OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => Hardmode Expansion => Topic started by: hellrazor on October 04, 2016, 08:15:18 pm

Title: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on October 04, 2016, 08:15:18 pm
Please leave Bugreports in this thread.

Good to have:
- Screenshots
- Savegame File

Please include also the Version of the mod you are useing and the Version of openxcom.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on October 22, 2016, 09:11:57 pm
OpenXcom nightly 2016.09.25
Harmode Expansion 0.99.2d

What happened just before saving: alien shot Gebre Cristos Negasi, he got 3 fatal wounds and his health dropped down to 27 (very little aftershot drop, accounting 3 FWs, by the way). On next turn his health correctly dropped to 24. A soldier, Peter Stanimirov, came to him. He has Field Medic Pack, which showed that Negasi had 1 fatal wound - torso. He healed that wound, now medic pack shows there are no FWs, but Negast still have three ones.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on October 22, 2016, 09:57:55 pm
OpenXcom nightly 2016.09.25
Harmode Expansion 0.99.2d

What happened just before saving: alien shot Gebre Cristos Negasi, he got 3 fatal wounds and his health dropped down to 27 (very little aftershot drop, accounting 3 FWs, by the way). On next turn his health correctly dropped to 24. A soldier, Peter Stanimirov, came to him. He has Field Medic Pack, which showed that Negasi had 1 fatal wound - torso. He healed that wound, now medic pack shows there are no FWs, but Negast still have three ones.

Hi Constantine,
the savegame you attached is from a TFTD game. Maybe do you still have the correct safe file?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on October 28, 2016, 03:52:38 pm
I am sorry, no, it was overwritten.
Hmm, but I remember definitely that I had taken my savefile from user/xcom1 folder. Strange...

But there is one more bug)
In Research_Tree_Hardmode_Expansion (both .jpg and .dia) Soldier Armor Repair depends on Alloy Vest, whereas in reality it is available from the beginning.

Btw, where can I see list of modules included into Hardmode Expansion? At first place I'm interested in Muton Commander module.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on October 28, 2016, 07:35:12 pm
I am sorry, no, it was overwritten.
Hmm, but I remember definitely that I had taken my savefile from user/xcom1 folder. Strange...

But there is one more bug)
In Research_Tree_Hardmode_Expansion (both .jpg and .dia) Soldier Armor Repair depends on Alloy Vest, whereas in reality it is available from the beginning.

Thanks, that is actually a bug in the research tree graphic, I made that research topic available from the start, I will add a corrected version towards the next release. Thanks for noticing :)

Btw, where can I see list of modules included into Hardmode Expansion? At first place I'm interested in Muton Commander module.

There is a new badass Race called Muton Elites which are using the Muton Commander sprites.
I never made a dedicated list of what mods I did include, since I changed values modified Sprites, added additional Sprites etc..
There is a list of Features located here (,3550.0.html).
Maybe I make a dedicated list of included Mods in the future.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on October 30, 2016, 03:03:05 pm
And one more bug in research tree: Alien Grenade should be dependent on Elerium.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on October 31, 2016, 09:53:45 am
And one more bug in research tree: Alien Grenade should be dependent on Elerium.

Thanks, I also found a bug in the research tree but only a minor one.
Fixed goes into the next Version.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 03, 2016, 12:09:54 pm
The next research bug )

I have in storage corpses of sectoid, silacoid, etc. In lab I see I can research them all. I do research sectoid corpse and then get message: Now you can research silacoid corpse, chryssalid corpse.
That just seems to be excessive.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 03, 2016, 04:33:16 pm
The next research bug )

I have in storage corpses of sectoid, silacoid, etc. In lab I see I can research them all. I do research sectoid corpse and then get message: Now you can research silacoid corpse, chryssalid corpse.
That just seems to be excessive.

This also occurs in Vanilla, so it should not be a mod related bug.
It is expected behaviour, also you can start all researches you can research. they will still exist and will wait for Scientist to be asigned. It is virtual Research management ^^
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 03, 2016, 05:59:31 pm
This also occurs in Vanilla, so it should not be a mod related bug.

Hmm... I don't remember such behavior nor in vanilla under DOS neither in OpenXcom. Otherwise I would have posted that to OpenXcom bugtracker already.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 03, 2016, 08:27:51 pm
Hmm... I don't remember such behavior nor in vanilla under DOS neither in OpenXcom. Otherwise I would have posted that to OpenXcom bugtracker already.

If you have a savegame, I will certainly recheck this behaviour. Might take a few days thou, since I am moving into my new appartment this weekend.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 03, 2016, 08:39:43 pm
Now I haven't. But after some time I'll post it here, OK.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 07, 2016, 01:19:39 am
Now I haven't. But after some time I'll post it here, OK.

I am looking forward to it. ;)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 12, 2016, 05:13:56 pm
'Alien threat' research text has a misprint: 'cilivian' should be 'civilian'.
And also there is word combination 'if they aliens'. Maybe word 'they' is redundant here? And if no, what dose it mean here?

https:// English is not my native
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 12, 2016, 07:36:28 pm
'Alien threat' research text has a misprint: 'cilivian' should be 'civilian'.
And also there is word combination 'if they aliens'. Maybe word 'they' is redundant here? And if no, what dose it mean here?

https:// English is not my native

Thanks I fixed the typos and correct the text a little bit goes into the next Version. =)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 15, 2016, 09:20:23 am

That's my post. I didn't write mods there in bugtracker, but you know what I mean )
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 15, 2016, 10:34:33 am

That's my post. I didn't write mods there in bugtracker, but you know what I mean )

Hi constantine, thanks for finding all those small errors and typos, great work!
Please report such stuff to me first, if you think it is mod related.

I fixed the error, goes into the next version (see Github (
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 28, 2016, 07:03:45 am
Now I haven't. But after some time I'll post it here, OK.

Here is save. I'm researching floater corpse. Play the game until research is finished and you'll see you can research other corpses. But you already can do it.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 28, 2016, 07:50:47 pm
Here is save. I'm researching floater corpse. Play the game until research is finished and you'll see you can research other corpses. But you already can do it.

I really do not think it is a bug. Maybe it had to do with some of the changes in the nightlies and the introduction of some features.
I will check with supsuper when i find the time.
The savegame looks brutal, i had to turn off ironman, because fast forwarding just created a gameloss due to score.
One base doesn't cut it.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 29, 2016, 06:23:33 am
Well, yes, this is not highly critical program error, but still it is strange behavior, and that never happened in vanilla.

Just the same situation was when I played without ironman mode, it doesn't connected.

The savegame looks brutal, i had to turn off ironman, because fast forwarding just created a gameloss due to score.

It is Hardmode Expansion, dude, every time aliens kick the shit out of me;-) I am even starting to think that aliens soon will take over the Earth and there will be no escape...

One base doesn't cut it.

Sorry, didn't get you. What does it mean?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Arthanor on November 29, 2016, 07:00:47 am
Well, yes, this is not highly critical program error, but still it is strange behavior, and that never happened in vanilla.

The issue is not that you should not report it. It's WHERE you report it. The bug tracker that you used is for the core OpenXCom engine, which is not at fault here. What you are reporting are problems with the hardmode mod, so it should be reported here, not on the bug tracker.

Sorry, didn't get you. What does it mean?
This literally means "One base is not enough." So you need to build more bases, then you can have more of everything.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 29, 2016, 07:40:17 am
The issue is not that you should not report it. It's WHERE you report it. The bug tracker that you used is for the core OpenXCom engine, which is not at fault here. What you are reporting are problems with the hardmode mod, so it should be reported here, not on the bug tracker.

Yes, and I did reported that here after your first clarification.

It is just often hard to distinguish what causes the error: openxcom engine or mod. And which mod exactly if you have many ones.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Arthanor on November 29, 2016, 08:23:25 am
When in doubt, assume it's the mod. Especially for stuff like missing text.

If it's clearly established that it isn't the mod, then maybe it's the engine. But it's still probably the mod ;)

That being said, I think hellrazor is pretty thorough with his testing.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 29, 2016, 10:59:12 am
It depends, in general reporting a Bug to the Mod author in question first is usually a good idea.
Especially if the error you find is a typo, or related to any non vanilla content, for example a Maperror.

The research topics in question were not really changed from the vanilla settings that much

Code: [Select]
    cost: 180
    points: 50
    needItem: true
    cost: 180
    points: 50
    needItem: true

Code: [Select]
    cost: 270
    listOrder: 3200
      - STR_NEWS_1
    listOrder: 3201

    cost: 270
    listOrder: 3202
      - STR_NEWS_3
    listOrder: 3203

I only change the listorder, add some dependencies and a unlock. So i doubt its a mod issue.
I will recheck with SupSuper next weekend and make a Bugtracker report.
Need to recheck if this maybe comes from the Unlock or the getOneFree, we will see.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 29, 2016, 09:53:39 pm
No terrestrial path from Skyranger to UFO. I finished that mission already, but that was really hard.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 29, 2016, 09:55:11 pm
Maybe MALE_CIVILIAN should be more user-readable?
What is improvisation?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 29, 2016, 09:57:54 pm
Ruleset\extraStrings-en.rul has a misprint. In STR_NEWS_5_UFOPEDIA there is a word "russia" which must be capitalized.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Arthanor on November 29, 2016, 11:03:37 pm
Improvisation is killing something in a way that isn't normal shooting/hitting. For example, shooting explosive barrels next to an enemy.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 30, 2016, 05:08:26 am
Maybe MALE_CIVILIAN should be more user-readable?
What is improvisation?

There was a name string missing in extraStrings.rul, i fixed it goes into next version.
As Arthanor already said, Improvisations is killing someone indirectly through environment damage, e.g. shooting a barrel and the explosion kills a civilian nearby.

Ruleset\extraStrings-en.rul has a misprint. In STR_NEWS_5_UFOPEDIA there is a word "russia" which must be capitalized.

Thanks corrected that typo =) Goes into next Version.

No terrestrial path from Skyranger to UFO. I finished that mission already, but that was really hard.

Thats a already long known error, which already occurs in vanilla xcom. It is due to the fact how the game generates maps with the polar terrain. Some of the swamp maps use modified polar maps. There is not much I can do about this behaviour, the problem simply is that you have a few map modules which are not accessible, when they are combined in a specific way.
As seen in your savegame, it is more likely to happen on small maps with Fighters or Medium Scouts,
Maybe I can restrict or withheld the 20x20 mapblock from spawning on such small maps, to give a opportunity to have more paths. It can help but there is no guarantee this will not happen again.

The vanilla mapscript is like this:
Code: [Select]
  - type: POLAR
     - type: addUFO
     - type: addCraft
     - type: addBlock
       size: 2
     - type: fillArea
This is being used for all the swamp maps, since they alle have the same map basis.
I could add a mapsize check and prevent the 20x20 mapblock from spawning on small maps.

Mapsize check looks like this, I already tested it and it now excludes the 20x20 mapblocks from spawning on 40x40 maps, preventing the inaccessibility at least a little bit:

Code: [Select]
  - type: POLAR
    - type: addBlock #check for 80x80 map
      label: 1
      size: 1
        - [7, 7, 1, 1]
    - type: removeBlock #remove testblock on 80x80 map
      conditionals: [1]
        - [7, 7, 1, 1]
    - type: addBlock #check for 60x60 map
      label: 2
      conditionals: [-1]
      size: 1
        - [5, 5, 1, 1]
    - type: removeBlock #remove testblock on 60x60 map
      conditionals: [2]
        - [5, 5, 1, 1]
    - type: addBlock #check for 50x50 map
      label: 3
      conditionals: [-2]
      size: 1
        - [4, 4, 1, 1]
    - type: removeBlock #remove testblock on 50x50 map
      conditionals: [3]
        - [4, 4, 1, 1]
    - type: addUFO
    - type: addCraft
    - type: addBlock #add 3 20x20 mapsblocks for 80x80 mapsize
      conditionals: [1]
      size: 2
      executions: 3
    - type: addBlock #add 2 20x20 mapsblocks for 60x60 mapsize
      conditionals: [-1, 2]
      size: 2
      executions: 2
    - type: addBlock #add 1 20x20 mapsblocks for 50x50 mapsize
      conditionals: [-1, -2, 3]
      size: 2
      executions: 1
    - type: fillArea

I can provide a fix with this for the current beta so people can test.

EDIT: It will work for 40x40 maps, which are the most likely ones this could happen to.
But what is really needed is a map occurrance rate to limit the water only blocks to spawn to often.
Maybe i can include this, do not have enough time right now.

EDIT2: I reduced the rate of small 10x10 blocks with water to a maximum of 4,6,8,12 for mapsize 40x40, 50x50, 60x60 and 80x80 the 20x20 has a 50% chance to spawn on 40x40. This will not prevent the chance of this happening, but it might reduce the occurrance :)
Unfortunately this also basically streamlines this terrains a little bit, since the number of this waterblocks can only vary on a low amount (80% chance all do spawn).
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on November 30, 2016, 08:10:51 am
That'll would help a little, thank you.

But yes, there is no guarantee that you never face the situation when a cowardly muton is sitting inside UFO and never pokes his nose out of it, so you'll have to accept defeat and escape.

There should be some graph-testing algorithm like Dijkstra's which would test if path graph is connected. Or at least if UFO and craft are located in the same connected component.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 30, 2016, 10:46:40 am
That'll would help a little, thank you.

But yes, there is no guarantee that you never face the situation when a cowardly muton is sitting inside UFO and never pokes his nose out of it, so you'll have to accept defeat and escape.

There should be some graph-testing algorithm like Dijkstra's which would test if path graph is connected. Or at least if UFO and craft are located in the same connected component.

I will optimize it a little bit this evening, once I am home, the number of blocks with water will vary a little bit more, but still will stay within a somewhat safe amount.
The map will not be totally 100% random as in vanilla, since the number of the mapblocks will be limited, but thats the only way.

You can suggest such a algorythm to SupSuper or Warboy1982, which are both the lead developers, they will certainly have a open ear for this.

Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on November 30, 2016, 11:09:03 am
FWIW, I don't think any of this is necessary.

Possibility that a hostile unit is completely stuck is VERY small.
And aborting a mission is easy as well.

Not being able to cross a part of the map actually adds some refreshing new tactical aspect and I would miss it if it was completely removed.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 30, 2016, 12:07:11 pm
FWIW, I don't think any of this is necessary.

Possibility that a hostile unit is completely stuck is VERY small.
And aborting a mission is easy as well.

Not being able to cross a part of the map actually adds some refreshing new tactical aspect and I would miss it if it was completely removed.

Well lets say, it can not be completely prevented. There are 3 10x10 Mapblocks, one with accessible Path SN, one with accessible Path EW and the last one is not passable at all (except flying units of course).
My goal is basically to limit the amount of these blocks being spawned to a certain degree, 40x40 mapsize have a maximum of 4 to 7. This reduces the likelyhood of having this blocked path. It will not prevent it for 100%, since you can still have several configurations in which the map is generated with the blocked path, especially if the 20x20 mapblock also spawns.
The vanilla script offers no control of the amount blocks, so of course depending on how many of them will spawn, the likelyhood of the blocked paths is higher.
I just want to reduce the occurrance, not remove it completely (thats not possible without a pathing check while generating the map).

I will use the mapsize check to add some more block variety towards other mapscripts, like DESERTMOUNTAIN, just playing around with the block occurancy of 20x20 map blocks.
So you can have cases were a 40x40 map not only consists of 3 20x20 mapblocks and the UFO, but also allows for other combinations, at equal executionchance.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on December 01, 2016, 11:29:32 am
I have made a good compromise i think, still having enough variety, but still limiting the inaccessible a little bit.

Goes automatically into the next version
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on December 03, 2016, 04:35:28 pm
Can walk over Alien Reproduction on the Alien Base.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on December 03, 2016, 04:49:15 pm
Skyranger is sent to a mission. At that time an Alien Ship destroys Skyranger's base. Skyranger (with all soldiers and HWPs) just dies. As if aliens after taking over the base sent self-annihilation signal to the Skyranger craft.

I think there must be possiblity to let user decide which base should Skyranger be reassigned to. And if there is only one base left, there should be just message like "Skyranger-1 is reassigned to base <OnlyBaseLeftName>". And the same situation for every craft currently in flight.

There might be two problems.
1. Craft can have too little fuel to reach any base.
2. No base have free hangar, and this is veeery likely to happen.

I don't know what to do in these cases. But there must be solutions.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on December 03, 2016, 04:59:42 pm
There is an option called "Airborne Transfers".
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 03, 2016, 05:00:03 pm
This is part of the original game, not just hardmode.  This would have to be coded into the game to allow for a ship to go to a new base if the original is destroyed, not just written into a mod.

Edit:  The preemptive approach to fixing the problem is as Meridian says - airborne transfer allows you to transfer to another base before the original is destroyed, you just have to catch the incoming base assault in time.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on December 03, 2016, 09:19:38 pm
Can walk over Alien Reproduction on the Alien Base.

Thanks for reporting this, I will fix this asap.

Skyranger is sent to a mission. At that time an Alien Ship destroys Skyranger's base. Skyranger (with all soldiers and HWPs) just dies. As if aliens after taking over the base sent self-annihilation signal to the Skyranger craft.

I think there must be possiblity to let user decide which base should Skyranger be reassigned to. And if there is only one base left, there should be just message like "Skyranger-1 is reassigned to base <OnlyBaseLeftName>". And the same situation for every craft currently in flight.

There might be two problems.
1. Craft can have too little fuel to reach any base.
2. No base have free hangar, and this is veeery likely to happen.

I don't know what to do in these cases. But there must be solutions.

I do not see any problem there. If you do not guard your base with some tanks and a squad of stay behind soldiers, its not my fault or the mods or the game mechanics fault.
A unguarded base is doomed to be destroyed by the aliens as soon as there is no force to resist them.
Next time keep some Tanks and soldiers behind and ready to fight!

Even thou "airborne transfers" could be used to save your team.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on December 03, 2016, 11:52:16 pm
I know about Airborne transfers option. It is totally unrelated here.

If you do not guard your base

I do. Same situation would arise if base guard will die in the defense mission. In that save I intentionnally sold tanks and moved craft to a mission just before base attack to demonstrate strange game behavior.

All you guys say is that my game style is wrong and that I should avoid such situation by any means. Thanks for advices  :), but actually it never happened to me. Its I just thought "what would happen if..." and spent a fair amount of time to reproduce these circumstances. And then I saw its a bug because there is no reason for craft just to fall. In reality it would not fall, it would go to another base.

And when I said I can walk over Alien Reproduction, hellrazor didn't say "do not walk over it" ;D So why nobody sees obvious bug here and everybody says not to do so?

Or maybe that should be posted to openXcom bugtracker?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 04, 2016, 12:05:27 am
The whole losing the Skyranger thing is not a bug, nor is it an oversight on the part of the people who wrote the code.  In fact, it is directly written in the code that if the base is destroyed, so are all the craft.  It has been a part of X-Com since 1994, and it's probably mentioned on the wiki that you will lose your craft if they're out and the base is destroyed.  We assumed that since you posted this as a bug report, you were looking for an answer to a dilemma that you had, not that you crafted this scenario as a 'what if?'.  Sure, in reality the craft could just go to a different base (this is why we pointed out airborne transfers, since it *is* the direct response to this situation), or it could land somewhere and wait for pickup.  But the landing case would be even more difficult to code, and nobody is coding the automatic transfer because airborne transfer is a thing.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on December 04, 2016, 04:51:59 am
And then I saw its a bug because there is no reason for craft just to fall. In reality it would not fall, it would go to another base.

Not a bug, it is a reproduction of behaviour of the original game, like it or not, but thats what it is.

And when I said I can walk over Alien Reproduction, hellrazor didn't say "do not walk over it" ;D So why nobody sees obvious bug here and everybody says not to do so?

The Alien Reproduction is probably a wrongly placed Object on the map, its a issue i can fix myself easily, so no need for reporting on the bugtracker.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on December 04, 2016, 11:04:12 am
Not a bug, it is a reproduction of behaviour of the original game, like it or not, but thats what it is.

If reproduction of behaviour of the original game was so much firm goal, then game would still have many bugs and discomforts. On the contrary, we can see that developers fix bugs and add really cool stuff like mentioned Airborne transfers, custom initial base layout, live alien sale, anytime psi-training, instant grenades, psi-strenght improvement, force craft launch -- all this new features explicitly break original game behavior, don't they?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on December 04, 2016, 11:10:29 am
No, they don't break anything, all these features are optional, by default disabled and could be considered mods.

The feature you are proposing has problems (as you have pointed out yourself) with fuel and free hangars and thus cannot be implemented.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Countdown on December 04, 2016, 11:23:59 am
And then I saw its a bug because there is no reason for craft just to fall. In reality it would not fall, it would go to another base.

Constantine, I can understand your frustrating with this game mechanic, but it might help to look at the logic another way. Don't think of it as the skyranger "falling" from the sky. If the aliens catch you by surprise with their base attack (and if you didn't detect it beforehand, then they did), then no one is able to send a message to warn the skyranger about the attack. So after you lose the base defense mission, the skyranger remains unaware and returns, right into an alien trap and that is why everyone is lost.

On the other hand, if you do detect the incoming alien base attack, then you can send a warning message to the skyranger before the aliens jam your communication: "Hey guys, not safe, go to another base until we give you the all clear." Then use the "airborne transfer" to divert them. Even if you don't have a free hanger, just sell another craft to make room.

So that is my thought behind this game mechanic which is true to vanilla and why I think it should stay that way. HOWEVER, what bothers me is that if you lose the base defense mission, the soldiers in transit are deleted from the save file, rather than added to the memorial wall. This is obviously not game breaking and doesn't affect game play at all, but from a story perspective, I wish they were added to the RIP list rather than deleted. I started a thread (,4676.msg65813.html#msg65813) on this in the suggestions section, but I guess others aren't too bothered by it.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on December 04, 2016, 11:37:49 am
HOWEVER, what bothers me is that if you lose the base defense mission, the soldiers in transit are deleted from the save file, rather than added to the memorial wall. This is obviously not game breaking and doesn't affect game play at all, but from a story perspective, I wish they were added to the RIP list rather than deleted. I started a thread (,4676.msg65813.html#msg65813) on this in the suggestions section, but I guess others aren't too bothered by it.

I'll have a look at that.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on December 04, 2016, 11:55:17 am
Constantine, I can understand your frustrating with this game mechanic, but it might help to look at the logic another way. Don't think of it as the skyranger "falling" from the sky. If the aliens catch you by surprise with their base attack (and if you didn't detect it beforehand, then they did), then no one is able to send a message to warn the skyranger about the attack. So after you lose the base defense mission, the skyranger remains unaware and returns, right into an alien trap and that is why everyone is lost.

Nice point, Countdown. But as we see from gameplay, base and craft have two-way communication (base can direct craft, craft can show its properties for base). So when the base is destroyed it stops responding to craft. And by the way to other bases. From now on craft can understand the base is lost.

No, they don't break anything, all these features are optional, by default disabled and could be considered mods.

The feature you are proposing has problems (as you have pointed out yourself) with fuel and free hangars and thus cannot be implemented.

OK, that feature might also be optional. The problems arise, yes, and I stated them to elaborate solutions together. Countdown already pointed partial solution for second problem -- to sell a craft. Good one, but still not general.

I just want to say that if there is a little chance for user to save his craft and soldiers (in my savegame it definitely is) it should be used.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on December 05, 2016, 08:40:53 pm
@ Constantine

I fixed the map Error you encountered, the tile was not correctly placed, thanks for that.
Looking forward to more bug reports =)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: marsmann on December 10, 2016, 04:33:01 pm
Hey Hellrazor,

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but in the save attached i have many navigators from different spezies but I can't research them (well, I did research at least one of each race already, but I still need some for further progress).

Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on December 10, 2016, 05:17:07 pm
Hey Hellrazor,

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but in the save attached i have many navigators from different spezies but I can't research them (well, I did research at least one of each race already, but I still need some for further progress).


There are only three possible new researches left from the navigators.
The game seems to pick the first three in the listOrder and marks them as researchable.
All others do not seem to have any more use.
Alive Aliens will no longer be researchable, once all connected topics towards them are already researched.
So no big issue.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on June 18, 2017, 04:49:21 pm
Hi, Hellrazor.

A new bunch of bugs )

1. There are 3 different medic packs in game. They probably should have different Ufopaedia descriptions.
2. When I played mod first time, ufopaedia entry "NONE" confused me a little bit. Maybe rename it to "No armor" or "Coverall"?
3. A lot of misprints in Ufopaedia articles: Sibiria -> Siberia, australia -> Australia, religous -> religious, africa -> Africa, europe -> Europe, collusion -> collision, earth -> Earth (4 or 5 times), waering -> wearing, posses -> possess, posseses -> possesses, Astonishly -> Astonishingly, obidience -> obedience, obidient -> obedient, impenetreble -> impenetrable, representativs -> representatives.
4. Research tree: Grav shield is missing.
5. Research tree: some error with Elerium Bomb Launcher. I forgot what is exactly wrong there. Just check dependencies please.
6. In main menu go: Load game -> Original X-COM, see text on the left button.

BTW, cannot understand what is Alien data slate & Alien data core. They're kind hard to translate to Russian (my native). Could you explain what is it?

And what about translations? I could help with translation to Russian if you learn me how to do it.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 18, 2017, 05:43:48 pm
Hi, Hellrazor.

A new bunch of bugs )

1. There are 3 different medic packs in game. They probably should have different Ufopaedia descriptions.

Probably, i just use the same string for each of them as the normal medikit, because it explains on how to use the medikit and what each of the three options does. So far i was undecided what to do with this.
Any ideas?

2. When I played mod first time, ufopaedia entry "NONE" confused me a little bit. Maybe rename it to "No armor" or "Coverall"?

I renamed it to "JUMPSUIT" i think that makes it pretty clear :)

3. A lot of misprints in Ufopaedia articles: Sibiria -> Siberia, australia -> Australia, religous -> religious, africa -> Africa, europe -> Europe, collusion -> collision, earth -> Earth (4 or 5 times), waering -> wearing, posses -> possess, posseses -> possesses, Astonishly -> Astonishingly, obidience -> obedience, obidient -> obedient, impenetreble -> impenetrable, representativs -> representatives.

I am no native english speaker, so stuff like this can easily happen.
Corrected the mentioned strings, thx for that :)

4. Research tree: Grav shield is missing.
5. Research tree: some error with Elerium Bomb Launcher. I forgot what is exactly wrong there. Just check dependencies please.

4. Grav Shield is available after you research the Avenger Craft (only dependency for Grav Shield is "Ultimate Craft").
see here:
Code: [Select]
    cost: 1400
    points: 25
    listOrder: 704

5. Dependencies are as follows:
Code: [Select]
    cost: 500
    points: 15
    listOrder: 302
If you do not have them, it will of course never pop up to be researched. But the definition here is fine.
Untouched vanilla research topics have not been added towards the research tree graphic, maybe that was your confusion?

BTW, cannot understand what is Alien data slate & Alien data core. They're kind hard to translate to Russian (my native). Could you explain what is it?

They are alien items which contain important information, you can not obtain otherwise. Without a Alien Data Slate you will never get Laser Weapons and without the Alien Data Core, you will never understand how Plasma weapons work.
The slate is basically a alien tablet with encoded information on it. The core is a piece of alien computer containing important mathematical knowledge.

And what about translations? I could help with translation to Russian if you learn me how to do it.

The mod is still not finished and there will be many more strings added or replaced. So translating it into another language at the moment does not make much sense at least for me.
If you want to make a translation anyway, just check the "extraStrings.rul" it contains all the english strings, the mod adds on top off vanilla.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on June 19, 2017, 01:30:44 pm
Probably, i just use the same string for each of them as the normal medikit, because it explains on how to use the medikit and what each of the three options does. So far i was undecided what to do with this.
Any ideas?

Maybe specify number characteristics? I mean user should understand what exactly differs these three objects.

4. Yes, I know. Grav shield just is now depicted in the tree.

5. Hovertank dependency is not graphically shown in the tree.

Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 21, 2017, 03:16:17 am
Maybe specify number characteristics? I mean user should understand what exactly differs these three objects.
I will add those.

4. Yes, I know. Grav shield just is now depicted in the tree.

I added the Grav shield towards the Research tree graphic.

5. Hovertank dependency is not graphically shown in the tree.

The dependencies for the HWP Ebomb Launcher is shown in the explosives tree.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Constantine on January 23, 2018, 08:16:29 pm
What about releasing new version? As we see, many bugs were fixed   :)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on January 27, 2018, 07:34:52 pm
What about releasing new version? As we see, many bugs were fixed   :)

Sorry for my late reply.
I had to focus on my real life in the past months so i really didn't had the time to mod.

The current last bugfixes, changes, additions which i have added, are listed here:

Version 0.99.3
 - Final Ressource File Restructure
 - Turning THUNDER by 90 degree (Unified Craft MapSize)
 - Fix Tile and Route issue for LINERSHIP00.MAP
 - Fix CRAFT spawn for CARGOSHIP
 - Fix Soldier Armor Repair in Research Tree Graphic
 - Fix Alien Grenade / Elerium Rocket Research and Graphic
 - Fix Wall issue for UFO_190m.MAP
 - Fix out of boundary nodes for some Maps
 - Fix missing usage information on medical items/drones
 - Fix Several extraStrings Typos
 - Fix Missing Name String for MALE_CIVILIAN
 - Fix mapScript for POLAR, MARSH and SWAMPS to reduce chance of UFO inaccessible
 - Fix Increase lategame weapon variety
 - Fix Tile and Route issue on EXPANDEDUBASE21
 - Fix Missing Halfed fundingCap
 - Fix missionZone values N/S Atlantic
 - Adjusted Raceweights slightly
 - Adjust Manufacture more to vanilla
 - Adjust Muton Race - Added Muton Elite Leaders
 - Adjust Stats for Muton Elites and Muton Elite Guards
 - Adjust Armor Damage Modifiers for Muton ELite, Muton Elite Guard, Holodrone, Armored Sectopod
 - Adjust Race composition, Ranks and Spawnnumber for Final Mission Stages
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_00
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_02
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_03
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_04
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_05
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_06
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_08
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_11
 - Added turned Versions for: UBASE_15
 - Added turned Versions for: EXPANDEDUBASE16
 - Added turned Versions for: EXPANDEDUBASE17
 - Added turned Versions for: EXPANDEDUBASE18 (Fake Brain Room)
 - Optimized Mapscript for Alien Bases
 - Optimized Mapscripot for Cydonia Final Assault
 - Added more Missions to Alien Bases to generate:
   - Alien Research
   - Alien Terror
   - Alien Abduction
   - Alien Retaliation
   - Alien Harvest
   - Ship Attack
   - Docked Ship
 - Added size check to Mapscripts and optimized spawns
 - Added proper Raceweights for Alien Retaliation
 - Added some more UfoPaedia articles for some research topics (mostly early games stuff)
 - Added SKYSTRIKER (Improved Skyranger)
 - Added Support Drones Mod
 - Added Support Drones Upgrade Manufacture
 - Added Commendations Mod
 - Added PSXCutscenes Mod
 - Changes to early game Research, Alien Alloy Techs are now fully available

I could release this if you like, even thou i really would at least finish the alien base maps, before doing so.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: 5taras on July 17, 2018, 10:57:57 pm
Hi. I use Ubuntu bionic. Could someone tell me how to use this expansion with OpenXcom Terror from the Deep. The game without mod works.  I put the files of this mod in the folder ~/.local/share/openxcom/mods/Hardmode_Expansion but don't see the effect of mod.
Thank you for attention.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 17, 2018, 11:01:29 pm
This mod is for UFO, not TFTD, so you can't play it if you're playing Terror from the Deep.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on February 04, 2019, 03:03:21 pm
Ruleset error:

Code: [Select]
    category: STR_UPGRADE
    space: 10
    time: 450
    cost: 100000
      STR_ALLOY_DRONE_SCOUT                 # <------------ missing quantity here, should be STR_ALLOY_DRONE_SCOUT: 1
    listOrder: 405
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 05, 2019, 09:08:23 am
Ruleset error:

Code: [Select]
    category: STR_UPGRADE
    space: 10
    time: 450
    cost: 100000
      STR_ALLOY_DRONE_SCOUT                 # <------------ missing quantity here, should be STR_ALLOY_DRONE_SCOUT: 1
    listOrder: 405

Hi Meridian,

Please take a look at this hotfix here:;topic=3550.0;attach=39448
Also feel free to clone my github repo. It basically contains Version 0.99.4 currently work in progress but playable.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Aytherio on May 16, 2019, 06:46:09 pm
With expanded_ubase_reworked-1.3 installed almost every time when i'm playing alien base with silacoid i have same issue: stucked silacoid.
In first save silacoid fell down to unreachable place after burning floor tile, you could blow it up with high explosive.
In second save i was unable to find where it stucked but place contains visible unreachable zones(and i saw many unreachable places in other raids on alien bases).
In save 3 i found a place where silacoid stucked(soldier can't step on corner tile that marked in screenshot) and blown it up, but the beast survived.
In save 3.1 you could see how silacoid apears from nowhere after ending turn.
Also, i found that grenades explodes 1 turn early than it should: if i prime for 3 turns it exlodes right after second, if for 4 - after 3 turns and so on; i can't remember was such issue in vanilla or not, because i don't use delayed granades normally.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 16, 2019, 06:56:31 pm
With expanded_ubase_reworked-1.3 installed almost every time when i'm playing alien base with silacoid i have same issue: stucked silacoid.
In first save silacoid fell down to unreachable place after burning floor tile, you could blow it up with high explosive.
In second save i was unable to find where it stucked but place contains visible unreachable zones(and i saw many unreachable places in other raids on alien bases).
In save 3 i found a place where silacoid stucked(soldier can't step on corner tile that marked in screenshot) and blown it up, but the beast survived.
In save 3.1 you could see how silacoid apears from nowhere.
Also, i found that grenades explodes 1 turn early than it should: if i prime for 3 turns it exlodes right after second, if for 4 - after 3 turns and so on; i can't remember was such issue in vanilla or not, because i don't use delayed granades normally.

Hi there, thanks for the savegame and the screnshots.
First of all you do not need to activate the expanded ubase mod, if you playing Hardmode Expansion. It is already fully included in the mod.

I will recheck the respective map modules you have posted and maybe i can find the errors in question.
I do have some time tomorrow morning, will report back to you then.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Aytherio on May 16, 2019, 07:49:24 pm
First of all you do not need to activate the expanded ubase mod, if you playing Hardmode Expansion. It is already fully included in the mod.
I could switch it off for current save game without any further problems with missing content?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 16, 2019, 08:08:30 pm
I could switch it off for current save game without any further problems with missing content?

In this case yes, just don't do it in the middle of battle.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 22, 2019, 05:26:41 am
With expanded_ubase_reworked-1.3 installed almost every time when i'm playing alien base with silacoid i have same issue: stucked silacoid.
In first save silacoid fell down to unreachable place after burning floor tile, you could blow it up with high explosive.
In second save i was unable to find where it stucked but place contains visible unreachable zones(and i saw many unreachable places in other raids on alien bases).
In save 3 i found a place where silacoid stucked(soldier can't step on corner tile that marked in screenshot) and blown it up, but the beast survived.
In save 3.1 you could see how silacoid apears from nowhere after ending turn.
Also, i found that grenades explodes 1 turn early than it should: if i prime for 3 turns it exlodes right after second, if for 4 - after 3 turns and so on; i can't remember was such issue in vanilla or not, because i don't use delayed granades normally.

I just took a look at the savegame files:

  - "Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons ver: 1.0"
  - "Advanced_Medikit ver: 1.0 Final"
  - "Alternate_Lightning_Thunder ver: 1.12 Final"
  - "Expanded_Terror_Reworked ver: 1.2 Final"
  - "Skystriker ver: 1.0"
  - "darkened-ufo-vanilla-variants ver: 1.2"
  - "expanded_ubase_reworked-1.3 ver: 1.3 Tactical Maze!"
  - "support-drones ver: 1.0"
  - "hm-scout-drone ver: 1.0"

All these mods are not needed to play hardmode, they are already a integrated part of it.

EDIT: Sorry for the delay, i rechecked the map modules in question on which you reported the stuck silacoids.
The maps itself do not have errors and the tiles are placed correctly.

What you call unreachable section, is reachable for units which can fly. E.g. for floater aliens or your own men when they have flying suits. The mapscript is tailored that only one of these modules should ever occur on a alien base map.
But since you mixed the mods i can not tell for sure, if the mapscript is still working as intended.

I recheck the MCD files for the fire resistance...

After rechecking, i am using the vanilla file for the base ground tiles...
I increased the fire damage in the mod, this may lead to the fact that Silacoids can destroy groundtiles in alien bases.
Please use the attached U_BASE.MCD files. Just extract the zip and drop the files in the TERRAIN folder of Hardmode Expansion that should fix the issue occuring. (This will not work with battlescape savegames!)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Aytherio on May 25, 2019, 07:52:33 pm
Thx for solving. )
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: JackOfHearts on May 28, 2019, 05:17:42 pm
Hey I keep getting an issue where the game crashes when generating certain UFO encounters.
Also I can't seem to research Alien Entertainment even though I have some in my inventory. It's blocking me from learning psionics
Using the latest version of openxcom
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on June 14, 2019, 05:14:02 pm
I'm currently playing v0.994d of your mod with OXCE of 19/05/19 and have no problems. However, if I try to update to OXCE of 11/06/19 the game won't start. I believe this is related to recent changes in OXCE-see attached.,3287.msg113764.html#msg113764
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 14, 2019, 07:27:40 pm
Hey I keep getting an issue where the game crashes when generating certain UFO encounters.
Also I can't seem to research Alien Entertainment even though I have some in my inventory. It's blocking me from learning psionics
Using the latest version of openxcom

Sorry for my late reply to your report.

Could you give the exact Version number of the OpenXcom Version you are using?
I will check your savegame file and the supposed failed mission generation as soon as i can.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 14, 2019, 07:29:35 pm
I'm currently playing v0.994d of your mod with OXCE of 19/05/19 and have no problems. However, if I try to update to OXCE of 11/06/19 the game won't start. I believe this is related to recent changes in OXCE-see attached.,3287.msg113764.html#msg113764

Just saw that myself on the Github Tracker when checking it.
I will have to adjust the mod in regard to these changes.

The mod will function without these issues when using OpenXcom Version:
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 14, 2019, 08:06:22 pm
Hey I keep getting an issue where the game crashes when generating certain UFO encounters.
Also I can't seem to research Alien Entertainment even though I have some in my inventory. It's blocking me from learning psionics
Using the latest version of openxcom

Please update the mod to the newest Version here located here:
Please also update OpenXcom to the following Version:

There were some severe changes in regard to mission generation from Alien Bases.
STR_SHIP_ATTACK and STR_DOCKED_SHIP Mission should no longer be invoked by Alien Bases.

Please use the attached savegame file after you update OpenXcom to the recommended version and the Mod to the newest Version.
I only removed the STR_SHIP_ATTACK Mission completely, they will still occur but will be started from other triggers.

Regarding the Research issue. I will have to check later. Thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 15, 2019, 06:33:59 pm
Also I can't seem to research Alien Entertainment even though I have some in my inventory. It's blocking me from learning psionics
Using the latest version of openxcom

I took the time to recheck your savegame file in regard of the Research of the Alien Entertainment.
There seems to be no technical issue.
Just capture and interrogate a Alien Medic, then the research will be visible. You will need one additional Alien Medic for unlocking the PSI Amp research. So make sure you capture 2.

Would you mind giving me a short review, what you liked, disliked and what should be changed adapted in your opinion in the mod? If you like so please do so here:,3550.0.html
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 05, 2019, 04:08:33 pm
My current game crashes if I attempt to do alien base 18-see attached. The first two attachments are from hardmode expansion v0.996(master) and the last two are using hardmode expansion v0.995. To recreate crash load save "RESERVE", go to AB18, DEBUG and end your turn.  In the meantime, I can simply avoid going to that particular base.

PS This problem seems to also affect the "armored cyberdisc weapon"
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on August 07, 2019, 09:11:12 pm
My current game crashes if I attempt to do alien base 18-see attached. The first two attachments are from hardmode expansion v0.996(master) and the last two are using hardmode expansion v0.995. To recreate crash load save "RESERVE", go to AB18, DEBUG and end your turn.  In the meantime, I can simply avoid going to that particular base.

PS This problem seems to also affect the "armored cyberdisc weapon"

Thanks SIMON, i gonna check this.
It seems this is related towards the changes in the terrorwaepon indexing. Which was introduced a while ago.
Thought i overworked those correctly.
[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Invlid surface set 'BIGOBS.PCK' for item 'ARMORED_SECTOPOD_WEAPON': not enough frames

Btw. the difference between 0.99.6 to 0.99.5 are marginal you can safely use your old savegame with 0.99.6 master.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on August 07, 2019, 09:21:17 pm
Code: [Select]
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 60
    floorSprite: 31

There is no bigob sprite 60 defined in your mod (or in vanilla OG sprites).

If you want to access sprites from other mods (in this case from xcom1 mod), you need to specify it, below are two ways how to do it:

Code: [Select]
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: { mod: xcom1, index: 60 }
    floorSprite: 31


Code: [Select]
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: { mod: master, index: 60 }
    floorSprite: 31

More info:
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on August 11, 2019, 10:43:24 am
My current game crashes if I attempt to do alien base 18-see attached. The first two attachments are from hardmode expansion v0.996(master) and the last two are using hardmode expansion v0.995. To recreate crash load save "RESERVE", go to AB18, DEBUG and end your turn.  In the meantime, I can simply avoid going to that particular base.

PS This problem seems to also affect the "armored cyberdisc weapon"

Dear SIMON and all others, attached to this post you find a modified items.rul file. Please download it and place it in the  Hardmode Expansion Ruleset Folder and replace the old file.
I was able to load your savegame and enter the base with out crashes. So this should fix the bug.
But for proper testing, i need the mods you are using it on.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 11, 2019, 04:17:55 pm
Here are the mods in question-see attached.

PS I have tested it in a limited sense and it appears to have no problems on any of the alien bases currently visible-thanks.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on August 14, 2019, 10:41:52 pm
Here are the mods in question-see attached.

PS I have tested it in a limited sense and it appears to have no problems on any of the alien bases currently visible-thanks.

Thanks for confirming that it works. I also tested it with your mods with the exception of the OXCE ones.

I will make a proper version release, since this is a major bug.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on August 18, 2019, 11:32:38 pm
I think I've discovered another bug but was able to work around it by adding an ethereal soldier to line 498 in alienRaces.rul of your mod. See attachments for what happens if you don't add this rank. The last attachment has the ethereal soldier added.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on September 01, 2019, 12:14:13 pm
I think I've discovered another bug but was able to work around it by adding an ethereal soldier to line 498 in alienRaces.rul of your mod. See attachments for what happens if you don't add this rank. The last attachment has the ethereal soldier added.

Thanks for catching that. For all the others, you find the newset versiondownloadable here (,4971.msg72707.html#msg72707)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Mohjotus on November 06, 2019, 04:12:09 pm
openxcom nightly 2019_11_04
hardmode 0.99.6

I have the following problem with hardmode mod. When I try to start ground combat with small UFO in Europe the game crashes to desktop with following message: Invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/UFOL83.MCD. I have tried to check if the mcd-file is corrupt but according to win-rar it should be fine. Also I dont have any other mods set.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 07, 2019, 05:37:49 am
openxcom nightly 2019_11_04
hardmode 0.99.6

I have the following problem with hardmode mod. When I try to start ground combat with small UFO in Europe the game crashes to desktop with following message: Invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/UFOL83.MCD. I have tried to check if the mcd-file is corrupt but according to win-rar it should be fine. Also I dont have any other mods set.

I can confirm the issue, with my own savegames. When i use: OpenXcom Version: 1.0 git 2019-11-04 12:21
With  the old Version i had:  the save loads correctly.

I will have to provide a fix for the MCD file in Question.

Here the logoutput for the developers:

Code: [Select]
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [INFO] MCD UFOL83 object 37 has 0 armor
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [INFO] MCD UFOL83 object 38 has 0 armor
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/UFOL83.MCD, check log file for more details.
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x634170 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x637a40 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x401580 exceptionLogger()
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0xa24b28 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x703ed0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(std::vector<OpenXcom::MapScript*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::MapScript*> > const*)
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x708140 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x46c820 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x6455f0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x645a50 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x643b60 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x63aa90 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x401820 SDL_main
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x869c50 console_main
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] ??
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x77ba0400 BaseThreadInitThunk
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x77cd6540 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[07-11-2019_04-30-50] [FATAL] 0x77cd6540 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[07-11-2019_04-30-59] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/UFOL83.MCD, check log file for more details.
More details here: C:\Users\hellrazor\Documents\OpenXcom\openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 10, 2019, 03:16:57 pm
openxcom nightly 2019_11_04
hardmode 0.99.6

I have the following problem with hardmode mod. When I try to start ground combat with small UFO in Europe the game crashes to desktop with following message: Invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/UFOL83.MCD. I have tried to check if the mcd-file is corrupt but according to win-rar it should be fine. Also I dont have any other mods set.

I patched the UFOL83.MCD file.
Please redownload the mod from Github Release: Hardmode Expansion Latest (

It should now work without issues.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on November 10, 2019, 04:00:12 pm
It should now work without issues.

There are more issues:

Code: [Select]
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBANA dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBANB dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 108 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 109 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 110 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 111 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 134 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 135 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 108 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 109 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 110 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 111 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 134 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 135 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 10, 2019, 04:19:46 pm
There are more issues:

Code: [Select]
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBANA dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBANB dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 108 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 109 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 110 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 111 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 134 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 135 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 108 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 109 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 110 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 111 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 134 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 135 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.

Thanks Meridian, i am gonna fix those also.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 15, 2019, 11:19:31 am
I also patched the other MCD files.

Please redownload the mod from Github Release: Hardmode Expansion Latest (

It should now really work without issues, at least in this regard.

There are more issues:

Code: [Select]
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBANA dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBANB dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 108 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 109 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 110 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 111 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 134 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AIRFIELD dataset: AREA51Z object 135 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 108 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 109 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 110 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 111 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 134 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[10-11-2019_14-58-14] [ERROR] Error in terrain: AREA51URBAN dataset: AREA51Z object 135 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: mlavia on April 21, 2020, 03:42:24 pm
I found a bug in manufacture rules file, line 201: upgrading a scout drone to taser drone will produce a scanner drone.
I also did small fixing to the research tree diagram, but seems I'm not able to post anything here.  :-X
I added an alloy weapon tree, and slightly modified the explosives tree adding explosive ammo and stun/fire grenade.

Maybe wrong place to ask, but is the alloy ammo cost really intended?
I like the idea of alloy ammo to improve conventional weapons, but manufacturing cost and time are so high that are pushing them out of the game (specially early game). Maybe I should start a new thread with more detailed analysis elsewhere.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on April 22, 2020, 10:02:00 pm
I found a bug in manufacture rules file, line 201: upgrading a scout drone to taser drone will produce a scanner drone.
I also did small fixing to the research tree diagram, but seems I'm not able to post anything here.  :-X
I added an alloy weapon tree, and slightly modified the explosives tree adding explosive ammo and stun/fire grenade.

Maybe wrong place to ask, but is the alloy ammo cost really intended?
I like the idea of alloy ammo to improve conventional weapons, but manufacturing cost and time are so high that are pushing them out of the game (specially early game). Maybe I should start a new thread with more detailed analysis elsewhere.

Thanks i already fixed those bugs. In regard of the research tree grafik there will some changes in the future, which require me to overwork it anyway. But thanks for the heads up.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: mlavia on April 23, 2020, 12:50:40 am
This is my redraw of your tree. Feel free to use it if you like. Otherwise nevermind.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 16, 2020, 10:46:00 pm
This is my redraw of your tree. Feel free to use it if you like. Otherwise nevermind.

Thanks dude, i will review it and then add the changes. :)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: wcho035 on June 19, 2020, 05:54:22 pm
I thought you retired.... ::) ;D
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 21, 2020, 07:30:54 pm
I thought you retired.... ::) ;D

Who did put that rumor into circulating?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: wcho035 on June 22, 2020, 07:01:20 am
The lack of activity from your side lately. :-\

Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on July 06, 2020, 05:28:35 pm
The lack of activity from your side lately. :-\

Less activity does not mean ritirement. As if i could retire from torturing increasing player satifaction....
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 12, 2020, 05:28:21 am
This is my redraw of your tree. Feel free to use it if you like. Otherwise nevermind.

Great thanks i added them, to my current dev Version.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: IronKanguroo on January 18, 2021, 10:40:46 am
Dear hellrazor
As I played XCOM:Ufo defence back in 90s, I  met your mod
With hands embraced. However, there was an issue. I shall try to find a save, but here is a brief description if I  fail.
Aliens attacked my base, the were a xcom operatives on it. Mission failed and draw me back to WINDOWS due to "levels uncompatibility" or so. It looks like there were 2 levels ( old style xcom1 base) actually, but the program intended to have 4 levels.
What could be done to fix it - it was just one of my radar bases but what if it would be the main - I will not even have a chance to protect it- aliens tech victory!
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on March 31, 2021, 10:00:21 am
Dear hellrazor
As I played XCOM:Ufo defence back in 90s, I  met your mod
With hands embraced. However, there was an issue. I shall try to find a save, but here is a brief description if I  fail.
Aliens attacked my base, the were a xcom operatives on it. Mission failed and draw me back to WINDOWS due to "levels uncompatibility" or so. It looks like there were 2 levels ( old style xcom1 base) actually, but the program intended to have 4 levels.
What could be done to fix it - it was just one of my radar bases but what if it would be the main - I will not even have a chance to protect it- aliens tech victory!

Uhhh just seeing this right now. Why are email notifications not working...
Do you have a savagame that would help.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Layec on April 10, 2021, 05:30:32 pm
If you don't already know, there's a bug in your "Support Drones" mod.  I ran afoul of it yesterday.  While trying to find information, I found a post on ht[FFS I'm just trying to post a bug report]tps:// that had the error message and a fix, which I applied and it did work.

Posted here for convenience:
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x54edd0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x5526a0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x40dca0 signalLogger(int)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x87c530 xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(unsigned int const*, int, int, int, unsigned int*, int, int, int, xbrz::SliceType, int, int)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x7638db10 UnhandledExceptionFilter
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x778c7560 RtlCaptureStackContext
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x778a7510 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[07-12-2020_23-11-08] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
More details here: C:\Users\owner\Documents\OpenXcom\openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

To fix it, go into Ruleset/items.rul and delete every line that starts with "hitAnimation". 

Currently used mods, in case it matters: AwesomeGuns (most recent download) and XcomUtil_Experienced_Soldiers. 
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Loons on June 18, 2021, 09:33:17 pm
Thanks for this great mod! 

I'm noticing an occasional issue where when I land the skyranger on a mission, I don't go to the inventory screen but instead skip directly into combat, with the camera positioned far away from the skyranger (in a dark/unrevealed area).  I've also had a few cases where during the skyranger inventory screen I can't advance to the next soldier and have to click OK without completing my loadout. 

I'm using OpenXcom 1.0 git 2021-05-27

Hardmode Expansion 0.99.8

The only other mod I'm using is High Quality Sounds. 

I have explosion level 3 on, as well as alien bleeding, and alternate movement methods. 

Just wondering if this has occurred for anyone else.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on June 18, 2021, 10:07:13 pm
upgrade openxcom (to june 8th or later)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Loons on June 20, 2021, 06:12:38 pm
upgrade openxcom (to june 8th or later)

Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 22, 2021, 08:40:52 am
If you don't already know, there's a bug in your "Support Drones" mod.  I ran afoul of it yesterday.  While trying to find information, I found a post on ht[FFS I'm just trying to post a bug report]tps:// that had the error message and a fix, which I applied and it did work.

Posted here for convenience:
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x54edd0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x5526a0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x40dca0 signalLogger(int)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x87c530 xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(unsigned int const*, int, int, int, unsigned int*, int, int, int, xbrz::SliceType, int, int)
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x7638db10 UnhandledExceptionFilter
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x778c7560 RtlCaptureStackContext
[07-12-2020_23-11-00] [FATAL] 0x778a7510 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[07-12-2020_23-11-08] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
More details here: C:\Users\owner\Documents\OpenXcom\openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

To fix it, go into Ruleset/items.rul and delete every line that starts with "hitAnimation". 

Currently used mods, in case it matters: AwesomeGuns (most recent download) and XcomUtil_Experienced_Soldiers.

I think i fixed this bug in Version 1.1 of the Support Drones Mod, which can be downloaded here:

Usually there should be no compatibility issues with other Mods, with the Support Drones. :)

Thank to let me know and sorry for my late response. Lot going on these days.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 22, 2021, 08:41:51 am
upgrade openxcom (to june 8th or later)

There seem to have been several changes need to update my OXC here :D
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on March 09, 2022, 12:09:12 am
Does hardmode expansion work on latest oxce, works on latest nightly. Is it the extra checks that oxce does that is causing the problem?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Buscher on April 03, 2022, 08:30:09 pm
For mods that aren't updated, you can try setting oxceModValidationLevel in your options.cfg from 2 to 0.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on April 03, 2022, 10:24:35 pm
Thanks for the info but after doing the change it still won't load on oxce. It says spitter corpse not found. And to be quite honest I wouldn't be sure what I am doing. Recently started a new game and I'm using nightly of 29.03.22 with no problems so far. It's just a bit of a pity as I really enjoy some of extended features such as when using motion scanners you don't need to remember or write down all the alien positions.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on April 04, 2022, 11:25:02 am
what version are you using?
I see 0.99.8 in the log, but there is no such version available for download on the portal
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on April 04, 2022, 11:29:52 am
what version are you using?
I see 0.99.8 in the log, but there is no such version available for download on the portal

He is using the latest gihub Version. Probably directly downloaded it from github, which is ok.

It is running without issues under the latest vanille OXC.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on April 04, 2022, 11:31:51 am
Does hardmode expansion work on latest oxce, works on latest nightly. Is it the extra checks that oxce does that is causing the problem?

Yes these really annoying validation checks are one of the issues, it is not loading under the latest OXCE.
I was just trying to hide some items in the new BattleMenue.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on April 04, 2022, 11:33:06 am
For mods that aren't updated, you can try setting oxceModValidationLevel in your options.cfg from 2 to 0.

Interesting I keep that in mind and check if it loads once I am home.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on April 04, 2022, 11:38:25 am
He is using the latest gihub Version. Probably directly downloaded it from github, which is ok.


Here's the patch to run it under OXCE, see attached zip file.

Or you can also just add the missing research topic manually:

Code: [Select]
    needItem: true
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on April 04, 2022, 11:41:42 am

Here's the patch to run it under OXCE, see attached zip file.

Or you can also just add the missing research topic manually:

Code: [Select]
    needItem: true

Ok i will give this a try.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: psavola on April 04, 2022, 12:06:03 pm
Drone taser attack crashes the latest hardmode/openxcom at least on linux; an attack sound is played, but then the colors get messed up and the game gets stuck. I submitted a report on github issue tracker. Because the issue tracker is otherwise empty, I wonder if it's supposed to be used. So at least a heads-up here as well. (Apparently I'm not allowed to post external links, so I mangled the URL: https ://

Here are the juicy bits from the gdb stack trace, but not sure if it helps:

#1 0x00000000008a3986 in OpenXcom::Map::drawTerrain (this=0x58e7b80, surface=0x58e7b80) at /home/psavola/programs/code-openxcom/src/Battlescape/Map.cpp:1227
i = 0x609f010
frameNumber = 0
tmpSurface = 0x0
tile = 0x0
beginX = 0
endX = 40
beginY = 0
endY = 40
beginZ = 0
endZ = 1
mapPosition = {x = 40, y = 40, z = 1}
screenPosition = {x = 480, y = 242, z = 1}
bulletPositionScreen = {x = 493, y = 276, z = 0}
bulletLowX = 16000
bulletLowY = 16000
bulletLowZ = 16000
bulletHighX = 0
bulletHighY = 0
bulletHighZ = 0
dummy = 38
unit = 0x64f32e0
tileShade = 16
wallShade = 2
tileColor = 0
obstacleShade = 16
arrowBob = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1}
_numWaypid = 0x0
pathfinderTurnedOn = false
#2 0x000000000089de9c in OpenXcom::Map::draw (this=0x58e7b80) at /home/psavola/programs/code-openxcom/src/Battlescape/Map.cpp:223
t = 0x62a7c10
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on April 04, 2022, 01:41:59 pm
Hi psavola,

it's caused by missing sprites.

To fix it, open `items_HM.rul` find `STR_DRONE_TASER_WEAPON_AMMO` and change `hitAnimation: 110` to `hitAnimation: 56`


@hellrazor: btw. the above-mentioned "annoying" OXCE checks can easily identify such errors and prevent runtime crashes :)
Here are examples of some other missing sprites that will cause crashes (both in OXC and OXCE):

Code: [Select]
[04-04-2022_11-50-27] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of items:
Error for 'SPITTER_ZOMBIE_WEAPON': Wrong index 57 for surface set BIGOBS.PCK
Error for 'STR_ALLOY_DRONE_TASER_WEAPON_AMMO': Wrong index 110 for surface set X1.PCK
Error for 'STR_DRONE_TASER_WEAPON_AMMO': Wrong index 110 for surface set X1.PCK
Error for 'STR_TASER_PISTOL_CLIP': Wrong index 100 for surface set X1.PCK

X1.PCK sprites correspond to `hitAnimation` field, BIGOBS.PCK sprite correspond to `bigSprite` field
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 02, 2022, 10:35:32 pm
Hi psavola,

it's caused by missing sprites.

To fix it, open `items_HM.rul` find `STR_DRONE_TASER_WEAPON_AMMO` and change `hitAnimation: 110` to `hitAnimation: 56`

The sprites are not missing they are correctly defined see here:
I do not see any issue with this. WITH one exception. This is damageType STUN. Worked so far always especially with the Taser Pistol it was never a issue (and it is in the mod since the beginning so 6 years). So Please explain to me what i am doing wrong. Or maybe something changed while handling Stun weapons.

Code: [Select]
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 200
    costSell: 100
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 119
    floorSprite: 114
    handSprite: 600
    hitSound: 54
    hitAnimation: 100
    power: 40
    damageType: 6
    clipSize: 10
    battleType: 2
    armor: 20
    listOrder: 1806
      - STR_ELERIUM_115
    weight: 5
    bigSprite: 170
    bulletSprite: 24
    fireSound: 114
    accuracyAuto: 66
    tuAuto: 40
    autoShots: 3
    battleType: 1
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 2
    maxRange: 14
    recover: false
    fixedWeapon: true
    listOrder: 1077
      - STR_ELERIUM_115
    size: 0.01
    costSell: 500
    weight: 1
    hitSound: 54
    hitAnimation: 110
    power: 30
    damageType: 6
    battleType: 2
    clipSize: 12
    listOrder: 1078
      - STR_ELERIUM_115
    weight: 5
    bigSprite: 170
    bulletSprite: 24
    fireSound: 114
    accuracyAuto: 80
    tuAuto: 33
    autoShots: 3
    battleType: 1
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 2
    maxRange: 18
    recover: false
    fixedWeapon: true
    listOrder: 1084
      - STR_ELERIUM_115
    size: 0.01
    costSell: 1000
    weight: 1
    hitSound: 54
    hitAnimation: 110
    power: 90
    damageType: 6
    battleType: 2
    clipSize: 24
    listOrder: 1085

Code: [Select]
  - type: SMOKE.PCK
    height: 80
    width: 160
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
      100: Resources/Items/Xcom/TaserPistol/HitAnimation_TaserPistol.png
      110: Resources/Units/Xcom/Drones/HitAnimation_DroneTaser.png
  - type: SMOKE.PCK
    height: 40
    width: 320
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
      120: Resources/Items/HitAnimation_PlasmaElerium.png
      130: Resources/Items/HitAnimation_PlasmaNewElerium.png

@hellrazor: btw. the above-mentioned "annoying" OXCE checks can easily identify such errors and prevent runtime crashes :)
Here are examples of some other missing sprites that will cause crashes (both in OXC and OXCE):

Code: [Select]
[04-04-2022_11-50-27] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of items:
Error for 'SPITTER_ZOMBIE_WEAPON': Wrong index 57 for surface set BIGOBS.PCK
Error for 'STR_ALLOY_DRONE_TASER_WEAPON_AMMO': Wrong index 110 for surface set X1.PCK
Error for 'STR_DRONE_TASER_WEAPON_AMMO': Wrong index 110 for surface set X1.PCK
Error for 'STR_TASER_PISTOL_CLIP': Wrong index 100 for surface set X1.PCK

X1.PCK sprites correspond to `hitAnimation` field, BIGOBS.PCK sprite correspond to `bigSprite` field

They should check their hitAnimation in SMOKE.PCK like any other non-Explosive weapon. Not in X1.PCK.
It has been so since ages, like i said the Taser Pistol has been working all this.

Explain to me what i am doing wrong or recheck the code, which says that damageType Stun is focred to be a explosive type weapon, which it is not. Thanks.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 03, 2022, 12:17:39 am
Insanely enough, actually adding blastRadius: 0 towards the ammo item definition fixed the issue with the sprites. Can someone confirm?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on May 03, 2022, 12:41:27 am
They should check their hitAnimation in SMOKE.PCK like any other non-Explosive weapon. Not in X1.PCK.
It has been so since ages, like i said the Taser Pistol has been working all this.

Explain to me what i am doing wrong or recheck the code, which says that damageType Stun is focred to be a explosive type weapon, which it is not. Thanks.

AoE explosions check sprites in X1.PCK, non-AoE bullet hits in SMOKE.PCK.

It has been like this since 18th May 2011, feel free to test it on any version of OpenXcom if you don't believe me.

Insanely enough, actually adding blastRadius: 0 towards the ammo item definition fixed the issue with the sprites. Can someone confirm?

That would change the AoE explosion into a non-AoE explosion, and likely fix the issue by looking into a different spritesheet.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 03, 2022, 12:44:04 am
AoE explosions check sprites in X1.PCK, non-AoE bullet hits in SMOKE.PCK.

It has been like this since 18th May 2011, feel free to test it on any version of OpenXcom if you don't believe me.

That would change the AoE explosion into a non-AoE explosion, and likely fix the issue by looking into a different spritesheet.

Jeah that makes total sense. Happy that is works now. Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Aytherio on May 15, 2022, 01:21:32 pm
Hello. I got an error:
Error for 'SPITTER_ZOMBIE_WEAPON': Wrong index 1057 for surface set BIGOBS.PCK
What should I do with this?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on May 15, 2022, 03:13:40 pm
It's just a missing sprite, as reported above.

Find a file called `items_HM.rul` and a section that looks like this:

Code: [Select]
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 57
    meleeSound: 48
    strengthApplied: true
    damageType: 7
    accuracyMelee: 100
    tuMelee: 10
    battleType: 3
    fixedWeapon: true
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    clipSize: -1
    recover: false
    flatRate: true
    listOrder: 11407

and change `bigSprite: 57` to `bigSprite: 0`
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 16, 2022, 02:47:59 pm
It's just a missing sprite, as reported above.

Find a file called `items_HM.rul` and a section that looks like this:
Its not a missing Sprite, I am referencing a vanille Sprite in the wrong way.

Correctly it would be the following:

Code: [Select]
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: { mod: xcom1, index: 57 }
    meleeSound: 48
    strengthApplied: true
    damageType: 7
    accuracyMelee: 100
    tuMelee: 10
    battleType: 3
    fixedWeapon: true
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    clipSize: -1
    recover: false
    flatRate: true
    listOrder: 11407

I merge this into Github, when i am home tomorrow evening and have access to my Laptop again. ;)
Hello. I got an error:
Error for 'SPITTER_ZOMBIE_WEAPON': Wrong index 1057 for surface set BIGOBS.PCK
What should I do with this?

Got to items_HM.rul Line 3251 and replace
Code: [Select]
bigSprite: 57

Code: [Select]
bigSprite: { mod: xcom1, index: 57 }

This fixes the issue and also gives you the correct Sprite.
I am sorry for the inconvinience.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Aytherio on May 16, 2022, 02:57:11 pm
There is no need to apologize here, thank all of you - modders for your selfless work.  :)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: psavola on May 17, 2022, 10:58:34 am
With OXCE 2022-04-29 and the latest released hardmode expansion, the game crashed after the debriefing when going to recover a small snakeman ufo that had been shot down. The stack trace suggests that there was some problem in checkForCasualties. This didn't occur when reloading so this is likely due to RNG, but I can provide a save if that would be useful or try to get this to compile with symbols. I suppose this is an OXCE issue, not in hardmode expansion.

[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)+0x36) [0x55d596eca2f6]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)+0x477) [0x55d596ecae97]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(signalLogger(int)+0x43) [0x55d596cd6903]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   /lib64/ [0x7f7983e40ad0]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BattlescapeGame::checkForCasualties(OpenXcom::RuleDamageType const*, OpenXcom::BattleActionAttack, bool, bool)+0xb1e) [0x55d596df1c4e]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BattlescapeGame::BattlescapeGame(OpenXcom::SavedBattleGame*, OpenXcom::BattlescapeState*)+0x22e) [0x55d596df2abe]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::BattlescapeState()+0x5bdd) [0x55d596e2877d]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BriefingState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)+0x9d) [0x55d596e2eb2d]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)+0x15a) [0x55d596eeedea]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)+0x73) [0x55d596fc5153]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::Game::run()+0x342) [0x55d596eeada2]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(main+0x175) [0x55d596cb4455]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   /lib64/ [0x7f7983e2cca3]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(_start+0x2a) [0x55d596cbb15a]
[17-05-2022_10-35-58]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2022, 11:09:13 am
You mean Briefing, not Debriefing.
RNG would be the same, unless you have Save Scumming turned on (or did different things after reloading). In any case, a save will help.
We haven't had a crash in `checkForCasualties` for ages, so I'd guess it's an issue in hardmode expansion... but we can be sure only after it's reproduced.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: psavola on May 17, 2022, 05:43:58 pm
You mean Briefing, not Debriefing.
RNG would be the same, unless you have Save Scumming turned on (or did different things after reloading). In any case, a save will help.
We haven't had a crash in `checkForCasualties` for ages, so I'd guess it's an issue in hardmode expansion... but we can be sure only after it's reproduced.

Yes, Briefing. Save scumming appears to be turned on. Hopefully it won't affect reproducibility. Here is a save.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 17, 2022, 05:45:48 pm
Please provide a savegame so we can try to recreate this Bug.
It would also be important to know the OXCE Version and the Version of Hardmode Expansion you are using.
Helpful would also your Option.cfg from OXCE.

Thank you in advance.

With OXCE 2022-04-29 and the latest released hardmode expansion, the game crashed after the debriefing when going to recover a small snakeman ufo that had been shot down. The stack trace suggests that there was some problem in checkForCasualties. This didn't occur when reloading so this is likely due to RNG, but I can provide a save if that would be useful or try to get this to compile with symbols. I suppose this is an OXCE issue, not in hardmode expansion.

[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)+0x36) [0x55d596eca2f6]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)+0x477) [0x55d596ecae97]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(signalLogger(int)+0x43) [0x55d596cd6903]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   /lib64/ [0x7f7983e40ad0]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BattlescapeGame::checkForCasualties(OpenXcom::RuleDamageType const*, OpenXcom::BattleActionAttack, bool, bool)+0xb1e) [0x55d596df1c4e]
[17-05-2022_10-35-53]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BattlescapeGame::BattlescapeGame(OpenXcom::SavedBattleGame*, OpenXcom::BattlescapeState*)+0x22e) [0x55d596df2abe]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::BattlescapeState()+0x5bdd) [0x55d596e2877d]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::BriefingState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)+0x9d) [0x55d596e2eb2d]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)+0x15a) [0x55d596eeedea]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)+0x73) [0x55d596fc5153]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::Game::run()+0x342) [0x55d596eeada2]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(main+0x175) [0x55d596cb4455]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   /lib64/ [0x7f7983e2cca3]
[17-05-2022_10-35-54]   [FATAL]   ./OpenXcomEx(_start+0x2a) [0x55d596cbb15a]
[17-05-2022_10-35-58]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.

I so far have not experienced any problems with OXCE Version 7.5.3.
It seems he used a more newer version, so there might be changes who potentially might introduce such a bug?

Well we will see. ;)

You mean Briefing, not Debriefing.
RNG would be the same, unless you have Save Scumming turned on (or did different things after reloading). In any case, a save will help.
We haven't had a crash in `checkForCasualties` for ages, so I'd guess it's an issue in hardmode expansion... but we can be sure only after it's reproduced.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 17, 2022, 05:46:47 pm
Yes, Briefing. Save scumming appears to be turned on. Hopefully it won't affect reproducibility. Here is a save.

Thank you for the savegame file. I take a look at it in detail this evening :)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2022, 07:35:43 pm
I could not reproduce unfortunately.

Please keep an eye on it and let us know when it happens again.

PS: the exact OXCE version, mod version and also a snapshot from options.cfg is directly in the save file.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 17, 2022, 07:44:44 pm
I could not reproduce unfortunately.

Please keep an eye on it and let us know when it happens again.

PS: the exact OXCE version, mod version and also a snapshot from options.cfg is directly in the save file.

I guess it will then also not reproduce for me.
I am only using Version 7.5.3 of OCXE, which is the latest Version released on the Forums.
Newer Version are Gitbuilds only?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2022, 07:49:54 pm
Yes, newer versions are either built from source by users, or downloaded from the build farm (link in the main download post, at the bottom).
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: PetarDzopalic on June 22, 2022, 10:39:04 am
First of all , thank you very much for this great mode and effort that you put on it, I have a lot of fun with this mod.
I have some bug to report so please help me:

1.   Plasma tech don’t open correctly, I captured alien engineer and I researched plasma pistol and clip after that plasma tech won’t work anymore it stopped, I tough maybe I need another captured engineer but after research another engineer tech won’t go any further. Also, to notice that I have all sort of plasma weapons in general store. Why I can’t research Plasma Rifle, Shotgun, Heavy Plasma where is a problem?

2.   How to play your mod in OpenXcom extended , where I need to copy downloaded files?

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 27, 2022, 11:41:15 pm
First of all , thank you very much for this great mode and effort that you put on it, I have a lot of fun with this mod.
I have some bug to report so please help me:

1.   Plasma tech don’t open correctly, I captured alien engineer and I researched plasma pistol and clip after that plasma tech won’t work anymore it stopped, I tough maybe I need another captured engineer but after research another engineer tech won’t go any further. Also, to notice that I have all sort of plasma weapons in general store. Why I can’t research Plasma Rifle, Shotgun, Heavy Plasma where is a problem?

2.   How to play your mod in OpenXcom extended , where I need to copy downloaded files?

Thank you in advance.

Please download the patched Version here from my github account:

Sorry for my late reply, i am currently renovating my girlfriends appartment.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: omri on September 25, 2022, 03:02:25 pm
OpenXcomExtended 7.7
HardMode 1.0

Taser Drones do not require or use up Drone Taser Charges.
They are used up correctly during battle, but it is not then reflected in base inventory.
Smoke pellets work normally.
This is both for normal Taser Drones and Alloy Taser Drones.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on September 27, 2022, 04:46:32 pm
OpenXcomExtended 7.7
HardMode 1.0

Taser Drones do not require or use up Drone Taser Charges.
They are used up correctly during battle, but it is not then reflected in base inventory.
Smoke pellets work normally.
This is both for normal Taser Drones and Alloy Taser Drones.

Hello omri,

thank you for notifiying me about this.
I also figured this out when I wanted to give normal Tanks also the ability to Launch Smoke Pellets.
There is currently no way of having Units which are defined as Tanks (Drones are also Tanks but have size 1x1 instead of 2x2), to carry two weapons, which use Ammo from base storage.

The main weapon defined in the unit Item can use Ammo and this also works, but a secondary weapon equipped on the unit via "builtInWeaponSets" does not use Ammo from base storage once equipping the unit to a X-Com Craft.

My solution to this was, to refactor the drones, make the Smoke launcher the weapon which is on the unit (so the Drone Smoke Launcher and Tank Smoke Launchers have free Ammo now).

With the changes I made which you can find here on my github:
The Taser Drone and Alloy Drone Taser does now actually consume Ammo. Smoke Pellets are now free and normal Tanks/Alloy Tanks/Hovertanks/Walkertanks also do have a Smoke Pellets Launcher now, same as the Drones.
Maybe people will now start to also use Tanks again, since the now also can hide ^^.

I am currently working on Version 1.0, so expect a new release in soonish. Until then feel free to use the github Version. :)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: omri on October 02, 2022, 02:00:37 pm
Thank you for your great MOD and for addressing the issues.

Looking through the code (commits up to Sep30) I found the following issues:

The diagram implies that Advanced Medikits research requite Medikits, while this in not in the code.
Upgrading Walkertanks seams to be broken. Not only it costs 10% of what it should, it gives you free armor/mobility by starting off with a Sectopod rather then an Armored Sectopod and ending up with a Walkertank Plasma, paying nothing for the extra armor etc. .
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on December 01, 2022, 11:02:27 pm
Thank you for your great MOD and for addressing the issues.

Thanks you so much for reporting this. I am sorry for my late reply, I had to take care of my brainstroked girlfriend, this leaves me sometimes without proper response time...

Looking through the code (commits up to Sep30) I found the following issues:

The diagram implies that Advanced Medikits research requite Medikits, while this in not in the code.

I will to check thanks for letting me know.

Upgrading Walkertanks seams to be broken. Not only it costs 10% of what it should, it gives you free armor/mobility by starting off with a Sectopod rather then an Armored Sectopod and ending up with a Walkertank Plasma, paying nothing for the extra armor etc. .
I added requirement for a Armored Sectopod Corpse to do the upgrade i hope this suffices. ;)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Vojevoda on February 11, 2023, 11:00:37 am
Gentlemen, where do I report terrain bugs?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Meridian on February 11, 2023, 11:15:29 am
If you're playing the Hardmode expansion, then here.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Vojevoda on February 11, 2023, 11:55:48 am
If you're playing the Hardmode expansion, then here.
Ok. I have a save file with bugged terrain, where alien is stuck in inaccessible part of the map.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 13, 2023, 02:56:17 pm
Ok. I have a save file with bugged terrain, where alien is stuck in inaccessible part of the map.

That also can happen on vanilla polarmaps with water. Nothing i can do about it.
Kill it from distance.
The map is randomly assembled.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Vojevoda on February 15, 2023, 07:25:35 pm
A minor bug (not sure it`s even worth mentioning) with a trajectory when using small launcher. If I attempt to shoot small launcher with soldier standing on the hill south of the landing craft (Sheu Li), game prevents me from choosing all nine squares of UFO`s to lift platform (no viable trajectory). Rest of the spots seem ok. Force shooting also works.   
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 15, 2023, 10:16:03 pm
A minor bug (not sure it`s even worth mentioning) with a trajectory when using small launcher. If I attempt to shoot small launcher with soldier standing on the hill south of the landing craft (Sheu Li), game prevents me from choosing all nine squares of UFO`s to lift platform (no viable trajectory). Rest of the spots seem ok. Force shooting also works.

This is totally normal, also in Vanilla you can't the floor targets of the alien elevators. No way to fix this.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Vojevoda on February 15, 2023, 11:22:09 pm
And now more serious bug. During base defense, I managed to stun Cyberdisk. I thought that all the cybers are dead and sent team of three people with stun pistols and rods to capture live sectoids. At the start of the turn, right behind the door stood a cyberdisk. I remember that you cant stun tanks in vanilla. But though. Hey, what if. And three of my guys somehow managed to stunn it. Final strike, I believe was a stun pistol. And, at the end of the mission I`m getting a crush screen reffering to invalid live alien or something like that. I loaded a save before killing final alien. Tried to finish "body" of a disk with grenades, but it didn`t help. Still crush. Had to replay. Luckily, I saved right after I stunned him. Save file in the attachment. He is lying right by the main door of the hangar  that is connected to main lift.
I presume, this could happen even by using something like a stun bomb.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 16, 2023, 12:13:18 am
And now more serious bug. During base defense, I managed to stun Cyberdisk. I thought that all the cybers are dead and sent team of three people with stun pistols and rods to capture live sectoids. At the start of the turn, right behind the door stood a cyberdisk. I remember that you cant stun tanks in vanilla. But though. Hey, what if. And three of my guys somehow managed to stunn it. Final strike, I believe was a stun pistol. And, at the end of the mission I`m getting a crush screen reffering to invalid live alien or something like that. I loaded a save before killing final alien. Tried to finish "body" of a disk with grenades, but it didn`t help. Still crush. Had to replay. Luckily, I saved right after I stunned him. Save file in the attachment. He is lying right by the main door of the hangar  that is connected to main lift.
I presume, this could happen even by using something like a stun bomb.

Please update to the github Version Hardmode Expansion 1.0 WIP, you can find it here:

The bug was already fixed in the WIP Version, i could end the mission in the savegame by killing the two remaining Cyberdiscs and the alive one was recovered as intended. :)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Vojevoda on February 16, 2023, 10:13:06 am
Please update to the github Version Hardmode Expansion 1.0 WIP, you can find it here:

The bug was already fixed in the WIP Version, i could end the mission in the savegame by killing the two remaining Cyberdiscs and the alive one was recovered as intended. :)

Thank you. It helped.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Xilmi on February 16, 2023, 02:21:22 pm
This is totally normal, also in Vanilla you can't the floor targets of the alien elevators. No way to fix this.
This might be a bug in the engine.
I've stumbled upon something similar:,10996.0.html

Could be worth to debug it and see if there's a fix on the engine-side.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 16, 2023, 07:17:15 pm
This might be a bug in the engine.
I've stumbled upon something similar:,10996.0.html

Could be worth to debug it and see if there's a fix on the engine-side.

Thats way out of my league... also  it also happened in DOS Version of UFO Defense so i am ok with it.
DOS behaviour wins. ;)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: omri on May 10, 2023, 02:10:32 pm
When using Grenade Launcher under OpenXcomExtended soldier's firing accuracy is used for hit chance, but experience is gained for throwing accuracy. This is different then OpenXcom where firing accuracy experience is gained. The same will probably also occur for  the Small Launcher.

This could be fixed either by having throwing accuracy considered for these weapons by adding an "accuracyMultiplier" field to the items,
or by having their use train firing accuracy by adding an "experienceTrainingMode" field to the items.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 10, 2023, 03:01:22 pm
When using Grenade Launcher under OpenXcomExtended soldier's firing accuracy is used for hit chance, but experience is gained for throwing accuracy. This is different then OpenXcom where firing accuracy experience is gained. The same will probably also occur for  the Small Launcher.

This could be fixed either by having throwing accuracy considered for these weapons by adding an "accuracyMultiplier" field to the items,
or by having their use train firing accuracy by adding an "experienceTrainingMode" field to the items.

Do you have a savegame for a situation, were a soldier gain throwing accuracy by shooting a arcing weapon?

accuracyAimed and accuracySnap are totally sufficient for this. Normally.

Which Version of OXCE or OXC are you using?
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: omri on May 10, 2023, 03:30:00 pm
Do you have a savegame for a situation, were a soldier gain throwing accuracy by shooting a arcing weapon?

accuracyAimed and accuracySnap are totally sufficient for this. Normally.

Which Version of OXCE or OXC are you using?
This is standard algorithm for OXCE since about 5 years. (commit 32c9799b75)
if a weapon has ArcingShot it awards throwing rather then firing experience.
look at file Battlescape/TileEngine.cpp function TileEngine::awardExperience
where is says:
Code: [Select]
           else if (weapon->getArcingShot(attack.type))                       
                expType = ETM_THROWING_100;                                     
                expFuncA = &BattleUnit::addThrowingExp; // e.g. flamethrower, javelins, combat bow, grenade launcher, black powder bomb, stick grenade, acid flask, apple, ...

this can be over-ridden by using "experienceTrainingMode"                                               

This does not happen in OXC.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 10, 2023, 04:02:56 pm
This is standard algorithm for OXCE since about 5 years. (commit 32c9799b75)
if a weapon has ArcingShot it awards throwing rather then firing experience.
look at file Battlescape/TileEngine.cpp function TileEngine::awardExperience
where is says:
Code: [Select]
           else if (weapon->getArcingShot(attack.type))                       
                expType = ETM_THROWING_100;                                     
                expFuncA = &BattleUnit::addThrowingExp; // e.g. flamethrower, javelins, combat bow, grenade launcher, black powder bomb, stick grenade, acid flask, apple, ...

this can be over-ridden by using "experienceTrainingMode"                                               

This does not happen in OXC.

I take a look at this when i find time on the next weekend.
I moving with the mod to OXCE anyway because of some new features I am using so i probably have to adapt that.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Yankes on May 10, 2023, 04:24:22 pm
This might be a bug in the engine.
I've stumbled upon something similar:,10996.0.html

Could be worth to debug it and see if there's a fix on the engine-side.
You can't hit floor of GravLift, this is not bug but feature deliberately implemented in code.
GravLift floor is not consider as solid object when consider trajectories.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: omri on May 10, 2023, 06:20:39 pm
While you are looking into it, there are two minor issues you may want to change:

in Ruleset/items_HM.rul:
this is because they have a costsell field instead of a costSell field.
in Ruleset/manufacture_HM.rul:
the cost of UPGRADE_WALKERTANK_LASER_TO_PLASMA is 40000 where a cost of 400000 seams more in line with the cost difference between the two tanks.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 10, 2023, 07:09:53 pm
While you are looking into it, there are two minor issues you may want to change:

in Ruleset/items_HM.rul:
this is because they have a costsell field instead of a costSell field.
in Ruleset/manufacture_HM.rul:
the cost of UPGRADE_WALKERTANK_LASER_TO_PLASMA is 40000 where a cost of 400000 seams more in line with the cost difference between the two tanks.

Pistol and Plasma Rifle Clips are typos. I am gonna fix that.

In regard of the Upgrade from Walkertank Laser to Plasma, see here:

Code: [Select]
    category: STR_CAT_TANK_UPGRADE
    space: 30
    time: 200
    cost: 40000
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 10
    listOrder: 722

You need a armored Sectopod Corpse and the money.
Hm... but it makes more sense to increase it 400k.
I am gonna change it.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on May 11, 2023, 02:48:42 pm
This is standard algorithm for OXCE since about 5 years. (commit 32c9799b75)
if a weapon has ArcingShot it awards throwing rather then firing experience.
look at file Battlescape/TileEngine.cpp function TileEngine::awardExperience
where is says:
Code: [Select]
           else if (weapon->getArcingShot(attack.type))                       
                expType = ETM_THROWING_100;                                     
                expFuncA = &BattleUnit::addThrowingExp; // e.g. flamethrower, javelins, combat bow, grenade launcher, black powder bomb, stick grenade, acid flask, apple, ...

this can be over-ridden by using "experienceTrainingMode"                                               

This does not happen in OXC.

This new experience system can be turned off since OXCE 7.9, see Meridians post here:,4230.msg154823.html#msg154823

I am simply going to force that constant and be done with. So everything stays vanilla. ;)

Code: [Select]
  extendedExperienceAwardSystem: false
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: Backer on August 01, 2023, 11:08:26 pm
I'm running OXCE 7.9.8 and using the Hardmode 0.99.9 build. I've run into an error:

"OpenXcom has crashed: Alien Deployment STR_TERROR_MISSION_DOCKED_SHIP not found" and the error further goes on to recommend reporting the issue in this forum.

I'm happy to provide a save game file or repost this message elsewhere if more appropriate. Thanks!

[UPDATE 1] I was able to correct this problem by going to the projects Github and pasting the STR_TERROR_MISSION_DOCKED_SHIP entry into my copy of alienDeployments_HM.rul. I downloaded the latest 0.99.9 release source (from July 7, b3e4152) and DO NOT see a corresponding entry in that releases alienDeployments_HM.rul. I also DO NOT see a corresponding entry for STR_TERROR_MISSION_DOCKED_SHIP in globe_HM.rul on the latest release, but do see one in my current installation. No idea what version I'd downloaded and installed.

Consider this user error :)

[UPDATE 2] I figured out which version of Hardmode I was using. It was, which I downloaded from the page which is linked off the Ufopaedia article on installing hardmode. I can't post links due to forum restrictions.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on August 06, 2023, 09:15:06 pm
Please use:

Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.3 (,3550.msg156958.html#msg156958)

Should fix this issue.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: UnarmedSmile on January 17, 2024, 03:28:06 pm
Not strictly a bug but i came here to report it as a bug and when gathering screenshots I saw the issue, so wanted to let you know. The research tree is not up to date. The latest research tree doesn't show that live Cyberdisk is required for Hovertanks and Hovertanks are required for Elerium Bomb Launcher
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on March 07, 2024, 06:45:12 pm
Not strictly a bug but i came here to report it as a bug and when gathering screenshots I saw the issue, so wanted to let you know. The research tree is not up to date. The latest research tree doesn't show that live Cyberdisk is required for Hovertanks and Hovertanks are required for Elerium Bomb Launcher

Did you find the Research Tree Graphic on the ufopaedia page? (The ufopaedia Wiki is totally out of date and I alone have not the resources/time to update everything, I am more focused on making my mod).
Because it is from Version 0.99.9 which is totally outdated.

The newest one can be found here:
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hederino on June 04, 2024, 11:43:16 pm
A couple things:

1 - Not exactly a bug, but soldier armour sprites on the Craft screen are all the same, you can't tell what armours they're wearing (see attachment where the crew is a mix of power suits, reinforced power suits and flying suits).
[Edit: I've just downloaded the recent version and seen it fix this particular issue.]

2 - The readme file says:
Attacking landed Battleship performing a Infiltrationmission gives 50% to deny the infiltration (OXCE only)
Attacking landed Battleship performing a Alien Base Mission from a Alien Base gives 33% to deny the mission success (OXCE only)

An alien base is generated the moment the final battleship arrives (as the geoscapeDebugLog shows), so this mechanic doesn't work as advertised. Though it does with the other mission types and destroying a pact-generated base does return the country. By the way, does destroying such a base before the end of month prevent the defection from ever taking place?

3 - Something trivial, but still. One of the medics I interrogated gave for free Sectopod corpse (and the lookup autopsy). Sectopod corpse is still on the research topic list. I believe this is not supposed to happen.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 05, 2024, 09:57:28 am
A couple things:

1 - Not exactly a bug, but soldier armour sprites on the Craft screen are all the same, you can't tell what armours they're wearing (see attachment where the crew is a mix of power suits, reinforced power suits and flying suits).
[Edit: I've just downloaded the recent version and seen it fix this particular issue.]
You probably pulled the github Version before and what you used was most likely out of date or incomplete.
Please if in doubt always use the HardmodeExpansion on (
It is usually complete and correct.

2 - The readme file says:
An alien base is generated the moment the final battleship arrives (as the geoscapeDebugLog shows), so this mechanic doesn't work as advertised. Though it does with the other mission types and destroying a pact-generated base does return the country. By the way, does destroying such a base before the end of month prevent the defection from ever taking place?

The percentage is 33% for each mission. Please recheck the README.txt. I found a way to make this mechanic work. The Alien Base will now spawn with a extra Dummy UFO, a maximum of 2 days after the battleship shows up. The delay is neccessary, since the battelship needs a few hours to find a landing point and it stays landed around a max of 12 hours.
I had to make sure that the player has enough time to cancel the mission by attacking or shooting down the batleship, before the next missionwave (the dummy UFO, which you won't see), gets exceuted or is cancelled. To make this mechanic work I had to do it this way.
So in case you defeated a battleship on a infiltration mission or a Alien Base building Mission (which originated from a alien base, no Scouts!) you should check the region for a alien base 2 days later to see if it occured or not. Usually once you defeat the battleship and you trigger the interruptionchance, all other UFO's from the same mission will take off immediatly, so you know it has been cancelled.

3 - Something trivial, but still. One of the medics I interrogated gave for free Sectopod corpse (and the lookup autopsy). Sectopod corpse is still on the research topic list. I believe this is not supposed to happen.
Sectopod Corpse is dependency together with alive Sectopod to unlock Walkertanks. Its totally fine to still be researchable, even after you got the lookup from medic.
No worries there :)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hederino on June 05, 2024, 03:52:22 pm
On a further note, even with the recent QoL update the Ufopedia hides the fact that melee weapons get a bonus from strength. I was unaware of this until I checked the stats for nerds. Other mods have the pedia entries display accuracy and firepower bonus formulas at the bottom of the page. All this time I thought melee was utterly useless in this mod.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hederino on June 08, 2024, 07:05:31 pm
I found a way to make this mechanic work. The Alien Base will now spawn with a extra Dummy UFO, a maximum of 2 days after the battleship shows up. The delay is neccessary, since the battelship needs a few hours to find a landing point and it stays landed around a max of 12 hours.

I'm running the version (with all the QoL changes and stuff) and the mechanism you've described here clearly doesn't exist. I'm still getting an alien base the moment the battleship shows up:

Code: [Select]
  - "gameTime: 2000-01-31 13:30:00 ufoId: 308 ufoType: STR_BATTLESHIP race: STR_MUTON_ELITE region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC trajectory: P6 missionId: 62 missionType: STR_ALIEN_BASE"
  - "gameTime: 2000-01-31 13:30:00 baseId: 13 baseType: STR_ALIEN_BASE race: STR_MUTON_ELITE region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC deployment: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT missionId: 62 missionType: STR_ALIEN_BASE"

The page says it's been a while since the last update and the Github repository doesn't seem to contain any commits more recent than that. I wonder if I'm missing out on something here.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on June 08, 2024, 09:08:28 pm
Just went through the files, the mechanism in question has been applied for STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION and for STR_ALIEN_BASE_BASE_MISSION but not for the regular STR_ALIEN_BASE which is the one that's showing in your log. It has no interruption chances and no dummy UFO that would delay the base spawn.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hederino on June 09, 2024, 02:32:40 am
Just went through the files, the mechanism in question has been applied for STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION and for STR_ALIEN_BASE_BASE_MISSION but not for the regular STR_ALIEN_BASE which is the one that's showing in your log. It has no interruption chances and no dummy UFO that would delay the base spawn.

Thanks for pointing this out. I've located the ruleset file and taken the liberty to edit it so the plain base mission gets the same dummy UFO since this seems to be an oversight on hellrazor's part.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 09, 2024, 05:02:28 am
Just went through the files, the mechanism in question has been applied for STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION and for STR_ALIEN_BASE_BASE_MISSION but not for the regular STR_ALIEN_BASE which is the one that's showing in your log. It has no interruption chances and no dummy UFO that would delay the base spawn.

Yes and this is intentionally so!
This is not a Oversight.

The first Mission the game starts in Hardmode Expansion is a Alien Base Building mission.
To make sure the player will get the Alien Base and is able to progress in the research tree.
The Alien base is also structured in a specific way, so specific maps modules will appear, to provide specific recoverable modules.

Thanks for pointing this out. I've located the ruleset file and taken the liberty to edit it so the plain base mission gets the same dummy UFO since this seems to be an oversight on hellrazor's part.

You assumption in this regard is wrong. This was not a oversight but intentionally. Reasons see above.

It is clearly stated in the README.txt that this interruption chance only applies for Alien Base Building Missions started from Alien Bases. To give the player the opportunity to limit self replication of alien bases, because the plain existence of a alien base implies a score penalty ~1k per month.
Thats also the reason why the player gets this chance for Alien Infiltrations, since Alien Infiltrations will never stop and Alien Bases from Alien Infiltrations will just keep coming until oblivion.

I'm running the version (with all the QoL changes and stuff) and the mechanism you've described here clearly doesn't exist. I'm still getting an alien base the moment the battleship shows up:

Code: [Select]
  - "gameTime: 2000-01-31 13:30:00 ufoId: 308 ufoType: STR_BATTLESHIP race: STR_MUTON_ELITE region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC trajectory: P6 missionId: 62 missionType: STR_ALIEN_BASE"
  - "gameTime: 2000-01-31 13:30:00 baseId: 13 baseType: STR_ALIEN_BASE race: STR_MUTON_ELITE region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC deployment: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT missionId: 62 missionType: STR_ALIEN_BASE"

The page says it's been a while since the last update and the Github repository doesn't seem to contain any commits more recent than that. I wonder if I'm missing out on something here.

And that is totally fine for the vanilla Alien Base Mission.

On a further note, even with the recent QoL update the Ufopedia hides the fact that melee weapons get a bonus from strength. I was unaware of this until I checked the stats for nerds. Other mods have the pedia entries display accuracy and firepower bonus formulas at the bottom of the page. All this time I thought melee was utterly useless in this mod.

Stats for nerds is a recommended Option and turned on when first loading the mods. How to display this info in the UFOpaedia article, I will have todo some research (probably creating new strings or so). It certainly does not hurt to make sure the player knows this. Melee weapons are actually pretty effective, even the mighty Armored Sectopod can be killed by it.
You can consider this a oversight, due to mod creator knowledge.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on June 09, 2024, 05:06:19 am
Yes and this is intentionally so!
This is not a Oversight.

The first Mission the game starts in Hardmode Expansion is a Alien Base Building mission.
To make sure the player will get the Alien Base and is able to progress in the research tree.
The Alien base is also structured in a specific way, so specific maps modules will appear, to provide specific recoverable modules.

On second thought, i could split this gameStart part into a total unique mission, with separate mapScript and deployment.
To unify the mechanics so that such confusions do not occur in the future. It would also unify the behaviour ingame, so it would make sense for the player.

EDIT: Added towards Future Development Plan (

EDIT2: Why is the Email notification for new post on the forum so delayed? Anyway back to bed...zzzZZzzzz
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: FoxVox on October 16, 2024, 03:14:40 pm
Had multiple maps close to this, but now I got a map with no path to the UFO. Those map tiles with 85% water on is a bit much.
See screenshot.

On that subject I would like to feeback on the "pyramid" map tiles that you can walk in to.
They are super annoying, no fun in any way. Challenge is one thing, but this is just timedemanding and yea, annoying.

Can you give a shor explination on how to edit this? I do some mod editing (for myself).
But I do not know how the map generation works. Can I simply remove the map tiles I do not want to have ingame, or would that break something in the code?

Cheers for the mod  =)
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on November 06, 2024, 05:00:40 pm
Had multiple maps close to this, but now I got a map with no path to the UFO. Those map tiles with 85% water on is a bit much.
See screenshot.

On that subject I would like to feeback on the "pyramid" map tiles that you can walk in to.
They are super annoying, no fun in any way. Challenge is one thing, but this is just timedemanding and yea, annoying.

Can you give a shor explination on how to edit this? I do some mod editing (for myself).
But I do not know how the map generation works. Can I simply remove the map tiles I do not want to have ingame, or would that break something in the code?

Cheers for the mod  =)

Hello there.

Yes this can happen. It will also happen with the vanilla polar maps in the artic.

It did reduce the chance of this happening in Hardmode Expansion via Mapscripts but it can and will still happen.
The tiles on the map are placed in a random order so any possible configuration can happen.
What i can do is tell the mapscript how often a tile is used and under which conditions but in the end its still procedural generated randomness.

Just hunker in Smoke and throw some proxies and wait until turn 14+, when the aliens will move out, then you can kill from the distance.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: CursedOrange on February 18, 2025, 09:24:33 pm
I'm playing on Openxcom extended, version 7.15.0, with hardmode version

I don't know if it's a bug per say, or if I am just not understanding something about the game, but I cannot get enough missions to not lose by March. January goes great, with the hardcoded alien base, I have plenty of missions to do so that I can get enough score, February I generally can't find many if any UFOs, then March I generally have enough radars to find some missions, but not enough to counteract the score loss of the missions in Antarctica, or Australasia.

I didn't save most of my attempts files, but I do have one of my most recent attempt, which is attached.

If it is a bug, I see it being that too much score is lost when aliens perform a mission, or not enough alien missions are happening. OR, my radar is not detecting UFOs as often as it should be. I can see there being extreme bad luck on my part with UFOs just not entering my radar range, or finally I am just not getting radars up fast enough. Sorry if this is not a bug, and if it is not, what should I do to get a run going? This run was over 11 hours to get to where it is in the file, where there is.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: psavola on February 19, 2025, 05:44:08 am
I haven't played Hardmode in a couple of years, but have you considered that you don't actually need to deal with the base in January? In my campaigns, I recall intentionally farming the supply ships coming to the base for 1-3 months or so. That would give you both loot and score. And with loot, you could build more bases and radars also.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 19, 2025, 06:14:27 am
I'm playing on Openxcom extended, version 7.15.0, with hardmode version

I don't know if it's a bug per say, or if I am just not understanding something about the game, but I cannot get enough missions to not lose by March. January goes great, with the hardcoded alien base, I have plenty of missions to do so that I can get enough score, February I generally can't find many if any UFOs, then March I generally have enough radars to find some missions, but not enough to counteract the score loss of the missions in Antarctica, or Australasia.

I didn't save most of my attempts files, but I do have one of my most recent attempt, which is attached.

If it is a bug, I see it being that too much score is lost when aliens perform a mission, or not enough alien missions are happening. OR, my radar is not detecting UFOs as often as it should be. I can see there being extreme bad luck on my part with UFOs just not entering my radar range, or finally I am just not getting radars up fast enough. Sorry if this is not a bug, and if it is not, what should I do to get a run going? This run was over 11 hours to get to where it is in the file, where there is.

Loosing to score you need to have two months of score -1500 directly after each other.

Usually it's worth keeping the alien base around since its in your starting region. I personally take it out somewhere during march or beginning of april. Once you get at least 2 supply ships per month its actually a net positive scorewise and resourcewise.  It also has the ability to start missions in the starting region, like abductions or harvest or terror. Knowing that planning ahead can provide additional score and resources.
I personally use a small supplemental mod, replacing one starting Interceptor with a second Skyranger. Can be found here:
It allows to capture the January base building fleet nearly completly. I sometimes have to skip the battleship, since i run out of soldiers/tanks. Even when slapping two battle battered teams together.
It slows down your initial research a little bit, since recruiting troops over scientists takes priority.
I also noticed that building radar bases initially only with a small radar is very cheap and provide some detection in the regions (better then none). Just a access lift and a small radar will do. My personal strategy is to get three combat teams operational until may/june. Operating usually from North America, Europe and South East Asia. The southern parts end up having small radars.
Oh and one important advice each large radar at a base provides a detection check each 30 ingame minutes. So perspectively building 3 large radars per base will provide you with 3 checks at 20% each every 30 minutes. This really helps detecting activity. Of course this is not cheap. But building up engineering capacity early is needed anyway (keep them nearly cost neutral by letting them produce motion scanners for selling, you can tank 114 engineers at the starting base this way also speeds up craft production. Getting rid of the base craft is overall better, you can have to Skystriker for the same monthly maintenances as one Skyranger, same goes for Interceptor/Retaliator.

Note to self: threshold for getting outpaced by alien base and their generated activity in midgame is around 10-14 alien bases. (You will get aaaa lot of missions....) so taking out alien bases is needed. I kept letting them sitting around for testing purposes and know my psi wimp soldiers have a dedicated job assignment. Destroying muton bases ;);)

Edit: I might increase the loose score to -2000 in that should help a little.
I will your savegame once I am back from work later this day or tomorrow.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 19, 2025, 07:03:52 am
I'm playing on Openxcom extended, version 7.15.0, with hardmode version

I don't know if it's a bug per say, or if I am just not understanding something about the game, but I cannot get enough missions to not lose by March. January goes great, with the hardcoded alien base, I have plenty of missions to do so that I can get enough score, February I generally can't find many if any UFOs, then March I generally have enough radars to find some missions, but not enough to counteract the score loss of the missions in Antarctica, or Australasia.

I didn't save most of my attempts files, but I do have one of my most recent attempt, which is attached.

If it is a bug, I see it being that too much score is lost when aliens perform a mission, or not enough alien missions are happening. OR, my radar is not detecting UFOs as often as it should be. I can see there being extreme bad luck on my part with UFOs just not entering my radar range, or finally I am just not getting radars up fast enough. Sorry if this is not a bug, and if it is not, what should I do to get a run going? This run was over 11 hours to get to where it is in the file, where there is.

Ok first of all, you did run into a scoring dysbalance. (One zero makes a BIG difference here, between 10 and 100....)

I totally forgot about this but i fixed this in the upcoming Version

Attached to this post you find a patch for Version which provides you with a proper balanced scoring for alien mission (Terror Mission were giving LOADS of negative points).

Just download the file and replace the alienMission_HM.rul in the mod folder with it. I advise to restart the campaign. Sorry.
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: hellrazor on February 19, 2025, 07:07:14 am
I haven't played Hardmode in a couple of years, but have you considered that you don't actually need to deal with the base in January? In my campaigns, I recall intentionally farming the supply ships coming to the base for 1-3 months or so. That would give you both loot and score. And with loot, you could build more bases and radars also.

Thats the way i also do it. He ran into a scoring error. UFO's on Terror Missions were providing 100 score per scoretick instead of 10....
I fixed this in and totally forgot about it, since I was playing with scripts, Celatids and other stuff around OOOPSIE....
Title: Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
Post by: CursedOrange on February 19, 2025, 04:44:59 pm
It's alright, thank you for taking the time to help me out, and your advise is very helpful, I was stuck in the vanilla mindset of every base must be defensible, and so my radar bases were taking an extra month to set up, when in reality as you pointed out they can be just a radar, or less optimized for defense even.

When it comes to the score, knowing that the loss is -1500 on consecutive months, it is very manageable, even with the terror missions being bugged I still only got like -1800 in February having only done the terror site, if I had made radar bases like you suggested, I would have caught more UFOs and not lost like I did, even with the bug. Granted I know a lot of people are more wary of battleships and lab ships, so if you're avoiding those till say lasers or something, then perhaps the change would be beneficial.

Finally, on supply ships I avoid them until I get motion scanners and drones, because I've noticed it is very common with my playstyle for 4-12 aliens to stay in the UFO for over 100 turns, until I lose  patience, and then I lose a lot of people to the horrors of breaching a UFO without drones or motion scanners. I have a better track record with lab and battleships, because it is very rare, in my experience, for them to just wait in the ship for even 10 turns.

With the new information, and a fixed game, I shall throw my hat in the ring again, and see if I can achieve greatness.