm
What's the point in mansion missions? Looting? Killing? Exploring 8 story buildings with some 10 ppl in 32 turns? Makes me dizzz-zzzyyy...

Mainly the loot, you can get a lot of good stuff from those missions.  They're also a good source of captives to haul back to your base for whatever plans you have (I guess this technically counts as loot too lol).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 30, 2019, 09:00:54 pm
Dioxine said multiple times that Ghoul Town is his personal favourite when he plays... So it can't be that bad. ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 30, 2019, 11:41:55 pm
Dioxine said multiple times that Ghoul Town is his personal favourite when he plays... So it can't be that bad. ;)

Ahhh... The Ghoul Town. Literally the worst type of city map. Usually only one, or two ways to go from one end to the other. Ghouls on the roofs and in the buildings, blood hounds as a bonus. Smoke everywere, acid destroys gals armor. And many more. Do only once and forget. Just like Mansions and Cruiser missions. I hate them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 01, 2019, 12:38:09 am
OK, I did it. I got the GhoulTown and I got the goddamn Toxigun. Brainers are chewing on it now. Any other reason why I should go there again?

I see that not all gals are equally chem resistant. How do I see that? Some are Hands, some are Warriors. Maybe I should use Loknars, LOL.

What's the point in mansion missions? Looting? Killing? Exploring 8 story buildings with some 10 ppl in 32 turns? Makes me dizzz-zzzyyy...
It's pretty good loot for early to mid game, Bounty tokens for rescued captives, occasional gems.

every armor has different resists. even so, damage rolls are variable.

Point of mansions is loot and the midlevel "officer" to capture. Loot wise you can find chests which is the best looted source of gems, and nuke material. The Officers are things like Acadamy Espers.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 01, 2019, 11:56:37 am
Hey, TYVM all.
Oh, c'mon Scorch. That CAN'T be anyone's fav:). Having your crew nailed to bed afterwards while all those so niiice, faaat, shiiiny and awwwww, sooo LOADED ships just dance around? Naaah..?

And I have to get the live Egghead AS WELLL?!? Fokkitdamn. I mean, nothing against the GhoulTown as a map, I am used to CQB. It remainds me of one Pogrom map. It's the Gals being sick afterwards that makes me gah at the whole GhoulTown thing. And guess what? Those in armored cars didn't get hurt one lil bit. Hah. Daaamn. OK, I will do that. I had my Auxiliary team fight the big battles instead of the sick Commando team, no big deal, just use good tactics, have them use the Sniper Gear and Death Blossom, load grenades and Rum and weee-heee. Gone looting. So I combine team members as needed. This showed me that rookies can do things too. Not only guard their base and jump in when the Metallo's just can't do it all. I'll go to the Ghoul town again. I'll have to anywayz...

The Mansion deal. Hmm... I had no available gals for it now, but another time...  An Officer? Like the Nazi Humanist Leader?  Can you search the whole place - and fight and win - in just 32 moves? Sounds like too little time.

I got my Mint researched, now building. And, I have a whole lot of all kinds of chips. Can I just sell some?
ATTN Tanksoldiers.
Would you prefer a 25mm AC, or Flak AC, or 60mm Tank, or 85mm Tank? Or a Missile Vehicle?
Does anyone use the Sentry Turret? Sounds fun.

I just love how Dioxine has all the artillery data just as in RL. There IS a 120mm naval Gun, and 60mm and 85mm... Helps make one feel like this actually IS the distant future.

Great mod. We need something like this for FO3/FNV or for a STALKER. Gawd, THAT would be the day, har har harg. YARR...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on May 01, 2019, 01:55:15 pm
If you run the ghoul town missions with the smoke/upgraded smoke armor, it's fine, well other than not being able to see shit and stuff exploding into flames all around you.  But you won't take any environmental damage, aside from the aforementioned fire which is mostly easy to avoid with a little practice.

The mansion missions have a higher ranking member of the faction represented, i.e. guild = guild rep, academy = academy esper, etc.  It might take a bit of practice to do mansion missions well, they can be tricky at first.  But yeah it's absolutely doable in the 32 turn limit if you strike hard and fast.  One caveat, if you get unlucky enough to get a zombie infested mansion, run like hell :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on May 01, 2019, 04:49:05 pm
Stupid question, but i forget. Industrial scanners come on what ship/ any mission? I need one for nuclear laser progression and accidentally sold my early game one....
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 01, 2019, 11:06:51 pm
Dioxine said multiple times that Ghoul Town is his personal favourite when he plays... So it can't be that bad. ;)

I confirm, it's refreshingly challenging.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on May 01, 2019, 11:44:45 pm

really accidentally? you shake your finger misplacedly ?

(your fingers were shake´ing, and misplaced ? ) just write it (just that one Industry.Scannerä) into your save file
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 02, 2019, 01:48:19 am
I got my Mint researched, now building. And, I have a whole lot of all kinds of chips. Can I just sell some?
ATTN Tanksoldiers.
Would you prefer a 25mm AC, or Flak AC, or 60mm Tank, or 85mm Tank? Or a Missile Vehicle?
Does anyone use the Sentry Turret? Sounds fun.
Yeah chips are just one avenue of profit, and honestly one off the more tedious/micro heavy methods of building money. Do what you want with em.

Strongest hull available(car<tank<heavy tank<ect)+missiles is my preference usually. The small aoe guns(25mm for cars and 60 mm for tanks) also get some field time as well. Though usually my tanks are not brought to most missions and instead backbone base garrisons, so i want the balance of precision and power weapons. That way no to much collateral but still contributing.

Sentry turrets are pretty limited in utility. Sturdy and pretty powerful weapon for there tech level, but immobile, limits what craft can really use them effectively. Its pretty much only for open ramp designs that have alternate exits or multiple ramps.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 02, 2019, 11:55:21 am
TYVM, ppl:)

Zippicus, Should I just use the simple Smokeops with acid raincoat and gasmask in my GhoulTown missions?

Dioxine, I find the Ghoul Town very challenging, too, but the same I think of any Merc mission. Such moments test our savvy. So we don't "OMG!! Such-and-such! RUUUN!" but: "Oh boy, it's THEM. Do I have something they're allergic to?" I freshly remember seeing my 1st T-Rex (The Boomosaur?). So fokin wut? I gave it a Hellerium comedown pill and it worked:)

yea, I blocked my ass in a craft with one ROFL:) Meh, I'll keep it for just-in-case. 1 just don't knowz when be needed wut kinda junk... "SMALL AOE," you say? Hm, I just like opening walls with those. Wut do the big ones do? Make volcanoes? Like that Cyberdisc yesterday, it made a hole in a hill...

I am about to become a proud owner of a Kustom Blunderbuss. Sounds damn blasting. And it uses GOLDEN ammo to TAKE gold from those it hits..? Am I about to get meself a Gun-shaped Robin (Robbin') Hood?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 02, 2019, 12:00:01 pm
What I have to do in the first space mission? I can't kill Killer Droid Mk.801 with my stock weapon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 02, 2019, 01:10:13 pm
What I have to do in the first space mission? I can't kill Killer Droid Mk.801 with my stock weapon.

Come with better weapons. This of course require real space suits.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 02, 2019, 01:31:36 pm
Come with better weapons. This of course require real space suits.

But I can't equip another weapon and choose anothere suit. Where I can get a real space suit? I haven't technology to build it. And I have nothing to research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on May 02, 2019, 02:45:40 pm

Zippicus, Should I just use the simple Smokeops with acid raincoat and gasmask in my GhoulTown missions?

You don't need the raincoat or gasmask with the Smokey/Mesh armor, the acid rain is a non issue with that stuff equipped, the smoke is still an issue but it would take a long time for it to have any real effect.  If you want to be extra careful you can bring something to heal stun damage but it's hardly necessary.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 02, 2019, 05:53:02 pm
Competent bugeye/slave soldier/peasant in human spacesuit with lasgun is enough to kill the droid. Of course heavier the gun the better. and always say in the cover.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 02, 2019, 07:35:58 pm
Competent bugeye/slave soldier/peasant in human spacesuit with lasgun is enough to kill the droid. Of course heavier the gun the better. and always say in the cover.
I have Rescue Pod and Liquid Nitrogen gun only. I haven't spacesuit and can't equip other weapon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 02, 2019, 08:25:34 pm
1) What is this Saya Token Prize?

2) I dont understand this interrogation techs stuff. It says " to arrange a propper softening up course, we need to have completed a normal interrogation of their peer first, etc." So, do you interrogate someone twice, or rwo of their kind, or WTH?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 02, 2019, 10:15:41 pm
1) It lets you to manufacture new type of Pillow Book that requires Alliance tokens. Also probably some minor stuff.

2) Some enemies like engineers can be "broken" by manufacturing them. You need to have researched persuasion and things like that. Once that is done, you have to research broken enemy who will now say everything he knows about his faction main tech. But to broke somebody, you first need to interrogate that (for example) engineer first, so you need atleast two engineers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on May 02, 2019, 10:45:05 pm
I have Rescue Pod and Liquid Nitrogen gun only. I haven't spacesuit and can't equip other weapon.
Either loot or research a space suit. Warehouse missions are a good source for them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 03, 2019, 01:02:08 am
Well small is relative, but still 5-8 aoe vs some tank setups that have aoe 15+
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 03, 2019, 06:47:50 pm
Anyone know which ships are safeish to shoot down in the early game?  So far I'm just shooting down civilians.  The bootypedia also says wasp ships and megapol ships are a good idea to shoot down, but I'm betting this is just egging me on to fight some unwinnable base defense.

Likewise, does building an overcharged radar cause retialiation?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 03, 2019, 07:58:46 pm
I think that shooting down shipping from major factions can only trigger retalliatons, but they will happen anyways. Early in game you won't get unwinnable base defence and with right units (like dogs, blood hounds, reapers, cars and tanks) and buildings (corners with traps, flak cannons) even the hardest are pretty easy.

With low craft tech, every civilian and small ship should be easly shot down. Some medium ones as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 03, 2019, 08:30:32 pm
Really? I heard hard retaliations from factions only occur over a year into the game, the worst you can get early game without shooting dudes down is ninjas, and you can get completely unwinnable defenses early game like academy/merc etc.

For instance, I raided a small landed raider ship and my god those guys were tough.  I would not want to fight a horde of those guys in my base even if I could shoot down the ship.  If I fail a landing, I can just run.  If I fail a base defense, that's basically game over.

Mostly I'm asking because I picked gold codex, and I'm considering getting a hawk soon so I can mount my flame cannon.  Which I assume will let me shoot down bigger ships than I can really handle.  But then again at least accoring to ufopaedia, even some major factions use smaller ships, so it just seems like a crapshoot all around.

Btw, do you get morale loss when auxs die?  If not I can totally see animals being great for base defense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 03, 2019, 08:50:43 pm
Anyone know which ships are safeish to shoot down in the early game?  So far I'm just shooting down civilians.  The bootypedia also says wasp ships and megapol ships are a good idea to shoot down, but I'm betting this is just egging me on to fight some unwinnable base defense.

Likewise, does building an overcharged radar cause retialiation?

Overcharged rader does not trigger any retaliation, nor does any other building.

The pedia is right on things to shoot down. Bandit ships and megapol won't trigger retaliation.

Not mentioned so far and also safe to shoot:
Anything that is a base attack / looking for your base

There are also variants of the main races that won't retaliate. Diplomacy, courier and freight have these for example. On some missions there is a mix of retal and non-retal factions, gold transport and research for example, so it's a bit tricky.
So freigthers are save to shoot down most of the time. The only freigther that has a chance to retaliate is the gold freigther with government dudes. Freight mission has several frigthers and only freigther, gold transport just one after a sequence of military vessels. If you see two freigthers in the same region within a couple of days, those are safe to shoot.
Couriers are also safe most of the time. The only courier that can trigger retaliation is part of a sway government mission, and here you still have a chance to get a non-retal faction.

Zombies is kinda the same, but easier to notice. If you find zombies on a ship, any further ship of the same mission will also have zombies and is safe to shoot down.

So you see, there are a lot of things that are safe to shoot. However, there are scripted (easy) base attacks as early as the third month, so you will need to be prepared quite early.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 03, 2019, 08:55:44 pm
Oh yeah I've played the early game a few times, and I've run into Dr x's guys and some ratmen.  So I know enough to keep some people garrisoned to fend off random guys.  I just don't want to shoot down some UFO and then end up mindraped by VooDoo experts or blown up by blaster launchers or something.

That's awesome, thanks for the info :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 03, 2019, 09:34:27 pm
PPL, I cant make armored car with flak, or the 85mm tank gun. It wont appear in the production menu. WTF?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2019, 12:51:47 am
Check that you have the proper production facilities, not all components for HWP require the same facilities.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 04, 2019, 11:42:08 am
I'll see what I'd been doing wrong. No way things just disappear here, this ain't no Darklands.
It offers the 85mm tank, but no the 85mm tank gun. So what do I shoot with? Underwear?
1) How do we undo right-clicking on a Black Market item that makes it vanish from the list?
2) How do we rearrange the base buildings?
3) How many govt vessels can we do per month? Is it just about the score, or is it also about retaliation..?
4) What do we wear when using poison weapons, namely grenades? Kicking the bucket due to one's own weapon sounds like a Sanatorium idea...

Hey, WTH's with the Heavy GL incendiary ammo? I fire one and it just napalms half of the screen. Sounds quite Nero-ish and cool when wearing Hovers:) Seems that heavy stuff does some heavy fun here, har, har, har:)

Oh, about Nero...

"Oh, oh, Rome burns.
To the bones and dust.
And do you know whyyy?
With all, for it's Emperor, oh, love luuuust..."

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2019, 12:37:07 pm
I'll see what I'd been doing wrong. No way things just disappear here, this ain't no Darklands.
It offers the 85mm tank, but no the 85mm tank gun. So what do I shoot with? Underwear?
1) How do we undo right-clicking on a Black Market item that makes it vanish from the list?
2) How do we rearrange the base buildings?
3) How many govt vessels can we do per month? Is it just about the score, or is it also about retaliation..?
4) What do we wear when using poison weapons, namely grenades? Kicking the bucket due to one's own weapon sounds like a Sanatorium idea...
1)Sort by "hidden" category and it will show all the items you toggled to hidden with right click.
2) ctrl click(?) might be ctrl alt click), then place in new location. costs 330k to move thou.
3) it's both but 1-2 is usually insignificant, that said government units once there interrogation pools are empty have minimal value, since most cant be slaved.
4) Sealed/helmeted armor like space suits, smokey and some power armor will mitigate gas attacks, alternatively gasmask utility item.

Dunno what to tell you about the 85mm gun production, if you post a save i can look closer. The tree and all the interlocking requirements make it a bit hard to know exactly what's the problem without details.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on May 05, 2019, 10:43:35 am

really accidentally? you shake your finger misplacedly ?

Lol, well, accidentally as, a marsec bodyguard decided it'd be fun to roll a bad number with his weapon and missed his shot, melting my armored vault at the time. Having to sell stuff.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 05, 2019, 12:29:19 pm
Hey,it's OK. I did hide the Flak Car (BOY that one rocks!!) and as for the 85mm gun, I forgot that didn't even research it, ROFL:). Am sorry for the fuss.

But I will post a save anyway. Here? Good?

I had another weird experience. So I wanted an industrial printer in one o' my bases, and I chose a Hangar to build atop of it - why not? So, I relocated the craft to another base and - can you believe this sh*t - the game says: facility in use. An EMPTY one with the craft fokkin M-O-V-E-D. So I swore at the cute damn thing, had a beer and - after some ingame time - I could build my ind. printer as I wanted it. WTH? NVM, it's all OK now.

PS: You did you say st. about the 15x15 AOE tanks, did you? Well, mein Freund, Der Mörser ALSO rocks - can it trash a Merc Hovertank? Man, I so wanna trash, trample, bury alive, rip apart, dissolve in acid, etc. a Mercs crew... You should see my WOW face when I used the Mörser (Bombard, of course) for the 1st time. With chem ammo... Heheheh, THAT was something. FWÖÖÖMPS!! "Don't shoot, we fokkin surrender!!" "Sehr gut, kommt ihr RAUS, verfuchte Schwein, with ze Händen sehr hoch, oder ze anoderr granate vill vollow, ja, ja."

MAN, I am sorry for cursing and stuff - if I should be, anywayz - I mean, this is a PirateZ thread, so...

I HAVE to tell you and to the Crew here, something MOST honestly:
I, Alex, LOVE this mod in any way such thing can be loved. The Gals, the humor, the rum, the weapons, the... the Everything.
THANK YOU FOR THIS EXISTS:) I will help you in any way possible as soon as I can.


PPS: Hope you'll enjoy the savegame:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2019, 06:27:57 pm
The bootypedia also says wasp ships and megapol ships are a good idea to shoot down, but I'm betting this is just egging me on to fight some unwinnable base defense.

That was a hurtful accusation, really. It made me sad and angry. Moreso that I added it only because people like you were too confused and I decided adding extra clarity was needed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 05, 2019, 07:48:27 pm
Dioxine, please do not let anyone or anything hurt you, or the PirateZ.
I am gaming since I was 10 and am now well over 40, which makes me a gamer with 30+ yrs of experience.

AND I tell you.

Nothing comes close to the X-Piratez so far. THIS RULES. THIS beats Fallouts and STALKERS, et cetera. No such graphics, yes, but this comes from 1994. As for playability, this is Number One. Such a beautiful plot, the research tree, things here, guns... What more do they want? Some are just jealous at anything beautiful. Who doesn't like this, pronto - there's more than 10k other video gamez out there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on May 05, 2019, 09:44:58 pm
Dioxine, please do not let anyone or anything hurt you, or the PirateZ.
I am gaming since I was 10 and am now well over 40, which makes me a gamer with 30+ yrs of experience.

AND I tell you.

Nothing comes close to the X-Piratez so far. THIS RULES. THIS beats Fallouts and STALKERS, et cetera. No such graphics, yes, but this comes from 1994. As for playability, this is Number One. Such a beautiful plot, the research tree, things here, guns... What more do they want? Some are just jealous at anything beautiful. Who doesn't like this, pronto - there's more than 10k other video gamez out there.

+1 Here
(same opinion as my namesake fellow forum member)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 05, 2019, 11:23:30 pm
TYVM. Well, we know who Alex Murphy is, right? OK, Alex, and now, pls, let me, Alex, ask st.
PPL, do we 1st interrogate a big shot, or research them? My game dayscI can interrogate Engineers ftom Avad and Guild, but that I can research Esper and Provost. Grat, grat... Hm...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 06, 2019, 02:02:04 am
regular research, before breaking and interrogations
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cc on May 06, 2019, 07:21:46 am
I had another weird experience. So I wanted an industrial printer in one o' my bases, and I chose a Hangar to build atop of it - why not? So, I relocated the craft to another base and - can you believe this sh*t - the game says: facility in use. An EMPTY one with the craft fokkin M-O-V-E-D. So I swore at the cute damn thing, had a beer and - after some ingame time - I could build my ind. printer as I wanted it. WTH? NVM, it's all OK now.
Hangar also provides 5 workshop space which will have been in use.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 06, 2019, 09:57:16 am
Seems like there's simply no other option but that - research AND interrogation. SRY 4 my "Is that big light the Sun?" question. Sumtime my tomahawk be smarter than me. Woah.
So when we build atop of something, we better stop all production..?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 06, 2019, 01:14:17 pm
Yep! Or at least reduce production so that 5 runt spots are free, then you can build over a hangar.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on May 06, 2019, 08:29:27 pm
That was a hurtful accusation, really. It made me sad and angry. Moreso that I added it only because people like you were too confused and I decided adding extra clarity was needed.

I would think that only mercs and stargods could elicit hurtful accusations :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 06, 2019, 09:32:54 pm
I always have some poisoned arrows and blades for the mercs's ass. But how to trash their tanks?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 06, 2019, 11:22:41 pm
Mercenary hovertanks are incredibly hard nuts to crack. You'll want a really big gun or EMP, either will require investment into research and manufacturing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 06, 2019, 11:34:07 pm
MAG Rockets will probably do the trick. But then again, you need to research those.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on May 07, 2019, 12:10:09 am
I just ran into one....i gave it 8 hellerium grenades, some meelee, a lot of normal guns, all of which did almost nothing. Then i went with 2 laser weapons, which finally cracked it. And yes, i save scummed like hell to be able to do this. But it was that or run away from a progrom.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sambojin on May 07, 2019, 07:03:46 am
With a minimum of 80 armour (usually you'll be hitting 110 or 100) I tend to fall back onto the old faithful, the assault cannon. It might be a 40/60 on whether you'll do any damage, but when you do, it might be a pretty big lump of it.

There's a slight possibility of 4-shotting them from beneath, though you're probably better to assume 8-10 hits with solid cannonballs to take them out. Not usually a huge problem to get your hands on that sort of firepower (I tend to carry 3+ of them at most times early on, just because they're so versatile. The reloads are horrible though)

Big edit: darn, they've got a fair bit of resistance too. Meaning lots more cannonballs needed. Sorry. I must have damaged my one a bit earlier. The greater range does make it a lot safer than grenades though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 07, 2019, 11:15:29 am
TYVM, ppl. An Asssult Cannon? Like that from the beginning of the game? Hm... Yea, I'll nake some. Theu have all kinds of ammo. And the h-tank is sensitive to superconducting ones, right? If so, I know what I do next, heh-heh-heh:) I can also offer it a really assorted selestion of recoilless rifles, RPGs, rocket launchers, advanced rocket launchers... SVP, Monsieur Tank, voulez Vous munchez moi rocketez..?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 07, 2019, 06:23:07 pm
I found out that 65mm tank with hellerium shells works wonders against Hover Tanks. Try this one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 07, 2019, 07:29:17 pm
So, a question about supplemental resistance items:

Are they multiplying the armor multipliers, or are they being added to them?

For instance a Space Towel states that it reduces temperature effects by 1/5th. Is that doing Heat/Cold *.80, or -20?

I had originally believed that it was additive, and that you would want to stack them on armor that already had good resists in those areas, but I'm starting to think that they're multiplicative, and given the nature of XCOM's resists, they're actually more effective on armor which has an issue with that resistance. (I still love towels in general for the early morale regen)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 07, 2019, 07:42:08 pm
But I'm starting to think that they're multiplicative, and given the nature of XCOM's resists, they're actually more effective on armor which has an issue with that resistance.

This is correct and is the intended use of such items: shoring up glaring holes in your damage modifiers. The actual formula is more complex in that there are diminishing returns on stacking multiple defensive items, but in general the worse your starting resistances, the more the items will help you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 08, 2019, 01:33:34 am
This is correct and is the intended use of such items: shoring up glaring holes in your damage modifiers. The actual formula is more complex in that there are diminishing returns on stacking multiple defensive items, but in general the worse your starting resistances, the more the items will help you.

I suspected there would be built in diminishing returns since ( 100 * 0.8 ) * 0.8 will not be a 40% improvement. Normally exactly why you never allow stacking multiplicative buffs, but the math takes care of itself when you're going the other way. Thanks!

One other thing I forgot:

Warrior armor has a trait "Large Target", which as far as I know isn't a flag or anything in OXCE. It also doesn't have any obvious effects. Is that just indicating that the armor uses a larger loftemp than most trappings, and thus is literally a bigger target?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 08, 2019, 08:27:11 pm
It means that warrior armor has a slighty bigger hitbox and this doesn't really matter in the long run. It can only make already very rare shoots that would otherwise miss by a pixel to hit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 09, 2019, 12:03:47 am
Is there a source of animal poison other than giant spiders? I saw spiders exactly once, like in month two before I had any capability to take them on. The only reason I even have the research is that a cannibal told me about it. From what I recall, it was not purchasable at all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 09, 2019, 12:40:56 am
Giant cockeoaches, gambling and also giant scorpions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 09, 2019, 03:05:09 am
Giant cockeoaches, gambling and also giant scorpions.

Lol, the two missions which have never spawned in a year and a half. Maybe I'll get lucky spinning the wheel for the 1,500th time. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 09, 2019, 04:36:19 am
thankfully the item itself isn't required for very many productions. the knowledge is more important.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 09, 2019, 04:41:07 am
Yeah, but I really want poison knives. They seem like the ultimate anti-armor weapon against almost anything living, and I have multiple 100+ melee gals from all my cattle prodding of civvies. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 09, 2019, 11:37:26 am
How do you get these Master Crafted Weapon Parts?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 09, 2019, 03:53:33 pm
Lol, the two missions which have never spawned in a year and a half. Maybe I'll get lucky spinning the wheel for the 1,500th time. :)

Just to avoid misunderstanding, you get the animal poisons only from the coupons. If you spin the wheel and don't redeem the coupons, you won't get any animal poison ever.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 09, 2019, 09:36:46 pm
How do you get these Master Crafted Weapon Parts?

They're extremely rare from what I recall. I think you can disassemble certain high end weapons for them, but I'm not sure.

Just to avoid misunderstanding, you get the animal poisons only from the coupons. If you spin the wheel and don't redeem the coupons, you won't get any animal poison ever.
Yeah, I cash in the coupons, too, unless they're of a rarity that cannot be redeemed at rank C. But there are only so many coupons as well. I tend to get a lot of guns that I don't need or want, or supplies from last tier. Gambling seems like something good to do very early, later on it's going to give you a lot of stuff you're just going to turn around and sell.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 10, 2019, 03:09:14 pm
What I have to do in my game? I havn't any research project and nothing appears new in the game for several monthes.
I attach my savegame file.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 10, 2019, 04:09:40 pm
Ave, populvs x-comvs. Can I destroy a Merc hovertank with my gothic plasma gun?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on May 10, 2019, 06:26:45 pm
Technically yes, practically no.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 10, 2019, 06:34:06 pm
Think heavier. Much much heavier. PS Autocannons and Mag Rockets should work nicely.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 10, 2019, 06:54:40 pm
So PS Autocannon would be PlastaSteel AC ammo? And howzabouta 105mm armored car? Or a quad rockets one? Or a 25mm one? Tanks? Bombard? A FLAK AC? Some1 here mentioned that shotguns are good for the HovTanks' shields trashing and Flak AC is one. My garage has all that. What do I bring in my Kursk battle?

And what do u think of Electric Net?

I got my ind. printers up n runnin. What would YOU use these for first?

Need advice. I have 4 bases with each over 1000 storage capacity overflowing with loot. I have stuffed my poor Metallo with wheat and tons of other junk, gold bars and demon noggins, etc., but my bases are stuffed like a stuffed animal with all kinds of surgical units, slave AIs... You know. Can some1 recommend me how much of what to keep, at least something? I am starting to feel like a superintendant in his GF's store. 😅
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 10, 2019, 07:27:42 pm
Minilaunchers with EMP minibombs should do the trick, just don’t expect to one shot the thing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 10, 2019, 10:37:46 pm
For sorting out inventory problems you can right click on a item in inventory screen to see what you can build with it. You can at least sort out what's just for sale loot, and then chose based on what you want to build in the future for what else you keep.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 10, 2019, 11:24:08 pm
If you're trying to figure out what weapons will work, it's handy to use the scanner on the Brainer outfit to check out units you aren't familiar with and look at their armor values. If you're looking at 70+ all around, realize that your weapons will likely need to be hitting with a similar level of power to have any real hope of denting them. Also the piercing damage type tends to be heavily resisted by armored targets, so you'll be wanting something else. It's generally a common sense thing. You can't kill a tank with bullets*. Anti-tank weapons on the other hand are built for that purpose.

There's also always maces and acid flasks, which actually strip armor regardless of their ability to penetrate it.

*Unless you are the A-10, then you can, in fact, kill tanks with bullets.

What I have to do in my game? I havn't any research project and nothing appears new in the game for several monthes.
I attach my savegame file.
The most obvious thing I can see is you never cashed in Prize: Bank Favors with the Goblin Jaxx. That's locking you out of Diplomacy, which is locking you out of Contacts: Authorized Dealers and Interrogation Techniques, which is locking you out of a lot of things.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 11, 2019, 12:02:37 pm
Yesyes, TYVM, gentlemen.

I have thought about these things, loot and hovertanks.
So, loot - just put , f.e., all personal databases, in one place. In one base. Ship 'em all there. Do so with everything else that ought to be treated like this. Right click, see what it does, how much do you need, see how much you can sell, i.e. how often do you get to have that loot. And act accordingly.

Hovertanks. Yes, bullets can't harm a tank, that's right. I am devising my tac against those, but have forgotten about the acid flasks. Their only con is the limited range.

Yea, which shotgun do you find best? I - the CAWS, for now. It has tight grouping and does exceptionally well VS Zombies. Imagine 3 little Loknars on a Ratmen Cache mission defeating a horde of Z's? With CAWS - yes.

About Loknars. I see that they are really stealthy and many good armors are available for them later on. Would you create a specialized, dedicated team of Loknars for all kind of missions. Hm? Do we give the cute Bigears a chance?

ATTN Devon_V:
Yea, the Poisoned Knives rule(z). You get poison on
Blood Rituals missions
Them's the main reason I almost never use any other melee, LOLZ - and have full ship of it.

Man, I got this very large Acad ship yesterday, the one they spread propaganda with - THAT was a feeling. Oh frack, I love this game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 11, 2019, 02:25:22 pm
Best shotgun? Mammoth is pretty good and available relatively early if you have somebody strong enough to use it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 11, 2019, 02:57:57 pm
ATTN Devon_V:
Yea, the Poisoned Knives rule(z). You get poison on
Blood Rituals missions
Them's the main reason I almost never use any other melee, LOLZ - and have full ship of it.

Blood Rituals can have poison as loot. I can assure you it's not guaranteed. :)

So, does anything other than Hellerium and Plastasteel require both a workshop and the lab in the same base? That really threw me, and I'd like to know if I can get rid of this expensive and space wasting extra workshop afterwards. I expanded early and put all manufacture in my third base, which obviously can't have a lab until very late in the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 11, 2019, 02:59:35 pm

The most obvious thing I can see is you never cashed in Prize: Bank Favors with the Goblin Jaxx. That's locking you out of Diplomacy, which is locking you out of Contacts: Authorized Dealers and Interrogation Techniques, which is locking you out of a lot of things.

Thank you for your help.
How can I cash in Prize: Bank Favors? There isn't it in manufacture list.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 11, 2019, 05:50:48 pm
Thank you for your help.
How can I cash in Prize: Bank Favors? There isn't it in manufacture list.

You have to "cash in" and research one, or two previous, less expensive bounties,
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 11, 2019, 08:48:14 pm
You have to "cash in" and research one, or two previous, less expensive bounties,

"cash in"  with iron coupons? I don't understand, sorry for my stupidity.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 11, 2019, 09:41:50 pm
Produce the prizes (only one each). Just search for "prize" (or price? can't remember) in the production screen. Then research them. Have a look if you can produce new ones afterwards.
It is in the same category as the other token production projects like freeing prisoners.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 11, 2019, 09:55:59 pm
It's "Prize".

Just look at the prizes which require Goblin Zaxx tokens, most of them are guns or the like. That part of the game is a bit counter intuitive, as many of the prizes don't look valuable, or aren't even what they seem like. (Mutant Martial Arts being a key unlock for a bunch of techs and not actually martial arts training for instance.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 11, 2019, 11:47:23 pm
So the security corridor says it gates off the ladders to the sewers,  but only seems to gate some of them off:  The only place I've seen enemies enter the sewers anyways is from the hangars which isn't gated off.  Can you safely just build over this thing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 11, 2019, 11:57:58 pm
So the security corridor says it gates off the ladders to the sewers,  but only seems to gate some of them off:  The only place I've seen enemies enter the sewers anyways is from the hangars which isn't gated off.  Can you safely just build over this thing?

Buildings can't change battlescape properties of other buildings. Security corridor only gates off sewers in the same tile.
Smart building is the answer here. Build hangars in the corner and edge of base, then build burrows, beast's den and barracs around. With enough gals and dogs it will be easy to guard, or even scout sewers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 12, 2019, 12:22:13 am
or just set the very flammable sewers on fire.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 12, 2019, 01:29:38 pm
Regarding PRIZES (Jack, Goblin Zaxx, Mutant Alliance)
Go to the world map, press two times Q and type "prize:" See? For example, the Silver Snake leads to something MUCH more powerful, etc. So study these in detail, as you won't get those things anywhere else, Research Make (manufacture) one piece of each one you need, and then research it. The road to more fun will be open.

Man, I had some serious fight with the Smugglers yesterday. Holy Lasergun... Those goddamn Catwomen. And that verfuchte Seise Pub(l)ic Enemy. God. I had 3 (THREE) fights yesterday with them and, for anyone interested, HERE's how you win these (learned da rock hard way):
Save/QS yer game. Try to tail (shadow, follow...) them until they land. If it's daytime, land and attack. If you can't ground attack during the day, load the game and shoot them down. Return when daylight. GROUND ATTACK: Be prepared for a LOT of savescumming, this one is hard. Before fight, arm your gals as you want - but mind you, Smugglers are not an everyday encounter, so you'll want prisoners. BRING ARMORED CARS!! Possibly with Heavy MG, you don't want to blow up the loot. Have your vehicles scout the map and possibly find and disable the enemies that are out of their craft, including the Public Enemy - the "Jedi" that attacks yer gals with evil magic.  WATCH OUT, it has a Laser Sword and is GOOD with it. As for gals, deploy them inside of your craft to be in cover and protect the entrances. The Catwomen are very hard to see, you'll have NO CHANCE in the open!! They are armed with very powerful guns. The best way to search with your vehicles would be to advance along the Battlescape (IN PAIR!!), retreat a 1/3 or maybe 1/2 of the space you have covered, etc. When you (hopefully) clear the Battlescape, pray and send a squad to their craft's entrance ramp. If the Public Enemy wasn't out there, it WILL BE in there, do 3-4 gals and a vehicle, deployed to crossfire cover the entrance will be good enough to kill the Seise. MIND YOU, you'll want a HOVER Gal or two to lurk at the enemy's craft wall, a level below the roof, and pop out every turn to see if an enemy came out to the roof. !!!SAVE AT THE END OF EACH TURN!!!

OK, so much from me. You devise your own tactics for this.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 12, 2019, 02:38:15 pm
Can anyone list all pernament decission choices?

1. Codex - any important changes durning last year?
2. Slave Soldiers - this is new to me, can anyone elaborate?
3. Doctor X ending - I saw another topic about this so no extra explonation needed
... etc.

I wish I could have more time to play this :|

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 12, 2019, 02:43:59 pm
Can anyone list all pernament decission choices?

1. Codex - any important changes durning last year?
2. Slave Soldiers - this is new to me, can anyone elaborate?
3. Doctor X ending - I saw another topic about this so no extra explonation needed
... etc.

I wish I could have more time to play this :|
That's most of it I think. Slave Soldiers isn't even permanent, it just changes when and how you get access to slaves and warriors. Eurosyndicate deal used to be permanent, but there's a way to get out of it now if the tech viewer is to be believed.

Codexes only got tweaked. Amazon is gold, Red Dragon is red. They all have partial access to a third voodoo school.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 12, 2019, 02:53:58 pm
Produce the prizes (only one each). Just search for "prize" (or price? can't remember) in the production screen. Then research them. Have a look if you can produce new ones afterwards.
It is in the same category as the other token production projects like freeing prisoners.

I researched everyone prize. For the Bank Favor need Bank Taskmaster. Where I can get it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 12, 2019, 03:40:21 pm
You got that one mixed up, you can buy taskmasters with bank favours.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 12, 2019, 11:45:20 pm
Man, I had some serious fight with the Smugglers yesterday. Holy Lasergun... Those goddamn Catwomen. And that verfuchte Seise Pub(l)ic Enemy. God.

Catgirls actually aren't that tough because unlike some games their stealth is just visual. They tend to give themselves away with their reaction fire, and once you know what tile they're in, you can lob bombs at them or just blind fire with an accurate gal. I took on a smuggler ship with warrior armor and swords and did alright. Couldn't take it, but I got weapons and a prisoner out of it. If I went back now with my mortars and 248% sniper gal I'm pretty sure I could take it. Melee is the great equalizer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 12, 2019, 11:50:47 pm
Quote from: Devon_v

Codexes only got tweaked. Amazon is gold, Red Dragon is red. They all have partial access to a third voodoo school.

Amazon outfit? Why it is gated behind codex? Any new buffs for this armour?
Red Dragon? Only dragon i remember was Chinese Dragon rocket of doom.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 13, 2019, 01:52:29 am
Amazon outfit? Why it is gated behind codex? Any new buffs for this armour?
Red Dragon? Only dragon i remember was Chinese Dragon rocket of doom.

Probably because the codex was viewed as needing more of a buff/it makes more of a difference between codexes? I did mean the Chinese Dragon. (I've never seen or used one)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 13, 2019, 11:28:31 am
Catgirls actually aren't that tough because unlike some games their stealth is just visual. They tend to give themselves away with their reaction fire, and once you know what tile they're in, you can lob bombs at them or just blind fire with an accurate gal. I took on a smuggler ship with warrior armor and swords and did alright. Couldn't take it, but I got weapons and a prisoner out of it. If I went back now with my mortars and 248% sniper gal I'm pretty sure I could take it. Melee is the great equalizer.

Yea, I forgot about grenades. Would've been a HELL lot easier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 13, 2019, 12:24:14 pm
The chinese dragon is only good for wiping out the ground forces on the ancient base where you get nuclear laser schematrics. It is an expensive overkill everywhere else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kikanaide on May 13, 2019, 06:33:11 pm
QQ: Is there really no use for the Memorial Stele other than selling?  Speaking of, what of the various Uber crops that don't have a right-click use?  Just flavor?

Finally, any thoughts on a reliable source of Glamour?  I thought I remembered seeing one that was surprisingly easy in the manufacturing tree, but as I'm looking through now I can't find it again.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 13, 2019, 11:55:54 pm
You get the most by enslaving human magic users.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 14, 2019, 05:43:44 pm
About Mint.

I read some post about how to use Mint and am a bit confused.
So... Do I sell all the processed chips, or can I re-process some..?


What do I do?
Mobwana, in Hidden Expanse still be using sea-shells and tusks... No anderstand wa Mobwana need paper or strange plast-ic for?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 14, 2019, 08:21:34 pm
I read some post about how to use Mint and am a bit confused.
So... Do I sell all the processed chips, or can I re-process some..?

You can do whatever you want! You're as pirate, yarr!

But practically speaking, it depends. You can reprocess the chips, or sell them, or balance the two as per your needs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Oleg on May 15, 2019, 04:34:28 pm
How can I kill Sectopod? I have played a ground mission for 5 hour and the last enemy is Sectopod, I can't defeat him.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 15, 2019, 05:39:01 pm
How can I kill Sectopod? I have played a ground mission for 5 hour and the last enemy is Sectopod, I can't defeat him.

What are your assets? Heavy armor requires specific resources to overcome. Hellerium grenades, HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank), white phosphorus shells, cannon, or failing that flasks of acid or the trusty metal mace. Unlike every other version of X-Com and XCOM, volume of small arms fire will never bring down targets with that level of armor in X-Piratez.

Also, as I am unfamiliar with many of the endgame foes, make certain that the target is not flashing colors when you hit it. That indicates that it is shielded, and you will need to bring down the shield with concentrated fire (small arms actually will work here, and are often the best option) before you can apply damage to its chassis. You can hit CTRL+H after firing on it to see what the status of the shot was. "=>" means miss, "0" means a hit for no effect (shields will also be displayed this way, but you ARE depleting them), "hit" means you scored at least a single point of damage, and "HIT!" means you did significant damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 15, 2019, 06:55:47 pm
Is it a new feature that gal can shoot and be shot from craft windows? I really dont remember this behavior a year ago.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 15, 2019, 10:11:58 pm
How bad is failing a pogrom?  Is it like the original xcom where you weren't likely to go negative in score if you at least showed up?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 15, 2019, 11:32:24 pm
TYVM, Scorch. I'll get it already, hm. And does the Industrial Scanner have any purpose, except to be sold? I HAVE the Industrial printer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 16, 2019, 12:00:48 am
Is it a new feature that gal can shoot and be shot from craft windows? I really dont remember this behavior a year ago.
Not sure when that started. It's intentional though, also applies to the windows on "UFOs" and towers.

How bad is failing a pogrom?  Is it like the original xcom where you weren't likely to go negative in score if you at least showed up?
OG still gives you a negative if you land and leave turn one, it's just not as bad as ignoring it. Letting it time out is -1000 in both, landing and leaving is minus every civilian present.

The difference in X-Piratez is if you aren't in the Mutant Alliance you aren't docked the thousand for ignoring it. Landing and leaving will cost you MORE points prior to joining.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 16, 2019, 02:44:50 am
OH!  I guess it's not bad at all, because I was landing leaving sometimes before just because I like trying the easier ones.  Neato.  That's the only purely negative side of joining the mutant alliance right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 16, 2019, 12:29:18 pm
OH!  I guess it's not bad at all, because I was landing leaving sometimes before just because I like trying the easier ones.  Neato.  That's the only purely negative side of joining the mutant alliance right?
Pretty much. You can still skip them if you can't handle it, you just have to show up. It'll still cost -400 or so if you can't get some kills to offset that though. It's pretty much like the original once you join.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 16, 2019, 04:16:56 pm
What exactly is the shotgun choke stat I see under analysis on a number of shotguns?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 16, 2019, 05:27:20 pm
its the value governing how tightly grouped the pellets in a given shot are. Same term from a RL shotgun.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 17, 2019, 04:40:19 am
Do enemy ships have cloaking devices just like the Piratez? I get a notification that it's spawned, but it immediately disappears, even while it's still in my radar range.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 17, 2019, 08:11:57 am
Hmmm, is it normal for most pogroms to just be massive amounts of explosives hurled from both sides?  Or is this just what humanist soldiers is like?  Did two soldier pogroms and there's not much left of the map.  I remember doing some humanist activist pogroms and those were a little less extreme.

8 looted RPGS lmao.

( (
( (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 17, 2019, 09:08:10 am
Hmmm, is it normal for most pogroms to just be massive amounts of explosives hurled from both sides?  Or is this just what humanist soldiers is like?  Did two soldier pogroms and there's not much left of the map.  I remember doing some humanist activist pogroms and those were a little less extreme.

8 looted RPGS lmao.

There's like over a dozen different Pogrom configurations, but yes, the Humanists do carry RPGs. There's even multiple Humanist Pogrom configurations, one with Activists and Military Police, one with soldiers like you fought, and a harder variant of that, adding Stormtroopers, tanks, and high powered laser weapons into the mix.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 17, 2019, 12:29:44 pm
What's the deal with Heavy Freighter? Once my crew got under it, they started falling unconsciuous, and my Armored Car blew up when going down the 4x4 elevator into one of the "Skis."

"There's even multiple Humanist Pogrom configurations, one with Activists and Military Police, one with soldiers like you fought, and a harder variant of that, adding Stormtroopers, tanks, and high powered laser weapons into the mix."

AM ready fer that now:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 17, 2019, 05:47:51 pm
Ho are nuclear lasers different from other, except that they don't need ammo? Since I am using some 9 looted ones of all kinds, my fights are wayz easier than before. Especially Splatty - it splatters everything that is laser treatible.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 17, 2019, 06:40:50 pm
Do enemy ships have cloaking devices just like the Piratez? I get a notification that it's spawned, but it immediately disappears, even while it's still in my radar range.
It reached it's destination and landed at a facility or city and was removed from the game. It's the same mechanic as UFOs leaving the atmosphere and returning to Mars in the original game, you missed your chance to intercept. Bear in mind that all shipping is simulated at all times regardless of whether or not you can see it. Just because you detected it doesn't mean it's not two seconds from completing it's route and despawning.

Ho are nuclear lasers different from other, except that they don't need ammo? Since I am using some 9 looted ones of all kinds, my fights are wayz easier than before. Especially Splatty - it splatters everything that is laser treatible.

Nuclear lasers have a nuclear power source, and thus effectively infinite ammo within the scope of a single engagement. Lasers with ammo counts are battery powered. Same principal as a nuclear submarine versus a battery powered one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on May 17, 2019, 06:48:34 pm
For the most part the nuclear lasers are an upgrade from what you've been finding.  Some are definitely better than others and some are weaker than their counterparts.  Personally I like the gatling laser the most, that thing is badass.  The shotgun is really nice too though.  I like using the standard nuclear laser (the one that uses the vanilla laser rifle sprite) on my B-team and/or for base defense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 17, 2019, 07:07:28 pm
For the most part the nuclear lasers are an upgrade from what you've been finding.  Some are definitely better than others and some are weaker than their counterparts.  Personally I like the gatling laser the most, that thing is badass.  The shotgun is really nice too though.  I like using the standard nuclear laser (the one that uses the vanilla laser rifle sprite) on my B-team and/or for base defense.

From what I've seen of the tech tree, Nuclear lasers are generally better until you unlock AP Lasers. Advanced Lasgun is 45 Laser Damage, AP Lasgun Clip is 60 Laser Damage, plus it has better armor penetration (50% vs 66.6%)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 17, 2019, 07:14:36 pm
What is the mutant crab art sourced from? It's so cute.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 17, 2019, 07:46:23 pm
Yea, I also got 3 Advanced Lassomething with infinite ammo and it's not as near precise as the Snuffy (deserves the name all right).

So I have been thinking. Some of you complain that you have only Mercs and SGs pogroms, etc. so, here, I give you my very first and very latest saves from my gameplay. If you use these, you'll be facing mostly Church, Guild, Humanists, Ratmen and Academy with occasional and very predictable (they appear in the same part of the World for some time) Mercs, Reticulans, Smugglers, Bandits. That's so far, of course. Pogroms are not very hard - you will be facing regular foes, no Mercs, no SGs, no Godzillas:)

I was always a helping friend and I stay true to my reputation.

PS: I bet you will like my inventory presets ;)

NB: Difficulty is EASIEST. It's my first gameplay and also, I play to have fun and not to lose all of my nerves.

PPS: I would greatly appreciate any cool advises and tips from anyone that can provide some.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 17, 2019, 10:30:39 pm
What is the mutant crab art sourced from? It's so cute.

It's from Giana Sisters DS.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 17, 2019, 10:40:12 pm
It's from Giana Sisters DS.

Well that's the last answer I'd expect to hear. Cute though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 18, 2019, 01:49:23 am
Hmmm, is it normal for most pogroms to just be massive amounts of explosives hurled from both sides?  Or is this just what humanist soldiers is like?  Did two soldier pogroms and there's not much left of the map.  I remember doing some humanist activist pogroms and those were a little less extreme.
The grey Xs are just any item on the ground, not just explosives. Note the grey X for the loot pile inside small room in the turtle.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 18, 2019, 02:07:27 am
The grey Xs are just any item on the ground, not just explosives. Note the grey X for the loot pile inside small room in the turtle.

The screenshot is showing off the map devastation. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 18, 2019, 07:16:16 am
Is there a full list of where all the music was "borrowed" from? I just heard one of the mission briefing tunes in Far Cry 5.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 18, 2019, 07:17:24 am
Gotta admit the air war has me totally confused.  I can down wasps and megapol with seagulls, but they're too expensive.  Spike missiles are even worse considering the accuracy.  And cannons just feel too dangerous, I already derped an aircar and that sucked.  Is hunter killer the first ship I can use to take these on efficiently?  Or am I just doing it wrong? I picked gold codex, so I don't have any craft that that has both high HP and multiple light weapons. 

I'm about to build one anyways, just wondering what I could have been missing out on.  Seems like green codex is not such a bad choice, that worm ship looks like it'd be great for taking down these early bad guys.

Edit: ^ The death screams are the fun ones.  One's from deus ex, one's the hollywood wilhelm scream, there's a few others I recognize from oldschool games.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sambojin on May 18, 2019, 08:56:21 am
Are you using multiple interceptors (and maybe a tank)? Makes things a lot easier.

Hit the little square to close the window until they're all "engaged". Open the tank ship's window first, so it takes the damage by getting in range first. Then send in all the lighter interceptor craft (who will do damage, but not take any). This is why sone ships have fast repair rates. They might not do much damage themselves, but they'll repair very quickly after soaking up the shots fired at them, as the lighter ships pile on the dps without getting a scratch on them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 18, 2019, 09:03:21 am
Ah, so maybe like, send in a shadowbat with dual airballs and an aircar with cannons?  Yeah that sounds like it'd work.  Hopefully I can solo these guys with a hunter killer, though, the 3k speed looks handy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 18, 2019, 01:34:36 pm
ATTN Greep,
The air combat is the same as in the Vanilla X-Com. You pick what you want to shoot down, see where it's heading and send your Spitfires to get that Bf-109. If it's a civilian - these are yummy and unarmed and thus yummy - anything with a gun will bring it down.
Here, for you - if you want - and for anyone interested, my take on the air combat and stuff that has something to do with it.
For any bigger target you'll want your Menace Class (and something else) to take care of.
Here's how I've been doing it here:
- when all my crafts are in range (have air combat windows), I maximize them all.
- Then, I send the toughest in first, (I use aggressive attack ONLY, as this brings us in for rapid fire). That's what the X-Com ppl call the Lead Craft. The Craft leading our attack. It will be your Menace Class for some time, I suppose.
- As soon as the 1st craft and the target start firing at each other, I quickly send in the rest, also in aggressive attack mode.
- Enjoy the KABOOMS with a grinning face:)
- If you don't like the outcome (the pig escaped, ya lost a craft, too much damage, blahblah...), quickload and repeat.
- Maybe you are a night cat, but if you're not, then return to ground party during daytime - they ain't gonna be goin' anywhere:)
- If your craft is a single-seater, you'll need a pilot that is good at firing, to add to the weapon's accuracy his own accuracy. Man, my Menace Class Metallo has pilots with Firing, Reactions and Bravery over 100, BUT it took a helluva bloody work and hospital days to reach this. Often, it's only the Metallo that I need to bring that caricature down, really. Bottom line, your ground combat SAS are the best pilots.
-Two or multiseater is another setup, of course. Here, you take some guys that are good at Firing (accuracy), Reactions (dodge enemy fire) and Bravery (the speed of your aggressive approach) and make your crew. LOKNARS can be very good at reactions! They're small, but many of them are full of surprises.

What would I recommend:
As an open-hearted and open-minded friendly, I always gladly share what I can.
So, I use my Metallo with 50mm for light and Naval Guns (those 120mm beasts) for heavy weapons. Why all guns? Well, they DO hit hard, have a lot of ammo and the ammo is easy to make. I dumped the 250mm rockets in favor of naval Guns. Well, I wanted to see what's better and armed a Swordfish with both and as soon as I SAW that the gun does better in combat, I sold all of my 250 mms and their ammo. Plus the BOOM BOOM sound that these make... Hmmmm:) I just loooove the smell of cordite in the mornin'.
My fleet: I have some Predators for intercepting of fast targets. One is armed with 50 mms and Lancers and another with 50 mms and Stingrays. These are in my central base in approx western Mongolia (ingame Turan) from where they can fly equally fast to the rest of the world. My 3rd Predator is Armed with 50s and Spikes and is in North American Base. All these Predators are there just in case that a really fast target appears. Then they shadow it until Swordfishes with Naval Guns arrive and, if possible, the Swordfishes attack it first. As for my Lancer and Stingray armed Predators, they attack with missiles only when necessary (when a big and mean ship appear), because their missiles are not easy nor cheap to make.
The mainstay of my fleet are the Swordfish craft, all armed with the 120s. I find them to be very good in combat, tough, can carry good guns, reasonably fast. Can't carry many ppl, though, so that a Kraken would be better for the secondary assault team. Or a Pachyderm - it can take a tank or other auxiliary. A Kraken IS tough AND can carry 3 120s, but it's so yaaawning S-L-O-W, bah. I had some 4-5 Krakens and replaced them all but one with Swordfishes. That flying rock can come in VERY handy sometimes, and carries my 3rd team (Loknars).

The Bases. Have it as you want, of course. I do, however, find that each base should have 2 combat craft for its own defense against an enemy base assault attempt, Swordfishes being really good at this, as proven so far. Of course, the same craft are to be used for air combat as such.

A Spy Zeppelin. Am serious:) have one parked in a middle of nowhere, the center of Pacific being ideal. When a Pogrom or Help Loknars or another mission of interest spawns, it quite often happens when your best team is returning from action elsewhere, or during night (gah, bah, phew). So, if so, you send your Zeppelin there. It will come there next year, but it's not about that.
So wait until daylight, or until refuel is complete, or whatever, send your attack craft there and your Zeppelin back to the middle of nowhere. It doesn't spend any fuel when stationary and is as slow as a snail, so it makes it perfect for this kind of job. Someone would maybe say send in a Convoy but how do I do that from Asia to South America?
One more thing. If you sent more than one craft to shoot something down and the first one did it, send other home.
Yea, shoot them down above LAND!
Jungle has most covers of all terrain, BUT is scorching hot.
Desert and snowy terrain have least cover, but are scorching hot/freezing cold - and ideal for sniping.

So it's your choice above what terrain you shoot your targets down. But if you can't, then just shoot it down and win the ground battle somehow.
AA defense. Armored vaults make for a good one. They can't be built over, though. But are better than large Vaults, if you don't plan to overbuild one with an Industrial Printer.

The Hunter Killer is not bad, well, it's the first serious craft for us to use, but get the Predators to do its job as soon as you can.
You can also consider using these Snakes. They are quite tough, can carry many ppl...

So, anywayz,

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 18, 2019, 03:01:35 pm
One note, multiple pilots stats are averaged. You want your three best overall pilots, not your single best in the three stats unless they also have solid scores in the other two. One 100 firing 30 reaction gal teamed with one 100 reaction 30 firing gal isn't getting you much.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 18, 2019, 03:19:08 pm
Yes, Devon, I will correct it right away.
I need some advises:

- What would you pick as a "heir" to Swordfish/Predator?
I have been thinking of building a base that would hold only Barracks, Hyper-wave decoder, some Armored Vaults and the rest only hangars, so that I don't have to exactly dump my good old trusty Swordfishes.

- I definitely need more brainers - what facility do I get?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 18, 2019, 03:41:32 pm
Thanks for all the advice :D

Regarding base design, I've noticed the reverse is rather fun:  Bases with 0 hangars are extremely easy to defend since there's only one entrance.  Just defeated an academy nurse one in three turns with a bunch of suicidal High Explosive doggies :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 19, 2019, 12:43:19 am
Gotta admit the air war has me totally confused.  I can down wasps and megapol with seagulls, but they're too expensive.  Spike missiles are even worse considering the accuracy.  And cannons just feel too dangerous, I already derped an aircar and that sucked.  Is hunter killer the first ship I can use to take these on efficiently?  Or am I just doing it wrong? I picked gold codex, so I don't have any craft that that has both high HP and multiple light weapons. 

I'm about to build one anyways, just wondering what I could have been missing out on.  Seems like green codex is not such a bad choice, that worm ship looks like it'd be great for taking down these early bad guys.

Edit: ^ The death screams are the fun ones.  One's from deus ex, one's the hollywood wilhelm scream, there's a few others I recognize from oldschool games.

In air combat, high reaction on the pilots is key to survival. Best use Lokk'Naars, they cap out at 125 reaction.

You have gold codex and a shadowbat, so you must have access to a Golden Hawk, no? Buy that and mount the flame cannon on it that came with the codex. That's your earliest durable fighter, it can shoot down all police and bandit ships. Again, make sure to pilot it with your highest reaction gal.
If you want more Hawks, you need to research quad cannon to have a useful weapon for them. The quad cannon fires the 25mm rounds you loot from the police ships.

The next step up in durability is the shark jetbike. You get it with authorized dealers. The key stat here is the high evasion score of 30. Craft evasion and pilot dodge is not multiplied but added, so you can get to the invulnerable no-hit zone. Most ufos have an accuracy of 70, and then the hit chance is calculated like:
70 -craft evasion -pilot dodge
A max reaction Lokk'Naar has 40+ dodge as a pilot. If you put that guy in a jetbike, all 70 accuracy ufos can't even hit him. Then your only problem is to do enough damage. That is where hunter killers become useful, as they can carry more guns. To get hunter killers up to 70 dodge, you need to put two thrusters on em (each adds 9 dodge for a total of 28 dodge on a hunter killer).
The exception to the 70 accuracy ufos is everything merc, but you wouldn't want to shoot them down anyway because that's a guaranteed retaliation.
Of the shippings you see early game, I think only the mosquito bandit fighter has more than 70 accuracy.
Edit: Wasp 80, Cobra 95, Mosquito 95. Also, police interceptor 90. All can't one shot a jetbike, so you can just disengage if you get damaged. If you pay attention you can't really loose the jetbike.

Regarding multiple interceptors: An ufo only shoots the first of your interceptors that gets into it's weapon range. So what you do is to send in your jetbike first to draw all the fire, then your other interceptors can shoot at the ufo without beeing targeted.

If you can't get a jetbike yet, the piranha airbike you get as a prize from jack also has 30 evasion. Shadowbat has 20 evasion, which is also decent. Hawk has 15.

By the way, I once shot down a bomber with three jetbikes and a Hawk. The bomber has 70 accuracy, so it can't touch the jetbike with max reaction Lokk'Naar pilot. Problem was then to do enough damage. Hawk had the flame cannon, the three jetbikes had two 50mm cannons and one gauss cannon. You hold flame cannon fire until the shields are down, because the bomber has 10 armor and the flame cannon is best to do damage then. You can then barely crash the bomber with like 13 rounds left in the gauss cannon and everything else empty. All pilots had near max accuracy of course.

- What would you pick as a "heir" to Swordfish/Predator?

The swordfish is the fastet ship for heavy weapon slots. Heavy weapons are the ones that do the most damage, so you kinda never replace the swordfish.
For durability, put thrusters on your nightmare and two max reaction Lokk'Naar pilots. That can suvive long enough in any fight. Further upgrades on interceptors are mostly just for better speed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 19, 2019, 01:11:39 am
Ah, so that's why you can't train reactions in a dojo: it's completely broken in air combat ::)

Interesting.  So I'm better off just training someone to have high reactions than doing any aircraft research at all :/

Regarding the hawk, I was mostly worried about overkill.  That flame cannon does a lot of damage.  The ammo/damage is pretty expensive too, but I guess the hawk's increased accuracy makes up for that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 19, 2019, 01:27:58 am
You are right about reaction breaking air combat. My fix would be to make dodge a multiplier, so you can never reach invulnerability. It's gotten better though as more 70+ accuracy ufos are added.

Overkill on the flamecannon is a valid concern. But the quad cannon is pretty low on the research tree, you can get it fairly quickly. You can also use the hawk to draw fire and then send in the aircar to actually do the shooting. Disable weapons in air combat by clicking on them.
Good targets for the flame cannon are freighters and military transports. 95% of freighters you see can't even spawn a retaliation, so are mostly save to shoot down.

Regarding cost of the flame cannon: if you don't buy hellerium but just use hellerium you would otherwise sell, it's actually a bit more cost effective than air balls. Also way more cost effective than seagulls.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 19, 2019, 07:39:57 am
Cool cool.  Btw, I sold my airbus because, looking at the wiki, I can cover other missions using my other ships like mansion missions.   However, I noticed that there's this bounty level C missions for jack that I can't do in a big vehicle.  Do I really have to buy an airvan to do these, or is there some other unlisted ships you can use.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 19, 2019, 07:48:07 am
Cool cool.  Btw, I sold my airbus because, looking at the wiki, I can cover other missions using my other ships like mansion missions.   However, I noticed that there's this bounty level C missions for jack that I can't do in a big vehicle.  Do I really have to buy an airvan to do these, or is there some other unlisted ships you can use.

If you attempt a mission with an incompatible vehicle, it will tell you what missions support it, but it does not include ships you have yet to research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 19, 2019, 12:12:21 pm
ATTN Eddie.


That's so smokin' cool! I'ma get an Airbike right away and will give it those two meeean Tomb Raider Loknars that have helluva reactions. Am really curious what a flight of that Jetbike and 3 Sworfishes will do.
And TYVM for the great news. My Swordfishes - I just kinda love them :D. I'd like to make a scale model of one. Am an aircraft  modeller.
- Can I, as a Red Coder, make a Flame Cannon?
- How good are the Airballs?
- Any better Heavy than the Naval Guns? Laser? Plasma? Tesla? An inexhaustible one..? Or a Sonic oscillator?

ATTN Zippicus
You're welcome.
Yes, friend, everyone has a game style, me being a flyer - AND a warrior - to the bone.

Now, if you excuse me, gentlemen, I have a cave to explore.

Oh, yes, you KNOW that you don't argue with your pilot, because...  LOL ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 19, 2019, 12:47:40 pm

- Can I, as a Red Coder, make a Flame Cannon?
- How good are the Airballs?
- Any better Heavy than the Naval Guns? Laser? Plasma? Tesla? An inexhaustible one..? Or a Sonic oscillator?

1: I actually don't know, but I don't think so
2: bad
3: yes, among the better guns is a gatling laser with 500 ammo
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 19, 2019, 05:49:15 pm
- Can I, as a Red Coder, make a Flame Cannon?
- How good are the Airballs?
- Any better Heavy than the Naval Guns? Laser? Plasma? Tesla? An inexhaustible one..? Or a Sonic oscillator?

This list here is a bit outdated, but it is good enough to give you an idea of what's out there: (

Flame cannon is exclusive to the gold codex. It's closely related to the better plasma beam, which everyone can get. You wouln't want to build a flame cannon anyway, as you need the very rare shadow orbs to build them which are better used for other things.

Airballs are the equivalent to good looking rocks. You use them if you have nothing else, but you stop using them as soon as you have anything else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 20, 2019, 08:34:00 am
Hard numbers:

50 damage
10 km range
40% accuracy
60s reload
4 rounds (6 for missile launcher version)

Pretty nice on an airspeeder for taking down civilians.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 20, 2019, 12:17:11 pm
1st thingies 1st, TYVM to all I didn't thank and who helped me.
ATTN Eddie:
TYVM and ROFL (the rocks thing)
ATTN Greep:
Hard numbers - for what? Flame Cannon?
Well, am a warrior, and Dioxine and Co. are taking this warrior buzz seriously - Dr. Wang's Emporium -  OMShotgunG, these ARE SO YUMMYYYY:) WEEE-HEEE!!!
No, I ain't no gun gut - just an ultra gun nut:)
So, I got the D.C. Mortars in service finally and - THEY ROOOCK, YEA!! OMNuclearG, do ya use them bamy/mini nukes?
Quite cool when facing a strong enemy. Ya just carpet-mortar the edges of POS and pronto - a cyber disc goes kaboom somewhere behind a goat's ass. Ya just gotto have guts and attack them supply ships. Yea, they HAVE the D.C.s so gunsmoke wut? I got shot with those and I tell ya - if ya ppl are inside Metallo - one biiig nuthin 'appens. Just a gigantic napalm cover of half of the battlefield.

So, how do ya deal with them SUPPLY SHIPS? (APPROACH FOR CHURCH/ACCADEMY), using a Metallo - Guess it's the same for other Menace ships, dunno.

Again, I provide this kind o' stuff with good will and without any weird intention, so interested ppl, pls attention.

- Before ya fly into action, get 2 Armored Car (AC ) with HMG into yer crew. These can take out a Cyber Disc w/ probs, or a fartbag, or a Chryssalid. Also, have some (2-4) of your crew wear something they can fly in.
THINK - who ya gonna face? lasers don't do crap against the Church Zealots. And if they have D.C.s...
- If the right leg of the supply ship is intact, ya got 16 turns b4 it blows - that leg, that is. Plenty enough time.
- Ya clear the outside of the ship 1st. Get your AC in action and clear the Battlescape (SLOWLY! Ya not Nikki Lauda). Be ready for savescumming. If you don't use it otherwise (your choice) here you better do. Wait, ya wanna D.C.s? Then just do what it takes to get them. They sell well as well:) Clearing the Battlescape with two ACs takes maybe 5 -7 turns, no  more.
- As soon as safe enough, position your infantry on the roof of your Menace along the edges, facing as necessary - but generally towards the enemy ship, of course. In the meantime, have them gathered on the upper deck, at the stairs, with 2 guys guarding the back entrance, and send them out each turn (use run) to kill something.
-After you see that the enemy is weakened enough, send the hover guys to the upper door of the enemy ship to board it. CAREFUL, don't rush, have them land on the roof part above this entrance 1st, and then, in the next turn, banzai it. Simultaneously, have your infantry board through the lower entrance (same story, take cover behind the corner 1st, blahblah...). Your ACs should be back by then, to cover the entrances if necessary. As soon as the boarding teams are in, Send your ACs back out there, to find possible missed enemies. Ain't believing? Well, I found a Celatid like this yesterday, so...
- Teach the enemy inside that dying on one's feet with their boots on is good for your noses:)
Pronto, e tutto.

A colleague here mentioned using mortars more than once - I believe you think of the D.C.s, right? Niice choice, muchacho:)

NEED HELP: the Academy constantly tries to board one of my bases. So far, I've destroyed all the ships, but they are comming with bigger and weirder ones (last time my AA blew a Boarding Torpedo) and eventually they will land. Which weapons do I get ready for killing them? I have everything thet a warrior on my tech level can have. I guess that Heavy Flamers, CAWSs and Death Blossoms with API would be cool. And my Armored Batallion as well. (6 ACs, 3 tanks). Converting ACs to HMG or MG ones... As for tanks, just not to load grenades... YUP... Plus 15 Bloodhounds and 3 reapers... Mhm... I think that would do. But do they use CYBERDISKS in the base assaults..? You ppl said to use cutting damage if I want the Cyberdisc NOT to blow up. So that would be Bows and melee., maybe some shotguns as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 20, 2019, 12:53:38 pm
That's for the airballs, flame cannon stats are on the ufopaedia page.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 20, 2019, 01:06:09 pm
The flame cannon is just that for me - just for stats:)
Am a warrior... I know I would've fared differently if I chose another codex, but the Way of Bang Slash and Kaboom is what I always chose.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 20, 2019, 04:54:48 pm
I once tried to shoot down a civie with airballs. I reloaded a few times. It went like this:

miss miss miss... damn, out of ammo

hit, destroyed... damn

miss hit miss... damn, out of ammo again

That was a few versions ago when airballs only had 3 shots. Now they have 4 and the missile version has 6, so that's definately an improvement. Production time was also higher back then. I guess they are an ok weapon now after balancing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 20, 2019, 08:09:21 pm
1st thingies 1st, TYVM to all I didn't thank and who helped me.
ATTN Eddie:
TYVM and ROFL (the rocks thing)
ATTN Greep:
Hard numbers - for what? Flame Cannon?
Well, am a warrior, and Dioxine and Co. are taking this warrior buzz seriously - Dr. Wang's Emporium -  OMShotgunG, these ARE SO YUMMYYYY:) WEEE-HEEE!!!
No, I ain't no gun gut - just an ultra gun nut:)
So, I got the D.C. Mortars in service finally and - THEY ROOOCK, YEA!! OMNuclearG, do ya use them bamy/mini nukes?
Quite cool when facing a strong enemy. Ya just carpet-mortar the edges of POS and pronto - a cyber disc goes kaboom somewhere behind a goat's ass. Ya just gotto have guts and attack them supply ships. Yea, they HAVE the D.C.s so gunsmoke wut? I got shot with those and I tell ya - if ya ppl are inside Metallo - one biiig nuthin 'appens. Just a gigantic napalm cover of half of the battlefield.

So, how do ya deal with them SUPPLY SHIPS? (APPROACH FOR CHURCH/ACCADEMY), using a Metallo - Guess it's the same for other Menace ships, dunno.

Again, I provide this kind o' stuff with good will and without any weird intention, so interested ppl, pls attention.

- Before ya fly into action, get 2 Armored Car (AC ) with HMG into yer crew. These can take out a Cyber Disc w/ probs, or a fartbag, or a Chryssalid. Also, have some (2-4) of your crew wear something they can fly in.
THINK - who ya gonna face? lasers don't do crap against the Church Zealots. And if they have D.C.s...
- If the right leg of the supply ship is intact, ya got 16 turns b4 it blows - that leg, that is. Plenty enough time.
- Ya clear the outside of the ship 1st. Get your AC in action and clear the Battlescape (SLOWLY! Ya not Nikki Lauda). Be ready for savescumming. If you don't use it otherwise (your choice) here you better do. Wait, ya wanna D.C.s? Then just do what it takes to get them. They sell well as well:) Clearing the Battlescape with two ACs takes maybe 5 -7 turns, no  more.
- As soon as safe enough, position your infantry on the roof of your Menace along the edges, facing as necessary - but generally towards the enemy ship, of course. In the meantime, have them gathered on the upper deck, at the stairs, with 2 guys guarding the back entrance, and send them out each turn (use run) to kill something.
-After you see that the enemy is weakened enough, send the hover guys to the upper door of the enemy ship to board it. CAREFUL, don't rush, have them land on the roof part above this entrance 1st, and then, in the next turn, banzai it. Simultaneously, have your infantry board through the lower entrance (same story, take cover behind the corner 1st, blahblah...). Your ACs should be back by then, to cover the entrances if necessary. As soon as the boarding teams are in, Send your ACs back out there, to find possible missed enemies. Ain't believing? Well, I found a Celatid like this yesterday, so...
- Teach the enemy inside that dying on one's feet with their boots on is good for your noses:)
Pronto, e tutto.

A colleague here mentioned using mortars more than once - I believe you think of the D.C.s, right? Niice choice, muchacho:)

NEED HELP: the Academy constantly tries to board one of my bases. So far, I've destroyed all the ships, but they are comming with bigger and weirder ones (last time my AA blew a Boarding Torpedo) and eventually they will land. Which weapons do I get ready for killing them? I have everything thet a warrior on my tech level can have. I guess that Heavy Flamers, CAWSs and Death Blossoms with API would be cool. And my Armored Batallion as well. (6 ACs, 3 tanks). Converting ACs to HMG or MG ones... As for tanks, just not to load grenades... YUP... Plus 15 Bloodhounds and 3 reapers... Mhm... I think that would do. But do they use CYBERDISKS in the base assaults..? You ppl said to use cutting damage if I want the Cyberdisc NOT to blow up. So that would be Bows and melee., maybe some shotguns as well.

You don't have to pack a ship for Base Defense. All your weapons in the base will be available for defense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 20, 2019, 10:17:49 pm
I once tried to shoot down a civie with airballs. I reloaded a few times. It went like this:

miss miss miss... damn, out of ammo

hit, destroyed... damn

miss hit miss... damn, out of ammo again

That was a few versions ago when airballs only had 3 shots. Now they have 4 and the missile version has 6, so that's definately an improvement. Production time was also higher back then. I guess they are an ok weapon now after balancing.

Yeah I just skip the light weapons version and go straight for the missile launcher >.>  Usually takes out a small civvy even, but not a medium.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 21, 2019, 11:56:07 am
Can shooting down enough boarding ships make enemy stop trying to board my base? We don’t need their sh*t on our floor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 21, 2019, 12:07:47 pm
You need to shoot down the ships looking for your hideout so they don't find it in the first place.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 21, 2019, 12:12:48 pm
Yeah it's a quirk of vanilla xcom too.  Winning a base defence discourages them, but shooting down 10,000 battleships won't.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 21, 2019, 03:30:09 pm
Addendum: Shooting down an invading vessel before it lands at your hideout, having the invading vessel get blown up by hideout defences, or allowing the invading vessel into your hideout (intentionally or not) and starting a defence mission will all unflag that base as 'found' by the enemy.

The hideout will not be a target of further attacks until subsequent crackdown missions successfully flag the hideout as found.

Thankfully, the endless retaliation battleship waves of vanilla X-Com was a bug that has been fixed in OpenX-Com.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 21, 2019, 09:56:28 pm
Addendum: Shooting down an invading vessel before it lands at your hideout, having the invading vessel get blown up by hideout defences, or allowing the invading vessel into your hideout (intentionally or not) and starting a defence mission will all unflag that base as 'found' by the enemy.

The hideout will not be a target of further attacks until subsequent crackdown missions successfully flag the hideout as found.

Thankfully, the endless retaliation battleship waves of vanilla X-Com was a bug that has been fixed in OpenX-Com.

I had a streak of four base defences on a base with a hideout shroud, while my main base lay undetected for years. I thought that found bases remained found forever, but I guess it was just a streak of bad luck that defied probability.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 21, 2019, 10:30:10 pm
TYVM  Marza. Well, I see thst they don't come and I have now armored ambulances on fugitive search missions. Maybe that's it.
Now, some1 pls explain

what's the deal with the *Eurosyndicate Deal*?

I see some great guns they offer, but at what price? I mean, how much negative score coz of blood on my hands? Well, I'm a pirate, but a careful one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 22, 2019, 12:13:53 pm
So, the Eurosyndicate Deal is good for avoiding.
But it can be renegotiated.

Could I still buy their Autolaser and Ion Cannon and other their guns and ammo if I renegotiate the deal?

if I do this, will they be pissed off at me?

Would the Eurosyndicate then
- cut my funding?
- send a brigade my way to destroy my base?
- hire the Mercs to destroy my base?
- do some other BS?

ATTN Eddie.
 How smart would it be to use a Barracuda instead of a Shark Jetbike to draw enemy fire? Barracuda has only 5% lower dodge.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on May 22, 2019, 06:55:15 pm
I unlocked the deal 6 months ago and it has done nothing for me thus far. All I think it does is unlock their missions, which the Random Mission Generator has seen fit not to spawn for me. Their guns, aside from the pistol, aren't worth it anyway, way too expensive. The Eurosyndicate Heavy Laser is 1.5 Million dollars, per unit, and it's ammo is also expensive. You're better off researching ballistic alternatives that won't break the bank.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 22, 2019, 06:57:07 pm
ATTN Eddie.
 How smart would it be to use a Barracuda instead of a Shark Jetbike to draw enemy fire? Barracuda has only 5% lower dodge.

It will work great 99% of the time, and then there is this unlucky 1% where your craft gets blown up. Not a problem if you are willing to reload though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 22, 2019, 08:05:49 pm
I had a streak of four base defences on a base with a hideout shroud, while my main base lay undetected for years. I thought that found bases remained found forever, but I guess it was just a streak of bad luck that defied probability.

Yeah, the RNG can be pretty random about that. I have three bases, the only one which has even been attacked, four times no less, is the one that doesn't participate in combat at all. Doesn't even have a hanger.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on May 22, 2019, 08:34:43 pm
Upon reflection, I think the flag that determines if a hideout is found or not is only looked at the end of each month. It may also be possible for the game to allocate multiple parallel crackdown missions to a single region. If that's true then enduring a single attack may not dissuade the others, but we'll need someone familiar with the nitty gritty details to chime in.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 22, 2019, 09:53:00 pm
Upon reflection, I think the flag that determines if a hideout is found or not is only looked at the end of each month. It may also be possible for the game to allocate multiple parallel crackdown missions to a single region. If that's true then enduring a single attack may not dissuade the others, but we'll need someone familiar with the nitty gritty details to chime in.

Missions go into the pool at the start of the month, and are checked off as they trigger. This is why it's impossible to get a new mission type until the month after it is researched. I suppose if you aggroed multiple factions and they all rolled a crackdown in the same month they'd chain up. For what it's worth, it doesn't matter what faction actually finds you base and who assaults it. Ratmen could wander by right when you pissed the Mercs off and bam, they pencil you on to their calendar for a beat down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on May 22, 2019, 09:58:35 pm
I actually once got a base defense immediately following another base defense once.  Very strange.  Ratmen, and then before I could even change the screen to assess the damage immediately another base defense also by ratmen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on May 23, 2019, 01:29:43 am
Could I still buy their Autolaser and Ion Cannon and other their guns and ammo if I renegotiate the deal?

From what I saw the last time I played this, this is what the renegotiation does:
Eurosyndicate missions do not show up anymore, but their complete stock of lasers are still and will remain always available for purchase.  Completing the renegotiation causes an infamy penalty, but it's still preferable over letting their missions continue which can potentially cost even more infamy in the long run.

In short, you still get their complete laser catalog but you don't have to do their dirty work anymore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 23, 2019, 01:58:20 am
The eurosyndicate deal is access to a greater variety of expensive but decent lasers, but the mission added is pretty nasty. It's a timed battle against pretty strong opposition, either government or "rebels", so almost everything you kill is a score hit, and no retreat. Ignoring the mission is also a huge score hit.

So access to overpriced lasers in exchange for occasional big score hits. Most of the time not worth, other laser options usually suffice for when laser is key, like 0-g encounters. I usually wait until i have most of the prerequisites for the renegotiate before ever taking the deal.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 23, 2019, 11:44:05 am
TYVM, ppl.
So yea, I will get what it takes to renegotiate the Eurodeal 1st, and then I'll just research them both, 1 after another.

It will take time to research, though, so I suppose they'll want me in action at once, as my gals have fierce rep and have at their disposal absolutely ALL kinds of weapons one can have at my level. And our ammo? Hah, we could fight a RL 24h battle with what we have. And we have already destroyed a tank, we know how to do fight. We're masters of combat, enemies surrender by 5-7+ to us! What could they throw at us that we don't know of? Power armor guys? Killed quite a number of them. Tanks? We have 85mm Königstiger II and IS-3, AND a Bombard. And Armored Cars! 5-7 of them! No one but Mercs and SGs can go against US! In fact, now we can also nail some Mercs.

BUT it's not about that, Hell, no... We are Compadres, Amigos... When we feel like it, of course - we are Los Piratos. And we do feel like it when about out score, so... I guess we better ignore it, if it comes, cuz who knows how much MORE neg score would we have if we'd say Aye. Loot? Yea, 'course, but imagine like MINUS 3,000 score? 2 much, muchacho. So I'll just ignore it. Some prisoners interrogations 'd make that up pronto, wouldn't be the 1st time we make something up. And I guess that the real good time for entering the deal would be on 1st of a month or so.

And WHY do I wanna all this? Cuz of the guns. I love guns. So, if this is the only way and is acceptable... Aye. YES, they're expensive, but I won't be outfitting an army with them, only a few gals. And the money? We'l earn some already. This ain't time limited. It's my 1st playthrough. Who knows what I missed, rather wouldn't think of it. And to start anew? NOW, after 3 months of play? No, this ain't Fallout 3. There, ya can become a king within a fortnight. But HERE, it does take time to become anything. Quite some time. So I'll just experience the stuff and use my brainbox.

I like the pistol. It's a laser Magnum. And has beautiful color of the laser rays.

TYVM once again, ya great amigos. Please, feel like it always:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 23, 2019, 04:01:57 pm
The mission itself is quite fun. I wouldn’t mind it at all if the score hit was lower. :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 23, 2019, 04:31:20 pm
Heheh, wouldn't you? How much lower? Big score brings mucho dolaros. Veeery mucho. But if the loot brings more...
Anywayz, is there a VIDEO of this X-Com Stalingrad? I kinda like Stalingrad stuff. Who likes guns, they like big battles... Yea... We do...:)

I mean, I ain't no wishy-washy, Seven Hells no. I wouldn't mind if the score for that battle could be made up for, ballanced. If you maul these or those - what's the difference? Okay, muties r bros, cool. But even a bro needs a good trashing once in a while, LOLZ. So If it's not TOO minus, cool, I'll go, I guess.
The most importante is that it's all nice and simple.
Right? Yea, right?  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on May 23, 2019, 06:00:26 pm
Well, you get much lower penalty if you knock them out* instead of killing them, but the amount of enemies most likely means that you can't stun them all.

*Assuming you have that enemy researched. Rebel mutants are not really available anywhere else (except for shooting down *rebel trading* vessels), so you will most likely get a low score after the first mission anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 23, 2019, 06:52:39 pm
TYVM. Say, this reminds me. I need a live Human Commando. Is there any?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 24, 2019, 12:03:55 am
look for fights against high rank civilians, some times comes on smuggler encounters, or government encounters.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 24, 2019, 12:07:30 am
The Spartans sometimes sport them as well, and there should be a couple at the mage's mansion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 24, 2019, 01:20:33 am
TYVM, ppl. Say, do I get a boot in my yak if I re target the civillian traffic? And what do you do with that memorial stele they give you for "stopping" targeting civvies?


We can hire the Mercs to drag to us for FAT money (laced with red ribbon clasped by a miniature Lasgun) anyone we want, 'cept the highest ranking ones, clear.
Can someone else hire them to attack US?

Chromeback or Sniper or Assassin or Gorilla? err... Guerilla.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on May 24, 2019, 05:11:59 pm
Human commandos spawn about half of the time on escape tower mission. Mages and reverends can also tell you about them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 24, 2019, 07:02:43 pm
Yea, that's a nice one. I never 4get to take a rookie for that door. One time she ever flies, muhehehe ;D

So I got Chromeback, Nightmares and laser guns. If you were me, would you go civilization, or hocus pocus locnaricus?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on May 24, 2019, 07:26:18 pm
Can anyone explain how to recruit a gnome? The recruitment topic requires Soldier:Gnome, which requires an item of the same name. How do I get the item? (I have a armor-less gnome prisoner, but that's not the item.) Or is it a falsely set needItem:true flag?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 24, 2019, 08:41:41 pm
Yea, that's a nice one. I never 4get to take a rookie for that door. One time she ever flies, muhehehe ;D

So I got Chromeback, Nightmares and laser guns. If you were me, would you go civilization, or hocus pocus locnaricus?

Lokk'Naars are cute. I think that settles it. :P

Can anyone explain how to recruit a gnome? The recruitment topic requires Soldier:Gnome, which requires an item of the same name. How do I get the item? (I have a armor-less gnome prisoner, but that's not the item.) Or is it a falsely set needItem:true flag?

Yes, it's a bug. needItem: true shouldn't be there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on May 25, 2019, 05:09:07 am
How do I get the "Piratez We Be" research started? I can't seem to find any event or object that triggers it.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it. I guess there is an error in the listing for the research or something. It is given when researching "Call a Meeting", but no indicator that it is associated.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on May 26, 2019, 01:17:06 am
Research topics and their equivalent Bootypedia articles don't always match titles, which can cause confusion in a few instances (like the Reticulan's Stuff = Engineered Biomatter one).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 26, 2019, 11:55:04 am
Where the hell do you get Heavy Power Couplings?
Toho skurvenýho haraburdí je víc jak málo, ne, vole.

Jste tu něgdo z Čech, z Moravy nebo zo Slovenska?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 26, 2019, 11:59:33 am
Taking apart the bigger gauss weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 26, 2019, 12:14:30 pm
TYVM all for being so helpful..
I was already starting to despair that I won't have enough Craft laser cannons for my fighters. And yes, YES, I WAS sucha dumass to throw a million on I-guns and tope them only to see that the same junk can be obtained from my looted guns. So much for money saving ;D I totally forgot to midclick on the thing we can disassemble to see, what can it give us. Gawd...

OK, questions.
1) I see that limitless ammo guns are all laser ones, for now. Are there such Plasmas or Gausses?
2) PLS compare for me the Hammermites to Lancers and Sringrays.
3) What is your favorite all around Base Defense weapon?
4) What do you kill a Marsec Bodyguard with? I was firing at them Gyro Autoguns, Advanced Lasguns and EuroSyn Laser Pistols and they each took many hits before they got killed. On an earlier mission, a Hellerium grenade was enough, but hell I didn't use that this time - too many fallen enemies around. I don't destroy some good loot cuz of one walking trashcan - even an ultra fancy one :)
5) How does a shot from ABOVE count? For example, if a hover gal stands on a high ground and ambushes someone.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 26, 2019, 12:17:54 pm
Research topics and their equivalent Bootypedia articles don't always match titles, which can cause confusion in a few instances (like the Reticulan's Stuff = Engineered Biomatter one).

Great help info. Could you or someone make a "vocabulary" of the confusing terms?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: GENVOKE on May 26, 2019, 01:07:20 pm
Is it normal for Space missions to have weird slowdowns? Like, opening a door has a momentary freeze, and AI turns take.. a long time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on May 26, 2019, 03:44:58 pm
Marsec bodyguards are kind of a pain, they have great armor and are very resistant to all the standard damage types.  My preferred method of dealing with them is an axe to the backside.  If that's not an option then I tend to go for large amounts of high explosives heh.  Electrical attacks would probably be best but I'm not normally packing too much stuff that does "good" electrical damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on May 26, 2019, 05:15:38 pm
About marsec bodyguards:
They have high armor, but actually no special high resistance onther than fire. Most importantly they take standard damage from piercing, laser and plasma.
What you are looking for is the recoilless rifle. No area damage, and it does enough damage that a one shot kill is quite likely.
Less damage but still damage: Heavy laser and reticulan plasma.
The light cannon with the standard AP rounds is also decent enough, as is any laser weapon with 45+ damage. Now you know what the eurosyndicate deal is for :-P
As always, armor is weakest in the back, so try to hit them there.

I play a more patient style with focus on capture. I've found that the wand of pain is an all purpose can opener, if you have time. It deals not that much damage, but bypasses all armor and I haven't encountered anything yet that is totally immune to it. Furthermore, it damages moral and tu as well. The tu damage helps you prevent big guys with rocket launchers reaction firing on you. The moral damage gives you a chance they will drop their weapon the next round. If it's the last enemy and he can surrender, making him panick is all you need to end the mission.

Note about wands: They loose power after range 11
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 26, 2019, 08:56:06 pm
Seductress is very effective against Marsec Bodyguards.
Light Cannon with PS ammo and Auto Cannon work as well, those are my usual heavy guns. Or, of course, the good old hit to the head.
LACCs work as well, if you pack PS ammo, or gauss or xgauss.

Why would there be ammoless gauss weapons? You still shoot projectiles. Similar deal with plasma.

For defense I try to have some plasma on each base, depending on current techlevel it can be the gothic raygun, reticulan plasma, haxxor one or even just a kruger. A kruger saved my ass against mercs once. It wasn't the only thing, of course, but I killed a surprising amount of them with it.
Panzerfaust only has a very limitid explosion radius so you can use it on rather close enemies where the arcing doesn't matter. So once I can buy them they get shipped to each base. Some lasers and some projectiles to round it out. Smartrifles are light, have huge magazin and do very decent damage. Earlier LACC are good for gals that aren't too weak.
Add to that grenades and other explosives. Hellerium grenades are one of the most abundant things on this planet, so once you can use them and regularly defeat enemies that carry them you shouldn't have a shortage of those.
Upgrade as neccessary/possible.
A Fireball Launcher can make things a lot easier if the gal with it starts close to the hangar/lift.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 27, 2019, 01:31:57 am
1) I see that limitless ammo guns are all laser ones, for now. Are there such Plasmas or Gausses?
2) PLS compare for me the Hammermites to Lancers and Sringrays.
3) What is your favorite all around Base Defense weapon?
4) What do you kill a Marsec Bodyguard with? I was firing at them Gyro Autoguns, Advanced Lasguns and EuroSyn Laser Pistols and they each took many hits before they got killed. On an earlier mission, a Hellerium grenade was enough, but hell I didn't use that this time - too many fallen enemies around. I don't destroy some good loot cuz of one walking trashcan - even an ultra fancy one :)
5) How does a shot from ABOVE count? For example, if a hover gal stands on a high ground and ambushes someone.
1)just nuke lasers
5) a shot from above hits one of the 4 facings. Under armor is only hit by aoe within 3 tiles. All projectiles will hit a facing regardless of vertical orientation.

Is it normal for Space missions to have weird slowdowns? Like, opening a door has a momentary freeze, and AI turns take.. a long time.

Space missions are very intensive on LOS calculations due to the large map volume. And LOS is rechecked on every movement. The code as is takes the same amount of resources for every tile visible, regardless of state. So space huge empty volume is more intensive then just about anything else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on May 27, 2019, 05:37:53 am
How do I enable the bug hunt mode or debug a map, cause I'm lost on this map, 40 turns in, still haven't found last zombie in crypt of the necromancer. Dunno if he's in a wall or something.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 27, 2019, 06:09:27 am ( that for debug. Bughunt is only the last 2-3 assuming nothing is left tht is immune to surrender. Which well zombos dont, so fresh out luck with bug hunt. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 27, 2019, 12:27:38 pm

For Marsecs, the R-Rifle sounds like a deal to me. I have these in all of my bases and assault ships (with a lot of ammo - mandatory for all weapons in my case) Yao can carry this one and a SuperMagnum or an EuroSyn Laspistol plus grenades and a Shokafist... Yea, this looks nice enough. I suppose that an Autolaser could also be used? Hit from behind? Dunno. I always face them frontally. Dunno why, maybe my tactics is just like that. I could change it no prob - I like changes. Could a Recoilles Rifle also punch through a Merc?, BTW?
The Wand of pain. Yea, now my hover gals have that as a part of their standard issue. We'll see how that works. They have only cca 33 Voodoo skill each, though. Is that enough? You guessed right, I prefer combat. But,  I do have time and am interested in capturing as well - I have 5 prisons - packed. I am not impatient.
Will try seductress as soon as I get that.
Light Cannon? Uhm, didn't try that yet, sold them all - the description says that it has limited acc range. That true? I do prefer striking from quite a distance.
Yea, why there should be an ammoless gauss? Jeez, do I have such doh questions sometimez...
So, plasma for base defense... All of my bases have some I-Guns. Are those enough of plasma?
Vertical pose is just for ambushing, then. For xample, if a gal stands on the roof above the entrance - that's a tile behind the entrance - they will bag an unsuspecting enemy real nice, as the enemy won't see the gal.

The debug mode - Pedia says that it can be toggled on the Geoscape, but can it be toggled on a Battlescape? I don't want to use it unless really necessary, and maybe not even then, but I ask anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on May 27, 2019, 01:27:04 pm ( that for debug. Bughunt is only the last 2-3 assuming nothing is left tht is immune to surrender. Which well zombos dont, so fresh out luck with bug hunt.

Well, second question now. Since mobile keyboard is a pain in my ass, is there a way to change the CTRL-D for the key for it? Cause my keyboard, despite having ctrl keys, can't fluffing register them for some reason..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on May 27, 2019, 04:36:48 pm
1) I see that limitless ammo guns are all laser ones, for now. Are there such Plasmas or Gausses?

For ranged options there's the Hellgun, Magma Glove and Future Bow for Plasma, Arena Fireball Launcher for Fire, Tome of Lightning and Hellblade for Warp, Disc o'Death and Shredder for Cutting, Zapper for Electric, Impaler and Cobra Staff for Bio. Other VooDoo weapons (wands etc.) offer different effects, which can also be considered 'limitless'. No projectile (Piercing) weapons with limitless ammo, unless you consider flechette - but that's not really inexhaustible, just no hassle with clips.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Morrandir on May 27, 2019, 08:51:16 pm
How do I enable the bug hunt mode or debug a map, cause I'm lost on this map, 40 turns in, still haven't found last zombie in crypt of the necromancer. Dunno if he's in a wall or something.

You probably missed
the zombie upstairs in the technomancer’s hideout, as you need to destroy some walls to get to it
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on May 28, 2019, 02:21:14 am
You probably missed
the zombie upstairs in the technomancer’s hideout, as you need to destroy some walls to get to it

Yeah, that'd be it. Guess I'll go look for that one! Thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 28, 2019, 05:16:28 pm
...Are Hoppers supposed to land anywhere? I remember the bootypedia entry stating they landed in cities out of your reach but this one just landed for me to take it. Not that I mind a free hopper in early game but consistency would be preferred.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on May 28, 2019, 07:07:23 pm
They do land sometimes - for your sanity you can consider these as "sightseeing cruise". Most of the time they just jump from a city to city though.

And let that be a lesson to you - Bootypedia is like Wikipedia - 99.9% of what you find there is true.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on May 28, 2019, 11:03:24 pm
After my 3rd restart, I finally got far enough in the game to get Hover armor, Death Blossom (that is one awesome gun), and the Metallo craft from codex.

Now i just got a few questions. Ever since the old X-Com days, I have loved to try to get my soldiers to max stats, and I was wondering if you got any good tips for that.
My main problem is throwing, it seems hard as hell to increase. I got Javelins, but they take a LOT of energy to use. I got the Shredder, but same issue, lots of stamina, and rarely see a skillup. At the moment, I am waiting for my Boom farms to finish their first run, so i can get Boom Fruits, otherwise I use Black Powder bombs on "easy" missions like animal hunts or Help the Lok'Narr. You got any good tips on levelling Throwing?

And Bravery. Thats a hard one. With the new traning methods, its possible to get up a a bit, though I have still not figured out when someone qualifies from Training, Militia Training or Gladiatorial Training, I just send people to my training base and see who can get what. But after that, I have noticed that a 10 increase in bravery can happen sometimes in missions, but I have not figured out why it happens, and what you should go for to try and get Bravery up.

And last, but not least. There is supposed to be limits on skills, but i see around half my "maxed" girls can get above it, see 121 and 122 shooting, 81 and 91 strength, is there any way to see when they reached their absolute limit?

And I got one freak. Shes nice enough, but are there any way to increase a Freaks stats? She's higher in TU and Stamina, but sub-par in everything else. I had her a while, possible some of her stats have increased, but others seem locked, shes for example stuck at 66 Strength and 85 Reaction.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 29, 2019, 12:18:38 am
Whips? Hunting bows? Electro lassoes? I find that gals get good in what you have them do pretty much on their own. You can also just throw grenades at people. Hallucinogenic gas grenades are fantastic in general and can be used to kill or capture for the whole early game.

Secondary stats will go up on their own so long as they're collecting experience and aren't capped. Just send them on lots of missions and have them do things. Clubbing civilians is always good for some EXP.

Bravery goes up because the gal passed a panic check and rolled a successful stat gain for bravery.

Skill gains stop at the cap. If a gal is at cap or above, (individual skill gains don't actually respect the cap) she will never gain in that skill again. Effectively every gal's final maximum will be somewhere between cap and cap+5.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on May 29, 2019, 12:24:27 am
Bravery goes up because the gal passed a panic check and rolled a successful stat gain for bravery.

I think using healing items also has a chance of training bravery, as well as using a few certain items like ropes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on May 29, 2019, 12:31:08 am
I think using healing items also has a chance of training bravery, as well as using a few certain items like ropes.
You're right, those are OXCE/Pirates changes. Being a medic is good for bravery, and I've never used ropes, but if Bravery is on their training modes list, it will work.

Edit: I realize that you probably don't understand how XCOM stat growth works. Whenever a unit successfully does something on the battlescape using a primary stat like Firing, Throwing, Melee, etc they have a chance to gain 1-6 points in that skill. So long as they are gaining primary skills, they also have a chance to gain secondary skills, like Strength, or Time Units. This is completely separate from Martial Training at a base which works however the modder configured it, or "training" transformations like militia training for peasants which are a completely different mechanic which has no bearing at all on stat growth, it just sets stats to certain levels or adds specific flat bonuses as configured by the modder.

Also the grenade/bomb actually has to hit something. In vanilla just throwing it was sufficient, in OXCE you actually have to hit an enemy (or neutral?) to get EXP. That's what makes the Red Barn simultaneously one of the coolest and lamest missions. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 29, 2019, 02:10:22 pm

Also the grenade/bomb actually has to hit something. In vanilla just throwing it was sufficient, in OXCE you actually have to hit an enemy (or neutral?) to get EXP. That's what makes the Red Barn simultaneously one of the coolest and lamest missions. :)

Just enemies from my understanding, hitting allied or neutral will not grant EXP.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 29, 2019, 05:14:35 pm
TYVM ALL, you rock, ppl.
ATTN JamTheDane, ya can't have 90+ carry weight. I am 3rd ingame year now and my Spetznaz (SAS... ) have cw 80, Shooting 120, throwing 90, bravery 100, reactions 100. Their stats are unchanged for a year or so and they battle constantly, so I guess that's it.
 If ya wanna actually stay in biz here, ya gotto DO stuff, amigo. Tu es un pirato. So act as one. Attack ANYTHING except Mercs (very dangerous), don't go laser against the Churchers, certainly stuff yer attack craft with weps that deal all kinds of damage, have your bases well defended, RESEARCH, make, sell. Blahblah... ACT! Like in X-com, the game will send at you all the more serious enemies to fight, so ya gotto stay tuned.
Be like Captain Morgan. He lived to become a Governor, he was a real muchacho. So become one yaself. Ask yer questions here, and ppl will answer.
Ya can ask brick questions, too. I did. And it didn't hurt.

As for bravery, one of the of the ways is to take a rookie to a serious fight so that she goes insane. You'll get that stat increased like that. Just be ready to cover her - I got one run off in the middle of a turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on May 30, 2019, 01:05:05 am
I think using healing items also has a chance of training bravery, as well as using a few certain items like ropes.

Just tested on rope, and got a 10 bravery increase after a VERY tense mission, so can confirm that works :).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on May 30, 2019, 02:30:58 am
Like I said.  It'll usually be mentioned on their Bootypedia article if a non-healing item can train bravery.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 30, 2019, 11:23:03 am
Like I said.  It'll usually be mentioned on their Bootypedia article if a non-healing item can train bravery.

Yes. And even if it's not, ANAL will reveal the truth.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 01, 2019, 07:16:07 pm
Hmmm... I see some yummy SG ships out there. Would shooting some down trigger immediate retaliation, or not just yet.? Them hombres come for Supervision lately, quite often. I even saw a Silver Towers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 02, 2019, 12:20:19 am
I'm not entirely sure, but I think ethereals come knocking at your door as quickly as mercs do if you shoot down their craft.  And let me warn you, ethereals here are much more difficult than their vanilla counterparts.

Also, the silver towers are the ultimate troll UFO.  It never lands (not even in the battlescape, so I hope you can fly), it's extremely hard to take down (possibly harder than a battleship), and there's not really much to loot from it.  On the other hand, it has a guaranteed coordinator so I consider it a last resort for capturing one if all the other options refuse to be available.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on June 02, 2019, 02:39:06 am
Hmmm... I see some yummy SG ships out there. Would shooting some down trigger immediate retaliation, or not just yet.? Them hombres come for Supervision lately, quite often. I even saw a Silver Towers.

As far as I understand it, shooting down any Star God ship means rolling for a potential retaliation. And if any other group has located one of your bases previously and not yet acted upon that knowledge, they can sell that knowledge to the Star Gods and they can just hit you with no warning. So, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 02, 2019, 05:59:45 am
Devon is mostly correct, any faction can spot your base for any attack wave. it's binary flag per base.

Likewise every faction craft you shoot down rolls a chance to trigger a crackdown. The chance is variable but mostly quite low. There are also crackdown mission that are added to the pool after a certain amount of in game time has elapsed, and are independent of air combat triggered ones.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 02, 2019, 01:05:19 pm
TYVM everyone. I see.
So, if I understand correctly, the SGs - or another faction - can come even after a year.
Yea, I did a test fight. I have shot down their Cruiser - thanks to EDDIE for tip on which craft to use:) and went into ground fight, but hell, these are still too tough, so I reloaded my save. Maybe I should've used a Chinese Dragon and a Bombard? Yea, I could send in Armor only. That would be interesting. But the BASES..? Naah... I'll just let them fly around till I get fit enough and then - they will be mine. There is a way for anything you want. Right tools and approach, as always. W/o that, even here, you don't get 100+ Gauss and Plasma guns waiting in your Vaults to be disassembled or used.
And yes, I can fly, I have 2 kind of hover suits. and a Thunderhorse. I always like the tech and new stuff in my games. I research, ask, check if necessary, I google... Or I ask you ppl for advice and don't check... I share what I know...

OK, so for colleagues fighter pilots of my level or less experienced. You can shoot down a Bomber or a Cruiser if you send at it 3 Nightmares with Craft Lascannons and HAMMERMITEs and a Barracuda with Plasma Spitters or Craft Lascannons. Quicksave. have the Barracuda attack first and then (immediately) send others. NOTE that the Barracuda has to be flown by a very high reactions pilot, what means - a Loknar. A Barracuda has + 25 dodge + Loknars 100+ reactions = your victory. Yes, a Shark Jetbike offers +30 dodge, and there's something other out there as well, but I don't use Sharks. I like my Craft armed to the teeth.
Don't waste your missiles on easy targets. Turn them off.

And this crazy stuff :)

Load a Gyrocopter with PRIMED explosives of your choice/ as needed. Have the explosives you'll use first on the "belt." Use terrain, hide behind trees, etc., fly to the target from behind, drop the explosives as needed, go back to cover and enjoy the fireworks.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on June 03, 2019, 04:46:15 pm
Where in the world is this smuggler negotiator? I've yet to find one.. not many smuggler ships and such.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 03, 2019, 05:15:16 pm
I'd like to help, but I dunno. I bet you're in 4 a special, unique mission. Guess these Russian Files are the same case.

Every time I play this, I get to like it all the more. It's a lovely game and the world of gamers owes to the Devs big time. God bless you all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 03, 2019, 06:14:38 pm
Is there a website, or a thread dedicated to the
X-piratez lore? Possibly the loveliest of them all?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 03, 2019, 06:39:33 pm
Where in the world is this smuggler negotiator? I've yet to find one.. not many smuggler ships and such.

without spoiling too much, city pass>terminal terror>???.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ninawindia on June 03, 2019, 07:36:29 pm
without spoiling too much, city pass>terminal terror>???.

Oof, i hate terminal terror.. but guess I gotta. Haha, ty for that pointer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on June 03, 2019, 08:27:28 pm
Anyone knows where to get the golden statue? That's the only thing I'm missing to get my magical girl outfit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 03, 2019, 11:29:49 pm
Is there a website, or a thread dedicated to the
X-piratez lore? Possibly the loveliest of them all?

Right now, the closest thing I know is the TV Tropes page (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 04, 2019, 12:51:39 pm
TYVM, Scorch.
And how do we trash the stronger shields on humanoid (2 legged) enemies? Someone, I think you, or legionofone, gave here and earlier instructions for destroying Merc Hovertank shields with a shotgun. A Mammoth or a Street Sweeper would do best, right? Maybe I shouldn't use the incendiary ammo with a Sweeper when against shields? But a Sweeper with  incendiary ammowould do perfectly against Zombos, I bet. Didn't use it yet like that. Cheers:)

And what do I need to get the chem, poison and boom (and electro?) ammo for the Minilauncher?

What is the Solar Courier for? Smalltalk?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 04, 2019, 01:10:19 pm
Shotguns are only good for the shields themselves, for the tank underneath you'll need something stronger.

Solar Courier ist just lore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 04, 2019, 03:34:06 pm
TYVM, Rince Wind, but I asked about the infantry enemies. So, shotguns, OK. 1st for the shields, and then for the shielded. And as for H-Tanks -  EMP from Minilaunchers. Generous portion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on June 04, 2019, 05:25:26 pm
For Type 2 or 3 shields the usual EMP grenade works nice, assuming you have one or two on hand. Other than that - massive firepower, preferably of the shotgun (or other multi-projectile - not the Aqua ammo though) variety. Weapons which have a +armor malus are surprisingly good (Reaper Rifle comes to mind, among others) because armor is not taken into account for shield damage. Same reason makes lasers (and other specialized AP weapons) almost useless - their "ignore 1/3 armor" special is wasted, while their sup-par power is often not enough to chew through the shields. Explosives are so-so - there's no weak under armour to attack, but even partial hits inflict damage on the shield. Good melee is the usual can opener.
When the shields are down - it depends on the target. Many of the shield-equipped enemies are of the 'take alive at all costs' kind, so apply copious amounts of daze. The kill on sight type will most likely be killed by whatever you used to take down the shield (unless you try to use a sawed-off on a hovertank).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Novice apprentice on June 05, 2019, 05:25:44 am
Anyone knows where to get the golden statue? That's the only thing I'm missing to get my magical girl outfit.
Follow the smuggler mission story arc and you'll find it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 06, 2019, 10:10:53 pm
EDITED: What goes better for a Cruiser? A Naval Gun, or a Basilisk? Clearly NOT Hammermites. I just got one with Naval Guns. Before that, Nightmares with Hammermites and Medusas didn't do BS. Someone wrote that a flight of craft with Naval Guns brings down a Cruiser. He was right. It took me 2 craft with 4 guns. But again, I play on easiest. And, for the future, are Beam Lasers and Gatling Lasers better than guns?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on June 06, 2019, 11:46:09 pm
Basilisk? ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Warface on June 07, 2019, 02:38:31 am

For Marsecs, the R-Rifle sounds like a deal to me. I have these in all of my bases and assault ships (with a lot of ammo - mandatory for all weapons in my case) Yao can carry this one and a SuperMagnum or an EuroSyn Laspistol plus grenades and a Shokafist... Yea, this looks nice enough. I suppose that an Autolaser could also be used? Hit from behind? Dunno. I always face them frontally. Dunno why, maybe my tactics is just like that. I could change it no prob - I like changes. Could a Recoilles Rifle also punch through a Merc?, BTW?

My default mid-game loadout is anti-armor. It includes 3-5 frontline Junkmasters with ES laspistols and either axes or pikes, backed up by 3-5 in Tactical, Hover, or Sniper with ES laspistols and RRs with 3 shots each. I also currently have a Freak Gal in Hover with 97 strength and an anchor (easily over 200 damage) which she can carry with an ES pistol.

The axe inflicts more raw damage, but the pike has 60% armor reduction, a 3 tile range, and snap shots allowing it to destroy terrain. The RR obv kills armor reliably. Nothing survives the anchor. ES Laspistols can whittle Bodyguards down but should be applied to the rear armor if possible. Two of the hovers (or snipers) usually also have fireball launchers, which leaves them a bit overweight until they get to sniper positions and drop either their RR or fireball launcher. Everyone carries a Smoke, a Hallucinogen, and a WP grenade. 1-2 Tactical or Snipers can carry Surgery Kits (hovers lose the extra RR shells). Junkmasters carry water and the anchor-gal carries beer for energy.

I keep plenty of other equipment on board: Hand cannons, rocket launchers, M-Lasers, and so on, but at this stage in the game, the above loadout works everywhere (on Earth, above water). Its main weaknesses are that the ammo is expensive and you aren't stunning much. Remember, though, that the RR can be used to bash some skulls in a pinch, and the Junkmaster gauntlet does great damage.

I found other heavy weapons like the LC and LACC to be more cumbersome than I prefer. Everything listed above was an evolution of pragmatism, trying lots of things and applying Occam's Razor. It works in Jack Sparrow.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 07, 2019, 02:44:02 pm

Can some1 tell me how to get the Force Circuits? What do you take apart for those? I went through my Disassemble and probably missed something?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 07, 2019, 04:19:41 pm

Can some1 tell me how to get the Force Circuits? What do you take apart for those? I went through my Disassemble and probably missed something?

You can commonly get them by robbing (or killing) church priests, zealots, etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 07, 2019, 06:10:56 pm
You can commonly get them by robbing (or killing) church priests, zealots, etc.

And the Magischen-Motors? The Pedia says by robbing the Marsec Colonial Marines. Only like that? These flyby lately. Never seem to reach their target, though. Maybe my 10+ combat crafts have something to do with that, hm:) ?

Ah, old Marsec... When I just remember that good-for-suicide-only Marsec Pistol from Ye olde Laser Squad... :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 07, 2019, 06:47:06 pm
And the Magischen-Motors? The Pedia says by robbing the Marsec Colonial Marines. Only like that? These flyby lately. Never seem to reach their target, though. Maybe my 10+ combat crafts have something to do with that, hm:) ?

Ah, old Marsec... When I just remember that good-for-suicide-only Marsec Pistol from Ye olde Laser Squad... :)
You can also get them from disassembling "magical" plasma weapons (pistols, rifle, heavy) and also from the Church Exalt forces.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 08, 2019, 01:22:14 pm
I have some from the Marsec Colonials. Good fighters, 2 bad we can't recruit them. I need this for the Meridians Special Autogun. We'll see how mind blowing it is, ha ha har.
Meridian, I think you just got yaself some fans over here:)

We all know about an empty inbox, but howzabouta empty BRAINbox? Guess we'll see soon enough, hehehe:)

PS: Can some1 post a screenshot of a manufacturing-dedicated base, which can produce anything, even the late game stuff? Why? I need to make a layout for one. I already built such a base with 2x Printer, 2x Large barracks, power building and stuff, and I want to know how many fields do I keep for... Fusion something, Armory Tower..?

Yea, why don't u experienced ppl post some screenies of yer dedicated bases as some inspiration for us (not-so-much-anymore) rookies? Any type of base.

Question: Would a Bossar or Meridian's Autogun be any good vs a Merc / Marsec Colonial / Marsec Bodyguard / Star God? Yers, Star god! I do plan or fighting those SOB regularly. And am already gathering info on how to. There's an armor that protects against their mind-blowing:)

I am a warrior. Words such as "impossible enemy" or "too tough" do not exist. Would I eventually have to fight them? Aye. So, the sooner I devise the means and ways how to, the better.


Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on June 09, 2019, 02:39:16 am
I have some from the Marsec Colonials. Good fighters, 2 bad we can't recruit them. I need this for the Meridians Special Autogun. We'll see how mind blowing it is, ha ha har.
Meridian, I think you just got yaself some fans over here:)

We all know about an empty inbox, but howzabouta empty BRAINbox? Guess we'll see soon enough, hehehe:)

PS: Can some1 post a screenshot of a manufacturing-dedicated base, which can produce anything, even the late game stuff? Why? I need to make a layout for one. I already built such a base with 2x Printer, 2x Large barracks, power building and stuff, and I want to know how many fields do I keep for... Fusion something, Armory Tower..?

Yea, why don't u experienced ppl post some screenies of yer dedicated bases as some inspiration for us (not-so-much-anymore) rookies? Any type of base.

Question: Would a Bossar or Meridian's Autogun be any good vs a Merc / Marsec Colonial / Marsec Bodyguard / Star God? Yers, Star god! I do plan or fighting those SOB regularly. And am already gathering info on how to. There's an armor that protects against their mind-blowing:)

I am a warrior. Words such as "impossible enemy" or "too tough" do not exist. Would I eventually have to fight them? Aye. So, the sooner I devise the means and ways how to, the better.



For late game production you will need one 3x3 factory, one 2x2 printer, then a fusion thingie, a rifinery, a power plant, armory tower and tons of luxury barracks. Of course you need support stuff like hyper-wave decoder, extractors, etc.

Don't build large barracks, they are not as efficient as the luxury ones. Houses 40 people in a 1x1 building.

For the star gods I use mostly armor piercing lasers. They work like a charm. You can use gauss or plasma weapons as well. If you want them alive you can use the neural whip.

Does anyone knows where you get the GOLDEN STATUE??

I really want to unlock the fairy outfit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 09, 2019, 11:02:57 am

So, AP lasers, eh? I have some 4-5 Autolasers, guess that will be their job. Comes to mind, if it goes for SGs, It'll go 4 anything else that is shielded.

Question: Dr Wangs explosive weapons are NOT for SGs and the like, I guess. Seem more like AOE KABOOOM and means to find one's way into the center of the Earth? Also for dresdenising of towns and villages?
What do you use this Good Doctor's medicine against? Zombos? Godzillas? King-Kongs?

To dresdenise > to bash, smash, trash, mash something like UASAAF and RAF did it to Dresden in 1945.
Wanna see a non-nuke oblitero-annihilation? Just utube that. Or Tokio bombing in 1945. That was a real horrendous one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on June 09, 2019, 12:21:15 pm
AP autolasers work really well on star gods and pretty much any other foe including sectopods. You should work on unlocking stellar empire weapons so you con start using plasma weaponry. Once you do that you have the fire power to kill any enemy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 10, 2019, 12:35:03 pm
TYVM once again:)
On Sectopods as well, eh? They did in the original UFO as well, remember? We could spend 5 Heavy Plasma clips on one and do nuthin, while a guy with laser gun would take care of it immediately.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 10, 2019, 07:03:56 pm
All a part of the "right tool for the job" scheme of gameplay.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on June 11, 2019, 09:48:59 am
I'm experiencing the bug where I can't recruit/research gnomes as soldiers. Is there an edit I can make to a savefile that will fix this?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Morrandir on June 11, 2019, 05:35:32 pm
I'm experiencing the bug where I can't recruit/research gnomes as soldiers. Is there an edit I can make to a savefile that will fix this?

Yes, delete the "needItem: true" from STR_SOLDIER_TYPE_GNOME in Piratez.rul and you're good to go.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 12, 2019, 10:29:23 am
I can't find any use for the Silver Bars - are they just to be sold? I have searched everywhere ingame, all the possibilities.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 12, 2019, 11:13:04 am
Just right click them in the sell menu. It'll tell you if they are used for anything in the workshop.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ElGrillo on June 13, 2019, 12:28:53 am
Is there a way to manually edit "blocked"options in the advanced setting tab?
I've tried manually editing the config file, but it auto resets to default values.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on June 13, 2019, 04:34:50 pm
You can remove the blocks in the appropriate section of the Piratez.rul file. The blocked options are the way Dioxine intended this game to be played - don't bother complaining if your gameplay is ruined because you changed some options you weren't meant to be changed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ElGrillo on June 13, 2019, 09:53:52 pm
Nah, I just want to change the UFO landing alert; everything else is great for me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on June 13, 2019, 10:07:11 pm
Hint - look for the line:

Either delete the offending line to allow changing it in options or change the value to whatever you want it to be fixed at.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ElGrillo on June 14, 2019, 12:39:21 am
already did, thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 16, 2019, 03:06:42 pm
Is it neccessary to have a factory AND a printer in the same base? Or does a factory count when about the "needs printer to manufacture" items?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 16, 2019, 04:29:05 pm
Factory is a big workshop, not a printer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on June 17, 2019, 01:21:26 am
What he said.  Digging through the tech tree viewer shows that the Factory does *not* provide the Printer function, so it alone won't be able to make anything that specifically requires the Industrial Printer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 17, 2019, 10:09:17 am
So I did right stuffing both in the same base. TYVM.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on June 17, 2019, 06:04:53 pm
Quick question.

Does the stun minilauncher hit the under armor or the front/side/rear armor?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on June 17, 2019, 08:45:12 pm
Quick question.

Does the stun minilauncher hit the under armor or the front/side/rear armor?
Explosions hit under armor when they are directly under the target or within three tiles (as I recall). Beyond that point they go against whichever side is facing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mercy on June 17, 2019, 09:20:29 pm
How to add my large music collection to recently installed X-Piratez?
The old "musics:"-section from pirates.rul is gone? 
I found a file "en-US.yml", where some soundtracks are listed. How can I add new GMGEO34.. etc musics now?
Also I hope I can simply add GMGEO34.FLAC  now!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Devon_v on June 17, 2019, 11:20:27 pm
How to add my large music collection to recently installed X-Piratez?
The old "musics:"-section from pirates.rul is gone? 
I found a file "en-US.yml", where some soundtracks are listed. How can I add new GMGEO34.. etc musics now?
Also I hope I can simply add GMGEO34.FLAC  now!
en-US.yml is the text strings, probably for the jukebox feature. There's more than one .rul file as far as I know, the music probably got moved to someplace else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mercy on June 17, 2019, 11:47:02 pm
HOW TO CONFIGURE A CUSTOM 700-piece soundtrack SOLVED:

You can configure your hundreds of soundtracks to be randomly selected in the file:

under the section called:


If missions repeat too much and you get super bored with 1 type of mission always playing the same darned soundtrack, just go into

and add a lot more tracks to missions under their  section called


Problem solved!!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 19, 2019, 02:28:20 pm
Ever seen a ratman panic?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 19, 2019, 08:54:36 pm
Ever seen a ratman panic?

Maybe once.
(Except when put on fire - then they panic like everyone else)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: doctor medic on June 20, 2019, 10:36:24 am
Ever seen a ratman panic?

I think after taking out a lot of them in a turn i managed to make them panic as i did rarely end some missions with them surrendering in the end of the turn if im not mistaken and they cant surrender.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 20, 2019, 12:06:11 pm
They can surrender:

Code: [Select]
    race: STR_RATMEN
    canSurrender: true
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 20, 2019, 01:09:13 pm
It is a bit odd that they are actually way better soldiers that even Marsec when the lore describes them as rabble. They are no terrible shots either. Why is nobody employing them as scouts/snipers? A trained ratman is eyes of a hawk and nerves of steel would be a valuable asset even to Mercenaries.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 20, 2019, 03:15:46 pm
Way better soldiers? In what sense?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 20, 2019, 03:18:19 pm
They never break and fight to the bitter end. Unlike nearly everyone else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 20, 2019, 03:19:01 pm
If Ratmen were disciplined, I agree they would be great for certain specialized roles (like their namesakes in 40k).
But they are not psychologically fit for being soldiers. They make barely acceptable bandits!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on June 20, 2019, 03:46:42 pm
..i wouldn´t hire any ratmen, not at all!
no ever

(i dont want, precautiosly, and dont let those ratmens rape and abuse "my´ gals, even :/ :/(

..and they steal, /and robbery, everything what isnt "welded -on",to ferro-concrete.. )

NOT welcome´d, ever!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on June 20, 2019, 04:37:19 pm

= negro-monkeys

 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 20, 2019, 07:19:28 pm
But they are not psychologically fit for being soldiers.

My point is that contrary to the lore, they are psychologicaly extremely well fit to be soldiers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 20, 2019, 08:44:38 pm
How many fighters, heavies and bombers would you keep at hand?

I have been looking at these  advanced armors. Where in the world fo you find 50 essences for a Furiosa?

Is there a lonk for mkre music, kr do I go on playing mu STALKER in the background?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 20, 2019, 10:19:31 pm
My point is that contrary to the lore, they are psychologicaly extremely well fit to be soldiers.

So all that counts for a soldier is Bravery? Then a drone easily beats Ratman. Cornered rat fights to the end, that's all. They know they're worth less money than the effort to take them alive. If given good guns and armor, they'd probably steal it and run, or quickly surrender to enemy to trade that shit in. Here goes your perfect soldier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 21, 2019, 12:40:27 am
I have been looking at these  advanced armors. Where in the world fo you find 50 essences for a Furiosa?

capture dark ones and deamons alive and process them, there is also a ritual to sacrifice certain slave types.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tomolio on June 21, 2019, 02:34:51 am
How do i unlock the Orbital Space freight missions? i mean i researched it and all but they never show up and its been years. It says i need a ship with a speed of 3000 and long range and ive got a Devastator that seems to meet those requirements but they're still not showing up. Is there something else i need?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on June 21, 2019, 03:21:59 am
hmn.. so "ratmens" ;)


yap, kill them all, that vile, heinous, ugly, bad rapist, cut-throaters, & robbing evil ratmens, shoot-outff them all!

.. - with all means, necessity, and all weapons, - firing (them), atom shell them, napalm them, burn-out them, etc..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 21, 2019, 12:47:45 pm
So all that counts for a soldier is Bravery?

Psychologicaly? In X-Com? Yes. Cornered rat goes berserk, these guys coldly keep on fighting. They aren’t bad shots either. Not universaly good in every role, but would perform well in as scouts and snipers I suppose.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 21, 2019, 09:02:52 pm
How do i unlock the Orbital Space freight missions? i mean i researched it and all but they never show up and its been years. It says i need a ship with a speed of 3000 and long range and ive got a Devastator that seems to meet those requirements but they're still not showing up. Is there something else i need?

just be patient, new missions are not added until the start of the next game month. Even then RNG if any given mission happens.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 22, 2019, 09:04:34 am
Psychologicaly? In X-Com? Yes. Cornered rat goes berserk, these guys coldly keep on fighting. They aren’t bad shots either. Not universaly good in every role, but would perform well in as scouts and snipers I suppose.

So first you bring up realism (to argue that non-ratmen factions should use ratmen), an now change front to "but in x-com"? Seriously, dude. Unless you go by game mechanics only, then you haven't adressed the crucial point (drone > ratman).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 22, 2019, 07:33:58 pm
(drone > ratman)

Drone has worse camo, its gun isn’t very accurate, needs recharging and maintenance and most importantly has no hands.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 22, 2019, 08:33:00 pm
needs recharging and maintenance
Living creatures need this thing called food that's fairly similar to recharging a drone.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 23, 2019, 02:55:38 pm
Do I have to do some aerial recon to find the Siberia Base, or will it just spawn like any other? Ain't no worries bout arms - got many mini nukes and anyway, i have to clean the D.C.'s barrels.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 23, 2019, 04:08:29 pm
Do I have to do some aerial recon to find the Siberia Base, or will it just spawn like any other? Ain't no worries bout arms - got many mini nukes and anyway, i have to clean the D.C.'s barrels.
No aerial recon required but you will need to have the country researched prior.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 25, 2019, 12:32:25 pm
Is there another way to get Force Circuits except by robbing the Church gys n gals? To dissect or disassemble something? I went through all the lists and hell - couldn't find it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 25, 2019, 01:38:11 pm
You can manufacture oyur own eventually, but vefore that oyu have to scavenge.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on June 26, 2019, 07:26:14 pm
Does anybody have any suggestions for how to reliably live-capture demons? They're basically immune to so many of the stun weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 26, 2019, 10:16:52 pm
Electricity works well, iirc. So E-Lassos and E-Ammo. They regain conciousness quickly though, so it might be best to collect them and have a few gals to stay guard.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Kharim on June 28, 2019, 01:38:26 am
How do You recruit gnomes?

Sent from my ZAX 1.2

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 28, 2019, 04:55:56 am
You encounter gnomes on a b rank bounty mission. Capture them alive.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BigDuck on June 28, 2019, 12:32:40 pm

I have all the necessary to recruit named dog, but there is no AYE button in the down right corner. Am i doing something wrong?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on June 28, 2019, 12:42:13 pm
I htink you can also get gnomes from smuggler lootboxes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ElGrillo on June 29, 2019, 12:01:24 am

I have all the necessary to recruit named dog, but there is no AYE button in the down right corner. Am i doing something wrong?

Do you have available bunk space?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BigDuck on June 29, 2019, 12:21:26 am
Do you have available bunk space?

If you mean living quarters, they were 60:60. That was the problem. Thank you!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 29, 2019, 10:05:47 am
How to recruit Syns? I researched them, have broken Syn, how to get recruitable Syns?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on June 29, 2019, 09:03:36 pm
There might be bug on the tech tree:

According to the tech tree viewer the "Destructor outfit" depends on "Ball of Annihilation" and the ball of annihilation depends on the destructor outfit.

I'm still using j14 version so that might have been fixed on the new one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zippicus on June 30, 2019, 05:29:44 am
How to recruit Syns? I researched them, have broken Syn, how to get recruitable Syns?

You don't exactly recruit them, once you have all the syn research done and the appropriate medical building they show up as a manufacture job.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on June 30, 2019, 02:15:51 pm
There might be bug on the tech tree:

According to the tech tree viewer the "Destructor outfit" depends on "Ball of Annihilation" and the ball of annihilation depends on the destructor outfit.

I'm still using j14 version so that might have been fixed on the new one.

Thank you, it wasn't fixed yet. But please post bug reports in the relevant "bugreports" thread.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 30, 2019, 05:36:33 pm
You don't exactly recruit them, once you have all the syn research done and the appropriate medical building they show up as a manufacture job.

You mean
Sickbay and Surgical?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 06, 2019, 12:43:45 am
Is Bugeye Voodoo power fixed?  It says the cap is 75, but I have one that's stuck at 52.  Meanwhile, my humans and gals are increasing VP normally.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on July 06, 2019, 03:07:39 am
Voodoo power should not increase. Only Skill....

There is only a way, if I remember correctly, and only with gals.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 06, 2019, 04:20:42 am
Weird, all my Voodoo trained gals have reached their VP cap from using staffs and wands.  But my first Bugeye and one of my mistresses are stuck midcap.  What's going on here?  Edit: Noticed her inital VP was really low.  Is there a max skill growth for VP?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on July 06, 2019, 08:39:53 am
I do a little search. There should be only a way to improve voodoo power in this mod. Maybe you activate somehow the "allow psi-strength improvement" option? It should be forced to false. Voodoo improvement it is not intended for the mod.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 06, 2019, 10:37:27 am
It looks like the option is disabled/locked out in the options.  I've been overwriting the the mod folder between upgrades, maybe that would mess up the options?  It's a new save with the latest version though -- but still doesn't account how some units are improving in v.power, while others have stopped.  Are all units supposed to be fixed to their starting VP?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on July 06, 2019, 04:40:48 pm
It looks like the option is disabled/locked out in the options.  I've been overwriting the the mod folder between upgrades, maybe that would mess up the options?  It's a new save with the latest version though -- but still doesn't account how some units are improving in v.power, while others have stopped.  Are all units supposed to be fixed to their starting VP?

- Option should be locked out. Correct.
- I also do overwrite, never had problems.
- Yes, they should be fixed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 09, 2019, 02:24:39 am
So anyone find a use for the food recipes like Boomasaurus steak and Deep One Pie?  They aren't edible?

They barely have any sell value for the effort it takes to create them, and you can't even put them in inventory, unlike Mushroom Beer.  What are they for?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on July 09, 2019, 03:51:27 am
Selling, they are even in the merchandise category.
They used to be easier, without all the mutated plants. But when you have the materials it is still good money, as production is quick.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 09, 2019, 08:45:51 pm
Is there a way to read to read the full text descriptions for researched items?  Many of them are cut off ie. can't read what the ammo bonuses are on guns because the flavor text pushes it down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on July 09, 2019, 08:58:48 pm
Ammo bonus is in the Anal-Section.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 10, 2019, 08:46:56 pm
The Eurosyndicate elimination mission says to eliminate all targets, but completing the mission gave me -1200 score.  The targets were rebels and a governor general.  I killed half, and knocked out the rest. 

Am I supposed to kill everyone, or do you get a massive score hit no matter what? Says the mission pay is 250k, but the infamy bonus loss is substantial.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on July 10, 2019, 09:08:29 pm
Congratuations, now you found out why it's a bad idea to do deals with an evil corporation mega-state without reading the fine print.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 10, 2019, 09:35:08 pm
What is the Voodoo Mastery stat?  Is it just another name for V.Skill?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on July 10, 2019, 10:27:56 pm
I don't know the formula at the moment, but there is an ingame article about it. (Of course there is!)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 11, 2019, 05:14:17 am
Mastery is V. power x V. skill
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mercy on July 12, 2019, 12:44:02 pm

I finally managed to add all my tracks to the Jukebox and finally the game recognizes and automatically plays my new tracks a lot more frequently than couple days ago, when I made this error:


As you can see I accidentally left two "musics:"  entries in Piratez_Resources.rul 
and that effectively cut off auto play of most of my new tracks!!!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 12, 2019, 05:49:23 pm
How does one acquire Disc of Death (i), Medical Slicer (i), and Holy Hand Grenades once researched?  Are they drop/arcane strongbox only?

Also where are all the Deep One Nomads?  May 2603 and haven't come across any, only Warriors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on July 12, 2019, 06:48:04 pm

Also where are all the Deep One Nomads?  May 2603 and haven't come across any, only Warriors.

The nomads are the ones you find underwater, Warriors you find above.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 13, 2019, 09:56:20 am
How does one acquire Disc of Death (i), Medical Slicer (i), and Holy Hand Grenades once researched?  Are they drop/arcane strongbox only?

Disc oD you manufacture, slicer you find in missions against the Academy (It's MEDICAL, so that it's the Academy stuff like all other things medical; sonic pulsers, etc, etc? - Deep Ones. Logic, Scotty, logic - Spok) and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch we get explaineth by somebody else as I, too, shalt need to know hat.)

But I DO have an ominous feeling that this Holy Grenade is gonna be some veeery seriously fuked up shet, as Threedog says.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on July 14, 2019, 07:21:02 pm
How does one acquire Disc of Death (i), Medical Slicer (i), and Holy Hand Grenades once researched?  Are they drop/arcane strongbox only?

Academy Espers sometimes carry medical slicers esp on passenger ferrying missions. You can manufacture Disc of Death after getting the info from a merc captain. The Holy Hand Grenade is a super rare drop that I got once from a mysterious tower mission, and another time from a random underwater mission-I've yet to set one off.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 16, 2019, 08:30:57 pm
I had them researched already.  Disc of Death actually required the Industrial Printer to manufacture, still haven't figured out how to manufacture Medical Slicer and Holy grenades, but I've been getting them from Campus raids and Arcane boxes respectively.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 18, 2019, 02:59:39 pm
Holy grenade will be needed againdt that Baron of Hell (666 HP) that u have to capture (?) for some armor, blahblah... Anywayz, have yer main attack craft stuffed with yer best gals, axes, maces, Gandalfs, Saurons, gunz n ammo. Ya will need those. ALL.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 18, 2019, 03:14:19 pm
Actually, catching the Baron is relatively easy to do, asit rarely dies from injuries - wear him down with automatic fire and then make sure he doesn't bleed out. It isn't guaranteed of course, but probably the easiest way, so repeat until it works.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 18, 2019, 04:05:46 pm
TYVM, Scorch. I will face the Demonic Sacrifices Missions, didn't do those yet, so I'm sharpening my swords now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 18, 2019, 04:11:27 pm
What do you do to keep calm your gals wearing the Blitz Armor on hard missions? Even Bravery 90 ones go mad, gotto give them back the Chromeback. Bah. They chomp all my chocolate. Blitz looks so nice and has 50 Reactions...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on July 18, 2019, 07:16:33 pm
What do you do to keep calm your gals wearing the Blitz Armor on hard missions? Even Bravery 90 ones go mad, gotto give them back the Chromeback. Bah. They chomp all my chocolate. Blitz looks so nice and has 50 Reactions...

Pillow Books, healing other gals, killing enemies, smoking cigs etc. Just check Bootypedia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on July 18, 2019, 11:25:32 pm
Mostly killing though, that's what all those time units are for.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on July 19, 2019, 06:21:54 am
In Vanilla, it was possible to get an allied craft to hover over a UFO landing so they would engage the moment the UFO took off.

Is this still possible in X-Piratez with the "Every ship can enter the battlescape" mechanics?

Also, where do "The Russian Files" come from?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on July 19, 2019, 01:14:19 pm
The files come from a special mission in Siberia, you'll have to research it for it toshow up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on July 19, 2019, 07:56:26 pm
Time to look through the research topics frantically then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 20, 2019, 10:39:50 am
Vot, tovarish, eto zadacha v ROSSII, tak prigotovitsya na Stalingrad.
So, Comrade, it's a mission in RUSSIA, so get yerself ready for your very own Battle of Stalingrad.


Bring anti-armor and make sure you have qualified fighters back home to replace those WIA/KIA.

And good luck... Ya gonna need it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on July 20, 2019, 12:17:31 pm
Mininukes and EMP Bombs can solve a LOT of problems there...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 21, 2019, 10:26:22 am
Mininukes and EMP Bombs can solve a LOT of problems there...
My favs. They do, indeed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 28, 2019, 11:33:48 am
Is there a websire with all the beautiful artworks from this mod?
And can someone upload the intro music?

I just love it all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on July 30, 2019, 08:20:06 pm
Just went on a Church Boot Camp mission at night, found a Cardinal, those never spawn during the day.

Any other missions where the enemy spawns change significantly at night?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on July 30, 2019, 10:00:54 pm
i'm pretty sure that the hour of the day does not affect spawning
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on July 31, 2019, 04:13:32 am
i'm pretty sure that the hour of the day does not affect spawning

That doesn't change what I saw.

Reloaded the mission during the day and there was no cardinal.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on July 31, 2019, 11:49:08 am
That doesn't change what I saw.

Reloaded the mission during the day and there was no cardinal.

On some missions certain enemies have a chance to spawn or not. For example the "surprise" on the hoppers. Nothing influences the chance roll.
If you reload that mission enough times, you will get a day mission with a cardinal and a night mission without.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Harkonnen on July 31, 2019, 04:08:52 pm
I have two questions:

1. Where to get an academy engineer? July 2602 i have not seen one, and it locks research hard...

2. What's the deal with sectopods? I encountered a star gods pogrom, dealing with SGs themselves weren't that hard, but i wasn't able to damage sectopods at all. I looked in ufopedia, i looked in rulez files to confirm that ufopedia is correct, and i dont understand. Sectopod have back armor of 110 with no resistance against cutting or piercing and 40% resistance against concussive, so why my recoilless rifles, panzerfaustes and tech cleavers/battle axes deal no dmg to it? Especially RR which at 62-187 dmg with 40% AP should deal some dmg on every hit...

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on July 31, 2019, 09:55:01 pm
I have two questions:

1. Where to get an academy engineer? July 2602 i have not seen one, and it locks research hard...

2. What's the deal with sectopods? I encountered a star gods pogrom, dealing with SGs themselves weren't that hard, but i wasn't able to damage sectopods at all. I looked in ufopedia, i looked in rulez files to confirm that ufopedia is correct, and i dont understand. Sectopod have back armor of 110 with no resistance against cutting or piercing and 40% resistance against concussive, so why my recoilless rifles, panzerfaustes and tech cleavers/battle axes deal no dmg to it? Especially RR which at 62-187 dmg with 40% AP should deal some dmg on every hit...
1. In a bunch of Academy ships, notably Cutters and Excavators. Also in academy variants of toppling towers and mansion invasions. Probably plenty of others I'm forgetting.

2. Sectopods have shields, you need to deal with the shields first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on July 31, 2019, 10:14:47 pm
On some missions certain enemies have a chance to spawn or not. For example the "surprise" on the hoppers. Nothing influences the chance roll.
If you reload that mission enough times, you will get a day mission with a cardinal and a night mission without.

I guess that makes sense. My first Boot Camp mission had a Reverend and none of the ones afterward did.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on July 31, 2019, 10:20:06 pm
Am I to assume you need to shoot Cyberdisks with EMP to capture them intact?

The old UFO Defense tactic of blowing them up to negate their explosion no longer works.

Or do any stun weapons work on it, like with Academy Drones?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on July 31, 2019, 10:39:21 pm
Am I to assume you need to shoot Cyberdisks with EMP to capture them intact?

The old UFO Defense tactic of blowing them up to negate their explosion no longer works.

Or do any stun weapons work on it, like with Academy Drones?
EMP is one of the ways, certain damage types will result in the cyber-disc not self-destructing. Note that electricity is not one of those damage types so don't go using a cattle prod on it like you would a drone.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 01, 2019, 04:58:22 am
EMP is one of the ways, certain damage types will result in the cyber-disc not self-destructing. Note that electricity is not one of those damage types so don't go using a cattle prod on it like you would a drone.

I believe I remember hearing Cutting also works?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 01, 2019, 02:32:38 pm
To the colleague with sectopods prob: u trash their shields with a shotgun. Military stgs have quite tight spread. Then u go Recoilless etc.
To the cyberdisk prob colleague: cutting works, but u need a Conan girl with very good melee, or make it two or three, and some serious weapon, not an apple peeler. Try Fuso Swords. Cyberdisks don't have many TUs, so use that. AND, u need a map with plenty of covers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rangerh on August 02, 2019, 12:31:00 am
Hello, as a happy customer of eurosyndicate laser weaponry i've been doing a lot of missions with them (to counter balance the loss of points from avoiding doing the eurosynd missions themselves) .

But i encountered some odd results that leave me rather puzzled about some game mechanic i may not understand as much as i thought.

I equipped my Gals with eurosynd markslaser, very good type of sniper rifle that does 55 laser damage with nice accuracy at long distance with my night ops armors.
In those situation i noticed several times some armored troops like the Government Enforcer most time getting one shot-ed

But i also noticed Church Neophytes and Humanist Soldiers, both low health and low protections (and both taking 100% of laser damage)

half of the time (so way too much for it being just a simple oddity) resisting 2 direct hits from that markslaser

Apparently the church guys have force circuitry, but a search on this board revealed that only the higher ranks have one (and it's also reflected on the laser resistance , as bootypedia mention neophyte taking full 100% laser damage)

So my question is why is it happening ?

EDIT : typical, i may find the answer just after asking the question, found in another search it looks like there's more randomness to armor penetration that i thought
The way damage works is:
1- Take the average damage of the weapon
2- multiply by 0 to 200% (or 50% to 150% with the TftD formula)
3- Apply the damage modifier of the armor
4- Substract armor
5- If anything is left, remove HP.
6- If HP was removed, also remove 10% of damage, rounded up, from the armor value.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 02, 2019, 08:56:58 am
Also, many weapons, particularly high powered Piercing weapons like the Auto-Cannon and Bossar inflict armor damage regardless of whether or not they deal HP damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 02, 2019, 01:37:05 pm
I have two questions:

1. Where to get an academy engineer? July 2602 i have not seen one, and it locks research hard...

2. What's the deal with sectopods? I encountered a star gods pogrom, dealing with SGs themselves weren't that hard, but i wasn't able to damage sectopods at all. I looked in ufopedia, i looked in rulez files to confirm that ufopedia is correct, and i dont understand. Sectopod have back armor of 110 with no resistance against cutting or piercing and 40% resistance against concussive, so why my recoilless rifles, panzerfaustes and tech cleavers/battle axes deal no dmg to it? Especially RR which at 62-187 dmg with 40% AP should deal some dmg on every hit...

That 40% means they only take 40% of damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 08, 2019, 12:35:41 pm
How the hell do you kill a Megazombie?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 08, 2019, 02:37:55 pm
How the hell do you kill a Megazombie?

Shoot it?
The thing has about 800+ hp, but no armor. It takes only 35% damage from explosives (concussive), so these are the least effective. So yeah, it can eat some rockets.
On the other hand, one close-range autoshot from the mammoth chain shotgun will bring it down. Shotguns are the fastest way to kill it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 08, 2019, 03:13:33 pm
Shoot it?
The thing has about 800+ hp, but no armor. It takes only 35% damage from explosives (concussive), so these are the least effective. So yeah, it can eat some rockets.
On the other hand, one close-range autoshot from the mammoth chain shotgun will bring it down. Shotguns are the fastest way to kill it.

Zombie Troopers go down quite fast with Street Sweeper with incendiary ammo. 2 volleys and byebye.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 08, 2019, 03:18:14 pm
If  u see a craft with "Flag: Unknown," it's ZOMBIES!

I wanna face such a... Bomber, Cruiser... Oh, yeeeah;)

"Careful what you wish for..." "OF COURSE I WANNA."

Curious thing, I have begun again from a very early save, on a very beginning of the game - NOT a new game - and now, everything is so different! Wayz more zombie ships... Dark ones attacking me base...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 10, 2019, 06:50:59 am
Why do my spacesuits tear for no reason?

I'm doing my first space mission, and the moment turn 2 begins, every soldier takes one point of damage, causing their suit to tear, which makes them take half their HP in stun damage.

They don't have to get hit for that, it happens even if they just sit inside the craft (Prospector.)

As with before, I can't tell if this is a legitimate mechanic or a glitch, though I am leaning towards the latter.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 10, 2019, 06:54:20 am
Does it have something to do with the "You feel the cold of the void?" message?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 13, 2019, 08:48:42 pm
Space missions are currently bugged, Dioxine was trying to alter the environmental effects in space and didn't fix all the O-G armors. To correct for now.

"there is no quick fix.... well maybe the quickest would be disabling the enviro damage in space
        chancePerTurn: 100
        firstTurn: 2
        lastTurn: 1000
        message: "STR_AURA_COLD_DEADLY_TXT"
        color: 205
        weaponOrAmmo: "AURA_COLD_DEADLY"
        side: 4
        bodyPart: 1
find that in Piratez_Planet.rul and delete the whole 'environmentalConditions' block"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on August 13, 2019, 10:30:21 pm
Lol, I was just about to write about that :). Had 2 space missions in a row, got around 25% stun pr round :( Managed to complete one, had to load the start of the mission and cancel the second, no way my 2 men could kill 4+ zombies in 4 rounds :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on August 14, 2019, 12:45:12 am
Trying to update my Excel sheet of all my soldiers, and i was wondering about training.
I know the max trainable stats for my ubers and hands, so I got a pretty good idea of how long it is till they are out of training. But I cannot figure out what the stats are for Slaves, Lokk'Naars and Bugeyes.

My best guess is that it is based on Firing 85, Throwing 66, Meelee 66, and nothing else, can anyone confirm that, or know what the various numbers are?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 14, 2019, 01:46:29 am
Trying to update my Excel sheet of all my soldiers, and i was wondering about training.
I know the max trainable stats for my ubers and hands, so I got a pretty good idea of how long it is till they are out of training. But I cannot figure out what the stats are for Slaves, Lokk'Naars and Bugeyes.

My best guess is that it is based on Firing 85, Throwing 66, Meelee 66, and nothing else, can anyone confirm that, or know what the various numbers are?

You should be able to research entries on each possible soldier type, and they tell you the possible stat ranges.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on August 14, 2019, 02:49:40 am
Yeah, I know their max stat ranges. But i am trying to find out whenever they are done training in the Dojo :).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 14, 2019, 08:04:34 am
The caps in question can be found in piratez.rul, search for"trainingstatcaps". Here's the slave soldier block.

      tu: 66
      stamina: 85
      health: 40
      firing: 85
      throwing: 66
      strength: 40
      psiSkill: 65
      melee: 66

peasants are identical, bugeyes have lower cap for health and strength, loks have higher stamina and reduced health and strength. But i will leave you to find all the exact numbers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on August 14, 2019, 03:27:26 pm
The caps in question can be found in piratez.rul, search for"trainingstatcaps". Here's the slave soldier block.

      tu: 66
      stamina: 85
      health: 40
      firing: 85
      throwing: 66
      strength: 40
      psiSkill: 65
      melee: 66

peasants are identical, bugeyes have lower cap for health and strength, loks have higher stamina and reduced health and strength. But i will leave you to find all the exact numbers.

Perfekt, thanks. I figured it was listed SOMEWHERE, was looking through the savegame for the info, since i could see the current stats there :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on August 14, 2019, 04:16:20 pm
(so work has kept me from playing with the frequency I wished)

I installed the recent version of Piratez into my current campaign. I noticed that an enemy base (Mercs, BTW) now has a small radar-like circle around it.
What is the meaning of said circle?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 14, 2019, 07:48:53 pm
(so work has kept me from playing with the frequency I wished)

I installed the recent version of Piratez into my current campaign. I noticed that an enemy base (Mercs, BTW) now has a small radar-like circle around it.
What is the meaning of said circle?

Bases are now protected by Hunter Killers, so that they can shot down your transport vessel. You have to either arm up, or send interceptor first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on August 15, 2019, 06:14:49 pm
Bases are now protected by Hunter Killers, so that they can shot down your transport vessel. You have to either arm up, or send interceptor first.

That explains why my airvan randomly got shot down on the way to a completely different mission. Wish I knew beforehand that my crew would return to base, I thought they were just goners.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 15, 2019, 09:27:52 pm
What code gives el Fuego craft?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 15, 2019, 09:38:08 pm
What code gives el Fuego craft?
Gold Codex
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 15, 2019, 11:14:51 pm
Gold Codex
Hey, can we really integrate the new version into ours? I got the March 2019 one. Old saves really work? Whete from do we download?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 15, 2019, 11:55:47 pm
Where you always download? The link is in the 1st post in the main thread, the one that changes its name according to the current version.

After installing as usual just copy your save and, if you want to (I know I do) your options.cfg.

I always update to the current version.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Kevlar Bullfrog on August 19, 2019, 05:56:53 pm
Is there some way of boosting infamy in the early game that I'm missing? I've lost one campaign last version and may be about to lose another one on this version to the "two consecutive months of negative infamy" fail condition, despite doing nearly every mission, taking few casualties, doing research and conducting interrogations etc. Some months I do fine and get 2500+ infamy and others for no reason I can tell it's -100. In my last campaign it would be randomly -1000. Is there something I'm doing that's killing my campaign? Does slavery or pimpcraft secretly tank your infamy?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on August 19, 2019, 08:14:09 pm
Are you going to mutant pogroms? Mutant pogroms are xpiratez's terror missions, so if you don't at least show up, you'll take a significant infamy hit. Also, knocking government ships out of the sky and raiding them after tends to make your infamy tank as well, since they're the people who pay you protection money, and its not like you absolutely can't do it, just don't do it often.
Slavery and pimpcraft have nothing to do with infamy, AFAIK.
Killing/kidnapping civilians during missions is also bad, and I *think* not helping the lok'narrs also tanks your infamy, since they're your only real ally, lore wise.

Some research options can tank your infamy too, but those are rare and far between.

EDIT: There's also two other things that I know can lower your infamy, those being that one "strange signal" space mission, which gives you an infamy hit if you don't deal with it, and secret bases, which give you a monthly hit if you don't deal with them, me thinks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 19, 2019, 09:20:28 pm
Some enemy missions can lower your infamy, especially the ressource one with the ore ship because they stay on the map for a very long time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 19, 2019, 11:07:44 pm
Slavery and pimpcraft have nothing to do with infamy, AFAIK.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Kevlar Bullfrog on August 20, 2019, 12:51:51 pm
Thanks all, I think I must just be getting really unlucky with the enemy missions that are spawning. And I have dodged some pogroms here and there but I thought that didn't matter under you officially allied with the Mutants. Should you still show up, land and take-off even if you're not ready for a fight?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 20, 2019, 02:07:00 pm
@Kevlar Bullfrog:
Upload a save and we can tell you more. It may be that you are unlucky, or it may be that you are not expanding fast enough (brainers + radar coverage). Research gives infamy, so the easiest solution is to get more brainers as fast as possible.

- Mutant progroms: will not drop your infamy if left alone if you are not in the mutant alliance.

- Civilians: will drop your infamy if killed. Capture is better, but still negative score. However, once you have researched a civilian, it will give positive score for capture.

- UFOs: They fly around all over the globe. They generate negative score when flying, and a lot more negative score when landed. Worst are the mining ships, that stay on ground for a very long time. The mining ship is not hard to assault, but you need to detect them first. This is why you need to expand your radar coverage.
In the early game you don't have the money to build a base and radar everywhere, that is why the game has the Pigeon radar craft. Look at the graphs to see which area has lots of activity, then send your pigeon there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 20, 2019, 06:20:18 pm
Mutant Pogroms cause penalties if you're allied with the alliance even if you ditch the mission.
As long as you're not allied you can skip the mission without penalties.
If you visit the pogrom and instantly surrender you get punished regardless of alliance of not.
If your early squad is not ready to face a pogrom just don't bother with it and gear up.

Radar Coverage: Yes you can't have eyes on the entire globe but using hangar space to field radar craft costs you valuable building space.
The regions important to cover are: Europe / North America / Asia and you're best building bases with baby-hideouts to have radar cover.

These regions have the most traffic and best environments to play the early missions. South America and Africa have alot of jungle and desert tiles causing you to run missions in hot-environment.
Equipment is non-existent early on and you need every single TU to fight and heal and can't waste TUs onto using water bottles to cure stun-damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 21, 2019, 10:41:53 pm
Where can I find a Rail Rifle and Nuclear Battery?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 21, 2019, 11:09:17 pm
Where can I find a Rail Rifle and Nuclear Battery?

Rail Rifle if I remember correctly is used by Traders Guild in mid-late game where they start to fly big transport ships.

Nuclear Battery I think you can find after dismantling captured Terminators from Space Disruptions mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 21, 2019, 11:51:55 pm
Rail Rifle if I remember correctly is used by Traders Guild in mid-late game where they start to fly big transport ships.

I've fought trader Gunships, Bombers, and Heavy Gunships, and I've only ever seen Gauss Weapons, not Rail Rifles.
Do Heavy Freighters have them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 22, 2019, 08:30:57 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 22, 2019, 09:18:36 am

Two progression gates in one swing, nice.

X-Gauss and Thunderhorse, here I come.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FireFog on August 22, 2019, 11:36:51 pm
Oi, long time listener, first time caller. I've upgraded to J15 (from J11) and started a new campaign, but I don't seem to be able to move facilities anymore with CTRL + click. Is my brain messed up, or is there a catch ?

Anyways, that's a top-shelf game (a mod of this scope becomes a game of its own right) you made there, the stuff of legends! Hats off to anyone involved with this hell of a mod (and to the lovely OpenXCom + Extended folks also).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on August 23, 2019, 01:31:47 am
After OXCE 5.4, moving facilities is removed. I do also think it is a shame. BTW, if I remember correctly, J16 comes with OXCE 5.4, so you should be able to do it yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 23, 2019, 10:15:53 am
In Piratez it is disabled on the highest difficulty, iirc. It costs $333k on the others.
Though I had trouble replacing buildings with newer ones, I couldn't build the red tower over anything. Hangar over plantation worked fine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 23, 2019, 11:55:52 am
Which buildings count as studies? The study itself, obviously, and the personal lab as well. Something else?
I started my game way before personal labs and never built one, so I wonder if I miss some research now, as I never built a study anywhere.

Edit: Can there be different missions behind scout gates or is it always the same with the dungeon?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FireFog on August 23, 2019, 07:31:01 pm
After OXCE 5.4, moving facilities is removed. I do also think it is a shame. BTW, if I remember correctly, J16 comes with OXCE 5.4, so you should be able to do it yet.
Cheers, thought I was losing it! I may upgrade to J16 when I'm back.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on August 23, 2019, 08:59:44 pm
^^ ..or, you alwazy can allways edit your savegame file, and edit those facilities coordinates, place'ing th base´s rooms exactly where yu want
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on August 24, 2019, 02:03:25 am
I'm right at the end of a Red codex run, and I have no way to get a technomancer corpse. Is there a line edit to the .ru I could do so that I can at least build some Moloch armor? I tried to look for the appropriate value myself, but couldn't find the right one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 24, 2019, 01:23:34 pm
I'm right at the end of a Red codex run, and I have no way to get a technomancer corpse. Is there a line edit to the .ru I could do so that I can at least build some Moloch armor? I tried to look for the appropriate value myself, but couldn't find the right one.
Moloch is called str_slayer_armor in the ruleset. The relevant entries for research and manufacture are in piratez.rul.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 26, 2019, 01:50:48 am
Is there max number of slave maids per base? I can't ship any to another base, it says not it enough store space ans there is about a 100 space there. WTF's wrong??
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 26, 2019, 09:19:35 am
Is there max number of slave maids per base? I can't ship any to another base, it says not it enough store space ans there is about a 100 space there. WTF's wrong??

It might be a bug, or some kind of "bug prevention safety feature".

Another base has anything with positive store space score?
Maybe your first base is full and removing even one slave maid will overload store space?

Slave Maids are treated as "objects" (hehe) and you should be able to store them as much as the game would allow any object (maybe like 9999, or something).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 26, 2019, 11:01:24 am
Yea, I guess you're right, It's OK now. Treated like objects, hehe... Man, I LOVE that... TYVM:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 26, 2019, 02:51:31 pm
Will theey bring back ctrl click for buildings moving? No way I play without that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on August 26, 2019, 03:56:07 pm
Will theey bring back ctrl click for buildings moving? No way I play without that.

They will not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 26, 2019, 04:21:22 pm
Can ctrl click be configured in options file or somewhere?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 26, 2019, 04:41:27 pm
No, it can not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on August 26, 2019, 07:32:18 pm
ctrl click :D lôl

you still can edit the savegame file, and just edit the exact coordinates for those "rooms" in base, for exactly place´ing them where yu want
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 26, 2019, 10:07:13 pm
Death Dungeon tips?

Feels way harder than the X-Prison.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 26, 2019, 10:26:16 pm
Is that the one behind the scout gate? That seemed pretty easy, even for my b-team.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on August 26, 2019, 11:09:51 pm
Is that the one behind the scout gate? That seemed pretty easy, even for my b-team.

I found that slaves/peasants who have high voodoo power/voodoo training really shine here. High bravery helps too. The peasant's wrestling moves are really good at stunning the wraiths then you can get proper weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 27, 2019, 02:57:44 am
I tried with gals and they got creamed.

My next attempt will be with Slave Soldiers. They aren't trained at all, but that +40 strength has gotta help.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 27, 2019, 04:11:08 am
Turns out not even Slave Soldiers can do the job. I can't even leave the first room without getting killed immediately.

How high does their Voodoo power have to be? Even with 60 Voodoo power, they take 20 morale damage every round.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on August 27, 2019, 03:23:05 pm
Just high voodoo power isn't enough, they'll also need to have high bravery and voodoo skill to have a decent chance. Bravery is easy to raise, but voodoo skill takes a while.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 27, 2019, 06:50:45 pm
I found that slaves/peasants who have high voodoo power/voodoo training really shine here. High bravery helps too. The peasant's wrestling moves are really good at stunning the wraiths then you can get proper weapons.

The hammer killed the first wraith, then I had a blade. After the 1st turn I had a badly wounded hammergal and a couple with blades and discipliners. One more outside gal got hurt by a wraith, but those died easily. You can even punch them to stun them.

My Lokks and slaves were imprisoned, and one of those in prison got hurt as well, because they were on the edge. But the wraith that did that fell asleep after being punched as well, and I retreated them all to the middle of the cages.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 27, 2019, 08:34:50 pm
Just high voodoo power isn't enough, they'll also need to have high bravery and voodoo skill to have a decent chance. Bravery is easy to raise, but voodoo skill takes a while.

Is the only way to train Voodoo Skill with a Voodoo School? What about Bravery?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 27, 2019, 09:42:47 pm
Voodoo school needs to unlock the voodoo skill first.
Once training is done you can train it in combat with voodoo-items.

Bug-Eyes can use voodoo right from the start offering you terror/mindcontrol with some effort invested long before you can even build a v-school.

Bravery can be trained by using ropes (against enemies) and resisting panic-attacks (morale below 50 at start of turn)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 27, 2019, 09:55:58 pm
And by using proper medical items to heal. No training with vodka.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: armadilloTank on August 28, 2019, 02:53:57 am
Hey I just started a new game (like a week or so ago) and I just got my first 0-G mission on this play through. All my peasants are going unconscious in 3 turns. What changed? Do space suits not have oxygen any more??? (yes they are in standard peasant/human space suits)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: armadilloTank on August 28, 2019, 03:10:37 am
Like is it the cold damage? How do they think space suits work? Lol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 28, 2019, 07:48:03 am
Like is it the cold damage? How do they think space suits work? Lol.

It's a horrible, horrible bug that I fell into. Look a few pages back for how to fix it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on August 28, 2019, 05:53:28 pm
It's a horrible, horrible bug that I fell into. Look a few pages back for how to fix it.

I love 0-G missions. So surreal.
The bug affects space suits for Gals, and Humans. Lokk'Naar suits appear unaffected. Thus, I carry plenty of stimms per soldier, plus a complement of Loks gals as backup. My gals, peasants and slaves rush to battle Moonraker ( style!  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 28, 2019, 06:26:13 pm
I never had a problem with singer zombies until recently. When I discovered that they have a flame psi attack that works through walls.

My previous encounters with singers were in open terrain over long distance. They don't reaction fire, so you can simply shoot them from a distance and go back to cover.

The trouble started when: Zombie ordinator, with the singers inside the ship and not leaving it. Plus, the ordinator right next to my craft. Close enough that they occasionally incinerated the gals still inside the craft. The flame attacks increased when my gals approached the ordinator.
Pretty tough situation. The singers won't leave the ordinator, and you can't just rush them because there are also zombie troopers in the ship. And you constatntly eat flame damage the closer you get to the ship.

How exactly do the psi flames work?
- I have seen severeal different attacks. A flame lighting up, then disappearing in a puff of smoke, no damage taken. A 3x3 area set on fire with the target in the middle. A radius 2 explosion of fire. This is different then the other flame weapons I'm used to, which have a fixed radius. In the ruleset AUX_PYROKINESIS has no "FireBlastCalc: false" that all other fire weapons have. Is that what is responsible for the not fixed radius?
- How does damage work? Is there a way to defend? From looking at the ruleset, I would assume the attack does not ignore armor. I have seen attacks that did no damage, so there must be a way to not take damage. Is defender psi considered? How exactly? What factors govern the size of the flame explosion?

And the last question: Why did I see the singer shoot-through-walls psi attack now for the first time? I play on Jack Sparrow and the recent update increased psi skill + power of enemies a bit. Are these few skill points extra what made the difference???
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on August 28, 2019, 07:16:34 pm
I can answer some of those questions.

Singer zombees used to toss flames before, too. If they got too close. (Closer than SMG or even Shotgun range, to be honest. This meant that any kind of shooty gal loadout could deal with them at ranges singers were not effective).

The Singer's flame attack is psi. That means that the AI will not even attempt it if the chance is too low. As with most(all?) Psi attacks against you, a number of factors are used, from Voo to Doo to inherent psi defense bonuses from armors, to (i think) morale.

The flame attack itself is mitigated by Burn resist although not sure whether the numerical armor value is taken into account. Maybe?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on August 28, 2019, 09:22:15 pm
In regards to the slave soldier voodoo resistance thing, you could just use well trained bugeyes, altough their armor options are much worse and they're considerably more fragile to anything else except choke damage. They're also really easy to train in voodoo skill since you can just spam their terror attack.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 28, 2019, 10:07:29 pm
@Iazo: Thanks for the info. I will see if adding moral items to my gals makes a difference. Always carry your space towel...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 29, 2019, 04:53:49 am
The singers flame attack is fairly long ranged in its current form (aimed shot 15) with considerable base accuracy(200%). Burn type but armor is included, with a base of 38 dmg. So decent armor will keep you relatively safe. Also a very slow attack at 40% tu
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 29, 2019, 01:59:14 pm
Singers have two flame attacks. AUX_PYROKINESIS and AUX_SPIRIT_FLAMES. You are talking about spirit flames, but these are no problem since they don't shoot through walls. Pyrokinesis costs 25 tu flat, and *can* shoot through walls since it's a psi attack.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on August 30, 2019, 08:55:00 pm
My gals level up very slowly. What's the deal with that?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on August 30, 2019, 10:21:10 pm
Their stats grow normally. If you want to gave them more stats increase, use armors that give more XP. Sailor, gym suit, bikini, brainer, etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on August 31, 2019, 01:27:52 am
My gals level up very slowly. What's the deal with that?

Define "slowly". For comparison, my gals need around 20 missions to reach max tu. Depends heavily on starting values of course.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 31, 2019, 05:06:45 pm
Every action (healing someone / hitting a shot / slapping an enemy) gives you experience for the stats.
If you let one of your gals do only one action per mission they'll level very slowly.

If you want to level fast, you've to use weapons that can't harm your opponents to get a larger boost for your stats for a single mission.

A strat I used some patches ago was the one shotgun with rubber-shells to fight Megapol Wolfmen.
They can't hurt me and I can't hurt them = up to +6 on firing skill each deployment.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on September 03, 2019, 09:37:59 am
TYVM, every1. And...
Did any1 fight this dreaded Silence? Those skeletons in spacesuits? Which enemy is the most dreaded one in your case? I just love to fight Mercs. I devised a tav for 'em. BUT, as for zombies... gawd... Those are always a PItA to fight, especially the troopers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on September 03, 2019, 04:38:44 pm
Cheesy ways to get max xp:
You can attack unconcious enemies on the ground. Target the tile he is lying on. If it's alive and you hit it, it gives xp. Best use is if you stun an armored opponent (megapol enforcer for example) that won't take damage from low power attacks. You take that guy back to your craft where your weaker gals that need training wait in safety. They can all get max xp by gangbanging the one armored guy. Best outfit for the gals you want to tain: gym suit, black adder or mini smg, leather whip.
- Black adder: train firing, fits anywhere. Can empty clip in one round.
- Leather whip: train throwing.
- Kung fu kick: trains melee and reaction. Can target ground, so you can kick a guy on the ground.
All these attacks won't damage the enforcer. You can get max xp for firing, throwing, melee and reaction from attacking a guy passed out on the ground.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: doctor medic on September 03, 2019, 06:17:53 pm
The thing is to find a person that doesnt take damage from weak attacks but not too strong so you can reliably stun them
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on September 04, 2019, 02:57:44 pm
Like Eddie mentioned in the spoiler, megapol are great for this, as are the big raider guys. They got plenty of hitpoints so they'll last a while, though megapol enforces are better merely due to their armor. Get some strong gals in armor to use stun batons or electric lassos on them till they fall, then drag their still living bodies inside the ship where your gals can gangbang them.... Figuratively, of course.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on September 11, 2019, 10:33:34 pm
My little question:  Is a zombie space freighter mission winnable?

I just got my first space freighter mission and wouldn't you know it, it is full of zombies.

I know it is wise just to flee missions where your gals are outmatched or overwhelmed.  But I'm curious if at some point in the future with the right equipment my gals could ever successfully tackle this mission.  Oh and if the hordes of zombies weren't enough, there is at least one dude on the freighter that I've never seen in any of the previous missions (I've done almost 700).  He has some kind of psi attack that comes through the walls and hits a gal pretty much anywhere on the bottom level of the ship.  I'm assuming he will be able to hit my gals anywhere on the map.  The attack has a lightning like animation (like the electric lasso) that does quite a bit of stun and  tu damage along with some hp damage. 2 or 3 hits will pretty much drop a maxed hp gal unconscious.

I would rather not have to obliterate the entire freighter to "win"  the mission.

As this is my first post, I just want to thank Dioxine, those that work on the game engine, and everyone else that helped create such a great game.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on September 12, 2019, 02:05:04 am
"..I would rather not have to obliterate the entire freighter to "win"  the mission..." --

..although, - that would be the best possible solution, of course!

(..simply, just get & equip as much & powerful-est as possible nukes, nuc.bomb, rockets, and missiles, (and also as powerful, strong as possible.. - and launch them all, on that hordes of negro-musli.. ..ehm zoombies!

problem solved!

(also (would be) in real..)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on September 12, 2019, 02:06:16 am just cant loss..

(..with enought, a LOT of powerful nukes)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 12, 2019, 07:21:08 am
Yeah a zombie freighter is winnable with advanced tech, but pretty much voids the main reason for coming there, the specific captives found in the normal deployment.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on September 13, 2019, 11:50:43 pm
Actually I discovered today that there is a good reason to go after the zombie space freighter if your crew is buff enough.  One of my gals wearing novice armor(sense) spotted a vip.  He'll most likely wipe your squad before you can get to him.  Its the one someone in this very thread was looking for several weeks ago.

There is a Technomancer on board.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on September 17, 2019, 07:23:58 pm
I got a Battleship, ppl. Yea. Used a barracuda w/ 4x plasma spitters and 3 Brave Whalers with 3x Meteors each. Barely, but I got it. The fight was awesome and so was the loot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gyvon on September 18, 2019, 05:43:14 am
Is there anything you can do if the last enemy on the map spawns in an unreachable location?  Had a Techromancer Tomb mission where it went to Bug Hunt mode and I couldn't get to the last enemy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 18, 2019, 06:51:36 am
Is there anything you can do if the last enemy on the map spawns in an unreachable location?  Had a Techromancer Tomb mission where it went to Bug Hunt mode and I couldn't get to the last enemy.

I guess you are reffering to underground mission. Yes, you can, there is few weapons that are designed specifically to destroy terrain and dig tunnels. Like Pickaxe, or autoaxe.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 19, 2019, 07:24:54 am
Always bring demolition tools anywhere your allowed to. Even if you don't need them on a specific example of a mission, terrain generation can always fuck you over.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gyvon on September 20, 2019, 11:38:32 pm
So, uh, what's the deal with Hovertanks?  It's not letting me load them onto my vessels.

Version J15, BTW, because I'm paranoid about updating in the middle of a save

Edit:  Nevermind, I figured it out.  Just needed to read the Bootypedia page and it explained everything
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: TTRTT on September 24, 2019, 02:42:51 am
Need help form my melee fighters.

My best fighter always used fuso sword since the first month in my current playthrough. I got lucky and got it from a sky ninja but it took a while before I could buy them.

Now I'm 3 years later fighting enemies much stronger and the fuso sword just doesnt cut it anymore, specially against tanks and highly armoured enemies. Any refommendation for melee weapons I should have mid-game ?

On the same topic, I'm still using stun sticks to try to capture high rank enemies. I mostly rely on luck to knock them inconscious and I heal them before they bleed out, but Commando Captains still melee after rising up and I have a hard time stunning star gods or guildmaster. What do you guys use to capture enemies ? I cant always rely on luck and wont do F5/F9 to capture.

Thanks !
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gyvon on September 24, 2019, 06:02:52 am
For Melee, look up what it takes to unlock the Vibro-Sword.  It does a bit less damage , but it ignores 30% armor, whereas the Fuso sword is hindered by armor.  It's also a one-handed weapon so you could use a pistol as well.

Alternatively, you could farm Academy Espers for Medical Slicers.  It does laser damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 24, 2019, 10:33:18 am
Need help form my melee fighters.

My best fighter always used fuso sword since the first month in my current playthrough. I got lucky and got it from a sky ninja but it took a while before I could buy them.

Now I'm 3 years later fighting enemies much stronger and the fuso sword just doesnt cut it anymore, specially against tanks and highly armoured enemies. Any refommendation for melee weapons I should have mid-game ?

On the same topic, I'm still using stun sticks to try to capture high rank enemies. I mostly rely on luck to knock them inconscious and I heal them before they bleed out, but Commando Captains still melee after rising up and I have a hard time stunning star gods or guildmaster. What do you guys use to capture enemies ? I cant always rely on luck and wont do F5/F9 to capture.

Thanks !

What I recommend instead is to read bootypedia ASAP. Read everything as you clearly didn't noticed that Fuso Sword sucks at beating armor and it doesn't take strenght into power bonus.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 24, 2019, 03:06:39 pm
If you like swords, get the Electro Sword. Or if you don't have it, a Tech Blade (not Tech Cleaver).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: TTRTT on September 24, 2019, 09:25:41 pm
If you like swords, get the Electro Sword. Or if you don't have it, a Tech Blade (not Tech Cleaver).

I just unlocked last night that research. Cant wait to try it out.

What do you guys use to capture enemies mid game ?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on September 24, 2019, 09:55:07 pm
^^ ..that magic-tech blacky staff ~~ Impaler rod
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on September 24, 2019, 10:35:01 pm
In my current campaign, for melee, IIRC nothing beats the Vibro Axe. If something compact is needed, then the shockafist is very useful.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 02, 2019, 03:57:25 am
Vibro axe is good one size fits all solution. Not super weighty for its power, armor shred and ignore, and 3x1 in inventory is easy to manage. Downside it is reasonably deep in the tree, and to a great degree the engine mechanics allow you to get by on raw power in many situations.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: esto7 on October 02, 2019, 11:10:38 am
Hi gals. I have some Questionsss

1. I can't shoot science Vessel down. I already have nightmare and avalanche missiles, but They never work... I also have medusas, but It's too weak to break shields. Any solutions for them?

2. Narlocks are just planned features? I read articles about narlock and Jill, but I can't fight with them right?

3. Best armor in this game is harbinger? But It can't protect me from stargod...

4. Gals can't be immune from Stargod's MC? It's too powerful and Stargods are toooo many. I have to make a team of Syn or another soulutions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 02, 2019, 09:27:40 pm
1) try to use more than 1 craft to fight it. Bring up to 4 at once and throw your mightiest guns at it.
2) Planned and/or just fluff.
3) "Best" armor is Annihilator. Harbinger tends to have the largest armor-value but it's very vurnable to piercing (110%).
4) Your units are not immune to MC but they can become very "resistant" to it if you train voodoo-skill and bring only gals with high voodoo-power (a skill you cannot improve).

Voodoo-defence is calculated by voodoo-power and voodoo-skill, the power of the voodoo-attack and the distance between caster and target.
Bring cake to cure nasty wounds. Stargods are no joke in this mod.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on October 02, 2019, 10:20:18 pm
Other than a cruiser (battleship in Vanilla), my typical strike craft wing consist of 02 Barracudas each with:
- 02 lascannon
- 01 tesla gun (or another lascannon)
- 01 small shield (or another lascannon).

They pretty much take care of everything and don't use a lot of resources, unlike other light guns that use ammo.

Later in the game I replace or build Sabres, and use meteor missiles to handle even the largest ships.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gyvon on October 03, 2019, 06:24:40 pm
Hi gals. I have some Questionsss

1. I can't shoot science Vessel down. I already have nightmare and avalanche missiles, but They never work... I also have medusas, but It's too weak to break shields. Any solutions for them?

The hard part's knocking out the shields.  Once you do that, you're golden.

3. Best armor in this game is harbinger? But It can't protect me from stargod...

It's really not that good.  It slows your gals down too much to be useful.  It's only good for carrying heavy stuff, like a Tornado Rocket Mortar.

But other than my Designated Artillery Support gal, all mine use either Assault Marine or Annihilator armor

4. Gals can't be immune from Stargod's MC? It's too powerful and Stargods are toooo many. I have to make a team of Syn or another soulutions?

Honestly, the Ben and Lewis Strategy is the best way to deal with MC.  The AI almost always goes for the lowest VooDOo defense on your squad, so bring one or two low-VooDoo sponges to absorb the MC if you're expecting Star Gods.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: esto7 on October 03, 2019, 09:56:46 pm
Thnxxxxxxx! I'll try it now
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 04, 2019, 12:25:32 pm
The MC-bait strategy works good because the A.I. "cheats".
If they spot one of your units, they can target the entire squad with MC-Attacks.

If you bring voodoo-bait they'll waste MC-Attacks onto them. Make sure to give the bait no grenades or guns which can harm your more worthy gals.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: R1dO on October 04, 2019, 01:42:44 pm
Although it sometimes feels like it, the next statement is not entirely true.

If they spot one of your units, they can target the entire squad with MC-Attacks.

The AI can only target units it *knows* of, eg:
* Spotted soldiers up to # turns ago (not sure what the exact number is).
* (Any?) alien got hit by a soldier

What can happen is that the first soldier that got Mind controlled does a 360 turn, revealing all nearby squadmates. Causing the assumption that the AI sees your entire squad.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: esto7 on October 04, 2019, 06:43:48 pm
Mission Failed :'(

Science Vessel's shield was too tough.

I used lascannon and avalanche with 3 nightmares, but no damage. :'(

Wiki says Avalanche is most powerful missile... but No use to Science Vessel.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on October 05, 2019, 02:59:37 am
The science vessel is mostly shields, once those are breached it goes down easily.
I have never used the avalanche, too much damage against smaller targets and only one shot against larger ones. I phased out most missiles for meteors, even though I have to pay 150k for each. I have an implosion launcher on my Devastator though.
I still have quite a few gauss cannons in the light slots, because I have so much ammo for them, and they are more than adequate for most targets, up until medium warships. They have trouble with the armor on heavier ones.

You could try the same setup again and use the menace class as a tank. Red Codex' ship has 2 heavy slots, which help as well, even if it is just 120mm cannons. But the other ones can tank as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 05, 2019, 04:59:19 pm
Avalance also has a good chance to just whiff and is expensive to build.
The meteor missiles (while expensive with 150k each) are faster to resupply across the globe without putting a hold to your infinite-money generation.

What's the issue with 150k a rocket if you can generate this much money in like 2 hours worth of geospace? - Capitalism.  8)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on October 06, 2019, 03:45:41 pm
It's never happened to me because I usually rush Family Ties before they start happening (and the one time I saw it, I shot down the courier before it could land), so I have to ask something about sway local govt missions.  Since they're basically alien infiltrations, does that mean a successful one will create an enemy base in the country they swayed?

Edit: Guess I might as well ask this too.  Are holy warriors the ultimate training for slave soldiers, or is there something better down the line?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on October 06, 2019, 06:02:31 pm
Sway local government makes the gov stop paying you, and you can't get it back once it does so.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gyvon on October 07, 2019, 12:32:54 am
Mission Failed :'(

Science Vessel's shield was too tough.

I used lascannon and avalanche with 3 nightmares, but no damage. :'(

Wiki says Avalanche is most powerful missile... but No use to Science Vessel.

Yeah, Avalanche isn't worth it.  It does good damage, but it's very limited on ammo and, like the other guy said, it has a tendency to whiff.  I prefer Medusas (for shields) and Hammermites at that stage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: esto7 on October 10, 2019, 04:12:25 pm
Mission Successsss!

I shoot Science vessel down with Tesla Cannon. Thanks for all the answers!!!

- But Tragedy is, I already made a hundred of Avalanche...  :'(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Warface on October 12, 2019, 07:05:05 pm
So I have a game in which I finally unlocked Adv. Laser (up to Custom Lasgun and MP Lascannon) and Gauss clips, but it took well over 2 game years due to postponing the Mutant Alliance. I also never went after Dr. X (tending to push what seemed like "endgame" things until later) After looking at the tech tree and the various moneymaking schemes, I was wondering if I might enjoy rushing the Mutant Alliance/Higher Learning path sooner. I have a new game getting close to the Codex choice and knocking out early MA reqs. Pretty sure I'm going to stick this game out and try to get some minting/casino action as early as possible.

I realized that I will have to find at least 3 Industrial Scanners again, and a few other lucky things that I had accumulated in the previous game. However I would be able to do things like Dr. X sooner and can avoid blowing at lot of cash on needless things early on (like that six-figure pile of Euro LP clips).


Is this worth it? My other game seemed a little stale, but in hindsight this seems like it will take a looong time to get close to where I was. Will I really be getting a head start on Act 1, or just pushing the game to Act 3 sooner?

Where are ALL the Industrial Scanners? Spoilers pleeeez

Also, what is the latest version of OXCE that had TheBiggestRipOffEver? Where can I find that version?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gyvon on October 13, 2019, 01:38:49 am
Where are ALL the Industrial Scanners? Spoilers pleeeez

Funily enough, you should get some so long as you clear DR X's lab.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Warface on October 13, 2019, 02:27:11 am
Funily enough, you should get some so long as you clear DR X's lab.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Chibblets on October 16, 2019, 11:41:06 pm
Every time I try to embark on an underwater mission, I keep running into the same issue: I equip armor that is listed as underwater appropriate; i.e. Swimsuit, Bikini, Theban Dress, Looter armor, Frogsuit, etc. But when I deploy, all the armor is gone and they default to nothing.

Is there something I'm missing? I've even tried changing vessels and it hasn't made a difference
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on October 17, 2019, 12:32:19 pm
What does ETAP mean?  Since their clips seem to only be sold by sectoids, I can't help but think it stands for "ExtraTerrestrial Armor Piercing".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on October 17, 2019, 07:19:43 pm
Every time I try to embark on an underwater mission, I keep running into the same issue: I equip armor that is listed as underwater appropriate; i.e. Swimsuit, Bikini, Theban Dress, Looter armor, Frogsuit, etc. But when I deploy, all the armor is gone and they default to nothing. If anyone has any insight, feel free to blow my mind

Game was installed incorrectly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Chibblets on October 17, 2019, 10:02:22 pm
Well that would do it 😂 I hadn't noticed anything else wrong so I hadn't considered it
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Thatguysenpai on October 18, 2019, 02:44:45 am
I dunno where to ask this, but I was wondering if there was a score penalty added to Slavery? On my latest campaign, all of sudden out of the blue I was hit with a severe negative score, in the vein of -2000, despite doing most of my missions and researching constantly. I'm not sure what else could have caused it, and the subsequent month's score of -800.

Does the score hit for skipping pogroms increase at some point? Because I definitely wasn't doing those.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 18, 2019, 03:12:03 am
There are 2 types of pogroms. "Freelance" that occur all game and don't have a penalty, And "alliance" pogroms that start after you unlock the mutant alliance tech and do have a penalty.

That said at the values your stating, it's more likely a case of secret bases, or abundant activity outside your radar coverage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on October 18, 2019, 06:16:32 am
I've been reading through the last couple years of posts in this forum and I keep seeing questions about negative score surprises at the end of the month.  This is typically in the early game when the player has little radar coverage of the globe.  I think almost all of the people asking haven't been using the graph screens. They must not realize that the graphs for ufo activity for region and country (first two buttons above the upper left corner of the graph) update every 30 minutes just like radar sweeps do.  If any graph changes since the previous 30 minute period, it means there is a ufo there.  If one region graph stops increasing and another graph starts increasing it generally means the ufo has moved to that region.  Now you have an idea what direction the ufo is heading.  If it spends a lot of time in one region, its a good bet that the region is the mission target region.  Ufos typically show up in a random region before heading to its mission region, then zig zag around awhile in the mission region, maybe land, then head off to another random region before disappearing.  Missions tend to have multiple ufos spread out over a month or two before the mission is over.  So even though it probably isn't possible to get to the first or second mission scouting ufos; it should be possible to get a expedition or something there in time to hopefully tackle a landed ufo.  If you get lucky, a country graph will show change and you have a much better idea of where the ufo is.  Some of the high scoring missions are from ufos on the ground for quite a lot of time racking up points.  Other high scoring missions sadly are going to beyond the players ability to do anything about in the early game.

X-piratez has some global missions where I presume each mission ufo goes to random regions but I don't think these rack up too many points (unless one lands and becomes pink site)

I don't remember how often enemy base points get scored but I believe it scores repeatedly over the month so if any region graph keeps scoring every day or so, there probably is a base there.

Surprisingly despite all of the quality of life changes that openxcom has made over the original game, I don't think any have been made to the graphs.  At the beginning of the month they are easier to use since they get reset to 0.  If any move off of 0, it means there is ufo activity in that region or country(depends on which screen is viewed).  It is like having global radar coverage only without the moving red dots on the geoscape.  It would be really nice to have highlighted in some way which graphs have recently changed.  Also it would be nice to have an actual number displayed so that the autistic players wouldn't have to count pixels on 16 graphs (plus turning region graphs on and off to improve graph y-axis resolution) every half hour to check for any ufo activity.  ;)  The number is only important as it is the actual score being racked against the player by the ufo activity.  Noting when the numbers change is crucial; its really hard to notice slight changes in graph slope in the middle of the month.

I believe other sources of negative score are readily apparent to the players.  Battlescape mission results show up the "yer activity" graphs.  Skipped pink site penalties probably show up in the ufo activity graphs once the site disappears, but I'm not sure.  Research points might only show up in the actual score graph labeled "Finance".  There is only a couple of negative point researches and I don't think there are any in the early game.

A long time ago in the original game I was able to prevent a few terror sites from occurring in the early game before I had radars everywhere by watching the graphs and sending the starting two interceptors armed with avalanches to shoot down the terror ship before it could reach the city.  It usually took 10 out of the 12 missiles total (3 per mount, 6 per interceptor) and I had to charge in at the end to avoid the last shot always misses bug.  It was also hard to catch the terror ship as it was faster than the interceptors except for a short period when it slowed down.

tldr:  It is possible to use the graphs as a poor man's global radar coverage and do something about ufo activity away from your base before being surprised at the end of the month with a big negative score.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Thatguysenpai on October 18, 2019, 07:23:06 am
Hm I see, so too many secret bases most likely. What a shame, the campaign was going well I thought, but I guess it was doomed from the get-go. Curse you RNGsus.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on October 18, 2019, 08:06:37 am
Not necessarily one enemy base sitting there the whole month may only score about 100-150 points for the month. (estimated from my current game with a merc base that I've been ignoring)  This doesn't count the supply missions to the base which is highly variable.  I've had months with no supply and as many as 4 supply missions in other months.  Also a lot of ufos land when an enemy base is made and they will score typically more that month than the following months the base sits there.  But something like an extraction mission, which can take longer than a month to complete, can rack up quite a lot of points as all the ships land.  I think some land even more than once.  There something like 4 excavators which land (1 every week or two).  These should be relatively easy to find and attack while they are on the ground.  Even a touch and go will at least make them take off and reduce the number of points they score.  Although your starting crew in a mid difficulty level game can handle an excavator.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on October 18, 2019, 12:07:04 pm
So for some reason, boom fruit has taken over every manufacturing thing that engineered biomatter used to do.  And now, the biomatter is used for absolutely nothing.  Does that mean I should just sell these now?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on October 18, 2019, 02:36:51 pm
Also it would be nice to have an actual number displayed so that the autistic players wouldn't have to count pixels on 16 graphs (plus turning region graphs on and off to improve graph y-axis resolution) every half hour to check for any ufo activity.  ;

No, I would not take that pleasure away from them :) There is far too many numbers displayed anyway; the game is far too autist-friendly anyway. I don't intend to give them any more ground. They should try to learn how it is to be normal instead, and how to read analogue displays w/o counting pixels.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on October 18, 2019, 03:13:57 pm
With the new pop up feature, I can imagine some more hand holding for less experianced players.
Pop up when you ignored a mutant alliance progrom "The Mutant alliance is angry with you for not helping. -1000 score"
Pop up if a region is racking up lots of negative score. "We are loosing influence with xxx. We should find out what is going on there before it becomes a problem."
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on October 18, 2019, 04:41:04 pm
Does anyone know how to get the maiden captive and the tavern cellar mission ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on October 18, 2019, 08:51:16 pm
Oh I just learned there are graph zoom hot keys! (+ and - on the numpad)  For more information on using the graphs for detection, see this thread: (

Does anyone know how to get the maiden captive and the tavern cellar mission ?

As for mission spawns, the best ways to get one to spawn is to play the game or to use the quick battle button on the game menu screen.  ;)

Seriously, mission spawning  is mostly RNG.  Some missions spawn until particular techs are researched, other missions after particular techs researched.  How likely a mission may occur can also change as the months go by.  Some missions might never spawn before you win the game.  Other missions are guaranteed to spawn sometime during the game.  Typically, any mission loot item you need to finish the game has multiple sources.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on October 18, 2019, 09:23:59 pm
Typically, any mission loot item you need to finish the game has multiple sources.
so I guess you don't know which mission permit to gets them.

I have already unlocked 94% of the bootypedia, I ask it to know if i' haven't missed an essential mission that must appear at the beginning of the game
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on October 18, 2019, 09:35:35 pm
I don't think either mission is required to get to cydonia, although I'm not sure which mission is captive maiden.  You may need to have someone look at your save game to figure out what you might be missing to finish the game.  I haven't made it to the end game yet, so I doubt I can help you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on October 18, 2019, 10:11:09 pm
I have already unlocked 94% of the bootypedia, I ask it to know if i' haven't missed an essential mission that must appear at the beginning of the game

You can never miss sucha a mission completely, it will keep spawning (with some RNG) until you have what you need.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on October 18, 2019, 10:21:59 pm
I started my game before necropirates, will they spawn so I can finish the zombie storyline (as far as it is implemented)?
I plan on just changing a mission soonish in the save, because I have never seen them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BigDuck on October 19, 2019, 09:54:49 am
Hello, mutants.

I manufacture grog to make dollaros. Is it most profitable way, or there is more profitable item to produce?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on October 19, 2019, 02:32:44 pm
Early on? No. Later? Yes. Chateau made from apples for example, but apples might run out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on October 19, 2019, 03:39:41 pm
Are there plans to have apple orchard plantations, much like the other ones, at some point in the future?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BigDuck on October 19, 2019, 08:10:16 pm
Early on? No. Later? Yes. Chateau made from apples for example, but apples might run out.

Apples run out very fast. Grog does not need any ingredients, but looking for other options, because industrial printer will be ready in 30 days.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on October 19, 2019, 09:15:18 pm
BigDuck, take a look at some of the basic materials that the printer allows you to produce.  One way to check (before printer is built) is go to the manufacturing screen and change default to "facility missing"  and middle mouse button click the items listed to see if they need the printer (listed under services required) and what input items if any are required.  You won't know the labor hours or the cost until the printer is built.  You might see some basic items that require other facilities you haven't built yet.  These might turn out to be profitable too, or in some cases very profitable (compared to grog) once you build those facilities.

I'm not giving exact answer to make a particular item for profit to avoid spoilers and also because I'm not up to the latest version and what is profitable in my game may have been nerfed (or unprofitable buffed) in the newer versions
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BigDuck on October 19, 2019, 09:39:43 pm
Rubber Cannonball

Thank you for advice!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on October 22, 2019, 04:34:18 am
How do the strange messages and other similar messages work now?  The tech tree viewer no longer mentions at all which techs are needed to get them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 22, 2019, 09:43:26 am
How do the strange messages and other similar messages work now?  The tech tree viewer no longer mentions at all which techs are needed to get them.

Through the power of friendship and popups.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dmitry1204 on October 22, 2019, 10:16:29 am
How can I hire pilots?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 22, 2019, 10:45:10 am
How can I hire pilots?

There are no separate pilots, your standard crew members do that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on October 22, 2019, 04:48:07 pm
I manufacture grog to make dollaros. Is it most profitable way, or there is more profitable item to produce?

Building HunterKiller to sell is more profitable than Chateau. That is, if you have the components and don't need to buy them. With the exception of the cloaking device, the old fighter hull and the fusion torch clips.

Best is you do the math yourself to understand.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LytaRyta on October 22, 2019, 06:32:01 pm
There are no separate pilots, your standard crew members do that.

..althought..  should,/would be be..   (mohli, /mali by být )

pilots are just quite exclusive profession, "class", they would deserve extra ..personification,  their therselves personnel
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 23, 2019, 02:07:16 pm
Area 51 does that, I think.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on October 29, 2019, 07:49:59 am
Is the Nerf Laspistol art stolen from Quake 2?

I always love finding where all the pilfered art is taken from.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on October 30, 2019, 08:18:18 am
While we're asking what comes from where, I've been wondering where the music used for GMINTER03 came from.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on October 31, 2019, 09:55:38 pm
Are there plans to have apple orchard plantations, much like the other ones, at some point in the future?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on October 31, 2019, 09:59:48 pm

Challenge accepted :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on October 31, 2019, 10:24:34 pm
It's not necessary anyway as apples are very plentiful.

Still looking for that music, by the way.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on November 01, 2019, 04:58:30 pm
Ahhh  :-\
In the case of apples, since they are an ingredient for the Rum medikit, maybe could it be an alternate (even expensive) way to acquire apples besides loot from a battle?

It's not necessary anyway as apples are very plentiful.
In my last campaign, I actually ran out of apples. I had a dedicated base doing pretty much the apple wine thing non-stop. Eventually I had to stop it so apples would be reserved for the rum only.

Something I like about Piratez is the economics. I am/was hoping on some farming industry would be implemented some day. Maybe some sort of plantations that would provide random productions of produce that otherwise would require good RNG luck of a mission. After all, I need all the ingredients for that reaper meat dish I've collecting after those in-game years.  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on November 02, 2019, 05:23:40 pm
...Why are there suddenly random explosions happening on Temple Raids? Does it have to do with the changes to grenades?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on November 02, 2019, 05:37:37 pm
...Why are there suddenly random explosions happening on Temple Raids? Does it have to do with the changes to grenades?

Not "suddenly" but always were, not "random" but there is a reason, no it has nothing to do with grenades in any sort, form or fashion. Not a bug.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on November 02, 2019, 05:44:08 pm
Didn't necessarily think it was a bug, was just extremely confused when it happened two times in a row and never encountered it before.

This mod sometimes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 03, 2019, 04:40:33 am
reality is fickle here, enjoy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on November 03, 2019, 10:17:15 am
Lore clarifications: How can non-Ubers survive exposure to hellerium radiation in the hideout potentially for years? Ubers live half as long as unmodified natural humans unless gnomified by controlled hellerium starvation or recieving some kind of advanced medical care, that is why your crew celebrates "birthday" twice a year?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on November 03, 2019, 11:17:24 am
Lore clarifications: How can non-Ubers survive exposure to hellerium radiation in the hideout potentially for years? Ubers live half as long as unmodified natural humans unless gnomified by controlled hellerium starvation or recieving some kind of advanced medical care, that is why your crew celebrates "birthday" twice a year?

Simple: Hellerium isn't "toxic" for living beings. I think it is written in Hellerium research report. Mutant Meat might also contain some Hellerium (if we will took into consideration that X-Piratez is sequel to X-Com Files, where every mutant has "energetic blood" as explenation for their existance) so eating big ammounts of it even improves human capabilities. "Pyroman" Armor for example, has description that SS are fed with mutant meat and it improves their night vision etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on November 07, 2019, 05:27:53 am
Is the Powerball Bat taken from Russian Overkill?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on November 11, 2019, 09:55:43 am
Before I could meet the requirements for a certain patron, the game got updated; and now instead of researching it, I have to wait for it to appear as a random event after I've met its requirements.  The things is, I've been waiting for months now.  I looked into the rulesets to see if anything was wrong, but everything seems to check out.  The event is supposed to show up guaranteed at some point, but it just won't.  So I guess my question is: Is there a limit on how many random events can happen per month?  Because that's the only explanation I have left, and if that's the case then I guess I either have to resign myself to the RNG gods once again or edit my save file like a filthy cheater.  It'll be some months before I finish the Conqueror and head to Mars though, so I'll probably just wait it out.

Still looking for that music, by the way. (,5345.msg118693.html#msg118693)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on November 12, 2019, 11:59:47 pm
If it'll help at all, here's my save file.  It's one hour away from the next month, so you can let the next month arrive and then check the geoscape autosave to see if the random event was generated.  It's supposed to, I know I've met all its requirements; but it just won't show up, even after a couple of RNG scumming attempts.  I honestly don't know what could be wrong, or if the RNG just really hates me and refuses to spawn it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BT000 on November 14, 2019, 05:07:04 am
I've finished 50% research, but I can't start VooDoo research. I can't get VooDoo:Initiation. I think I missed something...
what is needed to research Voodoo Initiation. Sorry for stupid question....
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on November 15, 2019, 12:57:23 am
It's all in the random events.  Have you been visited by a couple of wasteland denizens?  If one of them told you to find someone in the desert, you should research that and then afterwards all you can do is wait.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on November 15, 2019, 01:53:34 am
With the multiple examples of how RNGesus can hate you, introducing more ways for him to hate you might not have been the best move :-D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 16, 2019, 05:26:22 pm
Yes, RNG can screw you over BUT the philosopy of the mod is to play the cards you received.
You can't count on a full house each time or a royal flush.

Sometimes 3 of a kind or 2 pairs must work for your campaign to slog through critical parts/bottlenecks of the research tree.
That's why codexes have been implemented: To alter the gameplay-experience EACH TIME you play a new campaign.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on November 20, 2019, 09:16:11 pm
These particular random events in question are RNG-weighed to be a non-issue if you started a new campaign on K version. If you continued an old one, and upgraded, don't be surprised the pacing is bad.

With the multiple examples of how RNGesus can hate you, introducing more ways for him to hate you might not have been the best move :-D

Yeah well, brace for even more :-D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on November 21, 2019, 12:56:15 am
I was quite some ways into the campaign when version K dropped, so I didn't want to restart.  The mystery patron being a no-show is all on me then, and I guess all I can do now is just wrap up this campaign.  At least I now know that when I start a new one (probably several versions later, I'm a rather infrequent player of this massive mod), everything should work as intended.

That's why codexes have been implemented: To alter the gameplay-experience EACH TIME you play a new campaign.

Even if you only ever pick one color.  I can't help but pick gray all the time because it always has something new each time I play.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on November 23, 2019, 11:46:21 am
How about disabling bullshit events so the story ones have less competition? Who cares about minor changes to infamy or geting free animal poison by second year? Another solution is to edit seed in save near the start of next month untill the event shows.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on November 23, 2019, 12:08:48 pm
i love the random events!! It is a wonderful addition.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RetroJL on November 24, 2019, 02:56:11 am
Completely agree with the random events.  They add just the right amount of pure chance to make every game unique.  Got a few early game smuggler's lockboxes off a few lucky events last playthru that really turned my entire research/etc strategy around for a bit. 

I had put this down for a few month due to school but really liking how much of the game is around building off of what you're dealt instead of just rushing certain techs.  IE: The game throwing 2(!!) melee heavy heroes at me super early pushed me into slave armors and melee weapons hard. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on November 25, 2019, 02:38:18 pm
How about disabling bullshit events so the story ones have less competition? Who cares about minor changes to infamy or geting free animal poison by second year? Another solution is to edit seed in save near the start of next month untill the event shows.

Explain what do you exactly mean by "competition"? As far as spawning chances go, most events are unrelated to each other. However if your thinking goes deeper that this, please elaborate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Martin on November 25, 2019, 10:05:26 pm
I always assumed there is a limited amount of missions and events than can happen each month. Am I wrong?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on November 25, 2019, 11:18:34 pm
There has to be.  Having a mission every single day would be quite draining for both the gals and probably the player too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 26, 2019, 04:52:01 pm
The *fixed* mission shedule is created at the start of the month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starving Poet on November 27, 2019, 12:01:14 am
I always assumed there is a limited amount of missions and events than can happen each month. Am I wrong?

nope - just dice roll.  You can make 50 missions with 100% spawn chance and you'll get 50 missions spawning the next month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on November 27, 2019, 12:06:01 am
So i have my first plantation now. Also sacks (some already opened) with potatoes, leek and other stuff.  How do i "plant" anything?
I'm not the most careful reader but i remember vaguely sth about repeatedly deconstructing the field. Well i did that an lo and behold the plantation was gone - bummer.
can someone give me a primer on what to do and where to click and in what order? i have a workshop btw if that's important (but no workers or slaves).

another issue: i've almost completed the first half year and have chosen a codex (and got the codex stuff ). i finished the "contact shipyard" research recently.
But my gals still roam around in the white airbus. Where are the shadowbat, the big pink ship, the yellow hawk etc?
i feel like i missed a few important road signs ;_;
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 27, 2019, 12:46:18 am
The only things you can plant at present are sectoweed and boomfruit, otherwise the plantation is an self contained object, no inputs required.

The STC craft require the shadowmasters tech in addition to the contact tech. At that point you will get the tech for each of the3 craft for your codex as an option to research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on November 27, 2019, 01:12:22 am
@legionof1, thank you very much! that's quite a relief. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on November 27, 2019, 02:55:45 am
I wonder how much longer the regular plantation's description is gonna be a placeholder.  It talks about explosive uber wheat and how mutated reapers are made with them, neither of which have been true for the past year and even this year.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 27, 2019, 03:40:56 am
The mod needs a copy editor at this point just to keep up with the sheer volume of print in the mod as things change. It's thousands of screens of text at this point, all hand written.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 27, 2019, 03:58:20 pm
True. Alot of Facilities don't mention that they grant working space (like the large vault).
Just tiny details nothing gamebreaking and easy to adapt yourself.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on November 28, 2019, 02:00:39 pm
There has to be.  Having a mission every single day would be quite draining for both the gals and probably the player too.

Man of little faith, this is handled by proper weighing mission chances and culling outdated mission types. There is no hard limit on how many can spawn, though. Besides getting swamped forces you to make descisions, no? :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 28, 2019, 06:24:37 pm
Once upon a time there was "not enough early missions - game too hard and punishing ayaya" and now we complain because we drown in them from time to time?
How about we just praise dioxine for offering missions TO CHOOSE FROM instead?

Imagine this mod is balanced like the x-com remakes? Ace every mission or game over.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RetroJL on November 28, 2019, 08:23:34 pm
Once upon a time there was "not enough early missions - game too hard and punishing ayaya" and now we complain because we drown in them from time to time?
How about we just praise dioxine for offering missions TO CHOOSE FROM instead?

Imagine this mod is balanced like the x-com remakes? Ace every mission or game over.

One of the biggest mental shifts this mod requires is not chasing every single mission/tech/etc.  There are times that no matter how tempting the prize you are better off just leaving it alone.  And it's probably my favorite feature of the mod. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on December 02, 2019, 09:05:54 pm
After I switch off a weapon in a dogfight is there a way to switch it on outside of combat (to reload ammo) other then unequipping and re-equipping the weapon?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 02, 2019, 09:49:43 pm
Ship ammo only reloads in the hideout.
There's no way to reload/swap weapons in midair.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 02, 2019, 10:18:03 pm
After I switch off a weapon in a dogfight is there a way to switch it on outside of combat (to reload ammo) other then unequipping and re-equipping the weapon?

Do you mean once your craft is back at the base?  I've never experienced reloading problems due to switching weapons off in combat.  Are you sure your base has enough ammo to reload the weapon?  Also, reloading ammo occurs last after damage repair and refueling.  Even if I have to buy more ammo or manufacture more ammo, my crafts automatically finish loading when the ammo arrives or is manufactured.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on December 02, 2019, 11:35:13 pm
There's no way to reload/swap weapons in midair.
No. I meant in the hideout. I have enough ammo (I can reload the weapon fully after unequip/equip cycle). In the craft menu it shows up as greyed out (same as in combat) and with an asterisk * symbol before the weapon name. I believed it was an intended feature (to save ammo on multi-shot-per-clip weapons).
It is most prominently visible on my flame cannon which I use sparingly - 1 shot to soften the target and cannon(s) to finish up. If I disable it in combat and do not switch it on before the fight end, it will not reload in the hideout. Same happens to missile launchers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 03, 2019, 03:08:34 am
Ah that is a feature I'm not familiar with added to the extended version on 5/19/19 per the changelog:  " - User option to remember disabled craft weapons after dogfight (+no rearm)"  I assume there is a toggle for that in the options menu.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Xeno Scum on December 09, 2019, 02:37:32 pm
So how exactly do I  contact wiz biz
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 09, 2019, 06:03:42 pm
Hi, ppl, I've been away for quite long.
So, I'm still using the March 2019 version.
So, logical, I got some Qs regarding the new one, the latest one.
1. Is the new deal worth it? (A: RATATATATAT!!! YEEES IT IT!! ME: OKOK, TYVM 4 yer polite answer.)
2. Can someone pls provide links to download and readme?
3. Are old saves compatible?
4. What are the KOOLest feats?
5. Does SB have a rum?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 09, 2019, 07:46:03 pm
1) Yes
2) Download down until things between modders are sorted out
3) Yes
4) Freshness is cool new idea / also all the titles now offer very minor stat boosts
5) No, only JS deserves one
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on December 10, 2019, 01:58:30 pm
[…] I thought it was only on Nexus.

There are openxcom mods on nexus? (Also: what are you talking about?)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 10, 2019, 05:41:17 pm
There are openxcom mods on nexus? (Also: what are you talking about?)

Eh, nothing, really.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 10, 2019, 09:56:08 pm
So how exactly do I  contact wiz biz

You need to find the Red Mage who's totally not this anime girl from this anime series.  Try delving into Voodoo research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Xeno Scum on December 11, 2019, 01:38:42 am
Alright so I need help getting deeper into Voodoo, the farthest I think I've got is researching liber occultus and researching vampirism,  I'm at a dead end research wise having researched all the repeatables and all other things available,  so far in weapons tech I can produce light plasma weapons and use subrifle plasma guns, and my armour standard is Guardian. I know I should have delved deeper into Voodoo by now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on December 11, 2019, 07:44:06 pm
Alright so I need help getting deeper into Voodoo, the farthest I think I've got is researching liber occultus and researching vampirism,  I'm at a dead end research wise having researched all the repeatables and all other things available,  so far in weapons tech I can produce light plasma weapons and use subrifle plasma guns, and my armour standard is Guardian. I know I should have delved deeper into Voodoo by now.

Hit "Q" on geoscape, write "VooDoo", then click on it, then you will know what to do next.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on December 12, 2019, 12:29:13 pm
There is an item in the Black Market titled 'The World is yours'. What is that? It costs a lot of money.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on December 12, 2019, 03:17:19 pm
Well, if you can afford it, it means that you can afford everything in this world, it's yours.
Bragging rights and some infamy bonus for researching it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on December 14, 2019, 05:37:47 pm
Aye thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on December 15, 2019, 01:42:39 pm
not a question per se, but since the main thread is flooded by content-hungry squabbies, i'll post it here instead:
pic related, this is imo plain wrong. dynamite and grenade fishing is a thing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 15, 2019, 02:36:40 pm
What is this STR_CASINO research item? It's a dead end.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on December 15, 2019, 05:41:16 pm
not a question per se, but since the main thread is flooded by content-hungry squabbies, i'll post it here instead:
pic related, this is imo plain wrong. dynamite and grenade fishing is a thing.

Nobody fishes with dynamite and grenades in depths of an ocean. Also "resilliant" doesn't mean "immune". If something can survive pressure somewhere deep, then it's less likely to die from pure explosion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 15, 2019, 06:22:14 pm
Also good look to prime dynamite underwater.
If we can't cook underwater I doubt we can go fishing with explosives.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on December 15, 2019, 07:14:12 pm
...If something can survive pressure somewhere deep, then

it's adapted to a certain pressure at a certain depth. that's why some inhabitants of the deep sea literally explode when brought on board at atmospheric pressure.

I doubt we can go fishing with explosives.

it's frowned upon, ie highly illegal, but it happens irl.

anyway it was just athought - i won't lead a crusade for stat-changing of the deep ones ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on December 15, 2019, 10:14:32 pm
but since the Deeps have their homes in the ocean and at the same time can terrorize my pirate fiefs on land, they sureley have a very adaptive air bladder.

so i'm sorry for my stupid post  :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 15, 2019, 11:53:24 pm
Not a problem, it was a good question. And the answer is correct. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on December 16, 2019, 01:26:46 am
Is it worth it to gamble away your chips?  ;D In my current game I just unlocked gambling and rewards for reclaiming coupons are ... mediocre. I read somewhere that you can double your money by gambling. Do you just sell casino coupons?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on December 16, 2019, 07:37:18 pm
Gambling is totally worth it. In short: reclaim the coupons that you can, sell the ones you can't reclaim.

How useful the things are that you get depends on your tech level. Higher coupon levels gives better things. There is a whole line of quite good weapons (golden) you can only get through gambling. It's gambling, so you will always get some junk as well.

If you gamble just to make money: I tested the copper and iron coupons, and for these reclaiming them and then selling the stuff gives you more money than just selling the coupons. This is on average, so if you reclaim just five coupons chances are it's lower. It should also be noted that gambling gives you a steady supply of apples.
Gambling is most profitable when the things you get are actually useful to you, since getting them from gambling is way cheaper then buying them. I found gambling the most useful when I need to equip troops for a newly established base.

Gambling can give you things way ahead of your techlevel or rare items you don't have yet but need for research. Here is a short list of things I find useful:

- Maid outfit (research needed for Mansion mission)
- exquisite lingerie (you need a lot for seductress outfit)
- wrench
- old coins (bank bounty tokens)
- electric lasso
- boom fruit
- mine
- zombie juice
- vampire blood
- animal poison
- human space suit
- riot shield
- dart pistol, with basic or advanced ammo (basic ammo is extremly useful underwater)
- precision pistol
- combat shotgun
- crusader slave armor

- all the useful things from copper
- old earth books
- Lokk'Naar scripture
- celatid essence
- Jack bounty tokens
- panzerfaust
- knockout grenade
- all kinds of powerful explosives like, satchel charge, high explosive and barrel bombs
- aye phone (motion scanner)
- crazy Hassan flyer
- poison gas cannonballs (so useful for deep one pogroms)
- lynx smg
- painbringer smg

- boss armor
- doom slave armor
- grav harness
- vibro blade
- vibro sword
- bardiche
- super-self-charger
- demonic essence
- hypno panel
- stasis grenade
- rcf carbine electropulse ammo
- haxxor
- raygun
- omega rifle
- golden pistol
- bunch of heavy weapons like mortar, rocket launchers and grenade launchers
- and much more...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on December 22, 2019, 12:38:39 pm
How does one get an implosion launcher?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on December 22, 2019, 01:32:24 pm
Last time I got that far, it was to pray to RNG god the ship (bomber being one, dunno others) kept its engines intact so the parts didn't go poof.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 22, 2019, 04:10:46 pm
pic related, this is imo plain wrong. dynamite and grenade fishing is a thing.

This is a description of a deep one while on dry land. I've never heard about dynamite fishing being done on dry land. Have you?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 22, 2019, 05:50:30 pm
How does one get an implosion launcher?

Gun down battleships and other large ships to salvage "parts" of an implosion bomb launcher.
The one late game fighter (that looks like a donut) usually drops some parts unless the weapon is destroyed in the crash.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on December 26, 2019, 09:47:11 pm
Thanks. I will keep an eye out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: peirceg on December 28, 2019, 07:35:17 am
How do i get voodoo initiation? i tried looking it up on the tech tree but no joy there!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on December 29, 2019, 09:58:16 pm
I am confused about the training feature. I can train peasants, but not slave soldiers. I can MMA train some gals, but some gals are not eligible. Why? What are the requirements for the training. I have one gal that I can train, but the training reduces most of her stats. I think it is one of the freaks. Is it because some of her stats are above the maximum? is there an advantage to training instead of just assiging everyone to dojo? The bootypedia is very vague on this.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 30, 2019, 08:40:23 am
Okay the training transformations work by taking a unit of type X and changing it to type Y. You can also attach modifiers to earned stats(add, subtract, ect).
If a unit exceeds the maximum stat caps of the class it becomes stats are reduced to the caps.

Not every unit qualifies for every training, some are only for a single type, some are wider application.

Training is separate from time spent in the dojo. Dojo training is usually limited to between 66-80% of max stat caps, transforms can go up to the max cap or even change the cap.

Dojo training also slows down the closer to the training cap you get so the last +3 can take months of time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on December 30, 2019, 12:27:23 pm
Thank you for the explanation. I understand why certain stats could decrease during the training. I just think it would make more sense if they did not. Is that a limitation of the engine or a desing decision of Dioxine?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2019, 03:06:09 pm
Transformations work exactly as intented.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on December 30, 2019, 05:26:49 pm
Thank you for the explanation. I understand why certain stats could decrease during the training. I just think it would make more sense if they did not. Is that a limitation of the engine or a desing decision of Dioxine?

It needs to be that way to prevent abuse. For example, the cap on TU for gals is 100. You can get more than that however, because of the way statgain through missions work. If you are under the cap, you get statgains, if you are above, you do not. So if your gal has 99 TU and gets +3 from the mission, she will end up with 102 TU, but can gain no further. This overshoot is not too imbalanced, as statgains from missions are not that large.

When you consider MMA training however, you get a large increase to TU of +10. You have the option to cut that down to the cap of 100 or not. If you would not cut it, your 102 TU gal would get +10 TU and end up at 112. That would also mean to get the most out of it, you should not use MMA training before your gal is maxed.

Of these two options, to cut at the statcaps is clearly more balanced.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on January 02, 2020, 11:35:44 pm
I get that stat gains are capped by racial maximum, but that is not what I am referring to. For example, look at the gal on the attached screenshot. She has several stats way above her racial maximum. By putting her though MMA training, I would reduce her stats by a lot, and I don't understand why. Are other gals going to cripple her a bit, because they are jealous of her high stats?

Also is there any training for slave soldiers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on January 03, 2020, 12:20:57 am
^^   :o  :o

it is not training - gaining, - it´s UNtrainig, & LOSING stats!

(.."low´ering" stats )
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on January 03, 2020, 01:15:46 am
Maybe Atomic Tamara has a bad attitude since the pirate queen doesn't value her experience and wants to send her back to swabbie training.  I bet if a recently recruited young uber is sent to training, she will have only positive gains in her stats.

Seriously, training is mostly for rookies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 03, 2020, 02:04:24 am
Freaks special quirk is that there initial stat can exceed there maximum. So yes a transform will frequently be a bad choice. Just because you an do something doesn't mean it's correct every time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 06, 2020, 11:32:39 am
i'd like to have a few of those, but apparently the game won't let me. i do have some living space, too. so - what's wrong?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on January 06, 2020, 01:23:39 pm
It is right there in your screenshot: you don't have any bloodhounds that you could name.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 06, 2020, 01:30:36 pm
It is right there in your screenshot: you don't have any bloodhounds that you could name.

but i have bloodhounds (and charms, meat and living space). why can't i "name" them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on January 06, 2020, 01:48:26 pm
The blood hounds you need are the kind you buy from black market, not the kind you capture on field.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 06, 2020, 01:52:41 pm
@CPLT-K2: oh man, thanks a lot! kind of a bummer, though
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 06, 2020, 03:02:29 pm
Dogs (of any kind) are loyal to their masters, not their captors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on January 06, 2020, 03:05:23 pm
You wouldn't want your dog to switch to the other team for a piece of mutant meat either!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: OmniscientQ on January 08, 2020, 01:26:03 am
It is September 2605, and my research has stagnated for close to a year because I just can't seem to get my hands on two key techs: Science Vessel and Red Shields.

I know what to do about the Red Shields part. There's a Merc base on the map, and I know there's a commander just waiting for me to come pick him up. Last time I tried, I wound up killing him AND losing the entire squad trying to take out the last hovertank. I've got a new squad of Gals trained up and kitted out in Harbinger armor. I just need to work up the nerve to launch the mission.

The Science Vessel is even worse, though. They've become pretty damn rare. The only mission they seem to perform these days is Academy Propoganda, and they never land. And every time I try to take one down, it explodes into pieces. It doesn't matter how lightly I tap the damn things. I've turned off all but a single beam laser on my interceptors and just dealt with the shield regenerating, and they still leave no wreck. It's been frustrating enough that I resorted to savescumming when another one finally popped up on my hyperwave decoders. No combination of weapons I throw at it results in something my ground-pounders can assault. I know there's supposed to be a late-game weapon to force a landing, but I'm guessing it's locked behind Higher Studies, which I can't get to until I nab a Science Vessel. Did I fail to read some critical piece of the Bootypedia that would explain what's going on?

In other news: I finally got a Thunderhorse up and running, along with a Swordfish, a fleet of Prospectors, and a couple Barracudas for interception. (I like the idea of the Nightmare, but it has just 33% more HP and lacks that sexy dodge bonus. Plus, a Barracuda can shred damn near anything with those quad lascannons, while a Nightmare has - ew - missile slots.) My beaten-up Fortuna, which I somehow managed to not lose in 4 years of piracy, is starting to feel a bit superfluous. It has shields, which is nice, but not a whole lot else to recommend it. Everything it can do, one of my other ships can do better. Prospectors can handle space and underwater missions, the Thunderhorse is a better bulk transport, and the Barracudas handle the pew-pew. I mainly keep it around as a trophy, and because I keep hoping one of them !Raid Space Freighters! missions will pop up. I stuck a pair of STC fusion boosters on it to get the speed up over 3,000 just for that reason. Deliverators are space-capable, though. Is there any pressing reason to keep the Fortuna around, aside from nostalgia?

Also, when the hell are those Space Freighters supposed to show up? I've been watching and waiting, since I assume the "Guild Ship Officer" will be there to take care of my Red Shield problems as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on January 08, 2020, 01:42:10 am
Sounds like you're at the mercy of RNG.  I've only seen science vessels in academy propaganda missions, 2 per mission.  I think I've had 3 of those missions so far.  As for space freighters, I've only seen 1 and it was crewed by zombies.  I'm in Sept 2603 version J8
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on January 08, 2020, 04:33:17 am
I had a quick look at the ruleset to see what's the problem with the labship: It's that they are 100% hunter-killer, which often fight until destruction. Science vessel has 1800 hp, so you can't really blow it up on accident.

Iazo once wrote how to crash hunter-killers:
Have a vessel bait the hk so it will chase. Then attack with other ships, while the hk is still chasing. The trick is, the vessel the hk is chasing *cannot* be in the fight. Then the hk behaves like a normal UFO and will crash when at half hp.

I haven't tested this myself, so I can only tell you what Iazo said. Other than that, I belive there is a rng roll at the creation of a science vessel to decide if it will fight to the death as a hk or not. So you might have just gotten unlucky with rng so far.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: OmniscientQ on January 08, 2020, 05:20:02 am
I had a quick look at the ruleset to see what's the problem with the labship: It's that they are 100% hunter-killer, which often fight until destruction. Science vessel has 1800 hp, so you can't really blow it up on accident.

Iazo once wrote how to crash hunter-killers:
Have a vessel bait the hk so it will chase. Then attack with other ships, while the hk is still chasing. The trick is, the vessel the hk is chasing *cannot* be in the fight. Then the hk behaves like a normal UFO and will crash when at half hp.

I haven't tested this myself, so I can only tell you what Iazo said. Other than that, I belive there is a rng roll at the creation of a science vessel to decide if it will fight to the death as a hk or not. So you might have just gotten unlucky with rng so far.

I had a look at the ruleset myself, though it took me a while to figure out what string to search for. I had considered the possibility that the HK behavior was the problem, but there are tons of other vessel types with "hunterKillerPercentage: 100" in them that have no problem leaving wrecks. Megapol, bandits, faction escorts and fighters... I've splashed and assaulted them all. The only other vessel I've seen with this behavior of absolutely never leaving a wreck are the self-defense interceptors launched from enemy hideouts.

I'll be sure to give that workaround with keeping the HK target away from the fight a try.

EDIT: It worked! It nearly killed the one Barracuda it wasn't targetting, but the Science Ship is down! My Thunderhorse is already on its way.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 08, 2020, 05:53:08 am
I stuck a pair of STC fusion boosters on it to get the speed up over 3,000 just for that reason. Deliverators are space-capable, though. Is there any pressing reason to keep the Fortuna around, aside from nostalgia?

sorry to say *base* speed is the factor. Not a dynamic engine. Dioxine picked a value of 3k and then enabled all space capable ships above that for the freighter encounter.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: OmniscientQ on January 10, 2020, 07:01:13 pm
Alright. Next little question. I'm planning to try Male Touch next game, and I was looking at the various trainings available. Do they allow your soldiers to break the normal stat limits for their soldier type? If you send them to MMA or Holy Warrior training before they've reached the normal limit, is the extra potential wasted? Should you send them to training as soon as they qualify, or hold off until normal training and field experience have run their course?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on January 10, 2020, 10:50:06 pm
Training doesn't increase the stat limit or let you go over it, so it is usually best to train asap.
To the contrary, if you went over the stat limit by getting lucky on that last increase training will lower it to the cap.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on January 14, 2020, 09:43:59 pm
I'm at the point, where I can research the EuroSyndicate deal. Up to now, I did all the game progression changing researches, but now I'm not sure, because the bootypedia article warns about shady missions. Are the EuroSyndicate missions fun, or annoying?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on January 15, 2020, 02:52:07 am
Are the EuroSyndicate missions fun, or annoying?

The missions have a lot of enemies but are also turn limited.  They also result in large negative scores even if you do well.  You get access to some nice but expensive weapons.  The loot is decent.  There is a later tech that will get you out of the deal, so you won't have to do the missions the rest of the game.

You may want to hold off on researching the deal if you have score or cashflow problems.  If you find mansion missions, supply ship missions and pogroms fun, you should find eurosyndicate missions fun.  If those missions are annoying to you, you might not care for eurosyndicate missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on January 15, 2020, 10:06:05 am
Thank you for the advice. Those laser weapons they sell are super expensive. Plus they don't look like a huge upgrade over Asuka rifles.

I guess I will skip them. I don't want more negative score. Pogroms are fun, but the one mansion mission I had was completely different. The map was so convoluted and filled with low level enemies, that could not really kill my gals. It was really tedious to find and kill all the high tier enemies, so the rest can surrender.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 15, 2020, 03:19:16 pm
You do need some type of lasers eventually, Hard to win in 0-G with only limited melee options. Also damage type diversity, not every foe is best fought with regular bullets.

The eurosyn deal serves as the option of last resort if none of the other avenues of lasers show up. The other early routes either rely on scavenging or digging deep into the bounty rewards.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on January 15, 2020, 03:59:28 pm
You still aren't that deprived of laser weapons tho, since you still have smuggler contacts to get yourself some basic but rather useful energy stuff, and you can easily save enough stuff to equip a decently sized team off a single pogrom against guild exterminators/mercs. I also do feel the eurosyndicate deal is more a flavor thing that brings more downsides then upsides, since by that point you'll likely have enough extra loot to compensate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 22, 2020, 03:29:15 pm
i did EuroSyndicate as soon as the research popped up. First mission ended in a squad wipe on turn 12. Second mission, where i did bring my best gals and the two plasma weapons i had (and lots of high ex, panzerfausts etc etc) ended in a squad wipe on turn 28.
and i'm not even playing on superhuman  >:(.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on January 22, 2020, 11:02:29 pm
Pogroms are fun, but the one mansion mission I had was completely different. The map was so convoluted and filled with low level enemies, that could not really kill my gals. It was really tedious to find and kill all the high tier enemies, so the rest can surrender.

I strongly recommend using enough motion scanners aye-phones to be able to sweep from one side or corner of the map to the opposite one.  Also bring along gals in armor with sense like novice robes to be able to determine what floors the enemy units are on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on January 24, 2020, 01:34:47 pm
I don't remember if you can bring dogs into mansions, but if you don't have aye-phones (which you should prob have by that point anyways), their sniff power works pretty much the same way. Gals with sense are the easiest way to go though, since you don't have to waste TU's on anything, just be careful with the ocasional shotgun carrying mansion dweller.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 25, 2020, 04:56:01 am
Haven't played in a while, wondering about some stuff that has changed:

-Is there any way to see freshness on geoscape?  Like I can see max freshness and I can order by unfreshness, but I'm not seeing a way to measure freshness
-The freshness on El Admiral de something's suit drains completely before even a single mission is over, is that intended?
-Now that peasant rank up and dogs will explode with pre-primed explosives, what's the best early base defense for farming bases?  Or are those just not worth defending atm?

Random comment:
-Got a robo-parrot as a random event early game, that thing was really useful for about a dozen missions :D  Died the same way all parrots die, though: ending turn accidentally with it at a high z-level.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on January 25, 2020, 07:09:30 pm
Haven't played in a while, wondering about some stuff that has changed:

-Is there any way to see freshness on geoscape?  Like I can see max freshness and I can order by unfreshness, but I'm not seeing a way to measure freshness
-The freshness on El Admiral de something's suit drains completely before even a single mission is over, is that intended?
-Now that peasant rank up and dogs will explode with pre-primed explosives, what's the best early base defense for farming bases?  Or are those just not worth defending atm?

Random comment:
-Got a robo-parrot as a random event early game, that thing was really useful for about a dozen missions :D  Died the same way all parrots die, though: ending turn accidentally with it at a high z-level.

- You just have to go to your base on geoscape and click "Hands" bar, there you can check their individual stats as well as freshness.
- Yes, such suit gives a lot of perks, but at a cost.
- Snipers, mines/nades and base defence buildings. Even standard "flak cannon" gives a powerfull turret during the defence that won't be destroyed by anything short of powerfull laser/plasma weaponry and high explosives.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on January 25, 2020, 08:36:44 pm
Regarding freshness:
You can see the actual value of a soldier that is not at full by loading him onto a craft. Then go to the equip screen and click on the stats button there. That will display the actual freshness.

(I hope this is what you wanted to know)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 25, 2020, 09:32:15 pm
Ah yeah found the freshness bit.

Good to know regarding flak cannons.  I didn't realize how quickly you could get base defense buildings, although that's still pretty late for farming bases.  Mostly I recall base defense getting annoying when some dudes inevitably enter the sewers, though, but I guess I can always deal with that with grenadier peasants.

I guess I'll just take a more cautious stance and upgrade all my money making bases fully with extractors before spamming farms everywhere, so it makes more sense to add a bit more defenses.  Mostly when using peasants I have extreme morale issues from all of the death to the point where even buddha smokes are hard to mitigate it, though, which is kinda why I liked those exploding dogs.  But I guess I can also have them if I give the peasants some unprimed explosives
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: amjh on January 25, 2020, 11:16:48 pm
If you can get the needed research, a single armored car with a bit of support should be enough to deal with early base assaults. They have enough mobility to shoot several enemies and hide in one turn, and enough armor to tank a few reaction shots if things go wrong. They fall off hard when enemies bring bigger energy weapons, though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on January 25, 2020, 11:55:16 pm
If it so early game, there is nothing to worry. Dogs with their bite will kill everything short of Academy Drone and only Dark Ones might give them a bit of trouble.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: armadilloTank on January 26, 2020, 06:09:12 am
This might be a bug of I'm missing a trigger. I'm trying to build hunter killer/ STR_INTERCEPTOR. I have contacts: ship junkyard and the dep for it. I should be able to see old fighter hull/ STR_FIGHTER_WRECKAGE (bootypedia says i have the tech here as well) in the buy menu. It is not there. Going into the rule file and removing dependencies on the component does not make it appear.

What am I missing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 26, 2020, 11:18:10 am
Check under "hidden".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 26, 2020, 09:54:00 pm
So sometime around april I get these jeeps/tanks on the geoscape that move at 125 speed.  I assumed they weren't meant to be destroyed at this point since I never can seem to get their bootypedia page in any games I've played, but am I just missing out on a lot of missions by ignoring these things?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: armadilloTank on January 26, 2020, 09:56:04 pm
So sometime around april I get these jeeps/tanks on the geoscape that move at 125 speed.  I assumed they weren't meant to be destroyed at this point since I never can seem to get their bootypedia page in any games I've played, but am I just missing out on a lot of missions by ignoring these things?

They are bandits/raiders. You get car parts and some low level captives you can research some stuff with. Their "crash" sites have 1-2 armored cars on them so bring anti armor weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: armadilloTank on January 26, 2020, 09:57:51 pm
Check under "hidden".

fucking lmao

I never consciously hid it but apparently i did.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Whatifyellow on January 27, 2020, 03:50:20 pm
How do i acquire the trapping "chains"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on January 27, 2020, 10:40:44 pm
How do i acquire the trapping "chains"

You mean "manacles"? Many missions have them as loot and you can probably buy/manufacture them at some point of your game. "Red Latern" where you are tasked with saving a gal from a brothel has atleast one always if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on January 31, 2020, 12:06:32 pm
..what version of xPirateZ is not affected -yet with "de-hobbesation" ( :o :D ;D :DDD ;DD) ) lôl ?
(which is such very last version, -still WITHOUT dehobbesating ? )

so hence, in which edition is there still all terrains, complete all tiles, all graphics, tilesets, etc..
(yap, surely i plan to keep that "COMPLETE, "full" version, (at my hddisk)

*J9 ?

(or still K1 ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 31, 2020, 12:07:23 pm
All versions up to and including K3.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: misterx on January 31, 2020, 12:09:19 pm
All versions up to and including K3.

Excuse actually the lastes seems to be K2. Is the 3 an unofficial in-nuce relase?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 31, 2020, 12:29:33 pm
Excuse actually the lastes seems to be K2. Is the 3 an unofficial in-nuce relase?

Yes, K3 was 98% finished when the terrain drama unraveled and it's been circulated a bit between those "in the know".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: misterx on January 31, 2020, 01:44:09 pm
Yes, K3 was 98% finished when the terrain drama unraveled and it's been circulated a bit between those "in the know".

Might we get some general anticipation ok K3's changelog, please?  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 31, 2020, 03:36:47 pm
I don't have it, sorry. I suppose you will have to wait until L1, or whatever it will be called.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 02, 2020, 03:03:14 am
Does anyone know which ships are good for transports these days?  Like I tried the turtle out, but it's turning into swiss cheese with all the windows, although it's still nice.  I've heard the shadowbat is pretty good.  I was going to try out green codex, but if the turtle is all it's got I might want to stick with gold/grey

Edit: Also, has lokknarr farm always been a source of apples?  Or have I just gotten super lucky?  I just showed up, lobbed some minibombs and got 66 apples xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 02, 2020, 03:58:35 am
I don't think it is a guaranteed source just an occasional one.  Apples are possible on a number of missions.  I imagine it depends on what map terrain is picked when the mission starts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 02, 2020, 07:58:08 am
Yeah I just got 137 apples in the next locknarr farm xD  Not that I'm complaining, just feels weird how a simple mission ends up being more profitable than about 5 of my regular non-apple wins combined.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 02, 2020, 02:50:33 pm
The windows on the turtle are not that bad, you just need to know which spots are safe. Also, destroy the pillows on the floor with a crowbar (Mr. handy) to have faster walking.

Safe spots are the six tiles at the rear exit. On the side door, there is one safe tile. It's right at the door, next to the wall of the cabin. My other soldiers are usually then in the area opposite to the side door. Not optimal, but when you remove the pillows for faster walking it's manageable. You first go out the back and look to the right to check if someone is standing in a position to fire into the craft through the side window. If there is, don't move anyone through the danger area.
Windows are not only a disadvantage. When using the seductress outfit the windows are quite useful.

Special mention for the start of battle: How to safely get your crew out of the cockpit into the main cabin.
Face the window. Walk 1 tile at a time while holding your "run" key. This will make them sidestep, meaning you walk a tile, but you don't change the direction you look at. This will prevent enemies reaction firing at you, because of the rule of mutual surprise. If you get vision of the enemy at the same time as he gets vision on you, he doesn't get a reaction shot (for this one tile you walked).
If you can see the enemy, this is 100% safe if done correctly. If you face enemies you cannot see due to night mission or them having camo, then you are out of luck.

Regarding the shadowbat: yep, it's safer than the turtle. Only risk is sniper/spotter enemies throwing grenades into the craft through the hatches in the wings. So depending on the enemy it has unsafe tiles as well that you need to avoid standing on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on February 02, 2020, 10:22:03 pm
I can only comment on ships that I tried in my current campaign.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 03, 2020, 04:04:47 am
Hah, adding extra windows to the aircar sounds like such overkill, you only get 4 gals xD

Alright, I ended up going green, so I guess I'll use the turtle and work with it according to eddie's post.  It seems like it does get auxes, so actually I can mostly just uses parrots/cats to peek out since they have high reaction, right?  And I guess I'll find out what the worm looks like anyways since I'll want one for the 3 light weapon slots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 03, 2020, 09:39:52 pm
What's the deal with Repentance amd Martyrdom?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 04, 2020, 05:39:57 am
Is bio damage completely armor ignore?  Trying to figure out if barbarian armor is is just mildly bio resistant or if it also subtracts 30 damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 04, 2020, 09:27:38 am
Is bio damage completely armor ignore?  Trying to figure out if barbarian armor is is just mildly bio resistant or if it also subtracts 30 damage.

It depends on the weapon, but 50% armor effectiveness is a common value.  So frontal armor value 30 would be breached by a bio weapon that does over 15 points bio damage assuming the armor bio resistance was 100%  If the armor is resistant to bio damage it would take a larger damage roll to penetrate it.  For example if the armor bio resistance was 80%, the weapon damage roll would be reduced by multiplying it by 0.80 before checking to see if it penetrated the armor.  So in the example above, the bio weapon would have to roll greater than 19 points to penetrate.  An armor resistance of 0% would be immune to that damage type.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on February 04, 2020, 10:27:15 am
Is bio damage completely armor ignore?  Trying to figure out if barbarian armor is is just mildly bio resistant or if it also subtracts 30 damage.

Assuming it hasn't changed since April 2019, bio weapons vary but typically penetrate around 50% armor. The exception is the Plague Bug, which penetrates almost all armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 04, 2020, 11:35:18 am
Sweet, some live testing showed giant spiders pretty much never kill a barbarian(shield) facing front, although they'll do a bunch of damage.  So at least it's a reliable safegaurd against spiders breaking through your doors.  Sounds like scorpions are probably similar then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 04, 2020, 10:47:09 pm
Don't forget that flying units can't be hit by melee only non flying monsters unless of course they are adjacent on the same level.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 05, 2020, 02:00:02 am
What's the deal with Repentance amd Martyrdom?

Repentance is the name of a tech and a transform. You use the transform to make repentia class gals(Better melee and hp, less shooting)

Haven't seen martyrdom myself(its newer) but i presume it's similar.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 05, 2020, 02:05:43 am
Sweet, some live testing showed giant spiders pretty much never kill a barbarian(shield) facing front, although they'll do a bunch of damage.  So at least it's a reliable safegaurd against spiders breaking through your doors.  Sounds like scorpions are probably similar then.

Barbarian with shield is a very good armor vs melee if you can protect your flank. If you are standing in a door for example. The power comes from the high melee dodge value. A maxxed gal can get to over 100% dodge, which is enough that for examples werewolves can't even hit you. Just remember that the dodge is only high for frontal attacks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 05, 2020, 02:34:25 am
Speaking of that, what counts as "front"?  Like I've always thought I was relatively protected if I have my back to a corner and emptied my TUs.  Since this means I can only be hit from my front and "front sides".  But is that "front side" a front or a side? 

Sounds like a silly question but the difference in defense for barb/tactical is just so extreme based on the way you're facing since armor is subtractive and melee is generally lots of small hits.  Like a barb(s) is almost immune to a dog from the front but will be instantly killed from the back.

Edit: lol, apparently the correct answer is "spooky"

50% chance of side is better than 100% I guess xD  Unless melee uses a totally different formula. Is melee dodge counted on the sides?  I'm assuming sides count for dodge since the html bootypedia lists a "dodge back penalty" of 0.65
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 05, 2020, 04:46:25 pm
What part of armor is hit? (projectile weapons)

I can recount from my experience and add the insight from the post by warboy you linked. What is missing for the complete answer is: where is a shot aimed at?
From what I've heard a shot is aimed at center mass, which would mean that a shooter with perfect accuracy shooting at you from the front will always exactly hit your front armor. This is something we can test. I've heard rumors about "perfect accuracy" beeing somwehere at 130% and not 100%, so account for that.
Edit: just tested it, doesn't hold up. A shot with 185% accuracy from the front can still hit the side armor.

In comparison if you take a shotgun blast from the front, I know from experience that most likely some pellets hit your side armor. Makes perfect sense, since a shotgun does not fire all projectiles at center mass. Single projectiles fired with less then perfect accuracy then also have a chance of hitting your side armor when fired from the front.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 05, 2020, 08:56:29 pm
Huh, that almost sounds like a bug if someone with essentially infinite accuracy shooting right at you without a shotgun can hit side armor.  How often was that happening, or was it just a fluke one in a million thing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 05, 2020, 10:49:34 pm
Huh, that almost sounds like a bug if someone with essentially infinite accuracy shooting right at you without a shotgun can hit side armor.  How often was that happening, or was it just a fluke one in a million thing?

Heh, it actually sounds somewhat realistic.  Even if the shooter is perfect, it doesn't mean the gun and the ammo are.  Competition shooters spend a lot of time and money trying to get their guns as accurate as possible.  They also don't use the sporting goods stores' off the shelf ammo as it isn't accurate enough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on February 06, 2020, 02:25:23 am
Or maybe the shooter is smart and is trying to get past your armor.

Simply put: if a soldier has their front side facing an enemy shooter, that shooter will mostly hit their front, sometimes either side, and never the back.

With combat shields on the left, you can have a soldier face their front-left diagonal toward incoming fire to almost guarantee that either the front or left are where they get hit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 06, 2020, 04:16:08 pm
Combat shields on the left? Are you playing a different game?

Shields that are part of the armor always add to front armor. Sidearmor is always equal on the left and the right.
Shields that are an item independent of armor (riot shield for example) have no facing. These shields work by modifying your resistance to damage (piercing for example), and that is effective for all armor sides. So yes, a riot shield will also improve your back armor. Another fun fact: you can have the riot shield in your backpack and it will still protect your front. Having the riot shield and the sheperd staff in your backpack gives you some serious cutting protection. I hope in future versions some check is added to the script to check if a shield type item is actually held in your hand before the bonuses are applied...

I didn't test long, but I didn't need many tries to get a hit on the side armor. And yes, it happened several times. It all makes more sense if you think of side armor as the part of the armor covering your arms.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 07, 2020, 02:17:15 am
Regarding hunter killers: should you just always avoid these craft?  It sounds like there's no way to determine which ones are safe to attack until it's too late and you get trashed.  Like, before you could check there image and decide if it was worth attacking, but not these days.  Size doesn't help:  saw a small ship that turned out to just be megapol, then get thrashed by a very small raider.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 07, 2020, 11:33:03 am
Well... In midgame you can get building (I forgot its name, but it is in vanilla too) that lets you to know what vessel, from who and on what mission. Other than that you can have very, very fast ship that can fly to it, check its range (and how the vessel looks) etc and then disengage, where you then decide if it is worth to attack it, or simply stay passive.

You can also use their speed to deduce what ship this is. I'm pretty sure megapol car and smal raider vessel have different speeds and probably different radar sizes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 07, 2020, 11:38:13 am
Well, that's the thing, that very small raider had a max speed of 4k, which is even faster than an airspeeder, so there's no escape, it'll just blow up.  So you can't even really take a look.  So I guess you just have to know ahead of time all possible ships that can spawn at a given size if you want to go after them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 07, 2020, 01:34:40 pm
If something is that fast, then next time you will know that very small and over 4k speed will always be raider.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 07, 2020, 03:47:06 pm
Regarding hunter killers:
You can unlock the shark jetbike quite early in the game. That thing has 4k speed. If your craft is faster than the hunter killer, you can still look at it and run away.

Here is a list of the small and very small hunter killers:

Mostly Harmless
Megapol Dropship - small, speed 1000, 280 HP, 39 DPM
Megapol Cruiser - small, speed 1500, 220 HP, 47 DPM
Bandit Wasp - very small, speed 1600, 100 HP, 71 DPM
Megapol Patrol - very small, speed 2000, 100 HP, 39 DPM
Megapol Chaser - very small, speed 3000, 80 HP, 47 DPM

Somewhat dangerous
Raider vessel - small, speed 1800, 200 HP, 85 DPM
Bandit Cobra - small, speed 2400, 240 HP, 78 DPM - high hit bonus
Megapol Interceptor - small, speed 3000, 200 HP, 63 DPM - high hit and avoid bonus
Bandit Mosquito - very small, speed 3000, 100 HP, 83 DPM - high hit and avoid bonus

Quite dangerous
Nazi vessel - small, speed 3000, 400 HP, 81 DPM
Gunboat - small, speed 3000, 550 HP, 111 DPM
Ninja - small, speed 3000, 240 HP, 80 DPM - more dangerous than you think, because of really high hit and avoid bonus
Light Gunboat - small, speed 3300, 420 HP, 77 DPM
Raider Fighter - very small, speed 4000, 300 HP, 94 DPM
Sentry - small, speed 4500, 300 HP, 91 DPM

Really dangerous
Fighter - small, speed 4500, 350 HP, 173 DPM
Viper Fighter - small, speed 5200, 660 HP + shields, 252 DPM

Edit: Now that I look at that list, 3000 speed is the magic number. If your craft is faster than that, you can run away from most dangerous engagements. Too bad the Airspeeder has 3000 speed and thus can't run away. The bounty prize Piranha Airbike has 2750 speed. If that would be buffed to a little over 3000, it would be much more valuable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on February 07, 2020, 04:08:47 pm
I'm in the early game and only have Airspeeders at the moment (restarted because of a fuck-up) and what I tend to do is save my game before intercepting a ship, and if I get shot-down then I reload and don't intercept.  Kinda-of cheating, but it's better than having to buy a new craft every couple of (game) days!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 07, 2020, 07:23:46 pm
If something is that fast, then next time you will know that very small and over 4k speed will always be raider.

Well, I overtook it in an aircar in that instance, so I didn't know the max speed is 4k.  If HK always moved at their max speed things would be a lot easier really.

I could wait and observe a while, but that's still chancing losing a 400k-1M craft + launcher/ammo just on a chance of a mission if it turned out to just be moving slow for a while.

What that chart seems to be telling me, is that attacking hunter killers is pretty much suicide until you get hyperwaves unless you're willing to invest in an airforce capable of taking down anything but a viper fighter and just hoping it's not that, and attacking all at once.  Like even if I had a hawk, there's a chance of raider fighter, fighter, sentry, and viper fighter that will take down the 1M craft with temporarily unique codex weapon just for taking a look.

Maybe I could try baiting them with expeditions just to see what they are.  So like use a expedition radar network, which is useful in it's own right, and then just getting revenge unless it's something powerful, and just be like "okay fine then" if it is xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 07, 2020, 08:31:54 pm
Like people said, use the shark, you'll be able to have a look before engaging. I ~think~ you could take down a hunter killer early on by having a skilled lok'narr piloting a shark bike being escorted by slower craft with decent weapons, like a shadowbat with that one 100% accurate weapon that uses seagulls.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on February 07, 2020, 10:51:51 pm
Combat shields on the left? Are you playing a different game?

Shields that are part of the armor always add to front armor. Sidearmor is always equal on the left and the right.
I hadn't yet used riot shields in Piratez, but the coding is there for it to affect side armor unequally. I figured that's how it would be in Piratez.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 07, 2020, 11:27:18 pm
@Reaver of Darkness
Apologies then. I have only looked at the piratez implementation of shields so far.

Regarding identification of hunter killers:
Just take a close look at the speed. A speed that is not the maximum will always be some odd looking number, like 2115. You can follow the shipping outside of it's radar range and then wait for it to go to full speed again. A shipping always arrives at full speed and will leave at full speed. If you can't catch it when it's at full speed, it is probably too dangerous anyway.
Also, shippings follow a set pattern. Greep mentioned getting trashed by a Raider Fighter. The Raider fighter is not the first shipping of a raid mission, the first shipping is the Raider vessel. So once you see a Raider vessel, you know for sure a Raider Fighter will soon follow in this area.

One more example: Identifying a Fighter that comes with an Alien Terror mission. Alien Terror missions spawn with a 35% chance each month once you are in the mutant alliance.
The mission starts with a sequence of three Fighters, which all follow trajectory P0. They don't land, and the speed sequence of P0 is: 100%, 74%, 28%, 47%, 100%.
So these three Fighters will only fly at speeds: 4500, 3330, 1260, 2115, 4500.

Conclusion: if you see a small shipping flying at 2115 speed, it's 100% a Fighter.
(I haven't actually checked if no other trajectory + small shipping can produce this number, but the chances are pretty slim.)

I could go ahead and write out all the possible speeds of each shipping. The Raider Fighter for example only flies with the PX1 trajectory (100, 75, 60, 50, 30, 45, 70, 100). But this will most likely just lead to Dioxine adding a random factor to trajectories and speeds (quite easy to do).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 08, 2020, 02:41:21 am
That's pretty cool, looks like there's a good way to pick your battles then :D 

I don't see why hunter killers should be hard to identify, though, so hopefully we won't need voodoo ship theory in the future.  I mean, if you have to risk losing a ship to take a look, then they're not worth engaging, and why bother having all those codex weapons and interceptors then?  Plus I thought megapol were supposed to be really early game targets.

Either way, seems like shippings of XY00 speed traveling under 3000 are safe "enough" to risk checking out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 08, 2020, 04:00:55 am
Players shouldn't have to resort to metagaming or ruleset diving in order to come up with effective strategies to determine whether it is safe to intercept a ship.  I'm playing an older version that doesn't have hunter killers, so I don't have experience for good advice.  Too bad there aren't other options between the basic radar detection info and the full hyperwave detection.  For instance, if there was another way to get the ship silhouette (can be seen in the intercept window) without intercepting, then the player could compare that to the shippings in his bootypedia and decide if he wants to engage it.  Just like silhouette charts that were used by military personnel in world war 2 to identify enemy ships and planes.


Or maybe most craft would be required to have ship model transponder that would only identify the type of craft when in radar range.  This would only id the ship type, but not mission, mission zone, or faction.  If ship type is too specific, maybe just a class like commercial, law enforcement, civilian, militia, and unknown (for those without transponders)


Or what about a small mod for a camera drone?  A battery powered low range but fast craft.  No pilot, no crew, no radar, no weapons, no slots, fast enough to have a decent chance to intercept before leaving base overcharged radar range.  It would be used just to get the silhouette from the intercept window.  Its range would only be enough to cover one base and of course it would tie up a hanger.  It wouldn't be too expensive to replace so that losses from being shot down by hunter killers wouldn't discourage its use.  And prior to hyperwaves there should be enough room in each base for another hanger to house it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on February 08, 2020, 08:21:30 am
That is why the Hyperwave detector exists.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 08, 2020, 08:29:01 am
That is why the Hyperwave detector exists.

Well yeah, but the idea was for the early game before hyperwave decoders were researched and built.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 08, 2020, 04:01:13 pm
Just be thankful radar circles are drawn for hunter killers. At least this way you know it is one before you approach ^^

As I said, early game solution is to get a shark jetbike. It can run away from most small hunter killers, so with this craft you can peek at the siluette.

By the way, megapol are quite easy to identify by their flight path. They travel from continent to continent like civillians.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 08, 2020, 09:31:36 pm
Ok, I take it disengage is allowed against hunter killers if craft fast enough.  I haven't dealt much with hunter killers except for the ninja seeker one set up in an earlier version.  I had just read Meridian's thread,5717.0.html (,5717.0.html) and early on disengage wasn't going to be possible.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 08, 2020, 10:18:00 pm
This is true, although even a shark jetbike will get blown up costing over 1.5 million if it runs into a few of them, so I feel the metagaming is necessary.  But even then, are megapol/wasps not meant to be done before getting a ship a newbie might not know about?  You even start with them in your bootypedia I think, suggesting they're fairly early game. 

Plus I don't think you should feel railroaded into choosing a bounty prize path just for basic interception.  Although there are pretty strong "correct" paths for every customer xD

Either way there's a good temporary solution for me for now, just feel it's in a weird spot atm when hunter killers.

Edit: Guess not regarding bootypedia, I guess they're just shared with a whole lot of interrogations since I always seem to get them early.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 08, 2020, 11:46:38 pm
But even then, are megapol/wasps not meant to be done before getting a ship a newbie might not know about? 

Well it's a progression.  At first just the civilian traffic should be attempted to be shot down.  As the player's interception fleet get larger and better, slightly tougher prey can be attempted.  A player can go a long way just doing the pink site missions.  Shoot downs increase risk of base defense and losing a base, going after landed ships doesn't.  That might be metagaming but it is common vanilla behavior.

I don't know how balanced the hunter killer changes are for this mod as I haven't played the latest version.  But if the choice really comes down to metagaming intercepts with notes on various speeds and trajectories vs intercepts too risky to attempt, I suspect changes will be coming in this area in later versions.  I believe hunter killers were added to make the air game more risky, but not to the point that going after minor faction intercepts becomes unprofitable.  There should be a better strategy than the metagaming route or the wait until hyperwave decoders route.  The strategy might currently exist; we just haven't come across it yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 09, 2020, 02:48:07 pm
Air game progression is fine, actually.
When still in airbus, stay away from any shipping that has a radar circle drawn around it.
When you contact the car thieves, megapol patrols start. It's tied to that research. Now you can get an aircar and an airspeeder. With the aircar you shouldn't try to intercept anything that shoots back, and missiles for the airspeeder are quite expensive. A seagull costs more than the loot you get from a megapol patrol car. But with the airspeeder, you can take a peek at most megapol craft, because it's fast enough to run away. And the megapol interceptor and chaser are quite rare, and it's quite obvious that they are faster than your average patrol car. Megapol craft tend to fly close to or at max speed, so spotting the faster craft is quite easy.
So with an aircar, you still stay away from shippings that have a radar circle, and any seagulls you might have in your airspeeder you will save for jucier, larger shippings.
Bandit flights start in june of the first year, but with them it's the same deal as with megapol.

So you can see, trying to shoot down even the weakest hunter killers will only become actually a good idea once you get better craft. So either codex craft, a shark jetbike, or a piranha airbike. For the jetbike, the rule is: if it's faster than you, it's too dangerous anyway (fighters for example). From everything that's slower you can disengage and run away, so you can take a look before deciding to fight. Airspeeder and piranha airbike can do that as well, to some extend. All you have to do is learn to watch a shipping a bit before you intercept, to get an idea what it's maximum speed is.

So the problem of not knowing what shippings to intercept mostly exists just for the medium fast codex craft. Here the safe option is to just go after megapol and bandits. These are easy to identify by their flight path, they travel from continent to continent like civillians. If you want to do more serious air combat, get a jetbike for recon and fire support. It's not that far away in the techtree.

Bottom line: for hunter killers, higher speed = more dangerous. Pretty simple rule of thumb.

Ok, there is one air combat "trap" you can fall into that should be mentioned. The Bandit Mosquito has an avoid bonus of 35 and the Megapol Interceptor a bonus of 30. That's high enough that you might not be able to hit them with a 25mm x2 cannon or 30mm cannon, depending on your craft to hit bonus and pilot skill.
I'm a bit unsure on the math though. Accuracy formula for a target that has no avoid bonus is: (weapon accuracy + craft bonus + pilot bonus)*target size
(target size multiplier is 0.75 for very small and 0.875 for small)
Now the question is where the avoid bonus is subtracted. I would guess it's subtracted before multiplication by the size modifier.
So lets say you fly a Scarab with a 25mm x2 cannon (25% acc) and two quad cannons (15% acc). That is some serious firepower you would think. At 70 firing skill of the pilot, you get a +6 bonus and can *barely* hit a Megapol Interceptor. You will still loose most likely, because you only hit one shot in 100.
If you go with maxxed pilots of 122 firing skill, you get +26 bonus. Vs the Bandit Mosquito, that will still be a gamble of a fight (about 60% win chance).
So these are examples where you would think you have enough firepower, but actually don't. And you can't disengage because you are not fast enough.
The Ninja Seeker with its 40 avoid bonus is the worst, but at least you can easily identify them by their large radar circle.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 09, 2020, 07:38:12 pm
Well that sounds like a good approach.  Also that is an important point about low accuracy weapons.  They may not score a single hit against small dodgy craft.

Edit: I believe most accuracy and dodge bonuses are additive/subtractive and I think size is multiplicative.  So a low accuracy weapon's DPS can be improved greatly by pilot accuracy bonus whereas pilot accuracy won't matter much for a high accuracy weapon.  Conversely, dodge bonus can make a craft unhittable by a low accuracy weapon and again not matter much for a high accuracy weapon.

Edit2:  There is a nice light 100% accuracy weapon that can be acquired early but you won't find it on a ufo, you'll have to go diving for it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 09, 2020, 11:28:34 pm
Well, that's definitely workable, but I'm just saying, any new players not reading this thread or doing weird metagaming is just going to either always avoid HKs or just do what jimbo does and reload which feels like things aren't in a good state.  Main issue is you still need to read all this to come to that conclusion (you only know a jetbike will let you survive most of the time if you know that entire chart of ships) and you still need to do some A.I. metagaming to figure out what's bandit/megapol.  It's kinda analogous to if the game didn't show temperature on missions and you had to go to the wiki to read some player made temperature map or just wing it based on geographical knowledge.  Like, that works, but it's definitely not great.

So I'll just read speeds for now which works for me, and just kinda hope I'm safe if a speed ending in 00 matches a max speed of something I see is interceptable
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 10, 2020, 12:00:06 am
Saving and reload is perfectly legit if you are playing for the first time. And after a few encounters you will have learned that civilians, Megapol and bandits have the unique cross continent flight patterns. I wouldn't say this is too metagamy. That is exactly the stuff you would read in a gameguide or know after one playthrough.

You can go even further and deduce from the speed and type of shipping what mission it is on. I look that up in the gamefiles (that is metagaming), but you could get that information just from playing the game. If you wrote down all the speeds of every shipping you saw, you would start to see the patterns. If a couple of nerds startet to do a wiki with that stuff, you would get to exactly the same information (with a lot more work though).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 10, 2020, 12:27:29 am
I really can't see how forcing the player to avoid HKs is such a bad idea. I think it's pretty fun.

Besides, sooner or later the player will challenge these HKs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on February 10, 2020, 05:20:58 pm
sooner or later the player will challenge these HKs.

Which is what I'm now doing.  A real-world day or so after I made my earlier post I got Snakes, and two of those working together (one escorting another) can take down mostly all the smaller HKs, but not the bigger or shielded ships.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on February 11, 2020, 06:42:46 pm
What is a good source of optronic parts? I'm in the second year and I have just unlocked the smart magnum and Doom armor. I want to build some, but I'm limited by optronics. Looking into the research tree I can see, that I will be able to buy them later, but that is after quite a bit of research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 11, 2020, 06:55:52 pm
What is a good source of optronic parts? I'm in the second year and I have just unlocked the smart magnum and Doom armor. I want to build some, but I'm limited by optronics. Looking into the research tree I can see, that I will be able to buy them later, but that is after quite a bit of research.

I belive that there is an option to buy them off market and it is locked behind some research. Smugglers and something else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 11, 2020, 07:47:13 pm
Isn't optronics just disassembling personal computers?

Edit: If you open your html bootypedia and look up "Optronics Parts" you can find a more specific answer.  Turns out it's disassembling almost any machinery, although integrated devices give several.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 11, 2020, 08:20:55 pm
I get optronics from dissassembling slave ai, but I'm not playing the latest version so I don't know if that has changed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on February 12, 2020, 02:15:44 am
I feel so dumb. I have hundreds of slave AIs lying around and each of them gives 10 optronics parts. Didn't know this information is in the online bootypedia. Thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: teddybbeer on February 13, 2020, 04:22:20 pm

Made base to Middle-East (between Wraithbane and The Library) and in first month didnt saw single landed UFO. So i also missed Fugitive search orders.. and missed whole Doc X chain by it? Is docX needed for gameplay advancement or can i just skip it? On the other hand its now jul 2602 and there has been 0 base assaults so far so..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: amjh on February 13, 2020, 06:37:55 pm
Made base to Middle-East (between Wraithbane and The Library) and in first month didnt saw single landed UFO. So i also missed Fugitive search orders.. and missed whole Doc X chain by it? Is docX needed for gameplay advancement or can i just skip it? On the other hand its now jul 2602 and there has been 0 base assaults so far so..

You can also get the research by interrogating nurses.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 13, 2020, 06:59:04 pm
If you did not get the fugitive search orders, the nurse airbuses keep spawning until you research it. You are guaranteed to get it sooner or later. As long as you have radar, that is...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: teddybbeer on February 13, 2020, 09:05:17 pm
airbuses seems to load only hideout research orders.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on February 13, 2020, 10:25:17 pm
To clarify: As long as you don't research the thingy that comes with the mission, they keep on spawning. No matter if its the fugitive search order or the hideout search order. You can't lock yourself out of the Mr. X story arc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: teddybbeer on February 14, 2020, 11:33:40 am
But do i NEED docX for completing? Like i wrote before im 1.5y into game and so far 0 base invasions. it seems that they are tied somehow.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 14, 2020, 01:42:53 pm
But do i NEED docX for completing? Like i wrote before im 1.5y into game and so far 0 base invasions. it seems that they are tied somehow.

No, you really don't need her. It would be usefull, but it is avoidable. What her prison offers can be also achieved from Mutant Alliance.
To be fair, I think you don't even need to choose Codex to win the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 14, 2020, 02:13:30 pm
That's right, you don't need a Codex to win the game, and you don't need any of the "romance routes".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: cb.spike on February 17, 2020, 03:56:46 pm
Is there another way to follow this mod? Twitter, Facebook? I just want to know when it will be possible to download it again.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 17, 2020, 05:00:04 pm
The best place would probably be Piratez Discord.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 21, 2020, 03:35:44 am
Are piratez in training facilities available for base defense?  Was going to just put all my staff for a small base in a dojo, wondering if I'll have any hands to actually defend.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 21, 2020, 05:02:51 am
Are piratez in training facilities available for base defense?  Was going to just put all my staff for a small base in a dojo, wondering if I'll have any hands to actually defend.

Yes, they do.

I'm however not sure if Gals that are under "transformation" (like this "training" that require Rope and Moonshine) fight in base defence. Probably not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 21, 2020, 05:12:52 am
They actually get "wounded" for the duration of transformation, when you check what happens to them, so I don't think so.  So you can actually reduce transformation time with a sickbay xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on February 21, 2020, 08:48:59 am
Under options -> advanced and all the way at bottom you can set at what wound % they take part in base defense.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on February 21, 2020, 04:28:34 pm
I tend to always put my second base around an area with frequent landings and then use it as a peasant/slave soldier training base, keeping one convoy and one faster transport around. With some decent management, you can get an entire convoy of 20 something soldiers to most missions and even to landing sites. With the convoy's hatches, peeking out and taking shots at anything is very easy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on February 22, 2020, 03:56:36 pm
so i did my first base assault ever (not counting the exalt HQ in XCOM2012)
see pic, is this why i didn't get any of those hypno panels? or are they not a guaranteed drop?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on February 22, 2020, 04:19:28 pm
Hideout's Bridge is always destroyed in a base assault victory regardless of if you actually blow it up or simply rout everyone. Hypno panels are just not a guaranteed drop, just fairly common. Did you see any weird rooms with like the flashing red blue walls like from UFO Defense? IIRC those are the hypno panels.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on February 22, 2020, 06:08:16 pm
@MemoryTAS: thanks, good to know!
i recall some mushroom(?) caves with strange colours, but not any walls. Memory is foggy already because the whole mission was such a shitshow from turn 1.
i watched quickmind's twitchVOD a few days ago with a base assault as a kind of strategy guide, but he just breezed through...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on February 22, 2020, 09:11:27 pm
What I'm talking about looks like this: (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on February 22, 2020, 10:08:05 pm
@MemoryTAS: don't think such a room or these tiles came up. all for naught :(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 22, 2020, 11:38:34 pm
Got enough money atm that I can afford a lost ship, so got another hunter killer question:  Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but is there no way to escort + fight these things?  I guess I can just fight them in serial maybe if not.  It's making guns like quadcannon pretty hard to use since there's no other ship to take hits while you close in.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 22, 2020, 11:43:08 pm
Set your slowest ship as the target for up to three other ships. When the hunter killer attacks one, all will be in the fight.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 22, 2020, 11:46:48 pm
Ah oof.. so I guess if the ships are the same speed it's no good then.

Edit: ah nvm, I'll just try anchoring and let the HK attack them both at once, maybe that will work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 23, 2020, 12:00:18 am
Ah oof.. so I guess if the ships are the same speed it's no good then.

Edit: ah nvm, I'll just try anchoring and let the HK attack them both at once, maybe that will work.

I would hope that anchoring by the target ship would only be necessary for the same speed escorts to catch up to it.  Once caught up, the target ship should be able to continue on its way with the escorts remaining synced up to it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on February 23, 2020, 12:07:14 am
Yeah, as soon as they are together you can give the order to the lead ship (just make sure it is the one the others are anchoring on), even if they are the same speed.
I mostly use the Metallo (from red codex) as my tank ship, so my fighters have an easy time catching up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: spazeroid on February 25, 2020, 04:30:18 am
Does getting the contacts: reticulans remove their shipping from the Geoscape?

Also hints on the reticulan vats mission? I have a batch of 12 well trained but inexperienced peasants and despite a good effort they didn't cut it. I get the feeling I was doing something wrong. I managed to take the center room and tried to hold out there, but they kept coming and the knocked out ones got back up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on February 25, 2020, 05:21:28 am
Does getting the contacts: reticulans remove their shipping from the Geoscape?
They continue to appear like the government. Research hyperwave decoder to not to target them.

Also hints on the reticulan vats mission? I have a batch of 12 well trained but inexperienced peasants and despite a good effort they didn't cut it. I get the feeling I was doing something wrong. I managed to take the center room and tried to hold out there, but they kept coming and the knocked out ones got back up.
1. You can pick stunned enemies and carry them. You can dedicate some of your soldiers for carry duty. Helps you to prioritize targets.
2. You can target enemies on the ground with melee abilities to uncrease their stun level. Make someone to run around your pile of stunned enemies and reapply stun (or even kill enemies to make them panic).
3. If you feel that you can't win, you could simply take reticulan elder as a hostage and escape.
4. You could use electric guns from reticulans
5. You can take gnomes on this mission (they have higher bravery cap, helps against psi, and have better stats in general)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on February 25, 2020, 08:38:15 pm
Also hints on the reticulan vats mission? I have a batch of 12 well trained but inexperienced peasants and despite a good effort they didn't cut it. I get the feeling I was doing something wrong. I managed to take the center room and tried to hold out there, but they kept coming and the knocked out ones got back up.

1. After you stun someone, take your time to wrestle them into overstun. If it's a sectogre, wrestle them some more. They're by far the worst enemy to fight, since they're so tough. Wrestling only deals small amount of HP damage, but kicking them while they're down gives you valuable time before they recover.
1.1. Stand right on top of them and target yourself to avoid targeting wonkiness.
2. Bondage consumes 3 freshness per turn. A peasant who didn't participate in any battles before only has ~20 turns before she becomes useless, which is a pretty tight time limit. So I'd advise having them get some combat experience beforehand.
3. Loot everything. Electroguns one-shot just about everyone except sectogres, tazoguns deal a lot of HP damage, causing downed enemies to stay down for longer, canteens let you pick your peasants up, and melee weapons... they can stun people too, but I prefer wrestling.
4. As said before, if you feel like things are going dicey, retreat. Grab whatever smooth captives and elder you can and abort mission.

What I tend to do on this mission is have 2-3 people chill out in center room and stun\restun people, while everyone else runs around. After all I'm on the timer, not reticulans.

My first attempt didn't go that well either, because my group of trained, but inexperienced peasants ran out of freshness and were too slow, too sluggish, and too tired to do anything. By the second time I got my next group to be really experienced (some even had maxed-out stats), so it was almost a breeze.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: spazeroid on March 02, 2020, 01:36:57 am
Thanks! I tried a few in game months later with a more experienced group of peasants and it went a lot easier. The tipping point was probably being able to over stun by wrestling, that wouldn't have occurred to me.

another little question:
Does the factory have printer capability? It seems like it should, even with luxury barracks it's going to be a struggle to staff it as is.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on March 02, 2020, 03:40:34 am
Sadly, it does not. A factory base *has* to be designed to be a pure production base, meaning one hangar at most and lots of barracks in addition to the factory. You can squeeze in a few secondary prod buildings (printer, refinery, armory tower). Expensive as sin to build but once the setup is done it prints money even faster than a mint.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on March 02, 2020, 11:28:21 am
Anyone have any experience with ships for gold codex?  Was pretty excited to finally get el fuego unlocked, but this thing.. kinda sucks :/  Feels like I should just stick with using shadowbat for when I don't need a tank and turtle for when I do.  I almost feel like selling the thing, or is that a bad idea? For 300k maintenance I'd rather just build two hunter-killers, and I'm not quite at the point where I feel like I should be shooting down big things yet anyways.  Not that I regret choosing gold codex this run, just I think the money might be worth more than the menace ship and wanted to check that I won't brick my game xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 02, 2020, 03:19:46 pm
The fuego isn't the best in the early game due to the weapons slots. Missiles are expensive early game, and your unlikely to have a heavy besides the flame cannon, which has it's own issues in the early game.

Until you have more choices for the slots it will be of limited value in the air. It is however a decent transport with 12 slots, HWP and aux options. It does take some getting used to the menace class semi open floor plan, but it is not nearly as bad as say the skyranger.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on March 02, 2020, 10:13:38 pm
Well, it feels like transport-wise its like a mix between the turtle and shadowbat but not as good as either, although it is fast.  I think I'll just go with my gut and sell it then, seems to not have any dire consequences.

Thinking about it more:  could be useful for landed ships, since shadowbat is slow and doesn't have an aux slot.  But honestly landed mediums are pretty terrifying at this point anyways.  Gold is all about bling anyways, building a giant, unique menacing ship and just cashing in feels appropriate :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 02, 2020, 11:09:25 pm
I like the Fuego as a secondary troop transport, because of the speed. I have a turtle in the same base for dangerous missions where I want to have a door. If the mission does not need doors or I don't get the craft on battlescape anyway (bandit caves for example), I rather send the Fuego.
I have one loadout of items that I switch between Fuego and turtle (F5 to save, F9 to load, x to empty everything). I have lots of toys that I only have a limited amount of, so I rather have them come back to base fast if possible (armours most of all). You never know when the next difficult mission pops up. So yeah, the Fuego is great to keep readyness up. Put in a different way, it allows you to send valuable equipment on less dangerous missions. No need to wait for the slow turtle to come back to base. Of course, the Shadowbat can be used in a similar fashion, just with less speed and 3 less hands that get xp.
Other than that, the Fuego is a good interceptor because of the speed. Saves you hangar space if you want to have interceptor and troop transport in the same base. Damage output of the Fuego becomes beastly once you have naval gun bounty prize unlocked. Important to note is that I have naval gun unlocked but not yet researched the swordfish, so the Fuego is my best ship for the naval guns at the moment.

Is 300K upkeep that much money to you that you would sell it just because of that? That's only the profit of one average mission. I would think if that amount of money is a concern, you built the Fuego too early.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on March 02, 2020, 11:42:17 pm
Yeah I think I'd keep it if it was even slightly better, like a single soldier more, I'd keep it.  I just like the money more atm.  I guess it doesn't help that I just unlocked decoders, so selling the thing gets me another hyperwave up and running xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on March 03, 2020, 07:50:42 am
The menace class are good tanks as well, I still use mine in the endgame, because it is not as slow as something like a kraken.
A Menace with 3 Interceptors can down pretty much everything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on March 03, 2020, 06:21:20 pm
Out of the menace class ships, the red codex one is the only one that stands out combat wise, all others are better used as troop transports, with the best dedicated transport being the bonaventura, followed closely by the fortuna, being the only one that can go out into space. The El Fuego is far from useless in combat though, but its very maintenance intensive due to missile slots and helerium for both fuel and ammo for the flame cannon, so until you have the dosh to finance it, its best to relegate it to troop transport duty.

The hawk is a pretty decent interceptor if you use a skilled pilot and mount the flame cannon on it, though, people just never use it for that because the hawk is so goddamn expensive and because of the risk of losing the flame canon. It can chase down and destroy pretty much any fast non hunter-killer ships, though. You can kind of offset part of all that expensive maintenance with the turtle, which is battery powered (AFAIK), can go underwater, and is a pretty damn good transport.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 03, 2020, 09:58:33 pm
Oh, I forgot the shadowtech slot on the Fuego. That makes the Fuego the best weapon plattform of the gold codex. All top tier aircraft weapons are heavy. The shadowtech slot can give you massive shield and speed boosts. The menace class is the only hellerium fueled craft that has a shadowtech slot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on March 05, 2020, 06:50:44 pm
Can I actually use the Magical Girl myself if I revive her? Or is that just so I could interrogate her?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 06, 2020, 05:56:39 am
magical girls are not hireable units. They are however components to certain outfits. Also can be rendered into healing cake.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on March 06, 2020, 02:17:15 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on March 07, 2020, 10:51:48 pm
Is the armor reduction from chem affected by chem resistance or existing armor?  Was wondering if I'd be wasting my time using shotgun chem rounds/toxigun on power armor and tanks or not. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on March 08, 2020, 11:09:59 am
In short, yes. Here's how damage is resolved, to my knowledge:

1. Check for shields - if there's a shield up and it can absorb the damage type, multiply by shield's resistance and reduce shield strength by damage number. If there's more damage than shields left, continue
2. Apply percentage damage resistance from armor and protective accessories. Things that apply like Lobstermen benefit a lot here which is why they're so tough in TFTD.
3. If weapon has a 'ToArmorPre' value, like chem or plasma, damage armor by remaining damage * ToArmorPre
4. Multiply defender's effective armor strength by attackers armor effectiveness. For example, 60 armor is effectively ~40 armor against lasers.
5. Subtract effective armor from damage. Continue if remaining damage > 0
6. If there's damage left, subtract from HP and apply secondary damage - stun damage from system shock, morale damage, additional armor damage, if net damage is above set-on-fire threshold set defender on fire
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on March 08, 2020, 12:59:48 pm
That makes a lot of sense.  So the chem resistance percentage is effectively their corrosion resistance, but the flat armor value has no effect.  So pretty effective against most power armor but not so much against a tank.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on March 08, 2020, 02:02:07 pm
5 should be the other way round, I think. :D

For fun I attacked the humanist battle tank with chem loaded deathblossoms. It works ( I checked with ... well the thing you can check enemies with, I forgot the name), but it takes a while.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 09, 2020, 12:59:20 am
Yeah i think torchwood just made a typo. Subtract remaining armor from damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on March 09, 2020, 09:44:06 am
Oops I messed up. Of course armor is subtracted from damage, not the other way around. Correction made.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on March 13, 2020, 06:13:58 pm
So uh ... how do you shoot down silver towers? I have classic problem, that they run away from my tanks and interceptors that can keep up with them do not have enough armor and hull to survive.

Do I need a wing of Sabres?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 13, 2020, 10:08:08 pm
Do you have max reaction Lokk'Naar pilots? Those increase survivability a lot. A sabre can be a tank too if you equip thrusters in the missile slots to maximise evasion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on March 17, 2020, 04:46:57 am
If you're able to choose your engagements (not going against HKs), then you can set up one craft to be a super tank with no damage, and 1-2 other craft to deal all the damage. Just make sure the tank craft attacks first. Also get max reactions on the tank, and max bravery on the DPS.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Eddie on March 17, 2020, 10:21:42 am
and max bravery on the DPS.

Actually, you want the same bravery or less on your damage dealers. If they have more bravery than your tank, they will close in faster. Easier to coordinate if all craft have same bravery.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on March 17, 2020, 04:47:09 pm
I’m running +100% engagement speed on my tanks and +50% engagement speed on my interceptors for exactly this reason. But the issue is that my tanks are not fast enough to catch silver towers.

I guess I just don’t have strong enough tech yet. Maybe codex vessel with high tier shadowtech drive will catch it and be tanky enough. Or maybe avalanches are the answer. What problem can’t be solved by more nukes?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 18, 2020, 12:55:17 am
Silver towers sadly nuff, missiles have trouble cutting through the rapid regen before running dry.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on March 18, 2020, 11:53:05 pm
I’m running +100% engagement speed on my tanks and +50% engagement speed on my interceptors for exactly this reason. But the issue is that my tanks are not fast enough to catch silver towers.

I guess I just don’t have strong enough tech yet. Maybe codex vessel with high tier shadowtech drive will catch it and be tanky enough. Or maybe avalanches are the answer. What problem can’t be solved by more nukes?

hehe, it sounds, resembles to me like smthg from WoT :o :D lůl :p
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Galwail on March 19, 2020, 01:43:02 am
Yea, i meant approach speed  :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BigDuck on March 19, 2020, 04:04:10 pm
Hello piratez.

I got a question.

What will happen if i will not complete EuroSyndicate mission? They will destroy my base?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 19, 2020, 05:15:49 pm
2k score penalty, iirc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BigDuck on March 22, 2020, 08:30:13 am
2k score penalty, iirc.

Dammit. Well, that was a big mistake then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on March 26, 2020, 01:22:06 pm
i've sitting a mad gnome in my base for 2 years now. To activate/pacify said gnome i need choclolate which i don't have.
Are there "rob a candy store" missions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on March 26, 2020, 01:25:00 pm
i've sitting a mad gnome in my base for 2 years now. To activate/pacify said gnome i need choclolate which i don't have.
Are there "rob a candy store" missions?

1/ gnome's lair mission
2/ gambling
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on March 26, 2020, 01:28:54 pm
@meridian thanks a lot!
i never bothered with gambling so far, because the prizes (bananas, shotgun ammo and first-aid kits) were quite underwhelming
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dakkdakk on March 31, 2020, 04:28:55 pm
Gambling gets considerably better as you become able to cash in the better tickets (zortrium, etc), but even the copper and iron ones can give you weapons and ammo that you wouldn't normally get so easily in the early game, which can be a great help with research in the early game and gives you another avenue through which you can get better weapons early on. Getting tommy guns early on is a godsend when you only have shitty low damage rifles, muskets and bows.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 05, 2020, 06:31:16 pm
Anyone got that anoying problem with Hunter Killers appearing out of nowhere next to your base just to snipe troop transports?

They are literally appearning out of the void (spawning) when unarmored troop transports start to somewhere, but are hesitant to appear when more armored crafts start to fly somewhere. - Save file. For example try to send TURTLE-1 to Mutant Pogrom in South America and watch your base.
I'm quite locked down for eternity. I admit that I'm a bit behind with craft tech (as I never put any emphasis on crafts till I can build atleast Kraken), and I could understand HK finding me during random flights around the globe, but dropping out of the orbit when I fly out of the base is a bit unfair. I can't imagine trying to start Superhuman playtrough when constantly having in mind that in random point in the future there might be a craft that will spawn right next to my base just as I will send troop transport and its powerfull enough to deal with Scarab quite easly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on April 06, 2020, 09:37:10 am
Like I assumed, you got very lucky with enemy hideout spawn. (I hired expedition in the second base and sent it to search area around your first base)
Landed green medium does base supplying, your base is inside enemy's hideout radar range (you can see the circle on the screenshot), when you enter it (launch a ship), you get intercepted.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 06, 2020, 12:41:39 pm
Like I assumed, you got very lucky with enemy hideout spawn. (I hired expedition in the second base and sent it to search area around your first base)
Landed green medium does base supplying, your base is inside enemy's hideout radar range (you can see the circle on the screenshot), when you enter it (launch a ship), you get intercepted.

That does explains that. Thanks. I was getting paranoid about it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Palin on April 08, 2020, 02:20:05 am
After the update to version L1 I can't anymore buy seagull missile so I have to use 20mm cannon  :-\
The Gray codex give me the launcher but without ammo bah :(
Is there any research I have to perform ? Contact Smugglers I always finished
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 08, 2020, 05:12:03 am
Look for Seagull Missiles in the tech viewer (press q while on the globe). It got moved further in the tech tree due to them obsoleting spike rockets way too early.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 12, 2020, 10:04:31 pm
Hi, ppl, long time no see;)
 So, I am still using the version from march 2019 and I wanna ask, would I screw up my game if I use the debug mode to research the things that I couldn't otherwise get with my codex? Or do I research these AFTER I research all the 100 percent?

I would like to upgrade to current version, but have no clue what to do and where to go. Links and advice, please?

The game KICKS ASS, BRO!

Luck, love and health to every1, Alex

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 12, 2020, 11:22:12 pm
Debug in extra tech at your own peril. It probably won't crash or be unplayable but weird interactions will happen. Debug addtions is the only way to get 100%, since there are exclusive paths and the UI shows % of all techs.

Get the package from the first page of the main thread. Make a clean install after backing up your saves and config file. Then read through the upgrading saves thread and apply fixes needed from there to your save.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 13, 2020, 11:21:23 am
Debug in extra tech at your own peril. It probably won't crash or be unplayable but weird interactions will happen. Debug addtions is the only way to get 100%, since there are exclusive paths and the UI shows % of all techs.

Get the package from the first page of the main thread. Make a clean install after backing up your saves and config file. Then read through the upgrading saves thread and apply fixes needed from there to your save.

Thank you, bro.
Just, PLS, remind me what is a clean install? Overwriting with a new version, st. else..? Sorry to bother, I used to be a good modder, but now - I just fughot it. :(
And, everyone, for, Heaven's sake, STAY SAFE! :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 13, 2020, 05:04:13 pm
Clean as in:
1. Download a fresh copy of the newest version.
2. Extract where you want (NOT in the old version folder!).
3. Add original UFO.
4. Play.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 14, 2020, 09:48:21 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 14, 2020, 10:22:25 pm
Try putting the ammo on the craft first?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 14, 2020, 10:45:30 pm
The item it needs is "HWP Ammo Crate".

What you have in your stores are different items - "HWP Ammo Crate/PS" and "HWP Ammo Crate/MAG". The code that loads the cyberdisc's ammo can only look for one specific item as ammo, not the whole category of "HWP Ammo Crate/Something".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 14, 2020, 11:19:25 pm
@vadracas: i tried. i even shipped my gnome and a lokknaar in, in the vain hope the disc might be some kind of "armor" (like the cars/tanks).
@ohartenstein23: thanks for the explanation. Although this makes my whole cyberdisc endevaour a lot less cool. i like the sound of the MAG ammo :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 15, 2020, 12:54:18 am
You can still use the PS and MAG ammo on soldiers that "wear" vehicles as "armor" when the vehicle comes with a HMG.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 15, 2020, 01:22:14 am
Clean as in:
1. Download a fresh copy of the newest version.
2. Extract where you want (NOT in the old version folder!).
3. Add original UFO.
4. Play.

TYVM. Original, like only the Enemy Unknown? In my current Open X-piratez I have both, or so it seems.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 15, 2020, 01:30:02 am
The oroginal like this?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 15, 2020, 02:25:48 am
Yes, copy that stuff into the file called UFO, I believe, in the mod.  I don't know if it's needed, but you should also copy the files from TFTD into the one named TFTD, just to be safe
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 15, 2020, 10:51:33 am
Asghan said UFO, not UFOs. And my TFTD folder is empty, there's only the Readme there. So yes, it seems that ir's only the Enemy unknown. Cool, am right at it. Wish me luck.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 15, 2020, 01:11:01 pm
I got the 1/0 and Archive corrupt errors. Deleted. Will Will DL and try again. Do i HAVE to use the damned rar, or is it OK with 7zip?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on April 15, 2020, 07:57:10 pm
You might have to update your unpacking program. Any that can unpack this format should be fine, if it is current.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 15, 2020, 08:35:01 pm
Mine unpacks it just fine but corrupts the .exe

Which is fine because downloading the standalone OXCE stuff works just fine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on April 15, 2020, 09:50:00 pm
Mine unpacks it just fine but corrupts the .exe

Which is fine because downloading the standalone OXCE stuff works just fine.

It might not be corrupting the .exe.  The one provided with Piratez is the 64-bit version, and I myself have to DL the 32-bit version separately.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 15, 2020, 10:05:51 pm
Definitely not it, I use the 64-bit oxce version, it's just that I have to use a different decompression tool for xpiratez .rar files and it manages everything right except for the .exe which it formats invalidly according to what I use to run it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 16, 2020, 10:36:33 am
So I did it, YARR!
I just DLed the L1 stuff again, copy pasted the Enemy Unknown folder and it works very good. Do I need the OXCE, too? I think not, as the helping friend that gave me the clean install instructions, Ashghan (TYVM), would've mentioned that.

TYVM, DIOXINE & CO., YOU PPL GO TO HEAVEN FOR THIS:) Man, what a King's load of FUN!

One question. The "!Some Mission" research topics have this "Affects the game (progress?)" note. What is that about? Adding new missions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 16, 2020, 12:29:13 pm
The !Mission! ones will just add new missions to the pool. The *Mission* will MODIFY the pool - some missions might be deactivated, others added. For example *Stop Targeting Civilian Traffic* will remove all civilian shipping. There are also some research topics that have "Affects the game progression" note, without having either * or ! symbol - these also unlock or change certain aspects of the game. For example Contacts:Car Thieves will unlock Megapol flights (or make them more likely).

Also - remember that all the changes to mission pool are implemented at the beginning of the month, so any new missions may only start in the next month after researching them. Same goes for disabling missions - they may still show up until the end of the month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on April 16, 2020, 11:43:57 pm
Same goes for disabling missions - they may still show up until the end of the month.

Just a minor nitpick for clarity: Since some missions especially multiwave ones can take more than a month to complete, disabled missions may still show up past the end of the month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 19, 2020, 12:41:24 pm
TYVM, Friends. Will call you Friends.

TYVM for L1A1.
THIS is sooo beautiful. You remade every single bit. Guns, battlefields, sound, music, research tree... Beautifully beautiful. :)
So I said to meself - continue the current campaign? NO, I start over. I will archive my 300+ days worth gaming and will go on on this new campaign. I kknow the drill very well, so that my advancing is  very good.

I have been investigating in advance and what is this Eye of Horus?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 19, 2020, 12:51:19 pm
Uh, I see some posts about gambling. We build a casino, right? :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on April 19, 2020, 03:52:12 pm
Just curious, how do you guys play the game? I'm weird, i wanna attack all i can, which means that i spend MANY MANY hours doing all missions and downed ships i can, even though the rewards for them are irrelevant.
So how do you guys do, focus on specific types of missions, or kill all?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 19, 2020, 05:01:20 pm
Just curious, how do you guys play the game? I'm weird, i wanna attack all i can, which means that i spend MANY MANY hours doing all missions and downed ships i can, even though the rewards for them are irrelevant.
So how do you guys do, focus on specific types of missions, or kill all?

It's a game, do it however you want.

What I do is very much based on how I'm feeling, but I will generally do everything except a few UFO's that I'm too lazy to try and shoot down or track in a month. There really is no reason not to do everything because even if the loot is irrelevant the experience, and, depending on where you are in the game, money is.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on April 19, 2020, 10:34:25 pm
Just curious, how do you guys play the game?

First off, I think this question really deserves its own topic thread.  To do every battlescape mission possible really takes a huge amount of free time that most people don't have.  I've tried this approach and it has taken me over a year to do around 800 missions in 3 game years.  And the first game year was mostly pink mission sites as I didn't have interceptors that year.  I'm guessing it would take another 300 missions or so and another game year to complete my game with this approach.  I'm around 85% research completed and currently bottlenecked on a couple of missing vip interrogations.  However, real life has intervened and I haven't played much at all in the last month.  I think a better approach would be to focus on the higher scoring missions and the missions that can advance your progress in the game.  Instead of trying to maximize the booty collected in the game, try to maximize your progress through the game per player hour spent.  That way you will have more time to play through multiple times trying different codex's for example.  Or trying other mods.  Hopefully those who have finished this mod multiple times will take the time to answer your question.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 19, 2020, 11:42:53 pm
First off, I think this question really deserves its own topic thread.  To do every battlescape mission possible really takes a huge amount of free time that most people don't have.  I've tried this approach and it has taken me over a year to do around 800 missions in 3 game years.  And the first game year was mostly pink mission sites as I didn't have interceptors that year.  I'm guessing it would take another 300 missions or so and another game year to complete my game with this approach.  I'm around 85% research completed and currently bottlenecked on a couple of missing vip interrogations.  However, real life has intervened and I haven't played much at all in the last month.  I think a better approach would be to focus on the higher scoring missions and the missions that can advance your progress in the game.  Instead of trying to maximize the booty collected in the game, try to maximize your progress through the game per player hour spent.  That way you will have more time to play through multiple times trying different codex's for example.  Or trying other mods.  Hopefully those who have finished this mod multiple times will take the time to answer your question.

To do every battlescape mission would take a long time in early game, but as you gain tech and stats, most missions can be completed in just a few turns(anything from 2-40 minutes depending on how hard it is). And the ones that can't, well, if you feel like it, do them. If you don't, don't. However, most of those are important missions that can be very bad to miss.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 20, 2020, 01:39:09 pm
Just curious, how do you guys play the game? I'm weird, i wanna attack all i can, which means that i spend MANY MANY hours doing all missions and downed ships i can, even though the rewards for them are irrelevant.
So how do you guys do, focus on specific types of missions, or kill all?

Yea, nice question. I've been UFOing since 2000 and always, as well as now, I had my own strategy - Build one (or maybe two if can't fit all buildings, more bases later to cover ALL the globe) bases and research like mad, get as many eggheads as possible, get to have the best craft and weapons possible (NOW!) etc.
As for attacking, well, we are X-Piratez, so what does a Pirate do? ATTACK! Damn right! So I attack anything I can or, at least, intercept, F5 and try to attack. At the beginning of my last campaign, for example, I was tracking a Merc Battleship, landed, and attacked the Gorillas. Crazy, IK. BUT, we fought with hearts of heroes (what you'd expect from Serbia born ppl, even in a video game, razumeš?), so we've bagged TWO Mercs (like, carried them in our Aircar) and , seeing that they're gonna kill us (our doors blown, NO COVER, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck), we reluctantly took off (BAH). We had the captives meet our big strapons, etc:)

But that's it, simply. You fight regardless of the odds and, if you can't win, loot what you can, kidnap who you can and just go.

Although... IF we had some blowpipes and hunting bows with poison arrows... We'd bag many a Merc...
Yes... But their HWPs...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 21, 2020, 12:39:29 pm
So, gamble and win a Crate o' Rusty Cans. YAAAAAY!

Uh, do ALL the warships chase me like in the Battle if Britain? It was fun yesterday, heheheh;)

Which Codex gives most out of Voodoo?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 21, 2020, 07:31:06 pm
Sorry but that's a stupid question. Each Codex's voodoo is matched to it's specialty. If you want healing, then Grey Codex is a poor choice, but if you want big explosions - Red is the way to go. They all have their uses, but your playstyle defines "best" and "most out of". Think what you want the most of in your voodoo and the answer will be obvious.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 22, 2020, 11:40:02 am
Sorry but that's a stupid question. Each Codex's voodoo is matched to it's specialty. If you want healing, then Grey Codex is a poor choice, but if you want big explosions - Red is the way to go. They all have their uses, but your playstyle defines "best" and "most out of". Think what you want the most of in your voodoo and the answer will be obvious.

heheheh, ya know ya right?

Sooo, dooooh, which do I chooose. Yoh, a BANG will do...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 26, 2020, 02:01:39 pm

So, the prob is coordination of an attack by 2 or more crafts. As I have tested, one way to have 2 craft with same speed attack the same target is like this. First, have the both craft fly close to the target's radar range. Use their movement, QS and QL as necessary. Then, set your Timescale, Dogfight Speed and Eart'hs zoom so as to be able to adjust the fly patterns and/or to turn on all the weapons in dogfight screens (you need all of them for a big one, right?). Now, have the both craft ATTACK the target. You will, of course, get the intercept message, but both your craft will attack. With little luck, they'll both fight simultaneously. There. This should also be feasible with more than 2 craft. Wanna be an X-Pirate? It takes patience, man:)

This way, we should be able to take on any ship with up to 4 of ouw own craft. I say "should," because I did it ONCE with two toy craft:) I am only at the beginning of my 1st L1A1 playthrough, so I still fly Sopwith Camels, not F-22s.

So, what's your take on this?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 26, 2020, 02:31:27 pm
you can escort your own ships and they will fight at the same time, if they are of different speed then escort the slowest one and attack with it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on April 26, 2020, 05:05:15 pm
you can "intercept" your own ships, so when this intercepted ship gets into a fight his escort would participate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on April 27, 2020, 10:41:43 am
Well, whaddyaknow?

Been playing X-com since 2000 and never ever thought of that. TYVM, friends, will try that out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on April 27, 2020, 10:52:05 am
It is relatively new addition, been in game since the ability to engage combat with player vessels was given to AI.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vjmdhzgr on April 28, 2020, 07:58:16 am
Is it possible to just cheat to unlock every special research from codexes? I just think since this mod is already really long there's no way I'm doing multiple playthroughs with different codexes and I probably won't even use everything I can get. Choices like these are difficult and I'd like to just be able to try out everything the mod has to offer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 28, 2020, 12:11:04 pm
Many things are based on codex choice and will break if all 4 are enabled due to the fact that the researches are both enabled by codex a and disabled by codex b. You'd have to find every instance of that in the .rul files and resolve it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on April 28, 2020, 07:44:05 pm
i had (got) just every research, too, from all four Codex Sides..choices,

(..but i made it for me, in such way, long before this currently, recent version..
my "all-4-Codexes game is from time of "I", or "J" version still, or even earlier, *F, or *H  :o :D)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vjmdhzgr on April 29, 2020, 04:36:26 am
i had (got) just every research, too, from all four Codex Sides..choices,

(..but i made it for me, in such way, long before this currently, recent version..
my "all-4-Codexes game is from time of "I", or "J" version still, or even earlier, *F, or *H  :o :D)
How could I replicate it? I'm able to do a bit of basic modding if necessary.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 29, 2020, 04:47:00 am
Open up these files: whatever language you are using .yml, and your save file.

Find the string names for tiny drill and menacing hull, then find those names in your save file and edit STR_TINY_WHATEVER_IT_IS_CALLED: 1 to STR_TINY_WHATEVER_IT_IS_CALLED: 4 for both the drill and the hull.

Be warned, more modding may be necessary to make the game not crash, haven't tried it due to the fact that researches will be disabled and available at the same time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on April 30, 2020, 09:58:27 pm
Just save before deciding on the codex and see what is the best timeline.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on April 30, 2020, 10:22:00 pm
Just save before deciding on the codex and see what is the best timeline.

He wants to get all of the content in one playthrough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on April 30, 2020, 11:52:29 pm
You will have to edit Piratez.rul. Find instances of "disables:" relating to the codexes and remove it. Basically, you have to re-make the research tree so that one codex choice does not block off others. Having all codexes unlocked will not crash the game or anything, unless you make errors while editing the file. Just don't complain about difficulty or weird interactions that wouldn't be possible if you were limited to 1 codex.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on May 01, 2020, 03:56:19 am
How could I replicate it? I'm able to do a bit of basic modding if necessary.

i admit, i had it quite easier, in time (at the time) when i "prepared" these all - four -Codexes..

(need to know, i edited it yet in "time of" some waayyy earlier version of Piratez, (as i mentioned already above), - edition *I, or even earlier - "F", ~~ "H" -

- in time of that older version, it supposedly wasnt, (weren't) mutually criss-cross blocked..

so i easily added in one of my savegame file some ~~2 ~3 more of thoese "colours Codexes
( +1,  ~ 2 of each )
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on May 02, 2020, 06:37:26 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 02, 2020, 07:01:18 pm
Ahem... Actually, it's OK, I was moving 15 prisoners from another Sing Sing... Pardomez moi, SVP.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 06, 2020, 08:53:39 pm
Ppl, how do you make the runts at a base reload a missile weapon on a craft? I think that this happens when you turn off a missile weapon before an air combat and, if it's not fully loaded and is turned off, it won't be fully reloaded. BAH!

Otherwise, this game is GREAT!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 06, 2020, 09:34:44 pm
If a weapon is not reenabled before the air combat window closes, the only option is to reequip the weapon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on May 07, 2020, 07:19:23 am
 how to transfer my savegames from *J4  to  *L1A1
:-[  is there need much editing ?  :o

(eh, i dont want to start it all over again, from beginning, but
just continue in..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: peirceg on May 07, 2020, 07:45:42 am
Is there any way to control the direction of the turret on a small tank/vehicle without altering the facing the chassis and not firing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on May 07, 2020, 01:55:54 pm
Is there any way to control the direction of the turret on a small tank/vehicle without altering the facing the chassis and not firing?

Right click in a particular direction.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 07, 2020, 01:59:28 pm
Right click in a particular direction.

That will turn the whole unit, not just the turret. Hold CTRL while right-clicking.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on May 07, 2020, 02:04:55 pm
Hold CTRL while right-clicking.

And have the "Alternate movement methods" user option turned on too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 07, 2020, 03:13:39 pm
Doesn't Piratez have it locked on by the mod?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 08, 2020, 12:17:04 am
how to transfer my savegames from *J4  to  *L1A1
:-[  is there need much editing ?  :o

(eh, i dont want to start it all over again, from beginning, but
just continue in..

Check the upgrading saves between versions thread.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 10, 2020, 12:17:32 pm
I just can't and won't get enough of this beauty.

So, anyways, regarding research:
1) Does the researched item have to be in the base where it is researched.
2) Can 2 or more bases research the same item with combined effort, save the research time? Or is it about which base completes its research first, if the bases research the same item?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 10, 2020, 01:27:35 pm
I just can't and won't get enough of this beauty.

So, anyways, regarding research:
1) Does the researched item have to be in the base where it is researched.
2) Can 2 or more bases research the same item with combined effort, save the research time? Or is it about which base completes its research first, if the bases research the same item?

1) Yes
2) No, its about the base who completes full research first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 10, 2020, 02:17:53 pm
Is it intended behaviour that the Exterminator in the Zaxx bounty mission doesn't to anything or should I put it in the bug thread?
Oh, and I can't interrogate him either, the option to exchange him for tokens is just there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 10, 2020, 03:19:27 pm
Is it intended behaviour that the Exterminator in the Zaxx bounty mission doesn't to anything or should I put it in the bug thread?

What do you mean "doesn't do anything"? I've seen him kill many enemies and all.

Oh, and I can't interrogate him either, the option to exchange him for tokens is just there.

That's probably intentional.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 10, 2020, 03:20:52 pm
Ok, then I'll wait for the next time the mission shows up. I don't have a save from that mission anymore.

The Exterminator didn't move, didn't shoot. Didn't even turn around.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nalca on May 10, 2020, 03:25:46 pm
Isn't that guy controlled by the player during the mission ? I remember controlling an armored exterminator during one of the bounty mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 10, 2020, 03:33:01 pm
Of course he's player controlled. AFAIR he even shows up in the pre-battle screen, where you can change his equipment! :o
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 10, 2020, 03:35:40 pm
Ouch! I didn't even try to see that!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 10, 2020, 03:49:39 pm
It's OK. though out of sheer curiosity, how do you miss something like this? I just can't think of a scenario and it's bugging me now. :) Like, clicking "next soldier" would be enough to see...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on May 10, 2020, 03:57:31 pm
I have no idea, especially as I usually use "next soldier" quite a bit.
Maybe because I was too OP and didn't bother much with tactics. I had a Devastator full of mostly gals in Blitz and Annihilator armor, so I just had them get out, 3 or 4 defended the Exterminator with reaction shots, the others shot what I could see from where they were. Most gals had deathblossoms with HVAP, the others X-Gauss and one Autocannon.
I only had to fly around a bit to find the last 1 or 2 zombies, and I used just 2 gals to search for them. No need to bother with more if they can't touch me anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 10, 2020, 04:08:15 pm
OK... This explains everything XD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wolfreal on May 10, 2020, 05:59:33 pm
You can control it, and is a good unit, I recently did the mission and it kill three crys with a one shot, and it survive/evaded the attack of another crys.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on May 16, 2020, 10:19:16 pm
what's the recommended strat for taking down the ninja seeker ship?
four gauss cannons on a barracuda seem too much....
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on May 17, 2020, 01:18:47 am
what's the recommended strat for taking down the ninja seeker ship?
four gauss cannons on a barracuda seem too much....

I think that should work.  IIRC, I used a barracuda with 4 lascannons.  But sometimes the ninja seeker fights to the death instead of crash landing at greater than 50% damage.  In general so long as you aren't blowing a ship up on the first couple of hits, your weapons aren't too OP for that ship.  Also, I don't think save scumming works to try to crash it instead of blowing it up just in case you might have tried that.

Now for my question:
 Can the spector do any mission that the starting airbus could do?  I still have the airbus gathering dust in a spare hanger but can build the spector.  I'm assuming I can sell the airbus and replace it with the spector without having future mission problems.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on May 17, 2020, 02:35:51 am
It can do everything that airbus can, and even has "sea" tag on top.
Albeit the only mission where airbus/spector is the top ship is prison of dr.x, which you already did to get it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on May 17, 2020, 03:10:21 pm
I think that should work.

well, it didn't :(

But sometimes the ninja seeker fights to the death instead of crash landing at greater than 50% damage.

okay that's annoying. nobody likes suicide girls.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on May 17, 2020, 11:53:45 pm
Just let the ship retreat for a few seconds then engage it again, that will make it stop fighting to the death.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on May 19, 2020, 10:01:21 pm
Just let the ship retreat for a few seconds then engage it again, that will make it stop fighting to the death.

I didn't realize they retreated.  Or do you mean the player, using a faster ship, has to disengage after damaging the seeker, and then reintercept and finish it off if it isn't in hunter killer mode?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on May 19, 2020, 10:46:24 pm
When a ship is a hunter-killer, send a faster ship after it, fight it for a while, then once it gets low, most HK's will start trying to get away(you can tell by a "Them Scurvy dogs trying to get away") in the bottom of the intercept screen where hits appear.

Let them run away out of the intercept window, that makes them stop being a Hunter-killer and engage them again, after that they'll crash normally.

By the way, other people have found that you don't even have to leave the interception window, but to be certain, I recommend that you do.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 23, 2020, 02:27:42 am
Can you unload the exterminator's autocannon? I couldn't figure out how, though there might be something I was overlooking.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on May 23, 2020, 10:12:15 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 24, 2020, 05:34:07 pm
Will an enemy ship destroy my Spy Zeppelin if the SZ is only anchored?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 24, 2020, 07:52:21 pm
hunter killers will go after them. and usually quite effectively since the zep is both slow and weak in Air to air combat.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on May 24, 2020, 09:06:16 pm
I think that should work.  IIRC, I used a barracuda with 4 lascannons.  But sometimes the ninja seeker fights to the death instead of crash landing at greater than 50% damage.  In general so long as you aren't blowing a ship up on the first couple of hits, your weapons aren't too OP for that ship.  Also, I don't think save scumming works to try to crash it instead of blowing it up just in case you might have tried that.

Now for my question:
 Can the spector do any mission that the starting airbus could do?  I still have the airbus gathering dust in a spare hanger but can build the spector.  I'm assuming I can sell the airbus and replace it with the spector without having future mission problems.

Aye you can - the spector is a beautiful craft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on May 31, 2020, 02:31:45 pm
Every time I go at a Science Ship with a twin Tesla cannons, it gets blown to pieces. What do I do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on May 31, 2020, 08:47:04 pm
Unless things have changed in the newer versions, tesla cannons should be fine.  If the ship was in hunter killer mode, read vadracas post (about 7 posts above) and try his approach.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on May 31, 2020, 09:18:39 pm
Is there any way to regain founding form states that cut me of by adopting zero tolerance policy?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on May 31, 2020, 10:04:17 pm
I don't think so, short of hacking your savefile of course.  But there is a research topic that will put end to the zero tolerance missions eventually.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on May 31, 2020, 10:11:55 pm
But there is a research topic that will put end to the zero tolerance missions eventually.

So I need to rush that tech. Thanks.

BTW can someone tell me the name of that tech?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on May 31, 2020, 10:18:04 pm
"Zero Tolerance to Zero Tolerance"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 05, 2020, 02:30:13 pm
When intercepting a radar equipped ship, enter their range and lurk them, staying in their radar radar range, to the place where you wanna fight. Anchor and wait. This way ya can chose desert, jungle...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: trucane on June 06, 2020, 01:03:01 am
How the heck do you deal with the "Zombie Panic" mission?

Been tearing my hair off with this mission several times.
The pyramid obelisks wreck me and seem to take insane punishment and the ever spawning hoards of zombies keep doing me in.

What am I missing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 06, 2020, 03:40:09 am
How the heck do you deal with the "Zombie Panic" mission?

Been tearing my hair off with this mission several times.
The pyramid obelisks wreck me and seem to take insane punishment and the ever spawning hoards of zombies keep doing me in.

What am I missing?

The pyramids are are very resistant to most types of damage, your best bet is chem, laser, and plasma weapons. Also bring as much powerful aoe as you can. Things like acid cannonballs do both.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 06, 2020, 10:10:01 am
Last time I played it they were still spawing after destroying the portals, but maybe less? Those things are made out of high grade explodium, so be careful. I had a Thunderhorse by the time I got that mission, so I had a lot of gals, and it still took about 1 1/2 turns to kill a pyramid thingy (they weren't all in one place, of course.
I am not sure if melee works but I had some of my gals working on them with their swords.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: trucane on June 06, 2020, 07:26:56 pm
Last time I played it they were still spawing after destroying the portals, but maybe less? Those things are made out of high grade explodium, so be careful. I had a Thunderhorse by the time I got that mission, so I had a lot of gals, and it still took about 1 1/2 turns to kill a pyramid thingy (they weren't all in one place, of course.
I am not sure if melee works but I had some of my gals working on them with their swords.

Thanks! I guess I'm gonna wait a little bit longer with it since It's honestly the most infuriating mission I've encountered so far.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: trucane on June 06, 2020, 07:31:59 pm
One more quicky if anyone is willing to help. Where can I get my hands on a smuggler negotiator?

I thought I could find one in a smuggling lair but already done two of those without any success. Maybe I've just been unlucky?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 07, 2020, 12:58:09 am
Maybe you just shot them with reactionshots? They look like Leia. They aren't very beefy.

They are mentioned in the description of the mission though, so maybe it is not the correct one? I am not sure about the mission name, smuggler hideout/lair, whatever. They also have a golden saint.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 07, 2020, 10:19:39 am
Did my 1st Zombie Panic yesterday. Pyramids are acidable, yessir. Wanted to ask, what type of weapon do they sport? Still they shoot like a drunken Zulu from the 19th CCE.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 09, 2020, 12:57:03 pm
Make sure you KEEP at least some from your original crew, because
when Dr X challenges you, only such a gal can go kick her ass.

Regarding Dr X:
If ya wanna Biotech Lab, then HIRE Dr X, which you WILL NOT regret, and  DO NOT loot her SPECTOR car. You will need Dr X (hired) and her car for your Biotech. I realized that only after ordering the Runts to butcher the car and now I'm returning some 10 in-game days to make it up. So wut?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on June 09, 2020, 05:21:57 pm
There is also this thread discussing the choices with Dr. X:,6409.msg99000.html#msg99000 (,6409.msg99000.html#msg99000)

It will get out of date as more content gets added by Dioxine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 10, 2020, 01:54:54 am
Have there been changes to how one gets access to the Ye Olde Magic Shop? The tech tree viewer says I'm missing "VooDoo: Initiation" but I don't see any way to research that topic.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on June 10, 2020, 10:33:27 am
This comes from the random event chain (wasteland priestess and others). They have a large chance of firing each month so shouldn't be long till you have access. You might check your savegame if the event is scheduled already. I can't give you the names off the top of my head, but it will be named something obvious.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 10, 2020, 04:39:03 pm
I will also point out that the event chain will not fire on lowest difficulty. You can still win the campaign but lots of options are blocked off.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 10, 2020, 06:27:16 pm
I'm playing on middle difficulty. Was just wondering since I did switch from L1 to L2 this campaign and wasn't sure if that screwed up anything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dr1ven1 on June 11, 2020, 08:42:01 am
Do Necropirates stop spawning at some point in the game? I need one for the school graduation project but can't seem to find any.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on June 11, 2020, 09:37:41 am
Either that, or the chance gets really low for their missions to fire. But you can get the research from other sources, iirc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 12, 2020, 09:57:07 pm
Hm, how do I check which difficulty level do I play at?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: xcomfan on June 12, 2020, 10:09:03 pm
here (,8316.0.html#msg128817)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on June 12, 2020, 10:10:02 pm
what is the good source of Force Circuitry?

from where i'm supposed to obtain, i can get those F.circuits from ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: xcomfan on June 12, 2020, 10:12:43 pm
As far as I can tell from the church, usually interrogating the priest, matron and warmaiden, not sure if there are other sources
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 12, 2020, 10:33:48 pm
Matrons and Warmaidens don't give you force circuitry, they might give you the research but not the actual item. They can be obtained off priests and any church unit that has the glowing shields.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: xcomfan on June 12, 2020, 10:37:10 pm
Ah ok sorry, if i remember well Beastmasters, although Zealots too might have shields.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 14, 2020, 12:41:34 pm
I suppose that changing the difficulty level of an ongoing game would be harmful?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: xcomfan on June 14, 2020, 01:25:09 pm
Yes, i did it some time and saw that might cause strange behavior, along as using a newer openxcom ectended executable, i recommend to not change/upgrade everything, only saves are fine  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 15, 2020, 09:16:12 am
Changing difficulty is usually okay to do thou weird things may happen if you change from/to minimum or maximum. The ends of the spectrum have several special rules.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: xcomfan on June 15, 2020, 09:25:08 am
Changing difficulty is usually okay to do thou weird things may happen if you change from/to minimum or maximum. The ends of the spectrum have several special rules.

I uually switch to and from "davy jones" and "blackbeard", probably the exec upgrade might have major effetcs, eg weapons not loaded in battlescape and so on
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Spectrea on June 15, 2020, 08:55:35 pm
Hey just wanted to ask a question, i have been trying to load an armoured car on to a Pidgeon vessel for the last hour and i can't find a way to do it. I must be missing something, it says 1 aux, 9 crew. Basing it on normal Xcom rules this would be 5 soldiers 1 tank.

Able to fence it off fine it appears as "Armoured Car *25mm AC" but it won't on the equipment page.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 15, 2020, 09:45:00 pm
It's not an auxiliary unit, it's a normal armour.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Spectrea on June 15, 2020, 10:47:27 pm
Ohhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiit now i see, thanks that's cool.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: peirceg on June 16, 2020, 04:58:08 am
Where can I find info on equipable shields damage reduction %, like the riot shield and the shotgun shield?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dr1ven1 on June 16, 2020, 08:11:37 am
Either that, or the chance gets really low for their missions to fire. But you can get the research from other sources, iirc.

Hm I'm not quite sure you can get the research from something else (Longbow Tarnian arrows). At least I have not been able to find them anywhere.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on June 16, 2020, 03:39:30 pm
..and what are all those types of soldiers ?
(kind of units)

1. Lunatics (first 6´ones)
    1a)  Ubers (uber-gals)
2. Hands
    2a)  Warriors
    2b)  Veterans,
3. Freaks
4. Repentia
5. Weird Gals
6. Ghost
7. Slaves (?) slave soldiers
    7a)  Heroes
 - Roboparrot
 - named Dog
 - named Hellhound
Tamed Werewolf
Tamed Reaper
 ( - Evolved Tamed Reaper ? )

and also various drones, armoured cars, and (hover)tanks.. :

well, amybe surely im forgot on some others kinds of (our-side, allied) units..
if, pls add them into the list
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 16, 2020, 07:35:33 pm

My save says:
---difficulty: 1end: 0monthsPassed:   etc.
So, I suppose that I am NOT playing at the easiest one. That'd be zero. Like: 0. Right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 16, 2020, 11:03:17 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 17, 2020, 05:52:18 am
Where can I find info on equipable shields damage reduction %, like the riot shield and the shotgun shield?
The offline pedia packaged with the mod will list the modifier, thou you need a cheat sheet for types. I think its also listed in the Analysis for each item.


..and what are all those types of soldiers ?
The classes for playable units are:
Lunatics(starter 6, and rescues from missions like red villa)
Hands(Warriors and vets are also hand class just better starter stats)
Weird Gals
Slave soldiers
Heroes(rare slave solider variant with freak like overcaped starter stats)
Dogs(and the named variant that can get exp)
Hellhounds(and the named variant that can get exp)
Tamed werewolf
Tamed reaper(and its evolved version)

Anything else like AC and tanks are armors and not self contained units.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on June 17, 2020, 07:15:15 pm
^^ thanks alot!

..and yet Cats!  :P

btw.about ghosts - from which classes could be they "created" ? (after the soldier of that kind,class is killed)

from all of kinds, or, (as i suppose be so) - only from the "named ones" types ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Kevlar Bullfrog on June 17, 2020, 11:34:05 pm
How do you know if you're doing damage to shields? And what are the best weapons for getting through them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 18, 2020, 11:55:37 am
TYVM, Scorch.

So, if I edit difficulty: 1end: to
difficulty: 2end:
difficulty: 3end:
I will see a f*ckton of enemies more, I suppose?

No switching to extremes (lowest and hardest) as you say. I just need more challenge. My gals are SPECOPS now and they say: "WANT-MEAT! (FE)MALE MEAT!"

So, if I give them diff 3, they'll be happy, will use more bandages and more ammo, but the game will stay stable, right?
If so, I will backup my saves, as usual and give them the Battle of Angora 1420.
Hmmm... ST else to backup?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on June 18, 2020, 05:23:47 pm
Alex, I don't know what editor you use, but when I look at my save file I see difficulty and end on separate lines like so:

difficulty: 2
end: 0

I didn't check to see what the whitespace character(s) is between 2 and end: (typically carriage return CR and/or line feed LF) but make sure your editor doesn't change it.  Operating systems such as windows use both while other OS's may only use CR or LF.  Some text editors are smart enough to match what a text file uses.  Others blindly do their own thing and worse some will try to fix it for you.

So, if I edit difficulty: 1end: to
difficulty: 2end:
difficulty: 3end:

This suggests to me that your text editor isn't smart enough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 18, 2020, 06:35:10 pm
Hi, Rubber Cannonball.
I use the ordinary Notepad. My OS is Windows. I mean, when I left click a save in my game, it gets opened in Notepad. The Notepad has all the text in lines like this:

"piratez ver: v. L1A1 OXCE 9-Apr-2020"  - "altTacArmor ver: 0.99J13A"---difficulty: 1end: 0monthsPassed: 29graphRegionToggles:

But when I copy paste that line here, it looks like this:
"piratez ver: v. L1A1 OXCE 9-Apr-2020"
  - "altTacArmor ver: 0.99J13A"
difficulty: 1
end: 0
monthsPassed: 29

I suppose that it is safe to edit the difficulty?  I mod my STALKER games using the Notepad and have quite an experience in that. My results are always good. BTW, my job is to work with all kinds of texts. But, I never modded anything in my XPiratez, so I ask you ppl.

I have backed up my saves.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on June 18, 2020, 07:37:42 pm
Alex, I'm still on windows xp and my save files look normal when opened in windows notepad.  I've never tried to edit them.  I have editted .rul files before with no problem but I used windows wordpad instead of windows notepad.  Notepad will blindly use CR LF when pressing the enter key which I'm not convinced your savefile is using.  Wordpad seems to handle more text files types including displaying LF only text files correctly.  But you are probably better off using something like Notepad++ as it can handle YAML among others as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 18, 2020, 08:09:31 pm
Yea, I just altered the save and made sure it has the exactly same pattern, only the number for difficulty is different. Playing. So far so good.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 19, 2020, 09:28:34 am
^^ thanks alot!

..and yet Cats!  :P

btw.about ghosts - from which classes could be they "created" ? (after the soldier of that kind,class is killed)

from all of kinds, or, (as i suppose be so) - only from the "named ones" types ?

I did forget cats. Good catch.

Ghosts iirc can be made from any dead gal type unit. So Lunatics, Hands, Freaks, repentia and weird gal should all work. But its been months since i last used that ablity so i could be wrong.

How do you know if you're doing damage to shields? And what are the best weapons for getting through them?
You don't, at least not with the hit log. Shields will lose health with any hit, but the hit log only records damage to unit HP. As to the types of damage that are most effective there are pedia pages for each type. If your really interested and don't mind the spoiler let me know via PM.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Kevlar Bullfrog on June 19, 2020, 11:46:51 am
You don't, at least not with the hit log. Shields will lose health with any hit, but the hit log only records damage to unit HP. As to the types of damage that are most effective there are pedia pages for each type. If your really interested and don't mind the spoiler let me know via PM.

Thanks, good to know my shots are doing something.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 19, 2020, 01:24:46 pm
Can someone tell me more about the... Deep Ones Eliminator? The stuff I need 250 Deep Ones Corpses for?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: xcomfan on June 19, 2020, 01:32:59 pm
Can someone tell me more about the... Deep Ones Eliminator? The stuff I need 250 Deep Ones Corpses for?

It's Deep One Destroyer if i remember well, i think it's a goblin zaxx bounty prize, at leadt 300 or more corpses are needed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LouisdeFuines on June 20, 2020, 12:17:25 am
Hey, guys,

it`s 2 years, since I played and finished Piratez last time.

I completely forgot, how to find out, what`s the correct ammunition of a weapon. Could someone please help me out?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: stax77 on June 20, 2020, 09:27:57 am
Hey, guys,

it`s 2 years, since I played and finished Piratez last time.

I completely forgot, how to find out, what`s the correct ammunition of a weapon. Could someone please help me out?

When buying from a store, the correct ammo is one line below the weapon(same when loading a craft). When you find it on the field, it is usually loaded so you can just look at the clip in the inventory.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LouisdeFuines on June 20, 2020, 01:42:59 pm
When buying from a store, the correct ammo is one line below the weapon(same when loading a craft). When you find it on the field, it is usually loaded so you can just look at the clip in the inventory.

Thanks, I remember, that was one possibility, yes. But iirc, there was one way more, about a screen showing some statistics about that weapon. You know, what I mean?

And some weapons shared ammo, I think: How do you know, "that" ammo is for weapon 1 + 2?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: stax77 on June 20, 2020, 02:10:34 pm
Thanks, I remember, that was one possibility, yes. But iirc, there was one way more, about a screen showing some statistics about that weapon. You know, what I mean?

And some weapons shared ammo, I think: How do you know, "that" ammo is for weapon 1 + 2?

Ah i see. Weapon info is accessed through clicking it with the middle mouse button(at least i think that's the default) on the craft equip screen.

Also, if weapons share ammo, they are grouped together on craft equip screen followed by the ammo, for example

Scorpion SMG
Lynx SMG
    Scorpion clip/API
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LouisdeFuines on June 20, 2020, 04:34:53 pm
Scorpion SMG
Lynx SMG
    Scorpion clip/API

Exactly. But then you must be lucky to have at least ONE Scorpion Clip to have it displayed. Or you won`t know, what Ammo type to get.

But I will experiment with middle mouse button and see what I can :-)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on June 20, 2020, 05:35:34 pm
But iirc, there was one way more, about a screen showing some statistics about that weapon. You know, what I mean?

You are probably thinking of the bootypedia page for that weapon which will show the ammo it uses.  But if you haven't researched the weapon yet, this won't be available.  Many of the weapons, especially lower tiers, you will still be able to use without researching.  It's just that the weapon statistics aren't available until researched.

Edit:  --- Double post prevented ---

How do you know if you're doing damage to shields? And what are the best weapons for getting through them?

To expand a bit on Legionof1's answer:
Unlike armor, shields will always take damage from hits unless it is a damage type that ignores or passes straight through shields.  Shields resistance varies with damage type.  Damage types which pass straight through the shield will not drain it and will hit the armor as if the unit had no shield.   Most shields will regenerate each turn if not at full strength.  Typically shown in bootypedia as a shield type which defines how well it protects (if any) against each damage type followed by full strength value/regenerate value.  For example 150/50 will absorb 150 points damage assuming 100% resistance level before being drained and will regenerate 50 points each turn until fully recharged at 150.  So long as shield resistance level isn't 0%, the shield will take damage from hits.  This means that even low power weapons that couldn't penetrate a unit's armor but generate a lot of hits per firing may rapidly drain the unit's shields.  Once the shield is down, you will not see the periodic shield flash animation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZephyrWindstar on June 22, 2020, 10:36:36 pm
I'm having some difficulty progressing. Got all the way up to Harbinger armour, running around with five bases and can bring down Marsec Vipers with a little planning, but I'm stuck unable to research things.

A couple of questions:
Voodoo Initiation, how where why when?

Scented Messages, same as above.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on June 22, 2020, 11:00:45 pm
What difficulty are you playing at?  The easiest one locks out a few things, Voodoo being one of them.


If there are problems beyond that, or if that isn't a problem, I'm not really equipped to answer, but that is a common one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 22, 2020, 11:42:16 pm
It's based on events now which means it's very easy for voodoo initiation to take a while.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on June 23, 2020, 09:27:15 am
Does anyone know where to get an EM Jammer? I'm up to the endgame on a gold codex run and have done almost every mission, but the space freighter raid.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: FiendishDrWu on June 23, 2020, 05:56:17 pm
I seem to recall getting an EM Jammer from a landed Humanist ship I assaulted.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 24, 2020, 12:56:12 pm
Does anyone know where to get an EM Jammer? I'm up to the endgame on a gold codex run and have done almost every mission, but the space freighter raid.

You get Shadowtech (the Jammer, Orbs...) as your loot on your missions, so don't NUKE/Plasma a ship too much - always QS before you do. ONE plasma/nuke usually evaporates (a portion of ) the enemy ship's bulkhead (outer wall). Another hit would go INTO the ship, very probably destroying (a part of) the loot inside. I KNOW, it's a great feeling to go Sado on the enemy, but the LOOT is so important for your Research. NUKEM outside of the ship.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on June 28, 2020, 11:45:08 am
It's not an auxiliary unit, it's a normal armour.

An armor, including combat vehicles, is WORN, i.e. someone enters it (would YOU? :) ). An AUX (Cat, Saurus, Dog...) is a living/robotic creature that you kick otta the craft to draw the enemy fire for you. A serious armor could take an AUX slot, though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 28, 2020, 03:20:05 pm
A serious armor could take an AUX slot, though.

No, it cannot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 03, 2020, 09:43:59 pm
Right, sorry, I thought st. else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 10, 2020, 11:14:12 pm
A new new weapon idea... A PLASMA THROWER! Showers everything with green plasma and kills it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on July 12, 2020, 03:29:14 pm
I need an advice about time efficient way of dealing with Manson Invasion missions. I really can't be asked to bug hunt 9 levels of that gigantic map, but to extract before map is entirely purged means i lose all equipment that was on my ship but not cried by my gals, and that in turn means before embarking on that mission i have to spend half an hour purging ships inventory from equipment i wont need. Entire thing is tedious AF. :'(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: stax77 on July 12, 2020, 04:12:38 pm
I need an advice about time efficient way of dealing with Manson Invasion missions. I really can't be asked to bug hunt 9 levels of that gigantic map, but to extract before map is entirely purged means i lose all equipment that was on my ship but not cried by my gals, and that in turn means before embarking on that mission i have to spend half an hour purging ships inventory from equipment i wont need. Entire thing is tedious AF. :'(

It is possible to save a craft's loadout, and it is also possible to remove all equipment from a craft that is not equipped on the crew with a single button.
So save loadout -> purge ship inventory except what the gals are carrying -> do mission -> load the saved  ship inventory.

I don't remember the keys off the top of my head, but it is all in the bootypedia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on July 12, 2020, 04:56:32 pm
Ship/Crew Member/Aux/Tank etc Loadout:F5 for saving, F9 for loading a saved loadout, X for emptying.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: stax77 on July 12, 2020, 06:48:19 pm
X clears everything. But i just checked, the key he needs is ALT-CTRL-X. That clears all equipment from craft that is not currently equipped/worn by gals. I has to be used from the equip screen tho (the one with gal paperdolls), not from the screen where you decide what to load on craft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on July 12, 2020, 11:19:20 pm
Thanks stax77. That helped. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on July 12, 2020, 11:25:11 pm
Also as I was doing the Manson Invasion one section of the map was inaccessible, without a corridor or a door leading to it. I had to use explosives to open the path. Is that intentional map design or a bug?

*edited grammar
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 13, 2020, 07:07:03 am
as intended.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on July 26, 2020, 03:34:21 pm
Hi everyone, is there a way to move buildings of your hideout? I remember you could do it with ctrl clicking and paying a cost, but now doesn't seem to work.  Thanks
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on July 26, 2020, 06:17:59 pm
It was removed entirely, your only option nowadays is to save edit and change your buildings xy coordinates.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: jungybrogan on July 31, 2020, 11:21:39 am
Dioxine hasn't logged on in over 2 months.  Anyone know if he's ok?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 31, 2020, 04:28:30 pm
Dioxine hasn't logged on in over 2 months.  Anyone know if he's ok?

Worry not, he's doing fine. Just doing some other stuff right now.
Check out the Piratez Discord server of you want to say hello :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on August 02, 2020, 02:57:23 pm
Little question:
How many flak towers do i need to build per hideout to be 100% safe from inclming attacks, if even possible?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on August 02, 2020, 03:20:08 pm
Little question:
How many flak towers do i need to build per hideout to be 100% safe from inclming attacks, if even possible?

Not too sure about ships (thankfully I haven't been jumped except by ratmen) but 2 flak-towers and a flak cannon were enough to protect my bases against missile strikes.  Along with good RNG of course!  If you see a strike coming in save your game, and if you get a bad hit then reload and try it again as sometimes the defences don't get everything.  Usually the missiles get taken out after the first reload.

There is a way to stop the missile strikes (no spoilers) and thankfully I've got past that in my present game.

Edit to add:  A couple of my bases also had armoured vaults, which helps in defence as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on August 02, 2020, 06:03:23 pm
Thank you!
Until yesterday i did not fear much any attack, every hideout has at least 20 dogs and 20 peasants. Then a research told me about missile strikes, so every hideout got a flak tower.  I still haven't researched  flak cannon. I did not want to give up the chokepoint in my primary base, by building to much facilities, but if you tell me, that you have 2 flak towers and one cannon, i think i need 4 flak towers per hideout (bye bye, money... ).

How many defense strength do you have with your setup?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on August 02, 2020, 11:45:18 pm
Thank you!
Until yesterday i did not fear much any attack, every hideout has at least 20 dogs and 20 peasants. Then a research told me about missile strikes, so every hideout got a flak tower.  I still haven't researched  flak cannon. I did not want to give up the chokepoint in my primary base, by building to much facilities, but if you tell me, that you have 2 flak towers and one cannon, i think i need 4 flak towers per hideout (bye bye, money... ).

How many defense strength do you have with your setup?

Not sure my present defence strength is useful to you as I now have SAMs and Laser Defence as well, so it's pretty good.

4 Flak Towers sounds about right though, and it's better to spend the moolah on defence than lose maybe a hanger and barracks (or worse) to a missile strike and have to rebuild them.  I got so blasted by the first ever strike on a base (before I built flak towers) that I had to abandon the base and rebuild it slightly to the west of where the original was.

Piratez isn't like vanilla xcom, it's more of a 'thinking' and resource management game because you can't do everything in one base.  I have eight now.  One is a research base (with a small jail and beast den for research 'subjects'), one a dedicated prison, one a factory base and the rest for interceptors and ships like Deliverators and my Menace-class ship.  Just got a Thunderhorse too :).

Just a note, not all ships can do all missions so its good to have a mix.  I prefer to build my Menace-class as a Fortuna as it can go in space and underwater.  It can't do (spoiler) space freighters though as it's 'too slow' so that's where a Deliverator comes in.

I really must write a quick guide one of these days, when I'm not working or playing games!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on August 03, 2020, 03:00:41 am
Thank you!
Yeah, i have 4 bases now, and they are already full, and my research progress is at 12% :-D

I am still roaming around with a puny blowfish, they shot down my starting airvan and still can`t get better craft. I 2 interceptors are piranhas with 25mm cannons, and i am in februar 2602.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 03, 2020, 04:26:15 am
Don't pay attention to tech percentage. It's a worthless stat here, we have cutoffs, RNG gates, exclusions, ect. You cant even get 100% by the normal cheats. Only save editing and even then you have to rewrite the tech tree as well to make it not break the game.

As to defense 4 flak towers is sufficent to keep the strikes out with a little luck, but that's really all you need to care about keeping out. If your properly prepared with garrisons normal retaliations are just loot delivery.

You will eventually want better then the flak towers thou cause most of the advanced defenses also spawn a turret on the battlefield layer as well which is nice for choke points.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on August 03, 2020, 05:45:22 pm
Thank you.

I have another question.
Recently i bould some Dojos, and after a few days the stats start increasing, yay!
One thing i do not understand: On the page, where i can assign my gals to training, there are their stats. In the upper right is a button with a + on it, when i press it, the stats change, but only TUs and HPs. Nothing more. Some increase, some decrease.
What does this mean?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 04, 2020, 04:43:26 am
So, anyone deal with missiles on jack sparrow?  Out of curiosity I spoiled myself and checked out the ruleset and oi... they start in May of the first year right?  Seems like Jack might be getting a bit too hardcore for me now, although I'm sure I'll be masochistic enough to try it someday.

I tend not to build overcharged radars, but the 100% hit chance is starting to look pretty attractive right now.  Is 1 radar enough to stop a missile strike guaranteed?  Or do you just have to spam silly amounts of flak towers?  Sounds like you can't even build the flak towers early enough anyways, I don't think I've ever gotten krazy hannah that early.

@machinehater,  Transformations (martial arts, e.g.) have a cap they train to, and this can even decrease their stats since hands get set to the cap if they would otherwise go over.  Generally speaking dojos and (physical) transformations are mostly just for getting newly hired hands up to speed so they don't fall over in their armor lol.  Bravery and reactions are also untrainable in a dojo.  So I generally just fire hands that start with severely low reactions.

Edit: Oh right, month 5 is actually june since january is 0, right?  Seems slightly more manageable.

Btw, doing the math on defense, seems like regardless of whether you can stop a missile wave with 1 radar, the radars look better than flak towers.

Radar:150 x 100% hit = 150 damage
Flak: 200 x 60% hit = 120 damage

Radar = 875k
Flak = 4 x 95k (cannons) + 12 x 12k (munitions) + ~30k (kit manufacturing cost and time) + 150k = ~700k

Radar: 150/875k = .171 defense per dollar
Flak: 120/700k = ALSO .171 per dollar, but less reliable and less space efficient

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 04, 2020, 01:16:25 pm
Your math isn't wrong about flak towers in terms of raw defense per buck, but over charged radars take longer to build and provide no secondary benefit. Flak towers have storage and barracks space.

In terms of how much defense you need for missiles, the strikes have 500 health. So 4 overcharged radars are required to stop them. If your lucky you only need 3 flak towers. A combination of the 2 is therefore the best utility for base tiles. You still need 4 buildings but 1 overcharge, and 3 flak gives you 75 storage and 15 barracks space, vs none. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on August 04, 2020, 02:42:09 pm

so if in logs my defense strength shows 600 i am safe (theoretically) from missile strikes?
I builded 1 oc-radar and a flak tower and am at 600. I found out, the armored vault gives defense as well.

About the training, this does not answer my question, what this "+-button" does. Estimated training? I do not think so, because, again, only TU and HP change if i press it
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 04, 2020, 08:41:55 pm
600 is sufficient in theory, but be mindful of accuracy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ves on August 04, 2020, 08:56:47 pm

here is a description of that feature in training,8205.msg127378.html#msg127378
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 04, 2020, 09:23:31 pm
Well, if I understand base defenses, if you're playing on ironman, no amount of flak towers makes you safe.

This is how xcom worked, so I assume it's the same in piratez:

-Roll for a hit, a miss deals no damage.
-Roll for damage variance (x50%-150%)

So the minimum needed to be safe from missiles is 6 (technically 7, but I think 6 gets you 98-99%) overcharged or infinite flak towers... by june.. per base.  The money's doable (although a base costs a rather silly 7 Million to set up instead of 2), but there's just no room left in a base to do.. like anything.  TBH, sounds like you're better off just not having defenses at all until you hit flak cannons, build 3 of those cheapos, and then just praying you live to see SAM sites.  Think I'm going to wait out this version until it's tuned a bit.

Edit:  On the flip side, if you are playing without ironman, 2 flak towers and a bunch of reloading is sufficient (much less reloading with 3).  Which is doable, but I mean, if you're reloading you can beat the game with a topless gal wielding a shiv xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 05, 2020, 01:04:53 am
well even with dmg roll variance 3 flak and a OC radar are still reasonably effective. +/-50% across multiple weapons averages out rather nicely. Even building for assuming the worst possible performance for every weapon is still not gonna suck up the whole base, OC will always do at least 75 dmg, and then you only need to do another 425. Even accounting for misses and half damage, 7 flak has almost zero chance to fail. Assuming average dmg and accuracy rolls you only need 3

You can of course choose to ignore defenses but i will also point out that even if you fail to shoot down the missile strike defense guns are have vastly higher chances to be destroyed if the stike get through, thereby protecting other facilities.
The OC radar is 5 times more likely to be selected then a barracks for instance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 05, 2020, 01:11:14 am
Well, from what I gather, missile strikes blow up 3 buildings right?  There's several combinations of blown up buildings that will make your campaign unwinnable or not worth finishing (all your hangers, workshops, etc).  So anything less than 99.9999% protection means you're playing yahtzee not a strategy game.

If it's 3 waves of missiles that separately do 1 building destruction, that evens out the odds slightly.  But even then, you need that 99.9% to stop 2-3 hits, so we're talking maybe 5 ocs or 6 flaks.

Either way, I don't see jack sparrow ironman being worth playing at this point since it's no longer a strategy game, so I'll just let other people bash their head on a wall for this version xD  Might be worth a playthrough on davy jones just to see the new maps, though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on August 05, 2020, 10:43:32 am
As far as I'm aware, Ironman has never been suggested, since this is a work in progress, stability is not exactly the focus right now
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on August 05, 2020, 05:29:46 pm

Either way, I don't see jack sparrow ironman being worth playing at this point since it's no longer a strategy game, so I'll just let other people bash their head on a wall for this version xD  Might be worth a playthrough on davy jones just to see the new maps, though.

I always play on John Silver and save before every mission, intercept or major decision.  I'm the cautious type though and I also get frustrated easily (I'm slightly autistic) so I hate bad RNG problems.  Of course if it's ME that makes a mistake (bad moves during a mission for example) then I live with that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 06, 2020, 05:08:58 am
As far as I'm aware, Ironman has never been suggested, since this is a work in progress, stability is not exactly the focus right now

Well, I never actually hit the superhuman button due to possible bugs, just feel like it's not in the xcom spirit to just reload whenever, personal opinion.  The mod is remarkably stable, it's just also incredibly long xD 

Edit: In any case, I think people are having a bit more faith in these flak towers than they should, maybe this math will help clear things up.

Ignoring damage roll variance for the moment, the odds of 3 flak towers shooting down a missile are .6*.6*.6 = 21.6%.  Very low.  With damage variance, it's not much better since you need high rolls for both of the hitting shots and can lose some of the triple hits.  (hazarding a guess, maybe 25%).

4 flak towers, is something like 4*(.6*.6*.6*.4) + .6*.6*.6*.6 = 47.5%.  The damage variance is a lot better here I think if you do the math, so call it 60%.  So you're still paying 3 Million dolaros just to get your base blown up anyways.  Not to mention, who can even afford 4 building slots per base?  I don't think I'd bother with AA defenses if I had to build even 2.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 06, 2020, 07:12:42 am
Well even with low odds its far better to have the defenses then not, defenses tend to have much higher target priority for the missle strikes. Better a relatively low value AA then say a hanger forcing you to lose a craft, or a full barracks. Or maybe you lose the old earth lab.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 06, 2020, 07:18:38 am
Well, on the bright side, the Old earth lab is immune to direct shots (0 priority).  Although, since it's 3 missile hits you can still lose it since it's at map edge, but the odds are almost 0.  C-3PO odds xD. Probably the worst that could happen is losing your still, which oddly has a high chance to be hit.

I think if someone's foolish enough to actually play jack sparrow in the current version, they should probably just beeline flak cannons.  With those, you get pretty good odds with 3 buildings (~85% when counting damage variance and it only costs a million).  But I can't see anyone getting that before like august.

Anyways, assuming this is just a rough draft of the missile strikes, here's my thoughts on a more sane version:

-Only one building lost per missile strike (Even losing your still, or a hangar with ship, or a large vaults, are your radar, is honestly a pain in the butt.  Large buildings probably aren't even worth building anymore)
-Flak towers don't require a kit (700k->150k per building), because they suck so much and take up so much space.
-Lowering Overcharged Radar's defense from 150 to 100 (I don't think it's intended that radars are more effective than flaks)

^This at least gives the player a fighting chance.  One could even increase the monthly odds of it happening.

Edit: Anyways, I think I've ranted enough on this.  Got another question:  Anyone know if the money makers have changed lately?  I used to use this:

And one thing I noticed is wisdom canteens are a lot more profitable these days than what's shown here (twice as good as grog rather than slightly better).  Wondering if anything else is outdated. Actually even grog and medical supplies are better now. Also seems like lingerie is completely unprofitable now unless you manufacture the durathread.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 06, 2020, 02:49:27 pm
You might loose the lab by loosing the connections, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 06, 2020, 09:24:22 pm
Ah yeah, I did the math and it's ~.015% chance of happening though (fixed math, ~1:6000 as odds).

Edit Hah, just realized the best bang-for-your-buck defense against missiles in the current version is spamming entirely empty bases.  4 flak towers gives ~50% defense but 3 empty bases gives 75% defense.  Which kinda goes to show how silly it is -___-
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on August 07, 2020, 03:20:40 pm
What does the strange number behind the rob-project mean?

For example:

rob: researcher (0/1/1)
rob: explorer (1/1/2)

and, even more strange, an exlamation mark

rob: Bandit boss (1!/2/1)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on August 07, 2020, 07:42:13 pm
Summary on what you can expect to get from them, explained in Prison Cells bootypedia entry:
The numbers represent: 1. armor parts; 2. faction related stuff; 3. common merchandise.
Bandit boss gives an actual armor to wear instead of parts, so the ! indicates that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 08, 2020, 03:06:45 am
If you want to know what they give specifically, you can look up the item in the spoilery bootypedia (online here is convenient:  Some of the robbery stuff is pretty good (grav harnesses from the flying raiders, force circuitry from priests, some really good stuff from VIPs), so you should probably just rob everyone once though really.

Also: Thought about missile strikes, and there actually is a doable workaround.  The worst case scenario is just both hangers getting knocked out, so you can just make sure your second base is also set up to be a strike base.  But large vaults and large barracks kinda feel off the table unfortunately.  Losing a large vaults would be like having two slime infestations at once -__-  I still feel like flack cannons are the only practical defense, though.  If you're spending 3-5 million credits on AA towers in june and get striked anyways, you're going to have a bad day.  At least without defense, you lose only the buildings lost.

Edit:  Started jack sparrow campaign anyways out of curiosity.  Seems like I and some other people are wrong about some things:

1)  First there's a single missile strike in april.  Then you get missile wave strikes afterwards
2) Early game missiles hit a single building, then later on they start doing more damage based on #128 research.
3) Missile HP isn't a static 500hp for a missile:  according to #128, the research you get when your base gets hit for the first time, they're dependent on how much damage the missile would do.  So I really have no idea how effective AA guns will be :(
4)Next month in may, a based got struck 3 times in the month, so you can get struck quite a lot.

^ Anyways,  Also realized that you need personal labs to get hellerium study to rebuild a still.  So if your still gets shot down in april, you're basically just screwed.  No wine for you for like, months.  That just feels excessive.  I also realized it's not the end of the world, since you don't need a still to make money with runts (hellerium is... somewhat close to grog in profitability), but that's millions flushed down the toilet in one strike if it happens.

That said, the new maps don't seem to have many apples anyways, in june and I think I found 80 apples :/
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 14, 2020, 05:07:50 pm
1)  First there's a single missile strike in april.  Then you get missile wave strikes afterwards
2) Early game missiles hit a single building, then later on they start doing more damage based on #128 research.
3) Missile HP isn't a static 500hp for a missile:  according to #128, the research you get when your base gets hit for the first time, they're dependent on how much damage the missile would do.  So I really have no idea how effective AA guns will be :(
4)Next month in may, a based got struck 3 times in the month, so you can get struck quite a lot.
there are atm only 2 different strikes on JS(strength 1 and strength 3)the very first is weaker and a single building(str 1). All the others are 500 hp(for a complete clear, str 3). The entry describes how the engine feature works in generic terms. Not how it explicitly functions in the mod. That would give away to much.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 14, 2020, 09:38:11 pm
Hmm... Doesn't seem to match my experiences, though:  the april one was strength 1, but so was the triple wave in may (there were three separate single hits separated by a few days from each other).  Unless you just mean the first of the random attacks is also strength 1.  Does this mean you can be hit up to 9 times in a single month in the second wave attack?  I.e. 3 strength 3 attacks?  Or does a strength 3 missile just mean there's three attacks coming.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 14, 2020, 11:24:04 pm
Unless dio changed something since i lasted discussed the mechanism with him(some months ago), the very first strike is a str 1 missile that destroys 1 building and has reduced health. All following missiles are strength 3, killing 3 buildings and having 500 "craft" hp. If you do some damage to the missile without killing it completely you lose less buildings.

On jack sparrow difficulty you can have up to 3 strikes per month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 15, 2020, 12:01:19 am
It must have changed then, the May attacks all hit single buildings.  In one case two burrows were lost but it was a secondary base that wasn't fully built yet and looking at the arrangement it was likely that it was lost to connectivity

In any case, if you can lose 9 buildings in a month, you've got to build AAs.  And if it's 3 strikes, that means 5 radars is a minimum really.  I'll see how that affects the game, but honestly, crunching the early game economy is just making the game boring.  I guess on the bright side, one can leave bases that get the AAs up completely defenseless since 5 OCs also is enough to shoot down all of the demon/ninja invaders.  I know they use weak ships, so I'm assuming they're boarding torpedos?  Thats only 400 hp
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 15, 2020, 03:30:48 am
Anyways, split up the topic, and made a monte carlo simulator, since it turned out to only take like 20 minutes xD,8460.0.html

In any case now I know the exact answer to how likely 3 flaks will shoot down 1 missile: 23.4%.  I was close! :D

Edit: Btw, anyone know if there's other sources of necropirates than the roaming bands in early games?  Just noticed advanced chemistry now requires necropirates and zombies, and getting arcance tombs for the necropirates sounds like it'll suck.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on August 22, 2020, 11:16:43 pm
They sometimes do a flyby in a propeller plane.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on August 31, 2020, 12:30:56 am
When right-clicking on a weapon, a tiny dot appeares. I always thought this would disable this weapon for reaction shots (when i go on missions and want take hostages, my gals have an eurosyndicate las-pistol in the right and a dart pistol in the left hand).
But sometimes a reaction shot is fired anyway.
Did i misunderstood the meaning of this feature?
Or does it not work correctly?

I can't find anything about this, so sorry, if it was a dumb question.

Another thing, how many brainers do you hire?
I run the old lab and 1 additional personal lab, 19 brainers. The list of researchable topics is pretty long, but my first base, the "research base" is already full. Are 19 enought for a decent game?

And how many hands do you have?

I run one base to do the missions, and in the other 4 i have 20/30 hands in constant training at dojos, to defend the base and, if a gal dies in a mission, i have immediately a backup. Is this overkill or do i need this many people in the lategame?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 31, 2020, 01:01:40 am
Well, you should really just run as many brainers as your economy + emergency funds can support.  So if you've got all 8 bases, but they're just weed plantations and you've only unlocked a few extra mission types, then 19 brainers is good.  But if you've got 2 strike bases, tons of missions unlocked, and 5 bases pumping out medical supplies, there's no reason not to have 50-70.  A good middle ground is just once you've filled your starting base, just hire brainers whenever you have empty mess halls/sickbays etc in your other bases.

Regarding # gals, sounds about right, but there's two things to keep in mind:

-Hangarless bases can generally be defended with less gals than hangar'd bases.  In these bases, most of the enemies will just be sitting in the access lift behind  closed doors, so if you can shoot down the guards and stuff a big bomb (high explosive, crate of violence barrel bomb (but the radius is bigger than you expect for tat one) on turn 1 before the enemy can move, you can usually kill off more than half of the invading forces.

-Factions retaliations are much worse than regular retaliations.  20-30 +dogs is high for non-faction, but light for faction retaliations (and more importantly, gear plays a substantial role).  Faction retaliations, however, will not appear for  at least 2 years unless you're either playing on jack sparrow or shot down some faction ships.  Basically, if you can shoot it down with a single 25mm cannon it's not a faction ship heh.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 31, 2020, 02:10:35 am
Why would you build medical supplies? At least last time I played it really wasn't worth it compared to grog.

I actually reduced the number of brainers i have in the lategame because I ran out of topics to research. I need some key prisoners to continue, other than that only the new tech that come with a new update or, very rarely, some new item from a mission need researching. So I only kept the brainers in the main base. Money isn't an issue as I churn out battle tanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 31, 2020, 02:30:58 am
You must not have played in a while, then heh, I hear grog used to be much more profitable way back in the day. 

Right now, they give about double that of grog when using "weed sell" and "chemical buy" prices and triple when accounting for runt maintenance.  That or you're thinking first aid kits which aren't worth making.

This spreadsheet I found:

Isn't quite accurate but close enough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 31, 2020, 04:18:49 am
When right-clicking on a weapon, a tiny dot appears. I always thought this would disable this weapon for reaction shots (when i go on missions and want take hostages, my gals have an eurosyndicate las-pistol in the right and a dart pistol in the left hand).
But sometimes a reaction shot is fired anyway.
Did i misunderstood the meaning of this feature?
Or does it not work correctly?
The dot means the weapon is preferred for reactions. Reactions trigger in this order: melee>melee attacks on guns(gunbutt)>ranged. The preference will only affect attacks on the same priority(melee/gunbutt/range).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on September 01, 2020, 11:22:17 am
You must not have played in a while, then heh, I hear grog used to be much more profitable way back in the day. 

Right now, they give about double that of grog when using "weed sell" and "chemical buy" prices and triple when accounting for runt maintenance.  That or you're thinking first aid kits which aren't worth making.

This spreadsheet I found:

Isn't quite accurate but close enough.

Then their bootypedia entry is finally correct. Again. :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 01, 2020, 09:30:43 pm
First, legionof1, thank you very much for this info!

Second: i encountered my first sectopod. Holy shit. Somehow i managed to take it down, but lost my favourite princess, as she fired with the panzerfaust and got a nice reaction shot from this monstrosity. How sad =(.
I am aware, that they should bring a challenge and yes, they do, but now i am a bit worried about enemy armor, and i never had to worry before. Eurosyndicate weapons did fine until now, and if they did not, there where still the tech blades in every inventory of every gal going on missions.
What does more damage to Armor? Laser or plasma? Flask' o acid does not seem to do something.
In the analisys tab of weapons and ammunition sometimes there is written: armor and a number, for example 40. What does this mean? Armor effectiveness? Armor damage?
Does this whole thing works like in phoenix point, where with a weapon that does 30 damage you can't surpass a 40 armor, no matter how many times you hit it, or does shooting with lasers, with enought patience, crack the egg?

I had the same problem with a big traders guild ship, where 3 hovertanks showed up at the same time and 10 hits with tech blades did nothing at all.

I love (and hate) how the game, just everytime you feel comfortable with your tactics and weapons, manages to put some new threats and riddles at you. Good work!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on September 01, 2020, 10:35:18 pm
Laser has a built-in 0.66 modifier to armor, but they are usually low powered, so even with this debuff, heavy armor stops most of them. Though the heavier varianst (heavy laser, portable lascannon) work ok.
Chem is somewhat useful if you can apply it in large numbers - each shot or pellet does up to a couple points of armor damage (5-10% of weapons power, usually). Not very efficient way to go since chem weapons usually have low damage, but you will get results... eventually.
Plasma has a similar damage armor effect (usually 10% of rolled damage), but it is  vastly more powerful than the other two, so it is the go-to damage for armor.
Explosives are just average - they hit the weakest under armor, most enemies don't have any special resistance to them and they're fairly powerful. Large enemies (tanks, sectopods) take quadruple damage from explosions (each of their tiles is hit separately) - that makes explosives pretty effective. But you'll need higher grade (90 or more damage) to make a dent in their armour to begin with. Anti-personnel explosives won't cut it. Hovertanks are a bit different - first you need to take out the shield (shotguns and any explosives work well, since shield takes full damage, no reduction) and then treat it as a regular tank (though more deadly)
Kinetic weapons are mostly useless, with the exception of miniguns - each hit can shave a point or two of armor, so it behaves similarly to chem - slow but steady results.
Melee works as usual - though heavy hitting weapons (bardiche, hammer, great club, anchor) are preferred.
Acid flasks are... underwhelming - you'd need to throw a dozen of these to considerably weaken an enemy's armour.

The "armor" rating in analysis tab is the resistance of the item to damage. If hit by explosion (usually) for more than it's armor, the item is destroyed. It has nothing to do with regular armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 02, 2020, 01:49:28 am
Thank you!
Until now i had my gals packed with spikeballs, i love'em!
But on the sectopod (and hovertanks) they did nothing (with ctrl-H it showed 0-0-0-0).

When an unit is hit, it flashes in a color. Red means the health goes down, that's fine. What does white mean? Hit the armor?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 02, 2020, 02:57:08 am
Yup and Yup.

To add to the previous points, firearms deal 0-200% listed damage and explosives deal 50-150%.  Flasks of acid, while underwhelming, can help vs a few early game enemies like flying megapol enforcers, but you can't expect much from essentially free ammo.

Btw, at this point in the game, you've probably unlocked a lot of pinups (#XXX researches) lots of generally useful information like this is in them. 

Edit:  Er, by "hit the armor" it means "causes armor damage".  I finally found out why rats occasionally hurt my gals in barbarian armor haha.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 02, 2020, 04:01:20 am
yes, i think i unlocked all the #xxx's.
But there are so many and after hours of playing something can get lost..

Yes, i actually meant armor damage (white flashing color while hit). Cool, thank you
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 02, 2020, 09:37:29 am
Ah, missed your comment on the spikeball.  For (non-fleshy) vehicles, you generally want really high explosives.  Spikeballs aren't even particular good vs a weak armored car, LASS is about the weakest I'd use for that, HE or panzerfaust are good too.

There's two important factors there, damage and armor effectiveness (also damage type, although most explosions are concuss). For instance, a LASS does only 90 concuss, but has 75% armor effectiveness, so, it's more like 105 or so against a car.  Then a car's concuss resist and armor knock that down to about 30-40 (I'm unclear on how armor effectiveness works with resists so I just wing it lol), but then that's quadrupled, so it'll kill it like every time.

Looking at the wiki, sectopod's got 100 under armor and 60 concuss resist, so you'll be needing ~200 explosive just to pierce it.

So even a mighty panzerfaust (150 + 75 armor effectiveness) would probably just barely hurt it.  Spikeball (80 + 100 armor effectiveness) ain't going to do anything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 02, 2020, 11:06:42 am
resistance is multiplied against your damage. Armor effectiveness manipulates the targets effective armor. They are separate stages of the overall calculation. Resist is before armor. So resist reduces damage by %, then armor is adjust based on effectiveness, and then this adjusted armor is subtracted from the result of the resist step.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on September 02, 2020, 09:28:01 pm
Just to fill in some more steps after hitting a target:
1. Damage roll (base damage multiplied by a % roll (0-200 for most firearms, 50-150 for melee and so on)
2. Resist factored in (damage from 1. multiplied by resist%)
3. Armor reduction (pre-damage) based on power from 2. (for chem, plasma, acid etc)
4. Modify (for the purpose of calculation) current armor by armor effectiveness of a given weapon
4. Damage reduced by effective armor value.
5. If anything was left from step above (damage penetrated the armor) - multiply it by the health damage modifier (toHelath) - for example +50% for slayer ammo
6. Subtract the result directly from target's health.
7. Multiply the leftover above by stun damage roll% (usually 0-50%) add the result as stun damage (not sure if stun resist is factored here or not, I'd assume yes)
8. If damage excels health -> dead. If stun more than health after subtracting damage -> unconscious.
9. Damage armor if hit penetrated (multiplied by armor damage modifier (toArmor))
10. Add wounds - I think it's random 1-3 wounds for hits over 10 health damage, modified by wound count multiplier (toWound) - lasers for example have lower chance to cause wounds
11. Apply any special effects (burning, smoke etc.)
(12. Trigger reaction shot, if appropriate criteria are met)

I am unsure regarding position of 2 and 3. Otherwise, I think I got it all.

EDIT: Slayer ammo is +50% to HP damage, not +25%
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 02, 2020, 10:12:13 pm
Thank you all!
So, how do YOU all deal with sectopods?

And what about shields (with various colours)?

Do they diminish everytime i hit the target, or do they block, until a certain dmg, the attack completely.

And, if they diminish, do they recharge?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 02, 2020, 10:47:36 pm
I've got restartitis, so I usually start a new game/codex before sectopods lol.  But looking at their page, they've got the hardest shield to deal with:

Looks like if you don't melee them, laser/plasma gatling/scatterguns (fatty/splatty?) are the way to go to drop shields.  I assume melee is the best all around, but you'd need one heluva weapon.

Regarding shield info, this should answer most of it.  Experience seems to suggest that melee ignores them, but I might've gotten lucky:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on September 02, 2020, 11:19:04 pm
Depends on the shields.
They diminish. Say a Sectopod has 100 shields, you hit it with two 80dmg attacks. First one is fully absorbed by the shield, second one is reduced by the 20 remaining points of the shield. The rest of the damage (60pts in this case) goes on to normal damage calculations.

The colour of the shield defines the weaknesses and resists of a given shield. Damage can be divided (in case of resistance) or multiplied (in case of weakness), by a given amount to get a final reduction of shield points. Some damage types can completely bypass some shield types. Read the Bootypedia articles regarding specific colors for more info.

Most of the shield recharge by a fixed number of points. Usually the syntax is Shield:100/20 (blue) [power/regen (type)] or similar. And IIRC regen happens every half-turn so a shield recharges on the beginning of your turn *and* enemy turn. Sometimes the shield does not recharge at all - you get a fixed amount of points and then it's bye bye. Some shields even degenerate each turn (I think only the handheld energy shield has that functionality though).

Sectopods - if they're in the open: for shields: explosives , and then usually MAG rockets, portable lascannon or (if I reached that far) Xplasma destroyer (or plasma scorcher). In closed spaces - slashing/plasma melee all the way (+Ghost Dagger is extremely deadly once you break through shields) or plasma blunderbuss for shields and then melee. Forget any kinetic (piercing) weapons due to blue shield resistance. Same goes for using concussive melee (hammer and great club) against shields.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 02, 2020, 11:23:11 pm
thank you! You guys are great

And here comes the next question (sorry, guys):

I wantet to invest space and a lot of money to make faster progress at research.
But only one personal lab per hideout is possible to build, and it needs the old earth lab, wich i can not build in another hideout.
Is there any way to make more lab space, and i mean, not only for 3, 4 brainers, but 20?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 03, 2020, 12:20:50 am
There is an old earth lab equivalent somewhere locked in research, probably after higher studies topic so mid to late game anyway. There are also other buildings that add space for one, or couple of brainers like library, medbay and such.

At some point, you just can't invest a lot of money and space into research, because its counter-productive. Mainly due to fact that you will run out of the research topics, wasting a lot and not really gaining much. Just have as much brainers as you can, but don't go into extreme and you will be fine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 03, 2020, 12:47:34 am
Studies are what get you lots of brainers.  If you take a look at the required buildings, it's a fair amount.  I'd say it's a good idea to make one extra base with studies at some point, but no more than one probably.

That said, you need at least 15M+ monthly profits before it's worth going for.  Each study only gets you 2 brainer space, so 20 brainers will cost you about 15 million just to hire.  Until then, make do with mess halls etc

You'll need 3 surgery units for the surgeyr room, so I hope you like doing ghoul towns xD

(Also, it's probably not intended, but once you have a base set up for study rooms, you can sell your old earth lab to buy 10 studies for more brainer space heh.  Though you'll miss out on some lab/computer tech until you build one, which I don't think is critical, though

Actually you give up data mining, probably not so smart)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yglorba on September 09, 2020, 10:11:04 am
Sectopods - if they're in the open: for shields: explosives , and then usually MAG rockets, portable lascannon or (if I reached that far) Xplasma destroyer (or plasma scorcher). In closed spaces - slashing/plasma melee all the way (+Ghost Dagger is extremely deadly once you break through shields) or plasma blunderbuss for shields and then melee. Forget any kinetic (piercing) weapons due to blue shield resistance. Same goes for using concussive melee (hammer and great club) against shields.
Magic Cards are also highly effective against Sectopods, at least when used by someone with sky-high Thrown.  100% damage to shields, 100% damage to the Sectopod.  Of course you'll want well over 100 Thrown to beat their armor, but that's doable for someone who is all-in on it and wearing an armor with a hefty Thrown bonus.

Even if you can't beat their armor with cards, they're very good at popping their shields.  If the armor is a problem you can go with Card -> Ghost Dagger, I guess.

(Also, it's probably not intended, but once you have a base set up for study rooms, you can sell your old earth lab to buy 10 studies for more brainer space heh.  Though you'll miss out on some lab/computer tech until you build one, which I don't think is critical, though

Actually you give up data mining, probably not so smart)
That's a completely terrible idea.  In addition to the Old Earth Lab itself (12 Brainers) you'd be immediately giving up your Personal Labs (4 Brainers) plus three Data Centres (4 Brainers each, so another 12 Brainers)...  so you're giving up 28 Brainers at the cost 5 buildings in order to have 20 Brainers at the cost of 10 buildings.  How is that even remotely a benefit?

On top of this, many research items and jobs require a computer, and it will be a long time until you can get one, yes.  And even when you do, your research will still be crippled in the long term - you will never be able to get back the 12 brainers for one structure advantage, so eventually you will fill all 8 hideouts and be left with strictly worse research or significantly less space forever.

Worst of all, though, the Lab functionality is extremely hard to replace.  You won't be able to take apart computers or build Fairy Dragons (which are very powerful) until / unless you get the labs from various questlines, which often don't complete until near the end of the game, and even then there's a hard limit on the number you can get.

Sacrificing all of that for an early-game cash infusion that won't even significantly increase your research in the short term and will almost immediately cripple it is just really, really bad.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 09, 2020, 10:43:04 am
Well, I immediately said it was a terrible idea afterwards lol.  But I wouldn't include the data centres, those are pretty end game, so you'd definitely at least get more brainers.  Probably would increase your odds of surviving since you can only really lose in the beginning but it would be a serious PITA.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: magitsu on September 10, 2020, 06:50:58 pm
When do you go for 2nd base? Is it due to availability of money or for example after 3 extractors?
What do you seek from it initially? Just more detection, or also intercept/soldiers. Or already plan for those buildings that you can get only x per base?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 10, 2020, 09:39:58 pm
I ascribe to getting bases started as quickly as possible, the nature of retaliation design means you want to get multiple bases built quickly before the really challenging attacks start. You have 18 months with a +/- modifier for difficulty. After that your trying to establish bases against full faction attackers which means you need substantial garrisons or significant air defense both of which take time to build.

Even if your not useing a base to its fullest potential just building plantations pays for itself rapidly(plantation pays itself off in 3 months). Just getting the "shell" of outpost/radar/plantations gives you more opportunities for encounters and income.

It's the snowball principle investing small early has more total impact then investing alot later.

Also with terror hack events you don't exactly want to sit on a large bank.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on September 13, 2020, 11:19:04 pm
Can anyone give me advice how is one supposed to use Arcane Ray ( onboard of Jellyfish ( I give it to best voodoo gal on the ship, but she is imprisoned on top and I can't find a way to get missile out of the ship to actually hit something.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 14, 2020, 12:41:32 am
Well it's got 7 waypoints.  Can't remember what the control for that is, though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 14, 2020, 04:34:52 am
Can anyone give me advice how is one supposed to use Arcane Ray ( onboard of Jellyfish ( I give it to best voodoo gal on the ship, but she is imprisoned on top and I can't find a way to get missile out of the ship to actually hit something.

There is a window(really a very tiny door) in the lower right wall you need to open. face the wall and right click. use way-points from there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on September 14, 2020, 06:04:06 pm
There is a window(really a very tiny door) in the lower right wall you need to open. face the wall and right click. use way-points from there.

Thanks. Did not notice that door at all.   :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 16, 2020, 11:27:15 am
Is there some hidden areas in the armored gnomes lair?  Killed everyone I can find, but everyone's lost all their freshness/morale looking for.  Had to basically leave half my crew to die since they thought it was a good idea to keep panicking and walk into the sewers.  A bit too late to try and pickaxe the walls.  At least I captured the gnome I guess.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 16, 2020, 12:09:22 pm
occasionally the sections beyond the big wide sewers will have no doors because the chunks are all rotated a certain way. Alot of the connectivity for that tileset hinges on the right edges lining up. If you do encounter the problem again, trying digging every 10 tiles along the wide sewers wall. The deadends from the adjacent chunks are only behind 1 tile of wall in those places.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2020, 06:06:49 pm
This is outdated. Now all such places are represented as permanently shut doors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 16, 2020, 09:30:22 pm
oh good change
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on September 18, 2020, 12:35:15 pm
Where can I loot an examination room?

edit: aka the industrial printer - problem solved
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 18, 2020, 12:54:25 pm
Is there a reason to go on a zombie panic mission for a second time. I mean, exept from the loot and the points, if i fought the mission for one time, did i get any items crucial (and interesting) for research?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on September 18, 2020, 01:14:33 pm
Depends on if you got them the first time? I didn't get some of the loot because of the way I dealt with it, so I had to go in a second time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 18, 2020, 03:05:33 pm
you his pyramid thingies?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on September 18, 2020, 11:48:18 pm
It's been a while, but it is best to look up the zombie techs in the tech viewer, you need some of the stuff from the panic to complete the zombie research line.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 19, 2020, 10:23:15 am
Anyone know what triggers "scented message"?  I've got the shadowtech disrupter, and looks like this is blocking me from technocracy starport.

Edit: Erm, seems like capititory tax lol.  So random XD  Also seems like I need mutant's blessings so will have to upgrade to L4
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 22, 2020, 01:21:28 am
So, what does the research *set the world on fire* do?
I only found shady informations, something about demons, and the game research tree does not tell me anything relevant.
Somehow i "do not like this", but i am not sure.

How does it affect the game?
Do i need this to end the game (sometime)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 22, 2020, 02:04:21 am
It greatly increases the chance for the "town on fire" mission.  I forgot the real name but the map burns down and the bad guys are all imps. And the objective is a handful of golden safes.

So far as I recall it has no influence on anything else. It's a stub.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 25, 2020, 02:07:50 pm
Does anyone know how armor works for vessels?  At first I thought it was a simple 1 subtraction, but seems like it might be 2?  Or maybe the 50-100% aircraft damage range is just making it seem that way.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 25, 2020, 05:11:25 pm
As per the Ruleset Reference:
Armor: Amount of blocked damage per hit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on September 26, 2020, 12:39:59 am
Hi, Does anyone know what type of damage does a sectopod do? I'm trying to figure out what kind of shield I need to use against them.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 26, 2020, 12:56:12 am
Thanks SS :)

Sectopod damage: Laser
("built-in items" link)

Best shield is a probably an attack dog haha.  Although red shields would actually make that survivable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 26, 2020, 06:33:28 pm
Two questions:
1. How is an enemy able to shoot me from 40+ tiles away when they have only 9 night vision? I've attached a sav file where you can click an End Turn for demonstration.

2. How does the game determine which enemy is a sniper?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 26, 2020, 10:34:48 pm
#2 is the answer to #1.  Snipers just use the same abilities you have (your units can fire out of LoS to spotted enemies).  Well kind of, the cheaty aspect is your position can linger for a bit (that's what spotter X turns is)

As for whether its a sniper, it's just whether it's programmed to be a sniper, not much to say.

"Chance of firing on spotted units: 66"

Early game, only ones I know of are osiron security, marsec, humanists (though not activists), leaders/vips, and all spartans.  I just kinda assume all of the year 2+ races are.

I'm curiou what spotter: -1 means.  I'm guessing that just means star gods reveal you forever once seen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 28, 2020, 12:01:28 am
2 questions:

If i mindcontrol a unit, it becomes part of my team until my next turn, this means, that the enemy will much likely try to kill the mindcontrolled unit (because they are usually next to him/her).

Does this drop the morale of my, or of the enemy squad? Because when the unit dies, in this moment, for the game, it is part of MY squad?

I researched the "sivalinga stone ", but still can't buy it! Does the not unlock the buy option? Or do i have to unlock a certain dealer first?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on September 28, 2020, 12:54:24 am
Unsure about morale thing, but you can't buy sivalinga stones.  It has "tech required" which is for using it in battle, but what you need is "tech required to buy" which the item doesn't have.  At leats you don't lose it on research xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on September 28, 2020, 02:24:32 am
so the [i ] does not mean that i can buy the thing, but that i can use it? I was always wrong then :-D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on October 01, 2020, 07:52:11 pm
Question: Is there a way to see which tiles count as day, and which ones count as night? Does there exist a mod that would help with this?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on October 02, 2020, 12:43:51 am
so the [i ] does not mean that i can buy the thing, but that i can use it? I was always wrong then :-D

Ah, I missed the "i" part because of the italics xD  Honestly, the "I" in the in game tech viewer confuses me because over 99% of the time it DOES reference whether you can buy it or not, but like for 2 or 3 things it's not the case (energy weapon parts, e.g. don't seem to be buyable but have an I for instance).  So I just check the web pedia  ::)

I think how it works is that if it's buyable, the [ i ] refers to the techs needed to buy, and if not, it refers to the tech required to use.  But it's confusing since almost all useable things are buyable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on October 04, 2020, 12:57:31 pm
I managed to raid a mercenary-base and to capture some important dudes. But X-Vampiress got shot.
She was NOT destroyed, mangled x-vampiress was laying on the floor.

When the mission endet, the mangled x-vampiress was not retrieved, now i can't revive her.
Is this some kind of bug/error?
Did i misunderstood something?

If not, what's the item name, so i can add it to the inventory in the savegame.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on October 04, 2020, 10:58:27 pm
IS there any lore or balance reason why Armored Vaults ( don't require Flak Tower Kit ( while Large Prison and Flak Tower require it.

All those buildings have image of small turret on their icon, and provide defense bonus to base, but for some reason Armored Vaults don't require Flak Tower Kit like other two buildings. Is this perhaps an oversight?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 07, 2020, 03:10:32 am
I managed to raid a mercenary-base and to capture some important dudes. But X-Vampiress got shot.
She was NOT destroyed, mangled x-vampiress was laying on the floor.

When the mission endet, the mangled x-vampiress was not retrieved, now i can't revive her.
Is this some kind of bug/error?
Did i misunderstood something?

If not, what's the item name, so i can add it to the inventory in the savegame.

Did the corpse actually last till the end of the battle? Corpse can be rather easily destroyed by stray fire or aoe.

IS there any lore or balance reason why Armored Vaults ( don't require Flak Tower Kit ( while Large Prison and Flak Tower require it.

All those buildings have image of small turret on their icon, and provide defense bonus to base, but for some reason Armored Vaults don't require Flak Tower Kit like other two buildings. Is this perhaps an oversight?

Possibly but i will point out that defense strength of the armored vaults is higher then the other two so its not exactly the same gun.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on October 08, 2020, 05:12:36 pm
The mangled x-vampiress did last until the last turn, i checked it. There was also no fire an other harm.
I found out the item name, but i failed in adding it to the save. I replayed the mission, instead.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on October 09, 2020, 02:57:31 am
Thank you all!
So, how do YOU all deal with sectopods?

APK - armor piercing lasers  - maybe the best kind o' weps around.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on October 09, 2020, 11:17:03 am
Are apk's better than gauss weapons? I finally unlocked them and they are great. Still did not see any sectopod around since then, so i could not try yet.

To unlock the aps's i need only marsec lasgun. Where do i find them? I already shot down viper fighters with the tough red marsec guys, still no luck.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 09, 2020, 03:19:31 pm
Apk is generally better then guass. Laser is generally a less resisted type. Also 50% armor penetration is much better then many piercing or explosive options.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on October 10, 2020, 02:47:36 am
I just did a little checking.  Sectopod front plate is 150, and gauss weapons do 50-150% for damage, so heavy gauss can't pierce it.  Sniper gauss on a very shooty gal has a chance to.  Sides and back are lower, but not by much.  135 and 110, respectively.  But first you have to get past their shields, which are blue and take 25% damage from pierce.

If I'm understanding the pedia entry for blue shields, then lasers do 100% damage to them, and lasers do 0-200% for damage, so some of the beefier lasers can damage them even without their natural armor pierce bonus, and even more so with the higher damage and increased armor penetration of the AP clips.  So AP lasers, or even adv clips seem like a good goto for sectopods.  Assuming running isn't an option, of course    ;D

Also, the marsec marines do carry the marsec lasguns, it's just not a guarantee.  I think I got one on my 3rd viper fighter
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: CPLT-K2 on October 10, 2020, 11:55:46 am
You overlooked armor damage on gauss.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: xcomfan on October 10, 2020, 01:51:49 pm
How do i check if a laser is armor piercing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on October 10, 2020, 05:39:43 pm
"ANAL" button on bootypedia weapon page, then you have to pick ammo type from list and there it will be listed everything about % of armor ignored and such.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on October 11, 2020, 03:02:43 am
The way I deal with sectopods, is using high repetition lasers (autolasers and fattys) to remove the shield then hit it with a MAG rocket. 240 damage plus good armor penetration (60% armor effectiveness IIRC) is a guaranteed kill even if you hit the front armor. Of course your laser gals need to survive some nasty reaction shots. Using red shields seems to be a good option.

On a different topic, how do you shoot down a silver towers? Is it possible? I've tried with a barrage of plasma beams, hammermite missiles and plasma spitters but the shields seem to regen too fast. I haven't tried tesla coils (I've just researched them) but I don't think they have enough DPM to do the trick. Maybe I just need more advanced weapons tech. Also, what interceptor crafts would you recommend using? Silver towers don't seem to move slower than 3.2k, which means heavy crafts like the Kraken won't be able to catch it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on October 11, 2020, 05:51:13 am
Looking at bootypedia, fusion ball launchers do more than double damage rate of hammermite, plus they won't run out of clips, and have 60 range so even modest shielding allows hit and run, so definitely possible eventually.

(edited out some stupid ideas)

Actually, a barracuda tank (300 shielding) + 3 brave whalers with avalanches (9 total) might be able to do hit and runs without repairing, due to the range and avalanches doing their damage all at once.  But this all seems kinda pointless since you're dedicating all of your hangar space just to take something out early that you don't need to.  Infamy loss is less than a science vessel, so it's only worth doing if you plan on assaulting it, which from what I've heard is a serious PITA.

The best tank is probably shadowteched shadowcraft or menace ships.  But you'd need ethyr orbs or a fast menace and fusion drives.  Sounds like gold codex has an advantage here, since a hawk/el fuego can throw together any random orbs you find and still have some shielding.

Edit: btw, anyone know how psionics works in x-piratez?  In vanilla, psi panic does 110-bravery morale damage, but your gals can reach 110 bravery.  Is there a minimum bravery loss to panic?  And if not, will the enemy then just immediately go for mind control if you have high bravery?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on October 11, 2020, 08:48:51 am
You overlooked armor damage on gauss.

I did forget it has built in armor damage, but I'm not sure it changes things much.  I haven't tried it, but I imagine it would take a good amount of hits to lower the armor enough to make much a difference.  Maybe if you don't have any of the big lasers or only have standard clips for them gauss might work better with the armor damage.  My head isn't made for that kind of math  :)

Has anyone tried EMP grenades against sectopods?  They have 50% resist, but it cuts through so much armor that it seems like it would still be effective.  I've only fought 2 sectopods this game so far, and didn't have EMP at hand either time to try it
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on October 11, 2020, 12:48:10 pm
On a different topic, how do you shoot down a silver towers?
See here:,3626.msg107447.html#msg107447
Basically same as Greep - 3 whalers/9 avalanche + tank craft. That's a setup viable only in the late game, when you have nothing else to spend your dolaros. Like I said in the post above - Towers are a last shot at getting a SG coordinator if you're getting ready for Mars and still missing the SG codes.

Supervision is a mission with a fairly low infamy loss, and the Towers are a fast ship so it doesn't last long - all in all, they're safe to ignore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on October 11, 2020, 01:05:35 pm
I haven't tried emps vs sectopods but have vs tanks.  1-2 is virtually gauranteed destruction on jack sparrow (91 under armor I think).  So on a normalish difficulty, that's about what you need for a sectopod (100 armor), probably 2-4 due to  increased health.  But you'd need to knock out the shields.

edit: nvm, sectopods have better emp resist, so probably would be much less effective. That said, looking at one of meridian's playthroughs, emp minibombs tickled a sectopod, which actually means a grenade should be at least practical.  Also, I forgot cutting doesn't ignore blue shields, so some silly ideas I had don't work well (although a couple chem grenades will kill them). 

Regarding guass armor damage: I don't think it'd be very effective, on average a heavy gauss is only going to do 5 points of armor damage/shot.  Unless we're talking x-gauss.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 11, 2020, 07:01:42 pm
Edit: btw, anyone know how psionics works in x-piratez?  In vanilla, psi panic does 110-bravery morale damage, but your gals can reach 110 bravery.  Is there a minimum bravery loss to panic?  And if not, will the enemy then just immediately go for mind control if you have high bravery?

if you have 110 bravery or greater your immune to the dmg from psi panic, and the MC will have such shitty odds the AI will be unlikely to try.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: machinehater on October 11, 2020, 10:29:11 pm
I just have seen, that you need an "alive" robot, drone, killer droid or whatever to get the robot disassembly. How the hell do you "capture" on alive?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on October 11, 2020, 10:51:25 pm
Electric lasso, or any other weapon that ignores stun immunity (electric generally, emp generally doesn't) and has a very low health damage multiplier.  Lassos in particular are very good for capturing drones.  Tazoguns usually kill drones but sometimes you get lucky.

E-pulse also works, but will typically kill robots since they have such small health.  There's also good old cattle prod if a drone is on the first floor, like in a house or something.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: arbee81 on October 12, 2020, 07:39:59 am
I've been playing this mod for years and only found out about stunning robots during this playthrough, both on accident.  One was an academy drone, I think with a stun rod.  I assumed it was immune and thought whacking it would just train melee.  The other was a cyberdisc in an academy base.  Melee gal with an electro sword, all on her own, checking a part of the base I "knew" was empty, just to be sure.  Opened a door and there it was.  I couldn't remember if cut damage triggered the explosion, but figured she was a goner either way, so I went for it.  To my very great surprise it knocked the disc out.  Only problem was I had to leave her there to babysit.  Last thing I wanted was that thing waking up and coming from a place I thought was safe.  It's not a sure thing, it happened maybe 50/50 after that and lately it's been more like a third of the time, but I'm more in the late game and have more gals with maxed stats and skill/stat boosting armors.

I think I also got one of those terminator drones with a lasso
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on October 12, 2020, 04:18:24 pm
AFAIK 2x2 units never wake up from stunning. So you didn't have to babysit it at all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: amjh on October 12, 2020, 04:46:01 pm
I'm not sure, but I think robots in general have no stun recovery?

A "stunned" robot represents a state where it's disabled, but not wrecked.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on October 13, 2020, 12:16:45 pm
Academy drone definatelly wakes up from cattle prod stun after few rounds, so they do have it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 20, 2020, 09:46:16 pm
Started playing for the first time after deciding for some days. It's actually the first real mod of any game I started, that's how much it peaked my interest. Anyways got a little question before a big decision: Gals or Guys? (irreversible research topic)

Wiki says one is easier than the other but it's not clear in what way. I wanted to do the Guys way but then I found out they have weaker stats, except Combat Stress (but I didn't find that an issue using starting 6 Gals on 10 missions already in 1st month). Is CS ever an issue? Do Guys' stats max out at Gals values eventually?

Is that what they meant by Guys path being more difficult? Or does unleash more challenging game mechanics: more and stronger enemies, with higher HP, and that sort of stuff. For example I'd hate if Guys TU max out at 100 while Gals get 120 or something. TU are and forever will be the most important! Couldn't find anything conclusive with search engines. Thank you for any help.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 20, 2020, 10:48:35 pm
Combat stress refers to the ongoing morale degen. Slaves soldiers do not suffer from it at all. Sometimes handy when missions drag out trying to find the last jerk in a closet.

The primary difference between the 2 paths is do you want hands or slave soldiers as your second buyable soldier type(first being peasants). Gals have better stat maximums for everything but voodoo and freshness, but cost significantly more. The guy path does give you a unique craft, and much earlier access to a decent armor for the slave soldiers to compensate for there weaker maximums. It is worth mentioning that Slave soldiers intial stats are quite good, even if the maximums are not as good.

Guy path is defiantly the more challenging path, it's about all it exists to be at this point of development. And it is a temporary challenge, as you eventually unlock 2 more teirs of gal quality for hire, as well as several other species. 

There are no additional encounters or battle changes tied to either path.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: khade on October 21, 2020, 02:48:23 am
The guys are more or less baseline human, so no, they can't equal the physical strength or toughness of the Uber strain gals.

To use fantasy games, think human vs half-ogre
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on October 21, 2020, 11:41:09 am
Gals or Guys? (irreversible research topic)

Another point is that even when choose Guys, you still can find quite a number Gals on missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 21, 2020, 11:46:01 am
And conversely, if you choose Gal, you can still recruit slave soldiers by recruiting your slaves. :)

It's mostly a matter of playstyle preference. The Gals Are Superior option is mostly about lightning strikes, bold advances and heavy weaponry. With the Male Hand choice, your missions will be a bit slower and more static, but also less demanding on planning every movement. Really, it's Space Marines vs. Imperial Guard.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 21, 2020, 01:25:24 pm
Very informative feedback, thank you all. The Gals prevailed the instant I realized I can just buy Guys off the market later, as if I choose their path. It also saves me of potential surprise dick pics in my Bootypedia. Even though opposite is possible but at much lower rate and you only get so much opportunities (getting more Gals via Guys path).
Besides that I don't see a reason for handicapping myself in the beginning, Min/Max is the name of the game for me. Future Moral issues shall even come in handy to level up that Bravery and build up VooDoo resistance earlier (if both work like in OG games).

Can you please tell me more about those yellow warning messages in some Research topics. Those affecting game progression. Figured they wouldn't be there if they wouldn't come with significant impact. I'm hoping those only unlock new missions/events/mechanics (besides new topics obviously). As in I wouldn't lock myself outta anything by researching them, or are there exceptions? Are there any such topic worth delaying to research in the early game? I know about Mutant Alliance and Pogoms obligations for example, but are there any more with such nasty jump in difficulty? Thanks again!

Bit the bullet and started researching everything. Can't lets my fears take over. As expected yellow topics made new ships/missions to start appearing on the map but nothing threatening. New gadgets they led to far outweigh slight disruption of my comfort zone. Finally X-Grog replaced Torch manufacturing (made enough to lit up entire Minecraft worlds). I gotta say, for its size the mod plays out perfectly fair thus far. Probably one of my largest jaw-dropper in decades of gaming was seeing overall research progress hit 1%. God damn. Right up there with first time seeing Hengsha animation in Deus Ex: HR.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on October 22, 2020, 03:46:21 pm
Early on you can't intercept much shipping other than the occasional lucky landed small ship, so getting more missions unlocked. Most of the early ones are fairly easy, so it's a good way to get your hands on better gear and - almost as important - combat experience. Untrained ubers are far from their stat maximum and learn fast, if they live. And if the mission is not to your liking and/or everyone's too tired or injured, you can skip it. Unlocked missions typically don't have a despawn penalty. Though you should be wary of signing deals with megacorp-states that may attempt to take advantage of you if you commit to anything binding...

In detail:
Bounties - D are easy. C varies - some are trivial, some are doable, others avoid. If you're experienced, you know which ones to avoid, there's always the reload button. The prizes are very valuable if you can get them early.
Hunting - lots of critters with no ranged attacks, good target practice. With something like the shadowbat, trivial, otherwise just make sure they don't get close. Always do these at daytime. Sometimes the hunt is hijacked by interlopers - ratmen are weak but many, use explosives, pest control managers are glass cannons, weak armor but good weapons, nomads all have rifles and WP grenades, and can use both. The later the game, the more likely a hijack is.
Warehouse Wars - easy. Just be ready to deal with armored guys about on par with academy medics. Bring a hammer or bombs, breaching the fence isbetter than the killbox that is the front entrance. Unlock this ASAP, you want at least one stapler.
Toppling Towers - Very crowded, but with a few decent riflegals you can manage. Camping the tower at night is preferable to storming it, since it's lit so you can just shoot anyone foolish enough to poke their heads out.
Neophyte Boot camp - Most guys have no armor but watch out for guys with panzerfausts. Bring gas, there's sometimes a high ranking church guy present.
Undersea Treasures - most are easy, but if you see hallucinoids, flee. Can be a good source of early aqua plastics and craft weapons if you luck into a Sunken USO.
Mansion Raid - varies by taste. You'll probably have to loot-and-run early, full clear is very hard without some luck and soulsense. Can get you some good stuff. The best loot is in the basement rooms and the little towers topside.
City Raid - easier if you're on the guy route. Can get you a lot of captives and there's nothing more dangerous than megapol wolfmen with shotguns, but gals can only go in holosuits or comparably stealthy outfits.
Bandit Town - like a pogrom except you're the attacker. Wait for decent armor and weapons suitable for mass slaughter.
Highway House - the one big threat here is the field gun. Neutralize it with a poison gas grenade or two ASAP.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on October 24, 2020, 08:22:19 am
What does the
DEMONIC INCURSION item you get from the demonic essence ritual
do?  I can't research it for info so it has just been sitting in my stores for several months now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 25, 2020, 10:05:52 pm
At the moment the demonic arc is not fully complete so i think that item is a dead end for the time being. Hang on to hit just in case.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 26, 2020, 06:44:12 pm
Any way to change hard-coded "Enemy landing alert" option from No -> Yes? Setting config to read-only, or trying to hex-edit executable proved fruitless, immediately exhausting most of my hacking proves.

What's the purpose of included xpedia, created via provided batch file? Does it create full copy of online variant or does it creates only already researched topics (without spoilers). Latter would be useful as searchable text-dump database. Currently in L4 it seems to be broken. "xpedia.html" gets created but there's no useful content. UPDATE: FIX (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on October 26, 2020, 07:00:35 pm
Look into Piratez.rul. More specifically "fixed user options" (somewhere near the end of the file). Remove the hardcoded option from the list and it will allow you to change it freely from options screen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 26, 2020, 07:44:18 pm
Mmm, that's quite THE file. I'm looking and I'm searching but can't find anything solid describing that exact setting (used multiple different search words). Someone high above really don't want us touching any of that stuff. Sadly "near end of the file" when it's 4 MB hardly narrowed it down for me. Could you please be more specific, thanks.

Never mind found it inside "Piratez_Globals.rul" -> "oxceUfoLandingAlert".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 26, 2020, 11:48:06 pm
What's the purpose of included xpedia, created via provided batch file? Does it create full copy of online variant or does it creates only already researched topics (without spoilers). Latter would be useful as searchable text-dump database. Currently in L4 it seems to be broken. "xpedia.html" gets created but there's no useful content.

It's an offline version generated from your local data, which caused an error with the version shipped with L4. You can get a fix from the discord server or live with the online version.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 27, 2020, 05:30:10 pm
@legionof1: Thanks, found it.

Another day, another question(s)...
Those !Missions! are said to start appearing on the next month after you research them. I miscalculated and researched a bunch of them right at the turn of a new month (00:00 on the 1st). Have I royally blew it or will they unlock for the current month?

Found a first ENEMY HIDEOUT (lucky auto-intel report). It has a small radar range so approaching with a slow ship is impossible without detection (and consequent destruction). I also can't defeat the interceptor 1v1 with current AIRCAR (although Pilot is a beast) even after extensive loading. Is it possible to gang up multiple of your own craft to defeat a single interceptor? I reckon your ships would have to have higher top speed for that to work, if even possible.
Alternative way is using a CONVOY which I believe would do the trick (triple health and firepower), but can it attack airborne targets? Enemy ship looks like typical GOVT FIGHTER, minus the lights, with 5000 top speed. Another alternative is using AIRCAR to land instead of BLOWFISH but I'm wary of attacking with only half the crew.

It's gonna come up sooner or later but... how to reinstate finances of a country in PROTECTION screen (after infiltration or whatever it's called here)? I mean completely undoing it mechanically after it's happened. There's gotta be a way to modify a save do accomplish that. I'm already rearranging base facilities as the game keeps throwing curve balls at my direction. Devs, no matter how hard they try, can't win vs my OCD!
UPDATE: It happened while I was completely powerless to stop it. Easiest way to undo: save game just before end of month (funding country signs pact) -> open save file in text editor -> remove "newPact: true" line bellow affected country. Section you want to edit is near the top: countries -> type. County name in save differs from Geoscape. For example IRON TRIBE is called STR_UK, so use logic when making changes (and backups). It probably best gameplay-wise to do this after you destroyed enemy hideout in that area. Hopefully "Sway Local Govt" BootyPedia entry (which I discovered after the fact of course, not that it would matter) about shooting down Courier preventing this proves truthful. Although best case scenario is having ability to undo such matters after they happen, via built-in game mechanics. We can hope.

Thanks y'all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 27, 2020, 09:10:45 pm
I think your gonna have to wait a month, but maybe not don't think i have ever tested the exact case. Would be interested to know myself.

You can group up you craft, set the additional craft to target your lead craft. If you not dealing with hunter killers you can minimize the intercept window when your at standoff range.

When dealing with bases you can also attempt to fake out the defense fighters, send a very quick craft to trigger the fighters and then run away. The fighters will return to base and be on cool-down for a brief time. You can use the gap to deliver an assault force. That said if your so early in the game that your employing an aircar your probably not advanced nuff to clear it anyway. Bases have multiple terror units and lots of soldiers of all ranks.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on October 27, 2020, 10:16:49 pm
I'd say he'll have to wait an additional month. It may be telling to look at the savegame - if the score from completed research is already added to current month score then he was too late. If it's still 0, then it was added to previous month, so the missions could trigger in current month. Or, you could dig deeper and just check if any of the relevant missions are upcoming (though there might be a case where they could possible spawn, but RNGesus chose not to).
Completely subjective evidence (research completed appearing AFTER the day changes in the calendar) would suggest that research is completed after midnight and counts for the day that started.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 27, 2020, 11:53:17 pm
Thanks for revealing wingman mechanic! It should help immensely now and in future. In my own quick test I figured a much more tedious way: converging multiple crafts on the same pixel, get inside base radar range, then wait to be attacked (scan interval is 10 mins). It's not possible to hunt that way, only to be hunted, but sufficient for my predicament. Nothing can stop Slav ingenuity (for lack of a better word lol).

Hope the base itself won't be a problem. I'll just pack more explosives/ammo, in my new Warrior armor, and see what happens. Was already scared of Pogroms when reading about them up front but they weren't much more than a pushover (except 3rd one, few months after 1st). Hopefully base difficulty follows the same principle. Needs to be repeated I practically set up tent above quick-load button so there's that.

Attaching the save (just before month ends) if you wish to bother with testing. Maybe you even get a base to appear too. I'll continue with whatever gets thrown at my direction and report if missions of interest do appear. With my luck they won't.

PS (for myself and anyone interested passing by)
Seems restoring country finances is possible but not trivial. Besides obvious change of undoing financial hit (top of save file), string of affected missions would probably also need to be removed (bottom of file), ones which would potentially occur if the base was there. As I cannot yet imagine what those would be, to save effort and simplify: only changing the value (top) and destroying the base near end of the month - game should purge said missions by itself going into next month. But I'll cross that rotten bridge when I get to it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on October 28, 2020, 04:39:04 pm
If warrior armor is the best you have, then prepare to have your backside kicked. Unless you like to savescum every single step. Expect to be outmanned, outgunned and underpowered. Depending on whose base it is, expect 25-30 enemies, decently armored, wielding plasma weaponry, with terror unit support and better stats (or at least as good as yours).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 28, 2020, 11:07:16 pm
No questions this time only suffering ;D

To say the mission was a hellish nightmare would be the greatest of understatements. Before even landing I had to deal with that interceptor. As it turned out it's unbeatable with 2xAIRCAR (MAYBE if 2xCONVOY were also to join) but luckily (and I'm playing with fire saying this) its health is stored in the save file. It's possible to save during air combat so I managed to destroy it via lots of reloads. Ate around 150 2x25mm cannon hits. Normally this obstacle would stop me dead for another 3 weeks or so (in-game) to assemble ships, or... for 4-5 months to also train all pilots' evasion skill - the most important one in this case. In my estimate best case scenario: ship losses - 75%.

For the base itself I expected bunch of highwayman/ratman and such, maybe a couple of new makeshift vehicles I was looking forward to see which asset was borrowed. Classic bandit stuff, nothing too extraordinary. Well that changed as soon as I saw UFO:EU base graphic, lol. In was the Academy and the first thing I saw exiting the lift were 4 Cyberdiscs and Explorer in space suit wielding a Blaster Launcher. Wtf. Totally felt like I jumped straight into the endgame. After few laughable attempts I changed plan to extracting the body and the weapon and cut my losses. But then for some reason (probably wanted to restock) I started the mission over by landing again.

So next base layout felt more manageable: only enemy I initially saw were Academy Drones. Yupi, I killed those before. As things went along it became clear it's the same enemy composition just with rearranged rooms and placements, with far less wide open spaces. No Blaster Launchers this time but plenty of Gauss (weird thingy I couldn't use, as I'll discover to my horror later). My gals could tank 2-3 hits from pistols (highly experienced Lunatics) but more surprising was me being able to deal damage with plain Manstopper handguns (30 AP) to humanoids in thus far unseen armors. Any Cyberdisk that came near would be dealt with RPGs or Hammers (a lifesaver once again, in fact I wouldn't be able to beat the mission without them). Clearing this whole mess took around 2 hours. And then a single Academy Provost showed up... Tucked away in his 2x2 2-story lift this whole time, in the last inhabited room of this hellhole base.

This madafakka I knew about (,8587.0.html) before even meeting her. Suffice to say the stories were true, all of it. It was the main reason I brought what I thought were heavy explosives (RPGs, Landmines, plenty of grenades), not knowing what kind of armored nastiness shall I confront. Opened him up with an RPG to the face - nothing. Followed by Landmine to the feet - nothing. Then by few grenades and Landmine - tiny sliver of hope as his bitmap turned red for a bit. I gang up from behind and hit him through the lift window with a hammer - nothing (but it apparently damages armor so it's doing something at least). This process continued for some time until I had no more explosive ammo, dodging the confused Provost (the only thing were I was at an advantage). Couldn't use Gauss scattered all over, or Hellerium RPG (I'd blew everything including myself to Kingdom come) so I brought more landmines from other available gals (few were unavailable as they kept guard on Zzz enemies) but the only difference came when I brought my 2nd Hammer wielding gal (even though Energy levels could barely provide 1hit/turn). Kept hitting and finished her off with a Cattle Prod. How appropriate. This one enemy took additional 1.5 hours.
Btw because of how Hammer aiming works (to allow environment destruction) its misses behave like projectiles, so a miss could very well end in a wall across the room or maybe even hit your gal of the path there. That was hilarious.

In no way, shape or form are any of us (except dirty save-scummers like myself) meant to tackle this kind of battle this early in the game.  No custom research priorities would matter. Well maybe High Explosives / Satchel Charge, which I'm bringing to every battle from now on, no exceptions. My Geoscape intel has greatly overestimated my abilities but I couldn't tolerate some weird pink square in the middle of the desert. Far less so for many more months. After the ordeal I was up 15M (and 1500 in score), enough to cover expense of pre-planned global continental coverage, minus the poles which come later.
As for the high-end gadgets, I don't plan to exploit the tech until I get there via normal means. I just want to experience this beaut the indented way (little peaks into the future can't hurt eh) to soak it up in all its glory. What is really frightening me is experiencing all of this and I'm only at 5%...  God damn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on October 29, 2020, 11:38:29 am
Well, all I can say is that you can't really advance in one field at the cost of the other, because they all are important. And by that I mean research.
Still not researching Workshop/Codex and then Shadowmasters means you won't have any interceptors worth a damn.
Without Workshop you are locked from better armors like Metal, or Heavy Suit.
Even base defences (Anti Air) are important in XPiratez and you will soon learn why.

Bases don't appear that early and also you don't have to deal with them ASAP if your score (Infamy) is high.
You don't really want spoilers, so I will say that what you found out in the base that took you so long wasn't end game stuff. There are things much more powerfull than mere cyberdisk and few Gauss rifles.

I don't really know how the game is "supposed" to be played, but the best guess is to go first blind as far as you can, get beaten and then start again with the new found knowledge.

Oh, and be ready that you can't reach 100% in research and many topics are fluff text.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 30, 2020, 02:43:08 am
Alright the waters have calmed a little so it's perfect time for another couple of quick ones.

It's about high time to ask this one as I couldn't figure it out myself. Ufopaedia site kinda narrowed it down but I'm still not sure and feel like I'm missing out. What the hell are those SKILL► and PWR++► thingies bellow some weapons in BootyPedia? How does that work exactly? If it was explained somewhere in-game I'm powerless to find it.

The other mystery concerns them no-purpose veggies and fruit. Are those free to sell, aka useless junk? At least for time being, until new patch add purpose. I mean c'mon, gals of the future can't bake potatoes? What kind of a word am I saving anyway, lol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 30, 2020, 07:04:27 am
The skill and power lines are used to explain weapons that have non default scaleing.
Skill is for accuracy, which is then further modified by the % of the type of shot taken.
Power is for additional damage added to the base displayed in the upper right.

Right click on items to view a list of what you can use them in. Not all have a recipe atm, and are indeed sale fodder to fill out random drop tables for maps and gambling.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on October 30, 2020, 10:31:09 am
I always wondered. Is the additional damage calculated for the armor rating? E.g. enemy with armor of 50. Weapon has 40 dmg, but pwr * 0.5 STR. Will it hit through the armor?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: tarkalak on October 30, 2020, 12:13:16 pm
I always wondered. Is the additional damage calculated for the armor rating? E.g. enemy with armor of 50. Weapon has 40 dmg, but pwr * 0.5 STR. Will it hit through the armor?

Yes. Uhm, not enough data - how much is your strength, what is the damage spread of the weapon (0-200%, 50-150% some other bizare one),  what are the enemy's resistance and finally it depends on the roll. But if the final result (after adding the power bonus, rolling the die and applying the resistance) is higher than armor it will go through.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on October 30, 2020, 02:29:47 pm
@Nilex What's the point of asking questions if you cheat like there's no tomorrow anyway? Don't expect your suggestions or criticism to have any weight, in any case.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 30, 2020, 06:23:47 pm
So SKILL> accuracy is the first part of the whole accuracy equation then? Final acc=Skill>*Base acc*shoot type*distance acc (from extender)? Basically if SKILL> is over 100 it improves acc, and vice-versa is I got that right.

Does PWR> apply additional damage type as stated by the weapons (Daze, Cut, Stab, Piercing, etc) or some other kind? I'll need to revise my gear depending on the answer, or at least until Cattle Prod losses viability.

Point it to get useful clear answers about internal game mechanic (otherwise unexplained, hard to find, or purposely hidden by inexperienced designer) so that I, or anyone else passing by, can find it through seer willpower rummaging through this tread or getting lucky with search engine. There can't be cheating if there is no competition, or this mod would be one helluva bit cheat. Ask Rockstar.
"in any case" what does that mean? You only help or take suggestion from people who play your way, or none at all, depending on which leg you used to get outta bed this morning. If you think my experience is curbed by what I do then so be it. But not before weighing in suggestion for what its worth in its own, instead of completely dismissing it right away.
In any case, I love your XPiratez. It's a work of art and the first real mod I decided to give a go because for the first time I've seen it's actually better than OG game it sprouted out from. The way you "put it all together" is still blowing my mind. Actually screw that, this couldn't have been done by human alone. Far too damn rich and complex. To me it's proof of the simulation we're living in... even if y'all programmed to deny it. Can someone PM sum cheat codes? I won't say ty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on October 30, 2020, 07:29:07 pm
Point it to get useful clear answers about internal game mechanic (otherwise unexplained, hard to find, or purposely hidden by inexperienced designer)

Small correction:
Internal game mechanics are purposely hidden by experienced designers. (For example: just about any game ever made)
Only the inexperienced designers may expose something they don't want to by accident.

Also, if you combine the entire, all information available in-game and on this entire forum... you will still know less than 20% of the internal game mechanics (very generous estimate, the number is likely much smaller).
Just to put things into perspective.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on October 30, 2020, 11:49:43 pm
Quote from: Nilex link=topic=5345.msg133457#msg133457
Actually screw that, this couldn't have been done by human alone. Far too damn rich and complex. To me it's proof of the simulation we're living in... even if y'all programmed to deny it. Can someone PM sum cheat codes? I won't say ty.

You really underestimate humans.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 31, 2020, 06:42:42 am
A sufficiently determined man can create or achieve anything he can conceive. A talented of experienced one will do it in time to enjoy his labor.

So SKILL> accuracy is the first part of the whole accuracy equation then? Final acc=Skill>*Base acc*shoot type*distance acc (from extender)? Basically if SKILL> is over 100 it improves acc, and vice-versa is I got that right.

Does PWR> apply additional damage type as stated by the weapons (Daze, Cut, Stab, Piercing, etc) or some other kind? I'll need to revise my gear depending on the answer, or at least until Cattle Prod losses viability.

Yes. you have the gist of accuracy. Pwr is always additional of whatever the weapon or ammo does. Just like accuracy it feeds into the base value used in the larger armor and resist equation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on October 31, 2020, 06:53:51 pm
Thanks for being a pal. Feels good to understand the numbers and predict usefulness.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: peirceg on November 08, 2020, 08:17:17 am
How much do combat shields and combat shields improve resistances? and is there a cap?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 08, 2020, 11:04:48 pm
Not sure what items you mean, but resistance items list there % modifier and maximum in there pedia entry. Format is: dmg type, resist%/maximum. As an example Riot shield has: Peirce 85/50. This means its modifies resist by .85% to maximum of 50 total resist.

Energy shields provide a pool of ablative hp with its own resists different from the base armor, resistances are based on color and the same for each example of the color, only size of hp pool and regen rate change.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on November 11, 2020, 05:33:35 pm
Guys maybe it is stupid question but what I did wrong?

I played on second difficulty, completed all missions, researched all new weapons and prisoners I got, also on 3rd month I hired 2 more scientists, then on 5th month i hired 5 more but i still did not get any cool stuff like good armor or new cars but it was all right I guess.

Every month I got like 2000-5000 points for completing all missions, but on 6th or 7th month I looked on my statistics screen and was like "WHAT ARE FFFFF IS THIS?!?!?"  - I got MINUS 1000 points!!! And after that my game very quickly ended.

Maybe I dont understand something but pls can somebody explain what i did wrong  or what to do right at least, cause I dont get it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 11, 2020, 05:49:43 pm
Check your graphs - you probably have intense enemy activity somewhere beyond your radar ranges.

This is exactly what the graphs are for.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on November 12, 2020, 12:39:42 am
Uhm... okay... and how checking the graphs will help me? What I need to do after that?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on November 12, 2020, 01:00:39 am
Evenin', folks
Is there a way to stop those goddamn Sky Ninja (real Mindža they are) hack attacks that empty our coffers? A unique mission where you get there and it goes like Stalingrad? I mean, nothing against making stuff that sells well and keeping it aside to use exactly in such a case. But, y'know... I like plasma better. As if YOU don't huh? ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 12, 2020, 01:42:12 am
The best option is to keep your money in chips or gold/silver bars.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on November 12, 2020, 10:37:43 pm
The best option is to keep your money in chips or gold/silver bars.
TYVM. Yes. Hm.. Wanna tell me that I should buy gold? Didn't pay attn if it sells for same coin as it buys... Yea, I'll do that... In kinda 5 mins;)

Stick to yer guns, Every1
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on November 12, 2020, 11:33:16 pm
I recently had Brainers decide they weren't paid enough so they took additional 500k outta my bank. One of those scripted pop-up window events. If I had my cash stored in goods would it matter? Wouldn't I just go into negative -500k and be in debt? I'm kinda suspicions of the non-dollaros cash method. Not to mention initial unfavorable conversion rates. I just keep a solid chunk of backup money in the socks so the production doesn't come to a halt during such events. 500k was the largest hit thus far, previous were 100k on couple of occasions. basically half-a-mil is 2 days worth of X-Grog production with my ~500 runts give or take. Add loot into the mix and it's pocket change, not worth the hassle of inferior economy role play.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on November 13, 2020, 01:18:12 am
Some of those events are probably scripted to happen more frequently, when you have a lot of cash in the bank, sounds like a perfect reasoning to keep cash in goods, gold and such.
Brainer one probably was "hidden" behind some research, or particular date.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 13, 2020, 08:07:22 am
Uhm... okay... and how checking the graphs will help me? What I need to do after that?

Graphs of score update in real time and can be filtered by region, this lets you know where to look for the culprit. Usually its very slow moving and fairly easy targets.
I recently had Brainers decide they weren't paid enough so they took additional 500k outta my bank. One of those scripted pop-up window events. If I had my cash stored in goods would it matter? Wouldn't I just go into negative -500k and be in debt? I'm kinda suspicions of the non-dollaros cash method.

Negative events will always cost the same amount regardless of funds to hand. However there are several events that key to how much you have in the bank so sitting on large some of cash just invites more losses. Keep in mind that events are rolled/picked at the start of the month, as such its entirely possible that you get multiple events that cost you cash and more then wipe out any cash you had. Trading in for goods not only keeps certain events out of the pool, but keeps a bad luck pileup from ending your run.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on November 13, 2020, 12:32:41 pm
Gottcha, more happy hidden events. Well that's brutal, lol.
Sounds like a good idea to spend most of actual cash before the month rolls over then. Not like me - saving for 6x Hyper-Wave Decoders to build on the 1st to avoid maintenance bill. Although I hoard every unresearched dependency item since day-1. Probably 2x Old Earth Labs worth of stuff for which I have not discovered a purpose yet so I'm good.

I toggle ON every button in graphs, zoom in, and cross reference zonal with country activity. Base presence usually trumps all other peaks as related nearby shipping also raise activity. I send a CONVOY to scout the area: from the Balkans it detected a base in Norway, so pretty large spotting radius. It needs to stay anchored for 2 hours to be able to detect it (from my tests).
Even so I don't think it was enemy base in your case. Seems too early too sudden, unless somehow the base was there for some time with frequent supply missions and whatnot. PIGEON's radar should be able to detect flybys with its huge radar. The only real early-game antidote, followed by CONVOY for the base (infinite fuel basically).
In these forums I also read about some mining ships that linger beyond your radar, land for eternity, and rape your score silently... Sounds like one (or more) of those. I shot down only a couple (I think it was them) in 10 months so far. Never seen a landed one. Maybe just lucky.
Prioritize new bases for continental radar coverage (overcharged radar is a Godsend). After that you can turtle up and play slowly at your own pace. I only check Graphs once a month now but make sure to shoot down every ship my SHARK JETBIKEs can dogfight and survive. Geoscape gets easier at least.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on November 22, 2020, 09:48:45 pm
Ok I will make new start and I will try to get airships as fast as possible to shot down those guys, thanks for advices guys.  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on November 25, 2020, 07:42:23 pm
Does anyone know where I can find Old Versions of XPiratez?
Like for example versions back to B or C or D.

Mainly asking because of Android usage and wanting to play it through without the power features being as much of a necessity. Ive got a phone that will play the modern version but the game has gotten alot more complex and harder to play from a touchscreen. I just want the overall experience.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: corisco on November 27, 2020, 12:50:04 am
How can I access the "DIsruptive Transmissions" quests?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on November 27, 2020, 05:00:34 am
Does anyone know where I can find Old Versions of XPiratez?
Like for example versions back to B or C or D.

They're still on my Mediafire account.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 27, 2020, 11:57:57 pm
How can I access the "DIsruptive Transmissions" quests?

Not sure exactly what you mean, so i was answer expansively. The missions themselves are a time based spawn iirc. To go to the mission you need a craft with space capacity. Most interceptors count. Battery powered craft do not. For an actual easy clear you need a proper space transport like pachyderm or deliverator.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on November 28, 2020, 04:26:33 am
Does anyone know where I can find
the Technocracy datapad or the tome of life?
  I'm in the endgame building up fuel capsules and I'm pretty sure those two are the only avenues I can still research but I'm not exactly sure where they are.  I assume they are either from a rare mission that hasn't spawned yet or rare loot from a mission I've done, but I would like confirmation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on December 01, 2020, 09:06:23 pm
They're still on my Mediafire account.
But, umm, where is that?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 03, 2020, 11:43:57 pm
So, I got this Simulacrum thing assembled and delivered to the HQ Base. Now, what to do with it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 04, 2020, 02:52:26 am
So, I got this Simulacrum thing assembled and delivered to the HQ Base. Now, what to do with it?
From what I've gathered on online pedia, a new option should become available in HANDS screen under Transformation Overview. Creating a Chort by sacrificing your Gal or something. You may or may not need a particular building present (service) in the base where assembled Simulacrum is. Either that or simply a new manufacture option for Chort recruitment.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 04, 2020, 09:39:58 am
TYVM, Nilex, So, take her and the Simulacrum to the Red Mages'...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meza on December 04, 2020, 10:56:29 am
Hello guys! Could you please advice me - where the hell i can get necro pirate or the thing i really need - Longbow Tarnian Arrows?

Got stuck w/o this kind of arrows, can't find solution. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 04, 2020, 02:52:20 pm
Necropirate research seem to be the only way to get them. They are exclusive crew to particular ship very distinctly resembling a WW2 B-17 Flying Fortress (no shipping pedia entry exists for it), flying at low speed of 200. You cannot miss it for anything else. Now if there is a prior research that unlocks B-17 appearing on the globe I don't know. I had about 5 such missions in my 1st year by researching all paths pretty much equally. Sounds like you just got unlucky.

If you are not willing to wait and be in the mercy of RNG there's a way to force the plane appearing of the globe (or easier: edit existing crashed site) by adding/editing appropriate string in appropriate place in the save file. You can extract the string from "Piratez_Factions.rul". I believe it's "STR_MISSION_NECROPIRATE_HUNT" but who knows. It looks like in some cases Necropirates stop appearing altogether after 7th month so save editing might be the only solution.

If I come across them again I could copy+paste the section to include in your own save.

There's is another way by simply marking the arrows as researched (probably) but dunno if that would mark all the right flags that it indeed was properly researched via normal means (dependencies, production, etc.). Might even cause irreversible damage so I wouldn't risk losing more than I'd gain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 04, 2020, 03:03:36 pm
If you are not willing to wait and be in the mercy of RNG there's a way to force the plane appearing of the globe (or easier: edit existing crashed site) by adding/editing appropriate string in appropriate place in the save file. You can extract the string from "Piratez_Factions.rul". I believe it's "STR_MISSION_NECROPIRATE_HUNT" but who knows. It looks like in some cases Necropirates stop appearing altogether after 7th month so save editing might be the only solution.

The Taberna Del Diablo always spawns, so you can't really miss necropirates now, even if you miss these flights.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on December 04, 2020, 05:04:16 pm
I just had that Taberna mission the other day.  It was quite a surprise, and (spoiler, sort of) I couldn't understand why my gals were getting hit with nobody there.  Thank goodness for my Mutant medic!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 05, 2020, 11:30:49 am
So I'm gonna create that horned one. Am very interested in what will ... she? ... be capable of.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on December 07, 2020, 06:24:26 am
yay, superb anew release! thank you all much

still 1little ..notice: 
- New Weapons: More Mines {Fire, Stun, Acid, EMP, WP, .... , PS-Frag,..etc, etc..)

- and yet antitank, such heavy mine

(just stronger and bigg'er 1 than those previously ones)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meza on December 07, 2020, 11:46:42 am
Thx for advice guys! 68 month and i still cant gen any STR_LONGBOW_QUIVER_TARNIAN or that mission - Del Diablo. Just jumped to L6 and trying to add this arrows into my save file - cant exactly understand how to do it.

UPD - it's ok! I've add it to my research list. Show must go on with my ladies!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on December 07, 2020, 10:17:59 pm
I'm kinda  interested in people's experience with nigh missions. I did quite a few various night missions with Shadowbat, and focused on busting gal's Nightingale condemnations and had a rather mixed result. Sometimes it works ok, but often it seems like enemy can spot my gals, sometimes even Lokk'Naars , at ranges they should not be able to do so even when I'm sure they are in the darkness like say on top of Shadowbat wings.

Am i missing some game mechanics, or are there some bugs i don't know or am i just imagining things? How is everyone else doing with night missions? Tactical tips would be appreciated.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on December 07, 2020, 10:23:29 pm
There are enemies who have very good night vision, there are some who have SPOT which is anti-CAMO, some have SENSE and don't require light, or even line of sight and there are some that act like sniper-spotters and can shoot you units from outside of their view range.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 08, 2020, 12:32:17 am
In the original, enemy spotting mechanic was completely unfair to the point it looked harder to code it that way than simply the logical way, how you two described it. For example shooting and hitting enemy unit beyond its visual range makes the shooter visible to everyone on the map for few turns. It may be that your entire squad get spotted as well (can't remember). Some very wonky stuff happens under the hood after the first bullet lands (up until that point it works as expected).

It's hard to say how much of it was dealt with in XPZ but I know for sure some of it is still there. For example enemy lobbing grenades through open roof of my vessel, without direct line of sight or means of detection (not even debatable). But I had shoot at that same enemy previous turn so there you go. There's also subtle AI movement: appearing from nowhere and saving just enough TU to fire and make a run for safety, as if it knew exactly where my Gal was.

Most infamous example was when you got to PSI/MC in the original. Then it became super obvious how broken spotting was. I haven't reached advanced Voodoo stage yet so I can't compare yet but the path leading up to it so far is far less aggravating than in the original. Maybe because accuracy limitations over greater distances discourages AI to even make shoots from afar. Still not begin enough that I would start paying any attention to CAMO values or just plain day/night condition, sorry to say. Great idea in principle but why bother.

If there's any more light to be shed in my direction I'd love to hear it because I'd like to finally incorporate CAMO to complement my crew (Ghost suit is on the horizont). It works so well for the enemy I'm getting reluctant to do otherwise trivial Bogeyman missions. I just learned to deal with it all as it is (mainly via extensive use of quickload lol).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 08, 2020, 01:36:07 am
AI spotting is "broken" in certain ways to make up for player no-LoS abuse (how they lobbing a grenade blind is unfair, if a player can do that too? Well with some scouting maybe, but AI is unable to scout purposefully. Besides, really, how throwing a grenade through the roof of your craft is "broken"? It's the most logical thing to do.
But there are certain rules. Also no-LoS penalty to hit was added, which hampers AI the same way as it hampers the player.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 08, 2020, 03:30:37 am
Just so you know I hope you understand it's not my intention to talk smack about the mod. The guy asking the question looks somewhat disappointed, perhaps even frustrated if you read between the lines, but still made an effort to be polite about it. No better way to reassure them than being openly honest and throw em a bone explaining they're not alone. If they really hate what they hear they'll quit early and no harm done. Although in this case I'd say it would be their loss. There are enough ways to deal with it and frankly, unless you have a lot of time, best left alone. I suspect your hands are largely tied with changing core mechanic anyway.

Now from a philosophical standpoint what you sad about LoS abuse I completely disagree. Enemy has manpower and weapon advantage at all times. Not a small thing. Only thing it lacks in comparison is intelligence. The average player should be allowed to take advantage of that one thing. Let them enjoy the fruits of their labor. Devs often fall into trap of balancing the game for top 1% players, screwing other 99% in the process who just play the game normally. Especially F2P game dev scum, but I don't wanna open old wounds here.
It's gets worse if you drag logic into the equation because then Star Gods nuke your base in February. Always. Something along that line lol. Logic is healthy in right amounts but terrible balancing tool.

In short, spotting is SNAFU. As Star Gods intended. So say we all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 08, 2020, 04:18:47 am
I am not entirelly sure how your examples relate to Piratez; if they do not, you're just saying obvious things. Well, maybe not so obvious to everyone, but obvious to me, because striking balance between discouraging pathological exploits (or you can cynically name it, game experience I do not want to happen as the developer) used by "best" players while not fucking players who just want to have fun, took many many iterations to arrive at this point, and it is an ongoing process still. As for "top" players I have no idea whom you even mean, because that depends on your definition.

Enemy having firepower advantage - this is certainly not true for the most part in XPZ, however does happen in hard missions - especially if you don't expect what will happen and not escalate your means of violence proportionally, or, so to speak, break out the big guns you don't normally use (which is deresively called "gear check", as if getting better gear was not a matter of player's strategy). As for advantage of player in intelligence - yes, one example is that player can abuse automatic doors and AI can't. It doesn't however take much intelligence to do so.

If you think camo is useless because of the fact enemy can spot you - yes, if you hit a "spotter" enemy, communication does get relayed, and your unit stays spotted for a few turns, but I play a lot of nightfighting with the use of camo, and it surely works - just requires, uhm, intelligence to use. The difference is, using camo and darkness is no longer overkill, you need to keep some focus to your formation and possiblity of getting spotted, also some contingencies for the case enemies might still be able to shoot at you (however inaccurately) and hit, instead of just forming firing line, lighting enemy up and keep mashing "end turn" until they all die. You might say, I don't consider "never get your soldiers hurt" as "best gameplay". That is not to say you're in any way worse for ignoring camo - you make your own rules, and play your way as Player One, of course - but dismissing the whole concept while knowing nothing about it is rude.

Yes, my hands are largely tied, but I do propose improvements to the coders, and some of them get implemented. Like the sniper-spotter system ("AI LoS cheat") and no-LoS firing penalty, as well as CQC system, to name just a few things.

I am sorry if my replies seem harsh, but I have to deal with frustrated players on almost daily basis, and with real psychopaths at least twice a year.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on December 08, 2020, 06:51:56 pm
I'm sorry my question caused any discord, it was not intended.

To clarify motive for my question was  a mission I did in L5A2 day before yesterday when two gals of mine got shredded in a night mission by Field Gun ( some 20 to 25 squares away while I believed in both cases they were in position where they should not be visible to any living opponent, and Field Gun itself had night vision of only 15. I assumed it could be a bug or some game mechanic i was unaware of. Now i think they might have been casualties of this "visible for several turns" mechanic.

This mission in addition tom that one Field Gun also had bunch of Stormrat ( and Highwayman ( Can any of those act as a spotters for that Field Gun?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on December 08, 2020, 07:09:52 pm
There is also issue if this was really "night". Very early mornings, or very late evenings are pretty dark visually, but don't count as night for example.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on December 08, 2020, 07:55:30 pm
There is also issue if this was really "night". Very early mornings, or very late evenings are pretty dark visually, but don't count as night for example.

In this specific case it was night for sure because if could not spot distant enemies beyond range of my gal's night vision.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 08, 2020, 08:35:54 pm
Been a victim of day/night confusion myself on several occasions, with that night vision sensitivity setting playing a pivotal role. Would be mighty funny if that turned out to be the case. I settled on "9" and didn't feel the urge to change for a month now.

Can any of those act as a spotters for that Field Gun?
I though so. But now that I think about it not sure if tele-spotting is a thing or the actual unit doing the firing must have its target spotted (in any capacity) to act. Can't remember any example of tele-spotting atm.

Yeah I agree being a public figure sucks these days (years, decades). Hope I don't have to explain why to anyone. Your handling of critique and expectation pressure has been exemplary considering it's just you vs. the masses, not to mention huge toll on your free time. You'll never know how much some of us appreciate that.
As for design philosophy it's not the time or place I feel. Written format lacks subtle ways of conveying thoughts and emotions (and my vocabulary ain't the best) so let's not dig deeper. We know you're doing the best you can and are eternally grateful. The psychos are just ordinary people who got awe-struck by incredible gem that drop into their lap and immediately turned into Gollums. That's the internet for ya - no filter. Highly recommend DILIGAF approach.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 08, 2020, 10:08:08 pm
I SUPPORT Dioxine. Not only as an ex punk and ever a fan of punk music. First and foremost, I support you, Dioxine, for this great mod. You give my free time that extra "OH, HELL, YEAH!"

So it's two of us. Plus thousands. Or you plus thousands plus me. You decide.

Punk is not dead! It never was and won't be.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on December 08, 2020, 10:56:26 pm
I SUPPORT Dioxine. Not only as an ex punk and ever a fan of punk music. First and foremost, I support you, Dioxine, for this great mod. You give my free time that extra "OH, HELL, YEAH!"

So it's two of us. Plus thousands. Or you plus thousands plus me. You decide.

Punk is not dead! It never was and won't be.


I'm with you Alex.  There just seem to be one or two people who want the mod made THEIR way and not the way Dioxine  made it.  I also note that the same people have mentioned they edit their saved games to 'make it better' or some such reason.

I myself wasn't happy with the 'weather' and freshness aspect when it was first used, by now I've changed my mind and like the way you have to consider which protection equipment to take on missions, and which gals to take on 'stressful' missions like the X-Prison.

Dioxine, stick to your guns (ahem) and don't listen to the nay-sayers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 09, 2020, 03:48:55 am
Some of those dirty rats are indeed spotters for the field gun. The highway house is a puzzle about staying out of line of fire of the gun until you can get in range to take it out with your lower tech solutions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 09, 2020, 03:58:46 am
To put it clearly: you get spotted, for a number of turns, if you are seen, or hit an unit with "spotter" tag, units with "sniper" tag MAY act on this knowledge and attack you out of LoS for a number of turns (depending on spotter, usually 1-2, but can be more). If the AI will act on this knowledge, however, is anyone's guess. It often fails to. This is basically the same mechanics that vanilla uses for Psi Attacks and Blaster Launchers, but with extra limitations (like the no-LoS accuracy penalty, which many players however do bitch about).

Weather, freshness, etc, at first always enter the game as unpolished experiments. Later they get tweaked in often very subtle ways, or further mechanics make them less irritating (eg. Freshness really took off the edge of Stun and Energy penalties for dangerous weather, as long as your Freshness is high and you don't stay too long).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on December 09, 2020, 10:52:21 am
The psychos are just ordinary people who got awe-struck by incredible gem that drop into their lap and immediately turned into Gollums. That's the internet for ya - no filter. Highly recommend DILIGAF approach.

No. You don't understand. I mean people who unironically accuse me publicly of being a nazi, a cat murderer, a climate change denier, or are trying to pull some sort of a really underhanded trick.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 10, 2020, 06:51:33 am
More or less I'm aware how the system works. Would rather like if spotting worked a bit differently but I'm too used to it now. Had to help the guy out though, in my own way. Hate seeing the little guy being bullied by the system so excuse little bluntness on my part.

I see exactly what you mean now. It's all too easy to give advice when I'm not your shoes. Best I can provide is sympathy, and a bug report here and there. It's funny because not even two hours ago I downed a certain humanist ship, the one with the jammer, and then I read your post :D. A bold move for sure. Now I respect you even more. Just wait till the proctologist society hears about you, then you'll be in some really deep shit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 16, 2020, 12:29:48 am
I faced a Harbinger of Doom today. It's mission - Demonic Incursion by Dark Ones. "OMG!!!" and I sent at it a Dragon with 2xplasma beam and 2x gatling laser, escorted by a Devastator and two Brave Whalers, all armed with Fusion Balls. So the dogfight begun and the thing was... Blown to pieces after 2 seconds? Really? I reloaded - the same. Once again, this time Dragon only - again, the same. Dragon again, only a gat laser firing - the same. Goddamnit...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 16, 2020, 11:46:50 am
How to read the resistance for items in the Bootypedia?
For example:
RF: Chem 75/50; Choke 75/100.
RF: Mind 80/0.
The first one is the resistance, but what is the second number?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 16, 2020, 05:36:48 pm
The first number is what your base resistance is multiplied by expressed as a percent(the % is omitted to save characters), the second is the floor final resist % you can reach.

So in your choke example your armors resist is multiplied by .75 to a minimum of 100%(most units take base 400% choke).

In the mind example multipled by .80 to a minimum of 05(no damage).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 18, 2020, 01:41:41 pm
So can we actually shoot down a Harbinger of Doom, or not just yet? I'd just love a ground combat against its... Crew.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 18, 2020, 02:05:03 pm
After you first asked I took a look but couldn't find anything explaining why it complete HoD destruction should be happening. Thought maybe it was max HP error (decimal place of something) but nope. Until you figure it out try using single 25mm cannon or Tractor Beam (if they work like described, I dunno yet).
You could also ask the same question on their discord channel ( because it's swarming with activity. Just please drop a solution here coz I got a feeling I'll go through the same thing.

In my first two recent Harbinger of Doom encounters 2x Tractor Beams proved sufficient to force an insta-landing and consequent land battle. HoD as a ship itself is not present on the ground. Also note it stays landed for couple of hours before taking off again, that's how long Tractor Beam effect lasts. HoD is a good source of Barons of Hell, yielding two each time, along with 50 more accompanying Demons of all kinds.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 18, 2020, 09:31:28 pm
After you first asked I took a look but couldn't find anything explaining why it complete HoD destruction should be happening. Thought maybe it was max HP error (decimal place of something) but nope. Until you figure it out try using single 25mm cannon or Tractor Beam (if they work like described, I dunno yet).
You could also ask the same question on their discord channel ( because it's swarming with activity. Just please drop a solution here coz I got a feeling I'll go through the same thing.
Yea, I had the same prob with this Science Vessel, and now it behaves normally. A 25mm? Long past times, that. My weakest gun a Tesla Cannon now. I have two Big Game Hunter Wings, each consisted of 1 Devastator and 2 Whalers, all armed with Fusion Balls. And there's a Dragon, a Swordfish, a Hawk plus some 6 or 7 Sabres. I know, someone'd say: OMG, but believe me, more than once did my crafts shoot down a Battleship, and another big one popped up while they were rearming/repairing. So I just made two Airbases and voila - always ready:)
So, if this HoD thing happens again, I'd contact the Discord. TYVM for advice.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 18, 2020, 11:10:06 pm
Suggested 25mm because of it deals lowest damage so it may not overkill the target (seems bugged judging from your experience as stats don't add up). I kinda have same problem with Sky Ninjas (complete destruction) but really cba to switch to 25mm just to accommodate their rare appearance. Now that I think about it, my Fortuna is a good candidate for that experiment. She gonna turn 1 in a month and never seen combat. That's the jolt I needed so thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 18, 2020, 11:20:28 pm
I think I read somewhere the Harbinger of Doom is supposed to blow up because a tactical battle crashed the game.
The same thing was with TWoTS
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 19, 2020, 05:23:28 pm
So it lives up to its name. Alright thank you, I'll keep that in mind.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 19, 2020, 06:36:16 pm
I think I read somewhere the Harbinger of Doom is supposed to blow up because a tactical battle crashed the game.
The same thing was with TWoTS
Yes, I think you're right. Happened again today, only 1 Tesla firing at the time. And it took cca 80 shots... To blow it to pieces, richtig:( So that 25mm wouldn't work.
And what's this TWoTS?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 20, 2020, 02:56:33 am
The World of Terrifying Silence, it's a TFTD mod.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 20, 2020, 06:21:41 pm
Another question: how do I get the scented message? I'm currently on L3.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 20, 2020, 10:47:10 pm
I believe it's given to you by one of those rare scripted events. It gets triggered in the following month after you research Cloaking Device or something like that (not 100% sure). I know you have to choose Codex and advance in that field to reach this event.

I was in same boat as you but with VooDoo Initiation. Waiting nearly made me make a post but then it unlocked by itself outta the blue. It happened at the end of the following month, nearly 2 months apart from its Seek out the Desert Witch prerequisite so yeah. There are handful of such events and you just gotta research stuff trying not to leave any branches left behind, that way new things keep coming at a steady pace so you don't even notice these bottlenecks. I made it worse for myself by artificially controlling complexity by not unlocking too many stuff at once (Codex and VooDoo both included).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 20, 2020, 11:28:33 pm
I've already researched quite a bit. I'm a few researches away of unlocking Higher studies. Maybe it's something in the magic area? Haven't done that much yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 21, 2020, 01:22:21 am
What difficulty you play on? Easiest one has significant amount of content cut.

It's strange you got that far without getting Scented Message ( Investigate the link and search "Bloom" there. Then research all available related subjects, one of them will surely trigger it (but you won't know until it happens). I think it's related to Lokk'Naar stuff probably.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 22, 2020, 08:26:53 pm
Sorry, Amigo, not even the Conquistadores made it past this one, comprendes, si?
Si... O no...

So, ahem, I built the CONQUERROROROROROR,
In olde TFTD, our Leviatan could go to T'Leth, there was a button fer that.

But how do I go to Mars with this Giant Fancy Shmancy Metal Banana? I didn't build Zubrin. Need I?
Or do I just do a hugga mugga shugga dance from Okha the Caveman time?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 23, 2020, 06:59:49 am
You do it the same way you did it with the Avenger and Leviathan: Select the Conqueror for interception, and then press the Cydonia button at the top.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 23, 2020, 09:46:55 am
Yea, TYVM.
Would the victory at Cydonia end the game?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 23, 2020, 11:01:24 am
What difficulty you play on? Easiest one has significant amount of content cut.

It's strange you got that far without getting Scented Message ( Investigate the link and search "Bloom" there. Then research all available related subjects, one of them will surely trigger it (but you won't know until it happens). I think it's related to Lokk'Naar stuff probably.

No, I don't have the easiest difficulty.
I haven't unlocked Underground missions. Could that be it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 23, 2020, 11:18:06 am
Think so. They yield Lokk'Naar/magic stuff (and L'N are just small enough to do the missions anyway), which in turn unlock more related research paths. For lack of better insight I'd go with those. I wish there was some kind of way to tell which missions reward what items and where rare items can be gotten from, if not from in-game then via some community made list.

Speaking of rare items, anyone knows where Captive Maiden can be found, and what triggers Scented Message 2?

Found both, described in own post bellow (,5345.msg134983.html#msg134983)).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on December 23, 2020, 05:30:27 pm
What exactly is the point of the city raid missions?
Is it just a terrorist attack for infamy... the descriptive text says its time to loot the place but there are 0 items on the map to grab.
I generally do not maintain a healthy S/S or Lokknarr stock so its like 2-3 guys max going in there with trench guns and blowing everybody away. Boom fruits for the cops.

Also whats the "mystery box"? Its generated by a knock-knock event, but unlike prepper boxes theres no research option for it and there's no extraction manufacture option. Should I just sell it? (Its worth 777K...)

And... Ive got a HUGE number of casino tokens above and beyond the iron coupon but I have no way to redeem them. Like crazy amounts of titanium, tritanium, like even 23 neutreno level ones. When the hell do you get to trade those in? I need the money so if its gonna be a long time ill just sell them.

(Im about 14 months in)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 23, 2020, 05:56:35 pm
For the casino tokens you need to build a casino to be able to redeem them.

I don't get the city raid missions either. Maybe to capture allot of enemies?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 23, 2020, 05:59:35 pm
Speaking of rare items, anyone knows where Captive Maiden can be found, and what triggers Scented Message 2?

I got the Captive Maiden because I have the Mystery Patron unlocked. Can't remember where I got here.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 23, 2020, 08:36:17 pm
To be able to research Mystery Box you need to have "Pers. Study" service (provided by Personal Labs or Study Room) in the same base. Casinos are PITA to build (because drastic Red Chip shortage, which I had to solve with a Mint) but are great to offset accumulated mid-game maintenance expenses. I build two and can now afford to skip a lot of missions and still earn money just from research/salves/casinos/protection. Man I gotta say - I love slaves. Totally understand Yanks now after playing XPZ so much. The whole gambling mechanic on the other hand eludes my interest. Too much junk, even for save scumming. Unless you really need to fill item/research gaps I'd sell those coupons and forget about em (take a good look b4 doing so).

Thanks anyway. Searchable internet doesn't know either.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on December 23, 2020, 10:48:58 pm
You can get captive maidens from demonic sacrifices missions, which you learn about after researching the shadow lamp which is gotten from roaming bogeymen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 24, 2020, 07:50:34 am
Oh thanks man. I've done so one or two months ago (in-game) so I just gotta wait and get lucky.

Regarding Scented Message 2, a fairly recent reddit post ( says Nuclear-Powered Lasers research triggers it. To get there Siberia Base must be completed for one particular loot item. If that's true then I've yet to discover the Bloom-Nuclear Lasers connection. So far I've researched nearly 95% pre-School Graduation stuff and I'm kinda setting up opening the Pandora's Box.

Just got Scented Message 2. It wasn't Laser related as suspected. I now think it's triggered by completing EuroSyndicate mission to kill a bunch of mutants (costed me negative 2000 infamy, son of a...). Soon after that (same month, few days after) I got the message. Seems like a logical conclusion considering what else SM2 unlocks, by looking at tech tree. Also seems wise to be prepared to quickly rush Zero Tolerance to Zero Tolerance and beyond, to stop such infamy punishing missions appearing in the future (only a guess at this point).

Found Captive Maiden too (along with several other captive types, incl. Castaway Gal) on a !Demonic Sacrifices! mission, but this one was in a desert area unlike all those before in underground caves. Despite starting the mission in day with Sun high above, it was considered night for some reason. Lots of Boogeymen and Disciples/Sadists of Apocalypse. Sadist was a 1st timer for me as well, despite just starting my 3rd in-game year.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 24, 2020, 02:40:33 pm
Hey, I see there's a NEW VSRSION out:)
Great, me and Roxanna wanna kill sum.

Who's Roxana?

They call this Roksana here:)

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 24, 2020, 03:39:16 pm
You can get captive maidens from demonic sacrifices missions, which you learn about after researching the shadow lamp which is gotten from roaming bogeymen.

I think you need to be lucky for a roaming bogeymen. They don't happen allot and when they do it's a small change you don't blow them up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on December 24, 2020, 09:39:45 pm
I'm having issue deducing how voodoo training works. Voodoo school ( seems to provide voodoo skill improvements only to gals that already have some ranks in voodoo skill, other gals don't seem to get any benefit form them.

In previous version (older then L6)  I had some success leveling vodoo skill with Seductress ( outfit using Powers of Seduction (, but recently it does not seem to provide any to voodoo skill experience, ad lest not to gals with 0 voodoo skill. Same issue I have observed with usual early access voodoo weapons (Wand of Airlessness (, Wand of Firebolts (, Cobra Staff ( that also don't seem provide any training for voodoo skills of gals that have 0 voodoo skill to begin with. 

Anyhow I would appreciate any explanation as to what is happening with voodoo skill training and how it actually works.

Edit: After some more testing I got instance where Powers of Seduction increased voodoo skill of a gal with voodoo skill at 0. It seems previously I had long string of bad XP rolls that made me think Powers of Seduction no longer gives voodoo skill experience.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on December 25, 2020, 06:10:35 pm
PPL, u better get switched to the newest one presto. It-kicks-ASS!

So, will we finally gave a chance to use those tiny gunz from the Market of Wishing in this newest version?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on December 25, 2020, 10:59:27 pm
To be able to research Mystery Box you need to have "Pers. Study" service (provided by Personal Labs or Study Room) in the same base. Casinos are PITA to build (because drastic Red Chip shortage, which I had to solve with a Mint)
Had the extra labs thing, but it still wasn't there.
Also a red chips shortage? Personally ive got an enormous amount of them and theyre hard to sell. Because I Ex: Money Purse and Bag Of Cash to get blue chips to play. I often have to sell down thousands of red chips at a time.

And yeah I make an absolute fortune off dumping blue chips into the slot machine. Ive had more Zortium and Neutronium coupons come up than a statistical pirate can count. And I dont think it came muchfrom the copper or iron coupon redemptions either.

Would you believe I made it to month 18 without researching the Hideout Search Orders? I only just noticed because I hit another ambulance and it was still generating that item. Maybe thats why the GDX prison hasn't spawned yet. Is the prison necessary for something or can I just skip the Dr. X plot arc?   I wanna get rid of my airvan.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Darkseedx on December 26, 2020, 12:15:57 am
Those circles when you build a new hideout are they possible radar ranges because I cannot figure out how to get to the 5th circle.

Is the Hyperwave decoder the last radar?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on December 26, 2020, 09:36:20 am
I think voodoo skill is not trained with the school. You only see progress you made during tactical battles.
Anyone who used voodoo for the first time will get their voodoo skill revealed which is the initial +40 you sometimes see in the school.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 26, 2020, 11:02:00 am
I believe the X-prison is its own separate branch, not necessary for endgame. But it's a pretty cool story line and gives you various decent items depending on choice. The battle with Dr.X is also pretty original. Btw for Casino you need just under 8k red coins. I might have accumulated enough to build one had I extracted every single treasure item but after a while I lost interest and opted to directly sell for pure cash. Btw you can transform one $50 000 Obsidian Chip into 225 million worth of Red Chips with the Mint but the labor is so intensive you'd likely finish the game before even one transformation is complete (just my impression).

circles are possible radars, yes. 5th circle tech you get via later bounty prize (Alenium, from Goblin Zaxx). New radar does not provide Hyperwave functionality sadly, just regular radar but at max possible range currently and its own little set of pros and cons. One could build both and sacrifice one plot space but so far I'm sticking with HW only. I pretty much have all but 90% of the Pacific covered and no need for more coverage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on December 26, 2020, 11:49:12 am
I think voodoo skill is not trained with the school. You only see progress you made during tactical battles.
Anyone who used voodoo for the first time will get their voodoo skill revealed which is the initial +40 you sometimes see in the school.

I'm fairly certain that voodoo school does train voodoo skill, but only for gals that have ad least some points in voodoo skill to begin with. From what I have observed gals with 0 voodoo skill stay at 0 indefinitely regardless of the time spent in voodoo school, but gals that  have voodoo skill > 0 gain more voodoo skill  even when I don't take them on any missions and they just sit in a base.

I'm not sure if this is undocumented but intended feature or if it is a bug, and if it was always so or if it was introduced only in recent patches. I certainly can't find anything in or Dioxin's patch notes that would exsplane what i can see game doing with voodoo skill training.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on December 26, 2020, 02:57:01 pm
How i wCould even beat that Silver Towers Ship ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on December 26, 2020, 03:40:32 pm
Someone with exact same problem mentioned using anti-shield missiles (Medusa I guess) to take down its shields proved successful. I just encountered my first one and had to let him go because I was totally unprepared. It easily took down my 4x2 LasCannon armed Nightmares. Even by savescumming the fight itself I couldn't penetrate the shields.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on December 26, 2020, 06:41:55 pm
To correct my earlier post after some more testing I got instance where Powers of Seduction increased voodoo skill of a gal with voodoo skill at 0. It seems previously I had long string of bad XP rolls that made me think Powers of Seduction no longer gives voodoo skill experience.

TL-DR: Can confirm Seductress outfit still useful for training voodoo skill.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on December 26, 2020, 11:20:18 pm
How wCould i even beat that Silver Towers Ship ?
Its not a balanced encounter. Its kinda like a persona game bonus boss, pretty much a easter egg deal. Ive heard you have to use as much anti-shield stuff as you can and even then you'll probably have to reload the battle several times until you get high dice rolls on the damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 31, 2020, 01:57:12 am
Those circles when you build a new hideout are they possible radar ranges because I cannot figure out how to get to the 5th circle.

Is the Hyperwave decoder the last radar?

There is one further special kind, but it lacks the decoder function in exchange for large range and other base functions. It requires specially obtained resources so dont expect to have many.

I'm fairly certain that voodoo school does train voodoo skill, but only for gals that have ad least some points in voodoo skill to begin with. From what I have observed gals with 0 voodoo skill stay at 0 indefinitely regardless of the time spent in voodoo school, but gals that  have voodoo skill > 0 gain more voodoo skill  even when I don't take them on any missions and they just sit in a base.

I'm not sure if this is undocumented but intended feature or if it is a bug, and if it was always so or if it was introduced only in recent patches. I certainly can't find anything in or Dioxin's patch notes that would exsplane what i can see game doing with voodoo skill training.

School does train skill, the weirdness described is a symptom of the optional advanced setting "Psionic training at any time". If you have this option disabled a unit must be in training for a full calendar month(1st to 1st) to get any benefits as was the case in vanilla Xcom. With it enabled you only need a month of consecutive days rather then being forced to conform to the calendar.

Psi training is a special case in that when you start the process it gives the unit a big chunk of negative XP which is then erased over the month at which point the unit is set to full XP possible. It functions like this so that every unit will always receive maximum benefit regardless of stats on entry or unit type, and still always takes the full months time regardless of option setting.

Its not a balanced encounter. Its kinda like a persona game bonus boss, pretty much a easter egg deal. Ive heard you have to use as much anti-shield stuff as you can and even then you'll probably have to reload the battle several times until you get high dice rolls on the damage.

Silver towers is defiantly a Boss Battle. It intended as a means of last resort to have a shot a a Star God VIP and from him the Star God code key for Cydonia. You need as many Tesla cannons as you can get on target at once(Sabers with x4 are a good pick), and then a secondary means once the shield is down.
Medusas can help but you can't pack nuff to break the shield due to its hefty in battle regen rate. There is no combination of craft that can load nuff Medusas to break the shield in one sortie and still have ammo for the hull.

Conventional wisdom is to ignore them and get the key from one of the other routes. Star god base, Star god Crackdowns, and Rare version of the "Falcon" smuggler, all provide an shot at the code key. If none of these have happened you can build up for a towers encounter specifically to end the game sooner since towers are more frequent in the late game then any of the other routes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on December 31, 2020, 01:01:57 pm
Psi training is a special case in that when you start the process it gives the unit a big chunk of negative XP which is then erased over the month at which point the unit is set to full XP possible. It functions like this so that every unit will always receive maximum benefit regardless of stats on entry or unit type, and still always takes the full months time regardless of option setting.

TY for the explanation Legionof1. You are a treasure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thomas the train on January 01, 2021, 03:59:47 am
So i've tried googling this and the search function on this forum brought up lots of things about the research itself.   I might be searching with the wrong term.

But What exactly does choosing a Man's touch lock you out of?    I saw an older post say that it just locks you out of directly recruiting Gals/stronger versions of Gals (And in return Gals are superior just locked you out of a bit of hiring men). 

Looking at the tech tree a bit more there's various super woman upgrades, does choosing a man's touch lock you out of that as well?    Will i get different building modules and such depending on route, or is it mostly the same just instead of directly recruiting Gals i have to rely on RNG and rescuing/kidnapping them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 01, 2021, 10:28:55 pm
I was stuck investigating and deciding the same thing for quite some time. As a completionist it's a nightmare scenario. To get the most out of the choice picks Gals, that's the short answer. It locks out fewest things and Slave Soldiers can be recruited in heaps bit later on so it doesn't feel like a wrong choice. The only thing I can remember choosing Gals disables is TRUCKS vessel along with few SS specific research and some goodies. Nothing to worry about as Gals got you covered with superior alternatives. The choice I guess is intended as bragging rights as it increases difficulty (I'd say tedium) in addition to one you started with. Gals can be recruited via Men path too but only at fraction (around 1 per month) of regular speed (unlimited basically). Will they still have super upgrades available I don't know, sorry.

If you wish to really go in-depth I suggest thoroughly investigating ?We Need Male Touch? ( to see what leads/disables what, as I'm sure nobody is crazy enough to keep an up-to-date list. Online BootyPedia is up-to-date however as it's auto-updated when new patch deploys, so it's an accurate source albeit an involved one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 02, 2021, 01:57:35 am
The male path only locks out the first 2 tiers of buyable gals, hands and warriors. So it while it may be delayed and more expensive you still end up with unlimited gals in the long run. Even early on you have plenty of presented chances to get more gals from events and early encounters like gal distress calls, red lantern villa, ect. Also Glamor recruitment and freaks remain unaltered, so even so your not completely locked out of buys. 

Given how sturdy the gals tend to be, careful play leads to very few deaths of there kind. Lots of injury time can become a problem because the pool of gals can be limited, but you can always sub in the more expendable SS and peasants. SS and peasants are not actually bad units, merely vanilla xcom agent level, gals just happen to be superhuman in a world with a very small fraction of superhuman opponents.

As far as gear lockouts, those are very minimal, Male route misses out on one mid game flying armor which some people swear by for a certain set of encounters. In compensation they get Trucks craft, an extra training for SS. All the other differences are just tech order timeing, Some things are lower teir for male then gals like operator armor for SS.

At least at present you end up in much the same place regardless of route once your out of say the first 18 months or so. That may change someday but it will be a very slow process, late game. and major choices are like 5% or less complete.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 04, 2021, 12:11:54 am
Does anyone know where I can find the Technocracy datapad or the tome of life?
I was on the lookout ever since you posted but then forgot where you posted it I so I couldn't answer you back...

Technocracy Datapad #1 is found on a downed HK-117. Mission itself is easy but the air battle was quite hard when I first encountered it. I waited until Lascannons since I hate using missiles. Following research leads to stoppage of further missile attacks altogether but since they're tied to datapad research one shouldn't be able to lock oneself out. Kinda surprising you missed it (maybe item generation is too RNG) since missile attacks and preceding HK-117 patrols were abundant AF. Thank God they can be disabled forever!

Tome of Life I have yet to find. Will dump the update here when I do. UPDATE: It is found on 3rd stage of Winter Palace assault (currently final part of Aurora's Plot set of missions). This could be a 1-time-only mission after you beat 2nd stage, and 3rd stage is optional even, potentially locking you out. Btw 3rd stage would easily be the worst mission ever designed (of all games) had OXCE's AI algorithm wouldn't actively seek you out. ToL better be f-ing worth it!

Far too late for you in particular so I'm only answering coz question is bound to come up again and this forum has good enough search function to spit this answer out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on January 04, 2021, 04:20:27 pm
Hmm, HK-117 was introduced since L6. Any idea where Technocracy Datapad #1 is found in earlier versions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 04, 2021, 05:09:57 pm
Uh, no idea sorry. Wasn't even aware of that. And who is to say it won't change further down the line.
Anyway item string is "STR_TEC_044" if you, via save edit, wanna add it to base storage for research (recommended) or into already researched list.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 04, 2021, 11:33:18 pm
I chose Men and what im basically seeing here is it lets you relax somewhat and Zerg Rush missions with slave soldiers if you dont care about them dying... and because of their limited health any wounded will not have too long to recover. The crusader armor also gives them like 30ish Armor so they can take a hit or two and might shake it off just like gals do. Also remember there are Accurate weapons like the Scoped Carbine+EP rounds, Commando Rifle, and dudes are just as dangerous with Grenades as anybody else. And grenades only weigh 3-4 pounds, its not a 20-40 pound gun... imagine 10 guys loaded with Grenade Launchers/WP and Hellerium Grenades... glass hammers are still hammers.

You can make slave soldiers from Slaves too, you can make lots of them and then just ship them off to the Hot Tub base so they can steadily cook up their stats. Its definitely an Attack Dogs sorta option.

I haven't exactly been doing this because I threw a BUNCH of money into Freaks since theyre the only ones who can wear certain armor types (Ghost, im looking at You). And ive got a stock of Lokknarrs that I keep around. If I need suicide bombers with timed baby nukes im definitely enlisting the 'Soldiers though. They could at least have a chance to get it to where it needs to go, the goblin girls will just get shot down in the street.

What im not doing is investing anything into peasants. Im losing some missions I cant participate in but thats just how it is.


One thing im really doing anymore is LIMITING the size of my deployments, like just 2-3 top notch Hands, it takes longer to finish the missions Turnwise but each Turn is shorter. Some exceptions like Mansions and pogroms possibly but im even considering a 4 Gal load with an armored car for pogroms, and I can take down a Mansion with 8 easily (since the girl on the roof can show me where the guard stacks are).

I might even take 4 gals to a Mansion just to sweep it for treasure chests and money bags (still havent found where those uranium briefcases are though).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 05, 2021, 03:43:15 am
I might even take 4 gals to a Mansion just to sweep it for treasure chests and money bags (still haven't found where those uranium briefcases are though).

Lower most tunnel level, but not every mansion has em do to random generation. Look for tiny dead end rooms near longer straight passages
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 05, 2021, 12:00:30 pm
To Dioxine and team: TYVM, brothers and sisters. YOU RULE.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 06, 2021, 06:11:30 am
Something is happening that statistically shouldn't be possible...

Been trying to defeat a 250 blue shield with 2x 0-200 plasma weapons (HPA within power drop-off range, full damage to blue shield) for who knows how long (over 50 tries). Chance for success is around 38% so that's 3-4 tries. Let's assume that inherit HPA 2x 0-100 dice roll lowers it to 20% at worst. That's 4-6 tries. Defo not 50+ (and fekking counting). Could somebody please explain wtf is happening here? Even I can't be this unlucky.
Only potential cause why 0-400 can't defeat 250 I can see is undocumented resistance of Blue Shield to plasma. Wording of last paragraph by iffy double usage of "normal" with different context causes slight confusion.

If anyone is willing to test: attached save loads the prepped shooter, second shooter is 2 squares north, both with over 100% accuracy. Should be child's play.

debug mode ftw
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 07, 2021, 08:46:29 am

I think this may be a case of deceptive power decay, you may in fact be outside the 16 dropoff from the positions in the save. Distance is in truth counted in voxels and abstracted to tiles for player ease of use. There are x voxels per tile but the shot counts the path traveled which is a dithering mess as you approach diagonal to the grid.

I cheated with debug to warp more shooters into those spots and only got through after 4 shots about 5% of the time. From the other side of craft i got through much more often.

I will also point out that your odds are flawed. To get 2 shots with a median of 100 dmg to do 250 dmg between them you need both shots in the 25th percentile or higher. The odds of that are 25% x 25%=6.25% And that with an even distribution. 2 dice per dmg roll, means it in fact requires 25th percentile result X4 or .39%.

50 tries at .39% all failing sounds perfectly plausible to me. And that if dither drop off isn't happening, cant check that with out hacking rangefinders into the save, and battle saves are heinously hard to edit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 07, 2021, 10:27:19 am
I feared Hovertank's armor resistance was mistakenly applied to its armor but the voxel thingy explains it. Both were near diagonal shots (NE -> SW). So I guess pressing ALT during aiming does not take voxel precision into account, just regular squares. In my case ALT showed drop-off starting 4-5 squares beyond the target square. This scenario pissed me off so bad I had to stop for the day, then pulled up debug the next day to give 1st shooter an extra shot (CTRL+W'd him back and forth to fill his TUs). Interestingly, on the 1st try, 3 shoots were enough to shut down his voxel shields (yeah that's how I'm callin em now). Mercs lobbing grenades from across the map like cartoon characters, with their cheato-vision, hardly helped keeping me calm. Hate um.

Appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me. It's clear now no need to dwell/hack deeper on my account.

I admit to eyeballing the odds. Had I done it I probably wouldn't post. It's crazy how couple of extra rolls lower the chances. But it's 2% not .39% (37.5th percentile not 25th as 4x62.5=250). I just got lucky by saying 50 tries. Well within acceptable save/load range for me btw :). Anyway shields should have dropped about 3 times from my tests but as they didn't I conclude it's the voxels.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on January 08, 2021, 01:37:42 am
I think I was mistaken. HK-117 is also in L3. It was introduced in L1. So the Technocracy Datapad #1 comes from there. It is triggered by "Storm is coming" which is an event that comes after The Red Menace.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on January 08, 2021, 12:36:09 pm
Are there any good ways to acquire an arc welder, ideally before Back to School?  It's blocking all vessel construction.

I saw you can get it by researching engineers, but they're fairly rare and can give so many different things when you research them that the odds seem bad that way.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on January 08, 2021, 04:55:07 pm
When I have a research like that I usually research other stuff so it limits the list of things and then save research the engineer when only 1 thing is left on the list.
There is also Humanist Files which gives Arc welder but that's after Back to School.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 08, 2021, 05:07:39 pm
Can't remember if it's also a lootable item from a mission (maybe bases?) but yeah early game engineers look like your best bet, even if it doesn't seem so. I do remember grinding all kinds of civilians (not as bad as it sounds) to reduce pool of available research results from rarer types. Even delaying researching rares is an option if prison space allows.
With this approach only bottle necks I ever got were from event items given by research triggers I avoided (expanding those *!mission types!* until I felt ready). In hindsight there was no reason to fear. But prison space man... that's an enemy lasting well into the late game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 08, 2021, 08:53:23 pm
Arc welder is in the get one free list for almost all factions versions of engineers, it can also be found as drops in guild warehouse from the warehouse wars unlock. Also the varaint of the medium ufo that also carries industrial scanners IIRC
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 09, 2021, 12:27:45 am
Which establishments provide the "study" function, except the
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 09, 2021, 03:11:21 am
personal labs and study room provide this service.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 09, 2021, 01:24:06 pm
TNX. Man, i just love this one. Especially the melee and brawling - fits right with the pirates, or what?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 10, 2021, 12:29:19 pm
Would YOU go against the Mercs with Automatic Harpoon Guns loaded with poison ammo and with Bows with poisonous arrows? IRRC, all the Mercs are BIO killable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 10, 2021, 08:55:30 pm
Sounds like it should work. I was too focused on increasing firepower of my underwater team that I completely missed using AHG for anything else. My weapon of choice against Mercs was plain ol' Laser (Adv. Lasgun & Heavy) and then Heavy Particle Accelerator (capable of one-shooting Commandos), with couple of heavy penetrators for occasional Hovertank (you'll need something for 250 blue shielding first). After your insight I'd still go with Lasers just because they seem to perform similarly while avoiding shuffling soldier's equipment every time as Laser is universally usable.
When I was all done with Mercs (for research & synth mesh) I conveniently discovered a 60 BIO grenade. I suppose it's insta-merc-kill but in my case arrived far too late. Now I just down Merc ships only to completely ignore them, having access to synth mesh manufacture, unless a secret base mission appears where I do one ground battle just to offset negative infamy score from their shipping.

Bows? Lol, who uses bows anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 12, 2021, 10:13:31 pm
Compact Carbine, Marsec Lasgun & Heavy shotgun AP shells aren't yet implemented as loot, are they? First two are fully functional bottlenecks atm. Was about ask for their IDs to put on my Brainers' desks for research when I got wind to search them for myself and what do you know found em I did:

STR_COMPACT_CARBINE (unimplemented as loot as of L6, rule or save file edit required)
STR_MARSEC_LASGUN (Viper Fighter - 50/50 chance of crash/destruction, determined at 1st of month or ship spawn)
STR_SHOTGUN_PA_SLUGS_AP (!Highway House! and !Mansion Invasions!)

Put them in Hideout storage for research if you don't want to wait for a patch (under desired Hideout "items:" section in save file). Don't forget to add ": 1" for quantity, and be careful with sensitive formatting as well (best to copy/paste existing entry above or bellow and just rename it).

Added possible spawn locations in brackets next to IDs. Even after appropriate mission spawns the loot soldiers carry is taken for a sizable pool of possibilities so there's only a 20% chance for each item, for that one rank of soldier that receives said equipment pool. This explain why I wasn't getting the latter two well into my 3rd in-game year! Still waiting on those AP shells, fml.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 13, 2021, 12:03:14 am
Marsec lasguns and heavy shotgun AP shells do exist.  I'll concede the compact carbine though, no enemy seems to use it and its description suggests that the item itself shouldn't be needed but who knows.

You want something that really doesn't exist?  Try finding a homing RPG.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 13, 2021, 01:24:03 am
Hm looks like I have indeed yet to encounter Marsec Colonial Marine who I'd guess wields the elusive lasgun (needed for AP lasers). AP shells aren't really needed for anything but I thought to fill a research gap along with the others. But thanks to your input I'll exercise patience until the two appear as natural loot. Carbine is a requirement for Hassan's Most Demanding Customer so I'll have to edit it in.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on January 13, 2021, 03:01:43 pm
I found the Marsec Colonial Marine on the Viper Fighter. It's a bit harder to shoot down but not too difficult.
Most of the harder to shoot down ufo's contain items that advances your research like Implosion Bomb Launcher.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 14, 2021, 01:26:49 am
Viper fighters guarantee implosion bombs as, unlike with bombers, the weapon isn't located in the engine room so it still drops even if the engine blows.  As viper fighters only show up in the late game, they're there to alleviate another potential RNG block.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 14, 2021, 04:58:10 am
For Nilex's benefit since he chooses not to be on discord. The compact carbine not existing is a big for sure, most likely in that it failed to make it into the loadouts/maps. I think it was intended to be in the new small raider camp map.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 14, 2021, 08:15:33 am
I lurk there from time to time, not a total caveman :) (disposable account ofc)
It's a useful source of exclusive hotfixes, avoiding duplicate bug reports, and for various info. That's actually how I found out about CC but wrongly assumed same for other two items. Its search function is decent enough for what it is. Thanks for letting me know though, I reckon it'll get fixed if not already. I still also need Golden Rifle to fully unlock Hassan so if patched CC doesn't appear by the time I find Goldie, into the savefile it goes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 16, 2021, 02:04:19 am
So what exactly is the point of the PARTY?
Im seriously surprised I survived it at all, got killed off once and had to reload an auto-geo save.
There's no crazy loot. There is a silver lining that I got a bunch of recruitable raiders (though my gullet is full of gals frankly). Is this a Recurring mission or a one-timer?

(It really sounds like your Piratez have gotten lured into an ambush using a fake party as a lure to draw them out in the open. But there's no Guns sitting around with your name on them, the molotovs and enviro are the only actual dangerous thing there).

Also I clearly remember Ninja gals being recruitable but in this vers/playthrough I cant seem to find the option. Also cant find the Goblin Rokkits either.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 16, 2021, 02:30:10 am
Don't think there's a point per se, just a low risk / low reward mission. I do them to train melee and maybe get some slaves (I'm slowly phasing out storage facilities to replace them with other buildings). Type of enemies seem to vary greatly so I had Boogeymen in most recent one (okay-ish for demon essence I guess). It's usually over in 2-3 short turns so why not.
Btw, Signet Rings you are selling in your screeny become useful source of Wiz Biz tokens later on so they are worth keeping. Unless you are already past that point (although presently Wiz Biz is WIP so its tokens will become useful in the future I presume).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 16, 2021, 04:26:47 am
The party is a mission with a absurdly high variance. Not only do you have a wide array of possible foes, your own units get bonked with the RNG stick too(not all dresses are equal). But it's short, decently rewarding, and requires no gear. So unlike a normal map you could just throw 6 fresh hires in a new craft with no gear and still get a decent return. Downside is all in the RNG risk.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 16, 2021, 12:14:17 pm
Next time smb asks you what to play and enjoy it 4 real, send 'em here. OMG, this sooo rocKS!
And yes,
ATTN: Nilex:
I use bows to a quite a success, you should try those too:)

All the best to all the bros and siss here!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on January 16, 2021, 01:28:32 pm
From what I observed Paty missions tend to produce a lot of glamor and are worth doing just for that. Also they are quite easy as long as you bring gals with decent unarmed melee capabilities.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 16, 2021, 07:17:02 pm
The party is a mission with a absurdly high variance. Not only do you have a wide array of possible foes, your own units get bonked with the RNG stick too(not all dresses are equal). But it's short, decently rewarding, and requires no gear. So unlike a normal map you could just throw 6 fresh hires in a new craft with no gear and still get a decent return. Downside is all in the RNG risk.
Yeah but this is Year 3 and its the first time its come up. Also I sincerely think "Stealthy" gear should be available and it doesn't make sense for seasoned gals to go anywhere unarmed where they could get bagged.

Decent unarmed?
I had to bring Melee 120+ to survive. Thats not decent its mega tier.

And as for Glamour I lost 250 of it by starting a Glamour Recruitment and then cancelling. Thats a nasty oversight for Dioxine to fix on the refund (zero runt hours put into the proj, it was sitting off to the side). Didn't think resources were committed until at least 1 runt hour was put into it.
But other than White Dragon or Glamour Recruitment it doesn't look like Glamour is all that useful.

But about the signet rings I didn't know that. However I dont see how I can get the Wiz Biz bounty hunting connected because theres been zero options show up for it, ive never broken into Wiz Biz in any of my other playthroughs either. I didn't think it was an open tech branch at this point. Ive got the White Dragon guy as a contact but all he does is eat everyone else's tokens.

It seems the Silver Badge recently became available (B missions) but I haven't bought it yet because I havent done the Challenge mission, and all of those look like infiltration stuff I dont want to do (ill nevrr ve doing the ret dungeon).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 16, 2021, 10:35:26 pm
Also cant find the Goblin Rokkits either.

Those stopped being a thing several versions ago, I guess no one found them useful.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 16, 2021, 10:49:04 pm
And as for Glamour I lost 250 of it by starting a Glamour Recruitment and then cancelling. Thats a nasty oversight for Dioxine to fix on the refund (zero runt hours put into the proj, it was sitting off to the side). Didn't think resources were committed until at least 1 runt hour was put into it.
But other than White Dragon or Glamour Recruitment it doesn't look like Glamour is all that useful.
Not an oversight persay, just how the engine works. Every jobs resources for a single production run are committed(and lost if canceled) from the moment you put the job in the queue. You can make special protection on items to ensure refund, but then it always protects them from every job. So it works okay for tiny drill, but less well for a currency resource.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 17, 2021, 02:36:01 am
per se
I got close enuff, lol.

Anyway back to another question. In the mission where you are defending a fort against metric-ton of Deep Ones, when you are attacking an enemy with Blood Hound's Blood Bite (melee), the attack often fails because the game doesn't even acknowledge the enemy as being on adjacent square. Only if you wiggle around with your unit enough times to attack from a different square will it have a chance of succeeding. It totally messes with planning as one can imagine, where there is little room for error.

Is this a bug, engine limitation, or map oversight (Island terror map tileset)? Don't recall this particular attack failing anywhere else.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 18, 2021, 05:10:54 am
Side effect of tall grass and short dog. All terrain even when you can walk on it is black body line of effect blocking.. And melee still checks for line of effect/fire. Also there is a hard coded(so far as i know) downward offset between where line of sight is drawn from, and line of effect is drawn from.

Don't stand in grass. life is easier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 19, 2021, 08:09:33 pm
How does the Fuel/Speed equation work?
Edit nevermind I figured it out.

But now im wondering why the UAC Plasma Gunn batteries are so damn hard to produce. Because im already making Plasma Blunderbuss and Plasma Castor ammo. Its not even on the missing facility list.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 21, 2021, 02:39:43 am
How do we train bravery? I had 2 swabbies shoot  shoot each other and then patch each other, but all that they got was sickbay time;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 21, 2021, 03:58:37 am
It is difficult. Besides healing someone there are to more ways I know of that train it. First is as pilot(s) of a vessel. Only pilots of vessel which destroys actual enemy ship are eligible. Second is by using Wench of Seductress outfits during battles. The more times you use it the higher the chance for bravery increase. It's always a flat +10 when it occurs. My record is 6x +10 from a single battle but even 2x is pushing your luck.

Either way it a low chance of skill increase (only 10% if memory of vanilla mechanic serves me). You could savescum to somewhat streamline this otherwise tedious process (E key shows pilots' daily skill increases).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 21, 2021, 11:20:25 am
While I've never tried that myself, the most popular method to train grind Bravery is to strip naked and get high on hallucinogenic grenades.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 21, 2021, 12:25:32 pm
Heheh, TYVM, guys, that's just lovely:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 21, 2021, 10:39:45 pm
Um, is it just me, or the Alenium Chamber REALLY prevents the Hyper-wave Decoder from ID-ing the incoming ships?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 22, 2021, 12:34:42 am
Have you built both? Assuming you have then if the ship is unknown even when well inside HW range it must be a bug. Or at the very least an engine limitation which favors longer radar range info and doesn't update details of already spotted contact (if it did, it would happen every 1/2 hour). My guess is on engine. Perhaps if contact gets initially spotted within HW then it may display full info, not sure. Btw, I questioned myself if the same thing would happen but limited base area kinda forced me to abandon Alenium luxury. If your case is already known and unfixable then I'd wouldn't build one even if I had space.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 22, 2021, 04:45:59 am
If you ID a ship with a non-hyperwave radar and then it wanders into hyperwave range, it won't update until the next half-hour and then you get the hyperwave info if the ship is still in hyperwave range.  At least that's how it works when shadowing with your ships, but I imagine the alenium radar should work the same.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 22, 2021, 09:39:21 am
Hm, and does the alenium radar ID the incoming as the HW Decoder does? If yes, then I keep just the alenium one. A pain to build.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 22, 2021, 11:28:36 am
Sadly for all the massive radar range it has, the alenium chamber is itself not a hyperwave decoder.  You have to build both and settle on the fact that you won't identify the ship until it gets closer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Sllow on January 22, 2021, 04:47:06 pm
Where can I find the "The Teachings of Night" to build the Dream Library?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on January 22, 2021, 07:09:55 pm
Where can I find the "The Teachings of Night" to build the Dream Library?

That's a wrong question to ask. What you should be condensed with is where to find enough pron to build that thing. ;D

As for The Teachings of Night I'm fairly certain it reliably spawns in Mansions raids. I also suspect it might be found in some undergrad missions like temples or whatnot, but I'm not sure about that.

Edit: Crossed wrong information abut  Teachings of Night appearing in Mansions. I got it confused with Liber Occultus.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on January 22, 2021, 07:17:27 pm

Solarius Scorch if you don't mind me asking is that Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri reference?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 22, 2021, 07:32:08 pm
Solarius Scorch if you don't mind me asking is that Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri reference?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 22, 2021, 09:39:11 pm
Sadly for all the massive radar range it has, the alenium chamber is itself not a hyperwave decoder.  You have to build both and settle on the fact that you won't identify the ship until it gets closer.

Uh, hm, OK. And yea, I have built both. OK, then, I like the great radar range. I can alwas send a ship to check out what we'll be plundering:) And, it's mooostly that kind anyway so that, yea, I'll build some more.

OK, no sleeping tonight (again).

"Ain't no rest for the Wicked..." (Borderlands)

Um... Why I just saw so many grinning faces?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 23, 2021, 12:33:10 am
Where can I find the "The Teachings of Night" to build the Dream Library?
I also suspect it might be found in some undergrad missions like temples or whatnot, but I'm not sure about that.

ZoA's suspicion is correct. Exact name of the mission is Demon God Shrine (triggered by !Demonic Sacrifices! perhaps?). Dark underground cave where only Lokk'Narr may enter. There are 2-3 types of these, all containing one sacrificial lady (Damsel). The one with the correct loot has a secluded underground room accessed by narrow (1 square wide) stairs, usually 2 entry points. However even when you get one the loot is random, it's not guaranteed to spawn. Only one of few unique document types related to this mission type may spawn. There are 4 Teachings of... docs for example. You gotta get lucky.
As the other dude hinted Dream Library is the biggest facility disappointment in the whole game and you can safely abandon all plans you had of building it. Research will come with time on its own if ticking every available research topic is a concern for you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Sllow on January 23, 2021, 04:27:58 pm
ZoA's suspicion is correct. Exact name of the mission is Demon God Shrine (triggered by !Demonic Sacrifices! perhaps?). Dark underground cave where only Lokk'Narr may enter. There are 2-3 types of these, all containing one sacrificial lady (Damsel). The one with the correct loot has a secluded underground room accessed by narrow (1 square wide) stairs, usually 2 entry points. However even when you get one the loot is random, it's not guaranteed to spawn. Only one of few unique document types related to this mission type may spawn. There are 4 Teachings of... docs for example. You gotta get lucky.
As the other dude hinted Dream Library is the biggest facility disappointment in the whole game and you can safely abandon all plans you had of building it. Research will come with time on its own if ticking every available research topic is a concern for you.

I just got to the 2nd year with 19 brainers. Now even Megapol are using plasma weapons and the best I got are Plastasteel munitions and bought infantry lasers, so I was worried with my research.

I guess by the time I'm able to build the Dream Library (Several months time of runts making pillow books) it won't matter anymore.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 23, 2021, 06:04:43 pm
Piratez doesn't have enemy progress when it comes to equipment.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 23, 2021, 07:20:33 pm
Are you sure about that? From my experience (Blackbeard difficulty) their equipment gradually got better. Speaking of major factions of course, civs and common mutants kept their faith in good ol' powder pistols. Academy, Megapol, Guild, Marsec, etc. all went through their powder > laser > gauss > plasma progression (not every enemy unit on the map but enough). Maybe it's tied to type of ship/mission or them !mission! types one researches, not sure, but it does happen. Feels like intentional progression mechanic to me, and a very fair one at that (except that one early-game enemy hideout incident in July I'm still trying to erase from memory).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 23, 2021, 07:36:44 pm
Are you sure about that?

Of  course I am.

Code: [Select]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4]

A single line.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 23, 2021, 08:19:43 pm
Oh, do I look like a coder to you? I'm flattered but I got no patience for that delicate craft.

How does that line explain what is happening contradicting your non-existent enemy equipment progress claim. Even the powder weapon wielding guys get better ammo types over time. Before answering (in human readable text please) maybe you should clarify what exactly enemy equipment progression means before we start chasing our tails.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 23, 2021, 08:24:26 pm
Oh, do I look like a coder to you? I'm flattered but I got no patience for that delicate craft.

I assure you that I've neve3r written a single line of code, except a simple "divide X by Y" program in Basic.

But if you go "are you sure?" on me, don't be surprised when I present you with goddamn evidence.

How does that line explain what is happening contradicting your non-existent enemy equipment progress claim. Even the powder weapon wielding guys get better ammo types over time. Before answering (in human readable text please) maybe you should clarify what exactly enemy equipment progression means before we start chasing our tails.

Enemy equipment progression in X-Com means that deployments change with time, month to month. In vanilla it means that aliens gradually go from plasma pistols to heavy plasma.

In Piratez, this mechanic is unused, there is only one definition - meaning that every month has the same tech level settings.

Therefore, any changes in enemy equipment must result from new missions appearing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 23, 2021, 08:44:13 pm
So in the end progression is happening, but in a different way than in vanilla. As my observations (and Sllow's) indicate: same missions, same crew/shipping -> better enemy weapons over time. Maybe it's more complex than just a single line.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 23, 2021, 09:02:32 pm
So in the end progression is happening, but in a different way than in vanilla. As my observations (and Sllow's) indicate: same missions, same crew/shipping -> better enemy weapons over time. Maybe it's more complex than just a single line.

I cannot recall any such trickery. Yes, Meghapol sometimes uses plasma weapons, and sometimes not; but it depends on craft and not time progression. (Apart form the fact that some missions may appear later.)

"same missions, same crew/shipping -> better enemy weapons over time" does NOT happen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Escaped Lunatic on January 26, 2021, 06:14:41 am
Marsec lasguns and heavy shotgun AP shells do exist.  I'll concede the compact carbine though, no enemy seems to use it and its description suggests that the item itself shouldn't be needed but who knows.

You want something that really doesn't exist?  Try finding a homing RPG.

Homing RPG is easy: STR_RPG_ADV is the itemID.
Found out 2 years ago in a truly autistic manner: wild guessing and randomly editing the save file in order to get the homing rpg and shadow orbs. Haven't seen the RPG dropping in the game since then but shadow orbs can be practically accessed now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 26, 2021, 05:27:34 pm
I cannot recall any such trickery. Yes, Meghapol sometimes uses plasma weapons, and sometimes not; but it depends on craft and not time progression. (Apart form the fact that some missions may appear later.)

Umm... actually on the same missions I Do notice changes to equipment, and in the ruleset there are clearly 5 Item Levels (not 3) in the Deployments which have different items attributed to them.

I havent looked for the monthly/tech level distribution map, but it'd make the most sense to randomize items that way - instead of OG xcom though where you have a clear progression itd be totally random. The trick is having a string long enough to capture the most likely length of the gameplay, if its 10 Years youd need 120 indexes.

Picture evidence to prove it. Set #5 for this critter is a minilauncher with stun bombs so thats a pretty wild swing from a pistol or laser snub. This is waaaaaay too much work for Dioxine to have put into crafting deployments piece by piece... without having a Monthly Map to actually distribute them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 26, 2021, 09:40:26 pm
Sorry, but this only proves your ignorance. Multiple entries are for randomization, not tech evolution. (also 5 instead of 3 is irrelevant.)

Come on, people... Nobody knows everything, and certainly not me, but I'm tired of these" proofs".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 27, 2021, 01:18:25 pm
So Faction equipment only changes per ship, with better/larger ships having better equipment pool?

Cutter will have lesser quality equipment than a Destroyer for example. I just got ganked by Heavy/Rifle Plasma wielding Church Zealot/Neophyte from a Destroyer, when I all hoped for were few easy Force Circuitry and XP for newbies coz Church was supposed to be turkey shoot at this point.

If true then enemy equipment progression does happen as observed, but depends solely on enemy ship (with some similarities and overlap between them). Since better ones come a fair bit later so do the enemy gunz.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 27, 2021, 02:26:35 pm
So Faction equipment only changes per ship, with better/larger ships having better equipment pool?

Yes, precisely. Per ship or other mission type (if not generated from a UFO). Optionally, it can also be influenced by the race/faction, which is often a case.

In rare cases, tricks may be used to break this up, like making two different UFOs which look identical but have different properties... But I don't know if it's used in Piratez.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 27, 2021, 04:38:29 pm
The identical outward trick is used a few times. There are several variations to the tall fat cross ship(Abductor ?) some have industrial scanners in the tile loot some do not, but they outwardly read as the same ship, and have largely similar loadouts for crew and arms.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 29, 2021, 12:43:54 am
Welp... Im clear out of Research topics to do and I even researched all of my disks (several were left and the research topic disappeared). My 24 Brainers are hungry and its going to kill my infamy score too.

What do I do now? I haven't broken into wizbiz yet, only just now got Harbinger armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 29, 2021, 10:31:19 am
Why do I get the feeling everyone is playing the game faster than me? I'm just about to exhaust all research from getting two Smuggler Negotiators and I've been at it for 3 months (with help of 100 brainers total). Geez.

What I'm doing is playing catch-up with Runts, upgrading whole fleet (decided on Fortuna, Triton, 4x Sabre, 2x Dragon, Devastator, Spector, 2x Thunderbolt or 2x Leviathan), upgrading armors, sorting equipment for all bases/soldiers as I finalize each squad specialization, and lastly - praying for that fucking Marsec Lasgun still. Just as I woke up today I realized I'll have to shell out over 50M for all tokens (mostly Jack) needed to convert into White Dragons. My hands are full even without research.

Not knowing of an easy way to reveal all missing research (not including locked out Codexs) I've been typing in commonly shared 3-letter strings into tech tree viewer to flush out unresearched topics. Pretty effective if not tedious. All that remains is figuring out where to get trigger items, which mission to accept and which to skip. Currently at 88% with Grey codex and hoping to reach low 90% after all is said and done. Then maybe unlock all Codex - for the toys and to achieve the holy grail of 100% faster than Dio can release new patches.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 29, 2021, 05:23:34 pm
What do I do now? I haven't broken into wizbiz yet, only just now got Harbinger armor.

It's okay if you hit a RNG wall to scale back the number of brainers you have on staff. Thou usually the answer most employ is to massively ramp up producing things for sale, like assorted booze>chemicals>ect. The optimal product changes based on what services each base has, and your tech progress.

Why do I get the feeling everyone is playing the game faster than me? I'm just about to exhaust all research from getting two Smuggler Negotiators and I've been at it for 3 months (with help of 100 brainers total). Geez.

Probably a false impression, most of us that float around here frequently have been around the mod for years. At least for myself i don't complete more then say 2-3 runs per calendar year. But because that adds up to thousands of hours played total, i have vast pool of experience to draw on to so how each individual change in a patch can affect the mod. I don't need to play out every new wrinkle to know what changes and how that butterflys across the mod.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 29, 2021, 07:20:26 pm
Im thinking boom gun shells are probably my most optimum product. I haven't done the math on manufacturing plastasteel but based on the cost that goes into chems, and then pladtasteel, then the millions that come out with the boom shells it seems like a big profit. Shuttling Contraband is also really good too.

I had a country sign a zero tolerance policy... but I already researched zero tolerance to zero tolerance... so what gives?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 29, 2021, 07:54:50 pm
I had a country sign a zero tolerance policy... but I already researched zero tolerance to zero tolerance... so what gives?

Perhaps the mission was ongoing already?

I honestly can't remember now if zero tolerance disables alien infiltrations, but if it does, then it's the only explanation I can think of.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 29, 2021, 11:03:35 pm
I thought that made zero tolerance/pacts Reversible?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on January 30, 2021, 12:46:39 am
Family Ties only prevents future sway govt missions, but it does nothing to any ongoing ones; those you have to stop yourself.  Fortunately unlike in vanilla UFO, shooting down the courier before it lands prevents the deal from happening.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 30, 2021, 11:32:56 am
ATTN Nilex:
"I just got ganked by Heavy/Rifle Plasma wielding Church Zealot/Neophyte from a Destroyer..."
I take you were fried to a crisp critter state by it, right?
I avoid this by mid-clicking on an enemy I wanna pulverize. It shows what the fracker has got.
AND, it does seem that our virtuoso, Dioxine, made a reeeal effort on weapons animation as well. The graphic now is soooo goood, that you can tell the weapon a character wields even as/when (goddamn grammar) you look at them creeping the battlescape. So that you know what's gonna GANK ya, heh-heh:)
Juuust kiddin.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 30, 2021, 04:07:55 pm
Well I'm glad you gotta a kick outta it :)

Plasma Rifle actually was absorbed by Brute armor, Heavy guy didn't get to shoot even. Was great seeing the roles reversed for a change. The real problem were Exalts with their double light sabers and my reaction-fire cover team getting distracted by lesser threats. Maybe I should consider them XG Rifles for the occasion rather than cumbersome and slow (albeit abundant) Gauss Muskets. Amen. Oh and does ATTN mean - attention?

Btw, got two minor questions related to damage formula I've been holding to ask since forever:
In the analysis screen does the "Extra damage" bit refers to weapon's [base damage + PWR formula], or just [PWR part]?
What's the difference between "Vanilla default" and "0-200%"/"50-150" damage spread? Basically "Calculation type" 0 vs 1/2 as they're called in online BP. Afaik, UFO does 0-200 for everything except explosives which use 50-150. Going off that it makes either Vanilla default or 1/2 redundant notations.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 30, 2021, 05:02:52 pm
Calc 0 is vanilla behavior based on the damage type(explosions 50-150, bullets 0-200, fire 5-10). The other types are used as specific overrides. So you can for instance have a fire type weapon the does full power dmg, or a gun that only does the 5-10 roll. 0 setting is retained because it's the expected default and would break vanilla compatibility. It's also saves hand defining the roll if you don't need it do something special.

Everything in the extras damage info section applies to total power with any bonus. It an organizational formatting because none of those features existed in vanilla.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 30, 2021, 05:30:37 pm
Your insight has been paramount in unraveling many mysteries in my voyage. Thanks man.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on January 30, 2021, 05:54:33 pm
Yea, ATTN does mean attention. Old school. Before the @. Guess that means ATTN today. And yea, Exhalts, just as SG Novices (or better Masters?), Catgals and other inviso are a real pain. I mean, can a cat claw kill an armored car?!? LOL. C'MON!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 30, 2021, 10:25:05 pm
Ahh I think I found the way through the RNG block. Besides having a Provost on the way - I also had my first professional base raid with a breaker ship and the Academy gave me Plasma Scorcher, Heavy Plasma, and some other bitz.

But looking those up and the reasons I couldn't research anything I found - I didn't have the Psi-Unlock. Simply having the Provost probably wont give me much at this point and you need a 2nd one to break them.

I also found my First Enemy Hideout (Trader Joe's hole in the wall) and this is Year 3 mind you. Which gave me a Microwave Cooker and I actually could research that... and a Basilisk Cannon following that which I havent finished researching.

I blasted 2 Academy Campuses and didnt find a Provost there. And I already had Guildmasters broken so I didn't really need the one from the Enemy Hideout.

My playthrough has been rather heavy on the RNG to circulate Trader missions. I dont have the Church Cardinal circuit done either - im sorta hoping for Hotrods because the Brave Whaler can reach 6000mph with the thrusters.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 31, 2021, 02:06:50 am
Ye top VIPs can be a big pain the rear. It's why you are allowed to buy them in the first place. If all else fails throw money at the problem is something of a pillar of the mod. Because well eventually you just end up with more industry income then expenditures while waiting for a handful of spawns, so just let the spawns be bought and end the run.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on January 31, 2021, 08:37:28 pm
Nope even with a broken Provost it still didn't unlock Plasma and I dont know why. Topics didn't appear and manufacture option didn't pop up either. Still no Heavy Plasma.

Ive got a serious issue to bring up about Bank Robberies.

Where the actual hell is the bank vault? I went upstairs and there's nothing but solid stone. I went downstairs and there's a (Spaceship Hull) that you cant actually step close to do melee on because it takes up part of the tile. And even if you blow it away with explosives (Plasma Rocket in this case) the Solid Stone Bricks do not reduce down far enough with melee damage for you to step into. Description text said yknow its a bank vault, not a mountain you have to tunnel into.

Are you just supposed to kill the mobs everywhere else on the map? Will any of them spawn in inaccessible areas of the bank? If its bad map design or an incomplete map all its going to result in is im just going to STUNLEVEL the savegame every time and endure a game reload because its faster.

And ive also got a serious issue with Hidden Valleys...
No Exit Grid... WTF?
My first Hidden Valley mission and all the locals are Mk. 801 Terminators. And there's no way to exit the mission. And I didn't have anything that could damage them (I came with Stun equipment to bag civvies).
Bad Map design... ill just load my Geo save I made before I went to the mission and avoid even going. I could go back with the mansion robber gals in Looter and running Heavy Laser but whats the point?
Is it always Terminators?

- - -
and to avoid double posting in the main thread since nobody's replied in days...

Anyway I just played Siberia for the first time in several revisions and was really caught off guard by the new Tundra mapset. I came planning on using the Lokk'Narr Bombard (Hell Shells) and there was nothing above ground to hit. Still, that one cavern is a honey hole for lobbing shells and ATGMs into and I killed 3 Tanks this way, and a Supersoldier too. Somehow 2 Gals in Blitz armor ended up rather suddenly freezing up completely unable to move (Energy = 0). I was surprised the badguys had Baby Nukes... but there was no free room for them to use them so I had some Stormtroopers kinda fidget around and do a double take because they couldn't find a safe angle to shoot me from 6 tiles away.

I was also surprised that my Ship didn't appear on the map, just an exit grid. This is Bad Form because it exposes your Equipment Pile to explosive damage (which at this point should have some kind of engine workaround to put your Equipment Pile into a hidden Locker - similar to the Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 merchant equipment lockers that are located outside of the map).

And it doesn't make sense either, you land, you strike fast and hard. It makes sense for some maps like Sirius Temples but not for a big mission like Siberia. In fact its a real bad idea tactically to approach on foot... and there's no air defenses either.

Also played the Raynerd map and managed it despite not bringing "break in tools". I have a Pickaxe in the ship but forgot about it. Plasma Rocket is standard for me and I guess it blows a hole in the prison wall just fine. Thing is that description in the mission prep is ambiguous. I thought it was saying Thief Gear only despite the what-to-wear button not showing (I wore Blitz and Harbinger TYVM).

The Enforcer locked in the punching bag room was a nice touch, I had to get all the way up to bug hunt mode to find him there (and used Plasma Rocket #2 to blast the wall out). I find it funny some of the cops had mini-smgs and some had plasma stuff.

Im wondering why the hell the Medical Slicer cant melee through the prison bars, the gal using it had pretty much elite stats (170 reactions, 60 voodoo and 40 voodoo skill and 100+ melee). Like 12 hits and HIGH damage medical slicer wouldn't lightsaber the bars. But a Raygun pops it and so does a Death Blossom.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on January 31, 2021, 10:14:05 pm
After Broken Provost you need to have Plasma Rifle in stores to continue plasma research (after Unlocking Stellar Empire Weapons). Dunno what else could it be.

Bank Robbery puzzled me too. Check this: You can break walls with a Hammer provided the wielder is strong enough. Using Fusion Torch is highly annoying in that confined space but doable. On my first attempt I had to edit save file and make 3 people inside the vault surrender coz I only brought weak Peasants and even weaker LokkNaars. Easier alternative was debug but I didn't know it at the time. After the wall there are couple more nasty surprises in there. I wish I could see your face when it happens.

Hidden Valley I have no recollection off (Isolated Valley: Shelter Guy/Girls + Genius Loci?) but in general you will have a better time adjusting to the little flaws and just going with the flow. Enemies are random but determined at start of month I think (my last one had Zombies). Regarding equipment pile, mine got completely wiped on 3rd stage of Winter Palace but luckily I spotted it on time and reloaded. What a blow that would be... Anyway ye of little faith, stuff will improve as it has been for the relatively short time I've been around. Until then, remember - suffering is always better shared! Especially when it's the other guy lol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 01, 2021, 06:38:49 am
For the bank, the ideal method to get at the vaults is to tunnel in from outside at ground level on the back of the building. The exterior walls are far less sturdy then trying to go through the fortified and mined vault entrances. There are some guards within the vaults themselves, so unless you force a surrender your gonna need to get in there. This is working as intended. Banks in the real world of significant size or value have guards stationed within the vaults.

Valley against terminators is bad luck. It's the rarest version. But your on the right track with bringing lasers. But word of advice always bring alternate equipment. Lots of missions and crafts can have multiple layouts and multiple factions that run them. What works on one faction can fail hard against another. And even beyond that because a run takes so long to complete, unless you chose not to upgrade to newest versions the missions get tweaked pretty often.

As to blitz armor and Siberia you probably reached minimal freshness, which tanks your recovery of everything. Any armor that has TU buffs tends to have substantially accelerated freshness drain. And then add the natural energy drain from cold environment which the blitz suffers at 200% normal and yeah they bitterly freeze up very quickly. I do agree that the new Siberia is more exposed for the gear pile, but it's far safer then the old version for the crew since your not on an open plane with a buncha tanks and supersoldiers right away. I dunno how many of the old version i was just forced to not play because of spawn RNG.

The medical slicer has .25 vs terrain modifer, so it only does 25% dmg of the post dmg roll value. The guns don't. A max stat gal without accounting for armor and commendation buffs will only deal about 25 points to terrain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on February 01, 2021, 12:07:13 pm
"For the bank, the ideal method to get at the vaults is to tunnel in from outside at ground level on the back of the building."
Why didn't I ever think of that? I always try to tunnel my way around the almost unbreakable Spaceship Hull wall and then throw some satchel charges in.
The real annoyance is the hidden stun bombs in the vault's hallways.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on February 01, 2021, 05:22:31 pm
"For the bank, the ideal method to get at the vaults is to tunnel in from outside at ground level on the back of the building."
Why didn't I ever think of that? I always try to tunnel my way around the almost unbreakable Spaceship Hull wall and then throw some satchel charges in.
The real annoyance is the hidden stun bombs in the vault's hallways.

Up until now I deal with banks by rushing 2 gals in Juggernaut armour with fusion torches to the bank to break in via the 'spaceship hull' walls in the basement and then trip the bombs as they aren't affected by them.  I also have two other gals following them (not too close!) to deal with the guards (the jugger gals kneel at the entrance and the others fire over their shoulders).  So far it only takes two or three turns to clear out the basement using that method, once you actually get to the bank of course!  Two other gals clear out the upper floors of the bank while the rest of the team (using a Menace-class or bigger ship) clear the other buildings in the town.

One thing is that I don't feel that the rewards are enough sometimes, particularly in later stages of the game when money and reward tokens are plentiful.  Maybe if there was some super-special weapon or hard to get Cydonia codes in there it might be more worth it.*

*Somebody's now going to tell me there are and I've been having bad RNG!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 01, 2021, 06:00:36 pm
Besides the initial confusion I feel the Bank mission and its loot are fine. A nice early mid-game break from the usual and after that we're free to ignore it. Don't think it's intended to be more than that.

* * *

Believe it or not (I couldn't) just got my very first Viper Fighter. Marsec Lasgun here I come! Or maybe... not?

After 10 attempts Viper gets "blown to pieces" every time. No crash site, no landing, no lasgun. C'mon man.
Viper has 10 armor and strong regenerative shields so I'm attacking with 6x 36 power Lascannons and single 25 power Beam Laser (mind you damage is always lower: 50-100%). Even when finished with Beam, Viper still gets atomized. I know it's not the case of Ninja Jetbike which doesn't have a map so it's coded to destruction no matter what but Viper has its own damn map. What gives?

Ended up making a save with a landed craft to learn about its properties so I could apply it to the Viper. That worked but I still needed to repeat the ground mission because their equipment is random and there was still no Marsec Lasgun on first attempt lol. Btw the rules state Viper is the only place in the whole game where ML can appear hence all the fuss. Anyway my mind is finally at peace. Case closed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 01, 2021, 08:03:23 pm
Vipers are configured so that they roll a 50/50 on if they fight to destruction or try and run when losing. Only the latter case can spawn a crash. The roll is made when the fighter is spawned.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 01, 2021, 09:45:16 pm
Only the latter case can spawn a crash. The roll is made when the fighter is spawned.
Damn I didn't even think that was a thing in the engine.

Good to know about the bank robbery. I think I had noticed a hollow space in there casually clicking around but I thought it might be a place youre not supposed to reach ingame. For baddies like that I usually bring a Knockout Bomb with power armor gal and just hand it to them. Always have like 2 knocout grenades with power armor for that purpose alone, if you dont need to throw it... thats pretty fast and strong.

Due to Printer base having close to 300 runts and a Refinery im mass producing juggernaut and harbingers. Even got several Tetsudos (LOVE) for my slave soldiers who are up into elite stats... lotsa baby nukes from Siberia and Hideout Supply Ships giving me those batteries.

Medical Slicer 25% terrain damage modifier... well that, sucks. And makes no sense. I sure hope the Force Blade sword isnt like that too, its literally a lightsaber. But for Banks I really will need to use Anchor/Pickaxe because it needs a projectile to reduce the half-destroyed Brick tiles down - Melee will say nobody is there but it isnt crumbled enough to walk into. Was ironically using a Barbaric Axe to "chop" my way in and it was sorta working.

Fusion Torches and Mining Lasers are too slow, up front 90+ percent cost can lose you a turn setting up while an Anchorwoman can get started right away.

Im thinking of fielding Nuke Demo Charges more now, the damage is lower than a baby nuke and its hellerium produceable. If I get a Escape Tower itll pretty much one-shot their ship. I can nuke charge the Bank with the Armored Car then sweep in with tools and butcher or knockout whos left. Boom mugafuga.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 01, 2021, 11:23:45 pm
Sorry to disappoint, force blade has the same modifier and worse maximum potential dmg. But at least it gets half armor pen and is part of the concealable category.

I surmise that dioxine wanted to avoid one size fits all tools after melee functions where updated to hit be able to affect terrain. But there is a limit of simulation vs realism issue. A lightsaber style weapon is very good at penetrating defenses/armor but takes time/multiple strikes to actually get through a wall because it's area of impact is so focused and doesn't benefit from impact shock propagation like a blunter instrument does. But the engine handles terrain as a black body is/is not state. there is no substance or shell to whittle down over multiple strikes against a given object state. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 02, 2021, 08:35:52 pm
Oh I figured out my RNG block.
It was the damned Science Vessel. Which I actually brought down before and somehow Did Not retrieve the blueprints. I guess whoever was holding the blueprints got nuked by the Lokk'Narr.
So I reasonably added it back to my save and carried on.
I also shot down a 2nd one over the ocean. In principle I actually love the science vessel because its like a midweight between the terror ship and og battleship. What I do not like is that they are often HKs.

Btw ive noticed that HK behavior seems to target crafts differently than normal approach engagement. Whats the priority? They often go after the craft escorting my intended attacker... like itll go after the Nightmare instead of the Metallic - and the nightmare is escorting it.

If they're going after the Fastest then does that mean I need to have a couple Shadowbats with a fat missile payload to escort? They're slower than the Metallic so the group can just sit in the path of an HK.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 02, 2021, 10:49:47 pm
It's dependent on craft. there are 3 settings, First in range, escorts, transports.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 03, 2021, 01:24:39 pm
Yeah, the goddamn Science Vulv... Ahem...
Anywayz, IME that trashcan either plays cool, or fracks up (can we swear here?). The best I can recommend regarding the SciVeh is, either be a sado-maso and reload the QS made during the dogfight as many times as it whiplashes you till you get that goddamn crashsite. Or reload a HS you made as soon as it appears on the world map (earthscape/worldscape??) and dogfight it; rinse and repeat as needed (UUUGH). OR, make a HS or two as soon as the SV appears on the world map and RESTART THE GAME.  Tedious, but should work.

Now I have a question.
I can't make my Gatling Cyberdisc enter my transport. It says that it needs its ammo - cool, I HAVE the ammo loaded already, some clips of Laser and some clips of Laser AP. WTF, jebo ga ja u dupe kibernetsko gigantskom sondom. (Will translate if you want:) )
Does it need some Laser Adv clips as well? Or a Lobsterman Pizza? Or a Bra Size 100000 Cyberdiscess with internal heating of...? WUT?!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 03, 2021, 02:00:48 pm
Not an avid user of battlescape vehicles here (5 persons beat any vehicle in my book) but from what I've understood they are equipped as regular wearable armor. That's how you get them in. And type of soldiers that can equip such certain armors is usually limited. I'd guess only LokkNaars may 'wear' a Cyberdisc. So you load them in as equipment and then equip as armor in other menu. Mind the free space. Ammo presence doesn't affect vehicle availability, only its usability.

Nadam se da ti ovo zvuči smisleno jer jebo me pas ako je intuitivno...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 03, 2021, 06:26:36 pm
ATTN Nilex:

Dobar ti S/HB J:) Jesi li iz YU?
No, the Cyberdisc is a combat unit, not a wearable like an armour. That's a Hovertank (yummeeee...) I have a problem with loading it into my Thunderhorse. It asks for ammo... Which is already right in there, yea, in the horse's ass. :(

Jebem ja Sajberdisk.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 03, 2021, 08:11:29 pm
Ok try loading ammo first, exit equipment screen, only then add Cyberdick. Maybe the check is off.
Second thing, is this the actual Gun/Ammo you put in there (attachment)? Naming is bit confusing.
If both don't work then I have no clue what will.

Btw, Hrv-Zg. Lijep pozdrav :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 03, 2021, 08:15:09 pm
Are you sure you have the correct ammo? the laser cyber disk takes "Vehicle lascannon clip", this is not the same ammo that tanks take, that one is "Tank H-Lascannon batts."
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 03, 2021, 08:33:53 pm
Not an avid user of battlescape vehicles here (5 persons beat any vehicle in my book) but from what I've understood they are equipped as regular wearable armor.
Not IMO... that SPEED cant be matched, to deeply penetrate into the battlefield and scoot around the map practically ignoring reaction fire until its almost done its thing. Havent used the Copter yet but the Armored Car is a staple and id like to use TWO of them (my god the damage!). Nevermind the Car Bombings... lets go deliver Barrel Bombs to the other side of the map and have em explode on Turn 2.

The Bombard is getting abit old in the tooth though, its an easy Mortar, but it can fire Every Turn and thats whats special about it. Even Servo Mortar is every other turn, and I trashed my Tornado Mortar because its too heavy (Burst fire doesn't work either, after the first its unable to get an arc for the remaining shots).

(EDIT: Now that ive got Testudo Armor that may be my new mortar - Strength 150 might be enough to hurl Satchel Charges or Demo Charges a practical distance. Accuracy be damned)

I have tank parts but I dont wanna commit a lokknarr to a tank. Too fragile. Blue Shields take a whizz on lasers too, even tank lasers.

Id say 5 Gals is a minimum for missions in general but beyond that load the pez dispenser with Four Squares. A full 13+ squad is just hard to manage, sweet spot is about 6-7 units for maximum destruction and max speed for realtime expenditure. Thats just my strained patience these days I guess. To compensate I usually gave speedy armor on 3 of those gals whether its Xeno or flying. I havent played with the Motorcycle yet but I rather prefer the Machineguns with Mag ammo, or Flak Cannons (hideous damage in either case).

For Science Vessels I sometimes catch one that isnt an HK and thats the fugger I shoot down. I really just kinda let them do their thing if they're HKs because ill make up the points some other way, discretion us rhe better part of valor. The best weapons ive got currently are Gauss/Avalanche and if the avalanche miss its over. Its not worth the trouble. I need a midrange cannon that does lots of damage and it hasnt appeared yet (plasma spitter is not medium range). Really I just need Shields for my Kraken, I cant afford to keep repairing it for 2 weeks straight, I dont have non-STC shields yet. Dual GatLasers ought to do it frankly.

Legit Question:
What does the 2nd shield rating number mean?
Regen per turn or Armor?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 03, 2021, 09:22:37 pm
ATTN Nilex, Legionof1.
Yea, that's right, I am using the vehicle lascannon clips, just like in the Nilex's foto. Dunno what's the prob with my Cyberdisc, ppl. Will try all possible solutions. I remember sb having the same prob halfa year ago, or so. Will tell u what did I do.

Nilex, super pozdrav iz BG, kompa:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 03, 2021, 09:32:12 pm
Didn't we exchange tactic stories couple of months ago in the main thread? You might be that grenade aficionado I remember talking to. Yeah this just confirms how different our gameplay styles are hehe. After reading your piece I cannot but to think if I'm robbing myself of some untapped hidden fun experience. It's not that I don't want to use vehicles, it's just I'm used to filling up regular soldier roster (segmented into 2 roles: precision + heavy/PSI) and only then vehicles come into play. My sole problem is lack of vessel space (need at least 20 for 1 VEH, or should say 21). So basically everything until Leviathan and Conqueror (Thonderhorse has another purpose). And diversifying vessels is also needed to maximize mission availability further limiting my options. I just wished for a simple Avenger/Leviathan (26 slots) equivalent but it never came.

2nd shield number represents flat shield recharge on each half-turn, so multiply by 2 to get a single turn recharge. Shields have no armor, lols.

Upload the savefile with Cyberdisk issue, and simple steps to reproduce problem. Lets check what's going on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 03, 2021, 11:04:31 pm
Legit Question:
What does the 2nd shield rating number mean?
Regen per turn or Armor?

Sheild regen per turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 03, 2021, 11:13:31 pm
thanks and that doesn't sound so bad
always assumed baddie shields came back to full every turn

cant seem to get into psi myself
tried the persuadutron and it didn't do anything so I just put it back on the shelf
irony is im running gray codex, and really dont have any items that seem to do psi attacks. Just stuff that gets bonuses from voodoo.
I dunno how you get wizbiz - dark ones missions?

, it's just I'm used to filling up regular soldier roster (segmented into 2 roles: precision + heavy/PSI)
Yknow I kinda pigeon holed myself over this by manufacturing 3 Super Shotguns and now its like an addiction because I manufactured an epic ton of ammunition for them. I still carry a Boom Gun which is just another shotgun, but frankly with hvap ammo the SSG is even more dangerous (50x6 verses 54x4 but with a x3 Burst option so 54x10ish). Its got a decent reach. Yeah its boring but it works.
And at range im usually Commando Rifle or Smart Pistol/PS, and ive been taking down whole megapol patrols with Magnum/Smart Bullets and Holosuit (1 GAL interceptor in the dark). Thing is that Reactions buff on damage with like 150+ reactions is bonkers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 04, 2021, 12:57:40 am
You could post a save, im kinda busy over the next few days. I might have a look.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 04, 2021, 09:14:05 am
Hey, ppl, ya ain't gonna believe this.

How to solve the Cyberdisc issue?

Simply - FIRST  load the Cyberdisc, and THEN its ammo!

Can you believe this shit?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 04, 2021, 12:19:01 pm
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 04, 2021, 05:29:31 pm
The Bombard is getting abit old in the tooth though, its an easy Mortar, but it can fire Every Turn and thats whats special about it. Even Servo Mortar is every other turn, and I trashed my Tornado Mortar because its too heavy (Burst fire doesn't work either, after the first its unable to get an arc for the remaining shots).
The first time I used the Bombard was on that Deep One Fort Assault mission. It obliterated like half the map in one shot. So much gas. Beautiful. I bring it along any time I'm on a mission where unrestricted lethal force is allowed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 04, 2021, 08:11:18 pm
deep ones fort? whats that?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 04, 2021, 08:21:45 pm
B level bounty hunt "they came from the sea". You defend a little bunker from a 60 odd deep ones/lobstermen/aquamen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 05, 2021, 04:04:21 am
Bombard is one of the greatest reincarnation devices here:) Gotto love it, bro. Got problems with Mercs? Juuust send in the Big Momma:)

And the little bunker thing... Inspired by Alamo?

Goddamn, its past 3 AM and I am still gauss-raping Osiron...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 05, 2021, 10:20:20 am
That little bunker thing triggered a rant in my IRC about "people who put fortifications in games don't understand fortifications". That "bunker" is basically a mess of blind spots and obstructed lines of fire that end up hampering YOU more than the enemy. Pretty much one of the things I do very early on is just to rip the thing apart and hack gunports, passages, and generally explode the place.

Also, for some reason, what appears to be a missile silo in it cannot actually ever fire any of the missiles because there is no way for the missiles to actually launch as it is on the lower floor and there's an entire other floor above it as well as a solid roof. It explodes real nice when I'm remodelling the place, though.

But then I discovered Bombard. The Fort is still terribly designed, but when it's not quite bad enough to stop you from just gassing the entire map. The first time I fired that thing, the game straight up froze briefly and I thought it was about to crash...and then the shrieking started. So much dying. Instantly got like 40 kills in one shot.

And get this: IT HAS 3 MORE ROUNDS. Jesus Christ. With the slow speed of the projectile animation and the YUGE EXPLOSION, it really felt less like a "Bombard" and more like NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 05, 2021, 11:45:56 am
(So now it comes out eh?)
I started this playthrough on the easiest difficulty and id already gotten pretty far into it by the time I realized it closed off some options. So I switched it to the next lowest in the save file and played on.

Well I need to repair whatever was cut out now. Ive figured out mostly what was blocked off and fixed it but im still having some issues and im not sure if its something ive missed or if its genuinely misbehaving.

(Sidenote: This should be classified as an Error to Dioxine that, playing on the lowest difficulty needs to put a finished-research topic directly in the bootypedia immediately telling you it cuts content out. So that way you find out right away if you read it - and can avoid any length of play if thats a dealbreaker. When I started playing X-Piratez again I didn't think it was POSSIBLE to remove or disable topics)

Ive removed thread of prophecy and put wasteland priestess back in (which are apparently event driven now?) and switched the research rule from 2 to 1 on those. That allowed getting the magic shoppe options to show up and the start of the Wiz Biz stuff.

However, even though ive researched the magic shoppe, the powerball bat, and voodoo/illusion the manufacturing options for WizBiz Tokens hasnt showed up yet (eg, exchange lingams and liber occulus for tokens). Also ive researched Weirdgal but I cant find any of the Transformation options in the manufacture either (not even the Human Peasant transformation thingy to turn them into night people or whatever thats called, which ive had for well over a game year now).

Maybe Transformations are miscategorized in manufacturing but scrolling through I dont think they're on the list. And this is at the main base where the primary facilities are.

Additionally magic shoppe made purchase items available and even though I obtained a Magma Glove, whatever that is, the Research topic for it hasn't appeared. Neither has the one for the Rod Of Bliss which I picked up almost the same time from a pirate cruise.

Im researching Summoning Circle right now so I don't actually have one of those built yet... if thats whats needed to research. But since the descriptive text for the Powerball Bat mentions wizbiz tokens in it aren't they supposed to show up immediately?

Im wondering if there's anything else janky going on, or if there honestly are additional steps before you become a legit wiz biz customer. I actually have all of the listed pre-requisites but "wiz biz customer" itself is a needsitem research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 05, 2021, 12:18:05 pm
I agree there should be a clear warning in-game when selecting easiest difficulty. But...

From the main thread:
Read the install instructions carefully. No joke. Srsly.

From XPiratez_readme.txt:
3. Be prepared for high difficulty level. Lowest difficulty is tutorial only (many features missing).

Lucky for me I grew up in times where it was README.TXT or bust :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 05, 2021, 12:39:52 pm
Transformations are accessed through hands menu. The same button for training and memorials. thou until you unlock some the options isn't present.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 05, 2021, 01:06:09 pm
I've been just loving the Bombard - a love on the first shell. Man, nothing opens up a ship like a chem from a Bombie. AND, as you know ,nothing does the gas job like a Bombo. Only more hellish things than a Bombo are the Fairy Daragon, Chinese Dragon and the Retributor and Emperor Nukes. I use my Fairy Dragons regularly to make the enemies surrender, if I don't wanna spend 1 hour+ fighting. Like this. Got a biiig map or a biiig ship that needs taking care of, but ya don't wanna spend too much time on it - gals all maxed out, ya got a date in  an hour...?

A Map
SAVE. Take a flying girl, have her load a Fairy Dragon, fly into a corner of the map (HIGH), !!!QUICKSAVE!!! and fire in the center of the map. Enjoy the BBQ. MANDATORY: Check your ship, you don't wanna Neroize your own or your precious guns n' ammo! Repeat as necessary.

A Ship:
SAVE. Get an AP Lasers equipped Laser Hovertank and make a hole in the enemy ship's hull. You want a hole at the middle level so, as to have a clear shot with the Fairy Dragon. Get the gal as in the Map case, have her line up one level above the hole-in-the-hull level (or else you roast her nice and yummy), !!!QUICKSAVE!!!, aim inside and show 'em why it's... was it good that they haden't the Dark Ones in there before YOU appeared:)

So, if you don't actually need the loot a/o slaves, cuz you already got tons of thet - there's aaalways good ol' sado with Bombo/Dragons... What's there more to ask for?

Happy roasting:)

AND, as for the Lil Banka, I think that my Bombo's gonna have a job to do...

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 05, 2021, 02:25:03 pm
Lol this game has the player getting victimized for so long that when he finally gets the upper hand, all those suppressed vengeance urges get to surface ;D

Just the other day I got that Church training camp after a long time so I brought and lobbed a Baby Nuke in their little courtyard from top of Fortuna. Only a single Neophyte survived, surrounded by nuclear flames and stench of his fellow scorched fanatics. It was such a beautiful sight...
I'm refraining to indiscriminately destroy everything coz I need to collect various goodies I'm still using in manufacture or just selling. But the day will come.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 05, 2021, 08:07:35 pm
Transformations are accessed through hands menu. The same button for training and memorials. thou until you unlock some the options isn't present.
Cool. I didn't think you could do anything in there except sack and change arnor.

Still I need to know whats all involved in fetting Wiz Biz to work, next step since I seem to have the requirements is indescriminantly adding customer wiz biz to discovered research topics.

@Nilex -
You get UAC Rifles from boot camps and that can be a big benefit early game.
My suggestion is Mortar bombardment. You have baby nukes and a Ballista it seems but a Mortar crew (3x) will probably do the job. Even basic HE munitions. First turn have other hands drop as many shells as possible on the ground tiles the Mortars will operate from.
Thing is in the past few revisions the distribution of critters on the map has gotten much more uniform, maybe it was an engine fix I dunno. But used to be most mobs would be in the Compound. Now... most of them are out in the jungle and the house is all but vacant. That actually makes them much better to be wasted. I use a car or stealthy hand to spot where they're at.
You can snag a Reverend here I think possibly even a Cardinal (?) but hes hot Lightning so watch out. Kinda makes him hard to capture.

Next best thing for explosives is a rocket launcher, or RPG with FAE (red) rockets.

Looks like it worked though ironically the "preq:" topics for some things like lunar ward are in the research menu when they should have a research cost of 0. Its weird but thats a bug with the engine still, itll only take 1 day to solve it though (1 brainer per topic).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 06, 2021, 08:37:16 pm
Wanna waste/KO 'em real good, eh? Aim for the tree canopies - the blast will reach the ground.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 07, 2021, 03:25:52 pm
Do I need space missions to finish the game?
I wonder because they are slow on my device and I want to skip them completely(versions of like a year ago, when I started to play the thing).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 07, 2021, 04:28:10 pm
I don't know if they are required, if they yield any special research loot. But they are slow in terms of performance, I can confirm. To change that - toggle OFF personal lighting. You'll have to do it every time you reload because it goes ON every time. That increased solder movement speed by 3 times on my system so I suspect lighting was what caused it. Strangely enough on every other type of map performance impact is minimal. Maybe due to special color palette space uses, no idea.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 07, 2021, 11:20:45 pm
I'm guessing it's because the space map has no real floor. It's just this completely open map, so when it tries to do personal lighting calculations, it tries to project the light down to the floor...which is all the way "down".

Also, despite it being zero-gravity, bodies of killed opponents and objects immediately plummet to the bottom of the map.

Perhaps the open portions should be filled with invisible "elevator" instead, so the ability to fly and shoot through it is retained, but the behavior of all dropped objects falling to the bottom is suppressed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 07, 2021, 11:52:51 pm
I don't know if they are required, if they yield any special research loot. But they are slow in terms of performance, I can confirm. To change that - toggle OFF personal lighting. You'll have to do it every time you reload because it goes ON every time. That increased solder movement speed by 3 times on my system so I suspect lighting was what caused it. Strangely enough on every other type of map performance impact is minimal. Maybe due to special color palette space uses, no idea.

One story arc is tied to open space missions atm. Skipping space wont stop you from wining the game but you will miss out on some end tier codex armors, and X-plasma guns. Also notably limits your access to nuke batteries, and stasis pods.

Space freighters while less bad on rendering are still huge and slow, but contain a captive that is one of the 2 ways to unlock the gate for craft that can go to mars, the other is a specfic handling of Dr.X when you capture her.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 08, 2021, 03:35:22 am
I'm guessing it's because the space map has no real floor. It's just this completely open map, so when it tries to do personal lighting calculations, it tries to project the light down to the floor...which is all the way "down".
Every floor adds to calculations even if it contains empty tiles. Those empty tiles still count even if there's nothing to render. Engine bug which original xcom also shared.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 08, 2021, 04:40:14 am
Not a bug(something not working as intended). It works exactly as it was made too, rerunning LOS on every movement from the mover to infinity, and from every other unit as well. 25 year old design, so brute force in a very tightly constrained space was the way it was done.

Flawed for sure however when mods push the engine well beyond it's previous design. Vanilla had a z limit of 3, Piratez for space and a few other instances uses 30. And because this is three dimensional space, that's a 243% increase in complexity over vanilla.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 08, 2021, 11:32:14 am
Does anyone know what demon shrines restricts?  Was wondering what a straight peasants only run could do, but I don't really want to block off red mage quests or fun voodoo stuff.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 08, 2021, 04:52:36 pm
loknarr avenger armor, and the Tomes of X(flame, life, ect) that all i can think of.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 08, 2021, 05:01:53 pm
Every floor adds to calculations even if it contains empty tiles. Those empty tiles still count even if there's nothing to render. Engine bug which original xcom also shared.
Yup, that's what I'm saying, yes. Combined with the long lines of sight effectively to infinity because there are no walls, floors, or other obstacles to block them, and you get every line traced to the end of the map.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 09, 2021, 01:45:57 am
Recently I lost 250 million to ninjas, also I got 2 demonic invasions (named in all caps -999mil cost thing) im my storage. So I wonder: can I still lose the game at the very end of my current campaign run?

To be more precise: how much do ninjas able to steal and what do invasions do? 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 09, 2021, 03:08:54 am
Ninjas can steal some sizeable chunk of your surplus wealth, but as far as I know, won't actually drive you into bankruptcy, just prune off money if you have too much of it.

Demonic Incursions are objects that explode and kill everyone near them while spawning Imps during a base defense. Their negative sell cost makes them basically impossible to get rid of short of shipping them to a base and then destroying the entire base. I advise not producing those anymore, there's nothing you can obtain from that which is worth this level of hassle.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 09, 2021, 03:18:57 am
Basically ninjas only steal wealth if you're hording cash, it's calced at the beginning of the month I believe whether you meet the thresholds.  The thresholds gets more intense for the amount they steal.  The lowest amount they steal is 1 million, I think they only steal substantial amounts once you pass 20 million, maybe it's 10 million.

Typically a way to get around this is to just buy gold bars (44k buy price, 40k sell price) to keep your money low.  What I do is I make one base called "fort knox" with a ludicrous amount of AA (16 SAMs or lasers or more) and just stuff everything valuable that could get blown up in a base defense there.  There's currently no way to 100% stop a base raid but you can get in the literally 99.999% defense value pretty easily.

Also, I don't think coupons spawn in base defense (could be wrong) and they're great trade goods.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 09, 2021, 06:52:26 am
I find that something about the way I build bases confuses the enemy AI and they just kinda chill out in the hangar bays, too timid to actually advance, leaving only a few stragglers to get stuck in the tunnels somewhere and have to be hunted down with Aye-Phones. Earlier I got raided by mercenaries while my interceptors were out, and I waited like 3 turns for them to actually advance and attack me while I gathered all the random people standing around...and...nothing. Not a single man poked his head out into the corridors. They were all just huddled in the hangar bay.

One guy killed them all with a bloodaxe.

Seriously. Blood Axe. Those things DESTROY mercenaries. You can chop down a merc in one or two hits gaining more TU than it cost to destroy them because they're utterly soft against that damage type, so once the chain reaction starts, it doesn't stop until stimpacking medics can no longer reach the axeman or everyone is dead.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 09, 2021, 04:50:20 pm
Why is Neural Whip so ineffective against particular Demons: Pinky, Caco, Spider, Baron?

Their stats clearly show vulnerability to Mind damage but lashing them again and again does noting. Need half a dozen soldiers doing 3 lashes each to put one to sleep. Imp don't have this problem. I accounted for large health pools with most of them so that isn't the issue. Sticking to trusty Shock'a'Fist and punching Baron to sleep with a few quick jabs is far better capture method despite relative tech obsolescence and inferior stats.
As this point Demons are only worth to me alive. Only reason to even do the mission is for Demonic Essence. Was happy when I discovered the Whip method thinking how I outsmarted the game only to be slapped in the face by failure. I just don't get it. Only little bit of silver lining is training totally neglected Throwing skill :'(

Small addendum: also worth mentioning is the hit log always produces just a "hit" when lashing said demons, like some unknown damage reduction is applied. In reality is should be "HIT" with the largest font engine is able to churn out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 09, 2021, 05:31:43 pm
Why is Neural Whip so ineffective against particular Demons: Pinky, Caco, Spider, Baron?
I can't think of any reason or why you'd find them unusually ineffective other than their very large health pools. They seem to be about as susceptible as every other demon, normalized for health.

One thing to keep in mind is that demons don't bleed out. With these large health pool demons, give them a few lashes and then just use your axe. Unless you're like my team, who can slay a Pinky in a single chop regularly. But I wanted them dead anyway for their corpses.

As this point Demons are only worth to me alive.
Heh, for me, they're only worth something dead. Essence is overflowing, but I need their corpses to construct bloodaxes, so if I manage to knock out a Pinky or Baron, I have to pull out my Laspistol and execute it so I get a corpse.

Caco, of course, I haven't found a use for as a corpse.

Only little bit of silver lining is training totally neglected Throwing skill :'(
Well, maybe your terrible throwing skill has an impact? Why is it so bad, though? Isn't the Neutral Whip the primary weapon of choice for taking things alive, and keeping them down? Slaves, you can never have too many slaves. It's practically a relief when you get a mission where nobody is worth anything as a slave and you can open up indiscriminately.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 09, 2021, 05:34:51 pm
^ (also what he said)

Dunno, although it could be bad luck (0-200% roll vs shock a fists 50-150%)

That said, High HP enemies don't really need super dedicated stun weapons since you only need to make sure "health > 0, stun > health", which is a hard to miss window with a huge health pool. 

If you're looking to speed up the process electropulse is normally super lethal to softies because of the extremely variant quad shock damage, but not to high hp enemies.  In your face Light cannon Epulse should do on average 180 damage + 180 stun per shot for instance and doesn't leave wounds.  Probably too tough for pinkies, though, shiny niner epulse is kinda like a small stun shotgun you could use for them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 09, 2021, 06:04:57 pm
The issue here is that 2x2 units are immune to direct stun damage application unless the weapon has "ignore stun immunity true" property. the whip does not have this property.

They will still take stun from injury level degen and other secondary effects, but anything sourced from "to stun" they are immune.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 09, 2021, 06:18:16 pm
Hmm.. why do powder bombs always knock out reapers, though?  They don't ignore stun o.O

Edit: Ah nvm, it has the immune to stun: false flag.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 09, 2021, 06:44:29 pm
Too meta for me, just gonna electro-fist em in the future. Thank you for feedbacks.

While duking it out with the Demons I finally can answer this:
So can we actually shoot down a Harbinger of Doom, or not just yet? I'd just love a ground combat against its... Crew.
It always blows up as of L6. Although forcing a land battle with the crew is possible with at least 2x Tractor Beams.
Bit more details in short update to my post right after your quoted one.
Oh and HoD ship image comes from Ninja Gaiden boss. The more you know :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 09, 2021, 06:49:56 pm
Well, it's not too meta, electropulse munitions are just shock a fist in a gun xD (same damage characteristics).  It's just electropulse isn't useful for armored enemies since it's generally pepper damage whereas shock a fist is large if your melee is high and it ignores some armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 09, 2021, 08:04:59 pm
Seriously, so whats the deal with HKs and their attack priority.
I send a Jetbike to assist a Nightmare and it targets the Jetbike.
Okay, so ill have the nightmare escort the jetbike.
Still targets the jetbike even though the Nightmare is faster.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 09, 2021, 08:12:30 pm
Hunter killers can have a targeting priority. The default is first in detection range as the pursuit target. But there is the option to target fighters or transports. I am not sure what criteria defines a player craft as one or the other.

Clearly the jetbike in this example fits the criteria for being one of the exclusion types. Why i don't know.     
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 09, 2021, 09:53:27 pm
Makes sense. If I were in that scenario as the HK, I'd target the Jetbike, too. If you're gonna die, try to take something down with you! I've noticed that the AI will sometimes retarget even if both of the craft it can choose from are the same, like two Sabres, so I imagine it's doing an assessment of which one has the higher threat value, probably something like DPS/HP, because that's what I would do: Target whoever has the highest DPS to HP ratio, the glassiest cannon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 09, 2021, 10:15:07 pm
Makes sense. If I were in that scenario as the HK, I'd target the Jetbike, too. If you're gonna die, try to take something down with you!
Makes no sense.

You have multiple bogies coming in, you have no idea what kind of ships other than they look armed and are clearly unauthorized flight vessels.

You shoot the one in front leading the charge.
If you can disable it the others will probably retreat, and as an HK you can hound down the rest as they rout.
The one in front is clearly the highest danger, disable it (or the Largest) because if you dont it will tear your bee-hind off while you're distracted by its escorts.

As an HK you dont retreat or Believe youll be taken down, you're in charge here, how dare they invade your airspace.

Priority should be:
Biggest First, or Highest HP - biggest threat
Transports - disrupt the boarding activity
Interceptors - hound down whoever is left
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 09, 2021, 10:17:38 pm
Well that's something to bring up with Dioxine. If a given hunter should use one setting or another is up to him.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 10, 2021, 09:59:02 am
Makes no sense.
To you, maybe.

You shoot the one in front leading the charge.
But that's what they WANT you to do. The one in front is clearly meant to be the bait.

If you can disable it the others will probably retreat, and as an HK you can hound down the rest as they rout.
Exactly, you aim to kill one.

Biggest First, or Highest HP - biggest threat
Highest threat you can remove = Highest DPS to HP ratio. That's the biggest threat.

Transports - disrupt the boarding activity
This might actually be the priority target, since if you shoot this down, their mission fails regardless.

So, their behavior logic actually makes sense from what I've seen, they tend to go for whatever they can kill quickly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 10, 2021, 01:33:56 pm
Need an advice for air combat. I've managed to shoot down a
Destroyer, a Cruiser, and a Bomber with A Shark Jetbike (]flown by my very best pilot) that distracted by attacking first, followed by Drakkar armed with 3xMedusa and a Brave Whaler armed with 3x Fusion Ball. Would another such Whaler be enough to down a Battleship? Or 3 do I use such Whalers in total? Whaler is comparatively easy and cheap to make. Plus it looks real pretty;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 10, 2021, 01:38:21 pm
Too meta for me, just gonna electro-fist em in the future. Thank you for feedbacks.

While duking it out with the Demons I finally can answer this:It always blows up as of L6. Although forcing a land battle with the crew is possible with at least 2x Tractor Beams.
Bit more details in short update to my post right after your quoted one.
Oh and HoB ship image comes from Ninja Gaiden boss. The more you know :)

Hey, that's COOLISSIMO. Wanna fry those asses, you understand me, right:) Wanna show those masquerading caricatures WHO the Hell is the BOSS on MY computer:) Oh, yeeeah.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 10, 2021, 02:37:00 pm
Yeah 6 fusion ball launchers + medusas should blow it up, assuming it doesn't blow you up.

That said, you can upgrade your dps by replacing the medusas with fusion balls, once you get balls they completely replace medusas for ripping shields I believe.  Since there's a 50-100% dice roll in aircraft damage, it'd also make more surefire that you'd blow the thing up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 10, 2021, 05:23:40 pm
Hey, that's COOLISSIMO. Wanna fry those asses, you understand me, right:) Wanna show those masquerading caricatures WHO the Hell is the BOSS on MY computer:) Oh, yeeeah.
There is more I think. Defeating it while force landed in that way doesn't cancel its mission. They'll keep coming and coming until you actually destroy the ship itself. That was my 2nd HoD, two in-game hours after the 1st - same zone and destination (South Africa). Two hours later a 3rd one came - again same zone (right after my previous post). Too much of a coincidence to be a product of chance (and the only three HoD I ever saw in 4 in-game years) so I guess it's a great farming method for Demon corpses/essence.
Same method may or may not work on all ships. Potentially allowing exploiting Metal Ore freighters for lots of money, or rare VIP carrying ships if any were missed.

UPDATE: Nevermind what I said about farming ship spawns with Tractor Beams, it was faulty conclusion. Harbinger of Doom always appears in same zone for 3 times in span of few days regardless if sequence is interrupted by shooting it down or force-landed with Tractors. Same applies to all other ships so Tractors have no influence on spawning and, consecutively, farming.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 11, 2021, 12:11:47 pm
ATTN Greep & Nilex.

TYVM. I never used the tractors before, it's sure gonna be fun, hehehe:)

Aaand - what does the Bee Hive do?

What's your take on the Shotgun Shield? Worth it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 11, 2021, 03:26:46 pm
Beehive: You can judge for yourself here:

Shield: Honestly can't think of a use that justifies spending the money manufacturing one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 11, 2021, 11:12:34 pm
Hive is pretty worthwhile, pays off almost as soon as it's finished and helps with early base defense a fair amount. The bees it adds are not only fairly resilient in early game, they also have a bio attack that always hits under armor with half pen. they also have sense so they will frequently go chasing whoever wanders into the sewers.

Shotgun shield isn't a stellar weapon, but it is very good for defense since it offers additional resistance for the most common means of death(pierce/laser/plasma), and a smidgen for cut and stab as well. It's something to bulk up armor that has good raw armor but not so good resists. Like say juggernaut or heavy suits.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 12, 2021, 07:57:55 am
The main thing with the beehive is that it prevents you from using your plantation anymore, as you can no longer plant anything in it. Which means what you have is 5 base facility squares tied down in a fancy base defense structure that happens to generate some cash.

The shotgun shield, well, it's a shotgun, and a shield. I'm not a huge fan of shotguns outside of static corner camping because their accuracy is wretched at any range but point blank and if you try to close to point blank, you will no longer have the TUs needed to fire it, and may as well be using a melee weapon with its flat TU cost. They excel in their role of shredding unarmored slow-moving targets at point blank range, but these are not exactly high-threat items. The list of these kinds of enemies I'm actually allowed to shotgun without penalty is...pretty short, honestly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 12, 2021, 12:55:22 pm
TYVM, ppl.

Tried the tractors, sure was fun:) How many tractors would stop a Battleship? I can send two so equipped Scarabs right now. A Kraken would be too slow, I'd wager and a Dragon - well, that'd certainly stop anything with 4 tractors and maybe the worldmap, too.

As for the shotguns, I do recommend the O.G.R.E. beastie with N-Shells - kills a star god with a burstfire for me. And also the Smasher. Shotguns are great vs Zombies, as well, especially with incendiary/nuclear shells - OR, the Death Blossom SMG with inc ammo from a closer range, autoshot (8 bullets). I think that Solrius Scorch himself posted once, that it's a beautiful weapon. SURE is, for me. Otherwise a Lasgun with AP ammo for longer ranges, or Heavy Particle Accelerator or Trishot Plasma Rifle as well.

TYVM for the website, didn't know about it. I hang only here.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 12, 2021, 01:03:11 pm
Well tractors have less influence based on the size of the target, and forcing a landing also requires getting it's speed to 0.  Battleships are "very large", highest size, and move reasonably fast.  Not sure it's even possible but I've never used tractors.

Edit:  Alright did the math, I believe the answer is "not possible" (4 dragons, 4x tractors is just barely not enough).  This is assuming tractors work off max speed and not current speed, although I'm not sure this is the case.

RE: shotguns. They're highly affected by difficulty since they're so sensitive to armor, which is probably why username doesn't like them.  Even the change from jack sparrow to davy jones makes a huge difference, they tend to only be useful for unarmored targets until you get a mammoth which can armor rip (slowly).  I usually end up replacing them with throwing axes since they scale to skills and can hurt armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 12, 2021, 01:38:39 pm
Thanks. Hm... So let's then attack when the target slows down.
And, let's AX the enemies a question.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 12, 2021, 01:55:23 pm
Tried the tractors, sure was fun:) How many tractors would stop a Battleship? I can send two so equipped Scarabs right now. A Kraken would be too slow, I'd wager and a Dragon - well, that'd certainly stop anything with 4 tractors and maybe the worldmap, too.
Even if tractors could stop a battleship, they wouldn't be able to do so mounted to Scarabs because a battleship is speed 4000 and a Scarab is only like 2K and change, so unless you're somehow able to attach Ethyr Drives to all your Scarabs, they're not going anywhere.

As for the shotguns, I do recommend the O.G.R.E. beastie with N-Shells - kills a star god with a burstfire for me.
Concussive Damage vs. Blue Shields? Useless. Against the White Robe guys without the shields? I sorta want them, you know, NOT dead, and for this I go with the Neutral Whip.

And also the Smasher.
Smasher's particularly good at stripping blue shields before I then introduce them to my axe, but as a tool for dealing damage, it's meh.

Shotguns are great vs Zombies, as well, especially with incendiary/nuclear shells
What, the regular, slow-moving zombies? These aren't threatening enough to warrant a weapon specific to them. Their melee evasion is basically nonexistent anyway, so AXE TO THE HEAD! Against the armored zombies, shotguns are pretty useless, like against most other armored targets.

OR, the Death Blossom SMG with inc ammo from a closer range, autoshot (8 bullets).
Close range? AXE TO THE HEAD!

Otherwise a Lasgun with AP ammo for longer ranges, or Heavy Particle Accelerator or Trishot Plasma Rifle as well.
I think my current long-range weapon of choice for lethal ops is the Battle Lazor. The accuracy is great, it's not 60% TU to fire, and it never runs out of ammo. I tend to avoid mass-issue of a weapon that requires custom, non-looted ammo, because if you start actually using it, you will consume ludicrous quantities of ammo, fast.

But the Battle Lazor requires no ammo and also is particularly wicked as a night-ops weapon because even when you miss, odds are it will set something on fire and give you light to to aim your subsequent shots with. And you will GET subsequent shots because it doesn't cost most of your TU to fire.

Generally, however, I use the Reticulan Electrogun, although it makes me wonder: Given how heavy it is and how scrawny Sectoids are, how is it that they have created a weapon they cannot even use? Even my maxed-str Hybrids have difficulty wielding this thing. Because Ah, Slaves, you can never have too many slaves.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 12, 2021, 07:28:34 pm
Hm, I like your take on the matter, username. Wanna try it, so...
Say, WHICH kind of axe?
I use weaker SGs only vs unarmored guys. VS armored ones - AP lasers or XG guns, as soon as I can get them. Until then, poison arrows and other uga-huga stuff. I love the poisoned daggers:)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 13, 2021, 09:23:14 am
Blood axes and vibro-axes are my usual axes of choice. Blood axes are particularly brutal vs. high-HP enemies with poor cutting resists and armor, like mercenaries and large demons, because they consistently return more TUs on strike than it cost to attack. On mercenaries, particularly at higher difficulty where they have more HP (but still die in one hit many times), this leechback effect can result in a situation where striking down an enemy is strongly TU-positive, giving you enough TUs to sprint to the next enemy and repeat the process. My current killstreak with one is some 80-odd kills for one gal in Purgatoria armor with a bloodaxe, because Purgatoria adds stun recovery on strike that eliminates the one remaining cost of the Blood Axe, resulting in a near solo-clear of the entire map on turn 1 (someone else had to take care of the tanks).

I know it seems like the Gray Codex is the preferred popular choice, but I really can't find the killer app that it has that beats toys Red will give you. No endless bloodaxe rampages. No vampire swords to massively increase uptime by effectively immunizing you to chip damage. What's the big killer app there, an outfit that lets you mindcontrol through walls, something Hybrids can already do? This isn't original X-Com, psi just isn't that great, and since your goal is to wipe the entire map, taking over one enemy just doesn't do it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 13, 2021, 09:40:25 am
I will point out that the vast majority of opinions given here about codex are very old. Grey used to be pretty much the best because other codexes had fewer of there unique toys. Back in the early days it was more about the results of the drill project and which codex was more feature complete.

Grey had the best menace class cause it went to all environments which let you cheat out a massive numbers advantage in space, the next nearest in size was 8 but at much later tech in an era when you could pop the drill and build the ship in the first few months. Also could mount the weapon from the codex, which was not a feature all menaces had at the time.

These days gold(huge upfront cash hit and decent toys down the line) and red(best toys overall) are the clear leaders.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 13, 2021, 11:37:20 am
I will point out that the vast majority of opinions given here about codex are very old. Grey used to be pretty much the best because other codexes had fewer of there unique toys. Back in the early days it was more about the results of the drill project and which codex was more feature complete.
Possibly true, but even those old reviews mentioned the BLOOD AXE as Red's killer app, and, frankly, if Red had nothing else special to offer, it would STILL be the best one just for this one item alone. That weapon alone just completely changes how you approach combats in which you can deploy it.

Grey had the best menace class cause it went to all environments which let you cheat out a massive numbers advantage in space, the next nearest in size was 8 but at much later tech in an era when you could pop the drill and build the ship in the first few months. Also could mount the weapon from the codex, which was not a feature all menaces had at the time.
The ability to mount that weapon is of very little value, though, because it's so expensive to use that it's wholly unprofitable to use it, and with the pokey speed on the Menace, it is incapable of pursuing and shooting down anything more impressive than civilians anyway, as everyone else outruns you, and you can't intercept anything faster than you, not even with a head-on approach.

These days gold(huge upfront cash hit and decent toys down the line) and red(best toys overall) are the clear leaders.
Honestly, it's really more like best toy, singular. What's Gold's killer app?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 13, 2021, 02:48:26 pm
OK, thanks. Will axe a bit, then.

ATTN Nilex:
Yea, the South Africa. That's where I had the Harbinger of Doom myself!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 13, 2021, 02:53:33 pm
Re: username

Grey in particular suffered with bugeyes I think, since it's main shiny toy, mind control, is something everyone has access to now.   

Regardng the weapon mount: it's more complicated than that.  You used to be able to immediately buy seagulls from contacts:smugglers and put it onto an airspeeder, then use that airspeeder to shoot down megapol for cheap cannons.  This pretty much made green's charger laser redundant.  Additionally, HKs used to not be a thing and seagulls outranged everything, so you could safely shoot down a crapton of things immediately on a flimsy 30HP airspeeder if that was your style.

Nowadays seagulls are gated behind authorized dealers, which you're not getting until april tops, probably june. Of course, you could get lucky and find seagulls behind a secret door, but it's very rare.

Grey also has a gnome which can be repeatedly researched, which theoretically can give sci books/light machine gun/shadowmasters/guild stapler, but unfortunately takes 25 brainer days per research so it's honestly not worth it.  The gnome also has gauss coils tech, but you can also just raid government ships if you really need school graduation earlier.

Honestly gold's biggest toy IS the cash: codex stuff is nice, but not much beats getting a full decked out base with a ton of brainers on march 1. Gold is more the "research" codex than grey is oddly enough.  But the combination of fairy and ghost later on is nice.

Anyways, codexes are very subjective, none of them are really bad, although I would say grey feels very weak to me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 13, 2021, 05:12:18 pm
Grey in particular suffered with bugeyes I think, since it's main shiny toy, mind control, is something everyone has access to now.
Mind control isn't even that amazey, though. First, the effective range of it is very short. It will most likely not work at all, except on the most weak-minded of enemies, and even then, it usually doesn't work. It lasts only a single turn, and if anything interesting will happen, pretty much everything has to align: There has to be target worth controlling, in a place worth controlling, within reach of a usually low-mobility and risk-averse controller (both hybrids and Fairy/Witch offer really poor protection), AND it has to actually WORK.

If you simply want your target alive, it has to either be the last target, or someone else must still dedicate a turn to beating your target unconscious after you take him over, so you could have probably just skipped this step. If you control two guys and attempt to make them beat each other senseless, they'll probably fail at it.

If you want your target dead, well, I hear you get a penalty condemnation for doing it because you've killed a "friendly" unit. You could try making them kill themselves, but they'll probably fail at it.

Regardng the weapon mount: it's more complicated than that.  You used to be able to immediately buy seagulls from contacts:smugglers and put it onto an airspeeder, then use that airspeeder to shoot down megapol for cheap cannons.  This pretty much made green's charger laser redundant.
That, and there's a mission to raid some bandits to get a cheap cannon anyway.

Anyways, codexes are very subjective, none of them are really bad, although I would say grey feels very weak to me.
Green honestly feels the weakest, mostly because it seems aimed at newbies and so while it makes the early and midgame easier, it doesn't really contain much in the way of a killer app, merely lots of redundant solutions to problems I regard as solved.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 13, 2021, 05:48:24 pm
Well, mind control is weird because some really powerful enemies are weak to it.  Namely:  Mercs and raiders, although megapol or hilariously weak to it if you just want to screw with them.  A plain old savvy girl may have 38 voodoo power (on blackbeard) but a merc soldier has 29, and a raider firebat has 28.

If for whatever reason you feel like taking on mercs early I guess it's possible with bugs trained on civilian ships. It's mainly more effective on lower difficulties, where voodoo power isn't as high on enemies, and obviously you need to do the whole "panic then MC". Also if you're being a total munchkin, UAC space suits give your bugs +5 voodoo power which actually makes a difference.

Regarding green:  I believe it's "killer app" is the crystal skull.  Basically a blood ax but with any weapon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 13, 2021, 08:25:29 pm
Too much of a coincidence to be a product of chance (and the only three HoD I ever saw in 4 in-game years) so I guess it's a great farming method for Demon corpses/essence.
So the demon ship is basically a staging platform for attacks-everywhere and if you blow it up they stop. Reminds me of the actual plot of Final Doom/TNT evilution, a flying spaceship made of demon bones.

Oh is there any point to keeping Corpses of demons and such? Used to be they gave you half the essence as a capture but now they dont have the option. Yes I know about the skulls (still dont have anything to build with demon skulls).

The Reticulan Electrogun is mainly used by Sirens, so the Rets clearly made it for their tank characters. Sectogres are pretty strong.

Concussive damage verses blue shields MOST CERTAINLY can take them down. If its rapid fire. Yes damage is 25% but theres no Armor so it just soaks directly. I forget how much N-Ammo for OGRE does but if its like 30x12 then its like 7x12 damage on those shields if they all hit.
OGRE fires both barrels on the burst, so 7x24 = 168.
But remember if the shields come down before that, whatever gets through is Rather High damage. And then they get set on fire too. Its doable.

Ive taken down Academy Scientists before with the Chaingun + N-Ammo so its definitely possible. That be like 48x6 but because of blast youre almost guaranteed to hit with most of it.

I thought Chem Blunderbuss was the way to take down Stargods? Chem goes through blue shields.

Axe To The Head?
Melee takes a backseat to me always. Ive usually got 1-2 hands with a melee weapon and its usually in the backpack. The Syn lady and Xeno have claws and thats delightful enough. Also armored zombies are vulnerable to Super Shotguns and Boom Guns, which yknow are shotguns (HVAP SSG ammo does 55x4, but make it x12 because Burst doesn't cost much more than snap).

Blitz or fastest Harbinger lady usually carries an Electro-Claw on the 2x2 belt slot. I dont usually end up using it.

Cut Vulnerable monsters like Lobstermen can also be DESTROYED by the Arena Slaughter Cannon. Which I guess Dioxine made do cutting damage because of shrapnel tearing streaks on people's faces. But that in no way constitutes a genuine cutting damage style. But anyway 38 base damage I think and like x8 or x10 pellets, with a burst option. Non-tech version of the boom gun.

I agree with you about the Battle Laser in general though. But its because it does Heavy Laser damage with a BURST option. Hey if one shot doesn't royally screw them take 3.

Frankly I have a soft heart for the Fatty though, its an unlimited minigun. With good base damage. Weighs 40 just like the B.Laser.

offhand question the 8000 hours build time for the Advanced Rifle may be a typo? Description says restoring an assault rifle to its former glory but it costs the integrated devices up front. Its not particularly better since it still uses assault rifle ammo. I think 800 is more believable. Custom Lasgun even costs less, like 1500 or somesuch.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 13, 2021, 10:27:14 pm
Oh is there any point to keeping Corpses of demons and such? Used to be they gave you half the essence as a capture but now they dont have the option. Yes I know about the skulls (still dont have anything to build with demon skulls).
Red Codex has good use of Demon corpses. Otherwise nope.

offhand question the 8000 hours build time for the Advanced Rifle may be a typo?
Has to be a typo, good eye. Report it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 13, 2021, 11:19:33 pm
Regarding green:  I believe it's "killer app" is the crystal skull.  Basically a blood ax but with any weapon.
Oh, my. That's pretty terrifying. I have actually recovered some as loot in my current game, and was uncertain as to what they did or how to use them. I think I will try deploying them soon. If Green can bulk-manufacture this stuff, that is just frightening. It appears from the bootypedia raws that it drains stamina on use, the thing you perpetually run out of, so it would need to be offset by something that returns it somehow...although Green also has Moloch, so that might work.

Oh is there any point to keeping Corpses of demons and such? Used to be they gave you half the essence as a capture but now they dont have the option. Yes I know about the skulls (still dont have anything to build with demon skulls).
Various demon corpses are used in the manufacture of weapons and armors (Demon Corpses are part of the Blood Axe, Hell Barons Corpses are used to make Moloch Armor), but if you don't have access to these items, then they're useless to you.

Concussive damage verses blue shields MOST CERTAINLY can take them down. If its rapid fire. Yes damage is 25% but theres no Armor so it just soaks directly. I forget how much N-Ammo for OGRE does but if its like 30x12 then its like 7x12 damage on those shields if they all hit.
OGRE fires both barrels on the burst, so 7x24 = 168.
But remember if the shields come down before that, whatever gets through is Rather High damage. And then they get set on fire too. Its doable.
Well, the main blue-shielded offenders are Hovertanks, Marsec Heavy Robots, Guildmeisters, and various Academy honchos. The shields-down damage vs. a tank or a heavy drone obviously does nothing, and accidentally blowing through and wasting valuable prisoners is similarly undesirable.

Ive taken down Academy Scientists before with the Chaingun + N-Ammo so its definitely possible. That be like 48x6 but because of blast youre almost guaranteed to hit with most of it.
In my game, I've scored a few Herder Staffs. These things are absolutely amazing for taking down these guys, because they seem to punch right through even the toughest power armor in one or two hits.

I thought Chem Blunderbuss was the way to take down Stargods? Chem goes through blue shields.
Unfortunately, my experience with using Chem is that Chem is very weak, and eats through armor very slowly, delivering decidedly underwhelming performance. It will go straight through blue shields, but then very little seems to come of it afterwards.

Axe To The Head?
Melee takes a backseat to me always. Ive usually got 1-2 hands with a melee weapon and its usually in the backpack. The Syn lady and Xeno have claws and thats delightful enough.
This is where our styles differ, clearly. Melee is my primary mode of attack on high-TU characters because it costs 15 TU to deliver an axe to the head, but 40+ to fire most guns. Melee also has better options for prisoners.

There's another advantage to the AXE TO THE HEAD approach: Have you ever noticed that the mapgen annoyingly likes to put walls where doors are supposed to be? Well, if you've got an axe, 15 TU will fix that for you, and this is generally cheaper than trying to find where mapgen put the door, which is usually on the wrong side of the building completely, and a hell of a lot farther than 15 TUs away.

Guns are much less reliable in this role, especially since they have scaled, not fixed, TU cost, so firing that shot is gonna cost you way more than 15 TU. It will also cost you ammo in most cases.

I've encountered far too many scenarios where I wanted to reach an enemy and there were no less than *4* separate misplaced walls in my way, the only alternative route being some ridiculous detour through half the map. Screw that. If I'm going to have to be carrying this axe anyway to avoid being caught in this situation, I may as well also be using it to axe them some questions. There are very few things that can withstand interrogation in this way: Not even tanks.

Also armored zombies are vulnerable to Super Shotguns and Boom Guns, which yknow are shotguns (HVAP SSG ammo does 55x4, but make it x12 because Burst doesn't cost much more than snap).
Armored Zombies are also rather susceptible to AXE TO THE HEAD, as well as a surprising contender, the Heavy Chainsaw, which I've seen one-shot an armored zombie, because of its sequential attacks that carry through onto the replacement "lost the arm" zombie, whereas even the mightest single hit can only blow off the arm otherwise. Not sure what would happen with a shotgun in the same situation, since a shotgun releases all its projectiles at once.

Blitz or fastest Harbinger lady usually carries an Electro-Claw on the 2x2 belt slot. I dont usually end up using it.
"Fast" and "Harbinger" are not words I would put together. At -25 TU + Cannot Run, the only thing a Harbinger Armor would be good for is sniping from the dropship. No wonder you don't end up using it in such a loadout. I ultimately never deployed Harbinger Armor because, manufacturing-wise, it's a dead end, I went with Annihilator as my heavy suit of choice instead, sticking with Assault and Blitz otherwise.

Cut Vulnerable monsters like Lobstermen can also be DESTROYED by the Arena Slaughter Cannon.
Lobstermans are not exactly what I would call high-threat targets: They're slow, cannot fly, and normally don't carry weapons although for some reason they can pick up weapons despite their lack of actual hands. Also, axe-to-the-head destroys them just as effectively, while not requiring the use of any ammo. It'll cost you 30+ TU to fire that cannon at its most generous, but only 15 to axe, and I usually one-shot them with the axe on Jack Sparrow, so...

Also, since we're talking about surface encounters, as the Arena Cannon cannot be used underwater (while AXE TO THE HEAD still can), the usual method of dealing with lobstermans is probably just to gas them, as Lobstermans have little to no live capture value, and their accompanying Deep Ones are actually more desirable dead, since you need 300 corpses for Deep One Destroyer, so simply poisoning their asses with poisonous gasses is way faster.

Frankly I have a soft heart for the Fatty though, its an unlimited minigun. With good base damage. Weighs 40 just like the B.Laser.
I tried the Fatty. It did a passable job stripping the shields from a Hovertank, but a far less impressive job actually causing any damage to it. In every other situation, the accuracy was absolutely wretched. It has ultimately failed to supplant any of my usual weapons of choice.

offhand question the 8000 hours build time for the Advanced Rifle may be a typo? Description says restoring an assault rifle to its former glory but it costs the integrated devices up front. Its not particularly better since it still uses assault rifle ammo. I think 800 is more believable. Custom Lasgun even costs less, like 1500 or somesuch.
Wouldn't know. It didn't strike me as a particularly amazey weapon. Custom Lasgun similarly failed to make the cut for me, since with basic or Adv ammo, it has very little advantage over the Adv Lasgun, with the added hassle of ammo management. The AP-laser ammo could give it a new run, but I've already committed to the Battle Lazor for that role, which is harder hitting and never runs out of ammo. The ability to indiscriminately hose the battlefield with it is fairly significant.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 14, 2021, 01:31:01 am
Lobster-men actually do have manipulators. They have 4 upper limbs if you look at the paperdoll. So yeah the big chonky claws cant wield stuff but the other 2? seems plausible to me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 14, 2021, 02:12:52 am
Talk about axe to the head being perfect in any scenario more and you will end up with new update that will have end-game cyber-ninja designed to counter melee trough ridiculous melee evasion. Hehe.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 14, 2021, 05:27:55 am
Got a question on shields:  I notice the bootypedia entries don't mention choking.  Does this damage type just go right through shields?  Normally I just use HE grenades to capture cardinals and hope they don't bleed out, but I'm kinda wondering if I can just spam hallucinagen grenades on them instead.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 14, 2021, 06:14:05 am
All shield resistances in a small package:
Your idea should work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on February 14, 2021, 09:22:37 am
I looked up the blood axe, and I see that it restores not just TUs but energy as well.  That certainly will allow a gal to galeforce all over the map.

offhand question the 8000 hours build time for the Advanced Rifle may be a typo? Description says restoring an assault rifle to its former glory but it costs the integrated devices up front. Its not particularly better since it still uses assault rifle ammo. I think 800 is more believable. Custom Lasgun even costs less, like 1500 or somesuch.

I brought that up in the discord and Dio agreed that it was ridiculous.  I think it's gonna be down to 1600 in the next version, but you can edit in that number yourself right now if you know how.  The value of the advanced rifle depends on when you research it; it's great if you can get it early along with plastasteel ammo, not so much once you're able to buy omega rifles from the sectoids.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 14, 2021, 02:13:04 pm
Well, mind control is weird because some really powerful enemies are weak to it.  Namely:  Mercs and raiders
Well, Mercs are populated by Uber-Brutes, which, as mentioned in their entry, are particularly weak to voodoo.

although megapol or hilariously weak to it if you just want to screw with them.
Beastmen are also noted as particularly weak to it, yes, and Megapol heavily employs these. Megapol armor is also weak to electricity, which means an effective early encounter-tool is just to cattleprod them.

A plain old savvy girl may have 38 voodoo power (on blackbeard) but a merc soldier has 29, and a raider firebat has 28.
Yeah, and these are all uber-Brutes, which are noted for being psi-weaklings. These aren't so much anomalies as they are explicitly documented in the game.

If for whatever reason you feel like taking on mercs early I guess it's possible with bugs trained on civilian ships. It's mainly more effective on lower difficulties, where voodoo power isn't as high on enemies, and obviously you need to do the whole "panic then MC". Also if you're being a total munchkin, UAC space suits give your bugs +5 voodoo power which actually makes a difference.
The thing is, the number of shots needed to do that, and the high odds that it simply doesn't work at all, makes it much easier to simply introduce them to the sharp blade of my axe. Mercs, incidentally, are weak vs. AXE TO THE HEAD as well, as their armor does not grant any real cutting resistance. Honestly, the biggest threat in an early Merc encounter their hovertanks, against which you will have basically no effective answer. Their shields basically entirely protect them from the usual anti-tank weapons you will have access to at this point. Usually my approach an early merc encounter is to wallop someone who I can interrogate over the head, drag his ass back to the dropship, and jet.

Talk about axe to the head being perfect in any scenario more and you will end up with new update that will have end-game cyber-ninja designed to counter melee trough ridiculous melee evasion. Hehe.
Honestly, I'm surprised there is not such a super-ninja already. There really SHOULD be this one mission that contains just one, single, nigh-invincible ninja, to drive home the counterpart that these are ninjas. Because, as we all know, from the Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu, one ninja is an invincible warrior, many ninjas are disposable mooks.

Besides, the excellence of AXE TO THE HEAD is explicitly mentioned in the pinup tips.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 14, 2021, 02:42:44 pm
All shield resistances in a small package:
Your idea should work.

Sweet, looks like I've found probably the only use for a rope, too :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 14, 2021, 04:44:57 pm
I wouldn't consider this a particularly good vulnerability, given that the standard choke damage multiplier is 400% as a baseline, meaning even though the Church suits don't offer full immunity, they still reduce your effective damage to 25%. Gassing them is not terribly effective as a result, and the TU usage on ropes is simply too bad to make this a good tactic, since you'll only get one attack requiring most of your TUs at point blank range.

If you're going to close to melee, you're better off just chopping them until the shield fails and then beating them over the head. Gold shields function, but very poorly, against cutlasses and axes. I advise the cutlass or knife for this, AXE TO THE HEAD is often so strong that it will just blow right through and one-shot anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 14, 2021, 06:05:48 pm
Well church is 200% instead of 100% I believe, so it's not that bad.  Hallucinogen don't destroy each other and are cheap, compared to a 500k capture, so just tossing 10 of them is fine.  It's less about effectivity and more safety, standard daze or bio as the usual long range stuns doesn't cut it with gold shields.  I was just thinking of safe ways long distance to avoid that shotgun lightning safely.   

In practice probably the most practical is an he grenade followed by one or two choke grenades as a single he is highly unlikely to kill them.

Rope is just in case they get up, since the shields reactivate on wake-up.  Although it's probably fine to just gym suit their butt. 

If I felt like going melee I think a single pipe hit followed up with good lookin' rock is probably what I'd go with since they're concuss with reasonable stun and lowish damage.  But melee just feels really dangerous.  Then again I guess that's what suicidal dogs are for. 

Or maybe I could toss a hallucinagen to make them go insane and dump their reaction TUs, that sounds pretty useful.  Edit: or not, 100 bravery, right.

Actually having tested in quick battle, hallucinagens will also panic even someone with 100 bravery at full morale with one explosion.  I guess an average 4000 morale damage to choking 200% will do that lol.  That seems a bit ridiculously powerful.

Unfortunately, my experience with using Chem is that Chem is very weak, and eats through armor very slowly, delivering decidedly underwhelming performance. It will go straight through blue shields, but then very little seems to come of it afterwards.

Armored car chem flak is pretty terrifying if used pointblank. 4x32x12 will rip any armor and then do hundreds of completely unmitigated shotgun damage.  I tested it out on an academy provost and it didn't even finish one 20% TU autoshot.

TBH that's the only chem weapon I found effective, though.  Toxiguns two tiles away are effective if you fire a few of 'em though.  But finding multiple toxiguns is almost impossible :(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 15, 2021, 03:13:31 pm
Well church is 200% instead of 100% I believe, so it's not that bad.  Hallucinogen don't destroy each other and are cheap, compared to a 500k capture, so just tossing 10 of them is fine.
The problem is that you're now talking about throwing 10 grenades, which probably means at least 10 guys throwing grenades at one guy, and this many guys in such close proximity IS asking for lightning.

But finding multiple toxiguns is almost impossible :(
Impossible? Surely not, every Snakeman purge gives me more of them than I've ever used, ever. I also get them by the bucket out of Ghoul Town.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 17, 2021, 03:50:14 am
So got two questions:

1)  I heard a rumor that damaged missile strikes deal less building damage, is that true?.  If that's true, building 4 OC radars in every base sounds like it'd be good enough for missile defense.  Otherwise probably the only base worth defending is the main base until I get flak cannons, since 5 is just getting a bit ridiculously expensive.

2)  So I had a large wave of medium ships land in May '01, they were tanking my score so I figured I'd at least touch down.  The basic footmen had lasguns so I figured it was way above my level.  Were these worth doing anyways (I heard mediums tended to be impossible)?  It also seemed like I wasn't really stopping the score loss by touching down and evacuating, was I imagining that or do you get a penalty for landing and leaving?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 17, 2021, 07:45:32 am
1) Pretty sure damage to missile is irrelevant but who knows. Radars you meant for baiting or for increased detection? On "Blackbeard" my 1st missile strike arrived late into 2nd game year (may actually be triggered by research) just to give you an idea. By that time 3x Armored Vaults proved defensive enough. But I couldn't intercept a missile not matter what because it's way to fast. I could prevent it by shooting those HK-117 (not easy) before the actually missile shows up on map however. Higher difficulties notably harden the situation so my case may not apply.
Someone smarter than me will probably advise you better on the details but I'll say a good idea for initial base defense is using lots of inexpensive expendable units (dogs, peasants). Glass cannons if you will. Then slowly build up from there or just dot it with defensive facilities to skip the whole thing. My 1st unavoidable (main) hideout defense happened in Sep 2062, delivered by Breaker @ 6250 speed & 900 HP. Mission is relatively easy if you manage to finish it fast (3-5 turns) before the enemy force scattered.

2) Depends on your play style if they're worth it I guess. You can cover losses with money and/or good tactics plus patience. I do it by save scumming to kingdom come (no one dies on my watch since Dune 2 lol). The two main tools which carried my troops were Manstoppers and Scoped Magnums (freeing up a hand for Cattle Prod or whatever). Infantry Laser was the first real breakthrough though.
Enemy ships incur score penalty as they enter zones, depending solely on time passing by. Flying or landed it's all the same so that's why aborting only marginally shortens global penalty as ship flies away from that zone (and starts increasing it in another probably) before disappearing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 17, 2021, 11:01:42 am
2)  So I had a large wave of medium ships land in May '01, they were tanking my score so I figured I'd at least touch down.  The basic footmen had lasguns so I figured it was way above my level.
Lasguns are actually weaker damagewise compared to bullet-shooting guns. Their main advantage is their arpen, but you probably don't have any armor anyway, so that advantage is mooted.

They are, however, infernally accurate, at least in the player's hands, but this advantage is again lost on the AI, as the AI automatically hits you anyway, regardless of how ludicrously difficult the shot would otherwise have been, so this point is similarly moot.

They're also extra-effective against blue shields (the best shields), but again, you don't have any of these yet, so this advantage is similarly irrelevant.

Put together, lazor-wielding enemies are not really any tougher than their bullet-shooting counterparts early on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 17, 2021, 11:46:51 am
Lasguns are actually weaker damagewise compared to bullet-shooting guns.

Yeah right, maybe self-chargers and NERFs. Lasers are pretty strong on the average.

Their main advantage is their arpen, but you probably don't have any armor anyway, so that advantage is mooted.

You think 20 is inconsequential? (Assuming ubers.)

They are, however, infernally accurate, at least in the player's hands, but this advantage is again lost on the AI, as the AI automatically hits you anyway, regardless of how ludicrously difficult the shot would otherwise have been, so this point is similarly moot.

Lol wut?

They're also extra-effective against blue shields (the best shields), but again, you don't have any of these yet, so this advantage is similarly irrelevant.


Put together, lazor-wielding enemies are not really any tougher than their bullet-shooting counterparts early on.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 17, 2021, 06:10:42 pm
1) Pretty sure damage to missile is irrelevant but who knows. Radars you meant for baiting or for increased detection? On "Blackbeard" my 1st missile strike arrived late into 2nd game year (may actually be triggered by research) just to give you an idea. By that time 3x Armored Vaults proved defensive enough. But I couldn't intercept a missile not matter what because it's way to fast. I could prevent it by shooting those HK-117 (not easy) before the actually missile shows up on map however. Higher difficulties notably harden the situation so my case may not apply.
Someone smarter than me will probably advise you better on the details but I'll say a good idea for initial base defense is using lots of inexpensive expendable units (dogs, peasants). Glass cannons if you will. Then slowly build up from there or just dot it with defensive facilities to skip the whole thing. My 1st unavoidable (main) hideout defense happened in Sep 2062, delivered by Breaker @ 6250 speed & 900 HP. Mission is relatively easy if you manage to finish it fast (3-5 turns) before the enemy force scattered.

2) Depends on your play style if they're worth it I guess. You can cover losses with money and/or good tactics plus patience. I do it by save scumming to kingdom come (no one dies on my watch since Dune 2 lol). The two main tools which carried my troops were Manstoppers and Scoped Magnums (freeing up a hand for Cattle Prod or whatever). Infantry Laser was the first real breakthrough though.
Enemy ships incur score penalty as they enter zones, depending solely on time passing by. Flying or landed it's all the same so that's why aborting only marginally shortens global penalty as ship flies away from that zone (and starts increasing it in another probably) before disappearing.

I figured it was incorrect but someone notable on the forums said it a while back so I figured I'd check. 

Regarding radars:  Overcharged radars are the only defense against missiles really early game unfortunately (they actually damage invading craft) if you bother to try and defend.  Getting the necessary ~8 flak towers would require looting 32 25mm(x2) and 96 cannon rounds... per base by mid-may.  It's probably better to simply not bother and just resign your campaign if your old earth lab gets disconnected, as dumb as that is.  I guess you could outpost spam to bait but at that point your spending so much money you may as well just shoot the things down.

Regarding lasguns, I just meant that whatever else they had at that tech level was what worried me, although massed lasers wouldn't be fun.  It was a church warmaiden, so I'm guessing chrysallids and celatids and tons of matrons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 18, 2021, 01:58:21 am
The OC thing while sound mechanically, is not always a practical solution due to expense. But playing on Jack sparrow where you get strikes very early, and outside normal research trigger, there is a strong desire to no sell the strikes just so you keep the main base intact. Jack sparrow's punitive balance makes for some odd player behaviors. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 18, 2021, 02:07:04 am
Yeah they're pretty stupid.  Built the oc radars in the main base, and immediately before I start building them in the second base:

10th of june and there's 6 million gone in missile defenses and rebuilding XD

(and there should be one more coming.. oh joy)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 18, 2021, 03:10:20 am
Lasguns are actually weaker damagewise compared to bullet-shooting guns. Their main advantage is their arpen, but you probably don't have any armor anyway, so that advantage is mooted.

Yeahhh, not really.
Entry level laser has infinite ammo. Regular pistol does 30 and the military version does 36. Rifle does 48 compared to an assault rifle doing 30.
Cuts 1/3 armor (if you split the difference between armor and damage thats effectively +15% damage right there, so add another +5 to +8 damage).
Also it can SET YOU ON FIRE.

Since you have 20 armor and probably actually 30 armor if you're wearing Warrior or any of the specialty suits you need to consider ARpen as some form if damage. Splitting the difference to +16.6% might be a good rule of thumb. In that case in your mind you need to consider LASERS as doing damage like:

Holdout Laser - 19
Self Charging - 26 (better than an assault pistol)
Nerf Laser - 35 (like a commando pistol but way lighter)
Laspistol and Assault Laser - 42 (remember it does lots of bursts too)
Lasgun - 56 (pretty much og, accurate aimed shots too)
Autolaser - 58 (and bursts)
Heavy Laser - 75 (crazy) and can threaten you even in power armor

And as for Your Usage they are great against anyone who isnt bare flesh. Also fairly much a kill shot on Academy Drones. Pretty much just get semi-close and unload a couple Bursts with a Laspistol or Lasgun and you should get some good damage rolls. You dont know how many times ive made power armor dudes flash red by unloading laser on them, be it Firebats or Bodyguards.

@Missile Shinnannigans
Haven't had these yet, is it possible to intercept missiles?
Anyway stop playing Ironman unless you're on the next-to-lowest difficulty setting.
If you have lower than 100 hit ratio just savescum it and move on.

Missiles sound like a BS mechanic for what they do, it should be a Hideout Defense that causes an Explosion which may kill people and destroy equip and (possibly) destroy a facility if it can nuke the critical tiles for it. Turn 0 trigger invisible Baby Nuke sorta thing.

As a special game mechanic it could have been designed to pull up a Base Defense without letting you equip soldiers, without turns, and just blow up the bomb on a random spawn spot and give you the report card.

If I find any missiles im cutting them out of my savegame because its a POS mechanic. If you really get down to it the thing should also potentially kill Runts, Brainers, destroy Craft depending where it hits and what was going on in that facility at the time. Not much thought was given to this at all, the biggest danger is FATALITY not having a building destroyed (the rubble can be cleared).

(its because you could lose Fruity Taco or Amy Jellyfish or Indian Scorcher and 4 brainers and a PILE of equipment at the same time)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 18, 2021, 03:23:12 am
Yup, you can intercept missiles, although usually by the time you have a craft capable of interception you'll already have SAMs or cannons which are cheap enough to spam.

Honestly I'd rather just play davy jones with some silly playstyle than savescum, xcom just doesn't feel the same rerolling stuff.  Mostly missiles I find just annoying because if you completely ignore them 90% of the time all they do is blow up one base in september, you get flak cannons and not really even notice.  But sometimes they're just unstoppable hails of armageddon every month  >:(  They're even bugged to throw double the missiles currently for some reason, there's no way one missile is blowing up 8 buildings even with disconnects.

I think you can disable them by going the factions ruleset and just setting executionodds for technocracyFirstStrike and technocracyStrikes to 0 which will get rid of the later set on normal difficulties I believe.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 18, 2021, 03:41:04 am
Last few lingering questions from me:

1) "Not your business" research topic - unobtainable as of L6? Can't unlock White Dragon "Experimental weapons" without it. It unlocks some very cool items for purchase as well as very mysterious Eye of Horus facility. In the rules it's discouragingly called STR_UNOBTAINABLE.

2) Is EMP Minibomb really the best way to capture a live Technomancer? Followed by using Manacless on the body, and even Rod of Bliss for good measure. Last time I had to kill him because he just kept waking up every turn (restores 33 stun points) and knocking him out with Shock'a'Fist kept reduced his HP pool too much so he died. They are super rare (sole encounter came from zombified space freighter) so I wanna be prepared.

3) Where to get "Cyberzombie Database" and "Necronomicon" items, required for Red Mage finally to move in?
UPDATE on 3: nevermind found it myself by digging through rules. Both are found in Crypt of the Technomancer mission (Black Mask's Origins research related I presume). Funnily enough the mission is set to spawn 15 game days after my latest save, but many months and several hundred Megapol cars after I researched the damned topic. Guess I'll find out if my EMP theory holds true sooner than I thought.

4) This one is tricky...
Is there an easy way to determine if a soldier has reached peak capacity in any given skill using normal methods (via just plain battle XP)? Will explain using Bravery as an example. Normal peak is 100 but can go over the limit with Commendations (COM) and suit buffs. But let's focus solely on COM and ignore suits. The problem is when a soldier reaches let's say 80 Bravery but together with COM it gets pushed to 110 and you have no way of knowing if you should stop leveling it or is there room for 20 more that's hidden by COM.
I could probably read it from save or carefully subtracting every earned COM award to get normal unbuffed value but that's way too labor intensive. Hoping there's an easier way... maybe from reading unit stats graph better? Pretty much all skills are affected by this situation, some more than others. Ideally there would exist a button that, when pressed in stats menu (or anywhere stats are shown, such as hands ordering), would show unbuffed skill values (maybe even allowed peak next to it in brackets).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 18, 2021, 03:51:45 am
2) You pretty much have it, thou the rod of bliss is pointless, since the techno has no regen contributions from freshness. Unless i am mistaken they can surrender, so it might be viable to nock em down once and then clear everything else.

4) Not from within the game, but a breif ruleset dive for "maxstatcaps" will show you the limits. Each soldier has fixed limits but there largely identical for the same species.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 18, 2021, 03:59:49 am
-Not your business is just deliberately a tech so you can't use/buy/w/e anything assigned it unless you're hacking your game or testing or something.

-Hard to say, but I do know manacles will probably be just broken out of.  At 40 strength on the enemy they start rapidly losing effectiveness, technomancer has 65 strength.

-There should be a tally of all the earned stats on condemnations in the "+" tab for the soldier I believe, so you wouldn't need to go through every condeomnation. Edit: yeah click "summary" on that tab
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 18, 2021, 07:41:22 am
Only relevant stat I could find in analysis is "Immune to morale loss/fearImmunity: false" so I guess too he can surrender with low morale. I'll also bring TU & Morale damaging weapon and see how that goes. Thank you for all your diligent help in last 4 months! :)
(exactly tomorrow will be 4 whole months for this playthrough of mine, Jesus Christ)

After my post and digging in discord I got the same idea, you just confirmed it. Although just the presence of such building shows Dio is apt at understanding when to give player what in order to lessen the burden. Hopefully Horus facility makes it into the the final cut at some point. Consequently it also means it's not possible to achieve 100% research even with all Codex unlocked. And looks like I'll have to rebuild the Casino again (replaced with Printer, sill under construction lol) to get enough Mystery Boxes for those Shadow Orbs. FML
Big thanks for the "Summary" tip. Is better than expected so it'll have to do. I hardly pay any attention to commendation mechanic so I'd never find that little screen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on February 19, 2021, 10:40:39 am
After some time I\ve decided to go onece again with XPiratez ... and just WOW. So much improvement after all those months!

Quick question:
1) How to evade enemies evade? I run to enemy with melee weapon and they kill me before I can even attack / THey act once my char steps near them
2) Any early manfufacture projects to earn some cash? I remember from old versions that I could rush brainers quite fast but now I dont see a way.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 19, 2021, 11:51:59 am
Yeah, I also like ninja-ing around, but you see, if they have better reac and/or melee, then YOU're gonna become THEIR sushi, maybe even yummy:)
So train them also in using some BLAMMA-BLAMMO stuff. My Destructor gal has some 3-4 melee weaps plus an 'ole plasma gun. And grenades.

A ninja can use any damn thing as a weapon, or tool. So let's do so. It's fun, btw.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 19, 2021, 06:16:56 pm
If you wanna kill stuff in melee, these days spears (and bamboo vs unarmored) are your friend early game: reaction disrupt means they won't fight back and being able to fight from a distance also means less TUs to get there.  It won't train reactions, though, sadly.

Also, fight naked if you wanna melee early game :) weather permitting of course. +20 reactions and infinite energy is super nice.

Capturing is just harder, but if you have barbarian (S) armor with high melee you will pretty much evade every counterattack.

The manufacturing money train is:

hellerium (inspect machinery)
x-grog (cunning)
chateau (needs apples, from missions/recon expeditions/gambling)
gambling (needs blue chips from robbing/purses/bagsocash)
weed plantations (need 12 sectoweed from crackhouses and gambling, leave as plantation for the maintenance end of month)
cigars (need weed)
canteen o wisdom (need still)
medical supplies (need library)
mint->gambling (need scanners from cutters/x-prison, savvy girl/G.O./neophyte mass interrogation for activities:enterprise, useful always for the stuff, though)

I just always mint endgame since it gives you infinite zaxx/wizbix tokens and a decent amount of glamour though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 20, 2021, 02:45:25 am
How do I get the Conqueror (the 36 men transport for the last mission to Mars)? I got the codes and Zubrin. But no further research appeared.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 20, 2021, 03:00:46 am
Gotta be one of these from the picture.
More info HERE ( Note that you need Computer Core service to research Higher Studies, which ZUBRIN does not need.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 20, 2021, 06:11:21 am
Thank you for the answering.

By the way Google search for some reason doesn't return bootypedia even if asked "xpiratez bootypedia". Does anyone knows why?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: R1dO on February 20, 2021, 07:16:21 pm
Personal search bubble i assume.

When i enter your search query it is 3rd in the list (assuming you are trying to find "") just below some forum topics and an article on
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gals on February 20, 2021, 10:07:49 pm
Hi, I had been hoping to finish X-Pirates on my own, but I am stuck!

Brief history: I tried the mod a few times in the past, and loved it but never got far. Then I started a new game at the end of 2019 (freshly downloaded files) and was impressed at all the changes. I was much more careful and managed to actually survive! I never reload if things go wrong or it is game over, and came close a few times (e.g. when I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a "The World Is Mine" item, only to find that it wasn't the end of the game, just some points, and I was immediately hacked by someone and my account then dropped to -$250 million and I only just broke even and avoided a game over at the end of the second month ...)

Anyway, I have been playing the same campaign for around fifteen months, the longest I've ever played a single game. I thought I had reached the end of the game earlier. I have all four Cydonia codes, and have made 250 Hellerium Fuel Capsules. Nothing happened. So I looked at all the craft I have unlocked and realised I must need a longer range one. I had yet to build an Obliterator (the bomber one) so built that, because it has the greatest range out of all my possible ships. I finished it earlier today, loaded it with 250 Fuel Capsules and a crew, and launched, but there was only the option to go somewhere on Earth, not to go to Mars. So obviously it's not enough to have the codes, a spaceship, and enough fuel. There must be something I'm missing, but I have no idea what. I've reached that point where months and months go by with nothing new to research. Every time I do find anything (such as a Star God rebel on a smuggler ship, or some high rankers on the huge spaceship assault missions that have around 20 levels) I think ti will unlock a new bit of the tree, but it just leads to a description (e.g. golden chaingun, light gen) but nothing new unlocks. I have no idea what I am missing.

My game is stable: I have a fleet of Sabres (with Tesla and Laser) to take out smaller ships, and Dragons (with plasma) for the bigger ones. I make enough money just from my score (via shooting ships down) to add about 50 million to my account every month. My soldiers and Syn units are super tough (the gals wear Harbinger armour and have unlocked all the laser, gauss and plasma weapons). I have a tank that comes on some missions, and Blaster Launchers for Sitzkrieg. However, now that I built the Hellerium Fuel Capsules and ship, and got the codes, I just don't know what else to do. The only type of ship I have never shot down is the Silver Towers, is that what I need to do? It outruns my Dragons, and the Sabres just aren't tough enough to take it down (I lost all my craft trying to do that in an awful month, and spent about three weeks of real world time just to get back to that point where I had a fleet again!)

If I have missed something obvious I'd be grateful if someone could help. I don't want to just keep repeating the same missions for months and months more (real world time) and still not get anywhere if I have missed something, or I'll start getting frustrated, especially when I thought I'd reached the final stages! Many thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 20, 2021, 10:37:18 pm
Your missing haveing the right type of craft to go to Cydonia. Like in vanilla where only the avenger could do the mission. here you need either the Zubrin(shit low tech rocket that seats 8) or the Conqueror that holds 36.

To find out what unlocks your missing to build them hit Q on geoscape and bring of the tech tree viewer and search for those craft and work backwards till you find what your missing. Mind that it could just be not having the correct buildings built, some tech need certain buildings to unlock critical gates.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 21, 2021, 09:15:17 am
Why do my dudes dies in Zubrin? Is there a way to avoid it?

I got the ship and some random amount of people dies when it lands. My favourite is when last one survives and the ship explodes. It also has "Universe respects only strenght" card in it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 21, 2021, 11:28:16 am
ATTN all my Shoot-the-Big-Fat-Ones-Down bros and siss's here.
Ascolta bene, per favore.
I've shot down a BATTLESHIP! Like this:
A Shark Jetbike to draw its attention, piloted by the best reactions gal. This one attacked first. Then I've sent my Drakkar with all Medusas, and two Whalers with all Fusion Balls.
The Battletrashcan fell flat on its fancy-schmancy fat armored ass. And the LOOOOOT. YUUUMMYYY!! Of course, the fight was very hard. The kind you expect from the crew. All that lasery-phasery roasty-toasty, kaBOOMbo- wa-DOOMbo stuff. DON'T think ya aint gonna have casualties when fighting these, ppl. And it was only the Academy. I am looking forward to some Mercs laden B-Ship... Oh, boy...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gals on February 21, 2021, 12:29:39 pm
Your missing haveing the right type of craft to go to Cydonia. Like in vanilla where only the avenger could do the mission. here you need either the Zubrin(shit low tech rocket that seats 8) or the Conqueror that holds 36.

To find out what unlocks your missing to build them hit Q on geoscape and bring of the tech tree viewer and search for those craft and work backwards till you find what your missing. Mind that it could just be not having the correct buildings built, some tech need certain buildings to unlock critical gates.

Many thanks, I tried that (it isn't an area of interface I'd been able to work out). It says I have 76% research done.

There were two items under Mars Attack Vessel that were in red (which I think implies I haven't researched them).

The first was Mars Lander - but, weirdly, when I click on that all the dependencies are purple, implying I have researched them all. So no idea why the heading isn't done (maybe I misunderstood the interface)? So maybe there is something I need to do there.

The second is Warp Drive - which says I haven't completed Other Dimensions. When I click on that it suggests I haven't done Imp Corpse (but I am pretty sure I remember doing autopsies on them, they are really common, but I can double check that). The other thing it says I need is a Cacodemon Corpse. Where are they? I have fought the Doom monsters lots of times - in farms, in Terror missions, and following Imperial Probes to their bases, but I have never encountered a Cacodemon. Is it just a super rare occurrence? Thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 21, 2021, 01:04:50 pm
Why do my dudes dies in Zubrin? Is there a way to avoid it?

I got the ship and some random amount of people dies when it lands. My favourite is when last one survives and the ship explodes. It also has "Universe respects only strenght" card in it.

It the nature of the ship, shit poor space ship kills passengers. It's not really meant to be the optimal way you end the game or something you take to normal missions. It's a speed run tool, since it allows you to skip higher studies and still do the final mission.

Many thanks, I tried that (it isn't an area of interface I'd been able to work out). It says I have 76% research done.

There were two items under Mars Attack Vessel that were in red (which I think implies I haven't researched them).

The first was Mars Lander - but, weirdly, when I click on that all the dependencies are purple, implying I have researched them all. So no idea why the heading isn't done (maybe I misunderstood the interface)? So maybe there is something I need to do there.

The second is Warp Drive - which says I haven't completed Other Dimensions. When I click on that it suggests I haven't done Imp Corpse (but I am pretty sure I remember doing autopsies on them, they are really common, but I can double check that). The other thing it says I need is a Cacodemon Corpse. Where are they? I have fought the Doom monsters lots of times - in farms, in Terror missions, and following Imperial Probes to their bases, but I have never encountered a Cacodemon. Is it just a super rare occurrence? Thanks!

Not sure about mars lander without more info, screenshots or just the save would help.

As to cacodeamons, 2 of the imperial probes landed missions have them, also B rank wiz biz bounty has them too. Probably some others i can't recall, but those for sure
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gals on February 21, 2021, 01:12:32 pm
Not sure about mars lander without more info, screenshots or just the save would help.

As to cacodeamons, 2 of the imperial probes landed missions have them, also B rank wiz biz bounty has them too. Probably some others i can't recall, but those for sure

Thanks! Maybe I don't need the Mars Lander bit (especially as I have everything to build a Conqueror once I "discover" it). I'll follow all Imperial Probes and do all those missions again and see if I can find a Cacodemon. I'm not sure what the B wiz biz is (I don't seem to get any more bounty missions so maybe have unlocked them all - the only one with a wizard mentioned I think is Escape Tower, where I have to blow open a shuttle full of enemies at the top of a tower?)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 21, 2021, 01:50:03 pm
one of the B rank wiz biz bounty is a deamon tower, with at least one caco, and a hell baron.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 21, 2021, 07:04:31 pm
Arcane tomes are a really good source of dark ones and zombie tech if you just need to fill in some gaps.  50 wiz tokens isn't much, one liber occultus will get you 10 of 'em.

Noted:  If you're playing captain kidd/ don't have voodoo you won't get wiz biz in your game at all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 22, 2021, 10:44:20 am
I don't get Dr.X graviball invite anymore. Is it finite? Is there a way for me to spawn it?

It did appear before, but I had no decent stat girl to win it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 22, 2021, 11:47:52 am
According to bootypedia I seem to research everything for the Conqueror. But I don't have the "Mars Attack Vessel" availible. Is there something I have to do to get the research?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 22, 2021, 03:41:07 pm
I don't get Dr.X graviball invite anymore. Is it finite? Is there a way for me to spawn it?

It did appear before, but I had no decent stat girl to win it.

It spawns 3 times, after that your out of luck unless you cheat it in.

According to bootypedia I seem to research everything for the Conqueror. But I don't have the "Mars Attack Vessel" available. Is there something I have to do to get the research?
Please don't double post, the forum has an edit button. As to why you don't have mars vessel as a topic, i will need more info to say why. Please post a save.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 22, 2021, 06:34:33 pm
It spawns 3 times, after that your out of luck unless you cheat it in.
Please don't double post, the forum has an edit button. As to why you don't have mars vessel as a topic, i will need more info to say why. Please post a save.

I play on version .1a1l on my phone with android. So, I just inspect my game by version .k2 and it gave me the ability to research the ship and "Martyrdom". I guess it was a version issue or something. Maybe the Conqueror was not availible in my old game install.

Here is the save
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 22, 2021, 07:45:11 pm
Zoom, 88 miles per hour, time travel.
Why does it do this streaking pattern and doesn't hit everything in the radius necessarily?

(in other news figured out higher studies needed a computer core, and its only on my auxiliary research base that only has 12 brainers. I started it not knowing it was that extreme of a research cost)

Does the Zubrin actually kill your interlopers itself? Or is it just the Aura stuff on cydonia that you're not shielding properly against (a morale only effect I believe?)

Also anyone have an interest in a shotgun rebalancing mod?
Would narrow the blast and reduce total damage, make them less of a "you use this tool" type of weapon. Just irks me IRL the spread of a shotgun is really small and you actually need to aim the thing.

Just in general I really hate rock-paper-scissors dynamics like C&C3 where its literally the only ways to take things down. I like resistances and stuff but it should only hint at what you should do and not force it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 22, 2021, 08:23:43 pm
"set on fire threshold" for a weapon sets at what damage roll fire is made.  This basically confirms that every tile a separate damage roll is made for an explosion, and some of them don't hit the fire limit.

Harzarding a guess: the zigzag effect is caused by the ice floor tiles being hard to set on fire or something since you're setting those on fire less.  Totally wild guess, though.

For some, the threshold is low, so you'll basically always see it with fire bombs/willie pete

Re: shotguns.  Honestly they're only uberpowered early game anyways.  Plenty of things deal large amounts of damage to softies later by back to school or with high experience gals (ninja stars, e-pulse, slayer (although who even makes slayer bullets) etc).  Also what would peasants even use if the shotgun required aiming? XD  Besides:  The mod follows anime rules more than IRL rules :P

Edit: nvm on the fire thing, I've no idea.  I'm assuming those are hell mortars in which case it should set everything on fire :/
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 22, 2021, 09:48:43 pm

Also anyone have an interest in a shotgun rebalancing mod?
Would narrow the blast and reduce total damage, make them less of a "you use this tool" type of weapon. Just irks me IRL the spread of a shotgun is really small and you actually need to aim the thing.

Are you asking about nerfing them or buff them? I am using shotguns on pretty much any stage of the game? Flachette Multicanon probably will be my Mars waifu when I get there.

About Zubrin: it kills your dudes at random because its supposed to be bad. It is possible to lose nobody after some amount of rerols. There is other ship which is way better in game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on February 22, 2021, 10:52:00 pm
Zoom, 88 miles per hour, time travel.
Why does it do this streaking pattern and doesn't hit everything in the radius necessarily?
This streaking pattern tends to be caused by having obstacles between ground zero and your target, creating a kind of shadow zone. With many small obstacles, you can get this kind of streaky look in the blast.

Re: shotguns.  Honestly they're only uberpowered early game anyways.  Plenty of things deal large amounts of damage to softies later by back to school or with high experience gals (ninja stars, e-pulse, slayer (although who even makes slayer bullets) etc).  Also what would peasants even use if the shotgun required aiming? XD  Besides:  The mod follows anime rules more than IRL rules :P
Well, in vanilla, rookies that can't aim get bazookas. Either they hit their targets or die trying. In Piratez, I tend to avoid this kind of behavior because I want them alive, no disintegrations, etc. I do find that peasants tend to be pretty accurate with the Reticulan Electrogun because it aims by voodoo, but this is a more mid-to-late option. Space Ranger Jaeger Carbine is a pretty decent weapon to issue them also, because it's internally accurate to the point where even the most cack-handed peasant can hit > 100% snap. Early on, I issue them pointy sticks, another infernally accurate weapon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 22, 2021, 11:35:54 pm
 After moving my save between versions my inventory has no amulet, body and head inventory options. Help!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 23, 2021, 04:35:16 pm
After moving my save between versions my inventory has no amulet, body and head inventory options. Help!
Did you overwrite the files or did you install them clean? The former frequently leads to file corruption and errors. also not all armors have all slots, and these slots are not immune to balance changes.

This streaking pattern tends to be caused by having obstacles between ground zero and your target, creating a kind of shadow zone. With many small obstacles, you can get this kind of streaky look in the blast.
This is part of it, the other is the way aoes are created. Aoes are in truth an arbitrarily large number of bullet traces to find out what the aoe encounters and the correct actions to do. The issue is that because of voxel based tracing very wide aoes cease to have full uniform coverage because of dithering along diagonal paths.  tiny aoe only needs maybe 40 traces for ideal coverage but the really big one needs many magnitudes more for optimal tracing. As yet there is no engine end solution, because most mods don't play around with massive radius bombs lke XPZ does.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on February 23, 2021, 06:02:50 pm
Did you overwrite the files or did you install them clean? The former frequently leads to file corruption and errors. also not all armors have all slots, and these slots are not immune to balance changes.

I just put my .sav files into my other game install save folder. I made some checks - all my armors has no non-vanilla slots. Also my amulets turned from 1x1 to 2x1.

I made it all because the version I played(the one with working slots) had no Conqueror for research. The other version had it. So at this point I just finished the game without amulets and called it a day. At this point I am not sure which version is newer(I have .1a1l and .k2)

By the way, thank you, legionof1, for helping all this year with the game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 23, 2021, 08:34:41 pm
ah that would do it, 1a1 is a relic from before the additional slots where possible in OXCE. So assuming the 2 installs had the OXCE bundled with that version of the mod the feature wouldn't exists.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 23, 2021, 10:37:10 pm
Are you asking about nerfing them or buff them.
Well its both a nerf and a buff at the same time.
Dynamic pretty much would follow:
Only 3 shotgun pellets, each represents 1/3 of what the shotgun can do. The armor multiplier is increased, and it adds a little bit of stun damage because its painful. In Exchange the Spread is narrowed so it doesn't make it improbable. And in exchange for a tighter spread... Snap Shot accuracy is decreased (to about 90-110%).

The nerfy parts of it is the total damage output is reduced by about 1/4 to 1/3 so at point blank range itll be slightly less effective against zombies, etc. Also made it 50-150% damage so it stayed reliable, but because of the armor buff that means its still less likely to blow through armor.

Example:  Birdshot (23x3, +40% armor)
One benefit would be it can blast walls and doors better, like you'd expect it to.

I did something like this for the Shotgun Sergeants in GZDoom, made them fire the same spread as the player's shotgun but they randomly swiveled around just before firing so that the whole blast might veer off and miss you completely, or hit another monster for good damage (I gave the player a 30% damage resistance to it since they only do about 20ish normally).

Basically, imagine 3 musket shots in a sorta tight group, for a good shotgun like the sawed off. Im not really bothering with techy-shotguns like the scatter lasers and flechettes, figure they're not really shotguns but shot-hoses that intentionally sputter off in random directions.

Thats what I figured. Reminds me of the BFG Spray ray-traces.
I thought it did things differently, guess not
(as in, target every tile within radius, now draw a line from that tile back to origin, check what is in the path, etc. Starting with the closest first).
For years I thought there were also advanced blast mechanics in OG game too, for blast reflection and echoing off of walls and around corners.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 24, 2021, 02:55:49 am
there are more steps then what i described so it will edge around corners at shorter distances but like most of the engine, is the shortest code to a reasonable facsimile of reality. Corners got cut, but they got cut by professionals so its hard as fuck to tell until you pull the whole thing apart.

Cut nuff corners of a cube over and over and you approach a sphere. even if its made of legos. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 25, 2021, 12:40:40 pm
What do you recommend for killing Mercs? Heavy Particle Accelerator, 3Shot Plasma Rifle, Heavy Plasma, Auto Harpoon w/ poison ammo, Autolaser w/AP ammo..? Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 25, 2021, 01:17:13 pm
Heavy Particle Accelerator with its expensive ammo (mind the power drop-off over distance), until you can use Plasma Rifle/Heavy. Heavy Plasma is universally excels at killing stuff at distance, only topped by Scorcher for 2x2 shielded targets. Before I discovered early effectiveness of HPA I resorted to classic Laser stuff against them, even trusty Scoped/Super Magnums for a short while. Mercs are the toughest opponents imo solely for their grenade abuse, but also great overall stats and armament, not to mention Hovertanks.

In b4 Blood Ax serial slayer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 26, 2021, 03:17:03 am
why am I losing a mission if I kill everything, then the debuff sprayers go off, everyone drops but it was in mission-end mode?
I mean I triggered mission-end by killing everything, presumably somebody would wake back up and start the collection process
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 26, 2021, 03:24:05 am
that does sound strange, which mission?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 26, 2021, 09:30:16 am
He probably talks about either 'pink desert' terrain or ones with smoke substance that trigger at end of each player's turn.

As to why you lose:
Some time ago I came across a pretty extensive list of everything that happens when you do end turn in vanilla UFO:EU. A long list of things being sequentially calculated I'd never think of, so long and detailed it put a new perspective on complexity I didn't knew was there. It is simply likely that your units' status is being checked before the enemy's (despite you triggering a win condition) and game makes you lose the battle on the spot. As vanilla didn't have complex post-win triggers it never become a problem. So I reckon X-PirateZ may have overlooked an odd inheritance of ancient engine code. Or more simply even, the spraying action is still considered player's turn so when you die, you lose.
You could reload the final turn as the 'spray' is randomized so it will probably not catch all of your solders every time.

UPDATE: Found the list - Turn Order ( Just noone ask me to be the troubleshoot guy :-X
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 26, 2021, 08:13:49 pm
Haunted Forest
had 3 gals and one was already down, I found the last zombie and blasted it. Turn is auto-ended because no more enemies but then the fog sprayers go off... and both the remaining gals (who were in the purple) drop.
mission end shows total loss but points for all enemies dead
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on February 27, 2021, 11:58:02 am
I had a successful base defense yesterday, but one thing I don't understand. There were these kinda violet skull explosions that I didn't trigger and no damage from those. ???
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gals on February 27, 2021, 12:57:34 pm
Not sure about mars lander without more info, screenshots or just the save would help.

As to cacodeamons, 2 of the imperial probes landed missions have them, also B rank wiz biz bounty has them too. Probably some others i can't recall, but those for sure

Well I got the Mars Lander/Zubrin (turns out I needed to capture a Belter - by the time I had completed those huge spaceship missions maybe they'd all died in the past? But this time I captured one and carried it back and aborted. Took ages because there are so many units on the ship taking their go during the computer's turn!)

I also needed a Study. The description hadn't made it seem like it did anything special, but it turns out the Robo Parrot I'd had for years and the Imp Corpse could ONLY be researched if I had a study, unlike 99% of the stuff in the game. Once I built one that research opened up (which is why I thought I'd done the Imp Corpse, because I'd taken loads back to my base in the past but not had any extra research options).

Here's my remaining issue: it looks like all I need is a Cacodemon corpse. However, in the 11 years of in-game time, I have never seen a Cacodemon (despite doing a number of Imperial Probes, Dark One terror missions, Doomed Farms etc). Since your comment above I have played another 18 months in game, taking days in real time, where all I do is shoot down enemy ships and do terror missions while waiting for Imperial Probes. In that time I have had five. Three were Deep One missions, two were Dark One. They had different names (one was Atrium, I can't remember the other). However, there was still no Cacodemon! Just the usual humanoid soldiers, Imps and Pinkies. As such, I'm wondering whether the version I'm playing has a bug that stops Cacodemons from appearing? After nearly one and a half years real time playing a single game, I assume one would have appeared by now if it could! So I don't feel like playing another week/two weeks/month if it turns out I can't find a Cacodemon.

Therefore, my request: is there a cheat to either create a Cacodemon, or or complete the Cacodemon research? If not, is there a cheat to get the research for the Conqueror ship so I can sidestep the Cacodemon and just build one? Many thanks!

PS I have also attached my latest save, from today (after just completing another Probe/Dark One mission; I also have saves from just before it, and maybe an autosave from during it).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 27, 2021, 06:55:00 pm
I added Cacodemon corpse to your main base but you won't be able to research it until you build Study or Personal Labs (recommended). My suggestion is nuking Data Centre and replacing it with Prs. Labs. I got Caco corpse tech by researching Arcane Tomes which to me seems like the most easiest and natural route. Only after that did mission that regularly spawn Cacos started appearing in my game.

Just added that one line if you wish to continue from your save, if not you can add it yourself to current save progress by opening file in better text editor (notepad++) and searching "Desert Crab" (your 2nd base). Scroll a short bit up from there until you get to "items:" - your main base storage. Somewhere there add "STR_DOOM_CACODEMON_CORPSE: 1" line. That's it. Backup file before saving changes and load it within game.

Btw, why in God's name you emphasize kill counts after solders names of all things? :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 27, 2021, 07:15:09 pm
Really last couple of questions:

1) How to capture a Hovertank? Discovered I haven't researched a "live" one, same with 85mm Tank. EMP again seems like the way to go but its enormous energy pool suggests I should let it drive around for several turns to lower its energy closer to its health levels or EMP would just destroy it before stunning. Is there a better way maybe, some method to sap his energy so I don't have to wait? UPDATE: Hmm seems like Reticulan Electrogun will do the trick of sapping energy then Zzz... it off with EMP.

2) Are Stormrat and Xenforcer implemented or WIP? Govt Siren I reckon is in those Govt Fusion Cruisers I was avoiding to shoot down. Those few are basically the last researchable topics I am still missing besides hard-coded mutually exclusives.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 27, 2021, 10:02:34 pm
If I remember correctly, Dioxine said that Hovertank and such (armored cars etc) aren't supposed to be captured at all, but research for "live" unit is still ingame to not break anything if player somehow menages to via bug/glitch.

Stormrats are plentifull in early game, mainly in a bandit warehouse mission that disappears when you get access to decent craft weaponry trough research. I think they also appear during mutant pogroms with bandits. This means that you probably won't ever get them in very late game. Judging by the fact of researching so much.

Pretty sure Xenforcer appears in Smuggler ships and simillar transport vessels of wealthier factions as cargo. Rare, basically an easter egg from that one shitty X-COM game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 28, 2021, 02:17:57 am
Thanks dude that's pretty informative. I'll defo try to capture the hovertank, now it's personal.
UPDATE - impossible using legit means as of L7. God is my witness I tried :(

Sadly it seems I missed Stormrats then. I still get an odd Bandit Warehouses here and there. Love that mission coz it never takes more than the 1st turn and you get to punch people in the face. Maybe Stormies are super rare there, I never figured were spawn odds are in the rules. Hopefully they end up in researchable documents in later updates.

Xenforcer IS from a Smuggler, apparently a small type craft with specifics stats that don't match anything in bootypedia. I'll just play till Cydonia and accept I missed it if not found by then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 28, 2021, 10:57:30 am
Oops... Its not literally "Bandit Warehouse" bounty hunt mission, my mistake. I forgot the name, but generally its a mission with one building that has some air rockets for your crafts and deadly, but immobile gun placements outside. It appears after researching "We need craft weapons" (or something like that) and then disappears after researching some other craft weaponry project.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gals on February 28, 2021, 11:10:24 am
I added Cacodemon corpse to your main base but you won't be able to research it until you build Study or Personal Labs (recommended). My suggestion is nuking Data Centre and replacing it with Prs. Labs. I got Caco corpse tech by researching Arcane Tomes which to me seems like the most easiest and natural route. Only after that did mission that regularly spawn Cacos started appearing in my game.

Btw, why in God's name you emphasize kill counts after solders names of all things? :)

Awesome, many thanks, I'll have a go at this later on! Great suggestions.

The kill counts is something I usually update every 1st of the month in the early game (I am now getting sloppy with it as I accelerate the endgame). It's just a habit I got into in UFO and Xcom, where I might have a lot of soldiers and want to differentiate between the more important ones, and the ones I don't want to risk. It's also a kind of rank. So I can see at a glance that this soldier has 321 kills, so they aren't the one to rush towards the smuggler's ship and get sliced by the sudden appearance of the invisible Star God or Cat Girls! Or in missions with Chryssalids/Tentaculats (fun fact - I make my living as an author, and one of my SF books has an alien called a tentaculat, in homage to how many missions they ruined for me in Xcom). If I lose someone then the RIP screen immediately helps me to see how important they were to me. So it's just a fun shortcut. Same as I add O to the end of the name for starting soldiers, so I can always tell if they are one of the Originals. I do rename based on circumstances sometimes, but tend to find that many weeks later I cannot remember why someone is called "Susie Sci-shipkiller" or "Mandy Merc-survivor" etc. :-)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on February 28, 2021, 12:45:04 pm
Yeah that makes more sense. Wish I got a chance to fight them in combat. Probably rushed through that technology path and locked them off before mission had a chance to spawn. Oh well. Anyways thank you for the amendment, I can let go of anticipation.

My pleasure, glad my 0-to-hero editing skills finally helped someone other than myself lol. I also practice many similar "mini-games" in my playthroughs just to spice things up. It makes the whole thing more personal and memorable! Perhaps you'd be willing to consider changing kills notation to reduce yourself the workload of noting every single kill. For example using same notation as the game uses for research costs: # many kills; = moderate; - some. Just to save updating every single number, it must be getting tiresome hehe.
I'm pretty stoked to talk to an SF author. It's essentially the only genre I can bare to read because it's so different to everything else. Much respect! It's no wonder those two traumatized you enough to affect your inspiration, they are widely remembered just for that :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gals on March 01, 2021, 05:18:39 pm

My pleasure, glad my 0-to-hero editing skills finally helped someone other than myself lol. I also practice many similar "mini-games" in my playthroughs just to spice things up. It makes the whole thing more personal and memorable! Perhaps you'd be willing to consider changing kills notation to reduce yourself the workload of noting every single kill. For example using same notation as the game uses for research costs: # many kills; = moderate; - some. Just to save updating every single number, it must be getting tiresome hehe.
I'm pretty stoked to talk to an SF author. It's essentially the only genre I can bare to read because it's so different to everything else. Much respect! It's no wonder those two traumatized you enough to affect your inspiration, they are widely remembered just for that :)

Thanks again - I just completed it! Building the Conqueror took some time, but luckily I had already built the 250 fuel capsules. So I went on the final mission, and it was quite epic. So that's around 12 months playing the same campaign with my rule that if I lose, I have to delete the save, but I made it! (It's how I played games like Doom and Hexen back in the day too - and ).

X-Pirates may be my favourite game ever, just pipping Dungeon Master and Heroes of Might & Magic 3. :-)

By the way, you'll find details of my SF books at - Chasing Solace is the one with an alien called a Tentaculat (though it isn't the same creature, just the same name). The Lost Solace books are a sort of cross between Event Horizon, Pandorum, and Aliens, but with a big focus on AI.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 01, 2021, 07:02:37 pm
I remember running into Cacodemons in Dark One Pogroms but maybe it was cut off, dont know. It would probably be a good idea to go back into the .rul file and add them in (its got to be an alien rank type). Id welcome them being in pogroms, they're a decent challenge and flying it makes melee unreliable. I think their projectile hits kinda like the imps'.

ONLY place ive run into Stormrats is the Highway House missions. But I dont know what you're talking about with the Missiles because I think 25mm Cannon Parts is all you get from the highway house.

Which funnily isnt even necessary because its possible to collect 30mm Parts and 50mm Parts from some ships that land. And Seagull Launchers + Missiles for your Airspeeder.

11 Years in-game?  WTF?
I thought there was a time limit in the game, I been rushing to get finished by Year 4 because of the inevitable Stargod and Mercinary Crackdowns that'll just destroy you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gals on March 01, 2021, 07:38:23 pm
11 Years in-game?  WTF?
I thought there was a time limit in the game, I been rushing to get finished by Year 4 because of the inevitable Stargod and Mercinary Crackdowns that'll just destroy you.

The game started in Jan 2601 I think, and ended April 2612, so yes, c.11 years! :-)

I was playing on the easiest level, I think, because I'd never lasted even a couple of years in the past so didn't think I would this time, either. Hard to remember for sure.

By the end I shot down everything that flew in my 8-base network. Battleships and Cruisers I used Dragons with plasma guns; for everything else Sabres with a combo of laser gun and Tesla. Silver Towers often got away, because they usually outran my Dragons. Sometimes a base attack occurred but by the end my bases usually had 5 plasma batteries and a repulsor so they never succeeded in landing. And once they did attack with some super fast ship, but I shot it down before it reached the base, and I never saw another. :-)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 01, 2021, 11:36:56 pm
Hey, why even after I did the Jack challenge mission it keeps giving me only those D crap??
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 02, 2021, 07:39:25 am
Hey, why even after I did the Jack challenge mission it keeps giving me only those D crap??

The challenge feature is only a one time thing, a single instance of a B rank from the chosen faction. It does nothing to advance your bounty hunter rank. And even if it did raising your rank does not eliminate the lower ranks from the pool, just reduces the odds.

While i can understand not wanting to encounter low rank bounties as you advance, they do represent a not insignificant fraction of the permanent easy mission. Watch towers, nurses and such all eventually cease to happen either via time or tech triggers that you must pass. The bounty rank advancement on the other hand is not really relevant to progression. What you can get from tokens is, but your allowed to grind along at any tier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 02, 2021, 12:29:13 pm
Hm... So I understand. Nothing against easy missions, I have my B team for those. You explain things very well, legionof1, and I like reading your posts - they make me not having to ask half of the questions that I had before.  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 02, 2021, 01:13:48 pm
ATTN Dioxine and To Whom It May Concern:
Friend, as an ex-punk i DO understand very well how it is to be a target of discrimination. See, I simply am different from 90% of other ppl. My looks, my way of thinking and doing things... It's all out of the box. I don't like at all doing-it-the-same-way-over-and-over-again. SURE enough, there are things that have to be done so, like keeping the goods at the same places in a shop, so as to evade any commotion, etc. However, where possible and cool, any change like doing the ordinary things in a different way is making us flourish, sharpens our mind, body, soul - US, makes us think creatively, makes us NOT being lazy, cheers us up... Like the X-Piratez! One HELLUVA MOD, man!

So, how do you avoid/counter online "attacks" like insults and the like?

- You can block the posters where feasible.
- If not, you can sue them.
- You can make this writing under your avatar - "Offenders will be sued.," etc.
- You can counter the kind of "attack.": Calling you a Nazi? - you can post a photo of you with Soviet/Israeli/Polish/Yugoslavian etc. flag. Cat killer? - You can post a pic of you and a kitty at a pet shop. Allergic to cats? Can do so with a poster of a cat, maybe a big black tomcat, or a panther, a tiger...
- Answering with: "God knows what you yourself are (have done wrong) to behave like that. Why don't you tell us?" Y'know, something to divert the attacks on THEM. They are all the same - wanting to mess around with other people, but not united, and very prone to doing it to each other(s)!


Yea, and certainly do (re)read/(re)watch The Sun Tzu's Art of War. Its approach is more than good for dealing with the real civilian life situations.


If ya hadn't already, then certainly learn how NOT to be influenced by such. Remember,
there's more than many of THEM on the web, so it's VERY good to know these things. There are all kinds of psychological/philosophical/religious/spiritual methods for this on the Web and in the books.


- !!!Many people have even committed suicide because of this!!! We must stay ALIVE!
- Moments of weakness of mind, moments of weakness of spirit, being uncertain, fear... These cause all that. So let's kick all that to hell's oblivion.

Okay, that's all.

I have written this in my very best intention to help Dioxine, legionof1, Nilex, Solarius Scorch and all other cool people here, and for you to use this to help yourselves and your own people (friends, families...).
-Maybe I've been quite emotional - well, this is quite an important thing in life, isn't it?
-Maybe I used the Imperative "Tense" - without any intention to order anything to anyone.
-Some things I've typed in CAPS to draw attention to them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 02, 2021, 06:44:27 pm
A time limit? is there one? Mercs and SG attack? When, when? Wanna kick their butts with my HARDWARE!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 02, 2021, 06:51:14 pm
A time limit? is there one? Mercs and SG attack? When, when? Wanna kick their butts with my HARDWARE!

Not a hard one, you do get full strength faction crackdowns starting at 24 months(adjusted for difficulty). These can include mercs and stargods. Provided you don't lose a massive amount of infrastructure, or certain critical ones like old lab, to such attacks you can play forever if you so desire.

Also politely please do not Triple post. Most people here are perfectly able to comprehend more then a tweets worth of text at a time. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 03, 2021, 11:10:23 am
Not a hard one, you do get full strength faction crackdowns starting at 24 months(adjusted for difficulty). These can include mercs and stargods. Provided you don't lose a massive amount of infrastructure, or certain critical ones like old lab, to such attacks you can play forever if you so desire.

Also politely please do not Triple post. Most people here are perfectly able to comprehend more then a tweets worth of text at a time.

So I am not safe while not reaserching topics with tag "game progress"? My tactic for current play was to reasearch all "trash" topics before moving with Library/School G. - Is it suboptimal approach?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 03, 2021, 02:08:05 pm
So I am not safe while not reaserching topics with tag "game progress"? My tactic for current play was to reasearch all "trash" topics before moving with Library/School G. - Is it suboptimal approach?
As I did exactly the same, being worried of adding too many juggling balls than I could handle at once, I can safely confirm this is suboptimal. There are no !missions! or *missions* in the game that would drastically affect difficulty, most just introduce a new enemy/map type (not even necessarily harder). All of the difficulty comes from hard-coded RNG embedded deep into the vanilla game engine. Example: I got a full blown Star God pogrom a whole year before even encountering my first SG ship. Wasn't tied to research at all. Luckily that was the only extreme case.
What you wanna do is prioritize global radar coverage, better Vessels+weapons, soldier weapons (piercing > laser > plasma; skip Gauss for most part) and armor at roughly the same time, while embracing mechanic changing research topic. Start Bounty missions as early as possible, this was my major mistake which needlessly delayed a lot of good stuff.
Like you I was also trying to research all trashy ones before moving on, trying to keep the list and gameplay as clean and manageable as possible... but the research list still ended being 30 pages long in extreme case (and lasted for quite some time). Now I kinda miss those times, lol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 04, 2021, 11:10:04 am
Plantation only gives -100k or there is more to it? Like crops harvesting or something?
I see some wheat realated stuff at manufacture tab but dont know from where or whom get that wheat
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 04, 2021, 02:22:32 pm
Regular Plantation is worthwhile if researched & built early for steady early game income. Not long after that its main benefit becomes obsolete but 3 more uses become available. Two new buildings that, when built over Plantation, produce two new product varieties. Sectoweed is useful for Green codex stuff, Onsen facility, taming Werewolf/Reaper, some stimms, and selling (don't expect riches); the other is Boom fruit which I didn't use at all. Third use is for Bee facility but considering benefits/drawback ratio I see it as joke. In short early game Plantation is useful but quickly becomes obsolete unless you choose Green codex. Much later you'll be able to buy Sectoweed (money won't be a problem by then) and Plantation becomes a thing of the past.

The wheat and other veggie stuff are only gained in limited amount from hard coded scripts once a month. Only use is producing luxury food together with meat of killed beasts, to sell for questionable profit (and hopefully as healing/refreshing items in the near future). Apples sadly aren't part of the script.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 04, 2021, 07:46:39 pm
Oops... Its not literally "Bandit Warehouse" bounty hunt mission, my mistake. I forgot the name, but generally its a mission with one building that has some air rockets for your crafts and deadly, but immobile gun placements outside. It appears after researching "We need craft weapons" (or something like that) and then disappears after researching some other craft weaponry project.
It's too late for me but maybe someone other can reap the benefits of what I managed to extrapolate on how get a Stormrat. I'm too dumb to confirm exactly via rules examinations so I'll go off what Dude said, pedia and some logic hopefully.

Mission that spawn them is called !Highway House! (
Research that disables the mission is Contacts: Krazy Hanna (
So Stormrats are then only available between those two research topics.

What makes them easily missable is both topics are unlocked by We Need Craft Weapons! ( (with Hanna having bit more dependencies) so it possible to research Hanna not that long after Highway House, disabling it before it has a chance to spawn (not before following month at earliest). And unlocking Hanna to be able to buy craft weapons ASAP is impossible to resist. So that's why I think I missed them.

Hanna apparently no longer (as of L7) disables Highway House. Mission finally spawned in my game in 2nd half of 2604, way after I completed all available research. I wanna believe Dio intervened and changed said mission spawn rate, rather than me being so damn unlucky that I had to wait 4 years to get a stinky Stormrat :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on March 04, 2021, 10:16:03 pm
How is one supposed to deal with that battle tank in Sitzkreig mission? Typical anti tank weapons dont do enough damage even when hitting turret's back armor, and damn thing one shots anything it hits even through my thickest armors.

Edit: After some testing it turned out Holy Hand Grande deals with that tank quite effectively. Indeed the tank did snuff it, as the scripture foretold.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 04, 2021, 11:07:24 pm
Direct fire: PS rounds for Recoilless Rifle, MAG rocket, Portable Lascannon.
AOE fire: powerful explosives, EMP, Plasma Scorcher.

Pretty sure I missed some but I remember successfully using all mentioned except EMP.
Btw, are these turret's stats ( Funnily enough I just beat one not even half an hour ago and it ate 4x P.Scorcher rounds. Tough cookie. Not as tough an my Annihilator armor though :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 05, 2021, 12:39:03 am
Y'know, I still got a highway house or two (admittedly over the course of several months) long after I've contacted Krazy Hanna.  So miraculously, it's not entirely disabled.

But really, I don't recall stormrats being vital research for anything.  If you want, you could ask for stormrats to be implemented in another more common mission at the risk of making said mission harder.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 05, 2021, 02:08:35 am
Direct fire: PS rounds for Recoilless Rifle, MAG rocket, Portable Lascannon.
AOE fire: powerful explosives, EMP, Plasma Scorcher.

Pretty sure I missed some but I remember successfully using all mentioned except EMP.
Btw, are these turret's stats ( Funnily enough I just beat one not even half an hour ago and it ate 4x P.Scorcher rounds. Tough cookie. Not as tough an my Annihilator armor though :)
That is not the turret. turret is even more sturdy.

The biggest obstacle to the slitzkreg encounter is the tank hull. Unless your on the same z-level with the turret it is very easy for direct fire to be wasted into the hull. even small direct fire aoe like rockets are significantly weaker when the hull gets in the way because of the added distance. Arcing aoe weapons are your friend here. If you have okay cover on the map against the tank even simple fire type nades will kill the turret.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 05, 2021, 05:36:24 pm
Ok now that the Hydra is out of the box and too late to address, my really final last question:

If I recruit maximum possible Hands (living quarters permitting), would the promotion algorithm suddenly buff promote my entire eligible planetary Gal force? They are all Princess worthy by now I presume. Maybe I'd need to play a mission or two with Gals I'd want to be affected by promotion but that's okay. My current quota only allows for 1 Queen, 4 Princess, and so on (64 Gals total). Goal is to bump it up as much as possible (even temporarily replacing 1700+ runts if I must). After all possible tongue-in-cheek promotions are rewarded the expendable recruits would walk the plank without demoting main force, in theory. How does my deviously ingenious explo.., ahem, I mean crash-course military academy graduation sound?

Just realized 64 isn't enough to trigger Queen promotion, meaning my other classes must be positively affecting the count (80 more Peasants/Lokk'Naars/Bugs/Gnomes/Syns). It would save me money to just buy cheapest Peasants and still get the same mass-promotion extravaganza across all soldier classes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 06, 2021, 02:20:48 am
Unless your really leaning on rank bonus gear why? you just end up inflating your eventual roster salary

As to mechanics all soldiers of all types are counted. what's not counted are auxiliaries like dogs, and tamed reapers. The promotions are given when the units that are eligible(based on most total experience+missions+kills) next get there status check usually the next battle, but i think a transform that changes soldier class will also force the update.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 06, 2021, 03:24:33 am
No particular reason except to max out everything I can think off before Cydonia (couple of real weeks away). Wanna finish with a flourish. There's also some future-proofing potential, better to think ahead before Dio axes it. Princesses could salute each other when passing by in the hallways, like in that office scene from Lethal Weapon 4. Mini-games like these are half the fun.

Salary I eyeballed not to present a problem but after your cautionary warning I did the math and it'll only be 6.5M monthly total, around 5M increase from current expense. Sky Ninja 50M hack hit I don't even bat an eye anymore so... no biggie :)

Thanks for laying out the fine details. Looks like I'll need to recruit ~1400 Peasants (costing 7M) to make Princesses outta 59 remaining Boss/Gals and then so some token missions for the triggers. I intend to come back to XPZ in some 10 years when last trace of XCOM leaves my system and hopefully mod gets fully completed so I'll have all this waiting for me neatly organized. Starting over after that time, to get full experience, would be too much to ask of myself coz I'll be old and probably senile AF.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on March 06, 2021, 06:20:29 pm
Are Black Pyramids in Zombie Panic intended to materialize  at some later point in the mission or should they be there from the start of the mission? Is this intentional or some kind of bug? They sure are nasty surprise when they pop up above your gals out of nowhere.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 06, 2021, 07:22:52 pm
Intended, from my experience. Not sure what the trigger is.

Is this a one-off mission btw?
Asking coz getting a live Tomb Guardian and its corpse from this mission might be one chance only.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 06, 2021, 11:18:55 pm
They is functioning as intended. Extra dimensional defense systems take a bit to wind up. Or practically speaking it rewards beating the map faster, if your already indoors and pushing for the portals they can't do squat. and if your some combination of skilled/well equipped you can beat the map entirely before they pop.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on March 07, 2021, 12:58:02 pm
What is the difference between "hit" and "HIT!" entry in combat log (crtl+h)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 07, 2021, 03:45:00 pm
Amount of damage dealt/received. I'm sure you got that but the exact threshold, if there is any, I'd like to know about too.
Btw you can pull extended log with CTRL+ALT+H and while at it press ALT in minimap for an additional surprise.
Both took too long for me to discover but still saved a ton of time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 07, 2021, 05:55:23 pm
Dunno the threshold either but it may be the Solid Red flash on hit, which im estimating to be around 20 Health lost. I see civilians take a Solid Red flash sometimes twice before going down. I saw a Humongous Raider take 3 solid red flashes so I know its not a percentage (was plugging away with chaingun).
Since there seems to be a difference that might be the HIT!

also question, why people are saying sectoweed is profitable...
cuz I just went for most of a first year only collecting 2 of them not even enough to make a weed plantation. And I think the weed plantation only gives you 50 and takes most of a month to complete anyway. Any items that youd Sell for them really dont give you much doleros... so it sounds to me like you run out of it very fast and dont make much off of it.
Best use for it is the Kevlar component from what I can see (I guess hemp fibers to lace it together). Even that doesn't remain too useful for long since the Spartan corpses pile up over time.

As for Boom plantation, folks thats the stuff.
Huge supplies of boom fruits means always having easy to use 50 damage grenades, like black powder bombs but even faster than Molotovs I believe. I carry a couple Per Hand on infiltration missions so I can blow up walls or give a genuine F-You to the mobs.

You cant buy them... and its random whether you'll get steel forests.
Up around year3 they're still useful for infiltrations, even when you've got all sorts of great explosives. Hard to beat no Priming cost. 50 Damage takes apart most walls and obstacles.

Spikeballs are pretty cool but they're hard to use. Its like a depth charge, you have to be at a certain distance. Otherwise you're picking spikes out of your arse.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 07, 2021, 07:56:07 pm
Rats are back on the menu boyz! 8)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex the KatanaCutlass on March 07, 2021, 08:19:34 pm
Rats back on the menu, LOL:)

Is it safe to delete most of those voxel files in the game directory?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on March 07, 2021, 09:36:55 pm
What is the difference between "hit" and "HIT!" entry in combat log (crtl+h)?

I asked Meridian same question on his youtube channel about a year ago. IIRC HIT! indicates damage done was = or > then 20% of targets total health.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on March 07, 2021, 10:33:23 pm

also question, why people are saying sectoweed is profitable...
cuz I just went for most of a first year only collecting 2 of them not even enough to make a weed plantation. And I think the weed plantation only gives you 50 and takes most of a month to complete anyway. Any items that youd Sell for them really dont give you much doleros... so it sounds to me like you run out of it very fast and dont make much off of it.
Best use for it is the Kevlar component from what I can see (I guess hemp fibers to lace it together). Even that doesn't remain too useful for long since the Spartan corpses pile up over time.

If you can get enough Sectoweed to start weed plantation (you need 12) you can use steady output of weed to set up Canteen o' Wisdom ( production. I outputs decent profit, slightly better then X-Grong.   Weed plantation produces  240  units roughly every 20 days.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 08, 2021, 04:42:43 pm
Question about research topics - watching Meridian's LP from last year and he mentions various topics taking more or less time when he looks at the description.  I'm guessing he's referring to the little marks shown in the upper left, which are sometimes one or more dashes, or equals sign, or a set of ellipses.  Is there a key that describes what those mean?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 08, 2021, 05:03:01 pm
I could swear there is a topic describing the symbols but can't find it. From memory (in brainers per day worth of research):
Code: [Select]
.   1
-   5
=  20
# 100
Not however that research cost for any given topic is determined when you start researching it and varies from 50-150%.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 08, 2021, 08:05:24 pm
Thanks!  Did you mean an in-game topic, or one on the forum?  I've read through the Bootypedia stuff I've unlocked, and there wasn't anything about this, but I'm still early.  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 08, 2021, 08:26:57 pm
In-game, inside those numerous #topics or something. Seen it mentioned on forums a few times before as this very same question arises occasionally. You might wanna know about online pedia ( to supplement in-game one, just mind the spoilers if that's a concern. Combines pedia and tech-tree viewer while providing indexed search to find what you want. But even searching there I couldn't find the answer. Could be Mandela Effect, lol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 08, 2021, 11:59:38 pm
as a sidenote I think some guy mentioned that 2 Brainers on a topic was the most efficient distribution if you're dealing with a bunch of low end topics. Because 50-150% isnt strictly 50, 100, 150.
And due to rounding, for example if you use 1 brainer you pretty much only get 1 unit per day. But if you have 3 brainers its 2-4 (since an exact 4.5 wont come up) so by going from 2 to 3 you've basically only added +1.

4 Brainers is also efficient but if you took those and split them on two topics you force them to give 1-3 units each instead of something fractional. So its more likely if that 4 brainer group would produce "3" units that by working on two projects they may produce 4 units due to rounding.

So generally speaking the only odd-number projects I put brainers on is 1 Brainer studying data discs, gun almanacs, postcards, newspapers, and other fluff.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 09, 2021, 10:56:27 am
I will point out that the +/- 50% on research is a modifier to tech cost, brainers output does not vary. Also it is never a non whole value in days.

The most efficient use of brainers is to use a divisor(no more then half) of the base time and check with each midnight as to progress and pull brainers as the progress state improves. Pull down brainers till the topic progress reverts to the previous stage and you waste almost no days over the course of the project.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 09, 2021, 07:57:52 pm
Somehow I managed to capture a live Marsec Hunter Drone ( last night while not even trying. Getting my final normally attainable research topic (besides Xenforcer which I gave up on) something I deemed impossible due to its lowHP/highStamina stats. It was 10th turn on Guild Space Freighter where I was indiscriminately haunting and killing all robots when one just flew to close to my Annihilator's Gauntlet which knocked it unconscious with reaction fire. How it happened I have no idea since Drone apparently restores full 999 stamina each turn. After 5 more nail-biting turns I completed the mission with a capture to my great relief. Btw, loot wise the mission was perfectomundo!

The event boosted my confidence high enough to try and repeat the feat with Tank ( ( but those two seemingly attained Capturable: FALSE attribute in L7. Resulting in insta-death when unconscious, as if by diovine intervention. Could be wrong as I don't remember exactly when or if change did occur though. Despite overwhelming odds I do have one last legit Ace up my sleeve. But even if nothing changed, Drone would still be several times harder to capture than other two and yet it happened. Sometimes this game is highly confusing.

UPDATE: I reluctantly concede on Tank/Hovertank situation. On paper the ace-in-sleeve method checked out but in praxis the rule doesn't recognize Mind Control capture, even if Tank is the last enemy unit on map. Must be some super-secret self-destructing tech inside Guild/Mercs don't want us to see. Same applies to Sectopod which I presumed would've yielded elusive X-Sectopod Chassis item.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 09, 2021, 09:09:49 pm
What stamina has to do with stunning? When stun damage of unit exceeds HP, then the unit is stunned, no matter if it has 1000 stamina, or 0.

Small 1x1 drones are perfectly and fairly easly capturable, Academy drone for example, requires at best two "hits" with stun prod.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 09, 2021, 09:13:07 pm
Oh ups, lol. Yeah I got them mixed up... dayum. Thanks for clearing that up!

Might as well drop in a (last) question:
Do Birthday Cake commendations (debufs due to aging every 6 months) also stop at level 10?
-10 to TU & FRS is tolerable but any more and it becomes a slippery slope to deal with.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 09, 2021, 11:42:56 pm
Do Birthday Cake commendations (debufs due to aging every 6 months) also stop at level 10?

As per piratez bonuses.rul yes
But there's this other thing called Immortal and it kicks in afterwards. That one also tacks on Stamina loss.
After 20 years I think you have +30HP, -30 Mana, -10 Stamina, and -20 TU

Code: [Select]
STR_MEDAL_IMMORTAL_UFOPEDIA: "Awarded to a gal that has survived 6 years of pirating career, which, in this path of life, is almost equal to being immortal. But the age shows. It will be awarded yearly until the 10th anniversary, then bi-yearly. Maybe it is time to finish the campaign, one way or another?{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}+2 Health per level{NEWLINE}-2 Freshness, -1 Stamina and -1 TU per level"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 10, 2021, 01:19:13 am
That's some good rule diving, Thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 10, 2021, 07:25:42 pm
more or less it still continues at the same rate for up to 10 years, its just it only hits (for double) once per year after the 6th year
its not so bad if you keep using them on missions since they get the other commendations
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 10, 2021, 08:48:56 pm
Is bad when you are using Gray Codex goodies :)

Won't affect any of my Gals but I disabled IMMORTAL condemnation anyway as soon you showed me what it does. More accurately I delayed it by 100 years coz didn't find a clean way to comment it away (game kept freezing when mission ended). As a rule I hate forced timed negative events in games. This is no exception (same as country pact signing), it's just part of my gaming psychology. Fallout 1 was totally ruined for me when I found out as it was the sole thing I would concentrate on, instead on the story, characters, dialogues, just fun gameplay and exploration, etc. Luckily I learned enough to mod it away in XPZ, along with few other stuff, in effort to improve challenge/fun balance.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 11, 2021, 10:42:26 pm
Always wondered if Govt ships caused infamy score reduction because their short lived flybys didn't affect charts enough. From lore and pedia I assumed they are neutral and should be ignored. Well yesterday I got my answer. In the picture - a one of a kind situation for me: a Govt Excavator landed long enough to affect charts in negative way (immediate 300 shipping activity spike). I could probably land & abort to minimize additional penalty but since I never abort I'd have to knock everyone out which would result in slightly more penalty instead letting excavator excavate and fly off.

Is infamy score penalty because of mission type, as in it's not Govt Business type so it's considered hostile activity? Or maybe XPZ already has CIA false flags fully operational? ::)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 12, 2021, 02:56:06 pm
In Fallout 1 it shows you right up front you have like 150 days before they're toast. I forget whether there's a timer for the game as a whole, but there isnt much content in Fallout 1 to bear that interest. It's pretty easy to get the water chip sorted out in that time, the SM fight at the water pump is the game's first Boss Fight, after that its School Recess. The water merchants in the hub are so well hidden I went through 2 playthroughs before I ran into them.
There's the obvious XP grind at the Boneyard vs the Deathclaws so you can rather quickly get up to Level 20 or 24 to get those elite feats, but you can beat the game at probably level 15-18.
Mostly there's enough content to paint and establish the setting, and some replay value, but large parts of the map have nothing in it (and northeast of necropolis you pick up lots of rads too).

Back to X-P...
Im thinking the Govt Activity is just hardcoded game mechanics, but it also makes sense. Govts reluctantly use your services, and eventually they'd do away with you if they could. Govt Enmity.
Stands to reason if you Act against them you take the hit. But if you dont make things uncomfortable to show you're Assertive they dont respect you as much either.
Solution is probably to do exactly what you said. Land to make them panic and then take off so no damage is done. Could possibly even get positive score if you "mugged" them (knock out, steal items manually, go back to your speeder, and then leave - 0 captures and 0 dead).
My problem is in most of my scenarios the Govt Fusion Cruiser is a cruising all around and I dont think it lands, so it may be racking up protected hidden activity scores.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 12, 2021, 04:21:26 pm
All that Immortal does is give you +2 Health at a cost of 2 Freshness, 1 Stamina and 1 TU. Which IMO is a more or less fair exchange, and even if not, it's completely inconsequential. Presenting it as some kind of timed doom is pretty ridiculous.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 12, 2021, 05:25:43 pm
Govt Fusion Cruisers are safe to ignore penalty wise. I let them roam free without noticeable penalty, except in single case where used Tractors to make it land and capped a unique Govt Siren for around -800 total. Gotta collect em all!

But these Excavators man... just got another identical one. Can't make sense of them. Last time, capping the crew netted a positive because none of crew gave negative score (both Laborers & mixed Govt). If I don't shoot it down it's gonna land again and reward me with 2nd biggest cumulative score hit since first year. Still negligible in grand scheme of things but annoying nevertheless. If I do shoot it down then besides expected insta-penalty I may get additional Govt crackdown missions that'll breed even more negative points, starting a downward spiral. It'd be hilarious if I suck myself into unwinnable situation on the cusp of year 5! Couldn't foresee this head-scratcher this late into the game for the life of me.
The only penalty-free option is to Tractor it down and kill/cap all crew but if they start appearing so damn much it's gonna become tedious quickly. Hopefully it's just one of those unlucky months and they go away after that. Wonder if "Human-Reticulan Co-op" triggers their spawnage and how nerve wrecking it must be to deal with them before Tractors.

@Solarius Scorch
Got me thinking... as peeps get older their health situation degrades, but their wisdom (mana) increases. So I'll reinstate my Immortal with a few twists. Not gonna affect gameplay since it won't last enough to come into play but it'll make me sleep better.

2nd identical Excavator touched down but score penalty didn't spike +300 as before, just gradually increase as would be expected. Together with no shootdown score penalty (as Dio mentions bellow) this restores their threat to minor nuisance. As of this update and 3 in-game months ahead, no more Govt Excavators showed up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 13, 2021, 03:45:12 am
unless its alot of excavators the practical chance of a goverment crackdown is low. The base iirc is like 5% per ship rolled individually. And crackdowns handled properly dont generate a spiral. don't engage in the air, and handle it on the ground/with AA. that way the triggers for additional crackdowns are bypassed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 13, 2021, 06:41:03 am
Also: shooting down an Excavator never causes any score penalty. If you happen on Govt and don't want the hassle, and have spare fuel, listen to to the man in the hat... touchdown & go. That causes them to takeoff. Repeat, they'll be gone for good.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 13, 2021, 07:29:36 pm
wait a minute... will Govt Forces do base raids, or does it always just result in raiders, spartans, whoever else?
would be pretty groovy seeing MPs and Govt Enforcers kicking down the door FBI style
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BlorkTheOrk on March 13, 2021, 11:33:07 pm
wait a minute... will Govt Forces do base raids, or does it always just result in raiders, spartans, whoever else?
would be pretty groovy seeing MPs and Govt Enforcers kicking down the door FBI style

They did it in my playthrough. For some reason they attacked my base at the very end of the campaign. At that point it was totally out of blue. I had maxed out relations(funds) with everyone but Australia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 14, 2021, 01:11:31 am
So in April of my first campaign, I just discovered how tough Zombie Troopers are. Grounded Medium very near my base turns out to be a smuggler (which I only recognized because I’ve been watching Meridian's play through from last year). Figured I would see what was there, and deployed. After 11 turns and some mild save-scumming, only 2 wounded girls and I’ve killed 2 of them, have 2 more downed & sleeping, and have a 3rd peeled out of his armor, and set on fire from a Molotov. There's another one that has been wildly sniping from the top of the UFO with some laser/plaz weapon, and I have 2 gals that have slipped through cover to board out of his firing angles. But I’m about out of “emergency” weapons (got a lucky crate early that had a sniper rifle and a couple of flamethrowers) - most of what I have at this point doesn’t scratch these guys. Including the shotguns I lugged along for Zombie duty. My assault cannon is down to one normal ball, I still have a clip of sniper, and a gothic blaster (with only 1 clip) for extreme emergency, and most of my explosives are used up. Now I see two more (one with another energy gun) to the north, and a Singer Z in the ship!  I haven’t seen most of the map, been fighting along the southern edge the whole time. So I realize there could be even more. But I’m kind of committed at this point to try and retreat (plus there could be some amazing loot here). Put it aside to sleep on it, and today opened the save file for the first time in a text editor.   There are 6 more (counting the Singer)!  One I have nicked, that’s probably the sniper up top, the rest are full health. If I’m figuring out the locations, there one hidden in the ship, but it’s a little confusing to sort through.

The whole armor peeling thing is very cool, kudos to Dioxine or whomever thought of that!  But it makes me more than a little nervous about trying to melee these guys. The blaster is probably good to do one. Should I just try to bail, or even just call it a waste, and go back to the previous general GeoScape save?

Next time I see these guys, I’m just getting back in my ship and bugging out. :)  At least, until I have much better gear!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 14, 2021, 02:14:17 am
Okay why not... Lets see what I can steal and then I can just boogie out of there.
Saw the telltale signs of a Base Establishment with I think several gunships and that Cruiser (og battleship) coming in. AND FIND OUT that there's already a base there and they're planting one right next to it...

AIRSPEEDER and 3 Hands
And I Cracked that Cruiser without all that much good stuff either
(Stormy, Night Ops armor, Magnums, a Grenade Launcher I didn't use)
I did bring a captured Heavy Laser and RPGs just in case.
I had to kill the Guildmaster but at least I captured the Rep and an Engineer (used rayguns and melee shot denial to lower his shields, then Lasered in the back several times)

Thing that makes this a question is the questionable multiple overlapping air patrol radiuses. The gunship(?) detected the Speeder before it got to the landed Cruiser, and the nearby Base didnt launch a fighter. But end of mission my craft is then in Returning mode... thankfully nothing attacked it considering that the gunship was already in pursuit before the mission.

But funny behavior - the gunship then Landed in the same place the mission was rather than continue pursuit.

Also og question since I killed the Cruiser does that mean the new Base got cancelled?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 14, 2021, 03:53:18 am
all the ufos in a base building mission have a chance to cancel the mission when killed, but the cruiser has the biggest chance. if the mission is canceled all the ufos immediately despawn and the base will not be built
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 14, 2021, 09:41:54 pm
Hmm so the fact I still kept seeing ufos flying around means it could still be there. Dunno which type (name) it is but there were like 4 of them with active radar, they use the same map as the og supply ship but in XP they seem to be
combat ships.

I just got grand total about 3600 points from these ships (!) - each using my Airspeeder. I have 4 guild reps because of it. Because of the Cruiser, and then these ships kept landing so I just kept going after them, it was pure greed, there was so much loot I kept having to ship it to my storage base. But because of the active radar I had to finish mission not just land and take off.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 15, 2021, 01:23:47 am
all the ufos in a base building mission have a chance to cancel the mission when killed, but the cruiser has the biggest chance. if the mission is canceled all the ufos immediately despawn and the base will not be built

I was under the impression that it still worked like in vanilla UFO where the cruiser merely showing up already builds the base.  In here, it has to land first?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 15, 2021, 03:51:19 am
That still applies but the mission cancel overrides the "success" of reaching the final wave. Cause the cancel deletes the mission as if it was never started. Even if it progressed to the sucess state if you then wipe the whole mission away it not gonna do the fianl check at the end of the mission, causes the mission no longer exists.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 15, 2021, 10:59:55 pm
Well I scouted around and hovered and didn't find a new base, so I guess I nailed it. I might check the save file and delete it if its there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 16, 2021, 07:27:57 am
Remember someone asking before but can't find it: is there a weapon/tool that would train V.SKILL up from 0 value, but for non-Gal soldiers?
For Gals "Powers of Seduction" did the trick but others can't wear that outfit (Lokks and regular Humans).
Wish to avoid VooDoo facility training method if possible.

While on the subject "experienceTrainingMode" would be a useful search parametar in online pedia (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 16, 2021, 01:08:23 pm
Wands of X all train skill.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 16, 2021, 09:35:22 pm
But from 0? I'll try with Firebolts & Pain which I haven't used yet. Although Airlessness & Peace (Rod of Hellfire too) never triggered increase from 0 in over 1000 tries. If they fail as well last ditch effort is trying every last available item with "experienceTrainingMode : 26". Something to do while preparing for Mars I guess. Grrr I'd be over 2 months ago if these annoying little goals just stopped popping up in my head.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 16, 2021, 09:55:15 pm
So in April of my first campaign, I just discovered how tough Zombie Troopers are.
Meh... Zombie Troopers can be taken out with Melee and thats how you're supposed to do it. Hence also the armor peeling animation as he's cut in twain. If you dont have 1 super cool melee gal you use the Running command with 3 melee gals and tear him apart.
Good weapons like Axes or Tech Cleavers can be collected by then. And if you're making tools & blades the Barbaric Axe and Barbaric Sword should always be in your ship in case of solving problems like these. Battleaxe is a hidden gem to that set. And well, they dont do overkill damage, so if you dont mind 13-15TU attacks its a sure bet on anyone else too.

"They're taking their time right behind my back..." - White Stripes, Seven Nation Army

Its delightful seeing a power armored goon like a marsec bodyguard or raider firebat going down with a solid red flash from a single axe strike.

The trick is running, but now that even the android OXCE has Run commands it puts the fun back into melee.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: amjh on March 16, 2021, 10:13:50 pm
Remember someone asking before but can't find it: is there a weapon/tool that would train V.SKILL up from 0 value, but for non-Gal soldiers?
For Gals "Powers of Seduction" did the trick but others can't wear that outfit (Lokks and regular Humans).
Wish to avoid VooDoo facility training method if possible.

Based on my understanding of the mechanics, armors that boost Voodoo ability break the check that normally prevents leveling up Voodoo without basic training. At least, that's how earlier exploits around it worked.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 17, 2021, 03:27:37 am
As promising as it sounded it appears it's no longer working.

If it did work as explained outfits with VP/VS buffs would cover all my VS training needs without using facility but quickly found out VP-only don't work. VS buff outfits are so rare only 1 exists (RAVENCLAW) and is restricted to Damsel/Peasant, so Lokks and Slaves couldn't be used to train VS above 0. However even that didn't work. Sad face. At least Greater Mage's Hand provided some amusement.
SAINT is the only other VP+VS buffed but both hands are occupied with other experience type weapons so even it did work there's no way to do it. Besides VS facility but too late to cba building one now.

Thanks anyway, I wouldn't have thought of trying that. Will try last few VP/VS training stuffz before calling it quits.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Blazen on March 18, 2021, 12:13:25 am
Doesn't the betrayer commendation give voodoo skill, I'm sure I've used that to get off of 0 voodoo skill before.
Just buy yourself some dogs and some double barrelled shotguns and the next time your on a map with some barns you should be sorted.  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 18, 2021, 01:03:22 am
End justifies the means eh, damn son. Unfortunately losses are unacceptable for me :-X (and Betrayer ( debuffs kinda suck)
Thanks to you I went through all other condemnations and found few better candidates:
Warlock (
Puppetmaster (
Battlemage ( (looks best, includes half of MAGITECH stuff; Wand of Pain levels Warlock too)
Succubus (
Never even occurred to me VS could be leveled up that way. Fingers crossed it works.

UPDATE: Apparently, since OXCE 7.0, it is no longer possible to level up V.Skill from 0 via combat experience alone. All armor and soldier bonuses are ignored. Only soldiers with at least VSK of 1 can gain further XP via combat, meaning a Voodoo School facility is required to get things going. SOURCE (,4230.msg137247.html#msg137247).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 18, 2021, 04:57:45 am
Meh... Zombie Troopers can be taken out with Melee and thats how you're supposed to do it. Hence also the armor peeling animation as he's cut in twain. If you dont have 1 super cool melee gal you use the Running command with 3 melee gals and tear him apart.
Good weapons like Axes or Tech Cleavers can be collected by then. And if you're making tools & blades the Barbaric Axe and Barbaric Sword should always be in your ship in case of solving problems like these. Battleaxe is a hidden gem to that set. And well, they dont do overkill damage, so if you dont mind 13-15TU attacks its a sure bet on anyone else too.
I’m pretty far behind, sound like. Haven’t seen a tech cleaver yet, I did have a few axes. This month, I have gotten Tools, and made a few battle axes. And the brainers just complained about not having personal labs yet, so I guess I need to work towards them.  The barbaric ones are the 2-handed ones, I suppose? Making a couple of them might be a good emergency tool to have.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on March 18, 2021, 02:25:07 pm
Don't mind RSSWizard, by my knowledge of the game he's full of crap - either he's savescumming like crazy each turn, has cheated in stats, and/or camps like crazy. Clearing a Cruiser with 3 gals with shitty early equipment is not realistically possible.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 18, 2021, 03:49:51 pm
Don't mind RSSWizard, by my knowledge of the game he's full of crap - either he's savescumming like crazy each turn
Maybe saved every few turns with some bottlenecks.
Night Mission.
There happened to be 2 mobs outside the ship. They ate grenade launcher, I used molotov to reveal their position.
Killed 2 in the lift and scurried into nearby doors. Melee shot denial at the door for others. Battleaxe to the back to kill the Bodyguards.
Most if the kills in the ship were Male Hero using Heavy Laser/adv which id captured from previous missions. Also lady with Battleaxe and another lady with Commando Rifle that I got from Old Earth Weapons Box (the one with +50 clips).
Hardest part was the VIP, yeah I savescummed that part, took 3 tries. But it was kill not capture so I didn't totally cheese. Used gothic ray guns from all 3 to remove his shields then Heavy Laser to the back, took about 4 shots. Melee shot denial on his heavy plasma too, even with 3 hands surrounding him he managed to hit somebody once which was improbable (hardly ever see that happen). This took an annoying 3 turns to fully resolve, the first turn seeing him show up at the grav lift on the 2nd floor, then the ambush.

Guild Rep got caught in the top floor office thing, Hero Male beat her up with fist - and stole her heavy plasma and grenade so she'd stay disarmed in case she got back up. She Did get back up, noticed ZZz body had disappeared, so I sent another lady running back up there to Bop her again.

2 more mobs seemingly left the ship running and screaming while I wasnt watching - bughunt mode kicked in so thats how I found them. Frag Grenades and Grenade Launcher were used.

Somebody did get Wounded but it was worth it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 21, 2021, 11:24:20 pm
Couple of questions
- My secondary base got found and an Academy team dropped by, managed to fight them off with 5 peasant militia and 2 fresh hands (and a cat).  Do the aliens remember where a base is, and continue to visit, or does it have to "found" again each time?

- in Meridian's play last year, he occasionally showed a longer "hit results" screen in Battlescape, similar to the Ctrl-H screen, but showed the sequence of reaction fire back and forth.   Is that a built-feature, or a mod he added, and if not a mod, what is the key command for that one?  I tried a couple of variations on Ctrl-H (adding Shift & Alt, and so on), but it did not appear.  If it is a mod, is it published?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 22, 2021, 12:56:26 am
Not sure about base. I'd say successful defense 'resets' their awareness until they find it again in some later crackdown mission. At least that's how I understood it from my experience. I vaguely remember it was explained for sure before so someone might follow up more precisely.

Extended hit log: CTRL+ALT+H (HIT = damage > 20% of total HP)

While we're at it, other undocumented but useful keys I found:
Code: [Select]
Pan Geoscape - left/right buttons also scroll through BootyPedia
CTRL+MMB - force bootypedia entry if researched and available
ALT in minimap - map borders
CTRL+END - two brightness levels, alternative to night vision
RMB on approach type icon during interception - orders ALL vessels simultaneously
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 22, 2021, 03:26:43 am
Ooo, thanks for the map borders one, I was wondering about that one too!

I'd already found out the Ctrl-End for the night visibility levels, I use that way more than night vision.

And the other question I wanted to ask (couldn't remember it earlier when writing), I was ready to do my codex choice, decided on Red for this first pass, and noticed that the research for the Scorpion wasn't unlocked when I did so.  It's gated behind something I don't have, Shadowmasters.   In Meridian's playthrough, he had Snake and Scorpion unlocked right away.  Is this something that Dioxine changed in later versions?  Or did Meridian have a lucky unlock from an interrogation for that tech?  I don't remember it occurring, but it very well could have and I didn't know the significance at the time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 22, 2021, 07:56:03 am
Yea it's very possible Dio tweaked things around. It's done every update. Research Tree of Life must grow.

Shadowmasters were marked as important even since I started playing 5 months ago in all guides I looked. But what isn't for a newbie? Interrogations are best path forward, not only can you get lucky but they also yield a lot of important stuff and can save a bit of time when a low research cost prisoner rewards more costly topic (later on even more time can be saved by patiently targeting interrogations).
Funnily enough I didn't pick a Codex until much later because I mistook manufacturing rewards for raw material requirements, lol. My Shadowmasters were long ago researched and forgotten by then. Red is a good choice btw, even best my most people's account. Just continue following your intuition :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 22, 2021, 11:31:56 am
Okay, cool.  :)  I'm just getting tired of watching these ships fly by unmolested.  The Little Bird is the only thing that can carry a weapon and it's too slow.  Guess I'll start pushing towards shipyard contact (and keep interrogating to see if I get lucky). 

Appreciate the answers!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 22, 2021, 12:13:00 pm
Np, it's been ages since I've been there so it nostalgic to remember all but forgotten early struggles. You even made me notice I missed one of early tweaks in this update so I must go about researching it.

My pre-codex interceptor progress went AIRCAR > SHARK JETBIKE (great little thing). Transports went AIRBUS > BLOWFISH (underwater capable) > PACHYDERM.

Once you get more bases going (radar coverage is essential) you can start experimenting with other vessels. LITTLE BIRD felt weak so I didn't use it. Also, don't expect for shipyard to magically unlock new ships (I fell into that trap) - it's main use is for post-Codex ship parts. After Codex and first proper interceptors are built the air war is basically won, with rare exceptions for comfortable period.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 22, 2021, 08:58:28 pm
Okay, cool.  :)  I'm just getting tired of watching these ships fly by unmolested. 
Pretty sure you get Airspeeder and Aircar early on, well before the Little Bird, and the Aircar flies at 2000 with a Light Weapon. Airspeeder is 3000 and has a missile (which is almost useless in the first game year)
The Little Bird as far as I can see is supposed to be a real cheap garrisoned craft specifically to go after Bandits and Armored Car Patrol since they're a threat up close and go slow. The slowest civilian traffic moves 360 so that declares its purpose. This is something you put in auxiliary bases that may only be storage/dojos/plantations.
Also - if a ufo lands near your base on the other side of the world from your main base, you can get up to 6 into that helicopter I think. Ive never done a mission with it though.
I think the Necropirate planes will eat it btw.

Some questions of my own...
- Where are the Industrial Railroad Depot (pogrom) maps I remember? Which have the 4 or 5 story railroad station in them.

- When if ever do the Traders use the Boomosaurus in Pogroms now? Do the Traders even do Pogroms now? I haven't seen them in either of my two latest playthroughs

- Whats the point of Light Cannon/EP ammunition... I just opened up two full blasts of EP on a Traders Security Guard and it did nothing to him. Its supposed to be like 35x4 each.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 22, 2021, 11:53:30 pm
Well, I wrote a reply, but I think that window went away without being saved when Chrome wanted to restart to update itself.  Whoops!

Anyway, I totally missed that the Aircar had a weapon pod!  I even looked at the air speeder, and saw it had a missile slot, but I didn't have any missiles.  So yeah, time to buy that.

And I did use the Little Bird to shoot down some roving Necropirate swarms, but I haven't seen their airplane yet and I've avoided the ruffians and their armored car, since I saw in the LP that they have significant range.  But I can ditch it for an aircar.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RolandVasko on March 23, 2021, 02:39:54 am
Yea it's very possible Dio tweaked things around. It's done every update. Research Tree of Life must grow.

Shadowmasters were marked as important even since I started playing 5 months ago in all guides I looked. But what isn't for a newbie? Interrogations are best path forward, not only can you get lucky but they also yield a lot of important stuff and can save a bit of time when a low research cost prisoner rewards more costly topic (later on even more time can be saved by patiently targeting interrogations).
Funnily enough I didn't pick a Codex until much later because I mistook manufacturing rewards for raw material requirements, lol. My Shadowmasters were long ago researched and forgotten by then. Red is a good choice btw, even best my most people's account. Just continue following your intuition :)

ha! ..and dont go to Zahadum!, will you even dare to fly there?   :  D  :P 8)

those SHADOWS! ( *Stíny, Tiene" ) - and, in PiratezPedia Shadowmaster´s Page - definately the unforgettable black spider -like design of such Shadow´s Ship! i see there shadow battle Cruiser

(well, some spoilers,
..for those who didnt still watch (/read)  EXCELLENT  sci-fi serial (tv-show)  Babylon-5 (and even more, unfinished B5:Crusader.. )

those SHADOWS! ( *Stíny, Tiene" )
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 23, 2021, 02:17:09 pm
Some questions of my own...
- Where are the Industrial Railroad Depot (pogrom) maps I remember? Which have the 4 or 5 story railroad station in them.

- When if ever do the Traders use the Boomosaurus in Pogroms now? Do the Traders even do Pogroms now? I haven't seen them in either of my two latest playthroughs

- Whats the point of Light Cannon/EP ammunition... I just opened up two full blasts of EP on a Traders Security Guard and it did nothing to him. Its supposed to be like 35x4 each.

Most likely purged in the great dehobbesifcation.

They do do pogroms but only one of the two setups has them, the other is full of pest control managers.

Damage type mostly, in this case electrics "ignore stun immunity" flag. It's still a shotgun style round so is easily mitigated by armor. Each pellet is calculated separately in regards to dmg roll, armor, ect. LC/EP is 30x6, Osiron is 50 front, side 40, rear 30.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 23, 2021, 07:51:59 pm
dehobbesification? come again?
Ive got older versions of X-P do you think itd be possible to pry that mapset out and plug it back in somehow?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 23, 2021, 08:20:09 pm
dehobbesification? come again?
Ive got older versions of X-P do you think itd be possible to pry that mapset out and plug it back in somehow?

Hobbes didn't wanted his work to be put in any project that receives cash in any way, so because X-Piratez takes donations, those maps had to be deleted and replaced.

If you would want them back, you either have to "somehow" get X-Piratez version before the purge, or put them yourself for personal use. Any other way would be against Hobbes's wish.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 23, 2021, 11:32:37 pm
The maps were beautifully done, but did create some massive bughunt situations, you have to admit.  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BBHood217 on March 24, 2021, 10:49:25 pm
There was also the old Siberia map where you'll start with tanks and supersoldiers waiting to greet you when you disembark.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 25, 2021, 07:52:30 pm
Today's little question - I'm noticing some armors say they are a large target (example - Heavy Suit).   I'm guessing that means the gal is easier to hit (or be seen), but is there better data on that somewhere?  Are there multiple levels of this?  And are the peasants or Lok's smaller targets by default?  Just starting leveling some Loks with the eventual goal of them being my pilots.

Oh, and buying aircars has immediately paid off, I've shot down my first few craft already!  Kind of funny to see "Crash Site #1" after playing several months already, when in XCOM, that's often your very first mission.  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 25, 2021, 08:17:57 pm
Actual game sees units as cylinders, so yeah, peasants are smaller than gals etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 26, 2021, 05:43:52 am
Someone said UFO/TFTD engine is actually 3D despite looking archaic. If you select a soldier and hit first-person screenshot (F10 default) and then open in it some picture viewer you will get some idea how game interprets stuff. If your solder is looking at small/medium/large units when you screen it you should be able to understand what relative unit sizes pertain to. Personally I never gave enough of a damn to investigate myself as it never played a noticeable role in actual gameplay. But if anyone can be bothered to display hitbox diagrams for comparison in the future I'd be interested to see that. Anyway I don't remember sizes being explicitly explained anywhere in-game besides for immersion sake in occasional armor description. If it were really that important I wager it would be a proper stat, like resistances.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on March 26, 2021, 09:44:06 pm
There was also the old Siberia map where you'll start with tanks and supersoldiers waiting to greet you when you disembark.
Yeahhh I think the weapons selection for the Stormtroopers was a carryover from that because some of them have Baby Nukes/DC and they're ALL underground in the new map scenario. Basically means they're just nuke givers since they usually wont blow themselves up, and the blast cant go around corners anyway.
The new setup with that blowhole exposed also makes sending a baby nuke down-the-shaft excessively easy to wipe 1/3 of the base. Just wait for a tank to appear down there and the party is on.

Someone said UFO/TFTD engine is actually 3D despite looking archaic.
Its sorta like Doom being 3D. Its not but it looks like it. Its done with voxels... consequently the Fallout: Tactics game reminds me alot of xcom in terms of map stuff.

Wanna know something none of these guys bothered to implement yet which would've been easy?

3x3 and 4x4 size HWPs. And also x2 height critters.
Because you forego using the 2x2 setup and have null tile graphics for them.
Instead you Overlay a graphic of the appropriate size centered where the object should be. So thats pretty much a "If its this type, drawa graphic here" equation. I dont even see a problem with visibility/layering of other tiles because you just check those (blank) tiles it belongs to for the layering.

In fact that would have been Exceedingly Preferable and worthwhile to implement for regular 2x2 HWPs
(like, waay back in 2016 kinda thing). Yeahhh if you only see part of the HWP itd show you the whole thing, but the Map shows you the big dot anyway so you know its there.

Normally id even suggest 2x4 and 2x3 size oddly shaped ones, but I do admit that rotation pathfinding for those would likely be a pain since itd be a new routine there. Many games including D&D and C&C just make things a fatter square for that reason (lol its a Giant Snake, but lets just make it a 3x3 critter because its coiled up)

(and then Suez Canal happens to show us how much of a problem it is IRL)

But seriously I haven't played the Jack's mission with the Tiger Tank yet... is it just a turret that shoots at you and Looks like a tank that wont move?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 26, 2021, 11:16:04 pm
Happy Friday!  And happy new release day!  Gonna install that tonight or tomorrow morning.    Cheers to Dioxine!

Today's little question - I recently noticed a post about hunter-killer UFOs making Spy Zeppelins worth less (intentional space there).   Since I just got access to Pigeon, kind of made me wonder the same thing, is there a way to add stealth (either in-game or via mod) so that the HKs ignore them?  Only recently found the joy of using a radar patrol ship in modded XCOM, so the concept is pretty nifty, but sounds like I shouldn't throw the money or hangar space away in XPiratez.  Or was that post incorrect about the Spy Zepps being spotted?  (sometimes, the older posts are irrelevant now, and I'm never sure which is which).  Of course, now I can't find it again....
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 27, 2021, 10:08:06 am
Don't know if ship stealth can be modded in but from my experience unexpected interception (of unarmed transport full of Gals) happened only once and mostly because of jerky passage of time. Handful of times I had to manually intervene to change ship course. The one time HK mechanic is always ignored is when ships are returning from a mission, so called "homebound" state. So with that in mind two ways of adding stealth comes to mind: always set houmebound to desired ships (likely making them unresponsive), or removing HK altogether. If there's a middle ground I can't say. Also note detection isn't instant but occurs at fixed intervals (30m for base, bit less for ships) so it can happen that fast HK simply flies through if you apply head-on approach with high enough speed delta.

Much better care-free long-term payoff way of achieving radar coverage is simply by building more bases. I plopped them in zones with highest enemy activity at the time with consideration of future placements (for eventual max coverage) and thought of doing it by micro-managing ships never entered my mind (despite some guides recommending it). This if for medium difficulty, can't speak for higher ones though. Hangars are better utilized for essential crafts only to free up space for billion buildings the mod eventually throws at you. With Alenuim facility becoming far more useful in latest patch it's now possible to cover pretty much everything.

Well time to revise my base coordinates to finally encompass Hawaii hehe. Happy post-release day to you too! It's the 4th update in my own playthrough and has always been a great constantly improving experience.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 28, 2021, 09:29:45 pm
Looks like my beloved Seductress outfit finally got fixed (read: neutered). I was able to partially restore its original glory of training VSK again but not quite there yet. Gains are too low compared to before: now I get +1 rolls max, whereas before I could get +6 with as little as two attacks. Is there any way to increase experience gain of Powers of Seduction? Hoping it's not some kind of Bravery nerf side-effect.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on March 28, 2021, 11:51:18 pm
Do more than two attacks for better experience rolls
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 29, 2021, 03:27:27 pm
Yeah I knew of that, thanks anyway. Even with vanilla PSI behavior I'd still be able to get few +4s (from 2 successful attacks). Multiple +1 puts it in the realm of winning a lottery low odds. I discovered a seemingly new training category (experienceTrainingMode: 27) which doubles VSK gains but even with that in place rolls don't reach L7 heights although I get an occasional +4 now where before it would have been +6. If some kind of merciless psychological bias isn't to blame VSK gains feel noticeably nerfed, either by OXCE or XPZ.

If someone would please do me a solid and do a quick test for +5/+6 VSK rolls with attached save on pre-L8 version (mine is gone). Just Seduce the final pig with special icon in top-right. Best of the notables I got in over 100 tries is a single +4 and few +3s. I'd be happy to hear if you can do better off in, say... 10 tries? (ignore missing mods message)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 30, 2021, 09:32:38 pm
Didn't actually have time to play much this weekend, so I didn't upgrade to L8 yet.  I can try your save sometime this week, and see what I get.

Did manage to get Shadowmasters to pop from a captive, so I was able to research and buy a Snake & a Scorpion.  Now ending September, and starting 3rd base.  Real shortage of aqua plastic, haven't found hardly any, so I can't build tac vests, nor have I had any good armor drop from missions or gambling.  Too bad I can't disassemble the aqua weapons or ammo I've found to get raw plastic! Hopefully get some undersea missions soon, but still trying to get to chiller armor, so those first missions might be real interesting!  Did get chainmail, so I have 2 suits of that built.  And weapon situation is pretty good.  First Deep One pogram was a little exciting, LOTS of enemy showed up.  Really glad I had some chainmail already.

Today's questions - getting back to whether stuff in old posts is still relevant, or whether things have been fixed by now.
- do I still need full radar coverage of the planet by end of the first year?  if so, I need to get cracking on bases.
- does the Snake still have lots of holes that enemy can see & shoot into?
- not seeing Jack token missions, nearly all bounties have been mutant alliance.  is that RNG?  I don't have enough Jack tokens to even unlock Confed gear (although I have had some eagles drop, and can make the ammo).
- is healing or shakeup ceremony still the only way to get/train bravery?  I seem to have a bunch of gals stuck around 50/60 bravery, plus I'd like to get some Locknars to gain bravery to use for pilots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on March 30, 2021, 10:16:14 pm

Today's questions - getting back to whether stuff in old posts is still relevant, or whether things have been fixed by now.
- do I still need full radar coverage of the planet by end of the first year?  if so, I need to get cracking on bases.
- does the Snake still have lots of holes that enemy can see & shoot into?
- not seeing Jack token missions, nearly all bounties have been mutant alliance.  is that RNG?  I don't have enough Jack tokens to even unlock Confed gear (although I have had some eagles drop, and can make the ammo).
- is healing or shakeup ceremony still the only way to get/train bravery?  I seem to have a bunch of gals stuck around 50/60 bravery, plus I'd like to get some Locknars to gain bravery to use for pilots.

1. Need is a strong word. I play pretty conservatively with base expansion and never reach full coverage by the end of year 1. Heck sometimes I don't even get a second base by the end of year 1, I like to wait until I can get large barracks to avoid having to do future renovations work. Some people will probably swear by it but unless you're using outposts, radar coverage ain't cheap. Then again, I didn't feel global coverage was as important in ufo defense as most people make it out to be so your mileage may vary. You're definitely far from completely screwed if you don't have it by the end of the first year though.
2. Don't think anything changed but honestly I don't think it was ever too bad. Really no reason to hang out in the cockpit areas which have the majority of the holes. If you end your turn in one of them, you're a lot more likely to get shot. Smoke screens can help mitigate it too.
3. Yes it's rng. Note that one can get some items leading to tokens through missions not marked as bounty missions as well (like ninja badges which are pretty much guaranteed from any fight with Sky Ninjas).
4. That was never the only way to train bravery (unless you mean what is currently available to you and even then I'd argue no). You could also get it through Wench/Seductress abilities, ropes, piloting a successful dogfight, and last but not least,  the old xcom 1 method ( There's probably additional items and abilities that train bravery similar to ropes and the Wench/Seductress outfits but I don't know them off the top of my head. A somewhat easy way of training bravery is, once you have steady access to hallucinogenic gas grenades via Contact:Smugglers is to repeatedly use them on your own (preferably unarmed) troops. Of course, given the likelihood of panic, I'd only consider it on an easier mission like a Watch Tower.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 30, 2021, 11:18:39 pm
Didn't actually have time to play much this weekend, so I didn't upgrade to L8 yet.  I can try your save sometime this week, and see what I get.
Thank you in advance. Seducing stuff is basically a fun hobby for me when using tertiary crews while also training them. Btw when you upgrade, avoid doing it when on a mission and best to unpack into another location and then transfer saves and config there.

Radar coverage is priority just as main base development. Safest method is building one right at the start of month so mission generator doesn't roll base attack on freshly built base (happens at turn of new month for that whole month). With 4 properly distributed bases you pretty much ensure global coverage because of how enemy ships fly between zones. They're bound to trigger detection on their way to target zone. Casual approach is fine as long as it remains a priority. For areas not yet covered check graphs for unusual activity spikes.

Bounties are RNG as TAS said. Zaxx were most common in my game, Mutants were rarest. Only in late-game it kinda evened out.

Additional way of training Bravery is using healing items. Although I highly suggest sticking to Piloting and Wench/Seductress for best results. Bravery is the hardest stat to raise no matter which method is used due to low increase chance. Last resort are condemnations but those take way too long before they start affecting it and have also been nerfed (Bravery wise) in L8.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 31, 2021, 01:00:39 am
Ah, didn't know piloting a successful combat mission counted as Bravery XP, so I should probably just add a Lockner as the 3rd pilot along with my 2 good gals now in the Snake (already pulled one with great reactions and firing to be the dedicated medic in the alpha team).  Cool.

I have put low bravery gals into stress-causing outfits, but still did not panic.  Guess the other gals were killing enemy too fast, should may be a bit more leisurely on missions with lesser foes.  And yeah, I have been using healing items (even on enemies), that's been the bulk of my Bravery gains so far, but even that one is annoyingly random.  I quit even taking vodka along.

Ropes, though, I haven't tried.  Interesting!  I'll have to pack some on the Scorpion, since enemy tend to spawn nearby on many maps.  And I don't think I've even unlocked the ability to research Seductress, although I want to say Wench is available to brain. 

Good to know I'm okay on radar coverage.  I'll still probably push out slowly, but not have to strain.

Thanks for answers!

EDIT - from looking at online Bootypedia, I realize I'm missing Krazy Hanna fairly far along, I know I don't have Improvised Aerial Explosive either, so I need to check what I'm missing to pop that one (guessing Land Mine from its dependency list, pretty sure I have everything else).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on March 31, 2021, 01:49:47 am
Dog fights are far from guaranteed to raise bravery, but it's still at least another chance at an increase.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 31, 2021, 12:01:41 pm
Bravery training?
did you mean:
Nude hallucinating?

(Never tried it myself, but many people practice it.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on March 31, 2021, 09:49:41 pm
If someone would please do me a solid and do a quick test for +5/+6 VSK rolls with attached save on pre-L8 version (mine is gone). Just Seduce the final pig with special icon in top-right. Best of the notables I got in over 100 tries is a single +4 and few +3s. I'd be happy to hear if you can do better off in, say... 10 tries? (ignore missing mods message)

Apparently, I was still running L6 (thought I had moved to L7 when it came out some weeks back, but I guess not?).  Anyway, I did 10 tries, and never did better than a single +4 with a single +3 (and I think a few +1s).  Most of the attempts were a single +3 along with +1s. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on March 31, 2021, 10:23:58 pm
Yeah I got the same results with L8. Means more attacks were indeed necessary for higher rolls, as unbelievable as it feels to me. I know got showered in +6s before in same type of short Pig missions. Oh well at least I'm nearing the end of my VSK grinding so it won't bother me as much. Appreciate your time and trouble, thank you again. Get yourself L8 it has some nice mid-game goodies which start paying off the sooner you get em.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 01, 2021, 12:47:57 am
Yeah, going to grab it shortly and move my save over.  :)   Should be able to wrap up work for the day soon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 02, 2021, 07:39:26 pm
My poor second base got jumped again, this time with no warning at all.  Dark Ones this time.  Two things really sucked about this - I had just moved 5 "veteran" peasant militia (very loosely defined as trained + surviving 3 or 4 missions and getting some stat increases) out of here to send to my new third base to start staffing defense there, and, since I had just run a training mission out of this base about a week before, a number of decent gals had little to no armor equipped.   You can't change armor in the equipping screen (which makes sense, since the alert just went off and your troops are scrambling to grab weapons).  I guess I need to keep people armored up when not on missions, which probably actually means I need more armor or outfits.

Luckily didn't lose anyone, although the worst injured gal is down for 40 days, even with a sickbay.  Ouch!

So, the little questions for this - is it worth building defensive buildings, or are those just a waste of space?  Never really built them in vanilla, because I relied on either my aircraft to shoot down the attackers, or my ground troops (but I had tanks and such reserved for base defense).  My overcharged radar did get in a hit, I have no idea what benefit that actually provided.
 Second, is my backup gear scattered around in the vaults, or is there a big pile of most of it in one place?  And third, with the devaluing of peasants and slave soldiers compared to what it sounded like existed a few versions ago, is it worth buying some of those to staff for defense, or just buying a few hands (more expensive, but more capable/flexible as well)?

Oh, and a semi-related question - since it looks like all of the lottery armor winnings are slave SS suits, are there plans to change those rewards into gal armor? It doesn't like I can scrap those either, but maybe I need to research them first (gotten multiple suits of SS Defender & Kevlar, even though I haven't actually unlocked Slave Soldiers yet).

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2021, 08:09:01 pm
3x3 and 4x4 size HWPs. And also x2 height critters.
Because you forego using the 2x2 setup and have null tile graphics for them.
Instead you Overlay a graphic of the appropriate size centered where the object should be. So that's pretty much a "If its this type, drawa graphic here" equation. I don't even see a problem with visibility/layering of other tiles because you just check those (blank) tiles it belongs to for the layering.

In fact that would have been Exceedingly Preferable and worthwhile to implement for regular 2x2 HWPs
(like, waay back in 2016 kinda thing). Yeahhh if you only see part of the HWP itd show you the whole thing, but the Map shows you the big dot anyway so you know its there.

But seriously I haven't played the Jack's mission with the Tiger Tank yet... is it just a turret that shoots at you and Looks like a tank that wont move?

Problem here is 2 fold, firstly compatibility with vanilla, openxcom is an extension to an updated engine to run vanilla, and as such must be capable of doing vanilla. So while the concept is functional it would need to be a parallel and separate render method. 2nd is how something like that would interact with the world, current 2x2 are assembled in the way they are so that they properly interact with the terrain for climbing, pathing and line of effect(most important on the Z axis). what you describe would have much more limited contact with the world surfaces and so you would have very frequent clipping and instances of being unseen or untaregtable due to not registering to the proper tile occupancy.

And yes the bounty tank is just an immobile 2x2 stuck on a box.

Today's little question - I recently noticed a post about hunter-killer UFOs making Spy Zeppelins worth less (intentional space there).   Since I just got access to Pigeon, kind of made me wonder the same thing, is there a way to add stealth (either in-game or via mod) so that the HKs ignore them? 
No way to do stealth in a reasonable way, nilex did mention the 2 plausible ones, both of which stink. It does leave certain craft like the zepplin as a relic of older iterations.

Today's questions - getting back to whether stuff in old posts is still relevant, or whether things have been fixed by now.
- do I still need full radar coverage of the planet by end of the first year?  if so, I need to get cracking on bases.

My 2 cents on radar, i would agree with getting up 5 bases worth as the minimum target for year 1. Less then that sacrifices alot of targets of opportunity even from just following to see if they land.

So, the little questions for this - is it worth building defensive buildings, or are those just a waste of space?  Never really built them in vanilla, because I relied on either my aircraft to shoot down the attackers, or my ground troops (but I had tanks and such reserved for base defense).  My overcharged radar did get in a hit, I have no idea what benefit that actually provided.
 Second, is my backup gear scattered around in the vaults, or is there a big pile of most of it in one place?  And third, with the devaluing of peasants and slave soldiers compared to what it sounded like existed a few versions ago, is it worth buying some of those to staff for defense, or just buying a few hands (more expensive, but more capable/flexible as well)?

Oh, and a semi-related question - since it looks like all of the lottery armor winnings are slave SS suits, are there plans to change those rewards into gal armor? It doesn't like I can scrap those either, but maybe I need to research them first (gotten multiple suits of SS Defender & Kevlar, even though I haven't actually unlocked Slave Soldiers yet).

Very worth it in this mod, there alot of extra features to base defense AA buildings, most prominently mmost of them spawn a defense turret in the battlescape of the base.
The vault contents are scattered between all the tile nodes that are coded for gear. These are present in vaults, burrows, and several other building types that provides stores spaces.

Not sure what devaluement you are refering too. But it a matter of initial cost and preference mostly since rank salary is mostly uniform. That said gals garrisions are a strain on the budget that isn't really needed given the strength of early invasions.

Lottery spins and cupon output are very random most tiers have upwards of 50 outcomes. There are more non gal outfits, but then as far as the world is concerned gals are outliers in both physique and expected wealth. Nobody really makes standard issue uber armor so it not resonable by lore for jack to have much lying around.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on April 02, 2021, 11:03:33 pm
My poor second base got jumped again, this time with no warning at all.  Dark Ones this time.
Save often. Save & Load are part of the game.
Ironman/Supermutant is for masochists who dont mind grinding up bases and gals and losing games after dozens or hundreds of hours of play.

I have two manual saves one for geo and one for tactical which I (usually) plant on turn 2 after I get everyone out of the transport (since the autosave overwrites on turn 5 and the game has a freakish tendency to injure the hell out of someone on the enemy's turn just before it saves - thats when a wild ratman mob lieutenant appears and lights up 2 gals with a skorpion - thats when the marsec goon appears and launches the baby nuke)

Ive had it happen before alot like that, what I do is reload the geo save and redo events probably for the day before - I know where the base is that'll be hit so ill change gals' armor and ill even ship top notch gals and equipment to that base to fortify it.

@re: Defense and Equipment
Yes its very much worth planting defensive buildings. Im not so sure about the Flak Tower Kit but most of them not only lock off the sewer they put an immobile 2x2 HWP in the hallway which is badass. We're talking like 250 laser damage from the laser defenses one. Even Security Corridors are great for the same reasons to sprinkle in new aux bases because enemies will shoot at the cameras as decoy units.

Equipment is strewn all over the base when combat starts. In vanilla it would do that but the spawn points were only in General Stores facilities (much like your units).

@Human & Lokknar units -
They play a bigger role in current versions and many missions require them exclusively. It was obviously designed to leave you exposed and increase difficulty. Thats why equivalent armor for them sucks compared to when a Gal wears a tac vest or defender armor. In fact they tend to suck worse than vanilla X-com soldiers too (while marsec goons, bodyguards, and the undercover cop guy maintain vanilla-esque stats).

This is designed specifically to hurt you. But consider cheesy 90s sci-fi shows like Andromeda or Firefly or Farscape how you have auxiliary characters who dont normally do the fighting - and the results that happen when they actually do have to fight.

Way I heard it is the Chryssalid mentality - if you have 20 soldiers with premium stats and Flying Armor armed with Heavy Plasmas its boring unless you have something that can still threaten you (which is why you put 4x Hovertank Plasmas on the avenger)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 05, 2021, 08:43:22 am
Save often. Save & Load are part of the game.
Ironman/Supermutant is for masochists who dont mind grinding up bases and gals and losing games after dozens or hundreds of hours of play.

I personally play exclusively on Supermutant because I find having absolutely 0 consequences for screwing up to be extremely boring. Yes I might lose games but I don't mind. Only time I wish I kept it off is if it's a mission I'm not at all familiar with yet and end up with a lot of dead gals, otherwise yeah. I also always keep EMERGENCY IN CASE OF ZOMBIES gear on hand for every mission.

If you don't play with tons and tons of saves it's best to keep your troops armored appropriately even when off duty. Also peasants and Slave Soldiers are far from devalued in recent versions, no idea what you're talking about there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on April 06, 2021, 11:05:22 am
So, the little questions for this - is it worth building defensive buildings, or are those just a waste of space?  Never really built them in vanilla, because I relied on either my aircraft to shoot down the attackers, or my ground troops (but I had tanks and such reserved for base defense).  My overcharged radar did get in a hit, I have no idea what benefit that actually provided.

If you're curious about exact details, here's everything you want to know about base defense facilities:,8460.0.html

The short answer is 4 OC radars in a base means never seeing those pesky demons again if you decide it's worth the expense :)  You can get by with as little as 2 if you want to reload (a lot).  Flak cannons are much more cost effective but needs "cannon defenses" which needs a lot of random techs to get like humanist soldier, lacc/spitfire and light cannon.  Flak towers are pretty much trash, just use the radars if you want defense and don't have cannons.

I don't think hitting the ufo but not shooting it down does anything to deployments, but I'm just going off experience there.

Regarding spy zepellins being useless:  I made that comment back when all of the military ships were HKs, now the skies are (slightly) less dangerous.  Still probably not worth it, but it's not quite as a bad anymore.  The zeppelin is a nice way to shove more gals into a mansion mission if you want to squad wipe even more gals more looters.

Also:  Expeditions are pretty cheap if they get shot down, so you can use those if you want. When I was trying a convoy/expedition game I actually sold my radar and just used an expedition that never returned to base and just delayed mission expirations and acted as radar xD

Someone said UFO/TFTD engine is actually 3D despite looking archaic. If you select a soldier and hit first-person screenshot (F10 default) and then open in it some picture viewer you will get some idea how game interprets stuff. If your solder is looking at small/medium/large units when you screen it you should be able to understand what relative unit sizes pertain to. Personally I never gave enough of a damn to investigate myself as it never played a noticeable role in actual gameplay. But if anyone can be bothered to display hitbox diagrams for comparison in the future I'd be interested to see that. Anyway I don't remember sizes being explicitly explained anywhere in-game besides for immersion sake in occasional armor description. If it were really that important I wager it would be a proper stat, like resistances.

I was curious about this a while ago as well and delved into some older forum posts.  Turns out there actually is some significant unexpected gameplay effects of the 3d system: the "front/side/back" armor values are actually not quite as reliable as you would expect.  If someone is shooting right at your face straight at you there's a small chance of your side armor being hit, same with someone shooting your side having a slight chance of hitting front/back.  There's also no averaging, so a 40/20/20/20 armor hit on a diagonal is going to either hit the 40 or 20 randomly.

Generally doesn't make much difference except for tactical vests/armor which are much riskier than expected.  I've no idea how this affects melee, but at least in my experience melee hits exactly where you'd expect, with diagonals being 50/50

As for relative unit sizes playing a role:  Basically just pretend you're going to be hit like 3-5% more often in very large units lol.  The actual shooting mechanics in vanilla were just straight up weird, like I think shooting accuracy just narrows the potential firing cone with ~120% actually being an always perfect shot, but 100% generally hitting you anyways due to being a "very close non-perfect shot".  A large hitbox would mean more of those near misses being actual hits.  How much of this made it to openxcom I don't know, but I assume all of it from their development philosophy.  I'm just going off what I read online, so just take this with a grain of salt. has some useful stuff at the bottom for extreme nerdery
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 06, 2021, 03:17:31 pm
I can safely say it was all of it in this case. Not that it really matters much, the "big" armors tend to hard stop most things at there tech level, so taking more hits then a smaller unit is kinda irreverent. Taking 6 extra pistol hits does not matter if the pistol has zero ability to penetrate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 07, 2021, 02:05:10 am
If you're curious about exact details, here's everything you want to know about base defense facilities:,8460.0.html

The short answer is 4 OC radars in a base means never seeing those pesky demons again if you decide it's worth the expense :)  You can get by with as little as 2 if you want to reload (a lot).  Flak cannons are much more cost effective but needs "cannon defenses" which needs a lot of random techs to get like humanist soldier, lacc/spitfire and light cannon.  Flak towers are pretty much trash, just use the radars if you want defense and don't have cannons.

Yeah, I read that post and I think my main takeaway then was "I'm not giving up that much space to building defenses!".   :)   If they only raid me every once in a while, I'm good with them bringing me loot via delivery instead of takeout.  It does mean I need to keep a few troopers on hand in each base, but since I'm (happily) mistaken about the usefulness of peasants and slave soldiers in the current version, I'm good using them for that too.   A dog for sensing, a few decent guns, an LMG maybe, some demo & some anti-tank, and call it done.  And I think I'm actually pretty close to Cannon Defenses, just need one more thing to unlock Krazy Hanna and the path is basically there.

Regarding spy zepellins being useless:  I made that comment back when all of the military ships were HKs, now the skies are (slightly) less dangerous.  Still probably not worth it, but it's not quite as a bad anymore.  The zeppelin is a nice way to shove more gals into a mansion mission if you want to squad wipe even more gals more looters.

Also:  Expeditions are pretty cheap if they get shot down, so you can use those if you want. When I was trying a convoy/expedition game I actually sold my radar and just used an expedition that never returned to base and just delayed mission expirations and acted as radar xD

Yeah, I think your post was one of the major contributors to me thinking about that.  Probably won't bother with Pigeon now, and I've started 2 more bases since then (so up to 4), but if I get zeppelins soon, I may use one or two to cover holes.  I'll have to look to see where I'm at with research, compared to say, hyperwave decoders (which I'm pretty sure are not close yet).

I can safely say it was all of it in this case. Not that it really matters much, the "big" armors tend to hard stop most things at there tech level, so taking more hits then a smaller unit is kinda irreverent. Taking 6 extra pistol hits does not matter if the pistol has zero ability to penetrate.

Yeah, exactly, taking a few extra hits for zero damage is pretty irrelevant!  :)

In fact, if the "bigger" armor can better block a buddy standing behind it, that's actually a good thing.

As far as the debate on save usage, where I am on that is that my free time is valuable, and limited, so with what I do have, I want to enjoy playing, particularly this and other mods as a new experience.  But I don't want to redo a whole bunch of stuff, because that means some of my time got "wasted".  I don't mind losing troopers, or having a lot of them spend a long time injured, but I don't particularly want to lose a lot of game progress either.  So a base wipe, yeah, I might have to think about reloading, but at the same time, as I said above, I don't mind over-preparing for something that might never happen.  I do take a lot of extra gear with me on missions to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances (like the first time I ran into Zombie Troopers). But at the same time, I do save during combats, more to guard against a crash (and that's more my computer than the mod, by the way).  I'm not going to reload because I got ambushed, or did something stupid.  I have also saved as a "test" before trying new things from time to time, but, as it happens, for nearly all of those, I've accepted the outcome of the test and moved on.  But I don't care about e-penis size, so I'm not going to play super hard core challenge mode or anything similar.  I play for my own entertainment.  Sometimes that does mean reloading and replaying something, because it is fun to solve the tactical puzzle. 

Thanks for everyone's input!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 07, 2021, 09:39:09 pm
Coming back to this after a while, (my last save says it was in August of 2019), two questions I have.

1. What are the biggest changes that have been made to the game since then?

2. What are the best strategies to deal with the Shadow Realm? I use Slave Soldiers, and without fail, three-quarters of my men get stuck in cages as the rest get slaughtered. Failing that, how would editing my save file to reduce the difficulty work? I am stuck with nothing to research, and the Shadow Realm is an insurmountable challenge. I wish to lower the difficulty just to clear the first Shadow Realm mission, as I think the rest will be easier once I can start with actual weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 07, 2021, 10:20:39 pm
1) Been around for 6 months playing a single playthrough so I'm not the best to give an answer but you can skim through the changelog (,3626.0.html). Not that much to read and largest changes are at the top of every new patch section anyway. To me the biggest "feel good" change, from looking at older YT videos, is new UI coloring scheme.

2) Updating during active battle, especially from such an old version, is bound to cause problems. It is better to finish the battle in old version (J16 by the looks of it) then perform update on geoscape. Alternative is to reload a save before Shadow Realm after update, if you have it.
Difficulty can be lowered by simply editing "difficulty: X" line near the top of file. Lower X value. In theory it should work. I recommend "1" because "0" may impose research locks.
Shadow Realm hasn't changed it seems. Same deal with the cages even today, but there are two Hammers on map which can be used to destroy cage walls (maybe newer patch addition, idk). Later on you can bring an ultra-rare Saint suit to punch your way out and wreak fiery havoc on helpless demons from afar.
As for how to unstuck your research - use the Tech-Tree Viewer accessed by "Q" on geoscape. Or by middle-clicking an item in sell screen, to start you off somewhere familiar. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Assuming the TTV is new to you, lol.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 07, 2021, 10:36:50 pm
Difficulty can be lowered by simply editing "difficulty: X" line near the top of file. Lower X value. In theory it should work. I recommend "1" because "0" may impose research locks.
Shadow Realm hasn't changed it seems. Same deal with the cages even today, but there are two Hammers on map which can be used to destroy cage walls (maybe newer patch addition, idk). Later on you can bring an ultra-rare Saint suit to punch your way out and wreak fiery havoc on helpless demons from afar.

Thank you!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 08, 2021, 07:49:27 am
Can I get a reminder of what files I need to copy over to update to a new version?

I tried copying over the UFO and USER folders and it's not working.

Running it through wine, but all the previous versions worked fine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 08, 2021, 04:48:26 pm
copy ufo, your saves, and the config files, nothing else. Unless you have modified the file structure the user folder also contains the whole of the mod, so obviously will cause problems.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 08, 2021, 08:30:36 pm
copy ufo, your saves, and the config files, nothing else. Unless you have modified the file structure the user folder also contains the whole of the mod, so obviously will cause problems.

It still doesn't work.
Tried a fresh install and it still refuses to boot. I'm thinking it's an incompatibility issue with OpenXcom Extended at this point.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on April 08, 2021, 09:05:07 pm
It still doesn't work.
Tried a fresh install and it still refuses to boot. I'm thinking it's an incompatibility issue with OpenXcom Extended at this point.

That's a possibility.  Piratez comes with the 64-bit version of openxcom.  If you have a 32-bit pc you need to DL the 32-bit version of openxcom extended separately and replace the one that comes with Piratez.  I have a 32-bit laptop so I have to do that everytime Piratez is updated.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 08, 2021, 09:13:24 pm
It still doesn't work.
From USER folder: copy over only save files (from .\piratez). Nothing else.
MODS folder and .cfg may be incompatible since couple of years have passed since you last played.

Also there's a native Linux version of OXCE available here (,5258.0.html) (you mentioned using wine). However I don't know how to make it work with XPZ since it comes with tweaked OXCE pre-installed. Not that I think it's necessary (again coz wine) but worth considering as last resort option, if everything else fails. I'm not tech savvy enough to provide further help on the matter.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 09, 2021, 01:45:19 am
What will happen when the same ufo will land again, after killing larger part of it crew?
There will be fewer enemies or fresh new and full crew?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 09, 2021, 03:32:11 am
fresh and new. The geoscape and the battlescape are basically completely separate engines, and the data passed is very minimized.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 10, 2021, 04:56:24 am
From USER folder: copy over only save files (from .\piratez). Nothing else.
MODS folder and .cfg may be incompatible since couple of years have passed since you last played.

Also there's a native Linux version of OXCE available here (,5258.0.html) (you mentioned using wine). However I don't know how to make it work with XPZ since it comes with tweaked OXCE pre-installed. Not that I think it's necessary (again coz wine) but worth considering as last resort option, if everything else fails. I'm not tech savvy enough to provide further help on the matter.

I got it working. Had to use a mac OpenXcom instead of using Wine to run the one provided in the file.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on April 11, 2021, 10:50:33 pm
That reminds me - having caught some flak from my Cruiser Rodeo a few weeks ago by Dioxine I feel I should preface what actually went on there.

I landed on the Cruiser with the intention of making it leave before a base appeared. But since I had a Heavy Laser I decided to see how far I could get, I wanted to capture equipment. The first guy near my airspeeder had a Plasma Scorcher and he missed with his reactions shot - I nailed him and grabbed the scorcher. But there were very few other mobs outside the ship. After that one body led to another, and after I was already in the ship I just decided to make it work.

Granted while I didn't have much of anything good, I did have Captured equip like the Heavy Laser with Adv clips. I was nowhere near mfg laser clips for it yet. And that did have an impact because even considering statistical ammo I blew through 3 of my 6 Adv clips in that whole rodeo with the other ships involved. It was worth it but even in my current save point I haven't reclaimed those back up to that point.

What is the name of those ships that look like the OG supply ships (peanut shaped?) They're definitely HKs in piratez.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 12, 2021, 12:59:42 am
What is the name of those ships that look like the OG supply ships (peanut shaped?)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 12, 2021, 08:04:24 pm
What does Freshness do? It just seems to drain on it's own and I'm not sure what it does.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 12, 2021, 08:13:35 pm
Freshness is mostly like a secondary fatigue meter, the lower your freshness the worse your morale, TU, stamina, and stun recover are. It is also used to fuel voodoo, and certain consumables.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 13, 2021, 03:43:06 pm
Can anyone explain how protective gear work?
What resistance outcone will I get If I have 400% chocking resistance and equip gas mask?
Set to 70% from mask?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on April 13, 2021, 03:52:02 pm
As far as I know, it's neither of the two.

There's a practically un-describable formula/script behind it, trying to understand it just hurts the brain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 13, 2021, 05:19:40 pm
Freshness is mostly like a secondary fatigue meter, the lower your freshness the worse your morale, TU, stamina, and stun recover are. It is also used to fuel voodoo, and certain consumables.

It's also attacked by certain types of ammo/grenades - which is very annoying!  The lowered effects are quite noticeable when your freshness meter is zeroed out by one of those attacks.  And as far as i can tell, there are very few consumables that restore freshness, the ones that do (cigarettes/cigars) also cause HP damage. Troops recover freshness at the base, certain facilities increase recovery.   It is a way to encourage you to rotate your troops (like Long War's fatigue). 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 13, 2021, 05:37:41 pm
As far as I know, it's neither of the two.

There's a practically un-describable formula/script behind it, trying to understand it just hurts the brain.

The description is "Effectivity: by what factor Resistance is improved between current value and Boundary", so the question is how "improved" is applied.

It should be a simple question whether the resist modifier replaces the armor resist, is multiplicative with the armor resist, or subtracts from the armor resist. I haven't looked into the script, and don't have a copy of the mod data here at work.   My suspicion, based on the combination of gym-suit clad gals wearing a ushanka (who still take noticeable stun, but no longer take HP damage), is that the value is multiplicative with the armor, which also makes the most sense with the text description.  But I haven't done enough testing to confirm that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2021, 09:54:17 pm
The description is "Effectivity: by what factor Resistance is improved between current value and Boundary", so the question is how "improved" is applied.

It should be a simple question whether the resist modifier replaces the armor resist, is multiplicative with the armor resist, or subtracts from the armor resist. I haven't looked into the script, and don't have a copy of the mod data here at work.   My suspicion, based on the combination of gym-suit clad gals wearing a ushanka (who still take noticeable stun, but no longer take HP damage), is that the value is multiplicative with the armor, which also makes the most sense with the text description.  But I haven't done enough testing to confirm that.

It is a multiplier applied to the base multiplier value from the armor, unless the floor is reached in which case floor is used.

As i understand it if you used a gas mask on an armor with 400% base it would be reduced too, 400% X .3=120%. This is higher then the floor of 50% so 120% is used.

It is moderately more complex then this because of the maths to make floor and multipliers work in a single function. But close nuff player needs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 16, 2021, 07:26:32 pm
Today's little question - with regard to Dojo training, how does it increment their skills?  1 pt at some interval (daily?) to all skills not maxed out? Random point(s) added?  Just got those built and gals assigned to them. 

I'm about to complete my first game-year, and just found an alien base.  Deciding whether or not I can take it out.  :)  Best armor I have is chainmail or tactical armor, doing pretty well on weapon collection/research, so I think my firepower is in decent shape.  Although, I did run from some mercenaries, figured they were too much for me (but I made their craft take off).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 16, 2021, 09:22:51 pm
Training is random, and defo not daily. Stats raise up to what Facility allows, and if no limit then up to soldier type caps. Incremental in various intervals (a week maybe?). I believe diminishing returns are in play so the closer to the cap you get the less and less point are earned. Probably not 100% true but not that far from the real thing I hope.
Personally I avoided training facilitates because it takes too long (& too much) to achieve too little. They might as well earn XP in battle together with condemnations. You could even mass-hire solders and sack those with crappy stats to better (and quicker) jumpstart things that way. The only exception is VooDoo training facility because since L8 it is only possible to raise V.Skill above 0 in that way. Once there you can use regular weapons/tools to train it further. After that there are far better uses for eternally limited base space.

For hideout assaults you need to devise a reliable method to kill targets with 100 armor (handful of these in Guild bases). In my first assault I went against Academy (easiest enemy) using only Manstoppers and few lowly explosives. It was painful but doable using excessive save/load trials, until I encountered a Provost. Needed Godly RNG using heaviest explosives I had at the time for that mtf. Infantry Laser I'd consider a minimum without the savescumming.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 16, 2021, 10:30:04 pm
Yeah, I'll probably wait, still mostly using "gunpowder" weapons instead of energy.  I think the heaviest thump I can bring would be recoilless rifle, and RPGs, although a few of my gals do a lot of damage with AP sniper or magnums.  Got a couple of light cannons & LACCs, and some random laser weapons, but haven't used them with no ammo supply chain yet.  Probably need to learn chem rounds soon.  Right now, trying to push to space because I've already had one "disturbing transmission" and I have no space capability.  I did get some space suits out of lucky drops (containers or gambling, not sure where), think I have 3 for gals and 1 or 2 for humans.  Still trying to research to hyperwave decoders as well.

Thanks for the Dojo info.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 16, 2021, 10:49:08 pm
The weapons used in bases are a lot worse than you've been dealing with up to this point probably, last I checked they were rolling around with plenty of gauss which is what the mercs mainly use.

Dojos I do use even if they're not the fastest xp method just to train units I might not use as often or fragile.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 16, 2021, 11:11:54 pm
Recoilless was my main cure for everything armored until Durandal Cannon (paired with JUGGERNAUT) and then Heavy Laser. Just make sure not to waste any precious bullets on blue shield if you encounter any. At least 3 soldiers using them would suffice if used on proper targets. Regular gunpowder weapons are good enough to handle up to 50 armored folk.
I was also worried about using weapons without ammo supply (I'm kind of guy that hoards health potions for when I 'really' need em) but rest assured enemy Hideout assaults justify spending some rare clips. You'll always find backups on the field, maybe not of exact same type because there's so many, but of comparable power. So yeah, don't hoard like I did :)

Since TAS mentioned protection - yeah it's a real PITA. Lots of powerful weapons in enemy bases and nothing to offset the damage. There are few techniques to exploit regarding reaction fire, such as using Dogs as cannon fodder or side-stepping into enemy FOV but I find those more gimmicky and unfun than good ol' save/load. Dunno what to tell ya, I ain't the best guy to give protection advice, just bring more worthless meat shields than you normally would and setup reaction fire ambushes? Hideouts are PITA by design but still a cake walk compared to TFTD 2nd stage 4th dimensional labyrinths (until you hit last stage of Winter Palace where XPZ takes the throne back).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 17, 2021, 02:28:17 am
Today's little question - with regard to Dojo training, how does it increment their skills?  1 pt at some interval (daily?) to all skills not maxed out? Random point(s) added?  Just got those built and gals assigned to them. 

Dojo training roll once each day for each affected stat. The chance is based on current stat vs training cap. The closer the less chance. If the roll is a sucess the soldier gains 1-3 in the stat. Not all attributes can be trained. What stats are trained and to what limit is detailed in the dojo pedia entry.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 17, 2021, 11:00:26 pm
Dojo training roll once each day for each affected stat. The chance is based on current stat vs training cap. The closer the less chance. If the roll is a sucess the soldier gains 1-3 in the stat. Not all attributes can be trained. What stats are trained and to what limit is detailed in the dojo pedia entry.

Cool, thanks!  Yeah, I had read the entry, and I've got a number of folks already over limit on some stats.  Right now, I have newer gals and then peasants, Locks, and slave soldiers training up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dannysaysnoo on April 18, 2021, 03:13:22 am
hey, I'm about a year and a half into the game, and only just unlocked craft weapon manufacturing stuff. Is that normal? Fast? Slow? I really don't know how long it takes to get things done in this.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on April 18, 2021, 09:07:35 pm
hey, I'm about a year and a half into the game, and only just unlocked craft weapon manufacturing stuff. Is that normal? Fast? Slow? I really don't know how long it takes to get things done in this.
Pretty much normal for first playthrough. Slow for subsequent ones. When I played for the first time it took me like 2.5 years to unlock basic hunter-killers because I never thought that crucial tech for that would be hidden behind some mutant goblin mythos.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2021, 05:46:41 am
Yeah sounds about average to me. You can be say 8-10 months faster if the stars align. But most of the time some thing slows down the whole complex process. Maybe you miss a stapler, or shadowmasters or any of the other half dozen RNG gates. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 20, 2021, 10:56:20 am
Is there hard-coded limit on how many specific ranks you can have?

For example 1 Queen is allowed (same as in vanilla, 1 max rank allowed) that is known. But I cannot advance past 62 Princesses, even though criteria should be met. I say 'should' because the promotion limits have been broken beyond what should be possible but I still got them. Would need 3200 soldiers to allow for all ranks I currently have yet I only have 2100.  Every other soldier who participated in battles has rank of Mistress. The rest are filler Peasants, temporarily bough to inflate numbers and allow promotion spree. Even though numbers don't check out I still kept receiving Mistress promotions. Maybe it could go on indefinitely (just need put new soldiers in battle), or engine stopped caring due to large numbers, or Queen/Princesses/Mistresses count as lower ranks too so ranks feed themselves. Hell if I know.

Hmm just realized, new Princess promotion is blocked because it'd spawn another Queen? Criteria is met but forbidden. Interesting.

The reason I asked was because I wanted to have all my 64 Gals Princess'd. But during the promotion spree 4 best Lokk'Naars apparently had higher promotion score than 4 worst Gals and took their ranks. Didn't know about the 62 limit at the time. Fakk'Naars!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 21, 2021, 04:36:21 am
the limits are as hard the .rulz files make em. And you do tend to get a little top heavy over time, because the bounds are only verified like once or twice. No demotion when total troops size later drops.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 21, 2021, 05:35:01 am
Yeah I looked in rules but didn't find anything so I assumed limits are hard coded via custom OXCE executable (among other things). I'll see if I can break 62 limit using same technique (mass hiring Peasants again after I sack em). Really love how the engine flexes under manipulation for those who are willing to push. Btw, if limits are in .rul could you tell me where to look?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 21, 2021, 06:17:03 am
Sorry i don't know precisely, but almost has to be in there somewhere. Like 69 for queen and limit 1 queen is not vanilla, so the mod files are responsible someplace.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on April 23, 2021, 11:31:58 pm
I'm about to complete my first game-year, and just found an alien base.  Deciding whether or not I can take it out.  :)  Best armor I have is chainmail or tactical armor, doing pretty well on weapon collection/research, so I think my firepower is in decent shape.  Although, I did run from some mercenaries, figured they were too much for me (but I made their craft take off).
Dojos are best to slow-drip improvements to units in other bases besides your main. Like lokknars, peasants, all those spare young-ubers that pop up and recruited raider scouts.

Ill make this simple for you about Enemy Bases. Send in an attack to find out which faction is there, then reload your Geo save. Now you know how screwed you might be.

Church - Doable
Academy - Doable but watch out for cyberdisks
Traders - You're screwed, you'll never take down the big boss. Need Rail Driver.
Mercs - You're screwed until late game, and even then you're not walking out without a limp.
(... though a cursory assault on Supply Ships or Hyperwave detection will tell you who's there)

Generally speaking you need to bring your Lasguns and fight defensively. Someone needs iGuns or Gothic Rayguns to help with anyone who might have shields. You can win but in year2 its mainly the Melee gals who will rack up corpses. And melee needs to have at least 100 TUs.
By defensive fighting I Mean It. Those 20x20 rooms will butcher you, whether directly or due to line of fire down the halls.

If you have a Syn Gal (android lady) give her chiller armor with the attack claws on it - she's the one you want to send into the command center to take it down. Because of her insane TUs and reactions/melee and damage resistance. She can get past the several dudes who will be in the wraparound hallway to reach it. Then she only needs to deal with maybe 1-2 mobs in the control room and entrance itself.

Should be possible by mid year 2 to have Death Blossom (big smg pistol thing) and usually thats how I roll with it. Basically a one handed Boarding Gun with lots of shots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on April 25, 2021, 11:28:28 am
But how do you attack enemy base early without loosing craft because of hunter killer?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on April 25, 2021, 12:21:55 pm
Use bait craft. The base will intercept only tehe first in radar range for a while.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 25, 2021, 12:24:27 pm
There is no guarantee in early game I believe. Best chance is using SHARK JETBIKE as bait since H/K always targets fastest ship, escorted by 3 AIRCARs. Four of them together ensure air victory but it's hard to say if you'll lose the bike. It's down to luck and difficulty (which affects enemy ship accuracy).

I raided first enemy Hideout in 1st Jul 2601 using 2 AIRCAR and lots of save-scumming. For infiltration a BLOWFISH was used. More honest way would be to bait with JETBIKE while transport separately enters base as bike safely retreats to nearby base (it's only 250 slower with enough head start). You'd have to time radar detection pings to leave yourself max wiggle room. If the base is really close to enemy Hideout radar range even AIRSPEEDER/AIRCAR can be used in that tactic. However letting enemy base to solely dictate your own base placement in that way is stupid.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on April 25, 2021, 03:07:24 pm
Personal opinion:  just wait until you have craft capable of taking out fighters without getting killed.  Technically base assaults are doable beforehand, but I wouldn't take the risk personally, the infamy drain of one base is pretty easily handled.

For taking down fighters without losses, you need to either outrange their weaponry and speed (brave whaler/nightmare + high tech lancer missiles OR low tech stringrays if you don't mind getting dangerously close each shot) or use a kraken equipped with high accuracy guns (I think a single beam laser should wreck them, so you can even make your krakens multi-purpose anti-everything by making the other two slots naval guns). 

Just be aware low accuracy weapons are almost completely ineffective against dodgy fighters (unless it's a gat lascannon, but those are pretty rare), so the mighty kraken with 3x naval guns usually gets so pummeled it'll be in repair for a month if it even survives.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vasja on April 25, 2021, 05:00:58 pm
I have a small question about base protection.
In XCOM, the limit of base defenders seems to be forty.
That is, if there were eight tanks and dozens of soldiers on the base, then when defending the base we had eight tanks and eight fighters on the battlefield: 4 * 8 + 8 = 40. The priority of appearing on the battlefield was with tanks, and then soldiers were added starting from top of the list.
How is this implemented in Piratez?
How many dogs / tanks / soldiers can be placed in the garrison of the base and what is their priority of appearing on the battlefield?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on April 25, 2021, 05:18:06 pm
Pretty sure there's no limit.  Though there is a limit on your sanity to equipping and moving them all. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vasja on April 25, 2021, 05:25:24 pm
Pretty sure there's no limit.  Though there is a limit on your sanity to equipping and moving them all.
Well then, 100 tanks will roll them all into a pancake. We need to check it out. ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on April 25, 2021, 05:47:45 pm
Well, if you're going the "no kill like overkill" route, I'd say

-10 tanks to soak enemy reaction fire on turn 1 and kill heavy armor
-2 gyrocopters with pre-primed barrel bomb per hanger
-1-2 gyrocpters with 4x pre-primed high explosives for the access lift
-10 veterans to enter sewers as needed for mop up
-20 dogs for mop up scouting so your veterans don't get killed
Tanks are pretty expensive, this costs about 15 tanks and is probably more useful.

Just don't accidentally end turn early xD
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vasja on April 25, 2021, 06:01:54 pm
Well, if you're going the "no kill like overkill" route, I'd say

-10 tanks to soak enemy reaction fire on turn 1 and kill heavy armor
-2 gyrocopters with pre-primed barrel bomb per hanger
-1-2 gyrocpters with 4x pre-primed high explosives for the access lift
-10 veterans to enter sewers as needed for mop up
-20 dogs for mop up scouting so your veterans don't get killed
Tanks are pretty expensive, this costs about 15 tanks and is probably more useful.

Just don't accidentally end turn early xD

Thanks for the tip. This should work well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cimbri on April 26, 2021, 06:36:11 am
So I'm having trouble downing either the
Marsec Gunship
or the
Viper Fighter
without blowing them to pieces, if I go in too light I die if I go in with what I have that can kill it it blows up what seems to be 100% of the time, any tips on weapons to acquire or build for this purpose? I'm using
Beam Lasers, Lascannons, and Meteor Missiles
on most of my craft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on April 26, 2021, 06:39:09 am
Today’s little question - another keyboard control related one. What’s the key combo to remove unequipped gear from a craft, from the Inventory screen?  Meridian uses it several times during his XP LP after equipping his gals, for missions when he doesn’t want to risk losing extra gear (it’s burned him a few times when he didn’t have something he needed!). X drops the gear from a character, so I figured it would be a modified version of that, but couldn’t get it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on April 26, 2021, 07:23:15 am
So I'm having trouble downing either the
Marsec Gunship
or the
Viper Fighter
without blowing them to pieces, if I go in too light I die if I go in with what I have that can kill it it blows up what seems to be 100% of the time, any tips on weapons to acquire or build for this purpose? I'm using
Beam Lasers, Lascannons, and Meteor Missiles
on most of my craft.

I think there's just a percentage chance of a crash with hunter killers regardless of weapon damage, sounds like bad luck.  I don't think you're ever really going to get crash by overkill damage unless you're downing hotrods or early ships with missiles/flame cannons, it's pretty extreme iirc.

In any case, while the lasers will damage vipers, beam/lascannon won't really do anything to marcsec gunships due to the armor.  10 armor roughly halves a beam laser's damage, at 15+ the weapon is basically useless apart from keeping shields down.  I'm guessing all the damage is coming from your missiles.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cimbri on April 26, 2021, 07:39:05 am
I think there's just a percentage chance of a crash with hunter killers regardless of weapon damage, sounds like bad luck.  I don't think you're ever really going to get crash by overkill damage unless you're downing hotrods or early ships with missiles/flame cannons, it's pretty extreme iirc.

In any case, while the lasers will damage vipers, beam/lascannon won't really do anything to marcsec gunships due to the armor.  10 armor roughly halves a beam laser's damage, at 15+ the weapon is basically useless apart from keeping shields down.  I'm guessing all the damage is coming from your missiles.

That would sound about right on the damage, I've had the most success against them with my Missile heavy craft, if it is just a flat percentage chance that'd be good to know at least.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 26, 2021, 08:20:12 am
For Marsec Viper Fighter blowup chance is 50%, determined at start of month. Obviously the air fight must occur over land. My first five encounters all resulted in blowups. And first encounter appeared only after I researched every single topic. Was getting mad since they're the only source of AP lasers. For Marsec Gunship I have no idea about chances but my 3 fights thus far all resulted in blowups. Think I drawn the short straw in every imaginable scenario.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on April 26, 2021, 11:09:39 am
Guys, how do you catch Powered Armored Gnome? It was very hard to kill her in the first place and I don't have any idea how to get her alive.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 26, 2021, 11:31:32 am
Even after researching everything I still regularly use Seductress Outfit there. Just make sure to escort the lipstick ladies by plugging approach choke points with your defensive units as you sweep through. Seductress is fairly decent against all types of enemies there as well. Slower but sure-fire way is to melt away her armor with chem until more common capture techniques become viable. Maybe VooDoo  could be used to mind control / panic her as middle option but I haven't tested that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 26, 2021, 11:55:09 am
Yeah most hunter killers are a 50/50 if they fight to the death or not. If you need to loot them for something specific just keep trying.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on April 26, 2021, 01:37:25 pm
Spamming stasis grenades also works, that's how I got my first armored gnome.  While the gnome has 50% daze resistance, the grenades ignore all armor and she's got low hp.  You need half a dozen or more, but one stasis pod gives enough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on April 26, 2021, 04:25:29 pm
Hmm, sounds interesting! Ok, I will try seductress outfit with stasis grenades combo, because my good old stun baton spam + electroguns strat did not work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cimbri on April 29, 2021, 02:32:35 am
How does one find the/a
Tome of Life?
or the/a
Technocracy Datapad #1?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 29, 2021, 05:01:32 am
The datapad is from the HK-117 craft's ground battle. But they are a 50/50 to fight to the death iirc, so you might have try alot to get a crash site.

Tomes come from demon god shrines i belive
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on April 29, 2021, 07:53:55 am
Not exactly sure but I recall HK-117 always spawned crash site upon successful air battle.

Tome of Life can only be found on last stage of Winter Palace. It's an optional stage so accept when given the opportunity. Also be careful not to blow the item up (you'll see what I mean hehe) as the mission is a one time deal. And to trigger Winter Palace in the first place you have to research !Aurora's plot! and then wait.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 29, 2021, 08:54:34 pm
Checked the ruleset to make sure. Hk-117s are set for hunt behavior 2, which is 50/50. You are right about the tome though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on May 03, 2021, 01:25:32 am
Are Coven witches ( actually Star Goddesses ( Lore seems to imply so.  Also does that mean we are actually poppets of female star gods in their shadow war against their male counterparts?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 03, 2021, 10:19:15 am
the witches are implied to be part of the shadowmaster hierarchy, but what the shadowmasters are is never really said. It's possible that the star god species had a divergence along gendered lines at some point after they advanced there bio tech past requiring both genders to viably reproduce.

I think it unlikely the witches are of the species though, more likely just the most potent mystic practitioners on earth, with more then a little legend blur. If they where in fact truely significant personas to the shadowmasters who have been wageing a conflict with the stargods on a galactic scale, why are several of them on an insignificant backwater possession of the Empire more or less twiddling there thumbs when it comes to the conflict? Some of them for perhaps centuries, if you take the descriptions given at face value.

Given what The Well Wisher, and Purple Bloom(Far more likely candidates for actual Shadowmasters imo) can arrange when motivated to do so, implies a higher order of power then what the coven seem to be able to exercise. However the cloak and dagger nature, and the shadowmasters extra dimensional prowess does make for an intentionally hard group to define and identify. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on May 04, 2021, 05:37:31 pm
I also have some questions about game's lore!

What Star Gods' motivations? What do they want to achieve? Why they are so evil? Or these guys are just evil because they are evil like in some bad anime (Naruto) ?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 04, 2021, 06:43:41 pm
In hindsight I wish I paid more attention so I could tell you. Didn't know what to expect, if the story would have satisfactory heads and tails to justify deep attention, so instead I just read and read it all without giving a second thought.

Until someone with more insight comes my take is: Earth is nothing but a grain of sand in SG's scheme of things. Too small to interfere with their motivations and too little for them to even have a chance to show their evil side. If you allow for small analogy: like when you're asphalting a road and you come across a mud puddle in the way - you don't build around it but go forward like it's not even there. Earth was on SG way and they dealt with it with minimal effort just to secure safe transit through its galactic empire, leaving no holes in between. How does that sound? Hopefully not too far off. Their underestimation of the whole situation is what allows our story to unfold.

I'd like to see more of their rivary with Shadowmasters unfold, kinda like Borg and Spices 8472, even in just Lore form if gameplay is too much to ask off. And then binge read all of it once it's done.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2021, 11:50:12 pm
I also have some questions about game's lore!

What Star Gods' motivations? What do they want to achieve? Why they are so evil? Or these guys are just evil because they are evil like in some bad anime (Naruto) ?

Other then the growth of its empire, unknown. Presumably the perpetuation of order and the expansion of there empire. Are they really? This is a certain point of view problem, the SG are not particularly that objectively evil, much of the devastation of earth is at our own hands in the after math of the power change as detailed in the ancient logs pedia pages. They are certainly the players antagonists as you are an agent of chaos, but we are comparing at best chaotic good for the player, vs somewhere on the the lawful axis for the stargods.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on May 05, 2021, 12:08:09 am
I also have some questions about game's lore!

What Star Gods' motivations? What do they want to achieve? Why they are so evil? Or these guys are just evil because they are evil like in some bad anime (Naruto) ?

Is an elephant evil because it steps on an ant?   That's about what we are, to the Star Gods.   

Or, when someone's behavior and motivations is unknowable to you, how can you say they are evil or not?   Just because you don't like what they do, doesn't mean they are evil.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on May 05, 2021, 08:21:14 am
Guys, how do you catch Powered Armored Gnome? It was very hard to kill her in the first place and I don't have any idea how to get her alive.

Easiest way in my opinion is to use the seductress outfit. A couple of kisses and she falls asleep. By the way, that trick also works well on provosts and guildmasters.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on May 05, 2021, 06:15:32 pm
Guys I just read Stellar Empire Report 004 here - and they say Star Gods' true goal is to create a God "to unpreside over the Materium in perfect unconsciousness of death" whatever that means.

So... They are just like SEELE from Evangelion who want to kill everyone and "make us whole"? Or maybe they want to create something like Chaos Gods from Warhammer or even Warp itself? And we are just Guinea Pigs for their experiments with souls and other stuff?

P. S.: also thank you guys for tips about seductress outfit, because I never used it before and always thought "wtf is this?" :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 06, 2021, 07:09:48 am
I take that entry to mean that they determined that only order/structure and materialism matter, because they could not prove the soul and higher order beings to exist. They, perhaps mistakenly, categorized anything from alternative dimensions as merely material beings with different rules of physics, and any mysticism as the result of the crossover interactions.   

Therefore the only way to persist past death is by the works you leave behind. Ergo they strive to make an artificial undying being/network. A physical god.

The Star Gods are science/materialism culture taken to the extreme. The problem they have is that they fell into the hole of "any sufficiently defined/researched magic is science, " and this universes magic system is a will to power model. They believe that no such mystic jumbo exists so to them it doesn't.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on May 06, 2021, 04:59:32 pm
Wow it is deep...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on May 06, 2021, 06:57:19 pm
Is there a mission impact for the "is alarmed" and "is angry" conditions from Guild and Academy?   I have captured a few folks that I noticed if I break them and then research, it triggers those conditions (also, the Marsec powered armor guy leads to that if I research the parts, but I'm not even close to researching a factory, so I wasn't going to do that yet).

I just saw my first pogram from one of the factions (Academy) and was a little surprised at the Cyberdisc - I was prepared to deal with the armored Osiron guys and the drones.  Luckily, a custom shooty gun evidently hits hard enough to take it out (the secondary explosions from the refinery equipment probably did more actual damage, but whatever).  Also luckily, there was only one.  And the captured Esper was a nice bonus, she's the third or fourth one I've "collected".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 06, 2021, 08:14:05 pm
"Is Alarmed" instantly unlocks "Is angry" as well, with both having either same impact (split by slightly different triggers) or the latter adding even more impact (which in that case feels unintended since automation instantly increases difficulty without player control). I had the same concern about this so I delayed "Alarmed" as long as possible until I was confident I could control the new air-battle. Maybe until I had a minimum of 4 interceptors armed with at least Gauss Cannons? From my experience all the impact did was add or at least increase spawn rates of larger ships. In hindsight I'd say it wouldn't matter if I research it right away or delay since I don't recall notable increase of complexity and/or difficulty.

If anything I should have unlocked new conditions as soon as they appeared in research because it made new goodies available sooner. Chasing rarer items down the line needlessly prolonged certain stages of the game for me. With that in mind I'll always say just go for it. Difficulty is so well balanced that's it's almost impossible to screw yourself in Geoscape.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 06, 2021, 09:30:53 pm
What is the goal of "A party!" mission? Do I need to stun all those ghost to win? Or grab specific item and flee? Where is exit area?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on May 06, 2021, 09:35:19 pm
Well, since I barely have an air force (exactly one HK, and two Snakes, plus the Scorpion and some random air cars), maybe I'll hold off a while.  :)

I have a lot of things to research anyway, just finished Full Plate Armor, which is the last thing I needed for Industrial Tools.  A second base just got dropped in, so I probably need to try to take one of them out to avoid the escalating score penalty.  This new one is pretty near one of my bases, so I can pop the supply ships.  It appears to be Traders, the first one is Church.  Maybe after I make a couple of sets of plate mail, I'll give it a shot.

Will a convoy slip in under the base's radar?  Or is that even a thing?  Otherwise I'm pretty limited on how many troops I can take in.  It might be time to go ahead and finish the Metallo research and get it built.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 06, 2021, 10:35:31 pm
Goal is to provide a break from serious missions, get some easy prisoners and loot. Not much more to it than that. You win by knocking out everyone. No special items or exit zones to help you. I recall someone complained about Ghosts specifically in this mission because they're resistant to daze so it took forever. At least the dress provides near immunity to their attacks and you'll also get ton of Melee XP.

I keep around old milestone saves so I took a look if I can be more specific. Seeing your squadron I think you are pretty safe to unlock "Alarmed/Angry" if you wish. I done it somewhere between Jan-Mar 2602 (as save gap indicates) and had 6 bases with each housing 1 interceptor at the time. All were Shark Jetbikes with 50mm or 30mm cannons. If there was a Predator replacing any of those it received a Plasma Charger (life saver) as well. Never had problems winning air-battles with conditions mentioned. In your place I'd wait until research list thins out a little bit just so it's more manageable, list is only gonna get nastier I can promise you that. Tech from bigger ships isn't the main bottleneck, RNG events/interrogation techs/loot is.
If by undetectable Convoy you mean because it's a ground vehicle (?) - yeah that idea don't fly. Funny enough I though the same. Enemy base radar pings every 10-15 mins or something, so ih your transport can fly the gap faster than that you can sneak in undetected.
Btw, I raided first enemy base in BLOWFISH, 8 WARRIORS inside, with Manstoppers, Cattle Prods, 2 RPGs, and several Landmines. A dumb move on my part with how little I known then (expected bandit camp base tops, got Academy instead). You need some decent gear against Provorst/Guildmaster, and bringing more Soldiers also wouldn't hurt.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on May 07, 2021, 02:02:24 am
Yeah, I'm wrapping up March 2602 now.  It's kind of "gamey", but assuming the enemy base radar pings every 30 minutes like everything else, I can time it and dash in.  I definitely have better ground gear than what you listed.  Although since I haven't seen a provost or guildmaster yet, so that could be interesting.  I'll have to try it this weekend!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 07, 2021, 05:03:11 am
Is there a mission impact for the "is alarmed" and "is angry" conditions from Guild and Academy? 

There is some, it adds more occurrences of some high end ships, as well as heavy freighters for guild, and science ships for academy iirc. And yes the alarmed/angry are linked because of oddities in how things can be triggered. The extra step has something to do with that a 0 cost tech that is granted by just getting all its prerequisites can't be a trigger for mission changes, but it can "get one free" another regular cost that does.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on May 07, 2021, 09:56:44 am
Guys what are you talking about? What are "angry" and "alarmed" statuses of Guild and Academy? And what are other statuses? Is it some meta knowledge of high level gameplay?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 07, 2021, 10:46:12 am
they are under the hood techs that have no pop ups and are hidden from the player unless you go digging around in the tech viewer. They exists so some parts of game progress can be tied to players progress against certain factions. The engine only allows you to change the mission pool based on either time or techs, so in order to be reactive to player effective progress, a "cheat" tech is used, triggered by researching most of the lower ranked units live state.

The thought is that if your have captured all of these guys you have the capability to handle harder foes, without tethering the change to a single normally researched tech, because well the tech web is an spaghetti monster and who knows where a less experience player might wander.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 07, 2021, 10:57:55 am
Goal is to provide a break from serious missions, get some easy prisoners and loot. Not much more to it than that. You win by knocking out everyone. No special items or exit zones to help you. I recall someone complained about Ghosts specifically in this mission because they're resistant to daze so it took forever. At least the dress provides near immunity to their attacks and you'll also get ton of Melee XP.

Thanks. Then I will skip that mission. Have only 3 party dresses at the moment and knocking down 3-4 floors of ghosts would take forever (using bare fists, staff and ballbat found in that tavern)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vick on May 07, 2021, 11:12:38 am
Old returned player here.. I forgot so many things, that I even had to create a new account.
Easy early question. I'm on July-August of 2601
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 07, 2021, 03:42:56 pm
Are there any special awards after completing Jack/Zax/MA challange?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 07, 2021, 03:53:22 pm
- After researching !!Bounty Hunting!!. Try to unlock Level C stages which start yielding some proper tokens.
- 25mm > 30mm > 50mm > Plasma Charger (best early game vessel weapon imo), and so on. I generally skipped missiles altogether, only using them on rare case-by-case basis. Research chain is honestly too complex for me to give you precise answer but you can help yourself by using Tech Viewer (Q on Geoscape) or online pedia - 25MM CANNON ( Clickity-click.
- My own continuation, from Warrior, was mixed complement of Metal > Junkmaster (Unplugged Power Armor) > Synthsuit > Stormy (flies) > Juggernaut > Assault Marine -> Annihilator (does it all). With Synth you are practically immune to all gunfire for a year, great mid-game armor. In early-game you could put some in-between armors I haven't mentioned just to soak up reaction fire, or use a vehicle. It's a broad subject so everyone will give different answers. I recommend using what feels best to you for the time being.
- They are for all intents and purposes Peasant soldiers with damsel-y look to them (purely cosmetic). Combat wise Peasants are useful in low risk missions, leaving main force time to recover, but not much more than that. They do have exclusive access to one type of mission not accessible to anyone else. I don't recall there being a noteworthy reason to peruse DILDOs over regular Peasants, more so because they are relatively rare. Maybe they start with bit higher stats, give a unique research tech, can be pimp'd (main use for me after filling up soldier rooster). In the future they may receive a higher purpose however so that's something to keep in mind. I have 10 Peasants and 10 Damsels fully trained and still use them occasionally for a little bit of fun and challenge.

Reward, after completing the not so easy mission in the following month, is roughly ~1500 tokens for chosen customer. You basically sacrifice 1000 infamy (-500/+500) for Jack/Zax/MA token boost. Before you ask, there are no disposition penalties from the other two.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on May 07, 2021, 06:14:21 pm
Old returned player here.. I forgot so many things, that I even had to create a new account.
Easy early question. I'm on July-August of 2601
  • Earliest aerial weapon? Which is the best chain of research?, I find weird that I could got  already several vessel but no weapons for them.. I feeling that I´m missing all the training targets of early months.
  • After Barbarian-Warrior-Chain mail.. Next armour to aim? this month in many missions. I even couldn't leave the vessel with several foes aiming the door. with out being killed

Snipped the list a bit.   I agree, it's weird to have craft with no weapons - if you get your Codex craft early, you literally have 1 craft weapon for them (which is either light or heavy, depending on which codex), and you might have access to 25 mm.   I'm several more months in, just finishing March 2602, although this is my first campaign, so I had no idea what to focus on.  Spent last month or so actively trying to improve the craft weapon situation, so where I am now, I can make up to 50 mm cannon for Light, I can make Spike Rockets or Harpoons for the Missile slot (or buy Seagulls, which are expensive), and I can buy the Ramjet or use my Codex Lil' Ilya for the Heavy slot (Ramjet also very expensive).  Researching 250 mm RL for Heavy slot as well, that should be done soon. Just finished researching Gauss Cannon, and assembling my first one (but don't have enough parts for a 2nd).  Haven't even seen a Reticulan ship yet to try and get plasma charger.  So my airfleet (documented in a reply on the previous page) is mostly equipped with 25 or 30 mm cannon, 1 50mm, 1 Seagull, 2 harpoon launchers, 1 Ramjet, and 1 Lil' Ilya.  This month I will try to buy some Piranha or a Shark, I'm being harassed by Ninja Jetbikes that are too agile for me to shoot down unless I use expensive Seagulls (although I want to try a harpoon the next time I see one).

And as far as armor, I just researched full plate mail and I'm making my first 2 suits of that.  I picked Red, so the several suits of Aggressor armor from that have been quite nice to use over Warrior.  I also went up Tactical Armor (although I have very little aqua plastic), so I have a few suits of that, and 2 suits of Hover.  Also have some suits of Boss armor.  I also just built my first armored car, so I was going to see about using that, although neither the Scorpion nor the Snake can deploy it, so it may only get used on defense for now (thinking I probably need to go ahead and built my Metallo).  I've been using two gals with chain & shield as my "tanks" to absorb the opening salvo, and been lucky so far about not losing one.   Been close a few times, and the gals probably aren't too happy about that duty.  :)  At least the Surgery Center cuts down the time lost to the disabled list!   Like you, not sure where to go from here, I'm working towards the Industrial Printer, so that should open more options.  Looking at Nilex's reply, I have Metal armor (needed for Plate), and I need research to move on, although I think I have the path open to me as far as Junkmaster.   I haven't defeated any Mercs yet, though, only seen them once, and I ran from that fight (although now I have better gear and could probably make the effort), they are a block to get to Synth.

I've recruited 1 damsel and used her as a dedicated medic, although she's leveled up pretty well.  The others I came across, I've either enslaved or pimped, they aren't any better than peasants, of which I have several for base defense and occasional rotation when needed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vick on May 08, 2021, 11:31:02 pm
Quote from: Dogbarian
*Snipped the list a bit.   I agree, it's weird to have craft with no weapons ....
*And as far as ar...
*I've recruited 1 damsel and..
Ty for the tips,  :)
Quote from: Nilex
- After researching !!Bounty Hunting!!. Try to unlock Level C stages which start yielding some proper tokens.
- 25mm > 30mm > 50mm > Plasma Charger (best early game vessel weapon imo), and so on. I generally skipped missiles altogether, only using them on rare case-by-case basis. Research chain is honestly too complex for me to give you precise answer but you can help yourself by using Tech Viewer (Q on Geoscape)...
- My own continuation, ...
- They are for all intents and purposes Peasant soldiers ...
Thx I missed to manufacture BH Brass Badge (C)... wow
- I spent half of the time in the Tech viewer, I enjoying it, but the chain to get 25 mm or Krazy Hanna  ​is still far away, and thought that I was missing something obvious, like the Bass Badge.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on May 10, 2021, 10:33:06 am
And as far as armor, I just researched full plate mail and I'm making my first 2 suits of that.  I picked Red, so the several suits of Aggressor armor from that have been quite nice to use over Warrior.
Full Plate Mail is mostly junk outside of niche usage cases because the movement penalty is SO BAD. The armor value is okay, but not great, and hardly matters if you can't actually get to the battle.  When you're losing 20-30 TU outright, you're either slowing the entire group down or you're missing the battle anyway.

I also just built my first armored car, so I was going to see about using that
Car is a great upgrade to Ablative Peasants as far as recon and drawing fire goes, since it can soak up a fair amount of small arms fire with impunity, although you may have to do a few donuts around the zone you want to draw fire in for your TU to drop low enough to get reaction fired.

although neither the Scorpion nor the Snake can deploy it
Yeah, Red Codex ships are useless. :P Get used to using Expedition and Convoy.

I've been using two gals with chain & shield as my "tanks" to absorb the opening salvo, and been lucky so far about not losing one.
This is where ablative peasants come in. Their crap TU means that the moment they step off the dropship, they will immediately draw fire from everything in sight. Many of them will die for their planet. A few will be forced through a fine mesh screen for their planet. They will be the luckiest of all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on May 11, 2021, 01:23:55 pm
How does the game determine melee evasion for sides other than the soldier's front and back?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 11, 2021, 04:32:18 pm
the back side penalty is reduced based on angle until you reach front. so a 90 degree side is half the back penalty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on May 11, 2021, 04:53:41 pm
the back side penalty is reduced based on angle until you reach front. so a 90 degree side is half the back penalty.
And 45/135° is ¼ or ¾ the difference? Thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on May 16, 2021, 02:37:24 am
How long, on average, assuming you have all the tech and missions unlocked, does it take to create one of the X-level shadowtech items, for instance, Ethyr Drive X? In other words, how many months does it take to collect 13 Shadow Orbs of the same kind?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 16, 2021, 05:34:14 am
Months? HA-HA ;D
Answer is never. Even if extremely lucky answer remains the same.

Will all the money in the world and techs unlocked your best bet for Orbs is Mystery Box lottery. Only the box is so rare that anything but reloading for desired result is unfathomable. The boxes can be gotten through highest valued coupon gambling which requires a Casino. But  that quickly introduces Jack's token as bottleneck.
Second way of getting them is through other type of boxes / RNG prize mechanics: Smuggler > Arcane > Mystery / Mad Scribblings, and probably one of two more I can't remember atm. In late-game the surest way for me was 6 Smuggler Boxes you get from raiding their hideout, which I then re-rolled until converted into 6 Mystery. Don't even think about getting enough Orbs without save-scumming which ever method you use.

Once Mystery are in possession you gotta roll 5x3 Orbs of choice until you have enough just for one X grade system. In 6 years of normal play I gotten maybe 8 Orbs as loot total (spread across 4 types), from doing regular missions, that's why your 'months' sounded hilarious to me. Last I checked they are rare and exclusive on only handful of missions.
Once you finally build an X system it justifies all the laborious work. I dumped an Ethyr Drive X (engine) and Spatial Displacer X (weapon) onto Fortuna and she basically kills everything on her own except for Silver Towers. I always wonder if two Displacer Xs would do the job but not willing to put myself through that lottery ever again.

The good news is the Orbs are said to get more attention in some future update so we can expect them to become more common as well as receive more applications than just for an odd weapon/tool and shadow tech systems.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on May 20, 2021, 10:56:36 am
Do weapon mastery and similar medals where you can get them for multiple different items stack, or does only the highest one count?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 20, 2021, 11:09:38 pm
Weapon mastery is per weapon, but due to code quirks only a single instance of each rank can apply. The engine reads the strings as: mastery rank X apply bonus assigned to rank X, if it then also read x+1 or X+2 it does it again.

For commends it for all participating items as a sum, or at least it will be shortly. I don't recall if the patched commend code made it into L9. If it didn't it take the bonus for the highest participating item.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Thatguysenpai on May 22, 2021, 08:52:56 pm
Hello, I was wondering where you find the Implosion Bomb Launcher parts? I remember I found one in my previous playthrough but I can't remember where.

I was thinking it was the bomber craft, but I've downed several and haven't found one yet so I thought I'd ask.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 22, 2021, 09:33:39 pm
Bomber is the right place to look, the trouble is that any engine exploding during the crash tends to destroy the item you need to recover. Keep trying till you get one fully intact.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on May 22, 2021, 11:24:54 pm
It's the thing which just makes you go "STOP EXPLODING, YOU COWARDS!".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Thatguysenpai on May 23, 2021, 05:57:17 am
Ah, I see, thank you. It's unfortunate that the bomber mission has become rather rare, but I'll keep at it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on May 24, 2021, 06:28:25 pm
Weapon mastery is per weapon, but due to code quirks only a single instance of each rank can apply. The engine reads the strings as: mastery rank X apply bonus assigned to rank X, if it then also read x+1 or X+2 it does it again.

For commends it for all participating items as a sum, or at least it will be shortly. I don't recall if the patched commend code made it into L9. If it didn't it take the bonus for the highest participating item.

If I'm reading your answer correctly, it sounds like getting "Master of the <whatever>" at 1 rank at multiple weapons will stack, but multiple ranks in the same weapon do not stack?  Is that what you meant by instance of each rank?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 24, 2021, 10:33:24 pm
Other way around. only 1 copy of rank 1,2,3 ect will give a bonus. Mastery of different weapons is however required because only highest rank attained for given weapon is applied.

So maximum bonus is rank 1 with handcannon, rank 2 with whip, rank 3 with fisticuffs, ect. But all weapon at 3 would only be one instance of rank 3 bonus.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on May 25, 2021, 02:08:23 am
Other way around. only 1 copy of rank 1,2,3 ect will give a bonus. Mastery of different weapons is however required because only highest rank attained for given weapon is applied.

So maximum bonus is rank 1 with handcannon, rank 2 with whip, rank 3 with fisticuffs, ect. But all weapon at 3 would only be one instance of rank 3 bonus.
Gotcha, thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mikmac on May 27, 2021, 01:44:06 pm
Hi and thanks for a great mod!
I havent gotten very far yet and so was wondering what exactly will I miss out on if i play difficulty=0?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 27, 2021, 07:10:20 pm
Hi and thanks for a great mod!
I havent gotten very far yet and so was wondering what exactly will I miss out on if i play difficulty=0?

Mostly some stuff related to psionics and spirituality in general. This has impact on various areas, like equipment and armours.

I personally wouldn't recommend playing on 0, since difficulty 1 is not much harder but doesn't cut you off from anything. It can be easily changed in the save by modifying the "difficulty" value.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 28, 2021, 03:07:35 pm
Has anyone been able to damage anything using SAINT's Entropy Blast?

My Gals are pretty maxed out and EB accuracy ranges from 50-100% up close, to 20-80% far away, but I've never actually damaged anyone with it. It always fizzles out as small pink circle on enemy target and hit-log is always empty. Stats ( indicate primary effect is against armor and morale, with only 15% damage affecting HP. But still, the only effect I ever witnessed was 50% less TU to my own Gal. That never failed lol.

Considered buffing it but its strange behavior makes me think not matter what I do it'll just fizzle out like it's broken or something.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mikmac on May 28, 2021, 04:22:13 pm
Mostly some stuff related to psionics and spirituality in general. This has impact on various areas, like equipment and armours.

I personally wouldn't recommend playing on 0, since difficulty 1 is not much harder but doesn't cut you off from anything. It can be easily changed in the save by modifying the "difficulty" value.

Thx, I shall go for that, then.

Another question;  In one year, at difficulty=1, how many losses (gals) would be considered normal by an average player? (at normal risktaking, like avoiding pogroms etc), also, about how many hideouts should one establish within the first year?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 28, 2021, 05:12:56 pm
Another question;  In one year, at difficulty=1, how many losses (gals) would be considered normal by an average player? (at normal risktaking, like avoiding pogroms etc), also, about how many hideouts should one establish within the first year?

Hard to say, it all depends. In my current campaign, I'm in late June 2602, so one and a half year in, and I lost 27 Hands, of which 5 were Gals, 7 were Peasants or Damsels, 7 were Warbeasts, one was a Lokk'Naar and the rest were Slave Soldiers. I have 3 hideouts and I play on the middle difficulty (Blackbeard).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 28, 2021, 07:40:16 pm
Has anyone been able to damage anything using SAINT's Entropy Blast?

My Gals are pretty maxed out and EB accuracy ranges from 50-100% up close, to 20-80% far away, but I've never actually damaged anyone with it. It always fizzles out as small pink circle on enemy target and hit-log is always empty. Stats ( indicate primary effect is against armor and morale, with only 15% damage affecting HP. But still, the only effect I ever witnessed was 50% less TU to my own Gal. That never failed lol.

Considered buffing it but its strange behavior makes me think not matter what I do it'll just fizzle out like it's broken or something.

The likely issue your having is the -5 power per tile. A maxed out gal before commendations only has 8 tile effective range, and even then the last few tiles have such low impact, that given it does not fully ignore armor you can still whiff. Maxed out peas/SS get 10 effective range.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 28, 2021, 08:05:14 pm
You're right that was it. Holding ALT mislead me to believe there was no damage reduction over distance, only accuracy, and I never used it up close against weakly armored target. Until now. Pretty hard to miss when it works and hit-log comes back to life too. Thank you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mikmac on May 29, 2021, 08:10:29 am
Hard to say, it all depends. In my current campaign, I'm in late June 2602, so one and a half year in, and I lost 27 Hands, of which 5 were Gals, 7 were Peasants or Damsels, 7 were Warbeasts, one was a Lokk'Naar and the rest were Slave Soldiers. I have 3 hideouts and I play on the middle difficulty (Blackbeard).

thx a lot, this is a good reference to have.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 29, 2021, 09:09:37 am
Honestly any amount of losses is fine, so long as you can sustain them at the rate you take em. Once your out of the early stages you can flat out buy or train perfectly functional replacements without it even really impacting your economy.

i think the most ive ever seen in the first year was like 80, and the player still won in the end. Fewer losses is of course better, but even significant losses so long as the don't happen all at once are survivable. Even a whole ships worth so long as you have some roster depth is manageable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 29, 2021, 05:55:20 pm
Another first: after using Chort's Iron Wind on bunch of demons and bunch of them dieing (roughly 40 registered hits), while also carrying Crystal Skull, my STA & HP bars somehow get drained by considerable amount even though I'm outside of blast radius. As if demons attained 'reflect damage' type, or some kind of overflow in the engine due to massive cumulative damage dealt. TU do get replenished as expected though.

Dunno what to make of it as STA should drain by small fixed amount from IW usage alone and even less so for HP. Attached a save in hope to hear your thoughts. Aim at the marked Pinky to reproduce. Small disclaimer: should you find yourself in an endless satisfaction feedback loop, unable to stop, that's on you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on May 29, 2021, 10:52:23 pm
Crystal Skull's effect is that it drains HP/STA when you trigger it. It's not the Iron Wind that's damaging you, it's the Crystal Skull. Not a bug.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 30, 2021, 07:11:20 am
Damn in all this time using it I never noticed that, only TU recovery. And I've swept whole maps clean (like them sprawling academy outposts) many times before. I even looked into earlier versions thinking the Skull may have been nerfed but nope. Looks like demons being meatier than anything else out there really exacerbated the behavior so thanks for clearing that up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on May 31, 2021, 06:00:04 am
Guys when next update? I just want to start a new game while not missing any new content.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 31, 2021, 07:08:37 am
SOON tm, as always.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 31, 2021, 07:47:59 am
You don't have to update.
And if you can't resist, unless you speed-run there's only a small chance you would finish before the next update hits. Simply accept it's gonna happen, like it has 5 times during my own playthrough. Can't say new content messed up with my in-game plans in any way, on the contrary it added flavor and improved gameplay each time. It's really fun to play a game as it's being worked on by a smart dev, especially as complex as this one. Give in to your temptations.

Btw Cydonia is a double stager in XPZ, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on May 31, 2021, 05:54:49 pm
Damn in all this time using it I never noticed that, only TU recovery. And I've swept whole maps clean (like them sprawling academy outposts) many times before. I even looked into earlier versions thinking the Skull may have been nerfed but nope. Looks like demons being meatier than anything else out there really exacerbated the behavior so thanks for clearing that up.
Well, it's only 5% damage, so if you're using it on weenies like Academy students, it probably gets rounded down to 0. Why are you using Chort on a non-lethal mission like an Academy raid is unclear to me, though...if you kill them all, you get nothing and the entire exercise was pointless!

Btw Cydonia is a double stager in XPZ, right?
It was a double-stager in the original X-Com, too, and that apparently hasn't changed. It's basically the same mission.

So I have a different question: What's the story with the really arbitrary list of weapons that can and can't be used in space? I can use a baseball bat in space, even though this really shouldn't be very effective because the act of swinging it would send me into an uncontrolled spin and striking an opponent with it would similarly not produce particularly impressive results because without gravity to hold an opponent in place, he would just recoil away and take far less damage...but I can't use a gun in space, even though there's physically nothing preventing me from doing this? The list of space-usable weapons seems rather arbitrary.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on May 31, 2021, 08:19:16 pm
Mostly early punk sci-fi rules. Guns no work in space cause no air, but lasers and EM slugthrowers are fine.

While you can IRL shoot a powder driven gun in space there are a number of additional tolerances and quirks to account for to pull it off, which most weapons in the arsenal simply can't manage. You can make bullets without the need for the realtivly tiny amount of reaction surface they have with normal atmosphere, but that either demands you make vacuum sealed cases with the right air/propellant mix or use rocket engine style propellants with the oxidizer included. Or do the cheap hack and fire a burst from within a pressurized vessel like a spare suit, but this trick only last a few seconds.

Also the above is discounting any heat/cooling expansion problems in fine tolerance moving parts, near earth orbit has about 220 degrees Celsius variance between sun and shade. we have problems getting guns to be smooth within half that on earth. Granted the other gun types aside from the steller empire ones should also fall victim to this too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on May 31, 2021, 08:19:53 pm
Why are you using Chort on a non-lethal mission like an Academy raid is unclear to me
I'm basically done with everything since months ago, but these little personal goals come up all the time so while waiting for that I exert vengeance on everyone. Chort is universally fun and its special attack levels up two interesting condemnations which makes it even powerful. Forgot how the mission is called but it has dozen Academy buildings all over the map so Chort is a perfect bulldozer there. And there's no particular reason not to bring everyone, the more the merrier, both us and them.

So I have a different question: What's the story with the really arbitrary list of weapons that can and can't be used in space?
Comes down to balance between realism and gameplay/engine restrictions with a dash of artistic freedom I suppose. If anything powder weapons would be equally if not more unwieldy in space than melee ones. If you are having trouble in ship equipment screen because of that reason, there's is a "0-G" category to see what you can use once up there to avoid nasty surprises.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on May 31, 2021, 10:38:33 pm
Mostly early punk sci-fi rules. Guns no work in space cause no air, but lasers and EM slugthrowers are fine.
But rounds have their own oxidizer and will fire just fine in vacuum. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard of this rule, guns have always worked fine in space and we've known this since the 50s.

but that either demands you make vacuum sealed cases with the right air/propellant mix or use rocket engine style propellants with the oxidizer included.
Gun cartridges are already sealed and contain their own oxidizer already. Pretty much any modern firearm will fire in space without any difficulty, and will most likely work better in space since it will be devoid of any atmospheric drag issues. This point is sort of also voided when you can use those weapons just fine on Mars, which similarly lacks oxygen, and probably on the Moon when the Blacksun Base gets added, which lacks atmosphere entirely.

Also the above is discounting any heat/cooling expansion problems in fine tolerance moving parts, near earth orbit has about 220 degrees Celsius variance between sun and shade.
Heating and cooling issues in space won't really make any difference: The equipment will not be exposed to direct sunlight for extended durations as it will either be in the dropship, or in a very brief action. Space is otherwise a really good insulator, so nothing will get cold anytime soon. In fact, there are already guns in space. Russians bring guns into space as standard kit, and have even test-fired them. They work fine.

Comes down to balance between realism and gameplay/engine restrictions with a dash of artistic freedom I suppose. If anything powder weapons would be equally if not more unwieldy in space than melee ones.
Well, you'd obviously have difficulty wielding the blackpowder weapons in space, but every regular modern-ish gun should work just fine. I'm not sure what the game balance constraints would be, since most of those weapons are worse than the ones that are allowed in space. I can incinerate people with a PLASMA CANNON in space, but I can't shoot them with my regular pistol. It's certainly not because of recoil issues, because the recoil from firing a gun wouldn't spin you THAT badly and we can fire a HEAVY RAILGUN in space, which would kick way worse.

If you are having trouble in ship equipment screen because of that reason, there's is a "0-G" category to see what you can use once up there to avoid nasty surprises.
I'm aware of the category, it's just that the list strikes me as very arbitrary and random.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: mikmac on June 01, 2021, 10:52:50 am
Honestly any amount of losses is fine, so long as you can sustain them at the rate you take em. Once your out of the early stages you can flat out buy or train perfectly functional replacements without it even really impacting your economy.

i think the most ive ever seen in the first year was like 80, and the player still won in the end. Fewer losses is of course better, but even significant losses so long as the don't happen all at once are survivable. Even a whole ships worth so long as you have some roster depth is manageable.

80!! Sheesh. Ill try to avoid that.  :D
Anyhoo, I started a game on "john silver" and considered sneakpeeking in the savefile to see if id get a good start, but decided against it to not ruin the fun. Got a hero day three!
What are the odds for that? He proceeded to get nuked by a zombie first mission. Brutal!!!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 02, 2021, 07:35:47 pm
Does the Persuadatron actually work?
It says the power on it is supposed to be really high, but of all the tries ive used it there's 0 Effect on even the softest of civilians.
It also clearly says its a flat skill and unaffected by Psi powers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on June 02, 2021, 09:10:18 pm
I'd also like to know. Have had same experience as RSSwiz before I finally deciding to sell all 8 I enthusiastically bought in vain.

Wasn't able to find anything conclusive in rules but analysis screen shows only 20% panic accuracy and whole 0% for MC. Along with acc drop-off from online BP it seems its max effective range is only 3-4 tiles? Meaning if the target doesn't RNG panic on its turn it's gonna have a field day on whoever is standing next to him. It doesn't even train any skill. Maybe the real goal is to persuade the player in buying it? Worked pretty well on me, hehe.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 02, 2021, 09:13:37 pm
Does the Persuadatron actually work?
It says the power on it is supposed to be really high, but of all the tries ive used it there's 0 Effect on even the softest of civilians.
Clearly not, since you tried it yourself and it didn't do anything. I suspect it mostly exists as a prereqisite unlock so you can't just buy the thing you actually want outright. There's a lot of dubious prizes like that, that you have to buy just so you can get the actual useful items. Which you wouldn't know about if you hadn't known that you have to buy this useless thing first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 02, 2021, 09:28:09 pm
Persuadotron is one of the last prizes in the bank chain iirc, check to see if there's a range penalty of sorts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 02, 2021, 10:14:11 pm
Maybe the real goal is to persuade the player in buying it? Worked pretty well on me, hehe.
Well I bought ONE of them.
Funny that I actually bought several Holosuits because they're just that good (night time).
But over the course of several missions the Persuatatron just didn't do anything whatsoever. And if it has a supposed flat skill of 50% like it says it ought to be pretty good at it.

(as for holosuit, you can wrangle an entire megapol dropshop with a single gal at night with a magum and smart bullets. They can get lucky on you or if you step into a lit area, but id regularly take out all of them including the enforcers and apemen without taking a single attack from em. Just gotta bring the distilled rum or you can run out of pep by accident)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 02, 2021, 11:04:28 pm
(as for holosuit, you can wrangle an entire megapol dropshop with a single gal at night with a magum and smart bullets. They can get lucky on you or if you step into a lit area, but id regularly take out all of them including the enforcers and apemen without taking a single attack from em.
That's probably not the approach I would have chosen because killing them all gets you no slaves, but I wonder if this technique can be adapted. I usually only authorize lethal force on targets that have no slavery value and very little ransom value.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 03, 2021, 06:04:44 am
persuadeatron has both terrible accuracy (100% of flat 50) with -4 per tile after 11, and if IIRC this also is its effective power before psi defense cause psi is weird.

theoretical upside is it does not require any voodoo skill or power, any idiot can give it a try.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 03, 2021, 12:38:07 pm
Of course, the fact that any idiot can use it and not succeed at it doesn't make it useful, it just makes it a waste of TUs. It hardly matters that anyone can use it if it never works!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ZoA on June 03, 2021, 06:06:09 pm
Does anybody else think map on 3rd level of Aurora castle is atrocious buggy mess? There are passable corners that look like they should be impassible, 1 square alcoves that can be entered thru those corners and can hide enemies that are then impossible to attack. General map design is irritating AF, endless dead ends or doors that look like dead ends, and to move your gals in to fog of war areas one often needs to click in to darkens and that often makes them take insane roundabout paths expending all TU and leaving your gals hell knows where. Navigating that mess is so time consuming and annoying it's driving me insane.

I hate that map so much.  :'(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on June 03, 2021, 07:56:26 pm
That's all nice and cute but have you had an exploding robot destroy your main item pile? ;D

As far I know the labyrinth part was intended. What saves it imo is the AI which actively seeks you out. I dreaded when I first saw it but it ended being a rather short ordeal, about 10% of what I expected. Freshness drain was a bit more of a drag but you can just camp certain choke points and let them come to you. If melee'd they don't explode I think? Hollow/fake walls are a pain to sort out design wise but it works to your advantage if you camp as they come sooner. So yeah, let the emotionless and infinitely patient robots deal with it while you just click end turn, lol. When things die out a little you can use door opening sounds to guide you to the last ones faster.

Not the most memorable map I agree but the unique Tome of Life reward is great. All things being equal Space Freighter would be far more treacherous experience but it's not due to full Freshness start. The first stage was pretty great tho so in my eyes everything balanced out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 04, 2021, 12:31:37 am
Of course, the fact that any idiot can use it and not succeed at it doesn't make it useful, it just makes it a waste of TUs. It hardly matters that anyone can use it if it never works!

And more importantly, a waste of $669,000.
Since anyone you could probably use it on you can probably bust over the head.
Mercs are supposedly vulnerable to psi but even they probably got more than a civvie. Plus a berserking merc isnt exactly my idea of fun anyway.

That's probably not the approach I would have chosen because killing them all gets you no slaves, but I wonder if this technique can be adapted. I usually only authorize lethal force on targets that have no slavery value and very little ransom value.
I dont really remember being able to slave megapol guys... but I have a Giant Stack of slaves from extending my Civilian Flights mission (dont select "stop targeting civilian traffic" until the absolute last moment you can muster it).

Mostly I only care about the Small Ship Engines and loot I get from megapol. Lots of plasma pistols and plasma castors, grav packs from the apemen, boom guns from the enforcers. They're also semi-tough sorta missions. Usually anything other than a dropship is done with 2 Tanks or Armored Cars and they're just machinegunned into puree.

Yeah im up into almost Year 3 and still got Civilian Traffic going because:
Easy to shoot down (Gauss or Lascannon usually)
Small Ship Engine 1 or 2 apiece (100k) thats the main reason.
Easy Slaves (usually laborers)
Easy research to eat up the # topics and unlock critical stuff like Pirate Straits and Theban Hive.

Anyone who thought civvie traffic was bad for you is nutty (captures are like +10 pts each not negative).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 04, 2021, 02:54:08 am
Does anybody else think map on 3rd level of Aurora castle is atrocious buggy mess? There are passable corners that look like they should be impassible, 1 square alcoves that can be entered thru those corners and can hide enemies that are then impossible to attack.
That tileset has a few glitches in it, too, like the destroyed walls that don't visibly look destroyed, so you knock them down, and then walk through the apparently still solid wall.

General map design is irritating AF, endless dead ends or doors that look like dead ends
Yeah, I kinda hate those stupid maps in general, where there are a bunch of walls where there's supposed to be doors. I just axe for it to be changed, though.

You should see the resulting path I take through some of these levels, where I've just taken a straight line through it demolishing every obstacle in my path.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 11, 2021, 12:34:47 am
Any advice for which missions can be pulled off with this combo?
I just find that 3 units to manage makes things go by alot faster and easier on me the player and adds a dumptruck of experience to them. But im wondering where the cutoff is between what you can manage.
I already know Pogroms are out of the question, you can solve the map but most of the mutants will die before you finish it.

2 Gals + 1 Tank in an airbus
(currently the gals are chromeback and revenant armor)
The map in picture was a standard Freighter which was managed pretty easily.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 11, 2021, 02:16:55 am
I know you explained why you did this, but seeing a tank coming out of an airbus still caused me extreme pain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on June 11, 2021, 01:27:40 pm
Why the Airbus, and not something worth a damn like a Pachy?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 12, 2021, 01:15:21 am
Mainly because ive been putting off my Dr X mission and the airbus is there as a placeholder so I dont fill my hangars with snazzier things before then. Its slow and can delay pogroms until morning just fine. And its cheap.

It has an Aux slot and its got 6 capacity... soo...
Hey I just use the machinegun (and armor) on this tank.

I dont have a Pachy in my cadre, I use interceptor for space and codex for most of everything else. Triton for sea or mansions.

I know you explained why you did this, but seeing a tank coming out of an airbus still caused me extreme pain.
Its not like the thing has a weight limit you know...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vasja on June 12, 2021, 07:48:22 am
Hi! I have a little question.
"Spotter: -1" parameter in "Piratez_Factions.rul" file - what does it mean?
Infinity spotting?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on June 12, 2021, 03:56:56 pm
To quote Ruleset Reference (
The spotter score. Determines how many turns sniper AI units can act on this unit seeing your troops.

-1 usually means infinite or dependent on some other value. Mostly ends up being a large value either way. It references some number of turns in this case, not spotting range.
The spotter part I'm not sure. I interpret it as the unit in question has unlimited turns to convey player's units position (once it has spotted them) to all other AIs. Pretty nasty trait but only present in strongest high-rank AI units (and pretty much all Mercs, ofc). Buffed version of vanilla Intelligence attribute which governed how many turns AI spotter was aware of spotted player unit position. It's definitely not infinite spotting as the immediately next "Sniper" entry in reference shows. That's pretty much I understood from that. AI may know your position but will probably not fire if: out of LOS, low ACC, or too high TU usage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vasja on June 12, 2021, 04:25:58 pm
Thank you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vasja on June 12, 2021, 04:39:05 pm
It turns out that the camouflage is completely disabled until such a "Harry spotter" is neutralized and the player may not even know about it?
Wait in the shelter until the camouflage is restored will not work?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 12, 2021, 04:53:05 pm
this is a side effect of how ai location finding works, the AI logs the tile location of the units it sees, and keeps that value stored for a number of turns equal to there intelligence stat. This does mean that a spotter will keep you tagged for all the snipers present for many turns.

Shots taken do still however follow normal rules, if the unit cant see the thing it firse at -50% accuracy.

This is the only way to let the AI have a sembalance of the squadsight the player can pull off
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vasja on June 12, 2021, 05:00:41 pm
Clear. It's pretty tough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 16, 2021, 01:29:53 am
this is a side effect of how ai location finding works, the AI logs the tile location of the units it sees, and keeps that value stored for a number of turns equal to there intelligence stat. This does mean that a spotter will keep you tagged for all the snipers present for many turns.
It's worse than that, the AI will be aware of your exact location, even if you run all the way across the map, after killing everyone who saw you. The only defense is to hard-break line of fire, and even THAT doesn't work against grenade spam.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on June 22, 2021, 05:33:24 am
But rounds have their own oxidizer and will fire just fine in vacuum. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard of this rule, guns have always worked fine in space and we've known this since the 50s.
Gun cartridges are already sealed and contain their own oxidizer already. Pretty much any modern firearm will fire in space without any difficulty, and will most likely work better in space since it will be devoid of any atmospheric drag issues.

Bullets will work fine but I wonder if automatics would. The gas blow-back action might be iffy with rest of the mechanism in vacuum even if the powder burns just fine. There's also stuff like vacuum-welding and the lubricants might freeze/boil if you're in hard vacuum long enough.

Definitely automatics would have overheat issue, no convection so your muzzle would cool much slower. Albeit you'd get venting action for free from the powder gases. I'm sure someone clever has worked it all out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yirtimd2 on June 22, 2021, 10:36:56 am
Guys when new update? I just don't want to miss new cool stuff for early game, like it was some time ago with vaults and bandit camps. If new update will be in autumn or winter then I will start new game rgiht now with no fear.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 22, 2021, 11:12:55 pm
Bullets will work fine but I wonder if automatics would.
Actually I think if anything the Harpoon Guns would work.
But then again the Power Armor suits should work too since they're a very finely crafted and they're exosuits. But while they did used to work, they made you basically invincible against anything going on in space, and the point of space is to make you feel naked, so it was a Game Balance issue.

Making you use Lasers and Rayguns in space forces you to use expensive and rare ammunition to get anything done, and others up there use lasers so your natural armor means nothing (plus you get set on fire, or its zombies tearing you apart - so all injuries are horrific). Can still use Melee very well, and thats preferable on a space station anyway.

Frankly, anything you find in space can be and should be fried with lasers.
Nerf Laspistol is common and regular Laspistols are easy to get off of academy medics. And there's the Laser Tommy which does Burst 5 too.

The only worry is Terminators but thats a risk/reward mission. You can just Abort and it takes down the disruptor satellite (you ram it with your ship). Regular Lasguns do 48 damage now and its enough to torch them... in exchange for maybe eating 2 adv/clips you might get 3-4 Nuclear Batteries... which may produce a whole iron man suit for your slave soldiers in Year 3.

It's basically trying to find a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. You likely dont have orbital capability yet (pachyderm) if you haven't by then racked up some lasers. And guild or academy people in the stations - you should wrap a hose around their neck.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 23, 2021, 12:32:09 pm
Guys when new update? I just don't want to miss new cool stuff for early game, like it was some time ago with vaults and bandit camps. If new update will be in autumn or winter then I will start new game rgiht now with no fear.

I don't know, but I doubt it'll take that long. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on June 24, 2021, 05:02:42 am
Actually I think if anything the Harpoon Guns would work.
But then again the Power Armor suits should work too since they're a very finely crafted and they're exosuits. But while they did used to work, they made you basically invincible against anything going on in space, and the point of space is to make you feel naked, so it was a Game Balance issue.

I was thinking more along in reality. I did actually go and check on the automatic action, it appears majority of automatics are recoil operated, not gas blow-back, so they would work fine in principle. That still leaves vacuum welding and boiling/freezing of lubricants as a worry, vacuum welding is one of those things that seem just wrong but apparently two pieces of pure metal (same metal) will weld together just by being held against each other in vacuum. oxidation prevents that so as long as your semi automatic is anodized black it should be fine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 25, 2021, 12:44:43 am
Making you use Lasers and Rayguns in space forces you to use expensive and rare ammunition to get anything done, and others up there use lasers so your natural armor means nothing (plus you get set on fire, or its zombies tearing you apart - so all injuries are horrific). Can still use Melee very well, and thats preferable on a space station anyway.
Well, there's nothing particularly rare about most of the energy weapons that would work. As for the getting set on fire...yeah, how DO you get set on fire, anyway? There's no oxygen for the fire to keep burning in!

Definitely automatics would have overheat issue, no convection so your muzzle would cool much slower. Albeit you'd get venting action for free from the powder gases. I'm sure someone clever has worked it all out.
Overheating would almost certainly be as bad or worse on an energy weapon, since at least a bullet-gun gets to eject the hot gasses, but many of the energy weapons don't eject anything so can only cool by radiation, and the energy levels involved are a lot higher.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on June 26, 2021, 06:17:25 pm
Overheating would almost certainly be as bad or worse on an energy weapon, since at least a bullet-gun gets to eject the hot gasses, but many of the energy weapons don't eject anything so can only cool by radiation, and the energy levels involved are a lot higher.

Quite possible! Although we don't have any actual plasma gun designs to work this out with.. Then again, presuming handgun-sized object can deal with the waste heat in atmosphere, it has to have pretty hardcore thermal management to start with. You'd probably need some kind of bolt on cooling array.

I don't think Heckler & Koch have certified their automatics as vacuum rated yet, who knows, maybe when Space Force puts out a tender for an astronaut sidearm.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 28, 2021, 12:08:19 am
Quite possible! Although we don't have any actual plasma gun designs to work this out with..
If you have heating issues with an energy weapon you dont really have an energy weapon. Efficiency on damage is between 1/5 to 1/10th or even worse compared to a projectile weapon. Even railguns are like 3-4 times the energy hog compared to the same projectile velocity.

Superconductor means megawatts without heating up the wires. And nothing of the Plasma should be touching anything otherwise it will eat itself after a few dozen shots. Railguns slowly eat themselves because the projectile isnt suspended between the magnets, its in direct contact with them.
Lasers have overheating issues due to the Beam Generation (the thing which is that bright) but if you had a Hologram inside of a vaccum which generated that light instead of a physical material I think the heat would be minimal.

(btw the description of Plasmas in XC and X-P is basically just like the Mass Effect linear accelerators, except instead of a solid projectile it turns plasma into a particle beam - antigravity field from E-115 negating the mass of the particles so they can be cooked up effortlessly)

Anyway game stuff...
I have never beaten the game or played the final mars assault. But I just realized with it undoubtedly being tough, and with the Conqueror having a very high crew capacity... I need to start elite-training all of my hands not just sending the same old birds out to fight every battle. Ive got like the same 10-15 high end gals but im thinking by endgame I might want to have at least 40.

What exactly do you need in terms of Stats and Protections for the mars attack? Ive looked at the ruleset in part and it says there's a Fear effect, but what other issues are there? Do you need Hovertanks to make up for it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on June 29, 2021, 05:56:45 pm
The main thing for cydonia is haveing exo capable armor. harbinger at least. And be prepared to fight both mercs and SG groups. Given it being the last battle you can just unload all the big looted explosives like nukes and blaster bombs for an easier time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 30, 2021, 06:31:26 am
Yeh, Cydonia is hella-easy compared to everything you've been doing before because unlike any previous missions, you don't need to hold back anything: There will be no looting, and no prisoners. Which means there's absolutely nothing stopping you from just nuking the fuck out of everything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dogbarian on June 30, 2021, 06:19:33 pm
How exactly do I get my gals started on learning Voodoo Skill?  I unlocked & built Voodoo Schools, does it take a long time to learn that first point?  Or do I have to use something else to teach them the first point?  I have started using some Cobra Staves, but not getting a point there could just be RNG.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on June 30, 2021, 06:54:35 pm
Since OXCE 7.0 it's only possible to raise VS from initial 0 via Voodoo School facility. Astrosensorium from Gray Codex would also work. First gains take the longest to occur (1-2 months) after that it's calculated hourly I think, while gains become smaller and smaller the higher VS becomes. Trick is to exercise patience as it often seems like it's not working initially.

I had a very unique and very annoying extreme case scenario where out of bunch of BUGEYEs, all reached their peak in reasonable amount of time, except for one who got to 72 VS and remained there for six in-game months (vL9)... before reaching 73 and max soon after. Just so you know things like that can happen. I'd finish weeks ago if that little bug wasn't mentally impaired :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: username on June 30, 2021, 11:21:58 pm
Once they have any non-zero skill, they'll learn much faster just by doing something than schooling, especially those last few points. You're almost certainly guaranteed a point or two just firing a few shots at an enemy, even if the attempt is utterly hopeless (across the map, no-LoS, etc). This is especially true with Bugeyes, who tend to lack any ability to do much ELSE.

So, my question. Why exactly do I occasionally get "Dead Men Looted" with negative values? What exactly am I looting that is negative value? I haven't killed any civilians. It seems to happen most with Bandits.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on June 30, 2021, 11:44:53 pm
Yeah I know but... I refused to send him on a mission just for that because all noob crews were carefully used & abused to have exactly 25 missions. If I bump one to 26 then all would have need a bump to 30, the next nice number. Well shit, I guess he ain't the only mentally impaired lol.

Btw I'd also like to know more about "Dead Men Looted" negatives. Never bothered to fully understand it since penalty isn't high. I just assumed it simply applies to all civvie-looking enemies (non-faction members like Sharp Girls, Fat Guys, etc). Maybe Hoes are non-Bandits so they count as civilian?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on July 01, 2021, 09:43:22 pm
Each unit has a different positive or negative score value associated with it. Usually civilians, local govt forces, and mutant alliance members give negative score for being killed, but some other units do as well. Hoes are typically associated with the bandits faction but give a negative score upon being killed. Altar Boys and Shrine Maidens also give negative score despite being of the Church. You can check all of them with the wiki, maybe analysis as well but I don't know.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on July 02, 2021, 04:19:57 am
I kill all of them anyway if I don't want to use them. Like -2 to -5 per enemy isnt bad and tends to balance out. You can get alot of those deaths on Bandit Town missions and im like - thats where I pull out mortars and bombard. Just look at the commendations for blowing away gobs of enemies.

If your resulting score was near 0 then its like you didn't go on a mission, but you gained lots of stuff for it. Still not a bad thing. Ive rarely ever gone negative total for successfully finishing a regular mission, and when its happened its like -50 to -150.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on July 05, 2021, 03:53:42 am
I got this best party ever mission.. With ghost gals. I presume it's not supposed to be like this? Pretty unwinnable situation since all your gals have is dinky little party dress and their fists. Ghosts can be pummeled to submission with enough perseverance but there are lots of them and they get up quite fast, so..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 06, 2021, 12:24:27 am
It a rare outcome but intended. There are a couple weapons lying around the map if you look carefully to help when its ghosts or zombies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on July 06, 2021, 02:29:20 pm
It a rare outcome but intended. There are a couple weapons lying around the map if you look carefully to help when its ghosts or zombies.

Given the mass of ghosts around, going combing over the place for weapons if a bit iffy if you don't know where they are. I only found drugs in the ground floor.

You can get Zombies also? With the number of spawns your gals would be dead meat in no time without serious firepower.

I simply used reload-spell..
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on July 07, 2021, 12:49:20 pm
Zombies was removed. The weapon you need is a quarterstaff laying on the floor in the basement. As a ranged weapon, the quarterstaff can be used to bash ZZZZzzz ghost gals into nothingness, so you can take yOur time and not have your oponents get up.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on July 10, 2021, 10:47:17 pm
Given the mass of ghosts around, going combing over the place for weapons if a bit iffy if you don't know where they are. I only found drugs in the ground floor.
Best weapon at parties IMO is actually the Molotovs in the garage on the ground floor. Send someone to get the pool que (ahem, quarterstaff) next to the pool table. But also send a couple gals to grab up the Molotovs... before the NPCs grab them and burn you with em.

Often I dont want that many captures. So ill pile up like 3-6 unconscious NPCs near each other and set them on fire with the molotov (SIZZLE) and having actual Deaths recorded for the mobs makes it more likely they'll surrender before you have to hit all of them.

Somewhere there's a Ball Bat and NPCs will usually find it for you. There's a Crowbar next to the molotovs but its not all that effective of a weapon (high miss chance).

Against Ghosts?
The Fire damage might help, I dunno.

I really wish Parties used the Sneaky condition so that you could at least bring a pocket las-charger or small revolver.

Actually this map is Bugged because there is no Exit Grid.
If you roll Ghosts or Bogeymen and cant handle it you lose your gals and ship, so a player is just gonna reload the Geo save prior to it and skip the mission. Even on Supermutant mode having to play through up to possibly 10 days of Geoscape can be an okay tradeoff to keep veteran gals.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on July 14, 2021, 05:10:26 pm
Is there any reason not to go with slavery? Except being reprehensible institution? You can recruit prisoners as workers (I can imagine how that conversation goes) instead of turning them to slaves outright.

When you're cozy enough with the gnome bank, they'll give you a slavemaster, does that actually make slaves superior to workers?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on July 14, 2021, 09:04:47 pm
No reason to avoid slavery. No upper limit to how many you can have.
Workers require dollaros for monthly upkeep while slaves do not. Workers become ideal as short term storage resolver as you can purchase them eventually. Slaves vary in usefulness and take awhile to accumulate but quickly overpower workers in every category. They are also used for some advanced storage mechanic much later on so you'll be able to write off all Storage facilities in your Hideouts completely.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 15, 2021, 06:48:08 am
 They are also used for some advanced storage mechanic much later on so you'll be able to write off all Storage facilities in your Hideouts completely.

I wouldn't say completely since the numbers needed is somewhat impractical but at least a few bases can work this way. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on July 16, 2021, 02:12:13 am
able to write off all Storage facilities in your Hideouts completely.
Well I dunno about that, you might be able to order tons of taskmasters from the bank, make drone herders out of them. But the stuff for the drone herder is pretty pricey. I guess some of the components could simply be bought (slave AIs for the optronic parts, to make the integrated devices, and so on). But it sounds like a painful stony road to walk on, obscene amounts of runt hours.
And you need some storage for workshop space anyway.
Factory bases rarely have Industrial Printers too since it takes up sooo much space.

Has the Living Quarters issues been fixed yet?
AFAIK the most dense living arrangements are Luxury Quarters and they're still only 40 per tile.
The Factory can have hundreds of runts but you can't really put that many runts in a base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nilex on July 16, 2021, 12:04:19 pm
It's viable, no question about it. Helps to know so one can plan ahead with base roles. Storage buildings can be written off to free plots for better buildings. Mechanics of it is genius imo. Road is made of cobblestone but there are smooth parts during down-time in gameplay with not much to do. When you are done it becomes autobahn though. Slave AIs are the largest bottleneck and relatively pricey, after those come Taskmasters. But both are very manageable. Even so, storage is solved long before Herders. I only made those to have something to do in GEO while I waited other things, they are not really necessary but I like nice things.

Luxury aren't broken so they won't be fixed. Maybe if more people complain...? You are the only one besides me lol. I've made them provide 50 and whole mid/late-game immediately became "fair and balanced"TM ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on July 19, 2021, 03:30:50 am
Yay I just shot down my first Dominator but ive got to say conquering the mobs therein was rather a straightforward slaughter. Went in with an Assault bike and Hovertank (coulda been 2 bikes frankly though)... one carrying a Barrel Bomb set to go off immediately, which killed most of the eridans on the 2nd floor... the other with a Satchel Charge that took out more baddies.
(both vehicles have over 300 TU to make it to target)

Meanwhile everyone outside pretty much had long range or sniper and there was a mortar girl too. Only damage anyone took was some HP from a lucky snake carrying a Canister/Fire.
It really is a harder encounter for the Air Combat than the Tactical... thats why ive never really tried it before.


Actually wondering WTF the use is of EMP minibombs and maybe the (laughably oversized) EMP grenades. They do almost nothing to my hands OR vehicles... and they do almost nothing to badguys or enemy HWPs. Maybe in the new version that changed but im not upgrading until im ready for a new game.

Should I just sell them?

I think occasionally they do some chip damage to somebody, but like, a fire minibomb is far more effective than that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on July 19, 2021, 03:54:25 am
Emp main attraction is that it ignores 80% of armor and does massive additional stun so it is easier to take heavy units intact. However the downside is units that have stun immunity like robots since it does not have, stun ignore:true tag. It's also a dmg type that most heavy units have more limited resistance too.

The tracked npc tank chassis for example is stun immune but will still take an average of 94 dmg from an emp minibomb, compared to concussive of similar power where it takes nothing at all due to 20% better resist and less armor pen.

Armored cars are however more immune to EMP at 65% resist, and most power armor infantry is 50%, unarmored at about 80-90% resist.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on August 01, 2021, 03:13:36 am
Does the Offerings to Purple Bloom thing have any useful purpose? You need to have 69 heroes blessings to get it but it doesn't seem to have any special qualities except it's worth $62k. You can't activate it that I know of and the research project doesn't tell you anything useful except that now you're hungry and horny...

Should I just hang on to it? I couldn't find anything on google about it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 01, 2021, 10:31:03 pm
It gives you 33k money each month. and 10 storage space.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on August 02, 2021, 02:55:29 am
wait... so you can get multiple purple bloom offerings?
wow i hadn't gotten but 1 because i figured something else would require them later on like glamour does. I didn't know it had those other benefits, just figured it was a research score thingy.

also what does the Memorial Stele thingy do?
its a fat target for selling it (like 1.5M)

just started a new game (NOT in the new revision) because I got bored looking for implosion bomb parts and merc commanders. I may upgrade after I dump like 6000 casino spins.

after a rough month (2 Conversion Missions from what I can tell - ouch) I crowned queen on Green Codex and managed to get like 1K score in the end.

I had to cheat a Wrench and Stapler into my save because I accidentally sold them not understanding they're required for workshop at this point.

one awesome cool thing thats really helped was a Knock Knock event giving me a Robo-Parrot... which has a little laser and is pretty rugged... quite a help and ive even delivered grenades a couple times with it.

question -
do people really care for the spin the wheel changes or are they generally okay with it. Im fairly sure I can quickly churn out a mod that puts it back just like it was.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 02, 2021, 03:16:58 pm
You can get multiple offerings.

Stele is just a trophy.

I think the changes are good personally. Before gambling was was too stupidly profitable, i ran maths on a sub-optimal usage of just selling off the results without redeeming coupons and it was an average of 26x your input in income, an optimal useage is more around 70 times input. Which is insane for a task that take 1 or 2 runt hours per cycle.

Now at least there is a pick and chose because the token cost is up front, and not getting stuck with half a prize(cupons you lacked the tokens to redeem) is nice.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on August 02, 2021, 11:31:49 pm
Before gambling was was too stupidly profitable, i ran maths on a sub-optimal usage of just selling off the results without redeeming coupons and it was an average of 26x your input in income, an optimal useage is more around 70 times input. Which is insane for a task that take 1 or 2 runt hours per cycle.
Not really. It costs you in other ways besides flat money since you cant click "sell" on the production output. It also costs you Blue Chips, not money, and you cant just buy blue chips even though its supposed to be money. So you run out of those pretty quick (emphasis on quick) and then you're boggered. Similar to Apples for the Chateau.

And that can cause gameplay decisions like robbing captives for blue chips to feed the gambling addiction instead of enslaving them. And luring you to go on Mansion Robberies and Burning Towns in search of Bags Of Cash to empty out.

Later on when you have a Mint to convert Purple Chips you'd have 100$ Plastic Chips too which is probably at least as profitable.

(In my experience the junk from Copper/Iron and basic spins barely matches input value, and then you have the agony of Smelly Rags and selling 100s of bottles of stuff. Yeah there is a profit when it comes to higher end prize tokens but its something like 1.3x what you put in. This compared to Contraband which is annoying but you can always order more of it)

There is also the counterbalance when it comes to Casino and cashing in Zortium/Neutronium that, if you have used up your jack's tokens and you want the Gadgets & Gizmos you will have to spend through the nose (10,000 per jack token) in order to claim those prizes. With perhaps a dry spot in jack's bounty missions where you're not getting any it will cost you 1,300,000 to claim a Neutronium prize.

Either way one thing Neutronium does is makes the Plasma Blades prize irrelevant since you can take those (5000?) jack tokens and spend them on gambling, then savescum the Neutronium output so you just get the Plasma Daggers (hey its something you can do if you really want it). There really needs to be additional bounty prizes above that to make you spend on Plasma Blades. Kinda like the Persuadatron which costs 5000 and has nothing beyond it and the device doesn't even work so that just becomes 50 Slave Taskmasters for +800 storage total.

Anyway I went ahead and put a mod for it on just in case anyone else wanted the old dynamic back. I think the Persuadatron ought to have a mod to make it actually useful (its supposed to have 2500 voodoo power from the item description) but thats another story.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on August 03, 2021, 03:06:34 am
Can you actually see the item income somehow? Slaves are also listed in moneymakers but I can't figure out how to see how much..

Speaking of slaves, I asked earlier if there's any downside to slavery. You do have to pay wage to workers but frankly that's complete peanuts after couple of months unless you go crazy, bigger difference is that they require living space. Workers "work" 4x harder than male slaves and 5 1/3 harder than female slaves so there's that. 

How do the "special" slaves work, do they make other slaves work harder? I.e. the bank slavemaster has a work stat of 8 or 2x of a worker, does that affect other slaves at all? I guess not? Considering they want a proper bunk you might as well as hire 2 workers instead..

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 03, 2021, 07:55:09 pm
Can you actually see the item income somehow? Slaves are also listed in moneymakers but I can't figure out how to see how much..

Speaking of slaves, I asked earlier if there's any downside to slavery. You do have to pay wage to workers but frankly that's complete peanuts after couple of months unless you go crazy, bigger difference is that they require living space. Workers "work" 4x harder than male slaves and 5 1/3 harder than female slaves so there's that. 

How do the "special" slaves work, do they make other slaves work harder? I.e. the bank slavemaster has a work stat of 8 or 2x of a worker, does that affect other slaves at all? I guess not? Considering they want a proper bunk you might as well as hire 2 workers instead..

Slaves give you money equal to the space they grant, so a basic slave is 1 space and 1k cash per month, Greater work stats just increase this, so an 8 work rate is 8 space, and 8k cash. No additional slaves are required. That just fluffy text.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 03, 2021, 11:20:14 pm
I'm guessing the gambling nerf was more aimed specifically at mint->gambling which was quite insane.  It wasn't just the money, but it also generated infinite zaxx and wizbiz tokens (i.e. infinite slaves and arcane tombs), glamour and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff from copper/iron coupons.  I did the math once and plastic chips were only marginally better, and probably worse when considering those infinite bank slaves.  That's a little underwhelming for discovering civilization.

There was also the issue that early game high end coupons were always sold since you wouldn't have the jack tokens to reclaim them later anyways, so I guess there's a tradeoff to pawning them off early now.

In any case, if that's the main reason, maybe a 30% chance to get 1 blue chip + 2 jack tokens should be added (essentially making it cost 0.4 tokens, a similar mechanic exists for coupon redemption) since that maintains the mint nerf while at least letting you gamble a lot more early game. Depends on why the change was made.  Gambling was also very profitable early game on higher difficulties since you have more captures generally so maybe that was also a factor.  But now higher difficulties have a sell nerf too so it shouldn't be such a big deal.

On that topic, I haven't started a new game yet, but I'm wondering how much the sell nerf affects manufacturing for profit... It seems like plain plantations would be much better relatively given they work via negative maintenance, right?  And weed plantations don't really make anything until you can turn them into canteens.  Back to making money the really old way then xD  Undefended plantation spamming wheeeeeeeee!

Edit: oof, yeah -30% sales means -50% grog profit/month. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on August 04, 2021, 02:31:21 am
Can you actually see the item income somehow? Slaves are also listed in moneymakers but I can't figure out how to see how much..
I usually would run like 1000 spins at a time (1 Million worth) and in the end id usually make more than that selling it all off, if I sold the high end coupons, but its highly random and dependent on whether neutronium pops or not, maybe it pops twice, or how many zortium you get. It isnt usually too much more.
But like you can get lucky with 300 spins and pop a neutronium and a zortium and may end up making 600K off of the run. So its definitely nowhere near 70x profit and legionof1 has gotten his math wrong. Maybe +70% but like I said Blue Chips are a finite resource. When the Apples run out so does the Chateau.

Point of fact you also have to save back several thousand Blue Chips to even construct the Casino to redeem high end tokens. Which you pay through the nose for, and you pay even more if you dont load the chips up on a transport and ship them manually to the other base (you're crazy if your Casino is in your main).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Barleyman on August 04, 2021, 03:56:51 am
Point of fact you also have to save back several thousand Blue Chips to even construct the Casino to redeem high end tokens. Which you pay through the nose for, and you pay even more if you dont load the chips up on a transport and ship them manually to the other base (you're crazy if your Casino is in your main).

1000$ blue chips are not the real problem but getting those red chips you need 7-8k of are a bit. I'm not aware of a way to buy the chips so you pretty much have to have your own forging operation to get casino running. If you could buy the red chips it'd be something like 1.5 mils or so, which wouldn't be a huge deal.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 04, 2021, 06:16:45 pm
So its definitely nowhere near 70x profit and legionof1 has gotten his math wrong.

I did say Average, as in the mathematical term. Add up every-things sell value, adjust for probability. Of course the actual outcome can be vastly different because of the high variance within the set. Please do not automatically state my work was wrong without concrete examples, i spent 3 days working on it. It's insulting. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 04, 2021, 07:14:19 pm
I think there must be a decimal missing there.  I've done the math on spin the wheel and got about a 2.5x-3x return on blue chips when selling everything before sell nerfs and coupon nerfs, I've had 1000s of runts running mint->gambling in industrial printers in L3 so I know the value is somewhere in that region.  ~3x also gets in the region of "just barely worth rob->gambling" which has been my experience, back when coupons were worth more anyways

Some quick maths covering only the big ones from here on what it is currently

Neutronium: 200k(value)*0.0015(percent)/1k(spin) ~= 0.3x just from neutroniums
Zort: 65k*0.003/1k ~=  .2
Trit: 20k*.0075/1k ~= .15
tit: 7.5k*.015/1k ~= .1

I know from empirical evidence from zilliions of spins that a large chunk of the money is from coupons and adding those only come to break even,  and glancing at the chip values shows a lower return, so ~3x sounds about right.  Being off a decimal place would make your results match that so I think that's what happened.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 04, 2021, 08:21:41 pm
Looks legit to me, Greep, i did do the work with older values, before the coupon nerf. So your work matches up for there on current values.

To be clear the x70 average was with all coupons redeemed and all possible outcomes included from vegges to nukes, part of why it took so very long to do. The rare prizes defiantly do skew a pure average well away from the median output. Also old sell values for some versions ago. But since the vein of discussion started about gamble nerfs i thought it relevant. At no point did i claim they where current values.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on August 04, 2021, 10:56:16 pm
Hi guys, i'm pretty new to this mod and i've been having trouble dealing with Armored Cars. They show up sometimes super early in the second month and nothing i do to those things seem to harm it. I only have black powder bombs and molotovs at this stage and ive tried throwing several of each, also several HE Grenades aswell as arrows, musket fire, shotguns and other weapons. I can't even tell if the Armored Car takes damage. Most enemies blink red on hit if you harm them, the vehicle seems completley unresponsive.

Am i doing something wrong? What should i be doing? Should i just ignore those pogroms and tank the -100 ? Any input appreciated
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on August 05, 2021, 12:09:10 am
Pogroms are mostly for fun tbh, they don't particularly give much rewards.  If you see armored cars the best thing to do is just blast off, but the pogroms without armored cars are doable early game if you really want to do them.  However, it's generally not worth the risk since you don't know which one is going to spawn, the money is lousy, and there really isn't any tech you won't get elsewhere.

They're pretty analogous to terror missions really, I never bothered with those sectoid superhuman ones.  Turn 1 mind control and cyberdiscs with rookies with laser pistols? NOPE.

The first decent sets of anti-tank weaponry you get are High explosive and panzerfausts, both from krazy hannah (or church bootcamp) and they're both a ways off.  Before then, you pretty much have to smash them in the face with a hammer which is pretty suicidal, or repeatedly shred their armor with crates of violence.

There's actually quite a few missions that are designed to be traps:  the pogroms are one, a few of the undersea ones or pretty obnoxious, most zombie missions, the spartan variation of "the truth is out there" etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 05, 2021, 12:25:20 pm
Your cannon can usually destroy an armored car with a couple of hits.
If you happen to find an RPG it'll work great with both common ammo types. The gothic raygun might work.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on August 05, 2021, 06:32:55 pm
Hi guys, i'm pretty new to this mod and i've been having trouble dealing with Armored Cars. They show up sometimes super early in the second month and nothing i do to those things seem to harm it.
Save your game and send your crew to the pogrom. If its Bandits (ratmen, highwaymen) just reload the geo save and skip the mission. They dont have much stuff worthwhile to collect. Thats the only faction which has the armored car on a pogrom.

Later on you'll get -1000 point Pogroms if you ignore them, and any faction could be running those.

The trick early game with the Armored Car is using things like Flamethrowers, Willie-Pete, Incendiary Grenades, Landmines. Fire definitely does hurt it but you need to hit it with alot of fire (that is, repeatedly).

Rince mentioned the Assault Cannon using steel cannonballs. This is sorta "the way you're supposed to do it" and fairly early you can build extra Assault Cannons and more cannonballs for them.

Im not sure about this but, if you have the ability to forge Barbaric Sword/Axe (Greatclub) these big two handed melee weapons may do the job. They're cumbersome to use so you would need like 3 Gals at peak capability ready to spring on it. The problem - if you kill it with melee, its gas tank explodes and you get flamenwerfered, and will spend weeks in the infimary. The Cattle Prod (?) may stun it without making it explode (?).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MemoryTAS on August 05, 2021, 07:12:15 pm
You can't stun an armored car, only certain damage types avoid triggering self-destruct and electric isn't one of them. I do believe cutting does avoid self-destruct though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on August 06, 2021, 10:17:30 am
You do not need to do this running around with great swords and whatnot.
If you are determined to engage in melee, hammer will work. A good roll from a stronk gal will oneshot it, WITHOUT even setting it on fire.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on August 06, 2021, 03:53:57 pm
Thanks for all the answers guys. I have yet to destroy one but i am now armed with alot of knowledge in how to do so should it be necessary!

I now come forth with a new question, regarding Plantations.

How do they work? I have been starting over many times because of poor research paths and what not and i think i've been sleeping on Plantations. Do they just provide passive income? Do they produce something you turn into something else?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 06, 2021, 06:15:22 pm
How do they work? I have been starting over many times because of poor research paths and what not and i think i've been sleeping on Plantations. Do they just provide passive income? Do they produce something you turn into something else?
Standard plantations are 100k passive income. The 2 latter iterations have a harvest cycle to produce stuff.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on August 07, 2021, 03:48:31 pm
Standard plantations are 100k passive income. The 2 latter iterations have a harvest cycle to produce stuff.

I see that i have indeed been sleeping on them. Thanks for the answer!

I got a few more questions for anyone whos answering:

1. Do research options that are marked !Like this! unlock new mission types that can randomly appear? Is that the correct understanding?

2. What are the land vehicle "expeditions" for exactly? I understand the Recon expedition, it gives you a box of items and some lore, but why should i for instance, buy the Littlebird helicopter? Is it just like any other flying vehicle? What can it do that my Airbus can't at the beginning?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 08, 2021, 12:08:39 am
1. Do research options that are marked !Like this! unlock new mission types that can randomly appear? Is that the correct understanding?

2. What are the land vehicle "expeditions" for exactly? I understand the Recon expedition, it gives you a box of items and some lore, but why should i for instance, buy the Littlebird helicopter? Is it just like any other flying vehicle? What can it do that my Airbus can't at the beginning?

1) yes these types of tech change the mission pool. Usually addtions. Some the later similar tech will do a swap of something currently in the pool for a more "advanced" type

2) Craft expeditions are a way to send alot of troops(24 iirc) to some mission, albeit really slowly. The littlebirds gimmick is that it's the earliest craft with a weapon mount, so if you have lucked into a 25mm cannon or something very early you can take a stab at shooting down some civves.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hereToReportBug on August 08, 2021, 01:05:26 pm
Is there a way to turn off the lights on your aircraft?
I've tried ctrl+l shift+l etc...

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 09, 2021, 03:46:21 am
Is there a way to turn off the lights on your aircraft?
I've tried ctrl+l shift+l etc...


Sadly no, its part of the terrain. You can demolish the lit terrain but that's something of a hassle, and you have to pay to fix the damage later.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on August 09, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
I have the star gods base spawned while I am at a tech level of chainmail armor, homefront rifles and no psi protection, and my most spacious craft is 9-slot shadowbat. There is little chance I will take it out in following months, so how much does an enemy base (in a region that already does not pay me) impact the score on hard difficulty and is it possible to continue this campaign?

Also, on the topic of score, is there a way to check the current number before the month summary screen?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 09, 2021, 09:24:29 pm
A base is -500 a month in score plus the handful of points from the supply runs it spawns. Usually not much of an issue once your out of the clubs and musket period.

As to checking score look at the charts tab, and enable the graph lines for what your interested in.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on August 14, 2021, 01:18:01 pm
... and now I have 2 bases up - both star gods AND mercenaries, without any viable weapons to deal with either and negative score for previous month. So are laslock weapons any good versus mercenary armor, or is it time to just give up? I'd also appreciate any tips on dealing with mercenary base with early-ish game tech too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 14, 2021, 11:11:15 pm
The corridors lend themselves to melee, which is quite effective against most mercs. The hover tanks are nightmare fuel early on though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on August 15, 2021, 11:36:38 pm
What happens to unique one time missions (like x-prison, siberia base, dr x mansion etc.) if you allow them to despawn? Do they eventually respawn or are they lost and you're screwed?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on August 16, 2021, 12:09:05 am
They respawn until you research unique item which drops there, so you can farm those if you want :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on August 16, 2021, 11:57:15 am
Huh, guess I've been playing this wrong. So me delaying research like winter palace mission or dr x interrogation in order to not trigger these two missions (they are a pain in the ass without hovertanks) were a mistake? Since they will spawn again later if I ignore them, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 16, 2021, 04:23:12 pm
At least the one where you take Dr X prisoner won't spawn endlessly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Brittanicus on August 20, 2021, 04:15:18 am
What does 'cap'n kid limits' mean in terms of the 'threads of prophecy severed'? I have gotten about midway through a game before and i have followed it in so far as meeting with the desert lady and the prophetic dreams etc.

This time i started a new game a couple weeks back and wanted to stop save scumming so as a compromise i thought i would lower it but it sounds like its much too low and it cuts off progression so i guess i gotta restart? Honestly i don't even know what the difficulty changes regarding gameplay so if anybody could clue me in on that too that would be ideal.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 20, 2021, 05:18:21 am
the lowest difficulty blocks the desert witch event that serves as a gate to the voodoo branch of the tech tree. The event you encountered was a fluffy way of explaining that fact.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Brittanicus on August 20, 2021, 06:55:30 am
Thanks for that, message could have been a little earlier but at least its something, your post made it sound like it didn't always exist.

Restarted on blackbeard too and it seems like there is more enemies on the map in comparison and they are better equipped does that sound about right? Ironically capn kid may actually have been harder in terms of research items if that is true, i was struggling to find a guild stapler for example for the workshop research. I hope they don't also deal more damage too though and make the player weaker, find that kind of scaling cheap.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 20, 2021, 03:26:57 pm
You can change your difficulty midgame be opening your save in a text editor and changing "difficulty: 0" to "difficulty: 1" (or higher, up to 4).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hereToReportBug on August 23, 2021, 03:43:51 pm
I've tried, in two different missions, to capture an hovertank alive, but I couldn't.
Both times was against mercenaries.
Both times I enabled savescumming to check if it was possible, I never got the ZZZ icon, but sometimes the hovertank would go down without a death sound.
In the second attempt I downed a tank with a zapper, which deals zero hp damage, the tank went down without making any noise.
I even reloaded to make sure that it would make noise when killed with lethal damage, and it did.
Both missions I got a wrecked hovertank in the loot screen.

Is this specific to mercenary hovertanks? It should be possible to stun hovertanks because there is a disassembly recipe.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on August 24, 2021, 11:52:36 am
That recipe is only there in case someone does manage to stun one for some reason. But you should not be able to do so.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on August 25, 2021, 05:00:56 am
Does the StatStrings mod by ivandogovich still work? The last time it was updated was in 2018 for version 99J1,6311.msg97212.html

If not, how do you enable statstrings for XPZ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zhorov on August 25, 2021, 10:30:17 pm
Hi I have a few questions:
How to reduce the number of aliens on terror? The month now has 37 alien snakes on a beginner.
It is possible to make it so that the scanners and dogs show all the aliens, and not just the moving people. Because it's useless now!
Is it possible to adapt the trainer to pirates? I use it when I need to find the last alien. But not in this beautiful game.

Ps, spent not a single hour parsing the files: Ruleset (Piratez.rul, Piratez_Events.rul etc.)
That's why I'm interested in the mod and the huge universe of the game.

Thank you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on August 27, 2021, 04:53:44 am
Hi I have a few questions:
How to reduce the number of aliens on terror? The month now has 37 alien snakes on a beginner.
It is possible to make it so that the scanners and dogs show all the aliens, and not just the moving people. Because it's useless now!
1) That's not a normal terror if it's snakemen, while it may trigger like one but is a much harder battle by intention.
2) That's vanilla functionality, and i think hardcoded. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hereToReportBug on August 28, 2021, 01:04:40 am
That recipe is only there in case someone does manage to stun one for some reason. But you should not be able to do so.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on August 29, 2021, 07:08:57 pm
When you sort research by cost, what order is it in? I can't tell if the most expensive is at the top or bottom of the list.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hereToReportBug on August 29, 2021, 11:59:28 pm
When you sort research by cost, what order is it in? I can't tell if the most expensive is at the top or bottom of the list.
The shortest research times are at the top.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zhorov on August 31, 2021, 06:32:44 pm
Tell me what you need to do to prevent the shields from discharging themselves? I do not want to be constantly urged on by the time. Found a Rulset, what needs to be changed here?

    size: 0.3
    weight: 6
    costSell: 50000
    bigSprite: 1184
    floorSprite: 379
    handSprite: 1960
    meleeHitSound: 79
    meleeAnimation: 0
#this block to set shield being lost after burnout
    fuseType: 16 #set time
    isExplodingInHands: true
    isConsumable: false
    primeActionName: STR_PRIME_ENERGY_SHIELD
#end of block
    damageType: 6
      strength: 0.3
      melee: 0.2
      RandomType: 2
      FixRadius: 0
      IgnoreDirection: false
      ArmorEffectiveness: 1.0
      ToHealth: 0.3
      ToTile: 0.2
    accuracyMelee: 80
      melee: 0.5
      bravery: 0.5
      time: 12
      energy: 4
      energy: 12
      time: 40
      time: 20
    flatRate: true
    battleType: 3
    clipSize: -1
    experienceTrainingMode: 13
    armor: 100
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 2
    attraction: 12
    listOrder: 14996

(I don't have much time digging into each meaning on my own as I usually do).
Thank you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 01, 2021, 11:52:34 pm
#this block to set shield being lost after burnout
    fuseType: 16 #set time
    isExplodingInHands: true
    isConsumable: false
    primeActionName: STR_PRIME_ENERGY_SHIELD
#end of block
This block controls the decay if i understand the comments rightly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on September 03, 2021, 12:33:21 am
Hi I have a few questions:

I have a reduced difficulty mod on the platform which should work with version L10.3 (but dunno about version M). Its called "Nerfed".

But yeah the Eridian Terror missions are supposed to really bite you, hence the 2000 points penalty if you dont go to them. I suggest going to the missions wearing as many Heavy Suit / Power Armor as possible and kill as many enemies as you feel comfortable with, and then Abort. You will get like -800 points or something nasty like that but thats a full 1200 points better than not going, and if you do fine at everything else this probably wont bother you much.

These armor options should prevent most of what the snakemen shoot at you. And if you want to Abort I suggest doing it before the map totally fogs up from the gas munitions. There will be Chrysallids in the fog.

The Motion Scanner (Aye Phone/Dog) functionality was always a nod to the Motion Tracker in the "Aliens" movies. To show only unfriendly units wait until the start of a new turn and do not move any of your units. Pull out your Aye-Phones and check them, all motion blobs are NPCs either badguys or civilians.
This is balanced because it provides you a return on whether there is any Movement going on in a given map area where you may be wondering if it had been cleared or not.

Oddly it doesn't register Berserking units which are opening fire but not actually moving laterally.

It also does not show Vertical orientation which is a nod to the original "Alien" movie where the captain was killed because of misjudging which floor the Alien was actually on. This can be a real pain on Mansion Robbery missions but at least you can know if there's enemy units there (who could even be in the basement).

The burnout times for the handheld shields are a game balance thingy to encourage using the Armor versions which require wearing a dedicated suit. But the Armor versions regenerate.

One goal of the game is to get you to finish missions very fast - within 8 Turns - so if it takes longer than that (a bughunt) you actually lose more than just handheld shields. You lose some of the Glamour rewards too because Glamour is a map item which often has fuse timers as well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on September 04, 2021, 12:25:23 am
It says in the patch notes there are like over 12 new missions, but I'm now nearing end of first year and haven't seen anything new. When do they start appearing? Or maybe they have a trigger that I've missed like some research or something?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zhorov on September 04, 2021, 01:20:08 am
I like that you added a little from the Fallout universe, I saw when studying power armor a picture from a fallout, but not power armor from this game. Can you add a power game with a fallout or is there a mod for that? I would be very grateful.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on September 04, 2021, 08:10:11 pm
Early on, I keep encountering a brown ship that engages in an unavoidable "ramming" maneuver against my puny airbus. The ramming is inescapable and results in the complete destruction of every hand and equipment on the ship. There doesn't seem to be a way to know exactly what ship does this. Is this really intended behavior or is this a bug? How would someone playing on Ironman supposed to identify and deal with this?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on September 04, 2021, 11:44:16 pm
Avoid ships that have a circle around them. And while the equipment is lost, your hands are not, but they need a couple days to get home. I think.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: magitsu on September 05, 2021, 02:31:39 pm
Is the Air Car Race victory mission supposed to spawn Bystanders? I just got 714 points total due to 14 of them (+550) on top of the usual 150 + 10 Academy Student capped.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 05, 2021, 10:02:10 pm
yes, its intended, thou it sounds like you got rather lucky with how many.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on September 06, 2021, 04:23:57 pm
Started a new game to try the new patch, and on the easiest difficulty, ntoiced i got a message about the difficulty level being limited in content, anyone know what you are missing out on? Not sure if i should restart or not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on September 06, 2021, 08:31:37 pm
The lowest difficulty cuts-out a lot of the voodoo tech, and I believe you loose some armour-types as well although I'm not certain of that because I didn;t get that far before I discovered the voodoo thing and started a new game on John Silver.

You don't need to start again though, just edit the difficulty in your saved game from '0' to '1'.  Another thing I didn't learn you could do until after I'd started again!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on September 06, 2021, 10:15:47 pm
Thanks Jimboman
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bouchacha on September 08, 2021, 07:29:48 pm
Avoid ships that have a circle around them. And while the equipment is lost, your hands are not, but they need a couple days to get home. I think.

Is this hinted at anywhere? Curious because it seems like a catastrophic event anyone could accidentally run into.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on September 15, 2021, 12:53:02 pm
Is there any point in keeping hunting party around after doing all primal hunts? It appears they are all one time missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 16, 2021, 09:33:16 pm
hunting part is immune to interception so if there are still ninja bases around it might be handy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Brittanicus on September 17, 2021, 02:48:57 am
Any idea what is taking up workshop space? Have no manufacturing projects and its at baseline 50/100.

Have wondered what it was before actually as i had 100 runts and 100 workshop space but it suddenly went down to 80/100 available and this latest reduction was after my first base capture, so i assume its an item or something but i can't really tell at a glance.

Edit: Just disregard this, i did have projects queued up or paused but i thought having zero runts assigned meant they weren't using workshop space but that isnt the case.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 18, 2021, 02:28:54 pm
Glad you figured it out yourself.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Timudjun on September 19, 2021, 06:57:37 pm
Hey, so I'm very new to the game. Didn't even play the original x-com but I did play xenonauts and jagged alliance 2 a lot so I have some grasp on the tactical aspect at least. I'm having trouble in the strategic aspect, especially the research. There is sooooo much stuff to research I have no idea where to start.

Right now its mid-april I believe and although I'm doing ok money and gals wise, there is still and absolute clusterfuck of research to do. I have 11 brainers already and I'm doing interrogations and some firearm research with some of what looks like main researches but I have no idea what to do next or if I'm doing ok here. Do I have enough brainers? Am i going to run out of research and end up in trouble money wise latter? I don't have any ship weapons and didn't research a codex yet, is it going to be a problem? What the hell should I be researching? Should I keep interrogations and weapon research for latter and concentrate on something or other? IDK I have absolutely no idea what to do here guys.

I am starting to meet spartans and ninja gals some guys who don't die as easily to shots from early weapons and I like to research stuff before using it. My best armor is also warrior armor so I can deal with them a little with some manstoppers and decent rifles but I'm not sure whether that is gonna be a problem in the forseable future neither. So what should I research wise?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on September 20, 2021, 02:14:08 am
Am i going to run out of research and end up in trouble money wise latter?
lol no, not in xpiratez
Do I have enough brainers?
11 for april is ok, you could have more or less depending on whether you roll the big cash missions(like church raids), just make sure to buy them every month until you're capped
Should I keep interrogations and weapon research for latter and concentrate on something or other?
do not research random weapons unless you plan to buy it or its ammo, or in case it's needed for other tech you plan to research next
interrogations: do at least once to learn their armor\resists and unlock slave\rob if available. repeated interrogations are worth it for low tier trash enemies that have no other use(b boys, ratmen, ruffians) just to exhaust their free topics or if you're trying to unlock a specific tech (i.e. shadowmasters)
I don't have any ship weapons and didn't research a codex yet, is it going to be a problem
my first time playing i didn't build any interceptors for more than a year. missions and landed craft are more than enough, but to be fair back then every other enemy wasn't a hunter killer...
whether you should rush a codex depends on the color. red and green give some very useful items, while grey and gold are more or less initially worthless. it's fine to wait until you unlock shadowmasters so you could claim the first real boon from a codex: codex crafts.
So what should I research wise?
ok, so the absolutely must have stuff is:
mess hall
overcharged radar
personal labs
library < no need to rush it but you will need it eventually to progress past the early game
basically research all the available missions asap
animal hunts
warehouse wars
bounty hunting
neophyte boot camp
toppling towers
bandit business
bandit (something i've forgot the exact name that unlocks the big camps)
underwater treasures
underground missions
did i miss any?
one thing of note if you play ironman, i would not recommend doing mansion invasions very early in the game
basically all non-country specific contacts. focus on contacting krazy hanna. with the gear she unlocks you can pretty much beat most factions. even the landed ships with gauss rifles, cyberdisks and shit. also unlocks a 25mm cannon if you didn't get any yet.
-weapons and armor
won't mention any weapons as every person seems to have their own preference. there are plenty of primitive weapons which are able to oneshot ninja gals so just make sure to check them all out.
as for the armor research:
warrior: decent for most missions, but has almost no melee dodge
scale: for blocking doors at animal hunts and certain close quarters operations
guerilla: a light camo suit with some protection and a full inventory. good for both rookie gunfighters and experienced archer\throwers who value a big backpack over the bonus energy regen or minor stats
camo paint: for the peasant armor. gives them lots of stats and a decent inventory for an easy research and a laughable price of 2 soylents.
oh yes, and the gas masks. they're just as important as armor when facing certain factions.
-other goals:
interceptor assembly
chiller sea outfit
large barracks

i probably missed half of the techs as there are hundreds of them, but i've tried to list the ones i consider the most important.
you don't have to research literally everything. do not rush the mutant alliance, but once you feel done with the early game build a library and go back to school.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Timudjun on September 20, 2021, 01:22:37 pm
Oh hey I wasn't expecting such a detailed response, thanks a lot. That's gonna be pretty helpful I was just going for random research really, hoping to have less stuff on my screen because that scares me. Is researching missions used for anything? For bounty hunter missions it seems I didn't get any before researching them but for some reason I did get a single animal hunt mission and a couple of bandit camp missions before actually researching them. Although they did seem kinda limited (I just got a couple of white shamblers in the hunt mission and a camp with about 5 or 6 bandits in the camp mission).

How about armor, weapon and squad composition? What do you guys use in the beginning and a bit later? I tend to have a couple of gals in pirate clothing (the experienced ones) and the newbies in sailor moon clothing for the stats and the evasion but I'm not sure whether I should just switch them to actual barbarian and warrior armor and drop the clothing because getting shot kinda hurts as I lose the gal for up to 40 days and that's a pain.

Do people use mostly guns or what? I tend to have gals who can shoot and stab using a melee weapon in their right hand (mostly axes) and a pistol or smg in their left, you know, pirate style, but I'm not sure if that's a good strategy as pistols and smgs seem kinda weak as far as damage and AP goes. Those who can only  shoot get a rifle and those with good throwing get bows or javelins and throwing axes. It seems to work pretty well unless I'm fighting armored enemies, at which point the pistols are basically useless. Also unless they have a rifle, everybody is scouting and looking everywhere and missions end fast, not sure if that's the intent but with morale dropping constantly and the whole glamour rewards that seems to be the intention, although it does lead to more downtime as gals get shot quite often.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on September 20, 2021, 02:24:04 pm
here's an example of a team i could build around april-june.
this is for when you know it's a tough mission. for something like ratmen rodeo ofc i wouldn't bother customising everyone, just give everyone a shotgun with a medkit and a grenade, not wasting any rare ammo either. +adding non-lethal weapons for capture

go through enough restarts and you'll figure it out. i'm restarting this run as i've just lost 2 crafts and all of those gals died in a little bird accident(is it even good for anything besides shooting ratmen foot patrols? such a noob trap deathtrap imo, i don't even mind losing guns but it got blown to pieces with no survivors)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Timudjun on September 20, 2021, 04:54:48 pm
Oh I see. Melee is mostly secondary then. Here I was running around with 4 or 5/6 gals with axes and clubs wondering why half my team is getting shot. I'm not playing on Iron man though I'm trying to learn a little but if I was I would have already lost as my team got wiped by a few strix zombies trying to save a castaway. That was kinda unexpected as I was feeling pretty confident before that bloodbath. I saw a few forum posts about not getting weapons on ships until later in the game but I don't see how, I'm not getting many landed ships, I mean you can survive on missions but sometimes you'll just get dropped by 2-3 ships seemingly out of nowhere.

I have a base in central America and was going for a haunted forest mission in Europe and for some reason my bus got jumped by 3 fighter plane looking bastards that shot it down fast. Couldn't even run away with the shitty speed of that ship, so it seems it has to be changed relatively soon to survive a little. Anyways, thanks for the info man.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on September 20, 2021, 08:00:37 pm
Oh hey I wasn't expecting such a detailed response, thanks a lot. That's gonna be pretty helpful I was just going for random research really, hoping to have less stuff on my screen because that scares me. Is researching missions used for anything? For bounty hunter missions it seems I didn't get any before researching them but for some reason I did get a single animal hunt mission and a couple of bandit camp missions before actually researching them. Although they did seem kinda limited (I just got a couple of white shamblers in the hunt mission and a camp with about 5 or 6 bandits in the camp mission).
What I do about researches - at the end of the first month press X. All researches become white (seen). At the end of the next month move all white researches into queue, press X. And repeat it until the end of the game. Brainers get assigned to the next research in the queue as soon as they end their current project. There are some exceptions, like I would postpone some researches, like space mission unlock before space suits, or eurosyndicate deal, and some repeatables would be picked over and over again during the month (pillow books, expedition reports, data disks...)
This way there's no chance that you will miss critical importance of that 12 damage peashooter for producing an interceptor. Yep, there's a dependence - guild stapler (said peashooter) is required for making durathread, which is required for workshop, which is required for modern tools...

How about armor, weapon and squad composition? What do you guys use in the beginning and a bit later?
Armor wise having 30 armor is important, it's a cut off for most of civilian weapons (shotguns be deadly) from becoming an oneshot death to damage ignore. Personally, I rush cave hunt-> chitin plates->chitin armor, skip warrior for proper chainmail. Animal hunts are great way to train inexperienced units, put them in armors with exp bonus and let go ham with reaction shots.

Weapons - I'd recommend to experiment yourself. Some people like hails of bullets. Some like to scout and snipe with bows. Some like sniper guns and flying armors. Some like to butcher things in melee. Everything is viable. Personally, I like to rush domestic shotguns. They have both lethal and non-lethal ammo, so I can simply switch between those mid mission. Stunned enemies provide more money when you sell or rob them. Likewise, using your fist to stun enemies works for a lot of enemies. For armored enemies spiked mace is amazing. It has high damage and it damages armor on top. So it can open cans to the point of two-shotting power armor guys.

Do people use mostly guns or what?
I use mostly non-lethal. Handle, stun baton in melee, electric lasso or chackram at range. Take missions where you have more armor than enemy has dakka, walk into melee, stun, walk away with half of a million in slaves. Guns are for the late endgame or when I want to complete mission fast.

I tend to have gals who can shoot and stab using a melee weapon in their right hand (mostly axes) and a pistol or smg in their left, you know, pirate style, but I'm not sure if that's a good strategy as pistols and smgs seem kinda weak as far as damage and AP goes.
SMGs are weapons you use to train reaction on enemies which can't damage you (Kustom gun though... Sexy 44 damage). Pistols for me is something my melee gals carry for a chance of a flying enemy around the corner (academy drones).  There are good pistols which have bonuses to damage depending on your stats (the bottomest line on the bootypedia article), from early pistols silver snake can have like 50 damage

I'm fighting armored enemies, at which point the pistols are basically useless.
Just walk into melee with an armor crushing weapon like a mace.

Oh I see. Melee is mostly secondary then.
It's viable. You will get armors with bonuses to TU and strength, and you will get weapons with strength scaling, and you will have gals which will run half the map and break though tank in one hit in a single turn. If you rob a ninja medic you will get a whole synthmuscle suit.

Here I was running around with 4 or 5/6 gals with axes and clubs wondering why half my team is getting shot. I'm not playing on Iron man though I'm trying to learn a little but if I was I would have already lost as my team got wiped by a few strix zombies trying to save a castaway. That was kinda unexpected as I was feeling pretty confident before that bloodbath.
Zombies is something... Fire damage ignores armor, so it's one of the deadliest damage types there. And it's a heavy moral damage. I would've taken off I found strix thus early. Also, this mission type can spawn catgirls. They are invizible until like 3 tiles close and can shred you like a scratching post. Deep ones might also surprise you, aquatoids and fartbag bagpipes can melt though power armor.

I saw a few forum posts about not getting weapons on ships until later in the game but I don't see how, I'm not getting many landed ships, I mean you can survive on missions but sometimes you'll just get dropped by 2-3 ships seemingly out of nowhere. I have a base in central America and was going for a haunted forest mission in Europe and for some reason my bus got jumped by 3 fighter plane looking bastards that shot it down fast. Couldn't even run away with the shitty speed of that ship, so it seems it has to be changed relatively soon to survive a little. Anyways, thanks for the info man.
Most likely you flew over enemy base. Send hunting party there, search with your radar circle. And don't expect to have an air superiority for a while. While attaining a gun to down unarmed civilians is easy in 6 months, cleaning skies from interceptions takes multiple years. Invest into bases and cover the world in radar circles, you will spot more landed ships.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on September 23, 2021, 01:24:00 am
Is this hinted at anywhere? Curious because it seems like a catastrophic event anyone could accidentally run into.

its described in one of the researched random pinup entries but the problem is used to be the only HK interceptors you had to worry about early on were Ninja Jetbikes and you were actually informed of their arrival with a popup event. This was supposed to carefully inform you its time to stop using the Airbus.

now there's all sorts of HKs that show up possibly right at the beginning (raider barques, mosquito fighters, wasp aircars, megapol interceptors, etc).

this aspect of the game is currently damaged/broken
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 23, 2021, 07:37:44 pm
Oh I see. Melee is mostly secondary then.
Melee with the gals is exceptionally powerful but carries a fair amount of risk that shooting does not. Gals have the stats to make even low tech melee options quite lethal, and the TUs and energy to have a pretty large engagement range while sprinting. The down side is closing to melee might expose you to reaction fire from foes you can't see, and if you don't down the target in one hit your at risk from melee reaction from the target, which depending on there equipment might be risky.

just in case you haven't figured it out yet sprint is control+move and only costs 3tu(on normal tiles) in exchange for additional energy, you do ignore enemy spotted so caution is advised but it greatly enchances how far you can get.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rince Wind on September 23, 2021, 09:04:24 pm
I think sprinting is 3 TU instead of the usual 4.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: termidor on September 23, 2021, 09:29:53 pm
It is intended tha the sky ninjas base can pop up as  early as june 2601? I got it pop up, and the next month two extra bases appear, drooping my Infamy to -3000. I don't know if you are suppose to counter tham with recon expeditions, but it seems rather harsh compare to previous versions. Also is the losing condition having two negative months or having negative score in two months in a row?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on September 23, 2021, 09:30:55 pm
I think sprinting is 3 TU instead of the usual 4.
thanks for catching my typo

It is intended tha the sky ninjas base can pop up as  early as june 2601? I got it pop up, and the next month two extra bases appear, drooping my Infamy to -3000. I don't know if you are suppose to counter tham with recon expeditions, but it seems rather harsh compare to previous versions. Also is the losing condition having two negative months or having negative score in two months in a row?
Yeah an early ninja base is expected, your forced to find a way to either work around it, or bait out the fighters so you can get a team to take it out. The fighters go on cooldown after they return to base so there is a small window to do other thing.

Two consecutive months is the conditional.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zharkov on October 03, 2021, 12:33:46 am
Is there a way to preset the behavior in air combat? I would like the Kraken to tank and the Brave Whaler to hang back. But I am too slow give the orders in time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 03, 2021, 01:47:29 am
Not without picking apart the engine to get at the default stance. You can however crank down the speed of air combat which increases the time between combat frames.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on October 22, 2021, 05:00:26 pm
Is there a way to preset the behavior in air combat? I would like the Kraken to tank and the Brave Whaler to hang back. But I am too slow give the orders in time.

Yes, sometimes it's hard to direct such air battle.
I'd to see some sort of shortcut keys for the aircraft in combat. Like press 1 to attack from a distance, 2 for normal attack, 3 for close attack, 4 to keep distance, 5 to disengage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rhadmaty on October 26, 2021, 06:46:36 pm
Where can you get advanced sonic weaponry(cannons and rifles) aside from gambling? So far I've only been able to find pistols in Devil's Reef.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on October 27, 2021, 08:39:42 am
Question about how damage is calculated vs armour.
For example:
Has armour 70, Concussion damage multiplier 0.35
Is hit with
Average damage 125, Armor effectiveness: 0.6, Armor pre-damage multiplier: 0.125
So on average, hit from recoilless rifle  normal shell does to the turret 0.35*(125-70*0.6)=30 damage; or 0.35*(125-70*0.125)=41 damage; or how is it calculated?
Also, does anyone know how many hp the turret has? (so i can calculate how many hits on average would be required to bring it down)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 27, 2021, 11:49:23 am
Okay here is how damage works.

First the dmg roll, in this case 50-150% is applied to (base+power bonus) Lets assume average of 100% for simplicity. For basic R-shell that's 125. No power bonus and 100% roll. 125.

Next resist of target, in this case piercing the turret has .75. So 125 x.75=93.75

Next armor. pre-armor damage of the shell is applied damaging targets armor. Pre armor dealt is a multiple of damage after resist. In this case 93.75 x .125=11.7.
Destroy this much of the targets armor. 70-11.7=58.3

The turret now has 58.3 armor. this is multiplied by armor effectiveness of the shell, .6, for 58.3 x.6=34.98 Then subtract this from the damage. 93.75-34.98=58.77. We now have penetrating damage.

Penetrating damage is the value used by damage alters to determine how much of what kind of damage is applied. The R-shell only has one special alter .75 stun. The rest are default. Default HP alter is 1. So 58.77 damage is dealt to hp. Stun alter is .75, 58.77 x.75=44.07 stun dealt. Default armor alter is .1, 58.77x.1=5.8 to armor.

Round if needed.

Final result 59 hp, 44 stun and a total of 18 armor lost(12 from pre, 6 from penetrating alter).

Any questions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on October 27, 2021, 01:11:17 pm
Okay here is how damage works.
Final result 59 hp, 44 stun and a total of 18 armor lost(12 from pre, 6 from penetrating alter).
Any questions?
Thanks a lot, the mechanics were bit confusing.
Do you know how much HP the turret has? it's bootypedia page doesn't seem to list it.
Also, armor loss affects only the  facing hit (for example side or front) or armour all around?
By the calculation you presented, after 2 hits hits from recoilless rifle (-18 armor per hit, so 70-18*2=34), turret should be weakened enough to be penetrated by damage 40 weapons, do i understand this correctly?
Furthermore, as damage modifier from damage type is applied before armour, it follows that most supposedly anti- tank weapons like RPG HEAT and panzerfaust are actually crap against tanks and turrets, since such armored units have very unfavorable damage mod vs concussive damage type, reducing their initially deceptively high damage so much it can't penetrate armour, on average?
For example  RPG HEAT vs turret does 100*0.35=35 dmg; turret's armour is 70*0.4=28, 35-28=7 dmg.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yankes on October 28, 2021, 02:02:38 am
Next armor. pre-armor damage of the shell is applied damaging targets armor. Pre armor dealt is a multiple of damage after resist. In this case 93.75 x .125=11.7.
Destroy this much of the targets armor. 70-11.7=58.3
This is incorrect, armor value is not touch on this stage, reduction is saved and added to normal armor damage and it do not affect unit until other damage calculations are done.
This mean in theoretical scenario when you could have hit that melt whole armor but it could not do any damage to health at fist shoot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 28, 2021, 05:50:57 am
This is incorrect, armor value is not touch on this stage, reduction is saved and added to normal armor damage and it do not affect unit until other damage calculations are done.
This mean in theoretical scenario when you could have hit that melt whole armor but it could not do any damage to health at fist shoot.
Really? huh then a fair part of the community has had it wrong for years, thou i guess it's an easy thing to assume.
Do you know how much HP the turret has? it's bootypedia page doesn't seem to list it.
Also, armor loss affects only the  facing hit (for example side or front) or armour all around?
By the calculation you presented, after 2 hits hits from recoilless rifle (-18 armor per hit, so 70-18*2=34), turret should be weakened enough to be penetrated by damage 40 weapons, do i understand this correctly?
Furthermore, as damage modifier from damage type is applied before armour, it follows that most supposedly anti- tank weapons like RPG HEAT and panzerfaust are actually crap against tanks and turrets, since such armored units have very unfavorable damage mod vs concussive damage type, reducing their initially deceptively high damage so much it can't penetrate armour, on average?
For example  RPG HEAT vs turret does 100*0.35=35 dmg; turret's armour is 70*0.4=28, 35-28=7 dmg.

In order

No, booty pedia list hp else-wear if at all, the armor profile(resists, stat buffs, ect) is a separate entity. All units are outfit+user. Bad guys just happen to only have one predefined outfit, but the data structure is the same.

Only the struck faceing takes armor damage unless the attacking weapon has ignore direction=true, the slime weapons are an example, they always strike the heaviest facing.

Aye 2ish hits would take off quite a bit of armor letting other lighter guns help out.

Most anti tank weapons are concussive type and aoe, tank resists are higher because a tank takes multiple hits from aoe, 1 hit for each tile in aoe, if they had a normal 1x1 unit resistance they would just insta pop to the first thing to exceed armor. Another factor to the aoe anti tank is that aoe with an origin within 3 tiles goes against under armor. So something like a panzerfuast has high dmg and hits the weakest armor multiple times, but the tank is pretty resistant to smooth the performance a little.
To use your heat example, 100x.35=35 after resist. 35 for under armor with .4 effectiveness. 35x.4=14. 35-14=21. Then the additional hits on the other tiles.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yankes on October 28, 2021, 11:14:55 am
Really? huh then a fair part of the community has had it wrong for years, thou i guess it's an easy thing to assume.
In order
If someone do not try overwrite this logic using y-scripts then it should behave this way, difference is bit subtle and why is easy to miss it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on October 31, 2021, 08:41:42 am
How you guys use Pigeon and spy zeppelin?
Like I tried to use pigeon for it's supposed intended use (patrolling the globe radar-scanning it for something interesting), but it just gets shot down by random raider/gov ship passing by.
Do you just tank it's modest cost as acceptable loss or am i using it wrongs?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on October 31, 2021, 08:56:01 am
Consider them an atavism of pre-hunter-killer versions.
Spy Zeppelins were useful to cover spots which inevitable would be left between your bases, but without invisibility they are pretty worthless now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on October 31, 2021, 02:24:05 pm
Consider them an atavism of pre-hunter-killer versions.
Spy Zeppelins were useful to cover spots which inevitable would be left between your bases, but without invisibility they are pretty worthless now.

Well zeppelin in the most recent patch did in fact get intercept invisibility, though it's no longer a transport. So it's a big radar blimp and nothing else.

Pigeon does suck in current ninja meta. Too vulnerable to interception.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 04, 2021, 08:01:44 pm
I recently researched
and got the commemorative stelae;
however, civilian craft still appear on my radar occasionally, are there some new penalties introduced after that research for shooting them civilians down?
Can I sell the stelae, or is it's high sell cost a noob bait like menacing hull was and I will need it for something later?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on November 04, 2021, 09:17:05 pm
I recently researched
and got the commemorative stelae;
however, civilian craft still appear on my radar occasionally, are there some new penalties introduced after that research for shooting them civilians down?
Can I sell the stelae, or is it's high sell cost a noob bait like menacing hull was and I will need it for something later?
It will take some time before civilian crafts stop spawning, about 2 months or something. And you can sell it, it's not used for anything.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on November 06, 2021, 03:58:41 am
If I reject the power what vehicles will be available to me?  Turtle or maybe the Snake?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 06, 2021, 05:57:52 am
the reject route has it's own unique craft but you lose out on the codex tied craft like the menace class, and the "battery" teir STC craft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on November 06, 2021, 06:29:40 am
Ahh, thank you legionof1!  Decisions decisions  ???
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 07, 2021, 04:50:43 pm
How do you guys handle ninja bases that are "shooting gallery"?
(ones where you start in the open, without cover, in front of bunkers with various amount of turrets)?
I find them immensely frustrating; as if i stay put and shoot at available targets, ninjas pop up from bunkers (or from behind bunkers, with hover suits) and throw some bombs and decimate me; if i spend my first turn to spread out, I can't suppress all the turrets and get shot to bits; if i rush to bunkers with fusion torches I get blown to bits by BOTH shooting and pop-up grenadiers.
I have heavy suits, Junkmaster armor, recoilless rifles and autocannons, which I thought would fix the problem, but the ninjas garrisoning the bases seem to be extremely beefy (level/HP proportional to game month?), often surviving first hit from recoilless rifle or plasma gun, despite their light armour.
Am I missing something?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 07, 2021, 11:49:01 pm
Night time and or smoke can help with a lack of cover. Even with sniper/spotter mechanics it's still -50 on the shot if the shooter themselves cant see the target.  But sometimes the map just isnt any good and you need to just retreat turn 1. Part of learning the game is learning what you can solve with your tools and what you cant.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 08, 2021, 04:53:03 pm
Night time and or smoke can help with a lack of cover. Even with sniper/spotter mechanics it's still -50 on the shot if the shooter themselves cant see the target.  But sometimes the map just isnt any good and you need to just retreat turn 1. Part of learning the game is learning what you can solve with your tools and what you cant.

I tried smoke covers, but I get the same penalties, and ninjas don't really need a lot of accuracy throwing those bombs from half a map away :(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on November 08, 2021, 06:17:55 pm
You can start with grenades preprimed in the loadout screen. Ninjas drop a lot of EMP grenades and they one-two shot their tankier turrets. Smaller ones do pop to kustom guns.
You don't need fusion torches to break their walls, normal hammer works just fine.
A lot of ninjas survive first shots due to having shields. You need to break shield first to damage a wielder. And medics have a ginormous armor on top of good evasion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on November 08, 2021, 07:33:22 pm
Ninja Bases are still easy enough since they can't really one-shot your tanks and usually not even the armored vehicle. Since you get the first round to take out one or two of their main Turrets (Laser armored vehicle's are sufficient to soften them up for a one round kill). Look forward to the Marsec Gunships with their mobile infantry while still being stuck on mid-tier Lasers and Low tier Plasma if you can't unlock school graduation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 09, 2021, 08:39:53 am
Thanks for prompt replies everyone :)
One more question on stats:
In the attached picture, gal has some stats with part of the bar in lighter color (for example health is 70 in solid red and 103 with lighter-red).
what does it mean?
The gal is not wounded or refreshing, and it's armour is not affecting Health (
So what the lighter-colored stat bar means?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on November 09, 2021, 11:48:52 am
Seeing that new recruits seem to lack the bright parts I'd assume it shows the stat growth as compared to the original stats.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 09, 2021, 08:14:35 pm
Thanks for prompt replies everyone :)
One more question on stats:
In the attached picture, gal has some stats with part of the bar in lighter color (for example health is 70 in solid red and 103 with lighter-red).
what does it mean?
The gal is not wounded or refreshing, and it's armour is not affecting Health (
So what the lighter-colored stat bar means?

The lighter color is stats gained via XP, the bar without border is bonus from armor and/or commends, an empty bordered area indicates penalties from armor/commends.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on November 10, 2021, 03:08:34 pm
Dat name tho ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on November 13, 2021, 10:53:59 pm
I have one question about sky ninjas. I left one of their fortresses alive to get skyforge engineers from ninja missions, but the only thing they ever seem to do is attacks on the local government without skyforge personal. They don't even attempt to expand again (I did get rid of the active fortress fortress that had done the previous expansions, since it was positioned in an area where they frequently disturbed my air travel).
So the questions are:
Do only the smaller outposts start other missions than attacks on the government?
Are there some kind of disabled fortresses?
Is neither the case and I was just very unlucky so far?
Do the Ninjas reset if I destroy the last fortress and try to expand again?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 14, 2021, 09:29:21 am
Somewhat unlucky, the goverment attack is pretty highly weighted to fire each month, and the other stuff not so much. It's also worth noteing that each airfeild/fortress will only spawn a limited number of outposts and the missions to build them. I think the outposts do not do there own missions just the main bases.

If they do make a new airfeild at some point that base will start it's own cycle, but beyond the inital set its pretty uncommon. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 15, 2021, 08:57:31 am
A Research question:
To be able to research Lokk'Naar Demon Gods
(needed, eventually, for interceptor assembly),
1) do I need research all the gods or just 1/few?

2) Some techs, say Shadowmasters, are indicated to be gettable from random interrogations
so can I get them without having researched their prerequisite research?

3) If 2) is Yes, is it worth it to spam random interrogations in hope to get it, or the list of random stuff is just so big you better off slugging through normal winded path of research? (in case of shadowmasters, it's researching the gods & spirits, 8 of each and each also being got from semi-random research)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on November 15, 2021, 04:20:24 pm
1) iirc one
2) yes
3) List is big, but shadowmaster ships are the critical ones to get into air game, absolutely worth spamming interrogations for. Usually prison is one of my first buildings and I go for capturing 20-25 hoes for the sake of getting the tech.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 19, 2021, 01:42:13 pm
Another question concerning missions:
If I do not research Sea operations (or space operations), do I still get Infamy penalty for not doing the missions that would pop up if I would have researched it?
For example, sea operations trigger Devil's riff missions, which have dispawn penalty of 350 iirc, say 2 missions per months for 700 infamy.
if i wouldn't have researched sea operations, would i still suffer -700 infamy / month for the reef missions I didn't see?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 20, 2021, 05:41:23 am
No, tech like operations add missions to the pool, without the tech they are not there in any way. That said general wisdom is to unlock all the extra missions you can unless your certain you can't win them or there really awful even so like the eurosydicate deal.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on November 23, 2021, 04:21:20 am
What is the deal with the "Superior Being" message and the -250 fame?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on November 23, 2021, 12:03:04 pm
A random event on "Gals are superior" path.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on November 23, 2021, 12:43:08 pm
A random event on "Gals are superior" path.

Thanks Iazo!  It happens about once a month so I was wondering what on Earth it could be about.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 24, 2021, 11:36:27 am
I am finally entering the proper midgame air game, and boy there are a lot of crafts to choose from.
Are there spreadsheets with all craft stats for convenient comparison (in some old tread perhaps)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on November 24, 2021, 06:19:47 pm
I am finally entering the proper midgame air game, and boy there are a lot of crafts to choose from.
Are there spreadsheets with all craft stats for convenient comparison (in some old tread perhaps)?
Try this:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BTAxis on December 02, 2021, 08:06:21 am
How do you use the arcane weapon of the Jellyfish craft? I picked it up and I can shoot it, but it just impacts the wall of the cockpit. I tried shooting it straight up or down, but I just can't get it to go anywhere.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Corento on December 02, 2021, 10:45:44 am
you need to open the window (in direction you want shoot). Same way like you opening any doors but not going through them. then you can shoot out of Jellyfish.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BTAxis on December 02, 2021, 12:41:20 pm
Thanks! Didn't realize the windows weren't open, as you can see out of them even when they're closed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Corento on December 02, 2021, 04:30:38 pm
this question was answered here few times already. At least I search for it and found. U can use it next time too :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on December 06, 2021, 01:04:53 pm
What pain resistance 1 or 2 do?
(for example savage outfit gives pain res II
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 07, 2021, 03:15:50 am
They adjust how much of your current stun you recover each turn, the normal multiplier is .036, savage with pain res 2 is .085.  So about double.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on December 08, 2021, 07:39:42 am
Another thing:
When I dogfight enemy ufo (say mobile ninja base),  causing it some damage and then disengage (or my plane is destroyed, whatever), does it remain damaged?
If so, can it repair on the go or must it "land" to repair, to restore it's HP (allowing me to assault it)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on December 09, 2021, 03:05:55 am
Does somebody know where to get "Pyramid portal remains"?
The black Pyramids in the Undead swarm missions don't seem to drop them, I haven't found a way to damage the portal looking things inside the pyramids base either.
Is there a way to destroy the portal thingy inside the pyramids base, or do black Pyramids drop corpses if you don't kill them with the heavy cannons of your tanks?

Otherwise the only mission I haven't done is an Star Gods Silver Towers ship, so does it drop there (I mean Ethereals do like pyramid architecture)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 09, 2021, 11:01:12 am
It's the pyramid tops.

Use chem.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on December 09, 2021, 03:06:33 pm
Thanks now to hope the mission drops for a third time relatively early, since I'm starting to get immortals awards. Well also gotta look for good bio damage since I mostly ignored that type of damage so far and I doubt the Cobra Staff is gonna cut it in bringing the pyramid down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 09, 2021, 04:22:44 pm
Chem, not bio.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Alex_D on December 09, 2021, 10:16:57 pm
Anything that explodes works. Satchel charges, two or three per pyramid, ought to work. In addition, to stop the swarms of zombies coming from within, also blow up the interior with another charge.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on December 13, 2021, 01:13:01 am
Yeah, threw chem and bio together since I use neither, will take chem and Satchel if the mission is to pop up a third time.

Blowing up the base stops the Zombies from popping up? But they are great to train my mele fighters, sit at the door so only one can attack from the front, to collect "multiple melee kills in one battle" awards. Also I want a few more undead knight corpses for completion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on December 15, 2021, 08:50:31 am
It turns out it wasn't the Black Pyramid after all but the Portal thingy down in the base that had to be destroyed, anyway now I got it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on December 15, 2021, 03:59:18 pm
Does taking out landed ships also trigger crackdown missions or is it just shooting them down? Not sure about that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 15, 2021, 04:06:11 pm
Just shootdowns.  Additionally, the following are free game to shoot down as well:

-Civilians (they don't shoot back)
-Academy nurse hospital ships
-Megapol (blue flying cars)
-Bandits (wasps and I'm assuming the new bandit zepellin)
-Necroplanes (those WW2 style ancient ships)

No idea on the metal cone cut off one, though.  I think those are reticulan and are fair game, but they might not be.

Note:  You will get fines and large point loss for raiding government ships, but who cares xD

Edit: Btw, do you find necroplane parts only from necroplanes?  Looking at the stats on these early game crafts like daredevils and buckaroos, by the time you can shoot down a necroplane you wouldn't actually need those crafts anymore.  Maybe it's only useful for the irontribes start.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on December 15, 2021, 07:30:44 pm
You can get parts from shooting down necroplane, as you know. Also doing any mission on a map with necroplane wreck awards parts like shot down plane (happens randomly), also bandit zeppelins give a few parts and that early game fighters with mohawk pilots too. That's all I remember, may be more.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 15, 2021, 09:43:31 pm
I started playing this recently, and got a question:

In one of my failed runs I researched the Shadowbat, Shadowtech and the Cloaking Device, and I assumed that the Cloak could be installed in one of Shadowbat's non-weapon slots, but I couldn't. Assuming that Shadowbat comes with one baked in, I tried to place the Cloaking Device in other ships with non-weapon slots, but I couldn't.

Is there is something obvious I'm missing after trying re-read the bootypedia and tech tree viewer several times?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 15, 2021, 10:57:22 pm
The cloaking device comes built in most of your mid-game- advanced craft. It's a building material, you do not need to install it. (Or, in the case of Shadowbat and the like, it comes with it pre-installed).

The cloaking device is a vehicle for storytelling, actually, not a functional piece of equipment. All your craft are assumed to have cloaking built-in, either from cloaking device, or from being ridiculous(zeppelin), old as fuck(buckaroo), or indistinguishable from normal civilian craft(airbus/aircar).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on December 16, 2021, 03:55:35 pm
One question about money, eying the privatising of world peace I started to save up but whenever I got about 750 million bucks, I get a 250 million tewrror hack, is there some kind of soft cap to money or was I just unlucky so far?

Another question is about technology, I can't find the technology needed for fusion power in the tech tree to build the best craft weapons and combat units I've researched so far, and seeing that I can't research anything anymore anyway i'd like to know what I'm missing or if that technology is codex bound.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: teddybbeer on December 16, 2021, 04:15:26 pm
what does "spy on ninjas" work do?

manufactured it twice, first time got young uber back, second time nothing
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on December 16, 2021, 04:43:10 pm
Money - there's a typical 2^something variable cap, but in the normal gameplay you will not reach it. These events work as a reminder to reinvest money. To prevent them buy something like gold which has high resell value at the last day. These events are generated at the first day of the month and they check your current gold value. If you have 1000000 gold nuggets and 1000 dollars, you will not get a hack. Personally, while not stockpiling money I buy goblin zaxx slave taskmasters for leftovers. While they wouldn't pay for themselves (return takes like 8 years to become a profit, while the game takes like 3-4), decreasing maintenance pressure and getting storage space feels like a worthwhile thing.

Maybe you have the technology, but not the building? Without the fusion furnace present you can't build fusion ball launcher, for example.
Check "facility missing" tab
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on December 16, 2021, 06:01:45 pm
Yes, I missed the fact that I unlocked Fusion furnace, anyway will go with buying gold bars thx.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 17, 2021, 06:47:16 am
what does "spy on ninjas" work do?

manufactured it twice, first time got young uber back, second time nothing

You can check the random production here:

Doesn't seem to be worth it, TBH.  Chance of tech and 200k in chips basically, but high risk and time consuming, net glamour loss.  Pretty analogous to webjobs really
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on December 17, 2021, 09:19:21 am
A technical question:
When I dogfight enemy ufo with lots of HP (say mobile ninja base),  causing it some damage and then disengage (or my plane is destroyed, whatever), does it remain damaged?
If so, can it repair on the go or must it "land" to repair, to restore it's HP (allowing me to assault it)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 17, 2021, 09:30:34 am
Pretty confdent it remains damage, based on past experience of hit and running ambulances with a charger laser.  Whether they repair or not somehow, I'm not sure, but I doubt it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 17, 2021, 09:32:21 am
what does "spy on ninjas" work do?

manufactured it twice, first time got young uber back, second time nothing
It has a random chance involved with what it outputs, 22% chance to get back nothing, and a bunch of other results. The main attraction is that a portion of the outcomes let you hire a gal with the spy honors commend, as well as some ninja tech goodies.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on December 18, 2021, 03:11:12 am
Does terrain have resistances? As in if I shoot at a wall with laser rifle and plasma rifle for the same damage, will the calculation be any different or is it just an armor value that need to be overcome and damage type is irrelevant?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 18, 2021, 10:06:45 am
Pretty sure it doesn't.  Weapons attacks that damage terrain differently have a different "Terrain damage multiplier" in the online pedia, though.  It's mostly used for melee or weapons that should ignore terrain like charming attacks, though.

Note:  Apparently when not shown, the default terrain damage multiplier is 0.5, not 1.  So 1 is actually 2x more damaging.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LuigiWhatif on December 19, 2021, 04:21:14 am
Do the patrols and fighters from ninja bases detect your base for retaliations?  I had a ninja base spawn near me and while I was just outside their radar range, their patrols and fighters would pass right over my base.  Later that month I got hit by two ninja base invasions about a week apart.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on December 19, 2021, 04:59:33 am
Do the patrols and fighters from ninja bases detect your base for retaliations?  I had a ninja base spawn near me and while I was just outside their radar range, their patrols and fighters would pass right over my base.  Later that month I got hit by two ninja base invasions about a week apart.
Yeah they do, pretty much any craft with a radar circle of its own will flag a base.
Does terrain have resistances? As in if I shoot at a wall with laser rifle and plasma rifle for the same damage, will the calculation be any different or is it just an armor value that need to be overcome and damage type is irrelevant?
Terrain is just an Armor value check, using the To terrain modifier of the weapon, default as mentioned is 0.5
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on December 19, 2021, 11:42:24 pm
I have restarted twice recently, and not sure why i am fucking up, but somehow i am missing something important to get any crafts that can actually fight.
Anyone got the name of the first "normal" fighting craft you get, so i can try to go though the tech tree and find out what i am doing wrong?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 20, 2021, 01:40:33 am
It depends on what you get available and what codex choice you pick, though the in general, the first RELIABLE craft are the shadowtech battery craft gotten from learning about Shadowmasters.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 20, 2021, 03:52:30 am
The good news is you don't actually need to shoot anything down, the game is heavily weighted towards missions in the early game.  Aside from civilians and a few minor thugs, shooting things down actually has a tendency to bork your whole run if you accidentally shoot down a really hard faction anyways.  If you run into a merc fighter, best disable your weapons and let the thing shoot you down lol.

Unless you want to heavily look into these two pages:

You should completely ignore hunter killers and only fight things without a radar.

I haven't messed with pre-shadowmasters fighters outside of civilians yet, but I believe they go something like this:

-LITTLE BIRD:  Fuck all
-BUCKAROO/FAUST: Bandit zepellin, necroplanes.
-INCINERATOR: Probably intended for freighters but they're too fast.  Maybe Ninja APCs

Theoretically you could use them for more by fighting together, but a base with multiple hangers filled with these pieces of crap will cost millions and bring very little profit.  Just wait for shadowmasters really.

Edit: To answer your question more specifically, the only fighting ships I used mid game in previous version were:

-AIRCAR/JETBIKE: Civvies, tailing ships to landing sites.
-SCARAB/SNAKE: Weak ships
-KRAKEN:  Tanks heavy ships
-BARRACUDA: Lasers go pew pew
-BRAVE WHALER:  Missiles go shoom shoom

You don't get these for a while.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on December 20, 2021, 11:53:37 pm
After a restart i figured out my problem, idiot me forgot i had to use the start craft to follow ships till they land, i was just waiting to spot landings, and wondering why the hell i was doing good on research, but miserable on progress :) That got me the Necroplane parts needed for research to get anything actually done :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Genesis200028 on December 21, 2021, 09:44:57 am
Hey sorry if this has been asked before, I tried searching it but nothing useful came up but how do you move base buildings without dismantling them and building new ones? I've seen it done before like on Starving Poet's playthrough but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it myself, do I need a secondary mod for it, or is there some type of debug mode I am unaware of?

Either way any help is appreciated, thank you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 21, 2021, 11:08:28 am
Hey sorry if this has been asked before, I tried searching it but nothing useful came up but how do you move base buildings without dismantling them and building new ones? I've seen it done before like on Starving Poet's playthrough but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it myself, do I need a secondary mod for it, or is there some type of debug mode I am unaware of?

Either way any help is appreciated, thank you.

This option was removed from OXCE some years ago.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on December 21, 2021, 04:33:36 pm
You can go to the save file and edit it directly, open it with a notepad, ctrl+f "bases:"
you will see:

      - type: STR_ACCESS_LIFT
        x: 0
        y: 2
      - type: STR_HANGAR
        x: 0
        y: 0
      - type: STR_STILL
        x: 2
        y: 5
      - type: STR_LABORATORY
        x: 4
        y: 5

Buildings have coordinates from 0 to 5, 0,0 is top left, iirc. Rearrange however you like, then delete some money for honesty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on December 24, 2021, 03:55:42 am
You can go to the save file and edit it directly, open it with a notepad, ctrl+f "bases:"
you will see:

      - type: STR_ACCESS_LIFT
        x: 0
        y: 2
      - type: STR_HANGAR
        x: 0
        y: 0
      - type: STR_STILL
        x: 2
        y: 5
      - type: STR_LABORATORY
        x: 4
        y: 5

Buildings have coordinates from 0 to 5, 0,0 is top left, iirc. Rearrange however you like, then delete some money for honesty.
Good to know! Thanks Gremlion!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on December 24, 2021, 02:26:12 pm
Quick Question:

When you sort the spoils (the sales screen) at the end of every battle, and you Right Click any item, it tells you:

Topic: (Current Item)
No Dependencies

I already know what that means (if the item is used for any other manufactured item, in any degree) but what I don't know if dependencies change according to your Tech Tree Status. I would like to get a definite answer...

... so I can sell whatever obsolete guns I have in the vaults and get dollaros AND space. If this question was answered before, sorry for asking again.

PD: IDK who said the "Fill your bases with burrows and build over them" but that kind of tips  really improved my runs
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 24, 2021, 11:18:01 pm
On the fence your stuff page, the dependencies are independent of your tech level.  I assume this is the same on the end of battle page.  One thing that is NOT independent of your tech level is the mission description showing which armors and ships you can bring to which missions.  I strongly recommend using this page as a reference instead:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 27, 2021, 02:55:45 pm
Is the Farm service that the Plantation provides critical beyond early game? Asking because I demolished it to make room.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 27, 2021, 03:13:20 pm
You'll want sectoweed farms and more income eventually, but that's what extra bases are for.  It provides nothing critical for your first base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 28, 2021, 03:56:48 am
Quick Question:

When you sort the spoils (the sales screen) at the end of every battle, and you Right Click any item, it tells you:

Topic: (Current Item)
No Dependencies

I already know what that means (if the item is used for any other manufactured item, in any degree) but what I don't know if dependencies change according to your Tech Tree Status. I would like to get a definite answer...

... so I can sell whatever obsolete guns I have in the vaults and get dollaros AND space. If this question was answered before, sorry for asking again.

PD: IDK who said the "Fill your bases with burrows and build over them" but that kind of tips  really improved my runs

If you rightclick items who have usew that you don't know of yet, the uses will be behind asterix that can be revealed or hidden using the spoiler button.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 30, 2021, 10:58:18 am
Just realized that in my current run (currently in March of the second year) I never encountered the Cannibal Gals (and they showed up only once in my previous runs too).

Should I worry?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 30, 2021, 11:53:50 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 31, 2021, 01:32:41 am
Soo... Tried assaulting a ninja outpost and just immediately noped out after it turned out there were like 10 turrets.  What's the time limit before these things evolve?  And do these little guys throw hunter killers at you if you get in their radius without a hunting party or is that just the airfields?  I'm assuming not but wouldn't want to lose an airspeeder finding out xD  Actually I could just send a v8, right :)  Edit: yeah they don't thankfully.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on December 31, 2021, 09:43:36 am
Soo... Tried assaulting a ninja outpost and just immediately noped out after it turned out there were like 10 turrets.  What's the time limit before these things evolve?  And do these little guys throw hunter killers at you if you get in their radius without a hunting party or is that just the airfields?  I'm assuming not but wouldn't want to lose an airspeeder finding out xD  Actually I could just send a v8, right :)  Edit: yeah they don't thankfully.

I would advice assaulting them with Convoy or Trucks, as they give good cover and big crew.
most turrets are very fragile and can be destroyed quite easily, the 2 base defense turrets besides the gates are the main problem, being quite hardy and killy.
I usually avoided their line of sight, killed everything else, and then either bombed them to death with repeated Mortar strikes or gathered all the high explosives and emp grenades from killed ninjas and threw them at the turret from within the compound (remaining out of turret's sight) until they died. quite frustrating, but doable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 31, 2021, 01:40:31 pm
Oh yeah, I'm not too worried about eventually destroying them, it's just right now I don't have said tools.  If it upgrades in two or three months, I've got time to wreck them in probably the way you mentioned, otherwise I've got to hobble together some garbage and hope it works. 
Cannonballs o' acid are probably what I'd use in a hurry, but I don't even know if I have time for that given that there's like 10 turrets and I'd need to actually build multiple assault cannons.

Edit: btw, I'm a little confused, I just lost a WORM with my charger laser to a ninja jetbike, even though my worm has a max speed of 2700 and the jetbikes have a max speed of 2450.  Shouldn't I have had an option to run away?

Losing irreplaceable codex weapons to HKs is always fun :/

Edit: OOOOooh, did this have to do with accelration?  So jetbike combat speed is 2450*1.5 instead.  Well that sucks.  It's too bad that there's no way to quickly redirect a craft on getting hunter killered, since you're probably going to be on faster clock speed and unable to react in time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 31, 2021, 07:03:53 pm
You should have to option to run away from a HK slower than you, no issue there. It's the same button as for a non-HK.

HOWEVER, HKs will engage in combat immediately, there's no standoff option. So if you're not on the ball, and let them approach, you're in a world of hurt when trying to disengage where acceleration comes in.

Maybe turn down dogfight speed in options, so you have time to react? The problem is not with geoscape run speed, it's probably the dogfight speed option that you need to turn down a bit if you need time to think.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on December 31, 2021, 07:14:20 pm
Well, with geoscape run speed, I just meant giving me more time to actually redirect the craft.  Jetbikes have almost no radar range so there's almost no time to react.

Unfortauntely, your only options when a HK is on intercept is "AYE" and "ok -5secs"  So inevitably you hit ok 5 secs, almost make it to click on your ship and the jetbike is already attacking.

I could lower geoscape clock speed via options, and increase the actual time increment, though.   It's not like I need anything faster than min geoscape clock speed with 30 min increment, although it looks pretty choppy that way.

Regarding acceleration:  Huh, just experimented again, and now the options are there... hmmm... could've sworn there was no escape last time.  Maybe I was just being dumb  ::)

Edit: Btw, the ninja crackdowns all attack on foot right?  Honestly feels like the only way to defend expansion bases would be flak cannons, exploding doggos just isn't cutting it and you may as well get missile defense thrown in.  I noticed you no longer need a humanist soldier for the stick bombs, so looks like that's actually possible to get if you go full brainer mode.  Although you still need to find a light cannon :/
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on January 01, 2022, 01:06:08 pm

How do you use sentrygun (rockets)?
It's big immobile unit with good gun.
But it starts (as all units do) in your craft, and being immobile, it can't go out of it, and so can't fire it's gun, making it quite useless.
Am I missing something here?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 01, 2022, 06:33:11 pm
It's meant for open doors craft with multiple exits basically, mostly the menace class ships.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 02, 2022, 11:06:46 am
it has waypoints for the shots, thou only two. The main attraction for the sentry is as a ramp guard in craft with open ramps and alternate exits. It's very tanky for it's tech level and can let you play out early nasties staring down your ramp.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: wisery on January 03, 2022, 12:51:33 am
Is there any point to do UAC Vaults after all UAC weapons and data reels? Missions are tedious, loot scarce and cheap...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on January 03, 2022, 01:09:29 am
It's a good source of gnomes, I believe.
They are good for "human-only" infiltration missions having almost ubergal stats where you are expected to have peasants.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on January 05, 2022, 10:13:47 pm
This is huge.
How do you use wrestling moves?
Is this special suit? An item?
I have this for 2 years now and I have no idea how to use this.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 05, 2022, 10:55:52 pm
Most gal armors that have unarmed attacks use martial arts, the only thing that uses wrestling that I know of is MUD, the peasant armor.  It's your only way of restunning downed enemies before leather whips.

Sadly, no nude wrestling for x-prison :(

Edit: in case you wanted to know how to use martial arts, leave an empty hand slot on gym suit or bikini.  Your punch will be replaced with the skills.  Same with MUD on a peasant and wrestling.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on January 07, 2022, 09:32:53 pm
A couple of Back to School questions:

1) *Mutant Alliance* is required for it, but surface search through the forum suggested not to rush it. Why, and when is the good time to research it?

2) Is it intentional to be able to bypass *MA* via Dr. X research (thanks to a captured Academy Esper from the Mansion robbery)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 07, 2022, 09:53:41 pm
1) There's a lot of priority research topics that simply dont require back to school (armored cars, chain mail, etc) and libraries are expensive.  The main immediate benefit you get is pharmocology, which gives you chateau level profit from runts.  However, it tends to be cheaper on lower difficulties to simply spam weed plantation bases, defended by tons of dogs.  If you aren't spamming bases, then honestly get back to school whenever you want.

The other reason is you will now get cmpulsory pogroms that drain -1000 infamy if you ignore them, although this usually isn't a big deal.

2)  Yup.  Honestly the chance of esper is the main reason for doing mansions.

Edit: btw got my own question.  Was looking through the .ruls and noticed the ninja bases have this:

genMissionFreq: 4 #% each day to gen a mission, default 6


    points: 0
    objective: 4

This basically means the ninjas can't be repelled with base defenses right?  I guess it's time for literally legions of doggos lmao.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: aku on January 07, 2022, 09:56:31 pm
A couple of Back to School questions:

1) *Mutant Alliance* is required for it, but surface search through the forum suggested not to rush it. Why, and when is the good time to research it?

2) Is it intentional to be able to bypass *MA* via Dr. X research (thanks to a captured Academy Esper from the Mansion robbery)?
You don't need alliance for back to school, you need sci books, one source of which is mutant alliance. The other two are x-prison mission and random research from interrogating gnome. If you get sci books from one of those two you can delay alliance as long as you want which means no -1000 infamy pogroms.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on January 09, 2022, 11:32:57 pm
Finished my first playthrough doing the Cydonia Mission.
A question. I missed several types of enemies, like Raider Mistresses, Baron of Hell's, Succubi, and Magical Girls.
I'd like to know if they would be the eventual result of continuing the Shadow Realm missions (I still was stuck early on in the prisoners lose all equipment phase), or is it something restricted to one or more codex colour playthrought's?

Also "Not your business" seemed to be a key item that I didn't get. The naming theme fit's the Gnome research line. Is it connected to that, maybe a random drop from Armored Gnomes?

As a side note, since I only got to loot a single Wand of Peace, it wasn't so bad, but for many missions Gnome's equipped with the Wand of Peace seem a bit overpowered. Do resistances increase in higher difficulties as well? But for second difficulty level, even relatively resistant enemies usually fall to the second shot, especially against the otherwise quite tough Marsec Colonial Marines and Mobile Infantry the Wand might even drop the difficulty a bit too much (or maybe not, I didn't do much of the the whole "finding the best attack for each enemy" thing yet, so maybe every enemy works like that).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 10, 2022, 05:34:43 am
On higher difficulties, increased enemy numbers and tus/reactions are what make things difficult  Just having an easy attack method won't make things easy on you unless it one shots things, but it helps. 

IIRC magical girls come in pink ships and one of the main triggers is offerings to purple bloom, created from 69 heroes' blessings and researching it.

A lot of the higher up enemies are just super rare so you might miss them by random chance, but since higher difficulties spawn more enemies, once you bump it up to blackbeard and beyond you'll see more of them.

Not your business is as the name implies, "not your business".  It's a dev tech you cannot research in an actual game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on January 10, 2022, 10:59:51 am
I probably would have guessed that "not your business" thing if it wasn't for the Gnome research line that was very "not your business" like.

Aside from offerings to purple bloom what are the other main triggers? I did that at least two years before Cydonia (going by immortal awards) but never saw a pink ship.

About the wand of peace on higher difficulty, seing that practiacally all human enemies are one shot that still makes it easier, but since you can't really do much more than 2 or 3 shot's per turn without moving while wearing Moongose and the range isn't great, a swarm of enemies certainly will make it harder anyway.

Which reminds me of another question: Considering Sullstrider has almost twice the armor rating of Moongoose but 20% less laser resistance and 40% less Plasma resistance which one is better on higher difficulty? The Skullstrider has more time units but higher movement costs for turning around and less reactions.
So far I prefer Moongose, but outside from Star Gods and other enemies preferring Plasma, a larger amount of enemies should mean taking more hits and I'm not sure if Moooose remains late game viable in that case (not sure if Skullstrider remains viable either, similar to a tank they do get easily one shot later in game which may be a fate of all armor without shield).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 10, 2022, 07:07:18 pm
Well, ultimately you need scented message #3 for the pink ships, one of the reqs is this tech:

So yeah, maybe you do need to investigate the shadow realms more :/

If you want to make sure you have the full checklist, replace STR_SHADOW_DECENT with every str_ lister here to make sure you had everything

- type: STR_LFS_002
        STR_LFS_002: 100
    firstMonth: 12
    minDifficulty: 1
    minScore: 3000
       STR_LFS_002: false
       STR_LFS_001: true
       STR_GODS_E2: true
       STR_OPTRONICS: true
       STR_CUISINE: true
       STR_DARK_STAR: true
       STR_GLAMOUR: true
       STR_WHITE_DRESS: true
    executionOdds: 54
  - type: STR_LFS_003
        STR_LFS_003: 100
    firstMonth: 24
    minDifficulty: 1
    minScore: 3000
       STR_LFS_003: false
       STR_LFS_002: true
       STR_SHADOWREALM: true
       STR_LINGERIE_SET: true
       STR_DIPLOMACY: true
       STR_LUXURY_SPA: true

As far as armors go, well usually you put gnomes into vehicles which is what they're best at.  Honestly haven't gotten all the way to skullstrider tech, usually get bored of the grind and restart midway haha.  But skullsrider will tank hits better if that's what you want to know.  It has 100 more armor, so that 40% less plasma resist would only matter more if the average plasma hit did over 200 damage which it doesn't.


Btw, anyone know how ninja base evolution works?  Is it 5 months from when the outpost is created that it evolves or is it 5 months into the game?  Or am I just completely guessing incorrectly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on January 10, 2022, 08:10:39 pm
That's proabbly it, If I remember right I read somewhere that you need higher difficulty levels to get the scented messages in the first place and I was only second lowest for my first play.
I wonder if the next grade, Blackbeard is already enough, don't remember the full post.

Aside from vehicles I had a complete Gnome/Lokk'Naar strike team due to the underground missions, Gnomes are also reliably decent against voodoo (at least it seems like it, the VooDoo school text suggest resistance more about voodo skill than power, but I never had any Gnome fall to Star God trickery regardless), and since I got the Moongose earlier than good Gal armor, they became my main force for a while (Also used them for underwater fights until the end).

As for the skullstrider Moongoose thing:
Well depending on the side, Skullstrider has 60- 80 more armor points, not quite 100 (which is of course still enormous).
Still percentage wise Moongose has a bit more than 50% of the armor value of Skullstrider and takes 40% less plasma damage (assuming that's how resitance works, not sure if it's substracted before or after the armor value). Not gonna do the math, but I don't think you'd need 200 weapon damage to feel a difference.
Also I'm not sure if armor size influences enemy accuracy, if it does it would probably also factor in since Skullstrider is twice as big.

An advantage of the Moongose seems to be that you have to get wounded for more than the 25 bonus health points to actually take real damage, at least my fighters regularly could directly return to combat despite taking damage in the previous battle that day. The Skullstrider of course has the same thing going for it with the 15 health bonus, I just don't notice it as often, since they tend to be not wounded at all or dead (neither armor can take a single Sectopod hit though).

Aside from all that I noticed that the Skullstrider seems to be more easily discernibly superior to Moongose in 0-G space missions in particular.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 11, 2022, 10:45:16 pm
resistance is applied before armor, and is a % of the damage. Armor is a flat subtraction from hit.

Skullstrider is better defense up to a point, the mongoose at best case only fully tank a plasma hit of up to 140 power, the same as the worst faceing on the strider.
However at the point where both start taking damage(166 incoming) the mongoose starts to narrow the gap and eventually pulls ahead starting at 200 incoming plasma.

Also worth noteing the mongoose will last longer against lower value armor shred because the resist will reduce the shred amount.

The ideal would be the skullstrider with carried resistance gear such as zort jacket.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: qwertzy on January 12, 2022, 05:01:00 am
It seems you only get the Zortium Jacket after the shadow realm missions questline. I tried doing that but gave up since my soldiers got further in age (collecting Immortal awards) and I was still in the "repeat the first mission type until further notice" part. So I just went to Cydonia without it. But I cerainly did go with the whole durathread Braa, armored corset and studded stockings set.

Anyway the does the bootypedia site somewhere show how exactly hitbox size of armor influences gameplay, I missed it so far.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 12, 2022, 05:32:23 pm
it does not, because it's very complex for what is a relatively minor result. It could not be adequately explained without picking apart and exposing the inner working of how the game manages 3d space and how shots actually travel. and that would then demand further explanations of how non standard weapons like arcing and shot guns really work.

Much illusion would be lost, and would require probably take 7-8 pages to do justice, for what amounts to your model is slightly fatter you will get missed a few % point less.

to be clear, A bigger model means something that does not pick the best cone of fire has more surface area to maybe strike. More near misses become hits, but anything that was a clear hit or miss didn't change.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on January 13, 2022, 01:12:23 pm
I am having a big think over the following: I have some 3 enemy bases on the map (2 merc and 1 star gods). I tried them when they appeared and was defeated badly. Now, after some time i feel I could maybe wreck a merc base now, but  it would still be a very bloody on my part (loosing some high-level gals and power armour I made from downed enemy over the months), and with little useful loot to show for it (Gauss guns are coded, and I already have lots of cash).
Also generate enough infamy to tank the infamy penalty for enemy bases.
So my question is are there any other problems from leaving enemy bases alone, that would warrant the high losses in manpower and irreplaceable materials?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on January 13, 2022, 02:11:12 pm
So my question is are there any other problems from leaving enemy bases alone, that would warrant the high losses in manpower and irreplaceable materials?
Nope. Moreover - score penalty from bases easily counter by burning their supply ships (even without ground mission)
And 4 trained Syn with melee laser weapons can easily take merc base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 14, 2022, 03:34:47 am
So long as you can afford the score hits, merc and star god bases are only worth hitting if you need there VIPs still since there assured to spawn one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on January 20, 2022, 09:22:09 am
Quick technical question:
Is there a way (hotkey I guess) to see trigger zones of active mines and blast zones of grenades active and on the ground?
Also is there a way to see how far can your soldier throw a grenade hi is holding without actually trying to throw it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ElGrillo on January 21, 2022, 04:25:40 am
anybody knows the mission ID for the orbital ship with a Syn ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 21, 2022, 06:50:58 am
Quick technical question:
Is there a way (hotkey I guess) to see trigger zones of active mines and blast zones of grenades active and on the ground?
Also is there a way to see how far can your soldier throw a grenade hi is holding without actually trying to throw it?
No, but it's always the ring of adjacent squares. proximity radius is fixed. The map window will show items on the ground including thrown proximity weapons. enemy or map mines are hidden.

Range for throwing is based of a formula. Range= 2.5 x strength/weight. So a gal with 60 str throwing a grenade that weighs 3 would be 66.67. The exception is thrown weapons with fixed max range, or powerfall off.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 23, 2022, 01:01:36 pm
So, anyone  know how exactly battle glamour works?  Seems pretty mysterious, although I have a vague idea.  Here's my best guess:

+ Some default glamour by mission/enemy? maybe?
+ 1 glamour per gal in a glamourous outfit (bikini/party dress/ hoverbike only)
+ bonus glamour for craft (12 little bird? 6 v8?)
+ glamour for saved civilian?

If turns finished <=3 no glamour loss
if turns finished >= 10 lose all glamour

If in between lose a percentage.

Still a little confused at the process.  E.g. in game doing the initial academy nurse I get some glamour with the airbus, but in quick battle doing just some scout mission with a rat gives no glamour for the bus but lots of glamour for little bird.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on January 23, 2022, 04:01:03 pm
Well, if it so important for ya...
There is enemies, who carries glamour as item, and some enemies (like robots or rats) carries not.
Some glamour you can acquire if you finish mission in few turns - about 7 glamour if you finish in first turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 23, 2022, 11:08:50 pm
Yeah, I did a little more digging, and looks like it's both:  enemies and missions can give glamour as well as the ship/armor.  But there's no flat bonus for finishing early:  Finishing early just is a matter of whether you retain any of the accumulated glamour.  So if you finish on turn 1 but didn't earn any glamour from all of the above factors you get 0.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 24, 2022, 05:43:50 am
Finishing early just prevents decay of already present glamor. Glamour is on a timer like a grenade if it's part of the map drops, while self generated is not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 24, 2022, 06:14:30 am
Ah, are you sure about that though?  Like if you do 4 gals in bikinis on a little bird in quick battle and finish in 11 turns you get 0 glamour (16 if you finish on turn 1, 4 from bikinis, 12 from the bird).  Unless all of this glamour is considered part of the map drop (armor/craft/map). Or maybe I just don't know what the "self generated" part you said means
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on January 24, 2022, 06:11:03 pm
Doses protect from star god's mind control?
It increases resistance to Mind, but I can't find Stargod Mind control description to see if it works by dealing mind damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on January 24, 2022, 08:39:55 pm
Doses protect from star god's mind control?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on January 25, 2022, 09:11:06 am
Ah, are you sure about that though?  Like if you do 4 gals in bikinis on a little bird in quick battle and finish in 11 turns you get 0 glamour (16 if you finish on turn 1, 4 from bikinis, 12 from the bird).  Unless all of this glamour is considered part of the map drop (armor/craft/map). Or maybe I just don't know what the "self generated" part you said means
Honestly neither do I concretely. it might not even be true anymore now that i think about it. Minor balance things like this change all the time without really being documented.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on January 25, 2022, 03:40:25 pm
Is there something that does?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on January 25, 2022, 05:59:35 pm

In all seriousness, here's some things that can help:

-2x2 units are immune, so feel free to use whatever explosives you want on these
-High voodoo power helps
-Bravery helps, although high bravery mostly won't hard counter anything more powerful than an academy esper
-Some armors have really high vdef (voodoo defense) e.g. annihiliator, purgatoria, sorceress, syn armor, etc   You'll have to check this on the pedia yourself, but generally a vdef of 140 is pretty darned good.
-Last resort, psi decoys and kill em first.  Psions can and will mind control a parrot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 01, 2022, 08:55:26 am
Another thing:
If during alien attack on my hideout, hangar is damaged (much explosives, nukes), (after I win the fight) will craft assigned to that hangar be destroyed, or forced to relocate to another hideout (and what happens if there are no free hangars in other hideouts)?
I have to decide whenever I should continue the fight or load pre-assault save, as I could not bear to loose the codex craft assigned to that hangar, and the fight will take some few hours IRL  to conclude (time which i don't want to waste if i have to load to save said craft anyway).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 01, 2022, 09:07:25 am
Every time a missile has hit a hangar, my craft has been destroyed in previous versions, craft armaments included.  I don't think the ruined hangar change would change this since it's hangar capacity is 0.  I actually always sell the codex hull in jack sparrow because of the missiles because of this, it's pretty annoying.

That said, facilities seem to be able to survive a lot of damage in base defense, to the point that I'm not even sure the vanilla mechanic even works in x-piratez or was removed or something.  I remember my base being blasted to hell with blaster launchers and plasma and not seeing anything destroyed.  People use barrel bombs all the time, and the main concern is usually whether or not it blows up inventory.


Assuming oxce inherited vanilla mechanics, I found this on ufopaedia:

Doing too much damage to a room can also collapse it, and you will lose that room permanently. Any rooms that can only be accessed by going through the collapsed room will also be lost. Spawn-point rooms such as Living Quarters, Stores, Access Lift, and Hangars (plus the Alien Containment chamber) can't be collapsed."

Given gals seem to spawn darn near everywhere, I'm curious what facilities actually aren't safe if this is true.

Actually, maybe this is why I've never seen it happen, from ufopaedia:

"Fortunately, these tiles only exist on the upper floors of your base, and the aliens make no attempt to target them once they encounter your troops (... if they don't encounter your troops, they'll spend the first few dozen turns beelining these tiles - and if they're allowed to reach one under the CE version of the game, when they fire it'll crash). While explosions on the lower floors may damage the upper flooring, they leave the furnishings unscathed - even if the floor gives way completely, they'll still hang safely in midair. Presumably the builders had the foresight to attach them to the ceiling with wires."
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 01, 2022, 06:50:32 pm
XPZ does use the feature, and everything but the lift is destructible in combat, thou most facilities are pretty resilient unless your using really wide area explosives. Some facilities even helpfully highlight the tiles that count towards destruction like the hanger with red lights on the floor of the target tiles. iirc greater then half of the target tiles need to be destroyed for the facility to count as broken. So for a hanger 3/4.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 01, 2022, 10:48:56 pm
Don't know if this is a dumb question, but is there any functional difference between Hands (Bought) vs Escaped lunatics (or any other type of gal) other than their initial stats ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 01, 2022, 11:02:25 pm
Don't know if this is a dumb question, but is there any functional difference between Hands (Bought) vs Escaped lunatics (or any other type of gal) other than their initial stats ?

There's at least one mission where you can only send escaped lunatics, and not just any hands. There could be more, but I can't recall.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 01, 2022, 11:04:00 pm
The two gal variants have slightly different salaries, initial stats, maximum stat caps. Hands are also disqualified from attending a couple of story centric missions concerning the escaped lunatics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 01, 2022, 11:40:47 pm
The two gal variants have slightly different salaries, initial stats, maximum stat caps. Hands are also disqualified from attending a couple of story centric missions concerning the escaped lunatics.

I'm mostly concerned about stat caps, how do they compare between all variants ? Also, i'm not sure if i clarified myself correctly, but when i said Escaped Lunatic i also referred to Castaway Gals, althoguh i am currently confused if they are in the same category anymore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 02, 2022, 12:36:35 am
If you sort by soldier type, castaways and escaped lunatics are under the same type (1), and I think hired hands are under a different type.  So I doubt there's any difference besides the condemnation.

You can find the stats in piratez.rul.  Just cntrl-f "soldiersPerSergeant" and below that shows all the stat caps of everyone.  There's really not a whole lot of difference between ubers.  The hands page on ufopaedia is possibly the only page that's still somewhat accurate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 02, 2022, 11:21:25 am
Hello, I need some assistance I'm afraid
I was using older mod version (v.M1 29-Aug-2021) since i started some time ago, and today I was uncircumspect and pressed "update open xcom" button in main menu, and now xpiratez don't load. loading screen shows error:
Is there a way to roll it back or otherwise rescue my game progress? (or install the last piratez version on top of old one, if that won't conflict with old version's saves)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on February 02, 2022, 11:29:20 am
Hello, I need some assistance I'm afraid
I was using older mod version (v.M1 29-Aug-2021) since i started some time ago, and today I was uncircumspect and pressed "update open xcom" button in main menu, and now xpiratez don't load. loading screen shows error:
Is there a way to roll it back or otherwise rescue my game progress?

1/ Quickest way is to install piratez fresh to a new destination and copy your saved game
2/ Also a quick option is to just manually downgrade OXCE
3/ You can try fixing validation errors, but that's probably too slow and need a lot of support

4/ if you want you can also upgrade piratez version... the newest one is compatible with newest OXCE
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 02, 2022, 02:25:09 pm
1/ Quickest way is to install piratez fresh to a new destination and copy your saved game
2/ Also a quick option is to just manually downgrade OXCE
3/ You can try fixing validation errors, but that's probably too slow and need a lot of support

4/ if you want you can also upgrade piratez version... the newest one is compatible with newest OXCE
Thanks mate, it helped!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: S1mancoder on February 02, 2022, 07:33:15 pm
Is lack of a hat slot in Hyena Rider outfit intended or an unfortunate oversight? Turanian gals even come with a Demon Skull and cant even use it... and worst of all, I can't make them wear Ushanka!

P. S. Also, Yankes scripts related: would Ushanka's or other items that give you resists work if you hold it in hand slot in X-Piratez? I tried reading the script and couldnt find if there is any sort of slot-exclusiveness (other than general limitation that it is only allowed for hands+hat).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: WrenchInThePlan on February 03, 2022, 12:12:57 am
What difficulty would you recommend I play on? I've been playing this mod on and off for some time and usually wind up losing or just restarting a game. I'd like to know what you folks would recommend I choose for difficulty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: splic3r on February 03, 2022, 03:26:21 am
My first game was john silver? like the second difficulty. It wasn't over the top difficult, some missions were easy (but they appear to be easy on davy jones now too) and a lot felt really engaging. I see nothing wrong with starting  john silver.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 03, 2022, 03:49:45 am
In L series I would've said choose anything except jack sparrow your first game.  But ninjas very suddenly become a big thing midgame in M series.  If it's your first time I would start on john silver.

As a comparison, Blackbeard is around the same difficulty currently as jack sparrow in L9 and earlier.

Captain kidd is a tutorial, has missing features.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 03, 2022, 02:38:28 pm
How to get a craft weapon by march / start of april? I'm on difficulty 2 and theres shit flying everywhere which im not used to. But i can't seem to find even a 14mm Chaingun anywhere to fight with. Any pointers for dealing with air this early on ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 03, 2022, 03:05:41 pm
How to get a craft weapon by march / start of april? I'm on difficulty 2 and theres shit flying everywhere which im not used to. But i can't seem to find even a 14mm Chaingun anywhere to fight with. Any pointers for dealing with air this early on ?

Little Bird is the kinda edgy, but fully workable option. As far as I can say, it was added exactly for that purpose.
If you don't want to go down that path, there isn't any obvious alternative, just ignore the air traffic for a while and hope to get the right research topics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Requiem on February 03, 2022, 03:14:04 pm
Not sure if that not trolling. There is a research topic litterally called "We Need Craft Weapons" wich will give you first 14mm for free, further research will open manufacturing and finally contacts to just buy 25mm.
Wich a requierments for Captain's Log #2 event? 3rd year still no event for diplomacy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 03, 2022, 04:24:24 pm
Little Bird is the kinda edgy, but fully workable option. As far as I can say, it was added exactly for that purpose.
If you don't want to go down that path, there isn't any obvious alternative, just ignore the air traffic for a while and hope to get the right research topics.

I suppose its worth a try, that or the Iron Tribe Necrofighter. My problem with ignoring air traffic is that i typically see giant spikes as early as feb but mostly in march that makes my score go negative, damaging my economy pretty substantially.

Not sure if that not trolling. There is a research topic litterally called "We Need Craft Weapons" wich will give you first 14mm for free, further research will open manufacturing and finally contacts to just buy 25mm.
Wich a requierments for Captain's Log #2 event? 3rd year still no event for diplomacy.

Not trolling. The We Need Craft Weapons research only gives me an ammo box, not a weapon. I know how to get weapons down the line, my trouble is the fact that i feel like i need to have a workable air defense solution as early as March in order to not have my score obliterated by the hordes of Thunderbolt planes flying around.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on February 03, 2022, 04:29:43 pm
You can also just let the air traffic go in April.  I skip Little Birds and Necrofighters completely.
Didn't get an airgame until June/July with an Aircar, and now in August and doing fine with my ShadowCraft.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Requiem on February 03, 2022, 04:40:35 pm
Sorry then, some questions seems obvious to me.
Contacts with Krazy Hanna or little bird construction are not too deep in research tree as i remember.
If you manage to shoot down one necroplane and unlock necroplane parts recycling then you will swim in 14mm chainguns.
Other sources are codex weapons, also there can be missions with bandits who have 25mm cannon but these are rng.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 03, 2022, 06:41:34 pm
Sorry then, some questions seems obvious to me.
Contacts with Krazy Hanna or little bird construction are not too deep in research tree as i remember.
If you manage to shoot down one necroplane and unlock necroplane parts recycling then you will swim in 14mm chainguns.
Other sources are codex weapons, also there can be missions with bandits who have 25mm cannon but these are rng.

Contact Crazy Hanna is posible only if you find Light Machine gun. So not only you need to get a prepper mission but also hope for that gun to spawn, it happens most of the time tho.
There is also that Highway house mission for 25mm cannon which can easily go very bad.
You are more likely to get a smal craft to land nearby and get your first 25mm cannon from it.
Shadow master crafts are tricky to get because of heavy RNG dependence.

So, in short. Little bird is the only quick way and can be done early February. After that you are RNG dependent and you may be stuck to the ground for a couple of monts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 03, 2022, 11:40:31 pm
Most of the score loss is from ninjas, although yeah being able to shoot down the bandits is very handy.  I initially thought score loss was unmanageable when first starting the ninja update, but the dips in score are mostly temporary:  every time ninjas make a base you get a massive infamy hit, but not much on the off months.

So yeah, being able to shoot things down is very nice but not critical.  Unlocking missions is still the best way to increase infamy.

That said, here's actually a lot of way to get cheap ammo weapons, heres some more ways not mentioned:
-Do every underwater mission you can (aside from jellyfish and sharks).  If you get 2 sonic oscillator parts then you can make yourself a nice cannon-tier weapon
-Grey codex starts with a few shots of phantom bolts, which you can use to shoot down a wasp or megapol car with an airspeeder.  These always have 25mm cannons as loot iirc.
-Red codex starts with lil-ilya.  Although it's not cost effective to shoot down thunderbolts  and civilians with spike rockets really.  It's a little dicey shooting down a wasp/megapol in an aircar with lil ilya, but it... should be doable?
-Jack's 30mm cannons prize gives you cannons
-Light craft weapons allows you to make them from scrap, although you should probably be rolling in 30mm/50mm parts (crafted with the very simple craft weapons assembly) by then so it's mostly redundant these days.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 04, 2022, 12:56:14 am
P. S. Also, Yankes scripts related: would Ushanka's or other items that give you resists work if you hold it in hand slot in X-Piratez? I tried reading the script and couldnt find if there is any sort of slot-exclusiveness (other than general limitation that it is only allowed for hands+hat).
The effect works in any slot it's allowed in. Thou most such items limited to one instance. No triple wielding hats.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: WrenchInThePlan on February 04, 2022, 06:30:54 am
I'm definitely doing something wrong with my current campaign, but I'm not sure what. My Infamy in the past three months has consistently fallen sharply(down to "Big Joke" levels). I'm not really that good at battles so far, occasionally losing a gal (and sometimes I feel like I straight-up bring the wrong kit for the job, like pistols to a map that turns out to be wide open), and I haven't had much luck with the airgame so far (so far I can't buy or make a single craft weapon).

Any way for me, early on in the game, to intercept or at least disrupt air activity without depending on (I think) luck to have craft land within my hideout's radar range?

And what things should I be doing in the early game in general? Even telling me the very obvious might be helpful (again, I'm clearly doing something wrong, but I don't know what).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 04, 2022, 06:36:17 am

This is super old, and has some outdated advice regarding selling buildings, but it's decent.  Someday when I'm not feeling lazy I'll make a new one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Requiem on February 04, 2022, 08:25:06 am
Wich a requierments for Captain's Log #2 event? 3rd year still no event for diplomacy.
Still in question.

In general.. Well, in my opinion in the first year all you need to do is unlock all possible !missions! and contacts, also you want to unlock rpg, maybe warrior armor or even chain mail. And thats it. First year is relativly calm. As Greep said, all score jumps around april mostly are coused by ninjas and factions building their outposts. Shooting down flying stuff early doesnt change this too much.
After this it is a rush for tanks. Not sure wich nerfs were for them, but game is still dividing on before tanks unlock and after.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 04, 2022, 08:34:16 am

       STR_PERSUASION: true
       STR_SAT_NETWORK: true
       STR_CHRONICLES_001: true
       STR_MEIDO_OUTFIT: true
       STR_ONSEN: true
       STR_PLOTTING: true

Captains log 1
earth's sattelite network
the social heirarchy
pirate traditions
*no targetting civilians*
contact smugglers
bikini production
maid outfit
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Requiem on February 04, 2022, 08:42:47 am
Thank you, i miss *no targetting civilians* i guess . Thought maybe there will be some limo with mages or something like that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 07, 2022, 07:18:28 pm
What's a good economic plan for someone on diff 2 whos struggling?

How many runts/brainers to have by which month in order to be fine?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 07, 2022, 08:14:27 pm
Researching to unlock all mission types as they become available, as well as plantations and brewing is the universal economic plan. Dedicated and expendable plantation bases can be gradually rolled out after 6 months or so. Stills for brewing will typically become available much later.

What is fine is a bit open to interpretation. As long as you have filled the Old Earth Lab to capacity, make an honest attempt at hitting every mission you see (with the exception of pogroms and maybe lokk'narr village defence and Ratmen Rodeos) and 30 runts by June, I think you're doing ok.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 07, 2022, 08:21:06 pm
Researching to unlock all mission types as they become available, as well as plantations and brewing is the universal economic plan. Dedicated and expendable plantation bases can be gradually rolled out after 6 months or so. Stills for brewing will typically become available much later.

What is fine is a bit open to interpretation. As long as you have filled the Old Earth Lab to capacity, make an honest attempt at hitting every mission you see (with the exception of pogroms and maybe lokk'narr village defence and Ratmen Rodeos) and 30 runts by June, I think you're doing ok.

Old Earth Lab to capacity by June ? Do you fund this with plantation bases early or how would one do this ? I find the maintence costs staggering after reaching 8~ Brainers and bad months can easily send the economy straight to hell.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on February 07, 2022, 09:58:56 pm
Can aynone describe in few words whats behind "peasant pevolution" update?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 07, 2022, 10:06:13 pm
A low tech, infinitely available and free outfit, a big and slow battery powered troop transport craft and some flavour text.

It's the latest mutually exclusive branch, so the content available will never compare to the original branches that are however many years old at this point.

Full changelog here. (,3626.0.html)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 07, 2022, 11:01:01 pm
Old Earth Lab to capacity by June ? Do you fund this with plantation bases early or how would one do this ? I find the maintence costs staggering after reaching 8~ Brainers and bad months can easily send the economy straight to hell.

This is how I do first half of a year.
January - Make 5 burrows and either buy a brainer day one or wait to build mess hall.
February -  Day one, buy runts up to 50 total and if cash allows 1-2 brainers. If no mess hall, try to build one in middle of month so you can research guild wars mission before month ends.
Now it's s big rush to get Large barracks.Depending on cash condition slowly add brainers. 1-2 a month. Fill remaining space with runts and remove them one by one if needed.
Until now I did not consider making dedicated farm bases. So I would only expand when alchemy was near.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 07, 2022, 11:10:01 pm
Brainers are a bit of a conundrum in that if you're experienced, they will pay for themselves quite quickly, if not, they will utterly tank your economy.  I would recommend doing what ultimoos says, and first get bounty hunting, cunning and 50 runts in burrows before ballooning your brainers unless you know exactly the research path you're taking.

Piratez also has an extreme level of luck in the first half year.  Some campaigns you'll get multiple landed freighters before february giving you millions of dolaros per landing and infinite supply of craft ammo.  Other times you will literally get no missions at all.  You can theoretically have an unwinnable campaign on captain kidd even.  Europe and thebes (north africa) starts are better for more landings IIRC

So honestly if you're getting crushed under brainer maintenance, might just want to restart.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 08, 2022, 02:47:17 pm
I bumped into a problem when sending Hunt party to a Primal Hunt:
Primal hunt description says hyena riders can participate, and rightly so as I can hardly imagine something more stone age AND hunting than nude beast riding chicks ;)
Problem is, Hunt party doesn't allow crew to equip Hyena rider (presumably because it's big unit and Hunt party doesn't allow those).

Any solutions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on February 08, 2022, 04:23:28 pm
Unforunately, you will not be able to use the hunt party with hyenas.

You need the larger Raiding Party which is both primal AND can accomodate up to 3 yeenas.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: just_dont on February 08, 2022, 08:07:30 pm
Old Earth Lab to capacity by June ? Do you fund this with plantation bases early or how would one do this ? I find the maintence costs staggering after reaching 8~ Brainers and bad months can easily send the economy straight to hell.
It is fairly important to use your brainers properly: do not research stuff that takes too long but offers no immediate benefits, do research new missions, avoid locking yourself out of a good deal of tech tree by neglecting to research some of the early tech (e.g. our culture -> all 4 aspects).
Tech tree viewer is your best friend here, it's not really possible (not anymore anyway) to navigate through Piratez tech without it.

New missions research is incredibly important, not doing it in a timely manner (e.g. bounty hunting no later than March, etc) will make you lose a lot of potential score points, important loot, and tons of opportunities. Remember that researching a new missions tech in a month X will make those missions appear no sooner than the next month.

Every single research topic awards you with some score, but some (like interrogating people for the first time) award notably more. So paying attention to tech cost (visible in the top left corner of the tech viewer) is important too: researching some too advanced (for your current timeframe) tech will use your brainer-days, but will offer no benefits (as most shiny stuff in Piratez require you to have multiple same-level techs, not just one) and net you very little score.

For the first 6 months or so, brainers easily cover their own expenses due to research score awards, as long as you're not neglecting missions and bringing new stuff and captives for the research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 08, 2022, 09:03:44 pm
This is how I do first half of a year.
January - Make 5 burrows and either buy a brainer day one or wait to build mess hall.
February -  Day one, buy runts up to 50 total and if cash allows 1-2 brainers. If no mess hall, try to build one in middle of month so you can research guild wars mission before month ends.
Now it's s big rush to get Large barracks.Depending on cash condition slowly add brainers. 1-2 a month. Fill remaining space with runts and remove them one by one if needed.
Until now I did not consider making dedicated farm bases. So I would only expand when alchemy was near.

Hi everyone, your tips have been very helpful so far, i found simply planning out and getting 2 brainers every month until June to max it out worked out nicely. But i have a question now.

^ in the above quote Ultimoos suggests building 5 Burrows and rushing the large barracks. So my question is, if i build 4 burrows in a 2x2 pattern, can you build the large barracks ontop of those 4 ? I know you can do it for similarly sized facilities, but i have never dared to try and experiment incase it doesn't actually work.

Edit: I realized shortly after posting that my question may not be that wise either way, as i would need to have 40 excess crew space to actually perform the upgrade if it's even possible. I suppose it still doesn't hurt to know if it's possible or not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 08, 2022, 09:40:59 pm
Hi everyone, your tips have been very helpful so far, i found simply planning out and getting 2 brainers every month until June to max it out worked out nicely. But i have a question now.

^ in the above quote Ultimoos suggests building 5 Burrows and rushing the large barracks. So my question is, if i build 4 burrows in a 2x2 pattern, can you build the large barracks ontop of those 4 ? I know you can do it for similarly sized facilities, but i have never dared to try and experiment incase it doesn't actually work.

Edit: I realized shortly after posting that my question may not be that wise either way, as i would need to have 40 excess crew space to actually perform the upgrade if it's even possible. I suppose it still doesn't hurt to know if it's possible or not.

Unfortunately you can not put a large building over small ones. You have to plan ahead which is very hard when you do not even know what buildings and how many you'll need later.
Try to save 2x2 spaces in your base if possible for large facilities. Notably: large barracks, large vaults, large prison. All are really optional but are more effective space wise than regular facilities. You'll never be able to cramp all buildings you need in to the main base. But you can always try to rearrange things later on.

And now I have a quick question.
Are there any 3x3 facilities in XPiratez?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 08, 2022, 09:51:20 pm
Unfortunately you can not put a large building over small ones. You have to plan ahead which is very hard when you do not even know what buildings and how many you'll need later.
Try to save 2x2 spaces in your base if possible for large facilities. Notably: large barracks, large vaults, large prison. All are really optional but are more effective space wise than regular facilities. You'll never be able to cramp all buildings you need in to the main base. But you can always try to rearrange things later on.

And now I have a quick question.
Are there any 3x3 facilities in XPiratez?

How would you go about defensibility in layout? Does people here just build facilities wherever or do you try to maintain a defensible setup? Because planning ahead while trying to maintain choke points seems quite difficult.

Also to answer your question, the online Bootypedia has the Factory, which is the only 3x3 structure i found while browsing in the past.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 08, 2022, 10:23:44 pm
How would you go about defensibility in layout? Does people here just build facilities wherever or do you try to maintain a defensible setup? Because planning ahead while trying to maintain choke points seems quite difficult.

Also to answer your question, the online Bootypedia has the Factory, which is the only 3x3 structure i found while browsing in the past.

Thanks, that makes things easier.

About defense. I do not care about that in main base. It's main base after all. The place where you have all the strongest and best equipped. If I can take on mercenaries and cyberdisks in open field I can deal with them with plenty of cover to hide behind. Also. I did not get a single retaliation until the 3rd year and I shoot things down without care (John Silver). Up till now it was only roaming bands of your standard rats doom guys and ninjas, from which ninjas are most concerning. Someone mentioned earlier that "Fire pit" facility is extremely effective and can be researched relatively early.
The most annoying thing about base defense are sewers and maintenance corridors. Usually a couple of invaders go there and it can take a lot of time to hunt them down.

Be ware of assassin ninjas. They carry suicide bombs in base invasions that can not be disarmed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on February 08, 2022, 10:34:20 pm
Defenses in hideouts... ie the classic long corridor can be a bit tricky in Xpiratez due to the churn of new facilities that you want to upgrade or add to your base.

One trick that I have found very useful is building Hangars and Access lift (where enemies traditionally spawn in one location.  Then simply build your barracks adjacent to the hangars etc.   This put your troops which spawn in the barracks close to the enemy.  The barracks have rooms with doors at the bottom of the stairs to allow ducking out of sight when tackling enemies on the ground floor.  Troops which spawn closest to the ladder in the barrack living level can go up on the first turn to the airvents and get in position to fire down on the enemies in the hangars the next turn.  Grenades, rockets, etc are great but even a couple rifles to drop the drones in the early nurse raids are great.

A final bit of defense:  I fought off a Ninja raid in a secondary base with a Beast Den, 20 dogs and landmines.  Primed all the mines before battle, and put them in the dog's inventories.  When the dogs rushed the ninjas they would often make it up to the enemy.  A bite might draw a reaction that insta killed the dog, but then the armed landmine would take them out when they moved.  Won't work in every situation, and best to back it up with a real defense team but it worked on the cheap. 
Don't recommend for Jack Sparrow.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 09, 2022, 12:16:58 am
Still, you all feel like posting some pictures of your bases?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Requiem on February 09, 2022, 12:24:20 am
This is how i build my outposts. Fire pits really good. Still want to try gas chambers.

screen1 - Plantations. I will be not to mad if i loose them. It's funny but i managed to defend them against academy with just 1 looted cyberdisk and 2 rookies, it was probably quickest defence i had in whole run. They all just burned in these fire pits. I think if some particular ninjas decide to explode in these pits it will be even faster.

screen2 - There will be warehouses and i dont want any sieges there, hangar will be replaced by 4 more lasers soon.

screen3 - Maybe there will be a factory after some rearrangements, still not decided.

screen4 - Just to give you idea for base with hangars. Outpost should be below fire pit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 09, 2022, 01:48:25 am
This is how i build my outposts. Fire pits really good. Still want to try gas chambers.

screen1 - Plantations. I will be not to mad if i loose them. It's funny but i managed to defend them against academy with just 1 looted cyberdisk and 2 rookies, it was probably quickest defence i had in whole run. They all just burned in these fire pits. I think if some particular ninjas decide to explode in these pits it will be even faster.

screen2 - There will be warehouses and i dont want any sieges there, hangar will be replaced by 4 more lasers soon.

screen3 - Maybe there will be a factory after some rearrangements, still not decided.

screen4 - Just to give you idea for base with hangars. Outpost should be below fire pit.

These are all very interesting! I particularly like screen4, very nice way to funnel all of them into the fire pits !

Anyone else want to share ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 09, 2022, 03:33:29 am
@requiem, sadly gas chambers are not particularly useful I've heard:  Pretty much every dangerous or enemy you want to capture in a base defense has choking resist.  Everything burns, though

Here's a jack sparrow setup I tried out.  5 OC radars for early game raid and missile immunity.  excessive prison and vault space for hoes and recon expeditions (the smaller prisons will be built over, though).  Main base has harvester for missions, pachyderm for space missions and landings.  Side base has a car for Bandit warehouse/aircar race, and jetbike for easy early game ships and tailing ships, and a hangar on the way for a blowfish for sea missions.   No dedicated garrison in either base, the extension base just has 2 pilots.

I don't think the radars defenses was worth it, since I needed 10 million before building the second base which meant only 2 hangars for more than half a year, and I had to ransom a bunch of my hoes.  Plus I'll need to raise another 5million for a third base.

On the other hand, that run is still kickin'
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Requiem on February 09, 2022, 03:34:58 am
I actually have crazy idea to make trap-base in the radar range of ninja bases with elevator in one corner and outpost in opposite and just to fill whole base only with fire pits, gas chambers and beast dens. Like, if they want to siege my bases so much, then let them come.  :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on February 09, 2022, 05:04:59 am
Be ware of assassin ninjas. They carry suicide bombs in base invasions that can not be disarmed.

Those bombs suck!! They can't be disarmed but won't explode if a gal picks them up. Probably everyone know that by now, just saying
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 09, 2022, 06:17:28 am
I have to mention that depending on single fire pit for defence is somewhat riskey, as firepits are disabled by strong explosions inside their corridors, so an enemy exploding inside may clear the way for others to pass through
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on February 09, 2022, 08:42:08 am
Those bombs suck!! They can't be disarmed but won't explode if a gal picks them up. Probably everyone know that by now, just saying
Lol! Guess I'm the last to know! My gals say, "Thank you Fugazza!"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on February 10, 2022, 03:56:24 am
How can I make the Whiteworm Mansion Invasion able?

Edit 2/15/22: The answer is to go to the Pirate_Globals.Rul file, search for STARCON_EMANSION, scroll down to allowedCraft (currently line 3990) and overwrite one of the allowed craft with WHITEWORM.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 10, 2022, 04:50:57 am
You don't. You send your Bonaventura, maybe a Turtle or a Pachyderm.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on February 10, 2022, 06:06:47 pm
I have a question about condemnations.
What means "Repeating it (*) times is required for Third Iron Skull"?

Like "Master of the Weapon_name" - 75 for Third Iron Skull, but that's not that amount for maximum level, it's 500 kills.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 10, 2022, 06:53:17 pm
It tells you the requirement for reaching level 4 of a given commendation. From there the player can intuit the scale of grinding required for high levels, whilst keeping the maximum of level 10 unknown.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: LadonLegend on February 12, 2022, 09:39:57 pm
What do you think is the best starting location for its bonuses? I've found that romanica with its weapons and items to sell for cash is nice.

Also, are weed plantations better than regular plantations? I did the math, but I unless I did it wrong, it doesn't really seem worth the hassle.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 12, 2022, 10:05:33 pm
What do you think is the best starting location for its bonuses? I've found that romanica with its weapons and items to sell for cash is nice.

Also, are weed plantations better than regular plantations? I did the math, but I unless I did it wrong, it doesn't really seem worth the hassle.

I quite like spawning on the southeastern tip of the Iron Tribe. You get a bunch of scrap, in particular 30 pieces of Necroplane Parts. Because you start with knowledge of the Iron Tribe, you can rush the Daredevil aircraft and troll the Thunderbolts that fly around. Not the best for radar coverage of land though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on February 13, 2022, 12:22:07 am
What do you think is the best starting location for its bonuses? I've found that romanica with its weapons and items to sell for cash is nice.

Also, are weed plantations better than regular plantations? I did the math, but I unless I did it wrong, it doesn't really seem worth the hassle.

I play on Jack Sparrow difficulty, so start now always will be in Theban. 12 cheap and powerful peasants with weapons/armor.
Very helpful on missions, when your starting gals are still healing, and VERY effective against almost any Church units. Also solves problem for early underwater missions.
Penalty in 600 rating in exchange looks like joke.

Plantation makes sense, it you have no other way to get more weed in large amount. Like for Love clinic or for huge amount of Medical supplies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 13, 2022, 12:32:20 am
I agree, theban is best on higher difficulties.  It looks pretty bad on paper until you try it:  the peasants you get are actually near max stat peasants with aqua armor (gold shields).   You make up for it pretty quickly since the gold shields are are great for full capture on scientific experiments.  Also, the high stat soldiers and he grenades you get make doing an early landed very doable.  If you survive even one runabout or freighter that you wouldn't have it more than pays off the loss in infamy.

Also, when you get legion armor, these gals also have a ridiculous 19 night vision, better than chainmail armor against guns, and functions top notch in all weather.  Though you have to wait until you have a library for it.

Some other starts that made sense to me:
-Romanica (good males start)
-Iron tribes
-Hidden expanse

Rogue fields sounds interesting just for the country tech if you're going males route, for early QUAD.  But it's a crapshot when you get both beastmen and human citizens for social hierarchy.

Turan sounds cool, although I think that start gets you a hefty 777 capitatory tax from the starting continent bonus.

Regarding weed:  Weed is typically better.  One hidden detail you need to account for is base defense and base construction.  Paying X dolaros for plantations gives better income than X dolaros in weed plantations.  BUT building 2 weed plantation bases is better than building 3 plantation bases.

Unfortunately, this falls apart with almost any amount of difficulty sell price modification.  Even on blackbeard (90% sell price) it's hard to say what's better.  I've also had a hard time justifying plantation bases in the ninja update, although I'm not very good at defending against ninjas cheaply.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 13, 2022, 03:15:29 am
Turan sounds cool, although I think that start gets you a hefty 777 capitatory tax from the starting continent bonus.
not all of turan has the 777 tax penalty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Moon_Dew on February 13, 2022, 12:20:22 pm
Is there a list of sources for all the artwork?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 13, 2022, 12:22:42 pm
Country bonuses:
Your starting country is researched for free
The Confederation: 1 govt pistol, 3 big iron, 50 big pistol rounds (6 shots), 10 glamour, -150 infamy
Eurasian Autonomy: 1 baby nuke, 1 uranium weapons documentation, 1 govt fine
Iron Tribe: 8 junk piles, 30 necroplane parts, 50 chemicals, 50 scrap metal
Eurosyndicate: 6 super maids, 6 maid outfits, 9 gothic raygun clips, 3 energy weapon parts
Blackmarch: 1 gnome
Romanica: 6 crusader SS armors, 6 peasant nun outfits, 6 olde swordes, 6 quarterstaves, 1 golden cup, 1 golden cross
Nordfederation: 5 young ubers
Central Province: 75 sectoweed
Fuso: 3 fuso swords, 3 sudoku blades, 6 fans, 30 fuso knives, 20 glamour
Death Realms: 20 chitin plates, 10 animal poison, 10 spider silk, 20 demon skulls -75k dolaros
Hidden Expanse: 3 flak tower kits
Ghostgates: 24 slaves, 24 slave maids, 4 slave gladiatrices, 4 slave lashers
Rogue Fields: 5 govt fines
Theban Hive: 12 assault clone licenses, -600 infamy
Kingdom of Canada: 50 cultural wealth, 15 personal databases, 10 glamour, 3 govt personal codes, 1 exquisite lingerie
Cali Republic: 50 mutant porn, 50 glamour, 50 crack, 50 hideout cleaning bills
Dark Dominion: 3 arcane books, 2 esoterica
Latin Empire: 1 old earth books, -50 infamy
The Technocracy: 20 optronic parts
Pirate Straits: 3 hoes
Turan: 3 turanian gals
Steel Pact: 10 metal ores, 1 prepper box
Red Revolution: 10 workers
None: 2 lokk'naar scriptures, 3 grrrl guides, 1 of 6 free techs: animal poison, spider pilk, monster teeth, monster eye, luxury fur, chitin plates, +50 infamy

Continental bonuses:
Arctic: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit, +450 infamy
Antarctica: 6 tribal outfits, tech human polar outfit +700 infamy
Siberia: 8 luxury furs, tech ushanka, +200 infamy
North Atlantic: 6 tribal outfits, tech sea transport, +450 infamy
Europe: 3 rare earth elements, tech rare earth elements, -50 infamy
North America: 5 vodka,tech uber wheat, +200 infamy
South America: 10 each of red pepper, devil's pepper, egglant, orange, coconut, tech what do?, +450 infamy
North Africa: 6 beer, tech swag items (golden ankh, amphore, golden cup, golden cross, crown, ol' coins, diamond), -50 infamy
South Africa: 3 blowpipes and 24 blowpipe darts (3 shots each), tech monster hunting, +200 infamy
Central Asia: 777 capitulatory tax, tech necropirate, +200 infamy
South East Asia: 10 each of mutant fish, mutant egg, pumpkin, tech mutant egg, +200 infamy
Australasia: 20 explosive cannonballs, tech sea adventure, +450 infamy
Pacific: 1 hero, tech the deep ones, +700 infamy

Discord os oger. They are going to launch a new one on Matrix.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Moon_Dew on February 13, 2022, 01:02:07 pm
Anyone have a link to Matrix so I can get an account set up?

Also I have a question about the Hero unit, the one that looks like Kenshiro?  Do I need to research ?We Need Male Touch? before they start appearing, or will they appear at random regardless?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on February 13, 2022, 01:50:08 pm
No requirement for Hero units, you always can get a golden apple to summon one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 13, 2022, 07:27:24 pm
Anyone have a link to Matrix so I can get an account set up?
Contact me via DM pls, as we are not posting public links at this time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Moon_Dew on February 13, 2022, 07:29:25 pm
Is there a list of sources for all the artwork?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on February 14, 2022, 09:47:34 am
No single, unified source.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Moon_Dew on February 14, 2022, 03:10:16 pm
No single, unified source.

I know, hence why I asked for sources, plural.  I'm going to assume no one keeps a record of where it all came from, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: sanyaskillpro on February 14, 2022, 03:51:01 pm
By the way, here's one trick i've found. This little parcel of land where the base is (and some parts of alaska on the other side of the strait) counts as Pacific. So you could get the +700 bonus+hero and still have some decent land coverage. Or save some money building a secondary base, pacific is priced at 550k.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 14, 2022, 04:11:42 pm
I've raided UAC vault recently and was very surprised.
Instead of interesting story mission battle with cool loot, it was a dungeon slog shooting slime-things. thats it. no interesting opponents, researchable loot or  rare tech or anything.
Is this normal or some sort of bug??
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on February 14, 2022, 04:48:13 pm
I know, hence why I asked for sources, plural.  I'm going to assume no one keeps a record of where it all came from, right?

Definitive Short Answer:  No. 
All the Artwork is stuff that has caught Dioxine's eye over years of browsing the internet. Saved to a folder and move on.  Sources/Artists etc, not tracked.

If you are interested in trying to locate an original, Google image search has worked for me in the past.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on February 14, 2022, 06:48:01 pm
I've raided UAC vault recently and was very surprised.
Instead of interesting story mission battle with cool loot, it was a dungeon slog shooting slime-things. thats it. no interesting opponents, researchable loot or  rare tech or anything.
Is this normal or some sort of bug??

Normal, you're just unlucky.
You got most boring version of UAC vault, all other vaults are filled with imps and other Doom units.
Actually, the most important item from that vault is piece of UAC documentation, leads to Void research.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rallehop on February 14, 2022, 10:05:15 pm
Hi everyone, here with a curious question about the Scorpion.

I was thinking about a Red Codex run and i came to think about the Scorpions unique ability to spawn enemies close to the dropship.

How does this interact with missions where the dropship is not present? Like Ratmen Cache, or Isolated Valley?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on February 14, 2022, 10:51:13 pm
Hi everyone, here with a curious question about the Scorpion.

I was thinking about a Red Codex run and i came to think about the Scorpions unique ability to spawn enemies close to the dropship.

How does this interact with missions where the dropship is not present? Like Ratmen Cache, or Isolated Valley?

It has no effect on these missions.  Its strictly related to the ships footprint on the map... the mapblock that it uses has enemy spawn points close in. 
Other missions, like those you mentioned don't have the ship, thus no close spawnpoints.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Moon_Dew on February 15, 2022, 01:34:34 pm
How do you use those licenses you get from the Theban start to get the actual slaves?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on February 15, 2022, 01:50:19 pm
How do you use those licenses you get from the Theban start to get the actual slaves?

research, then workshop
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 17, 2022, 10:59:14 am
Need help
My base is keep being bombarded by Technocracy missile swarms.
I try to build defenses, but they are bombed out of existence before they finish building; PREDATOR interceptors i send can't catch up with the missile swarms.
What are my options? is technocracy just game mechanic to reign in my recent success, o are there missions I should research to stop their annoying missiles and super-interceptors coming?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Greep on February 17, 2022, 12:33:25 pm
If we're talking non-jack sparrow late game missile strikes, at that stage its better to just build the defenses in each base.  Eventually, they will stop hitting your base for the month and your defenses will stick.  Check this for more details, put defenses in every base:,8460.0.html   vulcans/sams are pretty attainable by that point

Basically, it's the event is a 50/50 chance each month to barrage one of your bases a few times (I've seen 1-6 barrages, so I have no clue what it's supposed to be by this point), and the 50/50 chance each month only shuts off when you uncover a lot of the technocracy plot stuff.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on February 18, 2022, 01:59:44 pm
Under what conditions are you able to detect enemy craft outside your radar range?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on February 18, 2022, 02:16:23 pm
If they're HKs, you have a 50% chance to find them outside your radar range
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Empereurraf on February 19, 2022, 06:18:15 pm
Hey folks, I am a bit block, am quite far in the game, got the voo doo school unlock but am not having enough space in my main hold out, so i was thinking of replace one of my small vault for a armored vault.

The issue is i can't find it in my construction menu and i don't know if this is a bug or am just blind.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 19, 2022, 08:10:04 pm
You need to research "heavy duty construction". You need a broken guild engeneer and some pre back to school research for that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Empereurraf on February 19, 2022, 10:15:45 pm
Huuh, alrighty, Thanks time to do some more research and find some poor guild enginer to interrogate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: GENVOKE on February 20, 2022, 08:58:12 pm
Any tips on taking down those 14mm Chaingun Turrets the Sky Ninnies have? Getting kinda tired mortaring it ~8 times while hiding  :'(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 21, 2022, 02:11:55 am
Mortar is a good option, it's simply a question of how many shells can you move from the loot pile to the mortar operator. It is genuinely a slow process, so starting the bombardment with one or two chem shells can speed things along.

EMP grenades, minibombs and even the superconductive cannonball can slowly and safely do the job from behind cover.

Direct fire weapons can be suicide; the turret will always begin the turn with a reaction score of 35, which is enough to react on any of your soldiers who fire sniper rifles or heavy weapons. Attacking at night will prevent it from reacting if you're hiding in darkness, then it's just a question of finding ninjas in the dark.

Never end your turn out in the open as the turret has sniper AI, regardless if it's a night mission or not. On the enemy turn it can absolutely attack anyone not hiding behind solid cover and LoF blocking terrain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Whatifred on February 22, 2022, 09:30:45 am
Anyone know if/where you can acquire "Zortrium crystal?"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 22, 2022, 11:35:27 am
Anyone know if/where you can acquire "Zortrium crystal?"

As far as I know, they can be found in Shadowrealms.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on February 22, 2022, 12:25:42 pm
Anyone know if/where you can acquire "Zortrium crystal?"
Two pieces of them you can acquire during "Mage villa" mission, and when you storm Canadian Palace
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Whatifred on February 22, 2022, 01:24:28 pm
Thank you both, I knew I got one someplace, was driving me nuts trying to remember WHERE I got it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on February 23, 2022, 06:24:55 am
I'm having a rough time figuring out how to get the Red Mage quest to spawn in the current version since it no longer comes up just from researching voodoo. I'm up to Mar 2604 on Red Codex. Do I just need to wait...more?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 23, 2022, 01:13:22 pm
There are a number of tech requirements involved. Do you have B rank bounty hunts unlocked?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on February 24, 2022, 02:00:48 am
I do have level B unlocked and I've been trying to do voodoo related research/missions. The tech tree viewer just lists red mage as an item with no prerequisites. I'm thinking there's some kind of in game event that starts the quest, but I'm feeling stumped on how to trigger it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 25, 2022, 06:31:19 pm
There is the Wasteland Sorceress event to kick the chain off; given enough time she is guaranteed to appear as long as you're not on the easiest difficulty. As long as you have researched the rights to buy voodoo equipment from the olde magic shoppe, you're mostly good to go.

The actual Red Mage Quest itself will enter the pool around the time the player has geared up for level B bounty missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: revenous on February 27, 2022, 11:43:09 pm
For the description of the fancy shawl there is a line that says, "RF: Cold 75/50".

There are other items that have a similar type of description, but I'm not sure what the RF means and how the mechanic works. Does anyone have additional information? Thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 28, 2022, 02:57:08 am
It's a shorthand for resistance factor. The number before the / is how much the item multiples resist by, the number after is the floor at which it will have no further impact.

The shorthand is needed since there is hard character limit for descriptions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 28, 2022, 03:06:25 am
Full bootypedia article on the subject:
'A class of items which boost Resistances of worn armor.
These items usually fit only certain slots in warrior's equipment, and start to work only the next half-turn after equipping. Effects usually stack unless items share same Gear Type, and even then, only Resistance Factor (RF) doesn't stack. RF is spelled as follows:
>Effectivity: by what factor Resistance is improved between current value and Boundary;
>Boundary: if the current resistance is at this level or better, effect is zero. By stacking, you can approach this value, with diminishing returns, but never reach it.
Lower numbers are better.'

There's a lot going on in one article. Just remember what legion has highlighted; the second number is the floor, and should be compared to the resistance value of your armour. If your armour already has a resistance lower than the floor, then the item is useless to you.

And no, you can't wear multiple hats. And even if you do find a way to equip multiple hats, you'll only get the benefit from one of them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: revenous on February 28, 2022, 04:26:57 am
Thanks for the additional information Legion1 and Marza. I really appreciate it, but I'm still having trouble understanding how this effects gameplay.

Would someone be able to help me with an example? Let's say I have a gal wearing Durathread armor with a 170% cold damage modifier, but she's wearing a Fancy Shawl (RF: Cold 75/50).

Say she gets hit with 50 base cold damage. Ordinarily, I think this would be increased to 85 (50*1.7), but would the shawl reduce this to 47 (50*(1.7-.75)?

And if she was wearing warrior armor (60% cold damage modifier) it would ordinarily be 30 damage, but the shawl would reduce this to 50% cold (the floor is 50), or 25 damage?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on February 28, 2022, 04:30:04 pm
I'm not sure I can give a correct worked example, but I'll have a stab (Very old legacy versions of XPZ did go into more detail about how to calculate the diminishing returns, but it took up a bunch of articles for what was essentially just trivia).

Durathread and shawl getting hit for 50 cold damage:
Delta boundary resistance

Multiply by effectiveness factor

Absolute effectiveness

Total resistance change

Therefore damage incurred
=70 (so 15 less damage than if you were not wearing a shawl)

Or something like that. I only know of one person who has memorised the full process apart from Dioxine. Everyone else just play by a few maxims:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on February 28, 2022, 05:09:21 pm
Unless I forgot the formula:

Final Resistance = Armor Resistance - (Armor resistance - Resistance Threshold)*(1- Normalized Resistance Factor)

Marza's calculations look correct. It's what this formula outputs.

Don't ask what the formula for stacking multiple resistance items is. That one summons Cthullu.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on February 28, 2022, 07:19:51 pm
That one summons Cthullu.
Who then leaves in confusion and summons a coder instead.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on February 28, 2022, 11:15:30 pm
Apparently, by prettifying the polynomial you get something easier to remember.

Final Resistance = Resistance Threshold + (Armor Resistance - Resistance Threshold)*Normalized Resistance Factor
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: lancev on March 04, 2022, 12:27:18 am
How do you recover lost souls?
There are several of them in the Halls of Fear mission, but they are not recovered at the end of a mission?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: revenous on March 04, 2022, 09:03:00 am
What's the preferring tactic to deal with burning damage? My gals sometimes catch on fire for various reasons, and I'm not sure the best way to deal with it besides equipping a few of them with fire extinguishers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on March 04, 2022, 10:14:05 am
That is the only way.

The other ways is finishing the mission fast, or retreating.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on March 04, 2022, 10:42:59 am
Foam Grenade also works as a fire extinguisher.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 04, 2022, 05:22:05 pm
Fire extinguishers are the solution for most of the game. Or fire resistant outfit. The higher your fire resistance the more likely it is to burn out, and the less damage taken.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 09, 2022, 09:10:10 pm
Is there a hotkey to show names of items on the ground, like you do in diablo?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 09, 2022, 09:46:11 pm
Is there a hotkey to show names of items on the ground, like you do in diablo?

It would be hard to implement, since (unlike in Diablo) multiple items can occupy the same tile.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Masakhan on March 11, 2022, 10:29:57 pm
Does anyone remember which tech gives unlocks buying the CONVOY? I can't seem to find it in the tech viewer.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on March 11, 2022, 10:48:43 pm
It's logistics. Convoy is not listed under it. But once researched, you should get convoy as bonus.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: lancev on March 13, 2022, 01:13:19 pm
How do you recover lost souls?
There are several of them in the Halls of Fear mission, but they are not recovered at the end of a mission?

Coming back to this I noticed that in the version i am playing it is not possible to recover lost souls, because the corpse item has
recover: false
set. I assume it is a bug.

Another thing I noticed: Apparently different vampiric items dont stack. I was hoping to get a cool combination of Furiosa with the Hellblade, but when trying it out the stamina stealing of the Furiosa does not work. Or am I overlooking something?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on March 13, 2022, 04:25:22 pm
Forgot to take my usual notes, so i am curious, are there any way to see if you have already Interrogated a prisoner, so you know you dont need to interrogate more of them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on March 14, 2022, 10:03:37 am
Middleclick on them. Opens the tech viever. Unresearched are light orange, researched is deep indigo.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JamTheDane on March 15, 2022, 10:14:39 pm
Middleclick on them. Opens the tech viever. Unresearched are light orange, researched is deep indigo.

Thanks, found it. Search for "i: " in the tech viewer worked :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 16, 2022, 10:01:05 pm
A quick question: where can I check my difficulty level (i'm not sure whenever i started on 2 or 3);
And on what difficulty does all the content (all the voodoo stuff and all missions) unlocks?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on March 16, 2022, 10:47:42 pm
all content is available from difficulty 2 onwards
higher difficulty generally spawns more enemies
on Blackbeard (4) the game is noticeably more difficult due to economy nerfs (ex. sell prices -20%)
on Jack Sparrow (5) the game is pretty much impossible due to more severe economy nerfs, missile strikes targeting your base very early on, and negative score events
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 17, 2022, 01:24:53 am
Nothing is impossible with sufficient masochism. Some rare persons in the community play peasant path, no codex, Jack sparrow and seem to enjoy it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 17, 2022, 12:37:45 pm
A quick question: where can I check my difficulty level (i'm not sure whenever i started on 2 or 3);

Open your save, then look for a line "difficulty:" near the top. The number denotes difficulty (starting with 0, ending with 4).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on March 17, 2022, 03:12:27 pm
I think it's also possible to check in-game.

Hands -> Memorial -> Chronicles, or thereabout.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on March 18, 2022, 09:03:04 am
Nothing is impossible with sufficient masochism. Some rare persons in the community play peasant path, no codex, Jack sparrow and seem to enjoy it.
Not masochism, just rule "Nothing is unbeatable".
Jack Sparrow, peasant way and Green Codex.

Amount of dead peasants is very big. Zerg-rush and "meat shield" are standard tactics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 18, 2022, 06:31:32 pm
Open your save, then look for a line "difficulty:" near the top. The number denotes difficulty (starting with 0, ending with 4).
I was getting a bit bored as challenge decreased in lategame o difficulty2.
 Now that I switched it to 4 things got way more exciting and deadly!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 19, 2022, 07:04:35 am
One more question:
Is there mechanic to attack shipping with several craft at once? If so, how do I do it (form those craft into "attack wing" somehow)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on March 19, 2022, 07:24:02 am
One more question:
Is there mechanic to attack shipping with several craft at once? If so, how do I do it (form those craft into "attack wing" somehow)?
there's two ways to do this

1) launch the slower craft you want to intercept with (ex. Crab, Kraken), then launch another craft with that first craft as the target. the second craft will fly on top of the first craft and they will all get into combat together

2) launch multiple craft targeting shipping as normal. when the intercept window pops up, click a button in the top left (top right?) to minimize it until your friends show up. be aware you can't do this if the enemy shipping has higher ACCELERATION (ie in-combat speed) than your craft

generally, use the second method against things that don't shoot back and the first method to make multi-craft intercepts against dangerous shipping
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Lock_Knight on March 20, 2022, 09:37:07 am
When using the Jellyfish, how do I determine which gal gets stuck in the turret?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Whatifred on March 20, 2022, 12:04:50 pm
"The first gal assigned to the jellyfish is locked into a sniping post" I assume they mean the top most gal in the "hands" menu (but if I am mistaken then its the bottom most one)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 22, 2022, 10:43:00 pm
Is there a way to change aggressiveness of melee enemies (like zombies and animals)?
I recently had mission with lots of zombies, and they just milled around  their starting locations, turning it from potentially exciting and dangerous battle with horde of undead into a boring shooting gallery. Same with most hunting missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on March 23, 2022, 03:35:58 am
Is there a way to change aggressiveness of melee enemies (like zombies and animals)?
I recently had mission with lots of zombies, and they just milled around  their starting locations, turning it from potentially exciting and dangerous battle with horde of undead into a boring shooting gallery. Same with most hunting missions.

You can try messing with the aggressiveness stat for units but this is not a particularly well documented part of the engine. Modifications to this value have lead to erratic results in the past.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Lock_Knight on March 23, 2022, 05:11:13 am
"The first gal assigned to the jellyfish is locked into a sniping post" I assume they mean the top most gal in the "hands" menu (but if I am mistaken then its the bottom most one)

Thanks; forgot that list was sort-able.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 23, 2022, 07:54:36 am
You can try messing with the aggressiveness stat for units but this is not a particularly well documented part of the engine. Modifications to this value have lead to erratic results in the past.
Where do I find said Aggressiveness stat?
Also, does "sneaky AI" setting influences described situations much?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 23, 2022, 02:19:22 pm
Basic zombies already have Aggressiveness set absurdly high (7-8), so I don't think cranking it up further will help.
This setting can be found in Piratez_Faction.rul, on units.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vadracas on March 23, 2022, 10:11:52 pm
Don't take my word, I don't find myself playing much recently, but sneaky AI does influence enemies to be less aggressive and try to be "smarter." However with melee enemies it can be detrimental and result in some of what you described.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 24, 2022, 10:13:13 am
Don't take my word, I don't find myself playing much recently, but sneaky AI does influence enemies to be less aggressive and try to be "smarter." However with melee enemies it can be detrimental and result in some of what you described.
Does changing  " sneaky AI" during combat takes effect immediately or is it something that has to load up somehow and will take effect only in next battle?
I normally like challenge of enemies being sneaky and actually using cover, but if it's ruining battles vs all-melee factions it would be cool if it could be changed after combat starts (and you see that bandit camp is now populated by zombies, for example).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on March 24, 2022, 10:20:04 am
In my experience "sneaky AI" makes AI MUCH less effective, melee or not.

AI has a couple of advantages: taking a lot of shots, and finding quircky, impossible angles of shooting to ruin your day.

Sneaky AI ruins volume of fire first and foremost, leaving the player the initiative of methodically flushing out cover. Players have huge advantage in this area, especially with aggressive tactics. Met with agression, sneaky AI will fold and try and hide, instead of unloading a double sawedoff in your overextended ass.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on March 25, 2022, 02:22:48 am
"when an angry uber-gal pirate charges at them screaming bloody murder, the Sneaky AI usually runs away and tries to hide"
that sounds like an inadvertent feature
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on March 25, 2022, 07:52:42 pm
I must confess that I do abuse AI's inability to logically respond to a gal standing on adjacent tile. Any player in such situation would step one tile back and unload autoshot at the enemy. But AI reliably just walks away and ends it's turn.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 26, 2022, 11:14:29 pm
I must confess that I do abuse AI's inability to logically respond to a gal standing on adjacent tile. Any player in such situation would step one tile back and unload autoshot at the enemy. But AI reliably just walks away and ends it's turn.

That is taken into consideration as a gameplay "feature" (because engine limitations and stuff). Otherwise mechanic like CQC gunfire evasion would be pointless. They either escape from potential melee fighter, or try to shoot it, thus not hitting at all.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Chonks on April 02, 2022, 04:24:27 pm
Hi there,
Im a little confused on a part of my research tree where I want to research Hidden desires, but I need the wasteland sorceress but I cannot research the sorceress because threads of prophecy severed has disabled it, and im concerned I may have made an dangerous error at some point in the research, Is there a way to research the sorceress? I need to research this as it is the only topic I need to research in order to unlock higher studies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on April 02, 2022, 05:39:09 pm
you cannot get the sorceress (or some other beneficial events) on the lowest difficulty
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Chonks on April 03, 2022, 01:11:25 am
you cannot get the sorceress (or some other beneficial events) on the lowest difficulty
Oh, Thats a little frustrating, Would debug mode help as a work around for the research tree? I started the game on the easiest difficulty as I didn't know how the game would play, that and the fact im not very good at xcom.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: revenous on April 03, 2022, 09:12:19 am
This mod is amazing! Absoltuely having a blast playing it.

However, I must confess that I sometimes find it difficult to resist the urge to savescum when things go bad. To combat this I started a game on Ironman/Supermutant. The run has been been going pretty well (super tense on Ironman, which is fun!) with only a handful of deaths -- until recently that is where my airbus was ambushed and destroyed (newish game in April 2601). Ordinarily, I would have reloaded but I was forced to tough it out and was pleasantly surprised to find out that my crew didn't perish but arrived a few days later at my main base unscathed.

Is the survival of the crew guaranteed after the destruction of the craft, or is it based off a different mechanic? My follow-up question is how do you defend against those types of attacks in the early game?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on April 03, 2022, 09:14:29 pm
This mod is amazing! Absoltuely having a blast playing it.

However, I must confess that I sometimes find it difficult to resist the urge to savescum when things go bad. To combat this I started a game on Ironman/Supermutant. The run has been been going pretty well (super tense on Ironman, which is fun!) with only a handful of deaths -- until recently that is where my airbus was ambushed and destroyed (newish game in April 2601). Ordinarily, I would have reloaded but I was forced to tough it out and was pleasantly surprised to find out that my crew didn't perish but arrived a few days later at my main base unscathed.

Is the survival of the crew guaranteed after the destruction of the craft, or is it based off a different mechanic? My follow-up question is how do you defend against those types of attacks in the early game?

Hint #137: When being intercepted by an enemy craft, the crew will engage some of the safety systems. If the worst comes to pass, this will allow them to survive the controlled crash, but not to save any equipment from the wreckage.

You can try to evade enemy fighters by watching the map for a few minutes and seeing where they're headed, then flying around them. This works best if you've got a faster craft and, ideally, good radar coverage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 03, 2022, 11:43:16 pm
Oh, Thats a little frustrating, Would debug mode help as a work around for the research tree? I started the game on the easiest difficulty as I didn't know how the game would play, that and the fact im not very good at xcom.

You can edit your save and change difficulty from 0 to 1. It's only a little harder, and no content is cut.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on April 04, 2022, 12:07:35 pm
I have Wasteland priestess related question too.
I started on difficulty 1, later jumped to 3 i think.
I am at 2064 august and the Priestess II just doesn't show up, bottlenecking all my occult research. 
What should I do to get her? (save file attached)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on April 04, 2022, 02:11:27 pm
You already have the priestess. You need to research The Dark Star which you get by researching your Codex (again).

Btw, how did you get $12M in the first month of the game? And how is it that your 1st month maintenance cost was 6M?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on April 04, 2022, 03:38:08 pm
You already have the priestess. You need to research The Dark Star which you get by researching your Codex (again).

Btw, how did you get $12M in the first month of the game? And how is it that your 1st month maintenance cost was 6M?
I have priestess I, I cant research Dark star without getting Priestess II If i understand it correctly.
(O do I need to spam-research Codex until I hit the Dark Star on RNG god?)
As for 12m, I believe it is for the month I edited the save file to jump to higher difficulty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: revenous on April 06, 2022, 04:52:31 am
I have a potentially silly question.

In the upper right screen I sometimes see something that looks like this:

B: 0 R: 10

What does this mean? Including SS as well.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Daenen on April 06, 2022, 09:09:00 am
I have a potentially silly question.

In the upper right screen I sometimes see something that looks like this:

B: 0 R: 10

What does this mean? Including SS as well.

It's the number of idle Brainers (Scientists) and Runts (Engineers) you have. Optimally you want nobody idle, for your runts you can set them working on and selling something profitable to make additional income if there's nothing else you want them to specifically manufacture.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on April 06, 2022, 01:06:21 pm
if your runts are idle, make more guns/armor
if you have enough of that, sell grog
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Daenen on April 12, 2022, 03:07:58 pm
A question for people familiar with the recent releases, specifically the Sky Ninja bases.
At what point should I be looking to destroy these bases and any any hints or tips for taking them out? How much time pressure is there to destroy them apart from the negative monthly score they accrue?

I played through the early game years ago in older releases and really enjoyed it, so have some familiarity with the beginning research tree and weapons etc. But I never progressed much past joining the Mutant Alliance and tackling pogroms, unlocking the first codex ships. Problem being I would at some point run out of time to play, later update OpenXcom, then have to update my X-Piratez to a newer compatible release and end up starting a new game  :'(

For context, I'm currently mid July of the first year on John Silver and am doing fine money-wise. Scaled up to 18 brainers (starting lab, personal lab, sickbay) so research is ticking along well. Taken out a few raider ships without much problem and have just unlocked Krazy Hanna, so now have access to some explosive toys like Mortar, RPG etc.

Current standard equipment for my gals is a mix of:
Warrior / Tac Vest
Bayonet Homefront Rifles / Ol' Rifles for sharpshooters
Combat Shotguns
Confederate Eagles
Black Powder Bombs / HE Grenades / Molotovs
However my first attempt at attacking the smallest of the two bases I can see via an expedition was a disaster:

8 gals with the above gear, plus a mortar with 4 or 5 shells and two RPG's with 3 rounds each between them. On starting the map there were about 6-8 gun turrets surrounding the area, plus 4 or so visible Ninjas. Whilst I was able to run everyone into a bunker and take out a couple of additional Ninjas there, trying to destroy the turrets on later turns would get my gals shredded. The RPG's didn't seem to have enough power to take out a turret in a single shot, or I was just getting bad RNG on the damage rolls. Then the gal who fired it would get minced by return fire. The mortar could take one out in a single shot, but because it had to be exposed to get the right firing arc, couldn't reposition and fire in a single shot etc, the gal using it pretty much had a death sentence. If they weren't killed by a turret then they'd catch a few grenades from flying Ninjas instead.

So I'm wondering if I should just ignore the bases for now until I have better armor and weapons. Or if a brute force approach would work. Ie breach base defenses with a ship if I can. More gals = more explosives and dakka = I win? Currently the only craft weapons I have access to are 25mm cannons from Hanna though.
I haven't tried using a convoy instead of an expedition as I assume that would be attacked like other craft.
Other thought is to just load everybody up with a mortar and try to take out as many turrets as possible on the first combat round.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on April 12, 2022, 04:10:31 pm
RPG is puny vs those turrets.

They need specialized equipment (EMP grenades) dropped by the ninjas, or specialist pirate equipment: ACID shells, Chem Grenades, SC Canonballs, or cars loaded with RR.

Turrets have 50% thv, and sniper behaviour so neither smoke nor distance are effective at stopping them firing, but indirect fire is.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on April 12, 2022, 06:25:20 pm
The Ninja Airfields are a hard nut to crack, but there is a benefit to getting them before they grow into a Base.  This is generally August/Sept earliest if not playing JS. 
When I tackled/scummed my way through an afld assault in August, I also used Fire Extinguishers liberally to screen my troops.  Recoilless Rifles and mortars were good helpful for turrets.  Bring any decent lasers you have for the shielded Ninjas.  Assault Lasers and Lasguns recommended here.

All that said, there is always the option of leaving them be and coming back later when you have tanks and good armor, etc.  I may do that in my current run. 

I am ending August and have a decent Airgame, though I haven't splashed any Migs.  I've got a Scarab with Bioplasma Generator that is helping me down Ninja APCs when they spawn.  You can get an Airspeeder which is faster than the Migs, and use it to get the Migs to scramble, then out run them.  Once they have landed, they won't scramble again for about 2 weeks.  This is enough time to get your convoy in etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Daenen on April 14, 2022, 06:11:24 am
Many thanks! I haven't actually researched the RPG yet (just bought a couple in prep for the assault) so if the turrets are too tanky for them that makes sense. I just assumed it would be a step above the 60 concussive Black Power bombs etc and might do the job. Mortar is 120 from memory.
No real laser weapons either I'm afraid. Think I have one Hydra Laser that was part of the early progrom I fought to get a LMG and unlock Hanna. Only others are the pistol and shotgun I can buy from Smugglers which I doubt would cut it.

Baiting out the Ninja air in order to land a larger craft is a great idea, although would require some investment on my part. I only just unlocked codex (Grey) and went for Shadowbat as my first craft to increase my mission troop numbers. So yeah would need to switch the old Airbus out for something else.
Waiting another month to improve my air situation and maybe getting some more tech could be for the best.

One additional query - what does ThV refer to? Thermal Vision? That's just a guess, but it seems to be X-Piratez or OpenXcom specific, and I've failed to find anywhere on a wiki page it's spelled out. There's some pages for piratez specific enemies that list ThV values, but that's all I could find.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 14, 2022, 10:17:26 am
ThV refers to the heatVision flag on some armours. To quote the ruleset reference:
Allows seeing better through smoke. Percentage (0-100%) value defining how much smoke is ignored.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Daenen on April 14, 2022, 11:05:44 am
Ahh, so not much point in smoke then like Iazo mentioned. Cheers.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on April 14, 2022, 04:19:15 pm
If you must use concussive, and want a decent chance of oneshotting them (though by no means guaranteed), you have to be looking at Rocket Launcher DP rockets AT LEAST.

Everything below(RPG, UAC launcher, standard mortar, panzerfaust even are too puny).

If you MUST use low power explosives, you are better off trying to use crates of violence. They're not very effective, but thay're about as effective as panzerfaust against those turrets.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2022, 12:50:01 am
Ahh, so not much point in smoke then like Iazo mentioned. Cheers.

the smoke is less for the turrets, and more to limit the horde of goons accuracy while you get the turrets dealt with. While the turrets wont be much affected it still keeps alot of incoming from being effective against the initial exposed position. -50% accuracy if the shooter doesn't spot its own target is a big deal for non sniper guns.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ragshak on May 01, 2022, 11:20:18 am
Is there a way to open bootypedia from workshop panel by clicking listed item?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Patooka on May 04, 2022, 07:05:12 am
Just out of curiosity, what type of missions do tomb guardians show up?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on May 07, 2022, 12:51:34 am
Just out of curiosity, what type of missions do tomb guardians show up?
In late game, when you have forth client - Wiz Biz, and mission is to destroy 3 zombie pyramids.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Patooka on May 07, 2022, 02:30:59 am
In late game, when you have forth client - Wiz Biz, and mission is to destroy 3 zombie pyramids.

I've done that mission several times, and have never seen them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on May 07, 2022, 11:49:10 am
If you finish the mission too quickly, you won't see them.  Try leaving a few zombies alive and waiting several turns.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on May 07, 2022, 04:26:53 pm
there's usually one or two inside the pyramids by the time i finish pushing across the map, removing the top, remembering who brought the bombs, etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Earthquake on May 07, 2022, 05:24:03 pm
I've done that mission several times, and have never seen them.
You need wait at least 5th turn to see them.
First pyramid spawn more zombies, then there will spawn "turrets" on top of pyramids. And only after that there will spawn crypt guard.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on May 07, 2022, 09:57:02 pm
There's also some sort of Zombie Tombs (???) underground mission that generated a multi-layer complex with, among other things, armored zombie Tomb Guardians. I don't remember what it was called, only that it was fairly far down the research chain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on May 11, 2022, 08:33:52 am
Running new game with latest expansion/patch;
I chose that Girls are superior
Now it seems i cannot research trucks
Are they only available if i chose "male touch" instead of girls are superior, lo i won't get them in this run?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on May 11, 2022, 09:32:11 am

But don't worry, Gals get a bunch of toys of their own.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on May 14, 2022, 05:07:03 am
So I used to be able to adjust how many brainers were on a topic one at a time with scroll wheel, but now I can only do it 10 at a time.  Anyone know how to do 1 at a time again?

Also, do more uac vaults spawn now, or is it still limited to 5?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on May 14, 2022, 11:42:03 am
Hmm... does game options > advanced > change values with mouse wheel help?

The UAC vaults limit was eight, not five.  I don't know for sure if it's still that, but it hasn't sounded like there were any plans to make them unlimited (but some mention of making their finitude clearer somehow, instead).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ExperimentX on May 16, 2022, 05:08:58 pm
This might be a common/simple question, but how do I unlock the 2nd Captains log? I can't progress my voodoo and psi tech until I get that but there doesn't seem to be any previous research topics I need.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zum on May 16, 2022, 07:32:32 pm
Relatively dumb question I think, but how to keep score up? Second game with -3000 score in April, even if I did all possible missions and followed a newbie guide(researched bounty hunting, missions, had 7 brainers in April, not May, etc). I noticed that my score goes down by like 200-300 every time that ufo flies under my radar, but wtf do I do I can't shut them down? I even rushed the helicopter with gun and it is completely and utterly useless.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on May 16, 2022, 10:04:23 pm
common issue, see:,10299.0.html

any shipping flying around the map costs you points but you're not able to effectively make shootdowns until at least DAREDEVIL or BUCKAROO (ie Necrofighter Assembly). even these are mostly good for taking out land targets and pirate zeppelins; you don't have the speed necessary to catch proper UFOs until AIRCAR or similar. LITTLE BIRD cannot effectively fight anything, best used as a short range transport for the Glamour spawns built into it. for early airgame boost, try starting in Iron Tribe (for Daredevil) or Blackmarch (for FAUST avail. after Car Thieves)

outside of that, use Little Bird for missions where you can get away with it, the glamour it spawns is a pretty decent points boost. spread your brainers out in teams of 2-4 to avoid wasting brainer-days, and take advantage of the low-cost researches (ex. Journey Notes, Gun Almanac, Expedition Reports etc.) to convert brainerdays into score.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on May 20, 2022, 12:49:36 pm
Relatively dumb question I think, but how to keep score up? Second game with -3000 score in April, even if I did all possible missions and followed a newbie guide(researched bounty hunting, missions, had 7 brainers in April, not May, etc). I noticed that my score goes down by like 200-300 every time that ufo flies under my radar, but wtf do I do I can't shut them down? I even rushed the helicopter with gun and it is completely and utterly useless.

I hope you are not running on JS. Those scores are certainly possible on JS, but less so on 'normal' difficulties.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Interdictor on May 22, 2022, 12:55:29 am
How to get cloaking device after rejecting the power?

I see necessary Shadowtech listed as acquirable from gnome interrogation but what does "Get one free protected" section mean? (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on May 22, 2022, 04:52:18 pm
It means you cannot get it without the prequisite locked topic (which, incidentally, is also got from gnome).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JDCollie on May 22, 2022, 10:15:15 pm
Which difficulties have all content available?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyte on May 23, 2022, 12:06:44 pm
Which difficulties have all content available?

Basically, anything from the second difficulty up.  (There are some bad events and the like you can only experience at higher difficulties.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on May 30, 2022, 01:24:08 pm
Ninja airfield base question.
I scouting mission to the ninja to see if it still had no big gun-turrets, and noticed that the map was way narrower than usual.
1) How much troops can i send to still get the narrower map?
2) Does the narrow map contains proportionally less ninjas, allowing me to assault them with my best gals instead of doing the usual horde vs horde big fight?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vjmdhzgr on June 02, 2022, 10:28:33 pm
What are some good guns? I feel like there's some decent shotguns, and the confederate eagle seems like a good pistol. But shotguns are worthless against armor. It feels like everything else I research though just hardly does much damage. I'm a whole year in and I haven't found good weapons yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on June 03, 2022, 12:16:26 am
What are some good guns? I feel like there's some decent shotguns, and the confederate eagle seems like a good pistol. But shotguns are worthless against armor. It feels like everything else I research though just hardly does much damage. I'm a whole year in and I haven't found good weapons yet.
"good guns" depends entirely on how far you're at.

this list is not comprehensive. experiment with different guns, take the autocannons out to play and so on. this game is at its best when you are fucking around and finding out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on June 21, 2022, 02:10:45 pm
consumables and ammunitions won't be used if you leave one charge/shot??
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Berggen on June 21, 2022, 07:07:51 pm
consumables and ammunitions won't be used if you leave one charge/shot??

I think they are reorganized in some way, I'm not very sure how it works exactly but a very simple example will be, if you finish the mission wih one magazine with three bullets and another magazine with four bullets, the game will replenish one of the magazines and you will lose the other one.

Any of the veterans can correct me if I'm very wrong.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on June 21, 2022, 07:14:20 pm
Used to be that partially depleted clips would be considered used up after the end of the mission, unless you unload them. That's how it worked in old UFO defense. OXCE uses a more fair method to determine consumption: Basically, it tallies how much ammo was used and gives you that much likelihood that a magazine is spent. So for example, if 10 shots were fired from a 30 capacity magazine, there's a 1/3 chance the magazine is considered used up after the mission, if there's a sum total of 50 shots of that ammo type across the battlefield, the consumption is 1 magazine + 2/3 chance of another.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on June 22, 2022, 06:24:54 pm
makes sense, thx!

What's the difference between embrace/reject the power??
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on June 23, 2022, 11:28:03 am
Reject the power is easier in the first few months, but becomes considerably more difficult until basically mid-late game.

Embrace the power leads you down the traditional codex path, relying to a great degree on shadowtech

Reject adds at least three difficult technological hurdles to crack, and you are expected to significantly lean on technologies that usually see no use.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 23, 2022, 12:57:31 pm
"Reject the power" is pretty much an alternative mode for two kinds of people:
1. Experienced players who have already finished the game and want to play something different (and somewhat harder).
2. Unsurprisingly, people who make it a point to reject any kind of authority over them (since "we're pirates!" and all that), or specifically dislike making deals with quasi-divine beings.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on June 23, 2022, 11:32:12 pm
Reject the Power is for the most part a dumb meme choice. Biggest impact for me would be being locked out of the good midgame crafts behind each Codex. There's a couple hidden things on the Reject path (ex. Original Knights of Cydonia) but any of the codex paths has more and better content.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on June 29, 2022, 05:41:59 pm
How to deal with missile strikes on Jack Sparrow? I'm on my first playthrough and got my first missile strike in august. It destroyed a couple of buildings, but nothing I couldn't recover from, or so I thought. Then again, and again... the strikes wouldn't stop coming. I must've been hit 4 or 5 times this month. My base is razed. Am I supposed to have defenses by now? I do have flak towers in my research list...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 29, 2022, 06:03:28 pm
Am I supposed to have defenses by now?

No, let them hit you 5 more times, for good measure.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on June 29, 2022, 06:30:22 pm
time for another restart... so I need to rush flak towers? how many do I need by august?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 29, 2022, 07:40:02 pm
The strikes only start in august, so no need to rush I suppose. The first weak missles have 300hp, the rest are normal missiles with 500hp. Also, there's only 23% chance that you get missle striked each month... but the chance grows to 62% if you cleared the "Disruptive Transmissions" mission. So if you did that mission then you're fucked. But if didn't do that mission, it's not so bad and you don't need to restart - you should have enough time to research and build some defenses. Also, Flak Towers suck, get Flak Cannons. 3 of them (plus armored vaults) should be enough for a 90% chance of shooting them down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 29, 2022, 09:22:13 pm
time for another restart... so I need to rush flak towers? how many do I need by august?

Or you can play on a normal difficulty. Like a normal person who hasn't beaten the mod at least once.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on June 30, 2022, 05:34:07 pm
The strikes only start in august, so no need to rush I suppose. The first weak missles have 300hp, the rest are normal missiles with 500hp. Also, there's only 23% chance that you get missle striked each month... but the chance grows to 62% if you cleared the "Disruptive Transmissions" mission. So if you did that mission then you're fucked. But if didn't do that mission, it's not so bad and you don't need to restart - you should have enough time to research and build some defenses. Also, Flak Towers suck, get Flak Cannons. 3 of them (plus armored vaults) should be enough for a 90% chance of shooting them down.

There is absolutely 0 chance to get flak cannons beforeJS missile strikes.

The current meta is keeping the armored vaults and having 2 Overcharged radars by july(not august), and 4 by august.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 30, 2022, 06:20:43 pm
There is absolutely 0 chance to get flak cannons before JS missile strikes.

Dunno about meta, but I have them in May.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on June 30, 2022, 06:27:49 pm
Nah, you're bullshitting. Flak cannons in may?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on July 18, 2022, 02:50:14 pm
I read somewhere zombies in a mission is a 5% change. Last 20 missions I had 10 of them being zombies. Something changed about that in N1?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on July 18, 2022, 03:50:34 pm
That figure is just a ballpark figure.

A ninja panic or ninja bait ot haunted forest is 100% gonna be zombies, as well as some enemy shipping missions showing up in waves, so every downed ship from the mission will have zombies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on July 19, 2022, 11:30:32 am
Every mission was a shipping mission. Must have been it then.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on July 19, 2022, 05:34:16 pm
I'm trying to find the shortcut needed for all interceptors so go at the same time. Anyone know what it is?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Canas on July 28, 2022, 04:34:42 am
I'm trying to hit my school graduation tech, but it's locked behind captains log #2 (needed for diplomacy) how do i get captains log 2?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: magitsu on July 28, 2022, 06:06:08 pm
I'm trying to hit my school graduation tech, but it's locked behind captains log #2 (needed for diplomacy) how do i get captains log 2?
This probably still applies:
       STR_PERSUASION: true
       STR_SAT_NETWORK: true
       STR_CHRONICLES_001: true
       STR_MEIDO_OUTFIT: true
       STR_ONSEN: true
       STR_PLOTTING: true

Captains log 1
earth's sattelite network
the social heirarchy
pirate traditions
*no targetting civilians*
contact smugglers
bikini production
maid outfit
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on August 04, 2022, 03:30:15 am
How many brainers are enough? I'm on Jack Sparrow, August of 2602 and got 43 brainers across all my 5 bases and with computers cores coming online soon I can push for 80... but is it necessary? My overall tech progress is at 31%.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: vjmdhzgr on August 05, 2022, 10:26:48 am
Started a new game after seeing some advice and it's July of the second year but I still have not had any regular faction bases spawn. There was the main ninja base, five minor ninja bases, and recently a mercenary base. No church base, no academy base, no guild base. I'm looking at my previous save and there was a church base that spawned on month 5. And I think I had attacked at least one of every faction base by the end of the first year. Halfway through the second year and still none have spawned. What's going on? I got worried a bit into it that maybe it was all the minor ninja bases so I've destroyed all but two that I'm waiting on a good time for, but the mercenary base spawned and that's what pushed me to ask.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on August 08, 2022, 02:33:51 pm
How many brainers are enough? I'm on Jack Sparrow, August of 2602 and got 43 brainers across all my 5 bases and with computers cores coming online soon I can push for 80... but is it necessary? My overall tech progress is at 31%.

43 brainers in August 2602, nice!
If you can support them then sure.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on August 09, 2022, 03:50:02 pm
Quick questions about missions where enemies get reinforcements (precinct assault, zombie bait, etc.):
Are waves of reinforcements infinite (like one every 5 turns, forever), or is it only fixed number of reinforcement waves to deal with?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 09, 2022, 04:19:59 pm
They could be infinite, if they were configured like that. But they're not. In N1, the few missions that have them only spawn reinforcements 1-2 times.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ivandogovich on August 09, 2022, 07:35:29 pm
Started a new game after seeing some advice and it's July of the second year but I still have not had any regular faction bases spawn. There was the main ninja base, five minor ninja bases, and recently a mercenary base. No church base, no academy base, no guild base. I'm looking at my previous save and there was a church base that spawned on month 5. And I think I had attacked at least one of every faction base by the end of the first year. Halfway through the second year and still none have spawned. What's going on? I got worried a bit into it that maybe it was all the minor ninja bases so I've destroyed all but two that I'm waiting on a good time for, but the mercenary base spawned and that's what pushed me to ask.

Alien Base missions are random:  They are part of the pool that can be drawn each month, and the faction is random on the draw.  You got unlucky with Merc base first.  Eventually others will come though.  I'm pretty sure that the mission pool is designed to be be exhausted after 5 years in game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ttaogaming on August 12, 2022, 04:04:11 am
I have been trying to get XPiratez to work on android for a few weeks now and I just can't seem to do it.
Downloaded the OXCE android current build (v2022-07-15), downloaded n1.1 and moved mods folder over into the android openxcom mods folder but now luck. Downloaded (v2022-02-07) which I read "OXCE Upgrade to 7.5.3 7-Feb-2022" in the patch notes for v.M5 24-Mar-2022 The Five Captains. and I was able to select xPiratez in the mods dropdown but then when starting the game I sent to the initial setup screen where I would choose where ufo defense files and tftd files are and then I would click save&restart but it wouldn't launch the game and keep me on the that initial setup screen.
Tried clicking on all the boxes to save stuff to cache and I have gotten the the following error screen.
OpenXcom Extended Error VFS::map_common(): failed to map 'common'

I have gotten xcom files and other mods to work and I really enjoy it on Android, and I have played a little bit of XPiratez on PC but can't seem to get it to work on Android. Any help is appreciated. Running Android version 11, on Oneplus 6T. The reason I don't play on PC more is that I have to travel and only have my phone with me for stretches of time.

I am posting this here as well as on the other main thread. If I am posting in the incorrect place please let me know
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on August 12, 2022, 09:48:15 am
Did you follow the readme and actually have the ufo defense files and tftd files ?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: magitsu on August 12, 2022, 03:29:01 pm
It probably needs just the UFO files (or TFTD), not both.

The readme hasn't been thoroughly updated in years since it still contains reference to OpenXcomExPlus39.exe (currently OpenXcomEx.exe). The current version info at the top of the file and changelogs at the bottom are though.
Copy files from your original "UFO: Enemy Unknown"/"X-Com: UFO Defense" folder to the "OpenXcom_XPiratez/UFO" folder.

I'm not sure about the The Data Patch mentioned here how the current OXCE installer covers it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on August 12, 2022, 03:43:57 pm
I'm not sure about the The Data Patch mentioned here how the current OXCE installer covers it.

Both OXC and OXCE installer download the latest version of the data patch from the same source.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ttaogaming on August 12, 2022, 07:15:17 pm
I do have UFO and Terror from the deep installed correctly.
Able to run the base games as well as mods like Xcom files, X Chronicles, Reaver Harmony, and The World of (Terrifying) Silence.

I am able to get to the screen in mods to choose Piratez (Image attached)
(This is taken from my most recent attempt and I was messing with X Chronicles, I have also done this on a clean install of OXCE 7.6 and the same occurs)

Then it takes me to screen 2 and then screen 3, I would click save and restart and the app would close.. The issue is that whenever I launch OXCE it keeps launching me into screen 2 and then screen 3 then restarting the app without getting me to the start screen of the game.

I was able to move the mod files from Piratez user/mods into OXCE PC and was able to get Piratez to work on PC. The problem is getting it to work on Android. I thought maybe the issue is the version of OXCE so I have tried it with the OXCE Feb-07 build in the older versions link and the error seems to be the same. Is there someone that has gotten Piratez to work on android and is able to tell me what version of OXCE they are running or maybe give me a hint of what I can do to get it to run?
Running OXCE 7.6, Piratez N1.1, Android 11 on Oneplus 6T.
My next attempt is to try an older version of Piratez and an older version of OXCE for android but without a reference to what works there seems to be many possible combinations and each attempted install takes 30 ish minutes with unzipping files on android.

It seems that other mods are fine and it is only Piratez that I'm struggling with.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on August 15, 2022, 10:20:03 pm
How does research works exactly? Like "hoe" for example has a research cost of 7. Does that means that 7 brainers will have it completed in 1 day?  I remember a log entry that says something like excellent means it will be done in 1~3 days so I guess there's some randomness involved... in this case 3 brainers with excellent will have it done in 1 day 100% of the time? How do you deal with overflow?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on August 16, 2022, 01:34:26 am
the overflow is lost, for example 3 brainers researching a hoe will spend 9 brainerdays on a 7 brainerday project. it's not randomness, it's imprecision in the measurement.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on August 16, 2022, 03:33:25 am
Well, I've just tested and there is some randomness, or at least some variable I don't know about. 4 brainers managed to research rare earth elements (cost 10) and mess hell (also 10) in two days.
UAC Carbine has a cost of 5, but 4 + 1 brainers didn't get it done.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: yergnoor on August 16, 2022, 07:24:25 am
There is an element of chance in research. The number of man-days recorded in the game files is an average. When a study is started, the game "rolls the dice" and determines how many man-days are needed for the study this time. The minimum is 50% of the average, and the maximum is 150%. Therefore, each time the game is repeated, the research time is unique and it is impossible to determine in advance exactly how many scientists to allocate to research this topic in a certain time frame.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on August 16, 2022, 08:23:53 am
I see, thanks.

So the best way to rush without waste would be just assign 50% the cost, let one day pass and try to deduce how much you rolled from the progress/#075 and adjust accordingly I guess?

Going by #075, if a tech has 100 cost, you assign 50 brainers and on the next day the progress turns to "good" at 20 means you rolled 130%?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on August 16, 2022, 07:32:20 pm
I can't find how to turn on censorship anywhere, please help
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ElGrillo on August 16, 2022, 11:05:06 pm
I can't find how to turn on censorship anywhere, please help

IIRC there was a mod for that, but hasn't been updated in a long time. AFAIK there is no way to turn on censorship in XPiratez
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: OmniscientQ on August 17, 2022, 01:34:16 am
Does the Dutchman do anything for me that a Harvester can't do better? It has an STC slot, but there's not a lot of value in a single STC slot on an otherwise unarmed craft. The Dutchman has more range, and is a bit faster, but the difference between 400 and 500 may as well not exist. I feel like I should just cash in my Dutchman for the 300k and move on. I have a revolution to lead.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 18, 2022, 11:09:29 am
I'd say a single STC is still fairly useful, as you can install an engine booster there. Really helps with air racing :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 18, 2022, 12:47:21 pm
Isn't there a STC that's a weapon?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: OmniscientQ on August 18, 2022, 07:59:06 pm
I'd say a single STC is still fairly useful, as you can install an engine booster there. Really helps with air racing :)

Oh, yeah. I'll get right on turning my Dutchman into a lean, mean racing machine.  ::) It'll only take me the entire campaign to do it.

Given that my revolution is on track to have a base on every continent by the end of 2601, I think I'll pass. Harvesters for everyone!

I keep thinking there's gotta be some unusual arrangement of bases made feasible due to the HQ's global radar coverage, like putting four bases all side-by-side. Shorter transfer times between factories and combat teams? But that's not much of an advantage, and there's still a pretty strong incentive to eventually have hyperwave coverage over every major land mass. I'd be willing to trade the perfect detection rate of hyperwaves for global coverage, so long as it kept the detailed scan information... Hm. That might be an idea for a submod - a decoder with global range, but zero independent detection chance. Make it require an HQ be built at the base. Hell, since you'd only ever need one, make it another 3x3 facility? I like the idea of a campaign path that incentivizes building one or two mega-bases instead of the standard distributed network. I dunno that Peasant Revolution is that path - the Peasant Revolution feels like it should be a bunch of underground resistance cells that are everywhere and anyone. Moreso than the underground pirate resistance, anyway.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 22, 2022, 11:37:01 pm
If you have 100 tu, 110 reactions and 150 melee, how much armor must an enemy have for Cattle Prod to become more damage efficient than Stun Baton?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zum on August 24, 2022, 11:32:44 am
Best way to take down Hovertank with Gauss Cannon? Shield is not the problem, the tank itself is.
It eats rockets like mcmuffins, EMP surprisingly did nothing in particular.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on August 24, 2022, 05:44:51 pm
After stripping shields, 2-3 HEAT rockets or AT rockets or even MAG rockets would do the trick. You can also fry it with a flamethrower, use R-Rifle on it or throw a couple of EMP grenades (hovertank is weak against EMP, so it's weird that it did nothing).

If you don't want to strip its shields, shoot it with chem until it dies. Might take a while though.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Zum on August 24, 2022, 07:40:41 pm
After stripping shields, 2-3 HEAT rockets or AT rockets or even MAG rockets would do the trick.
(hovertank is weak against EMP, so it's weird that it did nothing)
Currently it ate 2 Quad launchers on auto, 2 EMP grenades, multiple satchel and dynamites charges, large number of shots from laser and plasma rifles etc. I am surprised too, given how much time it takes for set it all up, because that tank annoyingly flies all over the map.
I guess I'll try chemo and flamethrower, never thought of that, thanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on August 25, 2022, 03:48:46 pm
After shields, melee does also surprising well.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on September 10, 2022, 11:31:40 pm
Why in the hell do MAG and Gauss attacks set people on fire and make this silly sound like a hot piece of metal sinking into the snow?

Super high velocity projectiles should blow straight through opponents, the system doesn't allow for overpenetration, but the actual results should probably be a high amount of Stun and Fatal Wounds to overstate the initial damage due to shock.

Dont see how that's going to set somebody on fire though.
Possibly a throwback to very early iterations of the mod?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 11, 2022, 06:48:34 pm
Aren't Gauss and MAG weaponry supposed to shoot projectiles so fast that they start to burn in Earth's atmosphere, thus sometimes igniting flammable fur/clothing/whatever?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on September 11, 2022, 11:05:44 pm
Not really, they would be meteor-hot but you wouldn't be exposed to that heat long enough for it to do anything. The damage would all be kinetic. If the velocity is high enough (like 50km per sec) it would actually turn to plasma and cause explosive damage like a bolter round detonating inside somebody. More or less Laser damage since thats what a high powered laser is going to do. I understand why lasers would set things on fire, but Gauss/MAG should not.

Also for uber high velocity weapons like that to exist, you need to use a moderate strength laser first to plow a path through the air for the projectile to travel down. Otherwise it explodes as soon as it leaves the barrel. It would be a laser the Air is resistive to such as blue or ultraviolet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: TTex on September 12, 2022, 05:27:46 am
I have looked all over and I can't seem to find the answer to this question.

During a base defense mission against sky ninjas on my main base, I keep encountering these random explosions that I cannot for the life of me figure out the cause of. There's usually a purplish cloud and an alarm-like sound followed by a seemingly random explosion big or small that hits either me or the enemy or both.

It's kind of infuriating because I can't find any information on what it is so I can deal with it, and it's sabotaging what SHOULD be successful defense missions against the sky ninjas when it wipes out scores of my troops at random.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on September 12, 2022, 02:41:45 pm
So, purple-ish with an alarm happens around your slaves/workers, they spawn sleeping and eventually wake up. Though I never experienced any damage from those.
Ninjas, though, have an invisible unit which drops a portable nuke on becoming unconscious/dead, and this explosion can wipe out the room easily. The only way to prevent it from explosion is to pick the bomb up (and you can only hold it in hands, can't disarm either). I think on the second difficulty there are 3-4 of those suicide bombers
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on September 12, 2022, 04:32:23 pm
I have looked all over and I can't seem to find the answer to this question.

During a base defense mission against sky ninjas on my main base, I keep encountering these random explosions that I cannot for the life of me figure out the cause of. There's usually a purplish cloud and an alarm-like sound followed by a seemingly random explosion big or small that hits either me or the enemy or both.

It's kind of infuriating because I can't find any information on what it is so I can deal with it, and it's sabotaging what SHOULD be successful defense missions against the sky ninjas when it wipes out scores of my troops at random.

Some patches ago, Ninja parties bring Assassins (those dressed as The Gimp in "Pulp Fiction"). Those goddamn ladies have a VERY nasty explosive armed in their inventories. If you kill an assassin you have until the end of turn to get the eff out or pickup the explosive

Could be that. The explosive itself is big as a X-Grog Keg. Can't remember the name right now

Oh!!! Also, it could be the Doomsday Device thingamajig (It goes boom like in turn 15 when you're defending a base) ! I've never seen in action, tho....

Edit: Typos
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: TTex on September 12, 2022, 06:27:37 pm
Some patches ago, Ninja parties bring Assassins (those dressed as The Gimp in "Pulp Fiction"). Those goddamn ladies have a VERY nasty explosive armed in their inventories. If you kill an assassin you have until the end of turn to get the eff out or pickup the explosive

Could be that. The explosive itself is big as a X-Grog Keg. Can't remember the name right now

Finally! That seems to be the source of the problem and now I know how to deal with it. I don't mind all the surprises in this game but it's more than a little annoying that there was NO hint about the behavior of these assassins when they die in this scenario. I'd even captured one earlier and done an examination on her and there was not even a hint of this anywhere.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Hadza on September 13, 2022, 01:45:09 pm
Finally! That seems to be the source of the problem and now I know how to deal with it. I don't mind all the surprises in this game but it's more than a little annoying that there was NO hint about the behavior of these assassins when they die in this scenario. I'd even captured one earlier and done an examination on her and there was not even a hint of this anywhere.

Afaik there is a bootypedia entry for that particular explosive, but I'm not sure if you can get it early enough
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Apocca on September 13, 2022, 02:27:45 pm
First time I figured out you can research ICMB but you need to have Armory Tower for that :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on September 14, 2022, 01:25:54 am
Oh interesting... this slipped my mind for quite awhile but I just noticed that Electric Damage inflicts Full Power on Blue Shields.

Heck the Shiny Niner alone is like a can opener for that (80 damage) as well as maybe somebody with a Compact Carbine (RCF). Then a couple Stasis grenades  and maybe some stun minibombs... and academy or guildmasters will be down.

Up til now ive been relying on Plasma Pistols and Subrifles to brute force them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on September 19, 2022, 01:19:13 pm
If you want blue stripping, you can use an Arena Slaughter cannon, it eats shields up VERY fast.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on September 20, 2022, 03:59:42 am
the Slaughter Cannon is also handy for dealing with Lobstermen for the same reason.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on September 23, 2022, 01:39:20 am
I use Knockout Grenades on lobsters. Wanna catch them for that lobster meat. Stun Batons can take them down but its a real chore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on October 01, 2022, 09:47:01 pm
Hi, is it possible to reduce the number of enemies in the battle, the battles last a long time, thanks for the answer
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 02, 2022, 12:44:30 am
Hi, is it possible to reduce the number of enemies in the battle, the battles last a long time, thanks for the answer

Not without hacking your savegame file or the game rul files. But if you want the answer yeah you can find it probably in the deployments or ufos section, where it says number of each rank are expected. I did this to space freighters because the number of "door openings" is so obscene it takes like 3 minutes for enemies to finish their turn. I also increased the number of civvies in aircar race maps so the reward is more impressive and worth it to actually keep an airspeeder around at a base.

Inside individual save games search for "stunlevel" and cycle through to any enemies who are still up. You can either kill or stun them to cancel certain enemies, or all of them. You can also generally guess where they are based on coords (always starts from the topmost north west map tile). Nobody gets diary credit for that though unless they hit them already.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on October 02, 2022, 01:42:38 am
Lower difficulty levels offer less enemies, so the one sure and convinient way is just to start the game again.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 02, 2022, 06:34:44 pm
Lower difficulty levels offer less enemies, so the one sure and convinient way is just to start the game again.

Or just edit your save. Find something like:

difficulty: X

Should be one the first lines. X denotes game difficulty(0 to 4)(, so change to whatever you like.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 05, 2022, 03:57:50 am
Or just edit your save. Find something like:

difficulty: X

Should be one the first lines. X denotes game difficulty(0 to 4)(, so change to whatever you like.

Yeah but that screws with the Occult/Psionics branch of the game.

Oh by the way not sure if the private messages glitched but i posted a sample to check for the colors on the sprite thread I made. I used X-P palette as a basis and changed both the Red range and the first Gray range. I made the grays brighter because the dark gray range is already at the end of the palette.

Honest question though considering the number and capabilities of enemies...
Sooo you can capture a Megapol Wolfman and turn him into a Slave.
Then turn him into a Slave Soldier.
And then send him on a City Raid where mutants are absolutely not allowed.
Isnt he abit... furry for that at the checkpoint?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 05, 2022, 01:26:31 pm
Yeah but that screws with the Occult/Psionics branch of the game.

Yes, but I decided to skip this, at is not directly related. But all right, I'll elaborate:
Selecting the lowest difficulty prevents some events from firing, most notably an event which gives you access to some advanced forms of magic. So if you switch to the lowest difficulty before the event, it is just as if you played on Cap'n Kidd from the very beginning; and if you do this after this event, the change shouldn't make any difference.
I personally recommend not playing on the lowest difficulty; the second lowest is only marginally harder, and has no content missing.

(Also thx for that palette help.)

Honest question though considering the number and capabilities of enemies...
Sooo you can capture a Megapol Wolfman and turn him into a Slave.
Then turn him into a Slave Soldier.
And then send him on a City Raid where mutants are absolutely not allowed.
Isnt he abit... furry for that at the checkpoint?

I believe the runts shave him. :)
I look at it more as an allegory: beastman -> human slave -> free human.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BDoubleDs on October 05, 2022, 10:58:33 pm
I'm on my first runthrough of this game on the 2nd to lowest difficulty and have had good positive months(+200-500) all the way until june 2601 when all of a sudden a hideout appeared with a big star on the map.  Since then, both June and July are -1500 - 1700.  I guess my question is... what do i do? lol.  Theres absolutely no way I have the capability to take down that base.  Even getting close immediately shoots down my airbus, but its most definitely the problem (i assume) as to why im getting such huge negative scores.   I'm still running around with personal shotguns and ol' carbines right now, i feel like something is drastically wrong with this situation.

Am i vastly behind in my tech?  is this base totally do-able with my capabilities and im just being a wuss about it? By the end of July I had my first tech in Dr X, the red codex, warrior armors, starting a second base, a good flow of cash from apple booze, and the afore mentioned weapons with mini guns.  I made contact with the car guys (but didnt produce any). 

Any thoughts?

*edit*  so i attempted to replay this a third time by loading farther back.  it looks like it gave a new set of missions and flyby craft  which ended up giving me enough points to survive the month.  some bad RNG i guess.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on October 06, 2022, 11:12:50 am
I suggest looking at this guide, I think its maker knew what he was talking about. See what is applicable. In general, 200-300 score by june is VERY low.,10299.0.html
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BDoubleDs on October 06, 2022, 05:44:51 pm
I suggest looking at this guide, I think its maker knew what he was talking about. See what is applicable. In general, 200-300 score by june is VERY low.,10299.0.html

I kept going after my reload, and i'm now consistently 1000 or so each month.  My most recent was 4500.  I'm chalking it up to a tad learning experience for the first few months, with some bad RNG in jun/july.  But thanks for the link, I'll read over it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on October 18, 2022, 10:30:11 am
I have some questions. Some of them are recent, some are bothering me for a while:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on October 19, 2022, 09:51:16 pm
Hi. how to find out the exact rating? maybe in saves? Help
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: R1dO on October 19, 2022, 10:41:03 pm
Take a look at the charts, finance section.

The score button reveals the rating (see attached image)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scamps on October 19, 2022, 11:05:49 pm
I have some questions. Some of them are recent, some are bothering me for a while:
  • What does "gathers intel on missions" means in PIGEON description? It looks like I am getting slightly more personal databases from missions. Is that all?
  • What does "Extra XP (10)" means on Bikini or similar outfits? I am getting more experience while using it, but this is definitely not +10 stats, otherwise a gal would be maxed very soon.
  • How exactly morale damage (from weapons, such as Incendiary Grenades) is calculated (in this mod)? Does target's bravery matter? It looks like yes, but I cannot figure out how exactly.
  • As far as I know, when a craft get's shot down it is 85% (or something close to that) chance for each crew member to survive. But It looks like there are some hidden rules that I am unaware of. In my current playthrough when AIRBUS with 6 ubers was shot down all survived. Then LITTLE BIRD was shot down with 2 Slave Soldiers: none survived. (2.25% chance, OK.) Then AIRSPEEDER was shot down with 3 Peasants, none survived. (0.3375% that is fishy!) EDIT: And then the PIGEON from 1-st point was shot down with 8 peasants: all survived. Now I can only assume parachutes are available only on certain crafts...
  • Good pilots has +% to accuracy, but how exactly does this goes into formula? Is it an additive to enemy's craft evasion or to weapon accuracy? The difference is significant.

Some answers can be found in ufopeadia bumbered articles.
2. Only basic stats (STR, STA, ...). Does not affect  ACC, THR, MEL.
4. I have a feeling that overkill matters. Little bird and Airspeeder are squishy compared to Pigeon.
5. I believe multiplicative to base weapon accuracy. Additive would be imbalanced. Not sure about the rest of formula.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on October 20, 2022, 09:51:27 am
It is not overkill.

Rather, as far as I can tell, units are 100% safe if the craft is attacked by an enemy HK, but they are DEAD if you are the aggressor. For that reason, I advise to never intercept HKs directly, just fly inside their radar, they'll target you.

I think there's a #tip about this, something like, if you are attacked, pilots will engage safety features, but if you are the attacker, the pilots will fight to the death.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on October 20, 2022, 10:46:46 am
Thanks for an answers.
Some answers can be found in ufopeadia bumbered articles.
Only answer about morale damage can be found in ufopeadia and I don't trust it! It is really hard to check in game how exactly such things are calculated because of input data obscurity (that is why I am asking these questions), but info in ufopeadia is almost certainly wrong (1 for 1, bravery does not matter). And some stuff can be altered by modders (most notably experience gain).
but they are DEAD if you are the aggressor.
Well that explains a lot, really thanks.

Still waiting an answer about "gathers intel on missions"...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on October 20, 2022, 11:16:26 am
Your guess is right, it just gathers extra personal databases.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on October 22, 2022, 11:16:01 pm
Another question not strictly related to XPiratez, but still...
There is an item called "Master's Cane". If you open additional info page, there is hidden 20% weapon attack accuracy. That is very low and since it is hidden very suspicious. If user's accuracy is multiplied by this value, then even if user has 100 voodoo strength and 100 voodoo skill there will be 34% chance to hit ((100 * 100 * 0.011 + 0.6 * 100) * 0.2 = 34) and that is without distance drop off.

Or maybe this 20% is +20% on top for easy psi-attack from psi formula? It has to be that, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: AuEllai on October 26, 2022, 12:05:58 pm
You can always trust the ufopeadia. The numbered articles are true in the sense that they're 100% false. If it says bravery isn't important, for example, that means it's very important. It's the best source of info there is and should be used often, especially those numbered "false" articles, because once you realize that you can just assume the opposite of what it says, you realize it's the closest the game ever gets to giving you clear, straightforward tips instead of just hints.

EDIT: I don't remember exactly, it's not ALL the numbered articles (and it might not even be the numbered articles), but there's a set of "hints" that basically give you opposite day info. Regardless, the point is that the ufopeadia can absolutely be trusted as an authoritative source.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on October 26, 2022, 02:42:27 pm
Wtf dude.

Wrong information will be corrected, but you have to be more specific than "everything is wrong".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 27, 2022, 07:56:06 pm
why do no slave soldiers or peasants (or loknars) get ANY flying options when grav harnesses are available right from the beginning of the game pretty much?

These characters are supposed to make up for toughness with quantity compared to gals. But that should mean that similar options are available to get them in high places. Guild PCMs can fly, so obviously grav packs are not toxic to humans.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 28, 2022, 07:52:28 pm
why do no slave soldiers or peasants (or loknars) get ANY flying options when grav harnesses are available right from the beginning of the game pretty much?

These characters are supposed to make up for toughness with quantity compared to gals. But that should mean that similar options are available to get them in high places. Guild PCMs can fly, so obviously grav packs are not toxic to humans.

You are definitely right; armours are just time-consuming to make, so not every combination exists.

I'll discuss this with Dio, maybe we can do something relatively inexpensive in terms of time sunk.

EDIT: Behold! :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yankes on October 28, 2022, 11:18:40 pm
You are definitely right; armours are just time-consuming to make, so not every combination exists.
There is always option to hack something using items and altering move type of unit, then nearly any armor could have optional flight capacity.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 29, 2022, 06:11:53 am
There is always option to hack something using items and altering move type of unit, then nearly any armor could have optional flight capacity.
its just an oversight I think, and I don't like hacking stuff for that big of a change that doesn't make sense for the thing in question. Really id be happy with a grav harness altered for humans which doesn't even give them more TUs (ie, no "running"), or maybe a tac vest as the entry fee (which doesn't really add protection tbh).

I mean, if the stairwell is out and all you have are slave soldiers or peasants (or 3 heroes...). I think the only hacky thing I think I would want to exploit currently is Hammer Crushing from above, or maybe air dropped landmines. But being able to fly behind trees for cover is a modest benefit.

I have some maxed out and commended peasants and heroes, and it just seens silly they cant get the same benefits at their "level" as regular gals. Just defender armor, doom armor, centurion. No flying. Maybe there's something endgame but i haven't found it yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on November 01, 2022, 10:40:36 pm
I know these tools are readily provided for massive destruction... like red dragon missiles, baby nukes, barrel of nukes, but I need to know what the practical purpose is for them. Besides the final mission of course (which ive never reached).

I tend to find that Mercs might be the only dudes you really just want to wipe, but most of the time you find them in Pogroms which have all the civilians there too, so you can't nuke them there. Mostly for mercs I just land, watch the -500ish point penalty and take off immediately without taking a shot.

Sure a nuke helps with an enemy hideout but usually I mop up everybody rather than destroy the command center. And if I wanna hit the command center honestly as soon as I find it I send in a Blitz or Synth lady carrying a Barrel Bomb or Demo Charge, set it down and fly back out the door. You cant even bring vehicles into enemy hideouts (XEC, Battlecannon).

Siberia only comes once too...
The ATGM and Bombard/Hell works good enough there.

So im just wondering, are there other situations its worthwhile?
Eridian Terror, if you suck that much?
Euro syndicate, if you're stupid enough to accept the deal?
Or just wanna watch academy campus ladies get cooked?

If anything the Timed Baby Nuke is pretty worthwhile, because you can put it inside somewhere. But a Demo Charge does about the same thing too.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nalca on November 01, 2022, 11:27:14 pm
I know these tools are readily provided for massive destruction... like red dragon missiles, baby nukes, barrel of nukes, but I need to know what the practical purpose is for them.

Nuking ninjas and ninja landcruisers.
Or the surprise hidden in the ninja base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on November 02, 2022, 03:19:46 am
Nuking ninjas and ninja landcruisers.
Or the surprise hidden in the ninja base.
i guess they usually dont have much loot to bother with
I haven't upgraded in awhile though so ninja bases aren't a thing for me yet
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on November 02, 2022, 06:23:20 am
i guess they usually dont have much loot to bother with
I haven't upgraded in awhile though so ninja bases aren't a thing for me yet

Now they're a three level mission. A fucking kick in the nuts. And that's if you strike them early before they grow to the second tier

Ninja main base is why I'm still using debug mode ctrl+K
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on November 02, 2022, 03:00:03 pm
Now they're a three level mission. A fucking kick in the nuts. And that's if you strike them early before they grow to the second tier

Ninja main base is why I'm still using debug mode ctrl+K

I'm ashamed to say I did the same thing to take out the Ninja base early so I don't have to be bothered by them so much and can concentrate on working my way through a 'normal' game.  I try not to use that cheat on 'normal' missions of course, unless I'm down to one or two badly wounded gals and there's just one enemy hiding somewhere.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on November 06, 2022, 10:22:34 am
Hi,  how edit mod "Decreased TUs for aliens on your first turn" for piratez?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on November 06, 2022, 02:15:54 pm
Hi,  how edit mod "Decreased TUs for aliens on your first turn" for piratez?
Im not aware of there being a mod for it, it has to do with an engine limitation because that's how the X-Com: Ufo Defense game works.

More or less its like in a roleplaying game where you're the one being surprised, everyone else is holding their action and then you trigger it. Makes complete sense, aircraft comes in and the alert goes off, they're watching you land, ready to engage you. Would make sense for most of the other missions too. Like even for mansion invasions the trigger point would be when they realize your Fake IDs dont add up and they pull the alarm.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: yergnoor on November 06, 2022, 03:54:50 pm
Im not aware of there being a mod for it, it has to do with an engine limitation because that's how the X-Com: Ufo Defense game works.
For this there is a mod that works with scripts and changes the TU of all enemies, but only at the beginning of the battle.,7308.0.html

Somewhere over there in that thread is a more interesting variant of this mod, which reduces TU not equally, but randomly. It's more realistic that way.

As for how to make that mod compatible with X-Piratez, it's best to change the value in the metadata.yml file «master: "xcom1"» to «master: "*"» Then the mod will be available in any variant of the game - UFO, TFTD, X-Files, X-Piratez and so on. And since it is not tied to specific types of enemies, it should work everywhere.
However, I haven't checked.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on November 06, 2022, 10:19:56 pm
As for how to make that mod compatible with X-Piratez, it's best to change the value in the metadata.yml file «master: "xcom1"» to «master: "*"» Then the mod will be available in any variant of the game - UFO, TFTD, X-Files, X-Piratez and so on. And since it is not tied to specific types of enemies, it should work everywhere.
However, I haven't checked.

this is what i was looking for, thanks
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: superpippo90 on November 07, 2022, 01:04:12 pm
So does that mod only covers the first turn and not reinforcements? In this case, does anyone have a quick way to include them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jazztree13 on November 09, 2022, 04:36:41 pm
I just changed my game difficulty from the easiest up one level since I wanted to get into voodoo.

I also upped the ExecutionOdds for the priestess event so that I can get voodoo initiation. (though it still shows as red in the tech viewer)

But I'm stuck on dark star as I need to get it from the codex, which I have in my inventory, but can't research a second time(i have it in the base with the old earth lab/computer service)

wat do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on November 10, 2022, 02:24:10 am
my suggestion is to search for all the entries in your save file for the psi related stuff, there is a section that has options like 0,1,2 and that one may show whether the subject has been popped, not discovered, or is blocked. This is used for things like which codex you're using (btw unless you have Gray or possibly Gold you will never be able to use the Psi-Amp) or like after interrogations are done switches off the option ro perform that interrogation again since its unneeded.

it might be worthwhile to delete all entries for the psi stuff because then at least it resets what has changed and will allow you to research that tech stuff from scratch, also check out the living-the-dream Event to see the track record of what it changes
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on November 11, 2022, 08:36:33 pm
It all began with "I want to create a Herbalist catgirl"... I never thought it would be so hard to do.

At first glance it wasn't look like hard. According to Bootypedia article, there is no prerequisites or incompatibilities to this transformation, just a library (and I have one). And yet despite having some catgirs in my base, I don't see them in transformation list. I opened wiki, often there are more info. No, not this time. I also noticed, that some transformations has 2 articles: one the same as in in game Bootypedia and one with actually useful info like "Workout for Catgirls" and "Bodybuilder". Sadly there is no useful articles for "Herbalist".

Then I realized that not all cats ar equal. Outlaw cats are considered different from regular catgirls and, according to soldier's filter inside the transformations list, they are not eligible for herbalist training. Yes, most of my cats are outlawed, because this is what you always get after recruiting. But one of my cat is not outlawed! If you filter soldiers by type, you can see their type number on the right side. Outlaw cats have number 21. And one of my cat have number 20. But what that actually means?

How to actually determine soldier's type? I can see their flags are different, but that does not say their type name. I opened Piratez.rul file and looked for soldier's types there. I found them, but there are no ids! Maybe their position in array is their type number? No! According in game list, Syn is number 2, but in Piratez.rul file it is 16!

I don't know what to do now... Why in this mod it is sometimes so hard to do things that are supposed to be trivial?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: legionof1 on November 13, 2022, 06:19:48 pm
Well usually if the soldier type is different there is a different flag in the crew list. Granted that's not particularly obvious.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on November 13, 2022, 10:38:06 pm
Yes, it is very not obvious to determine soldier's type by flag. There is no text on this flag and no flag dictionary, not in game, not in wiki.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Milthfphche on November 15, 2022, 09:04:29 am
Or just edit your save. Find something like:

difficulty: X

Should be one the first lines. X denotes game difficulty(0 to 4)(, so change to whatever you like.

I have no doubt it's been answered before but there are innumerable pages on this forum. Beyond enemy unit counts, what all will change if I increase the difficulty on my current file? Will it affect enemy stats? Will it affect aerial combat? Will it affect my incomes at all, or cause them to cap out at lower maxes?

And while I'm clogging up the thread, one more question: Dioxine recently implied on the "What to do with Dr. X" thread that there might be mutually exclusive opportunities later down the road. For that reason, I've been hesitant to make any decision at all. That being said, it says that one thing she'll eventually lead to is !Into the Void! which affects game progression and all the tech reports leading up to it that I have really got my curiosity going. Am I missing anything significant gameplay-, story-, item-, or tech-wise by putting that off? At the end of the day this mod is already dozens of times the content and enjoyment of the base game so if it's just a quirky little mission waiting on further updates to enhance the questline I can wait for those updates
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on November 15, 2022, 07:49:04 pm
I have no doubt it's been answered before but there are innumerable pages on this forum. Beyond enemy unit counts, what all will change if I increase the difficulty on my current file?

Will it affect enemy stats?


Will it affect aerial combat?

Yes, only on Jack Sparrow. Enemies will fire faster.

Will it affect my incomes at all, or cause them to cap out at lower maxes?

Yes, sort-of. Increased difficulty imposes a penalty on sell prices to the tune of 10% per step up to 40% penalty on JS. Notably, though, it does NOT influence passive income or infamy bonuses.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on November 18, 2022, 01:38:15 am
BTW put this file in your ruleset folder and it will do the First Turn TUs thing in XP (randomized).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on November 18, 2022, 04:59:37 pm
Is it possible to completely destroy the sky ninjas?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on November 18, 2022, 10:57:55 pm
Is it possible to completely destroy the sky ninjas?
No because there will always be some kind of missions that select them as the faction. Like Humanists or Spartans.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on November 21, 2022, 02:28:56 pm
Is it possible to crash the Ninja Mobile Fortress, or they are always set to be blown to pieces?


The Hyper-Wave Decoder told that one of Guild Ships had a mission 'Guild Hideout'.

Does this means it creates a new Hideout, or merely supplies an existing one?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on November 22, 2022, 08:19:48 pm
in the discription for the sheperds staff it says at the bottom: 
protective gear type: Weapon
RF: cut 85/80

what does that last part mean? thanks in advanced. Using most recent version.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on November 23, 2022, 10:00:47 pm
Resistance Factor, Increases resistance to cut damage by 85%, up to 80 minimum. Since most armors have 100 or better, effect is very weak.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 25, 2022, 06:51:00 pm
Is it possible to edit code to remove lowest level of hideout defence map (tunnels with green slime)? so that the lowest level is the rooms beneath the main level.
I generally enjoy the base defence scenario, but seeking out the last few enemies who get lost in the sludge is ruining my enjoyment of it every damn time.
If removing the level is not possible, maybe I can change it's code to make it impassable terrain, so that it exists but no-one can go there?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on November 25, 2022, 10:06:39 pm
Resistance Factor, Increases resistance to cut damage by 85%, up to 80 minimum. Since most armors have 100 or better, effect is very weak.
Ah thanks! I just relized that today, saw something in the bootypedia about it. Something about deminishing returns though. So thats what the two values are for.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on November 25, 2022, 11:13:05 pm
Each time my gals show up at sight they seem to grab the same set of weapons. Never did any loadouts, but they always pick up the same things, and I always have to make them ditch the ropes and pointy sticks they want to use by default. Natrually this is tiresome, any way to fix?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on November 25, 2022, 11:31:19 pm
Each time my gals show up at sight they seem to grab the same set of weapons. Never did any loadouts, but they always pick up the same things, and I always have to make them ditch the ropes and pointy sticks they want to use by default. Natrually this is tiresome, any way to fix?

It should be in advanced options "Disable auto-equip: YARR!"

Is it possible to edit code to remove lowest level of hideout defence map (tunnels with green slime)? so that the lowest level is the rooms beneath the main level.
I generally enjoy the base defence scenario, but seeking out the last few enemies who get lost in the sludge is ruining my enjoyment of it every damn time.
If removing the level is not possible, maybe I can change it's code to make it impassable terrain, so that it exists but no-one can go there?

It is mapping, so I don't think a simple code would do much for it. There is however ingame solution and that is building your bases smart and using smart tactics. Security corridors block sewers for example.
If most of the enemies are either dead, or stuned, after around turn 16 "bug hunt" mode should activate which shows you remaining enemies on your map (there is a special button for that map, just like in normal X-COM).

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on November 27, 2022, 07:52:28 pm
If most of the enemies are either dead, or stuned, after around turn 16 "bug hunt" mode should activate which shows you remaining enemies on your map (there is a special button for that map, just like in normal X-COM).
What special button is it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on November 28, 2022, 03:12:53 am
I know it's OpenXCom related and not mod related but....

.... I start the game and I get ALL texts outlined within boxes, its very distracting. Running the game in Linux

Ed: Like in the screenshot attached to this post
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: R1dO on November 28, 2022, 11:29:39 am
It looks like your config has both `debug: true` and `debugUi: true` set.

You can get rid of the latter one (which shows the outlines) by pressing: CTRL + U.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on November 28, 2022, 04:55:01 pm
What special button is it?

This one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on November 28, 2022, 09:48:20 pm
It looks like your config has both `debug: true` and `debugUi: true` set.

You can get rid of the latter one (which shows the outlines) by pressing: CTRL + U.

It was exactly that! Fixed and TYVM!  :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on November 29, 2022, 03:07:47 am
So on the new faust vessel, where is the inventory kept on the vehicle? As In, if I want to pick up a new gun after I deployed, where do I find the pile of items laying on the ground?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on November 29, 2022, 11:40:35 am
Bottom floor, near the exit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: breaker52 on November 29, 2022, 03:18:21 pm
So on the gyrocopter craft. in the description it says: "Can strafe" and "Turn 1/16" what do these mean exactly?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on November 29, 2022, 08:45:49 pm
So on the gyrocopter craft. in the description it says: "Can strafe" and "Turn 1/16" what do these mean exactly?

"Strafing" means moving sideways. Most of the 1x1 units can strafe (hold "ctrl" when ordering to move), which saves few TUs, because gal doesn't have to spend them on turning around.
"Turn 1/16" I can only assume works like with other 2x2 vehicles with turrets that not only can turn themselfs in 8 directions, but also their turret in another 8.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 29, 2022, 09:47:40 pm
"Turn 1/16" I can only assume works like with other 2x2 vehicles with turrets that not only can turn themselfs in 8 directions, but also their turret in another 8.

Actually, no; it means that turning is slower than normal. Normally it's 1 TU per a 1/8th rotation (so a full 360 degrees takes 8 TU); but vehicles take more than that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mechanique on November 30, 2022, 03:36:14 pm
What does political pressure do? Is it a recurring bonus/penalty to infamy?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on November 30, 2022, 04:27:46 pm
It is not recurring. It is one time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Drago888 on November 30, 2022, 04:52:39 pm
Not sure if that not trolling. There is a research topic litterally called "We Need Craft Weapons" wich will give you first 14mm for free, further research will open manufacturing and finally contacts to just buy 25mm.
Wich a requierments for Captain's Log #2 event? 3rd year still no event for diplomacy.

Requirements for Captain's Log #2

       STR_CAPTAINS_LOG_01: true     (Captain Log #1)
       STR_PERSUASION: true              (Persuasion)
       STR_SAT_NETWORK: true           (Earth Satelite Network)
       STR_PIRATEZ_HIERARCHY: true   (Social Hierarchy)
       STR_CHRONICLES_001: true        (Pirates Tradition)
       STR_NO_CIVILIAN_TRAFFIC: true (Stop targetting Civilian Traffic)
       STR_CONTACT_SMUGGLERS: true (Contact: Smugglers)
       STR_BIKINI_PRODUCTION: true    (Bikini Design)
       STR_MEIDO_OUTFIT: true             (Maid Outfit)
       STR_ONSEN: true                         (Onsen)
       STR_PLOTTING: true                     (Plotting)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on November 30, 2022, 07:21:01 pm
Recently I've started a new game in the Europe and political pressure there works as a recurring penalty, every couple months I get hit with -50 infamy event. It also regularly provides more nukes, so I'm fine with this
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 01, 2022, 06:24:54 pm
That is not political pressure, it's just a recurring event.

Notably, Fuso and also Turan have events like that. Fuso positive, Turan negative.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on December 01, 2022, 08:14:31 pm
An event called "political pressure" is not a political pressure?  :-\
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on December 02, 2022, 09:44:40 am
rocket from rocket launcher hitting a turret uses side armour or under armour?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on December 02, 2022, 12:08:35 pm
rocket from rocket launcher hitting a turret uses side armour or under armour?
According to UFOpaedia units on the impact tile and the eight tiles immediately surrounding it use under armour, otherwise they use side armour facing the explosion. This fits with my experiences while playing.
Quotes from wiki:
Quote from: Explosions#Ground_Zero_Effect
Units at ground zero (center of blast) and the eight adjacent tiles (GZ+1; nine tiles in total) receive damage through their Under Armor. All others receive damage to the side facing ground zero (never Under Armor).

This is true regardless of whether using thrown items (grenades, Hi-Ex) or shot/launched explosives (AC-HE, HC-HE, Rockets, Blaster).
Quote from: Damage#Effects_of_Armour
Armour is the protective plating found on any of the possible sides that the attack may hit. Its role in the damage calculation is simply to reduce the final calculated damage after the random roll and damage modifiers have been applied.

For firearm damage, units can be hit from the Front, Rear, Left and Right armour.

Explosive and area-effect stun damage will target Under armour if the target is at or adjacent to the centre of the explosion (i.e. a Direct Hit). For all other ranges in the blast radius are treated as directional damage originating from the centre of the explosion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 03, 2022, 10:49:46 am
An event called "political pressure" is not a political pressure?  :-\

Well, I thought one was reffering to the 'political pressure' line that EVERY CONTINENT has, most of which have no impact beyond one time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on December 05, 2022, 11:29:24 am seems to be down, and was working poorly for some time;
is there new site or any news on our beloved  online piratopedia?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 05, 2022, 01:24:51 pm

This month, Bootypedia's website went down.

We couldn't figure out what happened and how to fix it.

The invited specialist also could not help.

Kato's Online Bootypedia has been declared deceased.

We disclaim the responsibility to maintain the site xpitatez[.]wtf, because we are not sure that such unsolvable (for us) problems will not be repeated on another hosting.

We would like to thank everyone who helped financially with the maintenance of the site xpitatez[.]wtf

The unspent balance is included in the Kardalak artist salary (seven slides for the new X-PirateZ cutscene, which is not yet in the game).

Now please use Baturinsky's Online Bootypedia (the author of the xpedia engine, the project is actively developing)

Since the publication of this post, OAK C.G. has nothing to do with any Online Bootypedia existing on the Web; for all questions, please contact the site administration of or the administration of other Bootypedia sites, if any.

Since the publication of this post, OAK C.G. is not related to any sites using the xpitatez[.]wtf domain, if any.

This post is the answer to any possible questions regarding the Online Bootypedia, residing at xpitatez[.]wtf

Thank you all for browsing,
OAK Creative Group represented by Osobist, Alexander and Kato.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on December 06, 2022, 01:53:56 pm
Would my hideout benefit from dojo, if it already has Revolution HQ?
(I mean for various trainings, not for freshness recovery bonus)

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on December 07, 2022, 09:01:52 pm
As far as I can tell yes, it adds that many more training spots. Just like Onsen and Luxury Spa stack training spots. So you can train up more gals/units
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nalca on December 08, 2022, 02:59:48 am
Dojo provide the service "Dojo", while the revolution HQ don't.
I think only events use this service, but maybe I'm wrong.

Otherwise, it change nothing in terms of the maximum stats a gal can get via training.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on December 16, 2022, 03:17:45 pm
I don't understand why before each start of the battle the weapon in the inventory changes, and not the one I chose earlier
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scamps on December 16, 2022, 04:09:30 pm
There is a new option: Apocalypse-type equipment, on by default.
If it is on, equipment is saved in base soldier inventory screen (opened from soldiers list, not craft). Changing equipment pre-mission does not save it. Not sure about base craft inventory screen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 17, 2022, 09:25:36 pm
About the Apoc-style equipping:

In my recent experience I found that managing soldier inventory via the Base Soldier inventory to be buggy: Sometimes the changes do not save, sometimes they revert to what the soldiers had months ago, sometimes not recognizing that I have items on the "ground" in the first place unless I have them in excess.

Equipping soldiers via the Craft Inventory (in geoscape, not during battle start), on the other hand, so far has been bug-free for me and working as intended.

Not sure what is so different between the Inventory in Soldier Screen and the Inventory in the Craft Screen that leads to such different results.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Berggen on December 18, 2022, 01:38:03 pm
About the Apoc-style equipping:

In my recent experience I found that managing soldier inventory via the Base Soldier inventory to be buggy: Sometimes the changes do not save, sometimes they revert to what the soldiers had months ago, sometimes not recognizing that I have items on the "ground" in the first place unless I have them in excess.

Equipping soldiers via the Craft Inventory (in geoscape, not during battle start), on the other hand, so far has been bug-free for me and working as intended.

Not sure what is so different between the Inventory in Soldier Screen and the Inventory in the Craft Screen that leads to such different results.

It works correctly if you equip your gals in the inventory screen and then you go to the craft and open the inventory screen there to allow the game remember your new loadout.

What  I can´t figure yet is how to fix the duplicated items bug, I know someone did fix it but I don´t know exactly how to do it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on December 19, 2022, 12:47:31 am
are there any ways to effectively destroy enemy bases? I have 15 of them (gray codex. Only new game?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on December 19, 2022, 10:51:46 am
are there any ways to effectively destroy enemy bases? I have 15 of them (gray codex. Only new game?
Wow!  :o During my last playthrough I have no alien bases at all! Ninja outposts does not counts. And if you are talking about ninja outposts, then this is one of the few missions where nuclear weapons are viable (can be launched from ballista).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on December 19, 2022, 01:03:56 pm
Oh, I'm sorry, 1 base and 14 outposts, could you explain in more detail how to use nuclear weapons, or are there any guides for destroying bases and outposts?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on December 20, 2022, 11:28:49 am
Oh, I'm sorry, 1 base and 14 outposts, could you explain in more detail how to use nuclear weapons, or are there any guides for destroying bases and outposts?
Without knowing with what you are struggling, I can only say generic stuff. By "nuclear weapons" I mean ( Main guide to destroy outposts is "destroy main turrets before they destroys you". Also you need to break a wall somehow. ( can help.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on December 20, 2022, 02:02:14 pm
useful information, thank you, I read that the red codex allows you to destroy bases and outposts without starting a battle, but on the globe, is something similar possible in other codexes?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on December 20, 2022, 02:46:28 pm
I read that the red codex allows you to destroy bases and outposts without starting a battle, but on the globe
WHAT???  :o I wish I have this stuff when played with red codex...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on December 20, 2022, 04:00:10 pm
useful information, thank you, I read that the red codex allows you to destroy bases and outposts without starting a battle, but on the globe, is something similar possible in other codexes?

I am 90% this is not true, and possibly a misunderstanding the use of Chinese Dragon.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 20, 2022, 09:36:44 pm
A question due to the impending restart:

What Captain Personality matches with the Golden Codex choice?

Previously I had gone with Jerkass/Triumphant option because the art matched the GC Admiral outfit and because it gave an obvious reward (Treasure Hunting).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: magitsu on December 21, 2022, 12:00:05 pm
What Captain Personality matches with the Golden Codex choice?
Dumbass, Lazy-Ass and Jackass Captain all have Idea: Pride like Gold.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rondano on December 31, 2022, 12:42:14 am
is it possible to recruit vips, maybe a submod? if not, what's the point?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nicedayright on January 03, 2023, 06:29:29 am
If you're having trouble with excess ninja outposts, I've got them down to something like a science by now.

Certain craft are your friend for this, early game I'd recommend the CONVOY. Throw some HMG's or 25mm's in the gun slots and ensure the pilots are high-accuracy and it'll plow through enemy interceptors on the way in.  It comes as two open backed APC's, so sometimes your landing zone can screw you. If you spawn in with the open doors facing the outpost and its attendant 14mm's just leave, it's not worth it. Once landed, your convoy is your fortress. Engage enemies by "poptarting" using the two ladder/hatches on each apc to pop out, take a couple shots then drop down. Use sniper rifles, grenades/grenade launchers and bows to eliminate the minigun turrets (the little ones) as well as any ninja you see. Ensure you're clearing the space around your APC and be careful about ninjas throwing grenades into your craft. It sucks.

Once you've cleared the flying assault ninjas and minigun turrets and have a little bit of breathing room, start pushing gals out into good cover to approach the 14mm turrets. Be careful of ninja in the little corner fortresses. For this next bit you need flamethrowers. Flame throwers always do a little bit of damage even through armor, hit AOE to take advantage of the turret's 2x2 profile, and reaction disrupt to keep you from taking return fire. Lucky for you, random ninja slaves tend to carry flamethrowers on these maps if you didn't have some already (you should have some already). Beat the turrets by hiding in the crenelated portions of the wall near them and popping out to hit them with burst from your flamethrowers before popping back in.

It is *possible* to damage 14mm turrets with your normal dedicated AT weapons (RPG's and such) but they're tanky enough that it will take multiple hits, and they absolutely will reaction fire and kill your shooter every time. However, if you hit them with a flamethrower first, they'll be disrupted and unable to fire back at anyone else you have shooting. Turns out being covered in burning napalm limits your ability to see very well. If you're especially bold, you can use this time to whack them with hammers.

Two dedicated gals with flamers can burn down a turret in two turns. Less if you supplement with RPG's, hammers etc. Once both turrets are gone, crack the main gate with a hammer and commence to hunting ninja's. By this point you should have killed enough of them that the rest are panicking and will surrender, but it is sometimes a chore to hunt down the last stubborn warrior.

Once that's done, enjoy the cash, loot and score bounty.

It's possible to do this very early on with very low resource investment. A couple high accuracy gals with snipers or grenade launchers form your base of fire. They sweep the skies and kill mini turrets. A pair of gals with flamers to push up and handle the big 14mm's. At least one gal with a hammer or pickaxe to break the gate. Convoy is optional and there are better craft for this (anything with a door and no windows, looking at you TRITON), but it's cheap, tanky and available early on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yglorba on January 04, 2023, 12:42:54 am
Dynamite is also extremely effective at dealing with turrets.

(And everything else.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on January 04, 2023, 01:18:13 am
I got good results using Panzerfausts to take out the large 14mm turrets. The arcing shot allows you to get around reaction fire, while deployment is as simple as a rookie with panzerfaust and sidearm. Even if the panzerfaust misses, it usually lands nearby.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dead Nettle on January 05, 2023, 11:53:44 pm
Turrets don't have thermal vision right? Smoke should work shouldn't it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on January 06, 2023, 03:04:02 am
Turrets don't have thermal vision right? Smoke should work shouldn't it?
The big 2x2 turrets that the Ninjas use have Night Vision 16 and Thermal Vision 50%. So smoke can work, just not very well.
Interestingly, in N2 they were modified to now not ignore CQC mechanics, so if you're feeling daring you can have someone in flying armor with decent evasion stand next to the turret and face it to completely suppress it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RicoDevega on January 06, 2023, 03:06:45 pm
Am I missing something for ACADEMY PROVOST'S SECRETS? I have every single academy interrogation done. Almost all academy personnel are 100% researched, missing only a single tech from the scientist and thrall (Lightning Thrower and #058). It doesn't show any research requirements in the xpedia. I have the ESP Secrets but I think I got that from the previous version by manufacture breaking one. The only other SECRETS tech I haven't got is for the guildmaster.

I'm about to enter 2603 and am on the cusp of researching Higher Studies. I've already cleared an academy base once but if needed I can just buy a Provost, but as I've researched every tech she can give I don't think I'll be able to research her.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on January 06, 2023, 03:40:20 pm
There is a bug currently about the provost and guildmaster. Unfortunately, I do not know the fix, but this should be posted in the Bugs topic.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on January 07, 2023, 11:28:19 am
If you are deep enough into the lategame for VIP interrogations and don't want to wait for a patch, here's how to fix it.

Get your favorite text editor and open up (starting from your OpenXCOM folder) user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez.rul

To fix the academy provost, look for an entry that looks like this:
    cost: 35
    points: 100
    needItem: true
    destroyItem: true

To the getOneFreeProtected section, add the following lines:

For the guldmaster:

Look for this:

    cost: 35
    points: 100
    needItem: true
    destroyItem: true

This one doesn't have a getOneFreeProtected section, so you need to add one yourself. Just below
      - STR_FISTY
Add this:

Careful with editing that file, make a backup first, don't use any tab-indentations, only spaces. If you tamper with it improperly, OpenXCOM will give you an error message if you start it.

And in case you're wondering why the academy provost is called Sectoid Commander in code, let's just say this mod used to be a palette swap that just replaced X-Com weapons with pirate-y counterparts. It's come a long way since, but some of internal references still call academicians sectoids, traders floaters and church snakemen.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on May 24, 2023, 02:49:01 am
Are ruined hangars recoverable in any way?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on May 29, 2023, 06:37:50 pm
Yes. You have to click on them to "dismantle" them, that is a way to fix them. Even while ruined they provide some amenities, so make sure to cover the shortfall while they are out of service.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Interdictor on June 09, 2023, 10:56:35 pm
Do we have Taarna from "Heavy Metal" implemented in the MOD?
I see Loc-Nar The The Sum Of All Evils is already referenced )
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 10, 2023, 01:13:52 am
Do we have Taarna from "Heavy Metal" implemented in the MOD?
I see Loc-Nar The The Sum Of All Evils is already referenced )

Yes, Taarna is referenced in a way :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nefandi on June 19, 2023, 05:52:09 am
I'm in the late game and Crypt of the Technomancer simply isn't spawning even though I did the related research/quests a couple of years ago. Is there a line edit I can do in a save file that will force the mission to spawn?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on June 20, 2023, 11:16:06 pm
I'm in the late game and Crypt of the Technomancer simply isn't spawning even though I did the related research/quests a couple of years ago. Is there a line edit I can do in a save file that will force the mission to spawn?

In one of the Alien Missions of the .sav file cannibalize one of the existing missions, by replacing it with the one you want. You'll need to research what the mission is and which region set it spawns with. You can find the alien missions section of the .save file easily by searching for "countdown".

Also many missions have missionsitezone set to -1 and those are mainly flying missions, so a mission site will have a positive number or 0, if you dont know how many mission sites exist in that region set just put it as 0 or some low number so the game don't crash. I think for example siberia base has like only two locations, and zaxx exterminator missions only have like 7 sites.

I do this sort of thing all the time to generate extra Infested Basement rats mission for fun, training, and commendations. And for those Jacks missions with the double crossing dudes or crackhouses. And also multiple X-Prisons since the doctor x prison can spawn multiple times, so this way I can just group them up and run the mission several times when im interested in it all at once (the resulting loot, well, if it can spawn several times id already be getting that loot, basically more life support modules than you even need for the conqueror).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on July 17, 2023, 10:11:00 pm
What exactly influences the percentage that a power source remains intact after a crash? I think I recall that orginal xcom had like 25% flat chance, but it's definitely not what I'm seeing in XPZ.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: psavola on July 17, 2023, 10:37:03 pm
What exactly influences the percentage that a power source remains intact after a crash? I think I recall that orginal xcom had like 25% flat chance, but it's definitely not what I'm seeing in XPZ.

I haven't played XPZ, but exploding UFO_POWER_SOURCE object types has been hardcoded to 75 % in BattlescapeGenerator::explodePowerSources() - not sure if this can be modified by scripting (obviously ship design or using other object types might also influence this).

Also see:

FWIW, I noticed that the description for TFTD Ion-Beam Accelerator explosion in ufopedia is different;; not sure where this comes from but based on a brief look it isn't implemented in OXC.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ciqasty on July 17, 2023, 11:26:36 pm
Hi, playing new version and I have just used tiny drill.
This spawned an anomaly and now I am confused a bit - should I research it? Because when I research it it's doing some strange thing in tech tree viewer where the "use drill" option is no longer marked (is pinkish, instead of blue) also prerequisite 2 becomes crossed off.

This is my second playthrough but the first one was some time ago and on lower difficulty and I just don't remember if I researched it or skipped it (might be I haven't noticed).
Basically the question is - to get the items from codex etc. what should be done after using tiny drill? I have a save from before using it but frankly I don't want to play the game just to find out I somehow made a mistake in research and it will lock me out of codex or something ;)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: splic3r on July 18, 2023, 05:15:30 am
Is there an updated resource anywhere? Ufopedia seems super outdated. I think I used to use bootypedia? But it doesn't work? No discord? I'm not a fan of forums :(

I was looking for country starting bonuses.
I was looking for some help on a noob codex to pick (I never finished a run, restarting...again)

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 18, 2023, 10:21:53 am
Is there an updated resource anywhere?

Sorry, what resource? You don't mean game assets, right?

Ufopedia seems super outdated. I think I used to use bootypedia? But it doesn't work?

Yeah, looks like doesn't have the latest additions. I'll try to find out if it will be updated.

No discord? I'm not a fan of forums :(

We don't speak the D word here, but there's Matrix:,10381.0.html

I was looking for country starting bonuses.
I was looking for some help on a noob codex to pick (I never finished a run, restarting...again)

Come to Matrix, we have answers :)

EDIT: Sorry, I see you're in there already :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on July 18, 2023, 10:07:10 pm
I haven't played XPZ, but exploding UFO_POWER_SOURCE object types has been hardcoded to 75 % in BattlescapeGenerator::explodePowerSources() - not sure if this can be modified by scripting (obviously ship design or using other object types might also influence this).

Also see:

FWIW, I noticed that the description for TFTD Ion-Beam Accelerator explosion in ufopedia is different;; not sure where this comes from but based on a brief look it isn't implemented in OXC.

Thanks for that - it only confirms my vague recollection about 25% in original.
In XPZ I had a downed cruiser (Obliterator barrage via Dragon if it makes any difference) which consistently had no engines undamaged. I decided to test this and out of 40 retries (yes, I save scummed), twice (5%) had 2 of 4 engines, 6 (15%) times had 1 of 4 and 32 (80%) had all destroyed engines. The 20% (5+15) is statistically faaaar away from the predicted ~68% chance of at least one engine being undamaged if we went according to original rules.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on July 18, 2023, 11:04:52 pm
I decided to test this and out of 40 retries (yes, I save scummed), twice (5%) had 2 of 4 engines, 6 (15%) times had 1 of 4 and 32 (80%) had all destroyed engines. The 20% (5+15) is statistically faaaar away from the predicted ~68% chance of at least one engine being undamaged if we went according to original rules.
Are any of the engines close to each other? The above only applies to OG Battleship-like configurations.

And 40 tries is a pretty tiny sample as such things go. Granted, it shouldn't be off by that much, but still. 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on July 19, 2023, 12:43:30 am
It's a Cruiser (OG Battleship) so each engine is separate and there is no way for them to destroy each other. At 40 tries I simply gave up - while it is scientifically small, the sample is still enough to show that something fishy is going on. ;) 10 engines out of 160 is not 25%, not even close. :) I'll see how it behaves on other ships if I have the time (and patience). Maybe the Cruiser just has some secret self destruct thingie added in XPZ to make the Hellerium payout much smaller.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on July 25, 2023, 04:28:02 am
10 engines out of 160 is not 25%, not even close. :) I'll see how it behaves on other ships if I have the time (and patience). Maybe the Cruiser just has some secret self destruct thingie added in XPZ to make the Hellerium payout much smaller.

Dunno about that but if you want more Hellerium just edit or insert the item entry for the elerium-115 item and set its "Armor" value as an item to some number near 200. The ufo power source explosion does damage thats something like 165 points to 235, you'll have to check that with an official x-com document source though. And it seems to be randomly rolled even against terrain unlike regular explosions so you have random blast patterns each time.

By giving it 999 armor you will always recover fuel from each engine whether destroyed or not. Around 200 armor you will recover it most of the time. I typically give it Armor: 185 so that it usually preserves some of the fuel from a craft with blown engines.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ashghan on July 25, 2023, 10:52:49 pm
It's more of a weapon (parts) question for me. Plus it makes me feel slightly cheated that after a hard air battle to take out some of the bigger warships I get a hard land battle only to not get any weapon parts due to engines being blown out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on July 28, 2023, 06:10:26 am
It's more of a weapon (parts) question for me. Plus it makes me feel slightly cheated that after a hard air battle to take out some of the bigger warships I get a hard land battle only to not get any weapon parts due to engines being blown out.

Set the Armor: value on weapons parts (ie, implosion bomb launcher) to 999 so that way you automatically always retrieve them. That should be the way it is anyway since the weapons are located (visually) in other parts of the ship. Id do it to gauss cannon parts and plasma spitter parts too, etc.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on July 30, 2023, 08:21:58 pm
During hideout defense missions, my turrets ( act very strangely, often failing to shoot enemies as if they don't see them half of the time, or are too lazy to look around for enemie. Is this intended?
 Similarly, during Defend gov base from ninja assault, turret on top of the big gov bunker rarely if ever shoots at attacking ninjas.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Catscrath25 on August 01, 2023, 06:52:32 pm
Is there a way to sent where your troops are standing in the dropship during deployment. Doing a 40k imp guard playthrough and I want all the recruits at the front to take the opening fire.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Warface on August 02, 2023, 03:04:28 am
Is there a way to sent where your troops are standing in the dropship during deployment. Doing a 40k imp guard playthrough and I want all the recruits at the front to take the opening fire.

Equip Craft -> Crew -> Preview
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on August 03, 2023, 11:19:48 pm
Does technomancer's cript mission ( has some special objectives? SOme places with enemies that you can't find and have to mine to?
I am pretty sure i've revaled the whole map and killed / incapacitated all enemies, but the mission woun't finish and "bughunt" mode woun't activate no matter how long i turnskip. I can post screenshots of revealed map if it helps.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on August 04, 2023, 08:27:15 am
Yes. There is a collapsed small room on the upper floor
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on August 04, 2023, 12:01:48 pm
Yes. There is a collapsed small room on the upper floor
Oh thanks god.
 This is what i've revealed on the upper floor (in the lab section in the lower left corner).
do I get to that collapsed room from here or from somwhere in the cave part of the map? there are no stairs upward in the cave part though...
(i have attached part maps in case it's there, please mark it in paint or such)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nalca on August 04, 2023, 04:25:38 pm
On the upper floor of the ennemy lab, just left of the elevator, a fake wall is present, with at least one zombie.
Try hitting walls with an axe. (And don't forget that you may need multiples hits).
There should be no hidden section on the cavern part of the map.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cristao on August 04, 2023, 07:28:09 pm
How does one use the padlock of fear? I have gotten the mission, the gate of fear but I am unable to send a craft there. I thought I would add the padlock to the inventory of the craft or the soldiers but no luck.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on August 05, 2023, 09:35:52 am
On the upper floor of the ennemy lab, just left of the elevator, a fake wall is present, with at least one zombie.
Try hitting walls with an axe. (And don't forget that you may need multiples hits).
There should be no hidden section on the cavern part of the map.
Thanks a ton, it worked. That was one nasty secret non-door.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dreams_Of_Cheese on August 08, 2023, 07:20:03 am
Hey, I've recently gotten tamed werewolves but I'm confused about what I need to do to actually deploy them. They don't appear in my craft menu, and they take up space in my animal storage. Is there actually a way for me to take these on missions, or are these strictly hideout guards?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on August 08, 2023, 09:40:49 am
They should be in the inventory menu when you load out your ship. If they are not, drop a save here, they might have bern lost in the change of hounds to named hounds.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dreams_Of_Cheese on August 08, 2023, 09:29:23 pm
They should be in the inventory menu when you load out your ship. If they are not, drop a save here, they might have bern lost in the change of hounds to named hounds.
Nope, that was exactly it. I didn't realize it worked that way.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: urz9999 on August 13, 2023, 09:11:14 pm
Hi guys! This is a new playthrough using the N5 update, strangely enough I am, apparently, to able to unlock standard decentcraft like shadowbat, worm, fortuna, and so on, It is a fresh play so no save porting. Could you help me find out what I'm missing, because it's the second year, I've got gnomes, nekomimis, orbital missions, and many bounties...seems a little strange.

Here is the savegame if someone can help me out. I'm also playtesting a mod I'm currently developing for an Oni race so maybe some ID conflict may be the culprit?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on August 13, 2023, 11:20:52 pm
Hi guys! This is a new playthrough using the N5 update, strangely enough I am, apparently, to able to unlock standard decentcraft like shadowbat, worm, fortuna, and so on, It is a fresh play so no save porting. Could you help me find out what I'm missing, because it's the second year, I've got gnomes, nekomimis, orbital missions, and many bounties...seems a little strange.

Here is the savegame if someone can help me out. I'm also playtesting a mod I'm currently developing for an Oni race so maybe some ID conflict may be the culprit?


It's super simple. You are missing "Shadowmasters".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: urz9999 on August 13, 2023, 11:25:11 pm
Thanks! How can I get it? through interrogation or something else? Usually there is so much to research that sometimes I miss the "next step", also I was never able to unlock synths how can you get them?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on August 14, 2023, 10:15:17 am
Many civilians know about the shadowmasters, you just have to interrogate a bunch (or more, if you are unlucky) for them to spill the beans.

Syns are....difficult. the most obvious way is dealing with the Technomancer, but that is a bitch and a half to do correctly, though a syn is assured if you do it right.

The other ways are a rare space mission, getting a body from junk piles...nothing you can do except not sell junk and be prepared for space missions.

There are other robotic and robotic-ish allies you can enlist, like Xenforcers(luck), Destroid(red), Dullahan(gray).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: urz9999 on August 14, 2023, 11:38:25 am
Thanks Iazo!!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Flyingseawalrus on August 30, 2023, 10:07:24 pm
Just came back to this after a while and any enemies who are bleeding or over stunned die automatically now when the mission ends. Is this an intended feature or is my game borked?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on August 31, 2023, 12:40:36 am
Just came back to this after a while and any enemies who are bleeding or over stunned die automatically now when the mission ends. Is this an intended feature or is my game borked?

No. I bet they are just on the edge. Even tho mission ends, game processes one last turn for the enemy.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on August 31, 2023, 09:14:45 am
So I'd taken a bit of a break from Piratez, but now I'm in September 2601 of a new campaign.  Everything was going great, but then my Technocracy plantation base got creamed by a Government crackdown with Elite soldiers, gauss, and boomguns.  I can't figure out why they attacked.  I'd gotten a event for having a base in the technocracy which mentioned Terminators watching the base, but I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to get raided for no real reason.  I haven't done anything to piss off the Governments either.

After my Pyromen SS bravely wore them down to 2 Elite soldiers I debugged them down, and got a clean -1500 for killing all the government dudes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on August 31, 2023, 09:39:01 am
Did you happen by chance to have your first original base in Theban Hive? If yes, then that is your answer of "why".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on August 31, 2023, 09:42:04 am
Nope first base was in NordFederation
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on August 31, 2023, 11:08:52 pm
It also had a buch of Confederate Airborne, which I'd never seen before.  But that might just be because I never really mess with the Governments.  Does anybody have a list of stuff than can trigger crackdowns, maybe ther's one I didn't know about.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on September 01, 2023, 01:06:55 am
Those raids were added in this version as a way to spice things up a bit. They can happen in any base. When I played on John Silver first raid happened in January 2602. I was constantly raided every single month since that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on September 01, 2023, 01:18:13 am
So I didn't do something to antagonize the governments, they can just raid you normally now?  If so thats pretty rough, both because Its currently tommy's against Gauss rifles, and even if you win its about -1500 points.

I guess the ol SS/Peaseant garrisons just don't cut it anymore
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on September 02, 2023, 01:43:34 pm
So I didn't do something to antagonize the governments, they can just raid you normally now?  If so thats pretty rough, both because Its currently tommy's against Gauss rifles, and even if you win its about -1500 points.

I guess the ol SS/Peaseant garrisons just don't cut it anymore

I have a precise answer now. It's BOSS rank that triggers it. You need "Family ties" to end those raids.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on September 04, 2023, 05:56:14 am
Wow that's nasty, Its going to take me a long while to get everything for family ties.  Kinda weird that hitting a rank milestone will hit you with unavoidable missions with big point penalties for so long.  And that you can have a load of government enforcers/elites with gauss raid your poor plantation base 8 months into a game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on September 05, 2023, 01:18:56 pm
Are there plans to implement BrutalAI into next version?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on September 10, 2023, 12:25:54 am
I just realized the pedia entry for Boss pirate rank straight up says you'll be hit with government attacks and to go for family ties.  So that's fair enough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Azoth on September 10, 2023, 01:18:26 am
Are there plans to implement BrutalAI into next version?

I tried BrutalAI 7.6.2 and didn't notice any problems. I don't play with BrutalAI, I make safes at the beginning of each mission for testing. Tried the older version and was not happy with the gameplay, but the new one is a big step forward. But I haven't gotten very far yet, so I don't have a chance to try out missions with more complicated rules.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Azoth on September 10, 2023, 01:22:37 am
Does anyone know if it is possible on the equipment screen of soldiers in transport to switch between displaying equipment of transport or base?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: conanofcanada on September 12, 2023, 01:42:51 am
Has there been some sort of change to the captain type system? By my understanding lazyass was supposed to be the one with less random events, however in the first week of this month I've lost 500k to half a dozen of these events firing. Its hard enough to relearn a build order now that the tech tree is humongous, but always scraping the barrel because RNG decided I had to burn 100k several times in a row makes it ridiculous.

Edit: Its been less than a minute since I submitted this message for mod approval, add another two 'random events' for another -125k
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on September 16, 2023, 02:44:52 am
Can you elaborate on which random events? Which month? How much money you started with? What difficulty? This sounds like Turan starting events maybe? If so, has nothing to do with personality, has to do with country you started with. But it could be a half dozen other happenings.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on September 17, 2023, 10:09:09 am
That's what it looks like.

Since there is no forewarning to this: Unless you know what you're doing, DO NOT BUILD YOUR FIRST HIDEOUT IN TURAN OR THE THEBAN HIVE.

When starting bonuses were first added, core players quickly found out that two starting countries are significantly better choices than others: The Theban Hive, for providing twelve elite peasants and gear and situationally useful armor from month one onward, and Turan, for three extra warrior gals and having a bunch of technologies available much earlier, most notably hyenas and raiding parties.

To compensate for the generous signup bonus, harsher punishment/challenge events were added - If you cozy up to the Thebans, they'll want you to deal with their enemies in return, and the Turanians have a very loose attitude towards private property. If you have some experience with Piratez, you can use - the loot from a failed assault on your hideouts is top notch, if you can survive. As for Turanians, the major money theft is thankfully a one-time deal and all you can do is adjust your budget accordingly, and in future months you only have to deal with minor thefts of 100k once per month. To compensate for the losses, I suggest taking every opportunity for loot - every mission, every necropirate patrol, and research bounties and monster hunting ASAP.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Simpledude42 on September 17, 2023, 01:35:30 pm
What can I do early game (month 3) if I get spammed with helis cops and transports that lower my score to -2k?
I picked lazy ass captain, in Eurasian Autonomy on Fair difficulty and I get so much flyer spam that I can't do anything about it.
I used to play it long go(1-2 years) and came back but the steep difficulty curve in getting reliable craft weapons is now huge.
Not only that but the RNG events with -150 or -100 and the obligatory narlocks and sky ninjas loss are annoying.
On top of it when missions spam I get them all only to end up even or slightly above making the game drag.
I can manage events and missions but every month to have a score loss worse than with enemy bases present is a turnoff.

Any game file modification shenanigans that I could use, I know about the loose score setting, but air RNG or something else to help?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on September 18, 2023, 01:24:09 am
That is a problem that Dio knows, and you might want to wait for the next version where he said that the Thunderbolt spam will be reduced.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: conanofcanada on September 18, 2023, 02:10:51 am
Can you elaborate on which random events? Which month? How much money you started with? What difficulty? This sounds like Turan starting events maybe? If so, has nothing to do with personality, has to do with country you started with. But it could be a half dozen other happenings.
On that game I was Eurasian Autonomy, it was 3rd month on second difficulty and its been a while now so I can't remember all the varied random events it was giving me but I remember getting the party one 3 times in that week and one that was -75k repeatedly that had a message that gave no indication of it being due to a decision I made.

Now I'm on a new game, month is September, same difficulty and location and while I've managed to keep myself afloat, the random events still seem to be overly common. Just now I got the disease random event twice within a day or two of each other, while having a sickbay and most of the medical research I've had available.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Simpledude42 on September 18, 2023, 11:28:36 am
Another new game month of April first, 8-9 days rise to 1k then drop like a bomb in a matter of 2-3 days to -900 because of transports on the other side of the map.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Regulain on September 18, 2023, 02:01:07 pm
Is there a mod for faster healing?
I am not a fan of my characters being down for multiple months.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on September 18, 2023, 03:37:02 pm
Is there a mod for faster healing?
I am not a fan of my characters being down for multiple months.
You can use this mod from Rangerh. It was made for the 40k mod but I've altered it to work for XPiratez. It makes the access lift in every base heal all soldiers by an additional 2% of their health per day, which means that under no circumstances will any soldier take more than 50 days to fully heal and return to service.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Regulain on September 18, 2023, 04:05:10 pm
You can use this mod from Rangerh. It was made for the 40k mod but I've altered it to work for XPiratez. It makes the access lift in every base heal all soldiers by an additional 2% of their health per day, which means that under no circumstances will any soldier take more than 50 days to fully heal and return to service.

Thats great, I was thinking of asking him to modify it for xpiratez if there wasn't a mod already.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jazztree13 on September 20, 2023, 02:18:55 pm
How do you use the tecnovator brainhack? clicking the on screen prompt has no interface and does using the keyboard shortcut.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yarrr on September 20, 2023, 05:47:44 pm
Do riot shields stack with each other?

What about with the built in shields in the armors? Like the chainmail + gothic shield.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on September 21, 2023, 12:51:15 am
Do riot shields stack with each other?

What about with the built in shields in the armors? Like the chainmail + gothic shield.
different sources of %% damage resistance do stack but only to the amount specified in their description; the first number is how much resist provided, the second is maximum stackable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yarrr on September 21, 2023, 06:09:50 am
different sources of %% damage resistance do stack but only to the amount specified in their description; the first number is how much resist provided, the second is maximum stackable.

So wearing 2 riots shields works?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vengos on September 22, 2023, 09:51:37 pm
So wearing 2 riots shields works?

Based on this it doesnt.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meza on September 25, 2023, 07:45:29 pm
How do you down blue shields guys? Thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nalca on September 25, 2023, 09:02:52 pm
Laser or plasma, when using guns.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on September 26, 2023, 03:40:44 pm
Or the very aptly named Slaughter cannon
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on September 29, 2023, 12:29:26 am
I'm a relative newcover to X-Piratez, so maybe it's a stupid question, but why can't I research the cattle prod? I haven't noticed it to begin with, but it seems to be possible to research any item you own (except those that require special facilities, like slave AI), but Cattle Prod doesn't seem to even have an entry in the Bootypedia (at least search shows only the entry "Cattle Prod ", on how to buy or manufacture it). Is it a known issue or something only I encounter?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on September 29, 2023, 09:48:03 am
There are lot of unresearchable items in XPiratez. You need different research topic to buy them and gain bootypedia article.
For the "Cattle Prod" it is "Contacts: Smugglers".
Xpedia for help:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on September 29, 2023, 09:53:38 pm
There are lot of unresearchable items in XPiratez. You need different research topic to buy them and gain bootypedia article.
For the "Cattle Prod" it is "Contacts: Smugglers".
Xpedia for help: STR_CATTLE_PROD

What I'm talking about is this. As far as I can see, every item has at least two entries, looking like this:


E.g., Govt pistol looks like Govt Pistol (which describes how I can get research, which item I have to research to get and and whether this item gets destroyed and how I can get the tech for free) and Govt Pistol , which shows what research I require to buy it and how I can produce it.

As far as I understand, I get research entry [item_name] when I research an item or get information about it in some other way, and I automatically get an entry [item_name] after that.

In my case, it is true for all items I've seen so far, but not the Cattle Prod. Even if I cannot research an item right now, I can see what I have to do in order to do it in Tech Tree Viewer. For cattle prod, there is only one entry in the tech tree viewer (see screenshot).

I even edited the savefile to get the the Contact: Smugglers tech - and now I can by the cattle prod, but I still don't have the entry for it and cannot view its characteristics. When I specifically add the entry for the cattle prod (STR_CATTLE_PROD) into my savefile, it doesn't appear in the Bootypedia and I don't get to see the item's characteristics.

I don't care that much about the item itself, I am just curious if it is normal for the current build (Dioxine_XPiratez_N5.2.1) or specifically my problem, If it an issue only I run into (maybe due to incorrect installation), there may be other issues I haven't noticed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on September 30, 2023, 10:54:48 am
Code: [Select]
[item_name] [i]
Only after quoting I was able to see this "i" stuff... There are different lines for researching, buying and production. And cattle prod can only be bought.

I even edited the savefile to get the the Contact: Smugglers tech - and now I can by the cattle prod, but I still don't have the entry for it and cannot view its characteristics. When I specifically add the entry for the cattle prod (STR_CATTLE_PROD) into my savefile, it doesn't appear in the Bootypedia and I don't get to see the item's characteristics.
There is a separate section for ufopedia articles in save files. STR_CATTLE_PROD needs to go there, probably.

You other message parts ar too cryptic for my understanding...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on September 30, 2023, 11:43:38 am
I don't care that much about the item itself, I am just curious if it is normal for the current build (Dioxine_XPiratez_N5.2.1) or specifically my problem, If it an issue only I run into (maybe due to incorrect installation), there may be other issues I haven't noticed.


yes, it is completely normal.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on September 30, 2023, 01:05:25 pm
Only after quoting I was able to see this "i" stuff...

Oh, yeah, of course, my bad. I rarely post on forums, so I tend to forget about how formatting works.

There is a separate section for ufopedia articles in save files. STR_CATTLE_PROD needs to go there, probably.

As far as I understand, researched techs (including items) go under "discovered:" in the save file. When I add strings for any other item, they do appear as researched, entries for them appear in the Bootypedia and I can view their characteristics in inventory. When I add STR_CATTLE_PROD, none of this happens.


yes, it is completely normal.

So, to clarify, there is just no way to get Cattle Prod researched and obtain its entry?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scamps on September 30, 2023, 01:11:20 pm
Cattle prod is researched by the start of the game.

Edit: also you can't produce one (only buy), so no "m" tech.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on September 30, 2023, 01:19:42 pm
Cattle prod is researched by the start of the game.

Edit: also you can't produce one (only buy), so no "m" tech.

Depends on what you consider "start of the game".
You get cattle prod research when you research "contact smugglers". And that is more or less 6 months into the game.
So, you might be thinking about stun baton.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scamps on September 30, 2023, 01:23:52 pm
Indeed it is not. My memory failed me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Meridian on September 30, 2023, 02:37:53 pm
So, to clarify, there is just no way to get Cattle Prod researched and obtain its entry?

That's two questions.

1. No, there is no way to get Cattle Prod researched.
2. Yes, you can obtain its pedia entry (by researching something else).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: deltarno on October 22, 2023, 08:36:03 am
Quick question, any idea how to get some decent ships for shooting down da loot?  Went with the gold codex, so I've got a nice hawk with a good gun, but after that?  Striking out.  Only other thing I was able to grab was the bat, and it takes missles.  Got lots of cannons, but no missles.  I think I've been looking in up the wrong parts of the tech tree, so any idea what a good attack vehicle would be?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on October 22, 2023, 11:15:22 am
There is a craft, Piranha (or maybe it was Shark) jet bike I think. It has ridiculous speed and dodging. Takes only one LT tho. Takes some Jack tokens to obtain.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on October 24, 2023, 11:07:19 am
How does one downs a Siver tower ?
3 Avalanches didn't breach it's hields, and it does not have intercept radius, so I can't gang on it with several crafts...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on October 24, 2023, 11:48:24 am
How does one downs a Siver tower ?
3 Avalanches didn't breach it's hields, and it does not have intercept radius, so I can't gang on it with several crafts...
I've thought about this before, and I'm pretty sure there's been discussion about this elsewhere on the forum as well.

You would need to hit it with about 6 Avalanches at the same time to bring it down, so 2 Brave Whalers fully loaded up should be able to do it. Silver Towers have 2450 health, 2450 shields, regen 55.13 shield per gamesecond. You need to cause 1225 health damage to make it crash. Avalanches do 600 damage each, * 1.5 vs shields, so 900*3 = 2700 to bring down the shields with some bleed-through to the health, 600*3 = 1800 to health causing a crash.

You can tell all interceptors to move to a certain range simultaneously by right-clicking the button, so you can get both Brave Whalers firing all 6 Avalanches at the same time. Avalanches have 150 - 15 = 135% accuracy vs Silver Towers due to the 200% bonus accuracy against Very Large ships and the Silver Towers' dodge, so they should all hit if you have decent pilots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on October 24, 2023, 03:51:26 pm
You have to be careful with the math though.

Aerial weapons do 50-100% of stated damage, not 50-150% like the rest of the game.

That means that the expected median for damage requires a .75 modifier in order for your math to be accurate. Not that 6 avalanches is enough for a large sample, so luck can swing either way.

I would go with 3 Brave Whalers, 2 is not enough, assuming your other math is accurate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on October 25, 2023, 12:05:11 am
Tesla cannons and Sabers are the way to go. You don't even need 4 planes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on October 25, 2023, 04:30:22 am
How does one downs a Siver tower ?
3 Avalanches didn't breach it's hields, and it does not have intercept radius, so I can't gang on it with several crafts...
you don't need the intercept radius to gangbang it. in fact, no circle makes it easier/more forgiving because you don't need to sync your crafts arrival times or set crafts to escort one another.

just minimize the intercept window by clicking the top left (top right?) and you can continue to advance time while waiting for the other fighters to show up (or for the ship to cross water, a country, etc.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on October 29, 2023, 11:53:42 am
Recently I had a mission with zombies popping from electric pyramids.
First of all I want to appreciate the newly added hint that you need to wait for "Tomb Guardians" to spawn. This is very important hint.
Second, I want to report about possible small bug where even after you destroy a portal, zombies will still spawn at that location. I have a suspicion, that that happened because I managed to destroy 2 portals at the same time, so maybe only one portal destruction event was triggered.
Sorry, no save file. (Already overwritten.)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on November 02, 2023, 02:59:27 am
Which vehicles besides the V8 and Little Bird give glamor?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on November 02, 2023, 05:24:37 am
Which vehicles besides the V8 and Little Bird give glamor?
From most to least:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on November 02, 2023, 08:12:44 am
From most to least:
  • Little Bird/Warbird/Thunderbird (all have the same amount)
  • Highway Star
  • Bikes
  • V8
  • Anachronox/Spector
  • Big Bird/Hawk/Scorpion/Jellyfish/Skyranger/Hunting Party/Trucks
  • Sabre

Thank you zombieguy223!  That is really good to know!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Pherdnut on November 06, 2023, 09:02:53 pm
There is a craft, Piranha (or maybe it was Shark) jet bike I think. It has ridiculous speed and dodging. Takes only one LT tho. Takes some Jack tokens to obtain.

It's 2 LTs. Quite nasty early on with a pair of 30s. Huge interceptor upgrade from hovercars. I think the shark is 1. Haven't tried it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Pherdnut on November 17, 2023, 06:54:31 pm
What's the lowest tech effective lobsterman killer? Are pikes decent? Any early game explosives that work underwater? I get that you can just swim above them but it's kind of a bummer to have to leave cover when there's like 2 dozen gillmen that aren't dead yet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on November 18, 2023, 12:49:59 pm
Axes. Probably Bardiche if you want a ranged cutting option.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psina_lososina on November 21, 2023, 08:11:51 am
For the first time I'm playing the new version of the final mission on Cydonia - with that big ship in a hangar, muton reinforcements etc. (version N6.0.5). And... I don't understand how to finish it. I cleared all the map but the mission just doesn't end and I don't see where is that big alien brain to destroy and how to get my final of the campaign. So frustrating. Could you give a hint where is it hidden? :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on November 21, 2023, 11:47:52 am
I cleared all the map
Wow!  :o You are a monster! Tell us more: your armor, weapons, crew composition, etc. How bad was that turn 1 reinforcement? What do you think about killing floors? About doors with 150 TU to open?
I don't understand how to finish it.
Well, you can't. There are inaccessible turrets below ship that prevent victory.
Could you give a hint where is it hidden?
No, brain is not here.
In fact, final mission have 5, not 2 parts! I hope you have brought means to replenish freshness...

There are exit tiles below big elevator in the upper left part of the map. Very easy to miss, it is dark there. Also, there are tunnels and many interesting loot including some freshness and items unobtainable by other means.
So frustrating.  :D
Oh, there are so much things to be frustrated about!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psina_lososina on November 21, 2023, 03:05:23 pm
Wow!  :o You are a monster!
Hehe :D There was no warning that I should not kill them all))))
In fact, final mission have 5, not 2 parts! I hope you have brought means to replenish freshness...
Beg my pardon?! FIVE? Oh god, I'm doomed - I just didn't expect it :'(
There are exit tiles below big elevator in the upper left part of the map. Very easy to miss, it is dark there.
Oh, I saw it, but I didn't get that it was the exit ;D THANK YOU!
Tell us more: your armor, weapons, crew composition, etc.
Ok, let's see... I brought to Cydonia 6 melee catgirls in termicators (that was such a pain to get those) - at the beginning of the mission I had only 1 photonic blade (which helped A LOT), all the other cats had plasma swords. Now I have 6 photonic blades, thanks to snakemans ;D Also I have 3 Lok'naars in skullstriders with Marsec multilasers (they were covering the elevator from mutons), two gals in medispiders (the best suit in the game 8)) with random weapon (they are medics, not troopers, after all), 4 gals with elite plasma guns to destroy tough enemies and, don't remember, 6 or 5 gals with heavy plasmas - all in annihilator suits. And 4 xec's - scout, armageddon, and 2 lancers. The bad news - xec's are on low ammo (because who could expect FIVE stages of the mission?). So I will finish the mission without xec's, i suppose... Ces't la vie :'( Yes, I don't have a blaster launcher or two with me this time - my bad, but, I think, it would only slow me down. And no psionics - I feel comfortable to use them only in the original version, not in mods, don't know why
How bad was that turn 1 reinforcement?
It could be MUCH, MUCH worse ;) But I had in the main group all the xec's, two of three skullstriders, so... Poor mutons :) Also, I was lucky - my one and only catgirl with a photonic blade was in that group, so I just cut the wall (screenshot) and destroyed the turrets in melee in, like, 3 or 4 turns (too reckless, I know, but I didn't want to sit in that elevator for 10 turns and kill the turrets safely). Also, a bit later, I broke a wall on the floor below (screenshot), and half of the mutons chose that way to pursue me, so it was twice easier to kill them.
What do you think about killing floors?
Thank God, some aliens suicided on that floors, so I got the idea immediately ;) But the idea is truly terrifying...
About doors with 150 TU to open?
XEC makes boom ;D ;D ;D I didn't even know that they are so painful to open, because I destroyed them with XEC as soon as I could instead of opening them in boring classical way - gut instinct, I suppose

The worst trap was that explosion chamber on the technical floor. My gals survived without injuries (thanks to shields), but psychologically... That was terrifying. And the fog of war. The fog of war is THE MOST terrifyng thing. But it's so satisfying when you get the idea of the architecture of the map and the crew finally comes together. Brilliant, brilliant mission. Reminds me the assault of Terron from Space Rangers 2, if you know that game.
And thank you again for your advice! Hope I will survive...

PS: sorry if the grammar is poor or some terms of the game are used incorrectly - I don't play in English, so got used to the translated version
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psina_lososina on November 21, 2023, 03:19:08 pm
As an upd to my previous post: I have 6 of these beauties on Cydonia ^_^  Melee catgirls must be the true final bosses of the game, not ethereals
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on November 21, 2023, 06:30:37 pm
Looks like you were prepared much better than I was.
And no psionics - I feel comfortable to use them only in the original version, not in mods
Nerfed to uselessness. Well, not exactly. VooDoo is very useful against demons, megapol and mercenaries. But not against Sky Gods, especially when there are 100 of them.
Thank God, some aliens suicided on that floors, so I got the idea immediately ;)
Oh, you smart guy! And I don't even remember how many of my gals died to them before I figured out that this is not something like "aliens mastered reactive VooDoo attacks". By the way, looks like red shields are immune (or have protection) to killing floors.
The worst trap was that explosion chamber on the technical floor.
I think you were very unlucky. Or you were cursed for breaking too many plastasteel walls. In my game the explosion happened far before I could reach that area. I don't know what actually caused an explosion. I guess Shadowmasters tried to help that way.
And thank you again for your advice! Hope I will survive...
Well 2x2 units are probably doomed because they cannot replenish freshness. You can try to search for hidden stashes of goodies on each level. Photonic blades will help, probably. And don't try to kill them all, there are some hidden Killer Droids in the walls.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Regulain on December 25, 2023, 06:37:19 am
I can understand the slower aircraft like helicopters being early interception for enemy ground transport.
But besides the occasional race, is there any point to having your own ground transport?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on December 25, 2023, 07:27:00 pm
With this update, yes, more than ever. I always used CONVOY to assault enemy bases.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: themeless on December 26, 2023, 09:57:43 pm
Anyone has up to date country bonuses and zones
placing a base near the bastion on blackmarch gets me "country: none"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Torchwood on December 27, 2023, 08:11:07 pm
The borders shown in the geoscape are not a perfect match with the actual ingame regions, so if you place it on the edge, you might end up getting a different bonus. Country/continent bonuses are still mostly the same as in older version with a few important differences: Settling in the Cali Republic gets you eight captive catgirls, who become recruitable after some research. Take good care of them, they are fast and skilled, but fragile. The Theban Hive start got a big nerf, you'll start getting govt retaliations at May '01, to compensate for how much more it gives you. The Turan money drain is more severe in the first month when you build your hideout there. Romanica, and to a lesser degree, Ghostgates, has a hidden bonus mission that gives you a chance to test out the nun outfit's special weapon. Red Revolution gives you peasants revolutionaries, compared to standard peasants they already have decent firing skill and ritual of rebirth done. Central Asia start got a buff: Although you get 777 capitatory taxes dumped on you, you are given a guaranteed Krazy Hassan leaflet in March '01 if you have a hideout in Central Asia. This is incredibly valuable, because as of version N7, researching it lets you buy weapons from Hassan - in the form of random lootboxes. The contents vary from gun emporium to Krazy Hanna tier, but whatever you get is much cheaper than buying it normally.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Pherdnut on January 02, 2024, 05:02:52 am
Researched ogres, researched recruiting for work, researched "recruit: ogre," can research ogre armor topics and the tech that leads to Blaster Master something or rather, and have ogre convicts. I can't find a project to recruit ogres as soldiers. Game version is N6.05(?). So is it a bug or do I just need some other not very obvious pre-req to get my ogre/gnome hideout going?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jaedar on January 03, 2024, 10:03:50 pm
Researched ogres, researched recruiting for work, researched "recruit: ogre," can research ogre armor topics and the tech that leads to Blaster Master something or rather, and have ogre convicts. I can't find a project to recruit ogres as soldiers. Game version is N6.05(?). So is it a bug or do I just need some other not very obvious pre-req to get my ogre/gnome hideout going?
As I recall, you just buy them, it's not a project.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on January 04, 2024, 12:15:26 am
How spotting and sniping attributes on enemies work exactly? What is a difference between levels, like basic and advanced?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Pherdnut on January 04, 2024, 01:21:38 am
As I recall, you just buy them, it's not a project.

*facepalm - was so obsessed only using "bought units" for base guards that I didn't even realize they were available for purchase. Thanks!

--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---

*facepalm - was so obsessed only using "bought units" for base guards that I didn't even realize they were available for purchase. Thanks!

If I understand spotting/invisibility correctly, invisibility is number of spaces you have to be within to see the invisible unit, and spotting gets added to that number. I do not know what the sniping number means in enemy descriptions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on January 04, 2024, 02:13:36 pm
How spotting and sniping attributes on enemies work exactly? What is a difference between levels, like basic and advanced?
There's more detailed discussion on this elsewhere in the forum, but this is my understanding of the mechanic:

Sniper/Spotter (not to be confused with SPOT, an element of unit vision that counteracts CAMO and INVIS) is a mechanic that allows enemies to attack your soldiers even without having direct line of sight to those soldiers.

The Spotter attribute means that when an enemy with it sees one of your soldiers or is directly attacked by one of your units (e.g. shot with a gun), that soldier is considered 'spotted' for a number of turns that is represented by the basic, good, expert etc. qualifier. The better the enemy is at spotting, the longer the mark stays active.

The Sniper attribute means that an enemy with it has a percentage chance at the start of its turn to be able to attack any soldier that is actively marked as 'spotted'. The better they are at sniping, the higher the chance. This means that enemies from across the map, that have never had direct vision on a particular soldier, can suddenly start shooting or throwing grenades at them.

I believe this mechanic exists to give the AI a similar ability that the player has, i.e. being able to use a forward scout to locate enemies and then using other soldiers further back that cannot personally see the enemy to shoot from a safe distance without retaliation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Pherdnut on January 14, 2024, 01:22:18 am
"The Russian Files"

How do I get these?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on January 14, 2024, 02:00:32 pm
"The Russian Files"

How do I get these?

Loot from Siberia Base Investigation
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 15, 2024, 02:37:06 pm
It seems it is possible to knock people out with your bare hands! Though in weapon anal. I don't see stun damage multiplier. Is daze damage do some stun damage by default? How much?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on January 15, 2024, 02:56:27 pm
Pretty sure 'Daze' damage type is the same as Stun damage. Consider the Handle ( Damage type is Daze, it deals mostly stun damage (great for capturing civilians), and does a small amount of health damage in addition to the stun. Bare Hands are the 'built-in' weapon for most armor and outfits. The ones that don't use Hand as a melee attack usually have a special variant of it, like martial arts or a metal gauntlet.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on January 15, 2024, 03:40:02 pm
100% sure:
Quote from: Piratez language file

Until Dioxine decides to mess with our heads (again) and shuffles the damage types around. :P
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jaedar on January 16, 2024, 10:38:28 am
Loot from Siberia Base Investigation
Which is in turn unlocked by interrogating guild reps
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 16, 2024, 02:17:07 pm
How does a security corridor contribute to defense efforts? Does it simply provide a security camera that quickly gets wrecked or there is something else?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Xylon666Darkstar on January 16, 2024, 10:02:25 pm
I don't seem to be getting the CBT events to trigger for the individual tournaments, beyond the initial announcement event. It's been 4-5 months since that first notice, but nothing.

Getting the CBT chain started and going is my only hiccup left for the School Graduation via VIP room for Analytics.
Do I need to not
have certain facilities down already (I'm already at Luxury Spa going into 2nd year) for the event triggers,
or is the RNG really just that bad?

Any insight would be appreciated. Either in DMs to avoid spoilers public or otherwise.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 16, 2024, 10:49:07 pm
Are silent weapon really good for stealth? Like Bows, Spy pistols, Suppressed pistols, pipes etc. Or there is no difference, soldiers can use rifles as well nothing will change?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 16, 2024, 11:42:28 pm
afaik noise is not implemented (yet) - so no difference
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Pherdnut on January 17, 2024, 12:08:35 am
Loot from Siberia Base Investigation

Thanks both. I had just gotten that particular prisoner down to like 2 topics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on January 17, 2024, 09:02:49 am
I don't seem to be getting the CBT events to trigger for the individual tournaments, beyond the initial announcement event. It's been 4-5 months since that first notice, but nothing.

Getting the CBT chain started and going is my only hiccup left for the School Graduation via VIP room for Analytics.
Do I need to not
have certain facilities down already (I'm already at Luxury Spa going into 2nd year) for the event triggers,
or is the RNG really just that bad?

Any insight would be appreciated. Either in DMs to avoid spoilers public or otherwise.

RNG is RNG. You can cheek the xpedia for the % and what not, but yeah, it can get really bad if you get bad rng.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 17, 2024, 12:48:54 pm
27th April Year 1
I've completed a mission Help the Lokk'Naars. Mission description have warned me about danger of interfering in this ancestral feud but I did it any way.
Wiki says that Ninja will be going after me because I interfered with their evil masters.
Am I gonna have tough days? Am I doomed for irritating Ninjas this early? Do I need to start all over?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jaedar on January 17, 2024, 06:38:17 pm
How does a security corridor contribute to defense efforts? Does it simply provide a security camera that quickly gets wrecked or there is something else?
It also has grates on the top/bottom levels, preventing flanks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on January 17, 2024, 11:09:36 pm
27th April Year 1
I've completed a mission Help the Lokk'Naars. Mission description have warned me about danger of interfering in this ancestral feud but I did it any way.
Wiki says that Ninja will be going after me because I interfered with their evil masters.
Am I gonna have tough days? Am I doomed for irritating Ninjas this early? Do I need to start all over?
No, ninja war now requires a research to be started.
You've got an easy mission for a chance for good loot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 18, 2024, 06:28:08 am
No, ninja war now requires a research to be started.
You've got an easy mission for a chance for good loot.
I seems. it doesn't requires any special research from a player. I've already got an event Mysterious Photographer, which is prelude to Sneaky Ninjas. They are totally going to attack another village and force -400 infamy penalty on me if I'm not show up. And if I do show up and win they will launch Seeker ship to find my Hideout and invade it. That is what I understond from Wiki. And Ninjas are tough. Oh boy, what to do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 19, 2024, 08:48:45 am
A Catgirl with camopaint outfit has CAMO: 23/7.
So during a day she will be spotted from a distance of 23 titles less then my other units.
Could you please tell me guys how much far an enemy unit or my soldier can see during a day by default?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 19, 2024, 11:48:55 am
Could you please tell me guys how much far an enemy unit or my soldier can see during a day by default?

Usually 40 tiles, you can just count them to see for yourself.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 19, 2024, 04:24:04 pm
Great game guys. Could you please help me figure out the following:
Does Gal's rank - for example Boss Gal - influence only her salary?
Does an original crew get promoted if a player hire multiple peasants and Catgirl outlaws? Or those branches have their own hierarchy?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 19, 2024, 05:30:14 pm
Great game guys. Could you please help me figure out the following:
Does Gal's rank - for example Boss Gal - influence only her salary?

Like in basic X-Com, there are morale-related effects. Details here (

Also, certain trainings are limited to specific ranks.

Does an original crew get promoted if a player hire multiple peasants and Catgirl outlaws? Or those branches have their own hierarchy?

There is only one hierarchy for everyone. Even dogs (they can't be promoted, but they count against the number of troops).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on January 19, 2024, 05:34:06 pm
Great game guys. Could you please help me figure out the following:
Does Gal's rank - for example Boss Gal - influence only her salary?
Does an original crew get promoted if a player hire multiple peasants and Catgirl outlaws? Or those branches have their own hierarchy?

All vanilla rank stuff ( also applies to X-Piratez, I assume.

Regarding X-Piratez (and OpenXcom mods in general), certain 'Transformation' options are locked behind high ranks, and certain items and actions are more effective the higher the rank (ex: White Admiral outfit and the humanist weapons).

AFAIK, everyone shares the hierarchy under-the-hood.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 19, 2024, 06:15:02 pm
All vanilla rank stuff ( also applies to X-Piratez, I assume.

AFAIK, everyone shares the hierarchy under-the-hood.
So strategically I can't spam peasants, even if their salary is low, Gals will be promoted to Boss Gals which will increase  spendings?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 19, 2024, 06:22:24 pm
So strategically I can't spam peasants, even if their salary is low, Gals will be promoted to Boss Gals which will increase  spendings?

Well, you could try to get a peasant to become the boss instead...

But in my experience, these expenses aren't very important.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: psavola on January 19, 2024, 07:19:31 pm
There is only one hierarchy for everyone. Even dogs (they can't be promoted, but they count against the number of troops).

I don't think the number of dogs should affect which ranks the real troops are able to reach (if that was what you meant) - as far as I understand, unpromoteable troops don't really count for the purposes of promotions (or I just understood this OXCE fix wrong):
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 19, 2024, 07:22:49 pm
I don't think the number of dogs should affect which ranks the real troops are able to reach (if that was what you meant)

Nobody thinks so, but that's how it is.

as far as I understand, unpromoteable troops don't really count for the purposes of promotions (or I just understood this OXCE fix wrong):

You know, I've never actually tested this, and never had so many dogs that it would become apparent. But this issue has been discussed many times and every time I heard the same: dogs count as soldiers for the purpose of ranking. Including from Dioxine.

The code you linked is very new, so it might be a recent OXCE change; I'm trying to follow them, but many escape me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 21, 2024, 06:33:51 pm
The code you linked is very new, so it might be a recent OXCE change; I'm trying to follow them, but many escape me.
Running December build. Dogs don't affect Gals promotion.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 21, 2024, 06:35:29 pm
It's 1 Year 15 Jun. I haven't got stepper or wrench yet. Is it OK?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Cimbri on January 22, 2024, 05:47:10 am
Is there a hotkey to purchase items in larger quantities? Doing a Revolutionary run and getting scrap metal in that quantity without purchasing is difficult, and buying it by holding down the up arrow is a chore.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 22, 2024, 07:49:59 am
It's being 6 months. If I build a second hideout + outpost + few farms + 15 peasants for defense will I be making money or losing?
Soldiers get more salary when promoted. Will Gals get a promotion because of all the peasants on second hideout or promotion is not shared between hideouts?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jaedar on January 22, 2024, 08:14:49 am
Is there a hotkey to purchase items in larger quantities? Doing a Revolutionary run and getting scrap metal in that quantity without purchasing is difficult, and buying it by holding down the up arrow is a chore.
In the options you can enable mouse wheel scrolling to change the quantity by 100 per scroll tick. It's still a bit tedious for truly large numbers, but a lot easier.
It's being 6 months. If I build a second hideout + outpost + few farms + 15 peasants for defense will I be making money or losing?
Soldiers get more salary when promoted. Will Gals get a promotion because of all the peasants on second hideout or promotion is not shared between hideouts?
The game counts your global soldier count for the purposes of promotions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 22, 2024, 10:34:23 am
Well, you could try to get a peasant to become the boss instead...

But in my experience, these expenses aren't very important.
Really? Usually promotion get soldiers with more stats, no way peasants can beat Gals in this game.
I did an experiment. If I buy 20 dogs nobody gets a promotion but if I buy 20 peasants there are tons of promotions (see screenshot). X-piratez v.n7.0.3 OXCE 7.10 (2023-12-16)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 22, 2024, 02:48:51 pm
It's 1 Year 15 Jun. I haven't got stepper or wrench yet. Is it OK?

i guess you mean the "stapler"? it's an almost guaranteed drop on warehouse war missions (wrench too) - those missions unlock by building the mess hall.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on January 26, 2024, 12:26:29 am
It's being 6 months. If I build a second hideout + outpost + few farms + 15 peasants for defense will I be making money or losing?
Soldiers get more salary when promoted. Will Gals get a promotion because of all the peasants on second hideout or promotion is not shared between hideouts?
Promotions are shared, gals will get a promotion (usually units with more stats get better rank, and top of the line peasant is barely as good as a slightly experienced gal)
15 units may trigger promotions - 4 bosses, 80k total, 1 mistress - 50k. maybe you will get a threshold for a princess, 100k. That's a single brainer, nothing to worry about.
Second base may give you much more money than that.
1. Radar coverage - more interceptions and landing. Millions right there.
2. You can offload facilities from your main base, like prisons - you want to run at the start like 3-4 of them to preserve rare-ish captures.
3. You can speed up your research. Mess hall adds a brainer space. I build bases ASAP, and beeline to the mess hall. 8 bases (depends on difficulty, ofc) - half of your lab.
4. Bases make a lot of money. Plantations suck, runts is where it's at. Early game runt den with a still, 3 extractors, and a hangar makes ~1.5M  a month on grog, and if you get apples, you get ~5m from chateau.

As an experienced player I usually do build a plantation base, but it's not the source of money from plantation, but as a material production, mostly sectoweed for money-making facilities, sometimes boom fruits.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on January 27, 2024, 12:04:22 am
Depends on difficulty. Plantation income is difficulty-independent, while DJ and especially JS will KILL runt profitability.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fe-li-ne on January 27, 2024, 01:28:36 pm
How would one go about replacing the music, is it as simple as just overwriting some files? i want to replace some of the geoscape music with 'Drunken Sailor'.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BT000 on January 29, 2024, 01:08:05 pm
How to turn Craft's light off?

I use FAUST now, but it has light and shines my gals.
In darkness mission, my gals with NV and night-ops gear are shot from everywhere.
They have natural NV, why need turn light on?

my gals need to get the hell out and take distance from craft to not being shined for their lives.
Or shut themselves up in 1st floor like turtles.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 29, 2024, 10:33:32 pm
How to turn Craft's light off?
During battlescape engagement click on pentagram near end turn button. Then select "Toggle personal lighting"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 29, 2024, 10:50:47 pm
There was sinking UFO mission and I ran into jellyfish looking creatures called huli-something. One creature eat two javelins and coral-xbow shot. It didn't even bleed (may be it has resistance against stubbing?). More then that  creatures has charm attack so I've cut my loses and withdrawal. Two gals died and three managed to escape. I wonder if I've could beat those jellyfishes by equipping Exquisite lingerie?

Dura thread bra has RF: Charm 85/30
Exquisite lingerie has RF: Charm 75/30
Which is better? How is it calculated?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on January 30, 2024, 12:39:00 am
Depends on difficulty but they are not as scary as people make them. Strength in numbers. Hallucinoids are considered "zombies" so they do not bleed. High resistance to stabbing, little to cutting. Do not play carefully with them. Rush them quickly with two gals against one. Whirlwind attack of barbarian sword does wonders. Anchors are good too. Use javelins to soften them a bit. Again, you want numbers and 8 gals is barely enough. It's better to use expedition if you have nothing else. But again, do not fear the jelly. Those poisonous tentacles are worth a casualty here and there.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on January 30, 2024, 01:56:30 am
i guess you mean the "stapler"? it's an almost guaranteed drop on warehouse war missions (wrench too) - those missions unlock by building the mess hall.

yes, also looting the "excavator" ship and doing the "standed govt agent mission" are good sources.

I'd like also to ask:

1) as for the lost UAC technology, only sources are looting dark ones corpses, recovering "data reel" from uac vaults missions and  decripting data discs. There are also other sources or that is all?

2) in countless hours of playing, i never catched a guild navigator, how i do get one?

3) 8 never managed to trigger "assault on winter place "  mission, nor never engaged rcf troopers and veterans. How fo i unlock that mission?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: John___Doe on January 30, 2024, 04:40:47 am
yes, also looting the "excavator" ship and doing the "standed govt agent mission" are good sources.

I'd like also to ask:

1) as for the lost UAC technology, only sources are looting dark ones corpses, recovering "data reel" from uac vaults missions and  decripting data discs. There are also other sources or that is all?

2) in countless hours of playing, i never catched a guild navigator, how i do get one?

3) 8 never managed to trigger "assault on winter place "  mission, nor never engaged rcf troopers and veterans. How fo i unlock that mission?

1. There are a few other underground UAC missions.
2. Space freighter.
3. Complete the disruptive transmissions space mission and you will get to it eventually.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 30, 2024, 07:35:14 pm
"True sniper rifle are almost useless to warriors of Firing below criteria 75, because they use they use Firing UP 2 * 0,01"
What does UP ^ mean?

Ninja's jetbike intercepted and destroyed my Convoy vehicle. Apparently 3 rotoguns are not enough, I usually don't save scam but this! Can 14mm chaingun shoot down a jetbike? What about a light machine gun? What does it take to shoot down a jetbike?

Is it possible to use Oxygen Tank or canteen on unconscious person?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on January 30, 2024, 09:16:27 pm
1. squared up. 75^2 = 5625. so you get 56% to hit point blank.
2. well, technically it can win, but you got unlucky with the dodge rolls on the bike.
3. yes, stand over them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fe-li-ne on January 30, 2024, 10:18:21 pm
How exactly does one get the red mage to unlock costumer:wiz biz? is it just a random event? i already got two Wasteland Sorceress events iirc, but that was like two or three ingame months ago.   
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: John___Doe on January 31, 2024, 02:20:03 am
Ninja's jetbike intercepted and destroyed my Convoy vehicle. Apparently 3 rotoguns are not enough, I usually don't save scam but this! Can 14mm chaingun shoot down a jetbike? What about a light machine gun? What does it take to shoot down a jetbike?
Jetbikes are very fragile but hard to hit. Rotoguns have terrible accuracy as craft weapons and you probably didnt have your best shooters assigned as pilots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on January 31, 2024, 02:41:33 am
Ninja's jetbike intercepted and destroyed my Convoy vehicle. Apparently 3 rotoguns are not enough, I usually don't save scam but this! Can 14mm chaingun shoot down a jetbike? What about a light machine gun? What does it take to shoot down a jetbike?
Use weapons with high to hit rate like missiles.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on January 31, 2024, 08:03:49 am
2. well, technically it can win, but you got unlucky with the dodge rolls on the bike.
It's 180*3 =540 bullets were fired during encounter, not a single hit. Can we call it unlucky?

3. yes, stand over them.
I tried to save "over stunned" enemy by standing over him and treating him a drink, but instead Gal downed it herself. I guess enemy units can be saved only by advanced medkit?

Use weapons with high to hit rate like missiles.
Thanks, It's worth a try. It just, for example, Spike Rocket has a hit chance of 40% but there are only few of them per weapon slot. Logically speaking Rotogun with almost two hundreds ammo per weapon slot and hitrate 20% had to have better chances to hit a target.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on January 31, 2024, 09:25:25 am
It's 180*3 =540 bullets were fired during encounter, not a single hit. Can we call it unlucky?
I don't have a complete understanding of the mechanics of craft weapon accuracy vs UFO dodge, but to my knowledge it is entirely possible you had a -% chance to hit the jetbike with a rotogun.
The rotogun has a base 20% chance to hit. This is modified by the craft bonus and whatever the pilot bonus is, let's assume +0. Jetbikes are very small UFOs so that is modified to 20*0.75 = 15%. I don't know exactly how UFO dodge works, if it's a flat reduction to the weapon accuracy or a separate roll, but I think it's a flat reduction to accuracy. Under that assumption, the jetbike's 50 dodge gives you a final accuracy of -35%. I.e. it is impossible for the rotogun to ever hit the jetbike.
I tried to save "over stunned" enemy by standing over him and treating him a drink, but instead Gal downed it herself. I guess enemy units can be saved only by advanced medkit?
The canteens can be used on unconscious enemies, but it might take a few drinks to get them out of overstun, depending on how much health they've lost and how much stun damage they have. I believe medikit targeting priority (which canteens and the like are considered as by the game) is:
1. Valid standing target the user is facing;
2. Valid unconscious target the user is standing on;
3. The user themself.
Thanks, It's worth a try. It just, for example, Spike Rocket has a hit chance of 40% but there are only few of them per weapon slot. Logically speaking Rotogun with almost two hundreds ammo per weapon slot and hitrate 20% had to have better chances to hit a target.
I think that until you can start making/finding higher tech craft weapons, one of your best options for jetbikes are Seagull missiles. They have probably the highest base accuracy (85%) that you'll see for a while, and you can just buy more as needed. They're behind Contacts: Authorized Dealers, of which the main blocker is probably Prize: Bank Favors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on January 31, 2024, 03:27:38 pm
Your assumptions about how dogfighting works is wrong.

The pilot and hull aim bonuses are flat bonuses, they are not impacted by the gun accuracy, nor the enemy size. Enemy size comes into play only when it comes to gun accuracy.

Anyway, it should be definetly possibly to nail jetbikes with a convoy with 14mm chaingun. I do it all the time, BUT the pilots have to be decently good, meaning firing over 110, iirc? Smth like that. All 4 of them.

Also, the piloting accuracy bonus can go into negative. An 80 firing , as far as I remember will not do.

As far as I remember, convoy cannot mount missiles, but you can use Rattlesnakes...though I would still go with the 14mm.

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: BT000 on February 01, 2024, 06:05:53 pm
Could you teach me how to use brainers efficiently?
Captain's Log said my progress is slow.
So I want to restart and play more efficiently.
I heard about putting all brainers to one project is waste of research points, So I put brainers until progress says "Excellent".
Is this efficient way?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on February 01, 2024, 06:27:48 pm
Could you teach me how to use brainers efficiently?
If you do things efficiently you will be quickly promoted to Boss rank. Govt will get jealous and send enforcers your way which are not only tough but give negative score when killed. So I wonder if too much efficiency is a good thing?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Xylon666Darkstar on February 01, 2024, 07:12:24 pm
Just be ready to wrestle/wrench/stun Govt and it'll be fine. Capitalize on your melee gals. More money, more loot, no deaths, no score hit.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 01, 2024, 07:24:41 pm
Or just shoot them. Yes, this will hit your Infamy, and I don't recommend harassing govt people in other situations, but if they attack your home, well, it's violence time.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: balam on February 01, 2024, 07:34:52 pm
Could you teach me how to use brainers efficiently?
Captain's Log said my progress is slow.
So I want to restart and play more efficiently.
I heard about putting all brainers to one project is waste of research points, So I put brainers until progress says "Excellent".
Is this efficient way?

First things first, the true research cost is randomized (50%~200%). The most braindead "efficient" way is to first assign 50% of the cost and take it from there.

Let's take Flintlocks & Bombs for example. The base cost is 15 and the true cost is gonna be between 7 and 30. If you roll 7 and assign 10 brainers, 3 are going to waste. After you assign 7 (or less) and let a day pass you can check the progress to gauge the true cost. If after 7 brainers you don't get "excellent" you rolled 100% or more meaning you can keep the 7 brainers on the research for the next day without fear of waste. If you get "excellent"  you are close and should adjust accordingly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on February 01, 2024, 08:22:22 pm
Could you teach me how to use brainers efficiently?
Here is what #075 tip says:
How to gauge scientific progress? Here's an explanation of the arcane terms used by the Brainers. Note that their estimations can be wildly inaccurate.
Unknown: less than 33% of the base cost has been researched;
Poor: over 2 weeks total at the current number of assigned Brainers;
Average: more than a week total research time;
Good: 4-7 days;
Excellent: 3 days or less.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on February 01, 2024, 09:31:32 pm
I usually employ brainers in 2s, 3s, or 4s until the research is not Unknown, then dial it up or down until it's at the breakpoint between Good and Excellent.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 02, 2024, 01:43:16 am
Unless I'm rushing a tech, I just assign no more than 20% of the cost in brainers. If tech has a cost of 10, I assign 2 brainers or less.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on February 02, 2024, 02:29:51 am
Quick question: Can Mess Hall be removed from your first base? I wanted to update the layout with a Hellerium Plant...

Even with spare storage space, all researchs removed (just in case, no current research list), same for production. Also I relocated any unit that might had need refreshing (The Mess Hall was tied for Refresh Rate with the Onsen)

Might be missing something... but I can´t think of what

Thanks in advance!!!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on February 02, 2024, 06:27:26 am
It would've been helpful if you posted a screenshot of the base in question. From top of my head early dependency might be a dungeon,  it needs a cultural facility which is a mess hall.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fampat on February 02, 2024, 06:00:17 pm
I really tried to find an answer to this myself, had no luck with that :(

Anyone here can answer me why some of my gals are almost/complete naket when defending my base?
Before the invasion they all wear amor, on the defense event some gals are like they have been suprised doing gals stuff and are now mostly naked.

If this is a feature, is it controllable somehow via rules/settings?

Guess i just found it in Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Globals.rul

      STR_SOLDIER: &HideoutDefaultArmorz
        STR_PIR_NUDE_UC: 5
        STR_RAGS_UC: 1
        noChange: 85
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on February 03, 2024, 12:14:26 am
IIRC it's a feature by Dioxine, some of your gals weren't ready and went to fight with what they had on.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on February 03, 2024, 01:03:02 am
It would've been helpful if you posted a screenshot of the base in question. From top of my head early dependency might be a dungeon,  it needs a cultural facility which is a mess hall.

That's it! Mess Hall might be the only building in all the bases that provides the Gambling service. Gonna build a Casino and then try again

Thanks a lot bud!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on February 04, 2024, 09:44:37 pm
Is it me or underground missions are just not fun?
For example, bounty hunt mission from Jack called Bandit Cave. Player walk narrow passages searching for an enemy. Enemy units moves too so they might end up where a player have passed by already, so it's a long search. Maybe I need to gather an army to block every passage? I just stay on some crossroad and wait for an enemy, (LoLokk'Naar have good endurance so maybe it's supposed play style for underground missions)? How do you play it guys to have fun?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scamps on February 04, 2024, 11:02:30 pm
I don't personally like find-the-last-enemy missions, especially caves and mansions. Yeah, scanners help somewhat, still not very fun though.

But if you are asking for fun, try landmines?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: SufferNot on February 05, 2024, 02:20:17 am
Is it me or underground missions are just not fun?
For example, bounty hunt mission from Jack called Bandit Cave. Player walk narrow passages searching for an enemy. Enemy units moves too so they might end up where a player have passed by already, so it's a long search. Maybe I need to gather an army to block every passage? I just stay on some crossroad and wait for an enemy, (LoLokk'Naar have good endurance so maybe it's supposed play style for underground missions)? How do you play it guys to have fun?

I definitely recommend getting a few motion trackers, whether that's through the Aye-phone or a pirate dog or two. Makes looking for the baddies a lot easier. I also think having a mining laser or two really helps. Rather than slowly and methodically clearing out the tunnels, you're just digging through them and blasting anything that moves.

Though the mining laser really only helps when you can bring your full squad. For the shorty cave missions or underwater cave missions you gotta take it slower.

On the bright side, if you don't feel like you've got the tools for those missions and your score is positive for the month, you don't have to do them. I wouldn't force your gals to run missions that you'd rather not unless they were mission critical.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: abyssDragoon on February 11, 2024, 06:42:15 pm
I have two questions.

I decided to focus on small super elite squad rather than managing lots of soldiers. Currently I have 6 catgirls with somewhat similar stats:

~195 TU
~240 stamina
~95 health
120 bravery
~185 + 50 (holosuit /cat) = 235 reactions
~200 firing
~110 throwing
~220 melee
~70 strength
~170 freshness

I farmed lots and lots of condemnations and no, save scumming isn't abused. I savescum mostly only on geoscape (to not be base attacked while gals are outside or to catch very powerful ship, I can't dogfight, landed) and few times I savescummed to get some condemnations earlier, for example if I knocked out beast with melee weapon, then I would reload and instakill it with another powerful melee weapon (for monster hunter condemnation) with not planned condemnation instead - nekomimi sword instakills them, but for some time I used pitchfork for medieval+psycho+stabber condemnations.

With so much TU, reactions and melee my gals can easily clean rooms with nekomimi sword, they instakill even powerarmor enemies with it due to damage formula scaling with reactions and melee. And even though I have only 1 sword, when gal is low on TU she simply drops it and another gal picks it up, so they play slaughter relay race using nekomimi sword like baton they pass to one another. For tanks/turrets/etc I use blunderbuss with chem ammo to delete its armor and then either kill it with melee or whatever ranged weapon I use to farm condemnation, I even exploded tank with a crossbow once when farmed medieval+sniper for some gals.

So my two questions are:

1) Is there a stat cap? For example there's a condemnation "Master of the <weapon>", which gives +1 to throwing/melee/firing alternatively per level and +1 to all three on 10th. XPiratez has probably thousands of weapons. Even getting it to rank 2/3 will give +1 to melee/firing, does it mean my gals can have over 1k firing and melee? There're certain rifles whos damage scale with firing and almost all melee weapons also have melee in damage formula, so does it mean my gals will simply instakill anything in the game?

2) Is 6 soldiers enough to finish the game? Or there will be a situation where 6 super-puper-elite-instakilling machines won't be able to progress simply because of small number?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 12, 2024, 09:46:45 am
Do I need to construct the
(craft you find in your first hideout tunnels)
to do the
research? o can I skip that thing and just go for say piranja and do test flight with it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gremlion on February 12, 2024, 01:03:05 pm
So my two questions are:

1) Is there a stat cap? For example there's a condemnation "Master of the <weapon>", which gives +1 to throwing/melee/firing alternatively per level and +1 to all three on 10th. XPiratez has probably thousands of weapons. Even getting it to rank 2/3 will give +1 to melee/firing, does it mean my gals can have over 1k firing and melee? There're certain rifles whos damage scale with firing and almost all melee weapons also have melee in damage formula, so does it mean my gals will simply instakill anything in the game?

2) Is 6 soldiers enough to finish the game? Or there will be a situation where 6 super-puper-elite-instakilling machines won't be able to progress simply because of small number?
1. The game doesn't have a such low cap as original (255), but there still should be a limitation because of how computers operate. On the side note, I've completed the game with 13 000 enemies taken down. +-. The amount of farming you need to do for "every weapon rank 1" * 6 gals * 20 is like  120 000+.  You literally can complete the game ten times in a row before you get to this point. And there are weapons that without scaling don't instakill like 3-5 units in the game.

2. I see that you haven't posted voodoo stats. It's possible that your gals would get mind controlled turn one, Another issues - being separated in different missions, invisible units, invisible flying units, big numbers of flying units, sniper/spotter grenade throwers, environmental hazards...  It's possible to savescum a victory with a small number of units, but you are allowed to bring 30 for a reason. Like, your strategy of dropping a weapon at low tu, then stepping  away might trigger the reaction shot.

Do I need to construct the
(craft you find in your first hideout tunnels)
to do the
research? o can I skip that thing and just go for say piranja and do test flight with it?
neither piranha nor little bird would unlock the test flight, it's a tech that you unlock by interrogating a proper pilot. Probably your first one would be government or guild from the excavation ship.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on February 12, 2024, 02:45:18 pm
For example there's a condemnation "Master of the <weapon>"...
This won't help you too much, since "Master of ..." and the 'enemy kills' equivalent ("Bane of ..."?) only provide up to ten different bonuses, one per distinct level of the commendation. If you have 1000 level 10 "Master of ..." commendations, you only get the level 10 bonus once. If you have one weapon at level 1, two at level 3 and ten at level 9, you get three different stacking bonuses: level 1, level 3 and level 9.

So no unlimited commendation bonuses, sadly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 14, 2024, 12:40:54 pm
Have any of you encountered Osiron Security guys with Assault machineguns to have abnormally high CQC success rate? Maybe I'm extremally unlucky but I had a gal in barbarian (shield) armor with 100 melee be shot 5 out of 5 auto. Machineguns are the last weapons that should have any chance to hit in CQC. I'm used to never ever be hit in CQC even from pistols and now something like this happens.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Scamps on February 14, 2024, 04:33:26 pm
Melee evasion is checked once per burst, not once per bullet. So while you may be unlucky, you are not too unlucky.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 15, 2024, 10:40:08 pm
Hello there, Ive got a tiny problem with the tiny drill.
Problem is, I can't find it in among my stuf (must have accidentally sold it, idk).
Question is how do I edit save to get it back? 
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 16, 2024, 12:32:09 am
Edit your save with any document reader.
Find section where your base inventory is listed.
Add the line bellow without quotation marks in alphabetical order. It already contains correct spacing.
"      STR_TINY_DRILL: 1"
Save and load save in game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on February 16, 2024, 12:57:57 am
Edit your save with any document reader.
Thanks, it worked
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: massacrah on February 17, 2024, 09:39:49 am
Hey all!, what is controlling craft interior lightning? Ive recently noticed that on an older game my airbus interior has no light in night missions and in another more recent save, the craft interior has full lights and when i open doors it illuminates out like 10 meters. Is there a hotkey for that? (no i''m not talking about personal lights). Ive attached 2 snaps to see what i mean.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 17, 2024, 09:45:36 pm
Hey all!, what is controlling craft interior lightning? Ive recently noticed that on an older game my airbus interior has no light in night missions and in another more recent save, the craft interior has full lights and when i open doors it illuminates out like 10 meters. Is there a hotkey for that? (no i''m not talking about personal lights). Ive attached 2 snaps to see what i mean.

Craft lighting can't be controlled. Personal (armour) lights are under L by default.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: massacrah on February 18, 2024, 10:24:07 am
Craft lighting can't be controlled. Personal (armour) lights are under L by default.

What defines if they are on or off? is it something i tinkered with in the save file? is it different difficulty? how can i turn them off? is it in the ruleset? cause it seems they are now on on all ships.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 18, 2024, 11:21:12 am
I've never had airbus to emit light. Maybe you have something in weapon pile that emits light?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on February 18, 2024, 12:49:19 pm
What defines if they are on or off?
Map data, MCD properties for the pieces that make up the craft to be exact.

is it something i tinkered with in the save file? is it different difficulty?

how can i turn them off? is it in the ruleset?
Edit the map files, either directly or via 'MCD Patches' in the ruleset. The latter has the advantage of not requiring specialised software and your personal patch will likely persist over time, but the documentation warns about potential problems, so maybe not the best idea ever. Not a mapper, so I don't know what exactly these drawbacks are.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: massacrah on February 20, 2024, 10:24:10 am
I've never had airbus to emit light. Maybe you have something in weapon pile that emits light?

It happens with no items too. This is  the game downloaded from moddb and once updated from ingame button. Still don''t get it why its different in different saves i had.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gunrunner on February 22, 2024, 04:03:18 pm
What causes enemy base attacks? I saw something on the forum about certain start locations causing it. Shooting down certain ufo? Wish there was a list somewhere with what to avoid since i hate those missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 22, 2024, 07:01:05 pm
There are a couple of things causing base raids.
Reaching a Rogue rank. Now raids of simple bandits, rats and more can attack one of your bases each month.
Reaching a Boss rank will cause government raids.
Base detected by enemy. Those rowing bands of 100 speed ground contacts search for your base. If one of those comes close enough, you can expect attack next month.
Shooting down crafts from factions can cause a retaliation mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on February 23, 2024, 05:59:47 am
Had a funny laugh at this
needs to be a "funny things units do" thread with screenshots of silly hijinks

"Some problems the Community just has to solve by themselves"
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on March 11, 2024, 07:16:52 pm
Hey all!, what is controlling craft interior lightning? Ive recently noticed that on an older game my airbus interior has no light in night missions and in another more recent save, the craft interior has full lights and when i open doors it illuminates out like 10 meters. Is there a hotkey for that? (no i''m not talking about personal lights). Ive attached 2 snaps to see what i mean.

This looks like a case of Magna-Lite in item pile.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 21, 2024, 09:48:52 pm
I have 3 hangars in my hideout, and had 3 crafts, then i removed one craft to another hideout but when i try to dismantle empty hangar, it still says that "building in use".
What do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on March 21, 2024, 10:21:34 pm
Aren't Piratez hangars also stores? So, spring cleaning? :)

Edit: Stores and workshops. Spring cleaning and spring break for the runts!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on March 22, 2024, 07:40:21 am
Aren't Piratez hangars also stores? So, spring cleaning? :)
Edit: Stores and workshops. Spring cleaning and spring break for the runts!
Thanx mate!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on April 09, 2024, 09:06:19 pm
Several times when my hideout is attacked, girl given Armoured car as armour is  spawned naked instead of deploying as an armoured car unit.
Is it some new rule that you can't use armored cars (and other similar units in assume) in hideout defence?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on April 09, 2024, 09:35:30 pm
It's probably the '15% of gals sleep in their undies' mechanic I was made aware of three days ago.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Iazo on April 10, 2024, 02:16:39 pm
Indeed. Gals are not very disciplined. Assign armored cars to humans, lokks, cats. Way more disciplined than gals.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on April 10, 2024, 11:11:47 pm
I'm playing as dumbass captain and he wants to build luxury spa which is quite a huge building. Do i need to build it on any base or only the main base counts?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 11, 2024, 01:23:22 pm
Can someone please tell me what's wrong with my ammo mod?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on April 11, 2024, 04:56:40 pm
I'm playing as dumbass captain and he wants to build luxury spa which is quite a huge building. Do i need to build it on any base or only the main base counts?

Building it anywhere is fine. The check the game does for having a specific building only considers if you have one at all, it doesn't care where the building is located. I would recommend building it somewhere that has decent manufacturing capacity since you can use the luxury spa to upgrade courtesans and gladiatrixes into exotic dancers later on, but it's not necessary.

I am amused by the idea of having all of the CBT training facilities scattered across the world and the captain having to constantly fly between different continents to get all of her training done.

Can someone please tell me what's wrong with my ammo mod?

I think the issue is that you haven't declared that your edit is to the items: category in the rulesets. I've put that in and it now works on my end. I've attached it below.

Also, some advice. It's not good practice to copy over the entire entry for an item into a submod if you're only changing part of it. It adds bloat, hurts compatibility and most importantly, makes it harder to remember what exactly you changed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 11, 2024, 07:35:37 pm

I think the issue is that you haven't declared that your edit is to the items: category in the rulesets. I've put that in and it now works on my end. I've attached it below.

Also, some advice. It's not good practice to copy over the entire entry for an item into a submod if you're only changing part of it. It adds bloat, hurts compatibility and most importantly, makes it harder to remember what exactly you changed.

Thank you zombieguy223!!!!!  You have opened a whole new world to me!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on April 15, 2024, 08:11:56 pm
For some reason the line "FixRadius: 0" does not work, but the other two edits do. Directly editing the line in the ruleset also works.
Demystify me please. Attachment below.

Edit: Added the metadata.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DarthTheIII on May 04, 2024, 09:43:47 am
Do enemy craft attacking your base follow the same crash at 50% hp rule of normal craft?  During an interception a ship with 100 HP crashes after taking 50 damage, so would you need only 50 defensive power to stop them, if it hits, or 100?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on May 04, 2024, 11:51:41 am
For some reason the line "FixRadius: 0" does not work...

Demystify me please.
'FixRadius' is a subfield of 'damageAlter', yours isn't.

Do enemy craft attacking your base follow the same crash at 50% hp rule of normal craft?  During an interception a ship with 100 HP crashes after taking 50 damage, so would you need only 50 defensive power to stop them, if it hits, or 100?
No, you need to deplete the whole HP. Do note that any individual shot does 50-150% damage, so evenly matching defence power to enemy hulls won't be reliable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on May 05, 2024, 03:21:45 am
'FixRadius' is a subfield of 'damageAlter', yours isn't.

Thank you Juku121! It works now!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: 2much on May 05, 2024, 03:28:09 am
Where is the default deployment location for large units in the airtruck?  Quick Battle is showing me second floor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on May 21, 2024, 01:34:20 am
What exactly is the purpose of being given the Little Bird with a built in chaingun... it cant stand up to anything that shows up st the beginning of the game...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on May 21, 2024, 02:09:13 am
Did you perhaps not put good pilots on it? Little Bird can stand up to most early game vessels. Bandit Car, Bandit Wartruck, Highway Convoy, Sandcrawler, Rogue Courier, Highwaymen Hoverpod, Black Helicopter, etc... probably also Bandit Zeppelin with two weapons and good pilots. I think Necroplane is too strong for it, and Ninjas will obviously wreck it. Anyway, put XTRA ARMOR on it if your pilots are crap and only use CHEM-TANK if you got no choice.

The main benefit of Little Bird is the hidden 12x Glamour that you get on ground missions with it. This glamour also gives up to +144 additional mission score. Well, assuming you can finish those missions before the glamour decays.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on May 21, 2024, 06:27:34 am
Did you perhaps not put good pilots on it?
The only stuff that shows up early game that it can actually catch up with are Zeppelins and those Ninja Prop Planes, and bandit Armored Cars.

Best gals I had by month 3-4 only had like +15% acc and maybe +10% dodge as pilots. And that's pick of the litter. Actually does good hits on a ninja prop plane and only takes about 1/3 damage capacity but then the enemy plane just runs off.

By the time I just got Aircar... I now also have a Double 25mm cannon from a landed cutter, and ive got a peasant sniper with good +Acc as a pilot. So thats why I asked WTF is the point of the Heli when I basically just skip past it now.

Good note about the glamour, I hadn't noticed that. Range sucks but it can be shipped to a base closer to the crash/mission and maybe reach it that way (can the damn gun be used on the ground?). Reminds me a little bit of the 40k meme of the commisar ordering the tank to get closer so he can hit them with his sword.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: bublebree on May 25, 2024, 09:38:59 pm

I recently got back to the xpiratez mod and I found a feature that suprised me.

When you select equipment for troops while craft is in base, when you specificaly assign items to individual soldiers, the selection of items at bottom area (the "ground" zone) shows ALL the equipment in the base, not just items that are assigned to that aircraft. While I can see how it can be usefull it also brings a complication when your base has too many weapons and items (more that you practicaly use, but you keep it just in case :-) ), the selection zone gets too big and finding any specific item is too difficult. Especialy since you can only browse in one direction.

My question is, is it possible to dissable this feature, either temporarily or permanently in my game?

 I play latest version N8, but would expect this feature is probably related to OXCE and not xpiratez mod.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 26, 2024, 12:47:50 am
Use quicksearch (the 'q' key).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on May 29, 2024, 12:07:38 am
Hello everyone

this is the first time I've seen this. when you link the equipment for the troops to the ship that has to transport them, on the far right, before, I had the quantity allocated directly. now I have a sort of separation, like X/+Y.

The problem is that this obviously varies according to changes in the crew, and I've already found myself on a mission with the usual equipment that had stayed at the base.

does anyone know how i can “correct” this ?

thanks in advance

( (
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on May 29, 2024, 05:19:15 am
Use quicksearch (the 'q' key).
how do you do that on the android/phone version?
Title: QoL query: Research menu sorting order
Post by: MotherAce on June 01, 2024, 02:29:48 am
Anyone know if its possible to change the default choice? Either already, or who to pester about modding it in? I always sort by "cost", and it would be convenient to set it as default, to avoid picking it manually each time I pick a new subject to study.
Title: Re: QoL query: Research menu sorting order
Post by: Meridian on June 01, 2024, 11:58:49 am
Anyone know if its possible to change the default choice? Either already, or who to pester about modding it in? I always sort by "cost", and it would be convenient to set it as default, to avoid picking it manually each time I pick a new subject to study.

Ctrl + Alt + click on "New project" button
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on June 01, 2024, 03:56:41 pm
Hello everyone

this is the first time I've seen this. when you link the equipment for the troops to the ship that has to transport them, on the far right, before, I had the quantity allocated directly. now I have a sort of separation, like X/+Y.

The problem is that this obviously varies according to changes in the crew, and I've already found myself on a mission with the usual equipment that had stayed at the base.

does anyone know how i can “correct” this ?

thanks in advance

This happens because you have "Alternate craft equipment management" option on. It's one of my favorite features but it requires getting used to it. Especially when you do not have enough spare equipment. If you have troubles just turn it off in advanced options.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on June 01, 2024, 10:10:04 pm
This happens because you have "Alternate craft equipment management" option on. It's one of my favorite features but it requires getting used to it. Especially when you do not have enough spare equipment. If you have troubles just turn it off in advanced options.

thanks a lot for the answer, I'll have a look at the advanced options
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on June 04, 2024, 10:18:53 pm
Do I need to edit something in the save file when upgrading game from Tiger & tentacle to the Labirinth version?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on June 12, 2024, 02:57:30 am
Besides ingame.... What others ways I can check the Bootypedia? I mean, I know there's the Netify web but that makes my browser freeze.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 12, 2024, 05:22:27 am
Besides ingame.... What others ways I can check the Bootypedia? I mean, I know there's the Netify web but that makes my browser freeze.
In your xpz folder there's a file. Open the zip file and put xpedia2 folder into the xpz folder.
Go to the xpedia2 folder and run xpedia.bat. That will run a local version of Xpedia browser app.

If it's freezing for you, then... it could be because the app is too resource intensive for your PC. The main reason for that is because its search implementation is super inefficient.
Here's what I did. Edit xpedia.js file. Find the line with "this.articles = new import_js_worker_search.default();" and replace it with "return;". Also, replace "findArticles(query) {" with "findArticles(query) { return;"
This will disable searching in the Xpedia app; the app will start faster and consume 100MB instead of 1000MB of RAM. I never use the search (I just go to the right section and use Ctrl+F), so it's not a problem for me, but others may find the lack of global search feature inconvenient. Anyway, if that doesn't help, then there's no other way to look at Xpedia.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on June 12, 2024, 06:12:21 am
Thanks for the reply. I'm on linux, so I'll have to check what the .bat runs and then try out.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 16, 2024, 09:28:42 pm
Can't unlock Voodoo. Missing tech Seek out the Desert Witch. Where I can find it? Also Wasteland Priestess in the Tech Tree Viever is written in red text. What is that mean?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 16, 2024, 10:48:45 pm
Can't unlock Voodoo. Missing tech Seek out the Desert Witch. Where I can find it? Also Wasteland Priestess in the Tech Tree Viever is written in red text. What is that mean?

If you play on the lowest difficulty, some parts of the game are disabled. I'm afraid this is one of them.
You can either accept it, or you can edit your save to increase the difficulty.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2024, 10:57:33 pm
As months pass by, you begin to slowly realize that something is not right with the world. Everything seems easier and brighter than you feared it to be.

The Dream difficulty is just a dream. Once you're ready, restart the game on higher difficulty.

you can edit your save to increase the difficulty
That's cheating~  also, you need to do more than just increase difficulty in the save file.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 07:41:59 am
I don't care if that's cheating. I'll try to change save file. Thank you. Also I don't know how to reply to specific post
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 07:43:48 am
As months pass by, you begin to slowly realize that something is not right with the world. Everything seems easier and brighter than you feared it to be.

The Dream difficulty is just a dream. Once you're ready, restart the game on higher difficulty.
That's cheating~  also, you need to do more than just increase difficulty in the save file.

Where do I find list of things that's being disabled in the lowest difficulty?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 10:39:39 am
Can't build Boom fruit plantation, have tech, have entry in Bootypedia, 20 boom fruits, but in the Expand it not appears
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 17, 2024, 11:00:03 am
Can't build Boom fruit plantation, have tech, have entry in Bootypedia, 20 boom fruits, but in the Expand it not appears

It also requires 10 Hellerium, maybe you're missing that?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 12:02:46 pm
It also requires 10 Hellerium, maybe you're missing that?
No, I've got Helerium
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 12:05:21 pm
When I get home I will add screenshots
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 12:06:16 pm
Just wanna manufacture healing gel
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on June 17, 2024, 12:21:16 pm
When I get home I will add screenshots
Usually, it's more useful to post your save. This way, others can check it and experiment, if there's something non-obvious.

Unless you're shy about your save, of course. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 02:27:39 pm
Usually, it's more useful to post your save. This way, others can check it and experiment, if there's something non-obvious.

Unless you're shy about your save, of course. :)

--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---

I got Solar governor, 2 of 4 codes to Cydonia, laser weapons and lots of other staff and if I wish to use VooDoo I need to start all over again? Guess I don't want it so much
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 17, 2024, 03:40:07 pm
My save with Boom plantation problem
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 19, 2024, 08:43:46 am
Nevermind, i built Boom plantation on the third base. Problem solved
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dirocola on June 19, 2024, 01:11:26 pm
Is there a way to get wrecked cyberdisc? I got one somehow, but can't get another one, beacons they explode everytime. The only way is to smash it with melee weapon, right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 19, 2024, 02:02:55 pm
Well, it has to be a weapon/ammo with IgnoreSelfDestruct property.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on June 19, 2024, 03:09:05 pm
Is there a way to get wrecked cyberdisc? I got one somehow, but can't get another one, beacons they explode everytime. The only way is to smash it with melee weapon, right?
You need to down them using a damage type that prevents the death explosion. Piratin' Tip #105 has a list of them, you can find it here:

The general idea is that most melee weapons work, with the exception of electric damage (e.g. stun rod, prod) and stabbing damage (e.g. rapier). I believe EMP is the only ranged damage type that works on cyberdiscs. I have been caught out before by using a prod to stun a cyberdisc, and the stunned cyberdisc then immediately exploding in my face.

After checking the rulesets a bit, laser stars, throwing hammers and throwing axes will also work as ranged options.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 19, 2024, 08:20:03 pm
To capture a live Cyberdisc, you first need to partially stun it with an electric weapon, e.g. electro-pulse or superconducting ammo, and then knock it out with one of the weapons that won't cause it to explode. If you don't have EMP weapons, then some of the ranged weapons/ammo that don't trigger self destruct are also:
Good Lookin' Rock, Sunblades, Firestars, Laser Stars, Magic Cards, Throwing Axes, Throwing Hammer, Disc o'Death, Cannonball o'Acid, ABCG Corrosive Compound, Mortar Shell/Acid, Acid Minibomb, Chem Grenade and Chem Mine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on June 24, 2024, 01:14:57 am
Can someone explain how time regeneration works? I've started to pay more attention to game mechanics in my latest attempt at playthrough, and what caught my eye was the description of the Oldtimer condemnation: -1 Time Regen every level except 5th and 10th. I've been looking all over the place trying to figure out how TUs actually regenerate and still have no idea how much of an impact this condemnation, when taken to a high level, will have. Especially since I don't remember seeing anything that could compensate for this loss, as time regen doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere else.
So, how bad is it? I really liked Silver Snakes in my previous campaign, it's a bit of a downer to see that using them has drawbacks.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 24, 2024, 03:28:40 am
At the beginning of your turn, most Ubers will regenerate half of their TU's, plus 150 if your freshness is full (see armor's stats for nerds).
So for instance, an Uber with 100 max TU will regenerate:
50 TU + 150 TU with full freshness
50 TU + 50 TU with 1/3 freshness left, just barely hitting her max TU
50 TU + 0 TU with 0 freshness left
In this case, if she had 1/3 freshness left, with -1 regen, she would regenerate 99 instead of 100 TU. But if she was above 1/3, you won't notice anything. So all it does is shift the point where you start losing TU from low freshness.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on June 24, 2024, 10:17:05 pm
At the beginning of your turn, most Ubers will regenerate half of their TU's, plus 150 if your freshness is full (see armor's stats for nerds).
So for instance, an Uber with 100 max TU will regenerate:
50 TU + 150 TU with full freshness
50 TU + 50 TU with 1/3 freshness left, just barely hitting her max TU
50 TU + 0 TU with 0 freshness left
In this case, if she had 1/3 freshness left, with -1 regen, she would regenerate 99 instead of 100 TU. But is she was above 1/3, you won't notice anything. So all it does is shift the point where you start losing TU from low freshness.

Thanks, that's really helpful.

By the way, is this and other similar game mechanics-related info present anywhere in-game or somewhere else? Bootypedia seems to only have bits and pieces scattered throughout, and they are often hard to locate even if you know what you are looking for.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on June 24, 2024, 10:32:30 pm
Read all the tip numbers, starting with #001 . They will more or less explain all the game mechanics.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Yarrr on July 02, 2024, 08:40:08 am
Is it normal that I can't research the dark ones and the killer droids? I've looked up and it seems there are no requirements for them. Asking because I updated mid campaign.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on July 02, 2024, 10:25:25 am
Is it normal that I can't research the dark ones and the killer droids? I've looked up and it seems there are no requirements for them. Asking because I updated mid campaign.

The needed item is listed as nothing. Seems like a bug.
Edit: You can still get it from interrogations. Drifters are easy to get so this is a very small issue.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dioxine on July 02, 2024, 06:48:13 pm
The needed item is listed as nothing. Seems like a bug.
Edit: You can still get it from interrogations. Drifters are easy to get so this is a very small issue.

You get it automatically from doing autopsy on any of their corpses. That's why it doesn't have any 'item' by itself. Do not theorycraft from the viewer, run an experiment if you suspect there is an issue.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on July 03, 2024, 12:34:44 am
I assumed something is wrong because in N7 it lists "The dark ones" under "item destroyed". So I just compared pages from two different mod versions to see if something was off.  Yup. I did not do any in game tests.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Gunrunner on August 02, 2024, 07:47:32 am
What are the actual stats of blue shields? The research says they protect normally from strong energy like laser, they only have trouble with cut and stab which deals normal damage.

What is the difference between protecting normally and something dealing normal damage?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on August 02, 2024, 11:11:12 am
What are the actual stats of blue shields? The research says they protect normally from strong energy like laser, they only have trouble with cut and stab which deals normal damage.

What is the difference between protecting normally and something dealing normal damage?
I was also very confused by this text. The truth is all "normal" is 100% shield resistant. You can check this inside Yankes_Scripts.rul file (line 4698, commented with "Blue shield") inside Ruleset folder.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 07, 2024, 01:13:00 am
What's the point of Fun-Go? It's in every way worse than Happy Pills. It might've been useful if it could be used on friendly units, but no, can't even do that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kayelgee on August 07, 2024, 01:39:21 am
I haven't found the formula anywhere so I'm wondering how does craft weapon accuracy in combination with pilot accuracy bonus and vessel accuracy bonus work?
Is it additive or multiplicative?

Let's say the pilot gives +25% and the vessel +5%.
Without these bonuses the 30mm cannon has a accuracy of 45%.

If it's additive then it would be:
45%+pilot acc+vessel acc= 75%
If it's multiplicative it would be:
45%*(1+pilot acc)*(1+vessel acc)= ~59%

Which one is it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: psavola on August 07, 2024, 07:58:04 am
It is additive, but the formula is not as straightforward as that (because UFO size and dodge bonus also affect the calculation).

If you can read code, the algorithm is around here:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: kayelgee on August 07, 2024, 12:24:32 pm
It is additive, but the formula is not as straightforward as that (because UFO size and dodge bonus also affect the calculation).

If you can read code, the algorithm is around here:
UFO size is explaind in the bootypedia #53.
I didn't find any tips that mentioned how pilot skill, craft bonus and dodge actually work.
Looking at the code the formula is actually unintuitive. I thought when it's additive that it get's added to the weapons base accuracy, but it get's added to the accuracy after it was modified by the ufo size.
In any case I now see how strong the pilot and craft bonuses really are, took me just a few hundred hours...
Maybe this should be added as an ingame tip aswell.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on August 07, 2024, 05:12:15 pm
I'm looking at that formula. I'm putting numbers in and I can't figure out how it's supposed to result in what #53 entry says.
What are numeral values for UFO sizes? I tried putting weapon accuracy at 1 to see what UFO size number would result in formula giving 100% and that number in minus infinity. And to result in 200% for very large UFO the value for ufo size is 3.5. Could you give us example of how to properly use that formula, because I'm lost.

Edit: I've put 100 to weapon accuracy and with UFO sizes going from -1 to 4, excluding 0 results are the same as #53 plus 0.5. Strange but ok.

To sum it all up the formula for weapon chance to hit is:
Chance to hit in % = (Weapon accuracy * (100 + 300 / (5 - UFO size)) +100) / 200 - 0.5 - UFO dodge + craft hit bonus + pilots to hit bonus
Where UFO sizes are:
Very small = -1
Small = 1
Medium = 2
Large = 3
Very large = 4
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ChilliBart on August 07, 2024, 08:33:26 pm
hey all, is there somewhere where I can get a list of missions and craft restrictions. I am thinking of upgrading my airbus to a faust but don't know if this will then prevent me from being able to do the Dr X hideout mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on August 07, 2024, 09:40:27 pm
hey all, is there somewhere where I can get a list of missions and craft restrictions. I am thinking of upgrading my airbus to a faust but don't know if this will then prevent me from being able to do the Dr X hideout mission.

Just in case, make a Shipyard/Radar base, and keep the ships you can't manufacture or buy there. As far I can recall you CAN'T use the Faust for X-Prison
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on August 07, 2024, 11:57:38 pm
Just in case, make a Shipyard/Radar base, and keep the ships you can't manufacture or buy there. As far I can recall you CAN'T use the Faust for X-Prison

The original airbus is the only craft you can use for the x-prison as far as I can remember.  You can sell it/send it to another base for smaller missions after you've completed the prison mission.  Well, you can do it before that, but I like to send my original gals (or whoever is left of them) on the x-prison mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 08, 2024, 03:08:47 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jimboman on August 08, 2024, 04:18:34 pm

Thanks.  Been a while since I did an x-prison, but am near to doing it in my present run.  I don't have a Spector so it's the old faithful Airbus for the extra crew member when compared to the Airvan.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on August 20, 2024, 08:21:09 pm

do you know if it is possible to beat the ogress?

i think i have all the constructions that could have a link with the fight but she remains unbeatable
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 20, 2024, 10:37:36 pm
Check your bootypedia. What does it say on the topic of "CBT Challenge: Oni"?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on August 20, 2024, 11:13:24 pm
the Light Force.

so I have to find a Golden Statue i presume

thanks for the tips
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on August 21, 2024, 07:32:44 am
the Light Force.

so I have to find a Golden Statue i presume

thanks for the tips
If you're looking for rare and exotic items, especially of the gold variety, the smugglers are a good place to start.

They probably have the really good stuff hidden away in their strongholds, and it won't be for sale, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on August 21, 2024, 08:04:52 pm
Hi there, I started playing 2 weeks ago, loving it so far, sorry if the questions seem stupid.

I am on my second run, I could not research fast enough and could not do missions at 2602 without being steamrolled.

I tried to search different on google and here on the forum, but could not find much answers to these questions:

1 - How do I open gambling to use the blue credit chips?
 Answer: bag of money

2 - What are good guns to use underwater? The shark men are tough

3 - How to deal with lobstermen? At the first time I found them, I had to stun rod them to oblivion, 5 person around it till it died

4 - How I get to laser?

5 - I have been using a lot of rotogun, but they are bad against armor. I got to get the smartgun, but that too. How to deal with armored enemies without laser or plasma? Shotguns? Flamethrowers?

6 - Are there still ships that don´t spend fuel depending on the path, or only the initial airbus does that?

7- Should I have a full team of each species?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on August 22, 2024, 01:47:51 pm
If you're looking for rare and exotic items, especially of the gold variety, the smugglers are a good place to start.

They probably have the really good stuff hidden away in their strongholds, and it won't be for sale, but that shouldn't be a problem.
I didn't know smugglers could have a base

I've seen some for the Church, the Guild, the Academy, Mercenaries, Ninjas & Rimrider but none for smugglers, I only can board theirs ships so far
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Corento on August 22, 2024, 03:25:14 pm
Hi there, I started playing 2 weeks ago, loving it so far, sorry if the questions seem stupid.

I am on my second run, I could not research fast enough and could not do missions at 2602 without being steamrolled.

I tried to search different on google and here on the forum, but could not find much answers to these questions:

1 - How do I open gambling to use the blue credit chips?
 Answer: bag of money

2 - What are good guns to use underwater? The shark men are tough

3 - How to deal with lobstermen? At the first time I found them, I had to stun rod them to oblivion, 5 person around it till it died

4 - How I get to laser?

5 - I have been using a lot of rotogun, but they are bad against armor. I got to get the smartgun, but that too. How to deal with armored enemies without laser or plasma? Shotguns? Flamethrowers?

6 - Are there still ships that don´t spend fuel depending on the path, or only the initial airbus does that?

7- Should I have a full team of each species?

All mentioned below is for 1st year, later there are better things, but other player can have better ideas.

2 - throwables - javelins, pointed sticks, then dart pistol, hasrpoon gun, harpoon carbine, X-bow, Corel X-bow, Kraken Cannon, Ballista or meele like pikes, boathooks,...
3 - barbaric sword (whirlwind)  is great, and I think crysalid grenade or chemical grenade is instant kill for them.
4 - from first encounters with  hybrids, or from academy, there are few groups using them
5 - golden guns, omega rifle, RPG... but best is meele - vibroblade, poison dagger, barbaric sword, pike,... or daze weapons, grenades,... chemical weapons are good against armor (damagin it). Even some strong pistols with heavy bullet are good, or pistols what leveling damage with your skills...
6 - I don´t understand, all ships spending any kind of fuel they using during flying/driving... just some has 9999miles, os it looks like they can fly/drive without spending fuel.
7 - diversity is good, CAtgirls, Lokknars and  Bugeyes has very good night vission, Bugeyes also Voodoo skills and so on.... I´m using mixed groups, but very depends on what mission and who I faiting against. Some missions are restricted only to some species.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Corento on August 22, 2024, 03:42:40 pm
hey all, is there somewhere where I can get a list of missions and craft restrictions. I am thinking of upgrading my airbus to a faust but don't know if this will then prevent me from being able to do the Dr X hideout mission.

I made for myself a excel table with the info, what is most important for me (not only about the vessels), updated to N.9.0.1.
For the rest is best to check the Xpaedia - for example
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on August 25, 2024, 04:03:01 pm
If you're looking for rare and exotic items, especially of the gold variety, the smugglers are a good place to start.

They probably have the really good stuff hidden away in their strongholds, and it won't be for sale, but that shouldn't be a problem.
What do you mean by that? that smugglers can have bases like other factions and mercenaries?

I've never seen any so far, do they appear at a certain difficulty level?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on August 25, 2024, 05:24:57 pm
The Smugglers show up in Milennium Falcon-shaped ships with over 5000 speed; you can catch them landed if you're quick and/or lucky. The crew is a bunch of Human Goons backed up by a Smuggler Captain, his Chewbacca-analogue, and 1d4 invisible catgirls. They're all packing military-grade weapons, and the ship always has some good contraband loot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on August 25, 2024, 08:15:31 pm
The Smugglers show up in Milennium Falcon-shaped ships with over 5000 speed; you can catch them landed if you're quick and/or lucky. The crew is a bunch of Human Goons backed up by a Smuggler Captain, his Chewbacca-analogue, and 1d4 invisible catgirls. They're all packing military-grade weapons, and the ship always has some good contraband loot.

ah, but I've been able to do that plenty of times. I haven't been able to get a star gods smuggler yet, but I've come across plenty of solo captains.

no, i was talking about a ground base, like mercenaries or rims
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on August 26, 2024, 05:33:57 am
ah, but I've been able to do that plenty of times. I haven't been able to get a star gods smuggler yet, but I've come across plenty of solo captains.

no, i was talking about a ground base, like mercenaries or rims
They don't quite have bases like that. If you keep interrogating captured smugglers you'll eventually discover they are connected to the Technocracy in an optronics smuggling scheme (

After you get some disruptive transmissions later on as part of another storyline, you can start investigating this more deeply, and that will lead to you attacking secret smuggler lairs in city sewer networks. Then you can progress to their full hideouts where you can find the golden statue.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on August 26, 2024, 10:28:49 am
They don't quite have bases like that. If you keep interrogating captured smugglers you'll eventually discover they are connected to the Technocracy in an optronics smuggling scheme (

After you get some disruptive transmissions later on as part of another storyline, you can start investigating this more deeply, and that will lead to you attacking secret smuggler lairs in city sewer networks. Then you can progress to their full hideouts where you can find the golden statue.

ok thanks for the tips

I don't remember but I think I have already done this mission but haven't find a golden statue

as you can see, I have discovered yet the shadow trade connexion


Edit: I have add the save file below
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: huschel? on August 27, 2024, 07:34:52 pm

I want to remove the still from my initial base. But it always tells me "Facility in use". I canceled all production in this base and shipped away all runts to another base. I can't think of anythin else that is causing the facility to be in use. What am I missing?

Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 27, 2024, 09:17:51 pm
Most likely you have a Mess Hall built which requires Still. Also, VIP Club, Hotel and Analytics Room require it, so you gotta demolish those buildings first.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: huschel? on August 27, 2024, 09:40:13 pm
dang... the mess hall. thx  :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on August 28, 2024, 03:34:12 pm
I need a big bone item to start the farmacology/still path.

Whad kind of mission do they come from?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on August 28, 2024, 03:45:45 pm
I need a big bone item to start the farmacology/still path.

Whad kind of mission do they come from?

you got it by butchering the white shambler...i noticed in oct 2602...well i suppose better late than never!  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 28, 2024, 04:42:41 pm
I need a big bone item to start the farmacology/still path.

Whad kind of mission do they come from?
Normally from White Shambler.
Alternatively, you can find it doing the Ratmen Cache, Bandit Caves or Cannibal Camp missions.
Or by opening Expedition Strongbox if you have any. If you have none of those, then simply producing "Cave Hunt (???)" has 15% to give you one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on August 28, 2024, 08:42:22 pm
Thanks, I punched some rats and got it... I could get it from quite back in the game if I wasn't such a murder hobo -_-

There were 6 or 7 missions in a row that I punched/shocked everyone I could.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on August 29, 2024, 12:21:58 pm
oh inoticed i need chocolate to appease a mad gnome, where i can find it?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 29, 2024, 12:41:43 pm
In your local market.

Sometimes drops in Temple of Sirius Raid. However, it's easiest to get it from producing "Spin The Wheel!" (1% chance).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on August 29, 2024, 01:19:58 pm
In your local market.

Sometimes drops in Temple of Sirius Raid. However, it's easiest to get it from producing "Spin The Wheel!" (1% chance).

I don't see it, maybe i need to unclock something?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on August 29, 2024, 02:00:32 pm
Chocolate is super rare but can drop from bandit missions. Usually 0-2 even from small bandit camp. There is later a shop you can research to have access to chocolate. If you keep doing bandits missions you should have enough chocolate before first year ends.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on August 29, 2024, 02:25:11 pm
I don't see it, maybe i need to unclock something?
Your local market in real life.  ::)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on August 29, 2024, 02:31:27 pm
Your local market in real life.  ::)

aaarghhg... ok  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Splorks on September 01, 2024, 12:25:37 am
Ok, finally bit the bullet and registered on the forum to ask about this:

In the description for the Highway Star bike, it says "REQ. BY GNOME MISSIONS". What's up with this? I've had the thing built and taking up a hangar for several months now, and no missions have popped up that require it. Is there something further I gotta research for such missions to appear, or is this line just bogus?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 01, 2024, 02:39:50 am
As far as I can tell, those missions are not yet designed, so for now the bike is useless.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: raubritter on September 01, 2024, 10:01:11 am
When I started a newgame just now I could see the gals' equipment weight maximum as well as their Firing, Throwing, & Melee skills on the inventory menu.  Now when I go in there it doesn't show their stats?  I checked the advanced option for inventory stats in the settings and it's greyed out.  what gives?  did i press a button?
Edit: Started a new new game to see what was up and now there isn't even an inventory option in the dropdown box in the Hands screen?  ;D
Haven't played in years.  Thanks!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 01, 2024, 03:43:47 pm
Now when I go in there it doesn't show their stats?

Post a screenshot
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on September 01, 2024, 07:31:44 pm
Does anyone know where and how to find a smuggler negociant ? (the one looking like Princess Leila)

I have the feeling that this is the main element I'm lacking to make progress on certain projects
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 01, 2024, 08:41:18 pm
Smuggler Negotiator is a part of the Technocracy plot.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on September 01, 2024, 10:45:02 pm
Smuggler Negotiator is a part of the Technocracy plot.
ok, so is there anything in particular I should do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 01, 2024, 10:51:49 pm
Advance through that plot. I don't know how far you are.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on September 01, 2024, 10:58:53 pm
Advance through that plot. I don't know how far you are.
don't know

is there any way to see the plot? on a website, for example.

from what I can see in the bootypedia, it's linked to the mission where you have to capture Aurora (which I've already done)

I put a save of my game below
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 02, 2024, 12:07:00 am
You gotta do the Scum & Villainy mission (65% chance per month).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on September 02, 2024, 12:15:33 am
You gotta do the Scum & Villainy mission (65% chance per month).

thanks a lot

it's true that I passed them by, they didn't look interesting

so I was wrong
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: raubritter on September 02, 2024, 05:19:17 am
Post a screenshot

Restarted game and all the UI appeared normally again.  Having a different thing now where all the audio just completely stops until I restart the client.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dronnoh on September 06, 2024, 03:10:12 pm
Can't find this information, so i'm gonna ask this here.

What are the damage stats formula for Bloodhound's Blood Bite attack? Xpedia ( here states that it's a whoopping zero damage, which is clearly wrong, since my War Blessing Bloodhounds rip through power armor and even tanks surprisingly easy (considering that bloodhounds are a low tier early enemy), and ingame menu and armor analysis button show no information about it whatsoever.

Might as well ask about dogs' Bite attack, since this is the same situation.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 06, 2024, 03:15:54 pm
0 damage, however:
Strength applied = ✔️
Which means, the unit's strength is added to the damage.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: dronnoh on September 06, 2024, 03:52:47 pm
0 damage, however:
Strength applied = ✔️
Which means, the unit's strength is added to the damage.

Thanks. That makes sense, but is a bit unintuitive, since everyhing else has inbuilt damage formula.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on September 07, 2024, 02:59:33 pm
Quick query: Are there Alien Bases to search for in this as per Normal X-COM?

I've floated the Fortuna around a few places and not seen any as of yet even checking high spike shipping areas (the old technique).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on September 07, 2024, 03:45:07 pm
Quick query: Are there Alien Bases to search for in this as per Normal X-COM?

I've floated the Fortuna around a few places and not seen any as of yet even checking high spike shipping areas (the old technique).
Not quite alien, per se, but the big factions (guild, academy, mercs etc) will occasionally set up an Alien Base on the map. The Ninjas, when sufficiently provoked, will also set up a lot of bases.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on September 07, 2024, 07:14:19 pm
Where is the excess gear (not equipped) dropped in a Shadowbat? I can't see the pile on the map. Could really use those extra incendiaries I packed as its a sudden zombie mission!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on September 07, 2024, 08:02:14 pm
Where is the excess gear (not equipped) dropped in a Shadowbat? I can't see the pile on the map. Could really use those extra incendiaries I packed as its a sudden zombie mission!

Honestly, no idea. I never used that one, but I do know is that you fill a vessel with the default positioning of your troops, one of them will be on top of the excess gear of that vessel. Well, at least AFAIK.

TL;DR: Fill a ship with troops, check the troop with the excess gear at their feet on turn 1. Hope it helps!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on September 07, 2024, 08:21:08 pm
Honestly, no idea. I never used that one, but I do know is that you fill a vessel with the default positioning of your troops, one of them will be on top of the excess gear of that vessel. Well, at least AFAIK.

TL;DR: Fill a ship with troops, check the troop with the excess gear at their feet on turn 1. Hope it helps!

That is not reliable. For example Fortuna has a gear pile in separated compartment that no soldier stands in.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on September 07, 2024, 08:34:29 pm
Where is the excess gear (not equipped) dropped in a Shadowbat? I can't see the pile on the map. Could really use those extra incendiaries I packed as its a sudden zombie mission!
Just checked it, and the pile is in the room on the bottom-left of the ship (one of the two rooms with ladders), next the door to the center room with the stairs. If you're checking from the start of a battle, then press TAB to go to the second soldier in the deployment, and the pile is on the tile next to them.

I've attached a screenshot showing the location. The soldier is standing on the pile.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on September 07, 2024, 09:55:59 pm
Thanks, I did find it on the last turn of the battle, it was disguised against the floor lol.

Fortunately, managed to get through on the ammo we had; thank god I had Incendiary rounds for two Street Sweepers! (34 zombies on that level including 2 brutes with the fists, and 5 purple farmers). Firing from the wings of the shadowbat whilst the two with UAC shotguns covered the entry ramp got me through the first two turns and it was clean up from there. Though the Incendiary grenades would have been useful earlier (see screenshot!).

This was the start lol:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on September 07, 2024, 10:34:11 pm
That is not reliable. For example Fortuna has a gear pile in separated compartment that no soldier stands in.

Yeah, I didn't recall that small detail. I'm in the middle of a new run and I didn't remember that.

PS: I should have said Checking the minimap for an item drop dot on turn one, in the ship. I'm colorblind, so I have no idea which color is it
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on September 09, 2024, 08:41:06 am
1) I just got the Brute armor research, but it will take me some weeks in game to build it. Is it underwater usable like the Harbringer?

2) I checked the research and to get big pew pew lasers I need the Russian files, that from what I searched in forums need a Syberia mission, how do I get this mission?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on September 09, 2024, 10:51:37 am
Hi, got a simple question:
When I research get Interrogation Techniques , and then research captive that has some results locked behind  Interrogation Techniques, will it give that locked result automatically, or is it just added to the pool of dozens of random results that it can give?
FOr example, will Academy engeener  give me his Academy engineering right away, or would i have to potentially research them multiple time before RNG gods give me the engeneering?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on September 09, 2024, 06:23:24 pm
1) I just got the Brute armor research, but it will take me some weeks in game to build it. Is it underwater usable like the Harbringer?

2) I checked the research and to get big pew pew lasers I need the Russian files, that from what I searched in forums need a Syberia mission, how do I get this mission?
1. No, the brute armor cannot be used underwater.
2. The Siberia mission is unlocked once you've gotten the GUILD REP'S SECRETS research (, which is obtained as a random free topic from guild reps after you have already researched Interrogation Techniques.

Hi, got a simple question:
When I research get Interrogation Techniques , and then research captive that has some results locked behind  Interrogation Techniques, will it give that locked result automatically, or is it just added to the pool of dozens of random results that it can give?
FOr example, will Academy engeener  give me his Academy engineering right away, or would i have to potentially research them multiple time before RNG gods give me the engeneering?
Researching Interrogation Techniques just unlocks those topics as random rewards from those people. You will have to trust in the RNG to give you the topic you want if there is more than one available from a given person. Most of the random rewards are shared between multiple different enemies, so you can reduce the pool by researching less valuable people and getting their topics out of the way. You can also save just before the research finishes on a new geoscape day (e.g. save at 11:50pm) and reload that save until you get the topic you want, if you're desperate.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on September 10, 2024, 06:55:24 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on September 10, 2024, 09:38:29 am
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mkok on September 12, 2024, 07:29:47 pm
What are the benefits of the gals are superior path? Reading through the files it seems to it only unlocks recruiting hands, early warriors, and shakeup ceremony???

 Compared with cats 4 life which among others gives crazy good nekomimi weapons and fighter craft mid-game it sounds kinda weak if thats all??
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 12, 2024, 07:46:48 pm
It also gives SUPERHERO armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on September 12, 2024, 07:56:51 pm
You should not look at path as balanced choices, but rather a further difficulty adjustment with flavors.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on September 13, 2024, 02:31:34 am
Are there female human heroes or only male?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 13, 2024, 09:08:29 am
Are there female human heroes or only male?

Heroes are only male. Special female human units include damsels and assault clones.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on September 13, 2024, 07:48:54 pm
You should not look at path as balanced choices, but rather a further difficulty adjustment with flavors.
This is a good way to look at it, I think. You're basically picking whatever your 'main' unit is going to be. Gals Are Superior makes your battlescape gameplay easier with tougher and stronger units (because Gals really are superior) but you're inherently going to be running smaller squads and you might struggle to pay for them once you've got a lot of high rank troops. Peasant Revolution and Male Touch both let you hire lots of rookies, with Peasant Revolution focusing heavily on bulking out your roster with mid-tier units and lots of training. The baseline humans are slow, fragile, and weak compared to Gals but they're also much cheaper, much easier to replace, and quickly unlock large squads with the Trucks/Harvester transports.

You can get Young Ubers and Castaway Gals from occasional missions and events, things like the brothel raid or landed necropirates, so you aren't completely locked out of them without Gals Are Superior. If you're happy with occasionally harvesting Gal recruits from the map and you're not losing too many of them to medbay or death then you can totally rock the Peasant Revolution and get some high-grade meatshields.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Mkok on September 13, 2024, 11:40:03 pm
This is a good way to look at it, I think. You're basically picking whatever your 'main' unit is going to be. Gals Are Superior makes your battlescape gameplay easier with tougher and stronger units (because Gals really are superior) but you're inherently going to be running smaller squads and you might struggle to pay for them once you've got a lot of high rank troops. Peasant Revolution and Male Touch both let you hire lots of rookies, with Peasant Revolution focusing heavily on bulking out your roster with mid-tier units and lots of training. The baseline humans are slow, fragile, and weak compared to Gals but they're also much cheaper, much easier to replace, and quickly unlock large squads with the Trucks/Harvester transports.

You can get Young Ubers and Castaway Gals from occasional missions and events, things like the brothel raid or landed necropirates, so you aren't completely locked out of them without Gals Are Superior. If you're happy with occasionally harvesting Gal recruits from the map and you're not losing too many of them to medbay or death then you can totally rock the Peasant Revolution and get some high-grade meatshields.

hmm, I think I am happy with my cats 4 life path, those nekomimi laser rifles are crazy good, have yet to find a better weapon, maybe gauss or plasma might outdo them once I unlock those I guess? And CLAW is great as hell too, just tad scared I will lose... Maybe I should sell it and install its weapon on some tougher plane  ;D

I was just asking cause I read that gals are superiour is suposed to be the easiest path, but comapred to cats 4 life the bonuses really seems lackluster. The superhero armor doesnt sound much better than juggernaut armor... I think I prefer having my neko lasers compared to potentially slightly better armor  ;D

50-200 laser dmg per shot, dmg to armor, accurate enough to snipe across whole map, up to 4 shots per turn, light, whats not to like  8)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on September 15, 2024, 07:48:51 am
What happens if I edit these lines from the save:

  second: 50
  minute: 27
  hour: 22
  weekday: 6
  day: 10
  month: 9
  year: 2602

monthsPassed: 20

If I edit them to months zero and start date, the ships will be the ones from the game start? I mean, will the game get easier?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on September 15, 2024, 01:29:00 pm
I haven't meddled with it too much myself, but I think the Time block is cosmetic and the Months Passed is what dictates the pacing of spawns and events. I've used it occasionally to artificially extend certain stages of the geoscape game.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on September 15, 2024, 05:00:28 pm
to continue a little further, i'd need to be able to capture succubus in shadowrealms. i've already captured one by chance, but i can't reproduce the thing because they fly and all the ranged weapons at my disposal kill instead of stun.

the only way i can think of is to hit them with my bare hands and female fighters wearing nightsprite outfits, which is a bit laborious.

does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on September 16, 2024, 03:14:04 am
to continue a little further, i'd need to be able to capture succubus in shadowrealms. i've already captured one by chance, but i can't reproduce the thing because they fly and all the ranged weapons at my disposal kill instead of stun.

the only way i can think of is to hit them with my bare hands and female fighters wearing nightsprite outfits, which is a bit laborious.

does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

Thanks, I will test it!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on September 16, 2024, 12:19:30 pm
to continue a little further, i'd need to be able to capture succubus in shadowrealms. i've already captured one by chance, but i can't reproduce the thing because they fly and all the ranged weapons at my disposal kill instead of stun.

the only way i can think of is to hit them with my bare hands and female fighters wearing nightsprite outfits, which is a bit laborious.

does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

The first thing that comes to mind is Electric lasso. 2-3 hits should take it down no problem. Next one is Zapper.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 16, 2024, 12:46:19 pm
Those are not Shadowrealms weapons. The only real stun weapons in Shadowrealms are voodoo weapons such as Herder's Staff, Phantom Whip, Scepter of Fear... however Succubus has high voodoo defense and bravery. There's also Blood Vine Whip, which you can use to hit it until it panics, so it would surrender in the end. Grey Codex has some stun spells, as does Gudrun Sorceress.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Poulpiche on September 16, 2024, 01:36:22 pm
the only way i can think of is to hit them with my bare hands and female fighters wearing nightsprite outfits, which is a bit laborious.

Thanks, I will test it!

somehow, it worked again for me. I was able to build the lifewater pool for the red mage with this
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Amoebka on September 17, 2024, 12:22:52 am
So, I'm doing a blind blackbeard ironman run for the first time, and it feels like the difficulty has dropped very dramatically after the first year. The early months were very tough (mostly because I lost my airbus and lunatics almost immediately), but now I'm making 12k score every month, generating infinite money from apples, and skipping missions out of boredom despite needing stat-ups.

Without spoiling anything important, is this a case of temporarily outpacing the game, or does the difficulty indeed drop this much with time? Should I restart on a higher level (4 or 5?), or just wait until the current game becomes hard again?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on September 17, 2024, 04:06:14 pm
What is the difference between workers and slaves?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on September 17, 2024, 05:31:30 pm
What is the difference between workers and slaves?

The former get paid, the latter don't.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on September 21, 2024, 03:04:35 pm
What are the benefits of the gals are superior path? Reading through the files it seems to it only unlocks recruiting hands, early warriors, and shakeup ceremony???

 Compared with cats 4 life which among others gives crazy good nekomimi weapons and fighter craft mid-game it sounds kinda weak if thats all??
Cats are faster and deadlier than gals, but they are squishy. A Gal can take a rocket in the face and survive, your cats will all die.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on September 21, 2024, 03:54:17 pm
I got the Ripper (the small chainsaw, that I think it doesn't do much as a demolition instrument) in a recent run and that remind me to ask....

... Besides the Pickaxe, the Spiked mace, Mr Handy, the Fusion Torch and the Hammer, which NON obvious weapons can be used for demolition? Example, strong enough to open the Escape Tower shuttle door? I mean, something with higher terrain % damage, not just pure damage
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 21, 2024, 07:15:30 pm
Medical Slicer, Ax, Bardiche, Iron Rod, Barbaric Ax...
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on September 21, 2024, 07:40:38 pm
What is the actual [VooDoo] stat composed of?

The one as used in some calculations, like the Voodoo Rod's To-Hit?

Is it ([Voodoo power] + [Voodoo Defence] + [Voodoo Skill])? Or something like [Voodoo Power] x [Voodoo Skill]? The latter would make most sense because it's nearly always multiplied by small decimals when used (like x 0.004), but I can't find confirmation of that anywhere I look, and it doesn't seem to be on any of the tips.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 21, 2024, 07:56:47 pm
it doesn't seem to be on any of the tips.

Tip #081
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on September 21, 2024, 08:04:00 pm
Tip #081
Nah, that's accuracy for things like Mind Control and Panic.

What I'm after is, say in Mind Knives, the wiki states the damage is
0 + 💃VooDoo×0.004 + 💪Strength×0.15
What is the pure VooDoo element here? Power x Skill?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on September 21, 2024, 08:12:50 pm
VooDoo = Voodoo Mastery. Also, read the description of the VooDoo School facility.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on September 21, 2024, 08:20:47 pm
VooDoo = Voodoo Mastery. Also, read the description of the VooDoo School facility.
Aha! I missed the bit about mastery on school, guessing that's it. Thankyou. :)

That does mean my guess was correct (or maybe I did subconsciously take it in at some point, who knows lol).  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on September 22, 2024, 05:55:50 am
Medical Slicer, Ax, Bardiche, Iron Rod, Barbaric Ax...

Oh snap! Never knew about that one! If someone else has another hidden demolisher of terrain speak up! Thanks, Delian!

PD: Since the last update with the radar range extension, there's more viable starting countries... Any suggestion on those? Or a link to the starting bonuses? Opinions? I like to read, that's all
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on September 22, 2024, 10:12:21 pm
PD: Since the last update with the radar range extension, there's more viable starting countries... Any suggestion on those? Or a link to the starting bonuses? Opinions? I like to read, that's all

When I started out with XPZ, in the first few runs I placed my first base in Eastern Europe.

Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that that usually put those crucial early game traffic and their common landing points JUST out of radar range, usually in former UK and elsewhere. Kept placing my first base in the middle of former USA since then.

The radar update might make those more viable again.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on September 24, 2024, 03:49:00 pm
The former get paid, the latter don't.

workers and slaves do not occuply space in prison, right? Only "pimped" people, if i got it...right?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on September 24, 2024, 06:35:38 pm
workers and slaves do not occuply space in prison, right? Only "pimped" people, if i got it...right?

Yup. Both workers and slaves are basically an inventory item with negative "weight/volume".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: rafaelwow on September 28, 2024, 12:40:01 pm
Does the -220.000 credits from the power plant maintance apply multiple times, as in if I build 5, will i get -1.100.000 from the maintance?

Or does it apply only once per base? I built multiple, but seems it applies only once per base.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Marza on September 28, 2024, 01:04:57 pm
Yes, it stacks for every power plant.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Sniddy on September 29, 2024, 06:29:04 pm
It's saying I have no pilot assigned but I don't seem to have any or a way to recruit one - not sacked anyone/had anyone die so not sure why
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on September 29, 2024, 08:04:24 pm
It's saying I have no pilot assigned but I don't seem to have any or a way to recruit one - not sacked anyone/had anyone die so not sure why

The Soldiers are also pilots, and the button for assigning them as a pilot(s) is on the Craft screen below Armor (needs to be part of the crew first).

Though usually it is supposed to auto pick the aprox. best pilot anyway.

EDIT: Are you perchance bough/produced an Interceptor-type craft? Unlike Vanilla X-COM, the XPZ and OXCE in general requires the Interceptor-type craft to be crewed (usually one pilot, sometimes more), and some craft requires multiple pilots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on October 11, 2024, 12:01:02 am
I remember reading somewhere sometime that rescued and recruited gals are supposed to have the trait "Escaped Lunatic", sharing it with your original six gals. The X-pedia (at least its current version, which seems to be a bit behind the times) says the same: (Recruit: Castaway Gal; Person joining: Lunatic). However, in my previous run (using version N8 28-Apr-2024, if I remember correctly), the gals recruited this way were just usual gals, without this trait. Is it the way it is supposed to be?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on October 11, 2024, 12:40:50 am
The "usual" ubers (Hand, Warrior, Veteran) have a base salary. But Lunatics do not. So that's the main benefit of this type of uber. As you say, and as the Lunatic article says, "They are a bit stronger than common Ubers". Which implies they all should have that trait, yet recruited Castaway Girls don't have it. I think you should report it as a visual bug in the bug report thread.

I don't remember if recruiting castaway gals ever gave them the said trait. I checked L7 and N5.2.1, and neither have that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: John___Doe on October 11, 2024, 12:43:35 am
Only the six starting gals have "escaped lunatic". All lunatics have slightly better stat caps than other gals.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on October 11, 2024, 11:37:19 pm
The "usual" ubers (Hand, Warrior, Veteran) have a base salary. But Lunatics do not. So that's the main benefit of this type of uber. As you say, and as the Lunatic article says, "They are a bit stronger than common Ubers". Which implies they all should have that trait, yet recruited Castaway Girls don't have it. I think you should report it as a visual bug in the bug report thread.

I don't remember if recruiting castaway gals ever gave them the said trait. I checked L7 and N5.2.1, and neither have that.

Yeah, the salary is what I've been primarily interested in. I was considering what's more profitable, to turn castaways into brainers or to hire them into crew.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: John___Doe on October 11, 2024, 11:49:31 pm
Yeah, the salary is what I've been primarily interested in. I was considering what's more profitable, to turn castaways into brainers or to hire them into crew.

A Hand costs 50k to buy, so youre saving 150k upfront turning a castaway to a brainer and buying a Hand instead. The Hand's 40k salary eats that up in four months, in addition to being slightly weaker. If you really need extra cash, recruit the castaway and send her on tiger tours.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ruberto on October 14, 2024, 09:39:52 am
My main base is plagued by repeated missile strikes.
I have multiple other hideouts already running, but it still pisses me off.
What can I do to stop them comming? Rush certain research/mission?
What base defenses are best counter to missile attacks?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on October 14, 2024, 02:32:13 pm
My main base is plagued by repeated missile strikes.
I have multiple other hideouts already running, but it still pisses me off.
What can I do to stop them comming? Rush certain research/mission?
What base defenses are best counter to missile attacks?

Last time I had to deal with them some versions ago, an Overcharged Radar and two defenses (one step above the flak tower) were enough.

You can also shoot down those Technocracy planes to prevent the strikes.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Anvoker on October 14, 2024, 07:25:50 pm
Is there any way to unlock the bootypedia entries for items you haven't researched? I'm interested in being able to check the stats of weapons inside the game without having to resort to xpedia every time. So I'd be happy even if the solution only worked for weapons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Amoebka on October 15, 2024, 08:35:46 pm
My main base is plagued by repeated missile strikes.
What base defenses are best counter to missile attacks?

Armored vaults (you start with them) + 3 overcharged radars give you a ~75% chance to shoot the missile swarm down.
If you add the 4th overcharged radar, it goes to ~96%.
Irradiators are a bit better than 2 radars, with their usual downsides.
Other early game base defenses aren't necessarily better per-slot, because they have lower accuracy, vastly increasing the variance.

Since you only have a 25% chance per month to even be targeted, I usually settle for the first option. At some point you are paying more for defenses than you would lose from letting a strike hit once a year.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 16, 2024, 03:47:32 am
My main base is plagued by repeated missile strikes.
I have multiple other hideouts already running, but it still pisses me off.
What can I do to stop them comming? Rush certain research/mission?
What base defenses are best counter to missile attacks?

its a cheat but in one of the mod ruleset files you can add an option that goes like AI Destroy Facilities = false, check out the options in default xcom ruleset. No base facilities will ever be destroyed again (missile strikes mean nothing).

I'm personally against missile strikes being a dynamic in the game at all, the base is too far underground to be damaged, it'd only be useful for a full strength nuclear explosion in the kilotons range or worse.

oh check it out, picrel, every time I shoot down something or get a mission id like I  save and go into the save file and set the countdown remainder to an obscene high value like 30 million seconds so they stick around ad-infinitium. The reason is I usually like just doing the management part of the game and like to go on a number of missions when I wanna get around to that, its a time waster (game) so I like to have a plethora of missions available and I don't like missing out on anything. The ninja base seems to supply an endless killing (capturing) ground for ninja apcs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Nalca on October 16, 2024, 07:50:41 pm
My main base is plagued by repeated missile strikes.
I have multiple other hideouts already running, but it still pisses me off.
What can I do to stop them comming? Rush certain research/mission?
What base defenses are best counter to missile attacks?
Multiples cannon defenses.
Also work inside the base, against base invasion and tedious base defense missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starmute on October 18, 2024, 09:13:00 am
How much infamy do I lose when I do not defend the locknars or mutant pogrums?

It seems like I'm losing a awful lot. Can I just land there and run to lose less?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on October 18, 2024, 12:53:18 pm
How much infamy do I lose when I do not defend the locknars or mutant pogrums?

It seems like I'm losing a awful lot. Can I just land there and run to lose less?

100 for missing a pogrom, unless you have an agreement with a Mutant Alliance. Then it is 1000.

100 for missing a Lokk'naar protection. Later on there will be a variation of this mission that will cost you 250.

As far as I remember, despawn penalty is shown on the mission screen when you choose it from the Geoscape.

In other words, nothing much unless you commit to protecting them. You may want to put off these types of missions because pogroms are insanely difficult when you try them in the first couple of months, and Lokk'naar protection pushes the plot forward, and again, you may not be ready for it yet.

On the other hand, you will have to take these missions sooner or later for the same reason - otherwise the plot won't progress further.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Starmute on October 20, 2024, 09:02:55 pm
Another question:

As I'm totally new (kinda going into it blind)

Is the catgirl recruitment harder than gals are superior or are they about the same?  (I'm finding that catgirls are kicking ass in the early game in night missions)

second question kinda related:

How much do catgirls cost (recruitment wise)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Amoebka on October 20, 2024, 09:37:37 pm
IMO, catgirls are a harder route, and gals are the easiest one in general.
The main issue with catgirls is that not only do they have very low max HP, their armors are bad as well - less protection, harder to unlock, overpriced. In the early game stealth works and catgirls are great. Later, every enemy will have maphack (also known as sniper-spotter for some reason), so you WILL get shot and grenaded. Catgirls just can't survive that. They are great specialist units, but you can't have an entire squad of them, unless you want to have half of them dead every mission.
Catgirl outlaws you get from the cat path are 30k apiece. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it really adds up in the early game, especially since they are much easier to lose than gals.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 20, 2024, 10:06:31 pm
Actually, I think cats in Ironcat armours (exclusive to the catgirl path) are decent infantry and can survive quite a bit. But in general it's as Amoebka said, cats are fragile.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Amoebka on October 20, 2024, 10:17:01 pm
I mean, when do you usually get ironcat, second summer? At that point everything is already running around with lasers, rending guns, plasma and whatnot. A new player going in blind is probably going to unlock it even later than that, because the requirements are, to put it lightly, counterintuitive.

If you just compare ironcat to peasant legion armor (unlocked ~6 months earlier and ~8 times cheaper to manufacture), it's very telling.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 21, 2024, 12:45:36 am
Maybe so, but there's little point in making such comparisons, different paths have different strengths.

And also, I never said this stage comes early. :) Yeah, you gotta work for that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on October 21, 2024, 02:33:47 pm
IMO, catgirls are a harder route, and gals are the easiest one in general.
The main issue with catgirls is that not only do they have very low max HP, their armors are bad as well - less protection, harder to unlock, overpriced. In the early game stealth works and catgirls are great. Later, every enemy will have maphack (also known as sniper-spotter for some reason), so you WILL get shot and grenaded. Catgirls just can't survive that. They are great specialist units, but you can't have an entire squad of them, unless you want to have half of them dead every mission.
Catgirl outlaws you get from the cat path are 30k apiece. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it really adds up in the early game, especially since they are much easier to lose than gals.

How exactly do Sniper/Spotter traits work? I reread the related articles from Bootypedia every time I reach the moment in my campaign when enemies start consistently shooting/throwing explosives/firing rockets at me out of nowhere, but I am still not sure I get it right. Does it mean that every time a Spotter sees any of my soldiers (or is killed by one of them), all enemies having a "Sniper" trait will see this soldier for the set number of turns and be able to shoot at her wherever she is and wherever she goes? Even if it is night, there is no direct line of sight and she is half a map away in the middle of a cloud of smoke?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on October 21, 2024, 03:59:11 pm
How exactly do Sniper/Spotter traits work? I reread the related articles from Bootypedia every time I reach the moment in my campaign when enemies start consistently shooting/throwing explosives/firing rockets at me out of nowhere, but I am still not sure I get it right. Does it mean that every time a Spotter sees any of my soldiers (or is killed by one of them), all enemies having a "Sniper" trait will see this soldier for the set number of turns and be able to shoot at her wherever she is and wherever she goes? Even if it is night, there is no direct line of sight and she is half a map away in the middle of a cloud of smoke?
There's more detailed discussion elsewhere on the forum, you can use the search function to find that, but the general idea is that when Spotters see or are attacked by any of your units they mark that unit for a certain number of turns (1 to infinite depending on the spotter 'rank', Basic to Master). Snipers have a random chance each turn of deciding to attack any marked unit they have line of fire to with either direct fire guns or thrown grenades, the chance increases with the sniper 'rank', Basic to Master.

Important notes are that directly shooting a spotter WILL ALWAYS mark the attacker, regardless of if the spotter dies or even takes damage. Hitting a spotter with indirect attacks, such as grenade splash damage, may or may not trigger a mark. Testing was inconclusive, but seems to indicate that splash damage from beyond 1 tile of the impact point does not trigger a mark. Snipers DO NOT need vision of a marked unit to attack them, just valid line of fire.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Amoebka on October 21, 2024, 04:05:11 pm
Even if it is night, there is no direct line of sight and she is half a map away in the middle of a cloud of smoke?

Yes, once you are spotted, it doesn't matter if you move, smoke up, etc. For shooting they at least take the no-LOS penalty. For grenades, there's no penalty, so they will land grenades from 60 tiles away perfectly below your feet. I've recently done a ninja airfield, and had literally 19 grenades thrown at me from out of LOS on enemy turn 1.

Forget about doing tactics in this turn-based tactics game. It's hard cover or nothing.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 21, 2024, 04:36:46 pm
For grenades, there's no penalty

AFAIK no. Grenades also observe the no-LOS penalty. They're still pretty accurate when used by ninjas.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: John___Doe on October 21, 2024, 08:15:16 pm
Snipers do not need a line of fire to snipe a spotted target. They will lob grenades at units fully behind cover.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on October 21, 2024, 08:27:54 pm
Grenades also observe the no-LOS penalty.
I recall that grenades also have a hard cap on how many tiles they can stray from the target, so any significant enough penalty will pretty soon hit that cap, and several penalties stack poorly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on October 21, 2024, 08:36:51 pm
Is being spotted tied to a specific spotter, or is it a general status/mark?

What I mean is, does it work like this: once a spotter sees your unit (or is shot at by your unit, or wounded by it, or killed by it), your unit is visible to the enemy snipers for the set number of turns, no matter what happens to this specific spotter? That is, if, e.g., a Master Spotter spots your unit (which apparently makes your unit visible for the rest of the battle) and is then killed, will your unit still be visible to the enemy snipers until the end of the battle, even though the enemy who has spotted it is long dead?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Juku121 on October 21, 2024, 09:30:01 pm
Yes, 'spotted' is a unit flag that doesn't track who did the spotting. It's similar to the vanilla 'AI has seen this unit X turns ago' flag.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 23, 2024, 11:28:18 pm
Some units will fire at you even if they dont have a line of fire. On Highway House missions I end up having the artillery fire bursts at spotted characters even though they're behind cover. Maybe they can be "seen" but don't have a direct line of fire... it can blow away the cover and maybe land a shot at the end of the burst. Ive had thos happen multiple times.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on October 25, 2024, 04:32:23 am
When I right click on a weapon like a shotgun on the battlescape, the weapon box is marked with a yellow dot. What does that dot signify? It looks like the red dot you get for pulling the pin on a grenade but obviously it means something else, but I can't find any documentation on this.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on October 25, 2024, 06:30:26 am
When I right click on a weapon like a shotgun on the battlescape, the weapon box is marked with a yellow dot. What does that dot signify? It looks like the red dot you get for pulling the pin on a grenade but obviously it means something else, but I can't find any documentation on this.

Preferred weapon for Reaction Shots, I think. May or may not be overridden by other factors like "Use Melee Weapon over Ranged Weapon if in Melee".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on October 25, 2024, 08:51:47 pm
the preferred reaction weapon toggle is most useful for two-weapon fighting styles. for example knife-and-pistol builds should use the melee weapon when available to avoid CQC missed shots. or pistol-and-launcher builds that carry a rocket/grenade launcher but use a pistol for reaction shots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: RSSwizard on October 25, 2024, 10:22:46 pm
Useful if you have a Left Hand Weapon you want the unit to reaction fire with. For example using the Machinegun instead of the Cannon on a tank. Usually you can manage this by putting the (gun you don't want them to shoot) in the Left Hand slot, then leaving Right Hand open for a pistol if you want them to reaction fire with that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ferrosol on October 25, 2024, 11:24:13 pm
So what's the most reliable way to get Necroplane parts? It tends to be a major bottleneck in research for me unless I do an iron tribe start.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on October 26, 2024, 01:34:41 am
So what's the most reliable way to get Necroplane parts? It tends to be a major bottleneck in research for me unless I do an iron tribe start.
Looting crashed bandit and necropirate aircraft is the most reliable way to get necroplane parts. Ratmen sandcrawlers and rogue couriers also drop necroplane parts.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on October 28, 2024, 12:46:23 am
When you knock an enemy unconscious with fatal wounds, does that count as a "kill" for condemnation purposes even if the target might survive because of first aid, or the mission ending before they bleed out? Or maybe, does it depend on the damage type of the weapon that knocks them out? I know that knocking them unconscious with daze or choking damage definitely doesn't count.

Secondly, does applying painkillers and stims from a surgery kit give bravery xp, or is it only treating fatal wounds that does that?

Lastly, does voodoo xp use the same rules as regular x-com. IE successful mental attack = 1 xp, unsuccessful = 0.3 xp?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on October 28, 2024, 01:49:09 am
Condemnations have various requirements. Some (like Idol) require enemies to be unconscious. Some (like Ravager or Wrestler) require dead or unconscious, while others require dead. Most require enemies to be are dead dead, as in, unalive.

Only when a fatal wound is successfully treated do you get bravery exp. There do exist certain special weapons which give you bravery exp if you hit enemies with them tho. Like Shawl or Rope.

Successful voodoo attack is 3 exp, unsuccessful 1. Like other secondary stats, 11 exp per mission is cap for a 2-6 bonus.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on October 28, 2024, 02:37:47 am
Ok so if I want to farm a kill commendation specifically, I have to get over there and finish them off with a weapon before they bleed out?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on October 28, 2024, 03:30:16 am
If they bleed out you still get the kill; the last attacker and weapon are remembered. You do have to kill them tho, as bleeding enemies are recovered alive.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on October 30, 2024, 09:28:47 am
Couple other things I couldn't figure out.

I had a loknarr training in a dojo for several months before it said their training was done. But their melee skill was only 65, the description of the Dojo says it can only train melee up to 100. Is the description just wrong or is something else the cause?

Secondly, I get how camo works but daytime camo seems to be almost useless because even regular humans can see across the entire map. What's the actual sight range for normal humans and gals during daytime?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on October 30, 2024, 10:25:06 am
Couple other things I couldn't figure out.

I had a loknarr training in a dojo for several months before it said their training was done. But their melee skill was only 65, the description of the Dojo says it can only train melee up to 100. Is the description just wrong or is something else the cause?

Secondly, I get how camo works but daytime camo seems to be almost useless because even regular humans can see across the entire map. What's the actual sight range for normal humans and gals during daytime?
The training caps listed in the dojo description only apply to Gals. Other soldier types (e.g. Peasant or Lokk'Naar) will generally have their training and max stat caps lower than those numbers. There's not really an easy way to tell in-game what the training caps are, but they're around 70-80% of the Max value listed in the "Soldier: [TYPE]" entries in the "Yer Fightin' Crew" section of the Bootypedia.

Maximum sight range is defined by the maxViewDistance variable in the Piratez_Global file, which would be 40 tiles. That just tells the engine that under no circumstances can any unit see beyond 40 tiles, so you can treat that as the sight range during daylight. So as an example, a gal wearing the guerrilla armour during the day would be visible at (40 - (8 [daytime camo] - X [enemy anticamo] ) ) = 32 tiles. Yes, daytime camo is generally not very helpful. You're better off using smoke for concealment during the day instead.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on November 02, 2024, 05:07:12 pm
Do medkit type items like x-grog and vodka still grant bravery xp for treating fatal wounds? I've just recently got rum production going and I'm wondering if I could use it to replace my basic bandage items.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on November 02, 2024, 09:52:40 pm
Do medkit type items like x-grog and vodka still grant bravery xp for treating fatal wounds? I've just recently got rum production going and I'm wondering if I could use it to replace my basic bandage items.

Neither Rum or Grog trains Bravery. I guess Vodka doesn't. Luckily bandages are cheap and small. Another way to train BRA is... using a rope. Not very practical but hey, it's something!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on November 03, 2024, 06:15:06 pm
Do medkit type items like x-grog and vodka still grant bravery xp for treating fatal wounds? I've just recently got rum production going and I'm wondering if I could use it to replace my basic bandage items.
You definitely should start using rum to replace most of your existing medical stocks.
The Rum is usable on self and has six charges of all three healing types. The Rum's 4hp healed per wound is second only to the Field Surgery Kit and the built in beer and painkillers are good utility. I try to pack a bottle of rum in almost everybody's quickdraw slot if they're not already using it to carry a stunner, knife, or sidearm. Get in the habit of sipping rum whenever you get shot, whenever you use archery/throwing, whenever you make melee kills, and whenever you sprint to move.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on November 10, 2024, 12:22:15 pm
This isn't a small question but I don't suppose anyone here knows how to mod existing XPiratez map tiles using Mapview2? I figured it out far enough to install and open the program but it seems like getting it to load files beyond the vanilla game folders requires you to manually edit several .yml files and this is a bit over my head. I'm just trying to modify one map tile, the landing pad from the escape tower mission.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 10, 2024, 02:24:13 pm
This isn't a small question but I don't suppose anyone here knows how to mod existing XPiratez map tiles using Mapview2? I figured it out far enough to install and open the program but it seems like getting it to load files beyond the vanilla game folders requires you to manually edit several .yml files and this is a bit over a head. I'm just trying to modify one map tile, the landing pad from the escape tower mission.

No easy solution here, I'm afraid.

But I think I can make it much easier for you. Please contact me via Matrix, as it's kind of involved:
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on November 11, 2024, 10:26:51 am
Ah ok, thanks for the offer. I'm just about to leave on a trip and I've never used matrix before so I'll have to research this later.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: DaEMon on November 14, 2024, 08:23:41 pm
Is there any way to know what are the requirements for different ranks(rogue, rocketeer, boss, etc)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on November 14, 2024, 09:42:59 pm
Is there any way to know what are the requirements for different ranks(rogue, rocketeer, boss, etc)?
Consult the online bootypedia ( and examine the Event Script section for the relevant rank. For example the Boss rank linked needs Social Hierarchy and a researched captive of appropriate rank, while Rogue ( only needs Our Culture and Who Is Who
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on November 14, 2024, 09:54:58 pm
Is there any way to make base defense less tedious when there's like 2 enemies running around the crawl space?

I enjoy the missions themselves and they're important, but the clean up when you spend a half hour looking for one thing that inevitably suicide bombs whoever found it is draining my will to live.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on November 14, 2024, 11:01:26 pm
the only foolproof-ish way i've found to avoid that is base layout and rush tactics instead of camping. certain facilities have holes to the sewer Z-level that enemies can easily wander into. Extractor is the worst for this, but Plantation also has a few holes and most wrecked buildings or rubble are also problematic. i try to place extractors as far away from enemy spawns in hangar/elevator as possible to avoid units falling into the hole.
you can use Dogs and other units with a motion tracker (Aye-Phone) or Sense (ex. cat, bugeye) to scout for enemies that aren't on the main Z-level. this allows you to quickly clear map tiles without descending.
the green hellerium sludge in the sewers is flammable and can be ignited with a simple molotov, however i've found this isn't very effective at area denial because the fire spreads too slowly.
enemies with depleted Morale will panick just like your units, and panicked units count as surrendered/unconscious for purposes of ending the mission. the only common enemies that are immune to this are animals and robots (ie dogs and drones), so make sure to kill those enemies first. it won't matter if a mook-tier enemy gets lost in the sewers if they're panicking and surrendered anyway, but a dog or drone will force you to go down there after it.
otherwise, simply kill the enemies fast so they don't have time to wander off and get lost.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on November 14, 2024, 11:29:56 pm
Are ratmen immune to morale? They're who invaded, and despite slaughtering them they never panicked.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on November 15, 2024, 08:39:37 am
Ratmen do panic but like most enemies the panic has to be sudden and sharp in order to get visible results. Killing a high ranked leader for instance (generally there is only one) or killing large numbers on the same turn is most effective because you have to knock enemy morale down below 50% before they have a chance to panic. If you spread the kills out their morale will regen over time.

If you want to double check if something is panic immune or not, setting them on fire typically zeroes morale for humanoid enemies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on November 15, 2024, 08:42:49 am
Is it possible to shoot down ninja hoverbikes? I'm pretty sure I did that randomly on my first or second playthrough, but now I'm on my fifth and it doesn't seem to be possible in this game version. 14mm and 25mm weapons blow them to bits every time. I tried mounting a secondary light machinegun to tickle them to death once the shield is knocked out by a bigger weapon, but that didn't work either.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on November 15, 2024, 12:37:20 pm
Is it possible to shoot down ninja hoverbikes? I'm pretty sure I did that randomly on my first or second playthrough, but now I'm on my fifth and it doesn't seem to be possible in this game version. 14mm and 25mm weapons blow them to bits every time. I tried mounting a secondary light machinegun to tickle them to death once the shield is knocked out by a bigger weapon, but that didn't work either.
It shouldn't be possible to get a crash site from the ninja jetbikes. They're set to huntBehavior 1, which makes them fight to the death instead of fleeing or crashing at low health. That may have been possible on previous versions of XPiratez or the OXCE engine though. According to the ruleset reference before OXCE v6.5 UFOs on huntBehavior 1 could be shot down instead of fighting to the death, but I can't confirm that personally.

It does seem like you can use a tractor beam to force them to land and attack them like that, if you really wanted to.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on November 16, 2024, 06:40:31 am
Ah ok that makes sense, my first couple campaigns were two versions behind the current one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on November 17, 2024, 02:47:09 pm
Does a ratman base invasion happen every time you kill a ratman lieutenant?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on November 17, 2024, 03:11:26 pm
No, missions (a base assault being one of them) are determined at the beginning of each month.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on November 19, 2024, 05:41:58 pm
With the destroy farm bounty mission, how much of the farm do you actually have to destroy?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on November 19, 2024, 06:41:57 pm
Only the red-colored walls of a red-colored building matter.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on November 19, 2024, 10:01:59 pm
Sorry for spamming the thread, but new stuff keeps coming up.

What are the odds a mission gets turned into a zombie version? I've downed 3 freighters and each one has been a zombie one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on November 19, 2024, 10:12:40 pm
Race is determined when a mission is generated. Depends on the mission, but let's say 5-10% or so for zombies. This means all the shipping generated by this one mission (yes, one mission can have multiple waves of shipping), will have the same race.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on November 21, 2024, 08:54:38 pm
I remember in an older version of xpiratez there was advice to hang onto all the smelly rags you get, is this still the case? They're clogging up my main base but if they're essential I don't want to do something stupid.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on November 21, 2024, 08:59:57 pm
I remember in an older version of xpiratez there was advice to hang onto all the smelly rags you get, is this still the case? They're clogging up my main base but if they're essential I don't want to do something stupid.

Those are required to recruit Freak Gals.

If you don't have any but have a Freak Gal in your prison, there is a small chance of an event firing that will give you one.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on November 22, 2024, 05:59:46 am
You don't need to keep more than 1-2 on hand, they take up a ton of storage space.

If you need more necropirates drop them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on November 22, 2024, 09:14:45 pm
yeah I had 40 of them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Carcer on December 01, 2024, 09:46:53 pm
How bad is it to have a nation leave?

I know there are researches dependent on it, so I assume its expected.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on December 02, 2024, 09:47:18 pm
How bad is it to have a nation leave?

I know there are researches dependent on it, so I assume its expected.
You might (or might not) feel the monthly funding hit, but I'm pretty sure you can still get the country's research topics (and Contacts: ** if applicable) if the country has pulled out of the monthly reviews. Patrol a craft over that country for a few geoscape ticks, there's probably a ninja base (several ninja bases?) in the country.
As always, you're not getting a Game Over until you're score-negative and/or cash-negative for two consecutive months.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 06, 2024, 08:19:59 pm
Is it possible to have enough Cold Res to not take damage from cold weather and STILL have your soldiers end up in the infirmary?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on December 06, 2024, 08:27:13 pm
Yes, if your soldiers get shot and hurt, they will end up in the infirmary regardless of their cold res.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 06, 2024, 09:05:35 pm
Should've been clearer:

Is it possible for Gals with enough Cold Res to ignore cold weather, that avoided getting hit, had full health at the end of the final turn, and still end up Wounded for a day or two?

Asking because I was quite surprised after a Shambler Hunt where the beasties never had a chance to approach the girls, my untouched squad were suddenly bedridden.

I suspect end-of-battle DoT somehow messing things up, but I'm no expert on code and the gals are supposed to be immune to that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on December 06, 2024, 09:20:55 pm
Do you have a sav? On what turn did that hunt end? What was your cold res?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 06, 2024, 09:26:29 pm
It was a while ago and it hadn't occurred to me to report it back then, so no save.

But the armor and items the Gals wore were Durathread with Fancy Shawls and Hellerium charms.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on December 06, 2024, 09:31:42 pm
You did not have enough cold resist, because it was nerfed. You think you didn't take any hp damage, you simply weren't looking carefully enough.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on December 07, 2024, 03:22:45 am
Durathread isn't cold resistant because it shows a lot of skin. If you want cold resistant armour in the early game your only real option is warrior armour, or better yet agressor armour if you are red codex. Also shawls have limited cold protection, if you want something heavier duty try wearing an expensive fur in the body slot or craft the fur into ushanka hats.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: the Ring Dang Doo on December 14, 2024, 10:07:10 pm
Hi guys,  I played X-Piratez all the way through back in 2018 (I think) and recently started it up again.  I'm having a blast, and my gals are doing fine...But I have no interceptors and haven't received my "hull" ship.  I have done the tiny drill and chosen my codex.  I have interrogated pilots and researched Test Flight.  I have researched Plastasteel, Ship Engine, and I believe Ship Junkyard, as I can buy Seagulls, ship engines, etc.  I have not been offered the chance to research Back to School or Interceptor Assembly.  What am I missing/who must I capture and interrogate?

I'm playing the old version from 2018, if that matters.  Thanks for any help.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on December 14, 2024, 10:34:55 pm
Hi guys,  I played X-Piratez all the way through back in 2018 (I think) and recently started it up again.  I'm having a blast, and my gals are doing fine...But I have no interceptors and haven't received my "hull" ship.  I have done the tiny drill and chosen my codex.  I have interrogated pilots and researched Test Flight.  I have researched Plastasteel, Ship Engine, and I believe Ship Junkyard, as I can buy Seagulls, ship engines, etc.  I have not been offered the chance to research Back to School or Interceptor Assembly.  What am I missing/who must I capture and interrogate?

I'm playing the old version from 2018, if that matters.  Thanks for any help.
Considering how old your version is, I would imagine your best bet is to use the in-game tech tree viewer (if it was a feature back then) or build your own Xpedia. Unfortunately, I have only chronicled the most recent ones in my thread.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: the Ring Dang Doo on December 14, 2024, 11:38:12 pm
It was not a feature back then.  Is it now?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on December 15, 2024, 11:36:32 am
Yes, of course, I wouldn't mention it otherwise. :o

Middle clicking a tech in research, or searching things from the Geoscape's Other Items dropdown takes you to it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boss300 on December 15, 2024, 08:31:42 pm
I had a fight with humanists and they all seemed to completely ignored smoke/darkness. Did they get some kind of vision buff?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nicedayright on December 16, 2024, 02:07:02 am
Which humanists? Some of the higher tier ones definitely have NV/Thermal values, but there are simpler explanations. You might have been the victim of "Sniper/Spotter" coding. Basically, some enemies are coded with a "sniper" tag which lets them take shots at targets they can't see as long as they're visible to a friendly unit. Then there's unit light. Some outfits have a "glow" to them (from the rare earth elements used in their construction, presumably), which can be hard to notice in night vision mode, but is definitely bright enough to draw fire. Hitting L on turn one will disable these lights, making stealth easier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on December 16, 2024, 01:54:24 pm
I had a fight with humanists and they all seemed to completely ignored smoke/darkness. Did they get some kind of vision buff?

Like nicedayright said, it is most likely Sniper/Spotter mechanic. It was one thing that's been driving me crazy until I understood they way it worked (it is still annoying as hell, mind you). I think most humanists except the most basic ones have both Sniper and Spotter. However, it is worse than them just sharing their fields of vision. As soon as a Spotter sees one of your units (or is hit by one of your units, or even outright killed by one of them without ever seeing the killer), all enemies will know the position of this unit for a certain number of turns (depends on how good a Spotter the killed enemy was), even if he runs half a may away from the spot. Snipers will be able to shoot at this unit without seeing him or even without a direct line of sight. As you are dealing with humanists, they will also be happily spamming you with grenades.

Therefore, if you are used to fighting at night (which is optimal for most enemies in the early game), you'll have to change your tactics. Fighting humanists (as well as Spartans, and most other enemies later on) at night is actually harder due to Sniper/Spotter mechanic, because as soon you hit an enemy at the edge of your field of vision, the humanists from all over the map will know the location of the attacker and start taking potshots at him and showering him with grenades. Hiding in the dark and breaking line of sight no longer works. You have to make sure the enemy is physically incapable of shooting/throwing grenades at your current position to feel more or less safe. Hiding in buildings or under densely growing trees may more or less save you from grenades, but not from rocket launchers. Be ready for some losses.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nicedayright on December 17, 2024, 02:40:34 am
I'd forgotten the sniper/spotter mechanic was that unforgiving, but it is *kinda* fair, even if in an unfair way.

You can't expect a military force to blunder around while getting shot at from the darkness. They're going to return fire/throw grenades in the general direction of the muzzle flashes.

So you have to adjust your tactics. You can't slowly advance across the field killing them one by one. Treat it like an ambush. Get to the point where you can see enough of them to make a difference, then light 'em all up at once. I like to get my gals into an overwatch position and then light up the night with one or two incendiary grenades. I'm not sure whether reaction fire doesn't trigger the vision mechanic or if it's just messing up with the AI's order of operations, but if I start shooting on *their* turn I don't tend to take return fire right away.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: John___Doe on December 17, 2024, 06:27:21 am
Reacting at night is certainly not safe. Spotters spot from reaction fire, and snipers can snipe off of that. You are only safe from sniping during your turn, because enemies cannot snipe with reaction shots.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boss300 on December 19, 2024, 04:25:52 pm
Makes sense but seems kinda overtuned. Being able to share vision — reasonable. Knowing where I was on a unit who died without seeing me — much less reasonable. Staying spotted for more than one turn/even if you move — absolutely stupid.

Do they get full accuracy shots as if they can actually see to the tile? Or do they take the inaccurate shots that I take when I do sniper/spotter tactics?

It would be a lot cooler either 1) used the information to try and get actual vision rather than firing from across the map 2) they shoot/throw grenades squares in a 5x5 area where I took the shot from rather than the exact spot, and don’t get to follow me if I move.

That adds back counter play where, ideal is if a Gal has enough TU, you can take a shot on a turn and move away from that spot (which snipers/grenade throwers are going to have trouble with due to high TU costs, unless they are super size).

In that state I think it would be cool for all enemies to have the mechanic.

In either case, I don’t like that they know where I go when I move, and on subsequent turns. That sucks, right? Obviously coding this stuff is non-trivial or even impossible, in concept at least it could be improved.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: John___Doe on December 19, 2024, 05:20:46 pm
Spotting lets enemies target a unit they can't see. They still take no-los penalties, are limited by range, and so on the same as the player would be.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Dispector on December 21, 2024, 03:43:23 pm
Makes sense but seems kinda overtuned. Being able to share vision — reasonable. Knowing where I was on a unit who died without seeing me — much less reasonable. Staying spotted for more than one turn/even if you move — absolutely stupid.

Do they get full accuracy shots as if they can actually see to the tile? Or do they take the inaccurate shots that I take when I do sniper/spotter tactics?

It would be a lot cooler either 1) used the information to try and get actual vision rather than firing from across the map 2) they shoot/throw grenades squares in a 5x5 area where I took the shot from rather than the exact spot, and don’t get to follow me if I move.

That adds back counter play where, ideal is if a Gal has enough TU, you can take a shot on a turn and move away from that spot (which snipers/grenade throwers are going to have trouble with due to high TU costs, unless they are super size).

In that state I think it would be cool for all enemies to have the mechanic.

In either case, I don’t like that they know where I go when I move, and on subsequent turns. That sucks, right? Obviously coding this stuff is non-trivial or even impossible, in concept at least it could be improved.

As far as I understand, the spotter mechanic simply puts a flag on your unit in question that makes it targettable for all the Sniper enemies for a certain number of turns. They seem to be having an accuracy penalty if they can't see the unit, but it doesn't matter much when there are enough of them (of if they are throwing grenades or shooting RPGs). Worst case scenario, if the enemy who has spotted your unit was an Expert (or Master, I dont' quite remember) Spotter, the position of this unit is revealed to all enemy Snipers for the rest of the fight.

I get it that this mechanic is supposed to make the game more challenging, but I dunno. I don't mind when the difficulty is increased by pitting you against overpowered enemies from time to time, or limiting the number of soldiers you can take to a mission, or your equipment selection, or having you to fight an entire horde of enemies without warning, but Sniper/Spotter mechanic is just one things that... I wouldn't use as strong an expression as "ruins this game for me", but rather "greatly decreases my enjoyment". As soon as I start meeting Sniper/Spotter enemies, I stop thinking about tactics in general and start thinking in gamey terms. "Well, I have to make sure all my units end the turn under a roof so that they are not hit by grenades, and there should be solid walls between them and the direction in which I suppose the enemy can be". The moment any of my units remain in the (relative) open by the end of the turn, all the enemies from half a map away start shooting and throwing grenades at their exact position. Trying to prevent it makes battles exceedingly long and tedious.

It is the difference between giving the AI a reasonable (numerical, qualitative, positional) advantage on the one hand, and playing out the "Computer is a cheating bastard" trope. While I like (or can rationalize for myself) almost everything else in X-Piratez, the Sniper/Spotter mechanic is the one thing that makes me want to drop the game every time I start encountering it en masse.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: greattuna on December 21, 2024, 11:13:39 pm
As far as I understand, the spotter mechanic simply puts a flag on your unit in question that makes it targettable for all the Sniper enemies for a certain number of turns. They seem to be having an accuracy penalty if they can't see the unit, but it doesn't matter much when there are enough of them (of if they are throwing grenades or shooting RPGs).

That's correct, though any given sniper only has a percentage chance to act on that information depending on how good they're at sniping. And yes, they have the same no-LoS penalties and limitations as your units, including throwing accuracy.

And it was, pretty much, the answer to your own ability to shoot enemies outside of your LoS, as well as a counter to camouflage and invisibility - before sniper/spotter, a dark spot and a bunch of flares was all you needed to make dealing with enemies almost trivial. It's kind of a necessary evil, but I agree that it can get really heavy-handed and annoying sometimes; the worst part for me personally is the spotter tagging anyone who hit them.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on December 22, 2024, 10:56:32 am
Already wrote several times, but I will repeat: main problem with Sniper/Spotter mechanics is it's couterintuitiveness. AI is essentially doing something that player cannot, that is seeing opponent's units without actually seeing them. If AI would use only Shared Vision like player do, that would be perfectly fine. To make things worse, mods, where Sniper/Spotter mechanics is "documented" in ufopedia, are doing that so poorly and oversimplify, that it only increases confusion.

If AI is so stupid that cannot live without such cheating, I would wish 2 things:
- Player also should be able to use Sniper/Spotter mechanics. Maybe only the most trained soldiers should be capable of spotting on receiving a bullet, but that would give a glimpse of what AI is capable of.
- "Silent weapons", that does not trigger spotting. The best candidate for them would be bows and throwing knives.

Sadly, current state of the game is "there is no stealth in this game".
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jaedar on December 22, 2024, 04:36:27 pm
Already wrote several times, but I will repeat: main problem with Sniper/Spotter mechanics is it's couterintuitiveness. AI is essentially doing something that player cannot, that is seeing opponent's units without actually seeing them. If AI would use only Shared Vision like player do, that would be perfectly fine. To make things worse, mods, where Sniper/Spotter mechanics is "documented" in ufopedia, are doing that so poorly and oversimplify, that it only increases confusion.

If AI is so stupid that cannot live without such cheating, I would wish 2 things:
- Player also should be able to use Sniper/Spotter mechanics. Maybe only the most trained soldiers should be capable of spotting on receiving a bullet, but that would give a glimpse of what AI is capable of.
- "Silent weapons", that does not trigger spotting. The best candidate for them would be bows and throwing knives.

Sadly, current state of the game is "there is no stealth in this game".
There is stealth, just not against all enemies. Even against factions which all have sniper/spotter, their accuracy is still halved compared to if they actually see you.

But I do kind of agree that this is not sufficient to make stealth a workable strategy in many missions.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: p0n3swag on December 23, 2024, 02:16:34 am
Ok what's the best end game ship/weapon loadouts?  I'm having trouble with large shielded ships and what not. They're not landing and I'm not bringing them down.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on December 23, 2024, 05:39:55 pm
Ok what's the best end game ship/weapon loadouts?  I'm having trouble with large shielded ships and what not. They're not landing and I'm not bringing them down.
Are you dual-intercepting? Or even better, triple-intercepting? Big ships need you to intercept with multiple craft at once, ideally (get faster ships to escort the slower ones).

Going by pure power that's not insanely expensive, a Brave Whaler with Triple Medusa's IMHO, 24 tic reload with 250 damage on shields usually blows through them quick (sometimes to the point of wasting a barrage, drop to cautious if you think this will happen). Though it's a bit pricey and slow to keep up missile production (Laser Lenses can be a bottleneck sometimes), so use a lighter interceptor set for lesser targets, and keep your Whalers for big angry targets. A pair of Predators is often sufficient for many lesser targets.

Plasma Beams are much more economical of course, but a Kraken with 3 Plasma Beams (not Spitters) or Obliterators can't keep up with some ships.

Alternatively, Barracudas with quad Gauss Cannons or Bulldogs, though they need to have your best (ideally Gnome) pilots since they need to get into knife-fighting distance quickly. Very strong shields will also ignore their barrages (you'd probably need Tesla Cannons if you insisted on knife-fighting those).

I think some people swear by Naval Guns, but I've not tried those.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Buck on December 23, 2024, 06:36:26 pm
How do I go about acquiring craft and craft weapons to start shooting down ships and bandit convoys? I'm already in June and am still forced to use the Airbus. I can't seem to get my rank to the appropriate level to unlock the Car Thieves and bounty-hunting techs, either.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: shinr on December 23, 2024, 07:41:40 pm
How do I go about acquiring craft and craft weapons to start shooting down ships and bandit convoys? I'm already in June and am still forced to use the Airbus. I can't seem to get my rank to the appropriate level to unlock the Car Thieves and bounty-hunting techs, either.

Research these:

Visit Nearby Town
Gun Shopping
Hardware Shopping
Craft Weapons
Inspect Machinery
Explore Tunnels
Call A Meeting
Pirate Style
Our Culture
We Need Craft Weapons!
Contacts: Tiger Transports
Big Bird

Which will give you access to this research:

Assembling the Bird

Which when researched will give you an ability to manufacture the Little Bird.

You'll also want to research The Pharmacist before hand so that you can buy the Chemicals both to built the Bird and give it fuel.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Buck on December 23, 2024, 08:09:30 pm
Research these:

Visit Nearby Town
Gun Shopping
Hardware Shopping
Craft Weapons
Inspect Machinery
Explore Tunnels
Call A Meeting
Pirate Style
Our Culture
We Need Craft Weapons!
Contacts: Tiger Transports
Big Bird :D

Which will give you access to this research:

Assembling the Bird

Which when researched will give you an ability to manufacture the Little Bird.

You'll also want to research The Pharmacist before hand so that you can buy the Chemicals both to built the Bird and give it fuel.
Appreciate you! I'll give that a shot the next time I play. :D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on December 23, 2024, 11:01:49 pm
Appreciate you! I'll give that a shot the next time I play. :D
Incidentally I mention this tech order in my guide as it is quite a priority for nearly all runs. It has lots of handy starting tips. :)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Buck on December 24, 2024, 03:40:57 am
I'm in May and don't have any aircraft capable of shooting things down yet, but I'm hemorrhaging infamy. What's a good way to reliably improve my score in the early game (trying to get to the rank of ROGUE so I can do bounty hunting and contact the Car Thieves)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on December 24, 2024, 10:23:28 am
I'm in May and don't have any aircraft capable of shooting things down yet, but I'm hemorrhaging infamy. What's a good way to reliably improve my score in the early game (trying to get to the rank of ROGUE so I can do bounty hunting and contact the Car Thieves)?

You probably don't have enough Brainers. Fill out your Research capacity as fast as possible and resarch also cheap stuff like Melons and often interrogate easy targets like Altar Boys. Don't underestimate how much Infamy (and Infamy bonus) Research gives.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on December 24, 2024, 11:47:28 am
I'm in May and don't have any aircraft capable of shooting things down yet, but I'm hemorrhaging infamy. What's a good way to reliably improve my score in the early game (trying to get to the rank of ROGUE so I can do bounty hunting and contact the Car Thieves)?

Also, get that Little Bird in the Air ASAP. Ideally it needs to be in the air by March, or April at the latest, never mind May. No jokes, you REALLY must prioritise interception and the workshop to get Ship Junkyard contacts above all other things to cushion the early loss of infamy. Bounties used to be immediately available and helped a lot but that's no longer the case.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Buck on December 24, 2024, 01:32:48 pm
You probably don't have enough Brainers. Fill out your Research capacity as fast as possible and resarch also cheap stuff like Melons and often interrogate easy targets like Altar Boys. Don't underestimate how much Infamy (and Infamy bonus) Research gives.
By "interrogate", you mean research with a brainer, right? Or are interrogations a separate game mechanic?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on December 24, 2024, 04:07:48 pm
By "interrogate", you mean research with a brainer, right? Or are interrogations a separate game mechanic?

Yes, research them with Brainers more then once. Very importent on Hoes and Savvy Girls, because they can give you Shadowmasters, which will make your Early Game easier.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on December 24, 2024, 06:08:49 pm
Years of playing but I have to ask: Which level is Third Iron Skull in the Commendations? Kinda hard to tell from the commendation image by itself....

PS: Is it a fixed numeric level or it varies for each commendation?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on December 24, 2024, 06:48:29 pm
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Fugazza on December 24, 2024, 09:08:28 pm

4th level? Oh dang! I went overboard on a LOT of trainings!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boss300 on December 27, 2024, 10:04:44 pm
How do I get the next rank past racketeer? The flavor text seems to imply taking on a mutant pogrom — I did that last month AND got 14k score — obviously feeling a little progression-blocked.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on December 27, 2024, 10:11:19 pm
It says you gotta be feared in the newspaper.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on December 27, 2024, 10:59:07 pm
How do I get the next rank past racketeer? The flavor text seems to imply taking on a mutant pogrom — I did that last month AND got 14k score — obviously feeling a little progression-blocked.

You must research The Solar Courier that you gain from the Mutant Pogrom.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boss300 on December 28, 2024, 06:25:48 am
You must research The Solar Courier that you gain from the Mutant Pogrom.

I didn’t get one  :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on December 28, 2024, 01:18:19 pm
You mean, you accidentally exploded it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on December 28, 2024, 03:05:15 pm
I didn’t get one  :-X :-X :-X
Yeah, it's very easy to accidentally destroy the newspaper item. It will always be held in the inventory of one of the enemy leader units (i.e. humanist leader, ratman lieutenant, spartan lieutenant etc.), so try to avoid using explosives against them or around their corpses. Although, only humans will have a copy, Deep Ones and Dark Ones aren't very interested in reading I guess.

The newspaper is, understandably, extremely fragile to the point where even a molotov cocktail can destroy it, and if you don't know in advance where it is and the risk of destroying it, you can easily end up without the necessary progression item.

You can edit your save to get one if you want the full reward, or you can wait until the next pogrom appears and use the experience to try and save the newspaper. I'll put the instructions for save-editing in a spoiler below if you want to go that route.

First, locate your save game folder. With the default XPiratez install, that will be in the main game folder, in the 'user' folder, then in the 'piratez' folder. This done, open up the game on your most recent save, and buy a kitchen knife on the black market. This done, make a new save with whatever name you like.

Go to the save game folder, and open up that new save file with any text editor. Search in the file for the following line:

Then, replace that line with this one:

Save the file, and load it in-game. It should load without issue and after 24 hours a new copy of the Solar Courier will arrive at your base! This method works by just replacing what item you ordered with a different one, keeps things simple with minimal chance of error.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: boss300 on December 28, 2024, 06:15:27 pm
Although, only humans will have a copy, Deep Ones and Dark Ones aren't very interested in reading I guess.

This was my issue. And also that this rank requirement is fucking stupid. Hopeful I don’t have to come back and learn more stupid convoluted shit about the next rank.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nicedayright on December 29, 2024, 04:12:22 pm
What am I missing for buying the OICW "zeerust carbine"?
Tech viewer has ZEERUST CARBINE (i) as unlocked, but I can't find it in the store.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on December 29, 2024, 05:53:04 pm
It's not a purchasable item. Which makes sense because it would break balance if it was.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on December 29, 2024, 05:55:07 pm
What am I missing for buying the OICW "zeerust carbine"?
Tech viewer has ZEERUST CARBINE (i) as unlocked, but I can't find it in the store.
It can't be purchased at all.
Purchasing them would require a seller with a reliable supply who is willing to sell to you, and since they were only made for a short time hundreds of years (and one interplanetary invasion/conquest) ago there just aren't enough of them in existence for that. So they can only be found in caches of rare weapons from the Old Earth era, or from Crazy Hassan who seems to have some quantity of just about everything (not that you can choose what you're buying).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nicedayright on December 30, 2024, 03:07:43 am
Weird, I thought that's what the suffix was for.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Armitage451 on December 31, 2024, 01:13:32 am
I just noticed that my geoscape is missing all the map data - countries, cities, etcetera.

I recently upgraded from n.9 to n.10 (ongoing campaign) and thought that I fucked up the install somehow.. But I went back to my previous piratez install and it was the same there.

Reloaded saves, rebooted the game, etc, nada.

What do?

EDIT: I am stupid, carry on  :-X
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jot on January 01, 2025, 12:53:51 pm
Sooo... Hello :)
I got addicted to Xpiratez :) Also, i have a stupid question...or two:

Is it possible to manufacture "Force Circuitry" ? Till now (~25th month of the game) i can get it only from Church of Syrius Priests/Cardinals/Beastmasters, and last few months i got almost none of them. And i need 4/each Cybermage armor or Gray Spellbook :/

And the other one - is there any way to get "Glamour" faster ? For now, i know that i get few points with each won mission, few points from enslaving prisoners, and few from "Entertainment" projects. But i am targetting BH Silver Badge (750) and White Dragon second reward (1500 WD tokens = another 750 Glamour). As i have ~220 right now and i can gain probably ~100-150 /month, it seems my aims will take another game year :/ Do You know any faster way (except adding them by save editing) ? Maybe make a big and hiperexpensive party for govt members XD?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on January 01, 2025, 01:11:53 pm
Yes, you can manufacture Force Circuitry directly provided you have the required materials. Check your production.

Glamour can be produced in several ways:
- Only Runts, if you have Golden Codex
- Blackmail, accessible to most captain personalities
- Monster Pitfighting, which requires you to capture monsters
- Slavery, which requires you to capture enemies
- Finishing missions fast (before the 3rd turn)
- Going on missions with glamourous crafts (LITTLE BIRD, WARBIRD, THUNDERBIRD = 12 glamour per battle, BIKES = 8; still decays if you're slow)
- Doing missions with glamourous outfits (Bikini, Winter Queen, Bikini /CAT, etc, still decays if you're slow)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on January 01, 2025, 02:32:39 pm
Is it possible to manufacture "Force Circuitry" ?
Check bootypedia. Check research tree: middle click on research topic. Or "Q" on geoscape and "Q" to search.
Now my question. Can anyone, please, write down a path to reach "Aurora's ending"? I can't with certainty figure it out just by looking at bootypedia (not online one, local one). There probably are some hidden stones and I would like to know about them in advance.
I can share my knowledge with "Zander's ending".
It is very possible to screw this ending very early on. You need to prank Gudrun and then turn her into a Knight. And in order to do this you need STR_HONOR research which is only available if you choose the correct captain personality.
After you clear Gudrun's Residence you get Blacksun Bases and Blacksun HQ. Blacksun HQ is probably the hardest mission in this mod. 5 stages of Cydonia is a walk in the park in comparison to this. Or I am doing something wrong. Or you are supposed to use CONQUEROR. High Temple mission is fairly simple.
Then you got Labyrinthus Noctis. Another mission where you are supposed to know what you are doing (I don't).
And now the most craziest part. You get series of Shadowrealm missions. Or you don't! Why? Because you need to have Gudrun LV60 in your base. NOT INSIDE CRAFT!!! She has to be alive and outside of craft during the end of month or missions will not spawn!
OK, I think I covered most stuff.
BTW, how many other special items (aside Gudrun LV60) exists out there (and can be mistakenly sold) that are required to unlock special missions? I know only about "Padlock to Fear Gate". Do you know about other such items?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Falsche on January 01, 2025, 05:40:39 pm
Now my question. Can anyone, please, write down a path to reach "Aurora's ending"? I can't with certainty figure it out just by looking at bootypedia (not online one, local one). There probably are some hidden stones and I would like to know about them in advance.

As far as I can tell:
No sharing the fountain with Red Mage, Dr. X is required but no making choices regarding her. (Prank/Hire/etc.) No *Recalibrate Shadowtech*. (not that missile strikes should even happen while on this path) Beyond that, I don't think there are any other stones, just annoyances. (some extra -500 score events monthly, *Family Ties* now does nothing, no Tome of Life)

- First, clear the Disruptive Transmissions. That will trigger the event next month that unlocks the choice.
- Research ?Red-Eyes: Cooperate? and Aurora's Plot (order doesn't matter)
- There are three new free researches from !Socializing! (Perfect Specimen, T'Leth Secrets, Zombie Ascension). Do that until you pick them up.
--Perfect Ascension is the Dr. X requirement for the storyline. Take the ?Kidnap Gudrun for Aurora? choice, then do the Dr. X storyline until you win the duel, then research ?Dr. X? Gift her to Aurora, which unlocks Experiment-X.
--T'Leth Secrets is the Deep Ones requirement. It plus Undersea Operations will unlock !T'leth Dream Relays!, from which you can loot T'Leth Biocomputers as well as Aquatoids. Researching that will unlock Dreamlink and, following that, Soulbots.
--Zombie Ascension is the Red Mage (kinda) requirement. Effectively, you just need to research Cyberzombie Database.
(Wizard Infamy -> Red Mage's Research - Red Mage's Quest -> Mage's Villa mission, grab Black Mask there and research - Black Mask's Origins -> beat Crypt of the Technomancer)
- After getting any of those three researches from !Socializing!, Aurora's Nature event will happen next month. That will unlock PRISS research - research it.
- After getting all those three researches from !Socializing!, Aurora's Dream event will happen next month. That will give you another choice - pick ?Aurora Needs Your Help? if you want to finish the storyline.
- Making the choice will unlock the Freeing Aurora research, which is supposed to unlock a mission but is just a placeholder.
(If you have Soulbots, you can unlock the ability to buy Dolls at this point)
- Now research *Family Ties*. If you did everything right, it'll give you an alternative text and do nothing.
- Finally, if all requirements are met (Experiment-X, Soulbots, Cyberzombie Database, ?Aurora Needs Your Help?, Freeing Aurora, *Family Ties*), you can research *Destination Mars*.
--That will unlock an "alternative" easier Cydonia mission, To Mars!, that spawns every month at one of your hideouts and requires a Cydonia-worthy craft. Beating that will result in Aurora's ending.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on January 01, 2025, 06:51:21 pm
Thanks for such detailed guide. So, apparently, I don't need to take Hybrid Path... For some reason I thought I need, but I will take it anyway.
Path looks kinda easy... Maybe main pain in the butt will be the currently missing mission?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Jot on January 05, 2025, 12:28:23 am
- Doing missions with glamourous outfits (Bikini, Winter Queen, Bikini /CAT, etc, still decays if you're slow)

Thanks, this little trick really makes wonders ;D Now all my Pirate Crew rides easy missions wearing Party Dresses  ;D (or Bikini for Catgirls)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ThatSharkPerson on January 15, 2025, 06:45:29 am
I'm not sure if I'm dumb or I've encountered a glitch. I'm on my first playthrough and, for some reason, don't have the ability to research anything which has "Inspect Machinery" as a pre-requisite. I've worked around it a few times by using Debug mode to enable all research, but that isn't a long term solution. Even when using the Tech Tree Viewer, "Inspect Machinery" is not purple, implying I haven't researched it, despite knowing for a fact I have. Is there something I'm missing, or should I take this over to a bug report thread? Alternatively, is there any way to save file edit to tick whatever box needs ticking for Inspect Machinery?

I suspect it's a bug because starting a second game and researching Inspect Machinery now shows it as purple in the Tech Tree Viewer, unlike in my first game. Just wanted to confirm here before making a report.

Edit: I've managed to successfully save edit the file. For anyone in the future, you can simply go to your save folders via the options menu, then edit the save file with Notepad. Ctrl+F for "Discovered" and then add "  - STR_INSPECT_MACHINERY " to the list of discovered techs. I don't know what caused this, if it was a bug or me misunderstanding something, but at least there's a solution!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 15, 2025, 11:12:26 am
Perhaps you set this research as hidden (by RMB)?
Not being able to research Inspect Machinery would be a colossal issue for everyone, and no one else has reported it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Armitage451 on January 23, 2025, 10:08:09 pm
Been playing piratez on a laptop during night shifts to kill time, and ran into an issue - for some reasons shift with touchpad (don't have a spare mouse) does not let me sprint.
Any workarounds / ways to rebind the key?

Same goes for examine enemy (middle mouse button) - nice, but not as important as sprint.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on January 23, 2025, 10:17:08 pm
Been playing piratez on a laptop during night shifts to kill time, and ran into an issue - for some reasons shift with touchpad (don't have a spare mouse) does not let me sprint.
Any workarounds / ways to rebind the key?

Same goes for examine enemy (middle mouse button) - nice, but not as important as sprint.

Normally sprinting is with control not with shift.

Look at your touchpad options of your laptop. There should be some functions to activate to use a middle mouse button (like pressing both buttons or the right one two times).

Edit: Looks like someone was faster with the sprinting correction :P

Edit 2: And now he deleted the reply. How confusing  ???
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on January 23, 2025, 10:21:06 pm
quick questions on a couple of events:

- the "curse of dolaro" depends on something that i might stop by doing something?

- the "terror hack" is tied to ninja activity at least descriptions says so) if i win the  war against them (declared once * pirates vs ninja* is researched) it will stop?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on January 23, 2025, 10:30:31 pm
quick questions on a couple of events:

- the "curse of dolaro" depends on something that i might stop by doing something?

- the "terror hack" is tied to ninja activity at least descriptions says so) if i win the  war against them (declared once * pirates vs ninja* is researched) it will stop

The curse of dolaro can come if you have 10M funds. Nothing more, nothing less.

Terror Hack should go away if you destroy the Ninja HQ
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on January 24, 2025, 01:44:46 am
In the meantime, you can get around the terror hacks and other assorted cash penalty events by storing bulk wealth as items in your base inventory. Things like gold and silver bars, jewelry, retaining credit chips (and cash bags, purses etc) instead of selling them and so on.

Find some stuff to spend a million or two on. Buy another base, expand existing bases with workshops or prison space. Buy bulk RPGs and other flash gunz for your garrison troops. Buy car parts and tank parts and turn them into vehicles, again for garrisons. Stock up on crafting materials (chemicals, plasteel, durathread etc) for the runts. Events like this are Piratez' way of telling you that you're not spending enough money, so start throwing cash around for shits and giggles.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: ontherun on January 31, 2025, 02:03:08 am
ok, but what is the utility/purpose of "walk the plank"? it is intented to kill hands but for what reason if i can fence those?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nicedayright on January 31, 2025, 03:48:55 am
It's just a reskin of the original games "fire" button. Just lets you get rid of a soldier from the stat screen instead of having to remember their name and go to the sell screen.

In the original game you had to be pretty proactive about culling anyone with low psi strength once you'd unlocked the ability to see it, so it was pretty helpful. Recruiting being what it is in piratez, I don't think I've ever used the button, but it's part of the engine.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on January 31, 2025, 12:46:48 pm
I find it's more useful to mark them as expendable (I use a (-) symbol before their name) and use them for scouting, reaction baiting, UFO breaching and other high-risk guaranteed-to-get-shot uses.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: nicedayright on January 31, 2025, 02:49:43 pm
Psi sponges had a very transient place soaking up the attention of the local ethereal problem children, but you really only needed one, and the need to completely strip them of anything that could be used to hurt your more valuable troops made more than one a waste of space. Flare chucking duty, maybe. Once you had psionics, you were a couple short engineering projects from trivializing everything with BVR psi spam. At that point, you used aliens to soak up their own reaction fire. Which is kind of the reason OG XCOM ages poorly, even though the late game could be immensely funny and very cathartic depending on how long it took you to get there.

Regardless, haven't used the walk the plank button once, just reiterating that it doesn't necessarily mean killing your unit, just releasing them to the wild.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on February 01, 2025, 09:47:19 am
I use that feature all the time. In the early game I batch hire a bunch of peasants all at once and only keep the best ones. I'm sure the rejects aren't too disappointed (they get paid either way). In the late game once psy technology is known I only keep new hires with 50 psi or better.

I initially experimented with expendable soldiers but I found the morale penalties could easily lead to tantrum spirals, even if it was just dogs I was losing. More experienced soldiers can take the morale hit easily, but then they don't need any help to finish a mission without losses.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: SufferNot on February 01, 2025, 07:56:56 pm
I feel that in Piratez the number of missions done against enemies without PSI is a lot higher than the number of missions done against aliens with PSI. Having B or C teams on fast transports at other bases can help spread out the Freshness loss from doing multiple missions in short succession, and your 40 PSI strength units aren't gonna have to worry about that against Traders, Church, Humanists, Spartans, Raiders, Mercs, Deep Ones, Megapol, Zombies, or so on. Your A team that you bring against Ethereals should absolutely be screened, but I find that I need enough soldiers where their PSI doesn't matter that I end up keeping everyone.

Compare that to OG Xcom. Your last month is probably exclusively Ethereals, unless you left a Floater base alive for easy supply missions. Come December of year 1 the other aliens have mostly stopped flying missions, and by that point you're either ready for Cydonia or only 1 or 2 techs off from it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on February 02, 2025, 04:59:12 am
Yeah pretty much, 50 is a good baseline to maintain for regular soldiers, once I unlock psi I transfer anyone under 50 to garrison or pilot duty. From then on I only keep recruits with 50 or better, any soldiers with 60 or above get moved into the A team at my main base and possibly start training with psi weapons. It's not hard to find nekos or regular humans with 70+ if you roll enough times.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on February 02, 2025, 09:47:15 am
Is psi really that important? I play mostly without. Am I missing something?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on February 02, 2025, 10:21:57 am
Is psi really that important? I play mostly without. Am I missing something?
You are missing a lot of fun, bro!  ;D
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on February 02, 2025, 05:42:30 pm
Is psi really that important? I play mostly without. Am I missing something?
Gray Codex stuff is pretty cool.

Is it mandatory? Not really; especially if your captain and codex is not setup to maximise it.

Still, being able to set 12x12 tiles on fire in a single spell, fly a bunch of witches into a gap in a command tower, force-choking prisoners, and stuff like that is pretty hilarious. It's more it opens more strategic versatility than grant great power, in my experience.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 02, 2025, 08:54:01 pm
In my Grey run, I haven't really used spells. My brain is not big enough for such specialist tools.

But the Dullahan "armour" is such a goddamn treasure. Running a squad of 6 ghosts, squashing mortals like bugs. Feels good.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on February 03, 2025, 12:30:36 am
It's more it opens more strategic versatility than grant great power, in my experience.

Yeah, thats what I think too. A well placed rocket can do more damage than voodoo. And I normaly can not take the Gray Codex, because I love the Green one.

It seems my stupid brain loves efficiency much more than having fun with flying witches  :'(
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: SufferNot on February 03, 2025, 08:30:46 am
Yeah, thats what I think too. A well placed rocket can do more damage than voodoo.

I think for most VooDoo I'd agree. There is access to a lot of different damage types through Voodoo that sometimes helps (wand of airlessness is very good at capturing Church Reverends and Cardinals, for example), but I don't think anything VooDoo does is going to redefine your gameplay.

Except... for Mind Control. Mind Control is crazy good. Mind Control the enemy and scout their position freely. Trigger their own grenades or rocket launchers. Grab dudes with shields and force the enemy to waste their next turn trying to get through it. There is so much that can be done with mind control, and while any route can access it through Bug Eyes or Shades, only Grey and Gold get access to the redesigned Psi Amps that lets your Weird Gals really flex their stuff.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on February 08, 2025, 06:18:29 pm
Pirating Tip #102: "Bio damage doesn't need a lot of kinetic force to be delivered, while Electricity goes through the path of least resistance. Thus both these damage types effectively halve target's armor value."
Is that an inherent property of the damage types, or is it just that bio and electrical weapons usually have 50% armor efficiency written into their stats?

Context is that I'm trying to capture T-801 combat droids: armor 40-50 depending on side, 50% resistance to electric damage.
I have Blackmarch SMGs with EP bullets, nominal 35 electrical damage. No information about damage range, so I guess it's 0-200%? Also no information about armor effectiveness.

As I understand it, the armor's resistace and the electrical bonus should cancel each other, leaving me with a 0-70 damage roll against 40-50 points of armor. That ought to lead to actual damage being done with about every third hit. Doesn't seem to happen, though.
So, I guess my understanding is wrong?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on February 08, 2025, 06:32:05 pm
They usually have 50% armor efficiency set on "true" electric weapons. EP ammo for some reason doesn't count as "true" electric, so it doesn't get to 50% armor reduction.

Resists get applied before everything else. So your 35 dmg is first reduced (to 0-35), then checked against the armor.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 08, 2025, 09:08:14 pm
If the goal is to just capture droids than cattle prod and electric lasso will do well doing that.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on February 08, 2025, 11:17:42 pm
If the goal is to just capture droids than cattle prod and electric lasso will do well doing that.
Will do, but not well.

What worked well was the reticulan electrogun, of which I only had one, and one clip. The victim got up again and needed to be put down a couple more times, but that was a comparatively minor issue.
*checks files* oh, it regenerates a flat 20 stun/turn, no questions asked. Yeah, that explains it.

And then it just happened that three gals could gang up on the last droid. Stun batons (not cattle prods) were a disappointment, either because they were too weak or because the opponent's dodge was too god. Lassos fared better, but it still took, like, 12 hits? More than I could deal in a single turn. That could have ended very badly, with three gals standing around a still functional droid during it's turn. I lucked out but cannot recommend that approach.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on February 09, 2025, 10:31:22 am
No EMP grenades available?

Stun Batons are, at least in my experience, pretty useless past very early game; only a catgirl can really use it due to their massive reactions, else it's 20-30 damage and is pointless.

Cattle Prod and Whip are fine, but Tazogun and Circuit Breaker Spell are better still.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on February 10, 2025, 11:36:40 am
Depends on your playstyle I guess. I'm a red jackass captain that captures everyone I can get my hands on, especially "civilians". Many targets are so soft that even gas rounds or punching them in the face will be instantly fatal. While the lasso is also available, the stun baton has the advantage of fitting into your pocket and is the least lethal capture tool you have in the early game, it will last you a long time until the tazogun eventually replaces it, which can take more than a year depending on your tech choices.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on February 10, 2025, 08:21:50 pm
Stun batons work great for me.

I used cattle prods at first, but but never loved them because slow and unwieldy. At some point I noticed the baton's damage bonus, checked my gal's stats, and gave it a try. I get three dings out of them in the time it takes to prod someone once -- this certainly helped. Next thing I noticed was that it trains not only melee, but reactions as well. Suddenly all my gals had 100+ reactions.

It's a "don't leave home without it" item and I successfully use it on everyone not wearing power armor: academy medics and engineers, guild engineers, church priests and matrons. Even lobstermen! It's one-handed and small and often good enough. By the time I could have a lasso ready, the baton has already done the job and is back in the holster.

However, lately I run into opponents where the baton is no longer enough. I had high hopes for the poisoned dagger: "Stun damage modifier: 100%" it says. I thought it would do a lot of stun on top of the HP damage, but that doesn't seem to be what's happening. I had my second encounter with MERCs the other day and it typically took some 3-5 stabs of the poisoned dagger to put them down. Most of the time, the final blow was also fatal. So I guess the poisoned dagger is much less stunning than I thought it would be. Looking around for alternatives, I don't see any. What to do?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on February 10, 2025, 09:05:54 pm
Toxi-Lance, Iron Rod, Tesla Coil, Handcannon Arcane Rounds... depends on who you're fighting tho. Mercs are surprisingly susceptible to mind control.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Rokksta on February 10, 2025, 09:09:23 pm
Stun batons work great for me.

I used cattle prods at first, but but never loved them because slow and unwieldy. At some point I noticed the baton's damage bonus, checked my gal's stats, and gave it a try. I get three dings out of them in the time it takes to prod someone once -- this certainly helped. Next thing I noticed was that it trains not only melee, but reactions as well. Suddenly all my gals had 100+ reactions.

It's a "don't leave home without it" item and I successfully use it on everyone not wearing power armor: academy medics and engineers, guild engineers, church priests and matrons. Even lobstermen! It's one-handed and small and often good enough. By the time I could have a lasso ready, the baton has already done the job and is back in the holster.

However, lately I run into opponents where the baton is no longer enough. I had high hopes for the poisoned dagger: "Stun damage modifier: 100%" it says. I thought it would do a lot of stun on top of the HP damage, but that doesn't seem to be what's happening. I had my second encounter with MERCs the other day and it typically took some 3-5 stabs of the poisoned dagger to put them down. Most of the time, the final blow was also fatal. So I guess the poisoned dagger is much less stunning than I thought it would be. Looking around for alternatives, I don't see any. What to do?

I share my experience: The Stun Baton is amazing for everything until medium armor. I have some lassos around for flying enemys and high armor (Still useless against exosuits).

I like to use the Tazogun for non-lethal infiltration mission, because of the reaction snapshot.

Poison in general is a gamble. It has like a 50% chance, depending on the enemy and weapon, to kill instead of stunning. I also use a Spiked Mace to stun exosuit units in early-mid game with more deaths than stuns.

Don't try to stun every MERC or similar unit, unless you have late game weapons like Neural Whip. Just kill them and make them surrender. Don't risk your units needlessly.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hth on February 11, 2025, 10:47:33 am
From my first game in older version of the mod I remember a spiked SMG as quite good imo "unholy union" for melee fighters, but now killing with it (no matter exactly how) is awarded by "Idiot" award, which penaltize psi_skill up to -10 on last level. But that if this skill still zero now? In general, in which moment award's bonuses/maluses are calculated?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on February 11, 2025, 10:43:46 pm
From my first game in older version of the mod I remember a spiked SMG as quite good imo "unholy union" for melee fighters, but now killing with it (no matter exactly how) is awarded by "Idiot" award, which penaltize psi_skill up to -10 on last level. But that if this skill still zero now? In general, in which moment award's bonuses/maluses are calculated?
add some force circuitry and upgrade it to the holo-spikey so you can start getting that delicious techno-barb commendation
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on February 12, 2025, 02:25:34 am
In general, in which moment award's bonuses/maluses are calculated?

Just from loooking at the stat screen, there are three different values on display:
-the initial stats
-the current value of the "soldier as such" (matches what is stored in the savegame)
-the effective value including the effects of clothing and commendations.

You can easily change the latter by changing clothes. Camo Paint on a Gnome is a stark example, -30 bravery. I expect that your idiot's Vskill is going to remain at zero until the combination of learning and clothes makes up for the negative value from the commendation.

The spikey SMG didn't seem worth making when I got it; IIRC there were better guns available in the market. But calling someone an idiot for using it is harsh. It's not that bad.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on February 12, 2025, 02:25:52 pm
How does one down small "craft"? Like Roving Bands and Bogeyman Swarms? So far I've always blown them up, no matter how small the weapon. I use them for pilot training, and just now one of them actually crashed. That was a big surprise, I didn't know that such an outcome even was possible. But now that I've seen it, I want to do it again, on purpose.

Also, what is adequate protection for cold weather? So far I either change into furs or just accept the health damage. But I have an inkling that there might be ONE SIMPLE TRICK that I missed.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 12, 2025, 04:31:26 pm
Some radar contacts do not leave a "crash landed" mission and can only be completely destroyed. That includes all rowing bands, necropirate ground contacts, some enemy crafts with radars like helicopters and F117's, Boogeyman with radar. A necropirate ground contact will at some point "land" and then you can intercept it.

There are 2 levels of cold climate environment. You do not need much cold resistances for cold missions, but freezing cold one can hurt units that only wear furs. You will want to give them more cold protection like fur hats and scarfs.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hth on February 13, 2025, 02:15:26 am
I found furs quite annoying, because it always creates a mess in inventory due its small space. Why gals can't make own polar outfits, like human ones?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on February 13, 2025, 05:37:07 am
Bit of a mystery isn't it? You can make do with furs, ushankas and the like, but there isn't any gal specific polar survival suit. The closest thing you get is warrior armour and only because it coincidentally covers up all the skin.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: eharper256 on February 13, 2025, 10:00:44 am
For me, most early polar missions I did were over quick (like Yeti hunts) or came sufficiently later that cold protection was no longer an issue. The main problem is determining whether the potential troop downtime after is worth it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 13, 2025, 12:05:08 pm
Bit of a mystery isn't it? You can make do with furs, ushankas and the like, but there isn't any gal specific polar survival suit. The closest thing you get is warrior armour and only because it coincidentally covers up all the skin.

Tribal doesn't change into furs for you? I thought it worked every time, but I could be wrong.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: minimen on February 18, 2025, 08:25:11 am
It's the third year of my campaign, July. While surveying the geoscape, I noticed a Sentry vessel bearing the StarGods flag, conducting a crackdown mission. I can't help but imagine how challenging a StarGods base invasion would be, especially targeting one of their secondary bases. Why do I deserve this? Is it simply the passage of time catching up to me? Or is it because I’ve reached the rank of Public Enemy? Could it be the consequence of raiding that landed MERC heavy gunboat?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on February 18, 2025, 02:40:07 pm
It's the third year of my campaign, July. While surveying the geoscape, I noticed a Sentry vessel bearing the StarGods flag, conducting a crackdown mission. I can't help but imagine how challenging a StarGods base invasion would be, especially targeting one of their secondary bases. Why do I deserve this? Is it simply the passage of time catching up to me? Or is it because I’ve reached the rank of Public Enemy? Could it be the consequence of raiding that landed MERC heavy gunboat?
If I had to guess it's either the mercs (you poked them with a sharp stick) or the passage of time (~2yrs+). I don't think Public Enemy has anything Star Gods-specific keyed to it; that comes later.
Either way, best of luck with those sectopods. You're going to need to crack 500hp blue shields, which means you're going to need lots of laser/plasma/elec DPS and probably some armor-stripping chem shooters too. Count yourself lucky that you've got advance warning, now you can fit out your garrisons.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on February 18, 2025, 07:11:13 pm
How does one even fight Star Gods? I know how to deal with shielded tanks and expect Sectopods to be similar if tougher. But the Star Gods themselves? Oh vey.

In my world, they have established an outpost quite early (month 14 or thereabouts), which receives plenty of supply runs. This give me the opportunity to try my hand at them every so often. My ranged weapons appear to be weak, my melee attacks never seem to connect, but worst of all, I can't even see the guys until I've almost walked into them.

My weapons are bound to get better with time, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to deal with their stealthiness.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Enoch on February 18, 2025, 10:28:07 pm
How do the Stasis Pods and the Sleeping Beauty Project actually work?

Does the unit have to have the Sleeping Beauty condemnation before it dies? Is that condemnation supposed to show up on a unit's stats, because I can't seem to find any gal with it, even though plenty should have it.
Does the resurrection require another technology, if so which one?
Is there anything you have to do to ressurect a dead unit or does it just show up at your base if all the requirements are met?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on February 19, 2025, 03:37:54 am
How does one even fight Star Gods? I know how to deal with shielded tanks and expect Sectopods to be similar if tougher. But the Star Gods themselves? Oh vey.

In my world, they have established an outpost quite early (month 14 or thereabouts), which receives plenty of supply runs. This give me the opportunity to try my hand at them every so often. My ranged weapons appear to be weak, my melee attacks never seem to connect, but worst of all, I can't even see the guys until I've almost walked into them.

My weapons are bound to get better with time, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to deal with their stealthiness.
My general advice would be to forget about using melee against the Star Gods (both Guardians in red cloaks and true SG's in grey cloaks) unless you're using a gal with very high melee (135+) wielding a very high base accuracy weapon, since they have an absurdly high melee dodge. The Guardians have the worst dodge at ~78 with no back penalty, and the true SG's are even more evasive. Spears and two-handed axes can still work since they hit from beyond melee range.

As far as the stealth goes, I have three bits of advice:
1) True SG's have INVIS 5, meaning by default you can only see them from 5 tiles away, but they are the only enemies on the field with that ability. They also have a unique MIND weapon they use with a distinctive projectile that you can use to get an idea of their location.
2) Use Aye-Phones or dogs to track their movements and narrow down on their location, they have a pretty good detection range and can detect enemies flying above you or behind obstacles. Do note that they can't tell you what vertical level a detected enemy is on.
3) Use armours with good SPOT, at least 5, so you can actually see them from a decent distance. SPOT counters INVIS by adding its value to the detection range, so with 5 SPOT you can see SG's from 10 tiles away instead of 5. Some options are BRAINER, CHROMEBACK, ASSASSIN (10 SPOT!), CARBON, STORMCAT or COMBAT PILOT for catgirls and CYBERPUNK for Lokk'naars. Dogs can also work decently, with 4 SPOT and being very expendable.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on February 19, 2025, 09:50:55 am
How do the Stasis Pods and the Sleeping Beauty Project actually work?
You are able to assign Stasis Pods far earlier than you are able to revive. "Revive Sleeping Beauty" allows to revive those who was unconscious once, and "Revive Sleeping Beauty (Nano)" allows to revive others.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Canas on February 22, 2025, 04:39:48 am
I'm trying to play x-piratez on my phone (android) and I tried following the steps in the sub board, but it isn't working. I can get into xcom, and play XCOM and TFD, but not X-piratez. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: MaskedHuzzah on February 22, 2025, 05:53:48 am
Is there a way to turn off only the background sounds / ambient noise that I'm not seeing? I usually play while watching something else and a few maps have loud, intrusive sounds (the one the immediately comes to mind is the morning maps) that aren't tied to gameplay that I'd like to silence so I can hear the game and other things I'm doing. Been searching the forums for about an hour and not seeing anything, and figured it would be better to post here than make a new thread.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: zombieguy223 on February 22, 2025, 08:23:52 am
Is there a way to turn off only the background sounds / ambient noise that I'm not seeing? I usually play while watching something else and a few maps have loud, intrusive sounds (the one the immediately comes to mind is the morning maps) that aren't tied to gameplay that I'd like to silence so I can hear the game and other things I'm doing. Been searching the forums for about an hour and not seeing anything, and figured it would be better to post here than make a new thread.
Since those ambient sounds are played from specific sound files in the resources folder, you can try replacing them with blank ones that have no actual audio. That will completely remove all of the ambient audio from the missions, to my knowledge. I did a quick test and it seemed to work without issue. This might not be the best solution, but it's quick and easy to do.

Go to \user\mods\Piratez\Resources\Sounds\Ambient\ in your XPiratez install location and replace the sixteen files there with blanks. You can do that yourself by just creating a blank .txt file and changing the name and extension to match each of the existing files. Alternatively, you can use the blank files I just made that I'll attach.
If you want the ambient sounds back, open up the original XPiratez install file and extract the sounds from it's folder to your install.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Ultimoos on February 22, 2025, 10:38:02 am
I'm trying to play x-piratez on my phone (android) and I tried following the steps in the sub board, but it isn't working. I can get into xcom, and play XCOM and TFD, but not X-piratez. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Make sure you are placing proper files in directions. Xpiratez come in complete package to play on windows and you only want to place the mod in android oxce. Extract the "Pirates" folder from your xpiratez downloaded files and place that one in mods folder on android. You should be able to activate mod now.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Canas on February 22, 2025, 08:38:48 pm
Make sure you are placing proper files in directions. Xpiratez come in complete package to play on windows and you only want to place the mod in android oxce. Extract the "Pirates" folder from your xpiratez downloaded files and place that one in mods folder on android. You should be able to activate mod now.

That solved it, I was indeed trying to move the entire package into xcom files. This solution worked, thank you.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Enoch on February 23, 2025, 11:43:31 pm
You are able to assign Stasis Pods far earlier than you are able to revive. "Revive Sleeping Beauty" allows to revive those who was unconscious once, and "Revive Sleeping Beauty (Nano)" allows to revive others.
Understood, thanks.

How difficult are Faction Base assaults? I destroyed my first Rimrider Outpost (with some significant but not catastrophic losses on my end), would you say Faction Bases are harder or easier on average?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: deltarno on February 24, 2025, 01:02:18 am
Any idea when the next update might be?  I want to start a new game, but every time there's an update the voices demand I run it on a fresh new start, and I don't want to start a game shortly before the update.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Vakrug on February 24, 2025, 09:34:34 am
How difficult are Faction Base assaults? I destroyed my first Rimrider Outpost (with some significant but not catastrophic losses on my end), would you say Faction Bases are harder or easier on average?
I think Rimrider Outposts are slightly easier then other Faction Bases. Definitely easier than Sirius Bases full with Chrysalids and (even worse) Valkyries. But you don't have to rush there, you can wait for better armors. Faction Bases main purpose is to get their Commanders. Rimrider Outposts main purpose is to get necessary items (mostly cat-prisoners) for Hasan and his plasma arsenal. So you probably want to raid one base multiple times (with retreating).
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Enoch on February 24, 2025, 05:46:26 pm
I think Rimrider Outposts are slightly easier then other Faction Bases. Definitely easier than Sirius Bases full with Chrysalids and (even worse) Valkyries. But you don't have to rush there, you can wait for better armors. Faction Bases main purpose is to get their Commanders. Rimrider Outposts main purpose is to get necessary items (mostly cat-prisoners) for Hasan and his plasma arsenal. So you probably want to raid one base multiple times (with retreating).
Got it, thanks.
Speaking of armors I'm at the beginning of year 3 and the best I have is Tac Armors, Chainmail, and Ogres with Liquidator suits. I suspect I'm behind, any pointers as to where I should look for upgrades?

Last question from me for a while: I'm currently at Big Boss Rank, and to progress I have to make the Guild and the Academy angry with me. I tried using the XPedia for pointers but I couldn't figure it out. Is it something related to Base assaults?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on February 25, 2025, 12:37:11 am
Got it, thanks.
Speaking of armors I'm at the beginning of year 3 and the best I have is Tac Armors, Chainmail, and Ogres with Liquidator suits. I suspect I'm behind, any pointers as to where I should look for upgrades?

Last question from me for a while: I'm currently at Big Boss Rank, and to progress I have to make the Guild and the Academy angry with me. I tried using the XPedia for pointers but I couldn't figure it out. Is it something related to Base assaults?

I've done only three base assaults so far, two church one academy, all of them almost immediately after the base was established. Don't know if that matters, if bases get stronger with time.

Church was quite easy, painbringers in one hand, mace in the other. The most difficult thing was that the first time around I could only bring eight gals, which was too little to cover every corner I wanted to cover. Also, there was a bit of sniping where the painbringer wasn't exactly the ideal weapon. Next time around I brought 12 hands, four of them with proper rifles, that was fine.

I found the academy more difficult, mostly for their drones and cyberdiscs. Maybe it was just bad luck, but I'd swear that the drones were ambushing me from blind corners.

Factions getting angry is research-driven. E.g. the academy gets alarmed once you have researched Osiron Yeoman, Osiron Security, Researcher, Medic and Esper. Getting them angry requires them being alarmed, plus Provost and ESP Secrets.

I'm on my first playthrough and thought I was being slow, but you seem to be quite a bit behind me. I suspect you have few brainers? I started building minor research facilities in some of my outposts late in the first year, and by now I'm sorry that I haven't been more aggressive about it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on February 25, 2025, 03:40:53 am
Got it, thanks.
Speaking of armors I'm at the beginning of year 3 and the best I have is Tac Armors, Chainmail, and Ogres with Liquidator suits. I suspect I'm behind, any pointers as to where I should look for upgrades?

Last question from me for a while: I'm currently at Big Boss Rank, and to progress I have to make the Guild and the Academy angry with me. I tried using the XPedia for pointers but I couldn't figure it out. Is it something related to Base assaults?
Pretty sure you need Back To School or School Graduation for your next set of upgrades. Tac Armor ('green' tier) upgrades into Guardian and Stormy ('blue' tier), Chainmail upgrades to Platemail.
To really make the factions angry you're going to need to capture some VIPs and learn their secrets from advanced interrogation. The Guild Rep and Academy Provost's secrets, and a Guildmaster from one of their bases. You might need to capture and research several of them to get the tech.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Enoch on February 25, 2025, 07:20:08 pm
Alright, thanks for the advice folks.
Looking back at it I was being kind of complacent with my research.

I'll be starting a new run, always wanted to try the Grey Codex!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hth on March 02, 2025, 02:36:32 am
What is battle flag good for now (except for leader's suicide)?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: deltarno on March 08, 2025, 11:34:13 pm
Quick question, I'm trying to make a gal max out the joker feat, but alas all I know that fits that requirement is the anchor.  What other weapons count, since I have not yet found extra large mallets or exploding cream pies?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on March 09, 2025, 07:46:16 am
Quick question, I'm trying to make a gal max out the joker feat, but alas all I know that fits that requirement is the anchor.  What other weapons count, since I have not yet found extra large mallets or exploding cream pies?
If you don't mind spoilers I would suggest reading the wiki article. The list of weapons is a bit random and nonsensical, there is no real way to "judge" if something counts or not.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on March 09, 2025, 01:56:53 pm
If you don't mind spoilers I would suggest reading the wiki article. The list of weapons is a bit random and nonsensical, there is no real way to "judge" if something counts or not.
Peg leg, monstermano, harpoon carbine, shotgun shield, flask acid...there's a few winners in here. Maybe shotgun shield + acid flask, with a crowbar on the back for breaking walls? Maybe try underwater missions in a team of 1-2 (ie solo carry and medic/backup) using the underwater carbine?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on March 09, 2025, 02:07:44 pm
How can gals eat apples so fast during battle? It takes me at least a minute to eat one in real life, but gals need only a second? (5 apples per turn where a turn lasts about 5 seconds in real life)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Psyentific on March 09, 2025, 02:10:42 pm
How can gals eat apples so fast during battle? It takes me at least a minute to eat one in real life, but gals need only a second? (5 apples per turn where a turn lasts about 5 seconds in real life)
Uber gals can dislocate their jaw and lack a gag reflex, so they can swallow apples whole. Don't think too hard about it.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Tamren on March 10, 2025, 01:14:20 am
Quick question, I'm trying to make a gal max out the joker feat, but alas all I know that fits that requirement is the anchor.  What other weapons count, since I have not yet found extra large mallets or exploding cream pies?
Finally had some time to read through the wiki myself. To answer the original question I think these weapons are the most practical for Joker farming based on my past experiences:

- The simplest method: Use a baseball bat to knock out enemies, revive them with water, then wack them again. Repeat until the target dies. There are far more effective methods but you can do this from the start without any tech requirements.
- Harpoon gun/carbine: Just shoot soft targets with regular piercing bolts until they die, easy. Works good as a primary weapon for aquatic missions but you can use them anywhere since the harpoons can also be fired on land.
- The Monstermano and Cats Paws are silly looking but just as lethal as a normal combat knife. Attack targets, they die, simple. In the unlikely event that they fall unconscious they will probably bleed out (which still counts as a kill for Joker progression)
- The Steam Hammer, Anchor and Wrecking Ball are all lethal weapons and should be able to kill most targets in one or two hits. In the unlikely case that your target survives and just falls unconscious you can use them to attack them on the ground because they are range 2 or better. You can also use these weapons to finish off any unconscious target no matter who attacked them first.
- Stunning a target unconscious with a Ninja fans, iphones and magnalites will give a point towards Joker, you don't have to kill the target this way so you can use them as a capture tool in the course of normal missions without having to change your strategy. The fire extinguisher melee attack can also be used this way but it is too lethal for most targets, you might have luck using it against tougher armoured enemies like gun runners.

And if you want the meta cheese strat:

- Hold a ninja fan in one hand and mr. handy (crowbar) in the other hand. Knock out targets with the ninja fan, then use the crowbar to bonk the unconscious enemy on the ground until it dies. This would theoretically apply 2 points towards joker per kill. This works because demolition tools count as "ranged weapons" (otherwise they would not be able to hit terrain)

Good missions candidates for farming joker are those with lots of enemies like bandit forts/towns, zombie infestations, animal hunting/tomb raiding/tribal rescue missions (with spiders especially). Just use your primary gal to solo carry the mission with a few support troops in the back with lethal weapons just in case things get out of hand.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: hth on March 10, 2025, 01:38:50 am
fish pls)
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: deltarno on March 10, 2025, 04:18:26 pm
Excellent, thank you everyone!
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HubertGruber on March 11, 2025, 12:54:44 am
Would anyone know if having all of the 'diverging paths' i.e cats 4 life + men solders+ superior gals etc etc in my savefile would break it? I've just enabled them all in my savefile as a test and everything seems fine for a few months but I don't want to commit to it and have my game dumpster itself later on

I think I already know the answer but maybe someone has tried it before?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 11, 2025, 02:45:16 pm
Would anyone know if having all of the 'diverging paths' i.e cats 4 life + men solders+ superior gals etc etc in my savefile would break it? I've just enabled them all in my savefile as a test and everything seems fine for a few months but I don't want to commit to it and have my game dumpster itself later on

I think I already know the answer but maybe someone has tried it before?

I don't think it will explode, but you will of course get some lore/logic inconsistencies.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Delian on March 11, 2025, 06:10:21 pm
Cheating breaks the game hehe, so you'd be breaking your own fun and game's replayability
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: HubertGruber on March 11, 2025, 08:29:32 pm
Awesome, thanks for the responses.

And yeah, maybe it would. But I've been playing this mod for a few years and I've yet to complete a full playthrough so I don't think that's much of a worry for me.
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Laie on March 12, 2025, 12:05:41 am
Would anyone know if having all of the 'diverging paths' [...] in my savefile would break it?

I'm on my first playthrough, ever, and actively tried to not get a comprehensive view of how things work. So I'm not an expert, not at all. Some insights were unavoidable, though.

My expectation is that future edits will become necessary as you go along, but not all that many. If I'm wrong and you have opened an unmanageable can of worms, you're going to find out very quickly.

ETA, my own question of the day: should I keep my Codex vessel (Fortuna)?

I've just had my first Space Freighter and was dismayed that it requires an interplanetary craft; I can't well keep both the Fortuna and the Drakkar at hand, and swapping vessels between outposts as needed is such a PITA. It seems as if the Fortuna has become mostly obsolete by now... or is there something I missed?
Title: Re: A thread for little questions
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 12, 2025, 10:53:36 am
ETA, my own question of the day: should I keep my Codex vessel (Fortuna)?

Yeah, Fortuna is awesome. Shielded, fast, goes underwater and into space. I regret losing mine to a stray bomb.