OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => 40k => Topic started by: bulletdesigner on November 03, 2016, 01:03:22 pm

Title: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 03, 2016, 01:03:22 pm
"40k" - Warhammer 40k Total Conversion

Pick up space marine mod from Ryskeliini, and completely done a full conversion on x-com
This mod is a 40k universe total conversion. The player command the ultramarine chapter intervention on a planet.
The mod provides a planet being siege by chaos forces! Warp storm prevent reinforcement from outside sectors.

Link to the mod on (
Invite to the discord server (

For changelog and donwload,6452.0.html (,6452.0.html)

 the code if you wanna use for naming:  # devastator  % assault   & sniper/scout   ^ tatical   | veteran   _ ultramarine/scout  @ librarian  § Requisition point)

- All Armory the chapter can provide
- All New equipment
- Chaos Forces
- A bit more complex research and manufacturing
- Changed text, backgrounds, cutscenes
- Changed Music
- Eldar Forces
- Sisters of Battle
- Guard

Requires openxcom extender
- Unpack the archive
- Copy the 40k folder in the mods folder
- Activate the mod in options
- Only EN-US language supported

Recommended Options:
- UFO damage formula
- Alien pick up weapon
- Live Alien Sale
- Explosion Height: 3
- Enforce Storage Limits
- Force Craft Launch
- Airborne Transfers
- Alien Bleeding
- PSI Line of sight

 - Big props to Ryskeliini for the space marine stuff and Dixone/ohartenstein23 for the help
 - Used a lot of maps from Terrainpack so special thks to Hobbes also so help on side
- Tools
  - MCDEdit ( (
  - Mapview (,1321.0.html (,1321.0.html))
- OXCE+ by Yankes and Meridian
- Sprites, sounds, maps, ruleset code etc:
  - All around thanks to everyone, i used lot of stuff from other mods for reference and change it to 40k universe
  - Background images from various internet sources

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Title: Re: 40k
Post by: kharille on November 04, 2016, 07:43:26 am
Looks amazing...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: The Think Tank on November 08, 2016, 05:22:37 am
Indeed it does, keep up the good work! In the meantime I will test it out and see how it rumbles, best of luck to you!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Nord on November 08, 2016, 09:39:23 am
For the Emperor!
Do you think about change global map?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: RaoulDuke on November 16, 2016, 09:09:56 am
Love this mod.  Graphics, sounds and gameplay changes are top notch.  Add a few more alien races and some new terrains and this could be one of the best mods for xcom.

One bug report:  I'm on my first terror mission and when I kill one of the enemies the game crashes.  Perhaps a missing animation?

Anyway, great work, keep it up!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 16, 2016, 04:24:57 pm
One bug report:  I'm on my first terror mission and when I kill one of the enemies the game crashes.  Perhaps a missing animation?
Anyway, great work, keep it up!

Witch one? maybe i missed something on ruleset... i replaced all original x-com races for chaos one, so it can be a conflict with other mod that changes aliens

For the Emperor!
Do you think about change global map?

Yes, but i don´t have the skill´s to do it!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Arthanor on November 16, 2016, 09:13:37 pm
Keep Terra as is, swap ultramarines for Imperial Fists/Blood Angels/White Scars (3 soldier types, with slightly different stats and also access only to armors of their chapters, which also have slightly different stats, like better aim on IF armors, better movement on WS Bikes and BA jump packs?) and replay the siege of Terra. Man, that'd be something...!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 16, 2016, 09:33:06 pm
Keep Terra as is, swap ultramarines for Imperial Fists/Blood Angels/White Scars (3 soldier types, with slightly different stats and also access only to armors of their chapters, which also have slightly different stats, like better aim on IF armors, better movement on WS Bikes and BA jump packs?) and replay the siege of Terra. Man, that'd be something...!

All armor give different stats, you got more tu´s with jump pack and also more melee, command unit´s have more health , honor guard have more health and aim , devastator more str for heavy weapons, etc  ... it all depend´s on your strategy , tactical armor like the original chaos gate is for using grenades. All soldier come with different stats you have to adjust it to armor and weapons, ex. if it comes with good str. you can make him use heavy weapons without devastator armor, if it comes with good health use it as Sargent it will cost more to die, with good aim use it as sniper etc.. makes no sense i do that job for you.. since that´s the fun of the game the random guy becoming the captain Kruger, also stat´s cap increased to have more progression , and make more sense on what i´m preaching
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Arthanor on November 16, 2016, 09:37:33 pm
I'm not sure what you got from my message, but it was a joke at how to keep using the geoscape while developing battlescape assets (something you've done a great job with): to refight the siege of Terra. It was neither serious nor intended as a critic of your work or demanding that you do something differently.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 16, 2016, 09:59:57 pm
I'm not sure what you got from my message, but it was a joke at how to keep using the geoscape while developing battlescape assets (something you've done a great job with): to refight the siege of Terra. It was neither serious nor intended as a critic of your work or demanding that you do something differently.

To be honest I also took your post as an actual suggestion... :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Arthanor on November 16, 2016, 10:22:30 pm
Fair enough, hopefully the clarification takes away the idea of an insultingly demanding suggestion ;P It was written quickly and without thinking, as a reaction to thinking: "What could one do with 40k and a Terra looking planet? hum... !!!!!" But thinking more about it, even that would need geoscape work since the oceans have evaporated and other crazy stuff.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: RaoulDuke on November 16, 2016, 10:38:26 pm
Witch one? maybe i missed something on ruleset... i replaced all original x-com races for chaos one, so it can be a conflict with other mod that changes aliens

It was a winged demon with a sword (at least that's what it looked like) that caused the crash when killed.  I'm not using any other mods.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 17, 2016, 12:17:38 pm
It was a winged demon with a sword (at least that's what it looked like) that caused the crash when killed.  I'm not using any other mods.

Are you using OXCE ? that´s a fundamental, its works without it , but not well and can cause some crashes. Does the bug persists? Send me the savegame

No worry´s Arthanor i didn´t take it the wrong way, it will be kool to add varies to the landscape and world , also missions, but     thinking about learning the coding/ruleset for that, makes me not do anything.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 17, 2016, 12:27:13 pm
Yes, globe editors are extremely rare... To my knowledge, Hobbes is the only non-developer who has mastered it. And globe editing isn't trivial.
Falko actually made an editor, but it's also black magic to me. :P
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: RaoulDuke on November 17, 2016, 10:19:48 pm
Are you using OXCE ? that´s a fundamental, its works without it , but not well and can cause some crashes. Does the bug persists? Send me the savegame

Yes I am using OXCE.  That is just a simple .exe replacement right?  Perhaps I'm using it wrong?

I started a new game and got to another terror mission.  This time there is a 4 legged robot that crashes the game when it dies.  Whatever problem I'm encountering seems to happen with all 2x2 enemies.  I included the savegame.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 17, 2016, 10:31:11 pm
Yes I am using OXCE.  That is just a simple .exe replacement right?  Perhaps I'm using it wrong?

Are you using the data Yankes provided in his thread? I mean the ruleset etc.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on November 18, 2016, 01:12:36 am
Yes I am using OXCE.  That is just a simple .exe replacement right?  Perhaps I'm using it wrong?

I started a new game and got to another terror mission.  This time there is a 4 legged robot that crashes the game when it dies.  Whatever problem I'm encountering seems to happen with all 2x2 enemies.  I included the savegame.
In some corner cases is possible to made that OXCE will work but OXC will crash on same ruleset. I overall try avoid it (and even in some cases I enforce compatibility). From other way around (OXC -> OXCE) I try archive that you said, to it be replacement of original exe.
(in case OXCE+ by Meridan you need some additional transations to work perfectly)

Tomorrow I will look on this to see if its bug in my exe or in ruleset.

Are you using the data Yankes provided in his thread? I mean the ruleset etc.
Right now in first post are data for 3.5 that are incompatible with 3.3, correct one are available on mediafire page from link in readme.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 18, 2016, 01:39:09 am
Right now in first post are data for 3.5 that are incompatible with 3.3, correct one are available on mediafire page from link in readme.

Wait, so is the right archive or not?
Honestly, you are the king of confusion. :P
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: RaoulDuke on November 18, 2016, 02:01:18 am
Here is a screenshot of the error message if that helps.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 18, 2016, 12:11:35 pm
Yes I am using OXCE.  That is just a simple .exe replacement right?  Perhaps I'm using it wrong?

nop and yes, it a replacement of some files on xcom folder not just the EXE , anyway , use my folder , you don´t need to install it, and don´t need to replace your´s , just unpack it anywere and use OpenexcomEx

tell me if it works!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: RaoulDuke on November 18, 2016, 02:20:16 pm
nop and yes, it a replacement of some files on xcom folder not just the EXE , anyway , use my folder , you don´t need to install it, and don´t need to replace your´s , just unpack it anywere and use OpenexcomEx

tell me if it works!
yes the version you sent me seems to work fine.  so I guess the problem lies with my version of OXCE.  oh well, i'll just use yours  :) thanks for the help!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on November 18, 2016, 08:06:43 pm
Wait, so is the right archive or not?
Honestly, you are the king of confusion. :P
"Data35" is correct for 3.5, that is current version. I assumed that exe used by 40k mod is older, this mean 3.3 that is incompatible with "Data35".
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 19, 2017, 12:52:54 am
Hi, my space hulk map need some explosions and smoke on start Can someone teach me, i need to make smoke and explosion on the map like in the image . Is there a  script? , or  should i spray engines and make it blow... or it is there a simple way?
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Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 19, 2017, 05:05:29 am
One way is to make special grenade "items" that are a part of the map block definition in ruleset, with timers set to explode at the end of the player's first turn (the closest you can get to start of the battle).  For an example, you can look at the pink desert maps or the supply ships in Piratez, both feature timed explosives on mapblocks to simulate various things.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on April 20, 2017, 10:36:33 pm
I can code it down for you, with comments, if you provide me with your space hulk terrain ruleset, and specify the type, placement, timing and power of explosions. Any type of explosion is doable, fire, smoke, you name it.
The only limitation is that these bombs can't go off before first player turn ends (unless they're proximity mines).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on April 21, 2017, 03:35:36 am
Just tested out there, the updated(13/04/17) version of 40K and noticed that if you view the electro flare in the ufopaedia the game crashes. Only mods activated are 40k and oxce+ missing strings.

Edit: attachment removed
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on April 21, 2017, 09:48:54 am
Why would you attach a whole 40 MB thing??
The save is enough...

Not to mention you've attached original UFO files too, which you really shouldn't.

PS: crash is caused by missing image 1LF.SPK
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 21, 2017, 10:03:52 am
Yes, please avoid such large attachments when there is no need to use them. This is just silly.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 21, 2017, 04:00:06 pm
Just tested out there, the updated(13/04/17) version of 40K and noticed that if you view the electro flare in the ufopaedia the game crashes. Only mods activated are 40k and oxce+ missing strings.

True line in ufopedia was 1FL.pck and not 1LF.pck or inverse , just corrected now

anyway with new file the space hulk mission is running which i haven´t tested to full extent hope it works, works well for me.., if not i disable again!

Anyway i´m Planing big now :D
Total war scenarios and some obliterators that skipped leg day
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Dioxine i see your script in piratez and how you do it, still i have a few questions like -> can i do randow Shell Round in batllefield Ex:
        width: 70
        length: 30
            - position: [20, 10, 2]
              amount: 1
              mixed: true
              itemList: [TIMEBOMB_SHELL, STR_DUD, STR_DUD, STR_DUD, STR_DUD]
          TIMEBOMB_SHELL: [0, 100]

(the main question is if timebomb_shell can be considered an item in item list)
(btw  i dont now fusetimers script , will it blow between turn 0 and 100?)

Other Question: Can´t we blow up stuff  in turn 0 like the engines on crashed ship, like instead of engines some item of your chose
we don´t see the explosion but that also works for me  8)
(But if some magic ocours and explosions work on start of turn 0 it was gold i cant put some smoke at drop pods arrival, but i see Why only proximity mines bah)
thaks for the atention

Anyway im vacation out of country this weekend and few days no replys on next´s days
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2017, 05:15:20 pm
TIMEBOMB_SHELL must be a full-fledged grenade. If you don't want it to be recoverable, set recover: false.

0...100 means between turn 1 and 50 (it counts each turn as two turns - one yours, one enemy).

I know no way of making these things go off before player's first turn.

It is possible to make various tiles explode on crash landing, by giving them the same special type as engine. However, they will also be recovered as engines... you can go around this with changing specialType of STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE to something else, and setting specialType 2 to something else, like maybe fuel or circuits or whatever broad category of items you want to explode on crash. Actual engines won't explode with these tweaks, but this can be solved by setting explodium next to them.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 28, 2017, 11:14:41 pm
thks dioxine

Working on maps with heavy support
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 24, 2017, 01:57:55 am
there´s a problem on a mission enemy base assault script , just fixed it uploading soon
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Warboy1982 on May 24, 2017, 06:57:02 am
i'd love to see the old-school space crusade maps resurrected in the openxcom engine, or even space hulk scenarios played out with 'stealers and termies.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SuperCaffeineDude on May 24, 2017, 07:10:22 am
This looks bad-ass, very cool maps and assets
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Hythlodaeus on May 24, 2017, 02:58:44 pm
i'd love to see the old-school space crusade maps resurrected in the openxcom engine, or even space hulk scenarios played out with 'stealers and termies.

This is especially relevant considering space crusade did use isometric view for confrontation zoom-ins.


So theoretically it's more than possible to have an enhanced version of Space Crusade in OXC. :D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 26, 2017, 09:33:39 pm
i´m busy doing lot of stuff, the space hulk is part of the plan, still the genesteller part is out of the way

made a Cathedral and a lot of maps for i am mounting a side campaign with characters and support vehicules (vindicator will appear on nearby future)

Still i´m always discovering bug´s as i play along no route on xbase28 map, bigunits that jam elevator on space hulk mission also route correct , i must be the only guy playing this(no one complains)!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Cerazor on May 27, 2017, 11:13:48 am
Thoroughly impressed! Mr CoolGuy.  8)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on June 05, 2017, 03:18:39 pm
bulletdesigner the genestealer sprite is awesome, alongside the rise of the mod.

Please could I use this for an idea I have? I'll ensure I credit you :)

Updated: I prototyped an idea for a ranged mutated chryssalid called the chryssamorph in my other post, needless to say a ranged chryssalid is the stuff of nightmares!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 06, 2017, 11:41:58 am
bulletdesigner the genestealer sprite is awesome, alongside the rise of the mod.

Please could I use this for an idea I have? I'll ensure I credit you :)

Updated: I prototyped an idea for a ranged mutated chryssalid called the chryssamorph in my other post, needless to say a ranged chryssalid is the stuff of nightmares!

sure no prob
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on June 07, 2017, 06:43:43 pm
Thank you :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 09, 2017, 09:21:12 pm

Be Advised Chaos predator on scene

was f*cking dificult to do, dunno if someone already made bosses something like this
btw rank 6 :misc 1 is terror unit 7
and rank 8 :misc2 is terror unit 6
mapview got that inverted
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 09, 2017, 09:57:09 pm
Holy fuck.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on June 09, 2017, 10:05:20 pm

Nothing like this has been done before.
We definitely need new code to allow its movement.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: davide on June 09, 2017, 10:38:42 pm
 :o :o :o

I remember that:
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on June 10, 2017, 10:34:32 am
What game is the screenshot from? Looks awesome!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 10, 2017, 12:16:30 pm
What game is the screenshot from? Looks awesome!

Can't remember this robot, but it's clearly Jagged Alliance 2.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on June 10, 2017, 12:57:55 pm
Thanks Scorch :)

It is indeed JA2 and the robot is from a mod I think called bloody grounds :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 12, 2017, 12:51:04 am
it´s it a ghost in the shell mod? its the spider tank from the anime, dunno about the movie!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SuperCaffeineDude on June 12, 2017, 02:00:47 am
Your tank experiment looks awesome, it kind of makes me long to have an antipersonnel turret on advanced transports as unbalanced as that might be.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Stoddard on June 12, 2017, 03:45:25 am
it´s it a ghost in the shell mod? its the spider tank from the anime, dunno about the movie!

Looks very much like the one from the first movie, but for the wrong color and a bit thin legs.

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Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on June 12, 2017, 11:28:23 am
I extracted the sprite sheet from the JA2 mod but it needs resizing to fit into the HWP template, I posted one frame on my development thread.

A spider tank would be an interesting addition to the XCOM arsenal!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 13, 2017, 03:00:02 am

We definitely need new code to allow its movement.

got to give 200 on under armor for no granade exploit, since it don´t move,
but what will be awesome if we can equip all our craft with small turrets to give advantage to certain crafts
is there any code for civilian deployment? like in the alien for exemple:

    civilians: 4
        lowQty: 4
        highQty: 4
        dQty: 0
        percentageOutsideUfo: 100
and spawn zone
      - [3, 3, 1, 2]
      - [2, 3, 1, 6]
      - [2, 4, 1, 4]
      - [3, 4, 1, 4]

the predator guns can be done because we can control those 3 variables:
 the location
 the type
 the quantity
if the same can be done for civilians it is gold
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on June 14, 2017, 01:49:28 am
Well I spent a while on this earlier and I can't get to look decent in the HWP builder ... I've posted the files in case any of you other talented people wants to have a go.

and yes I did call it the Araknopod lol ;)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mastermindkar on June 20, 2017, 04:11:00 am
Just downloaded this mod and gave it a spin.  Absolutely love it, great work!  Only two problems thus far, though one is a game breaker:

1) Heavy bolter does same damage as regular bolter?  Heresy! Not chapter approved.

2) I keep running into crashes on the geoscape.  These occur at certain times and persist even if I reload an earlier save.  In my first game it happened 5 days in.  In my second game it happens early in the second month.  I've attached my savegame.  I
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 20, 2017, 05:34:07 pm
Just downloaded this mod and gave it a spin.  Absolutely love it, great work!  Only two problems thus far, though one is a game breaker:
1) Heavy bolter does same damage as regular bolter?  Heresy! Not chapter approved.

2) I keep running into crashes on the geoscape.  These occur at certain times and persist even if I reload an earlier save.  In my first game it happened 5 days in.  In my second game it happens early in the second month.  I've attached my savegame.  I

1) heavy bolter has 10 shot´s  and when you get master crafted ammo it get´s even more OP

2) crahes in geoscape usualy are my fault in alien mission scripting, i´m in the middle of doing a lot of side mission witch works in that part, and i´m  taking to long and i haven´t updated  yet  so it all works fluid , still i will see if your save game works with my version and try to help out

--- posts merged ---

it´s works fine with me your save, as i load  it spawns space hulk mission , so was i said was old mission script

Just updated the 40k file, update it also and it should work fine , also remember you need open xcom extender

also you will need flamers , help´s  a lot ,more effective weapon vs 2x2 units gives damage x4 against large units

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mastermindkar on June 22, 2017, 12:15:33 am
Thank you for the quick reply. 

1) That definitely sounds good.  None of my guys are strong enough to use the HB yet.  Low quality gene-seed I suspect.  Does the master-crafted ammo improve damage or accuracy?

2) I downloaded the update and copied it over the existing files.  I'll let you know how it goes.  I have xcom extender so that shouldn't be an issue. 

As for flamers, I've never needed encouragement to light things on fire before...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 23, 2017, 02:30:10 am

1) That definitely sounds good.  None of my guys are strong enough to use the HB yet.  Low quality gene-seed I suspect.  Does the master-crafted ammo improve damage or accuracy?

master-crafted ammo does more damage
master-crated weapons have more accuracy
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dr.Crowley on June 25, 2017, 02:35:15 am
As a fan of WH40k universe I was interested in this mod and finally got some time to take a look. I played for about a hour and was surprised by the quality of this mod. Srsly, I never expected such a good sprites. But there some thoughts/complaints:
1) weapon mechanics still feels like an original game (X-Com, I mean). Bolters = Rifles, Lasguns = Lasers. WAT. See, lasguns in Wh40k are mass-produced cheap guardsmen weapons and bolters are the sort of BFG compaired to modern ballistic weapons. But here bolters are just a slightly buffed rifles. Oh, and Craft Bolter is still the same useless Craft Cannon from UFO. Both my starting interceptor craft has been destroyed by the same enemy craft despite the second interceptor was armed with crack missiles.
2) I guess shotgun should be renamed to stubber (since most shotgun-like weapons in WH40k are falling to this category).
3) FEMALE SPACE MARINES?! HELL NO! (but anyway this may be leftover from the original game, so I'm sorry for this complaint)

Anyway I'm still amazed by your work. Perhaps all my complaints are coming from the fact that I was trying to play this mod just like vanilla.

P.S.: found a typo
STR_STINGRAY_LAUNCHER: Krak Missile Launcher
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 26, 2017, 12:59:17 pm
As a fan of WH40k universe I was interested in this mod and finally got some time to take a look. I played for about a hour and was surprised by the quality of this mod. Srsly, I never expected such a good sprites. But there some thoughts/complaints:
1) weapon mechanics still feels like an original game (X-Com, I mean). Bolters = Rifles, Lasguns = Lasers. WAT. See, lasguns in Wh40k are mass-produced cheap guardsmen weapons and bolters are the sort of BFG compaired to modern ballistic weapons. But here bolters are just a slightly buffed rifles. Oh, and Craft Bolter is still the same useless Craft Cannon from UFO. Both my starting interceptor craft has been destroyed by the same enemy craft despite the second interceptor was armed with crack missiles.
2) I guess shotgun should be renamed to stubber (since most shotgun-like weapons in WH40k are falling to this category).
3) FEMALE SPACE MARINES?! HELL NO! (but anyway this may be leftover from the original game, so I'm sorry for this complaint)

Anyway I'm still amazed by your work. Perhaps all my complaints are coming from the fact that I was trying to play this mod just like vanilla.

P.S.: found a typo
STR_STINGRAY_LAUNCHER: Krak Missile Launcher

1) bolter is the have much more power in the game than lasguns  stats to prove:

  damageAlter: #DA BOLTER normal ammo
      ToArmorPre: 0.1
      ToHealth: 1.0   
    power: 60

    damageAlter: #DA BOLTER mastercrafted ammo
      ToArmorPre: 0.1
      ToHealth: 1.0   
    explosionSpeed: 5   
    power: 80

    power: 70 lasgun ammo
    damageAlter: #DA LAS
      ToArmorPre: 0.5
      ToHealth: 0.9

    damageModifier: #CHAOS ARMOR
      - 1.0 #none
      - 1.0 #AP
      - 0.8 #FLAMES
      - 1.0 #HE
      - 0.8 #LASCANON
      - 1.1 #PLASMA
      - 1.1 #STUN
      - 1.1 #MELEE
      - 1.0 #ACID
      - 0.0 #SMOKE

Still las is more effective to vehicles like in the damn of war concept
Also in chaos gate lasgun is more powerful than regular bolter, they downgrade it when the created the imperial guard
I made so that in the endgame, bolter be the regular weapon of the game with mastercrafted ammo

also you need 2 crafts at same time to take down ufo  at the beginning so they don´t became shooting ducks by endgame and force more decisions
2)  Astartes Assault Shotgun - While not as iconic or widespread amongst Space Marines as the Astartes Bolter, the Astartes Assault Shotgun is a powerful and versatile weapon commonly used by their Scouts.

3) GW board room someone said " we need girl´s in this" " i know make then space marines" other said" but we love money and they only will buy head bits"" i know make the totally different space marines  but equal powerful with same gear and vehicles  even thought it makes no sense since space marines now have 2 hearts and are twice as tall as man" and call it heresy because we can give 2 heart but not remove big breast""ho man i love paychecks"     

one of my fav. game of all time is chaos gate, the main reason i´m doing this mod instead of playing it is 2 reasons:
--assault cannon deus ex machina everything is useless  even in hardcoremode
--characters are ussless (except librarian)
so my main goal is to do that balance weapons so every marine is important
and every character is important

i won´t start ranting about dawn of war where every marine is cannon fodder and someone watched lord of the ring and turn squads in to legions because we love paychecks
Also the fucking cristiano ronaldo has force commander in dawn of war 2 man that to me is more heresy than female space marine ("yeah f*ck captain kruger a wise old chapter captain we need teen´s in this""ho man we love paychecks" )

ho well sorry about mini rant i guess some passion was to be expected
i work with a lot of investors and they don´t give a fuck about context and art they just want $$ paychecks
and since i make no money in this, my decisions are made so i can play a good chaos gate  ;)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on June 30, 2017, 07:40:41 am
I've made a little something you might find useful...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Warboy1982 on June 30, 2017, 09:07:01 am
2) I guess shotgun should be renamed to stubber (since most shotgun-like weapons in WH40k are falling to this category).

not quite, the stubber is more like an assault rifle to the bolter's machine gun, and space marine scouts come with shotguns as standard.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on June 30, 2017, 10:27:35 am
Stubber is a name used in WH40K to describe "our" firearms, with rifled barrels, from Stubb Gun/Autopistol (pistols, revolvers, UZIs) to Heavy Stubber (.50 cal HMG-like). Autogun is also a Stubber and is an equivalent of an automatic rifle. Their performance seems to be close to their Laser equivalents (better ROF, lower damage), but Lasers win out by superior endurance and ease of maintenance; they're, however, more difficult to manufacture.

Shotguns, however, always have been a separate type of weapon. SM Scouts use Astartes Shotguns, which are big versions of standard Shotguns used by eg. Imperial Guard or Adeptus Arbites.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on June 30, 2017, 10:28:46 am
Nerds :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dr.Crowley on July 01, 2017, 12:51:27 am
Regarding stubbers - yeah, I figured out my mistake later  :D
Now I wonder if "Marine" rank should be named "Scout" since we have a sort of "rookie" marines in the beginning - am I right? However I guess it would be better NOT to start a fluff discussion here - just because my vision of what "fits" better is nothing more than just my personal opinion that makes no sence overall  ;D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Pluton on July 02, 2017, 12:30:56 pm
Hi ! Thanks for this great work !
I always had a little trouble with all the art part of the vanilla game, as I did'nt like the soldiers and ennemies sprites and general design of weapons/armors/aircraft. So this mod should be a must-have for me.

I have a couple of questions :

1/ In Battlescape, how do you switch the soldier's portrait instead of grade ? Can't find the option ingame.
2/ How much is the last version playable ? I can start a campaign, right, but is it worth playing toward an endgame, is the mod enough complete to play full campaigns ?

Thanks !
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 03, 2017, 10:31:59 pm
in answer Pluton
1/ is automatic, in this version with the extender , it´s scripted in to show soldier portrait ,don´t know if there is a option in game to revert it
2/ i pass thought the complete campaign 2 times in order to test, the problem is as i get bored i´m always adding more stuff, and sometime there can be some bug´s on new stuff like sidemissions (optional, avoid it) and other mission witch i´m implementing meanwhile
Also as i want to balance the game, thing´s may become more hard or easy early in game, because i´m not starting new games all the time. also being veteran i play in superhard that gives more money due to more loot. don´t know if it becomes impossible in other difficult´s
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Pluton on July 04, 2017, 04:56:37 pm
Thanks for your reply.
But I Downloaded the version you posted last page and launched it with 3.8 extended and I still have shoulder and rank instead of portraits on battlescape.

Anyway, will start a campaign right away.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on July 04, 2017, 09:51:14 pm
The option to have a picture instead of rank is available through ruleset only, in the soldier type definition . But I think it would make no sense here, since the ranks are very well made and faces are just the boring vanilla 8 (afaik).

But if someone is interested, here goes:

Code: [Select]
    armorForAvatar: STR_SOME_ARMOR_NAME
    avatarOffsetX: 67
    avatarOffsetY: 49

These offsets might or might not work for space marines.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 05, 2017, 02:56:05 am
strange i works fine for me, since i inserted the AvatarBackground and the tiny ranks in the extrasprites it works with no prob, still i have to make the adjustments in scout armors so they fit in the blank
Also there are 12 faces for all armors extra 4 than vanilla.

don´t know why it wont work for some people, maybe some other mod´s
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Pluton on July 05, 2017, 10:33:16 am
Ok that was because I tried on OXCE and it didn't work. It's working now with OXCE+.
Keep working on that mod, it' rocks !
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mastermindkar on July 10, 2017, 05:26:01 pm
Is there a way to heal combat?  I'm very far down the tech tree but have yet to encounter a med kit or narthecium or anything.  I've had apothecary armor and an apothecarium for months, but all the armor does is weigh a lot.  Did I miss something simple early on?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 11, 2017, 02:20:03 am
Is there a way to heal combat?  I'm very far down the tech tree but have yet to encounter a med kit or narthecium or anything.  I've had apothecary armor and an apothecarium for months, but all the armor does is weigh a lot.  Did I miss something simple early on?

 narthecium is fixed in the apothecary armor , but it requires more than 45 strength otherwise narthecium won´t appear, because script removes weapons that brings overweight , also to confirm remove costume inventory from the equipped person or it may go for the usual loadout instead of the narthecium.  apothecarium heals injured units faster on base
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: wak on July 12, 2017, 07:32:53 am
I'm really interested in this mod, as I've been looking for a good squad-based 40K game (DoWII's levels are way too linear), though I don't have XCOM UFO Defense. I've already got the new XCOMs so I wouldn't be purchasing UFO defense for XCOM. Is the mod itself in-depth enough for me to purchase UFO defense?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 12, 2017, 10:58:16 am
I'm really interested in this mod, as I've been looking for a good squad-based 40K game (DoWII's levels are way too linear), though I don't have XCOM UFO Defense. I've already got the new XCOMs so I wouldn't be purchasing UFO defense for XCOM. Is the mod itself in-depth enough for me to purchase UFO defense?

I say yes, dunno the price still, some sites offered it free some time ago (if you register somewhere on a type steam platform)
Also is the mod is WIP, so if you don´t like, you can give your opinion and i maybe change it or i can rant you and make you like it 8)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mastermindkar on July 12, 2017, 07:09:55 pm
narthecium is fixed in the apothecary armor , but it requires more than 45 strength otherwise narthecium won´t appear, because script removes weapons that brings overweight , also to confirm remove costume inventory from the equipped person or it may go for the usual loadout instead of the narthecium.  apothecarium heals injured units faster on base

For the life of me I can't get the narthecium to appear. I've been trying it on a guy with 68 strength.  If I empty his inventory and turn off auto equip then nothing appears.  If I leave auto equip on he gets regular equipment. 

Everything else seems to be working well.  The Chaos outposts and space hulks are particularly cool.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 13, 2017, 02:17:12 pm
For the life of me I can't get the narthecium to appear. I've been trying it on a guy with 68 strength.  If I empty his inventory and turn off auto equip then nothing appears.  If I leave auto equip on he gets regular equipment. 

my guess is some prob with your install of extender

use my folder

 it a replacement of some files on xcom folder not just the EXE, you don´t need to install it, and don´t need to replace your´s , just unpack it anywere and use OpenexcomEx_fix

tell me if it works!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 14, 2017, 04:51:37 am
Hi! BulletDesigner, first of, I loved the mid you made, but I want to ask if it is completed already, because I have an item called STR_COMPLETEMAP in my stores, researched it and nothing happens
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mastermindkar on July 14, 2017, 07:08:37 am
my guess is some prob with your install of extender

use my folder

 it a replacement of some files on xcom folder not just the EXE, you don´t need to install it, and don´t need to replace your´s , just unpack it anywere and use OpenexcomEx_fix

tell me if it works!

This works great, and has a bunch of nifty extra features to boot! I do lament the loss of my backpack space, but sacrifices must be made...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 14, 2017, 04:23:28 pm
Hi! BulletDesigner, first of, I loved the mid you made, but I want to ask if it is completed already, because I have an item called STR_COMPLETEMAP in my stores, researched it and nothing happens

That´s a item part of sidemissions , which are still work in progress, only 2 mission yet , and that´s on item of witch unlocks the third mission, so in resume the mod is completed the vanilla part.
Also how do you get it? you found all the part´s on mission 2? was it lost laying around on some map?

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 14, 2017, 08:15:17 pm
Huh? I saw it at the first mission, recovered it with the tactical train info. Is that supposedly a hidden item or it is just not yet implemented?? (A bit confused here )

Question: Can I use some of your artworks? I am making a mod called first war, and still running onto troubles with sprites.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 14, 2017, 10:54:18 pm
Huh? I saw it at the first mission, recovered it with the tactical train info. Is that supposedly a hidden item or it is just not yet implemented?? (A bit confused here )

Question: Can I use some of your artworks? I am making a mod called first war, and still running onto troubles with sprites.

not yet implemented, i have disable meanwhile the continuity

and yes you can use all
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 16, 2017, 01:12:29 pm
Bullet, are you at any point going to introduce some kind of daemon world in the mod?

The reason I'm asking is because I am now working on an Alien Dimension terrain (loosely inspired by X-Com: Apocalypse) and I find it really hard to cut alien vegetation properly. I wonder if we could collaborate on that, for both our mods? I imagine Robin would find this useful too.

Here are some examples:

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 16, 2017, 11:11:55 pm
the closest i get is in enemy base assault, and i use TFDT weeds and rocks
( (

i´m not planning to get in the warp.

What i´m doing now dunno if can help:
-A lot of Video Cutscenes .FLC
-A war map with tank and support
-A industrial Gothic zone for terror mission
-1 more flying race ( for tank´s to work)
-UFOPEDIA image for a lot of races i left out
-Crazy sidemissons with tank´s and support
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 17, 2017, 03:43:08 am
Oh! So that's what those mysterious ufopedia images and entries I saw!! (Using android here, so I can see through the gallery)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 17, 2017, 10:57:06 am
All right, these are also cool goals.

Having said that, would anyone else please help me with cutting this salad? Because it is certainly beyond my ability, unless I take a year long break from modding and go meditate on salad cutting.
(Seriously, cars are nothing in comparison.)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: drages on July 18, 2017, 12:24:47 am
Bullet please can you make a short video how you make this tile creating? Just capture what you do at photoshop.. So I can start to do it myself with your tricks. Thx
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 19, 2017, 01:27:11 am
All right, these are also cool goals.

Having said that, would anyone else please help me with cutting this salad? Because it is certainly beyond my ability, unless I take a year long break from modding and go meditate on salad cutting.
(Seriously, cars are nothing in comparison.)

organic stuff is always more hard to draw then mechanical part´s with good defined geometrics so i understand your pain

Bullet please can you make a short video how you make this tile creating? Just capture what you do at photoshop.. So I can start to do it myself with your tricks. Thx
i guess you are referring to the hangar trick, i can arrange to make a video of  that
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: drages on July 21, 2017, 10:22:44 pm
i guess you are referring to the hangar trick, i can arrange to make a video of  that

I got your psd file and looked to the layers.. i feel that i am so near to solve the trick but i would like to see your fastest way to do it, so i dont lose much time!..
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 25, 2017, 11:07:42 pm
just made 3 of the objectives
-Video Cutscenes .FLC ( can only be 7 dunno why)
-A war map with tank and support
-1 more flying race ( for tank´s to work)

the hard battle to do stuff dynamic

predator now explodes when destroyed
tank and stormtalon appear random on map
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on July 26, 2017, 09:18:33 am
Is the flying yellowy unit new, looks like some form of dragon / demon thing although difficult to see on phone screen lol

Looking awesome as always bullet!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 26, 2017, 06:22:18 pm
Ah, bullet, are you somehow aware that the power fist doesn't work anymore at the 3.9 ver. of OXCE+? Dunno if it is the exe or the mod itself causes this problem. Looking forward to your reply
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 27, 2017, 10:34:49 pm
Ah, bullet, are you somehow aware that the power fist doesn't work anymore at the 3.9 ver. of OXCE+? Dunno if it is the exe or the mod itself causes this problem. Looking forward to your reply

i´m completely off on that subject, also the powerfist is just a simple melee weapon in the mod with no extended script so even if anything is wrong i can´t do much
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on July 27, 2017, 11:01:02 pm
i´m completely off on that subject, also the powerfist is just a simple melee weapon in the mod with no extended script so even if anything is wrong i can´t do much

It's probably just missing clipSize: -1
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on July 27, 2017, 11:53:01 pm
just made 3 of the objectives
-Video Cutscenes .FLC ( can only be 7 dunno why)
-A war map with tank and support
-1 more flying race ( for tank´s to work)

the hard battle to do stuff dynamic

predator now explodes when destroyed
tank and stormtalon appear random on map

Awesome stuff bullet, has the download been updated with the glorious new stuff :)

P.S. What is this unit?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 28, 2017, 12:21:10 pm

( (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on July 28, 2017, 12:39:40 pm
What are warptalons? Are they going to be a lot stronger than the obliterators?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on July 28, 2017, 02:38:28 pm
Awesome is it in the mod or is this coming soon :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Warboy1982 on July 29, 2017, 07:36:19 am
you can have way more than 7 videos, you just have to define them in the cutscene ruleset and ivoke them using any of the many triggers
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on July 30, 2017, 01:10:55 pm
Have you got plans for the the Necrons bullet? :) spent last couple of days reading about war hammer ...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 31, 2017, 10:04:10 pm
you can have way more than 7 videos, you just have to define them in the cutscene ruleset and ivoke them using any of the many triggers
i tried to have like 9 or 10, i guess i missed out something

Have you got plans for the the Necrons bullet? :) spent last couple of days reading about war hammer ...
other races are in the future... but not near one , also orcs are easy, so more likely . Right now i´m planning to add some tiles to the experience, as you can see in the shipyard tread i´m adding VOSS craft´s to map to do more immersion and as an enemy chaos guard craft
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on July 31, 2017, 10:31:45 pm
Cool :) Have the warptalons been added or are they are a WIP :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 04, 2017, 08:54:51 pm
Cool :) Have the warptalons been added or are they are a WIP :)

there fully in game

also a image of whats to come on near future
( (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on August 04, 2017, 08:59:26 pm
Sweet :) is that in the latest version as in the first post or another version you are planning to upload?

NM I've seen them and they look glorious! Kudos to you my good sir :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on August 08, 2017, 02:32:34 am
Practicing my sprite editing skills, not quite as good as reference images but my first attempt at a Necron :)

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 08, 2017, 10:46:01 pm
Practicing my sprite editing skills, not quite as good as reference images but my first attempt at a Necron :)

Pretty nice torso, though still looks WIP.
Limbs are of course way too thick, but I'm sure you know it already.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 08, 2017, 10:52:56 pm
Pretty nice torso, though still looks WIP.
Limbs are of course way too thick, but I'm sure you know it already.

heheh, true still i´m waiting for the rumored terminator mod to arrive so i can steal the steel skeleton frame

Meanwhile wheres a brand new map for the mod, i guess the terrain pack had the airport still i made a more complex one using the VOSS i created for the tutorial , and using some mcd from the industrial area converted to 40k

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on August 09, 2017, 02:42:02 am
Pretty nice torso, though still looks WIP.
Limbs are of course way too thick, but I'm sure you know it already.

Yeah very WIP lol :) The torso is a modified one from a game called Skeleton Krew but I shrank it down.

I did produce a terminator styled one a while back (see attached) but could do with some refinement!

I have found a pretty cool skeleton animation from another game but unfortunately has a sword and shield blocking the all important limb animation :(
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 09, 2017, 01:38:14 pm
well here´s my approach to the necron, a skin skeleton , with  should pad´s and a hunchback
( (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on August 10, 2017, 02:30:43 am
Nice bullet :) Always an admirer of your work!

Not sure if you have seen it but a recent edition to Piratez seems to be some form of android unit.

Tonights handiwork at a torso as well :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on August 11, 2017, 05:16:42 pm
Bullet, any chance for us to test your new version build? Pretty excited to give it a spin!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 01, 2017, 10:07:41 pm
Bullet, any chance for us to test your new version build? Pretty excited to give it a spin!
the file it´s almost up to date

also i´m planning a release soon, but the more i do the more i get involved and do more stuff

--- posts merged ---

new version UP
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on September 02, 2017, 03:21:33 pm
does your download package already contains the new OXCE+ version??
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 02, 2017, 06:06:02 pm
new version UP

Nop the size is from video files
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: new_civilian on September 04, 2017, 02:50:34 pm
Got a CTD (and had to reboot) after researching 2 live aliens, the log said something about a FATAL missing str_threat_one. I checked , it is there, but maybe sth is wrong in the unlock part of it?

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 05, 2017, 02:14:04 am
Got a CTD (and had to reboot) after researching 2 live aliens, the log said something about a FATAL missing str_threat_one. I checked , it is there, but maybe sth is wrong in the unlock part of it?

to be honest, i haven´t changed that part since one of the early release, does the problem persists? because i check ruleset and all is in order and one problem can be a invisible space that cannot exist next to the STR_THREAT_ONE

    points: 50
    needItem: true
      - STR_THREAT_ONE(space)<<del it

try it and let me know
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 05, 2017, 10:44:12 am
      - STR_THREAT_ONE(space)<<del it

This shouldn't cause problems, it must be something else. Perhaps changes from the old version?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 05, 2017, 12:45:12 pm
the only changes i made was organize the whole research (rearrange with # tab´s) and put research rulleset on separate file.
Maybe is the fact is STR_THREAT_ONE was 4 dependencies? while other 4 corpses correspond with unlock ... isn´t the 4 corpses unlock´s not enough? (maybe oxce+ don´t need dependencies and unlock at the same time)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on September 14, 2017, 06:21:57 pm
Mark X, is it possible to have these in? (Don't mind this feature request if its not possible and hard to do
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 14, 2017, 07:44:41 pm
Mark X, is it possible to have these in? (Don't mind this feature request if its not possible and hard to do

i don´t understand the request , explain better
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 14, 2017, 07:48:59 pm
i don´t understand the request , explain better

I know a lot about WH40K, but I didn't understand either. :P
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on September 14, 2017, 11:12:59 pm
Probably he mean new Power Armor Mark X
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 15, 2017, 02:30:23 am
is that pre-heresy armor?.. i cannot keep up with every new launch , new battle tanks, new everything
but in answer to the question , currently i´m making monk servo bot´s and if i add more new units to spacemarines will be centurian! before even that event tau or orks or some new enemy race
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on September 15, 2017, 06:59:37 am
That's the newest power armor employed with terminators in open battlefield. Technically, this armor is a combination of the Mark VII and the devastator suit
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 15, 2017, 10:44:01 pm
sorry men i won´t be making that armor in a near future
some update on what i´m doing
Servitor and monk civilian units Drawing r 4

( (
( (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2017, 10:32:48 am
Whoa, you outdid yourself again. These sprites are great.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 18, 2017, 09:06:23 pm
( (

The custom made inventory for both.. since the priest and the ethereal inventory don´t convey the monk tunic spirit
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on September 24, 2017, 07:21:54 am
Got a crash similar to new_civilian's. Though it looks correct enough, can't really pinpoint what causes the crash. Now every time I load my save, it crashes
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 25, 2017, 01:01:26 am
Got a crash similar to new_civilian's. Though it looks correct enough, can't really pinpoint what causes the crash. Now every time I load my save, it crashes

Can you send me your save game?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on September 28, 2017, 05:47:21 pm
Do you have any ork sprites already?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 28, 2017, 07:12:18 pm
Do you have any ork sprites already?

Nop, this what´s in process at the moment:

( (

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on September 29, 2017, 07:20:13 pm
I'll try making some orkz then. Damn, your stuff is getting better and better.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 02, 2017, 12:21:49 pm
I'll try making some orkz then. Damn, your stuff is getting better and better.

Niceeee some ork boyz! and thanks, i guess the issue now is that i got to redo a lot of stuff so that the old stuff have the same quality as the new one
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: new_civilian on October 03, 2017, 02:44:36 pm
some small bugs i encountered, the CTD i once poste about seems to be caused by upgrading the mod during a running campaign, i cant recreate it anymore

mastercrafted chainsword appears in the purchase screen
mastercrafted pistol ammo dito
mastercrafted plasma weps can be manufactured even though i dont have researched plasma
map did not fully generate - CTD on terror mission (randomly, maybe try them all out in the battle generator)
-Tatical Armor misses a C
-is it prometheum or promethium

The difficulty of missions is varying wildly, too wildly imo, i landed two dropods with 8 crew and a turret in a terror mission, encountered 8 rocket-dreadnoughts and a bazillion of chaos elite guys, the mission did last exactly 1 turn, i didn't do anything except turning around one unit. Month 3 iirc.

also: what PRECISELY does the ToArmor and To Health stats explain? If the bolter has 1.0 to health and no armor entry, does it ignore armor then? If something has 0.9 to armor, is that good or bad? see what i mean.

The resources in your mod: Wow, just wow!  :o

p.s I made something funny (see attached screen, see chest area)

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 03, 2017, 03:00:50 pm
The To<Something> values are multipliers of the weapon power after the armor affects it (except for ToArmorPre, that happens before armor but after the percent resistances). These values are then applied to whatever the <Something> was. ToHealth: 1.0 means 100% of power after penetrating armor is applied to the target's health, while ToArmor: 0.9 means 90% of the power after armor penetration is used to damage armor where the shot hit. Each value has its own default, based on original xcom behavior. ToHealth defaults to 1.0, ToArmor to 0.1.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on October 03, 2017, 03:56:12 pm
some small bugs i encountered, the CTD i once poste about seems to be caused by upgrading the mod during a running campaign, i cant recreate it anymore

mastercrafted chainsword appears in the purchase screen
mastercrafted pistol ammo dito
mastercrafted plasma weps can be manufactured even though i dont have researched plasma
map did not fully generate - CTD on terror mission (randomly, maybe try them all out in the battle generator)
-Tatical Armor misses a C
-is it prometheum or promethium

The difficulty of missions is varying wildly, too wildly imo, i landed two dropods with 8 crew and a turret in a terror mission, encountered 8 rocket-dreadnoughts and a bazillion of chaos elite guys, the mission did last exactly 1 turn, i didn't do anything except turning around one unit. Month 3 iirc.

also: what PRECISELY does the ToArmor and To Health stats explain? If the bolter has 1.0 to health and no armor entry, does it ignore armor then? If something has 0.9 to armor, is that good or bad? see what i mean.

The resources in your mod: Wow, just wow!  :o

p.s I made something funny (see attached screen, see chest area)

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 04, 2017, 12:34:05 am
some small bugs i encountered, the CTD i once poste about seems to be caused by upgrading the mod during a running campaign, i cant recreate it anymore

mastercrafted chainsword appears in the purchase screen
mastercrafted pistol ammo dito
mastercrafted plasma weps can be manufactured even though i dont have researched plasma
map did not fully generate - CTD on terror mission (randomly, maybe try them all out in the battle generator)
-Tatical Armor misses a C
-is it prometheum or promethium

The difficulty of missions is varying wildly, too wildly imo, i landed two dropods with 8 crew and a turret in a terror mission, encountered 8 rocket-dreadnoughts and a bazillion of chaos elite guys, the mission did last exactly 1 turn, i didn't do anything except turning around one unit. Month 3 iirc.

also: what PRECISELY does the ToArmor and To Health stats explain? If the bolter has 1.0 to health and no armor entry, does it ignore armor then? If something has 0.9 to armor, is that good or bad? see what i mean.

The resources in your mod: Wow, just wow!  :o

p.s I made something funny (see attached screen, see chest area)

thank you so much, i really need to people to play to help me see bugs, just corrected all the points you made

About the random difficulty on mission i can´t do much, i remember spiking fight against chaos dread in the beginning, where is easy to recover the loss point early in game (also when i tested chaos was stronger, guard was not equipped and chaos was better equipped all heavy plasma) (spoiler = landspeeder carry more troops but no hwp, still it makes  more easy to face  heavy chaos early stage of the game) To counter that now servitors(hwp) can heal to make drop pods again a viable option

About the CTD on terror mission,  i correct as i go along until it stop the crash , so when i release i think i have hited the sweet spot with no crash

mastercrafted plasma weps can be manufactured even though i don´t have researched plasma (only plasma pistol was on purpose)

what ohartenstein23 said about damage is correct ( it only deals 0.9 to x  damage  goes 90%  to x )  bolter now does  1.0  to health and 0.1 to armor (cant remember if i updated ufopedia yet)

i see  what you did ;) , other modders are free to use resources
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 04, 2017, 04:55:31 pm
just started a new campaign on emperor iron man, first 2 terror mission chaos raptor´s, needless to say i decided to start the game again, after brutal defeat... so i understand the difficulty curve (we need the 3 first months negative, curve can be bested if cultist or traitor guard appear)

still i was trying speed run to catch up game bug, no grenades, no much thinking, nor sniper or heavy weapons exploit ...
well i love a good challenge   
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 16, 2017, 08:49:24 pm
New update coming soon with a lot of corrections, a whole new air combat balance and resprite, and a lot of new stuff, but also a revise on old models

( (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: chaosshade on October 17, 2017, 12:34:53 am
Thought you might appreciate this!

Click here if animation fails to load (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 19, 2017, 12:38:30 am
Thought you might appreciate this!

Thks, but i already got it, also got the tau one. The first thing i did when making this mod was looking for already made 40k pixel content hehe still no help, lot of stuff.. but mostly sucks

--- posts merged ---

The  complete family

( (

( (

Dread need to be 3x3 tile, but from what i´ve read it´s not happening
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 19, 2017, 07:37:26 pm
I think we can easily forgive such small size discrepancy. After all it's a problem with X-Com from the beginning.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on October 19, 2017, 08:33:08 pm
Greetings, bulletdesigner! You did a nice job on this mod. You have successfuly delivered an atmosphere of the GrimDarkFuture™ with great art and all this music from DoW and Chaos Gate.
However, there are bunch of unlogical and background inappropriated things. And if the femmarines could easily be disabled via editing soldiers_40k.rul, some stuff need a rework, in my opinion:
1) Weight and STRENGTH modifier.
         That's really strange that apothecary or chaplain cannot carry something more than knife cause of STRENGTH penalty...
         ...and the same for techmarine and librarian...
         ...and noone exept terminators cannot take powersword or storm bolter cause their weight... and so on.
2) Special weapons.
         Meltagun with explosion and heavy plasma without it, stun-grav weapon are looking weird
3) Laspistol and lasgun.
         Lasgun must take niche of a main starting weapon as it is very weak but cheap lore-wise. Laspistol is not needed at all cause there is a
         boltpistol (but captain with dual laspistol looks really fun ;D)
4) Daemonettes of Tzeentch. It comes from very first mod versions. So... Daemonettes of Slaanesh maybe? ;)

Oh, that's all for now. Sorry for long post and my awful grammar.

P.S.: I can translate the mod to Russian if someone here need it)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: chaosshade on October 19, 2017, 10:38:25 pm
Thks, but i already got it, also got the tau one.


I haven't see the tau one.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on October 20, 2017, 05:12:12 am
I haven't see the tau one.
He's working on it madam, there is a folder called 'dunno yet', you'll see there the sprites still on the making and not being used
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 20, 2017, 01:23:01 pm
I haven't see the tau one.

Here also a 2 more 40k related
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 20, 2017, 01:44:42 pm
Greetings, bulletdesigner! You did a nice job on this mod. You have successfuly delivered an atmosphere of the GrimDarkFuture™ with great art and all this music from DoW and Chaos Gate.
However, there are bunch of unlogical and background inappropriated things. And if the femmarines could easily be disabled via editing soldiers_40k.rul, some stuff need a rework, in my opinion:
1) Weight and STRENGTH modifier.
         That's really strange that apothecary or chaplain cannot carry something more than knife cause of STRENGTH penalty...
         ...and the same for techmarine and librarian...
         ...and noone exept terminators cannot take powersword or storm bolter cause their weight... and so on.
2) Special weapons.
         Meltagun with explosion and heavy plasma without it, stun-grav weapon are looking weird
3) Laspistol and lasgun.
         Lasgun must take niche of a main starting weapon as it is very weak but cheap lore-wise. Laspistol is not needed at all cause there is a
         boltpistol (but captain with dual laspistol looks really fun ;D)
4) Daemonettes of Tzeentch. It comes from very first mod versions. So... Daemonettes of Slaanesh maybe? ;)

Oh, that's all for now. Sorry for long post and my awful grammar.

P.S.: I can translate the mod to Russian if someone here need it)

Thank for your opinion, i need people contribution for the mod go forward, since it´s a mod for everyone not just for me so:
you can put female frequency to 0 in soldiers_40k.rul
1) just removed all strength penalties on armor, the main reason it was there , was for no abuse on apoth armor at start of game, but now we have the servitor so i will make apoth armor came later
2) Initaly i made it that way because damage type must correspond to explosion type (without oxce i think), now i can make  heavy plasma create explosions. Grav weapon are  a green stream, not possible to make so i just changed it to green plasma with a longer sprite (will be in a new release )
3) you got a bunch lasgun on first terror mission if you win, bolter is more powerful to units (not vehicles) , and you can have mastercraft ammo before lasgun´s ( so the research is mainly if you want to progress and manufacture yourself)
4)true, just  corrected

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on October 20, 2017, 10:27:07 pm
Thank for your opinion, i need people contribution for the mod go forward, since it´s a mod for everyone not just for me so:
you can put female frequency to 0 in soldiers_40k.rul
1) just removed all strength penalties on armor, the main reason it was there , was for no abuse on apoth armor at start of game, but now we have the servitor so i will make apoth armor came later
2) Initaly i made it that way because damage type must correspond to explosion type (without oxce i think), now i can make  heavy plasma create explosions. Grav weapon are  a green stream, not possible to make so i just changed it to green plasma with a longer sprite (will be in a new release )
3) you got a bunch lasgun on first terror mission if you win, bolter is more powerful to units (not vehicles) , and you can have mastercraft ammo before lasgun´s ( so the research is mainly if you want to progress and manufacture yourself)
4)true, just  corrected

Great! Will wait for next update. Let the Emperor be with you! (and pre-Heresy Fulgrim, as an artist)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on October 24, 2017, 07:55:35 pm
I didn't have time to get around making them Orkz yet; meantime I needed your bunker/fortress "urban" tileset, and thus I gave it a very thorough update. Maybe it might be useful to you if you haven't done so yourself already. What I changed:
- normalized all armor values to represent reinforced concrete and steel properly. Now all fortifications have 45-65 armor, depending on thickness.
- fixed issues with weird HE block values
- added some properly Imperial explodey force to missiles
- made 2 damaged tiles for frontal bunker walls (S and E); they cannot be reinforced by placing a wall behind them, so now they go through damaged state before being destroyed.
- removed 3 unused tiles to put these 2 damaged walls in, and added a chimney at 3rd slot.

Attaching the tileset, as well as a picture of what I made with it (if you want it, it's gonna be added to next Piratez ver.)

Keep fighting the good fight!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 25, 2017, 02:31:14 pm
wow, it looks really amazing!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 27, 2017, 11:18:12 pm
 Well Saratovetz after intense testing , i tried to implement your request for heavy plasma with 2 tiles blast and there are  big 2 problems:
1- the sprite don´t match the 2 tiles ( always a huge sprite match the damage not the explosion tiles) , read a lot in forum and there no solution for that problem yet
2- Hwp and 2x2 unit´s instant kill 100 x 4 damage always , just made a new facility with 4 turrets , on base defense they didn´t last a round
Anyway i resolved the request with a bigger 1 hit animation blast for heavy plasma and new sprite to distinguish plasmas.
Meltas gun have no explosion with brand new sprites also.
So to make explosion back on chaos side, i made a lot of the arsenal that was missing. and have to ajust rank weapons etc

So Next week i will launch new version ,with tons of new content, more weapon´s and bulletsprites, that resolve the melta and plasma issue.
i guess it´s DLC without release
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on October 28, 2017, 02:57:27 am
You can add script that will reduce power of hit if unit is big and you shoot plasma.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on October 28, 2017, 09:03:13 am
Lol, DLC
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 31, 2017, 08:10:03 pm
New version UP
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 01, 2017, 12:30:45 am
almost perfect mod!! (why Smurfs ???)
anyway, it's just epic! fantastic work!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 01, 2017, 07:12:25 pm
almost perfect mod!! (why Smurfs ???)

It would be easy to make a submod that changes the chapter to something else. This would naturally affect unit colours, and maybe even stats - it's not that much work.

We could in fact have as many submods as there there are chapters... You would simply enable the one you want to play, or not enable any of them if you want to play Smurfs.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 01, 2017, 09:23:33 pm
It would be easy.

Almost. There is a chapter banner and it needs a minor total rework. And some interface and base facilities redone to remove that ULTRA toilet seats (not so hard as previous). Ah, and a bit of ctrl+f in mod files for changing "Ultramarines" to "Ordername". Not so easy, you see.

We could in fact have as many submods as there there are chapters...

There could be even more because we can create custom orders, thanks to GW that gave wh-fans space for imagination (Imperium bureaucrates can lose everything - no exeptions).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 01, 2017, 10:26:22 pm
Almost. There is a chapter banner and it needs a minor total rework. And some interface and base facilities redone to remove that ULTRA toilet seats (not so hard as previous). Ah, and a bit of ctrl+f in mod files for changing "Ultramarines" to "Ordername". Not so easy, you see.

That's what I call "easy" when it comes to modding. Because all modding is hard work.

It doesn't involve any serious ruleset coding, and most importantly little in the way of new graphics (apart from recolouring).

There could be even more because we can create custom orders, thanks to GW that gave wh-fans space for imagination (Imperium bureaucrates can lose everything - no exeptions).

Sure, all of us could make their own chapter. :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 03, 2017, 12:38:37 am
is there a translation into Russian?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 03, 2017, 08:17:46 pm
is there a translation into Russian?

Oh, someone interested in translation! Yes!
Скоро будет.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 04, 2017, 02:20:50 pm
Bug report:

The War event is not that thrilling as it should, only 3 enemies showed up (wow), a tank turret, 2 side guns

The dreadnaught sprite has some sort of a messy sprite, will upload the image soon

Image attached
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 04, 2017, 11:46:51 pm
where can i get Imperial honor badge?? :-\
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 06, 2017, 01:12:55 am
where can i get Imperial honor badge?? :-\

Space hulk, inside enemy bases part 2 , and some sideoperations misson (you have to win by killing all so you can recover all, also  the gain is random depends on facilitys spawned)

The War event is not that thrilling as it should, only 3 enemies showed up (wow), a tank turret, 2 side guns

The dreadnaught sprite has some sort of a messy sprite, will upload the image soon

thats really strange don´t correspond to alien deployment  ex
part of script
  - type: STR_ALIEN_WAR # WAR                     # RANK1
    data: &WAR
      - alienRank: 5
        lowQty: 4
        highQty: 6
        dQty: 1
        percentageOutsideUfo: 50

i will see to it also about the dread sprite, (i have attached the corrected dread sprite for replace , goes into resources/dread)

is there a translation into Russian?

Nop , only us or uk still
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 06, 2017, 06:31:29 pm
Nop , only us or uk still

As I said to Nazar, it is on the way (about 50% now)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 06, 2017, 08:15:57 pm
As I said to Nazar, it is on the way (about 50% now)

Nice , fell free to make stuff that is inc. like aliens missions (haven´t touched that yet) meanwhile i´m pimping chaos rides !
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 06, 2017, 08:27:32 pm
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 07, 2017, 11:46:49 pm
openxcom has crashed: Error processing mission script named: Missiobn2, raace: STR_OBLITERATOS is not defined
Extra information has been saved to
1 save...
time to play X-Files))

[07-11-2017_23-40-12]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Error proccessing mission script named: Mission2, race: STR_OBLITERATORS is not defined
[07-11-2017_23-44-44]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Error proccessing mission script named: Mission2, race: STR_OBLITERATORS is not defined
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 08, 2017, 03:18:13 am
Can you tell us what happened before getting the crash? It'll help us find the solution, and fix it
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 08, 2017, 09:15:29 am
the mission of terror ended. A few game hours pass normally on the global map. Then at the same time crash and this error. Before that, there were no missions with obliterators. They have not spawned before
(Of course, if I load an autosave, global or tactical, the same thing happens.)

By the way, I sent interceptors to different parts of the world, (the place of appearance of this ship is not covered by radar) and once it came out to see the ship itself. Crash at the moment of LANDING
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 08, 2017, 12:20:47 pm
i know the issue , i rename the race STR_OBLITERATORS to  STR_OBLITERATOR some versions ago . So i guess i missed the rename in  alienmissions and they still have to spawn STR_OBLITERATORS when the existing race is  STR_OBLITERATOR
ill will re upload the version even today with the fix sorry about that
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 08, 2017, 01:11:05 pm
You created a new game on the old engine, no worse than the original, almost perfectly balanced ... in the universe - Warhammer 40k ... I'm glad to test a little
this crash is in 23:59:59, 31 oct
can i simply rename  all STR_OBLITERATORS to STR_OBLITERATOR in alienMissions_40k (only in this file) or in ExtraStrings_40k ( 2 files) too??
i renamed in alienMissions_40k (ONLY HERE), crash disappeared. but the mission did not started
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 09, 2017, 12:10:57 pm
You created a new game on the old engine, no worse than the original, almost perfectly balanced ... in the universe - Warhammer 40k ... I'm glad to test a little
this crash is in 23:59:59, 31 oct
can i simply rename  all STR_OBLITERATORS to STR_OBLITERATOR in alienMissions_40k (only in this file) or in ExtraStrings_40k ( 2 files) too??
i renamed in alienMissions_40k (ONLY HERE), crash disappeared. but the mission did not started

i know its frustrating dealing with bug´s mid campaign  :P
the mission usually it starts later , meaning the aliens process the mission at start of month, then appears on the 30 next days so the crashes for alien missions are at start or end of month usually. Or mission happens in a place you have no radar detection since mission 2 is a UFO and not a Site

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 10, 2017, 12:39:58 am
When there were discussion about additional chapters, I suddenly remembered that did this. Tried to do, to be right.
(some pre-history under spoiler)
Long time ago, when every cultist had their own heavy plasma and raptors didn't knew the word "Melee", I lost about 20 brothers in two missions. And there comes the truth. This order is not the Ultramarines, because only one order can be so unlucky. Of course, it is Lamenters ( (
And so, idea was found and creation was started. And still not finished. I dropped it because lack of time. Now, when I found it, I'm working on translation, and it is very hard to translate Warhammer stuff to Russian (cause we use mostly all untranslated or adapted, lol).
So anyone can finish or rework it.

There are some unfinished Lamenters-themed stuff in archive. Use only if you play on Emperor / if you are very bad tactician / if you are unlucky as f***(or if you hate Ultrasmurfs too much). Unpack it in ...\mods\40k and enjoy almost non-smurf world around (please BACK UP MOD FILES! THINGS MAY COME NOT AS PLANNED!). 

Ahem, in the file "40k.rul" you need to change marine's armour parameter "spriteFaceColor" and "spriteHairColor" from [<some numbers here>] to [], because the armour colour is same with some face/hair colors that will be changed by game to match the soldiers race (Lamenters gets f***ed even by ancient-Terra-age videogame).
And turn off femmarines in "soldiers_40k.rul" by changing "femaleFrequency" to 0. Please.

P. S.: My apologise for all, who downloaded previous version of the archive (is there anyone?) - it contaned draft version of assault armour that was a bit weird. Just uploaded correct one.
P.P.S.: F*** means frag, and what did you think?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on November 10, 2017, 12:56:02 am
When there were discussion about additional chapters, I suddenly remembered that did this. Tried to do, to be right.
(some pre-history under spoiler)
Long time ago, when every cultist had their own heavy plasma and raptors didn't knew the word "Melee", I lost about 20 brothers in two missions. And there comes the truth. This order is not the Ultramarines, because only one order can be so unlucky. Of course, it is Lamenters ( (
And so, idea was found and creation was started. And still not finished. I dropped it because lack of time. Now, when I found it, I'm working on translation, and it is very hard to translate Warhammer stuff to Russian (cause we use mostly all untranslated or adapted, lol).
So anyone can finish or rework it.

There are some unfinished Lamenters-themed stuff in archive. Use only if you play on Emperor / if you are very bad tactician / if you are unlucky as f***(or if you hate Ultrasmurfs too much). Unpack it in ...\mods\40k and enjoy almost non-smurf world around (please BACK UP MOD FILES! THINGS MAY COME NOT AS PLANNED!). 

Ahem, in the file "40k.rul" you need to change marine's armour parameter "spriteFaceColor" and "spriteHairColor" from [<some numbers here>] to [], because the armour colour is same with some face/hair colors that will be changed by game to match the soldiers race (Lamenters gets f***ed even by ancient-Terra-age videogame).
And turn off femmarines in "soldiers_40k.rul" by changing "femaleFrequency" to 0. Please.

Proper fix to armor/face clash is change face color to some other color group not used by rest of armor and change `spriteFaceGroup` to marching value.
do not forget `spriteRankGroup` and `spriteUtileGroup` that could be used to tweak some colors in armor sprite, why not add red helmet to ultra smerf commader? :) like
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 10, 2017, 02:33:27 am
Proper fix to armor/face clash is change face color to some other color group not used by rest of armor and change `spriteFaceGroup` to marching value.

Yep, forget to write about colour group, but doesn't know about the rest.

do not forget `spriteRankGroup` and `spriteUtileGroup` that could be used to tweak some colors in armor sprite, why not add red helmet to ultra smerf commader? :) like

I am not the mod creator, just a random guy. However, bulletdesigner already did it
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 10, 2017, 06:17:36 pm
When there were discussion about additional chapters, I suddenly remembered that did this. Tried to do, to be right.
Wow you did impressive amount of work, to be honest i also thought of adding other chapters, but in order do to so, the theme was to change to deathwatch ( you also thought about it in your files)
But in my opinion, we can add another soldier type ( like dog´s in x-files) with their armor set etc.. also thought about that to bring the
Adepta Sororitas , witch can combine with the mod, a bit like the movie ultramarine where they find imperial fists. But like always the issue is time and work.
one other issue was the blue bolter now has to be black witch you resolved it already

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 10, 2017, 06:31:05 pm
Adeptas, will be cool to have them!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 10, 2017, 07:04:18 pm
identical suits with the same rules. except for using sprites -
it's too easy (actually, still requires a LOT OF TIME but not skill because you need to change colors and not create new image) We would get a little bit customization. Of course, adding bonuses to each chapter would be GREAT.

By the way, sorry for the dumb question, but does difficulty affect to the number of enemies in missions? if yes, then how much? ty

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 11, 2017, 11:15:34 am
You know bullet, the two of you can work together! You are the spriter, you make sprites and stuffs for ultramarines, then he can recolor and tweak it so other chapters can join the playground of chaos.
Also, I loved the new colors of the ships, what I didn't like is the new color of the Sargent terminator, I think they deserve a fainted gold color, and sorry for this marine, he'll never see the light of day again
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Searmay on November 11, 2017, 03:19:46 pm
Thank you for this mod, it's really very impressive so far. I haven't seen all that much of it yet though.

Fluff-wise I think marines are kind of a bad fit for the game. Xcom always had an underdog flavour of disposable grunts having to outwit a superior force, which doesn't make much sense for them. Especially with recruiting being so cheap, fast, and resulting in such shitty soldiers with no stamina, strength, and bravery. A rogue trader makes more sense, or maybe an inquisitor.

That said I realise the futility of suggesting that anything 40k should not have space marines.

Mechanics wise, the small labs are really annoying. There seems to be a lot more to research than the original game, but you've made it harder to get through.

The combat knife and power maul are the only melee weapons that doesn't use skill. As your marines start with absolute garbage melee skill they're only things they have any chance to hit with. And with the damage gap being pretty low it's hard to see why I'd pick anything else.

The bolt pistol being so fast and accurate makes it a weirdly good sniper weapon. Even weirder because this doesn't carry over at all to other pistols.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 11, 2017, 03:28:18 pm
identical suits with the same rules. except for using sprites -
it's too easy (actually, still requires a LOT OF TIME but not skill because you need to change colors and not create new image) We would get a little bit customization. Of course, adding bonuses to each chapter would be GREAT.

By the way, sorry for the dumb question, but does difficulty affect to the number of enemies in missions? if yes, then how much? ty
a lot!!

Edit: Since servitors has been introduced to the mod, it's good to have more of them, like combatants, and here, a mod which has them,5692.msg87809.html#msg87809
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 11, 2017, 07:08:34 pm
Wow! So much replies...

Adepta Sororitas , witch can combine with the mod, a bit like the movie ultramarine where they find imperial fists. But like always the issue is time and work.

Yes! Sororitas may be female-only soldier type and replacement for femmarines.
Also, why not add Imperial Guard and Adeptus Mechanicus forces too? It will take much time, but will add more variety for playtrough (need to add separate tech-tree branches for developing that soldiers). So, the final versions will be like Final Liberation's variety + Chaos Gate's atmosphere. ::)

one other issue was the blue bolter now has to be black witch you resolved it already

I did it long ago, as was said

Also, I loved the new colors of the ships, what I didn't like is the new color of the Sargent terminator, I think they deserve a fainted gold color

Accordding to backround, he deserve only helmet with different colour. Moreover, I haven't finished this armor, sorry.

and sorry for this marine, he'll never see the light of day again

The faith is shield. His faith was weak, so he was a heretic! Good job, tyranides!

<not for me, but why not to answer)>

Fluff-wise I think marines are kind of a bad fit for the game. Xcom always had an underdog flavour of disposable grunts having to outwit a superior force, which doesn't make much sense for them. Especially with recruiting being so cheap, fast, and resulting in such shitty soldiers with no stamina, strength, and bravery. A rogue trader makes more sense, or maybe an inquisitor.

But your starting soldiers are not space marines - just scouts. Well, bad-trained scouts. After several mission they become killing machines trained scouts particullary-trained scouts, so protect them well.  ;)

The combat knife and power maul are the only melee weapons that doesn't use skill. As your marines start with absolute garbage melee skill they're only things they have any chance to hit with. And with the damage gap being pretty low it's hard to see why I'd pick anything else.

Yes, the melee weapon requirements are a bit strange. Even before update, were the strength penalty on armour were reduced, captain (in terninator armour) cannot use thunderhammer and tactical sergeant cannot use powersword.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 11, 2017, 07:15:53 pm
And what about to give some personality to our walking coffins (aka Dreadnoughts)?,5643 (,5643)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 11, 2017, 07:17:37 pm
And what about to give some personality to our walking coffins (aka Dreadnoughts)?,5655.0.html (,5655.0.html)

This one is definitely an idea worth considering. Dreadnoughts at least should have names.

(My Chaos Dreadnaught is named Torg. So I can yell "Now, destroy! Crush them, Torg!" when playing.)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 11, 2017, 07:30:15 pm
What about allow corpses to be recovered(Marines)? Then they can be used to manufacture dreadnoughts, then the new dreadnoughts won't act as hwps, but as soldiers? What you think bullet?

Edit: I just played Chaos gate, and was totally surprised hearing all of the tracks you used for this.mod. Is this mod a port of chaos gate to OXC?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Searmay on November 11, 2017, 09:24:41 pm
But your starting soldiers are not space marines - just scouts.
Scouts are much closer to marines than they are to fresh recruits though, and I think the process normally takes about a decade. And they don't get power armour and equipment ad-hoc when stuff is available. Besides, I don't know how I'm supposed to get my guys to live that long, especially with the horribly open drop pods.

 The whole game seems like a poor fit for marines. And research is kind of a poor fit for anyone in 40k. I guess there's no point complaining, I know it's not going to change.

Yes, the melee weapon requirements are a bit strange.
It's not the requirements though. All the other weapons are basically useless because you can't hit a damn thing with them. At least not until you get your skill up near 100. Which is a long way from the max start of 40.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 12, 2017, 12:00:58 am
Heavy plasma does not have cartridges in the transport equipment screen. Soo, i can produce it, can not be used.  Or do I need a special ship?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Searmay on November 12, 2017, 12:45:44 am
Just came to report the same thing. The entry is missing the line "battleType: 2" in 40k.rul around line 5300.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dr.Crowley on November 12, 2017, 11:20:06 am
What about allow corpses to be recovered(Marines)? Then they can be used to manufacture dreadnoughts, then the new dreadnoughts won't act as hwps, but as soldiers? What you think bullet?
I guess corpse recovery, as Wh40k fluff states, should be used for geneseed extraction... Oh wait, an idea! What if new marines would be manufactured and their production would require both new recruit and geneseed of the fallen marine?
Well, nevermind ;D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 12, 2017, 02:10:52 pm
Now that's a good suggestion!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 13, 2017, 01:02:40 am
Heavy plasma does not have cartridges in the transport equipment screen. Soo, i can produce it, can not be used.  Or do I need a special ship?

like original x com you have to do the research to the ammo on all plasma weapons, i can turn it off but  i didn´t lose time with it yet and makes no confusion to

Just came to report the same thing. The entry is missing the line "battleType: 2" in 40k.rul around line 5300.

Done ( battleType: 3 - Melee )

Scouts are much closer to marines than they are to fresh recruits though, and I think the process normally takes about a decade. And they don't get power armour and equipment ad-hoc when stuff is available. Besides, I don't know how I'm supposed to get my guys to live that long, especially with the horribly open drop pods.

about that depends the logic/game you play ( dawn of war -> space marine just a normal soldier  or spacemarine -> your the superman) but i see no problem when my 20 space marine squad takes out 60 chaos marines (even in cannon their equally match) because strategy plays a big part a bit tatic part
Even in cenematics of DOW a squad of eldar takes out a squad of space marines or a squad of orcs takes a squad of marines and a dreadnought . Again depends in our mindset like i said previously
Btw i despise power fantasy's like superman ,avangers and spacemarine game psp but again i understand the concept that sometimes they bring to 40000 universe  to pump up the sales

What about allow corpses to be recovered(Marines)? Then they can be used to manufacture dreadnoughts, then the new dreadnoughts won't act as hwps, but as soldiers? What you think bullet?

Edit: I just played Chaos gate, and was totally surprised hearing all of the tracks you used for this.mod. Is this mod a port of chaos gate to OXC?

y i planned it but never did it because it bring a lot of questions.. space in base?, what to do with dead bodys? scout dead bodys can produce dread? only terminator armors?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 13, 2017, 04:27:14 am
Regarding the idea of recovering dead marines and manufacturing dreadnoughts, I would suggest that in order to build dreadnoughts, we must first have the building that allows to build termie suits to be built first, then that building will allow the construction of dreadnoughts to balance that. Or have a facility that can store them, and by that, I mean the cryo stasis thingy
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 14, 2017, 08:59:01 pm
Regarding the idea of recovering dead marines and manufacturing dreadnoughts, I would suggest that in order to build dreadnoughts, we must first have the building that allows to build termie suits to be built first, then that building will allow the construction of dreadnoughts to balance that. Or have a facility that can store them, and by that, I mean the cryo stasis thingy

I will do some love for dreadnoughts in the near future, but i go to confirm the implementation of the 2x2 armor spawn for regular soldiers is possible, so i can count dread as soldier´s, also that will force me to release the centurion armor

what i´m implementing now
Stormhawnk upgrade by manufacture and map tiles
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Searmay on November 15, 2017, 06:22:39 pm
about that depends the logic/game you play ( dawn of war -> space marine just a normal soldier  or spacemarine -> your the superman)
Being superhuman is the point of Space Marines. The Guard are the regular soldiers, and there are about a million times as many of them. Which is why I think Marines don't fit X-Com so well.

Some bugs/issues:

Edit: Also scout eyesight is woeful. A scout couldn't see someone shooting him across an empty field, but a tactical marine spotted one over four map blocks away. Which makes for some pretty poor scouting.  If this is intended it should at least be mentioned in the *paedia entry.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 15, 2017, 07:20:03 pm
Being superhuman is the point of Space Marines. The Guard are the regular soldiers, and there are about a million times as many of them. Which is why I think Marines don't fit X-Com so well.

No game fit´s that superhuman description except console "space marine" no even the tabletop game, even in the beginning "original space crusader they are just marines killed by lousy orks and goblins
Space wolves game  it´s even worse (i´m currently playing and some cultist are stronger than terminator)
In All DOW they are regular soldiers...
But  i will go a step forward and  to take some camera shot from my wk40k game to prove the point
Now don´t make me go see the codex to see point´s of each unit in each army

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 17, 2017, 02:28:45 am
well, since i´m not EA i decided to ear your appeals and introduce guard soldiers as backup units , buff up starting marines health and cost , guard are regular xcom soldier stats, still i only made one set of armor for then, also i´m correcting some appeals

( (
the comparison
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on November 17, 2017, 07:16:04 pm
Now that's good, glad this mod is now deforming from "ultra smurfs of Maccarge", and then reforming into " X-Com: Deathwatch
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on November 17, 2017, 08:14:01 pm
like original x com you have to do the research to the ammo on all plasma weapons, i can turn it off but  i didn´t lose time with it yet and makes no confusion to

what about the fact that there are also no charges when equipping the transport in the battle from the main menu?
if no one wrote, probably the problem I have with my installation
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 17, 2017, 10:21:54 pm
Now that's good, glad this mod is now deforming from "ultra smurfs of Maccarge", and then reforming into " X-Com: Deathwatch

y true , kind of a bug , i deleted clip from rulset to create another but aparently deleted both .. anyway problem solved with no del
i do no not notice foes don´t using heavy plasma

Anyway new version up with that issue and many more solved
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 20, 2017, 05:27:26 pm
Found some issues in extraStrings_40k_uk.rul (in extraStrings_40k_us.rul too, of course):
   - STR_AUSTRALIA defined twice: as Urals sector and as Albia sector
   - STR_SMALL_SCOUT2 and STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT are both defined as fighter ships (blood of the Emperor, what is STR_SMALL_SCOUT2?)
   - craft lascanon (STR_LASER_CANNON_UFOPEDIA) described as "big lasgun". Well, it's almost true, but it's too simple compared to other (finished) descriptions
   - commas before "Commander" in STR_NO_TRAJECTORY and before "Force" in  STR_LINE_OF_SIGHT_REQUIRED
   - in STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT_BRIEFING: "We must find entrance to the foul the chaos"
   - in STR_NAVY_COMUNICATIONS and STR_COMUNICATIONS: Comunications -> Communications
   - in STR_ALIEN_WAR_DESCRIPTION: despached -> dispatched
   - in STR_CAT_DESCRIPTION: Fury and zeal [comma] brothers
   - in STR_FORTRESS_DESCRIPTION: capitalize "u" in "ultramarines"; beneth -> beneath
   - in STR_MISSIONPEDIA_INTRO: hostil -> hostile
   - in STR_MISSION2_TEXT: Several Chaos outpost
   - in STR_MISSION3_TEXT: on Chaos outpost?s
   - Sargent -> Sergeant. Everywere
   - in STR_SPELLSR: Studys -> Teachings?
   - in STR_PATCHSPEED_UFOPEDIA: revigurates -> reinvigorates
   - emperor -> Emperor. Everywere
   - STR_SECTOID_AUTOPSY defined twice
   - in STR_CHAPTERARMY_UFOPEDIA: veicules -> vehicles, but seen it in other strings too
   - in STR_ARTIFACT_SITE_P1_BRIEFING: zenos -> xenos

That's all for now
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 20, 2017, 07:03:13 pm
thks Saratovetz just corrected everything you said

Also i copy uk strings from the us one, dunno know if it worth having both, since there equal

meanwhile i´m making bunch of INV for chaos , i guess they turn out kooler than the good guys due to more details per model

New Fix UP
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on November 21, 2017, 02:58:16 pm
thks Saratovetz just corrected everything you said

Also i copy uk strings from the us one, dunno know if it worth having both, since there equal

meanwhile i´m making bunch of INV for chaos , i guess they turn out kooler than the good guys due to more details per model

That looks great!
Also, I think that difference in detalization caused by the fact that spess mehrens has no insignia/marks/etc on their armours (like the order insignia, the combat role markings - arrows for tactical, another arrow for devastator, four crossed arrows for assault [it seems that marines likes arrows])
Maybe  change the face skins to armour skins, so all marines will have the (almost) same helmets in inventory, but with purity seals, chains, augmentations and other stuff (even battledamage) on armour. Much more detalization, isn't it?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 22, 2017, 03:10:01 am
Maybe  change the face skins to armour skins, so all marines will have the (almost) same helmets in inventory, but with purity seals, chains, augmentations and other stuff (even battledamage) on armour. Much more detalization, isn't it?

the less detail i make the more easy is to change chapter. also i´m color correcting so that would became easier , maybe in far future i will pay more atention for sm details
now i´m working on a lot of INV´s and making guard a bit more ussefull
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: tkzv on November 25, 2017, 03:04:52 am
Ufopedia Codex text colours make it very hard to read. Can you pick darker shades for the font shadow? Especially hard is dark purple with a lighter shadow. White font on white background is hard to see (e.g. non-varying words in tables on the left). It would be better to make background on the right less contrast so that black patterns interfered with text less.

Similarly unreadable text in Research menu.

Description for laboratory says 50 people, but it actually houses 25.

The date should be not 1999, but something like 39 999 :)

I could buy laspistol and lasgun before I researched them. Is this a bug or intentional?

Marines could walk through some parts of aircraft during a terror mission — see "40k-palnes.png" and "_quick_.sav".
Update: marines can get stuck inside an aircraft — see "airplane-stuck.png" and "airplane-stuck.sav".
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 27, 2017, 01:20:04 pm

 Codex text colours make it very hard to read. Can you pick darker shades for the font shadow? Especially hard is dark purple with a lighter shadow. White font on white background is hard to see (e.g. non-varying words in tables on the left). It would be better to make background on the right less contrast so that black patterns interfered with text less.
i tried to work it out, still i suck in that color department, got something to do with extender colors (second button changes colors for help)

Description for laboratory says 50 people, but it actually houses 25.
true still has the old text, a lot of the ufopedia facilitys needs new writing (haven´t lost many time with that)

The date should be not 1999, but something like 39 999 :)
it´s ez to do, but dunno if that crashes the game or worse (haven´t tried it)

I could buy laspistol and lasgun before I researched them. Is this a bug or intentional?
yes, guard lasgun and pistol (since you have guard soldiers now), also low weight for guard, i just balanced that marine ones as more acc and comes later in game (rebalance in new patch)

Marines could walk through some parts of aircraft during a terror mission
True, Just fixed will be in the new patch i will release this week
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 06, 2017, 12:45:19 am
So thanks to Saratovetz  weapon black sprites and Neoworm new faces, and some complains on lore. i´m adding the adeptas senoritas as a new soldier type and put female freq to 1
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on December 06, 2017, 03:43:30 am
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 06, 2017, 10:51:00 am
Hey, Fem Marines are a good thing...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on December 07, 2017, 02:50:05 pm
Glorious work! Purge the femmarines!

P.S.: For those, who still await this damned translation:
(ШАЯИIИG! Valhallan/Vostroyan low gothic here)
Прошу прощение за задержку.  :-[
Последний месяц у меня возникали проблемы, которые необходимо было срочно решать,  поэтому времени на перевод почти не было. Сейчас свободное время наконец появилось, а значит процесс постепенно наращивает обороты.
Честно говоря, не могу обещать, что перевод будет готов до Нового года, но сделаю всё возможное для этого.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 07, 2017, 10:30:16 pm
new version up!
fem marine are still present, i need some time to redo all faces and armor to male
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 13, 2017, 12:58:24 am
So i´ve been doing chaos terminator inv, and i notice the marine terminator one i made was completely uncannon so here is the revised model put along side other´s for scale
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Warboy1982 on December 13, 2017, 06:03:29 am
oh, uh, not sure if you were ever made aware, but i remember you were looking into this for flying units:,5507.msg85118.html#msg85118
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 16, 2017, 10:32:22 pm
oh, uh, not sure if you were ever made aware, but i remember you were looking into this for flying units:,5507.msg85118.html#msg85118

Yes , i was helped a while back , flying deamon drawing routine uses script in animation , so it only animates while flying
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Searmay on December 21, 2017, 06:17:53 pm
Sorry it's taken so long to reply. And thanks for adding Guardsmen and Sisters, they look great.
No game fit´s that superhuman description except console "space marine" no even the tabletop game,
I think you misunderstand what I meant. They're "superhuman" as in "better than human", not  "Superman". I guess the issue is partly that regular X-com lets your soldiers become pretty superhuman already.

Anyway, I decided that instead of complaining about things I didn't like I could just mod your mod myself. In the process I found some things that I consider to be bugs you probably want to fix:
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 22, 2017, 01:45:35 am

found some things that I consider to be bugs you probably want to fix:
  • Flamer grants throwing experience. Should use experienceTrainingMode: 6 like  the heavy flamer.
  • Some interface text colours not defined, so they end up random. In interfaces40k.rul each of ufopaedia, selectNewManufacture, and selectNewResearch has an id: list which should have a color2 defined.
  • Laspistol clip uses the sprite for plasma pistol clip instead of its own, despite there being a file for it. The correct sprite is not defined in the BIGOBS.PCK section.
  • No ships are piloted. I presume they're supposed to be as they have room for one and you defined dogfightExperience. Appropriate craft entries should include pilots: 1 or similar.
  • Scout have a vision range of 25 in both day and night. Your other units have 60 and 9 respectively. Enemies have 60 at all times. Surely at least some of those numbers are wrong.

thanks i need many help on game correction and balancing
- done
- i´m planning to correct the interface text colors , i have tried but i´m too focused on other stuff
- done
- the piloted stuff i´m indecided yet , when i play the other mods i see no vantage only more stuff to control ( also need to know more rulset meanwhile to balance all)
-done, the scout issue i got it wrong , my plan was to give maximum vision to scout :p turn out the way around

i´ve been a bit afk due to waiting for oxce+ patch
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Searmay on December 23, 2017, 02:53:02 pm
Please at least define a color2 for those lists so it doesn't keep changing and becoming unreadable. The relevant sections are at lines 452, 742, and 799 of interfaces40k.rul.

Piloting does give the player a way to train bravery, which is otherwise pretty hard. But other than that it doesn't make much difference. And you might not want that anyway.

Balance depends a lot on how you want the end game to play. One thing I think would make it feel more like 40k is to make melee more inviting. As it stands it's far too tempting to snipe from the other side of the map with a bolt pistol. But I don't know whether you think it's worth discouraging that or not.

Personally there are a bunch of things I'd change, but I don't want to tell you how to make your own mod. If you want my ideas I'm happy to share them though.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on December 23, 2017, 04:38:49 pm
The adeptas ruins the early game with their op armour, pls add them to the mid or late game so they won't be OP early on
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on December 23, 2017, 08:27:20 pm
I really hope you won't remove the female marines just because of nerds' whining... As it is now, I can simply ignore the Sororitas (I never liked them). I'd prefer them as an enemy, like in Dawn of War :)

Also I never felt like Marines in this mod aren't "Superhuman" enough, it's all relative, and that +50 reactions on Scout armor really made a huge difference...

Kudos on the new paperdolls, Guards, Chaos, Sororitas - they're great! The graphics level of the mod really becomes something to behold.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on December 26, 2017, 01:16:48 am
Just found some battle role markings (dat arrows) for devastators, assaults and tacticals in my files the sacred archives. There are invs for them with a small improvement - added markings on the right shoulderpad.
So, it may be useful.
Or not.
Anyway, everyone can download it if it will be needed.
Ah, and corpses are unaffected, but who cares? imo, corpse for every kind of basic armour is not so essential
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 02, 2018, 12:39:28 am
Just found some battle role markings (dat arrows) for devastators, assaults and tacticals in my files the sacred archives. There are invs for them with a small improvement - added markings on the right shoulderpad.
So, it may be useful.
Or not.
Anyway, everyone can download it if it will be needed.
Ah, and corpses are unaffected, but who cares? imo, corpse for every kind of basic armour is not so essential

nice, i will insert then in the mod

The adeptas ruins the early game with their op armour, pls add them to the mid or late game so they won't be OP early on
adeptas are restricted to no promotion and basic armor (no heavy weapons) also i will decrease a bit their str. so they are only useful in the early game as backup

Please at least define a color2 for those lists so it doesn't keep changing and becoming unreadable. The relevant sections are at lines 452, 742, and 799 of interfaces40k.rul.

Piloting does give the player a way to train bravery, which is otherwise pretty hard. But other than that it doesn't make much difference. And you might not want that anyway.

 would make it feel more like 40k is to make melee more inviting.

Personally there are a bunch of things I'd change, but I don't want to tell you how to make your own mod. If you want my ideas I'm happy to share them though.

U can speak your mind. share it , the mod should be enjoyed by all

i also like 40k to be more melee, but i haven't found the balance yet

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 02, 2018, 02:16:17 am
meanwhile dread invs to come
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Warboy1982 on January 02, 2018, 07:17:36 am
holy crap those sprites are sexy
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 02, 2018, 10:06:33 pm
holy crap those sprites are sexy


Please at least define a color2 for those lists so it doesn't keep changing and becoming unreadable. The relevant sections are at lines 452, 742, and 799 of interfaces40k.rul.

Corrected, thanks 2 i was looking a way to solve the issue
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Searmay on January 03, 2018, 07:19:28 pm
As usual your sprites are fantastic.

U can speak your mind. share it , the mod should be enjoyed by all

i also like 40k to be more melee, but i haven't found the balance yet
Sure, it's just a matter of what's relevant. My idea of a 40k mod would be hordes of disposable guardsmen with crappy lasguns. Most people's idea of 40k is space marines.

My suggestions to make melee attractive:
That looks like a lot but I don't think it's too much. Melee is pretty terrible at the moment.

I have other ideas too.

Lasguns are a bit odd at the moment. You can buy guns but not clips, and pick up clips from enemy (and friendly) corpses - all before you research them. Plus they shred armour, which isn't typical in 40k. I'd suggest removing the armour damage from them and making the research go towards hot-shot clips which do go through armour.

The storm bolter is weirdly powerful rather than being a rapid fire bolter. (Chaos tend to use slightly different combi-bolters instead, though the distinction might not matter).

Enemy factions would be more strongly themed around the four gods rather  than armour types. I presume you did it this way to fit more with the Xcom races, but I think that hinders the 40k feel. You could even do it by legion, but that's probably a lot of extra work for not much benefit.

Enemy armour is far weaker than yours. Granted it's already kind of a slog to kill terminators, but it probably should be. Combined with the previous suggestion you wouldn't just be fighting a horde of them though.

I hope some of these suggestions are helpful even if you don't want to use them.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on January 04, 2018, 09:54:21 pm
decent starting melee stats for your guys - I'd say in line with throwing

But then ULTRA-super-duper-mega-humans will be too weak, isn't it? ;)

Lasguns are a bit odd at the moment.

Yeah, anti-armour lasguns (and stun-grav!) are weird lore-wise. There are some balance issues, I think.

Enemy factions would be more strongly themed around the four gods rather  than armour types. I presume you did it this way to fit more with the Xcom races, but I think that hinders the 40k feel. You could even do it by legion, but that's probably a lot of extra work for not much benefit.

+1 here! Dividing the CSM faction will make gameplay much more interesting, because player must encounter different warbands and choose tactic more carefully. For example, Khorne warband will be more melee-oriented, Nurgle one will be tougher then others, Slaanesh one - fast atacking, and Tzeentch... current CSM is actually Tzeentch warband as all of them are psykers

P.S.: art is wonderfull, indeed)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 05, 2018, 03:12:31 am
Unlike Mark Hamill i agree in everypoint , i will see what i can do

Still dividing the CSM faction is the one that i won´t go there yet ,due to time and patient , recently a got a lot of lose end´s

The special Lasclip idea resolves lot of issue and give me an great idea meanwhile
Spacemarine  lasgun´s and bolter (blue ones, i want to used already built resources ) will be the ones that fire special Lasclip and mastercrafted bullet along with mastercrafted weapons.
Currently i´m doing map expansion for desert snow and forest (abandon base) there i leave crate with blue ones random.

i can easily swap armor for health in CSM (so it matches player) , still is not tested territory, in dreadnought case is equal SM to CSM

About the melee issue i will do that points
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on January 05, 2018, 02:50:05 pm
 I have idea how to improve this mod.
1.Space Marines recruiting. It's a bit odd, that you can recruit space marien like a simple guardsman, just a bit expensive. So i propose not to purchase marines, but to manufacter them using  space marine recruits (buys at market) and gene-seed (in early game you will have limited stock of them, or can extract from space marine corpse, in late game you can buy it from the market ). That limits space marine numbers for early games and make auxilia more useful.

2.Space marine training and armor. Increse starting MeleeSkill, max Health=150 and max Stamina=200. And make armor stamina dependent. For example standart armor gives -60 to stamina, so only expirienced troops can wear it and use it efficiently.  So rookies have to wear scout armor (no stamina penalty), assault armor (less stamina penalty), devastator armor (becouse they don't need high mobility). More expirienced troop vill wear standart armor, veterans - terminator suits, etc. This will be lore wise and bring some gameplay variability.
3.Special bolter amunition and bolter variations. Adding some explosive ,chemical nad armor piercing ammo for bolter will make bolter great again. Also some variants - Staler pattern with precise accurate shot, variants with high capcity clips and high rate of fire, combi-colter that can shhot nolter ammo or something like plasma, flame, grenades, etc.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NebulaM78 on January 06, 2018, 10:42:54 am
 I have idea how to improve this mod.
1.Space Marines recruiting. It's a bit odd, that you can recruit space marien like a simple guardsman, just a bit expensive. So i propose not to purchase marines, but to manufacter them using  space marine recruits (buys at market) and gene-seed (in early game you will have limited stock of them, or can extract from space marine corpse, in late game you can buy it from the market ). That limits space marine numbers for early games and make auxilia more useful.

2.Space marine training and armor. Increse starting MeleeSkill, max Health=150 and max Stamina=200. And make armor stamina dependent. For example standart armor gives -60 to stamina, so only expirienced troops can wear it and use it efficiently.  So rookies have to wear scout armor (no stamina penalty), assault armor (less stamina penalty), devastator armor (becouse they don't need high mobility). More expirienced troop vill wear standart armor, veterans - terminator suits, etc. This will be lore wise and bring some gameplay variability.
3.Special bolter amunition and bolter variations. Adding some explosive ,chemical nad armor piercing ammo for bolter will make bolter great again. Also some variants - Staler pattern with precise accurate shot, variants with high capcity clips and high rate of fire, combi-colter that can shhot nolter ammo or something like plasma, flame, grenades, etc.

Points 2 and 3 sound great, but Point 1 is a little iffy to me. The idea of regular Guardsmen wiping out entire ships full of Chaos Space Marines seems kind of weird and lore-unfriendly. Plus, in my opinion, Space Marines are more desirable to play as rather than squishy normal humans, though I can understand wanting to play as a faction that you can relate more to, and aren't as Mary Sue-ish as the Space Marines. Not to mention, playing as Guardsmen really limits what weapons and armor the player has access to, relatively speaking.

This is most obvious in terms of armor, where the Guardsmen get only flak and carapace (Stormtrooper) armor. Maybe power armor, if there are Inquisitors involved. Space Marines on the other hand get a ton of choices, from Scout to Tactical to Terminator, and maybe even MK I to MK VIII armor if bulletdesigner is feeling really generous, and hell, let's throw in Primaris Marines and their equipment as well.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on January 06, 2018, 12:06:50 pm
Good ideas so far, but it must be doable and not a pita for BulletDesigner since he is alone making and updating the mod
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on January 06, 2018, 12:33:26 pm
I realize it's a work in progress but right now this mod is in "unplayable" state for a new player.

There's no download for OXCE+ 3.9a that I can find anywhere.

Using OXCE+ 3.9c breaks half the strings in the game. Any sane person will stop playing here.

Using standard OXCE 3.9a or 3.10 seems to break functionality, like I realized my 4.5 mil invested defense corridors were empty and useless. When this happens a person's playthrough ends right there.


Gameplay wise I wish there was more ufo variety. Most players playing mods are probably already burnt out from default ufo layouts. I didn't try luke's extra ufo mod with this but if it's compatible there should be a mention.

Some of the prices are weird, frag nades costing 20k (almost as much as a fresh guardsman) while sniper/autocannon HE rounds cost 500. Smoke nades cost 150 even though they're absurdly powerful.

If you advocate playing this mod with ironman on superhuman difficulty, I wish the ufopedia.orgrmation was more detailed. Like crafts showing seating order (even as an additional entry) and explosive radius for weapons and ammo. I didn't even understand what the chapter banner does really so didn't feel like burning 1 mil to try it out. Obviously the typos should be fixed, recruit someone to do it for you.

I also found the mod to be somewhat too easy, but that's mainly due to how broken smoke nades are. Or maybe not using OXCE+ somehow made things too easy? For example, it would be cool to have a gargantuan sized supply ship (like 35-40% of the time) that covers nearly the entire map to force the player to go inside for some deadly CQC instead of sitting outside in a corner sniping everything to death with reaction fire as the aliens bumrush out.

And finally, is that tarantula rocket sentry HWP supposed to have 0 energy? That's exactly the kind of information that's missing from ufopedia = IMMOBILE.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on January 06, 2018, 03:18:00 pm
I realize it's a work in progress but right now this mod is in "unplayable" state for a new player.

There's no download for OXCE+ 3.9a that I can find anywhere.

Using OXCE+ 3.9c breaks half the strings in the game. Any sane person will stop playing here.

Using standard OXCE 3.9a or 3.10 seems to break functionality, like I realized my 4.5 mil invested defense corridors were empty and useless. When this happens a person's playthrough ends right there.

You can find various OXCE+ 3.9a downloads here:

3.9c should however work just as well... what do you mean by "breaks half the strings" ?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on January 06, 2018, 03:22:53 pm
3.9c should however work just as well... what do you mean by "breaks half the strings" ?

By strings I mean text.

Space Marine turns into Soldier, Red Sector turns into Japan, codex entries get completely messed up etc... and apparently happens on 3.9a+ as well.

So you're forced to choose between unfunctional version or a textually messed up version right now. I consider both unplayable.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on January 06, 2018, 03:36:11 pm
By strings I mean text.

Space Marine turns into Soldier, Red Sector turns into Japan, codex entries get completely messed up etc... and apparently happens on 3.9a+ as well.

So you're forced to choose between unfunctional version or a textually messed up version right now. I consider both unplayable.

Maybe just try selecting/changing the language again?
It should be either en-US or en-GB.

It works fine for me with en-US on OXCE+ 3.10, see attached.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on January 06, 2018, 03:44:13 pm
Oh cool it worked (thanks!), EN-UK seems to break the text for me.

Back to playing then, although I wonder if my savegame is now somehow bugged since I'm switching to OXCE+ midway. Might just start a new game just to be sure.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on January 06, 2018, 03:59:12 pm
Oh cool it worked, EN-UK seems to break the text for me.

Back to playing then, although I wonder if my savegame is now somehow bugged since I'm switching to OXCE+ midway.

1/ Yeah, that's a bug. there is no such thing as en-UK, only en-GB.

@bulletdesigner: please change en-UK to en-GB in "extraStrings_40k_uk.rul".

2/ As for saved games, upgrading to higher versions of OXCE+ will not break your Geoscape saves.
It is not recommended to upgrade during Battlescape, but in most cases that works too.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on January 08, 2018, 08:42:21 pm
My laptop is nearly dead, so here it is - russian translation at its current state. It is almost done (at least I think so), but need some improvements.
(Achtung, russian text here!)
Сообщайте обо всем, что вам не понравится в переводе - о странных оборотах, ошибках в бэковой составляющей, непонятных формулировках, очепятках и о прочих глупых ошибках. Ну а я буду пытаться как-нибудь исправить это. Возможно с телефона :P
P.S.: О, Великий Суп наварили!
P.P.S: C прошедшими праздниками всех!

There is also some improvements for english versions (found in us version, as I remember):
STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT                   defined twice
STR_MAP3                                   defined twice
STR_TECH_ARMOR_UC                defined twice
STR_NONE_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA              defined twice
STR_ALIEN_SURGERY                  chaos sacrifices -> [chaos] sacrificing altar?
Alien containment                    proper description (the vanilla one doesn't match OurFightWithRuinousPowers™)
STR_DEFENSE_CORRIDOR_UFOPEDIA   | heavy bolter tarantula ->  tarantula heavy bolter
STR_APOC_BAY_UFOPEDIA                 Apothecaries & Hospitalier maybe? We now have some mortals helping our glorious Order.
STR_TEC_BAY_UFOPEDIA                 peform -> pefrorm
STR_BOOKS_UFOPEDIA                 essencial -> essential
STR_ALIEN_WAR_DESCRIPTION              despached -> dispatched
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Kammerer on January 08, 2018, 09:27:26 pm
Hello everyone!

Thanks for you translation, Saratovets! Some mistakes I've already found in the translation:

Враги теперь видны на миникарте

The word мини-карта should be written with a hyphen:

к следуюшщему отчёту

выражает недовольствие

Уничтожте всех врагов

This should be corrected all over the text.

верните всех космодесантников в транспорте

This should be "на транспорт".


The point is unnecessary here.

Мечем и болтером, мы изгоним врага

No need in the comma here.

в темных корридорах

чтобы унчтожить это гнездо

Укрепленныйй корридор

Камеры для пленых

лежитбольшая ответственность.

Здесь можно нацти информацию

Шторомовой коготь

Восстановленая реликвия

Все вери забаррикадированы

Уничтожте всех культистов

в нащей священнной

есть артеллерийская поддержка

может сууществовать искусно изготовленая

дизориентирующего врагов

Доспехи Сестер Битвы изгтавливаются

Панцирная броня cостоит из бронепластин

It looks like the word "состоит" is written with Latin and Cyrillic characters. It's better to rewrite it using only the Cyrillic ones.

Дредноуты это некогда павшие в бою герои космодесанта

A dash is required before "это".

пушкой 'разрушетель'


The hyphen is unnecessary here.

получения могучтх терминаторских

I would recommend you to use German quotes (i. e. «») instead of the single ones. It is a typography standard in Russian, they look better and don't require adding an escape character.

I'd also recommend you to replace the decimal digit with a comma since in Russian the point is not used for the numbers.

That's the result of a very superficial check. If you are interested, I can help you in proofreading the translation though my help would be very limited since at the moment I don't have too much time to work on the game.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 08, 2018, 10:27:37 pm
hey everyone , thks for the translation

Also after hearing all your suggestions i will do a big overhaul to weapon system and here is how (so any complain is now)
- Every weapon will have dropoff: 5 the exception being scoped weapons (sniper, stalker bolter, and tankturrets maybe some other in future)
- Grav gun will be a normal weapon that ignore armor (like in the game space wolves) to balanced that, all bolter weapons have a small stun amount 0.2
- melee weapon now shread armor , lasgun´s don´t shreead anymore except special clip

hope it works
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Saratovetz on January 09, 2018, 06:25:08 pm
Thank you, Kammerer! I will fix it as my computer is still working. Already fixed (even decimals).
Any help is appreciated, you know.
It seems that I must deal with broken keyboard) Moreover, some corrections were discarded by that piece of heretech...
But double "н", "мечем", "корридорах"... Shame on me  :-[

bulletdesigner, normal gravguns, hurray! You can use webber as a stun weapon (
It looks like this:
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ComradArtem on January 11, 2018, 02:09:48 am
Hello. Found a bug - when playing with the phone there is no way to close the first-aid kit (on the computer it closes through esc)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on January 11, 2018, 02:44:25 am
I think that's a false alarm mate, I can close mine properly, just press the tiny little red button in the interface
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ComradArtem on January 11, 2018, 07:07:43 am
I think that's a false alarm mate, I can close mine properly, just press the tiny little red button in the interface
oh, thanks for the answer, everything works, last time I screen the whole screen in search of a button
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 16, 2018, 11:00:34 pm
hey everyone, so a new release is coming i´m just doing some adjustments so everything works properly.
Like said before , dropoff to all weapons and only aim for scoped ones, so theres a bunch of new bolter paterns to make up for it,
also more ammo type for bolter ( explosives and AP that ignores armor)
none of them will be brought , they will appear random at lost ammo crates in maps witch i made a bunch. so you will get some rare rewards for some missions.(kind of lootboxes without paying) Adds more life to map and a more pleasant experience to the game, also enforces melee in some map (providing cover and only getting aimed shot on bolter after some missions)
Other cosmetic will be in place like dread and terminator paperdools.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on January 17, 2018, 03:55:39 am
I've been playing some more and I now definitely think this mod is too easy. I'm currently at the point where I'm meeting chaos terminators/berserkers and did my first space hulk.

Craft Lascannon seems too strong
- With two stormhawks and my landspeeder, I can shoot down even supply/terror ships. Plus you can manufacture this for excellent profit. I imagine this is the only craft weapon you need in the game, and it doesn't even require ammo. For such an early tech it makes the whole interception game very lacking.

Smoke/tome of smoke is way too strong
- I'm currently more worried about friendly fire than enemy units, because enemies never get a shot off. Most of my best casualties are in fact from friendly fire because I forgot to crouch, or from a stray sniper bullet. The only scenario where AI actually gets to shoot is ~turn 20 when chaos raptors rush the roof of a supply ship or such, and even then it's actually just one round and only if they survive reaction fire. In 99.9% of missions you can cover both landspeeders with tome of smoke from seats 1-2 and kill 7-9 chaos raptors on your own first turn without taking any reaction fire before enemy gets to do anything.

Enemies lack lethality and fear factor
- I would love to see an enemy with a rocket laucher nuking you (or himself, chaos bless him) with frag missiles, or some chaos marine fire full auto incendiary with autocannon. Tyranids also seemed awfully weak, probably because nothing in the game (so far) survives autocannon burst with 50% accuracy, much less 4x 1-2x burst (depending on TU remaining) that you can refresh multiple times with chapter banner.

Small idea - make stormtalon faster (and maybe refuel faster) than stormhawk, right now it doesn't really have any role as it's completely subpar in comparison. Sometimes you just want to see if an enemy craft is a supply ship or a terror ship for example.

Enemy factions would be more strongly themed around the four gods rather  than armour types.

+1 here! Dividing the CSM faction will make gameplay much more interesting, because player must encounter different warbands and choose tactic more carefully. For example, Khorne warband will be more melee-oriented, Nurgle one will be tougher then others, Slaanesh one - fast atacking, and Tzeentch... current CSM is actually Tzeentch warband as all of them are psykers

I support this idea. Even though I'm no modder I think you could achieve something akin to this with this (or I could be completely off). (

Khorne band could possibly be made with very low cheatTurn number equipped with melee weapons / grenades / shotguns / flamethrowers and such.

Also would love to see something like a cultist maniac rushing you, occasionally having a primed grenade in their inventory (surprise!).

Don't know if it's possible, but maybe slaanesh troops could get a stat buff if you take too long (enjoying their sweet time you are providing them), while tzeentch troops could summon a powerful rapeface daemon to assist if you take too long conquering a valuable target like a supply ship etc.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on January 17, 2018, 04:27:18 am
Its not allowed yet-ish.
Engine limitations
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 17, 2018, 03:15:27 pm
 hey Silverwolf, i´m balancing stuff was i go along, and for that i need your´s and everybody help

I said before i test game in superhuman, so it´s possible to finish in all difficults ( some games are impossible witch is kind of dumb ), also i´m a veteran witch suport ironman
i don´t wanna spoil but there are some hard enemy´s in store, but again armor suffer bonus/penalties based on difficult, that´s the main reason i can´t make chaos armor equal to space marine ( with time and math everything is possible, but cut me some slack)

Craft Lascannon is strong i agree, but it toke you 3 craft´s to take down 1 ship. Remember there´s new players that don´t know to do joint attack with several ships.  Also the more i make chaos ships powerful the more  i need rebalance in bases defenses (again math and testing for balance)
LAS                           #Range 30      Ammo 20        Damage 70      Acc  50%
AVALANCHE              #Range 50       Ammo 3        Damage 100     Acc 80%
Lascannon is a mid tier weapons compared to others (wont spoil the rest)
( to be honest the game i played, i haven´t toke down a last tier chaos , lost some craft in process, still i can make it even more powerful the mid tier ones)

also you cannot use multiple times chapter banner
accuracyAimed: 100
      time: 25
      energy: 70
      morale: 15
(did i miss something?)

i will do stomhawk require 5 honor badges so it becomes more of a decision to promote stormtalon , also i can make stormtalon faster (and maybe refuel faster)

yes i will redo tome of smoke is way too strong (i don´t play with tomes that often for testing)
new stats
    power: 30  (100 currently)
      bravery: 2.2
      time: 40
      energy: 50
      stun: 25

Also some chaos chosen  have reaper cannon , some guard have rocket launcher, and the most brutal weapon is the chaos sorcerer staff, but the guy don´t uses it dunno why yet (prefers the stupid pistol)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on January 18, 2018, 08:26:35 pm
LAS                           #Range 30      Ammo 20        Damage 70      Acc  50%
AVALANCHE              #Range 50       Ammo 3        Damage 100     Acc 80%

The difference is plasma missiles take 1.5 storage space and cost 9k per piece.

Full salvo from 8x weapon slots = 36 storage space (double that minimum for reserve ammo) + 216k $.

also you cannot use multiple times chapter banner
(did i miss something?)

But you can buy multiple chapter banners and use them on different guys.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 19, 2018, 03:27:12 pm
Reinforcements arrived! the new centurion armor! Also Spoliers

The difference is plasma missiles take 1.5 storage space and cost 9k per piece.

Full salvo from 8x weapon slots = 36 storage space (double that minimum for reserve ammo) + 216k $.

But you can buy multiple chapter banners and use them on different guys.

Ok just fixed  so only high tier person wears banner and uses it, also resolved the logistic issue for craft weapons take a look and give me your opinion
(again i´m not testing stuff as i correct since i´m working on other stuff and waiting for OXCE+ new entry)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on January 21, 2018, 07:19:10 am
Well nerfing ammo / reducing slots early game should make it so that you can't just faceroll everything with lascannon so that'll probably work.

Chapter banner though I'd keep as it is now without any nerf, but make both banner and tome inflict way more stun damage on the target so you can't spam either without passing out.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 24, 2018, 02:23:16 am
Well like i said, now that is possible to equip 2x2 armor, i´ve been doing lots of changes, dreadnoughts are now soldier´s with the 3 types armor, to manufacture then you have to use recover dead body´s of fallen brothers
Centurion armor is now available also on late game research.

So i´m taking a while to overhaul all the stuff, and releasing the new version, it´s probable to miss something since i´m updating a lot of department´s at the same time. (weapons ufopedia is a all wrong on weapon stat´s since i´ve been changing stats for balance, lasgun and gravgun ex.)

Still i know it´s the enemy´s department everyone want´s more now that space marines all full of arsenal,  but since i have all the old sprites around i chosen to do more marine stuff and end the chapter.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 26, 2018, 10:50:35 pm
New version UP,

Beware of bugs (haven´t tested campaign mod for balance)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on January 31, 2018, 04:32:28 am
Is the new version uses oxce+ 3.10 features?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 31, 2018, 12:10:50 pm
Is the new version uses oxce+ 3.10 features?

what are the oxce+ 3.10 features? i´m still using 3.9c  i don´t see the 3.10 update, still i know some of you are using
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 01, 2018, 12:00:31 am
So i guess the main INPUT by all was chaos divided so , i´m working on it

The plague marines from nurgle with health boost and plague/Quimic bolts weapon (maybe dunno yet)

Next in line are rubric marines with heavy psy / psi damage bolts (maybe dunno yet)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on February 01, 2018, 10:06:22 pm
What is the difference between chaos marine bolter and nurgle marine bolter? I mean in game mechanic. New weapon damage type? More shots?
Also you can add health regeneration feature like Ghouls from xPiratez, just for lulz and foe the glory of the dark gods!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on February 03, 2018, 06:04:00 am
Bug Report: listOrder in the codex is all wrong, I was viewing stormhawk then when I clicked next, it showed me the guard armor, then clicking next again, it showed me the thundrrhawk
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 04, 2018, 11:44:57 pm
What is the difference between chaos marine bolter and nurgle marine bolter? I mean in game mechanic. New weapon damage type? More shots?
Also you can add health regeneration feature like Ghouls from xPiratez, just for lulz and foe the glory of the dark gods!

mostly new damage type, i will use acid for once
health regeneration is a good idea i try to see how its done

Bug Report: listOrder in the codex is all wrong, I was viewing stormhawk then when I clicked next, it showed me the guard armor, then clicking next again, it showed me the thundrrhawk
Just tested, mine is perfectly ordered , maybe some other mod crossover active.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on February 05, 2018, 11:10:31 pm
How many Acid Damage Type weapons you plan add to the mod? If it's just the plague marine bolter then it's not worth it. If you want to make more Nurgle weapons or early game cultits weapons (maybe tyranids in future?) and make acid resistance armor then it's a good choice. I mean new damage weapon type worth it on;y if you plan make some armor weaks to it and some strong.

Main feature of Nurgle(acid?) weapons can be damage to health/morale/stun before calculating armor resistance (I guess that how Wille Pete grenade from xPiratez works?). It makes this weapon effective against any sort of armor, but not leathal. Also it will require some thing to restore morale of troops, and Battle Standart can fill that role. Also acid ammo for loyalist bolters, to make bolter even better then they are now.

Nurgle units - Plague Marine (Nurgle bolter and a lot of blight grenades), Plague marine Havoc (special weapons like plasmagun, melta gun, etc. or Nurgle Special Weapons - blight greande launcher, plague spewer(rapid fire acid shotgun or flame thrower)), Plague Marine Champion(with melee options), Chosen of Nurgle (2 stage unit  - first shooty, second melee, works like xPirates ZombieTrooper). Nurgle deamons. Nurgle tank with direct fire plague spewer and indirect fire mortar.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 07, 2018, 01:40:31 am
well like i promised, here are the rubric marines and all their might !

1 How many Acid Damage Type weapons you plan add to the mod? If it's just the plague marine bolter then it's not worth it. If you want to make more Nurgle weapons or early game cultits weapons (maybe tyranids in future?) and make acid resistance armor then it's a good choice. I mean new damage weapon type worth it on;y if you plan make some armor weaks to it and some strong.

2 Main feature of Nurgle(acid?) weapons can be damage to health/morale/stun before calculating armor resistance (I guess that how Wille Pete grenade from xPiratez works?). It makes this weapon effective against any sort of armor, but not leathal. Also it will require some thing to restore morale of troops, and Battle Standart can fill that role. Also acid ammo for loyalist bolters, to make bolter even better then they are now.

3 Nurgle units - Plague Marine (Nurgle bolter and a lot of blight grenades), Plague marine Havoc (special weapons like plasmagun, melta gun, etc. or Nurgle Special Weapons - blight greande launcher, plague spewer(rapid fire acid shotgun or flame thrower)), Plague Marine Champion(with melee options), Chosen of Nurgle (2 stage unit  - first shooty, second melee, works like xPirates ZombieTrooper). Nurgle deamons. Nurgle tank with direct fire plague spewer and indirect fire mortar.

1. i guess, i will make their bolt´s cause more wound " so it looks like a infections" also i can´t complicate much since i´m always doing lot of new stuff and not even testing much

2. the ways it goes is melta for shred armor , lasguns for vehicles , plasma for units , grav ignore armor, bolter wildcard(does all), flames and explosion good vs 2x2 and large areas, meele low cost tu but high damage, the one open is acid (witch i havent done yet so is 100% to all ) but i guess will add lots of wounds to the factor ( i love the heavy rocket gas idea for nurgle btw and couting as acid)
tzech will have lots of flamers (as terrorist and also i will give then  standard flame weapons)

3. Plague marine Havoc is a execelent idea , maybe next to project is to create havoc's for special heavy weapons for nurgle/ individed/ tzench , also liked the rest, but give me time i go with the flow

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SuperCaffeineDude on February 07, 2018, 01:25:11 pm
Looks awesome, loving the divided look, your sprites are great. Have you ever considered using the Deathwatch as your protagonists? They're kind of the Xcom of 40k imo, shoot at least 3 different aliens a day lol. Though they're all outsourced sm-veterans so there'd be little soldier progression lol.

I'll have to give the mod a go later tonight.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on February 07, 2018, 02:29:14 pm
Wait that's a traitor marine? It looks almost exactly like smurfs
(I literally thought it was a new armor)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 07, 2018, 02:53:40 pm
Wait that's a traitor marine? It looks almost exactly like smurfs
(I literally thought it was a new armor)

No, it's clearly a Thousand Son.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on February 07, 2018, 05:16:25 pm
yes, these are the only ones that can not be called traitors. including Loyalists
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on February 07, 2018, 07:53:37 pm
tzech will have lots of flamers (as terrorist and also i will give then  standard flame weapons)
but lorewise tzeench marines are known for their resistance to small arms firem becouse they are just walking armors, and for their armor piercing inferno bolts. (in 7th edition they have ap3, so technicaly penetrates marine's armor)
so I suggest high resistance to armor piercing damage type (like mutons in original Xcom) and some resistance for other damage types

Also would you add some specialization to the auxillary units? like high psionic resistance to adeptus soritas (and make them useful against enemies with psionic powers in late game), and armor type with build-in heavy weapons for guard units (for heavy weapon support in early game)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on February 08, 2018, 04:23:50 pm
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 09, 2018, 03:16:06 am

i guess its node problem that i haven't learn to fix yet  :P

well i got bigger fish to fry... meanwhile spawning of war mission.. i´m working on it, it´s game breaking bug if not fixed correctly
Also testing the new stuff and doing a new chaos unit
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Hobbes on February 09, 2018, 04:02:05 am

Was the unit attempting to do anything (moving, using lift, etc.) when the bug happened?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on February 09, 2018, 04:47:20 am
The stage started already with that bug
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 09, 2018, 10:57:52 am
This bug is completely harmless (many vanilla TFTD maps have the same issue). It denotes a faulty node (probably outside of map's boundaries), and the game ignores such nodes.
Just fix the routes to remove the problem. In some cases it may require doing the .rmp again, though.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 14, 2018, 03:54:01 am
Bug Report: listOrder in the codex is all wrong, I was viewing stormhawk then when I clicked next, it showed me the guard armor, then clicking next again, it showed me the thundrrhawk

True, noticed that playing with new extender version. Also just corrected it , the new extender+ have list order prioritized over sections, so i just reorganized list order in ufopedia
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on February 15, 2018, 03:09:49 pm
Bug I think, the game freezes after doing a geoscape scan or time lapse in my game, attaching save
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 16, 2018, 02:17:29 pm
Bug I think, the game freezes after doing a geoscape scan or time lapse in my game, attaching save

hi , download the version i put a few days ago, its problem spawing war mission, fixed last week days ago. just tried ur save all work right (war spawn few minutes later)

--- posts merged. FFS, double-posting within 10 minutes? that's something ---

Also i currently working on a new big version with Havocs, and chaos divided, so it´s gonna be a while to make all to work and balance
Also Bringing shoulder weapons to the mix
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on February 16, 2018, 02:46:34 pm
Oh! I wasn't aware of the new version, downloading fix now
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on February 19, 2018, 09:06:07 pm
Havoc looks pretty cool. Do you plan any more units? Can I suggest units like aspiring champion or dark apostle for Cultists?

Is it possible to make enemy units with support capabilities? like buff to morale or buff to accuracy or health?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 19, 2018, 09:43:08 pm
Is it possible to make enemy units with support capabilities? like buff to morale or buff to accuracy or health?

Some support is already possible with medkit items for restoring morale on use, or using 'weapons' to do negative damage (i.e. restoration!) to TUs, energy, morale, or stun.  More complex things are possible through scripts, like damage over time other than being on fire or having fatal wounds, creating temporary 'shields' / HP boost, providing damage reduction under certain conditions, etc.  It really depends on what kind of support works with the mod.  It's not implemented yet, but Yankes is also adding script support to firing/throwing actions, which is where you would be able to get accuracy buffs.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on February 20, 2018, 07:03:38 pm
Hello!    it is possible to look a tree of researches? :-\

by the way, if you press the right button in the inventory window on the character's armor, you can choose the visual type of soldier. So, those that are generated when hiring (or starting the game) are completely different, and here you can choose only vanilla skins from x-com. You do not plan to work on this?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 21, 2018, 12:53:08 am
Hello!    it is possible to look a tree of researches? :-\

by the way, if you press the right button in the inventory window on the character's armor, you can choose the visual type of soldier. So, those that are generated when hiring (or starting the game) are completely different, and here you can choose only vanilla skins from x-com. You do not plan to work on this?

haven´t done a research tree yet, still it´s pretty linear basically it´s the standart oxc with some new stuff
there are only the INV vanilla available, to be fair i haven't learn to make the rest available  :P

Havoc looks pretty cool. Do you plan any more units? Can I suggest units like aspiring champion or dark apostle for Cultists?

Is it possible to make enemy units with support capabilities? like buff to morale or buff to accuracy or health?

 i like the dark apostle and champions for 4 gods idea .
support capabilities for enemy for what i read is very hard, some thread time ago was about enemy medkit. enemy just not programmed to think and use, only basic stuff like leroy jenking rush.. still i haven´t managed that to work ( guess i missed the script part)

i always adding more stuff, but currently i´m testing balance,
So i will give explosive immunity to predator tank for no exploit, still is hard to take down a predator
Obliterates are an impossible mission i can´t get through yet. Still some of you said mode too easy, so i´m kind of seeing if i keep or remove stats/armor/weapons for then

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on February 25, 2018, 12:18:42 pm
sorry, there are often errors in the generation of tactical maps of terror.  it happens at someone else? or I did something wrong
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 26, 2018, 12:22:18 am
sorry, there are often errors in the generation of tactical maps of terror.  it happens at someone else? or I did something wrong

true, refinery terror mission some time get´s errors in generation of map, got to check map script
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: NazarTyagun on February 26, 2018, 06:18:12 pm
is there information when to wait for an update on this? (fixed error)
I also have another question ( sry, the subjective vision of the universe).
How about making Space Marines much stronger than now, but they are 2 places in transport?
(the version that the soldier begins as a neophyte and becomes a Space Marine is incorrect, impossible by timeframe)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on February 28, 2018, 11:11:54 pm
is there information when to wait for an update on this? (fixed error)
no worry about that issue it eventually generated correct the map , try again  until it generate correct

I also have another question ( sry, the subjective vision of the universe).
How about making Space Marines much stronger than now, but they are 2 places in transport?
there are mega buffed on the long run (some people complain game 2 easy on superhuman.. don´t understand the 2 places in transport question

(the version that the soldier begins as a neophyte and becomes a Space Marine is incorrect)
i agree, if i can use armor by rank, that issue immediately be solve, but no code yet

So i almost done with the nurgle faction
so i want some opinions to do the damage alter
    damageType: 3
    damageAlter: #DA BLIGHT
      ToArmorPre: 0.2
      ToHealth: 0.9

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 09, 2018, 02:36:15 am
Happy Woman´s day
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 13, 2018, 02:51:08 pm
Hey everyone, just to say i detected a major issue ( a big mistake of mine ) , i confused ToarmorPre with toArmor (so ammo stats were all wrong , all armor damage to amor was 0,25 when i was claiming other values), so yes, me trying to balanced weapons was in the opposite direction...
So i just corrected it (also in the UFOPEDIA  Ammo department)  and i´m planning to launch in a new release with the chaos undivided.
Still there´s some work to be made so i need a couple of weeks. see ya soon
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: B1ackwolf on March 13, 2018, 06:20:56 pm
absolutely wonderful mod, the good ol' Guiliman would be absolutely proud  ;D, with releasing the chaos undivided what do you mean? (are you planning to add like aspiring champions or stuff like that?, because aside the few nurgle and tzeench units , i really thought i was fighting chaos undivided xD)

on a side note, i know this could be tied to changes and future balance but, dont you think marines are too cheap compared to other stuff, even the imperial guards (i know you can field IG inmediatly after just buying some lasguns while astartes actually need armors, bolters, and better equipment way too heavy to be used by IG,but at the same time they feel like "less special" with that tag price , at least IMHO  ::) ::) )

Aside that are the plans for adding other factions?, like orcs, eldars or Tau? it would be absolutely fun to purge xenos in allvsall matchup of 4 or 5 factions  8) (can even openxcom handdle that?)

Absolutely nice work fella, cheers :D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 16, 2018, 10:56:02 pm
absolutely wonderful mod, the good ol' Guiliman would be absolutely proud  ;D, with releasing the chaos undivided what do you mean? (are you planning to add like aspiring champions or stuff like that?, because aside the few nurgle and tzeench units , i really thought i was fighting chaos undivided xD)

on a side note, i know this could be tied to changes and future balance but, dont you think marines are too cheap compared to other stuff, even the imperial guards (i know you can field IG inmediatly after just buying some lasguns while astartes actually need armors, bolters, and better equipment way too heavy to be used by IG,but at the same time they feel like "less special" with that tag price , at least IMHO  ::) ::) )

Aside that are the plans for adding other factions?, like orcs, eldars or Tau? it would be absolutely fun to purge xenos in allvsall matchup of 4 or 5 factions  8) (can even openxcom handdle that?)

Absolutely nice work fella, cheers :D

yes my mistake, chaos divided,  i´m currently testing tzeench faction (units and weapons as you can see in screenshots)

i like the idea of marines being rare since we now have other options, but on what cost?
an idea is you start with some marines like 10 and  each enemy kill gives 1 X( some iten)  and marines cost 20X  to produce

i will add´s other faction in future ( the problem is when i start going that way , it takes long to return to basic´s)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: B1ackwolf on March 17, 2018, 12:37:18 am
is that a lesser lord of change? , because they look neat!. Superb sprites tho :p , i would like to see what you had planned for khorne's units  ;D.

again, outstanding work pal!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on March 17, 2018, 01:44:59 pm
is that a lesser lord of change? , because they look neat!. Superb sprites tho :p , i would like to see what you had planned for khorne's units  ;D.

again, outstanding work pal!

It's flamer of tzeentch. With some vintage artstyle, mb 2 ed. or from the Chaos Gate game.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 19, 2018, 03:27:23 pm
yes, like armorer87 said it´s flamer Chaos gate edition i have the game, i tried to get some sprite from there it´s impossible

Big props to Neoworm and Robin , i´m becoming expert demonologist by altering their sprites
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: B1ackwolf on March 19, 2018, 09:08:16 pm
that bloodletter looks pretty sexy, i have to say i had see some of the best pixel art sprites inside this mod, top notch quality for sure  :o
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on March 23, 2018, 03:15:11 pm
When should we expect the new release? I have some ideas for the mod, but mb I should post them after release brcouse a lot of things can change.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 24, 2018, 05:41:12 pm
When should we expect the new release? I have some ideas for the mod, but mb I should post them after release brcouse a lot of things can change.

I will release it on the next few days, only a few strings missing
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: dbomb on March 25, 2018, 06:16:46 pm
I love the mod, the sprites, the enemy units are really well done and it just keeps getting better.
I do have a few criticisms (though they probably intended things in the game so maybe I just miss the appeal):
1. Currently some enemies just don't seem to die from any reasonable amount of fire. I'm talking about the vehicle enemies who for some reason even when hit by lascannon fire don't seem to taking any serious amount of damage. A Chaos dreadnought can be shot by 5 meltagun blasts and still be standing and I'm only playing on the middle difficulty. Pretty much the only gun that kills units in one hit has to be graviton gun but ammo is expensive.
2. Armor is way too expensive. I'm guessing this was intended but 40 alien metals (ceramite components) for basic tactical armor is way too much. Similarly 200 (or is it 300) for terminator armor is ridiculous especially once you factor in that randomness means you can lose these armors in 1 hit regardless. I'm not exactly sure how you're supposed to get enough ceramite components to afford armor.
3. Research is a bit un-intuitive. To get to mid-tier chapter requisition one of the requisites is motion tracker something most people aren't going to figure out. Similarly I can't figure out what exactly the requisites are for researching armor. I just sorta get it.

But there's plenty of good stuff.
1. No more getting shot from the dark/blind spot. I'm not sure if its 100% eliminated but the fake difficulty situation in which you don't know where the enemies are then move out a few steps just to get killed by an enemy you still don't where they are is gone.
2. Loot crate weapons are very nice and fun to use. I don't know if bolters are supposed to be this powerful but a stalker bolter is very nice find and it seems to work better than a sniper rifle.
3. Tyranids... that is all
4. All the different armors do different things and give different stats
5. The different damage types support combine arms gameplay. In Xcom you just run around with heavy plasma and call it a day. TFTD? Just run arround with sonic cannon. Here you need to bring 2-3 different kinds of weapons.. just like you would in 40k.
6. Terror missions now have civilians who actually fight back. It's an awesome moment where the guardsmen start fighting back and kill a chaos juggernaught with their las guns. Something that could take forever with your regular guys.
7. Different classes of troops. I don't know why you'd want guardsmen but still its fun to have them. Same with sisters of battle (though there's plenty of reason to want them and it has nothing to do with smearing their blood on armor).
8. Much longer research tree compared to base game
9. Dreadnoughts are really fun to use though I find their melee is a bit weak. Dreadnoughts getting better as you use them is also freaking awesome.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 26, 2018, 12:24:07 am

i will try to help / some spoilers

1. Currently some enemies just don't seem to die from any reasonable amount of fire. I'm talking about the vehicle enemies who for some reason even when hit by lascannon fire don't seem to taking any serious amount of damage. A Chaos dreadnought can be shot by 5 meltagun blasts and still be standing and I'm only playing on the middle difficulty. Pretty much the only gun that kills units in one hit has to be graviton gun but ammo is expensive.

2x2 unit´s weaker to area damage the take x4 damage because the occupy 4 tiles ( so explosives/fire) does the trick also all vehicle takes  more damage from las weapon (lascanon some times only needs one shot) (melta dont count as las weapon damage is AP damage)

damageModifier: #VEICULE ARMOR
      - 1.0 #none
      - 1.0 #AP
      - 0.8 #FLAMES
      - 1.0 #HE
      - 1.5 #LASCANON
      - 1.0 #PLASMA
      - 0.9 #STUN
      - 0.8 #MELEE
      - 1.0 #ACID
      - 0.0 #SMOKE

2. Armor is way too expensive. I'm guessing this was intended but 40 alien metals (ceramite components) for basic tactical armor is way too much. Similarly 200 (or is it 300) for terminator armor is ridiculous especially once you factor in that randomness means you can lose these armors in 1 hit regardless. I'm not exactly sure how you're supposed to get enough ceramite components to afford armor.
 theres 2 way´s to get alien metal :
- supply ships give 200 metal and 200 promethium(estimate) (also battle ships and bases but they are hard on comparison )
- Produce alien metal from promethium
So the more dificult -> more alien bases -> more supply ships -> more metal
i´m playing super almost all my marines have terminator/ high tier weapons ( still i cry when someone dies)
Also marines can have 120 health with terminator armor ( it´s impossible to die in one shot) still weaker troops die , because at the end of day its the man not the suite (tony stark) :P
But to tell the truth i correct the damage calculation i made a mistake where damage was applied before armor (new version)

3. Research is a bit un-intuitive. To get to mid-tier chapter requisition one of the requisites is motion tracker something most people aren't going to figure out. Similarly I can't figure out what exactly the requisites are for researching armor. I just sorta get it.

For armor is the corresponding enemy unit raptor-> assault armor / chaos marine -> tactical  armor etc
but true research is a bit clunky, no guiedlines main reason its uses the old x-com formula and i was planing defining a strategies like piratez with color drills but i don´t have the resources for that

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on March 27, 2018, 07:56:11 pm
Ohartenstein just told me you're using the TFTD pedia articles in a UFO mod... why didn't you say something?
It looks terrible (no offense intended)... we need to unhardcode the palettes and text colors first to make it compatible!
I'll be working on this in the next few days as a priority, should be ready around the Easter weekend... I recommend waiting for this before you make a release.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 27, 2018, 09:40:39 pm
Ohartenstein just told me you're using the TFTD pedia articles in a UFO mod... why didn't you say something?
It looks terrible (no offense intended)... we need to unhardcode the palettes and text colors first to make it compatible!
I'll be working on this in the next few days as a priority, should be ready around the Easter weekend... I recommend waiting for this before you make a release.

hey i posted the topic a long time ago , still it uses basescape pallet that was a bitter more range then batllescape one, but yes the problem is the text color,5581.msg85285.html#msg85285
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on March 27, 2018, 10:05:51 pm
Mea culpa.
We'll make it happen!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 28, 2018, 02:17:32 am
no worry´s
Anyway just update to new version, a lot of new stuff
got to nerf gravgun, terminator down with one shot.
so i spend must of time making resources , don´t expect lot of testing and balancing
i correct as i go along!
Also slanesh race is inc due to time and break of will, making a big new unit that´s taking me some time
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on March 28, 2018, 11:24:12 pm
Here's a preview

Code: [Select]
  - type: articleTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: BACK08.SCR
      - id: button
        color: 2       # light grey
      - id: text
        color: 2       # light grey
        color2: 244    # blue
      - id: list
        color: 2       # light grey
        color2: 244    # blue
      - id: ammoColor
        color: 54      # green
  - type: ExtendedPediaInfoButton
    width: 320
    height: 200
    singleImage: true
      0: Resources/Extended/Pedia/info-button-tftd.png

Code: [Select]
  - type: articleTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackground
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: ammoColor
        color: 213      # gold
  - type: ExtendedPediaBackground
    width: 320
    height: 200
    singleImage: true
      0: Resources/Extended/Pedia/background-ufo.png
  - type: ExtendedPediaInfoButton
    width: 320
    height: 200
    singleImage: true
      0: Resources/Extended/Pedia/info-button-ufo.png

I have unhardcoded:
1a. background image (so that you can use both UFO and TFTD article types at once... otherwise BACK08.SCR would conflict)
1b. background image for the new INFO button
2. palette used
3. text colors

XCOM1 preview attached.

Question: the things above can be modded now... but they are still shared across all TFTD article types... that is, you can use PAL_BASESCAPE for all articles or PAL_UFOPEDIA for all articles, but you cannot mix and match (within TFTD article types). Is this OK or would it help you if it was possible to mod these things separately for each article type?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 29, 2018, 11:41:58 am
nice, thks meridian,
about the question i currently Coverted all to PAL_BASESCAPE , but in the bases/ufo part i guess it would be better to use the old pal_ufopedia one that was the battlescape model with more correct color i think, but by this point there no turning back for me , still may serve for someone else

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 29, 2018, 05:53:57 pm
Hey bulletdesigner, I'm really loving the mod - it's tough without being overly punishing, and the balance really feels unique from vanilla.  I have some suggestions and reports after playing for a little while (just getting to mastercrafted weapons):

Thanks again for making such a great mod, I can't wait to see where this campaign goes!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on March 29, 2018, 07:51:39 pm
Hey bulletdesigner, I'm really loving the mod - it's tough without being overly punishing, and the balance really feels unique from vanilla.  I have some suggestions and reports after playing for a little while (just getting to mastercrafted weapons):
  • Maybe make the starting soldiers be just marines or a predefined mix of marines and guard?  Getting a random smattering of everything is a bit strange.
  • I want to use the mastercrafted shotguns (got a raptor base, so got an excess of corpse), but the spread is just terrible - I reduced the spread to 25% using the extended behavior, and it feels a lot better.
  • Is it intended that mastercrafted lasguns can't use advanced lasgun ammo?  It seems to me that I'd never use them if only the blue lasgun gets advanced ammo.

Thanks again for making such a great mod, I can't wait to see where this campaign goes!

As far as I know bulletdesigner is focused mainly in graphic content. So there is 2 solutions - firtsly, you can change thing values by yourself - they are in  Ruleset folder in the mod, and can be edited by any text editor (just remember that is used YAML syntax). Second option is to wait 2-3 days, becouse I'm doing some changes in weapons stats and other minor changes.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 29, 2018, 08:06:34 pm
As far as I know bulletdesigner is focused mainly in graphic content. So there is 2 solutions - firtsly, you can change thing values by yourself - they are in  Ruleset folder in the mod, and can be edited by any text editor (just remember that is used YAML syntax). Second option is to wait 2-3 days, becouse I'm doing some changes in weapons stats and other minor changes.

I've already changed such things with an auxiliary mod, I was just making suggestions based on the changes I found worked well.

Edit: Had another suggestion - I feel like the Melta gun should be better at destroying armor than the lasgun, even with the advanced power cell.  However, the advanced laser has only 10 less power while still getting 10% ToArmorPre and 50% ToArmor, plus better health damage while the melta only has 40% ToArmor - maybe meltas should have that 40% switched to ToArmorPre but 70% ToHealth to compensate?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: armorer87 on March 29, 2018, 11:04:38 pm
I try to make meltagun similar it's tabletop version - high damage (200), but damage reduction (200 at range 6 that -20 damage per tile to 100 damage at range 12) and limited range(12). Multimelta same but with twice range and used like heavy weapon (high tu for aime, kneel aim bonus etc).
But I'm not sure about range. How to get marine in 6 tiles from armored enemy and not be killed.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on March 30, 2018, 07:38:05 pm
nice, thks meridian,
about the question i currently Coverted all to PAL_BASESCAPE , but in the bases/ufo part i guess it would be better to use the old pal_ufopedia one that was the battlescape model with more correct color i think, but by this point there no turning back for me , still may serve for someone else

OK, I did support for different palettes per article type too.
More info here:,6166.0.html

Here's ruleset to switch all your palettes to PAL_BASESCAPE:
Code: [Select]
  - type: articleTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
  - type: articleCraftTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
  - type: articleCraftWeaponTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
  - type: articleVehicleTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
  - type: articleItemTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: ammoColor
        color: 213      # gold
  - type: articleArmorTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
  - type: articleBaseFacilityTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
  - type: articleUsoTFTD
    palette: PAL_BASESCAPE
    backgroundImage: ExtendedPediaBackgroundPalBasescape
      - id: button
        color: 208      # white
      - id: text
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
      - id: list
        color: 208      # white
        color2: 218     # blue
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 04, 2018, 05:07:56 am
After some discussion with Dioxine and Solarius Scorch, I came up with a mod that I think you'd find interesting - having the drop pods deploy by explosive charges!  It's not yet fully polished and requires an addition to OXCE+ to get the full effect, but here's a preview of it.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 04, 2018, 11:35:20 pm
After some discussion with Dioxine and Solarius Scorch, I came up with a mod that I think you'd find interesting - having the drop pods deploy by explosive charges!  It's not yet fully polished and requires an addition to OXCE+ to get the full effect, but here's a preview of it.
That would be amazing  8)

The stuff i correctly doing
Correcting the UFOPEDIA to use armor stats, now that can be done
and doing the sentinel for guard and traitors, this will provide a HWP for guard and a bit more variety in foes
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 05, 2018, 03:41:53 pm
Here's the mod for the drop pod deployment.  There are a couple of things in there that need explaining:  First of all, I used blank sprites for the walls/objects on the drop pod maps that get blown away by the explosive charge upon landing; this is because of the OXCE+ code I'm testing that prevents the entire map block for the player's craft from being revealed at the start of battle.  With this code, the player will only see the interior of the drop pods until the charge explodes.  Without it, it will just look like the normal drop pod map but you can't move out until you 'land'.  Next, I made this landing 'explosive' damage units with a new damage type to simulate the harshness of the landing impact.  I thought it was somewhat silly that regular humans like guardsmen could survive the rigors of orbital drops without a scratch, so any guard deployed in these pods will likely be heavily wounded.  Better armor like carapace or that worn by the Adeptus Sororitas will somewhat lessen the impact, but they'll still likely be wounded.  Marines on the other hand should have no trouble surviving this - they take only 20% damage from the impact, so they might have minor scratches but no wounds in scout armor, and be completely impervious to it in power armor.  I also tweaked the drop pod MCD a bit, since most of the ramp blocks has 90 HE block - this made it nearly impossible for explosions to propagate around the pods and was necessary to remove for the deployment charges to function correctly.

In a separate ruleset I imported the Dragonfly map Solarius Scorch uses in XCF to act as a Valkyrie - if the Imperial Guard can't use drop pods, then they need some kind of transport.  The idea eventually is that drop pod deployment should be rather expensive compared to regular transports to make up for the quick global response time and the disruptiveness of the deployment from orbit.  I also changed the starting base craft and soldiers a bit to match this - one of the interceptors is switched for a Valkyrie, and it's filled with 8 Guardsmen armed with their lasguns, while the drop pods have 4 marines with the standard equip.  This part is just a suggestion and is for showing off the difference between drop deployment and valk deployment.

Finally, there's a ruleset that I added temporarily to fix the pedia palette for craft articles in the new OXCE+ - you can disregard that as I'm sure you've already been working on re-doing the interfaces ruleset for the articles.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 05, 2018, 08:52:34 pm
i just tried the mod, i think i´m misssing something , everything works fine , but droppods do nothing
i agree with the idea so i´m starting the Valkery process
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 05, 2018, 08:58:34 pm
i just tried the mod, i think i´m misssing something , everything works fine , but droppods do nothing

Hmm... is the mod set to load last in your list?  You don't have any other mods that edit the drop pods, right?  If it's working properly, you shouldn't be able to exit the drop pods on turn 1, then after the enemy turn 1 the charges should explode, since they act as grenades set to a timer of 1.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 05, 2018, 10:10:05 pm
i understand the problem now , everything work´s but also the full 10x20 tile is all visible on first turn , so i got no illusion of being inside the drop pod
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 05, 2018, 10:35:50 pm
i understand the problem now , everything work´s but also the full 10x20 tile is all visible on first turn , so i got no illusion of being inside the drop pod

Yeah, that's the code that Meridian is considering/reviewing for pulling into OXCE+, I'm attaching a WIP version of the .exe with the feature implemented so you can see what it looks like. (DISCLAIMER: This is not an official OXCE+ release and is to only be used for testing purposes, please do not include in any mod packages.)

Edit: If this feature isn't officially implemented in OXCE+, I can remake the maps/MCDs such that the drop pod looks "closed" on landing, then the charges explode to make it look like the original map.  I just need some sprites for the 'front' ramps folded up - the maps I gave you I just hadn't felt like drawing those yet.

More Edit: Found a repeated tag in the storm bolter rulesets (STR_HB, STR_CHB) - they have both "dropoff: 5" and "dropoff: 1" - which one of these should they have?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 06, 2018, 10:33:23 pm
More Edit: Found a repeated tag in the storm bolter rulesets (STR_HB, STR_CHB) - they have both "dropoff: 5" and "dropoff: 1" - which one of these should they have?

5  the only weapons without dropoff should be scopped

also i can do the ramps folded up in droppod, but now i´m a bit occupied with the Valkyrie, give me a bit more time
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on April 09, 2018, 06:31:44 pm
I'm half opposed with the "explosive drop pods" effect, because the equipment on the floor will get destroyed
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 09, 2018, 07:06:18 pm
I'm half opposed with the "explosive drop pods" effect, because the equipment on the floor will get destroyed

Do you really assume I didn't think of that? The 'explosives' are set to deal no damage to items.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on April 10, 2018, 03:18:07 am
I didn't know, and specially I didn't know that you it can be modded that way
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 11, 2018, 03:41:58 pm
I didn't know, and specially I didn't know that you it can be modded that way
the damage is low and set only to tile damage multiply by 10

Anyway i´m fusing 40k logistic now that i already made the valkyrie
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 11, 2018, 03:58:18 pm
Anyway i´m fusing 40k logistic now that i already made the valkyrie

That looks great! And thanks for including this.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 11, 2018, 05:05:32 pm
Absolutely fantastic!
I think the green is a tad too bright, though. Just my preferences.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: DoxaLogos (JG) on April 11, 2018, 05:33:42 pm
Agreed! Looks amazing!  Green is a tad bright, in my opinion.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 12, 2018, 09:40:59 pm
That looks great! And thanks for including this.
i´m the one who says thanks , also i will includ credits to u

after taking your opinions i put the green darker , its a shame we can chose camouflage and such so each mission 
also made  all the mcd reminds of valk even in fps
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 12, 2018, 09:55:27 pm
In that second-to-the-last image, it looks like there's a hole in the LOFTemps for the wall just below the wing near the front - is this an actual entrance to the craft?  If it isn't, then getting shot through there would be pretty frustrating.  The valkyrie itself looks great, and I can't wait to throw Guardsmen into the fray using it.

By the way, I've been using the modified pods in my campaign, and they feel great! I hope Meridian includes the hiding the craft map code, it really makes the effect.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 12, 2018, 11:03:16 pm
yap 2 slide doors just like in the original model , that one was open when taking the fps shot´s
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 12, 2018, 11:47:24 pm
Ah, didn't know that, I was just expecting a single-entrance deployment.  That'll be useful to have the doors.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 13, 2018, 11:21:34 pm
New version UP , with all new stuff (ufopedia still a mess)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 14, 2018, 05:25:01 pm
A suggestion for dreads, since they were originally implemented as HWPs - I wrote the code for a tag on armor that allows it to determine whether a soldier needs wound recovery time.  This was intended to simulate things like HWPs as 'soldiers' but not have them need wound recovery time, and I think it would be fitting to put on dreads.  An example of the code looks like this:

Code: [Select]
  - type: DREAD_ARMOR1
    instantWoundRecovery: true
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 16, 2018, 03:13:17 am
i will use that code also for the sentinel, also i´m correcting moving sounds for 2x2 armors and other misc
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 18, 2018, 05:20:22 pm
Was looking in the ruleset to copy some things to make Sargent Joan a real soldier type instead of just a HWP, and I noticed that you have "recover: false" for the master-crafted heavy plasma, I'm guessing because her heavy plasma is built-in to the armor and could be recovered otherwise, but this means that regular MC heavy plasma guns are only useful for one mission.  Might be a good idea to give her a copy of the MC heavy plasma that's a fixed weapon and can't be recovered, and remove "recover: false" from the regular MC heavy plasma.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 19, 2018, 01:20:15 am
Was looking in the ruleset to copy some things to make Sargent Joan a real soldier type instead of just a HWP, and I noticed that you have "recover: false" for the master-crafted heavy plasma, I'm guessing because her heavy plasma is built-in to the armor and could be recovered otherwise, but this means that regular MC heavy plasma guns are only useful for one mission.  Might be a good idea to give her a copy of the MC heavy plasma that's a fixed weapon and can't be recovered, and remove "recover: false" from the regular MC heavy plasma.

y, that´s a good idea , i haven´t done it due to patient and time to do so

New version Up , with lot of corrections
correct sprites/ % on ufopedia/ ufopedia corrected/ item categories for itens
Also i made a new armor for the guard pilots, but end up a bit useless since armor stat´s don´t incress in piloting :S (anyone knows a  way around that?)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 19, 2018, 04:00:42 am
I can share my personal mod that has the code to turn Sgt. Joan into a soldier if you'd like.

As for the pilots, no, armor cannot cause stat increases for craft accuracy/dodge/approach speed.  A way around it would be to create another soldier type for Guardsmen pilots that has higher reactions/firing/bravery stats and that get a copy of all Guard armors, but each of those copies of the armor lower their stats back to matching with regular Guardsmen in the battlescape.

Edit: I don't know whether it's a bug or not, but I've not been getting any Promethium from landed enemy craft, and am starting to worry about my dwindling stockpile as I start to research craft that require it as fuel.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 19, 2018, 03:41:58 pm
share it , i will merge it with the main mod

also i will do the closed drop pod´s next
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 19, 2018, 03:57:41 pm
Here's the mod - I don't recommend merging all of it without review, as it has some personal preference choices such as re-balancing the Melta to have ToArmorPre and changing the spread of pellets from the shotgun.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 19, 2018, 09:07:51 pm
ok i will test it
meanwhile here are the promised door´s for the droppod, i guess explosion got to be height 3
can you merge with your mcd Droppod_guard? since i havent touch it
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 19, 2018, 09:12:49 pm
Yeah, I can work on including these into the MCDs and the maps.  By the way, do you have any other maps where you place the craft not at z = 0 than the Sgt. Joan side-mission?  The drop pod charges got placed at z=0 even though the pods started at z = 1, meaning that you wouldn't be able to get out of the pod normally.  I'll try a different height for the explosives to see if it works, but I might also suggest making that mission not spawn the craft directly.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 19, 2018, 10:18:36 pm
Yeah, I can work on including these into the MCDs and the maps.  By the way, do you have any other maps where you place the craft not at z = 0 than the Sgt. Joan side-mission?  The drop pod charges got placed at z=0 even though the pods started at z = 1, meaning that you wouldn't be able to get out of the pod normally.  I'll try a different height for the explosives to see if it works, but I might also suggest making that mission not spawn the craft directly.

several mission have z at 1
-all war missions
-Mission 6

i guess the best way is to put explosion at 1 height and pray that kills all block at height 0

ok i just tested in war map also with height 1 and works perfect , but does not work on that side mission. so must be other thing than the height about the map, i will check

ok, just fixed that on side mission, i was a tile problem (didn't spawn on top of orange blocks ) still f* up the entire base when converted to the gigantic rock block

--- posts merged. Please don't DP so hard :P ---

well i guess it´s the block? on terrain level i see no other diference!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 19, 2018, 10:45:34 pm
I can check how the charges work with these z = 1 maps when I have time either tonight or sometime this weekend.  As for the explosion height, do you have it set as a fixed option in the mod?  If not, I can do some more testing to see if I can make sure it works with a variety of explosion height options, including the flat explosions.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 19, 2018, 11:04:25 pm
  battleExplosionHeight: 3

fixed in difficulty_40k.rul
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 20, 2018, 05:30:02 pm
Okay, that makes this easier.  I'll still look into those missions where drop pods spawn at z = 1, to see if I can fix the issue of the explosive spawning in the wrong place.

Edit: It looks like the issue is that there is no 'LZ' map blocks for the MARINEOUT terrain, as the map you made is just a static 60x60 - thus, the items get spawned at z=0.  I'd recommend using a startingConditions ruleset to dis-allow drop pods from going to the mission, otherwise you'd have to completely re-work the map and map script to make them work for this mission.  Or just put in player spawn tiles on the 60x60 map in the middle of the outpost and just remove adding the player craft to the map.

I finished re-working the DROPPOD_GUARD MCD and the maps to make them look closed and then deploy the ramps, attaching them to this post.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 20, 2018, 08:00:01 pm

Edit: It looks like the issue is that there is no 'LZ' map blocks for the MARINEOUT terrain, as the map you made is just a static 60x60 - thus, the items get spawned at z=0.  I'd recommend using a startingConditions ruleset to dis-allow drop pods from going to the mission, otherwise you'd have to completely re-work the map and map script to make them work for this mission.  Or just put in player spawn tiles on the 60x60 map in the middle of the outpost and just remove adding the player craft to the map.

Thats not the issue like a said mission 6 is a 50x50 map and it spawn correctly , so i certainly that is the tile , also i replace tile in mission 3 and it spawn the nade on z1. I attached the map where i change the tiles and solved the issue so you can see for yourself

Also I was merging the mod with your´s and i think this i not what you intent
  - type: STR_MELTA_AMMO
      ToArmor: 0.1
      ToArmorPre: 0.4
      ToHealth: 0.7

      ToArmorPre is damage applied before armor
       ( #how much damage is done to armor before applying armor protection. Default `0.0`) said some text

so i maintain the recent version that goes also to your taste
    damageAlter: #DA MELTA
      ToArmor: 0.4
      ToArmorPre: 0.0
      ToHealth: 0.8

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 20, 2018, 09:31:42 pm
Ah okay, I missed the bit about mission 6.

The Melta stuff was personal preference - the role of Melta seemed to be eclipsed by advanced lasgun clips, which have both ToArmorPre and even more ToArmor.  At the same range as the Melta, you can get more armor stripping with the advanced lasgun since it can fire more times to make up for the lower power and poor resistances vs. not vehicles, plus it's lighter, cheaper, and comes earlier in the tech tree.  Thus, I wanted the Melta to be the clear winner in the armor-stripping role, so I gave it guaranteed armor damage by ToArmorPre but reduced the health damage to compensate.

Edit:  This is one of the things I meant were unnecessary to include, as this mod started as some personal changes for the sake of my campaign.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 23, 2018, 09:50:18 pm
I've found a bug with the new Drop Pods - for some reason that I'm still trying to track down, using the pods to assault a landed craft causes the Promethium (elerium) not to be placed on the craft's engines.

Edit: Found the problem - if an item is spawned by a map in general, then no alien fuel items are generated on the map.  I'm guessing this was for TFTD Zrbite spawning since it wasn't always on the power sources, but it means that any time you have a map that spawns an item, you don't get any Promethium.  This didn't happen for your special weapons/ammo in the rare craft ruins map blocks since they use the randomItems tag, which is checked after the code that prevents fuel spawning is run.  The solution is to add the Promethium explicitly to each craft map in the ruleset.

More Edit:  Here's a ruleset that puts the items on the correct spots for the power sources, even when using the drop pods.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 24, 2018, 11:54:11 am
:S that a hard one to solve, don´t we get the double Promethium if we use other craft? if u put the bomb on drop randomized wont it solve?changing the conflict with  the random?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 24, 2018, 01:57:56 pm
It's not terrible to solve, the ruleset I posted fixes it back to normal behavior - this is what Dioxine had to do in Piratez.  The randomized items won't work since they can't be primed.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 24, 2018, 03:09:28 pm
ok nice i will merge it
Also i been thinking giving melta its own damage type, that way is easy to balance all around and not be inferior to las
Meanwhile i added new chaos guard unit and several fixes
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 24, 2018, 04:14:12 pm
Melta definitely deserves its own damage type, it's very distinct in-universe.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 24, 2018, 04:17:22 pm
Another bug report - the Hellfire Missiles for the dread armor (not the HWP version) can't be loaded onto the craft.  It looks like it's because they don't have a bigob, so they can't be spawned as a battlescape item.

Edit: A suggestion too, about the storm bolter - it's possible to configure the snap shot to fire 2 bolts at once, which I think makes more sense than a single bolt with 2x health damage.  Dioxine and I think it'd work well to remove the extra ToHealth, add the double-shot to anything using the storm bolter clip, and then also give them an autoshot, maybe 6x.  The clip would probably also need 2-3x the ammo count.  What do you think?

Here's what the code would look like:
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_HB
      shots: 2
      shots: 6
    tuAuto: 40
    accuracyAuto: 60
I'll be testing it a bit in my campaign, I'll let you know how it works out.

More Edit: The storm bolter ruleset has a leftover "autoRange: 30" despite not having an auto shot.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Burktross on April 24, 2018, 06:37:32 pm
Hey all, new to the mod.  It's pretty awesome, but even though I moved the mod to the bottom of my load order and waited (several) turns, drop pods never seem to open up for me-- nor do they occlude vision.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 24, 2018, 06:43:48 pm
Hey all, new to the mod.  It's pretty awesome, but even though I moved the mod to the bottom of my load order and waited (several) turns, drop pods never seem to open up for me-- nor do they occlude vision.

The occlusion of vision is part of an edit to the engine that's waiting on Meridian to review it, but the rest should work.  Do you have the newest version (April 18th), and are you using OXCE+?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Burktross on April 24, 2018, 07:03:55 pm
and are you using OXCE+?
Being new to Xcom, I suppose I figured that was just somehow referring to OpenXcom-- now it's working fine, thank you.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 24, 2018, 08:02:08 pm
Being new to Xcom, I suppose I figured that was just somehow referring to OpenXcom-- now it's working fine, thank you.

Congrats on solving it so fast! Seriously, it's confusing to newcomers.
And good luck with the campaign :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 24, 2018, 08:50:06 pm
hey, sorry about the delay solving the issue.(also merged the ufo correction)
just corrected along with some minor bugs (dread armor names swamped, gav ufopedia wrong, other ufopedia correction , etc)
new version Up
Senorita with the hellfire rockets from dread (now item solving dread missele issue)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Esser2002 on April 26, 2018, 03:22:34 pm

Edit: And i also think the cannon fodder (guardsmen) is a too expensive.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 26, 2018, 08:01:15 pm
hey Esser no worry´s, i need all the feedback i can get
i will try to answer all your points
1-yes your right, i will do it , don´t make sense chainsword weighting 5 , as i go along changing stuff, some get ignored
2- i know, the main reason is energy on the long run becomes the "mana" of the game for spells and other unit´s , so high tier unit´s like chaplain and captain get full blow energy , so is to enforce the KISS , "keep it simple and stupid" with only 4 stat´s variables for your solider ( health, energy, TU and moral)
3- since it´s the second time asked i will make a ufopedia(codex)  section explaining some stuff, long story short 3 ways a-bases b- space hulks c- some side missions
4- i´m currently playing more melee for test and i like , but it´s true knifes is useless i guess i will got to add a extra square to inv so be like other games (the no ammo alternative)
5- like the knif part not the bolter part (because i want scout armor to have inv advantage, so it won´t become useless)

I´m currently adding the melta damage and the new help codex part
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Esser2002 on April 27, 2018, 08:21:58 pm
Maybe you could implement a feature, making ranged weapons at melee range less accurate (like in the tabletop game where you can't shoot in melee). I don't know how hard that is to code.

For melee weapons to be good, they need to be better than ranged weapons, once you get up close. Auto fire at point blank range is very deadly, and melee weapons should be even deadlier. Just keep that in mind when balancing.

And thank you for the work you spent making this mod, it's really good.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 28, 2018, 02:09:48 am
New version UP, with a critical fix

Maybe you could implement a feature, making ranged weapons at melee range less accurate (like in the tabletop game where you can't shoot in melee). I don't know how hard that is to code.
there is CQB in OXCE+ but i havent look into it and dunno the efects

For melee weapons to be good, they need to be better than ranged weapons, once you get up close. Auto fire at point blank range is very deadly, and melee weapons should be even deadlier. Just keep that in mind when balancing.
melee still is the best damage/TU relation and all are high damage weapons , but y maybe some auto weapons maybe better
at close range. I´m currently playing and correcting lot´s of bugs, i guess i can buff melee weapons

And thank you for the work you spent making this mod, it's really good.
thank you for playing it
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 02, 2018, 02:07:05 am
The version of hell talon to add some escort fighters and give some more depth to the mod
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 02, 2018, 10:14:18 am
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 03, 2018, 08:07:30 pm
New fix up, with all new chaos craft look , with hell talon and hell blade
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: davide on May 03, 2018, 11:41:42 pm
+1000 :P
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on May 06, 2018, 06:51:12 pm
The occlusion of vision is part of an edit to the engine that's waiting on Meridian to review it, but the rest should work.  Do you have the newest version (April 18th), and are you using OXCE+?

merged, will be available in next version
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Esser2002 on May 07, 2018, 10:32:33 am
This mod is the bane of my education. And daym it's hard. Just lost my second game on chapter master, ironman. That's not a bad thing, i love myself a challenge. 

About balance, i think shockmaul may be too weak. Idunno, it shouldn't replace normal melee weapons, but when i tried stunning one of my own, it took three soldiers full turn to get him stunned (he was mind controlled and i didn't want to hurt him)

I think melta should have shorter range, but be better vs armour.  Again, just a suggestion.
I also think devastators Dreadnaughts are too easily killed, and therefore 4 space marines are almost always a preferred option.
And i don't really use the guardsmen, i think they should be cheaper.

All of the above is just suggestions, just my thoughts on the subjects.
And could you change the year. Right now it says it's happening in 1999.

Edit: I meant dreadnaughts... fixed it now
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 07, 2018, 08:52:35 pm
This mod is the bane of my education. And daym it's hard. Just lost my second game on chapter master, ironman. That's not a bad thing, i love myself a challenge. 

About balance, i think shockmaul may be too weak. Idunno, it shouldn't replace normal melee weapons, but when i tried stunning one of my own, it took three soldiers full turn to get him stunned (he was mind controlled and i didn't want to hurt him)

I think melta should have shorter range, but be better vs armour.  Again, just a suggestion.
I also think devastators are too easily killed, and therefore 4 space marines are almost always a preferred option.
And i don't really use the guardsmen, i think they should be cheaper.

All of the above is just suggestions, just my thoughts on the subjects.
And could you change the year. Right now it says it's happening in 1999.

prepare yourself it´s gonna get a lot harder, i´m implementing the hunter killer´s , i´m testing mid campaign and it´s make me go around some bases, and don´t do some supply´s, so i don´t know the result on the beginning game

Shock maul is weaker to your men because marines have more armor, chaos marine have more health , so its harder to land hit your men due to high armor score compered to chaos

About the dead are easier to kill on beginning due to lasgun, more dificult to kill to the end since they take less damage on the storm bolter/ plasma. the easier enemies use lasgun.
Also depends on chaos faction plague marines give lot´s of wound, and 2x2 don´t take wounds, rubric are moral based  so dread is also safe there

And i don't really use the guardsmen, i think they should be cheaper. true it will make it a bit more cheaper

About the range, melta guns have no aimed, and dropoff 5 (limited range whiteout force), i only used to hard and ez to hit 2x2 target
multi-melta is the dread of the game, kill my veteran in one shot, i haven´t played much single melta
but now it´s better then las all around (1.2 to veicules and 1.0 to units)(las 1.4 veicules 0.8 units)
    damageAlter: #DA LAS
      ToArmor: 0.3
      ToHealth: 0.9
    damageAlter: #DA MELTA
      ToArmor: 0.4
      ToArmorPre: 0.0
      ToHealth: 0.8
    damageAlter: #DA multi melta
      RandomType: 2 #TFTD [50% - 150%]
      ToArmor: 0.8
      ToArmorPre: 0.2
      ToHealth: 1.6
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: BoJustBo on May 08, 2018, 12:53:32 pm
About how finished is this mod, screens and vids make me salivate. Can't wait to try it out.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 09, 2018, 04:11:41 pm
The mod is 100% functional and working, full arc both campaigns. But i´m always adding new stuff, and doing more testing
currently i´m working around noise marines (slansseh faction miss then) and a lot of work on air combat with the introduction of Hunter killers (adding new ships, reskin some)
As i go along i find always more stuff to go around and complete, so dunno when i will release the 1.0
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 11, 2018, 09:33:12 pm
New version UP (Latested OXCE+ required)
All brand new chaos craft´s interiors ,  HK´s and other rebalance
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 11, 2018, 09:39:10 pm
Such a pretty red, I want to take a bite. :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on May 17, 2018, 03:55:51 am
Hey I started to play it again, and found a couple of what seems, bugs:
- inferno and plague bolts are buyable but unuseable;
- frag grenade costs 20k apiece, which is like, 40x more than similar items.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 17, 2018, 01:54:44 pm
Hey I started to play it again, and found a couple of what seems, bugs:
- inferno and plague bolts are buyable but unuseable;
- frag grenade costs 20k apiece, which is like, 40x more than similar items.

true, i will fixed it :P
about the frag´s nade i made to cost higher , but yes i will balance the other so it don´t look ridiculous, it´s been a while i start a fresh campaign so i leave some initial stuff pass by
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on May 18, 2018, 04:14:55 am
Found 2 more small issues:
- Valkyrie Codex article isn't available from the start, it is revealed by Light Craft research (the one that unlocks landspeeder)
- Hell Talon sentries sometimes land, and the crewman is unarmed
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Crashdown212 on May 18, 2018, 04:41:00 am
So the last version i played was just before Chaos Divided. I'm about to start a new campaign and was wondering what exactly Chaos Divided is?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 18, 2018, 12:17:03 pm
Found 2 more small issues:
- Valkyrie Codex article isn't available from the start, it is revealed by Light Craft research (the one that unlocks landspeeder)
- Hell Talon sentries sometimes land, and the crewman is unarmed
thks Dioxine fixing right away

So the last version i played was just before Chaos Divided. I'm about to start a new campaign and was wondering what exactly Chaos Divided is?
4 new races for the 4 chaos gods
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Crashdown212 on May 19, 2018, 06:05:42 am
my units arent able to leave the droppods...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Iron_Drakon on May 19, 2018, 07:46:06 am
my units arent able to leave the droppods...

Pods don't open until after you end your first turn.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on May 19, 2018, 11:19:24 am
Hi bullet,

On the flying unit deamon you have a script in the rule set to custom configure the animation, is there anywhere the gives guidance on how to do this? I’m looking at a custom bit to animate my sectopod style animation constantly :)

Great work on this by the way!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 21, 2018, 02:16:33 pm
Hi bullet,

On the flying unit deamon you have a script in the rule set to custom configure the animation, is there anywhere the gives guidance on how to do this? I’m looking at a custom bit to animate my sectopod style animation constantly :)

Great work on this by the way!

Hi Sidequest thks, also i see you already resolved the issue in other topic either way, i´m 0 at script i wouldn't help much
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 22, 2018, 12:22:57 am
Did you mean to set all the Impact Shock damage modifiers for guard units to 0%? They should take full damage from landing in the drop pods, only really marines and vehicles should take reduced damage.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 22, 2018, 02:32:43 am
Did you mean to set all the Impact Shock damage modifiers for guard units to 0%? They should take full damage from landing in the drop pods, only really marines and vehicles should take reduced damage.

no, i see i made a mistake when i was adding melta damage to the mix
what was the original you gave?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 22, 2018, 02:45:13 am
Shoot, I deleted the original mod after you included it.  It should be 1.0 (100%) for everything but marine, vehicle, and aux unit armors that were already set with a 0.2 modifiers.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 24, 2018, 07:37:01 pm
New mega version UP, i´ve been reading a lot of globe information and how to work around it m and it´s more easy then i thought, so i left a small surprise for all .
Lot´s of new stuff for all to enjoy, new flag´s, new ufo, new inv, new terrain´s, new special ability
NEW OXCE+ required for flags kills, and preview and landed ufo marker

Made a new map and Loaded lot´s of maps from terrainpack from Hobbes so credit goes to him
remade first post to give credit

ohartenstein23 when the closed pod´s arrive? :P i´m planning going 1.0
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 24, 2018, 08:35:36 pm
ohartenstein23 when the closed pod´s arrive? :P i´m planning going 1.0

It's been done for a while, I attached the maps/MCDs to this post (,5026.msg95745.html#msg95745).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 27, 2018, 12:23:33 am
Nice i will attach it to main
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 27, 2018, 04:32:34 pm
Just a heads up: the 'skillApplied: true' tag on items was bugged in OXCE/OXCE+, making it so that your melee items did not take into account the melee accuracy of the units.  Meridian reported it to Yankes, so a new version of OXCE+ when it's released should have this tag fixed and properly working.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on May 29, 2018, 06:44:45 pm
Hi bulletdesigner, I LOVE your mod!

I encountered a mission end crash. I saved it to a savegame slot if you need it.
It happens when I eliminate the last enemy.

The error message says:
"OpenXcom has crashed: Item STR_SECTOPOD2_TERRORIST not found"
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 30, 2018, 01:58:40 pm
no need for savegame, you manage to capture a live missile dreadnought , i have no live item ( i missed that part), i will patch it up ASAP
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 30, 2018, 05:21:51 pm
The error message says:
"OpenXcom has crashed: Item STR_SECTOPOD2_TERRORIST not found"

New version up With that fix

Also Noise Marines (no noise gun yet) and some other fixes
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on May 31, 2018, 09:38:51 pm
If it is okay with you, I will keep testing/playing and send you anything else I find.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 01, 2018, 03:40:52 pm
Sure, i need all hands that can
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on June 01, 2018, 07:42:56 pm
It is my pleasure. I found a few in the meantime:
- The "Support Servitor" doesn't have an inventory picture and his right arm does nothing.
- The “Sentinel” walker as an equipped armor has no inventory and no weapons.
- Cannot disembark from the “Droppod” and “Droppods”.
- Cannot research/manufacture Gravitongun

I had a crash during downing a small plane, but I forgot to save it. If I remember correctly then the message said it was a compilation error.

Keep looking for more.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 01, 2018, 07:54:27 pm
Are you using the OpenXcom nightly? If so, stop right now and get OXCE+, half of these bugs sound like using the wrong executable.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on June 01, 2018, 08:25:17 pm
Hi ohartenstein23,

Yes I was using Nightly.

Can you please explain me what to install and in what order? I think it is better if I start over with a clean install. I don't want to make a mess here.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 01, 2018, 08:32:48 pm
You should start by completely uninstalling the nightly (this is the best way to ensure you don't have bugs from pulling from the wrong data folders), then install the latest version of OXCE+ from this thread (,5258.0.html), extract it where you want it, and run the included executable.  After that, install this mod as you did before when you got it working on the nightly version.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on June 01, 2018, 09:46:32 pm
I got an error message when I tried to run it.

DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.9
Copyright (c) Rational systems, Inc. 1990-1993

ERROR: failed to load `UFO: enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defense`; mod disabled for next startup
Make sure you installed OpenXcom correctly
Check the wiki documentation for more details.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 01, 2018, 09:58:25 pm
You didn't copy the files from the original game into the UFO folder of the OXCE+ package.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on June 01, 2018, 10:56:30 pm
I copied the X-com: UFO Defense subfolders from SteamApps to the UFO folder, but still got the same error message. (Maybe the Steam version is incompatible?)

Then - I don't know if it was needed - I found a fix with the name Openxcomfolder with two exe files called OpenXcomEx and OpenXcomExPlus35.

The program starts with them but when I select the 40K mod the reloading screen sends an error message saying:

ERROR: vector: :_M_range_check:__n (which is 11) >= this->size() (which is 10)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 01, 2018, 11:07:34 pm
The steam version is no different in the data files, it's what I use for the data files.  I don't know what you're talking about this "fix," OpenXcomEx.exe is the executable file for OXCE+ and therefore what you should be using to run the game.  Did you completely remove everything from the nightly installation before running OXCE+?

Can you upload a copy of the openxcom.log file from when you ran the game?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on June 03, 2018, 01:30:16 am
step 1. I removed Nightly completely.
step 2. I extracted OXCE+ (from here,5258.0.html)
step 3. I copied the Steam's UFO subfolders into the OpenXcom UFO folder.
step 4. I ran the exe and got the error message.

I uploaded the log.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on June 03, 2018, 08:44:51 am
In OpenXcom's UFO folder, do you have a GEODATA subfolder and within it a WORLD.DAT file?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on June 03, 2018, 09:17:14 am
Yes, the WORLD.DAT file is in the GEODATA subfolder.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on June 03, 2018, 09:51:09 am
Can you provide a screenshot of the OpenXcom root directory and of the UFO subdirectory please?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lord Flasheart on June 03, 2018, 10:23:55 am
Okay, I think I can claim to be officially an idiot. It was poking my eyes out...The GEODATA subfolder with WORLD.DAT was in the UFO subfolder but it was also in another subfolder called X-com.
Now I removed them all from that unnecessary X-com folder and now it runs perfectly.

Thank you for your patience and help gentlemen!!!

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 04, 2018, 12:01:50 am
i guess next releases i got to do the full package with OXCE+ included
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 07, 2018, 11:33:26 pm
New Fix UP
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 10, 2018, 01:36:53 am
Hey bulletdesigner, the assault cannons and autocannons have duplicate dropoff entries, one with dropoff: 5 and another with dropoff: 1, causing behavior to alternate depending on which one is loaded first.  I'm guessing these should all have the standard dropoff: 5?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 10, 2018, 03:44:58 pm
Yes the drop shoud be 5 , my mistake
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 11, 2018, 12:27:30 am
For those of you wishing to have more content with the Imperial Guard, check out this newly-released mod (,6349.0.html)!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 11, 2018, 02:41:30 am
just detected a big issue , both missiles dread and support have 2 damage type , just corrected to only explosive, also other issues corrected
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 11, 2018, 05:05:33 pm
Found another bug: OpenXcom has crashed: Terrain JUNGLEMOUNT not found

Save attached, it's using my IG mod - it might not crash when the craft lands, but one of the possible terrains for the globe texture where the landing site is must be JUNGLEMOUNT, which is missing from terrain_40k.rul.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 11, 2018, 05:36:06 pm
i removed several mountains terrain, seems some passed by me on globe editing , just upload new version with that correction, tell me if it worked
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 11, 2018, 06:18:28 pm
No crashes in ~7 load-and-lands, seems fixed to me.  Thanks!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 15, 2018, 09:35:08 pm
After a few weeks on the making i present you the Eldar

haven´t upload version since dunno yet it´s compatible with 40k guard mod
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 15, 2018, 09:45:23 pm
Those are some nice sprites; it'll be fun to fight more than just the forces of chaos.  New enemy races should be completely compatible with the guard mod - I tried to make it as self-contained as possible.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 16, 2018, 06:23:10 pm
After a few weeks on the making i present you the Eldar

haven´t upload version since dunno yet it´s compatible with 40k guard mod

My inner IG officer right now:
I knew those fuckers would show up too...

Great to see this planet even more screwed! :D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Dioxine on June 25, 2018, 02:57:40 am
I greatly enjoyed the training mission, kudos for great design! However, you could make it even better by
making the holograms neither bleed nor become stunned from non-stun weapons
, and to do that, add the following lines to their armors:
Code: [Select]
    bleedImmune: true
    painImmune: true
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 25, 2018, 03:10:17 am
I greatly enjoyed the training mission, kudos for great design! However, you could make it even better by
making the holograms neither bleed nor become stunned from non-stun weapons
, and to do that, add the following lines to their armors:
Code: [Select]
    bleedImmune: true
    painImmune: true

i dont understant what i´m doing wrong i got that in the code, i even thought it was taken care of it

    spriteSheet: TARGET.PCK
    allowInv: false
    zombiImmune: true
    bleedImmune: true
    stunImmune: true

but to be honest i tested it again and they get stunned am i missing something?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 25, 2018, 03:15:17 am
The issue is that "stunImmune" isn't the tag that makes units immune to taking stun damage as something secondary when taking HP damage, the proper tag name is "painImmune".
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 25, 2018, 01:45:00 pm
ho i see
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 29, 2018, 03:25:09 pm
new version UP with eldar expansion
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 30, 2018, 03:15:19 pm
Whoa... Nice portal.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 07, 2018, 05:18:20 pm
New Version Up with new maps and some minor fixes
Also i have in store a new surprise for next week
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on July 07, 2018, 08:26:49 pm
... I am simply speechless
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: davide on July 08, 2018, 09:24:44 am
... I am simply speechless too

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Wolfstarr on July 09, 2018, 02:01:13 am
bullet, you take this mod from strength to strength! :)


Is there a call to make a dedicate thread to this mod ala Area 51, X Files and Piratez?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 09, 2018, 12:09:36 pm
thks everyone :D, even thought i like praise i think you are a bit overreacting.
Dunno the forum criteria to make it a dedicate thread
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 09, 2018, 01:16:09 pm
I personally think this mod is already big and mature enough to warrant its own subforum. If you are interested, you should ask Michal - he will then decide.
I can also ask him in you name, if you like.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 09, 2018, 04:25:11 pm
sure that will be kool
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 09, 2018, 05:00:16 pm
OK, I sent him a PM. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 10, 2018, 09:14:08 pm
So like i promise my new magnum opus!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SupSuper on July 12, 2018, 06:11:51 am
OK, I sent him a PM. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: davide on July 12, 2018, 10:43:41 pm
On STEAM I found that: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War (
maybe he can give you some good ideas :P
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 13, 2018, 02:30:58 am
On STEAM I found that: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War (
maybe he can give you some good ideas :P

was posted offtopic on OXC discord the other day, it was a meh.. don´t attract me for several reasons
anyway i spend more time working on mod that playing it, witch is the type of game i like  :P

here the new stuff comming out this week

Also i have plenty of ideas , i was planning creating a thread , but the main idea now in order is
tilable thunderhawk(done) --->Stormraven --> greyknight (to attack you if you become corrupted) to have consequences for choosing chaos path
Also organize forum thread  :P
second order when all craft are tilable i will try to release then in different color so everyone can adapt to chapter of there choosing (maybe)

third order maybe orks, missions, craft addons , CQB (i will check if units in melee stay engaged or get bonus, haven't dive deep in it, seen someone play X-files on twitch )
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: doctor medic on July 13, 2018, 12:56:31 pm
Are we going to see Daemons in the future?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 13, 2018, 01:33:33 pm
Hi, bulletdesigner.
Sorry for the early news, i would liked to read more of your 40k thread, i dunno what page i'm at while reading (Think it was page 8 or page 10 or i dunno what is since i read 6 or 8-9 pages with 10/11 posts per page).

And now i did not remembered the number of posts i want to read since the thread is now moved to the 40k childboard.

Oh well! :-\ I guess i'll start reading the 40k thread again back to page 2 (I've remembered reading page 1 of the thread days/weeks ago) next time or after reading the whole Xeno Operations thread by XOps.

I'll count on that one.  :-[

i´m working on creating other topics so it become easy give me time  :P

Are we going to see Daemons in the future?

an exclusive race for deamons? maybe as it is now there complementing chaos marines of the specific god
if you are talking greater deamons , i very hard since we are limited to 2x2 only option making like DOW2 chaos rising  a specific map that put the great unclean at the end and he can´t move or turn

Also i created a new topic for this questions :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: new_civilian on July 17, 2018, 04:28:28 pm
Love your mod! Just a tiny proposal: Could you add a version number to the release thread, it would make it easier to see if there has been an update.

And two things that i found odd:

1.There is one craft update research available right from the start with no prerequisites (sp?), is it intended to be that way?
2. The dark blue on dark grey text is VERY hard to read, maybe a slightly brighter blue would be better.

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 18, 2018, 11:49:56 am
Love your mod! Just a tiny proposal: Could you add a version number to the release thread, it would make it easier to see if there has been an update.

And two things that i found odd:

1.There is one craft update research available right from the start with no prerequisites (sp?), is it intended to be that way?
2. The dark blue on dark grey text is VERY hard to read, maybe a slightly brighter blue would be better.


ok i will add number next release

1. i´m planning out a branching tech tree , meanwhile it just another craft for more options
2. i´m terrible in UFOpedia colors
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: new_civilian on July 18, 2018, 03:05:54 pm
2. i´m terrible in UFOpedia colors

That's about the ONLY thing that is not excellent about this mod, so don't be too hard on yourself, you're making an incredible piece of art here. And yes, i said art.  :P
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Crashdown212 on July 21, 2018, 12:05:37 am
the explosions from the Drop Pods are killing my own units... am I doing  something wrong?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 21, 2018, 12:41:19 am
Yes, you're bringing regular humans (guard maybe?) on an orbital drop deployment meant for superhuman soldiers. Read the pedia article on the drop pods, and don't bring guard along in a drop pod.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: new_civilian on July 27, 2018, 02:03:16 pm
I actually found this ^ awesome, makes perfect sense and looks/sounds darn impressive.
Even though when quicktesting it in the battlegenerator (before reading ANYTHING) i thought something had gone wrong as i was seemingly stuck without a way out  :P

But then I actually had some dead chaos guys under the droppods weh they opened, it seems i had a squishy landing or they were too close when they opened  :D Great idea and implementation!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mephias on August 10, 2018, 12:29:26 am
Hey, Im having a BLAST playing this mod. You really did a fantastic job so far.   :) ;)

Still havent finished my first "exploring the mod" playthrough but I have few questions / suggestions already:

1. Librarian armor gives -10 psi skill / strength. Is it something from lore like they are more exposed to warp or something ? Wouldnt it be more lore-wise to give them bonus to psi as if they "trained" that stuff or have enhanced armor ? My w40k lore is definitely not as good as most of the people on this forum but when I found Librarian armor I was like "Cool, finally some boosted psi action" and then bam, -10 psi.  ;D

2. Techmarine armor has built-in Servo-arm in hand, so techmarine cant use two handed weapons without aim penalty (or not at all) which doesnt really make sense as techmarines servo-arm behaves more like third arm so it doesnt really block their two arms when shooting two handed. Isnt there a way to avoid this restriction ? My first though was making servo-arm as special weapon but they already have probe there so i dont know if its possible to have two items there.

3. Somehow I got this item called "7UPLAT4" (U is the ultramarine sign) and have no idea what to do with it (have 5 of them). Part of unfinished stuff ?

4. I read the codex about the Soldier Marks but there are still 2 that appear next to my soldiers names that arent mentioned there, One is the Ultramarine U Sign and second one is this small (smaller than the rest of marks) "scout armor-like" or a "goat head like" thing. Second one might be the Hero mark but i really dont see the skull in that. What are they for ?

5. Again about the marks. The change of mark to elite is nice and all, but when i have for example a soldier with 2 elite marks I have zero idea if he is elite scout and devastator, or assault and tactical etc. without looking at his stats. I suggest either somehow differentiate them (might be hard considering marks get really small on the UI most of the time) changing it so that he gets one Elite mark when he excels at all four of them, or giving them certain order with possible "blanks", like if soldier excels as tactical and scout it would show X__X (X being elite mark), or excels as tactical, scout and good as devastator it would show Xd_X (d being devastator mark).

6. There is this bug I encountered when you want to reload your weapon while still having ammo left. When you unload your weapon and put magazine missing some ammo in your inventory (to lower part where everything your soldiers arent using right now is stored) and inventory gets refreshed, the magazine combines with rest of the full magazines and looks like it gets refreshed to full ammo. My guess is its xcom related and not mod related tho.

7. Can it be made that the Add Pilot button in craft menu checks for soldiers in your base instead of craft crew? Right now I have to add soldiers to craft crew first and then if number of soldiers is greater than required number of pilots I can add remove them as pilots. It makes sense for crafts that you use for ground missions with many soldiers but not for interception-only crafts with 1 crew space (and basically everything thats not droppod for me because i do ground missions with droppods and use every other craft for interception only)

8. Whats the real use of Tarantulas ? Looks like I cant move them so if I deploy them in Thunderhawk for example I can just shoot from inside of it and that feels weird.

Again, you (and everyone who helped) did a really great job with this mod and I hope you will continue to improve it even more.  :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 10, 2018, 12:12:55 pm
hey man, thks for playing the mod
i will try to answer all point´s

1. true , the main reason is for balance , psi is a OP weapon and if you train hard, you can win the game with just one psiker, mind controling all the way till the end, so is to give a bit more difficulty, there are some unit immune units but 90% are prey

2. true, but tech armor already have special ability, only 1 per armor, i cant do much about it, have to use hand slot

3- it´s the eldar platform corpse , i will check it

4- "goat like it" is the skull , y the U is scout i forgot to change to the bull´s eye (y i will have to change some stuff) bull´s eye means ranged atack so it´s  confusing i will change

5- true , got to cut me slak on that one , since a the alphabet in use is limited, and i don´t have space for other 4 mark´s

6- true, not my department ( i will check and report it)

7- true i agree, i thought about it, first time i dunno how to add pilot´s, but again not my department

8- tarantula is just a defense turret that can´t move (missiles have way point to balance that also , there is no limit in base defense mission)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Skullar on August 26, 2018, 05:38:51 pm
I'm having a hard time modifying ruleset values in the mod, more specifically I'm trying to modify the number of autoshots from the heavy bolter (yeah I know, sorry I'm guilty :-[ but I got really used to the old 40k version of that weapon ::) ) I change the value but I see no changes in-game it keeps being the same, so I was wondering if it has something to do with the weapontype? never had this issue before I don't know what I'm doing wrong (or what I'm not doing right :P) I'm editing the Items_40k ruleset, sorry for this n00b question but this is driving me crazy, thanks in advance :beer:
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 26, 2018, 06:01:46 pm
I'm having a hard time modifying ruleset values in the mod, more specifically I'm trying to modify the number of autoshots from the heavy bolter (yeah I know, sorry I'm guilty :-[ but I got really used to the old 40k version of that weapon ::) ) I change the value but I see no changes in-game it keeps being the same, so I was wondering if it has something to do with the weapontype? never had this issue before I don't know what I'm doing wrong (or what I'm not doing right :P) I'm editing the Items_40k ruleset, sorry for this n00b question but this is driving me crazy, thanks in advance :beer:

First off, are you using any other mods like the IG mod or the weapon rework?  Those should be loaded after this main mod, so if any changes to the heavy bolter's auto shot there, they will overwrite any changes you make in Items_40k.rul.  If you have personal edits you'd like to do, it'd be better to create your own mod to load last after all the others (i.e. it's on the bottom of the mods list in the options menus), then nothing else will override it.

All you'd need for that mod is just a folder and a .rul text file containing the following:
Code: [Select]
    autoShots: 10 # or some other number you want
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Moon_Dew on September 07, 2018, 04:53:45 pm
Game's crashing attempting to load an Offworld Invasion map, it can't fully generate the map.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 07, 2018, 05:32:04 pm
Game's crashing attempting to load an Offworld Invasion map, it can't fully generate the map.

Can you send save?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: AgrailLord on September 19, 2018, 03:49:48 pm
The game crashed when I tried to go on the terror mission.

[19-09-2018_17-12-24]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Map failed to fully generate.

Save file: (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 19, 2018, 04:52:22 pm
The game crashed when I tried to go on the terror mission.

[19-09-2018_17-12-24]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Map failed to fully generate.

Save file: (

i will check into it

-- posts merged, as double-posting here was not justified ---

AgrailLord, and also Moon_Dew , talked to  ohartenstein23  and he helped me find and fixed the bug that was recurrent, was a map generation script that was incorrect on my part, download the today version just updated it with that script corrected
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Skullar on September 25, 2018, 06:15:20 am
First off, are you using any other mods like the IG mod or the weapon rework?  Those should be loaded after this main mod, so if any changes to the heavy bolter's auto shot there, they will overwrite any changes you make in Items_40k.rul.  If you have personal edits you'd like to do, it'd be better to create your own mod to load last after all the others (i.e. it's on the bottom of the mods list in the options menus), then nothing else will override it.

All you'd need for that mod is just a folder and a .rul text file containing the following:
Code: [Select]
    autoShots: 10 # or some other number you want

Thanks a lot! yes it worked like a charm :D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: tkzv on December 09, 2018, 11:27:49 pm
2. i´m terrible in UFOpedia colors
I encountered a similar problem with intro, and found the cause:,6711.msg106631.html
The solution I figured out is rather cumbersome: rearrange the image palette to get a sequence of 4 colours you need for the font, plus 1 unused: fill-rounding-anything-serif-border, e.g. white-light grey-anything-dark grey-black; then specify the colour index before "fill/white" as the caption colour.

Do you know of an easier way?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 10, 2018, 02:16:12 pm
ufopedia colors of the texting was the issue, someone point me to the right line of rulletset that change the problem(color´s). Also i corrected the FONT with pallet in photoshop there was some holes that cause the black point´s
In the intro now is used cinematics, but i also have the no sound issue so i will have to take a deeper look into your post
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: tkzv on December 10, 2018, 02:46:21 pm
In the intro now is used cinematics, but i also have the no sound issue so i will have to take a deeper look into your post
As I wrote there, all I know comes from Dune:,2957.0.html
Code: [Select]
  - type: CONSPIRI
    normalization: 2
  - delete: intro
  - type: intro
      musicId: CONSPIRI
        - imagePath: cutscenes/dump-1.png
          caption: STR_INTRO0
          captionColor: 253
          transitionSeconds: 10
Music files are in SOUND, and the ruleset refers to them by names without paths and extensions.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 10, 2018, 03:06:08 pm
That might not work here as the cutscenes are not the "slideshow" type, but actual video being played by the engine. I'll take a look at it and see what can be done to get the sound back for the intro.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Anon011 on December 12, 2018, 02:23:50 am
Awesome update! Thanks for the merge.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 13, 2018, 08:13:14 pm
Continued from the bugreports thread:
Oh ok thanks for the info about posting.

Unrelated question, is there anything I can do to help with the UFOpaedia entries? Some of them are not so clear. I have no experience in modding xcom but my English is pretty good and I think I could help with some writing. Plus I love 40k and would do research if you required (even if this mod isn't very canon i.e. female space marines).

Lastly, I've been doing this a lot in all my posts so I think I have to ask. I ask more questions(like this 8) ) after my response. Is that inappropriate? Should I just bring all these questions into general instead of ending my posts like this?

I'm working my way through the Codex text entries to clean them up, but you're welcome to have a look at them and propose edited versions if you'd like.

Adding more questions after a response is fine, just check if it's changing topics away from the main topic of the thread - it might be better to find an existing thread that's closer to the new topic or if none fit, make your own.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Chapter Master Girlyman on December 13, 2018, 08:26:08 pm

Love the mod a lot. One of the changes to the codex would be about the ammo difference between master crafted bolter and regular bolter ammo. Ufopaedia shows them having exact same effect. I think the stats are technically correct, but if I didn't know better and I just read it as a newb I may have thought that they are the exact same. In reality master crafted bolts do more damage, so maybe the entry should mention that instead of just the special stats bolt weapons have.

After the new version, I've noticed that older entries have these bright white details where some of the newer entries show the probably intended black. I also think I noticed that the background for most of the space marines list is brighter (which helps a lot if, if I'm not only imagining it) but not sure if these two changes were related and one caused the other.

Really cool stuff you guys are doing btw. Do you need me to remove my old posts to clear space?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 13, 2018, 09:11:13 pm
The ammo articles may be out-of-date, and all the information they contain can be found by clicking the 'INFO' button on the weapons' articles and selecting the type of ammo from the drop-down menu in the upper right of the info screen. In fact, the ammo articles were created originally because there was no official way of communicating this information except by writing extra text/articles.

We haven't done any large-scale change of the images for codex articles or the background images - did you update your OXCE version recently? There was a change in how images are treated that would reveal images where transparency was used incorrectly.

You don't need to remove any of your posts.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Chapter Master Girlyman on December 13, 2018, 09:34:15 pm
Yes, I updated OXCE recently to the 2nd December version. That is probably the reason then. Did notice that that the new codex articles for the IG mod resources are all perfectly fine. Not sure if that helps at all, but I guess it won't if you see what I see as you can just find out yourself  :P.

Also want to let you know I appreciate that info tab. It was actually the only way I knew for sure that master crafted did more dmg before getting it.

Also, as a question about psi needing line of sight for this mod, are there plans to include something specific to this mod for all the options? Seeing as the option to use the old extended mod to enable this was phased out due to being potentially buggy, I believe that there is an imbalance when it comes to psi. I do not necessarily think that chaos mc is op--or that anything else is really crazy--but that specifically a few trained librarians with the suit's mc (mind tome I think) sitting in craft controlling stuff is op. Even though the old mod might not have been made for 40k and could have been messing other stuff up, it balanced this aspect of the psi battle between forces where a few trained guys can take a base with at least one person acting as eyes.

Will need to play more to confirm this, but even with the psi penalty that librarian armor provides, I have a feeling it will not be balanced based on my memories of og xcom.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 13, 2018, 10:54:58 pm
We will likely not port the standard mods over. Psionics are indeed super-strong and we'd be looking at better balance options than just the LOS switch if we're going to do something about it, but for now we'll probably stick with the reduced availability from locking it to librarian armor and the stat debuffs. Getting a trained librarian to the point of dominating the battlefield is your reward for sticking it out that long in a difficult mod.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Chapter Master Girlyman on December 13, 2018, 11:05:46 pm
Nice. Just played around with it and notice line of sight required on librarian armor. However, chaos traitors were not and I nearly lost a captain armor. Thankfully took no losses but it was close and I think if I got slightly unlucky the entire 18 man team would be dead lol. Not enough experience to know how you will balance psi. Good luck tho! The potential is insane, especially when you consider the potential abilities librarians have in the board game that could translate new psi gameplay.

In board game, the librarian has to check to see if he doesn't kill himself basically when using his powers. Maybe you can use combination of bravery, stamina, and morale? Stamina is already there, but how about the lower this combination of stats overall , the higher the chance the librarian will hurt himself and others around him majorly (the warp breaks through his mind) if he tries any special abillity (mind tome, future spells?). Idk about the chapter teaching tomes, think those should just stay bravery and/or stamina.

The idea I guess is that if the librarian is more tired, more chance of ability backfiring. Or if they are not brave enough they can hurt themselves trying powerful spells. Dunno anything about modding so dunno if this is possible. Good luck anyway.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on December 13, 2018, 11:21:15 pm
This could be done by damage script as it can access casting unit.
Simply add if that check if stamina/energy is low and then do small damage to caster. This could be randomized.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 13, 2018, 11:34:11 pm
I have some notes for alternate psi abilities based more on the tabletop as the classic X-Com Psi Panic + Mind Control doesn't fit terribly well, but haven't had the time to take a closer look at which changes bulletdesigner or I would want to make. I'm working on adding Sanctioned Psykers for the Imperial Guard and I'll experiment a bit more there before I come up with a recommendation for the Librarians and Chaos Sorcerers.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 14, 2018, 03:05:55 am
Well to be honest i thought line of sight for psi was enforced (for marine and chaos), but checking fixeduserOptions, i see it´s optional for chaos( supposed to be LOS required also) i will corrected , also using psi takes energy and get´s you stunned, so on the long run if you catch a small bullet you drop stunned.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Thunderwing280 on December 14, 2018, 06:57:02 pm
Hi, Im trying to get the mod working but when I run OXCE it says it the is missing the "common" directory, any help?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 14, 2018, 08:46:20 pm
Did it complain about this when you first ran OXCE without the mod? Can you attach a copy of openxcom.log from when you get the error message?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Thunderwing280 on December 14, 2018, 09:14:39 pm
I think this is it
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 14, 2018, 10:17:39 pm
You haven't answered Otto's question.
Have you been able to run the normal game or not?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 14, 2018, 11:17:12 pm
Also, what do the contents of your Documents/OpenXcom folder look like, and where are the 40k mod and OXCE files located?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Thunderwing280 on December 15, 2018, 12:18:20 am
I can run the game normally, I can comfirm that and I have left the files as they were when I extracted the files, sorry about all the trouble about this it's just I suck at installing these things.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ves on December 15, 2018, 01:54:20 am
I run it on Linux, so i don't know if there are major differences, but wouldn't you usually put in into /user/mods? I don't have that executable in the folder, either.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Thunderwing280 on December 15, 2018, 02:28:06 am
I run it on Linux, so i don't know if there are major differences, but wouldn't you usually put in into /user/mods? I don't have that executable in the folder, either.
I have other mods as well but they seem to work fine but I don't know whats not making the mod work, as i've said before this is how it was extracted but i did put in OXCE for the mod to work, however when it started up it told me that it was missing the "common" file when it was not in the files so I'm honestly not sure what to do.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ves on December 15, 2018, 02:44:03 am
Usually its structured like this:

The OXCE main folder has these folders:

common, standard, TFTD, UFO, user, and  OpenXcomEx (the executable)

the user folder has a subfolder called mods, and this is where all the mods are placed. They can be enabled or disabled from the ingame menu.

You then only have to start the game by using the executable in the main folder. If you start it with the executable in your picture it will not find 'common', which as mentioned above is in the main folder as well.

Some other mods like piratez and Xcom-files come with this structure already in place.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 15, 2018, 03:36:07 am
You have these files in the completely wrong place - the fact that OXCE by itself works there is a happy coincidence. You should install OXCE just like a self-contained installation of OXC - extract the OXCE folder somewhere, then copy your files from the Steam version of UFO Defense into the UFO folder of OXCE, and run it once. The openxcom.log file will tell you where the user and mods folders are - extract the 40k mod into the mods folder.  It should look like:
Code: [Select]
 |--> mods
    |--> 40k
       |--> AdeptasName
       |--> GuardName
       |--> ... etc.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on December 15, 2018, 12:08:52 pm
Just on a separate note but related to this issue. I have noticed that sometimes when starting a new game for the first time I have to manually create the "user" folder, which when I start the game for a second time creates within this folder the "mods", "xcom1" or "xcom2" folders and the options and openxcom log files. Can anyone explain why as I was under the belief that the user folder was created automatically on the first start of a new game? Also see attached for latest nightly and extended, in both cases I have to create the user folder manually.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Thunderwing280 on December 16, 2018, 01:47:36 pm
Just on a separate note but related to this issue. I have noticed that sometimes when starting a new game for the first time I have to manually create the "user" folder, which when I start the game for a second time creates within this folder the "mods", "xcom1" or "xcom2" folders and the options and openxcom log files. Can anyone explain why as I was under the belief that the user folder was created automatically on the first start of a new game? Also see attached for latest nightly and extended, in both cases I have to create the user folder manually.
Yeah when I installed OXCE I had to make folders manually too, is that normal?

It's working now! Thank you guys so much for helping with the installation I really appreciate it!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Chapter Master Girlyman on December 17, 2018, 07:57:25 pm
Hi guys,

Just have a couple questions I can't get off my mind. I like all the balancing changes in the new update and the addition of new armor, but I'm curious as to how exactly the camouflage works for the advanced scout armor. Does the enemy have to get closer a certain amount of tiles to see you?

And for the advanced graticule, how exactly does its damage boost work? Is it a flat addition damage bonus or is it some kind of multiplicative bonus? Sorry if this is really basic info.

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 17, 2018, 10:20:30 pm
Camouflage reduces the number of tiles at which you're visible - if an enemy can see 40 tiles normally and the scout has camo 10, the enemy has to be within 30 tiles to spot you.

Damage bonuses to craft weapons are percentage based.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: TheDeparted on December 23, 2018, 12:41:51 pm
Fabulous mod! Thanks to all of you guys involved in this amazing work.

Please allow me to share some of my thoughts after playing for about 3-4 hours or so (Openxcom Extended +). Be advised, I'm a total noob:

1. The assault bike crashed the game to desktop (Resources/Bike.PNG. Couldn't open etc.)
2. It's not always obvious which units are unlocked after the research is complete.
3. Why can't I not equip the craft's third weapon slot?
4. The Battle Sisters seem rather underwhelming compared to the Space Marines.
5. Using Guardsmen seems a bit pointless once you unlock Space Marines, doesn't it? (it may be just a difference in taste).

Is there any way I can help with the project? I have absolutely no skills at programming, but I'm decent at editing text.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on December 23, 2018, 12:45:23 pm
1. You are using linux?then this mean you need change name of file to match ruleset
3. Because this is not weapon slot or you do not have weapons that fit it.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 23, 2018, 02:55:55 pm
Glad you're enjoying the mod!

We recently changed the file structure for some of the resources, we forgot to update the entry for the assault bike to match, it'll be fixed in the next version. To fix for now, find the file Ruleset/extraSprites_40k.rul, open it and look for the lines
Code: [Select]
  - type: BIKE.PCK
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
    width: 256
    height: 840
      0: Resources/bike/BIKE.png
Change the last line to
Code: [Select]
      0: Resources/bike/ULTRAMARINE/BIKE.png

Which units are you talking about unlocking after research? New armors should appear in "We Can Now Manufacture" or "We Can Now Purchase" popups after the research is finished, same for HWP-type units.

The 3rd weapon slot for some craft is for specialized equipment that you can research and manufacture to improve the crafts' stats.

As for the last points, how familiar are you with the WH40k lore? Space Marines are meant to be far and away better than either Guardsmen or Battle Sisters, as the marines are superhuman soldiers genetically designed to be the most powerful warriors humanity has to offer. Gameplay-wise, the sisters still get power armor for only being a bit more expensive than marines, armor you don't have to research or manufacture. They're a way to get some early durable soldier when you don't have good armor or resources to make it, but they won't be as good on the offense as a marine. Guardsmen are meant to be played as overwhelming numbers, and get tools for that kind of strategy if you research Imperial Guard Operations instead of a space marine strategy.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 26, 2018, 08:21:44 pm
Is there any way I can help with the project? I have absolutely no skills at programming, but I'm decent at editing text.

hey man thks 4 playing the mod, we don´t have text on some part´s ex: supply / base, etc ...and i have no patient for writing,
dunno if ohartenstein23 have the same issue was me, but anyway if you want, you can suggest those text part in UFOPEDIA.
Also i don´t need to tell anyone but sprites and art on game pallet is always appreciated.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 26, 2018, 08:39:29 pm
Hi TheDeparted, we have pedia text for all of the IG stuff and I've been working my way through the current set of strings/text to clean them up, but for any article that looks like it has just stand-in text (e.g. the article text is just the title of the article) or is copied straight from UFO we'd appreciate it if you wanted to write those.

If you have any artistic inclination or are good at finding other image sources, I'd appreciate a good image for the IG medic armor in the pedia, both in Flak and Carapace - nothing I've found so far really fits the aesthetic for the rest of the pedia.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: perekrylo on December 28, 2018, 10:13:05 am
Hey people. Great mod and all, though I've a silly question to ask. How do I enable (or enforce) that PSI-line of sight thingy? Gettin' frustrated beyond any recognition by those all-seein sorcerers.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on December 28, 2018, 12:29:16 pm
Hey people. Great mod and all, though I've a silly question to ask. How do I enable (or enforce) that PSI-line of sight thingy? Gettin' frustrated beyond any recognition by those all-seein sorcerers.

hey next version will be enforce , and that version be release soon  enough with a lot of corrections... but  meanwhile just replace this file in ruleset folder.
Once the mode becomes "main" there is no side mod available to active (we have to put that sub mod in the folder)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: perekrylo on December 28, 2018, 03:18:48 pm
hey next version will be enforce , and that version be release soon  enough with a lot of corrections... but  meanwhile just replace this file in ruleset folder.
Once the mode becomes "main" there is no side mod available to active (we have to put that sub mod in the folder)
Thanx a bunch :)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 29, 2018, 05:55:59 pm
New version is up with lots of fixes and a few updates, but don't worry, more content to come before too long!

Edit: There were some bugs introduced when bulletdesigner and I were combining our updates, a new version of release 015 is being uploaded right now - make sure you get the one dated 29 December instead of the 28th!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Balgias on January 05, 2019, 02:05:32 pm
Ok this is absurd, you made the chaos warbeasts and raptors WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too tanky, nothing short of a heavy bolter burst to the face of one these units or a lucky sniper shot or 6 is enough to kill them, what the hell canon are you going by? Love the mod soo far regardless, but godamn tone down the enemy HP.

Also whats with chaos raptors having roughly 60% more accuracy with their dinky plasma pistols than my high-accuracy snipers? Might want to consider giving them a weapon that isn't guaranteed to hit -something- every round.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 05, 2019, 04:12:35 pm
Chaos juggnaut is a 2x2 unit with no range attack, so they are limited in all aspects except health and armor, use it to your advantage. In the long game they even become useless for chaos.
But long short answer flamers do the job ez. All pistols have good acc but no aimed shot, so I guess is difficult settings that is tiping the balance.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Balgias on January 06, 2019, 12:30:31 pm
Allright, I hear you on those points, but for real, I just saw a chaos raptor toss a grenade from not 1, 2, but 3 screens away. No, just no, roflmao. They either need to have their throw-stat somewhat on par with reality or just take their grenades away period, that was absurd. I'm playing on the third difficulty btw.

Edit: I can't suggest this game to anyone with that level of OP jank going on. Especially from enemies not even 2-3 hours into the game.

Edit 2: I might be unfamiliar with some of the nuance of xcom 1, but it seems like the enemy gets 2 turns???

edit 3: So testing things with ogryn a bit I had around 7 of them unloading 2-3 series of autoshots into a chaos raptor exactly 5 units away from them to no avail, then reloaded and had one one-shot him with a melee attack, lol
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 06, 2019, 07:18:35 pm
Raptors are equivalent to Space Marines in their power suits armor-wise, so asking to get them reduced would mean we'd have to tune down the player's armor too. Their strength is equivalent to Mutons from the original X-Com, so that grenade throw is no more unbelievable than getting one tossed at you in the vanilla game. The AI does not get two turns either, they have always done their single turn in two phases.

As for dealing with Raptors, you have plenty of tools even from the beginning of the game to deal with them - the missile launcher, taking multiple shots with snipers, reducing armor with bolters or lasguns first to soften them up, etc. Ogryns' Ripper Guns will eventually reduce their armor, but in general melee is meant to be the much stronger option for them.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 06, 2019, 07:34:14 pm
Also you don't need to win the terror mission, you only need points to be positive, so you can skip one terror as a strategic way to spare troops, you need 2 negative months to lose.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Anon011 on January 06, 2019, 09:55:20 pm
Ok this is absurd, you made the chaos warbeasts and raptors WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too tanky, nothing short of a heavy bolter burst to the face of one these units or a lucky sniper shot or 6 is enough to kill them
Thats nothing yet, wait till you see Chaos Terminators, this is pure suffering to fight with, at least Raptors and Warbeasts die from 1-3 Sniper AP shots or 1 Lascannon shot, same cant be said about Chaos Terminators.

But really no offense but armor values forced me to come up with some radicilous troops composition, like 2 snipers with AP, 2 marines with Lascannons, one medic marine and one guy with bolter or something light for scouting.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: TheDeparted on January 06, 2019, 11:44:53 pm
Hi TheDeparted, we have pedia text for all of the IG stuff and I've been working my way through the current set of strings/text to clean them up, but for any article that looks like it has just stand-in text (e.g. the article text is just the title of the article) or is copied straight from UFO we'd appreciate it if you wanted to write those.

If you have any artistic inclination or are good at finding other image sources, I'd appreciate a good image for the IG medic armor in the pedia, both in Flak and Carapace - nothing I've found so far really fits the aesthetic for the rest of the pedia.

Hi there! Sure, will do (the part with the text)! Could you please attach the said files in the thread "Text and lore"?

Regarding the images, I'm afraid I cannot do much, but maybe I'll get lucky with Google.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 10, 2019, 06:52:14 pm
Version 016 is now released!

As part of this update, we've included a script that changes how the TU penalty for being overweight works. This should make the heavy weapons easier to use and make it less of a pain to bring in the early game against Raptors! Instead of losing TUs, your energy will be reduced to a cap equivalent to the percent TUs you would have had left after the normal penalty. However, Terminator weapons will apply both the energy and the TU penalty to compensate, so be careful in handing them out to the unworthy.


If you downloaded the new version within the first hour after the release, there was a bug that had a chance of spawning the wrong retaliation mission when shooting down craft. Please either re-download the mod or replace the attached ruleset in your install.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Balgias on January 10, 2019, 09:16:54 pm

on the third difficulty on .16

2 krak grenades, 7 salvos of full auto ripper gun, two strikes from a power fist, a sniper AP round, a burst of AP heavy bolter, a full auto bolter shot and 3 pistol bolter shots and this piece of trash is still standing. I'm utterly convinced you've over-turned the armor on a unit that takes my entire force at 100% to not even kill right out the gate. You guys need to scrap having warbeasts/raptors as one of the only enemies early game, they're the hardest in the game. Traitors, cultists, orks and slanneshi aren't even slightly as difficult as warbeasts and raptors.

on a previous run on a lategame assault tactic army I had the raptors/warbeasts were one of the only forces that gave me any issue, when most of my encounters were spent fighting traitor guard and normal traitor marines it became a chore.

There are no tools for dealing with units not even a month into the game that can out-move, out-range, and most especially out-damage everything you can do several fold when you obviously have much easier enemies to be spawning ingame IE traitor guard and cultists, IF it's a design choice to have easier content gated behind extremely difficult content for the sake of trying to artificially produce a challenge then I've got to say that's very unwise to have the base timeline of events to playing out ingame.

" Thats nothing yet, wait till you see Chaos Terminators, this is pure suffering to fight with, at least Raptors and Warbeasts die from 1-3 Sniper AP shots or 1 Lascannon shot, same cant be said about Chaos Terminators.

But really no offense but armor values forced me to come up with some radicilous troops composition, like 2 snipers with AP, 2 marines with Lascannons, one medic marine and one guy with bolter or something light for scouting. "

I've dealt with chaos terminators like they're nothing. A few melee strikes from behind is easy to pull off later game once they've shown up.

Edit: It doesn't even make sense from a lore perspective that raptors and warbeasts are the first forces deployed given the existence of cultists and traitor guard.

Edit 2: Making the early-game unfun on purpose discourages players from trying out other tactics if they might have run into difficulties later on in their run.

Edit 3: Friends of mine I'm trying to recommend this mod to are also sick of the difficulty curve early game
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 10, 2019, 09:26:11 pm
Have you tried flamers or lasguns? Seriously, you're using the wrong weapons to destroy Juggernauts - the Ripper might damage armor a little bit, but it's an anti-infantry weapon. Same with sniper AP bullets, heavy bolter AP rounds, and almost all bolter weapons. Lasguns might not look powerful compared to a bolter, but it gets much more powerful against things with vehicle-type armor and melts armor faster than bolts will. Flamers ignore armor and damage large units like the Juggernaut 4 times per AoE hit - they'll kill one in 2-3 full bursts. I am doing a Let's Play of this and have shown a number of ways of dealing with Raptors in month one with the Imperial Guard - you can see here in episodes 3, 4, and 6-8 where I face Raptors (

This mod has a steep learning curve, but we give you the tools to deal with the enemies. There are articles in the "Assistance" portion of the Codex that could have helped you in this situation, and you've ignored a good half of the starting weaponry when saying we give you no tools to deal with this enemy. As Dioxine says about his mod Piratez, "Read or die."
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Balgias on January 10, 2019, 09:37:57 pm
Have you tried flamers or lasguns? Seriously, you're using the wrong weapons to destroy Juggernauts - the Ripper might damage armor a little bit, but it's an anti-infantry weapon. Same with sniper AP bullets, heavy bolter AP rounds, and almost all bolter weapons. Lasguns might not look powerful compared to a bolter, but it gets much more powerful against things with vehicle-type armor and melts armor faster than bolts will. Flamers ignore armor and damage large units like the Juggernaut 4 times per AoE hit - they'll kill one in 2-3 full bursts. I am doing a Let's Play of this and have shown a number of ways of dealing with Raptors in month one with the Imperial Guard - you can see here in episodes 3, 4, and 6-8 where I face Raptors (

This mod has a steep learning curve, but we give you the tools to deal with the enemies. There are articles in the "Assistance" portion of the Codex that could have helped you in this situation, and you've ignored a good half of the starting weaponry when saying we give you no tools to deal with this enemy. As Dioxine says about his mod Piratez, "Read or die."

It makes zero sense at all that lasguns and flamers would be a better tool than weaponry that is specifically worded as being ARMOR PENETRATING. It also seems extremely cheesed for a unit to be getting hit multiple times per attack just because its model takes up more than one tile.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 10, 2019, 09:46:21 pm
Take up the naming convention problem with Julian Gollop, it's been this way since X-Com that the "Armor Piercing" ammo for weapons have always been worse against the armored targets. We can rename the damage type and the ammo items, but they're not getting buffed against things like the Juggernaut. Same with the damage hitting 2x2 units harder, this is how it has always been in X-Com and OpenXCom, and frankly I enjoy that it encourages a variety of weapons.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 10, 2019, 11:37:32 pm
It´s the legacy mechanics of X-COM, there are several "game logic breaking" weapons, flamer´s/ psi/ smoke nades.  those 3 weapons cause some unbalance in the game, both ways, but i rather having it by choice than not having them at all (even thought in chaos gate smoke act´s the same way, and psi is still OP), flame is OP against chaos dreadnought´s (hardest unit in the game IMO).

Also i agree on difficult, some time ago i said the hardest part of the game is the first wave, after that is clean sail, but it´s also the more enjoyable part because is where there is challenge.
Also i think raptor/cultist/guard on first terror it´s all random but i can´t confirm
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Balgias on January 11, 2019, 07:30:51 am
I don't really know the coding complexity of the game or its software limitations but would it be possible to add like way more units on the combat field for orks and traitor guard? Especially later game?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: DarkRaven on January 11, 2019, 07:31:37 pm
I've seen this mod some time ago but only just started with version 015. Great work!

On the mod portal I've seen this answer to a comment made by a user: "We've reworked the starting tech a bit so access to your first set of MK7 armor should be easier - when you research a marine "strategy," you unlock one of the variants."

Since I've only started playing two days I'm not very far yet but still I'm wondering about access to armor. I've chosen the Devastator strategy and since then I'm trying to find a way through the tech tree to get access to armors by researching topics I feel like leading in the right direction but so far I'm not successful. What is it that should be unlocked after choosing a strategy? Maybe I've just not recognized it as a variant ok the MK7 armor. My knowledge of WH40k lore and tech is rather limited, I guess.

And since this seems to be a recent topic, I've encountered Raptos and Juggernauts for the first time yesterday. They are fine as they are, I think. I had no flamers with me, I hadn't unlocked and built lascannons yet, I hadn't any meaningful explosives at hand. The raptors can be taken down from afar and since Juggernauts are melee only you can outmaneuver them. Powerfists to the rear work well and yes, I've just said that :D
Sniper rifles and bolters against their sides and backs work as well, and then it's just a matter of volume of fire. Throw enough shit at the wall and something is going to stick. I've just assumed that their frontal armor is the strongest so flanking was the obvious choice.
I got the impression that lasguns didn't work at all but as I understand I could have kept firing and eventually would melt through their armor since the lasguns do laser damage and laser damage removes armor?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 11, 2019, 07:54:48 pm
When you research "Devastator Strategy," you can then immediately research "MK7 Devastator Armor." Once that project is completed, then you can start manufacturing the armor.

Lasguns won't show any damage in the hit log (pressing CTRL+H) for the first couple shots, but they damage armor faster than bolters do, and gain a bonus against vehicles (Juggernauts count!). They're your best bet for reducing armor on targets until Meltaguns come along.

As a side note, I'd recommend ignoring the hit log for this mod, since most of the time you need to remove the target's armor first by massed bolter/lasgun fire, meltas, or a good hit with a melta bomb or lascannon. Most of the weapons will eventually kill anything in the mod, it's a matter of how patient you are.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: DarkRaven on January 11, 2019, 09:21:20 pm
Uhm, okay, that didn't happen for me. That explains a lot. I've quickly started a new game and got this as the result. I guess this is correct now. Last time I only got Motion Scanner, Craft Auxiliary Systems and Laser Weapon Requisitions. No MK7 Armor, no Apothecary and no Stormhawk. I guess I'll start a new campaign, maybe other things aren't quite working as expected as well.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 11, 2019, 09:27:23 pm
Version 015 should've unlocked those too, or at least I thought it was long enough after the strategy addition. Anyways, if you want to continue your current campaign, look of the topic "Armor" in the tech tree viewer, it's the way to unlock other MK7 armors and it'll tell you how to get there. Apothecary should've appeared too, that unlocks with any of the strategies, so maybe starting again would be your best bet.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: DarkRaven on January 11, 2019, 09:43:40 pm
Whoops, I've just realized what went wrong. I've started researching Devastator and Imperial Guard Operations at the same time because I haven't realized that there is a choice between five strategies. I thought it's four and you always combine it with the Imperial Guard.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 11, 2019, 10:07:34 pm
Ah, yes. Guard Ops is mutually exclusive with the marine strategies, so you were actually an IG regiment, not a marines chapter.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: doctor medic on January 13, 2019, 11:55:03 am
Seems like a lot changed since the last time i played this,nice keep up the good work.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Balgias on January 14, 2019, 07:33:32 am
What determines what race you're going up against?

My game has been nothing but raptors and terminators, I haven't even seen khorne berserkers, slannesh, orks, eldar, or much cultists in about 12 hours of play on this guard play-through.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 14, 2019, 03:08:39 pm
It's determined by RNG, so you've mostly had a string of bad (good if you wanted MC plasma pistols and shotguns) luck.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 14, 2019, 03:15:32 pm
What determines what race you're going up against?

My game has been nothing but raptors and terminators, I haven't even seen khorne berserkers, slannesh, orks, eldar, or much cultists in about 12 hours of play on this guard play-through.

it´s RNG but also it´s tied to months the more advance the harder, and also they are tied to missions, beserkers will apear more in blood shed slannesh in corruption, etc. ORK´s are limited to hulk, and eldar only appear very late game
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: doctor medic on January 16, 2019, 12:18:58 pm
From which 40k media is the music used in this mod from,i only managed to figure out a few tracks like the dawn of war space marine theme.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 16, 2019, 12:31:17 pm
From which 40k media is the music used in this mod from,i only managed to figure out a few tracks like the dawn of war space marine theme.

mostly are from the game chaos gate
kyrie from death note
Fate and Im my spirit for evagenlion 2.0
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 18, 2019, 06:18:46 am
For those not aware, the recently-released version 017 has a new sub-mod that will show up as "Chapter Change" in your mods menu. This allows you to completely change the look of your space marines from the Ultramarines Chapter to the Imperial Fists Chapter! I'm attaching a small preview of one of the new inventory images for the re-skin. If you're tired of blue, this one's for you.

Also, I have a preview of a some recently completed Lasgun variants to spice up your life if you are sick of green everything for your guard regiment. The Accatran Pattern Lasgun is already in the latest version to pick up, and the new ones will appear next version, along with a greater chance to get the rare lasguns from landed/crashed craft missions!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 31, 2019, 04:48:48 pm
We now have a discord server so we don't clog up every other mods' or the main OXC server! Here's the invite link! (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 08, 2019, 06:04:06 pm
Version 018 is being uploaded to the page (! This update features a large balance pass including a rework of the plasma weapons' damage model, manufacturing costs for the heavy weapons now requiring resources, master crafted weapons taking Honor Badges instead of corpses, and trading corpses for Honor Badges. Plus we have new craft maps - one for the Marines' Stormeagle and the new Gorgon superheavy APC for the Imperial Guard!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Jackfalcon on April 06, 2019, 11:04:02 pm
Out of curiosity is there a way to see stats on the specialty weapons like different pattern las and bolsters?  At this point my primary squad is armed with all plasma but my secondary squad I have enough specialty bolters to arm them. I may even swap some plasma for bolters if they have some advantage to make them worth taking.  But since they aren’t enemy I can’t research them and they don’t show in the codex.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 08, 2019, 12:26:33 pm
Out of curiosity is there a way to see stats on the specialty weapons like different pattern las and bolsters?  At this point my primary squad is armed with all plasma but my secondary squad I have enough specialty bolters to arm them. I may even swap some plasma for bolters if they have some advantage to make them worth taking.  But since they aren’t enemy I can’t research them and they don’t show in the codex.

yap they don´t show in codex, we will work something out
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Thunderwing280 on April 08, 2019, 04:40:43 pm
Have you ever considered making combi weapons? Like combi-plasmas and such
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 09, 2019, 02:13:17 pm
yes, my personal i haven´t manage to make it happen, but other people on discord are on the case
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 13, 2019, 06:49:39 pm
Version 019 is being uploaded to the page (! We're excited to roll out the first stage of the mission generation rework, including new bases for Orks, Cultists, and Traitor Guardsmen. The path of corruption for the space marines has also received a major face-lift, and we have a new and improved globe to show off. Enjoy!

Edit: The released version has a few bugs, it's been taken down until those are sorted.

More Edit: The bugs are fixed, 019 is live for real this time!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on April 19, 2019, 06:42:08 pm
Big props to you guys for making it third to Google's top 3 search for "40K mod"
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 02, 2019, 05:01:56 pm
Just released Version 020 on the page (! This is mostly fixes for bugs that came to light in the previous release, but there is new content such as Tanith Imperial Guard gear with sprites by Lord Flasheart, and enemy ground vehicles showing damage when "shot down" by your craft!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mercy on June 21, 2019, 10:26:55 pm
Just released Version 020 on the page (! This is mostly fixes for bugs that came to light in the previous release, but there is new content such as Tanith Imperial Guard gear with sprites by Lord Flasheart, and enemy ground vehicles showing damage when "shot down" by your craft!

After reading the codex, tried it out on highest difficulty with the default weaponry, giving my soldiers 'insta-explode' grenades in both hands, one grenade/rocket launcher and the default lasguns. Scouts shot my skyranger to smithereens so I stormed a landed "scout".   Many enemies. I killed about 70% of them and took the grenades from their fallen, but when I finally approached their ship with my beaten up squad, those turret guns made short work of my people. I simply couldn't get through and gave up.

Now I'm trying a similarly landed scout mission with a sniper rifle, rocket launchers and heavy bolters + grenades. :D   Still have no idea how the hell to destroy those MOFO ship turrets.  Those were a magnificent idea, whoever created them!!  Completely changed the gameplay.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ultimoos on June 22, 2019, 03:59:33 pm
I have a question. On your videos and screen shots we can see multiple deployed crafts in mission. Is this a mod feature? If so, how do I do it?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 22, 2019, 04:04:43 pm
Having the player's landing craft plus some support tank or aircraft is a trick of map generation for special missions. No way for you to do it on normal missions.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 23, 2019, 03:12:08 pm
Asked befored, theres a way to do it by map script but involves infinite work, meaning we make map spawn other tiles by research and map script, but those tiles are not part of the craft
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 03, 2019, 05:09:27 am
Version 021 is being uploaded right now! We're proud to release re-worked final missions, including separate variations for the Imperial Guard and for going the path of corruption. bulletdesigner has also finished preparing the aux mod to allow you to change your Space Marine chapter to the Blood Angels. Get it fresh on the site ( now!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 03, 2019, 10:37:25 pm
Another update, containing lots of bugfixes! It also has some new Sentinels and bulletdesigner's hard work in making the minimap look nice. Version 022 is now available on our page (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 12, 2019, 04:21:23 am
If you've been watching this thread at all about unit response sounds (,7371.0.html), Version 023 is now live that includes the unit response feature! Get it from our page (!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on January 02, 2020, 03:41:15 am
I have a small suggestion/request. What do you think about adding another ammo type to the shotgun, like a slug/ap round in addition to the buckshot? This is something well established in the 40k fluff and it would add some versatility to a weapon that imo struggles to find a niche when 90% of the enemies wear heavy armor.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 02, 2020, 04:43:52 pm
we can do that, i will add try to add it
since i´m no shotgun expert , i leave it here the code so everyone can see and give opinion

  - type: STR_SHOTGUN_SHELLS_AP #                        10711
    categories: [ STR_CAT_SHOTGUN, STR_CAT_SCOUT]
    shotgunBehavior: 1
    shotgunSpread: 25
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 2500
    costSell: 1500
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 236
    floorSprite: 119
    handSprite: 464
    hitSound: 22
    hitAnimation: 26
    power: 35
    damageAlter: #DA BOLTER AP+
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.5
      ToArmorPre: 0.0
      ToArmor: 0.0
      ToHealth: 1.0
      ToStun: 0.5   
    damageType: 1
    clipSize: 8
    battleType: 2
    listOrder: 10711
    shotgunPellets: 6
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 02, 2020, 05:21:32 pm
Shotgun slugs don't really have a place since the boltpistol and even the lasgun exist in the mod. Rather than make the shotgun do something it's not supposed to (deal with heavier armor), I've been working on making lighter-armored enemies more prevalent.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on January 03, 2020, 01:51:41 am
Works for me. What's the idea then, more cultists and the like deployed with Chaos Marines? The variety would be welcome.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on January 06, 2020, 12:47:03 am
How do you guys deal with the Orks? When I destroy them with interceptors, they still have massive fuck-off weapons in crash, and my bolter-toting scouts can't deal with that. Maybe with some experience, or if I had some melta, but as the first mission? No.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 06, 2020, 12:56:18 am
Don't deal with waggons, go for there base, also they are not mandatory missions
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 06, 2020, 01:41:11 am
I've had reports that the turrets aren't being destroyed very often when shooting them down. I have it on my list to check that out and see if I need to make it more likely that the turret gets destroyed when shot down.

For dealing with them otherwise, I use sniper rifles, heavy bolters, and missile launchers. Fire krak missiles at range to take out the turrets, then mop up the Orks with sniper fire.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mrbiasha on January 07, 2020, 06:57:57 pm
I feel obliged to relay my personal experience with the mod: while dealing with traitor guardsmen, I always find one chimera properly destroyed after successful interception, but in case of orcish wagons I have never seen even one turret destroyed and they have insane reaction fire which can easily shred a space marine in proper armour and a devastator too. So, if you end up too close to a crash, delivering zeal and fury could be extra hard. In case of orcish bases I suggest smokescreens and at least 3-4 snipers if you do not possess proper tactical armour yet as they tend to readily use rockets on you, if they spot you. Also taking down armour usually present on site could be challenging without armour-piercing ammunition or heavy weapons.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on January 14, 2020, 12:25:57 am
I feel obliged to relay my personal experience with the mod: while dealing with traitor guardsmen, I always find one chimera properly destroyed after successful interception, but in case of orcish wagons I have never seen even one turret destroyed and they have insane reaction fire which can easily shred a space marine in proper armour and a devastator too. So, if you end up too close to a crash, delivering zeal and fury could be extra hard. In case of orcish bases I suggest smokescreens and at least 3-4 snipers if you do not possess proper tactical armour yet as they tend to readily use rockets on you, if they spot you. Also taking down armour usually present on site could be challenging without armour-piercing ammunition or heavy weapons.

I ended up cutting the health, accuracy and reactions of the turrets down a bit to the point where they go down in 1-3 rockets or melta bombs and aren't quite as certain to hit at range. They make a good challenge sure, and make you change tactics by denying you the open ground, but too often I found maps with turrets just turned into me tediously popping and shooting with rockets for round after round before mopping up.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: warbear1976 on January 19, 2020, 07:55:09 pm
The droppods wouldn't let me out. What do I do to make them work?
Using OXCE.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 19, 2020, 08:16:04 pm
The droppods wouldn't let me out. What do I do to make them work?
Using OXCE.

They open at the end of the first turn normally, have you tried just pressing end turn?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: warbear1976 on January 19, 2020, 09:41:37 pm
They open at the end of the first turn normally, have you tried just pressing end turn?
Man, Imperial citisents are dying outside!!! Why aren't those stupid droppods letting me out?!!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: warbear1976 on January 23, 2020, 03:54:33 pm
Don't deal with waggons, go for there base, also they are not mandatory missions
Ten melta shots wasn't enough to destroy the cannon turret. And when I managed to destroy the minigun turret, the cannon faught back, killing all my men immediately.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 23, 2020, 04:35:12 pm
Melta damage drops off with distance - you can see how much by holding ALT while aiming with it. I'm guessing you weren't close enough to melt the armor.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: warbear1976 on January 24, 2020, 09:38:49 am
Melta damage drops off with distance - you can see how much by holding ALT while aiming with it. I'm guessing you weren't close enough to melt the armor.
I was right next to the wagon, it's the only safe place: you shoot, then you get in and it can't kill you. That is why I'm pretty sure my shots were accurate and had the maximum power. I only could destroy both turrets after having spent six hours on it, it took me thirty five crak grenades and in the end, when I tried to shoot it with a rocket louncher, my space marine didn't have enough time points to get in, so the cannon turret tried to kill him, but as he was standing right next to it, it destroyed itself instead.
Really, those ork wagons can't be that tough! I don't know a lot about the 40k lore, but I thought melta takes down wateaver it is used against, except spaceships, probably. Ten melta shots, several crack rokets and a bucketful of crack grenades is way too much.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on January 24, 2020, 01:21:13 pm
For single Shot´s Use the Lascannon or fire, For combine fire , use meltas  with other small arms. Also We are balancing the difficult be equal to all , so we dont have this issues , where we can´t tell if it´s easy or hard, because it depends on difficult level.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: warbear1976 on January 27, 2020, 11:08:16 am
Oh, I'm playing at the easiest level.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 21, 2020, 03:21:15 am
Version 024 is now live - we have some big visual updates with a new set of Geoscape UI colors, short cutscenes for briefings, and new terrains, plus the option to select between Space Marines and Imperial Guard at the very start of your campaign! Check it out on our page! (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HT on February 22, 2020, 10:51:48 am
This looks quite nice. Too bad I'm burned out with WH40k, the mod is promising. Are the different campaign options future playable factions besides Sphees Mahrines! and the IG, such as say orks? Will there be options to do techno-heresy and innovate by researching and producing stuff that is not a thing in the lore (ie: A rapid-fire meltagun)?

Lastly but not least: While the units having voiced lines is a nice touch, it gets annoying quickly. Is there a way to disable them?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 22, 2020, 03:54:50 pm
The Sisters of Battle are the next planned faction, and we're almost ready to make it in this release. We won't do non-Imperial player factions for this mod since that would require too much work on top of our infrastructure for the campaign. However, we'd probably be willing to share resources with someone who wants to take up making a new mod.

We likely won't be creating new weapons that aren't in the lore already, there's plenty of content to keep us busy sticking within lore.

To turn off the unit response sounds, you just need to find

Code: [Select]
enableUnitResponseSounds: true

and switch it to false. Probably in the vars ruleset. You can also turn down the frequency of them if you want to here them but not too often.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HT on February 22, 2020, 04:33:53 pm
Thanks for the answers!

Shame about the lack of innovation/techno-heresy. Perhaps if you go Chaos, this would be an option in the far future?
Speaking of innovation: Will the Adeptus Mechanicus become a playable faction? They do have tons of fun toys, and two separate armies (techpriests' own stuff and the Skitarii).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 22, 2020, 04:44:14 pm
Yes, I was thinking admech or maybe inquisitors would be next in terms of the amount of effort required, but that's still a ways off. New units/soldier types and craft are the most work intensive part of the mod and the main limiting factor on factions added - it's taken us years to get 2-3, and only 1 is truly "done". So we usually pick what allows us to recycle the most bits - IG we already had the basic soldiers in flak and carapace, plus the Valkyrie and Lightning tilesets when I started working on them. The Sisters we had their basic unit, but bulletdesigner is adding a bunch of new armors and some craft for them. Admech will be harder since we'll have to make new unit sprites, but we can copy bits of others, say the servo-arms of the techmarine and support servitor and the robes from the servitor.

That being said, any other faction probably won't be ready soon. It takes a few months to get enough resources to release even the most basic version of a new faction.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on March 09, 2020, 03:16:07 pm
Hey, new version, good to see assault bike fixed with drop-pods, always wanted to use it. I lost my previous v023 save in a HD crash, was really liking the mod though, even weapon balance felt right and every weapon had a nice purpose to it (although heavy melta felt disappointing due to 0-20 dmg rng). Was always wishing I found some of those meta weapons from crates but I only got the laser shit (I think the scoped pistol is the only one I've ever found from bolters). Also shotgun was a weapon I really couldn't see any use for since it's utterly incapable of penetrating armor in any practical scenario.

I played on the 2nd highest difficulty (primarch) with assault marines on ironman, found the early game just about right, but approaching late game I found myself wishing I picked emperor instead. How does the flattened difficulty compare to primarch/emperor now that you can no longer select difficulty? Especially things like base defense, do I need two hangars in every base to insure proper enemy spawn locations?

Also is it possible to unlock melta grenades/bombs with assault/devastator strategy? The tech-tree picture is kinda unclear on this. I was kinda slow in doing the side-missions in my save.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 09, 2020, 05:45:09 pm
first point, melta gives 0-20 each pellet (works like a shotgun) and melts armor.
The Crates are random the more mission you do, more changes you pick up good spoils
There are more ork´s and cultist new version  to make use of the shotgun  ;)

second point there are no more difficulty setting, new system now, you choose by faction, and difficult is equal for all

third point, yes , if you complete side operations ( shorter now ) you get all strategy special weapons
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HT on April 02, 2020, 12:23:37 pm
Yes, I was thinking admech or maybe inquisitors would be next in terms of the amount of effort required, but that's still a ways off. New units/soldier types and craft are the most work intensive part of the mod and the main limiting factor on factions added - it's taken us years to get 2-3, and only 1 is truly "done". So we usually pick what allows us to recycle the most bits - IG we already had the basic soldiers in flak and carapace, plus the Valkyrie and Lightning tilesets when I started working on them. The Sisters we had their basic unit, but bulletdesigner is adding a bunch of new armors and some craft for them. Admech will be harder since we'll have to make new unit sprites, but we can copy bits of others, say the servo-arms of the techmarine and support servitor and the robes from the servitor.

That being said, any other faction probably won't be ready soon. It takes a few months to get enough resources to release even the most basic version of a new faction.

If you ever have trouble designing the Ad-Mech, consider checking the Mechanicus game from Bulwark. It is quite a convincing representation of their army plus their insane firepower.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 02, 2020, 06:39:56 pm
If you ever have trouble designing the Ad-Mech, consider checking the Mechanicus game from Bulwark. It is quite a convincing representation of their army plus their insane firepower.

That game was pure heresy in its portrayal of AdMech :P
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HT on April 02, 2020, 07:25:24 pm
Why? Was it because it shows them as relatable people? Because their gear makes Sphees MAHRINES! (TM) look like weaklings (which they do)? Because Necrons aren't OP enough here?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 03, 2020, 09:58:58 am
Why? Was it because it shows them as relatable people? Because their gear makes Sphees MAHRINES! (TM) look like weaklings (which they do)? Because Necrons aren't OP enough here?


Yeah, whatever. That game (and its lore) was a bad joke. AM do not operate that way, they do not think that way, and it was a perversion of their culture and beliefs.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Anzora on April 04, 2020, 05:26:01 pm
Just discovered this mod, and I'm loving it so far. However, when I'm playing as imperial guard, I find that my guardsmen can barely throw a grenade 4 or 5 squares away, whereas traitor guardsmen are routinely throwing grenades from across the map, easily further than lasgun range. I'm struggling on a lot of missions, when traitor guard throw 2 or 3 grenades into my chimera on the first turn and kill half my men. Is this intended behaviour?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 04, 2020, 06:52:48 pm
Traitor Guardsman are very well trained and have high strength, which translates to long throwing range. Your guardsmen can get fairly high strength, but it takes a lot of training. However, you get access to Ogryn who can have even higher strength by default - they make pretty grenadiers from the get-go.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: mrbiasha on April 05, 2020, 12:13:10 am
Those grenade throws out of darkness sometimes take me by surprise too. Pretty nasty surprise, I must admit. But generally even elite traitor guardsmen are not that tough in terms of armor and health, and this at least gives them some edge.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HT on April 06, 2020, 11:25:40 am

Yeah, whatever. That game (and its lore) was a bad joke. AM do not operate that way, they do not think that way, and it was a perversion of their culture and beliefs.

Regardless, the powerful weapons shown in the game could work as an inspiration for this mod once/if the Mechanicus faction is ever included.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 06, 2020, 10:20:29 pm
Regardless, the powerful weapons shown in the game could work as an inspiration for this mod once/if the Mechanicus faction is ever included.

Yeah, it had solid amount of content after all. I wont deny its usefulness.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: panzertoter on April 07, 2020, 03:04:22 am
A quick question: how the adamantium forge works? It turns promethium to adamantium as I understand, but how? I built it, but in the manufacturing screen I can't see the option to do that.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 07, 2020, 03:25:14 am
Having the adamantium forge at your base should make the manufacturing project available. If you don't see it, check the "Hidden" filter from the upper-left corner of the the manufacturing project screen to make sure you didn't accidentally hide it by right-clicking the project.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: panzertoter on April 07, 2020, 03:51:37 am
Having the adamantium forge at your base should make the manufacturing project available. If you don't see it, check the "Hidden" filter from the upper-left corner of the the manufacturing project screen to make sure you didn't accidentally hide it by right-clicking the project.

Yes! That was it! Thank you! Also, if I can repeat my question from another thread: I can't see "space used" indication in sell/sack, transfer, purchase etc. screens. Is it standard mod behaviour or something isn't working on my side?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 07, 2020, 04:06:24 am
Transfer doesn't have it, but Sell/Sack and Purchase should have it. What language do you have set in your options?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: panzertoter on April 07, 2020, 04:14:32 am
Transfer doesn't have it, but Sell/Sack and Purchase should have it. What language do you have set in your options?

English (UK)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 07, 2020, 05:06:45 am
You should still be able to see space used in the purchase screens, like in the screenshot I've attached. Can you post screenshots of the screen/screens where you're missing the space used?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: panzertoter on April 07, 2020, 10:27:00 am
Here, both sreens attached.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Conquest375 on April 07, 2020, 03:08:40 pm
I've been having a lot of fun with this mod, I've just downloaded it and playing it since last Friday, but I do have one critique and that it's I'm going the Devastator route and I find it strange that despite having soldiers with 100+ strength, there's not really many weapons that take advantage of that and makes me wonder what the purpose of the devastator armor is. Have I missed something?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 07, 2020, 03:26:41 pm
Here, both sreens attached.

You have the option "Storage Limits Enforced" turned off.

I've been having a lot of fun with this mod, I've just downloaded it and playing it since last Friday, but I do have one critique and that it's I'm going the Devastator route and I find it strange that despite having soldiers with 100+ strength, there's not really many weapons that take advantage of that and makes me wonder what the purpose of the devastator armor is. Have I missed something?

Glad you're enjoying the mod. Devastator armor's strength bonus is meant to allow you to more easily care heavy weapons like the heavy bolter and missile launcher along with extra ammo and not slow down. There are eventually weapons that have 100+ weight too.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: panzertoter on April 07, 2020, 03:32:43 pm
Thank you!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Conquest375 on April 07, 2020, 05:00:48 pm
Thank you!

I understand that the extra weight helps, however, the extra weight doesnt seem very worth it at the massive cost of at aima, because lascannons end up being lighter than either rockets or heavy bolters. I wvwm have marines biscuit armor with heavy bolter react fire against some mob types. The only weapon I've come across with more weight has been the thunder hammer, and that took me 2 tiers of terminator to even research  well past the point of devastator armor. I think it would be nice if in the early tier if you could have acsess to an even heavier but more accurate bolter, or special types of ammo unique to the devastator route.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Conquest375 on April 07, 2020, 05:06:43 pm
What really got to me is that when I unlocked lascannons and went to put them into my troops, many of them just didn't get any bonus from the devastator armor, unless I wanted to back pack a single weapon, and while that was someone useful, it  would be nice to have some in between medium, I'm currently in. Idtier and hoping that I get better devastator gear to go with my termimators.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Bubs on April 16, 2020, 09:29:19 pm
So i recently got back into the game. Did they up the AI? Cause i feel like the bots are ridiculously hard now... Also it seems i cant choose my strategy focus? I only get research for the beginning of untainted, and (started game). Is this suppose to be normal? Or did my game bug out?? I've created 8 different games wondering if its a bug or just how it is suppose to be now? Anyone know if this is correct?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 16, 2020, 10:07:27 pm
The AI has not changed, but the difficulty was normalized across all starts so we can pick factions at the start of the campaign. We've replaced the difficulty selection with faction selection. Out of curiosity, which language are you using? The campaign start screen should give you the choice of:

If you want to pick a strategy, you should pick the top option, then start the research for your strategy.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Bubs on April 17, 2020, 03:51:35 am
I am playing English US. Also that does make sense why the game seems much harder now. I do always pick space marines, however the research to pick my strategy never comes up? It only gives me these two. I've tried researching each individually before they delete the other research. Simultaneously to make sure i get both. But for me it seems they don't really do anything. After i research them, i don't get any more research projects after them. Only until i capture enemy war gear or body's do i get new research project's.

This isn't suppose to be how the game should work, is it?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 17, 2020, 04:22:48 am
You're playing on an old OXCE version, you need to update. The version you're using doesn't have the research features we use for the start of the game.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Bubs on April 17, 2020, 04:32:28 am
Yes this was the problem! Thank you very much for the help. I can finally get back to smiting the foes of the Emporer!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Alpha Tomato on April 24, 2020, 06:54:06 am
I've been following Ohartensteins playthrough on youtube while playing my own space marine game, and i understand things will be different because he uses an older version of the mod at the beginning, however, i see he captures a chaos Navigator fairly early on. I am now in March of the 2nd year and have yet to face any chaos terminators or chaos undivided traitors (apart from 1 terror mission i didnt have a squad available to complete so i went in and aborted). Is this normal? or am i meant to do something to trigger them to spawn, there's been over 25 bases spawned and none of the ones i've found have been undivided or terminators so i cant really progress.

What i'm wondering is whether i'm getting bad luck, am not checking enough of the map, or am missing something?

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 24, 2020, 03:38:44 pm
The Navigator is just to unlock the Transmission Decoder, and it doesn't have to be specifically a Chaos Traitor marine - there are specific Raptors, Traitor Guardsmen, and Cultists that can unlock it too.

In the newer version of the mod we'll add more of the other factions to the research to unlock the "main story" missions. You may have been unlucky since the appearance of the various factions is completely RNG based, there's nothing you can do to change that but wait and get as much radar coverage as possible. If you haven't done the Sideoperations missions, you might try those to look for enemies to capture.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: TheIrishAce on April 27, 2020, 04:25:45 am
Can someone explain how to stop enemies throwing grenades across the map it's actually infuriating.  >:(
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on April 27, 2020, 03:02:42 pm
enemy try´s to do the most damage, so if you group up they will throw nades, if you split unit´s they will do the math and not trow, also in cover of smoke they don´t throw nades

About the long yard throw we are trying to fix issue, since they have high STR so they can carry all weapons.
We are working in some way to reduce nade spam next version
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SuperSirStromming on May 17, 2020, 08:50:18 pm
I'm just getting into this awesome mod but I need help getting through some of the very first missions lol These orcs are really strong and I don't know how to deal with their tanks. If it was just the orc boys I could manage but these three tile high turrets make it really hard to out maneuver them. I tried using the missile launcher but I can only ever get a single shot off with my over encumbered marine before he gets gunned the tank because of the nature of the maps.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 18, 2020, 03:10:00 am
ork bases have several tiers, turrets only appear on high tier, strike some low tier bases and avoy trucks , also there are trucks without turrets , check their detail in interception. interception some times kills turrets if u really need to take down ork trucks.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on May 27, 2020, 03:34:07 pm
How do I attach dreadnought armor to a space marine? Does it only count for marines that die after the dreadnought armor is brought into a base from which the soldier is launched from into a mission (do I get a pop-up during combat)? I can't seem to be able to bring back previously dead marines no matter which menu I navigate.

My mortality rate is low enough it might take a long time to actually get one of my good guys KIA so thought I'd ask in advance.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 27, 2020, 03:51:19 pm
Drop-down menu in the lower-left corner of the Soldiers screen, select "Restore Fallen Brother" to see a list of your dead marines eligible for becoming Dreadnoughts.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on May 27, 2020, 03:54:59 pm
I actually just did some google/file digging and it seems like I need craft lascannon researched to get the conversion according to soldiertransformation40k.rul (is this right)? Which seems a bit odd since I'm adding a castraferrum plasma dread and I can manufacture the armor without being able to use it.

I actually recall seeing the fallen brother button on my previous save so I'm sure it's not a bug or anything, just an oversight (craft lascannon should be a prerequisite for stormraven tech or be removed as a prereq for dread use).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Drakenfoul on May 28, 2020, 10:03:10 pm
Anny chanse one could get The Black Templar's in to a future update?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: nicedayright on June 08, 2020, 06:11:00 am
This has likely been asked before, and I don't want to be 'that guy', but is there a way to disable female space marines?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 08, 2020, 03:22:41 pm
Yes, either make an aux mod that contains these lines:

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_SOLDIER
    femaleFrequency: 0

Or find femaleFrequency for STR_SOLDIER in 40k/Ruleset/soldiers_40k.rul and set its value to 0 (you'll have to do this with every update of the mod).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 09, 2020, 04:51:04 am
Version 025 of the mod just went live! I'm excited to announce that bulletdesigner's hard work in making the Sisters of Battle a full separate faction is now out for your enjoyment. There are a number of other changes not quite as big as another faction, check them out on our page (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on June 09, 2020, 06:10:03 pm
Cheers! Now time to scrap my Guard saves and switch to Sororitas
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on June 14, 2020, 09:33:04 am
Finally got to try out the new version, really great stuff all around. Hats off to the mod developers for continuing to put so much new content out.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HT on June 14, 2020, 11:26:40 am
Thanks for the dedication!

It's too bad research here doesn't unlock anything new but instead the standard WH40k armory, it would be interesting to see a human colony forced to innovate and improvise to survive, but that's logically beyond the scope of this mod.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on June 14, 2020, 09:11:50 pm
Innovation? Research?! Careful with that heresy brother!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HT on June 14, 2020, 10:44:37 pm
Meh, the Adeptus Mechanicus "rediscover" forgotten STC all the time. What's wrong for a random planet forced to go beyond extreme measures to survive, to do the same?  ;)

Granted, studying/researching chaos weaponry corrupts you in-game, but I dunno why would you do that, seeing that Chaos' weaponry is quite similar to the Imperium's own, if not outright inferior in certain aspects.
Easier access to ammo?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on June 16, 2020, 01:21:30 am
Quick question for the mod devs. Is this mod balanced around the use of advanced movement options or should that be left off?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 16, 2020, 05:25:43 am
Personal choice on that one. If it was necessary one way or the other, we'd lock it like that.

I like keeping it on.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on June 16, 2020, 07:23:46 am
Ah good, thank you. I've been using it, but have noticed my guys get fatigued quickly. Starting to use it sparingly now.

Oh, another question actually. Do smoke grenades work vs all enemy types or do some see through it?

Edit: Further questions!

-Is it possible to eradicate the orks completely by taking out all their bases?

-The scout strategy rhino drop has two scanners that can do the motion tracker thing. Is there any other functionality there or is the point to just give vision?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on June 24, 2020, 11:54:29 pm

Oh, another question actually. Do smoke grenades work vs all enemy types or do some see through it? Only sniper unit´s ignore it and fire, as seen in a episode where dread´s were given that ability (and removed later), but i think other foes unit´s have to spot your unit´s

-Is it possible to eradicate the orks completely by taking out all their bases? Yes, but they can respawn by new wagons

-The scout strategy rhino drop has two scanners that can do the motion tracker thing. Is there any other functionality there or is the point to just give vision? Yes, they give all the map sight and also are target for enemy´s
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on June 25, 2020, 02:48:48 am
Thanks for the info!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on June 29, 2020, 02:57:51 pm
Oh, another question actually. Do smoke grenades work vs all enemy types or do some see through it?

In my experience enemy turrets (chimeras, orc wagon turrets, traitor guard gun placements etc) see through smoke 100%. Although I haven't played the latest version yet.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 29, 2020, 04:24:00 pm
They don't see through smoke. Instead, if certain enemies spot you, they can relay that information to the turret. Just like you spotting an enemy then using a sniper in smoke to shoot the target.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ham on July 11, 2020, 03:13:00 am
I don’t know if there was such a question, but who will be the next faction after Adeptus Arbites?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 11, 2020, 04:43:03 pm
The most probably is grey knights / ordo malus
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ham on July 11, 2020, 08:40:24 pm
Is there a chance that the Krieg Death Korps will appear on the side of the Imperial Guard?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Foxhound634 on July 13, 2020, 11:55:35 pm
I don't know if this is a bug or what, but some enemies will take two steps (if any at all) and end their turn. This happens a lot and it means you can't avoid getting reaction fire from them, and I've had so many units in powerarmor be one-shot because of this. Even if you're able to use grenades, it still makes it a frustrating and paranoid experience. So, is there a way to fix it?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ham on July 14, 2020, 01:16:31 pm
I don't know if this is a bug or what, but some enemies will take two steps (if any at all) and end their turn. This happens a lot and it means you can't avoid getting reaction fire from them, and I've had so many units in powerarmor be one-shot because of this. Even if you're able to use grenades, it still makes it a frustrating and paranoid experience. So, is there a way to fix it?

"The forces of chaos give me strength!" 8)

In general, no one said that it is easy to fight the enemies of the Emperor of Mankind) But so far I have not encountered what you came across. ::) ;D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Foxhound634 on July 14, 2020, 03:28:37 pm
"The forces of chaos give me strength!" 8)

In general, no one said that it is easy to fight the enemies of the Emperor of Mankind) But so far I have not encountered what you came across. ::) ;D

There are many good ways of implementing difficulty...this isn't one of them. You might as well have all enemies camping around every corner and inside every building. But i assume it's a bug and not a design choice :-)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on July 14, 2020, 04:12:38 pm
I don't know if this is a bug or what, but some enemies will take two steps (if any at all) and end their turn. This happens a lot and it means you can't avoid getting reaction fire from them, and I've had so many units in powerarmor be one-shot because of this. Even if you're able to use grenades, it still makes it a frustrating and paranoid experience. So, is there a way to fix it?

There are many good ways of implementing difficulty...this isn't one of them.

You can avoid reaction fire ( with smoke & melee combat.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 14, 2020, 05:43:28 pm
Or with sufficient firepower to kill outright - krak missiles and lascannons come to mind.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lifted on July 22, 2020, 07:43:07 pm
Hi, not sure where to post this so sorry in advance

I just started a Sister's campaign and i noticed that enemies seem to be able to see, shoot and throw grenades through the tail sections of the first transport you get while my units cannot. This leads to me having to run out to the end of the tail to spot the target and maybe take 1 shot and run back into the ship or risk being exposed from almost a 360 degree angle. Am I missing something? I tried kneeling to see under and it gave me some vision but still blocked all my shooting.

Love the mod and the work you've done so far!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 24, 2020, 02:16:25 pm
Hi, not sure where to post this so sorry in advance

I just started a Sister's campaign and i noticed that enemies seem to be able to see, shoot and throw grenades through the tail sections of the first transport you get while my units cannot. This leads to me having to run out to the end of the tail to spot the target and maybe take 1 shot and run back into the ship or risk being exposed from almost a 360 degree angle. Am I missing something? I tried kneeling to see under and it gave me some vision but still blocked all my shooting.

Love the mod and the work you've done so far!

Talk with the guy that design the corvus ;) , anyways just like at the fps shot to see how it works
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Foxhound634 on July 26, 2020, 02:56:50 pm
You can avoid reaction fire ( with smoke & melee combat.

I know that, but you and the others are missing the point. My problem isn't with reaction fire or how to deal with it, the problem is that the behavior of some units are grossly incongruent with the rest, which leads to lack of immersion, paranoia about whether or not you can only take one step before the unit one-shots you, and missions that become way longer and much more tedious because of it.

The worst example was in a base defense mission. I had made the layout so the enemies had to progress like this: access lift > hangar > hangar > hangar > chokepoint. There was more to it inside my base, but it was a really effective layout and normally that's what i would go with. After i had cleared the initial wave however, no more enemies came. I figured they were on their way because they started further back, but no. I started skipping 20 turns in a row, just to see if they would come to me, but no. Because of this bug/feature, 6-7 enemies were just hanging out in the access lift, which meant that all that base defense preparation i had made was now useless. I had move so many troops all the way down there, and then breach the access lift against full-TU-enemies. This made the mission much longer and much more dangerous than it should have been, and the thought of having to go through all that again at some point, made me start a new game...this time with the access lift first, even though it was a much less efficient layout.

That's why it's not a question of dealing with reaction fire, but much worse than that. Given that i don't remember seeing this happen in other mods, i still think it's a bug, but if anyone thinks it should be a feature, they clearly haven't been on the receiving end of it.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 26, 2020, 07:17:38 pm
I have been on the receiving end of this, and even recorded it for my LP. Managed to storm my own lift with just guardsmen, lasguns, and combat knives. There likely should not be that many enemies in the lift, I'll have to check the AI nodes on the map.

The fact that the enemies decide to wait with plenty of TUs for reaction fire is an intended part of the AI though. The main difference here is that this mod has higher armor on enemies than most, and it takes a different playstyle to handle. We give tools to deal with armor and tools to mitigate some risk of reactions, and both bulletdesigner and I enjoy using them. It is a difficult mod because of this, but again we like it that way.

You will still have some losses, but using the tools we've built into the mod to handle it will help you gain more out of the missions than you lose.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Foxhound634 on July 27, 2020, 12:50:12 am
I have been on the receiving end of this, and even recorded it for my LP. Managed to storm my own lift with just guardsmen, lasguns, and combat knives. There likely should not be that many enemies in the lift, I'll have to check the AI nodes on the map.

The fact that the enemies decide to wait with plenty of TUs for reaction fire is an intended part of the AI though. The main difference here is that this mod has higher armor on enemies than most, and it takes a different playstyle to handle. We give tools to deal with armor and tools to mitigate some risk of reactions, and both bulletdesigner and I enjoy using them. It is a difficult mod because of this, but again we like it that way.

You will still have some losses, but using the tools we've built into the mod to handle it will help you gain more out of the missions than you lose.

I managed to storm the access lift as well, but again, my argument was not that it couldn't be done, but that it presented an unenjoyable dynamic that didn't jive with the rest of the experience. And once again, i'm not against the enemy not using all their TUs, but that's not really what's happening anyway, because the end result is units that are stuck...and that's why it blatantly seems like something that should be fixed.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ham on September 24, 2020, 01:02:41 pm

Updated Extender to 6.6.1, after that the mod stopped working. Mod version 40k_25
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 24, 2020, 02:46:12 pm
We have a bug report thread, and it already has instructions to fix that (,6413.msg130854.html#msg130854).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ham on September 24, 2020, 06:17:15 pm
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: snuserfool on October 02, 2020, 03:46:37 am
Quick question: where is the communications equipment that you can destroy in the traitor guardsmen base assault to destroy the base? I've attached pictures of the base I got. I destroyed all the computers in the main building and aborted, but that didn't seem to work. Will I get a special message if I destroy the right thing?

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 04, 2020, 08:53:56 pm
Radar on Top of the tower, and yes you get message. Long time since tested but I think all works right
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Irismono on October 13, 2020, 08:03:40 pm
Alright, I'm pretty sure this has been covered before, but how does one deal with Enemy weapon emplacements? Specifically the Lascannons on traitor Chimeras and the cannons on Ork War carts.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on October 14, 2020, 11:49:36 am
Big guns, quite simple unless you play as Imperial Guard, but even then Ogryns exist, or you can be luckey and get your Lascannon/Cannon in reach of the enemy gun.
Two hits from rocket launcher (krak missiles) should do the job. Your Chimera Lascannon has limited range, I'm not sure if traitor Lascannon works the same, but if it does, you can always try to snipe it from afar with sniper lasguns, Sniper Rifle, or Longlas.
If there is some cover, you can try throwing Krak Grenades.
Grenade launcher with incendiary, or Krak. Both will eventually kill it, while your guys are covered.
Probably the most important thing to keep in mind is to have and use smoke nades. Big guns appear to have limited vision trough smoke, while you can safely snipe them even if particular soldier doesn't see it. Then you can use anything, even lasguns will eventually break the armor and kill it, but for that you have Heavy Bolters and such. Even bringing one sentinel with lascannon is enough to deal with all of them if smoke nades are used.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Kalmar73 on October 17, 2020, 01:55:20 am
Can someone help me up how do I get promethium? I found some in small ships, but that's barely enough to make ammo for guns and sometimes there are no promethium at all.

P.s. Is it even possible to destroy radar on enemy base? Shoot it several times with my Leman Russ and it didn't even scratched.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 17, 2020, 02:27:09 am
Follow chaos craft until they land, shooting them down can destroy the promethium. If you see a medium-size craft land, likely more will follow or be in the same area.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Kalmar73 on October 17, 2020, 01:01:10 pm
Follow chaos craft until they land, shooting them down can destroy the promethium. If you see a medium-size craft land, likely more will follow or be in the same area.

Oh, damn that was stupid... Thank you for advice! I got used to destroying ships during original x-com, so never thought about capturing them(+ my tanks are just too slow)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SuperSirStromming on October 21, 2020, 09:23:08 am
I need some help progressing through the orbiting ship investigation side operation. I'm at the point where I'm suppose to "head directly to the bridge" but on the ork's first turn I always get teleported and "fall into a trap" which ends my ability to progress past the mission. Also could someone help me figure out the tech line for unlocking the 1st company transport?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 21, 2020, 12:22:09 pm
I need some help progressing through the orbiting ship investigation side operation. I'm at the point where I'm suppose to "head directly to the bridge" but on the ork's first turn I always get teleported and "fall into a trap" which ends my ability to progress past the mission.

 Also could someone help me figure out the tech line for unlocking the 1st company transport?

1- you need to evacuate the ship, there's an escape vessel, find it, move your units into it and abort

2- probably you need stormeagle , check tech tree
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: SuperSirStromming on October 21, 2020, 08:32:36 pm
1- you need to evacuate the ship, there's an escape vessel, find it, move your units into it and abort

2- probably you need stormeagle , check tech tree

Let me re-explain, I always finish the mission weather by leaving via escape shuttle or by killing all the orcs, but when the next mission appears it's exactly the same. So it seems like I never make any progression through the mission series regardless of what I do during the "storm the bridge" missions. So to be clear I don't have any issue ending the mission, I just keep getting the mission over and over again.

I do have the stormeagle tho I also have the thunderhawk and the transport thunderhawk. The only things I haven't received are sergeant terminator armour and chapter army.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 22, 2020, 03:47:49 am
1- There is A CRITICAL BUG, you got to wait until next update that should be soon since the next mission map and an critical item is missing, error on your part

2-About the chapter army you must save send, because the only requisite is stormeagle and high tier

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 31, 2020, 07:19:01 pm
Version 026 is in the process of being uploaded! Bulletdesigner has been hard at work adding the Adeptus Arbites as a new player faction, hope you enjoy them! This version will also be compliant with more recent OXCE releases, so you can safely use the latest OXCE with 40k again. You can download from our page (!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on November 04, 2020, 05:14:01 am
Congrats on another big addition. I see the Arbites in there of course, but are there any other changes this version?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 04, 2020, 05:23:49 am
We have a changelog channel on our discord server and thread here on the forum (,6452.0.html).

It's also available next to the download icons on the page.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Doc on November 04, 2020, 06:11:11 am
Ah of course, I didn't notice the changelog had updated! Great looking stuff, thanks for the continued mod support!


- Signal armor now provides airstrike

Curious to see what the Guard Officer vox placeholder gets now that this is possible.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 06, 2020, 11:21:29 pm
The airstrike added here is just a built-in firearm that looks and sounds like an airstrike and takes significant extra work to make it not function underground. It's likely the Officers might get something else instead.

Version 027 is out, mostly bugfixes but also a taller, better looking base defense map. Get it from from our page (!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Gnelf88 on November 12, 2020, 08:10:17 pm
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but is there a way to adjust the frequency of certain missions? all I get is imperial guard and orks, with the occasional aircraft. I'm stuck in a bit of a loop where I need better gear to survive imp/ork missions but never get said missions, apart from when the stars align and a comet passes over the earth. is there a way to decrease the spawn rate of the imp/ork crafts or increase the normal chaos marine missions?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on November 13, 2020, 01:20:10 pm
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but is there a way to adjust the frequency of certain missions? all I get is imperial guard and orks, with the occasional aircraft. I'm stuck in a bit of a loop where I need better gear to survive imp/ork missions but never get said missions, apart from when the stars align and a comet passes over the earth. is there a way to decrease the spawn rate of the imp/ork crafts or increase the normal chaos marine missions?

Sounds like you're in extreme early game, chaos starts to rise around april. You can graph scout for chaos activity before you get good radar coverage.

Finally, chaos guard missions are optional, and orks in early game are only relevant if they're doing terror missions. Rest are optional. A few extra ork outposts in early game is actually a good thing for later on.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Gnelf88 on November 15, 2020, 02:03:26 pm
Sounds like you're in extreme early game, chaos starts to rise around april. You can graph scout for chaos activity before you get good radar coverage.

Finally, chaos guard missions are optional, and orks in early game are only relevant if they're doing terror missions. Rest are optional. A few extra ork outposts in early game is actually a good thing for later on.
Thank you very much, yes I played for a bit longer and they do start showing up. need to work on my patience  ;D
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 14, 2020, 08:22:32 pm
Version 028 is released - enjoy a series of above-ground outposts as a new style of base for your troops, purchasable manufacturing components, and updates to a few enemy missions! As usual, the release is available on our page (!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: 40kfan on December 15, 2020, 07:18:40 am
Great! Been waiting for this update!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: EuchreJack on December 16, 2020, 03:17:26 am
Game won't run, got an error on install:
failed to load '40k'; mod disabled
Weapon STR_SHOTGUNPD has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleAmmo item.

...It's a bug with those new Chaos Shotguns
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 16, 2020, 04:01:52 am
It's not a bug with the Chaos shotguns. You ran the mod using OpenXcom (OXC), not OpenXcom Extended (OXCE). You will need to install and run the mod using OXCE, as per the instructions on the page (
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: EuchreJack on December 17, 2020, 04:52:05 am
Thanks, that worked!

Just fought my first Traitor Guard unit with Chimeras.  Is there any way to take them over in-battle?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 17, 2020, 05:10:08 am
If you mean commandeer them and gain control of the turrets, then no, that's not possible.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 05, 2021, 10:26:35 pm
Version 029 is now out! Enjoy testing your mettle against Necrons as a new enemy faction and a new Chaos Cultist Ritual mission. The Space Marine Librarians will also have access some new spells to replace the vanilla Panic/MC combo. Check it out on our page (!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Rangerh on February 12, 2021, 01:54:59 pm

I'm very new to this mod and i enjoy it a lot. But i have some problems, on the latest version.

I've started a space marine game , made a base, very quickly i detected a ship that one of my aircraft destroyed. I didn't bothered with the crashed mission as there was a chaos cult alert that i went through and unfortunately while i completed it , i got most of my troops killed or wounded so i didn't had enough people to get back to the crashed ship before it disappeared.

Now the problem since that event : i'm near 3 months into my space marine run but since that enemy ship , i have not seen anymore of them of any kind, so far the game is repeated non stop chaos cult alert (those summon/sacrifice things), with sometime a terror mission alert filled with chaos troops between them.
But absolutely no ship in those near 3 months . Is that a bug or is it part of the gameplay that ships are so incredibly rare ?

Now another question, probably not a bug but something i can't figure out : in my base when i want to build facilities, only half of them can be selected, the bottom half (trade outpost, training facillity, clear terrain, etc...) are present but clicking on them does nothing, they just can't be selected, why is that ? 
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Yankes on February 12, 2021, 03:21:56 pm
Now another question, probably not a bug but something i can't figure out : in my base when i want to build facilities, only half of them can be selected, the bottom half (trade outpost, training facillity, clear terrain, etc...) are present but clicking on them does nothing, they just can't be selected, why is that ? 
Facilitates visible but not clickable mean that your base do not have required buildings to built this new one. Alterative some buildings could exclude others.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 12, 2021, 05:14:33 pm
Now the problem since that event : i'm near 3 months into my space marine run but since that enemy ship , i have not seen anymore of them of any kind, so far the game is repeated non stop chaos cult alert (those summon/sacrifice things), with sometime a terror mission alert filled with chaos troops between them.
But absolutely no ship in those near 3 months . Is that a bug or is it part of the gameplay that ships are so incredibly rare ?

Now another question, probably not a bug but something i can't figure out : in my base when i want to build facilities, only half of them can be selected, the bottom half (trade outpost, training facillity, clear terrain, etc...) are present but clicking on them does nothing, they just can't be selected, why is that ?

Have you built more bases with radar facilities? Most likely the UFO missions are happening where you don't have radar coverage. You can see roughly where the missions are happening by checking the Graphs menu from the main Geoscape screen.

If you're getting a lot of cultist alerts, that means there are cultist bases in the area. You can find them by patrolling with your craft (there should be an article about this in the Assistance category of the Codex).

There are two types of bases you can build, determined by the kind of access lift you use. The initial base is an underground one with the majority of facility types, then you can choose to build either more underground bases or above-ground outposts, which is what the disabled facilities are for.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Rangerh on February 12, 2021, 08:20:19 pm
Ah thank you guys, i see better what's going on.

I had no idea the game had different underground and overground bases to build, i played too much other openxcom games i guess :)
I'll have to patrol around then with my aircraft to meet those elusive enemy ships, i must have been unlucky in the region i decided to setup.
I thought those cultist alerts were results of landing ships, and as i saw nothing in months i was wondering what was happening, i'll have to find that enemy base
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Galdred on February 15, 2021, 08:23:40 pm

If you're getting a lot of cultist alerts, that means there are cultist bases in the area. You can find them by patrolling with your craft (there should be an article about this in the Assistance category of the Codex).

Is there a place to go to "get started" with the mod? I feel like an orc techie pressing random buttons when I play, and the results are not very convincing. In my latest attempt, I tried engaging a chimera and lost all of my crafts. Did I miss something, like equipping the crafts with air to ground ordnance?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Rangerh on February 16, 2021, 11:49:30 am
on my space marine game i noticed that missiles and ammo go out very fast from my stormtalons, so in case you forget to buy more after the message in which the base tells you they can't rearm fully, it's easy to send your aircraft without ammo to their own death.

another question : i researched the space marine extra operation that apparently unlocked a training mission in which i have to shoot 10 targets to train my troops more.
But how do you do that mission  ?
I can't seem to find any way to start it, my base has a training facility but out of normal training it does not seem there's some button to start that mission, to test i even built a new surface base with the big 3x3 training outpost in it, transfered a bunch of marines, but there's still nothing that seems to be able to launch that mission.

Decided to wait 2 whole months intentionally skipping all the enemy and terror missions just to see if by any chance this mission will randomly spawn somewhere, but still i saw no training mission.

So how to you get to send your troops in this one ?

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Silverwolf on February 18, 2021, 03:59:57 pm
Side missions are "craft" that crash to the ground. Once you research them/complete one, the next one appears NEXT month.

If you've missed it landing and it's outside your radar range, you can find it on the geoscape by manual scanning just like looking for an enemy base.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on February 27, 2021, 01:47:35 pm

in V28 how does one "active" the Dreadnought ? in the Soldier menu I don't have the "revive fallen brother" menu (as I found on YT or here in the forums)...I build two would love to use them and also in the Armor menu it is not visible
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Buscher on February 27, 2021, 03:22:58 pm
Did you research the Craft Lascannon? It's a requirement for restoring fallen brothers
Code: [Select]
#  Soldiertransformation40k.rul
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on February 27, 2021, 09:27:43 pm

yes was missing that.

now I finished that research and it works.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ham on March 06, 2021, 08:17:08 pm
Nobody translates into Russian? Could I try to make it? ::)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on March 19, 2021, 08:53:11 pm
so finished the game with Space marines,

very good experience,

one question to crafting,

what determined the resources? because I found it a bit unbalanced when a Juggernaut cost almost nothing but a Librarian, Captain or Reclusiarch armor cost as much as a Ship...and the vanguard armor was practically for "free"...I think should then the price of the above mentioned trio go down or the Juggernaut go up?

and the last mission, only approachable by the convoy...practically I was lucky to have the option to build one more base which I placed next to the last mission spot because otherwise I was unable to protect the convoy with 10+ attack ships....

now I am playing as Imperial guards,

crafting also here "strange" advanced sentinel cost less then the "crappy" stationary lascannon or autocannon BUT I think the game is even more fun and I think a little bit easier, the chimera, Leman Russ in combination with the airstrike gives a huge advantage and the Ogryns with Rippers are owning almost every enemy in the beginning.

and love the promotion/recruiting factor and I have a question to it. I can recruit Personnel with Hellguns and produce promotions...what is the requirement to promote a Guardsman? I cannot promote not a single guardsman...
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: N00b45454 on May 06, 2021, 06:20:29 am
I have a question with the arbitrator promotions, what stats do your troopers need to be promoted into an arbitrator?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on June 29, 2021, 10:43:01 pm
YO the Space Hulk mission for the IG is broken when one has a Sentinel or a Mounted gets  STUCK by the terrain. ..OK I manage without it but it is still anoying..and I assume same shit can happen to other fractions that could get stuck....
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on July 06, 2021, 08:32:13 pm
Question in regards of the option to create a random battle...I can select the craft, the mission, weapons, I missing something or how do I define the Crew???? wanted to do a Armageddon homage battle and there is one Astartes....
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 07, 2021, 12:17:52 pm
The soldiers are always random, since the faction is difficulty not work in battle mode, if you want that result you need to change the battle. cfg your soldiers manually
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: millim on July 24, 2021, 04:23:28 pm
I have a question, where can I find a reaper autocannon? I cleaned up about 3-4 blackstone fortresses, but I only found a multi-melta.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 25, 2021, 02:47:12 pm
You need to encounter chaos undivided high rank, so a chaos undivided base, flying fortress, or sideoperations( 2nd mission is highly probable)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 25, 2021, 05:35:54 pm
New version of the mod is up - you can now play as Primaris Space Marines and deck them out in Salamanders Chapter livery. Download is on our page (!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: EleriumWard on July 29, 2021, 09:13:41 am
Good afternoon. I played this mod a few days ago, and I would just like to provide two comments on it

- Regarding Bolters, there does not appear to be any kind of pause after the bullets hit or indicator of where they hit, so it is bit hard to tell if they hit the intended target. In other mods, when a bullet hits something, there is a some kind of sprite/spark that appears after it hits. Would it be alright for you to add a pause and some kind of impact sprite/spark showing to make it easier to see where they hit?

- I noticed that some of the enemies glow blue. Am I correct to assume that these enemies are shielded? If so, then I think it would be better if it showed how much damage was done to the shield.

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: LowerCarcass on August 03, 2021, 12:56:52 am
Hey everyone
I'm having some issues with installation. I've set up all the mod folders and stuff (same as any other mod) but I can't see the main 40k mod in the mod list. All the sub mods are there. I'm sure it's something stupid and easily fixable, does anyone have any idea what I've done wrong?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 03, 2021, 01:07:16 pm
Hey everyone
I'm having some issues with installation. I've set up all the mod folders and stuff (same as any other mod) but I can't see the main 40k mod in the mod list. All the sub mods are there. I'm sure it's something stupid and easily fixable, does anyone have any idea what I've done wrong?

It´s not on the mod list since it´s a mainmod, you must change basegame
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: oxcuser0003 on August 03, 2021, 09:29:05 pm
Love the mod, great work, I remember first trying it years ago, just completed a SM game on 029 recently, awesome that youre still adding stuff.

Now trying out Primaris. Are there any update notes? They seem strong at the start since they come with armor and the Assault Bolter is strong, I assume they dont get terminator armor? Do they ever unlock firstborn? I was able to do the reverse and unlock primaris on my firstborn save. Any details on the armor differences after soldier transformations?

Some thoughts on my completed playthrough:
- I was expecting X-COM style linear upgrades but overall most things seem like sidegrades? I went through the game mostly with the Heavy Bolter/Lascannon/Terminator Armor/Drop Pods. Research doesnt have that X-COM feeling of progression. I was excited to unlock all the weapons, armor, vehicles but when I looked at the stats didnt feel the need to use most of it.
- Speaking of research, was a bit confusing, had to refer to the tech tree post a lot
- Master crafted ammo finally has the damage upgrade but it seems really expensive and just went back to the starting heavy bolter ammo
- The advanced crafts had really slow refuel time? 5 instead of 50?
- Is mind control in the mod? Got librarian armor but never got MC
- Base defenses seem to happen even with grav shield and melta def?
- Is melee viable? Seemed very situational but only tried a bit with one Assault terminator/MC Thunder Hammer guy
- Especially love the unit voices

Overall love it, thanks and keep up the great work!

EDIT: More thoughts
- the corpses seem to take up a lot of storage space?
- the honor badge system feels a bit clunky
- liking the detail of the Primaris helmet colors changing with soldier type/rank change
- love all the different factions/races, any thoughts on Deathwatch rules or something that would let you use alien items?
- variety in the weapons is cool but feels like there are so many different patterns of bolters/lasguns/etc that are similar
- does researching all the enemies/corpses/items do anything besides fill out lore? feels bad spending the research time, at least the middle mouse click gives some hints though
- the different chapter recolors are a nice touch
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ryskeliini on September 26, 2021, 03:37:07 am
OG artwork made for space marines mod. it was made back in 2015 in mspaint, just for lols, thought i would share this here. Bulletdesigner and oharstein have done amazing work continuing the mod wich was just a example mod ages ago. keep up the good work fellas!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on October 17, 2021, 02:23:30 pm
a question in regards of the Above ground Bases,

I see that there are multiple types - each type taking up soo much space that there is no possibility of combining them
(one has a Trade place or a outpost or a training facility) what is somehow unpractical as one has in total a very limited
nr. of Bases.

So I always end up building a Trade place (without it finishing the games is very hard, the possibility to buy raw material is key)
BUT with that I have a base that has no Radar and no it gets never attacked (not once in like 10x playthroughs)
would it not be more logical to make every above ground base a "Outpost" (with a runway and a radar) and one can additionally
build a 2x2 Trade place or a 2x2 Training facility into it? (beside the Turrets, mine fields, etc.) - so the possibility to have one outpost that
can hold every above ground extra facility.

also then maybe add a Hidra Turret...if the base gets attacked (Let me quest...if I would build the above ground base with the radar then it could get attacked? or my trade place...if Orks would find it then it could get attacked?)
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on October 17, 2021, 10:06:57 pm
Playing as Arbiters,

the defense munitorum is a mission impossible, look here took my 3x turns yet lost 4x weapon/ammo stacks and for that minus 630
practically all got lost after turn 1...whoever created these missions must have a balance issue as these missions are impossible to get a positive score
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Tchey on October 25, 2021, 02:14:50 pm

About research, can we get some clarification, mostly everything :

Some thoughts on my completed playthrough:
- I was expecting X-COM style linear upgrades but overall most things seem like sidegrades? I went through the game mostly with the Heavy Bolter/Lascannon/Terminator Armor/Drop Pods. Research doesnt have that X-COM feeling of progression. I was excited to unlock all the weapons, armor, vehicles but when I looked at the stats didnt feel the need to use most of it.
- Speaking of research, was a bit confusing, had to refer to the tech tree post a lot
- variety in the weapons is cool but feels like there are so many different patterns of bolters/lasguns/etc that are similar
- does researching all the enemies/corpses/items do anything besides fill out lore? feels bad spending the research time, at least the middle mouse click gives some hints though

I’m playing OXCE+Files+Additions, and i’m having a blast, and i’m thinking maybe i’ll play 40k next month when/if i’m done with my current campagn.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Buscher on October 31, 2021, 10:48:26 pm
a question in regards of the Above ground Bases,

I see that there are multiple types - each type taking up soo much space that there is no possibility of combining them
(one has a Trade place or a outpost or a training facility) what is somehow unpractical as one has in total a very limited
nr. of Bases.

So I always end up building a Trade place (without it finishing the games is very hard, the possibility to buy raw material is key)
BUT with that I have a base that has no Radar and no it gets never attacked (not once in like 10x playthroughs)
would it not be more logical to make every above ground base a "Outpost" (with a runway and a radar) and one can additionally
build a 2x2 Trade place or a 2x2 Training facility into it? (beside the Turrets, mine fields, etc.) - so the possibility to have one outpost that
can hold every above ground extra facility.

also then maybe add a Hidra Turret...if the base gets attacked (Let me quest...if I would build the above ground base with the radar then it could get attacked? or my trade place...if Orks would find it then it could get attacked?)

Mechanically bases get attacked if the enemy is running a retaliation mission. I commonly build the trade base next to my main base, due to transfer cost and time. This means that the trade base is typically in the same region. As retaliation missions are per region, it is possible that the enemy will target the trade base instead of your main base. This is actually a good thing in my mind as the trade base functionally works as a decoy. In terms of detection an underground base would probably less likely to be detected as detection chance is by number of facilities. I am not sure if a 4x4 facility counts as one or as 16. To my understanding the dirt tiles will ironically increase enemy detection chance.

Playing as Arbiters,

the defense munitorum is a mission impossible, look here took my 3x turns yet lost 4x weapon/ammo stacks and for that minus 630
practically all got lost after turn 1...whoever created these missions must have a balance issue as these missions are impossible to get a positive score

Terror Missions are typically like that. Negative Score is a bit harsh as the normal terror missions can only be up to -390 negative score.

Love the mod, great work, I remember first trying it years ago, just completed a SM game on 029 recently, awesome that youre still adding stuff.

Now trying out Primaris. Are there any update notes? They seem strong at the start since they come with armor and the Assault Bolter is strong, I assume they dont get terminator armor? Do they ever unlock firstborn? I was able to do the reverse and unlock primaris on my firstborn save. Any details on the armor differences after soldier transformations?

Some thoughts on my completed playthrough:
- I was expecting X-COM style linear upgrades but overall most things seem like sidegrades? I went through the game mostly with the Heavy Bolter/Lascannon/Terminator Armor/Drop Pods. Research doesnt have that X-COM feeling of progression. I was excited to unlock all the weapons, armor, vehicles but when I looked at the stats didnt feel the need to use most of it.
- Speaking of research, was a bit confusing, had to refer to the tech tree post a lot
- Master crafted ammo finally has the damage upgrade but it seems really expensive and just went back to the starting heavy bolter ammo
- The advanced crafts had really slow refuel time? 5 instead of 50?
- Is mind control in the mod? Got librarian armor but never got MC
- Base defenses seem to happen even with grav shield and melta def?
- Is melee viable? Seemed very situational but only tried a bit with one Assault terminator/MC Thunder Hammer guy
- Especially love the unit voices

Overall love it, thanks and keep up the great work!

EDIT: More thoughts
- the corpses seem to take up a lot of storage space?
- the honor badge system feels a bit clunky
- liking the detail of the Primaris helmet colors changing with soldier type/rank change
- love all the different factions/races, any thoughts on Deathwatch rules or something that would let you use alien items?
- variety in the weapons is cool but feels like there are so many different patterns of bolters/lasguns/etc that are similar
- does researching all the enemies/corpses/items do anything besides fill out lore? feels bad spending the research time, at least the middle mouse click gives some hints though
- the different chapter recolors are a nice touch

Gonna answer what I can.

- The initial weapons can carry you pretty much through the game. In my opinion this is needed as you will face Power Armor very soon. The options you research give you better tools at destroying/bypassing armor. But it's totally possible to beat the game with Heavy Bolters and Lascannons alone. One has to check the stats for nerds page to understand the different damage types better.
- Research trees without checking the tech tree is usually confusing. Any ideas as how to solve it?
- Player Mind Control has been removed. There is still some on the IG Psyker Telepath but it's likely not intended.
- Base defense has to crack the HPs of a Flying Fortress, the rest is probability.
- Melee is very viable. Of course you need some fire support but melee is really good in CQB.
- Researching corpses and live bodies is usually for the lore. There are very few research topics that depend on life capture/corpses.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Shawdawg on December 15, 2021, 05:59:05 pm
Hello, retried this mod yesterday and today and maybe I am doing something wrong, but it feels unbalanced. Tough is one thing, but in Jan, I am fighting Chaos Space Marines and Khorne Demons on my first terror missions. Any very small craft I shoot down doesnt survive to be salvaged. I am running Rosigma as well, and cultists arent much of an issue.

Is there something I need to do or setup, before missions to help my cause more? It feels like starting a game of Xcom and running into Mutons or Lobstermen as my first enemy
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Requiem on December 16, 2021, 08:46:01 am
Thats funny but some chaos marines with bolt pistols and demons actually is a early game. In mid game mod gives to you spacehulks with tyranids, eldars and advanced orks and chaos units. These are real mutons. Tbh only thing that makes me to keep going is good pixel art and wh40k theme.

My experience with ROSIGMA so far:
Armor on anything thicker than a cultist is just insane(around 100+-) and this makes AP weapons valuable and anything else worthless.
For no reason usual heavy bolters works well. Lascannons and Meltas for later game.
Sniper rifles works too, you can outrange most enemies with them.
Lasguns and flamers ignore armor but their damage/accuracy horrific.
Smoke is really helpfull. Just throw it beetwen enemies and you, not under your legs. Holograms cool too.
Each faction have items that can double your action points(chapter banner, sisters whips, comissars etc).
Use books(spells), it costs a lot of energy and caster recieves stun damage but with couple of medics you can spam them.
You start with HWP without any research. And dudes can be trained in them. Sentinels/HB of sisters just monsters.
Dont rush, use cover and loss of view, use focus fire on though guys to melt armor.
Use cannon fodder, they cheaper than grenades.

Hope this helps..
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Shawdawg on December 16, 2021, 05:55:12 pm
Thanks for the tips. I have been trying Tactical Marines and finding Chaos Bases near my own base at the start. Am I better off with the 2 armors they give me carrying heavy bolters loaded with AP and a bike then? Maybe a hidden servitor for heals and a few scouts? Do you recommend the Rosigma Mod? Also, I saw a post before saying chaos was supposed to be more towards April, so I thought something was wrong
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Requiem on December 17, 2021, 03:10:25 am
Also, I saw a post before saying chaos was supposed to be more towards April, so I thought something was wrong
Thats true, around april will be a message that space hulk came out of the warp or something like that. This is where difficulty spike happens.

I dont recommend attack bases at all until end game. They can spawn stuff like 8 sentinels+sorcerers+chaos terminators. Orbital strike needed here thats for sure. Or at least more experienced troops. Try to catch some transports with adamantium/promethium. Once you research them you can buy them in outpost.

Cant say much about base mod, i played with rosigma from beggining just because its have more content. Especially for Sisters and IG.
My major complain is that they adding new stuff without any ingame info.
For example what in the hell lucius pattern lasgun? Oh, its Krieg korps rifle and can do power shots. From where i got this knowledge? Not from codex.
I dont know, maybe i just got softened by piratez/xfiles quality, lol.

ps sorry for typos, not native speaker.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Shawdawg on December 17, 2021, 04:44:53 am
No problem, I understood you well. If you didnt know, most of, if not all of the music is from Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Requiem on December 17, 2021, 05:25:30 am
Yeah its cool but the ultramarine chant gets a little bit reptiteve after awile.
I prefer to play with dark ambient from Cryo Chamber on the background or some 40k ambient like "Ecclesiarchy gothic litanies".
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Shawdawg on December 17, 2021, 10:02:53 pm
To some, this may sound like cheating the experience, but I also feel the Emperor/High Command wouldnt send just scouts to an outpost to defend a planet. Is there a way to modify so that when you get your armor delivered after choosing strategy, you get 4 (so more like a real squad) and after choosing a strategy, can you still learn the other armors? Cause two guys wearing Devastator armor in an 8 man tactical squad is common.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Requiem on December 18, 2021, 07:18:21 am
But you can manufacture more armor. It is not too deep in research tree.
And yes you can craft all other types regardless of strategy choice. Assault armor is hardest to unlock i think(chaos raptor needed).
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Shawdawg on December 19, 2021, 08:25:45 pm
I restarted and realized I made the error in shooting down all the enemies. If I waited till they landed, send drop pods in, I can get some adamntium and promethium every now and then and maybe not lose a lot of guys....maybe
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: oxcuser0003 on January 06, 2022, 09:04:52 am
So awesome that new factions are still being added. Looks like you beat Chaos Gate 2 to playable GK lol They do feel OP at start but thats a good thing imo, something that the SM kind of lacked until end game. The requisition system does make them feel more rare and valuable which is a nice change from feeling like IG fodder

Havent played much but it seems like you wont be able to change up the weapon loadouts until you promote them and get different armor? Or will all armor ranks have locked in items?

Speaking of weapons, any thoughts on rebalancing? Last time I got through the base SM campaign with heavy bolters and lascannons that you get early on and there wasnt much feeling of progression. Dont know how much inspiration is taken from the tabletop (which i admittedly dont play) but when i looked up the stats out of curiosity (on wahapedia) there seemed to be a LOT to work with

Cosmetically, love the DoW voices; the armor color seems a bit more like White Knights though :D

Looking forward to what you have in store for Deathwatch, thanks again for the great mod!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 20, 2022, 06:53:39 pm
Version 032 up on the page ( Enjoy!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Harmondale2 on February 21, 2022, 08:55:04 pm
Is the new update compatible with old saves?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Bonakva on May 28, 2022, 10:25:06 am
Is it designed that when you play as a gray knights of the new gray knights can not get?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Rangerh on October 05, 2022, 01:16:37 pm
Just noticed, there's a new version 033 that is now available

changes :
Update 27.09.2022:

- New features require OXCE 7.7.3
- Add Eldar as playable faction for guard and Arbites after live Seer research
- Small visual bugfixes
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Ferago on November 19, 2022, 07:45:23 pm
Can anyone explain how the order of troops in the chimera is decided? I know that each vehicle holds 8 slots but looking at it now the ninth guy in my list of troops is somehow in the fifth seat on the first ship. Being able to preview the deployment order is nice except since the troops load without their gear it's still complicated to plan your order.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lone Wolf on November 24, 2022, 09:12:14 am
Hey all, I am playing the guard campaign for ROSIGMA and I researched the topic for spawning the final mission.  However, it's been over two months in game and I haven't had anything fire.  How do I start the final mission? 

I am having waves of enemies showing up all over and a new UFO literally pops up every 5 seconds.  Even if I do nothing for an entire month it still takes me 10 min just to speed through the alert windows.  If I really do have to wait, is there a way to reduce the number of missions that spawn per month?  Or at least the number of UFOs? 
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on November 24, 2022, 10:19:15 am
Fly to the Himalayas and keep your craft there "Patrolling" you should find the final base...then use the final craft (for IG Gorgon) to go there...but way its to build a new base next to the final base...transfer there the Gorgon + squad + gear and do a short trip...because when I tried to move across the whole continent...well those endless spawns of UFOs destroyed my Gorgon and my 15+ fighter craft where not enough to protect it
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Lone Wolf on November 25, 2022, 07:41:54 am
Ok, I just did it and it worked!  Thanks, there were no hints that I needed to search for it.  The base idea is great too since I'm drowning in UFOs.  I appreciate the help! 
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Scamps on November 26, 2022, 10:12:24 am
No hints at all?  :)
It's on the second page though, entirely possible to miss.

Upd: Searching for enemy bases is a good idea in 40k. Will help with your "number of UFOs" problem.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Amoebka on January 04, 2023, 10:17:01 pm
Finished my first full playthrough as SoB, and the faction sadly feels like an afterthought. Soldiers are weaker than marines, armors are worse than marines while being 5 times more expensive, half the tech tree is locked out with nothing unique to compensate for it, etc.

I used my standart troop carrier, standart armor, and standart bolters for the entire 80 hours, because everything I researched was ruinously expensive and at best a minor upgrade. 500 adamantium and 5 honor badges for an armor that has the same protection values plus a single-use energy shield? 20 badges for a 2x2 unit that dies to a single plasma autofire and has no ranged attack? Why do saints even get firing accuracy bonuses when they can't use guns? Why can I research power swords when even with full upgrades and armor sisters don't have enough strength to ever wield them? Literally the only upgrade I used in the entire game was the master crafted bolter ammo.

Also, the game crashed every time I attempted an eldar mission. Missing PCK for wraithguards.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Leflair on January 05, 2023, 03:39:51 pm
Finished my first full playthrough as SoB, and the faction sadly feels like an afterthought.

Adeptas are more fleshed out in ROSIGMA, so try that submod if they're your jam.

The economics is different, you get more armors&tiers and more crafts (Castigators) + a lot of new weapons.

The main mod will get a update for the crash issue with the PCK.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Amoebka on January 05, 2023, 05:46:00 pm
Adeptas are more fleshed out in ROSIGMA, so try that submod if they're your jam.

I do plan on doing so after a small break. Still, ROSIGMA is more that a content addon pack, it adds a lot of new mechanics I certainly won't like. Would be nice if some of the content could get "mainlined" into the base mod eventually.

A large part of the problem is just balance, really. Adeptas do already have SOME unique techs and units, they are just so bad you never end up using them, which makes the faction feel like crippled SM.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Vakrug on May 17, 2023, 02:21:53 pm
How to make those soldiers just SHUT UP!? (Searched with some keywords, but nothing found.) It is just insane! Every time I click something I hear nonsense!
Also no hit indications? I thought this is a standart thing nowadays. In combination with extremely fast projectiles it is very hard to tell what actually happened.
Oh, have I mentioned, that I got wiped out during the very first mission? Seriously, this was one of the most unpleasant starting experiences out of all games I played.  :(
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2023, 02:30:46 pm
How to make those soldiers just SHUT UP!? (Searched with some keywords, but nothing found.)

1. press Ctrl+X

2. or change oxceEnableUnitResponseSounds in options.cfg

3. or in the ruleset enableUnitResponseSounds: false

All documented.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 17, 2023, 04:44:33 pm
For the hit indicator, you can just copy HitFX-basic.rul from any other mod which uses it and put it 40k's ruleset folder. Should work.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Vakrug on May 17, 2023, 07:03:00 pm
All documented.
Well, definitely not in in-game ufopedia or on this thread's first post... In either case thanks, maybe I will return to this mod someday.
For the hit indicator, you can just copy HitFX-basic.rul from any other mod which uses it and put it 40k's ruleset folder. Should work.
Good to know. But I think that if the modder decided not to include this stuff, then game is balanced around this.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HyperOS on July 06, 2023, 05:40:45 pm
Hello, where "facility" RULE for this mod?
I can't find STR_GENERAL_STORES, how i can find this line?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on July 06, 2023, 05:45:13 pm
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: HyperOS on July 06, 2023, 05:55:55 pm
Thank you very much for the quick advice and help!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: sayan on July 31, 2023, 11:39:20 am
Hello, not sure if it's 40k or ROSIGMA related, I've bombed Eldar webway on 1st turn and there have been enemy reinforcements spawning every single turn. Is there a set number of waves or something else I need to do to finish it?
Edit: with a bit of save/loading I managed to clear spaw-ins in 1 turn and mission finally ended(with 127 enemies killed). If I'm the only one getting it, I'm guessing it's one of the submods causing it.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on August 02, 2023, 06:33:36 pm
Dear all,

can someone add a picture how a Ideal Eldar base should look?
I assume to have 1x s enough but what to build into it?
not to make a useless one....
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Vakrug on August 30, 2023, 07:51:49 pm
Right now it is very tempting for me to just declare this mod as garbage and forget this nightmare forever, but I decided to give a chance to persuade me that this mod is not as bad as I think it is.

It took 3 game restarts to survive (not win, just survive) an encounter with the smallest UFO on beginner difficulty! It's turret appears to be indestructible, at least for weapons I had at that time. Soon after that I got obliterated in a terror mission where 5 cannon looking turrets where so well placed, that I couldn't shoot them, but they could!

Do I have to run away from turrets as soon as I see one? Are there easier missions in the beginning? The only easy mission I saw was when I took down an interceptor with 2 pilots. Every other UFOs were those with indestructible turrets.

I also tried to watch some let's plays, but soon realized, that they are playing essentially different game: no turrets encountered.

What am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 31, 2023, 03:40:04 pm

It took 3 game restarts to survive (not win, just survive) an encounter with the smallest UFO on beginner difficulty!
Do I have to run away from turrets as soon as I see one? Are there easier missions in the beginning? The only easy mission I saw was when I took down an interceptor with 2 pilots. Every other UFOs were those with indestructible turrets.

There are no difficulty level is chosen by faction you want to play
If you intercept with craft and take it down there is high change the turret is damage and not present (there is no great need to do that missions anyway)
The game is a sandbox where you can have different enemy base on start (not chaos), some are harder then other, restart until you get cultists if you are desperate
There are a lot of tips on the help section of the CODEX for weapons and gameplay
Join Rosgima discord so people can give tips and advice ( 40k is orfan)

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Vakrug on August 31, 2023, 03:59:23 pm
There are no difficulty level is chosen by faction you want to play
I saw such screen in old let's plays, but in my game I had normal difficulty selector and the first research project was the faction selection.
Join Rosgima discord so people can give tips and advice ( 40k is orfan)
What? Does this means that 40k is abandoned mode and Rosigma is what I am suppose to play? There is no such info on this mod's first page.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on August 31, 2023, 04:47:21 pm
I saw such screen in old let's plays, but in my game I had normal difficulty selector and the first research project was the faction selection.What? Does this means that 40k is abandoned mode and Rosigma is what I am suppose to play? There is no such info on this mod's first page.

No, means the administrators of the discord server got banned and it has no moderators.. so we decided to join rosigma discord
This is the screen that should appear there is no difficulty selector
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Harmondale2 on September 01, 2023, 03:56:41 pm
Hey Hey, curious whats the situation with the new ranks, I have had like 30 guys at Brother marine rank for a while now, but not anything higher, would used to have at least a few Sergeants by now, maybe i'm just unlucky but the release said the badges system had changed so thought i'd ask whats new

Just doing space marines on the latest version 36
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on September 02, 2023, 02:28:12 pm
You probably are playing primaris, and didnt read that promotions are manual, check soldier tabs for promotions
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on September 02, 2023, 04:01:13 pm
Dear Vakrug,

the vanilla 40K is hard as F,

I member I was playing as Astartes and even to destroy a fuken Chimera was like hell...

If you want more options,

try Rosigma and even better use the minimods to tune down the game

and still 40K vanilla is a cake walk when compared to the mess called Xcom want hell play that shieet
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Vakrug on September 02, 2023, 04:52:34 pm
the vanilla 40K is hard as F,
Well, then it is not just me...
try Rosigma and even better use the minimods to tune down the game
OK, I will try Rosigma someday when my anger will come down slightly.
and still 40K vanilla is a cake walk when compared to the mess called Xcom want hell play that shieet
What are you talking about? XComFiles are extremely beginner friendly. Yes, you will inevitably screw things on strategic level, but until then things will be great.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on September 03, 2023, 10:51:16 am
then they had to do something, I tried Xcom files like 10 times and I got destroyed
every time /like a Zombie that explodes so the half of the map is a insta kill or a Chuba that has 200 move points or a UFO on the first mission/
so for me a mess....
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Harmondale2 on September 03, 2023, 06:34:00 pm
You probably are playing primaris, and didnt read that promotions are manual, check soldier tabs for promotions

Nah playing just Tactical Strategy, no primaris. Most guys are Brother marines but no ones advanced beyond that still.

Edit: I've got field promations turned on in the options, might try turn it off and see if anything changes
Edit: Ah ok I found it,  Manual Promotions is now on and unchangable in the options. Didn't realise. I should have been more observant. haha
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: EleriumWard on September 24, 2023, 05:06:27 am
Any plans to add music from Darktide?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Rhadmaty on October 12, 2023, 06:40:54 pm
Arbites troopers start off absurdly weak, cocksuckers can barely cross the road before running out of energy.

edit: they can't even throw a flare properly, come the fuck on
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on October 12, 2023, 09:33:26 pm
try playing then with installed Rosigma which gives more balance /that the Arbites where also balanced was mostly as I nagged a lot LOL/
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: coldbeer on January 31, 2024, 07:27:49 pm
Hello Folks,

I really need your help. I bought XCOM Terror..., I downloaded openxcom_extendend_v7.11, I downloaded 40K_36_cuvs

1) I installed XCOM Terror...
2) I installed oxce_7.11
3) I extraced 40K_36_cuvs folders into user\documents\OpenXCom\mods

when I start the game and go to mods they don't show me 40k in the main game list.
I tried the same with oxce_7.5.3 with the same result even with 40K_30.
Ohter mods like less_dense_smoke will be detected without problems...

The game language is default german, could this be the reason (I tried english also)

Did I something wrong, any advice what I can do?

Thanks for help!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on February 01, 2024, 11:41:39 am
40k requires "UFO Defense", not "Terror from the Deep"
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: coldbeer on February 01, 2024, 05:10:51 pm
Oh Oh,

bought Ufo Defense and now all works fine!
Thank you so much, played my first game and you all did a awesome job!
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: oxcuser0003 on February 02, 2024, 06:37:41 am
checking back in after a while, very cool that Deathwatch is in, it seems the final mission might be different which is a nice touch

the recruitment with different chapters and perks is cool but the individual barracks is clunky. is it intended that i have to spend resources and space building all the barracks early on to recruit as many guys as possible then dismantling or wasting the space?

im trying to change some of the rulesets like craft fuelitem and refuel rate but they dont seem to be taking effect when i load a game? Do i have to start a completely new game? EDIT: i think it was capitalization

EDIT: DW doesnt get librarian armor? is this intended?
Noticed a bug, mismatching logo on the soldier list, Dark Angels show the Space Wolves logo
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: nicedayright on March 01, 2024, 12:59:11 am
Sorry if this has been addressed, but is there a reason half my marines are women? and the female frequency of sororitas is only set at fifty? Just an oversight? I keep having to fix it every time I update.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 02, 2024, 05:09:02 pm
Well female freq in marines is 15% or 30% cant recall, it was orignal made that way because i'm a old fart and in my mind marines were more human not super, you can put it to 0. anyway adeptas only have female sprites so  6female and 6male  but the images are all female, the same can be said for primaris and deathwatch only males so 6 female and 6 male.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on March 11, 2024, 07:59:40 pm
dear all,

so I downloaded the latest and got following error:

ERROR]   During linking rulesets of manufacture:
Error processing 'STR_CRATED_LANDSPEEDER' in manufacture: Manufacturing time must be greater than zero.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 11, 2024, 08:30:43 pm
do you have the latest oxce? the created landspeed is nolonger used , now it´s automaticly given
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on March 11, 2024, 09:10:20 pm
I did auto update yesterday,

will do manual Oxce update and see if it is still popin up

so I downloaded Oxce and the mod again and get the same error

cold it be that Rosigma or some other submod is the reason for the error....
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on March 12, 2024, 12:19:53 am
yap it´s a rosigma, they update the mod with fix
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Simi822 on March 15, 2024, 10:00:21 pm
I don't know if this is a Vanilla mod feature ...WTF is the function when playing as the Deathwatch to build the  XXXX quarters ?   can you inform me ?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: nicedayright on March 18, 2024, 05:53:29 am
Who would win, an angry khornate berserker juiced up on the bloodlust of a literal god? Or the room full of artillery shells I just lured him into?

So the armor effectiveness of the Commissars "Inspire" ability is 25%, which means it usually works, but starts rolling zeros when I start putting my guys in carapace. Especially my Ogryns. It's like you want to keep me from blitzing the enemy lines with a forty IQ arguably human bulldozer egged on by a commissariat cheer squad.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Flenser on May 14, 2024, 10:52:40 pm
question about the Tauros transport: after the end of the first turn, there is a weird radio mumble and then the damn thing gives a small wound to everyone in my squad. what is this supposed to simulate?

Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on May 15, 2024, 01:56:49 am
question about the Tauros transport: after the end of the first turn, there is a weird radio mumble and then the damn thing gives a small wound to everyone in my squad. what is this supposed to simulate?

Was a bug now Fixed, no more wounds, the radio mumble is "valkerie leaving combat area" and the damage is from the take off to make valkerie disappear
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Blazen on October 27, 2024, 01:42:21 pm
Hi, I'm thinking of making a mod for xcom and while it wouldn't be a submod for the 40k mod it would also be set in the 40k universe so would you mind if I borrowed some of your assets please.
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on October 28, 2024, 06:36:19 pm
Hi, I'm thinking of making a mod for xcom and while it wouldn't be a submod for the 40k mod it would also be set in the 40k universe so would you mind if I borrowed some of your assets please.

sure use it as you please
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on November 27, 2024, 02:37:32 pm
Hi, is there an official 40k mod repository somewhere on github (where I could make a PR) ?
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: bulletdesigner on November 28, 2024, 05:33:29 pm
yes, but i dont understand github, so i will give you a link  and hope thats it
Title: Re: 40k
Post by: Meridian on November 28, 2024, 06:17:04 pm
Thanks, I will ask Buscher for more details.